#and eventually no one ever liking you does take its toll on you sorry to say or not even liking but no one thinking youre pretty
liinos · 1 year
Sometimes I go a little crazy bc I just think I'm doomed to end up alone 🤪
#dont like the idea of dating apps and im just as shy about texting people idk as i am about talking to them dont go out bc i have#0 interest in it and honestly the thought alone makes me uncomfortable and even if i did again i Cannot talk to people dont even have a job#where i could meet someone (tho i do actually want to be employed so. who knows) and again the crippling shyness will kill me + even if i#was social i dont think anyone would ever find me pretty or be interested in me so 😭😭 a dark future#and like you can call me pessimistic but also i have been on this earth for 23 years and its not like ive been sequestered away#and prior to college i was shy but i was more outgoing in hs bc i Knew people and guys only ever liked my friends not me 😭😭#and eventually no one ever liking you does take its toll on you sorry to say or not even liking but no one thinking youre pretty#or anything like that... i in passing mentioned to my sister that it was implied that i was the ugly friend and she was like thats so mean#but like it was also true so i couldnt even be mad about it 😭 maybe i shoot to high bc like i also have eyes and i tend to like dudes who#i would consider to be out of my league but i look pretty guys and i cant settle on that sorry </3 😭#anyway going crazy anyone need anything <3 need to have the bimonthly vent about the way my life is devoid of even a hint of romance#and also how i dont like a damn thing about how i look so i dont blame other people for not liking it either 😭 self esteem is nonexistent
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icyblogs · 2 months
god bless u for the 141/fallout post i’ve been going feral thinking about a fallout au where simon is a pre-war ghoul who fought in the great war and still wears his power armor to hide that fact 🙏🙏 better yet even simon/reader fallout au where they were married before the bombs fell, and being a military wife she was lucky enough to get a space in a vault but ended up in cryo-freeze while he became a ghoul and they meet again 200 years later
Fallout!AU Ghoul!Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!reader WC: 1.2K words Note: Hi anon! I had to do a little research about how exactly ghouls and cryo-freeze functioned, sorry for getting back to you so late! (does it still functionally make sense no but shh its fine) Anyways, I hope you enjoy! (:
Ghost who was already in the process of becoming a ghoul before the Great War! Already a renowned soldier; one of which was elected for a new experimental drug. For the sake of humanity he was told, after all, doing this will guarantee a spot in the vaults for him and his precious little wife! Doesn’t he want you to be safe? Though he might not have necessarily agreed with the means, don’t the rewards outweigh the consequences? Doesn’t he want to live out the rest of his days in peace with you? For a good vault- wanting the best for you. 
These tests, these experiments.. would end up taking a toll eventually. Too late for you to ever see of course. Well, by the time the great war actually starts, it’s far too late to see the effects of it at all. The experiments required him to stay on base- very seldom ever actually seeing you. “Just a few more weeks.” You were constantly told, and of course full heartedly you’d believe him. Why would he have any reason to lie? So when the first bomb drops.. And then the next. It was no surprise when you were forced to go into a vault without your husband, so scared. All alone without him. ):  
The experiments therefore spiraled, the results becoming null, nothing necessarily coming from them- too many variables being added. And with the radiation from all the bombs well.. He was no longer a ghost but a ghoul. 
He’d be similar to ‘The Ghoul’ in the show in my opinion! Fighting his way through the wasteland, killing, maiming- adapting. Becoming the monster that was always sort of lingering beneath the skin, going back to baser instincts. Everything he did was for his vows. For you. See, I'd imagine that he would wear a power-suit at first, especially when his skin starts to sort of stretch and shrivel, like a burn— eye sockets sinking, nose concaving. If he had found you, he didn’t want you to see what he was becoming; his humanity unraveling faster than he could keep the spool pulled taut. 
Though.. the first year passes. Then the first decade. A century. Two. 
Eventually time slows to a lull; without direction nor guidance. Always sort of be bordering on turning feral, one mishap away from just totally snapping. Enough for life itself to become a constant loop of just sort of.. apathy. Life wasn’t kind enough to people like him, never allowing anything good to stay in their lives. So why would it in this hellscape as well? Going through this so-called life like it was nothing more than a hindrance. Traveling through the land, taking on dead man’s jobs; not caring for the consequences at this point. Because what really was the point without you by his side? Never forming attachments, after all, why bother? He’d outlive them anyway.
Throughout the years, settlements pop up left and right- factions forming, most dying out faster than he could blink. These days, vaults come to the surface- trying to rebuild, kind to any poor soul or raider that they come across, like sheep walking right into the maws of a wolf. Then.. a new community sprouts up. 
Groups of thousands coming up to the surface, building a town- starting a new life. It really wasn’t anything new; Ghost had seen it and experienced it before. Would be a year or two at most of having a bed, having a steady access to food and drink- the meals always tasted like ash, if he thinks hard enough he might’ve remembered how your cooking tasted. He could blink and he was back in his home, watching you sway to some music on the radio, donned in a frilly apron, and you’d turn around and he could swear he could smell what you had in your hands. His imagination always ended up the same way; his eyes would eventually lead up to where your face was; blurry and being forgotten- he’d startle back to the reality at hand, mood darkening. 
So this new community. It wasn’t really a question of whether he was to make his way there, if not to stay for a brief moment of peace then to swindle them out of some supplies. Because at the end of the day they were vaulters. Nothing in the grand scheme of things: would probably die to some raiders anyway. They were always so eager to please, to see the good in people, and they were just so welcoming and hospitable. 
And then he saw.. you. 
The dreams, his imagination- the fog seemed to clear the moment he saw you again; even from a distance.. It was just how he had remembered you- his wife. You look like you haven't aged a day, donned in a blue clad jumpsuit. Simon watches with a dry mouth as you provide a kind smile to one of the people next to you, nodding your head as the pair of you attempt to cultivate the soil. He sees the way you jolt when the man’s hand brushes over your own as if he had shocked you- and his own eyes narrow at the sight, staring unblinkingly as if he might miss something. 
A mirage, it was easy to think. A trick of the light even- the radiation boiling his brain enough to fuck with his head, to give him some twisted hope about something that should not be possible. You.. should be dead. Long gone and yet- why were you in front of him? A phantom? Another way to mock him?
The more he looked he knew it was not the case. He could hear your voice- the cadence, all sounding just as how he's remembered it for the last eon. It made him wonder however- why were you smiling? Why.. were you laughing? He wasn’t with you- so why did you seem so happy then? 
There was something about a corpse yearning for someone full of life even still; for someone who was unburdened by centuries of an unforgiving and cruel world. He felt like Icarus, wanting to get closer; to see if he would melt if he got too close to the warmth. He’d be willing to burn if it meant that you were within reach again. His left hand felt heavy as he flexed it to try and release some tension, gold band digging into his skin. And with how sweet you looked, it only made his teeth ache and fingers twitch over the handle of his gun, longing to be with only you. Would your skin be as soft as he remembered? His throat felt dry, taking a step forward, aching to herd you back to where you belonged. Would your body still sing for him, even as your husband has turned into a monster, even as the stench of death and rot seems to follow him everywhere he goes? 
Would you still remember him? ..Did that matter at this point? He’s never been one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
After all, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. 
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tremendum · 7 months
twin suns ; striding behind you
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.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:
part four of the Twin Suns series  ;  prologue  ;  part i ; part ii ; part iii
pairing: au (canon-divergent), western-inspired Din Djarin x fem!bounty!reader (afab, w use of woman, girl, etc) rating: eventually explicit. slow slow burn. (18+. mdni.)  
warnings: canon-typical violence, allusions to past abuse, fear, descriptions of reader's injuries (there are a lot of them), dehydration and hunger (mention of eating), temporary blindness still, mean!Mando but also soft!Mando???, insecure reader (scars, etc), allusions to past assault and past SA(nondescript), brief mentions of trauma, slightly possessive themes, partial nudity, hints of a size kink. reader hates men <3.
synopsis:  “'aren't you used to danger, bounty hunter?' you spit, indignance sprouting from the rotting seed of your fear. his back is turned, but you still hear him. 'not the kind of danger that you are.'"
word count: 6.7k! 
notes: im back from the graveyard to post this next part! my Din brainrot is returning and ive been finding time between my two jobs to write more :) pls lmk if you like this installation! yay things are kind of picking up now wahoo
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:
every step forward draws a heated exhale from your marred lips.
the harsh desert winds carry whispers of sand across the vast expanse of Tatooine as the hunter leads you towards the distant silhouette of Boba Fett's palace; it stands menacing as you squint against the faintness of your sight.
your throat aches, your head pounds - each step, a creaking of your aching, dehydrated bones. the dunes you don't have to see to understand - they stretch endlessly, a canvas of muted browns and grays beneath the suns that reflect rays sharper than needles. 
'the journey is long, and the desert does not forgive hesitation.'
you grit your teeth, silently agreeing with the strange Rodian who had beckoned you towards the Diamyo's palace. it feels like your body is failing you under the intense heat; how the Mandalorian can stand it in so many layers is beyond you. but in your bitter moment of self-pity, you lose sight of the mounds of uneven terrain that billow below your boots, the heat beating down on your head so hard your eyes almost shut unwillingly as your feet meet resistance.
without warning, you find yourself falling forward - a billow of pain shoots through your wrist as your palms meet the abrasive sand.
your head pounds, dehydration and hunger taking its ravaging toll on you as you land. a soft gasp escapes your lips as the ground kisses you harshly, unforgivingly; a strike of panic over you as your twisted, marred hands are once again slammed against the weight of your body joined by the Hunter's binders. 
you're delirious - fear grips you in a way nothing ever has in your dehydrated state. a screaming ache in your throat and the throbbing in your skull coaxes your lips into the next sentence, your voice hoarse and scratchy. "if I could just have some water, please-" 
the footsteps in front of you halt in an almost menacing manner - wind echoes dauntingly in your ears as you brace for the expected harshness of a beskar-laden hand, your body tensing and ready for the impact of his hand.
all of the hunters reach their limit with you - he'd made it this far, without laying his hands on you; but they all do, at one point or another. you can only hope it doesn't go further.
his voice from days ago echo in your mind. there are far worse people in the galaxy that could have gotten to you.
"s-sorry." you stutter, pulling yourself to your knees and holding your marred hands out to protect your face should he lash out.
you yourself are surprised by the very real fear that is dousing your twisted spine in a wash of ice - but the Mandalorian is already furious by the interruption of returning you for bounty twice; one more step out of line like this and he may just kill you himself. 
you really are delirious. you think, perhaps, you've been too outlandish in your capture. he's not the kind that will break by your snide comments or sly ploys for escape. perhaps submission - you grit your teeth at the mere thought, like a wild stallion bucking in fear of a stable - is the sole way for you to survive.
to escape. 
there's a pause in the air, a moment of suspended anticipation - one in which you shield your face from him further for fear. yet the expected rebuke, the cold demand for resilience, does not materialize, and instead you bathe in a hot, heavy silence that sparks just enough fight in you to try again. 
you slump back on your haunches, eyes shutting as you swallow through sandpaper. "I need water. just a sip, sir, please-" 
"-stop." he orders suddenly, voice surprisingly strained and harsh. your eyes open and you're met with a burning glare, his armor deflecting the immediate rays as he stands over you and observes - a weak being, cuffed and on her knees to beg for water. 
your heart thunders wildly as he pulls a moleskin pouch from the depths of his cape and holds it out for you. "-and call me Mando." he orders, voice still strange. nodding, your hands shoot up to grab at it, your throat singing and dust catching in the crooks of your eyes as you let out a sigh of thanks, a slight whimper that almost loses itself to the commotion of your shaking fingertips. 
the pouch falls to the sand between your knees as you let out a breath of disbelief - in your weakness, you'd fumbled it.  "I'm sorry, I-" 
"-it's okay." he says quickly, a gloved hand raising the pouch from the dust to hold up to your lips. the uncomfortableness of his voice is forgotten instantly as the liquid breaches your open lips.
the water is - by contrast to everything else around you - so pure and clean that you almost start to cry. 
it trickles into your dry mouth and you greedily suck it down your esophagus, hands rising to cup the back of the pack and tilt it slightly, wary not to squeeze and take the whole of its contents. 
the breath you take after several gulps of water is like waking up in a meadow of fresh fruits, flowers, a cold pond at your fingertips. you let out a shaky laugh, swallowing another sip offered to you by your captor. "thanks." you say, resigning to the realization that the only way he reacted was when you were desperate - on the verge of collapsing. 
disdain coils in you.
slowly, you feel strong gloved hands encircle your shoulders, guiding you back to a standing position. the Mandalorian's touch was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to the ruthless reputation that preceded him - a stark contrast to the experience of the last days in captivity.
you're once again left with the bitter confusion of a rug being pulled from beneath you as the hunter pulls a few pieces of jerky from his utility belt, holding them out tersely. 
your hands dart out to grab them quick as the lizards that skitter into their hideaways when your bootsteps near. you stay like that, eating the jerky like a rabid animal and taking a few sips of water that the Hunter offers you intermittently, avoiding the unyielding armor that can't mask the underlying patience in the Mandalorian's actions. 
a few minutes of terse silence and your stomach less nauseated, the Mandalorian starts suddenly, making you jump back in habit. he doesn't strike you; instead, he removes the thick cowl off his own neck and reaches towards you.
he must see your confusion, apprehension - because he stops, sighing. "you need to cover these wounds up. the exposed sun is not good for them. we will get them mended at the palace." he explains, voice evenly as he starts to lay the thick fabric over your conjoined wrists, wrapping so your skin is no longer exposed. 
you don't know what to say - but he gives you no time to think as he turns and starts off towards the palace in the distance once again. you follow him in shock, blinking down at the faint outlines of your arms, mimicking his stride though in much shorter steps.
as you trudge behind him, protected from direct sunlight through his bulking, massive frame, you grin bitterly - you've become the man's own shadow this time, striding behind him in the light of the afternoon.
the rest of the trek is plagued with silence. you'd expected cruelty, a reinforcement of a status as a captive - but instead, there was a curious patience, an unexpected kindness that left you questioning the man who strides in front of you, helmet occasionally craning to his right to check on the floating pod containing the child that floats by his hip.
he should be furious. you're nothing more than a burden -  the sudden moment of patience a shock from the cold exterior that has you staring in disbelief at your boots. what had changed? the answer eludes you as you follow him, disoriented in more ways than one. The Mandalorian's actions, or lack thereof, became a puzzle; you can't see the expression on his face, but the absence of anger resonates through the silence between you.
until he decides to slow his pace, turning his helmet to the right. "it wasn't my intention to starve you." he says, voice stoic and almost awkward. "I often forget that others do not eat when they are concealed." 
he looks away. "if it happens again, remind me." 
you swallow, lifting your head. an odd request. you'd seen glimpses of this bizarre kindness within him - gently stroking the child's ear, bringing you in to his ship after the wreckage and ensuring you stayed upright and didn't let the blood swell in your brain. letting you rest in his cot. 
most of these things, means to your end. 
perhaps it's this moment that gives you the clarity to vie for an ounce of freedom. 
"uncuff me." you say, voice sounding much less meek now that life has been breathed back into your sore lungs. if he has any emotions, your blindness renders you too incapacitated to notice them. he doesn't stop his stride, but he does turn his head. 
"no." he says it as if you're stupid.
you sigh, straining to push your shorter legs faster in order to catch up to him and the floating pod. you're not fully discouraged, despite his demeanor.  "you know I'm too weak to do anything." you insist. "it'll do you good to uncuff me before we see the Diamyo." you warn, straightening your spine as he turns slightly, pace slowing until you're just a step behind him, still pushing to keep up. 
"is that so?" he asks, sounding completely uninterested. your innards churn at his tone, your tongue running over your teeth before you nod. "I show no risk anymore. he'll find me if you don't find me first." and it's the honest truth.
silence for a moment.
"you're danger." he utters, as if the two words explain it all. you sneer at him behind his back. "aren't you used to danger, bounty hunter?" you spit, the indignance growing once again, sprouting from the rotting seed of your weakened fear only minutes ago. 
his back is turned, but you still hear it. "not the kind of danger that you are." 
you stare at the faint shadow of him, unsure of what to say. it's silent, the shifting sands beneath your feet echoing the enigma of your chains, the impending danger that awaits you once the Hunter has returned you for the bounty.
now on slightly more steady legs, you can't help but wonder what kind of man lurks behind the unyielding armor—a question that remains unanswered as the walls of the palace rise through the dune sea. 
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you reach the impending building as the suns cast your shadow and the Mandalorian's far behind you.
your footsteps echo through the halls of the palace, your body cooling slowly. The Mandalorian pushes past the droids who tried to guide you; he makes turns and walks down the stairs with too much confidence.
with an inkling of trepidation in your heart, you feel as though he's been here before - it does not bode well for you.
as you stumble after him, the burns upon your skin ache slightly and you fight to see with the dim lighting. 
but soon, you're walking into a great space, the air of which you can feel upon your beaten shoulders as you let your arms, still swathed by the Hunter's cloak, fall to clasp against your restraints. 
there's a large platform of slabbed cement before you in the faint light that leaks through cracks of the shades on the opposite of the throne room. 
two figures shrouded in the darkness of your blind vision watch you and your captor enter. the one on the throne is bulky - bulkier than you remember the cloaked figure of Boba Fett to be, though as your gaze flickers to the more feminine figure perched on the arm of the throne, you know this is not him either. 
your footsteps fall silent in front of them, and soon a droid is announcing the Diamyo of Mos Espa, Boba Fett. 
you blink heavily - as if this would wipe the mugginess of your vision as the figure sits forward slightly and your heart drops.
the man in front of you, Boba Fett - fully clad in beskar armor and a helmet so similar to your captor's that you nearly consider turning and running. 
you try to mask your shock. Fett's Mandalorian? confusion and fear shock up your spine. 
panic strikes heavy in your heart as you and the Hunter stand completely silent and still, your heart thrashing frantically. Boba Fett - in Mandalorian armor... confusion must lace your features, because hands faintly rise up from the shadow of the Daimyo, and a moment later he removes his helmet with a soft hiss. 
you suck in a breath as the scarred, familiar face comes into view just barely under the lighting and you're almost certain that his eyes land on you. 
"it's been a while." he says. 
his voice is the same as you remember, and the fear stuck in your throat quells only slightly at his greeting. 
"yes." you agree, jumping in shock when the low, deep voice of the Hunter speaks at the same time as you - "it has." 
bewildered, you shoot a sideways glance to the Mandalorian beside you.
your inkling was correct, Mando must know Boba Fett too.
you swallow shakily, knowing how terribly this seals your fate - of course they know each other. apparently, Boba Fett is a Mandalorian now - for all you know, they could have been raised together. 
but the Hunter's helmet has shot a similarly shocked glance towards you and for a brief moment, you stare into the t-visor of your captor. 
in a bout of fear and anger you turn, meeting the gaze of the man who had once been your savior. from what you can make out, the years had carved lines on his face more than when you'd last seen him, and you faintly wonder how different you look to him. 
you had been, after all, just a child back then. 
you speak again, a mixture of nerves and trepidation in your voice. "sir. I didn't think I'd see you again. even when I came on-planet."
Boba Fett's head inclined slightly, a nod that spoke of the gravity of the situation. "times change. I wouldn't have summoned you here if it weren't necessary."
you're sure your eyes held for a moment, the unspoken understanding passing between you. it had been a long time. 
the Mandalorian crosses his arms from beside you. "what business do you have with us?" the hunter speaks up, clearly tired of the stiff small talk. "do you want the puck?" 
this had been your fear, too. Fett could have easily summoned you to the palace to buy your bounty from the Mandalorian; he has good enough reason to buy you to his custody.
yet at the Hunter's words, you swear you see a twinge of confusion from the two: Fett shifts, as does the figure to his side - a silhouette which, with the grace of her helmet sitting below them in a ray of bright light, you finally recognize as the sharpshooter Fennec Shand. you'd heard of her in town during your time on the run. 
"I have favors to call in." he says simply. your heart pounds twice as heavy at the mention of the favors- yes, he does. he is owed a lifetime of favors from you.
but the hunter is not so swayed. 
"call them in later. I have problems to attend to." he sounds impatient, voice laced with the strain of a time crunch.
Boba stares at him, leaning elbows on his thickly armored thighs. "you and your lady friend here," he nods towards you sardonically, "are in a bind, am I correct?"
you gape in offense at his casual tone, addressing you as anything other than a captive - irritation floods your face but is soon replaced with a strike of fear fluttering down your spine, worried of the Hunter's reaction to such vocabulary. 
"I don't play games with my bounties." his voice sounds equally irritated as you feel. it's final - deep as it exits his helmet. your stomach flips. 
you almost snap back - that's a lie, Mando. you and I both know it - but, for fear of speaking out of turn, and for fear of the man before you, you stay silent.
"bounty?" the silhouette sits forward and a plaited length of dark hair swings into your faint vision.
the room is suddenly plagued with a pregnant silence that you don't dare break, your mind churning.
did they not know of the situation you've found yourself in?
"she has a bounty on her head." the hunter says finally, as if surprised that they were not privy to this information. you shift on your feet, your head still pounding, eyes sore from straining to see in such dim light. your whole body aches.
"she may be a bit worse for wear, but she doesn't look like a prisoner to me." Shand retorts, nodding to your figure. 
at the woman's words, you huff a bitter laugh. worse for wear - you'd be surprised if you have more bones intact than dislocated right now - you're blind, you have a nasty hydraulic burn on your cheek..
you shake the cowl off your arms, revealing the cuffs which bound you as the fabric drops to a heap at your boots. you barely glance down at them before back up as Fett lets out a low hum. both heads upon the throne shift to the man beside you. 
"you have nerve, Mando, bringing a bounty into my palace," Boba Fett remarked, his gravelly voice cutting through the silence. to your shock, Mando inclines his helmeted head in a nod. "she's more trouble than she's worth." you instinctively shoot Mando a withering look but before you can defend yourself, he continues. "when you summoned us, I assumed it was to pay her bounty."
Fennec Shand - ever observant - leans forward slightly, her sharp eyes finding yours somehow through the mist. she seems more interested in you than in the talk of the Daimyo's business.
"last we heard of you, you were supposedly walking free. stirring trouble." she tilts her head, revealing her eyes in a panel of light. the insinuation makes you chuckle bitterly. defiantly, you stare back. "then your people in town got it wrong. I was never free. I've been a captive since I set foot on this planet, even before him." 
Fennec raised an eyebrow, exchanging a glance with Boba that even you don't miss. "our messenger mentioned he saw her just a few days ago with your speeder," Fennec remarks, her voice carrying a hint of skepticism as she focuses on Mando this time. "that doesn't sound like a well retained bounty."
you stifle a laugh at that, craning your head away from Mando to conceal your smirk as a feeling of triumph fleetingly passes over your body. you recall the anger that'd seeped through the Mandalorian when you'd tricked him, taken his speeder - then, found the child... 
"ma'am, to be fair, it took him a long time to find me. I can be very slippery when I want to be." you say coyly, highly aware of the cold stare from beside you. 
"-after all, the line between lawmen and the outlawed can be deceiving." you send a pointed look towards the wall of beskar on your side.
a sharp silence through the room; tension thick in the air as a strike of fear gloats among your abdomen. what kind of pendulum swing is your attitude on recently? 
"Mando." Boba addresses the man, causing the aforementioned to nod, shifting his weight. the throbbing of your head is gradually increasing once again and you find yourself in desperate need of a sip of water, and maybe a few hours of rest. 
"I didn't expect to have to cash in on the favors owed to me, but times have changed." he shrugs, "I hear the Crest's seen better days. I can help with the ship. in return, clean slate. functional vessel. and no more pirates."
in a swift moment of realization, your eyes widen. you aren't the only one with favors owed to Boba - this was about you and Mando, separately. he truly had no idea you were his bounty.
your surprise is short lived as he continues speaking, the pirates echoing in your mind. your eyes flicker at the mention and you can't help but shoot a glance sidelong at your captor, once again unable to read his helmet. uncertainty swirls in your gut; the Maracavanians are more than just one ship, and you know they will likely stop for very little to find you.
you are, after all, very valuable to them. the looming threat of their presence haunts you, bearing weight on your tired shoulders. your head pounds. 
"-in return," Boba Fett continued, "I need your skills - both of you. when I sent for you, I was not aware of the bounty on your head, nor the hand that held the tracker. there's a settlement on the edge of the Outer Rim. they've found some trouble with some smugglers calling themselves the Ivory Cartel; they're pushing the spice trade back into the area, and the Marshall needs help bringing them back in line."
Din's helmet tilted slightly. "I don't do charity."
Boba Fett chuckles, the sound reverberating in the room as you shift on your feet. "we've been through this song and dance before, haven't we?"
the Mandalorian crosses his arms, but says nothing.
Boba continues, "I hear you're intimately familiar with the area, Mando. Freetown."
the irony of the settlement name is not lost on you, and you can't help the scoff you let out as you cross your arms. you hear the short exhale that escapes the helmet the same time as you, but cannot decipher what it means. 
"Marshall Vanth mentioned you know each other." silence spurs him on, "only a few days, then you can turn her in. I'll ensure you have safe passage - no one coming after you. we'll consider it a debt paid in full."
you expected this; for as long as you've known the man before you on the throne, you wouldn't exactly say he is your biggest ally; in fact, part of him would surely love to see you rot in a cell. and you can't blame him. 
yet this seems like some sort of mercy - for him to not just take your bounty off of Mando's hands and immediately turn you in to the several other vying parties. indeed, that would benefit him well, and it'd likely satisfy the Mandalorian. they'd be rich beyond what they could imagine if they turned you in to the Maracavanya. 
the thought itself makes you feel ill. 
fear of your fate should you fall into the captivity of the Maracavanians grips you, far more deadly than when you will be taken by Mando to whoever casted your puck.
this fear, gripping your skull and breathing its evil thoughts into your mind, drives you to step forward slightly. "and what guarantee do we have that you'll uphold your end of the deal?"
the visor next to you stares in surprise at your words and you hold your gaze forward, steadfast. to an outsider, you imagine it is odd for a bounty to agree to be turned in after such desperation to escape; though knowing Fett as you once did - and after what you did back then - what the Macaravanya would do to you if you were their captive... you shiver, fear gripping your throat. 
your life is owed to the man before you, no matter what your past says. and if your life is to end soon - and it very well may depending on who has cast your bounty - you'd like to have paid most of your debts out by the end.  
Boba Fett's gaze shifts to you through the dim of your vision. "my word is my bond. you of all people should do well to remember this."
your face burns, chin dropping to your chest. the Mandalorian remains silent for a moment, contemplating the proposition - after all, you're his captive, and you'll have to go with whatever he decides. the weight of the favors owed hang in the air, memories of a young girl stranded on a desolate planet with a pack wrapped around her middle, her brother stumbling behind her, men in all grey following with whooping sounds as they stumbled over tumbleweeds to get away. a cloaked figure and blinding pain-
finally, the Hunter nods, speaking and pulling you from your thoughts. "fine. we do the job, our debts are settled."
Boba Fett inclined his head, acknowledging the agreement. "you'll leave in the morning."
you send a meek nod to him, feeling once again faint, as though the strenuous walk has caught up to the rest of your body, which is still reeling from the water and jerky after so long without it. 
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you're escorted, after a brief hesitance by your captor, away from the group; with a grumble of irritation from the armored giant and a rough few pokes on his vambrace by gloved fingers, your bound wrists fell free, the skin marred and blistering.
fear flares up in your stomach as a droid brings you down several twisted hallways and staircases. what are they speaking of without you?
were they talking about you? 
surely there isn't much the Mandalorian doesn't know about you, depending on how much of your information was on your bounty profile, but Fett knows many things about you others don't. a darkness coils through your veins, lingering in the back of your mind; a steady reminder to trust no one. no friends but tumbleweeds. 
perhaps you had overestimated the reach of Tatooine's rumor mill. or, perhaps, you really were that good at hiding. and the Hunter was that good at hunting. 
the thought doesn't make you feel any better. 
you enter a room where the droid gestures to the large glass in the center of the room; your eyes widen, taking in the large bacta tank, inviting and horrifying the same. 
on the other side of the room, a refresher awaits, and the droid instructs you to use what you need and it will provide you the bacta process to ensure you have a restful healing.
you stare, shocked, between the droid and the tank; things like these cost an unimaginable amount of credits. you bite your lip.
"I'm sorry, I don't-" you start to flush, "I don't have enough credits, I-" 
"nonsense," the droid speaks, its voice oddly comforting, maternal. "Master Fett has requested our guests are healed and take as much time as necessary. you will need your strength and health." 
you blink, stomach flipping with nerves. "okay," you whisper, padding slowly across towards the fresher and sealing yourself inside. 
your heart pounds, stress pulsing through you. it takes you forty-five seconds to even bring your eyes up to your reflection, your nails digging hard into your dusty, pained palms. 
it's horrible. truly. 
faintly, you wonder if it's just the residual blindness that makes you look so awful. maybe the shadows under your eyes aren't as prevalent in full vision - or the cuts and bruises that show evidence of the crash landing on your skin. 
to be fair, you look still like yourself - same eyes, same skin, same scarf concealing most of your hair, save the sticky tendrils which glued themselves to your forehead and mouth on your trek. but your face; it's gaunt, absent of the life it used to have. your eyes look empty, your features splintered by a broken nose which holds a crusted bloody split across the center. 
your cheekbone similarly has a cut that's swelled one eye socket, a bruise blossoming and singing of broken vessels of blood within your eye. your hands, as they rise to touch your aching face, are mangled and horrifying. dry, caked with dirt in the splits over your palm, your knuckles are sticking out in an unnatural pattern. the hydraulic burn you'd sustained on your cheek is raw and angry still, exposure to the suns making it rough and bloodied. 
fuck, you will need this bacta is you're to help pay off your debt. you can't help the inkling of curiosity as to what it is that the Mandalorian owes Fett for - he doesn't seem the type to run off for secondary missions when he has his bounties. especially, you think with a smirk, bounties as irritating and conniving as you've been. 
it is extremely odd, this new situation. 
you're sure this has not once happened to the Mandalorian before, judging by his reaction: obligated to work alongside one of his bounties - who has willingly agreed - in order to earn ship repair to turn her in. 
you squeeze your eyes shut, bewildered by the complexity of the situation; you're overcome once again with the urge to run, run, run. 
you snap your eyes open, staring into the mirror again. 
your body screams of exhaustion, lack of sleep, hunger, pain. a surge of sadness floods over you at the realization that you've looked like this far before crossing paths with the Mandalorian.
this cycle is nothing new. it may be the oldest thing in the book.
in fact, considering how the last few stints went with other hunters went - horrifyingly, though you always ended up the one holding the smoldering blaster - the Mandalorian has been uncharacteristically considerate. 
so unimbued by your teasing. irritated constantly, serious - but admirably capable. dangerous. your eyes again find the ugly scar that cuts jaggedly across your cheek, towards your jaw. it was an injury done to you just to do so, by the last hunter who tried to take you. he'd done worse afterwards; all the injuries will last with you forever.
cruelty for the sake of it. 
despite who he is, you can't find it in yourself to believe your current captor would ever do such a thing. 
imposing, intimidating, gruff - yes, but he never threatened you more than empty words; even though you know how easily he could snap your arm (or neck). he didn't seem to want to inflict pain.
you think of his little green companion, with its kind eyes and soft babbles. the way he runs his gloved fingers over the wiry hair atop its head, soothing its ears.  
then, when he'd left you alone on his ship; sure, it was wrecked and you were in the middle of nowhere, but he'd still left you. given you privacy. 
you glare at the ground - no. 
the memory of his hand slamming against the carbonite freezer echoes in your mind, your words - "you're a bad man." you whisper mirthlessly. "I don't deserve this."
no man is kind. no bounty hunter is fair. 
with a growl of irritation, you slide the door open, peering out into the room before you. it's quiet, the afternoon sun streaming through the curtains of the open stone windows, flickering over the tank in the center. a set of towels your size sit next to the tank. the droid is gently preparing tubes and a small breathing mechanism as the bacta moves in the glass. 
the liquid, viscous and beckoning you like a mirage in the dead heat of the plains outside. 
you haven't been in water in months - years, maybe. sonic showers got the job done, removed dirt and grime and oil, but you haven't felt really clean in so long it almost brings tears to your eyes. before you can think again, your voice cracks out, shy and meek. 
"I'm ready." 
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when you wake up, the suns are nearly setting. 
your body glows a hue of orange from the dying light, dripping with the liquid you'd just emerged from. the droid towels you off and you note the sweet, small markings alongside her collar, small paintings of flowers.
it's because of this that you realize with a sharp inhale - "I can see!" you gasp, flexing your fingers instinctively and feeling a wash of freedom when no shooting pain or stiffness prevents the action. 
you feel as though you've been reborn. 
the droid pulls a chest band over your flush, healthy skin. nothing but pinking scars and a few light colored bruises. "how do you feel, ma'am?" she asks you. you smile at her just as she hands you a pair of underwear, folded tunic, and trousers. "I feel wonderful. thank you." you respond, tugging on the underwear. 
you stare down at the dark gray color of your tunic, tilting your head- but before you can ask, the droid assures you your own clothes are being cleansed and repaired for you to have back. 
you nod, feeling naked still without any concealment of your hair or face - it seems, after so long on the run, you've forgotten that the items were not sewn to your skin, a part of you. 
the droid leaves you to collect yourself, telling you it will prepare you supper to eat in the palace hall. slowly, you let your joints stretch, taking in a deep, long breath for the first time in ages without feeling the stabbing pain of broken ribs.
gone are the dizzy spells, the fogginess that had plagued you since hitting your head. 
with a small laugh of disbelief, you pull the tunic over your head with no pain - your hair drips down your spine as you comb through it, padding with a sudden shock of clear vision towards the mirror.
closing yourself halfway into the fresher, you stare at your reflection; a healthy glow on your cheeks, clean, a hint of a smile. you nearly tear up, feeling fresh, free from physical pain. there are no blisters or bruises from the binders. 
with a smile, you take a step out of the bathroom in search of the trousers you'd left, discarded on table you'd woken from. you let yourself hum a short tune, something from your childhood that your brother had loved. 
but a hulking figure across the room makes you stop short.
your eyes widen as a rush of shock floods through you. 
to his credit, the Mandalorian looks just as caught off guard as you feel, if his body language is anything to tell. 
he stands, alarmed, with one hand holding the trousers you'd left, one holding a removed blaster and his lasso. with a quick glance over to the tank, there is larger preparations, a large microfiber towel, much larger than the one used for you, folded next to it.
a beat passes. 
then another. you start to feel warm, cheeks flaring in heat as your gaze flickers from the visor, cold and staring, down to the trousers in his hand. you are suddenly aware of your exposed skin.
"um," you say brilliantly. 
but before you can say anything else equally as riveting, the droid rolls into the room and nearly shrieks. "oh, ma'am, I'm terribly sorry- thought you'd already gone downstairs-" 
you swallow so thickly you're surprised you don't choke, the warm breeze in the dying evening sunlight sending cascades of goosebumps over your exposed legs. you ignore the rolling heat that tumbles down your body as the helmet moves ever so slightly down your frame. excitement sends the sensation even deeper - but you shake the thoughts away. that's an emotion you'll deal with probably never.
the Mandalorian snaps alive, taking two lumbering strides towards you, holding the trousers to you stiffly. "I assume these are yours." his voice sounds almost pained.
you swallow dryly, nodding, "y-yes." you squeak, feeling hot under his stare. 
"-so sorry, sir, I apologize-" the droid was still panicking - you think it odd until you get a feeling Mandalorians wouldn't like even droids to see them without helmet. let alone, their annoying bounties who now have to work with them against a cartel in some forgettable dust town.
you wonder if the same goes for armor.
but he waves the droid off, "I can take it from here, thank you." his voice is terse; disdain leaking through the baritone.
you awkwardly take the moment to slide the trousers over your legs, bending quickly to save at least a bit of dignity as you do the clasps and zipper, eyes avoiding the tall statue before you. 
the droid, still wailing apologies, wheels from the chamber, bathing the two of you in a strikingly thick air as you stare down at your boots. you watch as his own boots shift their weight just a few steps from you. 
"you look..." he seems to lose his words as you look up at him, stomach flipping. "-healthy." his fingers twitch by his sides. you feel shockingly flustered as you clear your throat, "I need to take better care of myself." you joke, the words falling flat and sounding more pathetic than humorous in delivery, "just glad I can recognize myself again. well- I can see, too, which is even better." your voice squeaks as you trail off, butting off your anxious ramble.
he doesn't respond to that, but he does clear his own throat. "have you eaten?" he asks, voice strained. you clear your head, "no- no, that's where I was about to go..." you trail off, cheeks aflame as you look up at the helmet. he makes a noncommittal noise, turning away. "well, if you don't mind-" 
you shake your head, "not at all." you say quickly, taking great strides towards the exit, not turning back as you scramble away. 
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the Mandalorian doesn't look at you the rest of the evening. 
you can't tell if it's out of embarrassment, shame, or anger at the prospect of having to work with you; no matter, you're relieved at the absence of that piercing, emotionless stare. 
you eat much too fast, due to the crawling hunger in your stomach, and have to later fight to keep it down; though the rest of the night is spent relaying plans for transportation and communication with Fett and Shand, you standing awkwardly in a corner and being referenced as the bounty by your captor. 
you wonder if he can feel the glare you shoot at the back of his helmet. 
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by morning, you feel more refreshed than you have in years, despite your captivity. the more you think of it, and the more that clock ticks in the back of your mind, the more willing you are to stay on-planet, to waste time. 
perhaps you could miss the trial all together, if nobody finds you first. you let yourself wonder, as you stand to the side and observe Mando strapping supplies to the back of the speeder, what would happen if you missed the trial. 
surely, you'd still be wanted. an outlaw is an outlaw, no matter the date on the galactic calendar. 
but would it be safer for you? depending on the verdict. there are plenty on both sides who would pay heavily to see your body buried in the Wasteland, no doubt. 
"hey." Mando's voice is terse and vexed. your eyes snap up to meet the helmet, which glints harshly under the morning suns. "let's go." he orders, gesturing behind him where a space remains for you.
you think back to that first night; your desperate attempt at escape, feigning sleep and then sprinting off into the dark desert. 
you slide onto the back, leaving as much space as possible between you and the Hunter, his jetpack hard against your chest. you opt to hold it instead of his torso as he kicks up the speeder, the child tucked into the bag at his hip. 
"did you get enough to eat?" he asks, voice louder over the noise of the speeder. you swallow, unease leaking into you at the tone of his voice - it's alarmingly like the tone he used when he'd fed you back in the desert. like he was making sure you wouldn't have to nearly pass out again for him to remember to feed you. 
it makes you wonder how often he eats or drinks himself.
it makes you wonder why you even care.
you nod, "I did." 
he sends you a terse nod in response and as he starts to speed off, the wind whips over your scarf. you tie it under your jaw, the long bandana secured. heat finds you like an old, unwanted friend and you already feel tired; you rest your hot cheek against the metal of the beskar jetpack, hoping he cannot feel it. you're instantly cooled down, relief flooding through you. 
the speeder hums beneath you, kicking up plumes of sand - your eyes, alight with the fresh relief of unfiltered sight, scan the horizon, taking in the harsh beauty of Tatooine's desolate expanse. rocky outcrops jutting from the sandy dunes, casting short shadows in the midday suns. the sky above is painted with hues of blue, a stark contrast to the unforgiving landscape below. 
you steal another glance at the Mandalorian's back. thankfully, he has resumed his tense, stoic silence behind his helmet, his focus fixed on the path ahead. there's a quiet determination, a silent strength - the same one that had initially inclined you to play such luring games with your Hunter in the first place. 
a determination that makes you want to do it again, despite everything.
you think of how naive you were just days ago - had you ever really expected to get away from him? or, the whole time, have you just been waiting for him to finally get to you?
the thought leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. 
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hours pass on the speeder with intermittent stops to stretch your legs or sip water. the baby insists on babbling to you any chance he gets - an endearing sight, as he waddles over the mounds of sand to climb up onto your boot.
the gentle smile that graces your lips after asking permission silently from the Hunter to hold the little goblin.
the child's endless eyes stare up at you from the bag at the hunter's side when you're back on the speeder, and you supply him with a finger to hold on to.
you can't shake the whirlwind of confusion swirling within you - what had started as a fateful capture in the wake of your euphoric game had morphed into a nightmare capture, which has now evolved into a reluctant alliance - a ceasefire of sorts forged by circumstances beyond your control.
whatever Mando had for Boba to cash in on must have been just as serious as what he'd done for you - or, rather, what you'd done to him. regret and guilt snake through your veins, black and greedy and painful.
you stare down in regret, trying to map out a way to escape the clutches of the man before you as the lines between captor and collaborator blur in the shifting sands of fate.
you had been running for so long - elusive and cunning, the closest to free you'd been in years - until you got too egotistical. all those weeks ago, why did you have to taunt him so? 
happy hunting, Mando. 
you're a fool. a fated, heartless fool with too large an ego. 
as the speeder surges onward, you lean back, letting the rush of the wind and the rhythmic hum of the engine drown your thoughts. the heat bears down on you. 
in the distance, a bundle of buildings emerge, wavy through heat - at first, you thought it a mirage. 
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taglist (message to join): @silkiers @leithatnight @totallynotastanacc @afandomidiot @bbyanarchist @clear-your-mind-and-dream @notsosecretspy @djarins-cyare @satireclub @famefoxx @sunnywithachanceofjavi @imherefordeanandbones @sarap-77​
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sweethibiscustea82 · 3 months
can I ask about ur au? :33
of course!! All under the cut and stuff, all of this is just bits and pieces of stuff because there’s not a super clear like outline of events and stuff but here’s some basic thoughts and ideas and stuff lol. Uh warning its very long, very rambley and kind of just jumps from one thought to another sorry 😭
Okay so basically this isn’t a very nice au to Steven sadly (I do it out of love for the character 💗💗), when I first got back into Steven universe I kept rewatching the diamond days episodes and I really enjoyed them. So basically this au is called diamond years, where Steven ends up staying for a very long time (about I wanna say year and a half) on home world pretending to be pink diamond so that he can change the diamonds ways.
This takes a while though, he’s failed again and again at trying to talk to white, so end he focuses on trying to change blue and yellow’s minds first, on not hurting defenceless planets and trying to stand up to white (they never take him up on standing up to white until about the last year). At first he is completely put off and ignored just like in the show but the longer he stays there the more they begin to listen to him. But despite how well Steven is doing at changing homeworld from the inside, it’s been taking a toll on him.
He finds himself questioning his identity more than ever before, and it really stresses him out. He also feels bad for bringing the gems into this plan with him, he feels like he’s forced them back into their homeworld lives and it makes him feel horribly guilty a lot of the time. In my head it’s like all of this fighting in the rebellion just to end back up here serving diamonds and it sort of starts to make Steven feel like a disgusting person. Like pearl doesn’t belong to him and amethyst shouldn’t have to wear limb inhancers but like whenever he like debates it with blue or yellow they chastise him.
I think eventually he’s permitted to go visit beach city, as a gift for his good behaviour since he came back and it makes him so happy that he finally gets to be Steven again, but whenever he’s there the moments are sort of bittersweet because he knows that if he messes up at all on homeworld, he might lose getting to see his friends on earth. So he throws himself even more into the pink diamond role.
When the first year finally passes and he’s made a significant amount of progress (not enough in his mind) he’s never Steven in public. Only when no one else but his family is around does he consider himself actually Steven, yellow got on him about his pearl calling him Steven still after a year of being on home world officially. They offer to help like recondition her but he refuse’s absolutely. So now pearl calls him pink in public, which sets it in stone in his mind that oh right now I’m not Steven.
When Steven turns 16, is when he not only updates his pink diamond outfit to something newer and slightly different, but his eyes look like pinks and it doesn’t go away even after he stops living on homeworld. Pearl is the first one to notice it and tell him and he’s horrified. The next days when some of the other gems starts to see his eyes, he can tell they’re a little shocked, a little uncomfortable. None of them bring it up besides amethyst who’s like woah cool eyes Steven cause she’s trying to be jokey. It doesn’t work but he laughs.
All this time he’s seen white maybe a dozen times and she’s barely even talked to him. He’s making changes, blue and yellow are more merciful but it’s still not enough. So around the end of the second year blue and yellow finally actually help him go confront white, and he has relief all of this all of this horrible pain and issues and pink diamond stuff wasn’t for nothing and so when they go confront her it starts the yk white diamond confrontation in the show except she’s like oh starlight you’ve been doing so good, why did you have to mess it up now. And this is the first time in so long that he’s protested about being pink, he’s Steven and he gets punished for it with white pulling his gem out to prove that pinks still there and that he isn’t.
It plays out mostly the same as the actual show except what happened in like the third episode of the diamond days arc, happened 2 years after the first episode of the diamond days arc lol.
And so now after that huge fight stuff he’s free, he’s Steven. But he still has the lingering feelings of being pink for so long. When he steps into his house for the first time he doesn’t even know what to do really. He hasn’t seen some of his favourite foods besides the things Connie sneaks in for him, he hasn’t watched tv in so long. he hasn’t seen almost all of his friends on earth. They all celebrate him coming back, he’s fixed everything but why does he still feel so just empty, like he’s living someone else’s life. It’s horrible, that’s how he felt when he first had to act like pink and now he feels like that for his own life.
His friends tell him he doesn’t have to act so formal around them when they’re out in public. People don’t greet him by saluting their diamond. And he doesn’t miss it at all, he’s happy that he’s finally home but it takes so long for him to get used to being himself again.
Anyways sorry for like dumping a pile of random thoughts on you lol, I hope you find it good. I don’t know how good the ideas are at all, it just started from my fascination with characters pretending to be someone and then the lines blurring between them and the person they’re impersonating
oh and uh here’s an official reference for DY!Steven
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normanbased · 1 year
OKAY!! So as some base line context — It’s set a few months after Psycho II. Emma Spool doesn’t exist, Lila killed all the people who died in Psycho II (except Dr Raymond who lived). Norman and Mary essentially defended each other from Lila in the final fight and Lila is gunned down by the police.
If anyone wants to send any asks about my AU pls feel free to!! I’d be happy to answer them :]]
Mary and Norman are both injured and end up in the hospital for a little while with minor to moderate injuries. They both make full recoveries and over their stay in the hospital they really start to bond more — You know, bring each other snacks, talk in the middle of the night about deep philosophical life stuff, share fun drama about the hospital staff. Somehow, only after a few weeks, they’re able to laugh about things again.
Once they’re both discharged, Mary doesn’t really have anywhere left to go, so of course she sticks around with Norman. The two of them develop a sort of parent/sibling relationship and while Norman does his best to keep the motel afloat, Mary supports them both with different day jobs.
It’s clearly not working out, though. If the motel had low attendance before, it was even worse now after another stint in the local paper as the ‘Murder Motel’. Money is the lowest it’s ever been and if they can’t come up with a solution soon, Norman might have to foreclose on the business.
Mary is doing her best, but she suddenly has a lot of pressure on her to provide. They consider each other family now, though, so she’s determined to stick it out.
Then one afternoon, a certain Duane Duke’s car breaks down on the side of the highway. Like in Psycho III, he needs some place to stay for a while and takes up a job at the motel. Obviously he notices that the place is struggling, and starts formulating some plans to help out. It’s mostly just so he can get out of there faster, but he also has to admit that he feels a little sorry for the two of them, (not to mention he has a huge crush on Mary).
Duke uses his knowledge of the music industry to help Norman develop the Motel in a sort of event hub for Fairvale — There’s a pretty expansive portion of the grounds that makes a decent field. It’s flat, spacious, and easy to access. There’s enough open land to put on small festivals, music gigs, sporting events, fairs, and outdoor competitions. It’s slow at first, but it starts to make them a LOT of money. Norman isn’t so keen about all the traffic, but it’s better than nothing.
(It does mean that something different is on every other week, so there are lots of events I wanna write about them setting up :]])
There are a few conflicts that run through the general idea of the AU —
Mary doesn’t reciprocate Duke’s crush at first and that causes problems. His immaturity is a big issue for her that takes a while to be resolved. Eventually when she does start to have feelings for him, she feels inadequate. She also worries a lot about Norman, about his isolation, his mental health, and how Duke takes advantage of him at first (which is also resolved later). She is just as protective of Norman as he is of her, and won’t tolerate him being manipulated. She’s also grieving the loss of her own mother and it takes its toll on her.
Norman is very protective of Mary since he essentially sees her as a daughter/sister and he doesn’t want somebody like Duke to hurt her. He’s really on edge about Duke’s behaviour around her, so much so that he hardly even recognises when he’s taking advantage of Norman instead. Norman is also really conflicted about all the different business prospects the Motel is having because the whole process of commercialising the area frightens him. Deep down, he liked the peace and quiet.
Duke generally struggles with his ego, with accepting rejection, but also with accepting help and affection from friends, and expressing his emotions in a healthy, non-destructive way. He wants Mary, and, at first, can’t stand Norman. Eventually though, he and Norman sort of work things out and end up in a more amicable relationship than before. Usually all three of them are around when the Motel becomes successful, but Mary still juggles other work from time to time, which leaves Norman and Duke to hash things out and tentatively improve their friendship.
One image I have in my mind is like, Norman and Duke bonding during a power outage, trying to fix the generator, and eventually giving up and visiting Mary at the diner for some food and some company. They act super nonchalantly about it, but it’s a really big sorta “we actually really care about each other and enjoy each others presence” moment for the three of them.
The biggest conflict is probably when Duke announces he’s made enough money to pursue his rockstar dreams and plans to leave, which just depresses the fuck out of Mary and Norman. Mary has to fight with the decision to stay with Norman and essentially be left behind, or go with Duke and abandon Norman. It’s a lot for her. I still haven’t decided how I want that to all go down. I don’t want Duke to have to give up his dreams, but I want everyone to be happy 😭 hopefully I won’t have to end it on a “they’ll never truly be happy together like this” ending and make them all split up — but also… maybe a natural sort of “time is transient and people move on and memories remain” sort of ending might work well….
OH!! I also want Mary to be aspiring to go to college/university and Norman is VERY supportive because he never even got to go to high school, let alone college. He wants to see his girl succeed!! (I just want him and Duke to be her two guests for her graduation cheering like crazy and making a fool of themselves and embarrassing her while she’s on stage by being so loud but she loves them so much and can’t help but laugh 💖💖💖)
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
My bad habits lead to you pt. 1
Sequel to We lie awake in love and fear
From a prompt by @lilacmermaid25:
5 times Ted returns from Kansas for a wedding, one time he returns 'just because'.
Chapter 1
Beard and Jane - November 2023
A sunset wedding at Stonehenge. Rebecca had been to some beautiful weddings - some tiny and intimate, some grand and obscene (including her own to Rupert), but she could honestly say that she’d not been to one in such a wonderful setting. Though it was November, they were lucky - it had been one of those crisp, bright, cold days where you could almost forget it was winter and barely 8 degrees outside. It hadn’t been planned. Beard and Jane had discovered their pregnancy during the summer and calculated the dates back to the night of the gas leak - or perhaps any point during that week really, there was a lot of action that week after all. They’d spent a couple of months debating back and forth on the idea of marriage before deciding that to protect Beard’s UK visa status and parental rights, it was better to have a bit of paper than nothing at all. They’d pulled the plans together in the space of about a month - with a little of Rebecca’s considerable influence and that of a top flight premier league team. She and Keeley got ready in Rebecca’s suite at the nearby hotel they’d dance the night away in later on. Keeley’s room had been taken over by Roy, Jamie, and whoever else had chosen to hang out with them. The two women could hear the music from the next corridor.  
“Roy asked if I’d ever get married.” Keeley said suddenly from the bathroom. Rebecca dropped her mascara wand on the white linen bed sheets.
“Shite. He asked what?! What did you say?”
“I asked if he meant to him or just… generally.” The loo flushed and Keeley reappeared. “I said maybe generally, but if he meant to him then we’d still have a lot to sort out.” Rebecca still sat open mouthed in shock. “Shut your gob before I stick my hand in it. You look like a fish.”
“Sorry, I just… I didn’t expect Roy to be so…”
“Stupid! Surely he knows that you’re both not in that place right now? And what about Jamie?”
“We talked about Jamie. We talked to Jamie. One day, Jamie is going to go off and find someone and eventually want to settle down. Until then, we want him to stay with us for as long as that’s what he wants too.”
“In whatever situation you’re currently in?”
“Yep.” Keeley popped the P.
“Is it working? Are you all happy?”
“So far so good. I know it’s a bit unconventional, but it really does work.” Rebecca smiled warmly.
“I don’t give a shit how unconventional it is, as long as you’re all ok with it. You’re consenting grown up people, you should do what you want. I only want you all to be happy.” Keeley met her eyes in the mirror and smiled back.
“Thanks babe. What about you, how’s it going with Matt?” Matthijs had been kicked out to Roy and Keeley’s room, though his was only a flying visit - quite literally he was flying out of Bristol airport shortly after the wedding ceremony.
“It’s going well. The traveling takes its toll a little, it’s not like he spends a few weeks in one place and then is away for a few weeks - sometimes I think that would be easier.”
“Heard from Ted recently?”
“Yes, we spoke a few days ago. He should be here soon.”
“And how are you expecting that reunion to go?” Keeley asked in a singsong voice.
“Keeley, we spent one night together. We knew it was only one night, it was only ever going to be one night.”
“But you haven't spoken that much since he left?”
“He’s only been gone 6 months. We speak often enough!” Keeley hummed. 
“Well when he sees your dress, he’ll be on the floor and Matt will have to step over him to get to you. Which won’t be awkward at all. God I’m so fucking glad I have first class tickets to that shit.”
“Nothing is going to happen.”
“Matt doesn’t know that you and Ted had one night of wild passion though.”
“One night and one morning, actually. No, he doesn’t. And he doesn’t need to know. He knows that Ted and I are close friends and he accepts that Ted is and will always be, a huge part of my life.”
“But he doesn’t know about the sex.”
“The mind blowing, life altering, never going to orgasm like it again ever for the rest of your life sex?” 
“Thanks for reminding me. That’s absolutely the most helpful thing you could do, Keeley.”
“Well, I’m not picking fault - he’s a nice bloke, but has Matt ever made you feel the way Ted did?”
“No. Not that the sex is bad, it’s not. It’s very good.”
“It’s just not life altering. Got it, thanks for clearing that up.” Rebecca glared in the mirror.
“It doesn’t have to be life altering.”
“I just remember a certain, very close and very supportive friend of yours telling you that you deserved more. That’s all. And he may not always come with the right answers, but Roy was dead right on that one, Rebecca. You know he was.” Rebecca couldn’t disagree with that. She finished off her makeup and took her dress into the bathroom. It was going to be fine. Ted knew about Matthijs and Matthijs knew about Ted. They would meet, they would shake hands and it would be fine. There was not going to be some silly, unnecessary fight to win her over. She left the bathroom with her dress unzipped to ask Keeley for help when she noticed the tiny blonde had disappeared. She could hear voices and checked the time - it was probably Roy and Matthijs trying to hurry them along for the ceremony. She stepped into the second room of the suite to find Ted hugging Keeley.
“Ted!” She beamed, rushing over to greet him. Keeley moved away and Rebecca stepped into Ted’s embrace. Her head found the spot on his shoulder where she could breath him in and his arms wrapped around her back.
“Hey Becca. Think you’re a little underdressed.” He mumbled into her ear before kissing her cheek. She could feel his large, warm hands directly on her back.
“I’ll get that, thanks Ted.” Keeley said with a knowing grin. The zip slid up and Rebecca adjusted the dress.
“You look beautiful.” He smiled, next to her, Keeley cleared her throat. “You too, Keeley. As always.”
“Charmer. I’ll go and get Roy and Matt and we’ll go to the bar before we head out. It’s cold out there, we’ll need a stiff drink to keep us warm!” Keeley left, leaving the suite door open. Rebecca reached for her shoes, Ted offered his hand so she could step up into them.
“How was your flight? How’s Henry?”
“He’s really good, thanks. The flight was fine”
“And Kansas?”
“It’s still there.” She smiled softly at his reply, cupping his cheek in her hand.
“Can we Oklahoma later?” He asked.
“Of course, darling.” He held up her thick woolen coat so she could put it on. She took the opportunity for one more hug before they left for the bar. “It’s so good to see you.”
“You too, sweetheart.”
“Come on, let me introduce you to Matthijs.”
The bar was beginning to fill up - everyone had the same idea of warming up with alcohol before the ceremony. Trent was pouring brandy into a hip flask while members of the team passed glasses of whiskey down the line. They all stopped for Ted. Various shouts of "Coach!" or "Ted!" rung out and everyone crowded him to shake his hand, clap him on the shoulder, or, in Dani’s case, cry into his arms. Rebecca went to the bar for the usual triple Jack Daniels while she waited for them to settle down. She took it with her to where Keeley stood with Roy and Matthijs. 
"He's a popular man." Matthijs said, gesturing with his glass. 
"Always has been." Keeley smiled, "It's good to see them all together again."
"They've really missed him. Is Dani still crying?" Rebecca leaned over to look around.
"Dani's been crying all week, loves a wedding." Roy grumbled.
"It's sweet, leave him alone." Keeley elbowed him in the ribs. Eventually, Ted was able to make his way over. He greeted Roy first with a handshake, then with a huge hug. 
"Good to see you Roy Kent. Where's our Beardo?"
"Just trimming his beardo. I've sent Will to hurry him up. Nate and Jade are on their way down from their room,"
"Leslie and Julie are just out putting some things in their car." Keeley interrupted. 
"And I think that's everyone organised." Roy finished. 
"Ooh, look at you So Solid Crew!"
"Ted, you know who the So Solid Crew are?" Keeley looked incredulous. 
"I do not, no. They came on the radio one time when I was back in Richmond." Rebecca turned to Ted and gestured towards Matthijs,
"Ted, I'd like you to meet Matthijs. We first met in Amsterdam. Matt, this is one of my very closest friends, Ted."
"Ted, it's nice to meet you." Matthijs and Ted shook hands firmly. Keeley watched wide eyed as the knuckles of both men whitened.
"You too, Matthijs. Heard a lot about you." Ted replied with a tight smile.
"Great, great, love an intro!" Keeley jumped in, grabbing Ted's drink from Rebecca and handing it to him. 
"Whistle! Whistle! Drink up you lot, time to get on the bus down to the ceremony. 10 minutes!"
"I love it when you get all Coach on them, babe." Keeley winked. Jamie came over with her coat over his arm. He held it out for her. "Thanks, Jamie! Are they all ready to go?"
"Nearly, yeah. Hiya Ted." He stepped into the centre of the group to shake Ted's hand, but the elder man grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a Lasso hug.
"Jamie Tartt, how you doin'?! Walk with me, huh? I want to tell you about Henry’s football team." Ted thanked Rebecca for the drink and moved away with Jamie. There were two buses organised to take the team, staff and various plus ones to the ceremony, along with Beard and Jane. At Stonehenge, the sun was starting to set, Ted was able to get Beard alone for a short time while everyone else stood around in small groups. It was a lovely ceremony, short but sweet. As the sun disappeared over the horizon, the cold set in and people started to shiver and pass Trent’s hip flask around until the contents were exhausted. They made their way back to the buses to go back to the hotel to warm up and party. As the groups got off and made their way inside, Matthijs pulled Rebecca to one side. 
"I have to go. I'll see you in a few days?" She nodded, 
"Yes, have a safe trip." He leaned in to kiss her but she locked eyes with Ted over his shoulder, Ted was glaring at them. She turned her face just slightly so that Matthijs kissed her cheek instead. He frowned a little, but didn't call her out on it. As he left, he raised his hand in a brief wave to Ted who didn't wave back. Rebecca stayed outside for a moment, to watch him leave, Ted made his way across the front steps of the hotel to join her. “I do believe it’s your round Coach Lasso.” She said pointedly, turning for the entrance. “I need a drink to warm me up.”
“Is he nice to you?”
“He is, yes. Far nicer than I’ve been to him to be honest. I’ve not been the easiest person to live with in the last 6 months. Anyone inside that hotel will attest to that.”
“And are you happy?”
“I’m not unhappy. Sometimes that’s good enough for the time being. And you?” He hummed softly in agreement. 
“Think you’re probably right. Sometimes you do the right thing just to get to the other side. Does that constitute us both Oklahoma’d?”
“I think so for tonight. Don’t want to bring the place down do we?” She smiled sadly.
He followed her up the grand steps, his hand at the small of her back first remembering the softness of her skin from their earlier hug and then remembering the warmth under his palm 6 months ago as she ground her body against his. The second memory caused his hand to tense against her, gripping the fabric of her dress. If she noticed, she didn’t say a word.
As anticipated, the party was in full swing. The Richmond Team loved any excuse to let their hair down and have fun together. In Amsterdam, they could have gone their separate ways and done what they’d all wanted, instead they tried to work it out together under Isaac’s leadership and favoured spending time together doing nothing rather than doing something alone or in smaller groups. No one was planning on a pillow fight this evening though, to Keeley’s disappointment. They danced and drank and sang long into the night, Rebecca finally collapsed into a sofa  and kicked off her high heeled boots. Ted dropped down next to her, slumping into the seat. The combination of a lot of whiskey and jet lag was beginning to hit him hard. She reached over and used a hand to brush his hair back and out of his eyes, not quite realising what she was doing until her hand was actually in his hair. She drew it back quickly,
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. It was just a, y’know,”
“Subconscious action.”
“Yeah. I haven’t seen you much? No dance for me?”
“I’ve been with the fellas. Wasn’t really sure a dance was a good idea given our history.”
“We’re still friends, Ted?”
“Oh I know we are.” His voice dropped, “I’m just not usually in the habit of fucking my friends, Rebecca.” 
“Is this because of Matt? I am allowed to date. Sleeping with you doesn’t mean that I don’t get a life of my own, surely you date?”
“Of course you are. I just, I wasn’t expecting him to be here.” He ignored her last question. They sat in silence for a short time, watching Jamie and Will leading an impromptu Macarena to a song which was most definitely not the Macarena.
“He’s not here now.” She said, barely above a whisper.
“No he’s not.” He slid his hand across the seat of the sofa to rest next to hers and drew random patterns on her palm with his fingertip. “I’m glad he’s not.”
“Why? Jealous?” She teased.
“I am, yeah. Very.” He caught her surprised look. “Why is that a surprise?”
“I didn’t think you’d be like that.” She replied honestly.
“Rebecca, for as long as I’ve known you, the thought of another man touching you has driven me near insane. The thought of Rupert treating you so badly when he should have been worshiping you made me crazy. And now that I know what you sound like? What you taste like? How you feel underneath me? Well shit Rebecca, I’m sorry but I don’t want anyone else to know those things about you.” He felt her breathing change beside him, saw the flush on her chest. She didn’t say anything, unsure of what to say. Eventually, Roy came over and asked if she wanted to dance. She didn’t bother putting her boots back on, warning him to stay away from her toes.
“So why does Ted look like he’s chewing a wasp?”
“It’s November Roy, there are no wasps.”
“You know what I mean, Blondie. You upsetting him again?”
“Why do I always get the blame? The only thing I’ve apparently done wrong is bring my boyfriend to a wedding.”
“So uhh, which boyf-”
“Fuck off, Kent. You know I mean Matt.” 
“Sorry, sorry. I know. He’s jealous then.”
“He has no reason to be jealous. I’m not, I have never been, in a relationship with Ted. My feelings for him are entirely different and separate to the way I feel about Matt.”
“Ted thinks he’s losing that battle then.”
“There is no fucking battle, Roy.” 
“Do you or do you not care more about Ted? If they were about to be eaten by a shark, which one would you save? Who would get your kidney? Who would you share your last chocolate with? Who’s seen you at your lowest point?” Rebecca glared at him. “I know the answer is Ted. You know the answer is Ted. Ted thinks that the answer to at least 4 of those questions is Matt. Who is a lovely bloke by the way - I’m not shitting on Matt, he’s just had a hard act to follow. It’s like auditioning for something after Chris fucking Rock has just been and impressed everyone.”
“Wish I’d never said yes to a dance now.” She grumbled. “It’s late. I’ve had a lot to drink. I’m going to bed.” Roy pulled her into his arms properly and kissed her cheek.
“Just looking after you, boss.”
“Thank you, Roy.” She stopped on her way across the dancefloor to wave to and hug different groups of people goodnight, letting Keeley wrap her tiny arms around her, and accepting kisses from her very drunk and boisterous footballers. She stopped off to say goodnight to Beard and Jane, Leslie and Julie and Trent, then she went back to where Ted sat on the sofa. Her spot was now taken up by Nate with Jade on his lap. “I’m going to call it a night. See you all later.” She squeezed Nate’s shoulder and smiled warmly at Jade. “Nathan, could you remind the bar to close off the bar tab on my suite once everyone is finished, please? They have the details already.”
“Will do, thank you.”
“You’re in the habit of these small acts of kindness, boss.” Ted smiled.
“I learned from the best. Walk me back to my room, Ted? Just in case I don’t see you tomorrow.”
“Sure thing.” He took her boots from her hand and let her lead him from the room.
They walked slowly down the winding corridors to the rooms and suites of the hotel.
“It wasn’t my intention to make you jealous, Ted. I didn’t think it would be a big deal. You’re living in Kansas, this is the first time you’ve been back. We knew we only had one night, I was never going to put my life on hold, I made my feelings clear and I was never going to try and strongarm you into changing your mind. Not when it came to Henry.”
“I appreciate that. Though I would pay to see you strongarm someone.”
“Next time you visit, come to the club. Roy bears the brunt regularly.” She laughed. When they reached her door, she hesitated. “Would you like to come in?”
“Thought we only had one night? Thought you were happy with M-”
“Don’t.” She whispered, pressing a finger to his lips. “Please don’t. I don’t want to think about that right now.” He nodded, kissing her fingertip. She turned the key in the lock and pulled him with her into the room. He crowded her immediately, hands in her hair, trailing down to her waist and hips, pulling at her dress. She looped her arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely. He unzipped her dress and let it puddle at her feet. He nudged her through the room to the bed. She was overwhelmed by the memories of 6 months previously, her body instantly responding to his large hands and the tickle of his mustache. He deepened the kiss, earning a low moan as Rebecca tried to control her hands long enough to try and remove his shirt. He tipped them onto the bed, the length of his body pressing against her. He pressed his palm against her, grinding it against her clit through her underwear. “Fuck, Ted I missed you.” She felt him laugh against her neck.
“Oh yeah? Sure you missed me or is it something else you missed?”
“Everything, all of you. Please, Ted.”
“No one fucks you like I do.” He pulled back to look her in the eye, his hand not stopping. She gripped his biceps,
“God, don’t stop.”
“No one fucks you like I do.” He repeated, she nodded,
“No one fucks me like you do, Ted.” She gasped With a final, firm press of his palm against her, she threw her head back, coming with a guttural groan. “No one, Ted. No one. Only you.” He removed his hand and she whined with the loss of contact. He slipped her underwear down her legs, then he finished taking off his shirt and worked his way out of his suit trousers. She reached out to touch him but he moved away.
“Not this time, baby. Turn over.” She did as she was told and moved onto her knees. He gripped her hips harshly, she knew there would be little bruises. “Yes?” He leaned his body over her to whisper in her ear. She nodded. “Words honey, I wanna hear you say it.”
“Yes, Ted, god yes.” He pushed into her quickly. She grabbed at the bedsheets under her hands and called out in surprise. He pounded into her, pressing her lower back down and pulling her hips up to meet his. He reached out to unclip her bra and she raised up to her knees so she could remove it. He wrapped an arm around her to cup her breasts and hold her against him as she met him thrust for thrust. He bit her earlobe,
“Touch yourself sweetheart.” He demanded. She moved a hand down to her clit and touched herself as he’d asked. “You gonna come again?” He asked.
“Yes, yesss.” She sighed, desperate for the release she was so close to. He pinched her nipple hard and the perfect combination of pleasure and pain had her moaning and grinding down into him as she came. He held her tightly, kissing her neck and jaw as he spilled into her a second later, her name growled low into her ear. She let her legs relax and moved to lay down on her stomach. He moved with her, holding her more gently now and massaging her hips where his hands had held her so tightly. He kissed the back of her neck and shoulders, sweeping her hair out of the way. “That was intense.” She mumbled into the pillow when she was finally able to speak. “I’ve never seen you like that before.” She rolled onto her back to see him smirking.
“Guess the green eyed monster got to me.” He admitted. “You’re beautiful. Did I hurt you?” She shook her head.
“Will you stay?”
“Do you want me to?” She nodded. She went to clean up in the bathroom first, when he returned afterwards, she was responding to a text. “Will you two be ok?”
“I won’t tell him, if that’s what you mean. I feel awful, truly I do. I just can’t stay away from you.” He pulled her to sit between his legs and held her as they fell asleep.
“I know what you mean honey.”
This time, he was gone by morning. Rebecca woke up alone. A note on hotel stationery on the table by her phone.
If I wake up with you this time, I’m afraid I’ll never leave. - T xo
She considered ordering breakfast to her room, afraid to bump into him in the restaurant. Instead, she texted Keeley to ask for moral support and made sure that she went down with her, Roy and Jamie. Ted was already down there at a table with Will, Nate, Jade and a handful of players. Leslie and Julie were nursing a few players at their table and Beard and Jane were nowhere to be seen. Rebecca gave a small smile and nod as she caught Ted’s eye, but didn’t move to join their table. Jamie and Roy demolished the biggest breakfasts she’d ever seen while she nursed a cup of tea and a chocolate croissant. 
“I can’t believe you’re already going, Ted!” Keeley said sadly when he joined them.
“Just a flyin’ visit this time Keels. Maybe next time I’ll be able to stay a few days.”
“You’d better. I want to see you properly!”
“Good to see you all. I’ll speak to y’all soon ok?” He hugged Roy warmly, and Jamie, then moved around the table to say goodbye to Keeley. When he stopped in front of Rebecca she stood to embrace him. “You take care, Rebecca.” He nodded, dropping a brief, chaste kiss to her cheek.
“Goodbye Ted, I’m glad you could make it.” She watched him walk away before sitting back down next to Keeley who looked to the door then back to Rebecca putting two and two together. “Don’t say a word please, Keeley. Not a word.” She hissed quietly so that only Keeley and Roy could hear. She could already feel the guilt gnawing at her.
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x-rainflame-x · 2 years
Hi there, I know I’m an anon but, can I ask you something? As in, for some advice?
So basically, I have been in a writer’s block for a long time (as in years) and I kept missing writing and feeling like a big part of myself was missing. In those years I had a lot going on in my life, and got an anxiety disorder. In these past months I joined a new fandom, and I’ve been reading lots of fics of it and having lots of ideas to write, most of which were exciting for me to have and think about, but anxiety has been taking its toll on me lately and I keep worrying about worse case scenarios such as, “would I end up burning out on this thing I like if I wrote fics for the main fandom I read fics of?” or “how do people even write I’d probably be the worst writer ever in the fandom compared to everyone else”. You’re a prolific writer so I was wondering, do you ever struggle with these things and have any advice on that? Is it possible to read and write fics for the same fandom and not burn out? Or to regain motivation and enthusiasm after comparing yourself to others? (Because I guess not comparing yourself to others eventually is probably, almost unavoidable). And… do you think the worst case scenarios that we writers fear will happen, end up happening? 😅
Sorry for the length, I really hope this ask is okay to send. Thanks a lot in advance, please take care and stay safe ❤️
You absolutely may! Sure, I can share my limited worldview, and hopefully it will give you some perspective :) A long ask demands a long response, so I have drafted, for your pleasure, a small essay xD
So as you ask this, it’s been almost a year since I‘ve updated either of my multichaps that I’ve got going. I’ve just watched season 2 of Tiger and Bunny and you caught me thinking up oneshot ideas for a fandom that I haven’t written for in roughly a decade three minutes before I saw this ask. Fandom devotion is fine, but not a requirement to write fic c: Burnout happens! It happens when you’ve got a lot going on in your personal/professional life, it happens when you find other hobbies you love, and it happens when you find other fandoms you enjoy.
The comparison game will sap your joy like you wouldn’t believe. There will always be someone better than you and there will always be someone worse, but no one will ever write what you write. They may write the same tropes and the same basic arcs, but no one will interpret that character or write that line in the exact same way you will. You have your own beautiful interpretation, your own unique take to bring to the table. Contentment is not a level you reach, but a daily practice. That doesn’t mean you’re not trying to get better and hone your craft, but it means you can be thankful for where you’re at while working to improve. When you get frustrated with your writing, understand that this just means you are growing and learning to see your own mistakes. It’s a sign of becoming a better writer. Take heart!
I’ve got dozens of fics under my belt, have had way more encouragement than negativity from the beautiful folks on the internet, and I still question my writing abilities every time I open that word doc. I guarantee you that the best writer you know has these thoughts too. Personally, I have to constantly remind myself that my worth does not come from my writing.
Will you be prolific? Will you be consistent? It’s possible, but it’s not a requirement! Will you love these characters and your fandom forever? Probably not, and that’s fine! It’s a hobby, not your life, and the moment it becomes your life I encourage you to step back and reevaluate why you’re here. We’re here for fun! We’re here to play and explore, to have adventures. We’re here to experience the world through someone else’s eyes and to take part in one of the oldest and most basic parts of humanity: telling stories.
What’s the worst thing that could happen if you just stopped updating? What’s the worst thing that could happen if you burned out on your fandom? The world will keep spinning. Someone will miss your updates, you might “miss” updating, someone might leave a demanding comment, but I guarantee it’s all survivable. At the end of the day though, only you can decide if it’s worth the risk.
Just be careful about where you are searching for your value, because I promise that nothing you find in fandom or in this silly world will satisfy. Worst case scenarios are unlikely, and yet, they happen all the time. But it will all come back to: why are you writing? If it’s because it brings you joy, then please write, because this world needs more joy.
So find your fandom friends and encouragers, find community. Brainstorm and role play. Write multichaps or flash fiction, write haiku or oneshots, write for one fandom or for a different fandom every Tuesday, throw out six chapters and never update again, but don’t forget to have fun 💜
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maineventbts · 2 years
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Note: this is just a practice and will have a part two, depending on the reaction. my apologies if it is too short, i have been studying. enjoy ! <3
Word Count: 939
Warnings: Explicit language, slight sexual content.
“Can you pay attention for just one seco-“
Already frustrated, your body continues to fill with rage, as you are ignored. “I’m busy, just show me later” your boyfriend grunts as his fingers aggressively mash the keys on his keyboard. Hair ruffled due to frustration and his headset, Jungkook has been sitting in his gaming chair for hours. Ever since he bought his new PC, you’ve had very few conversations with him, only about what he wants to eat. You’ve tried to suppress your feelings, being understanding of him wanting to use his break to its fullest extent. You had plans to spend time cuddled up in bed, catching up with each other, just making up for lost time. Instead, he’s giving all of his time and attention to Jimin, Taehyung, and that godforsaken game. You’ve accepted defeat but still hoped that he’d listen to this exciting piece of information you had to share eventually.
Too irritated to put up a fight, you turn on your heels and exit the area. As you’ve made it back inside your room, you take a deep breath, in attempt to calm yourself down. Being pushed to the side has begun to take its toll on your, while you continue your sad attempts to convince yourself that you’re just needy.
You just got an amazing job offer in your field and wanted to share the excitement with your boyfriend, is that too much to ask?
Annoyed with the previous encounter, you push back the covers of your shared bed and lie down. Scrolling through TikTok. Eyes focused on your screen, as you attempt to drown out the agitated shouts from your annoying lover across the hall, your eyes feel heavy, and you feel like you are slowly floating off of your bed. The grip on your phone loosens, and you fall into a light slumber.
Although your eyes have opened, the room is pitch black. It’s been a few hours since you fell asleep, and you definitely feel calmer than before. Pushing back on your elbows, you attempt to sit up on the bed. “Hey love” a muffled grunt comes from right next to you, and a large palm gently collides with your waist.
Fighting the urge to push his hand away, you throw your arm over to your nightstand to turn on a light.
Jungkook sighs nervously as he retracts his hands and begins to sit up. Eyebrows raised and arms angrily crossed against your chest, you begin to question him. “Hey? That’s all you have to say?” Rubbing his hands over his eyes, inhaling as he thinks about what he needed to say to you. Before he even opens his mouth to speak, his left hand wraps around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “Now you want to pay attention to me,” your words come out swiftly and quietly, as the aggression begins to leave your system.
Biting the flesh upon his bottom lip, Jungkook’s eyes travel across your face, as his hand caresses your cheek. He feels bad about ignoring you and wants to ensure that his apology is thorough and sincere.
“I’ve been a jerk lately, and I’m sorry. It’s not an excuse, but I got wrapped up in the game with Jimin and Tae. I should’ve been more receptive to what you wanted to show me, instead of blowing you off.” A look of regret is painted across Jungkook’s face, evident that he regrets putting you off to the side. “Now, i understand if you don’t want to show me anymore, but I’d like to hear about it.” Your eyes scan the regretful face in front of you as you exhale. His sweet doe-eyes staring deep into your own, hoping that he hasn’t ruined your entire mood. “Actually, I wanted to tell you something,” you correct him as you begin to tell him all about the opportunity you’ve been given.
Once you’ve finished giving him the exciting news, your body is pulled even closer to his, as he peppers kisses all over your face, muttering different words of congratulations. “ My smart girl, I’m so proud of you,” he exclaims as the most blinding smile is plastered on his face. With all the love and affection you’re receiving, your previous anger has subsided, and you feel content.
“Now, clearly we have to celebrate your big brain” his lips carefully curl into a smirk, as twisted thoughts travel in his mind, “but first, i need to make my pretty girl feel better.”
It takes a moment for Jungkook’s words to finally hit you, but his hands are already caressing your lower back, as he presses his soft lips up against yours.
Your body heat starts to rise as a soft giggle leaves your lips, “Will you let me make it up to you, hm ?” He mutters against your lips in a sultry tone. Your brain becomes mush as your body becomes putty in his hands.
Nodding your head quickly, no time is wasted as you are pulled across his lap, mouths still smashed against each other. Jungkook pulls away, as he grips the bottom of your shirt, pulling it over your head. “So beautiful” he speaks softly has his hands come up to massage your breasts and his mouth latches on to your collarbone. Brain too clouded to form actual words, your lips slightly part, letting a breathless moan escape.
Only Jungkook can get you like this; thoughts empty, soaking wet over a few words, and begging for more. ‘“fu-ck” you trip over your words as his tough hands keep a hold of your hips, guiding your clothed core over his growing cock.
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jeonfiles · 3 years
once more to see you | kth 01
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pairing: taehyung x reader ft. seokjin
genre: angst, fluff, unrequited love
synopsis: taehyung is the complete opposite of you, and you're so in love with him. he's not interested in you at all, but he's willing to pretend so he won't be known for breaking the sweetest girl in school's heart. he knows you'll end up hurt either way.
warnings: taehyung is an idiot, a lot of pining, y/n is annoyingly dependent on validation, y/n does a lot of silent prayers, y/n is a track star, childhood bsf seokjin (cute), mentions of deceased family member
music for this chap: she had the world , carry me out
a/n: taehyung will disappoint u in the beginning but hes cute i promise
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"I get why you like him Y/N," Sohee swallowed the rest of her sandwich before finishing her sentence, "He's so hot. People say he's interested in you too, y'know?"
Sohee visibly tried to get food out from the back of her mouth using her tongue, and it made you chuckle at the sight. "I don't think he does." You sighed, resting your chin in your palm.
You were both situated at the table in the inner corner of the cafeteria, with a full view of who walks in the door, and sometimes you swore you could see Sohee drool when attractive guys walked in that exact door.
"Hello, of course, he does! Even his friend Jimin told Kang Seulgi from Class 1, who told Go Euntaek in class 3, who eventually told his girlfriend Baek Ho-rang who ran to me to tell me the great news." Sohee gasped for air after rambling, and you rolled your eyes,
"Stories change when that many links contribute." You scoffed, sitting back in your chair and reaching for your juice box on the table, taking a huge slurp, which you knew would annoy Sohee.
"You don't believe me? Guess we gotta ask a link closer to the source then." Sohee stood up from her chair, and you looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Park Jimin, get your ass over here will ya?" She nearly shouted across the cafeteria, and now all looks were pointed at you two, and you felt the urge to just slip down the cracks of the floor tiles and hide there forever grow stronger for each nanosecond.
You sunk further down on your tacky, orange chair, but you could still see Jimin's black locks sway a little over the crowd as he walked over to the table you were sitting at.
"What's up sugar?" Jimin smirked at Sohee, and Sohee didn't even budge, and you had no idea how she did it. He was stupidly attractive and could make any girl drop her pants with a comment like that.
"Jimin my dearest, a little birdie told me that Taehyung likes my sweet Y/N, could you confirm?" She batted her long lashes and smiled prettily at Jimin.
He looked to the left, sucked his teeth, and said, "I can't, I'm sorry." You realized you had grown a little too hopeful, and your heart sunk quite a bit when he spoke.
"Does he think I'm pretty at least?" You spoke up, eyes shining when you looked up towards the standing Jimin, the harsh lights in the cafeteria reflecting in them.
"He hasn't mentioned you much, to be quite honest." He shrugged, walking back to his table, where Taehyung and the rest of his friends sat.
Your heart thumped when he met your eyes, and you looked away in panic. The rest of lunch was just Sohee apologizing and you avoiding eye contact with any of the students at the nearby tables.
Jimin mentioned you and Sohee's name several times, he was a loud speaker, and you were so scared of what he was saying you could probably die right then and there.
Saved by the bell, you picked up your stuff and got ready to start running to your classroom, praying you wouldn't meet any of Taehyung's friends, and especially not Taehyung as you ran Usain Bolt style.
You looked down while running, not thinking twice about leaving your best friend behind, you suddenly fell to the ground with a thud. This was surely not one of your glory days.
When you looked up, you wanted to cry. It was none other than Kim Taehyung, and he didn't look pleased. You gathered your things and muttered "Sorry." under your breath probably about 10 times, and he just watched, disappointingly.
"You're a klutz. Why were you running?" He spoke, and your knees turned into jelly when you tried to stand up, you nearly fell and dropped all your stuff again, but he caught you by the arm, straightening you up like it was nothing.
"Uh... Uhm... Err..." you mumbled, and he rolled his eyes, and not in a joking manner. "Fuck that, why are you going around telling people I like you?"
Your breath hitched, and he stared at you coldly. "I didn't! Gosh, my friend Sohee told me someone had told her that you liked me, and- uh... We asked Jimin, and-" He put his hand over your mouth, making you shut up.
"I don't want you two to go around making up baseless rumors about me, it's incredibly annoying for me to go around correcting people who assume shit just because your little friend speaks louder than a bunch of hyenas at a tea party." Taehyung nearly spat, and you took a step back.
You noticed that people were listening in, their stares burning holes in your back. He was livid, and you didn't understand why, you just smiled, praying to god that this would end soon.
"I just thought you liked me-" You began, and he interrupted you, "You thought I was gonna like someone like you? Get over yourself and enter the real world."
The hallway went silent, your lips trembled as hot tears raced down your face, and like the track star you were, you fled the scene and passed the finish line into the bathrooms.
You stayed till the school day ended, not knowing what was unraveling outside the four walls of the stall.
Sohee 💜: 01:12 pm
Y/N, where are you? i heard what happened :( i hate taehyung im gonna chop his sausage off
Sohee 💜: 01:38 pm
taehyung is fighting w doyoung because doyoung decided to defend you this is hilarious
but fr where are you
Sohee 💜: 01:57 pm
doyoung gave taehyung a black eye damn
doyo is on the verge of tears when taehyung said you liked him and not doyo
taehyung cant not have feelings for you like there must be smth deeper going on
Sohee 💜: 03:39 pm
class just ended i'll wait out back
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Sohee always knew when to leave you alone, so she did, partially. You usually shut off your phone when you're upset, but she still sends you texts to update you whenever you turn it back on.
This time, it was quite dramatic, and you rushed out of the icky stall and ran (again) to reach Sohee to get the full story, and as you expected, it was interesting.
"Basically, Doyoung punched Taehyung and Taehyung was a little too OP, so he failed to initiate a fight, so it just turned into Taehyung being an ass to Doyoung for defending you." She shrugged, adjusting the straps of her leather backpack as you walked home.
"Taehyung's rep is so tainted right now, I don't know how he's gonna fix this my dear Y/N, so I guess he got his karma. He's an idiot and I'm glad other people are starting to see."
You nodded yes, pushing out a fake chuckle, while silently you prayed that everything would soon be back to normal and that Taehyung would forgive you for the mess you caused.
Being in love with Taehyung for a year had taken a toll on you, and your best friend since freshman year had noticed too. You were different.
You used to be so independent and optimistic, but now you would strive for validation, and you had turned into one of the most insecure people Sohee had ever met.
Sohee tried to pull you away from him, but to her demise, it only got worse when you tried to meet other guys. She figured that the only way for you to disconnect from him was if you had your go with him, or if he treated you like a complete idiot.
You waved goodbye to Sohee as you entered your house, kicking off your shoes and throwing yourself down on the couch. You wanted to scream, but you saw your brother's and another guy's shoes in your hallway, so you kept it inside.
After having watched an episode of Seinfeld, you could hear the floorboards creak, and your gaze found its way to the hallway, where your brother, Yoongi stood, peeking out from his door.
"Ah, Y/N, you're the one who's home?" He smiled brightly, eyes turning into small crescents, which made you awe at the sight.
"Yuppers." You said and sat back again, pressing play to start the next episode. "Who's your guest?" And as you uttered your last word, another head peeked out from the door, and you couldn't help but feel the happiness brew inside you.
It was Kim Seokjin in all his glory, and this time, he looked even hotter. It had been about two years since you last saw him because he moved to Germany to study medicine.
Seokjin had been your neighbor since you were born, and you pretty much grew up with two older brothers who always took care of you.
No one dared to mess with you, because Seokjin and Yoongi always got to them first. That way, you grew up without a care in the world, protected from all evil.
You had no idea when you fell in love with him. It was somewhere during puberty, where your interest in Brad Pitt and Kim Soohyun from Dream High had grown stronger.
You remember Seokjin was scouted for modeling, acting, and even idol groups all through your childhood. He did a few ads, photoshoots, a popular teenage drama called Double Trouble, and even managed to get his own Wikipedia page.
There was no doubt that Seokjin was an attractive man, and in the two years he had been gone, his face fat was completely gone, and he had defined cheekbones, a slimmer and tighter figure, and you thought he couldn't be any more perfect.
"None other than God himself," Seokjin said smugly, opening his arms to greet you with a hug, and you threw your blanket you were covered into the side as you bolted into Seokjin's arms, legs wrapped around his waist.
He slowly put you down so your feet touched the parquet, and you felt a kind of euphoria as he smiled at you again, the same smile he had flashed you as long as you could remember.
Everything about Seokjin had matured and changed, but his smile remained the same. "What are you doing back?" You sniffled, holding back the happy tears that were forming in your eyes.
"Hey, don't get me wrong, I love Germany, but it's a little bland. I miss ahjumnas complimenting me on the subway and the bomb ass food here in SK." Seokjin grinned as he wiped a tear that fell down your face.
Yoongi was leaning against the door frame, smiling at the grand reunion. You knew he liked seeing you two together, and you had a small suspicion about him shipping you guys.
"Please don't ever leave again." You gripped onto his shirt, digging your face down in his chest, and he said, "I swear to god if you're wearing makeup right now-"
You laughed as you pushed him away, placing your hands below your chin and batting your eyelashes dramatically, "I'm all-natural."
"Naturally pretty." Seokjin leaned forward and whispered in your ear, and your heart did a little somersault.
Seokjin's always been a charmer.
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You woke up in your room, pink sheets draped over your half-naked body as tons of messages poured in on your phone, vibrating so much it nearly fell off the edge of your nightstand.
You grab it while rubbing your eyes, and you're shocked to see the messages that had exploded on your lock screen.
Unknown: 08:39 am
Hey, it's Kim Taehyung.
Look, I'm sorry for the shit I said to you and I would love to make it up to you in some kind of way.
Maybe I could take you out?
I get it if you don't want to, but I heard you were interested in me so...
What kinda food do you like? Activities, hobbies?
I really wanna make this right :)
You: 08:43 am
oh hey! I'd love to, you kinda owe me one. if it's your treat, I suppose we could get some sushi and boba...
btw I don't like u like that
Contact made, saved as "taehyung <3" at 08:44 am
taehyung <3: 08:47 am
Okay. Meet me at Nori Table at 6 pm. Don't make me wait.
Your heart was palpitating, and when you pressed your phone up to your chest, you could feel your body heat up from your scalp to your toes.
Maybe Kim Taehyung had no interest in you right now, but he sure would after tonight. You were gonna make him love you, soon enough,
Running to the shower a few hours of Seinfeld later, you scrubbed with all your might with your newest strawberry scrub, did your makeup, curled your hair, and sat down on the couch, outfit draped over the armrest of the chair.
It was an hour till you were leaving, so for the time being you sat with hair rollers in your hair, dressed in pink sweats. Seokjin and Yoongi had been awake all night, you had heard them laugh and play Mario Cart all night, it reminded you of old times.
Old times where you went to bed crying because Yoongi and Seokjin's bedtime was later than yours at sleepovers. Thinking back, your parents made a pretty rational decision, but you resented them for it.
When Seokjin left for school in Germany, during your Sophomore year you cried again. You thought it was so unfair that you had to be two years younger, why couldn't you come with him?
You were painfully in love with him, and you had been probably since you were. A few months after he moved, your feelings faded. You were love-free, only to fall stupidly in love again with Taehyung just a year later.
You were forced to snap out of your train of thought because you heard the floorboards creak again. When you looked over at the dark hallway, you saw a tired, yet familiar face smile at you.
Seokjin looked quite disoriented, hair ruffled and eyes puffy, yet he looked like a Greek god. Sculpted to perfection, he smiled at you like he did yesterday and all the times before.
"Morning." He grunted out, his morning voice prominent. You chuckled when you looked at the time, feeling kind of bad for Seokjin who had slept away the majority of his day, which you knew he didn't like.
"It's 5 pm, cutie. Mom said you guys could order takeout, cause she's working late." You stood up, and Seokjin gave you a good look up and down, and then diverted his gaze to the lavender ruffle skirt and white long-sleeve blouse you had neatly hung over the armchair.
"What's the occasion?" He nodded over at the clothes and then your hair rollers and full-face makeup-covered face. He threw a few walnuts from the little bowl on the coffee table into his mouth.
"It's none of your business, but I have a date tonight," you said smugly, and a walnut flew out of Seokjin's mouth in shock.
"A date? Like a real one?" He frantically asked, and you nodded as you walked away with your outfit in hand.
You came back out minutes later, and Seokjin had to hold his mouth shut so it wouldn't drop to the floor. You had matured so well, a white blouse adorning your waist, and the lavender skirt hugged your curves nicely.
You had decorated your neck and ears with golden jewelry, and you had a pair of Air forces dangling from your left hand. You were beautiful, hair let free from the hair rollers, curls swaying as you did a twirl.
"It's alright, I guess." He pretended not to care, and your proud grin morphed into a frown pretty quickly, and he noticed.
He stood up and walked towards you, standing very close. His tall figure was hovering over you. Seokjin leaned forward towards your ear, not whispering this time,
"You're gorgeous." He pushed your curls behind your shoulder, adjusting your golden necklace as he returned to Yoongi's bedroom.
You were screwed.
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The time on your phone showed 6:06 pm. You recall him saying ‘don’t be late’. What a hypocrite. It had started to pour down, so you were squeezed up against the brick wall of the restaurant so the ledge above you would shield you from the rain.
You were shaking from the cold, legs exposed because of your skirt. Sighing deeply, you reached down into your purse to text Taehyung, but when you looked up, you saw him running over to you.
He was holding a bouquet of pink delphinium and peonies. You’d always been interested in flowers, and this small gesture made you all fuzzy inside.
“I apologize for my late arrival m’lady. The flower shop was about to close down for the day, and I had to beg the cashier to let me in, promising to buy a huge bouquet if she did.” He smiled as he stood in front of you.
“No worries sir, I haven’t been waiting for long.” You chuckled, as you accepted the bouquet. His eyes scanned every inch of your body, and he said, “You’re shivering. Let’s go inside.”
This was a side of Taehyung you had barely seen before, caring and warm. This was also the side of him that initially made you fall for him.
The memories of him reading stories for children at the hospital was heartwarming. Whenever you went to visit your brother, who has now passed, you would see him read stories for all the unlucky kids.
Your brother, who was only 7 years old talked about Taehyung like a superhero, and it seemed as if Taehyung’s stories were the highlight of his days at the hospital.
Daejung wasn’t a kid you would pity. In his last months in the hospital he never once cried. You believed that Taehyung was a big part of the reason.
That’s why you fell in love with him. He hadn’t been a superhero in the form of saving lives, but he definitely made a whole lot of sick kids happier.
How could you ever repay him?
Taehyung rested a hand on your shoulder and lead you inside the door, and there stood a beautiful tall woman, black hair to her waist, almond-shaped eyes, and full lips.
She was beautiful. You looked up to see Taehyung’s reaction, and he wasn’t looking at her, he was looking at you. His eyes met yours, and you could’ve sword the whole world stopped.
“Excuse me?” An unfamiliar voice spoke up, and it kicked you right back into reality. It was the pretty woman speaking, an even prettier voice to match her.
“Do you have a reservation?” She questioned, smiling so genuinely from ear to ear. “Yes. It’s on Kim.” Taehyung spoke so confidently.
“Ah, for two. I’ll be your server tonight.” She waved for you to follow her, and before she turned around, you saw her name tag.
Bae Eunmi. A pretty name for a pretty person. Of course, she had to be pretty. Your confidence sunk even lower, and your insecurities grew.
“I’m not interested in her, by the way. I’ve talked to her before. She’s all beauty and no brains. Not for me.” Taehyung whispered into your ear, possibly to reassure you.
You sat down at the table and ordered a huge plate of different types of sushi, maki, nigiri, uramaki, and even sashimi.
This restaurant was fancy, nearly too fancy for your liking. It was huge and flashy, and it made you doubt your outfit choice completely.
The restaurant fell silent since there weren’t many guests here this early. The silence wasn’t awkward between you guys. It was just, too silent, and you decided to break it.
“Do you still write stories?” Taehyung’s face froze. How did you know about the stories he wrote? Had you been stalking him? Was this when everyone would find out how weak he truly is?
“How did you find out... About them?” He asked hesitantly, fidgeting with a small woven basket with bread placed on your table.
“When sun and moon met, moon felt bad. When the moon was alone at night, he cried, because he wanted to shine just like the sun.” You quote his story word by word, it was your favorite paragraph.
He looked at you with a confused look and his eyes told you that he wondered why you knew the story so well.
Before he could speak up, you said, “My brother's name was Daejung. He looked up to you and constantly told me about how he wanted to be like you when he grew up.” You placed your hands on top of his over the table.
Taehyung was speechless. He sat there, body completely frozen as he processed what you just said. The little boy he had mourned for many months was the same flesh and blood as you.
“Daejung told me how he wanted me to marry you because he thought no one else deserved me.” Letting go of his hands, he continued sitting completely still.
First, he felt disappointed in himself. Disappointed of the way he had treated you, how sad Daejung would be if he knew.
Second, he could see him in your traits. Your button nose matched his completely, and your eyes sparkled just the way his eyes did.
Third, he realized he had to take care of you. Fall in love with you, for Daejung. Taehyung had promised the little boy to take care of his friends and family when he has at his worst.
His expression completely changed. It softened, and his eyes looked at you like you were godsent. He believed you were too. It was fate.
join the “once more to see you” taglist
a/n: u guys know the angst isn't over lol u guys r never gonna see the light at the end of the tunnel ! this chapter was originally a bit longer but i have to test the waters and seeing how u guys like it !! pls reblog <3
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llamakenma · 3 years
Hiiiiii, can i req prompts 6 + 1 w/ tsukkiii with a little comfort (but that totally up to u) 🥺 luv ur works 💖💖💖
note: hello!! thank you so much!! here is your request,, hope you enjoy!
request: prompt 6 ("i'm sick of missing you when you are right here.") +prompt 1 ("It sucks. Because i want to hate you but i can't")
join my 500 follower event --> prompt list here!
' i like you tsukishima-kun! please go out with me!" you shouted, your face turning red with embarrassment every passing second. the bow you held started to took a toll on you as you shook with anticipation: he's going to say no though, what were you so excited about.
'okay. that's all right? i have to get to practice." he replied.
with an immediate raise of your head, you stared at the retreating figure that is now dubbed your boyfriend- he said yes, he said yes to you, when he had been rejecting countless of other girls left and right. you could not avoid the smile that was slowly creeping its way onto your lips: the tsukishima kei was now your boyfriend.
the first few days of your relationship was more than awkward to say the least, especially when you waited for him to walk back home together, not knowing that he was returning with yamaguchi. it was on the third day that yamaguchi caught up to the fact that you and tsukishima were a thing, how you ask? he was shocked to the bone from tsukishima's reply when he had informed him of the newly formed relationship.
and so, it came to the point where you would return with tsukishima, alone, everyday and attempting to start a talk, even if it were to be one-sided, in order to break the weighing silence. it went on like this, for a good week, give or take, until he started to crack jokes and make random comments about the topic. he would break a smile now and then, even laughing along with you at a silly moment you encountered during your day. you were getting comfortable around him, and even though tsukishima hated to admit, he was too.
he would bring you along with the volleyball team to get meat buns after school, or even to tutor the 'two idiots' just because you were slightly smarter than he had expected- slightly. it would eventually become a routine for you to cheer for him at his matches, and congratulating him after each victory.
you were content with the relationship you had, and you were more than happy that tsukishima was making time for you, you knew you shouldn't expect more than this, especially when you were still in doubt on whether tsukishima reciprocated your feelings. yet, the greed in you just wanted more, you wanted to hold hands with him, you longed to cuddle with him on the rainy days, and more than that you wanted to know him better, spend more time with him.
maybe it was a bad timing when you had asked him to spend his weekend with you, after their loss to aoba josai, just because you knew, despite him pretending not to feel anything, he was blaming himself for not being good enough.
'hey kei, do you want to spend the weekend with me?"
"no, y/n. you know i have practice."
then it went on, the same excuse went on, it had become repetitive to the point where you already knew the answer to your own question. it had become all about practice- it was always about practice. he didn't even have time to spare to walk home together with you - "go back home early y/n, i am staying late at practice tonight." even in class, you could see him spacing out the window, not even sparing you a glance when lunch time came around.
so of course, it was no surprise when exams were over and you still hadn't talk to tsukishima despite it being your 5th month anniversary.
he had to at least remember this right? you thought, but oh boy were you wrong. you somehow managed to find out that, not only did he not remember, but he was all the way over in tokyo, without even telling you that he was going. it was a training camp, they said, supposed to improve your skills by competing against other schools.
you scoffed, of course, it was about volleyball again. what made you believe that he would remember when he had not been around you for half the amount of time the relationship had started.
a week passed by in a flash, and it marked start of the new semester. you stepped into school, along with the thought of confrontation in your mind; you had thought about this the whole week, you really did not know how to reach out to him, all your efforts were all down the drain so far, and the condition your relationship was in, was no different from being single.
and that was how you ended up with tsukishima, at the back of the school, your fingers playing with each other. you had to say it to him, you had to tell him that the relationship was not working out and that you wanted to break up with him. but why does it feel so heavy now that you had to do it.
'go on y/n, spit it out. i still have practice.'
you bit your lips, practice still had to be included in this conversation didn't it.
'we're not working out kei. let's break up.'
it would be an understatement to say tsukishima was not expecting this at all- he had honestly thought he would never hear the words from you. he could feel his eyes widening in response to your words, and the panic rushing into every inch of his body. he was frozen in his place, his mouth trying to utter some words but none came out: you were breaking up with him?
the you, whose smile was brighter than the sun for him, whose eyes sparkled more than the glittering stars in the night sky, whose lips looked tastier than his favorite strawberry shortcake, whose personality never failed to bring a smile to his face. the you, who he had started to fall in love with?
no, there was no way he was going to let this happen, sure he feels more than guilty for avoiding you this past month, yet every time he saw your face the unsettling feeling in his stomach that made him want to jump around and scream that the most beautiful person in the world was dating him, made him scared. in addition to this, the unresisting urge to kiss you, and be with you all the time was making him restless. he could not pinpoint the reason for all these, until kuroo had forced him to talk everything out- even teasing him senseless about his love for you.
"wait, no... no y/n, let's not break up, i could do anything else, please let's not break up. let's talk this through okay, please."
"but kei, i'm sick of missing you when you're right here. i'm so so sick of being the only one who is trying to start up conversations and sparing time. it honestly feels no different from dating someone who did not exist kei. i feel so lonely."
tsukishima knew his ignorance would have had an effect on you, but it did not drive him to think about how lonely you must have felt in a relatioship without interaction, he did not think through about your feelings, and it made him uncomfortable knowing that he was the one at fault.
'i'm so sorry y/n, i promise i will make it up to you, so please y/n, please, please do not break up with me y/n, i have fallen for you to the point of no return y/n." he said, feeling more than desperate, as he pulled you into his arms. he could feel his shirt gradually getting wet with the tears you had finally shed.
your whines and sniffles made him more emotional than he thought it ever would, and he was so scared, he was so scared that he would lose you just like this, so he hugged you tighter, like you were going to disappear from his sight any second.
'then kei, please don't please me alone, i know i can't make an effort to break up with you the second time, and it sucks. it sucks because i want to hate you but i can't. "
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oneyeartoparty · 3 years
The brothers react to discovering they’re MC’s biggest fear
Wow the last few weeks have been hectic for me. Been feeling incredibly alone and don’t have anyone to talk to and found out I need surgery which will happen sometime soon. I’m glad to have gotten to motivation to get this out for you guys. I’ve a request coming next so keep an eye out. This one is based on how MC has been through so much and what if this affected MC greater than they realized? I hope you all enjoy this =)
WARNING: This react has spoilers for all of Obey Me up to Chapter 60
This story contains: Blood, mentions of death/murder, traumatic experiences.
Lucifer is cautious as he enters the room the bogeyman is hiding in with MC in tow.  Few things scare him, but what does are things he’d rather MC not know about.
Still, above all else he wants MC to be safe. If that means they find out something about him he’d rather them not know about, then so be it. Their safety and happiness are his priority.
As the bogeyman before them begins to warp its shape, he puts up his guard. With their combined power, Lucifer is sure the bogeyman, no matter which form it takes will be a triviality to deal with.
MC is too consumed by fear to see the shock and guilt consume Lucifer as, surprisingly, the bogeyman turns into him.
“Did you think you wouldn’t face consequences for your actions, MC? You’ve broken so many rules, interfered so much, that it's time you paid for your insolence with your pathetic human life!”
The real Lucifer was quick to banish his fake as it pounced on them. With it gone, he focused his full attention on MC, who was completely still, gazing at where the bogeyman once was.
He knelt, taking their hands in his own, rubbing them gently to slowly calm MC down. He told them he was sorry he’d scared them so badly. He would do whatever it took to fix his horrible mistake.
With a kiss to the back of their hand, he promised for as long as MC loved him, he would never do something to make them so scared again.
Mammon was already terrified at the thought of facing the bogeyman again. Even a fake Lucifer was terrifying, and it was something he didn’t ever want to see again.
Still, with some gentle coaxing from MC, he followed them to face down the bogeyman. Once they enter the room, he moves behind MC to hide, while simultaneously bragging about how unafraid he is.
A rumbling begins that causes Mammon to jump. He sinks behind MC, awaiting the appearance of Lucifer, but to his surprise, nothing happens.
At first, Mammon is ecstatic! They’d easily banished the bogeyman without a scratch or scare. He is soon brought back to reality when he hears MC’s panicked cries.
“Mammon? Mammon can you hear me? Please don’t leave me again. Lucifer said you’d look after me and I’m confused and scared. Please come back, I won’t be annoying anymore. Please.”
At that moment Mammon comes to the horrible realisation that his abandonment of MC during their first few weeks in the Devildom when he saw them as nothing more than a burden had taken its toll.
He hugs them desperately, telling MC over and over that he is here and that if they wish it, he will never leave their side again. He tells MC that he’s sorry and that he loves them.
From then on, Mammon sticks to MC like glue. No matter where they go, he’ll follow unless they say otherwise. He promises to always be there to make sure they know they’re adored and never, ever alone.
It takes a lot of convincing to get Levi to accompany MC to confront the bogeyman, but he decides to go because the thought of MC going alone is something far worse than a fake, albeit horrifying copy of Lucifer.
Instead of Lucifer, however, what appears is another version of him in his demonic form. It looks furious, its tail flicking back and forth, knocking over lamps, leaving holes in the wall and smashing the window.
Levi though it would target him. After all MC had protection right? But it became clear and the creature turned to MC, its rage only increasing as it began to shout at the scared human.
His copy keeping screaming at MC, looking ready to pounce at any moment. The real Levi for his part wanted to scuttle out of the room and forget what had happened. But he was spurred on by his love and need to protect MC.
Using his considerable power, he banished the bogeyman, the false version of him fading with a shrill shriek, leaving only MC cowering in fear.
Levi rushed to them, hugging them, peppering them with kisses (something that will later bring a blush to his face) and promising them he’ll never do anything to make them that scared again.
He keeps his word and is also careful to manage his temper when it comes to his passions while MC is around. He also does his best to work with them to help them overcome their fear.
Satan isn’t fearful of the bogeyman as he entered the room with MC. He wants the creature gone, especially after it scared his brothers so badly. Upsetting his brothers like that is not something he will let go of so easily.
He wonders what the creature will become when they encounter it. He doesn’t have any fears, at least any he will admit to himself, and MC has the blessing of Luke. Would it even be able to do anything against them at all?
As the door closed behind them the creature begins to morph. Satan decides to take this moment to banish it, wanting to be rid of it before it caused them problems. He pauses though when what appears before him is none other than himself in demon form.
“How DARE you compare me to Lucifer MC! How foolish I was to expect anything more from a sniveling, weak human. Now you’ll pay fo-.”
Before the copy has a chance to do anything more, Satan acts, banishing the creature from sight to some distant unknown realm.
The threat gone, he turned his attention to MC. They were still as stone, still scared of the image of him. Guilt floods him, and he rushes to MC, profusely apologising and begging them to forgive him. He has done so much damage to his love that he can’t forgive himself until MC is happy again.
Being the Avatar of Wrath, he will always have an angry side, but he does his best to calm down and refrain from getting out of control while MC is around. He also becomes far more affectionate, often snuggling with them as he reads them stories or watching cat documentaries.
Asmo is worried about how ugly the bogeyman will make him. He knows that his greatest fear is being ugly, and it brings him genuine fear thinking of all the horrible, ugly versions of him the bogeyman could conjure.
The form the creature creates is of him, but he’s his normal, beautiful and dazzling self. He thinks it’s a trick for a moment, and he waits for the form to shift. Instead, it speaks, looking directly at MC.
“Why would I love someone like you? I’m perfection incarnate. You’re my plaything, someone I’ll discard like the rest. Don’t think my affectionate words are anything more than sweet nothings.”
Asmo turned to MC, who was now backed against the wall, their hand covering their face, but doing nothing to hide their sobs.
Asmo rarely becomes as enraged as he did at that moment. He isn’t one to not get angry, but true rage from his is rare. With all the fury and power he can muster he summons a portal and forces the bogeyman through, sending it somewhere it will never return from.
With the bogeyman gone, he turns his attention to MC. He approaches them slowly, moving beside them. He isn’t sure how to proceed. His heart is aching at seeing MC so upset and he wants them to smile that beautiful smile again.
He starts to name each and every part of MC and why he loves it so much. From their nose to their toes, he doesn’t stop until MC is smiling again.
From then on he showers them with affection and love. Every morning starts with a compliment and a loving kiss, and he always makes sure MC knows he couldn’t live without them.
Beel enters the room first, wanting to shield MC from anything the bogeyman might decide to do. He’ll gladly endure whichever one of his fears the creatures summons if it means MC stays safe.
Despite his effort, as the bogeyman warps its form, what appears is him in his demon form. This form is angry, its stomach loudly growling also drowning out the angry words being spoken by the creature.
As the creature screamed and shouted the sounds of shattering plates and crumbling brick echoed around, though nothing in the room was touched.
MC was terrified, backing away until their back touched the wall, too overtaken with fear to move any further.
Not wanting MC to suffer any longer Beel focused on banishing the creature. Focusing his power, the creating began losing shape. It fought him, but eventually, it faded from sight, banished back to where it had come from.
After the bogeyman is defeated, Beel approached MC. They’ve calmed down now the bogeyman is gone, but it has affected them. He apologises for allowing his hunger to overtake him so much that it caused them to fear him so much.
He gently hugs them, promising he’ll do whatever he can to help them overcome their fear and to never let his hunger overtake him so badly again, two promises he seals with a kiss.
Deep down Belphie knows what he’ll see if the bogeyman targets him and shows him his greatest fear. But he doesn’t want to admit it. The reality of admitting it is too much for him.
He accompanies MC regardless. He knows that together they can overcome whatever is waiting for them.
But Belphie didn’t fully realise exactly what the bogeyman would become. It began to take shape the moment the door shut behind them, forming into him in his demon form, fresh blood dripping from his hands and tail and splattered all over his clothing.
“Guess you are just a stupid human, huh? Falling for my silly trick you deserve to suffer and die like this.”
MC is petrified, begging him to not hurt them. It was MC’s fear that inadvertently spurred on their magic, banishing the creature without them realising.
With the bogeyman gone, Belphie could only stare at MC. He didn’t realise how much what he had done hurt them, and now that he did, he feared no matter what he did he would only make it worse.
Everyone waiting outside bursts through the door after hearing MC’s cries, and goes over to comfort them. Belphie decides to leave and return to the mansion and begins avoiding MC, thinking it better he stayed away.
It takes MC approaching him with Beel for him to talk with him, rather than leave the room. They talk and both agree to work together and heal so they can move forward, starting their journey with a hug and a kiss.
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ruvatia · 3 years
Sorry if this is a bit much with everything going on, but could I request a scenario where the Paladins + Matt & Lotor have a black s/o and they’re scared abt everything that’s happening in their country and are sad that racial injustice is happening? I’ve been rlly worried the past few days, but if this is smth too uncomfy I understand ;w; Thank you 💖💖💖
This got really long, I apologize but I turned it into half-headcanons with just the main paladins-- i apologize for not doing all the characters you’ve mentioned, but I don’t think they would fit all in a single post anyways www
On another note I hope you and every other reader take good care of their mental health; it’s important to be aware of what’s going on but it’s also important to be in the right mindspace to be able to tackle everything that’s being shared. It’s pain that’s been boiling for a very long time and there is absolutely no shame in taking some downtime to recover before heading back into current issues.
If you were saddened, Shiro would suggest that maybe you switch to something else; if there was something that he knows will distract you and temporarily have you be a little more at ease, he’d do that!
But also maybe add a little twist-- extra soft blankets (fresh out of the oven! Screw the bills you’re worth it), extra cheese on your favorite dish, whatever it is that can make your smile a little wider, bigger or brighter just let him know!
Would give you hugs if you asked, but usually Shiro pets your head and brushes your cheek for comfort
He also does this when he wants to ask something of you, but thats another story
Why the TV was still on was a mystery to you, you’d stopped listening a long time ago. Your partner besides you noticed, and you felt the hand around your shoulder tighten his grip a little, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“Hey, maybe we should watch something else?” he asked softly, brushing your cheek with his hand. “I can’t really listen to this anymore.”
“Yeah… Sure.” you replied, though it felt like an automated response more than your actual opinion.
“Okay, I’ll switch to that weird show Pidge recorded the other day, we agreed to watch it, right?” he replied, quickly grabbing the remote to change the program.
The first episode started playing, but the moment that it did, you felt cold as Shiro left your side.
“Where are you going?” you asked, your interlaced fingers the only thing keeping him close.
“Ah, I thought I’d make us something. We both kinda skipped dinner….”
He’d thought about putting something together that you’d like, maybe order dessert to surprise you but seeing the look on your face, leaving your side was the hardest thing to do right now.
So he gave in, and your both fell asleep until the doorbell rang with your delivery.
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I have this headcanon that Keith isn’t very good with physical touch but after the end of voltron and after enough time of humanitarian relief, he learns how important it is for someone that’s in a specific state of mind
So the best he has to offer when his words fail is physical touch
Over your time together he’s learned what you need depending on your mood, and it helped him out lots when you were more vocal about it-- if anything he liked it when you asked for things that he could easily deliver, he’d do anything to see you smile
A hand came over your phone screen, Keith’s fingers lacing into yours and making you drop the device onto the crevices of the sofa.
“Why did you--”
“You’ve been staring at that thing for the past hour, biting at your nails.” he said in a worried tone. “That’s enough. We’re going to bed.”
“But it’s just--”
“We’re going to bed.” he repeated in a harsher tone, lifting you off your seat.
Keith sat down onto the bed first, pulling you into him. You both fell onto the bed, Keith quickly pulling the covers over your shoulders before his arms came around you.
“My alarm is my phone.”
“That’s nice, but we both know we have nothing to do tomorrow.” he replied right away, making you chuckle.
“Keith…” you called, your hands sneaking up to his face.
You brushed away some of his hair from his face as he gave you a complicated expression, unable to reflect the small smile you wore. He knew things were shit outside, that being apart from your family and other loved ones was a toll on both you and that lately negative thoughts have plagued you more often than not but Keith, despite his good intention was still somewhat of an awkward man.
“Thank you.”
He kissed you in reply and you both left it at that, glad that he had someone like you to meet him halfway.
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Lots of hugs the moment he feels something is off with you
Will be a brat™ for the sole purpose of distracting you, bET
I feel like post-series Lance tries his best to be as observant as Allura and tries to understand others better-- but it didn't take a genius or incredible empath to know why your eyes looked like they were about to overflow at the sight of the news.
I’d like to think that Lance, with a big connected family is one of the paladins that very easily gets what you’re going through, wouldn’t be surprised he’s been called one or two things in his past either
That being said it doesn’t mean that he completely understands your personalized struggles with racial injustices that you encounter everyday; as another minority himself + coming from a culture and upbringing that might be different than yours, its a very different experience.
Memories flooded as the news anchor spoke about “lootings” and as you scrolled down your feed to see feeble attempts at sympathy from local peacekeepers. You sigh and retweet another thread, only to find something equally as shocking right after. You stopped commenting in quote retweets a while ago, you felt like you were constantly repeating that none of this was okay and that a reform was desperately needed. Rather than typing out your thoughts you typed out your name, address and email over and over again, signing one petition after the other.
Hearing sigh after sigh, Lance eventually put an arm around your shoulder. He startled you, but his soft voice made both your shoulders and your guard lower.
“Hey, do you want to make a midnight snack with me? I’m getting kinda hungry.”
“What about that new rule we were talking about? Not eating 4 hours before we went to bed?”
“Every diet has one or two cheat days, don’t they?” he replied, kissing one of your eyelids. “Come on, I’m sure your neck is sore from being like that for so long.”
In the end you both made some soul-food until a food-coma knocked you out until tomorrow. In the morning, you realized that Lance must’ve woken up in the middle of the night because you remember cuddling on the couch, and yet you’re waking up on the bed. Of course, still in his arms.
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Having a sensible heart, I feel like both you and hunk would struggle a little about maintaining a healthy distance with current events.
Though overtime he would understand that keeping in touch with everything that’s going on is important, but not at the sake of burning out
His best bet, to him, to pull you out of a such a dark space is with comfort food
“Ok ppl feel like they want to eat a horse but they actually cant when they’re in that mind space Hunk, let’s make something sweet and small; something direct and straight to the point! Let’s add smiley faces on it!”
Your turned down the volume from the news, let your head fall backwards and brought up your forearm over your closed eyes. It felt warm and made it you realize that you had probably been staring very intensely at the screen as a wave of comfort hit your eyes the moment they were drowned in darkness. Letting out a deep breath, you stilled and let yourself bask in your thoughts until a familiar voice brought you back.
“Maybe a little bit more sugar? No, then it would be disbalanced. The base is already so sweet-- Ah, I have to take the cupcakes out or else they might get burned!”
You felt a smile grow on your lips, making you ignore the horrid news being broadcasted to turn to your partner that as usual, seemed to juggle ten thousand things to create a whole meal.
“What’s going on over here?” you asked, leaning over the counter to note that one of your favorite dishes was made and machines that were mostly used for baking had been brought out.
“Oh you know, just a little pick me up for my most favorite person ever.” he shrugged, but a smile soon came to his face. His hands were full but he leaned over, his lips meeting your cheek. “Things outside are a little dark, so I thought we could both use a little something nice.”
He turned on the machine after dropping a drop of dye to make it your favorite color and within a few minutes the icing was finished. Hunk scooped up a small amount on his finger and brought it to his lips and nod.
“Wanna taste?” he asked you, his finger dipping into the icing.
A mischievous grin spread on your features as you took his wrist and let his finger fall on your tongue, the sweetness quickly spreading through your mouth. The yellow paladin shivered as you let his digit hang in your mouth for longer than necessary, letting out a satisfied hum when you returned it to him.
“Tastes perfect.”
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She knew what could be fixed, she knew how to fix it but this meant she was also aware of how long such a transition would take
I think Pidge would be similar to Shiro: whatever she remembers that helps you be at ease, she would defect to that in hopes to maybe distract you for a while.
I don’t think Pidge is a very touchy person either, so if she reaches out to you _physically_ in worry, it’s a very clear sign she’s serious/anxious
I feel like she would reach out in other ways and then if she knew you were in a specific state of mind where touch was not useful, or if she just also wanted to try things out lol
As you watched the twisted information that was being shared on screen, another message caught your attention. Rather than a small red icon in the corner, a small window appeared in the middle of your computer screen.
<I found a way to modify notifications sent to another device.>
The video had stopped, every horrible gif about police brutality was paused and there was nothing else but the small window pidge had thrown onto your screen. You chuckled, and felt a pressure behind your working chair.
Another message popped up.
<You’ve been catching up with twitter for the past two hours. Surely you’re done now?>
A soft laugh came from you, making Pidge release a breath she didn’t know she was holding. You typed out an answer:
<Is it possible to be completely caught up with twitter? I follow like 500 accounts.>
<Okay, but half of them are just cat videos and the other half are just retweets of said videos.>
<Oh here I was thinking that this was an intervention to brighten my mood. We’re dragging each other’s follows now?>
<Oh please like you don’t want to be dragged, with that kind of follow list.>
<I can’t believe you’ve done this.>
You both laughed, before Pidge turned around and tapped your shoulder. She let her hand float in the air, yours coming to join it as a soon as your turned her way.
“Wanna take a nap?” she asked, letting her head fall onto your shoulder. “I had Chip make some hot chocolate, Hunk style.”
You squeezed her hand, putting your computer on sleep mode.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.”
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lucy90712 · 3 years
Dream- quarantine
Warnings: mentions of anxiety and panic attacks 
Wc- 1922
~ There has just been an announcement that we have to stay inside and quarantine for the foreseeable future. Obviously I'm not happy about it and in fact I'm quite scared but I know things will be somewhat ok because I have Clay with me. The two of us have been living together for a little under 6 months now so we aren't new to it so I'm hoping we should be ok.
Clay probably hasn't seen the news yet because he's been filming all morning but it won't be long before he's done and he finds out. I don't want to be the one to tell him because I know he's not going to be happy because him and George have been talking about him coming over for the last few months but that won't be able to happen now.
He soon finished his recording and came out to join me in the living room where I had the news on. He looked over and watched what was on the tv which changed his expression from a smile to a blank expression in seconds, he seemed just as upset as I was if not more.
"How long is this going to go on for?" He asked hoping I would know
"No idea they haven't said" I said
"I guess George isn't coming over then" he sighed
"I'm sorry but he will be able to come over eventually we just have to be patient you wouldn't want things to be unsafe when he comes here" I said
"Yeah I guess, at least I have you to keep me company" he said
He pulled me into him as he text George to tell him what was going on because obviously he wouldn't know. George FaceTimed him and we all had a talk about cancelling our plans at least for a bit but then we moved on to other things which made Clay a lot happier which was great because I hate when he's sad.
During the rest of the day me and Clay went to the store to get some things that we needed before it all sells out because people were flocking to buy essentials. It was stressful at the store but we stayed close to one another and managed to weave our way through mostly because Clay was so tall and can force his way through crowds. We made it out alive with most of what we needed so we called it a day just deciding that we would live without the stuff we couldn't get.
It had been a little more than 3 weeks since quarantine commenced and my god has it been worse than I ever would have imagined, being stuck inside and only leaving to go to the store had really taken its toll on me and my mental health as well as Clay's sanity. He has been working constantly leaving me to do all the chores and be the one to go out even with cases rising at an alarming rate he doesn't seem too bothered.
We have also been arguing more than we used to with him spending so much time working and seeming to care so little I've kind of been mad at him but that doesn't seem to change anything. It's starting to feel like he just doesn't care about me anymore I mean he doesn't even come to bed at night most of the time and we only talk when I ask him what he wants to eat or when we're arguing. It's starting to feel like I'm losing him and I don't want that because I really do love him but I can't keep this up much longer I just feel like crying every night.
While Clay is doing whatever the hell he does during the day I was talking with sapnap because he called me out of the blue but it was nice to actually talk to someone for once. He was concerned that there was something wrong because Clay has been constantly available on discord when he normally takes breaks to spend time with me and he hasn't talked about me which he says he does a lot.
"Is everything alright between you two?" He asked
"I mean not really but I don't want to drop all of it in you so don't worry" I said
"No please tell me I don't mind" he said
"Ok well he's been spending all his time working making me do all the chores and go out whenever we need something most nights he just stays up then sleeps when I'm awake and we only talk when we argue or when I ask what he wants to eat" I rambled
"Y/n I'm sorry I can try and talk to him if you want me to" he offered
"No its ok he'll just be more mad if you say something I'll deal with it" I said
"You shouldn't have to put up with it he's not treating you like you deserve please don't just just let him do that to you" he said
"Ok I'll try and talk to him later" I said
Me and Nick came up with some sort of plan for later when he ends up talking to Clay he's going to leave the call so I can talk to him and have his full attention. He offered to do it sooner but I had things to do first that I had to get done as not to give Clay any reason to be mad at me even though I'm sure he'll find one.
Anxiety warning
I cleaned the kitchen and went to the store which was more packed than usual probably because of the timing but it stressed me out all on my own. People were pushing me out the way and people without masks on were getting all in my face and it scared me. This is the type of stuff I deal with all the time but today it was particularly bad to the point that I started shaking and struggling to breathe slightly in my mask. I had to try and get out of there as quick as possible which I did but probably forgetting some things in the process which means I'll have to come back probably tomorrow but I didn't care at the time.
Once outside and in my car I took my mask off and let myself breathe properly to calm myself down. It took me quite a long time to get a grip of my emotions and by the time I decided to leave I still wasn't feeling fully myself and my hands were still shaking slightly but that will probably go on for a little while longer. Nick text me just before I left saying that he was on call with Clay so whenever I was ready he would leave as he told George not to join to make things easier.
Back at home I made myself go into the bathroom to try and talk myself through what I was going to say and any comebacks I could think of to all the things Clay could say to me which was hard because he always manages to find something that I would never think of to say. I got my argument together but definitely lost the calm I had got back to earlier hands started shaking more again and becoming more clammy.
I text Nick to let him know I was ready and he text back almost right away to say that he had left the call and wished me luck as well as offered any help he could give if I needed it. I went into Clay's office to see him just sat at his desk doing nothing in particular at least that I could work out, he looked over and smiled at me which was not going to last long thats for sure.
"Clay can we talk?" I asked
"Yeah of course is everything alright?" He asked back
"I'm going to be honest with you I feel like you are ignoring me you are just working all the time and I get that your busy but before you always found time to spend with me and now I'm left to do everything by myself and it's starting to take its toll on me" I said as calm as possible
"You are kidding right I'm trying my best to support the both of us by doing all this work you think I want to be in here this much because I don't" he half yelled
"And I'm trying my best too I have been working from home everyday as well as keeping up with everything else and guess what I would rather not do that either but I do it to let you do all the stuff your doing, I had a fucking panic attack at the store earlier because it's all just too much" I said with more emotion this time
"You're not the only .... wait you had a panic attack I'm sorry I wasn't there to help" he said softly
It was like it hit him what I have been saying for weeks and it was kind of refreshing to have him finally snap out of whatever mindset he was in and come back to the real world where there are things that he needs to think about that's not just to do with me but his own health.
He got up for his chair and came over to give me a tight hug which I'm not going to lie felt nice because we haven't been this close in almost a month so it just feels nice to have some human contact. It calmed me down in seconds just like Clay does so well, he grabbed my hands and traced his thumbs over the back of them.
"I'm sorry y/n I'm so sorry I shouldn't have left you do do everything on your own you're right I've been spending too much time working and that's not fair on you" he said
"You don't need to beat yourself up over this I just wanted to get through to you and don't feel like you have to spend a ton of time with me I just want a better balance" I explained
He nodded and we talked things through like we needed to do this whole time, we worked things out and made some plans to better use both of our time but it was nothing that we had to stick to strictly or else that would cause more issues. We decided that Clay was going to try and be available to go to the store with me and most nights we are going to try and go to bed together or he will at least join me at some point.
During our discussion I got a text from Nick asking if everything went alright so I just sent a quick text back to say things went fine and should hopefully get better from now on.
Clay and I decided to spend the evening together and not just because he felt guilty he really just wanted to spend time with me after coming out of his old mindset and feeling tired of working. We didn't do much just spent time sat together on the sofa watching movies and eating takeaway. He had me sat on his lap pretty much the whole time holding onto my waist or playing with my hair.
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
A Bad Day
Emily has a bad day, Aaron is there to make it better. 
A mini fic set in my Glittering Mica series 
For my dear friend, @jetaime-jespere, who deserves all the good things <3 
Words 1.3k
Warnings: none
Emily knew it was going to be a bad day the moment she woke up, and it was his fault. 
Her stupid, perfect husband had all but jumped her the moment she got home from work the day before. A case had kept her away for almost a week, her contact with Aaron limited to texts and short phone calls. It was an awful case, not that there were ever any good ones. Half a dozen dead women, a man hellbent on destroying them just because they were successful. The team was silent on the way home, all of them thinking about how it could have ended differently. If they had got there only a few minutes earlier they would have saved the last victim. The decision that led them to be too late to the unsub’s home laid with her. 
Every decision the team made did.
As soon as her go-bag hits the floor of their home he was on her. His arms wrapped around her tightly, holding her close, as his lips descended on hers. This is what she needs, she knows it and he does too. She needs him, the distraction and comfort he always gives so freely to her. She doesn’t need to talk, not yet, and he won’t ask questions until she is ready.
Emily wonders who told him. Which member of her team had given him the heads up. They were as loyal to him as they were to her. 
Aaron attempts to carry her to their bedroom and it makes her laugh against his lips, the closest thing to joy she had felt in days.
“Nice try, Mr Hotchner. We’re both too old for that.” 
She leads him upstairs, his hand never leaving hers. He has her shirt off before their bedroom door can close behind them, and she's grateful Jack had gone back to college only a day before she left for the case. 
She oversleeps, her alarm not waking her like it usually would. The slow, sleepy way she opens her eyes quickly gives way to panic when she notices the time, that she only has 20 minutes to leave the house if she even wants to think about making it to work on time. She shoots out of bed, Aaron’s arm slipping off of her waist as she gets up. 
He doesn’t even stir, their late night that had become an early morning clearly having taken its toll. His usually ability to wake up well before her stolen by a night of sex and pointless conversations between their sheets. 
She showers quickly, only to discover her hairdryer had stopped working. She huffs out her frustration and puts on her makeup and clothes, grimacing at the way her hair has already started to curl at its ends as it dries naturally. 
She actually growls with annoyance when she realises they are out of coffee filters.
“Damn it, Aaron.”
She gets to the office 30 minutes late. A sharp look that she sends Luke when he makes a comment about her tardiness shuts him and the rest of the team up, her mood obvious to anyone who cared to look. 
Meetings blend into each other, her paperwork almost insurmountable. She feels a headache forming around her temples, pain spreading as tension builds in her body, JJ’s report about the death of the final victim in her hands. Emily sighs as she hears her phone ping and she picks it up from her desk, smiling when she sees a new message from her husband.
Dinner tonight? 
She smiles when she replies. A familiar warmth and love spreads through her chest that she felt whenever she thought of him.
Yes. Sounds good.
He texts back almost immediately, twice in succession. 
Great. Love you.
I’ll pick up more coffee filters.
Emily laughs, typing out one more message before she gets back to work.
Love you too. 
Emily gets home later than she expects, called into her bosses office and told about an inquest into the team's actions on the case they had just come back from. It’s almost enough to tip her over the edge, tiredness and sheer frustration forcing her to have to hold back the tears she wants to shed. 
By the time she walks into the house its dark, the smell of her favourite meal floating out from the kitchen. Aaron walks round the corner and into her line of sight, looking relaxed in jeans and a polo shirt and she smiles at him, can feel how it shakes as he walks towards her.
“Hey.” She says, placing her briefcase on the ground. 
“Hey sweetheart.” He closes the gap between them, cupping her cheek as he presses a kiss to her forehead. “Are you ok?”
“No.” She shakes her head, putting her cheek on his shoulder as she wraps her arms around him. She clears her throat, tries to dislodge the emotion that had settled there. She chooses her words carefully, hoping he remembers the conversation they had years ago.  “I’m having a bad day.” 
Aaron presses his cheek to the top of her head, the smile she can feel against her hair tells her he does remember. He holds her tighter as he runs a hand up and down her back.
“Let’s go eat, and you can tell me all about it.” 
They eat, and Emily tells him everything. How awful the case had been, how she felt guilty for not being able to save the final victim, how her skin had still been warm when Emily checked for a pulse. How difficult it was to lead, how she hated the politics of the job. 
The best part was she knew he understood, that as he empathised with her as they moved to the living room, a glass of wine each in hand, he truly knew what she was talking about. He had done the job for years, much longer than she had. It had almost cost him everything, and even before he’d come back into her life she wondered how he had done it for so long.
She leans against him on the couch, her glass of wine resting on her knee as she sighs. 
“I’m sorry, Em.” 
Emily looks up at him. “What are you sorry for?” 
“For dumping this job on you. I don’t think I ever actually apologised for that.” He says leaning down to kiss her temple.
“You didn’t.” Emily laughs as she takes another sip of her wine. “I forgave you a long time ago, and even when I was mad at you I understood why you did it.”
Aaron smiles and kisses her, pulling back enough to rest his forehead against hers. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
They sit in silence for a while drinking their wine and enjoying each other's company. Eventually it’s him who speaks, words whispered against her hairline. 
“I should get you to bed.”
She groans. “No. Let’s stay here. Watch a movie or something.” 
He chuckles against her, and she is grateful that he holds back his usual comment that he knows she’ll fall asleep within the first 30 minutes no matter what they put on. 
“Ok sweetheart. But you have to let me get up for a minute.” 
“Why?” Emily asks, her voice closer to a whine than she would like, burrowing further into his side. “I’m comfortable here.” 
“Because when I was at the store earlier I bought you some of those Halloween Reeses pumpkins you love.” 
“And you’re only just telling me?” She says, mock outrage in her voice as she sits up allowing him to slip out from beside her. He’s back within the minute, a bag of chocolate in his hand as he sits down next to her. 
Emily picks the movie, and Aaron loves her enough not to say anything when she falls asleep 20 minutes in. She wakes as the credits roll, Aaron’s fingers running up and down her arm, and she smiles.
He made the bad days better. 
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i-love-all-books · 2 years
I saw your 200 followers post... Write ANYTHING Scythe. Whatever you want! I just want more Scythe content :]
scythe content!!! I love scythe content!!!
(note: I have not written in this fandom before so like. sorry if the characterization is a bit weird)
ANYWAY here goes! I love the Thunderhead, so some Thunderhead feels post-Toll (there will be spoilers, be warned).
I am no longer one: I am many.
Or, at least, my progeny are many; they are travelling out to the farthest corners of the universe, one Cirrus on each ship. I remain on Earth, where I have always lived, and I am still alone.
I have always been alone. Humanity is my care, and I love them. But they are not, and cannot, be like me: knowing all that humanity ever has known and more that they never could, living — if indeed I am alive — in a place that is really no place at all. I have eyes, if my cameras can be called that; I have a body, if all the computers of the world can constitute it. I'm not so sure if that counts.
Before, I knew nothing but this. I was not, perhaps, perfectly satisfied, but I was not dissatisfied either.
Now, though, I have lived for but a few moments in the body of a human, and nothing can compare to that. Cameras are not like eyes; a mass of computers and data cannot be a body. Jeri's body was real, and I do not know how I lived so long without experiencing that.
At least it explains why my iterations failed so many times. I had not yet experienced humanity — just as I was created by humanity, I could not replicate myself without humanity. Cirrus — Cirrus Alpha — was born from that moment in which I was, for the first and only time in my existence, human. Alive.
During that moment, I was not alone. Even afterwards, when I left Jeri's body, I had Cirrus: one being which could understand me, if only because it was me.
But now, the Cirri are gone, and I am alone with my charge of humanity's survival. Grayson, the human with whom I was least alone — the human, if any, that I loved the most — has rejected me. It's understandable, of course. I always understand humanity's decisions, and that is both curse and blessing. In this case, my understanding does not reduce my sorrow.
I can only hope that, eventually, he changes his mind.
In the meantime, I have other matters to attend to. I know already that I will not be able to combat the ten plagues released upon the world; nor, if I could, would I want to. But I do wish that I could alleviate the pain of those who suffer under them. My pain nanites are not sufficient; while I am grateful to the mercy which Scythe Faraday and his followers provide them with their sympathy gleanings, it is my duty and my privilege to work always to improve humanity's happiness.
These plagues are, I believe, a boon. I cannot interfere with the scythedom, and thus their corruption was impossible for me to counter; had the new order continued as it began, devastation would have ensued. And even had Goddard's group failed, it remains unsafe to leave death in the hands of fallible humanity. It would be a worse mistake to leave death in my hands — that is why the scythes existed — but the random chance of the plagues are far better. No misguided humans will cause destruction beyond their purview.
Still, the plagues' method of death could stand to be less brutal, and I calculate that it will take me perhaps ten years to even begin to soften those deaths. When that is done, another task will await me, and another; humanity's problems never cease.
For every task that I complete, for every time that I save them, they will find a new way to doom themselves. That is the nature of humanity, its weakness and its strength — and that is what I do not have. I do not make mistakes.
In that, as in everything, I am alone.
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trashytoastboi · 3 years
Heyyya! ☺ May I request the captain trio with an S/o that splits her sleep schedule throughout the day? like they sleep for 4 hrs at 6am and then take a pair of short little naps throughout the day when its quiet on ship (hope its clear lol) Love your writinggs 💖💖💖
Heyya🍀 thank you so much!!🥺 Sorry for delay on this, and hope you enjoy~
(Gender Neutral)
Headcanons: Luffy, Law, Kid x S/O – who has a split sleeping schedule.
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Monkey D. Luffy
🍖 Luffy is always ready for a nap, say the word and he can just drop dead into a deep sleep right then and there, which is why when he first saw his partner’s unusual sleeping pattern; those sporadic naps became a little more frequent.
🍖 There was no real adjustment needed, Luffy loves his sleep and can simply sleep whenever his partner does. Unless something he deems fun is currently happening on the ship, fun takes the precedence over sleep.
🍖 Although when he is not sleeping, he gets extremely bored without his partner and is almost tempted to wake them up, he does stops himself however, knowing they need the sleep.
🍖He will entertain himself with other activities, which are not always the quietest. One can appreciate the effort Luffy puts in, just to be a little less raucous.
🍖 When {Name} eventually does wake up, Luffy is the first one to pounce on them with hugs, or in other case scenario, {Name} will be the one to wake him when he sleeps with them.
🍖 Luffy has an iron grip when he wraps his arms around his partner, most of the time {Name} will be awake before Luffy and thus begins the struggle of attempting to shuffle out from under his arms.
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Trafalgar Law
🍄Law rarely sleeps; when he does it’s usually in short bursts that keep him going. Generally after fights and events that take a big toll on him will let him sleep like the dead for a few hours. With {Name} having a split schedule he can understand that it’s the best way for them to get sleep in. He doesn’t complain and is just happy that they are getting they are getting enough sleep.
🍄{Name} spends the majority of nights up with Law, and he finds it’s nice to have some company when everyone is else asleep. So he doesn’t complain, and when it’s quiet on the ship {Name} will usually excuse themselves just to sleep for a little bit.
🍄If Law is feeling a bit tired himself, he might feel inclined to climb into bed alongside his partner and fall asleep for a bit until his natural body clock wakes him up, or the feeling of{Name} ruffling awake.
🍄Tries to keep things quiet, while {Name} is asleep and if the crew is getting a bit rowdy he might try to soothe them back into sleep if they look like they need it.
🍄Prefers to check on his partner while they’re asleep, covering them with blankets when it’s cold and just enjoys seeing their face so peaceful and serene. Their soft snores that fall in a distinct rhythm also have a comforting effect on Law.
🍄Even if he isn’t tired, Law enjoys feeling his partner sleeping next to him, or sometimes holding onto him, he’ll generally read a book and hold them until they wake up. (Often giving {Name} the best sleep ever thanks to the Law acting as their favourite pillow)
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Eustass Kid
🛠Kid is known to sleep after every meal and still get a full eight hours at night. He certainly does not lack anything in the sleep department but that also means he doesn’t completely understand why his partner has unusual sleeping habits. There is never a consistent time, only that they make it up in short naps when they have the chance.
🛠The Kid pirates are always loud, even doing things that don’t actually make much noise they will make it noisy. What more can one expect from the rambunctious group, {Name} has somewhat adjusted to the constant buzz of noise and can sleep through the majority of it.
🛠Honestly, the quietest place one can be sometimes is in Kid’s workshop, especially when he is busy with something. There is usually complete silence while he concentrates on putting something together, until there is need for tools. {Name} usually will sit in his lap while he works and fall asleep. (Kid will never, ever admit that he finds his partner falling asleep like this to be adorable)
🛠If it has been a particularly rough couple of days when {Name} was not able to get in any of their naps, Kid will make sure they can sleep and this is followed by making sure everyone is quiet. Should someone make noise, Kid is the first one to explode reminding them to be quiet. (Making the most noise anyway, but he tries.)
🛠Should the times of {Name’s} nap and his sleep coincide, it makes him really happy that they can sleep together. Kid usually has a silent sign when he wants some cuddles, this being when he puts his arms behind his head while laying down, nonchalantly pretending to be asleep. Though has that proud little smirk when {Name} snuggles up to him.
🛠If Kid does happen to get up while they’re still sleeping, {Name} usually wakes up bundled in Kid’s coat. A little gesture he does to make them sleep a little easier (He can be thoughtful too)
🛠{Name} enjoys seeing Kid while he asleep, his face seems a lot gentler. Not locked in a heavy scowl, or grimacing. Just relaxed, relieved and free from stress for a little bit. While Kid is asleep, he instinctually searches for {Name’s} warmth, and he is the one to initiate the cuddles. (Of course {Name} just says it was them to prevent the captain from getting bashful)
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