#anyways.. god this is so stupid why am I engaging with this at all lmfaooo
veshialles · 4 months
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can't even find the post this ask was originally about and barely remember the context of what it even actually said at this point, but like.. since we're throwing up scenarios here, imagine policing the labels and experiences of random individual people you've never even met in 2024, and then projecting that onto me, an openly bisexual transfemme dyke on the tranny dyke faggot anarchy website, and getting mad because of a silly post that I vaguely remember reblogging from my trans lesbian roommate and best friend, and then deciding to block your decade-long mutual about it (and telling your partner to also block me about it) and telling me behind my back to kill myself because I didn't give you the cheerfully apologetic response you wanted in time, on account of me having a job and a social life lmfao.
hope you are out there finally touching grass somewhere. fucking bye I guess lmfao 💖
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