#besties sometimes its just not that fucking deep
geooooooorge · 10 months
The world is a little too soft sometimes. Like dont get me wrong, i love love and self care and mental health and i love when people go 'sometimes you just have to say no to things and you have to prioritise yourself and your mental health etc etc' like fuck, yes, but sometimes you also just have to just get fucking through. Get up, go do your chore, youll be fine. Sometimes you have to struggle through some stuff and you have to be uncomfortable, not because being out of your comfort zone is good or whatever, but because you dont have a choice. Don't skip that class youre just a little too lazy to go to, don't call in sick just to stay at home doing fuckall, don't say you cant hang out today. Get up, go out, do stuff. Sometimes you have to force yourself to do stuff and thats ok, youre a grown up person, youll survive.
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surpriserose · 10 months
Good morning everypony
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spidehpig · 5 days
the crooks are out, and the streets are grey
aka a prison pen pal au
HUUUUGE fucking thank you to @ceilidho for all of the writing advice and beta reading this and just generally being a big motivation and indulging in all of my random cod thoughts lol
this is incredibly self-indulgent. tags will be updated accordingly with a warning on each chapter when necessary. i'm a big fan of ghoap being perverted violent freaks if you couldn't tell.
thanks for reading besties. sorry there isn't any direct reader x ghost interaction yet. i promise it's coming.
you can also find me on twitter
[cw implied sexual harassment, future dubcon, explicit sexual content] 18+ MDNI
Part 1
It starts with a little slip of paper shoved under the bars of his shared cell with Soap. 
An official notice to inform inmates of the start of a new pen pal program the following week. Some rehabilitative bullshit about encouraging good behavior and rehabilitating prisoners on track to be released within the next few years. Ghost can’t help but roll his eyes as he crumples up the slip of paper and makes his way to the prison yard. Doesn’t give it another thought. 
That is until he receives a letter. Packaged in a little envelope with the prettiest handwriting he’s ever seen, addressed to the one and only Simon V. Riley: Inmate #634. The envelope had been torn open with a letter opener, read by prison staff, and searched for contraband, of course, before it made its way through the slot of his cell door. It comes in a lilac envelope and it's even adorned with a pretty little heart right next to his name scrawled in cursive. 
Ghost shoves the pastry he swiped in the cafeteria from a new inmate into his mouth as he rips open the letter with mild interest. He lets out a snort when he sees that the staple holding the pages of the letter together was ripped out by whatever guard had gotten stuck with mail duty today. He knows that you’ll have already received an angry voicemail from the prison advising you that all mail to inmates must be paperclip and staple free upon arrival. 
He glances over the letter with disinterest, a couple paragraphs introducing yourself and one detailing your excitement about joining the program. He only skims his way to the second page where you start to ask him questions about himself before he’s crumpling up the pages to shove under his bunk. He’ll be free of this place in a mere sixteen months; doesn’t need a bloody pen pal to encourage good behavior. 
He knows that there is anger and violence rooted deep within him. On a good day, it simmers in his chest, a warm heat that lies dormant. On bad days, it burns so hot that he can feel the angry heat creep up into his throat. It makes the words that spill from his mouth cruel, and his calloused fingers twitch as he stomps his way over to the courtyard to beat the old punching bag until his shirt is soaked through with sweat and his knuckles are raw and bloody.
Not all bad days end with him wrapping his split knuckles with bandages from the infirmary. Sometimes they end with him in solitary and picking another inmate’s dried blood from underneath his fingernails. He hasn’t had a bad day like that in over a year now. 
If he’s being honest with himself, it’s only because he doesn’t want to jeopardize his early release. Most of the other inmates know well enough now to leave Ghost be. The last inmate to piss Ghost off ended up in the infirmary with three broken ribs and two of his own teeth spat into his palm. 
Poor sod ducks his head like a quivering dog every time he meets Ghost’s gaze now; surely won’t make the mistake of cutting in front of him in line at the cafeteria again. Ghost hasn’t been outside of a prison in the last seventeen years but he can’t imagine a civilian would try to swipe food from his plate or pick a fight with him just to see if they could win it. 
So he lies through his teeth at every psych evaluation. Tells the doctors that the exercises they suggested are helping him manage his anger. He has a feeling they don’t quite believe him, but he hasn’t had an episode in over a year to justify their reservations. And since they don’t question his ability to rehabilitate into civilian life, he tells himself that he’ll be fine on the outside. All he has to do is keep to himself until Johnny gets released eight months after him. He just needs to behave for another year and he doesn’t see how writing letters would make any difference.
He had thought that if he just ignored the letters they would eventually stop coming, but despite his obvious reluctance to partake in the program, the letters keep coming. Every last one in a pretty lilac envelope, notably staple free since the first one. He gleans little from her letters. Some young bird that signed up for this pen pal exchange. She’s twenty-one and has an interest in criminology. 
Ghost decides that he hates her for it. 
Each letter gets shoved under the bunk; most of the time he doesn’t even bother to open and read them. He rolls his eyes when Soap whines and begs to trade pen pals with him. Apparently the poor mutt got stuck with some seventy-four year old retired veteran and he doesn’t think it's fair that Ghost got paired with a young woman. 
It isn’t until he receives yet another letter from his unwanted pen pal, this time addressed from another country, that something finally makes him stop in his tracks. The bird is apparently studying abroad and when he opens the envelope, a flimsy polaroid floats down into his lap. He doesn’t bother to read the newest letter and instead snatches the picture up between his thick fingers. He can’t help the groan that escapes his lips the second he flips the polaroid picture over.
Ghost hardly even looks at the sweet smile and bright blue ocean behind her. No, that’s not what catches his attention. His gaze immediately flicks down to the swell of her breasts taking up half of the image. What would be an innocent selfie to most might as well be a page ripped straight from a playboy magazine to Ghost. Clearly taken at the beach after a swim in the ocean, sweat and ocean water glistening on your skin, and Ghost can see the peaks of your nipples poking through your thin bikini top. 
And fuck is that enough for him. He hasn’t had a woman in, well, ever, and the guards keep confiscating his playboy magazines, so this will have to do. A low grunt escapes his chest as he reaches down to palm his cock that’s now twitching to attention. He pauses to make sure Soap is still snoring, loudly , in the bunk above him before he reaches down to grope at his stiffening prick. Unzips himself from his prison issued track pants and palms at his stiffening cock over the thin fabric of his briefs. 
He hisses between his teeth when he dips his hand under the band of his briefs and the rough skin of his palm tugs against the sensitive skin of his cock. Has to yank his hand back and spit into his palm before wrapping his thick fingers around the base of his cock. His other hand grips the picture of you between his fingertips as he pulls his foreskin back to reveal his swollen tip already leaking precum. It twitches in his hand as another glob of precum leaks down his prick. 
He has half a mind to wake Soap up and shove his cock down the boy’s throat. If he fucks his throat deep enough he could pretend it’s the tight heat of your cunt clenching around his cock while he laps at one of the nipples peaking through your bikini. 
Ghost’s fantasy is shattered the second the little shit sleeping above him wakes with a loud snort. He watches Soap’s head peek over the side of his bunk, pretty blue eyes clouded with sleep as his disheveled mohawk dangles over the metal bunk. 
“Yeh could’ve asked for a helping hand yaknow that, Ghost. Yeh know I’d—” Soap’s voice cuts off abruptly, eyes narrowing on the polaroid clutched in Ghost’s hand and the other wrapped around his prick.
”Whatcha got there, Ghost?” Soap drawls, accent still thick from sleep.
”Fuck off, Johnny,” Ghost grunts as he looks back down at your picture and gives his cock another stroke.
No use in deterring his mutt once his sight is set on a bone though. He feels the bunk shake and squeak as Soap scrambles down the ladder, the pervert already tenting his boxers as he crawls into Ghost’s bed.
”I said fuck off, Johnny.” Ghost grits his teeth and clutches your picture to his chest. Trying desperately to reimagine the swell of your tits pressed against his chest when you finally sink down on his cock. But Soap is relentless. His needy slut straddles Ghost’s thighs with a smirk on his face. 
And fuck it, his boy is gagging for it, he might as well. He doesn’t acknowledge Soap’s incessant teasing and instead fists a hand through his soft mohawk before shoving the brat’s head between his legs. 
A low growl escapes his chest as the man’s lips wrap around his throbbing cock. And fuck, does his mouth feel good, tight and wet as his soft lips slide down Ghost’s length, throat swallowing around him. He loses himself in the feel of Soap’s practiced mouth, eyes only snapping open when Soap lets out a deep moan. Before he can even think, the palm of his hand is connecting with Soap’s cheek, hard . It draws a low moan from Soap’s throat which only serves to irritate Ghost more.
”Shut up,” Ghost snaps and pushes Soap’s head down on his cock until he feels the man flinch and gag around his prick. Usually he loves to hear the whorish sounds that fall from his boy’s pretty lips but right now, he’s trying to imagine the way you’d cry out and beg as he inches his cock into the tight heat of your cunt. Ghost slaps his boy across the cheek again when Soap lets out a low growl and scrapes his teeth on the underside of his cock. 
Soap seems to get the message, his moans and growls slowly quiet, swirling his tongue around Ghost’s swollen glands before sinking down until his nose is buried in Ghost’s pubic hair. Ghost loses himself in the wet heat of Soap’s throat once more, eyes rolling back as his head knocks back against his pillow, your pretty smile contorting itself into a cry as he bullies his cock into your cunt. His hips buck and bruise the back of Soap’s throat with every thrust while he dreams of fucking your pretty cunt full of his cum. He cums with a snarl on his lips and Johnny gagging around him. Holds Soap down on his cock as he reaches down to squeeze at his balls one last time before ripping the boy off his cock with a sputtering gasp. 
Soap is immediately scrambling up the bed, grinding his prick against the swell of Ghost’s thigh.
”C’mon, Ghost, lemme see, just a peek I swear that’s all I need,” Soap whines, frantically grinding his cock against Ghost’s leg. Ghost blinks as the bliss from his orgasm melts away, the bunk creaking from the force of Soap’s desperate thrusts, the man panting and grunting above him. 
He languidly flips your photo between his fingers, any streak of possessiveness gone now, as long as it’ll get his mutt to stop humping his leg faster so he can get some sleep. 
“Ah, fuck , Ghost, looks bonnie, don’t she,” Soap pants as his eyes flit over your bikini photo, the grind of his hips losing their rhythm for a moment. 
“Bet ‘er ass hasn’t been fucked yet,” Soap groans.
”Make ‘er take us both.”
”Bet she tastes sweet.”
”Pretty thing.”
Ghost barely registers Soap’s babbling above him, just grabs his ass and guides his hips against his thigh until Soap is cumming in his briefs with a low moan. When the boy finally calms down enough to catch his breath, he pulls the cum soaked briefs off of his boy and tosses them across the cell before pulling the mutt to his chest as they both doze off.
Ghost wakes annoyed, drenched in sweat and cum and Soap snoring loudly against his neck. The little shit has the audacity to grumble and pout when he makes Soap go sleep in his own bunk. When he hears Soap’s start to snore, he sits up, stealing Soap’s pencil and a spare sheet of paper. He starts scribbling words back to you. The first letter he’s responded to. His handwriting is ugly and near illegible, but he thinks you should be able to read most of it. He hangs his arms out of the bars of his cell and whistles at the guard stationed down the hall. Shoves his letter to you in the guard’s hand and grunts at him to send it to his bird.
The guard, Andrews, he thinks, scoffs snatching the letter from Ghost’s fingertips before banging on the cell door.
”MacTavish! You got a letter for your lovebird too?”
Ghost groans, already prepared for the bitchfest that’s about to happen.
Soap awakes with a loud snort, head snapping up over the edge of his bunk and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.” 
“Aye fuck off, you limp dick prick,” Soap growls and scrambles down the rickety bunk to press the length of his body against the cell bars as he curses the guard that taunted him. A litany of Scottish curses fall from his lips as Soap presses his forehead to the bars and goads the guard into approaching their shared cell. The little spitfire has himself so worked up he’s pacing the length of their cell and spewing insults at the guards on duty.
“I know yer playing favorites, Andrews. Think yer funny giving me some old bastard, don’t yeh?” Soap hollers into the hallway and slams a fist against the bars of their cell, pressing his forehead against the bars once again, growling and swearing some more when Andrews takes a step back, barking out a harsh laugh. Ghost can practically see the metaphorical fur on Soap’s hind spike up at that, just a moment before he spits at the guard’s feet. Andrews, the scrawny little fucker, lurches forward to swat at Soap’s fists clenched around the bars of their cell with his baton.
“You better back up and watch that mouth of yours Mactavish, or it’ll be another two days in solitary for you,” Andrews snaps at Soap and shoots a knowing directly at Ghost. 
And oh does Ghost hate when Soap gets sent to solitary. Can’t use his boy’s holes when he’s locked up on the other side of the prison. The rough drag of his own fist just can’t compete with the tight heat of Johnny’s throat or arse. Especially now that he’s got a bird back home to think about. Ghost grips the back of Soap’s sweat soaked shirt and yanks him back from the cell bars, grunting at him to give it a fuck rest.  Ghost retreats to his bunk when Soap finally cools off, watching as Soap flops down onto the chair at their shared desk and starts to angrily scribble in his journal, occasionally grumbling to himself under his breath. He settles back against his pillow, content with thinking about his new bird on the outside until the guards release them for breakfast. He almost feels bad about not writing to you sooner. Poor girl tired of her letters going unanswered, you really were just begging for his attention when you sent a violent inmate a photo of your tits now, weren’t you?
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smileysuh · 1 year
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🌙 staring. Haechan x afab!Reader 
🔮 preview. There'd been a time when leaving you alone to deal with your heat as an extreme precaution against unwanted pregnancy had been something the alpha could live with. But in the months he's had you as his mate, your cycles have synched up- and the thought that you're ripe and ready to be fucked - to be fucked by him - well, the wolf inside won't be tamed anymore. And Hyuck doesn't want it to be. 
cw/ tw. dubious consent/cnc, pussy eating fiend, multiple orgasms, temperature play, popsicles, face riding, 69, oral (f/m receiving), deep throating, fingering, overstim, slight dacryphilia, spanking, power play, a/b/o alpha x omega dynamic, possessive hyuck, dirty talk, praise, knotting, protected sex, mentions of breeding kink, 'just the tip', etc... I pet names. his: alpha. hers: needy baby.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 5.3k
🍭 aus. alpha!hyuck, a/b/o, omega!reader, establish relationship, heat etc...
☀️ mlist + an. sometimes, attacking a bestie with her favorite tropes and her favorite boy is the best idea you can have... sorry Jewel ❤️
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“Hyuck-” your strangled voice makes the hairs on the alpha’s arms stand up, his skin prickling with energy. He can tell - even through the phone - that you’re not doing well.
“You’re early,” he concludes- because your heat can never truly stick to a schedule, and Haechan supposes that - out of all the mating bullshit he’s already dealing with - of course this would be the cherry on top. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t-” you begin to tell him the same thing you tell him every month, but Haechan’s not having it. He’s endured too many months already- paced outside your door like a wild animal for too many nights in a row-
“I have to bring you your suppressants,” he insists. The package of pills is in the back with Mark, who makes the bag crinkle when he holds it tighter. “I can’t believe you’re four days early-”
“Hyuck-” you whine his name again, a reaction to the anger tinged in his voice no doubt, and he grips the steering wheel tighter, pressing down on the gas.
“I’m bringing you suppressants,” the alpha states, leaving no room for argument this time. 
Your meek “okay” is the only response he gets, and then the line goes dead.
The car fills with silence, the air thick with energy and tension. 
“Don’t say anything,” Hyuck snaps at the man in his passenger seat.
“Wasn’t going to,” Jaehyun sighs, his voice much too calm for Haechan’s liking.
“I’ll say it,” Mark quips up from the backseat, “slow down, please.”
A growl tears its way out of Haechan’s chest, and he locks eyes with the beta in the backseat through the rearview mirror. “Fuck off, Mark.”
“I just mean- we’re already late to the start of her heat- speeding could end up with us dead, and then your omega is down a mate and her suppressants, which doesn’t help anyone.” 
There’s truth in his words- but Hyuck is done listening to truths and rationals- he pushes the engine even harder just to spite the man who dares speak logic to him.
There’s no logic in this for Hyuck, not anymore.
There’d been a time when leaving you alone to deal with your heat as an extreme precaution against unwanted pregnancy had been something the alpha could live with. But in the months he’s had you as his mate, your cycles have synched up- and the thought that you’re ripe and ready to be fucked- to be fucked by him- well, the wolf inside won’t be tamed anymore.
And Hyuck doesn’t want it to be.
“I still think it’s very responsible that you’re listening to your mate and giving her at least some space during her heat,” Jaehyun notes. “Shows a lot of control.”
“Right, because I’m known for my control,” Haechan rolls his eyes. 
In fact, he’s known for being impulsive. And the breeding kink he’d exhibited on your off-heat cycle had been enough to prompt you to shut your legs to him during your time of the month.
Regardless of any precaution taken by an omega in heat, knot condoms still break, alpha spunk still leads to pregnancy, and despite the best efforts of everyone involved, two of Haechan’s friends have accidentally gotten their mates knocked up in the past four months. 
“But hey,” Mark says helpfully, “remember, you’re not the only alpha abstaining- Taeyong-”
“Taeyong’s mate hates pups,” Haechan seethes. “And she knows he’s not ready to be a father.”
“Are you?” 
“You know what?” Haechan pushes his car as fast as it can go, “Yeah. I am.”
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You hear Hyuck’s car pull up outside the heat cabin, tires kicking up gravel, and you await the onslaught to your senses that comes next. 
Everything is heightened for you, and the second your mate opens his car door, the inklings of his scent become known to you. 
The familiar smells of Jaehyun and Mark are on the periphery, and you hear the crinkle of a bag being passed off, your mate barking at his friends to ‘Fuck off-’
God, Hyuck telling others off shouldn’t be such a turn-on, but it is-
 The sound of his footfalls suggests he’s jogging towards your little heat cabin, and the shaking of pills in a bottle brings you both peace and anxiety-
Part of you had been hoping Mark would be the one delivering your meds. Mark, a beta who you wouldn’t jump even in the worst of your heat- 
But no, of course Haechan’s the one bringing them to you-
He’s always toed the line during your time of the month, and it appears this one won’t be any different. 
You struggle to hold your breath, trying not to take gulps of air filled with his scent, which is becoming stronger and stronger-
Haechan stops outside the door, and you hear him take a breath-
He can say that again.
“You smell-”
He can say that again too.
“I’m not letting you in,” you tell him from where you’re curled up in bed, in the corner farthest from the door.
“Even though daddy has your meds?” His voice is lower than you’re used to- and he doesn’t usually refer to himself as daddy- but you’d be lying if you say the term isn’t affecting you.
You can feel your sleeping shorts getting wetter by the second, body beginning to come alive at the notion that your mate is just a few meters away.
“I mean,” Haechan coughs. “Come on baby, you need your meds.”
“You’re horrible,” you groan, hating how easy it seems to be for him to switch between lust and seemingly perfect composure-
“Is that any way to speak to the guy with your suppressants?” you can hear the smile on his voice- the playful teasing. You wish it was truly just playful… but you know there’s an ulterior motive.
“If I open this door,” you tell him, “you’re going to come in and stay.”
“Maaaybe.” At least he’s not lying to you. “But come on- I could easily break in through the window if I really wanted- and I’m not, that’s gotta count for something right?”
“You’re horrible,” you repeat for the second time, burying your face in your pillow. 
“Baby,” he places his hand on the door, pushing gently, and the wood moves everso in its frame, “let me in, let me help you with this.”
“By knocking me up,” you groan, mind already beginning to buzz with all the things you wish he’d do to you-
“I mean- sure,” you hear him swallow, “if you want, but… there are other ways.”
“Condoms break Hyuck, we’ve been over this-”
“What if I don’t even take my dick out?”
It’s the first time you’ve laughed all day, and it definitely relieves some of the tension in your shoulders. “You? Not taking your dick out?” Now it’s your turn to swallow thickly, a new rush of wetness tingling out of your core. “As if.” 
“I could try it-” he insists, and this time you hear him press his forehead against the door, pushing forward again. “Come on- listen, I even got popsicles- I know you’re really hot right now, with your heat and everything… imagine the feeling of my cold tongue licking at you.”
“God-” you squeeze your thighs together, hating that he’s right, hating that what he’s suggesting sounds like the perfect cure to your predicament.
“That’s it baby, think of how good it will feel-” he coos, “you smell so fucking good, I could just eat you up-”
“Just tongue?”
“Maybe fingers too- I bet you’ve got ice in there, or I could put my hand in a bucket of cold water or something so it feels good- anything to cool you off.”
Your eyes go to the jug of ice water next to your bed that you’ve been sipping on, and you toy with the wet cloth that’s already lost its cool as it wraps one of your bare thighs, exposed by the fact that you’re only wearing sleeping shorts and a bralette to cover your modesty-
“No cock, I promise-” 
He sounds so sincere. 
Your pussy practically throbs at the notion of letting him in- you can’t believe how much your body reacts to the mere presence of your mate, and you can’t even imagine how good it will feel to let him enter the heat cabin and take care of you-
You have half a mind to tell him to fuck off, suppressants and all- 
But your body wins, the tingling between your thighs taking over as you inhale a deep breath, allowing Hyuck’s familiar scent to wash over you and make you practically brain dead. “Give me a second- I have to get up and open the door-”
Your legs are wobbly as you stand from the bed, and the coolness of the hardwood floor offers some reprieve as you approach the only entrance to the heat cabin. 
“Stand back?” you suggest, heart racing wildly in your chest-
You can’t believe you’re doing this.
There are three locks in total, and you undo each with shaking fingers.
The moment the last one clicks out of place, you scurry back to your bed, something like fear overtaking you. 
You trust Hyuck- you do- but you’re not so sure you trust yourself. And you suppose, seeing as you’ve never allowed him near you during your heat, maybe you shouldn’t trust your mate after all-
He pushes open the door, and the full weight of your decision hits you.
The alpha takes a deep breath, and his chest rumbles with a primal growl as he releases it, his gaze taking you in inch by inch.
In one hand, he holds your meds, in the other, a plastic bag of what you assume to be heat provisions. 
“Suppressants?” you question, skin prickling with sweat-
You need meds, you need at least some relief- something to dull the ache between your thighs-
“Needy baby,” Haechan says lowly, stepping into the cabin before closing the door behind him. “And four days early- at least we were already out getting you these,” he pulls the bottle of pills from the parchment bag, tossing them at you. 
You catch the meds, cracking open the lid and spilling a few of the blue and white pills onto your hand, where you decide on taking two. Then you pop them into your mouth, grabbing the large ice water jug next to you to help wash them down.
“That’s it, baby-” Haechan says from where he’s putting provisions in the ice box. When he turns to face you again, he’s unwrapping a popsicle, “take those pills.”
“Hyuck-” you whimper, setting your drink and the suppressant bottle down to focus entirely on your mate.
“Your heat hit you pretty fast huh?” He licks the frozen treat, leaning back against the fridge and watching you. “Have you cum yet, baby?”
Instead of answering verbally, you take to nodding, gnawing on your lower lip.
“How many times?”
“Do you really have to be so far away?” you whine- and an even better question, has he always looked this fucking sexy?
“Just getting my tongue cold for you,” he responds, in the most non chalant way-
But you can see how blown his pupils are, and when you focus hard on his mouth- you see that his breathing is shallow-
“Now answer my question, babe,” Haechan presses. “How many times have you cum already?”
“Twice-” you tell him. “Once from- when you called and- I heard you speeding faster to get here- and then- again… from thinking about you-”
“Cute baby- couldn’t cum until you heard my voice huh? If I’d had known I had that sort of effect on you- we could have had phone sex your past few heats.”
You think you might cry if he doesn’t come closer, and the words that come out of your mouth as a response betray your growing irritability; “woulda, shoulda, coulda.”
“Oh baby,” Haechan releases a chuckle, but there’s little humor in it, “you’re gonna get it now.”
“Please-” you open your arms to him, and Haechan finally approaches the bed.
“Open your mouth baby,” he tells you, settling onto his knees at the foot of your mattress, “and come closer.” His hand wraps around your ankle, and he drags you towards him.
“Hyuck-” you go to say something, but the popsicle is presented to your lips, and you accept it, welcoming to cool treat into your mouth.
“That should cool you off,” he muses, pushing your legs open, “this might too.”
He presses his lips to your inner thigh, and you’re taken aback by how cold his mouth is- it’s an interesting feeling, but one you quickly begin to enjoy, as he gets closer and closer to your core.
“Lay back,” he tells you, “relax- and let me eat you.”
You release a moan around the popsicle you’re sucking on, letting your head fall back against the mattress, eyes closing-
Haechan pulls your sleeping shorts to the side, and he blows cool air across your pussy, making you twitch and whine even louder.
You garble his name around the popsicle, reaching down to play with his hair-
Your mate smacks your hands away. “Don’t touch me- it’s too hot to touch me,” he insists, and when you look down, you see his eyes are red with intensity.
“Hyuck?” you whimper, recougnizing that eye flares like this are one of the first signs in an impending rut-
You’re early, could it be that he’s going to be early too? Are you two that in sync?
This is probably a bad idea, you realize, as Hyuck dives into your pussy, pushing his long, cold tongue into your hole- 
A horrible, terrible, very bad idea. 
But fuck- Hyuck’s tongue is no joke, even on a non-heat day- 
Alpha’s are known for having long tongues, perfect for pleasuring their omega mates- and Haechan has always been a pussy eating fanatic-
He pushes his face between your thighs like it’s his job, licking and lapping at you with his cold tongue- it feels absolutely incredible. 
But then he’s pulling away, and you’re crying out-
“Give me your jug of ice water,” he commands, voice gruff-
You follow through immediately, stretching to grab it off the nightstand, hurrying to give it to your mate. 
You’re curious about what’s going to happen next- but Hyuck simply allows the jug to smack down against the floor next to him, and then he returns to your pussy, grabbing the back of your thigh with a warm hand to tug you closer-
Part of you wants to call him out- to say it’s unfair of him to touch you if you can’t touch him- but the words die down as his tongue sinks into you, and your focus returns to the deep feeling of pleasure growing in the pit of your stomach.
The popsicle you’re sucking on is getting widdled down shockingly quickly, the cool liquid running down your throat aiding in your temperature regulation while the man between your legs works you closer and closer to orgasm with a tongue that’s also beginning to lose its cool.
As you finish the frozen treat, you find yourself teetering on the edge of pleasure, and with your focus now fully on Hyuck- “I’m gonna-”
“Cum for me,” he growls into your pussy, nose flicking by your clit, “cum on my tongue.”
He buries the wet muscle into your core, lapping at your walls- 
And he knows you can never say no to your alpha- your body is physically incapable.
Your pussy clenches, hard, and an electric wave of euphoria rushes over your form, white-hot and all-consuming. 
“Alpha!” you moan, back arching- your hands seeking out an anchor, which they find in Hyuck’s hair.
You grind yourself down against his face, riding out an orgasm that has your mind going practically numb.
And your mate works you through it with an unrelenting vigor, until you’re a shaking, quivering mess, struggling to get away from his mouth to escape the sensitivity.
Hot tears roll down your cheeks, and you’re in disbelief at how good it feels-
You’ve had orgasms during your heat before, but none of them have ever been like this- none torn out of you by your alpha. 
Hyuck pulls away from your pussy, and your body slumps against the bed, your breathing labored while your heart races madly in your chest. 
A drop of cold water hits your abdomen- and then another- the feeling making you flinch, hot body suddenly overtaken by goosebumps-
You open your eyes to see Haechan, holding his hand just above your stomach, and you realize he’s the source of the water. His hand is dripping with it.
“Did that feel good baby?” he asks, bringing his fingers down to touch your skin, dragging a cold, wet line from rib to naval- 
You squirm against the bed, body conflicted between your hot core and the coolness being brushed over your skin. 
“Your hand-” you whimper, unable to finish your sentence, but you don’t need to, Hyuck understands you. 
He always understands you.
“Put it in your water jug while I ate you out,” he tells you simply. “Wanted to get my fingers cold like my tongue… gonna fuck you with them now, and it’s going to feel so good. Trust me.” 
“Please-” you find yourself pushing your hips closer to his face again, and Hyuck notices too, releasing a chuckle.
“Look at you-” he coos, “and your… needy behavior. Is that what you are? A needy little baby?”
“Needy to be finger fucked till you cum?”
“God,” you groan, “please!”
Haechan’s gaze returns to your pussy, and he brings his fingers to your entrance, toying with you. His thumb brushes by your clit and you nearly choke, jolting a little at the sensitivity you’re still feeling.
“Don’t play with me-” you whimper.
Haechan laughs. “For a second, it sounded like you were giving your alpha a command,” he presses his thumb to your clit harder, “you weren’t doing that, were you, baby?”
“No-” you gasp, squirming against the bed again, grasping at the sheets.
Two of his fingers slip into your aching hole and the shock of the coolness of his skin makes your toes curl. 
“You’re mine, right?”
“Yes, alpha,” you whimper, closing your eyes to enjoy the feeling of his digits exploring you, working you open-
“Gonna let me do whatever I need to do to help you cum, yeah?”
You let out a sound of affirmation.
“Gonna need to hear a ‘yes, alpha’ or I won’t help you cum,” he tells you, sinking his fingers into you even harder-
“Yes, alpha-” you correct yourself, “help me cum- please, I need it so bad-”
“Already?” he leans forward, letting his lips brush by your sensitive clit. “Didn’t I just make you cum?”
“‘S not enough-” you whine, already feeling another orgasm bubbling in the pit of your stomach.
You’ve had intense heats before, but nothing has ever felt like this. You’re practically dripping onto Hyuck’s hand and you know it-
In fact, you can hear how wet you are with each pump of your mate’s fingers, which he expertly uses to stoke your sweet spot-
“Alpha-” you moan, holding the sheets tighter.
“Come on, needy baby,” he says, thumb finding your clit, “cum for me- I know you want to, your pussy’s gripping me so fucking tight- cum on my fingers, do it, cum for me.”
You’re thankful you’re in the heat cabin and there’s - hopefully - no one around, because the scream you release as your orgasm tears through you is almost embarrassing. You claw at the bed, hips lifting-
Hyuck’s free hand finds your abdomen, and he forces you back down, continuing his assault on your pussy and leaving you no room to escape.
“That’s it baby-” he groans, “Just. Like. That.” 
“Alpha- please-” you whimper, feeling tears in your eyes again from how overwhelmed your body is-
“Your ‘please’ means nothing anymore baby,” your mate tells you, “first it was ‘please make me cum’ now it’s ‘please let up,’ you’re too messy to make up your mind princess, that’s why you need a big alpha to do it for you.”
His fingers begin to slow inside of you, and you’re able to take a breath-
Which is when you smell something sweet, and it’s not the discarded popsicle stick.
You find yourself licking your lips, taking in deep breaths-
“Something smells-” the saltiness of it hits your nose and you realize what it is that you’re identifying-
The same way you’re slicked from your heat, alphas give off a specific scent when they’re in their ruts.
What you’re smelling is definitely Hyuck, a musky spiciness twinged with pine- and today, the tree notes remind you of sap; syrupy, sticky, sweet sap-
“Look at you, licking your fucking lips-” your mate growls, removing his fingers from your core and bringing them to his mouth to clean. He releases a groan of ecstasy before asking, “Am I the only one who’s gonna get a taste today? Or should I let you suck your alpha’s cock like you devoured that fucking popsicle?” 
“Say it,” he tells you. “Say you want to suck my cock.”
You moan, writhing in the sheets, and you truly mean it when you whimper the words “I wanna suck your cock.”
“Yeah you fucking do,” Haechan groans, standing up from where he’d been kneeling at the foot of the bed.
His hands go to his belt, and you sit up, ready to get into any position he wants you in to suck him off-
You discard your bra-
“I’m not done with you yet, baby, still wanna enjoy you- think I’m gonna lie down and have you ride my face while you take my cock deep into that fucking throat of yours-”
“Please-” you whimper, shuffling forward to see if there’s any way to help him undress- 
But your alpha is two steps ahead of you, pushing his pants down and tearing off his shirt. 
You’re only able to appreciate his beautiful body for a moment before he’s moving to lie on the bed, his hands grabbing at you to help you into position.
“Sorry about these,” Hyuck tells you as he lets you settle with your core over his face, his fingers hooking in the sleeping shorts that he tears in two and throws to the side.
“No you’re not,” you whisper, grasping the base of his cock-
“No, I’m not,” the alpha laughs, both hands grasping your ass and forcing your core down on his mouth.
His tongue isn’t cold like it was when he’d prepped it with the popsicle, no, it’s warm, and long, an invading appendage that has your toes curling as well as his fingers had.
You try to focus on the cock that you have your own lips wrapped around, and as you force yourself down on him, his tip hitting the back of your throat, you remember that he’d promised not to take his dick out at all.
You realize, again, how much trouble you’re in.
You’d not intended on letting him into the heat cabin, not intended on letting him get his cock out, and yet here you are, grinding your pussy down against his face while he buries his length in your mouth-
The alpha under you pushes his hips up, and his cock makes you choke-
It’s shockingly enjoyable, and you lift yourself off of him just long enough to take a breath, marveling in how messy you’re being-
Tendrils of spit connect you to the cock that you go back to sucking like he’s your favorite popsicle-
And in all honestly, right now, he is. 
It feels almost as if you and Hyuck are in a pleasure war, his tongue working better than ever against your pussy, hands on your ass, keeping you where he wants you- and you’re determined to suck the soul out of your alpha, until all that’s left is the man you’d fallen in love with.
You’re shocked by the sudden swat to your ass, and you mewl longingly around him, enjoying the tingles his hand leaves in its wake.
“Slow down-” Hyuck growls against your pussy.
You pull yourself off of him to respond, hand continuing to pump his length expertly. “Want alpha to cum,” you whine.
“I’m not cumming in your mouth,” he tells you, delivering another rough smack to your ass.
“Then where-” 
“You know where.” He buries his face in your pussy again, and you can’t help the rush of wetness that gushes out of you at his words.
You do know where.
Part of you had known he’d be fucking you, properly, when you let him in the cabin.
There was only one way this was ever going to go- and it’s Hyuck’s.
“Never said to stop sucking,” another smack to your ass, “just slow down. Gonna make you cum one more time like this, then- we can try just the tip.”
So he’s gonna lie to himself and you? 
Part of you wants to laugh at the idea, and you feel Haechan let out a small chuckle of his own as his lips wrap around your clit. 
He’s such an ass.
You’re hopelessly in love with him.
Your third orgasm since Haechan arrived is beginning to form, you can feel it tingling through your limbs with each lick and prod of your lover’s tongue.
Your mouth returns to his cock, but you make a conscious effort to slow down, to focus on your own pleasure instead of his-
The sounds Hyuck releases as he fucks his tongue into you is enough to satisfy an inkling of your praise kink, and you wiggle your hips, looking for more stimulation-
Two hands grab your ass, holding you exactly where he wants you as your alpha mate lifts his head up, burying his tongue in you as deep as he can go-
You pull off his cock to moan his name, your voice sounding so whiney and desperate that you’re almost taken aback by the fact it came from you.
A smack to your ass is as good as a command to cum, and you nearly faceplant against Hyuck’s thigh, whimpering and moaning while your orgasm overtakes you. 
There’s nothing to do but accept what Hyuck is doing- no ability to pull or move away- and the greedy wolf in you doesn’t want to. You take everything he gives, surrendering yourself to the pleasure he’s providing until you feel its electric heat throughout your entire form.
Your mate pulls away from your pussy when you begin to twitch, and in a second, you’re thrown onto your back.
You feel the bed dip as Haechan sits up, but you’re too far gone to care, eyes closed, chest heaving-
You hear him walk a few feet, hear a bag and then something tearing-
A hand wraps around your ankle, and you’re spun so you’re propped against the pillows, eyes opening to watch your alpha find his spot between your legs.
“You know how I said we could try just the tip?” he asks, rolling a knot condom onto his cock- which looks to be just aching- He lines himself up with your entrance, leaning down to kiss your nose, “I lied.”
His cock sinks into your core, and you both release groans of pleasure-
“Wish you’d let me-” he grunts as he begins to fuck you, “let me breed you- but you want to be safe, we can be safe.”
You’ve had this talk before, and you don’t have energy to rehash it.
You also realize you don’t care as much as you have previous to this- 
Hyuck could get you knocked up here and now and you’d thank him for it.
“Are you gonna-” you swallow thickly, lacing your hands around the back of Haechan’s neck. “Are you gonna knot me?”
His eyes flare crimson, and your alpha mate releases a growl, pressing his forehead to your own. “Yeah. Does that scare you?”
There’d been a time when it had. But not anymore, and you shake your head. “No, alpha.”
“No?” he fucks you harder, hot breath fanning over your face. “Gonna take my knot like the good, greedy, needy little baby you are?” 
“Trust me, you’ve never felt anything like this,” Hyuck tells you, and you know he’s right.
Everyone knows about knotting, but, because you’ve never let your mate fuck you during your heat and his rut, you’ve never gotten to experience it for yourself. 
Today is as good a day as any to pop your knot cherry, and you’re thankful Hyuck’s worked you out, gotten you prepped. 
You’re practically a sopping mess for the alpha that decimates your pussy, your muscles tired from three orgasms-
You’re ready to take everything he has to give you, ready to wrap your arms around him, ignoring your increasingly hot skin- ready to have him stretch you out like you’ve never been stretched before-
“Fuck baby,” your alpha groans, hot lips finding yours, “you’re squeezing me so fucking tight-”
“Want you to cum,” you tell him, nearly in tears from how much you want it-
“Want you to knot me and make me yours forever-”
“Aren’t you already mine?” your mate moves his lips to your neck, teeth dragging against your pulse point, intent on scenting you more than he already has.
“Yes, alpha-” you tangle your fingers in his hair, back arching, “please, I’m so close-”
“You know that-” he swallows thickly, rutting into you harder, “that when I cum- when I knot you- I’m gonna be stuck inside you for a little while, right?”
“Yes- please, I want it-”
“You want it?”
“How bad?”
“So bad-” you whimper, “Alpha please-” 
“Keep saying please,” he prompts, fucking you so hard that the bed is hitting the wall with each thrust.
“Please, please, please, please, please!” your fingers claw at his back, and you’re completely lost in the sensation of being filled so perfectly-
“Fuck, fuck-” Hyuck releases a groan, burying his face against your neck while his thrusts become erratic-
You feel something at your entrance, the base of Hyuck’s cock swelling, pushing and stretching your hole-
“Alpha!” you’re sure you’ve drawn blood on his back now, and you clutch him like a lifeline while his knot splits you open, anchoring his cock deep into your pussy while you’re both wracked with orgasmic shudders of pleasure-
“Just like that-” he groans loudly. “Take it, take it, take it-” 
He smashes his lips against your own, taking your breath away and muffling the sounds of pleasure that have been leaving you-
You find yourself getting lost in the kiss, tightening your legs around his waist, reveling in the feeling of being completely flooded with the best pleasure you’ve ever had.
Your body is practically thrumming with warm, wonderful energy, and you realize: this is what heat is all about. 
It’s about being filled, so completely, so perfectly, that you lose all sense, that you’re truly one with the feral nature that is always bubbling inside of you.
To be in this moment, with your mate- nothing in the entire world will ever compare. 
“Fuck-” Hyuck groans, breaking the kiss to return his lips to your neck, where he continues to lap and lick at the mark he’s been working on, “Feels so good-”
“So good,” you echo, eyes closed, head resting against the pillows.
Your lover releases a deep breath, slumping more weight onto your body, pushing you into the bed. It feels wonderful to be cocooned by him, even though the heat between your bodies is bordering on overwhelming. 
“I could stay like this forever,” he says softly.
You realize - as you hold him tighter - that, you couldn’t agree more. 
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! I was missing the a/b/o au, and i figured temperature play, hyuck and heat would all go very nicely together lol, if you liked this fic, check out my other a/b/o fics here :)
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview.  Now that you know how good it feels to have Hyuck fuck you through the worst of your heat, it almost feels like a sin not to let him blow your back out. After all, you were both truly made for this.
cw/ tw.oral (f receiving), shower sex, dirty talk, praise, temperature play, protected sex, a/b/o knotting, multiple orgasms, nipple play, slight pain kink, slight orgasm denial, overstim, etc...
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2.1k I teaser wc. 160
🌙 staring. haechan x afab!Reader  
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bonus teaser :)
“I really didn’t realize he was serious about this,” Jaehyun sighs for the third time since he and Mark were tasked with driving into the city for heat provisions.
“Me neither,” Mark matches the alpha’s defeated tone. “But at least he’s being safe right?”
The bag of knot condoms is held tightly in his hands, resting on his lap. He’s never been more uncomfortable to be an errand boy.
“What happened to his mate’s whole thing about knot condoms breaking?” Jaehyun asks, taking the turn off the highway that will lead them back to the compound they live at with their pack. “Johnny and Yuta-”
“Maybe he convinced her Johnny and Yuta are stupid and he knows how to use condoms… better?” Mark suggests, earning a deep laugh from the alpha in the driver's seat.
“Right-” Jaehyun laughs, “because an alpha like Hyuck is a master of condoms during his rut.”
Mark decides to pray to God for your uterus.
☀️to read the full 2.1k bonus, subscribe to my Patreon - then - click here
👹 or check out what else is on my patreon here
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general taglist:
@gotshinct - @subhyuck - @fraechan - @learnthisfeeling
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ichigo-dream · 1 year
Pretty When You Cry
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Ummmmm have some extemely self-indulgent subby Leon content bc this man has literally been rotting my brain for the last month and I don't see it stopping anytime soon. Shout out to all my cultured women who enjoy whimpering men - this one's for u.
Written with re2 Leon in mind but picture him however u want besties
warnings: dub/con, somnophilia
Leon whimpered softly in the darkness, soft streaks of moonlight filtering through the nearby window and falling onto his glistening skin as he shifted restlessly in bed. He swallowed thickly, eyes squeezed tight shut as he tried to distract himself from the unbearable throb between his legs.
Not again.
You lay next to him, sleeping soundly, your breathing calm and deep where his was shallow and sharp. You had no idea the effect you had on him. What you were doing just by being so close to him. So many nights he had found himself awoken by you shifting in your sleep, pressing the soft curve of your ass so innocently against his cock, leaving him so awfully needy and alone. He always tried so hard to keep quiet, rutting himself desperately against a pillow so he wouldn’t cause you to stir or wake up.
Tonight was no different. He groaned quietly as he dared to palm himself through the thin fabric of his shorts with one hand, soft pillow tightly grasped in the other as he used it to try and muffle his whines. Not enough, it was never enough. Sometimes he would lie awake for hours, cheeks streaked with tears, feverish and blushing as he tried so hard to make himself cum but to no avail.
He opened his eyes to glance at your sleeping form. So sweet and peaceful. You had rolled onto your back by now, the thin fabric of your little nightdress riding up to expose the plush skin of your thighs and stomach. Leon bit down hard on his lip as he drank in the beautiful sight laid before him, fist clenching tightly around the outline of his cock whilst his gaze locked on to the baby pink underwear you had chosen to wear. Had you done it on purpose? He noticed the little satin bow sewn onto the waistband, teasing him, begging him to open the present before him. So cute. So fucking cute. He could barely take it, and the longer he stared at you the more he felt his resolve weakening.
Maybe he could touch you…just for a second…
He freed his hand from his aching cock for a moment, reaching out to drag his fingers gently across the soft skin of your upper thigh. His eyes were glazed over with pure lust, lips parted, almost salivating at the delicious heat that kissed his fingertips as he caressed your smooth, supple flesh in slow circles. You reacted to his touch, even in your sleep, sighing sweetly as you lifted your hips a fraction before settling back into the mattress, legs spread a little wider than they had been before.
Leon swallowed another groan, burying his face into the pillow he was gripping tightly. The hand on your thigh tightened, trying not to drift towards what he really wanted. Knowing you were right next to him, spread out like that…so cute and innocent, it was driving him wild.
More…he needed more.
He needed you. So bad.
Needed to feel your skin against his.
And with that, the final restraint in him snapped. He discarded the pillow and rolled onto his side, cradling your face gently in one large hand before leaning down to kiss your forehead softly. When he caught the lingering scent of your perfume his eyes almost rolled to the back of his head. Oh, fuck. He couldn’t resist nuzzling into the curve of your neck, breathing you in deeply until only you surrounded him. His eyes fluttered shut and he let out a low whine. He was trembling now, his other hand drifting down to tease himself through his shorts. His cock strained against the waistband, and he could feel hot precum gathering along its head and leaving a small, dark stain. He allowed his fingers to dip beneath the elastic, using his thumb to lightly tease the tip of his cock. He shuddered against you, biting down on his lip even harder than last time.
“F-fuck…baby, I need you,” He stuttered, brushing his lips against your pulse point. He began to press gentle kisses along the column of your neck, all the way up to the sweet spot just below your ear. He nipped the skin there softly as he cradled the back of your head, somehow getting even harder as he heard you moan quietly into him, still fast asleep. “J-just let me touch you for a little while, I promise- oh god, just for a little, that’s all I need.”
Soothing you with more kisses, Leon shifted his weight and angled himself over you, slotting one of his strong legs between yours. He lowered himself as much as he could without disturbing you, a string of curses slipping from his lips as he dragged his clothed cock along the inside of your bare thigh. The slight friction had him whimpering pathetically against your throat as he kissed it more desperately. Even through the thin fabric he could feel your heat, and oh fuck, if that wasn’t exactly what he was hoping for.
“Y-you’re doing so good for me, so good, my sweet girl-“ He murmured, continuing at a tortuous pace simply so he could savour what you were giving to him right now. He lowered his hips more, feeling his abdominal muscles flex with each slow back-and-forth movement.
“Oh fuck…you’re so perfect. And you belong to me… all mine, my perfect girl- Ah…!”
Greed and lust consumed him, cheeks blazing with a mixture of arousal and shame as he angled himself to press directly against your cunt this time, his hips stuttering to a halt so he could savour the feeling of your delicious warmth for a moment. His head dipped to your chest as he whined loudly, unable to keep himself quiet any longer.
“So cute,” He moaned, reaching down to press his thumb against your clothed clit, “You wear these just for me, huh? Always so pretty…”
You were reacting to him more now, your breathing more shallow and rapid as you moved your hips the tiniest bit, only managing small little circles against him in your sleepy state.
“Leon…” You sighed languidly.
The way you said his name made his jaw clench. Like you needed him.
He needed to hear you say it again.
He started moving against you again, more desperate this time, grinding against your core and moving his thumb in slow, soft circles – just how you liked it. He swore he could feel you throbbing against him and he couldn’t stop any of the shameful noises slipping from between his lips now, not even caring if you woke up to see him so pathetic and dumb between your legs. He noticed your slick begin to dampen the fabric of your underwear against his fingers, and he almost came on the spot. He started babbling like a fool, despairing pleas falling from his lips like a broken prayer.
“Haa- oh fuck, so wet for me already I, -I just need you to say my name again sweetheart, that’s all I need, please, please-“
He could feel his eyes glistening with tears and his cheeks flushed a deeper shade of scarlet in embarrassment, burying his head between the plush valley of your breasts, panting as he ground his hips against you over and over again, choking back little sobs and hiccups. He felt so ashamed, so pathetic – he had barely done anything, but he was going completely dumb and delirious from pleasure simply from teasing himself over your sweet skin and pretty cunt. The intense mixture of guilt, shame, and delight had his heart thudding wildly in his chest; he felt so dirty, like some kind of disgusting pervert as he used you to get off. Yet, it spurred him on. He whimpered and bit his lip, the thought of his sin turning him on even more.
He shouldn’t enjoy it, but he did.
As he continued to press against the little wet spot on your underwear, he noticed you begin to stir a little more, grinding softly against his hand and cock, nuzzling into your pillow as your brow furrowed and more soft, breathy moans fell from your lips. He leaned back a little to look at you, letting out a low groan. He wanted to touch you even more, to feel you with nothing in his way.
“I-I just need a little more from you, sweet girl. You’ve been s-so good, God, you’re driving me fucking c-crazy, y’know that? Fuck, can’t take it anymore-” He had finally had enough, reaching down to hook one of his fingers into the soft fabric of your thin underwear so he could pull it to the side, revealing your glistening cunt to him.
All he could do was stare.
“Oh, fuck…so pretty...Let me look at you, sweetheart.”
He kneeled before you, digging his hands into the soft meat of your thighs so he could push your legs a little further apart, spreading you open. He was in a daze, one trembling hand ghosting upwards and leaving goosebumps along your skin until he was able to drag his index finger slowly, gently, through your sensitive folds. So warm…so soft. One little touch felt like heaven to him.
He gathered some of your slick on his fingertip, still being slow and careful as he traced agonising circles against your clit.
“…S-so wet for me…and I barely did anything…You’re just like me, aren’t you angel? So needy and desperate, even in your sleep. You look so perfect like this, all spread out for me. Fuck, I bet you’d look s-so cute with my cum dripping out of your pussy, wouldn’t you?”
He let out another soft whimper, palming his cock teasingly through his boxers again. He fumbled with the waistband, pushing it down with one hand just enough until he finally freed himself. His breath caught in his throat as the cool air hit his sensitive head, now dripping with precum all the way down his aching shaft. His loose shirt was getting in the way - so he simply lifted it up and held the bottom hem between his teeth, displaying the pale skin of his toned midriff and broad chest.
He - reluctantly – removed his hand from between your thighs, smearing your wetness over the head of his cock. He let out a choked gasp, throwing his head back and letting out a muffled groan through the fabric of his shirt. He slowly began to pump his thick cock in his fist, working himself up all over again, heat spreading through his body as he grunted and whined. He stared at you through half-lidded eyes, swallowing thickly and panting as he thought about how fucking depraved he was for doing this – but he simply didn’t care anymore.
He had held himself back long enough.
After all, how was any of this fair? Poor Leon, sleep-deprived and desperate for some sort of relief, feeling so dirty and ashamed while you slept soundly next to him – blissfully unaware, and wearing that. It wasn’t fair at all. God, he could fucking die at the sight of you. He couldn’t believe it, really. An angel slept in his bed every night and he somehow resisted every urge to ruin you when you teased him like this. Part of him wanted to see how far he could go before you realised what was happening.
He eyed your underwear, pushed to the side and completely soaked.
He used one hand to tug them down your legs, slipping them off your delicate ankles before crumpling them in his fist and bringing the soft fabric up to press against his face. Oh fuck, he was disgusting. His eyes rolled back in ecstasy, breathing in your sweet, heady scent deep through his nose. He nuzzled into the damp cotton, feeling the little pink satin bow tickle his skin. He rolled his thumb over the tip of his cock teasingly, shuddering. He could only imagine how obscene he looked right now, jerking himself over your sleeping body like this, your underwear pressed to his face.
He couldn’t keep himself away from you for long, though. He discarded your underwear and his shirt easily enough so he could position himself between your thighs, angling his hips so he could push forward and drag his cock slowly through your petal-soft folds. He lurched forward with a strangled groan, throwing his arm out so he could grip the headboard hard enough to see his knuckles turn white. You were soaked, staining the sheets as he moved at an agonising pace. And so warm. So warm and wet for him that he was half-delirious with pleasure, tears finally running freely down his pink cheeks.
He glanced down at you beneath him, biting his lip at the soft flush spreading across your cute face. Another needy whimper slipped from his lips as he dropped his head into the crook of your neck, elbows braced on either side of your head. He could taste his own tears on your hot skin as he left desperate, open-mouthed kisses along the supple curve of skin, tilting his hips so that the head of his cock brushed against your clit with each messy thrust.
Another soft moan escaped you, right next to his ear. You shifted a little and he almost died when he felt you grinding sleepily against him, the movement pushing him deeper between your slick, silky folds.
He whined loudly and buried his face into your soft hair, inhaling the sweet scent of your favourite strawberry shampoo. Your smell, your little noises, the way you ground your hips against him, fuck, it was becoming too much for him.
“Please, please, please- Oh fuck, I love you, I love you, s-so much-“ He was sobbing now, letting out little hiccups and gasps as his movements got a little more desperate and sloppy, his pulse racing as he greedily chased his high. “F-feels so good…ah-!”
His eyes squeezed tight shut and he could taste the salt in his tears as they rolled down his cute flushed cheeks, dripping onto the soft fabric of your pillow and into your hair. All he could feel was white-hot pleasure, so intense it was almost unbearable.
He was close, so close-
Suddenly he was sent hurtling right over the edge, a high-pitched whine ripping out from his throat as he felt something finally snap inside him. He nuzzled into your neck, sobbing as he came over your pretty stomach in thick, hot spurts. He could feel it on his own skin pressed flush against yours, sticky and wet, now tangible evidence of his shameful act.
His movements began to slow as he rode out his high, his entire body trembling and slick with sweat. The hazy fog of pleasure was beginning to lift from his mind, quickly replaced by a sobering sense of clarity at what he had actually done. With an unsteady hand, he reached down to pull his boxers up, the waistband resting far too low on his hips, but he didn’t care.
He sagged against you, shifting his weight so he could curl up into your side, hugging you close, tears of guilt now welling up in his baby blue eyes. He sniffled and whimpered, wondering how he ever could have done something so disgusting to you, his sweet girl. He didn’t deserve you. He clung to you, crying now as fat tears of shame rolled down his cheeks.
Leon didn’t notice you finally begin to stir, roused by his noises and the way his weight pressed against you.
Your mind still heavy with sleep, your first thought was that your sweet boy was having another one of his nightmares. Your bare shoulder was wet with his tears, and the sounds of his broken little sobs and quiet gasps as he tried to catch his breath filled your ears.
“Leon, baby…. shhhh…it’s okay.” You lifted your hands so you could cradle his head and run your fingers through his soft blonde hair, slightly damp with sweat you noticed.
He clung to you even more, not an inch of space between you as his large hands gripped tightly onto the fabric of your nightgown, twisting it between his fingers. He trembled like a frightened lamb against you, nuzzling into your neck like he was searching for comfort.
“N-no, it’s n-not okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to-!” He left desperate little tear-soaked kisses on your skin as he babbled, tripping and stumbling over his words.
Mean to…?
You were confused for a moment.
Until you felt it.
Something warm and sticky on your stomach. Cool air against your now-bare lower half. The slick between your thighs.
You bit your lip. He thought you were mad?
So Cute.
“Oh, Leon…you made a mess all over me, didn’t you?” You cooed softly, continuing to thread your fingers through his hair. You scratched his scalp gently and he shuddered against you, his broad shoulders relaxing at your touch. “Look at me, baby.”
He lifted his head, still sniffling. His eyes were wide and innocent, glittering with tears that hadn’t fallen yet. His brow was creased in distress; his lips slightly swollen – from kissing or biting, you couldn’t tell. All you could think was how beautiful he looked right now, his plump cheeks wet and flushed.
“Y-you’re…not angry with me?” He asked in a small, soft voice – the edges slightly rough from crying.
You lean forward to kiss one of his tears away, smoothing his hair away from his face lovingly.
“I could never be mad at you, sweet boy.” You were secretly delighted.
He pressed his face into your hair, almost like he was hiding from you. You could sense the shame and embarrassment he felt – it was rolling off him in waves, written all over his face and in his body language.
“Tell me I’m good…” He murmured, wrapping his arms tightly around you.
“You’re good, Leon…So good. My good boy…” You hum soothingly, your hands returning to his hair. “You have nothing to feel guilty about…I promise.”
He melts in your arms, his breathing slowing down. A quick glance at the clock by your bed told you he must have been up for hours like this. The poor thing must have been exhausted.
"Go to sleep, baby. I’ve got you.” You murmur, his soft blonde hair tickling your cheek as he settled in comfortably. He mumbled something incoherent, squeezing your hip gently. You felt his body relax into you even more as he slowly slipped away.
It didn’t take long for you to join him, soon lost in a dreamy haze.
You couldn’t wait to return the favour in the morning.
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joshsbimbo · 6 months
cute crush
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pairings: awkward! mike schmidt x babysitter!reader
warnings: awkward, bad writing (not proud of this), reader is kinda mean at the end sorry
a/n: i can’t tell if i hate this because of how awkward i made it or if it’s actually bad
anon’s request: Mike Schmidt has a huge crush on the babysitter (but is super awkward and avoidant about it so the reader is confused)
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♡ let’s be real, he’s scared of commitment. the thought of him being attached to someone to the point that his happiness relies on them is terrifying!!
♡ when he hired you as a babysitter, he was desperate. your wage was barely minimum which was great for him! he did not care for your looks, just as long as you were a good fit for abby and that he could afford it.
♡ since you were coming by every night, you guys would chat about abby… which sometimes led to him burying his face in his hands and questioning why abby likes you more than him. but also to moments where you would talk about yourself, and him listening contently. he liked- no LOVED listening to you talk about yourself to him, he felt special. no one in his life just wanted to sit down and talk, sometimes abby but they didn’t share as many interests as you guys did.
♡ he hasn't had a proper crush in years, so when he starts to realize he likes you, he shoves it deep into the back of his mind. no no.. i can’t like you, you’re abby’s babysitter! he would avoid chatting with you, only when it was about abby. he would wave a goodbye or a hi in and out of the house.
♡ then he would give into his feelings, desperately wanting to talk to you, but the harm was done. you though maybe he just wanted to be professional, so thats why hes been avoiding you. but you really liked him!
♡ “hey.” it was practically a mumble, looking at you as you sit on the couch and watch tv.
♡ “oh, hey!”
♡ “i got you this, it reminded me of you.” he hands you a bracelet with beads of your favorite color(s).
♡ you smile, putting it on. “i would’ve gotten you something if i knew!”
♡ his cheeks flushed but he quickly looked away, “don’t worry about it… i… um.. im gonna head to bed.. you can stay if you like” before you can answer, he’s gone to his room.
♡ it stayed like that for awhile… small conversations before and after work and him leaving before it could get any further. you though you did something wrong, he’s never acted like this way before so why now? but he’s also abby’s big brother, so you really shouldn’t be worrying about it.. BUT- whatever…
♡ one day, you got fed up. it got so bad that you dreaded seeing him. as soon as you heard the door open, you sunk into the couch. the same stuttering, the same blushing, the same mike!!
♡ “h-hi..”
♡ “mike. what happened?”
♡ he bit his lip nervously, not quite understanding what they meant. “hm?”is all he could mumble, before biting his nails anxiously.
♡ “this! all of this.. we used to be besties but now you’re so distant and… and.. and weird. it’s so awkward, i can’t even look at you without you looking away immediately..”
♡ his breath hitched, looking down at the floor embarrassed. “i d-don’t know.” he fumbled with the hair on the back of his head, abby always said when he lies that he starts to play with his hair. they caught him multiple times in his lies, and this was one of them.
♡ “please- just tell me. it’s killing me coming here everyday, i always have to hold my breath whenever i talk to you.. its so fucking awkward.”
♡ “i..” you look at him in the eyes, waiting for him to spit it out. “i like you.” he picks at his nail as he waits for your response.
♡ you just laugh, “seriously? that’s it?” you can’t stop giggling.
♡ “w-what? “he looks up, confused.
♡ “i mean-” you gasp for air between laughs. “i just thought you were a freak, not that- hehe.. that you liked me!” tears prickle from the corners of your eyes, as you try to calm down.
♡ “a f-freak? wow..” a small smile creeps from his lips, baffled at your reaction.
♡ you soon calm down and you sit on the couch, “so.. i’m sorry for laughing but it was such a relief that you just have a cute crush on me..”
♡ “cute?!”
♡ “yes! cute!”
♡ “it’s not cute!”
♡ “mike, you were stuttering, blushing, couldn't even lo-”
♡ he covers your mouth with his hands to shush you, his cheeks bright red. “shut up!”
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muah! thank u for reading <3
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strawberryama · 4 months
His balls are huge. I can feel it in my soul!!
i say this too much so here we are besties
content : fem!reader x rook, ball sucking, public sex, library sex, cum swallowing, slight shoe humping mentions
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18+ Minors dni!!!
“I can’t believe I’m even asking this…but do tell, how are you undoubtedly certain?”
“I just know it. I have that kind of sense, ya know?”
Cater could only roll his eyes. There was no way this conversation was happening right now. In front of his lunch no less. Thank god lunch was nearly over, cause he couldn’t eat anymore. Not after hearing about how _______ was dead certain her crush, the vice housewarden of Pomefiore, had huge breeder balls. He didn’t even want to think about that guy naked. Yet, this was the current lunch topic, as Trey was busy this afternoon.
“That’s…great. Can I please eat in peace?”
______ turned to her friend, watermelon chunk on her fork. She’d been eating this entire time. It was as if the conversation topic was just something as casual as homework answers to her. She completely unphased. ______ bit down on the watermelon, shrugging to the guy before her.
“You’re unbelievable, you know that?” Cater groaned.
“Nothing. Just forget it! I’m going to the library for study hall, early.”
“I’ll come with then!”
Cater only groaned once more as he stood up, grabbing his tray. “If you’re coming, then no more nasty discussion, ‘kay? I gotta study or Riddle’ll kill me.”
“Aye, aye!”
______ stayed true to her word. She even was actively studying alongside of Cater. She went looking for a book though, deep in the stacks. Sometimes potions class was a pain in the butt. There were so many cryptic ingredients that she knew next to nothing about.
The only issue was every damn book that explained those ingredients was up on the highest shelf. God forbid this school have accessible shelves. No, ofc ourse, they need to have six foot and then some tall shelves.
As she reached and stretched the best she could, she felt a broad, strong mass press into her. A hand came up, gracefully pulling the book she required from the shelf.
“Here you are,” mused a voice.
______turned to look over her shoulder, and none other than Rook Hunt stood there, pressed into her. He didn’t back up at all. Rook grinned down to ______, his free hand coming to grab her waist, rooting her there.
“Madame, how good to see you!~”
“You too, Rook,” she sheepishly smiled. She could feel her cheeks burning. Fuck. He was hot. His eyes pierced right through her like an arrow.
“You know, a lil birdie told me something.”
“O-Oh yeah?”
“You have a hypothesis about a specific part of my body is what I heard at lunch.”
“It’s okay. You’re more than welcome to find out.”
At this, ______ felt something long and hard press into her ass. She was burning up and she was growing wet. She was going to get to see the Rook Hunt’s cock and fat, fat balls. She wasdrooling at the thought.
“May I?” she asked all too eager.
“Please, go right ahead”
Her eyes rolled right back into her head as she sucked on his fat balls. They felt sooo good in her mouth. She drooled all over them, salivating at the heady scent and taste she consumed. ______ could barely even stifle the obscene noises that she made. Let alone, the moan that she let out about the testicle that filled her mouth.
“Good girl,” Rook drawled. His hand grabbed a fistful of ______’s hair, pulling her in further, causing her to gag.
______ was thoroughly enjoying herself now. Her pussy smeared its juice all over Rook’s boot as she rubbed her clit desperate for any friction. Spit was dribbling down her chin. She was in ecstasy. A true dream. Finally, a pair of huge, fat balls full of hot, white cum. And they were all her’s. No one else’s.
Rook threw back his head against the bookshelf, hat dropping from his head. She was good at this, far better than he’d imagined she’d be when he overheard her at lunch. And the absolute messy display of a whore before him was hotter than hell. In fact, Rook may have just found his new favorite toy. And it was better than bothering that prefect of Savanaclaw could ever be.
Rook’s balls began tightening and he bucked into ______ more fervently than before. Her hand reached up, gently teasing at the head of Rook’s fat cock, urging it to cum all over her. Her thumb circled about the slit in his cock, spreading the precum that leaked out. All the while, her hand rubbed and squeezed what she could reach, daring Rook to let go. Daring him to cum and make a mess just for her.
Through hooded, lust fulled eyes, Rook saw the devious wanton look in ______’s eyes. God, she’s a goddess, he could only think. He yanked her off of his pulsating balls, posing his cock’s head before her lips before she could whine in complaint.
“Princeese, take it nice and deep,” he commanded in a shaky breath. But ______ didn’t need any instructions. Rook barely finished his sentence, before ______ began to suck on the tip of his cock.
She moaned, teasing him, with each inch she’d swallow up. Her tight throat constricted about Rook’s sensitive cock.
He couldn’t hold out any longer. His grip on her hair tightened, burying the last few centimeters of his cock in ______’s mouth. With a deep grunt, Rook keeled in on himself, shooting hot cum down ______’s throat. Those emerald eyes rolled back as he stifled a groan, his cock scraping against her uvula.
But ______ didn’t even flinch. She drank every drop of his hot salty cum, a dazed grin forming as she pulled herself off him. ______ gently licked off any remaining cum that dared to escape before grinning up at him mischievously.
“It seems my hypothesis was correct,” she snickered, placing his fallen hat upon her head.
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sluttywoozi · 2 years
Beautiful Day, Sunday Morning | sleepover fic #3
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special thanks to my bestie @sluttywonwoo for this gorgeous banner!
Pairing: Joshua x fem!reader
Prompt: okay so sleeping it off didn't work. let me consult my list. hypnotism, no. meditation, certainly not. well something has to work because I simply cannot be in love with them + friends to lovers request
Word Count: ~7000 (im not well)
Warnings: food cooking and eating, alcohol drinking, hurt/comfort (just a tad its me lbr), presex communication, panty stuffing but not really (you’ll see), fingering, pussy eating, josh cums on you, joshua likes to look, mentions of marks/bruises, loving respectful manhandling, reader has a WAP, aftercare, none of these are in order, i wrote this for like 9 hours straight and haven’t edited it yet bc its four am soooooo sorry bout that, if i missed anything message or inbox me im nice i swear
half of this is just story with some suggestiveness, so if you're not into sex you can still enjoy! it's p obvious when the smut starts
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Joshua sighs, finding himself laying awake in bed for the third night in a row.
He’s seriously starting to feel like he’s going crazy, and the sleep deprivation surely isn’t helping, but there’s just no way. He absolutely refuses to accept this.
He’s tried everything he could think of.
Sleeping it off didn’t work, obviously. He meditated with Hao for hours on end, with no result. He let Soonyoung try to hypnotize him but all he got from that was a headache and a bruise on the cheek where the stopwatch swung into his face. 
Joshua won’t give up though, can’t give up, because this is life or death. Something has to work and Joshua is willing to try anything, well, almost anything, if it means what he fears will be proven false.
He simply cannot be in love with you. He just can’t. 
Not when your friendship is the most valuable of them all, not when your presence is like a hot salted caramel mocha on a blisteringly cold morning, not when you’re the person he always looks forward to seeing, the person he dreads leaving for even a day.
Sure, he sometimes thinks about you late at night, when he’s alone in bed. Sure, he turns people down at bars his friends dragged him to for the sole purpose of getting him laid, just because he likes your voice and your face and your soul and your body better. Sure, he often dreams of you and wakes up feeling lonely, passing his hand over the empty side of the bed and wishing you were there. Sure, the side he leaves empty is coincidentally the same side he knows you sleep on, but that doesn’t mean-
Oh. Wait. 
Joshua is totally in love with you. 
Well, what the fuck is he supposed to do now?
He lets himself thrash in bed a bit, digging the back of his head into the pillow and tensing his jaw, then takes a deep breath, moving out of tantrum mode and into solution mode. 
Option 1: Joshua avoids you for a while and hopes the feelings go away on their own. 
He shakes his head, knowing immediately that won’t work because if he doesn’t text you for a day, you’ll just text him, and if he doesn’t respond, you’ll call, and he’ll pick up, because it’s you. 
And then he’ll hear your voice and you might sound sad that he didn’t text you back and then he’ll be sad, and guilty, and desperate to make it up to you. Which will lead to him making you dinner and probably pushing you up against the counter and kissing you until he forgets about the pasta on the stove and then it’ll boil over and just be a huge mess, and Joshua hates messes. 
Option 2: Joshua doesn’t avoid you, and hopes the feelings go away on their own. 
No, that won’t work either, because being around you is what gave him these feelings in the first place and being around you will just make them worse. He’ll be able to look at you and touch you and listen to you and you’ll smile at him and squeeze his hand like you always do, and marvel at the size of it compared to yours, and then Joshua will only be able to think about crawling on top of you on the couch and holding your hands down with his and they’ll look so small and you’ll-
Joshua clears his throat, shifting his legs in the sheets and willing his mind to settle down. 
Option 3: Joshua doesn’t avoid you, and doesn’t hope the feelings go away. 
This option is intriguing, because it means Joshua will still get to be around you and he won’t have to shove anything down, like he’s apparently been doing for… fuck, has he been in love with you this whole time? Has it been literal years??
Joshua shoots straight up in bed, bracing himself on his hands and blinking the drowsiness away. His brows furrow as he thinks over every moment he’s ever shared with you, every time he’s caught himself staring at your lips or holding your hand or getting jealous of a date or glaring at one of his friends for flirting with you. It’s been so obvious, and he had no clue. 
Has it been this obvious to everyone?
Shit. Has it been this obvious to you?
Joshua needs a second opinion, and doesn’t think twice about grabbing his phone and calling for backup. 
Jeonghan sounds irritated and exhausted when he picks up on the fifth ring, and Joshua sucks in a deep breath before starting, “Jeonghan, I need you to be honest with me, this is very important. Did you know I’m in love with y/n?”
“Yeah, Shua, we all knew.”
Joshua swears to himself, it’s just like he feared. 
“And when you say ‘we all-’”
“No, y/n doesn’t know,” Jeonghan groans with exasperation, “but if you don’t say it soon, I will. It’s fucking annoying watching you guys moon over each other all the time. And don’t even get me started on-”
“Wait. Each other?” Joshua holds his breath as he waits for confirmation, “Jeonghan, I need clarification on the ‘each other’ part.” 
Jeonghan heaves a sigh before answering, like he’s millimeters from hiring an assassin. 
“Yes, Joshua, each other. I’m hanging up now.” 
“Jeonghan wait-” Joshua tries to get out, but he hears the dial tone and checks his messages to see Jeonghan has put him on do not disturb. That was that then. 
Okay, Joshua can deal with this. He can figure it out, Joshua is good at figuring things out. 
He shakes his head and pushes a breath out before biting his lip to stop the smile. 
Each other. He can work with that. 
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“Joshie!” You throw open the door, beaming and grabbing his hand to pull him inside you-r apartment! Inside your apartment. 
Joshua dramatically rolls his eyes, hiding his grin behind a smirk, and sighs out, “Not this again…” as if he’s not giggling on the inside at the way you’re tugging him to the kitchen. 
“Please, you love when I call you Joshie and we both know it,” you respond with playful eyes and your own smirk. 
Fuck, he sucks in a breath, how did he deal with your teasing before figuring out he’s in love with you? Because now, it’s just making him ha-
“So, I was thinking we could try out a new pasta recipe I saw on Instagram, it has tomatoes and goat cheese and garlic, and I got a new puzzle!” 
You sound so cute, so excited, that Josh has to clear his throat and try to blink away the hearts in his eyes before he can even think of what to say. 
“That sounds great! I hope a red will go with it?” Josh holds up the wine bottle with a hand that shakes only a little, the other still caught in yours, and tries to stop his mind from going to the events of Option 1. 
It’s difficult though, when he spots the exact pot he envisioned on the stove, already filled with salted water and waiting to be boiled. 
You squeeze his hand before detaching to grab the bottle from him and throw it in the chiller, and Joshua respectfully (and frankly, for his own survival) looks away from how your jeans mold perfectly to the shape of your ass when you crouch down to find room. 
He does well enough while you’re cooking together, moving around each other in a dance that evidences years of practice, getting distracted only when you lean up over his shoulder to monitor his garlic chopping. You’re very particular about how your garlic is cut, and it was only recently you began allowing him the responsibility. 
Joshua can admit now how much it meant to him when you passed him the knife with a trusting smile and eyes that screamed, don’t fuck this up, just a few months ago. 
Managing to finish the garlic preparation with relative ease, Joshua starts looking around for the recipe you were talking about. Normally, you print it out and put it up on your fridge but the stainless steel is empty, except for the magnetic photo of him and you he bought you last year. Well, him and you and all of your friends, not that he’s looking at any of them. 
No, Joshua only has eyes for you, and they follow you as you flit around your kitchen, sunlight catching on your hair and cheekbones, your hips swaying softly to the music flowing from your sound bar. 
He’s forgotten what he was looking for, and he’s forgotten to pretend he wasn’t drinking in your every move, because you turn around and stop short, eyes wide at finding him staring at you so intently. 
“Do you need something?” You ask, brows tilting up in confusion. 
Joshua breathes in deeply, catching your perfume on the air amidst the roasting tomatoes and fresh garlic, and he shakes his head with a soft smile. 
“No, I have everything I need,” you start to look more bemused, like you’re trying to figure him out, and Joshua rushes to finish, “except the recipe! Where’d you put it?”
“Oh!” You jump, running to the couch to grab your phone and pull up Instagram, “It’s just a video, it seemed simple enough so I was doing it from memory but I should’ve sent it to you, my bad!” 
Your brows furrow as you start typing in his new handle, and Joshua stills your fingers with his, deciding he can afford to be just a tad more bold. 
“My phone’s almost dead, actually. Could we just share yours?” Joshua tries to ask innocently, masking his ulterior motive of getting to be closer to you. 
“Yeah, of course! Do you wanna charge your phone? I can go plug it in,” you offer helpfully, gesturing over your shoulder to your bedroom, but Joshua shakes his head. 
“Nah, the only person whose texts I care about is here,” he says smoothly, locking his eyes with yours and reminding himself that Jeonghan said each other. 
You hold his gaze, something he doesn’t recognize flashing through your eyes and your mouth scrunching to the side, like it does when you’re… hurt. You visibly shake it off though, shake him off, pulling away and turning to set the pot of water to boil. 
Joshua can’t fight the frown, feeling distance between you and him that normally isn’t there, but he lets you take your space and works on figuring out what he’s done wrong. He can barely hear the simmering of the tomatoes and goat cheese in the oven over the roaring in his ears, as he takes in your tense shoulders and stiff posture from the other side of the counter. When he sees your ribs expand and then hitch, like you were trying to gather yourself, he decides you’ve had enough space. 
So Joshua crosses the kitchen, laying a gentle, warm hand on your shoulder, and tries peeking at your face. You’re not crying, thankfully, but he can see your teeth gnawing at your lip and the fragile set of your brows, and he pulls you into his chest, wrapping you up tight in his arms.
“What’s wrong?” He breathes into your hair, tucking your head into his neck with the softest push he can manage. 
Joshua waits as patiently as he can, but when the water comes to a boil and you still haven’t answered, he pulls away to add the penne and then leans against the counter, staring at you. 
“Baby, please tell me what just happened. Did I say something wrong?” Joshua has called you baby since he met you, it’s just instinct by now, but it felt different now that he knows he’s in love with you. It felt… right. 
But it just makes you tense up more, and now Joshua is more confused than ever. You’ve never cared about him calling you baby, you went with it from the start, and even started calling him Joshie in return. 
“Shua… I just-” 
“Joshie,” He interrupts, feeling his heart leap into his throat at the change in nickname. All of your friends call him Shua, you’re the only one he allows to call him Joshie, and he can’t stand hearing the alternative from you. 
Joshua can feel his own brows pinching together, his arms coming up to cross over his chest, like that could protect him somehow. 
You mirror him, bracing yourself against the stove before he lets a hand down to tug you away from the steaming pot of water, and he uses that hand to pull you closer, finding that he can’t make himself let go. 
You’re staring at him now, and you seem to be considering something. He can tell by the set of your shoulders that you’re weighing things, and hears Jeonghan’s voice say each other in his head. And somehow, he knows that you and him are on the precipice of something. 
Something great, Joshua hopes. 
So he takes in another breath and takes a few short steps to stand in front of you, delicately framing your face in his hands and leaning in close. He stops just short of your lips, feeling the catch in your breath this time, and exhales against you, “Tell me to stop. Tell me this isn’t what you want.” 
You don’t say anything, just stare deeply into his eyes, like you’re searching for something. You must find it, because you close the distance to press your lips against his, and Joshua feels something unlock in his chest and make extra space for you.
Joshua’s mind doesn’t wander too far, not with your mouth on his and your body heat against him, and he slides one hand into your hair. The other moves down to mold to your neck, his thumb tracing the edge of your jaw before resting on your pulse. He can feel your heart racing, sprinting just like his, and he drinks you in, sipping from your lips like you’re the finest wine he’s ever had. 
He gets carried away quickly, turning with you in his arms to push you against the counter, sliding his tongue along your bottom lip, practically begging you to open up for him. 
You do, with a sigh, and Joshua slips his tongue into your mouth to glide against yours. You taste… like nothing he’s ever had and he’s desperate for more already, tugging your mouth open further with a thumb on your chin. He licks into you, brushing up against your hard palate, sucking your tongue into his mouth, his moan vibrating against your lips. You swallow it, responding with a whimper, and Joshua’s hips kick into yours. He can feel himself getting harder, feel the heat gathering in his gut, and the hand in your hair drifts down to take your hip in a firm grip, kneading at your plush skin. 
Joshua’s about to bring his other hand down and lift you up onto the countertop, dreaming already of spreading your thighs and grinding against you, pulling your jeans down, spreading you with his fingers and licking you open before slipping his cock inside where he just knows you’re wet and hot and soft and perfect, but you pull away. 
You pull away, and Joshua tries desperately to follow you, but you breathe a laugh against his lips and push him from you with a hand to his chest. 
He can feel his eyebrows furrowing, knows he’s panting and probably looking slightly undignified, but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is why you stopped kissing him and how to get you to start kissing him again. 
“Too fast?” He asks nervously, hands squeezing at your hips without his permission, and he consciously loosens his grip so you can fully pull away if you so choose. 
“No, Joshie, you’re perfect, it’s just-” you pause to catch your breath. “The pasta’s about to boil over and the timer’s been going off for like three minutes.”
His head whips around, seeing your microwave beeping and the water jumping out of the pot, penne far too close to the surface for comfort. He moves with you in tandem, you turning the burner down and shutting off the timer, Joshua grabbing a colander from the cabinet and draining the pasta in the sink. Turning to toss you oven mitts right before you open the oven, he remembers his prediction of Option 1 and can’t hold in the laugh. 
The sizzling of the olive oil and roasted tomatoes covers the chuckle escaping him, and Joshua moves behind you to wrap his arms around your waist and set his chin on your shoulder, smooching the side of your head. Your skilled hands mash the mixture together and pour in a bit of the pasta water he’d remembered to reserve (thank God), the sauce coming together quickly. He detaches from you only when you ask him to bring over the pasta, and he carefully tilts the penne into the dutch oven as you stir, the scent of garlic and goat cheese and robust San Marzanos filling the air. 
Joshua had been so wrapped up in you, he didn’t even notice he was hungry, but as he feels his stomach growl, he still can’t say he cares much about eating right now. Food, that is. 
You’re adorably excited though, beaming at him with bright eyes and spinning on your toes to retrieve the wine he brought, so he turns and lifts your favorite bowls down from the cabinet, grabbing two sets of silverware along the way. You meet him at your dining table, grinning and setting down the fresh grated parm, and Joshua can feel his throat close a little as he imagines doing this with you each and every night. 
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The pasta was delicious, recipe bookmarked in your phone and already sent to Mingyu and Seokmin, and he washes dishes with you side by side. The cleaning goes quickly, barring the wine glasses you’re both still drinking from, but Joshua plucks yours from your hand just before you pour another glass and backs you up against the sink. 
“Joshua, we always finish the wine,” your tone and the use of his full name betrays your befuddlement, but he won’t be swayed. 
“Baby,” Joshua pauses to follow the shiver that runs down your spine with his hand, gaze tinted with want and fondness, before continuing, “If we finish the wine, you’ll get tipsy. There are a lot of things I want to do to you tonight, and I can’t do 75% of them if you’re out of it.”
Your eyes grow wide, lashes fluttering, and you nibble at the inside of your lip. It’s a bad habit of yours, and you’ve complained to him before of the sore spots that result sometimes, so he takes the opportunity to smooth his thumb over your lip and gently tug it free. Leaning in to slide his tongue along the seam of your mouth, Joshua breathes softly against you and waits. 
You huff, and surge forward to capture his lips with yours, your hands flying up to curl around his neck and pull him closer. Joshua giggles into your kiss, squeezing his hands around yours before moving them to your hips to haul you up against him so you can feel how hard he is for you, already. You press back, and his giggles melt into a groan at the feeling of your body against his. He’s wondering if you’ll let him fuck you on your counter, but you cook a lot and you’ll probably think it’s unsanitary. Joshua considers the dining table next, but doubts it’s sturdy enough for all of his plans, and the couch is just unacceptable, there’s not nearly enough room. 
You make the decision for him, pushing against his hips with your own and sliding your hands in his hair to physically pull his lips from yours. He pouts, letting you tug him away but also letting his cock press against you when the pull makes his hips buck. 
“Let’s go, then,” you whine urgently, trying to move forward, but the pressure’s made Joshua’s brain fuzzy and he has no clue what you’re talking about. 
“Go where?” Joshua asks, panting against you before shaking his head in an attempt to clear it. 
“Go to bed, babe, let’s go to the bed,” you set your hands on his chest and push insistently, and Joshua’s nothing if not a gentleman, so it takes little thought to let you guide him to your bedroom. 
What his lady wants, his lady gets. 
Joshua can’t take his eyes off you as you whip your shirt over your head and toss it at the chair in the corner, but he gets his ass in gear when he sees your hands slide down your body to unbutton your jeans. He’s thought too much about undressing you to let you do it yourself, and his hands pull yours up to his abs, using the distraction to undo your jeans and start tugging them down. 
He’s not as sneaky as he thought though, and blushes at your knowing smirk as he presses a kiss to your belly. But Joshua gets you back, with his fingers sliding under both sides of your panties to pull them up tight against you. 
You’re wet already and Joshua’s vision tunnels as he stares at the damp spot between your legs, your folds outlined by the fabric with how taut he’s holding it. You squirm, but he’s not done looking, and he soothes you with fingers petting gently at the soft skin of your hips, taking you in for a few more seconds. 
Joshua doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable though, figures you might need some time to get used to him in this setting, and he knows there’ll be plenty of nights (and mornings and afternoons) for him to look his fill. So tonight, he lets go of your panties and rises to take his shirt off, unbuckling his belt and dropping his pants to the floor. He can feel your eyes on him as he gathers up his clothes and your jeans, crossing the room to lay them on your chair before turning back to you with the corners of his lips quirked up. 
He can sense your nervousness, and tries to figure out how to break the ice and remind you he’s your best friend. Smiling at you until his eyes squint, Joshua walks toward you slowly, then charges you when he’s a few feet away. You shriek and giggle when he leans down to wrap his arms around you and press the side of his face into your chest, tackling you onto your bed. Bouncing together, Joshua rolls until you’re sitting on him and he can feel your wet heat on his cock, seeping through his boxers and making his dick twitch. He swallows a groan, trying to maintain some semblance of composure, but he gives that up when you start rolling your hips against his. 
“Baby,” Joshua moans out, pulling your hips harder against his. “Tell me what you like?”
He sets up a steady grind as you think, feeling you get wetter and wetter against his dick, but he can tell you’re getting distracted by the friction, and he needs to know what’s okay and what’s not okay before he takes you any further. 
So, Joshua stills your hips with a firm grip and says your name with all the sternness he can muster when you’re practically soaking through his boxers. 
You pout at him guiltily, petting his pecs in apology, “I like not being in charge. I like when you grab me like that, and I liked when you threw me on the bed.”
Joshua can feel the heat rush through him at your candor, rewards you with minute thrusts of his hips against yours, and confirms, “You want me to manhandle you a bit? Tell you what to do?”
You sigh at the thought, sagging against him and Joshua sits up against the headboard so you can brace yourself on his chest without having to lean down so far. 
“Yeah, Joshie, I want that,” you breathe against his lips before pulling him into a kiss, and he can tell you’re trying to distract him to get out of talking more, but he can’t make himself care. 
“We’ll talk more about this later, yeah?” Joshua asks, but you both know it’s not a question. 
You nod into the kiss, sucking his tongue and starting to buck against him in a cute, needy way, and Joshua can’t hold off any longer. 
He holds you gently by the back of your neck, wrapping the other arm around your waist, and you get the memo to stop moving just before he starts rising up on his knees. He spreads his thighs underneath yours, shifting up so you tilt backwards onto the bed until he can hold himself above you, unwinding his arm from your waist to hold your jaw in one hand. He presses one last kiss to your plush lips before pulling away to stare down at you. 
Your eyes are hazy, your breasts heaving, and Joshua can see the strain in your thighs from how his knees are holding them open, putting the wet patch on your panties on full display. He smirks, smoothing one hand down your body to slide his thumb down your cunt, feeling your folds part further under the pressure.
You’re so wet, the fabric is practically translucent, and Josh is hypnotized by the glimpse of your cunt. He shuffles down to get a closer look, palm flat to your sternum when you try to follow him, and he can’t resist sinking his middle finger into you as deep as your panties allow. The fabric gives easily, stretching and following his finger inside to the first knuckle. You’re tight, even just with this, and Joshua knows he’ll have to open you up if you want his cock, revels in it. 
Withdrawing his finger, he watches your cunt clench around the bit of fabric that remains inside, groaning out loud when he pulls and it comes out of you even wetter. He’ll have to buy you new panties, and maybe some bras, perhaps a set or two, and probably matching couples pajam-
You squirm, and Joshua looks up to check in, relaxing when he sees you’re just desperate for more. He decides he’s tortured you enough for one night, yanking your panties down, tossing them off the bed, and leaning in close to get his first look at your bare pussy. 
You’re glistening, hips shifting against the sheets in anticipation, and Joshua’s already thrown one leg over his shoulder before he asks, “Can I eat you out?”
You nod before he’s finished talking, but you should know by now that you’ll have to tell him, so he just stares, flicking his eyes between yours and your pussy. 
Your eyes roll skyward in embarrassment and agitation, the back of your head pushing into your pillow, and you force out, “Yes, you can, please do.”
“That’s all you had to say, baby,” Joshua responds, a touch condescendingly and more than a touch smug, lifting your other thigh onto his shoulder and smoothing his hands around your hips to hold your pelvis down. 
His first taste has him opening his mouth wider, wishing he could swallow you whole, but for now he’ll content himself with pushing his tongue as far inside you as it can go. You’re soft, and so hot, and soaking wet, and immediately Joshua knows he’d do this every day, if you’d let him. Wake you up with his head between your thighs and put you to bed with his tongue inside you, if he could. Live and breathe and die in your pussy, if you’d allow it. He thinks you just might, with the way you’re trying to buck up against his hands, your eyes closed and breathy whines escaping your open mouth. 
In the future, Joshua will make you keep your eyes on him, but for now, he couldn’t care less. All he cares about is getting as much of you in his mouth as he can and making you cum on his tongue as soon as you can take it. He’s relentless, sucking your clit into his mouth, laving over it, pinching it between his lips, getting you wetter and wetter until you’re drenching his face and the sheets. You’re still trying to grind against him, which is cute, honestly, but Joshua’s not letting you move, not unless you tell him to stop. 
He shifts to band one arm across your stomach, digging his fingers into the fleshy part of your hip, anchoring you to the bed, and brings his hand to your cunt to slide one finger inside. You’re not as tight as before, and Joshua sighs against you in relief before starting to nudge another finger at your entrance, looking up at you and waiting for the breathy yes yes yes to sink it in next to the first. His fingers are big, much thicker and longer than yours, and you take a second to adjust. You’re already squeezing at them though, pussy trying to suck them in deeper, so he follows until his knuckles brush against you, and curls his fingers up when he bottoms out. 
(He’s a bit too deep to get at your g-spot, but you enjoy the motion nonetheless and open your mouth to beg for more right when Joshua suctions his plush lips around your clit again and you’re almost almost almost-)
“Fuck, Joshie, please! Please, please, please I’m right there,” you whine, hands flying down to push his head into you, fingers tangling in his hair, and Joshua has to press his hips into the bed to get his cock to stop jumping. He knows he’s leaking precum, will have to change the sheets after he gets you in the bath, but you’re just so fucking hot, he can’t help it. 
He does want to make you cum though, needs to, so he starts spreading his fingers, opening you up for a third, and sucks harder at your clit until you break, back arching, mouth open in a silent scream. He keeps going, fucking his fingers in and out of your sopping wet pussy and tonguing your clit in pulses, until you push his head again, away from you this time. 
Joshua releases your clit from his mouth but keeps his fingers inside, spreading them wider against your throbbing walls, and asks, “Wanna go again?” 
You stare at him with wet lashes, your breasts rising and falling with your breaths, and he’s almost distracted enough to move up your body and suck your nipples into his mouth, wonders if he can get both at once if he pushes your tits together enough, thinks about digging his fingers into the plushness, thinks about the bruises he could nip into them, but you respond and pull him from his thoughts. 
“I think it might kill me, but yes,” you exhale, sounding tired but so needy still and Joshua loves you, he loves you so much, and he really hopes you don’t notice when he spells it on your clit with his tongue, followed by his name, then yours with Hong tacked onto the end. He doesn’t think you do, because you’re moaning, near crying with pleasure, and he hasn’t even started moving his fingers again yet. 
Which he rectifies immediately, pushing them into you with more force this time, spreading you open and shoving his tongue inside to lick at your walls. The hand grasping your hip shifts, fingers moving to press down on your clit, rubbing small, quick circles. Your wetness is seeping out around his fingers, dripping into his mouth and down his chin onto the bed, and he knows he needs to make you cum soon if he doesn’t want to push you into the unpleasant kind of overstimulation. 
He pulls his hand out slightly, and you cry out at the loss, trying to buck your hips up and get him deep again, until he finds your g-spot and grinds into it with the tips of his fingers. Hooking his digits inside of you, Joshua rubs incessantly at the rough patch, fucking into you and suctioning his lips around your clit until you clench so tight he doesn’t bother moving them, until you break apart with a wail. You gush, wetness flooding out and soaking the lower half of his face, and Joshua feels his eyes fluttering shut as he drinks you in. 
Your thighs shake on his shoulders, your stomach trembling as you try to get air into your lungs, and his tongue laps at your clit until you push his head away again, for good this time. Joshua doesn’t go far, still breathing you in and feeling your cunt throb around his fingers. 
Your hand pets at his head before it slips from his hair, flopping down onto the bed as your eyes close heavily. You’re not asleep, and you haven’t passed out (he thinks), so he just lets you catch your breath and wipes his face off with one hand, pulling the other from you slowly before shifting your thighs off his shoulders and sitting up on his knees between your splayed legs. 
Joshua wants to put his hands on you, smooth them up your body to squeeze your tits then cradle your face, but he has other plans for the slickness leftover on his palms. 
He tugs his boxers down with a pinky, cock bobbing out, and waits for your eyes to open before saying softly, “Baby, I’m not fucking you tonight,” you shoot him a sleepy frown, bottom lip pushing out just a bit before he continues. “But can I cum on your pussy? I’ll rinse you off and run a bath after.” 
Your pupils get even bigger, nearly blocking out the color of your irises, and you smile serenely at him with bleary eyes, wrapping your hands underneath your thighs and pulling them up so you’re spread open for him. 
Fuck, Joshua’s so fucking gone for you.
He can feel more precum seeping out of the head of his cock, feel how his boxers stick to his thighs from a combination of you and him, and he can feel the shudder roll all the way from his scalp to his toes at the first touch of his hand on his cock. His palm is slick, wet with you, and he stops himself from dipping back into your pussy for more, knowing you’re sensitive.
You’ve given Joshua more than enough to work with anyway, more than he used to get on those lonely nights where all he had was the thought of you, and as he takes in your still fluttering cunt, takes in the fuckdrunk look on your face, takes in the scent of your pussy on the air, he already knows he’s close. 
His body doesn’t know yet, but it’s catching up quick. His stomach is tensing, his chest rapidly expanding with his panting, his balls tightening more and more the longer he gazes at you. Joshua can’t contain his sounds, lets the grunts and groans fall into the air, whining your name when he glides one palm over the head of his cock and squeezes down at the base with the other. He just needs a little bit more, just a li-
“Cum, Joshie, please cum, I wanna feel it,” you ask sweetly, urgently, and he swears, feeling his cock jump in his hands as hot cum spills out, painting your pussy white and dribbling down your folds. His hearing goes fuzzy, white noise filling his mind, and he clenches his eyes shut, cumming harder than he has in… years?
Joshua opens his eyes to see your entrance clench, tightening around nothing, and he barely resists the urge to drop back down onto his stomach and push his cum inside of you, fuck it into your cunt with his fingers and then fuck it deeper with his dick, stay buried in you until he’s hard and do it all over again. 
But you’re tired, and he’s tired, and he catches your wince when you let your thighs down. 
Joshua reaches over to snag a tissue from the box you keep next to your bed, and wipes his hands off before smoothing them up your thighs to knead at where your pelvis connects with your femurs. You had your legs open for a while, then up, and he doesn’t want you to be sore tomorrow, so he pulls back, lifting you into his arms and carrying you into the bathroom. He sets you down on the counter, starting the shower and wiping your pussy off gently with a damp washcloth before handing you a clip so you can get your hair out of the way. 
“Can we take a bath tomorrow? I just wanna snuggle and go to bed,” you request, voice thick with sleep and raspy from the orgasms, and Joshua feels his heart swell. His teeth poke out of the smile he shines at you, and he gathers you up into a hug, rubbing your back and picking you up off the counter to walk you into the shower. He can feel your breath leave you in a contented sigh, and you lean your head against his chest as he spreads suds up your back, his hands drifting over your skin gently and massaging out any knots he finds. 
You’re dozing against him when he drops to his knees to wash your lower half so he leans you against the shower wall, keeping one hand on your hip to make sure you don’t fall over. Making quick work of himself, Joshua shuts off the shower and wraps you up in a towel, patting his hands over your limbs to dry you off as much as he can. You’re a bit more awake now that you’re out of the heat of the water, and he dries himself off roughly before helping you tug your robe on and ushering your slightly shivering form into your bedroom. You’re walking fine, but Joshua keeps his hands on you anyway, doesn’t see a reason not to, and tries to pretend he’s not giddy at the thought of picking out your pajamas and falling asleep next to you. 
He escorts you to the bench at the end of your bed, makes sure you’re sitting securely, and turns to your dresser to get something for you to sleep in. 
“Just gimme your shirt,” you mumble, leaning back against your bed and pulling your knees to your chest, and Joshua short circuits for a second, imagining you in his clothes. It’s time to sleep, he chides himself, when he feels the blood rushing down to his dick, and speeds over to grab his tee from the chair. It’s huge on him, and he knows you’ll look adorable in it even before he tugs it over your head, and fuck, does he love being right. 
He questions you about undies and follows your finger to the top drawer, pulling out the first pair his fingers touch so he doesn’t linger, and guides them up your legs. You stand and pull them the rest of the way on yourself, before climbing right up onto your bed and holding a hand out. 
Joshua tries his best to keep his cool, but he’s just a little too excited to burrow under the covers with you, and your body rolls towards him when he hops into the bed. He pretends he planned it though, pretends he was continuing his bit from earlier, when he bodychecked you into the mattress, and he’s pretty sure he’s gotten away with it until you giggle and tap his nose. 
He scoffs into the space between him and you, then pulls you closer until there’s none left, dropping a kiss on each of your cheeks, laying one on your forehead, and gently pressing his lips to yours as his final goodnight kiss. 
“Oh!,” Joshua remembers, shifting up onto an elbow to stare down at you, “And in case it wasn’t obvious, I’m deeply, madly, embarrassingly in love with you.” 
You blink up at him with exhausted eyes, smiling and placing a palm on his cheek to pull him down into one more kiss, before winking at him and whispering, “Same.”
You’re asleep before Joshua’s gotten over his disbelief, but he just grins, realizing it’s Saturday, and he’ll get to wake you up with his favorite song, crooned directly into your ear. 
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AN: im too sleepy to do a real an rn but whoever requested this ily so much and to all of my followers ily so much too and i'll see you tomorrow muah
tagging: @lenireads @confusedbansheee @junhui-recs @burningupp-replies @heeseung-lover686 @favehoshiposts @gyvswhore @jaysawake (unable to tag) @1004luvangel @bangchanbabygirlx @baldi-2 (unable to tag) @monamonay @dontyouthinkiknowwhoiam @just-here-to-read-01 @gaebestie
find my masterlist here
okay im gonna go to bed bye
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nikoisanidiot · 2 years
Ticci Toby NSFW Headcannons
18+, Minors Do Not Interact. If caught interacting, you will be blocked. a/n: In my AU, Toby is 20 years old, he is a legal adult. Thank you!
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Avg size with a girth of 6 inches.
Def has fooled around with men.
He's a sub leaning switch.
Mommy kink.
Has a dark coarse treasure trail.
"Please mommy just let me touch you." "Mommy.." while being sucked off "who's mommy's good little pet?" "Me."
He's got a deep voice but is whiny and it breaks easily, like not deep deep but deep enough when he's whining there's a diff.
Dry humper tbh.
When he does top, he ain't holdin' back bestie, be fucking prepared. this man will destroy your insides.
Praise and validation is key. He didn't get a lot of it growing up so when his partner praises him, he can't help but want to perform better for them.
Long slender fingers that are meant for finger fucking.
He care's about his sexual health and takes care of it. AKA Even though he treasures you, he also thinks its important to be alone and jerk off.
Attention whore. He will voice what he wants while you two are fucking because you just can't say no when he's being all good like that.
Mushy sex is common, sometime's he get's really emotional. Like- "I can't believe you love me enough to share our bodies with one another."
Has sex toys but rarely uses them.
His favourite places to have sex is his room, your room, in the shower and sometimes in the living room UNDER BLANKETS.
He find's if his partner is wearing his hoodie and a pair of underwear, that's all it take's to get him going.
When you suck his fingers? He is going to pin you to that damn bed and fucking break the bed, be prepared.
RESPECTFUL HORNY MAN. He will let you know, and if you tell him you're not in the mood, he will respect it. Like I said, he has a good relationship with his sexual desires and doesn't mind jerking off.
Tim bet him $200 to wear a maid uniform around the mansion. Toby managed to somehow pull it off really well??
Edging, he loves edging. Both being edged and edging you.
When he's being all dominant, he will stretch you out thin.
"Come on baby, just a little longer." "Good job my love." "You look so pretty, just hold on a minute."
He's a dork and brings his humour to the bedroom.
"Monster trucks? Nah. Monster cock." I find this funny for no reason.
Dosen't mind exploring his sexuality, he's had a three-way and has probably had sex a few times with weird shady guys before he became a creep.
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watercolorofthemoon · 2 years
i forced my roommate to watch both LOTR and The Hobbit with me. Here are some highlights
Roomie: I like this gandalf dude Me: Oh yeah me too. he's a bit questionable sometimes but we love him
30 seconds later, gandalf fighting saruman: Roomie: NO MY SKRUNKLY
Roomie: awe sam is a precious boy Me, internally: oh you dont even know the half of it
merry and pippin stealing crops: Roomie: ARE THEY THE BASTARD LITTLE BROTHERS?? me: I mean i gues- Roomie: FOUND FAMILY LETS FUCKING GO
Elrond being disappointed and having strong eyebrows: Roomie: i feel like i've let down my dad and i dont even have a dad
Roomie: i don't really like boromir that much- me, pausing the movie to explain why boromir is extremely valid: I WILL HAVE NO BOROMIR SLANDER Roomie: is this bc he's a himbo
Roomie: this thorin guy sounds pretty gay if he's given bilbo this thing thats worth more than the shire me, internally: YOU HAVE NO IDEA MOTHERFUCKER
gandalf dying: roomie: NO MY BOY
roomie: please tell me gimli and legolas are gay, because everyone else seems extremely straight me: they arguably one of the gayest duos, yes. roomie: oh good. i thought they straight-washed sam for no reason me: i mean. there are a lot of frodo and sam moments that have no heterosexual explanation viggo breaking his toes: me, practically bursting at the seams: roomie: oh god what is it me: DID YOU KNOW-
gandalf is alive: roomie: FUCK YEAH MY BOY
me, explaining the uruk-hai: roomie: fucked up of a yas character to do that tbh (referring to saruman's manicure)
theoden being stubborn at helm's deep: roomie: okay i like him BUT COME ONNN MAN
eowyn picking up merry before they ride to gondor: roomie: I KNOW I WANTED TO KISS HER FOr A REASON MWAH MWAH EOWYN me:...she gets a bf roomie: NOT ANYMORE
aragorn: for frodo roomie, bursting into tears: me: whoa whoa u good roomie: ITS HIS DAD. ITS FRODO'S DAD.
sam literally carrying frodo up a mountain: roomie:...thats a bit gay mount doom blowing up: roomie: thats unecessary and homophobic
frodo sailing to the undying lands: roomie: TAKE YOUR BOYFRIEND WITH YOU YOU COWARD
The Hobbit:
the scene with baby bilbo: roomie: NAUR I LOVE HIM
bilbo and gandalf interacting as adults: roomie: this feels like it could go very wrong thorin finally showing up: roomie: listen im gay but i'd consider it me: he's probably also gay roomie: mlm and wlw solidarity okay we're bffs now
bilbo running out of the door: roomie: again. this feels like this could go very wrong. me, internally: oh fuck how do they KNOW already
thorin throwing down his weapon bc bilbo got caught by trolls: roomie:....thats....sus. me:...if this is sus...oh boy...
thorin's obvious dislike of elves @ rivendell: roomie: okay so. explain to me why thorin doesn't like elves again- me: did you not watch the entire introduction to thorin? roomie: NO WAIT I REMEMBER THE BLOND BITCH
saruman showing up: roomie: ew.
galadriel showing up: roomie: HELLO SAILOR AWOOGA AWOOGA
bilbo and thorin nearly falling off at the mountain pass: thorin: he's been lost ever since he stepped out his front door roomie: WDYM YOU'RE ALL FUCKED UP- thorin stop being mean to your husband
the entirety of the goblin tunnels and gollum: roomie: this does not bode well. at all. the ring showing up: roomie: I WAS RIGHT
azog versus thorin scene: roomie: dumb bitch...OH NO DOES HE DIE- bilbo to the rescue: oh no its chill, just gay
the iconic carrock scene: roomie:....this is incredibly gay bestie me: i'm aware.
the entirety of the beorn's house arc: roomie: ...i like beorn. he's feral and skrunkly. so is radaghast.
legolas showing up: roomie: *surprised pikachu face*
tauriel and kili's interactions: roomie: damn i was hoping she would be gay me: i mean with the right headcanons she can totally be a lesbian roomie: UR SO RIGHT OMG
kili getting shot with arrow: roomie: NO THE GAYS-
the laketown master existing: roomie: EAT THE RICH.
bilbo and thorin on the boat together: roomie: oh they definitely fucked in laketown-
tauriel healing kili and them holding hands: roomie: oh no don't make me feel sad for straight ppl me: again. they don't have to be straight. roomie: I KNOW BUT ITS THE PRINCIPLE OF IT
bilbo waking up smaug: roomie: oh bilbo...oh you sweet summer child...you stupid bitch.
thorin threatening bilbo initially: roomie: oh fuck. it got worse. me, internally: oh honey. oh no.
thorin's gold sickness and then nearly killing bilbo at the ramparts: roomie: NO THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE GAY AND HAPPY HOW COULD YOU
*doesn't say anything almost the entire battle until the kili and fili die* roomie: noooo the skrunklies NOOOOOOO
thorin, fucking dies in bilbo's arms: roomie: *turns to look at me with the most murderous look on her face* me: *nervous laughter* so about it getting worse- roomie: IM GOING TO KILL YOU.
end for now, if we end up watching trop together ill let yall know <3
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g0tmilkx3 · 2 months
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Gal Pals
Welcome and thank you for reading in advance. This is a story about two besties!
Authors Note: This story is written in third person with an original female character. No use of Y/N.
WARNINGS: 18+, drinking, gun violence, jealousy, possessiveness, pining, sorta friends to enemies to lovers, lesbians fucking, orgasm denial, toxic relationship, mentions of murder, codependency, lesbians acting like lesbians
Her touch was warm. Brazen in its candor, righteous in its nature. She left a fiery trail to sizzle behind her fingers as she mapped out all of the places she wanted to kiss, to lick, to suck. How she loved to bruise her lover. To leave behind a mark of trust that was begged to be placed there. Her eyes were always bright and present. Beautiful like the light that filtered through the trees and gazed upon the lilies in springtime. She whispered to her lover even when it was just the two. Afraid to lose the gentleness of their union, she didn’t want the divinity to crack. All of the pieces to tumble away, the art to be ruined forever. She'd often sit and let her mind wander. Sometimes she'd reach the darkest depths of her soul. What would happen if they took her lover away? She’d go mad. The thread that kept her together would snap.  She didn’t like thinking about that. But, it was hard not to. And her sweet Honey, her sweet, sweet dollop of heaven had no idea of these affections. She never will. All of these carnal fantasies were all thought up in her dreams. Though, one day she wished they would become reality.
Lou rubbed her eyes as she roused from an unplanned nap. She laid back on the couch cushion, feet kicked up, television on, remote still in hand. On the rare days she had off she spent her time wasting away on her beat up couch. The once vibrant colored fabric was now sun bleached and covered in lint. There was a beer stain that never quite came out and a tear on one of the cushions that revealed the foam hiding inside. She drifted in and out of sleep as reruns of a 70s sitcom droned on in the background. Most people wouldn't consider this entertaining but Lou revered this time of relaxation. Once upon a time her idea of relaxation was firing off a .22.
The doorbell chimed bringing her out of her moment of bliss.
“Honey?” She was shocked to find her coworker and close friend standing outside of her door. Although they'd been friends for a little over a year now she never invited Honey to her place. They opted to spend time at a bar or at Honey's place. She never trusted herself to have her so close to her home let alone inside. Lou knew how obsessive she could become and she didn’t want to subject someone so sweet to her latent wrath. Then she heard her sniffle. At the sound Lou threw all caution to the wind and invited the shivering woman in. “Here sit down I’ll grab some water.”
“Grab wine!” Honey called after her as she walked away. Lou lifted her head and glanced behind her, nervous yet eager to hear just what happened to her friend. Lou wasn't much of a fighter, but she'd fight for the right person.
Once inside the kitchen she searched her fridge for wine but only found brown liquor that she'd sip on those lonely nights. She winced grabbing the nearly empty bottle of whiskey. The thick glass clinked against the rings she never took off.
“All I have is whiskey.” She held the bottle up with a grimace. “I can go out and grab some wine-“
“No,” Honey finally looked at Lou fully, letting the soft light of the lamp illuminate her entire face. “That’s perfect.”
Lou gasped before she could stop herself, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth. An ugly deep purple bruise had blossomed over her friends cheek. Even with a bruise on her face she still stole her breath away. But, those feelings of affection had transformed into something, something that made her burn hot. She rushed over, slamming the whiskey on her coffee table as she passed it. 
“What happened?” She gently lifted her hand to examine the wound a little closer. Honey flinched as Lou moved her hair out of the way. Lou tsked with the shake of her head, careful not to brush her wound again. “Who did this to you?”
She felt her heart shatter as a hot tear streamed down her lovers face. Her finger twitched. He thought about the gun she had strapped under the coffee table for emergencies. This felt like an emergency. Much to her dismay, Honey shook her head, pulling back out of her grasp. 
“He apologized for it,” she wiped her tear away “it was just some guy at the gym…" she wiped another tear that threatened to fall. "I'm more shaken up than anything. Nobody has ever hit me before."
Lucky her.
“At the gym?” Lou questioned. “Some rando fuckwad at the gym laid his hands on you?”
“He was on some stimulant and lifting.” She hesitated but decided to continue once she saw Lou’s expression. “I told him we were closed and tapped his shoulder, he swung around thinking I was some man.”
“So the douchebag hit you because you tapped him?” It was decided. She crouched down searching for the hidden weapon. 
“He apologized a lot.” She reassured, curiously watching as Lou searched under the coffee table. “What are you doing?”
Lou didn’t answer, continuing her actions.
“Lou please it’s okay.” She grasped her arm gently pulling, but she didn’t budge. “He offered to pay for my medical bills, he honestly didn’t mean it.”
She finally stopped moving. Honey’s eyes widened as she saw her sit back up on the couch, a pistol in hand.
“Woah, Lou what the hell?” She watched the gun, apprehension in her eyes. Lou glanced at her with a chuckle before looking back down at the gun. She loaded it with bullet after bullet. 
“Relax doll I’m not gonna hurt you.” She closed it with a finite CLICK. “I’m gonna hurt that douche.”
“Lou please.” She rested her hand on her knee. This caught Lou’s attention. She looked down at the manicured hand of her friend then back up at her bruised face. She deflated after a few seconds of heavy eye contact. 
“You know those eyes are dangerous.” She placed her gun on the coffee table before clasping her hands together, letting them dangle between her widespread legs. “They can get me to do just about anything.” The sincerity in her voice made Honey's body heat up. She couldn’t take another second of the swollen silence. 
“I um I…” she broke eye contact and chuckled, she felt her face melting off from the intensity of Lou’s stare. She didn’t falter, not once. She never did. Honey silently wondered if she ever second guessed herself or her actions.
“Here.” Lou used her finger to lift Honey's chin. “Let’s get you a drink then we can see about treating that.”
By the end of the night Honey was tipsy and smiling despite the pain it caused. Lou was happy to be of service. Whenever Honey would get tipsy she’d hang off of Lou, draping her body across her lap like she were a chair. Lou didn’t mind though. Always respectful, she only touched her where she had permission. But whenever she’d lose her place or slip Lou was sure to catch her. Tonight, Lou didn’t know if it was the whiskey or that bruise but she was feeling like a big softie. She couldn’t help but kiss Honey’s forehead. Honey was too drunk to care and Lou was just drunk enough to not feel shame or embarrassment.
“Why did you do that?” The slur of her words only made Lou grin. She kissed the spot again.
“Because you’re so sweet.” She muttered, lips still pressed against Honey’s warmth. “I can’t help myself.”
Honey sat up, Lou missed the weight of her body almost instantly. She fully faced Lou, leaning forward just enough to search her eyes. 
“Why do you say things like that to me?” She hiccuped. "When we’re just friends. What about Daisy?”
The question hit her across the face, sending her mind into a spiral of excuses and explanations. Usually, she’d tell anybody who threatened to invade her private life to fuck off, but instantaneously she wanted to soothe the wound. Get them back to where they were. Not a secret between them, open and honest.
“Daisy and I, we…” she took a deep swig of her whiskey. “It’s easy with Dais.” She decided to leave it at that. Honey settled down on her lap, her head against Lou’s thighs gazing up at her confidant. Lou brushed the hair on Honey’s forehead back. “Maybe, I’m afraid to be with anybody else. To make a connection.”
“You shouldn’t be LouLou.” She replied gently, the affectionate nickname rolling off of her tongue. Butterflies erupted in Lou’s belly. Her affections towards the woman flamed within her, scorching her from the inside out – burning her cheeks.
“I think it’s time for you to get to bed.” She raised her eyebrows, tapping Honey on the shoulder.
“Are you kicking me out?” She pouted, her wet plump lips called to Lou. But she didn’t answer. She knew deep down that if she crossed that line and kissed her she’d be hooked. Like a drug, she knew just one taste would send her down a road chasing a high that was continually out of reach.
“Of course not Honey,” She gently sat her friend up before standing up. “You can sleep in my bed.”
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They were close. As close as Lou let them get. She was guarded, naturally inclined to be a loner. But, there was something about Honey. She couldn't put her finger on it. Whenever she was around she felt like she were walking on clouds. Suspended in the air never caring to come down. Frankly, it scared Lou. She hadn't felt this way about a girl since, well since she could remember. Honey was a temple she prayed to day in and day out. She was possessed by a deity that Lou was cursed to worship for all her days.
Lou’s gaze was sweltering, scorching Honey's skin when she arrived at work a few days later. Thankfully her bruise was mostly gone. Faint discoloration took its place. The wind blew as she walked through the door sending fly-away hairs awry, the glow of the setting sun surrounded her head like a crown. Honey always felt Lou's stare when their shifts overlapped. It made her falter in her steps, even after all this time. Lou made her stutter, she made her daydream and drift into a far off land that included the two hand in hand dancing the night away. But, as fate would have it they were destined to be just friends. Much to Honey's disappointment.
"Hey, can I ask you a question?" A tall man stepped in front of Honey. One she recognized from a few days earlier.
"Hello!" Incessant snapping broke Lou from her favorite activity. She tore her gaze from Honey engaged in conversation with some man and faced the himbo that'd been trying to get her attention. "I need a protein bar. How much?"
"50 bucks." She glanced back over to find Honey still engaged in conversation with that man. A pretty good looking man who was sculpted to all high heaven. Absently, Lou heard the hunk complain about being robbed blind before he threw a $50 bill down on the counter.
"You still owe me for that bud." She didn't spare him a glance. Her hands moved on their own, grabbing a vile filled with fuel and sliding it across the counter. The man dropped a $10 bill on top of the wrinkled 50, discreetly grabbed the vile, and left.
Honey laughed, her hand connected with her new friends shoulder. Lou could tell by the grin of the meathead that he wanted her Honey. He wanted her bad. Lou knew that look because everyone gave Honey that look. A look saying they wanted to devour her, they they wanted to ruin her. But, Lou wanted to be the first to ruin her. The only one who got the satisfaction.
So, Lou debated. She could stay here and be a normal person who isn't insanely in love with her best friend. Or she could forget about Honey and her new friend and actually get some work done. She stared at the mop bucket with great disdain. She decided that she’d watch Honey simply to make sure she's safe. But when she looked back, Honey was gone. Her stomach twisted.
She felt sick. Worse than sick. She felt empty, disgusted, envious. She couldn't pin down her ugly feelings with one word. They were too complex. Fleshed out and etched on her face. Honey returned moments later instantaneously noticing her friends sour expression.
"Woah, did pops drop by again?" She teased as she rounded the corner and sat her backpack down at her feet.
"You're late." Lou simply replied refusing to look her in the eye.
"No I'm not..." she replied, unsure of what brought on the coolness of Lou's words. "I was here, just had to help someone with something."
"Right and just what was that?" She busied herself with organizing the papers strewn around the counter. Anything to keep her moving and busy. She could feel this ugly feeling boiling in her body, threatening to spill out. "Because I saw you chopping it up with some guy." She hoped her words came off as nonchalant, but she couldn't bring herself to care how they sounded at this point.
Honey scoffed through a surprised laugh.
"So, you saw me speaking with a customer and still thought I was late?" She crossed her arms and stared Lou down. She dipped her head attempting to catch her eye but Lou was stubborn. Constantly darting them away, constantly finding something else to do. "Dude stop moving around so much." She grabbed her wrist effectively stopping her movements. "If you must know it was the guy that hit me the other day, he brought me some medicine for my bruise." She waited beat before dropping the bomb. “And he asked me on a date.”
Lou hesitated, letting her eyes climb from the counter, to her wrist, to Honey's hand on her wrist. Her gaze trailed up her arm until she found her face. More importantly her eyes. So open and honest, the only eyes she could ever trust. She was different. She wasn't entangled in her family B.S. If Lou had anything to do with it, she never would be. Despite her need to protect Honey, in this very moment Lou wanted nothing more than to eliminate the person who was threatening to take her away. Honey must’ve noticed the darkness clouding Lou’s eyes because she drew her hand back. Lou cursed herself, all of her cards were on the table now. There was nothing she could hide behind anymore.
“It’s fine Lou. Promise.”
Lou didn’t hear her. She went to a place whenever she felt threatened, whenever something or someone threatened her areas of comfort. She'd blacked out going tunnel vision. Retracting to that place her father once forced her to go. She was shifting into autopilot now, she had a mission and she was sure to complete it.
"Hiya!" A third party entered the scene, bursting their bubble. "Either of you ladies know where I can buy a gun?"
Lou raised an eyebrow as Honey grinned instantly turning on her customer service voice. But Lou chose to investigate the stranger. He stood tall, his hair was cut above his ears and buzzed in the back. He was blond. Stoic. She couldn't see his shoes but she was sure they were steel toed. He had a gun hidden in his waistband. A glock.
"...but I'm not sure. What do you say Lou?" Honey turned her attention to Lou, pulling her into the conversation.
"What?" She looked between the two. "I don't know shit about guns, and neither do you." She shared a pointed stare with Honey.
"Well, if you girls have any tips," he handed Honey a card. "Let me know." He was gone in seconds.
Lou grabbed the card from Honey's hand before she could read it.
"Fucking pigs." She muttered.
"Uh, Lou." She tapped her shoulder garnering her attention. "Why did a cop just question me about a gun?”
"Don't worry about it, babe." She easily replied, eyes moving back to the door.
"Babe?" She chuckled feeling her face warm up. "That's a new one."
Lou cursed herself realizing she'd let the one pet name she'd called Honey is secret pass her lips. They were stuck in a silent staring competition. Lou's mind scrambled reaching to the deepest depths to find an excuse or the right words.
"You're uh" she chuckled nervously "I just see you as so innocent that I sometimes call you...baby."
Honey slowly nodded taking in Lou's shoddy explanation. Lou wished the ground would swallow her up but alas she was left in this universe cursed to bask in the uneasiness her unauthorized pet name brought.
It was going to be a long day.
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'Hey you've reached my voicemail which means I'm out shopping or I'm out shopping. You know what to do!'
Lou sighed hanging her phone up. It'd been days since she last seen or spoken to Honey and it was driving her to the brink of madness. They never went more than a day without speaking with each other. Things felt wrong in the universe. All of Honey’s shifts had been changed to early mornings and she was never home to get the phone these days. Lou tapped her foot, chewed on her bottom lip, and tugged at her hair. She knew letting Honey past the walls she'd put up would bite her in the ass. She shouldn't have let her in her house. She shouldn't have told her how weak she made her. Before she knew it her keys were in the ignition and she was speeding across town.
"Mind telling me what the fuck is going on?" She walked into the house forcing Honey to step back with each angry stride. "You look like you’re home, but you haven't been answering my calls?"
"I don't have to answer every time you call Lou." She shot back, arms crossed. "I'm not a child."
"You had me worried sick, Honey!" She ran a hand through her messy hair. "Terribly. What the fuck is going on with you?"
"Lou I just..."
"Just what?" She questioned invading her personal space. "What?"
"I think we need to spend time a part."
Lou stepped back like she'd been slapped. She was speechless, staring at Honey in disbelief. The words registered after a few moments of silence.
"No, we're not doing that." She heard herself say.
Honey didn't falter, her expression remained stern.
"Where is this coming from, Hon? Are you trying to hurt me? B-because I called you baby? I'm sorry I just-"
"It's not that Lou." She cut her off. Lou panted trying to figure out what brought all this on. “They found a body."
Lou's heart dropped.
"Of the man who hit me. The man who I was going to go on a date with…” She let the words linger, emphasizing how serious this all was.
Lou settled down stepping back, calming her nerves. But she was still on edge. Did Honey know that she lost control? What would Honey think if she knew how far Lou would go to have her to herself?
"Yeah, so?" She balked.
"Lou, they questioned me-"
"You didn't tell them anything did you?" Lou grabbed her by the shoulders.
Honey tried to shrug her hands off of her, but Lou wasn't budging.
"Honey, I know you're stubborn, but I need you to be a good girl and listen to me."
Honey didn't like being told what to do, Lou knew that. But how she loved being called a good girl. She pushed that obstinate feeling down and did as she was told. She'd do anything to be called a good girl again.
"We don't talk to cops. No matter how nice they are. No matter how safe we think they are. Ignore them, they aren't your friend." She let her hands slide down Honey's arms until she grasped her hands. "Okay?"
"That's my girl." She smiled but it quickly fell when Honey's expression morphed into something unreadable.
"I can keep that promise if you tell me the truth." She inhaled and exhaled through her nose before meeting her eyes again. "Just, tell me the truth...did you do it?"
She opened her mouth to speak but the words never came. She tried again but nothing that came to mind made sense.
“Fucking hell Lou what the fuck were you thinking?” Terror was streaked in her eyes, stamped across her face. “Did you kill that man because he hit me?”
No, I killed that man because he hit you AND he asked you on a date after.
“Look Hon, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her eyes darted between Honey’s in silent battle. She loved Honey but in this moment she didn’t trust her. “I think I should leave.” Her father always taught her to expect a wire and unfortunately she could sniff out a set up from a mile away. She left Honey without another word.
'You give motherfuckers an inch they'll take a mile'.
Her fathers words echoed in the back of her head all the way home.
Once she made it back she couldn't stop replaying the moment she left Honey. That look on her face was seared in her mind. It was a look of confusion, hurt, betrayal. She stared at the phone debating with herself. There was no way that was a setup. She didn't plan her visit and Honey would never do that to her. Without thinking she dialed Honey's number and held her breath as the dialing bell tolled.
'Hey you've reached my voicemail-'
She feared that the damage was done.
They avoided each other for days. Until their days turned into weeks and weeks into months. 2 months later they still hadn’t spoken. Barely looked at each other. Lou felt like a knife was forever protruding from her back nestled there by Honey.
“Hey Honey I need you to drop this at Lou’s.” Their manger informed her as he sat a stack of files in front of her.
“Can’t she just pick this up tomorrow?”
“No, she’s off for the next couple days and these need to be organized before the audit on Friday.”
“Why don’t I just do it?” She grappled.
“You don’t know the system.” He shot back, not even sparing a glance in her direction.
“I can learn!”
“Look Honey," he sighed as he massaged the bridge of his nose. "I just need this one thing. Please.”
Nobody argued with the boss.
Honey rushed to Lou’s house after work not bothering to call before heading over. There was a huge storm headed there way and she wanted to get this done and over with so she could get home.
Lou answered the door, her sweats hung low on her hips, a black sports bra stood out against her skin leaving her abdomen out for Honey to stare at.
Honey ignored how Lou made her feel and thrust the stack of folders toward her.
She curiously eyed the files with a raised eyebrow as she took a sip of beer. She flicked her eyes back up to Honey and licked the drop of liquid that landed on her bottom lip.
Honey ignored how Lou made her feel and cleared her throat.
“Boss wants you to organize these before Friday…”
Lou nodded sitting her beer on something near the door. She took a step forward letting the folders press against her stomach. Her hands came up covering Honey's underneath the stack. Honey slowly pulled her hands away, unable to look away from Lou's intense stare.
Lou breathed in deeply, her heart racing, her valley pulsated. She instantly regretted it. Once she smelled Honey all of those ugly feelings of resentment melted away and her heart ached. She missed her friend. But Lou wasn’t going to let her know that. She backed away and slammed the door in her face.
Honey ignored how Lou made her feel.
She blinked a few times willing her tears away. She felt stuck, frozen, left to stare at the dirty wood of Lou’s door.
Lou, inside, remained. Eyes stuck on the door wishing she were braver.
Thunder broke Honey from her daze. The peach sky was quickly being taken over by raging dark clouds moving over where she stood. She took one more look at her old friend’s door and left. Her mind was in a far off place when she cranked her car up and began her drive back home. The rain began before she could make it out the parking lot. By the time she reached the corner she couldn’t see a thing.
“Fuck.” She pulled over and placed her car in park. Ahead of her was nothing but a static curtain of rain, drenching her windshield with water and debris. Another loud rumble of thunder made her jump from her seat. “Fuck fuck fuck.” She couldn’t see much out of her rear view either. “No.” She muttered to herself. “I’m not going back and asking her for help.” Another particularly close strike of lightening shook her car. “Okay, fine.” She moved to put her car in drive but all she could hear was gurgling. She tried again but her engine refused to turn over.
That was how she found herself soaking wet on Lou’s porch again.
Lou was still in another place, fighting with herself. Should she try calling again? No. That’d be pathetic. Thunder broke her out of her stupor. She rubbed her eyes, realizing she hadn’t blinked since Honey left. Nothing was going to change. She felt stupid standing here still holding these stupid folders and staring at her stupid door. She plopped them on her coffee table and moved to go to bed when a knock at the door pulled her back into reality.
“Honey?” She took in her appearance, noting briefly the translucency of her thin top. She picked a great day not to wear a bra. She snapped her eyes up when she realized Honey had been speaking this entire time.
“…my engine is flooded and I can’t see shit. Could I just wait the storm out here?”
Lou glanced behind her then back at Honey before she stepped aside and let her come in.
“I’ll throw your clothes in the dryer.” She muttered as she walked to her room. She lent Honey something to change into after her shower before changing the sheets. She sung in the shower accompanying Lou in her chores. It all felt too domestic but she was used to this. Lou was used to friends staying over and singing in the shower. Honey felt different though. She imagined how she'd soak her sheets with her scent. How she'd leave behind her essence in the bathroom. It made her throb with want. Honey's singing morphed into humming. Lou's stomach twisted. It was as if Honey knew her effect on her. But Lou didn’t believe her to be so cruel.
Lou was smoothing out her comforter when Honey appeared towel-clad in the doorway. She watched as droplets of water slid down her neck and over her collarbone, down her chest before disappearing underneath the towel. She absentmindedly licked her lips wanting to follow the water with her tongue.
"I left my change of clothes in here..." she shifted uncomfortable under Lou’s gaze. Not having felt it in so long she’d forgotten how intense it could be. She maintained her stare as she sauntered closer and closer. Honey didn’t falter this time. Soon they were face to face, exchanging breath. Lou’s chest pressed against Honey’s shoulder, she could feel her heart beating at a dizzying rhythm.
Lou breathed in deeply, closing her eyes on the exhale. “You’re getting water on my floor.” She snapped her eyes back open and left.
Lou left her bathroom after getting ready for bed and clicked the light off in her room as she passed it.
“Uh thanks?” She heard Honey call behind her.
“Shit.” She turned around and made her way back to her room. “Sorry force of habit.” She clicked the light back on.
“Gotcha…” Honey cleared her throat as she moved under the comforter. “You can uh, turn it off now.” Lou clicked the light off as Honey settled back into her bed. Seconds later a strike of lightening briefly lit the space illuminating Honey’s frightened expression. Thunder quickly followed. Lou had forgotten about Honey’s childish fear of lightening and thunder. It was endearing and she wished she could stay to ward away those bad thoughts but Lou was beginning to feel like a creep.
“Well, uh, goodnight Hon.” She turned around dragging the door with her.
“Wait, Lou.” She called. Lou stopped in her tracks, back still facing her. “Could you…stay?”
Lou thought she heard wrong. Her request pierced her ears, Honey’s words created a symphony of want to rush through her body. Lou hesitated though. As much as she yearned for Honey, things were still too hot. The police were still following her. She wanted to keep Honey away from this world she lived in, this life.
“You want me to?” She questioned despite herself.
“Please.” Her mousy voice replied. “I don’t know if you remember but I’m not a big fan of lightening.”
Lou didn’t remember getting in the bed but she wasn’t one second and the next she was sinking next to the pinnacle of her desire.
She smelled divine this close. Her hair was tied up but a fruity aroma emanated from her, filling the space. She was careful not to touch her, out of fear she'd feel the softness of her skin.
“Hey LouLou.”
“Yeah?” Her voice cracked as relief flooded her. Hearing the nickname Honey bestowed upon her calmed her nerves.
“I want to apologize.” Her voice grew quieter by the second. She was afraid to speak. Lou set out to make her feel safe.
“What are you apologizing for?”
“I shouldn't have accused you of killing that guy.” She turned to her side so she could face Lou. A steep confession that left Lou dizzy. But, she kept her composure. She wish she didn’t feel so enraged though. She was furious at herself. The anger she'd directed towards her father all these years felt in vain. She was shaping up to be just like him. Here she was subjecting a loved one to this unrighteous turmoil drudged up by her nonsensical feelings. She didn’t speak. She couldn’t speak. She just ground her teeth, waiting for more words to spill out of her mouth.
“I didn't speak to the police. They tried to get me to wear a wire.“
“A wire?” Lou couldn’t hold her tongue.
"Yeah, they backed me into a corner one morning when I opened. I was alone." Her bottom lip trembled. "I was afraid."
Lou could handle police but she knew Honey had no experience with them. She was used to being roughed up, being questioned, she just never thought she'd have to shield Honey from that. For her lover to have been touched by grimy hands it shifted something in her. It lit a raging fire in her. An ugly dark feeling entered her stomach and the feeling of bile climb her throat but she swallowed it down. She had to keep herself in check. She could do that.
“I'm so sorry.“ Her words choked her. "I'm sorry I got you into this, Hon."
Honey's soft hand cupped her cheek, wiping the tear away.
'When did I start crying?'
Lou humorlessly chuckled at herself. Weakness was in her tears, she couldn't even lift her eyes to see Honey's reaction. She couldn't bare to see the reflection of her ailing emotion on Honey's face.
"Hey, stop that Lou." She pouted wiping more tears away. "I'm okay, I'd do it again."
That made Lou look up, lashes wet and clumped together. "Really?"
"I'd do anything to protect you."
Those words hit her like lightening. Protected. She wasn't familiar with feeling that way. She was usually the one protecting, cleaning up the mess. But she trusted Honey in this moment. She trusted her with her life.
Honey stole a kiss and Lou's breath right along with it. She remained close, sharing her breath with Lou. Their noses brushed. Lou stared at Honey’s closed lids. Her heart was pounding, blood sloshed in her ears. They laid there, unmoving for so long that she’d began to think she imagined the kiss.
“Was that okay?” Honey sliced through the tension causing an unexpected laugh to bubble up Lou’s throat.
“Shut up.” She pushed a stray curl behind Honey’s ear before leaning forward and hungrily kissed her back. With that the universe ceased to exist. They were suspended in time, the sounds of thunder and rain absconded leaving behind space for their sounds of pleasure. Lou could feel her pupils dilate underneath her eyelids. Her blood reached a boiling point. Her body moved on its own accord. She pushed Honey on her back, swinging her leg over her body to hover above. She pulled away briefly to catch her breath. She loved the sweet sounds of the woman beneath her trying to catch her breath. She dived back in without warning. She nipped at Honey’s bottom lip, enjoying the quiet whimpers that left her. Her tongue invaded her lover’s mouth. She slotted her knee between her legs, moaning at the warmth of her clothed pussy against her. She gripped her waist and pulled her closer. She could feel her beneath her squirming, trying to make sense of what she was feeling. She wanted to take her time with her, to tease her, make her beg for it. Lou knew that after this she’d be addicted to this feeling. Even still, she couldn’t see herself regretting this. She pulled away to kiss Honey’s neck, to nip at her ear.
“You like it when I touch you here?” She whispered hotly against the shell of her ear. Her hand played with the waistband of her shorts.
“Yes.” She replied breathlessly. It sounded as sweet as sin. What would come of their friendship if they crossed the line and went all the way? Lou was ready to taste her, to bring her to the brink of completion just to back away and do it all over again. Anything it took to hear her sweet voice cry and beg. To feel her writhe and pulsate against her tongue. She captured her mouth again swallowing the moan released Honey let out. She hungrily begged for more and that she did receive. Lou pressed herself against Honey’s thigh, rutting against her pulled vibrating moans out of her. She tried her hardest not to sound like a little bitch but she could hear her whiny whimpers slipping out right along with Honey’s. She found her ear again, leaving her hips to keep the string of pleasure going.
“You have no idea,” another bitchy whimper left her. Lou couldn’t believe the sounds she was making. She never made these sounds before. Honey was dangerous. “You have no fucking idea how long I’ve wanted this.”
“Show me how bad you want me.” She tangled her hand in Lou’s hair, tugging at the roots. Lou’s eyes rolled as she increased her pace grinding faster and harder, chasing release.
“I’ll show you.” Lou promised, already backing up and pulling Honey’s shorts off. She smelled her nectar once she was bare. Lou undressed herself. “Wanna feel me?” Honey thrust her head back and moaned as Lou kissed from her foot up to her knee. “Wanna feel how bad I want you?” She slotted her hips between her lovers, shuttering as their most intimate parts connected. She slid over her, catching a rhythm that felt nice for the both of them. Over and over, her pussy kissed Honey’s. “Fuck, do you hear us?” She cursed under her breath, listening to their sopping cores create a filthy array of sounds. Rotating her hips she found an angle that made Honey’s eyes roll back. She puffed air out of her mouth, her moan growing higher and higher until she began vibrating in ecstasy. Lou didn’t stop her movements wanting hear how she sounded when she was about to cum. Once she saw Honey’s mouth fall open, releasing a silent sound, she stopped moving and backed her hips away.
“Please.” She breathed hips thrusting up searching for Lou’s.
“Please what?” She teased moving further away. Her lover only moaned, weakly moving forward, trying to feel her again. “Uh, uh, uh. use your words. Tell me how bad you want it.” She chuckled, teasing her lover.
“Feel so good.” She slurred, frustration overcoming the pleasure she was feeling . “Please just-“ she mewled weakly pulling on Lou’s arms.
“Please just what, Honey?” She glided her fingertips across her stomach inching closer and closer to her nipples with each caress. She watched in reverence as Honey squirmed beneath her. Her face moved in and out of the light giving full glimpses of frustration to Lou.
“Please, I wanna feel you.” She gritted out through clenched teeth “I need you.”
Lou’s mind blanked when she heard those last few words. Honey needed her.
“Since you asked so nicely.” She mused slotting them together again. With each brush, an electric wave rushed up and down their body's. Traveling down Honey’s and up Lou’s. Every inch of Honey’s skin was on high alert, too sensitive to touch. Lou watched her searching for what made her writhe, what made her moan, she found that rhythm again. The one that pulled the filthiest sounds out of her mouth.
"Close." Honey warned rocking along with Lou. "So close." Lou, mesmerized, slid her hand up Honey's body and pinched her pert nipple.
Honey's mouth fell open in a silent moan as she fell over the edge. Between them, a stream of pleasure squirted from Honey covering them both. Lou felt it pool beneath them, but she couldn’t bring herself to give a fuck about her sheets. She groaned speeding up, feeling her orgasm starting at the tips of her toes. Climbing and climbing until it catapulted her into the sun. Lou followed Honey as currents of pleasure washed over her over and over again. She pressed herself against Honey wanting to feel the rhythm of their pulsating pussy’s against each other. Honey kept her eyes closed as they both came down. Lou couldn’t help but stare down at her as she rode it out. Lou smiled, feeling her cheeks warm. How pretty did her girl look lying there. Blissed out without a care. Lou liked her better when she was moaning though.
She wanted to taste her sweet angel. She need to understand what she held between her legs more intimately. She slowed her movements before slinking down her body kissing a hot trial on her way down. She kissed her thighs softly before biting them just hard enough to draw gasps from Honey. Honey jolted when Lou’s lips latched onto her clit sucking her in until her sense dulled. She threw her head back clutching for purchase on anything. Her finger slipped as the blankets slipped from her fingers. With each suction she was drawn nearer and nearer to nirvana. Just when she saw the light begin to descend from heaven, Lou pulled back. Honey sat up on her elbows wondering why the sensation stopped. Lou mischievously stared up at her from between her legs.
“You think I’m gonna give you another orgasm after you’ve been so mean to me?” She walked her fingers across Honey’s belly before lifting a finger and moving it side to side. "Not so fast, doll."
“I’m sorry.” She begged thighs trembling. "I'll do anything." She nodded "I'll be a good girl."
Lou bit her lip at the admission. "
“Just for me?" She wanted to hear it. She needed to hear Honey say it.
Honey hastily nodded bucking her hips forward. “Yes, yes just for you. Only you.” Lou's iron grip on her hips kept her from making any significant movement, but that didn't mean she stopped trying. She maintained eye contact as she slipped two fingers inside of Honey. They went in easily leaving a wet sound to fly into the air.
"You really wanna be my good girl?"
Lou bit her bottom lip watching her ringed fingers disappear into the velvet cove she coveted. Honeys sounds of pleasure were disorienting. With each breathy moan she cast a spell specifically for Lou.
“How about, you don’t cum unless I say so."
Honey nodded hastily, still up on her elbows.
“Yes, yes, yes.” She moved her hips along with Lou's fingers. "Promise."
Lou wasn’t sure if Honey took the order seriously, but that didn’t stop her from hooking her fingers and hitting the spot that made her lovers brain go offline. Her fingers were soon soaked with Honey's sweetness that she was sure tasted even better.
“Lou- ah- ooo” she gasped “I’m gonna cum. Don’t stop don’t stop dontstopdontstopdontstop “
“Did I say you could cum baby?” She didn’t stop her movement feeling Honey's walls closing in. She couldn’t stop if she wanted to, pulling another orgasm out of Honey so quickly made her ache so deliciously.
Lou watched in astonishment as honey cracked and crumbled, orgasm pulling sounds out of her that were to be etched on Lou’s brain forever. Lou grinned sneaking back down between her legs, fingers still working. She took Honeys clit into her mouth sucking the cream off of it.
Honey lazily pushed her away. But Lou didn’t move. In fact she increased her intensity. She rapped against the spot inside honey faster than before. She alternated between powerful sucks and long sloppy licks from her hole over her hard clit and back again. With each movement Honey shuttered and groaned her sounds bordering on pained.
“Ah Lou” she writhed “please just- s-st” she bit her lip. She didn’t want her to stop. Nothing has ever hurt so good. “Lou I can’t, I can’t baby.”
Lou pulled back long enough to laugh. Honey didn’t find anything funny.
“I c-can’t again.” She trembled as Lou began slurping her like a melting Popsicle again.
She pulled back much to Honeys relief but only for a moment. Her fingers still drumming inside of her.
“You can and you will.” She went back to her previous actions.
“I-I can’t it’s t-too much!” She groaned squeezing her legs against Lou’s head in an attempt to push her away. Lou effortlessly pushed them back apart. She slipped her fingers back inside her, instantly finding her button.
"I thought you said you wanted to be my good girl?"
"I-" another filthy moan. "I d-do."
"Then be a good girl and cum." She kissed Honey's shining clit before continuing to lick and suck, alternating between pressures and speeds. Honey felt hot all over. A prickling sensation developed within her forcing sounds of pained pleasure to rip through her. She wanted this to go on forever while simultaneously wanting it to stop. She’d never felt so overwhelmed with need before. Seconds later Honey’s back arched off the bed as an unexpected orgasm lifted her soul out of her body.
Honey watched herself thrusting against Lou’s face riding out her earth shattering orgasm. Lou stared up at her, smug satisfaction evident as she swallowed everything Honey offered. She returned back to her body when the feelings subsided. Even still her body vibrated. Ebbing and flowing with each breath.
Lou was on her back with the blink of an eye. The bed dipped as Honey got up and left the room. She was far to dazed to care. She was on cloud nine and ready to go again if she was up for it. But, she had a feeling she wasn’t. Upon Honey’s reentry she held a damp towel.
“Hey, I’m supposed to be the one taking care of you.” Lou teased as she took the towel to wipe herself.
“Yeah right, you can barely take care of yourself.”
Lou grinned watching as Honey moved around her room. She looked like she belonged there. She grinned as Honey helped her stand up so she could change the sheets. She snuck a kiss once she was on her feet. She grinned when Honey left the room and came back with a glass of water for her. She grinned as she got back in bed and tugged Lou along with her.
Through the night Lou held Honey close, now that she had her she was never going to let her go.
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beesbeesdragons · 5 months
I have been BRAINROTTING over an FMA/Pokemon crossover and I need to share it so!!!
this is gonna be a 'characters exist in the context of another universe' crossover, btw so prepare for that!!!! mostly gonna use Kanto-Alola, bc im not familiar really with Galar and Paldea (except for SNOM and Wooloo)
regional starters don't reeeeeally matter in this version, if there's a lack of starters in one region, they'll get a starter from another region
any characters who are State Alchemists are now Gym Leaders! Roy is a fire-type, Armstrong is fighting-type, etc. Olivier is a member of the Elite Four because she's just That Good.
Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric grow up in Pallet Town, alongside Winry Rockbell, whose parents are doctors who sometimes help out Professor Oak with stuff.
Trisha Elric and Delia Ketchum are besties, so Ed and Al also grow up with Ash, who is ~2 years older (eg. when Ash goes to Hoenn, Ed is just starting his journey and drags Al along
when Ed and Al are about 4/5, Trisha gets sick when there's an outbreak of disease in the area. She died from this, but Ed and Al move in with the Rockbells (as Delia can't financially support three young children on a single salary).
Hohenheim, btw, is off doing something vaguely justice-y, maybe he's in deep cover in Team Rocket? Idk, but he's not in the picture. Ed and Al know that he's 'busy with work', but can't know what that is. He does his best to keep in contact, but Van Honhenheim is legally dead so there's that issue.
Father is Hohenheim's twin, and is all around a terrible guy. He leads a crime syndicate in one of the regions (don't ask where, maybe Kalos?) that is NOT the main evil team, and the Homunculi are his enforcers.
The homunculi all specialise in a different type (eg. Envy is a bug specialist, Pride is a ghost specialist, Sloth is a fighting specialist, etc). They're annoying as fuck to deal with, and fight by their own rules. If you're in a battle with them, you are aiming to kill, because they won't hesitate to kill you if you lose.
anyway, Winry's parents are killed during an attack by Team Rocket while they were travelling, but are fairly well-known by the Gym Leaders and Elite Four of various regions for,,,,reasons (I.e. they helped out one of the Champions in a tight spot and earned the respect of most).
Just before they get killed, however, Ash leaves on his journey. Ed does NOT particularly like Pikachu, and it's...a situation. But Ed can't WAIT to go on his journey!!!
then, of course, they're vibing and just living life when something comes round to kick their asses.
Its team rocket.
listen, these two kids are at least vaguely related to Professor Elric (aka Hohenheim, he helped out Professor Oak until he found Stuff and went into deep cover to keep the family safe) so surely they know something about his research, right? right???
they, uh, they don't. But the attack happens one night when they're in their dad's study reading about something. a lone member of team rocket is sent to 'retrieve them', and ends up fucking up so much that goddamn ARCEUS gets involved
basically, Ed and Al were just vibing when this fucker, instead of doing the sensible thing and knocking them out and then just nabbing them, decides to bring out a fuckin scyther who...can't grab stuff. shit happens, Ed loses a leg in the initial scuffle but when he's trying to get to Al, loses his arm, and Al...comes off better, but not much. He's lose a few fingers (ring and pinky on his right hand) and a chunk of his shoulder, and also got his larynx badly damaged, but he's...not in immediate danger.
A few weeks pass, and a Gym Leader named Roy comes around to investigate as a favour to one of the Officers Jenny. He's there with his best friend/sort-of girlfriend (Ed doesn't really know, it's definitely something), and he's awkward and angry.
Roy keeps it quiet, it's all under wraps, but when he was younger, before he became a Gym Leader, he was a member of Team Rocket. He...thought they were good, but he was wrong. He left soon after that and dragged his childhood friend, Riza, out with him. Since then, he's become the Elite Four and International Police's investigator and attack dog, while training to inherit the Cinnabar Island Gym.
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sarahwroteathing · 10 months
Dear Sam (2)
[Sam Wilson x Reader]
Word Count: 1615
Summary: You begin drafting your letter to Sam, and old memories resurface.
Warnings: Discussion of grief
A/N: Surpriiiiiiiiise. I once again kool-aid man my way back to my blog to post a thing. Any and all gratitude for my sudden reappearance can be directed to @indominusregina I am here to bum you out on your birthday, like a true friend. Love you, bestie
Part One
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There were false starts, many of them, written in a notebook you kept in your nightstand drawer. The handwriting on each varied slightly, reflecting the emotional state of each version of yourself that risked putting pen to paper. 
The first try came out jagged. Awkward. A handwriting reminiscent of high school note taking, messy and vaguely frantic, with half transformed letters sprinkled throughout, where your hand tried and almost failed to keep up with the ever shifting message in your brain. 
Dear Sam, 
The comma started too high, an aborted beginning of a second m. Sammy, you’d almost written, before dismissing it as out of character. You’d only ever called him that in moments primed for a smile. Through a pout, syllables drawn out, dramatic and mostly insincere, in a half-hatched ploy to get your way. Or in a falsely scandalized tone, clutching at invisible pearls you’d never owned, to make him roll his eyes or double down on whatever flirtation he’d been throwing your way. Sometimes in profoundly giddy joy, the kind that sent you running to meet him in the entryway like an excitable child, throwing your arms around him and not even thinking twice about the pure, eager love you were displaying for him. 
In any case, not appropriate for now, for a form so thoroughly divorced from its proper contexts.
All I can think about is how I have no idea how to write this letter. How much better you would be at this. You were always good with emotion, with explaining things kindly and firmly, with making yourself understood. I think I got better with you, but I still feel underqualified to write something as important as this. But the point is, I’m the only one who can write it. So I’m going to try anyway. In case it helps. Because there’s a whole lot I don’t understand, but one thing I do know is that you’d want me to get better and to move on if I could. You were annoyingly unselfish that way.
You threw down your pen, a shaky exhale escaping your lungs with an urgency, like you’d been holding it for too long. Maybe you had been. It felt as though every word you wrote only made it to the paper by being ripped free from your heart. It hurts. It’s stupid, senseless. A letter written by you, for you, addressed to a man who will never read it. It doesn’t matter. But it still manages to fucking hurt. 
You clench your jaw, pick up your pen again. 
But I don’t know how to move on, Sam. I don’t know how to let you go. It shouldn’t be this hard. You’ve been gone so long that I…
You took a sharp breath, eyes burning, as you forced out the words.
I sometimes forget to miss you. And I feel like I must be the worst person alive every time. Because you deserve more than that. You deserve every tear I can shed, every second of every sleepless hour, every stolen breath, every pound of grief I can shoulder. You deserve everything. And I get so mixed up in my head about it, how I can go so long sometimes without remembering you’re really gone and then get dragged under again like I’ve just lost you for the very first time. It doesn’t make sense. I wish I could make it make sense. I wish you were here to explain it to me. I wish you were here. 
You scrubbed your hands over your face, pushed yourself restlessly to your feet. 
One lap of your apartment. 
Deep breath. 
A second lap. 
You grabbed your pen and notebook from the desk, flopped down on your bed with them, staring blankly at the small jewelry dish on your nightstand for several minutes. A leather bracelet, the name of a town you’d never been to artfully etched on the surface. A delicate chain with a small gold charm in the shape of a wing. A watch, way too bulky for your own wrist, that you’d insisted on wearing every day for almost a year. An Idaho state quarter dated 2007. 
Do you remember the night we met? In that dive bar down the street from my old apartment. It was as far from the height of romance as you could possibly get, but you made it work for you anyway. You and Steve and Natasha were sitting in the back booth, a few steps from the jukebox thats simple existence charmed me to pieces.
I remember how disappointed I was when my pockets came up short. I’m not sure whether it was my proximity or my colorful words that first drew your attention. But there you were. My knight in soft leather with a hand full of quarters shining red from the neon beer sign over your shoulder.
“How much you short by?” 
“Fifty cents,” you answered with a rueful laugh, eyes flickering between his handsome face and the handful of change. 
“Well, I happen to have fifty cents, and I’m happy to give it to you if I get veto power on your song choice.”
The corner of your mouth drifted up into a half smile despite your best efforts at his mildly flirtatious but matter-of-fact tone.
“I don’t take gifts with strings attached,” you said challengingly.  
“Alright, alright. Worth a shot. Can I at least stick around to see what you pick?”
The compromise we came up with: you picked a letter, I picked a number. And I don’t think it was a test exactly, but when I picked the Marvin Gaye song, the way your eyes lit up and the smile you gave me left no doubt that I’d passed with flying colors.
And I remember being so instantly enamored with you, with that beautiful smile and those eyes that promised a safe kind of trouble, that I stopped noticing anything else. My best friend’s song request blasting through the speakers, the sticky floors, the taste of the tequila sunrise you bought me with a promise that there would be no strings attached. And there weren’t any, of course. But I remember wishing there would be if it meant a chance of seeing you again.
And I remember the way I made my move on you, when you pressed two more quarters into my hand so I could pick my own song without interference. I remember you hooking your finger on the back belt loop of my jeans so we wouldn’t get separated on our way back to the jukebox and the way I was glad you were behind me so you couldn't see how much that made me smile. 
You barely hesitated, keying in your selection as soon as the quarters rattled home. You’d seen the song the first time, while Sam had been examining the catalog. 
It started only a few seconds later, and you turned with a satisfied little smile, watching Sam as he tilted his head, squinting slightly as he tried to identify the opening notes. 
When the first line hit, that smile was back, wide and charming and playful. 
“The night we met I knew I needed you so.”
“Okay,” he laughed, taking a half step closer, leaning his shoulder against the wall right beside you. “Hittin on me now, huh?” 
“Presumptuous,” you said mildly, not moving away. “Maybe I’m just very passionate about the Dirty Dancing soundtrack.” 
“That’s still sounding like a line to me.”
You shrugged, pushing off the wall with a teasing smile. It put you much closer, your faces only inches apart. 
“You planning on doing something about it?”
I was bolder that night than I ever had been. You had that effect on me. Made me brave, confident. Joyful. You made me so fucking happy, Sam. Right from the beginning. I was never as unapologetically and ecstatically myself as when I was with you. I don’t know how to do that without you, how to be that person again. I don’t know if I ever can. I miss her too. The version of me who walked through life beside you, who could call you anytime just to hear your voice. Who could hear “Be My Baby” and come running, follow the sound to where you were waiting with your phone held up and a goofy little grin that felt like it was all mine, get bundled up in your arms and plied with kisses until I was breathless and giggling. 
Now it just hurts. I can’t bring myself to delete the song from my playlists, but every time it comes on, I can’t help but cry. And now when I’m breathless, it’s not in that fun, giddy way. It’s more dangerous. Like choking. Like drowning. And I’m so tired, Sam. I want to stop. I want to keep all the memories I have of you, the sound of your laugh, the smell of your skin, the way my hand fit in yours. But I don’t want this pain. And I’m not sure anymore if I can have one without the other. That terrifies me.
So I guess what all this means is that I’m trying to let you go, and it’s not supposed to be against my will, but that’s how it feels anyway. I’m scared of letting you go the way I’m scared of almost everything these days. 
What if I forget you? What if I don’t? I honestly can’t tell you what would feel worse. But no matter what… 
You know I will adore you till eternity. 
Even when you’re not here to sing it with me. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. 
I love you.
Sound off! Who's not dead?
Would love to hear your thoughts, my loves. This story is truly a living organism with drastically changing drafts.
Tags: @shifutheshihtzu @internalbullshit @lilasiannerd-blog @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @iwillbeinmynest @scotlandasshole @netflixa @hardcorehippos @singingprincessstudent @sophiealiice @blue1928 @tinuviel015 @a-book-pressed-rose @bbparker @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun @feelmyroarrrr @orangespocks
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anchorandrope · 14 days
I’m bored out of my skull of the tabloid rumors, everyone’s just saying the same thing. Nothing is happening. I wanna talk about how Zayn wore a cardigan with no shirt under it for his m&g and I made my male bestie look at a photo so he could understand why I said a cardigan is the sexiest thing a man çan wear on a date. Wear a fancy cardigan and I’ll wear my little dress that’s cute but not too fancy or too too casual and we’ll have ourselves a nice little evening, gentlemen of the world. Bonus points if at some point I am allowed to wear this luxury cardigan because it’s cold or something.
[related to this post]
i think the majority of us is at this point !! or... well, we should! because its exhausting and boring as fuck. i fully relate to you, i sometimes feel like we are discussing something™️ and i don't wanna jump in the dash being like "what color is harry's aura?" "which day of the week is louis?" "what type of bird is zayn?"etc etc. i sometimes wanna start talking about random shit that actually starts a conversation that doesn't involve something deep yk? like having fun and enjoying things like we used to do
now, about zayn's cardigan: i strongly believe men should and MUST use more cardigans. that is a NEED we have as a society. zayn used that one without a shit below and 😵‍💫 lord!!! we should worship his beauty more than we already do. and if he uses that one for a date like zayn, without a shirt, if he gives it to you he will be half naked so double win for you!! i guess?? hajdbsks he will be freezing though, but we don't care about men's frustrations here <3
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stiffyck · 1 year
Bestie introduced me to tcd and I had thoughts hello.. I like the potential in the idea of Scar having a camera. I think for the first while of him having it he'd be like.. somewhat paranoid of it losing battery or breaking but one day he finds a bunch of batteries for it maybe and he gains a bit more confidence in recording himself. He finds it a way to express and document his thoughts, and sometimes it's even caught him in dangerous situations like in the middle of a horde, covered in zombie guts and clinging to a couple cans of food he found.
The idea of him using it when injured is also super interesting to me. Like- to get a better look at wounds he can't see. I think that he'd maybe use it when he got his iconic face scar. The camera turns on to Scar's horrified face, covered in blood with tears running down his cheeks that only make him wince further. He's holding Jellie, shaking as he longs to hold the plushie close but cant because he has no way to clean her if he gets blood on her.
Eventually he begins to calm himself down, taking deep shaky breaths. He gets a medkit out and pours alcohol on his face to clean the wound and prevent an infection. You can see himself counting before he does, then biting his lip so hard to prevent screaming and attracting attention so it too starts bleeding. Once it's all cleaned to the best of his ability, he takes a moment to readjust before beginning to wrap it all up. He's muttering to himself, hands shaking as he realizes he's using more and more bandages and the bleeding hasn't even stopped, there's just so much. head wounds bleed a lot but he's just a guy in an apocalypse, nobody's told him that before!
Once he's all done to the best of his ability he just.. sits there, for a bit. He finally hugs Jellie close, hunched around the little plush as he shakes and tries to steady himself. The footage is just that for a long time. Eventually he somewhat zones out, eyes unfocused and face almost eerily calm. Until he remembers the feed's still on and pauses, turning back to the camera.
The footage ends there, but he spends a long time just staring at his reflection after.
Holy shit. Holy fuck.
Now imagine... imagine someone on hc, years later, finding that camera and seeing that footage. Seeing young scar in such horrible place and seeing the fresh wound on his face and they just know how its gonna look years in the future. They know how its gonna look when its healed.
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eiirisworkshop · 2 months
A Fireside Chat
(A Hazbin Hotel ficlet) Rated: T Length: ~ 500 Summary: Aesthetically pleasing arson and talking to your bestie about your FWB—it's a pretty good day in Hell. Warning: Rape mention. Can be read on Ao3, along with its whole series!
Different things burned different colors.  Blue and green was copper.  Angel didn’t know why the shell of a building at the bottom of the hill had so much copper in it, but it sure was pretty.  He slurped at his iced coffee and watched it burn.
Cherri whooped excitedly, jumping up and down as some support or another succumbed to the flames and half the roof fell in. She plopped next to Angel in the scrubby red grass of the hillside, took a deep breath of smoky air, and let it out. “Ah, that’s the good stuff. Thanks.” She took her own coffee back from him and sipped it. “Anyway, yeah. Other than all that bullshit, pretty good week. How’s things with you?”
“Well,” he gave his cup a shake to dislodge the ice, “I’m getting raped by my boss.”
Cherri looked over at him sharply. 
He shrugged. “Nothin’ new, you know that,” he sighed. “Just something I can actually say out loud now.”
“Angie,” she said heartbreak-soft, putting an arm around him. He leaned his head against hers. She gave him a comforting squeeze. “I hoped that’d be better with you moved out.”
“It is, but better doesn’t mean fixed and I’m still under contract so….”
“Yeah.” She took his hand. “You know you can call me, doesn’t matter what time it is, if you need me I will burn the place down to get to you if I gotta.”
“I know.” He smiled appreciatively then shook his head, looking back to the blaze. “Honestly thought you might be who took me home last time, but there’s no sign in my phone I called you and no texts.”
She frowned. “I haven’t been your ride home anywhere for more than a month.”
He stirred his coffee with the straw. “Yeah, I dunno how I got home.”
“Because you were high, right?” 
“Sure, let’s go with that,” Angel mumbled.  “I remember being…with Val, and I remember walking up to the hotel—between there, I got nothin’.”  He picked at a thread on the edge of his jacket.  “Husk took care a me.”
Cherri smiled a little.  “Ol’ grump’s a good kitty, huh?”
“Yeah,” Angel grinned.  “Just don’t say the kitty part to his face.  But, Cherri, he purrs during sex sometimes and it is the cutest fucking thing.”
“Aw!” she laughed.  “So much for your not being into pussy.”
He snorted.  “Shouldn’t be a surprise; my best mate’s a cunt.”
She laughed harder and flopped back on the grass, hair fanned out under her head.  “You really like him, don’t ya?”
“Yeah,” Angel leaned back on one pair of elbows.  “He’s a good friend.”
She handed him her coffee so she could roll over onto her front, kicking her feet.  “Okay, but do you fancy him?”
Angel sighed, eyed the dregs of his coffee, drank some of hers, and grumbled, “Babe, I think I’m in fuckin’ love with him.”
“Oh.”  Cherri’s feet dropped to the ground.  “Are you gonna tell ‘im?”
He shook his head.  “Nah, that’s more of a mess than I wanna deal with.”
“Fair.”  She rested her chin on her hands.  “I’m glad you’ve got ‘im anyway.”
“Yeah, me too.”
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