#as the movie went on i just got angrier and angrier
exy101 · 10 months
rwrb (2023) takes the cake for worst adaptation ive ever seen truly what the fuck was that
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holylulusworld · 4 months
A different kind of Valentine
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Summary: Your fiancé breaks your heart on Valentine’s Day out of all days.
Pairing: former!(any male character) x fem!Reader, Mafia!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, break-up, mentions/implied cheating, making out with a stranger, language, drinking, tipsy reader, a little fluff
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Promises shouldn’t be broken.
Promises are meant to be kept. Right?
Love should be strong and unbreakable. If you swear to someone that you love and adore them, you cannot take it back so easily.
How could your fiancé take the words he whispered lovingly not months ago back?
“I can’t do this anymore,” he replied coolly when you asked why his suitcases were standing in the hallways. You believed he must go on yet another business trip.
That he wants to leave you never crossed your mind.
How foolish of you to believe that he wants to stay and keep his promises.
Shell-shocked you watched him grab your hand to slide his grandmother’s ring off of your finger.
You couldn’t think, speak, or even whimper. All you saw was the man you loved turn his back on you.
He stuffed the ring into his pocket, murmuring someone else’s name under his breath. You knew the name. Once in a while, he mentioned his assistant.
Of course, he had to turn your breakup into a cliché. He had to bang his secretary and leave you for a younger model.
If not for the tears running down your face, and the heaviness in your heart, you’d laugh at the fucked-up situation. It felt like you ended up in a bad rom-com slash comedy movie. The only difference was people weren’t laughing at the bad joke your life turned into.
“You can’t be serious,” oh, you finally found your voice. “Why are you doing this? Did you get bored? Is it the wedding? We could’ve talked things out.”
“That’s not it.” He grunted in your direction.
“Is she prettier? Better in bed,” you got angrier and louder. “Does she like it up her ass? Is it that?” You threw the next best things at him, making a scene. “What is it? Huh? Is her cunt squeezing your tighter?”
“You’re just not it!” He bit back and threw his hands up in surrender. “Can you not do this right now? How about you don’t throw a tantrum? People break up all the time!”
“Five years and that’s all I get?” You yelled. “I deserve better than a lame excuse! I want to know what happened to us!”
“I love her because I don’t love you anymore!” He yelled back, making you flinch at his outburst. “It’s not only that the sex is better. She’s all I ever wanted in a woman. You got too comfortable and want to cuddle on the sofa instead of going out and blowing me off behind a bar.”
“What?” You huffed. “I was the one trying to drag you off the couch! You only ever went out with your buddies.” He ignored your tears, and that your voice cracked. “I guess this never mattered. You had to fulfill the cliché. So, go ahead. We will see if she can make you happy.”
You stormed toward the door, blindly grabbing your keys and phone. It was impossible to stand there, staring at the gifts you placed on the coffee table in the living room.
“If you are still here when I come back, I’ll stab you right in the face,” you looked over your shoulder at the man who used to be your moon and stars. “If you touch my shit, you are a dead man. I will find you and your whore and turn you into dog food.”
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“Another one,” you slammed the glass down onto the bar counter. “Make it a double.” You placed fifty bucks onto the empty glass. “No, give me the bottle. I think I’ll drink it at home.”
“We don’t sell the bottle for you to take it home,” the bartender gruffly replied.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You glared at the burly guy. “I can drink the whole bottle at the bar, but I can’t pay for it and take it home?” Quirking a brow, you look at the man.
“House rules.”
“Fuck this,” you grabbed the fifty bucks and stuffed the money into your bra. “I’ll get more at the next liquor store. Fuck you, and all of you.”
“All of us?” The bartender asked with amusement.
Storming out of the bar you huffed again. “Fuck Valentine’s Day.” You muttered and walked away, almost running a guy over.
You glared at him and bared your teeth.
“Assholes with a ding-dong between their legs. You are all the same. Useless and worthless…”
“Hey, watch your step, doll,” the guy snickered when you threw your clutch at him. “Ouch, what do you think you are doing?” The man caught your clutch just in time.
“Fuck you too!” You poked two fingers into his chest. “You are no better than the bartender and my lovely fiancé. All of you are useless and have a limp dick. No man is worth my time.”
You snatched the clutch out of the man’s hands. “Language, lady,” he said, his voice now dangerously low. “If you don’t watch your tongue, someone might teach you some manners.”
“Oh, and you are that kind of man,” you slapped him across the face with your clutch. “Who do you think you are?” Usually, you wouldn’t attack a stranger in the dead of the night, but you were a little tipsy, and still mad because of the events of the day. “Threatening a woman.”
“Sweet cheeks,” he said while rubbing his face. It was still red from the slap, and he considered his next step. “I wouldn’t dare to raise my hand against you.” The man stepped closer to grab your clutch. “I said—” He grabbed you by your throat and slammed you against the wall, “I’ll teach you a lesson.”
“I’ll scream,” you began to race. Maybe you messed with the wrong guy. “Get off me.”
“Yeah, you will scream,” he smirked darkly and leaned closer to whisper in your ear. “I’ll make you scream my name, doll. So, what will it be? Do you want me to make you scream, or do you want me to make you whimper my name?”
“That’s not a choice!” You complained. “I have had enough of selfish men believing they can toy with me and my heart. I’ll cut yours out if you dare to touch me.”
“A cocky one,” he dropped his hand from your throat and pressed his hand against the wall, right next to your head. “Tell me, doll. Who hurt such a sweet girl?” He looked you up and down, hungrily roaming your body with his eyes.
“He—” You looked away and blinked a few times. “You’re not my therapist, and I’m not your problem.”
“You made it my problem when you attacked me because a douchebag hurt you. So, again. Who hurt you, doll?”
God, he smelled so good, and his lips tenderly pressed against your earlobe. You didn’t know what got into you, but you grasped for the stranger, taking him by supposed when you pressed your lips to his.
His hands grabbed your face, gently cradling it while he allowed you to dominate the kiss. “Doll,” he murmured against your lips. “You’re a little drunk, huh?”
“Make me forget about him,” you pleaded and fisted his jacket. “Here and now. Come on. Don’t be all talk.”
“I’d love to make you scream my name.” He pecked your lips twice. “I love me a crazy girl hitting me at first sight but, I won’t take advantage of you. You’re hurt, drunk, and a little lost. Let me take you home.”
“I don’t even know your name,” you gasped and stepped back. “I just kissed a stranger and asked him to fuck me. What’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing is wrong with you, doll,” his features softened. “It’s alright. I’m a nice guy.” He smirked and laughed as you stepped back again. “My name is Bucky, okay. I’ll take you home if you want me to. Or I could call a cab for you.”
“Y/N,” you murmured your name, embarrassed about your actions. “Sorry. I didn’t want to attack you…or kiss you…or ask you to fuck me.”
“Y/N,” Bucky hummed. “A very nice name.” He said. “For an even nicer woman.” Holding out his hand Bucky waited for you to take it. “I won’t bite, promised.”
“Maybe I like it when you bite me,” you challenged him.
“Let’s stick to getting the alcohol out of your system,” Bucky wrapped his arm around your shoulders when you didn’t take his hand. “Doll, you shouldn’t stay here. We started on the wrong foot, but I’m not a bad guy.”
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“What the shit!” You exclaimed loudly while you looked around your apartment. “That bastard had the guts to unpack the gifts I got him before leaving our home to bang that bitch.”
“Hmm…that him?” Bucky lifted one of your picture frames. “He looks like a douchebag. I was right.”
“Why did you come with me again?” You glanced over your shoulder at the stranger in your home. “I’m good. Really.”
“I won’t leave a pretty dame in need alone on Valentine’s Day,” Bucky said. “Not after that man left you for some other woman.”
“I’m fine,” you lied. “Just…mad.” You shrugged. “I had the whole day planned; you know. Dinner at our favorite restaurant, the perfect gift, and naughty underwear to…” You shook your head.
“His loss,” Bucky shrugged while looking at one of the gift bags on the table. “It should’ve been him making big plans for Valentine’s Day. If you love your lady, you spoil her.”
“He found someone prettier and sexier,” you sniffled. “He told me so. The man I loved fell in love with his secretary because he doesn’t love me anymore.”
“Again, his loss,” he stepped closer to look inside the gift bag, taking the lingerie out. “Red lace, huh?”
“He liked red…” You snatched the underwear out of Bucky’s hands. “I wanted to turn him on. It’s been a while since he was interested in doing more than sleep in our bedroom.”
“I’d say white suits you more,” Bucky threw the lingerie over his shoulder. “How about you change into your favorite outfit, and I invite you for dinner. No strings attached, doll.”
“You want to take me out?” You questioned.
“Please let me take you out,” he stepped closer to grab your hand. “You deserve to spend this day with someone who cares.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“Yet,” he said. “Let me get to know you, please.”
You nodded and agreed to go out for dinner with Bucky. It was a risk, but one you were willing to take.
Valentine reloaded
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afterglowsainz · 1 month
the prophecy | max verstappen
summary: you and max can never agree on the same topic of conversation and it might be the thing that breaks you up
warnings: angst, some yelling
word count: 805
the tortured athletes department series
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you love max. you really do. but you hate when he brings up the same topic of conversation that you'll never agree on.
“i’m not moving to monaco.” you say for the million time.
“i’m just saying it would be way easier for us.” he answers unbothered while eating his dinner.
you avoid rolling your eyes at his comment and just decide to ignore him. since you got together, distance has been a complicated issue for you both. with max flying almost the whole year for races and then going home to monaco and you working and living in new york, the two of you only saw each other during breaks and when you could occasionally fly to see him race.
and yes, maybe it would make it easier if one of you just moved, but why did it have to be you? living in new york has been your dream since you were a kid and saw it in the movies, and now that you finally got a job that you enjoy in the city of your dreams, are you really gonna leave it? hell no.
“why don’t you think about it?” he insists.
you drop the fork you were holding on the plate creating an exaggerated noise.
“would you do it for me?” you ask, exhausted. “would you move to new york for me?” he shakes his head and went back to his dinner.
“is not the same.” he says. 
“why don’t you move to new york?” you ask instead. this caught his attention and he finally moved his eyes from the food to you. “what is it to you anyway? you’re traveling the whole time, i on the other hand, actually work here.”
“you can get a job in monaco.” he replies like he always did when the topic came up.
“i don’t want a different job!” you raise your voice. “and i don’t want to move to monaco.” he didn’t said anything, fearing that whatever came out of his mouth would disturb you more than you already were. “if you wouldn’t do it for me, why would i do it for you?”
you regret it the moment you said it, but it was too late now, it was out there. you could recognize the pain in max’s face from miles away and you felt a little guilty that you were relieved when you said it so you didn’t have to hide your thoughts on the topic anymore.
“because that is what people in relationships do, y/n.” he answers, his tone rather harsh. “you sacrifice things for each other.”
“why do i have to be the one to sacrifice things?” you couldn’t stop now that it was out there.
“why are you being so immature about this?” he exhales, a tired expression on his face which only made you angrier.
“i’m not acting “immature” about this.” you attack. “you just ask me to give up my whole life to go live in a complete different continent for you and i said no, period.”
“so what are we supposed to do, y/n?” he raise his voice at you also. “what are we doing here? playing around?” you frown, nodding your head in disbelief. “i love you too much but this long distance thing is killing me.” he admits.
to be fair, you weren’t the biggest fan of long distance either, but there was no other choice. it was either that or broke up, and you definitely didn’t want to break up.
“look, i know it is not perfect but what else can we do?” you ask, even though the answer was right there, it was obvious that neither of you was going to give in.
“this cannot be the thing that breaks us up.” he whispers but you heard him.
“of course we’re not gonna break up, max.” you say. “that seems extreme.” a grimace of sadness appeared on your face.
“well, i’m not sure what else…” he didn’t continue. “i’m not moving to new york.” he says with a serious tone. “and it seems like you’re not moving to monaco. and none of us wants to do long distance.” you kept quiet, trying to wrap your mind around what he was implying, praying that your conclusions were wrong.
“so?” you ask somewhat fearfully.
“so… i don’t know.”
“you want to end things?” you question straightforwardly, not wanting to wander anymore where his mind was.
“i don’t.” he answers. “but can we continue how we are?” his face was of true despair. 
“is it really this serious?” your voice was seconds away from breaking but you didn’t want to look shattered in front of him.
“you tell me.” he says with a lump on his throat.
you couldn’t help but wonder if this was always how it was going to end.
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
Best Friends?
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Description: Leighton and Reader have been best friends since forever and both fall in love with each other. Tension rises when Leighton gets back with Alicia and Reader finally reaches the breaking point.
WARNINGS: ANGST like a mf.
leighton didn't know what to do.
her best friend was ignoring her. y/n hadn't talked to her in three days. and leighton was absolutely clueless. 
she had tried to reach out to y/n's roommates to figure out why she wasn't talking to her but none of them could tell her either. the blonde was picking her brain for everything she might have forgotten. 
birthday? nope.
friendiversary? nope.
she couldn't think of anything. she had even talked to alicia about it and her girlfriend just shook it off to y/n going through something. alicia reassured her that she would be fine and offered to take her girlfriend out for the weekend to cheer her up. as much as leighton didn't wanna leave, maybe this is what she needed. so, her and alicia packed a couple of bags and drove to new york for the weekend.
back at essex, y/n was in the weight room. it was well past midnight but y/n's thoughts were racing. she kept curling the barbell in her hand. 
all she could think about was leighton. 
how she smiled when y/n made a bad joke. 
how she cuddled up to y/n when it was their weekly movie night.
how she always gave y/n the first cookies when they baked together.
y/n usually wouldn't be thinking this hard about the blonde but something made her feelings go all over the place. 
or, more like someone.
it wasn't that y/n didn't like alicia. it's more like alicia didn't like y/n. the girl didn't like y/n the first time her and leighton dated and she doesn't like her even more now that they are out. she never shows her disdain for y/n around leighton though. she doesn't want the blonde to know. 
y/n began to run on the treadmill when a text came through on her airpods.
from bestest friend in the whole world: hey, we haven't talked in a minute. i just wanna check in on you. you're worrying me. alicia took me to new york so if i don't hear from you by the time i come back, i'm hunting you down.
from bestest friend in the whole world: i just saw your location...why are you at the gym this late? you only do this when you're really going through something.
from bestest friend in the whole world: do you wanna facetime and talk? alicia is asleep but we can stay quiet.
y/n got tired of the messages and turned her phone off. 
so much for a peaceful workout.
that became y/n's routine for the weekend. sleep most of the day, workout most of the night.
she received multiple texts and calls from leighton but they all went ignored. luckily for y/n, when monday came around, leighton couldn't come kill her due to her being busy. she managed to hold out until thursday, a whole week since she had talked to the blonde last. 
leighton was a storm that was just waiting to unleash her power. y/n still hadn't talked to her and of it wasn't for alicia taking her on a date every night this week, y/n would've already faced the wrath. 
y/n was in her dorm watching youtube, doing her homework when there was a loud knock on the door. groaning, she got up and out of her room, fully expecting one of her roommates to be on the other side.
boy, was she wrong.
leighton stood on the other side, angrier than y/n had ever seen her. the girl gulped audibly as the blonde pushed her way into the room. "oh, sure, invite yourself in why don't you?" the blonde turned her death glare back to y/n. "yeah, it's the least i can do after my best friend practically ghosted me for no reason for a week!" 
y/n rolled her eyes and went to go back to her room when leighton stopped her. "what is wrong with you this week? you haven't talked to me, you've actively avoided me, and whitney told me that you seemed tired in practice all week. care to explain yourself?" y/n sighed. "no, i don't care to explain myself leighton. wasn't aware you had gone low enough to get your roommate to spy on me."
leighton scoffed. "can you blame me? now, i'm calling for a mandatory sleepover so i can pick that brain of yours and figure out what's going on." y/n shook her head. "don't you have a girlfriend to attend to?" leighton looked at y/n confused. "no, she's at the center tonight doing slam poetry. why would i have to attend to her?" 
y/n shrugged. "i don't know, just seems like you guys are attached to the hip and she refuses to let you do anything on your own." leighton's jaw dropped at y/n's words. did y/n always feel this way? had leighton been a bad friend?
"what do you mean? are you jealous of our relationship? i told you i could hook you up with someone, y/n. why didn't you tell me?" y/n avoided the question. "leighton, i have a ton of homework to do. go back to your dorm." leighton shook her head. "no, we need to talk this out. are you jealous of me and alicia?" after a few minutes of back and forth, y/n finally snapped.
"you know what leighton? yeah, i am jealous. i'm jealous that alicia is the one who gets to hold your hand in public. i'm jealous that alicia gets to take you on dates. i'm jealous that she gets that smile of yours that you used to only reserve for me." leighton stood shocked but y/n kept going.
"i'm jealous she gets to kiss you and sweep you off your feet and treat you like the princess you are. but most of all, i'm jealous that she had the courage to ask you out before i did." y/n had tears streaming down her face, as did leighton. the blonde's voice cracked as she tried to walk towards y/n. "y/n..i-i had no idea. i-" 
y/n held her hand up. "just go leighton. i can't do this right now." and with that, she turned, walking into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her, leaving a crying leighton in the common room.
the blonde grabbed her purse and went back to her dorm.
both girls cried themselves to sleep that night. y/n because she thought she ruined her friendship with leighton. 
leighton because she finally realized she was in love with y/n.
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spicyspiders · 1 year
I admire you so much, you literally make the best smut😭😭😭
Could you make a miguel o' hara x bottom male reader smut. Where miguel likes reader but has never been able to act on his urges until, the other Spider-Man start to flirt and be more friendly with him. So on the mission to save the Multiverse Miguel Pulls reader a abetting building or Warehouse and fucks him. With some degrading, dummification, and biting.
I have other requests for call of duty but couldn't help but write this. I'm so excited for the new movie and to see Miguel on screen. There isn't any topping or bottoming, but it's implied that Miguel will be the top when they actually have sex. Warnings for rimming, intercrural sex, and Miguel bites the reader until he bleeds. Even though I changed a few things, I hope you still like it.
You let out a loud bark of a laugh at what Ben had just said, not realizing how loud it truly was until you looked over and saw Miguel glaring at the two of you. 
“Sorry,” you said, quickly trying to hide the smile that accompanied the laugh. When you looked back over at Ben, you let out a snicker. 
Miguel growled and stepped into your personal space, “enough! Put your mask back on, we’ve got a mission to finish,” he waits until you give a tense nod before he goes back to where he was at the edge of the roof.
“Yours is still off and plus, it’s easier for me to see without it on,” you grumbled, pulling the mask back on. 
“If you weren’t playing around with him all the time,” Miguel gestures angrily at Ben, “you could have fixed it!” 
Ben tried to calm the other man, but his attempt was in vain. He tried placing a hand on his shoulder, but Miguel knocked it away, “we’re going to finish up and then we’ll get back and fix the lenses in his mask,” Ben said. His words made Miguel’s shoulders look a little less tense, but then he went and messed it up again, “we don’t want them to hear,” Ben nodded down to the ground where the group of men you were tailing were gathered. 
His final sentence only made Miguel angrier, his shoulders going tense again, “and whose fault would that be?” He asked furiously. 
You flinched at his rough tone, trying to pull yourself in and make yourself smaller so he would stop looking at you with such anger. You glanced over at Ben, seeing that his body language looked similar to yours. 
When you looked back over to Miguel, you could see that his expression had softened. He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, his fangs peeking out from his top lip, but they quickly went away as his mouth closed. 
Miguel turned to face the men down on the ground, leaving you to look at the broad expanse of his back. You wanted to reach out like Ben did to try and comfort him, but instead kept your arms at your sides. 
The men you were trailing were on the move again, “let’s go,” Ben said softly, spurring you into movement. 
The rest of the mission surprisingly went off without a hitch. Afterward, when you were about to leave the warehouse where you had apprehended the group of men, a hand on your arm stopped you. 
“We need to talk,” Miguel said. It was just the two of you, Ben had left with one of the officers to go back to their station and answer questions. 
Miguel pulled his mask off and held it tightly in one hand. The last cop car was leaving but was still close enough to cast a red glow through a window and onto his face, making his eyes look even brighter. He started talking only once you had taken your mask off like he did. 
“I’m sorry for yelling at you,” he tore his eyes away from yours and let out a breath. When his eyes met yours again, they looked sad, “I scared you,” he finished softly. 
“You’re our leader, aren’t you supposed to be kind of scary?” You smiled softly at him, but he still looked at you with the same expression. You tried reaching out, but Miguel walked away. 
You followed after him, stopping beside him when he leaned up against one of the tables that littered the warehouse. A short time ago, the table had stacks of papers of various plans, schematics, and other blueprints the men you stopped were going to carry out. Now it lay bare. 
Miguel tossed his mask up onto the table before gripping the edge with both hands, “it drives me out of my mind,” he said, keeping his eyes on the table. 
“What does?” You placed your mask down and laid your empty hand on top of his. “Don’t break the table, they might need it for evidence,” you try and joke, but Miguel ignores it. 
“You with him. The way you laugh and how your face lights up,” he spits. 
At the sound of his name, Miguel finally looks up, fixing his heated gaze on you, “you’re all over each other.”
You shake your head and can’t help but let out a laugh that doesn’t help in wiping the look from Miguel’s eye, “he’s my friend Miguel. Besides, you make me laugh all the time.”
Your words do cause him to relax a little, and his hands loosen from the table, making it easier to run your thumb along his knuckles. You only wish your hands weren’t in your suits and you were able to feel his skin. The warmth you could feel through the suit, you decided, would be enough. 
“Like when?” 
“When we’re training and you knock Ben on his ass,” you answer, watching in satisfaction as one corner of his mouth goes up. 
Miguel steps closer to where he can box you in against the table, nearly chest to chest, “I don’t know if I can make you laugh in the way that he does, but-” 
You press your lips to his, catching him by surprise, but he is quick to respond. You pull back from the soft kiss with a smile, “you already do,” you raise a hand to cup his cheek, “you don’t need to be like Ben. I like you grumpy.”
The smile that your kiss brought to Miguel’s lips was quickly gone, only proving your point further, “I am not grumpy,” he said and turned his head so he could nip at one of your fingers. 
“What are you then?” You pulled your hand away, giggling when Miguel chased after with his sharp teeth. 
“Smart? What am I then?”
“You’re mine,” he growled and pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was rougher than the first and left you with little pricks of pain where Miguel’s fangs grazed your lip. “He wouldn’t fuck you like I’m about to. I know that for a fact,” he whispers into your ear before kissing down the column of your neck. 
“Show me,” you breathe, both groaning when you grind your hips together. 
“You doubt me? I thought you would be smarter than that,” Miguel almost sounds disappointed, but when he presses his mischievous smile into your neck, you think otherwise. He opens his mouth just enough for his fangs to graze the skin, the delicate flesh rising after his teeth make their way across. 
You let out a whimper when his warm tongue laves over the marks. His tongue licks all the way up, not stopping until his lips press to yours and his tongue dips inside. When your tongues meet, you can taste traces of sweat and something darker. Something that is all Miguel. 
It’s Miguel’s turn to grind your hips together when the kiss is over, and the moans you both let out echo through the warehouse. He brings your lips together again and again and again, only stopping for mere moments in between to suck in harsh breaths of air. 
It only takes a few minutes of that until you’re both fully hard in your suits. “Do you have lube?” You ask, gasping around the words when Miguel brings your hips together again. 
“No. Do you?” Miguel’s head thunks onto your shoulder when you shake your head, “fuck.”
“Fuck,” you repeat, “we could just-” you try to bring your hips together again, but Miguel flips you around. 
“I can get you wet enough for my cock,” he says into your ear. 
Through the tight grip he has on your waist with his clawed hands, you push your ass back when he grinds forward, the hot line of his cock right against your ass. At least from how it felt, Miguel’s cock was big, but you knew either way that you still needed lube. 
“I don’t think-”
“Let me try,” he grinds forward again, “please?” He begs. You’ve never heard Miguel beg before, but you learned quickly how warm it made you feel. 
That single word from Miguel is how you find yourself moments later bent over the table with your suit’s pants down around your ankles and a tongue licking around your hole. You knew his spit wasn’t going to be enough, but Miguel sure had a lot of enthusiasm. 
When Miguel goes from long flicks of his tongue around your hole to instead press the wet muscle inside, you bury a hand in his dark hair to try and get his tongue deeper. You let out a moan and turn your face to press your sweaty cheek into the cool metal of the table. 
You tighten your grip when Miguel pulls his tongue out and let out a noise of protest. You feel your knees threaten to buckle when Miguel’s fangs meet the flesh of your ass cheeks. He bites down harder than he had on your neck, and nearly breaks the skin, but stops just before it happens. 
He gives the same treatment to the other one. The first brought tears to your eyes and when he moved on the second, they spilled over. The hot tears falling down your face feel just as hot as his tongue as he runs it over the marks he left. 
The skin he marks burns, even after he runs his tongue over it soothingly. The pain of it is overtaken by pleasure as Miguel continues to ruin you with his lips, teeth, and tongue. Your eyes fly open and more tears leak out when he pulls back and spreads your ass cheeks so he can spit onto your hole. 
Miguel had made sure to fold his claws in, not wanting the sharp instruments to risk cutting you, but you can still feel light pricks as he squeezes the globes of your ass. He chases after the spit as it runs down your taint and nearly hits your balls. After dragging it back up, he goes back down to suck at your balls, licking over the delicate skin when he sucks each of them into his mouth. 
Your cock aches in the open air of the warehouse, no doubt dripping a pool of precome onto the floor. You want to reach down and wrap a hand around it, but you’re eager to see what Miguel does next and want to instead focus on that. 
Your ass and the back of your legs go cold when Miguel pulls away. You lift yourself on your shaky arms so you can crane your head back and watch him. His eyes lock onto yours as he undoes his pants so his cock can spring free. 
His cock is a mouthwatering sight that demands your eyes go down to it. The head of his thick cock, like yours, is a wet sticky mess that leaks down onto Miguel’s fingers when he wraps his hand around the base. 
“Bring your legs together, as tight as your can,” Miguel says, his voice rough and raspy. “Good boy,” he rewards you with a soft kiss to the back of your neck when you comply. He guides his cock into the tight channel you’ve created with your thighs. 
Miguel wastes no time in thrusting into the tight space, his precome slicking up his path. He pants hotly into your ear, his hands gripping your hips tight enough that you know will leave bruises. His hard cock occasionally brushes yours or rubs against your balls, sending flashes of pleasure through your body on each pass. 
“I’m going to fuck you stupid when we get home and make you forget all about Ben,” he whispers darkly into your ear. 
Your head falls back onto his shoulder when he takes one of his hands from your hips and wraps it around your cock. He jerks you off in time with his thrusts and it doesn’t take long for you to spill across his fingers and the table below with a loud moan. 
When Miguel comes, he bites into the skin of your neck, this time breaking the skin. He moves quickly to wrap his arm around your chest as pain blood out around the wound his teeth make. He holds you securely to his body and licks up the blood that seeps out when his teeth pull away.
Your healing factor makes it so by the time you both are done cleaning up, your wounds have all almost healed. 
“Can you walk?”
You scoff at Miguel in disbelief, “yes I can fucking walk,” you say, angrily pulling the rest of your suit back on. 
Miguel leaves you with a smirk before he puts his mask back on, “I’ll ask you again later,” he says before walking out of the warehouse and zipping into the air on a web. 
“Look who's got jokes now!” You yell after him and shoot out your web to follow him. 
 Sometime later when you’re back home in Miguel’s bed you ask: “you aren’t going to kick him out are you?” You ask, looking up at him as you lay against his chest. You hadn’t been fucked stupid, instead deciding on another night when there was less excitement of another mission. 
Miguel runs a finger across where he had bitten you. Though it had healed, he remembered exactly where he left his mark. “If he doesn’t stop looking at you like that I will,” he murmurs darkly. 
“Like what?”
“You really aren’t that smart,” Miguel says fondly before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. Miguel lets out a yelp when you pinch one of his nipples harshly in retaliation.
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callmeby-mylastname · 6 months
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Just a Fuck
summary-she was everything and clearly you were nothing.
warnings-angsty, tara low-key toxic. shitty ass writing. swearing.
A/N- i’m gonna be honest i made this up as i went it’s complete garbage💀it’s also rushed to hell but enjoy.
part 2
12 missed calls
you had rang her 12 times in the past hour, sent countless texts and yet not a single reply.
You weren’t surprised maybe a little worried but definitely not surprised. She was ignoring you and at some random douche bags party.
You and tara weren’t exactly dating but at the same time you wouldn’t call it friends. You and tara started this regime one drunken night, pushing the boundary of friend and lover.
And as much as it made you two closer because at this point it was more than fucking; it was stolen glances, her paying attention to your favourite movies or songs, picking you up little gifts cause they reminded her of you.
It also made you drift, you were just her little secret. You didn’t mind, really you didn’t if it meant having tara you’d move countries to keep yourself a secret. It hurt a lot a little sometimes but whenever you would bring it up she’d deny you two weren’t just fucking, that, that’s all it was and it would cause a big argument so you kept quiet.
That was until around 10pm this afternoon, leading to tara storming out and ignoring you.
Calling it a night you got on a change of clothes ready for bed when you heard your apartment door.
glancing towards your phone clock reading 3:42.
You peaked through the peaking hole to see a very drunk and disheveled tara, you let out a sigh unlocking the door and opening it.
She gave you her best grin passing you a “i missed you” and waltzing into the apartment immediately making a beeline towards your bedroom.
“Tara, where have you been? you’ve been ignoring me now you show up to my apartment drunk and unannounced” you follow after her.
“Hmm? stop acting all surprised you were the one who pushed me out” she looked angrier now, tension began to fill the room and there was only way this was ending.
“How did I push YOU out? YOU left remember?” you explained. “Its’s not my fault you’re clingy and constantly need me around, god i wish you’d give me space sometimes” shes shouting now, pointing in your direction
“It’s constantly, tara come over or tara why can’t i meet your friends or your sister, tara,tara,tara. God do you ever shut up and consider maybe you really are just a fuck?” she was looking at you, dead in the eyes.
For a brief second you saw the regret flash across her eyes but you’re too busy trying not to show her how much she just hurt you.
“Get out” it wasn’t meant to come out as bitter as it did but hey she deserved it?
“Y/N… i-“
And like a puppy with its tail in between it’s legs she left. Her apartment was in the same complex as yours which is coincidentally how you two met, so she would make it home safe.
Yeah she hurt you but doesn’t mean you would wish any danger upon her.
With the sound of the door closing you fall onto your bed letting your tears fall.
You truly sobbed that night. You loved tara and for her to shove everything back in your face.
To know she was everything to you yet you were nothing to her, hurt like a bitch.
You cried yourseld to sleep thay night and a good few nights after that.
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graceloveswolves · 8 months
Attempting To Escape Yandere Bucky Barnes Would Include...
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Honestly, he's probably one of the easier Yandere's to escape from.
You've escaped from him a few dozens of time.
But he's Bucky, a highly trained assassin, he finds you every.single.time.
The longest you've been away from him was a couple of hours.
He doesn't like fighting or any altercations, especially from a his love.
He is already pretty lenient on you to begin with, just trying to get you to like him so you feel better/safer with him.
And so he can stop worrying about the entire situation.
He doesn't try to intimidate you in any means, the last thing he wants is you to be terrified of him.
Although he doesn't let you push him around, he will put his foot down and let you know he is serious and that you will never be with anyone but him.
Most of the time he already knows when you plan on escaping.
The trick to escaping him would to be nice to him, act like you trust him and start warming up to him, then wait for him to let his guard down
The moment he lets you have the slightest bit of freedom, RUN.
He would be very hurt, but not surprised.
He'd obviously have no trouble finding you.
But when you put up a fight when he catches you is when he really struggles.
He'll let you hit, kick, punch, bite, spit on him all you want as he drags you away from public sight.
You can say the most vile things to him as he takes you back to your shared house, he will agree with you.
Will probably low key cry about it later when he's by himself.
No matter how much you act up, he won't punish you harshly.
Man-handling you and chaining you to a bedpost is as far as punishing goes with Bucky.
He will accept any apology, but to make sure to give you twice as much.
Still feeds you, and gives you anything you want aside from freedom.
Rinse. Repeat.
He keeps letting you try, hoping you'll eventually get tired and just accept your fate with him.
Let's you have your space and privacy, and lets you run your mouth as much as you want and vent your anger out.
It's pointless though, he never responds unless he has a valid answer.
But he notice that just makes you angrier so he keeps his comments to himself.
Sometimes he will chain you to the living room couch and make you watch movies with him.
Or when he knows he won't have any distractions, he will let you sit freely on the couch.
But obviously he sets some rules.
In order to stay unchained you have to be in the same room as him within his sight at all times or they go back on.
Pull down gates all over the house.
He'll lock the hallway gate at night and let you roam between your bedroom, his bedroom, and the bathroom.
But he secretly hopes one day you'll lay down in his with him.
If you want something sometimes you will.
Whatever it was, you'd have it the next morning.
He has no problem calling you out when he sees you snooping or trying to find ways to escape.
"You do know I'm not that stupid, right."
"You know I can see you from right here right?"
"Now why am I going to say no to that?"
"Give. It. Now."
"Now see that is exactly why you have to be chained."
"Nope. Chains going back on."
Has alarms set everywhere.
Once Bucky accidentally set one off at night, disarming it instantly and went to bed, upset that he probably woke you.
He forgot to arm it again and you realized after he went to bed and got out that night.
He walked in your room with a plate of waffles the next morning and about passed out when he realized what he forgot to do.
In total denial at first.
Really thought he had lost you for good.
Had Steve and Sam help him look for you.
You had no idea what Steve looked like, so when he ran into you it didn't raise any alarms.
You just wanted to get as far away as fast as you could
so when this random guy offered you a ride out of town you were in his car in a heartbeat.
You didn't know where you were so you didn't even know he was driving you straight back to Bucky's.
Bucky's place looked a lot different at night in the pitch black.
The random dude offered you to stay at his house.
You rejected, wanting to keep moving until you were at least three states away.
He then pulled up into a driveway and roughly yanked you out of the car and into the house, nowhere as gentle as Bucky was with you.
Once he threw you in, you were actually relieved to see Bucky and have clarity that this stranger wasn't going to kill you.
"Oh thank god. Wait WHAT!"
The only time Bucky has ever yelled at you.
He felt really bad afterwards but didn't apologize.
Steve still never lets you live it down.
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johnwickb1tsch · 4 months
bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 17 all chapters
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-In the haze between sleep and waking, you are vaguely aware of strong arms wrapped around you, a lean and long body spooned at your back. You feel warm, and safe, and by some signal of scent or touch or cosmic connection from your hindbrain, somehow you just know that it’s Mr. Wick who has you folded up in his embrace. How perfectly you fit, with the curve of your backside tucked against his hips, your legs tangled under the covers.
Your Half Asleep Brain is totally fine with this cozy arrangement. You don’t really remember how you got here, but maybe something for once actually went right.
You let yourself doze.
But then he shifts against you, (that inevitable male hardness poking against your backside), and you wake up a little more, your faculties returning to you as the dreamy curtain of slumber slips away. You start to remember what happened before—the chase, and the murder—and Awake Brain is suddenly not ok with your current arrangement at all.  
Awake Brain is ready to freak the fuck out.
You stiffen in his arms, trying to sit up, but that inexorable grip tightens around you.
You struggle, but he effortlessly pins you, wrapping a long leg around yours. Between his greater strength and solid weight pressing you down into the mattress, you are stuck. 
“Let me go,” you growl. 
“Not until we have a little talk.” 
Under different circumstances this position could have been interesting. The hard line of his lean body is pressed against you…the length of him against the curve of your bottom.
At least someone is having a good time. 
Even like this from behind, you can tell it’s something to be reckoned with. The thought fills you with an inconvenient bloom of heat, your body betraying you while skipping into the darkness with a song. Your own reaction to him almost makes you angrier than his own actions.
“What the fuck, John?” You strain against him again, naturally, to no avail. He doesn't taunt you, just holds you immobile, and you are a butterfly against a hurricane. 
“Calm down.” 
“Then let me go.” 
You feel him breathe in the scent of your hair behind your ear, before releasing a shuddering sigh.
“We’re in a predicament, y/n.”
“No shit.”
“I think after what you saw...you know I can't let you go.” 
Oh, what's a little quadruple homicide between friends? 
You have the sense to keep this to yourself, at least.
“I won't say anything.” 
“Uh huh.”
“I didn't say anything about the guys in the van.” 
“Well, you didn't have any real evidence then. Just suspicion.” 
“But...you so killed those guys in the van.” 
There’s a long pause before he finally admits, “Yeah.”
You’re not sure why that makes you try to struggle again. It’s just as fruitless as before.
“Who were those guys you killed?” 
You are met with silence. “In Venice?”
Jesus, do you actually have to clarify with this man?
“They were not nice people, y/n.”
“I gathered that. But... who were they?” 
John sighs against you, and you take some heart as you feel his grip loosen slightly so he’s not absolutely crushing you. “They were enforcers for the Camorra crime syndicate.”
“And...why did they have such a problem with you?” 
“Bad blood, from an old job I did in Rome.”
A job. You’ve seen enough movies to know what that means. He really was a hitman. Jesus H Christ.
“You thought they wouldn't want revenge, if you went back to Italy?” 
“I had to risk it.” 
“Did you?” 
You’re baiting him, but you just can’t help it. You’re angry, and you’re sore, and he’s pinning you down like you’re just a feather and you do not fucking like it.
You feel him growl behind you, and fuck you if the low vibration does not strike some primal cord in your body, something left over from the time when your ancestors still lived in caves.
He moves so fast you have no chance to take advantage, turning you so that you are laying chest to chest. His erection presses into your hip, and he pins you with those beautiful dark eyes boring down into yours. It takes every iota of self-control you possess not to spread your legs so that he can settle into the cradle of your hips, where you fear he would fit so very well. 
He traps your small hands above your head with just one of his, using the other to hold the side of your face, keeping your attention on him. You shouldn’t. You really shouldn’t, but you are finding you like it when he touches you like this, like he is your master and you are his pretty little doll to manipulate how he pleases.
Your eyes close, just for a moment, before you force yourself to keep them open. Keep your eye on the danger, a voice in your head tells you. 
A less helpful voice suggests that you just give in and let him fuck you silly. 
You ignore that one, for now. 
“Because,” he grouses with a scowl. “I was afraid you’d meet some handsome dipshit your own age, and…move to fucking Argentina!”
You don’t know where you get the pluck to frown back up at him. This poor, dear, deranged man.
Do you know how crazy you sound?
You don't dare say it out loud. 
Maybe it would have been smart to try to win points by assuring him you were coming back to him. It was even 100 percent the truth at the time. But something spiteful in you doesn’t want to offer him that declaration now. You feel like he lost his right to it.
That laser-like stare shifts from your eyes to your mouth, a moment before descending to press his lips to yours. His lips are soft, but the kiss is nothing less than possessive. Even so, you have to fight not to let him lull you with his clever mouth and the tantalizing slide of his tongue. 
A fresh wave of anger hits you, because you want this. You want him, and he could have had you so easily, without having to…what? Stalk you? Take you?
You realize you don't even know where you are. 
All this accumulates in you in the matter of a second, and you express this frustration by clamping his lip between your teeth. It's more a warning, than anything. You do not draw blood, but you bite hard enough to make him pause. 
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” It’s almost funny, the way he sounds talking around his lip in your teeth. Yet somehow, he still manages to sound absolutely menacing.
“Or what?” you challenge. “Are you going to hurt me, John?”
Yes, taunt the man you saw kill four people easy as pouring a bowl of cereal.
“No. But I will punish you. Remember that, as we go forward.” 
You let him go, thinking on that.
It makes a chill run down your spine.
He tries to kiss you again, but you turn your face away. 
“Please let me up.” 
He is silent and still as the mountain, for long enough that you don’t think he will. You imagine he’s weighing his options, and you know as well as he does that he holds all the cards in his oh-so-capable hands. He could finally take you, like this, and you couldn’t stop him. As fucked up as it is…you’re not even sure you wouldn’t enjoy it, and you battle with yourself not to squirm beneath him in this fucked up stew of fear, desire, and anticipation.
That will not help your cause, you know.
He surprises the hell out of you when finally he agrees, “I will, if you promise to be calm.”
“I’m cool as a fucking cucumber.”
He ducks to huff a laugh into the bend of your neck. You feel it stir your hair more than hear it. He presses an open-mouthed kiss to your pulse that makes you flush, a spear of longing jetting through you, and you barely manage not to wrap your legs around his narrow hips.
This man. It’s just not fucking fair.
Then he sucks, hard enough to hurt, and you know there will be a bruise.
He’s fucking marking you.
“I’m serious.”
You breathe in as deeply as you can with his solid, delicious weight piled on you, and let it out slow. “I’m good. Please, let me up.”
Though you can tell he’s reluctant to do it, very slowly he shifts his weight from you, rolling onto his back at your side. You sit up, pushing off the covers, and find the room is spinning slightly.
What the fuck did he drug you with?
You look around. The room is painted in dark shades, the ceiling vaulted high. Bookshelves take up the wall behind the bed.  A bank of windows affords a view of the woods beyond. You are up high, the second story, at least.
You recognize these woods, and the feeling of this interior. 
“Are we back in fucking Clear Forks?”
“Yes. We’re safe here.”
You blink down at him. He sounds almost reasonable now, and maybe the fact that he let you up makes you think you can reason with him.
“John…you have to let me go.” 
“You have to.” 
He just shakes his head. 
“So...what? You're going to keep me locked up here forever?” 
He licks his lips, pressing them in thought as he choses his next words. “Until... we've reached an understanding. That might take a while.” 
You stare down at him, open mouthed.
“John...you can't just keep me here.” 
“I can, actually.” He just looks at you with his hands behind his head, resembling for all the world a lazy lion on the plain, deadly but at ease like it's not your entire life he's casually high jacking for his own gratification. Then strangely he looks away, as though he actually is embarrassed about something, letting out a slow breath. “And...I want to.” 
His gaze returns to yours, his glittering black eyes sharp and as obsidian. “I. Want. You. To stay here with me. I need you.” 
God damn if hearing him say those words doesn't make your traitor of a heart go pitter pat pat.
Keeping your eyes on him as though you are in bed with a tiger, you slide off the edge, your legs jelly beneath you. How long have you been out? What did he drug you with? Your mouth is so dry. Maybe you should be grateful he didn’t hit you to knock you out, at least. That’s never so nice and neat as it is in the movies.  
You're still wearing your same little pink sundress from Italy, which maybe is a little heartening, not that it provides much protection. 
Your heart in your throat, you want to run mad circles around the room yelling, banging on the windows and rattling the doors. Instead you make yourself stay calm as you look around, checking your options, not caring if John is watching.
You don't care, because deep down, you already know it's hopeless. He's not a stupid man. You inspect the door, finding no door handle, no lock that could be picked. There is simply a keypad and what looks like a fingerprint scanner. You notice it is mounted high over your head, so it would be hard for you to access even if somehow you managed to render him unconscious. 
You knock on the window with your fist, just for the hell of it. 
“Ballistic grade, bullet proof. Good luck.”
He sounds so bored about it, like it's not a big deal that his armored glass stands between you and your freedom. Yet, you doubt the glass was originally for your benefit.
“Bulletproof, in case the Camorra come for you?”
“Them, or others. I’ve made a few enemies over the years.”
You’re not proud that this freaks you out a little.
“And you really think you’re safe here?”
“So far, so good…”
You glare at him over your shoulder, and damn him for looking utterly scrumptious while being such an asshole.
He's wearing a black henley and sweatpants, and he's still the most beautiful man you've ever seen. You could write sonnets about the little strip of pale flesh exposed between his hem and his waistband.
Despite how fit he is, you notice his tummy is just a little soft. It's endlessly endearing, and in different circumstances you would have delighted in pressing your lips to that line of dark hair, and pulling down his sweatpants with your teeth…
You realize you are staring, and with cheeks aflame you avert your gaze. You notice he’s smirking at you, and it makes you mad all over again, your fists clenching at your sides.
He seems to find this amusing as hell.  
“You don’t have to look away,” he coaxes, surprisingly gentle. “I like it, that you like my body.”
You huff indignantly, inevitably remembering how adamantly he’d prevented you from undressing him, what feels like a lifetime ago now. “Then why wouldn’t you let me see you?”
“That was…different.”
“I didn’t think you were ready. I didn’t want to scare you.”
You can’t help but raise an eyebrow at that. “Gee, are your guns that big, Mr. Wick?”
This wins you a small laugh, and only belatedly do you realize how sick it is that you’re joking around with him again.
This is not normal. This is not normal. This is not normal.
You have a feeling it’s going to have to become your new mantra.
“You’ll find out soon enough,” he says enigmatically. It makes the hairs stand up all over your body, even as your idiotic nether regions clench with desire at the thought.
You have got to get out of here.
“Aren’t they going to think it’s weird I just disappeared without a trace from the hostel?” you pose.
“Probably not. You collected your things, and you paid in full.”
Of course he’d taken care of that.
Then the scope of this coup really dawns on you. 
“You clever motherfucker. No one will even look for me here, because they think I'm in Europe for weeks more.” 
He lifts an eyebrow at you. 
“You have a filthy fucking mouth, my dear. I'd watch that, if I were you.” 
You narrow your eyes at him, but don't push your luck just yet. 
“But no, no one will be looking for you. Your family and your friends are so busy...”
You close your eyes against his cruel—but perfectly accurate—words. My, how the truth cuts deep.
His tone softens as he tells you, “You don't need them, y/n. You have me. And I promise I'll take care of you.” 
You don’t bother to argue again that you don’t need taking care of. You’re beginning to anticipate his answers, and it’s like arguing with a stone wall.
You’ll need a different tack, you think.
Agitated, you stalk to the next door in the room, flinging it open. It’s a walk-in closet, filled with his clothes, and you realize, clothes for you as well. They’re cute, and to your taste, the bright colors an almost comical contrast to his monochromatic wardrobe. But they’re more expensive than anything you can usually afford. They’re all your size.
Your heart sinks to your feet as you realize this means he’s actually been planning this for a while. 
The next door is half cracked. You push it all the way open.
To say that it's a bathroom seems like an understatement. All dark marble and black cabinetry, there are two sinks and a long countertop, a walk-in rain shower that could fit 6, and a tub that could be mistaken for a small swimming pool. The corners are accented with lush houseplants, ferns and philodendron. It looks wonderful, and you’re furious all over again, because you can't fucking enjoy it like this. 
“Why?” you spit, whirling. Only to start when you find him standing right there behind you. You didn't hear a thing. “Why did you have to do it this way?” With him standing so close, you find your words lose some of their intended venom. 
He crowds you against the doorjamb, lifting a hand to your face again.
“Because I was afraid you wouldn't come back to me.” 
This tall, powerful man sounds ridiculously vulnerable just then. 
But like flipping a switch, he frowns, his long fingers resting lightly around your throat. A chill runs down your spine, and you're sure he can feel your pulse in your neck speeding against his fingers. He doesn’t squeeze, doesn’t hurt you. Just…holds you, and you are ever so aware that you are at his mercy.
“You ran away from me,” he accuses.
Maybe your sense of self-preservation is a little broken.
“I can't imagine why.” You punctuate it with an eyeroll, and suddenly you find yourself pushed into the wall with a hand spread over your chest, the ridges of the jamb biting into your spine. His thumb presses over your lips, preventing you from speaking further. 
“That fucking mouth of yours.” 
Before you can blink he is on you, pressing his lips to yours in a punishing kiss that leaves you weak in the knees. Maybe you start to slump down the wall, but he wraps you up in his arms, holding you up effortlessly. 
“This is how it's going to be,” he pants, his forehead pressed to yours. You get the sense that he is on the verge of losing control, and you are on pins and needles, wanting to know what that would be like, and fearing it too.
You fear it a lot.
“You can run that sassy mouth of yours all you want, but I will enjoy disciplining you for it every time. You might want to start thinking before you speak.”
“You want to hurt me.” 
Tears fill your eyes at the thought of it. Maybe you’re a little broken yourself, after seeing him kill people, but this is the thing that really makes you cry. Of course he probably has some kind of fucking red room around here filled with restraints and whips and toys you've never even fucking heard of… 
“No, baby. I never want to hurt you.” 
You don't believe him in the slightest. 
With a big hand on your jaw he turns your face up to look at him. “Please don't cry.” 
“Then don't do...whatever the fuck this is! You fucking kidnapped me, John!”
“I took what's mine,” he insists in a dark tone that makes inexplicable heat flood between your legs. “You forced my hand.”
It’s all your fault, of course.
“Did you really think I was just going to follow you after all that?”
He cants his head as he looks down at you, his dark hair swinging into his eyes. Your fingers itch to brush it away, and you hate the way the sight pangs deep in your chest. You shouldn’t feel anything for him, after what he’s done—your heart has not gotten the memo, it seems.
“You asked me not to let you go.”
Motherfucker took that literally, it seems.
The ironic thing is, you’d 300 percent meant what you said, at the time.
“I did not sign up for this,” you insist anyway.
“I’ve tried to warn you…since the moment we met,” he tells you. “But you just kept coming back. And now…I need you, y/n. I love you, and I’m never going to let you go.”
What a ridiculous creature you are, that hearing this moves you to the marrow of your bones, makes you almost sick with a medley of triumph and remorse, desire and fear. You’d so determinedly pried open the lid of this Pandora’s box with the dogged insistence of your affection; look at what a marvelous horror you unleashed. Mr. Wick: your very own monster made of dark need and twisted devotion.
This is all so…crazy.
Yet...he doesn't seem like he's crazy. Just absolutely, unmovingly, resolute in his conviction. And right now, that conviction involves his possession of you. 
You close your eyes against his gaze boring a hole through you. Your voice barely lifts above a whisper, your strength suddenly sapped. “I could have loved you.”
It’s a lie, of course.
A lie, because you are already hopelessly, totally in love with this man, despite what he’s done to you, and despite everything you’ve seen him do.
You’ve seen the other side of his coin, you know how sweet and wonderful he can be. Where is that man when you need him? Once upon a time, he absolutely was your safe space, your protector, someone you could turn to when you truly had no one else.
Now, who would protect you, from him?
 It breaks your heart, because you fear the answer is that no one can.  
“You will love me, y/n,” he insists without a hint of doubt. To be so certain...of anything. He brushes your hair behind your ear with such tenderness you could weep.
A single tear does escape from the corner of your eye. He catches it on the pad of his finger, bringing it to his lips. 
“It will be alright, y/n. I've got you.” 
That is exactly what you're afraid of. 
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therandomartmaker · 10 months
(In Case I Don’t See You) Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Goodnight.
After a reveal, things go strange for Danny. At first, he thinks it’s just the lingering effects of having his vigilante identity out in the open. Sam and Tucker tell him he’s being paranoid, and Jazz doesn’t talk much with him because she’d left for college. She only listens to his words and talks him through the feelings, a steady presence.
It’s then that he realises that his ghosts had been showing up… regularly. Not erratic and randomly, they were almost scheduled; he’d checked once, and they had always shown up when the time was even. He’d said this to Sam and Tucker, Tucker looked concerned but Sam brushed him off. “They’d have to coordinate for that, Danny,” she said, “Do you really think Skulker wouldn’t take every chance possible to fight you?”
His ghosts were getting more agitated. It wasn’t hard to defeat them, they were just. Angrier. They also went down easier, but got back up faster. They also were disjointed in their banter, and it got worse as time went by, fights quieter and more… emotion filled.
It’s only when Danny spots several white vans nearby his fights that he realised he’d forgotten about the GIW.
Danny rushed home, to the portal- he’s unlucky, or perhaps rather fortunate, that he stumbles upon the GIW in his home, talking to his parents. It’s an easy decision to turn invisible.
“Keeping Patient Zero in the Truman cage is working well, but it might be catching on. Unscheduled fights give us more subjects, so you’ll be lent Subject-E and Subject-SK in two days, in the private laboratory, as they are currently useless in field and hinder the process.”
Patient Zero? Subject-E and Subject-SK? Useless? What process?
Truman Cage? …Danny knew that movie. Watched it with Jazz a few years before, because Jazz had a project on it, wanted to do inquiry on unethical ‘imprisonment’ and isolation.
Static buzzed through the air, and Danny heard the GIW agent pick up an ecto-proof walkie talkie. “Report, Patient Zero has been missing for two minutes, unknown whereabouts, may be heading or already at FW Household.”
Danny swore mentally, flying away to the roof of the Nasty Burger, still invisible.
Shit. What were they doing- what kind of shit had they already done?
…What could Danny do to stop it?
Batman stared at the report in his hands. Phase One of the Ghost Investigation Ward’s plan was going well, to capture and learn everything they can about ectoplasmic beings and a ‘villainous creature’ that has taken control of a small town in Illinois. Supposedly, the ‘creature’ was a volatile destructive being that repeatedly put the town through constant attacks.
Everything about it smelt fishy, and he’d found about the ‘GIW’ was flimsy, and a strangely large amount of money was being siphoned into it. The Fenton research being used was also something that shouldn’t’ve been published, biased and clearly contradictory in areas.
The information blockout was just asking for investigation.
sorry that this isn’t more for the story! I may write more for this, but idm this being used as a prompt post either! If you respond to this in a separate post, please tag me, i like to see what y’all make, don’t just link this post and run y’all. Also, i’m like 80% sure someone’s made this already or at least done something similar, so if someone could find and link that, that’d be awesome
On a side note; some notes for this specific thing, but freedom is encouraged and this is mainly for myself because ik i’ll forget about this.
The GIW learnt danny’s id before the reveal and figured out very quickly that they wouldn’t be able to do anything to him because he’s legally human and he hasn’t had biological testing to make sure he isn’t human. They got ghost confirmation via the fenton parents after the public reveal, but had already informed the fentons of the possibility of danny being a ghost and proposed the ‘Truman Plan’ to them.
The plan was to set up another ghost portal with coordinates set to the same area the fenton’s portal lets out and recapture whichever ghosts danny lets go there, and this works exponentially well. They gain a bunch of speech capable ghosts to experiment on, and decide quickly that they’d start ways to put them under control and make them stronger, in order to, eventually, capture danny.
Phase Two is weakening Danny and looking into his skillset and how to counteract it.
Phase Three is actually capturing Danny.
Danny figures out that the GIW has agents everywhere, bugs everywhere and nowhere is safe. The only people he is absolutely certain he can trust to not make the GIW aware he knows he’s entrapped is Jazz, Sam, And Tucker, but since the last tw oare in the bounds of the GIW, he can only talk to Jazz to plan (he flies up up up and calls because tucker had them up on a private network so the only risk was being overheard, really)
B only discovered the GIW while passing over recent government records, and sets up one of his disguises to visit the town, eventually.
He ‘just so happens’ to be bowled over by Danny Fenton one afternoon and sets up a white noise generator to tell the boy the JL was on his side. After all, something wasn’t right, here.
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arkhamknightz · 11 months
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pairing: spencer reid x reader
summary; based off this ask right here - in which, spencers watching you move on without him
warnings: language, jealousy ig? super short and bad writing tbh…
notes: i had no clue how to end this im so sorry this is horrible 😭😭
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Spencer felt his heart stop as he walked into the small bookstore. It shouldn’t have sent a chill up his spine the way it did. He should’ve expected to see you here one day, you showed him the spot after all. But seeing you here with him, made Spencer feel sick.
His arms were wrapped around you, his chin resting on your shoulder as you held a book in your hands, your finger pointing across the lines on the back of the book. Spencer watched as his mouth moved, a laugh escaping your lips and a smile growing on his.
It had been 3 months since you two broke up, and Spencer hadn’t moved on. Part of him felt hurt that you moved on quicker than he could. But, flashbacks to that night remind him why you did.
Just like a slideshow, he memorized every frame of that night. Neither of you liked raising your voices but but with every word the noise got louder. It was the kind of scene Spencer only saw in movies. Never had he seen an argument like that before then. You wouldn’t be his homeland by the morning. Everyday after that felt longer than the last.
He was out saving people everyday, but he couldn’t save the one relationship that meant most to him? You were his home, the one thing that he always looked forward to when landing back in Virginia. Now, all that was left were memories of you everywhere he looked.
You saw Spencer staring at the bookstore. The bell chimed and you looked up quick enough to see a glimpse of his face, before looking back at the books on the shelves. You could feel his eyes burning into the side of your head, the whole time he stood there. The longer you felt his gaze, the angrier you started to feel.
He was the one to cause the breakup. So why was he looking at you the way he was? He had the chance to fix things time and time again, so why didn’t he try harder? You wanted to try everything to fix the relationship, to hold onto it. Spencer was one of the best people you knew. So why wouldn’t he love you the way you deserved?
You watched over and over as the people around you went in and out of relationships. Even after thinking they’d found ‘the one’ but you had never thought it could happen to you and Spencer. He was your crown, you showed off your boyfriend proudly to anyone who would listen.
In the last remaining two weeks of your relationship, fights got more tense, even when he was free off work he never seemed to be present. So much had changed so quickly. You’d seen the long, painful cycle of arguing and arguing for months on end grown to resentment. Even if you would be upset with Spencer, it was better than growing to hate him.
So you left.
He was upset over something you can’t even remember now. Your relationship had been holding on by a few threads the last few weeks and you both knew that. But it still came as a shock to him when you pulled the plug on things. No matter how many tears you both cried that night, it wouldn’t be enough to make you stay.
You wouldn’t listen to Spencer, you wouldn’t listen to his pleads. He blindly couldn’t see the signs. He couldn’t see you both pulling away, he couldn’t see the strain his behavior put on both of you. You were quickly snapped back to reality as you felt his eyes burning into the side of your head.
As you and Spencer finally made eye contact, he swiftly turned around and left. Your boyfriend grasped your hand before asking if you wanted to stop by the bakery across the street when you both were done, the thought of Spencer long gone from your mind.
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i-hate-people-1 · 10 months
Eddie Munson x fem reader
When you guys are late for the movie and the worker won’t let you in, you come up with another plan.
Warning~ adult themes/flashing
SHORT 929 words
Not my gif!
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It all started with Dustin's one wish for his 16th birthday being that you all went to watch the third nightmare on Elm Street, albeit a month early, but he made you all come over the night before and stay up late so that you could watch the first and second before you went and saw the third.
This is what led yall to the predicament you now find yourselves in. You see, while everyone else was on time, Steve and Robin got stuck late at the video store, and it's not like you could just started the movie without them seeing how they were renting and bringing the movies with them.
You didn't mind all that much, as it gave you plenty of time with Eddie snuggled up to him on the couch.
When you all woke up 15 minutes before the movie was supposed to start, is when you started to mind seeing as you had all slept in due to starting the movies two hours late and Dustin yelling anytime he saw someone nodding off.
You had all gotten ready and loaded up the cars as fast as you possibly could, just barely making it there 5 minutes late, which wouldn't have been a big deal had it not been for the power-hungry teenage Jackass behind the counter telling you, "You should have been here on time if you really wanted to see the movie."
"Come on, man, we're barely even late; it's the kid's birthday, and we have money; let us in," Steve told him, rolling his eyes and waving the cash in front of the boy's face.
"Like I said if," the boy started before Eddie cut him off, "If you want to see the movie, you should've been here on time. Yeah, yeah, we know, but come on, we're not asking for your liver; we just want to see the damn movie!" He finished getting angrier with every passing second, and the angrier he got, the more eccentric he became, Arms flailing around.
"Let me handle this," you said, placing a soothing hand on his arm and gently pushing him to the side.
"Come on, please let us in. I promise we won't disturb anyone. We won't even get snacks." You pleaded with him, batting your eyelashes, resting your arms on the counter, pushing your boobs together just in case he was still on the fence. Obviously, it was working. His eyes were glued to your cheats. That was until he shook his head, looking at Eddie.
"No way, I have plenty of girls come here with their boyfriends trying to get in for free by wearing a low-cut top, but I hate to break it to you; it's not the 1930s anymore; we've all seen cleavage before," the boy told you, standing his ground. You smirked at his sentiment as he was obviously bluffing, his cheeks bright red, and his breathing now shallow from just a small glance at your boobs.
This gave you an idea that normally you would never go through with, but Dustin had asked for one thing for his birthday, and you'd be damned if this kid didn't get that wish.
So you turned to the group, looking at all of them individually quickly before asking them, "You guys ready to run?" They all looked confused but nodded anyway.
Eddie, however, knew exactly what was running through your mind, smirking at you, ready to push the kids inside as soon as your plan was set into motion. You nodded briefly before turning back around to the boy behind the counter, who was arguably the most confused. You just smiled at him one last time before grabbing the front of your shirt, your boobs on full display. Eddie and Steve took the opportunity to push the kids inside the theater before any of them could get a good look as Robin followed after them laughing.
As soon as they made it inside, you pulled your shirt back down. "Bye!" you exclaimed, waving as you walked towards the door.
"Worth it!" you heard the boy shout as you walked inside, chuckling at how easy it was to get 10 people into the movies for free.
The kids ignored your earlier sentiment, having decided to use all the money that was originally for getting into the movie on snacks.
"That was so badass!" Robin yelled, pumping her first in the air. Steve and all the kids nodded along with her. This made you laugh more.
You caught sight of Eddie leaning against the wall in the little seating area, and a bag of popcorn, gummies and two drinks were sitting on the bench beside him.
You walked over to him, his hands finding your hips as you moved closer, yours reaching up to gently grab his cheeks. "You're not mad, are you?" you questioned, jutting your bottom lip out. "Are you kidding me?" he asked, moving forward to bite your bottom lip gently. "Like Robin said, that was so badass," he whispered against your lips before capturing them in a kiss—the kind of kiss that's just rough and filled with desire—the kind of kiss that makes you weak in the knees. Feeling your imbalance only made Eddie pull you closer to his body, deepening the kiss.
Your moment of bliss was ruined by the kids making gagging noises as they walked past you into the theater. "Come on, the movies are starting!" Dustin told you
You both laughed as you grabbed your snacks and walked into the theater with your friends.
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guardedserum · 2 months
Chapter one, Johnny’s Perspective.
It had been months since the gang had found me doubled up, half beaten to death, all because I was looking for our football so I could practice a couple kicks. The Socs had always been the crueller type sure, but I ain’t done nothing to make them hacked off at me; they were looking for a fight and that’s what they came for. I still remember the pained look on Sodapop’s face as he turned me over, all anxious and worried. Steve just looked angry, angrier than I had seen him in a good while, but Ponyboy just looked sad. It was always hard to pinpoint how Pony was feelin’ sometimes.
The Socs scared me more than Mom and Dad; I don’t like to think about them often. They’re always bitchin’ and complainin’ about something and I always got caught in the middle of it. Mom ignored me until she wanted something or if she was mad, and I took a beating with a two-by-four by my father one time. Ponyboy had seen that and I had never felt so weak before. That’s why I didn’t come home most of the time.
It had been months since then.
It was only yesterday Ponyboy got jumped by the Socs while he was walking home, got his neck cut up bad but not bad enough to leave a scar and they kept hollering that they wanted to give him a haircut, which they attempted but failed, only getting so far as to cut his neck before the rest of the gang came running over. Even Dallas came running and I thought he was in the cooler for ‘bout ninety days. Dallas was real mean; sure, the Socs ran ‘cause the gang started fighting back for Ponyboy but Dallas was scary; he had been in a murder rap back in New York and had been arrested when he was ten. He wasn’t just a Greaser; he was a real hood, a JD.
People probably hated Dally more than the rest of the gang; he was the rudest, he didn’t care what people thought about him and he made sure that people knew that he didn’t care. Even Darry, Ponyboy, and Soda’s older brother knew that Dallas was dangerous. But Dallas would never hurt the gang on purpose; he was family. We all walked back to the Curtis’ house, Darry giving Ponyboy an earful. “You don’t ever think do you Ponyboy? Walking home by yourself..” Darry spat, “You don’t think at home or anywhere when it counts.” I stopped listening, I hated when they argued. I wished Darry would hear Pony out, and I wished that Ponyboy would realise that Darry just wanted the best for Ponyboy but that wasn’t gonna happen overnight. After Sodapop calmed Darry down, he went over to talk to Steve by one of the junk cars nearby while Darry went over to the mailbox to check the mail. “Next time ask one of us to go with you Ponyboy,” Two-Bit said. “Any of us will.” Dallas seemed to to adjust his posture a little, like he remembered something. “Speakin’ of movies.. I’m walkin’ over to the Nightly Double tomorrow night; any of y’all wanna come and hunt some action?” Dallas questioned, “Me and Steve are takin’ Evie and Sandy to the game.” Soda stated, Steve nodded. “What about y’all? Two-Bit? Johnnycake? You and Pony wanna come?” Ponyboy perked up. “Me and Johnny’ll go,” Ponyboy accepted. He knew I wouldn’t open my mouth unless I was forced to. And I was glad he agreed for me because I wouldn’t have been able to myself.
”Yeah, since it ain’t a school night..” Darry huffed before he went inside. “I might join y’all if I don’t get too drunk,” Two-Bit hummed before he got in his car and drove off. “Dal’ you got your ring back,” I stated, “You break up with Sylvia again?” Dallas snarled. “Yeah and this time it’s for good. Little broad was two-timing me again while I was in jail.” Dally kicked up some of the dirt underneath his boot. I never understood Dally and Sylvia’s relationship; they were always breaking up and getting back together and one time while Dallas was in jail Sylvia started hanging around me, I hated it. Surely Dallas didn’t mean it when he said that they were breakin’ up for good this time, since he said that the last time too. “Pony you got homework,” Darry called from inside the house, making Ponyboy groan and go inside. Dallas eventually left as well, leaving me sitting on the front steps of the Curtis’ house before I eventually got up myself and left to go to the lot.
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
ok so i've seen a lot of ppl hating on the new thor movie so i'm going to make a list abt what i liked abt it. spoilers obviously
thor rode stormbreaker like a witch on a broom
the hammer/axe jealousy and thor trying to make them both happy
valkyrie covered in ichor with a sword
the goats screamed every time they arrived someplace new/landed
when they put the goats in the guardians' ship and it's just pure chaos as peter is trying to organize everyone to check for distress calls
the music choices were on point!
the ridiculous opening fight scene that seemed a little too good to be true (until the end)
gore! he was such a creepy villain, just so unsettling. it really creeped me out when he smiled. he did an amazing job
"so how are you guys doing?" "we're stuck in a cage made of spikes."
this isn't really about the movie but i liked seeing kamala in the opening sequence
the visuals! it was so pretty! especially the space dolphins and whenever the shadow creatures were being made. it was really cool to see how they went from flat, 2D shadows to 3 dimensional monsters- like how they came up out of the ground. so cool
New Asgard already being half destroyed after the attack in the beginning and thor and jane keep blasting holes in the council room/breaking stuff anyway
valkyrie teasing thor abt jane
the whole last scene where thor's trying to get Love (that's what i'm going to call the little girl, idk her name) to eat pancakes and put on her shoes. felt like a conversation straight out of my family's dialogue
and then thor just gave her stormbreaker!! like sir,,, that ax is as big as she is
the child army!!! that was so cool! i was like 'is he really going to use these kids as an army? i'm confused but i'm here for it' and then he did but in a much more effective way than i imagined!
i also liked how they showed how the different kids fought. some of them with rocks and things that could be actual weapons and some of them with wands and stuffies. it was amazing
thor saying he didn't like meditation, it just made him angrier. i know meditation is a good coping mechanism but whenever i try it i feel like i'm doing it wrong and just get more upset. idk that was just a little thing since ppl don't usually say that in media
at the beginning, peter saying to look into the eyes of the ppl you love and thor just doing that stupid face while sliding into view
Darrel!!! He got a job at new Asgard
When they were fighting in the shadow realm and the only color was from the lightning bolt, stormbreaker, and mjolnir
Jane using all of mjolnirs pieces as an extension of the hammer
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bi-bard · 1 year
Taylor Swift Songs That Would Describe Relationships with the Murder Husbands [Pt. 3 - Midnights Edition] - Will Graham & Hannibal Lecter Preference [NBC's Hannibal]
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Title: Taylor Swift Songs That Would Describe Relationships with the Murder Husbands [Pt. 3 - Midnights Edition]
Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter
Word Count: 3,394 words
Warning(s): cheating, imprisonment, burnout
Author's Note: I've redone this four times. (However, High Infidelity was in all four versions)
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Will Graham:
High Infidelity
Do you really want to know where I was April 29th? Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
--Third Person--
It all kept going through Will's mind in flashes. Like lightning strikes. Just as blinding.
He could still feel the touches and kisses. He could hear every word and sound. He never knew how vivid his memories could be until he was truly haunted by them.
He wondered if (Y/n) was in the same state.
Lying in their bed at home, watching the movie of their night together. He wondered how they felt when they thought about it. Did they experience the same mix of guilt and longing that he did? Or maybe they were still angry at him.
(Y/n) and Will had a history that went back even further than his history with Hannibal.
The two of them had become everything to each other. (Y/n) had been with Will through everything. They stayed by his side when he got arrested, when he got locked away in his head, and everything in between. In his mind, they became a beacon. A sign of safety that may never be matched again.
Everyone else could see that too.
They saw the way that the pair of them looked at each other. It was easy to see how Will seemed to relax just a bit. How (Y/n)'s entire face just softened when they saw him.
Which is why it was more than shocking when Will left (Y/n) behind after Hannibal was arrested. He left town suddenly, leaving (Y/n) in the Wolf Trap house with a few dogs. No one knew why.
(Y/n) refused to go into detail about it. Instead, they would shake their head and say that it was for the best.
And then, Will came back.
After three years, the pair were meeting again in Jack Crawford's office.
Will kissed (Y/n) first. Back at the old house in Wolf Trap.
(Y/n) saw the wedding band on his finger. They just couldn't bring themself to care about it.
The rest of that night was contained to the blur of images. They ran through Will's head like images on a projector.
He wasn't sure how long he had spent lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling before he reached for the phone.
His body was moving faster than his mind was.
"Hey," Molly's voice almost caught him off-guard. "How you doing out there?"
"As well as expected," Will replied quietly.
"I see," she mumbled. "But you're doing some good, right?"
"Yeah," he sighed. "I hope so."
He didn't see it, but he could assume her eyebrows furrowed. "What's going on, Will?"
He closed his eyes. Every word, every thought was stuck in his throat. He couldn't think of something to say. He knew what he needed to say. What needed to be explained. He just couldn't.
In a way, Molly already knew.
She knew all too well about (Y/n) and their importance. Will still held onto the gifts they gave him. His hesitance to tell stories about them was sign enough to Molly that the wounds were all too fresh for him to discuss.
She couldn't find a way to be upset with them before then.
She only knew of the kind person that tried to keep the man she loved safe. She couldn't punish someone for being in love. She could only punish the actions that a person acted on. And even then, she found herself terrifyingly understanding.
"Did..." she didn't want to ask, but she knew that she needed the answer. "Did something happen with (Y/n)?"
Will's breath got stuck just as the words had mere moments before. "Yes."
Her eyes closed. "Did you sleep with them?"
She bit her lip and looked down. She was truly angrier with Will than she was with (Y/n).
She could've screamed at him. She had every right to do so. Will was expecting her to. Almost hoping that she would. Granted, he wasn't quite sure why. Maybe it was just in the hopes of knowing where he stood after it all.
But she didn't.
Molly stayed silent for a while, letting all of it sink in and settle under the surface of her skin.
"I'm sorry."
Will's words were a whisper. A desperate, overwhelmed, scared whisper.
He heard a sigh before Molly spoke, "I know."
It was just as quiet but sounded emotionless.
There wasn't another word spoken before the line went dead.
Will closed his eyes.
Nothing left to do now but deal with the feelings he still held for (Y/n).
I should not be left to my own devices They come with prices and vices I end up in crisis
If you had told me years ago that I would be visiting the man I loved in prison, then I would have scoffed at you.
If you had told me that I would find myself being constantly "confronted" (harassed) by the same "journalist" every day for God knows how long, then I would've questioned what the hell I had done to warrant such attention.
But here I was. Doing both.
Visiting Will was both the best and worst time of my week.
The best because I got to see the man I loved. The worst because it was in a hospital for the criminally insane.
I found myself sitting on a chair across from Will. He was in a cage. Locked away like a damn zoo animal.
I wanted nothing more than to walk closer. Just to touch his hand or press a kiss to his knuckles. But I couldn't do that because of the guard watching over us.
"I heard that you've been seeing a lot of Freddie Lounds," he said.
I nodded. "She got our address from somewhere. Don't know who would've known our address and willingly given it to her."
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault."
"It is," he corrected. "I'm the one being accused of murder, yet you're the one getting harassed. It's my fault that this is happening to you."
I shook my head.
"You're getting harassed and insulted. You have to come here just to see me. It's not fair to you. I have managed to drag you through hell without ever meaning to."
"I don't think so," I shrugged. He sighed. "You wanna know who I blame?"
He raised an eyebrow at me.
"I blame whoever decided to set you up in the first place," I said. "As far as the harassment, that's Freddie's fault. Not yours. You can't control how disrespectful some people can be."
He didn't respond.
"I love you, Will," I continued. "I love you so much that I sometimes can't even comprehend it. I am not going anywhere. I am staying right here with you. Through every moment of it. Got it?"
He slowly nodded.
I relaxed into my seat a bit.
"I love you too," he added after a moment.
I grinned. "I know."
I saw the start of a grin forming on his lips.
It brought me a sense of hope.
One way or another, we were both going to get through this.
What if I told you none of it was accidental And the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me I laid the groundwork and then just like clockwork The dominoes cascaded in a line What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
There was something about watching Will do his work that was absolutely fascinating.
He could look at a single room and tell you what happened within the last twenty-four hours. I found all of it incredibly impressive. Granted, it also made me feel guilty watching his mind go to a place that he clearly didn't want it to.
We had been in the lecture hall that he taught in. He was looking over crime scene photos and mentioned that I could stay if I wanted to.
"What do you think," he asked, looking at me.
Oh. That. That's why he told me that I could stay.
I looked over the photos.
Will was standing right next to me. So close that I could've sworn that I felt his breath hitting me.
I frowned at the images. It's not like I actually knew what I was talking about.
"I... I don't know," I muttered. "I can't make sense of any of it."
"Well, that's because this killer is working very hard to make us see a message when there very well may not be one."
"Oh," I mumbled, not looking away from the images. I wanted to see what he did.
"Are you alright?"
I looked over to see his eyebrows furrowed. He genuinely thought that I was able to do half of what his mind could do. He was diving into the darkest corners of a person's mind and coming back with a jewel.
I was frantically flailing my limbs in the hopes of not drowning and revealing that I couldn't swim.
I nodded.
"Are you sure," he pushed. I offered another nod. "You are not as good at hiding your emotions as you think you are."
"Don't be an asshole," I muttered.
He chuckled, shaking his head a bit. "Don't lie to me."
I took a deep breath, scanning his face for a moment.
"I have been for a while," I confessed.
"Excuse me," he raised an eyebrow at me.
"I... don't understand an ounce of the stuff you've been telling me about," I explained. "I've been doing a lot of reading and listening to your lectures when I can. I don't actually know a lot about any of this."
Will's arms crossed over his chest. "Why?"
"It sounds really stupid," I replied. "I liked you."
He didn't respond.
"I... I liked you, so I thought that the best way to get your attention was to try to relate to you with some of this stuff," I continued. "Not that I'm trying to trivialize what you do. I understand that what you do causes you pain and I want nothing more than to be able to help with that.
"And I'm sorry for lying to you. I just... I wanted to get to know you. Properly. I thought you were intriguing and clever and sarcastic as all hell and handsome. I was just trying to get you to let me in. Let me spend some time with you."
I barely noticed Will's gaze shifting as I spoke.
"And, not to brag, but it did work," I motioned around me. "I'd... I'd like to think that my company isn't a complete annoyance if you let me sit and listen to your theories and deductions. If it hadn't had some benefit, then I wouldn't have done it."
I stopped myself at long last. It was like the pause button on the remote was stuck. I just hadn't been able to stop talking until I had gotten all of that out.
"Will," I said. "I'm sorry."
"I'm not... I'm not upset," he explained. "A little shocked, maybe, but not upset."
"Oh," I muttered. "That's good."
He nodded.
I watched him step even closer to me. My heart rate spiked up. My palms were becoming sweaty. I was certain that my pupil had devoured most of my iris as I looked at him. His eyes seemed to focus on every other part of me.
His nervousness wasn't clear until he moved.
He was hesitant. Like he was ready to back away at any time. Whenever I showed an ounce of discomfort. I stayed where I was, letting him decide what happened next.
His lips found mine carefully. I had never kissed someone that treated me so much like glass.
I kissed him back just as gently.
His hands slowly moved to cup the sides of my face. Kissing him back seemed to unlock something. His hesitance fell away. He kissed me more passionately. I grinned into the kiss.
I leaned back a few moments later, feeling like if I didn't stop kissing him, then I never would.
Will tried to follow my lips, making me laugh quietly as I pushed him back by his chest.
I think it's safe to say that my plan had been a success.
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Hannibal Lecter:
It only feels this raw right now Lost in the labyrinth of my mind Break up, break free, break through, break down You would break your back to make me break a smile
Hannibal's house was overwhelming.
It almost felt like a museum of sorts. Like if I touched anything, an alarm would sound, and I would be escorted off of the premises.
The dinners he crafted were no different. He treated every plate like a canvas. It felt like a crime to cut into any of it.
I was always so grateful for the invitations that he offered me.
It was a privilege to get to sit across from him and have such casual conversation.
I always assumed that I was the only one who had something to be grateful for. He always seemed so in control of what was going on. He guided the conversation. The dinners were in his domain. He seemed to know every detail of the night long before he decided that I would be the one he was sharing it with.
One night, Hannibal showed me that I may have been wrong.
"I must say," he started, "I have often found it difficult to form genuine connections with people. But with you, it feels like I have no choice other than to allow one to form."
I chuckled. "I hope that's a good thing. I wouldn't want you to feel like I'm twisting your arm."
"Not at all," he explained. "'It is simply difficult for me to find space to hide from you. It feels more natural to let you see every part of me."
I grinned. "I hope you know that the feeling is mutual."
He smiled back at me.
"May I ask what inspired that confession," I asked as I reached for the glass of wine in front of me.
There was a pause as he watched me take a sip before returning the glass to the place it belonged.
"I found myself thinking about it in between appointments today," he finally replied. "I have yet to find myself looking forward to dinner with others in the same way I look forward to dinner with you."
"I'm flattered. I thought I was alone in terms of anticipation."
His grin seemed amused. "Perhaps our next dinner should be under different circumstances."
I hummed. "Well, Hannibal, it sounds like you're suggesting a date."
"And if I were?"
He looked away from me as he asked. For just a moment, he seemed nervous. Like some part of him thought that I would be able to say no to him.
"I would be happy to accept," I said.
He looked at me again. "Well then, I'll be sure to make something truly special for the occasion."
I bit the inside of my cheek nervously.
And just like that, everything had changed.
I want to brainwash you into loving me forever I want to transport you to somewhere the culture's clever Confess my truth in swooping, sloping, cursive letters
I had no better word to describe that night than fairytale.
Hannibal and I were in the midst of building our new lives. This meant a new home, new names, whole careers to rebuild. Everything was different. The only constant was each other.
Part of Hannibal's path to gaining respect from the people he needed to respect him was going to fancy events.
As he led me into a grand hall full of people in fancy suits and dresses, all conversing and drinking and dancing, I found myself overwhelmed.
I stood off to the side, deciding to entertain the view from the large windows along the wall.
Hannibal walked over to me, touching my back in an act of comfort. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "It's all just... more than I'm used to."
"I see," he replied. "Would you like to leave?"
"No, no," I said. "It's okay. I just need to adjust."
Hannibal reached over and grabbed my hand. I watched as he pulled it up to his lips, pressing a kiss on the knuckles.
"This all feels too good to be real," I mumbled as he did. He tilted his head at me, lowering my hand again. "The grand party and the fancy people. Being in a place like this. Being here with you. It all feels like some romantic movie."
"But you're happy," he asked.
I moved my free hand to cup the side of his face. "Yes. You have always made me very happy. You are the reason this all feels like such a dream."
His grin grew before he turned his head to place a kiss on my palm.
As we stood by the window, in this space between the beautiful city and the grand party, I decided that there was absolutely no place I would rather be other than right by his side.
Sweet Nothing
Industry disrupters and soul deconstructors And smooth-talking hucksters Out glad-handing each other And the voices that implore "You should be doing more" To you I can admit That I'm just too soft for all of it
I never ignored Hannibal when he greeted me.
Every time I came home, he would be tucked away in the kitchen. I would hear him call "Welcome home" and I would reply with some kind of greeting before saying that I was going to change before dinner.
He must've known that something was wrong from the moment that I didn't reply to his greeting.
I simply went upstairs silently and changed my clothes.
I came back down to the kitchen a little while later.
I wonder how exhausted I looked to him. I would like to think that I hid it well from everyone else, but with him, I never could. I never felt like I needed to. He had this air of comfort and safety to him. One that pulled down my walls before I could fight it.
I sat in the armchair in the corner in silence. I watched him work.
"Would you like to discuss what happened today," he asked, looking at me.
I shook my head, eyes still fixed on his cooking.
I heard him sigh and place the knife down. "(Y/n)..."
I finally let my eyes meet his.
"You can talk to me about whatever is bothering you," he explained. "Hiding your thoughts and true feelings in a relationship can lead to a very unhealthy pattern of behavior. One that I don't wish to see you partake in."
I didn't speak up for a moment.
"Darling, talk to me, please. I would like to know what is wrong so I can think of some way to fix it."
I felt the tears building up in my eyes. I looked down at my hands again.
"It's been a long day," I forced a chuckle, hoping to make it seem like I simply overreacting.
I heard the water run as he cleaned off his hands. He was still drying them as he made his way to me. I looked up at the sound of his footsteps. He knelt in front of me. His hands touched mine.
"I am just so tired," I said, feeling a few tears fall. "I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for," he insisted.
He leaned forward to press a kiss to my forehead.
"Burnout, while unpleasant, is becoming very common," he continued. "I will help you through it. I promise."
I nodded.
"I hope you know that there are no circumstances in which you would need to keep this from me."
I nodded again. "I know."
He leaned in and kissed my lips gently. Just enough to put my mind in a state of calmness. Enough to allow my eyes to close and my shoulders to relax.
"I love you," I mumbled as he pulled away.
"I love you too," he explained. "More than I believe words could describe."
I smiled a bit at him.
How lucky I was to have someone that made me feel as safe as he did.
Author's Note: That gif of Will was a choice and it was a choice that I made very carefully.
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year
Late nights and stressful situations
Yandere Henry bowers x reader
Tw- forced relationships, toxic relationship, domestic and physical abuse
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It had been a hard week for you.
It had started pretty well with you being praised in your ballet class and your father sending over some money as a congratulations, but it went downhill as soon as you were caught by your ‘boyfriends’ when you snook away to smoke with Beverly.
They hated you smoking, it ruined their perfect romanticised version of you as their doll. They had gripped your arms so hard that they left bruises and you had to be subjected to public humiliation when Henry kissed you very publicly.
But the worst part was the dinners. Your house was free after school because your father was most likely away so the boys would insist on coming over so you could cook for them. You would slave over an oven for an hour after school before you could even sit down and relax.
But on the Friday night, Henry requested that the two of you spend the night alone. This was rare but it happened sometimes whenever Henry was feeling particularly selfish and no one would question it considering they’re terrified of him flying off the hinges.
“Your fidgeting again” henry remarked, annoyed as he tried to keep you locked in his tight embrace on the couch.
“Sorry” you apologised as you listened out and prayed for you oven timer to go off and save you this affection.
“You know it annoys me” he sighs out before dragging you closer “I’m trying to make this night romantic”
“Sorry” you apologised, like a well trained pet.
“Stop apologising and actually do something about it” henry groans out
You decided to stay quiet and stare at the tv as a male actor dressed in a suit leans down and kisses the female protagonist. The kiss is gentle and sweet, something you never experienced with Henry
He was so afraid that you would run away at any second that every action he gives you is rough. It’s like clutching a glass between your hands so it doesn’t fall but the pressure causes it to crack and break apart.
The entire gang showed different motives with affection. Patrick’s always came off as sensual and sexually motivated which always made you want to brush you skin.
Victors affection was always held with a possessive element. Every touch seemed like his attempt to claim you as his own, like you weren’t a living person and more a pet.
Belchs affection came from a need of approval from you. He wanted your constant praise and demanded it with every thundering touch.
“Why are you so quiet?” Henry questions “what are you thinking?”
“I’m always quiet” you mumble out “I don’t think much”
“That’s a given” henry snorts out at his own joke “but I can hear the cogs turning, no matter how rusty they are”
“I’m just watching the movie” you say back, holding your offence back
“You know what I think?” Henry questions as he pushes you out of his embrace “I think someone’s got a little crush on the actor”
“Don’t be ridiculous” you denied as he just scoffs
“Four men not enough for you?” Henry questions with venom “Fucking slut”
“Dinners gonna be ready soon” you say quickly as you get to go to the kitchen, recognising that henry was getting angrier
Henry followed you into the kitchen and leans himself on the door frame. He watches as you take a pot roast out of the oven and put it down.
“You know what I don’t get” henry says with a sarcastic tone “I’m the one who protects you from boys in school who want to hurt you, you should be kissing my boots”
“I’m very grateful” you say as you keep your back to him
“You don’t act grateful, fucking Bitch” he mumbles out “you can’t even look at me”
“Im just busy right now, that’s all” you try to make an excuse
“Are you talking back to me?” Henry asks with a thundering tone “you think you can Fucking talk back to me?”
Henry turns you around and slaps you across the face with a force that pushes you to the ground. You grip your cheek in shock as tears fell freely down your face
Henry only sighs as you sob and plates himself up some dinner and sits at the kitchen table across from you.
You continue to cry as he eats as you roll yourself up into a ball and think about your life. When did it get so fucked? You just wanted your dad to burst through the door and save his little girl, but that wouldn’t be happening.
Henry puts his dish next to the sink before crouching next to you.
“Are you done?” He asked, like you were some child who just had a tantrum. You just nodded “good”
“You know I only do it out of care” Henry says as he puts a hand on your shoulder “you have to be corrected or else you’ll never learn”
“Learn what?” You questioned and Henry just chuckles
“Definitely not the brightest” he laughs out “how to be a good wife”
You froze as he laughed at you as you felt his hand on your shoulder. That hand would remain on your shoulder for the rest of your life, controlling you like a puppet.
“I love you, that’s why you need to be corrected” Henry says as he looks at you with adoration, you just nod and he pats your shoulder
“I’m glad you understand” Henry says with a smile as he kisses your cheek “now get started on the Dishes and then we can watch tv together”
You couldn’t be stuck in this life, you refused to get stuck here. You would find a way out, you vowed to yourself
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Sorry for the angsty return I’m just in that kind of mood.
I’m really sorry for the lack of updates, I’ve been in hospital for a little bit but I’m out now so updates should be more frequent again :)
Hope you enjoyed and feel free to ask or request anything
Love ya ❤️
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plentyoffandoms · 1 year
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Tommy Miller x f/Reader
Main Masterlist ♡ TV Shows Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous TV Shows Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing. Maria isn't nice in this at all. Not towards YN anyways. Also Maria isn't pregnant.
WC: 2637
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @tommymilller 2nd gif @maygrant 3rd @loregifs 4th gif @sharpesjoy
Summary: f/Reader finds out Tommy has started a new life, while she was raising their twin boys.
Tommy Miller's POV:
"Understand what? You got lonely? That you needed someone to keep you company? You know what the hell I was doing? Oh, no because you ignored me. I was raising your boys, telling them how great their Dad is and how he can't wait to meet them." I can see the pain in her eyes as she got angrier and angrier at me.
"And I want to get to know them," I did. I wanted to get to know my sons.
"Nope, not happening. As soon as Joel and I can head back to the QZ, we are leaving."
"YN, come on," I was trying to reason with her but when she said "Fuck you, Miller, have a nice life," I just knew there was no way I could get through to her.
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I called her name once more but she just kept on walking, making sure to flip me off as she walked away. 
I knew I fucked up. I knew I should have told her or Joel instead of just ignoring her all these years. I knew about Theo and Tate from Joel telling me.
He kept me up to date on them and YN.
Speaking of my big brother, he found me after settling in and he did not look pleased with me at all.
"You had five fucking years to say something, Tommy. YN held on that you would come back for her and them. That you would reach out or something."
"I fucked up, what more do you want me to say?" I asked him as I poured him a drink and slid the glass over to him.
"I have no idea what you could say to make this up Tommy and it sure as hell shouldn't be towards me."
We sat in silence as he glared at me, and I just looked away as I knew I messed up.
"Tell me about Theo and Tate."
Joel just looked at me over the glass as he finished the drink.
"Ask YN, not my place to tell you about them anymore. Or, go and ask them yourself. They are watching a movie with Ellie."
The conversation then switched to a deeper one about Ellie and the reason why Joel and she were here.
Maria found me later that night, sitting on the edge of our bed, with my head in my hands, trying to wrap my head around today.
"Look at me, Tommy," She gently moved my hands from my head and I lifted my head and looked at her as she smiled down at me. I wrapped my arms around her and laid my head against her chest.
"Because she is the mother of your children, she can stay as long as she wishes, but if she tries anything and I mean anything, she is gone and the boys stay here."
"Maria, I can't separate the three of them," I lifted my head from her chest and she took a step back, out of arm's reach.
"I am not arguing with you about this Tommy. She messes up and she is gone."
The two of us fought well into the night about it. I just knew that Maria may find any and I mean any excuse to have YN thrown out of here.
Joel found me the next morning, rubbing my eyes as I took a sip of my coffee.
"Not a good night with Maria last night?" He asked as he sat across from me. I knew he could hear us as we weren't exactly quiet.
"Yeah, you could say that."
"Mmm," was all he said before he took a sip of his coffee.
"How was the place?" I finally asked him.
"Good, good. Nice to sleep in a bed after so long. We gave the kids their own rooms."
My mind went to YN and Joel cuddling in bed together. He must have seen my expression change.
"YN and I shared a bed, but nothing happened. I see her like a sister anyways," I felt instant relief.
"But even if we did do something, it's not like it should matter to you. You left."
Joel and I looked over at the sound of YN's voice as she entered the room. I started to stutter, but she was right.
I watched as YN stood behind Joel, sipping on her tea, and she placed her hand on his shoulder. Joel reached up and grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
"You two go close huh?"
"Well, you left little brother and someone had to step up when she found out she was pregnant."
I winced at the nice little dig there.
"Yeah, Joel helped out a lot. Built both cribs, found toys, or traded stuff for toys or clothes. Worked extra jobs when I got put on bed rest, him and Tess."
"I didn't know." I tried to say, but Joel stood up abruptly and slammed his fist on the table, making it shake.
"Don't you fucking lie to her. I told you the moment I finally got in contact with you. I expected you to come back when I told you, but you never fucking did Tommy. You don't think I didn't tell her every single time we talked?"
Joel was practically spitting through his teeth at this point. "Joel, it's okay," YN said as she tried to get him to calm down.
"No, it isn't. He had five years to say something. You risked your life and the boy's lives to get to his sorry ass to find out he is married."
It was my turn to stand up. I am not gonna stand here and take his shit. "This is my life, Joel. I had to get out of the QZ and then away from the Fireflies. I met Maria and we fell in love."
He scoffed at that. "You were thinking with your dick, just like you have always done."
I was ready to throw the first punch when the doors opened and in walked Ellie with Maria. The two of them stopped and looked between Joel and me.
"Is everything okay in here?" Maria asked.
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I watched as Tommy took a step back and put his hands in his pockets. "Just a slight family discussion is all," He said to his wife.
"Yeah, but it is over for now," I said not wanting Maria to be a part of our conversation. This is between me, YN, and Tommy.
"I am gonna go check on the boys. I know they were playing with some kids at the park," YN said as she walked back towards the doors.
"I'll join you," I grabbed my jacket and didn't even bother to look at Tommy or Maria as I left. I heard another set of footprints behind me and I knew it must have been Ellie.
"The water is working at the house," Ellie said as she caught up with YN and me.
"I'll go and get the boys. You go take a bath."
"You sure Joel?"
"I'm sure. Go, relax."
YN smiled and kissed my cheek. She has always done that, not only to me but to Tess as well and now even Ellie.
Ellie and I walked the short distance to the park and I sat on one of the benches as I watched my nephews actually get to be kids. Back in the QZ, they really don't have places dedicated to children's play areas and it was nice to see them play with kids their own age. But I was spotted and they came running over to me.
"Uncle Joel, Uncle Joel," was the only words I understood before they both started to talk at once. I sat there, nodding my head as they both talked at rapid speeds. Ellie was clearly amused by this.
"Okay, okay, go off and play, but stay where I can see you." Theo and Tate ran off to go and play what I am assuming is tag once more.
"That is the most I have heard them talk." I glanced at Ellie as she was watching them still. Making sure no harm came to them.
"They usually are like that, but they were warned to be quiet while we travelling. Not to draw any attention to us. They are good kids."
I thought back to when YN went into labour. It was early morning and I was on my way to see her when I heard her scream. I ran to her door, ready to break it down when I saw it was ajar, which is never like her.
I cautiously opened the door and saw that YN was bent over, with her hands on her knees and a trail of liquid between her thighs.
Her neighbour was there, helping her to breathe. I learned later on that her neighbour was once a midwife.
"Joel," YN cried out my name and in an instant, I was at her side, asking what I could do to help. The midwife, whose name now escapes me, started to list off what she needed.
I ran off, trying to find some of the items that I knew YN didn't have in her apartment. That is when I found Tess and told her what the hell was going on.
She ran back to YN and I found the items, even doing some trading for them.
Tess and I took turns holding YN's hands through the contractions and even taking turns scaring off the assholes that came to complain about the noise.
When I heard the sound of the boys crying, it brought me back to when I heard Sarah crying for the first time.
"Earth to Joel," Ellie was snapping her fingers in my face.
"Stop that." I swatted her hand away.
"You zoned out there old man." I just glared at her for that, and she just quietly laughed to herself. Used to me being grumpy with her.
Ellie got up and went to play with the kids. I watched as she chased Theo and Tate around, the three of them giggling and I couldn't keep the small smile from my face.
The four of us were walking back to what I assume is the dining area for lunch. I was holding onto both boys' hands tight, not wanting to lose them in the group of people.
I saw that YN was standing off to the side, looking for us I assume. Once she saw us, I let go of the boy's hands and they ran to their Mom, crashing into her legs. Ready to tell her all about their morning.
"Why don't we grab some food and then you can tell me about all the fun you had my loves." I heard her say to them. Ellie helped YN by grabbing a tray and drinks for one of the boys. I stood back, watching them. Making sure that no one bothered them.
The locals were obviously still very weary of us and they should be. I would do anything to protect those four.
I heard my name being called and saw that it was Tommy who was waving us over. Maria didn't look happy, even I could tell that was a fake smile on her face.
I was in no mood to be dealing with Tommy or his wife but there was nowhere else to sit. As I got closer I noticed that there were only 4 seats available.
"We need another chair," I said.
"There are no more," Maria said. I wanted to roll my eyes as I didn't care for high school bullshit when I was in high school and I am most certainly not going to now.
"That is fine Joel." YN tried to say.
"One of the boys can sit on my lap," I said as I stared right at Maria. I watched as her lips went thin as she realised she didn't get her own way.
"Very well."
The tension was so thick at our table, you could cut it with a knife. Maria was glaring at YN. Ellie was shovelling the food into her mouth. Tommy was looking back and forth between Theo and Tate.
I looked between the three of them and just seeing them together made me realise how good of a mixture they were of their parents.
They had YN's skin tone and smile, as well as her smarts, but everything else was Tommy, except Tate had YN's eye colour while Theo had Tommy's.
Ellie did her best to do small talk, but we just ate in silence.
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After that very awkward lunch, I took the boys home to wash up and play at home for a bit before dinner time.
I was just looking around the place a bit more when I heard a knock on the door. I could see through the living room windows that it was Maria.
I thought about not answering it but she could see me standing there, so against my better judgement, I opened the door and she walked right on it.
"How are you liking the place?"
"It is nice, thank you."
The silence was uncomfortable but I had nothing to say to this woman, but she clearly had something to say to me. She was speaking, but as she was facing away from me, I didn't hear it all, so I asked her to repeat herself.
Maria quickly spun and took a few steps towards me, trying to seem intimidating I am assuming.
"You must leave."
"Look, if you think I want Tommy, you can keep him. The moment I found out he was married, I decided he is not worth fighting for."
"He just isn't the reason YN, the boys will be staying here as well."
I actually laughed out loud at her, thinking she was trying to be funny in a dark way, but my laughter quickly stopped when she spoke.
"I am being serious. Theo and Tate will be staying with us."
"You are not taking my kids from me, Maria."
"They are also Tommy's, so therefore he has the rights to them as well."
"He kind of gave up those rights when he refused to acknowledge their existence before we showed up on your doorstep."
"The boys will be staying here with Tommy and me. We have the resources to take care of them and besides, they need a mother and a father to raise them."
I had to fight my eyes from rolling back at that stupid logic. Many same-sex couples did just fine raising children before everything went to shit.
"You have no idea who you are dealing with Maria."
"I see a sad excuse for a woman who came halfway across the country to be with a man who wants nothing to do with her."
I wanted to be hurt by her words, but all I could see was a woman who threatened me and trying to take my kids from me.
"As I said, when Tommy told me he was with you, I backed off. You can have him but if you touch even a single hair on either of my boys, I will," I didn't get to finish that sentence as she tutted at me.
"Now, don't be making any threats YN. I can have you thrown in our jail and then put you out, with no weapons and no way of protecting yourself against the Infected or Raiders."
The two of us glared at one another. I was fighting an inner battle with myself wondering if I should kill her when I heard, "Mom!"
"Be right there Tate," I called out.
"Go and spend some time with them, as this will be your last night with them YN."
Part 1 ♣︎ Part 3
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Tag List: please let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list. @snixx2088
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