#and I was like NO!!!!!!! NO DROWNING!!!!!!!!!!! SKIP DOCTOR WHO!!!! NEXT!
bearinabandana · 1 year
Tumblr cut my tags but um Im not finished actually so Tags Part Two Ellectric Boogaloo ↓
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dylvana-v · 7 months
Diary of a Hopeless Romantic
Pt. 7 - Somebody not some body
After this drowning Monday, I had a very boring, lifeless Tuesday. Work was dull and I was still feeling lonely. I tried talking to my friends, but since everyone was sick, I also tried to give them some rest.
So who did I have left? Coworkers.
I started annoying my coworkers, and asked them if they needed any help, but this didn’t do much. I was still very bored. My thoughts were running wild, since all I could think of was how to skip Wednesday. So I asked one coworker if he was down to get some coffee.
Since he was busy for a little bit longer, I went to the cafeteria and treated myself to one. It somehow became a ritual to drink something to cool my head down. As a person with anxiety, order is something I really need. Any kind of chaos would cause my inner self to riot.
Just when I let my eyes wander in that hospital’s cafeteria, I saw what I was secretly looking for. Him.
I really needed to muster up any courage I had, to walk up to him and the other doctor he was with and ask if I can sit with them. They happily accepted and I sat down next to E. When I looked over to him, he was smiling brightly. I felt that he was truly happy about me deciding to join them for their lunch break.
He asked about my work day. Told me he has a small thing for me to do, which I was happy about. He asked me about my work life in general, if it’s stressful (since he once asked and it was horrible that time). I told him it is better now and I actually am bored most of the time. They talked about how my assignments to them, filling out documents and stuff is hard for them and I told them I try to help them out already, but that’s actually all I can do for them.
E told me they can be happy to have me then, and we talked about how different my coworkers would treat them. I made fun of him a little by telling him I could change and help them out less, which made him, his coworker and me laugh. He pulled back immediately. As I said, he is fun to tease.
He also asked about my office, since I don’t have to share it yet. Seems like someone is jealous about it (when actually I am just lonely there). He asked me where I live (which city). We talked about how he has friends there and which city around this area we liked the best.
He told me how he thought the social worker that he had to work with would be someone older, but was glad someone this young appeared. And with this we also talked about the “you” incident. As I already mentioned, he was glad it happened.
He asked me about my age and I found out that he is 4 years older than me. And then they had to leave. When the other one was already putting away the tablet, he leaned over a bit while standing up.
“It made me happy that you came over to us.”
And that gave me butterflies, but not just in my stomach, this gave me butterflies all over my soul. It made my soul happy, not anxious or nervous, just happy. Of course that feeling faded, but even now when I think of it again, it just makes me happy.
The way he asked so much, digged deeper into what I said. The way his questions were about the real V and not Work V. The way he told me he was glad I took a step towards him. The way he talked.
I did not feel like some body, some pretty face. I felt like somebody. Like a person.
Because he treated me like I had layers, colors, and textures. It made me feel valued again.
- the hopeless romantic
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geronimomo-spd · 1 year
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she is so lucky she does not remember any of this, because if she remembered she might have just emotionally explode she might have forgotten but i never will get the images in my mind out jesus Christ even so there were some funny lines and bizzare deliveries of otherwise annoying lines and a lot of mental blocking from my mind but i will say this
as usual spoilers under the cut!
Crizz is wonderful and interesting, i liked how he and the doc worked together in the end, good for them, i did notice how they were really honering Crizz and the guy who protects the borders's words put it into horrible context but i do like Crizz as a simple guy who just got incredibly traumatised and now looks for meaning in the doc and charley, and he is just so sweet and caring so that's nice!!
im gonna take a fucking nap, or eat something, ir watch a funny movie!! heck i need a fucking shower, anything to forget this
ill try to keep it short but they turn Charley into a fucking slug, its horried, discusting to listen to, and a complete step too far, GOOD FUCKING JOB THEY MADE HER FORGET THIS BECAUSE IF THEY EVEN EXPECTED HER TO REMEMBER A SMIDGE OF THIS EPISODE I WOULD HAVE STEPPED THROUGH MY SCREEN AND SLAPPED THEM, like!!!! what the actual fuck!!!!
AND THE FACT THEY MAKE YOU LISTEN TO EVERY, SINGLE, STEP, OF IT, LIKE PLEASE GOD WHERE IS YOUR HONOR, i genuinely hope they are stopping with this horrible physical horror to her because this feels like peak!!!! fuck!!!
heck i am very excited about the next episode and i was planning to start it right away but fuck i need a break jesus, C'rizz feels nice but he is not worth it for this episode, like i can sort of develop a timestamp map of like, important moments with Crizz you need to know and then not listen to anything else but that would mean relistening to this and no thank you, at this point just read the transcript and move on.
i thought nothing would beat the saddness of Minuet in hell's breaking down a mentally ill amnesiac doctor for the hell of it unpleasantness, but this is just worse, THEY COULD HAVE JUST SKIPPED SO MANY KF THE SCENES WITY HER AND JUST KEEP THE FOCUS ON C'RIZZ AND THE DOC NEAR THE END AND THAT'S IT BUT NOOOOO, i don't even know if this is objectively horried as i think, all i know its just generally unpleasant and discusting and not building up to anything interesting like Scherzo, jees
why is this one weirdly funny like I don't wanna compliment this one but it made me giggle several times lol, it was weirdly witty ill tell you that much!! and some cute (??) Charley and Doctor friendship moments in the beginning but yeah,
also after forcing the doc to drink the elixer and then he just drowns them all with hus tecno babble i will talk until i die science talk abd littiraly making them explode from an experiment that he made them do was so awesome, using the power of infodumping for good!!! overall some cute moments, but absolutely horried moments that are not worth it lol, fuck
ok funny deliveries and fave qoutes lets go!
Doctor: i have to, sorry, stand still, please! Charley: no. oh doctor, I don't need a hug Doctor: Su Shaka ha!
awwwwww the way he was like WRAAAA to fuck up some spirits, the shouting has been put to good use!!
doctor: we can worry about his interest when we find the old girl (the tardis) Charley: yeah, i never thought i'd miss her so much lol
after Zagreus it makes absolote sense that Charley is surprised by how much she misses the tardis!!
where are you from? Doctor: Gallifrey ;)
not the doctor saying Gallifrey with such weird sense of pride and zest and anger, the hater of Galifray, my idiot
"you must have some use, what is it? Charley: i've often wandered"
C'rizz: how will we Doctor: we will use our wits Charley:that bad ah?
LOL YEAH they are finishing each other's sentences hehe, C'rizz is fitting in quite well
Any objections? doctor: yes!! Crizz: ...yes? overolled!"
"do we wish to pollute our gene pool woth her mental stubbornness and immaturity?" Charley: Immaturity??? what??" Doctor: "Charley is not more immature then i am!" HE SAID IT IN
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tallmantall · 5 months
James Donaldson on Mental Health - Depression - Signs and Symptoms
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How do you know when you're just having a hard time and are stressed out, or if it's something more serious? When is it clinical depression? While a doctor is the only one who can make a qualified diagnosis, there are some signs and symptoms of depression that can signal your need to see a doctor. Here are some of those signs and symptoms. Morning Blues According to medical sources, feeling particularly depressed in the morning is a sign that you may have depression. Feeling sad all day is also part of depression, but the morning blues - perhaps making you just want to stay in or go back to bed - are particularly likely to be connected with depression. Anger Many people don't realize that recent research points to a connection between anger and depression. Blowing up and yelling at people without being able to control it may signify depression. Irritability Slightly different from anger, irritability is more about feeling snappish or easily frustrated and/or annoyed than angry blow-ups. Irritability connected to depression may make you feel really on edge all the time. Overwhelm Do you find yourself wanting to give up because things seem like they're just too much? Do you say, "I just can't take anymore," often? Depression can make you feel overwhelmed and over-stressed even when your schedule is not terribly demanding. Even a simple request for you to do something may send you over the edge and make you feel super-stressed. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleFind out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundationwebsite www.yourgiftoflife.org Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy Link for 40 Habits Signupbit.ly/40HabitsofMentalHealth www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com Feeling Inadequate People with depression may constantly compare themselves to others. As noted above, a not-too-demanding schedule may seem overwhelming to a depressed person, thus making the depressed person feel inadequate that he/she can't handle a schedule that others seem to handle fine. This sets up a cycle of feeling inadequate. Insomnia or Excessive Sleepiness Ironically, depression can cause some people to lose sleep, while it makes others want to sleep all the time (hypersomnia). Lack of Interest Are you just not interested in any outside activities? Are things you once looked forward to just burdensome things you have to trudge through and get done? This may mean you have depression. Changes in Weight In another irony of depression, both weight loss and weight gain may be symptoms of depression. Generally, if you gain or lose 5% or more of your body weight in a month, it may mean depression. Indecision Depression can make you feel like you can't make a decision, even simple ones. Your schedule just seems like gibberish when you look at it; you may not show up for things you have on your calendar or get dates wrong. Everyone makes mistakes, of course, but if this is a chronic problem or you just can't seem to get a handle on your schedule even when you sit down and try to figure out what to do and what to skip, it may mean depression. Inability to Concentrate Depressed people often have trouble concentrating and focusing. Your mind may wander, even to thoughts of death or suicide, and you may feel like you just can't get it together. Read the full article
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kellindandrews · 2 years
Preview - Children of Monsters
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     It feels like the world is falling down around me.
     Just this spring, things were good. They were great. I had just turned sixteen, the snow was finally melting, and I looked forward to the summer on the lake.
     Harley, the tiny tourist town full of rental cottages and souvenir shops where I grew up, came alive in the spring. Seasonal businesses opened again, and people came from all over, and the summer was vibrant. Every year, the summer was a montage of barbecues, block parties, art festivals and music and days spent on the beach next to a crystal-clear lake. The breeze was sticky-sweet, and the lake was the perfect escape from the beating sun. June smelled of fresh-cut grass and wildflowers. July smelled of fireworks and char-grilled food and sunscreen. August’s warm breeze and sun-baked concrete melted into September’s campfires and final visits to the ice cream parlour, and then the summer went into hibernation once more.
     My favourite part of the summer was the storms. Harley’s summer weather was usually hot and sunny, perfect for all the summer vacationers. But when it rained, it was monstrous and marvellous. Ever since I was little, I liked to sit on the front porch underneath the little awning at our house and stare off into the distance as the hot afternoon snapped and the storm rolled in. The summer breeze held onto its warmth but lost the smell of sugar and sunscreen to take on the drowned scent of the lake and the earthy smell of the woods.
     I loved to watch the bright blue sky darken into something sinister and beautiful. Sometimes, it felt like those mid-July storms were like me. I saw myself in the thunderous side of summer just as much as others saw me in the sunshine. When I was really young, I liked to imagine that I was the one making the leaves on the trees turn over, drawing the choppy, violent waves from the lake up onto the beach. My parents finally made me come in as the rain pounded down on the lawn and lightning flashed in purple forks across the sky. My favourite sound to fall asleep to was the pattering of rain against the windows and the ground-shaking rumble of thunder.
     The only one who liked storms as much as I did was Cal, who is a storm herself.
     Accalia. My best friend and my adopted sister. By the time I turned sixteen, it finally felt like our family was growing into itself. Cal was still angry, with her sharp edges and quick temper, but she let herself be one of us. After five years, I thought that this summer would be the one that I could spend with my family exactly as we always should have been.
     I never got to enjoy my last summer in Harley.
     Mom got sick. By the time she was diagnosed, it was late. Very, very late. She kept her head held high. She’s the strongest woman I know, and at first, against all odds, she seemed to be getting better. By September, we all thought that she would be just fine.
     And then, as if overnight, she got worse.
     Now, Mom’s not in and out of the hospital anymore; it’s like she lives there. I don’t think she wanted to go, but Dad and her doctors talked her into it. She seems sicker every day.
     When he doesn’t look sad or angry, Dad looks tired. He spends most of his time at the hospital with Mom, and he stays upstairs in their room when he’s home.
     Liam doesn’t talk much besides when we go visit Mom. I don’t think Dad knows that he’s been skipping school.
     And then there’s Cal. She doesn’t care that Mom is sick. Just when I thought she was finally truly family, she doesn’t care. Amid all the hurt, grief, and fear, it makes me angry.
     I don’t know where my family went.
     Cal fights with Dad. She doesn’t come with us when we see Mom. She gets into trouble and stays out too late. Dad’s family says taking her in was a mistake, that she’s too much. Too other. They don’t know the half of it. I only hope Dad can’t actually send her back.
     Then she gets suspended from school, and Dad’s had enough.
     It’s the same old fight, ever since she came to live with us. This time, it’s louder. It shakes the windows in their frames more than any wild summer storm could do. Cal tells Dad she hates him. Dad gets angrier than he ever would with me. I’m stuck in the room with them, and their yelling makes my chest tight, and my eyes sting. I wish they would stop.
     I know things with Mom aren’t looking good, even though Dad doesn’t want us to feel that way. On the evening of Cal and Dad’s biggest fight yet, Cal disappears while we’re at the hospital. She’s run away before, and Dad mutters about how it’s getting old. She still scares me every time. When the police bring her home from a side street on the outskirts of town, Dad grounds her to the basement for the rest of her suspension. Cal takes one of the five pastel-coloured mugs Mom bought from the row at the back of the kitchen counter, wordlessly lets it fall and smash against the grey tile of the floor.
     Mom’s gone before Cal comes back to school, and I don’t think I can hold the rest of us together in her wake.
Pre-order Children of Monsters and its sequel House of Wolves now. Coming July 20th.
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azaleavi · 3 years
Stranger with a knife - Y.B.
Summary: A stranger disturbs you in the middle of the night. Turns out that stranger might have a thing for knives.
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: use of knives, blood, alcohol mention, stab wound, mention of knife kink, very brief hint on use of poison
Author’s note: My first ever Yelena fic!! I’m super nervous to post it so please give me feedback! I’ve never written for a female character before but i hope you guys like it!
Feedback is always appreciated and don’t forget to reblog and like if you enjoyed it and want to see more. Thank you!
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It's in the middle of the night when you hear noise coming from outside your front door. It must be the neighbor you think and turn to your other side, away from the door to your room. You look at the digital clock and the bright red numbers tell you that it's just a little past 4 am. You are used to the people living next to you making noise. They always go out partying and they come back around this time so you don't make a fuss about it.
The noise of a few cars passing by on the street flow through the open window with the movement of the curtain caused by the light breeze. It does nothing for the heat that settled inside the four walls, the summer sun not letting go of you even during the night when it's sleeping.
You hear the noise again, like a person grunting just outside your little living space. It must have been some party you smile to yourself, a little jealousy seeping into the curve of your lips. You wanted to go out and party sometimes. Of course, you do, but that kind of time is not something you have.
The noise comes again, not moving an inch away from you and you realize that it's a female voice. You sit up in bed, worried for the mystery woman. She might be in trouble and you could not sleep knowing she might need your help.
Your feet touch the ground beside your bed just as the front door opens. The creaking of the old door echoes through the quiet space as you freeze in your spot, hands on the edge of the mattress ready to push you up to stand. Didn't you lock the door?
You are thankful that your eyes are used to the dark as you stand on shaky legs, trying to be as quiet as possible. Slowly walking to the door you grab the wood to open it just enough to look through the crack. An outline of a smaller figure catches your eyes as she stumbles in and closes the door behind her. At least she has some manners.
She stumbles onto your couch, her hands clutching her side. Landing on the soft cushions with a groan, she turns on her back.
You open the door a little more but stop your movements as it creaks. Damn old doors. She looks up from her stomach that she is still holding and your mouth opens in shock as she locks eyes with you. She has beautiful eyes.
"What-" she starts speaking, but her words fell short as she loses consciousness and falls back onto the couch. In a panic, you walk out the door and turn on the light. The woman has a big red patch on the side of her shirt and you can see her flesh under it as the fabric is cut open.
You pull the shirt away from her wound to check it out and you realize that it's not as bad as it looks. You are not a doctor, but you can tell that she doesn't need stitches. Pushing her shirt up just enough, you go and get some water, a towel, and some bandages. She needs your help no matter how she broke into your house. You clean all the blood away and wrap her in the bandages to the best of your abilities. When you are satisfied with your work you sit down on a chair facing the couch. You know you couldn't sleep with a stranger in your apartment so you decide on watching her. Your tired body has other plans though and you slip into sleep 15 minutes after.
The morning sun shines onto your closed eyelids making you stir in your sleep. Realizing what happened you jolt awake, almost falling off the uncomfortable chair you have been sitting on for the past few hours. the woman is still in the same place, passed out. A sigh leaves your lips in relief. You don't know what she would have done to you if she woke up before you.
Your stomach grumbles into the quiet morning air, signaling that the small dinner you had was not enough. After one last check on the woman, you walk into the kitchen to prepare something for you, making a little more than you usually would in case your guest wakes up hungry too.
As you busy yourself with breakfast, you don't notice the woman wake up and look around the unfamiliar place. Felling something around her torso she looks down and sees a bandage neatly wrapped around the wound she sustained last night. Her eyes land on your frame standing by the stove and her training kicks in. Standing up she quietly walks over to the kitchen counter that has knives on it and grabs one.
You feel a presence behind you, but before you can turn around you feel the coldness of the metal pressed to your neck. Your hands stop moving as you gasp. Her other hand goes around your waist and you can't help but grab onto it in panic.
"Who are you?" her accent is thick as it rumbles inside your ear.
"I think I should be the one asking that" your accent is just as prominent yet slightly different and she is taken back for a second. Who are you to talk back to her like this when you have a knife to your neck?
"I asked first" the childish claim is the only thing that comes out of her mouth, her brain unable to think of anything else. You tilt your head slightly as if saying fair.
"I'm the owner of the house you stumbled into in the middle of the night" you don't know where this confidence comes from, but you like it "Your turn" you look at the tiles on the wall ahead of you, trying to make her out in the reflection but it's no use. It's way too blurred to make out any features, but you can feel that she is around the same height as you.
"I'm the person who stumbled into your house" you can basically hear the smirk in her voice and you hold back a groan.
"I'll need a little more than that" you talk back to her and she is surprised once again.
"Well too bad" she lets go of you and you immediately turn around to come face to face with the most attractive woman you have ever seen. You look into her eyes and now it's your turn to be speechless.
"I was right" you mumble as a small smile plays on your lips.
"About what?" she furrows her eyebrows in confusion.
"Your eyes are really pretty" her whole body freezes at the compliment that leaves your mouth. She stares at you for a few seconds then clears her throat and turns away from you.
"So what happened?" she sits down on one of the chairs, keeping the knife close to her hand. Just in case.
"I told you. You walked into my house and bled on my couch" you shrug as you turn off the stove. Taking out two plates you scrape the food into each. She watches as you place one plate in front of her before sitting down on the chair across the table.
"How do I know you didn't put anything in this?" she looks down at it and she has to admit, it smells delicious.
"You'll have to find out" you tease her but immediately regret it as the knife is back under your chin, pressing against your skin almost breaking it.
"I'm starting to think you have a knife kink" your eyes don't leave the blade as you continue to tease her. She scoffs at your comment and pushes the knife harder against you "Okay, okay I'm just kidding" you try to de-escalate the situation as you hold your hands up in surrender. She takes mercy on you and pulls away the knife from your throat. A sigh escapes you as she leans back into her chair, making her smirk under her nose.
"Do you want me to eat from your food too?" you raise your eyebrows but she waves you off.
"I'm not hungry anyway. Do you have some vodka?" she tilts her head that you find oddly adorable.
"Vodka?" you ask back in surprise. Why would she want alcohol early in the morning?
"Yes" she nods like there is nothing wrong with what she is asking for.
"Sure" you shrug, acting nonchalant. If she wants to drink so early then she has another thing coming. You walk to the fridge and pull out a bottle. Trying to shield it from her view, you pour it into a shot glass and turn around to face her. She is sitting there impatiently as you hand the glass to her and she drowns it without thinking. You can see on her face that she was expecting the familiar sting of alcohol. Instead, she got a big shot of water from you. You can barely hide your smile as you see her face drop. She turns to you and you hide your mouth behind your hand.
"Do you think you are funny?" her voice is low as she stands up and you take a step back.
"A little, yes" you scrunch up your nose while nodding. She feels her anger dissipate at the action, but she steels herself.
"Okay then funny girl why don't you tell me your name?" she takes another step closer to you, but you mirror her movement backward.
"You first" your eyes don't leave hers as you play this cat and mouse game.
"I could kill you in a second" she threatens you, but for some reason, you don't budge. Everything you do baffles her and she needs to figure you out.
"If you wanted to kill me you would have done it already" you tilt your head to the side with a small smile. She stops in her tracks as her heart almost skips a beat at the action. Almost. The expression on her face makes you furrow your eyebrows "What?" the question shakes her out of her stupor and she raises her knife once again. She needs to leave right now before she does anything she will regret.
"If you tell anyone that I was here" she steps closer and this time you don't move back "you will die a painful death" you suck in a sharp breath at her words.
"Wait, you are leaving?" there is a slight sadness in your voice that she notices, but chooses to ignore. You don't even know why you want her to stay. She is a stranger that got stabbed and broke into your apartment in the middle of the night. You shouldn't want her to stay.
"I already stayed longer than I should have" she explains as she puts down the knife on the table and walks towards the front door.
It's already open by the time you reach her and you grab her elbow in a hurry. Her hand wraps around your wrist so tightly that it hurts and you hiss as you pull away from her. She mumbles a sorry under her breath as she fully turns back to you.
"I need to-"
"At least tell me your name" you interrupt whatever she wanted to say. Your eyes are wide as you look at her, your voice having a hint of desperation. Her heart beats just a little harder as you stare at her with so much hope in your eyes. A sigh parts her lips as she brings her hand to your cheek. Her palm presses against the soft flesh on your face and you can't help but lean into her touch. You don't know her, but you feel more comfortable around her than you had with anyone in your life.
"Yelena" you didn't even notice that you closed your eyes until it snaps open. Her name. Yelena.
"Yelena" you whisper is like an echo of an empty staircase of her voice and she concludes she likes it. You stare at each other for a few quiet seconds, her hand still on your cheek.
"Don't move away from this place" she lets go of you and leaves you perplexed by her words.
"What?" you ask back. You must have heard her wrong.
She doesn't answer you. Instead, she walks away from you and only throws you a smile over her shoulder. You stand there as she walks down the stairs and disappears from your sight.
Your mind is a mess as you close the door and press your back against it. You don't know anything about her other than her name, but you know one thing. You won't move away from this apartment until a specific blonde woman shows up at your door again. Maybe this time not bleeding.
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A Halstead!Sister
'But they don't know. They don't know what it's like to be you. They didn't know what it was like to wake up everyday, to a body you never asked for.
A body nobody wanted.'
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Warnings : eating disorder, body insecurities, body dismorphia
Requested : Yup, by anon , 'could u do a fic where she has an eating disorder? and doesn’t tell jay but then one day she passes out at school and has to tell him?'
Word count : 1.7k
Note : this took too long I don't know why 😭but yall Guess who's thankful that yall bear with my English ? me. :) and ps this is my first request!! And yall please please know that all of you are so freaking beautiful and worth fighting for. Know that you are loved and it is never, ever weak to ask for help.
The constant pain and sleepless nights were paying off. Your eyes sparkled when you saw your new numbers. It was working.
You took your diary, crossing out breakfast on the to do list after eating a banana.
This was going to be simple. check what you eat, check your weight and repeat . You knew that if you tried really hard, you would be the one in control.
Control. That's all you wanted. Such an easy, yet painful thing.
You looked to the mirror, as your hands hovered over your ribs sticking to the skin . You'd never felt so beautiful in your life. But your eyes roamed down to your thighs. The flesh of your legs were touching. It wasn't enough.
It was never enough.
'' Y/n , come on ! Move your ass! I need to get to work!! '' Jay shouted for you, from downstairs.
'' Shut uppp I'm comingg'', you yelled back.
Ever since your mom had died, dad always kept to himself leading you to stay with your brothers. It had become a routine. Jay  would drop you off at school and Annie's mom would give you a ride home.
Lucky for you , Jay was constantly busy with cases. He hadn't noticed your new diet or the mood swings.
Your teacher had started the lesson. And slowly you sensed something wrong. Your head was pounding. God why is she so blurry? You look to Anne sitting next to you and she's Blurry too. You felt your body giving up to the swaying ground.
'' y/n!! '' Annie shreiked as your limp body crashed to the floor.
'' Chuckles!? '' Trudy called out,climbing the stairs to intelligence. "Do I look like a cocktail waitress to you? Where have you been??"
"Morning to you too, sarge" Jay sighed. "and its detective"
" Well , Detective , Y/n fainted at school and wanted you to pick her up"
"What ?" he asked shocked, aldready beginning to pick up his jacket.
"Sarge" he said, looking to Voight for approval, although he would leave nonetheless. "Go."
"Mr. Halstead" the school nurse addressed him, as he entered the clinic.
"Call me jay. Y/n, are you okay? what the hell happened?" he asked you worried.
You had never fainted before and apart from the flu every couple of years, you had a clean bill of health, as far as he knew.
"Jay, I promise I'm fine. Just got a little dizzy, that's all" you answered knowing how overprotective he can get. Now all you could hope for was that he would let this slide.
"I tried getting some food in her but she told me she was fine" the nurse explained to Jay.
God No. the the salad she offered you had so many calories.  you had made too much progress nothing was going to stop you especially a simple fainting episode. It was a minor setback but you were sure you could continue your weight loss diet.
" What, WHY? " he questioned, but just  as you were thinking of a better reply " You know what, I'm gonna take her home." he interrupted your thoughts as he spoke to the nurse.
" Only if you are sure, you're good"
" I am Jay. One hundred percent." you replied, happy to skip the rest of the school day.
It's not like you've been paying attention any ways. You'd zone out a lot during class and  your constant hunger and cramps didn't help either. But you drowned these feelings away with small sips of water and occasional slices of cucumbers.
You Craved the Emptiness. the feeling of being lighter. The feeling of being....... perfect. It was intoxicating.
Taking your school bag, Jay wrapped a study arm around your shoulders , guiding you through the school corridors and towards his truck.
"God, I can't wait to go to bed", You said climbing the truck and fastening your seat belt.
"Yeah right. I'm taking you to med" he stated. "WHAT? Jay, what the hell ? I told you, I'm fine!!"
You knew Will was working and didn't want either of your brothers to know about your new diet or how much weight you had lost. It was too late to quit. The disgusting image in the mirror was slowly getting better..... getting thinner, prettier.
"You've never fainted before Y/n, and I promise I'll get Will to run the exams and do all the tests" he assured you.
"Y/n, I thought I told you I never wanted to see you here again.", Maggie greeted, pointing a finger at you.
"Awwww  but I missed you", you pouted, " No don't do that. your brother's waiting in treatment room 3 so you better get going." she instructed and you dropped your school bag near the nurses station.
You and Jay enter the room, to a very worried Will. "Y/n, what happened?" he asked , gesturing you to sit on the bed.
"did you hit your head when you fell? Did you fall in the bathroom or something like that?", he continued, not giving you time to answer.
"what did the nurses say? are you stressed about school?" " Will-", you interrupted his rambling " I'm fine, just..... got a little dizzy."
You watched , as he took his pen light to your eyes. "Ah! Will, stop!!" You said, trying and failing to refrain him.
"You know, it'll be easier if you stop squirming" Jay commented with a smug smile. "Your not going anywhere"
"Shut up" you groaned.
You need to get out of here. What if they gave you food. What if they found out you were hungry all the time. They'd never stop making fun of you. They'd tell you that you were overreacting and that all this was so unnecessary.
But they didn't know. They didn't know what it was like to be you. They didn't have floppy arms or fleshy thighs. They didn't know what it was like to wake up everyday, to a body you never asked for. A body nobody wanted.
"Jay" Will called out, seeing him outside your room. It had been a couple of hours since you were bought in.
Will had ordered some tests, being the ass he was.
Wonderful. You just hoped that all the tests would be normal and you could get the hell out of there.
"yeah man? just needed to text Hailey, Why, what's wrong?" Jay asked, studying the worried expression on his brother's face
"It's Y/n. "
You were fiddling with the hem of your t-shirt when your brother's walked in, staring at you, as if you were a ghost.
"Y/n," Jay croaked out his voice laced with dread, "how long?"
No. No. No. This can't be happening. God, you knew that they were going to hate you forever.
"what the are you talking about?" you needed to try to get them to back away."Is something wrong?"
They were standing on either side of your bed. Jay came closer and sat down on your right the beside your knees, eyes never leaving yours.
"Your tests-" Will started, "They came back showing you have severe deficiencies. That your body is struggling to survive. That it's not getting enough food." he broke away from your gaze.
"We um-" Jay, as if almost on queue, continued."We looked through your school bag and found your diary. "
You sucked in a sharp breath and shook your head. No. He knew. They knew.
All your calorie counts, the amount of calories you can have in a day, your research on diets, workouts, to do lists, hell, even your Period Tracker was written down. (although you barely had it anymore)
That book was the reason you were finally becoming happy with yourself. Your body.
'I'm sorry', you mouthed "I'm so, so sorry" This was it. Your voice hitched, as tears flowed down your cheeks. "I was finally happy"
In an instant, your brothers were by your side.
Jay engulfed you into his chest, your words circling his mind. 'Finally?' God, you lived together! You were his sister! His baby sister! How could he have let this happen to you? How could he not have noticed that you were drowning? That you were starving yourself. What kind of brother was he?
Will rubbed your back, until your sobs became quieter. He was a doctor. A damn doctor! God knows how long this has been going on, but at the end of the day.... he failed. He failed to be there,..... when you needed him.
"Y/n, you don't have to do this. You're beautiful Y/n. You really are. And I'm sorry that anyone else has convinced in otherwise" Jay breathed out, hoping you heard him, in his embrace.
"It felt good, Jay" your voice was muffled by his shirt, but to your brothers, your voice was loud and clear.
"Did it?" You turned to Will, "Did the hunger feel good?" his heart broke saying the words out loud.
'Yes', you wanted to answer. Of course it felt good. You were getting so many compliments from your friends at school. Boys started acknowledging you now.
It was like you finally existed. You felt...... worthy.
But with all the strength you could muster up, you couldn't get the words out. Because there was always one voice that told you to quit. The voice you'd been drowning out for so long. The voice that told you, that you were in fact, beautiful.
Your mother's.
"No" you said, realizing that Will had tears in his eyes as well.
But you couldn't find a hint of shame in them, no matter how much you searched. Instead, you were met with the immense worry and guilt of your brother.
"We can help, Y/n" Will said, as he took your hand in his, "We will help and we'll be there every step of the way."
"Every step" Jay assured and you turned to him. "All you need to do, is let us in"
You weren't prepared for this. You had no idea what to say.
You didn't want to feel tired all the time, always craving for food. But the idea of going back - back to all that shame - that's what scared you.
"Y/n," Will spoke up, seeing as you were struggling to answer, "I promise you, we are going to make you feel better...... and we'll fight those thoughts of yours together."
You took a shaky breath.
Your thoughts.
You had let them consume you for a long time now. Too long. maybe..... Maybe the right voice to follow, was your mothers'. "okay-" you sobbed, "okay", and once again you found yourself in Jay's arms.
You, clinging to him like your life depended on it and him holding you tight, because it did. His hand rested on your head, tangled with your hair.
Will saw a tear make its way down his brothers cheek, something he hasn't witnessed often.
Your brothers sat silently, listening to you cry. Taking in the conversation, only having a glimpse of the pain you were in.
You had a long, long road ahead but as you sat in your brother arms, you felt a sense of peace, comfort maybe.
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frenchpuppycormier · 3 years
HI ZOË!!! angst #16 for that sentence starter post if you're still up for some writing. i love getting my feelings hurt 🤡
"Are you hurt?"
"Then why are there bruises all over your face?"
Kara doesn't have a mean bone in her body.
She waves at every animal she sees on her daily walks and patrols at night. She gives and gives to people without expecting anything in return. When someone is having a bad day or just really needs to talk, she listens, even criminals. Most of them aren't any different than the average person, they simply were dealt the wrong hand. She's extremely loyal and doesn't take anything personally. One time, Kara saved a fly that was trapped in a spider's web.
So yeah, Kara doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Which is why today is such an anomaly.
She's in the kitchen still dressed in her navy chinos and baby pink button up with palm trees from when she came home from work. Andrea made her rewrite an article thrice, Jeremy from accounting had broken the copier machine and politely asked for her help in fixing it, she stopped a bank robbery a few blocks down from CatCo when she realized the police wouldn't get there in time, and to top it all off she unwillingly skipped lunch after someone stole her sandwich from the staff fridge.
To say she was exhausted and starving was an understatement. Changing into her pajamas meant she had to walk all the way to the bedroom and Kara was too lazy, even for superspeed.
As she stirs her homemade tomato sauce she taps her phone screen and checks the time. 6:35 pm. Frowning, Kara doesn't see any missed messages or calls from Lena letting her know she's going to be late.
She shrugs to herself and thinks Lena must've gotten caught up in her lab and lost track of time. It happens more often than not, and Kara doesn't think it'll ever change, much to her chagrin. It's bad enough Lena forgets to eat lunch most days, but to continuously forget her phone and watch in her office? Kara knows her wife's a workaholic, but she wasn't aware until now, the fourth night this week, that it was getting this bad.
Kara strains the pasta and cuts the garlic bread while periodically stirring the sauce and checking her phone. She decides to finally turn on some music when the silence of the penthouse becomes too stifling and daunting.
She's in the middle of dancing to ABBA and plating the food when she hears a familiar heartbeat walking down the hall. Kara tries not to listen to it too often—she doesn't want Lena to feel like her privacy has been invaded—but sometimes she can't help it. Her wife's heartbeat is one of the most soothing sounds she's ever heard, and ever since she heard it for the first time, she's just been naturally drawn to it, like a moth to a flame.
Kara smiles as she hears it get closer until Lena's opening the door and walking through. "Hey, babe! I'm in the kitchen!" she yells, her energetic voice reverberating throughout the house.
There's no verbal response like there usually is, which is the first warning sign. The second is when Lena walks by—she has to in order to go to their room—it's with quick steps and careful avoidance. But Kara's been able to read her like a book since they've known each other, and she knows something's amiss by the way Lena doesn't even greet her with a kiss. She always does.
Her wife stops frozen in her tracks, head angled down, hair covering her face like a curtain. Lena's heart ticks up a beat, leaving Kara wildly concerned.
"Lena?" she steps around the island and stands in front of her. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," she mumbles.
Kara tilts her head to make eye contact, but Lena moves her head so she can't. "Then why won't you let me look at you?"
"It's nothing, I-I'm fine."
"And why does that not convince me?" Kara sighs. Lena doesn't move a muscle and she keeps quiet. "Are you hurt?"
"No." She still shows no signs of moving. It's like she's decided her next career move is becoming one of those marble sculptures at the museum people love to gawk at.
"Lena...you're scaring me." She tentatively reaches out and grasps Lena's fingers, tremendously thankful when she doesn't pull away. If there's one thing her wife is bad at, it's letting people in. But she also knows when she's feeling stressed or overwhelmed that holding her hand relaxes and grounds her. "Please..."
Finally, after standing there in an awkward and probably painful way with the way Lena's neck is positioned, she slowly looks up. Kara audibly gasps when she sees her, and what she sees ignites a fire in her chest and a fury in her eyes. "If you're not hurt, then why are there bruises all over your face?"
"Lena," she breathes and lifts her hands to gently cup her face, tears pooling in her eyes. Her breathing is significantly more ragged than before, and she mentally takes note of why that is. "What happened?"
"It's nothing," she repeats.
Kara frowns and backs away, crossing her arms. "Who did this to you?"
"Please, Kara. I don't want to make a big deal—"
"Who?" her voice is lower and angrier, sending chills down Lena's back. She grits her teeth, "Lena, tell me who did this to you now, so I can kill them."
"Kara, this isn't you," she reaches forward to calm her down, but Kara starts pacing.
"The hell it isn't!" Kara exclaims, fists clenching at her sides. "My wife was beaten for all I know, and she's acting like it's just another day at the office!" she gestures at Lena, exasperatedly. "How would you expect me to act?"
Lena flinches at her tone.
Kara notices, because she always notices when Lena's in distress, and she deflates. "Lena, you're the love of my life, my person, and when you're hurt I can't help how I act. I'm sorry if I seem like I'm overreacting or if I'm yelling, but it's you." She walks back into her space and places her hands over Lena's face, thumbs lightly grazing her cheekbones, careful not to bump her wounds. "It's you," she whispers.
Lena swallows thickly, and when she speaks her voice is soft and afraid. "It was an accident."
"Did someone do this to you?" Kara's jaw clenches as she lets go. She doesn't stray far though, crossing her arms in front of her chest to try and calm down.
"Kara, no," Lena sighs, tears pooling in her eyes. "I...I did it to myself."
"What?" Kara's arms drop to her sides. "What are you talking about?"
"I was in a board meeting," she clears her throat. "Um...I was presenting a new prototype for...for," Lena shakes her head and frowns tensely. She rubs her eyes with tight fists and with a shaky breath, she cries, "Kara, I—I can't remember!"
Kara steps forward and grasps her hands. "Hey, it's okay. Take your time." She rubs soothing circles over her knuckles with her thumbs.
Lena takes a deep breath and tries again. "I was in a board meeting, and I vaguely recall getting a terrible migraine. Everything after that is fuzzy," she sniffles and takes her hands back to wipe her eyes. "Jess said I fell and hit my head on the table on the way down."
Kara inhales shakily, "What?"
"I had a seizure, I guess," she says it with a slight lilt at the end like it's a question she doesn't want answered. "Uh, it lasted about five minutes until the paramedics arrived. They said I was lucky I wasn't doing something else, like driving. It could've been a lot worse."
"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't anyone call me?," Kara looks at her with pleading but sorrowful eyes.
"I didn't want you to worry."
"We promised each other, remember?" squeezes her hands. "For better or worse," she says with all the conviction she has. Kara kisses her knuckles and asks, "What did the doctors say?"
Lena sniffles and bows her head. "They ran all these tests on me, but couldn't find anything serious as to why I had a seizure. It could be any number of things, but they can't really do anything for me until I have another one," she looks up at her wife, lips wobbling.
"Kara, I'm scared," she whispers. "This is—" her words catch in her throat, and it's hard for her to breathe. "This is—my mom," she cries hysterically, covering her mouth with her hands, "This is how my mom died, she—she had a seizure while she was in the lake and she drowned. I can't—I can't believe this is—this is happening," she hiccups into another sob.
"Shhh," Kara envelops her in a hug and rubs soothing hands along her back. Lena bawls uncontrollably into her neck, hands gripped tightly to the back of Kara's shirt. "I'm so sorry, Lena," she kisses her on the head and murmurs into her hair, "We're gonna figure this out, I promise."
"What if I have what she had?" Lena questions, voice muffled and watery. "Kara...I don't wanna die," her mind begins to fill with thousands of different scenarios and she spirals into a panic, her whole body shaking, "I don't wanna die, Kara!"
"Honey, no," Kara hugs her tighter, as much as she can without harming her, then pulls back and kisses her on the forehead. She pointedly looks into her eyes when she says, "You're not dying. Okay? Not today, not anytime soon, alright?" Lena's face is red and splotchy. She tries to reign in control of her emotions, and she exhales a shaky breath while managing to give a slight nod. "Good. We'll figure out what's wrong with you, and if we can't do that here, then...we'll go to Argo. Their advances in science are way ahead of Earth's, and if that's not enough then I'll personally travel to other earths or other planets until I find a solution. You're not going anywhere if I have anything to say about it."
Kara palms the underside of her jaw and rests their foreheads together, Lena's puffs of breath hitting her lips. "I promise," she presses their lips together in a chaste kiss and mumbles, "I love you." Kara kisses her again, "More than anything."
"I love you, too," Lena replies and buries her face in Kara's chest, her arms wrapped around her waist tight and what would be restricting if not for Kara’s invulnerable body. A calming minute passes for them in the aftermath of Lena's breakdown, when Lena quietly asks, "Is something burning?"
Lena feels her wife stiffen in her arms. "Shit!"
She pulls back and raises her eyebrows curiously, an amused glint in her eyes as she asks, "Did you just swear?"
Kara extracts herself from Lena's hold and stutters, "N-no, I said sh-sheet," she fumbles over to the stove and turns off the burner. Kara leans over the pot and frowns at the wreckage.
Lena chuckles with such fondness it's almost like their previous conversation has been forgotten. Kara beams at the sound, one of the reasons she fell in love with Lena in the first place; that girl can make laughter sound like music. Even her out-of-control snort laughs are adorable. At least to Kara's ears.
"There's no point in denying it, love, I heard you loud and clear," Lena smirks and joins her in the kitchen, poking her in the side. Kara squeals and feigns hurting by falling to the floor dramatically.
Lena playfully rolls her eyes and holds out her hand. "Baby, get up, the floor is a mess." Kara easily obeys and jumps to her feet with barely any help from Lena. "I married a weirdo," she shakes her head.
"Do you regret it?"
"Never," Lena states firmly. "You're my weirdo, forever."
"I like the sound of that," Kara blushes. Even after being married for five years, and knowing each other even longer, Lena still possesses the ability to fluster Kara on a daily basis.
"C'mon, let's order Chinese."
"You're speaking my language!" Kara kisses Lena on the nose and watches with pure affection as it scrunches. She grabs the takeout menu from the junk drawer before twining her fingers through Lena's and snuggling with her on the couch.
No matter her diagnosis, not matter the outcome, Lena will be more than okay with Kara by her side.
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firehouseonechicago · 3 years
Five Times He Almost Kissed You, The One Time He Did || Kelly Severide
Author’s Note: Kelly was super fun to write for. I had one hundred scenarios in my head that I struggled to choose from, but I eventually had to choose one and so here we are. I hope you enjoy, next up is Herrmann. Gif by @baharsahins​
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You had only been with Squad 3 for only a few months, and during that time, Kelly had never seen you panic. The two of you might had gotten off on the wrong foot when the two of you first met, but he couldn’t help but admire the way you always kept a level-head during calls, even the very, very stressful ones. You were practically a becon of calming energy, and Kelly couldn’t help but feel a little jealous at the fact that the rest of the squad relied on you to keep them calm and not their own Lieutenant.
But as the two of you became trapped in an apartment complex basement, with a broken water main slowly filling up the incredibly small and cramped space, Kelly watched you break. You pressed yourself as close to the wall as possible, cowering away from the water as it now reached your knees. You were panting frantically, your eyes darting every which way in search of a way out. Kelly called out to you, as you stared down at the water completely petrified. Kelly waded through the water towards you, the water now reaching his waist, and placed his hands on your shoulders and turned you to face him.
“Y/n, look at me!” He shouted, trying to be heard over the rushing water from above. When your eyes met his own, Kelly almost had to do a double take. Your eyes were bloodshot, laden with tears as you descended into a state of pure fear. Kelly tightened his hold on your shoulders “Y/n, focus on me okay? Don’t look at the water, look at me...” He insturcted, as your eyes glazed over with a look of bewilderment “Tell me something that no one else knows about you, something you’ve never told anyone”. He watched as your breathing somewhat steadied, your eyes becoming clearer as you swallowed thickly “I’m scared of drowning”. For a moment, Kelly was confused by your answer before you continued “When I was little my parents owned a lakehouse just a few hours away from the city. I fell in off the wharf and almost drowned, I’ve been terrified of water ever since”.
In that moment, a strange feeling to kiss you surged through Kelly. It was just an idea, to take your mind off of what was happening around you. It was nothing more than that. He didn’t want to see you like this, so scared, and so unlike your usual and bright self. The water had now risen to just below your shoulders, just as the collapsed ceiling above was removed to reveal the concerned faces of Boden, Casey, Herrmann and Mouch. Kelly smiled, turning his gaze back to your form as a relieved sob escaped you. After the two of you had been helped out of the basement, you enveloped Kelly in a tight embrace, whispering a shaky ‘thank you’ over and over again. And he held onto you, assuring you that you were safe.
Molly’s was very busy that night, and so Kelly kept to himself in one of the booths in the very corner of the room.
There were a lot of faces he didn’t recognise, but there was one that he couldn’t take his eyes off. You stood at the bar, a bright smile on your face as you spoke with Herrmann. Your eyes sparkled, he’d never seen you smile like that before. You just looked so happy. He must have been staring, because he hadn’t noticed that you had suddenly moved into the seat across from him. “Hey, you look a little spaced out. You okay?” You asked quietly, tilting your head to the side in wait for his answer.
Shaking himself from his stupor, Kelly nodded slowly “Yeah I’m good, it’s just been a bit of a rough day that’s all” He replied, his gaze flickering between the half empty beer bottle in his grasp and your form before him. You nodded in agreement, releasing a small hum as you gave him a grin “Tell me about it, the last call wasn’t exactly easy. Especially since we had a run-in with one of the guys we rescued”
Kelly laughed, shaking his head at the memory. There was no explaination as to why he had gotten violent, but he had shoved you quite harshly and pinned you against the side of Truck 81. If Kelly hadn’t stepped in, and hauled that guy away from you with much greater force, the situation would have likely become more complicated. “I wanted to thank you, for what you did today. And I also wanted to say thank you for...for not telling anyone about what happened in that basement a few weeks ago” You whispered shyly, biting your lip somewhat anxiously in embarrassment. Kelly grinned in response, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. After that incident, you and Kelly had gotten closer. He began to confide in you, and talk to you more often. “It’s not my place to tell anybody...” He replied, leaning forward in his seat “but you do have to overcome that fear. If you want to stay on squad you have to-”
“I know, I’m working on it okay? I just...I just can’t...” You trailed off, sighing heavily as your shoulders slumped, your eyes glazing over as memories of the rising water no doubt consumed your mind. That strange feeling surged through him again, that same feeling that made him want to kiss you. He didn’t want to see you like this, completely distant and slightly trembling. It was so unlike you, so far from your usual happy self. And so Kelly leaned over across the table, and gently placed his hand atop yours “How about I help you out, I won’t tell another living soul that you are afraid of water, and I will do whatever I can to help you overcome that fear”.
The smile that appeared on your face caused Kelly’s heart to soar. Your eyes regained their sparkle, and the small laugh that escaped your lips made him feel all the more happier.
“I’ll have to pass”
“Oh come on Y/n...” Gabby whined, slumping down against the table with a loud groan “just go on one date with this guy please? He seems really into you and I think the two of you would be perfect for each other”. You shook your head, grimacing slightly as you shook your head in response. “I’m really sorry Gabby, but this guy has already sent me a hundred messages which are entirely inappropriate and I just don’t think I should go out with this guy. I know you’re trying to set me up with someone but I just...”
Kelly had tried to stop listening to your conversation hours ago, but he just couldn’t help eavesdropping. He had heard from certain people around the firehouse that Gabby was trying to get you to go on a date with a doctor she had briefly met on one of her trips to the hospital on a call. She had been trying for weeks to get you to go out with him, and every time you had refused. Just the thought of you going out with someone else other than him made Kelly feel incredibly jealous. It was no secret to a few people in the firehouse that Kelly had somehow developed feelings for you, they had suspected a short time after the two of you had been trapped in that flooded basement.
He watched on in silent anger as you once again rejected Gabby’s offer to date some guy she met at Molly’s. What he really wanted to do was to kiss you passionately and to kindly but politely shut Dawson up. You were the only person who seemed to understand him, who was always there for him no matter what tough situation was thrown his way. And so probably against his better judgement, Kelly stood up from his seat and awkwardly approached your table. He stopped short as your eyes quickly moved toward him, a kind smile forming on your face. “Kelly, thank god. How can I help you?” You asked in a slightly exasperated tone, though the joking demenour behind it shone through. His chest suddenly felt tight as a million thoughts raced through his mind. What if you said no? What would he do then? He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves as he spoke.
“I uh...I was wondering if you would like to um...maybe grab a drink at Molly’s sometime. With me, I was wondering if you would go with me to Molly’s for a-”
“Sure, I’d love to”
Kelly froze, his eyes widening in shock. It took him a moment to comprehend your response, but as soon as he realized that you had said yes, he suddenly felt ecstatic. He nodded excitedly in response, grinning childishly before walking away with a slight skip in his step. His happy demenour made you smile, whilst Gabby just gawked between you and Kelly’s retreating form as she tried to piece together what had just occured.
“I’m not getting in that pool”
“Why not, the water is lovely. And besides, you promised that you would work on getting over your fear of water”.
You knew that this was a bad idea, you weren’t even sure why you agreed to meet Kelly here in the first place. You hugged your arms close to your frame nervously as you watched Kelly wade through the water, your entire body trembling at the thought of submerging yourself completely beneath the water. Kelly approached the edge of the pool, looking up at you with his signature cheeky yet charming grin. “Come on, just hop in. I’ll be with you every step of the way” He spoke calmly, extending his hand out towards you in sincerity. Stubbournly, you shook your head and backed away from the pool’s edge “No, no way. I’m not getting in there-”
“Y/n if you don’t get over here I will get out and carry you in if I have to” Kelly stated blatantly, half hauling himself out of the pool with a raised eyebrow in emphasis to his words. You glared toward him “Is that a challenge, Severide?”
“That’s a promise, sweetheart”.
The way his voice darkened caused your cheeks to flush a bright pink, but knowing that Kelly would stay true to his word, you reluctantly shuffled over to the edge of the pool and sat down. Kelly grinned triumphantly, submerging himself under the water before resurfacing with a flick of his hair. You rolled your eyes as Kelly chuckled, wading through the water towards you before taking your hands in his own. “I hate you so much” You grumbled, trying so very hard to stop your hands from trembling. Huffing a laugh, Kelly tightened his grip around your hands comfortingly “No you don’t, otherwise you wouldn’t have agreed to go out on that date with me tomorrow night”.
After easing yourself into the water, you practically clung to the man before you as Kelly lead you through the water. Kelly took note of your close proximity, and suddenly found himself becoming increasingly nervous. Your face was just inches away from his own, the temptation to kiss you was becoming way too overwhelming. Yet he composed himself, and focused on the task at hand. It would take some time for you to get over your fear of water, but Kelly was willing to do whatever it took to help you. You were apart of his squad, not to mention the fact that he was deeply in love with you.
Kelly bounced his leg anxiously as he sat at the bar at Molly’s.
You were due to arrive for your date any second now, and for some unknown reason, Kelly Severide was more nervous than he had ever been in his life. He had never felt this nervous before, not even on call. He really wanted this date to go well.
“Would you calm down already?” Herrmann mused from behind the bar, staring at the man before him with a bewildered expression “I’m sure everything is going to be fine, you just need to take a breath, alright”. Kelly turned to face Herrmann with a long and heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly as he leaned forward against the bar. “I’m sorry. I’m just a little nervous”.
“A little is an understatement my friend...” Herrmann teased, laughing mockingly just as the door to Molly’s opened. Kelly turned, half expecting to see Otis turn up for his shift behind the bar. But he was completely blown away at the sight of you. You wore a short black dress covered in a small red rose pattern, with a black leather jacket over your shoulders. Your hair was swept over your shoulder lazily, unlike at the firehouse when it had been thrown up into a messy ponytail. A cute messy ponytail. When your eyes met his from across the room, you smiled brightly and gave him a small wave as you approached. This was it, this was really happening. God, Kelly didn’t know what to do. You looked so beautiful, the breath was completely knocked out of him.
As you sat down on the seat beside him at the bar, the feeling of wanting to kiss you resurfaced. He was so unbelievably happy that you had agreed to this date, so unbelievably happy that you-
“Hello? Earth to Kelly Severide?” You suddenly interrupted, a teasing tone to your voice as you chuckled at the man before you. Brought back from his stupor, Kelly’s eyes remained frozen on your form. “You look gorgeous” he suddenly blurted, noting the bright redness that spontaniously covered your cheeks. You waved him off dismissively, ordering a light drink from Herrmann as you continued to talk to Kelly. The night was filled with flirtatious banter and the occasional longing glances. It was obvious to anyone that watched that there was obvious chemistry between the two of you, but neither of you cared if people were watching. You were both having fun, and that was all that mattered in that moment.
The one time he did...
“Do you think Shay would mind if I stayed the night? I think I’ve had a bit too much to drink” You mumbled somewhat sheepishly, as you trudged over from the kitchen into the living room where Kelly sat on the couch.
He chuckled, patting the cushion beside him for you to sit down. “Shay is staying over at some girl’s house tonight, so you can stay here as long as you want” He replied, allowing you to cuddle into his side as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You hummed in content, snuggling further into him with a small giggle. “Okay good, I wasn’t planning on leaving anyway”.
“Then why ask?” Kelly scoffed, smiling down at you with an amused smile. You rolled your eyes lazily, looking up at him with a cheeky grin “Well I’ve been over enough times, and I haven’t spent the night here yet, so I thought maybe-”
Before you could finish your sentence, Kelly dipped down and captured your lips with his own. The kiss was gentle and passionate. Soft even, almost as if he was testing the waters a little. But as soon as you reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck, that was all Kelly needed as a sign to continue. Moving you into a more comfortable position, Kelly hovered above you as he intensified the kiss, before quickly pulling away from you with a teasing smirk. “What do you say we take this upstairs?” He asled quietly, gesturing with his eyes to the ceiling and his bedroom above. You mimicked his expression, somehow managing to slip out from beneath him with an excited laugh. “Gladly!” You called out, before racing up the staircase ahead of him, and leaving Kelly to chase after you with a loud amused laugh.
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livingalifeofasimp · 3 years
🥀Xiao X Reader🥀
[ Modern Era ]
Warning : Some angst, if you are sensitive please don't read, arts are not mine only the content is.
I always wanted to write some angst, please tell me how this is!
Songs recommended : Stereo hearts.
I promise I don't write sad imagine (^^)
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✨Xiao woke up from his slump with no motivation and looked up to check the time 7:00am he has to reach school at 8:00am. After getting ready he looked at the mirror infront of him. How long has it been since then? Everyone went ahead but he....... couldn't. Everyday is a maze for him trying to find a reason to live. He entered his classroom, it's starting of a new semester, everyone is so excited, all his peers wished him morning and Xiao greeted them back. Being famous senpai is difficult, he had to respond to them with a smile even tho he is so broken inside. He just wanted to run away and forget about everything to live a life that's..........normal.
✨ After successful answering all the questions asked by teachers it's finally lunch time, he went to music room which is always empty. His fingers pressed all the keys of keyboard lightly. A soft instrumental music echoed through the hall way, sometimes students stop passing by wondering who is play such a sad rhythm. Tears escaped Xiao's eyes as he remembered about his lover, he doesn't have her picture but her face, personality is still printed in his mind and all the emotions he felt for her is locked in his heart. He is her prisoner, she left him alone in this world.
✨He closed his eyes and remembered all those beautiful moments he spent with her, holding hands for the first time, how cute she was shying away and their first kiss when they both bumped their nose. Suddenly an image flashed infront of him of the same girl he loved so much and wanted to asked her to be his offical girlfriend getting hit by a truck. Who's fault was it? His, traffic lights, or their? Doesn't matter if he wasn't in her life, if he never wanted to confess to her in the first place this won't have happened. He still remembered how those flowers withered and spread all over her blooded body, the fear when he slowly walked towards her with his shaking legs.
✨Purely melody was disrupted by when his fingers pressed wrong kegs as he stopped and hugged his legs closer to his chest. He could not do anything more than drowned in pain. Sudden ringing of bell told him to get back to his classroom, he wiped his tears and washed his face, no one should know he cried, everyone thinks he moved on but his hearts couldn't. Xiao walked through corridors, it's too crowded a sudden impact caused Xiao to jerk ahead, a girl ran through the crowd and she turned back because of guilt to apologize to Xiao her silky hair flowed around her being and scattered away from her eyes which made eye contact with Xiao's lifeless ones.
✨Those eyes freezed Xiao he watched her going towards a guy and hold his arms. The girl he loved the most got amnesia due to an accident, doctors told them to not remind her about her past which can be dangerous for her state of brain. Xiao sat along side her for a whole year till she regain her conscious back, he brought beautiful flowers for her everyday and whispered in her ears how everyone is waiting for her, how much they miss her and most importantly he, himself what he wanted you to hear which he wasn't able to tell you on that unfortunate day.
✨ His heart pierced when she regained her conscious, she had forgot all about him, those flowers he had in his hands fall down as he ran to washroom and covered his mouth from preventing others to hear his cries. It's all his fault, he doesn't know what he should do now. Xiao would always look towards you but you never noticed him maybe he was meant to be your distant memory which you have long forgotten. In his way to home it was raining, he laughed which was empty as usual, now he can cry as much as he wants, he just hopes to overcome his past. He walked through the rain since he didn't have umbrella, his uniform soaked in rain. Xiao stopped when he saw a kitten shaking near the gates of the school what is it doing here? He bend and took it in his hands to keep it warm, he can't leave it here suddenly an umbrella blocked the rain he looked up and saw that girl Y/N.
✨"What are you doing? You will get sick? Come one lets go." Her beautiful voice made him remind that he is nothing to her. She dropped him to his house forcefully while he insisted not to. Xiao was scared and glanced towards you he doesn't wanted you to suffer because of him, "why are you looking at me famous senpai?", You looked at him with your flirty smile which made him want to cry, he couldn't believe you talked to him, everything feels like a dream he doesn't want to wake up now, he would die. Xiao turned his head away, you laughed thinking it was his shyness. Next day when Xiao was entering the school building, he was stopped by a girl "How are you? Feeling good? My name is Y/N but I already know your name can we walk together?", Xiao smiled which left you blushing and mesmerized, he never smiled at anyone you are glad that he did.
✨ He reminded you of a guy who looked like him, a certain one who appears in your dream, you always feel your heart skipping beats whenever you see him. Xiao smiled first time in all these years which wasn't empty finally maybe you can remember him again......he wished to stars. Xiao looked at you finally and gave you, your favorite snack which you took happily and invited him to amusement park. At last a person can be forgotten but the feeling can never be.
Months after..........
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Let him be more than your distant memory~
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I don’t know why you love me - Rafe Cameron
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Word Count: 3080
WARNINGS: I went into a bit of detail with his drug problem. If that makes you uncomfortable it’s all italicized so you can skip that part and you shouldn’t be confused.
REQUEST:  Could you write an imagine where Rafe's long time girlfriend says that she sees herself marrying him to Sarah and Rafe overhears. He is super damaged thanks to Ward so he doesn't believe it really and starts to distance himself. A sweet ending please?
It was a Sunday afternoon in the Outer banks. Things had calmed down a lot. You were over at the Cameron household helping Sarah make decision on her engagement party. John B had finally popped the question to Sarah with your help. You helped him make sure the ring was the right size and helped narrow down spots. You were so happy for the two of them. You and Sarah had grown close over the years of dating Rafe. She was always there to support you when things got hard with his withdrawal in the beginning. She was your shoulder to cry on when you didn’t want to break in front of him. 
“Rose wants to know who were inviting. Apparently, she wants to have it at the country club.” Sarah sighed slamming her head down on the table. John B had just walked through the door. “Oh god, what did I just walk into.” He asked wondering if he should try and dip out.
 “Your fiancé is trying to narrow down the guest list. Who do you want to invite John B?” You ask him to look through the list you already started. It only had Sarah’s family and extended family. “If you don’t want to have it there Sarah you don’t have to. It’s your engagement party not hers.” You look at her.
 “I know but I don’t know where I want to have it, and we can’t wait to long.” She told you as John B came over rubbing her back trying to be comforting. “If you want to babe, we can look at some places tomorrow. Take your mind off the planning for a bit.” John B suggested trying to be helpful. Honestly, he knew nothing about planning a party and just left it up to you guys. If it were up to him, they would be partying on the beach like old times. “That’s a great idea, did you put the pool cover back on when you were done? I don’t want dad getting pissed again. I listened to him complain about it for like a week.” Sarah asked him. “I did not cover the pool, because your brother is still in there swimming and I didn’t want to drown him this time.” You all laugh. John B and Rafe’s friendship had always been rocky but has gotten better in the last couple of years. He even asked his permission to marry Sarah which you thought was adorable when Rafe told.
 Rafe was no longer swimming he got out of the pool and was putting the cover on it. He had started to collect the things from outside. You guys hung out there all the time because your apartment didn’t have a pool and the beaches were always crowded this time of year. He was walking towards the door when he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard his name.
 “I can’t wait to plan all this stuff with Rafe.” You say more to yourself but both Sarah and John B hearing you. “Did he propose to you?” Sarah almost yells out loud. “Say it louder Sarah, I don’t think they heard you across the street.” John B scolds her. “No, he hasn’t proposed. I wish he would though. After everything we’ve been through, I’m ready for the next part of our life. I just don’t want to freak him out.” You say gushing to Sarah all about the plans you wanted to have with Rafe.
 Rafe couldn’t believe this. He thought he was the luckiest man on earth when you agreed to go out with him. He was still recovering from his addiction, but you were there for him. You knew about his drug addiction, everyone on the island knew about it. You never brought it up to him though. You knew he would tell you when he was ready to let you into that part of him.
It wasn’t until Sarah called you one day saying that Rafe was in the hospital. You’d never driven faster in your life. When you got there, he was thrashing around screaming. You asked Ward what happened, and he told it that he must have gotten a bad cut of drugs. He had been clean for a while and you couldn’t understand what would cause him to relapse, as far as you knew things were going great, you guys just started talk about getting a place together.
 “I don’t understand what would cause him to relapse?” You ask looking at Ward. He shrugged his shoulders, it looked like he could careless about his son. “I don’t know, that’s what addicts to Y/N, they relapse. You should have thought about this before you started dating him. He’s not worth it. You’ve got so much going for you, don’t let him hold you back.” You couldn’t believe what he was saying. Rafe was in danger and he didn’t even care. “He wouldn’t be damaged if it weren’t for you Ward. You broke him. All he ever wanted to do was make you proud. You pushed him to this. What kind of father pushes their son over the edge like this? He needs help because of you. I will not leave him the way you did, because where I come from you don’t give on family like that.” You tell him in front of everybody in the waiting room. You knew it wasn’t your place to say these things, but you were so upset. You tried to walk away when Ward grabbed your arm, “you don’t understand what its like Y/N, on this side of island we have a reputation to uphold.” You look him dead in the eyes. “Clearly you want the wrong reputation.”
 You sat by Rafe’s bed all night holding his hand. The nurses gave him some medications to calm him down and finally took the restraints off. He looked so peaceful sleeping, you wondered what he was dreaming of. The doctor had come in to talk to you about what happened. He explained everything that had happened and that they found traces of LSD in the coke he took. It was a new mix on the island, and if it had been a while since Rafe last used his body probably wasn’t used to it.
 Rafe finally woke up looking around, taking in his surroundings. That’s when he saw you in the chair next to him. You had a blanket covering you with a book in your lap. He couldn’t remember what happened. He only remembered the fight he got in with Ward. He just lost it. Ward was telling him that he wasn’t good enough for you. That Rafe needed to get his life together. He told him that he was holding you back, and you deserved more then a low life drug addict like him. He cursed himself for changing his emergency contact to you when he broke his arm last summer. He moved his hand, and it woke you up. You eyes flutter open adjusting to the brightness of the room. You smiled at him.
 “Hey handsome, how are you feeling?” Even after everything you just watched he was still the most handsome person ever. You were quiet waiting for his answer. “I have a headache, what happened?” He asked you. He was confused and groggy from the medications they gave him. His voice was hoarse from all the screaming. “You had a bad reaction to some drugs you took. They were laced with LSD, Sarah called me, and I got here as soon as I could. It was bad Rafe, you were scream and thrashing around, but it’s okay now. The doctors took care of you they gave you some meds to help counter act the drugs in your system.” You explained to him.
 Just then the doctor comes in. “Mr. Cameron, glad to see your back in order son, how are you feeling?” He looks through Rafe’s chart. “It’s just Rafe, Mr. Cameron is my father, and I feel tired, I have a headache too.” Rafe told the doctor you got up to leave, but he grabbed your hand. “I’m not going far love; I’m just giving you guys some privacy.” You put your hand on top of his. “I know, I just want you to stay please.” He looked at you with scared eyes. You couldn’t imagine how overwhelming this was on him. You sat back down, and the doctor continued talking. “I have looked into some rehabs on the mainland Rafe. You’re still young, you can turn this around. I have a friend who runs one for men your age. I can get you in if you want.” He looked at the both of you. Rafe looked at you as if looking for confirmation. “You need help Rafe, they can give you the help you need. I’ll help you as much as you want but I’m not a professional.” You tell him your honest opinion. You would support him with whatever he chose. “If I go to rehab when do I leave?” He asked the doctor. “I can get you on the ferry in the morning. The sooner the better. You’re normally there eight weeks but you can stay longer if you need.” The doctor looked at the two of you.
 Rafe agreed to go to rehab with your support. It was the longest eight weeks of your lives. You stayed in a hotel over on the island paid for by the Cameron’s to make sure you could be there for him. It broke you to watch him go through withdrawal. He was sick all the time, but the treatment center worked, and he got clean. You guys ended up getting an apartment together afterwards and Rafe kept up with his required therapy.
 Looking back on it, Rafe couldn’t believe you stayed with him. He didn’t know if anyone else would have. So, when he overheard you talking to Sarah about getting married to him, he couldn’t believe you. All those times Ward told him he wasn’t good enough for anyone he believed him. He figured you were just staying with until you found someone better.
 Rafe was distant the whole way home. He didn’t say much in the truck, but you just figured he was tired from being outside all day. When you guys got back to the apartment, he went straight to take a shower. You knock on the door, “Babe you want me to join, I could use a shower too, I smell like chlorine and it’s giving me headache.” When you go to turn the knob its locked. “I won’t be long Y/N, you can shower after me.” He responded through the door. You heard the shower running, it was weird he said that he loved showering with you. He always said he loved the intimacy of it.
 This behavior continued on and off for weeks leading up to the engagement party. Rafe was always making excuses that he busy, he was with Topper, he had something to do with his dad, Wheezie needed to be picked up. It got to the point that you guys only talked at night and even then, things were different. He would cuddle you, but it wasn’t the same. You thought maybe it was the engagement party, he hated getting together with extended family because his father always brought up the business.
 It was finally the night of the engagement party, it was going to be a nice dinner, and photos then back to the Cameron home for an after party. You had picked Rafe’s suit up from the dry cleaners along with your dress. You were wearing a simple form fitting dress. You didn’t want to outshine Sarah on what was supposed to be her night. You were finishing the last bit of your makeup hollering out to Rafe. “Alright babe, I’m all ready to go.” You walk out of the bathroom putting your earrings in. Rafe was sitting on the couch flipping through his phone. He looked up at you and normally he would tell you how beautiful you looked but he just stood up heading to the door.
 The drive was quiet, music playing softly in the background. Rafe didn’t look over at you once. It was making you insecure, did you wear the wrong thing? Did you go overboard? Was it the wrong suit? You guys made small conversation the rest of the way. When you got to the restaurant you sat next to Wheezie, and Rafe sat next to John B. They talked all night but Rafe didn’t say anything to you. When you tried to put your hand on his thigh, he moved it off. You didn’t understand what had gotten into him.
 The pictures didn’t go any better. They did some family ones and then just some of John B and Sarah you took that as your opportunity to pull Rafe a side and mention something. “Is everything okay Rafe?” You ask as soon as you guys are way from listening ears. He gave you a confused look. “Everything’s fine.” He replied not saying anything after. “Oh really because you’ve been distant for weeks. You’ve barely said two things to me all day, did I do something?” You ask concern lacing your voice. You looked in his eye searching for any kind of emotion. “Look can we not make this about us Y/N, its Sarah and John B’s night. We can talk about it later.” He snapped at you. He walked away not saying another thing about it.
 Once you guys got to the party you went your separate ways. You were talking to Kie and Sarah laughing about something they said. You looked around for Rafe and didn’t see him anywhere. “Where’s Rafe Y/N? I haven’t seen him all night.” Kie asked looking at you. You looked around, “your guess is as good as mine. He’s been distant the last couple of weeks, I don’t know what’s wrong with him.” You explain to the girls. They both agreed it was weird for him to be acting that way.
 The DJ started playing some slower songs. Kie went off with Pope dancing and Sarah left with John B. You scanned the room looking for Rafe. You feel someone’s hand on the small of your back and it causes you to jump. You turn around and it’s just him, “sorry didn’t mean to scare you.” He laughs a little. You lean into his touch. “That’s okay, are you enjoying yourself?” You ask him. “Yeah, it’s not that bad of a party.” It was the stupid small talk again.
 That’s when the DJ started playing your guys song. “Rafe it’s our song, let’s go dance to it.” You grab his hand pulling him out to the dance floor before he could protest. You wrapped his arms around your waist, yours going around his neck. He kept distance from you though. You had finally had it.
 “For Christ sakes Rafe, what is going on with you. You’ve been avoiding me like the plague. Did I do something? I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you. Are you not attracted to me anymore, is there someone else?” You start to ramble on. Rafe couldn’t believe you thought you were the problem. “It’s not you Y/N its me.” Rafe cut you off. “Well, that’s just great Rafe. Real cliché of you.” You said to him walking away. You walk onto the porch with him following. You prepared yourself for what you were about to hear.
 “Just tell me Rafe? Is there someone else?” You ask him looking down tears forming in your eyes. “What? No, there’s no one else.” He said to you nonchalantly. “Then what is it?” You ask, ready to break. Rafe took a deep breath. “I overheard you talking to Sarah. When you told her that you were ready for the next step. You told her you wanted to marry me, and I don’t know why. For the life of me, after everything I’ve put you through, I can’t understand why you love me. I don’t know why you want to throw your life away on a count of me.”
 He wasn’t looking at you anymore. He was looking out onto the water. Watching the moon bounce of the waves trying to calm himself. You walk up behind him placing a hand on his back. “I love you Rafe, that’s why I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” You turn his head so he’s looking at you. He had had to see you meant every word you were about to say.
 “I love that you remember my coffee order, even though I change it every week. I love that you make sure my shows are recorded when I forgot them. I love that bring me coffee when I’m working. I love the look in your eye when you just wake up in the morning. I love the sound of your voice when you tired and hung over. I love spending lazy days in bed with you. I love all these things and more. I’ve grown to love your faults, and your positives Rafe Cameron. And I’m sorry if I freaked you out with what I said to Sarah, but I’ve never loved someone like I love you. I love you so much it scares me sometimes. But then I look into your beautiful blue eyes and I’m not scared anymore, because I know when I have you, I can do anything.” You told him with tears in your eyes. He was almost crying too; he took you into a bone crushing hug. You guys stayed like that for while just swaying to the music softly playing the background.
 He finally pulled away you. Looking into his eyes you could tell he had cried a little. When he spoke, it was a whisper even though you were the only two out there. “I love you too Y/N. I want to marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don’t want anyone else.” He kissed you with all the passion he had in him. You kissed him back with just as much emotion. “Okay, but I want to elope because I can’t plan another party.” You tell him after pulling apart. He laughed looking at you, “Deal.”
TAG:  angelreyesgirl100
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Survive or die (Navy CIS - Reader x Gibbs Team)
A/N: This idea came from a dream I had. I tried to write it down because I liked it. In this fanfic there will be the new team (Ellie, Jack and Kasie) except for Nick. Tony is a part of this story because I miss him. Also a small info... From now on I will write for NCIS! I will write for any woman x Reader and man x reader (platonic fluff, no romance or relationship). Angst, fluff, whatever you want.. Send it in, there are not a lot of NCIS oneshots on here!! :)  ---- The next day was over for you at the NCIS office and you smiled slightly as you leaned back in your chair, put your arms behind your neck and watched Tony scribble lost and annoyed in the reports. The last days have been more than exhausting and you all felt the tiredness. But none of you even thought of sleep, the case you had at the moment was just too important and serious.
A serial killer was up to mischief in D.C, usually not a NCIS case. However, the victims were only women who were either a member of the NCIS itself or served in the Navy. He already kidnapped six woman, took them to different parts in different forests. He tortured them and beat them to death with stones or drowned them in the freezing rivers and ponds.
You did not have a reasonable lead yet, except for a fingerprint on a smooth stone, which was useless because no DNA was stored in the system and some fibers that turned out to be a jacket that had been sold over a hundred thousand times.
And so you tried to use the evidence and information, a phantom picture from a man that was not quiet sure what he saw and a few other things to find and arrest the murderer so that he could no longer hurt anyone. "So, I am done for today." Tony looked up perplexed from his files in front of him, his left eyebrow raised and mouth slightly open. "How? You had more reports on the table than I did!" "Yeah, but the difference between Y/N and you is, that she actually works, Tony." McGee intervened and caught a laugh from Ellie.
You got up and started packing up your things and tidying up your desk. Fully written papers that had not managed to get into the files and your empty tea cups found their way to the garbage while you laid the finished documents on Gibbs table. "Wait, why are you packing up? We have three more hours until the end of the day!" Tony whined as he looked on his watch, the fourth time in this hour already. "I asked Gibbs if I can go earlier today." you simply stated and put the jacket over your shoulders.
Now he was the one leaning in his chair. His eyes were formed into small slits and he looked deeply into your eyes. He smirked as he stood up, ready to pick up a little game with you. "Someone has a date, huh?" You rolled your eyes and walked over to your blonde partner to give her a goodbye hug as always. She was super nice to you from the start and you had a connection from the beginning, you became an inseparable team. She was your best friend at work and after. She did not even hesitate to decline that you were hers too. You both shared some kind of bond, that everyone could see and no one could destroy. "Who is the lucky guy?" Ellie smiled at you since she knew where you were going before looking to Tony, giving him a glare he was afraid of. She was protective when it came to you, like a big sister you never had. She waited, she knew that Tony and you loved acting up all the time. You quickly turned around and walked with slow steps to him. You faced each other, there was no longer any personal space between you. "You know, because you are so curious, it is actually a woman."
His eyes opened suddenly, they were now the size of two tennis balls when he looked at you in surprise and disbelief. His mouth was wide open and he could not utter a single sound.
You leaned slowly against his ear as you whispered something to him. "She is tall, brown-haired, beautiful green eyes." you started to grin against his ear when you felt Tony's lips move, almost trembling as he got inpatient for more informations. "She is smart and she is.."
You licked your lips as you turned away from his ear and looked at him intently. From the corner of your eyes you saw how McGee and Ellie started smiling almost unmanageable while they waited for Tonys smile to fade fast. Both knew where you had to go because they, on the contrary of Tony, really listened to you when you talked.
You could no longer torture them.
"Also my doctor!" you said loudly and he jumped up from his thoughts while you walked away saying Tim goodbye, laughing while you left him there in shock.
It was a routine check-up that you had at your neuro-doctors office every six months. Since your adolescence you have complained almost every day about headaches and blurred vision. Your parents never took this seriously, saw it as an excuse to skip school or paid courses in taekwon-do and piano. So you had to live with this stabbing pain until you were old enough to take care of your health on your own. After the CT scan, at that time without any findings, your doctor put you on medication that helped you cope with the pain and go on about your work. However, he needed a new CT every six months so that nothing would be overlooked if something had happened in your brain and side effects would arise. And now it was that time again, the computed tomography had to be done. But you never got to the doctors office.
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btsxmalereaders · 3 years
1:31 AM
Pairing: Im Jaebeom x male reader
Genre: angst
☆ Requested
Word Count: 2,08k
🎵 잘 지내야해 1:31 AM
[I am always drowned in the thoughts of you. I get exhausted from crying, but I look for traces of you again...]
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The patter of the rain hitting the window has been the only thing that has set the gloomy place for the last couple of hours.
The catheter placed with an uncomfortable sticky tape on the back of your hand feels heavier and heavier. Your eyelids shutting even when you try to keep them open. You're tired despite only spending all the time laying on that stretcher.
Some nurses come from time to time to make sure you're comfortable and you only nod tightly to the questions they make; a routine that you don't have the energy to hate.
Of course, not all days are like this. Sometimes you wake up in a good mood and the personnel would take you out to the small garden behind the hospital, pulling your wheelchair since you're still weak, but it is still something. You would smile and take the sun on good days like those, and if a familiar visited,  they would bring you your painting tools for you to clear your head and have a good time.
But you haven't had good days, lately.
Your friends called you constantly and, when you had enough energy to respond, you tried to put your best smile for them.
You didn't see it as a bad thing, though. They didn't need to know that you were going through thick.
But there was someone you couldn't lie to.
"The receptionist told me 'You can see your fiancé now.'" Jaebeom says as he walks towards you, placing a cute bouquet of flowers on the small table next to you. He looks stunning and always walks in with the hugest smile on his face to greet you. Probably to lift up your mood, too. "Was that an insinuation?"
You can't help but giggle at that, "Maybe. But also they wouldn't let you in if I said you were only my boyfriend. And I don't want to keep this lie."
"Then I better hurry up, right?" He smiles, placing a kiss on your forehead and dragging the chair next to you, taking seat as he grabs your hand tightly. "As soon as you are discharged, I'll put a ring on your finger. I promise."
You keep the big smile to him and cup his cheek with your free hand, being careful because of the catheter. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you so much more," He murmurs. His semblance suddenly changing. "We've been really busy with the tour now that it is starting soon, I'm sorry. I wish I could see you everyday."
"It's okay, love. I understand."
A silence sets in after that. Jaebeom closes his eyes and enjoys your touch for a moment while you observe him in detail; every mole, every mark on his skin, his warm breath against your wrist and his grip on your hand, as if he would never want to let you go.
When he opens his eyes again they're full of tears. You don't even recall when was the last time you've seen him cry.
"Why are you crying? What's wrong?" You ask, sliding your thumb across his cheek to erase every trace of tears falling down.
"I'm sorry," Jaebeom softly whispers. "I hate that I can't do anything else for you."
You sigh, bringing him closer and moving a little, making a space for him to cuddle with you. "Come here. Don't cry."
He does as told, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, calming his nervousness with heavy breaths. It breaks your heart to see him like this.
Your boyfriend gets to calm himself as minutes pass by, with the help of your hand tracing circles on his back, and sweet words whispered to his ears.
You two get to talk properly afterwards, telling each other about how your days have been, although Jeobeom did most of the talk and you only listened, occasionally commenting about it and also asking about your friends.
"As usual, the boys send you greetings and hugs, but only I get to do that, right?" He chuckles, kissing your forehead for the nth time and making you blush. "They might even pop up at the videocall tonight since we'll be rehearsing."
"That's good, don't tell them I said this, but I actually miss seeing their faces and hearing their voices everyday."
Jaebeom laughs at that. "No wonder why I see Bambam sending you voice notes all the time."
A nurse comes back a moment later to let you know that the visiting hours is now over, so Jaebeom stands up and kisses you goodbye, "Don't forget that-"
"-we have a date. For dinner at half past eight. As we do almost every night. Of course I won't forget."
He smiles at you and kisses you again. "And that I love you."
"I love you too." You murmur with a smile and see him walk out of the room.
The nurse changes the serum, as usual, and you only stare at her, not knowing if you should ask...
"Is everything alright, ____?" She asks.
You've known her for a while now, it's almost as if you two were friends, but still, you were still undecided about something that has been in the back of your head for a couple of days.
"Noona, could you do something for me?"
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GOT7's tour was about to kick off two weeks after that visit, although it wasn't the last one. Jaebeom did make sure to visit you whenever he could; after rehearsing or even skipping his time to have meals to rush in to the hospital -thing that you obviously scolded him for, but he promised he would get something in his way back-. He also made sure to show you clips of the rehearsals and some videos with messages from the boys for you, which you truly loved.
However, even if that lifted your spirits, it wasn't enough to make you feel better from the terrible days you've had. Not only you couldn't move and hang out as you did weeks ago, but you were feeling so weak that most of the time you would spend it sleeping. In one of Jaebeom's visit you two were talking until you fell asleep, and next thing you know he was saying goodbye again with a worried expression on his face.
And the worst thing is that you didn't have to be a genius to know the reason why. The disguised words you heard from your doctor were enough confirmation for you to know what was about to come.
And you definitely weren't ready for it.
"So? You got good news for me?" You ask the nurse once you see her entering the room.
She tilts her head and sees the hope shining in your eyes, despite looking so small and weak. "Yes. I talked with the doctors and they gave the authorization."
And that was enough for you to feel happy for the rest of the day.
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"Are you sure you are okay?"
Unlike other days, today you have woken up happy and eager to go out. You suppose it is normal because you have anxiously waited for this day to come
You nod as an answer and the nurses carefully help you to get ready. 
To say you were nervous was an understatement. You weren't even sure how did the idea come to mind, but you were really determined to do it. And as you get in the van, you quickly send a message to Jinyoung to let him know that you were on your way there.
You've thoroughly planned all this; after all, it was a surprise for Jaebeom.
Of course he couldn't believe his eyes. He froze in his place while the boys almost ran to hug you; Jinyoung pushing the chair behind you and telling them to be careful, but you were too happy to even care about the bone crushing hugs you were receiving. It was all you wanted.
Jaebeom walks slowly to you and gives you a hug when they're done, letting out a sigh he didn't even know he was holding.
"Really? H-how did you even- Are you okay?" He asks, concerned, to which you laugh and nod.
"I'm good, hyungie. The doctor allowed it and I've been wanting to see you out of the hospital." You murmur, holding his hands. "And what kind of boyfriend and ahgase I'd be if I didn't attend your first concert of this new tour?"
They all seem very happy because they haven't seen you in a long time, so it's not surprising that everyone is around you all the time in backstage, asking you lots of questions and updating you on everything that happened since the last time they saw you, although no big news since you're used to chat and videocall them quite often.
While they are fascinated to have you there, Jaebeom seems to be more quiet and with a worried expression, indecipherable. You wonder if he knows or at least suspects about the reason behind it.
The concert finally starts and after more worried looks from your boyfriend, you decide to see from the first row the entire show. Even Yugyeom got you a lightstick for you to cheer them up, and Jaebeom stressed that whatever you needed you could ask anyone from the staff.
It goes pretty well, and you didn't feel uncomfortable or bad at all, but that didn't stop your boyfriend from making sure you were indeed okay every time he could; approaching the side of the stage right where you stayed and nodding in your direction from time to time, and the fans close to you were respectful and careful with your space.
Jaebeom gets somewhat sentimental while performing some songs, and when he stares back at you, you know it. He knows it.
So the first thing he does when the concert is over and gets to backstage is kneel in front of you and cry on your lap.
The boys don't understand the situation, but they leave you two alone for a moment, thinking that maybe their leader was too emotional tonight.
"What are you hiding from me? What have the doctors said?" He gets to babble while the tears are covering his face.
You're hurt from seeing him crumble like this in front of you, so you cry too, holding his hands and tracing circles on their back, trying to calm him down.
"Nothing you don't already know," You say. "You've seen me. I'm not doing well, and... I just had this feeling, I had to see you again, one last t-"
"No." He stops you. The lump on his throat making it harder to speak. "Don't say that. Please."
"Hyung, I'm sorry." You murmur, now caressing his back and placing a kiss on his head. "Please forgive me."
Before going back to the hospital, you say goodbye to your friends, who seem to now be understanding of the situation, but being too shocked to even say anything about it. They hug you more and try to lift the mood making lighthearted jokes that genuinely make you laugh.
Jaebeom doesn't want to separate from you anytime; he's either holding your hand or leaving kisses all over your face, letting you sleep on over his chest on your way back and whispering words to your ears.
"I'll come to see you again later today, alright?" He promises as you lay on the bed and get comfortable. "Sleep for now. I'll be here when you wake up."
He kisses you with so much love, not knowing it was the last time he would do it.
He didn't expect to receive that heartbreaking call that soon.
Just when he was getting ready to see you, he received the news, and he couldn't stop crying and shaking for a long moment. His friends were there, trying to calm him and themselves down; hurt by hearing they've just lost you and feeling so wrecked and weak. 
Naturally, the next shows were postponed, which raised suspicions and fear among the fans, who saw you just a few hours ago.
Jaebeom has never felt this empty and pained.
A part of him ruthlessly ripped away.
He can’t believe it,
That when he opens his eyes you won't be next to him.
Even if those memories make it hard on him,
It’s on his head again.
Even if he clears out all those memories,
He will always be drowned in the thoughts of you.
168 notes · View notes
purpletaecup · 3 years
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10 ☾ he said that’s how he still remembers me
warnings: explicit language (cursing), mentions of miscarriage, mentions of infidelity (not rlly but on thin ice)
notes: you guys... this is a long one and it’s kind of fast paced, but we are finally getting some answers and the drama really begins! next chapter will be emotional, that’s all I know. I’m sorry for putting you through all this angst!! also, I wanted to bring some attention to the crisis in the Philippines right now with all of the dangerous typhoons. A lot of people need donations and rescuing, so HERE is a link to a twitter thread of donation drives! Please make sure to check it out, share and help spread awareness!
as always, come talk to me in my ask box! and if you want to be added to the taglist, please send an ask, or reply to this post or the masterlist!
not edited!! sorry if there are any mistakes lmfao i usually am sleep deprived when i write so yeah, there are probably some errors.
word count: 5,614
The days following Jungkook’s visit were dull, if anything. You’ve received texts from Yoongi saying that he couldn’t come visit until that weekend because he had to finish wrapping things up in advance at the company so that he could spend some time with you. You had argued over the phone like teenagers when you insisted that he didn’t need to do that and you could take care of yourself until Jin came back. Of course, that led to him ranting about what the doctor said about monitoring you and your symptoms for concussion and to get him to just shut up about the medical stuff (it made your brain hurt more than it did usually), you reluctantly agreed to his ‘visits’, as you’d rather call them.
[nov. 20, 2020]
It was Friday now and you still haven’t gotten any glimpse of actual memories back, although you have been having these strange dreams that you couldn’t really remember when you woke up. You could only describe the feeling it gave you as ‘sinking’, like you were drowning and you couldn’t escape. As much as possible, you tried not to think about these feelings, and focused more on trying to get to know the version of you who lived in this amazing apartment.
The past couple of days that you spent at this apartment put you in awe. It really was the apartment of your dreams, from the color of the furniture down to the little plants stuck in the corner of that tiny shelf in the kitchen. It was beautiful and so you. The only problem was that you couldn’t find anything to help with your current situation. You scoured every nook and cranny and couldn’t find anything dated after your wedding reception. No pictures, no post-its, notes or anything past that date. What you had found in your apartment, you already knew of (aside from the wedding photos). Past photoshoots, high school photos, a notebook full of movie ticket stubs. There was absolutely nothing in this apartment that gave you a clue to the life you lived during the four year gap in your memory.
You even tried to get into your twitter and instagram from when you were nineteen but you couldn’t log in. Wrong password every single time. When you tried to change your password for social media, the email you used had a different password too. You couldn’t figure out what you could have changed your password to. Every password combination you could think of, you tried, but none worked, so you decided to just skip that and maybe go over it later on. Or make a new one. That could work, too.
You couldn’t even look at your twitter account because for some reason, it was private and that seemed strange for someone with almost 130,000 followers. You could see your instagram account from your browser, but it wouldn’t let you see the pictures and posts in full size with the captions and comments, so you were really stuck.
A quick internet search of your name yielded things you already knew. Former model, current writer (that fact was still surprising to you). Old news articles of dating scandals that weren’t true, except for the one with Yoongi. More news articles about your divorce with no further information than what Yoongi had told you already.
It’s as if any clue about your life during your memory loss is unaccounted for. It seemed like at this point, you could only rely on other people telling you about your life and pray to whatever higher power there was to give you your memories back.
This futile search was beginning to make your stomach churn. You almost couldn’t suppress the bile rising up in your throat. Hopefully Jin would return soon. Maybe he could put all of the pieces back together for you.
Jungkook sat in on the uncomfortable leather couch in Yoongi’s office as he waited for the man to finish up whatever he was typing. He looked through his instagram feed and saw one of your posts from July. For a while, he was confused as to why this picture from July would end up on his feed, but he remembered the new instagram algorithm. Curious, he clicked on your profile and looked through it slowly. He couldn’t remember the last time he actually paid attention to your posts.
“I forgot to ask but what did you and Yn do at her apartment? She said you stayed over for a couple of hours.” Yoongi asked though his eyes never strayed from his paperwork.
Jungkook looked up at him and pondered on what to say.
“Hm, yeah. I got roped into staying. She asked a bunch of questions and we looked through her apartment and her photo albums. Her apartment’s cute, by the way. Way different from what your house looked like.” He comments.
“Yeah. It was bright. Lots of green. Nothing I’ve ever seen in the house you guys shared.”
“How was she when you picked her up? She told me a couple of things but I haven’t seen her yet so I can’t know if what she’s telling is the truth or not.”
It was quiet for a moment, with only the sound of turning pages filling the room, as Jungkook wondered what to say to this. He didn’t really know when to start with you, especially with how different you were acting.
“Well, she’s fine. The personality is definitely different. She seems a lot more outgoing, and she had a lot of questions but she didn’t push. I think she wants to try and figure things out on her own.” Jungkook replies as he continued to slowly look through your previous instagram posts.
“She’s been like that. She hates being a burden and gets really defensive about it sometimes.” Yoongi comments.
Jungkook pauses at your most recent post. He checks the date. September 22.
“When did you guys divorce again?” He asked.
At this, Yoongi looked up.
“The divorce was finalized on September 29, I think.” He answered, but looked questioningly at Jungkook as if to ask why.
“Did you know she was going to therapy?” Jungkook asked again.
Hearing this, Yoongi stood up abruptly and hurried over to where Jungkook was sitting.
“What? Where did you see that?” Yoongi asked as he looked over Jungkook’s shoulder.
Jungkook showed him the post. Yoongi took the phone from him and examined the post carefully.
It was a picture of clouds with text on it. Is this the life we really want? The caption read “as per the advice of my therapist, i’m just here to pop in and say that I’ll be going on a hiatus for a little bit”.
“What the fuck? I didn’t know this!” Yoongi yelled, evidently angry.
Jungkook looked at him confused. They were together for four years, how could he not know that you were at least going to therapy?
The same question was running through Yoongi’s head. He took a seat next to Jungkook to process this new information.
“Hyung, can I ask you a couple of questions?” Jungkook requested.
Yoongi could only nod.
“What was Yn like when you were together? Why did you marry her?” Those were the first questions that came out of Jungkook’s mouth.
He was truly, genuinely curious. Though he’s heard some things that Yoongi had said about you, he never knew the full story.
“We married each other because we loved each other. Wasn’t that obvious?” Yoongi retorted.
Jungkook pursed his lips at this. “Well that's what you tell everybody and yeah we get it, but considering the fact that I’ve barely seen you two together more than two handful of times in the past two years, I had to ask.”
“That’s because we were both busy, but that didn’t mean we didn’t spend time together. Of course you never saw it because you weren’t there and I’m not one to actively talk about my love life. Yn and I both liked our privacy.”
“Okay, then what was she like when you were together?”
Yoongi was quiet for a while. There were a lot of things he could say about you when you were together. He just didn’t know how to articulate it to Jungkook.
“When we were together… she was charismatic, beautiful and intelligent. Something about the way she communicated made you feel like you could forget about all of your worries and live life to its extent with her. She constantly dragged me out to picnics and made me forget about the business and my career. She made me feel young again. And she had so much love and care for people around her. For a long time, I felt like I would never be deserving of her. She was kind of like a sunflower. Or sunshine, you know what I mean?” Yoongi poured out.
Jungkook nodded. He realized that this was the time to try to figure out what happened to you in your marriage. From his conversation with you at your apartment, to the description of you that Yoongi had just given, he surmised that the version of you that he knew was someone different and he could only wonder if Yoongi saw it too.
“Did you ever feel like she changed? In the time you guys were together?” He probed.
Yoongi thought about it for a while.
“Yeah, I think so. I always found it strange that she decided to quit modelling.  When I met her, she said it was all she ever wanted. I never asked because it seemed like a sensitive topic to her, but I supported her regardless. Writing seemed so out of nowhere for her. I don’t know where it came from. Then she stopped wanting to go to business dinners and events with me and after that we just drifted. And in between that, you introduced me to Yura.”
When Yoongi mentioned Yura, Jungkook winced. He had thought about it some nights ago, but he realized that he might have had a hand in your divorce by introducing Yura to Yoongi. Though he knows Yoongi would have never physically cheated on you, he could see how Yoongi and Yura gravitated towards each other. Jungkook had to admit that Yura was a sweet girl. She was beautiful, and when she smiled it was like sunshine.
Yoongi interrupted his train of thought. “Yura is kind of a complicated subject to our marriage. I would never, ever cheat on someone I loved. And I loved Yn, so much. When you introduced Yura to me, I was happy to meet a new friend and that’s all I saw, but the more you made me hang out with you guys, the more I started to see something in her that I stopped seeing in Yn. I never meant to have any sort of romantic feelings for Yura, but it happened and I feel so fucking shitty for doing that to Yn when I’m the one who promised her a lifetime together.”
Jungkook straightened his posture as Yoongi’s confession.
“Wait, what do you mean by that?” He asked.
“By what?” Yoongi looked at him confused.
“What happened to Yn that pushed you to Yura?”
At this, Yoongi scratched his head.
“I wouldn’t say that it pushed me to Yura, but remember when I said Yn and I started getting distant? As time went on, I felt like she changed and I didn’t know who she was. She used to be so bubbly and happy and always wanting to go look at flowers, but towards the end of our marriage, she stayed holed up in our room no matter how much I asked her to spend time with me. Yura, she was happy to spend time with me. She made me feel like I could forget about everything just by talking to me.”
“Yura made you feel like how Yn used to make you feel?” Jungkook cut him off.
“Well… I guess so.”
Jungkook thought about this for a while but narrowed his eyes at his hyung.
“Hyung, answer this truthfully; do you love Yura?”
The tips of Yoongi’s ears turned red after hearing this.
“Love? I don’t know. I like her? I like the way she makes me feel. She’s beautiful and smart and she makes me happy.”
“Hyung, I don’t know if you realize this, but the way you described Yura is exactly the same way you described Yn.”
“What do you mean?”
“It sounds like you started liking Yura because she reminded you of Yn when you met her. So, do you really, truly like Yura? Or do you just like her because she reminds you of what you don’t have anymore?”
Yoongi lowered his head.
“I-I don’t know. I never thought of it like that.”
Jungkook put his hand on Yoongi’s back to comfort him. Obviously, the man was confused.
“I don’t know if this helps, but I just wanted to let you know that whenever I saw Yn, during those dinners or events, she never gave off the vibe that you described her to be. To me, she was quiet, reserved and never bothered trying to get to know us, your friends, or your business. That’s what she came off as. When you told us that you loved each other and that you eloped, I thought you were joking. When I saw her, she just seemed like the typical trophy wife. Just for show. I never liked her and wondered what you saw in her all the fucking time, but now after hearing this, and after being with her for a couple of hours, it’s obvious that something happened that fucked her up and then fucked your marriage up.” Jungkook ranted.
“I think you might need to reevaluate the relationship you had with Yn so we could help her recover from this whole amnesia thing and hopefully figure out what happened. Something definitely happened, but since I don’t know your marriage like you do, I don't know what it is. I feel guilty now after realizing that I might have had a hand in whatever the fuck she was going through. And maybe figure out what you’re going to do about Yura. Can you keep dating her when your feelings for her are based off of your feelings for your ex-wife, who is currently pregnant with your wife and doesn’t know about it?” He continued.
Yoongi took a deep breath, taking all of this conversation in.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m almost done with the shit here at the company. When I go home, I’ll sort everything out and talk to Yn and Yura tomorrow. I don’t think I can keep seeing Yura with the current situation. I have to tell Yn about the pregnancy as soon as possible, but I’m scared because the doctor told me to monitor for residual symptoms for her concussion. I don’t even know where to begin with the situation.”
“It’s okay, hyung. I’m here for you. You have to tell her about the pregnancy before she finds out herself. In the meantime, I’ll help you out when you can’t take care of her. I already feel shitty enough for how I acted with her when you two were married. I feel like I had the wrong impression this whole time.” Jungkook offered.
Yoongi remembered the moment earlier when Jungkook confessed that he never liked you and that baffled him because he thought that you two, of all people, would get along well together. More often than not, he would feel jealous of Jungkook, who had your admiration when you first started dating. He remembered you always asking him to introduce you to Jungkook and it took a year for him to budge and actually make it happen.
“I’m sure you’ll get along now. I always thought you did get along. Did you know she liked you before?” Yoongi asked.
Jungkook shook his head. “I didn’t know until the other day when you had me take her home. It probably would have helped if you told me she knew who I was before you introduced us after you got together. She never acted like she was a fan of my music and admittedly, I was a dick to her.”
Yoongi glared at him. It was a first for him to hear about how Jungkook treated his ex-wife.
“Well, you should feel shitty because she really liked you and your music. For a while, I thought she liked you more than me. If I had known you were an asshole to her, I probably would have ripped you a new one. Hearing you admit you treated her like shit makes me feel like shit because I never knew and just assumed you guys were good with each other. You didn’t do or say anything bad to her, right? You’re not that type of person.”
Jungkook could only pretend to smile at Yoongi as he asked this.
He shook his head and lied. “No, never.”
Lying through his teeth to his best friend about how he treated you made his heart fall to his stomach. Well, Yoongi didn’t have to know because it was in the past. You couldn���t remember any of the mean things he’d said to you, so now was the perfect time to make a new, much better impression of himself to you. He decided days ago that he would be better, because deep down, he knew that you didn’t deserve to be treated like how he treated you.
[nov. 21, 2020]
Yoongi had taken the day off after his somewhat enlightening conversation with Jungkook last night. He decided that he needed to go see you and spend some time with you today, but before that, he needed to settle things with Yura.
They decided to meet up at his apartment for maximum privacy, just in case anything happened. He wanted to account for the worst case scenario of Yura probably getting angry and throwing things around, but he doesn’t think she’s the type of person to do dramatic things like that.
Turns out, she’s not. When he reluctantly tells her that he can’t continue on with what they had because of residual feelings for you, in addition to the fact that there were complications in that relationship that he can’t speak about carelessly, she had reacted calmly and amicably. Though Yoongi hadn’t expected her to throw a tantrum, he was expecting some kind of anger, but all he got was a sad look passing on her face followed by comforting words.
He apologized profusely for having dragged her around when he still had apparent feelings for his ex-wife and not figuring out his feelings for her, or lack thereof, sooner. She reassured him that it was okay and she’ll be fine.
“I’ll be fine Yoongi. I liked you, but it’s pretty obvious that you used me as some kind of rebound or replacement for your ex-wife, and I was okay with it. Truthfully, I was waiting for you to just come clean and break it off with me. I hope you and Yn figure things out this time, and I hope you can talk to her. Communication is important.” She reminds him before she leaves, but not before letting him know that she would always be there for him as a friend.
He had texted her after she left, and after a couple of minutes to himself, that he was thankful for her being so nice about the situation and all in all, he didn’t regret whatever short-lived affection they had for each other.
Yoongi still couldn’t believe how smoothly everything with Yura went. He hoped that the rest of the day would be the same.
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You woke up to a message from Jungkook asking if you were free, so you had to tidy up the apartment and yourself because you didn’t want to look messy in front of someone you had idolized for a long time.
Luckily enough, you didn’t have to cook since Jungkook offered to bring food. You thank your lucky stars for that because for some reason, you’ve been feeling incredibly sluggish and nauseous. It was probably some symptoms of the concussion you suffered. You remembered your doctor saying something about that the last time you were at the hospital.
About 20 minutes later, you heard your doorbell ring so practically skip to the door, excited to see Jungkook and steal the food that he brought.
You opened the door to see Jungkook standing there with a big back of food in his hands. He was wearing all black, with a leather jacket that looked a tad too big on him.
“You look warm.” You comment.
He rolled his eyes. “Are you gonna invite me in or not? I even brought you food.”
You laugh a little and move to the side to give him room to step inside the apartment.
“So, what have you been doing?” He asks as he makes his way to your dining room to put the food down.
You make your way to the kitchen to get some plates for the both of you.
“Nothing. I’ve been trying to look for some stuff but I don’t know where to start so I just gave up until you or Yoongi could come help.” You reply as you move to the dining room to set the plates down.
Jungkook takes the food out and puts some on the plates. Kimbap, like you asked, and some seaweed soup.
“How have you been feeling? Okay?” He questioned.
You nodded, though hesitantly.
“Eh, I’ve been feeling kind of tired. I think I might be sick because I keep wanting to vomit. Is that my wintermelon tea, by the way?” You pointed to the drink in his hand.
Jungkook poked the straw through the lid and handed it to you.
“Sick? Did you take any medicine? Are you feeling better now?”
You took a sip of your tea and sighed, missing the sweet taste of the drink. It felt nostalgic.
“Mhm, took some earlier and I'm feeling much better thanks to the food you brought!” You smiled.
Jungkook rolled his eyes jokingly once again. “You’re welcome, by the way.”
He didn’t think about your illness any further. It was probably a cold and nothing else.
For about 20 minutes, the two of you ate and spoke about little things, mostly about Jungkook and his career. It helped you get to know him a little bit better since he’s the only person besides Yoongi who could help you in your situation until Jin comes back.
After you finished eating, you told him that you needed his help going through your room in case there was anything that could jog your memory.
“I would ask Yoongi but he’s been busy lately.”
“So I’m just your last resort?”
“You’re literally the only other person in my contact list besides Yoongi and Jin.”
“Right, anyways, lead the way!” He exclaimed.
You laughed as you led him to the room at the end of the hallway.
“Sorry if it’s a little messy, I didn’t have that much time to clean up before you got here!” You explained.
Jungkook shook his head, telling you it didn’t really matter since it was gonna be a mess anyways while you two went through your things.
When Jungkook walked into your room, he was once again hit with the feeling that he had no fucking clue who you were in the past years he’d known you. If he could describe your room in one word, it would be enchanting. White walls, white sheets adorn with a baby blue blanket, wooden floors, giant plants and a mirror much bigger than himself. Your desk was filled with different kinds of pens, different notebooks that look to have been trifled through, and an unnatural amount of books and crystals.
From the looks of the rest of your house, he probably shouldn’t be surprised at your bedroom, but it’s still a bit difficult for him to wrap his mind around the fact that you were this type of person. Bright, intelligent, and incredibly neat.
He walked up to your desk and picked up the different notebooks laid out messily on the table. When he opened each of them, he noticed that they were mostly blank, with the exception of a few doodles. There were some things he’d recognized as lyrics from songs he knew, but nothing truly relevant to the memories you lost.
You stood next to Jungkook and looked at the notebooks in his hands.
“I went through those already. Nothing but a few sad lyrics here and there. None of them triggered any memories.” You mentioned.
Jungkook put them down and started walking around the room with you as you talked about what you did find during the days that you were left alone. What he got from that conversation was that you had no luck with anything and that’s why you waited until either he or Yoongi could come over and help you. Jungkook knew that Yoongi was coming over later, so if he couldn’t help you find anything or answer any of your questions today, then maybe Yoongi could.
“Oh! I forgot to mention that I can’t even access any of my social media, so do you think I can look through my instagram through your phone? I mean, if that’s okay with you. I know some people feel uncomfortable giving their phone to someone else to play around with.” You asked.
Jungkook shook his head and stuck his hand in his pant pocket, reaching for his phone.
“It’s fine, you can look at your profile, I think I follow you. The password is 061313.” He stated as he handed his phone over to you.
You grabbed it excitedly, finally getting the chance to see what your life was like during the four years that were missing from your memory. You fell back onto your bed as you unlocked Jungkook’s phone and clicked on his instagram app quickly.
You took a look at his profile first, staring in awe at the pictures he’s posted. Most of his pictures are very dark and he had quite a few selfies. You smiled a little bit as you admitted in your head that he was indeed handsome.
Okay, Yn, onto the more important things! You thought to yourself as you quickly searched your username ‘faeyn’ on the search bar. At first you were excited, but it deflated when you saw just how many posts you had. 13 posts. And almost all of them were just landscapes. Some had pictures of you by yourself, or with Jin, but that was it. How the fuck were you supposed to try to figure out your life through 13 pictures?
Scrolling through each picture and their captions from the oldest to newest, you quickly realized that you must have decided that privacy was something that should be valued. There was nothing of substance to your situation in the captions you’d written. Just casual mentions of how your day was, or what you did that day. The only thing that caught your eye was the latest post you had, dated September 22. It was a picture of clouds and the caption said something about your therapist advising you to take a break, so you were going to be on a social media cleanse for a while.
Well, at least you learned one thing. Apparently, you started going to therapy again. For what? You don’t know. You only remembered going to therapy a couple of times after the whole incident with your bastard ex-boyfriend.
You filed this little detail into your brain and hoped that maybe it would make more sense later on. Swiping up on Jungkook’s phone took you to his home screen, but you paused for a little. Maybe you could snoop through some more apps and see if there was anything else you can find.
No, that would be an invasion of Jungkook’s privacy, you thought. Another part of you argued that he wasn’t going to know and he’s here to help you. If there was anything worth hiding, he wouldn’t have given you his phone and his password so easily. And if there was anything, it wouldn’t be incriminating since he mentioned that you two didn’t really know each other that well, so you shrugged and clicked on his messages.
I’ll just see if there are any messages to me. I won’t look at anything else, you justified, as if it made it any better.
After scrolling for a little while, you finally saw something worthwhile. A text convo between you and Jungkook and from the preview of the message, it looks like it was from the middle of September. You opened it, excited to see the contents, but what you saw made you furrow your brows.
What is this?
After Jungkook gave you his phone, he continued walking around your room until he got to the side of your bed that was next to the window. He looked around for a bit and saw something in the corner of his eyes. Crouching down lower, he saw something on the floor behind your headboard. He couldn’t tell what it was at first, but as soon as he moved closer, he realized it was a thick notebook. Jungkook surmises that you probably hadn’t seen it despite telling him that you looked ‘everywhere’. He took the notebook and sat down on the floor, completely hiding his figure, but not before he could look at you. He wanted to see what was in the notebook before he showed it to you, and luckily enough, you had been facing away from him.
So he sat down and opened the notebook. From just the first page, he could tell it was some kind of diary or journal. There were lots of drawings and stickers and a picture of you in a field of flowers right in the middle of the first page. He flipped through the whole notebook really quickly and found that half of it was already filled.
A part of him wanted to read through the whole thing and see what kind of things you wrote, but another part told him that it wasn’t appropriate. Despite that, he convinced himself that he should read maybe just one entry, just to see if this notebook was something substantial to your current situation.
Jungkook took a peek at you again and noticed you still had your back turned to him so he took that as a sign that he could probably get away with reading an entry. He flipped to a page randomly and focused his eyes on the writing.
The entry was dated August 4, 2020. Fairly recent. He noticed that there were some dark blotches on the paper that made the ink bleed.
He began to read the entry, not knowing what he was going to find out.
It still seems weird to be writing about my problems in a journal. I’m still not used to it, but it’s been helpful since I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this.
That made him frown.
I went to my OBGYN today because I’ve been having severe cramps and bleeding, but I already had my period so I was worried. And the cramps were starting to really hurt, so I had to go get it checked out just in case. Well, apparently I was pregnant and lost the baby.
Jungkook’s eyes widened and he gasped audibly. Luckily enough, it wasn’t loud enough for you to notice. He clasped his hand over his mouth at the disbelief in reading this information. A miscarriage? And so recent, too. He didn’t know how to feel. Yoongi had never said anything about this.
Jin actually just left my house a couple of hours ago. I don’t think the news hit me until now. I texted Yoongi earlier to tell him but he was busy so I think that was a sign that I should probably not tell him. It’s not like it matters right? Since the baby was gone anyways.
I know my therapist told me to stop with the negative self-talk, but it’s moments like this that really push me to just keep thinking I’ll never be good enough for the men that I love. Thanks to my bastard ex for fucking my mind up like this. No matter how hard I try, I always just circle back to the fact that I wasn’t good enough for him, and that I’m not good enough for Yoongi. Even fate is telling me that I’m not good enough to carry a child with the man I love. How fucked up is that?
Jungkook’s heart dropped to his stomach. He felt sick. There were so many things going through his head right now. He felt like he was violating something that was so private. Yoongi didn’t even know that you went through this. You didn’t even know you went through this. He shut the journal quickly, wiping the tears that formed in his eyes.
At that exact moment, he heard your heavy breathing and quickly got up to check on you. He walked around to your side of the bed and found you trembling with his phone in your hands. He noticed that his messages were open and he began to panic.
“What the fuck is this?” was the last thing he heard you say before your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you fell limp into your bed.
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tallmantall · 5 months
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spacedikut · 4 years
nurse reid ; spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid (criminal minds) x f!reader
summary:  “Hi cutie! I hope you are doing well! I LOVE your writing! Would it be possible for me to request something about reader fainting/almost fainting with Spencer and him taking care of her? Thank you I love you❤️❤️❤️❤️” 1781 words
a/n: three things: i have never fainted before so im guessing here, i kinda hate this so if u hate it too pretend u don’t AND if you saw me already post this two times no u didn’t :)
Spencer should’ve known something was wrong when you came in late, rushing into the briefing room with squinted eyes and a lack of bounce in your step. When, after Hotch told the team today was for paperwork meaning everyone was desk bound, you sighed in relief.
You love field work. You love cases. You love being out there, helping people. The last thing you want is a day of writing reports.
He should’ve known when you finally stood, taking a couple of seconds to do so, and you had to blink rapidly to clear your vision of black and white dots.
You stumbled straight into Spencer’s chest, where he stood waiting for you.
“Careful,” He mumbled, one hand holding your elbow and the other resting around your waist. There was a second where he was the only thing holding you up. In normal circumstances, you would’ve blushed and been stuck on the thought of his hands on you for the rest of the day.
This wasn’t a normal day.
You went to respond with something teasing, maybe a joke about him being your knight in shining armour and he’d tell you about the history of the saying, but the feeling of bile rising in your throat stopped you.
You prepared to slump over and throw up on the shoes of your crush. But it never comes.
The sounds around you abruptly dull, vision becoming fuzzy as your brain started feeling distinctly tingly.
Suddenly you were falling.
The world goes black.
You wake up some time later, incredibly confused but comfortable.
The first thing you realise is you’re in Hotch’s office on his couch. You know the smell of his office, you know the smell of Hotch, and it’s one of comfort.
But it’s Spencer sitting next to you. You know the smell of Spencer, too.
When you open your eyes, your suspicions are confirmed – Spencer is sitting directly in front of your face on the floor, cross-legged and speeding through a book. He hears you shift and looks up, eyes wide and brows tensing.
“You scared the hell out of me.” Is the first thing he says.
You huff a laugh, gratefully accepting the water he offers. You gulp it down at an awkward angle, given that you’re lying down and refuse to get up. “What happened?”
“You fainted. You know, fainting occurs when the blood pressure gets too low and the heart is not pumping a normal supply of oxygen to the brain. The medical term for fainting, or passing out, is-“
“Syncope. I know.” You grimace. You lift a hand to pinch the bridge of your nose, a headache now forming as well.
Spencer’s brows stay furrowed, deep frown on his face as he looks at you with sympathetic eyes, “Does this happen often?”
He keeps his voice low, rumbling through his chest and sounding very nice in your ears. “Not that often. Just.. sometimes, when I forget to eat or drink for a while. It’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid,” He lifts a hand, placing it against your forehead with a special tenderness that makes your heart ache. You watch him the entire time, watching the cogs turning in his head as he assess you. “But my theory was correct. When was the last time you ate?”
You avoid eye contact.
He sighs.
You pout. Maybe, if you look cute enough, he won’t lecture you.
He doesn’t get the chance (although all his brain is really saying is you cute you cute you cute), because Penelope gingerly pushes the office door open, bringing in a strong stream of light (you only now notice how dim the room is), holding a bag full of who-knows-what that she hands to Spencer.
“Here,” She says, then looks at you, “How you feeling, sweetness?”
“I’ll survive.” You smile, small and weak.
She nods with a pitiful “Good” and quietly shuts the door behind her.
You go to ask what presents Penelope has brought, but Spencer sticks a hand in the bag, ruffling around for a second, before bringing out a pack of sugar-drowned sweets you know are from the vending machine.
He opens the pack for you and grabs one, dangling it above your open mouth.
“For your low blood sugar.”
It’s one of those rainbow strands, covered entirely in sugar from top to bottom. It sizzles on your tongue, a sourness that makes your jaw flinch, but you happily accept a second from Spencer.
Your body feels exhausted, but your arms are still fully mobile. Spencer doesn’t need to feed you.
You’re sure he knows this. (He does)
You won’t say anything, though. This is way too sweet and kind.
(Spencer’s enjoying it too)
The whole pack is gone in minutes. He sneaks a few, as expected, because Spencer is a child with a sugar addiction at heart.
“What now?” You sigh.
“How do you feel?”
He looks at you so tenderly you feel like the most important person on the planet. The way he’s gazing at you, all concerned and sympathetic, makes you want to kiss him. Right on the lips. And the rest of his face, too.
He interrupts before you even open your mouth, “Don’t answer that. Well, answer it, but I’m disregarding anything you say because you’re spending the rest of the day in here where I can look after you.”
You raise an eyebrow, “Oh? On who’s orders?”
“Mine. I am a Doctor, after all,”
“I can’t stay here all day, Spence. It was just a little faint-“
“A little faint?! Y/N, although syncope is a common problem, if you go on about your day like nothing is wrong you could faint again and get hurt. Like, badly hurt.” He pauses, “And I can’t let that happen. So I’m going to take care of you and watch over you to ensure nothing happens.”
“That’s sweet, Spence, really, but-“
“No buts. I’m your Doctor.”
“You’re not a medical Doctor!”
“Then I’m your nurse.”
You smirk. He instantly regrets saying that.
“You’re my nurse?” You ask.
“I take it back. I’m your doctor.”
“If you really want to make me feel better, I’m pretty sure I have an old sexy nurse costume if you wanna wear it.”
“No. I do not want to wear that. Thank you.”
You pout again.
“Just relax, Y/N. At least for a little while.”
You concede, deciding some rest won’t hurt, nodding and shuffling your body to settle back into the couch. You close your eyes and Spencer goes back to his book – you’re a little surprised he’s staying with you, but then you assume he’ll stay until you fall asleep and come back to check on you later.
Some time passes where sleep evades you.
“Will you read to me, Spence?” You open one eye and look at him, where he’s biting his lip as his eyes furiously scan the pages.
His head snaps up, caught off guard, “Huh?”
“Will you read to me? I can’t relax.”
“Of-of course.” He looks back at the book in his lap, “The book I’m reading is in Russian, though.”
You hum, “That’s okay. I just like your voice.”
You don’t see it, but he blushes profusely, smothering a wide grin that he knows would make him look like a lovesick puppy.
Right before you fall asleep, you mumble something. If Spencer wasn’t sat so close, he would’ve missed it.
He’s glad he didn’t.
“You’re adorable.”
For the first time in his life, Spencer wants to squeal.
Turns out you sleep the entire work day away. You were more exhausted and drained than you let on – the amount of case files everyone had to work through made you feel tremendously guilty when you imagined Hotch and JJ spending yet another late night at the office, significant others and kids eagerly waiting for them at home, so you took on way more work than you could handle, exerting yourself by staying up late, skipping meals - all things you’d kill your team for doing.
And you paid for it by fainting bright and early on a Friday morning.
Spencer watches you, gripping his satchel that sits across his body, as you slowly gather your belongings together. You’ve only just woken up, eyes bleary and movements sluggish.
He gathers all his courage and says, “I think I should take you home.”
You blink at him. “Why?”
He curses internally. He was hoping, in your disoriented state, you’d comply and definitely not question him.
Please don’t make him tell you he loves and cares for you so much and the idea of you going home alone after all this makes him anxious and he refuses to let you repeat what you’ve been doing to yourself.
He clears his throat, “Well, most of the time fainting is harmless, but a small percentage of people faint due to serious medical conditions, such as an irregular heartbeat. I’m just. I think it’d be safer if I stayed with you.”
You look at him, really look at him, and he tries to hide how he bites his lip and how his eyes flicker away for a moment.
He’s hiding something.
You turn your body towards him, suspicion clear on your face. Spencer swallows. You’ve got that look – brows raised, eyes narrowed and pursed lips.
He likes your lips. His eyes linger there.
You notice, of course you do, and you decide to take a leap.
“Alright. If you consider wearing the nurse outfit I’ll let you come home with me.”
Spencer guffaws.
“And,” You hold a finger up, “We can stop at your favourite restaurant on the way back and spend the night relaxing together.”
Spencer hehs, “Kinda sounds like a date to me.”
“Do you want it to be?”
Spencer nods without thinking. Of course he wants to date you. Then he blushes and tries to backtrack, “I mean-“
“I’d like it to be a date.” You smile. “It can be a date, if you want,”
Your confidence begins to waiver when he takes a couple seconds to respond. But Spencer can’t resist the grin that takes over, the elation he feels when he sees you’ve taken initiative and it’s quite possible you want him the same way he wants you.
He can’t help but ask, “This isn’t the fainting talking, right?”
You roll your eyes and move towards him, picking up his hand and interlocking your fingers.  
“Trust me when I say,” You promise, making sure you look him directly in the eyes, “I’ve wanted this for a long time.”
When you look at him like that, Spencer thinks he might end up in that nurse outfit you mentioned.
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