#one of the ‘weird looking but pretty girls’ someone brought up was JENNY FUCKING ORTEGA
willowfey · 1 year
unexplainable feeling when u decide to check twitter after a long time and there’s always some debate going on about whether a beautiful woman is ugly or not and bc she’s slightly unconventionally attractive and has like yk normal human features everyone is like “i’ve never met a human that even kinda looks like this in my life” “i know this is weeeirrddd but i think she looks kinda good in a weird way?? am i crazy??” “we need to start letting ugly women be famous again, normal people are getting boring” and then a parade of people show up to say “yes, like her —“ posting pictures of the most conventionally attractive and stunning famous women ever. meanwhile everyone else is comparing her to the ugly duckling from chicken little.
does not feel good tho.
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