#and then all that shit happened and the glaring and mixing up of stuff
transgender-catboy · 7 months
Tempted to take a bath fully clothed because of how fucking done with everything I am today
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I've always been yours // Eddie Munson
Prompt: "I think... I'm in love with him.” "Congrats on being the last one to find out" + the 5 ways to say I love you without saying I love you.
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wc: 14K (I'm learning what brevity means y'all)
warnings: female reader, some implied sexual stuff towards the end but not really ish, friends-to-lovers, oblivious idiots in love, the beginnings of rockstar eddie.
Masterlist || AO3
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1. Covering sharp edges with their hands, so you don’t get hurt.
You were going to get Max’s birthday cake absolutely perfect even if it fucking killed you, you thought to yourself as your arm ached the harder you mixed the batter.
“Are you sure you don’t need any help Nov?” Eddie asked again.
Pushing the hair out of your eyes with the back of your wrist, you huffed. “I’m okay. I think I adjusted the recipe perfectly this time. I just need to make sure there’s no lumps or the chocolate won’t-”
“I’M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU WHEELER!” You heard Dustin yell from the basement.
Eddie snorted. “Ten bucks on Mike,” he said from his place on the counter.
“I’m telling Dustin you said that,” you said, turning from your batter and shooting him a playful look over your shoulder.
He clasped his imaginary pearls dramatically. “Fair maiden, you dare betray our sacred friendship?”
Not able to keep your laugh down, you shook your head. Loud stomping alerted you to the shift of location of whatever fight was happening.
“Do not come into the kitchen with your shit!” You shouted.
Dustin’s voice floated in from the living room. “But Mike-”
“But Mike nothing!” You shouted. “You two shitheads work it out!”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!” Mike shouted, grunting right after. “Ow! Dustin!”
Eddie immediately huffed out laughter. “I’d listen to her, she’s on her fifth batch. Her face is getting whiter and whiter with each cake.”
Your hand flew up to your face, fingers coming back dusted in flour. Turning your glare to his grinning face, you rolled your eyes. “You couldn’t have told me?”
“And ruin how cute you look with all that flour on your face?” Eddie said, nonchalantly going back to the book in his hands. Doing your best to ignore the flustered expression you knew was growing on your face, you turned back to the batter. Eddie always managed to draw out reactions from you, you were sure that was the main reason why he kept doing it.
I like unnerving you he’d said. Asshole, you thought fondly, glancing at him. A good chunk of flour dusted down towards your hands at the motion. Christ, how much flour was on your face?
“I’m going to slap you the second I put this into a pan,” you threatened, trying to get it all off.
Eddie’s grin morphed into something more. “Promises, promises,” he winked.
And there went the butterflies in your stomach.
You opened your mouth to say something else when a blur of curly hair, black shirts, and a flying white shoe flung the kitchen door open.
“Guys,” Eddie warned, placing his book down.
“For fuck’s sake, what’s wrong now?” You said, putting the bowl down onto the kitchen island and stepping towards them with your hands on your hips.
Dustin was the quickest to speak up. “He borrowed the comic that I just managed to get and got it wet!”
“It wasn’t on purpose!” Mike shouted back. “I swear, Holly was eating at the table and spilled her soda!”
“Likely story!” Dustin snapped, eyes narrowing. “You’re doing it because I accidentally broke your figurines last week. I didn’t want to hit that pothole and go flying!”
“For the love of- it wasn’t on purpose!”
Dustin’s arms swung out and Mike darted left to avoid being hit. Before they could even crash together, you knew exactly what was going to happen.
As if in slow motion, you watched as Dustin shoved Mike’s arm into the mixing bowl. Without much prompting, your perfect batter, went tumbling off the island and flew with a vengeance in a million different directions. The opened bag of flour next to it, toppled right after it.
The silence as the bowl wobbled to a stop was painful. You blinked, shocked for a few seconds and nodded dumbly.
Well, that hurt more than the demobats clawing at your neck in the Upside Down.
“I’m going to rip your spines out and play jump rope with it,” you said calmly, eye twitching, at Mike and Dustin. The flour was splattered everywhere, including your new vans and the crevices no one was ever able to clean in the cracks of the linoleum.  
The two idiots shuffled closer to the door. At least they had the decency to look somewhat mortified. Before you could go through with your threat, Eddie’s hands came down to their necks and they both winced.
“Dudes, not cool,” he said, voice uncharacteristically serious. “She said don’t come into the kitchen for a reason. Now she’s gotta wait until you two assholes clean this all up before starting again.”
“Wha-” “But!”
Their protests quickly died down when he smacked them in the back of their heads.
“You break it, you fix it,” he said.
Hiding a smile, you rounded the island towards the rag by the sink and sighed. “Try to hurry, I want to get this decorated before midnight,” you said to the two apologetic teens who were already moving towards the mess.
Pushing the door out into the dining room you tried your best not to trek batter anywhere. Swiping the rag down your face and hair to get rid of any remaining flour you leaned down to help save your vans.
A sudden hand flying out towards your face made you flinch back. Falling onto your butt, you groaned as your hip smacked into the leg of the table.
Eddie shook his head, a soft expression on his face. Your eyes trailed down to where his hand was curled around the corner of the dining table. “Did I almost go face first into that?” You asked from where you were sprawled.
“Yeah, Nova, you almost cracked your skull,” he said, huffing a laugh. “I’d tell you to be more careful but it’d be a waste of breath.” Eddie tugged the rag out your hand and sat down by your feet.
“I-I am insulted.” The indignation cancelled out by the stammering. Eddie had picked up one of your, now dirty, sneakers and plopped it into his lap. He went about meticulously cleaning the chocolate off. “I can do that. You don’t have to-”
His brown eyes darted up to yours, silencing you. “I know I don’t have to; I want to.”
Mildly surprised, and a little flustered by his earnest tone, you nodded dumbly. By the time he was done, there was a pink tinge to his cheeks that you found stupidly endearing.
“There you go fair maiden. Good as new.” He bowed, dropping the rag onto the table. He offered his hand and pulled you up with a firm grip.
Warmth bloomed in your chest at the sight of his wide smile and soft gaze. “Thanks Eddie,” you said, smiling up at him.
He tossed an arm around your shoulders and pulled you towards the kitchen. “Come on, let’s go give them a little more hell,” he whispered, his breath tickling your ear.
Not one to resist, you beamed up at him and nodded. “Dibs on Mike,” you said, laughing when he did.
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2. Covering you with a blanket when you look cold.
You met Eddie when you were in middle school but, you hadn’t really become friends until freshman year of high school. You were a cheerleader, one of the few freshmen on the team, and you’d caught Tommy Hagan cornering Eddie in a hallway.
You hadn’t hesitated at the sight of the stupid bully and had thrown your pompoms at his head. With a promise of a Herkie to the face, Tommy and his entourage had left you alone.
“Are you okay?” You asked him, bending over to pick up your tossed pompoms.
Eddie, however, hadn’t looked like he was two seconds away from being shoved into a locker. He was beaming. At you.
“What?” You asked, looking around at the empty hallway. “Do I have something on my face?”
“No, I just…didn’t ever think that my knight in shining armor would be a cheerleader,” he said, tone teasing.
Biting back a smile, you crossed your arms. “Why? Because we’re vapid and only care about our hair?” You cocked your hip.
“No,” Eddie said, straightening, “I swear, that’s not what I-”
Not able to help it, you burst out into laughter. “I’m fucking with you,” you said, hiding your laugh behind your hand. “I know Tommy’s little sister and she basically rules his household. He knows not to mess with her.”
Eddie smiled and you’d realized that he had a really nice smile. With a flourish, he bowed. “Well, I’m in your debt knight.”
Scrunching your nose, you shook your head. “Not a fan of the nickname?” He asked, starting towards the exit doors. Walking backwards, he drifted closer to you. “What about Nova?”
“What?” You laughed, surprised. “How’d you go from Knight to Nova?”
“Well, you’re my knight in shining armor – what’s brighter than a supernova?”
Throwing your head back, your laugh echoed down the hallway. You’d quickly become friends.
“Novaaaa, come on,” Eddie groaned, flopping down onto the sofa, “just pick a movie.” Clearly, almost a decade later, the nickname had stuck.
“Don’t rush me!” You told him, eyeing the three tapes in front of you. “Which one do you want to watch?”
Eddie’s head lolled back around to you and he smiled. “It’s your turn to pick,” he reminded you.
“I know, but-”
“Just put on Grease,” Eddie said, voice muffled by the pillow. You were about to protest, what an absolutely rude assumption, when a knock echoed from Eddie’s front door. “Pizza’s here. Pick a movie!”
Sighing, knowing that he’d had a bad week, you pushed Indiana Jones into the VCR. The smell of hot pizza wafted over to you and your stomach immediately roared – reminding you that you hadn’t had enough time to eat before your shift.
“Alright, alright, I heard you,” Eddie said, motioning to your stomach. He brought the box over, handing you some water and frowned at the television. “What’s this?”
“Indianamph Jonesah,” you said, around a mouthful of steaming pizza. You were going to miss your tastebuds but goddamn if it wasn’t a great mouthful.
Eddie rolled his eyes, pulled the tape out and shoved Grease in. Dodging your flailing arm, he dropped to the floor by the coffee table, his shoulder brushing your knee.
The opening music started and you found your eyes drawn to the screen. “What the hell?”
“I got that because I know you like to watch one of the same five movies after a long shift,” he said, picking up his own slice.
He bumped your leg with his shoulder. “It was your turn to pick, I promise – I don’t mind. Besides, it’s starting to grow on me. It’s definitely better than Overboard.”
“Hey, that’s a good movie!”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Right, and I’m Ozzy Osbourne.”
“Well,” you said with a smile growing, “you had the chance to bite off a bat’s head but you wasted that opportunity.”
Choking on his mouthful of pizza, Eddie laughed and shot you a soft look. “I’m glad my brush with death is something you can laugh about now.”
“Yeah, well, it’s been almost a year. Thought it was about time we all started joking about almost dying,” you said, “besides, Max started it.”
“I’ve never met another person with such morbid humor,” Eddie said, eyes following Danny and Sandy as they kissed on the beach. A flash of something shot through you but you ignored it.
You shrugged despite the fact that you knew he couldn’t see it. “I’m kinda proud of her for having it,” you said, bopping your head to the music you knew by heart.
I solve my problems and I see the light
We gotta loving thing, we gotta feed it right
Eddie turned to you suddenly, his eyes shifting. “Yeah, I’m proud of all of us.”
You grinned at him, dropping your plate onto the table and getting comfortable on Eddie’s couch. It was one of his better purchases – Wayne had chosen to accept the new trailer the state had bought him while Eddie had moved into a small one bedroom downtown. It made more sese considering it was close to the music store you both worked at.
“I’m not pausing the movie if you knock out,” he warned as you fluffed the pillow behind your head.
“I’m not going to fall asleep, when am I ever the one who knocks out first?”
Eddie shot you a look. “Did you want me to bring out a list or?”
Smacking the back of his head, he ducked and laughed when you half missed your target. “Alright, alright, I’m missing the good stuff.”
“I knew you liked this movie,” you said, nudging him with your knee. Eddie shot you a withering glare, or he tried to, because you laughed at his attempt. Amused, his eyes drifted to over your head and you were about to turn when something dropped into your lap.
Eddie pulled the crocheted blanket over your legs and let it pool around your waist. The black and white blanket had been gifted to Eddie by Robin. She’d decided she was going to learn to crochet last year and spent the entire months leading up to Christmas lost in her projects. Your green scarf was hanging with your jacket by the door. You loved this blanket and you knew Eddie did too – it was always draped across the sofa for easy access.
 “My place gets cold at night,” he said at your questioning look, “you know that. Besides, you’ll make it an hour before knocking out.”
The sweet gesture was overshadowed by his smug look and your hand jutted out to hit any part of him you could reach. “I’m not going to fall asleep.”
Both of you went back and forth, poking fun, and as you watched Danny ignore Sandy for Cha-Cha, you heard Eddie snort.
“What?” You asked, tapping your fingers along to the beat.
“I just always thought it was funny how he leaves her behind, he just goes with it,” he said.
You pointed to the cameras. “They’re on live television,” you explained sleepily.
“So?” Eddie raised his brow. “Are you defending him?”
“Of course not!” Why was this couch so comfortable? The blanket moved around you, warm hands tucking it over your shoulders and sighing when you snuggled into it.
Eddie’s knowing smile went a little fuzzy around the edges as your eyes felt harder and harder to keep open. Before you could formulate a comeback, the exhaustion of the day pulled you under. As you were entirely lost to the world, you heard Eddie murmur, “I would never leave you behind.”
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3. Holding your hand when you’re falling apart.
Four years of cheerleading practice had not prepared you for what it truly meant to run for your life. Not really.
It stood to reason that you’d really never had to run from an interdimensional monster before – up until your employment at The Gap. Honestly, it was The Gap’s fault.
You’d met Robin at the first Hawkins Middle School band practice as small seventh graders. Her mom had told her she needed to get a job for the summer and she’d dragged you along with her. She had gotten hired at Scoops Ahoy and, in your defense, who was going to say no to a daily free ice cream? So, if you really thought about it – it was Scoop’s fault. And Robin’s.
The moment you saw Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington behind the counter, you should’ve turned the other way. But no, Robin was absolutely sure he’d changed. You snorted. Sure, he’d changed. Having all your friends drop you towards the end of your senior year would humble anyone. You’d been close enough to the source when the downfall of The Hair happened. It hadn’t been pretty. Especially after Nancy Wheeler decided to stick by Jonathan.
While he hadn’t been one of the few who liked to remind you of your low spot on the totem pole, he definitely wasn’t Mother Theresa. You’d seen how his friends treated Eddie’s friends – people who they deemed outcasts. Eddie had only been mostly spared because you two were practically fused at the hip. Besides, he knew that Nancy liked you – the two of you had hung out before considering you’d both been close friends with Barb. While you and her weren’t best friends, you knew he didn’t want to mess with anyone Nancy liked. Which, really, made him a selfish, self-centered asshole. And anyway, you’d seen what he’d spray painted onto the theater header.
It wasn’t until you saw him with Dustin, one of your favorite neighbors, that you’d conceded. How could someone who clearly held a middle schooler up to such high standards be that bad? Besides, Dustin was a kid – but you trusted him. Robin, of course, still held that against you to this day.
To be fair, Steve himself hadn’t won you over until he’d taken hit after hit to keep you and Robin as safe as possible. Russians in a secret lab under Starcourt injecting you with truth serum was not something you’d had on your 1985 bingo card.
You still remembered how Steve had grabbed each of your wrists so tightly that it’d taken weeks for the bruises to fade. He’d practically tossed you both under a massive table when the Mind Flayer had landed mid-food court. Robin clutched at your shoulders, Steve a steadying presence behind you.
He’d waited, for hours, as the EMTs cleared all of you outside the burning mall. And while you’d hoped that this was the last time any of your friends, new or old, had tried to save you – clearly that had been wishful thinking.
The muscles in your arms burned as you hauled yourself through the gate. Breath knocked out of you as you landed on your back, you glanced up to see Eddie’s hands stilling on the makeshift rope.
“Come on!” Dustin screamed. “Eddie come on!”
A flash of something crossed his expression and you knew. You knew he was going to do something stupid.
“Eddie!” You screamed, voice cracking in your desperation. His wide eyes struck yours and you knew the moment he’d decided. “Don’t you fucking dare! Edward Munson, you listen to me right now. Climb this fucking rope.”
“I’m sorry Nov,” he said, staring up at you with a sad smile. Without thinking, you scrambled to throw yourself down the gate but the rope dropped by your feet, cut from the source. “I love you. Take care of Dustin,” he said, eyes sincere and apologetic.
“Eddie!” You both screamed, voices hoarse.
Panic clawed at your chest. You couldn’t breathe – he was…he was going to get himself fucking killed. Spurring into action, Dustin pushed you aside as he grunted from the effort of pushing the dining table towards the middle of the room. “Come on! Those things will kill him, we gotta get back!”
Not one to be told twice, you shoved a few pieces of furniture on top of the table for good measure. You climbed up to the gate, barely able to touch the edges. Adrenaline rushed through you as you looked down to Dustin. “Give me a boost, I can almost reach it!”
Without hesitating, Dustin kneeled, hands on your calves and you used his knee to hoist yourself up. You didn’t have much time to adjust yourself but you channeled every tumbling move you’d ever done and tried to tuck and roll. Mostly successful, you only winced as your shoulder collided painfully with the metal chair.
“Okay, I’ll be right back!”
“You can’t just fucking leave me here!” Dustin shouted. You pointed up at him with all the authority you could muster.
“Try to tie more sheets together, the others will need help climbing through when they come back,” you glared at him, “don’t do anything stupid Henderson.”
Not waiting for a response, you kicked the trailer door open and scanned the field. A tornado of bats and a loud, heartbreaking, scream cut through you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, you fucking idiot,” you said, panicking as you ran. You watched as the bats took turns diving for him, his spear barely keeping them back.
“Come on!” He screamed into the eye of the storm. Because of course he did. The idiot. You willed your legs to run faster, to just get you there so you could help. Then, they struck. Eddie’s hands whipped up to his throat and you watched him slam into the floor.
“Eddie!” You screamed, throat raw, but it was drowned out by the screeching bats. A flash of Billy being impaled, lifted into the air, and thrown like a ragdoll bubbled up to your consciousness. No, please, you begged, not Eddie, not him.
Slowing as you neared, you pulled the gun from around your shoulders and squared them like Hopper had taught you. The shots echoed despite the chaos, your blood rushing through your body. “Get away from him!” You shrieked, fighting your way through the opening you’d created.
You slipped on the unmoving body of the ones you’d shot down and slid directly into an motionless Eddie. Covering his body with your own, you raised your gun as they swooped down. Almost out of bullets, you’d just hit another when one managed to swipe you from the side – claws digging into your skin. Screaming, you waved the gun like Steve’s bat and swatted as many as you could out the air.
Shit, you couldn’t keep this up. There were too many.
Then, as if puppets that were cut, they all dropped to the floor. One slammed into your bad shoulder painfully and you cried out.
The weak voice was like beacon and you quickly slid to the ground. You weren’t going to question your good luck. Pulling the leather jacket off his chest your heart dropped down next to the dead demobats and you immediately started to cry.
“That bad huh?” He joked, voice wet as blood poured out his mouth.
“You absolute fucking asshole. You dickhead,” you berated him as you tied your own cargo jacket around the gash in his stomach. Rising to your knees, you quickly pulled your belt off your waist and made a tourniquet around his upper thigh. Your hands were drenched in blood and you forced the bile down. Focus, you need to stop the bleeding. You needed to get him back to the trailer, you yelled at yourself.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Eddie’s weak hand came up to your forearm and your heart creaked as the cracks deepened. “It’ll be okay.”
“No it won’t you fucking moron, you’re my best friend – I – can’t watch you die. I won’t,” you said, hauling him onto your lap. You tried to stand but your shoulder immediately gave and you both crashed to the ground.
A sob wrenched it’s way out your throat, helpless and willing your shoulder to work. Just this time, please, please, you begged.
“Nova,” Eddie’s voice trailed off, weaker than before.
Cradling his stupid face, your hands left streaks of blood on his pale skin. Shaking, your fingers caressed his jaw. The brown eyes, more familiar to you than your own, slowly started to fade.
“Eddie, stay with me, someone’s coming okay – it’s going to be okay,” you said, entire body clinging to his.
“I-I told you this was my year,” he said, blood tricking down. His unseeing eyes searched for you, like they always did, and you realized that you wouldn’t survive this. Eddie was going to fade from existence, the entire town thinking him a murderer, and this would finally be the storm that broke you.
“I can’t live without you,” you stammered, words bubbling up in rapid succession, you had things you needed to say – stuff you needed to do with him still. You were supposed to have time – it wasn’t supposed to end this way. Jaw aching as you bit down your anguish, you pressed a kiss to his forehead and he sighed. “Eddie, please,” you begged, unashamed and desperate.
Take me, you begged the dark skies that mocked you, anyone but him.
“I l-love-” he gagged, choking on his own blood and you pressed your forehead against his.
“Sh, sh, it’s okay, I’m here Eddie. I’m here. I know. Me too,” you said, tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
Sorry you weren’t fast enough, sorry you couldn’t save him, sorry for having to be the one to watch him die. Eddie’s hand came up to your wrist, squeezing once before dropping limp.
The silence around you was deafening. No, no, no, no.
You screamed, anguished, and the pain unbearable. Anger coursed through you, mixing with your overwhelming grief. It crashed into you from all angles, its hands grabbing onto you and pulling you under. Your throat hurt but you couldn’t stop screaming, all of you couldn’t stop screaming in the unfairness of it all.
“Eddie?” A voice shouted through the darkness. You whipped your head up, searching through the night for the voice.
“Steve?” You called out tentatively, hand reaching for your discarded gun. Was this a trick? You scanned your surroundings, vision blurry. No, you steeled yourself, this place had already taken everything from you – they couldn’t have his body too.
Swinging the gun towards the quick footsteps, you ignored your trembling arms.
“Hey, hey! Wait, it’s me,” Steve said, hands up. He stepped in front of Robin, his eyes on the still body behind you.
Eyes wild, you blinked away your constant tears, and loosened the hold on your gun. “Stevie?”
“It’s me, it’s me – I promise,” he said, hand coming out to take your shotgun. Handing it to Nancy, he pulled you into his arms. “What happened?” He winced when he saw your skin bleeding sluggishly.
“Eddie?” Robin whispered, dropping to her knees beside him.
Willing yourself to keep it together you nodded towards the house. “What happened?”
“He’s dead, we got him – Nance got him. It’s over.”
Feeling weak, you leaned on Nancy’s outstretched arm and watched as Steve dropped to examine him.
“He’s – he – cut the rope – I tried, my shoulder – it, oh God,” you said, scrambling towards the nearest wall and throwing up everything in your stomach. A warm hand came up to your back, rubbing it back and forth until your heaving stopped.
“I got you,” Nancy said, “I’m here, it’s okay. I’m here for you.”
He was dead. Eddie was gone. Nothing would ever be okay again.Your blood-soaked hands reached out and she clasped them. Eyes on yours, strong and steady, she nodded. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.”
“Nance,” your voice sounded warped. “I tried.”
She shushed you, bringing your arm over her shoulders and taking most of your weight as you crumbled. You watched as Robin and Steve grabbed him, moving quickly towards the trailer.
“What? Where are you going?” Nancy shouted.
Robin grunted under the weight as she climbed the steps. “He’s got a pulse! The tourniquets are holding! We gotta move fast!”
Coincidentally, the nearest hospital to Forest Park was at the town line one over. Robin had assured you that since it wasn’t Hawkins, they weren’t likely to recognize him instantly. Worry for Max joined your overwhelming weight as you glanced at the destruction the earthquake had wreaked. “Do you think he got her?” You asked, voice barely audible.
“I killed him as the clock was chiming,” Nancy said, “it only rang three times. I’ll call when we get to the hospital – they’ll be okay. We’re all okay. We have to be.”
After admitting Eddie, a concerned nurse offered you a pair of scrubs to change into. Glancing down at your clothes, you realized you were covered in blood. Eddie’s blood.
Tearing up, her eyes had softened incredibly and she helped you wash it off. “It’ll all work out honey, you’ll see,” she whispered as the blood dribbled down the drain. You’d barely felt the needle as she stitched the claw marks on your chest and neck.
It’d taken an hour of arguing but you promised the others you could keep it together for the night as they drove back to Hawkins to figure out what was going on. Robin had kissed the top of your now clean hair, and clasped her hands with yours. “I will be back as soon as I can, okay? As fast as I can.” The fierceness in her tone had your eyes tearing up again and she hugged you tightly.
Five hours after being admitted, with no news, you received the second shock of the night.
“Hopper?” You sputtered, almost bowled over to see the ghost of your old Chief of police.
Head shaved, a few pounds lighter, but the smile that came from hearing your voice was just the same. “Hey kid,” he said, bringing you into a tight hug.
It took another hour, and the arrival of just about everyone you knew, for a nurse to let you know that Eddie had stabilized. They’d needed to operate to stop the internal bleeding, he’d needed a few blood transfusions and was placed into a medically induced coma, but he’d be alright.
“He’s…he’ll be okay?” You asked, not willing to cling onto any false hope.
The nurse from earlier stepped forward, her kind eyes wrinkled as she smiled. “Yeah, honey, he’ll be okay.”
Swallowing back your tears, you pulled her into a hug. “Thank you.”
Two hours later, while you sat glued to his side, Hopper let you know that Eddie was cleared of all charges.
“Do you want to know?” He asked.
Shaking your head, you smiled up at him for the first time in the last twelve hours. The sun peaked out from the horizon, drenching Eddie’s dark room in a warm orange light. “I don’t care how. Just – thank you.”
Hopper ruffled your hair and you leaned into his touch like cat arching for more affection. “They’ll want your statement but not until a few days from now. As far as you know, you were over Robin’s with Steve for the entire night. Her neighbor, Mrs. Matthews has already said she could corroborate your alibi.”
Smiling, you nodded. “I don’t even want to know what the U.S. government had on her.”
“You don’t,” he agreed.
It took Eddie another day to wake up. Wayne had finally convinced you to go get something to eat, I won’t leave his side sweetheart, I promise.
You balanced the two coffees in your hand as you pushed open the door to Eddie’s room. Surprised to see the entire party surrounded by the bed, you blinked, a little taken aback.
Dustin was the first to catch your eye, his grin so wide it almost split his face in two. “Eddie’s awake!” Your eyes darted to the bed, the man in it grinning up at a tearful Wayne.
“You absolute asshole,” you hissed, not able to keep it down.
The party laughed, Steve shaking his head. “Hi Nova,” Eddie said, voice hoarse, and you felt your stomach swoop as those eyes met yours. “I’m sorry.”
“You better be,” you said, handing Wayne his coffee. He promised to be back, wanting to speak to the doctor. The moment the door closed; chaos reigned. Everyone talked over each other and you watched, amused. Sipping your coffee, you smacked Lucas’ shoulder as he made fun of something Mike said.
Steve’s whistle was loud enough to pierce several eardrums and you winced. “One at time! The man just woke up from a coma.”
“Medically induced coma,” Mike clarified.
You fought the urge to smack him too.
Despite the severity of what brought Eddie to the hospital, after a week – he was given the all clear. The party was at Eddie’s new trailer, decorating the larger space for his homecoming. You’d been tasked to watch over the patient. You’d arrived early, still not entirely able to have him out of your sights for too long. As you popped your head in, you realized he was asleep.
Dropping into the comfortable chair next to his bed, you set yourself up for waiting. In the past week and a half, you hadn’t managed to find a moment alone with Eddie. There was always a party member at his bedside at all times. Or a band member. Or a parent.
Eddie’s room had quickly become well known for the noise and chattering that spilled out into the hallways. At its absence, you realized you didn’t know what to do.
Smacking his lips, Eddie’s head moved towards the door, eyes still closed. As he shifted, you caught sight of the large bandage by his neck. The purple bruising on his arms looked painful and your chest clenched at the sight of them.
It seemed that before you could decide for yourself, the silence swallowed you whole. Bringing you hand up to your lips, you tried to silence your sobs. Chest heaving with the effort, you buried your face into your hands and cried. The last week of pushing everything down and resolving to deal with it later had finally caught up to you.
Everyone has their reckoning, you were reminded. This was yours.
A warm hand came up to your shoulder, the bandaged one, and softly caressed where the tape adhered to your skin. “Hey you,” he said, sleep clinging to the corner of his knowing gaze.
“I’m sorry,” you sputtered, trying to push it back down but there was no use. Pandora’s box had been opened. Turning from him, you caught sight of his frown. His pained grunt made you whip back to him and you almost tripped over your own feet as you rushed to help. Eddie’s expression was twisted as he sat up, sweat beading at his temples.
“Lie down, you psychopath,” you said once the lump in your throat let you speak. “The bed will move for you! You just had surgery on your side for fuck’s sake.” You ducked your head, trying to avoid his eyes as you adjusted the bed to his liking.
Stubborn as always, Eddie tapped your forearm. “Don’t hide from me, not you,” he said softly, his eyes searching for yours. Giving in, you let your blurry sight find his and he sighed. “Nova, you should’ve told me.”
“Told you what?” You said through desperate inhales.
“That you’d been bottling it up – come here,” he said. You wished you could climb into the bed with him but you couldn’t, his incision still very off limits to movement. You were trying to decide where to touch, when he decided for you. His right hand opened, fingers wiggling towards you. “Come on.”
Interlocking your fingers with his, relishing in the touch, you pressed the back of his hand to your cheek. His pulse beat against yours, alive – wondrously and beautifully alive. This, this was what you needed. A moment to lose it before rearranging the bricks of your mental foundation back in place. The image of him, eyes unseeing, bubbled to the surface and despair twisted it’s venomous grip around your lungs.
Choking, you let the sob come out unbidden. Not sure you could stop it if you wanted to, you let the tears drown you. Weeping, you whimpered as you accepted what could’ve been. What you would’ve had to watch. The fact that you would’ve had something so important ripped from your grasp.
He's okay, you thought, he’s alive.
“I’m here,” he said, his voice a quiet echo of Nancy’s lost words. “I’m here. I got you.” After a few minutes, your chest stopped heaving and you could take a deep breath.
“I’m sorry,” you told him, a little embarrassed. “Thank you.”
“No, I’m sorry,” he said, pulling your hand from your face and towards his own. He pressed a kiss to your knuckles and you blinked at him.
“Why are you sorry?” Christ, you were a mess. He’d been in a coma for two days and he was comforting you. He’d almost died and you were too weak to be strong for your friend.
“I’m sorry for leaving you,” he said, “I’m sorry that you had to be the one I left behind. I’m sorry for scaring you. I’m sorry that you had to see me like that. I’m sorry for hurting you even if I’d do it again if it meant you were safe. It was scary and I’m sorry for doing that to you, no matter how important it was that I did it.”
His thumb caressed your hand and you bit back the tears that wanted to wail out to the world that you’d almost lost something that couldn’t be replaced. But the silence that fell was comforting, a soft and easy kind. One that didn’t need to be filled and his pulse was a balm soothing your raw panic.
And yet -
“Don’t leave me here alone. It’s your Sam calling,” you said, eyes on his. A small real, smile broke out on his face and he squeezed your hand.
Despite the bandages across his jaw, and the wince of pain as he shifted, you hadn’t seen someone look so beautiful.
“Don’t go where I can’t follow, wake up Mr. Frodo,” Eddie whispered and you beamed at him.
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4. Telling you to call them so they know you got home safe.
“For fuck’s sake,” you hissed, rubbing your temples as you watched Robin hop on top of a bar table to dance.
Eddie’s laughter hit your ear and you shivered at the warmth. “Come on Nov, she looks like she’s having fun,” he said, chest pressed against your back. Tucking his chin over your shoulder, you finally waved down the bartender.
“Can I have another club soda please?” You asked, handing her the money. She nodded, eyes drifting to Eddie and smiling.
“You two are a really cute couple,” she said, sliding the glass towards you.
Opening your mouth to correct her, Eddie beat you to it. “Thank you!” At your glance, he shrugged. “It’s easier to go along with.”
Something in your chest tightened at the thought but you shrugged. “Jesus, Eddie, can you bring her down? She’s going to end up falling and cracking her neck.”
Eddie sighed, his warm hand coming up to squeeze your waist. “We really need to stop promising to be the babysitters,” he said, lips brushing against your temple before leaving to drag a protesting Robin off the sticky table.
“Hey,” a guy to your left said, his hair long and pin straight.
You turned to him, not wanting to be rude but also not wanting to make it look like you were welcoming any type of flirting. Eddie already had to shove a creep with a persistent attitude off of Nancy. “Hi,” you said, taking a sip of your drink.
“Sorry to bother you,” he said, a little too quiet for the noise level inside, “but is that the lead singer of Corroded Coffin?”
Relief flooded through you and your shoulders dropped. “Yeah, that’s him.”
“Holy shit, I saw his band last month when he was the opening act for Riot Act. I’m a big fan! They’ve got a great sound,” he said awed. “Sorry! I’m Jack.”
“Hey, I’m-”
“-here with someone,” Eddie’s voice floated over your shoulder and towards the straightening man on the stool.
A little surprised by Eddie’s furrowed expression, and practically thrown by the small ember of something in your spine at his serious tone, you placed a hand on his and smiled up at him. “This is Jack, he’s a fan of Corroded Coffin’s.”
Eddie’s expression completely transformed, a wide smile overtaking the sharp look in his eyes. “Oh man, thanks! Sorry, you know how these bars can get.”
“Yeah,” Jack said, brightening, “totally! Are you guys going to be playing somewhere else soon? I heard a few people say you might be going to Sold Out in Indianapolis!”
Eddie rubbed the back of his neck and you could tell he was flustered by the pink tinge to his neck. “We are! We’re going to be there for a few weekends for the next couple months. We start sometime in the summer. Still ironing out a few details.”
“That’s great! I’m sorry for asking but, do you mind signing something for me?” Jack asked, excitement growing his eyes.
Both of you thrown, you felt your own giddiness build in your chest. “He’d love to,” you answered for a stunned Eddie. “In fact, the entire band is here tonight. You’ll have to excuse everyone else – we’re the designated drivers. They might be a little drunk.”
At the promise of more autographs, Jack straightened. “Holy shit, yeah that’d be amazing. Thank you so much,” he stammered, grabbing a clear napkin from behind the bar and pulling a pen from his coat. “My friends are going to shit themselves.”
You squeezed Eddie’s hand when you saw it trembling as he signed with a flourish. Shooting you a grateful look, he walked Jack over to where Jeff and Gareth were chanting chug, chug, chug! at a teetering Liam.
Jesus, you sighed, rolling your eyes when Jeff’s excited hand swatted too close to Liam and he started coughing up the beer.
Turning back to your drink, you didn’t wait long before you felt Eddie’s palm at your lower back. “Well, that happened.”
Not missing a beat, you turned with a crumpled napkin and wide eyes. “Oh my God, sir, would you autograph my napkin too?”
Eddie laughed, shaking his head, and he shoved your shoulder. “Shut up,” he grumbled, motioning to the bartender for his own club soda. “You brat.”
Grinning, you bumped his shoulder with your own. “I’m glad I’ll be able to say I knew you when you were a nerdy freshman.”
“I’m still that nerdy freshman,” he huffed, “people just actually like my singing now.”
The band on stage switched to a fast paced song and the bar emptied a little as people flew to the dance floor. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him. They really deserved this. You crossed your fingers beneath the bar and hoped it was just the beginning.
“To be fair, I always liked your singing,” you told him, poking his chest. Eddie’s eyes shifted and you felt the same tightening again.
His eyes dropped back to yours, something new swimming in them, and your breath stuttered in your lungs. “I know you have,” he said, gaze darting across your face. “You’ve always been there for me.”
Not able to take the pressure in your sternum, you huffed. “And don’t forget that when you’re rich and famous, okay? I want a fancy BMW so I can taunt Steve with it.”
Eddie threw his head back and laughed. Instead of breaking the spell, your eyes drifted to his neck and you briefly thought about how appealing the muscles there were. Straightening so quickly that your spine audible snapped, you swallowed nervously.
What the fuck was that?
The look Eddie shot your way let you know that he’d caught whatever that was. Your mind raced in a thousand different directions but before you could choose a route to go down, a body pressed itself into your side.
“You guys, Jonathan puked,” Gareth said, matter of fact. “It was funny but then Steve started gagging.”
Liam joined in next, his eyes glazed. “Steve said he’s a sy-symp- sympat-” his face scrunched together when he realized he wasn’t getting the word out.
“He’s a sympathy puker?” You guessed, already knowing Steve wasn’t the best around puke. He was always the first domino to fall during hangover mornings.
“Ugh, you’re so smart,” Jeff complimented.
Brows rising, you elbowed Eddie. “Time to corral?” Sighing, Eddie nodded.
“Grab as many as you can and shove them into the right car,” he said, hands coming out to grab his bandmates before they could drift off. “Meet outside in ten?”
“Minutes?” You asked incredulously. “It’s going to take at least that long to get Steve to stop gagging.”
“Bet you five I can get them out in fifteen.”
Rolling your eyes, you slapped his outstretched hand. “That’s an easy win.”
And sure enough, you leaned against Steve’s car with an amused expression as Eddie tried for the fourth time to load Jeff into his van. You glanced at Robin, who was talking animatedly with Gareth about what sounded like cheese fries. A blur in the corner of your eye caught your attention and you watched Liam open the passenger door and pass Jonathan his joint.
“Jesus,” Eddie groaned, “okay you win, please, just-” he waved his hand towards your friends.
“Robin get in the car we have to go now,” you said firmly, knowing she was the hardest to convince but the one everyone would follow once she was.
Her expression morphed into indignation. “Gareth thinks bacon on fries is better than cheese! That’s – that’s treason.”
“Because it is better!” He said, clutching his head.
“Alright you two, you’re both right, how about that?” You turned to Gareth and glared until he simpered off towards Eddie without a backwards glance. “And you, into the car.”
“I’ll tell everyone what you’re hiding in the box at the back of your closet,” you threatened. She paled and tripped in her hurry to the car. She knocked into a sleeping Nancy, who grunted when she landed in the middle seat with a loud thump.
“Byers, get your ass in gear or I’m telling Joyce!”
A sheepish Jonathan crawled into the car, jostling Robin who cried out and accidentally smacked a snoring Steve in the passenger seat. You quickly shut the door and locked them in. With a flourish, you took your bow and Eddie clapped. “I admit defeat o’great knight.”
“Knight in shining armor, please,” you clarified.
“Of course, of course.”
“You okay with your lot?” You asked, nodding to where Liam was starting to look a little green.
Eddie snorted. “Yeah, they’ll be fine. What about you?”
“Jonathan and Nancy live nearby, the rest of us are crashing at Steve’s. Like the good ol’ days,” you joked, shivering when a sudden cold gust of air blew your hair into your eyes.
A pair of hands came up to your arms, rubbing some warmth into them and you smiled. “Lucky, Gareth and Liam live in completely different directions,” he said with a roll of his eyes. You pointed to car behind him.
“You should lock them in before one makes a break for it,” you said, yawning and checking the time. Without giving you time to think, Eddie pulled you into a tight hug. Never needing a reason, you wrapped your arms around his waist and squeezed just as tightly back. His cold nose nudged your temple, inhaling deeply and you lean your face against his chest. His heartbeat fast and yours quickly matched its pace. With a soft sigh, Eddie let you go.
“Hey, but seriously, I’m so happy everyone else is finally seeing what I always did,” you told him, pinching one of his cheeks for levity.
Instead, he smiled at you softly. A small, little shy smile that made your heart flip. “Yeah?” His eyes softened, the brown deepening with his gaze. You felt your chest tighten painfully this time. Turning back to hop into your car, you rolled the window down and Eddie leaned into your space.
“Don’t let it get to your big head.” Eddie smiled at your barb but his eyes trailed down your face, the look in his gaze different. You leaned back to examine it but you couldn’t put your finger on it. “What?” His eyes darted back up to yours and it clicked. It looked like he knew something you didn’t.
A little surprised at what he saw there, he shook his head. “Nothing, nothing, see you tomorrow at work?” That sounded like a diversion. You had a full shift tomorrow but he was on towards the end at closing.
“Yeah,” you said, not sure you wanted to let go of this. As if sensing it, he surged forward to press a kiss to your cheek and you blinked, surprised.
“Drive home safe, call me when you get there, okay?” He said. “Leave a message if I’m not home yet. I won’t be able to sleep if I think you’re dead in a ditch somewhere.”
That, in the end, got a smile out of you. “Who would’ve thought you and Harrington would turn into the mothers of this ragtag group?”
“Hey,” he said, hands on his hips in a clear imitation of Steve, “you love it.”
“Yeah,” you said, starting your car and rolling up your window, “I do!”
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5. Bringing you something just because it reminded them of you.
“Fuuuck,” you squawked, feet sliding out from under you. Bracing for the impact, your eyes flew open when Eddie’s hands slide through your underarms and steadied you. He pulled you up, your knees aching, and you both stilled.
“That…would’ve been bad,” you said quietly, looking down at the wet pavement outside the Wheeler’s house. Eddie’s eyes were wide, his gaze on the puddles.
“Note to self, slippery driveways might take down the mighty Nova but demobats are a walk in the park,” Eddie said, grinning when you whacked him.
“Ugh, they’re still outside,” Dustin shouted from the doorway, “come on, we’re taking a vote on which movie to watch first.”
Despite his teasing, you felt Eddie’s hand on your back – steady – as you followed Dustin towards the basement. Everyone was scattered, a few conversations going on at once. The party was back for the summer from college and, as tradition stated, a movie night was set on the first weekend.
El jumped up, grinning, and threw her arms around you. “Oh, hello,” you said, squeezing her tightly, “I’ve missed you.”
“Missed you,” she said into your shoulder, words muffled. You glanced up to see Max tucked into Eddie’s embrace. He smiled when they swapped and Max’s grip bruised you. Kissing her temple, you watched them tumble back onto the first couch – Mike and Lucas waving at you both.
You made to step towards a beaming Will when a hand on your elbow stopped you. “Hey, I forgot to give this to you yesterday at work,” Eddie said, hand ruffling around in bag. He grinned after a moment, pulling it out triumphantly. A small drawstring bag swung wildly for a moment before coming to a stop. The black suede looked soft and lumpy.
“We just started that gig out at Sold Out last week and we were looking for something to eat before we drove back. I saw this in the window of a store and thought of you,” Eddie said, making your heart flip. You reached for the bag, a gold necklace spilling out the mouth.
“It’s a sunflower,” you said, voice faint, thumb tracing the small blooming flower.
Eddie nodded, already rooting in his bag for something else. “You said that was Barb’s favorite flower, right?” Suddenly, it felt like the entire room had gone quiet.
“It was,” Nancy said, leaning over your shoulder to look at the pendant. “She loved them, her room was covered.” An old memory flashed through your mind.
You’d met Barb when you were six, in kindergarten. She’d shared her chocolate with you and picked you as a partner for nap time. She had a sweet smile and gave great hugs. She was good and kind, and you’d been angry at the world for taking her. For a lot of things.
“Sunflowers symbolize friendship. But really, they just make me smile.”
For a moment, just a brief second, you could hear her light laughter echo within your memory. Nancy’s soft smile let you know that you weren’t alone.
“I thought you’d like it,” he said with a smile and you knew he was thinking of the tulips you’d both left at Chrissy’s grave last week. “This way you can have her close by.”
Nancy helped you clasp it around your neck and smiled down at you. Sound filtered back in as she grunted and turned to the boys. “Don’t throw the remote!”
You scrambled to stand before Eddie could find a seat, your had grabbing his. He stilled, looking back at you – the unasked question on his lips. Taking a step forward for a hug, for a second time within a span of five minutes, you tripped on a forgotten figurine. Eddie cradled you to him, staggered, but steady.
“Okay, I stand corrected. Rainy driveways and dnd figurines,” he joked, the smile from his gaze fading when he realized how close you’d landed.
The world moved around you both in a blur. This moment, you in his arms, had happened hundreds of times. You’d known Eddie for years, both of you were affectionate people. But this…was different. Time slowed and you felt Eddie’s pulse ricochet within your own, his lips parting in surprise. You eyes darted down to the movement, his lips chapped and in this bubble you’d created – a thought crossed your mind.
You wanted to press yours to his. You wanted to press every part of you against his.
Then, quickly, a second thought rose from your subconscious.
This wasn’t the first time you’d wanted to kiss him. It wasn’t the first time that your heart felt like it would burst at the sight of him. You liked the way your skin felt electrified at his touch. The way he always seemed to focus on you. The way you both always gravitated towards each other, like sunflowers bending towards the sun. Your eyes dipped lower and you felt a lump form in your throat. The way…you were dying to bite into that tattoo on his neck. The way you wondered if he’d squirm against you. If he’d push you into the-
Holy fucking shit, you loved Eddie. You were in love with Eddie. Your best friend. How the fuck had you been so blind?
Stumbling, you staggered back from his touch – not able to think clearly with him so close. You ripped your arms away from him and greedily sucked in air.
“What’s wrong?” Eleven asked you, realizing you were all but hyperventilating.
Pulse roaring in your ears, you didn’t know what to say. Dumbstruck, your limbs went numb as you finally met Eddie’s worried eyes. He stilled at the sight of your expression and suddenly the rug was pulled completely out from under you because he knew. The look in his eyes was one of complete and total understanding.
And you knew that he knew - and he knew that you knew that he knew.
Your mind flashed back to the moment outside the bar a few months ago. That look in his eyes. The way he’d been acting strange recently. He looked at you like he knew something you didn’t. Struck, you’d honestly be less shocked if the ground opened up and Vecna swallowed you whole.
His own panic flooding his face, he took a step forward.
“No!” You shouted, a touch too loud, your soul flying out your body and staring down at the situation with terror.
“Wait, just wait,” Eddie stammered, hands raised like he was approaching a scared animal. “Let’s talk about it.”
“Oh shit,” you heard Dustin mutter. The rest of room went silent.
Robin groaned, a soft thump following. “Oh no, this isn’t good.”
“Right now?” Steve hissed. “What the hell changed?”
“What the hell is happening?” Lucas grumbled.
Max sighed. “She just realized she’s in love with him.”
Eleven’s eyes widened and Lucas frowned. “Congratulations on being the last one to find out,” he said and somehow that made it worse. Your face crumpled and everyone’s glare turned towards him.
“Jesus Sinclair, have you heard of tact?”
Were you the absolute last person to know?
He was your best friend – you couldn’t, this would ruin everything. Oh God, what if he’d known and he never said anything because he didn’t feel the same? What if he did? You honestly didn’t know which was scarier.
As your friends descended into chaos, you glanced back at Eddie and found him frozen too. Overwhelmed and feeling like you’d been knocked around the ring a few times, you let your flight instinct take over. Taking the stairs two at a time, you were at the basement door in seconds.
Chaos erupted behind you.
You were at the door and fucking Christ, you couldn’t breathe. Why couldn’t you breathe? Was the ground shaking?
“Stay here,” you heard Eddie bark at everyone, his had tone not leaving any room for argument. Despite it all, you felt the zing of something travel down your spine at the sound of it. Before you could even analyze it for what it was, it triggered another fresh wave of panic.
You knew he’d be close behind, but you were used to running for your life at this point. Practically racing down the driveway, you scrambled into your car and slammed the door shut. Your first mistake was trying to still your shaking hand to get it into the ignition.
A body half-slammed into your passenger door and you screamed, terror taking over your rational side for a moment.
“Sorry! I’m sorry! The fucking grass is wet and I slipped,” Eddie said, backing up with his palms up. “Nova, please, don’t go. Not like this. I-”
“Nope!” You said, feeling like a stupid child but you weren’t able to process right now. You’d known Eddie since you were fourteen. That was a decade. How the fuck had you been so blind? “I can’t – Eddie, I can’t! Just give me a second, okay? I need – I need to process. Alone.”
The world felt like it was crumbling. Like you were back in the hell hole, clinging to Steve and Eddie for balance as the ground shook beneath you. Oh God, this was going change everything.
Your second mistake was turning to look at him. The knot in your chest tightened beyond belief at the sight of the heartbreak in his eyes. A flash of movement brought your attention to the several heads peeking out from the windows. Eddie’s head whipped around and you could feel his glare from where you sat. “Jesus Christ, does anyone know what privacy means?” You knew it was bad when you couldn’t even muster up a smile.
Like a cornered animal, you felt tears well up. “Please. I’m sorry. Please Eddie, please.” Panic clawed up your throat, threatening to pull you under. Black dots danced across your vision.
He smiled and your heart broke at the emptiness in it. “Yeah, Nov, it’s okay. I’ll go back inside, just- take a few deep breaths before you go. Okay? Don’t drive like this. Just, deep breathing, remember?”
You slammed your eyes shut; you didn’t have the strength to look at him anymore. You nodded, taking an unsteady deep inhale. How was it possible that you were the one running and he was still thinking of you?
Not sure how long you sat there but by the time you opened your eyes, your tremor had settled and Eddie was gone. Taking a deep breath, you turned your car on and peeled away from the Wheeler house.
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It took Robin and Steve exactly ten hours before they showed up on your doorstep.
“I know you’re in there asshole, open up!” Robin screamed.
Jesus. You flung the door open and glared. “I have neighbors.”
“You look like shit,” Robin said, matter a fact, with a small smile on her face. You groaned, dropping your face into your palms and Steve sighed.
“For fuck’s sake Robin, it hasn’t even been a day,” he said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and guiding you to the couch.
Not one to ever be excluded, Robin smushed herself next to you. Her thigh pressed against yours and you found yourself stuck between your two friends – friends you hadn’t ever been good at lying to.
“I know why you’re here,” you started.
Robin snorted. “Well duh, what’d you think? That we got up at nine in the morning to come wish you a good morning? Even Dingus knows better than that.”
Biting back a laugh at her quick retort, you caught Steve’s exasperated glance and nearly broke. “Do not enable the behavior,” he hissed. “How do you feel?”
What a loaded question.
“I feel a little numb. Sort of, like, if I don’t acknowledge this is happening then it isn’t,” you said, pinching the bridge of your nose, “which, I guess, is what got us both into this mess in the first place.”
Robin’s expression softened and you sighed. “I’m just…I feel embarrassed mostly. I didn’t mean to be so dramatic – I just…I was so overwhelmed and it felt like I was drowning. You were all staring at us and I couldn’t think – I couldn’t breathe.”
“Hey, give yourself some credit,” Robin said, “you needed space and time and you asked for it. Everyone needs to understand that boundary.”
“Except for you two,” you joked weakly.
Robin huffed, waving a hand in the air. “We don’t have boundaries-”
“-we should though-” Steve muttered.
“-once you’re tortured by Russians together, you’re bonded for life,” Robin continued, ignoring Steve’s scrunched expression.
They started to bicker good-naturedly and your mind drifted to Eddie. You felt horrible but it didn’t override your need to crawl under the covers and hide yourself from the world. The one question on your mind refused to be put to rest.
“How could I have been so blind?” You wondered, not realizing you’d said it out loud until Robin leaned some of her weight onto you.
Steve pulled himself closed to the edge so he could turn to look at you. His gaze was gentle, eyes on you. “I mean this genuinely with no judgement, but how could you not have noticed?”
You threw your hands out, Robin dodging your left one expertly. “I don’t know! I think I knew on some level and just ignored it? Its…scary, feelings this big for someone who’s your best friend. I’m so scared, I don’t want to lose him,” you admitted quietly. Steve sighed and you glanced at him. “When did you guys know?”
Steve frowned but Robin spoke first. “To be fair, I don’t think Eddie knew right away either. At least not that I could see and we’ve known each other for a while now too. I realized sophomore year,” she said. “You always had those damn starbursts around. I know your favorites are the red ones because Dustin tried to take one from your stash and you almost chewed his hand off.”
A pile of starbursts were tossed onto your kitchen counter now. “So?” You asked, confused at the connection.
“They’re Eddie’s favorites too and you always let him grab them. I don’t think he even knows you do that, to this day. Let’s not forget how any time either of you ever went on a date or, God forbid, had a relationship, the other was always in a constant mood.”
Before that could sink in, Steve stirred. “I realized when he’d come to visit you at Scoops. Remember when I’d smushed that sundae into you. We were waiting on Robin to come back, worried about the Russians and you’d insisted on staying to help us. You had finally decided I was worthy and we were laughing about something stupid Dustin had said.”
You knew what moment he was talking about – you’d forgotten to call Eddie and tell him you didn’t need a ride home anymore. He’d arrived, on time as always, and walked in on you and Steve wrestling over some spilled ice cream.
“I turned with your ice cream too fast and hit your chin. I was trying to clean it off but you’d taken a handful and shoved it down my uniform. Dustin was practically on the floor laughing and I was chasing you with the bowl. Eddie walked in and instantly hated me. I knew he thought I was flirting with you, which I wasn’t. It was something in the way he looked at me. He wasn’t mad that he thought I liked you, he was mad because he thought I wasn’t worth your time – you know? He wasn’t even jealous, just protective,” he said with a shrug. “With you, it took a while, I think. I wasn’t sure if you felt the same for some time. Not until I knew you better.”
“Oh,” you said, throat dry. “Did everyone know but me?”
Steve bumped your shoulder amicably. “Maybe. It’s obvious to everyone now but it’s because it’s like you’re two magnets. The second the other is in the vicinity, your gravitate together. It’s…natural, almost. Something you’d expect,” he nodded, blinking down at you. “Does that make sense?”
“No,” you said petulantly at the same time Robin nodded.
Rolling her eyes, she grasped your hands and squeezed them. It was reminiscent of that moment in the emergency room, her eyes wide but determined.
“What do you want to do about it?”
You shook your head. “Too big a question.”
Steve took over. “Okay…how do you feel? You can love him as your friend, or be in love with him as a person, but if you don’t want to risk that – it’s up to you. We can have our own opinions-”
“-that you two need to get your heads out of your asses-” Robin said, expression furrowing.
“-but,” he said, shooting her a look, “it’s your choice.”
Feeling like your chest would explode with it, you abruptly stood, needing the space to pace a hole in your carpet. Chewing on your nail, you flung another hand in the air and frowned. “Of course I love him, how could I not? He’s…he’s Eddie. He’s my Eddie. Sometimes, at night, before going to bed I think about it you know. I think about how we were too close to be just best friends. We did things that went far past platonic and it was addicting. I – fuck. I love him. I love him.”
Shoving Steve’s hand off her shoulder, Robin stood, her arms coming down to your shoulders and shaking you. “So, I ask again, what do you want to do about it?”
You started to shake your head but she shut it down. “No, enough with this. You’re the bravest of us all. What do you want to do about it?”
She waved a hand in Steve’s direction, her blue eyes turning sharp. “Say it.”
The knot in your chest choked you as you swallowed nervously. You wrung your hands together but you knew. You didn’t feel unsettled and panicked because you didn’t want him – you felt off kilter because he wasn’t here. You’d run away when you really wanted to just be with him. You’d hurt the one person you never wanted to hurt.
“I want – I want to tell him. I need to tell him!” You said, spine straightening.
Robin smiled. “There she is.”
“Oh my God,” you said, hands coming up to your face. “I just ran away; he must be freaking out.”
Steve stood, grabbing a yellow starburst. “He was a little…freaked out.”
Guilt flooded you as Robin glared at him.
“Shit, I need to talk to him. Right now. Where’re my shoes? I need to go!” You ran around your living room, frantically looking for your converse.
How the fuck could you have just left him behind? Without telling him – without saying the words. Suddenly, you remembered.
“Fuck! He’s in Indianapolis,” you said, slumping into a nearby chair, “he won’t be back until Sunday night.”
Steve frowned, his hands inching towards a red starburst and you shot him a glare.
“I’m distressed but not dead, get your hands off the red ones,” you snapped.
Robin laughed, knowing glint in her eyes and she grabbed a set of keys from your front table. “You have a fucking car and Indianapolis is three hours away, not across the country. Get what you need and let’s go.”
“Get off, you’re squishing me!” Max hissed at Lucas.
“Where do you want me to go? It’s a small car!”
“Will you two shut up?” Dustin snapped.
Robin sighed from the passenger seat and you took the same left as Steve did ahead of you. “You know, I don’t know why you all thought it’d be fun to make this into a group road trip,” she sighed, “you really don’t know how to mind your business!”
You snorted at the hypocrisy of the situation and she shot you a look. Shutting up, you made sure to stay behind the maroon BMW.
“We can’t miss this,” Dustin stressed, “he’s been in love with her for the entire time I’ve known him. I can’t deal with all the pining anymore. I get to see this through!”
You glared at him through the mirror. “We are not a soap opera to entertain yourself with,” you snapped.
By the time you’d made it out to your car, the rest of the party had managed to bike to your apartment with their own nosy agendas. Once they’d found out you were going to drive down to Eddie’s gig, they climbed into your cars – not leaving room for arguing. Because God forbid any of you do something without the entire party knowing.
“You probably won’t even be let in, this is a twenty one or older bar. As in, where they serve alcohol.”
Robin shifted around to glare at them. “As in, you’re all not twenty-one yet?”
“Robin, please, what do you take us for? Rookies?” Dustin asked, his brow quirking. “I’m basically Corroded Coffin’s manager-”
“-you’re really not,” you said, thinking of Charlie, Gareth’s cousin who handled all the gigs and scheduling.
“-and I’ve got passes to all their gigs, it’ll be easy.”
Sharing a look with Robin, she shrugged. “Whatever, don’t whine about it to me when you’ve got to stay in the car the whole time.”
Not twenty minutes later, you both rolled your eyes at Dustin’s smug look as the bouncer let them all through with bright green bands indicating they couldn’t be served alcohol.
“Shut up,” Robin hissed.
“What time is it?” You asked, grabbing Steve’s wrist. “Shit, they go on soon – I think I can still catch them backstage.”
“Go, go!” Robin urged, shoving you forward.
Shouldering your way through the crowd, you were astounded at how packed the bar was. Determined, you kept slipping through the restless horde of people. You’d gotten halfway through when a loud strum stopped you. The crowd came alive, cheering and screaming as Eddie sauntered on stage.
Your heart dropped at the sight of the bags under his eyes. “Hello Indianapolis! How are you all tonight?”
The crowd went wild and you were jostled forward, right towards the front. Eddie was a few feet away and you sighed. Of course.
The band went through with introducing themselves, like they always did before starting, and you resigned yourself to catching him after their set. You watched Eddie swing his guitar over his shoulder, adjusting the strap. You don’t know how, in the sheer amount of people in the crowd, but as his eyes swept across the front row – they zeroed in on you.
Surprised, you blinked up at him. His answering grin was so wide, it cracked your heart further. Your breath rushed right out your lungs. Frozen, you stared up at him, and wondered how you could have ever been so blind as to not notice the way your heart always leapt around him. It rattled around in your ribcage, like a police siren. Him, we want him, it shouted at you, grinning up at you when you tried to knock it back into place.
I know, I know we do, you told it.
Of course you loved him, it was Eddie. How could you ever have thought otherwise? You wanted his friendship, because that was the most important part, but you wanted more. You’d always wanted more and you weren’t going to let fear keep you from reaching for it.
Eyes not leaving yours, he grabbed the mic again. “So, I have someone important in the audience today – someone who means a lot to me. She hasn’t heard our newest cover yet but, it’s one of her favorite songs. I’ll admit, it’s never been one of mine but I changed it around a little for her and hope you all like it too.”
Raising your brows at the first few notes, you couldn’t keep your delirious laugh in when you heard him start singing.
“Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth?
Ooh, Heaven is a place on Earth.”
Eddie’s voice lowered as he rasped out the vowels, the drums transforming the song entirely.
You watched Eddie transform, he always put his entire being into the performance and you loved watching him relish in it. Bobbing your head to the song, you danced alongside the three girls to your left.
Catching his eyes towards the end, he grinned as he inhaled.
“In this world, we're just beginnin'
To understand the miracle of livin'
Baby, I was afraid before
But I'm not afraid anymore.”
A smile made it’s way onto your face as you shook your head and you knew he’d caught it by his laugh. Staying right in the middle, with the crowd’s energy pulsing around you, you sat through the entire set.
As Metallica rung through the speakers, you knew it was their closing song. Eddie nodded towards the side door and you started to make your way there.
The guard at the door stood at your approach but the door behind him opened in time for you to catch Charlie’s smile. “She’s good,” she told him, “whenever you see her around this summer, let her through. She’s with Munson.”
The burly guard smiled then. “Oh, you’re his girl? Don’t worry, I never forget a face.” He waved you through and you knew she could read the mild embarrassment in your eyes.
“Don’t worry, I won’t pry,” she said, elbowing you, “but I’m happy for you two. Anyone with eyes can tell you’re gone on each other.”
“I’ve got to help them pack but you’ve been to the green room in the back – he’ll come by when they’re done.”
Thanking her, you stumbled your way there – nerves finally taking over you. You should’ve thought about what to say – how to say it. God, why did you feel so awkward? You’d fought monsters from another dimension but you couldn’t tell your best friend that you loved him?
The door suddenly burst open and Eddie came in, guitar still in hand and hair stuck to his skin. “Hey you,” you said, standing from the velvet couch. “You were amazing.”
“Yeah?” Eddie said hopefully, putting the familiar guitar down and turning his full attention to you. “I thought you weren’t going to come.”
“There was a full house, I – I’m so happy for you guys. Are you booked full for tomorrow night too?” You asked despite knowing the answer. You needed a moment, just a brief moment of normalcy before you flung yourself off the metaphorical cliff.
Eddie nodded, a ghost of a smile flashing across his face. He knew. He knew that you knew that he knew. Because of course he did. But he was letting you take this at your pace, because Eddie never did anything you didn’t want to. He always let you lead.
He opened his mouth, no doubt ready to let you distract yourself, but you were done with the pretenses.
“Fuck it,” you said, surging forward. A flash of surprise was the last thing you saw before you slammed Eddie into the wall and pressed your lips to his.
Finally! Your heart sang, finally, we’re home.
Eddie took a second but after a beat he met you just as fiercely. His grip was bruising on your waist, his other hand coming up to the back of your neck. Not giving him a chance to take the lead from you, you ran your fingers through his hair and pulled his head back. He moaned and the sound shot straight to your stomach. Butterflies in full force, you leaned back, out of breath and saw the dazed look in his eyes.
“Nova,” he begged, unseeing eyes darting around your face. “Nova.”
“I know,” you said, right before you dove back in and pressed open mouth kisses to his neck. And then, after all these years, you finally sunk your teeth into the meaty part of his neck. Right at the base of the skull tattoo. Eddie jerked, as if electrocuted, and shoved you back. Stumbling, you let him cradle your jaw, the other lowering you onto the couch.
Needing more, you whimpered and Eddie grinned. His knee pushed up between your legs and the pressure was amazing. Your hips stuttered, bumping into his and you both hissed. His teeth worried the sensitive skin of your neck and you whined as he lapped at the bruise he left.
“Eddie,” you gasped, “Eddie, please.”
His forehead came down to your shoulder, his chest heaving like he’d run a marathon, and you both just breathed the other in. At your nudging, he dropped his weight onto you and you jerked at the hardness you felt by your hip.
“Sorry,” he said, not sounding at all sorry. “The amount of adrenaline going through me right now-”
“It’s okay,” you assured him, hand drifting down his side but Eddie caught it. “I can help,” you offered. Jesus, you wanted to help if the pressure between your legs was any indication. Eddie’s face softened, his eyes drifting down your face and he groaned.
“I want that too but, maybe we should talk first? Before going past the no return point?”
You blinked. “Munson, I’m past the no return point,” you said, matter of fact. And it was true. There was no going back now.
His answering smile blinded you and you heart threatened to burst at the happiness you found there. “Yeah?” He asked, tone a little uneven.
You nodded, fingers trailing down his face. Eddie lifted himself off you, sitting on the couch and pulling you into his lap. “Yeah, me too.”
“When did you realize? And why didn’t you tell me?” You asked, ripping the band aid off.
“Because I was scared,” he admitted, “I...think I’ve always loved you. From that moment in the hallway when you chased away Tommy and his gang of assholes. You took one look at me and I think I was yours. I didn’t want to ruin what we had but there were times where I’d catch us in moments and I thought yeah, this could work. I wanted it so badly but I didn’t want to lose you. Then, years later, I realized you felt it too. I just, wanted you to get there on your own. I never wanted you to feel like you had no choice or no out. You’ll always have me, in any form you want me.”
Your heart melted. “You’re killing me,” you groaned, dropping your forehead to his shoulder.
Eddie laughed, his chest rumbling with it. “I’m sorry but, it’s the truth.”
“I know I’ve said it before but, I love you Eddie. How could I not?” You said, cradling his jaw in your hand.
Eddie pressed his lips to yours, eyes suspiciously red, and you decided to be mature enough and not tease him.
“Hey, you didn’t answer the first question. When did you really realize?”
“To be fair, it took me a while. Everyone knew I hated Mason,” he said and you thought back to your first boyfriend who’d moved to Texas your junior year, “which made the guys tease the shit out of me but I think I fully realized it for our senior prom. I was so bummed that you were going off to college and I was stuck in Hawkins. Then, you managed to blackmail Higgins into letting me go-”
“I didn’t blackmail him, I just asked,” you laughed.
“-I knew you knew I was upset and I could tell you wanted to cheer me up. But then you did that stupid promposal-”
“And you had that big bouquet of daisies. And it hit me like a fucking truck, I’m not going to lie. That’s why – I don’t blame you. It was a lot,” he said, his fingers trailing down your cheek. “We’d been friends for years at that point. It was both shocking and stupidly obvious. How could I not have realized? It took you, standing in that meadow behind my old trailer, that massive glitter poster and those flowers. It was like…lightning. One moment I was totally oblivious and then the next, I just knew.”
“Is that why you never dated anyone after that? I thought you were hung up on Joan,” you said, thinking back on the girl he dated through high school.
He smiled, looking down at you. “No, I’ve always been yours. You’re branded on my soul, Supernova. From that first moment in that old gross hallway.”
“How did you know that I felt the same? I didn’t even know.”
Your heart sung, breath completely stolen at the look he gave you. “I mean, I didn’t know-” You leaned back to shoot him a look and he snorted. “There wasn’t an exact moment! After you went to Indie State and we’d hang out there were just small moments, I promise. Like, how you’d wait up for my call when I got home after visiting you. Or, how you stayed up all night to help me study for my finals – like two years in a row. Or that time that I caught the flu and you hit every pharmacy in Indiana getting me what I needed. Or the way Wayne just downright loves you – there’s no competition. You’re his favorite.”
“Because I bring him baked goods,” you said, laughing.
Eddie smiled. “Yeah, but he’s always loved you because you care. You just – you do all these little things and I didn’t notice until I did. I don’t know.”
You mulled that over and realized he was right. The way Eddie would steer you away from sharp corners, or always made sure you walked on the opposite side of the curb. How he always knew your order or how you liked you take your coffee. You flashed back to his broken body and how you’d snapped and lost it. How he’d only thought of making sure you were okay when he woke up.
In hindsight, you realized, he was right. It wasn’t one big moment. It was a lot of little ones.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get there,” you whispered, thumb tracing his bottom lip, “I’m sorry for leaving you at the Wheeler’s house. I should’ve been braver.”
“You are brave,” he whispered back, “I knew you just needed time. Besides, I was going to give you a week before I hunted you down.”
Laughing, you wrapped your arm around his shoulder, the other played with his necklace. “Yeah?” You felt suddenly shy.
“Yeah. Even if I was wrong and you didn’t feel the same way,” he shrugged, “I wasn’t scared enough to let you go. Romantic or platonic, Nova, we’re for life. Between Vecna and surviving ninth grade gym class together, we’re practically trauma bonded at this point.”
You laughed realizing you’d already had a lifetime of experiences with him. Eyes trailing down his content expression, you kissed the corner of his mouth. But a lifetime wasn’t enough. You wanted more. And you’d have more – you had all the time in the world.
“Yeah, Munson, we’re for life,” you agreed and leaned back down to kiss him.
Because hey, even he was right sometimes.
A/N: thank you all so much for the comments on my other fic, you cannot imagine what it means to me! This is the cover I was thinking of if anyone's interested.
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
Eddie. Rage. Humorous
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𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 (𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐭), 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬
The sound of items being thrown carelessly around the room mixed with Eddie’s fast paced grumbling made for an amusing soundtrack to your predicament.
You were on your side, jaw in your hands as you lay in his bed, nude body covered with a sheet while you watched him tear apart his room.
Eddie was seething, butt naked and crouched near the bottom drawers of his dresser. The top drawers were all empty and flung across the floor along with most of his clothing.
When the bottom drawer proved no different it got the same treatment.
Then Eddie moved his attention back to the top of his other dresser. The Knick knacks and random shit he’d accumulated were strewn about from already having been thoroughly searched earlier and still he went through them again, sweeping everything off the top when it proved futile.
Eddie stood there, arms crossed and breathing hard as he scowled. You could see his raging erection, dick bouncing up near his belly button so the whole thing was amusing.
“Of course this would happen to me. No—‘cause it would!” He sounded delirious now, scoffing as he laughed without humor which had you biting back your own laughter, “I’ve got the love of of my life in my bed, naked and ready to go at it, and the entire box of condoms I’ve never gotten to actually use before is suddenly missing. Not a single condom in sight. Did a condom goblin move in?! ‘Cause the only other person who could’ve used them is my Uncle and he doesn’t—unless—oh, god…” 
You couldn’t help it, you burst out laughing and his head darted around to glare at you, brown mane a mess from your fingers having raked through it so many times.
“This isn’t funny! I’m being forced to keep my virginity!”
Eddie pouted, glancing down at his dick with a pitiful expression, “I’m so sorry, buddy…”
It made you laugh harder and you pressed your face into the sheets below you.
“Sure, go ahead and laugh it up, hot stuff. But I would have rocked your world. Probably.”
You turned onto your back, hand over your mouth as you tried to calm yourself and Eddie watched you with a mixture of amusement and adoration. He twitched.
“THERE’S GOTTA BE ONE AROUND HERE!” Eddie went back to tearing up the room, clothes flying in the air just to land on the ground again as he frantically searched the floor of his bedroom, glancing under the bed for the millionth time. And then again immediately after he already checked. 
Finally, you stopped laughing and pushed yourself up on one arm to regard him, “I hate to interrupt your little rage episode, but a condom isn’t just going to appear out of thin air. Ever heard of the after pill?”
You screamed as Eddie dove onto you, tearing the sheets off your body before he pressed you back into the mattress.
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melliiaahh · 1 year
⚝Blue Lock Boys being jealous over you⚝
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How they act when someone it hitting on you!
Word count:1.8k
Warning: Swearing, mentions of sexual interactions and feminine descriptions 
Featuring : Bachira, Kunigami, Chigiri, Isagi, Sae, Nagi and Reo 
Genre : fluff, Jealousy 
Notes: more of a short story/HC. If you ever want more characters feel free to ask !
if you like my stuff here is my masterlist for more!
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Yoichi Isagi
He was probably walking towards you from behind with the food he bought for the both of you and notice a guy he didn’t recognise trying to ask for you number. When he realised what was happening, jealousy quickly built up in him. 
He didn’t want you to see him this way so he stood behind you and DEATH GLARED the shit out of the other guy until he got really uncomfortable. 
You obviously told the stranger than you have a boyfriend so the guy put 1+1 together that Yoichi who looked like death itself was your boyfriend and quickly ran away. 
Once the guy left Isagi revealed himself from behind you and gave you your drink with a grin, trying to hide the fact that he was right behind you the whole time witnessing the conversation. 
Of course you being oblivious to it, you explained to him what just happened even though he already knew. He grabbed your hand and brought it close to his face before giving your hand a quick kiss on your knuckles before replying to you “ well too bad to that guy, you’re already taken” <3
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 Meguru Bachira
Although feeling a bit jealous and possessive he would let his ego get in the way a little and make it into a game or just straight out embarrass you to get the other guy uncomfortable-_-. 
He would say stuff like “ oh? You want y/n? Sorry~ she is taken. You can have a look at the marks on my back or neck she left on me last night? She’s really good at-“ he got pushed away by you from embarrassment of him mentioning the festivities from the night before… 
but he quickly wraps his arms around you before turning back to the guy and stating “ so back off. She’s mine” 
You both walk away before smacking his arm “ Megggg, you didn’t have to mention all of that! I was just about to tell him I was taken you know?” You said still flustered at what just happened. “ yeah I know but I like showing you off to people who wish to be me you know? Plus I love telling people that you’re my girl<3” 
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Hyoma Chigiri
Chigiri would be a little jealous but not as bad as the others , He would have been coming to pick you up from the store when he saw you getting hit on and CLEARLY looking uncomfortable, just trying to ignore the guy.
He hated the smug look the stranger had on his face while trying to talk to you, because of that he didn’t felt jealous at all, more so irritated at the thought of the guy even thinking he had a chance.  
Stepping out of the car, Chigiri walks up towards you till he’s able to put his arm around your shoulder before kissing you on the head. 
Chigiri would then just look at the guy with a DISGUSTED glare and would not stop until the guy walks away. 
He wouldn’t even have to say anything he would just stare… when the guy FINALLY left he would go up to you and just pull your face into a deep kiss.
After the man nearly SUCKS THE SOUL OUTTA YOU he would grin at you puzzled and flustered face before saying “ I’m yours and you’re mine, no one would ever be able to change that my love. Especially not that ugly guy” 
(power couple fr, y’all don’t even say anything to the guy. Y’all’s faces were enough to scare him away) 
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Rin Itoshi
Would be a mix of Chigiri and Isagi tbh. Rin isn’t jealous per say he is more disgusted/angry at the thought of another guy trying to win you over
He would be walking towards your normal meeting spot when he noticed you were there with an unfamiliar face. Immediately displeased at the sight he listens in and realised the stranger was asking for your number. 
Becoming even more agitated at him trying  to get your number by  cornering you into the wall he quickly grabs the back of the guys collar and flings him away (obviously because he’s strong as shit) 
When the guy turns around to see  why he was flinged away from you, he’s met with the dark presence of RIN ITOSHI. Rin then glares at him before saying  through gritted teeth “ Piss. Off. People like you who are lukewarm disgust me, She’s with me”. 
Immediately realising that he fucked with the wrong person (because of course Rin would be very popular in town both for his looks, soccer skills and his mean demeanour) the stranger quickly runs away.
Rin would then turn to you “ Are you okay?”. He would make sure you’re okay and that the guy didn’t touch or hurt you before speaking again  “Stop associating with people who are lukewarm. No one can have what is mine. Got it?” Then taking your hand and walking to your favourite shop<3
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Sae Itoshi
Like Bachira, he would turn it into a game of course. He isn’t the least bit jealous cause he knows that you’re loyal to him however he would 100% but the other guy in his place. 
Sae would see you getting hit on by a stranger and immediately walk over towards you. Sae spins you around to look at him instead of the other guy and he would hold your chin before saying “ Hello sweetheart, who’s this lump of shit talking to you? Should I get rid of him, Hm” Sae would proceed to look him up and down  while you explain to him that the stinger was asking for you number. 
Sae then responds by saying whilst looking into your eyes with a huge grin on his face “ so love the man wants your number huh?…  are you gonna give it to him?” You obviously shake your head no saying “ Sorry I’m already in a relationship with Sae..” 
Sae then smirks before going towards the guy who is obviously scared out of his mind for trying to get THE SAE ITOSHI’S partner 
“You heard the lady, She’s mine and no small minded lukewarm piece of shit like you is gonna take her away. We clear?” Sae says in a low voice with the clear venom in his words, showing off his dark demeanour similar to his younger brother (just with a lot more words lol). 
After the guy literally runs with his tail between his legs he turns to you to make sure you’re okay before grabbing your hand to walk back to the car. “ to think that guy thought he had a chance with you is astonishing. I would never let anyone as lukewarm as him to get between us” <3
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Seishiro Nagi
I feel Nagi wouldn’t notice it at first until it was blatantly obvious (or if someone straight out tells him that someone else is flirting with you) he would be more so annoyed that someone was taking your attention away rather than jealousy. He would also just scare the guy cause mans is BIG
“ Y/nnnnnn what are you doing?… lets go.. we are gonna be late to the release of (video game title)” Nagi grumbles while walking towards you, not realising the other person there
“Sorry my love ill be just a second okay?” You say before turning towards the stranger who had the AUDACITY to ask for your number “yeah sorry I really don’t want to give out my number, I already have a boyfriend” you say before pointing at the literal titan that is standing behind you.
Nagi glares at the stranger and he is JUST NOW realising what is happening then puts his arm around you shoulder then clicks his tongue before saying “how bothersome… y/n is my partner, so can you get lost? We have places to be you know…”
He then grabs your hand, spins you around so you’re facing him and gives it a quick kiss on your knuckles before walks away before the stranger could even say anything.
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Kunigami Rensuke
Kunigami would be a lot nicer than everyone else ( unless after the wildcard then he would be like Rin or Chigiri) He also wouldn’t be the type to be jealous unless the guy was making like MADDD advances towards you, He’s more so protective <3. 
In this case he wouldn’t have noticed what was happening HAHAH. He walked up to you and the stranger and quickly put his hands around your waist, He’d quickly introduce himself as your man but then realise the guy looked shocked when he mentioned that. 
Kunigami then realised after you explained to him that the stranger is hitting on you and trying to get your number so he says “well its nice and all that you have the guts to ask for someones number but I’m afraid y/n is with me so if you can refrain from hitting on her id appreciate that buddy” 
then he’d grab your chin to make you look at him and gave you a deep kiss while low-key glaring at the guy till he got uncomfortable and walked away, He then smirked and continue to give you a long and heart-warming kiss  just to remind you that he would protect you and love you forever and no guy could compete with  that <3
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Mikage Reo
Mans has some jealousy ISSUES FR. When he notices what’s going on Reo would step in-between you and the guy, glare at him and say “ you’re a ballsy guy aren’t you? Trying to hit on them? Well you see I have an issue with that one since they’re with me. So hands and eyes off buddy or we are gonna have a serious problem.” 
Once he finished speaking he’s in the mans face ready to punch his square in the eyes. But was quickly pulled away by you since you didn’t want to cause any problems at your boyfriends fathers company party.
“ You don’t have to do that you know? I’m not going anywhere Reo” you hold his face to look at you and not at the guy who was probably shitting his pants from pissing off the CEOS son .
“ Maybe I should get you a necklace or something that has my name on its so people can take their eyes and hands off what’s mine.. you’re my love and I would never want to lose you to any of these low lives” He will then grin at you, before quickly going on his phone to order you that necklace
If getting you a necklace with his name or jersey number on it, is what it takes to tell people that you’re in a relationship then he would gladly do it for you in a heart beat, because to him you’re all that matters to him<3
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . • . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹
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lilislegacy · 4 months
The real question is: who would ✨you ✨ be the most scared of if they were coming towards you angrily?
honestly i’d be freaking terrified of all of them. they’re all terrifying and any of them are valid choices.
but for me personally, percy. without a doubt. and here’s why
reyna, i’d be terrified, but i also feel like she wouldn’t waste any more of her time on me than she needs to. she’s got shit to do. she might slam me against a wall and call me some roman insult, maybe break my wrist or something, but i’ll live.
annabeth is very scary, but she also is a logical and level headed person. if she knew i didn’t mean to do whatever she’s mad about, she’s not gonna judo flip me or stab me. i think more than anything i’d just feel really bad about myself cause she’d lay it on thick about how stupid i’d been. but i def wouldn’t go anywhere near her anytime soon
nico is very powerful and very creepy scary, but he gets worked up so easily. and then never handles it well himself. i’m kinda just used to seeing him mad to be hoenst. he also gets drained so easily, it would take a LOT of his energy to do something really bad. so he’s probably by 2nd biggest worry, but i know hurting me would hurt him too, so he’d think carefully about it.
jason i’m not that scared of tbh. not becasue he’s not powerful, but becasue it usually takes a lot for him to actually, like, do something worth being terrified. he’s calm and level headed. he has to build up to deadly-level actions, it doesn’t just happen.
percy jackson however… he’s too powerful for his own good. he’s the most powerful AND the least in control of his power. the worst mix possible.
first off, we know his “however bad you are, i’m worse” wolf glare is terrifying. when percy glared at leo in MoA, leo was shaking, and said percy’s look felt the same as when jason summoned lighting.
let that sink in.
a single look from percy feels just as dangerous as the son of zeus summoning an ear-piercing, earth shaking lightning bolt. like… HELLO?? i’d throw up and pass out the second he glared at me.
but also, when percy’s mad, water reacts before he does. toilets explode, geysers shoot up out of nowhere, oceans and lakes form 100 foot tall deadly waves, hurricanes dominate, need i go on?that’s not even including the most brutal stuff he’s done. and the most terrifying part: he does a lot of this without even thinking. they are all aquatic and earthly reactions to his emotions. there’s a certain uncontrolled brutality to percy that none of the others possess. the sea cannot be controlled.
so if the others are mad, yes i am very, very scared about what any of them might do on purpose. but with percy, i am most scared of him because he’s an untamable powerhouse, and his emotions unchecked might kill me on accident.
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Happy Birthday Juan
Sons of Anarchy Masterlist
This is very short, but I hope everyone likes it. This is the fic for the poll a few months ago.
Contains: Fluff on fluff on fluff, very mild angst.
1.5K words
You make sure Juice has the best birthday ever.
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You made sure to climb out of bed with the quiet of a church mouse, hoping last night's pre-birthday "gift" had tired Juice out enough that he would say asleep.
It must have worked because you managed to slip on your clothes and brush your teeth before heading out of the bedroom. Happy was already at the counter, having stayed the night after a nice dinner due to "bike troubles."
"I need a favor."
Happy offered you a soft smile, "I think I know what you're going to ask me little girl but go a head."
You smiled, "I have a plan for Juice's birthday, I need you to find some reason to stay the night tomorrow. I'd ask one of the others but they can't keep secrets for shit."
Happy chuckled, "I can do that, what are you planning?"
You went into detail, Happy nodding along, pausing to add his two cents now and then. 
He was taking his head as you finished, "and how do you plan to keep him asleep for the first part of this?"
You gave Happy a look, "we're going to play Uno all night long, how the fuck do you think Hap? I spend a lot of money of some very fancy underwear and I'm going to put it to good use." 
Happy was unfazed, "alright then, how about I tell the guys while you're busy with that, that way we don't have to do everything?"
You shoved his shoulder lovingly, "we make a great team."
Happy sighed, "yeah yeah, you've already roped me in, no need to butter me up more."
You started making breakfast while Happy called Chibs, making sure to be as quiet as you could so you didn't wake Juice. It took a little longer than usual, but Happy didn't take long on his phone call, so he helped. As you just placed the last egg on the plate, you heard the door open and Juice came out rubbing his face. 
"Happy birthday dearest, I made you breakfast." 
Juice smiled and walked over to you, pressing his lips to your cheek, "I am one lucky man." He sat down and tucked in while you put in the second part of your plan. 
Chibs showed up a few minutes after Juice had finished breakfast with the tow truck for Happy's bike, doing his best to look sad. He sat at the table with a sigh and looked at Juice, "I'm sorry man, I know you were planning to spend your day with your girl, but we've had a rush of parts that need to be inventoried." 
You made a sad face, "really, can't you call in someone else to do it?" 
Chibs shook his head, "sorry lass, we need all hands on deck." 
Juice sighed, "it's alright, we've had this happen before, I should be home by four." 
You walked over and gave Juice a hug, glaring at Chibs as his smile widened as if to say, "don't blow this." 
Juice walked away a little crestfallen and you moved on to stage three. 
Juice arrived at T-M to a small surprise, Chibs had led him to believe that there were wall-to-wall boxes, but the shipment wasn't much bigger than average. Jax walked over and gave me a hug, "sorry man, I knew you had plans today but we need to get this shit done."
Juice nodded, "it's fine, it won't take us long."
"Wow, you're really going all out." Lyla looked over the ingredients on the counter with a smile on her face.
You smiled back, "I wanted to cook all his favourites, Happy's giving me updates, we have a few hours before he gets home." You picked up the sugar and butter, "I'll do the caramel if you tackle cake batter?"
She nodded, "done. What's after that?"
You thought for a moment, "I have to put the stew in the pressure cooker and make the mix for the pot stickers. This won't take long so I'm hoping we'll be done with most of the stuff in the next two hours."
Lyla smiled, "that sounds like a plan."
Juice called you on his lunch break and you did your best to keep the noise down so he wouldn't catch on, "how's your day been handsome?" 
You could hear his smile, "better now that I'm talking to you, they guys are trying to take it easy on me but I'm not sure when I'll be home." 
Oh shit, the oven
"What was that dollface?" 
You and Lyla shared a look, "I'm making myself some tuna toast, sorry about that." 
There was a pause and you could hear the disappointment in his voice, "oh, but you'll stay on the phone until my break is done right?" 
You felt your heart hurt, but you buried it, "of course, it will stay warm for ages. Have you gotten any gifts yet?" 
You knew he hadn't, you have carefully hidden all his gifts from the guys in the spare room, "no, I don't think they got me anything, I didn't ask anyway." 
You took a deep breath, it was taking everything not to blurt out the truth, "we'll see, maybe they'll give you something before you leave." 
There was a shout in the background, his lunch break was done, "I gotta go, I'll see you later. Love you." 
"Love you too Juicy." 
He sounded a bit deflated when he hung up so you went back to work, you were going to make sure today was the best birthday he had ever had. 
Juice felt his mood drop as the day went on, by the time the guys started to leave his birthday really felt like any other day. He could tell his friends were trying, they let him have the first pick of the donuts, they didn't ask him to do as much as they normally would but it was still a disappointment, you had been telling him for weeks that you were going to make sure today was a good day.
To top it off, his partner at clear passages had called him just as he and Jax were locking up to tell him that something was wrong and that he needed to come by.
He called you just before he got on his bike, hoping that hearing your voice would give him the mood boost he needed to keep going, "hey dollface, I got bad news."
He could hear noise in the background but he figured it was just the TV, "oh no, what's wrong." You knew what was wrong, nothing, the Clear Passages "problem" was just a detour so everyone could be there by the time Juice got home.
"A bunch of money's been stolen at the weed shop, I'll probably be there till late tonight."
You did your best to sound sad, "I'm sorry Juicy, how about we take the weekend off to make up for all this? We can go to that little country house we love so much."
There was a pause and then his mood picked up, "I'd love that, I'll be home as soon as I can. Love you y/n."
"Love you too Juicy."
When Juice got to Clear Passages, he was surprised there were no police there. He ran up to his partner, who offered him a slightly embarrassed smile, "I'm sorry, I miscounted then, in a panic, put half of the cash down and walked away, then I forgot where I had left it. False alarm."
Juice breathed a sigh of relief, "no worries man, I'm gonna head back home, it's been a long day."
His partner nodded, "sure, happy birthday Juice."
Juice waved his hand, "thanks."
You were lucky Juice pulled up to the house when he did because you didn't think you could hold it in any longer. You shooed back room and sat on the couch, doing your best to act natural as he opened the door, "you're home early, I thought something was wrong?"
Juice shot you a wide smile and opened his arms for a hug, "nah, nothing was wrong." You hugged him as hard as you could and he must have picked up on something because he pulled away and looked over your face, "what are you up to?"
Your eyes went wide, "nothing, nothing at all. Just don't go into the spare room whatever you do."
There was no signs of what was going on around that house and everyone had parked their cars and bikes in the backyard so Juice couldn't see them when he drove in. He brushed pasted you and placed his hand on the door to the spare room as you held back a smile.
He smirked at you and flung it open "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!"
There was a burst of streamers and Juice's face broke out into a grin, "I fucking knew it, I knew you were planning something." Everyone was there and the room was decked out with balloons and decorations, there was a table piled high with gifts and something off to the side that looked suspiciously like some had tried to wrap a motorbike.
You smiled and walked up to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "I hope you didn't because this took weeks to plan but knowing these guys, they gave it away."
Juice captured you in a kiss and you leaned into it, placing you hand on the back of his head as he deepened it.
The crowd broke into a cheer and you separated from each other, "Happy birthday my love."
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jalapenobee · 10 months
"One hand at a time! Wait your turn!"
"Tough shit, I'm the one holding the bag."
"Calm your mullet, I bought it!"
"I never said you could call me 'mullet'."
"I said calm your mullet."
Keith frowned and stretched his hand away from Shiro, hoping to put the bag of space trail mix out of reach. In all honesty, Shiro did buy it, but there are these little things called M&M's that Keith wasn't willing to give up. It's an addiction he's…not proud of. Before he died, Texas would always buy bags of trail mix and Keith would always dig out the M&M's, leaving everything else behind. The raisins went to Texas, hence why they didn't just get a bag of the chocolate candies (besides, the trail mix was slightly cheaper).
M&M's held the place of first and favorite candy. Keith didn't share them with anyone, and he wasn't about to change his ways either.
Shiro yanked on Keith's other arm and nabbed the bag, purposefully taking an M&M (okay, how dare he) and chewing it extra loud and obnoxious for emphasis. "Mmm…"
Keith slumped back on the couch, muttering choice words to himself that his brother doesn't bother to correct. "Gimme a handful."
Reluctantly obliging, Shiro glares at Keith and plops a robotic handful of mostly-almonds trail mix in his hand. That bastard. Keith considers separating the less important things from the candy and throwing them at his brother. He almost does, before he remembers the last time he tried pulling something like that (in which saliva covered pretzels were thrown right back at him) and decides maybe he doesn't need a shower that day.
(At a time like this, Keith would note the sun coming in through the windows because it feels like a Tuesday afternoon. However, they're in space. There's no sun nearby at the moment. So instead, Keith notes the fluorescent lights overhead and dark void outside the castle and pretends it's a Tuesday afternoon. In space. Anyways.)
Shiro left for the kitchen, probably to grab a drink or another snack. Keith stayed behind on the couch, tossing some of his trail mix in the air before catching it with his mouth. He missed a lot of them, but that's not important.
What is (somewhat) important is that he ate the trail mix in order of Very Bad Stuff to M&M's. More specifically: almonds, then peanuts, then cashews and raisins, then M&M's. Also, he lined up the chocolate candy in rainbow order. Just saying. Keith popped the first red M&M in his mouth and fractured it with a satisfying crunch. Sounded nice, really. Kind of like an enemy's neck snapping.
But let's not dwell on that. Let's dwell on the fact that Lance had just walked into the common room after an unforgiving session of combat training, all sweaty and tired and face flushed that did not, in any way, make Keith think that he looked cute when he was exhausted. Because he didn't think like that, he scooted to the far side of the couch when Lance sat down. Enjoying his candy in peace would have to wait.
Lance side-eyed Keith and his small handful of M&M's. "...What are those?"
"None of your business."
Keith attempted to shield the candy further by leaning away, only resulting in Lance leaning to stretch over him and oh God what the fuck is happening Shiro come back (or maybe don't, it'd be super awkward and Keith is not up for losing any more of his dignity) and save him why is Lance so close why can Keith feel his neck getting hot-
"Are those M&M's? Can I have one?"
Well. Fuck Lance and his stupid puppy eyes. Keith quickly glanced at his hand, which only held five more M&M's that he was not intent on giving up. Lance wasn't worth even half an M&M, really. He's his rival! He shouldn't be forced to give him any! So why does he feel like he should?
Probably because Lance is leaning over him a little too close and that is the only reason Keith will cave in. Definitely the only reason. Maybe.
Keith shoved Lance back to his side of the couch and threw two M&M's at him, instantly regretting it and cursing himself for not giving him just one and furthermore for not licking it first. Lance being Lance, caught one in his mouth and one in his hand, thanking Keith with that dumb smile that was not endearing whatsoever.
And then Shiro decided to make his entrance, casually walking in with a bottle of water (was it?) in hand and muttering to himself, something about "who put the water in the way back of the fridge behind all the food goo because I swear-"
And then he noticed Lance, M&M still in hand, sitting in Shiro's previous spot, with an oblivious smile on his face and Keith looking grumpy and glaring at the blue paladin.
And then he decided to open his big stupid fucking mouth to inquire about Lance's food. "Is that an M&M?"
Lance nodded enthusiastically and ate the said M&M. Shiro bit back a smirk as Keith narrowed his eyes and slowly started rising from the couch. "I can and will kill you in your sleep so you better- Shiro. Shiro, stop backing away oh my God-"
Such an innocent question. With such humiliating consequences for Keith.
Pidge was gonna looove this.
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 years
Kitsune!Anakin AU
-Shoves fist in mouth- I'm being so normal about this AU so have some more thoughts on this because free real estate:
When the fuck is this set. Or better yet, when does it start? I wanna say early war just so this transformation can be as inconvenient as possible for Anakin. WAIT NO, It happens while he's still a Padawan, right before he’s supposed to be put on guard duty for Padme. It almost has him taken off (Anakin nearly pitches a fit) but the truth is they don't have another Master/Padawan pair to put on it and Padme knows them so she's more likely to be accepting of it.
YES because this would change AotC in subtle ways (and give ME the opportunity to take a baseball bat to certain timeline events). It would also mean that the first time the clones meet Anakin, he's already foxed up and they just ... accept that shit at face value. They don’t know he didn’t used to have ears and tails. He grows his hair out in an attempt to hide his ears among the floof. It doesn’t work. Trying to curate this image of a badass General during the war is a little hampered by the ears he has no control over whatsoever.
I could have tied this to the Feral!Anakin AU but that's more to do with the amnesia and the fucky nature that is half of him being the Force itself. I can do more in that AU re: partial transformations/adaptability morphing. I am, however, going to mix in a lot of the stuff I had planned in the Intervention AU here because the fox characteristics would be a huge neon sign to his inner problems and how he is not working on any of them.
And we’re still going so under a read more it is.
It starts, as all good AUs do, with Force Temple interference. It feels Anakin walk in and goes, 'no, that human form is not becoming of you' and gives him an overhaul. Anakin is less than impressed because he now has to deal with two very fluffy tails that were not there before (he starts with two instead of one because bullshit power levels). Obi-Wan gives it his patented and classic consideration of ‘oh dear’ which only winds up his padawan further and poof full fox form. And it’s tiny.
The only reason Obi-Wan is not laughing out loud is because he has the control and patience of a fucking mountain. But he is literally just this on the inside:
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This is what you deserve, Anakin. This is what you get for being a little shit. A trickster fox spirit suits you perfectly. Obi-Wan can pick up his Padawan like a handbag and Anakin is even less enthused about this. He doesn’t complain as much if he gets to snag a ride in the hood of Obi-Wan's cloak though.
To start with, the full fox form is smol, like a cat, but he gets bigger as he develops more tails. He can go back to being toy sized if he wants though through shapeshifter abilities. Ahsoka fucking LOVES being able to just cart her Master around it’s so funny, he can fit right between her montrals like a hat. He puts up with it because it makes her happy but he’s glaring at everyone over her head if they dare say a word. If Rex finds his fun-sized General taking a nap in his helmet, no he didn’t.
Christ how could I forget the screaming. The dramatic little bitch that he is just going off like a tea kettle at the slightest inconvenience. You want to annoy the enemy really fast? Fives wants to do a yell-off? Some asshole won’t shut up disrespecting the clones? Anakin just transforms, opens his jaws and screams. It’s just as unearthly as a regular fox screaming too.
More technical info:
Partial fox form keeps the tails (very fluffy, convenient cushions) but also ears, claws, and sharp teeth. His mouth gets unnaturally wide when he laughs, like he's shifting into a fox set of jaws.Theoretically, with shapeshifter abilities he should be able to make himself look fully human...should.
He keeps shifting between full fox and humanoid due to emotional instability.
His eyes stay blue, maybe almond pupils, or maybe the whole eye goes blue with intense emotion so you can't see the whites anymore. Fur colour is the same as his hair colour with dark point colouration. Maybe he gets that point markings on his arms and legs too.
Dark Timeline, Vader briefly hits seven tails but gets capped back at five because Obi-Wan cut off his last two that appeared during the fight on Mustafar. He has inverted colours, so dark fur and gold tipped tails (i'm just a whore aesthetically for black with gold highlights tbh). This AU won’t actually see the rise of Vader though because I dust my hands off with canon.
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whowantsnachos · 1 year
Strawberry Champagne
Pairing: Helmut Zemo x Original Fem!Character (or you can insert yourself if you want)
Summary: After Madripoor, Zemo thinks Lydia should stop drinking. This is the result. (set post episode 3 FATWS)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Lydia, my character, has like this fire magic thing that HYDRA implanted in her. She has a lot of scars because of all of the experiments and the injections, but she covered them all after she got out with different tattoos. Another thing, her hair does this thing where streaks of it will turn into like a brighter red / ginger than her regular hair color [kinda like Tonks is a good way to describe it] when her body temperature goes up. The language that is occasionally spoken is Serbian, but it’s supposed to be Sokovian, and I heard they were similar. Anyways, feedback and stuff is always accepted, given this is the first thing I wrote officially. Enjoy!
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Lydia was sitting in bed, wearing an oversized Metallica hoodie with her knees close to her chest. Her dull, red hair was a mix of slightly messy and living hell. She thought about everything she had just witnessed in the past couple of hours with one arm wrapped around her legs and the other holding champagne. Lydia sat in the same position for about an hour or two, either thinking, spacing out or drinking. A sudden knock on her door made her jump in surprise.
“Can I come in?” she heard Zemo ask on the other end.
“Um, yeah, sure,” she said quietly.
He opened the door and stepped inside. He raised his eyebrows in slight shock seeing her so distraught.
“Are you alright?”
“Oh, I’m over the moon,” she said sarcastically.
“I apologize, I probably should have warned you ahead of time what we were getting into.”
“Yeah, you think? I can’t really blame you though, I should’ve expected all of that. I mean, it’s you, Sam, and Bucky, how could it have been any different? Anyway, it’s more my fault for agreeing to get into all of this shit again.”
“It’s not-”
“No, wait, that’s right! It's not my fault. It’s you three that dragged me back into this shitfest. Why am I blaming myself? I guess I agreed… regardless! Why am I the one to fix your guys’ messes, huh?”
“Ok, that’s enough champagne,” Zemo said as he grabbed the glass from her, sensing her getting mad.
“I wasn’t done with that yet,” she said sternly, reaching for the glass.
“Yes. You were.”
Lydia glared at him, and Zemo rolled his eyes out of annoyance, grabbing the champagne bottle from the side table next to her. He went into the bathroom and poured the rest of it into the sink.
“Why do you have to ruin my fun all of the time?” she asked, crossing her arms.
Zemo raised his eyebrow and said, “I’m not. I just think you would rather not have a hangover first thing in the morning.”
“How would you know? Tomorrow hasn’t happened yet,” Lydia cockily stated.
“Trust me, you wouldn’t.”
“Oh, you’re trustworthy now?”
Zemo gave her a death stare and Lydia looked down, realizing she might’ve hit a nerve.
“Sorry,” she murmured, playing with the edge of her sleeve.
Zemo softened his gaze a little and leaned on the doorway of the bathroom. He noticed the tattoos near her wrist, each one a different pattern or idea than the other.
“What are those for?”
Lydia quickly put her sleeve back down and said, “Nothing.”
Zemo titled his head to the side and narrowed his eyes at her but shrugged it off.
“Where did you find that champagne?” he asked.
“Um, I may or may not have stolen it from that club...”
Zemo’s face lit up in amusement, and he asked, “You stole two thousand dollar champagne?”
“Possibly,” Lydia said with a smirk.
“I can be spectacular sometimes.”
Zemo laughed breathly but didn’t say anything. Lydia wanted to thank him for helping her out when the shooting broke out, but she didn’t know if now would be the appropriate time or not.
Well, it couldn't hurt.
“Um, I wanted to thank you. For helping me out back there. It really means a lot to me, I mean, I know that I’m not your favorite person in the world, but-”
“What gives you that impression?” Zemo asked.
“You’re kidding me, right? You’ve shut down half of the ideas I had about how we were going to execute Madripoor, and look where we ended up!”
“I knew it better than you did.”
“Apparently not! We could’ve died, Helmut.”
“If we would have done it your way, that fate would have been met sooner.”
“You don’t know that.”
“And neither do you,” Zemo responded.
Lydia cocked her head and put her hands on her hips. Raising her eyebrows at Zemo, she went into the bathroom to grab something from under the sink. Lydia also noticed that some streaks of her hair lit up, but she hoped that he hadn’t noticed.
“What are you doing?” Zemo asked.
She answered him by holding up another bottle of champagne with a strained smile on her face as she was walking out of the bathroom. As she was about to open the bottle, Zemo grabbed it and put it on the bathroom counter. Lydia gave him a mock pouty look, and he rolled his eyes.
“You need to stop drinking, I’m serious. You giving me that look isn’t helping you,” he said.
“You sure?” she asked as she emphasized her look.
“Lydia. I’m serious.”
Her ears burned at the way that he had said her name, and she could only pray that her hair hadn’t betrayed her now. 
“And,” Zemo continued, “For the record, I don’t hate you or anything like that. To be honest, you’re the only one I can stand out of the ones I’ve met.”
Lydia raised her eyebrow slightly, and he quickly added, “Not that you’re the best of the worst, it’s just, how should I put this… I guess it’s more around the lines of ‘you’re smart and they’re not.’”
“Wow, harsh,” Lydia said with an amused look on her face.
“Well, it’s true,” Zemo said with a smirk on his face. 
“Well, if I’m so smart, then that means… my plan was the best.”
“Eh, I wouldn’t go that far.”
Lydia rolled her eyes playfully at him and walked back into the bathroom, but Zemo stopped her by closing the door halfway.
“Lydia,” he said with a warning tone.
Now, Lydia could see her hair quickly turn into a brighter red color, and she cursed herself in her head silently, hoping he didn’t notice, but she wouldn’t bet on it.
“Does your hair always do that?”
God damn it.
“Do what?”
“Change color like that when your name is said.”
“Um, no. Not to my knowledge, no,” 
Zemo narrowed her eyes at her while his attention seemed to turn to her hair. Lydia felt slightly embarrassed by his staring, but this only led to it turning brighter again. He smiled a little and said, “It’s a nice color; it suits you.”
She could feel her face burning mainly out of embarrassment and something else she couldn’t describe. Lydia jumped a little when she felt Zemo touch her arm. She felt her skin burn up, and he said, “I apologize, but I recognize this one.”
Zemo went to touch her arm again, but before he did, he asked, “May I?”
Lydia nodded, and he lifted her sleeve, intently scanning the dragon on her forearm. He carefully traced the outline of it, and Lydia felt her skin heat up with each trail he left. The way that he was looking at her tattoo sent shivers down her spine, but surprisingly, it was a nice feeling, considering she hasn’t felt anything cool in a long time.
“Змај,” (“Zmaj,”) Zemo whispered.
“Змаj, correct?”
Lydia nodded, and Zemo hummed, “Yeah, I remember that story. My parents used to tell me that all the time.”
“My parents weren’t into the whole legend thing, they always said it was just a bunch of lies people tell to poison our minds, but I have heard it a few select times.”
“Your parents were quite the people, huh?” He laughed.
She laughed with him and said, “Yeah, they were definitely something, alright.”
“Well,” Zemo started as his hand traced bits and pieces of her tattoos before stopping at the palm of her hand, his fingers slowly intertwining with hers. “They raised well.”
Damn you.
She felt her skin heating up with every second, but she tried to contain it as much as she could. She looked over at the bathroom mirror that was mostly covered by the door, but she could see that dozens of streaks of her hair were lit up bright orange like crazy. He glanced back at her hair, and his smirk grew.
“Does it usually change when people touch you as well?”
“A-again, not to my knowledge, no.”
Zemo hummed again and began tracing the tattoos on her other arm before grabbing her other hand and running his thumb over her wrist. He carefully moved his hands up her forearms, tracing the shapes of her tattoos more fully this time, while pulling her closer to him. Lydia’s heart picked up even faster, not that she knew how that was possible. To her, it felt like they’d been spending an eternity standing in the doorway, but at the same time, it felt like no time had passed at all.
She took a breath in, and looked up at him, asking, “Yeah?”
It wasn’t until that moment that she realized how close they were to each other. Zemo’s breath lightly fanned her face, and his hands let go of her arms, slowly wrapping them around her waist instead. Lydia swallowed discreetly from his stare, and Zemo tilted his head to the left slightly and smirked at her.
“Do I make you nervous?”
“N-no, why would you? I could beat your ass into next year if I wanted to, what would I have to be nervous about?”
“I don’t know, you tell me. I’m sure your hair doesn’t light up around other people every time you stand next to them, or they talk to you.”
He pulled her closer and leaned his head down just enough so that he was only inches away from her face. 
“Unless… it’s something else that makes your hair light up whenever I'm around.”
After he said that, he backed up a little and looked at her hair. Several streaks of it were brightening up, lightly illuminating the aura around her head. He smiled and laughed lightly through his nose.
“If I remember correctly, ‘Miss Vesta’s abilities cause her physical appearance to change as well. Her hair will change into different shades if she has any sort of strong emotions, including, but not limited to: anger, stress, sadness, and attraction.’ Does that sound right?”
Lydia squinted at him in confusion, and Zemo chuckled, saying, “SHIELD’s not very good at hiding things like they think they are.”
Lydia sighed and looked to her right and then down at her feet.
“So, again, I must ask,” he started. “Lydia…”
He removed one hand from her waist and lifted her chin up to meet his gaze.
“Do I make you nervous?”
Lydia licked her lips and said, “...no.”
Zemo leaned in closer, guiding her face to his slowly. He stopped centimeters before her face, just like before, and she could smell his expensive cologne radiating off of him.
“Are you sure? Your skin is burning.”
‘Копиле.’ (‘Bastard.’)
“Maybe I shouldn’t-“
“Ох, забога.” (“Oh, for God’s sake.”)
Lydia put her hand in the back of his neck, pulled him down, and their lips met. Zemo’s grip on her waist tightened, and moved his hand from her chin to the side of her face, the extreme heat of her skin slightly burning his hand. He furrowed his brow and backed her up onto the doorway, allowing him to close any distance between them. The smell of strawberry champagne intoxicated his senses, and he couldn’t get enough of her. 
Lydia could feel every part of her body start on fire, whether she knew that’s what was actually happening to her or not. Her heart felt like it skipped ten beats at once, and heat filled her chest. She felt magnetized to him, and every break for a quick breath of air filled her with a sense of longing for more. Lydia thought her knees were going to collapse from underneath her, and she was grateful for the doorway behind her. She felt ripples of chills go up her spine for the second time that day, and the sensation of his thumb grazing her cheek only made it harsher. She felt her fingers become white hot, and she quickly retracted her hand to his shoulder, not wanting to burn him. She felt every bone and muscle in her body become the same temperature, and she felt the texture of the material of his shirt change. She removed his hand from her cheek and pulled away from him, catching her breath.
“I-I’m sorry. My skin… I can’t-”
Zemo shrugged and said, “To be honest, I never liked this shirt anyways.”
“No, you don’t understand, I don’t want to hurt you.”
Zemo tilted his head and raised his eyebrows quickly. He looked down and put his hands in his pockets, taking out the pair of gloves he was wearing earlier that day and putting them on. After he did that, he put his hands up and smiled at her.
Lydia lightly laughed and said, “I appreciate the gesture, but that’s not gonna do you much good. I’ll just burn-”
Zemo cut her off by saying, “I’ll take that chance.”
He kissed her gently, not wanting to make her skin burn back up again.
A sudden knock at her door caused Lydia to jump and separate from him, turning her head towards her door.
“Lydia? We need to discuss the plan for tomorrow. Have you seen Zemo anywhere?” Bucky asked through her door.
Lydia turned back towards him with a devilish look on her face. She whispered, “Play along,” and quickly pushed him away from her, a glare forming on her face.
“Yeah, he’s trying to steal my champagne.”
Bucky opened the door to the pair glaring at each other with murderous intent.
“You mean, I’m trying to take away the champagne that you stole from the club,” Zemo quickly countered, getting the message.
“Well, it’s mine now, isn’t it?”
“Alright! Look, she can keep the champagne, it doesn’t matter,” Bucky said.
“James, that was worth probably around two thou-“
“I don’t care,” Bucky said while giving Zemo a death stare before continuing. “We don’t have time for this anyway. We have to figure out the plan for tomorrow, come on.”
He left the room, and Lydia turned towards Zemo, raised her eyebrows, and dramatically put her hand out. He rolled his eyes and took the champagne bottle off of the counter and gave it to her.
“You’re only getting this because he likes you more than me.”
“And who’s fault was that?” Lydia retorted.
Zemo gave her an annoyed look as she laughed, and they both walked out of the room.
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Like a really ugly cat.
(Slappy the dummy x reader)
Warnings: slappy says fuck LMFAO, also I haven't written fanfiction in several years so I apologize for any bad pacing, I'm still getting used to being back in my writing habits and this is more of a warm-up than anything lol.
Being a young, self-sufficient adult had its ups and downs. you had bills to pay, a social life to stress over, learning the ins & outs of adulthood, and of course:
your “boss”
Although he was hardly much of a boss, considering he was a mean little ventriloquist dummy who only went up to your knee and would demand you to do things for him, and you’d humor him here and there- which just goes straight to his hollow wooden head. 
Currently, you had just come home from a long shift at your job and just wanted to order some takeout and sit on the couch for some trash TV. There comes strolling in the little jerk you considered a roommate, “Hey! where have you been? I’ve been alone all day, I’m in charge here y’know!” his brows furrow at you as he tries to hold a menacing posture.
However you can’t resist the small grin that comes on your face before letting out the sigh you’ve been containing all day, “yeah sorry, guess I should start leaving you with some stuff to do when I’m out huh?” you bend down to reach his height, only grinning wider when he takes on a momentarily offended look. “I’m not some child, slave! you forget that we have serious business to take care of.” his voice lowers in tone, as a poor attempt at seeming intimidating. Yet your mind started to drift while he continued to ramble on, his voice pretty much muffled while you stared off into space.
Y’know when you took a good look at aspects of his behavior, he was kinda like a needy cat in a way.
Like a really ugly, needy cat
The thought made you snort a little, causing him to stop rambling about his “taking over the world” plans to look you straight in the eye, glaring harder than before. “You’re not even listening are you, do I have to jingle some keys in front of you like a toddler to get you to listen?” he attempts to smack his tiny hand against your face to enforce his point but each impact just leaves little ‘pap! pap!’ sounds, this only caused you to burst out with little chuckles. “Sorry! Sorry! It’s just funny that you try to act so intimidating in front of me but you’re the equivalent of a sassy cat.” you snickered, watching his eyebrows raise in surprise at the comparison before his expression turned into a strange mix of flustered yet deeply annoyed before letting out a sound that sounded like a scoff. He wouldn’t admit he felt rather embarrassed that you saw him as such a harmless thing, but you knew him well enough to see through that tough-guy façade he insisted upon. “Hey boss- no worries, that’s not a bad thing! I happen to like cats.” you teased, unable to hold back the shit-eating grin you gained from managing to shut him up for once.
“oh fuck off.”
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punkybrewstertoo · 7 months
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A Mind to Tear a Soul in Two: Chapter Three
Walking into Charlotte’s room, Tommy was unprepared for the sight in front of him. It looked like a bomb had gone off. Looking around there was furniture, glass, blood, and books strewn about. Taking in the mess, the people, and the cacophony of voices, it was all too much.
“...I swear to God if you come at me...”
“...Just hold still...”
“...I’ll sit on you if you don’t stop it...”
“...He’s bringing the whisky...”
“...Get your fucking hands off of me...”
“...It’s got to come out...”
“...Watch the shoulder...”
“...I will cram this rag down your throat...”
“...Calm down...”
“...Strangle you in your sleep...”
“Enough!! Shut up, all of you! Shut up!” The room went quiet as the words left his mouth, all four faces in the room noticing him standing there for the first time. Each family member froze in place like a photograph.
Polly was standing near the window, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose, clearly trying to stave off a headache. Charlotte lay on the floor, John straddling her, arms pinned above her head. Esme had a towel in one hand, his sister’s leg in the other, kneeling in a small pool of blood.
“Jesus fucking Christ. What is happening here?” As John, Polly, Esme, and Charlotte all started to speak at the same time, he raised his voice again to be heard over their squabbling, “Esme! Only Esme, answer my question.” Charlotte took a breath and started to speak.
“Did I say ‘Charlotte answer my question’? No. I said ‘Esme’. Shut your mouth, Charlie. Esme, please, go on. Nobody will interrupt you.” Waving his arm in a theatrical gesture he urged her to speak.
“Right. Well, obviously she fell and managed to knock over a few things–”
Attempting to interrupt Charlotte started, “But it was–”
Glaring down at her, Tommy cut her off, “I clearly remember telling you to shut it not ten seconds ago.”
Glaring back at him she kept her mouth closed and allowed Esme to continue. “Now, as you probably heard, Arthur was able to put her shoulder back into place, so that’s good and done. But there’s this piece of glass here. I’ve got to remove it, but she won’t stop moving so it keeps bleeding and the cut is getting worse. It’s not too bad, it’ll only need a few stitches. But it will need stitches. There’s a cut on the top of her head, but it doesn’t look too serious.” Taking a breath she looked around the room, “And other than the mess, I think that’s it.”
Nodding at her assessment Tommy asked, “What do you need from us?” Taking a second Esme thought to herself before speaking, “I need a knife or scissors to cut this fabric away from her leg. I need some cocaine mixed with a bit of water, to create a paste to numb the cut for stitches. I need that whisky your holding. And honestly, this would all be easier if we weren't all on the floor.” As an afterthought, she added, “And if Charlotte would sit still.”
Nodding at her instructions, Tommy ordered, “John, why are you sitting on her like that? Get offa her, and help her sit up. She’s not some pig that needs wrangling.”
Scoffing John tried to explain the situation, “She won’t sit still and let Esme work. Keeps trying to go after Arthur.”
Pointing a finger at her to get the girl’s attention, Tommy told her, “Charlie, stop thrashing around like a child. Besides, Arthur’s long gone.” Leaning down he handed a bottle of whisky to Charlotte, before passing the other to Esme, “Take this and start drinking.”
Taking the bottle of whisky from him, Charlotte looked unsure. “You’re gonna wanna start drinking that now.”
Brining the bottle to her mouth and taking a drink, Charlotte winced as the burn hit her throat, “This stuff is shit.” She complained looking up at him.
“The point is to get you drunk off you ass. Not to enjoy it. I’m not pulling out the good stuff to get my sister toasted. Now keep drinking.” Looking to the other occupants in the room he continued on, “Polly, you got scissors in that sewing box there? John, help me get her up and on the bed. Esme, you wanna get that chunk out of her leg before or after we move her?”
Looking up at him from her position on the floor Esme replied, “I need to get it out before you move her. But you gotta be careful of her shoulder — we’ll need a sling for that too. And I don’t think you’ll want her on the bed. Too much blood. The downstairs table would be better.”
Grinning at his sister John said, “Looks like you’re breaking free one way or another.” Grimacing as she continued to take big gulps of the whisky Charlotte questioned, “Esme, is there any way to shut him up? His voice is giving me a headache.”
Smiling at Charlotte, Esme pushed her husband out of the way and got back to business. “Can we do this now? When I take this out, I’ll wrap this towel around it to stop the bleeding. Then one of you needs to pick her up and carry her down to the table.”
Taking the scissors and cutting open Charlotte’s trouser leg, Esme instructed Charlotte to lay down and hold still. “Alright, here we go.” Pressing down in Charlotte’s leg with one hand, she yanked the shard of ceramic out with her other. Then, almost too quickly for anyone to notice, Esme took the second bottle of whisky and poured it over Charlotte’s leg.
Charlotte let out a coughing sob and her body spasmed upward, a silent scream leaving her mouth, unable to do much of anything else due to the combination of pain and liquor.
Reaching forward, Esme tied up the gash with a towel and gestured for Tommy to pick up his sister. “Sorry about that, Charlie. I had to make sure it was cleaned. But it’s done now, so let’s get you up and downstairs so we can finish this.” Sitting up in a daze, Charlotte brought the bottle to her lips once more, chugging to numb the pain.
Kneeling by his sister, Tommy announced, “That is probably enough of that.” And taking the bottle from her hand he realised that she’d managed to consume three fourths of the bottle, and she’d done so in about five minutes time. He had no doubt that by the time Esme started to stitch her up with a needle, she’d be three sheets to the wind.
Passing the bottle off to Polly, Tommy reached under and picked up his sister. One arm under her knees and the other at her back in a bridal style, he tried not to put too much pressure on the open wound. Holding his sister in his arms he instructed his brother, “John, check the smallest drawer at my desk. You’ll see what Esme needs in there.”
“What is it?”
“Just look, you’ll see what I’m talking about.”
John nodded and left. Tommy followed, walking out of the room and toward the stairs, when he realised that Charlotte was shaking in his arms. “You ok there, Charlie?”
Pressing her face into his chest she shook her head.
“I don’t wanna do this. It doesn’t feel like I need stitches. I can tell. Don’t make me do this.”
Tommy tried to comfort her, “Don’t worry, Charlie, you’re not gonna feel a thing. That whisky you drank will make you numb through and through. Just give it another five minutes you’ll be so gone you won’t remember any of this in the morning.”
Setting her on the table Charlotte looked up at him, “That’s what Arthur said... He said not to worry that it wasn’t gonna hurt. And then it did hurt. It hurt a lot.”
“Do I lie to you Charlie? Have I ever lied to you?”
Staring at him blankly she replied, “You told me that the war would be over by Christmas.”
It was like a sucker punch to the gut. She knocked the wind outta him with just her words. As Esme and Polly rushed around them in the kitchen, Tommy tried to find an explanation for his sister.
“I know I said that– It’s just– I didn’t– We thought–” Not knowing how to respond, he found himself rambling.
Taking a breath he pushed on, “I know I said that, Charlie. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I told you that.”
Leaning in to her, he kissed the top of her head.
Rushing down the stairs John interrupted, holding out a vial of cocaine in his hand. “Here ya go, Tom.”
Smacking his hand away Tommy demand, “Do I look like I need that? Give it to your wife.”
Noticing the small blue vial in her brother’s hands Charlotte asked, “Is that snow? Why’d you got snow, Tom?”
Trying to hold her alcohol riddled brain together Charlotte knew there was something about cocaine that she was suppose to tell Tommy. Or was it something she wasn’t suppose to tell him about? Damn it. She couldn’t remember. Thinking hard she barely heard Tommy’s response, telling her to mind her own business.
Finally getting the numbing paste finished up, Esme instructed Charlotte, “You go ahead and lie down now Charlie. I just need you to lie flat ok? I’m going to put this paste on your leg and let it sit for a couple of minutes. You hear me?”
Closing her eyes and laying back on the table, Charlotte responded to her sister-in-law, “I hear ya. Lay still. I’m on it. I’m laying. And I’m very still.”
She paused for a minute and then started up talking again, “Where'd you learn to be so smart, Esme? How’d you know doctoring? You got everyone, even Tommy, following your orders. That’s how I know you’re smart.”
“Oh, here we go.” John muttered under his breath, knowing that the whisky was starting to take over both Charlotte’s brain and mouth.
Taking a breath, Charlotte didn’t give Esme a chance to answer her questions before rattling on, “You know Ada, right? Our sister. You remember her? She couldn’t sit still through one single nursing class before she got bored. Ran out with her friends to do... I don’t know... Whatever it is she does when she’s not in bed with Freddie.”
John and Polly laughed as Tommy tried to get his sister to shut up, “Alright, I think that’s probably enough talk about Freddie and Ada. Completely ignoring him as if he hadn’t said a word, she went on, “Oh, boy, Ada’s gonna be mad at you all... She’s gonna be real mad.”
Nearly bursting with joy, laughing at his sister’s drunken ramblings John asked, “Why’s that, Lottie? What’s happening that she’s got to be mad over?”
Smacking his head, yet wearing a grin across her face, Polly attempted to admonished him, “Don’t you encourage her.”
Explaining herself, Charlotte started in, “Well, first you cut up the new trousers she got me. Then you go handing me an entire bottle to drink. She’s gonna feel left out. I know she will. Ada likes to be part of things. She misses us, I can tell. Can’t you tell, Tom? She misses you. I know you’re serious businessman, Mr. Tommy Shelby. But I can tell you miss her too. You probably miss her more than–”
Once again interrupting her ramblings, Tommy started in, “Alright Charlie. I think that’s enough. Why don’t you just relax. Huh?”
Stubborn indigence filled her voice, “Yeah, alright. But I want a story. Like before the war. Tell me a story, Tommy. Tell me one I haven’t heard before.”
Joining in with a sing song tone John added, “Oh yes, Tommy! Tell us a story!”
Completely unaware of John’s joke Charlotte continued, “Tell me a story about Mom. It’ll be ok, because I won’t remember. So you can’t be sad.”
Laughing John added, “It’s hard to argue with that logic. Just give us a bloody story, Tom. Don’t deny the poor girl her last wish. Look at her, lying there, dying, half naked–”
“I’m not naked, stupid! It’s only me leg. You’ve seen a leg before, haven’t you?”
Indignant at her name calling, John asked his sister, “Who you calling stupid?”
As Tommy threw a bloody towel across the room to shut his brother up, Esme’s voice rang out, “Alright, I think the wound is sufficiently numb. Why don’t you boys clear out. We don’t need an audience for this.”
Reaching over and clinging to Tommy, Charlotte started to panic, “No, no, no, no. I need you to stay, everyone else can go. I need a story.”
Relieved for an excuse to avoid telling a story to his sister with an audience, Tommy tried to calm her, “You heard the nurse, Charlie. John and I are just going into the shop to get some work done. You’ll be fine here. You got Aunt Pol to take care of ya.”
Still clutching his arm she tried to whisper to him, “But Pol is fucking awful at stories.” As her “whisper” reached the ears of everyone in the kitchen Polly snorted.
Laughing as she waved for him to sit, she went into the shop with John. Closing one of the doors she told them, “She’s not wrong. I’m shit for stories. You stay with her, Thomas.”
Watching their aunt walk away, Esme got down to business. Sterilising the needle and thread Esme eyed him before speaking to Charlotte, “Alright, Charlie, I’m gonna start now. Just try to lie there. Alright?”
Nodding at her orders, Charlotte turned her head away from Esme and the sewing needle.
As the needle entered her flesh Charlotte gasped, her eyes went wide, and tears brimmed their edges.
Giving in to his sisters demands, Tommy asked, “Has anyone ever told you about the time Arthur stole a pie to give to the new school teacher?”
Without waiting for her response he continued on to tell the tale of the oldest Shelby brother’s attempts to woo the pretty young school teacher. “Obviously Arthur didn’t have the brains to impress her with his intelligence, so he decided to knock her stockings off with a homemade pie. Only problem was, Mom had made the pie to take to the minister’s house that Sunday. With the beating she gave him once he confessed, you woulda thought that Arthur had damned all our souls to hell — all over one little pie. Worst part was, that teacher didn’t even last the year. At some point she found out she was up the duff, and left Birmingham to live with her family in the country.”
“Poor Arthur.”
“Poor Arthur, my ass. Don’t ever feel sorry for that man. He deserves everything that ever came to him.”
At this, Esme cleared her throat and announced, “Alright you two, my work here is done.” Snipping off the thread used for stitching she told them, “I’ll come by later this evening with bandages and salve. You’ll need to keep that covered for about a week. I’ll check in every now and then to make sure it’s healing good. Don’t go climbing or running around, it’ll rip the stitches, and we’ll have to do this all over again.”
Thanking his sister-in-law for everything, Tommy readied to scoop up Charlotte to take her back upstairs. “You ready to go back to your room, jailbird?”
Barely able to open her eyes she nodded at him. Pale and sweaty, she was clearly strung out on blood loss, pain, and alcohol. This girl was ready to sleep it all off.
Carrying her back up the stairs and settling her into bed Tommy gave her strict instructions to stay put. No more cleaning, and if she needed anything, just to give a shout. He tried to keep his orders simple enough that she’d remember once the alcohol wore off.
Agreeing to his commands she rolled over and mumbled something into her pillow.
“What’s that? You talking to me or the pillow?”
Turning her head she drew out her words as if she were speaking to a child, “I said, Do. You. Wanna. Hear. Something?”
“Sure, make it quick. What do you got to say?” Looking to the folding clock on her table he could see that the day was getting on, and he still had work to take care of.
Removing her face from where she’d planted it in her pillow, she sat up and looked around the floor. “You see a blue book around here? Not for reading. A writing book — like from school.” Looking under the bed Tommy grabbed the book in question and handed it to her.
Flipping through the pages looking for something particular she told him, “I’ve wanted to share this for awhile. But now seems like a good time.”
Curiously watching her he asked, “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“Because you shared something with me. So I’ll share something with you.” Nodding as if to finalise her statement she continued, “But you gotta close your eyes. I can’t do it with you watching. So just close your eyes, alright?”
“Sure, but what are you on about?”
Exasperated she demanded, “Just close them!”
Closing his eyes he tried to be patient as he heard pages rustling and she cleared her throat.
“Ok, now keep ‘em closed. And remember it’s better when there’s instruments. But don’t say anything.”
Ever so quietly she started singing, her alto voice breathy but strong.
“Oh, the desert dreams of a river
That will run down to the sea
Like my heart longs for an ocean
To wash down over me.”
“Oh, won't you take me from this valley
To that mountain high above?
Oh I will pray, pray, pray
Until I see your smiling face.
I will pray
To the one I love.”
Opening his eyes as she sang, her voice gained strength and volume. Hey eyes were closed, the book laying open in her lap, words scribbled across it’s pages. Smiling while she continued her song she seemed to be strumming the air as if she were playing a guitar.
Given that not a single person in the Shelby home had ever played, let alone owned a guitar, he thought it seemed unlikely that Charlotte had picked up the instrument somewhere along the way. Pushing his thoughts aside he sat back and continued to watch and listen.
“Oh, the outcast dreams of acceptance,
Just to find pure love's embrace
Like an orphan longs for his mother.
May you hold me in your grace.”
“Won't you take me from this valley
To that mountain high above?
Oh I will pray, pray, pray
Until I see your smiling face.
I will pray
To the one I love.”
“Won't you take me from this valley
To that mountain high above?
Oh I will pray, pray, pray
Until I see your smiling face.
I will pray
To the one I love.”
As she finished the song she opened her eyes, startled to see him staring back at her. “You were suppose to keep your eyes closed.”
Apologising he told her, “I’m sorry — I'm no good at following orders. But that was really nice Charlie, where’d you hear that?”
Shaking her head at him, she looked down, flipping through the pages of her school book. “I didn’t hear it anywhere. It’s mine. I made it. Well, Johnny helped me. But it’s mostly mine.”
Confused, Tommy asked, “You and John are singing music together?” John wasn’t one for singing, he sure as hell couldn’t picture the two siblings writing a song together.
Interrupting his thoughts Charlotte drawled, “Johnny. John. NEE. Johnny. Not John. Don’t be daft. John Shelby couldn’t hold a musical note if his life depended on it.”
Still not quite understanding what his sister was telling him, Tommy tried to get more information out of her. “Johnny Dogs? You two are writing music together? When?”
Tossing her book to the ground she laid down, pulled up her quilt, and closed her eyes. “You’d be surprised at the things I do when you’re not paying attention.”
“I’m sure I would be. Would you care to elaborate?”
Trying to keep an even tone, he told her, “How about you try, or I’ll go hunt down Dogs meself and cut the story outta him.”
Still not opening her eyes she responded, “No. Sorry. Can’t. Dogs says it’s our secret. The whole thing is. You can’t be part of it. You and Arthur and John, you always get into everything. This is mine. Only for me. And it’s my secret.”
“Won’t you leave me be now? You got me all drunk, stuck sewing needles in me, and now me head is fuzzy and sleepy.”
Well, the drunk girl in front of him did have a point. With nearly an entire bottle of whisky pumping through her, the story she was telling him could easily be equally as true as is was a fabrication of her imagination.
“Alright, I’ll leave you be. But you’re gonna have to tell me the truth sometime.”
Growling at him, he could practically hear her eyes rolling. “Jesus, you’re demanding. You know Ada says you weren’t like this before.”
Stand up to take his leave Tommy told her, “You and I both know Ada says a lot of things, most of them rubbish.”
Finally opening her eyes she glared up at him, “Sometimes I don’t wanna be one of you. It’s hard ya know? Being a Shelby. Ada had the right idea — don’t be one of us anymore. She’s lucky. And I’m stuck here with you lot.”
Not willing to have any kind of argument with a drunk child, Tommy told her, “Maybe you’re right. Maybe Ada is the lucky one. But unfortunately for you, you’re stuck here with us until I say so. And I’ll promise you this, you’ll not be getting married any time soon, princess.”
Leaving the room he could hear her question softly, “But, did you like it? My song...”
“Of course I did. It was beautiful, both the song and your voice. Now please, Charlie, go to sleep.”
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innocentlymacabre · 1 year
Dorks out of Death
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Note: if you'd rather read the story in proper script format (like I would, to be honest), you can grab yourself the formatted PDF right here.
A low cloud of noise disperses itself over the room. There’s a strong crowd of people clustered around the bar, vying for the bartender’s limited attention. The bartender’s species isn’t very clear. It seems to flicker from moment to moment.
Around the room, elves, vampires, werewolves, trolls, and more freely mingle, save for faeries and pixies, who sit in opposite corners of the room, occasional seething glares being cast between them. A humanoid wizard is playing with coloured fire at one of the tables, much to the bedazzlement of the more drunken patrons.
Just off to the side, two necromancers have a table to themselves, occasionally regarding the light show with passing intrigue.
MORRIGAN downs the rest of their glass in one go, signalling for another as soon as they set it down.
MORRIGAN My dead heart died again. Double dead dead.
MORGAN Hmm zombie death, yes. Very hard to circumvent. Only the most advanced of us have a chance, really.
MORRIGAN Yes, and those ones are looking for a career change right about now. It’s a stressful job.
MORGAN Come now, necromancy can be fun!
MORRIGAN Yeah, to someone watching the show, maybe. The ‘mancer is stressing.
MORGAN It’s like being a doctor but without all the stress. You really can’t do any wrong - no way to go put up. (Brief pause) Except for the soul, I guess. Hey, did we ever get that whole afterlife thing sorted? Do we know what actually happens?
MORRIGAN Oh, last I heard people were still squabbling. Baffles me that the returned just have no memory of the place though. Not important, anyway. What is important is bringing back the right soul. That is something we can do wrong. Bring back the wrong one and you gotta switch up into murder lane REAL QUICK.
A member of the waitstaff brings over the drink Morrigan had asked for. He sets it down, and looks to Morgan, silently asking if they want anything. His eyes flash a shade of deep purple for a moment before fading back to their natural whites.
Morgan declines with a smile and a slight shake of their head. They still have a drink in front of them and intend to nurse it for a little while longer. They grip the glass to punctuate their point and involuntarily glance out the window, eyeing the setting sun bobbing just above the horizon.
Morrigan hasn’t finished their point.
MORRIGAN You don’t whack ‘em quick enough, you’re gonna be the one being brought back. And then pretty soon there won’t be any ‘mancers left. Then what? Anarchy!
MORGAN Hey, hey, let’s take a beat. Mix ups are an easy enough fix. You just gotta thump ‘em in the chest and send the soul flying out. The body dies again and you repeat until you’ve got the right soul in the right body.
MORRIGAN NOT if the soul is prepared. And when you get just bored enough - maybe you’ve had a couple failed attempts, maybe you’re having an off day, I don’t know - boom! You need to be ‘manced by another ‘mancer. Nothing more embarrassing.
MORGAN Oh, only necromancer souls are prepared. They usually come back with a vengeance too. I do not mess with those, no matter how much the client is offering.
MORRIGAN What if it’s the soul of a lover?
MORGAN (With a teasing smile) A paramour?
MORGAN Love transcends all rules. Besides, why would they attack me?
MORRIGAN Hmm. Enemies to lovers to betrayal.
MORRIGAN And the soul is, you know, righteously mad. You’d need a hand.
MORGAN Hmm, well I might still try in that situation. But I’d be prepared too. Ward spells, basic weaponry, that stuff.
MORRIGAN I’m thinking of getting security.
MORGAN I wouldn’t use my security on a lover though.
MORRIGAN No, of course not. I meant in general. You know the kind of shit that we have to watch out for.
MORGAN Yeah, fair play on that.
MORRIGAN I’m considering investing in the Werewolf Squad. You seen their posters? I’ve heard they’re not that stealthy though. Noise makers.
MORGAN Eh, they’re only useful once a month. What are they gonna do the rest of the time? Growl at someone until they get weirded out and leave?
MORRIGAN What would you suggest?
MORGAN I use vampires. They’re great. Down with the whole undead thing too, and can help returned souls readjust if needed.
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MORRIGAN Vamps can’t help during the day though.
MORGAN I mean, these things are usually done in the night. Power of the moon and whatnot, but for break-ins and stuff, they’ve got protective gear.
MORRIGAN Hmm, I suppose. What about the rehabilitation centres? Those things have vampires too right?
MORGAN Yeah but they’re underfunded and there aren’t that many of them out there anyway.
MORRIGAN We need more people to understand that coming back might be a severely traumatic experience. Especially when they’re freshly back and they’re in that loop of reliving their last moments and emotions again and again. (Shudders) God, can you imagine?
MORGAN Oh, that would be…well, not good, to say the least. I give the more agreeable returnees the number of a vampire friend who’s volunteered to help out. The vamp gets a little blood bank and the returned soul gets a coach - it’s a win-win. (Brief pause) Unless, of course, you pick the wrong vamp and they drain the returnee. Terribly hard to bring someone back twice. Like your heart!
Morrigan ignores the tongue-in-cheek comment.
MORRIGAN Have you ever experienced a case where the vamp turned a returnee?
MORGAN You know, not yet. Wonder how they would work.
MORRIGAN I’ve only heard rumours. What would you call them? Zombie vamps?
MORGAN I don’t think returnees count as zombies though. They’re not the undead now risen, they’re people who used to be dead, brought back to life. Brought back slightly to the left usually, but mostly alright.
MORRIGAN You know I have this returnee friend (I wasn’t the one who brought her back, that was Fayhew down south, and I met her on her second time around), she needs to shake her soul back into alignment every now and again. Spring cleaning days are the worst.
MORGAN Ah, that sounds like a right chore and a half. Almost lost my soul once. Didn’t sit right for a week.
MORRIGAN Did you, like, jump off a cliff to realign it?
MORGAN Nah, it was like the cold - just had to give it time. Was about a day out from trying that though.
MORRIGAN Wait. Oh no, never mind.
Morgan pulls an inquisitive expression.
MORRIGAN I thought of “undead vampires” for their name but that’s rather chai tea, if you know what I mean.
MORGAN Yeah, no. That gives me the ick. Not sure what you’d call them. I expect the vampires would just call them vampires. They’re a surprisingly tolerant bunch.
MORRIGAN All those people from all those different times living together, I suppose you’ve kind of have to be. Plus, they get the best news and the juiciest gossip.
MORGAN Oh yes. All those detectives try to get information out of bartenders when they’re usually just elves. Sure, they might hear a thing or two here and there, but the vampires are the real ones to go to.
MORRIGAN A little vial of lamb’s blood and they’ll get drunk enough to tell you anything.
MORGAN Oh no, that’s actually a myth. They only pretend they can get drunk. It’s actually impossible ‘cuz they’ve got no blood in their veins.
MORRIGAN Then why do they frequent bars so much?
MORGAN For the social scene, of course. And to gather more intel, I guess. I know a lot of them who make a living off secrets. Trick is, you gotta have something to trade. Something of value to them. Most try offering money, but for the older ones, that doesn’t mean much.
buy me a coffee, if you're so inclined 💜
MORRIGAN I mean if you’ve lived that long and you haven’t saved anything, what are you even doing?
MORGAN Exactly. So you gotta find what your vamp in question wants.
MORRIGAN Most want their favourite designers to live a millennia.
MORGAN Yes, they are strangely particular about their style. I suppose I sympathise, though.
Morgan picks at their jacket sleeve, the denim covered with so many patches, it seems to be made up of it. They adjust the scarf tasselled around their neck to edge it back into their signature windswept, devil-may-care look. A pair of orange sunglasses rest in their hair, having only moved them from their face at Morrigan’s repeated instance at the ridiculousness of wearing them indoors.
They could just do that themselves though. I mean we can bring them back, but they’ll die again eventually.
MORRIGAN They try not to intervene with the magic of the strangeness of death.
MORGAN Isn’t that, like, their whole thing though? How else do they get new vampires?
MORRIGAN Some deaths are more absolute than others. The ones on the precipice, that’s where they shine. Crazed lovers, the taken-too-soon sick, and ironically, feverous unsuspecting victims who are not ready to die; that sort of thing. Other deaths are more absolute.
MORGAN That’s where we come in.
MORRIGAN Yes, our reach extends a little further, but if the soul doesn’t want to return, there’s nothing anyone can do. If it’s at peace with its situation, it’ll stay there.
MORGAN (Scoffs) Yeah, try telling that to a grieving family. I swear, why do all of them have guns? Do you even know how many times I’ve been shot at?
MORRIGAN Oh, them lot need a clairvoyant. Give them the number, I’ll give you a card later.
MORGAN Ah, pawn them off on some other sucker. I like your style.
MORRIGAN Oh no, I know one that’s legit. Oddly enough, her name’s Claire Vons. Those gun nuts can hear for themselves that the soul is sick and tired of their shit and wants them to leave them alone. Or the soul will return, but as a poltergeist and then the family will have bigger problems than shooting you.
MORGAN Yeah but those souls tend to be cowards, or just don’t care enough to deal with the problem. They’ll rarely tell the family that they don’t want to deal with them anymore.
MORRIGAN Nah, they’re dead. What do they have to worry about? Most dead souls I’ve spoken to don’t give a shit about the living.
MORGAN Spoken to a lot of dead souls then?
MORRIGAN Claire invites me over sometimes. Family dinner with the Vonses are fun.
MORGAN Oh, I’d love to go some time.
MORRIGAN I’ll ring you up next time I’m headed over. The Vonses won’t mind in the slightest.
MORGAN Oh, fantastic! Say, have you ever hung out with the faeries?
MORRIGAN They’re so literal. And bothersome to deal with.
MORGAN Aye, they’re a tricky lot, what with their binding word and literal deals, but if you can get the wordplay down they’re a right laugh. Great for an amazing night you’ll probably forget.
MORRIGAN I always go to a faerie speak lawyer before engaging with one. The only faeries I see often are the ones on stage. And they are a riot, you’re right.
MORGAN On stage?
MORRIGAN Talented beings. Their stories are riveting - amazing grasp over the spoken tongues. And they wield such lovely glamours too.
MORGAN I’ve found elves to be the better storytellers.
MORRIGAN Okay, the elves do actually have excellent stories, but I must confess, I enjoy the bling the faeries bring.
MORGAN Strange that creatures of truth would use glamours so often.
MORRIGAN I think people are blinded to believing what they want. Even if the truth was blasting them in the eye, they would refuse to see it. I think the glamour helps them believe somehow.
MORGAN What a paradox.
MORRIGAN I wouldn’t know. I don’t intend to get too close to faeries to find out. Not without a fae lawyer, anyway.
MORGAN Ah, well, they’re a fun lot. We go out every now and again. You can tag along if you like.
MORGAN Just be careful with what you say. Follow my lead and you’ll be fine.
MORRIGAN Not going to lie, I’m very curious.
MORGAN Just remember: if you get a little too drunk and a little too overconfident and tell someone you’re going to fuck ‘em up, be prepared.
MORGAN Let’s just say you might wanna pack some sort of birth control.
MORRIGAN I’m going to carry several immunity bands.
MORGAN Most of them are fake, you know. And if they see you with one, you won’t be allowed within a hundred feet of them, so be careful.
MORRIGAN I’ll get one from a vamp friend.
MORGAN Who do you think makes the fake?
MORRIGAN (Incredulously) No way! How do you get the authentic ones then?
MORGAN Well, elves and vamps, but elves tend to generally be a little more honest.
MORRIGAN But elves aren’t exactly the most generous. I’d have to pass through ridiculous trials and tribulations and questions for them.
MORGAN Yeah, and I still couldn’t be too sure about authenticity. I learnt about immunity bands after I already made my mistakes so haven’t looked into them much.
MORGAN Ah, what’re you going to do? Last I heard though, the pixies were the ones to go to.
MORRIGAN But them lot practically invented ADHD. It would be absolutely impossible to wrangle enough attention from one to get a band.
MORGAN Hey, no one said it would be easy. Immunity bands, the real thing, are very hard to make, and so very hard - and expensive - to obtain. Hey, you know, the pixies and faeries really don’t like each other.
MORRIGAN I think they just find them supremely annoying. Like, I think the more fun-loving beings like pixies. More serious beings, not so much. What’s the specific faerie-pixie deal?
MORGAN Oh, no one knows. Some ancient hatred or the other. If I had to guess, it might have something to do with the fact that pixies are devious little liars and the fae literally can’t fib.
MORRIGAN Oh, I can see that actually. The fae are creatures of truth. On the other hand, some say the pixies are behind the myths of Loki.
MORGAN Oh, to hear them tell the story, he was very real. Less of a god, and more just a cool, chaotic, disaster of a guy though. Still, the descriptions, hmm. I wouldn’t mind a piece of that guy.
Morrigan laughs. They’re well-versed with Morgan’s wants; picturing the person from the stories even without any information is easy.
MORRIGAN Okay, what kind of being would you be down to bang first?
MORGAN I mean, I’ve gotten around.
MORRIGAN Okay, let me rephrase. What beings are on your NEVER AGAIN list?
MORGAN (Without missing a beat) Werewolves.
MORRIGAN Ayeeaayyaaiii!
MORGAN Yeah, no, I’d much rather stay away.
MORRIGAN Did you not discuss cycles before trying?
MORGAN The first time, no. The second time, yes. Still not my idea of a good time.
MORRIGAN You went a second time? Dang.
MORGAN I figured the cycle was the problem the first time, so got that cleared up the second time. It helped, but…never again.
MORRIGAN Ah. I personally try to avoid sirens. The way they can lull you in?
MORGAN Kind of hot, not going to lie.
MORRIGAN You disaster.
The door to the bar opened, a low clinking coming from the bell hung over it. Morgan had tuned out the steady ringing signalling the sea of patrons going in and out, but their eye caught on the latest entrant: a man with a gruff build, even gruffer body hair poking out over his person and under his clothes, and criminally long sideburns.
Morgan gulped and downed the rest of their drink whole, setting the glass down heavily.
MORGAN Yeah, speaking of, we’ve got to go.
Morgan nodded to the door.
Morrigan arched an eyebrow.
MORGAN A certain werewolf just walked in.
MORRIGAN Part of the reason you avoid them?
MORGAN Yeah, and I’d like to avoid this one in particular.
MORRIGAN (Shaking their head) What did you do?
MORGAN Can we just get out?
MORRIGAN But I want to hear the stupid story!
Morgan rolls their eyes.
MORGAN Get us out of here without him seeing and I’ll give you all the details your twisted heart desires.
MORRIGAN (Gets up laughing) Come on, we can cut through the kitchen. I think a buddy of mine might be back there tonight so shouldn’t be a problem.
MORGAN (Getting up to join them) You godsend. Or I guess, your friend technically.
MORRIGAN Do you want the shortcut or not?
MORGAN Fine, fine, you’re the godsend.
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Image by Duc Quang Tran
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demenior · 6 months
i'm sorry, SAMNADO??? all i can think of is a sharknado but it is full of sams
Check my list of current wips here and send me a title and I’ll post a bit or share some details about it.
You're not that far off lmao. Sam's on a mission, blowing into town and on the hunt for some answers.
(everyone in this scene is from season 8)
Sam’s not going to get anywhere if Stan is going to be difficult. The humidity covers the brief drop in temperature as Sam sends out a little point of energy from his demonic garden. For old times’ sake, he reforms it into the shape of a snake.
Easy enough to slither under Stan’s defenses, and find an opening that Sam can push into. Sam waits, lets his energy cut into Stan’s aura enough to burrow in like an infection, before he asks.
“So why Bandera?”
Easy enough now, to open the cut and push the hostility back, to let Stan’s love for Amelia bleed through. It overcomes his wariness and makes him drop his guard. If there’s one thing Sam’s learned, magic or not, it’s always easiest to manipulate someone when they’re friendly with you. 
[paragraphs cuts for length]
“The last time you talked— did she sound… off?” Sam asks.
“Did she sound like she was about to disappear?” Stan clarifies. His shoulders come up like he’s ready for a fight. The barbed wire in his soul starts coiling up again.
“I want to help,” Sam insists, “I don’t believe in coincidence, but there has to be a reason I’m here now. The police aren’t helping, so let me help find her.”
“She has a husband,” Stan reminds him, tone as heavy as a door being closed.
“She’s missing,” Sam stresses, and he needs a push of legitimacy so he adds, “my brother’s— Cas, he, uh, he’s a journalist. He’s good at finding people. And putting shit together. We can help.”
Stan must be at the end of his rope, because he stops fighting. He drops his shoulders. His barbed wire aura grows slack again. Sam’s infection can keep spreading, searching for the right hold to give Sam enough persuasion over Stan.
“They live in town?” Sam pushes.
Stan shakes his head, “No, no. A little out— closer to the falls. I can, I can take you there in the morning. I’ve been staying at the motel, for the wifi. And so she can call me, you know, when…”
Sam nods along, “Yeah. Okay. And you don’t— do you think she left? Or…”
The paper cup crumples in Stan’s hands. Old coffee spills over onto the table, “I don’t know,” he confesses, “I don’t know where my daughter is, or if something awful has happened. Don’s with her, and I have to hope for the best. Cause I don’t— I don’t know what to do if…”
“We’re gonna find her,” Sam promises, “now, can I grab her address? For Cas. I’ll get him to start doing some research on the area, to see if anything comes up, okay?”
Stan is hesitant— guys like him like keeping their information close. Sam gives him a small nudge, just a gentle click of his tongue, one note, to help push him. His infection, the invasive species, slithers deeper into Stan’s aura. It’s not elegant, but it will work. Sam’s got a hold on him.
“Of course,” Stan agrees, “whatever you need.”
Dean and Cas join them with fresh coffees for everyone, and food. They’ve been eating buc-ees jerky and trail mix for hours, so a warm veggie burger is the best thing Sam’s eaten all day. Dean doles out the food and drinks while Sam catches them up with the conversation and Cas’ new career as a journalist.
Cas immediately crawls out of his body to inspect Sam’s work. He’s always curious about Sam’s powers— Sam weaves and sings like a maniac, as Cas has described, but it’s because he’s a human with grace who leaned angel singing from a demon. So far Sam thinks he’s doing okay.
“A journalist?” Dean repeats, and glares at Sam before putting on his charming smile, “yeah, yeah. Cas is a total nerd. Loves getting into the details of stuff. I always thought he should be like, a detective, for how nosy he is. If there’s anything weird, Cas will find out. Isn’t that right, Cas? Cas?”
Cas is too absorbed in Sam’s spell, and forgets to animate his vessel. Sam spins his energy into a snake head, to leap out of Stan’s aura and snap at him.
The vessel blinks in surprise. The head moves, but Cas doesn’t move any of the limbs. It’s kinda funny how he thinks he can pass as a person.
“Sorry. I am… tired,” Cas lies.
Outside of the vessel, Sam sees Cas’ form spin like a funnel cloud. He’s not happy about the jump scare.
“Tired, but you’re used to running on coffee,” Dean leads.
“Of course,” Cas agrees, “I love coffee.”
He takes a sip and immediately grimaces. Cas shoots Dean a betrayed look.
“No! Don’t spit it out!” Dean orders. Cas swallows like he's drinking battery acid.
“There’s no love in this,” Cas whines.
Dean rolls his eyes, but takes Cas’ coffee from him, “Yeah, yeah. Cream and sugar, coming up.”
At Stan’s incredulous look, Cas calmly explains, “Most food is only palatable if Dean adds some love to it.”
“Anything else you can tell us?” Sam prompts Stan, “did Amelia mention anything about neighbors? Coworkers? Any new friends or people she didn’t like?”
Sam twists his snake, pushing deeper into Stan. He’s so close to getting him to unlock. Stan takes a second to talk, blinking slowly and staring into space.
“Well, uh, like I said earlier, the house is far… remote. Neighbors are pretty far…” Stan trails off.
Cas’ funnel cloud spins closer to ruffle Sam’s hair with a low bass tone, just a warning bite, that makes Sam’s foot cramp and his demonic garden shrink back into his skin. His hold on his infection slips, and Cas yanks it out like he’s sucking up instant noodles. Sam glares at Cas’ vessel, only to find Cas is glaring back at him. Sam must have done something wrong.
Stan gives his head a small shake.
“Did you just get into town?” Stan wonders, sounding more awake.
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jimmypesto · 1 year
for the valentine’s day prompt can u do wearing each other’s clothes + older, established chloe and louise?
Louise/Chloe + wearing each other’s clothes
Why did I put off doing the laundry until now?
Sunday Louise curses Friday Louise, who couldn’t be bothered after a grueling shift at the restaurant. Now it’s time to go grocery shopping, and all of her good clothes are dirty.
After an entire two minutes of searching her closet, Louise comes up empty. Every flannel, T-shirt, and stained hand-me-down in her usual rotation is crumpled in the hamper, leaving her with no viable clothing options.
She glares at her closet again, willing a new item to appear. Should she just wear one of her long sleeved shirts? The green one with the stripes? Nah. Tina got the worst of it, but she’s not immune to the genetic curse of heavy sweating. Anything with sleeves would be too suffocating now, in the heat of summer.
If Louise could do the laundry before heading to the store she would, but the deli closes at six and it’s already approaching 4:30. She’s craving Reubens, and she’s making them even if she has to show up to the store in her bathing suit.
Maybe she should just bite the bullet and wear a dirty shirt. She doesn’t love the feeling of grime sticking to her skin, but it seems she’ll be unhygienic either way. Unless…
She spares a glance at the other end of the closet. Lots of dresses—pass. A few strappy tops that Louise doesn’t trust herself to put on correctly—nope. Not happening. Fortunately/unfortunately, her girlfriend’s wardrobe extends far beyond the reach of their humble closet. Louise sighs, walking over to the dresser.
Reluctantly, she opens the top drawer. Unlike her own, Chloe’s designated drawers look like something out of a catalogue. Every shirt is folded nicely, no wrinkles in sight, and her pants are sorted by material.
“Blech.” Louise says aloud. “How do you wear this stuff, babe?”
Also in stark contrast to Louise, Chloe owns heaps of clothing. One week is far from enough to put her endless collection of crop tops, blouses, and cardigans out of commission.
There are a lot of pastels happening, because she went through a big pastel phase the previous spring. Logically, the pale colors should’ve washed out Chloe’s practically translucent skin, but her appearance defines logic. No matter what she wears, she’s the prettiest girl in the room.
Where did all this girly crap even come from? Louise thinks. Her dirty, B.O. covered t-shirts are starting to look better and better. Going out smelling rank is a far superior alternative to being caught dead in one of Chloe’s preppy tops.
As she heads for the laundry basket, she recalls the scent of soggy, mildewed dish rags already mixed in with her clothes. Shit. Maybe she can pretend it’s Halloween, and she’s dressed as, like, the biggest cliche to ever cliche. The reformed mean girl with perfect skin and daddy’s money.
Before she can resign herself to putting on something with a v-neck, Louise catches a glimpse of lavender folded in the very back of the drawer. A memory of Chloe hanging fairy lights in this jacket appears in her brain.
“Score!” She whispers, trying not to ruffle the other clothes as she’s pulling it out.
The color isn’t ideal, but a hoodie is gonna be Louise’s best bet. She knows it’s from some upscale boutique, so she’ll try to avoid spaghetti sauce for the day. It looks thin enough that it might even stay comfortable in warm weather.
Pulling it on over her bra, she decides to do a load of laundry before going out. Though Chloe’s jacket is surprisingly comfortable, she isn’t about to make a habit of wearing her clothes. The mere idea of her girlfriend seeing what she has on is mortifying enough.
Slipping out of the bedroom, Louise stops her keys from jangling as she grabs them off of the bookshelf. She snatches the hamper from the bathroom just as quietly, stepping through the living room where Chloe sits on the couch. She has both feet on the coffee table, painting her nails a demure pink.
“See ya, Chlo.” Louise says quickly. “I’ve got some business that needs attending to. Gotta see a man about some corned beef.”
Before she can make a hasty exit, Chloe speaks.
“Louise?” She asks. “Wait. Slow down. Something’s different about you.
Grinding to a halt, Louise braces herself. Chloe is always hinting about wanting to re-style her, and this is as close as she’s ever going to get.
“Different? Nope. I’m afraid you’re mistaken there, Chloe. All that perfume must be clouding your brain.”
They toss casual insults at each other all the time, so that one doesn’t phase Chloe one bit. She raises her brows.
“You’re wearing my jacket.” She observes. “Finally decided to step up your fashion game, huh?”
“It was this or Bam Bam, and he’s in the hamper.”
Louise found her favorite shirt at the thrift store: a gray top with a hideous clown drawing on the front. In red lettering, it reads “I eat children”. It’s funny on multiple levels, and it gets a rise out of Chloe every time. Hilarious.
“Gross. You could’ve asked before stealing my things, you know. I thought you left petty theft in high school.”
“A girl steals your lip gloss one time, and you never let her forget it!”
The image of sixteen year old Chloe scrambling for her missing item is still funny, even going on six years later.
“Whatever.” Chloe says. “You know…maybe you should wear my clothes more often.”
She surveys her, lips pursed in thought, and Louise feels a little bit like the prize pig at a county fair.
“That color is nice on you.” Chloe says, actual sincerity encroaching on her usual attitude. “Keep it.”
“What?” Louise asks. “Hey, I told you this was a one time thing! I don’t need your charity clothes.”
Chloe rolls her eyes.
“Babe, come on. It’s from three seasons ago. It’s like…the opposite of a big deal. Just take the stupid thing.”
Louise rolls her eyes just as hard. Sometimes she thinks it’s a silent competition they have, where they see who can roll them harder.
“God, thank you for the blessings you’ve bestowed upon me today. The great Chloe Barbash has deigned to give me her hoodie.”
Noticing the slightest peek of self doubt hidden under her sarcasm, Chloe’s face softens.
“It really does look good on you, Louise.” She says. “I mean, it’d be better if you let your hair down, but—“
Louise glares.
“Alright, let’s not get too carried away here. I’m doing the laundry now, and then I’ll never have to resort to wearing your things again.”
Chloe shrugs, returning to her painting, and Louise starts toward the front door. For the first time, she realizes the jacket is soaked in the distinct smell of strawberry perfume.
It smells just like Chloe. The same smell that washes over Louise when she leans on her shoulder or plants a parting kiss on her cheek. It’s girly and snooty and everything Louise hates. When she gets another whiff of her girlfriend’s signature scent, she suppresses a groan. This was a bad idea. She should never have put this dumb jacket on.
“How come you’re still standing there?” Chloe calls from the couch. “Did you forget something?”
Louise shakes her head, more to clear it than anything else.
“Nope. I’m all good. Allll good. No problems here.”
Chloe snorts.
“Whatever, weirdo. Buy the good raspberries this time, okay?”
Louise nods, but she’s still flustered. Damn it. She should’ve just worn something dirty. She should’ve done anything but put on this ugly jacket that smells like Chloe.
Because she knows, even as she tries to deny it, that she never wants to take it off.
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adelaidedrubman · 2 years
Pls show us stuff from the master document🙏
my pleasure!! have one of the more coherent of its offerings to start, an exact story point tbd johnjess argument:
“Cut the shit, I know you don’t really want that. All your fuckin’ talk about atonement, saying you’re doing this shit so I can be saved, reborn, whatever other stupid buzzwords y’all invented for it.” She stepped closer, amber eyes locking on his with gold flared intensity. “But it’s the breaking you’re actually enjoying, not the rebuilding.” She stuck out a thumb and pushed it against her chest to motion towards herself. “And it’s the fucked up, sinful parts of me you actually like, if there’s anything you really like about me at all.”
She deepened the scowl of her face as she approached him further, but looked down slightly in tandem, hiding the harsh lines of her face in shadows and the gentle curtain of her hair. “If you actually got what you wanted, cleansed me of all that shit, turned me into whatever meek, wholesome little devotee you imagined…” She shrugged, turned a little further to the side before finishing. “You wouldn’t really give a shit about me then.”
John paused before responding. She was correct, in a very fundamental way. That had always been his intention. Once he found her a home in Eden’s Gate, she would be indistinguishable from any other brother or sister, take up no more space in his mind. That was still the outcome he should want, both their salvation was dependent on it.
And salvation was always his primary concern. By whatever means necessary.
But she was determined to remain blind to that, to accuse him of cruelty for cruelty’s sake, to distort his own struggle with the pull of sin to imply his motivations were insincere. And God knew there was no convincing her otherwise, or leading her to understand and distinguish the complicated mix of truth and falsehood she spoke, admitting any part contained a hint of truth would just solidify the lines she drew in her mind. Then again, reassuring her of his pure intentions had never once worked either.
He sighed, rubbing eyes itching with a need for rest, feeling more tired than anything as he vocalized the response he’d finally settled on. “There are plenty of other things I like about you.”
She jerked her head back and up again to meet his gaze directly, furrowing her brow to glare. “You’ll just pick the smallest, most irrelevant part of something to respond to, huh?”
“Don’t you even want to know what they are?”
“No,” she answered, breaking eye contact again as she turned away from him, obscuring her face completely this time as she moved to leave. “I’m not desperate for approval like some people.”
He should be angry at that. He was angry at that, but it was a dull tickle of heat in his chest instead of the engulfing fury he might have felt if he had more energy. “Yes, there’s one of them.”
and as a special treat, a glimpse at how the magic happens, and how most of that doc actually looks: snippets of potentially funny dialogue i half write out before i forget.
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and the finished product, just for comparison funsies
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Lily's Father: part 2
From Lily point sorta? Like her lack of understanding what's happening to Jack- so there's nothing near explicit
9 weeks into Jack’s captivity
tw: drugs, drug use, bbu, cutting, knives, blood, dizziness, hunger, starvation, medicine, boxboys, boxbabes, Jack starting to NOT like it here :), Al is horrid, implied stuff which you can take in any way you’d like (refrenced noncon)
Previous // ~ Jack Masterlist ~
Jack woke up with a sickening headache. He tried sitting up, or at least he thought he did before his head fell back down on the floor.
The tile was cool. It felt nice against his blazing forehead. He tried to hold onto that thought but it slipped away with everything else.
He pried his eyes open only to see the room going in and out of focus. Was someone spinning him around? Everything was moving.
“H…hel-“ He shut his eyes tightly. “Help… pl-please.” His voice had a heavy strain. He could have sworn he felt fingers carding through his hair before losing himself back into a dreamless sleep of unconsciousness.
Lily whined unhappily. “Daddy, stooop! He’s my friend!”
Al raised an eyebrow while chuckling. “He’s a pet, a slave, my little angel.”He picked her up as she shook her head almost violently. “Sweetie. It’s not a bad thing he is.”
“No, he’s my friend!” Tears welled up in her eyes, her voice even breaking a bit.
He hummed while rubbing her back. “Ok ok.” He rocked her gently. “Your friend. He’ll be ok. He’s just a bit… loopy.”
Kendall grimaced. Disgust filling up every corner of her face. Flinching when Al glanced at her when he silently told her to stop.
“What’s loopy mean?” Little Lily asked.
He hummed a bit. “It just means he’s a bit dizzy and tired.”
“Oh ok.” She nodded while watching Jack who sat down and held his head. Softly whining. The poor boy had no idea what was happening to him. Al had brought him in about an hour before, dropping him next to the couch. He was as limp as a rag doll.
When Maka walked over to try and help, Al kicked him until he walked away. He wanted the drugs to run their course.
After a while, Lily was sent to bed and Victoria had her fun giving Jack little cuts everywhere. Showing off to her father how well her skills in the subject had grown over the summer.
“Careful not to cut anything importa-“
“I know dad.” She sighed. Twirling the knife in her hand to show off. “Even IF I did, he would like it. He likes pain. He mixes it up with kindness or some weird shit. It’s cute.”
“Cute?” Al snickered.
Her eyebrows furrowed as she glared at him. “Almost cute.”
“Mhm.” He nodded a bit, smirking faintly. “How old is he?”
She shrugged. “Beats me. Though all boxboys are eighteen.” She hummed while pausing over her words. “He didn’t come in a box though, and I think grandmother said he bought him illegally or something stupid.”
He nodded while considering. “Oh well.” He picked him up. “May as well start training him.”
“Training him?” Victoria laughed. “He’s already trained perfectly.”
“Not for what I had in mind.” He walked off.
When Jack finally awoke he stiffened at the feeling of pain, it had been a long time till he felt it so strongly. When he shifted to stand the fire in his lower body grew and he whimpered while laying his head back down.
He stared at the ceiling. Tears were welling in his eyes before Lily’s head popped into view of his own. “Hi, Jacky Jack! You’re awake.” He could hear the smile in her sunshiney voice.
He quickly wiped the tears with one hand, taking a shaky breath. Nodding a hello.
“Come on, you’ll be late for the tea party!” She nearly dragged him off his mattress and over to her little table. He followed as fast as he could. Vision blurring out now and then.
Low blood sugar.
That’s why it felt so sick… right?
After a day or two without food, it started hurting. His stomach formed knots in discomfort. Sometimes he’d see black or white like it was a cloud coming to take him away. That would have been nice. Then he wouldn’t have to be trapped here.
Lily noticed the way he stopped halfway to the table. Holding his head.
“Are you hurting?” She asked, soft and concerned.
She was always concerned for his health.
If only he could tell her how much pain he was going through. The idea of a confidante sounded nice.
Then again he wouldn’t- he couldn’t actually talk to them. Therapy wouldn’t work that well.
He took a breath before nodding. She lightly dropped the doll she was holding and went over to hug his legs.
Healing hugs! Hugs make everything better!
“Did that help?” Lily giggled a little.
Jack took a breath before shaking his head again. Sitting down while burying his face into his knees. “N-n-no, Lil- Lily. I-It hurts.”
She frowned hard, tilting her head. “What does?”
He whined. Everything. “M-my head.”
She looked at him. Becoming a lot more serious. “I… don’t know what to do.” She mumbled. “I… um.” She bit her lip while watching him start shaking harder. “Are you hungry?” She offered our help. Blinking at how quickly he nodded.
She left the room. Going to the kitchen.
Now that her father was back the boxboy and boxbabes were free to be out. It was a, supposedly, odd rule of the house to make it seem like the slaves were always with him. So when he left for three months during summer their rule was to be hidden. None of them knew why it was this way, Al had his reasons.
She went to the kitchen. Looking in the fridge before finding some cinnamon-flavored applesauce, about to head back before grabbing four cookies.
When she returned she gave him two of the cookies and the applesauce. Setting the remaining cookies at the place where the tea party would be. Those were for herself, of course.
She looked over as he ate a cookie hungrily. Tilting her head. She never saw him so desperate.
She looked at him pityingly before looking at the applesauce. “Oh! I forgot a spoon, I’ll be back!” She ran off again. Finding the silverware drawer and getting her favorite spoon out. It was different from the others. It had small ridges on it, making it look like a seashell. It was the prettiest one in her opinion.
Maka glanced at her before going over. “Hello, Lillian.” He bowed briefly.
She looked up at him. “Yes?”
“Is Jack hungry?”
“Mhm. I got him applesauce and… the bestest spoon.” She held it up to show off.
“That’s cool.” He chuckled lightly before getting a water bottle. “Give him this ok. Also.” He gave her a small white pill which she stared at. “It will help him feel better.”
She nodded with complete seriousness. “I will. I promise.” She smiled up at him.
She let Jack eat and drink. “Are you still loopy?” He nodded shortly and she looked down at her hands, sitting in silence for a few awkward minutes. “Um, Jack? You can sleep some more, if you wanna.”
He looked at her for any sign of it being a trick. Of course, there wasn’t. No traps with Lily. “Th-thank you.” He whispered as he went back to the mattress and curled up tightly. She smiled while giving him a bear before going to eat her cookies.
Jack closed his eyes while sighing softly, burying his face into the soft fur of the stuffed toy.
Written on July 28th, 2021
Next // ~ Jack Masterlist ~
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