#also i’m very hormonal rn don’t mind me
fakeoutbf · 2 years
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cotarded · 1 year
I got really fascinated by some tags you left on a post a few days ago-regarding female anatomy. Would you mind to elaborate a bit? You spoke about how the myth of it is hard to buy, how its all concentrated around reproduction and is a handicap in a way. I wonder what made come to those conslusions and why (just for the record i am asking because i think you put into words something i have felt since so long). Its annoying to always hear how beautiful it is because its able to carry childen to the world (among other things) which just makes me feel like i live in a specialised incubator, not a body. not for me but to sustain something…
Of course, I love to run my mouth. And I'm in the middle of studying for the obgyn part of my finals so it's very topical for me rn.
For context, I assume this is the post and tags you mean:
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I’ve been thinking it over for the last few days, sorting through what I know and what I feel and why, and how to say it best and I haven't really arrived at anything brilliant or groundbreaking but here are some more of my thoughts on the topic.
Our reproductive system and reproductive organs are geared for - as the name suggests - reproduction. We evolved to successfully bear and raise offspring, and I feel it’s naive to deny that. Menstrual cycle and periods exist solely as means to reproduction - you don’t need a menstrual cycle to be a healthy woman; you need sex hormones, yes, because organisms evolve as a whole and everything has seven hundred different functions, but you do not need the cycle and periods, not unless you want to have a child. 
And the menstrual cycle is fucking annoying. I’m not even particularly unlucky - my periods are average, I’m only in pain for 2 days and it’s easily manageable with OTC painkillers - but I can tell it affects me, it makes me feel bad, I’m less productive, I’m sure you know what I mean. 
It’s a handicap because our bodies redirect insane efforts and energy towards making us pregnant every month. It’s a handicap because we are in pain and not doing our best 1/10 to 1/5 of our lives. It’s a handicap because we live in a male-dominated society and must keep up. As @iorvethh said, biology fucked us over pretty spectacularly, because we bear the brunt of reproduction.
I understand very well what you mean about living in a specialised incubator - I’ve always felt like woman’s position as a person is in a very tentative one, especially during pregnancy, but also throughout her whole life. I remember being a child and learning that I had to get a rubella shot because getting rubella during pregnancy can be dangerous for a baby, and I felt sick in a way I couldn’t quite express. I still do, even now that I understand the public health part of vaccines - it felt like an assumption, a violation of sorts - „you Will get pregnant and we want that child to be healthy”.  Or even a threat - “you might not want to get pregnant, but it’s not like it’s impossible, is it? Better be prepared for that thing that can Always happen to you.” It was an act on my body done on behalf of another, confident that I’m okay with that. It felt like that hypothetical child, years in the future, was already more important than me.
And the worst part is that it isn’t only society - my body does not care I don’t want to get pregnant. It will keep on trucking, trying to make me so, every month. I was build around it, from the day I was born I’ve been carrying my potential children in me and it feels like everyone and everything sees just them, not me. I look down and can recite how each and every part of me is made for that singular purpose. 
The mythos of the female body, of motherhood, of creation, is attractive to me as a concept, a story, and I do feel good about stuff my body can do - I find it valuable and fascinating how we are the more resilient ones, the ones who survive disasters to rebuild society, the key to human survival. When you study it, there’s really nothing in males that can compare - but then you go outside, into the real world and realise that in everyday life in our society all that cool stuff is hardly a boon. 
Female biology is cooler on a conceptual level - we are the main characters of the human race - but the thing about main characters is that it’s more fun to read about one than to be one. We are cooler and more important than males and we are paying the price in blood. 
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toxycodone · 3 years
I DO!!! GOD HYBRID AU IS MAKING ME FERAL 😩 LETS START WITH KARASUNO AND SEIJOH FIRST. What’s the hybrids of each members of the schools 👀 also yes lemme join you salivating at the thought of puppy shoyou
OOO okay I’m gonna preface this by in my AU I think that society is split between hybrids and pure humans?? And any hybrid that wants to be in regular society has to have a human owner basically (this makes the human responsible if the hybrid acts out). Also depending on the hybrid’s species, they’re meant for different purposes. (Like dog boys are usually for companionship, bunnies for sex, etc. It’s a flawed society...kiiinda similar to beastars?)
So there are also “feral” hybrids which are technically illegal that live in the woods and stuff too. They don’t wanna be governed so they avoid it at all costs.
Hybrids can disguise themselves as humans though by covering up their ears/tails/etc. but something that won’t go away are scents (which usually are only detectable by other hybrids unless one is in heat). ofc in cities their are hybrids whose purpose is to hunt down those that are disguised and lacking an owner.
Also I wanna say hybrids have an innate desire to want to submit to humans...? Or maybe like humans developed some drug/tech/etc that makes them want to submit...humans are lowkey evil but I love the idea of shock collars and stuff like that
SO. I only have a few ideas rn but for any of the characters I don’t have ideas for I would love to talk abt them 🥺
hinata is a puppy boy!! he comes from a long line of them meant for companionship :) he’s a little on the smaller side but he doesn’t mind.
Noya is also a puppy boy, he’s got some feral dna (like, wild dog) which explains the blonde patches of fur on him. a bit of a handful, but worth the trouble.
Tanaka is a dog boy, he was meant for personal protection but he gets really attached to his owner...like, really. he’ll do anything for you to pet him
Suga is a bunny boy...I think his lineage was initially for companionship but as society got more focused on exploiting hybrids for cash they introduced some of the sex bunny dna...he tends to hide this abt himself bc it can be overwhelming
Yamaguchi is a rabbit boy, he’s different from suga bc his lineage is still wild, but Yama himself is only a little feral. he is in between the outskirts and the city (he disguises himself as a human).
And tsukki?? Catboy?? I think he’s feral bc he hates the idea of anyone owning him so he tries to stay away from everything. Yamaguchi and him are still close friends
OIKAWA...I KNOW THIS MAN IS A PUREBRED SEX BUNNY...but he’s so exclusive he like is only used for breeding, and in return he doesn’t have an owner (he’s technically owned by his agency). he’s kinda a celebrity for having such good genes lmfao...and once his agency kicks him/retires him (they only want him to have a few litters to keep prices high)....there’s gonna be an all out bidding war for him (like?? He’s literally the perfect sex bunny...whatever you could imagine he could most likely do.)
Iwaizumi is definitely a guard dog (I always see him having pointy ears like a Doberman...) he’s meant for protecting property or a person, and he takes this very seriously. But like Tanaka he gets really attached to his person despite trying to push his feelings aside and even tho he’s on hormone blockers his owner makes him rut 😳
Kyoutani...wolfdog...he is too violent and no one wants to breed him or adopt him so he’s basically just doing fuck all in some government holding facility (you would actually get a stipend for adopting him LOL). But YEAH...he’s actually a sweetie with a need to be dominated but no one wants to try to get close to him 💔
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kakakakashi · 4 years
Darling!! I just really want to say thank you for ALL your UCHIHA hcs!! They’re absolutely delicious!! Anyway I know your super busy but if you have time may I prettyyyyy pls maketh a small request for kinktober?? A pregnant sex hc with all our fav uchihas? I just can’t get enough of your Uchiha breeding kink TM 😂 I love your work! Stay Cherrylicious! ❤️🍒
You are cherrylicious, fam! 🍒 Lol, thanks. My hcs aren’t delicious, though. The Uchiha are… At least Shisui is. The further I get in with the story, the more I’ll be able to add. Personally, I’m not doing kinktober just because I’ve got too much on my plate rn, but lbr, I never need an excuse to be nasty. I’m just gonna be gross 365 days a year. My kinkiness isn’t limited to a month. You can’t get enough? Lol, neither can they. Motherfuckin Uchiha. Anyway…
*NSFW under the cut*
This man gets so soft for you when he sees you doing domestic shit when you’re pregnant, and he just remembers how much he adores you.
You’re doing something as simple as drying the dishes while he washes, and as soon as the two of you are done, he just kisses you so sweetly and passionately.
You can’t deny him kisses when he looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
Do you start it? Does he start it? Nobody knows.
You’re already being carried to the bedroom, so he can make slow, sweet love to you.  
He literally worships you, paying extra attention to your bump because he can’t believe that you’ve got his kid in there.
He plays with your breasts a lot too, and it feels so good.
Will insist that you lay back and let him take care of you.
Believe me, you will not lift a finger. This dork is not having it. Like, you’re already doing so much for him, he just wants to make you feel so good.
He’ll eat you out until you’ve come at least twice just from his tongue and fingers before he even thinks about putting his dick in you.
And he takes it slow, like I said. He just wants to pamper you.
He makes sure you’re in the most comfortable position possible while he’s languidly thrusting in and out of you.
It’s all very soothing and relaxing.
When you come the third time, it rolls over you in slow, undulating waves, and he works you through it with fluid motions that have your body feeling like you’re floating.
After you come down, he’s on the verge of following you, your walls spasming and contracting around him and encouraging his hips to stutter while he moans, and his eyes roll back.
You’re both fuckin spent, and your entire body’s tingly.
Itachi just gently kissed everywhere across your skin while you stay connected for a bit, just cherishing each other.
Ugh, it’s so soft and good. It’s like your underwater.
He’s not necessarily actively interested in pregnant sex in my opinion.
Like, you’re already pregnant. His job is done. He’s gonna go fight Hashirama until you have the kid.
Then, he’ll fuck another one into you.
So, if you want it, you’re gonna have to seduce him.
Given, it’s not that hard. Just get him jealous or just sit on his lap while he’s reading and start grinding on him.
He’ll eventually put down whatever he was reading.  
He’ll also definitely make you get off on his thigh before he fucks you.
He’ll also make you take off all your clothes while he’s still completely clothed.
He likes the look of your bump while you pleasure yourself on his thigh.
He’s just going to watch you while you take what you need because you’re so desperate for him.
Like, you’ve already got his baby inside you, and it’s still not enough for you?
Then he’s gonna make you ride him right there on the couch.
He’ll make you beg for it first, though.
Your legs will be exhausted, but it’ll totally be worth it.
He’s going to allow you to control the pace for once just because he doesn’t want to hurt the baby.
He basically just sits and makes you do all the work for once.
And once he’s done, he’ll carry you to your bed and clean you up because you’re carrying an Uchiha, and you deserve to be taken care of for that, no matter how rough around the edges he is.  
Pregnancy hormones are a bitch sometimes.
And let me tell you, you are so fucking horny, and he’s not even close to complaining.
There’s this one comedian who did a show about having a kid… and I just can’t get it out of my head rn because I feel like there’s this one part… that’s just… the epitome of being pregnant with Obito’s kid, but anyway.
“It’s like having sex with Space Mountain!”
If you know what this is from, let’s be friends.
So literally, anytime you’re feeling horny, just go for it.
It’s so good for him, like… he didn’t have a pregnancy kink until you got pregnant because the sex is just that fucking good.
Just, all the magical contractions and positions and shit.
And every time, you’re blowing his mind, and he’s blowing yours.
It’s very sloppy and hot, but he still tries his best to be gentle with you.
He loves experimenting with positions, and he definitely wants to incorporate some of them into your sex life after the pregnancy
He will literally do anything you ask. You make the rules in the bedroom when you’re pregnant. The only thing he won’t do is something that could potentially harm you or the baby.
He loves how your tits get bigger, and he loves to play with them when you guys fuck.
Lots of nipple play. Oops.
He always kisses your belly after when he gets all soft and cuddly. He’ll also talk to the baby while you’re lying down together.
He can’t wait for you to give birth, so he can put another one in you. Like, he’s counting down the days until your due date because he wants to restore his clan have a big family, okay?
Nobody dies here.
But like… sometimes, he just sees you, and his brain goes to his dick.
The man has no self-control in all honesty. Like… *gestures to the entirety of Naruto*
Anyway, he’s like “the love of my life carrying my child must not be touched by anyone,” but then his dick gets hard, and he’s like “... except me... to please them.”
So, he’s gonna give you that slow broody sex that he’s too into because the boy is Dramatique™ .
And I mean, are you really complaining when he’s fucking you nice and slow, letting you really feel everything in your overly sensitive state?
The answer is no.
He’s another one that will do his best to make you comfortable before he starts, but he does it quietly.
And as he gets closer, his pace picks up until it’s more moderate than slow.
And he’s gonna tell you that he can’t wait for you to have your baby so he can knock you up again.
Especially because it’s so good.
And you cum pulling his hair and crying his name.
He’s just living for it all, and the breeding kink comes out, and he’s just kind of a mess.
Sasuke is another one that will be like “You’re already pregnant with my child, and you’re still begging me to cum in you?”
He will, though.
And he’ll take whatever pours out on his fingers to push it back inside you.
Nasty motherfucker gets turned on when you wear tighter clothes, and he sees your bump bulging underneath.
He’s like “Yeah, I did that. I put that baby in there.”
Omg, god forbid you wear something that makes the bump peek out.
He also kind of wants to make you feel really good because he knows your body is going through a lot making a whole other person.
He’ll insist you sit on his face even more than usual.
With all the contractions and sensitivity, the man’s gonna fuck you every chance he gets.
He also thinks your pregnancy glow is really sexy.
Like, if you’re even the slightest bit horny, he’s got you on your back on the nearest surface.
He just really wants to please you all the time because you’re carrying his baby. Like… he just thinks the sun shines out your ass.
On days where you’re both off, he always tries to convince you to just stay home all day.
He just wants to snuggle and talk and make love all day because he wants you to be pampered in your state.
Some days you let him, and you just take your time with each other.
He’ll make you sit on his face, and when you try to return the favor, he just stops you because “don’t worry about it. We have all day, love.”
And the whole day is just bathed in this ethereal golden glow while he draws countless moans and sighs out of you.
He’s also gonna kiss everywhere on your body, especially your bump.
He knows that body insecurities can come with pregnancy, but he wants to quiet those fears before they even have the chance to develop.
It’s literally all about you. It’s so fucking sweet, and this dork is just wonderful.
OMG, but your kid 100% has his lil dimples. K thx byee.
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so I’m 16,, and for the past few months (since around June) I’ve been struggling with pocd. At first I got the thoughts and gronial responses/arousal and had no idea what they meant - this freaked me out and until I eventually found out what they were, before that I was unable to eat/sleep and practically half-starved myself 😭,, once I found out what pocd was I calmed down instantly and was happy again. Since then it makes the occasional return - and I find with each return it tends to get more difficult cause I know more about it thanks to research and my mind constantly jumps to other questions - like did you have these thoughts before,, how did you react to this before?? What are your actual morals?? Do you have any morals? what if this what if that,, what if this is sm you can’t decide on,, like being gay? I’m numbed to the thoughts at this point,, which makes me both pleased and depressed. Then I worry about the fact that I’ll feel suddenly sad when I don’t get the thoughts anymore - did I find these thoughts enjoyable unknowingly??!! Recently I’ve mainly been struggling with constant gronial responses/ arousal,, idk if this is just my hormones going nuts or wht,,, It’s annoying as hell and I don’t want to act on this for fear of the thoughts returning or even worse me potentially enjoying them. I hate that I don’t stress / feel instantly horrified when I get them anymore and worry if this means I’m now enjoying them. What if I was secretly always enjoying them and am just in denial. I constantly am in this mixed state of not knowing who I am/what my sexuality is/what I really want. I used to identify quite happily as bisexual- but this has set me back by so much. I hate that I can no longer feel aroused when I want to,, and then as soon as I don’t want to feel aroused I feel aroused. Plus it’s triggered so easily. Have my preferences just changed?? I feel confused and depressed constantly. I worry about not worrying,, then I worry that I’m faking this worry... idk what to do. I can eat now but I struggle with sleeping for fear of the thoughts popping up in my sleep. Rn my mind constantly tells me that I’d enjoy the thoughts if I just let them happen - but I don’t want them to happen I want this all to go away and I want to be normal again. Even as I’m writing this more questions r popping up,, Rn I feel guilty and depressed,, i feel very numb. I’m seeing a therapist in 2 weeks but that just feels so far away. Any tips??? Sorry abt how messy this is but I just have a lot to get off my chest. Ik that asking for reassurance/ talking to people abt this is another compulsion of mine,, as is research so it’s probably bad that I’m asking for help rn,,, 😭😭
Hey there,
It sounds as though you are feeling very overwhelmed right now with thoughts and quite a lot of questions! Hopefully I will be able to be of some help or at least just reassuring you that I am listening and that you don’t have to struggle through this alone!
In regards to your POCD, I am glad that you know more about it now but it must be difficult each time it pops up, being slightly worse than the time before. Some helpful tips for POCD that may be helpful for you to think about or maybe even give a try is the following:
Managing your stress levels and practicing good self-care – including getting adequate sleep each night
Managing your anxiety, so going through possible scenarios and how they may turn out including worst case scenario and thinking about possible better actions you could do
Practice relaxation and mindfulness techniques
Getting regular exercise to help with regulating your thoughts better and thinking more clearer
In terms of your sexuality, I know that it can be confusing but there is no time limit to when you have to decide as what you best identify as. And not only this, it is also OK to change what you identify with over time as well. So I guess what I am trying to say is that you don’t need to worry about this stuff right now. Try and take a big breath and remind yourself that you don’t have to figure all this stuff out yet! We do have a page though that may be helpful for you to check out! You can check it out by clicking here.
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going OK!
Take care,
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
I am doing ok :> I just have intense mood swings and i'll go to my doctor soon. maybe it's a hormonal issue?? or maybe it's mental illness-
i usually don't check my social media profiles that much. I only go on here reblog some funky shit, post my art and look if u responded to my asks :>
MY GIRLFRIEND? man i love her so fucking much- I can't my heart. she's so perfect. I wanna be with her all the time (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
I did what u recommended. I like kept the instagram acc but like emptied it ig. and I uninstalled it. imma make a deviantart page today :> yeah it's mostly for art I think.
YES imma scorpio uwu
actually at first I didn't feel very comfy cuz of what happened, but since i got together with my gf, it's been...nice? they r all so supportive and it's like so awesome, cuz I feel so valid there. and jeff recently came up to me and said: "yo if u ever need a hug...i- i'm here u know" and then I went: "jeff do u need a hug???" and he said: "HUH??? ME? NO I- yeah kinda" and then we hugged :> so I think we r besties now uwu! AND i finally met candypop OMG... it was so cool. i have been starting this habit of a subtle everyday clown makeup (that was the conversation starter) and lj and me have been hangin out. he was like: "wanna meet candypop?" and I got so excited...u don't understand :>>>> it was so much fun.
BEN missed me telling him abt u. I was forced to paint his nails while giving him updates on all the fics and stuff... it was nice tho ^^ he liked the hug and he is also super proud of u for everything u do <3 "tell them to keep going, they r awesome and valid and they can do anything they put their mind to!"
I would just have to say exactly what he did. I am bad with words so I am happy he is good with them lol
tysm <3 I adore u too ❣
I have super intense mood swings too, so you’re not alone! Everything’s gonna be ok, promise
I REAPIND RO UR ASKS IN LIKE AR LEAST 3?? Hours cause i get so excited ehheheheheg and want to TALK WITH U ALL THE TIME.
I’m glad u guys are going good! ONG PROUD! Look at u making your devianart art acc!! GRRRR my best friend blue is also a Scorpio!
I’m so happy 🥺🥺 that u feel validated there, and Jeff is being the SHIT RN! He’s so cute! I feel like I would be the bestest of friends with him, I relate to him a lot 😋,,, fuckkkn and u got to meet candy pop. Sheesh man I’m so jealous rn, I WANNA DO SUBTLE CLOWN MAKEUP BUT IDK HOW.
omg he missed you telling him about me? Shut the FUCK up before I fall more in love with him. I am literally head over heels would die for him. But you already know this. I feel like it’s embarrasing, idk why hm.
Fuck. Fuck he really just gave me the validation. Fuck. Great now this is prime crying material. I will be using this- don’t worry I will. God I just wanna hold him and cry while he holds me, I just wanna be next to him for a second Man. What I would give for a second.
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can i request college yamaguchi doing hw when his s/o straddles his lap to cuddle and it’s all cute at first but he ends up getting a boner which leads to sex😳 oop kinda thirsting for some subby yams rn
SUBBY YAMS SUBBY YAMS SUBBY YAMS! This is what I’m talking about!
I hope you like this! Thank you for requesting from us!
NSFW: Do not read if you are not of age!
.....I have no excuses.
>Admin 𝕋
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Yamaguchi was sitting on the side of her bed and she was next to time, resting her head against his shoulder. They were supposed to have a study date today, but it turned out to be Yamaguchi only studying and (y/n) reading a book instead.
He stopped writing in his notebook and peered over to her, sighing, “(y/n) I thought we were supposed to be studying together, not only me doing it and you using me as a pillow and reading  a romance novel.” he said to her, poking her in the cheek with his pencil. She giggled and swatted it away, “I just don’t wanna study, I don’t have the motivation right now.” she whined. Yamaguchi shook his head, smiling.
“This is a big exam, that we both need to pass.” he told her, closing the notebook he was writing in. Tossing her book to the bed, (y/n) groaned and rubbed her forehead on Yamaguchi’s shoulder.
“But I don’t want to!” she cried, elongating the ‘to’ in her sentence. He laughed, smooching the top of her head.
“Fine, I guess we could use a break.” he said to her, then threw his notebook onto the coffee table that was in front of him. “But only for, like, fifteen minutes, then you really have to study with me, or I’m leaving.” Yamaguchi threatened, causing (y/n) to gasp audibly.
Getting up from her position on his shoulder she glared at him, “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, but I would.” Yamaguchi teased, crossing his arms and chuckled at her, crossing his arms over his chest. With a pout on her lips, (y/n) got up from the floor and took Yamaguchi’s hands in hers, pulling them from there crossed position. She then proceeded to wrap them around her waist and sat down on his lap, wrapping her arms around his chest and nuzzling her face into his neck.
“Well, now you can’t ‘cause I have you trapped.” she muttered, squeezing him with her hug. He sputtered and his cheeks were turning a dark shade of red, going all the way down to his neck, but she didn’t notice since she was still pouting. Yamaguchi was so very aware of everywhere they were touching, from her arms around his chest, to her thighs touching his own. Gulping, he gripped onto her waist for to keep his mind on this reality and not a fantasy that was currently starting in his head. But, it just proved to further the illusion.
“H-hey, (y/n), I wasn’t serious, you didn’t have to jump on my lap like that.” he murmured out, his voice a little shaky. She shook her head and held on tighter.
“I don’t care! Plus, it’s comfortable on you lap.” she announced, digging her ass into his crotch area to gain more seating, and that was when Yamaguchi knew he was in for a ride.
He could already feel himself getting turned on, his dick hardening. Freaking hormones, why do you have to be like this, she just was trying to be cute, how dare you betray me-- “Ah!” with one particular movement from (y/n)’s hips caused it to directly touch her ass to his dick, making Yamaguchi moan out, very loudly.
She moved away to stare at him and ask him what that was about, but stopped herself when she felt his boner hitting her butt. “Tada, are you turned on right now?” she asked, a lilt to her tone of voice. 
“No, no, this is---ooohhh oh my god, what are you doing--” he moaned loudly again, feeling her grind against him, her smile seductive.
“I’m just giving you a little help, seeing as you need it.” she explained, moving her hips in circular motions now, and she felt Yamaguchi’s handle on her waist go down to her hips, trying to slow her down.
“I-if you do that to me, I don’t know if I’ll be able last.” he groaned out. (y/n) chuckled, getting turned on herself. 
She unwrapped her arms from his chest and went in between them to unzip Yamaguchi’s pants, taking his erection out. She heard him moan out and watched he laid his back onto the bed. The (h/c) girl gave it a few strokes to fully harden him, and when she deemed him hard enough, (y/n) moved around and quickly took her shorts and panties off, having both of them expose to each other. “Tada, look.” she commanded him, to which he obeyed by opening his eyes and was surprised to see her lower half exposed.
“Oh fuck..” he whispered to himself, his dick twitching.
“Watch me.” (y/n) said softly. Yamaguchi watched as she trailed her fingers down her body until they got to her lips, rubbing her clit in front him. Yamaguchi could feel all of his blood going to his dick now, it was weeping with precum and he whimpered as he saw her other hand start to finger herself. He watched as her breath became hard and shallow, her cheeks reddening. He wanted to touch her so badly, but he knew he wasn’t allowed to based on the look she was giving him. Her eyes were hungry and foggy with arousal, but they said not to touch, and he will obey.
With one last shove, (y/n) finished prepping herself, then scooted closer to Yamaguchi’s dick and aligned herself to him. He squeaked and grabbed the carpet under him. He could feel how wet she was from the tip of his cock that was already touching her entrance.
“You ready, Tada?” he heard her ask and nodded.  He focused his eyes as he watched (y/n) sheath herself onto his cock, until she was sitting on him fully. They both gasped at the same time, her spine backward and put her hands on his legs for purchase as she got used to the penetration. “Yes, you did so well for me, Tada, so well.” she mumbled out, then slowly lifted her hips until his cock almost came out of her only to slam back down, causing Yamaguchi to yell out in pleasure, his hands shaky in the carpet.
She continued to bounce on his dick, loving the sounds he was making with each bob of hip and every mewl he made when she went really fast. (y/n) took her hands off his legs, then put them through his hair, dragging his head back onto the bed again and started to kiss him senselessly, invading his mouth with her tongue, tasting him.
Using her knees, she changed her position slightly to take more of him inside herself, feeling him fill her up, feeling full. She panted into his mouth and started making circular motions with her hips while also going up and down. Yamaguchi felt like he might start crying if she kept this up. “Tada.” she called out, moving back a little to look him in the eyes, their noses touching.
“Y-yes?” he managed to say, his voice ragged.
“Take my waist and move with me okay? Let’s come together.” she ordered. Yamaguchi nodded vigorously and took a hold her waist. He started to then meet her movements; as she went down, he pushed up, hearing the squish of their connection. “Come on, faster Tada faster, harder, deeper--” he did as he was told, going faster, going deeper, going harder, until she was screaming his name and him groaning out hers.
“(y-y/n), please please please, I’m going to come soon--”
“Fuck, Tada come for me, come--
“I want to so badly, please--ah ahh ahh!” he screamed out, biting onto her collarbone, coming inside her, his legs shivering uncontrollably. She did the same, quivering as she came while he did, moaning his name and both of them riding out their climax together.
They kissed each other languidly as they calmed their racing hearts, his cock still inside her. (y/n) combed her fingers through his hair, her other hand on his cheek. He was holding onto her thighs, loving the feeling of her tongue on his. But all too soon, she moved her head back, breaking the kiss and smiling at him. “Was that good for you?” she asked and he sighed out in satisfaction.
“Yes, i-it was very good.” he stuttered, thinking about their past actions. Laughing, she pushed away from him and slowly stood up, hissing at the feeling of Yamaguchi’s cock sliding out of her. When she was fully standing, she started to walk to the bathroom, but stopped and felt his come slowly leak out of her and glide down her thigh.
Yamaguchi watched as well, his face alight with embarrassment, putting his hands in front of face. “We really should’ve used a condom.” he muttered out.
“Oh, don’t worry about that, I will make sure that everything will be fine.” she comforted as she wiped herself clean. She put her shorts and panties back on, then grabbed a textbook from a nearby bookcase. She sat down at the little coffee table and started to read it’s contents. After a bit, she looked to Yamaguchi and sighed.
“Tadashi, put your dick back inside your pants and let’s get studying!” she said, and with a flurry of limbs, Yamaguchi put his penis in his pants and opened his notebook to resume their study session. 
But he couldn’t focus one bit, his mind going to back to them fucking and dominating she was. With a flush, he lightly slapped his cheeks, trying to forget about it. At least until later, but now right now. Study. Focus.
But, damn. Best study date ever.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Hiiii!!! I love your NSFW Works and was wondering if I could ask for a part 2 of your ABO au? Where Steve is just being the cute Omega he is and Billy being a super fluffy and caring Alpha who also knows how to properly dom Steve? I love the way you portrayed them in the first one! Thanks!
So, I’m gonna be honest, I have several A/B/O aus rn so I’m not sure which you mean, but I’m p sure it’s this one lol
If you were meaning another one, let me know!
Part two
Steve was used to everyone staying as far away from his as possible.
The other alphas at the school typically paid him no mind, didn’t wanna get mixed up in that.
But now that Billy had publicly claimed him, had looked Nancy straight in the eye and scented Steve.
Close to three months, and people were still talking about Billy Hargrove coming in and stealing Nancy Wheeler’s omega right out from under her.
Well, it was popular knowledge that Nancy was double timing him. Everyone would shake their heads as Steve trailed so sweetly behind her.
But now he was with an alpha that snapped his jaws if anyone dared to look at Steve.
So the other alphas left him alone, not wanting to get tangled up with Billy.
It did wonders for Steve’s self esteem. To have the most possessive alpha in the damn town, constantly touching and manhandling him, glaring at anyone that got too close.
It took him a week to realize Robin was the least threatening person to his relationship, a week of Billy hauling Steve onto his lap, making direct eye contact with Robin as he groped Steve. A week until Robin had said you know I got someone, right? A GIRL someone? and Billy had cooled it.
So Steve spent his days tucked under Billy’s arm, nuzzling into him as they walked through the school. And he spent his nights hanging off Billy’s knots, getting fucking railed into his mattress.
“I want, I want you to spend my next heat with me.”
Steve was sitting on Billy’s lap in the cafeteria. They would usually sit in one corner, tucked together and eating off the same tray.
“When is it?”
“It’ll start next Wednesday.” Steve had been through two heats after they made it official, so Billy was pretty attune with them, knew how long Steve would be out of school, knew from the phone calls he would get that Steve was fucking horny for all of it.
“I can do that for you, Baby. Spend the whole week fuckin’ you silly.” Steve smiled at him bashfully, tucking his face into Billy’s neck, his cheeks hot and red.
Billy had a bag with him when he arrived to Steve’s house on Wednesday. He wasn’t sure why, knew he was gonna be fucking naked most of the weekend.
Steve had stuck a note to the door, a little yellow Post-It with Steve’s neat handwriting.
The door’s open. I’m nesting :)
Billy tucked the note in his pocket, locking the door behind him.
The second he was inside, his nose perked up at the smell of ripe, horny omega. His omega.
He rushed upstairs, taking a second to calm himself down before entering Steve’s room.
Steve was nested under a pile of thick blankets, down feather duvets and heavy wool he had crotchet himself.
Billy stared at the lump of Steve in the bed, just taking in his scent.
And then he heard a moan.
“Alpha. I can smell you.”
He was pawing away blankets before he knew what he was doing, revealing a naked and very sweaty Steve, flushed red from his cheeks to his chest. And the pool of slick staining the sheets below him.
“Holy fuck, Pretty Boy.” Steve whined, his legs falling open.
“Want you. N-need you.”
“Yeah? You need me?” Steve bit his lip, whimpering as he nodded.
“Alpha, it hurts. Need you to make it better.” And then he chirped, high in his throat, the little involuntary response that drove Billy absolutely fucking wild. Billy growled.
“Omega, present.” Steve fucking scrambled.
He was all limb, long and awkward as he situated himself on his knees and elbows.
Slick was running down his thighs, adding to the wet spot below them.
He was pushing his hips back, angling them so Billy could see his wet little clutch, legs spread wide.
And he was making all these sounds, moaning and chirping and sobbing out for Billy.
“You’re so good. Such a perfect omega. So sweet and pretty, presenting for your alpha.” Steve trilled, high in his throat. “Tell me what you want.”
“Want you knot. Want you to fuck me, fill me up, make me so full.”
Billy had been really fucking hard in his jeans since the moment he had stepped into the house.
But this was on a whole other level.
He lowered himself down, licking a stripe of his sweet cunt, tongue flicking his cock, lapping up the slick that was fucking gushing out of him.
“Taste so good. Even fucking sweeter in heat. Just so fucking fertile.” Billy caught himself, his mind racing for a moment. He had never really gotten off on the whole fertility thing, never really looked at an omega and thought about filling them with his pup.
But the Steve shuddered, and fucking came untouched, just from Billy calling him fertile.
“You want me to knock you up? Cum so fucking deep inside you swell up?” Steve cried out, scrambling to get a pillow under his head as he fell apart.
And then he thought about Steve, pregnant and round, flushed and beautiful, and he needed to be inside him right fucking now.
He shed his clothes quickly, Steve watching with one eye, hips swaying gently back and forth.
He choked when he saw Billy’s cock, eyes going dark as he zeroed in on it, hard and curved to his stomach.
Billy positioned himself back behind Steve, sliding two fingers into him.
“Don’t, don’t need prep. I’m ready.”
“Don’t need it, or don’t want it?” Steve let out a tiny little growl. It was fucking cute. “You really just growled at me?” He pulled out his fingers. “Omega forget his place?”
“N-no, Alpha. I just, just want you. Want your knot so bad it hurts.” Billy shoved three fingers into him, making him groan and wiggle his hips.
“Ask nicely.”
“Please! I want you knot, please give me your knot, Alpha.” He was babbling away, making Billy grin, his dick twitching.
He took out his fingers and lined himself up.
“Begged me so pretty. So sweet and perfect.” And he pushed himself into Steve.
He was so fucking wet, slick dribbling down Billy’s pelvis, the front of his thighs as he began to fuck Steve, keeping his thrusts shallow, torturous. He had an iron grip on Steve’s hips, keeping him from fucking himself on Billy’s thick cock, fingers digging into the soft fat there.
“Faster, please.” Steve’s voice was small. But he had asked so nicely, hadn’t just tried to take, couldn’t with the way Billy was holding onto him.
“‘Course, Sweet Thing.” Billy pulled out until just the head of his cock was inside Steve, and then rammed back in, using Steve’s hips to move him along Billy’s dick like a little fucktoy.
Steve was chirping every time Billy slammed him back, like the force of his ass hitting Billy’s pelvis was ripping the sounds out of him.
He screamed when he came, two times in quick succession. He squeezed around Billy, got him nice and close. 
Billy grabbed above Steve’s knees, sliding them back until Steve was flat on his stomach, Billy lying completely on top of him. He forced his knot inside his hot little hole, allowing it to swell and catch.
They were locked together as Billy came, spilling out a lot of spunk into Steve, making him cry out weekly into the pillow as he came one final time.
They lay for a moment, just catching their breath. Billy’s knots took a while to deflate when Steve was involved, and he found being on their knees for the duration of the wait was painful.
But from here, he could kiss Steve’s neck, could run soft hands up his sides.
“How you doin’, Sugar?” Steve hummed, sated and content.
“Real good, Bill.” The only times he was even borderline coherent during his what was when he was knotted, full and happy, the haze of hormones drifting off for a little bit. “Thanks for bein’ here.”
Billy kissed his neck some more, Steve gave a tired chirp. Billy purred.
“Nowhere else I’d rather be.”
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twinklecheeks · 4 years
Friends With Benefits (Jeff Wittek Imagine) Part 6
Summary: Jeff and Y/N have been hooking up for a while. The whole vlog squad assumes they’re dating and Y/N does too but Jeff doesn’t like labels. He eventually starts to express interest in Natalie.
Note: Planning on making this a multiple part series, depending on how good it does.  You’re 21 & Latina in this (maybe) series. Also, I’d like to apologize for the typos, if there are any. I’m just illiterate lmao.  
-I’d also like to say that I am SO sorry about not updating the series in 8 months. I started writing this the week school started last semester. I attempted to do it during Thanksgiving & Christmas break but I didn’t have the energy to do it. I know that we’re all struggling in quarantine and going through withdrawal because David has only 1 video in almost 2 months. I’m going to *TRY* to update this 2 times a week.
Warnings! Pregnancy, smut, nsfw, 18+
Don't read this if you don't like smut
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Word Count: 1.5k
You and David have practically been dating soon after the gender reveal and finally made it official but you don’t plan to announce it on social media anytime soon. He’s been helping you a lot. Since you’ve found out you were having twin girls, you went straight to planning on how the nursery would look like. Everytime David comes over, he brings stuff like baby toys, clothes, the whole shabang. I know that David isn’t the father but he’s very excited about the babies. You thought your first trimester was difficult and it was but there’s a big problem when in the second trimester…. You’ve become horny 24/7; before pregnancy, you had sex often and you loved it. But since being pregnant, you’ve been deprived of it! You bought a bunch of dildos and vibrators cause you just couldn’t handle it anymore. You would rub yourself, fuck yourself with the dildo or use the vibrator several times just to get through the day.
Texting Kylie:
Y/n: “why didn’t you tell me the second trimester makes you super horny”
Kylie: “GIRL STOOOP. Looking back on my pregnancy, that was the funniest part. Your hormones are just all over the place. I used toys and it helped but I also was with Travis”
Y/n: “I’ve been using them but it doesn’t feel the same as actually fucking someone.”
Kylie: “Why don’t you ask David? ;)”
Y/n: “Whaaat noo! I can’t”
Kylie: “Why not? Isn’t he your boyfriend? It’s not like he would turn you down and plus, it’s not like you can get more pregnant than you already are.”
Y/n: “I mean true but idk. I just feel weird. I’m fat and pregnant with twins. I love my girls already but why couldn’t they just be one baby”
Kylie: “blame Jeff’s super sperm”
Y/n: “I also blame myself. We were fucking all the time, anytime, anywhere”
Kylie: “Anywhere?”
Y/n: “Yeah… remember Zane’s earthquake challenge video at target? Jeff and I may have had a quickie in one of the dressing rooms…”
Kylie: “What the fuck”
Y/n: “Yeah. I know. Not my proudest moment”
Kylie: “but girl i’m serious, ASK DAVID”
Y/N: “Ugh fine. But if he says no, I’m moving away and changing my identity because this shit is embarrassing”
*On the phone with David*
Y/n: “Heyy, can I come over?”
David: “Yeah, of course. Are you okay?
Y/n: “Well… technically yes but… ummm…. I’d rather just discuss this in person”
David: “Sure”
*Y/n arrives at David’s house*
Y/n: *Gives David a quick kiss* “Hey Dave.” David: “Hey babe. You sounded a little weird on the phone.” Y/n: “I mean you’re not wrong… I just have a little tiny problem and I’m going to lose my mind if it isn’t resolved” David: “what’s the problem?” Y/n: “Ugh this is so awkward I don’t want to ask” David: *David wheeze laugh* “Dude just tell me”, Y/n: “Okay umm… i’msuperfuckinghornyandi’mwonderingifyoucanhavesexwithmeifnoticompletelyunderstand.” David: “Can you please say it slower cause I only understood like 2 words.” Y/n: “I said that I’m super fucking horny and I’m wondering if you can have sex with me if not, I completely understand…” David: “Like, how bad is it?” Y/n: “Ooo boy it’s baaad.” David: “Well, we’re technically together and I wasn’t sure if you were thinking about taking that step because you’re pregnant.” Y/n: “I’m open to ANYTHING rn. I just need to be fucked HARD.”
David: *Grabs y/n’s hand and leads her to his room* Y/n: “Is Natalie home? I don’t want her to hear us.” David: “Don’t worry. She’s at Todd’s.” Y/n: “At Todd’s?” David: “Yeah, Todd had a thing for her before Jeff did and he basically went for Natalie when Todd told him that he was going to ask her out.” Y/n: *pulls in David for a needy kiss and moans* David: “wow you really are horny.” *Pushes y/n on the bed and takes off her shirt* Y/n: *unclips her bra* “Do anything that’ll make me cum please.” David: *looks at y/n’s tits and sucks on the right nipple* “Wow. Your tits have gotten… wow.” You cry out in pleasure, letting your head fall back, your mouth open. They were so sensitive that every twirl of his tongue made your pussy even more wet. Y/n: *smirks* “You’ve noticed?” David: “okay... I may have had wet dreams about you.” Y/n: “good.” David: *gets undressed and pulls off your pants* “you have no idea how much I’ve dreamt about eating you out.” Y/n: “please. Do something.” David: *His fingers reach your clit.”  Y/n: *You gasp at the feeling of him pressing down on your clit* “mmmm oh my god. Please suck on my clit.” David: *David twirls his tongue around your clit and fingers you* “babe you’re so wet. I can’t wait to fuck you sensless.” *David sucks your clit and fingers you faster* Y/n: “please don’t stop. I NEED to cum.” David: *feels her walls pulsate and she squirts on him* Y/n: “oh my god. Please make me cum like that 10 more times tonight.” David: “are you sure you want to do this?” Y/n: “I haven’t been this sure about something in a long time.” David: *aligns himself with your center and slowly thrusted into you.*  Y/n: *moans, almost screams* “holy fuck. I know your going slow not to hurt me but Dave, I want you to fuck me until I can’t walk.” David: *he hears you out and the lust took over and started pounding into you fast and hard* Y/n: “DAVID OH MY GOD PLEASE KEEP FUCKING ME I’M SO CLOSE.” David: “Shit I’m close too babe” *pounds y/n as fast as he can and cums inside her.” Y/n: *cums right after* “oh...my…” David: *pulls out and sees his cums drip out* “Damn. I don’t think I’ve ever cummed that hard.” Y/n: “If you keep fucking me like that, it’s going to be hard for me to keep my hands off you haha.” David: “I would not have a problem w/ that at all.”
(it’s getting close to thanksgiving and Jeff decides to fly home to Staten Island early and the only people who kind of know about the situation are his siblings)
Jeff: “Hey ma.” Jeff’s mom: “Hello Jeffrey. Natalie couldn’t come?” Jeff: “yeah no. We’re kind of on a break rn.” Jeff’s mom: “Oh well that's too bad. Hopefully she’ll come for Christmas.” Karyn (Jeff’s older sister): “hey Jeff. Can you help me out w/ shopping? I have to go to Manhattan” Jeff: “Sure.”
*On the Staten Island Ferry*  
Karyn: “Okay so now that we’re alone, can you actually tell me what the fuck did you do.” Jeff: “Excuse me? The fuck you talking about?” Karyn: “I know that made up bullshit about y/n getting knocked up by a rando and Natalie asking for a break is a damn lie. Y/n was in love w/ you but you ignored all the signs and Natalie, she would only ask for a break if you were being a fucking idiot. I’m your older sister. I know when you’re lying.” Jeff: “Ugh fine… Y/n is knocked up w/ my kids and I basically said some horrible stuff that wasn’t true. As for Natalie, she was there to see me say all those horrible things and she dumped me on the spot, in front of the whole friend group…” Karyn: *stares at Jeff dumbfounded* “Excuse me did you say KIDS as in PLURAL??!” Jeff: “Yeah… She’s pregnant w/ twin girls…” Karyn: “Oh Jeffrey why the fuck did you act that way. You’re such an idiot. If mom and dad found out about this, they’d literally murder you.” Jeff: “I don’t know… I think it was because I got into something so serious less than a year after being dumped by Cierra; I panicked and I sabotaged myself. I know I’m wrong but I already fucked everything up. Everybody hates me.” Karyn: “I thought you changed Jeff when you got out of Prison.” Jeff: “What do you mean you *thought*” Karyn: “You have trouble w/ responsibility. When we were at your trial, you said you were not guilty, even when you got to prison, you still said you weren’t guilty but you were.” Jeff: “That’s different.” Karyn: “How?? You’re refusing to accept responsibility for those 2 babies. Jeff, you’re almost 30 years old. It took you 4 years after you got out to come to terms with what you did. Is it gonna take you until your 34 to realize you fucked y/n and those twin girls over? What is she gonna say when they ask for their dad huh? Sorry, daddy didn’t care about you? You either fix things with y/n ASAP or I’m gonna tell mom and dad.” Jeff: “what the fuck are you 5?! Why we gotta bring them into this?” Karyn: “so they fucking knock some sense into you Jeff and you know they are 100x worse than I am. I ain’t doin’ nothing to you rn because we’re in public. Imma give you until New Years... if you don’t tell them, then they gonna hear it from me...”
Karyn was never afraid to tell Jeff and their other brother how it is. Jeff knew that Karyn was right but he had no idea how he could possibly apologize for being a horrible human being to you. Will Jeff apologize before New Years? Will y/n forgive him?  
Comment if you want to be on the taglist!
Taglist: @elvlogsquad​ @siemprestan​ @zavidzobrik​ @galxydefender​ @iminlovewithenchilidadas​ @ilsolee​
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softpine · 4 years
tbh i just think its unfair how she treated casper about the whole situation as if he was hiding being gay and really in love with his friend. i thought they were cute together but I've also had a similar situation happen to me. idk if there's more stuff behind the scenes that would show them trying to interact after the break up that would enlighten us, but rn from the outside it just looks like she broke up with him for being secretly gay and basically ghosted him, only now is coming back to slide into those DMs out of the blue, and in an insensitive way compared to how they left things, for unknown reasons (i may have missed a story post tho 🥴). i do love iris though because despite how she acted she really does just seem like such a sweetheart, albeit a hormone-fuelled, emotional one. and i really hope everything ends up well for the both of them, together or apart 💜💜
yeah that’s a fair interpretation tbh!! the only thing i would disagree with is that iris didn’t break up with him because she thought he was secretly gay. she would have broken up with him if he was a little too interested in a female friend too. like let’s pretend that talon & sylvia got switched around, and casper suddenly started getting really close with sylvia, kissing her during a game of truth or dare, going to her first whenever he needs advice or someone to talk to, etc. now combine that with the fact that casper seems less and less interested in iris, and then it becomes pretty obvious why iris was feeling insecure and wasn’t happy in that relationship anymore. iris doesn’t care who the other person is, she just feels like she deserves better than to sit around and watch her boyfriend fall in love with someone else (whether it’s true or not is sort of irrelevant, because it’s the way iris was made to feel). she obviously wants casper to have friends, but there’s a big difference between the way casper & tom or sylvia act together vs. casper & talon. that’s why she was frustrated and asked him to tell her the truth, but he couldn’t because he doesn’t even know what the truth is.
so in summary: they’re both just clueless and definitely going about things the wrong way, because neither of them know how to effectively communicate their true feelings. iris’ insecurity manifested into jealousy, and casper’s confusion manifested into completely shutting iris out. it would be way easier for everyone if they would just say what they’re really feeling, but... when have humans ever been easy fjskdj oh and also, you’re 100% right about iris’ texts not being the right approach for reconciliation. she didn’t want to make it too serious, but she over-corrected herself and went with a way too flirty approach than she should have. but casper didn’t really mind, he just wants her back lmao (but is that what’s best for them rn? ... yet to be determined)
anyway oh my GOD i’m so sorry for writing an entire essay!!! i just want to also say thank you for being so respectful and honest!! i’m very much okay with you feeling any kind of way about iris, as long as it’s not rooted in misogyny (which i don’t perceive from you at all!). iris is supposed to be flawed and confused and confusing, and i honestly love love love these thoughts and the discussion as a whole!! thank you for sharing 💖💖
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ahoyhairington · 5 years
Steve Harrington as a dad: Headcanons
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Warnings: dad!Steve, pregnancy, mentions of smut, childbirth, fluff, angst
Word Count: 3k
A/N: I’m back with more dad!Steve content! Hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave a comment or some feedback to let me know if you liked it! Reblogs/likes/comments are always appreciated.
As soon as you and Steve had enough money, you left Hawkins
You didn’t see anything there for you anymore and you wanted to escape the haunting memories of the events that took place there
You both moved somewhere more populated, like Indianapolis
You settle on a small, white house in a suburban neighborhood that has baby blue shutters and a decently sized backyard
It’s not much but it was perfect for the two of you
Plus, being as young as you were there weren’t many places willing to let you move in
You also didn’t want to ask Steve’s parents for money, because Steve refused to be tied to them in any way
You do everything yourself like moving furniture, painting walls, decorating the living room
It’s a bonding experience in and of itself and you both almost killed each other at least seven times because of how overworked and annoyed you both got
As soon as you get comfortable you immediately adopt a dog
It’s a puppy from a local shelter with two different colored eyes and it immediately falls in love with Steve
(It’s also lowkey gives Steve baby fever but we’ll get to that later)
The puppy is the cutest thing you’ve ever seen and literally becomes Steve’s best friend
They’re always playing together and if Steve is gone for too long they mope around the house like he’s abandoned them
They also love to sleep on Steve, even after they’ve quadrupled in size and are far too heavy to be laying on anyone’s lap
You always come home to both of them napping on the couch
Steve jokes around that one day the dog will crush him but he secretly loves it
Okay anyways back to baby fever
One day, you’re both outside enjoying your evening walk in the neighborhood with your then puppy when they see your neighbor’s kids playing in the yard
They freak out and take off running and the leash accidentally slips out of Steve’s grip
When Steve gets to them, they’ve tackled the poor toddler to the ground
Steve’s like “Oh shit oh my god I’m fucked my dog is attacking a kid” but really the toddler is laughing and squealing and she loves your pup’s kisses so much
Obviously, you both apologize to their mom that was outside watching them from the porch 
She plays it off and isn’t mad at all and says that they saw you guys walking the other day and her kid freaked out and wanted to play with them but she told them no so she’s glad they finally got to “meet”
When you approach her, you realize she’s holding another small baby, a baby boy, clearly only a few months old
Steve internally is losing his shit because he’s never really been around babies but has always thought they were the most precious things ever
After that, Steve uses your dog as bait to see your neighbor’s kids more
Eventually, you become close with them and Steve is always chatting it up with the toddler girl and bringing her home treats
He plays dress up with her all of the time and they call each other “Prince” and “Princess”
You jabbed at him once saying he’d gotten too soft and he successfully played it off but internally that’s when he realized he wanted a baby of his own
One that looked like the perfect combination of you and him
Steve always thought kids were for people that settled, but now his mind had changed
The kids’ mom loves you both and thinks of you as her own children, so she learned to trusts you very deeply
Which means you’re the one she goes to one day when she has to abruptly leave the house for the day
At first, you regret saying yes because you thought your days as a “babysitter” were over
But seeing Steve come through the door with a 4-year-old girl that adored him leeched onto his leg and a 7-month-old swaddled in his arms Does Things To You
Since the girl is better acquainted with Steve, you let him take her while you stayed on infant duty
You heard them in your spare bedroom
Steve using different voices to impersonate different characters of the game they’re playing
He got more dramatic each time he realized she laughed louder when he did
It made your heart swooooon
But so did Steve’s when he finally got the girl to lay down for a nap and he came to sit with you in the living room only to find you passed out as well with the snoozing baby boy on your chest
You looked so peaceful and natural and Steve couldn’t help but take note at how that’s what you would look like holding his baby one day 
The second their mom picks them up, Steve is already scheming up a plan to babysit them again
Okay now onto the actual pregnancy lmao
You’d been feeling sick for a few days now
It’s a nauseous feeling that never really goes away but you just thought you caught the virus that was going around at your work
It wasn’t until Steve made a poor “Are you sure you’re not pregnant?” joke one morning when you were throwing up into the toilet that it even crossed your mind
When you were finally able to get into the doctor’s office, they confirmed it for you
You were pregnant and you didn’t know whether to be overjoyed or terrified
You loved kids and, clearly, so did Steve but how would he feel about raising one of his own?
That night you came home and threw your stuff down, clearly exhausted from hearing such life-changing news
Steve heats you banging stuff around so he goes to see what’s wrong
When you see him you start crying and collapse into his arms and he’s just standing in the kitchen holding you up by your shoulders
He finally coaxes it out of you and gets you to tell him what was bothering you but you being pregnant was the last thing he expected to hear
In theory, he’s overjoyed but in reality, he’s scared
Not only because you’re clearly upset about having a baby and he thinks you don’t want it as much as him but also because he never thought this would be a situation he’d be in
He holds you close for the rest of the night, kissing your forehead and reassuring you that everything will work out and that having a baby isn’t necessarily such a bad thing
You eventually warm up to the idea of having a mini-Steve or a mini-you running around the house and Steve is so relieved and then only gets more enthusiastic about it
He’s literally the perfect partner to have when you’re pregnant
He’s always pampering you and making sure you’re as comfortable as you can be
When he joins you on the couch, he doesn’t even ask he’ll just grab your feet and swing them into his lap and start massaging them and talk to you like it’s nothing
Watches whatever shitty movie you want without putting up a fight
Doesn’t say anything when you get emotional at dumb stuff because of your hormones
(You cried when the dog died in a movie and even though Steve wanted to laugh at you, he just laid there massaging your back until you calmed down)
I also think Steve would grow a lil tummy of his own during your pregnancy
Your cravings are weird and you eat a lot so naturally, Steve joins in which means he gets a little softer in the middle
Steve hates it but it’s really cute and fun to lay on at night
Speaking of bellies, Steve is obsessed with yours
When you start showing, it’s impossible for Steve to keep his hands off of you 
He’s always got to have a hand on your stomach
Whether it’s you laying in between his legs on the couch with his arms around your bump or just having his thumb brush over it under the table when you’re at dinner with friends
It’s just a little reminder for himself that his lil bub is in there
(I also think he looooves fucking you when you’re pregnant but I don’t have time to talk about that rn)
He could sit and feel the baby kick for HOURS
He thinks it’s the most entertaining thing in the world to draw shapes on your belly and wait for the baby to react by kicking
You have to tell him to knock it off constantly because it makes the baby push on your bladder and then you have to pee three times more than you already do
He likes to use pillow-talk at night to talk about what you think your baby will be like
He’s always wondering what kind of kid they will be and what kind of music they’re gonna like and whether or not they’ll inherit his untamable hair
(They definitely do c’mon now let’s not kid ourselves)
I think he gets really anxious for a while over if he’ll be able to handle being a dad
His own father wasn’t the best example and he swears up and down that he won’t be like him but there’s always the “what if” in the back of his mind
The last thing he wants is for his child to despise their parents the way he does his own 
I don’t think he’d bring it up until you coax it out of him, though
You find him out of bed one night standing in the nursery you had both just put together that afternoon and he’s just staring at the crib with a solemn look on his face
You rub his back and finally get him to talk and he just starts crying because he’s kept it bottled up for so long
Steve’s parents were always a touchy subject with him so you know that his emotions and fear are high for a reason
You bring him back to bed and big spoon him for the only time throughout your entire pregnancy
You don’t really mold well together because of your bump but Steve likes it better that way anyway
The rest of the night is spent with you running your fingers through his hair, pressing small kisses to his bare shoulders, and quietly reassuring him that everything will be fine
And it is
Ok let’s move on to when the baby is actually born
Steve goes into panic panic mode when your water breaks
He’s running around in all directions trying to make sure you guys remembered to pack everything and he kinda just forgets that you’re sitting there on the couch covered in amniotic fluid waiting for him to help you get up
You’re like “Steve the baby isn’t coming for like at least 12 hours will you please just help me put my shoes on it’s not that serious”
He holds your hand the entire time at the hospital when you’re pushing even though he thinks you might have broken his pinky
He tries to convince you to let him look at the baby as it’s coming out and you finally agree but when he takes one look at your baby’s head poking through he’s like “yeah no that was definitely a bad idea” 
When he actually sees the baby for the first time as he cuts the umbilical cord he criiiiies 
Like a whole lot
He loved them so much when they were in your belly but now they’re alive and kicking and screaming and not just something for Steve to fantasize about
I see Steve as being a girl dad, so let’s say it ends up being a girl
For some reason, I feel like he’d want to name her something kinda weird but still cute
Something like Violet or Brogan or Aria or Phoebe or Rey
She’d look just like Steve with crazy brown hair and brown eyes
He’s obsessed with her and refuses to put her down
He has absolutely no problem taking baby duty on at night because that just means more quality time with his baby girl
Every time she cries it breaks his heart even though he knows she’s just hungry or needs a diaper change
He learns that he sleeps better with her laying on his chest
And so does she
She loves her daddy and it’s the cutest! thing! ever!
(Just the sight of Steve napping with her squishy cheeks scrunched up on his chest is enough to make you want to have another baby real mf quick)
Steve is always taking pictures of her
Which means you’re always in them too
They’re always candids that you think are going to look stupid and you hate when he does it but later on down the line when your kids are all grown up they love seeing how badass and attractive their parents were and you forgive him for all of the times you yelled at him about it
There’re ones of you passed out while breastfeeding (a common occurrence Steve finds absolutely adorable), ones of you looking sleep-deprived as hell while you’re rocking her, ones of you covered in vomit while holding her at arm's length
You get him back by taking like 1,000 pics of her yanking on his precious hair and random ones of the two of them passed out on the couch sleeping in the same exact position as each other with their arm up over their head
(When she’s older and her friends see the pics they develop the fattest crush on him)
((But bold of me to assume he wouldn’t already be the biggest dilf))
The kids are sooo excited to meet her and she ends up loving them as well
The first person Steve called when the baby was born was Dustin and after that, they immediately made plans to have Robin drive them to come visit you as soon as possible
They’re absolutely smitten over her and they keep telling you guys over and over how proud they are of you
(It makes Steve cry but only later that night after they leave)
You joke with them about how you babysat them and kept them out of trouble for so long so now it’s their turn to do the babysitting
Which they never mind because your baby is just too damn cute!
Robin still teases him about, “What’s she gonna think when she finds out her dad is a big ol DOOFUS?!” but Steve doesn’t take it personally anymore and finds it endearing
I see Steve as being his baby’s best friend
He’s always trying to get her to smile and play with her and he’s the exact opposite of most dads that sit around and expect the moms to do all of the work
He’s super involved with her and always wants to make sure she’s having a good time
He takes her to the park with your dog to walk a lot
And every single person that passes by you three gushes over her and congratulates you on making such a beautiful baby and having a perfect family
It makes Steve feel so good to be validated for stuff like that because he knows it’s true
Speaking of the dog
They’re super protective of her and bark at anyone that gets too close to her until Steve calms them down
Your daughter loves to nap on the dog’s belly and have them give her kisses
You also have a lot of pictures of them growing older together
When she takes her first steps, it’s when Steve is home alone with her
He’s sitting on the couch watching tv while she plays in the floor with her toys like she always does 
Steve wasn’t really paying attention until he realized he stopped hearing the rattle of her favorite shaker
When he looks down he sees her propped up on the coffee table and starting to take off from it
He realizes she’s about to start walking and loses his shit
He cheers her on and calls for her to come to daddy and she manages to take three or four steps before falling into his arms
Steve immediately picks her up and throws her into the air and covers her in kisses and tells her how proud he is of her and he can’t wait for mama to get home so she can see what she did
Her first word is also ‘papa’ and it makes Steve cry too
She’s such a daddy’s girl and you’re so relieved because of how worried Steve was over whether or not he’d be a good dad
She’s always bubbly and happy and Steve always looks forward to coming home from work, because even if he has the shittiest day possible he knows seeing her smiling face light up as soon as he walks in the door makes the whole day worth it
He’s always getting sentimental over everything she does because he wants to give her the world and he’s so proud of the little human he helped create and raise
Before she’s even a year old Steve is already talking about having another
You laugh in his face like “yeah right” but then you realize he’s serious
You tell him that you want to wait until she’s at least 2 so you can give her the right amount of attention while she still needs it
Literally the night of her second birthday party after all of the guests leave and the decorations have been taken down and your daughter is in bed in a sugar coma, Steve does his best seductive walk to your bed to try to rile you up
“You said wait until she’s two,” he said while breathing down your neck, peppering kisses along the sensitive skin, “She’s two now. So, are you ready to try again?”
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foulserpent · 4 years
How we’re you able to manage your dysphoria without binding? I’m struggling, but binding is very scary for me and I don’t like to do it often
unfortunately the answer was kind of just like. “learn to deal with it” and the other unfortunate answer is like “wear baggy clothes”. i think it helps to come to an understanding of where your dysphoria lies. does it bother you when youre all alone, or is it much worse around other people? is it your body itself, or how people will perceive you because of it? the answer is probably a little bit of both, but finding where you ARE comfortable with your body and where you ARENT can be helpful in managing it
but yeah a lot kind of is mind games. you probably cant just like Stop Being Dysphoric, but you CAN work towards having more acceptance of your body, having self understanding of “im a man/agender person/etc who has breasts and thats how my body is for now”. i cant like. tell you how to do it bc its a process and one that i was going thru as a highschooler in an absolute hellish mental state but idk maybe the line of thought is helpful?
also honestly the only thing that i can say changed my body perception REALLY fast is stuff by trans artists depicting trans bodies that arent just like Flawless Passing As Cis . like i still have some dysphoria and want hormones bc id rather look completely androgynous but its tolerable! also remember that everything changes. you dont know where youll be in a few years. even if the notion of ever getting surgery is kind of unfeasible rn, or if your dysphoria is very difficult to manage rn, you have plenty of time in your life to figure it out. its a process. etc. 
(also i REALLY would recommend not starting to bind on the regular if you can, its not safe and if your body image ends up too dependent on it you tend to stop minding the harm reduction protocols.)
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jesangel1503 · 3 years
30 Day Challenge:
Day 1 Topic-
About feelings
Let’s talk about facts:
Many of us have an uncomfortable relationship with our feelings. We might stuff down our sadness or sweep away our anger. We might even have trouble identifying what we’re feeling in the first place. We’re socialized to mask our feelings. We learn that we must cover up our emotions “in order to behave appropriately, professionally, and to avoid conflict and navigate relationships.”
We worry if our emotions are wrong, bad or even crazy. We fear being rejected or perceived as needy or foolish and sometimes believe to be weak if we feel sad or scared, so we avoid these emotions. Or we may ignore other emotions, believing they shouldn’t be feeling that way. While feelings may be tricky and we may view them with unease or even suspicion, they’re actually important and valuable. So it is just important that we know we are attuned to our feelings. It’s exciting to discuss about this, and I might say this Day 1 task got me really puzzled about feelings and emotions. What are the difference?
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The Difference between Feelings and Emotions
Emotions vs. Feelings
In English, these two words are commonly used interchangeably. Actually, from a scientific standpoint, emotions and feelings are completely different. An emotion is a hard-wired, physical, universal human response to change of some sort. Emotions are instinctive, arising from the limbic system of the brain, developed and genetically programmed over many generations of human evolution. Psychologists do not agree on the number of human emotions, but basic examples include anger, fear, surprise, disgust, happiness and sadness.
In contrast to emotions, which are measurable physical responses, feelings are individual mental processes that cannot be measured. Emotions actually precede feelings, our personal mental reactions to an emotion. Feelings are generated by thoughts and images that we have paired with a specific emotion over time. Emotions are usually short-term and fleeting, while the feelings they provoke may last and grow over a lifetime.
Source: Talktoteach.com
Emotions are measurable physical response and feelings are individual mental processes that cannot be measured
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Have you watched Disney’s inside out movie? The main characters are the emotions in a little girls brain and the storyline focuses on how to recover joy after a traumatic experience.
The movie feels really good, and different. It flies on the wings of an almost too-real message — that sadness is an inevitable and necessary part of life.
It’s a good movie to watch with kids and parents, showing how important emotions are and the need to be validated and undertood as part of a child’s development.
The more you are aware of your emotions, the more they help you know yourself and understand the people around you. Noticing and talking about feelings is a healthy way to express them. It keeps difficult feelings from building up. Here is a feelingswheel for you.
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Questions about feelings:
Are you a sensitive person? Are you more emotional or less emotional than other people? What makes you think so?
Tbh, I am quite a sensitive person. I think I easily feel all those certain feelings especially when I come across a sad state. I mean, who is not? Come on. Especially when I was young and immature. I am so much unstable when it comes to handling them. It was only now that I am soon 30, I have come up with ways to handle them in a graceful manner. Emotions and feelings are all useful in order for us to better express ourselves and conform ourselves well in the society’s norms and traditions. In some people, handling difficult situations ending in negative emotions is not easy for them, and that may lead to break down and eventually lead to depression. And it’s them that needs social and emotional assistance the most. But for myself, I think I am fine. It just gets better everyday and with age, so I think. What about you?
Can you control your emotions well? How?
Lately, I figured out how to handle them with ease. I’ve dealt with these emotions and savored them like I am tasting them bit by bit. And then I learned to linger to a particular emotion for a time, until I am over it. But I don’t let each emotion affect my day to day, i.e my job and my relationships. If a sad news came, to be specific, a break up of some sort, feelings of reject and self pity comes along. Well what I’m going to do is feel sad about it for some time, and then just be sad until i am not sad anymore. Then after that, I accept that there are things beyond my control so it’s basically not my fault why I’m being rejected. It’s always the mindset that saves our ass in times like these. When we think, “Yeah okay I get it. But my life is great. I can still be able to meet and know other people and it will be fine” And repeat that thought until you’re finally okay. I mean it’s ok to feel sad about it, but to feel sad about it for a long time is your choice already. So it’s up to you on how you want your life to go on. Though sometimes, hormones usually gets mixed with it in some situations, and then I tend to breakdown. It’s so hard to be a girl you know. But I am working on making it better lately, handling these emotions well plus the hormones is a must asap.
Are you generally a positive person or a negative person?
After the things I’ve been through, I realized that I need to choose to be positive ALL the time. Even in negative situations, there should always be a positive thing in a day, may it be a simple smile or giggle of the neighbor’s baby or the warmth of your blanket that hugs you after a long tiring and sad day. You see, if we start appreciating things around us, instead of looking at what’s lacking, then there could be one or more positive things in our lives to notice from. So yes, always choose and think positive, in a way, the universe conspires along with it too! Hopefully!
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Do you find it easy to explain your feelings to another person? If not, why is it difficult?
I don’t know but I am really bad at it. I am always afraid what people may perceive and if they comprehend the message well enough that they actually GET me and my point. And so often, I get misunderstood. It scares me before to think what others may think of what I convey to them. But RN I am determined not too care so much about it. I mean, well, I am responsible of what i say not for what they understand. So i’ll eventually get tired explaining myself if they believe what they think their minds say. So if you have a technique, feel free to share. 🙌🏻
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What makes you feel very good?
I feel very good when my needs are met. See Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. And I realized it’s not love from a partner that completes you. It’s the love for yourself. And knowing it actually makes me feel really good.
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What makes you feel sad?
There are many things. I get sad when people die. And things that comes to an end. But I’ve learned to treat sadness with respect. I mean, it is important, an emotional mechanism that is built on our DNA for human survival and adaptation.
If you're feeling down, how can you make yourself feel better?
I do a lot actually. I feed myself, buy some clothes, or sing my heart out. But I don’t sleep. Many people tend to go on a hibernation when they are sad. But I don’t. As i’ve said before, I treat sadness with respect so I try to overcome it not escape from it. But among the things that I do to make myself better, praying is the one that works best for me. It’s my complete therapy to full recovery. Talking to God everything that makes me sad helps a lot. You should try it.
What is the saddest movie, song, or story that you know?
It was Titanic for me, as the saddest ever. I mean, losing someone you love to death is quite tragic. But what’s more sad is when two people who love each other but cannot be together. I mean it’s a torture. Seeing each other with a different partner is never a pleasant sight. Trust me, it hurts to the bones.
Do people know how you feel by looking at your face? Are you good at hiding your emotions?
This is an exciting topic to talk about. Many people assume they could really know how I feel just by looking at my face. Well yeah, sometimes when I am really happy, I can be obviously happy and also when I am sad. Most of all, is when I like somebody. All the emotions I am feeling can be read on my face. Like yeah, how can you hide turning red when your crush approached you? Like how? So embarrassing hahaha. But anyways, what i am good at, is when I dislike a person. You will never know unless I tell you i don’t but that will not happen sadly. I am not frank, I was raised to not hurt people by being so frank and always choose to speak in a nicer way. And if not, I must resort to avoiding people in the end.
What is the best way to deal with feelings of anger?
When i get angry, I get realllllllly angry. But I have managed controlling my anger in a way that saves my relationships with friends and family. It’s always best to choose a low tone of voice, no matter the argument is about. Shouting, as i often tend to do and i’m avoiding, is not the best way to address anger. Relationships are more important than short time emotions like anger.
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Have you been in love? What is it like to be in love?
Yes I have. There are many kinds of it. And almost all of the states of love below, I have already experienced it. You come across each of the states, and all have different feeling to it. And explaining them is hard, cause love is immeasurable. That is, for me.
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Which is more powerful between feelings of love and feelings of hate?
I’m gonna end this blog by answering this question. Throughout the years I have been juggling with both feelings and I must say, the feeling of love is more powerful cause it makes us go on and look forward to life. Well, it’s upon one’s preference still. Cause for me, I will always choose to love instead of hate. These 2 are both powerful because hate feelings, are the feelings that weighs us down, and makes us regret and think back. Therefore pulling us in a state of negativity flow in our life where everything is just heavy, a burden, a baggage and a prison that imprisons and rusts us deep down inside. If you let yourself get eaten by your anger and hatred, it can really affect you to your core. Feelings and emotions are natural mechanisms that helps us thrive and adapt to certain situations. If only we know how to handle them properly, then we’re going to be okay.
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skamamoroma · 4 years
I am finding life to be hard rn and you seem so nice and you have talked about mh and stuff before and I don’t know what else to do. My worry and anxiety is taking over and I am catatonic most days and COVID hasn’t helped I just don’t know where to turn I’m scared of my own behaviour
Ah sweetheart ❤️ you’re going to be ok.
I wanted to answer this quickly as soon as I saw it because you seem right in the middle of this and I don’t mind getting honest for a second as I know how important reaching out (even to strangers online) can be
In January and February this year I had a mental health crisis. I have suffered with depression and also a genetic hormone condition with manifests as a MH condition too. I’ve had times when stuff is fine and I’m happy as a clam and then plenty of the middle and a few very notable points of crisis. So I know what it is to be in the middle of it and it’s terrifying. In Jan/Feb, stuff got so bad for me that I started exhibiting OCD behaviour. I have never ever experienced that before. I became unable to control my emotions, I was sleeping far too much, I was losing hours and hours of my day and I was, exactly as you say, frightened of myself.
I want you to know that you aren’t alone no matter how alone you feel. Your brain will be telling you things and tricking you and acting automatically in ways that will be making stuff worse... your thought patterns are likely toxic to yourself, you are probably experiencing spiralling and catastrophising and obsessing etc. If you are, please find someone who you feel safe and comfortable with and even if you can’t explain everything, even if you just say you’re not ok then they will appreciate that you’re struggling. I did this and I NEVER open up about MH much with family/friends but I CAN say “I’m not ok” and they know when I say that, it means I’m hitting rock bottom. Seek professional help. I can’t afford to pay for counselling but I stuck myself on the NHS waiting list and 6 months later, I started a course of CBT this week (I’ve had talking counselling before and it was revolutionary but if you’re talking about worry and anxiety, CBT can be a good option). If there are free services or affordable services near you, use them.
Watch YouTube videos of CBT sessions, listen to podcasts about how to reduce or manage worry. Try your VERY best to challenge your thoughts. Try to force positive self talk. Try to stop yourself in the middle of a spiral and distract it... for the long term that’s not healthy but it can sometimes be the best you can do for now. Try to care for yourself in terms of sleep and food etc.
If all of that feels too much, just tell yourself it’s not forever. If there is a certain trigger or more than one, I’d recommend the “chest” technique of drawing a chest of drawers, writing on each drawer a issue you have and each day allowing yourself to only open ONE drawer and work on trying to solve or handle each issue like that. By managing small chunks, suddenly you realise a difference has been made and the load is lighter. Once the drawer is shut though, your must tell your brain “not today” as you have other priorities.
I hope you are safe and have someone to care for you. It will not be forever, things can and do improve and you have options. Keep going. Keep trying. Keep finding a moment of joy in each day no matter how small. If you ever need a chat, I’m here. I really do understand how you feel and you’re not alone in how you feel ❤️ sending my love to you.
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janiedean · 5 years
I think Aegon VI is gonna fail big time though because even though Varys *thinks* he’s training a perfect prince- he’s never had to deal with real pressure or real problems. He’s sheltered as fuck.
anon anon anon, never mind that I don’t think aegon has a chance in hell to last as much as I wish he did, I think your point is very much moot for the following reasons that I’ll answer to seriously:
*varys* is not training anyone. varys has planned the thing and has been there working towards it for years, but jon connington is handling the kid, not him, and jon wants the best for him, he’s not raising him so he can rule through him;
‘he’s never had to deal with real problems’: man, he’s spent his entire life in exile, they might have had resources but he’s hardly that rich, he’s also spent his entire life in essos, and unless jonc hasn’t made him leave that boat ever (doubtful because he doesn’t show any signs of that) he would have seen a fair lot of shit, so like...... man, the literal only difference between him and daenerys in this sense is that dany comes from an abusive af household and that the person she’s spent more time with was viserys who’s hardly the most stable person in existence, aegon had one loving parental figure who for some kind of miracle has managed to not give him a shitload of trauma that you’d send him to four different therapists with. and for that matter before going to the wall jon had it so not sheltered that ***tyrion lannister*** of all people had to get him to check his privilege TM at the wall and explain him why all the lowborn people hated him/that he sounded like he thought he was better than all of them because as bad as he had it with cat, in comparison to all of them he was sheltered af same as the other stark kids, and while I don’t blame ned for that........ if jon and dany were *not* sheltered according to you, sorry to say but dany’s tenure in mereen hasn’t been the best ever and jon’s tenure at the wall ended with him being so good at PR he got murdered by 80% of the damned watch in a mutiny, this argument is realy not holding up;
also: anon, I swear, not coming with a shitload of trauma actually is a good point in your favor. like, there isn’t one single person in westeros rn who has had power who wasn’t somehow having a shitload of trauma worth four therapists, and if they didn’t have it they developed it during their tenure (see: robb). and it shows because all of them make mistakes that are tied directly to their unresolved traumas. and most of them hadn’t ruled anywhere before either. the fact that every single fault aegon might have is stuff that any hormonal sixteen year-old might have and grow out from rather than consequences of trauma/abuse/fucked up family situations - like at most he’s a bit entitled but lmao if that is the problem then he can go put himself in line since westeros is choke-full of entitled people - is actually a huge point in his favor because it means that there’s a way lower chance that being in power would get a toll on his mental health and he wouldn’t handle the pressure;
also, not counting the fact that he’s more well-learned than anyone who is giving it a shot, that he speaks also essosi languages so that would be extremely helpful with keeping contact over there, that he actually studied everything that he might need to personally supervise things and not needing to trust advisors who might want to backstab him which is in itself way more than anyone else with at shot at the throne has...... guys, not to be that person, but do y’all realize that the first sign of good parenting is actually raising a kid who will disagree with you and hold their ground if they think they’re right and who won’t blindly go for anything you might want? and as much as everyone in this fandom seems to think that aegon is there to get manipulated by everyone around him.... the first thing he does when he gets to westeros and jonc tells him to stay back when they take storm’s end is going like ‘nah I’ll lead the attack and that’s final’, and also he’s so privileged and sheltered that his kingsguard requirements are ‘they’re willing to die for me’ and that’s it, not that the people in it are nobles or high lords? like, jonc raised him so badly that not only he has no issues sharing his opinion and making it value and not giving a fuck that others might not want him to do it regardless of his position, but he also has even less prejudices than jon himself who was the one telling him that the kg should be reserved for highborns? do we assume this is the kind of person who the moment he’s in charge wouldn’t gaf about the smallfolk? or who would let the small council lead him around if he wasn’t sure of what they were proposing? also he listened to tyrion’s advice and took it into account and decided to go for it based on his own understanding and guess what, aegon and jonc were in adwd for what, four tyrion chapters or five maybe plus two of jonc’s and they accomplished in that time span more than anyone else has in the last two books put together when it comes to efficiency. like. the kid doesn’t fuck around and knows what he wants and how to get it, and the fact that he’s been trained for it by people who knew what was needed for that job shows.
like: sorry anon, but aegon vi targaryen as it is right now is literally the most qualified person for that job and the fact that he also is mentally ready to handle it because the person who raised him was so bad at it that he came up with the only literal teenager in westeros who has *normal* teenager issues and doesn’t need a therapist stat and who also has, differently from what 90% of this fandom thinks, a personality and who is not afraid to show it and to use his brain to take his own decisions even if it means disagreeing with the only parental figure he has/their plans for him......... sorry to say, but it’s the actual winning card here. not counting the fact that if you had an education for ruling a realm you’ll automatically have better premises than people who did not and have to figure it out from scratch with advisors who actually have no experience with that either (like all of dany’s entourage before tyrion gets there in the show, let’s not even discuss the books, doesn’t have one single person who has that kind of training, they’re from different fields that are not counseling rulers in political matters, and jon at the wall hardly has that never mind that he pushes away most people he’s friends with which is Not A Good Idea, and robb was trained to be a lord not a king, and it shows that the moment cat was out of the picture he fucked up 90% of his political decisions.. and robb is my favorite character guys but let’s be real X°D aegon has them instead).
now, I don’t think he’ll realistically last long enough on that throne to prove it, but if this is your argument against aegon’s targ restoration, sorry but I’m afraid it doesn’t really prove anything. and for that matter if we see ‘having had a crappy childhood/having come from an abusive situation/not being *sheltered*’ as basic requirements needed to rule then we’ve got a problem, because every single noble person in westeros is born sheltered and 90% of the time stays sheltered unless they’re not the kind of people who talk to the smallfolk/get involved or are stannis baratheon and don’t gaf about class background. like, everyone noble generally is. and at that point if the choice is in between someone who needs four therapists to cope with their shit before even attempting to go for it and someone who doesn’t I’ll grant you that the latter choice isn’t automatically the worst. ps: this comes from someone whose only top five character who wouldn’t need therapy is davos, and the other four together would need at least a soccer team of them to deal with all of their shit, so I’m not saying that people with trauma can’t rule - heck, I think jon did a fair good job of it and dany tried her best and robb did too and while he was hand tyrion did an even too good job of it, and others succeeded while handling it, but if you’re telling me that the reason aegon would fail is that he doesn’t have years worth of trauma to unpack at the therapist’s office sorry but if anything it’s a point in his favor. X°DDDD
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how does it feel, to have a family?
found the beginning of this in my google drive, so decided to finish it ! we love irondad also peter being The Best friend/brother :) i should be studying rn but im so overwhelmed with everything and writing is truly escapism at its finest
Tony already felt like he knew y/n.
Somewhere, in between Peter’s ramblings of what he ate for breakfast and the latest corner-store robbery, little pieces of them found their way in. That they helped Peter on his english essay and got him an A. Or that they dyed their hair last week, and Peter thought it was super cool that they had the confidence to do something different. Even down to what they talked about over lunch. For the most part, Tony just accepted this like he accepted Peter’s nerdy puns and Star Wars theories, a part of him that just was. Like Ned and MJ, y/n was a support. A friend. That was good, right? Teenagers needed friends, god knows Pete could use more of them outside of the suit. So y/n became a constant, background hum in the anecdotal existence of Peter Parker.
This went on for months. Peter’s trio of friends became four and everything seemed fine. Normal. Until Peter let tidbits of information that set off alarm bells for Tony, the first of which came after a long weekend in the labs. Tag-team parenting was harder than anticipated, he ruminated after realising Peter was not in the car when he should’ve been.
“Peter, why are you making another sandwich? You’ve already got lunch and we’ve got to leave if you’re gonna get to school on time. May’ll have my head if you’re late again.”
“Y/n hasn’t had lunch at all last week and I haven’t seen them eat anything at all since Thursday, I thought I’d try to help,” Peter mumbled, jamming the lid back on the peanut butter jar.
“Yeah, cool, okay, whatever, just get your spider butt down to the car.” That was strange, but it could mean anything. They could’ve forgotten to eat, or simply eaten when Peter wasn’t around- it’s not like they were together 24/7. Regardless, it was really none of Tony’s business what Peter’s friends did, or didn’t do. What was Tony’s business, was getting his spiderling to his education. “Underoos, let’s go!”
The second time was when Peter left his school bag dumped on the floor of the lab, chemistry textbooks and loose papers sprawled out under the workbench. Tony only realised this as he tripped on the strap, bracing himself against the desktop to stop him falling and knocking over a piece of machinery in the process. Grumbling, he knelt down to replace the contents back of the bag, preparing a lecture for Peter about the importance of lab safety and keeping track of his belongings, when he noticed a sheet of paper crumpled into a ball. Curious, he unfolded it, reading its contents under his breath. “Midtown School of Science and Technology… Parents Evening… huh. Wonder if he remembered to show May this.” Shaking his head at the unreliability and overall disorganised-ness of the teen, he set off to go find him.
“Pete, no wonder you’ve lost so many backpacks if you can’t even remember to take it to your room when you get here! How many times do I have to tell you, just because you can just stick yourself to the ceiling doesn’t mean that the rest of us want a concussion-”
“Sorry Mr Stark.”
“Oh, right, so when you’re in trouble it’s back to formalities? ‘Mr Stark’ still almost broke his wrist regardless of what you call me… What are you doing?”
“Texting who? Adult’s talking, doesn’t mean the kid gets to zone out.”
The softness in Peter’s voice suddenly jerked Tony back to the previous time y/n had come up. He remembered it’d had something to do with a sandwich, of worry and not eating. It suddenly struck him that they’d hardly been mentioned at all since; something gone relatively unnoticed in the constant stream of babble from Peter, but was in retrospect was decidedly odd.  He decided to play nice.
“Are they okay?” Tony paused for a second. “I haven’t heard you mention them in a while.”
He regretted it immediately, because Peter shut down. “Yeah, they’re fine. I’m sorry, I won’t leave my bag in the lab again.” He walked out, grabbing the backpack from Tony’s hand on the way out, leaving the older man too stunned to even respond. Something had struck a nerve, and if it was hitting his kid that hard he was determined to find out.
The third time was when Tony went digging.
The phone call had started with no intention of mentioning y/n; he simply wanted to talk to May and ask her about the flyer from Peter’s school. He had meant to bring it up earlier when he confronted him about the backpack, but after the dramatic ‘storm out and sulk somewhere else’ sequence that Peter had pulled, Tony had thought better of it and left the kid to his own devices for the night. Instead, he went straight to May, to at the very least make sure she knew about the flyer and that she was going. She picked up on the third ring.
“Hey, is everything okay?” May sounded, exhausted, like she’d been woken up by her phone. Ignoring the fact, Tony proceeded.
“Did you get the flyer about the parent information evening?”
“No, what parent evening? Pete hasn’t mentioned anything, if that’s what your getting at”. In her apartment, May shifted her quilt and propped herself up on her elbow, intrigued.  
“It’s on the, uh, 6th. Sorry, it’s kind of hard to read since your nephew shoved it down the bottom of his school bag.”
“Shit,” May whispered under her breath. “I’m working a double shift that day. I won’t be finished work until 10, there’s no way I’d be able to make it. No wonder he didn’t say anyth-”
“I’ll go.”
In all honesty, Tony really didn’t know why he said that. Not in doubt of his love for his kid, but in fear of overstepping boundaries. Were they there yet? What would Peter think? He hadn’t asked, maybe he wasn’t comfortable with Tony just showing up to a school function. Too late now.
“Tony, are you still there?”
“What, yeah, May, just multitasking.” “I said, if you’re going to go, there’s something you should know about. You’ll have to talk to Peter about it though, it’s not really my place to say. Just... ask him about y/n, his friend.”
Huh. Y/n. Again. Interesting. “Okay, thanks May. I’ll talk to you again later, have a good night.” “You too Tony, maybe try and sleep at some point.”
“Will do. FRIDAY, end call.” Tony rubbed his hand over his face. There was something going on, but if Peter wasn’t going to talk then he’d never figure it out. “FRIDAY, where is Pete?”
“Mr Parker is currently in his room. Would you like me to alert him to your imminent arrival?”
“Sure, FRI.” Tony hurried to the elevator. He needed to somehow get to the bottom of whatever was going on. There were several possibilities. Y/n and Peter could have had some sort of falling out, a fight. There could’ve been a relationship thrown into the mix, teenage angst and hormones jarring their friendship. Or, as Tony feared, something had happened to y/n, something Peter was trying to fix but, for whatever reason, couldn’t. Before they could get to that, though, he was going to have to talk about the parent night.
Of course, these things never go quite as planned.
No answer.
“Pete, please let me in”
Really, it didn’t matter either way. Tony had every intention of overriding the code.
A sniffle sounded from just behind the door. “I’m fine, Mr Stark.”
“Yeah, and I’m the queen of England.” Tony realised he was handling the situation in the exact opposite way he’d wanted to. “Look, kid, I just wanted to talk about the parent evening at school.”
“I already know May can’t go, it’s fine.” Peter’s voice was barely audible, choked.
“No, see, here’s the thing, I talked with her earlier and we were thinking maybe I could go in her place,” he slid down the door to sit, knees up, shoulder pressed to the doorframe. “I completely understand if that’s too much, or if it’s overstepping the boundaries of what this,” he gestured even though Peter couldn’t see, “Is.” There was a tense, almost awkward, moment of silence, before the door slowly shifted inwards. Tony accepted the olive branch, pulled himself standing and went inside. Looking around, he realised Peter had balled himself up behind the door, head buried in his knees. Tony had never been more thankful that the kid wasn’t looking at him; he was pretty sure he’d done a terrible job of hiding his reaction to the uncharacteristic sight.  
The door was pushed closed with a soft click. Mindful to keep distance, Tony settled himself on the carpet a metre or so away.
The sob that followed broke his heart in two.
“Hey, buddy, hey, can you look at me for a sec?”
Peter’s puppy-brown eyes blinked over his folded forearms. Suddenly, he seemed worlds younger than 15.
“Did you want me to go to the parent night?”
Slow nod.
“Okay. That’s good, great! Can’t wait to hear all about how great my genius kid is…” he realised he was getting off track again when Peter’s face dipped back out of sight.
“You don’t have to, but did you wanna tell me what’s got you so upset? I know something was up earlier…” That was as close as Tony was going to get to apologising for not being softer, sooner. Something must’ve struck the same nerve as earlier in the lab, because Peter’s breathing hitched.
“It’s y/n.”
“I know I asked earlier, but is everything okay between you two?”
As if knocking down a dam wall, Peter launched into a rambled explanation. “May usually goes to both our classes because their parents don’t go. And lately they haven’t had any food to eat at school and they’re getting really skinny and I don’t know what’s goin’ on but I’m worried, ya know? Like I wanna save them like I save people when I’m Spider-Man but I can’t help and I don’t know what to do. May said we can only do what we can but I dunno what that means either, Mr Stark, like do I just deliver groceries to their house as Spider-Man or somethin?”
Taking mental note of how hysterically high Peter’s voice was, Tony made sure to keep his level, barely above a whisper. “Peter, do you think they’re being hurt at home?”
“H-heyyyy, y/n,” Peter stuttered as you swung open your locker. He was leaning against the wall, obviously trying to act casual and making his strange behaviour even more pronounced. You just raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to drop the charade.
“Okay, okay, yeah uh so are you doin’ anything on Friday?”
“Interesting question, but no. You do realise that today is Friday, unless you’re talking about next week, which I’m free too. You know I don’t do anything on Fridays,” you turned to grab your AP psych textbook out of the top shelf of your locker, not realising the bottom of your shirt rode up to the base of your ribcage. When you turned back around, Peter’s eyes were practically bulging out of his head. “What?”
“Oh, uh, nothing. I just… Mr Stark asked if I wanted to have a friend over to the compound for the weekend, since we don’t really have much to work on… and Ned’s busy… and it’d be really super cool there’s a whole theatre room and a bunch of Lego sets and some of the avengers might be there…” Peter trailed off.
“What are you saying?”
“Did you wanna come to the compound for the weekend?”
You laughed. “Peter, it sounds cool and all but I don’t have any clothes or anything on me for a whole weekend. Unless you or Mr Stark knows how to sew jeans from my textbook, than I’m super unprepared.”
“Wait… Aren’t you a similar clothes size as me? I have a bunch of clothes there, you can just borrow mine. Or we could get Happy to swing past your hou-”
“NO. I mean, I, uhm, don’t have a key? So I can’t get into my apartment? So I can’t get my clothes? I guess I left my keys at home?” You trailed off into an awkward laugh, scuffing your sneakers into the cheap linoleum.  
“Okay, cool cool cool. Uh, do you mind wearing your jeans twice? My clothes would just be a little oversized on you, but like does it matter if you have a clean top and something to sleep in?”
“Guess not. Are you sure you want me there?”
“Dude, are you serious? Of course I do! You’re my friend,” Peter hesitated, noticing your hands fumbling with the sleeves of your hoodie. A nervous habit. “It’ll be fun, I promise. I’ll see you after class, yeah?”
“Hey kid. Hey, kid’s friend,” Happy’s greeting was curt, delivered with a glance up at the rear-view mirror as you and Peter a slid across the back seat of the car.
“Hey Happy,” Peter responded. You said nothing, eyes down, practically radiating anxiety. At Happy’s enquiring glance, he shook his head; now was not the time or the place to be asking questions. That’d come later, if it got to that point. Peter wanted to try and make you as comfortable as possible, not freak you out.  
The rest of the car ride was silent. You weren’t asked to speak, and so didn’t; and it almost felt like there was an unspoken agreement between Happy and Peter to just wait. Nothing much happened after, either. You followed Peter to his room, and sat cross-legged on the soft carpet to construct a Lego set. Eight pm rolled around and Tony poked his head round the door. “Hey, Pete, and y/n, yeah? You guys hungry?”
Peter looked at you and you shook your head. You’d already accepted a granola bar off MJ and the banana from Ned’s lunch, you honestly didn’t think you could stomach much more. You weren’t sure if it were even medically possible, but you were pretty certain your stomach had shrunk in the last few months. In staring steadfastly at the lego in your hands, you missed yet another knowing glance over your head; unbeknownst to you, both Peter and Tony’s concern for you had just increased tenfold.  
“Okay, well, we’re ordering pizza anyways, so what do ya want?”
“Uh, I’ll grab a meat-lover's and they’re vegetarian, so I guess a margherita?”
“Cool. Avengers are in the living room, if you wanna hang out there for a bit,” Tony turned and left, asking FRIDAY if she “got all that” as he walked. Peter let the silence hang, almost awkwardly, before asking if you wanted to take Tony’s offer of moving to the living room. You shrugged.
“I don’t mind, whatever’s easiest- whatever you want, I don’t know.”
“I promise you they’re super nice.”
You moved to unfurl you legs, shaking out the numbness as you stood. Your friend moved to follow, albeit in a significantly more athletic fashion, taking the lead as you waited for him to walk slightly ahead before you followed him down the hall. Sure, this wasn’t exactly what you’d expected, but then again could you really expect anything in this place?
The one expectation that was realised was that the Avengers were loud. Arguing over the TV playing something no one was watching, what felt like three conversations going simultaneously. But they were nice, and after a while you felt almost a part of this sitcom-esque, hodgepodge family of heroes. If it were anyone else, it would have felt almost painfully domestic; the mario kart competition, the playful insults around mouthfuls of garlic bread, the throwing of cushions countered by almost subconscious brushes of apology. The unspoken need for safety, for calm, for them to have this escape, was all too obvious. You felt that need, you filled that need with Peter and Ned and MJ and sometimes, it was enough. But this… This was different.
The fun and games went on for a few hours, replaced later in the night with movies and yawns and collapsed bodies under blankets. The quiet was nice, the casual gestures of affection between them all taking you by surprise. Despite giving in to expecting the unexpected, you were still caught off guard when the one-and-only Tony Stark came and took a seat next to you on the floor.  
“So,” he looked at you hard, scrutinising. An involuntary shiver wracked your spine.
“I was talking to Pete. And May. About Midtown’s parent-teacher night,” the pause was anticipatory, waiting for a reaction. The only one he got was you staring even harder at your socked feet, head bowed.
No reaction.
“Hey, look at me. You’re not in trouble, I just think I can help with something.”
This elicited a tilt of your head, a glance through your peripheral. The same trick that worked on Peter worked on you, to some extent.
“I guess Peter already told you May can’t go, and so he wouldn’t be going”
“And I was talking to May, and we agreed that if you were comfortable, I’d be more than happy to act as your parent as well as Peter’s,” at the mention of his name, Peter sidled over to join the conversation.
“Y/n, ya know, I know your home family isn’t the best, but you’re my family. And that- that means my family is your family too. You know May loves you. I love you, Ned and MJ love you. Everyone here loves you too. You don’t even really need to talk for people to see you’re amazing. You deserve all the family in the world.”
You moved your hand to rest on his, a silent thanks that meant more than you could ever put into words.  
“Will you let us be your family?”
“Pete can vouch, I’m amazing at being a humiliating parental figure,” Tony received a playful slap on the arm from Peter in response.
“Shut up, you’re a great da- mentor”
“Huh.” Tony shifted to lean back against the sofa. “I don’t mean this as a one off, either. You need something, you gotta tell someone, kid. Tell Peter, Ned, May, I don’t care who. But if what Peter’s saying is right, and you’re not… Not being treated right, we wanna help. We can help.”
“He’s right. Y/n, none of our families are conventional. I don’t have parents anymore, but I do have May and this whole deal. Tony didn’t have the best relationship with his parents, but he’s made his own family with Pepper and Rhodey and Happy and me.”
You heard a sob, and it took a few seconds for it to sink in that it was you. Peter pulled you into his side and you clung, thanking him and Tony over and over and over again because it was so nice. Too nice. It was unfathomable how any human beings could seem to genuinely care and want to do something and it wasn’t just empty promises it was real-
You weren’t alone. You were with family.
And you knew that you weren’t completely on your own before, of course you did. You went to school every day and saw your friends and it was okay, kinda. But keeping that secret and being okay and making out like the shit at home didn’t affect you? That was hard. But maybe, just maybe, you wouldn’t have to do that anymore.   
After what felt like a year of wet, messy crying into Peter’s shirt, Tony stood up, back cracking.
“Alright, that’s enough feelings for tonight. Children need to sleep- spider or otherwise,” he directed at Peter before he could even breathe in protest. He bent down to your level, lowering his voice.
“Y/n, we’ll sort all this out tomorrow, yeah? We can make sure you’re getting enough food, schedule so you’re not at your house too much if you don’t want to be, figure out a system so we know if you’re not safe. It’ll be okay, kiddo. We got ya.”
And for the first time in your life, you felt like you were home.
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