#blue and pink duo thats you and me
seravphs · 1 month
i know i say this every time and i will continue to say it every time but whenever i see your cute lil face (read: ur little blue icon) pop up on my dash i get excited
kisses you on the forehead kisses you on the forehead kisses you on the forehead
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caramelstarlight · 11 months
Keaya x reader, and reader has a pyro vision, people think that they don’t get along ( cause ice and fire) but they actually a great duo and opposites attract romance trope *chef’s kiss* 👌
Sorry for not posting. been busy saving primos. Just 6 days ago I had 8k and now im at 11k :D
Also I found that one audio of ppls favorite genshin characters from elements trend. Heres the audio. lmk if anyone wants to do it with me XD
Find it here: Trend Song
My favorites are: Tighnari,Ganyu,Klee,Venti,Albedo,Kokomi and Yae Miko. (Theres only one blue :p and no teal. So I leave Anemo black or white depending on your settings of light or dark mode and make hydro become pink bc again one blue.)
Anyways onto the story because yes. <3
It is true, Opposites can Attract.
Kaeya x Reader (Pyro vision) I now have 4 requests in my inbox so Im starting to work on them. I feel bad for my wattpads since I dont give them much but I do tell them that im active on tumblr. :d
Fluff :D More under cut <3 (Also I decided to make it where Y/N is the older sibling of klee for funsies. You get a different title of the "Inferno Knight" or "Wildfire Knight." Keep that in mind bc yes. Your the one mostly helping klee when the other knights cannot. Shes one of the ones she trusts the most.
"Have you heard of the "Wildfire/Inferno Knight? They are apparently Klees bigger brother/sister/sibling. I wonder how much it takes to keep the Spark Knight under control..." A person muttered to their friend at Angels Share. "I feel slightly bad for them, having to deal with bombs a lot sure sounds dangerous."
Your back leaned against the wall as you drank your drink. (I was going to say Apple juice LMAOO-) Slightly listening to the conversation and keeping the tavern in check since Diluc was elsewhere.
Especially when your boyfriend Kaeya was there. You don't know what storm could brew when hes around. He and Lisa are surely mysterious people. You watched him for a few moments before your gaze lingered on the two talking about you.
Your gaze went back to Kaeya, he looked at you as you moved your head towards the door. Signaling you both should get going as diluc would most likely return soon, the bartender should be good without you both there.
"Your so confusing and mysterious at times kaeya." You'd tell him as you exited Angels share and headed to the Knights of Favonious building. "Maybe thats why you liked me the best~" He'd tell you as many people stared as you walked. Figuring you both hated each other due to being opposites. But hey, you cant blame them.
"I can imagine Klee already got in trouble today. I'd better go bail her out of trouble if I can." "Ohh? Telling me your plans are we? Does that mean I can ruin it?" "No im just telling you." Trying to ignore all the confused stares.
Upon entering the building you went to the Solitary Confinement room opening it to see if klee was inside. Which she was. You closed the door on kaeya as he waited outside of the room. You sat down and held klees hands. "What did you do this time klee?" You'd ask her as she unexpectedly blew another few fish in cider lake.
You sighed as you handed her a few food and drinks. Before getting up and leaving the room. "Anyways did you guys enjoy the "BottleLand?" I heard eula went as well." "Yeah she did, it was nice and one of them gave me and klee a costume."
Leaving the Knights of Favonious buildings you stayed in the plaza looking at all the stares before kaeya asked them to stop and told them about the relationship. Everyone was shocked as they all thought you guys didn't like each other and only putted up with the other for your jobs.
(I had no idea what to do and I kept getting distracted lmao- I was on this for like 2 hours because of distractions from yt, sorry if its bad).
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nerdyenby · 9 months
Red time :D I’m watching Ranboo
I am so behind on vods but it’s MCC day baby!!!!!!!
This team is gonna be so good, so silly but I think they could win
THE DRESS IS STUNNING KING but why the magenta eye makeup?? it adds to the unhinged vibe lol
Ranboo doesn’t know what sequins are?????
“I don’t mean anything that I say ever, any of the time, just so everyone knows” my streamer
“Don’t be pissed at me if I don’t do well ❤️” why are they like this /pos
Ranboo’s religious side screaming for help every time he wears a dress 😭😭😭
Bad news: freedom of speech isnow behind a paywall, Good news: the money goes to charity
The M rating is exclusively so they can say death threats
“I swear to god, be funny!!! ‘Haha I said funny jokes’ I KILL YOU!! Guys it’s all jokes <3 it’s all jokes and it’s all love <333”
Shelby INSTANTLY gaslighting Ranboo into believing the audibly farted, I adore this duo with all my soul
Ran and Shelby are now pushoverduo <333 /s
I love this team so much
You can watch Ranboo but watch out, it’s a slippery slope to the “HELP HELPPPPP” vocal stim
Bingo enthusiasts my beloved
Ranboo just screaming when Shelby called them sexist 😂😂😂
Michael is a genuinely good sandkeeper, he just needs a team that will hype him up and respect him
The way I knew exactly where Ran was going lmao
Ranboo staring into the camera when they start talking about saw
Oh…. Ok……
Bingo but Fast
I missed bingo so much, it’s not even funny
He found a Michael you guys
“Wait can we take fall damage?” “I don’t think so” *falls to his death*
Gosh, I am still not used to the new caves, they’re so beautiful and scary
“I’m so smell and dumb :(” “that’s okay!!”
Holy crap the top 4 teams are all so close
“That was fun… well, it’s all downhill from here” SHELBY 😂😂😂
Parkour Tag
Them being excited to play it because they all hate it lol
Ran losing their absolute mind in parkour tag, maybe this game is fun
Shane is killing me actually
“I don’t feel strongly about anything” same!!!
This team is so funny holy
“Oh we’re in tenth right now” “No we’re not” Shane 😂😂😂
“Guys we’re better than a bunch of 40 year olds” “they’re not 40!!!!!” “They’re 50 theyre 50 theyre 50” this team oh my god
Ran calling Skeppy homophobic and Shane’s “I mean… is it-?”
“Who are we going up against? Who am I?” “You’re Ranboo” “Oh ok, that’s right” their chemistry has no right to be so good what the
I love Joel and Shane’s rivalry, neither of them know why they’re rivals but they are
I haven’t laughed this hard in absolute ages holy
“I can’t believe we have beef with the goddamn Pack”
“Are we supposed to be doing something?” THATS MY S-TIER
Tubbo threatening to tweet Ran’s address, beeduo crumbs /s /s /s
Red and pink’s beef is the funniest thing ever oh my god
Hole in the Wall
They’re so all over the place they mean everything to me
My streamer’s favorite color is 3, so true
“Skeppy’s having problems” “aren’t we all?”
The reactions to Shane saying his nose is bleeding lmao “What we’re you inhaling?” “Air”
“GUYS ITS BLUE- oh wait, it’s red” Shane 😭😭😭
“We’re all just gamers” “We’re all gay” so true
Everyone hyping her up <333
Ranboo insisting they’re not bothered by different pronunciations whilst sounding progressively more bothered
Parkour Warrior
Ranboo?? Screaming????? Noooo…. /s
Vod muted Sadge
They’re popping off!!!!!!
Ran screaming at purpled to get a job and then instantly apologizing 😂😂😂
That drop lmao, it happens to Ran’s team every time
Ranboo got prescribed adhd meds today FINALLY /lh (I’m a psychology student and have adhd lol)
They’re surviving!!!!
Ran 2nd!!!!!!
Them avenging Michael’s honor my beloved
Shelby and Shane hiding in a hole lol
I could go off about how the amount of alcohol on MCC day correlates to how chill contemporary events are, everyone’s just here for a good time and it’s so much better this way
WHY ARE WE PLAYING TGTTOS?????? I thought the final two were sands and grid :( /nm
Nothing like spontaneous karaoke over discord <333
Ran was tabbed out but I’m imagining Michael and Scar holding the door open for each other lol
I have a headache lol
Grid Runners
I’m actually entirely okay with this tbh
Shane cheating pogchamp
Ran and Shelby “no u”-ing in the stone pyramid lol
That search the house was CLEAN
Michael is so tipsy lmao
Ranboo in third, who woulda thunk
This was an amazing time, this team was wild
Oli v Ollie!!!!!!
“Everyone’s scared of Jojo and they should be” SO TRUE SHELBY SHUBBLE
“I actually have seen Sapnap miss these” lmao Shane
Them chanting Gem’s name <333
Aw rip, gg
Great times, great vibes <3
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alcohol1maid · 1 year
heey there my friend! I see that you have not been posting for a while and that's no problem at all!! take all the time you need! just here to entertain you with a few ask!
(don't feel obligated to answer it though! if you don't want to that's completely fine! ^^)
are there any new ocs you'll be introducing soon? if so then how many? if not then are you planning on creating soon? what do you have in mind?
if given the time and opportunity, what kind of au would you like to create? and who would be on it? (can be your ocs, moot's ocs, canon characters, etc) what would be the story?
what is something you really really wanted to draw or create but haven't for some reason?
how long does it take you to finish a single drawing?
are you planning on shipping one of your ocs with your moot's ocs again? do you already have one (or more) ship in mind that we don't know about? if so don't be shy! tell us! >:3 eheh if not then that's fine! ^^
Have fun my friend! ^^
hii!!! of course ill answer these ^-^
1 , i have many ideas, but there are two (technically three) ill introduce soon! i already made a post about one of them, they're name is momi, they're from Hawaii and work with brianna as an assassin, whom she has a crush on. I'm still working on her final design and backstory. The other one is kema umi and north skys children, i have some info about them scattered around a few posts but thats about it, i still need to make a post about them and such, so stay tuned! ^_^
2 hmm, an au that i did have in mind was a "what if?" au, what if north skys clan never burnt down? what if kema umi never met north sky, what if sofia never went to japan and met kema? etc, its a very interesting concept thatd i'd like to branch out more!!
3, hmm, i dont really know, i cant really think of anything rn. I guess more art of my pink skys au "your the devil in disguise" au but thats about it :/
4 it depends, if its just a quick sketch it can take me around 4-11 mintues depending on how the design is. if its a lineart drawing its usally 14-17 mintues, and if its a full drawing it can take 15 minutes to a day or less!
5 ooohh, hehehe ^_^ ok fine i'll tell yall! ive been thinking about shipping kema with winter frost recently, i dont know why tbh. But im guessing its because of their pink and blue colour dynamic. He seems like a guy to treat her right >_1 ✨
thanks for the ask friendlystarnger!! this was so sweet of you to send! i hope you can send some more! (if u want to ofc)
(winter frost belongs to @mystique-flowers-and-sibling-duo !!)
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dykeyote · 2 years
theyre literally my only platonic rarepair they are the tech savvy/tech illiterate duo of my dreams
HIIIII THIS IS LATE BUT YES >:) doing a bit more than id usually do bc ur not feeling well . im using she/they for both of them hopefully thats not confusing
like you said . juniper CONSTANTLY goes to yvonne to ask for tech advice bc she can find a way to cause a tech problem out of nothing ans yvonne can find a way to Fix any tech problem . USUALLY . sometimes juniper somehow manages to glitch like . a Calculator . so thoroughly that yvonne has deeply truly no fucking idea how this is even possible
i think yvonnes good for calling bullshit when junipers venting and clearly being avoidant . theyr VERY blunt with her which i actually think is good for juniper she needs a friend whos not going to feed into her avoidant behaviors . juniper voice and hes just ): hes just being MEAN hes being si mean to me hes- yvonne voixe oh my god juniper . hes Reasonably Upset . can we reorient
i think yvonne dyes little streaks in junipers hair (: i always picture juniper dirty blonde so its not too hard for yvonne to dye some color in . she usually goes for pink or blue or red but juniper'll branch out sometimes (: juniper offers to help in return but they are SO fucking bad with hairdye . yvonne accepts one time and NEVER AGAIN . its miserable
i think yvonne sometimes gets a little stuck in her emotions thats the vibe they give me . she doesnt mope around a LOT but when they do get in their emotions they tend to have a hard time cheering themselves up after . junipers good at telling them stories and things like that to pick her up out of it and make her feel better (:
i think yvonne braids junipers hair sometimes . theyre not SUPER good at it its more just for something to do with her hands when theyre bored but juniepr appreciates it nevertheless (:(:(:: juniper does VERY tiny little braids in yvonnes short hair in return . little tiny addons
yvonne and marisol go on double dates with juniper and rowan sometimes (: i think they like going as a group they find it fun . its usually closer to just four friends hanging around than two couples happening to be in the same place because they all get along super well (:
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botstar · 3 months
*explodes to your inbox* HIHIHIHI, Karasu Tabito and Alexis Ness duo graphics? (both of them are from Blue Lock btw!) Karasu with a purple theme and Ness with a Pink (or Magenta) theme? pleaseee /nf
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i am soso sorry i cannot find anything of these characters together for the life of me [unless thats not what you meant by. duo graphics but oh well]
besides fanfics but writing is Not Particularly Helpful for a visual medium such as rentry graphics ii am really really sorry :(
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hellogoodbye14 · 3 years
Okay so I totally know Nyx is going to be super possessive and protective over Feyre but CAN YOU IMAGINE how possessive feysands daughter will be over Rhys?!!
Omg its so cute, Imma actually write something. SO HERE WE GO 🙈
Feyre couldn’t help but smile at the sight before her eyes. A sight which was a common occurrence lately, one where the high lord of the night court sat crossed leg on the living room carpet with a princess tiara on his head, letting his little daughter paint his finger nails. From the look of the mess around them, the colour she chose today was blue. A few days ago, Elara had chosen neon pink and Rhys didn’t take it off before his meeting with the other high lords. Helion had laughed so hard, he fell off his chair.
“Da, bwueee!”
“Yes love, its very nice! thank you.”
Feyre was always “darling” and Nyx and Elara were always “love”. Well until Nyx had grown up and demanded another term of endearment from his father, which only pushed his father to use even more ridiculous terms of endearment to embarrass his eldest son. At times it was “love”, “lovely”, “buttercup”, “kiddo”. Sometimes Rhys showed him mercy and called him boyo or bud. At those times Nyx would give a dramatic thankful prayer to the cauldron.
Feyre moved towards the father-daughter duo and her steps gave her away to Rhys who looked up at her and brightened.
“Hello Feyre darling, how was the meeting?”
Feyre rolled her eyes, “you’re still an A-S-S for leaving me to deal with Eris, Amren and Cassian.”
Rhys chuckled, “hey hey I just wanted to stay back and babysit our child. I had no alternative intentions.”
“Hmm sure thing. Nuala suddenly HAD to go get groceries for the house yeah?”
“It was imperative darling.”
Feyre just shook her head and bent down to kiss Elara on her head. Elara finally noticed there was another person and jumped up and down on her little bum in excitement to greet her mother. Feyre offered her own cheek and Elara gave her a kiss.
“Hi sweety”, feyre said as she played with Elara’s curls.
“Mommmy, looook” , Elara said as she showed her fathers painted hands to Feyre.
“It’s beautiful!”
Elara moved on to play with her bat toy which Nyx had gifted her. Feyre sat down next to Rhys and rested her head on his shoulder.
“Rhys it was such a mess. Every other minute someone was threatening the other but at least I finally got Eris and Cassian to map out the perfect location for the new camp in the Autumn court.”
“Yeah? Thats great. Hopefully the female Illyrian legion will encourage the females in Autumn to train as well. You did well as always.”
Feyre smiled at the pride in her mates eyes and leaned up to kiss him. Their sprawled legs were already entwined and Rhys gave her a peck on the nose after the kiss finished and hugged her to him.
Elara however had forgotten her bat toy, she was frowning fiercely at her parents.
“Wow, she’s really perfected that scowl from you huh?”, chuckled Rhys.
“Its insane how much more unnerving hers is”, Feyre laughed.
Elara was not amused, nope. She crawled towards her parents. Kept crawling so that Feyre and Rhys had to separate their legs to make room for her. She crawled in between them and Feyre moved away from Rhys’s embrace to make even more room for her. Once Elara was nearby, she grabbed Rhys’s shirt with her tiny fist to help her stand and then hugged him. She then looked back at Feyre and simply said “miineess”.
Rhys and Feyre roared with laughter. Elara however had made her point and sat on Rhys’s lap, trying to tie a light blue ribbon around his wrist.
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kiilonova · 3 years
monthly faves: april 🌷🌱🌤
ok so @antigojos was posting about this and i love sharing my opinions so im participating <3 (below cut bc its long)
💫kamen rider ooo. its 10 years old and frustratingly good and its changed me as a person forever. im a kazari apologist except for when im an uva apologist.
💫overwatch archives event. its over now but i came back to play it a bunch bc im unfortunately still invested in the lore and i like pve story games
💫jerma stream highlights. -v- you all really made me watch this insane man thinking he was some kind of clown and not a local freak psychologically terrorizing me forever.
💫kamen rider saber. i keep going back and forth on whether i love it or hate it but in the second most recent episode two main characters had gay sex so im willing to forgive some crimes.
💫ASLRochelle. this woman is an angel she has taught me language better than i have been taught anything before and her videos are in the perfect length to learn per day.
💫SAWAYAMA by Rina Sawayama (album). GOD what a good album its so fun to listen to. its definitely got songs id love to dance to when partying is an option again. fave track: XS
💫 That Kid (artist). one of the artists that really got me into hyperpop and adjacent genres. he's a pop star for sure and all his songs are so fun to listen to. fave tracks: kiss & tell, mind your business, boost mobile
💫Misc. songs ive had on repeat: Confess to Me by Disclosure, Hot Pink by Let's Eat Grandma, Rotten Tomatoes by Dubloadz, Slap on the Face by Alice Gas, Plug Me In by Lil Soda Boi
🥧🥤🍓food & drink
💫kitkat duo mint/dark chocolate. i hate to shill for any nestle owned product but i fucking love these green kitkats i grab em by the handful at cvs. its good balance between sweet/rich chocolate and light mint that i can eat the whole thing but still feel like im eating candy
💫homemade iced matcha latte. yes another green food. i make it with cinnamon sugar, perfect drink to overcaffeinate on 😌
💫chobani vanilla yogurt with honey. self explanatory. yogurt with honey is one of the foods that makes me feel like any time in history. i know thats not historically accurate but maybe you should try some with me and understand.
💫mismatched earrings from hot topic. ok before you judge me, i didnt pay for them. i have a rose gold hello kitty set for my right ear and a green/gunmetal cybergoth-inspired set for my left ear. my brand.
💫pink athletic shorts from walmart. idk the brand or anything but theyre very comfortable and they could work as swim shorts if i ever get the chance to swim again lol
💫velvet scrunchies. my sister got a big pack of them from target and gave me some, my favorite are pink, neon green, dark teal, and royal blue.
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gorebabybunny · 4 years
Furby wish list!
Welp, its happened yet again...
I’ve found another thing I want to collect. So, might as well compile this list since tumblr is a pretty big furby hot spot. 
Lets divide this shall we? I’ll be going by generation, most of these are in want to either custom or theme after a character!
These are the original furbies, small, less fluffy, but had a lot of generations that came in its surrounding years. It received no major style changes until 2005, so any furby with this look is called a 1998 furby. In 1999 furbies were banned from the NSA as they could theoretically be used to record information. This is because furbies are an early AI based toy, using now outdated tech to have the toy respond and learn from you.
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1) Red wolf furby 
I want this more just for myself, though I imagine a Tord themed one could be done with it if I change my mind!
Preference: Working... Though a nonworking one would be nice to have if I didn’t plan on modifying. 
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2) Dragon furby
This was the first furby I set my heart on! I want one to make a Sonic the hedgehog custom with. I do not want the fresh new look version! As those ones have a black face and Sonic does not.
Preference: Open to working or nonworking
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3) Racing furby
This is considered a special edition furby! Which means he would be really special! I want to modify one to be a Tom custom! I mean duh, he’s perfect for one!
Preference: I’d love a mute one for him but I doubt thats very possible to find!
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4) Santa furby
like the racing furby, this one is a special edition. I want this one just to have, though I would take that dumb hat off.
Preference: nonworking so he can’t spread holiday cheer thx
The furby babies were actually released 1999 but as stated before, because they have the original furby shape that is how they are referred to. Furby babies are smaller and hvae limited responses/interactions. They also feature more pastel colours. 
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1) Sunny yellow furby baby
Look, I have no clue why but the second I saw this furby I was in love. This would be one to just have and if I modified it would be to add freckles or something. I just... Look at them, theyre a little baby bird!
preference: Working
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2) Pink and blue furby babies
I would either take both or just one of these duo. I think they would make pretty cute twins though. 
preference: Creepy twins? Working please!
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3) Lime green baby furby
I want this one to make an Invader Zim custom with... Cuz he’s baby obviously! He would be pretty heavily modified. MIGHT become a long furby.
These furbies are probably my favorite... Likely as they’re the ones I had as a kiddo. In this generation they had their first total redesign. Features were remodeled but were arguably not as good. They did not have a light sensor and in touch relied totally on touch and sound to communicate. While they responded better to humans, among other furbies this posed a challenge.  
They are also larger than the original furby, had plastic immovable feet and silicon covered mouths. For me, I remember the weird little mouth most fondly. Because the creators were going for a more realistic look, they have a permanently drugged expression. They are also supposedly pretty hard to skin and customize. 
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1) Strawberry swirl 2005
This is by far my favorite furby, something about them look so delicate and sweet, like someone I wanna come home and be comforted by after a bad day. This model is also more pricey than others for some reason.
Preference: Working
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2) Sleepy blue 2005
Something about this furby looks so sweet, I just love him! 
preference: Working
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3) Sleepy pink 2005
NOW! I actually have already gotten this one, it is on its way to me through the mail. I will be turning it into a working Edd furby!
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4) Charcoal 2005
I just,, Love this boy so much, look at his lil ears,, He feeds my dark soul energy
Preference: Working or nonworking I love him all the same
Now these ones are special.
Based off the 2005 furby (as it was released the same year) the 2005 furby baby had a unique look. Their legs were more defined and pose-able. I would say these are the most alien looking of all the furbies. 
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1) Any skinned furby 2005 baby. Any. 
I want a skinned 2005 furby so I can make a Gir custom! I would be hand making the skin into a little costume! This is the only image I could find lol
Preference: I’d be fine with it not working but my world would be made if it was.
2012 FURBIES: 
These furbies were basically the major tech update! At this point they are increasingly less releastic (a sharp contrast from the 2005) and more robot based. This is likely because modern tech had reach a high with children. They can develop a different personality based om how you play with it. They resemble the 1998 body shape but nothing else quite lines up. At this point, the ears are now plastic and their tail has become an interaction point. 
Because these are newer models and can still be bought in some stores, I will not include my preference towards working or nonworking as most should still be active. 
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1) White 2012 (AKA Yeti furby)
I just love this little white fluff! He’s just super cute and soft. 
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2) Black cherry 2012
I want this one for a Tord custom! Though customizing 2012 and ups are difficult.
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3) Festive Sweater furby BOOM
This is technically a separate model but there isn’t much a difference aside from the ears and colours. I love his metallic look though I could care less about the Christmas pattern.
Furby connect is the most recent model of furby as of may 2020. It has bluetooth capabilities and the most language skills. Despite the age gap in products, all furbies can communicate with one another. This model is extremely soft and fluffy... Though it should be noted that they can be hacked into if in direct contact. To make these furbies go to sleep, they have a plastic face mask you insert into their above sensor. These are the most interactive. There LCD eyes are lit up with better graphics than the 2012 and booms.
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1) Blue furby connect
I’m in love with their softness and sweet eyes. He is definitely on the top of my list!
Long furbies are home made furbs with (usually) authentic faces and bodies that are sewn into a long tube like thing. The practice is to actually extend the furby. These can be commissioned by artists but most people make them at home. They often have a plastic skeleton inside. 
I will include one example photo THAT IS NOT MINE but the rest of the images will be the bases I want for the long furbies. 
Typically it is only done with 1998 furbies. 
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1) Blueberry 1998 furby base
I want to turn this into a long furby custom based of Dib from Invader Zim... I would attempt to make it a working model but if thats not possible then a simple plush would do
List of customs from character I want to make that were not listed:
Matt (eddsworld)
As of right now, these are the furbies I want! I will probably add more later... Especially since I’m not quite satisfied on my Tord choice
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interstellarflowers · 5 years
i want you to know | peter parker x reader | chapter one
a/n ok, so this is part one, hope you like it, just a quick disclaimer this deals with some stuff could be a little triggering to some as this series is honestly kind of a slight reflection of some stuff thats happening right now to me sorry like i said though i like to try to harness bad stuff into something productive idk hope you guys like this im so sorry the pronouns aren’t gender neutral shoot me an ask and i can post one with he/him or they/them pronouns too if you’d like
t/w self-destructive tendencies and cursing
a/n part two idk how tf marvel figures age and stuff worked with the snap and whatever so im just going to ignore it too and endgame spoilers ahead also it’s going to seem like there’s a continuity error but i promise it’s not haha, im compelled to believe that the internet people may still refer to pepper as pepper potts sometimes whereas peter has respect and will refer to her as mrs.stark, because she is
i want you to know | chapter one: vast
chapter two | chapter three | chapter four | masterlist
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“(y/n),” Peter looks at you in desperation, “You can’t keep doing this.”
“Please,” You turn back to Peter, “Just leave me alone.”
Peter Parker, years of training together, years of being a team, years of fighting together, trying your best to save everyone...Sometimes trying your best isn’t enough.
How did you end up like this? Why couldn’t you just control yourself? It was your body. It was your mind. It was yours, so why couldn’t you control it? Why did it hate Peter Parker so badly, when you were trying so hard not to. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t bring yourself to look at Peter and feel the same way you used to.
So here you were again, sitting on the edge of the tower, lost. The city was really beautiful at night, well, tragically beautiful. The lights and buildings stood tall in all of their glory, yet the Stark Tower towered above the rest. You could see the tops of all of these extravagant manmade wonders. It made you feel so tall, yet at the same time as if you must be the smallest person in the universe. You looked out into the vast city of many people, and couldn’t help but feel so alone. The buildings were large and were something to be marveled at, all of the lights were wonderous, yet all of these blinding lights blur out the stars. Tragically beautiful.
Being a Stark wasn’t what it was all cracked up to be. Sure, the magazines and media told a story. They told a compelling story. The 21 Questions Interview with Vogue showed an extravagant life and lifestyle, a big house, cutting edge technology, the glory of a superhero, the glory of her Father to ride the coattails of. Seventeen Magazine painted the picture of parties, fame, attractive people...What they failed to notice was the emptiness of the house, how pain and trauma stained every wall. They didn’t mention how the only warmth in computers was their processor. They didn’t tell of the cost that came with being a superhero. There was nothing super about it. How could your life be a party when you were too busy fighting with every drop of life you had in you to protect an entire universe? Sure, there was fame and fortune. Of course, there was, but at what expense?
When your Dad died the internet blew up. You couldn’t escape it, he was everywhere. The curse of fame and fortune was that everybody was aware of it.
“She’ll be fine, she still has Daddy’s money.”
“Lucky, she gets the whole company.”
“Bet you she’s waiting for Potts to drop dead now.”
It was everywhere. Given, it wasn’t everyone, but nobody could ever come to have a complete understanding, they were too blinded. You weren’t a Kardashian, you were a Stark. You weren’t known because you thought you held the universe, you were known because the responsibility of holding an entire universe was thrust upon you.
You didn’t care about the Stark Industries, you didn’t care about the money, you never did. You cared about the man behind it all. The world saw billionaire, playboy, genius, philanthropist. Then they saw a hero, the savior. He was always your hero. The world suffered a great loss, but they didn’t lose their Dad.
Then there was Peter Parker. Peter Parker, high school student with mutant powers, this was easier for people to comprehend, easier to pity. You never cared, it never mattered you just knew he was your partner in crime. You just knew that he was your best friend. Until your Dad died, and Peter was put on a pedestal. It never truly hit you until you saw Peter with a certain pair of sunglasses. You could never let go of that day.
“Where did you get those?” Peter stopped in his tracks and gave you a sad smile,
“Mr.Stark,” Peter took them off and looked at them before putting them back where they were perched on his head, “I thought you knew-I, it was in his will.”
“Oh,” you looked down at your hands, and you knew you shouldn’t but you felt your body tense up and your stomach felt like something vile as you thought of the nondescript cube that your Dad had left for you. It was just something he had on his desk all of the time. You used to play with it all the time when you were a toddler, always snatching it off his desk until he took it away from you and replaced it with a toy car or doll much to your toddler self’s disappointment. Of course, it meant something to you, it was from him, it was his. It just hurt to see him give something with such a great attachment to him to Peter...Peter his trainee, not his daughter.
“Hey, (y/n),” Peter stepped closer to you, “Are you alright? Hey, I know it’s been hard...Are we still doing something later? I could really use the distrac-”
“I’m fine.” You turned on your heel and muttered something about being busy later before retreating to your room.
You wished that that was the last time you would ever feel like that. You wished that you could just bring yourself to be grateful that Peter was back, but you couldn’t, not when he was everywhere. Everyone saying how he was going to be the next Iron Man, and how he was going to be the next Tony Stark. You knew it wasn’t his fault, but it hurt so fucking bad. You hated it. How could people praise your Father the way that they did, and then replace him so quickly? There was no next Tony Stark. There was no new Iron Man. Only Tony Stark was Tony Stark. Only Iron Man was Iron Man. He was irreplaceable, why couldn’t they see that? How could they disregard you and Morgan so quickly?
“Let’s go inside (y/n),” Peter called you again, he didn’t know how to listen, did he?
You didn’t respond.
“(y/n), please,” Peter has this worn out expression on his face, he’s tired, he’s burnt out, “It’s late.”
You turn to face him,
“Then go home, Parker.”
“You know I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Mrs.Stark is worried.”
“...I know.”
“If you know she’s worried then why don’t you come with me?” Peter moves closer and takes a seat next to you. An uninvited guest.
“Don’t you have someone at home Parker?”
“Aunt May?” Peter chuckles a little, taking off his mask and scratching the back of his head, “Oh, she’s alright, she’s got Happy.”
“Nearly forgot about that.”
“Lucky.” Peter looked over at you and laughed, “Wish I forgot.” You shrug,
“It’s good to know that someone’s happy.”
“Happy? Happy? Get it?” You didn’t laugh. Peter’s face faded into a frown and he looked down at the city, “I miss him too, y’ know…”
“I know you do Peter.”
Your heart ached. It ached for your Dad. Peter knew him, but Peter didn’t lose a Dad, not this time. You lost your Dad. No matter how much people perceived Peter as Tony Stark’s honorary son, it didn’t change that Tony Stark had a kid far before Peter. It didn’t change that he was your Dad and that a large piece of you died when he did. Nobody could replace Iron Man, but you were his iron daughter. You had to grow up being iron. You had to harden yourself, be prepared for anything. You weren’t prepared to lose your Dad.
It was late, the city was vast. Peter Parker sat right next to you, but the distance between you and him was even more vast than that of the city. Sometimes you wondered why you allowed yourself to separate so far from him, why you didn’t just ignore how much you hurt around him. Sometimes you wished that you didn’t, but nothing seemed to fit. Nothing would mend whether you forced yourself to be around Peter or not.
The night dragged on and Peter stayed right next to you until sunrise. The worst part was that it was not an awkward silence. It was so familiar, and there’s something so harsh about that. They say that misery loves company, but you just wanted to be alone, but love was often misleading anyways. Did misery love company, or the idea of company?
The whole night you had three thoughts on your mind. Peter Parker, Tony Stark, and why you and Peter Parker couldn’t save everyone. A dream team in the newspaper talked about by millions, a speculated romance in teen magazines, a teenage heartthrob duo. If the team was so unbeatable, why couldn’t you save everyone? Why couldn’t you save your Dad? What about Aunt Nat? It was too much to handle alone, but it was the only way to handle it...alone.
You stared at the sunrise, the orange and pink colliding into the blue to make a beautiful lavender. The sky was too happy for a world that has lost too much.
“Do you see that (y/n)?”  You brought yourself to look at Peter for the first time the whole night.
Nutmeg hair that fell on his forehead like how waves crashed on the shore. Chocolate eyes that resembled that of a puppy. Broad shoulders, strong arms...He was still Peter Parker, he was the same Peter Parker you once admired. You hated yourself for resenting Peter, but you couldn’t bring yourself not to.
You nod in response.
“The world still turns.”
“It shouldn’t.”
“It should. It lets us know we’re still here,” Peter gets up, “I’ve got to get going, school...Are you coming back?” He puts his hand out for you, you don’t take it.
He asks this question nearly every day, ‘school?’ Too daunting. You had already decided that online education would be fine for you, until college at least, but that was later, this was now.
You shook your head in response. Peter nodded sheepishly before swinging away from building to building.
Now you had work to get done.
a/n thank you so so much for reading i really hope you liked it, requests are always open and if you want to be added to a tag list just comment it/drop it in my ask box
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caandlelit · 5 years
Tbh I always loved you dabihawks AUs and was wondering if you could do more some time? (*Whisper chanting* Pjo au pjo au pjo au)
..how did u know i liked pjo ??? thats supposed to be a secret
but alright jshsj ok yeah like i havnt been thinking about it for ages
edit: i lost this so so so many fuckin times,,, but here goes. im so sorry its this late anon ive had a fucking shitty few months rip i hope to god you see this
dabi would be a legacy of apollo and vulcan, the roman version of hephaestus, on one side, and khione on the other
and endeavor, his dad, who thinks hes so great cause hes a legacy of apollo and vulcun, married rei, daughter of khione,,so that his legacies have fire and ice
dabi has this weird fuckin blue fire
apollo kids dont have fire but because of his vulcan he has fire, and its even stronger bc of apollo, therefore blue
he and fuyumi are twins
she has ice
genes fucked up and gave him fire despite their bodies being built for wach others quirks
and he can withstand cold temperatures
and constantly wishes he had ice instead so he wouldnt keep destroying his body trying to adjust to his powers especially cause his father made him use them at an early age
shouto is ice and fire, and natsuo is the healer, hes strong, plus a few seer abilities
this also fits in with my hc that natsu is a docter!! so like
thanks vulcan
but mostly apollo, for being so over achieving. your efforts are appreciated
nothing compared to hermes tho i dare u to google what hes the god of
hawks is a fuckinsksjlsksk
a fuckin
ur not ready
half harpy half hermes kid
everyone asks 'duuude why did ur dad fuck a harpy what was he oN'
'uhh, obviously for the wings it'd eventually give me- i dont fUCKIN know man, can yall stop asking'
so hawks has red wings and likes chicken nuggets and considers his dad a huge asshole
'met the guy once, and once was enough'
he was born out of a drunken one night stand (fuck you hermes) and his mom, a harpy who doesnt really care, leaves him soon after she gets bored
hes soon found and picked up by rumi and ruyuuku, half blood duo extraordinare and they eventually find their way to camp
and hes way better at camp, grows up from a hobo chicken to a ray of sunshine
he learns to be good with people and he brushes off any bullying with jokes about himself and gains respect for being such a chill guy
so social skills and diplomacy!!
plus hes good at memorizing things, thanks to the harpy genes
also pretty loud, thanks to the harpy genes
plus, he has wINGS
so,,, wings + hermes kid + all these characteristics = a messenger for the two camps basically sent by the gods
hes the middleman between the two camps as soon as hes old enough to get taxis and can fly well enough travel across longer distances
they meet cause hawks had to go deliver some message to the praetor of the roman camp
and hes stopped by the river where percy met frank and hazel in the books
idk the name its been a while fuck off
by a demigod guard on duty
hes about to fly across
when someone yells
what the fuck
hawks looks around, flapping his wings in confusion
okay, woW, now hawks is confused out of his mind and pink with annoyance, what the fuck
oh oops right why would there be someone in the air
hawks looks down sheepishly
theres a roman guard, looking to be about his age, 16 or so, completely ignoring his job and apparently tossing pebbles at the river a few feet away, from the piles hawks can vaguely see scattered around him
he sees him cup his hands around his mouth and shout
okay okay calm your tits
hawks flies down to the guy and lands and hes v confused ok
but the guard guy is way more interesting up close than he was from the sky
hes not wearing his helmet, taller than hawks, his hair a messy jet black, his eyes bright blue and his smile lazy but really cute
and sue him or whatever okay but,,
hawks is a sucker for blue eyes
and then hes being teased
"what were you lookin around for?"
hawks' feathers puff up in indignation and he kicks him in the shin
'shut up asshole, i came down didnt i. what do u want'
the guy laughs
"i just wanted to see your wings, your feathers are fuckin dope"
hawks is kind of endeared at this point, is this guy for real
he offers hawks a pebble and goes
"u wanna try?"
hawks stares
then he shrugs internally, cause why the fuck not, hes here all week why not make a friend while hes at it
he takes the pebble and their fingers brush and its all so cliche
hawks tosses the pebble and then hes being laughed at and taught how to throw pebbles
and they hang out getting to know each other for a solid few hours until someone comes to see why the fuck the messenger guy isnt here yet
aka shigaraki
who drags himself down to the river to see dabi fucking around with the pidgeon guy and he sighs
drags a waving, beaming hawks to the camp while dabi grins wide and waves back
then theyre talking all the time and hawks is making up excuses to fly over at least once a month and dabi is using all the drachma endeavor has to call hawks,
"its for a good cause"
and endeavor hates it because hes a greek hating dick
he thinks the camps shouldnt interact
when dabi discovers this hes fuckin delighted
"fuckin lit, a new way to piss him off!!"
*dabi voice* ive been thinking about that exchange program, maybe i should make the switch!
*constipated endeavor noises*
endeavor is old enough to be respected by a small few, and old enough for most people to wonder why the fuck he isnt dead yet
they eventually go on their first quest together
no one wants to go with them because no one is willing to thirdwheel
shigarakis actual answer was "are you kidding me id rather die"
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anyhao-archived · 5 years
9 member boy group
debut song: DUNK IT!
debut album: welcome to 1nderland
mattie (16)
dancer, vocal, maknae, ‘02 line
energetic & hyper; cute & charismatic
still in school + incredibly short but still growing
drama queen & loves bothering RBF a lot
doesn’t speak any english despite his english (stage) name
the main advocate to get a cat. when they go to the shelter he doesn’t even bother going in the dog section. he goes straight to the cats and is literally the epitome of the “pls mom can we get him :(((” cliche while showing a cat to the CEO
he likes to joke that his only skill is cooking pizza rolls to absolute perfection. everyone knows that is a LIE but its funny so.
nathaniel (16)
dancer, rapper, speaks basic spanish, ‘02 line
mischief twin with mattie (though nathaniel’s a little eviler, and less hyper) the other members can’t leave them alone for a minute (like that 1 scene in community where the guy goes to get the pizza and a minute later the apartment is on fire) -- yeah.
calls the CEO “mom” jokingly until he slips up and means it
dropped out of school but getting his GED slowly. takes online classes and jack +suhyun help him
the first to volunteer for brightly colored hair (he gets the bright blue that vav’s ace had in dance with me)
suhyun (18)
vocal, composer, can play piano and guitar, born in 2000
soft, sweet and polite boy. well liked by everyone
he gives off the impression of being shy and quiet but he’s really not. he just waits for the right moment to roast someone. its not that he’s shy he just. really doesnt have much to say. when he does, though, everyone listens to him. more often than not its a quip at another member
speaks english pretty well, almost fluent
literal aegyo king. he looks so soft and sweet he’s already cute, but when he does puppy eyes and asks jaeyong/the CEO for something they immediately give in to him. he uses it for bad & selfish reasons, and refuses to do it on command (like on shows)
self proclaimed fashionista, gets irritated with the members when they purposely dress bad
the second to volunteer for colored hair (gets a dark red/burgundy)
haeyoung (19)
power vocal, dancer, 2nd leader, born in 1999
helps jack with choreographing
drama queen (part 2) always tries to one up mattie
even despite the rivalry to be dramatic, he LOVES mattie. he loves all the younger members, which is why he’s elected as 2nd leader -- to be an advocate for the younger members who sometimes perhaps don’t have the courage to complain to the hyungs
he loves dogs but animals don’t seem to like him. 
one day he gets fed up with being ignored by daisy and dramatically falls to the ground in the practice room floor and whines about daisy hating him. one of the members kick him to get up but he refuses. daisy slowly comes over, as if sensing his distress, and licks him on his face.
to this DAY he maintains that he did not cry, the members are all slandering him! from then on, though, daisy sleeps on haeyoung’s bottom bunk bed with him
he’s recently got his driver’s license but no one likes to be in the car with him. he’s literally a mess and no ones sure how he got the license
he followed the hair color trend: a light, cotton candy pink color
he LOVES SPARKLES!!!! always asks for sparkles in his makeup. his aegyo skill is second only to suhyun. haeyoung always just. GOES for it. he’s less pleading and more cutesy high voice pitch. half the members cringe, and half of them love it. the one who seems to enjoy it the most though is jaeyong, surprisingly.
minchan (20)
vocal, dancer, and visual, ‘98 line
dumb and dumber with wooyoung. (minchan is the dumber) literally never knows what’s going on. tends to get lost, and if wooyoung is there, wooyoung’s lost too. jaeyong finds them and drags them back by their collars
though he’s mainly a vocal, he’s a wonderful dancer, too. he’s got (some) background in ballet, which makes his dancing perfect for this group
an amazing artist and incredibly creative. he designs their album designs and helps with photography. he’s also incredible at makeup and loves to do members’ makeup. sometimes he teams up with suhyun to give a full makeover to one of the members -- makeup, hair, outfit, etc. their victim is usually haeyoung or jack.
a dog person, came up with daisy’s name
he’s got light brown hair, and he makes sure to make it fluffy every day
he prides himself on learning certain niche skills. he’s first aid and cpr certified. he can also knit! he’s also the best cook in the dorm (not the only one, but certainly the best)
wooyoung (20)
dancer, rapper, knows basic english, ‘98 line
loves dogs & is best friends with minchan. he’s the dumb portion of the dumb & dumber duo, even though both of them really aren’t idiots
HIMBO!!! like he is kind of dumb (in a good way at least) and he’s the one who posts the most selfies. he enjoys stripping and ripping off his shirt
he likes to edit videos, and learns how to compose from suhyun. he’s the one members go to if they’re having tech issues.
somehow, he is a technology nerd but also a gym rat?? he’s THAT GUY who takes gym selfies and meanwhile jaeyong’s in the background with his shirt off lmao
he’s the actor of the group. if there’s an offer to be in a drama or whatever he’d be the first to be picked
also has background in dance! more street style though, like pop/locking or bboying. when he and minchan work together their dancing is beautiful. almost like art in its own form
BJ -- aka: RBF (21)
stable vocal, dancer, face of the group, ‘97 line
doesn’t like to be touched
dramatic, but not drama queen type. more like draping himself over pieces of furniture in silk outfits while there’s candles barely lighting the old room
has black hair that needs a trim, always wearing black clothes, bracelets, etc. (like the cliche emo in middle school in 2009)
what a fucking MESS! he’s always cheating during games and refusing to move/work out more than strictly necessary. 
his stage name is literally BJ (their CEO thought it was funny, and he was always like ??? until jack told him what that means in English LOL and he’s SO SCANDALZIED! he’s that member who does a solo interview while the rest are off fuckin’ around. he does an entire vlive for this one rant. hes like, hey guys. now i know why you all laughed when i was introduced. jack told me what bj means in english! so im gonna change my stage name. i like the idea of letters. what do you guys think of rbf?’
‘you know what that stands for, too, right?’
of course! resting bitch face! don’t you think that suits me? nd thats how he goes from bj to rbf. their ceo thinks rbf is hilarious, too
he seems aloof but he actually has a lot of emotions. he tends to rant about anything, and jack’s the only one who rly listens to him.
he’s closest with suhyun, bc hes the only member who seems to understand him more than at a surface level. basically they’re a yin/yang type of friends
is very happy with his appearance. he likes being that dancer with swaying hips and lifting his shirt up. sexy dance! 
jack (21)
rapper, fluent in english, choreographer, ‘97 line
closest with jaeyong (they were together at a different company before)
quiet, responsible, and well liked
makes sure all members are heard and understood. he also teaches them english (especially mattie)
basically: hes the long suffering mother type and lives in the bedroom with mattie and nathaniel to watch over the mischief twins
probably the most intelligent but doesnt act like it. kind of a nerd and wears glasses, but he’s ... well built. looks good. hes basically the “hot nerd” with flannel and beanies cliche
his only downfall is he’s extremely unlucky. everything he touches breaks or falls apart lmao. like, he’s the tallest member and gives off ‘rough’ vibes but. he’s constantly tripping, or falling down stairs. however the members know better than to laugh at him lol they’ve seen him angry.
‘im not angry. im just disappointed’ the rest of the group: WE ALL KNOW THATS WORSE!
maknae line (mattie, nathaniel, and suhyun) are constantly following him around like little ducklings. it comes natural to mattie and nathaniel, and suhyun just enjoys being there lol
jaeyong (23)
leader, eldest, main rapper, born in 1995
he’s got experience in the industry and leads the rest of the group with that knowledge. he debuted briefly at the previous company but disbanded early. he left the company with jack and now they’re in the new one.
main driver!! he drives all the members everywhere and its an ongoing joke that hes a chauffeur. however he’s got... a little bit of road rage lmao
GYM RAT! he’s jacked!!! he rarely shows his abs though, preferring to tease fans lmao however wooyoung keeps taking pics of him when he’s shirtless in the gym (both on purpose and on accident)
he’s also a bit cliche. if jack was long suffering mom(TM) then he’s the slightly detached but well meaning father(TM) ! not afraid to call out his members, but listens with an open mind. he’s a great mediator if there’s any issues within the group
though jaeyong is the leader, jack tends to be the one herding all the kids and making sure they eat. jaeyong is more about pep talks and being strong, giving great speeches, etc. 
even though he seems like he’d be rough around the edges, he’s incredibly loving. in multiple ways. he teases, he rough houses, LOVES hugging the members until they cant breathe. he’s... also very susceptible to aegyo. like he cant help but be swayed. he will never admit it but haeyoung and suhyun’s aeygo make his heart race
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 2]
Lost and confused on this here day? Start from the WAAAY beginning!
Chapter 1: It is Wednesday My Dudes.
Howdy! I guess I should introduce myself? Oof UMMMMMM, the names Lili Perla Iida! I’m 15 years old, about to turn 16, and I’m the oldest of 4 kids. Being big sis feels as natural as the wind in my hair as I pirouette. Speaking of dancing, it’s a Saturday morning, that means I have to get my ass in 5th gear for my private dance lessons. My favorite days are the ones where I get to dance and cause havoc with my siblings! I guess I should head downstairs for breakfast before that robo doggy yips at me for still being in my room.
“Buenos dias mija!” thats my mom, she’s the one bitch I respect the most.
“Good mornin” I greet everyone at the breakfast nook “what’s for breakfast?”
“Spam and eggs with toast” that’s my dad at the stove, I love him but he’s putting too much pressure on me to follow his footsteps. “Here’s your coffee.”
“Oh FUCK yea!” I holler as I jump into my spot at the nook. There’s nothing more I love than some egg and toast with my iced coffee.
“I’m hungies! Please just gimme one toast!” thats my younger brother Iwata, but I call him Iwee or Iwa, don’t tell the other two but he’s my favorite sibling. He’s the one that schemes and I say if that’s doable or not.
“DADDY! Tensei is teleporting my forkfuls into his mouth!”
“MOMMY! Hanaka set my toast on fire!” those two brats are my twin siblings, Hanaka and Tensei but I call them by their middle names, Rosa and Oro. Rosa is half-way decent to be around, so I share a room with her. Oro is a punk ass bitch in the making but I can’t hate him too much, he’s an intellectual.
“Can’t we go one breakfast without something catching on fire?” I rolled my eyes as I got served “thanks dad.”
“Nope, fuck you” Rosa stuck her tongue out “TENSEI STOP!”
“Hanaka! What did we say about tongues?” scolded dad “your family isn’t fire proof!” he turned to Oro “and what did we say about pestering your sister?”
“I shouldn’t play with fire unless I wish to get burned” the boy pouted and crossed his arms “but Iwa and I are hungies!”
“Here’s your plates” dad slid the food in front of the two boys “no more yelling or I’m taking away toast privileges!”
“NOOO THAT’S NOT FAIR!” we whined, you can take away our freedom but us Iida kids will be DAMNED if the sanctity of toast in the morning gets taken away.
“Oh shit, listen to your father” mom jeered as dad sat next to her “oh Lili, don’t forget about applications for entrance exams.”
“I still don’t know where to consider” I sigh as I butter my toast “like, I get that theres privates that have scouted me to go to their’s but I just wanna go to a dance school.”
“Sweet heart, you know we can’t just send you off overseas so young!” mom spoke with a hint of worry “besides, you still have private lessons at the institute until you turn 18! I won’t let you go off without the things you love to do.”
“You can always apply to UA” dad spoke up as he cut his spam “with the recommendations we can give, you don’t have to take the entrance exam.”
“Ugh, I can’t dance if I’m going to a hero school” I huffed “I don’t wanna go to your pompous alma mater dad. No offense mom.”
“None taken, not even I wanted to be there” mom responded so casually.
Dad gave her a side glance “May I remind you on who you met in said pompous school that helped build this family?”
“May I remind you on who was too much of a little bitch to tell me they liked me at said pompous school even though we saw each other basically everyday” she sipped her coffee loudly, marking her win.
“Oof I felt that roast in my DNA” Iwa hit the whoa “that shit hurted, F in the chat for Dad’s pride.
“F” chanted everyone but dad.
After breakfast, I grab my duffle bag and make my way to town.
“Good morning Lili!” thats my aunty Mimi, her and my mom are besties “say good morning Nikita.”
“Guden Morgen Lili!” that’s Nikita, Mimi’s daughter. She’s just a year younger than my twin siblings and today they have a little playdate as my mom and Mimi go to work.
“Mornin’! See y’all later!” I wave them off.
“Oh Lili! Good Morning!” that’s my uncle Jin, he lives next door to us and is besties with my mom and Mimi. For someone that doesn’t have kids, he sure does know how to care for them.
“Mornin’! Are you driving today?”
“Yep, can’t let the media know your mom’s car needs detailing!” he joked as he waved me off.
The dance institute I attend is in the same town we live in and just a 20 min walk from the gated community we live in. Well, 20 minutes for me because I walk kinda fast because of the engines on my feet. Dumb location for the quirk but it does help me when I dance.
“Ah Lili! There you are!” cried out my dance teacher as I walked in “can you lend me a hand in costuming? We need re-adjustments for a few costumes for the level 3s.”
“Of course I’ll help, be right there in a jiffy!” I rush into the costuming room, my second home at times! The lord has blessed me with a second quirk, Master Thread, and I like it more than my other one. It’s not dumb and super useful! I heard that there was once a pro-hero that had the same quirk and my parents knew him before his retirement. My mom says that she interned under his agency and he favored her for her Copy quirk. How cool is it that?! But hero stuff ain’t for me, I just wanna look pretty and dance for the masses. Maybe one day make elaborate ballet costumes, I already make my own at home to practice my quirk. How lucky am I to have such supportive parents?! After I finish the adjustments, I quickly put on my pointe shoes to do a practice run of our summer showcase. As much as I work well with the others in my class, I’m not friends with any of them and I don’t blame them. The instructors show me too much favoritism and even I’d hate me for hogging the attention.
“Lili! Marvelous work!” one of the instructors praised “how about we make you a solo act for this season finale?!”
“Me?! On such short notice?!”
“Yea! I thought I was going to do a solo act?!” huffed one of the girls on stage.
“Yes, you and Lili are going to be solos” they responded “we need to fill out time for our show and I know Lili can give quite a show.”
I looked around to my dance-mates and they all rolled their eyes “I mean, sure but I don’t know how good I can make a solo act in a month and a half!”
“Great!” they clapped “okay, from the top! We need to work on those jumps!”
As usual, nobody bids me good bye at the end of class. I’ve known most of them since I started there at age 5 and they don’t give me the decency to say hello or good bye! It sucks but I didn’t join to make friends. I walk through the streets to get to the fabric store I frequent, you’ll often catch me here after school or practice.
“Lili! Hey!” that’s Maru, he’s son of the number 1 hero, Deku. Our parents are friends and his dad owes his life to my mom because of her quick thinking that saved him back during the UA days. So I guess Maru is my friend?
“Oh sup Maru” I stopped walking as he ran toward me “what brings you around these here parts?”
“I was just looking at some of those shops” he points down the street “theres always cool stuff around here.”
“Yea there is, anyways, wanna join me?” I get giddy “I heading into the fabric store and I need some opinions.”
“I’m your guy!” he joins me as I fully geek out over the new satins.
“Okay so which one? The candy blue” I hover the bolt over my chest “the pearlescent one OR this blush pink?”
“I’m torn between the pearl and pink one” he mutters to himself “what are you trying to make?”
“Another costume, I got a solo act but I have yet to come up with something.”
“Oh that’s not fair! Isn’t the showcase in a few weeks?”
“THAT’S WHAT I SAID!” I groaned “I need so much help Maru! Plus I have to get started on applications and it’s all just a mess.”
“Well, if you ask me” he gets up and walks up to Lili “I think you should get both these satins and I know you’ll come up with something amazing! You’re really good at being graceful” he does a shakey spin “see? And why don’t you apply to UA? So that way we could go to school together!”
“Thank you for your kind words but I’m not going to hero school” I turned to put the blue satin back in the rack “I wanna wear pretty dresses and dance, not kick villain ass!”
“But think about it!” He picked up the two bolts of satin “how cool we’d be as a duo! I’d kick villain ass and you wrap them up to detain them!” he walked up to her “I’d be much braver with you by my side.”
“Be serious!” I laughed as I playfully pushed him “it’s not playtime, it’s hero work! Plus you gotta make your parents proud.”
“But I am serious” he retorted “I want to fight along side you, I want to do lots of things along side you. We’ve been friends since you were born!”
“And? That doesn’t mean you can’t live without me!” I look through the decals section “But you’re already doing great over there.”
I make my purchase and Maru walks me to the front gate before parting ways. What to do? The days just whoosh on by and I don’t have much to go off on. I submit applications to some private high schools that have dance programs but dad keeps insisting that I apply to UA. He had the audacity to give me a physical copy of the application! Apparently hero school apps are due much later than the other schools, for UA it’s October and it’s end of June right now. More time passes and I got a piece together for the showcase along with costume. At this point, I’m just counting the days until I get a response from those other schools I applied to.
-Night of the Summer Showcase-
What a night to be alive and pretty! My costume got the eyes of many that they didn’t notice my tiny fumbles. Another success in my books! My family came out to see me and so did Maru. After, I met up with my parents and Maru also came up to us.
“Amazing show Lili” he hands me a large bouquet of flowers “these are for you!”
“Oh you didn’t have to get me flowers” I was astounded by the mass of pink roses and lilies “but I’m glad you enjoyed the show!”
“I loved your floating spins and the thing at the end when you revealed the satin costume!” he imitated some of my moves “oh um, is it cool if we go for a little walk?”
“Oh sure let me just give these to my mom” I turn to my mom “I’m going for a walk, catch up with yall later.”
“Don’t wander too far! It’s dark out” dad chopped as I turned.
We walk to the garden area to the side of the performance hall “it’s a nice summer night.” commented Maru “the sky is clear too.”
“It is” I smile as I look up “I hardly get the time to look at the sky anymore, I loved star-gazing as a child.”
“Lets star-gaze over there!” Maru pointed to an open patch of grass. We lay on our backs and point at our made up constellations. “You know, I really enjoy your company Lili. You make things so much fun.”
“Thanks I guess?” I really didn’t know how to take that compliment.
“It’s a good thing” he laughed and turned his body on his side, toward me “I’ve been thinking about what you said about just wanting to look pretty and dance. Well, what if I figured out something?”
“What did you figure out?” I was genuinely confused because I don’t remember there being a problem with me wanting that.
“I figured out how you can dance and be pretty with always being by my side” he smiled “we just, get married.”
A record scratched in my head, did this foo just say get married? “Um, what?”
“I know that was a bold thing to say but I was giving it some thought” he explained himself “I like you a lot Lili, I want to be someone you can depend on and I can be someone that supports you in everything you want to do. I’ll be the breadwinner and you can do your thing and not have to work as hard.”
“But I don’t JUST want to be pretty and dance” I butted in “I want to work too! Professional Dancer is a legit career plus I want to go to college” I was starting to think I’m missing the point here “why are you suddenly talking about this?”
“I’m saying that I like you, more than a friend” he meekly spoke “and I want to be a man you can be proud of. You make me feel like I could do anything! Won’t you be my girlfriend?”
My mind was racing but going dumber, how do I tell him that he’s making a mistake without saying it word for word? “Maru, I didn’t know you felt that way!” I scrunched my face “I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s okay, take your time!” he leaned in closer to my face, softening his voice “maybe I should show you how serious I am.” This bitch fully kissed me on the lips, my first kiss and I didn’t feel the sparks or flutters in my tummy. I felt...nothing.
“Huh” I said after he broke the kiss “well uhhhhhh oof um” I stood up “I’ll be talking to ya later” I do finger guns and bolt to the parking lot.
“Wait Lili!” he tried to catch up to me.
“TEXT ME WHEN YOU GET HOME!” I yell before locating my parents “MOM! por favor start the car!” I get in and everyone picked up that I was not okay and something happened but needed some time to sort out my thoughts. Once we got home, I took a shower and slumped in my fuzzy chair in the dark.
There was a knock at my door “Hey, you wanna eat some hot chips with me?” it was Iwa.
“Sure” I open the door to let him in.
“What’s the deal with you? Everything was cool until you started running” he popped open a party size bag of hot cheetos con limon.
“Ugh it’s Maru” I grab a few cheetos “he out of nowhere just confessed and kissed me.”
“Oh shit!”
“Right?! And I feel a little fucked up” I crunched on a cheeto “because I feel like he could do better and when he kissed me, I felt nothing. And that was my first kiss, from my childhood friend!” I put my handful of cheetos in my mouth “I wanted to feel those good feelings but I didn’t. Does that make me a bad person?”
“Dang Lili, from how I see it” he licked the cheeto dust from his thumb “it’s a sign that he’s wrong and you aren’t the one for him” he gestured to the ceiling “the universe isn’t telling you to kiss every boy but just that it’s okay not to reciprocate feelings to somebody else. Your feelings are valid and you’re the baddest bitch here.”
I started to feel a lot better after talking to Iwa. I eventually told my mom and she said basically the same thing. I am confident to say that I am not in love with my friend and I don’t need their validation. Of course I didn’t get a chance to tell Maru since it’s summer and he’s busy with school. In some weird twist of fate, I got rejected by all these schools I applied to. I wasn’t upset, just questioning if this is the universe trying to tell me something.
“You okay sis?” carefully asked Rosa “you don’t look too hot.”
“I don’t know what to do” I spoke up from my desk “nothing but rejection letters and I’m not worried about school or where I go, but what’s wrong with having me as a student?”
“Hmmm, well I know daddy wants you to go to that school” she points at the blank UA application on my desk “and you want to go to a dance academy...por que no los dos? You can go to dance academy for college and go to hero school BUT only to spite dad.”
“Rosa, you’re a genius!” I praised her “who says you have bad ideas?!”
“I know I’m right” Rosa gives a power stance “I’m the powerhouse of the cell!”
And I did just that, I applied and got an invite almost immediately to take the entrance exam in early November. That gave me almost 2 months to train, plenty of time! I tried to hide this from my dad but the word slipped and he was too happy to take me to the exam and help me train. Don’t even get me started on that whole side of the family, uncle Tensei started crying, grandma and grandpa wouldn’t shut up on how the family is going to be full of heroes. All the while, I was trying to break the news that I wasn’t going to be returning for the advanced level courses of dance. All the instructors were sad to the point of begging, everyone else was happy that I was leaving. 
-Day of exam-
“You have everything you need?” Dad asked me for the 5th time since we got in the car “we still have time to-”
“YES DAD! FUCK!” he was stressing me out “I’m ready to take this test, stop worrying.”
He sighed “You remind me so much of your mother when we were at UA” he smiled at the thought “she’d snap at me too when I was being overbearing, but I did it because I loved her and wanted her to succeed.”
“Well, what’s one thing she couldn’t leave without?”
“She didn’t feel right unless she hugged me goodbye” he chuckled “even something so simple made my heart race.” He pulls up to the front of the massive front gate of UA “we’re here, do your best! I believe in you.”
“Thanks dad” I take a deep breath “I’ll call you later.”
I walk in the place and I don’t see anyone familiar, just a bunch of students from public schools and other privates. I took a written exam, then came the infamous physical portion. My dad and his hero friends were telling me that it’s one of the toughest entrance exams in the nation, but I wasn’t afraid, just oddly excited! I do my stretches, just minding my business, when I get some crude comments.
“Excuse me but the dance auditions are that way” said some boy condescendingly “why don’t you take your little pink shoes and get out of here before the big scary robots crush you?”
I squinted at them as the group of boys behind them laughed “Excuse me but aren’t the weak little bitches auditions that way?” I stood up to show that I tower him in height “I’m in the right place little man.”
“Lets get to the gates dude, she’s scary”
Everyone was summoned to the start gate and I had a feeling that somebody was watching me. Not like a camera watching me but like somebody near me was looking at me. I looked around but didn’t see anybody familiar or staring at me, it didn’t matter once the siren wailed to start the exam. I was kicking mecha ass with some fancy moves thrown in and when I thought I was going to end the exam on a good note, I hear somebody cry out for help. I rushed over and saw someone had their arm and leg trapped under a mecha, with the added panic of the 0 point big boy mecha dangerously close. I wasn’t going to leave them there, so I gave my all to lift the mecha off them. I couldn’t even lift the thing an inch off them! I had to get creative and used my 2nd quirk to lift the mecha off. I did it and pulled them out to make a run for the safety line.
“It’s no use, just leave me here” said the trapped person “I can’t walk.”
“I’m not giving up on you! I don’t care if I fail this exam” I unraveled my sports jacket, shirt and the ribbons in my hair to fasten them to me “hold on tight! We’re going airborne!”
I use the last of my energy to blast us into the air in a wide arch to barely avoid the mecha crushing us. Of course I didn’t have a back up plan and we crash landed in the safety zone, on top of other students.
“Owchies” I groaned “is everyone okay? Sorry about that! I didn’t have a landing plan.”
The nurse runs over “WAH! Miss Iida?! You caused this mess?!”
“Heh ummm yea” I shamefully admitted “sorry Miss Eri, I couldn’t let this student get crushed by the big boy mecha.”
“Lets get you two in the stretcher, come on” she sighed in disbelief “and I’ll be telling your parents young lady!”
“Aww wack!” I pouted as robot helpers put me in the stretcher. I looked over to see the other person in the stretcher next to me “are you alright?”
“I’ll be okay know” they smiled at me “thank you so much for not giving up on me.”
“No problem! I’m Lili by the way.”
Before they could tell me their name, they were hauled away for intensive care. It was fair, they did get injured far worse than me, I walked away with just some gnarly bruises and a scraped shoulder. I didn’t see them after and I really wanted to know their name because they looked oddly familiar. My parents were worried about my injuries as I tend to heal slower. It was winter vacation, usually I’d be excited to be in the holiday mood but I was just waiting in anxiety for my letter. Come the last day of December, I got my acceptance letter! The amount of relief I got from it all was amazing, according to the letter, I scored the most rescue points. Making me at the top of the scoreboard along with some others, so I’m in Hero class A, just like dad and mom. My dad fussed over me the most in the weeks leading to the first day of school.
-Morning of the first day-
“Wake up Wake up Wake up!” yipped the robo dog as they bust into my room “it’s the first day of classes Lili and Hanaka! Please get dressed and hurry down for breakfast.”
“Hnnn it’s 7 in the god foresaken morning!” I groaned as I rubbed my eyes “welp, come on Rosa or the boys are going to beat us to the sinks.”
“Hn! 5 more minutes” she tossed in her bed “Tensei is gonna teleport us to school, you have to ride with daddy.”
“Don’t remind me you brat!” I threw my pillow at her “whatever, just don’t melt the shampoo bottles.”
“Fuck you!”
I quickly take my shower and got dressed in my new uniform to greet my parents. They fawn over how much I look like them when they went to UA, mom told me the story of how she got confused for a boy on the 1st day because her ass was too big for the skirts that they had to be tailor made! I got a good laugh out of that and it made me feel better about starting my school day. I kiss them goodbye and got in the car with dad.
“Excited Lili?”
“Yea, I mostly want to see if that person I rescued made it in” I could hardly sit still in the passenger side “the rush I got from them thanking me had me feeling alive.”
“I hope they did! Sounds like you made a friend if they did.”
“I also wonder who’s the homeroom teacher!” I said as we slowed at the last stoplight before school “since it’s not Eraserhead anymore, I hope it’s one of your friends or some other notable alumni.”
“That’s a good question” Dad pondered “you have to let me and your mother know when you get home” he stops at the same place as last time “here’s your stop, have fun and make friends!”
“Okay dad” I took in a calming breath “I’ll see you later!”
To think my parents walked through the same doors, not knowing that they were going to end up like this? Now their daughter... I hope I’ll find my soulmate here too. I have a soft spot for the love my parents have for each other, you can just tell that they’ve been working on their love since before they actually started dating. I often catch them making out, give loving embraces after a hard day and care for each other in different ways. I want to be loved as hard as my dad loves my mom.
“Lili? Is that you?!” Maru’s voice broke my train of thought.
“Huh? Oh, Maru! Hi!”
“Hey! You made it in!” he gave me a tight hug and twirled “welcome to UA! If you want, I have time to walk you to class.”
“Oh sure” he puts me down “do you know where room 1-A is?”
“Sure do! It’s down over here” he leads me to the hero wing “wow A class huh? I thought the hero stuff wasn’t for you?”
“I thought so too” I shrugged “guess I just had to try and see for myself.”
“If you’re not busy at lunch, we can eat together too.”
“Don’t you have friends here Maru?” I snickered at him.
“You have to call me Midoriya-senpai around the others” he said trying to silence me “and I have to call you Iida-chan.”
“Eww fuck no” I gagged “sounds like you’re calling my dad chan! I’m going to call you Maru, and you have to call me Lili MAYBE Perla if I’m acting up.”
“Fine but I’m saying that I’m respected around here for being one the top students” he bragged as he put his hand on my head “and you’re just a little bitty baby still!”
“Ah! Get yo hand off my hair” I tickle his side to retract his hand “looks like this is my class, see ya later!”
“You don’t play fair Lili” he waved me off “have fun.”
 I walk in and see a few people already there, I looked around for my seat and mine is number 4. I set my bag down and get approached by someone.
“Um hi, you probably don’t recognize me but I’m the person you rescued at the exam” shakily spoke the person “I didn’t get a chance to say, but my name is Hoshi Togata.”
I looked at them and something was oddly familiar about them, like I knew them before the exam “Oh you made it in! I was worried if you placed and if you recovered well.”
“You were worried about me?” they blushed “well, I recovered just fine. My arm was broken but Nurse Eri healed me before I was supposed to go home.”
The bell rang and we all sat in our seats, Hoshi sat behind me.
“Good Morning class! And welcome to UA, my name is-”
“BAHAHA NO WAY!” I bursted into laughter “Yo we got Diaper Boy as homeroom teacher?!” 
“My name isn’t Diaper Boy!”
“Oh I’m sorry, Diaper Man!”
Our teacher rubbed his temples “Anyways, my name is Grape Juice but you can call me Mineta sensei.” He gave me a stern look “Miss Iida, I trust you’ll behave like your father.”
“Don’t compare me to that Turbo Rectangle!”
“It’s like listening to your mother in your father’s body” he muttered.
Once we went through a whole day of classes, Hoshi and I walk around.
“You know Togata, you look oddly familiar and it’s bothering me a bit.”
“How?” they sweat a bit “I’m just one of the boys!”
“Hmmm, I feel like we met before the exam” I rubbed my chin “but I can’t quite remember, we were probably children when it happened.”
“Well, actually” he put some thought into it “I was thinking the same thing sort of, would it help if I told you my dad is Lemillion?”
“Oh shit! It’s coming back to me!” I was wide eyed as we head to the parking lot “yea! They have 2 boys and a girl my age. OH THAT’S WHO! I was thinking about your sister, how is she by the way?”
“Oh ummm I don’t have a sister” the smile on his face disappeared as he said that.
“Huh? Maybe I was-” I hear a car honk, it was mom “oop, gotta go! See you tomorrow!”
I hop in the car and waved bye. I told my family of my school day and my mom couldn’t stop laughing at the fact that their school-mate Mineta was the homeroom teacher. But as I was getting ready for bed, one thing was bothering me... where did I see Hoshi before?
-Chapter 1, End-
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nochuie · 5 years
Tagged by: @breadgenie​ and also reminded that I needed to do  this
First BTS song: No More Dream First bias: Jungkook Current bias: Jungkook Put the members in order of your bias: Jungkook > Jimin > Hobi > Rest Fave BTS song: gjtetjyioyahyryshjmrsg you can’t do this to me, uuuh Best of Me, Serendipity, Euphoria, Path, Ma City, Good Day + way more Fave song off WINGS: Mama + Wings Fave song off LY: Her, Tear and Answer:     Her - Serendipity, Best of Me     Tear - The Truth Untold, Paradise, Magic Shop, Anpanman     Answer - Euphoria, Just Dance, Seesaw, I’m Fine Fave BTS song thats underrated: Where Did You Come From Fave music video: Save Me Fave dancer: Hobi Fave vocal: Jungkook Fave rapper: Hobi Fave colour on each member: (under the cut because I’m putting in outfits)
  For clothing:      Seokjin: pastel pink
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     Yoongi: white, because we rarely see it but when we do, ooft
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     Hoseok: khakis (green to brown spectrum) and black, mostly because his yeezy fits are so good
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     Namjoon: all black
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     Jimin: black, and generally darker hues
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     Taehyung: navy/blue (also the colour of those silk pyjamas he always wears)
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    Jungkook: black/maroon (but also remember that phase he wore alot of bright colours? loved that)
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For hair colours:
    Seokjin: black     Yoongi: black, will also accept inu pink     Hoseok: black     Namjoon: grape     Jimin: black     Taehyung: red or silver, but also black (esp inu styling)     Jungkook: black, dope era purple + post dope era dirty blonde, also cherry bun (this isnt working I’m just listing all of them) Fave choreography: let go + danger + nmd (inc dance break) + mic drop (all 3 extended dance breaks) Fave ships: dance line + pairings (jihope, jikook, junghope), vmin, minjoon, chaotic duo jinkook, 94line
tagging: @kimseokjin @kookmint @1lsans @kookyjin @bwisan @gukied @glitchyoongi @daegucrew @monoschild @cyyphr @ofkimtaehyung + whoever else wants to do this
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: DokiDoki July 19
(I just realized I accidentally forgot to change the previous months month in the title. Again <_< hope nobody was too confused about that.)
It says I was only gone for about a week but it feels like it’s been at least two since I last wrote anything. It was not intentional at all- it just seemed like things kept getting in the way. But I’m out of my rut and my health is doing fine, so I really wanted to get back on track. Especially since I was almost caught up!
Before I begin this review however, I wanted to take a moment to talk about a present my friend got me for my birthday:
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My pictures don’t do them justice o3o the gold one is ACTUALLY golden, and the brown one has flecks of gold on it, and the split one is cotton candy!
These are macarons from the brand ma-ka-rohn, there was 14 of them in total. They have a constantly changing menu, and you can buy as many as you want according to my friend. They make regular flavors like vanilla and birthday cake, to unique ones like galaxy and various cereals! They’re also gluten free, and for order over $69.00 you get free shipping! They have a variety of holiday sets, a macaron club, various offers, and each individual macaron costs $1.99. A very fair price if you ask me.
The packaging on these was extremely heavy duty (layers of giant bubble wrap, plastic wrapping, plastic containers), so I’m not entirely sure why the rose one was smashed, but it was still in one piece and edible.
I’m not sponsored or affiliated with them, but you can bet I’d recommend these if you ever wanted to try macarons or like me, really like them but want to upgrade that flavor profile and try more varieties ;P I might start adding these to the review selection on the blog~
Alright, we’ll be returning to the actual reason we’re here now. I was just so excited and in love with these that I just had to share them with you guys.
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This months theme: Kawaii Cove
“Splash into July’s Crate with this month’s theme Kawaii Cove. Your crate is sure to help you enjoy summer from exploring the deep blue with your new adorable marine plushie to cooling off with Sumikko Gurashi ice cubes in a refreshing drink. Dive in!“
Suteki Crate & Photo Prize
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To go with our blue, watery theme, we have a lot of cute summery items from Sanrio; including plushies and pillows to practical things like bags and a bento set. The Suteki Crate pretty much sets the mood for this box and I feel like it was a perfect match.
Meanwhile, the photo prize for this month is a Jinbei San Kokujira Plush.
Marshmal Park Marine Plush
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Everybody knows a buddy makes relaxing or vacations even more fun, and for summer we have the perfect companion! You’ve seen these guys on the blog several times, but each time they just get cuter and cuter. This collection is perfect for this box!
Marshmal Park, for anyone new or unfamiliar, are a series of marshmallow or mochi-like stuffed animals that can be stretched and squished on. They are very soft and smooshy, and are great for hugging and cuddling. This marine set includes a seal, shark, clown fish, angular fish, or the whale shark, which is the one I received.
I really like it ♥ he’s very cute with his pastel polka-dot pattern and face, and the detailing on him is very smooth and perfect, not a single strand or stitch out of place. He’s also very filled and huggable, I hate getting things like these and being letdown by their low-stuffing (such as the dog from the June box), but thankfully that rarely ever happens and that was a different brand I believe. This one has never disappointed!
Sumikko Gurashi Pouch
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(sorry for the blur o_o)
Our next item is a pouch, which can come in handy in many situations and look cute doing it. For this months box we could either get a penguin, or polar bear dressed up as a penguin (I love polar bear so I’m very happy I got this one), both featuring a super-soft plush-like surface that makes them feel really soft~
Besides the sewn on details on the front, the back also features a sewn Sumikko Gurashi logo. What I thought was really fun was that the zipper (which is pastel pink!) is at a 90 degree angle!
I love stroking the material of this pouch x3 it’s so soft~ It’s also very cute and it doesn’t feel tight, so I feel like I could get away with carrying a decent amount of items in here- the only thing you need to watch out for is that it doesn’t get wet due to the material its made out of.
He goes perfect with my whale shark ♥
Hello Kitty Marine Notepad
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The adorable marine theme continues with a miniature notepad featuring Hello Kitty and various sea animals :D There was a few various designs, each with paper vaguely similar to it. I’m not sure how many varieties there are because the booklet features a dolphin design, while the one I got has seals and otter; they’re so sweet looking~
Now, to go with this we also get a
Tuxedo Sam Scented Marker
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This cute, double-sided marker features Tuxedo Sam and two amazing scents; not only adding a pop of color to a picture or notes, but a yummy scent too~
Don’t let the caps fool you though, because these are highlighter bright. This marker also demonstrates the scent gimmick, which I thought was a really cute touch; the yellow side is Vanilla while the blue is soda. If you combine the colors, they make cream soda. This marker is worth/costs 3 Sanrio Points (as usual I have no idea, I just kind of assume thats what it means. It might even be part of a lottery for all I know).
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I love this marker :3 now only is it very functional being duo-sided, but the scent is wonderful and for being 3/4 months old, it’s still working fine. The vanilla scent is extremely strong and long lasting, while the soda is lighter (and keep in mind I applied the vanilla first, and did this “swatch” when I took the pics) and seems to fade over time. Combined, the scent is pretty light (which might be my fault because I didn’t want contamination) but I did notice a difference.
I didn’t have much to say about the notepad because... you know, it’s a basic notepad I get in several boxes, other than saying the marker obviously bleeds through the pages, there isn’t much to say about it. I do like it though, it’s very cute.
Sumikko Gurashi Ice Cubes
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and now we’re on to our final item, this cute set of Sumikko Gurashi ice cubes ♥ Since I was little we’ve had sets of these, my very first was a set of sea animals (ironic huh?), I was heartbroken when we realized they were old and had to be thrown away (but I kept one of the whales, they were my favorite). Not too long after we replaced them by a fruit set.
So as you can see, we get 3 of the Sumikko Gurashi, including my 2 favorites Neko and Polar Bear, along with Lizard; who I don’t have particular feelings for but seem to get a lot of in these boxes.This set was made for me.
I prefer these to real ice cubes, I love them way more and your drink doesn’t get watered down (but as a pro tip, if you’re serving drink to a party or friends, freeze the liquid and turn that into ice cubes :D so if you need them the watering down doesn’t occur!). You still need to freeze them but it’s well worth it, and they look so adorable bobbing around in the drink!
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 4 out of 5. Like last time, I will agree that these items weren’t necessarily new to me or very unique- but they were fun, and very cute! The quality is there and they’re practical, I didn’t feel disgruntled or bored with this box like I did the previous ones. I admit that the items are on the smaller side this time around, but sometimes its necessary. I’m not sure they were worth what we paid, but we did have a lot of singular item variety, which I think is always fun and makes the box more special.
Theme: 4.5 out of 5. For our 2nd out of 3 summer boxes (technically 1 out of 2 though because June didn’t do a summer theme), I really like this. The Suteki Crate and items match the water theme exactly and I loved how all the colors were very similar, which helped provide further blending. You could bring all of these items with you on a trip or just use them casually. My only minor complaint is that they wouldn’t be durable in water, with the exception of the ice cubes. This box could have been a good opportunity to include items that could handle water or had water-esque details in design or gimmick, to play up the theme more.
Total Rank: 9 out of 10 Cuties. I liked this box, it was really cute and fun for the time of the year. I know there are ways they could have made it better, but I don’t take for granted what we got either. I know everything will be well-loved by me and I’ll be using the products.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Marine Plush - He’s so sweet looking, and I love the pastel polka-dot coloring, because I love dots, and pastels! I've been keeping him with me as of late and he makes me feel better.
2. Scented Marker - It’s very cute looking, even if I have a bunch of highlighters by now. I like its functionality and the scent is a bonus I’ll gladly welcome. 
3. Sumikko Gurashi Ice Cubes - They’re so cute and fun to look at x3 It doesn’t hurt that it included my favorites.
4. Sumikko Gurashi Pouch - These are another item I see way too frequently, but I can’t get over how adorable it is~ I feel like with each one I get, I’m putting away the old one. I definitely want to use this one!
5. Hello Kitty Notepad - I felt really bad about this because we know I love Hello Kitty, and I thought the notepad was very cute. But I get so many that I can only use so many >3< I really wish they would take a break on these...
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itsninazenik · 5 years
congrats on ur follower milestone ily and I’m proud of u !! can i pls have 💛 for @itsjesperfahey and also 🌻 on the topic of “a road trip with your pals”???
love you ali heres a roadtrip playlist of some of our fav jams
aesthetic: late night drives | picnics on the beach | handwritten love letters | rollerskating under neon lights | an untouched clearing deep in the woods | clothes covered in paint | museum at golden hour
fav female character: nina zenik | luna lovegood | elizabeth bennet | annabeth chase | lila bard | thalia grace | tessa grey | inej ghafa | feyre archeron
fav male character: leo valdez | jesper fahey | alex claremont-diaz | magnus bane | niklas malikov | kuwei yul-bo | peter kavinsky |  rhy maresh | jem carstairs
flower: sunflower | daisy | lilac | rose | jasmine | buttercup | orchid | clover
city: miami | los angeles | new york | london | amsterdam | tokyo
color: pink | red | orange | yellow | green | blue | purple | black
season: spring | summer | fall | winter
time of day: dawn | day | dusk | night
compliment: did u know,,, that you’re the most wonderful person i’ve ever met? like period wow. name a more iconic duo than you and me,, thats right you CAN’T!!! I cannot believe im friends with an actual real life goddess luv u so much loser
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