#badass Y/N
starandcloud · 5 months
Badass Y/N
This is implied to be a female reader scenerio but it doesn't really matter to be honest-
I need more Y/N things where Y/N couldn't give to fucks what happens to them, where they're just kinda like "oh okay, that happened. Whatever" Someone yells at them, whatever Someone grabs their chest, Okay it happened Someone puts hands on them, okay I don't really care
But the minute The SECOND Someone puts hands or yells at their partner. You bet you your ass they're up in that person's face, in their personal space. Making it everyone's issue that person made their partner uncomfortable. Regardless of if their partner could handle it or not. No matter that person's rank, Y/N would be in their face.
COD Y/N? In Shepard's face for betraying Los Vaqueros and the 141 ATWOW Y/N? Right up Ronal's shit for putting hands on Kiri or belittling Neteyam and Lo'ak Blue Eye Samuria Y/N? Standing up to the Shogun and any man Marvel Y/N? Oh Tony's in for it now
Y'all get the point, I need more Y/Ns like this
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hellboy-enthusiast · 3 months
I need more people to be in love with Yondu. I appreciate all the age gap fics, but we need the fics where Yondu and Y/N are a badass old couple :(( GIVE ME MY SASSY WIFE Y/N
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inlovewhithafairytale · 3 months
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POV: Y/N Stark...
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luvsellie · 1 year
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calls you a plethora of nicknames. he is a nickname kind of guy, i don’t make the rules! whether he is in the mood to tease or just simply acknowledge you, nicknames are his way of going at it. jj enjoys the way you roll your eyes and look away, slightly annoyed at him (and the butterflies that erupt in the pit of your stomach). he started doing it as a joke, but after a while, it just stuck. his favorites are definitely baby, pretty girl, and princess.
he does not hesitate to take the blame for you. with you being one of the most, if not the most, important thing in his life, he would much rather take the fall for something you did than have you face the consequences. even if it is something incredibly small, he’ll gladly take a step forward for your sake.
lets you fiddle with his rings. as a ring girlie myself, i will fight anyone and everyone who objects to this headcanon. when you’re bored in class, tired of listening to mr. sunn drone on and on about some history lesson, jj will pick up on your weariness and just offer you his hand. and, of course, you happily toy with the rings on his splayed fingers, spinning the jewelry that reflects daylight from the classroom windows. you can’t help but enjoy the warmth of his palm under your touch, forever content running your fingers over the smoothed out calluses and warm metal.
wears sleeveless shirts under your request. knowing you have quite the obsession with his arms (as you should), he likes to show them off. when he wears muscle tees or wife-beaters he is always sure to be extra smug about it, often wrapping his strong arms around your waist and shoulders. occasionally, when you’re feeling a little bolder than normal, you’ll even take the initiative of linking his elbow with yours as the two of you either walk or simply just stand side by side, not missing the opportunity to have his tanned skin against yours, bicep within your hold.
is the “wear whatever you want, i can fight” type of boyfriend. jj loves seeing you in provocative and revealing clothing (not including a bathing suit). whether you wear it often or not, you can count on the fact that he will immediately rush to tell you how gorgeous you are, his eyes bright and lips pulled into a flirtatious smile. “you look nice, baby.” the expression on his face always tell you he’s thinking you look more than just ‘nice,’ but you let his hidden yet obviously dirty thoughts slide. however, if someone else makes comments, or their eyes stay glued to somewhere they shouldn’t, jj is quick to give a warning. whether they choose to listen or not is up to them, but god help the motherfucker who decides to give not just give you a hard time, but also him.
shares his hobbies with you and vice versa. one of his love languages is quality time, and seeing you enjoy the same things he does instantly puts a smile on his face. additionally, if you want to take the time and teach him about some of your own hobbies, this man will do anything in his power to get good at it. you both like the closeness and intimacy of being somewhat vulnerable with each other.
open to hugs at any given point in time. his hugs are just…out of this world. you like the way time just seems to pause, even if it’s only for a second, the moment his front is pressed against yours. and the way he holds you—as if you are both the sturdiest and most fragile thing in the universe. his hugs make your heart beat wildly, and you’re certain there are times when he can feel it thumping against his own. the feeling of being swallowed by his existence makes everything just seem utterly complete. and this includes back hugs; jj is an enormous fan of these. the familiarity of your body against his, while he is able to be working on another task, is such a heavenly concept to him. multitasking, am i right?
is always there, ready to protect you at a moment’s notice. whether it be physical or verbal, you can count on your lovely boyfriend to be right by your side the moment something goes south. while he will gladly let you handle a situation on your own, the moment you send him a look he will happily step in and defend you. if the problem turns into something more dangerous, and more than a verbal assault, he’ll rush in without consulting you about it first. he would rather you be okay and mad at him than hurt and full of regret.
does things just to see you happy (but also contradicts you just to be annoying). being the way that he is, jj will always be a vexing combination of charming and irritating. he loves to see you happy and will do anything to get even the slightest grin on your face, but that also means he loves to annoy the absolute fuck out of you just for kicks. if you are trying to study for school or do something alone in a quiet space, he is there to make the one-person job a two-person job. will not take ‘no’ or ‘go away’ as an answer when it comes to being around you.
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© luvsellie 2023 | do not repost, republish, steal, or translate !!
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bluebeary-jay · 1 year
(Joel Miller x Reader)
Summary: things go wrong when you try to cross a small city. joel almost gets himself killed and you finally confront him about why he never seems to trust you with anything
Tags: angst and fluff, probably a little ooc, a bit of humor, love confession
Warnings: mentions of violence and wounds (but nothing very graphic), age gap, swearing
Word count: 3.8K
A/N: this is my first fic ever published so i'm kinda nervous but i couldn't stop thinking about this guy. english is not my first language so excuse any mistakes. hope you enjoy <3
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Joel was acting like nothing was wrong.
Which wasn't exactly anything new, really. Ever since you knew the man, he always had this rough exterior, that ‘do not fuck with me’ aura around him, and was never, ever, one for showing emotions.
Back in the QZ, when he and Tess sometimes let you hang along with them to get a job done or sneak into the restricted territory, you saw how he burst, pent-up and concealed emotions spilling out of him at long last when something went horribly wrong. He had never aimed his yells at you, though, even when it was clearly your fault that someone noticed you or you fucked up your part of the job.
Just like today. You weren't exactly to blame this time – something heavy fell over around the corner of the building you were sneaking by, and the thug looking for you three spotted you as you were ducking behind a car. Shit like that often happened when you had to work in the ruins of the old world.
Then you got separated from Ellie and Joel when the gang shot at you. All of you saw before that the street was blocked and you were practically surrounded. You barked at the pair to get out of here and that you’ll join them later, and ran in the direction of the ravaged stores, hoping to find a way around the blockade.
You remembered bullets firing at you and missing your head by centimeters. You remembered shooting and killing some of the guys chasing you, then screaming when you bumped into one of them and they grabbed you. The kicks to your stomach, the struggle, some nasty comments made by the thugs before you managed to stab one of them through the cheek. You remembered faces contorted in fury and a man lifting a gun to your head.
In that brief moment, you were glad it was you who was about to die. Better you than–
The man who was about to shoot you dropped his pistol after a loud bang pierced the air and he fell to the ground, dead. Others were soon to follow, too slow in drawing their own guns. It was Joel, of course, all bloodied and livid, blasting a head after head of the guys who were trying to hurt you. You were pinned face down to the floor and couldn’t do anything but watch as he fought them with only his knife and bare hands, as the corridor he was in was too narrow to make use of the gun without it catching on a wall or his clothes. You struggled and tried to break free, unable to bear the sight of the men’s blood mixing with his own from the growing number of cuts on his skin.
The thug holding you down apparently decided to finish you off, but didn’t have a chance before Joel tackled him to the ground, receiving another long gash below his ribs. For one terrifying moment you were sure he was stabbed in the chest and your whole world stopped. But the grunts and curses coming from the spot where Joel was knocked down on the ground quickly told you that he was fine.
You saved Joel just in time, driving a sharp shard of metal into his attacker's neck. After that the older man quickly looked you over, asking if you were hurt, and when you told him no, he grabbed your arm and led you to where Ellie was waiting.
All of you managed to get out and it didn’t seem like the gang was following you anymore. Excluding a couple of cuts and scrapes you all were fine and alive, which had to be a goddamn miracle.
That didn’t mean you weren’t absolutely furious.
Joel knew it and you suspected that’s why he was so insistent about walking in total silence, sending you and Ellie angry glares every time either of you opened your mouth. You were shooting daggers at his back as he walked in the front and even Ellie had to sense the tense atmosphere, for she was unusually quiet.
You knew Joel Miller was a protector at heart. That, among other things, was what made you care for him more than anyone else in your life, more than you’d care for a companion or even a friend. His caring, gentle nature hidden from the world under the rough exterior was what ultimately made you fall for him.
But no matter how attractive and admirable you found him, it drove you up the fucking wall that he never listened to you, never let you do anything even slightly risky or dangerous, like he always expected you to mess up. He didn’t even want you to sneak outside the QZ with him and Tess, and it was the other woman who finally convinced him.
You hated the thought that he might see you as a daughter, or worse - a burden. But the age gap between you two seemed bigger and bigger every time he did something like that, going after you because he didn’t trust you to get the job done.
And you hated it.
Only when the place you’ll spend the night in was picked and Joel took off his backpack with a wince of pain, you marched over to him and shoved his chest in frustration. Even though he was tired and hurt, he still towered over you and was much heavier, which made taking your anger out on him extremely difficult.
“The hell you're doing?” he asked incredulously, looking almost surprised at the fury painting your face.
“Don’t you ever think about doing something like that again, Joel!” you yelled at him, knowing you’re too far for any unwanted ears to hear you screaming. “I fucking told you to take Ellie and run! Why the hell did you come back?!”
“You’d prefer me to leave you behind and let those bastards do whatever sick things they wanted to do? A ‘thank you’ would be nice.”
Okay, now you were seething. You clenched your jaw and pushed him again, feeling honestly so fed up with his bullshit.
“Why don’t you ever listen to me?! You almost fucking died, not to mention you put Ellie in danger, too!”
“Hey, I was safe!” Ellie chimed in, straightening from the place she was sitting in on her sleeping bag. “And there wasn’t actually–”
“Ellie,” Joel cut her short harshly, making it clear it’s not the time for her usual sarcasm. She rolled her eyes and muttered something about grumpy old men, turning their back to them.
You huffed and turned around, going deeper into the woods. Joel said your name but when you didn’t react he went after you with long strides, grabbing your arm and halting you.
“Will you tell me what’s going on?”
“You know damn well what’s going on!” You yanked your arm out of his grasp. “I told you to go and you didn’t listen, like always, and probably had to hack your way through the whole group of these idiots just to almost get yourself killed because of me!”
“Did you really expect me to leave you behind?” he asked with his voice raised.
“Yes! At that moment it wasn’t about me, I was thinking about Ellie and you! She’s way more important than I am! You’re more important!”
“Don’t you dare say somethin–”
“Do you think I’d be able to take Ellie across the country without getting any of us killed?!” You threw your hand to the side, huffing with anger. “I don’t have your skills and experience. You’re the only one able to handle it on your own, so if any of us is to die, it will be me, no questions asked.”
“Like hell it’ll be you!” He was seething now, too, and he came up to you in two long, angry strides, stopping just before he could stomp on your shoes. Suddenly you two were so close that you could feel his breath on your face. “I am not fucking letting you get yourself killed! Not now and not ever.”
“Can’t you just think logically for a second?!” you shouted in his face, tears of rage and helplessness gathering in your eyes. “I’m a goddamn burden to you both! Yes, it was me who alerted them of our presence and I understand that’s probably why you never trusted me…” Actually saying those words out loud was more painful than you anticipated and you had to take a deep breath to calm yourself down. “It’s just, I can’t fight like you can, I’m not as valuable as Ellie, I…”
You had to press your lips together not to sob accidentally. Although you knew you had to make your point across, you still didn’t want Joel to see how weak you actually are.
“But I’m not fucking useless, understand?” you said sternly, looking him dead in the eyes. “I am gonna help you both go as far as possible, but if we’re ever in that kind of situation again, you’re leaving me behind and I’m buying you and Ellie as much time as I can.”
His expression hardened and he started to shake his head, but you beat him to it.
“I know you never wanted me to go on any missions with you, but just once let me be useful, alright? Even if all I can do is buy you a couple of precious minutes.”
“By letting yourself die.”
He said it with such finality and disbelief, all your anger got swept off and replaced by weariness. You sighed heavily and leaned against a tree.
“Yes, Joel. I know you’d rather not lose anyone else, but if I have a chance to help those I care about…” You realized you said too much and shook your head. “I don’t understand why it is such a big deal for you.”
He opened his mouth, then closed it again. His warm brown eyes were on you and for the first time ever you wished he'd look away. You turned your head and sighed again.
God, you were so very tired.
“I’m going to look for some firewood. You go check if the place is safe, alright?”
“No, listen–”
“Just this once, Joel,” you cut him off, not turning around. The tears that have gathered in your eyes before were threatening to spill down your cheeks and you weren’t going to show him how much this situation has pained you. “Just this once, drop it. Please.”
This time he didn’t stop you when you wandered further away from the camp and you truthfully didn’t know if it was better or worse.
The rest of the evening went by mostly in silence. Ellie tried to lighten up the mood by reading some bad jokes from her book and though Joel was his usual grumpy self, it actually helped you a little. The girl seemed pretty proud of herself about making you crack a smile, but her efforts to bring Joel into the conversation came to naught. The smile disappeared from your face every time your eyes met and he looked away.
He almost didn’t say a word throughout your meal and preparing for bed, only muttering something under his breath when Ellie told you both goodnight. You were so tired that you managed to fall asleep almost immediately despite the worry and sadness gnawing at you when your thoughts drifted to the man laying on the opposite side of the fire.
When you opened your eyes again, the dawn was only just breaking. The air was cold and crisp, and you groaned, shivering and pulling your coat tighter around yourself, only to realize something else was draped over your form.
You rubbed your eyes and noticed the familiar green jacket covering your torso. Its owner was a couple of feet away, sitting with his back to you on a big log. The rifle lay next to him, propped up against the fallen tree. Your shoulders slumped at the sight of him and you remembered your argument from last night. You almost laid back down, but ignoring his act of kindness felt wrong, so with a quiet sigh you stood up, making your way to where he was sitting.
Joel glanced to the side when you approached and his gaze was instantly drawn to his jacket you wrapped around yourself.
“You were shivering,” he muttered, apparently knowing what you were about to ask. He said it as if giving you his jacket was the most sensible thing to do in a situation like that.
Was that an attempt to say he’s sorry for how he reacted earlier? You decided not to question his intentions too much and instead sat down next to him, nailing your eyes on the patch of recently disturbed ground.
“Thanks,” you replied under your breath, still not looking at the man. “But you didn’t have to. You’re probably cold now.”
Liar. Stubborn as always.
None of you said anything else for a long time. You contemplated whether you should just go back to your sleeping bag and leave his jacket on the log, or stay and try to defuse the tension between you two. Somehow neither of these options appealed to you but it was so difficult to just sit here in silence and–
“I’ve been thinkin' about what you said,” Joel spoke up suddenly and very quietly, which interrupted your dwelling. “And I couldn’t stop remembering how damn sure you sounded when you said I don’t trust you.”
A wave of uneasiness washed over you and you wrapped his jacket tighter around yourself. “It’s okay that you don’t,” you said slowly, not really sure what he was getting at. “I mean, I’m not sure if even I would trust my–”
“That’s the thing,” he interrupted you with an irritated sigh and turned his head to look at you with his brows furrowed. “I do trust you. I just have no clue how…” Another sigh. “How I could’ve fucked up so badly that you’d think that.”
You blinked several times, not sure if you weren’t still dreaming after all. It kind of felt like a dream when he was sitting so close to you, his jacket around your shoulders and a rising sun painting his hair in a golden light.
“But you never let me do anything important or dangerous on my own,” you contradicted quietly, which caused Joel to drop his head loosely and close his eyes. “You’re always against taking me with you anywhere, and–”
“That’s because you’re important to me!” he cut you off, evidently louder than he intended, because he immediately glanced at you and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Sorry,” he muttered. “It’s just hard for me to understand how… how did…”
Joel seemed at a loss for words and you longed to touch him, to take the burden of carrying the conversation from his shoulders and ease the weariness on his face, but you weren't really sure what he intended to say. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, but it almost sounded like…
“I can’t bear the thought of losing you,” he said softly at last and you could pinpoint the exact moment you stopped breathing. Joel’s eyes were closed and he was propping his forehead on his hand, and he looked so… sad. “That’s why I never wanted you to take any risk, because if something happened to you and I weren’t there to protect you…”
He swallowed heavily, inhaled, then straightened up and looked over at you. The look he gave you was so tender and open, it was almost difficult to focus on his words.
“I care about you, too,” he whispered, and you remembered what slipped out of your mouth when you were arguing earlier. “A lot. Much more than I should, but I can’t… I can’t help it.” He turned to look forward, his eyes narrowing from the sunlight creeping from between the trees, and he looked so beautiful in that moment, you wished you had a camera on hand.
“Joel,” you breathed, but he shook his head.
“I didn’t want to make shit weird between… us.” He waved his hand in a vague gesture. “So don’t feel pressured into sayin’ anything. Just don’t expect me to idly stand by while you’re risking your life because–”
“Joel,” you repeated, louder this time, which finally made him shut up.
You didn’t really know what you were going to say. You just wanted him to stop talking because he was only torturing himself with this ramble and you couldn’t bear it.
Very slowly, and very gently, you took Joel’s hand in your own and moved it over to your lap. Ignoring his eyes on you, you traced the length of his calloused fingers and brushed the center of the palm where a cut from a couple of days ago was still healing. Your heart was beating so damn loud in your ears, you wouldn’t hear if a parade of clickers just walked past you both, but with all your might you tried to keep your breathing steady and your face from going beet red.
He said you were important to him. That he couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. He didn’t see you as a burden as you feared, so maybe… maybe he didn’t view you as a kid, as well.
Throwing all caution to the wind, you laced your fingers together and brought them to your lips, leaving a small kiss on his bloodied knuckles. Joel tensed in a split second and you weren't sure if he was still breathing, but you didn’t look at him in fear that his expression may take away the remnants of your temporary courage.
“If I misread you, this is gonna be painfully awkward,” you mumbled in a feeble attempt to defuse the tension in the air, so thick it was almost choking you. “But I’m still grateful you told me all thi–”
His other hand – the same hand he was ready to kill and protect with, with which he was ready to tear his way through the mass of enemies just to save you – lifted itself to your face and cupped your cheek. Joel was looking at you with wonder, the fingers you cradled in your own twitching slightly as if he was holding back from tightening his hold. His eyes seemed like they were made out of liquid gold in the light of the morning sun and he looked at you with such adoration that you once again humored the thought that it was just all some cruel, vivid dream.
But no, it couldn’t have been. Not when Joel’s skin was so cold against your burning face and not when his eyes flickered to your lips…
It was you who leaned in first, but once your lips touched, Joel took the reins, untangling his fingers from yours to wrap his arm around your waist and pull you closer.
You expected him to be rough and confident, just like he was during a fight, to take what he wanted and devour you – at least that’s how you always imagined kissing him would be like. What you didn’t expect, however, was a trembling sigh that escaped him when you two parted for a moment to take a breath and a gentle touch of his fingertips along your jaw. His hold on your body was by turns firmer and more loose, like he was afraid he’d scare you off if he let himself use too much strength.
You, on the other hand, had no reservations in taking his face in your hands firmly and parting your lips, encouraging him to go on. It seemed to work at first, because Joel pulled you in even closer, letting you crawl onto his lap, but then he stopped abruptly and moved you gently away, still keeping his hands on both sides of your face.
“Darlin’, I need to know if you’re sure about this, because I won’t be able to…”
You pressed your lips to his again, this time much slower and more delicate, in an attempt to silence him. Joel finally relaxed when you cupped his face and planted a kiss on his brow, always so furrowed in concern and worry.
“Joel, I wanted you to kiss me for the whole time I knew you. I really, really care about your bullheaded skull.” You looked down at him with a playful smile, to which he chuckled. “Though you’re shit at sending signals. I was sure you hated me.”
“Well, you are hard to deal with sometimes,” he mused in a teasing tone and you jabbed him in the stomach before he managed to grab your wrist. “But I… I'm sorry that I made you feel this way. Like you didn’t matter to me.”
You furrowed your brows at the uncharacteristic vulnerability and sadness in his voice and your worry must’ve etched itself in your eyes because when Joel looked at you, he turned away and closed his eyes immediately.
“Listen, you know now you matter to me more than anyone else in this cursed world. I don’t want to ever be as worried sick about you like I was yesterday,” he whispered. You brushed some hair off his face and the creases on his forehead softened a little. “And I don’t ever want you to think you’re not important. You’re… fuck, you’re the goddamn reason I’m doing all this. You're my reason, you hear me?”
You just nodded with a wide smile that threatened to split your face in half.
“I understand,” you answered, just as quietly. “You’re also the reason I’m doing all of this for.”
This time it was unclear who initiated the kiss. Nevertheless, you ended up held tightly in his arms, marveling at his touch on your skin and the feeling of his chapped lips on yours, and there wasn’t any other place you wished to be in.
It lasted just a couple of seconds though, because you were interrupted by the sound of fake barfing and gurgles of disgust coming from the direction of your camp.
“Gross!” yelled Ellie loudly, but she had a shit-eating grin on her face when she squinted at Joel holding you in his lap. “Don’t suck faces when there are children present!”
“Shut up!” Joel yelled back, but without any bite in his tone. A soft smile played on his lips when he looked back at you. “She’ll be insufferable now,” he murmured and you snorted at how done he sounded. He mirrored your expression and held your hand to his face to kiss your fingers tenderly, which made Ellie gag even louder.
“If you start making out in front of me, I won’t hesitate to throw a fucking sandwich at you!”
“She won’t,” muttered Joel, not even turning to the teen before he leaned in and kissed you slowly again.
You smiled into the kiss, barely noticing stale pieces of bread flying over Joel’s shoulder.
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winterrrnight · 4 months
I know we absolutely love rafe with a cute reader but what about rafe with a badass reader? you and your friend rafe (who’s in love with you may I add) are at a party and he watches how some guys hit on you, try to put their arms around you, and offer you drinks. he finds himself getting jealous but before he can do that anything, you are taking the matters into your own hands; your hold tight on this unknown dude's arm as you twist it in the opposite direction, causing him to gasp from the pain. “I told you, leave me alone!” You seeth. “You didn’t listen to me when I was polite, so don’t be shocked right now!” You let him go when he almost yells in pain and rushes away from you. A few guys stare at you, completely stunned. “What? It’s the 21st century and people still think girls can’t fight back?” You spit, and they rush away from you too, realizing you can’t be messed with. Rafe watches it happen from a distance, and falls for you more and more.
(send me any of your drew/rafe/zach thoughts! sfw only! <3)
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amazingmaeve · 2 years
miguel diaz x fem!reader
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summary — johnny and miguel are looking for girl students to join eagle fang and one place they go to look is at the skate park where Y/N loves to roller skate. when they approach she is a bit tense about joining karate since the school fight.
warnings — fluff, mentions of fighting, flirting (if that’s even a warning), swearing, unsafe skating
word count — 956
authors note — this is going to be set in season 4 episode 6 where they’re looking for girl fighters. also him and sam aren’t dating for the purpose of this timeline.
miguel diaz masterlist | cobra kai masterlist
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Johnny and Miguel made their way through the skatepark. They had just gotten back from the school as they were trying to find girls for the karate tournament. They needed this actually Johnny needed this.
If they couldn’t find girl(s) to join their dojo or else they would be in deep shit and not be in the tournament at all. Miguel didn’t want that, he wanted to compete as he was the all valley champion the year before. He also wanted it to get rid of Cobra Kai since they were getting bigger with Silver coming in.
Since Johnny and Daniel made that deal with Silver and Kreese that if Cobra Kai won they would have to shut down both of their dojos. Miguel didn’t want that for Johnny or for his training. He still had a lot of things to learn even though he was the champ.
At least that is what Johnny told him.
“Sensei I just don’t get why we are in a skatepark,” Miguel questioned as they walked around people who were skating and giving them weird looks.
Probably because they weren’t skating and just walking around. Probably thought they were weirdos.
“Skating is badass and people who do that are already used to pain so if I could find a girl that’s here and is willing to hear me out we could find our girl champ,” Johnny explained as he looked around to find any girls.
“What does skating have to do with karate? They’re not the same thing,” Miguel asks, putting his hands into the pocket of his jacket.
“They aren’t but these people they do tricks and like I said before they know what pain is, so that means karate won’t be anything different,” Johnny says.
“There’s not any fighting in skating Sensei,” Miguel says.
“There was back in my day, these people can be crazy sometimes and that is exactly what I need for the girl champ,” Johnny scoffs.
“Hey guys watch out,” Y/N shouts as she comes in skating behind him but before they could do anything she ran into Miguel knocking the both of them down. “Great,” She mutters as she was on top of the boy.
She steadied her hands as she got up and held her hand out for Miguel. He blushed when he realized who it was. She was in his math class and once had a crush on her when he wasn’t with Sam or Tory. He grabbed and got up as well.
“Sorry about that but you guys should know at a skate park you should be skating,” Y/N explains as she points to her feet where she was wearing roller blades.
Before Miguel could say anything Johnny butt in.
“Hey shouldn't you be wearing a helmet, elbow pads, all that kind of stuff,” Johnny asks as he holds the flyers for his dojo.
“I don’t need them. I've been doing this for years and if I get hurt I just get back into the game,” Y/N explains as she looks at the middle aged man. “Wait, who are you?,” She questions before looking at Miguel. “I know him, I don't know you.”
“Have you ever thought about trying out for karate not only would it make you more badass, you can actually learn how to defend yourself,” Johnny tries to sell with a smile on his face.
“I don’t know, I really don’t feel like getting my ass kicked by a bunch of dudes from my high school,” Y/N explained as she kept herself steady on the pavement.
“We need more badass chicks in this world and I am willing to teach you how to be that,” Johnny explains but still sees a tentative look on her face. “Okay it can also get you into shape like Miguel here come on Miguel take your shirt off and show her all the progress you made,” He says using his last attempt.
“What,” Y/N says in shock.
“I am not doing that, Sensei,” Miguel says at the same time as her.
“I mean it wouldn’t be a bad sight to look at,” Y/N teases looking at Miguel as he feels himself get more shy. “But don’t worry I don’t need you doing that,” She says and gives him a little smile.
“Are you willing to try your hand at karate then,” Johnny interrupts as he feels himself start to get more and more annoyed.
“And this I won’t have to do some weird fight to do this because right now I can’t do that,” Y/N questions.
“Of course not, he teaches you how to fight and defend yourself,” Miguel reassures her, giving her arm a squeeze as she gives him a tiny smile, her heart beating faster and faster.
“Who knows you might be this year's all valley champion and that’s something you’d like right,” Johnny asks.
“It does sound good and I would like to learn how to defend myself, there are some weirdos in this world,” Y/N says before looking at Johnny. “Sure, I’ll come by tomorrow but just take it easy on me,” She says.
“No promises,” Johnny grins as he gives her the flier. “Tomorrow at 4,” He says. She nods as she skates a way.
“See you in school tomorrow,” Miguel awkwardly shouts, making her turn around and give him a smile and two thumbs up.
“You could try hiding the fact that you like her,” Johnny mutters as he felt more confident on how they could win.
“Was I that obvious,” Miguel asks as he feels embarrassed.
“You want the truth or the lie.”
“Anyone in a 10 mile radius could see that you liked her.”
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owlwithanapple · 1 month
Bird & Fox
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Chapter 1
Late at night, you stand alone on a high tower somewhere in Gotham City and look around. It is said the sky in this city always overcast at night, and you can feel the cold wind blowing. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can’t believe the city is so dark and cold at night.
The environment here is completely opposite to the place you live in. Before you immigrated to Gotham City, you lived in Tokyo, Japan. The city you live in is prosperous because of political management, public security management and economic development.
Compared with Gotham City, dark, scary and complicated. How warm and beautiful the city you used to live in is, and there is always a sense of safety and comfort late at night. But Gotham City is surrounded by weird and Gothic buildings, forming a huge contrast and chaotic atmosphere.
This weird and dark Gotham City is listed as one of the cities with the highest crime rate. On TV, the news channel always reports about the content involved in this city and some dangerous information, such as Joker, Penguin, Harley Quinn, etc.
Because of the experience given by your previous work, you know very well no matter where, there will be similar experiences and commonalities. But there will never be a lack of bright and beautiful images, and countless dirt hidden in the dark alleys.
One day, a righteous man dressed as Batman transformed into the Dark Knight and fight criminals for the city appeared in Gotham City. Because of his existence, the Bat Signal can be seen in the sky every night, as if he is promoting his own ideas.
Since he became a righteous Dark Knight to fight criminals, he has become a spiritual idol in people's hearts and a source of fear in the hearts of criminals, making his desire to stop evil more stronger.
In Gotham City, in addition to Batman fighting criminals, there are other superheroes such as Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Robin, etc. who are also maintaining the safety of the city.
You sit idly on the edge of the roof, with your hands on your thighs, shaking your legs at the empty space, looking up at the Gotham City that is already full of chaos at night.
Seeing a person sitting on the roof of a high tower building, the first thing think of is someone is going to jump off to commit suicide. But you are definitely not trying to do something stupid. You are different. The fact that you can casually run to the rooftop in the middle of the night shows that you are not an ordinary person.
Because of your previous work and some reasons, you were forced to immigrate to this dark city. In the morning, you finally packed your things. Tonight is your first time to spend the night freely in this city.
Now you should be an unemployed vagrant. Although you have not been removed from the list, you have been exiled here by the "organization" after all. The more you think about it, the angrier you get. You were exiled to a strange city because of different beliefs, but you still have to thank the "organization" for supporting you with funding.
You are leisurely and bored. You hum a sweet song in a low voice and shake your head slightly. You are intoxicated in the song then hear the faint footsteps approaching you step by step. You stop humming the song.
The person approaching you stops, you glance back. A tall black figure and a shorter child standing next to him are standing behind you. You vaguely guess who they are.
You remain calm and composed, your face is covered by the fox mask but you still smile. Although they can't see, you cross your hands in front of chest and say "What a beautiful night, everyone."
The tall black figure keeps a distance from you, but from your observation, he is very wary of you. He is wearing a mask, you can't see his eyes, only his lips. He is silent then blurts out "Who are you? What are you doing here?"
You stamp your feet and think about how to answer his question, but no excuse can cover up the fact that you are suspicious, it doesn't make sense that you trespassed into this high tower and sit on the roof in the middle of the night. "I said I came here for a walk, would you believe it?"
The little guy standing next to him holds a katana, with a smile that seems very confident. Your intuition tells you that can't underestimate him. Even if he is a kid, his sword holding method and posture are not ordinary, but a skilled posture.
You noticed the little guy looking you up and down, perhaps he was waiting for his chance, he tightened the grip of his katana, seemingly ready to strike you "TT, you lie without thinking."
He pulled out his katana and pointed at you. You stayed still, hands still in front of your chest, breathing kept balanced, but stopped stamping your feet, tried not to make any unnecessary movements. This was a lesson taught by the "Organization".
When he was about to pounce on you with the katana, the black figure blocked the little guy with his hands in front of him. The little guy immediately stopped and looked at the black figure. At this time, the little guy was confused why stop him.
The black figure looked at the little guy as if giving some instructions. The little guy seemed to understand his intention and put the katana away walked to the side to look at you, while the black figure looked at you and said, "I am Batman. What about you?"
You finally heard the black figure say his title in person. He is Batman. The real person is right in front of you. It feels so cool. You noticed the little guy beside you frowned and looked impatient. "Hello, Batman. It's a beautiful night. Bring your kids to see the night view?"
When the little guy heard you say he was a "kid", his sharp ears immediately stood up, walked towards you with a red face and anger. His attitude towards you was enough to prove he was a kid with a strong self-esteem. This time, Batman did not stop him.
Realizing that you said the wrong thing, he can fight criminals and work with Batman, he is not an ordinary child. It is embarrassing to apologize at this time. He points his index finger at you and says, "Listen, I am Robin. Not a kid! Bitch!"
You feel bad when you hear him use the word "bitch", but he is just a kid. But not an ordinary child, Robin has rich combat experience and skill training.
Seeing him, recall that you were strictly trained in the "Organization" before. You were still 8 years old. No one showed mercy in the sparring battle. Until now, you have become an independent person at the age of 20, but you have been exiled by the "Organization".
Maybe you are not the person in their idealism. You have opposite beliefs and ideas from them. The result is your value judgment.
Robin noticed that you were in a state of vacant thoughts. He looked at Batman in confusion and tried to ask him what to do. Batman just stared at you expressionlessly, waiting for your reaction.
When you were in a daze, Robin slowly approached you, trying to touch you to wake you up. Subconsciously, you came back to your senses and grabbed his index finger with your hand. "Whoops, sorry. I was just in a daze."
Since the two of them have introduced themselves, you can't be rude. You let go of Robin's hand. With your right hand, you put your middle finger and ring finger together and press them on your thumb, and lift your index finger and pinky finger to form a fox shape. "Hello, my name is Kitsune, you can also call me Fox."
You put your hand into the pocket of your long sleeves and took out a flash bomb. They immediately stepped back and got ready for the fight, but you didn't want to kill people in vain. You just wanted to leave here.
You threw a flash bomb into the air, it flashed a dazzling light. Batman and Robin subconsciously used their cloaks to block their sight. When they put down and opened their eyes, you were gone.
Robin ran to the edge and looked down at the 40-story building. There was no trace of you. Batman stood aside and looked around. There was indeed no trace of you. The two of them confirmed that you were gone, Robin was surprised and swallowed his saliva. "That bitch really disappeared."
Batman listened to Robin's words but didn't respond. He was actually thinking, and confused about how you did it. You disappeared just a few seconds after the flash of light, leaving no trace.
The two of them looked for your trace everywhere, but there was no clue. In desperation, they had to retreat temporarily. In fact, you just used some trick to deceive them.
After you return home, take off your mask, place it on the table, remove all your equipment, put them in the closet, close the closet and see the mirror reflecting your naked body. You gently touch each scar, which are the marks of your becoming a "ninja" and the medal of your success.
You don't hate these scars all over your body. Although the scars are deeply engraved on your body, you are very happy, even grateful to have them. This is proof that you have survived, you have experienced the test of the "organization" to prove yourself.
"Kitsune..." You muttered in front of the mirror, code name, the name you used when you were a ninja. But now you are Y/N L/N, just an ordinary woman with ninja abilities.
The Batcave at this time—
The Batcave is Batman's command center, where he monitors all crisis points in Gotham City and the world. It is usually located beneath Wayne Manor and is part of a large group of underground caves.
Batman is replaying the surveillance video with Robin to see the footage of you and conversation. In order to catch your clues and find out your purpose, no clue can be easily let go.
Alfred came to the Batcave and saw the two of them busy watching the video. He carefully made two cups of hot drinks and placed it in front of them. "Master Bruce, Master Damian, take a rest."
Batman stopped the work, leaned back the chair, gently massaged his eyes with his hands. When he saw the hot drink in front of him, he took it up and took a sip. "Alfred, what do you think of the people in the surveillance video?"
Alfred looked at the screen, put his hand on chin and rubbed it gently. You didn't attack them, nor did you commit a crime. You just sat on the edge and stared blankly. "Hmm, it's harmless at the moment."
Robin finished the hot drink and asked Alfred for a refill. Alfred filled the cup with the hot drink and handed it to him again. Robin took the cup and complained to the big screen, "I will definitely catch her next time."
Alfred looked at Master Bruce who was distressed and Master Damian who was complaining. He thought about what he could do to help. He suddenly suggested, "Why not ask Master Tim?"
Batman looked at Alfred. It was indeed a good suggestion. Perhaps Tim had a way to solve this problem. After all, it was he who deduced that Batman was Bruce Wayne. He had a strong reasoning ability. "I will contact Tim later.
Robin listened to what Batman and Alfred said then left the Batcave with a "TT". Alfred put the cup back on the tray prepared to leave. "Master Bruce, I want to ask you. Why didn't you take her down on the spot?"
Batman thought about it realized he could have taken her down, as Robin was also there at the time. But facing you who showed no hostility and showed no intention to escape or kill, he was confused. "I want to confirm who she is? Is she righteous or evil. That's all."
Before leaving, Alfred bowed to Batman's back. "I understand, Master Bruce. I'll leave first."
After Alfred left, Batman was left alone in the Batcave. He thought about Alfred's suggestion and called Red Robin who was on patrol. "I need your help with something."
Red Robin stayed in the alley talk to Batman and understand the ins and outs of the matter. He vaguely guessed he was distressed and confused. "I understand. See you in the afternoon ."
After saying that, he hung up the call. When Red Robin left the alley and went to a higher place to continue patrolling, he ran into Nightwing who was talking gossip and Red Hood was having snacks.
Nightwing waved to Red Robin and invited him to have supper together. Red Hood took off his helmet started to eat hamburgers, and handed Red Robin two fries, "I'll treat you."
Red Robin looked at the two fries in Red Hood's hand and speechless. As the "older brother", he only shared fries with his "younger brother", but he still took it and put it in his mouth to chew.
"Hey hey hey." Nightwing handed Red Robin a bag with hot coffee, hamburgers and fries. "I didn't forget to buy your share." After saying that, he continued to eat.
Red Hood finished eating, crumpled the wrapping paper into a ball, threw it into the bag, and then found a trash can to throw it away later. He opened the cap of the soda bottle and started to drink. When he was halfway through, he put down and ask "Bruce looking for you?"
Red Robin, who was drinking coffee and addicted to caffeine, put down the cup immediately after hearing it. He looked at the other two, and nodded after a moment of silence, "Yes, meet at the manor in the afternoon ."
After listening to Red Robin, Nightwing nodded to indicate that he could, Red Hood drank up the soda and threw it into the bag, "I can't. My motorcycle needs maintenance tomorrow, don't count me in."
"Are you serious?" Nightwing asked him seriously. After all, he didn't want Bruce and Jason to have a hard time. Although the two did have bad memories in the past, Jason was very defensive against people, and that incident also left a shadow on his life.
Red Hood stood up, wiped his mouth, put on his helmet, took a bag of garbage, and held the door handle to indicate that he was leaving, leaving Red Robin and Nightwing sitting there. He thought about it and said, "Let's see, if I finish my work early." Then he left.
Nightwing knew Bruce and Jason had a rough time. The past experience and feelings led to the current collapse, but sometimes, both sides had mutual trust and cooperation.
Seeing Red Robin's self-blaming expression, Nightwing put his hand on his shoulder to comfort. Tim became Robin after Jason died. During that time, everyone had a hard time, including Tim, of course.
Being Robin is a very proud thing. It is very cool to fight criminals with Batman. Of course, there are always crises, just like Jason's death, which has become one of everyone's shadows.
"Although that guy is bad-mouthed, he is still trustworthy." Nightwing comforted the frustrated Red Robin, hoping he and Jason would not have a quarrel again.
"I know, thank you, Dick." Red Robin smiled again and continued to drink coffee. The caffeine he couldn't quit became a source of energy, making him more motivated and confident.
Do you hope there will be Chapter 2?
Leave a comment to let me know 😁
Other Chapter
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Little Girl Gone- Emily X GN!Reader/BAU X GN!Reader.
Synopsis: Being back in your old town, it’s no surprise you’d have to see a person you never wanted to see again, the only difference this time is that you can handle yourself.
Warnings: Insinuations of past abuse but no details given, misuse of reader's pronouns by abuser not the team, talks of not handling past trauma but Emily is there for us, we’re really just a badass.
Word Count: 1.6k
A/n: THIS MAY HAVE A TRIGGER FOR ANYONE WITH PAST TRAUMA AND I DIDNT INCLUDE ANY DETAILS FOR THAT REASON, IF THAT MAY BE TOO MUCH FOR YOU PLEASE SKIP THIS ONESHOT. Other than that, yes this is based off a song leave me alone 🥰 You guys have no idea how long I’ve wanted to get something out for you guys, hopefully more will come soon!
You had heard he's back in town, and clearly, he hasn't changed a bit.
He was sitting there, appearing clueless, with you staring at him behind the glass. Your anger was boiling to the surface, and while it was clear to the team you were upset, they had no idea.
Your attention snapped back when a mention of your name was heard, the reason was beyond you, "That's what this is about? That bitch Y/n?" He chuckled and it made you sick. "Please, that little girl has nothing on me."
Hearing the way he said your name brought back some unfriendly memories you tried so hard to forget.
But when he muttered your name again, seeing how much it pissed Derek off, you knew you needed to do something. You have heard enough, it's not about you. It's about the 3 murdered girls.
You opened the door of the observation room to see Hotch standing there, "I'm going in there."
"That's not a good idea, you know that. He's trying to get under your skin."
"Hotch, with all due respect, I wasn't asking. Besides, I'm not the small child he last saw me as. I'm going in the there."
Hotch just quietly stood back, maybe a familiar face would get him to give them something they could use.
You walked into a familiar scene, Derek towering over the unsub shouting at the top of his voice, and the unsub pretending it's doing nothing to them.
With your interruption, both men stopped and looked towards you. Derek knew it was up to you, but he didn't like that idea. 
And him. Oh, him. 
He looked like he thought he'd finally got something he wanted if only he knew. Well, he would soon enough.
"Derek, I've got this. Go take a breather, I think Garcia has something she wanted to go over with you."
"I'm not leaving you in here with him." He stood tall in protest.
The man stood, suddenly filled with some form of faux confidence, "Yeah, little girl, you don't wanna be left here with me, unless you do?" His sadistic simper took over his face, his arm reaching out to touch you.
You grabbed his wrist and instantly snapped it back, flipping his arm behind him and then slamming him into the metal interrogation table.
"Oh, you wanna fight me now?" You pulled his arm further. "That little girl is gone. So tell me, are you big enough?"
"Fucking bitch!" His pain filled his voice and you tried to hide the joy it brought you.
"Do you feel that? Me twisting your arm until it breaks? Do you see how much stronger I've gotten?" He was struggling under you, and you were handling him with ease.
Derek was proud watching you, knowing the things that happened to you.
But the rest of the team was behind the glass watching carefully, they knew about him but not the things he'd done. But they did know your strength.
But now, he was groaning and mumbling something.
"Say that again, I didn't quite hear ya! You messed with the wrong 'bitch' in the wrong era!" You pulled him up off the table and shoved his face into the wall in a quick move, moving closer to him, "Honey, I changed so much since I last saw ya."
"I'm gonna say it, I'm proud of them." Rossi wasn't hiding his proud smile either as he watched you move him around like a rag doll.
You once again pulled him from the wall and slammed him back into the table.
"You know, maybe I will leave. I think I'd grab a cup of coffee, want some L/n?" Derek asked, knowing you definitely could handle yourself.
"I'm good, I'm awake now."
"NO NO NO! She'll kill me! You can't leave me alone with her!" He pleaded, as much as he could with his face smashed into metal.
"You know, I don't really think that's a bad thing. Do you, L/n?"
"Not at all."
He tried moving from your grasp, "No!"
"Then tell me where the girl is!" Derek slammed his hands on the table in his face, though he was still firmly pinned to the table all thanks to you, you could still feel the way he flinched.
Within the moments you walked into that room, the man finally showed how scared he actually was, realizing that now he truly is nothing.
You pull him off the table, holding him to face Derek and the team behind the mirror. 
"What was that?" You asked, hearing what he said but needing more details.
"The girl. She's on a boat. Down at the marina, slip 7."
"Ah, so you do know what's good for you." Derek said as he left the room.
"No! Wait!"
A smirk came to your face, and you knew that if you weren't an active agent you'd definitely get your revenge.
In a swift move, you had him pinned to the wall by his throat.
You took a split second to look at the man that robbed you of so much.
My god did he look like shit.
Years didn't do him good, and the illegal things he tried to hide likely didn't help.
"You. You got lucky. I've got too damn much to lose if I go after you now," You were practically seething. "But know this, you are nothing. You are shit. I took all of what happened to me, and I made something of myself. I did. Me. So don't you think for one second that you ever had an effect on me." He definitely had an effect on you, years worth of effects. But he wasn't going to know that. He didn't need that. 
He may have ruined the child you were, but he doesn't get to even be near the person you grew into.
You simply released him, part of the child that's still inside you wanted to do more but the other part of that child was so proud of how far you came.
You left him for the uniformed officer to take, walking out of the interrogation room to get some air or a drink, only there was something in your path.
Or rather, some people.
Half the team to be precise. David, Emily, and Reid were still in the precinct. And they just witnessed basically everything.
"I'm proud of you kiddo," Rossi spoke first, and only then did you release the breath you were holding.
"I think this calls for a celebration, tonight. Your pick." He spoke with a head nod and walked out.
Reid just did his smile thing, and you knew you'd both likely have a conversation later.
But Emily, she stayed put, letting you go to her.
"You know you can let it out now, only if you want of course." She said finally as you walked up to her.
A shaky breath left you and you attempted to hide it with a faux chuckle.
She did know you the best.
"Come on, out with it. You know you can talk to me." Her damn eyebrow raise had you wanted to spill everything like always.
"I was so scared, Em." Another unstable breath came from your lips.
Emily reached up to wipe a tear you hadn't felt escape.
"God, I'd be worried if you weren't. You're only human." Her hand went to cup your cheeks, and for a second you simply looked into her eyes.
You didn't really know what to say, so you said nothing. You feared the only thing that would come out would be a sob.
"You handled that so well, and I speak for the team when I say I'm proud of you. It was hot the way you handled him." A small chuckle left you, she always knew how to get you to laugh.
"It just, brought back so many things I've tried for so long to forget." You looked to the floor with shame, ashamed it still got to you.
"Hey, look at me," She pointed your chin so you'd look at her. "Don't think that there's ever a right time to just 'get over it' because there's not. Everyone has their own timeline, and their own way of coping, that makes us human. And the fact that you didn't give in to the revenge you know you were thinking of, just shows how much you've grown."
She was right. Of course she was, when wasn't she? She knew the ins and outs of you. Every curve and every line. She knew your soul better than your body did.
"Come on, the team will finish the paperwork and we can go back to the hotel, you can shower and we'll meet them after for drinks." Your head rested against her shoulder as she put her arm around you while you both walked out of the precinct.
While you both arrived at your hotel room, the team safely got the girl from the boat, though she was a bit shaken up, she was unharmed. Physically, at least.
While the shower helped relax your tense body, it didn't help much with the resurfacing memories. You were simply disassociating at a cracked shower tile until Emily took it upon herself to be your distraction in the shower.
And of course, it certainly helped.
And later on, the team did their best to talk about pretty much anything but the case. Not like you were really upset about that honestly.
Having the people who you cared about around you, that's what helped the most. Having your love by your side and having your family around you.
Taglist: @v3nusxsky @just-your-casual-nerd @pebbleswritessometimes @bigolgay @scream-queenlover @darkth1ngs @hxzxrdous @sgelessoanddoveykissing
I feel like I’m forgetting a few people on my tag list so comment if you want to be a part of my updated tag list!
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lyak12 · 2 years
I will always protect you
Scarlett Johansson x FemBodyguardReader
Summary: You’ve been Scarlett’s bodyguard for years already but what do you do if you catch more than just feelings for her when you take care of her....
word count: 5138 words
Warnings: Vomiting, sickness (idk if it needs a warning but here you go), some rude as guy, lmk if I need to add something else
A/N: I’m back, hopefully for good now and please just ignore the crappy titel and summary, I couldnt come up with something better for the life of me. This is basically just pure fluff and comfort and some protective R. Just a quick disclaimer, I don’t have anything against Adam Driver, but since I needed a “bad guy” and watched marriage story before it just turned out to be him... I hope you enjoy my longest fic yet and please don't to post it anywhere else or share it as your own.
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It was 5.30 am as your alarm went off and you got up to get ready. Being Scarlett’s bodyguard for over two years already getting ready was well practiced. Throwing on your black tight-fitting suit with a black shirt and black sneakers you quickly grabbed a banana and coffee to go and made your way to Scarletts apartment. You’d need to get some food at some point that day anyway. It was Comic Con and it would be a long day, that was one thing you were sure of already but you loved your job and wouldn’t change it for the world.
As Scarlett opened the door to her apartment you could already tell that something was up. She looked tired and it didn’t seem like she was feeling her best. “Good morning Y/N, come in. I just need to grab a few more things”, she said smiling softly and you went in. Walking in you closed the door behind you and just watched her as she quickly gathered the rest of her stuff around her apartment. “You ready for Comic Con?”, you asked smiling, knowing she loved it to interact with her fans. Scarlett looked up to see you smiling at her. The smile that spread across her face was gorgeous. “Yeah, I hope it’s gonna be good”, she said and threw her phone into her bag. You could hear that her voice was slightly raspier than normal so you walked up to her to take one of her bags as you asked gently “You feeling alright?”.
 Scarlett just smiled softly looking up at you before she answered “Yeah I’m okay. Just a bit of a rough night that’s all”. Nodding you took her one bag before walking to the door already. To say you were not convinced would be the least but you also knew Scarlett long enough to know that she would work until she couldn’t anymore. You’d just have to keep an eye on her today. Holding the door open for her you get down to the car and drive to the location. The drive you spend on some small talk while also studying her a bit more up close.
 Once you arrived at the convention center you opened the door for her and start to make your way inside. At the entrance the head of security already waits for you. Being ex-military you’d like to be informed of the security on-side, however instead of greeting you he almost immediately turned to you and asked “Who are you?”. “I’m her bodyguard”, you said and he just gave you a judgmental once over. “We have enough security personnel here, you’re not needed here”, he just said thinking the conversation is over but not with you. “Excuse me? You have one of the most famous actors here. Who are you to judge if there is enough security personnel she is comfortable with here?”, you started discussing and before he even could say another word Scarlett said “She goes where I go, so either you let her in or I leave as well. End of discussion”. Giving you another once over he just nodded and let the both of you in. “Unbelievable”, Scarlett said and you couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. She looked up at that and gave you a small tired smile. She was not in the mood to mess with today.
 Taking her other bag as well she just smiled at you thankfully. On the drive you could already tell she was coming down with a cold or something. Especially because of the fact that she barely touched her coffee. So once she was in hair in make up you quickly checked out the location and also made your way down the street to pick up a few things for her. After picking up some tissues, ibuprofen and some tea you walked back to join her.
 Walking back into the room her eyes find yours as a small smiled played on her lips. “Where have you been?”, she asked softly and you just walked up to her saying “Checked out the location and got you this”. Handing her the tea she smelled it and smiled realizing it was her favorite. “Thank you”, she said and you smiled at her nodding, giving her shoulder a soft squeeze.
 The day starts and you’re always close but never in the way. As she gets up on the stage for the panel you sit down on a chair next to the bodyguards of her colleagues, already knowing a few of them from different sets they all worked on together and kept a close eye on her. “Hey Y/N you wanna come get some food?”, asked Brian and you quickly looked at him before politely declining “No thank you, I’m good here”. He smiled and they went away as you concentrated on Scarlett again. She catches your eyes a few times, always giving you a small smile but you could read her body language like no other. You knew she was starting to get a headache and held back a few coughs.
 Once they were done and Scarlett came down from stage, she walked up to you and you both make your way into their break room. All of them could get a few minutes of rest before the meet and greet would start. Grabbing a bottle of water you got the ibuprofen out of your pocket and handed it to her, saying “Here for your headache”. Scarlett looked at you smiling and answered “You always surprise me with how well you can read me”. “That’s part of my job”, you winked and she quickly took an ibuprofen before handing the pack back to you. After thanking you she rejoined the cast and you stayed at the side until it was time to leave.
 After a bit of a discussion once again you stayed close to Scarlett during the meet and greet and provided her with tissues and hand sanitizer whenever she got hit with a sneeze. You could see her energy level draining with every minute but she would never let it show in front of her fans.
 By the end of the day you were starting to get a bit tired as well but Scarlett was exhausted and the way her cheeks were slightly flushed probably also a bit feverish. As everyone got ready to leave, you made sure to gather everything for her while she sat on the couch with her eyes closed, clearly exhausted. You couldn’t help but smile at that. She looked adorable even though it hurt you that she was sick.
 “Come on Scar, let’s get you home”, you said softly as you gently shook her awake. She looked up and smiles softly as she saw both of her bags on your shoulder already. Pulling her up with your free hand you gently placed your hand on the small of her back while you guided her to the car. Once you were both inside the driver started to drive you to Scarlett’s apartment. As she rested against your side you could feel the heat radiating off of her. You were concerned but you didn’t want to disturb the peaceful silence so you just wrapped your arm around her as she shivered slightly. Taking your jacket off you quickly laid it around her to keep her warm. She wanted to say something but you just whispered “Shh I got you”. She smiled and cuddled deeper into you before falling asleep for the rest of the drive.
 Once at her apartment you gently shook her awake, guided her up and helped her into her bedroom. You knew where everything was since you brought a drunk Scarlett to bed a few times before already, that only showing how comfortable she was with you. You got her a pair of Pj’s and laid it next to her as she woke up a bit more. “Are you gonna be okay on your own?”, you asked softly and she smiled softly before saying “Yeah, I’m a big girl Y/N”. Smiling you answered “I know, but promise to call me if you need something okay? You know I’m only one call away”. “I know, thank you”, she said blushing softly. “Get some rest and get well”, you said gently and she nodded. After one last smile you made your way to your car and drove back home as well. After all it was an exhausting day for you too.
Thankfully the next few days Scarlett had no appointments so she could rest up and recover from the cold. She send you another message that night, telling you how thankful she was for having you around and thanking you again for helping her. She also kept you updated the next few days how she’s doing and thankfully as you had to fly to LA 4 days later for the SAG awards she was feeling fine again.
 There was no one who could jump in for you and you would never leave Scarlett with someone she didn’t know. So you peeled your aching body out of bed and took a shower to feel a bit more human. While you made sure to fix your make up and hair you also mentally prepared to somehow get through this day.
  You were feeling fine the whole way to LA including that evening, so you were even more surprised as you woke up in the middle of the night feeling like crap. It started with chills but soon turned into a very upset stomach and you spending most of the night in the bathroom getting rid of what felt like everything you’ve ever eaten. You went to bed again at around 4, knowing that your alarm would go off again in not even two hours. Curling up into a ball you fell back sleep trying to get the last bit of rest before another exhausting day.
You fell asleep pretty quickly thankfully the exhaustion just taking over but you could barely get some rest before your alarm woke you up again. Turning off the alarm you just laid on your back for a second, collecting yourself. You were pretty sure you caught whatever Scarlett had the week before and if she had a similar night to you it also explained why she wouldn’t drink her coffee. Thankfully you weren’t feeling like you were going to be sick again, not that there was anything left anyway, but your stomach still felt a bit off and your head hurt. You were sure the rest of the symptoms she had were following soon but you did not have time to think about that.
 Once you were okay with your appearance you had a few sips of water and made your way to Scarlett’s room. Taking a moment to collect yourself one last time you knocked at the door and a smiling Scarlett opened the door for you. She was in a good mood so returning her smile was not hard. “Good morning, someone is in a good mood”, you said smiling as she let you in and she just grinned happily. You were happy that she didn’t seem to catch on that you weren’t feeling great and you would do everything so it stayed that way. “I feel like today is gonna be a good day”, she said and you just smiled. Well not for you…
 “We’re driving to the other hotel that is closer to the theater in a few minutes for hair, make up and outfit and when you’re done and we still have some time left an interviewer of Vanity fair will have a quick interview with you. If not they will do that at the awards later”, you explained the plan to her and she nodded smiling. Grabbing her bag you both made your way down to the car and made your way to the other hotel.
 You never had a problem with motion sickness but after the night you had, you weren’t a big fan of the drive. You weren’t feeling sick just a bit uneasy so you weren’t as chatty as usual which Scarlett immediately picked up on. “Are you okay? You’re more quiet than usual”, she asked softly and you mentally cursed yourself for letting your strong front slip slightly. Looking into her slightly worried green eyes you smiled and gave her a reassuring look while saying “I’m fine, just needed to get used to the mattress last night”. Scarlett smiled softly and nodded before she said “Yeah me too”.
She wasn’t completely convinced but decided to let it rest for now. For the rest of the way and also as you arrived at the hotel she kept a close eye on you. Trying to read your body language and started to assume that she got you sick with whatever she had the week before. So as soon as her assistant arrived she send her out to pick up some, crackers, ginger ale, ibuprofen and tissues. Just to be prepared if you did catch it.
 You were standing at the side of the room busy working through the security concept for that night at the awards and afterparty, trying to blend out how tired you were and how crappy you were feeling. You were so immersed into your phone, that you didn’t notice Scarlett walking up to you. As she was standing in front of you, you looked up and noticed the things in her hands. Rising your eyebrows and looking into her eyes confused she said “I figured you could use some of it”. Your heart melted at how cute and adorable she was right now but you were not gong to give up your strong front.
 “I told you I’m fine, just a bit tired that’s all”, you said gently, not wanting to offend her but you couldn’t help the small smile that played on your lips. “I know. Still, sit down a bit, you’re gonna be on your feet for long enough later”, she said in a tone that left no room to argue. You sighed softly but inside you felt flattered that she wanted to take care of you as well.
 She placed the things on the nightstand as you reluctantly sat down. After a pointed stare from her you also leaned against the headboard and got a bit more comfortable. She could be very persistent if she wanted something, that was something you learned pretty quickly. While she continued to get ready you took off your shoes and pulled your knees up to your chest as you started to nibble on the crackers. You knew you needed to eat and the ginger ale helped things to settle a bit too.
 What you didn’t know was that Scarlett watched you through the mirror softly, happy that she could help a little. After eating a few crackers and drinking half of the bottle you took an ibuprofen in hopes it would ease the headache. Going over the security details once again on your phone you could feel your eyelids getting heavier but tried to ignore it. However after a few minutes you could no longer fight off the exhaustion and fell asleep, your phone falling on the bed.
 The smile spreading over Scarlett’s face was soft as she saw you asleep in the mirror. You were way more exhausted than you led on. She knew it would take at least two more hours until you would leave so she said to her make up artist “Hold on one second, I’ll be right back”. She nodded and Scarlett got up making her way to the bed before gently laying you down and covering you with her jacket. Slightly pushing a strand of hair out of your face, she was glad you weren’t running a fever. At least not yet.
 Plugging your phone in so it’s fully charged once you had to leave, she sat back down and they finished getting her ready.
 As you woke up you realized you were laying on the bed.
Shit did you actually fall asleep?! It did feel pretty good though…
You sit up just as Scarlett walks up to you all ready and looking gorgeous like always. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep”, you said while blinking the sleep out of your eyes. You gotta admit the nap did make you feel slightly better but you still weren’t feeling great. “Don’t worry about it. You needed it and I’m glad you made sure the time you had to wait was well spend”, she answered softly but you could hear the ever so slight worried undertone.
 You smiled softly especially as you see that your phone was fully charged since she made sure to plug it in. Knowingly ignoring the part where she said you needed it. Putting on your shoes you grab your jacket and look at her seeing the slightly concerned look in her eyes. Grabbing her hand you give it a gentle squeeze saying “I’m fine Scarlett, come on lets go”. Scarlett just sighed softly and nodded before you both made your way down to the car. The interview would be at the awards.
 In the car her eyes were still on you so you caught her eyes and told her smiling softly “You look really beautiful tonight, Scarlett”. You could see the blush creeping across her cheeks as she looked down shyly and thanked you. As you reach the location you help her out of the car and let her walk the red carpet, doing the things she can do best. You’re always close making sure to stay on high alert and notice if she gets overwhelmed. Muffling a few coughs into your elbow when no one was watching, you could feel your throat starting to get a bit scratchy.
 During the awards you were standing at the side of the room, glad that Scarlett had a seat at the side so you were there in no time if needed. However you could also just disappear in the shadows if they wanted to film or take pictures. Your other bodyguard colleagues always made fun of you in these situations, saying your military side was coming out. That might be true, you were standing tall, arms behind your back and always on high alert even when chatting with your colleagues. I guess years in the army do that to you. Some things stick even if you feel like crap.
 Every once in a while you muffle a cough or sniffle slightly. You were still not feeling great in general, the ever so slight uneasiness in your stomach still there as well.
After the award show everybody slowly started to get ready to leave since the afterparty would start not much later at a different location. However you didn’t move until Scarlett locked eyes with you, your sign to come closer.
 Knowing in situations like these Scarlett had a tendency to get pretty anxious you stayed purposely close. Knowing out of experience it calmed her down. On the way to the exit you met Florence Pugh, Scarlett’s co-star from the black widow movie. You were glad they met because during filming they developed a deep friendship. Scarlett felt safe and comfortable with Flo which was your priority.
 “Scarlett! Heyy”, she greeted her and they hugged closely. You made sure to not stare at them. Giving them a moment of privacy before you heard Flo say “Y/N it’s nice to see you too”. Normally you never interacted with her friends which they knew but Flo was an exception. Giving her a small smile and a nod you got back to work. You knew you couldn’t get distracted in situations like this. “Yess! She smiled at me. I knew I was special”, Florence said proudly and that caused you to chuckle shortly. Scarlett just laughed out loud at Florence cuteness. After a minute they said a quick good bye, saying they would see each other at the afterparty in a bit.
 You guided Scarlett to the exit as you came past Adam Driver, one person you didn’t really like. You knew they were friends but Adam had a tendency to touch Scarlett more than needed, which made her uncomfortable rather quickly and he knew that. Staying closer than necessary to her you made sure to keep an eye on him. After greeting each other with a quick hug he wanted to wrap an arm around her waist but you were quick to swat his hand away before he did so. His eyes flicked to you for a second and you raised an eyebrow shooting him a quick glare. He understood that that was a warning so you kept your eyes on him and stayed aware of your surroundings while they held a quick chat.
 The occasional sniffle or clearing of your throat to stop yourself from coughing however didn’t go unnoticed by Scar since you were standing so close. Soon enough you were making your way back to the car and headed towards the afterparty.
 You couldn’t describe how happy you were to finally sit for a minute. All that standing was way harder when you were sick but the moving of the car disturbed your moment of peace. Swallowing and breathing deep for a second you focused on Scarlett as she moved. Handing you the bottle of ginger ale you kept in the car. You could tell that she noticed but you were not going to give in. „I know you’re fine“, she just said softly after you eyed her skeptically.
 Smiling softly and blushing slightly you took the bottle from her and drank a few sips before also taking another ibuprofen for the headache that only intensified during the award show. Scarlett only watched you silently. She kept purposely quiet to allow you a few moments of rest before you’d be once again stuck keeping her safe for another few hours.
 Arriving you got out first and muffled a few coughs into your elbow before helping her out of the car and going in together. Staying at the side once again you kept a close eye on her while she was having fun. Eventhough you were not a fan of being there you were glad to see Scarlett having fun and letting loose. Seeing her happy made you smile, god you would love to kiss those plump lips of hers.
 Coming out of your daydream you sipped on your water and tried to focus back on your job. It wasn’t like you to zone out like that but as you pinched the bridge of your nose you could feel the slight fever you were running. That explained it. The exhaustion of your long day was eating at you and you craved nothing more than to just lay down in bed and rest.
 Every once in a while Scarlett asked you with her look if you were okay and you always gave her nod. Not willing to show any weakness in front of her. By 1.30 am you were trying your hardest to just keep yourself together. The coughing and sniffling had just gotten worse and with the hard time you had focusing you figured your fever spiked a bit too. You tried your best to keep it from Scarlett but she was keeping an eye on you too.
 As Scarlett walked up to you, you focused on her. „Do you wanna leave? Are you okay?“, she asked gently over the music but you just answered stubbornly „I’m fine Scarlett, we can stay as long as you want to“. She could see the exhaustion behind your stubborn eyes and also that you got a bit paler than before. However she also knew that she wouldn’t win this argument right now so she just sighed and went back to Florence.
 Coming back to Florence, Flo asked „Everything okay?“. „I think I’m gonna leave early. Y/N is not feeling well and I don’t wanna put her through this any longer even if she is way to stubborn for her own good“, she answered and Flo just smiled softly, she knew that Scar had a crush on you for a while already but was to scared to act on her feelings. „Of course Scarlett, go. Take her home and take care of her. Finally tel her how you feel“, Flo said with a pointed look in her eyes and Scarlett couldn’t help but blush. Hugging her tight as a goodbye she made her way back to you and said „Come on, we’re leaving“.
 Confused at her sudden decision, since the night was still young you wanted to say something but Scarlett beat you to it. „Stop it. I know that you’re not feeling well. You probably caught it from me last week and I want you to stop being so stubborn and get home to get some rest“, she said clear but you still weren’t having it. „Scarlett, I’m okay. We don’t need to leave because of me“, you said trying to be as convincing as possible but all the effort was useless as you turned away slightly to harshly cough into your elbow. God you really needed to go home.
 Sniffling slightly as you turned back to her she just looked at you with a raised eyebrow. You knew that look. There was no way for you to get out of that now. She was standing her ground. Giving in sighing you just nodded and Scar smiled softly. Texting the driver to come and get you, you already made your way outside.
 Outside it was pretty chilly in comparison to earlier which caused Scarlett to shiver in the unexpected cold. Taking off your jacket, having a long sleeve under it you gently draped it over her shoulders. „Y/N no…“, Scarlett started but you interrupted her, looking into her eyes „Scarlett I’m sick already and still wearing something warmer right now than you. There is no use in you getting sick again“. Scarlett gave you a stare but kept it, knowing you had a point there.
 While you were waiting for the car you felt your body starting to give up on you. Keeping up the strong front was exhausting. Without you even noticing you started to play with the rings on your fingers. A habit which always showed when you were trying hard to cover up. Scarlett was familiar with that after the years you worked for her already and seeing how excessive you were playing with your rings broke her heart. She could only imagine how bad you were feeling right now. Taking your hand in hers to stop you, you looked up and blushed slightly knowing she caught you.
 Sharing some shy smiles and enjoying your hand in hers neither of you wanted to ruin the moment. However you got pulled out of her amazing green eyes as you heard a guy yelling her name. You were immediately on alert and felt Scar tense slightly beside you. As he came closer, insulting her, you stepped protectively in front of her. Walking up to him to keep him from getting closer you said angry „Shut your mouth and stay away!“. „Or what?“, he asked challenging and looking you up and down. Boy, he really didn’t know what to expect from you but that was the wrong answer.
 Quickly twisting his arm on his back you kicked him in the knees as he dropped down hissing in pain. „Bitch what the fuck!“, he yelled and you just leaned down to his ear saying „Or this is the least painful its gonna get, are we understood?“. He just started grinning again but you did not have the energy to play his games. Pulling his arm up higher he cried out slightly as you said „I didn’t hear you“. „Yes, yes understood“, he said quickly and nodded, tears building in his eyes. The driver stopped in front of you and you said „Scarlett, get into the car“. She did as she was told and you pushed the guy to the ground before getting into the car as well. „Drive“, you instructed and the Drive pulled back onto the streets.
 Looking to Scarlett you could tell that she was afraid and anxious so you quickly opened your arms and said „Come her, you’re safe“. While she cuddled deep into your arms you held her close and helped her calm down. „I’m sorry, I’ll never get used to these situations“, she mumbled into your chest and you just pressed a light kiss to her head before saying „You have nothing to be sorry about, these people are exactly the reason I’m here“. You turned to the side a bit and muffled a cough away from Scarlett before she calmed down and sat back up.
 Keeping a hold on your hand she gave it a gently squeeze to thank you. The drive was taking a bit longer so you pulled your one knee up to you chest, free arm wrapped loosely around your middle and leaned your head back against the seat, closing your eyes. Scarlett knew you weren’t feeling great so you didn’t really bother. By stroking over your hand gently she tried to provide you some comfort and that just caused a small smile to play across your lips. Honestly that little gesture brought way more comfort than she’d ever think.
 As you sniffled once again she handed you a tissue and said „Blow your nose, your headache will only get worse if you don’t. Believe me“. You couldn’t help but blush slightly. She was so caring. Doing as you were told you sanitized your hands and rested your hand beside you again, hoping she would continue to hold it. Scarlett wasted no time to grab your hand again and caressing it gently. Sighing softly you looked up at her and smiled slightly, not used to show yourself this vulnerable.
 Her green eyes found yours and she just smiled. She knew that you never ask for help and do everything on your own so she gently rubbed her fingers over your hand and said „Let me help take care of you“. You looked deep into her eyes while you thought about it. You had trouble letting people in but maybe she was worth it. You knew her, she only meant well and if that would mean that you could spend more time with her outside of the job maybe you could bring yourself to accept her help.
 She let you take your time making your decision and as you looked back up at her mumbling an okay, she gave you a bright smile. That smile made your decision worth it already.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Uhura & Chapel
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starandcloud · 2 months
Southern Y/N
Southern!Y/N who grew up in the deep south where the men fear the women, but will never admit it
Southern!Y/N who gave birth to their daughter and raised her to not take anyone's shit and to take no one for granted
Southern!Y/N who's father taught them how to aim correctly and how to protect themselves
Southern!Y/N who was highly protective of their daughter, not controlling, protective
Southern!Y/N who reacted the only way they knew how when their daughter came home sobbing about a boy who hurt her
Southern!Y/N who showed up to the boys house with a 12 gauge shot-gun and gave the boy an earful and made it obvious that they weren't going to tolerate that bullshit towards their daughter
Southern!Y/N who found their daughter with bruises and a cut or two and lost their shit
Southern!Y/N who found the very same boy from before and lodged a bullet in his chest
Southern!Y/N who buried him in an unmarked grave
Southern!Y/N who then went home and made dinner for them and their daughter
Southern!Y/N who played stupid when the police questioned them about the boys disappearance
Southern!Y/N who got away with murder and saved their daughter from an abusive relationship
Southern!Y/N who taught their daughter the same way their daddy did
Southern!Y/N who grew old in the South and died smiling, surrounded by their daughter, her spouse, and their children
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cloudy-em · 10 months
Bad Cop - Badass!Confident!reader x Soft!Shy!Spencer Reid
gender neutral reader!!
When Y/N first walked into the BAU, they had a chilled confidence surrounding them that made me nearly cower at my desk. Hotch had told the team we were getting a new member, but I expected some bright-eyed newly recruited agent to walk through our doors. Y/N held themself with such grace and confidence. They made eye contact with me, and I looked away immediately, flipping through a file on my desk and pretending to read it slowly. The next thing I knew, Y/N was in front of me, introducing themself before practically strutting away. They showed no signs of overexcitement or nervousness that every newcomer in the BAU holds. It was mildly intimidating that Y/N lacked that. 
It’s been 6 months, 13 days, and 44 minutes since Y/N first joined our team. They’ve been more helpful than I initially expected. They hold their PhD in human behavior studies and had previously worked in the Crimes Against Children Unit for 3 years before being sent up to the BAU. Y/N is very intelligent and always plays the “bad cop�� role (incredibly effectively, might I add) whenever we have to interview suspects. They show no fear in the field, either, and they have not lost the confident energy surrounding their presence. I wish I could hang out with Y/N more often. I talk to them enough to do my job, but whenever drinks with the team or a game night comes up, I find myself stuttering out a lame excuse. It’s just that Y/N is cool and I don’t want to embarrass myself. I find my thoughts drifting to them often, even in the SUV as we’re on our way to an unsub’s warehouse, where he’s keeping a 15 year old girl prisoner. The SUV slows to a stop, hidden from view of the warehouse by tree cover and distance. We pile out of the cars, reviewing what we discussed at the local police station. 
“Remember, he wants as much time with her as he can get, which is why he’s turned his warehouse into a maze. He doesn’t think he can outsmart us; he just needs to delay us so he can finish his ritual. We move quickly in pairs. Clear the rooms, but don’t spend long getting distracted or held up by his puzzles. Our goal is to get to Mariah as quickly as possible,” Hotch states, the team and additional police officers nod. 
“Prentiss, Morgan take the south entrance and move around the perimeter. Reid, L/N take the south entrance and move towards the center,” Hotch’s voice trails off as he continues giving assignments for the warehouse maze, but all I can focus on is the fact that Y/N and I are going to be partners for this. I can hold my own, sure, but Y/N? They could probably take out 10 people by themself! I don’t want them to see me as incapable, because I’m not. I’ve passed all of my tests, written and physical. But by comparison, I’m a mouse and Y/N is a falcon. 
I’m brought back into reality by Y/N. “You ready?” they ask genuinely. I’ve never had the pleasure of being partnered with Y/N, but I’ve heard Emily say they take partner work very seriously. They’re committed. I nod at them for fear my voice would crack due to how dry my throat is. They nod back before turning around and calling a “let’s go” over their shoulder. The team jogs towards our respective entrances, Morgan and Prentiss in front of Y/N and I. We arrive at our destination, the south entrance, and Morgan tries the rusted metal door. Emily and Y/N both have their firearms raised, ready to enter and clear when Derek opens the door. He nods at them and they nod back. They clear and Derek and I enter before splitting up to join our partners. 
“You guys go left, that will lead you around the perimeter and those rooms. L/N and I are gonna go right so we can work our way towards the center,” I say, my eidetic memory not failing me as I recall the warehouse map from earlier. The other three nod before we begin to move. Y/N and I are quiet as we walk down the concrete corridor, guns raised and clearing each room as we move. 
Y/N pauses and I glance at them, questioning the sudden stop. “I hear something,” they whisper to me. Sure enough, there’s a sound ahead. Y/N points down the corridor and we walk towards the sound, picking up our pace as the sound grows in volume. I whisper into my mic where we are, letting the rest of the team know we’re onto something. Before it can even register, Y/N runs to the end of the hall with their guns raised, bursting into the room.
“FBI, drop your weapon!” I hear them announce firmly, as I enter the room with my firearm at the ready as well, I see our unsub kneeled in front of Mariah. She’s chained to the wall and the unsub has a knife in his hand. 
“Did you not hear me, dumbass, I said drop it!” They shout this time. The male laughs and he brings the knife closer to Mariah slowly, like he’s teasing the idea of whether he should hurt her or not. Y/N doesn’t hesitate. 
They launch themself across the room and onto the unsub, gun sliding across the room, and their sudden weight forcing his body to the floor. They twist his arm, causing him to drop the knife. “I don’t give third chances,” Y/N says. “On your stomach!” they order. He doesn’t listen. Y/N forces him onto his stomach, cuffing him and patting him down. As they move to press on his shoulders and biceps, ensuring he has nothing hidden there, he moves his head down to bite their finger. 
“Motherfucker!” Y/N yells, reactively punching him. “Where’s the key for Mariah’s restraints, huh?” they ask. He’s silent. “Tell me or I’ll hit you again!” he sighs and mutters that the key is around his neck. They pull it off of him throwing it across the room for me to catch (I did!) and I approach Mariah, trying to be as gentle as I can with her as I unlock the cuffs from around her wrists. She thanks me, throwing herself onto me in a hug. I pat her back, helping her stand up so we can walk her out of the building to her family and the waiting EMTs. 
“Successful op, huh Reid?” I hear Y/N approach as I’m standing by the ambulance, waiting for the EMTs to finish checking on Mariah. I’m a bit surprised. “Oh, um, yeah, except for you I guess.” Y/N raises an eyebrow in question. “He bit you, that’s gotta hurt, right?” I ask. Y/N shrugs. 
“Not really. It bled, sure, but it’s okay,” they tell me. I suddenly feel myself worried over their well-being. I place my hand between their shoulder blades, a silent request for them to follow me to the SUV. 
“Sit, please,” I mutter, grabbing one of the first aid kits we keep in the glovebox. Y/N smiles at me, and I try to keep my blush as bay when I smile back. I use hand sanitizer to clean my own hands before rubbing some into Y/N’s hands. “We’ll wash them and reapply the bandage when we’re back at the station, but this is okay for now,” I tell them and they nod in response. I place a bandage and antibacterial ointment on the wound, wrapping their finger snugly. 
“Oh, thank you, Doctor! You’ve saved me!” Y/N says, laughing at their own antics. I smile back, ready to remind them for the nth time that I’m not a medical doctor, but I think better of it and opt with a simple, “you’re welcome”. I turn to walk away, to check in with the rest of the team before I hear Y/N call to me. 
“Wait! Doctor Reid!” I turn to face them again, wondering if something else is wrong. Instead of wearing a concerned facial expression, Y/N wears a smirk. “You gonna kiss it better?”
thank you for reading! next up in order for my writing:
lip gallagher x fem!reader fake relationship
emily prentiss x fem!reader smut
chef luca x fem!reader smut
feel free to send me any messages with requests or if you'd like to join my taglists!!
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One Mistake
Billy Butcher Masterlist
Summary: Homelander got you. According to him, Butcher made one mistake, and it was to fall in love with you. He thinks you’re his weakness. But it’s actually the opposite, he makes you stronger. Jokes on Homelander, he’s the one that made a mistake by bringing you here...
Pairing: Billy Butcher x F!Reader
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1728
Warning: Violence, sequestration, blood, mouth bleeding, fight, humiliation, fluff, soft!Butcher, you’ll feel satisfied reading this
A/n: This fic was requested and I had so much fun with it! (you’ll see why!!)
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“Butcher made a mistake. One, single mistake.”
The room was cold. The open window behind you was letting the night breeze enter right on your bare skin, causing strong shivers to fill your skin with goosebumps. You knew why he made you undress down to your undergarments before tying you to the chair, and it wasn’t to freeze you to death.
Homelander loved to humiliate people, make them feel like utter shit. Because his whole life was spent trying to please the public. Trying to make everyone love him. But instead, disappointment and humiliation were leaving a trail of shame behind him, wherever he went.
So of course, he wanted to humiliate you to feel superior.
“I can’t believe he didn’t learn his lesson with… Hm, what’s her name again… His whole revenge is because we fucked and I got her pregnant. Becky?”
“Becca,” you spat. The name of the person Butcher lost. That scar he dragged with him that would never heal. You had a similar scar and knew how much it hurt. All those nights dreaming about them, only to wake up with the other side of the bed empty and cold. “Her name was Becca.”
Homelander opened his mouth in an O, his brows raised as he nodded. “Right. I thought he would learn not to have another person in his life after her.”
You scoffed, not at all impressed by the hero. You stopped being scared ever since you lost your husband. Ever since you met Butcher. By his side, you felt powerful, like nothing could hurt you.
He was the first man you allowed to love since your husband.
One moment, Homelander was pacing in front of you, his cape moving fluidly behind him, a look of disappointment in his face. The next, his despicable figure was inches away from you, one of his gloved hands around your throat. “Because I love to snatch them away from him.”
The smile of a maniac stretched your lips, your eyes wide as you sent your forehead right in his face. Pain exploded in your head as it collided with his, but you ignored the throbbing, the smile still living on your lips.
Confused, Homelander stepped back, touching his face to be sure there was nothing. Then, his blue, icy eyes laid on you and he frowned. “Why did you do that?” He shook his head. “I’m invincible, you only bruised your face. Are you fucking stupid?”
“I’ll tell you something,” you spat on the floor, some blood mixed in your saliva. A grin stretched your lips as you knew what it meant. “This whole thing… When you saw me with Butcher the other day, kissing, me telling him how scared I was of you. That night you knew I would walk home alone.” You tilted your head to the side, blood now running down your chin.
“What?” Homelander asked, not so amused anymore. His gaze was resting on your chin, not understanding how headbutting him could make you bleed so much from the mouth.
You leaned towards him, your teeth red as your smile widened. “It was all planned. Do you think we were on that street at the same time as you by accident? Do you think that phone call I had, when I said I had to walk alone the next day… Loud enough for anyone nearby to hear… Do you think it was a coincidence?”
Homelander shook his head, his lid spasming in confusion. Nervosity filled his face. “It’s…”
“I wanted you to kidnap me, actually. See, that was your only mistake…” The rope that was bounding you to the chair snapped as you moved your arms. You stood up, now free of your restraints. Your eyes burned as they lit up red and lasers shot from them, hitting Homelander right in the chest. It was so violent, his body was pushed back strong enough to create a hole in the wall. You walked to where he was, still on the floor, his costume fuming where the laser hit him. Confused, he didn’t even think of getting up, he just stayed there and stared at you. “Your mistake was to think I was the poor little girl that fell in love with the wrong guy. Your mistake,” you stood above Homelander and crouched to grab him by the collar and lifted him off the ground, “was to think me headbutting you was to hurt you. See, I was made in a laboratory, just like you,” you threw him as far as your new strength allowed you, creating another hole in the wall from the impact. “I was created as a… contingency plan, if you prefer!” You shouted to be sure he heard you. 
Homelander was back on his feet and already flying towards you, his eyes red with anger. “Who the fuck are you!” He shot lasers at you, but you only used your own laser to counterattack. It hurt and you felt more blood pouring in your mouth. 
He was very strong.
Feeling you were about to fall under his attacks, your body feeling weaker by the minute, you flew towards him and kicked him hard in the groin. Homelander fell to the floor once more, holding his family jewels, his face deformed in pain.
“All I needed to do was touch you… Skin on skin… But with that stupid costume, it’s almost impsosible to have skin to skin contact with you. It was either I hit your face or let you rape me. And I didn’t feel like being disappointed by the small thing you call a dick,” you mocked, waiting for him to get up again.
“Shut the fuck up! It’s impossible!” Homelander shouted, throwing furniture at you. You avoided them without any problem. “I am unique! I can’t be copied!!”
“You’re a knock off,” You spat again on the floor. “Stan Edgar created me with your DNA, just in case you get too much to handle. But then, it turned out… I wasn’t special, so he threw me away. See, we have that in common! Except, after that I lived on my own,” you shrugged. “I got married. I was happy. And then, one day, Supes broke into my house. They were wasted, drunk and high as fuck. My husband tried to stop them and well, they started beating him up. I hit one trying to save him, that’s when it started. I copied his power,” you smiled, knowing full well Homelander didn’t care about your sad story. 
“I don’t care! I’m gonna fucking kill you either way!” He yelled, his eyes red again, ready to go for another round. You didn’t know if you could handle more of his lasers, yes, you could copy his powers, but your body wasn’t as used as him. Copying powers always left a bitter taste on your tongue, and he had the strongest super powers you ever had to copy.
He had his powers ever since he was a baby. You got them 3 minutes ago.
“I know,” you smiled as, around your wrist, your watch beeped. “But I didn’t share my story for you to pity me… It was to buy some time.”
The red in his eyes was extinct the moment he understood. It wasn’t like you didn’t tell him, after all… That whole thing was a set up. 
Only a second later, there was something covering his mouth and toxic gas filling his lungs. Homelander tried to fight, but Kimiko was holding him as best as she could. You joined her, your arms circling around his body, squeezing with all of your strength. M.M was holding the mask on his mouth while Frenchie was a bit behind, another mask in his hands in case the first one wasn’t enough.
Homelander’s scream got lost in the gas mask as it was impossible for him to get it off. His anger was so strong he almost got free a few times, but you held on, only a couple of seconds more…
“Can he fucking fall already?!”
Finally, the gas started working and his body fell limply to the floor. 
You look at the hero laying on the floor. Motionless. Vulnerable.
Fuck, you hated him so much.
“Motherfucker,” you kicked him in the stomach with all of your strength- well, his strength, for that matter. His body jolted a little bit, and you were about to hit him again when a voice stopped you.
“Luv. He can’t hurt you anymore, ye? It’s alright.”
Warmth covered your shoulders as Butcher put his coat around you. You completely forgot you were almost naked. Frenchie put his hand on his eyes the moment you met his gaze and you smiled at the gesture. What a gentleman.
Hughie arrived right after and stopped near the entrance, his head turned away to avoid looking at you. “Wow! You’re almost naked. Okay. Wow. Homelander is down. Awesome. Alright. Mallory is on her way with the cryogenic box. Since it worked with Soldier Boy, it’ll be able to keep Homelander down. At least until they find a way to better get rid of him.”
“Good… Good to know,” you muttered, suddenly feeling weak. It was done. It was over. Homelander was down, they would take care of him like they did with Soldier Boy.
God, it was done.
Relief washed over you, your legs giving out. Strong hands caught you immediately.
“Easy there… Knew taking his power would be too much for y’a,” Butcher tsked, helping you sit down on the floor. He kneeled next to you.
“Yeah… you were right,” you coughed in your hand and smiled. You knew there was blood in your palm but it didn’t matter. “But beating the shit out of him and seeing the fear in his eyes? Fuck, it was so worth it.”
“I know luv. I know.” Butcher stroked your arm softly, his face burying against your neck. “Hope you’ll never need it again.”
You smiled at the gesture of affection. Butcher usually never showed it when there were people around. Showing a softer side of him? Hell no. But he kept his head there and his arms around you, holding you softly against him.
“Awn, you two are so cute eh. I want a hug too. Petit Hughie?”
“No thanks- Oh, you’re going for a hug anyway- Oh, Kimiko too? Alright then.”
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Forever taglist: @nitnat6245​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​ @eevvvaa​ @fictional-affairs​ @wickedinspirations​ @awkward-and-indecisive​ @cryptichobbit​
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 7 months
1.) Best show ever, the symbolism and the gay energy is amazing
2.) I want Mizu to be either my mother, sister or lover (along with akemi and taigen but shh
3.) I will write not only a blue eye samuri fic but I'll try to create a y/n for a fic that has MIzu's energy of only ever focusing on revenge and never love while everyone falls for his psycopathic ass/j
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str4wb3rrys1mp · 1 year
HII! How are are :D I see your a new writer, and I wanted to send a request to you and it hopefully won’t be to hard to do, so since you write for creepypasta….
May I request Homicidal Liu, Jeff The Killer, Brain/Hoodie and Jane The Killer with a Male!S/O who has a Cutthroat Personality from Akudama Drive?
I hope that’s fine with you ^^ thank you so much! Have a wonderful day :D
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Omg yes ofc I havnt seen this one but I'll have to watch it!! But I cant write hoodie for shii srry :(( Also I'm good hry?
Jane admired your childlike wonder, but was a bit jealous of it at the same time.
One night she had broken into your house, initially thinking she'd be in and out like usual.
So imagine her surprise when cute little you not only held your ground but managed to flip her onto her back, making a loud thud on the ground.
Tbh baffled for like five seconds.
After a bit more back and fourth you both hear a knock at your room door, making you and Jane freeze.
Your roommate called your name and asked what the hell you were doing at 2:37 in the morning.
Jane, luckily gave you some time to answer him, before shooting you a grin and dashing to and out of your second story window.
A bit concerned for her, you hurried to your window, but Jane was nowhere to be seen. JEFF THE KILLER
Somehow your friends had convinced you to go into the creepy haunted woods behind your backyard.
When Jeff first say you mf prolly went feral.
Like,, drooling, the whole nine yards feral. 💀
But when your group actually saw him, he was stoic, the most you'd get was him staring at you from the back of the room.
And than you managed to throw hands with THE PROXIES?? managing to break one of BEN's console cords and strangled Masky for nearly five seconds??
Now he's just plane impressed, you don't look the type, in your pastel outfit with a white and pink sailor hat atop your head, but Jeff knows that looks can deceive.
Somehow mans managed to pull you into another room away from the chaos, and proceeds to ask you to "Show him your strength"
so naturally you think,, oKAY maybe he wants me to punch the wall?? idk man
BUT THEN this GROWN ASS man holds out his hand, beckoning for you to grab it, so you do and mf sticks his thumb up and challenges you to a thumb war
so after you kick Jeff's shit in and beat him, he agrees to show you out of the mansion.
He helps you load your bloody and bruised friends into the car that you took to get here, assuring you they weren't dead, they just needed immediate medical attention.
right before you got into your car, Jeff turns you around and asks a question.
"Can I get ya number prettyboy?" HOMICIDAL LIU
Liu had known you since 4th grade, so you didn't necessarily scare him.
most of the time
You've always been like this, but you were really cool! He swears! Just give it some time.
However what does freak Liu out, is when someone makes a comment or a joke that you don't like, because you go deadly silent.
If looks could kill man, these mfs would be long gone.
AND THEN you can just go back to laughing and looking so happy like you didn't just try to murder someone with a glare???
Also freaky, in his humble opinion.
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