#basically just me playing with shades of yellows and oranges those are my favorite colors <3
windlullaby-arts · 1 month
I'm not sure if I can request drawings but.......rengoku wholesome drawing?? Pretty please 🥺🎀❓️
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I hope this is wholesome enough for you but if it’s not, his character alone should be enough :D
If you enjoy my works please consider buying me a coffee ( ´• ω •` ) thank you for your support! <3
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calware-png · 1 year
your colors are alwasy SO GOOD.... do u have any advice for how u pick them
thank you! for advice, i have a few tips:
the first is to always keep in mind what color palette you are using. as you become more experienced this will likely become something you do subconsciously, but when i was starting out with drawing i would usually deliberately choose a color palette and reference that while coloring in my drawing.
i'll go into some basic color theory (ha ha) but feel free to skip this if you're already familiar with it.
there are many different types of palettes to choose from, but the most common ones are:
split complementary
for example, the drawing i just posted follows a split complementary palette (which is favorite scheme btw)
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i can explain this more in-depth if anyone want me to but for the sake of brevity i'll leave it at that. the only other thing that i think is important to note if you're following a color palette is that it's important to balance out the values of the colors that you are using (how light and dark they are) as well as use it as a guide but you don't have to strictly adhere to your pallete 100% if the time within your piece. for example, the my drawing uses MAINLY blue, green, and red-orange, but there is also some orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green etc. in there as well
my second tip is to experiment! i hear the phrase "learn the rules before you break them" a lot when people are giving advice to beginner artists, which i don't always agree with because i think experimenting and finding out what you like and what you think works is very valuable (especially when you are drawing for fun and not professionally!) have fun with it, do the opposite of what people tell you to do just to see how it looks, etc. i remember getting the advice to always shade warm tones with a warmer tone and cool tones with a cooler tone (this is only a rule of thumb btw) and one day i started doing the opposite and found that it can look cool in certain circumstances
my third tip is to use references! i joke a lot about colorpicking from the most random images but i think that looking at other images and asking yourself "how is the artist/photographer using the colors to make it look this way? how do i recreate that?" and using that as a way to study their use of colors can be really helpful. i you find a drawing that has cool colors, try using those colors in your own drawings and see how they look!
the fourth tip is to play around with contrast. some drawings will look better with LOTS of contrast (where the darkest points are black and the brightest points are white), while others will look better with low contrast. stylistically, i prefer using low contrast. going back to the drawing above, there is no true #000000 or #ffffff used anywhere (except the white outline). i find that in certain situations this can help colors stand out. but like i said, it's more of a personal preference
the fifth tip is more for digital art, but it's to play around with blending layers, adjustment layers, and gradient maps if you don't like your colors but have no idea how to fix it. some programs don't have this feature but using blending layers/adjustment layers/gradient maps is sort of like using a filter to change the hue/value/saturation of your art in different ways
hope that helps! if there's anything i need to explain further please lmk!
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the-sidekick-club · 1 year
Flowers for the Shadow Man
Part 1 : Part 2
Written by: @heroes-villains-side-blog★​​@tratieisdabest★@just-a-space-rabbit​​  
TW: breaking and entering
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Shadows simply nodded in response, once again amused with her, and once again pinker, though really redder, than before. 
Alexandria slowly regained her composure. "Well… what do we do now? I'd like to get to know you better before a date, which is… sort of the point of those, but I just know Mender will find out somehow, and we'll be spied on by their little club thing. Well, that is, if they keep meeting."
Shadows cocked his head in thought, a motion that Alexandria found adorable, before answering, "Well, we could just talk? Like you have my phone number, which, by the way, would've been a smart recourse to use, so you wouldn’t have had to break in —" 
Alexandria's glow returned, flustered to hear yet another flaw in her plan. Gosh, this was embarrassing; normally she was pretty level-headed, but Shadows just messed that up. 
"--- and we could figure out times when we can meet up, like on a rooftop, or here or something."
Alexandria nodded, and then there was silence. Neither of them knew what to talk about. So, after about… 5 seconds of that awkward silence, Alexandria blurted out, "Let's play 20 questions! You can go first!"
Shadows looked over at her in slight surprise; the sudden words had startled him, but he actually liked the idea quite a lot! And so, he began to think of the perfect first question, leading to another few seconds of awkward silence. Finally, he said,"I suppose we should start small. What's your favorite dessert?"
The hero thought for a moment before answering, "Anything chocolate, though especially when Mender bakes it for me!" Shadows happily took in the new information; Alexandria was very, very supportive of her sidekick, loved her baking, and also loved chocolate! Perhaps one day, Shadows would get a chance to work with Mender to make something for the hero, but there wasn't too much time to think about the simple answer because it was Alexandria's turn!
Before asking, she scanned the room, clad in red and black, similar to much of his base and his costume. "What's your favorite color?" she asked with slight sarcasm. 
But Shadows just smiled and answered, "I've always loved the color yellow! That's why I have lots of sticky notes in that color." At that, he pointed to his desk, which had a rainbow of sticky notes, but contained 3 shades of yellow. It wasn't immediately noticeable, though, since the yellow ones were used so often that the stacks had gotten progressively thin, all combing to about the size of one. Alexandria looked surprised at the answer, but he really wasn't sure why. Why would she ask if she thought she already knew the answer? 
"Huh. I… wasn't expecting that." Alexandria said, gazing around the room to try and find more hints of yellow. When he noticed that, he realized the reason for surprise; everything was always red! But who was going to take a villain seriously if they were clad in yellow, unless maybe their power was, like, bee related. 
"Well what's your favorite color?" Shadows asked, voice full of challenge. If the answer was anything but orange, it basically proved his point of favorite colors not always being the best color to use (no it wouldn't). Which would make Alexandria look a bit silly, and if he was lucky she'd flustsd again!
But she just looked at him in confusion before saying, "Orange? Though yellow is definitely nice too." Okay, so maybe his plan didn't totally work, and now he's the embarrassed blushing one, but it's fine, it’s not like he's not grumpy that his amazing plan failed. 
Questions like these continued on for a while. 
"Your favorite crime you ever committed?" Alexandria asked.
"Well, once I stole a whole merry-go-round for Kim and Hirra to play on. They loved it, and Hirra still hangs out on it sometimes! But any one that means I get to see you is lovely." Shadows replied. And the hero flusters (success!). 
"What was your favorite agency mission?" Shadows asked. 
"Hmm, I really liked solving the mystery of the stolen Corinthian vase. It was one of Mender and I's first missions together, and and she taught me a lot about ancient Greek and Roman pottery that week. It was annoying that the thief escaped though. But to echo your words, any crime you commit is lovely." And the villain blushes (success!). "Dogs or cats?" She asked.
"Well, I like them both, but I think cats. They sort of remind me of Hirra if that makes sense." Shadows replied. No blush, but a cute parent moment, so… success! "Cats or dogs?" He echoed. 
"Dogs. I've always wanted one, and they wouldn't mess with my things as much, so dogs. Cats are… scary." Alexandria replied. No fluster, but this one was just for information, so… success!
But the two did have deeper questions as well, and Shadows was the first one to ask. 
"When did you decide to be a hero? Like, at what moment did you really want to be one?" Shadows asked, a bit nervous since it was a bit more deep than the previous questions. But Alexandria seemed perfectly fine with it, much to his relief. 
"Well, when I was little, I just wanted to help people, you know? I got a few nosebleeds trying to save the other kids from bullies, stuff like that. Then I started developing powers so the agency came and explained my parentage — grew up at an orphanage, my parents died when I was really young, you know?" she said the words so casually like they didn't really mean much to her, but he could tell from her face there was a deeper story. "So I decided to go to the academy at the time. It seemed like a good idea; I got to learn how to control my strength and just help people." 
Shadows’ face did not change, but internally, he knew from personal experience that that wasn't all there was to it. 
"And then I became a sidekick at 15, something I later fought against. But at the time it just seemed like the natural thing to do." That wasn't fully true, but it was a lot to explain, so she left it at that. 
Shadows had a lot of questions and thoughts whirling around in his head after all that, but he could tell this was a complicated subject and didn't press for more explanation. 
Alexandria did want the answer to the opposite question, why did he become a villain. She definitely planned to ask that later in the game, because she was only ready for one deep question at a time. Instead, she asked, "Why do you call me 'my lady'?" 
Shadows’ reply was not immediate, but the reaction was; his eyes widened and his skin colored as he tried to find a plausible reason to give her, before just giving up and telling the truth. 
"Well, it's two main things, I suppose. First, I wanted to flirt a bit, and it was more original than the stereotypical flirty villain calling the hero 'darling,'" he said the last word in a slight flirty tone, making Alexandria immediately fluster. "The bonus of this is that it makes you get all flustered, which is very cute and pretty." She glowed a bit more. "And, secondly," he looked the hero directly in her eyes, "I suppose I wished you were 'my lady'. I mean, we've established I have a 'crush' on you, and those often come with wanting to date the person in question." He finished his second point with a small smile in her direction, which of course made her get even more flustered (success!) and smile back.
It was normally a bit hard to tell when the hero was "blushing" due to her skin tone. Instead, she had a light glow, and it had become glaringly obvious (pun intended) this close when she was flustered. But it was his turn to ask a question, and as soon as he thought of it, his eyes had a noticeably devious glint. "Did it work?" he asked innocently. 
She looked up at him, her flustered state breaking due to confusion, "Did what work?"
"The pet name? Did my flirting work well? Would you be willing to someday go on a date with me, after a few more of these talks?" He said with a slight smirk, already having a guess as to her response. 
The flustered state immediately returned (success!) and she sputtered out an answer, "Um, well… yes, I guess. Well, not guess. I would like to go on a date with you! And you're very good at flirting — shoot, I didn't mean to say that out loud. I… you. I brought you flowers! What do you think Mr. 'Would you like to date me?’" She said the last part in a mocking voice, trying to recover, but it didn't work. 
"Ah, my apologies, my lady. It was quite foolish of me not to realize," He said with amusement. 
"Hey! No!" She wagged her finger at him like he was a naughty cat. "You don't get to do that anymore! It's run its course, you're done." 
Shadows was not done, "Oh no, my lady —" fluster, "I think I'll be keeping it now that I can see how well it works! In fact, I believe I'll be using it whenever I can, no matter how inappropriate the timing is." 
She glared at him, which would've been scary if not for the fact she'd become so flustered that her ears had slightly reddened. Whatever could've caused that? When he simply raised an amused and unimpressed eyebrow at her, she changed course. 
"Alright, well, did you like the flowers?!" She asked, hoping to throw him off. But all he did was gently put his hand over hers before reaching over to grab the vase. 
"They're beautiful. I love them," he said with a soft smile. "No one has ever given me flowers before."
Alexandria gasped in outrage at the statement. "That is ridiculous! Everyone deserves flowers, even stupid cute flirty villains." At that, he grinned up at her cutely. 
"You think I'm cute?" He asked with amusement and also delight. 
She pinched her nose, annoyed the villain was clearly winning at… whatever this was. "Well,, like… objectively." 
Shadows looked at her, already knowing exactly what to say. "Really? That's odd, since no one had called me cute since I was a child." 
The hero fell into the trap. "Well, that's also ridiculous! I mean, you have a sweet little nose, and freckles, and your hair is so pretty and — hey! Stop doing that!" she said, realizing what he'd done as he listened intently with a smile. 
"Alright, I'm sorry. But it was very sweet, my lady!" He replied, unable to resist one last quip. She looked at him disgruntled, though of course flustered (success!). "Now, I do believe it's my turn. What's your favorite season?" 
"Either winter, since I get to go sledding, or summer, because I get to swim. Oh, and also hot cocoa and lemonade are great!" She said shortly, still a bit flustered from all the earlier flirting. Shadows simply nodded in approval. 
"What about you? What's your favorite season?" She asked. 
"Well, they all have pros and cons, you know? Summer and winter are great for the reasons you said, but also are way too hot or cold. Spring and fall are nice, since I get to wear sweaters in fall and see the leaves, but everything is dying. In spring, everything is blooming and on some days you can still wear sweaters, but the ambiance is sort of interrupted by all the poor souls with allergies sneezing up a storm." Alexandria nodded in sympathy at that. While she wasn't allergic to pollen, she had friends who were, and they always seemed miserable in the spring. As one had put it whilst rubbing at their eyes, "Flowers pretty but itchy." 
Shadows continued his little speech. "So I guess they're all alright. I do agree that winter is quite nice, since no one can really commit crime then. It becomes a break of sorts." Alexandria knew exactly what he meant. Winter was also nice because everyone got a bit of a break; the cold forced a ceasefire, and even on the relatively warmer days villains chose not to commit crimes out of courtesy. 
It was now Shadows’ turn, and he had a question that'd been eating at him since he first saw Alexandria was breaking into his room. "What kind of flowers are these?"
Alexandria brightened at that. Her friend, who was a florist, had some extras and gave them to her. And they always went on long rants about flowers and their meanings, so she knew all there was to know about these. "They're white, camillas and carnations. They mean-" she cut herself off at that, realizing that neither of them were ready for a love confession (she wasn't even sure if she was there yet), so she needed to leave some of the meanings out. "They mean that I think you're adorable, and also that I have pure intentions." Shadows blushed at the confession, and gave her a light smile. 
Alexandria had that deep question sitting in her mind for a while, and she just couldn't contain it any longer. Hopefully it wouldn't ruin everything.  "Why did you become a villain? If you don't mind me asking, that is." 
Shadows blinked, surprised by the question. Clearly it'd been sitting in her mind since he first asked her the opposite. "Well… I didn’t grow up wanting to be a villain. In fact, it was the opposite. But…" He paused, unsure how to best explain. "I had this 'friend' in uni, he… ruined everything for me,” Shadow said before pausing. Just the memories alone were painful, but talking about it felt both better and worse at the same time.
“In our last semester of uni,” he continued, “I finally felt that my life was going the right way, and then he took that away from me. He destroyed all of the chances and opportunities I had for a good life. And the worst part was that he succeeded in every way. I ended up with no mentor, lost my bachelor’s degree, got expelled, and even though the person that had given me the job still wanted me, the Aura commission would not allow it.” 
He took a deep breath before continuing, looking at Alexandria for a second, who had wide and equally outraged eyes. "My parents never liked my powers, thinking they meant I was evil, which is stupid! So when they were 'proven right' by this, they cut me off."
“So I felt cornered, and alone, and sad, and didn’t know what to do. I left Nizorro and became a villain, the very same thing my parents had said I’d end up as. It was just for survival at first, but is now something that I do because I can help people through it. But anyway, originally I um… well… we, that being Kim and me, just came back to Nizorro so that they could go to university here. Then we took in Hirra, and I'd also reunited with some old friends, so we just stayed…”
He noticed Alexnadira’s expression, so hastily added, “But, don't feel too sorry for me! If I had the chance, I’d do the same thing again” he said with a light smile.
Alexandria was shocked to say the least, “What? After everything that happened to you? After your parents and fake friend? Why?”
“Kim and Hirra,” he said softly. Alexandria’s mind stopped for a moment but Shadows continued,  “I don’t even want to think what would have happened to those two, especially Hirra, if I wasn’t there as a villain at the right time and place.”
She smiled at the last bit, but still pulled him into a tight hug. "I’m so happy you found Kim and Hirra, but I wish you hadn't had to go through all that for that. It just sounds so terrible, and nobody deserves that, especially not someone as sweet and kind as you."  Shadows clung to her before pulling away in slight embarrassment. 
"Gosh, I'm clinging to you like a toddler when I don't even know your real name," he said, annoyed with himself. 
Alexandria looked at him for a moment and then said one word. "Alexa." 
He looked up at her in confusion. "What?"
"My name is Alexa. You don't have to give me yours, but I would like to have it some day." 
He thought for a moment, wondering if he trusted her before realizing: He had let her babysit his children. He had given her one of his biggest secrets freely; very few people knew about his past. And she trusted him enough to give him part of her civilian name. So he obviously trusted her. "Lukas. My name is Lukas."
Alexa smiled at him before her phone suddenly pinged. "Well, it was nice talking to you, Lukas. Very lovely name, by the way. But I'm afraid I have to go or my sidekick will come looking for me." She moved to the window, which he unlocked with a button on his watch, before waving. "Bye! Also, don't read all the notes I wrote, they're stupid and embarrassing."
Lukas was absolutely going to read those notes, but all he did was nod and reply, "I’m absolutely going to read those notes.” The crime-fighter groaned. “Have a nice night, Alexa." As soon as she was out the window and sight, he rushed to the nightstand the flowers were on and collected all the crumpled notes on it.  
"Dear Shadow Wraith, I think you're really cute and it seems like you maybe feel the same? You don't have to or anything but my sidekick is very smart so it seems likely. But anyways —" the note cut off. 
He read every single one, and determined 3 main things. 
One: Alexa feels her sidekick is one of the smartest people in the world (how sweet!). 
Two: Alexa also thinks that about Lukas (that made him blush). 
Three: Lukas is very sweet/cute/adorable/kind/amazing/etc (which also madke him blush, though he smiled a bit since he knew the confession made her blush as well). 
Thank goodness he had such a good security system, otherwise they may have never had this talk and he would have had to wait even longer to get her name (not that he would've minded). 
Alexa was met with an interrogation when she got back to her and her sidekick's shared room. 
"Where were you?" Sadie asked as soon as she entered. 
"I was on patrol, like I said." Alexa calmly replied, taking off her mask and grabbing some sweatpants and a shirt to change into (she had come in through the window, which Sadie had apparently been expecting). 
Sadie immediately raised her eyebrows. "You sure about that?" Alexa simply nodded in response, closing the door to the bathroom so she could change and quickly use the toilet. When she came back out, Sadie was on her bed, staring her down. 
"Well, I called the agency to double-check since when you do late patrols you typically only do small ones for just an hour or two. It’s 12:15. You left around when the text was sent, so 8:57. It had been over 2 hours, so I was worried, so I called the agency at 11:47. They said you hadn't done a patrol since earlier today.” Sadie stared her down. “Where were you?" 
Alexa was caught, but had a plan to get out of it. "Isn't that my business?" she rhetorically asked. 
Sadie hummed before answering. "Yes, but you don't have to lie. All you had to say was 'I'm going out for a while', but you felt the need to cover your tracks. Now the question is, what tracks are you covering?" she asked, brown eyes drilling into the other hero's soul. 
"Well, why don't you tell me, Detective Sadie?" Alexa asked, dodging the question. 
"Well, your flowers are missing.” She nodded in the direction of the empty vase. “Were you giving them to someone? A date, perhaps?"  
Alexa had 3 moves here. Tell the truth, say she had a date, or come up with a different lie. 
"I didn't have a date. I was bringing them back to my friend, Firefly, you know, the florist, since they were from a new supplier and she wanted to check for quality." Lie, it was from the same usual supplier and had been extras from a wedding. "I forgot to bring them back, but they'll probably want to do a few experiments on them anyway, so it's fine." 
Sadie blinked at her, an impassive poker face put on. "Fine. I'm not sure if I believe you, but it's your business. Just don't do anything dangerous… though I'm not really sure how flowers could be dangerous. Maybe you could fasten them into an arrow, like in that one Norse myth." Oh, Alexa had an opening. 
"Could you tell me that one again? I can't fully remember it…"
Sadie leapt up and grabbed a rolling whiteboard from the other room. "Okay, so listen." She began drawing a few images on the board. They'd probably be up a bit late, but tomorrow they were planning to take a day off anyway, so it wasn't too bad.
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tooruluv · 3 years
Kei Tsukishima x F!Reader ( part 4 )
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❝ they were the sun and moon, destined to be together but only ever totally meeting once every hundred years or so. ❞
description: in a world where you only see color when you're in love, you've grown frustrated of the greyscale. but falling in love with someone you barely know was never something you planned. and, him not returning the feelings definitely wasn’t planned.
genre: soulmate au... except not quite. everyone is born colorblind. you can only see color once you fall in love (and it grows brighter until you see full color as the love grows). however, that doesn't ensure a lasting connection. it simply means that love exists in that moment, until it doesn't.
word count: 1,680
warnings/notes: nothin’ crazy!! cursing, of course. this one was fun to write!! next part will be longer, promise <3
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“ ‘cause i can’t make you love me if you don’t, you can’t make your heart feel something it won’t ” - i can’t make you love me, dave thomas junior
For your entire life, you had always wondered what your favorite color would be. You would hear your parents talk about it with their friends, you would hear it between the lucky few who had met their lovers early. But you never had one.
It should be such an easy question to ask someone when you first meet them. It should be the most basic human answer, a description of who they are as a person. You’ve done research, scanned websites and took fake online “what color is your aura?” quizzes, only to become frustrated by the black and white.
You even tried to compare the shades of grey to colors. Your mother would tell you what color something is, and you would try to remember. It never worked.
But now, if someone were to ask “what’s your favorite color?”, you would simply tell them, “yellow.”
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“I’ll wait for you after practice.” Tsukki told you the next morning.
He stood directly beside your locker, tall and still as if he never hunched over in his life. He pushed up his glasses and walked away as a way to conclude his statement.
You rolled your eyes. Of all the people on this planet, you’ve fallen in love with him. You looked up as if to ask God, or whoever’s up there, “why?”
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Working at Blu for the summer was an easy job. When you weren’t glancing at Tsukishima, you poured coffee and lemonades and sold baked goods. It was good for extra money, and everyone that you worked with was kind and welcomed you with smiles. 
Tsukki was sitting at his table, drinking his daily plain black coffee, when your coworker caught you staring. She was a third-year and had been working there since she was your age, so it wasn’t like she hadn’t noticed his attendance. 
Wiping her hands on her apron (which are blue, now that you know), she said, “He’s cute. You should ask him for his number.”
You immediately jumped back, pretending to wipe the counter down. “Absolutely not.”
“He comes in here every day.” She said, as if you didn’t already know. “No normal guy comes in to a coffee place in the middle of summer everyday without reason.”
“We have good coffee.”
“Sure. That’s why.”
For the rest of the summer, she made sure to schedule you for the morning shifts and hang back when she sees him come in. 
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At practice, the girls were all discussing what they were making for the bake sale. It was a fun practice, full of team building exercises and barely any running. 
Mai looped her arm through yours as practice ended. She gave you one of her award winning smiles, bouncing on her feet. 
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You’re thinking something.” You said, pushing into her side. 
“You’re baking with Kei Tsukishima tonight.” Mai stopped when you almost reached the volleyball practice gym. “Are you excited? Nervous? Do you have everything you need? Chapstick?”
“Fuck you.” 
You pushed her away as you headed to the gym to help with the boys practice. She kept making kissy faces towards you. You flipped her off.
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Kei Tsukishima was not one to pay attention to little things. He was a big picture man. He focused on how things affected his future, about college applications, about how plays can be executed by the entire team. 
Yet, when you walked into the gym, he couldn’t help but focus on a strand of your hair that kept sticking to your mouth.
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“Are you coming or what?” Tsukki adjusted the bag on his back. He stood at the doors, leaning on one. You were picking up some extra balls for Kageyama and Hinata.
“Coming, coming.” You waved goodbye to the dynamic duo. 
The walk was mainly quiet. Yamaguchi left before you two, claiming that he had a lot of homework to do. You didn’t know about that.
“You don’t have to stay after, you know.” Tsukki said. You looked up. “You don’t have to stay after practice to help those two. You already are helping us enough.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Why do you do it?”
“Why do you come to our volleyball practices?” He kept his eyes straight. “You come from your practice to help us with ours, and that just sounds ridiculous to me.”
“It looks good on my college app.” You told him. It was his turn to look at you. “And Ukai has been close to my family for a long time, so it’s hard to say no to him when he asks for a volunteer.”
“That makes sense.” He said. “I couldn’t do it.”
“What? Have two practices, or volunteer for Ukai?”
You chuckled, nudging him with your side. He kept walking, but he had a smile too. He wasn’t so dark and gloomy as people thought. 
He had a gorgeous smile.
The rest of the walk was in silence again. It was already dark, and the moonlight made him look ethereal. Tsukki really could be compared with the moon, you decided.
Every once in a while, you two walked too close and accidentally bumped into each other. Or your back of your hand brushed his. It just ended up in little laughs between you both.
And, before you knew it, you were standing in front of your house.
“This is me.”
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“I am not wearing this shit.”
“Yes, you are.”
You were trying so hard not to cry laughing, holding up a pink apron that your mom used. You already had a matching one on. He looked at it as if you just offered him a can of dog shit for breakfast.
“You could not pay me to wear that.”
“It’s this or get shit all over you.”
“I’ll take the shit.”
Sighing, you reached to force it on him. He moved back, narrowly avoiding your attack. One more try ended in the same result. You were giggling now, and he was smiling.
“Just…” A struggling pull over his head. “Put…” A push. “It on!” And your arms were around his back.
The position was awkward, but both of you were laughing too much to notice. You had your arms wrapped around his waist, chest to chest as you tied his apron around him. He stood with his arms crossed as he let you put the fucking apron on.
“There. Look at you. So pretty.”
He pushed up his glasses and looked down. “Must be why you’re in love with me.”
“If you keep pulling that card, I’ll be sure you don’t get credit for any of these.”
“Now you’re just being cruel.”
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“I don’t get it.”
“Tsukki, there are literal instructions. You follow them.”
“No shit. My question is, what the hell is softened butter?”
“Oh my god.”
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Soon enough, the two of you were into a rhythm. You were baking brownies and cupcakes as if you did it together every day. Conversations came natural. 
It was nice.
It wasn’t until you noticed the brown specs of cocoa powder on his nose did you realize how close you were standing. You were to his right, mixing whatever was in your bowl at the time, But you could feel his warmth from beside you.
He could feel you, too. 
“The brownies are brown, obviously.” You said in the middle of the silence. “The cupcakes are brown with black and orange sprinkles, and white frosting. I thought I should tell you.”
He was silent for a minute. You thought that maybe you were annoying him with reminders that you were in love with him, or maybe you should’ve kept it to yourself. But then, he turned to you.
“You said that my eyes were golden brown.”
“I did.”
He was standing far too close. He was standing incredibly too close. And he was staring into your eyes for far too long. You couldn’t conjure up any reasons to hate him, or get rid of your feelings. Why would you want to do that when he is standing beside you, warm and brilliant and glowing.
“What color are my glasses?”
“And my jacket?”
Now he was standing directly in front of you. You didn’t know exactly when you turned, but you had. He was inches from you. His lips were inches from yours.
“And the apron?”
He was leaning in. There is absolutely no way that this is happening.
All you had to do was lean in, and you could get it over with. Get it out of your mind and gone forever, along with the stupid colors that remind you with every second that he can’t see them back. All you had to do was press your lips to his…
You could feel his breath on your face. Your heart hammered your chest and everything froze at once.
“You must be Kei Tsukishima!”
You jumped back, bringing your body back to your mixing bowl. Your mom entered the kitchen, pajamas on and a smile plastered on her face. You pretended nothing was happening.
“Yes, ma’am.” He greeted. As if nothing was happening.
As if nothing was happening. Because nothing had happened.
“Mom, I know that it’s late.” You started to explain, but she quickly stopped you. 
“Hush now. You spend as much time as you need. Nice to meet you, Tsukishima.” She sent you a wink, heading up the stairs. 
You closed your eyes, trying to forget what just happened. But, when you opened them, you were faced with the worst thing that could possibly happen in that moment.
The colors gained a little bit of hue. His pink apron contrasted brighter against his black jacket. The orange sprinkles gained a little bit of tint. The greyscale filter lifted a bit more.
You wanted to bang your head against the wall. Fuck.
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tag list: @vhskenma​​​​​ @elianetsantana​​​​​ @mini-eggs-reads​​​​​ @ysasian​​​ @hhwanggu​​​ @i-stole-your-juice-box​​​ @definitelynotbianca​​​ @denkithunder​​ @smuttyanimeslut​ @yourlocalbabybird​ @theydy-madamonsieur 
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scarlettroubles · 3 years
Drawing Process: A Crown for a Fool
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Okay so I had the idea for this drawing for the longest time but only finally got the motivation to actually get to drawing it after clowning with @weirdcursedvaultkid​ for like, 3 weeks straight about Merula and I really wanted to get the drawing right so I ended up doing a few thumbnails. Thumbnails are a great way to plan out the composition of your drawing so I made sure to explore a few different ways the drawing could go. 
The whole idea behind this drawing was basically going to be around Merula’s want for power and recognition but how as the years go by and she actually starts making meaningful relationships with mc and co., she comes to the realization that she might not want that anymore and starts to question herself and the values she was raised with, but doesn’t really know how to stop. She doesn’t know how to be a better person when all her life she’s been taught that power meant everything and feels that because of her past actions, power is the only thing left for her. And so she continues down the line of bad choices and comes to regret it.
The crown symbolizes the power and recognition Merula has worked so hard towards achieving, but as she’s about to put it on, she hesitates. She knows she doesn’t want this anymore and knows it will bring her no satisfaction. And so I had her looking away from the camera in shame. I wanted this piece to have dramatic lighting to give this sort of magical feel to it but also a feeling of complete, utter loneliness to show that her ambitions only led her to be more alone then she ever has been in years. 
Out of all the thumbnails I decided to go with the second one and with that, I proceed to work on the lineart.
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The trickiest part of this stage was getting the crown and the expression on Merula’s face right. Since I wanted those two things to be the central part of the finished piece. I think I had to redo Merula’s expression 5 times because I was just so unhappy with it. The hands were also tricky because what the fuck are hands even-
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And again, were at my favorite part of the drawing which is the coloring. I put down the base colors but once I was done I realized I was sorta stumped on what to do next. I usually just do a very simple shading where I choose a shade of red and proceed to color in the shadows on a multiply layer and then slap a few overlay layers on the piece but when I did do that this happened:
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It didn’t look like how I wanted it to look like at all. I remember feeling so disappointed at where the drawing was going I wanted to give up on the piece and try again next time. But instead of doing that, I instead took a step back to think of a way to save this piece. 
And that’s when I decided I was gonna properly shade the whole thing. Something I don’t really do with most of my drawings anymore because it just takes so much time. But I wanted to give my best for this piece and let me tell you, taking my time and shading this thing properly was definitely what saved me from abandoning this drawing all together. So don’t be afraid to take your time with your artwork kids XD
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I had a lot of fun playing with colors and warm tones for this piece. I painted Merula’s skin with some shades of purple to go in with the reds and oranges and once that was done I made several overlay layers, picked a shade of yellows and oranges and just proceeded to play around with them while also keeping in mind where the light source is. Lighting is still something incredibly tricky to me so I most definitely fucked it up at some places. I picked a shade of purple and made a new multiply layer and proceeded to make a block of shadow around Merula’s eyes to really sell that look of regret and melancholy I wanted her to have for this piece. Most of the shading got covered up by the overlay and multiply layers I set up which admittedly made me pretty sad since I spent so much time on it ;-; 
But the piece was finally coming together so it worked out in the end.
Final Touches:
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And with that, I put up the final touches by setting up a bunch of shine and overlay layers for the background to give it that hauntingly magical feel to it and giving the crown a little sparkle as well as a highlight for Merula’s eyes. And with that, the artwork is finished!
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ot3 · 4 years
your last post made me think about how I loooove how you use color in your art, it's so vibrant and full of life and movement and expression! I was wondering if you had any advice on how to do color studies? perhaps doing drawings with limited palettes? or anything similar?
First things first, thank you, I really do appreciate comments like these! this post now also has a follow up for finish limited palette pieces
I'm obviously very fond of limited palette art and color studies/color thumbnailing are great ways to get that done. When people think limited palette there's often the association of unrealistic and fantastical color palettes, but learning to limit your color use absolutely applies to semirealism and just builds stronger color theory in general. I was planning to talk about limited palettes in more realistic color use in this post, but this already ended up way too long. If that's something people want to hear about I can talk about it later.
Color theory basics crash-course! I'm sure almost anyone who has colored anything is familiar with this, so I'll be SUPER brief, but I want everyone to be on the same page for this. Color has three qualities you need to take into account: Hue, saturation, and brightness. Hue is what we think of as the 'color'. Saturation is the vibrancy of this color; how bold or dull it is. Brightness is how light or dark the color is. Here's this all labeled on a color picker I stole from google.
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As a rule of thumb, things that look good in color should look good in grayscale. Having a strong range of values (brightness) makes for a strong image. Keep this in mind when you're picking colors – knowing what areas need to be light and what areas need to be dark before you start coloring will make your life easier. I'm going to teach you when and how to break this rule later, but for now let's just talk about picking a palette. I've found five to seven different colors to be a really nice sweet spot for working with limited palettes.
There are three main types of color palettes ill work with and ill provide examples each of them. I expect you to all politely refrain commenting on the amount of homestuck fanart that's here.
Monochromatic, where the piece is all within one color family with slight variations in hue, and larger variations in brightness and saturation
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Accent, which is essentially the same as a monochromatic type with the addition of a strong, contrasting secondary color in one or two variants. Normally the accent color is lighter and serves as a highlight. This is not any kind of a hard rule, but is instead just what I like.
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Split. There are two (or more) main colors at play, each with a couple of different shades.
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Cool. Now lets see how we'd go about making one of these palettes.
 I'm grabbing an inconsequential sketch i've already got and we're gonna slap some color on it. Let's start monochromatic – I've gone and just tossed six pretty random shades of green on it, picking what goes where based on what I want to be light and what I want to be darker. 
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Keep in mind, by monochromatic, I don't mean just picking one color and making it lighter or darker! Adjust your hue within the same color family – some of these are very blue, definitely more blue than green, and some are much warmer and yellower. Play around. In this stage I like to have every color on a distinct layer, so I can just recolor the entire layer at once as I tweak the palette.
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 On the right, I have each color lined up in order of lightest to darkest just so I can get a sense of what I'm working with. Lets go ahead and call this one thumbnail. Now I'm gonna group the layers, duplicate them, and flatten the copy. I'll shrink it down and shove it off to the side so I can compare it to the other ones I make later.
Okay, I did a few more almost completely arbitrary monochromatic palettes. Here they are compared with their grayscale counterparts. 
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All of them have the same number of colors, and lights stay lights, darks stay dark, midtones stay mid consistent between all of them, but the range of values is different between them all. The difference in light or dark between each tone is different and it gives a different mood that you can see even in black and white. None of them is more 'correct' than any other, and it's all about establishing the tone and atmosphere you want. Experimentation is key.
Now lets try making this a complimentary palette. With a strong accent color, your accent should be placed at areas of importance. People are naturally drawn to contrast and when using an accent color in a piece it'll make that area stick out, so make sure you're placing your colors with intent. For this I went back to that first set of greens I had because it was my favorite. Since this palette is over all very dark, I am going to make my accent the lightest color, because that'll stand out more. In a lighter palette, try making your accent the darkest color. Once again I must stress these are not hard rules – there are very few hard rules in art at all – but these are very useful tips for getting emphasis in the right place. This is just an example piece so I'm not being huuugely thoughtful with how I'm placing the color. 
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Here's the same image but with the lightest green just swapped out for a far more vibrant accent of yellow. Looks pretty terrible. I don't want all of the papers and blinds to seem so prominent. So let's scrap this and try a different approach. We're gonna instead add our accent as a sixth color to our palette.
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By adding another color, I've added another level of detail. Figuring out how to manage detail isn't just dependent on how many colors you have, but this is already going to be ridiculously long so I'll spare you that spiel. This is another one of those things I'll talk about more later if people want to hear my #thots. Using the new yellow accent, I emphasized the eyes, the mug, and added some interior detailing to the objects on the table. I also decided to place yellow in some of the windows of the outside buildings, to add a bit more interest in that area, and to justify giving yellow back lighting to our little goblin lad here, which makes him stand out nicely.
A split palette makes things a whole lot more complicated. Now that you're gonna be working with two different base colors you don't just only have to worry about which one is lighter or darker, you have to worry about how the hues look next to each other. Lets work with an orange on top of our original green here. I picked two of the greens and replaced the darker one with a darker orange, and the lighter one with a lighter orange. Now our palette is six colors split 50/50 between orange+yellow, and green. 
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But now something interesting is happening. Let's take a look. If you're particularly keen eyed, you might have noticed that there's a third set of colors here, using a greyish brown in place of the oranges. What's up with that?
Well, what's up with that is, they are orange. The palette on the far right is what happens if, instead of choosing my own oranges, I simply hue-shifted the bluegreens until they were technically orange in hue. 
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The oranges I chose just based on how they looked without actually checking the value and saturation of actually changed the value hierarchy of the whole piece. The table, instead of being in between the objects stacked upon it in terms of brightness, is lighter than either. This isnt bad at all – there's absolutely nothing wrong here. It's just important to be aware of things like this! This is why I said a split palette is the most complicated of the three I'm talking about here – in many occasions, the hue hierarchy can top the value hierarchy. Keep that in mind for slightly later.
I think split palettes work really well for comics, and I like to make my comics with split palettes. Whereas with a single illustration, you can just putz around with your color thumbnails until you get something good, for a comic you're locked into your palette once you've done the first page. Unless you're some sort of insanely meticulous person, in which case I envy you, you probably don't have every single page of your comic blocked out with respective values and can't apply your palette to the whole thing at once to test it. This means you'll need a palette that's pretty versatile. Having a split palette where one of the hue sets is lighter than the other overall allows you to decide whether you're going to create an overall light panel with dark accents, or vice versa. I'm gonna compare two palettes I'm using for comics to make this point. 
Here's a sampling of the comic pages in full color, at 0% saturation, and adjusted for grayscale respectively. You'll notice a slight difference between the desaturated colors and the grayscale colors – grayscale seems to hold truer to the full color version, doesn't it?
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Now, here are the palettes themselves, and some grids showing the relationship between every pair of colors. When you don't know exactly what you're going to be using any given palette for, the relationship between any two colors becomes more important than ever. The bottom palette is split three ways, red yellow and blue each with a light and a dark, and then a completely neutral dark gray color. I'm using it for a long ongoing ace attorney comic I'm drawing. The top one has 4 shades of blue that go from darker and cooler to lighter and warmer, then 3 shades of orange that get yellower as they get lighter. Underneath is just the values – you'll notice that the top palette has a larger value range, with its lightest color being lighter than that of the bottom palette, and it's mid tones spaced further apart. 
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What you'll also notice about the bottom palette is that instead of the reds being lighter than the blues and darker than the yellows, the value alternates dark red dark yellow light red light yellow. Take a look at the color grids. You'll notice that for the most part, every color in the palette on the right looks good with every other color. That's not nearly as true for the palette on the left. The light blue has a weird vibration where it meets either of the reds, and a few of the pairings just aren't particularly pleasant. Honestly, from any objective ideas of color theory, this palette kind of sucks shit. Lets make some adjustments to it.
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I've changed the dark yellow and light red hues so now the light red is slightly darker than the dark yellow. That's the palette that's on top now. Looks better, doesn't it? But so now the question becomes why am I using a palette that looks awkward, disharmonious, and visually strained when I know exactly how to fix it? The simple answer is because I wanted a color palette that's awkward. I wanted that visual strain. I have trouble working on comics and general, especially anything as long as this one, and I wanted a color palette that already meant things would come out looking a little bit wonky, so I wouldn't be as concerned with nitpicking all the details and making everything pretty. I think the sort of visual upset also fits the tone I'm keeping with a lot of the comic.
Remember earlier when I said I'd talk about breaking the rule of stuff looking good in gray scale and in color? That's now. Take a look at this image. 
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Which of the three colors is darker: the red, blue, or yellow? The stupid truth of it is that there's not really a proper way to tell. All three are technically the same 'brightness' but our brain tells us that the blue is the darkest, and the yellow is the lightest. Why do our brains do this? Let’s make em gray now.
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On the bottom you can see what the colors look like when they are set to 0% saturation; as you'd expect it's a homogeneous gray blob. So then what the fuck is going on with the grayscale one? The grayscale one is closer to the way our brains interpret the colors, but we know this to be an improper rendering of their respective values. Which is the correct version, then – the grayscale or the desaturation? Luckily, we're using a computer, so we can have photoshop tell us the exact balance of hue, saturation, and brightness of any given pixel. Let's take a look now.
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Wait, huh? We can plainly see that all three of the colors are at 49% brightness. But neither the desaturated value or any of the 3 grayscale values have a brightness of 49%. So what does a brightness of 49% look like?
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Okay. Sure. Why not.
All of what I've just shown you regarding grayscale is to emphasize the point that your best judgment for which colors look good is a far better measuring stick for a good color palette than any technicalities. Even if the value is the same, the hue can differ enough that you can still get a beautiful finished drawing. Color and our perception of it is so, so vastly technically complex. You can not allow yourself to be bogged down by this. Simply practice, and color will become intuitive to you over time. I have a lot more I could say on the subject of picking and using your colors, but this is already insanely long. Feel free to ask any follow up questions, I hope this was of literally any use!
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thatwitchyaunt · 3 years
Makeup for Magick/Ritual p3: Beltane
We made it to Beltane, you guys! We did it! Is this actually going to go up in time without my computer freaking out? Only time will tell. And no, I didn't get a better phone.
I stole my sisters. ANYWAY!!!
It's the last of the three fertility sabbats (along with Imbolc and Ostara). And that's fertility in all its forms, by the way, not just the baby-making kind. You need fertile soil to for just about any kind of plant to grow, after all. The main colors that I, personally, associate with Beltane are bright/summery reds, lush greens, and… white. All colors of fertility, growth, passion, shmex… as you do. However! The entire rainbow spectrum is fair game. Think of all the colorful flowers, plants, and trees and stuff. For instance, just looking out my widow from where I'm typing this, you got the green of the new leaves on the tree, the reddish-orange color of the little helicopter seed fellas hanging from it, and little yellow, almost white, flowers on the bush in the neighbor's yard.
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Any of the more nude palettes from Ostara are still in play. And DAMMIT! The picture's cut off at the edges. Because of course it is, why wouldn't it be? *groan* Whatever, let's get into Colourpop.
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Top: Strawberry Shake, Main Squeeze, Orange You Glad?, Uh Huh Honey
Middle: Just My Luck, Blue Moon, It's My Pleasure, Oh La La
Bottom: Yes, Please!
If the red/green thing is what you wanna go for, grab the Just My Luck palette and either Strawberry Shake or Main Squeeze and you're good. And of course, as the rainbow spectrum goes, there it is. Hell, if you have the Fade into Hue palette, just grab that. I don't have it because, though the eyeshadow formula is decent for the price, there are pressed glitters in the palette. And unlike the BH eyeshadow formula, I don't think the CP formula is good enough to make up for the handful of arts-and-crafts-herpes shades you have to deal with in this palette.
Yes, Please! is here because Beltane is also a fire festival and this a cute and cheap fiery palette.
On to Give Me Glow!
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Top: Summer Vibes, Extra Spicy
Bottom: Vintage Rose,Vivid Rose
Where there is the CP Yes, Please! Palette, there is the Give Me Glow Extra Spicy palette. Unfortunately, she's no longer available, but it's a great pick for this fire festival if you have it.
Kindly excuse the busted pans in my Summer Vibes palette, but a good chunk of these shades could work for Beltane. You can take it fiery or flowery, depending on what you're going for.
And if you want to look like a stereotypical flower fairy (and I mean that in the best possible way), the sister Rose palettes are the palettes to grab.
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Now let's get the single-palettes out of the way.
Tarte's Tartelette Toasted palette is another one of those fire festival palettes, except more of a warm toned nude version of one as opposed to the bright fiery colors of Yes, Please! and Extra Spicy.
The Too Faced Life's a Festival palette is just full of great brights and those fun duochromes. Definitely the time to pull it out if you have it.
And then there's the ABH Modern Renaissance palette. This palette will give you serious vintage flower fairy vibes, and was the first time I got said vibe while using a palette. Okay,technically that was when I used the Makeup Revolution dupe palette, but that formula was utter trash.
And as for the ABH sub-brand, Norvina…
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We got two. The Pro Pigment Palette Vol. 3, and the Pro Pigment Mini Palette Vol. 3.
The Mini's cherry reds, green and pinks and beautiful, and that white has a cherry red duochrome to it. Ignore the pressed glitter in the middle of the top row, the shades are pretty enough not to.
The larger Vol. 3 has some nice bright greens, reds, etc. that makes it great for the lushness of Beltane, even though it's meant to be a fall palette. Which it's also great for, but we'll get to that in a future post.
Now for BH Cosmetics!
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Top: Trendy in Tokyo, Chillin' in Chicago
Bottom: Mimosa
Trendy in Tokyo is the typical rainbow palette, except the shimmers are more satin than metallic, so not my favorite of their Travel palettes.
Chillin' in Chicago would make a pretty good fire festival palette, and lays in between Tartelette Toasted and Extra Spicy/Yes, Please!. It's not as nude as Toasted but not as bright as the two others.
Mimosa's pinks with orange and yellow pops could give you a bright, flowery look.
And now the last of the palettes, Juvia's Place!
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Left Column (Top to Bottom): The Masquerade Mini, The Magic Mini
Middle Column (Top to Bottom): The Zulu, The Festival,The Sweet Pinks
Right Column (Top to Bottom): The Warrior III, The Chocolates, The Violets
The Masquerade Mini's top two colorful rows are what you're reaching for if you want to do a fully colorful Beltane look, but can be paired with the bottom nudes if all you want (or can do because work or whatever) is a little pop of color. For The Magic Mini, you're looking at the top two rows, which are the warmer rows, and the purple duochrome (Faso) and the green (Buzo) in the bottom, cooler toned rows.
Both The Zulu and The Warrior III are beautiful colorful palettes. In Warrior III, I'd stick with the top six mattes. That green and red are beautiful, and that pink is almost neon in real life. The entire Zulu palette is good for brighter plant/flower looks. And that pink/gold duochrome in the bottom left corner? So beautiful.
In The Festival palette, I'd say all the shades except the metallic black, the deeper metallic teal, and the matte mustard gold. The red, pink and oranges are so beautiful and rich, guys! And that metallic white and gold? *chef kiss* But, guess what palette is getting pulled out for Samhain. X3!
The Chocolates, Violets and Sweet Pinks are basically companion palettes. The Chocolates have some "rich, fertile soil" vibes if you want to bring that into the look, while The Violets are fairly floral and The Sweet Pinks are more bright pops with a more floral matte and shimmer shade (top right, bottom left). The two pinky floral shades could actually be cute with the Violets, now that I think about it.
And finally, the singles! A few days ago, my first Terra Moons singles order arrived, but since I haven't really got to play with them much they won't be included in this one. Though they, as well as my first order of singles from Looxi beauty, will probably start showing up in my next post. Okay, Shroud singles first!
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Top: Enigma, Azura, Vigor, Ignite, Vigil
Bottom: Oracle, Pillow Talk, Scrumptious, Magnetism, Soulstone
Pillow Talk, Scrumptious and Magnetism aren't pressed glitters, but definitely act and remove like they are. So, if you pick these up when Shroud reopens, keep that in mind.
Enigma (purple with a blue shift)
Azura (teal blue with a green shift)
Vigor (bright lemon-lime soda green)
Ignite (fiery copper)
Vigil (yellow-gold)
Oracle (champagne gold)
Pillow Talk (deep purple with a gold shift)
Scrumptious (coral red with a gold shift)
Magnetism (aqua green with a gold shift)
Soulstone (magenta)
And finishing off, Give Me Glow singles!
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Column 1
My Sunshine (pale sunny yellow metallic)
Lucky Charm (light yellow metallic)
Lemon Lime (electric green with shifts of banana yellow)
Limeade (lime green)
Column 2
Peach Glaze (pale icy peach)
You're Cheesy (Mac n Cheese orange)
Havana (deep coral metallic)
Low Battery (neutral-toned, medium-dark red)
Column 3
Pink Frosting (icy bubble gum pink)
Heartbreaker (electric hot pink)
West Coast (deep vivid coral)
Floral Coral (peachy-pink coral)
Column 4
Strawberry Lollipop (reddish pink)
Pink Lemonade (pink base with electric gold a baby blue shifts)
Icicle (icy white)
Marshmallow (pure white)
Column 5
Pretty Little Lilac (icy lavender)
Electric Purple (neon pastel purple)
Bubbles (true icy blue)
Sky High (bright sky blue)
Column 6
Toxic (deep neon purple)
Purple Hills (a pure deep electric purple)
Under the Sea (deep sea blue)
Starboy (deep cobalt blue)
And we've reached the end of the Beltane post! Fun fact, the Beltane crossquarter day is on May 4th so, still relevant right? Yes? No? Maybe so? The fact that I was able to get this done by Beltane is a miracle in and of itself. Use these as color story inspiration for your own looks, maybe repost with palettes/singles you've found in your own stash, and I'll see you in the next one!
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emsartwork · 4 years
Color Tutorial
An anon asked about how I do color so I guess these are the basics? might go more into shading and and other stuff later but idk 
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color terminology 
the color wheel aka the rainbow, primary colors (red blue and yellow), secondary colors (orange, green, and purple/violet), tertiary colors(red-violet, red-orange, golden yellow, yellow-green, blue-green/aqua, indigo/blue-purple/violet)the term tertiary isn’t used a lot tbh, Neutrals (black, white, and gray, i also consider brown a neutral but its technically a type of orange). Hue(the straight up color ex; red and green are different hues), tint (adding white to a color ex; pink is technically a tint of red), Tone(adding gray to a color), Shade (adding black to a color). Saturation refers to the amount of color included while value refers to the amount of white/gray/black(or lightness and darkness). Saturation is SUPER IMPORTANT for creating color schemes, having too many highly saturated colors in a color scheme can result in eye strain and not direct the audience as well as you could.
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Complementary; two hues opposite to each other on the color wheel. Analogous; (usually three) hues next to each other on the color wheel. Triadic; three hues equal distant apart on the color wheel(like a triangle). Split Complementary; a hue and two colors on either side of its complementary(like a “Y” shape). There is also a quadratic, which is a square or rectangle shape but I didn’t show that one.
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When making a palette, chose your base hues, but then play with the different variations you can make from those by adding white/gray/black. Often a good way to create distinction between two areas of your piece is to use a complementary as it is balanced between warm and cool colors. Analogous palettes are hard for me to do really well, i usually like to have a neutral or a contrasting color in there. However! one way to create contrast in analogous palettes is to play with values. A light crown in dark hair draws the eye more than the gray crown in the dusty orange hair. If your piece feels off balance, try putting small, darker, details in the lighter areas, it creates a heaviness and more contrast to fill up space.
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Triadic palettes (especially anything close to the primary colors) are often very childlike and happy looking. it also balances the piece really easily, providing enough difference around the whole space that the eye can move around the canvas easily. Split complementary are my personal favorite. Often, your main hue dominates your piece, with the complementary splits providing accents or even being used as a neutral or drawing the eye to a specific place. Here the dominate color is blue, then yellow, then orange in the skin and just barely on the bird. 
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Sometimes my own color palettes don’t work, and I pull from already made ones instead. Usually I can just apply these to the outfit or background while leaving the hair and skin whatever color the character needs. Sometimes I tweak the color palette to better suit my tastes/needs for the piece. Pre-made color schemes are helpful but sometimes lack contrast so I’ll also throw black or white into the mix as well.
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Often I need to have a specific color in my piece, sometimes in a specific spot. In this case its a bright aqua-green bodice. So I put it into complementary, analogous, split complementary, and triadic color palettes, and decided I liked analogous best(though it is a rather wide analogous). Now that I have my two other hues, I play with the saturation and value for them. I leave the orange super saturated on the gems and the bird to draw attention to them, but toned it down for her skin and hair. When doing a piece with a background its a good idea to stick with your original color palette as it provides a harmonious over all appearance, BUT if you want your character to stand out make sure you use either lighter/darker or warmer/cooler colors compared to your figure. Make the background super different if you want the character to fight against it or look out of place. An easy way to BS perspective is to push the cooler colors(blue primarily) to the back and pull the yellows and oranges out more in the Foreground(this mimic atmospheric perspective). I again used the orange and an attention grabber in the flowers to pull the viewers eyes to the foreground and therefore to the princess. 
Hopefully this is helpful????? 
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earthfluuke · 4 years
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here it is! part 2 to my nymph!tine au. i’ve been having so much fun exploring this universe, and i hope you all enjoy this second installment! 
just a reminder: i based some of nymph!tine off of the nymphs from greek mythology, but for the most part, he’s whatever i made him up to be.
parts: 1 / 2
There’s something magical about scaling that plush hill, the flower beds growing thicker with every step. Reaching the top is like stepping into another world. Every flower – a rainbowed collection of coral to lilac – is emblazed by the sunlight, pooling Sarawat in warmth and florals.
It’s a different pace here – slower, controlled, carefree. His muscles relax; his joints unfurl from the stresses of the life he leaves behind in favor of this one. There are no expectations, nothing to prove. Here, he can be his best self.
He manages to soak in just enough before he spots him. His pretty, pretty nymph tending to flowers that would be considered the most beautiful creature in this meadow if cared for by anyone other than him. The rustle of his feet through the grass pulls him from his blossoms. Head turning, his focused stare and clenched, angled jaw turn to high cheek bones pushed even higher due to the bright smile he gives.
It’s an immediate reaction. Hands held out to him, Sarawat returns the smile. “Good morning, gorgeous,” he says, and it’s what causes Tine to spring into action.
Bounding forward, he curls his fingers into Sarawat’s palms and pulls him into a languid kiss.
He’s always wondered why the heavens would match him with a soulmate so very unlike himself, but when Tine’s fingers slip between his, he has his answer; he could search high and low, to the ends of the Earth, and there would not be a more perfect fit for him than Tine.
Dipping down, Sarawat waits as Tine adjusts his flower crown just so on his head. As close to a tradition as they have, he takes it seriously, curling individual pieces of hair this way and that until everything feels right.
He signals he’s finished with a kiss to the center of the crown, to the very top of Sarawat’s head. Carefully lifting himself up, not wanting the crown to slip, Sarawat grins. “I’m complete now. We match again.”
Pleased, he lunges forward, content to nuzzle beneath Sarawat’s chin. He can feel the tickle of the flowers of Tine’s own crown on his skin and the beat of his heart falling into time with his. Nothing but pure, eternal, genuine love can describe how he feels in that moment, with Tine rested against his chest and his entire world held in his arms.
All of the flowers Tine sprouts are a replication of himself. Soft, pale colors that are easy on the eyes and even easier on the heart fill the otherwise green field. Yellows, creams, purples, and more than anything, pinks bring a gentle euphoria.
They’re very much like Tine in that way. The bright, airy joy he exudes spreads through Sarawat slowly, pouring through each limb like honey, coating him in a thick, warm comfort. Everything about the garden he grows is a reflection of him; in every petal, every stem, Sarawat can see Tine.
Some more so than others. A peony, light champagne and fully open, bursts through its brothers, standing proud and tall among the still closed buds. It’s the perfect bloom, too perfect to leave be, so Sarawat doesn’t. He picks it, the stem pulling fully from its roots, and without a second thought, offers it to Tine.
He takes it, albeit slowly. He looks to Sarawat for an answer, adorable confusion blinking through his eyes. “Where I come from, it’s a custom to gift flowers to those you admire.” Brushing the loose hairs behind Tine’s ears, he presses the flower he’s holding closer to his chest. “Beautiful boys deserve beautiful flowers to match.”
Tine turns the shade of the peony in his hand and promptly hides his face in Sarawat’s shoulder because of it. He lets out a low whine that Sarawat can only chuckle at while he rubs a hand over the back of his head.
That thick, honey feeling finally spreads over his heart, encasing it in the same softness of Tine’s flowers.
His vision is fuzzy from how long he’s been staring up at the sky. The sun will intermittently peek out from behind the clouds, draping the light blue of the sky in gold, setting an all too picturesque scene.
Rested against him, flower crown tucked safely off to the side, Tine rubs his face into the chest of his shirt, all too similar to the way the plethora of rabbits – Sarawat prefers the term militia – Tine attracts to his field nuzzle into the palm of his hand. Fingertips trailing over each ridge of his spine, Sarawat buries his nose into his hair. There’s an ever present scent of dirt, early morning dew, and something unrecognizably Tine.
“Sleepy?” he asks to which Tine nods. “Hm, must be so tiring, growing flowers and playing with animals all day.”
His taunt earns him a nip to his collarbone, though a weak one at that. Less of a fire burns in him when he’s settled and sedated, eager to cuddle rather than fight. Both of his arms snake under his back, holding him close as though Sarawat would even consider moving. There’s nowhere for him to be other than with Tine.
He dozes off, and Sarawat admires him, brushes a careful finger over his prominent cheekbone, gives him feather light kisses to any place he can reach without disturbing him. And at the same time, he watches over him along with the rest of the meadow. One in the same, they go hand in hand. This meadow is Tine, and Tine is this meadow; and anything that’s Tine is his to protect.
Tine makes a move towards his guitar, careful graze of the strings causing Sarawat to look to him. Both legs on either sides of his own, his stare holds a silent request he’s seemingly unsure to ask.
“You want me to play you a song?” Sarawat asks, memory fully stocked with Tine’s favorites.
To his surprise, Tine shakes his head. This time, he grabs the neck but does not pull it from Sarawat’s grasp. He waits quietly for permission, something Sarawat is all too eager to give him. Flipping the guitar around, he situates it correctly in Tine’s arms before he dives head first into kind encouragement.
“You want to play me a song?” he infers from the way Tine clutches the guitar tight to his chest and plucks an experimental chord. He nods, head ducking and hair falling into his eyes. The sight is endearing; it’s adorable. But it’s also unsure, hesitant, afraid. Sarawat cannot have that; he will not have that.
With the same gentleness that Tine stroked over his guitar, he brushes the hair back into place beneath the halo of his flower crown. Fingers trailing down to his chin, he lifts it, hoping to bore all of the confidence and faith he has in him into Tine with a single gaze.
“No one has ever serenaded me before,” he says, thumb stroking over his jaw, willing it to relax. “You’ll be the first. And I’m happy for that.”
Interest peaked, if the softening of his eyes is anything to go by, Tine crawls off of his legs and takes up Sarawat’s usual position against the trunk of the tree. Lying his head in his lap, Sarawat gets comfortable, letting his eyes slip close. He doesn’t need to see Tine to feel the music he makes just for him.
The song is filled with basic chords, but it’s fluid, smooth, free flowing. His body tense, Sarawat can tell Tine is concentrating hard to get things just perfect. Petting his thigh – a reminder that he’s right there as well as an assurance of his skills – he soon replaces his hand with small, peppered kisses as Tine picks up the tempo.
A sharp satisfaction shoots through his heart as the song reaches its crescendo and begins to decrescent, spreading a proud warmth through his veins. It only grows when his eyes open and he’s met with Tine’s bright, sunshine smile. He’s been gifted endless luxuries from the women in town, but none can compare, cannot even come close, to this simple melody, dedicated to him by the one he holds dearest.
Quick to sit up as quick as he is to give praise, he cups Tine’s cheeks between the murmurs of “thank you” and “so lovely.” Tine meets him halfway with giggles and silent gratitude.
A heaviness settles like stone in the bottom of his stomach as pinks and oranges swirl into the slowly darkening sky. It’s said that what is most beautiful is the most dangerous, and Sarawat despises the accuracy.
The setting sun indicates that evening is near. Evening means making the long journey back to town. Town means being away from Tine. Being away from Tine means loneliness, sorrow, pain.
He’s liked fine enough in his village, admired more than he’d like to be. He has friends, a kind family, a roof over his head. It should be enough; it is enough. But enough doesn’t mean happy. Enough doesn’t mean living. While his village brings safety, familiarity, routine, it lacks the sense of belonging he only feels at the very top of this hill, beneath the apple tree, arms filled with the nymph who has his heart.
He has always been on the inside and yet felt so very on the outside; a home isn’t a home if it doesn’t fit. There are times when he wants to bundle sticks together and sleep between the moss and rocks, if only to keep this comfort. That. That would be home.
He doesn’t realize he’s crying until Tine is brushing the tears from his cheeks. So startled and lost, he looks at his fingers, sees how wet the tips are. There’s an empathetic sadness to his expression as he goes back to cup the sides of his face. His nose nuzzles against Sarawat’s, the closeness racking another sob through his body. Undeterred, Tine continues around his face, just beneath his overflowing eyes, pressing gentle kisses over each tear track.
His actions speak for the words Tine cannot say. He’s here for him, always, no matter what. He has him, will always ground him in his soft hold and bring him back from the sad place he gets stuck in. This is what belonging feels like. Somehow it hurts and heals at the same time.
There are nights when he stays past the set of the sun and after the rise of the moon. What he’s met with when he returns from the river with water gives him his reason.
Tine’s taken shelter on one of the thicker branches of his tree. Clutching himself close to the trunk, he stares longingly up to the sky. The stars reflect in his eyes; they’re so big that they could hold entire constellations. Jaw slightly dropped, lips turned up at the edges, he’s as surreal as he finds the illuminated sky to be.
Setting the jug of water down, Sarawat approaches him, touches his ankle lightly to grab his attention. When he turns away from the sky and to him, his eyes are the same, still wide and awed. He looks at Sarawat like he’s the stars.
The feeling is too much. If Tine didn’t jump into his arms, he would have pulled him into them. Lips fitting into the space beneath his ear, he works his way up, kiss after kiss lingering against his jaw, cheek, temple. He just loves him, so much, and he tells Tine so. And Tine tells him too, with the long, breathless kiss he drags him into with a hand on the back of his neck.
Crickets chirp and fireflies flicker as the two of them get lost in the moonlight. The stars dance above them, and Sarawat truly believes nothing else can ever compare.
Sarawat sighs as he turns his head to flutter his lips over Tine’s cheek. This is how their days always start – wrapped close together, letting the rest of the world go stagnant as they breathe each other in.
Everything is perfect. The breeze is soft; the sun is bright. Harmony settles over the meadow they’ve made their sanctuary, and that home feeling washes over him as he pulls back to lose himself in Tine’s wide eyes.
They’re certainly wide but also rimmed with fear. Pupils blown to edges of his irises and stare unwavering, Sarawat can only follow. The arm he has around Tine’s waist tightens in fierce protection as he switches his gaze from his love to his best friend.
“Wat,” Earn breathes. Hand on the knife at her waist, she searches Sarawat’s face for any answer that he cannot seem to give her.
He’s stunned into silence, into almost unbreakable shock. Almost. Because when Earn takes a step forward and he feels the whip of wind behind him, he’s barreling down the opposite side of the hill without a second thought.
He’s running blindly, unsure of where Tine can possibly be going. But wherever he does go, Sarawat will be quick to follow. There are footsteps crunching through the grass behind him. It doesn’t surprise him that Earn is following him, but some things just take precedent. Tine takes precedent.
He wills away the rapid possibilities and what ifs spilling into his mind as he runs. There’s no way he can lose everything he’s come to define as home. He will beg, plead, fall to the ground and do whatever Tine wants if only to get him to not banish him back to a life he can only see now as a haunted memory. No cost is too high for the promise of a happy tomorrow. Ten, twenty, one hundred peonies; he’ll plant him an entire garden of them to prove just how much he means it.
Digging his heels into the dirt, he hunches over his knees with staggered gasps. At the banks of the river, feet nestled between the lotus flowers, Tine waves his hands furiously through the air. Beside him is a girl; she barely reaches his chest, gold and pink scales lining the contours of her cheeks and temples. That alone – the existence of others like Tine – should surprise him enough. But the way the two of them, huddled close with their heads pressed together, are moving their mouths in rapid succession surprises him more.
They’re talking. Not a language Sarawat can understand but that matters so little. It’s the first time he’s heard Tine’s voice, and just like the rest of him, it’s beautiful. It’s tense, holds worry, but it’s sweet and bright and Tine. Perhaps that’s why he can only find it as wonderful as he does every other part of him.
That voice pushes him forward, allows his own to shout, “Tine!” Just as Tine looks to him, there’s a wave between them. A wall of water separates them, and Sarawat can only grind his teeth and hopelessly search for a way around.
Luckily, he doesn’t have to. Hand bursting through the water, it finds his cheek and cradles it. There are voices again, muffled by the barrier. Suddenly, the water falls, flowing back into the depths of the river. And there is Tine, stepping into his side, still wide pupils flickering over him.
The two of them are caged in – Earn to their left, the pretty girl from the river to their right. The unknown settles through the meadow in a heavy haze, and in this instant, all Sarawat can do is hold Tine close, palm pressing his face into his neck as he rests his cheek against his temple.
Answers will need to be given, things will have to change. But this love he holds deep in his heart – the one that runs so freely through him and threatens to spill out – for the nymph in his arms will always stay the same.
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t0ngue-tech · 4 years
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“There were sparks in your eyes whenever you talked about flowers and how certain ones grow in different seasons. You were a force of nature; fearless, strong, and capable. There were so many things to love about you and Hoseok didn’t know where to start.”
↠ pure a n g s t ↞
word count: 2.9k
↠ oneshot ↞
A/N: happy early birthday to our sunshine, jung hoseok! i know angst may not be the best way to go, but i decided to write something different for him huhu. enjoy my loves!
Yellow. Pink. Hues of orange.
Warmth. The rich taste of hot chocolate on a cold night. Thick blankets. Freshly washed sheets.
There was no color in the world—no feeling that could ever describe the way Hoseok felt being around you. Fireworks were always present and the stars seemed to shine brighter every time you walked outside.
Hoseok was blessed to have known you since middle school. He had been by your side through many horrible haircuts and long nights of complaining about school work. 
You weren’t a valedictorian type of student, more like a cum laude student however, you didn’t take the effort to do the work for the honors acknowledgement. 
Hoseok was the opposite, so he knew he drove you crazy with the constant nagging of reminding you about certain pieces of homework or constantly going over your book reports. It was probably exhausting for you, but the way you beamed at Hoseok every time you had a high grade meant you still appreciated his efforts.
It was always an adventure being by your side. You loved to drink milkshakes at eleven in the evening; according to you, it tasted better late at night. Hoseok hated the rain, but on the contrary, you were extremely fond of it. You took every chance you had to go running out in the rain and Hoseok never hesitated to follow in suit. He also hated horror movies, pickles, and pizza crust, but because of you, he slowly learned how to tolerate all of those because they were all of your favorites.
You had an alluring luminescence about you that easily reeled people into your circle. You had a big heart; a large soft spot for everyone because you believed that everyone was a good person deep down. Hoseok loved how you smiled at everyone, how you break out into song mid-sentence, and he loved how you smelt like lavender every time you walked by.
There were sparks in your eyes whenever you talked about flowers and how certain ones grow in different seasons. You were a force of nature; fearless, strong, and capable. There were so many things to love about you and Hoseok didn’t know where to start.
Even with all of your beautiful qualities, Hoseok had to admit that there were things about you that he didn’t like.
Throughout the early years of knowing you, Hoseok watched you get your heartbroken over boys who never appreciated you. You’d question every single aspect about you when you were heartbroken and as much as he cared for you, it pissed him off.
You cared deeply for others and this meant you get hurt easily; Hoseok hated that. He hated the way your face looked when you were disappointed. When your eyes would glisten with tears, he could feel his chest cave in. He hated the way you doubt yourself, the sound of your squeaky laugh, and the way you’d hook your arm with his or how you would lean on his shoulders when you were tired. Most of all, he hated the way you say his name.
“Hobi, Hobi!”
The sound of his name coming from your lips was like honey, sweet and rich. His parents, his sister, his friends, they all called on his name on a regular basis but nothing compared to the beautiful tone of your name.
But how can something so beautiful hurt so much?
Summer break.
How could Hoseok forget the time you visited during summer break? It was impossible to forget.
Hoseok picked you up at the airport at one in the morning and the first thing you wanted was his mother’s steamed eggs and rice cake soup. By the time you both arrived, she was asleep (obviously), so you took his bed while he slept on the floor. It was a random cold summer night, but you were bundled up in warm blankets and that’s all that mattered to him.
Since summer school was in the works, Hoseok took the liberty to give you a campus tour of his university. He saved the literature wing for last because it was your major and the library on the upper floor would be your sanctuary.
What he didn’t account for was seeing a certain “shorter” friend with raven hair skimming along the tall shelves.
He didn’t want to regret walking up to his friend with you.
“Hey, Yoongi. It’s a rare sight seeing you with your head in the books.”
He didn’t want to regret introducing you to Yoongi.
“This is my friend, y/n. She’s visiting for the summer.”
He didn’t want to hear it.
“Hi Yoongi. It’s nice to meet you.”
And there it was. Honey dripping from your lips at the way Yoongi’s name rolled off your tongue.
Running into Yoongi didn’t happen that one time. Yoongi ran into both you and Hoseok at a cafe near Hoseok’s university, Hoseok introduced you to more of his friends and Yoongi was also there, and you also mentioned to Hoseok that you ran into him at the supermarket.
It’s not like Hoseok had the power to stop you from meeting Yoongi over and over again. He also couldn’t politely ask you to do such a thing because he had no authority over your social circle. 
Hoseok had to stand by and watch your friendship with Yoongi slowly bloom into something new. It was torture to watch you laugh and lean against Yoongi’s shoulders when there were get togethers. You would bat your eyelashes, play with the ends of your hair, and you even invested in a new bottle of perfume that smells like toasted marshmallows; now his clothes and blanket smelt a little sweeter. All of these little things you did were a bit reminiscent of your behavior back in high school and he wished he could have forgotten about all of those things.
But how could he forget the late night conversation he had with you on his porch? It sealed the deal.
“Hoseok. I think I really like Yoongi.”
The dimness of the nearby street light shone on your face, revealing a noticeable blush.
“Really? Well, he’s a decent guy.”
The truth.
“He is, isn’t he? I’ve been hanging out with him a lot since I’ve been back. Thank you so much for introducing us by the way.”
“Of course. You two look great together.”
Not to be selfish but, Hoseok had hoped he could spend the majority of summer break with you and that maybe within the time you spend with him you could feel something a little more than friendship.
It was a hopeless dream. It always has been.
A week before you left for the new spring semester, Yoongi had officially asked you to be his girlfriend. 
It’s not that Hoseok wasn’t happy for you—of course he was happy. Maybe it was just his childish side getting to him; being a bit jealous and shit. He was in love with you for years, how else was he supposed to feel?
He was used to being in this position anyway.
All that was left was for you to send him a text or call him one day with an empty tone of voice explaining that long distance wasn’t working out anymore.
Hoseok got no such notification.
Instead, he received texts and calls from you gushing about how things were sailing smoothly with Yoongi and how he made the trip to visit you during spring break and on a random weekend. Yoongi was putting in a lot of effort for you and Hoseok was genuinely happy that there was a guy out there who was treating you like a queen.
It wasn’t long before he heard the painful words he didn’t want to hear.
“I’m so in love with him, Hoseok.”
In love with Yoongi.
You loved your exes in the past and broke up, so there had to be some “hope” for him, right?
Slowly, texts and calls from you became rare. Sometimes you’d take a few days to reply to a text and a simple how have you been conversation could take an entire week just to say I’ve been doing well, how about you.
Eventually the only way Hoseok could get updates on you was through your social media posts and according to those, you were still in a happy relationship with Yoongi.
This was for the best. It had to be. Hoseok had to let go of his first love at some point, so why was he feeling disappointed?
There was probably no hope left anymore.
Years down the road, Hoseok found himself in love. It was a breathtaking, pinch-me-am-I-dreaming kind of love. He never thought he would ever feel this way about someone else, but Chaerin was that someone. She entered his life like a hurricane and Hoseok allowed himself to get swept away.
The sky was always a vibrant shade of blue, flowers were always in bloom, and birds only sang love songs. Oh how he wished he could have felt this a lot sooner in his life, but Chaerin was worth the wait.
Everything was going perfect for Hoseok, until one day he came home after a long day at the office. He opened the door of the apartment he shared with his lovely girlfriend and found her going through that day’s clutter of mail.
“Junkmail, junkmail, home catalog… oh, baby you have something addressed to you. It looks like an invitation? Or maybe a thank you card?”
There was a slight drop in Hoseok’s stomach and he hesitated to move closer to Chaerin because he had a good feeling as to what the contents of the envelope was. He swallowed the lump in his throat and proceeded to open the white fold of the envelope.
There it was.
“Kindly join us for the wedding of y/n and Min Yoongi--y/n? Oh my God, babe isn’t that your friend from high school?”
Chaerin knew who you were, but he didn’t have the heart to tell her anything beyond the basic information. All Hoseok could do was nod slowly and continued to read the invitation to himself. The card was printed with baby pink and gold details and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from your name. He knew you were engaged because of your social media and he paid no mind to it, but because the two of you don’t talk anymore, he didn’t expect to receive an invitation. 
This was completely unexpected and it stirred everything inside of him, enticing chaos. He hasn’t seen you in years and his biggest fear was that every single thing he felt for you would come rushing back, ruining the happiness he finally had.
There was a plus one option on the reservation card and because Chaerin had no idea about Hoseok’s past feelings, she continued to encourage him to go to support you on your special day.
“Come on, honey. I’m sure y/n would be delighted to see you. Plus, it’s been a while since we’ve gotten all dressed up.”
Hoseok always imagined shaking hands with his old high school friends on his wedding day, but instead, he was doing it on your wedding day. It wasn’t just your wedding day, you were getting married to someone who wasn’t Hoseok. 
Tears brimmed the eyes of guests as both you and Yoongi said your wedding vows; Hoseok’s eyes welled for a different reason.
“They’re beautiful together.” Chaerin whispered.
Hoseok held tightly onto his girlfriend’s hand and prepared for the next two words that were going to slip past your lips.
“I do.”
And that was that.
Now here he was, standing on the outside of the dance floor with his hands in his pockets. Hoseok smiled fondly at Chaerin who had a surprising reunion with a friend from college who was Yoongi’s cousin. 
Just like everyday, Chaerin was as gorgeous as ever. No one in the entire room could compare to his girlfriend, but… 
There it was.
Just like that, his entire world crumbled at his feet. After not hearing your voice call for him for what felt like an eternity, Hoseok melted into a puddle but just like how he used to, he sucked in a breath and smiled.
“Hey, congratulations.” Hoseok tried to go for a hand shake, but you hastily ran up to him and pulled him into a tight hug.
“Thank you and thank you so much for coming.” You smiled up at him with your eyes still sparkling even under the dim lights.
Please stop. Please don’t smile at me.
“Hobi, dance with me?”
The agonizing pain in his chest grew worse at the touch of your hand on his forearm. He turned to search for Chaerin who was still speaking with her friend. She met his eyes and gestured her hands in encouragement as if she knew what you asked him.
“Of course.” Hoseok breathed. “I’d love to.”
The next slow dance song played right on cue and all Hoseok could focus on was the way his shaky hands gently held onto your waist and the warmth of your hands sat at the nape of his neck. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from yours, feeling the intensity within his soul.
Time had done you well, you were still so beautiful. Your eyes still glistened the way it used to and it still had the same effect on him. Truly, Yoongi was a lucky guy. Incredibly lucky.
“So, tell me, who’s the lucky girl?”
Hoseok’s breath was caught in his throat for a moment.
“Her name is Chaerin.”
You tiptoed to take a peek over his shoulder. “She’s really beautiful, Hoseok. I’m happy for you.” You then leaned your head against his chest and swayed silently to the music.
Hoseok was sure he wasn’t in love with you anymore, but why was he feeling this way? It wasn’t fair.
“Hey,” you spoke over the music. “I really can’t thank you enough. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you introducing me to Yoongi and these days we don’t even see each other anymore. I’m so sorry.”
Please don’t thank me.
“No need to thank me, y/n and don’t apologize at all. Life got in the way too. I’m happy to see you now.” It hurt to say those words, but this was the closest Hoseok could ever be to you and he had to bear with it.
“Why don’t the four of us get together sometime for a double date?” You had the brightest smile on your face and it made Hoseok’s heartache. Did he have the heart to sit across from you with a ring on your finger and watch the love you have for Yoongi bleed out into his breathing space?
“I would love that.” He was sure his smile didn’t reach his eyes.
Why did it feel like this was the last time he would ever see you?
The song was beginning to fade out and you crept your arms around Hoseok’s neck to pull him into a warm embrace. He shut his eyes breathing in your faint lavender perfume. You were held so close to him that he could feel the slow rhythm of your heartbeat against him. Time had to stop. He wanted it to stop. Why hasn’t it stopped?
“You’ve been a great friend to me all these years, Hoseokie.” You breathed into his ear before releasing him. “I hope you know how much I love you.”
Love? No.
It wasn’t the love he wanted, but he had to accept. 
“I love you too, y/n. “
You began to step away from him and Hoseok could feel the grip on your waist loosening. He wanted to hold you longer. He wanted to feel your heartbeat once more, afraid he’d forget what it sounded like when you were near him. He wanted your breath to tickle his skin and to feel the tips of your nails graze steadily against the back of his neck. The desire to be your center of attention even for a few more minutes was strong, but you were slipping at his fingertips.
With just a few more steps, you were at a foot’s distance from Hoseok and you smiled at him, fleeting away to your husband who was standing at the front of the dance floor.
Hoseok backed up, watching you throw your arms around Yoongi and rock side to side. You looked at Yoongi as if he held the entire universe in his eyes and he looked at you with just as much admiration if not more.
Now completely out of the dance floor, Hoseok still couldn’t tear his eyes away from you as you guided Yoongi towards the middle. Even with the music playing, Hoseok could hear the squeak you make every time you let out a hearty laugh. He soaked in the shape of your slim shoulders and the curve of your waist. He caught a glimpse of your perfect side profile as you turned and the twinkle in your eyes wasn’t hard to miss.
The dance floor started to fill up and just like that, Hoseok lost you in the crowd.
Standing on your sideline was where he belonged.
Hoseok was a secondary character in your life, the second lead, and the second lead never gets the main girl in the movies. 
There was never room for him in your heart that way.
It was probably written in the stars from the beginning; friends from the start. His friendship with you was written with a pen and the story ended just as it started.
♡ rae jagi
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bignookling · 4 years
100 days to acnh challenge - 1 to 74
found this challenge and decided it would be a great way to pass the time until the release date, and a good way to get people to know me a lil better too c’: i feel so powerful starting at this point, there are so few days left to wait! 
1. Do you prefer making up a new name for your villager, or using your own name? i never, ever used my own name... i always felt like this would be boring, and i kinda want to give myself the opportunity to create a new “character” based on the events that happen to them in the game... (my first character in wild world was named Scarlet :^)) 2. Do you use the first map you’re given, or do you reset for layouts? i am bige resetter with bige plans all jokes aside i am way too indecisive and spent way too much time on this, i would even check people’s dream towns prior to resetting to gather ideas and fresh input on this. though usually, each time i remade my town i had a specific kind of map in mind? most of all, i like having a secluded nice little corner to put my house (being able to move your house in nh is a game changer honestly!) grass type and colors of buildings also matter. residents not so much because, hey, i can also reset for that later! (i am terrible) 3. Do you use the face you’re given, or do you wait for guides and choose your favourite? similarly, i use a guide. i think the only times i didn’t was my first times in wild world where i didn’t really have access to a fast internet connection :’^) (guess what i am also indecisive about this! my most used are the classic arched villager eyes, the almond shaped ones and the shiny anime ones THEY ARE TOO CUTE) 4. Favourite town/island name?/Have you a name picked out for your town/island? I WON’T SAY YET... i have multiple options for now and idk what to do... but my nl town is named Suzuran, and i really like this name :] 5. Will you be sharing with friends/family, or is your island going to be all your own? probably gonna be my own! my mother used to have a character in my wild world town though :) 6. What’s a new feature you’re excited about? ALL but mostly the terraforming/switching everything up options!! for...reasons mentioned above... also the weeds. i never really got to dupe clovers or stuff like that so i am very pumped 7. Favourite fruit? buttfruit peaches probably... i also love perfect oranges and perfect pears because they’re like golden... i like gold like perfect fruits in general hehe i also love the new fruits in new leaf! 8. Least favourite fruit? apples are a bit tacky to me but i still love them i am sad i cannot really make a lot of fruit trees work in my minimally colored nl towns... some people do it so well though and i am TRYING 9.  Favourite area? (Beach, campground, shopping district etc, from any entry in the series.) THIS IS HARD I DON’T HAVE A LOT OF MEMORIES i have fond memories of the beach in wild world just because of some people’s really pretty hacked towns. like they added a whole “manor” (big player house) in front of it and that was the bomb. i also loved the cliffs in city folk and am so glad they are back... 10. Where do you like to like to put your house? Do you like that level of customization, or do you prefer to have some things decided, like in older entries? as i said i like secluded, remote areas for the house, and i also loved to put it near the cliff in city folk! (you better be fully awake if you step out)  the beach is a neat option too. but in nl my favorite was next to a waterfall! 11.  Favourite grass pattern? triangles! when i was a kid it was my least fav and i always avoided it though... then i visited a friend’s cf town and was like “wait this is MORE LIKE REAL GRASS” and i had an awakening...  12. Least favourite grass pattern? circles are a bit... odd for grass i think 13. Favourite villager/s? purrl was my absolute queen when i played wild world and still is. i love cats in general... and deer. and coco. coco is so my aesthetic and goals for a town feeling if you know what i mean, i adore her. doyoing 14. Least favourite villager/s? i am basic and like cute things so the least cute and mostly most tacky, bright colored ones... i am sorry...i still care about all your villagers 15. Did you like doing Tom Nook’s chores, or did you find those to be a pain? generally speaking i like them when i first play the game because they are immersive and kinda introduce you to the main concepts of the game? (the city in city folk, being mayor in nl etc) but with side characters and resetting they get a bit repetitive and frustrating upping your reputation to be able to work as a mayor in nl also is a pain 16. Favourite NPC/s? label is my queen and wife. i love her sisters too, and tom nook... BLANCA too i adored her when i played wild world and couldn’t get to see her in my town and was so hyped for her nl event laughs, and joan and daisy mae... i’m probably forgetting some faves I LOVE EVERYONE wait KAPPN has cute dialogue too!  17. Least favourite NPC/s? is there one? i don’t know? i’m gonna go check a list of npcs now ... i am back and honestly I DON’T KNOW 18. Do you use paths? Are you excited about the new path tool? i don’t use paths in my town because they are a mess to set up and i love the natural look anyway, but some people do it so well! i love the ones with natural colors and the little details.  the new path tool looks so convenient, but i don’t know if i like the textures! i’ll probably use it sparsely because i also wanna keep that wild look to my town 19. Favourite feature from an older entry?  the lights on the villagers’ houses in wild world is what came to mind first, hahah 20. What was your first Animal Crossing game? WILD WORLD!! i played it so much and for so long 21. Favourite activity (fishing, bug catching, fossil hunting, other)? bug catching (ca-ching) is my fave out of this list, i also love visiting dream towns and playing with friends in general! 22. Least favourite activity? diving is so slow... 23. Favourite bug? the huge butterflies you see in summer (i was AMAZED when i first saw them), the fireflies (SAME, the first time i saw some was in someone else’s town in city folk as we crossed a bridge and it was just magical, laughs), and the big shiny beetles... it’s not just for the monies, i promise 24. Least favourite bug? either the small butterflies that you see everywhere when you’re trying to catch something neat for the bug-off, or the tarentulas/scorpios because i NEVER MANAGED TO CATCH THEM 25. A quarter of the way there! How’s the wait? actually there’s barely a month remaining as we speak, so pretty fine! i still have to pick my character and town names, and to be honest i am mostly worried i’ll start procrastinating like crazy once the game is out. coughs. at least i’ll draw ac characters? 26.  Favourite fish? i love coelacanths because i am a big nerd, also the sharks and the cute colorful fishes 27.  Least favourite fish? just all the most common ones probably? sea bass isn’t the only one... 28.  Favourite fossil?  what are these questions. uh, i loved putting the small squares ones in my room in wild world...especially ammonites 29.  Least favourite fossil? the ones that bring less cash money? i only care about fossils when they’re displayed in the museum tbh. and there i just love them all 30. Favourite furniture series? the ranch series looked way better in wild world and i am mourning now i love alpine, rococo and modern wood the most! the green one looks cool recolored too! i like combining different series the most, too 31. Least favourite furniture series? anything bright and tacky (except maybe the lovely that’s still fairly cute?)  32. Favourite soundtrack? (Gamecube, DS/Wii, etc) i can’t remember but i get huge pangs of nostalgia if i listen to the wild world/city folk one 33. Least favourite soundtrack? i DON’T KNOW... maybe nl was a bit less whismical? 34. Favourite wallpaper? alpine, chic, exquisite, classic, [...] anything that looks warm and natural and makes for a comfortable house!  35. Do you have a nice memory of the games/community etc you’d like to share? when i was a young teen, i idolized someone in the wild world community because her town was honestly incredibly pretty? so much thought has been put into it and it was just a dream. it made me want to invest more time and planning into my own towns and that’s how i got really, really hooked on the game, i think 36. Least favourite wallpaper? anything really colorful and tacky again... 37.  Favourite carpet? the wood ones, mostly! 39. Favourite furniture item? i love the oven thing from pocket camp... and the rocking chair... and the fireplace... 40. Will you be buying a Switch for Animal Crossing, or do you already have one? i have preordered the animal crossing one... i live for this (i am so glad i waited though honestly) 41. Least favourite furniture item? the huge tacky things or things that just look odd in a house perhaps... wait but i still like to see them and some people use them so well. why would i hate on furniture i wonder 42. Favourite flower? jacob’s ladders and white flowers in general. i adore the look of the ones in nh, holy sh- 43. Least favourite flower? pretty much anything that’s yellow. just never goes with my town plans... the roses especially are so bright i’m 44. Favourite hybrid? i miss the colors of the ones in ww/cf so much... so so much but in general i like anything that’s purple, black or blue i think :> 45. Least favourite hybrid? hmmmm the orange ones from new leaf i think? in the previous games they were so rich and warm though... 46. Favourite shirt? the canary shirt, maybe? though i mostly use qr codes, ahaha some of these outfits are still super cute... 47. Favourite dress? anything pocket camp tends to be good, also this one forever in my heart. i adore the flowery sleeveless dresses too! 48. Favourite accessory? bandages, heart shades, leaf, and tortoise specs! 49. Favourite hat/helmet? celeste’s ribbon, hibiscus hairpin, and that tiny straw hat 51. Favourite shop? i always adored able sisters, and leif’s little gardening shack :> 52. Do you collect amiibo cards/figures? Would you like to see them used in the new game? we know they are compatible now, but i don’t have any! maybe i should buy some? 53. Fishing Tourney or Bug-Off? bug-off is quicker and funnier >:] also i remember i ALWAYS WON in cf while playing with friends... fight me... 54. Do you like making your own clothing patterns? there are so many nice ones already that my slots are always full, so i don’t bother... i remember making a two-toned shirt that i wanted irl when i got new leaf, but that’s pretty much all 55. Did you streetpass with many other ACNL players, or is it a feature you didn’t get much use of? I ALMOST NEVER DID...
56. Favourite villager species? CATS... also, deer. basic basic 57. Least favourite villager species? mice and monkeys have the least cute designs i think...? also hamsters idk. i don’t know i like villagers don’t make me choose 58. Favourite nickname from a villager? 59. Least favourite nickname from a villager? I NEVER LET THEM NICKNAME ME... i am sorry to all the aminals 60. Do you try to collect everything in the game, or just try to get your favourite bits and pieces? in wild world i tried to fill my catalog, but now i only get what i need or what i know my friends might need 61. Favourite villager personality? i always had a thing for the snooty and cranky ones! the uchis are cool now too 62. Least favourite villager personality? the jocks are boring to me and they tend to have my least fav designs. when i like one i keep them though because it is so rare...wheeps 63. Do you “plot reset” for villager house placement, or do you let them move in wherever they want? i only really started doing that with the welcome amiibo update that apparently makes it easier, else i just waited for the annoying ones to move... (and time travelled a lot) 64. Are you excited to wear any of the new accessories (like the bags etc shown in the E3 trailer)? i will COLLECT THOSE and COLOR COORDINATE 65. What season are you most looking forward to seeing in New Horizons? 66. What’s your favourite season? i think summer, i want to hear the cicadas and see the fireflies again, and i also want to see how the rain and wind look like! i remember seeing really pretty storms in nl during summer too ♥ 67. Least favourite season? winter gets slow after a while? i still love it though 68. Which game’s events/holidays do you like the most? 69. Which game’s events/holidays do you like least? i don’t remember ‘-’ honestly i feel like i liked them all for different reasons? wild world felt more “involved” in the community, REMEMBER THE GARDENING CONTESTS! and city folk gave you better rewards and was a fun minigame for the day.  70. Do you have another nice AC related memory you’d like to share (in-game, of the community, etc)? i had a vivid dream that your character could DIE in animal crossing once (i predicted new horizons yes) 71. Do you prefer the “live” versions of K.K. Slider’s Songs, or the airchecks? i tend to prefer the airchecks but the concerts are Special, no matter if it’s with friends or alone 72. An NPC you’d like to see more of? mmmnnh blanca always. i love her spirit 73. An NPC you’d like to see less of? really unpopular opinion probably but i wouldn’t miss reese and cyrus too much if they aren’t as present in nh 74. If you could have any piece of AC merchandise, which would it be? the plushies are so good... i’d like like... a fauna one... idk WHEW I’M DONE... i’ll be posting the rest of it daily now! 
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stillgotme · 5 years
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HELLO EVERYONE ok i’m finally doing this after like 84 years lmao
SO yeah several people in the past few months have asked me about my editing process and i said that i’d hopefully do it after gen 2 stuff and since i’m taking a break from gen 2 and wanna stall bc returning to gen 1 will be painful, ya girl got her ass to go through with it. keep in mind, this tutorial is for people who already know the basics of photoshop. if you don’t there’s many tutorials online that’ll help beginners. i’m gonna be editing a pic of val and chance all dressed up and ready to crash a prom to get lit with their homies maggie and eli
*rosanna pansino voice* LET’S GET STARTED
so i use reshade and i believe the version i have is 3.0.7 or something idk but it’s 3.0 and i switch between 3 presets that are my own. the one i use the most started with pickypikachu’s cinematic preset as a base.
now, i know not everyone has reshade, but there’s still a way you can mimic the DOF effect with photoshop. when my stubborn ass edited everything myself all i did was duplicate the photo, apply field blur and adjust the bokeh lighting, added a layer mask and with a brush using the color black, i “colored” in what i didn’t want to be blurry and BOOM ya got that DOF goodness
so for DOF i use either the marty mcfly shader or the matso shader and even both, like in this case. i also love that sweet mxao bc ooh yess them SHADOWS. but unfortunately bc i’ll never ever let go of alpha hair and you’ll have to rip them away from my cold dead hands, ya get this shit.
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the dof and shadows cutting through the hair making it look ugly and blurry and just all around BLECH
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so when taking screenshots, i take two photos. one with the dof and mxao and another without those shaders
now i open both pics in photoshop and layer the photo with the effects over the one without
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ok this is totally optional and you don’t have to do it but i like to crop my photos and the preset for my cropping dimensions is 1150 x 705 bc that’s what i’m going to resize my photos to (w/ 300 resolution). again, totally optional, you don’t have to do this part but i do.
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so now i add a layer mask to the top layer
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next i select the brush tool and choose whatever brush i wanna use. i usually switch between these two brushes depending on what i need at the moment. and make sure the color you’re painting with is black.
and now just “paint” over the ugly parts to erase them. depending on your photo this can sometimes take a while, but hey ya get that dof and beautiful alpha hair. i also take this time to erase some of the blurriness that forms around my sims from the dof effect
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right click on the layer and select “merge down” and i’m left with this. obviously, you see some parts that aren’t blurred anymore but i just fix it with the blur tool at 100% opacity, zoom in on the unblurred edges and blur them in with whatever brush i choose. i personally choose the one with hard edges and i make sure the brush size is very very small. this part’s also a lil time consuming so ya gotta be patient.
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doesn’t that look better? now it’s time to get to the actual editing lmao. first, click layer > background layer to make it a background. this is necessary for me bc of the photoshop action i use.
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so in order to give my pics that “crisp” look, i first reduce noise and these are my default settings
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then i do topaz clean
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then smart sharpen
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then i use the liquify tool bc sometimes there’s jagged edges on the shoulders, elbows, chins, etc. that i wanna smooth out. i also use this to adjust facial expressions, like for this i wanna make the smiles curve up a lil bit more bc chalerie are in love and happy  
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now this is the part where i kinda nitpick bc i’m a perfectionist lmao like i clean up some lines on val’s arms and fix that weird spot on the collar of chance’s shirt, all that small stuff people wouldn’t notice but I DO so i fix it
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alright now it’s time for me to draw hair! again, this is optional and i understand not everyone has a tablet or likes drawing hair so skip this if it ain’t your thang. first add a new layer for the hair.
i like to add extra hair to make it more full or fix clipping and “highlights” to kinda emphasize the lighting effects i’ll do later and i usually go with a lighter color of the hair for the highlights OR i do the color of the lighting. in this case i’m just going with a very light brown color. this brush is from this set by castrochew and i have the opacity at 100% and size at 3 px.
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this is what it looks like after i draw all the hair. and for the highlights i always reduce the layer opacity to 50-60% or even less than that depending on how subtle i want them to be. after that, i merge them all down.
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now it’s time to do all the shading and highlighting. make sure you do it all as separate layers, too. even tho i use mxao it still doesn’t do enough for me, so i always add shadows and i recommend you use dark brown for the shadows as black is a a bit too dark especially when you’re adding shadows around the faces. like y’all don’t want it to look like your sims put mud on their face. trust me guys i contour my face.
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now take a hard edge brush and draw where you wanna add shadows
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apply gaussian blur and erase any excess “shadows”  then reduce the layer opacity to your liking. now keep doing that in other areas where you wanna add shadows. it all depends on the picture and i really just use my general knowledge of how lighting and shadows work. remember, make sure each shadow and highlight you add is a separate layer!
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for highlights, use a light color, a soft edge brush, change the brush opacity to 60% and change the layer mode to “soft light”. like with the shadows, just paint whatever you wanna highlight, gaussian blur, reduce layer opacity, etc. then after you’re done shading and highlighting, merge all the layers down.
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then to enhance the highlights even more i use the dodge tool with the exposure at 25% and paint over all the highlighted areas
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so this is how it looks after i did all the time consuming stuff and now it’s time to play with COLOR YEAHHHHHH
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this is the action i’ve been using forever and it’s a ride or die, always got my back, never fails me, always there when i need it. all i gotta do is click on that and press the “play” button and everything’s beautiful and colorful and all my problems seem to go away and suddenly the your lie in april soundtrack is playing the background
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but most of the time i untick the “curves” layer from the action as it can be too bright for me and i just adjust the curves of the image to what i prefer.
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now it’s my favorite part! time to add that good-ass LIGHTING and since i went crazy with the lights for the background, it’s gonna be fun to do this one hehehe. ok so first duplicate your image and then choose the color of the lighting you want. for this pic, i want the lighting to be a nice light warm yellow/orange color
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now for the brush mode, choose “linear dodge (add)” and change the opacity to 35%-45% or hey even higher if ya wanna go bright as fuck. and get a soft edge brush and make it big. like fucking BIG. you see the size i put it at? yeah, make it big bc we want that beautiful shit EVERYWHERE
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YEAH DAS DAT SHIT I LIKE. keep painting over areas ya wanna see glow and even paint over the same area twice to make it brighter. hell, don’t just stop at one color. add other colors of light if ya want. add some pinks or blue or purple, adjust the brush size, go crazy. BLIND EVERYONE.
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buuuuuuut with all the sweet lighting, it tends to make your pretty pic look all washed out and also lighting doesn’t always work that way. and that’s why i told y’all to duplicate your image bc we’re gonna add a layer mask again and with a soft edge brush you gotta erase some of that lighting. change the brush mode back to normal, put the opacity at 100% and make sure your brush is black and get rid of what you need to. but what’s good about this is you don’t have to be perfect and it’s ok if there’s still some lights on your sims bc now it looks like the light is shining on them awwww. now merge that layer down
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now color balance! i like to enhance the red, magenta, and blue most of the time but as always it all depends on the photo and what your preference is.
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all that’s left to do now is change the image size. i change the resolution to 300 ppi (it doesn’t really do anything but like it’s become a habit of me to do it so i do it idk) and make sure if you’re making your image smaller, you apply “bicubic sharper” so your image stays sharp when you change the size
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so this is my editing process and i hope some of you learned some stuff from this. also please keep in mind that i also encourage y’all to do your own spin on things when you edit. i’m all for taking tips from others and learning cool new tricks but develop a style that fits YOU. eventually you’ll find it and i know that you’ll end up creating something amazing that shows how unique and lovely you are.
anyways, i’m so glad i finally got this done. love you guys 💖💖💖
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sweetboybucky · 6 years
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 1700
Warnings: It’s all floof, y’all. It might kill you. Maybe a swear somewhere in there.
Summary: You come home with a fun little surprise for the boys. 
A/N: This is my piece for Mimi’s Fall Into Marvel Challenge hosted by @captain-rogers-beard . My prompt was “carving jack o’ lanterns” and it turned into completely pointless fluff. There is basically no plot here, just happy stuff because nothing has changed and I am still a flower. This could be read as a sequel to Flowers, but you don’t have to read that to understand this. Also, I know I just posted something about having a bit of writer’s block right now, but this just came out and I wanted to post it. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but I hope you like it. 
This is also dedicated to my love and light, @marvelous-avengers because she is incredible and I adore her. I hope it makes you smile, angel. 
My Masterlist
Steve doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to it.
The soft scent of vanilla coming from the air freshener you plugged into the wall. Warm, autumn colors littering the walls. Filling the vases and draped over the back of your favorite chair in a thick quilt. Weight against his side, Bucky’s body under his arm as those steely eyes trace over the video playing on his phone. Something Steve can’t understand.
Your house around him.
No, that’s not right anymore.
His house.
Because you opened it up for them. Let them in. Gave them a home in the walls around him and in your heart, as well. Kissed them and told them they could stay. They could always stay.
He smiles.
He’ll never get used to it.
Blue eyes flick around the maroon decorations you bought at the beginning of the season. The oranges and pale yellows. The new crimson, fuzzy blanket resting on his lap. Lying under the book he has resting there and pulled up to Bucky’s chin.
Fingers run through the dark hair fanned around his chest. Strong shoulders shake at the happy hum he gets in return.
And it’s like all those years ago in Brooklyn, in some ways. Holding Bucky. Bucky holding him. Resting on the couch with that familiar weight pressed into him. Tilting his head and kissing the pale skin of Bucky’s temple. Looking at a face he’s known for a century, a face he’ll never tire of seeing.
But it’s different, too.
Because they’re not hiding anymore. They don’t need to.
And there’s you.
Stepping through the door. Grocery bags in hand - more than Steve assumes necessary for a simple trip to the store, like you’d told him you were making.
He catches your eye once the latch clicks. Once you’ve started making your way to the little table. And there’s a moment where you seem to search the scene in front of you. Watch the way Bucky nuzzles into Steve’s chest, pulls his phone a little closer to his face.
A fond smile curls your lips, and Steve finds a grin of his own at the sight.
Because you’re beautiful.
His jacket blanketing your shoulders. Deep blue and heavy. Bucky’s sweater resting beneath that, thick and dark gray. Warm. Sweet in the careful darkness of early evening coming in through the windows.
He looks the glow of the dim light in the room around you, the only source being the lamp on the end table. The lamp he flicked on to read a book he’s long since abandoned in favor of looking at the man next to him. Thinking of you.
“Hey,” he whispers, lips parting just enough to form the word. Still sitting in that soft smile. “Find everything you need?”
You chuckle. Swipe a hand across your face and start pulling something out of one of the bags. “Mostly things I didn’t need. But what’s new?”
And Steve laughs because it’s true. Because he wonders why he ever lets you do the shopping. Can already imagine the new array of things you bought that will never be eaten or used.
But then orange comes into view, more than the shades tinting the decorations you scattered around the house. Brows furrow and the head on his collarbone shifts a little before lifting entirely, that handsome face looking so adorably sleepy from where Steve can see it out of the corner of his eye.
“What’s that?”
Bucky beats Steve to questioning. Rubs his eyes and sits up.
You smile. “It’s a pumpkin.”
Steve blinks.
“Why did you buy a pumpkin?”
A laugh punches from your chest. Makes your eyes fall shut and that beautiful smile on your face grow. And Steve wants to laugh with you, but he wants an answer to Bucky’s question, too, confusion and curiosity rising within him.
“I thought we could carve them,” you say, holding the little thing up and tracing one of the ridges with your fingers. “Got one for each of us.”
Bucky makes a happy, appreciative sound. Stands and steps over to you, scoops the pumpkin from your hands and inspects it.
Steve watches with careful consideration. Measured silence as Bucky gives you an excited look before turning back to him, another set of eyes landing on him as you follow suit.
And there’s this hesitant happiness in your gazes as flesh and metal alike skim against the skin of the small pumpkin. A look Steve hasn’t seen on Bucky in a long time. A look he would like to see on you more often.
So he sighs. Thinks he has more kids than partners as he says, “Okay.”
Happy noises fill the room. Feet pad across the floor as you step over to him. Wrap him in your embrace as he stands to meet you. Kiss his jaw and the base of his throat.
“But we need to cover the table.”
A laugh against his skin. Your next words are muffled into the cotton of his shirt, “Why?”
He scoffs. Runs his fingers against your sides and feels a familiar warmth blooming in his chest at the noise you make. Looks down at you and answers, “So it doesn’t get pumpkin guts all over it.”
You wrinkle your nose. Steve wants to kiss it. “Who cares if pumpkin guts get all over the table?”
“I do.”
“I bought that table,” you counter.
“Want me to reimburse you?”
“Okay,” you quip. There’s no bite behind it, but Steve can see that little spark burning in your eyes. “We can cover the table.”
“Gosh, Stevie,” Bucky begins, “Don’t you know half the fun is the mess?”
“Yeah,” Steve answers, dropping a kiss to your hair before untangling himself from your grasp. “I’m sure you two ditching me to clean the mess myself would have been really fun.”
Bucky barks out a laugh. And Steve catches you covering your own amused grin with your hand as you round the table.
Everything is so wonderfully foreign. The domesticity he’s found. The morning coffee you make for him and the routine kisses against his back as he makes breakfast and the way you both fall asleep on him on the couch most nights. The prospect of carving pumpkins with the loves of his life in his cute little house just outside the city.
And he may not be used to this, the life he’s lucky enough to lead, now.
But he’s happy to have it.
It’s minutes later that you’ve found a tarp to cover the surface of the table - Bucky asking, “Where the hell did that come from?” - and everything is set out. Steve is looking at the two of you, grinning like kids.
Bucky has three knives in front of him. Knives Steve is sure didn’t come from the drawer in the kitchen. And they’re already at work before Steve can say anything about it, the two of you slicing into the flesh of the things. Getting started.
It isn’t until you look at him, cock your head to the side just a little and give him a questioning glance that he realizes he’s worlds behind the two of you. That he’d been so caught up with memorizing your happy expressions, he hadn’t started his own carving.
“You going to do some carving there, Steve?”
It’s teasing. Breathed through careful laughter as your hands still where they’ve started to cut into the pumpkin in front of you, seeds littering the table.
Bucky doesn’t even look up as he answers for Steve, “He’s just scared that my pumpkin is going to turn out better than his.”
Laughter parts full lips. Fans out into the air as ocean eyes shield themselves behind pale lids. Steve can hear your amusement joining his. Your voice scolding Bucky as he finally leans forward and lifts his gaze. Finds that happy little smirk on familiar lips.
Steve sighs another quiet chuckle. “Sure, Buck,” he answers. “You got me.”
Bucky’s eyes flash with a certain fondness. One Steve feels so deeply. One he’s happy to share with the two of you.
And it’s that - the affection resting in his heart - that makes the stress of pumpkin carving better. The number of times he nearly slices off his thumb. The choked laughter from Bucky as Steve struggles to get the basic shapes down.
“Thought you were an artist,” Bucky says.
Bucky’s name is light on your lips. Gentle scolding and a soft smile curling around the letters.
Steve finishes his pumpkin long after you and Bucky. Takes one look at the lopsided, ugly little face he’s carved into the ochre flesh and tilts his head down, chuckling to himself. 
A hand squeezes his shoulder as Bucky moves to stand behind him, muttering a teasing, “You finally done?” before he’s howling beside him. Doubling over and spitting out unintelligible sentences.
He doesn’t care.
He hopes Bucky never stops laughing like that.
“Is it that bad?” he asks anyway, keeping his eyes on Bucky. A metal hand waves in the air, a gesture Steve can’t decipher the meaning of as flesh fingers wipe at a tear that managed to escape one of Bucky’s steely eyes.
You’re coming around soon enough. Draping your arm across Steve’s shoulders and leaning into him. He tucks himself into your embrace, presses his nose to your ribs and feels them shake with your amused words.
“I think it’s cute,” you tell him. Fingers stroke through golden hair as another hand reaches for the stem and places the pumpkin in his lap.
He looks up at you, then. Lets the pads of his fingers ghost over your cheekbone as you lean down and press your lips to his forehead. Whisper, “Just like you.”
And Steve doesn’t really know what to say to that. He isn’t sure what words can capture what your gentle statement makes him feel. What he feels for you and the man trying to squeeze onto his lap, laughing the whole time.
“A work of art you’ve got there, pal,” Bucky tells him, pressing his nose to the side of Steve’s neck.
“Think you’re talking about the two of you, Buck.”
Bucky huffs out quiet laughter but smiles something genuine and full despite it all. Drops a sloppy kiss to the spot just under Steve’s ear and whispers, “Real smooth, pumpkin.”
A chuckle rumbles through his chest. And Steve can feel your amusement, too. Pressed into his side, muffled into his hair.
Steve holds the two of you close, listens to the laughter that fills your home.
His home.
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forestwater87 · 5 years
Odd question. If you were doing a wing fic (shorthand: everyone has some kind of wings on their back; up to you if they're always out or if they can be banished and summoned at will) for Camp Camp, what kind of wings would the cast have?
Oooh I love wing fics! Hmmm, let’s see . . . 
David’s would be a little small for his age/size, and he’d probably be kind of embarrassed about that. He can still fly just fine with them -- which he’d say, defensively, if anyone pointed them out -- and they’re very fluffy, white, with little speckles of green flecked throughout.
Now I know most wing fics stick with feathered wings, but it did occur to me that some sort of insectlike wings -- all delicate-looking and iridescent like the surface of a bubble -- would also suit him very well. They’d be a bit more natural and forest-y, but would still have that element of embarrassment and shyness (he was probably called “fairy” a lot growing up, and it’d be a sore spot for him).
That being said, the idea of David having massive wings was suggested by @ciphernetics​, and I must admit that the idea of him either wrapping them around people to protect or comfort them is super cute. Also in a protective moment he could like fwoosh, out they come to shield the campers and it’d be badass. It’s not my preferred hc for him, but there are some lovely ways to play with it.
Gwen’s would be . . . serviceable. Dull, easily overlooked, probably some shade of gray or that kind of dun mousy brown that looks greyish in the right light, bigger than David’s but neither unusually large or small, not especially fluffy but not kind of molted the way some sick people’s are . . . they’re just sort of there. (She was probably nicknamed Pigeon by a lot of people, both as an affectionate term and a derogatory one. And like pigeons’ wings, there are little patches of color among her wings that are hard to see unless you’re looking for them it’s a metaphor get it? aren’t I clever ohoho)
Campbell’s are humongous. The biggest wings ever. He is a mountain of a man, with massive pure-white wings. Some people are convinced he genetically modified them somehow, and they do have this uncanny radioactive glow in the dark but don’t worry about that, it’s perfectly natural and not at all suspicious!
The fun thing about this is that they can get increasingly bedraggled as Season 3 progresses, until they’re drooping and muddy.
Quartermaster has bat wings. I don’t give a fuck if literally every other character has angel wings, QM’s are bats and that’s just the way it has to be.
I like the idea of the campers having small wings that can fit under their clothes, because they haven’t really grown in yet. I imagine maybe Nurf might be an exception, since he seems to be either older or just bigger than the other campers, but for the most part those kiddos look just like their normal selves. That being said, a few ideas of what they might look like grown up:
Max -- black, maybe a little big for his age, like a crow or raven’s wings. When he gets annoyed they puff up and slip out of his hoodie, and it’s a pain to put them back in which annoys him even more and gets them more puffy and hard to stuff back . . . it’s a constant struggle. Pity the poor kid.
Neil -- I’m torn between going with his hair color and giving him some hawklike brown-and-white wings, which I think would look nice with his coloring, and just going hog-wild and giving him wings like a bluebird because of his eyes. I think the latter would be too showy and embarrass him, but there’s something kinda cute about that too. His wings would be like his dad: impossible to ignore and much louder and more obnoxious (in his POV) than they need to be.
Nikki -- big and flecked with golden-orange. Of all the characters I think hers would have the most modifications, because as a kid/young adult she wasn’t careful with them and got them all torn up -- maybe to the point where she can’t even fly with them. But she has Neil and he’s a smart cookie, so I like to think of her wings having a vaguely-steampunk element of mechanisms and patches keeping them together.
Harrison -- white or a very light gray, like a dove’s. He paints the tips gold when he’s older as part of his illusionist costume.
Nerris -- I’m just thinking pure eastern bluebird, orange at the base and then exploding into brilliant blue. I think she’d love how flashy they are.
Ered -- Somehow I want her to have dragon wings. I have no idea why, or how, but I think it’d be extremely cool, and Ered is nothing if not cool. Especially if they’re really rare, almost unheard of, and she’s put a lot of work into transforming herself from the tomboyish freak with the demon wings and gay dads into something to be envious of. Besides, it’s easier to do sick stunts without having to worry about your feathers getting caught on stuff.
Nurf -- All right, I wanna get emo for a moment and say that his wings have been hacked either partly or entirely off by the time he’s an adult. We know he’s been abused in canon, and I think that people like that would go for the easiest target to hurt you, and that target is probably the delicate feathered things sticking out of your back. Bonus points if they’re somehow kind of girly, which coincides with his more sensitive nature and how he initially wanted to do ballet as a kid (especially since I don’t think that was well-received by his family). So, like . . . what remains are very fluffy and sweet-looking, maybe pink or pale yellow and orange or something, but they’re either little stubs he covers up all the time or they’ve got big chunks missing out of them but who’s gonna point that out to the huge guy with a pissed-off expression?
Preston -- Rainbow, like the most extravagant bird of paradise. Does he paint them himself, or are they as natural as he claims? 
Dolph -- Probably something very average and serviceable, in the brown/gray/white family, but they’re always speckled with paint because he’s not very careful with them and especially the long feathers at the bottom trail along the ground while he’s painting, or get stuck to his art if he turns around too suddenly.
Space Kid -- I’m thinking of a duck, for some reason. Partly because they’re aquatic and I just connect the ocean and space for some reason, partly because they’re very ordinary and that’s kind of how SK rolls, and partly because ducks can just flap for insane distances without getting tired (thank you Animorphs!). Space Kid is like that, I think -- very diligent, keeps his head down and gets things done, not very bright but he works so hard it makes up for a lot, and that’s why he’s going to be an astronaut someday. Mallards have those pretty green feathers, too, and I think those would look nice with Space Kid’s eyes.
Jasper -- Peacock. Obviously. He is the most garishly-dressed person in the show and his wings would match. Not that you’ll ever know, because he never gets to grow up and have real wings :( 
So those are the mains! As for some of the less-important characters, I don’t really have too many interesting ideas, but a few throwaway ones:
The Flower Scouts all have pink wings, either feathers or bug/fairy ones. I think maybe Tabii has a chunk missing from one of hers, from a fight or something, and the other girls made a patch so no one can tell and she can fly properly. Erin’s might be just slightly different colors -- one with an orangey tint, one with a blue.
A fun thing about bug wings is they could buzz when the girls are angry. So Sasha’s are basically always going, poor thing.
The Woodscouts probably have their wings bound, clipped, and constantly ready for combat flying. I’m thinking, like, the military-haircut version of wings.
Daniel’s . . . I mean, I don’t care about Daniel because he’s trash, but I do love the idea that they’re not naturally white and he dyes them. It’s my favorite Daniel hc and I need it to appear in every AU.
So that about covers it!
Then I was talking with Ciphernetics about wing AUs, and I mentioned that in some wing fics (namely the awesome one by setepenre-set, though there are probably others) the wings’ size are based on how loved someone is. Which led to the below cuteness. Warning: shameless Gwenvid and Makkiel ahead, along with me insisting that Cameron Campbell isn’t the worst person in the entire world because I’m love him
Ciphernetics: Max’s wings growing during camp!Max voice: who the FUCK is loving me I specifically requested the opposite of thisDavid: You can even fit them in your hoodie anymore awwwwMax, struggling to pull it on over his wings: the hell I can't
Forestwater:(what if they come in the color of the person who loves you's hair)(so at first it's just this line of red that he knows is fucking David, goddamnit and then all of a sudden start sprouting these mint green and brown ones and my ship takes off)
Ciphernetics: Max, disgusted, throwing an auburn feather at David: get LOSTMax, looking over his shoulder in the mirror at the brown ones gathering at the tips and the mint ones scattered chaotically throughout: huh
Forestwater:Oh no what about when Nikki and Neil's start getting flecked with black, small and easily tugged out like they're ashamed of being there
Ciphernetics: The small really curly little feathery down that like to hide under other feathers(Gwen's had auburn in her wings since almost the first summer but lately it's started to overpower the rest of the colours. Not completely, it's just... Noticeable how much of it is the same colour now.)(She knew David loved people quickly and easily, it's just suddenly a lot more)(or she just wasn't paying attention)
Forestwater:What on earth would David's reaction be to suddenly finding some of Gwen's?I like the idea of her feathers being two-toned
Ciphernetics: I'd love if he's had a very small, slowly growing patch since they met (just a handful more each summer) but some event happens and suddenly there's a lotOh absolutely two tonedHey how about some angst;David's been waiting his whole life for Campbell's hair colourToday at 9:32 AMHe'd never say it but Campbell makes so many throwaway jokes about David being the son he never wanted but it rings a little hollow when there's not when one little brown/grey feather
Forestwater:until the end of season 3 when there's like . . . twoLISTEN I NEED MY TRASH GRANDPA
So that’s just a little bit of extra silliness for added angst/romance/fluff.
Hope this answer isn’t too long, but I was having fun.
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moonvalecrossing · 5 years
Moonvale's Pokemon Commentary: #676 Furfrou
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Go, gimmick-pokemon! Make me have to make a big thing of all your forms!
Just for Looks:
Before I begin, see the white on all those guys up there? For the shiny, paint the white black. And the black white. Still looks pretty cool though. In fact the shiny version helps the colors of the more meh trims look a lot better to me.
Furfrou is our expected French Poodle Pokemon that was introduced in Kalos, the Pokemon world's version of France. Though I wouldn't call Furfrou a poodle. Its natural form's fur is far too shaggy and wild to be the same as the curly fur of a French Poodle. That said, I find the natural form to be a very nice design. Now, as you saw above we have multiple versions of Furfrou. That is because it's gimmick is that you can style its fur into various trims by taking it to the right NPC. They do absolutely nothing but look nice. Also they are not permanent and it will return to its natural form in five days. Or if they're put into (Gen VI) or removed from (Gen VII) the PC. Make sure you got plenty of money laying around if you wanna keep that look. It'll cost ya $500 poke-bucks every time. Now then, onto the styles!
Heart Trim- The pink one with the heart shaped tail obviously. This is the most poodle-looking of all the forms to me. It's really cute for the most part but I find the two white butt-poofs weird.
Diamond Trim- Orange with Diamond tail. I like its pants.
Star Trim- The pale blue one with a stair shaped tail. I like its head fluff. And that it doesn't have butt-poofs.
Pharaoh Trim- The one who kinda looks like it's wearing a fancy Egyptian headdress. The fact this one is not a golden yellow is a crime. I know the decorative stripes on this sort of artifact is usually a dark blue, but the majority of what is usually depicted is gold, darn it! Also, the black stripes on its ears are what I assume to be the fluff cut down to the base coat... and I can't imagine that looking anything but weird with a more realistically depicted fur. However it seems that these stripes are just the fluff colored the exact same as the base coat... for some reason. It's okay.
Kabuki Trim- The red one. So like... Kabuki. It's Japanese dance-theatre pretty much. But with usually exaggerated face painting and costumes. Look up Kabuki in an image search and you'll probably at some point see a dude with white face paint with red markings and wild red hair. That's what this trim style is based on I guess. There's also a Kabuki pikachu plush on the pokemon center website... which is just pikachu with a kimono, headband, and wearing a little eye makeup and a small upper lip paint. At least put on a wig, Pikachu. Sheesh. This trim is interesting. I love the tail.
La Reine Trim- The other light blue one that isn't the star trim. I have no idea what this is. Looking up La Reine doesn't really help either. I guess it's some kind of fashion type for rich women? I guess its head and ears are supposed to look like some fancy up-do? It's bland.
Matron Trim- The purple one. The older motherly woman figure design I guess. I guess it's meant to be a bonnet on its head. I'm grumpy this doesn't have at fur style that looks like one of them big-butted round dresses though. Maybe that's more a rich young-woman only thing? But even the young woman style we'll go over in a bit doesn't really seem much different.
Dandy Trim- The green one that looks like he's got a suit and top-hat on. My favorite. A dandy is a dude who cared a lot about his appearance and looking and acting as if he belongs in high society. If y'all got some sort of slur you wanna use here for this sort of character you can turn your fancy ass back around and walk out the door you came through. Moonvale aint puttin up with that shit here. This style is adorable! I love this particular cut. I would choose this one over all the others if I used Furfrou in my party. My fancy boy. Bonus points for being a lovely shade of green.
Debutant Trim- The yellow one. Now a debutant, if you don't know the actual meaning, is a young rich woman who has just entered into fashionable society. Originally meant to show off women to the men who'd be wanting to marry em. About the design though... I like its hat. It is a nice fur-hat. Though, I don't see anything that screams young-woman to make this one different from the Matron Trim. Could have given it a nice shorter dress-like style on the back end of the fur design.
What's in the Name:
 Fur + 'Frou-Frou'. If kids don't know that term nowadays that's basically calling something fancy and over-elaborate. Fancy pants? ...I’m like a decade out of the loop on slang. I just learned yeet.
The Japanese name, Trimmien, seems to be Trim + Chien, which is dog in French. Can confirm. I took enough French in high school to say this is accurate. Bulbapedia says it could also be a play on très bien (basically very good/excellent). But I think its a tad bit of a stretch as the first explanation fits perfectly as is.
The 'Dex Says:
Some dex entries claim trimming the fur makes it swifter which has absolutely no standing in the actual game since the trims seem to be completely aesthetic in every way. Trimming only changes the pokemon's appearance. There was a time where these pokemon were guardians of the Kalosian King, and in a certain era aristocrats would compete on who could style their Furfrou’s fur to be the most exquisite.
I'd call these people stuffy and arrogant only using their pokemon for status, but apparently only someone a Furfrou highly trusts is allowed to trim its fur. Though, that fur grows and grows when not trimmed so I'd assume they have a limit to where they have to find SOMEONE to trim their fur before they end up like that one sheep that managed to hide away and hadn't been sheared in six years. What do they even do with all that trimmed hair... Maybe they use it to stuff fancy pillows.
It's Rating Time!
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I'm giving this guy a 3/5. It's a cool concept. However the designs are mostly meh to me, and the fact that you have to re-do the cut every 5 days is pretty annoying. I can't say this guy's among my favorites. I wish the cut style had some kind of effect, even if it were only to boost certain stats in a contest-like environment. How does a straight haired shaggy dog get curly poodle puffs anyway? My mom has never been able to keep her non-permed hair in any sort of curl for more than 5 hours, what the heck do they put on these dogs to keep them curled for FIVE DAYS?
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Survey #189
“why are the children all marching into the desert to die?”
What does your trick-or-treat bag or pail look like? Pretty sure mine was usually just a plastic orange pumpkin. How old will you turn on your next birthday? 23, wow-ie. What are your plans to celebrate? Dinner with the fam, and I don't think I could possibly pass a birthday without getting a tattoo. :') Which X Factor audition(s) was/were your favorite? Don't watch it. Were you a straight A student in spelling and grammar? Yes. Were you a straight A student in math? No, I got Bs sometimes. Were you abused or do you know anyone who was abused? I know people who were. What is the name of your favorite coffee shop in your town? N/A What is fall weather usually like where you live? Usually warmish and breezy, but sometimes super cold. Do you think you have an accent? Very slightly. Do you use plastic, wooden, or wire hangers? Plastic. What is your favorite shade of yellow? Pastel. Are there any shades of blue that you don’t like? If so, which ones? No. Are you afraid of getting yelled at? YES YES YES YES I WILL CRY PLEASE DON'T Who has the best-decorated house in your town? *shrugs* What is your favorite part of Halloween? Dressing up. Is there a cemetery in your backyard? No. Did you decorate a pumpkin this year? No. ;_; What are some fall activities you would do with your kids? If I actually wanted them, take them on a hay ride (spooky one if they're older and want to), decorate pumpkins together, obviously go trick-or-treating, let 'em play in leaf piles. Have you ever seen a fox? Yes. What color are the squirrels where you live? Brown. Is there anything about Halloween you find offensive? Um no. What do the trees look like where you live? There's basically a shitload of pine trees, some dogwoods in spring (which fucking stink, btw), and then there's other trees idk the name of. Did you like field trips when you were a kid? YESSSSSSSSSSSS Do you find museums boring or interesting? Interesting! What was your school’s rival team’s mascot? Uhhhhh idr. What are three issues you are passionate about? Gay rights, gun control, and immigration. Would you ever wear a shirt with your country’s flag on it? I mean if I had to? What’s a medicine that makes you sleepy? Klonopin, back when I had to take two a day. I was just barely able to function at all on three. Do you like bath bombs? Never used one, but sure. What was your favorite girl group when you were growing up? Pussycat Dolls lmaoooooooo Do you like Disney movies? Only heathens don't. In what type of area was your first sexual encounter? A house. What do you occupy your time with on flights? Listen to my iPod. Do you ever realize how ridiculous you’re being yet continue on anyway? Sometimes in anxiety-type situations. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else’s property? No. Have you ever been punched? No. What do you usually order from Olive Garden?
 Spicy shrimp fritas oh my gaaaaaaaaaaaah How do you like your steak cooked?
 Medium well. How do you feel about bats? I'm love them. Is anyone in your family artistic? Me. Have you ever suspected anyone of cheating on you? No. Are you emo/gothic/punk? I AM the Thicc Goth GF in my head. I'm just too poor and lazy for the wardrobe. :^) Would you date someone 20 years older than you? Nooooooooooo that's way too big a difference for me. What is your father���s middle name? John. What was the last food you got a random craving for? Sour gummy worms lmao. What is something you enjoy doing, but aren’t good at? Singing, sometimes. Name some healthy foods that you enjoy eating. Strawberries, apples, peaches, corn, cucumbers, green beans, bananas... What is your favorite Studio Ghibli film? Don't think I've watched any. If your best friend was a fictional character, who would he/she be? Why? This requires too much thinking. What was the last song you listened to? Does it mean anything to you? Ninja Sex Party's cover of "Africa" is on now. No. What flavor was the last cupcake you ate? Chocolate. When was the last time you complimented a stranger? Idk. Do you know how to text without looking? Not well. What about typing without looking? Yup. Have you ever thrown rocks at a girl/guy’s window? No. When was the last time you bought a bathing suit? Like, a year back? Do you like eggnog? NOOOOOOOOOOO. How often do you see your mother? Every day. When was the last time your living room furniture was rearranged? Long time ago. When you were little, did you like watching Cartoon Network, Disney or Nickelodeon more? Disney. When is the last time that you experienced rejection–literal or imagined? By no means /serious/ rejection, but I suppose it fits the definition. Asked the tat/piercing parlor I go to about working there at the desk (the place isn't busy and I'm v comfortable there, so I think I easily could), but they let me know they currently didn't need anyone. When you are feeling down are you more likely to cheer yourself up by shopping, eating, or drinking? I've gotten loads better about it, but eating. Do you think there will be a time when our current age of rapid innovation comes to a standstill? What do you think is the limit of human technological advancement? No, honestly. It may stall, but I don't see it stopping any time soon. In hindsight, what was the most misguided/unhelpful assignment you had to do in school or college? Uhhhh idk. On any blogs or social media you may have, do you try to maintain a certain aesthetic or persona? Is this consistent across platforms or just specific to one? Not really. My less-appropriate sense of humor comes out more on Tumblr, and in some areas I type in all lowercase because I find it more aesthetically pleasing. Is there an artist or celebrity whom you admire for their craft but take issue with their personality or politics? Marilyn Manson, very easily. He's talented and unapologetically unique as all hell, but I do noooot like him as a person from what I know. What is the last party or event you were invited to but declined? Why? Are there certain events that you might be invited to which you are likely to decline? An old friend's Thanksgiving-ish friends party. I was tempted, but it was explicitly stated to BYOB and weed and I just didn't want to be in an environment where there was lots of drinking and smoking something that's still illegal in the state. I was already uncomfortable enough last time I went to a party at her house and there was so much smoking. You were also supposed to bring a piece of Thanksgiving food to contribute, but I can't cook and I didn't wanna bother Mom about it. For the last question, it's just about a "never" situation where I'm invited to a real event besides family birthday parties or meet-ups with Dad and his wife. Off the top of my head, I'd never go to a club if I was invited. Imagine your life three years from now as if things have gone perfectly, better than you would typically predict. What do you see? Living with a happy Sara in the mountains, very successful in photography and thus financially stable (or hopefully a bit beyond that), excelling in school, back to my healthy weight, my mental health is great and I'm on way fewer meds, Sara's able to breed snakes and write as a real career, COVER ME IN TATS BITCH, more piercings, a treatment/medication for hypotonia has been discovered, my niece and nephew have met Sara and been taught our relationship is not wrong (I doubt it though :x), I'm happy, it'd be nice to write with more people, I have at least one poem published, Teddy, Venus, Kaiju, Roman, Mitsu (now totally comfortable being held), and Sara's babies are still alive and kickin', Venus and Crowley have had a clutch, Sara's PMDD is under control, Dad's stopped smoking, Mom is in a healthy, fulfilling relationship, both Mom and Sara are at the weights they aim for, Nicole is with a guy she truly loves and he reciprocates properly, Mom has been treated for depression and has forgiven Dad... Man, lots of things. This question really made me look forward to creating this future. What about your personality makes you good at your job? Alternatively, why do you find yourself uniquely suited for or drawn to your ideal career path? No job, so I'll just respond to the second. Photography is pretty surprising as it requires serious communication, which y'all know isn't my forte in the least. However, I'm so passionate about it and feel knowledgeable enough on it to be confident. Plus I just love showing how beautiful the world is capable of being. Do you find it valuable or important to respect those in positions of authority simply because of their position? Does this vary based on what that position is? Nope. I'm not gonna respect an absolute asshole just because you're of a high position. It doesn't vary to me, either. Do you find that you often desire and/or enjoy sex? If not, why not and how do you negotiate those feelings with your partner? If so, what is it that you enjoy about it in particular? I'd say I desire it to a normal degree, and yeah, I enjoy it. Why, #1, it's such a passionate and intimate way to communicate how much you love and trust your partner. Then I mean it feels good so. How many times have you seriously injured yourself? Idk. Seriously... three? When was the last time you were a passenger in a car and sat in the back? In the back, idk. Did you attend Sunday School as a child? Yes. Are/were you in the school band, and if so, what instrument did you play? Yes, flute. What is the best thing you’ve ever bought at a thrift shop? This cool crashed ship lamp! It's beside my bed. Have you ever ordered an unusual drink at a bar? No. What is your favorite thing about summer? Swimming. That's it. When was the last time you went to your local library? Whew, years. Can you do a proper cartwheel? No. Have you ever been pulled aside by security at the airport? No. Are you a fast-thinker or a slow-thinker? Slow. If you were to donate to charity today, what would you donate to? The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention or The Trevor Project. What is your favorite card game and when was the last time you played it? Magic: The Gathering and not since my PS3 broke (I had the Duel of the Planeswalkers store game on there and I WANT IT BACK). Who was the last person you cuddled with? Sara. Did you ever go to summer camp when you were younger? No. What is your favorite seasonal candy? (only available at certain times) Gingerbread men!! Are there any television shows you own in entirety on DVD or VHS? Meerkat Manor. How far away from your house is the nearest gas station? Like, two minutes. Do you know anyone who is fluent in a second-tongue? Yeah. What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen and who did you watch it with? The Rite, but only because the whole "raped and impregnated by a demon" shtick is a fuck to the no from me. Watched it with my younger sis years ago. When was the last time you had a bubble bath? A looooooooong time ago, I don't like baths. What was the last strong scent you smelled? Poop. Good job, Bentley. What did you buy the last time you went shopping for new clothes? A bra, I think? How did you discover your favorite band? Mom's CDs. When I was getting into my rock and metal love, I went through them and listened to albums with cool covers or bands I knew she loved, and the first happened to be Ozzy. :') Does the weather affect your mood? If so, in what ways? Yes. I have a greater tendency to feel down when it's real cloudy and sometimes rainy. If it's really hot, I'm in a worse/cranky mood. When are you most likely to be bored? Late afternoon/evening. What was the last big decision you made? Hmmm. Going back to school, maybe? Where was the last place you traveled to, and what did you do while there? Illinois. Hang out with my bby. :') What is your favorite thing to go shopping for? Clothes at Hot Topic ahhhhh. What was the last thing you received in the mail? Something for VR. What is one of your wildest dreams or ambitions? Become a well-known photographer. When was the last time you performed in front of a group of people? Years ago for dance. Who was the last person to upset you? How about the last person to cheer you up? Mom; Sara. Is there anything or anyone you’re trying to get over or let go of? No. What was the subject of your last phone conversation? Uhhh something short with Ma that I don't remember. How close do you have to be with someone before you’ll consider them a friend? I have to feel decently comfortable around them. How do you feel when a mostly unheard of band (or tv show, movie, etc.) that you love suddenly starts to gain popularity? I'm happy for them! I just hope they don't change. When was the last time you listened to new music? Uhhh recently. Do you think it is strange when a couple says “we are pregnant” rather than “I am pregnant” or “my girlfriend is pregnant”? No, I actually prefer it. You're in that shit together. Do you ever feel like you were born in the wrong era? What decade would you most like to have grown up in? No. I'm good with the '90s. What was your most memorable concert experience? Only been to one. :| But Alice was great. If you have any, are you close with your sibling(s)? Has it always been that way? Not very, and no, at least with my younger sister. We were pretty close. Do you require “closure” after things like break-ups or do you move on easily? I. Need. Closure. How long does it take for someone to earn your trust? Good luck. Do you like peanut butter? Yesssss. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school? Do/did you prefer wearing it than regular clothes? In middle school. Hell no. What’s the last thing you got really excited over? Going to Sara's. Is there a genre of movie that you just can’t watch? Action-y. What was the last song to give you nostalgia? "Holiday" by Green Day. Do you have a certain color grape you like the most? Purple. What’s your signature thing you do when drinking that will make your friends say, “Alright, they’re drunk”? N/A Have you ever been on a hot air balloon? No. What’s your definition of weird? I try to keep the mindset that "weird" doesn't exist as I'm not one to talk about things being so, yet I'm hypocritical about it and do find some things, ex. fetishes, extremely weird. Do you use shaving cream? For my legs. When was the last time you cleaned your room? Is your room clean? I dusted my whole room a while back. I need to vacuum baaadly, but ours is broken. ;-; Have you ever personally known any girl who shaved their head? Yes. Have you ever known anyone who committed suicide? Sadly. Have you ever tried to commit suicide? Yes. Have you ever coughed up blood? No. How do you wish you could die? Surrounded by family and painless. Do you have any apps on your Facebook? If so, what? No. What kind of mouse pad do you have? Don't have one. What color is your mouse? Pink. Do you know any who might be anorexic? Do you know anyone who has bulimia? Maybe? Did you ever want a pony when you were little? Idr. What’s your favorite dessert food? Ice cream. What is the closest thing to you right now that is alive? My dog. Do you exercise? I'm starting to again. Do you dislike writing school essays? Not if it's a subject I like. Are you a very open-minded person? Yes. Are you modest? I believe I am. Do you skate? No. Are you in a band? No. If you were to make it big with your own band, what would its name be? *shrugs* It depends on the members. Would you rather a friend come over to your house or you go over there? I go over there. Have you ever had rabies? No. Do you know anyone who ever had to get a rabies shot? Idk. Have you ever gone hunting? No, never would. Ever eaten deer? Duck? Squirrel? How about lamb? No. Have you ever received a note in your locker? I think once from Aaron?
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