#billy batson needs more then one hug
My brain just made me sad by picturing Billy throwing himself off a building to Shazam half way down so he could feel like someone picked him up and so it would feel like there was someone there to care about him
(This was inspired by the one character trope where person A throws themself off a building bc they know person B will catch them)
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writersmacchiato · 1 year
Dating Billy Batson…
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Pairing: Billy Batson x Reader
Warnings: first time writing for Billy/Shazam!
. . .
• He holds on too tight. He’s scared to lose you, it terrifies him. The constant insecurity that somebody better will come along and swoop you off your feet. Or that you'll get tired of him and leave.
• Once the puppy love/spend every possible moment together/attention starts to wane as everyday life gets in the way, Billy panics. Instead of a natural shift in the relationship, he sees it as the end looming ahead. It’s only after you’re a few minutes late to a date, forgetting to text Billy an update, and arriving to see Billy visibly upset that you realize just how much he’s hurting. Has been hurt. How careful you need to be with his heart.
• You take good measure to get better at communicating after that. Even if it’s telling him you’ll be busy from a certain time so you can’t talk or see him, it makes his heart spin at the fact you’re considering his feelings. He does the same, keeping you in the loop - though turning into his Shazam! counterpart makes that difficult (more on that below)
• Takes forever to open up but once he’s in, he’s in.
—texting you random things he thinks about, sending pics (you’ve seen too many of drooling Freddy and other various unflattering photos of his siblings).
—is SUCH a good listener. Will only interject with things like “-she said what!” or “-that’s like totally insane!”, always things that let you know he’s actually listening. He knows what it’s like to have no one to rely on, so he wants you to know that he’ll always be there for you. For anything. Even if it’s just a bitch sess.
• Grins like an idiot whenever you give him random affection. Kiss on the cheek, a quick hug between class, shoulder squeeze, hand holding. He loves it all
—That said, he's awkward reciprocating it. He never turns away from your affection, but giving it back... it's taken a lot of effort for him to be comfortable doling it out.
—the best he can do without squirming too much is hand holding.
—absolutely loves when you want a hug. the first few times he's stiff and will pat your back until you pull away first. now he loves to be wrapped around you.
• One time he was playing, and losing, a video game, when you came over and sat on the armchair beside him. hand resting on the back of his neck.
—intimacy like that makes him feel so mushy gushy. it's so casual but the affection behind it... makes him swoon.
• Jokingly says his love language is all 5 (words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch, quality time, and gift giving). he's half-joking. definitely needs a lot of time spent in your company to be reassured that you actually like him and want to be with him romantically (the one text post that goes: “do you like me?” “we’re married.” “answer the question.”)
—words of affirmation: will crumble if you're feeling extra verbally expressive, cheeks flushing red but trying to remain a cool front as he tells you, 'no no, keep going'. the first 'i love you' was such a rollercoaster. in the midst of an argument, you had been upset, worried about him.
“i just love you, okay! and it makes me really scared when i know you're out there being reckless."
his brain shortciruates and any frustration he felt drained away instantly.
“you love me" he whispered almost to himself.
you were exasperated. “of course i do, Billy."
will always feel a thrill in his chest when you say it, no matter the circumstance.
—acts of service: absolutely melts if you do anything for him. at all. even if it's something as simple as getting him a drink because you noticed he finished his old one. of course, once you've done something for him, he feels like he has to pay it back somehow. it takes awhile for you to get through to him that you like doing things for him because you like him, and not because you expect anything in return.
—physical touch: kinda already covered it, but it's reassuring to him. if he's having a low moment all he needs is a hug and he's already feeling better. your presence is soothing. can spend a long time just cuddling (super top secret, no one can know: Billy loves to be the little spoon). will tap your hand three times randomly, a little silent 'i love you'. does it without realizing. is so flustered over kissing. he will get cherry red and then deny being shy while his heart is hammering away in his chest. what a dork.
—quality time: has a set day of the week that you'll do something together, whether it's see a movie, have dinner, go to the park, etc. it doesn't matter what it is but phones are on do not disturb. sometimes all you do is lay in bed and complain about your weeks, ranting and gossiping. he enjoys those dates especially.
—gift giving/receiving: anything you get him, he will keep forever and cherish. will yell at Freddy if he tries to throw something away. "that 'trash' is actually a paper straw ring that y/n gave me!" it could be a literal rock you thought was cool, he's keeping it. has a spot on his desk with the things you've given him. he's always sending you pics of things that remind him of you: sunsets, animals, flowers, anything. and somehow always saves up to get you something for your birthday.
• Does not have a social media presence at all. he only got Snapchat after being bugged by Darla and Eugene. he has seven friends. you’re his number one best friend/highest streak.
• Makes a private instagram account so he can like and comment on anything you post. also to make sure no one is creeping on you, because he knows a caped crusader with lightning fingers that might pay someone a visit. only follows you and Darla back.
• Phone wallpaper is you and him. changes it all the time depending on what photo he's obsessing over.
• Almost cried in front of everyone when you gave him a framed photo of you both for his birthday. it’s on his nightstand and he looks at it every night.
• Loves how well you get along with his siblings but also needs your attention 24/7 so he’s quick to take you on dates away from them. though they somehow end up crashing it 6/10.
• Thought his chest was going to implode when he saw you using chalk outside with Darla one day. he didnt even know you had come over. making him realize you hang out with his siblings without him, he’s a little butthurt.
• Darla is a huuuuge fan of your relationship. She may love you more than Billy. seriously. was so pumped to meet you for the first time, had a sign made and everything. Billy was worried her energy would be too much for you, but you love Darla. If Billy is your number 1 best friend on snapchat, then Darla is number 2.
• Sometimes you'll play video games with Billy and Eugene and Billy tries to hide how shocked he gets when you can beat a level that he can't. he's just really bad, give him a few pointers!
• Billy anagonizes over telling you about his superhero persona. on one hand, it's hard to lie to your face and he knows that it comes off as shady or weird when he's randomly disappearing with a flimsy exuse. but he also doesnt want to endanger you either??
— You put the pieces together very quickly (Freddy whispers very loudly) and enjoy watching Billy squirm for weeks. until one day you happen to have a run in with him in his suped up form.
— “Wow, thanks for the help sir."
"Of course, anything for you. Uh, citizen of Philadephia."
"I wish there was a way I could repay you."
"Your safety is all I need!" Cue thumbs up and a wink, cheesy grin that was so Billy.
"Perhaps a kiss?" You press, watching his face fall as he scrambles for a reply. Your stomach hurts from the effort of not laughing.
"That would not be appropriate. You’re a civilian- I'm a hero! And also way too old. Like 30 years old."
"I don't kiss and tell."
Billy / Whatever the hell his superhero name was mouth drops open in shock. "Don't you have a boyfriend!?"
You make a show of looking around. "I don't see him around."
"Yes, Billy?"
"How could you! Wait."
You burst out laughing.
"That's what you get for keeping this a secret from me! Now tell me everything because I still don't know how this is you."
"Hey, this, is a god and it's really cool."
• After that fiasco, Billy loves to send you videos of him flying around the city (he stopped after a bird pooped on his head), sending goofy selfies as his alter ego that make you laugh. He's taken you on flying trips too but after the bird incident you're not as keen anymore. Though you can’t deny it’s romantic watching the sun set on a really tall building with nothing but you and Billy, talking about your futures.
“You know I’ve heard that college is a sucker for foster kids, I should apply.”
“We could apply for student housing and be roommates.”
“No more Freddy snoring.”
“No more rules, just me and you.”
“I like the sound of that.”
“. . .”
“Actually college campuses have a lot of rules. Probably more than we have right now.”
“…just watch the sunset.”
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
imagine billy having an identity reveal (probably not willingly) and some league members being assholes about it
billy’s just taking everything for a while until they throw jabs at the tiger plushy he’s holding, because that’s his friend
so he throws tawny at the member who insulted tawnys honour and that member doesn’t think to dodge because it’s a plush thrown by a malnourished little kid, but just before it hits tawny transforms into a giant tiger
i imagine that tawny wouldn’t hurt anyone too bad to not upset billy but the league learns their lesson
This ask has been painting such an awesome scene in my mind and has never left it once, thank you so much for sending this ask!
I can imagine Billy having his identity revealed being an extreme invasion of his privacy and unwanted, but to the league it would represent a huge dramatic event. After sending in what is one of their most powerful powerhouses into battle constantly against foes that rival gods and monsters who eat gods for breakfast, the reveal of that teammate being just a child would shake them to their core.
Captain Marvel being revealed as a child would absolutely make them extremely upset, rightfully, at that. Having to sit him down during a meeting as plain old Billy Batson, to confront him for all the lies of omissions and deceptions with a heavy heart is one thing, but to look at the blue eyed, malnourished child in the eyes and see him holding a stuffed animal tightly would tear them apart.
Billy would understandably be nervous at the whole mind breaking event going on, having summoned Tawky Tawny for emotional support to get him through this chaotic meeting going from talking softly to him to interrogating him. After all, a secret as big as this being exposed would lead to a long meeting being held about his future status on the JL.
Still, no one is outright mad at him. Upset and heartbroken, but no one has made him cry yet. That's good. That's great. Billy was now seen as a child in their eyes, he didn't need any more help on that. He could get through this.
That's when it happens. Someone crosses the line. Billy was defending himself as Captain Marvel aka The Champion of Magic, making his statement that he was more than mature and responsible to handle the burdens he carried so often.
"Ha! Are you shitting me? Listen, kid, we've been here for hours. Let me tell you this. Mature people don't go hugging a stuffed animal when they're about to cry. For fucks sake, what is that anyway? A cat? You can't go hugging that thing when you're out in a battle! Look. I'm not mad at you, no one is mad at you, but I'm going to say it. No one. Can trust you now. Never again. If you think you have a future on the league with that dumb stuffed cat in your arms, you're so grounded-"
"Huh? Kid. Speak up. Don't mumble when you're speaking to an adult."
"I said. He. Is. A. TIGER!"
Before anyone can react or think, the stuffed tiger in Billy's arms begins to stretch and grow, leaping out of his arms and pouncing onto the man. The sudden presence of a growling and gigantic tiger in front of the league startles everybody, to the point no one notices that Billy was currently wiping away the tears that were flowing down his face.
Tawny would have detected that Billy was feeling unsafe and anxious, not wanting to hurt the man in any way, just scare him enough to stop making his friend cry. Whatever happens afterwards is a mystery, but some say....that the league member who made Billy cry that day developed a fear of tigers 🐅
I absolutely adored this idea you sent in! It's helping me through my writer's block right now!
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Headcanons on Kon in the Captain Marvel adopts Superboy AU
Kon is his universes Captain Marvel Junior, Freddy is called Lieutenant Marvel instead
Billy’s age isn’t known, only the Shazamily and Kon know. Plus Tim, Kon told him and Tim makes sure Batman doesn’t figure it out through sneaky sabotage
His jacket has embroidery saying “You’ve been” with Caps symbol on the back with a “Struck!” At the bottom (You’ve been thunderstruck) instead of “Don’t mess with the S”
Does have access to Captain Marvels powers if needed, he’s part of the family so he can call down the lightning, but doesn’t like to because it ages him up and he ends up looking just like Clark
If he is Shazam-ed up his leather jacket becomes double breasted with the thunder emblem taking up most the front and thunder bolts in a belt formation on his hips, other than that his suit stays entirely the same
Civilian name is Conner Elliot Ordway; Conner is obvious, the Elliot is a nod to the House of El, and Ordway is the maiden name of Billy’s mom. The initials spell out CEO which is a humorous nod to Lex. Billy wanted to make sure Kon had a name that honored his family history, as messed up as it is, while still giving his one that’s makes him part of his family and able to be his own person separate from them. Which is why he gave him the last name Ordway instead of Batson, so his identity is completely his own if he wants it to be.
(More under the cut)
Knows Billy is Captain Marvel but still sees him as a great father figure, one who cares about and loves him unconditionally and respects him while also actively trying to be present in his life
Billy models his treatment to Kon as a mix of how he remembers his own dad and doing the opposite of what Superman was doing, which leads to a very loving parent-child dynamic built on respected boundaries and lots of open affection to remind eachother they’re loved
Billy mainly sees Kon as a older brother, Kon sees Captain Marvel as a dad figure and Billy as a little brother when they spend more time together as civilians. It changes based on how long they spend together in one of Billy’s forms for the most part, but mainly Kon sees him as his dad (even if the differences in age are supposed to be odd)
Billy uses the “Pretending to be my own dad” trick with Captain Marvel to get Kon in a high school in Fawcett plus Tim’s stellar “I faked a whole uncle to avoid being adopted” abilities to fake the paperwork
Billy works at Whiz radio and uses Cap in civilian clothes working odd jobs to afford an apartment for the both of them, which is made a lot less expensive when Billy uses that “Powers of Shazam, summon before me (insert desired thing here)” spell he summoned a ping pong table with that one time to cover large furniture
Superman started giving Cap the silent treatment after he learned Conner has been all but legally adopted Kon
Mary is a cool aunt to Kon, both get along well and scrapbook together as a bonding activity
Freddy, understandably, freaks out and is all over Kon the first few months he’s part of the family. Asking about TTK, doing dumb stuff with their powers and arm wrestling to see whose power set is better, asking any and every question that comes to mind. Those two get in a lot of power based shenanigans and hang out a lot in and out of costume
The love language of the entire family is shared time and involves a ton of physical affection just because it’s good to remind people you love them with a hug, Kon is living his best life with all the love and validation he gets 24/7/365
Billy inadvertently catches up with and excels past his age groups study’s after learning what he can as Billy and trying to stay up to date with Kon’s school work to be the parent that can help their kid with homework and does
They go as eachother for Halloween one year, Kon takes a selfie and shows it to the rest of young justice forgetting they don’t know about Billy and when they ask he panics and says that’s his kid brother.
Which tumbles into Batman thinking Cap is CC Batson reincarnated with powers and trying to be a good dad and hero despite the whole death thing and Tim in the background trying not to laugh when he knows Bruce is wrong
(Stuff tied to comic canons)
Captain Marvel disappears for a solid 3 weeks after Kon dies, spending the whole time bouncing from afterlife to afterlife trying to look for him and asking the various death gods he comes across where Kon might have ended up. He doesn’t find him and has to grieve losing his family all over again
Covered every base he could think of looking for Kon’s soul, checked his family’s old faith, Hades because of the Greek ties, Kryptonian gods, a fist fight with Lady Blaze for information but couldn’t find anything. All he knows after that is that either Kon didn’t have a soul (which isn’t true and he refused to believe that), his ghost is roaming around and didn’t move on properly so he’s in a state of limbo, or he’s in some other afterlife and he has no idea what other ones to check for him in. Either way, Billy can’t find him and gets torn up that he lost some of his family all over again
The new 52 has Superboy Prime a prisoner held in the Monsterlands, a realm under the Council of Eternity’s (and Captain Marvel’s) control. Billy makes every day there a living hell for him for the next year until Kon is brought back, and after that all of Young Justice gets a free lifetime pass to pop by and beat him senseless for some Therapy™️. Tim and Cassie got a lot of hits in
When Kon does come back and gets back into the swing of his civilian life Billy worries a lot more and gets a little hover-y as a parent to Kon, Mary makes him earrings and small pieces of jewelry that has protection charms on them, and Freddy checks up on him between classes.
All in all, it’s a family of orphans all in various situations of oprhanhood being there for eachother no matter how weird life gets for them. Sometimes a family is your middle school aged dad, his best friend, his twin sister, a shape shifting talking tiger, and yourself
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 10 days
New Sunrise New Life
by Always_Tortu His vision blurred, and something wet rolled down his cheeks. Surprised, he brought one of his hands to his face and could feel more of those drops coming out of his eyes. "Wha–..what is this stuff?" his voice began to tremble. He rubbed his face with the back of his hand, but more drops kept falling, wetting his cheeks. 'Tears,' his brain informed him. 'He is crying.' "W-Why didn't it stop?" he managed to articulate; they needed to stop. The new Superman can't cry; he can't cry. Words: 3291, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Not Super, Just Marvelous Fandoms: Shazam! | Captain Marvel (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), DCeased (DC Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Captain Marvel, Billy Batson, Superboy (DCU), Kon-El | Conner Kent, Robin (DCU), Dick Grayson, Aqualad (DCU), Kid Flash, Batman, Mention Superman Relationships: Captain Marvel & Superboy, Superboy & Robin & Kid Flash & Aqualad Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Captain Marvel pulls a Batman, Superboy needs a hug, Superboy gets a hug, Captain Marvel gives the best hugs, Billy Batson is Captain Marvel | Shazam via https://ift.tt/KpEVMB4
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Do you have any fic recs where Jason and Damien met in the League of Assassins? Thank you
Okay, so here are a few, though they vary greatly in how much of a focus Jason and Damian knowing each other already there is, as well as how long they knew each other. Point being these all have at least something related to Jason and Damian both being in the league and meeting there. Somehow haha. There is also an ao3 tag for this if you want to browse. Okay here we go
Like Going Through Hell on a Sunday by probablyanxious
Fantastic. Love it. There’s more after it as well. They meet as they’re leaving the league (because Talia shoves them out the door like the good mom she is), and also there Billy Batson, my baby.
Stay With Me by geek_on_a_leash
It’s a wip, currently with three chapters up. I’ve really liked it so far though. This is a pre- whole family together thing. And Joker dies. Always a plus. Not a good Talia fic though, so be warned.
Unfinished Business and Long Lost Partners by Bumble_Rex
This one is leading up to the reveal that Jason’s alive for the rest of the family.
people die (love does not) by JHSC
Oh, my babies. And everyone ends up happy.
Liminal Space by Calamityjim
Not at all a focus in this fic, but they’re both in the league and then they’re brought home and everyone gets the hugs they need.
Blood in the Water by MichaBerry
Again, not really the focus of this fic. It’s Tim-centric, but Jason, Tim, and Damian all get to know each other as they’re trekking across the world away from people that want to kill them or otherwise. Good times. Definitely not good Talia in this one, and Ra’s is a total pedophile, just so you’re aware.
It wasn’t me by Jaylad
Jason stealing Damian from the league, going home… all good things.
the boy he was before by impravidus
De-aged Damian. Oh look, things we didn’t know about Damian and Jason, would you look at that. Tagged fluff most appropriately.
Jason and the Three Terrors by @cdelphiki
Jason and Damian leaving the league together not enough? Here, have some more babies. Featuring both Athanasia and Mara, so bonus points for this one. WIP.
Home Run by @iselsis who is one of my favorite writers to read for seeing my babies all actually get the hugs they need
I love the Protective Jason Todd tag, as I have mentioned previously.
Dark Angels and Demon Brats by RandomReader13
Another WIP, just updated yesterday. Much more of a focus on them in the league, though they don’t stay there. Also it’s tagged good mom Talia and good dad Bruce which is always my favorite combination.
Anyone else who has more feel free to add
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
We’ll Be Free (Part 2)
Pairing: Billy Batson x Reader
Warnings: Minor/non-explicit violence
Word Count: 2.5K
Summary: Billy Batson tries to get into contact with his girlfriend who he left behind after moving with Victor and Rosa.
A/N: To the people asking me to write a part 2. This one is for you anons and @autumnfalls26 and @olyink and @nyeddleblog​
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“I miss you; I love you.” You whispered, staring at the picture of the phone wallpaper that you had printed before switching off the phone permanently to prevent being tracked.
You took a picture of the two of you hugging in the mirror, with Billy’s back facing the mirror and your face hidden in his neck. His arms were wrapped tightly around your waist and yours were strewn carelessly on his shoulders.
You smiled at it, closing your eyes and sending a quiet prayer into the universe, “I hope you have a good day today.”
“(Y/N)! Come on! The first impression is the most important impression!”
“I’m coming!” You shouted, leaning of your window to see your foster mom pull out of the garage. You quickly leaped over the window sill to hear her scream, “Not that way!”
You rolled your eyes at her, “Would you loosen up? You look like ‘The Scream’.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t jump out of the window then. We’re protecting you from a gang, (Y/N), but if you end up killing yourself first—”
“Oh relax, at most I would’ve fallen a couple of feet.”
She sighed, giving up the battle and just opened the door to the jeep, “Just get in.”
“Yes mom~!!” You chirped and she rolled her eyes again once you slid into the front seat. It had been a month since you stared living with this foster family and you had to admit that they were pretty cool.
Your foster mom was a head neurosurgeon and was married to a military man. So, they were the perfect couple if anything were to happen to you, or if they managed to find you.
It had been a huge change to leave home and then get fostered. Your parents had been arrested after an attempt of murder when they tried to burn down the house with you in it but that had failed and luckily, you were so used to escaping through the window to see Billy that as soon as you smelt fire you had gotten out.
Once again you had Billy to thank for your life.
After that things had happened so fast and things were just spinning around you that you couldn’t even think straight. Before you knew it, you were sitting in a new house with new ‘parents’.
However, it didn’t come with much freedom. You were not allowed to leave the house usually, but they kept you occupied at home. And you weren’t going to ungrateful.
But spending so much time in solitude made you realize how good you had it. You were alive and well and now you had people to rely on. You didn’t have to fend for yourself anymore. You could go to sleep in a warm bed and wake up safely without any fear of who would be outside your locked door.
That’s what you told yourself when you missed Billy and wanted to go back to him.
You tried to convince yourself that this was the best for you, but deep down you knew that this wasn’t what you wanted if you couldn’t share it with Billy.
“Three more years, and we’ll be free.” The two of you used to say and now you were worried that time wouldn’t come and Billy wouldn’t know where you were when it happened.
You were getting bored being locked in the house for most of the day but you’d never let them know. You couldn’t make them feel guilty for protecting you. You would stay locked up at home for eternity if it meant that they wouldn’t get upset with you or think that you were ungrateful.
But not today. Today you could go outside, because today unfortunately or fortunately, you couldn’t decide but you got to go to school. Just to do the necessary paperwork to join a month later so it meant that you wouldn’t be a normal high school student for another month, but it was a step closer.
A step closer to leaving your old life behind.
“You should go.” You told your foster mom softly when she got a red alert from the hospital.
“But I have to finish up here.” She stammered and you could tell she was getting a bit panicked from having to leave you alone.
“I can do that; you go do your job.” You told her, giving her a little push towards the door. While you did want her to go from the pure selflessness of your heart, you also wanted a little peace from all her hovering. Not that you’d let her know that.
“I can’t—”
“I’ll be fine,” You urged, handing her purse, “I’ll go straight home. I promise. Scout’s honour.”
“You weren’t even a scout.”
Once she left you felt excited for some reason. You didn’t lie, you were going to go straight home after this but you were still ecstatic about getting to actually walk down the streets for the first time since you had gotten here.
You finished up any remaining work at school pretty quickly and headed home immediately, with your hands tucked inside the pockets of your, well Billy’s, jacket and hood pulled over your head. 
It was a safety measure, so no one would be able to see your face at first glance, but you still didn’t let it ruin your mood as you walked back with a skip in your step.
That was about to change very quickly....
It had been another normal, monotonous day for Billy as he walked back home from school. Freddy had gone ahead because he had a free period at the end of the day and hadn’t seen the need to stick around.
So, Billy was alone as he walked back.
He was actually kind of lamenting that the day had been so boring. He was a teen superhero, more interesting things were bound to happen to him but still the closest thing he got to an evil supervillain who wanted to end the world was his science teacher, which to be fair, wasn’t that far off.
His wishes for something interesting were answered when he heard a distant scream and immediately facepalmed, “Why did I even say anything?”
Running to the source of the noise, he ducked into an alleyway and immediately stuttered in his steps. He definitely wasn’t expecting this. He definitely wasn’t expecting to see the love of his life today.
And he expected to see her held at gun point even less.
You were frozen in fear as you stared down the barrel of a gun. He had whipped out the weapon when you had shouted for help and told you if you made any moves he wouldn’t hesitate to shoot.
You wanted to seem brave and stare him down but you felt your throat closing up and tears began brimming your eyes. You were scared as hell and you had no idea how to get out of this.
“Once we tie up this lose end, we’ll finally get those damn cops off our tails.” He said, cocking the gun and you whimpered, screwing your eyes shut. The next thing you heard was the sound of a gun being fired.
When you opened your eyes, you saw a blur of red and white move past you so quickly that you couldn’t focus your eyes on it. It beat up the man who held a gun to your head a few minutes ago after the man had wasted all his bullets trying to shoot him.
You wanted to hide, to duck and cover while the hero handled business but you were frozen, the thought of moving your feet and actually hiding never came to your mind but soon enough your weight was too much for your buckling knees to bear and you collapsed on the ground.
The fight was over pretty quickly. The man didn’t even stand a chance against a superhero and he was knocked unconscious. The hero picked up the gun and crushed it in his fist before chucking it in the dumpster.
When he turned to you, you were watching with wide-eyes, body shaking as you tried to process whatever just happened to you.
Realizing that you weren’t in the best state, he stepped closer to you with his hands held out like a was trying to coax a small animal, “It’s okay, (Y/N). I’m not going to hurt you.”
You bit your lip, staring at the older man who saved your life and nodded.
“Do you want me to take you home?”
You nodded once again and he stepped towards you, wrapping an arm around your waist before taking off. Unfortunately, you were too shaken up to take in the joy and wonder of flying and once he landed, setting you in your backyard were you only able to think clearly.
“I, um, don’t know how to that you for saving my life.” You spoke, wringing your hands nervously.
He looked surprised for a second but then he relaxed, sending you a smile before puffing out his chest a little, “All in a day’s work, citizen.”
He meant to take off again but you stopped him, stepping forward, “How did you know my name?”
He looked shell-shocked and completely caught off guard, like he didn’t even remember calling you by your name, “What?”
“You called me (Y/N). How did you know?”
He wanted to lie to you. He wanted to lie and tell you it was because he had the wisdom of Solomon that he was able to know your name and make a hasty retreat. 
But he couldn’t. He had been waiting to see you for so long. He had missed you so much. He couldn’t just turn away and pretend that he had never seen you. He couldn’t stay away from you any longer.
“I’ve missed you so much.” He breathed and you raised a brow, taking a step away from him.
“Do I know you?”
“Just...don’t freak out, okay?”
You didn’t say anything, just continued to stare at him and waiting for something to happen. It looked like he was trying to talk himself into something and he took a deep, cleansing breath before looking at you once again.
You shrieked as lightning struck the middle of the backyard, knocking you back a few feet and when the smoke cleared, there stood the boy that you had fallen in love with.
He was grinning brightly at you as you stared him down in disbelief before quickly walking up to him. You smiled gently, raising a hand to cup his cheek and close the space between you.
His expression and pure love and happiness changed into one of horror and pure pain before he doubled over and feel to the ground. You lunged forward, catching him in your arms as his dead weight pulled you to the ground.
It was then that you saw the bullet in his back. Your mind rushed to the moment before he stepped in front of you, he must have transformed too late. The world began spinning around you as Billy’s blood spilled onto the grass.
“Mom....” You muttered remembering that she was probably back from work by now before turning your head towards the house and cradling his body in your grasp, “MOM! DAD! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!”
The surgery took hours and all the while you sat outside the operation theatre, staring at the closed doors. Your mom had tried to get you to go home and clean up but you refused, wanting to be with him.
From the outside, it looked pretty uneventful and you hoped that was the case. You hoped that the operation was going well and there would be no unseen complications.
You hadn’t taken your eyes off the door longer than the time it took you to blink but you were forced to turn your gaze from the door when a couple came bolting up the stairs.
His foster parents. Victor and Rosa.
The looked absolutely distraught and it made you sniffle, the weight of reality settling on your shoulders.
“What happened?” Rosa asked your mom and she could only turn to you.
“Yes, (Y/N), you need to tell us now. What happened?”
You bit your lip, your gaze averting to your hands that were still covered in his blood and your vision became blurry with tears. 
“He took a bullet for me.”
You heard Rosa gasped and the tears fell. You buried your head in your knees and sobbed quietly, praying that this would get over quickly so you could see him again.
“I missed you.” Was the first thing Billy told you once you walked through the door. You smiled but then blushed when you noticed the way his siblings were all looking at you.
“I can come back later.”
He sat up, taking support from Freddy and beckoned you over, “No, it’s cool, they were just leaving.”
It took a few pointed glares to get them out of the hospital room but they left eventually and you settled into the empty chair beside him. You immediately took his hands, cradling them between yours and pressing a small kiss to the back of them.
“I’ve missed you.” He said, looking over at you with a fond smile and he pulled one hand out of your grasp to brush a strand of your hair back before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I missed you too.”
Months of not seeing each other was finally catching up with you. The emptiness that you felt in your chest was finally beginning to fill and you had only wished that it had taken a different way. 
You wanted to apologize but you knew it wasn’t your fault. And he knew it as well. You wanted to say something, anything, that would make him and you feel better but nothing was coming to mind.
You were brought out of your thoughts by a hand on the back of your neck and he slanted his lips over yours. You responded immediately, your body taking control as your arms wrapped around his neck and you tilted your head.
He pulled away before kissing you again, once, twice and then one more for good measure, but even then, you were following his lips. He looked at you like you carried the world in your eyes and like you had strung the stars in the sky.
You kissed him again, as a hello, as a goodbye, as an apology, as a sign of forgiveness and poured all the incomprehensible emotions you were feeling into that kiss, allowing him to wrap his arms around you and pull you next to him in his hospital bed.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
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cannotgiveafuck · 4 years
I put it up on AO3, though it may not be completely compliant in verse, but hey whatever.
Billy's identity has been revealed and he's dealing with the not quite immediate fallout.
(Spoilers for post BBATTOWLB main story line.)
The first time Marvel tried to leave Fawcett City, J'onn was there to stop him.
"I cannot allow you to pass city limits, Captain." He said, and moved to push Marvel back every time.
The second time Marvel tried to leave, Green Lantern was there.
Just lounging about in a hammock from his ring, looking at his phone like he was enjoying a relaxing day out.
"Sorry, bud," he said, only glancing up with a shrug. "You know the rules."
The third time Marvel was actually able to leave, because there was nobody around to stop him. Because they were all out at Metropolis fighting an army that didn't really exist because, well. Illusion magic.
Marvel really felt they could use a hand from the Champion of Magic himself.
Apparently, the others did not feel the same.
From the moment he showed up, those that noticed told him to stay aside, that they could handle it, that he could get hurt, that he should leave it to them.
"This isn't your fight, kiddo."
"Go back home, champ."
"Watch your back, kid."
Yeah. Well. This kid just saved their collective magic inept butts, so...
Superman did not see it that way. The second the fight was over, he was right there, back straight and shoulders broad and brows furrowed.
"That was reckless, Billy. You were not called in to join the fight, and if you had misstepped in the slightest someone could have seriously been hurt."
But he didn't misstep. This was a magic fight and hello, did they forget what he's good at? They could suspend him all they want, they couldn't keep him away from where he needed to be, they couldn't freaking ground him.
Something hot and uncomfortable unfurled in his chest. He felt his fists curl at his side, involuntary sparks of electricity snapped around them. On the inside, Billy felt like screaming. On the outside, Marvel felt his jaw clench.
"I understand that, but--"
"Do you?" Superman interrupted. He didn't believe him. "Do you really understand how much damage was done? How much more could have been done? This is why you're on suspension, Billy. You can't just go around getting into every fight--"
"My name is Marvel," he ground out with surprising calm. "And every fight that needs me is my fight, Superman."
Superman crossed his arms and stared him down, like Marvel wasn't as tall as him, as broad and muscled and powerful as he was. Like Marvel hadn't just saved their asses.
Marvel kept his chin up and eyes forward. He would not back down. Not even from his hero.
"Go home, Captain."
With the threat neutralized, the team watching, and civilians and news reporters starting to venture back out, Captain Marvel knew there was nothing else left for him there.
A bolt of lightning struck him.
Rather dramatic, as exits went. But like hell he was going home, where he was sure another Leaguer would come patrol, where he was being commanded to stay - so the Rock of Eternity it was.
He didn't try to leave Fawcett City for awhile after that. (At least, not in any way that they would notice).
There were no missions, no patrols, no monitor duties, no cafeteria hang outs or briefings or alerts. His communicator was forfeited, his access to the Watchtower denied, his place on the Justice League all but officially revoked.
However, with how often one of the other heroes showed up to assist him with his own city's emergencies, Marvel felt like he was seeing the League a lot more than he had before his suspension.
Since they couldn't really stop him, they interfered as much as possible.
The Flash would stop by and want to grab food, always ready to take Billy somewhere to eat, and sometimes he’d drag Hal with to mess around at an arcade, and well, would you look at that, there's a bank robbery taking place, lemme get that for you.
Green Arrow and Black Canary came to town during the week, asking him about his home life and family and schooling and what he wanted to do, as if there was anything besides being Captain Marvel, and they tried very hard to be very nice and very friendly and very nosy.
Kori frequently came blazing by. She would greet him with a hug and be excited to see him. Like she actually wanted to. Every time, she would excuse the lack of Roy and Jason, stating that they wanted to give him space. She would ask him if her presence was a burden, was unwanted. And every time Billy would say no and hold her hand just a bit tighter. There were never questions about his memory loss, about what he came to remember, as if she understood the precipice he was balancing on and only wanted to remind him she was there. Billy appreciated that a lot.
Even Doctor Fate showed up. Suddenly next to him in the middle of the night as he glided through the sky. Not saying much of anything, though Marvel could feel his stare, feel his assessment. There were questions he wanted to ask, answers he wanted known, but still he didn't push. He just floated alongside Marvel until he vanished again. It was creepy, but it could've been worse.
Very rarely, in the corner of his eye, he would spot Batman or Nightwing, just on the edge of a building's shadow. A few times during the day, Billy caught sight of Bruce or one of the other batfamily. They would be strolling through the streets like it was a normal occurrence for them to be in Fawcett, and every time, Billy ran the other way. The thought of meeting them like this, as himself, as street rat Billy Batson made his heart race and head dizzy. He couldn't do it. Not now, not yet.
Captain Marvel could hardly go on patrol without another hero showing up at some point, all of them seemingly taking shifts to watch him, to baby sit him in his own city. Like he couldn't be trusted any more. Like he couldn't be the hero he had been this whole time.
Billy couldn't sleep at night. Couldn't lie on his bare mattress in his apartment without jumping at the slightest of sounds. As if the others would barge in and take him as he slept. The wards that were put up awhile ago did not help soothe this fear. Tawny's reassurances that they would not let anyone take him only comforted him in so much that he did not want his Familiar harmed, either. Not for him, not because of him.
He spent a lot of time sleeping at the Rock, where at least he felt safe.
Superman never stopped by. Aside from that first confrontation in Metropolis, Marvel hadn't seen him. No lectures, no orders, no commands, not even static silence. Nothing. Word from Hal was he had originally wanted to actually ground Billy. Keep him at the Watchtower where he could be easily monitored and cared for. But the idea was shot down and he'd been a little miffed about it. Still, that didn't stop the spike of paranoia Billy felt upon learning it.
Diana never contacted him, either, surprisingly. And that hurt more than he thought it would. Marvel remembered the look of sadness on her face, the hidden anger in her voice, and the passion she gave as she tried to defend him, as he stood before the League and confessed to his deceit, to his lying. She looked like he betrayed her. Even if she showed up, Billy had no idea what he could possibly say to apologize, to make it better.
Victor's position in the League was on the line, too, and Billy hadn't heard any more from him except that he'd be out of touch for a bit while he was essentially grounded. For him, that meant staying at his Detroit home with supervision whilst on duty at the Watchtower. The curdling feeling of guilt that he had brought this onto his friend sent Billy into such distress he didn't leave the Rock for the whole day.
Constantine thought the whole thing was bollocks. Said they had no right to control him, to stop him. He also said a few curses about them and the Wizard, but Billy let it slide. It felt nice to have someone truly in his corner. When John offered to whisk him on a vacation for awhile, see the other side of the pond, Billy regretfully declined. He felt like that was running away from his problems and he hated that notion most of all. Still, he thanked John for talking to him, even if it was just through the mirror. It helped elevate the ache in his chest.
Billy hadn't felt this way - this distant, disconnected, and closed off way - in a very long time.
"You keep returning here, young Tháv̱ma."
Don't look at him, don't talk to him, don't listen to him.
"Over and over again, you grace these stone halls."
He's goading you. Don't fall for it. Don't fall for it!
"Tell me, do you miss the cold throne and all the power it holds so much?"
Don't fall for it! Don't listen! Don't--
"Or are you here for something else?"
Don't react! Don't--
"Perhaps you wish to find the echoes of the old Wizard's ghost haunting this Rock?"
Don't cry, don't cry, don't--
"Or perhaps... perhaps you wish to find solace in a familiar presence?"
Don't cry, don't--
"Tell me, how heavy is the burden of being both Wizard and Champion?"
"You seem lonely, young Tháv̱ma."
I am.
Billy was so, so lonely.
"I know loneliness, and all its dark corners, very well."
"Oh, yes. Spent thousands of years trapped and alone."
Of course, Teth Adam would understand.
"I am here."
"I will listen."
"Talk to me, young Tháv̱ma."
Billy didn't want to be alone anymore.
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sweatergirlsposts · 4 years
Imagine Billy asking you, his boyfriend, to come home to meet his family
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Pairing: Billy Batson / Male!Reader
(A/N: I recommend listening to ‘No One Knows Us’ By BANNERS while listening to this)
Billy had been thinking about it for awhile now. You had kept asking to go over to his place, since you always had him over at your place, but he didn’t know if he was ready to come out to his family just yet.
In contrast to Billy’s family, your parents knew that you were gay from a very young age. One of the first signs was that you were interested in Shang from Mulan more than Mulan. At first they thought you were bisexual, until you openly came out as gay on your twelfth birthday. Of course your parents had to make some adjustments in how they see you but still love you no matter your interest.
When you started to bring Billy around your place, your mom would always try to be your wing-women, and you had to explain afterwards that just because you bring a guy around doesn’t mean you see him in that light. Billy was an exception. 
Billy knew you were gay when he first met you through school. You weren’t obvious but noticing the different mannerisms you’d have interacting with others he could put the pieces together. Billy was afraid that you’d find out that he was routing for the other team, for he didn’t want you to ask to confirm or tell his family. Another family he was with were very devoted Christians that were not the most open about being gay, so he did what he only could do; he ran. 
Before telling you that he was interested in you, as he liked to put it, he showed you his alter-ego. If you could handle that secret then he could definitely trust you to keep his secret, as well as your guys relationship.   
Being born into a world full of superheros did have an influence in your preferences in guys. Not that you didn’t have a crush on Billy already but when he told you that he was a gay superhero made your stomach do somersaults.
“I think it’s time that I at least come to your place Billy,”
“I don’t know (Y/N), I just think that it would be kinda obvious if I brought you to the house. I don’t know how Rosa and Victor will react to me or us,” Billy paced back an forth in his shared room, that was vacant at the moment.
As part of your guys daily couple ritual, you guys would facetime about each other’s day and express your love when he couldn’t come over. Today you decided to bring up coming over for the sixth time, but to no avail Billy was still very apprehensive about it. 
“Try talking to them, Billy, they are probably more accepting than you expect, hey they brought you in,” you cracked up.
Deadpanned, Billy just stared at you through the camera, “Ha ha, you’re so funny (Y/N). Can we just talk about something else”
“No because you keep avoiding it. I don’t want to nag on you Billy, I really don’t, but this means a lot to me. It may not seem as a big a deal as it is to you but-” 
“What do you mean this might seem as big of a deal to me (Y/N)!? I don’t want to risk the chance of me being kicked out of another family because of who I can be with and love. For once I have a family that ‘accepts’ me and I have it good here. You don’t have to fear about your family saying that they don’t want you and kick you out because you’re gay. You can’t understand, you have a family that you didn’t have to fear accepting you.”
You didn’t know how to respond to Billy’s statement. For Billy, your boyfriend, to underestimate the amount of fear you had coming out to your parents baffled you. Coming out on your twelfth birthday was one of the most challenging and petrifying things that you have ever done, and for Billy to say that it wasn’t hard to do so made you internally livid and hurt. 
“Billy, call me after you realize what you just said to me, and then we can talk. See ya around at school...,” you coldly countered and hung up the call. Immensely hurt by your boyfriends statement, you put your phone on your night table and decided to leave it for the time being and go do something else to distract you from your pain.
He really fucked up. Billy didn’t mean to put it like that. He just wanted to explain that he’s wants both you and his family in his life but if his family didn’t accept him then he’d move away. He couldn’t have both if things turned bitter.
Mad with himself, Billy decided that the only best way to get out this anger was to go fly for awhile. Making his way downstairs, he stumbled into Rosa on the last flight.
“Woah hey Billy what’s the rush?”
“I don’t wanna talk Rosa,” Billy put firmly trying to get past Rosa. 
“Why is everything okay?”
“That’s none of your business” 
Rosa didn’t like this. She’s noticed Billy’s mood swings in the last couple weeks, and have let it go, but she had to put her foot down at some point or another. That point was now. 
“Actually William Joseph Batson, it is all of my business if you’re living under this roof. I have been letting go these mood swings you’ve been having but now you have to tell me if you want to leave the house,” Rosa crossed her arms looking at Billy waiting for an explanation. 
“I can’t”
“And why is that?” Rosa still stood firm like a wall against deflections, she had to know. All Rosa wanted to know is if Billy was being safe. Billy didn’t answer.
“Billy I just wanna know that you’re okay. You really have been worrying Victor and I, honey. You sneak out at absurd times at night, you’re cooped up in your room talking to someone, you don’t tell us where you go after school and return at 10 o’clock. I’m running out options on how to help you and all I want to do is keep you safe Billy”
Billy could see the struggle to comprehend what was going on with him in her expression. Rosa made him feel the most comfortable in coming here other than Freddie. He found solace in Rosa after he found his real mother. In Billy’s eyes, Rosa was his motherly figure that he could depend on and really made him feel that he could come to her no matter the situation. 
“Can we talk upstairs.” Billy whispered in more of a suggestion than asking.
“Of course,” Rosa followed Billy back into the shared bedroom. Rosa sat in the desk chair while Billy sat on the bed across from her. Billy could feel his palms sweat and collect moisture, so he wiped his hands on his pants.  
 “What is it th-”
“I’m gay,” slipped out of Billy’s mouth too fast for Rosa to catch it
“You wanted to know what was wrong with me, I’m gay” Billy huffed feeling the pressure to his chest increase waiting for the blow of Rosa’s response, “You happy?”
It took a couple of seconds for it to sink in before Rosa’s instincts kicked in.
“More than happy Billy. I’m so glad you told me” Rosa got out of the chair and sat beside him to give him a hug, “but that doesn’t explain where you go after school”
“About that I have this uh friend-”
“A boyfriend!?!?”
“Well I’m not sure after tonight,” Billy grabbed his phone from his pocket to check if you left any messages. Nothing.    
“Well whatever you did, be sure to make it right. I want to meet this boy,” Rosa gives Billy one more hug before she stands up to exit the bedroom, “also Billy I’m surprised that you didn’t notice”
“Notice what?”
“That you aren’t the only one in this house. Pedro is gay too. No matter your preferences, we will always accept you in this house Billy, remember that,” Rosa consoled before exiting the room, leaving Billy to his thoughts. 
Throughout the next day at school you avoided seeing Billy. Of course you wanted him to reach out to you but at the same time you knew it would be better to have space from him. The last bell had rung for the day, letting everyone know that they had to vacate the premise. Once you had gathered all your items from your locker, you started walking to the exit but were then pulled into an empty classroom.
You bumped into a hard chest  which made you fall back onto your backpack. Looking up, from the ground, you see the person you weren’t expecting but still the same person you didn’t want to talk to at the moment. 
It was Billy.....but in his alter ego.
“If you are here to apologize to me Batson, it would be pretty ingenuine to do it as him.” 
“Well I need to get you alone somehow”
“That sounds really weird saying what you just said in this form Billy” you paused to expire, “I want to talk to you, the real you”
Looking down in slight shame, Billy whispered “Shazam” and reverted back into his true self. Your fourteen year old boyfriend made a step towards you but you stepped back. You weren’t going to give into his feel-sorry-for-me look. Seeing that you stepped away from him made it feel like you dropped an anvil down his throat, weighing him to his spot.
“I’m sorry (Y/N)”
You scoff not responding. Catching that a simple sorry wasn’t enough he continued.
“I’m sorry for saying that I said you couldn’t understand about being scared of being gay....”
“You should be”
“I was just scared that if I told my family about me and us that I would lose them and you” Billy paused and then carried on, “I told Rosa” 
“About you?” you finally piped up shocked at Billy telling his adoptive mother, who he’s told you that he’s closest with in the family other than Freddie.
“And about us. That is also another reason why I wanted to talk to you other than apologizing of course,” Billy stepped forward and you let him. He grasped your hands in his before looking into your eyes. 
“Since I told Rosa who is probably going to tell Victor, for which Darla is going to listen in on then she’s going to tell everyone, I wanted to ask you if would you like to come over and meet my family?” 
“I thought you would never ask,” you smiled, you were still mad at Billy but this moment could not be ruined by it. 
Billy leaned in, his eyes fluttering shut, and his head tilted one side. You copied his movements automatically to go in for a kiss. But fate had to mess it up. 
You heard a gasp from the doorway. As soon as the door opened it was then slammed shut.
“If you guys are going to do anything in our room please close the door so I know,” Freddie called from behind the closed door
You laughed as Billy turned a deep shade red. 
“Let’s try that again,” Billy turned to you, slipping his hand behind your neck before pushing his lips against yours. The kiss felt as if it was the full apology that Billy couldn’t get through with his words and that’s all you needed. You will forgive and not forget, but in this moment you would.
There had been mistakes made along the way to Billy coming out but he was glad that they were made. He would have never fully appreciated the gravity of the situation if there was none made. Billy was fully content that he could keep his family and the love of his life, you.
Request by @lavieroses-blog​
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queerbutstillhere · 4 years
Hey prompts lover, how about Jon gets turn into a toddler and Damian has to take care of him. Cue baby Jon letting his feeling out from in his little toddler way and Damian thinking they are just baby talk although he wants to believe them + batfam finding this situation hilarious
(Well hey ;) lol, your prompt is my command! This one ran away with me, so it's pretty long lol. So long, in fact, that I had to edit it bc Tumblr told me it was too long. Enjoy!)
"This is why i don't hang out with you, Batson!"
"Robin, look, I'm. Sorry!" Billy whined, trailing after him.
"Shush, Kent."
"Me hungry!"
"I understand," Damian bit out.
Then he yelped as a sharp pain came from his scalp. He shot a glare over to the toddler on his hip.
"Do not pull on my hair."
The toddler pouted, leaning in and pushing his face against Damian's neck.
"Do you think he'll be okay?"
"I don't know, Billy, you're the one with the magical powers, you figure it out."
"Damian, that's not fair."
"Not fair?! Billy, my best friend has just been turned into a two year old!!"
The teen caped crusader flinched away, looking away from Robin's deadly glare.
"Go figure out how to fix this, Batson," Damian grumbled, jumping in the batmobile which he had just summoned.
Billy's protest was shut down when Damian snapped the lid of the car and zipped away. Jon was sat in the passenger seat, gripping tightly to the door and staring out the window.
"Wee!!" He exclaimed, looking back at Damian with this huge grin.
Damian almost smiled back, but instead focused on the road. He was headed to the batcave as he tore through the late night traffic, keeping an eye on Jon at all times. When he got to the cave, he hopped out, picking Jon up and balanced the Supertoddler on his hip. One think he had learned through his years of being Robin was how to handle kids. He wouldn't say he liked it, but he knew how to do it.
"Oh god, he's becoming you," a voice came from across the cave.
Damian looked up, searching for the voice and found Tim on the platform by the batcomputer. Jon pointed and made a high pitch noise that caused Damian to flinch away.
"Damian. What is that."
He looked even further up and found Bruce hanging from the rafters, sealing a hole in the wall.
"It's a toddler, father. I thought you of all people would know what a toddler was," Damian snarked back.
He pulled off his mask as he walked up the steps towards Tim. Jon whined and wiggled, chubby arms wrapped around Damian's neck.
"Where's my phone?" He asked Tim, walking over towards the table they usually left things on.
"I think you left it upstairs to charge, didn't you?"
Damian grumbled in response, grabbing Bruce's instead.
"Hey-" Tim started to protest.
"Batman!" Jon squealed, pointing as Bruce dropped down near them.
"Shh," Damian gently shushed him, bouncing him slightly to adjust his position on his hip.
"Damian?" Bruce questioned.
Damian just found the proper contact and was preparing to call it when Jon started floating out of his arms. With a sigh, he reached out, grabbing the red cape still attached to the toddler.
"Oh my God. Is that Jon?!" Tim exclaimed, eyes wide.
"Hi Tim!" Jon said in that little toddler voice of his, waving from his now upside down position.
"Kent. Come down," Damian ordered.
"Me fly!"
"I see that. Come back down here."
The toddler just stared at him.
When he still didn't stop floating, Damian reached out, grabbed his little legs and pulled him back down.
"What happened?" Bruce asked cautiously.
Damian sighed and began to explain how they were helping Billy and then something to do with magic happened and next thing Damian knew, Jon was a baby.
"And he still has his powers."
"Some of them, at least."
Tim was snickering, shoulders shaking, hand clamped over his mouth.
"You think this is funny?" Damian snapped, staring at him.
"I think it's hilarious!" Tim busted out laughing, which caused Jon, still floating to start giggling.
Then the toddler started falling. Damian easily caught him, pulling the toddler to his chest as a surge of fear shot through him.
"Well, you should probably call Clark."
"I was going to."
"Other then that, uh? Just keep an eye on him I guess."
Damian shot Bruce a glare. "I do know how to handle toddlers, Father."
Damian ended up changing and taking Jon upstairs after he started whining about being hungry. Alfred was in the kitchen, already informed of the situation. He handed Damian a vegan grilled cheese and had a PB and J ready for Jon.
"Alfie! Hiiiii!" Jon said eagerly, waving as he toddled into the kitchen.
"Hello, Master Kent," Alfred greeted, picking Jon up as putting him in a chair at the island.
"Me hungry!"
"Yes, and I have a fine meal prepared for you," he said, putting it and a glass of milk down in front of Jon.
The toddler grabbed the sandwich and began shoving it into his mouth. Damian watched with mild horror before beginning to eat his own sandwich. He still needed to call Clark.
"How old are you, Master Kent?" Alfred asked.
"Uhhhh," Jon frowned at him, peanut butter all over his face. "Dunno!"
"He still has all his memories and such," Damian commented. "As far as I can tell, anyway."
"Me like Dami!" Jon exclaimed, grinning at him with his peanut butter face.
"I- okay. I'm going to call your father."
Damian shoved the last bite in his mouth and then walked out, running up to his room and grabbing his phone. He called Clark and discovered the man was in Japan and simply got a "you'll have to watch him". So Damian went back downstairs to collect his toddler-bestfriend. Jon was getting tired and clung to Damian tightly, wrapping his arms around his neck, nearly choking Damian. The toddler yawned as Damian held him, chatting with his brothers, who had made their way upstairs, still in their uniforms.
"Dami," the toddler mumbled, his forehead pressed into Damian's cheek.
"Yes, Jonathan?"
"Me sleepy."
"Okay, you can go to sleep."
"You sleep with me?"
"I have work to do," Damian said, gently rubbing his back.
The batsiblings had gone quiet, watching them.
"Noooo," Jon whined, pulling away, grabbing Damian's cheeks. "You sleep with me!"
"Jon, no. I have to work."
The toddler stuck out his bottom lip and made a little sobbing noise.
"Uh oh, Damian look what you've done," Dick said, grinning.
"You-" the toddler broke off, whimpering as his eyes tearing up.
"Oh no," Damian said, just seconds before Jon started crying.
"Damian, you monster!" Tim exclaimed. Both brothers busted up laughing.
Jon, crying loudly, pushed against Damian, trying to get out of his arms.
"Jon quit!"
A loud wail met his words.
"Jonathan you're being unreasonable!"
Another loud wail. Jon shoved so hard he almost slipped out of Damian's grip.
"Damian, he's a toddler, that won't work," Dick told him with a headshake.
Damian adjusted Jon, balancing him on his hip.
"Okay! Okay! I'll go to bed with you, okay? Just stop crying! I'm sorry, okay?" Damian exclaimed, desperate to get the shrieking to stop.
Jon sobbed again, blinking at Damian through his tears, giving him the biggest puppy dog eyes ever.
The toddler nodded, shoving his face into Damian's neck, hiccuping lightly. Damian sighed, looking up at his laughing brothers.
"I guess I'm going to bed."
"Night, baby bat!" Dick called as Damian carried Jon out.
Jon hiccuped all the way upstairs. Damian walked into his room, kicking the door shut behind him, flicking on a light.
"Okay, Superkid," Damian said, plopping the tiny toddler on the bed.
Compared to him, at 18, this toddler version of his best friend - normally 16 - was absolutely tiny. Like, just reached his knees. He was absolutely terrified of accidentally breaking him.
"Me no Superkid," Jon sniffled out, rubbing his snotty nose.
Damian made a disgusted nose and grabbed a Kleenex, wiping the snot. Jon just looked up at him, that bottom lip stuck out.
"Me Superboy."
"Yes you are," Damian said with a sigh, throwing away the Kleenex. He crouched in front of Jon. "We're gonna figure out how to get you changed back, okay? And hopefully before school on Monday."
Jon nodded.
"I'm gonna go brush my teeth, okay? Stay here. Play with Alfred."
The mentioned cat sauntered over, rubbing against Toddler Jon.
"Dami," Jon sniffed out.
"I luv you."
Damian blinked at him, straightening.
"I. Uh. Okay."
His heart was pounding really hard. And he didn't know why. He escaped to the en suite bathroom, starting to brush his teeth. He could hear toddler Jon chattering to Alfred. Damian hastily scolded himself. He was a toddler at the moment, probably no more then three. He was just being a toddler, and toddler's didn't understand love like teenagers did. He shook his head and brushed it off.
Not that he didn't want it to be true.
After he washed his face and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt to sleep in, he walked back out, finding Jon slumped on his side, tiredly patting Alfred's head. The cat just blinked up at Damian.
"Okay, Jon. Time to go to bed," he said, ruffling the kids hair before going to turn off the overhead light.
It wasn't the first time he had shared a bed with Jon. Just usually, Jon was larger then him. He got under the covers, and toddler Jon wiggled his way up to the top of the bed, crawling under the thick blankets.
"Good night, Jon," Damian said.
He fully intended to slip away once the toddler went to sleep. Instead, Jon crawled over and flopped on top of Damian's chest, getting comfortable. Damian groaned slightly, confused.
"Me sleep here."
"Jon, that can't be comfortable."
"Me sleep here!"
Who knew a toddler version of Jon could be so convincing. Jon reached up, squishing Damian's cheeks again.
"Dami, I luv you," he said again, looking sincere.
"Okay," Damian breathed out, reaching up and ruffling little Jon's hair. "Go to sleep."
The toddler scowled at him but laid back down, his little arms hugging Damian's chest. Damian sighed, placing a hand on his back, holding him still while he reached over and flicked off the bedside lamp. Then he settled on his back, staring up at the ceiling.
Toddler Jon loved him. But did Teen Jon?
Why were emotions so complicated?
Damian eventually drifted to sleep, an arm wrapped protectively around toddler Jon. This was a horribly weird situation, but he supposed they could figure it out in the morning.
He woke up to a sudden massive increase of weight on his chest. He groaned in pain and shoved at it.
"Quit pushing!"
Damian snapped his eyes open, finding Jonathan Kent, sixteen, mere inches from his face.
"Well duh, who else?" Jon grumbled, rubbing at his eyes.
"You're back!"
Jon crossed his arms on Damian's chest, resting his chin on his forearms.
"And you're incredibly heavy," Damian said, scowling now.
Jon grinned at him and Damian glared back. Then he became aware of Jon's lower half laying in between his legs, his stomach pressing on-
"Okay, get off!" Damian snapped, easily flipping his weight to one side and throwing Jon off.
Jon laughed as he was tossed onto his back.
"Aw, come on, Dames, admit it, you're glad I'm back."
Damian just grumbled under his breath. Jon grinned, reaching over and pinching his side.
"Don't be a butt."
"You need to call your father."
"Hmm. What if I'd rather talk to you first."
"What if I start crying? That seemed to work so well the last time."
Damian tensed. "How much do you remember?"
"Oh, quite a bit," Jon said, his voice dropping. "I remember your heart going crazy when I said I loved you."
Damian was opening his mouth to respond when the door slammed open.
"Damian! I think the spell wore- oh."
Both teens snapped their gaze over to Billy Batson, in Shazam form, staring at the two of them, laying in bed together.
"Well... i guess you already knew that," Billy said, stepping backwards.
"Good assumption, Batson," Damian said coldly, eyes rolling.
"I'm just. . . I'll go. Hey Jon."
"Hi Billy," Jon said, laughing to himself.
Billy quickly retreated.
"Have I ever told you that i like him?"
"Go back to sleep, Jon," Damian grumbled, kicking his shins.
He rolled onto his side, glaring at the wall. Jon laughed, and then suddenly pressed himself against Damian's back, an arm slipping over his waist.
"I meant it," he murmured.
"Wait, what!"
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asks (26)
@spickerzocker​ said:
hey there! just a heads up that i tried to click on the "why i don't ship" explanation link in your faq and it says that there is no post with that url/it's generally broken. also your "a conversation about recovery" thing is beautiful and hurts in the best way and i love it. have a nice day!
Yes, I intentionally took that link down awhile ago, and last night I went and updated some of the tabs on my blog. Here are my basic thoughts:
I wrote that link years and years ago, while I was first navigating the internet and while I was still figuring out important things about my own identity and opinions. I ran my blog differently back then, but by the end of the first few months, I knew I was uncomfortable with shipping. 
As people began to interact with me and my work, I told them over and over again no, I don’t want to talk about that, and I don’t want to write about it, and it makes me uncomfortable. I don’t think that was a common position to take at the time, so it wasn’t what people expected from me. 
During those years, I felt like I had to justify myself and give a valid explanation. I wrote that post explaining why I had that boundary, and I put it in a place where anyone could find it.
I said no when people asked, let them make jokes about it, and made jokes about it myself in response. As time went on I got more and more exasperated when I had to repeat myself. I wrote definite rules into my ask box, request tab, and FAQ. People still asked. I wrote it into my description. People still asked. 
The truth is yeah, there’s a pretty simple explanation for my discomfort. It makes sense. It’s easy to understand, and most folks think it’s a “good enough” reason to leave me alone. The difference between young-me and current-me is that I no longer feel the need to justify myself. 
None of y’all need to know why I set the boundaries that I set. My explanation isn’t relevant, and I’m not obligated to give it. I said no. That’s enough. 
I think a good number of folks remember my explanation from the past, and I don’t mind that at all. There may be a time where I talk about it again, in a more appropriate context, so I guess we’ll see.
That’s a lot of information in response to a very helpful ask. Thanks! The link is gone now, and I’m so pleased that you enjoyed the fic :)
Anonymous said:
U suck
Kenza sent this anon as a joke. She’s right, and I thank her. 
Anonymous said:
I'm a doctor and ive seen it all.....but the milk fic made me gag
@wingedskyes said:
Ah. Wait. I wasn't on anon....uhm. oh well. It's fine. I like milk and am not ashamed. 😆
I don’t think I received another message from you actually, but I too like milk and I’m glad we’re on the same page
@thelittleredheadedmusician said:
To add to the milk discussions: my best friend from home and best friend from college have each finished a gallon a milk by themselves within 2 days.
I do that too, every once in awhile. When the milk craving hits it’s a gallon a day
Anonymous said:
Hold on I have to google some things
Yeah this is funny
Anonymous said:
I have read that milk fic three separate times and every time I’m laughing just as hard as Tim and dick by the end it’s just so excellently executed and builds so perfectly that by the time dick cracks I’m ready to go too and I just lose it it’s amazing I love it
Awww anon I’m so pleased :)
@the-smartass-under-the-mountain said:
Just wanted to drop by and say your recent fic with Tim antagonizing Damian with increasingly outrageous milk concoctions had me giggling. It was so cute and refreshing to see Dick enjoying Tim's little prank. And Bruce's reaction to just... walk away was fantastic!
Thank you! I’m always so thrilled when y’all think the jokes hit
@njtheboywonder​ said:
I havnt really enjoyed a fic in years, but i stopped to read ur fanfic with tim drinking milk just to fuck w dami amd it made me smile. Thanks, for writing it.
Oh that warms my heart <3
@bruciewayneisbatman​ said:
Tim Is totally the guy who would drink ridiculous amounts of dalgona coffee to annoy damian, according to that fic.
Had to google that one, but I guess so huh
Anonymous said:
(diff anon) but that birthday fic was so good oml and you have opened my eyes as to the batfam in quarantine this is such a Concept
We’re all here dying..... together...
Anonymous said:
Happy birthday! 🎉 or belated! 🎂 thank you for being in the fandom. 😊
Anonymous said:
To anon! Sorry. I forgot to add that! Anyway, thanks to them we get a lovely fic. I hope you have many more birthdays! 😊
Message for you anon
Anonymous said:
Your writing gives off good vibes
Hear that guys I “passed my vibe check.” Is that what the youth say these days? I am an elder now and I do not know
Anonymous said:
finding your blog while being relatively new to batman fandom is such a bliss. your batfam content especially is *chef's kiss* amazing.
Thank you my darling :) I’m glad you’re here
Anonymous said:
Best line in a fic? Hard to pick just one, but this particular one from "Just Desserts" by fyeahbatmanandrobin on Tumblr is one of my faves: “Anyone else would be hard-pressed to provide the particular brand of excitement you bring to my life, Dami.”
@noisypaintersong​ said:
For the line thing: "I don't doubt it. Bruce Wayne, the unexpectedly normal guy wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a superhero wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a fake socialite wrapped in a businessman wrapped in a secretive billionaire." He paused. "…You're the seven-layer burrito of Gotham," he pondered. - Barry to Bruce in 'Of Friends and Foes' by Paganpunk2 on FFN. It's one of the funniest things I've read someone say to Bruce LOL
@kirakats​ submitted:
Tumblr media
Anonymous said:
“I do know that according to everyone else, there is no chance, no future, no universe where I stay a hero.” Describes my frustration with the way DC treats Damian so accurately. Let the kid be a hero dammit.
Thanks! That’s really helpful. I’ve got a decent answer to my question now. 
@kurawastaken​ submitted:
Tumblr media
So this is Kenza retaliating against me for the milk fic. I very much hate tomatoes and specifically ketchup. This photo (1) is a nightmare and (2) fulfills its intended purpose.
Anonymous said:
I love your blog!!!
And I love you 
Anonymous said:
quick question: how do you think jason reconciles with the fam?? i think in the comics they kinda just reboot and now he’s on better terms. but like what conversations happened, yknow??? (you’re doin great work by the way, it rips out my heart but it’s great)
This is an amazing question, and I’ll be thinking about it for the next bit, I think. That would be a really interesting topic to explore in depth
@angel-gidget​ said:
*hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? Make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe!
Oh thank you for the hug <3
Anonymous said:
I hadn’t been aware of that Memphis petition, but I live in Memphis too (Altho I know you said you just grew up there so you may not be living here currently haha) so ig I just wanted to say thanks for bringing it to my attention!
I’ve been in Texas for six years now, ever since I started school, but I’m still in and out of Memphis for family purposes. Love the trash heap of my birth 
@damianwaynerocks​ said:
hey! any chance you know of any other dc heroes around damian’s age?
Sure! You could try Billy Batson, Jon Kent, or Maya Ducard
Anonymous said:
hi! i don't know if it's okay to leave anons like these but ive been feeling down because my country has passed a bill that deprives us of lots of human rights freedom and i want you to know that i just found your blog through the damian/bruce + justice fic and it comforted me. im slowly going thru your works and so far they are all comforting. i love your stuff, thank you.
Philippines? I’ve heard some things, and I’m real sorry y’all’re going through that. I don’t know that there’s anything I could say about that to help, but I hope you’re finding joy somewhere
@awesomeness-ofgaybitches​ said:
Tumblr hates you. The links in your bio and to your fic masterlist don't work on mobile. I'm sorry.
27 notes · View notes
avis-writeshq · 5 years
Billy Batson x Mute! Reader
Requested: Nope
Pairing: Billy Batson x Fem!Mute!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, and trash writing… OH AND SPOILERS!!!!!
Other: I’m not sure how old Billy was in the movie, so Imma make it 15.
Word count: 7,228                                                                                            
 Things you probably wanna know, for all you ‘x reader’ illiterates:
(Y/N): Your Name
(H/C): Hair Colour / Color
(E/C): Eye Colour / Color
(N/N): Nickname
The opening and closing of the front door brought you out of your books and you heard Rosa’s voice echo through the building. Snapping your book closed and tucking it under your arm, you made your way down the stairs, hearing Eugene’s voice soon after. He must be playing another one of those video games. Rolling your eyes, you took a few more steps into the kitchen, Darla running right past you.
“Is that him? Oh, my gosh, Billy!” Darla exclaimed, running forward and wrapping her arms around the boy’s waist, ignoring Victor’s warning of slowing down.
“And that’s Darla,” Rosa chuckled.
“I’m Darla,” the girl grinned up at him, her thick glasses sliding down her nose.
A small smile wandered onto your face as you looked upon the scene, only to have your name called moments later. “(Y/N), come say hi to Billy!”
You waved at the boy who looked to be about the same age as you, if not a little older. You plucked your notebook out of your pocket and wrote a small note to him. ‘Hello.’
“She’s mute,” Victor explained, casting you a sideways glance, “childhood trauma.”
“Oh, I didn’t…” Billy began, pity filling his eyes.
You waved off the apology before turning to Rosa. ‘Do you need help to set the table?’ You signed, a bright smile on your face.
“I’m doing it!” Darla exclaimed, pouting her lips at you before her eyes lit up, “oh yeah, the poster! I made you one! Come, look!” Tugging Billy along, Darla rushed into the dining room, you following loosely behind. “Oh, no…”
There on top of the pink paper were two extremely heavy looking weights. Underneath the weights, however, were the words ‘WELCOME HOME NEW BROTHER’ in pink glitter glue, silver rhinestones decorating the edge. “Sorry, Pedro must have been working out…” In a poor attempt to save the poster, the young girl tugged at a corner, only for it to rip. You and Rosa cringed as Darla passed the corner to Billy.
You smiled thoughtfully, signing to Darla, ‘I can fix it with tape.’
Before she could respond, Mary came walking into the room, a phone against her ear. You rubbed your arm awkwardly as Victor and Mary exchanged a few words before pulling out your notebook once more. ‘I hope you like it here.’ You wrote quickly, watching in anticipation as Billy read the note. He offered a hesitant smile before Darla asked him a question.
“Do you like vegan food? See, I love animals.” A high pitched beeping sounded from the kitchen and the young girl pushed her way past her family. “Oh, no…”
“Oh no, we might have to eat a real turkey!” Victor exclaimed before running off to help Darla.
Billy looked from you to Rosa, “is that…”
“It’s okay, come, I’ll show you to your room. (Y/N), do you wanna come?”
You nodded eagerly before following the two up the stairs, running into Pedro who said nothing. “Is he also… you know…?”
“Oh, he’s just quiet. He can talk a lot when he wants to.”
You shrugged, signing, ‘Pedro can be nice, though.’
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand,” Billy frowned, looking sympathetically at you.
Nodding in understanding, you waved the apology off once more as Rosa continued her tour, “Freddy, this is Billy Batson. Please make him feel at home, okay? Maybe don’t say anything too weird.”
“Oh, one weird thing,” Freddy began, but you were already out the door.
After the Victor said his prayer at the dining table, Billy asked his dying question. “Can all of you understand sign language?”
You coughed, choking on your water. Mary looked at him, eyebrow raised. Eugene huffed at him, holding onto your arm (out of the other kids, he was most attached to you). Pedro was indifferent while Freddy looked insulted, and Darla… well, Darla slapped his arm. “That’s rude, Billy!”
‘It’s ok,’ you wrote, ‘I’m used to it.’
You nodded at Rosa, who quickly explained. “Victor and I knew sign language before we met (Y/N). It was just by chance that we happened to adopt her. She’s a sweet girl, Billy, she’s not that bad.”
“I know, I just wanted to ask,” he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “Sorry if that made you uncomfortable, (Y/N).”
‘Don’t worry abt it,’ you wrote quickly, ‘I’m fine.’
School the next morning was the same as any other day. You got teased, picked on, mocked, the whole shebang. But today was special. After all, Billy was joining the school and you finally had someone to talk to. Or rather, just to hang out with. Sure, there was Freddy, but all he talked about was superheroes and pop culture, and that was enough to bore anyone. At some point, you had to just drone him out with a note that asked, ‘did you do the maths HW?’ to get him to shut up.
You walked silently into the school while Darla explained things. “This is our security scanner,” she said, taking her bag off, “like in an airport. It’s totally safe.”
“I know what it is,” Billy said awkwardly before turning to you, Pedro and Eugene who were standing behind him. “Is she always like this?”
The three of you nodded in confirmation and you shot Eugene a warning glare as he continued to play on his phone.
“Signs make me uncomfortable,” the little girl continued.
“She’s almost never uncomfortable,” Eugene responded, only to have his arm flicked. “Hey!”
‘Don’t be mean,’ you signed and the boy huffed.
Walking into the hallway, Darla attacked Billy with a hug around the legs. “Have a good first day, big brother!”
“Look, you don’t have to hug me all the time,” the brunet said, pulling away from the embrace, before crouching down to eye-level. “We’re not actually brother and sister, so…”
It pained you to see the disappointment in the girl’s eyes as she looked downcast. “Oh… I’m sorry,” she whispered softly and Billy’s smile evaporated.
Darla turned around and walked down the hall, Freddy noticing her immediately. “Hey!”
He wrapped his free arm over her shoulders, Billy calling out, “I didn’t mean to make her-”
Freddy just shrugged before walking Darla down to her class. ‘Don’t worry,’ you wrote on your paper, ‘Darla is a strong girl. Ik you’re not too fond w us.’
“I didn’t mean to make her cry,” the boy repeated himself, a frown on his face.
‘Let’s just go to class, ok?’
“Yeah, okay.”
Lunch came around and you sat beside Billy at a lunch table, eating you gross cafeteria food. The two of you sat at lone table, as per usual, when Freddy limped towards the table. “Flight or invisibility?” He demanded as he sat down, roughly placing his tray of food on the table. He dropped his crutch and turned to face you and Billy. When no answer came from either of you, he asked again, “if you could have one superpower, flight or invisibility? What would you pick?” Not letting you answer, Freddy began to ramble. “Everyone chooses flight! You know why?”
“So they could fly away from this conversation?” Billy asked sarcastically and you snickered from beside him.
“No, ‘cause heroes fly,” Freddy said, ignoring his statement. Billy rolled his eyes and went to stand up. “And- and, who doesn’t want people to think they’re a hero, right?” He continued to talk as Billy left the table, “but invisibility, no way, I mean, that’s pervy! Spying around on people who don’t even know you’re there? Sneaking around everywhere, that’s a total villain power, right?!” He yelled out the last words and the cafeteria turned silent as all heads turned towards him. Freddy huffed, grabbing his food and his crutch before chasing after his new brother.
“No,” you whispered under your breath, eyes on your food, “no one wants to be invisible because it hurts.”
“Hey, hey, hey, look who it is! Our second favourite foster child to pick on!” An oh-so annoying voice exclaimed. You didn’t need to turn around to see who it is.
“Wait, so who’s our first?” Burke asked his brother, smirk on his face.
“Freddy, of course, you brother of mine!” Brett snickered, “what are you gonna do, cry? What, are you sad you don’t have a real family?”
The two boys let out a laugh, high-fiving each other before leaving you alone. For some reason, if you could choose between flight and invisibility, you would choose flight. Then you’ll have both powers.
School came and went, and you walked beside Darla as you walked down the stairs. “How was your day, (Y/N)?”
‘Same as usual,’ you signed.
You looked to the front, only to see a car almost run Freddy over. You let out a scream, grabbing Darla’s hand and whipping Eugene’s phone away from him. Ignoring his cries of protest, you ran over to where Freddy was, helping him up. The car doors opened up to reveal Brett and Burke Breyer. You held in a groan.
“What the hell?” Mary snapped, “What is wrong with you two?”
Brett scoffed, pushing Freddy against the car with his shirt. “No way that’s gonna buff out.”
“You gonna pay for this, Freeman?”
“For the dent you made almost hitting me? Yeah, sure, you take these?” He pointed his middle finger in the air and you slapped your palm against your forehead. The boys let out sarcastic chuckles as they pushed your foster brother to the ground, relentlessly kicking him in the stomach.
“Brett, stop!” Mary yelled.
“Don’t touch my brother!” Darla cried.
“What, you need your fake family to stand up for you?” Burke laughed.
“Stand up for yourself, Freeman,” Brett laughed.
“Here, Freeman, stand up for yourself!” Burke snickered, shoving the crutch in Freddy’s face mockingly.
“What about you, (L/N)? Can’t do anything for your ‘brother’, can you?” Brett sneered.
“Leave him alone…” you mustered, feeling eyes at the back of your head.
“I can’t hear you!”
“Leave him alone!” You yelled, only to be pushed by Burke to the ground. You let out a cry when he kicked you in the stomach, trying to use your arms to block the blows.
“Pathetic,” he muttered before turning back to Freddy.
“What are you gonna do, go home and cry to mommy?” Brett taunted, bending down. “Oh, yeah, you don’t have a mommy!”
You got up to pull Brett away from Freddy, but apparently you didn’t have to. “Hey.” A voice sounded, and Burke turned around only to be hit in the face with Freddy’s crutch. Hitting Brett in the crown-jewels, Billy let out a sarcastic snicker. “Man, sorry about that. That wasn’t fair, but then again, you don’t fight fair.”
Burke let out a scowl, pushing Billy against the car and punching him harshly in the stomach. “Back off, ass-bags, I know how to use these!” Eugene snatched the nun chucks from Burke’s pocket and whipped them around before hitting himself with them.
Billy took the distraction and bolted away from the scene, the bullies about to start chasing them.
“Stop!” You screamed, pulling Brett back by his jacket.
He scowled at you, “let go, bitch!” he kicked you in the shin before running off to chase after Billy.
You whimpered in pain, clutching your shim as the boys left your view. “Freddy!” Your eyes lit up in remembrance, and tried your best to help him up.
“Take it easy,” Mary said while Pedro, Eugene and Darla helped Freddy up.
“I’m fine,” you mumbled, but you knew a bruise would start to form from where they hit you. Boy, did you hope Billy was okay.
You buried you head in your knees, hot tears flowing down your cheeks. The others were downstairs; Rosa was calling the police while Eugene and Mary were trying to find Billy online. Darla sat beside Mary, working hard on another craft project, while Pedro was doing… something.
If only you were stronger than this. Maybe if you had the strength to do something, Billy wouldn’t have run away. You wiped your face with your jumper sleeve, your eyes filling up with tears once more. Memories filled your head from before Rosa and Victor adopted you, and you choked back a sob.  You whimpered, clutching your stomach that Rosa had wrapped in bandages; there was already a purplish bruise growing at the surface.
‘You’re weak.’ A voice echoed from the back of your head. ‘You can’t even speak.’
“Yes I can…”
‘It’s your fault mom isn’t here anymore. It’s your fault dad is dead.’
“You’re a bastard!”
“Lauren, how much did you have to drink?”
You crouched down from behind the bookshelf, a frown on your face. Why wasn’t dad looking for you?
“You have some nerve showing up! How’s your little mistress, Soren? How is she?!” Your mother let out a scream, the weapon in her hands shaking.
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t be an idiot! You’ve been seeing her, haven’t you?! That’s why you show up late every day!”
“Lauren, I’m not cheating on you.”
“LIAR!” And that was all you heard when a deafening bang echoed around the house. Everything was happening in slow motion; the bullet made its way to meet your father’s chest, and your mother was screaming. Or maybe that was you. Maybe you were the one who was screaming, whether it be from fear, sadness, or shock. You heard sirens in the distance, and you heard the gun in your mother’s hands clatter to the floor.
“Hey, are you alright?” You burst into tears.
 “I would like to call the prime witness, (Y/N) (L/N), the defendant and victim’s daughter.”
‘Just tell the truth,’ you repeated the words the prosecutor had told you.
“Who hurt your dad, (Y/N)?” The prosecutor asked, fixing up his cravat.
You frowned, recalling the incident. “Mommy did.”
“SHE’S LYING!” Lauren screamed when the judge gave his conviction, “YOU’RE A LIAR, (Y/N)! YOU’RE A DISAPPOINTMENT! YOU’RE A TERRIBLE DAUGHTER!”
The tears that cascaded down your face dropped on the floor, and you felt a hand on your shoulder. “It’s going to be alright.”
“Will it, Mr. Miles?”
“Let’s get you home.”
You snapped out of your flashback when you heard a creaking on the stairs. “Billy?”
You didn’t hear an answer when you heard a thunder crack, cutting out the power. You let out a shriek, falling backwards on your bed when you heard footsteps at the door. “(Y/N)? Are you okay?”
“Freddy? Is that you?” Using your phone’s flash as a torch, you guided yourself to the door. “Billy!” You threw your arms around him before quickly pulling away. “Sorry, I forgot you didn’t like hugs,” you mumbled before slapping your mouth with a hand.
Freddy awkwardly patted Billy on the shoulder, before retreating to his room.
You turned to leave, when the brunet grabbed you by the arm. “Hey, I’m sorry for today. Did I worry you?” Opening and closing your mouth like a fish, all could do was nod. Tears began to brim your eyes and Billy began to panic. “Oh no, please don’t cry, I don’t wanna make two girls cry in the same day.” You manage a small giggle before going to pull your notebook from your pocket when Billy stopped you again. “Please talk to me.”
You sat cross-legged on your bed, Billy sitting on your wheelie-chair at your desk. “It’s been a while since I had someone to talk to.”
“No offense, but I though you couldn’t talk,” he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
“None taken. Like Victor said, childhood trauma. I mean, seeing your dad get murdered is pretty big, don’t you think?”
“Your dad was murdered?”
“My mom killed him. Had too much to drink and pew, pew, pew. One second dad was playing hide and seek with me, the next he was on the floor bleeding while mom was being arrested. I was the main witness in the murder, so I had to stand at the witness stand. You know what she said to me as she was being dragged away?”
“She said I was a disappointment and a terrible daughter,” you fell back on the bed, a long sigh escaping you. “Ever since then, I was too scared to talk in fear of ruining someone else’s life. Rosa and Victor changed that for me.” You let out a little yawn.
“You sound tired. Maybe you should go to bed.”
“Who knows when I can talk to you again?” You mumbled, your eyelids drooping.
“(Y/N), you can talk to me anytime.”
“Yay… we’re friends!”
“We always were.”
Fast forward a few days later, you were at the mall buying Christmas gifts. It was after school and you had dropped off your things at home. You still hadn’t bought anything for your family which, to you, was a pretty big problem. You were just buying yourself a muffin when you heard screaming coming in all directions. Within seconds, the glass roof of the mall had shattered, showering people with glass. People were running in different directions when you heard it.
“Billy!” Oh no.
You whipped around, only to see Freddy being attacked by a flying man. Wait, what? Doing your best to do it quietly, you followed them, creeping behind them as the man flew, holding Freddy by his hoodie.
“Billy,” the man growled, pushing Freddy roughly against a locker. You flinched at the sound, concealing yourself behind the door. The man took his sunglasses off, revealing a glowing blue ball where his right eye should be.
“S-super villain,” Freddy stuttered, “Super villain! Super villain!”
“Worse. Much worse.”
The boy began to ramble, “I won’t let you read my mind; my mind is blank!”
Banging Freddy’s head against the locker, the man sneered. “I don’t have to read your mind, because you are going to tell me. Where is he?”
Dark grey mist filled the room, slowly turning into figures. Three figures were there, one with huge bat-like wings, another with spikes covering its body, and another with a long slimy tongue. “HELP! HELP!” Freddy screamed, trying to pull away.
“If you don’t tell me,” the man said slowly, the creatures advancing towards the two, “they’ll kill you.”
The one with the tongue crept closer and was about to gnaw on Freddy’s arm, when you screamed. “STOP IT! STOP! He did nothing!”
“(Y/N)? (Y/N), get away from here, leave! (Y/N), get out!”
“Oh, if it isn’t another brave hero,” The man jeered, “(Y/N), was it? Word of advice: leave before I make you.”
“Let Freddy go! Take me instead!”
“Only if I get what I want.”
“(Y/N), get out, Billy would never forgive me if-” Freddy slapped a hand over his mouth when he realised what he had done.
“So our little champion has a girlfriend.” The man flew over to you and you cowered against the wall. “Tell me where I can find Billy.”
“Never!” You spat.
“I’ll tell you where it is if you let her go!” Freddy exclaimed.
“Tell me first,” he bargained, “then I’ll let her go.”
“208 (random street). Now let her go.”
Without saying anything, one of the locker doors opened up revealing a haunted temple. The creature hissed at you before being absorbed back into the man’s body, not without the winged one pushing Freddy to floor. The man grabbed you by the neck, cutting off your air supply, before taking hold of Freddy. You and Freddy were carried through the door, when the man pushed you against the ground, kicking at the bruise on your stomach. You gasped in pain while Freddy let out a scream.
“You said you’ll let her go!”
“I lied.”
The man threw you against the wall and the last thing you saw was him taking a struggling Freddy through the door before your vision became blurry and all you could see was black.
The door of a foster home was knocked on, and Freddy could hear the excitement from behind the door. “Freddy?” Darla asked upon seeing her brother with a tall bald man.
“Oh, how quaint!” Sivana watched as Mary pushed her brothers behind her. He took his glasses off. “Actually, I take that back. What a shithole.”
“Freddy, where’s (Y/N)?” Eugene demanded, as he was forced to sit on the couch.
“I don’t know.” The words tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop them while Sivana gave a sneer.
Taking out a black phone from his pocket, the mad doctor called a very specific number. “Come home, Billy. Come home.”
From the other side of the line, Billy could hear the screams of his family. Running up the stairs of his birth-mother’s apartment, he made his way to the roof. Without thinking twice, he jumped. “SHAZAM!”
You let out a gasp in pain, and you felt as if you were electrocuted. Your head was pounding and you felt as if your chest was on fire. This was not how you expected things to go. Then again, what were you expecting? Nothing less from a super-villain. You tried your best to get up, clutching your stomach in pain. Where in the world were you?
The dark walls of the temple seemed to loom over you, and you did your best to crane your head. A few ways in front of you were 7 large chairs, tall and regal. Thrones? Why the hell would someone need 7 thrones? You grunted as you made your way towards them, stepping over a glowing staff. Boy, did you hope they were comfy. When you sat upon one of the thrones, memories flooded into your head. Freddy. What happened to him? What about you family; are they safe? And what did that man want with Billy? That’s when it hit you.
The supervillain wanted Billy. He wanted him for one sole purpose. Another thought wandered into your head. “Nah, he can’t be gay.” So why… “Billy’s the power guy from YouTube.”
“(Y/N)…” A voice echoed. “Get up from the throne.”
You flinched, looking up. “Who’s there?”
“Get up from the throne.”
Panic coursed through your veins but you did as you were told. “Where are you?”
With a flash of blinding light, red embers were before you, in the shape of an old man. The staff that was once on the floor was in the man’s hand and you stepped backwards in shock. “Do not be afraid.”
You couldn’t speak. It seemed as if there was a force constricting your throat, preventing you from speaking. All you could do was nod.
“I am the wizard who gave Billy Batson his powers.”
“Is he okay?” You blurted, clapping a hand over your mouth.
“He will be fine. But you will not be. Sivana had cracked a rib and if it is not treated, you can die.” You watched as the embers brought its hand to the front, the staff glowing powerfully. “Put a hand on the staff and I will heal you.”
You glanced at the staff sceptically. “Are you sure you’re the expert on this?”
“Hand on the staff, (Y/N) (L/N), before it is too late.”
“Why am I so important?”
“You will bring the champion both his rise and his destruction. Without you, there is no Billy Batson.” Impatiently, he thrust the staff towards you. “Hand on the staff.”
“Okay, okay!” You did as you were told.
“Asclepius, tin therapefsei apo tis pliges tis! Tis doste ti dynsmi ns therspefsei o, ti synanta!” (Asclepius, heal her of her wounds! Give her the power to heal all she meets!) Lightning seemed to engulf you as the man said these words and you felt your rib, stomach and head tingle with warmth. Your eyes snapped opened to fond that the man was no longer there and the staff was on the ground.
“Okay… thanks sir! I feel a lot better!” You called out, hearing the echoes.
You heard footsteps approach, and you began to freak out. This was not funny. Before you could let out a yell, a deafening “YAAAAAAH!” was heard and a figure in red, yellow and white zoomed past you, kitting against one of the thrones. That had to hurt. The figure grunted, and before you could stop yourself, you asked, “Billy?”
The man struggled to get up, looking at you for a split second. “(Y/N), get out of here, before-”
He was cut off by you being thrown against the wall by a grey mist. “Look, the brat is still alive.” Silvana stopped to pick up the staff that was lying at his feet. “I dedicated my live to get here.” The crystal in the staff glowed an eerie white, and you watched in horror as he walked closer to Billy. “I scoured the earth. No one believed me. On one helped; not the wizard, not my family. I only had myself.”
“I get it,” Billy said desperately, climbing onto his knees, “I get what that’s like. Feeling like you’re all alone in the world.”
“Feeling like there’s this one thing and if you could just find it, then you’ll finally be good enough.”
Billy did as he was told.
“The champion’s name,” Sivana pounded the staff on the ground. “Say it.” The grey mist wafted into the air, taking for of the hellish creatures. You flinched as they snarled at the hero.
“Look, no offence, mister, but I don’t think these things have your best interest at heart,” Billy tried, but his word had no effect.
“Don’t listen to this child,” Lust hissed.
“Take the staff,” Wrath snarled, hitting Billy on the back.
“Hold it, and say the champion’s name,” Sloth growled.
“They’re using you,” Billy tried again; “You have to see that they are using you.”
From the corner of your eye, you saw Darla, Mary, Freddy, Pedro and Eugene creep into the scene, each carrying absurd weapons.
“Say your name.”
A harsh shring sounded and Sivana yelped as the batarang fell to the floor. “His name is Captain Sparke-Fingers,” Freddy said, trying to ignore the crack in his voice. You joined them, taking out a pen from your pocket.
Mary gave you a look of ‘seriously?’ and you rolled your eyes, pointing to the calculus book she had in her hands.
“And we’re gonna keep throwing things at your big, fat, ugly head until you let our brother go,” Darla snapped and you wanted to run over and hug the little girl while reprimanding her to not be so rude.
Thinking fast, Billy picked the batarang off the floor and imbedded it into Sivana���s right shoulder and throwing him against the wall. “Ooh, am I glad I didn’t sell that batarang,” Billy exclaimed, running down the stairs. “Pedro, is that a lamp?”
“It’s my only one.”
“Come on, come on, come on! (Y/N), you okay?”
“I’ll be fine,” you respond and the others were too freaked out to comment on your talkativeness.
“Guys, I appreciate the thought, but I don’t think your weapons are gonna help, you could put ‘em down now!” Captain Sparkle-Fingers cried out, turning a corner.
“The door was right here!” Eugene exclaimed.
“Billy, how do we get out of here?” Mary asked, exasperated.
“What, you think I know? I don’t know!”
Meanwhile, Darla was curiously wandering around the tunnels. “This way!” she yelled, pointing.
“Go, go, go, go, go, follow Darla! Good job, Darla!” Billy exclaimed, pushing his family into the tunnel. “Go, go, go, go…”
The six of you ran through the tunnels and over a brick bridge, Billy yelling out commands. Poor Freddy was doing more physical activity than he’s ever done in his life, while you were still wandering about what had happened before Billy and Sivana came through. Your group stopped at in a cave, gazing in amazement.
“Woah… so many doors…” Darla mumbled, staring at each one.
“One of these has to be a way out, right?” Mary asked hopefully, but you knew she was trying to make everything better.
“Yeah I would hope so,” Billy breathed out, eyes widening.
Eugene opened a dark oak door, revealing three crocodiles (alligators?) playing poker. The animals snapped their heads around before running for Eugene, who rushed to close the door. “Not this one.”
Pedro opened another door, and swirling smoke wisped around his feet. A small plant like creature poked out of the door, only for it to turn ugly and revealed its fang-like structures and lunging for Pedro. He closed it in a haste.
Mary and Darla opened a small square door, and the creature inside let out a roar.
“Okay, no more doors, nobody open anymore doors!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands up in exasperation.
“Come on, Billy, what are we gonna do?” Darla whined.
The boy- or man? - let out a sigh, “Darla, I don’t know!”
“Do what you used to do, just think! How did you get out last time?” Mary prompted desperately.
By now, everyone had crowded around the man in red. “Last time, I thought about the Subway and I was on the Subway!”
“That’s it then!” Freddy exclaimed, “Think about the Subway, think about any other place except for here!”
“You can do it, Billy,” you said, smile on your face.
Before anyone else could comment, Sivana advanced on your group. Lifting a hand, you saw his hand glow. Billy closed his eyes and you felt yourself grow dizzy for a split second, but when you opened your eyes, you were in… where were you? All you could hear was a poor excuse of music, all the while Billy pushing everyone out of the building.
“Really? This was the first place you could think of?” Mary reprimanded, hand covering Darla’s eyes.
“You’re welcome!”
“Where’s Freddy?” You asked.
At that moment, the said boy walked out of the building, yelling out, “you too sir, have a holly jolly Christmas!”
“Freddy, what are you doing?” Billy demanded.
“I was just- they were nice people!”
“Nice peop- never mind, come on!” Before any of you had walked 10 steps, an explosion sounded from behind you, and Sivana was in the air, carrying his staff. “Go, go, go, go, everybody go!” Billy huffed when he saw Freddy struggle. Proceeding to pick him up, he bolted to a carnival where he knew they should be safe for a while.
Yeah… well… not so much. Noticing Billy, people began to crowd around him. You shivered, your claustrophobia and social anxiety was not going to be happy.
“Are you the hero!?” “You’re the hero Power Storm!”
“Wait, no, he’s an impersonator!” Freddy exclaimed.
“Yeah! I’m an impersonation of myself!” Billy yelled and you were so close to hitting him. The crowd never wavered, asking multiple questions before he had enough. “Shazam!”
With a lightning strike and a puff of smoke, Billy was back to being Billy while the crowd wondered where the hero had gone. You lean in to whisper at the once-hero. “They’re thick, aren’t they?”
He nodded in agreement before pushing the others behind a wooden stall. “Champion!” A voice yelled from above, attracting people’s attention. “You don’t deserve that name; hiding behind innocent people who will now die, because deep down, you’re just a scared little boy.”
“Don’t listen to him, Billy,” You whispered, “you’re stronger than he makes you out to be.”
“RUN!” A voice yelled, and people began to clamour from their spots.
Sivana used the staff to send lightning at different parts in the carnival, one being the centre of the Ferris wheel.  The wire holding the wheel to the ground was slowly tensioned, and the riders let out a scream.
“Well,” Billy began, turning to Freddy, “you wanted me to be a hero.”
“Are you kidding?” the boy demanded, “okay, no, old guys up there who is harbouring multiple spiritual entities, plus, I mean, he has the same powers as you, plus, he knows what he’s doing, plus, I mean, you’re my best friend and I don’t want you to die…”
“If a superhero can’t save his family…” he looked at the rest of his siblings before locking eyes with you. “He’s not much of a hero.”
He stepped out of his hiding spot, readying himself before yelling, “SHAZAM!” Within seconds, He had Sivana on the ground, exclaiming, “we’ll try that again!” He looked at Freddy with a bright grin, as if to say, ‘good?’
The boy shrugged his shoulders while the man gave an exasperated sigh. He was about to say something else, when Freddy let out a scream. “BILLY LOOK OUT!”
Said man ducked, springing upright and gaping at his family, “Laser eyes?! Guys, he has laser eyes! Too bad your aim sucks balls!”
Without warning, two arms sprang out from behind him, pulling him against the wooden building. The thing jumped out and threw the hero harshly to the ground, letting out a roar. Freddy watched the old man walk towards where Billy had landed, his eyes lighting up in realisation. “That’s his power matrix.”
“His what-what?” Eugene asked.
“When the demon guys leave his eye, he loses his power… that’s why the batarang hurt him.”
You were about to respond when Mary had to open her mouth. “Hey! Over here!”
“Wait, what are you doing?!”
“Trust me, dividing conquer. We separate the sins from the eye and he’s just an old man.”
The six of you watched in horror as the sins emerged in grey smoke, each letting out terrible screeches. You bolted into the carnival as you heard all your siblings being snatched one by one. Man, you should have payed more attention in gym. You ducked from Pride who grabbed hold of Eugene and while Greed snatched Darla from Mary. ‘RUN, RUN, RUN!’ Your mind screamed, all the while your lungs were begging for a small break. You tried your best to even out your breathing and ignoring the burning in your chest when you realised. You weren’t tired. Why the hell were you not tired?
You sprinted over to the pin ball area, Mary right on your heels. “Where… did you learn… to run like that?” Mary breathed and you shrugged in response.
You turned your attention to Sivana who was repeatedly dunking Billy’s head under water, basically drowning him. Thinking fast, you shoved a quarter (or dollar) into the machine while Mary took hold of it. “Hey.” As soon as Silvana’s head turned, she fired.
You froze as Sivana caught the little ball in between his pointer finger and his thumb when you heard a soft growling from behind you. “Ah, shit.”
You let out a scream as Gluttony dragged you into a tent where all your other siblings were being held against their will. “Nice trick,” Sivana said, “catchy. One simple word. I have a better trick. Three words,” he turned to Gluttony with a sneer, “kill the girlfriend.” (PLOTTWIST, IT TRIES TO EAT MARY)
Your siblings let out screams as you felt Gluttony’s slimy tongue stretch and you tried your best to pull away. From beside you, you heard Mary’s pleads to stop while you heard your other siblings crying out in desperation.
“STOP!” Billy yelled and Gluttony put you down. You let out a gasp, falling to your knees, your legs giving way. You felt Wrath drag you in front of him and you let out a whimper.
“Billy, there’s one more demon guy in his eye!” Freddy exclaimed. “You just gotta rip it out of its face hole -” He was cut off by Sloth’s fingers wrapping over his mouth.
“It’s where he gets his power,” Mary continued.
“Reach for it,” Sivana said in a whisper, “I dare you.” Instead, Billy got onto his knees while Sivana nodded in victory, “wise decision. Hands on the staff.”
“Don’t do it Billy!”
“Billy, don’t do this, Billy!”
Ignoring their pleas, the hero placed a hesitant hand on the staff. You looked up to find all the sins but Wrath be absorbed into Sivana’s body and fear forced its way into your heart. Billy grasped the staff firmly on the staff. While Sivana was distracted, the hero flipped the staff out of his hands and hit him in the chest, pushing the villain to the ground. Wrath let out a roar and took hold of your waist, holding you roughly as it ran off. You let out a shriek, eyes squeezed together. Just as you though all hope was lost, you heard lightning strike.
Wrath growled, turning back to the tent it was just on. You took this to your advantage and wiggled your way out before sprinting as fast as you could away from the sin. Oh hell no were you gonna be eaten today.
You ran to the only place you thought was safe- the tent. Come on, who doesn’t want to be near a superhero while the world was being annihilated. You found yourself nearing the tent when there was a crash. A girl wearing a purple jumpsuit and white cape whizzed past you. That’s when you saw the sins emerge. Wrath was battling a green hero and you couldn’t help but groan. “Ah, shit.”
A blue hero flew past you, Pride just behind him. You could hear people creaming as the winged creature hit the Ferris wheel, causing some of the screw to fling off. Panic over took you. What were you supposed to do? Run away? Get the heroes to save them? Apparently you didn’t need to tell anyone; they already saw. One lady was falling with a yell, when the purple hero rushed – quite literally – and saved her.
“Hi! Wow, I caught you!” While she ran to get you to safety, you hid in a booth.
You should be safe… right? Pulling your phone out, you decided to film the whole thing. Might as well broadcast it.
You quietly emerged from your hiding place when you saw the red one – Billy – pull the eye out of Sivana. People from all over the carnival let out cheers of thanks and congratulations, and you clapped loudly yourself. The five other heroes flew down to meet their leader, and that’s when you realised. Your siblings were heroes?! So this is what happens when people get abducted.
Moments later, you found yourself face to face with the 6 heroes. “Billy!” You grinned, jumping up and down. “I’d hug you, but I can’t take you seriously like that.” You laughed, looking at the other heroes. “Hey, guys!”
“(Y/N), you’re alright!” Freddy (the blue one, you assumed) exclaimed.
“Yeah, I’m okay. You’re a superhero! Didn’t think your 5 year old birthday wish would come true,” you grinned up at him. “Pedro, Mary, Eugene, Darla! You all look so good!”
“Thanks!” Darla (the purple one?) giggled.
“Where now?” Mary asked, looking around, “where are we going to put the Eye?
Billy just grinned. “I know a place.”
With a flash of blinding light, the 7 of you found yourself back in the haunted cave. “You sure this is gonna work?” Eugene asked, forever the sceptic.
When Billy placed the eye on its stand, coral like structured encompassed it, and the 7 deadly sins were put back in their designated statues.
“You guys know what this place is, right?” Freddy asked, excitement lighting up his eyes.
“A dark haunted cave with demon statues,” Darla muttered while the others nodded in agreement.
The blue hero slowly nodded. “Well, yes, but also…”
He looked at Billy expectantly. “Lair! We gotta lair!”
The others grinned and chatted in excitement while you wandered to the thrones. “Is there supposed to be another hero?”
Eugene counted the thrones in his head. “7 thrones, 6 heroes…”
Ashes quickly began to swirl around you and you gazed at them in wonder. “That’s him!” Billy exclaimed, “that’s the Wizard!”
“Obviously,” the ashes said. “As you can see, there are 7 thrones. Mary is the Wisdom of Solomon. Pedro is the Strength of Hercules. Eugene is the Power of Zeus. Freddy is the Courage of Achilles. Darla is the Speed of Mercury. Billy is all of these powers.” Each sat at their designated thrones, leaving you at the bottom of the stairs. Just as you were about to pipe up, the Wizard cut you off. “Do not think I had forgotten you, young child. You are holding these heroes together. Without you they are nothing. You are the Stamina of Atlas and the Healing of Asclepius. Together, the 7 of you will protect the earth. Together, you are the saviours. Until we meet again, dear heroes,” with that, the Wizard’s ashes were blown away.
You awkwardly shuffled in your seat. “You think we can go now?”
The next day, you and your family took their seats at the dining table. Things had happened, to say the least. You sat beside Billy, and you felt him squeeze your hand from other the table. You offered a smile.
“Guys,” Billy piped up, attracting all their attention. “All hands on deck.” With exclaims from Rosa and Victor, Billy began his prayer. “Thank you for this food. Thank you for this day. And thank you for this family. And, maybe this time I’ll stay.” They all pulled their hands back, Billy continuing to speak. “Because after all. I’m home.”
 EXTENDED ENDING (you know what I’m talkin’ about)
School the next day was, as usual, utter crap, especially for Freddy. Ever since the Human Power Storm didn’t show up to lunch a few days prior, things were hell. Billy had a bad cough that morning and stayed home, and you had different classes to him, leaving him alone. He wandered into the cafeteria with his tray and taking a seat at the back table. Almost immediately the people who were once occupying the seats had left.
You took a seat across from him.
“What are you doin’,” you heard Brett ask, “Waiting for your imaginary BFF to show up?”
Burke snickered and stole one of Freddy’s fries (or chips), shoving his head. Seconds later, Eugene, Mary, Darla and Pedro appeared taking their seats.
“What are you guys doing here?”
“Why, we’re having lunch with you,” Mary said, pretending to be offended.
“I thought you had different lunch periods.”
“Well, we made a very special arrangement.”
The boy side-eyed Darla. “Darla, what’s going on?”
“Why are you asking me?”
“Freddy Freeman!” A deep voice called out and said boy let out a snort, covering his face with the back of his hand. The kids let out exclaims of delight while the hero continued to speak. “This guy taught me everything I know about being a dope superhero, true story; you should get a few pointers from him.” He took a seat beside the curly haired boy. “What’s going on, my best bud, in the whole world, and also new kids who I’m meeting for the first time who also seem really cool.”
You exchange looks with Darla who was grinning ear to ear. You knew what was coming up next.
“I invited another friend, I hope that’s okay.”
A man in a blue costume with a diamond logo began to walk towards the table. Oh, if only you could see Brett and Burke’s face.  
Freddy turned around, only to see his idol. He jumped ten feet.
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writing-fanics · 5 years
Billy Batson x Fem!Reader
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Fandom: Shazam!
Pairing: Billy Batson x Fem!Reader
Warning: mentions of abuse, angst with fluff ending, neglect, mentions of depression, and language. Billy might be ofc.
A/n: if any of you suffer from anything like this, it’s not your fault there are just bad people in the world. Just tell a person or talk about it to someone.
Don’t Read if it’s too much
Also video game reference: comment if you know what game it is no looking it up
I laid there in my bed, looking at my phone. My parents never cared about me, nor did my older brother and sister. So I basically had to do everything myself.
Feed myself, and buy clothes for myself, and find a way to school. Which means I always had to leave early in the morning just to get to school on time.
But some days I’m late, and one week I was an hour late. And I got in trouble, I tried to explain but they said, “I should’ve left early” which I did. But the subway was delayed.
They of course called my parents, and when I got home I got a hard slap across the face. And it bruised.
I had to go to school with it, and when Freddy and Billy asked about it, I said, “oh, I fell. I’m really clumsy” I said, and they looked at me with a concerned look.
But I smiled reassuring them, I then looked back down at my lunch tray. I was unable to eat and just sat there looking at it.
I was walking home when I saw my brother and his girlfriend, I looked down and kept walking past him when he shoved me to the ground. Causing me to drop my homework notebooks.
I whimpered, and picked them up. And stood up to get back to the house. I looked at my hand and saw a scratch.
I flopped onto the bed, and hugged my stuffed animal close to my chest. “Your the only one that understands me, mr.midnight ” I said, and I him close.
Tears brimmed my eyes, as I began to think about my terrible life. I was shy, too shy to even tell Billy I had a crush on him.
And he probably wouldn’t even like me back. I then walked over to my drawers and took out a container of ramen noodle, and heated them up.
When it was heated up, I began to eat. After I ate I heard a scratch at my door and opened it, seeing it was my cat. I picked him up, and closed the door.
“Why don’t they like me Mr.Midnight” I asked, and he just meowed. And I smiled, “Yeah, at least you love me” I said, and I curled up into bed.
Tears running down my face.
When I woke up, there was a loud alarm going off. I realized it was the fire alarm, and I began to cough. Smelling the smoke, I covered my hand over my nose, and got up from my bed.
I walked toward my door and opened it, only to see fire. I quickly closed it and ran toward my window.
“Shit! I forgot my crazy parents decided to put iron bars on my window. As if I’m Harry Potter” i said, I began to cough.
I looked down and saw Mr.Midnight and I picked him up, and held him close. I began to scream for help, I looked out the window and saw my family.
And when I saw my mothers face, she was smiling, I could barley see it but I knew she was.
I coughed, and felt the back of my throat begin to burn as the smoke entered from the bottom of my door.
“Please someone help!” I shouted, my throat beginning to burn even more.
If this was how I was going to die, i wish I got to do this.
I wish I got to tell Billy my feelings towards him.
I coughed, and held Mr.Midnight closer, crying. “Please I don’t want to die” I cried, looking out the window.
Then my door burst opened, and the fire spread, I then began to feel dizzy. My vision began to blur, and I fell to my knees.
And I blacked out.
|Billy Batson POV|
I was talking to Freddy about Y/n, while sitting on the couch with the tv on.
“Yeah, I don’t know what’s wrong with her she just seems more quiet then usually” I said, to him shaking. He’s the only one who knew about my crush on Y/n.
Ever since Freddy introduced me to her I liked her ever since. I then looked towards the TV. And saw a familiar looking house on fire.
“Wait is that, y/n’s house?” I said, and I quickly stood up out off the couch.
‘A teenager is still stuck inside’ the news reporter said.
“Holy Shit it is” Freddy exclaimed, I looked at the tv, my heart sank. I was hoping nothing happened to her.
I then looked at Freddy, “we have to go save her” I said, and he nodded.
And we left the house.
Once we arrived, we went into an alleyway and shouted Shazam.
We then flew up to Y/n’s bedroom window and I was shocked to see, iron bars on her window.
“Freddy has these always been on her window” I asked, and he just shook his head. He had the same amount of shock on his face as I did.
I pulled them off, and I looked into the window and saw Y/n. I then broke through the window, and quickly scooped up Y/n.
Freddy got her cat, and we took her to the ground. Then ambulance waiting.
“Thank you for saving my daughter” y/n’s mother said, she was crying. She then went into the ambulance with y/n.
And Freddy handed the cat to her mother.
And I didn’t know why I had a bad feeling.
Y/n’s POV
When I opened my eyes, it was so bright. But when the visions finally cleared I looked around. Finding no one in the room.
But then I heated the door opens and comibg In was my mom, “ugh, your awake” she said, and I looked at her knowing what she was going to say.
“You should’ve died, in that fire. If only if it wasn’t for those good for nothin’ super hero’s” she said, and I looked down.
“This bill is going too be expensive and you are paying for it little lady” she said, and I looked down.
“All that money your saving up for college is going for this hospital fund” she said, and I began to cry. My dream was to go to (Dream College) but all that was falling apart.
I was never going to escape my family, I wanted to just run away to a better family. A family that would welcome me with open arms. Tell me they love me, make me happy, and wanna spend time with me.
But that was all make-believe and it was never going to happen.
“Ahh your going to cry,” she said, and then she showed me a mirror.
“Look at your a total freak, kids at school are going to bully you” she said, and I saw the burns.
The right side of my face, was burned. And it was all red. I began to cry even more, knowing she was right.
“Leave her alone!” I heard a familiar voice shout, and then I looked up and realized it was Billy. And next to him was Freddy.
I smiled softly, “w-what are you guys doing here” I asked, Billy walked over to be and looked at my mother with anger in his eyes.
“You shouldn’t talk to your daughter that way” he said, and she looked at him with anger.
“Young man, you don’t talk to an adult that way” she said, her eyes piercing with anger.
“I can if your telling your own daughter that she’s a freak. And not to mention you started the fire as a way to kill your daughter” he said, and I gasped looking at my mom.
“I-is that true you tried to kill me” I asked, tears brimming my eyes again. “Hmpfh, you were such a terrible daughter an ugly one too. Your father and I were so upset when we had you” She said, and I began to sniffle.
But Freddy came over and began to comfort me, that’s when I looked out at the window and saw Mary, who was like a sister to me recording the entire thing.
•time skip(lazy)•
After that my mom, brother, and father were taken into custody. And a few weeks later I was realesed from the hospital.
I was nervous to start school again, but I knew my friends were there with me. I moved in with my aunt and uncle, and the are actually nice .
It was late at night and I had just left, a kids house I was babysitting and was about to take the subway when I was suddenly pulled into an alleyway.
“Get off me” I shouted, trying to kick the person but, “y/n it’s me Billy” I then opened my eyes. And looked at him, “jeez billy you had to scare me like that” I asked, and he shrugged his shoulders and laughed a bit.
“What is it?” I asked, and he looked at me with a nervous look.
“Okay, I have something to tell you.” He said, and I looked at him. Waiting, since I had a train to catch.
“Okay, so” he began, but couldn’t think of something to say. “Shit, this is harder than I thought” he said, and I began to get annoyed.
“Billy I’m going to miss my train, whatever it is can you tell me by phone” I asked. He looked at me I then sighed, and began to walk away until.
“Shazam!” I heard, then a giant boom. I jumped, and turned around and looked where Billy was. And what I saw was the superhero I see on tv.
“Ah, Billy is that you?” I asked, and i looked at him. Nodded, and I laughed in amazement.
“Holy shit!” I exclaimed, I got closer and looked at him. He was much taller than me. I wanted to get a closer look at the lighting bolt on his chest.
I stood on my tippy toes, and brought my fingers to get. And smiled, feeling the electricity. Gently tickle my finger tips.
I then looked up at him, “wow, so my best friend is a super hero” I said, and he looked down at me with a smile.
“Okay, Billy. I have something to give to you and I need you to turn back into a fourteen year old.” I said, and he nodded. And I backed away, “Shazam!” He said, and I watched as he turned back into his normal self.
I walked back towards him and looked him in the eyes, it was quick. But I kissed him on the lips, but it was a peck. “That’s for saving my life.” I said, with a smile. And giggled at his shocked face.
“And~” I began, I then gave him a longing kiss on the lips. I then felt arms wrap around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
We then both reluctantly pulled apart, “that’s for sticking up for me.” I said, and I smiled. He looked at me, his face red. And I chuckled, “well since this made me miss my train. You owe me” I said, and he sighed.
“Ugh, fine” he said, and “Shazam!” He said, and I smiled. As he picked me up bridal style. Taking me to my aunt and uncles house.
A/n: sorry that it sucks.
The cats name, Mr.Midnight is from Fran Bow
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losersclubbitches · 5 years
Cuddles After a Long Day is Just How Much I Love You Part 2
“Mark, have you seen my white shirt?” Freddy called out of his room. He was searching through his drawers, pulling out clothes to try to find aforementioned shirt.
“It’s still in the wash, remember,” Mark replied, appearing in the doorway.
“What? It can’t be in the wash. Billy’s gonna be here in an hour! It’s gonna take too long to wash and dry it!” Freddy exclaimed. Mark came closer as Freddy sighed in exasperation, sitting down on his bed with his head in his hands.
“Freddy, relax. This isn’t the first time you’ve been on a date with Billy,” Mark reminded. “Besides, you’re eating dinner here, remember? That’ll be plenty of time to get your shirt ready.”
“Right, but what if he thinks that it’s dumb that I’m not wearing the suit through dinner and breaks up with me?”
“Look, son. Billy’s not that kind of boy, trust me. He loves you even when you’re not wearing your fanciest outfit,” Mark assured. Freddy took in the information for a while, letting the words roll around in his head.
“Thanks, Mark.”
“Freddy, what’s going on? You’ve been uber stressed lately.”
“Well, some kids at school keep telling me that I don’t deserve a good family. Or Billy,” Freddy admitted.
“Freddy. You know that’s not true. The only thing you don’t deserve is the reason you’re in foster care. Junie and I love having you, you know that, but we wish we didn’t have to have you. We wish it were under different circumstances, but we love you,” Mark affirmed, placing a comforting hand on Freddy’s shoulder.
“I love you, too.” There was a pause and a question irked at Freddy’s mind until it pushed past his lips seemingly of its own volition. “Why’d you guys pick me?” he asked. He knew he should probably be embarrassed by the question, but his mind was too curious to care. Fortunately, Mark chuckled, a smile spread across his face good-naturedly.
“Well, you’re a good kid. Very smart, very kind, very passionate, and we have shared experience, in a way,” he told Freddy, indicating his own wheelchair at the end. Mark had lost movement of his legs in almost the same way Freddy had: a car accident. The only difference was Mark’s was in Afghanistan and he was fully paralyzed from the waist down.
“Right. Thanks.”
“Any time. I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
“Am I competing for your affections, Freddy?” a voice asked from the doorway of the room. Freddy looked up and saw his boyfriend all dressed up in a suit and tie and smirking at him. One hand was behind his back holding something Freddy couldn’t see.
“Billy!” Freddy exclaimed, jumping up off his bed, bounding over to Billy, and practically launching himself into the other’s arms. Billy stumbled back a step, but hugged Freddy anyway.
“Sorry I’m early. I was nervous about being late and I guess I walked here subconsciously. I also bought you flowers,” Billy spoke sheepishly, pulling away and holding up a bouquet of blue roses.
“Aww! My favorite! Thanks, Billy!” Freddy took the flowers and placed a quick kiss to Billy’s lips. “I’m gonna grab a vase for these. Be right back.” He left the room, going to the kitchen across the hall to fulfill his promise. Billy sat on the bed near Mark, smiling at the man.
“How are you doing, Billy?” Mark inquired.
“I’m doing very well. School’s going alright,” Billy replied. “How are you? How’s work?”
“I’m doing just fine, thanks. Work’s alright. We’ve got a big company we’re working with right now, so it’s a bit cramped at the office.”
“Oh yeah. Freddy mentioned something about that.”
“Yeah. I’ve been taking some time to work from home, because it’s hard to get around with double the people crowding the area,” Mark told him.
“That must me nice to work from home,” Billy mused.
“Yeah. I’ve been getting to spend more time with Junie and Freddy. Everything a guy can ask for.”
“You guys talking about me?” Freddy joked as he walked back into the room.
“All good things, Freeman. All good things,” Billy answered, standing up and walking over to wrap an arm around Freddy’s shoulder. Freddy hummed, smiling.
“Uh huh. Okay.”
“By the way, you look very handsome. I really enjoy the Superman shirt with the dress pants,” Billy remarked, tone joking, yet mostly sincere. He kissed the other's cheek.
“Ha ha. My shirt’s in the wash and I figured you didn’t want me in just my underwear at homecoming,” Freddy refuted.
“That would be bad.”
“You guys! Dinner’s ready!” Junie called from the kitchen. The three males left the room and headed to the kitchen across the hall. The lights had been dimmed and the flowers set out on the table, which had a white cloth and fancy place settings. The boys took a seat at the table and Mark handed them laminated pieces of paper that acted as makeshift menus.
“You have the option of spaghetti and meatballs or chicken nuggets as a main dish and either peas or broccoli as a side dish,” he told them.
“And whatever you don’t eat, we will, so no pressure,” Junie added, smoothing down Freddy’s hair gently as she smiled at Billy.
“Well, I think I’ll have the spaghetti and broccoli,” Billy decided.
“And I’ll have the chicken nuggets and peas,” Freddy declared. They handed their menus back to Mark, who took them and went into the kitchen. He came back a few minutes later holding the plates and set them down in front of the two boys.
“Thank you,” they said at the same time. They started eating, sparing glances at the other every so often.
“This is nice. Did you plan this all yourself?” Billy commented.
“Uh, yeah. I wanted it to feel like an actual pre-homecoming dinner since I don’t have any money to actually take you out,” Freddy replied, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
“It’s perfect. I love it.”
“Yeah. I told you, I don’t need anything fancy from you. Just hangin’ out on the couch is all I need from you and if we do anything else, you’ve already exceeded my requirements. You’re perfect.” Billy reached across the table and grabbed Freddy’s hand in his own and ran his thumb over the other’s knuckles, like he always did to comfort Freddy.
“I love you, Billy Batson.”
“I love you more, Freddy Freeman.”
“So not possible.”
“I’ll let you have this one ‘cause you’re cute. Now, eat your food.”
Once they were done with dinner, Junie and Mark drove them to Freddy’s school, where the dance was being held.
“You boys look so handsome with your matching outfits,” Junie gushed. “I can almost hear the wedding bells!” It was true, both boys had worn a suit with a white shirt and a black jacket and pants and Junie had cut two of the roses to attach to the suits. The only difference between their outfits was that while Billy’s tie, Converse, and pocket square were red, Freddy’s were blue.
“Junie, we’re not married,” Freddy reminded wholeheartedly.
“Not yet, anyway,” Billy added, a pink blush settling on his cheeks. Freddy blushed, too, shying away, but still holding Billy’s hand.
“I know, sweetie, but you guys are just so adorable together!”
“Thank you,” they answered.
“Okay, we’ll see you after the dance. 10 o’clock, right? Unless there’s an after party you’d want to go to,” Mark put in.
“I think I’ll be all partied out after this,” Freddy remarked as he and Billy clambered from the backseat.
“Me, too.”
“So, 10 o’clock, it is! See you then. Have fun, be safe, we love you!”
“I love you, too. We will!” With that, Junie and Mark drove away and Freddy and Billy walked into the school’s gym, where it was decorated with streamers, lights, and balloons. They gave the teacher at the door their tickets and went in.
“Freddy! There you are, did you just get here?” a voice called from the wall to their right.
“Hey, Lane. Yeah. We just got here,” Freddy replied. “This is my boyfriend, Billy. Billy, this is my best friend, Lane.”
“Nice to meet you, Lane,” Billy greeted, sticking out a hand. Lane shook it, smiling.
“You, too. Freddy talks about you all the time. I’m starting to fall in love with you.”
“Well, he’s taken, so…” Freddy responded jokingly, gripping Billy’s hand.
“I know, I know. Anyway, Lance is around here somewhere, let’s go find him.” Lane grabbed Billy’s other hand and pulled him away dragging Billy with them. They found Lance at the DJ booth, trying to bribe the teacher working there.
“C’mon, Mr Johns. I’ll give ya twenty bucks if you let me play just one song,” he offered.
“After the stunt you pulled with the projector, no way, Mr. Langston,” the teacher denied.
“He played a less-than G-rated scene last month during Movie Day,” Freddy explained into Billy’s ear. Billy nodded in understanding. Finally, they dragged Lance away from the DJ booth and went to get waters, as it was hot in the room. They danced around, Freddy never letting go of Billy’s hand.
“I gotta go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back,” Freddy spoke up after a while, leaning into Billy’s ear to speak again. Billy nodded and squeezed Freddy’s hand before letting go reluctantly. Without his anchor, Billy felt the room spinning slightly in his panic. Freddy was the only person he really knew here and without his presence, Billy was just like a lost puppy wandering around in the loud, dark area. He reached for his pocket, finding the present he’d bought and playing with it. Lance and Lane had found people to dance with a while back, but had stayed close enough to chat.
“Billy, are you alright?” Lane asked, leaning over.
“Uh, yeah. I’m fine. I’m just gonna get some fresh air,” Billy replied “Could you tell Freddy I stepped outside when he gets back?” Lane nodded, going back to the boy he was dancing with. Billy walked as calmly as he could out of the gym and through the doors without being noticed. When he was outside, he paced until his feet got tired and then he sat down with his back against the wall, still playing with the object in his pocket. That was where Freddy found him, against the wall.
“Hey. Lane said you were out here. What’s up?” Freddy queried, sitting down next to him.
“Just got a little too much,” Billy answered, looking at him. “You’re the only person I know here and when you were gone, I guess I just felt…”
“Yeah. I know that sounds so clingy, but-” Freddy cut him off.
“Remember when I went to your school’s holiday party last year?” he asked.
“Do you remember your school’s holiday party last year?” Freddy asked more pointedly. Billy nodded.
“Of course I do.”
“Well, you didn’t mind when I literally clung to your arm the entire time, did you?”
“No, of course I didn’t mind,” Billy told him, confused about why this mattered.
“Well, then why do you think I’d mind if you did the same thing? It’s not clingy, you have every right to feel out of place. I know I do sometimes,” Freddy declared.
“Right. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize for feeling, you dork. Now, let’s go back inside. We’ve got an hour left of the dance.” Freddy made to stand up, but Billy caught his arm.
“Wait. I, uh. I have something for you,” he told the boy, letting go of Freddy’s wrist once he knew the boy had no intentions of leaving.
“What is it?” Freddy cocked his head to the side, brown eyes shining in the glow from the light of the moon.
“Well, I just, I uh.” Billy took a deep breath to prepare himself and looked Freddy in the eyes, emerald green meeting chocolate brown. “I really, really like you, Freddy. Like a lot and I wanted to show you how much I really like you, so I got you this.” He reached into his pocket and grabbed the present, holding it out to Freddy. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see the disappointment on his boyfriend’s face, and was surprised when he didn’t hear anything for a while. He cracked an eye open to see Freddy’s thoroughly shocked face. There were tears shining at the edges of his eyes, but Billy could tell they weren't sad tears.
"Are." Freddy paused, swallowed thickly. "Are you proposing to me?" he asked. Billy scratched the back of his neck.
"Sort of. It's a promise ring."
"So, I promise to love you and you promise to love me?" Freddy clarified. Billy nodded, a pink glow kissing his cheeks in the moonlight.
"Y-yeah." Freddy smiled, hooking a finger under his boyfriend's chin and making the other look at him.
"That's beautiful. I love it," he assured. Billy slipped the ring onto Freddy's right ring finger. He slipped his own on and watched the matching silver rings glint in the pale light. Freddy laced their hands together and went back inside, dancing for the next 45 minutes. The last dance or the night was a slow dance and Freddy relished in the feeling of Billy's hands on his hips and one of his arms draped over Billy's shoulder. The dance was so slow that he didn't really need his crutch, but used it for support mostly. When the dance was over, Freddy nudged his nose against Billy's, their foreheads touching.
"I love you, Billy Batson," he promised.
"I love you, too, Freddy Freeman," Billy promised. Once they were home, cuddled up on the couch in pajamas with candy, popcorn, and an animated movie, did Freddy notice something.
"You got this engraved?" he asked, starting at the letters embedded in the ring.
"Yep. Cost me an extra 20 bucks, but it was worth it," Billy answered.
"You dork. You didn't have to spend that much on me." Freddy shoved Billy's shoulder with his own.
"I didn't say how much I spent. It could've been $21." Freddy snorted and tossed up a piece of popcorn for him to catch. Billy reached over, intercepting the piece of popcorn himself.
"Hey! I wanted that!" Freddy griped, though he wasn't really angry.
"Then come take it," Billy teased, sticking out his tongue as he held the popcorn up. Freddy smashed their lips together, popcorn forgotten. The two kissed, Freddy's hands making their way to Billy's hair to deepen the kiss. They pulled away, panting slightly and Freddy smiled, admiring the words in his ring and the ones in Billy's.
Billy Batson and Freddy Freeman.
@freddyfreebat @toesure @shazamfamily @cap-sparklefingers @dogglefoggle @lyrics-poems-other-musings @httpdaviddobrik @heartislubbingdubbing @billiesbatsons @maggotqu33n
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 10 days
New Sunrise New Life
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KpEVMB4 by Always_Tortu His vision blurred, and something wet rolled down his cheeks. Surprised, he brought one of his hands to his face and could feel more of those drops coming out of his eyes. "Wha–..what is this stuff?" his voice began to tremble. He rubbed his face with the back of his hand, but more drops kept falling, wetting his cheeks. 'Tears,' his brain informed him. 'He is crying.' "W-Why didn't it stop?" he managed to articulate; they needed to stop. The new Superman can't cry; he can't cry. Words: 3291, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Not Super, Just Marvelous Fandoms: Shazam! | Captain Marvel (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), DCeased (DC Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Captain Marvel, Billy Batson, Superboy (DCU), Kon-El | Conner Kent, Robin (DCU), Dick Grayson, Aqualad (DCU), Kid Flash, Batman, Mention Superman Relationships: Captain Marvel & Superboy, Superboy & Robin & Kid Flash & Aqualad Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Captain Marvel pulls a Batman, Superboy needs a hug, Superboy gets a hug, Captain Marvel gives the best hugs, Billy Batson is Captain Marvel | Shazam read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KpEVMB4
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redrobin-detective · 5 years
Little Matchstick Boy
One of the rare instances of an actual literal dream inspiring a fic, also I want to die a little bit this is so terrible. I’m sorry.
“Captain, are you alright?” Diana asked stepping around the other Leaguers to reach the magical man. There had been something off about him the entire meeting, he had been unusually silent with a drawn, pensive look about him. Though he appeared, as always, in perfect health there was something about him that looked vulnerable. Conversation around them stopped, evidently Diana had not been the only one to notice the unusual behavior. 
“Me?” He asked with surprise, pulling his gaze from the window where the stars twinkled. “Of course, I’m just fine.”
“You seem hung up on something,” Barry said with an inviting smile. Marvel’s eyes ducked down in avoidance. 
“It’s not that big of a deal, just processing something is all, I didn’t mean to disturb anyone,” he said, making to stand up before Diana put her hand on his shoulder.
“It is not a bother, we merely wish to ensure you are well. And though you are mighty in strength it is easy to be worn down by the stresses of this job. It helps to talk about it, I promise. That is the point of the Justice League, to support each other,” she smiled. Marvel smiled back before relaxing, letting his gaze be drawn back to the endless expanses of space.
“I don’t know, it really is kind of stupid to get hung up on something like this but I got a little lost earlier,” he explained, ending in a gentle whisper that hovered heavily in the air.
“You got lost?” Hal said from the other side of the table. Cap was right it did seem a bit silly but the vulnerable look on the god-like man’s face told the Lantern that it wasn’t a laughing matter. “What happened, why didn’t you call for help?”
“I didn’t need it,” Captain explained, “I had just dropped off a couple of would be robbers at the police station and... decided to put my feet up for a bit.”
“Shazam!” the magic lightning came down transforming the Fawcett City Marvel back into Billy Batson, useless, unwanted ward of the state. Gravity took hold once more on his small body, weighing down on his bones and reminding him how far he was away from the untouchable Captain Marvel. He shivered in the biting air. Officially spring was here but winter had decided to push through one last vicious cold snap. The sign outside the bank had said it was 16 degrees out but he could feel through his thin jacket that the wind chill was much colder.
But the shelters would all be full at this late hour and he had some blankets at the place he was currently holed up at. He’d be fine and if he decided it got too cold, he’d simply say the magic word and change back into the Cap. Billy hated using his powers for his own advantage, especially when the other kids on Fawcett’s streets didn’t have that luxury but as long as he was Captain Marvel, he had a responsibility to take care of himself and getting sick would only get in the way of that.
“So it was after you stopped the robbery?” Manhunter asked with a wrinkled brow. 
“Yeah, I was just, relaxing in the only way I could when I noticed it was getting kind of cold out. I’m uh impervious to the elements but it was noticeable.”
Billy trudged forward, clutching his thin jacket close to him. The wind was blowing directly into his face and it seemed to sneak in all the small warm places Billy had been trying to protect. His face and hands were soon aching then numb from the constant onslaught and his whole body was trembling with cold. Criminey, didn’t old man Winter know that it was spring already? He licked at his chapped and sticky lips only for them to be chilled once more. 
Almost to his place now, he stopped at the crosswalk and looked both ways. The Don’t Cross sign was lit up but no one was around and it was super cold out. He got a few steps out into the street when a car skidded around a corner and raced through the intersection, Billy jumped back quickly enough but not quick enough to avoid being splashed by a large puddle. 
“Out of the road you dumb brat! The man in the car shouted as he continued driving. Billy stood there for an extra moment or two shaking both from the near miss and also because his pants and the bottom half of his hoodie were soaked through with muddy water. The wind, already bothersome, became biting and painful. He glared for a moment after the car before deciding it wasn’t worth it for Marvel to intervene. Hugging himself as best he could, he continued his march home hoping nothing else happened. 
“The midwest has been getting hit with some cold weather the last week but it’s only been in the teens, last month you were standing without a care in the world at the south pole,” Barry said with a frown as he tried to understand. Marvel clenched and unclenched his fist nervously. 
“Like I said, it’s pretty stupid,” he deflected, still not looking at them. “It was cold but not that cold, people were out living their lives without care, I didn’t have anyone to save so I was just existing. I... I don’t know, I guess I started feeling very far away.”
“Were you still in Fawcett City?” Clark asked.
“I mean yeah I was but I also wasn’t, I was trying to get somewhere but I was having trouble.”
It took Billy’s numb, shivering hand an extra 30 seconds or so to jimmy the lock on his window so he could crawl through to his temporary home. It was in an old rundown apartment building, up three stories on the fire escape but the main door was rotted and impassible and no adult could get through this window. He slithered into the window and fell to the floor with a thump. Feeling far too achy and tired, he decided to just lay there for an extra few minutes before he got up and changed out of his wet clothes and got into his blankets. Just a few minutes, he thought distantly to himself as his eyelids dropped heavily.
“So it was cold and you were alone and your spirit got lost,” Diana said with sorrow coloring her voice. 
“I just,” the Captain looked down at his hands, strong, big, so different from Billy’s pale skinny hands with tearing skin and dirty fingernails. “It was just an ordinary day and yet I could feel myself getting lost, my soul I mean. I was physically there but I was getting pulled further and further away. It didn’t even seem to be a problem, everything about me had dulled, if that car hadn’t backfired...”
Billy’s eyes opened at the loud sound outside his window. Car, his tired mind supplied. Don’t worry about it, go back to sleep, his body seemed to say as his eyelids grew impossibly heavy once more. It was funny, he was still lying on the floor near his open window in wet clothes but he didn’t even feel all that cold anymore. He wasn’t shivering or anything, all the aches he’d felt earlier... they weren’t quite gone but they just didn’t seem important right now. Nothing seemed as important as getting back to sleep. He’d never been this tired in his entire life and he’d hardly even done anything today, even Cap had a fairly easy day.
Cap, that seemed to stick and settle in his mind. The word rolled around his head a little bit. He was Captain Marvel, he could be the Big Red Cheese at any moment, including right now. Billy, he was just another no name kid without friends or purpose but Cap, he had a whole watchtower full of friends and a job to protect the people of Earth. Billy blinked slowly, practically forcing his eyes to open each time. Captain Marvel was important, Billy wasn’t but the Cap couldn’t be here without Billy. 
It occurred to him that he couldn’t move, not really, his limbs felt heavy and even twitching his fingers seemed beyond him right now. No one really pays attention to their breathing but it seemed slow, shallow, like he wasn’t getting enough air but couldn’t take in any deeper breaths. He couldn’t get his thoughts together at all but he got the sense that he needed to get up and get warm right now. His fingernails scratched on the floor as he sought to push himself up but he only managed to get a few inches before his strength left him and he fell back to the floor. His whole body was so numb, he barely even felt the impact. There was only one option, he licked at his lips.
“Sh-” he croaked and it was hardly more than a squeak. He coughed and tried again, “Sha-” he begged but the incomplete word summoned nothing more than another weak pathetic cough. The effort it was talking to say the magic word was wearing him out and the edges of his vision were starting to blur and fade to grey. For the first time since he changed back to Billy, true emotion burst through him as he realized that if he didn’t get that one word out then he might never say it again. Never say anything again.
“So then what?” Barry half-demanded, leaning a bit over the table. It was a whimsical, almost childlike story but something in the back of his head was beating urgency into him, something just out of reach that was constantly knocking him on the head as far as the Captain was concerned.
“That was it, I kind of came back into myself. I shook my head, decided I was done with the cold for a bit so I was hanging out in the Sahara. Did a few good deeds, rescued a few people from a burning building, kind of kept myself busy until the meeting. I guess, I don’t know I guess it was the first downtime I allowed myself after it all went down so it made me a little reflective I guess.”
“Well are you okay now,” Clark asked skeptically.
“I’m always fine,” Marvel grinned but it was a far cry from his usual smile. Clearly the man had gone through something deeply profound, something none of them could even begin to imagine. But he was here now and he might not be alright at the moment but they would make sure he was.
“Thank you for trusting us with your burden friend,” Diana said, once more grasping at his hand. “It sounds like it was a very distressing situation but we are all here for you. No matter how lost you get, we will always be your home.”
“Thank you, Ms Diana,” the Captain said warmly, looking alive for the first time since he arrived. “You don’t know how much that means to me. I’ll keep that in mind and be more aware of when I’m... getting lost.” 
“Please do, now, we all have homes we would like to go home to, including you Marvel,” she added.
“I think I’ll stay here a little while longer, if that’s alright. This right here is my favorite view in the whole wide world.”
“As you wish, we will leave you to your privacy, take care,” with that, the Princess strode from the room and many Leaguers followed, after giving the Cap a few warm and encouraging words.
“Bruce, come on, you got a kid who needs you at home,” Clark said, grabbing his friend by the arm but he didn’t budge. “Bruce?” The other man was tense, his gauntlets were gripping each other tightly and in the little bit of exposed skin Clark could see, he could tell Bruce was rather pale.
“You’re right Kent, I have a child to attend to. Go home, I’ll be out in a minute,” he said with a low growl. “Believe me when I say we will all be discussing this later. No one is ever getting lost again.”
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