#brain on ectasy
starsonmarsy · 2 months
i don't thonk i have ever felt tht much mental pleasure and euphoria before
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selfshippinglover · 2 months
craving the touch of teeth on skin
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x5960 · 6 months
New World Origins
Chapter 3
With a short nod, Kenner confirms that the process can be started and the professor presses the button provided for this purpose. This is accompanied by a short scream from the man in the machine as various needles penetrate his body. However, this rebellion is only brief, as the nanites reach the subject's brain very quickly, causing him to groan as the first wave of arousal passes through his body. Shortly afterwards, they see the machine penetrate him anally and begin to install cables in his body. Again this is commented on by a moan as the anal satisfaction from the machine makes the man almost burst with arousal. He is unaware that this is just the beginning of his transformation and that he will be driven much further. The next step is to see how the bulge above his genitals swells and with a kind of pop, the man's stiff cock get released, which is encased in a latex steath. The machine reacts immediately and puts a kind of tube over the member and begins to stimulate it with rhythmic movements. The body of the future drone rears up and leans against the metal restraints. Impossible to escape the ordeal, his transformation continues and they can see the lenses of the gas mask flare up. A soft hoist sounds and the gas supply begins. This completely relaxes the man's body and he begins to moan in ectasy. Through the transparent wall of the tube over his penis, Kennen and Welsh can see him start to squirt as the machine drives him over and over to climax. At first his semen is white, but quickly it turns black. This is the sign that his testicles have started to produce nanites. These nanites are pumped from the machine and preserved in a container next to it. The nanites are needed for future transformations and are therefore very valuable. This process takes several minutes and the almost completed drone injects more and more of the nanites into the machine. It seems that the transformation is accompanied by one orgasm after another. A normal person would not survive this, but as the man has almost completed the transformation into a drone, it is no longer possible to speak of a human being. In the meantime, the drone hardly moves at all and lets the machine do its work in absolute silence. More and more of his consciousness disappears and he feels more and more willing to obey any command from the hive. The moment as the rest of his personality disappears, the words: "Reprogramming successful, begin integration into the hive mind."are shown in the lenses of his gas mask, which has now fused with his face. A charging bar appears and when it is fully charged, the new consciousness explodes in the drone's head. It receives its ID number Q4793. As a Q drone, its task is to transform new drones and any memory of its previous life is erased. With a final orgasm, the drone ends its transformation and the machine releases it. With totally robotic movements, the drone leaves the machine and black nanites still drip from its permanently erect penis. The penis is pushed back into the suit and a latex bulge forms over it. The new latex drone stands upright in front of the machine and in its now robotic voice says: "It is drone Q4793. This drone thanks you for creating it and awaits your orders."
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chaotic-tired-bastard · 4 months
Hi !!
I'm such a big fan of your artworks, especially Rozin. (They just mean so much to me, I can't get them out of my mind..) and I would love to ask you this,, What are your thoughts that Rokus' companions in the novel are both Gyatso and Sozin? I would love to see how their characters to be fleshed out and what they were like before especially Sozin. I'm simply so filled with ectasy and excitement for his upcoming book since he's one of my favorites aside from Aang and Kuruk.
Hiiii thank you so much! I’m so glad that you enjoy my art, it always makes me so happy when people tell me that :)
But also I am SO GLAD that you brought this up because there’s so much POTENTIAL THERE. Roku’s gonna be dealing with Sozin, his best friend from childhood, and Gyatso, who is described as a bit of a nuisance but we all know they’re gonna be besties. There’s the potential for an interesting dynamic- Roku's past life as Sozin's BFF competing/conflicting with his new life as the Avatar. There's also Sozin fighting to stay Roku’s friend, his past fighting to stay in the present, and Gyatso being as lovable as he is, the future slowly becoming the present and pushing the past farther back. I foresee some jealousy on Sozin’s side mayhaps, and maybe some frustration on Gyatso’s side because “Why is this Fire Prince being so MEAN TO ME I’m LITERALLY the AVATAR’S BFF!!” I can't get my thoughts in order rn because I have been doing Work and my brain is Dead but I understand and share in your excitement 100% :)
but the idea of jelly Sozin was actually was so juicy that I wrote a lil thing about it I hope you don't mind :)
“And here is your room,” Sozin said with a smile, pushing open the door and revealing the inside with a grand sweep of his arm. “I made sure nobody came in and moved around all of your stuff; the dust on the floor is 100% natural!”
“Wow, thanks,” Roku scoffed, unable to keep a smile off of his own face. “I’m so glad. Thank you, Sozin, I do appreciate the gesture.”
“Right…” Sozin’s smile softened and he peered up at Roku through his eyelashes, his cheeks darkening. He’s always been the shorter one, and he seemed even shorter now that Roku had hit yet another growth spurt. “You know, I really missed you. I’m glad you’re home,” he said quietly, as if he was afraid that someone would overhear.
Roku bowed his head so he could look down at his best friend, a similarly soft smile on his lips. “I missed you too,” he whispered back. “It’s weird not seeing your dumb face every day.”
Sozin turned away, worrying his lower lip between his teeth, his grip tightening on Roku’s door. “Roku, I-”
“Wow, this place is awesome!” Gyatso crowed, narrowly missing bowling Roku over as he basically crashed into his back. “Hey, do I get a room too? Is it near Roku’s? Oooh can it be near that little pond I saw earlier? It’s got these turtle-ducks and-”
Sozin’s eyebrow ticked and he shot Gyatso a look that Roku had dubbed the ‘annoying teacher’ look when they were younger, reserved for prissy professors obsessed with dates. “Yes, I will see to it that you are given appropriate housing,” he forced through gritted teeth, removing his hand from Roku’s door and holding it behind his back. Roku tilted his head minutely, surprised—what had caused his mood to change so drastically?
“Cool!” Gyatso stopped using Roku as a wall and poked his head inside of his room, his eyes wide. “Woah, is this your room, Roku? It’s so fancy!”
Roku sighed, bringing a hand up to rub at his temples. Great Agni, Gyatso, calm down for once in your life. “I’m sorry, Gyatso can be very energetic. You come to love it, though. Now, what were you going to say?” He prompted, returning a smile to his face.
Sozin’s face froze and his shoulders tightened. “I… nevermind. It was stupid. I’m glad you’re back, Roku, and I’ll see you later,” he replied curtly. Then he turned around and walked off, one of his hands curled into a tight fist behind his back as the other gripped his wrist.
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Following the link i shared of this sexy and superb fan art of Galadriel and Elendil,
these tags showed up under my post:
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Oh my friend, my brother/sister in hell in who joined us in the deep well of eternally unsatisfied longing that this ship is, from which we'll never draw any water,
i'm absolutely convinced that she would jump him right here and right now if she was entirely free to do so, and not captive of the minority of dumb writers who opposed this ship for shallow reasons (and finally won against the rest of the writers room)!
I mean did you see how fast she answered:
"Did you say ride?"
You have to imagine here the gif of this line that i can't post because apparently it doesn't exist, though i searched everywhere on my blog and the tags....
when he asked what was she seeking, in Adar (ep3) during their scene in the harbour, just after he spoke few words in Quenya.
Telling her that not everyone hated her in elfic language and that Miriel must have thought it was a punishment to give him this assignment to look after her, went straight from her brain to her body.
You said metaphor for sex? That beach horse ride was certainly a hell of one metaphor (with plenty of water with the proximity of the sea to keep them cool).
And boy did she enjoyed herself during this horse ride to the Hall of Lore! It was ectasy and she wasn't shy to show it.
So in my head, she definitely made the move on him in the show.
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Sure Galadriel, it's was all about some history research on Morgoth's mysterious symbol, and has nothing to do with spending the day alone, miles away from indiscreet eyes, with the stunning hot man who speaks elfic and is begging you to let him worship you.
How can anybody watch them, looking like this, and not feel the powerful and immediate urge to make them the romantic heroes of the never told romance of the fourth human/elf couple that could have been, but stayed secret because it was impossible in the context of the war against Sauron.
What else than her thirst for what she couldn't have with Elendil could better explain this passage from the Appendices of LOTR, where she literally stripped Aragorn from his human clothes and dressed him in kingly sumptuous elfic outfits before pushing him in Arwen's arms :
"But Aragorn was grown to full stature of body and mind, and Galadriel bade him cast aside his wayworn raiment, and she clothed him in silver and white, with a cloak of elven-grey and a bright gem on his brow. Then more than any kind of Men he appeared, and seemed rather an Elf-lord from the Isles of the West".
And thus it was that Arwen first beheld him again after their long parting; and as he came walking towards her under the trees of Caras Galadhon laden with flowers of gold, her choice was made and her doom appointed.
Bonus from The Silmarillion:
he was aragorn son of arathorn, the nine and thirtieth heir in the right line from isildur, and yet more like elendil than any before him.
Quote borrowed from Feynyra's post
I tell you: she was living vicariously through her grandaughter her romantic adventure that never become real. This taste for legendary heroes, charismatic, tall and very handsome descendants of semi elfic ancestors runs deep in the family, no doubt.
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victory-after-dark · 7 months
i am so sorry. anyways
❛ so good for me. look how much you came. ❜ hoshi and henri-
He can barely think, his brain in a fog of ectasy and exhaustion.
His limbs hurt, stiff from being bound, and his arms shake as he wraps them around Hoshi's shoulders. It's always fun, being caught in the spider's web, but it's draining, and now he really just wants cuddles, please and thank you.
Cuddles. And maybe a bath. He's sweaty, and sticky, and he's pretty sure he nearly shot Hoshi in the eye when he came. They both need a bath, really.
He melts into the touch, as Hoshi rubs little circles onto the marks the ropes have left behind, massaging sore muscles and easing the hurt a little bit.
"...Love you~"
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Testing subject 562
“Testing of hell denzeins in hope, fear, lust, ectasy, rage. Centers of the brain have provided..interesting circumstances. It was easy enough to set up my own stem in hell...and there are plentiful of..these so called sinners, and hellborns for research purposes. Whilst the form i hold now is perfect one must never grow lazy...entering this hellish place was easy enough..reality is fluid to me now and passing by these realms is as easy as blinking.”
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“Subject 562 hellborn of wrath ring...hellhound...Brain centers of rage, anger and lust are most prevelent, hardy creatures much more resistant then human subjects...Able to take pain that would kill most and manage to come away more or less alive...Decent subject for STEM testing, it will be a wonder to see if they can last as long as HE did...Fear that due to the unstable nature of this place could lead to catastrophic results within stem. Will require close monitoring,  Subject is being prepped for entry they will awaken from one nightmare, into the next.”
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Should i order a whole ass fruit cake
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d3structivedragz · 5 years
Not sure why my sobriety is always up and down all the time but it makes my life 100X harder then it already is... it’s scary knowing no matter how long you’re sober you can end up back where you started.. I know if I relapse again I’m never coming back or getting out alive... Weird how u can miss things that make you feel good for only a few hours and end up killing you...
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a-dorin · 4 years
mine | the mandalorian
word count: 1,941
warnings: smut, daddy kink, slight bdsm(?), a tiny bit of angst
summary: after a rough day, you refuse any help from the mandalorian. he slings you over his shoulder, carrying you to your quarters, where he helps ease your stress.
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the sky stretched onward for miles, a dark navy void dotted with stars. you let out a sigh, fiddling with some buttons on the control panel. it was well past midnight, but the time was hard to tell. every hour of the day looked the same when in space. 
"i wouldn't play around with those," a voice snapped you out of your trance, startling you. 
you jumped in the seat, placing a hand on your chest, "don't scare me like that."
beskar gleamed in the moonlight, "i'm sorry doll, should i warn you next time?"
"fuck off," you scoffed, spinning in the chair. 
"you're in my seat," the mandalorian shrugged, "and you're messing around with things you shouldn't be messing around with."
"i'm sorry doll," you rolled your eyes, scoffing, "should i move seats?"
the mandalorian let out a huff of annoyance, placing his hands on your shoulders, "what's wrong?"
you scowled, attempting to hold up a tough exterior. yet, once his gloved hands began to knead your shoulders, soothing your sore muscles, you crumbled, "i just had a bad day. that's all."
"what went wrong?" din inquired, his tone curious. 
as the partner of the famed mandalorian, you were the brains of the duo. your lover, the mandalorian, was the brawn. for the past six months, you were woven into an intricate relationship with the mysterious and complex warrior. the two of you met on nevarro, where you were a bounty hunter for the guild. your first encounter with din was when the two of you accidentally collided. you were on the hunt for your next target. apparently, lando sent din out for the same bounty as well. at first, the two of you got into a heated argument, but worked it out, splitting the bounty. 
it wasn't long till din asked if you wanted to travel the galaxy with him. it helped that he was on the run, with a precious bounty in his possession. he had encountered a foundling, which was supposed to be a target. din cared for the child, eventually claiming it as his own for the time being. the two of you were co-parenting, traveling the universe in search for the child's true home. 
without a doubt, you loved din. even if it meant not being able to see his face. you understood the creed completely, as you did not want to disrespect din. so, the two of you found compromises. whenever you ached for touch, din would find a way to fulfill your needs. 
din returned the same affection, giving you more love than you deserved. the mandalorian adored you endlessly, providing you with constant care, wisdom, and protection. you were his soul mate, without a doubt. he admired your quick qit and perseverance, as you never abandoned a mission or left anyone behind. as much as he longed for you to see his face, he knew that this was the way of life.  
realizing you never answered din's question, you shrugged slightly, "things just didn't go as plan today. when the child and i went to the marketplace, he wouldn't listen to me. he was the reason why some of my trading deals fell through. he wouldn't go to bed right away either."
"welcome to raising a child baby," din chuckled, the noise echoing through the empty ship, "c'mon, let's get some sleep. maybe you'll feel better after some rest."
"i'm fine," you pouted, folding your arms over your chest.
"babygirl," the nickname made you stiffen, a slight blush spreading through your cheeks, "why don't we go to bed?"
"you're extremely convincing," you snorted, remaining still. 
din tsked, a loud yelp escaping your lips, as he lifted you from the seat, slinging you over his shoulder. you squirmed, your struggle dismal against din's iron grip. you were silent as din carried you to your shared quarters, laying you down on the bed. there was not a single word exchanged between the two of you as din removed a layer of his armor. you bit your lip, the tension in the room like static electricity.
"stay put," din commanded, his voice low. 
you obeyed, fiddling with a string on the comforter. din placed a clean handkerchief beside you, "here, you know what to do."
eagerly, you slipped off your tunic, casting it to the floor. you shimmied out of your pants, throwing those to the side as well. adrenaline pumped through your veins as you wrapped the handkerchief around your head, darkness filling your vision. excitement buzzed through you, as you were fully aware of what was to come next. 
the clanging of armor as it fell to the floor bounced off the walls, your ears ringing. wetness pooled between your thighs. din hadn't even touched you yet but you ached for his touch. to relieve your stress. to ease all of your worries. you laid back down, the silence in the room almost unbearable. 
din's voice flooded your left ear, "relax babygirl, let daddy take care you." 
din's soft lips met with your collarbone, his kisses hungry as he nipped at the skin. his hands roamed your body, palms cupping your breasts as he squeezed them. you moaned softly, fueling din's desire to fuck you senseless. 
sex was a rare occasion, as often times both of you were either too exhausted or handling the child. so, whenever din saw opportunity, he seized it. throughout the day, the mandalorian thoughts wandered. filthy images poured into his mind, his cock hardening, strained against the fabric of his pants. now, you were beneath him, desperate for his next move. din was in full control of you, orchestrating it all. a rush of satisfaction filled him to the brim. he loved when you were submissive. especially when he didn't have to assert his dominance. 
"din," you groaned, music to the warrior's ears, "please, just fuck me."
"so eager," din purred, fingers toying with the hook of your bra, "do you want this off?"
you nodded slightly, din grasping your chin in your hands, "you know i can't see the want in your eyes baby. you have to tell daddy what you want." 
"i want you to take the rest of my clothes off," your voice was quiet, almost timid.  
din softened, "baby, does this intimidate you?"
"no," your response was immediate, "i love it."
"you know the safe word," din murmured, "if this gets to be too much just let me know, okay?"
"okay din," you whispered, desperate to feel his lips on your skin once more.
the feeling of din's lips on your skin was enough to make you cum. since one of your senses was taken away, the others were heightened. the way he touched you was almost like sheer ectasy. the pleasure was immense but it just felt so fucking good. you drank in every moment like this with din, savoring the feeling. din knew how to fuck you good. how to fuck you so good that your thighs shook, toes curled, your orgasm crashing into you, showering you with intense pleasure. your inability to watch it all was a small price to pay for how the mandalorian made you feel. 
din's fingertips brushed your back as he took off your bra, sending a shiver down your spine. his touch was so gentle that you almost didn't feel him sliding your underwear down your legs. his palms were warm as he ran them along your thighs. his thumb connected with your clit, circling it. you arched your back, crumpling under his touch. 
"such a good girl," din cooed, "your pussy is so wet for me. you're dripping."
din wasted no time, his cock filling up your tight pussy without warning. you screamed out his name, the mandalorian groaning as your walls enveloped his hard cock. he adjusted so that you could take it all, his length taking in every inch of your walls. his hands gripped your hips, your arms looped around his neck. 
his lips met yours, kissing you hungrily. you reciprocated, allowing his tongue to explore your mouth. din sucked on your lower lip, growling his cock pounded into you. you moaned into his mouth, the cries desperate for more. begging for more. skin met with heated skin, a dull slapping sound filling the room. 
this time, din was ruthless with you, fucking you senseless. tears brimmed your eyes, but it just felt so damn good. too fucking good. your juices dripped down din's cock, flowing onto the bed. din's mouth left yours, connecting with your neck. 
you threw your head back, as din hit your g-spot. stars popped like fireworks, filling your vision. you came undone, moaning as din's cock pumped in and out of you. your cum all over din's cock sent him over the edge, him pulling out. he came all over your stomach, making a mess.
"i'll be back," din promised, placing a chaste kiss on your temple. 
you remained still, awaiting for the mandalorian's return. he came back merely seconds later, a warm towel gently caressing your heated skin. beneath you, cum soaked the blanket, din's strong hands rolling you over.
"here," he murmured, his hands guiding you, "stand up for a second."
you obeyed, rustling flooding your hearing. din must have replaced the blanket. he left the room once more, giving you the signal to get dressed. sighing, you discarded the handkerchief, the moonlight bright in your vision. you blinked, plucking your tunic from the floor. slipping it over your head, you curled up in the bed, a feeling of despair washing over you. 
closing your eyes, you drifted off, pondering if din was going to return. sometimes he did. sometimes he didn't. your ears caught the sound of the door, the comforter rustling as din slid in bed next to you.
"i love you (y/n)," he whispered, his tone gentle.
"i love you too," a smile formed on your lips. 
"i might let you get a peek," din's throat vibrated on your shoulder blade, "only if you're good tomorrow."
"wouldn't that be disobeying the creed?"
"not if it's a peek," din kissed your head, wrapping you into his arms, "i hope i ended your day on a good note."
"you always do," you sighed with content.
din began to run his fingers through your hair, the action lulling you to sleep. you dozed off, your light snores filling the quiet room. din felt exhaustion overwhelm him, eventually falling asleep himself. hours passed, and you stirred, blinking. the child's cries were almost deafening, but you could still feel a presence next to you in bed. 
you rolled over, hoping that din was asleep. your breath hitched in your throat as you saw your lover for the very first time. 
his hair was a light brunette mess, his skin a fairer complexion. a mustache was just below his strong nose, his lips a soft pink. without a doubt, you were in love with the most handsome man in the galaxy. his eyelashes fluttered as he slept, light snores coming from his lips. you ached to reach out, to feel his features. yet, you knew you couldn't. it would wake him. 
you rose from the bed, a warm feeling seeping into your chest. your love for the mandalorian was intensified, as you finally got a glimpse at last. din djarin was beautiful soul. a compassionate, loving soul who wanted nothing more but to protect those who needed it. not only was he a beautiful soul, he was a gorgeous being. the most beautiful being in the galaxy. 
and the best part is, that he is yours. 
all yours. 
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ariexel · 3 years
Bloody Relief
“ Train wheels resound through my head
Nothing more that static
My eyes blurry with red
Tears gathering
Like they’ll wash away my memory
I hold my hands
But they are not mine
They are numb and aching
Painted with crimson crosses
It pours over my nails
In my skins’s crack
forming a morbid masterpiece
“But it’s not my blood”
I think with hesitant moves
My spine burns
guilt and ectasy
Filling my bones
While my brain dances
With the echo
of my past actions
The train moves
Awaken me from my trance
Remembering me
The victim itself
A human,
Laying at my legs
Once living and talking,
Now only another glance
That people shared
I memorized the entire play
A ghoulish dream
That I dare call reality
As I grabbed the knife
Just a mundane object,
Used in an abstract way
And how the tender skin,
Wore down by time and lies
Felt under ,
The melancholyc edge
How the sick substance
spread trough my muscles,
When I pry open
His trachea
And the wicked grin,
That my face revealed
When air welcomed the flesh
Blood coming out curious.
The poor thing
Didn’t know,
He shared the cabin
With the devil itself
No remorse flowing trough my veins,
And my mind clear,
For the first time
I dare to look up
To take in,
The artwork I made
Some might call it
A crime or murder
Yet I felt nothing but relief,
When I saw the final breath
Of this creature that some call human,
To watch as it’s irises
Gaze upon this foul earth
One last time,
And his mouth
Screams something,
Only the demons will hear
I can’t express my gratefullness
To be able to end,
A miserable life
With this hands that I have been blessed
By the Gods themselves
In the train’s window
I see a relfection
“Is it death?”
Coming to collect the body
As nothing more
But it seems familiar
The face
And those eyes
They belong to me
But the gore and the knife
Are anothers
Now humble me
As I descend in my high
And lick my paws clean
Because I just gained
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ofregiums · 4 years
— @ofaphrvdite​ asked: 📱 + cress & romeo
what was my muse’s 5 last sent texts to yours ?
[ cress ]: bitch if you wanna burgerrr 🍔 eat a burgerrrr ! bitch if you want a french fryyyy 🍟 EAT A FRENCH FRY [ cress ]: just a heads up that tybalt’s crazy fucking ass is at the club. 🙄 see you soon. [ cress ]: the bartender was an asshole so i stole half that bitch’s inventory lmaooooo want drinks ? 🤪 [ cress ]: fuck you and your tasteless ass. guacamole is one of the greatest creations on this planet, bitch. imagine lacking the brain cells to appreciate the technique that goes into... read more. [ cress ]: love you, you dumbass 🤦🏽‍♀️
what was my muses 5 last unsent texts to yours ?
[ cress ]: you’re being weird. where tf do you keep disappearing off to ? [ cress ]: ben is such a fucking IDIOT. how oblivious can he be ? [ cress ]: there are things i want to tell you but i don’t want to lose you [ cress ]: you deserve better than me. [ cress ]: i know i don’t show it a lot but i’m scared. everything about this fucking city scares me.
what was my muses last snapchat to yours ?
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[ snapchat to tweedle dum ]: how [ snapchat to tweedle dum ]: how much ectasy is tooo much  [ snapchat to tweedle dum ]: askigbn for a frined
what my muse saved your number as ?
thing 2 
what contact photo my muse has set for yours ?
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what ringtone my muse has set for yours ?
highest in the room by travis scott.
how many times my muse has called yours this week ?
how many calls has my muse missed from yours ?
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hotegg · 5 years
Hello!! How//What will my future be like ?? Shuffle: 11 E.D.J 🍪☕️🍦🥛🥡🍷🌺🌸💕💘🐬❄️ I hope everyone who is able to see my ask has an awesome day and a life filled with abundance 💕🌻💕 (PS I love your blog it’s so aesthetic and pretty 🥺)
hiya, lovely!!! 👋🌸 omg YASSS spread that positivity! yay, thank you!!! i’m glad you enjoy this space!
🌸In respect of the time and energy put into the reading, I simply ask for a review in return! Thanks!🌸
love on the brain - rihanna
a strong love-ectasy and passion- but it’s unhealthy and one sided.
watch out for unhealthy behaviors and relationships.
✨💕🌸 I hope this has helped you gain some insight into the situation! I would very much appreciate a review on the reading! Blessings!🌸💕✨
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livehorsesartpage · 5 years
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Gaining trust by DeviantLivehorses
Although Mérante was apparently sitting comfortably in a chair, that didn't mean that he was relaxed. He was in a dynamic job only his family can notice. Odette knew how stressful he could get and how susceptible he could become. She even knew that she going around was grateful for him. Entering the room was a relief and Mérante usually wished Odette to stay and make the moment more relaxed. But the one he never wanted around was his adopted noisy daughter. He could spend nights doing this job... He leafed over and over the papers and notes. He watched and analyzed partitures that his fellow composer sended to him the last day. He wrote, sketched, erased, sometimes with energic angry. Sometimes he got up from his desk, partiture in hand, and walking through the room, he went to sat at the piano and rehearsed a tune the times was necessary until he felt satisfyed enough to return to his notes. Sometimes he rehearsed some steps or danced along the space to clarify his subjective thought he wanted to insert in his coreographies... Sometimes in the low level of the house it can be heard a single little scream of frustration. Sometimes some sketches made a crumpled ball ended rolling on the floor, or in the fireplace as fuel. Sometimes the coffee wasn't enough, sometimes the hands ended placed in his head. Sometimes he got up from the place and started walking around the room while grumbling. That very day his mind was really busy, but at least he wasn't so frustrated as the other night. "What ya doin'?" asked in a vulgar french tone a squeaky voice next to Mérante's ear. Mérante released a scream in a high pitch tone unusual in his voice. When he turned around, he found himself face to face with Félicie, arms recharged in the back of the chair. Mérante sighed between relief and frustration. It was only her; yes... ONLY Félicie, the last one he wanted to be there that moment. "It's-obvious". he answered in a stern tone. "I know." said his daughter. "But I wanna see. I like your coreographies. What is this time about?" Mérante sighed more relaxed. After all at that hour it was bed time and that probably meant a bed-story time. He felt somehow a little less stressed and more warmed by the girl's prescence. After a moment of silence, he took the child and made her sit in his lap. He started showing her his sketches, his ideas, telling her the story in which he was working. Félicie, as a curious cat watched and made questions as usual. At some point that didn't annoyed his father but made him glad to been asked of his main favorite subject. He took advance of the situation to presume about his knowedge, feeling extremely proud everytime Félicie gasped or said "wow" to all of his explanations. "Can I dance this?". asked her. "I'm afraid not. This is not like the things you have danced. It's for formed dancers only." "You should do more child dancers' ballets." Mérante laughed gently and placed a kiss in the girl's forehead. "Maybe some day my little strawberry. Now if you excuse me, I have to go to the piano, I have to think this musical phrase". And after saying this, he took Félicie softly and placed her in the floor. "But can I stay?" asked her in a plea. "If you remain silent while I play, yes." Then Mérante rose up and walked to the piano, followed by Félicie's wide open eyes. He sat and started playing a tone. But in the middle of his performance, he got a feeling in his back and heard behind him an energic sequence of wild steps. He stopped suddenly and turn around fast to find Félicie stopping dancing, interlacing her fingers and her face blushing. "What were you doing?" asked Mérante suprised. Félicie lowered her head in shame. "I couldn't resist it, the melody was catchy." "But WHAT were you doing?" "Dancing?" she rose her brilliant green eyes to meet them with the hazel eyes of his father. Mérante passed his legs to the front of his seat to face completely his daughter and placed his elbows in his knees, interlacing his fingers as well. "I want to see you." Félicie stepped back, her face getting more blushed. "I-I can't". "You don't have any shame everytime you dance. I can remember that time in the bar in front of a lot of strangers. Why can be different with your own father?" "'Cause..." the words were stuck in her throat and were refusing to go out. "You're the master." "Forget that, I'm your father now." "You will not get angry if I do it wrong?" "No, I promise. No scolding this time, we aren't at class. Besides... your dance is always on fire." Félicie draw a huge smile in her face, showing how her heart was getting wild of exitement inside of her. Mérante smiled, and turning completely, placing his fingers on the keys, he prepared himself to play. "I will play the piano, and I need you to be at my left so I can see you meanwhile." Félicie did as she was told, walking and placing at the left of the piano. "Just..." said Mérante suddenly. "Be careful to not break anything in the middle of your dancing, stay away from the decoration." he was now watching at an expensive porcelain flower vase and a greek sculpture. "Okay." said Félicie laughing. Mérante started playing the melody, and for a moment Félicie stayed still in her place. Even if Mérante noticed it, he continued, waiting patiently for her daughter to take inspiration and confidence. And it did happen; Suddenly, Félicie found herself cought in the middle of the music, and letting her body flow like the water of a creek, she moved around the left space, following what the music dictated to her heart and therefore to her feet. While playing the piano, Mérante rose up sometimes his sight from the keys to look at her daughter. Captivated by her performance, he got some glances of forgotten moments of his youth, when he whitnessed behind a door, some fair young dancer going around a classroom like a swan in light flight. Of course, Félicie had a wilder and less elegant performance, but not by that less passionate. The muses of inspiration went around both and Mérante's brain started to create great coreographies based on the incongruent ravings of the little dancer. He wanted to stop suddenly to return in a crazy race to his desk before this ideas dissapeared, but he didn't want, as he watched Félicie to be in a heavy ectasy, to made her fall violently from the clouds. But for the disgrace of both, the piece of music ended, and both found themselves forced to fall slowly from the Dancing Heaven and to place their feet in the ground again. Both look at each other for a while, having the same feeling of inspiration. Speaking after the sublime voice of music was heard in the air was almost impossible. "Well... I guess that this is all for the moment". said Mérante in a sigh, eyes shining like Félicie never saw before. He returned to his desk and started to place his newborn ideas in the papers. For some time he remained silent, and he felt how her daughter approached to him. "Dad?". her voice sounded cracked. Mérante rose up his sight and found Félicie with a worried face. "You will always be my dad? I'm your daughter right?" Mérante stared at her starting to feel concerned. "I mean... Do you love me?" "But of course I love you!" exclaimed Mérante while raising from his chair and going to hug her daughter. "Why I wouldn't love you?" "I don't know..." answered Félicie while starting to weep in his father's shoulder. "Maybe I'm a dissapointment". "You're not my dear. You can't imagine how much I love you". at some point his voice also cracked, and some tears appeared in his eyes. "You have made my life and Odette's such a great joy, you united us. And we are a family." Suddenly both felt how a couple of arms surrounded them and embraced them in a warm hug. When they rose their sight, they found like in a vision, the face of Odette, her beautiful eyes glowing behind brilliant tears of conmocion and joy. It seemed that both of them never realized how she was watching at the door of the room, to Mérante playing at the piano and Félicie dancing. They were so into the moment when they hug each other, that they never realized the sound of the cane approaching to them. The family joined like one in a single hug.
So, this is a B/L! little fanfiction of my favorite family, the Mérante family. This came out to my mind around yesterday and here I am doing it. Of course, even if I will not be a writer, I must say that I see this as my writing masterpiece. I never was able to describe a scene with so much inspiration and detail, I'm really moved and delighted. Also, it was so satisfying that I found exactly every word I wanted to use and to express my ideas so clearly. That keeps the main idea intact in the writing. I'm so proud that I wrote about one of my favorite subjects, Mérante & Félicie's storge love. Also, I've recently had issues with my own dad, that he loves me and have given me everything... Sometimes I forget how much he does for me. He is in some points simillar to Mérante's character and sometimes is hard to be with him, but from him I learned and share same tastes a lot. I'm just kind of feel broke because he usually keeps his distance, because he doesn't want to hurt us. But I'm very lucky to have such a loving, kind and gentle father. I almost cry while writing this...
Made at March 29 of 2019.
Remember I promised a fanart for my fanfic of the same name? Here it is! I take advantage of that Holy Week Vacations has just started. I really like the results. And I really, really love all Mérante family stuff. That's why I am here.  I'm very suprised that my airbrushing is working out so well. I have improved... But, this is a mess of many hands one can't easily know of who belongs each one. But, more or less that's the idea.  And now I'm happy, but also my index finger hurts. DX Made with DeviantArt muro at April 11 of 2019.
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apheka · 2 years
Ecstasy contains MDMA, which affects the body’s ability to regulate its temperature, leading to overheating. Drinking too much water, as users often do, can flush out their bodies’ supply of potassium. This can cause their organs to swell, which has proven to be fatal. Along with the risk of overdose, it is important that you know the signs of club drug use, which include elevated temperature, high blood pressure, increased heartbeat, hallucinations, and vomit
Brain Damage High Probability
Research has shown that long-term use of ecstasy may cause acute swelling and atrophy of hippocampus tissue in the brain. Scientists believe that the hippocampus helps the brain manage learning, especially learning and remembering new things as well as things that have happened recently. In fact, some studies have shown that using ecstasy in even recreational amounts over a short period of time can have a major impact on memory. The study took new ecstasy users who took ten or more ecstasy pills within their first year of use and compared them to their pre-ecstasy performance. The results were clear that the participants had suffered impairments in memory. It should also be noted that hippocampus damage is on While ecstasy is known for being addictive, it does also affect the body’s serotonin levels. The results are often a person who feels anxious, depressed, and unable to find enjoyment in things that would normally make them happy. When this is the case, it is wise to have the support and guidance from someone who is knowledgeable in drug rehabilitation.
 For those who have made the decision MDMA, better known as ecstasy or Molly, is no exception. “It acts on the neurotransmitters in the brain to give users an extreme alteration of their mood but can also cause a variety of unwanted cognitive defects and physical effects.”
Serotonin: Helps maintain a stable mood and other emotional functions and is involved in the regulation of sleep cycles, pain control, and digestion, among other
Dopamine: Involved in regulating mood and focus as well as other central nervous system functions
Norepinephrine: Part of the "fight and flight" response and in the regulation of mood, anxiety, sleep, energy, 
0 notes
mystiic-raj · 6 years
I hate you, my heart.
Why can't you learn that these feelings you cling to desperatley become my greatest enemy, leaving me in helpless ectasy?
And can we can we talk about your taste in men,
How it fucks me over again and again-
Because I feel as if you thrive to see my discomposure,
Making my rationality as useless as cannon fodder,
Why do you choose people that will never love you as you do them?
Hell, I'm so frustrated because we are the ones who are cheated-
I hate writing this poem about you,
You're just blistfully unaware to the harm and hurt you put me through,
I don't know if its cynical or comical how your romanticised fantasies become something of a clossal casualty...
The eurphoria of it all soon fades away...
He becomes my drug, you the dealer yet I'm the one who needs the tequlia to forget your infactuation.
My brain soon caves to the weight of star-crossed lovers you obsess over, so dear, and I know you just ache for him to be here-with us- and I do too,
He's the bridge to our unstable cliffsides-
But you need to face reality,
He doesn't care.
God! Things are so tough,
Why can't being alone be enough!?
You alone know my insercurities, deep issues caused by the cavalier passion you place on our sleeve for all decieve,
You alone saw love that was destined to wilt,
How I find it hard to trust someone else, expose the shards of my true self...
You just watch as we go head first unconditonally,
Loving with flippancy,
With the passsion of a great symphony,
Me and you alligned perfectly in alluring clarity,
Bursting with delicious divinity,
Achieving beautifull brilliancy we see colours in rays of a passionate soliloquy,
Intoxication to your desolation,
All this absolute affection, met with rejection.
I don't want this!
We do not need this!
I can't bear to see you break again,
Because I'm the ones that picks up your messy pieces,
Heals your diseases,
Unleashes adhesive to stich you back together in the hole in my chest-
I'll burn that bridge.
I never asked for this.
Just let me rest,
The distance you feel towards him yeah it makes me depressed,
It fucks with my mind,
Why are you so sentimental?
Leave it behind,
I am supposed to be the mastermind in control of poisononus lust you inconveinently outline-
Making me feel as though I am blind being led by a fool!
Can't you see we have better things that we could be?
Maybe focusing on that degree,
You'd rather pull me into your warped reality:
Gentle kisses,
Notions of chivalry,
Walks across fucking beaches,
The smell of his skin,
Eyes tearing my soul to pieces,
Love with all its villany.
You never told me, though, that this was all merely imagery,
Soon fades like a polaroid with antiquity...
I hate you, my heart,
I can't control you,
I never could,
I'm petrified of the heartbrake you threaten to bring on us,
Your desire the epicentre to an earthquake that will shake these worn in bones...
Please don't lead us into cold decay,
For once let's keep your passions at bay and notions of love away,
For I fear this time,
We will both have a price to pay.
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