#and the whole peredhel family
sesamenom · 6 months
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Gil-galad Variations, featuring all the gil galad theories i've encountered.
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thelien-art · 10 months
Ar i lúmë, sérinqua lairë, hye rianna bime i nostale, ana i tuluvanye -o a sinya randa, isse san n- mal a hwesta man onlime voro westa astar cilmë me i nostale lairë
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Lillies: Purity, love, and grief
Lavender: Serenity, grace, and calmness
Forget me not: Respekt, royalty, and hope
And on that moment, a peaceful summer, he was crowned by the kind, to the coming of a new age, where he would be but a breeze who only ever knelt willingly for the kind summer
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I’d love to hear your thoughts on what Eldritch peredhel entail
Sorry this took so long @outofangband and thank you for asking this I am! Delighted! And am preemptively putting a read more down because I cannot shut up about they <3
alright I'm just gonna put stuff and headcanons down as they occur to me so expect low-moderate levels of coherency
shapeshifting is an obvious one (gets weaker down the generations) but because my brain is Like This I have caveats!
thanks to my whole peredhil things=gender allegory that my brain spit out without my permission I've long struggled against my inherent feeling that while they can shapeshift they don't like it
but because I'm now aware of my brain's reasoning I can say it's because of ✨fantasy dysphoria✨
that's oversimplifying, obviously, but peredhil already have so much issues with working through who and what they are and compromising between body and mind and spirit that actively choosing to change into/present as something/someone who They Are Not is. Not usually their cup of tea.
As a whole they tend to have specific forms that they prefer as being closer to themselves, and distinct enough that it doesn't feel like they're faking something they're not
(changing to look like a different person, or a edited version of themself is Very Very not fun unless either explicitly for disguise or shenanigans)
(the exception to this is that Luthien can make herself look almost perfectly human without any real issue. she doesn't do it often but especially as she ages she likes to catch glimpses of her reflection and get both excited and sappy. this is in contrast to making herself look almost perfectly like an elf which makes her feel like her skin is on fire.)
(Also I'm pretty sure all of them can flip their agab presentation while only feeling varying degrees of off, and even then it's a different feeling than the shapeshifting dysphoria. Dior and Elwing are the two who I think mind it the most)
They all have the (agonizing to write) trait of feeling very distinct relationships to their species in their body vs soul/mind vs spirit/fea and they all feel it very differently! This isn't exclusive to Luthien's line but the maia blood does make it worse.
Oh! This is a new headcanon of mine actually but!
They all have faces that are very very hard to capture in image. They are the bane of portrait artists (and, to a degree, sculptors) everywhere because the art never looks accurate to life
It's not blatantly off it's just. missing something? Or something was added? maybe it's a little too wide, or narrow, or long, or short, in one place or another
It's not unrecognizable but if you've ever seen the subject in real life you can just tell
It's especially bad with Luthien (and Daeron) and Dior (to a lesser extent) because everyone literally sees them differently, as in their features will be slightly different depending on what each person finds attractive/aesthetically appealing and beautiful
(not a lot, again, it's not unrecognizable, but there has never and will never be any accurate depiction of Luthien as she was as a person)
(as a concept, though, as the most beautiful creature to have ever existed in Arda, a little of her image exists in every portrait lovingly made of a beloved spouse, every child's drawing of their family, in biological sketches of songbirds and field mice, in a sculpture of a stranger's face. Daeron remembers his sister perfectly, but he collects these regardless)
(Arwen, Luthien come again, isn't described as such by her grandparents. Galadriel and Celeborn both knew Luthien, and while Arwen and her father both look as closely to her as genetically possible, to those who actually know them both it's nothing more than uncanny family resemblance. Luthien was to most a concept personified, Arwen is a person with concepts imposed on her.)
The list of people who have seen Luthien how she actually, physically, defaultly is, essentially consists of Melian, Daeron, Beren, and Dior
Beren doesn't see her as she is right away because he doesn't know her right away, but they learn about each other and she shows herself and he sees her and by the time she rescues him from Tol-im-Gaurhoth there are no echoes on her face
(He's always a little bit haunted that he nearly died without realizing he'd never quite seen the truth of her before)
Neither Thingol or Beren can quite see their own features on their children's faces. They clearly take after their mothers, after all!
(This leads to much affectionate eye-rolling on Melian and Luthien's part)
Hair stuff!
It's alive! kinda! it's definitely not normal hair!
It moves a lot on its own. Sometimes like a breeze is blowing where there isn't one. Sometimes more like tentacles. It depends on its mood.
They've got some very pretty traditional cosmic horror vibes swirling around on their heads. It's very sparkly and colorful but in a Forbidden Shrimp Colors that your brain is unable to comprehend way so it reads as iridescent black mostly, or holographic white, where applicable
Luthien's hair actually is a glimpse into space, Daeron's is a glance at a star
(Luthien's magic hair cloak survives, I think, into the 4th age and beyond, though if anyone/anything has found it they certainly don't know the origins of the beautifully intricate living star map. It has seen the reign of countless north stars, yet the lines always point to the same coordinates- where the ancient, sunken, ruined remains of what once was Tol-im-Gaurhoth lay)
Speed round!
Fangs and talons and horns oh my! Are they tooth and keratin and bone, or are they petrified wood and gem and stone? Yes!
They all smell a little like ozone and a lot like petrichor, flowers, and Green. If you've smelled green you know what I'm talking about. Also, unfortunately, like bird. Birds don't smell great, especially wet bird.
Weird Foresight Powers++
(Most of them don't have actual foresight, but all of them are more in-tune with the Song than is natural for an incarnate)
Their eyes glow, most notably in the dark, unless the irises turn black as they sometimes do. They are also all unnaturally bright versions of the less-spooky parent's- Dior's are gold, Elwing's are blue-green like a tropical sea (Elured and Elurin split the color between them- ultramarine and emerald), Elrond and Elros have pale star-gold, Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen all have silver.
(Daeron and Luthien being the exception again, because I decided they have Melian's eyes before I decided this, and I don't know what color eyes Thingol has. Watsonianly: Melian's spooky genes overwrite a lot. Luthien's genotype is probably much closer to his than her magically overwritten phenotype)
Their sclerae turn black and their pupils white, on occasion, usually when using powers
They don't bleed right. It's a little too red for an elf, a little too light for a human, and it shines strange as it beads like quicksilver on the skin
They have very shiny, cool skin. Luthien looked like her's was silver plate under a stretched stocking, the rest toned it down from there but it's still noticeable.
The Song is. Attached to them. They are all very much Main Characters. Their lives have a clear story arc with symbolism and narrative parallels. They are all subconsciously aware that their lives are a fairytale, whether tragic or no, and yes this has many Implications and affects. They are not the only ones like this, but they are the only ones who, to some level, know they are in a story.
This is the fundamental separation between them and everyone else.
The difference in how they perceive themselves between heart soul and spirit is very difficult to explain and understand, but not impossible to someone who knows them and is willing to put in the work.
The life-long knowledge that they are Important to the Song and their every choice and event they experience and their mere existence serves a greater purpose in a way that most other people simply do not- that's very, very isolating.
No one else can understand how they see the world. Very very few people are willing to try, and even fewer in a way that's not frustrating. There is a reason most of them find only one person to latch on to outside of their family, and a reason they hold on through hell and high water.
(This is about being neurodivergent)
#asks#outofangband#eldritch peredhil#gonna go into more detail about preferred shape forms here bc it's important to me but not relevant lol#luthien: nightingale/s (obviously) but also a starling and to a lesser extent various other birds- preference toward passerine and raptors#wolf and deer are both fine- wolf especially for snuggles- she can go bat and enjoy it but only after thuringwethil#(which is a whole thing for her to unpack)#dior: cat (male calico specifically) wolf and bat#and then a kingfisher starling nightingale red-crowned crane and a bird of prey (currently thinking maybe a swallow-tailed kite?)#e^2 1.0 don't actually have the same feeling towards shapeshifting bc of the whole consumed by doriath to become Entities thing#so they're closer to maiar vibes-wise than even luthien entirely was#elwing: starling beach mouse and then pretty much most seabirds#but on the whole Song's Specialist Little Guys thing#obviously its up to individual philosophy on if free will can exist in the face of Destiny#my opinion is yes but i think all of them have a different take#luthien thinks no but is happy/fine with this and thinks its very romantic. daeron also thinks no but is resigned and ultimately content.#neither of them understand the average person being deeply uncomfortable at the idea of the lack of free will#their mom is a maia this is just normal to them#dior thinks yes at first but flips around a lot through his life#its a pretty hard no post-death but when he gets reembodied he becomes deeply aware that he is No Longer Important but nothing changes so??#elwing thinks absolutely not and uses this to cope. she feels like she has so little agency already#at least if it's cosmic there's nothing she could've done#at least if it's cosmic her mistakes are worth something#(she needs so much therapy)#earendil is the only spouse who comes to fully understand this. he cant decide what he thinks. every option seems horrifying in its own way#elrond and elros both think yes and use this to cope. they can be better. they can make things better.#there may be a story but they can make it a happy one.#they're people and that has to count for something.
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An Eldritch Luthien Silm Fic
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My love reigns in suffering
King Felagund can befriend, and Lady Galadriel can negotiate, but there is no true communication and she expects nothing of them. They are not like her siren, who merely had to pluck the Song’s Strings before it leapt to his assistance. They are not the elf she holds in her arms, with his night-black hair and marble-pale skin so reminiscent of her Naneth.
Their Naneth, if she can only spirit him away to Doriath without causing a diplomatic incident.
Or; Luthien tries to kidnap-adopt herself another little brother. It goes about as well as you’d expect when Maedhros enters the scene.
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I’m trying out this whole “showcasing on tumblr” thing cuz, why not. Anyways, enjoy reading about the first Peredhel 7:)
Context Notes: Luthien is supposed to be younger and more impulsive here. Author is Terrible at IRL Geography, let alone Tolkien Geography. With Peredhel meaning “Half-Elf”, I’ve decided Luthien & Daeron count as Peredhel. Author did no prior research for Daeron. Daeron is Luthien’s brother in this.
-> No Romantic Relationship(s), No Smut, No Incest <-
Luthien, trying to expand her family: come to Luthien, little elf!
Maglor, actively experiencing a horror novel: 😀😬🎶
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runawaymun · 11 months
Ohhhh Erestor for like. Everything! But if that’s too much 😅 just for the sleep one? Also glorfindel ;)
☾ - sleep headcanon
He's peredhel, so he sleeps... basically like a human. He needs somewhere between 6-8 hours per night, closes his eyes, and experiences REM.
★ - sad headcanon
I don't have too many of these for Erestor, but I do get sad thinking about, with regards to my headcannon that he was raised among the Haladin, that he basically watched everyone he grew up around die out while he was still pretty "young", and then on top of that-- being "Feanorian" he must have been so ostracized and lonely :(
☆ - happy headcanon
Love the idea of him going to Ost-in-Edhil and being taken under Celebrimbor's wing. I headcannon them as being very close in the second age, bonding over being basically the last of the line, y'know?
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
Erestor never yells when angry. He just gets very, very cold. He's also super calculating and tends not to react to things in the moment, but prefers to plan things out that will come to fruition later.
✿ - Sex headcanon
Sex positive ace :)
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
EXTREMELY tidy. Mess drives him to violence! But he does have the innate human "clutter" thing of collecting objects (books, maps, notebooks, bird feathers mostly). And keeps these all in very orderly collections.
♡ - romantic headcanon
He's not a super romantic type, but if he's fixing your clothes/hair for you or fussing a lot then he probably likes you.
♥ - family headcanon
During the Third Age he lives up in the family's wing in Rivendell (with Glorfindel), and helps raise Arwen and Elladan and Elrohir. He's a huge part of their lives (and a favorite prank target).
☮ - friendship headcanon
He's one of those friends that you always want around because he's not afraid to call you out on your bullshit. He just has a very low tolerance for it. Especially for people who are too hard on themselves (which is why he's so good for Elrond).
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Bird watcher, likes collecting bird feathers and skulls, and is super into architecture.
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Mess, sour food, & hates hot weather.
▼ - childhood headcanon
already answered here, but have another one: he didn't have any actual siblings, but he grew up well-liked with a small posse of human friends that he'd run around with as a kid. He was very bossy but like, in the kind of way that makes you want to listen to what he says, and always had strong opinions on what games they should play and how to play them.
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
I'm not sure whether I have one of these due to him being immortal, though I like the idea of him developing a couple gray streaks toward the end of the third age.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
He doesn't cook a lot, mostly because he can't be bothered. Like, he can, he just doesn't like to & considers it a hassle.
☼ - appearance headcanon
I like to model his face after Lee Joon-Gi :) He looks perfect to me for what I imagine Erestor to look like.
ൠ - random headcanon
Coffee drinker. Where does that coffee come from? I guess the same place that Middle Earth hobbits get their potatoes. 🤷
◉ - Any other question of your choosing
☾ - sleep headcanon
Blanket hogger. Like obviously elves don't sleep in the way that we do, but he still hates being cold & when he does walk the paths of memory he 'sleeps' like a log.
★ - sad headcanon
Has regular balrog nightmares that he doesn't admit to. He's very macho about the whole balrog/gondolin situation but that shit was genuinely traumatic for him and yeah, he gets nightmares and phantom aches about it.
☆ - happy headcanon
Has a nickname for absolutely everyone. Calls Elrond 'winyamo' (kiddo). :) Elrond calls him 'grandpa'.
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
Ohhhhh he DOES do that sexy noldorin blaze-with-treelight when he's mad.
✿ - Sex headcanon
Very worshipful partner, kind of a horny bastard tbh.
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Messy. He doesn't mean to be, he just tends to leave things around and not put things away -- a bit forgetful like that.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Oh he is a mess when he's around his partner. 10/10 doting, hopeless romantic, pet names, the whole nine yards.
♥ - family headcanon
Also part of the peredhil family unit, plays pranks with the twins, and responsible for teaching all three of the kids pretty much everything they know about swordplay and footwork. It's not that Elrond doesn't train with them, it's just that Glorfindel's the main teacher in that regard.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Actually super good friends with Galadriel & they refer to each other by their Quenya names.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Very fidgety/has trouble sitting still. Tends to pace during meetings.
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Adores animals and melts for children. Absolutely can't stand spicy food.
▼ - childhood headcanon
I don't actually have one???? 😭 I have such a hard time imagining Glorfindel as a child actually.
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
Mellows out considerably with age and kind of just wants to retire in a cottage with his husband. Please don't ask him to rule or do any politics. He just wants to settle down.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Loves to cook. Is very bad at it.
☼ - appearance headcanon
IDK I actually disagree with a lot of general depictions of Glorfindel, mostly because I think they're just a bit too fem? Idk how to explain it but he's a huge kronk-y himbo in my head, and a lot of Glorfindel depictions just don't look right to me.
ൠ - random headcanon
He still doesn't braid his hair back for fights, even though he really should.
◉ - Any other question of your choosing
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(Dumb headcanon)
I think maybe after 3rd kinslaying… Maglor was the crazy one and Maedhros was the sane one
Like, these orphans… Your brothers murdered their maternal grandparents and your brother’s follower murdered their uncles. You drove their mother to (failed) suicide while their father was away. You burnt their city and murdered their people. You took them as hostages away from their home away from their culture.
Reasonably, they do not like you.
Also they are part Maia and slightly Eldritch.
It’s just a BAD idea to adopt them. Like, bad idea from so many different perspectives
There were people who wanted to keep them and possibly could take care of them better. They could grow up raised not by murderers of their family
Maglor: Yeah anyway I am going to keep these babies
Maedhros: No
Maglor: YES
Maedhros: the other day they tried to murder us with their hair
Maglor: but look how cute they are
Maglor and his emotional-support (kidnapped) babies
I like to think Maedhros was rational till the end. He forced himself to be sane (for an insane goal)
Maglor was kind of broke by the third kinslaying. All the sound. The screams. The building collapsing in fire. The swords cutting into bodies. The wind and the waves. Elwing yelling then laughing at them.
And he was no longer able to make new songs. He did not want to think what this meant. After all, the other one infamously lost his ability to create was Morgoth.
So Maglor was functioning but far from sane. Passively suicidal at best.
Maedhros would keep E & E against his judgement and conscience if that meant Maglor got a reason to live
Maglor did have a really good assessment of the situation. The “we’re already in eternal darkness why should we drag more people into our doom” comes from someone extremely depressed.
I think Maedhros did have the same feeling but seeing the way Maglor was he decided that something must change.
Then the whole burning hand thing happened… and that was the moment Maedhros finally lost it
I actually like to think Maglor was not delirious in his wandering
In some way he got a purpose, or decided a purpose for himself
I think he was suicidal for a long period of time but after Maedhros offing himself he realized he lost the right to do the same
(also very possibly Maedhros said something to him to guilt-trip him into not following suit)
(Like, Maglor was holding this bottle of poison. Maedhros saw it and decided to take it and drink it himself)
I think his wandering was his way to make up for his family’s mistake. Now his father and his brothers were all dead and he was the only one who was alive and could make any changes.
He wanted to repent for his family. It was too late but he would still do it.
There was no reason to go back to the west. He made judgement for himself.
I think even his canon end was not “giving up and drown in misery.” Tell the cautious tale to people was not self-pitying.
I like to think he just continued to live on the land his father led them to. See and experience everything for his dead family who could not see or experience themselves. Continue to exit, learned new songs. Lived the way Eru designed elves to live.
Anyway I just feel it’s funny to think that Elrond & Elros were basically Maglor’s emotional support Eldritch Peredhels
(In my undergraduate art school the dorm did not allow pets so people registered their cats & dogs as “emotional support animals.” The funny thing is that’s not even wrong; almost everyone had either depression or anxiety or both.)
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Third OC (Original Character): Marko Stjepan Mitrović/Aiarnāro Elnethīnye
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The Red Flames danced upon the sea, Where lies an unyielding and fierce soul, Aearnor, his mother-name many knew by.
His eyes were the fury of a thousand suns, Burning brighter with passion and desire, Strides through the cities of the deathless darkness.
He was as more seductive as the harlots, Cunning as the tyrants, fierce as the warriors, And more handsome as many of mortal men.
Black tresses with silvery white streaks, Pale skin he has, adorned with the golden hues Clad in robes of the blood red and pure black.
A Peredhel born with the vampire blood, Light and shadows he belonged in both, He's clever with a mind sharp as a blade.
Fairest of all men, his beauty matched Ganymede's Admired by many, feared by some, His old soul was burned by the fires of resuscitation.
The Shrewdness of ages in his eyes, The passion of man in his heart, And the wholeness of a being in his spirit.
Marko Stjepan Mitrović was the youngest twin son of Halatirnë II (Previous OC) by a Human-Vampire Count Šimun Mitrović of Vinkovci and twin brother of Aiardil Alatarāto (Aeardil Galadrod—First OC), the biological son of Lord Hrávahyalmo Altaluimë (Next OC). [Note: Their birth was the result of the real-life rare occurrence called Heteropaternal Superfecundation, which involved the fertilization of two eggs by two sperms from different fathers.] He was the only Peredhel (if not) who had his vampire lineage and the last scion of the last generation of the Mitrović Family since 1999. Marko now appeared in the Elemmírion Series on Wattpad. (Still ongoing)
Description of the artwork: The original form of Aiarnāro/Marko was described as waist-length, raven-haired with silver streaks (Same as his mother Halatirnë II), clad in blood-red robes, his skin was as pale as either alabaster or porcelain. He holds the Elder wand, which was wielded by Albus Dumbledore (Formerly), Lord Voldemort (briefly), and Harry Potter (after the Battle of Hogwarts). The background was supposed to be black and red gradient and a giant red fires/flames behind him.
Names: His name "Marko Stjepan" was the common Ataressë (Father-name) given by his father Šimun. Aiarnāro (Aearnor/Eärnáro) was his rare Amilessë (Mother-name) means "Sea of Fires/Flames" given by Halatirnë II herself, while his epessë (Aftername) was Undómielo "Evenstar", Elnethīnye "Star of the Evening" or Hesperus "Evening Star".
Bloodline: ½ Elda (Telerin);¼ Human; ¼ Vampire
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imakemywings · 1 year
Idril and Eärendil for the ask game? 😁
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There needs to be a square for "They did nothing wrong." Idril did nothing wrong! Well...she may be a kinslayer, but other than that!
I've talked before about why I don't think children were taken across the Helcaraxe, so my take is that Idril was an adult when she left Tirion and honestly that makes it more interesting for me because it means she was fully capable of making her own decisions when she went. Both her parents went--Elenwe is the only wife iirc who is explicitly stated to have gone with--which makes me think the whole family was probably on board with this. As always with the Nolofinweans, the question of Alqualonde looms...did Idril kill anyone? Maybe? I think in the heat of the moment she would have, particularly when they didn't really understand what was going on.
So presumably Idril made her own adult decision to go on this quest and then her mom dies and they spent 30 years crossing an icy wasteland and maybe she's a killer now and her parents are probably killers and nothing will ever be the same as it was. Did Idril see anything, when they were crossing the Helcaraxe? Did she see anything about their future in Middle-earth? Or was it all foggy and obscure out there on the ice?
She must be a practical person--she has the wherewithal to start planning Gondolin's escape even when she doesn't know what's coming or when. She's smart enough to keep it from Maeglin. She even has armor made for Earendil, and that ends up saving his life when Maeglin stabs him.
Idril honestly doesn't get a ton of fandom attention, but I have seen some takes that blame her for Maeglin's betrayal or act like she treated him unfairly and I am so not here for that. Maeglin's creep behavior towards Idril is fairly canonical and the idea that she was obliged to put up with that for hundreds of years or even "give him a chance" (!! what kind of misogyny!!) is insane to me. Nor does it state anywhere in the book or drafts that she is unkind to him--only that she's put off by his insistent romantic interest in her and that she doesn't trust him. The dude was ready to murder her husband and child and force her to marry him, and that really doesn't say anything good about their past history.
I do tend to think their relationship had its positive elements, particularly when Maeglin was younger, but I think his refusal to accept her lack of romantic interest in him wore things down pretty far, which only got worse when Tuor came into the picture. I think early on, Idril assumed Maeglin just had a crush that would pass and she wanted to try to be there for him while trying to set some reasonable boundaries, but as he became an adult and still would not take no for an answer, she probably did lose patience with him.
Love her leading the Gondolindrim to safety during the fall, and I love fanon interpretations where she gets close with Elwing in the Havens at Sirion. I'm sure Elwing has other parental figures in her life from among the Doriathrim, but the thought of her having been close with her mother-in-law for years before she and Earendil are married is sweet <3
OH and she's every bit as much of a nerd as Turgon. She's fantastic with administrative tasks.
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Earendil, our most beloved star! Earendil is painted so clearly as a hero in the book and as a savior of Middle-earth that some of the takes on him absolute baffle me. It feels like there are fans who don't understand that many Silm characters end up in positions where there is no "good" option--only the one that does the least damage and nets the most good. There is nothing in the text that tells us Earendil wanted to leave his family and go sailing for Aman seeking help against Melkor. In fact, what we do get of him and the fact that he willingly surrenders his preferred choice on the Peredhel question for the sake of Elwing suggests he loved them a lot and would have much preferred to stay at home with his wife and his kids.
I tend to assume these less charitable takes, as with Elwing, are for the sake of making him look worse so Maedhros and Maglor don't look quite as bad for butchering the Havens and kidnapping his children.
I love Earendil/Elwing as a "childhood friends to lovers" romance where they're these kids who have been through so much already but they meet and grow up together in the Havens and it feels so natural when things shift to a romance <3 They may be a little co-dependent at times but that's okay <3
Tolkien describes his first voyage:
"Earendil found not Tuor nor Idril, nor came he ever on that journey to the shores of Valinor, defeated by shadows and enchantment, driven by repelling winds, until in longing for Elwing he turned homewards towards the coast of Beleriand." (Of the Voyage of Earendil and the War of Wrath)
I do not believe this guy, who missed his wife so much that he went back to see her again when even the perils of the sea had not deterred him, did not love his family.
"Great was the sorrow of Earendil and Elwing for the ruin of the havens of Sirion, and the captivity of their sons, and they feared that they would be slain..." (Of the Voyage of Earendil and the War of Wrath)
Did it hurt Elwing and the twins that he was away? Yeah, at times, it probably did. Did it hurt the twins that their dad was not able to rescue them from the Feanorians? Yeah, it probably did. Unfortunately, turning back would have forfeited bringing the host of Aman out in force against Melkor. Earendil sacrificed the joy of being there with and for his family to make sure they survived, and the rest of Middle-earth with them. At this point in the story we know, and many of the characters seem to understand, that Melkor cannot be defeated without the aid of the Valar. They need the Valar's help. Someone has to get it. Earendil takes that burden on himself and it does mean he can't really be there for his family. But not because he doesn't love them or want to be there with them. Earendil's story throughout is one of sacrifice. He helps save Middle-earth, he defeats Ancalagon, he ensures the survival of Elves and Men alike--but it means he can never see his children again, he can never go home to the Havens again, he is tasked with sailing Vingilot for the rest of time. He is probably the most quintessential folk hero in Middle-earth.
I also want to note, regarding the Silmaril, this quote about Earendil and Elwing's final voyage in search of Aman:
"He stood now most often at the prow of Vingilot, and the Silmaril was bound upon his brow; and ever its light grew greater as they drew into the West. And the wise have said that it was by reason of the power of that holy jewel that they came in time to waters that no vessels save those of the Teleri had known..." (Of the Voyage of Earendil and the War of Wrath)
Here it is strongly suggest that but for the Silmaril Earendil and Elwing's quest would have failed. If they were not able to reach Aman, they would not have been able to bring the host of the Valar back to Middle-earth. In short: if the Feanorians had successfully reclaimed every Silmaril, it may have ensured Melkor's victory over Middle-earth.
This is, to me, the strongest evidence that Elwing was not wrong to withhold the Silmaril from the Feanorians and that her belief that Earendil needed it was not misplaced.
Also, this, from when Earendil finally comes before Manwe and the Valar:
"Pardon he asked for the Noldor and pity for their great sorrows, and mercy upon Men and Elves and succor in their need. And his prayer was granted." (Of the Voyage of Earendil and the War of Wrath)
One of the most annoying things I think is when people act like Earendil and Elwing are either obliged to forgive the Feanorians for what they did or else they're heartless bastards. Here we see Earendil explicitly ask for pardon of the Noldor. Earendil and Elwing are not unreasonable or set against the Noldor or whatever. Earendil is part Noldor himself! That does not mean they have to forgive the Feanorians for the brutal war crimes they committed.
ANYWAY as I've said before...Earendil is clearly intended to be a deeply sympathetic and heroic character and I'm not in for takes that don't acknowledge that.
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saturn-s-moon · 1 year
I've been thinking a lot about Elrond/Sauron as a pairing. Now this seems random, but I ship both w/celebrimbor so it is only logical to try to experiment with Annatar being in Eregion on the 2nd age.
They'd be introduced by Tyelpe, and inmediately something clics. Maybe it's because of their Maiar connection, but Annatar is a bit more flirty than usual and Elrond doesn't really mind. He has his doubts at first, but lets himself be led by Annatar (because impending war is making him miserable and he reasons he deserves at least one nice thing, and what's the worst that could happen?) And eventually the two fall in love. And it's sweet, they both learn and complete each other in weird ways. Even when Elrond learns he used to be one of Morgoth's pawns, he figures he's trying to get better, leave that life behind. The charming blonde man who speaks up whenever someone tries to make him feel bad about being peredhel cannot possibly be evil, he reasons.
But he is, and as the story goes, he tortures and kills Celebrimbor and Elrond's whole life falls apart. Everyone he's loved and been loved by is gone now, one way or another.
In my head, it goes down as a 1 on 1 Elrond & Annatar fight by the end of the 2nd age in which they're the bitterest of exes but then… Elrond has the updo annatar told him he loved on him and the gold armor he told Elrond was perfect with his skintone. And Annatar, having gotten rid of his headband has his eye fixed on Elrond and can't help but think about the times Elrond told him he should show his third eye more, and he's wearing the outfit he wore on their first "date" and they both hate the other, and they'd do anything to destroy him and they've taken everything they can from them, but they know deep down that they still love the other and they can't stop thinking abt him, even with how things are between them. And it's awful, but they can't stop loving each other.
AND THEN after the 3rd age starts and sauron starts rebuilding his forces he "harasses" elrond through osanwë but they both know hes holding back and they can feel the tenderness underlying the connection and there's love but it's just the remains of what once was. It is love that can no longer grow, to ask them to rebuild their love is to ask a wet log to burn, but they still mourn for it's brief existence.
It's even worse if they have the LaCE soulmate bond because then, when they're using it, they know there's been something there and that is the evidence of its existence; their bond was made out of love that has long died but its ashes stain both of their hands and they can't wash it off. And Sauron may say he'll murder every last of Elrond's family but it does not work when he's used the same bond to say sweet little nothings, a few hundreds of years ago. Things that were once thought in the dark now echo through that bond and it haunts them.
And maybe, when Celebrian is released and Elrond sees what Sauron has done to her, Sauron feels how he feels through the bond and maybe, just for a millisecond, he feels pity. It vanishes quickly but it was there and it was there because of Elrond, because as always he has managed to make something grow out of barren land.
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
A little less selfish
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/fDI1uAp
by hikarielizabeth
It's fucked up. This whole situation is fucked up. Galadriel herself is fucked up. EVERYTHING IS FUCKED UP! Galadriel doesn't even know what she's doing here waiting for this Celeborn guy to show up. She knows is a waste of time. Galadriel is incapable of love. And how could she not after losing her brother that way, after her family was torn apart! After him...
Words: 1065, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV 2022)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Halbrand (The Rings of Power), Galadriel | Artanis, Arondir (The Rings of Power), Bronwyn (The Rings of Power), Tar-Míriel, Elrond Peredhel, Ereinion Gil-galad
Relationships: Galadriel | Artanis & Sauron | Mairon, Galadriel | Artanis/Halbrand (The Rings of Power)
Additional Tags: Angst, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Song Lyrics, Inspired by Music
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/fDI1uAp
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/05g23Xz
by RinzlersGhost
Elanorien is the adopted 'mortal' daughter of Lorien scouts. When darkness begins to stir in the South, they flee to the shores of Valinor and leave her behind on the docks of Mithlond, trying to pick up the pieces of her life. As time wears on, she finds out that her story is much deeper than just the mortal woman she thought she was her whole life. This is the story of her journey, the friends and family she makes along the way, as she becomes the person she was destined to be.
Words: 1140, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings (Movies), The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Lindir (Tolkien), Haldir of Lothlórien, Meludir (Hobbit Movies), Elrond Peredhel, Thranduil (Tolkien)
Relationships: Lindir (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s), Glorfindel (Tolkien)/Feren (Hobbit Movies)
Additional Tags: Battle of Five Armies - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Use/Abuse of Magic, Feral Magic, feral elves, Nesting as Platonic Affection, Eventual Smut
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/05g23Xz
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heyas! i'm your gifter for the tolkien secret santa :) just wondering if you've got any particular things you'd like to see; any favorite eldritch peredhel bits, especial character preferences, any hcs that are near & dear you'd like? (as vague or as broad as you feel like being! i have a few vague ideas cooking so far)
Hello! Sorry it took me a bit to answer this, I've been Sick this whole past week which put a bit of a damper on my holiday spirit lol.
I always use these event asks as a place to ramble and headcanon dump (here's last year's which might be useful? It has a bunch of headcanons on Doriath and Menegroth culture!) so I hope you find something that inspires or intrigues you, but no pressure to use anything! Also I Cannot Remember what specifically I put in my request, so apologies if any of this is repetitive.
I love worldbuilding and character building and generally making places and people feel alive in a very personal way. Good relationships and fluff in contrast to The Agonies Of The Plot are very much my general M.O. lol, and I tend to prefer my angst as hurt/comfort or bittersweet. I love love love the importance of choice and conscious decisions to the nature of Arda and its people. Sweet family domesticity is like crack to me.
One of my favorite parts about eldritch peredhil is taking these fairy-tale people Tolkien gives us and taking them to their logical extreme of magical Beings and Creatures while still being, you know, good, relatable characters. Fae vibes are top tier, always (circling the fairy-tale idea around!!), and some good animal-esque instincts and body language is just *chefs kiss*, whether as something lighthearted and silly (stupidly massive dilating cat eyes and bird courting instincts my beloveds) or more serious and dramatic (being a little possessive, for instance, hunting instincts, also getting Spooky when emotion runs high)
One thing which I have seen done well but is not my cup of tea is darker takes on this in relation to. Well. Relationships. It's important to me (for Beren/Luthien especially) that just because magic is involved it doesn't take away or minimize the choice of either party. Maybe they don't quite know what they're getting into, but it's more in a "Ah. My girlfriend is kinda nocturnal and doesn't always remember that I need sleep" way and not a love spell way, and that any possessive behavior is still healthy and agreed upon. Also related: they might not be perfect parents, but they try their bests and love their kid(s) and let them make their own choices and please Tolkien I need one mostly healthy and happy family in this legendarium let me have this just two-three generations is all I'm asking-
Ahem. Yeah. So I'd prefer something that isn't on the darker side for that lol. As for character preference, I'm happy reading about whoever! I do have a bias to the earlier generations of Melian's line (more concentrated Spooky!), but I love all the peredhil to pieces, I just haven't given them as much detailed thought, and haven't made up my mind on how some stuff is portrayed in my Arda, so go wild with whoever!
Some general headcanons: I love some good fluffy werewolf!Beren as seasoning after the undeath deal, I think he deserves headpats and belly rubs and also being able to full body shake out his wet fur to spray his wife and kid despite their protests <3
Luthien is so much to me honestly. I could go on for pages. She's mostly vegetarian, except for when she hunts down prey she kills with her teeth and eats raw. She's immutably human by her own choice and nature, she's incredibly inhuman via the same. She loves her parents, she hates her parents. She unfailingly adores the People she's chosen. If she'd adopted Turin his early life would have been much weirder but also much better because if anyone can dodge Morgoth's curse it's her. She makes me insane <3
Daeron is the greatest uncle ever and is super weird about everything (affectionate) and is permanently relegated to "Baby Brother" in Luthien's mind and vibes strangely well with Beren. He's little Dior's favorite person in the world because he travels so far east and comes back with awesome stories and taught him how to play instruments and gives him cool presents!
Beren & Luthien: What do you have there?
Dior: A knife! :D
Beren: NO!
(Luthien: We use our fangs and talons in this household sweetie
Beren, again: NO!!!)
Let's see... I've written a lot on Dior and Nimloth in other places, if you're interested in them, but! Because I will make everything end up ok even if it kills me! Dior technically counts as human in soul but by virtue of rules-lawyering and debating The Lord Of The Dead (and also being a thinly veiled trans allegory haha whoops I was oblivious) alongside Nimloth he gets to be reembodied and counted as an elf. E^2 1.0 are deemed too young to Choose but their parents are like "well they aren't getting any older being dead, reembody them with us and then they can make their Choice later" which to Namo's regret and amusement is perfectly valid logic
Speaking of Elured and Elurin. My dear, sweet, small children. My Frankenstein's monsters :)
Everything ends up fine by virtue of my "no permanent unhappy endings if we have them at all" agenda! But my take on their fate is that they end up pretty severely Changed by virtue of Doriath's ambient Maiarin Radiation And Not-Insignificant Sentience, turned into Something that lets That-Which-Used-To-Be-Elured&Elurin survive but as a fun, monstrous, eldritch cryptid! They end up dying probably because Doriath slowly drains of power as the Age moves on and lets them go- or maybe it's because Beleriand drowns, I don't really know, point being they're in Mandos and (mostly) themselves again and can now get therapy and reunions! I have many thoughts on them growing up in ~2nd Age Valinor and freaking the Amanyar out and being very frustrated that Elwing is the big sister now (until they finally get taller than her).
Elwing is all vibes and incoherent thoughts in my head. She's like 7 mental illnesses stacked in a feather-cloak. She deserves to go feral and bite stuff. She schedules mental breakdowns in her daily planner and abides by it to the minute while dressed up for brunch. She likes to scream for little-no particular reason in the same way that someone might idly use a fidget toy. I think she serves as a seagull mob boss and has a bunch of hitbirds to subtly and classily threaten to torment people with.
Elrond and Elros grew up in an apocalypse and came into their own in a post-apocalypse and they are simultaneously super weird and strangely well adjusted because of it. Elros settles into himself earlier, but Elrond fakes normalcy better. Also they have mary sue "everyone except the bad guys likes them" vibes.
So yeah that was my rambling, I'm so excited to see what you write!
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wonderwafles · 5 years
Foam Flower
A fic done for the 2018 Tolkien Secret Santa (@officialtolkiensecretsanta)! Featuring Elrond, Eärendil, and the titular ship. Among others.
Vingilótë was its name, and Elrond was the first to see it.
Eärendil was quick and sure-footed across the beaches of the Havens, and though Elrond was not nearly so, he followed. Eärendil turned and grinned at him when he fell behind, though it was not of derision, and he would slow to let his son catch up with him.
Elrond remembered also the boat they found moored at the mouths of the Sirion because he had seen his father leave on it many times, Elwing his mother joining him occasionally but never he nor Elros.
“When you’re older,” Eärendil said when Elrond asked him, and smiled and kissed him on the forehead. “But soon. I promise.” And Elrond did not pretend to understand the sadness in his voice.
Today Elrond wanted to ask his father a thousand times what it was he was showing him, but Eärendil’s eyes were fixed on the horizon, drifting ever westward, and Elrond stayed silent, only held his father’s hand and grinned when he looked at him.
Círdan met them at the shores of the island. “Who is this?” he asked Eärendil, the hint of a sparkle in his eyes, the faint lilt of a smile on his face. Even then Elrond could tell he had seen much he should never have had to see.
“One of the two greatest things I have ever had a part in making,” Eärendil, who understood the propensity of children to be embarrassed by their parents and used it to nefarious purpose, said. Elrond blushed but held his hand up to the Elf.
“Círdan, sometimes called the Shipwright,” the Elf said, taking the boy’s hand. “I have to tell you that there have been many since myself, but I’m afraid I’d already taken the name.”
“Elrond,” Elrond said, feeling his lack of title. “It’s an honor.”
“The honor is mine,” Círdan replied, and Elrond felt as though he meant it. “Now then. Your father tells me you are to see what we are working on.”
Elrond nodded vigorously, such that Eärendil laughed and Círdan smiled. “Then follow me,” he said.
Círdan brought the two of them around the coast. From a distance, Elrond could see the havens of the Falathrim where Círdan was lord.
“The Falas were our home,” Círdan said, catching Elrond’s eye. He followed it to the last holdings of the Falathrim. “Ever westward did we look. We still do now.”
Elrond nodded again. “Have you ever been West?” he asked Círdan. He had met a few Elves who had lived in the West, but they always spoke of it with sorrow, so he didn’t press.
“Ha! No. I never went,” Círdan replied. “My place was here.”
There was a gravitas in Círdan’s voice. Elrond wondered how old he was. Elves didn’t age, not like his grandfather had. He didn’t remember much about Tuor, only his smile, creased with the beginnings of age. But there was much about Círdan that reminded Elrond of his grandfather.
From behind him he felt Eärendil reach around his waist and lift him into the air. Elrond laughed aloud as he was set down on Eärendil’s shoulders.
“I am your ship, my lord,” Eärendil intoned, which made Elrond shriek with laughter. He couldn’t remember ever laughing as hard as he did then.
In time, they came upon the cove where Eärendil and Círdan worked. Eärendil set Elrond down, and the young boy ran up to the entrance to the cove.
“Is it in here?” he asked, his voice hushed. Eärendil rested his hand on Elrond’s shoulder.
“It is,” Círdan replied. “Shall we?”
Eärendil led Elrond along the beach, Círdan walking ahead of him. Elrond watched his gait and tried, for no particular reason, to step only in his footprints in the sand.
When they reached the ship, Elrond was almost disappointed. The ship’s white skeleton was the only thing standing, and strewn about it was the evidence of his father’s labor, pieces of wood resting in the sand, with other materials tucked further away from the lapping of the sea.
“The prow fell off,” Círdan said, stooping to pick up the piece.
“We’ll fix it,” Eärendil said, smiling, and that was another thing Elrond remembered about his father – the way he could convince anyone that any problem was temporary.
It didn’t seem to work on Círdan, who held the piece in his hands and frowned at it. Elrond looked up at his father.
“Is this it?” he asked, hushed. “This is the ship you’ll sail West with.”
Eärendil did not often speak of his voyage, but Elrond and his brother both knew well enough what he was planning. Eärendil nodded slowly. “This is it,” he replied, keeping his hand resting on Elrond’s shoulder. “She is fair, is she not?”
Elrond looked at the skeleton on the beach. “Well,” he began. He didn’t want to hurt his father’s feelings.
Círdan laughed, the first time Elrond had heard the old Elf laugh, and one of a rare few that he ever would. “It’s hard to see as yet,” Círdan said, and ran a hand along the unfinished flank. “But she is fair to my eyes.”
Eärendil did not speak, merely watched. Elrond wondered what he was thinking.
“She must have a name,” Eärendil said eventually. He looked down at Elrond and let go of his shoulder. “What do you say, my captain? Will you help us?”
Elrond grinned. “She will be the fastest ship ever built!” he said. “So that she will bring you back to Emig and us quickly. So, um… wave-cutter!”
Círdan was amused by this name. Eärendil looked caught off-guard by this, but recovered to smile again. “Wave-cutter is a fine name.”
“I’m not done!” Elrond said, his mind pivoting with un-Elven swiftness to a new topic in the same way that Eärendil had always exhausted Idril with. “It’s a beautiful ship, too. Like a flower.”
Eärendil knew better than to presume Elrond was done this time, and waited for him.
“Flower of the sea,” Elrond said. “Vingilótë. You should call her Vingilótë.”
Elrond had three more ideas after that, but he kept going back to Vingilótë, and Eärendil agreed that this too was a fine name.
Círdan looked up at the ship. “Vingilótë,” he said. “Now there is a name that carries fate with it.”
Elrond giggled.
Eärendil knelt down to kiss his head. “We should be getting you back,” he said. “Your mother will miss you.”
“Will you take Elros to see Vingilótë, too?” Elrond demanded.
“Of course,” Eärendil said, laughing.
Elrond was satisfied with that. Círdan walked them back, past the havens of the Falathrim and to the little boat, and bid them farewell as Eärendil took them back.
“Atto,” Elrond said, “do you think Vingilótë will be strong enough to take you West?”
He didn’t know much about his father’s errand, only that it was necessary, and that when Eärendil returned (for he surely would) it would be to a world without the darkness that cast its shadow on his parents’ faces. He knew his father’s ship must be the best it could be.
Eärendil considered the question. “I think so,” he said. “Círdan is the greatest Shipwright in the whole world, and he knows what he’s doing.” He ruffled Elrond’s hair.
When they got home, Elros nearly tackled his brother with questions.
“It’s secret,” Elrond said to tease him.
“Is not!” Elros insisted. “Atto, was it secret?”
Eärendil leaned into the embrace of his wife. “I’m glad I showed him,” he murmured to her, out of earshot of the two boys.
Elwing looked down at the Nauglamír, worn around her neck as she had seen her father wear it, and smiled. “Me too.”
Word had come down – a special dispensation was granted by Manwë himself. Elrond was to sail from Eressëa to the bays of Eldamar.
He had gone before, but never like this.
“I wish I could meet him,” Bilbo grumbled. “Mayhaps I could show him my poem. Do you think he would like it?”
“I think he would love it,” Elrond assured.
“Hmmph. Will you take him a copy? Let me know what he says.”
“Master Baggins,” Elrond intoned. “If I didn’t know you any better, I would say you were nervous.”
Bilbo scoffed at that, but pressed the scroll into Elrond’s hand anyway, and Elrond solemnly promised to fulfill the errand.
The Teleri raised their hands in greeting to him. “Son of Elwing!” they cried, and wished him well. He greeted them in turn, and they pointed him in the direction of his mother’s tower, but he told them that he was not going there today.
The ship was waiting for him, docked as though it were like any other vessel. His mother waved at him from the docks, a gentle joy in her face.
Vingilótë was different now, built with Elven-glass and shining with a light that never could have graced it in the little cove where Eärendil and Círdan had kept her. But he recognized her, saw in her hallowed frame the same skeleton that had been waiting for him on the beach.
He hugged Elwing, and then looked at the ship. “Is he-?” Elrond asked. Despite his better judgment, he felt nerves alight in his stomach.
Elwing laughed. “He’s waiting for you,” she said.
On the deck of Vingilótë, Eärendil was sitting. When he saw Elrond, he rose, and on his face was a poorly disguised mirror of Elrond’s own nerves. The Silmaril was not on his face, and the wholeness of his features could be seen. Elrond was glad.
They stared at each other.
“It’s been a long time, my son-” Eärendil began, but Elrond was already embracing him. Taken aback, Eärendil wrapped his arms around his son.
“I have missed you,” Elrond said, simply, thousands of years within his voice.
“And I,” Eärendil said, which was all that needed to be said.
Elwing embraced them both, and to Elrond it seemed that everything was perfect for the first time in a very long time.
Almost perfect.
“The Valar liked your name,” Eärendil added, beginning to grin.
“Huh?” Elrond said, not understanding.
“Vingilótë. They thought her well named. I made sure to tell them who came up with it.”
Elrond laughed. “That’s good,” was all he could say.
Before Eärendil left again to resume his journey, they talked of many things. Elrond spoke of Lindon, of Gil-Galad and of Círdan, who had remained to faithfully guide all who would leave. (“He’s grown a beard?” Eärendil asked, the shock evident in his voice, while Elwing laughed. “That old man. I can’t wait to see it.”) He spoke of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, of Samwise the Brave and Elessar.
At last, as night was in its final hours, Elrond pressed the scroll into his father’s hands. “From an old friend of mine,” he said. “You must tell him what you think, he’s anxious to know.”
“I will,” Eärendil promised. He embraced Elrond and Elwing again, and watched as they stepped off of Vingilótë and onto the docks of Alqualondë.
“Until next time,” Eärendil said, smiling gently. Vingilótë set out, ready to lift into the sky and rise again as the morning star.
He walked with Elwing back to her tower, and they embraced again before she began to climb, ready to meet her husband once again.
On the boat back to Tol Eressëa, as Arien’s light spilled in from the east of the world, Elrond watched Gil-Estel, and found a peace in his heart that had not been there when he’d looked on that star during his long years in Middle Earth.
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moriaarts · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
so i have this fic idea where Elrond arrives in Valinor and wants to find his foster father. he ends up finding instead his kidnaps dads boyfriend thats come back to life salty bc he can’t find said boyfriend
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tuuliii · 2 years
Characters & ships:
Celebrían/Elrond Peredhel, Elladan & Elrohir & Arwen, Glorfindel
Hurt/Comfort, Family feels
Glorfindel let out a laugh. "A scratch, Elrond? Are you becoming light headed from the blood loss? Your leg almost got bit of by a wolf!”
"He's exaggerating," Elrond answered back and tried to disentangle himself from Glorfindel's arms. If it hadn't been for Celebrían, he would have instantly crumbled to the floor, but instead he was now leaning onto her with his whole weight.
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violetnatelley · 3 years
The Oialëa Series - House of The Peredhil Headcanons
Some headcanons and details of various characters. This is mostly for my sake because I am so bad at keeping notes and having to find them in stacks of papers and post-it notes lying about in my room.
Note: I will be editing this as I update my story. :)
Illyria Strange/Elemmírë:
Surprise, she was actually not that tall in her elf form, probably more glowy and more graceful but standing next to Maedhros and Glorfindel, she’s shorter than Elrond by several inches.
She got the habit of being barefoot from Idril when they were still Vinyamar, when she was literally a toddler and would follow her around along with Voronwë. She carries this habit as Illyria.
Wears gloves because she used to have to wear it as Elemmírë after they got burnt by Ancalagon.
She has a favourite child (sorry Elrohir) and it's got to be Elladan since he shares the most traits with her. But they get into the most arguments the most.
She gets teased for being the golden-haired lady out of her, Mereneth and Celebrían during the Second Age.
Has the worst aim as an archer and has at least shot one of her friends and family (or almost shot them).
Hates spiders.
Not fully human or elf: she’s a whole different being but no spoilers yet.
She, Shuri, Harley along with Peter and his parents have a movie marathon once a month. They’ve probably watched the Star Wars movies more than twice. 
From above: the Mirror Dimension has the best acoustics to watch movies.
She and Mereneth spent most of their time pranking Gil-Galad, Erestor and Elrond the most. And yes, they had a prank war to end it all. 
After the War of Wrath, she never was able to feel anything with her hands so most of the time she needed to wear enchanted gloves to protect herself. Sad thing was that she also never got to feel any of her family with them until she became Illyria. 
Cont. from above, Elemmírë had to hold her children with gloves.
Elrond Peredhel/Tercáno:
He designed his study so it could be a place for him to have people around and to feel comfortable and safe, hence the open small courtyard and balcony and how it looked out into the valley.
The gardens he designed with Elemmírë were based on Elemmírë's memories of her house in Gondolin as well as the gardens in Lindon but also from Númenor as Elros was into gardening and plants.
He keeps every piece of craft, writing and artwork his children make and often takes them out to look at them whenever he feels lonely and often wishes his wife is here to see them grow up.
He built his own harp and ‘tried’ to teach his children; only Elrohir was able to be equal to his level but none could match Lindir.
Like twins, he did once conceded to Elros to switch places one time during a trip to Númenor. Only Tindómiel and Elemmírë were able to distinguish between the two of them.
He always made sure to spend time with his children when they were all elflings, from climbing trees with Elladan, getting paint all over him from Elrohir to making sure Arwen hadn’t tried to lure half of the valley to do her bidding.
He has about dozens of poems about everything in his life but only Erestor knows about it, just how he’s the only one who knows about Erestor’s secret stash of rather questionable love notes to Glorfindel.
Elemmírë made sure they would have a day for themselves where they would just discuss about anything they liked at the waterfall. They often ended up perhaps elsewhere.
Being part-Maia...he has a little bit more powers which can’t be said atm. ;)
Arwen Undómiel:
She's Elrond's favourite (which basically means poor Elrohir literally is the unproblematic and nice middle child technically).
She learnt a lot about politics and ruling from Galadriel and Celeborn because ngl, Elrond's too kind to be king and Elemmírë would get bored sitting on a throne.
Arwen is the golden child, admit it. Was able to show light magic at the age of ten, was able to see Vilya even though Elrond and Elemmírë shielded it with a bunch of enchantments and was incredibly good at connecting to the animals and living things around her.
She goes to her brothers depending on what she wants. Elladan: to have fun and get away with doing things she shouldn't be doing, learn more light magic and steal food from the kitchens. Elrohir: to listen to him tell stories to her, go on picnics and learn how to play the harp.
Arwen's strength is her connection to the Astral Plane and can become corporeal in one location.
Would get along with Master Hamir or Andrea Barnard and can discuss about philosophy and ethics of other beings and races.
She was not involved with the goat prank.
Elladan Mahtaro:
He is the eldest out of the Peredhil Twins by about twelve minutes.
He wields Calimmacil, one of Elemmírë's dual swords from Gondolin.
His fighting style is a mix of his uncle and his mother and prefers to use the offence side of eldritch and light magic.
During the wars against Angmar, he did fall in love with Firiel, Queen of Arnor and Gondor, and chose to never marry again after this...until Chapter 24 of Changing of the Song.
He and Arwen argue a lot, especially when it comes to strategic decisions and politics and thinking about the other races in Middle Earth.
His strength in magic itself is using dimensional magic more than light magic. His style is sharp but not as controlled as Elrohir and can erupt into bursts with emotion.
He gets along with Legolas the most, both of them competing for the fastest tree run.
Would get along with Stephen Strange and Wong the most, especially with his interest in the Mystic Arts.
The prank in the goat was his idea but Elrohir would say the latter.
Elrohir Quentaro:
The most stable and most elf-like out of the children of Elrond & Elemmírë and would never give up immortality for some person.
The most balanced of traits with his parents and is incredibly patient but very open and friendly and loves to meet new people.
Glorfindel's favourite. (And the least when it comes to pranks)
He does possess a craft compared to his siblings and can create books and is becoming a good loremaster like his parents.
Best storyteller in the Hall of Fire apart from Lindir and Glorfindel.
He is the mediator and anchor of his entire family and without him, the dynamics between them all are going to push them apart. He is a good listener but is good at inputting suggestions and advice.
Out of him and Elladan: he is the one who initiates the pranks.
His magic is more tamed and can have the most control with it. He uses the deepest parts of magic such as using light magic through enhancing his fighting and body but especially use it to weave his stories.
He, Elladan and Kili made a pact along with Pippin and Merry to do the most pranks during their stay...which literally had to be Lindir’s worst month ever.
Would get along with Darcy the most especially when it comes to talking about gossip and stories.
It was his idea about the goat and Glorfindel.
Glorfindel/ Laurefindelë: 
Half-Ainu (Son of Ilmarë according to Part 1 Interlude of CoTS).
He and Ecthelion babysat young Elemmírë and Voronwë the most and took them swimming in Vinyamar when the season was warm.
During his stay on Earth, he enjoyed tasting and learning the cuisine Wong cooks and loves to dot Darcy at the new technology and their way in using Astronomy.
Has seen every Disney Princess movie. His favourite would have to be Tangled. (Probably because of Rapunzel’s long golden hair.)
 As Captain of the Guard and a formidable warrior, he has trained all of the Peredhil children. 
Second most targeted person for Elladan and Elrohir’s pranks. (First being Lindir.)
He and Elemmírë ran their own house but they were terrible at managing a good balance with socials, so thank Hestondur (their governor of the house) for literally being the backbone.
Could and would break your back if you tried to hurt his family.
He would say that he one against Maedhros in Wii Sports bowling but Maedhros would say it was beginner’s luck. 
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