#this was provoked by a post a saw but aint no chance im ever reblogging that cuz people will attack me left and right for not caring about..
geooooooorge · 10 months
The world is a little too soft sometimes. Like dont get me wrong, i love love and self care and mental health and i love when people go 'sometimes you just have to say no to things and you have to prioritise yourself and your mental health etc etc' like fuck, yes, but sometimes you also just have to just get fucking through. Get up, go do your chore, youll be fine. Sometimes you have to struggle through some stuff and you have to be uncomfortable, not because being out of your comfort zone is good or whatever, but because you dont have a choice. Don't skip that class youre just a little too lazy to go to, don't call in sick just to stay at home doing fuckall, don't say you cant hang out today. Get up, go out, do stuff. Sometimes you have to force yourself to do stuff and thats ok, youre a grown up person, youll survive.
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