#and he's definitely on the chorus but he goes in and out so take this with a grain of salt
i very heavily recommend
there for you (a duet)
over til it's over (a group song but he has a small solo, a duet part, and he leads the male group parts)
it's my time (a group song but he has a duet part, and you can hear him on the first chanty part)
from the lodge to any dbd fans (who haven't seen it already) who want to hear jayden's singing/rapping voice
time stamps under the cut for the last two if you need them
(these are from the soundtrack version btw but the scenes line up i'm pretty sure)
over til it's over: 0:19 - 0:23 (solo part), 0:40 - 0: 53 (group part 1), 1:05 - 1:09 (group part 2), 1:14 - 1:17 (duet part), 1:28 - 1:40 (group part 3), 1:52 - 1:55 (group part 4), 2:10 - 2:21 (group part 5), 2:33 - 2:36 (group part 6), 2:48 - 2:53 (group part 7)
it's my time: 0:01 - 0:14 (chant part), 1:39 - 1:55 (duet part)
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More | Bucky Barnes (Mob AU)
mob!bucky barnes x f!reader ✧ oneshot
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Summary: You're the secretary to one of the most powerful mob bosses in the country, and that's what he was supposed to stay—your boss. The heart often has other plans. Now, you're in a race against time to save the life of James Barnes, the mob boss who has become so much more.
A/N: Longer one today, just as angsty as I'm used to. I write better with the more angst I do and you can't tell me any different. As always, let me know if you have any requests or comments because I love you all! Keep those dreams alive 🤍
Warnings: mob!bucky, vioence, angst, fluff throughout (because I'm really trying here), secretary!reader, mentions of past abuse in relationship, protective bucky
Word Count: 13,122
I have to make it. I have to.
"Come on, come on, come on," I breathe out, drumming my nails nervously against my steering wheel and peering around the car in front of me.
He's not answering his phone. I have to make it in time.
I take my lip between my teeth, the anxiety in my chest only rising as each second ticks by. Finally I swear under my breath and swerve around the car before me, slamming the gas pedal to the floor. A chorus of honks rises around me but I don't care. All I know is that he's going to die.
My boss is going to die if I don't make it.
You may be wondering to yourself, how did a meagerly-paid secretary end up breaking traffic laws and nearly crashing her boss's brand new Tesla just to get to him in time? Why would I even bother? Why would his life be in danger in the first place?
Well, to understand that, I'm going to have to take you back to where my life of crime began.
If my mother ever heard I had a life of crime, she'd kill me herself, so let's keep this one between us.
2 Years Prior
"I'm sorry sir, but you don't have an appointment and Mr. Barnes is full for today," I repeat, quickly losing my ever-bearing patience with the brash business man before me.
His eyes dart around my desk and to the office of my boss, CEO James Barnes. I've only worked here for a few months and yet being his personal secretary is proving more difficult than I imagined.
"Look sweetheart, just let me through and I won't take but a few minutes of his time," the man pushes, not even sparing me a glance as he walks around my desk. I shoot to my feet and step in his way, not hearing the office door open behind me.
"You can either see yourself out, or I can have someone help you. Either way, sir, you're not seeing Mr. Barnes today." I assert, my heart pounding and blood boiling in indignation.
If there's one thing I've learned in my time working in Corporate America, it's that most rich and powerful men think they're so far above the rest of the world that they're entitled to open doors wherever they go. Thankfully, my boss is one of the better ones.
Definitely better than this tool in front of me. I almost scoff in disbelief when the man goes to step around me again.
"You don't scare me, sweetheart. I'm just gonna-"
I step directly in front of his path, my eyes flashing with anger.
"Either you leave right now, or I'll personally make sure you'll never get a time slot with my boss. And it's Ms. Y/L/N, not sweetheart" I grit out, standing my ground and leveling my glare at the man.
"Who do you think you-"
I feel the warmth of his presence before he even says a word.
"Do you feel a need for career-suicide, or are you just incompetent?" A dark, rough voice sounds behind me, cutting off the business man.
As my boss steps beside me, the heat of his presence washes over me and I don't even need to look over to know that his menacing face is on display. I can see it's impact in the business man's sudden desire to leave.
"Uh, I-I am so sorry sir. I'll be on my way."
As he scurries to the elevator, I feel my cheeks heat as I look over at James. His dark hair is cut short but is left long enough to be perfectly messy. His bright blue eyes are already piercing into my exhausted ones.
"Sorry for the commotion, sir. I'll try to handle them quicker next time," I start, but my nerves are lessened by the slightly impressed look upon James' features.
"I've never seen you get angry before," my boss notes, making more heat crawl up my neck.
"Yeah well, I used to let everyone use me as their doormat, but I don't let people walk all over me anymore." I respond with half of a laugh. He hums at that, his eyes trained on me.
I break the contact first, turning around suddenly to my desk to avoid the way his eyes seem to burn the air between us to nothing.
"Miss Y/L/N, can I have a word with you in my office?" He speaks again after a few agonizing moments of silence. My hands freeze and I slowly turn around to find his gaze inquisitive.
"Of course, boss" I reply, clasping my hands together to hide the way they tremble slightly. James Barnes is quite possibly the most terrifying person I've ever met, and yet the more time I spend in this job the less he scares me.
When follow his gesture to walk before him to his office, he slips his hand to the small of my back as I enter and I swear my skin sets on fire. I hurry away from his touch and into a chair as fast as I can. There's a slight hint of amusement upon his features as he settles back in his massive chair, eying me from across the desk.
"Is...is everything alright, sir?" I question after a minute of the thick silence. He sits straighter at this, leaning his forearms on his desk and clasping his hands together.
"Do you have a criminal record, Miss Y/L/N?"
His question startles me so much that it takes me a moment to respond.
"I'm...sorry?" I question, not understanding where this is going.
"Anything at all," James continues as if I didn't say a word, "Petty theft, aggravated assault, murder-"
"Sir I definitely don't have a criminal record," I cut in, my heart beginning to increase in speed. James nods, his blue eyes pinning me to the spot.
"Good, that makes you unsuspecting," he states, only heightening my confusion, "In order for you to be of best use, not to mention safe, it's best if you know exactly what it is that I do."
I sit completely dumbstruck and left with no response at all. My mouth opens and closes as I search for words, but I can't seem to find any.
"You've got a backbone and you're an honest, hard worker. That, you've proven. And, against my better judgement," Barnes pauses, his gaze taking on a somewhat softer, almost vulnerable gaze, "I trust you, Y/N."
My heart leaps into my throat and something stirs within me when he says that...that word. Y/N. My name. He said my name for the first time since he hired me. I don't know why it has such an effect on me, but it does.
Before I can stop myself, I blurt "I trust you too."
I do? When did I make that decision? And why did I just say it out loud?
Something in my boss's face shifts at my words, but he masks it with his usual cool, calm demeanor. He sits again in silence for a moment, taking in me and my response before he nods.
"The business I run is more lucrative than what the surface shows. I need someone on my side on the surface level, an associate who can assist me in matters at this office."
"This office?" I repeat, my brows furrowing together as my heart begins to race again. What does he mean by lucrative? And why is there excitement bubbling in my gut?
What he says next would change my life forever.
"I'm the White Wolf, Y/N." my boss's low voice rumbles, his eyes bright and clear, "I'm the-"
"King of organized crime, ruler of the New York mob," I interrupt, my eyes wide and my entire being not comprehending what's happening. I should leave. I should quit this job and call the police and leave. I should be terrified. But there's something in those eyes...
What I say next would start that life of crime I mentioned earlier, and quite frankly I still don't fully understand where it came from within me.
"Sure," I simply say, and the shock that splays on James' face must mirror my own.
"Sure as in..." he trails off, waiting for me to elaborate and clarify what we both know I mean. I swallow down my nerves and go with the decision my entire head is screaming against but my entire gut yells louder for.
"I'm in," I say, this time with more confidence, "Like I said before, I trust you. And I get the feeling you'd kill me if I said no."
Humor traipses across his features as he sits back in his chair in surprise. He plays with the ring in his finger, nodding slightly to me.
"That went better than planned," he murmurs, and I don't know why but I feel like smiling. My entire body is buzzing and my head is swimming, but something deep inside of me is waking up.
I've been walked all over my entire life. That's just the way it's been. I didn't know the difference between being nice and being a doormat for people's convenience until I was well into my life. As much as I hate to admit it, there's something about James Barnes that I trust, there has been since the day I met him. I felt it pull deep in my soul and now, knowing what he does and who he is...
It's time I control my fate, time that I grab my destiny and force it into motion. It's time that I stop letting people walk all over me and be the person who has a voice and a say and...and power. I've heard of the White Wolf as long as he's been around. He may be ruthless but he is not cruel. He's always looked out for the city, taken the scum off the streets and done the things the politicians refuse to. I trust James. And something deep within me is shouting that this is right, that this my destiny, that this is the strings of fate pulling.
And I know when to listen.
"Welcome, Ms. Y/L/N," James announces, standing and keeping his gaze burning down on mine, "To the real business."
Seven months later.
One night, about seven months after the conversation that absolutely changed my life, I'm working overtime in the office.
My hands are dug into my hair and my eyes droop closed. I release my hold on my hair to knock back the last of an energy drink, but the liquid has little effect. I desperately read through the computer screen, hoping to solve the legal entanglement before me.
James informed me when I came into work this morning that some over-righteous beat-cop was looking too much into the business we hide behind our Property Management company. I've been here all day long trying to figure out how to file all the necessary forms to make this disappear and seem a joke. That's taken longer than I expected, though, and at nearly midnight, James and I are still here working.
"God, this is awful," I groan, dropping my head to rest on my arms upon my desk, my forehead seeping in the cool of the wood. I hear my boss's office door open but don't even bother moving. Eventually, a soft laugh sounds that makes me drag my head up and look over to its origin.
"You look absolutely pitiful" James comments, his tired eyes dancing with a humor that seeps into my own features slowly. A small smile tugs at my lips as I sit up fully.
"Thanks, that's what I was going for," I quip sarcastically.
He coughs out a laugh that makes my chest tighten slightly and some of the exhaustion part. Over the months working for the White Wolf of crime, we've become...friends. Well, as close to friends as a mob boss and his secretary can get.
"Come on, let's take a break. We've been at this for too long, I don't even know how you can think straight," James mentions. I shake my head, blinking a few times before turning back to the computer screen.
"No, I've almost got this loophole figured out and we'll be golden if I can just-" I'm cut off abruptly by a strong, calloused hand gently gripping my chin and turning it up so I'm looking at James. My heart gallops suddenly and it takes every ounce of strength to keep my composure against the charge coursing through me.
"Y/N, take a break," he mumbles so soft that a shiver runs down my spine. We stay locked like that for a moment until I nod and pull myself out of his grip by standing.
"Alright" I murmur, breaking the tense, charged moment by pointing a finger at him.
"But if you bring out alcohol on the job, so help me James Barnes I'll turn you in to the police myself," I threaten emptily. He laughs genuinely this time, and it warms my spirit.
"Come on, doll. I've got an idea" he urges, walking out to the massive open save before my desk. I eye him warily and step to it, hoping that the sudden skittering and tripping of my heart at that nickname doesn't show. He's never called me anything but my name, before. Now, it's almost too easy to forget that I work for him.
"You might wanna take your heels off," he suggests, which only heightens my confusion. Nonetheless, I slip the footwear off and walk barefoot in my pant suit to my boss.
"Should I be concerned?" I ask, bringing another humored glint to those beautiful steel eyes.
"No," Barnes says simply, my eyes darting to his forearms as he rolls up the sleeves of his button-up, "I've actually been meaning to do this for a while. You're working for me in a very dangerous business, and although your involvement is kept a secret, I want you to be able to defend yourself if anything goes wrong."
His words settle over me heavily as I shrug my  close-tailored suit jacket off and lay it on my desk. This is actually a smart idea. I sure don't want to be helpless should the time come and, lets be honest, it inevitably will.
"Okay," I reply, walking warily in front of my boss who's practically made of muscle, "Teach me."
Something dark floods his eyes that he blinks away quickly before holding his hands up in a fighting position, gesturing for me to do so. I oblige, putting my fists up in the best way I can. He walks over to me, slowly taking a few steps around my body to inspect my stance.
"Not bad," Barnes announces before stepping close to my side and placing those large hands against my torso and turning it slightly, "There, like that you can use the power you have against someone who might have a lot more than you."
His touch muddles my mind and I can't help but feel that his burning hands linger for a second longer than necessary before he steps away and back in front of me. Even as he does, I instantly feel like I'm missing something without his warmth. It's been that way since I began working here, though. Every little touch here and there has gotten me irrevocably addicted to the feel of him.
I'm so startled by the thought that it almost shows on my face. That train of thinking is...is highly unprofessional.
"Now, punch me" he orders. I hesitate, but don't lower my fists.
That's also unprofessional, and yet look at us.
"Are you sure?" I ask, and he simply nods. I shrug, "Alright then."
I throw the best punch I've got, but he dodges it easily and grabs my fist in his hand. Before I know what's happening, his leg hooks around my vulnerable one that I stepped with and he throws the momentum of my punch back at me so that I crash to the ground. I know that if he'd done that little move fully my back would've slammed into the ground along with my skull. Instead, he follows me to the ground and wraps an arm around my waist, breaking my fall and easing me to the ground as he hovers above me.
I know he means to say something, but words must die for him too when the all too small space between our bodies is realized. I can barely breathe and it's as if time itself has stopped. I watch his fingers flex on the floor by my head, almost as if he's going to reach out to me but chooses against it. All too soon, the moment is broken when James stands and extends a hand down to me. I take it and let him pull me up to standing, disappointment and relief mingling in my stomach.
"That move can save your life, especially against someone bigger than you." James says, a little bit more distantly than he was before.
I thank him quietly and watch him clear his throat and walk back to his office. He pauses when he reaches the door and looks back over at me.
"Y/N, I want you home in an hour tops." He orders. I nod, still slightly breathless.
"And if I stay longer?" I taunt, not even knowing where the words come from. He tilts his head at me, a challenging gaze taking over.
"Then I'll throw you over my shoulder and walk you out myself."
I almost think he means it from the mischief lingering in his gaze.
Sure enough, I go home an hour later.
Five months later
It wasn't until about a year after I joined in on the mob business that I realized how well I was beginning to know James.
And how much more he was becoming to me.
"Y/N, can you get me-"
I cut off my boss by setting down two steaming coffee cups.
"Two triple espressos with low fat cream," I announce, before fishing the folder out from underneath my arm and setting it on the desk before him, "And the monthly finance report. The guys in finance weren't finished when I came by yesterday, so I made sure they had it done for this morning's meeting."
James stares up at me in shock for a moment. That shock is still lingering when he says, "And the meeting schedule?"
"Already in your computer, I emailed it to you last night. I also sent it out to everyone who's coming and made sure to tell Mr. Martinelli 10:30 instead of 11:00 so he arrives on time." I respond, clasping my hands before me and giving my boss a light smile.
"Oh," I exclaim, turning around suddenly and picking up the package I left by his door, "And this gift basket came with a heartfelt apology from Mr. Lankov. It did have an assortment of toffee-filled chocolates which I went ahead and removed for you."
Mr. Barnes reaches over and slides the basket I set down on his desk towards himself before looking up at me. He looks almost impressed, which is high praise enough.
"Will that be all, Mr. Barnes?" I ask when he just stares at me for another minute. I feel my entire body burning under his gaze and, as usual, the air is thick and palpable whenever we're in a room alone. His gaze hardens again into the cold, meticulous mob boss he is and he nods once
"That'll be all, thank you Ms. Y/L/N."
I nod and turn to walk out only to be stopped by his voice calling out to me again.
"Y/N?" James announces, making me turn to him again. I don't know what I expect him to say, but it certainly isn't what comes from him, "I think you are too close of a friend to be calling me James and Mr. Barnes by now."
My heart stutters, but I keep the emotion that surges from his words from splaying all across my face. He considers me a close friend, not just his secretary. When did it ever become more?
When did I ever convince myself it wasn't more.
"What would you like me to call you?" I ask, and the question seems all too formal. The corner of his lips tug up and the movement makes my stomach flip.
"Most of the people closest to me just call me Bucky," he informs, and a rush thrills my entire body as I nod and try to keep my smile small.
"If you need anything else let me know, Bucky." I reply, and something darkens in his gaze.
I'm frozen for another moment, his stare binding me to where I am. Phantom electricity skitters across my limbs and I realize how much I have to restrain myself from walking closer to him. It's almost as if he's the Earth and I'm the moon, caught in his gravity and unable to pull away, All at once I come to my senses and leave his office quicker than usual. I make sure the door is shut behind me before I press my back up against the cool surface.
My heart is pounding in my chest. That was too personal, that was all too personal and wildly unprofessional. Nothing that was said was but the way he looked at me, the way I melted in my spot at that gaze. It was all consuming, and I didn't think I could breathe in that room. He's a mob boss, my mob boss, and I'm his secretary. James...Bucky is naturally a brooding, intense sort of person so the way he looked at me wasn't unusual. The way my entire being reacted was.
And he's so much more than my boss, no matter how much I may try to ignore it.
As the day goes by, I try to rationalize it all. In the end, I know everything there is to know about him—what he likes and dislikes, his routines, his daily patterns. It's my job to, but he doesn't know that about me.
If he did he'd know that today is my...
I think that same thing over and over to comfort myself that everything is normal and okay, but it only just makes a part of me sink. It's almost as if the thought that I'm not more to him has the potential to break me.
You can only be broken by things that hold you.
I'm jarred from that thought when Bucky's voice sounds over my business phone speaker.
"Y/N, my office" He says simply, his voice holding that natural authority and sharp edge that it usually has.
I get up and am walking into his office moments later. Once I'm inside, I take notice that Bucky's hard at work on some document before him and doesn't even spare me a glance until the door clicks shut behind me. At this sound, he looks up and sets down his pen. He stands slowly and adjusts the cuffs of his suit jacket. That small movement sends my entire body into a downward spiral.
"You tried to hide something from me, Y/N," Bucky rumbles, and my stomach hits the floor.
I did? What did I try to hide?
"Sir, I'm not entirely sure what-"
My word die out as he stalks around his desk and up to me. My entire body is trembling, but not from fear, when he stops before me and stares at me so deeply that I feel like he's taken my heart straight from my chest with his bare hands. I'm not so sure he hasn't.
"It was a valiant effort, really," he muses, and I still have no idea what he's talking about, "But even if I only know you half as well as you know me, there was no way you could've hidden it."
My brows are furrowed when he finally reaches into his suit pocket and pulls out an envelope.
"Happy birthday, Y/N," My boss whispers, and the moment feels all too intimate as he hands me the envelope.
He knew it was my birthday. That thought sends a thrill through me that I wish I could forget. I look down at the envelope and back up at Bucky who stares at me with the hint of a genuine smile on his lips.
"You didn't have to..." I whisper, but he gives me a 'really' sort of look.
"You do everything for me, and I'm pretty sure my world would fall apart without you. Now open it."
That only makes my heart race harder and I can't keep away my smile as I open the envelope. Everything seems to fade away when I pull out what's inside. There's no card, just a single slip of paper. When I flip that paper over, I realize that I'm in love with him.
Because it's a round-trip ticket to Kinsale, Ireland. A place I mentioned only once months ago that I've always wanted to go to.
I look up at him, my eyes wide and already filling with tears that I refuse to let go.
"How did you know?" I breathe.
"You said it was one of your dreams to go, and it's hard to forget when you speak about something so passionately." Bucky's reply softer than I've ever heard him be.
I've seen him kill people, torture criminals, and threaten politicians. I've seen him command his mob and rule with certainty and ruthlessness. And yet here he is, giving me one of my dreams because I mentioned it once.
I love him. I know it then, and I don't think I'll ever escape it. I've loved before, but never has it felt like this. This is encompassing and devouring and scary. It's real and deep and world-shifting. How much in love I realize I am with him is the kind of love I never thought I'd get. And yet...
I know it's unprofessional, but I can't stop from stepping forward and getting on my tip toes to wrap my arms around his neck in a sudden hug. He freezes, and for a moment I wonder how long it's been since he's been hugged. Bucky gives in almost instantly and wraps his strong arms around my torso, tugging me closer to him. I decide in this moment that this is my favorite place to be. Kinsale might have been one of my dream places, but this, in his arms, has just as quickly topped the list.
All too quickly I realize the intimacy of this position and pull away, no matter how much it leaves me feeling cold and alone.
"Thank you," I whisper, clearing my throat and taking a step back, "No one's ever done anything like this for me before."
Bucky just stares at me with that all-encompassing gaze.
"Then they're all idiots," he murmurs, and my traitorous heart surges again.
This man is my boss. He's the most powerful person in this city and the last thing he'll do is care about someone as powerless as me. And yet...and yet, and yet, and yet. I can't stop.
Eleven months later.
Eleven months later and I'm still just as totally screwed.
I can't stop the feelings that bubble through me, that take me over and encompass everything I am and hoped I could escape. I tried convincing myself he was nothing, tried to fall for someone else, anyone else, but I can't.
James Bucky Barnes is intoxicating in the most wonderful and awful way. And I can't quit him.
That's why I'm here at Angel's Fall, the bar every corporate associate and beat cop or detective in our slice of town finds themselves at after work. I haven't been in a while, not much liking the smell or taste of alcohol, but after spending nearly ten straight hours with Bucky that serve as a reminder that I'll never have him, I needed to take the edge off.
"Anything else I can get for you, babes?" The bartender asks as she takes a stop in front of me, giving me a friendly smile. I return the gesture and let out a long sigh, finishing out the last of my whiskey sour.
"Scotch, straight," I request, giving her a tired smile, "Thanks."
"Sure thing," she replies, instantly beginning to make my drink, "You seem like you've had a long day."
I scoff, running a hand through the hair that I freed from my low bun, "Long few months."
"That bad, huh? Well I'll keep these going till you say when, sweetie," she replies, sliding my drink to me. I give her another quiet thanks before she leaves to her job.
"Y/N? Y/N is that you?"
I furrow my brows, not putting the voice to a face. I turn towards the sound of the man to find him standing beside me. Once my eyes land on his features, my entire being runs cold. Instantly what little alcohol I had in my system sobers out and my blood freezes in my veins. It's as if I've been dunked in ice water and I find it hard to draw in breath.
"Ian. It's been ages" I comment, my voice thankfully not trembling like I expected it to be. Ian laughs before me, leaning on the bar and drinking me in with his eyes. I squirm under his gaze, which only serves to make me uncomfortable.
"Damn right," he comments, smirking at me lazily with that smile that wrecked my life nearly three years ago, "I've missed you, baby."
I bristle at the nickname, my heart flinching even if my body doesn't. I know he's probably missed me, I had to move to a new state to escape him the first time. I thought I'd done good, too. I'd gotten settled here for a while and then worked my way up to a job at Bucky's company. The past almost two years in Bucky's business have been so good for me that I almost forgot my life before it, the reason why I was so ready to take on the life of organized crime.
The reason stands before me, proof that our demons never die. They just hide away until we're vulnerable again.
"What are you doing in New York?" I ask, trying to make polite small talk and avoid the obvious elephant in the room.
The elephant being that the last time I saw him, I smashed a lamp over his head before I scrambled out of his apartment and to the nearest cab that whisked me far far away, leaving behind all of my belongings except for a wad of twenties and my cellphone.
"I got a transfer to a firm a few blocks from here not too long ago. God, you look great Y/N," Ian averts. He says my name again, almost as if he can't believe I'm standing before him. I nod, wringing my wrists and shoving my forgotten drink away from me.
"That's great, Ian." I keep it simple, knowing that if I talk too much I'll lose myself again. I spend my mental energy searching the thickening crowd of people for a way out. I even consider signaling the bartender that I need an escape.
I'm barred from my thoughts when his hand, a hand I'll never forget, skims over my arm. I jerk my attention back to him, ripping my arm away from him as fast as I can and taking a step back.
"Woah, calm down baby. No need to be so jumpy" Ian placates, that same easy, manipulative smile that would bring me crawling right back to him every time stretching across his features. It makes my blood turn to ice and my stomach roil.
"Do not touch me," I command, surprised at the strength in my tone. It's a strength I didn't have before I got this job, "You lost that right long ago."
Ian's shock is not easily hidden. He realizes in that instant that I'm not the same girl I was three years ago when he broke me and used me and ruled my emotions. I've grown and gotten stronger because someone saw the potential in me to handle power with ease, to be a part of something bigger and stronger than anything I'd been in before. It may shatter me to be around Bucky every day, but he still saved my life in ways he'll never know.
I used to see the world as good and evil, black and white. Now, after my work in the mafia, I know it's gray. There's evil in the good and good in the evil. No one is ever truly both, and sometimes the ones you think are the villains are truly the heroes.
"I-" Ian cuts himself off with a surprised laugh, his eyes incredulous upon me, "I'm sorry, when did you convince yourself of that lie?"
"What lie?" I grit out, and I almost slap myself for indulging him. I'm quickly unhinging, though, and I know that if I stay in this conversation much longer I'll break back into a remnant of who I was. I try to swallow my bile at the thought. I refuse to do that.
"The lie that you're strong. The lie that you can survive in your own, the lie that you'll be anything or anyone without me," Ian seethes, his words sickly sweet like unsuspecting poison. His words cut me so deep that I almost shatter right there as old wounds I thought had scarred over rip open. Instead, I remind myself of the strength and control I've garnered these last two years working for Bucky Barnes.
And then I slap my ex so hard across the face that my hand stings.
"I am not some helpless little girl that's still in love with you," I grit out, my tone sharper than I've ever heard it before, "You broke me once, you are not going to do it again."
His shocked eyes are so wide upon me that I almost don't register his hand raising to strike me back until my head whips hard to the side and pain explodes across my cheek. When I snap my gaze back to him, my eyes brimming with tears of rage and instability, I see him open his mouth to say something. His words don't make it out.
Not before the crowd of patrons splits and a hand closes around Ian's throat so fast and with such force that his back is slammed into the bar.
Oh, I must've forgotten to mention this before. The Angel's Fall is one of the bars the White Wolf owns.
And here the wolf is himself.
I'm so shocked by Bucky's sudden intrusion that I'm left speechless as his grip tightens on Ian's throat and he brings his face that's flooded with an icy rage close to Ian's clearly terrified one. No one lifts a finger to protest or stop my boss, because they all know who this place belongs to.
"You touch her again and I'll kill you," Bucky growls lowly, and Ian is smart enough to believe him as he nods quickly.
Something warm and bright twists in my chest at his words, even when I know any normal person would be screaming or calling the cops. I've never seen Bucky like this before, not about me at least. About his business, sure. But not me.
"When I let go, you're going to leave this bar and this city," my boss commands, his tone leaving no room for negotiation, "If I ever see you again, I will not hesitate to slit your throat."
Ian whimpers, a sound that I hadn't realized would bring me so much wicked joy, a sound that satisfies the thirst for vengeance that I hadn't even realized I held.
"Now, thank me for my mercy and apologize to Ms. Y/L/N," Bucky orders, his grip loosening enough on Ian's airways to let him gasp out the commanded words.
Once he does, Bucky lets him go. His hand isn't off of Ian's neck for two seconds before my ex-boyfriend is scurrying out of the bar. The noises resume as usual, everyone carrying on as if a man's life was not just threatened. Bucky turns his gaze, still filled with that icy rage, towards me and it softens in a way that melts me.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
I avoid the question completely, hoping he'll forget to inquire about it again.
"Thanks for that," I manage out, ignoring the burning of my now very tender cheek, "I honestly thought I had it under control but then I just had to go and slap him."
"That gives him no right to lay a hand on you," Bucky asserts, taking a step closer to me and running a gentle, calloused hand over my hurt cheek. The simple motion sends electricity surging through my entire body and I somehow feel empty when he clenches his jaw and drops his hand.
"You didn't answer my question. Are you okay?" Bucky asks again, not taking a step back.
My heart is pounding and my body is overrun with so many different emotions that I don't know what to focus on or how to stop it all. I may be looking directly into those steel blue eyes, but I'm miles and years away. Memories of Ian and a version of me I often try to forget flash through my mind and I can't stop them.
"Who said you could parade yourself around like a whore when you are mine?" Ian growls out, making me flinch back and wrap an arm around my torso.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
My head whips to the side with the force of his hand. The sting sets in with the silence for a few moments, suffocating me and drowning me in my own pain. Then I hear him sigh and walk up to me, his hands now gentle as he turns my face up to his.
"Baby, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to do that, can you forgive me?" His words are sweet and his eyes genuinely sad. I look up at him warily and almost pull away when that breathtaking smile tugs onto his lips.
"For me, baby? I promise I'll never lay a hand on you again. I don't deserve you"
"Okay" I whisper, letting him kiss my lips and then the cheek that he'd hit again and again and again and as long as I'd keep forgiving him.
I don't even realize I'm not at the bar anymore until there's a soft click of a door behind me and I register a warm, strong hand encasing my own as Bucky leads me into what looks to be an office in the back of the bar.
I hadn't even realized I'd zoned out. I haven't done that in...in a very long time.
He lets go of my hand only to capture my face in his surprisingly gentle hold. When my eyes meet his, everything seems to quiet in the blue of his irises. Still, my mind is aching to send me back to three years ago, to broken bottles and shattered hearts patched with false kisses and pretty words.
"You're safe," Bucky assures, his face softer than I've ever seen it, "You're safe and you're here. I don't know where you went just now but I need you to come back to me, okay?"
Bucky's soothing voice brings me back to reality and grounds me to the moment until all that's left is this room and him and me.
"That's it, there you go, doll. Stay right here with me," he breathes, making my heart flutter. We stand in silence like that for a few moments that stretch for eternity, with his thumbs running across my cheeks until the consciousness returns to my gaze.
"You gonna tell me what happened?" Bucky asks, taking a step back and pulling his hands from my face. I almost make a noise of protest at the loss of contact, but stop myself. Instead, I just shrug.
"It was nothing, really. Just an ex of mine who doesn't know boundaries," I respond, but I can tell that he doesn't buy a word of it.
Bucky takes a slow step towards me again. This time when I tilt my head up to keep his gaze, something tender and almost tangible crackles in the air between us, tugging and pulling and yanking us together. In the steel of his eyes is a dichotomy of emotions, ranging from a breaking softness to a stifled rage that I don't think is directed at me. It sends shivers racing down my spine.
"Y/N," he starts, and my knees almost turn weak at that one utterance, "I think you're not telling me because you know what I'll do. But I need you to understand something before you leave this room and we go back to our daily routine."
One of his hands hooks under my chin, and his thumb grazes ever so lightly over my lip and so swiftly that I almost think I imagined it.
"I don't care who I have to kill or what I have to do. I will do anything if it means protecting you. Anything." He vows, that rage still lit in his eyes. But when I look closer, it seems to be fueled by something so much deeper, so much richer.
I don't know why the words slip past my lips but it does before my mind can stop them.
"Ian manipulated me for years," my voice is trembling and unsure and so unlike every other time I've spoken with him, "He'd use me as his punching bag and then cry on his knees for me. I was stupid then, I always came crawling back. It wasn't until this job that I learned to stand up for myself."
Bucky's entire body is as rigid as a board and I know that look in his eyes. It's the look that appears when he grows unhinged and closer to losing himself to the rage and carnal violence. His jaw clenches and he seems to compose himself.
"What do you want me to do to him?"
It's a simple question, but in his eyes I can see what Bucky wants to do. I can see it as clear as day and it sets my entire being on fire. I choke up, though, because as much as I want to open my mouth and ask for him to kill him, I can't seem to. He sees my hesitancy and nods, taking a step back from me and adjusting his suit.
"Just let me know, Y/N," Bucky states, sounding more professional again as he turns and heads towards his office door.
A sudden sense of urgency overtakes me and I dart forward, grabbing a gentle but insistent hold of his arm that makes Bucky freeze and turn back to me. His arm is in my grasp and I realize that I'm holding on to it for a sense of stability as I try to get the words out. I think he realizes it too because Bucky lets me hold his arm, his eyes boring into mine and that professionalism dropping for a moment. I open my mouth, but close it again, my entire being trembling as flashes of every horror I endured with Ian overtake me.
"I want him gone," I finally manage out, my voice barely more than a whisper, "Please,"
Bucky's eyes search my face for a moment before a certain softness overtakes his gaze. I can see in his eyes that he knows exactly what I mean, even if I can't say the words out loud. He pulls his arm from my grasp only to take a hold of my hand and bring it to his lips. My heart nearly explodes from my chest when he places a kiss to the top of my hand. My skin is ignited where his lips touched it and I almost can't think straight.
God, I'm so in love him. I love him so much it hurts.
"Done." Bucky vows, his eyes never leaving mine.
Ian's mutilated body turned up in an alleyway the next morning.
Two weeks later
I don't know how everything could have gone so wrong only a few weeks later. It all just happened so fast.
"Yes sir, the catering should arrive about 7:00 pm...yes sir, thank you sir. See you then,"
Once the phone is hung up, I take the pen from behind my ear and check off the catering company from my list of gala preparations. In just a few days, the company is going to be holding its annual Employee and Beneficiary Gala. My last few days have been consumed with making sure it runs seamlessly.
"Excuse me, miss. I have a 3:15 with Mr. Barnes." A man's voice I don't recognize calls out to me.
I look up from my paper, smiling warm at the business man who stands before me. My smile falls slightly when I see that he doesn't seem all too happy at the moment, but I set it aside.
"Yes, Mr..." I pause, looking over at my computer screen and scanning for his name, "Stark?"
"That's me." Mr. Stark responds.
"Alright. I'll let Mr. Barnes know that you're here and you should be right in," I inform, giving the man a polite nod before calling Bucky. While I inform him that his appointment is here, I can't help the uneasiness in my chest at Mr. Stark's grave expression.
"You can go on in," I inform once I get off the phone, giving the man a quick smile before turning back to my work, my entire being crawling for some reason.
The meeting's normal for the first few minutes, but pretty quickly their voices begin to raise.
"You need to be careful, Barnes! Pierce and his men are looking for any in to attack our organization."
Alexander Pierce, that's the boss of Bucky's largest rival—Hydra.
"Trust me, Stark. I am careful and perfectly capable of taking care of my business." Bucky grits back. I lift my hands off my keyboard, my attention slipping to listening to the words.
"No, you're not, you're being reckless. You're getting too close and you know it! She is a weakness!" Stark practically shouts. I hear a sudden screech of chair legs on the floor and a brief silence.
Whatever is said next is too hushed for me to hear, but I'm able to catch the last few words.
"I'll take care of it. You know I will," Bucky says, and the office door opens.
"I know you will, buddy. I just needed to get you there," Stark replies, shaking Bucky's hand before turning and walking past my desk without so much of a glance.
"Have a nice day to you too," I whisper beneath my breath.
"Ms. Y/L/N, my office" Bucky says abruptly from his office. His tone seems...almost cold, unfeeling. And he called me Ms. Y/L/N.
With furrowed brows, I get up and make my way into his office, closing the door behind me per his request. I settle down in one of the chairs before his massive desk, an inexplicable worry washing over me. Nonetheless, I ignore the feeling and carry on as normal. Thinking this to be one of the many previous briefings we've had on the gala, I begin to give him my report.
"The catering company is all set for Saturday as is the decorating committee and half-orchestra. All that's left is to-"
"I'm letting you go." Bucky interrupts suddenly, his voice so nonchalant and his gaze so flippantly down on the papers before him that I almost don't register his words.
As in...he's...firing me?
"I'm...sorry?" I question, to which his jaw clenches tightly.
"You are formerly fired, Ms. Y/L/N. Effective immediately," Bucky clarifies, and it feels as though the floor's been ripped out from underneath me.
I can barely breathe let alone hear over the sudden roaring in my ears. He's firing me, after all this time?
"Bucky, I don't-"
"Sir," he interrupts, finally snapping his gaze up to mine. His tone and glare are so ferocious that I almost think he'll pull a gun on me anytime soon.
That one simple correction makes my heart shatter. He hasn't been 'sir' in I don't even know how long. And the way he's looking at me right now...it's almost like he couldn't loathe anyone more in the moment. Like he doesn't even know me. Like he didn't just kill a man for me.
Like he didn't let me fall in love with him.
Tears burn my eyes as I steel my face and straighten up in the chair, clenching my hands so hard together in my lap that they turn white.
"Sir," the word is bitter on my tongue and I feel sick to my stomach more so than I ever have, "May I ask why?"
"Your work is sloppy and your intentions with my business, both legal and not, are undecipherable. I have decided that the best intention for me and my business is to part ways irrevocably with you, Ms. Y/L/N."
It takes everything within me to not let my mouth drop open in shock. The hurt that flashes through me is so piercing and raw and real that it arrests my chest. I can't...I don't know what I did wrong.
"You're just going to let me walk away," I breathe, my jaw clenched tightly, "With everything I know about you and your mob. You've killed people for less."
His cold, calculating eyes study me for a minute before he leans back in his chair, his features the picture of nonchalance.
"You won't tell anyone. You and I both know I wouldn't hesitate to kill everyone you love and then you." Bucky informs blatantly.
That's when my heart splinters. Because I can see in his eyes that he means every single word. Emotion blocks my throat as I simply stare back at him, no longer working to hide my shock or pain. I nod once and I stand, smoothing out my silk blouse.
"I've lost everyone I love, you're out of luck there."
The lie burns so strongly on my tongue that it nearly makes me physically sick. I say it to make it true, to trick my mind and heart into believing it. I should hate him. I should loathe him with every fiber of my being. But I just...can't.
With tears that I refuse to let fall swimming in my eyes, I stare down at the man who changed my life, who stole my heart and is now breaking it.
"Whatever it is that you've been relentlessly pursuing these past years, whether it's power or money or blood," I whisper, not daring to bring my voice above it for fear that it will shake, "I hope you find it."
Bucky's gaze bores into mine, something unreadable that's nearly akin to conflict flashing through his eyes. Without a word, I turn and leave, stopping only at my desk to grab my things before leaving. Leaving this office, leaving the mob, leaving him.
And as I drive home with silent tears streaking down my cheeks, I can't ignore the gaping, pain-filled hole in my heart. I hadn't realized how much I needed that business, that man. But I have to move on. I have to.
And yet, I have this awful feeling that I'm not going to be able to.
A few days later
It's the day of the gala, and it's all I can do to keep myself composed.
I've been an emotional wreck the last few days, and as much as I've tried to deny it I can't any longer. I'm in love with Barnes, I have been for a while and as bad as I want it to, it's not just going to go away. Losing the job was like losing Bucky, and I hadn't realized how much I leaned on him until he was ripped away.
"Oh come on, you stupid computer," I grumble, shoving my laptop aside as it launches into an update I didn't ask for.
When I woke up today, I decided it was time I start looking for another job. No matter how much it hurts, I have to move on if I have any chance of continuing on with my life. I was job searching when this piece of junk laptop started to reboot.
My attention is glued to my television and the show I have playing while I wait for my laptop to finish the update. I get so engrossed in the show that I almost miss it when the screen goes bright and it turns back on.
"Finally," I breathe, pulling it back to me and typing in my password.
As soon as it opens to my desktop, my laptop begins to pop up a bunch of random windows from my most used apps, just like it usually does whenever it's powered down and back up suddenly. I close them out with mild irritation, but freeze when my spreadsheet window opens up, displaying the spreadsheet I was working on last.
The guest list for the gala.
My heart stutters. I'd done so good all of today avoiding thoughts of the event only for my stupid laptop to bring it to the forefront of my mind. My heart wrenches as I can't stop myself from scrolling briefly through the list of invited guests. Near the end, I notice my name and stifle the sudden rise of emotions that inundate me.
With hasty, almost frantic fingers, I rush to delete my name from the sheet. Before I can erase my name, my eyes catch on four names at the bottom below mine. Strange. My name was the last one added. I know because I edited and set up this spreadsheet and only added myself when I had double and triple checked that everyone had been added.
Maybe Bucky found four more to invite. I try to accept the thought, but my curiosity takes the better of me and I can't stop myself from pulling up the internet on another window and searching up the first of the four names.
Xavier Taft. 34 years old, works for a bouncer service...wait. Criminal record.
My heart stutters again. With events like this, we're always so careful to keep the criminals down to only our own, and I've never seen this man's name in our regiment before. With furrowed brows, I search up the next one.
Lance Salone. Bouncer. Criminal record.
My heart is racing when I search the third.
Amanda Vice. No criminal record.
I frown, my adrenaline seizing a little bit. Maybe I was too hasty, maybe those two were just-
Oh my God.
My entire body freezes when I notice an article underneath Amanda Vice's search. She's a personal assistant, like me. But she works for Pierce Enterprises, the cover business for-
"Hydra," I whisper beneath my breath, feeling as though someone's taken the world and spun it around me.
With trembling fingers, I navigate back to the spreadsheet and look to the fourth name. I don't even need to search it up to know.
Alexander Pierce.
My heart is in my throat as I fly my cursor up to the top of my spreadsheet and check to see the editing history. My eyes scan the hundreds of entries by me until they rest in the last entry, one done by an email I don't recognize.
One I never gave permission to edit the document.
"They hacked it," I piece together aloud. Nothing seems real as I throw my laptop off of me and shoot to my feet, the world still spinning. The two bouncers, obvious muscle with the clear ability to kill.
I know I should hate Bucky, I know that I shouldn't give a damn what will go down tonight at the gala, but I can't stop myself from reaching for my phone and dialing the number I saved to my phone of the weapons dealer Bucky's mob used. The man I spoke with on Bucky's behalf many a times picks up on the third ring.
"Y/N. I haven't heard your voice in so long, how are you?" the dealer, a man by the name Nick Fury, asks.
"Nick, this is going to sound so random but I need to know if there's been any movement from Pierce or his men in the last week or so," I rush out. There's a beat of silence on the other end before Nick speaks again.
"What's this about? I thought Bucky fired you," he points out skeptically. My desperation is taking the better of me and I nearly snap.
"Damn it, Nick I just need to know! Has Hydra done anything unusual lately that you know about? If anyone would know it would be you," I practically beg. He must hear the urgency in my tone because he doesn't question me again.
"I caught word they were hanging around upstate earlier this week, they're not usually over there," Nick announces. I furrow my brows.
"Where upstate?"
"Some place called The Sky Palace. Heard they were there for a good bit of time snooping around before they got booted out," Nick answers, pausing for a moment, "Y/N, what's going on?"
I can barely breathe, let alone work up a response. The phone nearly slips from my limp fingers.
"Y/N, are you-"
"That's where the gala is tonight" I whisper, an aching, yawning sort of sensation ripping in my chest at the sudden realization that slams into me.
They're going to kill him. They're going to kill Bucky Barnes and they're going to make a move on our mob.
"I have to go," I rush out, my voice trembling and my stomach roiling with nausea, "Thank you, Nick"
"Of course."
I end the call, rushing to grab my purse and throw on the first pair of shoes I can find. As I rush out of my apartment and into the streets of New York as the sun sets low behind the buildings, I no longer think about the betrayal or hurt. I don't ruminate that I'm fired or that Bucky doesn't care for me like I do him. All I can think about is that my family isn't safe tonight, and I have to do everything in my power to protect them. All of them.
As I whistle for a taxi, my phone is already pressed to my ear and ringing as it tries by I reach my ex-boss. The call goes unanswered as I sit inside the cab.
"Where to?" The driver asks.
I almost say the venue, but pause. I set up Bucky's schedule for today, he should still be at his mansion upstate getting ready. He always did like to make grand entrances. Even if I'm wrong, it's only a ten minute drive to the venue. I give the driver Bucky's address and dial his number again as the driver speeds off.
"You've reached the voicemail box of-"
"Oh come on!" I groan out, pulling my phone away and ending the call. My heart is racing so fast that I can practically feel it trying to run out of my chest. I feel utterly powerless right now knowing that Bucky could die and I can help. What if I don't make it in time? What if he's already gone?
Tears blur my vision and sudden heart ache seizes my chest at the thought. I shove it all down and keep myself composed as I try his number again, but to no avail. Thankfully, we're pulling up to his mansion now. I pay the driver and rush out, putting in the gate code and sprinting to his front door. I don't even waste time knocking, knowing he's probably in the garage or his room, and dig up the spare key from its hiding spot to let myself in.
"Bucky!" I shout as soon as I'm in, slamming the door behind me.
There's no response.
"Bucky please! Are you here?" I shout again, but the silence rings in my ears.
One quick check of his room shows he's not here and when I sprint into the garage, I see one of his twenty cars missing.
I missed him. He's already gone.
I curse, checking my phone to see that he's running fifteen minutes ahead of schedule, something he never does. Of all days to be more punctual to his own event, tonight was probably the worst. I hesitate for only a moment as I ponder what to do.
"You'll forgive me later," I mutter to myself before I spin on my heels and jog to the key rack by the door. I swipe the first set I find and press the button only to find his brand new, cherry red Tesla lighting up.
If things weren't so dire, I'd squeal in excitement.
I don't waste time with giddiness, though, and sprint to the car. I'm inside and have the engine running in record time. Not one minute later, I'm peeling out of the garage and onto the road with screeching tires. I press the gas pedal nearly all the way to the floor, the engine roaring in my ears as I whip into the traffic.
I have to make it. I have to.
And here we are, all caught up.
I hope you understand now more than you did before why I'm so desperate to get to Bucky in time. I hadn't realized it fully in the moment before, but now that I just might lose him, I know that he's everything to me. I wouldn't be half the woman I am without him and his constant assurance that I was strong and skilled and perfectly able to stand up for myself.
I can't lose him, not when he's so much more than a boss to me. So much more.
I cut the ten minute drive to the gala down to four. My headlights cut thought the pitch black night as I swerve up to The Sky Palace that's teeming with cars and richly dressed guests. The Tesla screeches as I grind to a halt before a group of gasping patrons and a wide-eyed valet.
His eyes grow wider when he sees me step out of it in a pair of jeans and a hoodie.
"Don't scratch this car if you want to live," I advise as I toss the young valet the keys. He must think I'm joking because his gaze flashes with humor.
He doesn't realize I'm being dead serious.
I don't care a modicum about the horrified, disgusted looks I'm getting from the elite who are still making their way to the Palace's entrance nor do I care about their cries as I break into a sprint and shove past them all.
I can't let him die, I can't let Pierce hurt my family. I can't.
I only stop running when I reach the two men guarding the front entrance with iPads to check in guests. I know them both, since both happen to be members of Bucky's mob. Their eyebrows furrow once they see me approaching them.
"Y/N?" One asks, his eyes nearly popping from his head, "Boss won't like it that you're here."
"Let me in, Sam," I order, my chest heaving with breath, "He's in danger, you're all in danger."
The two men's eyes widen and they share a look for a moment before glancing back to me.
"Y/N," the other begins, but the panic is getting too much and I cut him off.
"Listen, you're all in trouble. The business is in danger of being thrown into chaos, and your boss-" my voice cuts off with sudden emotion, tears swimming in my gaze, "Your boss is going to die if you don't let me in right now."
They only hesitate a moment longer before they step aside. Relief like I've never known it crashes through me. Just before I walk in, though, Sam catches my arm.
"I don't know what the hell's going on, but we're already falling apart without you. We...he needs you, Y/N," Sam whispers.
My heart tugs painfully in my chest and that same hole opens again. I miss them all, I miss the mob and the meetings where we'd all mess around like kids. I miss Bucky.
And with that last thought, I give Sam a nod before turning and jogging into the Palace.
Classical music wafts into the air, broken up only by soft chatter, laughter, and the clinking of glasses. The gala is classy and elegant and beautifully well-done, but I don't take time to admire any of that. Instead, I race through the room in search of Bucky.
I receive more than one disgusted glare and scoff at my apparel and messy, unkempt hair. I don't give one damn as I try to blend in as much as possible to not alert Pierce or his men while searching for Bucky.
I stop when I reach the grand staircase that leads to an upper balcony, taking the advantage of the steps and climbing a few to see the room from a birds eye view. It only takes me a few seconds to spot Bucky near the center of the room. My heart squeezes in my chest and I almost sob in relief to see him alive and safe. Just before I move to rush down the stairs and towards him, I hear a click from the top of the stair case.
I whip my gaze up in time to see one of the two bouncers from the list, Xavier Taft, begin setting up a sniper rifle atop the dimly lit balcony that no one but him stands atop.
My heart stops. Time freezes. My stomach hits the floor and all I can think about is that I can't lose him.
"No," I breathe, snapping my gaze down to see the gun trained on Bucky.
When I look at him, I see Sam at his side and speaking in rushed tones, probably about me. Knowing I don't have many options left, my mind works in overdrive to figure out the best way possible to do this. I need to cause a distraction, one to catch Xavier's attention long enough for me to finish climbing the stairs and get that gun away from him. At the same time, though, I need Bucky to see it happen, I need him to know his life is in danger so Lance Salone, the other bouncer, doesn't surprise attack him.
Bucky's just snapped his head towards Sam, his brows furrowed and his jaw tight when I make my move, my nerves humming.
"BUCKY LOOK OUT!" I shout, my voice piercing and carrying out over the room. Instantly, Bucky's head snaps up to where I am on the stairs and his entire body goes rigid.
I don't waste time watching him any longer and begin to sprint up the last of the stairs and towards Xavier who curses. He wasn't ready to shoot yet, I timed it perfectly. Beneath me, Bucky sees the gun trained at him and he sees Xavier, who now has his gaze on me. Bucky's entire body changes again into a mode of desperation, but I don't see it. I'm focused on closing the distance between me and the gun that's almost ready.
"Y/N!" Bucky roars, but I'm barely listening over the chaos in my brain.
"Bitch!" Xavier growls, cocking the rifle hastily and wrapping his finger around the trigger. He's too late, because I finish bounding up the stairs and crash into him, knocking him off of his feet and shoving the gun off balance enough so that the bullet he intended for Bucky slams into the roof instead.
Xavier's body slams into the marble tile as I tackle him, but he quickly overpowers me, flipping us over so I'm beneath him. Below us, I can hear screaming and glass shattering, but above the panic I swear I can hear a voice bellowing my name.
I scramble out from underneath Xavier before he can pin me, shooting to my feet and sprinting to the sniper rifle still sitting on the balcony. Just as I hear Xavier get up behind me, I knock the rifle over and send it careening down into the panicking crowd.
"I'll kill you for that!" I hear Xavier spit from behind me, and I whirl just in time to see him throwing a fist at me.
Time suddenly slows, and it's like I'm back in the office that day ages ago where Bucky tried to teach me self-defense. My body remembers the way he grounded me from my punch before my mind does, and I snap back to reality just in time to dodge Xavier's punch. Just like Bucky did to me then, I hook my leg around his and use his momentum to shove him to ground. I crash down on top of him and practically feel the slam of his head into the marble below him.
My entire body jumps at Bucky's voice, now close to me. I snap my head around to see him bounding up the stairs, blood splattered across his tuxedo as if he killed a man himself down there during the chaos. I almost sob in relief. He's okay. I melt beneath his gaze that bores down into me as he stoops down to reach out to me.
His hand is inches from me when his eyes snap up to something behind me and horror flashes through his face a millisecond before a hand wraps around my waist and wrenches me to my feet and away from Xavier's unconscious body. I gasp, and the world suddenly goes very still and very quiet as the cool of a gun presses underneath my chin, forcing it up slightly. My stomach hits the floor and I hardly find it in me to breathe.
Bucky stands ever so slowly in front of me, his jaw clenched and his eyes spelling murder.
"Leave her alone, Pierce," Bucky orders, and sudden fear clamps over me.
Alexander Pierce has me at gun point.
"Why? I'm actually quite taken with your girl," Pierce responds, tightening his hold on my waist. I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment at the disgust and fear rolling through me before looking back at Bucky. He catches my slight movement and his fury heightens.
"Pierce, I swear to God if you kill her I will skin you alive," Bucky growls.
"See, now we're getting somewhere," Alexander announces, but I can hear the annoyance in his voice. This isn't what he wanted to happen, "What are you willing to give for her life?"
Immediate tears spring to my eyes and I meet Bucky's gaze again.
"No," I beg immediately, not daring to shake my head because of the gun beneath it, "Let me die. I'd rather die."
Bucky works hard to keep the cold exterior upon his face, but I can see between the cracks that he's...he's terrified.
It's only when Alexander moves his arm that restrains me to cover my mouth that I realize my slim window of opportunity. Without thinking, I slam my free hands into the gun that Pierce holds to the underside of my chin hard enough that it knocks his hand away. His hold loosens in sudden shock and I rip away at the same moment that Bucky darts forward and grabs ahold of me, ripping me to him and immediately crushing me into his side for protection as he rips out his own guns and shoots before Pierce can even recover.
The bullet finds its target perfectly, right between his eyes, and it's over.
My entire body is trembling so violently that I cling to Bucky, scared that my knees will give way from the adrenaline. I've never been in a situation like that before, never been so close to death. Bucky drops the gun from his hold and switches his full attention to me, probably realizing just how pale I've turned and how badly I'm shaking.
Keeping one arm secured around my waist, he runs the other through my hair, his steel blue eyes taking in every feature of mine.
"You saved my life," Bucky murmurs, his hold on me so tight in the most protective sort of way, almost as if he's just as terrified as me, "Even after I fired and threatened you."
I shake my head, tears of relief pooling in my eyes.
"I couldn't let you die."
Bucky's jaw clenches and before he can react I throw my hands around his neck, hugging him close to me. He reacts instantly, wrapping both massive arms around my waist and pulling me close to him, holding me tighter than I ever have been.
"Don't ever do that again, doll," Bucky mumbles into my hair, clenching my hoodie in his fists, "Don't be willing to die for me. I don't deserve it."
I don't know why tears are gathering in my eyes but I find I can't blink them away. I only tighten my grip, nuzzling my head into his neck.
"I don't think I can promise that," I breathe, and my next words come out before I can even stop them, "You'll always be deserving."
Bucky pulls away so fast that my heart lurches into my throat. His eyes examine mine so frantically, so dangerously, so desperately as he holds me out from him. His chest is heaving, almost as bad as mine.
"I did it to protect you, you have to know that. Everything that happened before, it was all to keep them away from you," Bucky swears, and my heart stutters at the look in his eyes, as if the police and ambulance sirens filling the air alongside the shouting don't exist.
"Why?" I breathe, hoping on everything he'll say what I think he will. Bucky brings a hand to cup my cheek, shaking his head at me with something almost close to tears in his eyes.
"You're my only weakness, Y/N, and they know it. Everyone knows it," Bucky murmurs and I swear I stop breathing, "If it came to you or the world I'd pick you every time."
My chest is so tightly constricted that I can hardly draw in any breaths. My chest is moving just as fast as his and butterflies are pressing into my stomach in anticipation for whatever is thick in the air between us.
"Don't ever fire me again," I order, and a low chuckle leaves his lips. My humor drains in a second though, and suddenly it's hard to speak without my voice trembling, "I don't think I'll survive it."
Something breaks in his gaze, softens it and turns it so tender and passionate that my skin tingles. He brings his other hand to cup my face to, so I feel completely under his control.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" He asks carefully, his eyes searching mine, "This life will never slow down. Someone will always want to take you from me."
"I'm sure," I whisper, not even hesitating.
His lips are on mine before the words are even fully out of my mouth. My heart leaps out of my chest as I melt into him, pulling him closer as our lips move in perfect harmony. My entire body feels like liquid and lightning all at once and he's the only thing left in the world. One of his hands finds their way into my hair, leaving me completely at his mercy. When he finally pulls back, he leaves a breath of a kiss on my nose and then my forehead before tilting my chin up to meet his gaze.
"You've been more to me for a long time now, doll" Bucky breathes, and a shiver rushes down my spine. He's so beautiful. A smile twitches onto my lips as I caress his stubble-covered cheek.
"I think how I feel is pretty obvious, considering I did tackle a fully grown man for you," I remark, and a surprised laugh rumbles out of him. The sound nearly turns me weak.
"And it was probably the scariest and hottest thing you've ever done," Bucky assures. This time I laugh and kiss him again, but we're both more serious after it.
"This life may not be safe," he begins, his thumb running over my lip, "But you always will be. As long as I'm here, you'll always be safe."
"I love you, Bucky" I whisper, my words a promise. He freezes, something new and bright flashing through his gaze. I don't think he's ever heard those words before.
"I've always loved you, and I always will," he swears, and for a moment my life is completely and totally content.
It doesn't matter what's happening around us, it doesn't even matter that I nearly died a few times in one day. With Bucky by my side, I feel invincible, I feel strong and capable.
"I don't think I can be your secretary any more," I whisper, and his smile is back, turning my insides to butterflies.
"No, I've got a better idea," he smirks, kissing me quickly.
The next day, Bucky would introduce me to the mob as his equal partner.
The King and Queen of crime.
And it would stay like that for the rest of our time.
I don't know when exactly Bucky Barnes became more than my boss, maybe it was always. Maybe I should have known I was in trouble from the beginning, but it's the best kind of trouble. So, if you ever get the chance to do something a little crazy, maybe something you never thought you would, but it just feels right, then you need to do it.
You never know who will become more to you in the process.
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red1culous · 1 year
Comme Ci Comme Ça. 
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Steve sits in the bustling cafeteria tapping his fingers on the brim of his coffee cup. He felt tense, twitchy, like he just wanted to get out of there as fast as he could. His restlessness had nothing to do with the 3 cups of coffee he had inhaled. 
“She does have childbearing hips” you whisper nudging him with your elbow. 
“Y/N!” He groans aloud before shushing you for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning. “She’s gonna hear you!” he shout whispers hiding his face in his hands. You see the tips of his ears turn crimson red and you chuckle inwardly. 
“Isn’t that the point? I mean if we left it to you nothing would happen” you say as you take a sip of coffee from your mug. He groans one more time sinking into his seat attempting to make himself as small as possible. “Or I could just go over there…” you say while making to get up before he grabs your elbow and pulls you harshly back down into your chair. He wraps his arm around yours to ensure you don’t go anywhere. 
“Don’t you dare!” he says through gritted teeth. You laugh at how red his face his. 
Just then Natasha walks by and stops in front of your table. She quirks an eyebrow seeing Steve almost wrapping himself around you. Slowly she puts her tray of food on the table and slides into the seat opposite you. You smile at her and she returns it warmly before focusing her attention on her breakfast.
After a moment or two she clears her throat. “Steven” she says and his posture goes straight as a rod. She pauses for emphasis before continuing. “Mind telling me why you’re holding my girlfriend” she points with her knife, “like that?” 
“I uh I—“ he stutters as he untangles his arm from yours in haste. Natasha continues to cooly spread butter on her toast as if she didn’t (most definitely) threaten to scalp him with it a few minutes ago. 
“Baby don’t be mean” you interject taking pity on Rogers who was still tripping over his words. You were worried he might bite his tongue off and lose the ability to speak. “I was helping matchmake ol’ Steven here with Stella over there.”
Natasha follows your gaze turning her head and neck to look behind her. “Stella?” she asks confused looking back at you. 
You hum. “Mmm the one with the blue pencil skirt.”
Natasha looks again this time twisting her entire body to face Stella. This time she’s met with Stella’s staring right back at her. Nat gives a small wave which Stella awkwardly returns. She swallows before facing you and Steve a knowing look on her face. 
“Oh Stella with the hips?” she asks taking another bite of her toast. Steve groans again and drops his head onto the table with a thud. 
“That’s the one” you chuckle and steal a large crumb that had fallen onto her plate. 
“She’s cute” Natasha says. 
You nudge Steve again. “Told you she was cute.”
Nat clears her throat and you give her a wistful look. 
“Nothing compared to you of course” you quickly add. She hums and you chuckle in amusement. You take her hand from across the table and lightly kiss her knuckles. 
A rousing chorus of laughter erupts from the table next to yours and your attention is pulled to a surprise birthday celebration. 
Natasha dabs her lips with her napkin. “Steven” she says, “are you expecting an alien attack or some dangerous criminal to come bearing down on you?”
He starts. “Huh? What?”
She shrugs. “Why are you so tense? It’s as though you’re waiting for something bad to happen.”
He rolls his shoulders and lets out a long sigh. “I’m fine, really.”
“Look,” you offer. “Let me go over there and tell her you like her and want her number.”
“NO!” he says a little too loudly catching Stella’s attention. She quickly averts her eyes when she catches his eyes on her. “She might not even be into me.”
Nat snorts. “I sincerely doubt that” she says as she gets up from her seat to approach Stella. 
The end.
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mirage-aera · 6 months
•°. *࿐ Afterlife
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Fire On Fire - Sam Smith
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Reader
Synopsis: Simon thought that staying with you would be giving you a death sentence, he thought breaking up would protect you better than he ever could. He was so wrong in the end and regrets it deeply.
Word count: 6.966
Flashbacks are paragraphs in italics!
TW!! Mention of character death, suicide.
If this triggers you then please don’t read it!
Simon has never been easy, he has reminded you of that fact countless times. He doesn’t open up easily, he rarely shows affection, and rarely says ‘I love you’. But on the other hand, he’s insanely loyal. Willing to go to impossible ends to stick with you. He’s so incredibly protective, he’d go to any means necessary, especially in this line of work, to keep you safe from danger. Even if it means sacrificing his happiness, and letting you go. He’d never meant to just take your love for him for granted. No, that was never his intention. But when his identity gets leaked to the enemies, and they’re threatening him with you? Common sense flies out the window and he has one thing on his mind. Keeping you safe. Even though he knows you are fully capable of protecting yourself and others, he isn’t looking at this matter from a soldier’s point of view. No, he’s looking at it as your lover.
So when he goes home to pick some stuff up for you two at the barracks. For once, he’s actually in shock. His apartment, your shared apartment has been ransacked. No doubt by the people wanting to watch him burn. They have figured out where you live. Your safe sanctuary has become unsafe, and he hates it. This is his last straw. He’s doing this for your own good, he keeps telling himself that. He takes his time in the apartment. He grabs the stuff you’ve asked for and whatever he needs. But he also looks at every single object that reminds him of you. He glances around your shared bedroom. All of the little things remind him of the time you spent together. He looks at your guitar that is resting on the wall next to your dresser. You’ve always loved music, in all shapes and forms. You loved making your own music. Composing and singing songs for him. You loved listening to your playlists while working out. Playlists you made him listen to and he slowly grew to love. Now he can’t start his workout without having the music blasting in his ears.
His favorite song of yours though? Definitely the first one you wrote. You called it ‘Fire On Fire’, and you explained that it sums up your relationship perfectly. Both are insanely protective of each other, in the field you use it as an advantage. Always make sure to be paired up, you two get the job done efficiently without any casualties. When you two work it’s like a choreographed dance. You always know what the other is thinking. He remembers the times when he had nightmares, and let's face it, it happens frequently. You would softly sing this song to make him go back to sleep. And he would sleep without nightmares those nights.
You walk into his small office in your shared apartment happily and excitedly. “Simon!” He looks up at hearing you call his name. He casts a look at the papers waiting to be signed by him on his desk. He shoves the papers aside. Ready to give you his undivided attention. “What is it, lovie?” You grin at him, “I finished it! I finally finished it!” You say happily. He looks at you confusingly for a moment, “what did you finish?” You chuckle, “the song! Do you want to hear it? If you’re not too busy of course.” He casts another look at the papers before smiling up at you, “I’m never too busy for you, lovie. Let’s hear it.” You clap happily, “great let’s go!” You drag him by the hand to your bedroom. Where your guitar is resting on the bed. You grab it and sit down on the bed. You smile at him sheepishly, “I’ve figured out the lyrics for the whole song but I still need to figure out the melody I want to use. The chorus, however, is done. I’ll sing and play it for you.” He nods at you for you to continue. You play a few chords before starting.
“Fire on fire, would normally kill us.”
You start with a shaky breath. Slightly nervous of what he might think. As if he can read your mind. He smiles at you and motions for you to continue. He mouths, ‘you’re doing great.’ This sparks your confidence and you sing with a brighter tone.
“With this much desire, together we’re winners.”
You close your eyes as you let yourself get carried away by the song.
“They say that we’re out of control and some say we’re sinners.”
“But don’t let them ruin our beautiful rhythms.”
“Cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me.”
“And look in my eyes.”
You open your eyes and glance at Simon, who’s staring at you with an awestruck look on his face. You smile at him.
“You are perfection, my only direction.”
“It’s fire on fire,” you hum, “fire on fire.”
You close off the song as you slowly stop playing. You put the guitar down, “so what do you think, my love?” Simon is still staring at you with an awestruck expression. “It’s perfect lovie. You outdid yourself.” You give him a shy smile, “I wrote it for you, to remind you of the love that I feel for you. That I’m always there for you, no matter what happens.” He stays silent before engulfing you in a tight hug. You widen your eyes but hug him back nevertheless. You could get used to this warm fuzzy feeling.
He sighs and leaves the bedroom. He enters the living room. He looks sadly at the overturned furniture and broken glass everywhere. Yet despite all of this, this is still your home. No matter how run down it gets, the memories will stay and be there forever. Serving as reminders from the once-happy couple. He looks at the pictures that are, surprisingly, still hanging on the walls. Pictures that have his face hidden, in every single one. You’ve respected his wishes by not putting up pictures with his face revealed. He looks at one particular picture.
Today the 141 was granted some time off. Bonding time for the team, as Price calls it. You’re all dressed casually. No one would guess that you’d be highly trained individuals looking like this. Well except for Simon, for he’s still donning his iconic skull balaclava. You’ve come up with the idea to have an outdoor picnic so that you all can relax and share food. Everyone prepared a little something for the picnic. John brought some sandwiches, Kyle brought lemonade, Johnny brought cupcakes, you and Simon prepared various fruits covered in chocolate. Your spot is surrounded by all different kinds of flowers. The big wide smile that you’re wearing on your face has made Simon’s entire year. After you’ve eaten. You decide that running around the flower fields will be a great idea. You beg Simon to run around with you, saying that it’ll be fun. Knowing Simon has a hard time saying no to you, you give him a small pout and he instantly agrees. Albeit a little begrudgingly. You drag him through the fields as you let out loud boisterous laughs while Simon is smiling behind his balaclava. You can tell by the way his eyes crinkle and sparkle in delight. Johnny takes a picture of you two sneakily. Knowing Simon would beat his ass if he found out. But in the end, it’s worth it, this will be one of your most cherished memories.
He smiles fondly at the memory that comes through when he stares at the picture. His smile slowly fades from his face. Maybe he doesn’t need to break up with you, you’re fully capable and he can protect you if anything were to happen. But what if something does happen? He could’ve prevented it all if he just didn’t let his resolve break. No, he has to do it for your sake. He’d rather have you hate him and be alive than you still loving him and dying because of him. He heads to the front door and takes one last look around. You’ll have to be relocated, and preferably far away from him for your safety. Your apartment isn’t safe anymore. He nods and closes the door behind him. He’s not ready to close this chapter but he has to. It’s the right thing to do. He heads back to you, reciting in his head what he’ll say to you in the meantime. Yet every time he chokes up and can’t think of what to say. He’ll have to wing it and hope he doesn’t look as pathetic as he sounds.
Once he makes it back to base, he’s on a hunt for you. He can feel his gut twisting in ways that make him nauseous. He wants to back out, so fucking bad. But then he sees your dead figure and then reminds himself you’d be happier and safer without him. Without the constant figure of death looming behind him. Following him everywhere he goes. He eventually finds you in the commons room with the rest of the team. You didn’t notice him walking in until he stopped in front of you. “Simon! You’re back, did you get the stuff?” He shakes his head, “can we talk, privately.” You give him a worried look but nod and follow him to wherever he’s leading you. He eventually makes it to his office and holds the door open for you. You step inside as he walks up behind you. You turn to him with a confused look on your face. “Did something happen?” You ask him. He nods his head, “our place got ransacked. Probably the same people who found my real identity.” You widen your eyes before narrowing them, “okay. We’ll deal with them swiftly then. The faster the better, right?”
Simon takes a deep breath in, it’s now or never. He opts for now. “I don’t think they’re stopping there. And let’s be honest, our progress is slow.” You raise a brow, “we can push the mission, maybe the higher-ups will let us focus on them.” He shakes his head, “that’s not happening. Listen, I think it’s better we go our separate ways.” The distraught look on your face makes his heart shatter. “Wait what? Why? We can go through this together! You can’t just throw away what we have now!” He shakes his head, “they’ve already breached my privacy. How long will it take for them to find out about us? Do you know how dangerous that is for you? It’s for your own good.” He refuses to tell you they’ve already threatened him by using your name. You can feel anger flaring up. “So what?! I’m fully capable of defending myself! You of all people should know this, Simon!” He can feel his temper rising, “I know! I am fully aware! Don’t even think that I doubt you because I don’t.” He says the last part softly. Not wanting to argue with you, not like this. You cry out desperately, “then tell me Simon! What are you so afraid of?!” He looks you in the eye, “you!” You get stunned by his answer, before you can retort he continues, “I’m afraid of losing you.” He says with a small voice. You stare at him with an incredulous look, “yet you want to break up?! You know how ridiculous you are sounding right now?!” He stays silent. You scoff, tears welling up in your eyes. “So this is it then? Just like that?” He nods, “I’m sorry, but you’re going to get hurt if you stay with me.” Hearing that he’s determined in his decision you nod, accepting it. “I’ll see you on the next mission, lieutenant.” You turn around, ready to leave his office. He reaches out for your arm, grabbing it softly, “please, it doesn’t have to be like this.” You whip your head around, tears falling, “then how do you want it to be? You want to stay friends? Fine! I’ll see you around the base then.” You ramble out, not letting him speak before storming out. A few tears fell from his own eyes. He rubs his eyes aggressively, rubbing his black face paint everywhere. ‘Good job, Simon. You’ve ruined the only good thing you had in your life.’ He thinks to himself. ‘It’s for her own protection’ is ringing through his mind like a mantra, torturing him with the thought of you.
The next few months are hell for the both of you. You’ve been drowning yourself in work and composing more music, while Simon has been drinking his mind away. Wanting to forget the immense hurt look you had on your face when he said those regretful words. The rest of the team isn’t blind. They can see something happening between the two of you. They’ve tried talking to you both about it but only to get the same words back, “he broke up with me.”, “I did it for her protection.” Johnny having enough of both of your sulking moods, decided to try and fix whatever’s been broken between you both. He knocks on Simon’s door before turning the knob and letting himself in. “I think the point is to wait for an answer before you let yourself in.” Simon slurs out his words as he holds a glass of whiskey. Johnny frowns and takes the glass from him, “you’re out of your mind L.T.” Simon scoffs, “tell me something I don’t know.” Johnny raises an eyebrow, “you need to get your shit together. You’ve been miserable without each other. Everyone can see it, fucking hell even the birds can see it, except for you guys.” Simon chuckles dryly, “thanks for the pep talk Johnny, you can leave now.”
He frowns at Simon’s response. “Leaving her in the name of protection is so fucked up on so many levels, Ghost. If anything she’ll be in more danger without you by her side than without you. So I’m not requesting you. I’m demanding you to get your shit together, apologize to her, and get back together already.” Simon stays silent, thinking about it. Knowing he finally got through to the lieutenant he leaves to let him figure it out on his own. All he needed was a little step in the right direction.
Meanwhile, you’ve been summoned by Price. You walk into his office, which happens to be next to Simon’s. “You’ve asked for me Price?” He nods and motions for you to sit. “We have intel on a secret base to the north of here,” he says while pointing to a location on a map. “We need someone to quickly get in and out and retrieve more intel.” You nod along, “I’m guessing you want me to go in?” He nods, “that’s correct. I’m warning you, this will be a solo mission. The lesser the better, unless you want Ghost to come along.” You narrow your eyes at him, “I’ll go solo.” You state. He nods, “you leave tomorrow at 8 in the morning with Kyle, he’ll be your exfil.” You nod and leave, wanting to prepare for the mission.
Morning comes and you gear up together with Kyle. You head to the small heli that’ll bring you to the site. You can’t help but have a sinking feeling in your gut, you can’t tell whether it’s the pre-mission nerves or if it’s the heartache you’ve been experiencing for the past months. You load up into the heli and close your eyes as you listen to the rotors whirring. Trying to shut down so you could shake off the feeling but to no avail. Usually, Simon would help you. But this will be the first time in a while that you’d have to do without.
You sit in the chinook nervously. Nervous for the upcoming mission. At this rate, you’ll make yourself sick. Johnny is sitting to your left, giving you a worried look. You wave him off saying, “I’ll be fine in a minute.” You can tell he doesn’t believe you but he doesn’t push it. You close your eyes as you try to calm down. You can hear a heavy thud coming from your right. You ignore it as you’re more concerned with your nerves. Suddenly a hand engulfs your own and squeezes it. You crack open an eye and smile once you’ve realized who it was. It’s Simon, who’s staring at you with warm eyes through his mask. He doesn’t need to say anything, he can convey it all with his eyes. Instantaneously you can feel the nerves leaving. All you need is Simon and you’ll be alright.
You open your eyes. The sinking feeling has not left at all, if anything it only increased. Making you feel slightly nauseous. You notice Gaz looking at you concerned. He crouches in front of you and takes a hand of yours in his own, squeezing it like Simon did. You give him a small smile, appreciating his attempts. But in the end, it just isn’t the same. The helicopter lifts off and soars through the air. As the base gets smaller and smaller in the distance, you can’t help but feel that it might be the last time you’ll see the base. You feel your phone vibrating in your front pocket. You open up the pocket and fish out your phone. You frown once you see the lit-up screen. It’s Simon, of course it is. You choose to ignore it for now. Whatever he needs to say can wait until you return. Right now, you need to focus and get yourself and that intel home. Eventually, the heli slows down as it prepares to descend. The doors open as you leave the safe space. You check your comms once more before nodding to Gaz. “I’ll be waiting for you here, don’t do anything stupid.” He tells you. You chuckle at him, “as long as you don’t get into trouble I won’t either.” He rolls his eyes. You give him one last look before leaving.
As you make your way to the hidden base stealthily you can’t help but feel like something is not right. ‘Come on. You’ve been on countless missions like this with the team. It’s been fine then, it will be fine now.’ You think to yourself. You close off your mind as you trek through the dense vegetation. Eventually, the base emerges from the treetops. You lay down as you pull out your binoculars from your side. You spot a less guarded spot, that’s where you’re going to sneak in. You get up and make your way down from the overlook. While keeping watch of the guards around the spot you want to infiltrate. You notice they don’t have a set patrol, which might work in your favor later when you start taking down guards.
You approach the spot and hug the wall. You grab your grappler from your pack and launch it onto the railing of the wall. As you ascend the wall you take another look around, if you’re not careful they could see you and raise the alarm. You quickly ascend to the top and take out the guard hanging around that area. You shoot the next two with your silenced gun. You don’t bother hiding the bodies, it should be a quick in and out. You lean over the wall as you look around for the next entry point. From what you remember of the map that Price supplied you with, the office with the documents should be near your position. You quickly scan the main building looking for the office. Your eyes land upon a room. Bingo, that should be the office. You figure you could quickly make your way to a side entrance and make your way to the office from there. Any other entry point would be too risky, resulting in you getting caught.
You make your way down with a rope and head for the fire escape staircase. No guards are stationed there so it should be a quiet way in. You ascend the stairs and quietly open the door that leads to the building. You keep your gun up in case. Noticing no visible threat you let out a sigh of relief and start heading towards the office. Luckily you didn’t come across any guards on your way to the office. You entered the office quickly and closed it quietly behind you. You lower your gun and look around. ‘Right, any important papers and any other valuable intel is what I came for.’ You remind yourself. You head to the computer and start downloading files from it to a stick. Laswell can analyze that data later. You start making quick work of the drawers. Pulling out any important-looking documents and storing them in your pack. Once you’ve run out of stuff to take, you unplug the stick and store it as well. You take one last look around the office. You hold a finger to your comm, “Gaz. I got the intel. Heading to exfil now, eta 20 minutes.” You hear a ‘copy that.’ from Gaz as you swing the door open.
Only to be greeted with a pistol aimed at your head. You recognize him as one of the leaders of the organization. “I’ve been expecting you, sergeant.” You notice he’s alone, essentially you could make a move and make your escape. But he would likely try and shoot, thus alerting the whole base. It’s either that or get captured by them, which would lead to your demise. Preferring your chances with the first option. You raise an eyebrow at him, “well you aren’t expecting this.” You quip as you shove his arm upwards, making him shoot in surprise. Not even 5 seconds pass and you can already hear footsteps thundering in your direction. You shove him and make a run for it, knowing if you try and go for the kill, his henchmen will surely kill you. You leap through the door and close it shut behind you. You take a quick look at the positions of the guards. They’re all swarmed around you. There’s no way for you to get past them without getting injured. And you definitely don’t have the stopping power to brute force your way through.
You quickly radio Gaz to update him, “I’ve been made!” A bullet whizzes by your head. Gaz surely heard it too. Well shit, your position is now known. Shortly after more bullets are flying your way. You duck down, you try to come up with solutions. You can’t think of any right now. You’re just going to have to make a run for it and hope for the best. You shakily bring a finger up to your comms, “I need to make a run for it, there’s no other way!” You inform Gaz. You hear rustling on his end, “negative! Stay there and preferably out of sight. I’m coming to get you out of there!” He shouts out. You widen your eyes in shock. That’s a horrible plan. You voice out your opinion, “are you insane?! What is one person going to help?! There are hundreds of them versus us two!” You can hear him cuss. “Fuck! Okay, you listen to me right now! Take as much cover as you can, I’ll try and provide covering fire. I’m not far from the overlook, give me 1 minute.” You peak over the cover, and grimace. You might not have a minute. Some are getting ready to storm your position. You think, the main entrance is going to be full of them. They haven’t found out where you came from so they’ll expect you to exit via the main entrance. The way you came in is going to be your only option.
“Okay, I’m in position, whenever you’re ready.” You hear his voice crackle through the comms. You inhale and exhale. ‘Now or never.’ You think to yourself. You point your gun at the small squad at the base of the stairs. You open fire at them, mowing them down successfully. You quickly run down the stairs and make your way to the wall. You feel a hot pain in your shoulder. You’ve been hit. You don’t even need to look, you were going to get hurt one way or another. Not feeling much from it you continue running to the wall, using trucks and containers as cover. Not staying too long behind cover otherwise you’ll get overrun. Sometimes you can hear thuds around you, signaling that Gaz is doing a good job at providing covering fire. You make it to the wall in record time and start climbing the rope. It’ll be a miracle if you don’t get more injuries while scaling the wall. You brace yourself for whatever might come your way. You make sure the rope is still secure by tugging on it a few times. Satisfied with the sturdiness, you start climbing up. You can hear multiple rounds go into the wall next to you. Sooner than later bullets start embedding themselves all over you. Your legs, torso, and shoulders. You wince in pain as everything starts to burn with every move you make. You grit your teeth until you make it to the top.
You rest for a minute as you assess your injuries. You count at least five bullet wounds. You’re not making it out alive, that’s for sure. You grimace as you face the harsh truth. “You got to move! They’re closing in on you!” You can faintly hear Gaz’s voice ringing through your ear. You move through the pain, you have to at least try to make it back. You grit your teeth as you pull yourself up. You grab hold of the grappler again and start descending. You run as fast as you can away from the base. Shit, it burns. It burns badly. You just wish you didn’t have to sit through this pain for long. You make a safe distance away from the base. You rest against a tree. You definitely can’t make your way to the exfil point, at least not on your own. You slowly sink yourself to the floor. Your vision starts to blur, and gunshots get quieter and quieter. Either they stopped firing or you’re losing your hearing. You bet it’s the latter.
You start coughing. You’re coughing up blood. Internal bleeding. Great. As the pain starts fading into the background, your mind runs rampant. You lean your head back as you stare up at the sky. You chuckle weakly, “I’m sorry Simon.” You say to no one in particular. You just somehow wish that he could feel that you’re sorry. You know it hasn’t been easy for him either. And part of it is your fault. You’ve been pushing him away. Drowning in your own grief, that you failed to consider his feelings. Tears slowly start trickling down your face and into the muddy ground below you. “I’m so sorry Simon, I still love you, so so much.” You whisper out. Not having any strength anymore. You slowly close your eyes, losing the battle between you and the blood loss. Little did you know that your comms were still open and Gaz heard everything. If you can’t say it to him yourself then he will make sure he passes your message to Simon. In your stead. But first, he has to find you. He runs around, desperately trying to find you. Eventually, he spots a faint trail of blood. Knowing it has to be you, he follows it. Once he finds you he shouts your name. You being unresponsive worries him. He holds two fingers to your neck. Trying to find a pulse. To his relief, he finds one. It’s faint, but it’s there. He picks you up and carries you to the heli and demands for medics to be standing by at base, ready to receive you.
Simon heads to your room and knocks on your door, “(Y/n)? Can we talk?” It feels so weird to call you by your name. He used to always call you ‘lovie’. He frowns as he hears no answer. He’s about to knock on your door again until Johnny speaks up, “she’s gone.” Simon whips his head around to face him. “What do you mean she’s gone?” He asks. “She went on a mission that Price assigned her to.” Simon stares at him, “when is she supposed to be back?” Johnny checks his watch and frowns, “she was supposed to be back 15 minutes ago.” Simon frowns, a late arrival usually means bad news. He storms his way to Price’s office. “Why did you send her alone? Why didn’t you send me with her?!” He asks coldly. He sighs, “she can get in and out quickly, that’s why I asked her. And I did ask her, she said no. She said she’ll go solo. Gaz is with her to provide exfil.” Simon gives him a hard stare and leaves the office. He has no choice but to wait for you, and hope for the best.
Multiple minutes pass as he waits anxiously for you. Eventually, a commotion stirs him out of his zoned-out state. Several members of the medical staff run by in a frenzy. They’re shouting medical stuff at each other that he doesn’t understand. All he hears are, “critically injured inbound!”, “bring blood bags!”, and “prep for surgery!”. Suddenly everything goes in slow motion. ‘Critical, surgery, blood bags’ those are the words that are swirling through his chaotic mind. He closes his eyes and curses to himself. You can’t die. Not you. Anyone but you. He regrets many things in his life. But this will probably be at the top of his list if you don’t make it. Fuck. Why is he just standing here? Why can’t he do something useful for you, not even for one second? He has let you down continuously, and he hates it. He hears more commotion. It’s you being wheeled past him in a gurney with the same medical staff by your side, with a blood bag hanging over you, and more of them in the arms of a medic. He watches as you get wheeled into the infirmary. The state of you almost makes him gag. How the hell did you even get out of there alive? After being so long in the military, he knows someone with those injuries will not make it back, or stay alive for much longer. It’s a miracle you’re still breathing, no matter how weak it is, you’re still breathing.
He heads to the infirmary to wait for you. He wasn’t there for you during the mission, the least he could do is sit and wait for you. That if you’re alive after surgery, he could give you a heartfelt apology. Something that he rarely does. He sits in a chair and holds his head in his hands. A few minutes pass and he notices Gaz sitting next to him. He sighs, “what happened?” Knowing Gaz is the only one who can provide him with the answers. Gaz winces, “Ghost, I don’t think you want to know.” He feels growing frustrated with Gaz’s answers, “I fucking asked, didn’t I? Tell me, I want names.” Gaz sighs but resigns to his wishes, “it’s the same organization. She needed to get into an office to gather more intel. Turns out this whole thing was a trap. They were waiting for her outside the office door. One thing led to another and the whole base was sent upon her. I tried to give as much covering fire as I could. But she still got shot, multiple times. I’m sorry.” He shakes his head, “not your fault, I should’ve been there,” he mumbles out. Gaz scoffs, “I don’t think it would’ve made a difference. There were way too many of them.” Simon gives him an empty look, “I would’ve gotten her out of that situation, at all costs.” Gaz shakes his head, “mate. I know how capable you are together but there’s no way you would’ve gotten out of there together in one piece.” He shrugs, “I never said I would get out of there, did I?” Gaz catches on to what he means, “are you saying you would lay down your life for her?” He nods, “she deserves to live more than I do.” Gaz can sense he doesn’t want to talk anymore so he drops it. Gaz eventually leaves, needing to debrief with the captain. Thus leaving Simon all alone.
Torturous hours pass by. He feels like her chances of surviving are dropping by the hour. Eventually, a trauma surgeon pops out of the double doors. He looks around before meeting Simon’s gaze. “Are you here for sergeant (Y/l/n)?” He nods, confirming his intentions. The surgeon drops his mask, showing Simon his grim face. “She’s alive, but she’s far from stable. We put her in an induced coma, to help her body recover from the injuries she sustained. It could last a couple of days up to weeks or several months. You may visit her if you wish. Try talking to her, it might stimulate her brain and thus make her wake faster.” Simon gives him a nod, “thank you.” The surgeon gives him a pitiful smile before leaving.
Simon enters the small room you’ve been put in. He frowns once he sees you lying on the bed. His breath gets caught up in his throat. He’s never seen you look so frail, fragile, weak, almost dead like. The only signs showing you’re still kicking are the monitor beeping and your chest moving up and down ever so slightly. He pulls up a chair next to your bed. He takes your hand in his. He has a million words to tell you. He wants to tell you how much he loves you, and how he took your love for granted. He wants to tell you how sorry he is, that he’s wrong for thinking breaking up would protect you. When in fact it’s the opposite. Every time he tries to convey these words to you, he can’t. The words get choked up, causing his sentence to become incoherent. So instead he opts for a simpler option, one that hopefully conveys all of his regrets in five words.
“I’m so sorry, for everything.”
The monitor beeps faster in response. He widens his eyes, you can hear him. He squeezes your hand. “I never should’ve let you go, lovie. It was a mistake on my part. When you wake up, I’ll take you to all of your favorite places. If you’ll have me back.”
During the next few days, it seems like you’re only regressing. Your body can’t keep up with all of the demands it needs to properly heal. Simon has been there, every hour, every day. The team has tried to drag him out to at least take a shower, but he refuses. Multiple what-ifs run through his mind. What if you wake up? And he isn’t there for you. Or what if you die? And he’s not there with you. It would break him. He’s not a fool, he knows your days are limited. He knows your chances of pulling through are close to none. So he stays there, talking to you and holding your hand. Squeezing it in intervals, to let you know he’s still there. He suddenly gets an idea in his head. What if he sings your song to you, would you appreciate that? Probably, he knows how much you love that song. So he sings.
“My mother said I’m too romantic. She said, “you’re dancing in the movies.””
“I almost started to believe her. Then I saw you and I knew.”
He starts tearing up, he might never hear you sing this song again. He might never hear your voice again. Your laughter, your giggles, your excitement. All of it. He might never hear them again.
“Maybe it’s ’cause I got a little bit older. Maybe it’s all that I’ve been through.”
“I’d like to think it’s how you lean on my shoulder. And how I see myself with you.”
He thinks of the domestic life you have behind the scenes. Away from the military. Where you would have movie marathons, forcing him to watch with you. He would pretend to hate it, but secretly. He adores the time spent with you. He thinks of all the times you would lean on him, no matter where you are. You would fall asleep on him, it’s the sense of safety that he gives you that puts you at ease. He starts choking up.
“I don’t say a word.”
“But still, you take my breath and steal the things I know.”
“There you go, saving me from out of the cold.”
He can’t continue anymore. His tears are not stopping, they continue to fall and get soaked up by his balaclava. He hasn’t cried in years, and yet here he is. Crying like a baby. He doesn’t want to let you go, but he knows it’s the right thing. If you’re not in pain then you will be when you wake up, if you wake up. He presses a kiss to your forehead as he cries. He pulls away and tries to compose himself, “it’s okay to let go if you’re hurting, lovie. I won’t be mad, I promise.” He notices that the beeping is slowing down. He gives a weak smile, even though you can’t see him. “I’ll love you forever and always, my love. Rest well, I’ll see you on the other side sometime. Hopefully, I get to properly apologize and take you around to all of the places you want to go.” He sobs as your heartbeat continues to slow until it ceases to beat. “I’ll be okay, lovie.” He whispers.
He was not okay. He was far from being okay. He thought that he’d be okay after your funeral, that he’d get the closure he was craving. It’s been weeks, and the pain is still there if not stronger. He can’t stand it. Sometimes his mind is playing tricks on him. Sometimes he can feel a cold air embracing him, as if you’re hugging him. Sometimes he can hear you say, ‘I love you.’ Or ‘I forgive you.’ He’s losing his mind, that is clear to anyone. His aim has been shakier, not as fast on his feet anymore. Fuck, he’s losing his touch.
Everyone is concerned, he sees the worried glances they throw in his direction. The way they avoid the topic of your death at all costs. He hates it, he hates how weak he’s become. He hates how they’re pitying him. One day he gets an idea. There’s a way for him to come see you sooner. Not a pretty one, but it’ll do. He dwells on it for the next few days. Not wanting to do anything rash. He has no family left that he gives a shit about. He only has the military going for him. But going at this rate, he’ll most likely get discharged because of his mental health. How he’s falling apart at the seams. Funny how he’s been alone for most of his life. Yet the instant something good enters his life it gets taken from him. He can’t function properly anymore after you died. Like taking candy from a baby.
Later in the evening. He skipped dinner, not bothering anymore. It’ll only be a waste on him. He writes a short note addressed to the 141. He explains that it’s not their fault. That he’ll be happier than if he stays here, without you. He places the note neatly on the corner of his desk. Knowing someone will come running once they hear the bang. He grabs the handheld gun he stores in his bedside drawer. He stares at the gun. Weapons have never felt heavy on his hand. Let alone handheld guns. Yet now it’s like the heaviest thing he’s ever lifted. He brings it up to his temple. He gets the easy way out, you had to suffer with at least five bullets in you. He closes his eyes and thinks of you. He smiles at the image he has painted in his head. A genuine smile, one that hasn’t appeared on his face in a long time. Again, he feels cold air engulfing him once again. He laughs, that has to be you comforting him. As you always do. He rests his finger on the trigger.
“I’ll see you in a minute, my love.”
He pulls on the trigger. In one second three things happen. A loud bang. Blood splattering. A thud.
One second he’s seeing black. Before he knows it, the next second he sees white. A figure slowly approaches him. He squints his eyes, trying to make out who that figure is. A smile creeps up his face once he realizes who it is. His lovie. You smile at him as you walk closer to him, “hi Simon.” Tears start welling up in his eyes. He says nothing as he pulls you into his strong embrace. You sigh but return the embrace, “it’s okay now, Simon. We have all of the time in the world.” He nods as tears start falling on your white clothes. You pull away as you chuckle. You wipe his tears away, “come. I’ll show you around. You’ll love it here, I promise. It’s so peaceful here.” You hold your hand out to him. He lets out a little laugh but nods and takes your hand in his, “okay. Show me, lovie.”
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bloodykora · 9 months
If you’re still doing Buggy headcanons: Sooo I always actually thought big noses on people are INCREDIBLY attractive. Give me men with noses that look just a bit too beaten up, women with noses that are big and wide, give me Roman noses and hawk noses and any unconventionally attractive nose and I am SWOONING.
… I feel the prompt almost writes itself at this point, what would Buggy think of someone who sees his funny looking nose not as a flaw but a mayor charm point and just constantly gives it kisses, traces it affectionately, boops it or comments (in all honesty and absolutely genuinely) how handsome and distinguished it makes him look, how it really suits him etc?
Wanna read about that man bluescreening because he hasn’t even treathened them yet to not make fun of his nose and they are already at the „flattering him to save themself“ stage? What do you MEAN you’re not saying that to safe yourself?!
This fucking anon/ask made me giggle so much, I literally showed it to my friends. I hope I did you and the prompt justice!
Enter the moment in Annie where Ms. Hannigan sees Warbucks’ diamond and goes “Oh my god, is that thing real?!” in shock but also delight. Me at that dude’s honker. (I want to be put on his nose like he has gangrene and I’m a leech who sucks on it to get the blood flow going) Also enter the Doja Cat quote of liking big noses.
- At first, dude is fucking weirded out. People have made comments and jokes about this stupid little red thing on his face and you… you think it’s attractive??? Huh.
- Definitely thinks you’re lying at first (and for the next few months), you’re literally the only person who is able to shut him up.
- Curtain drops, spot light is on, the blue haired clown walks in. Blabbering on about how his entrance should be more enthusiastic, but you got your eyes on your own prize, bright big red nostrils. If he wants an entrance, you’ll give him one by starting to clap loudly, getting so giddy that you start slightly hopping.
- “Oh my goodness, that is just.” Loss for words. “Are you making fun of me?” He approaches you, you hear him but his words don’t really seep into your brain at the moment. “It’s gorgeous, literally the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Your eyes are locked with his eyes and before he can even reply you reach up to brush your fingertip against his nose.
- Wants you dead first, no one has gotten close to touching it in years. And you, a low life nobody insults him like that. You get strung up immediately, your arm stretched so your fingers are out.
- “For that little ploy, I’ll take your fingers first and then your life.” Yes you’re scared but really could you regret it? This was the pirate’s life. “Oh, darn. Well, I’ll at least die happily. My eyes set on the most lovely nose I’ve seen in my years of life.”
- Thinks you’re still making fun of him until a few compliments later it clicks in his head that you mean it, with no hint of sarcasm or mockery. He lets you down, immediately ordering his crew to take care of the others you came with while he returns (runs) to his quarters. He’s a little intrigued by you, willing to die for a graze of his face. He keeps you as well, not that you’re upset by it.
- Crew thinks you’re hilarious, stopping a task to gaze longingly at the captain until either he realizes in which he shoos you back to work or he walks away. You boost his ego a ton though.
- From a distance he can ignore the thoughts he knows you’re thinking but up close, when they’re said in front of the crew, other pirates, hostages. He’s been known to cover your mouth with something so he doesn’t freeze up. When yall get together though, its game over.
- The first time you licked it, he almost saw some form of god. The angel's chorus was in his ears and he couldn’t help but say a little prayer in his head about you.
- Kissing it at least 3 times a day for good luck, rubbing up and down the bridge to soothe him to sleep, nipping at it when you feel playful. Not to mention he now has your voice in his head if he ever insults it going: “That’s not true! It is like one of the top 3 of the things I love about you and if you are mean to it again then I’m gonna cut it off and keep it all day!”
- Laying in his bed just watching him go about the day when you drop a “If my memory was wiped tomorrow I hope I’d get to keep at least the picture of your nose in my head.” before just turning over and going to rest. You hear him physically stop in his tracks and then a thud, he had let go of a boot.
- He doesn’t ever want to ask for praise about his nose on the days where he feels more insecure but you can tell by the way he rubs it on your collarbone and shoulder. You immediately pull out the good old “Have I told you how dashing attractive your nose is today? I seriously would just hop on and ri-” he doesn’t let you finish the sentence, cutting you off with a kiss knowing where it’s going.
- If anyone comments on his nose, you are the first to bite back. Threatening to cut out their tongue and string it up for future people to understand their place. Then squish Buggy while speaking highly of his stunning feature and how lucky they are to see it in the first place.
- You’re kinda crazy but hey, so is Buggy and he loves that you’re insane about him and his nose.
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weird-is-life · 8 months
Can I request a Spencer Reid fic where reader is a total naive sweetheart who goes to Pilates and is always in pink and Spencer introduces her to the Bau and she just thinks the smallest details of a case are TERRIFYING and the entire team is like “how does this work” but Spencer is doting on her the whole time and they’re like “ahhh I see, savior complex”
Sorry it’s long! Feel free to change anything!!<333
Hi lovely, ty for the request! Hopefully, this is okay🥰warnings: fluff, use of pet names and y/n, mentions of going for a drink (0.6k)
It is by a pure chance, that you and Spencer meet his team. He bailed on going out to get drinks with them and instead went to pick you up from your pilates class with intent to take you out for a date night.
You walk (you are almost skipping as you go, too happy to see your Spence) hand in hand towards your apartment for you to change. Because it wouldn't be really appropriate for you to go to the restaurant in a pink working out set and especially with the pink yoga mat.
And that's when it happens, you turn around the corner and suddenly the whole team is in front of you. You would almost miss them, too focused on listening to Spencer, but he stops walking, making you avert your attention towards them.
"Oh Spence, is that your team?" you ask innocently, eyes very curious. You don't realise, that Spencer is going to be teased so much for hiding your relationship.
"Yes, it is, sweetheart," he says and he can do nothing else as the team immediately starts towards you, their eyes and mouths wide open.
"Hey guys," he greets them with a sigh.
"Well hello to you too, pretty boy," Derek says with a big smirk, "I thought, you were too tired to go out." Spencer knows he shouldn't have lied to them, but he wanted to go out with you too badly, not seeing you for a week.
"I'm sorry guys," he says, cheeks flushed pink.
"You should be," Penelope quips in and then eagerly adds," but introduce us and maybe you'll be forgiven."
Spencer sighs again, meanwhile you are smiling shyly at everybody, eyes big as you look at them.
"Everybody, this is y/n, my girlfriend," there's a loud gasp and Spencer is pretty sure, that it came from Penelope.
There's a moment of silence as Spencer's words sink in. Finally, Rossi, more mature then anyone else, sticks his hand out and introduces himself to you. Soon, the others recover and follow his lead.
"It's so nice to meet you guys, Spencer's told me so much about you. It's great to finally add the faces to your names," you tell them with a big big smile.
"It's nice to meet you too, but we would love to know about you beforehand," JJ says, looking pointedly at Spencer, to which he just rolls his eyes to.
"I'm sorry, I just didn't know how to bring it up," he explains, his hand scratching his neck.
"It's okay, we understand," Hotch, the other more mature one, assures him.
"How about you join us guys? You can tell us about how you guys met?" Penelope, the sweetheart she is, invites you for drinks.
"I don't know guys, y/n doesn't really like hearing anything about the work-"
"What? You guys will talk about the case?" you scrunch your face in distaste," I don't think we can join you then, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep for weeks." You look so scared, that it has the profilers worried for a second.
But Penelope saves the day, " no no no, don't worry. They aren't allowed to talk about it around me, I get enough nightmares from work as it is. I ,too, definitely don't want to hear any more details,"
"Really?" you ask with quiet voice, Spencer squeezes your hand in reassurance. Giving you a small smile.
"Really." There's a chorus of agreements from everybody else. To which a huge smile grows on your face, replacing the sad, scared one.
"Okay, great. I just need to go change, I live close from here. So we'll be back quickly," you say with excitement and before they can respond, you are out of there, dragging Spencer with you.
Leaving the team with confused faces and even more questions, about how does your relationship work with you being terrified to even hear a single thing about Spencer work and being like complete opposite to him.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 7 months
The Music In Me
Fandom: Ted Lasso
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!Reader
Summary: You and the AFC Richmond team go to a karaoke bar to celebrate a win.
A/N: phil dunster, pls serenade me. i beg.
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Your relationship with Jamie was fairly new. You were a photographer that Keeley hired to do some campaign shots of the team. Jamie made you laugh when it was time for his shots and the rest is history.
You two were definitely still in the honeymoon phase of the relationship. Something new and exciting. You thought being with a hotshot like Jamie would be difficult, with his fame and notoriety, but it wasn't. It was the complete opposite. He made things so easy. You enjoyed his company, he made you laugh, was considerate of your feelings. You felt seen and heard by him.
You were smitten and everyone can tell he felt the same.
"Cheers!" you holler with the Richmond boys, clinking your shot glasses and beers together. Jamie was the only one drinking water now, since Roy gave him a limit of two beers.
You down your shot and wince. Jamie snickers, "Strong?" he asks, offering you his water.
"Very," you gulp some of it down and hand it back to him, "Think I'm done for shots tonight."
Jamie nods, "Probably best. Don't want you completely plastered when we go up there," he points to the stage where Dani is getting ready to sing his song.
You look at him in surprise, "You signed us up?"
He nods, "Yup. I need everyone to know that me girl's got a voice of an angel."
You snort, "Think you're exaggerating a bit, babes, but it's fine. What song did you pick?"
He smirks at you, "You'll see."
You, Jamie, and the guys burst into hollers and whoops as Sam and Bumbercatch hop down from the stage after their rendition of "No Scrubs".
The emcee walks up and speaks into the mic, "Wow! That was surprisingly really well done. Anyway, next up we have," she pauses to look at the clipboard of names, "Jamie and Y/N!"
The boys are no cheering for you and Jamie as you stand and make your way to the stage. Jamie hops up first, offering his hand out to you to help you onto the platform.
You shyly smile at him as he guides you to one mic stand and he stands at the other. There's a a screen at the corner of the stage so you can see the words "Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran" appear.
You smile widely at Jamie and he gives you a wink. He knows you love to listen to Taylor Swift.
The acoustic guitar rang out from the speakers and the screen told you to get ready to sing in 3..2...1.
All I knew this morning when I woke Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before And all I've seen since 18 hours ago Is green eyes and freckles And your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like
You turn to Jamie smiling from ear to ear and he's looking at you like you hung up the stars in the sky.
I just wanna know you better Know you better, know you better now I just wanna know you better Know you better, know you better now
Jamie joins in and takes you a bit off guard,
I just wanna know you better Know you better, know you better now I just want to know you, know you, know you
The both of you go into the chorus and you stare at Jamie wide-eyed because you didn't know he sings so well. Sure you've heard him singing under his breath or humming, but never so loud and confident like this.
Then he goes into the next few lines and you just stare at him in awe. He moves closer to you, having you face him while he sings. He knows this song by heart because not once has he glanced at the screen as he serenades you. You're caught up in him that you forget to sing, jumping back into the chorus with him.
You two continue this song and dance. He twirls you around while singing with you and you do your best to keep up. Your heart and stomach are fluttering in the best way as he pulls you in as you both finish the last line of the song
All I know since yesterday Is everything has changed
The guys are absolutely losing their minds. It's clear none of them knew that Jamie could sing.
Jamie hops down from the stage, offering his hand again as you jump down as well. He kisses your temple and wraps and arm around your waist, guiding you back to the group while everyone applauds.
As you two reach them, the guys are patting you and Jamie on the shoulders.
"Bruv, how come you didn't tell us you can sing?!" Isaac asks in disbelief.
Jamie shrugs, "Not really important in football, is it?"
"Still. You got mad talent," Isaac says.
Dani chimes in, "A voice of an angel!"
You snort and nudge Jamie, "So much for showing me off. You took my spotlight," you say jokingly.
Jamie winces, "Sorry, babe."
You chuckle, shaking your head, "No, no it's fine. Really. I'm more upset at the fact you never sang around me like that before. You know you definitely have to sing more around me now, right?"
He grins at you, "Whatever you want, love," he kisses your cheek.
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mcondance · 11 months
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"she, (she), she lives in daydreams with me, she's the first one that i see"
pairing oj haywood x Black! afab fem!reader
summary oj's stoic demeanor is long gone when he makes love with you.
contents oral (fem receiving), rlly rlly passionate lol, unprotected sex, praise but like.. in a very oj way, belly bulge but make it so fucking romantic, reader and oj are fucking whipped omg, creampie let's go, it's actually insane how in love they are like woah am i interrupting something..? coded language (core, clit), reader has afab! parts but there's no pronouns used
words 1.5k
notes reupload from my old blog. i wrote this in like one day. oj's just my silly little stoic man with a heart of pure gold. pls listen to "she" by harry styles while reading this omg. ignore the lyrics tho cause i only rlly relate the chorus and the sound of the song to this fic and to oj cause it's just one of them songs.
oj’s so good at making love to you.
he’s good from the beginning. good as he grinds against you slowly, kissing you just hard enough to leave you breathless but also wanting more. good when he pulls your shirt off along with his, eyes taking in your lack of a bra. good when he kisses down your body, pulls your shorts and underwear down your legs, leaving kisses on your thighs. 
he’s almost reverential with the way he handles you, the definition of passion as he spreads you open for his worshiping eyes, dips right down and licks a stripe up your core. he lets you squirm, knows just how fucked out you get when he goes down on you.
he moves up to focus on your clit, already puffy and aching to be touched. he doesn’t deny you any pleasure, slips his mouth around you clit and sucks, licking with it still in his mouth. your hands find his head to pull him closer and he just lets you, lets you damn near use him. 
he doesn’t mind. he never does.
even as your hips begin to move against his tongue, he keeps his movements steady, a low groan of “mhm, that’s right” leaving his mouth, nodding against you and sending waves of honey-like ecstasy through you. 
it’s always so maddening, endorphic, borderline insane when he goes down on you, sweet pleasure trickling through your veins until you’re like putty in his hands, hips barely able to continue their rocking motions against his determined tongue. no matter, though, he takes over when it gets to be too much, when your body can’t keep up with what he’s done to you. 
soft moans of his name slip past your lips and he knows what you mean, knows all too well that you’re about to reach that precious peak that he’s so willing to throw you off of. fingers join his tongue on your clit, rub in tight circles with the skill of a man you’ve known for years.
he lives for this, for this feeling ordained by the gods above. lives for the way your thighs close around his head, the way your hands try and fail to find purchase in his short curls. he loves making love to you in so many different ways, the knowledge that he’s yours and you’re his, that he is making love to you, makes his mind feel indescribably perfect. 
“oj, ‘m gonna—”
“i know, baby. you got it.” it’s a low murmur, paired with another nod and just a little more pressure on your clit with his tongue and fingers. he knows you like the back of his hand. he knows your whines, your whimpers, your short little breaths that he only hears right before you—
“you’re good, baby. give it to me.” and you do. hips roll over and over again against him, meet his dutiful moves against you, send you higher and higher and impossibly higher, until you’re not sure you’ll ever come down. you float like a fucking bird, wings lifted with the air of oj’s masterful, almost adoring, motions. it’s always like this, always so fucking sweet , mind-numbingly so. the saccharine pleasure drips throughout your veins, his soft groans of affirmation drifting to you as you lay suspended in the blissful madness he’s given you.
you come for oj in a way that’s so different, because the way in which he makes love to you is so different. and you love it.
you love it as he slows down to a stop, kisses your shaking thighs and fluttery stomach, making his way up to your softly heaving chest. he continues his pursuit, lifting up until your lips connect, transferring your taste to your lips. any other time, this would be filthy, the sharing of your taste on his tongue. but now, it’s so right, fits in perfectly with the way oj handles you. 
your hands make their way to the waistband of his jeans, pull the denim down along with his boxers and he finishes the job for you. you feel him, hard and heavy against your thigh, so turned on from just pleasing you. it’s always a gratifying experience, knowing that it’s you that makes him this way. no matter his exterior— the stoic cowboy, preferring horses over people, chooses his words carefully as though he’d die if he spoke too much— he loves you. you are the tear in his heart, that one thing that breaks down his walls. 
and you feel it when he entraps your lips in another kiss as you reach down between you two and line him up with your entrance as he groans at your touch, and he slides in with one smooth stroke, your body always open to him. you both can’t break the kiss for him to do anything other than thrust oh-so softly, movements barely there. but it’s enough, god it’s more than enough, because every touch, every fluttery glide of his hips against yours is like fucking magic, the shared love between you two heightening everything tenfold.
this is how oj makes love to you. face to face, your legs coming up to wrap around his waist as he pushes into you slow and deep, hits every single spot you need him to. he’s calculated with his moves, like he is with everything, hands balancing him above you as his chain bumps your chin with every forward stroke. kisses broken are reciprocated just as quickly, mere milliseconds separating every one. 
“you're so good, baby.” it’s genuine, his brain blanked and grasping for words to describe the feeling you always give him. whines meet him in response, you’re too far gone to manage anything else.
this feels almost criminal, the pureness of his love, reflected in his every move, in every kiss he places against your lips. his every thrust is on purpose, is meant to drive you wild, to somehow translate his love for you into something tangible. and it works. you feel it, feel what you know is impossible for him to say. 
you don’t speak much, dirty talk reserved for times other than now. now, is just him moving inside you, you pushing down against him. bodies together, lips locked in an almost infinite kiss. and then he shifts just a bit, brushing over that perfect spot. the whine that meets him in response, one from deep in your stomach, tells him all he needs to know.
“there we go.” he drawls, heavy accent making his words that much more insanity-inducing, goosebumps raising up on your heated skin as he directs his gaze to where you connect, eyes falling on the bulge that’s so prominent. “i’m right there, baby. you feel it?” he wears a slight smile, loves making love to you like this. 
“feel it, oj. feels so good .” another depraved whine meets his ears, words an abstract to you that you don’t think you’ll ever understand again. his pace is steady, building you up without ever moving past a slow grind. and you’re gonna come again.
“you close, baby?” he asks, knowing how much you love his voice, how you live for how he talks to you when you’re together like this, how even though he doesn’t have to say a word to get you this high, his voice can push you that much higher. you just nod, meet his lips again and moan into his mouth when his fingers meet your clit, rubbing those same brain-numbing circles from earlier. god he’s so good, so fucking good and this is it, you’re gonna come for him once again. 
“come on, baby, let me have it.” that’s all you need to hear. the pleasure pooling inside you overflows, spills over the edges of your being as you you’re dunked into it, mouth and nose and entire body filling up with the sweet feeling that oj has once again given to you. his praises float to your ears, a soft murmur of “that’s it, baby, you got it.” breaking through your syrupy delirium, pulling you even farther into what you can only feel as indescribable bliss. 
oj’s so close too, streams of shakes moving through his body as you come around him, your back arching into his chest, legs tightening around his waist. his head is tucked into your neck now, placing soft kisses against the skin there. he doesn’t have to say anything, because you know he’s almost there, turning your head to whisper into his ear, your turn to drive him absolutely mad. 
“come on, oj, need it, wanna feel you.” it leaves you as a moan, and it’s more than enough to drive him mad, his hips still moving slowly as he lets go just as you did, breath heavy, small groans escaping his mouth that’s still pressed into your neck. you hum as you feel him inside you, warmth filling your body and seeping into your bones. his lips meet yours again, kissing slow and soft, like always. you both don’t intend to move for a while, chests rising and falling in tandem as you soak in the afterglow of love, bodies close enough to fuse. this is your natural state, oj sinking love into your skin just for you to give it right back to him. 
this right here.. this is perfection. this is how oj makes love. 
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drewsbuzzcut · 7 months
You Are In Love
nick moldenhauer x dallas blankenburg
a so it goes fic (3.2k words!)
warnings: minor angst, mentions doubts and insecurities, talks of condoms and sex, mentions cheating, and I think that’s all (let me know if I didn’t catch anything) this is also majorly influenced by Taylor Swift’s ‘You Are In Love’
Italics are flashbacks!!!
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Dallas watches Nick as he dozed on and off, head bobbing before landing on her shoulder. His laptop playing one tree hill is the only light in the room. She’s laying next to him, a hand resting over his heart. Once she yawns, she reaches to shut off the laptop, setting it on his desk. She presses a soft kiss on his jaw, adjusting her body next to him. He slightly wakes up, stretching out her arm, so he can lay his head on it. He’s on his side, an arm wrapped over her waist.
“You’re my best friend,” Nick whispers, slowly blinking at the girl.
She smiles, her hand going out to caress the side of his face. She presses a kiss to his forehead, her heart thundering in her chest. It’s a statement she’s heard before, but this time it feels different. It feels heavier, but not in a negative way. Dallas starts to feel a lump forming in her throat. Now, it’s not only her heart going fast. Millions of thoughts race around her mind, most of them doubts and insecurities. They’ve only been together for about 4 months. Dallas feels like they might be moving too fast, but nothing about their relationship feels wrong or too fast. It’s only when she thinks of their relationship as if she is an outsider. She hates that she sometimes submits herself to feeling guilty for being happy. She’s getting so used to Nick that she’s almost waiting for the other shoe to drop. They may be in a great place now, but he’s a hockey player. He’s already drafted to a NHL team in a different country, she can be easily dropped and easily replaced. She knows all too well. Her brother being a hockey player and always having his hockey friends around, Dallas has seen it firsthand. Her heart aches at the thought of Nick not being in her life anymore. Then, she berates herself for thinking of Nick so poorly. He wouldn’t ever do that to her, right? God, she feels so hopeless, even as he’s laying in her arms, she feels like a stranger to her feelings.
She scoots closer to Nick, his body practically on top of hers, their chests pressed together. As she cards her fingers through his hair, she looks back at some of their memories from the beginning of their relationship to now.
“Are you sure that I can borrow your shirt?” Dallas asks, nervously biting at her nails while Nick’s smile softens at her unsure tone.
“Yes, of course. Your shirt is wet and I’m not letting you walk around with a wet shirt- especially because it’s kind of cold out,” he assures her.
He and Dallas were at a coffee shop, and the girl accidentally spilled her coffee on herself, so Nick suggested that she take the extra shirt he had in his backpack. Unknowingly to Nick, Dallas was excited. She knew his shirt would have the lingering scent of his cologne, and it’d be so soft and worn.
When she goes into the restroom to change, she’s already plotting all the ways she can “accidentally” steal his shirt, ready to sleep in it every night until the smell runs faint.
She cheerily runs out of the stall, looking over herself in the mirror. A smile fights its restraint and lights up her face, her cheeks burning red. She lets out a shocked giggle, biting on her lip to stop the chorus of giggles begging to leave her mouth.
“Damn,” Nick mutters, his head snapping up when he hears the door to the restrooms open. His jaw hangs to the floor, seeing his girl in his shirt. Oh yeah, he could definitely get used to this sight.
“Do I look okay?” Again, her voice is laced with worry.
“Absolutely beautiful, June bug,” he declares, pulling her into his arms and kissing her cheek as they burn and blush.
Dallas feels that same blush form on her cheeks as she leaves that memory and moves to the next. Her mind instantly jumps to the memory of their first fight, disagreement, whatever you want to call it, just last week.
“What’re you looking for?” Nick asks, coming back from the restroom to find Dallas digging through his bedside drawer. There’s something about his tone, but she just can’t place it.
“I was looking for my chapstick I left here,” she answers.
Nick digs through his drawer, handing her the chapstick. He moves to get back on the bed with his girlfriend, but Dallas gets off as soon as he gets on. She starts pacing around and Nick can feel his nerves building up at her quietness.
“So, who’d you use our condoms for?” She finally speaks, her eyes glued on his figure.
“What?” He snaps his head up so fast, actually taken aback by her question.
“You just bought this box of condoms this past Sunday, we’re on Tuesday. We haven’t had sex and this box is almost empty. Who are you using them with? It sure as hell isn’t me!” Dallas exclaims, cheeks burning red in anger and embarrassment. Her tears are already falling even as she wipes at her cheeks, furiously. She starts to gather her belongings, ignoring him as he calls out her name.
“Dallas!” He says again, grabbing ahold of her wrist before she can exit out his door.
“What?! What can you possibly say that can make this better? You’re cheating on me, you’re breaking me,” she cries out.
“Dallas, please let me explain, please! I promise it’s not what it looks like. I swear,” he tries again, knowing to not call her by her real first name because it’ll make her even more upset.
She stays quiet, leaving room for him to begin his explanation.
“I know I just bought that box, but I didn’t use them. Some of the other freshmen on the team needed some and they didn’t have the time to get them, so I just handed them a whole strip. I swear I wouldn’t cheat on you,” Nick explains.
Dallas turns to face away from him, embarrassment settles in her bones, weighing heavily. She hates that she was quick to assume the worst. She cries more. Nick comes up behind her, bringing her body into his. Her back is pressed against his chest as his arms are wrapped around her.
“Talk to me, June bug.”
“I feel like shit. I just accused you of cheating on me. I need to go,” she blurts, trying to break out of his hold.
“June, baby, I’m not mad at you. I understand how it looked. I’m not mad. I just want you to look at me, please,” he sighs, turning her around and lifting her chin up.
“There she is,” he adds upon meeting her eyes.
She reluctantly looks at him, his smile soft but worried.
“I’m sorry,” she apologizes.
“It’s okay. I promise I’m not mad. Not at you anyways, the boys owe us condoms,” he tries to joke around but his attempt fails.
He cups her cheeks, pulling her in for a kiss. She’s reluctant at first, but then her body melts when his plump lips encase her lips. She grips the material of the crew neck he’s wearing, not daring to let go.
“Marry me,” he pulls away but still speaks against her lips as he’s still cupping her face.
“You’re absolutely crazy,” she laughs in amusement.
“Crazy about you,” he says, sealed with another breathtaking kiss.
She wipes away the tears daring to spill, shaking her head to get rid of the memory. It’s not her favorite. She leans down pressing a kiss to where she could reach on his face as it’s shoved in her neck. When she thinks about it, that wasn’t the first time Nick has asked to marry her. She’s used to hearing him say it, and she’s used to not looking too much into it. She knows he’s just being funny. However, she thinks, no, she knows that she likes to hear him say those words.
Nick has one hand laid on the small of Dallas’ back while the other holds one of her hands. The side of his face rests gently against the side of her face, creating an intimate connection that isn’t shared by their hands. They’re softly swaying to some classical song, ignoring everyone around them. It’s date night. Their fancy date night. She’s adorned in her silky, yellow slip dress that he found for her at a thrift store one Sunday. Nick was right, she looks down right delectable. Nick is wearing navy blue trousers and a simple white button up, his sleeves rolled up and a few of the buttons undone. Just the way Dallas likes. They’ve chosen to forgo dessert for a few dances on the crowded dance floor. It’s something Dallas has never done before, and she’s glad she gets to do it with Nick.
“So, I was thinking when we get back to mine, we can shower, maybe have sex, if you’re up for that, then we can lay down and watch The Mighty Ducks,” Nick whispers in her ear.
Dallas grins, her hand that isn’t in his coming up to fiddle with the hair at the nape of his neck. She bites down on her lip, trying to silence her laugh.
“You and your Mighty Ducks, and what makes you think I’m going back to your place? Maybe I’m really tired and need to sleep in my bed, alone,” she teases him, already knowing his cheeks are turning red.
“Well,” he says and clears his throat before continuing, “I know for a fact that you can’t sleep properly unless your body is heated by my body warmth. I also know that you love having sex with me especially when it’s cold outside, and The Mighty Ducks is one of the best hockey movies.”
Dallas turns her head, her lips coming in contact with his cheek. He’s right, she loves his warmth. She presses a chaste kiss to his cheek before leaning her head on his shoulder.
“You’re my boy, of course I’ll go home with you. Of course I’ll have shower sex with you, and of course I’ll watch The Mighty Ducks with you, for the millionth time,” Dallas giggles, slipping her hand out of his to wrap her arms around his waist.
He smiles so wide his cheeks start to ache. He brings her arms to rest around his neck, dipping her body and kissing her like no one’s watching.
“Marry me, June bug,” he whispers so softly she almost doesn’t hear him.
“You want to submit me to the torture of watching The Might Ducks every night that you’re restless?” She jokes around.
“You know you love the movie, too,” he retorts, smiling when she smiles and playfully rolls her eyes at his words.
Some people might think Nick’s insane for even muttering those words at a young age, but she always found it endearing- even the first time he said it.
“Well look at you my little puck bunny,” Nick teases Dallas, his arms folded behind his head as he’s laid out on her bed.
“You’re finding this a little too amusing,” she grumbled, throwing her head back as she let out a groan.
She stands up straight, fixing the pair of bunny ears that are crooked on her head before adjusting the maize umich hockey jersey. It was all Nick’s idea. Be a puck bunny for Halloween, he said. It’ll be fun, he said. The only good thing about this is the brand new Michigan blue lingerie set she has on underneath, the garter subtly peeking out from underneath the jersey.
“You look hot, baby,” he lusts over her, getting out of the bed to grab her hand and spin her around.
“What’s that?” Nick reaches out to tug on the strap around Dallas’ thigh, her garter.
“A garter. You should know, you’ve seen one before,” she points out the obvious.
“No, I know what it is, but why are you wearing one?”
Dallas scoffs and pushes him out the way, going to apply her lipstick.
“You can’t be the only one having fun with this costume, plus I think it adds a nice touch to the whole puck bunny thing,” she explains.
“Marry me?” He proposes, goofily, trying to get her to forget about her indifference towards the costume. His hands are planted on her hips, but when she starts to press herself more into him, they travel to her ass, squeezing softly.
“In your dreams, Moldenhauer,” she whispers in his ear, palming the front of his pants before whipping away from him.
After struggling to hold in her laughs, as to not wake up her sleeping boyfriend, she thinks about one of her favorite memories. Christmas Day, their first together. Nick had asked Dallas if he could spend the holiday with her and her family, not being able to catch a flight back home for a couple of reasons. It helped that Dallas’ family were going to celebrate in Ohio to be with her older brother. Dallas, of course, agreed.
Their 4 day trip came and went, but it was such a special time for the couple. They created so many new memories, and Nick was starting to find his place within her family. But, if there was one moment to stand out amongst the rest of them, it’d be Christmas morning. Dallas and Nick waking up to each other and exchanging gifts in private.
“You go first,” Nick directs.
“Why me? You’re technically the guest, so you should go first,” she counters.
“Fine, I’ll go first.”
Dallas hands over his perfectly gift wrapped present, anxiously biting on her lip. He sets a hand on her thigh to stop her nervous fidgeting. When he tears through the wrapping and the box, he’s presented with a custom pair of sneakers he’s been wanting and a pair of sunglasses that Dallas knew would look fantastic on him. The last thing in the box is a key tied to a piece of string.
“What’s this?”
“A key,” Dallas answers in a duh tone.
“Obviously, but a key to what?”
“My room.” And her heart.
“I know sometimes you just need to get away from all the guys to do homework or just nap, and I know sometimes you want to jump into my bed after I’ve fallen asleep and you don’t call to ask because you don’t want to wake me up. My room is my safe space, and I want it to be yours, too,” she finishes her explanation, watching his face to gauge his feelings.
His lips turn rosy from him biting on them to stop a blooming smile from spreading on his face. He grabs the girl, bringing her body into his for a hug. He grabs her face, pulling it out of his neck and kisses her so passionately. All of Dallas’ doubts melt away, turning into a million butterflies, buzzing throughout her whole body.
“I love it, so much actually. Thank you for trusting me with your safe space, and thank you for the shoes and sunglasses,” he whispers in her ear.
“You’re welcome.”
“Your turn!” He passes her a smaller box.
She hastily undoes the wrapping, getting excited when she realizes it’s a jewelry box. Her jaw hits the floor when she gets the box open to see a gold necklace, resting perfectly in its cushion. The ‘N’ is nestled with colorful stones, and it’s just the prettiest thing she’s ever seen.
“Nick, oh my god. This is so beautiful. I love it so much,” she rambles.
“Before you try to put it on, open this,” he instructs, handing her another box in a similar size.
Upon opening the second jewelry box, she’s met with another ‘N’ necklace, this time silver and dainty, perfect for everyday use.
“This is so lovely, Nicky. I love them so much,” she hugs him tightly, her fingers carding through his hair.
“I got the gold one for you to wear in the summer, because I know you prefer to wear gold jewelry in the summer. The color also adds to the summer aspect. The silver one is because your favorite is silver jewelry. The ‘N’ is small and simple, and I think it’d look beautiful resting in the dip of your collarbone,” he mutters, half sounding lovesick and half sounding embarrassed.
“I love it, they’re so thoughtful and perfect. Thank you, baby,” she says, moving to kiss his lips.
Later that night, Nick watches Dallas sleep as the moonlight pours in through the window and catches the silver chain of her necklace, reflecting the light. She is the equivalent of an angel, he thinks.
Subconsciously, Dallas removes her hand from where it was placed on Nick and fiddles with her necklace. She ponders over the hidden meaning placed behind the cold metal around her neck, the promise of forever, forever having him with her. At the beginning of their relationship, she never would have thought they’d be so amazing together. She never meant to be negative from the start, she’s just not used to having people, especially boys, genuinely care for her. Nick has been so exceptional and continues to be. The way he can tell when she’s hiding her true feelings, and how he knows just what to do to get her to let him in. The way he touches her with care and passion, his fingertips are always leaving trails of fire behind on her skin. The way he can fall asleep in her arms even though he doesn’t really like to be smothered. Feeling smothered is never something he feels when he’s with her.
Nick is Dallas’ best friend, in this lifetime and the next.
‘Oh’ she thinks.
‘Oh’ it dawns on her.
The times when Nick would call her his best friend, he really meant ‘I love you.’ Dallas starts to freak out internally, scouring each edge of her brain that will tell her how she feels about the revelation. She’s not scared, per se, and not shocked. I guess she feels seen. She soon realizes that she’s loved him all along. Each time they’ve moved throughout their days, even in silence, their hearts were screaming and declaring their love for each other. Through each semblance of a touch, even a meaningful touch, and through lingering stares, love was being voiced. The nights they found solace in each other in the darkest dark, their love was bleeding out on the bed sheets, coating themselves unknowingly. Nick’s in love with her and she’s in love with him.
“Nick,” she shakes his shoulder, needing him to wake up.
He stretches, rubs at his eyes, then looks up at Dallas. His face is a mix of sleepiness and concern, his lips pouty and hair stuck on his forehead. He looks perfect.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?” He asks, his hands pressing into the mattress as he hovers over her.
The girl reaches a hand up, her thumb gliding over his bottom lip before tracing over his scar. He turns his head, kissing her palm.
“I’m fine, happy actually.”
“Why’d you wake me up?” He whines, dropping himself on top of her and hiding his face in her neck.
“Because I love you,” she whispers, his wandering hands freezing. He pops his head up, looking at her with the softest look she’s ever seen.
“I love you, June bug,” he states, proudly and with that familiar lovesick expression.
She tugs on his chain, bringing him into a kiss, one that lasts long enough to put them both to sleep.
a/n: I love this so much and I hope y’all do as well!!!!
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ammcg0119 · 1 year
What their kisses taste like pt.2
What the MHA boys’ kisses taste like. All characters are aged up to be in their 20′s and some scenarios are suggestive so 18+ MDNI. Nameless and ageless blogs will be blocked. I do not own these characters and all scenarios are just fiction and for fun. Please do not copy my works or repost without either asking or giving credit.
Content warning : Making out, implied sex, dry humping, mentions of oral sex, nicknames (Princess, baby), mentions of female anatomy,
A/N : please let me know if I missed anything or if you want to give feedback, this is my second time actually posting a hc so I'll gladly take any criticism. Also I'm unsure who to do next so you can send in requests for who to put in my next one and hopefully I don't take months to post.
WC : 1.3k
Eijiro Kirishima
Like pop rocks and cherry coke 
It was a party with 3a and 3b for graduation
You still don’t know how you ended up in the circle playing seven minutes in heaven 
He was so nervous about you not wanting to kiss him
“Okay Y/n it’s your turn!” Mina shouts
As you spin the empty bottle you look around the circle and feel your hands beginning to sweat. A chorus of ‘ooo’ can be heard as you look up and find Kirishima beginning to stand. Grabbing his hand you stand and follow him to the coat closet found at the front of the dorm.
The space in the closet got smaller with how big the sturdy hero had gotten compared to the first year of high school. Each year that you grew alongside all of your classmates there was always an invisible line that was drawn between you and Eijiro made by the feelings you’ve never spoken about.
“You know we don’t have to do anything right, I'm happy just sitting here with you.” even in the dim light of the closet you can see the blush on his cheeks.
Your own cheeks burn with embarrassment, both your chests are touching and every exhale can be felt on the others lips.
“But what if I told you I want to?” Your hands snaked their way up his chest and over his shoulders to clasp together around the back of his neck.
“Then I guess I’d say good, cause I've been thinking about kissing you for god knows how long.” 
You could feel his lips brushing against yours as one of his hands made a claim on your waist while the other rubbed up and down your side.
“Kiss me.”
Your plea was met by the softness of his lips touching yours in a passionate and sensual kiss. Sparks tingle throughout your body as the kiss went on and his hands ran along your curves. His tongue poked at your lips as you tilted your head, parting your lips slightly you swirl your tongue against his. You could vaguely taste the coke and candy he had earlier as your hands caressed his muscles as he started pushing you against the wall in a desperate attempt to get closer only made you begin to run your hands through his hair to tug at the ends. As the kiss goes on his lips travel further down to your neck where you feel his teeth begin to nip at the skin
“Times up love birds!” The pink girl yells through the door
“Next time, next time when we walk out they’ll all know your mine.”
Denki Kaminari
Lemonade and chocolate chip cookies
Hanging out in his room after class
Fridays were your scheduled disney movie binge day
The little mermaid definitely became a bit more eventful
“Denks,the movie is still playing.” You whimper as he starts to trace the side of your neck with his finger.
“It’s okay, just wanted to see how sensitive you are.” his eyes are tracing your face as he stops at your lips.
You go to lick them out of habit and he takes his chance. The kiss is soft, almost hesitant giving you enough room to back away. In the three months that you’ve agreed to be friends with benefits with the electric boy you’ve never kissed. The deal was stress relief, as third years the amount of pressure was rising as graduation grew closer. Hand jobs, and oral was the most either of you have done with the other. But today something was off, it was different; the feeling of his hands groping your cloth covered breast as you pulled him in closer by the back of his neck was more urgent. His body pushing you down on the bed as he unbuttoned your uniform shirt was rushed while he licked and sucked on your bottom lip. The need to feel your skin on his clouding his brain as he ground his hips against you.
“Fuck baby, I need you so bad.” His words muffled by the skin of your neck as his hand danced over your panties.
“Denks please do something.” Your voice getting breathier as he skims his fingers over the growing wet patch
“You want me to play with you baby, want me to touch this pretty pussy you have here?” You can feel the smirk on his lips as your hips shift up to get more friction.
“You’re fucking soaking through your pretty little panties baby, why don’t we take them off might have more fun if we do.” 
Tired of his teasing you grab him by his shirt and pull him into you. The kiss is a clash of teeth, tongue, and the taste of his favorite lemonade and cookies.
“You talk too much, just fuck me already Denks.”
“Whatever you want princess, fuck I’d do anything you want every second of the day.”
“Yeah, then give it to me Denks, take me and give me everything,”
Sero Hanta
Orange soda and airheads
After another late night on the job you decide to go back to his
Literally just take out on his coffee table and whatever late night reruns were on tv
Was definitely not the first time either of you have thought of doing it
“No, no the last time we had this Kaminari laughed a noodle out his nose and I still have no idea how he managed that.” the tears gathered in the corners of your eyes as you and Hanta recall the memory of the electric hero making a fool out of himself yet again.
“Man I miss hanging out with them, it sucks we’re all so busy though.”
“Yeah but at least we can still do these stupid reruns every now and then, I like how chill it is with you.”
The room was quiet save for the tv in the background, his fingers just barely touching your arm put your nerves on high alert. The tension between you and Hanta has been palpable since your second year at UA, and for some reason the consequences of kissing him don’t seem so bad tonight.
His eyes went back and forth between your eyes and your lips, the blush rising on your face did nothing to stop him from smirking before he lent in pressing his lips against yours.
“God you’re so fucking pretty.” His kiss was intense and passionate, it felt like everything he never had the chance to say was coming out through the dance between your mouths.
Soon his tongue started sliding along your bottom lip, parting your lips you let him in as he pushed you down the sofa. The taste of his drink pulling you in as his tongue danced with yours sensually. His hands wrapping themselves around your waist and breasts holding, caressing and massaging as his hips ground against yours. The feeling of him half hard putting pressure on your clit through your sweats had you moaning into his mouth. Your hands moved into his black hair as his lips traveled down your neck leaving little nips and licks in the places he kissed. Your moans slowly started getting louder as his hips moved faster and harder.
The pressure building up in your core became too big to ignore. You knew he felt it too as his breathing got heavier until it stopped. His hips stuttered to a stop as he slowly lifted himself off of you with a shy smile and blush tinting his cheeks.
“Fucking came in my pants like we were in high school.” His eyes hanging low as he spoke “But let me guess, you didn’t cum did you princess?”
“No, I was really close though, why you trying to make it up to me?” The lust in his eyes was undeniable as he smirked and lifted you from the couch.
“Wouldn’t be much fun if you don’t finish, how about you try it on my tongue instead?”
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rubykgrant · 21 days
How do you imagine Junior's interactions with people other than Tucker? You could do just the Blood Gulch Crew, but others like Freelancers or Chorusians would be interesting too.
While Junior is VERY big and physically intimidating, he's still not an adult, so most people see him and don't realize this is a KID... the Reds and Blues are aware of this, though. If they were in a situation where they have the time to actually think about it (and aren't currently in the middle of something that has everybody all stressed-out/riled-up), they'd try to make attempts to be nice to him (though some of them are so out of practice, they are unsure how to like... entertain children)
-Carolina wasn't good with kids even when she WAS a kid. Once she figures out how to make Junior laugh, she latches on to that, she's going to be the Funny Aunt (she also shows off, doing lots of cool stunts)
-Sarge is like "Hey kid, wanna see me blow something up?"
-Junior remembers Doc, and they're both automatically fond of each other. Doc knows what kind of snacks he likes, and will make it fun by having a whole "pretend restaurant" when they cook stuff together (O'Malley will be the one sho asks "Are any other kids picking on you? Wait, one of the PARENTS made a rude comment? I SHALL DESTROY THEM")
-Simmons is SO out of his depth at first, he's like "OK, Junior is a kid... like, a toddler? No, wait, he plays basketball, he's on a team... is he he in middle school? A teenager?". Once Junior shows any interest in books/building toys, Simmons forgets to be nervous and accidentally becomes very entertaining/nurturing (seriously, he doesn't even realize he's good at it)
-Grif is a big bro, he knows how to be fun. He shows Junior every version of the Ninja Turtles and Batman that exists, Junior thinks Grif is like the EXPERT on super hero stuff
-Tex will just buy him whatever he wants; A new bike? You got it. Oh, the bike broke? Well, I'll get you a heavy-duty MOTORCYCLE. Also, ALL OF THE POKEMON CARDS
-Donut tries to be helpful and warn Junior about "dangerous addictive substances", but also lets the kid drink coffee
-Wash is initially awkward about being left alone with Junior, but once the kid shows Wash what cartoons he likes to watch, Wash is like THANK GOODNESS, they can bond over that (once he really gets to know Junior, Wash is the fussy worry-wart who gets over-protective)
-Kai is the "big event" person, she'll take him to an amusement park or the movies, something really cool like that
-Church has decided he no longer thinks Junior is a "gross parasite", and refuses to admit he ever acted like that (if anybody tries to bring it up, Church just goes "What? I never said that. You're crazy"). When Church realizes Junior thinks he's cool, he takes that VERY seriously. The Fragments also help, they all like Junior a lot (Church definitely doesn't want children of his own, but he's actually very caring and even nurturing... when he isn't trying to be a jerk)
-Caboose is very passionate about telling Junior stories, so the kid will know all about what everybody was up to when they couldn't be together. Caboose will also collect lots of things he thinks Junior will like, putting them into little music boxes (whenever Caboose sees Junior, the kid feels like he's getting a magical gift of precious treasures)
-Lopez likes sharing different crafts with Junior, and teaches the kid how do things that are practical, like work on vehicles, but also creative things like carve wood and paint
-Locus is supremely ashamed of all the horrible things he ever did, he doesn't feel like he should even be allowed to be liked by Junior. He will remain invisible, but still keep Junior safe, and make sure the kid has whatever food or toys he wants. Junior thinks he has a friendly ghost following him around
-Everybody on Chorus either treats Junior like a very important ambassador (which is technically true) or royalty (which is possibly true?), but once people like Kimball, Grey, and the Lieutenants get to know him, they try to be very friendly and acknowledge his needs as a kid (Palomo and Matthews are arguably the best at entertaining him)
EDIT; fixed it, now complete with Caboose~
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barrenclan · 5 months
"Arms Tonite" by Mother Mother, for Rainhaze and Asphodelpaw? It reminds me of them idjdjidi
Aw... that makes me sad. Rainhaze and Asphodelpaw is okay, although the romantic vibes of this song put me off a little bit. And Asphodelpaw, would she be okay with dying at Rainhaze's paws? There's some other characters, though...
"I died in your arms tonight I slipped through into the afterlife, it was nice White light in your arms tonight I lost sight in your arms tonight, it was nice"
"I cry in the afterlife I cry hard because I have died, and you're alive"
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I see we both enjoyed that Shadowsight PMV...
"No, what they say it's "keep your eye on the money" No, what they say it's "keep your eye on the prize" Gracefully and suffocating on my lies We'll hear the love you gather all around When you're six feet underground"
"Make your peace Do a sacrificial dance All your jubilant intentions never stood a chance You see the coming on the end times"
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I don't think I've ever heard of this band! I've been listening to a lot of old rock lately, so it's fun. I agree with you, too.
"I'm sitting here alone in darkness Waiting to be free, Lonely and forlorn I am crying I long for my time to come"
"Hate is my only friend Pain is my father Torment is delight to me Death is my sanctuary" <- lol yeah rainhaze
"Bewitched be delight, you'll reach the night Dancing and singing to my fiddle So take my hand, and understand That no-one will see you again"
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That's a specific choice! I do like it, though. Rainhaze is pretty easy to fit with a lot of music in general.
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Aw... if those two had it together a little more, I can see it very cleanly with them.
"There once was a time when we walked crooked lines But that's all over now I'll walk with you into the blue"
"You got any weekend plans? Can't help but wonder if you're still my pal But you told me once that you would follow me into hell And oh man, that place is far behind me now"
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Oh yes, I can imagine Nightberry singing this chorus to Pinepaw!
"Don't ask your questions to the wall They keep their secrets locked inside If blood and bones are what you want I suggest that you look behind you"
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Not to my memory.
"He goes to the desert, fires his rifle in the sky And says, "God, if I have to die, you will have to die"
"Every time you think you're walking, you're just moving the ground Every time you think you're talking, you're just moving your mouth Every time you think you're looking, you're just looking down"
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Hm, what's the bad faith interpretation of that? I think it works! "Sleep" is practically his themesong, anyways.
"Another night and I'll see you Another night and I'll be you Some other way to continue To hide my face"
"Touched by angels, though I fall out of grace I did it all so maybe I'd live this every day"
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Yeah, this one has been suggested before! Still holds up.
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I can definitely understand the This Is My Blorbo instinct, very valid.
"We exercise the demons of the things we used to know The gnashing of the teeth become the remnants of our homes We think we're moving on from materials we long To forget we ever sold our souls to own"
"There's a chilling absolution that we're given from our birth A powerful delusion and a plague upon the earth"
Ran out of video embeds xoxo
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daceydeath · 2 years
A Working Proposal (Part 2)
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Pairing: Chan x Reader x Changbin
Word Count: 2.5K
Genre: Smut
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, unprotected sex (don't be dumb), creampie, oral sex (male receiving), vaginal fingering, swearing, threesome (MMF)
You had been working with Stray Kids for a while now and after a long day at work turns into a very unexpected but intriguing proposal. Will this change your world or end your career?
The next few days had flown with all the extra tasks that needed to be done to prepare for not only shooting the music video but the whole album intro teaser. You had organised four separate looks including hair make up and outfits, two dozen locations and organised for the whole process to be documented so that behinds the scenes footage could be ready to go. It had been exhausting and you had not had a moment to even think about the boys in terms of your contact with them, until that was Felix had asked you to come to the studio. You had remembered smiling when you got the text thinking that he was being sweet to worry until you remembered that it might be more than you initially thought. You dragged yourself to the dance studio pausing to try to pull yourself together before entering, hoping your smile was believable you opened the door and entered the room.
"Good you made it" Felix grinned happily getting up from where he was sitting on the floor with the others surrounded by food containers.
"Well you asked me to Felix" you blinked slightly confused about what was going in.
"And good thing too" Minho replied sternly "when did you eat last?"
"Umm... I definitely had breakfast at least I'm pretty sure I had breakfast" you answered slowly thinking hard, the last few days were busy remembering to eat didn't seem like the important information to retain.
"Exactly" Chan echoed as Felix dragged you to the loose circle they were sitting in making you sit "You need to take care of yourself"
"Says the man who doesn't sleep, eat proper meals or have the ability to stop working ever" you rolled your eyes at him watching him blush slightly at your words.
"Open up" Minho instructed and you did without question turning to him as he put a piece of meat in your mouth making you shy suddenly.
"How are we supposed to even start this thing if you are working yourself harder than us?" Changbin sighed teasingly your eyes widening suddenly before you could swallow your mouthful of food.
"Is that why I'm here? you think I'm working too hard for your comeback?" you quirked your eyebrow at him smiling.
"Well yeah a bit" Han admitted a light dusting of pink across his cheeks making you giggle "none of us like seeing you worked to exhaustion"
"It's kind of my real job to get everything sorted out so everything goes smoothly for you, then sit back and let you do all the heavy lifting" you smirked.
"That's not how I remember it" snickered Chan making your skin heat up instantly.
"I mean here Chan, not your bed" you rolled your eyes as Minho held out more food for you to eat, which you took without hesitation.
"Excuse me?" Hyunjin squeaked dramatically nearly causing you to inhale your food.
"A few nights ago she came round to deliver the contract" Chan shrugged seeming like he knew it was going to set them all off, a chorus of loud 'what's' and 'the fucks' did indeed follow as they all yelled over each other until they were almost too loud for you and you winched a little.
"Shit sorry kitten" Minho gasped dropping his chopsticks and covering your ears instantly.
"I'm ok, I'm mostly used to this by now anyway" you smiled at him as he lowered his hands from the side of your head to your shoulders smugly pulling you against him so he could feed you some more.
"Oh smooth" Hyunjin teased as you squeaked in surprise making you feel a little embarrassed all over again.
"Are you going to be at the shoot tomorrow?" Jeongin asked you diverting attention from where Minho's hand was on your hip.
"I can be there if you need me to be" you smiled softly "I don't usually need to be there unless there is an issue or things are still not fully organized"
"So if I request it you can be?" Chan smirked
"Yes, no one says no to you Chan and you know it" you sassed knowing they would all get the double meaning.
You arrived for the shoot before the kids did making it easier for you to check with the director and staff that everything was indeed ready for when they arrived. The process had run smoothly them arriving, hair and makeup and then the run through of what they would all be doing, the shoot had been expected to last three days but there was always room for issues so you were going to hang around that entire time, mainly at Chan's request. The members were to be shot in small groups leaving the rest with little else to do but hang around and tease each other while you tried your hardest to remain utterly professional.
You had been quite happy to just do your job remotely making sure anything that the kids needed was brought in all while aiming to look like you were watching them lustfully as the danced or acted in perfectly fitting clothes that accentuated every perfect part of them. Minho's pants clung perfectly to his strong thighs, Chan's shirt would rise to reveal his abs with every high energy dance move and Changbin's shoulders and chest straining the buttons on his shirt was going to kill you at some point you were sure. Flicking you eyes back to your work you continued to organize their next set of interviews.
After a while it became obvious to you that there was some sort of issue with Minho and Changbin, choreography you guessed since Minho had needed to adjust a few things in the days leading up to the shoot. Your eyes widened as the director stepped in saying they would change the filming order to make it easier for them which frustrated both the boys more and Changbin walked away to calm himself down. You decided to leave it for a moment Chan would come find you if he needed anything and you could finish your emails while you waited.
"Miss?" the AD smiled pulling your attention from your tablet "I have been asked to send you back to the dressing room there has been an issue"
"Of course thank you" you smiled politely excusing yourself and making your way to the dressing rooms the boys had been given. Walking in you found Changbin sitting on one of the couches looking annoyed but Chan was nowhere to be seen, until the door shut behind you and the lock clicked.
"Thank you for being to prompt baby" Chan whispered into the shell of your ear making you shiver as he kissed his way down to the nape of your neck "Binnie was wanting to borrow you for a little while and I thought I might stay and watch".
"If you don't mind" Changbin added standing up and stepping towards you with his hand outstretched, intertwining his fingers with yours he pulled you from Chan and into his own arms pressing a gentle kiss you your lips.
"I don't mind" you breathed against his lips, he smirked before kissing you again this time much more forcefully as his hands began roaming your body. Your hands mapped out his impressive chest and arms gasping as he slapped your arse sharply before grabbing it roughly.
Taking that as his cue he broke away from your lips spinning you suddenly so you were facing Chan who could help him self but sneak a kiss as Changbin began unbuttoning and pushing down your jeans.
"We don't have much time baby so forgive me for not giving you more" Changbin mumbled into your skin of your neck as you heard his own pants hit the floor "Chan get on the couch man" he directed which made Chan grin and do as he was asked his dark jeans straining against his erection making your eyes go wider.
Stepping out of his fallen jeans Changbin picked you up and placed you down behind the sofa he had been sitting on, pushing your head forward until you were bent over like he wanted, Chan perched just in front of your face his cock inches from your face. Spitting on his hand he reached down to you waiting pussy slipping his fingers between you wet folds smearing both his saliva and your juices between your clit and your entrance.
"Fuck baby, already wet for me and I haven't even touched you" Changbin grunted his fingers slowly circling your clit teasingly making you groan softly.
"You going to let Chan watch me fuck you baby, let him watch me fill up your pretty pussy" He asked smugly as your body continued to react to his fingers making you wetter and wetter.
"Fuck...yes, he can watch you fuck me" you whined pushing your arse towards him.
"Good girl, so ready for me already huh?" he grinned letting his fingers drop from your clit and instead rubbing his dick through you folds painfully slowly before lining himself up and slowly sinking into your waiting hole. You cried out softly your mouth falling open at the feeling of how deep he was inside you, how thick and hard he felt as he held you in place to stop you moving.
"You look so fucking cute taking his cock baby" Chan smirked leaning forward to kiss your lips again masking you clench around Changbin.
"Fuuck" Changbin moaned lowly slowly starting to pull back out of you before sinking back in painfully slowly. "I will cum so fucking fast if you keep that up baby" You sighed against Chan's lips as Changbin began pumping in and out of your cunt slowly increasing his speed rubbing your walls just right.
"She likes that man, gotten all fucked out for you" Chan chuckled looking at your hazy expression.
"Good girl, how about you suck Chan off while I fuck you huh? Be a good girl and show him you're grateful to have me fucking you" Changbin instructed grabbing your hair and pulling you head back to look as Chan, without answering you simple opened your mouth and waited for him to decide what he wanted.
"You sure baby?" Chan asked making you nod firmly as knelt infront of you and slipped himself from his jeans guiding himself between your waiting lips. "Your mouth is so good baby just like last time" Chan grunted matching Changbin's rhythm.
You let your jaw relax as Chan took the lead carefully fucking your throat as Changbin began pounding into you from behind, the sound of slapping skin and the squelch of your wet cunt the only noise in the room as the two boys desperately tried to keep themselves quiet, you could feel your orgasm closing in on you as the two of them used you for their own high you began mewling around Chan's dick each time Changbin pulled your hair forcing himself deeper and deeper into you with each thrust.
"Can I come in you baby?" Changbin panted his thrust getting sloppy as he chased his released, Chan pulled himself from your mouth to let you answer.
"Yes, please" you gasped seconds later feeling Changbin swell inside you before he came hard inside you pausing for a second before pulling out of you, a small amount of his semen trickling out of your used hole.
"My turn" Chan grinned climbing over the couch and pushing Changbin out of the way "You can admire he pretty pussy later"
Sliding inside you he began thrusting hard pushing you further forward onto the couch leaving you on your tiptoes as he pumped into you to chase the high he was already so close to before he had to pull himself from your mouth. Angling himself just right he began to pound against your g spot with each thrust making you thrust your hips back into him.
"Fuck Chan, I'm going to cum" you wailed softly still trying to keep quiet.
"Good Girl, cum on my cock baby, show me how much you love our cocks in you" Chan grunted through gritted teeth trying to hold off until you came.
"Oh god Chan" you gasped as your walls clamped down hard on him making him fuck you even harder. He came moments later filling you to the brim with his seed before carefully pulling himself from you and pulling you up against his chest.
"That was incredible baby" Chan kissed the side of your head leaning you against him as he pulled his jeans back into place. "Bin help me clean her up" he asked gently maneuvering you onto the couch.
"Here darling" Changbin cooed spreading your thighs and cleaning you up with a towel he had pulled from his bag, once he finished he helped you to pull you underwear and jeans back on as Chan got you some cool water to drink. "Thank you, you are incredible" he smiled sweetly kissing your cheek.
"Was that alright? I know I said we would start slow" Chan scratched the back of his neck shyly hoping they didn't already cross any lines.
"I'm totally ok with what happened Chan, I would have said no if I wasn't" you replied honestly "That was pretty good first threesome though" you joked hoping to make them see you were fine.
"First!" Changbin gaped "Holy shit we should have totally gone slower with you"
"I'm fine, I enjoyed that a lot" you chuckled embarrassed by your own admission "But we need to get back you need to get back to set before others notice" A few minutes later you were back in the same chair you had been in before you had casually let two of them fuck you. The AD the had fetched smiled as she walked passed you handing you a bottle of cold water.
"Mr Bang said you were feeling off, it is hot in here you need to keep your fluids up" She smiled innocently.
"Thank you so much, I really shouldn't have worn jeans but I didn't think it would be so hot on set" you replied casually hoping that she really didn't know what had just happened in the other room.
"Oh yes when we have groups with such intense choreography and concepts the lighting heats everything up a huge amount, but you will know that for tomorrow" She excused herself leaving you to continue trying to work even though you knew that was never going to happen after what you had just done. It was going to be a long rest of the shoot.
After a few more hours you were called back to the office where you were able to distance yourself a little bit more from what you had just done, you chastised yourself repeatedly at how reckless you had been letting them fuck you where anyone could have found you locked door or not. You made a note to talk to Chan about it to see if you could make that a condition that you wouldn't risk them by potentially being caught during work hours.
A/N: Thank you for reading all comments, reblogs and likes are deeply appreciated xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @symptoms-of-moonlight, @septicrebel, @ayoitschannie, @krishatumblernow, @tangerminie, @elizalabs3, @armystay89, @kpflyn,
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OBSESSED with the idea of Eddie flirting relentlessly with Steve after everything goes back to normal. Thinking, y'know, Steve's probably straight as they come, but he doesn't seem to mind and Eddie's crush was big in high school, became unbearable after the bat thing, and it's gotten even worse since they started frequently hanging out, so he'll take what he can get.
And Steve is overthinking it. He's definitely into Eddie, no doubt about that, but he's been hiding it, he hasn't liked anyone this much in years so he's trying to find the perfect time to flirt back. Except, most times it seems like Eddie might just be joking and Steve doesn't want it to get awkward. And what if Eddie doesn't want him to flirt back? or what if Eddie does like him, but then they go out and Eddie realizes Steve's not that great? or what if-? and what about-?? and what then????
So Steve does this for a long time, chasing himself around and around inside his mind, long enough that suddenly he finds himself back in the beginning: it all goes to shit again.
Steve doesn't even have the space of mind to lament about never flirting back before they fucking die, because he has to keep everyone safe. There are monsters to kill and bad guys to chase and there's no time to overthink. "The right moment" is the farthest thing from Steve's mind when Eddie does get hurt. Again.
Steve gets back up again and is touching Eddie all over, padding his chest, his arms, his shoulders, his hair, frantically looking for cuts and getting black slimy stuff all over him.
Eddie's voice cries out "OW. you motherfu-" and even though no one else in the party is worried, it feels like Steve's been suddenly submerged in ice cold water.
Suddenly he remembers the look on Dustin's face, the hospital, the doctors preparing them to lose Eddie. Steve couldn't stop it, he should've known better, he should've been there.
Now, he turns around to see what happened and when he sees Eddie bleeding, nothing else matters. He doesn't even give Eddie one second to try to defend himself, he's immediately on top of the monster and tears it apart, fast and messy, but efficient.
Eddie grimaces a little like this is kinda gross, but Steve can't even be anxious about if he's being rejected or whatever. He just needs to know that Eddie is okay and he's grabbing his cheeks and calling his name over and over asking if he's okay until Eddie's eyes widen and he just says "oh."
"Eddie!" Steve demands one more time, worried and impatient.
Steve stares deeply into his eyes with an almost crazed look for a long moment and then he sighs, the tension finally leaving his shoulders. Eddie's furiously blushing for some reason.
Eddie snaps out of the realization that Steve fucking Harrington deeply cares about him and blinks a few times. He grabs unto Steve's wrists to squeeze a reassurance and says "yeah. yeah, Stevie, im okay. It was just a cut. I'm fine."
Steve then frowns at the deep gash in Eddie's arm and sets about patching it up, mumbling something that sounds like "you'renotfuckingfine"
That's the signal for the rest of the party to stop staring and Nancy claps her hands and calls "okay! moving on!" to a chorus of throats clearing and someone whispering "ithoughttheyweregonnakiss"
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soupdeewoop · 1 month
why (in my mind) down bad is Remus Lupin's song
[Verse 1]
Did you really beam me up In a cloud of sparkling dust i like to think that this part is when like (based on atyd) when Dumbledore comes and enrolls remus at hogwarts, and takes him to this place that is so new and sparkling to him.
Just to do experiments on? Tell me I was the chosen one so this is also about Dumbledore. i mean if you've been in the fandom long enough we know that Dumbledore isn't exactly a great person like he's deemed to be. i like how this line includes "chosen one" bc harry (obviously). it just goes to show how Dumbledore has done the same bads things for two generations of people.
Showed me that this world is bigger than us Then sent me back where I came from going back to atyd (i haven't finished atyd and not everything i say here is gonna be about it btw), remus being exposed to hogwarts and being (somewhat) happy i what i connect this line to. he came from a place of loneliness, to hogwarts, and then the war, and back to not having anyone around.
For a moment, I knew cosmic love hogwarts. the marauders. sirius. yeah.
Now I'm down bad, cryin' at the gym lol fuck my man probably doesn't go the gym but it does make sense for him to cry at the most random places yk? he's lost the people he loves
Everything comes out teenage petulance i feel like a lot of people would definitely become petty and like "ugh whatever" kinda attitude. after losing so many people, i mean, is there even a point to even think rationally? it might not be correct, but does it matter?
"Fuck it if I can't have him" "I might just die, it would make no difference" remus has felt this way throughout so much, i mean, should we be supreised? cause i think not. i feel like the "him" is sirius, cause he did have him back but then he DIED, so remus is just like "wtf wtf wtf why cant i just HAVE HIM you gave him to me BACK! ykw, i might just die it would make no difference"
Down bad, wakin' up in blood Starin' at the sky, come back and pick me up I'm sorry but he is a werewolf sadly. he wakes up in blood. ALONE THO. it makes sense for him to stare at the sky (maybe looking it the sirius start mayhaps?) and being like "PICK ME UP PLEASE"
Fuck it if I can't have us I might just not get up, I might stay
Down bad Fuck it if I can't have him Down bad Fuck it if I can't have him i (don't like) to think how he would just be on the floor after his transformation, down bad on the floor, "fuck it if i cant have him here next to me, helping me" "i could just stay here, there's no point in getting up"
[Verse 2]
Did you take all my old clothes Just to leave me here, naked and alone i mean, sirius stealing moonys sweaters and clothes is one of my favorite things, but in this context, he dint only steal that. he stole everything. his clothes, his sense of belonging, his whole fucking soul basically. and then he left him forever.
In a field in my same old town That somehow seems so hollow now? i mean this town can literally mean HIS TOWN or maybe even hogwarts? imagine how bad it must have been for him when he went to hogwarts as a teacher, the hallowness in his heart there without everybody he's known and loved for years.
They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about The existence of you um well sirius is in azkabhan. yeah.
For a moment, I was heavenstruck he was heavenstruck, sirius was moonystruck
Now I'm down bad, cryin' at the gym (Cryin' at the gym) Everything comes out teenage petulance "Fuck it if I can't have him" (Fuck it if I can't have him) "I might just die, it would make no difference" Down bad, wakin' up in blood (Wakin' up in blood) Starin' at the sky, come back and pick me up Fuck it if I can't have us I might just not get up, I might stay
Down bad (Like I lost my twin) i like how this one says "like i lost my twin" cause i feel like wolfstar are soulmates argue to the fucking wall. in my mind they're not opposite but not exactly the same. kinda like two sides on the same coin yk?
Fuck it if I can't have him (Down bad) Down bad (Wavin' at the ship) Fuck it if I can't have him
I loved your hostile takeovers Encounters closer and closer after sirius escaping, maybe they did try to get back together? their encounters, where sirus gets "closer and closer". slowly but surely.
All your indecent exposures How dare you say that it's— their "indecent exposures" being at hogwarts. the love and affection. maybe sometimes being indecently exposed (sorry james [not sorry] peter)
I'll build you a fort on some planet Where they can all understand it remus would. he would whisk them both away to somewhere where no one can find them both.
How dare you think it's romantic Leaving me safe and stranded now, back to the petulance. obviously he knows this isn't sirus's fault, but sometimes pettiness takes over.
'Cause fuck it, I was in love So fuck you if I can't have us 'Cause fuck it, I was in love let him be. my man was in love with sirius black. his soulmate. he can be upset.
Now I'm down bad, cryin' at the gym (Cryin' at the gym) Everything comes out teenage petulance "Fuck it if I can't have him" (Can't have him) "I might just die, it would make no difference" Down bad, wakin' up in blood (Wakin' up in blood) Starin' at the sky, come back and pick me up Fuck it if I can't have us I might just not get up, I might stay
Down bad (Like I lost my twin) Fuck it if I can't have him (I'm down bad) Down bad (Wavin' at the ship) Fuck it if I can't have him
Like I lost my twin Fuck it if I can't have him Down bad (Wavin' at the ship) Fuck it if I can't have him
and yeah. that why this song is so remus coded.
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monbons · 2 months
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WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @thewholelemon! Your snippet looks hilarious!!! I need more details (Baz, you’re a killjoy!)
Today's post is dedicated to @cutestkilla, who is determined to figure out all my secrets when it comes to The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch. So here is a DELUGE of clues to put up on your murder wall and connect with pins and string. MWAHAHA!
A fabulous playlist. You know what goes well with the angst buffet I'm serving up on AO3? An epic soundtrack. Do the songs match up to specific chapters? Do the lyrics mean anything? Is it just vibes? Who knows. Enjoy. (Spotify Link)
Tidbits from my Dead Darlings doc. No spoilers here. All tidbits are from an entire subplot that I cut very early and all names and identifying details have been redacted.
Apparently, such were the times in which [redacted] was living. People kept all manner of useless things in their homes. Shelves with books they didn’t read. Baskets whose sole purpose was to display knick-knacks. And, apparently, time pieces that did not actually keep time.
Or this little bit of dialogue:
“[Redacted]! How can you not know this?!” [Redacted does a highly specific motion I cannot include]. [Redacted] groans. “[Redacted pet name that should not be a pet name but for some reason is and must also be scratched], what am I going to do with you?” “Love me anyway, I imagine.” [Everything after this point definitely needs to be redacted...]
3. A couple beta comments from @thewholelemon. Have I mentioned she's the best beta in the world? Seriously, all the kudos for this fic should be sent directly to Jenny.
happy kitten or grumpy kitten? lol
HORRIFYING. like something out of a scary movie.
LOL braden!!! polycule!!! this is so funny!
Side note: fuck this guy
Have fun unraveling that knot of nonsense, Dre. [Cackles like the dark and disappears in a cloud of smoke.]
For everyone else, if you got this far, thank you. Have a little chapter 3 snippet under the cut, this time featuring current Baz.
Baz could make this difficult. He could wait for the boy to hit on him some more. To ask him his name or if he’d like to have dinner. But, Baz is feeling rather lonely after his unsuccessful hunt for a one-night stand yesterday and this boy can be good enough. So, he takes a step closer and lifts the boy’s chin with a careful finger instead. The boy’s eyes meet his immediately, which is precisely what Baz wanted. The whole scene sets off another round of barking from the tiny dog. “Take me home with you,” Baz whispers.
Hellos and high-fives. Tag, you're it.
@thewholelemon, @roomwithanopenfire, @noblecorgi, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold, @cutestkilla, @bookish-bogwitch, @emeryhall, @valeffelees, @beastmonstertitan, @raenestee, @arthurkko, @iamamythologicalcreature, @hushed-chorus, @rimeswithpurple, @aristocratic-otter, @cattocavo, @larkral, @drowninginships, @artsyunderstudy, @whatevertheweather, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @comesitintheclover, @shrekgogurt
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