#and had to do some fucking sleuthing to even realize it had happened at all
veshialles · 4 months
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can't even find the post this ask was originally about and barely remember the context of what it even actually said at this point, but like.. since we're throwing up scenarios here, imagine policing the labels and experiences of random individual people you've never even met in 2024, and then projecting that onto me, an openly bisexual transfemme dyke on the tranny dyke faggot anarchy website, and getting mad because of a silly post that I vaguely remember reblogging from my trans lesbian roommate and best friend, and then deciding to block your decade-long mutual about it (and telling your partner to also block me about it) and telling me behind my back to kill myself because I didn't give you the cheerfully apologetic response you wanted in time, on account of me having a job and a social life lmfao.
hope you are out there finally touching grass somewhere. fucking bye I guess lmfao 💖
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Hi! I've seen some of the AUs of Sleuth Jesters (the bounty hunter Eclipse, the Chief police Eclipse, the Mafia Boss Y/N, etc.) Is there an AU where Eclipse is the police Chief, Sun and Moon are detectives, and Y/N is still a vigilante? I can imagine that Sun and Moon's feelings toward the Vigilante would be the same, but maybe Eclipse's would be more complex, because of him being the police chief; he thinks he shouldn't tolerate a vigilante's way of justice and he should "set an example", but he would inevitably fall for Y/N, and the Vigilante would have 3 boyfriends again XD. Maybe in this AU Vanny and Afton are still alive, or there could be other enemies.
What do you think could be the story of this one? I like to imagine scenarios, but I would like to hear your official thoughts and canons (if this AU really exists and/or you plan to make a one shot or something).
Sorry if I got carried away, is just that I think it would be very cool and wholesome if the brothers had a healthy relationship or at least were on the same side. I also think this could have the potential for some wholesome scenarios were Eclipse looks out for his brothers, and maybe even the Vigilante all at the same time (big brother Eclipse is cool as fuck).
Always love to read your stuff, keep up the good work!
Ohhh! No, this AU has not been suggested yet! No need to apologize, I enjoy AUs and shifting dynamics within my stories! They're fun to explore ♥ Thanks, babe!
My mind first jumps to Eclipse being very wary of the vigilante at first, not trusting your intentions and schemes. Slowly, as Eclipse sees how Sun and Moon more often than not end up in their own handcuffs but unharmed, he starts to realize that there's some good hidden under all the mischief.
Sun and Moon would fall for the vigilante first, but Eclipse would be slower, much more resistant to your charms because he has the grace of distance and perspective, but eventually, the vigilante ends up saddling close to Eclipse as well, and he gets wrapped around your little finger. ♥
However! With the detectives' and police chief's gained affection, they all three agree that something needs to be done about the vigilante, so they decide to persuade you to join them and become a detective! The city could use someone like you on its side.
The vigilante laughs the first time Detective Sun makes the suggestion because it is hilarious to even for one second think that you'd ever join the police, but then Detective Moon mentions the same idea, and even Police Chief Eclipse says that he could pull some strings to make it happen. You adamantly oppose such a ridiculous notion, because you do what you do best because you're working outside of the law... but it's sweet that the boys care enough to have such big ideas for you. It's not going to happen (no, no, no, never in a million years would it happen, surely), but it's novel and kind in the very thought.
I love the idea of Afton and Vanny being the big baddies in this one! That's the one gang the vigilante is bent on destroying, but the Afton Family keeps just a few steps ahead of you, which is absolutely infuriating. The vigilante constantly exchanges knife blows and gunfire with Vanny but has yet to even get close to Afton.
In this AU, Afton would make you an offer. Join him. Became loyal and obedient, and he'll see you at his side as he reigns over the city.
So, you've got a couple of offers, your own plans, and a whole lot of havoc in the city (and flirts and teases with your three favorite animatronics). It's a lot, but hey, isn't that just life for you?
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plaindangan · 8 months
Another batch of asks! The "Angie is in a good mood" batch!
Basically one night the girls of V3 class have a pajama party Angie is hosting, and tomorow the boys find them changed! Both in body mindset and talent!
Let’s start with best girl and best boi because obviously.
All girls are now tanned, have at least partly white hair like Angie and yellow eyes!
Kaede the ultimate pianist is gone! And here is Kaede the ultimate siren~! She may not have a fish tail and leg but her voice is extra mismerising and she dresses the part~ using mostly leaves and seashells and strings for clothes, and of course a mermaid need her little sailor~ she’s more than happy to seduce that cute emo in her "trap"
(Of course we’re talking about an even more thickened Kaede and they weren’t already a couple with shu)
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not read!
"Come to me, my sweetheart~ You won't have to be shy any longer~ May our love be reforged, a fire that won't depart~ Our bond shall become stronger~"
Shuichi had been hearing that song from the entire day. When he first woke up. When he left to head to his detective agency. When he left it to work on some case with Kyoko. When he was walking back home...and it was at that moment where he just couldn't resist it anymore.
Where was it coming from? Who was singing? How was it...so enchanting~ He had to know! He had to to see them! He had to mee the owner of such a melodic voice. Thoughts like those swirled in his head and he found his feet taking him straight to the source...
Huh? Wasn't this Angie's workshop? Yet...the voice didn't remind him of Angie at all. Was someone else in there? Tentatively, Shuichi opened the door and his heartbeat sped up over what he saw.
Standing in the middle of shrines that looked exactly like him and a bed was...Kaede? But...she looked strikingly different. Seemingly overnight she got a tan, with her skin becoming as dark as Angie's apparently. Heck, even her hair was kind of silver like Angie's (was there a connection brewing?) However, Shuichi couldn't keep that train of thought going for long and, really, who could?
In front of him wasn't just a tanned Kaede, but a skimpily dressed and clearly 'developed' Kaede as well. Kaede was already a curvy woman, but the fact is she had become ludicrously more well-developed with boobs and hips that could smother someone with ease and they'd thank her for it~ And what'sc covering her? Why probably the strongest combo of a sea-shell bra and leaves Shuichi laid his eyes on...and they were still looking as if they would break any day now.
"K-kaede...what happened to you?" he asked and his friend (who he was just realizing had now gold eyes) giggled and sauntered up to him.
"Me? I merely found a new way to live thanks to Angie~ She even help me take my talent to the other step: as the Ultimate Siren meant to captivate people's hearts~ Luckily for you, I've chosen you to be my first~" she said, stroking under Shuichi's chin softly. She was so close...God did he just want to embrace her so bad~ Kaede was not blind to this (heck, she could practically see his tent pitching) and knew it was time to 'induct' him to their services~
Gently placing his hand right on her breast, she began to hum out another song as she lead him towards her bed:
"So you have found it, the truth~ Time to claim your place, my beloved sleuth~" And claim he did~ The song of Kaede re-invigorated his libido all night whenever it started to wane and had both up all night enjoying each other, with Shuichi, in particular, unable to keep his head(s) away from Kaede's new rack. Whether it be by snuggling in and kissing hers fat tits or by going a step further and fucking them outright. He was in a complete trance and both would be in sync from now on.
Singing a tune as lovers~
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mommalosthermind · 11 months
Sterek Beast's Beauty?
Okay! Yes!
Beast’s Beauty is a WIP I started…. Seven years ago? Directly after Mend and Make Do was published. Initial file was over 200k when I realized I was trying to hold too many plot lines together and had to go back to the beginning and untangle them to even begin to *find* a resolution. Current wip is broken down into an astonishing number of ‘keep your facts straight’ folders, with four completed chapters and four interlude chapters. Word count for revision is 63,952.
The overall plot started as a simple, “I want Erica and Stiles to be childhood besties who fell apart after his mom dies. Erica goes missing due to a shitty prank and Stiles drags Scott into the Epic Quest To Find Her. Werewolves happen, maybe some beauty and the beast references.”
…I attempted a summary but I keep getting excited and going into waaay too much detail lmao so bare bones of the revision: Stiles finds Erica, they get trapped on the old Hale property, despite the way the house itself should have burned down with the entire family inside years ago. Erica’s bitten, Stiles is sleuthing, Derek is traumatized and entirely unhelpful, and for some reason the pictures of his family keep... moving. Slow burn for Sterek, since Derek thinks Stiles Knows Things because He Should, but Stiles has holes in his memory and doesn’t know shit, and has zero patience for the cryptic bullshit. Also the whole, ‘biting as an introductory activity’ thing. Bad manners, really. So. An awful lot of beauty and the beast, actually.
Side plots are exploring Chris/John (the sheriff is john. He just is.) with the fun backstory of “they were in a triad with Claudia but then Kate Happened and Gerard Intervened” while Chris tries to help locate the missing kids while keeping his father at bay. Lydia keeps sleepwalking to the edge of the woods, Jackson’s trying to keep her safe from both herself and her father, who seems cruel for the sake of it. Hale family isn’t as missing as Stiles thinks. Stiles would really like to blame all the weird shit he keeps experiencing on the adderall withdrawal but he hasn’t touched that since his mom died. He’s pretty sure being able to spy on his dad through a glass of water is maybe not a noted side effect, either. Scott’s attempting to be a good friend but makes bad choices because he is a teenager. Allison’s trying to be helpful, but also thinks her aunt is great. Her aunt, who seems to be entirely too aware of what’s going on the in preserve, and a little too keen on Scott.
There is. A lot. It is messy and I love it dearly and I have no fucking idea how I’m gonna wrap this all together so it’s been sitting in the ‘please love me’ section of the WiPs. Re-reading through bits and pieces to find a chunk to share was fun, though. I didn’t realize I missed this disaster project so much.
Speaking of finding a snippet, I went with something in chapter 4. And by snippet I meant its like a thousand words because I have a problem and don’t know how to do Small Things, so I’ll tuck that under a cut. (Also entirely unedited from the last time I played in this sandbox so. Probably errors.)
“Alright, dickweed,” Stiles announced, barreling into the kitchen. “Time to—
Shadowman leaned against the island, head flying up from where he’d let it hang between his sloped shoulders. One hand shot out to slam a small frame flat against the countertop, laying atop it as though it could right itself without permission, as he stood tall, eyes wild.
“—Pony up some… what the hell, dude? What’s that?”
“None of your business. You shouldn’t be down here, she asked you to stay.”
Stiles pursed his mouth to one side, resisting the urge to squint across the room. He changed trajectory, letting his feet wander him around the far side of the island. “See, that, that right there? That’s kind of the running theme. You know things,” he swept a hand out in a grand gesture, noting the way Shadowman shifted to one side to keep Stiles in view, “things us mere mortals don’t—”
“Mere mortals.”
“‘Swhat I said, yeah. Point! You know, we don’t, you don’t share with the class, and I’m not digging this whole routine at all, man, so let’s try something new, like, oh, I don’t know,” he slapped his hands down on the edge of the island. 
Shadowman’s fingers, splayed across the frame, twitched closer to his palm. 
“Werewolves, for starters.”
Silence hung over the room. Stiles counted his breaths, forcing his hands flat against the countertop. Cloth swished as Shadowman went boxy, arms crossing over his chest. That sardonic slant to his mouth came back, a tiny upward pull of his brows sprinkling humor on top. “Took you long enough, Stilinski.”
“Oh fuck you, dude,” Stiles shoved himself away from the counter, only to immediately press around the corner and get into the taller man’s face. “You could’ve told us at any point in time—”
“I did,” Shadowman drawled, not acknowledging Stiles’ flailing limbs at all. “Repeatedly. She ignored me. You ignored me. You,” he took a step closer, forcing Stiles back enough to be able to look up the last few inches into his face. “Repeatedly told me you were both human.” He snorted, inelegant.
“Okay, first off, I? Am one hundred percent human.” Stiles waved a hand down his side. “This is prime unbitten human, right here.” He decided to be the bigger man and ignore the blatant way Shadowman rolled his eyes. “Second, your explanation was severely lacking in that it had zero actual explaining. At all. Ever. At any point. Don’t you take that tone of eyebrow with me,” he added, watching as Shadowman’s eyebrows did a funny little waggle as he mouthed Stiles’ words.
“Werewolves,” Stiles snapped, determined to wring out every ounce of information he could. “That’s a thing. Erica is a wolf.” He paused, staring pointedly at Shadowman until he nodded. “Erica is a werewolf because you are a werewolf, and you bit her. That’s the gift you mean. Being changed.” Another nod. “All the weird shit she’s doing is werewolfy shit. The senses, the healing— she’s gonna heal fine, right?”
“Yes, and yes, Mi—” Exasperation cut off in a clack of teeth. “Do you honestly not know this?”
“Uh, why the fuck would I know literally any of this? Was there a class I missed? Like, is it between Chem and History? No, I don’t know any of this!”
Shadowman gave ground instead of answering, retreating back to the kitchen table, expression indecipherable.
Rookie mistake. In a flash, Stiles wrenched the abandoned frame upright. Whatever he might have expected, he honestly didn’t know, but time fractured around the edges as he took her in. Long, wavy brown hair around an oval face. Huge, startled eyes swirled with brown and green. A sloping nose over a horrified, opened mouth. Parts of a whole his mind slipped over, again and again, unable to click sections together.
The frame clattered back to the counter from his numb fingers. Stiles hunched over, hands shooting up to press into his skull. They couldn’t stop the abrupt flashes of red hot iron scraping along the inside of his brain; the pressure made it close to manageable. 
“Mischief—” A man’s voice, far off and distorted, hands on his shoulders. “Stel? What—” the words broke down into unintelligible hisses. Stiles whined. Every sound rubbed against the raw edges of his head.
The headache drained away in small bursts, leaving him panting against the island. Shadowman hovered a few feet away, the frame cradled in one hand. Both forearms carried new black tattoos, snaking around each other in broad ropes. 
“I have… so many more questions now,” Stiles muttered. He gave himself three deep breaths before forcing himself to stand, more than half convinced the movement would jar the pickax in his brain back to life. 
It didn’t, but the memory made his movement cautious. He held out one hand, as imperious as he could manage with wobbly legs. “Give it back.”
Dark brows snapped together.
Stiles’ jaw clenched and his nose flared. “It’s pretty obvious you know more than I’ve even thought to ask yet,” he started, voice a low rasp in his throat. “Don’t think we won’t get to that, wolfboy, because we will.” The flinch looked unconscious, and was deeply satisfying to witness. “But first, give her back.”
Those stupid brows slid up, Shadowman's mouth falling open, even as his eyes darted around the room. His hand, though, held the frame closer to his chest. “Her?”
Stiles snorted, closing his eyes for a beat, hands on his hips as he tried to roll some of the tension from his neck. “You wanna play that game, man? Okay. Cool. We can do this dance. I know her.” It rang in his chest as he said it, so he said it again. “I know her. I know she’s about this tall,” he held a hand out to the side, above his shoulders. “I know she’s got a mole on the left side of her face, and tattoo. Tattoos? I know she smells like paint and fire,” he couldn’t stop once he started, even as the pickax turned into a power drill at the top of his spine. Despite the water in his eyes and the rocks squeezing his voice he added, “I know she makes me think of chocolate and playgrounds and stars, and I know that I don’t fucking know how I know any of that, but I’m beginning to think you do, so give her back.”
This time, when he reached out, Shadowman met him stare for stare. This time, the silence stretched until Stiles’ extended hand began to tremble. This time, mouth thin, Shadowman dropped his eyes to the side and pressed the body-warmed frame into Stiles’ grip.
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eurydicees · 3 years
top 10 ouran manga-only arcs
this is going to be such a long post i apologize in advance. the ranking system has absolutely no criteria other than "does this pass my vibe check.” bonus points were awarded if i could think about tamakyo while reading it; points were also awarded every time tamaki did something cool. this was a delight to make. anyways, without further ado, here are my personal top ten favorites, and no i will not be taking criticism.
(vol 16 chp 73 - vol 18 chp 80)
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So much happens here that I couldn’t think of an actual name, and uh does it count as a single arc? Probably not, but I’m counting it as one because it has a single thread: Tamaki. My beloved. So. First, Tamaki finally, finally, finally moves into Suoh mansion #1, but when he gets there, he gets told that he’s only allowed to study the Suoh business and go to school and nothing else— meaning he has to quit the host club. Shizue threatens to out Haruhi as a girl and ruin her reputation— possibly losing her the scholarship— if Tamaki doesn’t break off all ties with her.
The Host Club disbands. Kyoya begins an Investigation™ into Tamaki’s mother— she had been incredibly weak and unhealthy when Tamaki was a child, but when Kyoya met her, she was pretty healthy. After some sleuthing, the hosts minus Tamaki discover that she probably had Bisco Hatori’s fictional version of lupus, which was cured by a mysterious foundation— which they discover was run by the Grantaine family, funded by the Suoh corporation, and actually researched by the Ootori conglomerate. Literally everyone is in on it. It’s fucking wild. Like. Huge “holy fucking shit I need to stop and take a breath” moment.
This information is suddenly released to the public, and then the Suoh corporation all vote Shizue out of her position, saying that she’s no longer fit for the job. She locks herself in her room and refuses to speak to anyone, breaking Tamaki’s heart. But now that she’s no longer top dog, Anne-Sophie can come to Japan— Yuzuru is super hyped and expects Tamaki to be as well, not understanding that Tamaki’s family fantasy includes his grandmother. Tamaki stops going to school and plays piano every day in order to cheer up the house, eventually luring Shizue out to listen to him play their shared favorite songs from J-dramas.
They begin to bond and Shizue sees that he’s not a failure because of his parentage, but it’s too late because Anne-Sophie is about to fly back to France. All is hopeless.
EXCEPT THEN. All of the hosts and all of the clients realize what’s happening and rush to help him get to his mother. They all adore him so much, and give their all into getting Tamaki to the airport. Shizue finally encourages him to go, realizing— with the help of Haruhi— that she has been bitter and selfish and Tamaki deserves better. They rush to the airport, and through a series of shenanigans that are no match for the combined power of the hosts and every single girl at Ouran, Tamaki makes it to the airport. They make it there JUST in time, and Tamaki gets a five minute reunion with his mother. Haruhi finally confesses to Tamaki that she loves him.
oh my God oh my God oh my GOD. Like. This is just. So much. So Much. We all know that I’m like. The #1 Fan of Tamaki Suoh. Like. President, vice president, treasurer, and secretary of the fan club, all at once. I love him so much, and this just gives him so much development. There is so much opportunity for him to grow and you not only really see who he is as a character, but you also see how much he’s grown as a person from his first introduction. You also get more of a glimpse into the world of Rich People, and the way that all of their families interact with each other, and then also with the way that they interact within their families. It’s just such an intense arc and it’s so beautiful and I love it so much.
(vol 10 chp 46 - vol 11 chp 49)
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This one is HARD to rank, because I love it, but it also Hurts. Like. I genuinely cried over this one, though that’s not actually saying much because I cry at everything. So. Here’s what’s up. Tamaki gets into this idea of a sports festival, and then Kuze wanders in to fight Kyoya again, so Tamaki suggests a competition between the two of them. This is a very Tamaki thing to do, but Kyoya gets fed up with it and refuses to participate— until Kuze accuses him of being “Suoh’s pet” and that he’ll always let Tamaki win, and then Kyoya gets fired the fuck up.
But he’s still bitter at Tamaki for starting this, so the two of them stop talking and my heart breaks. This does not stop Tamaki from having heart eyes for Kyoya 24/7. Hikaru and Kaoru are assigned to competing teams, and begin their Very Long Journey into not being so codependent— Hikaru is on the red team with Tamaki, Haruhi, and Kuze; Kaoru is on the white team with Kyoya and Honey.
Essentially, each team goes through rounds of races in different areas that are like. Complete bullshit games, but whatever. It’s Rich People World. The white team gets ahead; the red team performs a scene from a Shakespeare show to rally their losing team together and begins to win, until they’re on even footing. The final race is between Kyoya and Tamaki.
There’s a heartbreaking series of panels of Tamaki just… thinking about Kyoya. I cannot get enough of it. Then there’s an even more heartbreaking series of panels of Kyoya just… thinking about Tamaki. You realize, alongside the other hosts, that Tamaki pushed for this race not really for benefit or fun, but to give Kyoya a chance to compete in something for real, without having to set it up so that Tamaki wins (as we see in the race for the central salon). It’s a chance for him to win and not put his family first. Tamaki still tried his best, because Kyoya would hate him if he threw the race, but he lost because Kyoya fought with the intention of winning for HIMSELF, and not just playing support to Tamaki or impressing his father.
Finally, in the last panel, it’s revealed that the class trip will be to France.
God it burns so good. So Good. The Tamakyo, the Hikaru & Kaoru character growth, the Kyoya development, the Tamaki being so so so good, the Kyoya being so brilliant, everything oh my lord. This is really one of the biggest points of Kyoya’s character development, and it’s the first place I’m going to point to when thinking accurately about who he is as a person. It shows who he is, and who he believes he is, and who he wants to be, and who other people see him as. It’s also just a Tamakyo goldmine, even though they don’t ever actually talk. It’s so beautiful and it makes me cry.
(vol 14 chp 66 - vol 15 chp 68)
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In an attempt to make Tamaki realize that the hosts all love him just as much as he loves them, the hosts sans Tamaki put together an orienteering race. There are six checkpoints, each one with a task to be completed in order to get an ingredient that will make the best meal at the end of the race.
Hikaru and Kaoru play the return of the “Which one is Hikaru?” game, knowing that Tamaki has been able to tell them apart for a while by now; Nekozawa’s checkpoint is a quiz on cursed items, knowing that Tamaki is familiar with Beelzenef; Honey’s checkpoint is a game of whack-a-mole with little mini Usa-chans, knowing that Tamaki isn’t afraid of making him upset over a game, though all the girls are; Mori’s is a sword slicing thing to show that Tamaki will never give up on something; Haruhi’s is a “tell the truth or never pass” kind of thing; and Kyoya’s is a crossword puzzle of all the answers made up of things from previous club themes.
Tamaki pairs up with Konoya— who is in love with him and is the “perfect Haruhi” trope— and realizes that she’s incredibly different from Haruhi, and that he loves Haruhi for who she is and not who he thought he wanted her to be. He also realizes that— because the hosts have gone through all of this for him— they do love him for who he is, no matter what, no matter the bad parts of his personality, and they’re never leaving him.
Look. We know that anything about Tamaki is gonna make me happy. I am a simple woman and so easy to please. This is literally just three chapters about how much all of the hosts love Tamaki and want him to be happy. I cannot express in words how rewarding it is to watch Tamaki realize how important he is and how much he’s loved— because he is loved, he’s so loved, he’s so so so loved. This is also the arc with the building block / building a home metaphor, and it destroyed me both physically and emotionally (vol 14 chp 66). This is where the found family is really solidified, and we all love a good dosage of found family.
(vol 6 chp 22 - vol 6 chp 26)
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This is where the anime diverges from the manga, and I have to say that this version of the school fair is just so much better than the anime version. Like. Just So Much Better. Basically, the club is setting up for the school fair, and the best spot to set up— essentially, the spot that will get the most foot traffic form the parents— is in the central salon. To figure out which club is going to get the spot, they all compete in a literal race, both mind games and physical games and it just slaps overall.
The b-plot is that the Host Club is getting threatening letters telling them to drop out of the race, alongside blank papers that are sent with the notes; the hosts have to figure out who is sending the notes and confront it. This is the arc that introduces both Kuze and Yuzuru Suoh for the first time. Kuze is captain of the football team and Kyoya’s rival and also definitely his secret ex-boyfriend. Chairman Suoh is… just. A lot. Just. That’s it. A Lot. He’s A Lot.
Anyways, part of the winning race is capturing this crown that’s hidden on campus, which turns out to be at a swimming pool. The football team gets there at the same time as Haruhi, and Kuze pushes her into the pool and goes for the crown. Kyoya and Tamaki reach her at the same time— Tamaki’s instinct is to go for Haruhi, but Kyoya tells him to get the crown and thus the glory of winning, while Kyoya rescues Haruhi.
Later, it turns out that Yuzuru was sending the blank papers with harmless messages written in invisible ink as a prank to emphasize the literal hate mail that the hosts were getting. The follow up to the race is the actual school fair, where we meet Yoshio and Shizue. Fuck Shizue, not even going to get into that right now because I WILL cry, but just know that it’s even worse than it is in the anime. Yoshio, though, is eons better in the manga than in the anime— he is genuinely proud of Kyoya and says that he actually wouldn’t mind appointing Kyoya as heir.
Volume 6 does SO MUCH for Kyoya and Tamaki and we all know that I’m ride or die for the two of them. Kyoya finally gets a chance to shine as team leader and it’s what he deserves! Tamaki takes a little more of a backseat, which I don’t even mind, because Kyoya does such a good job of pulling attention here. The scene at the swimming pool is just so good— it really shows the huge amount of trust between Tamaki and Kyoya, and does a good job of setting up the relationship they need to have as Rich People, outside of their friendship, which is something that we don’t see a lot of. Overall, it’s a very Kyoya-centric arc, and it does amazing things for the development of his character and personality. It’s one of the biggest insights into how he functions as a kind of mastermind for the club. We also finally get Tamaki’s full-ish backstory, which genuinely makes me cry every time.
(vol 10 chp 45 / vol 11 chp 51 - vol 12 chp 53)
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So this is technically two plot lines, but I’m going to count it as one because it’s all about the twins, my loves. In vol 10 chp 45, we get a little insight into the life of the Hitachiin family and why the twins are as fucked up as they are. Quick rundown— their parents can tell them apart but pretend not to for whatever godforsaken reason; Kaoru admits he’s in love with Haruhi for the first time and Hikaru remains oblivious; Kaoru begins to realize how unhealthy he and Hikaru’s relationship is and how, one day, they aren’t going to be able to have all of the same things; there’s a cookie metaphor; Tamaki gets lost in the Hitachiin manion; it’s all a good time.
In volumes 11 and 12, we begin the actual split between the twins, where they realize that they can’t stay the way that they are forever. They can’t be one person forever. They realize this in a fight over Haruhi, where Hikaru suggests they “share” her as a sister, and Kaoru rightfully thinks this is bullshit. They get in their first— and only— genuinely real argument. Hikaru breaks down in Mori’s house, Kaoru breaks down at Honey’s place, literally no one is happy and I am crying.
Kaoru asks Haruhi out on a date, and then ends the date by explaining that he could never date her knowing that it would be hurting Hikaru. Haruhi is, understandably, very confused by this whole thing, and no one is telling her anything.
Kaoru then makes up with Hikaru, saying that he’ll give up on trying to pursue Haruhi, but tells him that they actually do need to live separate lives at some point— and that point might as well be now. He wants to break apart entirely, but Hikaru explains that while they need to break apart in a lot of ways and find their own identities, they can never fully forget each other. They agree that they can influence and love each other without depending on each other for a personality.
They keep up the incest ACT at the club, though. Bisco Hatori couldn’t manage to write her way out of that one.
So this one just. Really hits home for me. It’s a genuinely heart wrenching arc, and the progression of the whole thing was just so slow and so steady and it was so well done. The twins are two of my favorite characters in the show/manga, and their relationship is something that I can analyze for days, and this arc is a huge part of why it’s so interesting. It does amazing things for both of them as developing characters, but it does even more amazing things for their character growth as people. It also provides a nice catalyst for the Hikaru/Tamaki/Haruhi love triangle. Anyways, it made me cry and apparently that’s my only criteria.
(vol 10 chp 46 - vol 12 chp 56)
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On the Ouran 2nd year school trip to France, Kyoya decides he’s going to spend the trip searching for Tamaki’s mother, rather than spending it with the other students. He works himself to death trying to find her— he ends up literally falling asleep on the ground because he’s so exhausted from searching and taking literally no breaks. Kyoya finds her eventually, and has a really nice conversation with her— she has a bunch of photos of Tamaki, and clearly is constantly thinking about him. When he gets back to Japan, he tells Tamaki about her— about how beautiful she is, about how she smiles, about how she thinks of her son every day.
We get more of Tamaki’s backstory, and his close relationship from his mother and how his mantra— living life in Japan to the fullest and being as happy as he can be every day— all comes from his mother. She told him that she’s happiest when he’s smiling, and so when he leaves her behind in France, he decides to be smiling every day and make everyone around him smile as well.
While Kyoya is in France, Tamaki stays behind in Japan— he gets closer to his father, who offers to begin to train him to take over the Suoh business. He visits Haruhi, and tells her a little bit about his life in France, and Haruhi’s love for Tamaki begins to make an appearance for the first time.
So I went into this list thinking that this would be my favorite plot, so it’s wild to me that it didn’t even make the top five. It’s kind of weird and I didn’t expect it, but I’m still satisfied with this list. Anyways, I really love this one, even if it’s not the top five. It’s like. The ultimate Tamakyo story, and there’s just. There’s just so much to unpack there. Like. We don’t have time for me to go through the whole thing and analyze every part of it because there’s just so much of it. It’s so good, and it makes my heart grow three sizes. It’s another brilliant development piece for Kyoya, and shows his softer side, as well as just how much he loves Tamaki.
(vol 15 chp 71 - vol 16 chp 72)
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Honey and Mori announce that, after graduation, they’ll be splitting up and going to different universities. This proceeds to emotionally destroy literally everyone except for them. Mori is challenged to a series of duels at the Kendo club in which he has to fight every underclassman who wants the honor of fighting him before he graduates. He’s exhausted and worn down, and he loses to a second year, which is bad for like. Honor reasons. RIP. Anyways. He reveals that he’s just been really worried about something but before he can tell anyone, he has to duel Honey. It hurts.
They start preparing for the fight— which Kyoya is capitalizing off of via movie rights and betting rings— and scare everyone that they’re going to never speak again. When the fight comes, they fight on the Windswept Hill™ at Ouran (the same place that Chika and Honey fight on way back when). They go for it and pull no punches, until Honey tries to do a flying kick and Mori catches him and gently places him outside of the boundaries of the fighting ring, thus winning the duel.
Because he won, he pulls out a sheet of paper in which he’s written down all of the things that Honey needs to do in university because Mori isn’t going to be there to take care of him: brush his teeth, cut down the cake by 90%, and stop bringing Usa-chan to classes. Mori felt that he didn’t have the right to tell him these things until they were on equal level because he had won the duel.
They make up and everything is okay— they graduate, everyone cries, including me. Kasanoda gives Mori flowers, it’s all very cute. Haruhi makes cookies, and when Tamaki goes running down the hallway to find her, they bump into each other and drop all of the cookies. While they’re picking them up, they share the classic ~accidental kiss~.
This is one of the only Honey & Mori-centric plotlines that gets fully fleshed out and like. More than a chapter. It really does lovely things for their relationship, and it’s the end of an era. Even though it’s the end of an era, though, the resolution is incredibly satisfying— Honey and Mori’s stories are wrapping up, but it’s really well done. It’s sad, but it’s a really rewarding ending. They’re such sweet boys. Also, it’s not like they’re gone forever, so it’s all okay.
(vol 10 chp 41)
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Reiko is part of the Black Magic Club, and falls in love with Honey when he gives her a hand in getting up after she trips over Usa-chan. However, she believes that falling in love with Honey is equivalent to him “stealing her soul,” and so she uses “curses” to steal his soul back. These curses are basically just love spells. 
In the end, Honey tells her to just, like, be herself. Talk about her interests. Get to know him. Be honest. Then she won’t need love spells to make him like her. Even if she messes up or is awkward or says something weird, he’ll still like her because she’s being true to herself. This is one of the only Honey-centric chapters, and Reiko is one of my favorite side characters.
They’re the OG goth x pastel couple. The blueprint for all other couples. Icons. I love them so much. This makes it on the list just because I love their relationships. I also love the whole Moral Of The Story, in that it’s important to be true to yourself. It’s so sweet it hurts.
(vol 18 chp 81 - vol 18 chp 82)
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So. Right after the two of them confess their love to each other, everyone expects them to get together and be a couple right away, but Haruhi is just kinda chilling. She’s not super stressed about dating, it’s just a relief to have said it out loud. Meanwhile, Tamaki is kind of a mess, stressing out over their first date and trying to make it as perfect as he possibly can. Seeing him so stressed, all of the hosts band together to help him out in planning a date. When Tamaki finally gets up the nerve to ask her out, he falls in the fountain and Haruhi has to fish him out. She’s then the one to ask him out to the amusement park.
In true Tamaki fashion, he gets incredibly stressed out again. He gets fashion advice from a series of unfashionable people. The hosts sneak around the amusement park and follow them around, finding out that it’s actually going really well, as long as they’re not interfering. After the Lobelia girls show up and try to sabotage the date, Tamaki and Haruhi run away— while Kyoya Handles™ the situation— and they go to her mother’s grave. There, it’s revealed that Haruhi will be going on an exchange program to America.
It’s just. So cute. Like. I’m Tamakyo for life, but I do adore them so much. It’s lower on the list because of the sheer amount of second hand embarrassment, but overall, I loved reading this one. Tamaki is just so genuine and earnest about everything he does, and I think these chapters do a lot to show why the two of them work as a couple. It also does lovely characterization points for Haruhi, and begins to wrap up the ending. Bonus points for a jealous and heartbroken Kyoya.
(vol 9 chp 38 - vol 9 chp 39)
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Princess Michelle comes to Ouran to do a week of school in Japan. After meeting her, Tamaki essentially puts him and the Host Club at her beck and call, doing anything that he can to make her happy, no matter how insanely extravagant her demands are. Everyone else finds this infuriating, until Kyoya points out that Michelle looks similar to Tamaki’s mother, saying that the last time Tamaki saw his mother, she was crying— and if he sees Michelle smile for real, it might help him picture his mother smiling again.
Overall, it’s just a very soft arc that begins to unfold Tamaki’s family-related trauma. It also kickstarts Tamaki’s realization that he’s in love with Haruhi and doesn’t actually have paternal feelings for her (that’s the whole next chapter, but make it funny rather than introspective); and it’s one of the moments that Haruhi realizes that Tamaki is genuinely just a good person.
I wasn’t sure that this one would make the list at all, but I do really love this story. It’s pretty short, just two chapters, but it’s overall really sweet. I like Michelle as a character a lot— she seems a bit like a bitch at the beginning, but she gets fleshed out and given an actual personality as the chapter goes on. It’s a really good example of Bisco Hatori’s writing.
Mei (character): probably the most significant character in the manga that doesn’t appear at all in the anime, which is pretty tragic, but I think that the anime really wanted to emphasize that Haruhi doesn’t really have any female friends / friends outside of the hosts. But anyways, she’s Misuzu’s daughter and Haruhi’s friend; she’s lowkey transphobic but she’s getting better! Had a brief crush on Tamaki but she ends with being the #1 Tamaharu stan. Great friend to Haruhi.
The masquerade ball: Haruhi's going away party, and the reveal that she's a girl.
Haruhi gets kidnapped: Haruhi is kidnapped and held for ransom, the hosts find her and break down doors to get there.
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ladydaemon · 3 years
hello!! can i have a Genderqueer!reader (amab, afab, other, or not mentioned at all, i don't mind!), who comes out to Nikolai (my beloved). Nikolai then wears a skirt to support his partner (and is kinda insecure about it at first but you know what, he ends up enjoying the skirt).
also, also, fluffy hurt/comfort plssss. and you can definitely change some things about the request I gave you! :)))
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A/N: So I did change the request a bit (reader is already out) because I have absolutely no fucking clue as to how to write that – y'all don't seem to realize that I'm closeted as fuck offline. And the bullying in this is so cliché I hate it with a burning passion. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH Y'ALL.
Summary: Prince Nikolai notices that Y/N is being harassed for being genderqueer, and makes a statement about it.
Warnings: swearing, homophobia, transphobia????, comfort/fluff type shit with a sprinkle of angst, KoS? and R&R spoilers, I might've accidentally used she/her pronouns for reader on accident, please tell me if I did
Y/D/N = your deadname
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Y/N saw the way they looked at them. Like they were something other and unnatural and strange. Some wanted to understand, wanted to accept, and Y/N appreciated that – but then there were the others, the ones who refused to call them anything but their deadname, who jeered and pointed.
Nikolai didn't know, of course. Y/N didn't want to put anything else on the new king's plate, least of all some measly bullying that they could handle perfectly well on their own. Nikolai was busy with his meeting and his negotiations, and he shouldn't be bothered by someone teasing a cook.
Even if said cook was his childhood friend since before either of them could remember.
"Y/N, I swear on all the Saints, if you burn those damn cookies because you're having a pity party, I'm telling Prince Nikolai about Ameer and his cronies," Selene threatened, brushing past Y/N on her way to the pantry. "Don't think I won't do it."
Ameer was one of the worst when it came to insults and slurs – the one who always managed to corner them and taunt, spread rumors and gossip. He was an Inferni, and one of the best, which was why most of the Grisha turned a blind eye. Selene (who had been a mother figure to Y/N and had taught them how to cook and bake) knew about him, and what he said, but held her tongue when Y/N had begged her not to tell Nikolai.
It didn't mean Selene was happy about it.
Y/N sighed, turning back to their cookies to see that they had, in fact, almost burned them. With a yelp, they rescued them from the oven and scraped the small pastries off of the bottom of the pan so they wouldn't burn, exhaling in relief when they saw that the bottoms weren't black. Thank the Saints.
"They're supposed to be soft," Selene hissed, prodding one with a finger to prove that the cookies were flaky and not how they should be. The woman seemed to materialize whenever anything was ever cooked or baked wrong. "Make another batch."
"There aren't any more fresh berries, though. We can't use the dry ones, they'll burn," Y/N said sourly, scraping the ruined pastries in the trash bin. "Nikolai's having one of the fancy parties and they'll know if the berries are fresh or not."
"Then go to the market and get some more, child!" Selene whapped them in the back of the head with a wooden spoon. "Common sense! And get me some more of the chocolate morsels, we're running low."
Y/N nodded, well used to the brisk woman, exiting the large kitchen bumbling and bustling with movement and steam and smells. They used the servant's exit, ducking under the small door and exiting Os Alta through the back gate, a well-known shortcut to the market at the village.
After a quick walk, Y/N arrived at the farmer's market – the stand with the raspberries was blissfully empty, and they paid quickly, heaving a small basket of the berries into their arms. They were about to stand in line for the rare chocolates (which, in the palace, were not so rare), when they felt someone shove them.
Someone cheered.
The raspberries spilled into the dirt.
"I am so sorry, Y/D/N," a voice that Y/N knew far too well, dripping in fake sincerity. "Do you need help with those?"
"I'm fine," Y/N answered, response short and clipped and in a tone that suggested the conversation was over before it began. They didn't look at Ameer, only began slowly picking the fruit out of the dirt path. Their uniform, pristinely white (a fact they usually prided themselves on) suddenly felt incredibly dirty and raggedy compared to Ameer's brilliant blue kefta.
Ameer did not take the hint. Nor did his cronies.
"Come on, Y/D/N, let me help!"
"Yeah, let him help!"
"I'm fine," Y/N hissed, still crouched on the ground. They just wanted Ameer to go away – they wouldn't even fight back, or do anything. If only he would go away. They knew well enough that saying anything only told him that he was winning.
"Aw, come on, it's the least I could do for a mistake," Ameer snickered, nudging them with his boot. "Come on, say something. I know you're ill in the head, but you can at least speak, can't you?"
"Go away, Ameer." Y/N's jaw clenched, and for some reason, their throat felt tight, like they were going to cry. Which was silly, because they should have been used to it. It happened every day, for Saint's sake.
It was probably just the dust and dirt in their eyes.
Ameer kicked them again in the ribs, sharply and Y/N's entire world narrowed down to that one point. Yeah, there had always been small things - pinches and the like - but he had never actually physically hurt them. They didn't notice when Ameer snickered and walked away.
Get yourself together, Y/N, they scolded themself, standing and brushing off their white uniform. You're better than some bullies.
Go with dignity. Don't fight back. Don't show weakness. Don't say anything.
"What took you so long?" Selene huffed, hurrying over to Y/N with a stern expression. "No, no, nevermind the food, the meeting is starting! Grab your platter and move, dammit!"
Thank the Saints that Y/N had had the good sense to brush off their uniform. They grabbed the first available platter (they had to be the exact type of pastry they were trying to make) and lined up with the rest to enter the war room. Then, the cooks and the waiters filed into the large room, person by person with unfaltering steps.
Y/N almost dropped the tray they were carrying.
Everything was pretty much as usual, with Nikolai lounging on a large chair at the head of the table and the missionaries seated around the rectangular table. Servants in white uniforms stood motionless and silent at the walls, ready to be called on for anything at any moment.
The catch was, however, that Nikolai was wearing an elegant, frilly, royal purple dress. Everyone in the room, except Nikolai, who looked utterly at ease, looked distinctly uncomfortable. Y/N, quickly recovering from their shock, placed the tray of pastries in front of him.
"Ah, thank you so very much, Y/N. Do you like my outfit?" Nikolai batted his eyelashes at them, and Y/N, in turn, glared daggers at him. "It's rather comfortable."
"What the fuck are you doing, Nik?" they hissed under their breath so only he could hear. "You could lose alliances over this and you know it, you shithead. How drunk are you?"
"I am perfectly sober, and am absolutely scandalized that you think I would go into an official business meeting while not."
He had, actually. Twice.
Y/N glared harder at him, trying to burn a hole into his skull while mentally projecting a large string of curses in various different languages. But there was only so long they could loiter by his seat as a servant before it became either suspiciously awkward or a wildfire of a rumor, so they stepped back, standing against the wall.
It was about half an hour into the meeting that Y/N realized that he was doing this because of them. Because they hadn't told him what was going on, but he had the audacity to do his sleuthing and guess. It really didn't take a genius, when Y/N thought about it. Because he cared and he saw and he had done something about it.
It made Y/N want to punch him slightly less.
The rest of the evening passed in a blur or awkward coughing, a lot of shaking hands, and Nikolai rubbing his hands appreciatively over the fabric of his dress (and Y/N had to admit, he looked divine in it). And then the missionaries filed out and so did the other white-clad people until it was just Y/N and Nikolai.
"I wasn't lying when I said it was comfortable," Nikolai said teasingly, looking at Y/N. They huffed and plopped down in the seat closest to him, popping an a lone strawberry in their mouth. He looked at them for a second, eyebrow raised. "So are you actually going to tell me what happened, or…?"
"Just some teasing," Y/N mumbled around the mouthful of food. "Nothing I can't handle."
He sighed, picking up a discarded pastry and sticking it in his mouth. "These were delicious, by the way."
"Thanks. I'll make sure to pass that along to Selene."
He hummed, and they sat in silence for a while, the only sound being that of creaking chairs and faint chatter from outside the room. Nikolai turned toward her, his face a mixture of concern and seriousness. "I won't force you to talk about it, okay? Just… know I'm here."
Y/N exhaled slowly, and their voice was quiet. "Okay."
"Okay.' "I should get back to Selene, she's going to want help in the kitchen," Y/N said, standing up. As they brushed past Nikolai, their voice turned serious. "And by the way, the dress suits you."
He wore dresses for the rest of the week.
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veryjanewatson · 2 years
c o n t i n u e d : [ x ]
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Barnes wasn't entirely wrong saying that she didn't seem like the sort of girl to get mixed up with that sort of thing. Unfortunately 'that sort of thing' was somehow exactly the thing that road sidelong in her life. Mary Jane had very little interest in shit-streaks like Caesar Cicero, infamous for being one of Silvermane's Maggia Thugs of Choice; Cicero was also a local vape enthusiast and, most notably, a fucking asshole. However Circero's interests toward MJ had, in point of fact, very little to do with her at all and more focused on her aggressive and sleuth-like curiosity surrounding the events involving the recent arrest of police chief; George Stacy.
[ And even more specifically the external hard drive that an informant whose identity was known only to Matt Murdock agreed to meet her late that night to hand over the hard drive. She was so certain no one followed her. ]
If it was the very last thing on earth that she and Peter did, it was going to be clearing Gwen's father. Peter always inclined to feel he owed everyone more than anyone expected, and because they loved Gwen more than most people gave them credit for, because even if MJ and Peter didn't love each other in a way that could romantically bind them, they were and still are family. Gwen would always be apart of that family. So no, the old soldier wasn't wrong thinking she was the type to avoid Maggia thugs so caked in vape smoke they smelled like a goddamn pancake breakfast from a hundred yards away, but for Gwen Stacy, even a Gwen Stacy cold in her grave - Mary Jane would be and do anything. With all that said - what Mary Jane would have been, if not for the very immediate actions of James Barnes, is very dead. The Silvermane Maggia always did snipe behind Caesar's back what a complete shit-show he was when it came to small firearms and close quarter fighting; getting so enraged his aim was all over.
The bullet went through the side of her arm, nothing to pull out, but leaving a fairly meaty gash that would absolutely require some suturing. Conversely, MJ had been vehement against going to the hospital. Too much attention, she was too noticeable, either through people's familiarity with her very bad and b-budget movies (and probably not her quite good and vastly better funded theater and Broadway work) or (what was more likely) the public's awareness of her association to Spider-Man; an association that's almost cost the girl her life more times than she, and even more so Peter, would care to think about. Mary Jane compromised with Bucky, warmed more than she could realize in the adrenaline of the moment over his blind compassion, because what she found she loved most of all is that she was entirely unrecognizeable to him. It was the first time such a thing had happened to her in, well- years. Admittedly, on her end, she didn't feel it was all that big of a compromise, because while he didn't know her, Mary Jane very well knew him. Never would MJ have agreed to go off with a strange man from an alley she met off of Canal Street had she not known him, but the reality was she'd known him most of her life. Most who attended elementary school in America would as they all grew up to know Sergeant James “Bucky” Barnes as the closest comrade and friend to Captain America. [ And very much unrelated to anything at all was that on a four grade history test she got the question wrong asking what Sergeant Barnes' nickname was; Mary Jane, after three very lazy seconds of thought, scribbled in the 'Bucket'. ]
A part of her imagines for a moment of floating backward in time to tell her ten year old self that one day Bucket Barnes was going to have to stitch her upper arm meat, because of a scenario of 'fuck around and find out' gone chaotic, and adding for irrelevance’s sake that he's a lot gentler than his broody black and whites in her textbook would suggest. That same kid spoke out through the years when she hissed in pain and swallowed a whimper, “--we sure are, since you're gonna' be Jesus and take the wheel of this situation.” She pushed out air meant to sound like a laugh, but due in part to how breathless she felt from the adrenaline crash it was the best attempt MJ had to signal she was trying very poorly at humor. Subsequently, her plummeting adrenaline was causing her to have small body shakes; nothing severe and more likely a hit to her pride as MJ never felt like she could quite escape her distressed damsel scenarios. Such was a life of the physically powerless human running adjacent to the city's heroes and their criminal counterparts. In truth, this situation didn't leave her embittered to being thrust into danger as a tool of leverage, but rather something she did of her own choosing. Even her savior had done so, not for who she was or who she knew, but because he saw her at risk and so he acted. Very, very rarely was she able to just enjoy heroism for exactly what it was. It was good to be reminded.
“No, that's not usually how I spend my Saturday nights, but I guess that's on me for not picking better company? Or at least knowing the company my company is keeping.” Her little nose scrunched at the wording, not really intending to sound so Seussical.
The gleam of that metal hand drew her eye like a cat's to errant movements; she heard Peter reference it with fascination in their idle conversations about various super powered individuals and their abilities. Unclear on the right social pleasantries with cybernetic appendages, MJ threw her wild and vividly green eyes to anywhere else in his incredibly minimalist (sparsely furnished?) apartment. “Jane,” unsure of why she was so quick to hand him a name that she never gave over to anyone else. Initial reasoning said she did it because she's trying to be incognito, but deeper logic undoes initial reasoning by informing her that it's moot since it'll only be a statistically short amount of time before media or people familiar in Bucky's life alert him to otherwise. MJ's actual truth was that so much did she love the uniqueness in this moment, she felt an impulse to make herself unique inside of it. [ And universal truth muttered at the farthest back of her mind; “--he do be very handsome up close, though.” ] “People call me Jane,” she said like a fucking liar.
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noszkass · 3 years
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garrison "grady" oliver knox jr.
thirty two. podcast host. amateur sleuth. casey deidrick.
grady: [looks deeply into your eyes; pats your knee, sympathetically.] grady: “i don’t care.”
content warnings: mentions child neglect, parental abandonment, missing parent, (suspected) death of a parent, alcoholism.
dominant traits. opinionated, surface level arrogant, judgmental, creative, sarcastic, invasive, blunt/crass, antisocial, stubborn, self-aware, unyielding, grudge-holding, mouthy (read as: "brutally honest"), insensitive, protective, intuitive, reactive, self-reliant, observant, adaptable, impulsive.
fictional parallels. connor welsh (htgawm); jess mariano (gilmore girls); jughead jones (riverdale); stiles stilinski (teen wolf); nancy drew (cw nd); veronica mars (vm).
○ his name is grady. no one calls him garrison, not anymore. not since his mother was around. i say around, and not alive, because she isn't dead. just missing. a town native who moved away when she was pregnant with him, but brought a lot of the darker parts of miriam's well with her. he was raised on unfinished stories and embellished half truths about the place his mother grew up in─the place he eventually called home at fourteen─and, ultimately, is probably responsible for his interest in all things unexplained. and his father, well... his father is around georgia, somewhere, he supposes. they haven't spoken for a while. believe it of not, a relationship with your son doesn't cure at the bottom of a bottle.
○ his life pretty much always baseline sucks and his attitude and demeanor mirrors that. which is fine since grads is the type of guy who makes more acquaintances than he does friends. and even more enemies than that. he will casually put his nose in your business because "that’s my job" and he makes no apologies for who he is.
○ when he was younger he wanted to be a journalist, a photographer, and novelist and you can tell. too curious for his own good and heavily believes in not only checking his sources, but questioning everything. he's not afraid to stand up for the things he believes in or for the people he finds deserving of it, and has very little issue or care to what what consequences these actions might breed. he also may or may not be a coffee addict.
the corner booth at the local diner; twilight zone background noise; the smell of coffee seeping from moist skin; sweeping honesty; not only is the truth out there, but it also probably sucks; ring around the rosie was about the black plague; anti-social social club; dry sarcasm over milkshakes; swear jar that has his name on it; the company misery loves; mean nerd aesthetic; late nights in the studio with great music and a constant opinion.
plot hooks.
○ his family. well, his mother's family. the people she left behind, whatever's left of them. possibly an aunt (preferably his mother's twin, who he had no idea existed, so imagine that shock) who took him in when she went missing at fourteen and any potential children she might have? because cousin relationships are great and no one has your back or will kick your ass quite like family. can't imagine them being well off, more like town trash and maybe this aunt was the best of them. ○ veronica mars needs clients. ACAB indeed, but sometimes people need solutions to problems that a corrupted small-town government isn't capable (or willing) to get them. what does that mean? for the low price of [insert negotiation here] this knox boy will go out of his way to find the answers you need. husband fucking the secretary? photos will hold up nicely in divorce court─not to mention i'm a ~fantastic photographer. you get the idea. sure, it's not the prettiest (or cleanest) job, but it's easier to make money off liars, thieves, and cheating spouses than you might realize. especially in a small town with such an ugly history. ○ the unlucky barista/cashier/counter girl. it'd be nice to have a little back-and-forth relationship with someone who might work for his aunt? i imagined [his aunt] owns a coffee shop or cafe (or something of the sort) and he's always in there helping himself to free coffee and snacks and likes to poke and prod this person when he's bored via asking a million intrusive questions or just being his curious, obnoxious self. taken by noor ♡ ○ co-hosts of the night shift. well, it's not the doomsday podcast, certainly not with their following, but like a lot of people who find their way to miriam's well, they share the same basic general interest (unsolved mysteries, serial killers/true crime, paranormal/ghost hunting, lore, extraterrestrial, etc.) except, grady also likes to use his platform to bitch and moan about other things that happen in town. some topics more pointed than others, and often about public officials he has no business putting on the air and his fellow casters probably hate him doing. no one likes a target on their back. ○ pizza buddy + longtime friend. someone (preferably someone he considers close/from when he first moved to mw) who will go with him to flying saucers at two am for "out of stock" garlic knots (and/or an employee he bribes with🍃for said knots 👀) because he's an actual human garbage disposal and he hates himself just enough to like the aesthetic and that entire plot sounds fucking awesome?? bonus points if they both used to work there when they were younger, and now this shit is habit/a bastard tradition at this point. ○ doomsday descendants. characters who are part of the families who have abduction histories that he can interview and broadcast on his podcast─also pick their brain about every little detail and absolutely get on their nerves in some way or another.
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Tongue Tied - Tim Drake x Reader
Words: 2.4k
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“Hello lovely author, may I please request a Tim x reader who start as nerd friends, then she finds out about him being Red Robin before he can tell her, and then Red Robin saves her one day and she lets slip that she knows it's Tim. With her smarts, she's able to help him with cases and missions, and the batfam is impressed by how smart she is. You can choose whether it's a romantic ending or not, that's up to you. I just feel like smart Tim needs to be seen more. Thanks😊”
When I tell you I love me a smart reader I LOVE ME A SMART READER! Thank you so much for the wonderful request! Strap in dear anon you set me up for a long one and I really said “get in the car!” I hope you enjoy ; )
In the midst of a mental breakdown you let the flashbacks ensue, that’s the only correct way to lose your mind as everything you thought you knew crumbled around you right?
First you remembered “meeting” Tim Drake-Wayne for the first time. You always put meeting in quotes because you’d been in love with him for months and had sleuthed out his favorite coffee shop just to stumble into him. And because you’re you, nothing can really go as planned can it? Your plan to stumble into Tim was taken more literally when he caught you from tripping as you tried to enter the store, as you pulled yourself from his chest you felt your cheeks redden immediately. 
“Oh my gosh I am such a klutz I’m so sorry” he looked flustered himself, nervously fidgeting with his sweatshirt sleeve. “Oh uh, no problem, are you okay?” he up from his jacket to meet your eyes, and though he’d never tell you his heart melted on the spot, his brother Dick defined it as “love at first sight” but that seemed too cheesy. “I’m fine! You going in here too? This is my favorite spot!” you shook off the nerves, making your way into the cafe. Tim followed you in, and to your surprise paid for your drink. Sitting at a little bar you pulled out some of your college textbooks before you realized Tim and slipped into the seat next to you. 
“You in college?” his voice made you jump, your head jolting up. “Oh - no! I just think this kinda stuff is interesting. Math can predict everything ya know!” you slid your textbook between the two of you, feeling Tim’s shoulder lightly brush yours as he leaned in to read it. “Totally! Like even the golden ratio in nature!” Tim explained excitedly. 
That day turned into texting every single day and hanging out whenever Tim could, and it slowly developed into a best friendship. 
How did you not see the red flags like how Tim could rarely, almost never hangout at night? Or how he’d have strange bruises scattered across his body. Tim always looked dead tired but you knew he didn’t do any activities after school, to be honest the math just didn’t add up, so you took to investigating before making a conclusion - as any good scientist would. And because he’s a messy teenage boy investigation was easy.
While over at the manor Bruce had called Tim to W.E. for some sort of emergency press conference about his younger brother Damian biting a reporter, the interview was only supposed to be a half an hour. So, Tim left you with snacks and Youtube in his room while he threw on a suit and tie, which he looked like an absolute five course meal in - that wasn’t the point. You took the opportunity the riffle through his room, not exactly sure what you were looking for as you pawed through stacks of overdue assignments and dirty clothes. 
With deep breaths you relived the moment that hadn’t stopped playing in your head, finding his Red Robin suit. Throwing open his closet you stifled a laugh at his pajama pants and ratty t-shirts but you choked on air when a deep red and black suit fell from the top of his closet onto your face. Thinking it was some sort of halloween costume you held it up and realized what you were touching. It made sense, the late nights, bruises, frantic cancellations, it all added up except that Tim was the sweetest person you knew, the most loving soul you knew was kicking ass while you struggled through trigonometry. 
Unable to comprehend what was happening you put everything away and went home, shooting Tim some bullshit excuse about your family as your ran up to your room and began making a list - comparing Tim’s absences to Red Robin sightings, googling photos of Red Robin and drawing comparisons to the way he held himself like your best friend. There truly was no denying - Tim Drake was the Red Robin. Then it hit you like a truck - Bruce Wayne was Batman. And you assumed all of Tim’s adoptive family were vigilantes as well. You didn’t sleep that night, trying to make google searches that didn’t give anything away while trying to make a list of everything you discovered. 
Tim was Red Robin. You still couldn’t wrap your mind around it. So you sat in your room at 4am, crying. Because Tim was probably out risking his life for years without you knowing. Everytime you yelled at him for cancelling plans was probably because he was out saving lives and he took all your anger, he let you berate him for scrapping his knees when it was probably the fucking Joker whooping his ass. Is it right to apologize? To tell him what you found out and try to move on with the friendship. Is this like a “now that you know I have to kill you” kinda thing? You weren’t exactly ready to die. 
It seemed like Tim’s secret to keep, it was difficult at first to keep the facade that you didn’t know what he was doing at night, you just tried to always be understanding and appreciative of all the time he made for you. You fell back into the lull of best-friendship, Robin or not, Tim was the best person you knew.
“You’re in love with her Drake” Damian chided, almost annoyed with Tim’s ambivalence on the topic of his life long crush. “Am not, she’s my best friend. It’s not my fault you don’t understand friendships demon” Tim spat back, keeping his head down to hide his blush. “I’m with the demon, you practically worship the ground she walks on” Jason called, drinking straight from.a carton of milk as Dick cried out in disgust before adding his own opinion to the mess that was Tim’s love life. “Sorry kid it’s 3 to 1 which means you have to ask her out for real, remember last time?” Tim glared at the mention of his failed date proposal where you thought he was speaking in strictly hypotheticals. “You can’t out vote me on my own feelings” Tim groaned. “All in favor of allowing us to out vote Tim?” The three raised their hands again as Tim stomped up to his room, he planned on going on a peaceful patrol to plan his dream date for you.
A couple weeks into knowing Tim’s secret you learned that if you climbed to the roof of your apartment building you could see Batman and whomever he took out for patrol flipping around the city late at night. It had become a nightly routine and you’d grown to be able to identify the hero by their style of movement, your notebook filled with notes and sketches about each boy or girl. Then when you hungout with Tim you could match a vigilante’s mannerisms with one of his siblings, it was simple science really. Then you began taking down notes about whoever the Bats were fighting if it was public, discovering little facts and trying to slip Tim subconscious knowledge, it was the least you could do to help your favorite boy on earth. 
But that wasn’t enough, you wanted in on the excitement of crime fighting, to have more knowledge than was on broadcast TV. So you took to the streets of Gotham armed with pepper spray, a pocket knife, and a notepad. You learned tidbits of information that you poured over, working it together until you’d solved a case, then you’d slip hypothetical ideas to Tim throughout the hours of hanging out. You felt like a real life hero, and you were getting better by the day. 
“Jeez Tim it’s like you’ve been working double time! You’re solving cases before they’re even on B’s radar, what’s your secret kid genius?” Dick was stretching on the BatComputer while Tim feverishly typed in his newest solve. “Well I hangout with Y/N! She’s like a good luck charm dude I also get the best ideas when I’m with her! It’s pure magic bro I’m telling you” Tim explained as he frantically finished his report. “Lovers do have that effect! So when are you gonna tell her you’re in loveeeeee” Dick cooed as Tim shook his head. “Shut up Dickwing I’m working” was all he could give Dick without blushing or mixing up his words. He just had to plan something perfect.
But it never was perfect was it? 
Kill Croc was out in the sewer, and you’d taken it upon yourself to help Tim out, you knew people who knew some of the people that helped out Croc and you were determined to find him first at any cost. That’s how you accidentally ended up in a dirty drug deal. 
“Hey Timbers, you’re gonna wanna get to my location asap, I’m pretty sure your girlfriend is in trouble and it would be rude of me not to offer her saving to you” Jason heard a scramble from the other side of the comm as Tim confirmed he was on the way. He watched carefully as you searched for an escape from your capture, normally he would’ve busted the drug dealers for capturing teenagers by now but he was feeling magnanimous, deciding to give Tim the opportunity to save an unsuspecting but terrified Y/N. 
There were definitely no clear exits, you cursed yourself for getting too close. You were not Red Robin, you played the long game you didn’t rush into the arms of armed drug dealers in the name of the law. Your heart was beating out of your chest as they pointed a gun at you, forcing you to walk towards a sketchy delivery truck with the other kids. “Ooh totally not gonna happen!” a familiar voice cheered as glass windows shattered, none other than your best friend stood with a grin. He looked hot as fu- not the time, not the time. 
“Come any closer we’ll blow her brains out!” you felt a loaded pistol connect with the back of your head as you froze, begging to any god to live and promising not to be a field agent ever again. “That’ll be pretty hard without your gun dumbass” Tim called as four batarangs knocked the guns out of all the guy’s hands. Red Hood, who you knew was Jason Todd, burst through the back windows, guns raised. “I thought we had a deal you sorry bitches. Now let these kids go or I’ll show you what blowing brains out really looks like” the men froze, letting everyone escape. 
“Too late for us, but we’re taking the pretty girl with us!” one of the men had picked up their gun, aiming it straight between your eyes and firing. You screeched when a flash of red jumped in front of you. Almost in slomo you watched the bullet connect with Tim’s body. Your scream was deafened by Red Hood’s guns as he knocked all the men completely out. Rushing to Tim’s side you pulling his head into your lap. “Tim! Oh my god Tim are you okay!” you cried as Red Robin pulled off his domino mask to reveal a very confused Tim Drake. “Kevlar, I’m fine, bullets pack a punch but it just knocked the wind out of me, how did you know who I was?” Tim sat up, showing you the bullet sized dent in his suit. 
“We should go somewhere else and I can explain” you smiled sheepishly, letting Tim put his cowl back on as he loops his arm around your waist, pulling you to the top of the nearest building. 
“YOU’VE KNOWN FOR MONTHS” Tim looked shocked as you explained how you figured it out and how you’ve been helping him out for weeks. “Should I have told you? I’m really sorry I just didn’t know I felt like you’d tell me when you were ready” you flinched at Tim’s shout and he calmed down. “To be honest I don’t know, you’re one of few that know who I am, but I’m glad you know, makes this even better” Tim added the last part softly, placing his hand on your cheek to lift your lips to his. Your eyes widened in shock before fluttering closed, kissing him back. The build up of months detangled itself in a night, and kissing Tim was just as perfect as you’d imagined all those years ago. 
“So you’ve really been solving all those cases and you didn’t even tell me! You’re totally amazing at it!” Tim added, almost as if he’d been thinking during the kiss. “Yeah it’s pretty fun, you’re still gonna let me help right? I’m not stopping now!” you poked Tim’s chest while he thought. “I mean I’m pretty sure Babs needs a partner, but no ground work, you saw how well that went tonight, but it’ll be good to have a partner who finally knows everything” Tim exhaled, letting everything off his chest. 
“Partners!” you smiled, leaning in to seal the deal with a kiss. 
“This is totally epic” you stood stunned as the BatCave shined in all it’s glory. “I mean yeah it’s pretty cool, look this is my actual suit, I bet the one you saw was an older model!” Tim let you around the cave, showing off his favorite parts. You squeezed his hand trying to convey how excited you were. “I’m gonna be a better detective than you soon Timmy” you teased as Tim showed you the ropes of the BatComputer. “In your dreams babe” he rolled his eyes. “Babe huh? Didn’t realize you asked me out” you scrunched your nose at Tim while he blushed. “Oh uh, see I meant to, but yeah, I definitely should do that like-” you cut him off “yes Tim I’ll be your girlfriend you idiot” you laughed at how tongue tied the loveable boy was. You weren’t going to pretend like you didn’t get flustered around him either - you practically tripped on your own feet the first time you met him, but look how far you’d came from there. 
From friends to partners to lovers and probably everything in between, you were finally Tim’s in every way, working side by side was the best thing to ever happen to both of you. That’s not quite right. Tim Drake himself was just simply the best thing that’s ever happened to you. And you to him. And that’s truly love at it’s finest. 
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starkerkeyz · 4 years
Love Me Sweetly, Kiss Me Softly
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Length: 6543 WC
AO3 Link
Mads💗: So. This was meant to be a one shot, first of all and we had plans to post this on Vday and didn’t finish on time 😅. Second, our RPs have gone from complete smut to… this? 😂 I swear, the intention is smutty though 😱 and it will be! …Later.
Keyz 💖: It was supposed to be a one shot! But then, we kept building up the world and thinking up ideas for more and more interactions. This is the longest we’ve gone without writing smut! 
Warnings:  TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF (for nooow), intersex omegas, naughty but innocent Peter?
Peter isn’t even fully awake when he reaches for the slim dildo on his bedside table. His body knows the motions and he’s able to slip it inside with a sigh of contentment.
His body is sleep warm and lazy but the building orgasm has no problem reaching its peak. It only takes a couple of thrusts of the toy since Peter’s well versed in getting himself off. He doesn’t even need to touch his cock before his body shudders in completion, slick and cum soaking into the towel he had laid beneath him before he fell asleep last night.
He drifts back into lazy dreams for a few minutes more and then finally rouses. 
The thin blanket gets tossed to the side and he stretches long, lean limbs before finally sitting up. His dildo is on the bedside table again and he takes it along for his shower. 
It’s his daily routine and he makes it to work on time for his shift. 
His ears, long and the same sandy brown as his hair, gently flop as he bounces into work, a beaming smile on his face. It may disgruntle some of the other workers, morning people, they are not, but they expect it of Peter.
His fluffy little tail pokes out from his bottoms and it wiggles in excitement as he ties on his apron.
“Register duty,” MJ tells him gruffly.
“You got it!” Peter chirps back. 
It’s another perk of being his kind. Bunny pheromones tend to lull customers into a cheerful mood so it’s like they’re getting a shot of espresso before they even get their coffee. There are downsides to it, but Peter tries not to dwell on it.
He’s still signing into the register when the first customer arrives.
“One second, sir,” Peter says, just making sure the customer doesn’t think they’re being ignored. “Registers always take a bit to start up… Ah– what can I get started for you…?”
“Tony, gorgeous. I’ll have a large caramel macchiato, sub almond milk.” Tony winks at the cute omega bunny boy that’s been fluttering around behind the counter with a happy little bounce. 
He didn’t think rabbits really did that outside of TV but here -Tony looks at the nametag- Peter is, bouncing around with a smile and a tail wiggle and it’s bringing up Tony’s day just seeing the chipper young man getting set up. 
Tony flicks his triangular ears in the direction of someone laughing from further in the cafe and then centers back on Peter. All that movement draws Tony’s predator instincts like a magnet. The alpha instincts on top make him want to pin the bunny to one of the coffee machines and attempt to fuck the bounce out of his step. 
Peter calls out the order, the words barely registering in his head before they flow out his mouth. He does an excited little wiggle when the machine is ready and then he’s punching in the order with quick, dextrous fingers.
“Large caramel… macchiato,” Peter confirms, “almond milk!”
Tony can’t take his eyes off of the happily wiggling cutie. Just watching Peter prance around with a smile and a bob of his fluffy tail was a mood enhancement. He’d heard that rabbits could do that with their pheromones if they aren’t terrified of the wolf hybrid nearby. 
He’s never been around a bunny not scared of him. This is nice. 
Peter finally glances up, a smile on his face.
“That’ll be–” Peter barely pauses when he gets a look at his first customer, but recovers quickly. “$5.53, Tony!”
It’s a new customer! And– Peter’s eyes grow wide because he looks like– 
His eyes dart to the number of customers in line. It’s the morning rush and he pouts a bit to himself when he realizes he can’t take the time to talk to this new customer. To Tony.
Tony smiles and makes sure his teeth, and subsequently, his fangs, don’t show. He doesn’t want to scare the bunny away with his hunger and he’s aware that his very pheromones can set some prey types on edge instinctively. 
He’s got a hint of wildness to his scent that no dog would ever bring to the table. His fangs are just a little too long, his eyes just a little too intent, and his tail just a little too stiff.
“Long shift today?” Tony asks casually. 
He takes a discreet sniff, nostrils flaring out as he tries to subtly figure out if Peter’s single without asking outright. He likes the challenge of using his senses to sleuth it out as much as he wants to avoid the embarrassment of being rejected if Peter has a girlfriend or boyfriend. 
He doesn’t smell another person but he does catch the deep notes of relaxation and lingering sex that come from masturbation. It makes Tony imagine Peter naked and wonder how soon he could get him there again. 
Tony’s tail wags fluidly behind him with the idea of seeing when this cute bunny might have a break. He might be able to wait for it and chat him up some more if it’s soon. 
His tail freezes when he realizes Peter can’t possibly have one coming up if he just got here. Then it droops, hanging down the back of one leg and staying there. Tony’s smile drops to a polite lip curl. 
Peter probably gets asked out all the time on the clock anyway. Bad idea, really.
Behind him, Peter’s fluffy tail is going crazy with excitement. He recognizes that Tony is a wolf. There’s no other excuse for why the hairs at the back of his neck tingle with warning.
But even though the instincts are there, Peter’s become very good at ignoring them. They live in a modern society and those prey instincts are just relics of the past.
They do some pretty exciting things to his body though. Peter gets a burst of adrenaline which he tricks his mind into translating as excitement. 
It’s another reason why they like to put him up front. Bunnies give off those yummy scents but Peter was particularly good at not being prey, no matter what his instincts scream at him.
So it’s easy for his scent to remain carefree and inviting and for Tony, he thinks it even deepens in curiosity. He’s never met a wolf before…
Tony’s dark ears catch Peter’s attention and he just wants to reach out and see how velvety smooth the fur is.
“Oh…! Yes,” Peter laughs, face going a bit pink when he realizes he’s been keeping Tony waiting on an answer. He fidgets a bit with the little bow tie they have him wear.
Tony’s eyes and ears both flick down at the motion, honing in on Peter’s throat where the bowtie lies on his neck. Tony’s pupils expand like he’s on the hunt. His tail shoots up so fast he knocks the person crowding behind him into giving him more breathing room. 
Peter’s been through this often enough that he recognizes an opening when he sees one. Usually, he brushes them off, playing ignorance and claiming naivety. It’s not really a good idea to give out his shift hours but…
A quick little discrete sniff gives Peter so much intel on his new customer. His scent reminds Peter of warm summer nights and maybe oak?
Peter likes warmth. Peter likes summer nights.
“Wow, buddy, calm that nub down,” Ned laughs behind him as he passes by.
Tony hides his laugh behind a hand, knowing he couldn’t possibly hide his fangs. His tail lifts higher in excitement and starts wagging stiffly back and forth as he waits, hoping that the stalling and the bouncing is a good sign. It’s been ages since Tony tried dating someone, and never a bunny.
Peter freezes again but then pretends it didn’t even happen. His tail continues twitching, he can’t really control that part and Ned knows it.
“I usually have a break around one…” Peter offers, heart skipping beats. He tries for casual and his fingers curl to stop them from playing with his ear. “If you’re around.”
“I could make the time,” Tony offers. 
It’s hours away yet. He drums his fingers on the counter and then picks up the pen used for receipts. He scribbles his number on a spare scrap of torn receipt and slides it over to Peter, fingers lingering.
Peter’s eyes dart to the tiny slip of paper before his hand shoots out to take it. His face blushes pink and he knows it’s futile to try hiding this from Ned and MJ but he still tries.
He knows he should assure Tony that he shouldn’t be inconvenienced just for him but he can’t bring himself to say the words. Their fingers brush and Peter’s heart quickens even more.
“I’d really like that,” he says with a smile.
He tucks the note into a pocket in his apron for safekeeping.
“Maybe we could get something to eat after your shift sometime, too?” Tony hopes he’ll say yes. The little omegan bunny smells so fresh and bright, like springtime grass and freshly bloomed flowers. Growing, ripe, fertile. 
Tony feels like an asshole for thinking such stereotypes. 
To Tony, Peter smells ready for sex and adventure. Like he would be perfectly at home taking a tumble with someone in the middle of a hike. Like he’s definitely gotten grass stains on his knees from fucking in a meadow. Like the athletic cutie wouldn’t say no to being held against a large oak tree and knotted-
Tony clears his throat and pins his ears back with a chiding shake to his own foolish head. He needs to be better than that. No one deserves to be stereotyped into a cock slut just because they were born with certain ears and tail. 
“Your pick.” Tony doesn’t want to come across as more of an ass by asking if Peter’s vegetarian. Is that insulting to assume? Tony hasn’t been around enough prey animals he wants to make a good impression on to know. 
The request surprises Peter but in a very good way. His smile turns sweeter and he leans forward, drawn in by the wolf’s charm.
“I’ll think of something,” he says, meaning he’ll be frantically texting everyone he knows for a good place to take a wolf. “Maybe I’ll have something if you do stop by at one.”
“Looking forward to it,” Tony says in answer, leaning forward in mirror to Peter. His ears are fixed onto Peter, not even flicking away to catalog the hiss of steam and blaring of alarms. 
It almost feels like the world has narrowed down to the two of them and Peter’s more than happy to remain in that bubble.
Until Ned pops it.
“Large caramel macchiato, almond milk,” Ned calls out, “For Tony!”
Peter straightens, eyes darting back to the screen. His ears swing back, one covering his right eye. “Oh, um, $5.53.”
His face feels so warm and he feels a bit embarrassed to have gotten so smitten by a mere two minute conversation. He tucks the floppy ear back, giving a flustered smile.
Tony can’t stop grinning as he fishes his wallet out and pays. He makes sure their hands brush again when he gives Peter a cash tip, winking at the blushing bunny. He wants to be allowed to brush his ear back for him next time.
“I’ll see you at 1, Peter.” Tony tips his caramel macchiato at him in salute and steps out of the way to let him get back to his job. 
Peter’s eyes trail after him as though his brain hasn’t gotten the message that he’s at work. Of course, he snaps back to attention when the next customer, a regular, clears their throat.
“See you,” Peter sighs out, head completely in the clouds and heart in la la land.
Tony makes his way out of the cafe and back to his day with one more meeting on the books.
Internally, he’s giddy to have a shot with someone so smoking hot and unbelievably cute. And his smell! 
Tony just wants to bury his nose right in the source of all that beautiful freshness. He could feel his gums aching and saliva pooling in his mouth already and shakes his head, slapping at his own cheek for focus when he’s sure the bunny couldn’t possibly see him being so weird. 
“Okay. Time to get everything I had planned up to dinner done before noon.” 
Tony sips at his drink. His mind drifts back to Peter. 
Should he bring chocolates? Could bunny hybrids eat chocolate? Hybrid canines could eat up to four pounds of the stuff before it reached toxicity levels and was considered normal to gift out in small, elaborately wrapped packaging. Maybe Pepper would know…
Tony arrives with flowers that smell like Peter and a little fancy clear bag of oatmeal and carrot bunny cookies in his pocket that Google told him is the most coveted brand on the market. Pepper had told him to only bring one or the other but he couldn’t decide and leaving one behind made his tail flick and swish agitatedly, leg bouncing with stress. 
So he has both to present. 
He pushes through the door with his free hand and scans for Peter. He automatically begins cataloging the many scents swirling around the shop; identifying people, machines, ingredients, cleaners and more so that he has a map of the place visually and through olfactory within moments. 
His tail goes high and side to side when he spots the bunny, ears alert. He sweeps through the tables and up to Peter in a flash, holding out the flowers with another carefully subdued smile. 
“Hello, beautiful. Thanks for letting me see you again so soon.” Tony sweeps the cookies up out of his pocket and gives them to Peter on top of the flowers. “I hope you like them as much as the reviews say you should.”
Whatever Peter’s expecting come 1 PM, it isn’t this. Truth be told, the bunny was a ball of nervous energy in the past half hours, worried that the wolf wouldn’t show.
Seeing Tony walk through the doors of their little cafe has Peter so giddy with happiness that he isn’t sure how his feet are still on the ground.
The sight of the flowers already has his eyes growing wide but he recognizes the brand of cookies Tony gives him. They’re a very well known brand of cookies and they’re expensive too. Peter has only allowed himself to buy them a couple of times a year as a treat for him and May so this unexpected treat has Peter’s mouth dropping.
He takes both items, looking at one and the other then back at the waiting wolf.
Tony waits for Peter’s verdict with a small dance of weight between his feet and a continuous wagging of his tail. He holds back from nudging the treats closer or barking to prompt a reaction, just barely. Peter’s wide eyed silence was starting to make him wonder…
The wolf let out a tiny whimper as the seconds ticked by. Was he wrong? Did he pick a bad brand?
“Oh, thank God,” Peter blurts out, “I wasn’t sure if you just wanted to talk or just be friends or– I don’t know, maybe get a free coffee now and then but– but you… you like me? Like… maybe…”
He’s babbling, he knows he is and what’s embarrassing is he does quick anxious little wiggles in place as he talks. He clutches onto the flowers then makes a worried sound when he realizes he might be crushing them.
They’re a sturdy bunch though and he’s relieved to see that not even a single petal was bent.
“I’m glad you like them and no, I definitely didn’t mean just friends. Not for this and not for that dinner invite. I want to get to know you better and maybe… I mean, if you’re single and I’m single…” Tony needs to stop talking. ‘If you’re single and I’m single’ like that isn’t how typical dating worked.  The wolf shakes his head at himself, furry little ears flicking in self disapproval, and hopes Peter will overlook his awkwardness. 
“Honey Bunnies…” Peter says in awe then realizes something else. His eyebrows twitch as he realizes. “Wait, how did you even get these? This flavor isn’t supposed to be out until next month.”
Honey brown eyes look at the wolf with barely veiled delight. If someone accused Peter of being a puppy right now instead of a bunny, he wouldn’t even fault them for the mistake.
This has to be puppy love…
“I love these things,” Peter says. “I– I shouldn’t even ask how, right? They’re a gift so I should just be saying thank you.”
Tony is glowing from Peter’s reactions to his presents. He takes a seat across from the bunny and leans forward, ears and eyes focused with laser intensity on the cutest bunny on the planet.
“I looked up the flavors and ordered the one that sounded best to me, honestly.” 
He knew he’d be the one eating it if Peter didn’t like it and paid extra for the gamble. Oatmeal and carrot sound pleasant enough to him. 
Oatmeal and wheatgrass? Barley and broccoli? Not really appetizing to a wolf that grew up on the iron rich delicacies of lamb chops and steak and learned to navigate dinner parties with the refined taste of sushi and caviar.
Tony yips quietly to himself to refocus on Peter at present, a small sound he’d taught himself (with Rhodey’s help) that no one else should be able to hear in the cafe. 
College had been a nightmare of sounds and smells distracting him until his friend taught him self direction through vocal cues. Something they did in the military, he’d said, but Tony thinks he was just covering up whatever therapist technique it was. Probably meant for dogs.
Tony’s ears twitch and his eyes scrunch the slightest as he notices himself drifting again. He yips firmly to himself and then tunes back into the person he actually wants to pay attention to.
“I was wondering why they’re called Honey Bunnies the more I read. Most of the cookies use grains and vegetables for the main flavor.” Tony shrugs a shoulder. He doesn’t handle marketing in his company for a reason. He smiles at Peter and ducks his head, almost like a bow as both hands settle flat on the table. “I can bring you a new flavor next time if you like?”
That sounds like heaven but Peter can’t possibly accept.
He shakes his hard so hard that his long ears swing side to side.
“You don’t have to!” He tells the wolf, “I-I mean… They’re hard to get sometimes… a real pain… And besides, even these will last me a while.”
It may or may not be true. He hasn’t tried these and he might just as well scarf them down if they’re that good. They’re always that good though… He’d be lucky if he could save some for May to try.
Tony waves off Peter’s concerns about money. He doesn’t expect any kind of favor system or to get presents of equal cost. He gets the people he likes material things because seeing them light up and enjoy them makes him warm and excited. 
He likes hunting down the perfect gift and preening from a job well done when it’s well received. So if Peter likes those special honey-not-honey cookies, then Tony will get him as many as he can stand to eat.
Peter tucks his unruly ear back into place, peeking at the wolf with a smile.
“And, um, they’re called Honey Bunnies cause… cause the founder was a non-rabbit kind who wanted to give his doe something to munch on…” Peter says with wide eyes.
Considering Tony hadn’t known, there’s no way he could’ve planned some sort of meaning behind the gesture. But… considering he bought it for Peter, isn’t it the same, anyway?
“Ahh… I see I’m not the first to fall for a cute pair of ears then, huh?” Tony reaches out and gently tucks Peter’s ear away for him. His eyes sparkle a little and he enjoys the simple pleasure of feeling how absolutely velveteen Peter’s ear is below his fingertips. 
Peter’s cheeks warm up and he knows his tail is twitching in excitement. He tries not to let it get to his head but it may be too late.
He boldly reaches over to squeeze the wolf’s hand before his nerves get the best of him. A moment later and those same fingers retreat.
“I… can be your honey bunny if that’s what you want?” Peter almost squeaks.
Is this how flirting is done? He’s never really cared to try… He just hopes he’s not making a fool of himself 
Tony reaches out for Peter and repeats the motion back, squeezing his hand gently. He leaves his hand over Peter’s instead of pulling back as the bunny had done, smiling broadly enough to show off his upper and lower canines and sharpened incisors. 
The bunny’s eyes can’t get any wider but his breath does catch at the sight of Tony’s fangs. That sweet adrenaline courses through him once more, warning him to run but Peter’s fascinated.
“Of course, I’d love that! I’m definitely going to get you more cookies though, if you’re going to be my honey bunny and all.” Tony winks outrageously, flopping his ears with it to add even more comedy to the effect. 
The little ear wiggle is adorable and only makes Peter want to reach out and touch them. Coupled with the wink, Peter ends up beaming at the wolf, disarmed and maybe a bit enamored.
Looking at Tony, Peter can’t imagine how anyone can be afraid of him.
“If you insist, I won’t say no,” Peter says and it comes out a bit shyly.
He’s out of his depth here and he doesn’t want to seem ungrateful or to give Tony the wrong idea. He turns his hand over and twists their fingers together in a loose hold.
Peter is so unbelievably sweet and pure. Tony wants to lean over and kiss the breath out of him to seal the deal, but it feels almost wrong to be so forward with the bunny boy. This is literally their first date, ever, so Tony can wait and be a gentleman. 
Judging by how hesitantly Peter had touched his hands just now and how flustered he was receiving the presents, he’s either incredibly good at acting or very inexperienced and nervous. 
He’ll let Peter set the pace in either case. He could keep it in his pants and his hands to himself for as long as Peter needs to feel ready. No pressuring or assuming. 
Even drop dead gorgeous bunny boys like Peter could be virgins.
“Can I still take you out to dinner sometime? When are you free?” Tony swishes his tail behind him and resists the urge to slide his hands forward and scent the backs of Peter’s hands with his wrists. 
He’s being a gentleman. He’s going to go slow. He could do this, for Peter. 
“My shift ends in three hours,” Peter says automatically. He blinks when he realizes how eager it sounds. “But my next day off is Thursday…”
Thursday seems so far away and Peter’s little bunny heart wants to curl up at the thought of not seeing the wolf until then. But he has to play it cool.
He doesn’t realize it but his lips pucker into a gentle pout.
Tony wants to suck that pout between his fangs and keep it safe. He’s almost panting after Peter, the cute bunny managing to turn his head in circles with just a smile or a pout.
Tony is a wolf but he’s charming and easy-going. He doesn’t trigger any of Peter’s instincts besides the normal ones that predator scents incite in him. For Peter, he feels relaxed and doted upon.
How could he not? He has pretty flowers that he knows MJ was eying earlier and Honey Bunnies that Ned will try to steal. He wouldn’t take a courting gift from his best friend….
… Is the wolf courting him…?
Tony takes one hand off Peter and reaches into his pocket with the other to grab up his phone. He doesn’t want to stop touching Peter now that he’s been allowed. 
That’s probably too intense, isn’t it? Especially for a first date? Tony doesn’t want to scare Peter off by going too fast…
Peter feels like he’s blurted out too many embarrassing questions already. Tony’s already shown his interest and while that reassures him, the bunny worries about some other things. This being the first person he’s ever wanted to know better in a more intimate sense, he realizes that what he wants may be fast for the wolf.
Bunnies would already be humping by now. May not even exchange names because who needs names when that itch needs scratching…? Peter’s always been a bit different though.
Or so he thought. Looking at the wolf’s roguish smile, he feels his insides warm and his belly clench with excitement.
His fingers twitch beneath Tony’s but he gives the wolf another smile. He’ll behave… He doesn’t want to scare Tony off with all those intense rumors about bunnies that happen to be true…
Reluctantly, thinking the twitch meant he’d overstayed his welcome, Tony places both hands on his phone. He uses the tech as a prop to keep his hands full and fiddling and not grabbing the bunny’s soft hands back up and holding on like a creep.
Peter already misses the warmth from Tony’s hands but he doesn’t chase after him even when his instincts want him to.
“I work pretty much every day but a lot of it I can do from my phone. So just let me know if another day or something works better, don’t be afraid about me not making it.” Tony says to his phone, both ears pointing at Peter and betraying where his attention truly is. He doesn’t dare look up at Peter.
Valentine’s day is this Friday.
Peter might not even want to celebrate. They just met and Valentine’s could be a pretty big deal to some couples. Or maybe Peter wouldn’t feel comfortable spending it with a new paramour. There are so many good, sound, logical reasons Peter could say no. Tony doesn’t want to pressure him and will leave it up to the omegan bunny to decide. 
He really, really hopes, though. 
Peter leans forward and lets his fingertips brush against the back of Tony’s hand. It barely does so but even this bit of contact makes him happy.
It’s Monday…. And Peter normally does not like Mondays but perhaps he has to change his mind on that. He feels giddy just looking at the wolf.
“Um, well I’m working every day until Saturday…”
Tony tries not to let his disappointment show. It’s not Peter’s fault he’s scheduled that day and can’t rearrange his entire work schedule for a sudden, intense new interest like Tony. Peter’s still willing to entertain a second date and Tony needs to focus on that positive instead of the other negative.
There are other big events they could spend together in the future. Tony will have to plan ahead, that’s all.
Peter subconsciously tugs on his ear with his free hand as he considers what to say.
“I work late tomorrow… But I get out the same time on Wednesday and Thursday… Friday, I’m supposed to close,” he says as he mentally ticks off his work schedule.
He creeps his fingers closer until he can gently rest them on top of Tony’s wrist. He can feel the strong steady pulse right there and it feels like his heartbeat resets to mimic it.
Tony feels his ears and tail drooping in pleasure when Peter’s slender fingers come to rest right on his scent gland, bold and soft at once. Peter willingly scent marking himself makes Tony’s heart rate pick up the pace where it’s running laps around his ribcage. 
His nose and ears twitch in conjunction as he tries to sniff out what Peter&Tony smell like off of Peter’s skin. 
Grass and forest. Meadow and heat. Those weeks when spring is heating up into summer, the air simmering itself pleasantly along sweaty, flushed skin. The well seasoned frenzy of mating ruts and bountiful, fertile heats. 
Alpha and omega and predator and prey and Peter&Tony.
Peter ducks his head a bit, peeking at the wolf with a hesitant smile. “Is Wednesday or Thursday okay with you…?" 
Of course, he’d like to see Tony more, but he doesn’t want to be a clingy person. They’d only just met and Peter already feels he’s falling for the guy.
Tony yips to focus himself, realizing he’d gotten lost in the smell of their first real scenting. He smiles widely at Peter, giddy that their scents are so compatible. He knew Peter was special.
“Wednesday or Thursday is fine. I think Thursday would be easier for me though, if you don’t have a preference?” Tony has to hold back from offering to take Peter out both nights. He can’t overwhelm the bunny or he might run.
The thought of chasing him produces a high, excited whine that he quickly bites back with a nervous glance at Peter. He doesn’t want to chase Peter to scare him, but he doesn’t think the truth would go over well either. Telling him, on the first date, that Tony’s whining at the chance to chase him down and fuck him wherever he catches him would be a good way to get tossed on his ass. 
“Sorry. Happens sometimes. Um. When I’m… looking forward to something.” 
Now, Tony’s blushing and looking down at his hands. He sees Peter’s fingers on his wrist and is reminded of their wonderful scent all over again. It only makes him more flustered and happy.
The sound surprises a smile out of Peter and he leans closer. He’s never really been around wolf types and has only really seen them from afar. There were a couple when he was in school, but he never really paid attention to them. His ears have learned long ago to filter out those kinds of noises as background sounds so any barks or yips were generally ignored.
He thinks the sound Tony made is adorable and Peter kind of wants to hear it again. He also wants to know what other sounds Tony would make. Being a wolf… would he growl during intimate moments?
Peter’s face flushes. He’s not used to having these kinds of thoughts at all! But instead of weirding him out, he lets the feeling flow through him and settle.
Tony watches Peter’s facial expressions, amused at his expressive face and the dark blush that’s starting to crawl up his neck. The bunny is so cute. Tony wants to lick his plump, blushing cheeks to taste the heat and the sweetness that must be there. Peter was too pure for anything less, Tony was sure. 
Peter wishes now that Tony had sat next to him just so they don’t have this distance between them.
Then he perks up. His ears don’t have the muscles to stand straight up but the tops do rise a bit in his excitement.
Tony’s eyes and ears zero in on the motion in a single snap. His lips part just enough to show a hint of fang and a flash of tongue as he licked his lips.
"Have you eaten yet?” Peter asks, hoping to extend their time. 
He’s only supposed to take a thirty minute break and he’s already used a good chunk of it… But suddenly, he’s famished.
“Hold on, lemme just–” He dashes off without another word, ears flopping as he rushes back to where Ned’s making drinks.
Tony watches him go with no shame. Peter’s ass is a bouncy round handful and his tail is a flash of color against the cafe’s uniform that Tony wants to bite. 
He hopes no one else in the cafe can see how hungry he is for something other than food.
It only takes him a few minutes and a few overdramatic claims of possibly starving to death before Ned brushes him off with a grin. There’s a reason why Ned’s his best friend and Peter would straight up crush him in a bear hug if he wasn’t holding a cup of steaming hot coffee.
He returns to the wolf but doesn’t reclaim his seat.
“Ned said I can take the rest of the day off,” he says, a bit breathless.
Then, realizing the implication, he stutters a bit. “But, I mean– You don’t have to spend the whole day with me, I know you’re probably just on break and have work too. But maybe, uh, I was thinking Five Guys? Their burgers are really good and– Oh, God, I should’ve asked you first.”
He bounces anxiously on his toes, ready to rush back behind the counter. He can pretend he hadn’t just completely made a fool of himself.
Tony stands up and steps closer to Peter. He tries not to loom but wants to be close enough to brush their hands and wrists together, the wolf wanting to soothe and strengthen their ties. He lowers his chin and ears to tell Peter he’s in control of the situation, not Tony, and signals with a tail against his leg that he would defer to Peter’s judgment. 
Peter’s eyes are large and round when Tony stands. He’s taller than him by a couple of inches but for some reason, the bunny isn’t feeling intimidated.
Instead, he feels a sense of excitement and his fluffy little tail twitches. He’s not sure why he feels so at ease. Something in Tony’s eyes, the warmth and deep brown that reminds Peter of warm, sun-soaked soil beneath his bare fingers…
His body sways as though it’s being lured in by the wolf’s calm demeanor.
Peter has to force himself to focus when the wolf talks.
“I’m starving, actually. I haven’t eaten since yesterday if you don’t count coffee.” He’d skipped out on breakfast to avoid a board meeting, which is how he found himself in Peter’s cafe this morning. Then, he’d skipped out on lunch in order to make it to this date with Peter and get all his work done. 
Possibly he had skipped dinner the night before, too. It was hard to tell; when Tony got focused he could go for a long time without food. Whenever he emerged and remembered, he’d eat a significant portion of his own body weight in food and sleep for 10 hours. 
Then he’d usually repeat. 
“And I happen to have the rest of the day off, myself. So don’t worry about it, I’d love to extend this date.” 
Tony flicks his eyes at Peter sidelong, hoping that the bunny isn’t so upset anymore. Tony could smell the anxious wafts coming off of him earlier and he wants to make sure not a drop of his scent is tainted with stress. Peter deserves to smell happy and fresh, ripe and fertile-
The fast flowing words sweep away the worry that hovered around the boy. In fact, the news that Tony’s free has Peter giddy and ready to bounce in place from sheer excitement.
Tony wanting to extend the date though… Peter feels like he’ll just melt right there.
Tony yips to himself, flicks a reproachful ear at nothing, and focuses on Peter again with a small, nervous smile. He keeps talking to stop himself from straying in his thoughts. 
Peter’s eyes catch the quick movement of the wolf’s ear– a cute little flick and the bunny thinks it’s so adorable. He almost wants to nibble on it just to see how Tony would react then.
His eyes widen and he quickly shoves the thoughts to the back of his mind before his scent gives him away.
“Don’t be alarmed if I eat them out of house and home. Wolf stomach. I’ll pay.” Tony wouldn’t ever make a date pay the tab he’s about to rack up, even at a fast food place like Five Guys. 
Tentatively, Tony laces their fingers together, making an inquisitive noise from the back of his throat as his ears perked and lowered in a wiggle of question. 
Peter looks at their interlocked fingers and practically vibrates in place from sheer delight.
He honestly doesn’t make much. Even just comparing the two of them, it’s obvious who’s making bank. 
Tony’s suits are tailor fit and Peter’s wearing jeans and a silly t-shirt of no brand. Black leather shoes, brightly polished compared to the standard converse Peter wears… yeah, it’s painfully obvious to the bunny, but the sight of their hands clasped together seems more important than that.
“I’m only accepting,” Peter begins, “Cause I’m getting the next tab.”
Tony’s ears flick a quick negative before just as quickly sweeping back and down, chagrined at his automatic dismissal of the bunny. He rubs his thumb against Peter’s wrist, scenting himself. He doesn’t want Peter to feel inadequate or incapable. 
He understands the urge to provide; it lives in his blood and bones.
“That’s doable. Back and forth, right?” Tony smiles with fang. He’s pleased with the implication of that. Of course, there’s going to be more dates. 
Peter nods enthusiastically, making his floppy ears waver in the air.
“Right,” he says with a wide smile.
He brings their joined hands up and rubs his cheek against the back of Tony’s hand, grateful and affectionate.
Tony steps smoothly into Peter’s space so that he’s crowded up close, their shoulders bumping and arms tangling together.  His tail relaxes towards Peter, swishing through the space where another wolf’s tail would have been brushing back in returned affection. 
He waits patiently for Peter to finish and then gently, almost reverently, brings Peter’s wrist up to his mouth. He kisses the pulse point, hot and with fang pressing to skin, dampening the bunny’s skin with his lips and teeth. He turns and rubs his cheek on the sensitized spot of skin, signature facial hair rubbing his scent in where he’s already primed and stimulated Peter’s scent gland. 
His scent would linger like a calling card for weeks. His ears stood tall and tail up straight behind him, proud to have been allowed the privilege and challenging anyone to try and take Peter from him. 
Peter’s resolute on this money thing. He doesn’t want Tony to pay for everything even if he’s more than capable of doing so. He’s glad Tony doesn’t argue with him on this. He’s not sure he would’ve been able to resist because the wolf has those kinds of eyes that just makes Peter want to melt and blindly agree.
Then he smiles sweetly at the wolf, squeezes his hand once and sets off towards the Five Guys just a couple blocks away.
Mads 💗: Peter is a very horny bunny but he’s also a very romantic bunny and wolf Tony is perfect 😭 Just wait till we earn the E rating lol 😏 The upcoming date is awesome toooo 😂
Keyz 💖: Tony is trying SO HARD to respect his bunny! If only he knew how badly Peter wanted to be defiled 😂 The date is so good it will probably be the entirety of ch2!
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Murphy’s Law (Bakugou x Reader)
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Genre: Fluff, comedy/crack
Summary: Bakugou just wants a peaceful date with you and promises to tone down his aggression, but things don’t always go his way.
Word count: 2,206
Inspo: This tik tok
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
a/n: I absolutely love writing these comedy/crack style plots, they’re so fun!  They just fit so well with Bakugou’s character, what can I say?
Starting next post, I’ll finally be posting some spicy content ;)  Not nsfw exactly, but I’d give it a PG-13 rating if I had to.
Anyway, its 3 am and I’m about to pass out.  Enjoy~!
"You smell like...cherries?"  Bakugou takes a deeper whiff of the crook of my neck.  "No, wait... Vanilla?"
I bite my lip, trying not to chuckle too hard and disturb his adorable sleuthing.
"I got it," he moves up to stare me right in the eyes for my answer.  "Coconut."  When I nod, he smirks victoriously.  "I knew it."  He peppers my face and neck in soft kisses, his grip on my waist tightening.  "Admit it, your boyfriend is amazing."
I tilt my head and scrunch my eyes.  "You're...okay."
His grip turns into erratic twitches as he tickles me.  "Just okay, huh?"
My breath is stolen by laughter.  "Okay!  You're amazing!"  I curse his knowledge of my ticklish spots.
Bakugou ceases his mischievous torture and returns to our original cuddling position: his one arm on top of my waist and the other enveloping my shoulders as I rest on his chest.  We bask in the silence of each other's warmth and breathing, the faint sound of his heartbeat thudding in my ear.
His warm fingers draw patterns against exposed skin near the hem of my shirt.  "We haven't been out on a proper date for a while, we should go this weekend," he proposes out of the blue.
I mull over the idea.  We've both been busy with training, and we both mutually agree that we prefer spending more intimate time with each other like this than being out on a formal date.  "What brought this up?" I ask, genuinely curious.
"It's just a random thing, no big deal," he snorts, trying to pass it off casually, but I know him well enough to know better.
"You saw Todoroki taking Midoriya out, didn't you?"
I hear the clinking of his teeth as he clenches his jaw, taking that as a positive response.
I sigh, loosing draping my arm onto his chest.  "Katsuki-"
"I just wanna make you feel special, okay?" he blurts out, terse but affectionate in his own way.  "I don't want you to think I don't care about you or that you're missing out on things other couples do.  I'm your man, you deserve more."
My fingers softly trail up his arm.  In other words, he feels like he's not doing enough in our relationship.  I peck his lips.  "Okay, let's do it.  But let's not go somewhere too fancy.  I don't feel like dressing up and all that.  Besides, you're too...excited for those quiet places."
His eyebrows furrow.  "Whaddaya mean by that?"
I want to chuckle at his defiance.  "You get very easily riled up.  Sometimes, you just need to tone it down a notch."
Though he pouts, he mutters, "I'll be on my best behavior, promise."
The weekend finally rolls around.  The Sun shines brightly, there isn't a cloud in the sky, the temperature is brisk, nothing could possibly go wrong.
Bakugou agreed to meet at noon so we could go out for lunch at this cute outdoor restaurant downtown.  I dress in a somewhat-fancy-somewhat-casual grey sweater, black leather pants, and Chelsea boots.  While I'm deciding on what accessories to style with my outfit, there's a  knock at my door.  I glance at the clock, only then realizing it's 12:30, and rush to the door.
Bakugou stands in the doorway, looking like an absolute snack.  For some reason, he's dressed in a crisp white button down, fitted black slacks down above his ankles held up by black suspenders, and brown dress shoes.  Slack jawed, I barely have a second to comment on how amazing he looks before he storms into my room and I catch a whiff of his cologne, wanting to shower him with compliments.
"I woke up late, I'm sorry," he growls, throwing a black strip of fabric around his neck and making a beeline for my full length mirror.  He's trying to knot a tie around his neck, I realize.  "My alarm didn't go off for some stupid reason, and I wanted to wake up early to get you flowers before coming here.  This date's already ruined and I'm not even ready- AND THIS STUPID TIE JUST WON'T TIE PROPERLY!"  Clearly, he's already worked up and his tie won't cooperate with him.
At first, it's cute watching him struggle, but I realize he's genuinely bothered by this entire situation.  I wrap my arms around his torso from behind.  "Babe, it's fine.  We're not in a hurry, just take your time." I assure him softly.  "I was just finishing up myself."
At the sound of my voice, my boyfriend releases his tension in a sigh.  "You're right.  I promised I'll be calmer today."  He finally finishes tying his tie and smooths it over.
I smile and kiss his cheek to comfort him.  "You look so handsome."
A light blush colors Bakugou's cheeks as he runs his hands through his hair.  "I did it for you, dummy," he admits in the softest voice.
We stare at each other in the mirror fondly for a moment, and I ruffle his hair.  "Let's go, whenever you're ready."
As we're getting ready to leave the dorms, Kaminari and Mineta are playing some sort of weird game in the hallway with Mineta's purple spheres where Kaminari tries to hit them with his lightning.
One of them flies past Bakugou's head, just missing it, and he almost goes off.  "I swear if one of those things hits me in the face, you idiots are-!"  Cutting himself off at the end, he takes a deep breath.  "I'm calm, I'm calm.  Let's just get out of here."
It's cute watching him struggle to stay calm for my sake.
And it doesn't get any easier.  Somewhere during the walk over to the restaurant, the sprinkler system turns on in someone's lawn and managed to almost spritz Bakugou's crisp outfit.  He says nothing and holds in his complaints, like a true trooper.  The next thing to go wrong is the train getting delayed.  Such a small nuisance is too much for the boy, as evidenced by the wild tapping of his foot on the floor to the point where some of the other passengers stare at him.
"If I could use my quirk, I would've just blasted us out of here to the restaurant," he mutters in my ear.
I squeeze his hand in mine.  "You're doing a great job, babe."
The smile that appears on his face is absolute bliss.
After the train finally moves and we reach our stop, we make our way through the city hand in hand, talking only to each other.
"You've out-dressed me, Katsuki.  Where did these clothes even come from?"
"My mom always told me a formal outfit is a staple," the boy shrugs in response.  "I just didn't want to wear the jacket because it's still daytime."
In the back of my head, I realize that Bakugou seems to have an unconscious eye for dressing presentable, he just chooses to wear joggers and a T-shirt all the time.
"I just figured we were going to a nice place and I wanted to look good, you know?" he continues.  "Even though everything's kinda gone to hell so far today."
My heart melts for how hard he's trying, and I decide to hug his arm for comfort.  "You're doing amazing.  I'm having fun just being with you so far."
In return, he kisses my forehead.  "The date's not over yet, we still need to eat."  He takes out his phone.  "I just need to make sure we're going-"
We collide into someone who's not watching where they're going, and, unfortunately, Bakugou's phone gets knocked out of his hand.  Almost in slow motion, we watch as the poor device crashes against the concrete face down.  I can feel his grip on my hand tighten as he growls and picks up the phone, hoping for the best, only to realize there are now spidery cracks across the surface.
I hold my breath for the inevitable outburst, which doesn't come.  A vein pops in Bakugou's neck and a muscle jumps in his jaw, but no sound escapes his lips except an extended, harsh exhale.  "Can I check it on your phone, babe?" he asks through clenched teeth, and I offer to be navigator myself out of pity.
When we finally get to the restaurant, we sit down and have our meal in peace.  The blond seems to relax as food slowly fills his belly and we carry light conversation with each other.
"You finished all the rolls already?!" I guffaw, covering my face to keep myself from being too loud, "Were you that hungry?"
"I told you I got up late!" he growls, ripping off a piece from the last roll, "I haven't eaten yet all day."
I take his hand from across the table.  "And you deserve it, with the day you've had so far."
Smooth as a criminal, he kisses my fingers gently, "At least you're here.  But you shouldn't give me your hand so easily, I might bite you because of how hungry I am."  He jokingly starts play biting my hand, making me laugh again.  And just for a moment, our eyes catch each other's, sharing our affections wordlessly.
Until something - or someone - crashes into our table.
Both of us get to our feet instinctively and inspect the damage.  The person who had crashed our table is a male waiter we recognized moving around since we've been here.
"That man is a villain!  He's trying to rob the place!" one of the staff announces from across the room.
The man slowly tries standing on his feet, catching onto the closest thing to help himself.  Which happened to be Bakugou's pant leg.  Looking up, the sorry villain realizes he's just sealed his fate.
Bakugou's face is crimson with impatient rage, bottled up from the entire day and ready to explode onto the nearest victim.
"What. The actual. Fuck?" he murmurs from deep in his throat down at the villain, who's eyes are widening as he registers he might actually be facing a devil.  The boy's breathing gets ragged.  "You have exactly," he pulls and undoes the knot around his neck in one swift movement, not breaking his malicious glare on the villain, "Two seconds," he throws the tie aside and slides his suspenders off his shoulders, "Before I blast you into oblivion," the top buttons of his shirt are undone.
"I-I'm so sorry I interrupted your date," the villain's eyes widen as he slides backwards into the broken table.  "Y-You two must've been having a good time-"
"Damn RIGHT we were!" Bakugou bellows, sleeved already folded and he's pushing them up past his elbows away from his hands.  "Now you're gonna DIE!"
As hot as it was watching my angry boyfriend slightly undress, I don't want him getting in trouble doing something illegal.  I grasp his taut elbow, avoiding his forearm. "Katsuki, just leave this for the pros to deal with, don't get yourself in trouble."
He slowly calms his breathing, but still eyes the man with a murderous glint as we back away from the situation.
We silently eat our sandwiches on a park bench.  Bakugou's gnawing and mashing his food to get his anger out, his tie hanging out of his pocket since he couldn't be bothered to re-tie it around his neck, or readjust his outfit.
I quietly admire his rugged appearance and let out a small chuckle.
He shoots me a look.  "What're you laughing at?"
"I'm just thinking how much better you look when you're all undone like this," I remark, finishing the last of my own sandwich, "You looked too uptight before, this is way more casual."
My comment is met with a smirk and a huff as he uses one arm to pull me so close to him, I might as well be on his lap.  "Is that your way of saying I look hot all angry like this?"
"Maybe."  With that, I steal the last bite from his sandwich.
Bakugou sets the wrapper aside and hugs my waist with both hands, setting me properly in front of him so I can look him straight on.  "I'm sorry I lost my cool like that.  I promised I'd stay calm for you today, but nothing even went right all day and then that mess happened."
His ashamed expression makes me plant a quick kiss on his lips, allowing a light blush to appear in its place.  "You're amazing, Katsuki.  You've had such crappy luck all day and you managed to hold in your anger for most of it.  But, while I appreciate the effort, you really didn't have to."  I wrap my arms around his neck affectionately.  "I love you and all your hotheaded screaming, you dope, no fancy dates or rules needed.  Don't feel like you need to do more for me when I just need you."
A heart-melting smile spreads across Bakugou's face as he rests our foreheads together.  "I don't deserve you, babe, you're the best I could ever ask for."  Our lips join together in a sweet kiss for a moment.
I break it with a chuckle.  "Honestly though, I really would've liked to see you smash that guy's face in."
"Me too!"
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anestheticrage · 4 years
Be me: Japanese honor student🎓, 15, with half a brain and even less of a plan. Hunting bitches by day and witches by night. Livin that dank only child✌️ life while mom n dad yeet all over the globe, leavin me plenty of time to forget not to make 2 lunches for myself #quirky 😜
no time for socialization or basic electronics skills ???📱??? when your best friends are an alien demon rabbit🐰👽 and the inexplicable Hole ™ in your brain. lmao, btw did i mention im ✨M✨A✨G✨I✨C✨A✨L✨
dreamin bout my 2D waifus again when familiar pink haired cancer patient dances through my brain passin out fliers: Kamihama Meguca Dating Service: Sponsored by Cult of the Magius. 250 stones per session 🤔
seems legit, Mr. Moneybags. wasn't spending my unwieldy sack of gemstones on anything else anyway. lets pull 💎💎💎
first up we have Redhead Radagast and her plethora of plants. 🌿☺️🦎
anndd, nearly dies immediately. 
well not off to a great start but i guess shes pretty cute at lea- oh FUCK its her girlfriend, Tsundere Poseidon😒🔱💦, and their exasperated, straight and single Sword Mom 😔🗡️🔥. fml gonna have to save up for the next pull. might as well play a few rounds with what i got tho. 
get in some good girl talk about things like school, color coded hair styles, body count, permanent soul damage, and our personal demon pacts. ya know, the usual 😚 . realize my dark backstory seems to be missing, so the girls take me to Ketchup Queen Sappho 🍅🥧 (wtf?) to molest my glowy egg stone. whatevs, more action than ive had since Kuroe 🖤 got added to the story anyway
the gang agrees it's time to hunt down the cutest rabbit pimp 🕶️🐇💵 in the city. >> say 🎵mukyuuu🎵 one more time and ill hug you so hard my backstory will pop right out, you adorable fluffy bastard. plz be my new best friend 💕
Form brand new friendship pact with Kyubae, and remember that my lil Sis 🐥 was always the best wingman for pickin up magic chicks, and kept her side of the room so spotless i forgot she existed. whoops 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ Maybe if I find her i can stop paying these exorbitant pull fees.📵💎
speaking of which: hot damn this week's featured bachelorette is a 19 year old model and magical detective🔎 with massive levels of PTSD and self loathing 🥵💙💦 more likely to stab you or dramatically jump off a rooftoop than utter a single positive comment. wow, maybe i really COULD find true love…
... if i had MORE THAN A 1% FUCKING DRAW CHANCE. 😡 smh
hard to make much progress finding sis or winning the broken heart of a hard boiled detective amidst the never ending lover's quarrel of the Trident Vine Lesbians. 💔 Sword Mom tells them if they don't behave a monster will take them away. LOL classic mom 🤣
declare all-out war on urban legends, starting with staircases ⚔️ to reunite the dysfunctional trio, and hope that I net a way better lineup with the next 10x pull. at least sad sleuth lady came to help out. they say combat is the best way to bond wi-   and there she goes off the rooftop again 🙄 fml
alright that got way off track, we need a fresh start, away from all the loli drama. how bout a little B&E🔓🔨🤷🏻‍♀️ at the local house of worship to clear my head. ahh nothing like the unanswered prayers of the masses to get you in the mood for another wasted pull, and the 🔥 MIGHTIEST 🔥 headache you could ask for with a side of Double Cooked Pork 🐖🍜 (meh 5/10🧾)
venture forth into the spiritual unknown with your new human flamethrower🔥🌻🧡 and ask your favorite private eye to please, for the love of Eve, trade Meguca accounts with me~~~ Head through the eastern spirit portal to meet up with hologram propaganda sis and detective crush's evil ex, who joined a dating-app cult (#fuck) and also turned into the moon?🌕?(that's rough buddy)
get ambushed by Acid Horse on Wheels 🌈🐴 and vomit up my soul so hard that its time for a crossover episode. T U R F F F   W A R R R *que operatic harmonies* 💛 Blondie with the hair drills and enough attitude and guns to fill up a noble phantasm tries to ban my account permanently, but PI heartthrob denies her admin privileges. aww babe i didn't know you cared. 😭♥️
get kidnapped by my new true love and go back to her place 😏  defs enough empty rooms to house five emotionally traumatized girls and at least two ghosts hehehe👻 XD 💚🃏💜🎸 decide to form the anti-gossip brigade and recruit my blazing sunflower after getting ambushed by the witch living in my fruit loops🥣
❌outvoted 2:1 that cults are bad. mf. fiinneee one last pull to round out the team and then I'll delete the app. cmonnn Karin 🎃~
Always wanted a daughter 💜🔨🐄 with a penchant for pissing off the local Martial Arts & Books Club and drinking suspicious liquids offered by total strangers. Well if it's good enough for her AND the sexy mayadere with enough game to seduce a mermaid, might as well get in on that myself. 
#curseddrank 🤢 0/24 would not recommend to a friend, 'cept maybe Ria
win alot of cash 🤑, blow up a fountain, meet the pied piper²🎶🖕, moon cult, monochrome feathers, something about liberation✊🏻; adopt temper tantrum cow girl. aces 💜🥩
Next up!!! skydiving with DJ Hammer! Jump to apparently-not-certain death after suicidal A.I. 💚💾🗼 tells you to rescue her hostage before they run out of Radiohead albums and have to move on to Thom Yorke's solo discography. save the invisible shield kitten 💚👑😿 from happiness and get chased through the internet by the sexiest homicidal Paint Pallette 💚🎨😈 since Caravaggio. (apparently green is the color of the digital apocalypse. i’m deleting Kako from my friend's list)
that’s it, fuck this app. 250 stones 💎 per-life-threatening-experience is more than i’m willing to deal with 😓 don’t wanna mess with the perfect nuclear family anyway. we've already got: 
✔️the two emotionally traumatized moms with memory and commitment issues
✔️the adhd daughter with anger management problems and a giant hammer
✔️the psychologically abused scizophrenic cat
✔️and the eccentric aunt with crippling anxiety
now that were done hoarding bitches, its time to hunt the witches. and the bitches makin the witches. btw did i mention the witches ARE the bitches! AND WERE ALL GOING TO DIE!? 📽️⁉️💀 wait fuck lets back up a second
This is Nemo📕 and Token🧪 and they have all the answers but prefer if you only ask vague questions in exchange for vague responses so they can fill in the rest by discussing their superior intellect 🧠 at length. not to mention they built that dating app, so of course everyone in my harem decides to be a FUCKING. TRAITOR.🤬
cept waifu prime ofc 🥰💙. [PTSD > brainwashing] 'yOu CaN bE tHe LeAdEr NoW'. i have been from the very beginning you traumatized Hinedere nightmare. maybe if you weren't so caught up collecting surrogate daughters you would've noticed IM👏THE👏ONLY👏 ONE👏PROGRESSING👏THE FUCKING👏PLOT✨
rescue the rest of dysfunctional found-family™ from selves before my adorable firebender burns down Disnihama🎡🔥😱 during her weekly anxiety attack. (love the makeover T B H) 
CHAPTER 8: Magical Girl Massacre🩸🗡️
   - everyone has like, the shittiest day ever
   - the new Pope really needs to be extradited from the church
   - make friends with a really pretty tree 🌺🌲✨
i swear, if i don't finish this god damn story in time to get that free pull im gonna beat the shit out of every mirror i find in that giant mansion that i haven't even had any time to even mention yet. 🖕🏚️ let alone EVERYTHING happening with the prequel [fuck you, I'm the star] girls 💗💜💙💛❤️️ and their multidimensional melodrama. We don't need that many repetitive af episodes to emphasize that Homo-ra is a shitty person. we've all seen Rebellion. 🙄
uhhhggggg where were we… Topple a cult and burn down Hotel Denoument only to realize that Sis was fused with the dating app servers this entire madokafuckin time (told ya she was the best wingman 😊). 
Dilemma: Sis =🥚, Triumvirate of Trouble want 🐣. What do? vote now:
Help Hatch - IIIIIII
Not Do That - IIIII
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lets just fight everyone until something good happens.
Kill (???) the artist-in-chief of the italian reindeer murder police after teaching her the true meaning of Christmas 🎄 hatch 🐣lil Sis and realize she WAS your wingman all along🐰 MUKYUUUU! we're just gonna ignore how much trouble it would have saved if you'd just mentioned that. "yOu DiDnT aSk..." 
anywho, somewhere along the lines we of course summoned the Antichrist ⚙️ because why not raise the stakes to max and still not kill off a single character. Madofuckinkami, can we PLEASE wrap this up. 😩💤
feathers (not the culty kind, tfm) rain from the sky, and the power of friendship and not having the Urobutcher 🔪🩸as a lead writer saves our peacefully sectioned off alternate reality 😇
TL:DR fuck cults, real life waifus DO exist, don't sell your soul to space rabbits, or your stones to megacorporations. Enjoy arc 2 on the JP server with your shitty translation patch you filthy fuckin weebs 
Yours Truly, 
- Thirsty Weeb Eroha 💗💎😘 
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greatgaynovel · 3 years
I took him back
Here I am again, putting Charles the Pisces back on my radar. How is it that I continue to put myself in these situations? Is it because I want the boys that I can’t have? Is it because I want to create a storyline so I have something to write about? I don’t know that I’ll never know the answer to those questions. A therapist might help, but that’s not something I’m into. I’m also scared that they will tell me that I’m a complete bipolar psychopath.
I always go after people with problems. Maybe it’s because I have problems. I’m tired of having to be a fake bitch around people that I’m hiding my issues from. It’s exhausting. I like dating guys with problems because I feel like I can unload my problems and they don’t really care. At the same time, I can listen to their problems and either help them or hinder them - haven’t really figured that out yet.
Sometimes I feel like I’m a Pisces, with how I think and feel about things. And romanticize things. And get bored of things quickly. But that’s probably because my moon is in Gemini and my rising in Cancer. Also, my Venus is in Gemini and my Mars in Cancer. I’m a literal walking, talking, self-proclaimed piece of work.
I feel like a storage closet of people’s problems. I take in and rarely share what I really feel, until now.
I decided to put it all on the line. Last weekend I took a spontaneous trip to Chicago, one of my most favorite places on this earth. I usually go once a year just to get my fix, but last year for obvious reasons, I was unable to. Charles and I were supposed to go to the beach for his birthday, but if you read my previous posts you would see that that was no longer going to be happening.
I did a little sleuthing and saw that Chicago’s borders were now open for some states without having to get a test or quarantine for any amount of time. My state was included. I Immediately switched the flight and hotel bookings to Chicago and planned a 4 night getaway in the place where my mind can finally go free. It’s where I came and realized that a 6 year relationship that I was in was no longer what I wanted. It’s where I came at 15 years old and knew that there was something better out there for me. It’s my place.
I went to Chicago thinking I was going to get a head start on writing my memoir, do some self care, and go on dates with hot business men. Want to know what actually happened? Well, I ended up crying every morning and night about Charles and coming up with a plan of action to get him back instead of writing about him, getting trashed with a group of gays that consisted of FOUR Pisces, a Cancer, and a Scorpio, and eating Mcdonalds every night alone in my hotel room.
Was the universe trying to really fuck with me?
Those 3 signs are my biggest weakness. They give me the hardest time, but they give me a chase, which I naturally crave. But really though, during a mourning moment, I really didn’t need to be around all of that energy. Like true form, they all acted cold toward me and didn’t even invite me to do coke with them in the bedroom. So, I was left alone in a house party fulls of gays that I did not care to talk to and/or get to know, so I walked out without even saying goodbye and came back to my hotel room and TEXTED CHARLES.
I texted Charles when I was drunk. He even asked me if I was drunk because I said something along the lines of “I’m sorry, i’m so fucking sorry.” I figured he had blocked me on everything like Pisces fashion, but since I had him answering my texts, I didn’t want to lose the opportunity. I told him I wasn't drunk. I didn’t even care if he didn’t apologize at this point. I knew a lot of it was me in the wrong and not knowing how to handle his nature. Through the week, I realized how I needed to be with him. I was going to make this happen.
Well, I ended up passing out in the middle of our conversation, right when he said he would be down to talk. I wake up frantic, thinking I missed the opportunity, but was pleasantly surprised when he answered later on in the day. This was the day before his birthday, I officially had my moment. I knew the universe was putting this chance right before my eyes, so I took it.
I gave him this long monologue about how I went back and looked through all of our conversations and realized that although I was treating you on a superficial level, I wasn’t treating you on the emotional level. Everything can get a bit surface level with me, but deep down my feelings are true. I apologized for getting passive aggressive when told no, told him I was going to work on it. I gave him practically every scenario that I could recall, where I went wrong, and how I should have handled it. I basically told him that I couldn’t live without him.
Not expecting this at all(this seems to be a trend with him), he agreed to be friends and work on things. If he would have said thank you, but fuck off, I would have been less surprised. From what I know about Pisces men, when they are done, they are done and won’t come back. I can handle friends. I can handle taking time to work on things. The simple fact that he is even giving a thought to making it work, gives me all the fuel that I need.
I know what I have to do, and I’m going to take every right step to get him back. But don’t worry, I’m still going to write about him. I’m still hesitant as fuck. I went back into my Cancer shell, and good luck getting me out. I’m not the only one that is going to be apologizing. I’m still waiting for the absolute truth, Charles.
All my love,
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bisluthq · 3 years
Hello! So, I am a two muse theory doubter (yes read realistic Kay too a couple of times). Like, I want to believe. I have even tried to force it in my mind but it doesn’t take. The reason is - TMT fails to consider the fluctuations of emotional highs, lows, love and lust over the initial 2 year period of a relationship. Like, I am a semi profesh song writer with a muse. The variety of POV I write from are extensive. Life is an emotional pendulum and our experiences make it swing. On any given day, our perspectives and emotions can complete change for a given moment towards a muse. I can love my muse for the rest of my life but hate them with the same passion on any given day, go to my piano and write it into a song and feel indifferent to it later (the good and bad end up in songs). When I listen to Rep, it’s range of intensities I easily apply to my one muse. Taylor herself saying Dress, Delicate, CIWYW & NYD her true story on the album reads like she is just pointing to her average daily experiences with 1 muse. If Delicate is Joe & Dress is Karlie - Taylor separated her finding “love amongst the chaos” into loving two people in her true story. If you actually timeline those particular songs it’s Dress (a lustful hook up), to Delicate (wanting to make it official), CIWYW (the pressure of making it official) and NYD (the challenge of commitment). Unless “Dress” leads her to “Delicate”, why include it at all in her true love story line up? Like, was it a last minute attempt to hetsplain that song years after it came out?🤷‍♀️ by her including NYD in her true love story of Rep, it ties via the ‘squeeze my hand three times in taxi’ lines to cruel summers crying in the backseat lines (which is also the circumstantial vibe of CIWYW). The backseat crying lines of Cruel Summer ties to the Cornelia Street vibe (which Taylor writes later as a reflection of the whatever happened after the Delicate moment) which ties back to Delicate via the bar lines and forward later in time to Gold Rush via the creaks / wooden in the floor lines. I mean, all this says to me there is 1 muse of her true story - which could be Joe (but that cancels out the sapphic nature of dress) or Karlie (which means this illicit affair on joshy-boy really did happen somewhere between 100 and a million times). Tbh, I tend to believe the later. So you’ll be like okay what about LSS, Invisable String then fruitcake? (Fair call future sleuth haha). Or what about babygate and joshlie marriage?! Like, wbk that affair was at least long and messy AF. Folklore and Evermore were written last year and Lover period was fairly chaotic and clunky at best (presumably because of masters heist). Like, they MUST have broken up (FG, DBATC, Daylight, The 1, Cardigan saga, TIMT, Hoax, Peace, Exile, Coney Is, Evermore, RWYLM, CP, Happiness, TTDS). Like, they all have 1 muse energy of losing someone you love through messiness (could be joe🤷‍♀️ we’ll never know for sure). But many of these songs refer to a third person being involved which screams Joshlie to me because of ivy, illicit affair, the bitterness of “The Man”. Baby, you say? Like it’s pretty simple - Karlie went back to Josh, married him and had a baby and Taylor’s like “uhh, what a fucking joke” and processed it last year through writing two albums about it all. Invisable string, LSS - like these are both songs which come from a POV of self-reflection after hope is lost. Maybe reunited after preggo-gate? Maybe consolidated love after break up into friendship aka Dorothea? WB - quite simply - WB is the model to which Taylor writes about whatever she wants to (triangulation of desire). Good for her, great writing strategy. Is it a strategy needed? Well ya, but only if it’s born of having 1 muse and a very obvious story Taylor is trying to obscure. Like, come at me sleuth cuz I reallllly want to believe in two muse story. I wouldn’t even had bothered writing this if I didn’t. What am I missing?
Hey Sim here. So Nat broke protocol and sent me this one to answer because I too am a writer and I too at one point reached that point in the lyric analysis where I literally could not fathom any timeline I was hearing that made sense due to the connections in the lyrics between Reputation and Lover. I have a whole spreadsheet called “Car Bar Roof” where I’m just trying to make sense of a series of events through lyrics alone and I nearly drove myself crazy doing it.
With that being said, I want to give a disclaimer: Nothing wrong with you interpreting things your own way! I know Nat can come off kind of brash sometimes, but both of us are always hyper-aware that we are discussing what essentially amounts to a “Taylor Swift Is Gay” conspiracy theory and because it’s a conspiracy theory and we don’t know these people, no analysis is ever going to be 100% correct. If you don’t hear two muses on Rep, that’s totally fine! I’m sure we have some Toe/Swiftwyn readers who would agree with you there!
I do want to caution against relying entirely on lyric parallels to create a timeline, however. You’re going to dig yourself into a rabbithole that’s very hard to get out of. I think a lot of people don’t realize that Taylor has been using a lot of metaphors (especially the car and the bar) her entire career. It ends up being a big stretch to assume that just because two events in two different songs both take place in a car or a bar, Taylor is talking about the exact same moments. Like, let’s be real, how many times have any of us ever been in a car? Wouldn’t it be kind of ridiculous for a critic of our work to assume everything we write involving a car is about the same specific time we were in a car?
It is also incredibly easy to construct false narratives when you rely only on song analysis. I’ll give you an example using Taylor’s first high school boyfriend, Drew. Whether you believe it or not, he’s often cited as the inspiration for Tim McGraw. The song Tim McGraw has a variety of common themes with Taylor’s other work, the main ones being summer, dancing, the moon, a little black dress, a truck, a creek/river, and going back to school. If we follow song parallel logic, I could connect Tim McGraw to folkmore songs and, because of this, could say Taylor is still dating/writing about Drew from high school.
The little black dress in Tim McGraw is also mentioned in unreleased Live for the Little Things and The Other Side of the Door. In both Tim McGraw and Live for the Little Things, Taylor mentions a black dress and dances with her lover under the moon. A summer love that ends with going back to school can also be found in August, and Cruel Summer and August are very similar songs, in that both are about a summer love that can’t last and isn’t being taken as seriously by one person as another. The Other Side of the Door is almost the exact same premise of an ex at your doorway as I Almost Do, Dark Blue Tennessee, All You Had to Do Was Stay, and exile, meaning all those songs must be connected as well. Dancing with someone in the middle of the night can also be found in Everything Has Changed, 22, and Dancing With Our Hands Tied. As a bonus, trucks and dancing are also mentioned in Champagne Problems, which connects to Gold Rush, So It Goes, and Dancing With Our Hands tied through the use of the color Gold. So It Goes also mentions wearing black and meeting someone in the middle of the night. So all those songs have to be about Drew as well.
So here’s the narrative that makes: Taylor and Drew dated over a summer then broke up when he went back to school but at some point he came back to her door and they got back together. They mostly hung out in the middle of the night, driving around and dancing. Unfortunately, when he proposed, Taylor couldn’t say yes, and literally left him stranded on the dance floor and is now #foreveralone and writing folkmore to process these events.
To be clear, I don’t actually believe any of this. I don’t think anyone else does either, but since neither Taylor nor Drew have publicly interacted in over a decade, this can be easily disproved, despite the “obvious” way the songs connect. Taylor just likes certain themes. Cars and bars. Nature. The contrast of light and dark. Sparks and fire. I guarantee if you go over her unreleased songs and first two albums with the same fine tooth comb you’ve gone over Folkmore/Lover/Reputation/1989 with, you’ll find just as many lyric parallels, and it’s not because she’s only writing about one person.
Occams Razor tells me Kaylor’s not on good terms anymore. It also tells me Karlie and Josh are actually having a child together. From the outside, it looks like things have been bad since at least the Masters Heist, if not before, and the more digging we’ve done, the more evidence we find of that. Now, you don’t have to believe that if you don’t want to! As long as you don’t go around harassing people we’ve got no beef with you. Just know you’re always going to find song parallels to back up whatever you want because Taylor’s such a prolific songwriter who loves to use the same themes again and again. That’s just deductive reasoning, baby. Thanks for the discourse though! LMK if you wanna chat song analysis sometime!
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 // larkspur lane/the whisper box
this post is a double whammy cause they have 2 eps happen in the same day if u can believe it (thats how awful judging timelines in this show is!!)
-"hi josh..." LMAOOOOOOO
-BESS just breaking in lmaooo how many god damn times does bess just shit the bed in this show
-LOVE her frowny face at nancys closet ("my expectations are low" lmfaoooo but this would totally be me)
-"bet she meant it metaphorically" okayyy but then why did lucy say that at all? i feel like theres defo more to this story, combined with josh's cagey behavior (part of which is to get nancy to stop looking into shit d/t him and karen but still)
-"they dont accept visitors unless they're family" .....🙂
-ace "youre really good at that" to bess i fuckin love this friendship with all my heart (also love their talk at the claw mirroring nick & nancys talk in the last ep)
-also PINK AND ORANGE BESS ARE U BLIND (also 1) why tf would nancy own this and 2) where would she wear it??)
-okay wtf is vampire dip
-"boss??" see this is what i meant yesterday about nancy ruining everything for nick/george
-god DAMN she sucks at dealing with this news lmaooo that emotional competency babey + love george literally agrees to help bc she feels bad (AND nicks immediate look of "you just reprimanded me for helping her last ep and i know why youre doing this rn" lmaoooo)
-LOVE george noticing nick "shout out to jean valjean" lmaooo once again nancy would never have noticed/commented on something like that
-"get the hell out of here" was this foreshadowing for an epic dad joke for these two eps? "how do you make holy water? you boil the hell out of it" 😂😂😂😂
-so what i dont get about the whole haunting is the ball + kids' laughter but its all the emphasis on "mr roper" the adult? wtf like what kind of entity is this
-"how did you ever have a solo career??" 😂
-okay amaya's hair is gorgeous here (also "you feel like a snack" ....👀) *ahhh so the reason bess feels so off balance is bc its like a top vs a top scenario
-has anyone who's ever been to prison confirmed this is what it looks like?
-love how ace is the only employee there when they all leave so he had to fucking close the place when he goes
-why does she take the whole file? time constraints? it'd be smarter to take pics + replace it (better sleuthing) but this place is clearly not well run anyway 😂
-so this is a pretty decent cover she invents but theres no way she would get away with it so easily for a real guard
-love how ace recognizes ryan's car (+ is able to find it by driving around)
-"my father wouldnt do anything like that" LMFAOOOOOO SIS WHY ARE U DEFENDING HIM ironically, ace is actually the best person suited to engage w ryan here d/t the car accident + connection with laura being ryans SIL. its a unique set up
-i am fascinated by the concept of priests + holy water being so effective here combined with mcginnis' beliefs and basically nondenominational ghosts/seances etc after that. the show is very clearly big on diversity but definitely steers clear from too much WASP stuff yk? wonder if other stuff from christianity works against the ghosts/demons like taking refuge in a church "holy ground" or using silver etc
-"did this start after the night of sept 10?" *this is where you get the time line for the seance if you didnt know
-this is so fucking funny when u realize that patient sal talks to is actually a ghost so sal really is psycho i guess 😂
-bitchsplain/tall jar of mayonnaise 🙏🏻😌 2gether 4ever
-how did ace get this van? also heart attack when he yells at carson (but then grins at him like a goofball lmaooo)
-"for nancys sake and yours" damn she owes ace big time for all this shit
-"what do we do for 7 minutes?" ...ummm play 7 minutes in heaven lmaooo 👀🥵
-was not expecting ace to look this sexy holding an axe but okay (*ah, its his short sleeve shirt showing his arms. usually hes a sleeves guy)
-"desperate for attention" nancy (from gomber) vs "bc she's starved for attention" patrice --> lucy (and candace also...) we know nancys detective work makes her seem like an attention seeker, but what was lucy doing to make them all think that? she was trying to hide her relationship with ryan, not expose it. unless they just mean the rumors about her?
-so is patrice hiding lucy's "truth" talking about lucy being a whore or lucy being a ghost? what is lucy's secret? did patrice guess she was pregnant or did patrice's somehow garbled mind remember tiffany trying to show patrice the video with lucy on it?
-wonder what captain thom thinks of this stand off w ace lmaooo
-"like you do?" top v top shenanigans
-how awko for carson to talk to karen again like this
-"oh no" ACE 😂
-love how amaya says "be a human" like shes kind of admitting people in rich circles typically arent (^this is an interesting focus in s2 when bess's rich family rejects her, thus making her human again, but nancy embraces her rich fam and experiences subsequent moral struggle which is predicted with the wraith)
-wonder what ryan thinks he could get from the marvins (which he cant get now lmaooo)
-this damn whisper box. so many questions. who named it the whisper box? why are the ropers' old possessions still there? who decided to build a mental hospital on top of it? and patrice! she "hid lucy's secrets" hannah gruen thinks tiffany tried to show patrice video w lucy on it, which patrice then specifically says she hid in the thin mans book. so patrice knows of the thin man? can she see him? does she know he was a ghost/supernatural? she must have a supernatural sense to know about him (unless sal told or some shit) so then when tiffany shows up w/ lucy being supernatural in it patrice hides it to protect her? is this why she is "crazy" kinda like victoria? supernatural elements or ability to sense ghosts makes her unstable? this is why lucy being a ghost/nursery rhyme that she repeats makes patrice worse/"stroke"? how did patrice even get into the whisper box to put the key in the bible and get out without getting trapped? also, her dementia --> lucidity is really fucking off, some people mildly switch like that but usually with dementia they cant even register new shit anymore
-...so did bess take the ride? 👀
-interesting how celia says "your father will be disappointed" but nothing of her own opinion. wonder how much celia truly puts up with to keep everett calm and nonhomicidal
-like george asking nick follow up questions that nancy never really would have asked
-is this bitch just eating a plain pancake with her bare hand?
-"extra case load and excessive volunteering" ugh. nancy's family here are like, gross in how "good" of people they are // unrealistic, trying to paint carson in the best light/ no way ryan could ever compare (but the reality is theyre not that good of people for lying about nancy) **and shes arrogant to think shes better than everyone else ie the only one who truly lives virtuously, thinks she can do no wrong sometimes even tho using sex to cope, breaking and entering, etc is not morally "good" stuff she still thinks she is the only one who doesnt lie and plays fair (like in the pilot she lists everyone else as a suspect but herself- obviously we know she isnt guilty but no one else does. (i mean in theory we really dont, what if nancy was an unreliable narrator and was actually guilty, that would be a hella cool show)its reactions like that where she cant understand why others like the chief suspect her
-ooooh ironic that in the Good Place carson readily agrees to pay her for helping with cases as opposed to s2 in reality
-nick's house has "problems" so why does he need a lawyer? as opposed to an interior designer, plumber, or realtor?
-in the Good Place nick and george realize they are not going to work out after one date. does this failure in the Good Place predict failure in reality, or merely an easier way of figuring out the truth? does this mean that the "opposite" of the Good Place is reality, or only an opinion of what is better? (nancy says "you all like me" as her opinion of them liking her is skewed; does this then only reflect nancys version for what is the "perfect life"?)
-why is bess a hippie??? and love how george curls her hair and wears pink lipstick here
-if this dream is so realistic then why is the one thing it cant conjure smoke? like how random
-love the locket being a key realization bc with things like jewelry you dont notice the weight of them until theyre gone
-"you all like me" in her perfect life nancy means they "like" her objectively/regardless of circumstance even though liking her is still an objective choice (like they "like" her because of other reasons instead of her working at the claw? (like how you make friends with coworkers/people at school every day but after you leave the job/graduate you never speak to them again) and her "thanks for showing up!" as if theyre not doing exactly that in reality 😐like where is she getting this shit? she sort of acknowledges in earlier eps she is hard to like/that she puts mysteries before friends, but also pushing them away to avoid danger like the previous ep "why do u show up" etc
-is it just me or does the inside of nicks "house" look like the drews'?
-nick has a dick scar lmaooooo (or more likely was hit in the balls or smth)
-love how nick + george match their anger in confronting sal 100% on the same level
-so when did ace go back to work after having such a busy day earlier?? lmaooo
-damn father shane is a creep (casting defo hired him for his voice) and how tf did he just poof + escape? and what did he request???
-love bess's white hair bow here 😌+ her jacket, whole outfit on point as usual
-like how bess is right that nancy has to find her way out but thats kind of a nonstarter for a room full of panicked people wanting to help
-in the Good Place theres no bad blood between drews + hudsons bc nancy is really theirs
-"the only one who has the key is you" in the Good Place nancy has the key (smaller picture, to finding out what happened to lucy but bigger picture, post-reveal) but ryan has the clues nancy needs- following the Good Place's mirroring, this just means that in reality ryan will either be completely useless or an active hindrance (but you KNOW this is a dream bc in what universe would ryan remember clues like that 😂)
-so in a perfect universe ryan acknowledges his family's "criminal empire" as opposed to reality where he only makes under cover jabs about disengaging with being an "entitled corrupt legacy criminal" ie finding the bonny scot relics but does nothing about them, etc
-"strippers" 😂
-okay what is nancys obsession w her beanie?? bc her mom made it? "wear beanies do crimes?" idk
-making the call: nancy -unable to make up for lost time/both her mothers had to find out/suffer alone / in the Good Place nancy was able to be with kate while she called, and in reality she had carson; somethig about seeing the mother looking to the daughter for strength in the Good Place instead of the reverse (which is what reality sounded like, kate being strong for nancy through the illness despite the struggle)
-concept: nancy & nick "let's wait out the storm"
-"i believe that you believe it" nick in the Good Place + owen in reality both trust nancy when she says she's seen things (owen's is the teeth) but nick in reality (and not really knowing details) doesnt think much of their "moment" bc it wasnt real (so she had to leave the Good Place to save carson- but if she had known then he wasnt her real dad, would she have stayed to be w nick?)
-stranger - suede james 💙👌🏻
-"really anxious as a kid" v telling bc of her desire to know everything to remain in control of situations like she always does now
-"the medicine or the metaphysics?"/"you cannot beat supernatural with science"
-i love nancy playing with her pinky while saying goodbye 🥺
-"always seek out the truth even if it hurts" this is straight irony bc kate never told nancy anything. like does that include the truth about nancys parentage? they taught her to seek out the truth, but who taught her that the truth is the only thing to live by? ie things dont count anymore like carson and kate straight up raising her is tossed out bc she finds out its not "the truth" like all that work/stress to protect carson + she just drops him? with kate maybe shes just upset thst she spent all that time mourning for someone who lied. and would she do the same to ryan if needed? probably
-bess and ace head tilt 💙
-like how for all the time she spent there nancy only has a subconscious memory of blue curtains
-YESSSSS i LOVEthese beautiful overhead shots of hannah's hands. so out of character for the show lmao but so gorgeous
-i feel like future eps/grand future will be nancy going through the lock boxes to help people who asked hannah for help
-the video is officially dated Aug 22, 2019
-soooooo in the first ep nancy breaks into the hudsons house and finds tiffanys secret drawer w the nail polish and finds the amulet with a note that says "for your protection HG" yet on this video tiffany says she talked to a medium who gave her the amulet sooooo am i just confused? HG is hannah gruen obvi so is the address for the medium what hannah gave her? or was the address on the amulet which nancy dissolved in salt water to see? so how would tiffany know where to go? its chicken and the egg which came first hannah or the medium?
and lastly:
i close these two eps with a thought that everything in this show is sealed in death. all the lies, the imagery, the fake constructs people put up to get by all crumple the second someone dies- all the secrets come clean just like these doors have been unsealed.
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shreddedparchment · 5 years
Heavy is the Hand You’re Dealt
Part 4
Pairing: Steve x Reader, Thor x Reader     Word Count: 5,676
Prompt: Impost - Bearson
Warnings: language, light smut, angst up the wazoo, puppy Thor
A/N: This was written for @youngmoneymilla ‘s challenge. I’m probably failing at the prompt. This is growing and growing and well, enjoy this next bit. Let me know what you like/think. If you happen to reblog, thanks for helping me spread my work. xoxo
If you want to be tagged, please send me an ASK.
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It’s like a really bad joke. Only there’s no punch line.
No. You are the punch line.
This nightmare you find yourself in suddenly.
How many times have you dreamt of this moment? Wanted him to come back? How many nights did you cry yourself to sleep in the corner of some dingy hotel room, or abandoned shacks, or the solitary depths of a moss covered cave, or…hell, you’ve stayed in too many temporary shelters over the last two years, they all blur into one.
You’d spent your time running from this. This very moment and wishing for it all the same. You knew that if it came—and it’s finally here—that you’d be torn.
You’d be pissed. And you are.
You’d be overjoyed. And you are.
What you didn’t expect to be is uncertain.
You didn’t expect to have a second set of blue eyes…well, one amber, one blue…engrained into your soul. It had happened over the past month. It had happened quickly.
Almost like it was meant to. As if this had been inevitable. Waiting…those eyes—one honey, one sky—had been longing for you, thinking about you, wanting you, for two years.
Those mismatched eyes are attached to a rugged face, sweet, and kind with pink lips, a semi-long braided haystack colored beard and the long wavy hair to match.
You shake your head, refusing to accept this and search instead for those mismatched eyes and the warmth you’ve reluctantly allowed them to bring you.
The room is empty.
Steve is at the foot of the stairs now.
When had he moved down the stairs? When had everyone left?
Thor? Your mind pleads, terrified of what you might do. What you might say. Your heart is in shreds and yet, the closer Steve comes, the more wildly it beats.
“Hi.” He says, as if it’s that simple. Like he didn’t tear your world down and leave you to be crushed amongst the rubble.
“Hi?” You gasp, angry, hurt, voice shaking a little but not from weakness. It’s the power in you that trembles your throat. “Hi?!”
Steve’s face falls, his beautiful golden face, with those storm blue eyes and full peach lips. He looks like he literally stepped out of one of the old movies you like to watch with those high pants and that shirt, all tucked in and ironed.
Did Peggy iron his shirt? Doesn’t sound like something she’d do but…you don’t know her.
“Y/N…” He begins, but you shake your head.
“No.” You spit, denying his broaching. “You don’t get to come back here, two years later, and tell me hi!”
“I know.” He says, remorse thick in his voice.
It sways you. Makes you want to give up the tough shell you’ve built for yourself.
“I-I’m sor-”
“Don’t.” You growl, hating him now but loving him still too. It’s so confusing. You shut your eyes.
You shouldn’t have shut your eyes.
Steve’s hands are on your biceps and you tear them open again. Searching for his gaze of familiarity because it feels like it all happened just yesterday when he touches you.
“Why are you here?” You demand, irritated. Confused.
“I…” He thinks. He thinks hard as he stares at you, his thumbs stroking the skin of your arms. “I don’t know.”
He admits, looking guilty and confused, just like you.
Then he feels one of them. A scar. An old knife wound. With a furrowed brow, he tilts his head to the left. “Are you hurt?”
It’s surreal to be here. Steve holding onto you. Showing concern and love because you can see it in his eyes. It’s all wrong of course.
A lie.
That fondness he's staring at you with. The look of sorrow and happiness all mixed with affection is a lie.
Steve doesn’t love you. Never has maybe. Everything he’s ever said to you, expressed, and made you feel is called into question because of what he did two years ago.
The first time he told you he loved you. The first time he slept with you. When he asked you to move in. When he made you a terrible tasting meatloaf. When he bought you a necklace simply because he thought it would look pretty around your neck. When he took you to the little restaurant he used to take you to and then held you close when you cried because the owner had been taken with the Snap.
The ring you found in his sock drawer.
Everything that Steve had ever done to show you that he loved you became a lie the moment he chose to leave you.
Anger, white hot like your lightning only not as pleasant or comforting, floods your brain. It clenches your fists. It sets your jaw. It hardens your heart.
Then you channel it. You force your body to relax and watch as Steve begins to fuss. It reminds you so much of before he chose to abandon you.
He pulls your arm up and around to look at the scar on the back of your bicep but spits another up higher and he reaches with his hand to move the strap of your tank top slightly off your shoulder.
You just stare, straight faced, at the growing frenzy in his eyes.
He finds the beginning of your big scar on your clavicle, the different colored skin a mar on your once unblemished—well, it hadn’t been damaged like this—body.
He freezes as he blinks in shock then he follows the trail behind you. His heated hands pressed against the spot between your shoulders before he simply just lifts the back of your shirt.
You hear the release of his breath as he recognizes the healed gunshots and the knife wounds and then the big scar that had made Thor hiss.
Thor…your mind pleads, because Steve’s hands on your back feel good even if it also pisses you off to no end.
“What are you doing?” You speak slowly, calmly. The threat in your voice is seething but controlled.
You’ve learned more from your two years alone than just how to patch yourself up in a crisis.
Steve’s hand freezes on your back and he seems to realize his slip up. That his touch is unwelcome. He lowers your shirt, taking his hands away, stepping back.
You fix your shirt, turning around slowly until you’re facing him again.
“Sorry.” And he looks very sorry. He really does.
But your shock has worn off. His touch sobered you up with the sharpness of its pain. You’re ready for him now.
Your heart still stutters when your eyes meet his, but you don’t shut them again this time. This time they’re wide open.
“Wh-” He only hesitates for a second. The wounded bravado of a man who’d once been able to touch you whenever he wanted to. “What happened? You have so many sc-”
“That’s none of your business anymore, Steve.” You shake your head just a little, annoyed, disbelieving in this entire day suddenly.
He looks hurt by your words. He actually has the balls to look hurt?!
“I know.” He says, despite the pain clearly etched into his face. “I just…when I left, you-”
It’s not what he’s saying but you latch onto the words to get your point across.
“Yes.” You nod. “You did leave me. You left me. You didn’t even come after me. I waited and waited and I-”
The image of old Steve standing by the bench fills your mind and you know that once again he doesn’t choose you here.
“Y/N…” He begins, sorrowful, as if someone precious has died.
You avert your gaze, hating the tightening in your chest. The choking grief that had finally begun to shift into memory. Your eyes fall on his hands, fidgeting nervously at his sides. Fingers clenching and unclenching.
A small glimmer of gold catches your eye and your hurt doubles harshly, taking your breath away. You take a step away from him and he looks down to see what’s caught your eye before he quickly, nervously, shoves his left hand into his pocket.
“Y/N…” He tries again.
“Why are you here, Steve?” You gasp, breathless. “It can’t be for me because you-you’re married.”
Fuck, it hurts to say that aloud. You want to be gone suddenly. On the run. Trekking across the Himalayas or maybe sleuthing your way through Europe. Anywhere but here where Steve is back to torture you with proof that he built his life without you. A life that had been yours for five years now thoroughly squashed.
“I-” He steps towards you, reaching out to touch you but you raise your hand as if to block him, taking another step back. “Things are…complicated.”
“With Peggy, we’re…not doing…” He stops speaking, unable to finish his words because he can also see how wrong he is to be here. He looks down at your feet, gathering his thoughts. He’s trying to find reason in his madness and you’re not sure that you can forgive him for bringing you into this again.
“So, you and your wife are having problems, and you abandon her too?” You ask, incredulous.
“No.” Steve says, passionately. “I would never leave Peggy, I…”
He seems to realize his mistake again and he screws up his face as your own nearly crumbles.
“Of course not. Not Peggy.” You spit at him.
“Baby…” He says, and you know that it just slipped out. Habit. He said it because it’s what he always called you and he couldn’t help himself, but you hate him for it anyway.
“What?!” The torture of it is too much. Your panic rises and with it your temper. You’re suddenly done with him and his wife and his stupid new life without you.
“Shit.” He gasps. “No…I mean, that’s not what I—fuck, this isn’t coming out right.” He fumbles.
“Why are you here, Steve?!” You yell at him, voice echoing off the large glass walls behind him.
“Because I still love you!” He yells back, frustrated with himself, and responding to your anger. “And when I can’t get my head on straight, I think of you. It’s always…always you, now.”
You scoff, hating him. Hating his words because when things had been tough for him before, yes, he’d turn to you but at times you’d find him with that stupid compass, staring at what you now know was Peggy’s picture.
“Now you think of me?” You put your hand on your chest both to indicate yourself and to keep your heart from leaping out of your chest. “Now?”
“I know that it’s not right. I get that. I understand what I did-”
“Do you?” Your voice shakes. “Do you, really?”
He says nothing, just stares at you.
“You understand that when you chose to go back and stay behind in the past, that you took the five…no…the ten years that I spent with you, and made them nothing? You understand that you took—I loved you, Steve. It was always you. I lived my life with you in mind for my future. And when you took that from me…I had nothing.
“I had no one. No family. No friends because the Avengers…they were your friends. Nat was my friend. And she left me too. And Tony. And then you…and…You have no idea what you did to me when you left.
“You turned our life together into a lie. You took everything that we ever did together and made it into a joke.” You nod, your history with Steve so painful that you rarely let yourself think about it.
His face is all sadness and melancholy. Eyebrows draw down at the corners, eyes red, lips frowning. He has no right to look like that.
“Don’t be sad.” You tell him angrily, almost growling it at him. “You have no right to look at me like that.
“You did this to me. To us. You took us and you crushed us and—you’re married, for fuck’s sake!” You gasp, laughing once because it impossibly stupid that this is even a conversation you’re having.
“Y/N…” He begins again, moving towards you.
“No.” You move back again, this time turning away from him. “Fuck. I can’t do this. Stay away from me.”
“Baby, please.” Steve says, pleading with you, making you angry again. Fuming.
“Fuck! Steve, stop calling me that!” You turn around, hand out, and maybe it’s because you’re an emotional wreck or because maybe it sensed that you needed its strength, but a faint whistling suddenly fills the air, too far away still.
“I’m sorry.” Steve gasps, frustration in his voice. “I don’t mean to.”
He reaches for you again, and you turn holding your hand out towards him to keep him away.
“Stay away from me, Steve.” You plead, growing angrier.
“I just want to explain…”
“Explain what?! Why you left me? You loved her and I was shit. You didn’t love me. It was all just a big fat lie. I get that. Okay? I really don’t need you to tell me in so many words.”
“No!” Steve suddenly booms, angry. “You are not and never have been shit. I love you.”
“Stop lying!”
“I love you!”
“THEN WHY DID YOU LEAVE?!” You’re done.
And Mjolnir flies into your outstretched right hand.
Steve is startled back away from you a few steps as you point the new Mjolnir at him, black handle glistening in the light of the morning.
“You can’t love me,” You shake your head, biting your lip hard as you drop your right hand beside you, Mjolnir held secure as you press your left hand to your chest again. “And do what you did to me, Steve. You just can’t. Either you loved me, or you didn’t, and you left me so, you didn’t.
“I found the ring.” You tell him and he pales. “I went to look for some clothes and I was looking for that black bandage that we used on your elbow when you broken it and we had to re-set it? And I pulled open your drawer and it was right there. Right underneath the first pair of socks.
“I mean,” You scoff. “You didn’t even try to hide it.”
Steve’s eyes move from Mjolnir to you. He’s in shock. About what you’re not sure. But as soon as you mentioned the ring, his eyes were on yours.
“Why did you buy it?” You ask, finally able to get an answer to this curiosity.
Steve flexes his jaw, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows hard. “Because-”
His voice comes out as wind, no volume. He clears his throat.
“Because I wanted to marry you.”
Your eyes sting but you focus and push it down, deep. Even though your emotions have gone up and down and you’ve been yelling your ass off and just fighting with Steve, you’re happy that not a single tear has been shed.
You smile bitterly, shaking your head.
“I hate you.” You sigh. “I hate what you did to me. Maybe I should be over it by now, but…You robbed me of a life when you went back to her and I can never forgive you for that. You should have at least taken the ring.”
“I forgot I had it.” He admits and that burns deeper than anything he’s said yet.
“You forgot?” You ask, very much close to giving into those tears that had begun to burn.
“I-” Steve meets your eyes again, suddenly realizing what he’s said. “No…”
“You forgot that you wanted to marry me?” Defeat is a terrible thing. In all of your mission. In all of the beats that you’ve suffered because you have been beaten even if you haven’t technically failed a single one, you have never felt this way.
“Look, I just…I need some time to get my head on straight. I’m not doing this right and I’m saying all the wrong things. I’m nervous. Okay? You still make me nervous and I-”
“I wish I’d never met you. I wish you’d kept that gym door shut and left me out in the rain. I wish I’d never kissed you on that car park.”
“Don’t say that.” Steve pleads. “What we had-”
“Go back to Peggy, Steve. I don’t know what problems you two are having but I’m not here to ease your worries anymore. Just…leave me alone.” You swing the hammer, only a little. Just to adjust its weight in your grip.
“Leave me alone, Steve. I mean it.” You say sternly, already walking away from him. “Stay away from me.”
What did he do? What has he done to you?
“You’re still here?” Bucky’s voice is like a welcomed balm, but it only soothes Steve’s aching heart a little.
“Where is she?” Steve asks, desperate but only Bucky would be able to see it.
“After that yelling match earlier, I figured you’d have gone back to Peggy.” Bucky sighs and moves to sit across from Steve, hands on his knees.
Steve scoots to the edge of his seat, elbows on his knees as he clasps his hands tightly.
“What happened to her? Why is she—the scars on her back?” He can’t seem to finish the question or find the right words. Worry has gripped his heart and it’s making him a little crazed.
“That’s none of your business anymore, Steve.” Bucky reminds him. “But if you really need to know, she joined the S.T.R.I.K.E. field team about two weeks after you left.”
“What?” Steve asks, shocked and hating the idea of you out in the field.
“Then she went off on her own, left the team. Kept her comms in case we needed her, and it was the only way to get her old team’s missions. She’s been going off doing them alone.” Bucky shrugs. “At first Sam and I thought she was just trying to…I don’t know, get herself killed? But she was really trying. And she was good. She’s brought in almost three hundred perps on her own.
“Now that she has the hammer, I think that’ll only go up.” Bucky states.
“She’s been going on missions alone? Why didn’t you do something about it?” He demands, angry at Bucky suddenly. “I asked you to keep an eye on her.”
“And I did.” Bucky assures him, just as angry right back. “I kept her safe while you left to-”
Bucky stops, looking down at the black marble floor, sleek and cold. He reminds himself that Steve is his best friend. That he’s his brother.
“Steve, she had a right to deal with what happened on her own terms. You know, I keep trying to understand what it is you’re doing here. If you were coming back for her, you’d have come back the moment you left so that it would be like you never did. Then you and she could have fixed things.”
He sounds almost hopeful and Steve knows that he’s right.
“You don’t know what you want, do you?” Bucky asks him, a knowing look in his steel blue eyes.
Steve licks his lips and slowly shakes his head.
“You shouldn’t have come back, Steve. She was getting better. She was starting to be happy again. She was moving on.” Bucky narrows his eyes at the look of confusion on Steve’s face at his words.
Steve is at an absolute loss. You hadn’t seemed in the least bit happy and the rage and pain he’d seen you display with him earlier said that you were anything but moving on.
A silly thought pops into Bucky’s head. The thought that Steve might have only seen you when he came in. That when he first saw you, he saw you and only you and no one else. Bucky knows that he loves you and Steve probably missed you more than you could ever imagine—not like that excuses Steve anything he’s done, but still.
“What did you see when you got here, Steve? Where was Y/N standing?” Bucky checks, sure that he’s wrong, but just in case.
“Y/N? She was, in the kitchen. Why?” Steve’s brow furrows in consternation, his mind flashing back to the moment he saw you, stretched up on your toes, reaching into the cupboard for something. Your face was all lit up and you were smiling, and you looked so happy and nothing like the broken woman you’d been when he’d last seen you.
You were positively glowing. Beautiful and perfect and his heart felt lighter just seeing you there and all he had wanted in that moment was you.
“Steve…” Bucky sits back, shaking his head. “What was she doing? Who was she with?”
Steve’s eyes wander to Bucky’s feet, thinking back to the moment he walked across the top landing and spotted you in the kitchen.
The picture clears and sharpens, focusing on you but also everything else. His heart drops and he meets Bucky’s eyes, as his stomach rolls and his chest nearly caves in.
You’ve been sitting in here for hours. Waiting. Getting more and more upset the longer you sit here, thinking. Wallowing.
The door opens and you stand up, Mjolnir at your feet.
When he turns around, Thor’s somber expression melts away in favor of happy surprise.
“My little dove,” He almost gushes, moving towards you quickly. “You’re in my room.”
You reach up and put your hands on his massive biceps, staring at his wide chest as you try to get a grip.
“You left me.” You whimper, more at ease with Thor. Your emotions laid out for him to see.
“No, little dove. No, I-” He stammers, thinking quick as he shakes his head and his smile falters then returns in full force as he tries to explain.
“You told me you loved me.” You counter, cutting him off because what he has to say is not as important as what you have to say.
It’s a little unfair of you, you know this. You haven’t returned those words to him, but he knows. He must. It’s in every lingering gaze. Every touch. It’s in your body when you meld with his.
Still, how can he know when even you didn’t know just how deep these emotions ran until you were faced with Steve and all you wanted was Thor?
“I do!” He gasps, hearing the doubt within you. Chasing it away with his hands as he grips you to him, holding your waist as he seeks to chase away the distance between you. Emotionally. Physically. All of it.
With Thor, it always feels as if he needs you closer. Even when he’s inside you, shifting you, arms on either side of your body as his hands rip into your shoulders and he thrusts deep.
You’re never close enough.
“But you left me!” You’re not being loud, not like with Steve, because if you get loud, you’re afraid you’ll fall apart.
You don’t want to cry yet.
“Y/N-” Thor reaches up, right hand cupping your cheek as his left wraps around to the small of your back.
“You left me. Alone. With him.” You simper, wanting his comfort but also hating him for leaving you too.
Why does everyone leave you?
You push against his chest and he doesn’t resist when you renew the distance between you.
“You said you wouldn’t leave me.” You look up at him and he’s reading you, taking in the finality in your tone. “I needed you there, Thor and I…I don’t want to need anyone. It needs to be only me. If you leave me…”
“I won’t leave you, my dove.” Thor protests, trying to reach for you but you put your hands over his and push them away gently.
“You already did.” How do you convey the depth of the despair that you felt seeing Steve again? Hearing the things he said, seeing that stupid ring and all through it wishing Thor was with you? How can you make him see that it’s too dangerous to need someone like that again?
Steve had been your world. Thor can’t be your world too. He’ll take it away. Just like Steve.
“Sweet pet,” He begins, smiling hopefully as he reaches out to caress your cheek again.
“I can’t do this, Thor. It’s too much. I can’t fail like I did before. I need to be strong.”
“What are you saying?” Thor asks, confused and serious.
“I’m saying that we can’t be together anymore.” You sigh. “You’re bad for me.”
You leave him there, staring in stunned silence at his bed as you head out to seek some much-needed advice.
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The meeting runs long. It’s tedious and you haven’t missed this part of the job.
You’ve been on your own too long that being at the table with the team feels odd.
It sucks even more because you can see Thor shooting you sad puppy eyes every few minutes, desperate to catch your eye and talk again.
You’ve been avoiding him, and he finally got the hint last night that you need space and he’s been giving it to you, but he also really wants to talk, and you hate pushing him away. You want him close.
You want him beside you, and that terrifies you. This need to feel him there is familiar because you’ve felt it before. With Steve…who is also sitting across from you.
His gaze is annoying too. Irritating because he keeps looking at you with longing and then he looks at Thor with suspicion and what right does he have to give your Thor—wait, not your Thor…fuck—that look?
The sheer nerve of him to be jealous is infuriating.
You look up to find Thor staring down at his thumb, tracing circles against the glass of the table. You bite your lip, wanting to reach out and place your hand over his. Your chest is yearning for his arms. For that smell of juniper in his beard when he tickles you with it.
You want to run your hands through his hair and pull him down until you can kiss those big pink lips, as he squeezes you to him.
Fuck! This isn’t happening.
You sigh, frustrated with yourself then inadvertently look at Steve to find him staring at you, frowning.
Ugh! “Are we almost done here?”
You snap, looking up at Sam who puts one hand on his hip, annoyed with you too. You don’t blame him. You’ve been in an insufferable bad mood.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Are we intruding on your schedule?”
“The League is in Northern Canada, right? Just dispatch a scout, find out where exactly, how many there are, what we’re going to go up against and then we can all go together.” You gripe, wondering why this meeting is endless.
“We already sent Wanda and-”
“No, Sam. Send in a stealth team. Someone that can blend in and infiltrate the bunker. The world knows our faces. I mean…your faces. The team.” You feel left out suddenly but you did this to yourself.
In one startling moment, you regret ever leaving. You’ve lost two years of time with the team.
“That’s not a bad idea.” Rhodey nods, tapping his finger against the table. “It’ll take about a month for them to get in and then get back out and we’ll be able to learn a lot more about them this way.”
“Fine.” Sam sighs, “And where do we find this covert team?”
You sit up straighter, feeling slightly uneasy with all eyes on you. Not to mention Steve’s and Thor’s each with a different type of longing.
“I can get us a few agents. I’ll call them now.” You get up from your chair and move towards the kitchen only to hear footsteps behind you.
With your phone pressed to your ear, you turn around and frown when it’s Steve moving closer.
You frown at him, heart dropping, as you move through the kitchen and down a secluded hallway.
“Y/N…” Steve calls out and you stop, hanging up your phone.
“Why are you still here?” You ask him, curt and uncaring, no matter how much it really hurts you.
His feet slow, sadness overtaking his handsome face. “We need to talk.”
“No.” You shake your head. “We really don’t. You should go back to your wife.”
“Hey,” He reaches out and grabs your wrist as you turn to move away from him. He turns you towards him, pulling you closer until you’re inches from his chest, his face leaning down towards yours. “Just give me a chance to talk, Y/N.”
“For what, Steve?” You shake your head, smiling bitterly up at him.
“I love you.” He confesses once again, quietly, almost with hesitation.
You scoff. “And you’re still married.”
“Did you mean it?” He asks, his hand softening, caressing down to your elbow as his other hand takes gentle grip of your hip.
“Did I mean what?” You shift uncomfortably, wanting him so much when he touches you. “Let go of me.”
“Did you mean it when you said that you wanted to give me kids?” He asks, shyly, sadly.
Your chest nearly cracks, ribs aching from the tearing your heart is doing right now. How dare he!
You blink, stunned for a moment, tilting your head to one side as you watch the desire on his face. It isn’t sexual. Just a different kind of longing.
“Is that why you’re here? Because she won’t give you kids?” You realize, suddenly considering the possibility that Steve might actually come back into your life, to stay. For good?
Because you offered him what he so clearly wants now.
His jaw tightens and you know that you’re right.
“I bought that ring with every intention of asking you to marry me, Y/N. But then Scott came back and changed everything and-” You try to pull back, you don’t need this right now.
“I understand, Steve. I helped keep you patched together when everything went tits up you left me because I’m not the girl you marry and have kids with. I’m the one you fuck when things get tough, right?” This particular thought has been on your mind.
“Don’t say that.” He begs you, pulling you so close your breasts are right up against his chest. “You’re perfect and…I made a mistake.”
He’s saying all the right things and it sounds like he’s saying he’s going to stay.
“You made a big fucking mistake.” You counter, and Steve is so close you can taste the sweet strawberry of his breakfast toast on your lips.
As he breathes it wafts over your tongue, sweetening it, his heady scent of crisp citrus soap and clean linens transfixing you.
“Forgive me.” He begs, his lips ghosting over your own.
“No.” You tell him, unable to forgive him. As much as your body wants him, your heart is forever hurt.
You hear a small thud and pull back, turning to look down the hallway as Thor’s fist lifts away from the wall he just punched, which crumbles as he moves it. He turns and he’s walking away from you, long blonde hair swishing with his angry strut.
“Thor…” You call, firm.
You shove Steve away, ripping yourself from his arms and fix him with a glare.
“Go home, Steve.”
“I am home.” He counters, his own jealousy sneaking in.
You growl and hurry after Thor, watching as his wide back turns the corner into the common room.
“Thor, wait!” Your heart is in a panic.
You love him, damn it. Even if you don’t want to. He needs to know that what he saw was…it won’t happen again.
“Thor!” You turn the corner and almost fall back as you crash into another strong chest. Two arms—one metal, one flesh—catch you.
“Careful, Sugar. You’ll hurt yourself.” Bucky steadies you and then waits until you’ve caught your balance. “Hey, that was a good idea about the covert team.”
Shit. You need to call Fury.
Fuck it. Just text the team.
You can always beg Fury for forgiveness later.
Quick as you can, you type out a group message and shoot it off.
“You okay?” Bucky asks, shoving his hands into his jean pockets.
“No.” You sigh, frustrated because Thor is probably gone by now. Where would he go? His room? The skies? He wouldn’t leave Earth again, would he?
Your heart is in a panic again, thumping wildly against your ribcage. Sharp edged pain pierces your gut and you kind of want to hyperventilate. Instead, you blink once, hard. You take a deep breath and release it slowly, urging yourself to stay calm.
“Steve?” Bucky asks and you wheel yourself around in search of him. “No, I mean, he’s bothering you?”
“He almost kissed me.” You confess, regret in your voice. “I…Thor saw…” Your shoulders slump and Bucky sighs.
“Look, I…I think I have an idea of how we might be able to get him to go back home.” Bucky waits, dipping down to look into your eyes. “If that’s what you really want?”
You’d be a fool to not hesitate. For five years Steve had loved you. He’d devoted himself to you until he simply couldn’t anymore. His heart had called him elsewhere.
“I do.” You nod.
“You really like Thor, huh?” Bucky asks, a small smile playing on his lips.
“I love him.” You admit, to someone. To Bucky. “It’s my weakness.”
“Loving someone isn’t a weakness, Sugar.” Bucky says.
“What’s your idea?” You press, ignoring his other words.
Bucky moves a step closer, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks towards the large wall of windows at the opposite end of the common room. Rhodey and Stephen are huddled around a stack of papers, talking and rifling through them. Everyone else has left.
“You’re not gonna like it.” Bucky tells you, turning back to you with a withered sigh.
“What is it?” You wonder with trepidation.
“We have to go see old Steve.”
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