#and seeing what people wrote when added to reblogs or tags
ladyteldra · 1 year
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bfpnola · 8 months
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ID: An infographic from the Instagram account @letstalkpalestine consisting of 10 slides. Image 1: The title page of the infographic. The text says: "Let's talk Anti-Zionist Jewish History." A smaller subtitle underneath the title says: "Jewish solidarity with Palestine until today." End ID.
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Image 2: The infographic continues to the next panel. The text says, "As long as Zionism has existed, so has Jewish resistance to it. While today the majority of Jewish people and communities worldwide still have a Zionist connection, more and more Jewish people, especially from the younger generation, are unlearning Zionism & speaking out. Swipe to learn more about just part of anti-Zionist Jewish history - since there's more than we can fit in 10 slides." A semi-transparent image is overlayed in the background, of someone holding up a sign that reads: Jews for Palestine! #Free Sheik Jarrah. End ID.
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Image 3: Icon of a location tag next to the words Eastern Europe. In large, blue text is the word "The Bund" and the subtitle describing what it is, "A Jewish Socialist movement, established in 1987." The following paragraph says, "Opposing Zionism from the start, its 50-year tenure saw hundred of thousands of members across Eastern Europe advocate for workers' rights and cultivate a Yiddish culture." Location tag and the title, "North America." The paragraph says, "After mass immigration to the US in the early 20th century, [American Jewish Labor groups] (highlighted in chalky blue and bold white text) criticized Zionism for its colonial, nationalist, and bourgeois nature." Next to this text, is a circle with women protestors holding up signs. End ID.
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Image 4: The title, "Middle East and North Africa." The paragraph states, "In 1945 a group of Iraqi Jews founded the Anti-Zionist League. They recognized Zionism as a form of colonialism linked to Western Interests. They hosted events and published pamphlets throughout the Middle East about the difference between Zionism & Judaism. They warned that Zionism is dangerous to Arab Jews, forcing them to split their Arab and Jewish identities, and urged the UN to create a unified Palestinian state.
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Image 5: The panel is titled, "Anti-Zionist Jewish figures." A faded image of Hannah Arendt's visage is in the background. Overlayed on top, the following paragraphs discuss her. "Before 1948, several prominent Jewish leaders and scholars came out in opposition to political Zionism. Writers like Hannah Arendt turned against the Zionist movement and opposed a Jewish state. They correctly predicted a dark future if Zionism continued on the same path in Palestine. End ID.
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Image 6: The day after the Deir Yassin Massacre in 1948, when Zionist militants wiped out the Deir Yassin village & its inhabitants, Albert Einstein wrote: "When a real and final catastrophe should befall us in Palestine the first responsible for it would be the British and the second responsible for it the Terrorist organizations built up from our own ranks. I am not willing to see anybody associated with those misled and criminal people." The former paragraphs are imposed against a tan, parchment fragment, in typewriter font, and the letter ends with Sincerely yourn, Albert Einstein, both his signature and typed name. End ID.
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Image 7: Titled "Anti Zionism Today." Blue sketchy image of someone's hand gripping jail bars breaks up the following paragraphs which say: Jewish solidarity with Palestinians is growing around the world, including even some Israelis who take the basic step of refusing Israeli military service. As punishment, Israel imprisons these conscientious objectors — but unlike Palestininas, they have a fair trial & often severe relatively short sentences of a few months . This is a first step towards solidarity and has the real consequence of depriving the occupation state of its soldiers. End ID.
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Image 8: Titled "Israel's Crackdown on Jewish Anti-Zionism" Behind this text are a picture of handcuffs. In the corner is a picture of Jonathan Pollak. The following text says: Jonathan Pollak is a Jewish Israeli and long-time anti-Zionist activist. Israel has detained him several times, most recetly in January as he protested with Palestinians in Beita, (a Palestinian village) for allegedly throwing stones. Jonathan has been violently attacked for his activism. In 2018, Jonathan was slashed across the face by settlers who ambushed him outside his workplace. Earlier, in 2005, Israeli soldiers shot a tear gas canister. directly at him, causing internal bleeding in his brain." End ID.
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Image 9: Semi-transparent image of an umbrella behind the title text is "Jewish Anti-Zionism isn’t one ideology. It’s an umbrella movement that encapsulates multiple communities and beliefs towards decolonizing Palestine. Some motivations or Jewish anti-Zionism include: 1. Pursuing millenia of Jewish tradition as a diasporic community 2, Detachibng religious and cultural tradition from political nationalism. 3. Socialist visions of a Jewish Society. 4. Believing in the right to self-determination for Palestinians Standing up to Zionism is: 1. Standing up to apartheid and colonization. 2. Standing up for a liberated, equal, and just Palestine from the river to the sea.
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Image 10: An ending quote, and call to action, by the Anti-Zionist League. It says: "Jewish Men! Jewish Women! Zionism wants to throw us into a dangerous & hopeless adventure. Zionism contributes to making Palestine uninhabitable. Zionism wants to isolate us from the Egyptian people. Zionism is the enemy of the Jewish people. Down with Zionism! Long live the brotherhood of Jews and Arabs!" --The Anti-Zionist League. End ID.
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damazcuz · 2 years
One more question(for now) why do people on tumblr use tags to talk #like this #about whatever they think of the post, instead of just commenting on the reblog😭 Is there an etiquette I'm missing?
short answer: yes.
long answer, there is an etiquette to it, and I think it's a longstanding thing that just ended up ingrained in a lot of users, which comes off as cold/shy/outlandish or maybe even standoffish to people from other sites and apps. there's no be-all end-all of how to act online or on here but i think in terms of most* people (*speaking broadly, making this up) who've used tumblr for a while it feels like this:
tumblr is a theater, the dashboard is a stage, each post is a performance. (a joke, a dramatic act, a story, a movie, a picture, etc.) you have a variety of ways to interact with the performance, but some of them are going to be more frowned upon--based purely on how the long standing visitors of the theater are used to acting, honestly.
likes are a polite applause, but they don't show anyone outside of the theater that you enjoyed yourself, or what you enjoyed. the performer appreciates the applause but does not garner any new viewers when you only like a post, btw.
silent reblogs mean you exit the theater with merch or a leaflet and go show it to other people. look what i saw on the stage, don't you want to see it too. this shows the performance to a new variety of viewers, who might then also show it to others.
replies and reblogs with content are often seen as """"rude"""" because they're like standing up at the end of the performance and loudly saying "that was okay but I think MY take on things makes it just a BIT better." people are more forgiving of this when it's something universally true or acceptable, or when it's very funny. if it's not (and even if it is, sometimes,) there'll potentially be a reblog down the line making fun of it (and this is another person in the theater standing up and making a fart noise, regardless of how tasteless or rude.) it's never actually "wrong" to add comments on a reblog unless you're being intentionally hurtful, and it's normal to add commentary to a friend's post, but even then, people seeing this from the outside may see that as obnoxious and impolite and try to call you on it anyway. (people are very weird about enforcing what they see as a universal rule of etiquette, when this is admittedly the only site where you'll be punished for adding to the discussion.)
and again, this is an absolutely arbitrary rule because what one person finds universally true and hilarious, another will find trite and stupid and too niche. the polite thing to do in the case of the latter is just reblog from further up the chain than the commenter, but people aren't always nice when they're annoyed.
getting to your actual question now, comments in the tags are a way to leave remarks that you DON'T want to shout to the whole theater. these are you whispering to yourself or your friend, or writing in a guestbook on the way out. people can see/hear it if they go looking for it, but you're not shouting over the performance to get your piece out. it's polite because it's unobstructive and doesn't take up space, and if your tags don't make sense to someone else or seem too niche, they don't have to share the post with your commentary attached.
adjacent to this, "peer review" or screenshotting someone's tags to insert them in the post is like if you did whisper to your friend, then your friend wrote your comments on a whiteboard and held it up for others to see. as this is a form of commentary within the reblog, it's again subject to an arbitrary universal/niche rule. just because a tag gets peer reviewed doesn't mean it's beyond reproach by strangers.
also in line with this general line of thought experiment, blazing a post means that between acts, you run up on the stage and start shouting your piece. it is, once again, going to be more acceptable to strangers to see you do this if it's something universally funny, true, or cute. this is why niche fandom posts, vent posts, and self promotions get ignored or booed down, while pet birthday photos and silly jokes get blazed and get a lot of notes regardless.
lastly, a kungpowpenis is when twelve+ individuals from the audience get up and beat the shit out of the person performing on stage and leave their corpse on display in the town square.
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
I kinda understand “minors don’t interact” and similar things, but one thing I always laugh at is “don’t tag as [thing].” You know — the whole don’t tag posts with the word queer in them as q slur, don’t tag not-inherently-shippy art as ship, don’t tag character posts as kin, etc. First of all, what would you do if someone DOES tag it like that? Call the cops? Second of all, people are gonna tag things however they want, you’re gonna have to deal with that on a website like tumblr.
There’s a similar phenomenon on Twitter where people say “don’t quote retweet”/“don’t private quote retweet” (which is especially funny cuz everyone is gonna see that and go on their private accounts and quote retweet with nonsense to piss you off, lmao)
Like if you’re really SO FUCKING SCARED of your gay post being tagged as #q slur, your Death Note edit being tagged as #Lawlight, your fanart being tagged as #kin, you probably shouldn’t be on the internet. Do you have the right to not view queer as a slur, the right to not ship whatever, the right to not like fictionkin? Of course! But people also have the right to disagree with you and tag your post however the fuck they want. One time I saw someone tag one of my cosplays as [character] faceclaim, and I was a little bit weirded out, but overall it was harmless. I never once considered adding a banner saying not to tag my likeness as a faceclaim, because if I really want to prevent anyone from doing that, the solution will be for me to not show my face online.
Small tangent: When I was younger I used to have a private sideblog that was basically just a venting diary. No one had the password, and, because it was private, my URL wouldn’t show up in the notes if I reblogged something to that blog. Basically, no one knew the blog existed. And I remember sometimes I would see a cool post on my dash, or in tags, and it would be tagged as #dont reblog (this was before tumblr had the option to limit reblogs obviously). And if the post was cool (or edgy, because like I said… vent blog) and I was sad that I “couldn’t” reblog it, I’d reblog it to the side blog, where OP would never know 😭 Rebellious as hell wasn’t I?
That being said — and this might contradict everything I just wrote — I do think people that brag about not reading/not following DNIs are also a bit obnoxious. Not people who just make statements that they don’t read them, but people who make it known how much they hate their existence. It just seems kinda edgelord-y? Idk. Obviously it’s fine to not read them or like them but making it a huge statement is just like…ok? Congratulations? Should we throw you a party? Should we invite Elon Musk?
I have followers—and follow people—who have “Antis DNI” in their bio. I also have followers and follow people who have “Proshippers DNI” in their bio. No one will ever know what side I’m on 😜😜😜😜
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delumineight · 7 months
romione fic list
because it’s hard to find good ones
disclaimer, these are mostly all on ao3. this will be updated every now and then and open for suggestions !!! if you have any suggestions please reblog with them. this is an ongoing list that i will be adding to whenever i find something that i like enough to rec.
list below the cut, just so people who aren’t on my account or in the tags for this don’t have to see it.
rec list
the reasons by incalculablepower
— RATED T: background harry/ginny, past lavender/ron, a tad of inappropriate humor at the end, takes place at the end of sixth year or half-blood prince
SUMMARY: “As the school year comes to an end, it's time to reflect on the one that's passed and prepare for the next year. And with their two best friends otherwise occupied (that is, snogging all over the castle), that means a lot of quality time spent together...”
resistance of the mind by tuesday_piracy
— RATED G: background harry/ginny, current lavender/ron, pining hermione, black hermione, black lavender, takes place during christmastime sixth year or half-blood prince
SUMMARY: “Hogwarts is hosting a Winter Solstice Ball for their older students, and naturally, Ron and Lavender plan on attending together. However, as the night of the Ball arises, Ron is racked with familiar concerns over his attire, his looks, and his hair. So, naturally, he turns to Hermione, and she can't help but aid him. — Or: Hermione gives Ron a haircut. Absolutely nothing (something) happens.
anywhere with you by kieunlocked
— RATED G: takes place during deathly hallows during the horcrux hunt before ron leaves, discussing where they would rather be then in a damp tent in the middle of nowhere
“One-Shot of Ron and Hermione talking about places they’d rather be than the cold, miserable tent during the Horcrux Hunt. / “Though, to be honest I might rather be in the Potions dungeon right now than in this bloody cold tent any longer,” Hermione groaned, wrapping her arms around herself. / “Not the Potions dungeon, Hermione!” Ron said with mock disgust, slinging an arm around her easily, effortlessly. As if he’d done it a million times. And when Hermione thought about it, he really had been doing it quite a bit lately.”
don’t talk (put your head on my shoulder) by sarahxxxlovey
— RATED T: shell cottage, pre relationship, aftermath of torture, missing scene, takes place during deathly hallows
““I don’t know what I would’ve done if—” Ron said in an uncharacteristically tender voice, pulling away slightly to cover her cheeks with large hands, tears dripping down his nose. “I couldn’t— I thought I was going to lose my mind.” / “Me too,” she said, swallowing and nodding, looking up at him. “I didn’t think I could take it… I—” / Words failed her. She broke down into sobs again. / “Hermione,” he said, his voice cracking, kissing her wet cheek quickly before hugging her even tighter. “I’m just so glad you're okay.””
let the golden age begin by incalculablepower
— RATED T: missing scene, during lavender/ron, during apparation testing, maybe a tad and i mean tad bit of emotional cheating, as in people mistake them for boyfriend and girlfriend and neither of them make corrections, half-blood prince, sixth year
“A couple of awkward moments in a still-healing friendship. Half-Blood Prince missing moment.”
funny little frog in my throat by anonymous
RATED T — pining, specifically pining ron, fluff and humor, idiots in love, my personal all time favorite, they’re still magical but no war au
“Ron loves Hermione. It's an ugly business, he's very upset about it, but he loves her and that seems to be the axis on which his world turns.”
self recs
meet me in the woods
— RATED T: secret dating au, starts at the end of sixth year and runs until the shell cottage scene in deathly hallows, written for romione week 2023, oblivious harry, 9k words… oops
““We could just… not tell him.” / “Just keeping it a secret? Okay.” / Whatever Joanne wrote for Deathly Hallows was NOT real. This is (trust me).”
that damned cat
— RATED G: post-war, hermione’s eighth year, crookshanks fic, cuts to around 2009/2010 i think, cat dad ron, and just general dad ron, wine uncles drarry
“Ron hates that cat—but he loves Hermione more.”
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pebiejeebies · 5 months
Made her “normal” vs monster/bestial comparison!! + height comparison + color palette comparison
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(This is an oc for the Objectfied comic au im making! I will explain her role soon..!)
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(Adding this just in case you aren’t interested in reading my infodumping below :P I basically got a bit too excited and wrote down a lot of details abt her lol—)
The full sets of her pronouns jic: Xe/Xem/Xer/Xeirs/Xerself — She/Her/Hers/Herself
Aaand.. maybe I’ll sneak in a neopronoun :3c Cub/Cubs/Cubself
Now let’s get onto some character design study! Let’s start with her limbs!
I was going to make her limbs white, which aesthetically didn’t look nice, so instead of white limbs, I thought maybe I make it the colors OF the stripes, with the white slightly showing, and if your wondering how her limbs turn from normal to tiger.. let me demonstrate..!
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That’s basically how her limbs change color, her limbs originally have dark stripes with a slightly lighter rest of the skin, depending on how much she turns into a tiger is how much the colors show!
The paws on the normal limbs are different from the tiger ones, I couldn’t make the paws the exact same color as the limbs so I made it lighter (since I didn’t show it in the reference above, I didn’t put it’s color in the palette)
Her tail completely shifts into nothing just like her fur on her neck, I thought it would be cool if I added small stripes along her neck where the fluff comes but I thought it was a little too much, since the limbs were already showing off the cool stripes, yk?
Plus, if you noticed, the more normal version of her is more awkward and shy, to the point she doesn’t even know what pose she should make! But the more she shows off her bestiality, the more confident and proud she is! Since tigers are very strong and confident, I thought it would be cool to make her lose/gain that confidence based on how normal/bestial she is!
Her claws can unsheathe, which is why I demonstrated it in the reference above btw
To disguise her stripes, she said she was just born with this “odd beauty mark pattern” which wasn’t exactly a lie, some people would fall for it, and some got suspicious but didn’t think too much about it
And uhh about my older sonas, (Fuorzy, Bookmark, and Portal) I’ll see which ones I’m gonna stick with since I think I’m losing my hype for Bookmark
And to end everything, she is one of my (favorite) sonas now, as she really shows off everything I have!
I am a white tiger therian, very VERY skinny, I have glasses (my old ones were circle glasses), freckles, I always feel confident and happy when I shift into Xue, aka my theriotype, and in reality I am a very shy and awkward person!1!
I thought it would be such a perfect idea to add my theriotype in my sona because I got SO MUCH therian energy off of Dynamite! Which inspired me to make my own oc and lore and au and… yeah you get my point.. <:D (I actually shifted earlier today and yesterday after months of nothing which felt so refreshing, I thought I lost my connection for a while!)
Woah! That was a bit too much hahahahhahahaaaaaaa— uhh I hope this feeds you well! I think I got possessed by a grammar demon or something but wow I didn’t even misspell that much, I may have worded some things wrong but bear with me, it’s a struggle I deal with every day :,)
Ilysm if you are still reading this/p, I’d love any fanart of my ocs so tag me if you draw xer! <3
(Tagging @ch0cocrave, @facelessthefreak and @hollow8007 since y’all rebloged/commented on the first post <3)
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junkanimate · 26 days
I know, who would have guess?? Anyway I wanted to send some appreciation all around to some of the fanfics I've read, because writers need some more appreciation in general.
so, in no particular order:
✨Here's a list of fanfics I've read/I'm reading that I think they're pretty good✨
Solid Stone Turns To Clay by @randyzorra - MK fic
A solid Johnshi fic set in a pirate au, I'm absolutely obsessed with it. It's a beautiful slow burn, where Johnny is a disgraced bounty hunter who's trying to regain his fame by stealing The Shadow, legendary cursed ship. Ship that so happens to have a certain someone as her captain. Honestly not only I love the romance, but also the friendship between Johnny and Kung Lao and Johnny and Baraka.
Beware that this fic is tagged as explicit, so check the tags carefully
Back There by houndhead - MK fic
Ehy, have you ever thought that Raiden wasn't there when the others went to Outworld to find Shang Tsung? Yeah what if they never told him what happened back there because of good ol' classic trauma? I'm in love with this concept and houndhead explores it in a very interesting way, showing us how each character would act after experiencing what happened at the lab. I also really love how the characters interact with each other, in the last chapter Tanya and Tomas are just perfect.
Raise The Blade (Make The Change) by cherrycola94 - MK fic
A very fun Johnshi fic that's written a little bit like a script, it has some added scene set before the game, some exploration of the canon through a Johnshi lense, ad finally it continues as a post canon, with a very fun story. While I was reading it I could see in my head the scene perfectly, like it was actually a movie. The second chapter has an AMAZING SCENE, like I was so in love that I have a wip of that scene. I should come back and finish it honestly. The new chapter had exactly the kind of scene I was craving for recently, I'm so happy they wrote it!
But I lowered my sword when you held me and swore (you'd stay, stay, stay) by @necromanticzz - MK fic
It's a johnshi fic with a Kenshi pov, where Kenshi has so many walls up doesn't want any help but Johnny just seems to be able to go through them without any problems. Honestly I also advice the other fic necromanticzz wrote about them, the way Kenshi gets chracterized in both of them is just *chef's kiss* perfect, beautiful, amazing. The two fics are just my favourite in the way Kenshi is written, applause all around, love it.
Koffee Shop Kombat by @loujitsushotsoup - MK fic
Because a classic coffee shop au is always needed. We have multiple ships, different writing styles between chaptes, changing with which character's pov we are following, and I love the creativity that was put in it. You maybe saw this post where I drew one of the scenes in this fic, so YOU KNOW that I mean it when i say that I love this fic. And I'm a big sucker for coffee shops as a setting, really love them in real life as well.
Cole's Chilli Recipe by @before-time-had-a-name - Ninjago fic
Another fic where I drew one of the scenes and it's because it deserves it. It's a lostshipping fic, very sweet, very cozy, honestly Cole and Geo make me incredibly emotional everytime and this fic also straight up picked me up and squashed me. I saw in some of the reblogs on my post that people went to check out the fic and I'm so happy about it because they deserve his work to be checked out. And honestly if I can give her more spotlight I will take the chance. Go check out this fic, it's very cool.
Here Comes Casey Jones by Invader_Sam - TMNT MM fic
Very sweet rasey fic that takes place post movie, with the turtles going to highschool and Raph meeting for the first time Casey Jones. What can I say? I just really love Rasey, and I love they're both clearly crushing on each other but they're not really saying it. And the fact that there's no unecessary teenage angst, they just really like each other, and I love that for them ❤
Think Of It As War Paint by less_depresso_more_espresso - TMNT 2012 fic
Another Rasey one, short and sweet, where both of them honestly are giving so much gender in my humble opinion. It's hard to explaning it without just saying all the fic, so we could say it's about them just chilling on a roof.
A Garden Across Our Collarbone by PittedPeaches - LMK fic
I think everyone and their mom already know this fic, and if you don't it would be my honor to talk to you about it. This for me is THE spicynoodle fic, it was one year of my life and honestly at the end of it I cried. This is a soulmate au, where demons sometimes have soulmates, and when that happen it's like they share skin, so they can write stuff on their body and it will appeared on the skin of their soulmate. It mostly starts like a rewriting of seson 1-2-3 by Red son's pov with this new dynamic, and then it becomes a new original timeline. The way this fic is everything to me, every chapter was an incredible experience, I fell in love with this fic at every chapter. So many beautiful scenes, written so beautifully, as I said this fic was 1 YEAR of my life. It was also a very difficult year, and I'm honestly so happy that this fic was there for that time of my life.
Desde el Principio by ShippingMyWorld - Nicktoons United fic
Okay idk If you saw me reblogging a bunch of Nicktoons fanart like two days ago, but just so you know I'm totally going into the rabbit hole of this fandom and I will be lost for a while. Now, this is a Danny Fenton/Manny Rivera fic, the tag has only two fics and both of them are from this writer.
I wish I had this commitment in my life, to just being THE ONLY one creating a specific content for something and still having the motivation of doing it
I read this fic last night, I finished it at 5 a.m. and I do not regret it at all, this was amazing
I actually recommend reading both fics because they are very good, I'm giving a shout out to this one because I think it's the one that made the biggest impact to me personally. ShippingMyWorld you did it, you converted me, I ship this now.
And that's the list, thank you so much to every fanfic writers that give us such amazing art everyday, you're the backbone of fandom!
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beartitled · 29 days
Can you do some more comics with Francis mosses
I can, but the problem is
That I’m pretty much out of ideas and I’m progressively getting tired of tnmn fandom
Ppl who look at my tags probably noticed that 😓
More of my thoughts under read more for curious ppl
(short answer maybe I will do more, but I desperately need a break from tnmn)
! Just a general warning: this came out kinda long + sort of venty
Originally I planned to do 1 comic drop and move on, but got stuck bc ppl liked tnmn comics and kept asking for more (and still do-)
Generally I don’t mind doing more if the ideas are there, but I want to address this: I’m tired
I know blowing up is usually a good thing and I appreciate people enjoying my stuff
But it’s exhausting to see that tnmn is the only type of content which is relevant, to the point that my own projects or stuff I enjoy are just kinda.. ignored
It’s fair – again my blog is heavily fandom based
(+Tsp were and still is kinda the focus)
But with tnmn fandom it’s a bit… different
Maybe I’m biased and it’s just my negative experience with tiktok comments
Remember this art?
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cleaning up transphobic comments was.. um tough
Again, I get that you can’t be in that neat bubble completely sheltered from negativity
Humans are just assholes by nature really/j
So I was expecting the backlash, but not that much
I think maybe tsp fandom spoiled me a bit (in a good way), bc I got a feeling that everyone in tsp was positive of any lgbt+ headcanons and just generally more supportive
(don’t get me wrong, there ARE problems in tsp community too, taking narrators design controversy into account as one of the examples)
Obviously every fandom always has it’s own issues, show me at least one fandom that didn’t have some sort of meaningless controversy or some sort of problematic people in it
It happens
But it leaves a bad taste in your mouth sometimes
And for me personally it only added to not so pleasant experience
The thing I also noticed, when I interacted with other fandoms
Ppl wrote positive stuff first and foremost, not really asking for anything
Here it’s just “hey more. I want more. Do more. Do this character. Do this. Do more.”
The only reason I kept doing more, because likes, reblogs, views – these comics get a ton of attention
there is a audience to please alright
But this thing comes with a pressure tho
and it shows
so let me illustrate
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This bookcase
Is my shame
Because I was so rushing, I just copied and colour corrected this bookcase from my diploma comic and pasted it here in hopes for the best
Usually it’s normal to take materials used in other projects
the not so normal part is
to leave it like that because your stress reducing tea doesn’t work and you don’t really have time to redraw it
my m en ta l s t a t e i s f i n e ah ah h ah ah
Ok but jokes aside: it’s really tempting, to just abandon everything and produce content like some sort of content farm
But I don’t want to, I’m forcing myself and it makes my art worse
Yes it’s subtle, new people won’t even see this
But I’m not improving
And I don’t enjoy just anxiously popping out comics because everyone keeps asking
I can give it my all to something when I’m passionate, but just “hey I’m getting attention” is not the best motivator
Attention like that does get to my head, I know that I will probably give in again and do more, bc I will compare my posts engagement
But what’s the point of recognition, when you feel.. so numb about it…
Sorry for a mountain of text and thank you for ppl who actually took their time to read it
It’s been building up for a while and I feel like people need to know the reason why I’m not so enthusiastic about making “more”
I’m not necessarily completely abandoning this fandom
I still plan to do ask/suggestions event for STP (I’m just making sure I can dedicate my time to it, that’s why it’s taking so long) and I can add tnmn to the mix
Like STP+tnmn kind of deal
But for now – I need a break
At least for a little bit
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mandukkul · 10 months
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synopsis: you and riki have different ways of seeing love but, in the end, you’ll always know who you’ll end up with.
tags: childhood friends to lovers, non!idol!au, neighbour!riki x f!reader, FLUFF!!!, probably a bit of angst because why not
warning: spelling + grammar errors, tbd
wordcount: current— 300 , future estimated— 2 - 5k
published: tbd
reblogs + comments appreciated
authors note: HEYY i have one test left and a major work but i wanted to post this because i have a wip i wrote and planning to continue (wip is like 1000 words rn) this is kinda thanlyou wip for supporting me so far!! hehe… i’m still working out the kinks and the plot fully but i hope you enjoy it
niki never understood love, that is until he met you. he knew he loved many thing, like dance, and his family and friend, but if you were to ask him if he knew what love meant, he’d buffer like a 2000 era computer. of course, niki knew what love was suppose to be; he watched it on kdramas and seen it renditioned on manga. by their definition: love was hard. love was a hard and difficult and full of miscommunication, but also, love was soft and kind, and offered the sweetest touches to ones heart anyone could ask for.
love was everything, and nothing all at the same time.
he then concluded, after the piles of pirated manga and dramas he’s accumulated over his 17 years of boyhood, that love was simply. you. He didn’t need to be a genius to understand that. he knew if not you, then no one was going to fit that definition of love for him. niki didn’t fully understand love but he understood you; how he felt about you.
you and all your beautiful glory. love was your touch, your smile, your laugh. love was what he looked forward to everyday. you were truely the only exception to his dilemma of love, because with you, love came so easy. love was just like breathing, it was so effortless when it came to you. love for you felt like rain kissing his cheeks in humid summers, like snow tickling his nose during winter, like an autumn leaf falling on his head in the fall, like the cherry blossoms blooming when spring arrives.
!! end of teaser !!
taglist 🏷️: @k25vi
idk how this works please someone tell me but i’m pretty sure it’s made to keep updated for the oneshot but then again i’m not sure… not even sure how people ask to be added
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moonshinemagpie · 4 months
Some of my past posts on the books assigned in school to teach (or "teach") the Holocaust are being reblogged as International Holocaust Remembrance Day approaches.
It's always interesting to me to see people say, "I read the good stuff— I was assigned Elie Wiesel's Night."
People are adding this in the tags of my posts. People say this to me in person, compulsively. I am not qualified to explain this but there is something pathological behind it.
Elie Wiesel wrote a 900-page memoir in Yiddish about his time in concentration camps. It was called און די וועלט האט געשוויגן; Un di velt hot geshvign (And the World Remained Silent).
He then abridged it, translated it, watered it down, made it conform to the storytelling constructions of the West. Even the accusation implicit in the title was taken out; it was reconstructed to make non-Jewish readers comfortable, so that the world might be receptive to some curated, diluted sliver of Jewish trauma.
That is the book that became Night.
What do you know about Yiddish storytelling? What Yiddish literature have you read? How tolerant would you be to a storytelling culture that ignores the literary structures you have been taught are universal? Why aren't any of the most well-known Holocaust narratives translated from Yiddish or Ladino? Why have you never wondered why until now?
When it comes to the Holocaust, to what was lost, you don't know what you don't know. Don't ever think you do.
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writeblrsupport · 5 months
Let's talk
Hey all! Let’s chat a little! There’s been a bit of inactivity for both myself and Locke recently. I’ve been dealing with some IRL issues, and I know Locke has potentially been shadow banned. It hasn’t been easy trying to keep up with this blog, but by the gods we've been trying! We're hoping to bring more activity once the holidays are over, and hopefully Locke can fix whatever issue is going on.
With that being said, there's some things Locke and I specifically wanted to bring up in order to keep going down a few positive path for this blog!
Organizing posts
Going forward, Locke and I will be working on organizing posts. There's way too many in our backlog for us to realistically edit them all, which is why we'll try to organize them via these tags. Our pinned post will be updated with these tags once we figure this out!
#boosts — for sharing snippets that other people have wrote
#answers — when one of our mods sends out an ask, it will be tagged here!
#asks — these are for mass asks we send out to people!
#support — for our support posts
#admin: (user) — for specific mod posts!
#TW: (trigger) — current we have triggers for bigotry, violence, abuse, death, drugs, harassment, and dysphoria. If you think one should be added, let us know under a post!
#discourse — for any discourse posts that may show up.
What would you like to see?
Is there anything you'd like to specifically see in this blog? We want to make sure our content is the best it can be in order to help you all, so please give us any feedback through reblogs, replies, asks, submissions, etc.! Any feedback is welcome!
And finally, new blog admins
This is the last big thing. We would like to bring on at least 2 other members to help us with this blog. If you would like to join us, please send a message to @basalamander-corner and tell me about yourself, including what makes you think you're qualified for said position! We really need people we can trust, and people who can be strong pillars for the writeblr community.
That being said, we do have some restrictions on who will be allowed to apply, and that's the following:
You must be 20+. No exceptions.
You should have at least one blog (whether that's your main blog or your side blog) that focuses on writeblr!
You must have Discord for ease of communication!
Please be aware that as an admin of this blog, you may be subjected to dox/death threats, harassment, bigotry, and other nasty or sensitive content. If you want to be a mod, you'll need to be able to deal with these via deleting the posts and not interaction, since that's what they want. We also need people who will be strong pillars of positivity in this community, people who are willing to show kindness and empathy towards everyone around us! You'll also be expected to community thoroughly with the rest of the admins. As an admin, you'll be expected to reblog posts, share support, send out asks, and more!
Once again, please contact me if that sounds like something you're interested in! You can contact me here on Tumblr or on Discord, where I also go by basalamander!
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simp4konig · 5 months
𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!! 🎄🎁
It's Christmas! I myself am celebrating for a three-day period with my family 😊, and I wanted to celebrate it with everyone here, too! ☺️🫶❤️
Was wary that I wouldn't write this in time, but, thankfully, I wrote it *just* in time! 🙇🏼‍♀️
I want to take the time to thank everyone for this amazing year I've had! 💫🚀✨🌠 I created this account around mid-August, with my first post being on the 17th/19th (if you can count an anonymous reblog as a post 🤭), and in less than half a year, I've made so many memories and had so many memorable interactions that I cherish and will cherish from here onwards.
Thank you to all my followers (all 412 of you!!!! 😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💞💞💕) for deciding to follow this profile of mine.
I acknowledge updates haven't always been regular, and I know that I have not posted a fanfiction in nearly two months, but I want you all to know that with the new year, I will best this year's best and do even more of my hardest to give you regular updates. No official promises, though. I don't make promises, but I *do* give my own devotion. 🤧💔
I honestly feel so horrible for having an inactive account, and from the bottom of my heart, please accept my apology. I promise to do better, and do more for you all. 😓
Still, thank you to all of my followers that like my posts on a regular basis! I see you, and appreciate you. 👀💞
And, I would like to devote an entire section to all of my mutuals. You people all mean a *lot* to me, and I thank you all for just being here 🥹🥹❤️🙏❤️❤️✨:
Thank you, @puff0o0🎅.
You were the inspiration for this account.
Had you not inspired me with your Self-aware AU series, and your COD works, I doubt I would have written anything. But it was you, your character, and your writing, that inspired me to write my own works, and I'm so happy to have you here, eventhough, I'll admit, I'm a total POS at times and tell you to kill yourself every day <33
I genuinely appreciate you so much, and I'm glad that you're not only a mutual, but someone that I can call a friend. I still remember how excited I got when you followed me back! 🥹🥹🥹🥹💓💓💕💞💞💞💞💓💓🤧🤧💕💕💕💕💕
It's an honour for me, really, and, although I'm not the best at words sometimes, please, I want you know that you've made a meaningful impact on my life.
Thank you, @simpforkonig🎄.
You were one of my earliest mutuals and I had really enjoyed talking to you.
I see you 👀, liking my fanfictions and posts eventhough some of my posts are downright unhinged. 🤗💫
I'm thankful to have you as a mutual, a silent presence that makes me smile. 🥰❤️
Thank you, @abysslovesyou🦌.
It is *ME* that loves *YOU*, btw!! 😽💓💕🙈💖✨💞💕💕
I will forever remain your No.1 Appreciator™. 🦸🏼‍♀️🦸🏼‍♀️🌠
My interactions with you always brought a smile to my face, and I will always dedicate my works to you even if you are not tagged anymore.
Thank you so much for your kind words, and your encouragement. It all has meant, and still means, a lot to me. I hope that I can get around to finish all your RQs before I am rotting on my deathbed LMAOO 💔💔⚰️🥀🧟‍♀️🪦
Thank you, @aethelwyneleigh27🍪🥛 (thank GOD🙏 even tho im atheist 🛐, that my phone had your user saved. With my dinosaur arms🦖, it'd have taken me YEARS to type your name out ☠️☠️💀).
You are genuinely one of the loveliest people I've ever met. 🥹🥹💓 You are so kind to me, so genuine, and it's not often that one meets someone like you.
I still remember how I had short circuited when, when I went to follow you, it displayed that we were mutuals and you had been following me all along, like??? 😭😭😭 What an honour????? 🥹🥹🥹💓💓💓 AND THEN YOU ADDED ME TO YOUR TAGLIST AND I WAS LIKE AAAAAAAAAAAAADJDJSJSJA😭😭😭😭💘💘💘💘💘💘
Somehow, it's due to your amazing writing that I have fallen HARD for Ghost. 😓 The Dad! Simon series is one that I have been reading lurking from the shadows reading, can't believe I blew my cover my liking your post LOL 🤡. Anyways, thank you for honouring me with your follow. 🥹💓🙏✨
Thank you, @nevadancitizen🎁.
I STILL can't get over that it was ME that inspired someone to write something 💔😭😭✋💗💗💘💘💘💘.
Your fanfictions were and are great! It's an honour to have you as mutual, given your writing is a pleasure to read. ☺️☺️🫶✨
Thank you, @trepaika (no Christmas emoji because you don't celebrate it, so have a cookie 😘🍪).
You're a good friend of mine, and I appreciate you beyond words, even when you say nothing in the group chat aside from sending that GODforsaken gif of Tom Hutcherson 😘😘 LMAO 😭❌
Okay, but in all honesty, you're so lovely to talk to, and I'm glad to have you as a mutual, and friend. 🥹💖✨✨💓💕💕
Thank you, @skeletalgoats☃️, for... erhmmm?... being SO unhinged that you aren't even connected to the door frame, I guess? 💀☠️☠️
OKAY, but seriously, you're hilarious. I find your energy infectious, and even thought I do a double take when I see the stuff your little noodle has boiled, I like it this way. 🤧🤧💖
Thank you, @nightlyvoidz🍻.
I may not know you well, and you may not know me well, either, but you're genuinely the most sweet person I've met.
To me, you're wholesome, and I think you're really lovely. 😇💓
Thank you, @dobaddo🐻‍❄️.
Please forgive how tumblr wants to cockblock our conversations by refusing to send me notifications 💔💔😔🙏 That aside, I think you're really funny, and I love how we have loads in common (ehhh, stuff I won't list for obvious reasons 🥶🥶). It's a great day when we actually have the occasion to talk a little, about everything and nothing HAHA 😝🩷🩷💓💞
And, finally, I would like to thank for a final time all of my followers: the oldest, the most recent, the ones that check in on me, the ones that lurk from the shadows, the ones that like my posts, the ones that reblog, and especially the ones that leave comments. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank *YOU*! for blessing me with my own little corner of the internet. 🥰🫶❤️❤️❤️🙌✨✨❤️
Have a wonderful Christmas (or, a wonderful time if you don't celebrate it💪💪😎😎💯🙌)
Until next year! 🚀
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WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @i-less-than-three-you, whom I love so much and I'm excited to be tagged. I haven't done one of these in forever.
The full rules, which I am barely following because I write on tumblr and therefore don't have file names, will be below the readmore.
Anyhoozle, to the fics!
Gut Instinct (a Steve has a power AU)
Omegaverse fic
Stobin bodyswap AU
No Regrets
What's Eight Plus Seven Final? Part
H&H Project Flip
Sequel to the Wayne POV fic of him not liking Steve and him overhearing Steve's little breakdown about it
And the snippet here is from No Regrets because it's the one I most recently added to.
When he opens his eyes, El is looking at him, head tilted slightly to the side, a curious expression on her face. She squints at him, as if that will help her see him better before her face goes eerily neutral and she turns, continues to lead them towards what Steve can see if a barn in the distance. El pushes the barn door open with her mind, calling out, "Dustin! It is me!" "Oh fucking- thank fuck," Dustin says before he comes into view. "Is that thing still out there?"
And now for the no pressure tags and also sorry if you've already been tagged: @skepsiss @afewproblems @finntheehumaneater @stevesbipanic @pizzaqueen @unclewaynemunson @rebelspykatie
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
I’m so glad you’re calling this out! People don’t respect boundaries and were made to look like the villains.
Tbh, I deleted the post you’re talking about after some confusion. I don’t think I worded some of it correctly, so I’ll rewrite it here.
I love supporting my friends and their fics. I love chatting with the fellow content creators one on one about their fics. I love talking about new ideas about the fics they want to write. When I reblog a fic with something along the lines of “Ah!! I’m so excited you’ve finally posted this! I’ve been waiting!!” It’s not because they mentioned it once on their blog, it’s literally because I have been talking to them in private chats about the work.
When someone I don’t really talk to or have never had a conversation with apart from the occasional one sentence reblog or comment starts tagging me in things? That’s where I have an issue. My blog is not a bulletin board or ad space for people to put their fics on. I try to reblog fics that don’t have very many notes, I really do (I’ve also been going through a bit of a reader’s block lately). I remember what it was like first starting out on this site as a first time fic author and being so excited to get ten notes on my fic. Now I’m nearing a milestone! I did that by tagging my fics with the proper hashtags and interacting with people who chose to read them. I never in a million years thought so many of you would want to read my silly little stories.
So believe me when I say, I totally get feeling wanting more people to see your fics. I wish more people saw mine too, but I’m very grateful for the people who stumble upon them and take the time to read them.
I also think it’s very interesting that when authors and other content creators on here set boundaries, we get such immense flashback from readers. We’re people, y’all, and the fact that we have to keep reminding everyone about that fact is, quite frankly, worrisome. We are not machines. We do not do this for a living. I do this for fun, and when I get push back for trying to set a boundary, whatever that boundary may be, it makes this less fun.
Again, I can’t speak for the other writers on there (but believe me when I say several conversations have been had), but for me personally? It all goes back to the fact that content creators are being stripped of their humanity. I remember how fun and interactive fandom used to be before everything started being monetized. I used to get asks left and right without even having written fanfic! Fandom used to be a huge community filled with laughter and debates like “did these two characters bang?” “That character is asexual and here’s why” “I wrote a fic that I think you might like and here’s the link. No pressure to read it though!”, not “here’s another update. Here’s another update.” “You haven’t posted in a couple of days, when are we getting an update?” “Will you read this and reblog it?”
Idk, I had this conversation the other day, and maybe I just need to accept the fact that fandom as I knew it is dead and gone. In another life, I would have really loved giggling about fics and headcanons with you all.
Anyway, can we please stop making content creators out to be the villains when they ask to be treated like human beings and not soulless machines?
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chiyoso · 7 months
seeing other writers/mutuals who are so skilled at what they do talk about not getting support in their sfw, fluff and angst fics just piss me the fuck off, i'm genuinely so heated at the amount of old and new writers struggling because of new tumblr users
ik a lot of you readers like to read our smut fics/porn fics, but those writers, also talking abt only getting likes, instead of reblogs n interactions from those types of works as well is just so depressing that im starting to have this growing idea of what some to most readers are in tumblr
ill be the voice that other writers are hesitant and afraid to express:
LIKES are like a quick glance for us writers.
LIKES are like people who pass by us when we walk anywhere and everywhere.
LIKING is like telling us writers who take our time to write FREE shit for you; “we see it, we like it, but we will not do anything about it”
LIKES will NOT get us writers anywhere in this app.
LIKES is like deafening SILENCE for us writers, crickets, ghosts, an eerie dark night.
LIKES arent similar to instagram, tiktok and other platforms. it is DIFFERENT in this platform. they dont mean jack shit.
LIKES are like a hit and dip shit scenario. one night stand, loveless sex, meaningless encounters.
i've seen so much amazing fics, nsfw or sfw have over almost 9k interactions, then i look to the reblogs count and see only a whopping 500 or so like THE FUCK? SCUSE ME? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT RATIO?
if you're apart of the "ooh! i genuinely like this!" then only press like—thank you, truly. we're glad you like our work, to gain your interest and your silent support, but i want to inform you simply liking doesn't help us in a technical sense, it doesn't help our blog, our reach, it doesn't help our blog grow.
and if you're one of the blogs who only likes, i genuinely don't know what's so trifling and difficult about reblogging and adding the pre-made tags for you to spam and get it over with. i do it and its so, so fucking easy.
i genuinely, genuinely don't understand the analogy as to why you can't just... press that helpful ass button beside the heart. please, someone, enlighten me behind the reasoning.
if you're a bot, fuck you.
will at least (without tags/comments) be seen by your following and increase our significance only slightly.
REBLOGS with # tags INCREASE our chances of being discovered by a fuck ton.
REBLOGS with tags MIXED with your comments HEAVILY motivate us, your thoughts about our WORK motivates us.
REBLOGS are so, so fucking relieving for us, and that relief has been addictive to those starved from support, especially to writers who are struggling OUTSIDE of their work/hobby/blog.
REBLOGS in a literal sense, mean so much more to us than likes. especially with your damn thoughts. the mere thought of taking your time into writing something FOR US and OUR CREATION is so fucking motivating, every positive input from you will be CHERISHED no matter what.
and the fact we have to beg for it, to speak out about it as of late...
god, i remember in full detail the day where i wrote my first story, it had only 200 interactions max, and most of them were only likes and a few reblogs, but my inbox was full of positivity, mixed in with a few shitty ones, but i pressed on because of SAID INTERACTIONS AND MY LOVE FOR WRITING.
to my mutuals and other writers; i fucking love you and your stories so much, sfw or not, the writing community has done so much for me mentally, and lots of fics have been healing me. god its my first time releasing such emotions into this blog, but yea, ive just had it from the amount of turmoil ppl have been causing into all of you, outside tumblr or not.
hhh fuck im so pissed ill stop it right here, stay safe and may your favorite characters kiss you goodnight
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count-von-kit · 4 months
I'm never really sure how to sell myself, or rather garner interest to a fandom that has yet to really be established. But it's a small and wholesome group that I adore regardless. And I hope one day it will grow, because these goons have been the serotonin ride that's gotten me out of many tough spots time and time again. I'm finally in the position to slowly migrate my stuff from KoFi onto Ao3, and the reason I'm doing so is because KoFi outside of just being tipped doesn't really assist much for writers. I've lost many one-shot series because their blogging system does not allow to track posts by calendar dates like other spaces. But that's a personal rant for another time. That said, while I migrate my works to another site I still struggle to garner interest for some things I worked hard to write, even with having created a fandom tag for my very own family. And I know some things take time, but on the same token it still feels discouraging to a lesser degree. Namely because I'm not really sure just how to get people interested? If you're looking for wholesome and queer to read, I would be happy to present the following:
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"Happy Birthday, Rose!" is a piece dedicated to Camp Boolieve's very own plant-loving gremlin. It's short, and to the point. More or less a birthday present I wrote for Rose's player. Some minor revisions were done to this when migrating it from my KoFi page, seeing as this was written before the series concluded. Now it holds a bit more accuracy. I would recommend this one specifically if you've listened to our playthrough, as there is a reference to a very specific episode.
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"Hoodie" is a canonical piece written for the sake of gay fluff. It was written either right as Camp Boolieve was ending or immediately after? Or like right before our last episode? I can't quite remember exactly, but I wanted to write an important bit of how Abel likes to take Willy's hoodies. I did have to edit some things as I was nowhere near where I was when this got written. And while it's not perfect, it's still cute enough to sate those looking for fluff. Because we do love fluff.
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A more spicy tale. "Merry Christmas, I Could Care Less [Unless]" is the Christmas piece I was posting about back in November/December. My group finally helped me deliver this live back in January. They also convinced me to put it up on Ao3. So with that, I added in some spicier bits that we could not deliver on Twitch. :) This canonical piece does have some trigger warnings to it, but I'm really happy with it. It was not fun to format when transferring it over there, but it's still something I'm proud of. And it's only part one! The rest of the tale will not be delivered until later this year. I had to split it into two parts as there was no way we'd be able to read the whole thing otherwise.
So if you're looking for a longer piece with a little bit of spice, then I would gladly suggest this one. Also if you're able to count all the FOB references in this one, then I will virtually give you a cookie. If you want a slightly less spicier version, you can listen to the stream on our VOD channel below [I am sorry in advance for the audio quality...]. But I am uh... trying to cater to getting those hits on my Ao3 stuff...
And heck. If you like the series that much and want to check out where it all began, then boy howdy do I have a Playlist for you!
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read through this. Likes and reblogs are always appreciated. I'm always so nervous to share my stuff with people outside of my comfort zone, but at the same time I'm also very eager to share it and always hope folks like what they read. So if you do take the time to read through pieces I've invested so much of myself into, I want you to know that I super appreciate you and the time you've given me. Thank you, and I love you.
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