#and u think ur so weird and strange and bad looking and u don’t look like normal people
willowfey · 1 year
unexplainable feeling when u decide to check twitter after a long time and there’s always some debate going on about whether a beautiful woman is ugly or not and bc she’s slightly unconventionally attractive and has like yk normal human features everyone is like “i’ve never met a human that even kinda looks like this in my life” “i know this is weeeirrddd but i think she looks kinda good in a weird way?? am i crazy??” “we need to start letting ugly women be famous again, normal people are getting boring” and then a parade of people show up to say “yes, like her —“ posting pictures of the most conventionally attractive and stunning famous women ever. meanwhile everyone else is comparing her to the ugly duckling from chicken little.
does not feel good tho.
0 notes
minustwofingers · 4 months
cool about it teaser
pairing: closetedfem!reader x ellie
request? yes, by @gold-dustwomxn (:
summary: life in the apocalypse is hard enough. the last thing you need is unrequited feelings for your best friend—who is very much off limits. so you'll just be cool about it. really cool about it. set in a loose interpretation of canon where i toy around with the timeline and storyline just the slightest and this is also a bit of a slowburn
warnings: ur closeted asf, queer angst, gross men, explicit language, substance use
a/n: hey guys i haven't really been posting much recently, but i wanted to at least post two scenes from this series so u guys have an idea of what to expect...also so u guys can tell me which one you want me to work on more (love is a laserquest or this one). i hope u enjoy...sorry this one is a little disjointed! (there are many events that happen between the two scenes im sharing w u as a little treat)
I. (opening scene)
The revelation that your feelings towards your best friend had become complicated arrives with the dead of winter. It’s strange, really, how something within you came to life just as the rest of the world began to die. 
If you were wiser, you’d find ways to explain it away, to rationalize all the weird thoughts in your head. You’d cite the chill in the air. The holiday spirit running through Jackson. The desolation that came with your only outdoor companions being the brown corpses of deciduous trees and infected that hadn’t frozen in the winter storms that kept battering Wyoming. 
But with age came wisdom, and both of those virtues were in short supply in a post-apocalyptic world. So, you resign yourself to cataloging away these feelings and pretending like everything was absolutely normal and cool. 
The bad thing about having good things, you think to yourself bitterly one day as you watch Ellie’s eyes light up as she rambles in her room as you sit on her bed about a comic book Joel had found her, is that they’re risky. High risk—high reward. Ellie was special to you in a way that no one else was. And using this logic, losing her would bring such an unforeseen devastation that you weren’t sure that you could go on. 
So, normal. Cool. Chill. Because you cannot afford to fuck this one up. 
“I love when you tell me about your comics,” you tell her in a way that’s definitely not sappy sweet and gooey. 
She smiles crookedly back at you. “You’re such a fucking liar. I know you couldn’t give a shit about these.” 
“Am not!” You throw a punch at her arm, feeling your heart twist as she just grins wider. “For the record, I do give a shit. Many, actually.”
“That sounds gross.” 
“Your words, not mine.” 
And it’s absolutely gut wrenching how she can just smile at you like that, like she’s not holding your heart in her fist.
“So, uh, Cat,” you blurt out. You’d been staring at her for too long. “Dina said that you two were—uh…” 
You wave your hand around in the air like you’re sifting through thousands of possible word combinations. In reality, you know exactly what you need to say to get the answer you’re searching for. You just don’t want to ask. 
“Well…” She blushes. Her eyes drop to her hands, where her fingers are toying with the bits of cuticle she hasn’t already torn off. 
“I knew it!” you croon, hoping that the boatload of dread that just dropped in your stomach isn’t as obvious as it feels. “Tell me everything.”
“Nothing to tell,” she says. “Nothing yet, at least. It’s stupid but—I just noticed that she hangs around me a lot, you know? And, like, touches me more than she needs to. Shit like that. I dunno.”
The wound deep inside you splits like the fake grin on your lips. “Wowwwww. Look at you!” 
Ellie rolls her eyes. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“I mean,” she says, her eyes twinkling conspiratorially, “What about Eddie? Jesse told me that you spend a lot of time with him.”
“We’re patrol partners,” you offer. It’s not a lie. You’re just choosing to omit the part where Eddie spends half his patrol staring longingly in your direction while you pretend not to notice. 
“I know that.”
“It’s…” You gnaw on your bottom lip. “I don’t know how I feel about that right now.” 
That’s not a lie either. Eddie is…nice. All the other girls like him, except for Dina (she has Jesse) and Ellie (she has another very obvious reason). He’s attractive. At least, that’s what Bonnie tells you. Apparently the buzzed hair and heavy bluntness found in all of his features is considered hot. 
But just because you’re not into him now doesn’t mean you could never be. That’s what your mother used to say about your father—she hadn’t liked him upon their first meeting. But it changed with time, and you’d rather have someone than be all alone. 
Ellie hums, picking at the cuticle of her thumb. “He likes you.”
“So I’ve heard.” 
“Well,” she says, “I heard Jesse’s putting on another bonfire tonight. Want to walk there together after dinner?” 
You spend another evening staring across the fire at your best friend, watching the warm glow of the flames warp and distort the shape of her and Cat, pressed up against each other and smiling wide. You aren’t sure why it makes you so uncomfortable to see them together. Homophobia? No. Maybe? You recently learned that that was a thing, but you don’t consider yourself bigoted, and being a homophobe is more of an opt-in situation, right? 
But when you try to reach deep inside to find a more plausible answer, there’s nothing. 
It’s your detachment from reality that lets Eddie drape a heavy, hard arm over your shoulder. 
“Hey,” he whispers into your ear. His breath is hot and warm. 
“Hey,” you whisper back, wanting nothing more than to get away. Thankfully, Ellie is too preoccupied with Cat to even look your way. You’re sure that you’d die if she saw Eddie touching you like this. 
“You look really pretty tonight.”
“Thank you.”
It’s like someone shone a spotlight on you, hung a sign on your neck that said, I am perceived and desired by men. You don’t know why this makes your skin crawl so much. 
Eddie’s fingers are tracing patterns on the flesh of your arm. You find that you’re grateful for the extra layer your sweatshirt sleeve provides. You don’t want him to touch you—don’t want to know what it’s like for him to deliberately make contact with your skin. 
The next time he speaks to you, it’s in a murmur that you suppose is meant to sound seductive. “You’re quiet today.”
“Just a little tired.” And now you feel guilty, because Eddie really hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s you who has an issue with a boy who’s perfectly nice and clearly likes you. 
He laughs like you’d said something funny, tightening his arm so you press into his side. His body is blazing hot like a furnace, and it feels hard and foreign.
II. (scene from somewhere in the middle )
“Sorry!” You titter at the crowd of your friends who formed at the sliding glass door. “Um—sorry.” 
It seems to be the only thing you can say. 
“Cat,” Ellie says, an edge of desperation in her voice. “Cat, please, it’s not like—”
“I’m pretty fucking sure of what I saw,” snaps Cat. She turns to Eddie, a vicious glint in her eyes. “Didn’t know your girl swung that way.” 
And then she shoves past the mass of people, Ellie kicking off from the deck railing with a stream of apologies falling from her lips as she follows behind. 
Eddie walks forward, confusion the dominant emotion in his wide face.
“Uh—I didn’t—”
“I’m really drunk,” you say to him, feeling the tears begin to spill down your cheeks. “It’s not like that. I promise it’s not like that. I don’t know why I did that.”
“Hey,” he says, opening his arms. “Come here. Why are you crying?” 
“I don’t know,” you sputter, stepping into him and pressing your snotty face into his shirt. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Fuck.”
“It’s really okay.” His hand finds the flat part of your back between your shoulder blade and rubs circles. “It’s just a chick. If it were, like, I dunno, Jesse, I would’ve been angry.”
“You’re not mad?” you ask, pulling away to look up at him. Maybe there’s something tonight you didn’t ruin. 
He smiles down at you. “‘Course not. Some guys find that shit hot, you know. Two girls kissing like that.”
The smile that seemed so innocent at first sends a sharp, chilling pang through your chest. He doesn’t seem to notice your hesitation in the way your face falls as his head dips to kiss you, doesn’t seem to register the disgust you exhibit until you have to shove yourself away.
“I’m really drunk,” you repeat, looking anywhere but his face. “I want to go to bed.” 
“I can come—”
final a/n: like i said so sorry about how disjointed this is. i just want to get a feel for what my readers are more interested in for now!!
180 notes · View notes
defectivevillain · 1 month
struck by your lightning, ch3
reader’s pronouns: he/him
summary: You decide to take advantage of the moment’s respite you’re given. “Okay. Hey, how are you?” You look up, only to find yourself staring at Kaminari Denki. The Kaminari Denki—the idol with over thirty million listeners and sold-out concerts across the world. You’re certain that you’re going to fumble your words several times in front of him. (You're a reporter working at the red carpet of a national award gala. You've convinced yourself that you're doing just fine. At least, you're doing fine until you interview Kaminari.)
here’s chapter one and chapter two [you’ll want to read these first, otherwise this won’t make much sense]
this is a chat-hybrid fic and the formatting was mostly made for ao3. it’s a lil wonky here, so here’s the ao3 version if you’d prefer to read that :)
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since it's been a while, here's a refresh of what happened in ch1-2: The reader works at DoubleVision agency and is invited to interview artists at an award show. His interview and interaction with Kaminari quickly goes viral—both because of his flustered reaction at the end and the “Love ya”s exchanged at the end. The reader tries not to think too much of it, until he opens his phone to find a message from an unknown number who proves to be Kaminari himself. The two quickly grow to be friends through frequent text conversations. Kaminari reveals that he has your placard for the event and plans for the two of you to meet up together at the nearby coffee shop…
now, onto the story....
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Tokyo Entertainment Fix | @tokentfix
Popstar Kaminari Denki Spotted with Reporter from Awards Gala at Coffee Shop! 
[ coffee1.jpg ] [ coffee2.jpg ] [ coffee3.jpg ]
89k comments | 486k retweets | 1.8m likes
jj | @dendendenki
409 comments | 3k retweets | 18.2k likes
i said what i said. | @ urfavescouldnever
In response to @dendendenki 
seeing what
5 comments | 21 retweets | 451 likes
jj | @dendendenki
In response to @ urfavescouldnever 
THIS [tokentfix.twt] [newsarticle.link]
61 comments | 1.3k retweets | 8k likes
i said what i said. | @ urfavescouldnever
In response to @dendendenki 
4 comments | 808 retweets | 1.6k likes
Direct Message 
You: have you seen…?
Kaminari Denki: the news article about us?
You: yeah
Kaminari Denki: ah yeah, i saw it
You: i’m sorry
Kaminari Denki: i’m sorry
Kaminari Denki: WHAT
You: i’m sorry
Kaminari Denki: no no no
Kaminari Denki: stop that immediately
You: y??
Kaminari Denki: bc it's not ur fault!!!
Kaminari Denki: if anything, i should be the one apologizing 
You: why??? you didn’t do anything
Kaminari Denki: NEITHER DID YOU
You: ah damn it i see what you did there
Kaminari Denki: damn right
Kaminari Denki: but srsly, i hope the article isn’t messing anything up for u
You: i was gonna say the same to you
Kaminari Denki: oh pls, this kind of shit happens to me all the time
Kaminari Denki: but seriously, are you doing ok?
You: yep all good
You: it’s just more funny than anything else
Kaminari Denki: is the thought of dating me really so bad :(
You: oh pls, that’s not what i meant
You: i just meant celebrity culture in general…  like they’re so obsessed with your relationship status and it’s kinda weird>??
Kaminari Denki: yeah… 
You: sigh
You: so glad i’m just a lowly reporter 🙏
Kaminari Denki: hey, don’t jinx it
Kaminari Denki: plus, haven’t you looked on twt recently
Kaminari Denki: fans are shipping us together
Kaminari Denki: pretty sure there are stan accounts dedicated to you now
Kaminari Denki: not that i would know
Kaminari Denki: or follow them
You: fr??
Kaminari Denki: fr fr
You: deadass?
Kaminari Denki: on god
You: i hate us
Kaminari Denki: same
Thankfully, that article about Kaminari and you doesn’t actually change much. You go about business as usual, albeit with a strange sense of guilt prickling along your skin when your mind is unoccupied. You throw yourself into your work and try to bury the emotions, but they are never truly extinguished. 
Your conversations with Kaminari are far rarer now, especially as the both of you get even busier. Kaminari is working on releasing his next album and you’re pitching new stories and writing to old acquaintances for features. Even though you throw yourself into work, you still find your thoughts returning to Kaminari. Your relationship with him is currently undefined—your meeting the other day felt like a date, but neither of you acknowledged it. You would love to be more than friends with Kaminari, but you also know that someone as well-known as him doesn’t exactly have the freedom to pursue a relationship and a music career at the same time. Resigned, you slowly push away thoughts of Kaminari until you think you get a good handle on your emotions. 
Until everything you try to suppress comes roaring back.
 Kaminari Denki | @kaminaridenki
24 hours. [STATIC.jpg]
203k comments | 1.2m retweets | 4m likes
Kaminari Denki to Release New Album Tomorrow
2 min ago ᐧ By Janet Drews
Kaminari Denki, award-winning musical artist and popular culture icon, recently announced the release of his new album on Twitter. The Tweet earned over four million likes and 200,000 comments. Listeners are clearly looking forward to the occasion, as #KaminariDenki, #STATIC, and #DenkiAlbum top the Twitter Trending page (#1, #2, and #4, respectively). 
Some fans speculate the new album will be an ode to the rumored relationship between Kaminari and the DoubleVision reporter who interviewed him at the award gala [interview.mp4]. The interaction between the singer and the reporter quickly went viral following live coverage of the event. Digital citizens across the platform searched for explanations for the exchange, and Kaminari fans such as user @heyheyh3y discussed their red-carpet conversation.  
stream lightning by kaminari! | @heyheyh3y okay but is it just me or was there some tension there…  [interview.jpg]: A screenshot of Kaminari standing next to you during the interview.   907 comments | 66k retweets | 256k likes
This album will be a bit different from his previously released music, Kaminari said to Vogue Japan mere days ago. The artist made no mention of a significant other who could bear influence on his new music, despite the fact that he was seen with the DoubleVision reporter at EspressoBeanz but a few days ago—a cafè conveniently located near both DoubleVision agency and UA Entertainment. However, other Kaminari fans, like users @electrstatic and @staticshockwave, weren’t convinced:
⚡⚡| @electrstatic y’all are making such a huge deal about this whole reporter business, as if the same thing hasn’t happened time and time again with literally anyone kaminari interacts with 31 comments | 23 retweets | 700 likes electric boogaloo  | @staticshockwave In response to @electrstatic  THANK YOU. like, when he first got Arata as a manager, everyone was going batshit crazy about how they were dating… and they weren’t. and the way anyone breathing in Kaminari’s direction is assumed to be dating him… it’s crazy 0 comments | 8 retweets | 32 likes
Either way, fans across the world are looking forward to the release of new music from Kaminari.  His new album, STATIC, will be released on Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, and assorted digital platforms at 3 p.m. JST (approximately 10 a.m. UTC). 
Direct Message
You: heyyy, how are you feeling
You: the album releases tmrw, right?
Kaminari Denki: very nervous 
Kaminari Denki: and yes, t minus 20 hrs
You: awesome!
You: and rly? why?
Kaminari Denki: well… i worked hard on it, and i want ppl to like it
You: okay 
You: will you be disappointed if your fans don’t like it?
Kaminari Denki: a little, yeah
You: but why do you write music? do you write it for them or for yourself? 
Kaminari Denki: 
You: sorry, that sounds patronizing…
Kaminari Denki: no, you’re right
Kaminari Denki: i think i needed to hear that
You: i mean, you clearly worked very hard on it. i’m sure everyone listening will recognize that.
Kaminari Denki: i hope so
You: they will 😠 and if they don’t, fuck em
Kaminari Denki: damn right
Kaminari Denki: thanks <3
You: ofc! <3
You: i have to go eat dinner, talk soon?
Kaminari Denki: yep,, enjoy your meal
You: tyyy haha
Direct Message
Kaminari Denki: hypothetically speaking
Sero Brain Cells: ok hello to you too
Sero Brain Cells: also bitch do i look like a scientist
Kaminari Denki: does a “<3” mean someone is hopelessly in love with me
Sero Brain Cells: jfc
Kaminari Denki: is that a yes
Sero Brain Cells: ur so fuckin whipped
Kaminari Denki: SHUT UP
Kaminari Denki: I TRUSTED YOU
Kaminari Denki: i came to you in my time of weakness
Kaminari Denki: and this is how you repay me
Sero Brain Cells: dude, you gotta tell him at some point
Kaminari Denki: ik…
Sero Brain Cells: and even if you don’t, he’ll probably figure it out soon
Kaminari Denki: wdym
Sero Brain Cells: ur new album. 
Kaminari Denki: what about it?
Sero Brain Cells: half of those songs are so clearly about him
Kaminari Denki: nahhhh no way i kept it hella ambiguous
Sero Brain Cells: ambiguous, huh
Kaminari Denki: shut up
Kaminari Denki: … do you really think he’ll notice
Sero Brain Cells: well, i’m not sure
Sero Brain Cells: you both seem a lil oblivious, so it may be fine
Kaminari Denki: hey 😭
Sero Brain Cells: all love
Sero Brain Cells: but also get ur shit together u raging homo (affectionate, non-derogatory)
Kaminari Denki: oh pls, as if you haven’t been pining for shoto for six business years
Sero Brain Cells: HEY
Sero Brain Cells: …HEY
Sero Brain Cells: HEY 💀
Sero Brain Cells: ik ur stressed rn so i’ll let that slide 🤨
Kaminari Denki: ur right, i’m so anxious
Kaminari Denki: sry for taking it out on u, bro 
Sero Brain Cells: it’s ok bro
Sero Brain Cells: wanna get ur ass kicked in mariokart?
Kaminari Denki: do i want to kick ur ass in mariokart? absolutely
Sero Brain Cells: we’ll see about that
Kaminari Denki: damn right we will
Kaminari Denki | @kaminaridenki
fucking godly at mariokart [mariokart.jpg]
19k comments | 97k retweets | 347k likes
Sero | @serofucks
In response to @kaminaridenki 
oh fuck all the way off, you had steering assist on
3k comments | 45k retweets | 228k likes
In response to @serofucks 
47 comments | 430 retweets | 1.4k likes
surprised pikachu face | @kamipikakami
In response to @kamisimpsimp 
gagged and gooped
31 comments | 338 retweets | 2.3k likes
alex | @kaminarunaronari
In response to @kaminaridenki 
what really concerns me is that you main lakitu
2k comments | 134k retweets | 765k likes
stream lightning by kaminari! | @heyheyh3y
In response to @kaminaridenki 
here we are, anxiously awaiting the new album, and this mf is playing mariokart
21 comments | 208 retweets | 809 likes
In response to @heyheyh3y 
as one does!
0 comments | 46 retweets | 665 likes
Direct Message 
You: heyyyy
You: it’s release dayyyyyy
Kaminari Denki: when you when you when you whennnnnnnnnnnnnnfdshfkdjs
You: :0
You: looking forward to it!
Kaminari Denki: :3
(Nine Hours Later) 
Direct Message 
You: congratulationsssss!!!!
You: i’ll try to find the time to listen to STATIC soon!!!
Kaminari Denki: thanks :)
Kaminari stares down at his phone, watching as fans discuss the new album. He has the album on shuffle in the background as he tries to brainstorm some choreography. Kaminari has absolute faith in the talented choreographers that he works with—but he just feels like he needs to do something to combat the restless energy surging through him.  
The feedback on the album so far has been overwhelmingly positive, yet he’s still nervous—as if he’s still waiting for a reaction from someone. Shaking his head, he tries to focus on the choreography he’s creating. But that plan quickly backfires. Within moments, his phone buzzes—breaking him out of his thoughts. Kaminari freezes and immediately grabs it from his pocket, heart thudding rhythmically in his chest as he unlocks his phone and goes to his messages. There’s a series of texts from you:
You: ok, i have time to listen, now! You: gonna listen as i make dinner!!!
Kaminari sighs, trying to calm his racing heart. He doesn’t know what to say or how to say it. Taking a deep breath, he puts his phone back in his pocket and decides to practice some of the choreography for his other songs. Even amidst the music running through the space and the dance moves that seemed etched onto his very skin, Kaminari still can’t help but think of you. 
Meanwhile, you’re just getting home from work. You hate to admit it, but you’ve been looking forward to listening to Kaminari’s new album for a bit now. It’s especially thrilling to think that you can discuss it with him afterward—hell, he even seems to be awaiting your feedback. The thought is exciting and nerve-wracking in equal measures. 
You decide to change out of your work clothes before starting dinner, so that you don’t have to worry about staining anything. Then, you grab your Bluetooth speaker and place it on the kitchen counter, before pulling up Kaminari’s newest album and tapping on the first song. Immediately, a beautiful, twisting melody reaches your ears and you swear you feel your shoulders begin to relax. You busy yourself with preparing dinner while his voice fills the space. 
Safe to say, the album is incredible. You really like each song you’ve listened to so far—and have found yourself saving each of them to various playlists. Even if you hadn’t spoken with Kaminari throughout the period he was working on the album, you would be able to tell that he put a lot of effort into it. As you expected, that effort shows through in each and every song.  
His songs are rather hard-hitting, emotionally speaking. The fifth song, traces of you , makes you freeze in place. You have to rewind to listen to one particular portion of the song again: 
…and I stand aside 
as you’re washed away  
with the ebbing tide 
I’m so afraid 
of falling out of love 
Sometimes I look up  
at the blinding black night 
and the stars seem to whisper  
your name in the air 
I feel a shiver roll down my spine 
I remember your hand in mine, 
and I’m just so afraid.  
You don’t know how long you stand at the kitchen counter, letting the lyrics slip into your ears and down your skin. This song is so raw and vulnerable. You feel the sudden urge to close your eyes. For a moment, you can almost trick yourself into thinking Kaminari is singing to you, that these lyrics are meant for you and you alone. It’s a foolish thought, but you can’t quite push it away. You feel your eyes burning with unshed tears as you try to picture Kaminari writing down these lyrics. What was he feeling, in those moments? Were his eyebrows furrowed in concentration? Were his hands stained from the still-drying ink of his pen? Was he tapping his foot along to an unheard, not-yet-created melody?  
Something blares loudly, tearing you from your reverie. You blink and look around the room, gasping when you realize you completely neglected the pan on the stove. The pan is smoking and you recognize that insufferable sound to be the fire alarm. You’re quick to turn off the burner. The fire isn’t extinguished. Panicking, you race to one of the kitchen cabinets to grab baking soda. Baking soda, quickly , your mind is practically yelling. You grab the baking soda and haphazardly spread it over the grease fire, relief coursing through you when you see the flames begin to die down. When the fire finally subsides, you look down at your attempt at dinner, only to find a charred pile. You shake your head in disbelief and clean up your mess, before grabbing your phone and skipping to the next song. 
You don’t make the mistake of attempting to make dinner as you listen to the rest of the album, which is a rather smart move, because the remaining songs are lyrical masterpieces. There isn’t a single song on the album that you don’t like. A small smile growing on your face, you open your messaging app. 
Direct Message
You: i love the new album holy shit
Kaminari Denki: really?
You: yesssss omfg absolutely 
Kaminari Denki: akjdfkjfskdjfsdlkf
Kaminari Denki: which track is your favorite? for research purposes 
You: research purposes? lol
You: my favorite is definitely traces of you 
Kaminari Denki: ah, that’s one of my favorites, too!
Kaminari Denki: and lemme just say: i’m so happy you listened! it means the world to me, so thank you <3
You: no need to thank me—just doing my due diligence as a friend! besides, the new album is incredible!
You: and i promise i’m not just saying that to be nice,,, it’s clear you put a lot of effort into it. 
Kaminari Denki: ahhh stawp ur gonna make me all flustered xD
You: hahaha
You: i do have one critique, though
Kaminari Denki: ooooh ok i’m listening 👀
You: traces of you needs to come with a warning
Kaminari Denki: for what? shit how did i miss that
You: “warning: will distract you from cooking dinner and nearly burn your home down”
Kaminari Denki: wait
Kaminari Denki: you did notttttt 💀
You: I DID
You: i was so distracted i forgot i was making dinner
Kaminari Denki: omfgggg that’s insane
Kaminari Denki: i’ve heard a lot of things about my music, but never that it almost burned a house down and ruined dinner 😭
You: lmfaooo 
Kaminari Denki: i’m so sorry 😭😭
You: it’s not your fault, holy shit
You: don’t feel guilty!!!! if it makes you feel better, it was completely worth it
Kaminari Denki: hmph 
You: i wasn’t rly that hungry anyways
Kaminari Denki: hm hm hm hm hmmmmmm
You: whatttt
Kaminari Denki: nothing i gtg
Kaminari Denki is offline. 
You: o….kay? …bye?
You exit out of your messaging app and start rummaging through your pantry for something to eat. Nothing sounds very good right now. You don’t have much food left, either—you’re in desperate need of a trip to the grocery store. You’re sure you can make time to go tomorrow, but as for right now… you’re stuck making do with what you have. Truthfully, you’re tempted to order something—but it’s already getting late and you don’t want to wait even longer for a meal when you’re already hungry. 
You walk out into your living room and flop onto the couch, trying to distract yourself from the hunger gnawing at your stomach. Admittedly, your abrupt conversation with Kaminari is weighing heavily on your mind too. You eventually scroll through YouTube mindlessly, if only to keep yourself distracted. You’re not sure how long you sit there before there’s a sudden ringing sound. You frown, wondering if you’re hearing things. 
The sound occurs again, and you realize that someone must be ringing your doorbell. Squinting in confusion, you head to your front door and peek through the peephole—surprised to find a familiar blond singer standing on your porch. You quickly unlock your front door and swing it open. “Kaminari?” You ask, convinced you’re seeing things. You hadn’t made plans to hang out today, and you assumed that your conversation died off because he was busy. 
“Hey,” Kaminari smiles. He’s wearing a sweatshirt and jeans with a pair of colorful sneakers. His bangs are clipped back and his hair is almost glowing in the dim light of your porch. There’s a sheepish smile on his face that is endlessly endearing. “I heard you missed dinner.” He smiles, holding up a few bags of takeout from a restaurant the two of you had spoken about before. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” you say quickly, hoping that you didn’t make him feel as if he had to provide you with dinner. It wasn’t his fault you were distracted. 
“I wanted to,” he says with a smile, dispelling your doubts. “I think I remember your order, but…” He trails off, averting his eyes with an embarrassed expression. “I got a few different things, just in case.”
“I could kiss you,” you breathe relievedly, unaware of the flush that adorns Kaminari’s cheeks as he processes that remark. You motion for him to come in, before locking the front door and showing him to the dining room. You leave him to unbag the food, while you grab plates and utensils. “Do you want anything to drink?” You ask from the kitchen.
“What do you have?” Kaminari asks casually. 
“Water, soda, sparkling water…” You trail off, looking through your fridge for anything else you may have laying around. 
“Water’s fine,” he smiles. You roll your eyes and grab another glass, filling up waters for you both before returning to the table. Kaminari wasn’t kidding when he said he bought a few different things—as it’s all laid out on your table, it looks as if he bought half the menu. You return to the kitchen and grab the plates and utensils you gathered earlier, before heading back. Unsurprisingly, the pile of food on the table doesn’t get any smaller. 
“This is a lot of food,” you remark cautiously. Realistically speaking, there’s no way you’ll be able to finish all of this, and you feel slightly guilty. 
“Oh, yeah,” Kaminari nods, “I figured we would have enough for leftovers, and stuff.” You nod in agreement, before busying yourself with making a plate. 
“So,” you say, once the two of you are settled in and have begun eating. You didn’t realize just how hungry you were until you took a bite of the food. There’s an inexplicable tension hovering over the air, and you’re unsure if you’re imagining it or not. “How are you feeling?”
“Good,” Kaminari responds with a nod. “Really good,” 
“Good!” You smile, taking another bite. “Are you topping the charts already?”
He smiles bashfully, poking at his food with a fork. “I think so… yeah.” He’s so humble, and you can’t help but think it’s rather admirable. 
“That’s so cool,” you remark, “I’m so happy for you.” 
“Thanks, I’m happy, too.” He smiles briefly, before looking back down at his food. The happiness in his expression almost seems to flicker for a moment, and the grin on his lips suddenly looks strained. You frown. At first, you want to put that sight down to your imagination; but when the silence stretches on for a while and he doesn’t make a move to continue speaking, you decide to acknowledge it. 
“Are you sure?” You blurt out, before you can contemplate the consequences of speaking so freely. Kaminari looks at you in confusion and you grimace. “Sorry. It’s just- You seem a little… off, I guess.”
“I’m good,” he reassures you with a small nod. The gesture is not very convincing. 
“Okay,” you say, not wanting to push him further. If there’s something he doesn’t want to talk about, you’re not going to force it out of him. After a few moments, your conversation returns to normal. You still have a lingering suspicion that there’s something weighing on his mind, but you decide to forget about it. 
Overall, your dinner is pleasant. You get the chance to ask Kaminari a few questions about the album, and you really enjoy seeing his eyes sparkle as he goes into in-depth explanations of the meanings behind his songs. It feels like you’re seeing a side of him that very few people get to see—but you don’t want to flatter yourself. 
Kaminari offers to help you with the dishes when you’re both finished eating, but you quickly refuse and promise him you’ll finish them quickly. You run water over the dishes before placing them in the dishwasher, promising yourself to run it later that night. When you return to the table, you’re surprised to find Kaminari staring ahead with a troubled expression on his face. His hands are clasped on the table and his lips are pulled in a thin line. 
Before you can even begin to ask, he’s filling the silence. “You were right,” Kaminari admits. He sounds a little strange—almost as if he’s nervous. You stare at him expectantly. “There is something bothering me.”
The tortured expression on his face is a bit worrying. “Well, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” You feel the need to remind him. While you’re concerned about what could be distressing him, you know that sometimes, it’s too painful to talk about those types of things. 
But Kaminari surprises you with his response. “I want to,” he reassures you. You watch as he pushes himself to his feet and stares down at the table, running a finger along the wood. “I’ve just… been trying to figure out how to say it.” 
“Take your time,” you say. “I’m not in a rush.” Kaminari nods appreciatively. 
You’re not sure what you’re expecting to hear, in all honesty. But what he says next feels entirely unreal. “When I first met you, I was attracted to you,” Kaminari chokes out, looking at the ceiling as if nervous to meet your eyes. “I sort of expected it to fizzle, because… well, I didn’t know you all that well. But once we started talking more, I realized that my feelings weren’t going away. While I just knew you as the alluring reporter before, I now knew you as this… this incredible person.” You stare at him in shocked silence. 
“You’re so… You’re kind, smart, and passionate. You have a wicked sense of humor and I always look forward to hearing from you. I…
“I’m not sure how familiar you are with me and my career, but… Truthfully, I hit a bit of a rough spot. My last album was a few years ago and I was convinced that I wouldn’t be able to write anything new. But then I met you, and got to know you, and all of a sudden, I was writing all the time. 
“Suddenly, I had an entire album—filled with songs that I wrote while thinking about you. And I didn’t know what to do. I had already tried to bury my feelings for you, and it clearly hadn’t worked at all. I assumed you didn’t feel the same as I did. And I’m still not sure, of course.
“But when you sent those messages earlier… I felt something snap in me. It was like, one moment I was staring down at my phone, and the next, I was walking into that restaurant you were talking about.
“And tonight, I’ve been trying to keep it together… But it’s been nearly fucking impossible. I see you across the table and I can’t help but think that this is how I want to spend the rest of my life—sneaking glances at you, and hearing about your day at work…
“Not to mention, the whole Sero thing… It was stupid. But when you said you liked his music, my heart just dropped. I felt like… I don’t know. I felt like I lost you. Even though you weren’t mine to lose.” 
“Anyway,” Kaminari says, shaking his head before meeting your eyes. He looks simultaneously more relieved and more nervous than before. “I just had to get that out. And now we can pretend I never said anything.” He shakes his head and fiddles with the strings of his hoodie. 
You’re still reeling from everything he just said, but you’re quick to dismiss his assumptions. “What?” You exclaim. “No, Kaminari, I have feelings for you too,” you say. He stares at you with wide eyes. “It’s been so fun getting to know you. You’re just… you’re so bright and energetic, passionate, and good-hearted… I was so nervous when I first met you, because it was my first time ever being on a red carpet… but you made me feel more confident, just by being yourself.”
“And when I got distracted listening to your music earlier… It was because I was thinking of you, and thinking that, somehow, you could be singing just to me. That you could have written that song… just for me. And I know it’s stupid…”
“It’s not stupid,” Kaminari interjects, before you can spiral into further self-deprecation. “I just told you, I was thinking of you when I wrote them. All of them.” The lyrics flicker before your eyes at rapid speed, as you remember all the words that felt too vulnerable to ever be yours. You think about how you felt as you were cooking dinner—that tight feeling in your chest as you pretended that everything was fine, as you pretended that you were okay with the idea of Kaminari writing those songs while thinking of someone else. Before you can contemplate your next move, you’re surging forward—and Kaminari is too. Your hands cradle his cheeks as you kiss him, and he tugs you impossibly closer with his hands on your waist. His touch sends pleasant shivers down your spine. 
“I guess the fans were right, huh,” you remark with amusement once you break apart. 
“There’s a first time for everything,” Kaminari says, his eyes gleaming. He takes a deep breath, his hands still latched on your waist (as if he doesn’t want to let you go). Indecision draws his lips together into a flat line. “Are you sure you want to do this? Being in a relationship with me… It’s going to be different. I- I can’t pretend that I have any privacy whatsoever, or a super accommodating schedule, or-��
“Of course I want to do this,” you immediately say, before he can continue. “More than anything.” 
Kaminari’s hands migrate up your shoulders and towards the nape of your neck. He leans closer until your foreheads are touching. “I’m just so afraid.” He whispers, so quietly that you nearly convince yourself you didn’t hear it. (The stars seem to whisper your name in the air… I feel a shiver roll down my spine, I remember your hand in mine, and I’m just so afraid). You pull him into a hug.  
“Me too,” you admit in a breath against his shoulder. Kaminari mutters something into your shoulder, but it’s incomprehensible. “Hey, if we can get five and a half million people to watch us stumble through an interview, I think we can do this.” The singer huffs a laugh and pulls back, his hand rising to your cheek and his thumb running across your skin. There’s a smile on his face—one of unmistakable fondness and affection. You lean forward to break the distance between you once more, a euphoric feeling settling in your chest and a smile growing on your face.
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i really snuck Seroroki in there, mhwhahaha.
this took so fuckin long to format on here (I had to format it AGAIN despite already devoting time to doing that on ao3), pls show some love if you enjoy it... i'm begging
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thanks for reading! <3
check out my other works, sorted by fandom.
general taglist: @its-ares @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @kingkoku @the-ultimate-librarian @gayaristocrat anddd @alex12ander @7heehee7 @the-lurking-await-you since y'all commented on part two
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linos-luna · 1 year
Hii i love ur writing
can u do a Jeongin x fem reader where u think he’s a rlly innocent guy but as u get to know him you realize how he’s horny 24/7 and actually start to get worried about him lol
stay hydrated💗🥹
Hi!! Thank you. You’re too sweet! 🥺
This sounds good. Hope I don’t disappoint ☺️
Sweet boy ❣️
Jeongin (IN) x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: 18+ smut , perv Jeongin , implied masterbastion , oral(male receiving) , groping , fingering, unprotected sex ,
You started dating this cute boy. He was adorable and seemingly innocent although there are some weird things you’ve been noticing. He’s pretty clingy and that’s okay but often times you find him staring at your chest or at your thighs. You’d be in public and he’d run his hand up your thigh but you never stopped him because you didn’t want to make a scene. He was so excited the first time you guys had sex and he was pretty rough, ever since then he’s been acting even more strange. Maybe you were just thinking too much into it.
It was around 1pm and you had invited your boyfriend and his friends over for lunch. Jeongin was already there since he had slept over and was in the kitchen with you as you were preparing the food.
You had your back turned to him as you were making some turkey avocado sandwiches and chatting about some family stuff. But Jeongin wasn’t really paying attention.
Jeongin was focused on your skirt, more specifically, your ass and hips. He loved how the skirt hugged your waist and wondered why you decided to wear this article of clothing. He felt like you were teasing him.
“Hey… baby?” You interrupted his thoughts and looked at him after noticing that he wasn’t responding. “Are you listening to me?”
“Oh sorry noona… I um…” Jeongin replied nervously, coming close to you. “I was just admiring how pretty you are today.”
“Oh thanks you.” You said, blushing lightly before turning back around to cut some lettuce.
“Its… a pretty skirt…” he said, sounding as if in a trance, now running his fingers along the material.
“Oh I got it last week at the mall” you replied nonchalantly before pausing as you felt his fingers touching the back of your thigh, slightly lifting the skirt.
“Hey Jeongin? What are you-?” You couldn’t even finish before he lifted your skirt and touched your panties.
“Hey!” You yelled, quickly turning around. “What the hell are you doing?! And in the kitchen?!”
“Sorry noona!” He replied quickly. “I-I couldn’t help it!”
Before you could say anything else, there was a knock at the door and you left the kitchen to answer it.
While you let in the guests, Jeongin stayed in the kitchen and noticed the bulge in his pants. He wanted you so bad right now, but his friends were over.
You soon came back in to grab the food and your boyfriend came up behind you, resting his head on your shoulder. “Noona…”
“What is it?” You replied, now blushing as you felt his bulge pressing against your ass.
“Noona… I need you…” he whined.
“Your friends are here!” You said in a loud whisper, looking at him like he’s crazy… well because he is.
“But noona-“
“No” you said shaking your head and picking up the plates with sandwiches. “I’ll help you out later.”
Jeongin sighed and followed you to the dining area where his friends, Felix and Seungmin were waiting.
“Sorry for the wait.”
“No it’s fine!” Felix said with a smile, grabbing his sandwich. The two were sitting on one side while you and your boyfriend sat on the other.
Seungmin was telling a story about meeting a girl the other day when you felt a hand squeezing your thigh. You looked at your boyfriend with a brow raised; he was biting his lip and looking down at his half eaten sandwich. It wasn’t until you looked at his other hand that you noticed him rubbing himself over his pants.
You couldn’t believe it! In front of his best friends?? Just sitting here at lunch? And why was he so rilled up? Just from looking at your skirt? He excused him, saying he had to go to the bathroom and you followed. He didn’t even close the door all the way before pulling his hard dick out and rubbing it.
“Jeongin!” You said, trying not to be too loud, closing the door behind you. “What is wrong with you?!”
He jumped at the sound of your voice and turned around, breathing heavily with dick in hand. “N-noona… I need you!”
You were shocked at the sight and didn’t know what to say.
“Please noona! Please! I need you!” He begged. “It hurts! Noona it hurts!!”
“Quiet down!” You were worried he was being too loud and tried hushing him.
“Noona please!”
“Okay okay!” You said frantically, lowering his pants and boxers down more before getting on your knees.
You first rubbed his throbbing cock with your hands then fully took it in your mouth.
As you sucked him off, Jeongin was gripping the sides of the sink, groaning with head thrown back, and eyes rolled back as well. You gave amazing head and he was already bucking his hips and whining. It wasn’t long before he hit his high.
You swallowed his cum and lost your appetite for lunch. “Well… I hope you’re feeling better.” You sighed, going back to the dining room.
“Are you guys okay?” Felix asked, tilting his head a little.
“Yeah, Jeongin just has a little headache. I gave him some motrin. He should be fine.” You replied, looking down at your food.
Jeongin came back soon after and sat down quietly, smiling at his friends.
The two shrugged it off and seungmin continued his story.
But your boyfriend didn’t seem to be done. Again, he was running his hand up your thigh and under your skirt, making his way to your panties.
You shot him a glare, causing him to pull away. What was wrong with him? This sweet boy you fell in love with was just acting… weird.
After about an hour of hanging out, Seungmin and Felix left and you laid down on the couch trying to relax a little. You soon fell asleep.
Jeongin came out calling your name when he noticed you sleeping. He thought you were so cute and went over, noticing your skirt was pushed up a little.
Why’d you have to wear such a cute outfit today? He thought to himself. Jeongin kneeled on the floor next to you and slowly raised your skirt, revealing your panties. They were a pretty dusty pink color and he couldn’t help himself so he started tracing his finger along the hem.
You didn’t seem to notice and Jeongin rubbed his 2 fingers over your clothed clit. This caused you to moan lightly, although it was muffled.
Your boyfriend didn’t want to wake you up but he was feeling hard again so he started slowly lowering your panties until he was able to pull them off completely.
He looked at how hot you were with the skirt and no underwear but he didn’t want to wake you so he lowered your skirt and took your panties to your room with him so he could relieve himself.
You later woke up and it was around 4pm. You got up and stretched then feeling how cold you felt under your skirt. After connecting the dots you realized that you weren’t wearing underwear. A bit panicked, you went to your room to put some on when you saw your boyfriend asleep on your bed with his shirt off, pants down and panties in hand.
He shot up quickly and looked at you. “Noona! I-I um…”
“What the fuck are you doing?!?” You yelled, not only mad but also embarrassed.
He got up and pulled his boxers up, going to you. “I-I just needed you… but you were sleeping and-”
“So you take my panties?!”
“Noona please!” He said almost whining. He hated to admit it but seeing you angry turned him on a little.
“Baby… what’s going on? You’re acting weird.” You asked, now concerned.
“Nothing! I just…” he came close and traced his fingers around your breasts. “I just… need you …”
You sighed and took a seat on the bed. “You’re really that needy huh?”
Jeongin took the opportunity to push you into the bed and kiss you deeply, now groping your breasts under your shirt.
“B-baby?” You looked up at him confused.
“Please noona. Please!” He whined, already lifting your shirt and unclasping your bra.
“Okay baby…” you sighed as you let him slip your shirt off and take off your bra. “We have to discuss this later…”
He nodded and sucked on your breast, moving to your nipple and biting it cause you to grab him by the hair.
“Ow! Baby that hurts!!” You yelled out before he stopped and looked at you again.
“Sorry noona.” He chuckled. “I got excited.”
You let go of his hair and watched as he slipped your skirt off, now kissing up your neck while palming at your crotch, causing you to moan. It felt good but all so overwhelming and he seemed to have no intention of stopping. He fingered you, inserting 2 fingers at once before sucking at your breasts again.
Although he was obviously horny you wanted to do this at your own pace and stopped him for a moment.
“H-how about you let me take care of you? You want noona to ride you?”
Nothing excited him more than having you ride him and he loved the praise you’d give him. He nodded and laid down next to you, taking off his boxers. He was panting and excited as you got on top of him.
“Are you gonna take my pussy like a good baby boy?” You asked, now lowering yourself on his dick.
“Yes noona! Yes!” He replied quickly, already bucking his hips.
You closed your eyes for a moment to gain composure and took his hands, putting them on your hips. You then started moving.
Jeongin was breathing heavily and already a moaning mess. You had to admit that this was turning you on too and causing you to go faster as you started losing yourself as well.
“Come on baby…” you said panting. “Be a good boy and cum for me.”
You didn’t need to tell him twice and he came, causing you to do so as well. You were starting to lift yourself off when you felt his grip tighten.
“Again… please noona again!” He whined, already moving you lightly.
“Baby… please.” You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. “I’m tired. And your being greedy…”
“Please!!” He begged and you got off of him.
“Stop it! You’re being a bad boy!” You shouted as you made your way to the bathroom. He panicked and followed you.
“No no noona! I’m not a bad boy!”
“Your being greedy. And you said we can talk about your little problem afterwards.” You wiped off your make up and stepped into the shower, closing the curtain, only to have it yanked back open.
You were surprised at his boldness and he just stepped into the shower with you, not even asking, plus this was a small shower.
“Please let me shower…”
“I will. I just wanna shower too!” He replied with a pout.
You sighed and just let him as you continued washing yourself. While he showered, he mostly just watched you.
After discussing his little issue you realized that he was just easily turned on. It made sense now thinking about how he’d look at you, even in public. And it made you wonder about the times your underwear would go missing or he’d excuse himself to the bathroom. For now you weren’t sure what to do and hoped that he’d get over this phase soon.
You both made a plan. He would signal when he was feeling needy and excuse himself from whatever you were both doing. Often times you would follow him and let him do what he wanted to relieve himself. Sometimes he wanted you to suck him off and other times he just wanted to suck on your breasts. It really depended on what he wanted at the moment.
You were worried but didn’t know what to do. What was going on with your sweet boy?
Sorry it’s long. I got carried away 😅
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headkiss · 1 year
hi! i love ur work so much :) was wondering if you could do an eddie x reader (kinda friends to lovers), where the reader is super energetic, kind of a golden retriever gf LMFAO and just a big ball of sunshine. and she loves to explore and have fun and be spontaneous and at first eddie is weirded out by her and doesn’t want to admit that he has feelings for her but then he starts to fall in love with her and her quirks slowly but surely. thank u <3333
thank you!! and ty for ur request i hope this is somewhat what u wanted <3 | 0.6k of fluff
When Eddie first met you he thought you were sort of strange. Not in a bad way, really, just in a way that made it difficult for him to make his mind up about how he felt about you.
Robin introduced the two of you and right away, you started talking his ear off. You told him you wanted to go snorkeling in Lover’s Lake, for fucks sake.
“You won’t be able to see anything, you know?” He’d replied.
“I know, I just want to breathe out of the tube and float there. I think it’d be fun.”
Well, his idea of fun certainly didn’t involve sitting with his face in that murky water just to breathe out of a tube with an uncomfortable mouth piece.
But, over time, with your slow joining into the group, he went from finding you weird (actually) to weird (affectionate).
It took time for him to get used to your quick talking and blinding personality, that’s all.
Now, he’s not at all surprised when you call him to join you on aimless walks because you want to ‘breathe outside air,’ or when you show up at his door and tell him to get in the car because there’s a place you wanna see.
He’s not at all surprised and he’s way too happy to join you on your random adventures. He feels lucky that you choose him to go with you, really.
Today, you show up unannounced. He knows it’s you by the way you knock on his door, always tapping in some sort of song-like pattern.
“Eddie!” You cheer when he opens the door.
“Hi, sunshine.”
“Hi. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the park?”
“The park?”
“Yeah! Don’t you miss going on the swings?” You ask, pushing your hair over your shoulder. “They were always my favorite.”
He really doesn’t miss the swings, but he grabs his jacket and puts on his boots anyway.
Eddie likes to convince himself that he does these things for you out of kindness when it’s really just because he’d probably do anything for you. He never wanted to feel any type of way towards you and yet, he likes you a lot.
His nickname for you is the truth to him. You’re pure sunshine, even when it’s cloudy as hell. You’re warm, and bright, and you wear a smile that’s almost impossible not to reciprocate.
He finds himself wanting to protect you from everything bad in the world, if only it means you’ll keep smiling like that.
“Hey, moon?” You started calling him moon after he started calling you sunshine. For balance, you told him.
You listen to the rhythm of your footsteps, the way they match up.
“Do you have a favorite star?”
He looks at the side of your face as you walk, the way the wind tosses your hair around, the little pout on your mouth like it’s a very serious question.
“Yeah,” his hand brushes yours briefly, “the sun.”
His answer makes you smile at your feet.
You’ve liked Eddie since you met him, his edgy exterior housing a very soft person inside. He’s a very sweet boy, humoring you even when he doesn’t want to, letting you flick through his music collection in the van even if he’ll have to reorganize it after.
You can't be certain, but you’d like to think he likes you, too. That he’s trying to tell you something with his answer of ‘the sun.’
“Well, mine’s the moon.”
“The moon’s not a star.”
His heart does a stupid little jump.
“Since when do you care about rules?”
“Good point.” His hand brushes yours again. “I like your answer.”
“I like my answer, too.” I like you.
The next time your hands brush, Eddie takes a hold of yours. Your fingers intertwine perfectly, you think, like finding the very last piece of a jigsaw puzzle.
A completed image.
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could u do a villain having a crush on hero, but not admitting it, and the other villains/henchmen teasing them for it bc they’re all “i am the epitome of darkness and all things evil” but when hero shows up they’re a blushing mess 😭 love ur writing <3
The henchman looked down at their victim. Slowly, they kicked them with their boot over, so that they were lying on their back. Blood was dripping down a wound on their forehead and their eyes seemed to be glassy already. What they hated the most about this job was the cleaning. A crime scene was truly hard to make look like before.
They wrinkled their nose.
“Looking pretty dead, if you ask me.” They turned towards their boss and tilted their head, hopefully signalling them that this meant they could wrap things up.
“We haven’t checked all of the perimeter,” the villain noted. The henchman knew quite well the villain wasn’t the best at concentrating on one thing. However, when it came to the hero, they were easily determined. They let their bloody knuckles crack, one after the other and the henchman wasn’t even sure why they had agreed to help the villain in the first place. This seemed a little too private. Even for them. “I’m curious about the basement.”
“Believe me, no one survived. And even if they did, they’re long gone. No one’s here anymore.” The henchman looked around and their eyes went over the warm bodies. They had to admit, these were quite drastic measures but the villain was…a special person.
“Hm.” Their boss was clearly not satisfied with that answer, so they started fidgeting. For as long as the henchman had known them, they weren’t one to be still. They walked up and down like a panther in a cage, searching through files and for cameras, taking in heavy breaths when they were frustrated, frowning when they got distracted. All of that was pretty much normal but the henchman also knew that they were nervous and moving more than usually.
It was an open secret now that people tried to assassinate the city’s saviour and the villain had tried everything in their power to prevent it.
It had been a long, incredibly and frustratingly long journey to watch the villain fall in love. They were stubborn and apparently not capable of allowing themselves to feel anything besides…rage. So, when the henchman had to watch them flirt with the hero awkwardly, they felt like a kid watching their parents.
Strangely sweet and totally embarrassing. God, what a mess.
So, it didn’t surprise the henchman that the villain tried to eliminate every possible threat.
“Your little hero will surely survive if one or two people attack them,” they said eventually. “They’re pretty tough.”
“This isn’t about the hero.” That made the henchman roll their eyes.
“No, you obviously just like killing random people.” The villain looked up from the papers they were looking through and frowned. It was like dealing with a teenager who was too embarrassed to ask out their crush and the henchman was so unbelievably sick of it.
“How about you look through this old bad boy—” they slapped the PC on the table next to them “—instead of being such a nuisance?”
The henchman grinned.
“I don’t think the hero likes people who insult their friends,” they said as they (reluctantly) sat down and turned on the computer. The desktop was illuminated by a strange blue light, dipping the already dark room into a weird atmosphere.
“Oh, what would you know about what they like…” The henchman could see the villain’s ears turn red and it would have been impressive what kind of power the hero had over them if it wasn’t so pathetic.
“Well, what would you know? You can’t even look them in the eyes when they talk to you.” That one team-up a few months ago had been really strange. An undeniable chemistry had been looming around the hero and the villain. Both got excited about the other’s tech, both technically read each other’s minds when they were creating plans and both were too oblivious to notice the people around them and their ugh-get-a-room-looks. Everyone on the team referred to it as The Incident. At least the villain had been in a good mood for the whole week after that.
“That’s, hey, that’s not true.”
“I don’t blame you. It’s like the whole city is thirsting after them. People definitely have too much time on their hands,” the henchman mumbled as they tried all kinds of password combinations to get into the computer. They looked over to the villain who seemed…determined? To be thinking a little too much?
“But the hero wouldn’t sleep with a fan…right?”
“If it’s too hot in summer, they probably will,” the henchman answered as the computer announced for the third time that their access got denied.
“Ah, forget it.” The villain showed absolutely no appreciation for their joke and somehow that was what did it for the henchman.
“Okay, listen.” The henchman pushed themselves away from the desk and rolled over to the villain with their chair. “You both are incredibly pathetic people and I truly believe that I will throw myself out of a window if I have to watch you flirt with them one more time.”
“…I’m not that bad, am I?”
The henchman sighed.
“They like you. They like you a lot. You obviously care for each other.”
“Debatable,” the villain said and the henchman wanted to pull out their hair.
“Okay,” the henchman said. “I’ll ask them out then.”
The look the villain gave them was indescribable.
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hey pookie
can u do smth abt Minho pleaseuuuuu
like tbh I'd love some Minho fluff :3
If not, make it extreme smut :D
Ily and ur works <33
Bye byeee
Title: Beautiful (Just like you😻)
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Ofc pookie! I kinda suck at writing smut so I’m gonna do fluff!
Pairing: Lee Know x genderneutral!reader 
Trope/Genre: Fluff, Established relationship
I took a couple phrases from this fluff prompt masterlist! Check it out for some good prompts
Warnings: A teeny tiny suggestive comment at the end, use of pet names
622 words 
Summary: You, like the dumbass you are decides to say that you never get flustered, so in an attempt to prove you wrong, Minho showers you with compliments and praise.
Minho had just finished brushing his teeth when he came into your room and lay next to you. He cuddled up under the covers while you gazed at him. The moonlight perfectly shone on his face and he looked heavenly.
“I could just stare at you forever.” You said looking into his beautiful brown eyes. “Creep.” He rolled over so you couldn’t see his face anymore. 
“You suck.” “I love you too.” He replied. “I want to keep looking at you!” “No!” “Why!” “It makes me feel weird!” “Weird good or weird bad?” “Wouldn’t you like to know?” “Yes, that's why I asked.” He turned over to look at you.
“Whenever you try complimenting me it never works.” “What never works?” You questioned. “You can’t fluster me.” “I’m not trying to!” He glared at you. “Most of the time, I’m not trying to.” “Mhm, sure. More like you’re trying all the time.” “It doesn’t matter anyway because it never works…” “I know. It’s amusing seeing you try though.”
 “Why is it so hard to make you blush? It’s insane!” “You know what’s even more insane?” “What?” “The fact that you get flustered so easily. It’s cute.” You felt butterflies in your stomach at his words and he had an amused look on his face.
“See, you get flustered easily.” “Yeah, I guess…” “You guess? I could just compliment you and your face would heat up.” “You’re exaggerating a bit.” “Oh, I’m really not.” “You literally aren’t even that good at flirting.” He seemed a little offended by your words. 
“Okay let's do a little experiment. I’m going to try to flirt with you, and you have to try your best to stay composed, which apparently, you do constantly.” “Alright sure, we have nothing better to do anyway.” He stared at you like you did when he first came into bed and said nothing.
“You're so creepy.” “What? I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine.” “Please stop.” He moved his face closer to yours. “Make me.” “I’m too tired to do that, just keep staring.”
You sat there in silence until Minho spoke up. “I don’t tell you how stunning you are enough.” “Huh?” “I don’t think any amount of my compliments could ever represent the amount of beauty you have.” “It’s giving Shakespeare.” He rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand and interlaced it with his.
“You’re breathtaking. Honestly, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” “I feel like you’re just saying this to prove you’re right.” You joked.
“No, I’m not. These are all things that constantly cross my mind. I never knew how much I could miss someone before I met you. I never knew how much I could enjoy being around someone before I met you.” He took a short pause and kissed you. “I never knew how much I could love someone before I met you.”
Your face was getting redder with every single word he said. Unlike most of the other flirting attempts he’s used in the past, this time you could feel the sincerity seeping through every sentence. “I can’t imagine my life without you, and I’m so proud of you.” He looked down and then back at you. 
“You okay honey? You’re acting a little strange.” “Yup! couldn’t be better. Just a little hot. Are you hot or is it just me?” He laughed. “Yeah, it’s just you. I’ve never seen you this flustered.” “I was expecting a lot more innuendos to be honest.” “I can be sweet when I want to be.” You sighed. “That was a lot to take in.” He smiled.
“You’re so pretty when you blush.” “I’m not blushing what do you mean?” “Whatever you say beautiful.”
Author note: Thank you so much for the request! I loved writing this so much! Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
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ghostbeam · 7 months
for your game, choso & pumpkin < 3 happy halloween beloved -izhyperfixates
Iz my bff iz!!!! I’m still so nervous abt my characterization of him so this is sort of shorter than I’d like it to be but I hope u like it!! Happy Halloween!!!!!<333
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Choso Kamo + pumpkin
Words: 400
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“Mine looks weird.” It’s hard not to laugh at the pumpkin in front of your boyfriend. The lopsided eyes, the single tooth in the jack-o-lantern’s smile—it really does look weird. You don’t know how he managed to carve so off the black outline he’d drawn earlier.
“No! It’s—it’s got character!” You tell him. He pouts, running a thumb over one of the lopsided eyes.
“I don’t think that’s what it’s got.” He speaks, making you giggle.
“No really, I like it!” You try, and you honestly do. It’s sort of strange looking, but in a good way. You like that he made it, and a normal Jack-o-lantern’s face was boring. And Choso is anything but boring.
“Okay, then let’s trade.” He pushes his pumpkin toward you.
“Oh—um, no that’s okay.” He grins, letting out a laugh at your attempt at being polite.
“You hate it.”
“I don’t!” You protest through your laughter. “I’m gonna put a candle in it, and keep it outside and everything.”
He brings the pumpkin back to his side of the table, before grabbing the seat of your chair and pulling you closer. “Show me yours.”
The action flusters you, and you take a second to recover. Choso was good at doing things like that—something that would make butterflies erupt in your stomach, acting like it was no big deal to him. You think he must like the reaction he gets out of you.You pull your pumpkin towards you so that he can’t see it. “It’s not finished!”
“You just don’t want me to feel bad because you made a masterpiece and mine is some freak.” He rests his chin on his hand, watching you use the knife against your pumpkin.
“I like your freak.” You smile. He shakes his head, slotting on leg between your thighs and pulling you closer. He nudged his nose against yours, urging you to lean closer. When he captures your lips in his, you feel him smile against you.
He pulls away a moment later, tugging on the stem of ur pumpkin and turning it around so he can see. His eyes widen, and he lets out a loud laugh. “You made a freak too!”
“I fucked up the eyes, so I just gave it three.” You shrug, leaning back in your chair.
“Should I make mine weirder?” He asks, still examining yours. You laugh and shake your head at him. “I still wanna trade.”
“No!” You swat at him, pulling your pumpkin back.
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nightcolorz · 6 months
here for the armand writing tips 🙏🏽
I love u sm anon ur so iconic for this bless u 🙌🙌 I love that u saw me publicly slut shaming @butchybats + extending an invite for him to hmu so that I can info dump about armand and u were like omg I can not pass up this opportunity. Ur so real and this made my day. My bad if this is unhelpful or incoherent lmaoo I am just raw dogging this educational experience. For me writing armand has always come very naturally so this is the first time I’m thinking about this in a way I could explain to other ppl. I hope u get smth out of whatever tangent I’m about to embark on and I sincerely thank u bcus I love this and I love talking about army u r indulging tf out of me in the absolute best way. Also quick disclaimer I am going off of book armand, so tho this may be helpful to show fans (esp cuz show armand doesn’t rlly have an established personality yet) it may not specifically apply. Anyways
I understand why Armand would feel like a difficult character to write bcus part of his whole deal is that he is very strange and unknowable. No one knows what Armand’s deal is, nor does he, so how r u as the writer meant to figure that shit out. He is like a void of a person basically (affectionate). He is barely capable of conscious self reflection, most characters don’t rlly know what to make of him and those that claim to r often wrong. So I get it, feels intimidating. But for me breaking down Armand to his essentials puts it into perspective a bit. 
Armand doesn’t really know how to be a person, he is only a Thing when other people are there to give him something to work off of. So he’s a different character depending on who he is interacting with. Armand with Daniel is very different then Armand with Louis, Armand with Lestat is a whole different beast, etc. He is always playing a sort of role, with Daniel he is the boss slash master vampire commanding the mortal. With Louis he is an ancient with the answers Louis has been looking for. But the performance is often cracked, unveiled whether intentionally or not, especially by those Armand loves, so what is beneath that? Well. Kind of a child. Think of a kid in their dad’s shoes. Now imagine the kid is putting on a very deep voice and standing up all straight and professional. Then he trips, and suddenly he starts crying and screaming and yelling for mommy cuz he hurt his knee. That’s Armand, when u get down to it. Like a scary man in a suit who is secretly a little boy on stilts. But wait! There’s more.
Armand is not only an actor, he is also not a very good actor. He’s like those myths about faes replacing human children, very uncanny valley, not rlly a person. So in any given situation, armand is going to be just a little bit off. Just a little odd, a tad wrong. Think of a scenario (it can be sexual you awful heathen, or it could be like, guy is in the grocery store. Or smth) now think of something that would be a little off putting and strange to do in this situation. Chances r this would be in character for armand. I always think of him as something who doesn’t know what it means to be a person, yet is always trying to learn and understand and to pretend, but never really succeeds.
Armand also has conflicting facets of his identity that come into play in different ways and inform how he interacts with different characters. Amadeo is the beginnings of the person that was never able to completely form and grow. So Amadeo is like the normal bits of Armand, the human teenager who’s playful and funny and empathetic, a bit rude, kind of weird but he means well, likes technology. Gives Lestat a light punch on the shoulder when he ruffles his hair, etc. Amadeo rarely plays into sex for Armand, sex is very clinical for him—he approaches sex like an alien. But Amadeo is still there and when Armand is happy or care free some of the unsettlingly oddness goes away, and he seems sort of like a mortal teenager for a moment. The innocence and the moments of childishness are when Armand is most sincere. Though this is fleeting, and he often behaves cold and distant and inhuman. What I like to remember when I write Armand is that he is not unfeeling, tho he pretends to be. He acts unfeeling but it’s a mask, beneath the mask his unfiltered self is extremely feeling and emotional and sensitive. He’s as much of a cry baby as Lestat, he’s just better at hiding it. 
Andrei is also there, but he is much subtler, and he’s more so the embodied longing in armand that never really goes away. There is a need for answers and for knowledge and for guidance in armand always, and that’s Andrei, searching for his God or his family or his home or his culture, that were taken from him and never adequately replaced. Armand clings to purposes and things and people because he never learned how to fill that void left by the loss Andrei experienced, and then again Amadeo experienced due to Marius and the cult. He is the culmination of so many years of a child’s growth being repeatedly stunted by adults with selfish purposes, a child who keeps getting beaten down or molded into smth different by ppl who want to make him into smth new, until he ends up a creature without a concept of who he is at all. So he’s fractured almost, not rlly with a consistent identity since he was never permitted to grow one. Just a culmination of a bunch of identities he took on throughout the years. Im sure this sounds complicated, but the great thing about being a writer with a character like this is he may be a void, but he is also a canvas. Armand is so multifaceted that u could do sm with him and it wouldn’t be ooc
So in simpler terms, a good rule of thumb when writing armand, is to think of him as a guy who is a ball of extreme feeling and pain and joy and emotion that is being masked by a cold demeanor, that is often slightly off, a little wrong, cuz it’s first untrue. He is always trying to find a purpose to fill the void that he is, and he never rlly does for very long. 
So when it comes to portraying this? Lol uhhhh. There are some many layers of armand that exist and it’s up to you to decide which ones u want to portray in ur scenario. Say for example, ur writing a fic where armand and Lestat argue. You have to evaluate Lestat’s affect on armand, his closeness with him, the context, etc, and decide what parts of armand would slip out. If I was writing a fic like this I would think ok. So Lestat is like a trigger button for armand, they hate each other but they love each other, is a lot of big emotions and passion, and Lestat also reminds armand of the most vulnerable parts of himself that he is trying to keep under wraps. So Lestat and armand arguing? Likely armand is going to be cold and distant, but not for long, bcus quickly Lestat will get under his skin and cause him to revert to unmasked emotion ball screaming crying. How about, uh, Daniel and armand go on a fluffy date devils minion era. I’d write armand as odd, strange even, curious and excited but sort of cold and distant in a confusing way. Little slips of sincere childlike joy and emotion come out but they r brief. 
I hope this is making sense lmao.
It’s much easier when writing armand, esp if it’s smth ur not confident in, to write from someone else’s pov. Armand’s pov is a tough one, even for me. It’s not that his language or sentences r strange, it’s just that the way he thinks of the world and himself is so specific and unique that u gotta think a lot to replicate it. 
Armand, especially pre TVA, is nearly incapable of self reflection. He is so dissociated from his own experiences he sees his memories and life in fragments rather then events leading into each other that inform a larger context and “theme”. For example, in devils minion he explains to Daniel that he couldn’t explain what a time of his life “was like” because he can’t conceptualize concepts like that, tho he could tell Daniel if it rained on a specific date, cuz that is smth concrete to him. he just couldn’t identify what smth is like bcus he doesn’t reflect on his emotions and his experiences in a way that would allow him to make a judgement like that. 
He just goes through life and doesn’t look back. This is a hard pov to write from cuz these r basic capabilities a first person narrator must have for a story to make sense lmfao! Armand couldn’t say, “the day was a bad one bcus this happened and I was sad.” Especially not “this experience affected me this way and now I this this and this.” However, if u want to write from Armand’s pov u can integrate these ideas into it while retaining this part of Armand’s character. 
Tho armand can not self reflect, and his way of thinking and experiencing is a very bare bones simplistic way (think of armand saying “my soul hurt” in TVA narration then not explaining lmfao, that’s the extent of his self awareness and abilities to identify his emotions) u can convey complex ideas  through his simplistic approach. Through context clues, symbolism (armand loves symbolism), and word choice + description, it’s cool and possible to convey armand having a moment etc without using ur first person tools to have him self reflect. For example, if I were to write from Armand’s pov were he is having like, a traumatic flashback, instead of writing “the moment forced me to remember insert traumatic time here and my heart raced as it came back to me suddenly, and I felt like I was back there” or whatever, I’d write “flashes of red appaeared b4 my vision like many stabbing knives, and it felt as if I was engulfed in an ocean of red suddenly, unable to escape the waves, the blood, those voices of many pasts” whatever yada yada. Cuz red armand considers synopsis with pain and trauma (he tends to see it b4 his eyes when he’s in pain synesthesia king) ocean reminds him of dying of starvation in the brothel as a kid (he described it as the only thing he payed attention to as he died, the lapping sounds of the water). Past, etc. bad example I hope u get it 😭
U just gotta rlly think for armand pov lol. So if ur nervy about writing armand anyway I recommend starting or practicing with writing from someone else’s perspective about him. Daniel is a very good character to do this with, bcus his perception of armand is relatively accurate and he is a very bluntly descriptive and self reflective character who understands himself and others very well. Lestat is also very self reflective and his perception of armand is pretty easy to write imo lol. If u just write some shit like “armand was beautifully broken, like a discarded doll in an antique shop, and I wished sadly that he’d allow me to repair him.” Then you’ve got it down pretty well lmfao.
When it comes to more specific less big picture stuff, like how to write armand talking or what does armand fuck like Ryan save me from this hell, I recommend reading his scenes a Shit Ton until it’s rlly burned into ur brain like me. I don’t know if I can adequately explain how armand talks, it’s very blunt—he’s very blunt but simultaneously very flowery. Remember he is a guy who is trying to be distant, and doesn’t rlly understand how being normal works, but he also has a vibrant inner life and a shit ton of emotion waiting to boil over beneath the surface. Yah. Lmfao. 
I’m sorry this was so weird and confusing, I hope it was interesting or helpful lol. I’m so tired lmfao.sorry it turned in to meta 😭 It was hard trying to come up with advice for a prompt so non specific but I had a hella great time and ily for this anon. If anyone wants to ask me more specific questions about writing armand I would be so happy. Xoxoxo love y’all sm loool 
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filmcel · 3 months
donnie darko - the best movie i’ve ever seen. such an interesting depiction of mental health. it’s interesting fuck the director though he’s a dumbass.
prisoners - THE movie to recommend people. idk anyone who has watched it and hated it. it’s so fucking good . tbh jake is like the least interesting part of the movie he’s pretty ugly. paul dano is the goat. the best movie i’ve seen revolving around some mystery. always on my toes always scared. when u think you know u end up being wrong. it gets u.
zodiac - he’s so cute in this movie and that’s as good as it gets. it’s good for one viewing and that’s IT. it’s very interesting has good sequences. but it’s so damn long. i guess if u wanna argue that it wants u to FEEL how they felt waiting so long trying to catch the zodiac killer id say sure fine but also they never even catch him so what’s the point of the movie. idk.
brokeback mountain - no comment
nocturnal animals - this movie is absolutely insane in the worst way. the two main characters r fuxking deranged. jake’s character is deranged for being like that. his weird revenge thing is so strange and it’s uncomfortable. i didn’t get it i didn’t like it i wouldn’t watch again.
enemy - this fucking movie…. idk how i sat thru it all actually. i’m proud of myself but i didn’t need to put myself thru that. jake is so boring in this. the movie itself is so fucking boring. it’s so weird. it’s so ugly. it looks like shit and it’s shot like shit and i don’t get why bc it’s a denis movie. maybe i’m not smart enough to get it but it sucked dick AND balls.
the guilty - okay. i know this movie isn’t very good. but i watched it and was entertained. it rlly is something you’d catch on the tv while ur at the dentist and get rlly invested in the 30 minutes ur in the waiting room. its nothing life changing but i had a good time
ambulance - HWHSJFJJDJAJAJS. the worst shit i’ve ever fucking seeeeeen. it’s hilarious tho . watch it drunk otherwise u might be bored out of ur mind. this movie is so insanely shot. i remember the billion drone shots. i remember the spleen burst. i remember the goofy shots they did of jake. idk how it got made. idk how jake is in it.
brothers - this movie… isn’t BAD…. i think? it made me uncomfortable. which yeah. that’s the point. but like the scene of tobey like being captured whatever . idk enough about anything but was that offensive in some way? let me know… it felt strange . the movie tho is super hard to watch. it’s cringey and scary. i wanna rewatch to get my full thoughts on it because it was awhile ago . great acting tho.
end of watch - Stupid baka fucking movie. i made my mom rent this shit and im sorry i wasted 4 of ur hard earned dollars. this movie is worth nothing. it’s so racist to mexicans. it’s embarrassing. like the main guy is mexicans and it does all that cringe cholo shit it made me want to claw my eyes out and never watch another movie again.
the covenant - GEHHRDHHFHRHSJZJFJRJEJ the most boring movie of all these honestly. i think i almost fell asleep. jake is in too many military movies actually holy shit. don’t watch this one at all lmfao .
jarhead - this one is the most interesting military movie he’s in but it’s also graphically one of the worst so beware. it rlly doesn’t hold back with trying to be gross and bad. and i understand why. but it does make it hard to watch. it’s shot rlly well though. and the acting is great.
demolition - OH BROTHHERRRRR. i thought this movie would be worth something because it’s one of those u see a lot of clips of online. it’s genuinely so stupid tho. i can barely remember the plot but i just remember it made no sense. ppl keep getting jake for these insane characters except it’s just dumb as shit.
october sky - this is a cute fun movie you’d watch in middle school ^_^! cute little time!!! and it has laura dern so what’s not to like!! maybe a little boring to some tho.
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rosekasa · 1 year
2 + ladynoir <3
yuki yk u change ur url sm i never recognise u shdjs
implied sexual content ahead!
send me a kiss prompt + lovesquare corner
2. Those kisses that leave them craving for more
“Let me know if it’s too tight,” he tells her.
“Okay.” Ladybug wiggles her fingers, poking out of a neat fold of gauze.
Chat Noir takes hold of them so he can finish with her arm.
Her breath catches.
It's weird, feeling like this around him. Since they started being able to hold their transformations for longer, their invincibility had taken a bit of a hit, meaning that falling off a rooftop during patrol wouldn't necessarily kill them, but would definitely leave them with a nasty concrete burn. He'd changed her bandages for her before, and she'd never felt like this. She didn't when he had the day before yesterday, either. It's strange how much can change in twenty-four hours. She wonders if he feels it, too.
Experimentally, she curls her fingers, pressing his nails into her palm.
His hand falters on her bandages. 
She holds her breath.
Yeah. She thought so. 
He swallows, then continues wrapping.
She watches him. He’s leaning forward, pressing his weight on his knees in front of the bed, hair falling into his face. 
She twists her toes into the carpet fibres, stomach thrumming. She’s only wearing pyjama shorts. His jeans brush up against her ankle. 
They could do it again. They have the room booked until they have to leave for the airport, which isn't for another three hours, and they’re pretty much done with all the prep and briefing they’ve needed to do over the past few days for the mission. She's still not sure how long last night lasted, but she thinks they could make do with what they have. 
No. That's a bad idea on all counts. In three hours he'll be on his way to New York, and the last thing she wants is to give either of them any more pieces to put back together. 
His hand slides away from her fingers to cup the back of her arm. Pulling the bandage around one end, he begins a second layer. 
She closes her eyes and sighs.
"What happened?" he says. "Did that hurt?"
"No, I was just…" She bites her lip. "Thinking about… this. Who's gonna change my bandages when you're gone?”
He snorts. "Learn to do it yourself."
"Fuck off."
He smiles up at her through his hair.
She bites down on her lip, so hard she can feel it in her jaw. 
Gently, she brings her leg closer to him, pressing her knee into his shoulder. The cotton of his shirt is soft on her skin.
His smile fades. 
They hold each other’s gaze for a solid three seconds, before he clears his throat, and looks down at her shin. He locates the surgical spirit on the carpet next to him, and unties the old bandages secured around her calf.
Her pulse plays a drumbeat into her skin.
“So, um.” She fiddles with the bedsheets between her fingers. “Are you excited?”
“For a nine-hour plane journey?” he deadpans.
She laughs a little. “The States. The mission. Getting to work on your own for once.”
He finishes unwrapping her leg and discards the gauze in the waste bin next to him. “Oh. Right.” He uncaps the surgical spirit. “I don’t know. It’s definitely going to be a change from Paris.” 
The sharp odour of antiseptic fills the air. He picks up his cloth, tips in some spirit, and, with a hand around her calf, wipes the dried blood off her shin.
Then, slowly, he begins to massage her calf.
Her entire body tenses.
He does it so easily, like it’s just something that they do, one hand on her leg while the other untangles a strip of gauze. And, well, yeah, she supposes it’s something that they did, but it’s different now. The timeline of their partnership has been split into before last night and after last night and she’s not sure what to do with that.
Tenderly, he begins to wrap her leg. His hair is back in his face, and a surge of affection fills her at the sight.
She’s not sure what to do with that, either. Especially now.
She doesn’t want to be a cliché, doesn’t want to let her hormones do all the thinking for her. She understands oxytocin, and dopamine, and endorphins. She understands what they can make you think. Make you feel. She doesn’t want to become a victim to her own biology after just one night.
The dangerous thing is that she really doesn’t believe she will. That she really believes something more than just a rush of impulsiveness from no costumes and a king sized bed and their last full day together had transpired between them.
But the thing is, it could’ve, and no matter how much she tries to tell herself otherwise, that could’ve still lingers in her brain. They’d talked. They’d laughed. They’d spent the rest of the night cuddling, listening to the rain on the windows behind the curtains. After all that, she doesn’t want it to have just been chemical between them. 
Even if it’d hurt more if it wasn’t.
“Ladybug?” he says. 
“Yeah?” she replies.
“What if I just don’t go?”
She looks down at him. “What?”
He doesn’t look back at her, busy with the bandages. “What if I don’t go?” he repeats. “New York has heroes already. They can find the missing Miraculouses on their own, can’t they?”
She can’t tell if he’s kidding. They’ve been preparing for this for months, discussing it for a year, and he’s never once had any reservations about leading the New York mission. Up until now, he’s done nothing but steadfastly agree that having the jewels scattered around the world are a hazard for Hawk Moth to have more to get his hands on. That, after failing to win side-by-side for five years, they should try doing things separately. Maybe then could they put an end to his reign.
“No, they— of course they can’t,” she says. “They’re not trained like you.”
“Well,” he says. “What if I need more training?”
She blinks at him, stunned. “What’s gotten into you?”
He ties off her bandage, his hands lingering on her leg. “I think you know,” he tells her. “And I think it’s gotten into you, too.”
Her face fills with heat.
He avoids her gaze, looking down at the strips of gauze littered around his lap.
They have to leave in three hours. His flight is in five. Her heart feels like it might shatter her ribs and she can’t help but think that they really can’t make do with what they have. Not for this.
“Chat, you’re not—“ She cuts herself off. “You’re not serious about not going, are you?”
“I… I don’t know? Maybe?" He fiddles with some gauze. "I mean, I know I won't get a refund on the ticket, but—"
"Okay," he says. "I know. I know this mission is important. But I just… I hate that we don't know how long it'll take. Will I be gone for a year? Two years? Longer?" He sighs. "I just… I never thought it'd matter before. But after last night I just… I felt something. And I don't want to lose that. Not before we've even had it."
Her heart throbs. 
Maybe it wasn't all just chemical.
She closes her eyes, swallowing the tightness in her throat. "I felt something, too."
"So you get it, right?" he asks. "You get why I don't want to leave?"
She takes in a shaky breath, turning her head to look at the corner of the room. "It's a really important mission, Chat Noir," she says. "We could— we could finally be done with Hawk Moth. Finally."
He deflates. "Yeah. I know."
They’re quiet for a long time, the smell of the surgical spirit still hanging between them. 
She reaches out, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "Do you really want to stay?"
He sucks in a deep breath, then touches her hand. "I do," he says.
Neither of them say anything.
Then, he sighs, and lets go of her.
She takes the hint, and takes her hand off his face.
"We should get some dinner," he says quietly. "I hate plane food."
"Right." She plays with her fingers, not looking at him. Then, she glances at the surgical spirit. "Give that to me. I'll put it away."
He caps it, and hands it over.
His fingers brush hers.
A pulse of electricity hits her stomach. Her eyes flick up to his. He's already looking at her.
Slowly, he gets to his feet. She has to lean back as he straightens, has to let him decide how this goes, so when he cups the back of her neck and leans down, she can't even manoeuvre herself to make him kiss her faster.
It's slow. And hard. Her heartbeat is on her tongue, and God, this really can't be all chemical.
They break away quickly, pressing their foreheads together, breathing hard. His hand slides up to thread through her hair. Hers knots itself into the material of his T-Shirt.
She gnaws at her lip. They could do it again. They could do it again. Oxytocin, dopamine, endorphins, it didn't matter. Chemicals didn't make this any less real.
She swallows hard. "We should… we should get dinner."
He nods, eyes closed.
They separate.
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aqueeracademic · 2 years
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt 2:
season 1, episode 2, “Fugue”:
- morse looking over his shoulder to look at jakes
- no need to look morse up and down like that, jakes 🤨
- i don’t like crime scenes that don’t include morse and debryn speaking to each other this is bullshit
- this little husband man of the dead woman deserves better but he looks like one of the farmers from Fantastic Mr. Fox
- morse and jakes are absolutely insane for talking to each other like that and not getting in a physical fight
- morse correcting jakes’ italian pronunciation is insane.
- “not as if anybody NORMAL would think to look there...” jakes shut ur bitchass up🤨
- morse asking immediately for debryn when he gets to the second crime scene
- “i presume you mean anything suspicious?”
- debryn READ him
- debryn is so...... if i speak. 😧
- morse is sooo awk around jakes i’m embarrassed
- this freaky little guy playing piano not being the murderer is also insane of the writers i was so convinced it was him
- i want a show that is all debryn
- it’s just that debryn is on the same level of knowledge as morse is except morse is like a genius in arts and debryn is a genius in sciences and it’s just that they compliment each other so well it makes me ill
- jakes is so petty
- jakes is also a fucking snitch to the PRESS no less
- morse needs to be a better friend to strange
- thursday’s family is the only thing i care about
- bright is ALSO a petty motherfucker
- i wish this episode was more gay i’m tapping my foot waiting for smth gay to happen 😔😔
- the fake doctor is soooooo annoying
- morse is sooo pretty when he relaxes his face
- the gay part of this episode is that the killer is down bad for morse
- “look alive, morse. it’s the competition.”
- jakes fr wants morse to know he also hates the fake doctor
- “something you should see, sir. you too, morse.”
- “looks like you’ve got an admirer.”🤨
- who, jakes? you?
- no but fr that’s the only time we’ve seen jakes actually care about smth having to do with morse
- i hate to tell this mother but those are NOT sandals they’re mary janes
- jakes makes fun of morse a lot for someone who hangs on every word he says during cases 🤨🤨
- “one bloody misfit talking to another.”
- just call morse a slur and GO, jakes
- we all know what it means when a killer stabs his victims 😏
- ^not funny
- this is the only man i’ve ever seen behave realistically when stabbed
- strange is such a real one do NOT hmu
- debryn is so... IF I SPEAK 😧😧
- debryn is the only one who consistently and genuinely cares about morse
- no need to stand so close to his face while talking about how worried u are about him dying, debryn
- “you sure you’re fit for duty?”
- 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
- bit late to care about his well being now jakes
- prolly just thinking about how good morse looks in his shirt
- this killer is gayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!
- “it suits him to have you alive” 🤨🤨
- ELABORATE on that.
- jakes subtly letting morse walk in the church before him just like how more subtly let jakes enter the train car before him
- let ME elaborate: it’s morse’s crime scene both times, but morse doesn’t like looking at dead bodies. he knows jakes doesn’t mind and jakes knows morse is uncomfortable, so they switch the order they’re walking in so jakes will get in the train car first and shield the body from morse. in the church, jakes humbles himself and lets morse walk in first because they beat the deadline. there won’t be a dead body and jakes wants morse to get the credit for the discovery of the girl so he steps aside to ensure morse enters first
- are you confused who you ship now? yeah, me too😔
- let me marry him.
- even jakes is struggling to look at the body he keeps turning to look at morse 😕😕
- them randomly bringing the weird husband back in for no reason is crazy
- thursday using his own coat instead of morse’s to lay over him makes me wanna break down
- i know hes looking at the wall of pictures but the director perfectly framing jakes’ face for morse to look at is insane
- jakes out here backing up morse’s theories all of a sudden 🤨🤨
- jakes kicking down a door is 😧😧
- morse getting a little embarrassed talking to jakes about his choir 😔
- why do bad guys always have to monologue
- thursday could have been dead five times over by the time this guy gets done talking
- we get it ur obsessed w morse 🙄🙄
- morse is insane for tackling two fighting men while on a rooftop that could have been the worst mistake of his whole career
- “to be clever is to be alone.”
- can u stfu?????? goddam
- everyone is so mean to him
- i see nothing but myself in morse it makes me so sick.
- morse crying here seems so random but it’s so real i can’t handle it
- thursday’s closing speech is something that is so... i’ll cry.
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Hi, I just found ur blog and I really love it but I was wondering if I could get some advice on like, everything
I've had a really complicated relationship with gender for a while, when I was younger I thought I was a trans girl then went into denial for a few years but now I'm like 99% sure I really am a trans girl, but some things don't quite add up. When people I know call me by my given name or he/him pronouns it feels like, ok, but when I have to introduce myself with masculine terms or by my name it feels gross and dysphoric
I have lots of dysphoria in other areas too but specifically in the topic of names and pronouns I've been really confused. I'm used to being called he/him but when I really think about it, it makes me feel really wrong. But with she/her pronouns, it also feels wrong. i don't know of it's just because I'm not used to them or something but he, she, and they pronouns don't really feel right. Same thing with names
Sorry this was so long I jusy really felt confused and didn't know where to ask about stuff like this!! Have a great day :)
“if I could get some advice on like, everything” anon i LOVE that
Thing is, there’s this like, Ideal version of what trans people have to be, created by like cis people and tr*nsmed bootlickers. Like Hello my name is I Am A Passing Binary Trans Person and I feel so much dysphoria im depressed and am on HRT a and physically transitioned, and I hate being trans but like. That doesn’t apply to everyone. Not every trans person feels dysphoria in everything, not every trans person is name and pronoun conforming, not every trans person is 100% Sure All The Time.
If being called by your given name and he/him doesn’t make you dysphoric that doesn’t mean you’re not trans. Like, I’m a trans guy, I don’t have a lot of physical dysphoria, doesn’t mean I’m not a guy
If u say u are a girl, and u are honest about it, u are a girl, full stop.
Ahh yea that’s a weird feeling, isn’t it? Bc it’s like, this determines identity, this determines *who u are* so u get stressed and our significance into it but u don’t have to bc like. It’s a name. It’s pronouns. They are Sounds We Made Up. U are u, regardless of name and pronouns. Take a deep breath my friend. You’ll find smth eventually or maybe u won’t, what matters is are you happy? Are you forgetting about finding yourself and starting to create yourself?
So, I’ve found there’s two types of weird when finding new names/pronouns.
One, just dysphoria. You try and it feels Wrong, it’s gross, it’s like your hands are covered in something slimey. It feels like too-tight shoes or clothes the wrong size or looking in the mirror and seeing someone else. No matter how long you try on new names/pronouns, it feels Wrong, and you can’t get used to it.
Two, good-weird. It’s like…new shoes. Strange, at first, because they’re *new* and *different* and you’re not used to them, but different doesn’t always mean bad. As you keep wearing in the shoes you realise they’re much more comfy than your old ones, fit better, feel better. But you don’t realise this immediately, you gotta like, try it out for a week or so. Vibe with it, see how it feels.
So like, what I recommend is, don’t drop new names immediately just bc they feel wrong. Try it out for at least a few days or a week, then if it still feels wrong, drop it. A lot of names will stick, and you’ll find that the weirdness was just not being used to them.
Just…don’t try to fit into other peoples boxes. Don’t search for an identifier, an anchor to the world of gender. Just like…float in a gender sea for a while. Drifting and exploring. Just be happy, be free, be yourself, and if you find a piece of driftwood or a cool island (labels/names/pronouns in this metaphor) stick to it. Be happy first, find labels second.
I hope I could help you out!! You are loved. Drink some water <3
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
God Im pretty sure I’m going to hell ANYWAYS ok so this is a hybrid cat shigaraki, u end up adopting shigaraki from a very abuses owner so our little kitten is traumatized and terrified of everything, it took u a bit of time until he was comfortable with u , he doesn’t trust u in the beginning and thinks ur gonna do the same as his previous owner did but ur different u were so patient, sweet and soft not to mention he LOVED getting head pets from u ( he would never admit it tho) once shigaraki found out that he was in love with u he was stuck to ur hip ( he was super clingy) shigaraki’s heat was closer then expected, shigaraki didn’t want to ruin his chances with u but he couldn’t stop himself from humping everything so he hid in his room , you absolutely loved shigaraki since the day u saw him u knew u wanted him, when u first met him he scratched and hissed at u he was terrified, it honestly made u sick knowing the person who did this to him is still alive, u both got much closer he even started cuddling with u!!!! U soon fell in love with shiggy but u didn’t want to ruin what u guys have so u kept it to ur self , u noticed shigaraki was acting weird and hid in his room for two days at first u thought u might give him some space but u started getting worried u wanted to check on him before u came in u heard some little moans and whines, it just hit u that ur little kitten has there heat, u decided to help out 👀
Kinks pet-play of course dom reader and sub shigaraki maybe some pegging that’s all I can think of so feel free to add any kinks. I was listening to hello kitty by Avril Lavigne there was part where she says “ come come kitty kitty your so pretty pretty” that was inspired me to write this lmaooo 
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If you want to use interactive fics, it's easy and makes reading fics SO much better. First, you download the Google Chrome extension. You'll see it in the top right corner of your screen. Next, you enter your name in the first box. If you want to change something other than y/n, please click on the text that says “want to change something other than y/n?” here, you can change any word you want to a different word. When I talk about your quirk I will use y/q.
Master List
Samesies, but it's ok, we’ll go to hell together 😫
Now you might be wondering, Claire, why did this take you literal MONTHS? Well, I wanted to perfect it. I love this concept so much that I just HAD to spend so much time on it to make it perfect. And let me just say, it's pretty good 😏
Warnings: vaginal sex, overstimulation (male), anal sex with strapon, heat, pillow humping, marking mating, whatever you want to call it.
I've decided I'm obsessed with making cat shiggy meow ☺️
‘Where the fuck am I?’ Is shigaraki’s first thought of the day.
He’s never been on a bed this soft or a house this warm. Where is he? The blankets are all fuzz. The bed is littered with stuffed animals and pillows, and sweet-smelling candles, are burning somewhere. Is he being sacrificed?
“Hey, you're awake, ” a soft voice says, coming from the end of the bed.
He recoils in fear but, upon second glance, he sees that you aren't who he thinks you are. A girl replaces the scary form of his “master.” he looks you up and down. He has to admit you are quite pretty. The sight of someone other than the large man who used to own him excites him. Maybe this is a fresh start? But perhaps you're just like him...
“Get the fuck away from me, ” he snaps, scrambling into a corner.
“It's okay, sweetie, ” you say, “I'm not gonna hurt you, ”
“Everyone says that, meow ” Shigaraki retorts, “get the fuck away before I scratch your eyes out, ”
You bite your lip, “ok, Tomura, I'm gonna sit with you for a while, though. I'll be right across the room if you need anything, ”
“I don't need shit from you, ” he says, hissing making a show of his claws.
You laughed a little, more than a bit sad at his fear, “alright, but I’ll still be here, ”
He sits in silence for a moment, surveying his surroundings. He notices fresh clothes in the dresser, and there are some game consoles set up for him. How do you know he likes video games? Fucking creep. There aren't really any escape routes but escaping is complicated when he doesn't know where he is.
“Where am I meow?” he asks, sounding meeker than intended.
“I guess I kind of adopted you, ” you explain, “we’re at our house, ”
“Why did you do that?” he asks, the edge coming back to his voice.
“You just seemed so sweet, and the man who owned you was so mean. I couldn't just leave you there; he was hurting you, ” you say, frowning a little at the thought of Tomura getting hurt.
"Why do you care?" he snaps.
You sit closer to him, making him tense.
"I already told you, I think you're sweet Tomura," you repeat, "I just can't explain it. I'd really like it if we could become friends,"
'Or maybe more,' you think to yourself.
You can't deny he is very attractive.
"How do I know you're not lying meow?" He asks.
"I think you'll just have to trust me. Do you want to play some games with me?" you ask.
"Fine," he says, "only cause I'm bored,"
You grin, "awesome. What should we play?"
Shigaraki stands up and walks over to the games, tail swaying.
"This," he says, holding up animal crossing, "you probably like it cause it's dumb. What's your name anyway?" he asks.
"I'm y/n," you answer.
"I guess your names not awful, meow”, he mutters.
Truthfully, he already thinks you're beautiful, and you seem so kind. Shigaraki sits unusually close to you on the bed as the two of you play. You play late into the night; he makes a good bit of progress. Eventually, you feel his head rest on your shoulder, and he falls asleep on you.
You ease Tomura into your lap.
"There we go," you whisper, "you're safe now,"
Little did you know he's wide awake, smiling to himself and nuzzling his head closer to you. The sound of soft purring fills your ears as he drifts off into the most peaceful sleep.
He's pretty disgruntled when he wakes up alone. Where have you gone? Shigaraki doesn't have to wonder for long when you come back with a plate of food.
"Hey, are you hungry?" you ask, setting a plate of food on the table next to him.
He nods, digging in right away. You watch him eat like a man starved. Honestly, he might have been. He puts the plate down and moves closer to you. He's beginning to trust you more and more.
"Tomura, ” you say, “I have to put a collar on you now, just in case you get lost, ok?” you push some hair out of his face, “id be so sad if I lost you, ”
“fine, meow” he mumbles.
Truthfully his heart is melting at the thought. That you aren’t embarrassed by him, that you want to keep him safe and close to you. When you click the collar into place he hugs you, tugging at your shirt.
It’s shocking how fast he’s becoming comfortable with you but definitely pleasing. The next few days are calm, spent lounging around the house. He‘s getting so trusting with you. He occasionally pushes his head beneath your hand so you scratch his head. He always denies it, though; he has a tough-guy exterior to keep up.
However, something changes within him. He feels a strange warmth, not a necessarily bad feeling, around you. Tomura knows what cats were supposed to do. They are supposed to cuddle and play with their owners. Should he be doing that? Should he act like a “normal cat”? He concludes that you don’t want that at all. The lack of cat toys, a cat tree, and you allowing him to eat at the table solidify that.
However, he does want to cuddle. He tries to cuddle like all the time. But you have work, and you get tired, and you run errands, and he becomes sad. Tomura knows you have a life outside of him, but you really shouldn't. He should be your only priority. When Christmas break finally rolls around, and you start spending more time at the house, he's elated.
He has internet access, of course. He needs it to play his video games! But it was restricted. You don’t want your little kitty to see things he’s not supposed to. He starts to like watching movies too. At first, they‘re action movies with lots of blood and fighting, which you don’t necessarily agree with, but it doesn’t seem to bother him. He slowly gets bored with them and stumbles across a romance movie.
Tomura becomes engrossed in them. He loves watching the couple fall in love and be happy. One movie, in particular, weirds him out. It looks like they were taking off their clothes. They start kissing and making strange noises. He doesn't like it one bit, it makes his cheeks feel hot, and his cock gets semi-hard. He turns it off immediately.
It doesn’t take long for him to forget about it and keep watching different ones. Soon he finds some similarities between him and the main character. The way they feels around their love interest is the same way he feels around you. Is he in love with you?! It seems so and you have just recently come to the same conclusion as him.
Soon he’s all over you, following you everywhere. Tomura pushes open your door every night and snuggling up to you. He’ll purr and nuzzle into you, happy sighs escaping him. Whenever he “accidentally” wakes you up, you never get mad at him. You just cuddle him and talk all night, giggling and talking until you both fall asleep.
Oddly enough, you‘re oblivious to his feelings for you. Whenever he cuddles with you, you hold back the urge to kiss him on the lips. You don’t want him to feel awkward around you. Soon he starts acting strange without any change in behavior from you. He stops coming in your room at night and wont come out of his room.
You don't want to be overbearing, so you give him space...for a while. Meanwhile, in his room, Tomura is lying naked on the bed, panting and sweating. He feels strange, just like he did when he was watching that movie. He doesn't understand what‘s happening to his body but when he humps his pillow it feels like an itch is being scratched. The first time he cums he‘s terrified and lets out a scared “meow!”
But it feels so good. The feeling doesn't go away, so he decides the only solution is to keep humping. Soon he‘s limp but still grinding his hips on the poor pillow. He takes deep whiffs of your sweater, huffing it like a drug. His tongue is lolling out of his mouth and his eyes are rolling back in his head. He‘s starting to hurt down there but he just can't stop cumming.
Oh, why can't he reach the phone you left in his room? Why is his voice too hoarse to call out to you? Tomura is scared. He can’t eat or sleep. Sweat has soaked into the mattress and his poor little cock is starting to hurt. You‘re getting worried too so you wander up to his room and callout to him, pressing your ear to the door.
“y/n meow,” he calls out hoarsely, almost a whisper.
All you can hear are desperate whines and moans. Is Tomura...in heat? Oh, your poor kitty is probably in so much pain! You have to help him, so you open the door and see him. It is a pathetic (yet erotic) sight. He looks so desperate. He‘s crying and looks so scared. Tomura just whines and reaches out to you even though he‘s far away.
“Oh, sweetheart,” you whisper.
You walk over to him and scoop him up, sitting him on your lap. He continues to try and hump you, but you can tell how much his poor dick hurts. You hug him tightly, feeling guilty that you took so long to check on him.
Tomura tugs at your shirt, he can't figure out why he wants you to take off your clothes, but he does. You oblige, ready to do anything your sweet kitten wants. When he sees your top half naked, he feels his cock beg for you. He starts to tug aimlessly at your pants, and you take them off, once again, all too eager to please.
He doesn't have any sexual knowledge, but he has instincts, pure carnal instincts that tell him just how to breed his mate’s tight pussy. Tomura grabs your hips, his claws accidentally puncturing the skin. You yelp as he pulls you on top of him. When he slams you down onto his long fat cock he doesn't get the rush of pleasure he expected.
He's hit with an extreme amount of pain and lets out a panicked meow. You lift yourself off of him quickly, and Tomura misses the feeling of your cunt even though it caused him so much pain. He paws at you, but you keep him from shoving himself in you again.
“Tomura,” you say softly, “you need to calm down; you're hurting yourself,”
“Meow! need!” he cries.
“So needy,” you mutter, “youre just gonna hurt yourself,”
“Don’t care! Need!” he begs.
“Hold on,” you say, getting up and ignoring the insistent pawing at your shirt as he whines.
You rifle through your drawers until you find the dildo you got and the free strap-on attachment that came with it. You smile and gran some lube; this is exactly what you need for your pretty kitty. He watches with curious eyes and blown out pupils due to pure lust.
“Let's give your poor cock a break,” you say.
He nods, but where are you going to put that? You climb onto the bed with him, and he hugs you, sucking on your tit. He feels so at peace. Your boobs are so soft and pretty. He wants to stay like this forever. But when Tomura feels those nimble fingers of yours start to trail across his lower back just above his ass he shivers.
He leaves open-mouthed kisses across your chest; he lets them get sloppy and wet as you rub his back.
“Need,” he whispers again, eyes half-lidded.
You tilt Tomura’s head up and give him his first proper kiss. He's seen this in movies and knows you're supposed to say “I love you” after...right? He doesn't know the full meaning of the three little words he's about to say.
“I love you y/n,” he says when you pull away.
“I love you too,” you say, taken aback just a bit.
He gives you a love-drunk smile and tries to rut against your thigh but yelps again, remembering how sensitive he is.
“C’mere pretty kitty,” you coo, “lay on your back for me,”
He nods and lays on his back, painfully aware of how exposed he is to your careful, calculating eyes. He starts purring when you muzzle your head into his neck. Are you going to mark him?! Do you really want him to be your mate?! Oh, he hopes so! He smiles, and his breathing picks up, but his ears flatten on his head when you pull away.
“No mate meow?” Tomura asks, face falling.
For the first time all day, he feels his cock soften sadly. He doesn't understand the look of confusion on your face and tears up a bit.
“I'm not sure I understand,” you say, brushing some hair out of his face and feeling guilty when you see his teary eyes.
“I want you to mark me,” he says, bottom lip quivering, “please meow?”
Your eyes widen, “oh,” maybe you did learn something useful in school, “of course honey,”
You lean down again, unsure of how hard to bite his neck. You can tell exactly where you're supposed to bite. A strong musky smell radiates from the side of his neck and you decide to sink your teeth in until you break skin. When you do, he sighs happily at the feeling of your admittedly dull teeth (in comparison to his) in his neck.
“Mate,” he purrs.
You pull away when you can tell he's satisfied. He pulls you in for another kiss, tasting some of his blood on your tongue. He doesn't notice your fingers traveling to the bottle of lube on the bed and pumping some onto your fingers. He does notice when you start to rub around where you're not supposed to.
“Hey! What are you doing, meow?!” Tomura says, squirming at the strange new sensation.
When you find your mark and circle his asshole, any objections he just made the in the past. When he feels your finger begin to sink into his tight hole, he sighs happily. He isn't supposed to be the one getting penetrated, but he can't help how much he loves the feeling of your finger wiggling around inside of him.
When you add in another finger, he meows happily, grinding on your fingers. All this pleasure without the pain, what has he done to deserve this? To deserve you? Tomura’s back arches as he moves his hips; he can feel himself coming to a different kind of climax, but you pull away right when he's on the edge.
He looks up at you with pleading eyes and trembling thighs. He sees you putting that strange liquid on something much larger and gulps. He feels his asshole gape around nothing, waiting for something to fill it up.
“Is that going inside me, meow?” he asks nervously.
“It won't hurt,” you say, cupping his face, “i promise,”
Tomura gulps but nods. He trusts you. When the head of the dildo pushes into him he's tense and panting already.
“You have to relax,” you whisper in his ear, “be a good boy and relax,”
He tries, letting the nervous knot in his stomach untangle. His breathing slows as you push in more of the dildo. It starts to feel good, having you in some of him, and it's even better when the head of the dildo hits a spot that makes him mewl. He wraps his arms around your neck and pulls you down to him, causing you to poke his prostate again.
He moans and buries his face in your neck, purring loudly. You start to move your hips at an agonizingly slow pace. You worm your arms under him and hold him close while you help him adjust. He's planting and mewling happily.
“Love you,” he moans, “I love you so much y/n,”
“I love you too, Tomura,” you whisper, kissing the shell of his ear.
“It's so good,” he groans, “you're amazing meow. The perfect mate,”
“Yeah?” you say, too focused to respond.
He nods, “the best ever,”
You keep thrusting, speeding up just a bit. That makes Tomura yelp happily. His tongue lolls out as he smiles. There's not one thought behind those beautiful red eyes—just pure pleasure. It's taking over his entire body and he can't help but meow happily.
He likes to think of himself as more refined than most hybrids. More human, but all he can think of now is how wonderful being your little kitty is.
“I'm gonna cum,” he whimpers, “gonna cum, meow”
His dick quivers, and his asshole clenches as cum spurts out of him, but it's still not enough. To satiate his desires, he needs to be inside of you when he cums. When you pull out of him slowly and remove the strap on, he bites the bullet and plunges into you, ignoring the pain that makes him sob and absolutely hammers into you.
You're helpless underneath him as he has his way with you. You can't deny how good he feels inside of you. Tomura hates how long he's lasting. He needs to get this over with, although having you cum on his cock would be pretty nice. When he feels you worm your fingers down to your clit he starts to be thankful he hasn't lost his mind and cum yet.
That look on your face makes him so happy. He wants you to be happy. He wants you to cum, so he holds out until you milk his cock with your cunt. And when he lets go it's heavenly. The itch has been scratched, and he collapses on top of you, purring as his tail twitches. You scratch behind his ears to help him get some much-needed rest.
It works nearly immediately, and your sweet kitty is asleep in mere minutes. You love Tomura more than you can put into words, and he loves his pretty little mate. His adorable little y/n.
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inkdemonapologist · 3 years
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[BatIM Call of Cthulhu Masterpost]
WE STARTED.... A NEW SCENARIO..... as you may have read in Boo’s summary post, for some unknown reason aLL MUSICAL AND PERFORMANCE ABILITY SEEMS TO BE??? GONE??? Sammy woke up, realised he couldn’t hold even the simplest tune in his head, and immediately lost THIRTY-ONE SANITY in one hit
 anyway i have a some out-of-context quotes from the game for u all under the readmore if ur into that kinda thing!!!
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[GM] It's a tough voice to do, so you can't be as choosy, and your resident Bendy cannot act to save his life, so that's no good-- [Joey] Uh-oh. [Jack] Sorry, Lurks. [Joey] I'm just so worried he's going to have to act now... [Jack] Clearly, he should've used the time between scenarios to train that! [GM] Yeah, that's just what everybody wants I'm sure, is the Lurker training in LYING. That sounds like a great idea!
[GM] *asking for dice rolls to see how well our actual jobs are going* We can do a little bit of mundanity to, to treasure, and keep you warm later!
[Henry] Should I spend Luck points on this? No, I'm not spending Luck on work. [Sammy] That's a good general life policy
[Jack] Does Jack have any contacts? [Joey] No, he has glasses! :D [Jack] noooo that's my job! It's my job to make Jack's puns! ....Contacts probably didn't exist in the 1930s, that's okay. [Sammy] No, don't say that! Boo's going to have to look it up now!
[GM] What spell is Joey working on? [Jack] (Spell of Make Investor Like You)
[Joey] I think he probably has filing cabinets specifically to put occult stuff in and lock. And then the rest of his office is just piles and tables of animation stuff that you're like "...shouldn't this??? be??? in the filing cabinet???"
[GM] Allison remarks, "The companions of our childhood always possess a certain power of our minds, which hardly any later friend can obtain." [Sammy] Y'know, normal, just nORMAL CASUAL CHATTER, [GM] Tom, working on the pipe, just kinda mutters, "I enjoy friends, dear not only by habit and association, but from their own merits." And she gives him a look! [Jack] ...love at first whATEVER THIS IS,
[Sammy] ...Sammy's not amused. [GM] The band's amused! [Jack] Jack is probably amused.
[GM] So far things are going very well, but y'know, [Jack] Only so long until we crit fail something! [Sammy] NEVER TOO LATE TO MESS IT UP!
[GM] Allison's vibe is like, I Didn't Study This Exactly, But I Was Hoping It Could Just Work Out! [Jack] ...She has a lot of practice at just... making things work out, huh.... 
[GM] Is there anything else Joey would try to show off? [Joey] Tries to think... what else is at the Studio... [Jack] "Do you wanna talk to our janitor? He's really cool!"
[Joey] I roll to see if Joey can put two brain cells together,
[Jack] I have to appreciate that Bendy said he didn’t have the keys today. He’s been stealing them before, but THIS TIME isn’t his doing!
[Sammy] If there’s anything he needs to do himself, then he’ll come in early, but I don’t know what state we’re in -- [Joey] Uh, New York. [Sammy] ...what? [Joey] You didn’t know what state we’re in. :) [Sammy] [Sammy] thanks
[Joey] Oh Joey’s absolutely coming in early. Joey woke up, and felt great, so he’s going to menace every other department today, because he has the energy to get his fingers into everything! [Sammy] *distressed sounds in the background*
[Sammy] Hey how come when we did a Halloween cartoon, we all went to Haiti, but we’re doing a cartoon about a fair and we’re not going to a fair? [Jack] [Jack] I think we all know why.
*trying to decide who goes to Joey’s fancy dinner with an investor* [Sammy] I don’t know if Sammy will help you... [Sammy] Unless you bring Sammy and put him on a piano, like a small child that needs to be immediately handed crayons.
[Joey] Joey will say that they’re essentially the second hands in each of the departments-- [Jack] Yeah, Abby, the second hand… entire Art Department director, [GM] Uh-huh. [Joey] She… she knows,, [GM] Joey, [Joey] She knows that Joey… is … Big Gay for Henry,,, [GM] This is true, but I think she likes nominal acknowledgement that she holds a position, [Jack] He can just say that they’re high-ranking, and not-- [Joey] No I rolled badly, Joey’s going to say that Sammy and Henry are busy, so he brought his second-best! :) [GM] Abby is massaging her temples. [Joey] Sorry, Abby. He is,, an idiot,,, [GM] I think she’d be a lot more bothered if she couldn’t go and commiserate with Henry about it. Like, “why can’t he keep it straight?” [GM] ……………….well. She knows why he can’t keep it straight.
[GM] It’s about midnight, and something... strange.... happens. The trumpet player, who is leading the band -- [Joey] -- has a trumpet for a head! [GM] what no
*Joey succeeds a sanity check, Jack fails it* [GM] Joey, roll 1d10! [Joey] Uh, 3? [GM] Okay, you’re only down three sanity, that’s not so bad! [GM] Jack, roll 6d10! [Jack] what? [Joey] Six??? SIX d10s????? [GM] Yeah! [Joey] nICE KNOWING YOU, JACK!!! It’s time for Sillytime Jack.
[Jack] Smash cut to Henry, curled up in bed, nice and cozy,
[GM] I will also note, you cannot seem to Fast Talk. [Joey] ...what else can I do? [GM] Just normal talk. Like a normal person.
[Jack] I feel like Jack probably has a hunch that it’s weird nightmarish horror nonsense, on account of he just lost nineteen sanity,
[GM] Abby’s gonna try to take him to the hospital. [Jack] Jack’s just going to let that happen, because he’s shaken enough that he doesn’t have any significantly better ideas! Other than AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,
[Sammy] *rolling sanity damage* 9… 9, stop that…. 4, [Jack] You’ve already lost more than Jack! [Sammy] 2, ...6, and 1! [Joey] That’s 31. [GM] Okay, Sammy has six sanity! [Sammy] eXCUSE ME?????
[Joey] Joey does want to head home… what day is it? [GM] Friday, the 13th! [Jack] HM, [Sammy] I GUESS IT IS, ISN’T IT… I wasn’t keeping track, but I guess it sure is! [GM] A delightful treat for myself, when I was looking up days in July, in 1934, [Sammy] WAIT, NO, ITS ACTUALLY A COINCIDENCE? Oh my gosh, [Jack] Because Friday the 13th wouldn’t even be a spooky day at this point in time! [GM] It is now! [Jack] It’s spooky, but just for us!
[Sammy] Sammy would try to call Jack, he’d try to call Joey, he’d try to call Henry -- probably several times, [Henry] sammy gets jack’s cat [Henry] phone is answered with meows [Jack] That does seem fitting for a really bad luck roll; the phone gets answered, and Sammy’s really relieved -- and it’s just the cat. [Sammy] Sammy, at 6 sanity: “jack’s tuRNED INTO A CAT,”
[Joey] The phone kept on ringing, so the cat just batted it off the cradle, [Jack] I feel like Jack probably doesn’t usually get a significant number of calls, so like, this many calls in a row is just obnoxious! [Jack] Cat’s having none of it. [Jack] Phone ring isn’t breakfast! [Jack] Where is the soft provider of food.
[GM] Oh no, you know what’s going to happen? Henry’s gonna get through to Jack, and then when Sammy calls it’s busy! [Sammy] cALLS JACK IT’S BUSY, CALLS HENRY IT’S BUSY, [Jack] I was gonna say maybe Henry would call Sammy first, because Sammy was one of the original three. [Jack] …Henry calls Sammy, Sammy is busy because SAMMY is trying to call someone, and then Henry calls Jack, and Sammy tries to call Jack again-- [Sammy] *laughing* THE HORROR, The deep, bone-chilling horror of A TIME BEFORE CALL-WAITING!!
[Henry] Is Joey there? [Jack] Yeah. [Henry] Are you guys alright? [Jack] ……………….hm,
[Jack] Cat is just sat on Joey, purring. Something is wrong with the human. Purr to fix the human.
[Henry] I called Sammy to make sure he’s okay, but-- [Abby] Was he? [Henry] No.
[Joey] Joey is going to be… obstinate feels like the wrong word? [Joey] He’s being the cat where you put the leash on, and the cat just sits down. [Joey] That is the Joseph mood right now.
[Sammy] *muttering* First one boyfriend turns into a cat, now the other boyfriend’s voice is wrong, today is terrible,
[Joey] This is Joey’s everything. [Sammy] That’s Joey’s contribution to the party! That’s like, your bard can no longer play music. [Sammy] ……….which is also true, but Sammy contributes other things. [Jack] Like Intimidate! [Sammy] Right now he contributes paranoia!
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fairestwriting · 3 years
hello, hope u’re having a nice day so far! can i request hcs of the octavinelle trio’s reaction to their crush wanting to become a merfolk like them for a day (so like azul’s crush wants to be an octo-mer and floyd’s/jade’s crush wants to be an eel-mer)? if u have a request similar to this or don’t want to answer this, then feel free to pass this! thank u 💕
ur octavinelle hcs make me mELT????? heehoo peanut brain go brrrrr
ahh youre so sweet thank you T__T im glad you like my hcs i love the octa boys a bunch!!
Azul Ashengrotto
Chokes on his drink when you tell him you'd like to be an octo merperson for a day
It's not that he's against it or anything, just, why would you? He won't say it out loud, but he can't really find anything good about being like that. He knows he doesn't like it -- The way he looks in the water.
The way your eyes light up when you talk about it gets to him, though, and his face goes all red as you excitedly talk about all the cool things he must be able to do underwater.
You see, Azul is a big overthinker in general, and crushing on someone makes that habit of his even stronger -- Every word you say about this will be swirling in his head for a while. He gets all sort of ideas of how he could go about this situation.
An expressive part of his doesn't understand why you'd want to take on such a form, even temporarily, and another tells him that once you do experiment with having it, you'll be disgusted by it, and then disgusted by him in the process.
But your excitement really charms him. He won't come to you with it right away but, sometime after the conversation, Azul approaches you with a bottle held tightly in his hands -- And with a little more of a nervous hint to his voice, tells you it's a potion that'll let you take on that form for a day, just like you wanted.
He's a bit anxious once you're underwater, but he'll do his best to show you the ropes -- And, he hopes to take you to see these really nice corals, too...
Jade Leech
Oh? Now that's an interesting offer.
Reacts in a way that's subdued and polite, but that's just everything Jade -- "Ah, is that so? Perhaps we can arrange that, then..."
Really enjoys the idea, actually. He's both curious to see what you'd look like with eel traits, and very sure that you'd be the most beautiful merperson he's ever laid his eyes upon. Hyped about it in a very Jade way.
He'll take you to see Azul when you confirm you're serious about it, promising he'll grant your wish, so you two can have a good time underwater together.
Also might make a show out of it, in a way? It sounds strange but he sees an opportunity to show off his devotion to you in this, so he might talk to Azul beforehand about faking to sign a deal, just so you can see that, hey, Jade would go this far like this to make you happy.
...he has some weird ideas about romance, but he just wants to be with you so bad, and that's his roundabout way of signaling that.
A good teacher for swimming and sea etiquette when you're underwater, promises to protect you from all the evils of the sea, too -- Though, he won't specify what these are...
Floyd Leech
Opens his eyes wide, sparkles coming over them. Are you serious? Does his Shrimpy really want to be like him?
No mulling over the idea and its repercussions and meanings, he won't care about that. All that matters is that you must think he's so cool to want something like this, and that gets his heart racing like crazy.
Possibly just... grabs you the second you mention it and runs to Azul to break the news, like you're getting married or something, except he's just asking him to get you a transformation potion.
He can't help it, he's just really excited about it! He'll show you all the coolest places underwater, it'll be like a date!! He'll say that out loud by the way.
Floyd can get pretty cheerful, but this amount of energy is rare even to him -- If you didn't know he liked you before, you definitely will now.
When you go underwater, he holds your hands as he tells you the ins and outs of swimming in an eel body, rows of sharp teeth gleaming as he grins. He has a lot of fun when he's like this, and he hopes you do too!
Will try to race you or something, also, and tease you endlessly when you inevitably lose. It's nothing malicious though.
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