#also i may be lying i am not done spam
shoezuki · 3 months
Ok sorry im done w spam. I jus love himeko m i want her to kiss girls so bad
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ladylynse · 7 months
Hello! I love your works, they're all so cool! I especially love your rc9gn ones because it's my current hyperfixation. Do you think you can make some (even your 3-sentences ones would make me really happy!)? I have a bunch of prompts!
Prompt 1: Viceroy trying to create a robot, but something went wrong (Bash/McFist/a robo-ape probably messed it up) and it caused an electric short-age to the whole town
Prompt 2: There's a thunderstorm at the end of class and everyone was advised to wait out the storm before they could get home, shenanigans ensues
Prompt 3: (contains human!Nomicon) the Nomicon thinks about all the good and bad things his current student has done
I have more, but I don't want to spam you with all of them, so here's all I'll give! It's fine if you can't do any of it, I'm just thankful for the work you've alr done!
Thanks so much, Anon! I'm sorry I'm getting to this so late, but I am delighted you like what I've written. I really appreciate you letting me know!
These prompts are best for ficlet prompts (specific scenarios always are), and unfortunately my ask box isn't open for that at the moment, but I'll turn them into three sentence prompts: blackout, stormbound, and human!Nomicon AU, reflections. I'm specifying what I'm boiling the prompts down to because I don't take specific scenarios for three sentence fic prompts anymore, so I ask for a word or two (along with the AU if it's an AU) for those, and this is how I'm going to list them in my three sentence fic list. (I'm still going to do your scenarios because I'm assuming you're new and don't know what I've been doing more recently, but this will give you an example of how a prompt can be boiled down.) You are welcome to still share any ideas you have, though! (It's always fun to see what people come up with.) I just won't necessarily turn them into ficlets.
Prompt 1 - Blackout
“Viceroy,” McFist growled in the sudden silence that seemed all the louder for the absence of any hum of machinery, “what did you do?”
Viceroy pinched the bridge of his nose—of course he’d get the blame for this when McFist, in all his enthusiasm, had been the one to activate the prototype before it was ready—but somehow summoned the patience to say, “It seems premature activation caused a power outage that, if the view out the window is any indication, is affecting the entire town; if you had waited—”
“The Ninja was right here,” snapped McFist, his words nearly—but not quite—covering up the sound of a pair of feet hitting the floor behind Viceroy and their owner no doubt dropped from above, “and if he’s going to show his face under my own roof, I’m going to send every WND we have after him!”
Prompt 2 - Stormbound
Randy didn’t think it would be too long before the rain let up enough for them to safely leave, but Howard—and clearly Heidi—had other ideas, since Howard had his phone out and was willingly watching Heidi’s Me-Cast, where she was saying, “Hey, N-villers, Heidi here with the DL on the downpour; the storm has us all stuck in school, so I propose a contest: first person to—hey!”
“First person to discover the real secrets of Norrisville,” continued Debbie, her face only partly in frame and the entire camera bouncing as she scrambled to keep the phone out of Heidi’s reach, “will win the prize. So how about it—who wants to unmask the Ninja with me?”
Prompt 3 - Reflections, Human!Nomicon AU
He would be lying if he called Randy his best student or his most skilled one, but Randy may well be the one who most embodied what it meant to be the Norrisville Ninja; he had a heart that wouldn’t fail him, and when he dealt with the likes of the Sorcerer and now the Sorceress, that was the most valuable of all.
Of course, he also had more luck than the last ten Ninjas combined, and at times like these, it was hard to accept (despite ample supporting evidence) that that luck was entirely natural and not the result of a magical artefact altering the luck of others and bending fortune to his own favour, no matter how well that would explain the current predicament.
“Yo, Nomi,” called Randy, since Randy had insisted on calling him that once he’d realized he wasn’t speaking with the one he called First Ninja, “now that you’re, like, a person and not a book, this is a perfect time to teach me how to do the Ninja Dragon Fist, so how ‘bout it?”
see more fics | more RC9GN fics
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mashedcontroller · 14 days
So, I'm atheist but grew up Christian and did the church thing very questionably as a kid. Wanna hear funny stories?
So, I think the church was trying to get us to do the praying thing, and they described it as some sort of communication with God or something. So, I'm like, "well, God probably has better things to do than listen to whatever I say. Like, big world, don't wanna spam ping God." So, I pray once to something to the effect of "Church wanted me to do this sorry for wasting your time bye." and never prayed again.
I may have misunderstood what "hell" was supposed to be. If sinners go to hell, and every tiny misdeed or nasty thought is a sin, and you can't unsin, then everyone goes to hell, no? And if that's the case, hell probably wouldn't look that different from the real world because humans can live anywhere. And you'd be looking at infinite people with infinite time to create a livable reality. Which is a long way of saying "yeah sure I'll play along because I don't want trouble with the adults here, but I'm pretty sure the afterlife is just New York but, like, Red. And no one can disprove me because, like, no one in this room has died."
I'm also pretty sure the Noah's Arc story got across to me wrong. Like, how I understood it was that God told Noah that the flood would only last, like, a week, but then God forgot for several months while everyone was just starving in the middle of the ocean. That's very irresponsible of him :/. Probably not the intended take away.
So, y'know those bots that just say words you type? So, the church had some computers that they had the kids use to make computer Jesus quote random Bible quotes. When we were done there was some extra time to do whatever, so i start keyboard slamming to make Jesus say random letters. Someone stops me because "what if you accidentally make Jesus say a swear word?" So, I'm like, "ok, fair enough." Then I have Jesus Loudly shout random numbers.
At some point, with my parents around, i told a priest "I believe in Jesus and Santa Claus, but not God." I wanna know what went through that man's head when a tiny child went up to him and said that.
I'm pretty sure I misinterpreted that one story about the guy who was about to yeet his toddler of a cliff as God pulling le epic prank. Terrible taste in humor, but, yknow, I'm not here to judge.
I'm pretty sure I had a conversation along the lines of "Who wrote the bible?" "God." (Internally) "No he fucking didn't." God may have allegedly created reality, but he is Not a published author.
I'm pretty sure my relationship to the concept of God was "I'll just mind my own business and not worry about it." Since, like, sucking up to God feels like it would be cheating at this whole "good person" thing. Like, isn't doing good just to please Sky Guy a type of lying? Or at least extremely disingenuous?
But yeah, these were kinda just random thoughts and stories I had when I was, like, 5-10 or something. And i think it's funny looking back on them now. Because, like, I am the type to disagree with someone and just not say anything about it. So, me getting it in my head that praying is a sin actually, is very funny since it never got voiced, but, like, imagine if it did. That would've been hilarious to watch ngl.
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leighzal · 3 months
Rules on sending asks?
I am completely fine with any asks, but PLEASE DO NOT SEND NSFW. Please do not get me involved with any type of discourse or boosting/call-out posts. I am here to have fun, and draw and write. I want this blog to be a safe place for others as well.
Rules on tagging you in posts?
Omg please you are allowed to tag me in whatever, as long as it’s not rude. Memes, art, whatever I would love to see what you guys tag me in.
Am I allowed to draw artwork of your characters/story?
YESSS!! I would LOVE to see what you guys draw, it would literally mean the world to me. Just remember to tag me because I want to see it!!
Is it okay to write fanfic of your story?
Yes it’s okay, and again tag/credit me if you do!! But please no AU’s, and do not spoil the plot of the story, or try to write the stories lore. Please ask me if you have any questions regarding this i.e., if you are unsure if something is violating my guidelines.
Anything regarding asks:
If I do not respond to an ask, it is because I am busy. I will try my best to keep up with asks, but please be patient. Also note I am an introvert so sometimes I get nervous when it comes to responding to asks. I like to make sure my work is up to par, if you get my drift. Please do not spam the ask box, I will not respond to spam. If you continue to spam I will block.
Regarding NSFW topics I will cover that below ⬇️
What about DM’s?
I am fine with DM’s just note that I may not always respond. As mentioned previously, I am an introvert so it can be intimidating. I will not respond to hate btw, I will just block and ignore you. If you make countless blogs to spam me, I’ll just report you as spam.
Can I use your art as a profile pic?
Yes, as long as you credit me!
Content you are NOT okay with?
I am not okay with Racism, Transphobia, Homophobia, SA, harassment/discourse, p*dophillia, and Proshippers. I will block you if you send anything related to this, so do not interact with me.
Do you write or draw NSFW?
I do not write NSFW, I have thought about it but have not done so. Please do not ask me to write anything, If I were to write any type of that content it would be on my own time, most definitely under a different handle. Haven’t wrote any of that so I will not go further into it.
I have drawn NSFW content, but I will not post it to tumblr. You can find that on my other account on instagram (I am not going to tag it here because it’s a “private” account, but I did mention it before on my insta). If you do happen to find it your age MUST be present in your bio or I will block you, 18+ only. Secondly I do not take request for NSFW, that is something I like to make on my own time.
I may make slight NSFW content here but it won’t be anything explicit, more or less implied. Again I will NOT take asks based on NSFW content (of any kind).
Can I repost your Artwork?
You can REBLOG my work but I am fully against reposting my work. You can find my artwork here on tumblr, and my instagram, anywhere else is STOLEN. You are allowed to share my art on your story on instagram. Again no reposting though, only Reblogs and Story shares are allowed.
DO NOT share my art ANYWHERE, not TikTok, no Pinterest, no facebook, no YouTube! Even if you give credit I do NOT want it reposted. If someone states they were given permission, they are lying.
If you want to dub a comic I have made you MUST ask first!
All of this applies to my written stuff on AO3!
Final Notes:
I am human just like everyone else. Be patient and kind not only towards me but to each other. I, like others, will mess up from time to time again, but I will do my best to better. So if there is something that I have done wrong, please be respectful in letting me know, I will fix whatever was wrong. With this in mind please do not just say “you did this wrong” give me feedback on what I can do to fix it.
Tumblr is a place for you to curate your own experience. If you do not like the things I write or draw remember that the block button exists. This is not meant to sound rude, instead helpful. Tumblr is free for everyone so do what you need to do, to make your blog feel safe and secured. Blocking is not rude, use it whenever you need too, you are allowed to feel happy when on tumblr. So with that in mind do not tell me, or even others, what they should or shouldn’t draw. Just as tumblr is free to you, it’s free for me.
Again if you have any questions regarding this faq sheet, maybe something I have not added, please ask. I will clear up any confusion as best I can! :) With that I hope you all enjoy my content and have a wonderful time! :)
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tobi-smp · 3 years
What do you think about what's going on with twt and dream right now?
Cause on one hand I get that this community could feel anti black. But I don't understand why people are getting mad at dream specifically? Or why what he did was wrong? But I also feel like I'm speaking from ignorance
in my opinion? it's the same cycle we see on twitter every single day.
individual people may mean well but as a whole, as a mob, twitter is infamous for going after people for the sake of it. which means digging up old issues that have been resolved, taking information out of context, Ignoring context on purpose, presenting information as negatively as possible/with as horrible an interpretation as possible, and just outright lying (either knowingly or spreading/boosting someone else's lie without fact checking).
the point isn't to help people grow, to fix an issue, or even to change someone's behavior, it's the thrill of shaming someone as a group. of Ousting The Bad Guy even if they have to make the bad guy up. you see it on twitter all the time, but it's basically a constant in this fandom
and honestly? the dream smp crew are targeted both because they Want to be good people and they Want to do better and because they're young vulnerable creators.
every time someone has a perceived slight against them (whether that be saying "ptide," saying that conversion therapy is Bad Actually, or denouncing racism because people suddenly asked you to) schlatt gets brought up and held against them, because they Know schlatt and talk to schlatt and work with him. but you know who doesn't get spammed about what schlatt's done wrong? Schlatt.
teenagers and young adults are being held accountable for the actions of a grown man Over that grown man, for the simple fact that when the twitter mob flays and hangs them up to dry they apologize. schlatt's never going to give them the reaction they want so they don't Try. which is interesting considering schlatt is the only person that can change his own behavior.
I am so uninterested in anything that twitter has to say at this point because Even in the Few times where they aren't barking at their own shadow the way that they go about it is infinitely more toxic and harmful than whatever it is they're calling out (ie technoblade made a few off color jokes that aren't overtly bigoted but can make people uncomfortable, so the twitter mob tries to dox him, intentionally overstep boundaries by using his name, and sends him death threats).
a creator Can have some sway on their fans by openly denouncing bad behavior, but ultimately dream isn't responsible for their actions. he can't control them, he can't puppet them, he can't kick them out. asking dream to speak up about it is different from holding him personally accountable and we can take a guess which one twitter is doing.
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o-pandora-o · 3 years
Brothers in the Human Realm
No one was a demon to begin with (maybe luci though but-). You meet the brothers as human in the human realm. How would you meet them?
Apparently some schoolmate of yours have done some violations in the school grounds and they used your name
You were sent to the Principal's office where you were questioned by Principal Diavolo about your wrong doings
You were trying to defend your innocence, but it was no avail
Coincidentally Lucifer was just dropping paperwork to Diavolo
Lucifer is your strict and scary and handsome college professor
He overheard the conversation and he defended you since he knew that you weren't lying
"Mr. Diavolo I must say, MC is one of my exceptional students, they would not do something as idiotic as that, and I clearly observe the behavior of my students"
Your H E R O
The next day, someone gave Principal Diavolo evidence of those who did wrong
Your name was cleared
Apparently you saw Lucifer giving those schoolmates detention, threat, and punishment. You may or may not seen a hint of killing intent in his eyes
You decided to thank Lucifer
"No worries, I just clearly observe the actions of what is mine"
"Wha-" you replied
"Ah MC I have to go to my next class, take care"
Is a famous model, often the cover and centerfold of the monthly Majolish
For you Mammon was okay? I mean he is famous and many people likes his face
You were going to buy a limited edition  sunglasses that have hint of yellow and orange
You went to a sunglass store and asked the attendant if they they still have it but apparently the one on the display is their only stock
You decided to buy it
Apparently, Mammon also came to that specific sunglasses store looking for sunglasses that is the same as the one you bought
"I'm sorry sir, but apparently it was already bought and we have no stock" the attendant said
"Who bought it?"
"They did, sir" the attendant said as they point to you
"Oi! Can I buy the sunglasses from you? I'll pay double, no one can refuse the great Mammon"
"I'm sorry but I have to refuse. I really wanted it." you said
"Don't you know who I am? I'm-"
"The Great MAMMON, who is a famous model and often seen on Majolish magazine" you cut him off. "R-right! Now can i buy-"
"Nope sorry" you replied as you rushed to the exit
"Oi! What's your name? And contact details" he asked
"the name is MC, thats all you can get from me" you said as you rushed to the crowd
He was swarmed by the number of fans who saw him
He managed to find you and he chats you "Can I buy the sunglasses now?"
In the end it wasn't just sunglasses you talked about, you also talked about his struggle of being a model and your life
Your username DestructoSheep is well known in the realms of Obey them
You always rank 2nd in pop quizzes
However no matter what you try, you can never beat your enemy, L3v1
Today, you got a letter from obey them, acknowledging the top players and giving them limited edition items
Ofc you have to go (there are limited items after all)
So you arrived early at the meetup place, no one was there yet so you played some obey them
A purple haired male entered the room, he looked fidgety, nervous, and he was mumbling something about normies
Cue giving of merch
The purple haired male tripped on the tiles and he dropped his phone in front of you
You helped him up and picked up his phone only to see his player name is L3v1.
"You.... You are L3v1." you sai
"Y-Yeah?W-Why?" he said as he was going to grab his phone away from you
"Waaaah! I'm DestructoSheep nice to meet you, oh but you can call me MC" you said as you reached his hand for a handshake
"I-uhhh I'm sorry I'm not used to touching, thats very normie-ish" he said as he averted his eyes
"My name is Leviathan, levi for short"
"I've always thought that the top player is always prideful and such but here he is being shy" you said as you chuckled
"H-hey! I'm still the best one in obey them mind you! I got every event cards at lvl 150 and skill lvl 10 and-"
"Yeah yeah I know" you said
After both of you received the merch, you both talked nonstop about obey them, other games, and anime
It was more like Levi bragging the amount of games and anime he played and watched
It was almost dusk till both of you notice the time
"Ah i got to go early, need to cook dinner. Chat me sometime!!!" you said as you gave him your contact details
Expect no sleep cuz both of you kept chatting till dawn
He saw a kitty in a box in an alleyway near his apartment
Everyday, he often stops by to give the kitty enough food for the day
Is often disgusted by the fact that most people dump their pets in trash because they don't have anything to feed it
Saw you going to the alleyway
He suspected the worst and he thought that you were gonna harm the kitty he was feeding
"Hey don't harm-" he stopped
He saw you feeding the kitty
"Ah I assume you thought that I was gonna harm it?" you asked
"Well I thought the worst, humans are naturally scum anyways, but even so I do apologize"
"Ah it's alright, it's not a big deal anyways" you replied
"You come here often? I mean to feed the kitten that is" he asked
"You can say that, but not as often as you do" you said
"How did you know?did you perhaps-"
"Ah I happened to saw you feeding the kitten, I was just shy to approach you" you said
"Well I come to believe that people who are close to cats are not necessarily bad"
"I have to say I have to agree" you replied
"Ah I have to go, let's chat here again next time" you added
The alleyway became your meeting place to chitchat about cats
The famous M.A.D. Company released a new and limited edition Devil Set makeup and you were dying to get a hold of one
You spent a day looking at different stores but it was either unavailable or sold out. However, you were lucky to find another store that has one last stock.
You didn't notice someone else was also going to get it and so both of you grabbed the last set
"Uh... I'm sorry I have been looking this for the whole day, may I have it?" you politely asked
"Awww sweetie, I have been doing the same thing! Can you be a dear and let go of it?" the male with champagne-colored hair replied
Cue 1 hour of both of you saying "let go" or "it's mine"
"I have an idea! Let's just buy the set and divide it" you said
"Ohh! Good thinking! I will take the lippies, Devil shadow palette and the foundation!"
"That's literally EVERYTHING IN THE SET"
Cue two more hours of bickering.
Both of you didn't notice someone took it while the two of you are bickering
You noticed that it was gone
"Um... Someone already bought it while you two were... fighting" the saleslady explained
Both of you left the store empty handed and sad and you decided to break the atmosphere
"Pffft I'm sorry for fighting because of a Makeup set, btw my name is MC" you said
"I'm also sorry dear, although I wanted it I still didn't get it. I even missed my appointment to the salon!"
"And my name is Asmodeus, perfect name for a perfect being!" Asmo added
"Alright Mr 'Perfect' " you rolled your eyes
Let's just say that both of you talked about makeups on your way home.
Beel is your classmate during Physical Education class at college
Is a famous football player in your campus and he is also known for his handsomeness
His practice hours were often morning to late lunch and late lunch til dusk
During late lunch you saw him in the cashier by the cafeteria, asking if they still have cheeseburger available
But to his dismay, the cashier said "I'm sorry you already bought the last cheeseburger, and that's the last quota for the day"
He seemed sad and still hungry
You still have a cheeseburger to eat, but when you saw the time you knew you weren't gonna make it on your next class
When no one was looking, you decided to approach Beel and gave him your cheeseburger
"Are you giving this to me?"
"Yeah, I was going to eat it but I don't have much time for my next class" you replied
"Thanks, I owe you one"
You saw how happy he was when he got the cheeseburger
You were shocked how fast he ate it
Did he like inhale it or something
After your class, you noticed that he texted you saying "Thanks for the cheeseburger, I'll repay you next time you get hungry"
Let's just say you both got closer after that
It's your first day of online class, and your first subject has a 4 hour lecture
You forgot to disconnect your meeting link and you didn't notice until you were about to do homework
As you were about to disconnect, you saw that you weren't alone and you're classmate is still connected
You didnt want to leave him so you tried your best for your classmate to notice you. You tried spamming and saying " hello"
After 1234 attempts he finally noticed you
"Ah I'm sorry I slept during the boring lecture, thanks for waking me up"
"Ah it's no problem" you replied
"My name is Belphegor as you can see, but you can call me Belphie"
"My name is MC" you replied
"Say... How are you still here after hours after the lecture?"
"I forgot to disconnect" you replied
"Uh idk if this is too much of a favor to ask, can you wake me up again next time? After lecture that is, I don't want to be late for other classes"
"Sure, I don't mind I guess" you replied
After that, both of you got to know each other and you forgot to do your homework and you became a personal alarm clock
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hypmicdaydreams · 3 years
hi bae! idk if i requested this already ahaha (if i already requested this i'm so sorry!! i'm forgetful at times, i didn't mean to spam or anything) but can i request a hc of jyuto, samatoki, and dice's reaction who've seen their fem s/o took 5 creepy men down at once (the creepy men were all knocked out) ? (like their fem s/o who was waiting for them outside after work approached by some creepy men, and have no choice but to fight) thanks bae!! sorry if this is too confusing haha love lots!~ <3
Hey hey anon! I think I got your first request, but it's totally fine so dw. I myself am always forgetful, and tumblr does sometimes eat asks. You weren't spamming though, dw! Anyway, this was a fun request; I loved writing it! Thank you sm for the request, and I hope you enjoy 💕
𝗦𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗸𝗶, 𝗝𝘆𝘂𝘁𝗼, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗗𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝘀/𝗼 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗮 𝗯𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵 𝗼𝗳 𝗴𝘂𝘆𝘀 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲-𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱𝗹𝘆
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-pairings: samatoki aohitsugi x f!reader, jyuto iruma x f!reader, dice arisugawa x f!reader
-genre: fluff
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he never did like it whenever you waited for him outside of his headquarters/base given how dangerous the area around could be since it was yakuza territory
samatoki did like the prospect of having his girlfriend wait for him to finish, wanting to walk with him hand-in-hand home; but your safety was of utmost importance, so he always couldn’t help but scold you each time he found you standing outside the entrance
and this time was no different for samatoki merely sighed when he saw that you had ignored him once more. well, at least you seemed safe, and the very first thing he saw after work was you, so he was content
but when a group of five or so unruly guys - supposedly from a rival gang - showed up, samatoki, of course, couldn’t help but get irritated and unconsciously pull you in closer, as if it’d help keep you safer
this was one of the reasons he didn’t like it whenever you waited for him all alone outside in the dark, knowing full well how this area was roaming with gang members and how practically anyone could walk up and cause problems for you
it wasn’t that samatoki thought that you were weak and couldn’t fend for yourself. simply put, he knew the ins and outs of the dirty tactics the yakuza used to get their way and how you stood no chance against them, and he didn’t want anything to happen to you, especially when he wasn’t there to protect you
he’s very clearly about to beat them up given by the angry look in his eyes, irritated that they even had the audacity to waltz into his territory and threaten him and, more importantly, you. samatoki was going to protect you from harm’s way
but before he had the chance to discard the cigarette he’d been smoking, samatoki saw you take them down so effortlessly, within the blink of an eye almost. the way you swept them off their feet (literally) and twisted their arms or even flipped them onto their backs; it was all so smooth, as if you’d done this a hundred times before
he couldn’t even do anything given how swift it all was, and within a few moments later, he was standing over the groaning bodies of the gang members that tried to jump you guys
“what the fuck??” was all he could mutter, though it was in more of an astonished sense, one in awe. samatoki had no idea that you knew how to fight, much less take down creeps that were taller than you in an instant
it was hot in a way too, he had to admit, and he couldn’t help the smirk that played on his lips. samatoki really had swollen up with pride at the sight of his cute girlfriend taking down a group all by herself. yep, that was his partner, the badass that could singlehandedly take down anyone bothering her
(i can totally see him pouting just a tiny bit at the fact that he hadn’t been the one to have protected you lol but his pride in you overshadowed that)
“you never told me you could do that”
“it never came up,” you shrugged, and all samatoki could respond with was a cocky smirk and a heartfelt “that’s my girl” (maybe the latter even made your heart skip a beat)
samatoki was always proud to have you as his partner, and that only skyrocketed after this incident. admittedly, he was cocky at the fact, and anytime anyone brought you up, he might have boasted about just how strong and amazing you were (he was just so proud)
afterwards, samatoki does feel a lot less hesitant about you visiting him, knowing that you could take down anyone that wanted to start anything within the blink of an eye. he really was simply so smug about it
nightly walks were quite the thing for you and jyuto, who was a bit of a night owl admittedly. there was nothing better than walking through the park underneath the streetlights hand-in-hand after a long, tiresome day at work
but given the recent rise in crime in the surrounding area, jyuto was somewhat more hesitant on going on such walks with you. he himself didn’t mind if he ran into any criminals given how he could easily defeat them with a mic, but when you were with him, it was a bit different
jyuto was sure you guys would be fine and he’d be able to protect you, but it was the thought of dragging you into a headache of a problem that bothered him. plus, given how important you were to him, jyuto didn’t want to jeopardize your safety
still, you insisted this one time, and jyuto found himself strolling through one of the more quiet parts of town with you at around two or so in the morning, quite enjoying it as well. there was something about the peace and stillness of the night and experiencing it with you
that was soon cut short, however, when a group of a few or so guys showed up, very clearly looking for trouble given the way they eyed the two of you (they seemed to be on some sort of substance, perhaps alcohol)
jyuto merely sighed, expecting that something of this sort would happen given how many run-ins he’s had as of late (his luck wasn’t necessarily the best). here he was, wanting to enjoy a nice evening, if it could be called that, with you; and yet, he was stuck in such a predicament. man, this really was a pain
he steps in front of you, signaling that he’d handle this on his own in a few seconds or so, and took out his own hypnosis microphone. jyuto wanted you to stay behind and keep safe while he dealt with the group, not wanting to potentially have you get hurt
before he could even do anything, however, you slipped out of jyuto’s view and single-handedly took all of them down, and i mean like ‘lying face down on the ground, unable to move’ down. they may have been unconscious as well
he’s honestly quite impressed at how quickly you took action and how smooth it all was. you didn’t hesitate in throwing a few punches or twisting their arm until they were on the ground. jyuto himself knew quite the few techniques given his training on having to deal with criminals, and he’s in awe at how well you seemed to execute them
jyuto is a bit speechless at first, but that quickly subsides and turns into a smirk afterwards. did he really just see you take down a group of thugs that quickly? yes, yes he did, and jyuto couldn’t be more proud
“well well well, what do we have here?”
he didn’t know that you were quite adequate in self-defense and/or fighting. it came as a surprise to him, finding out that his girlfriend was indeed a force to be reckoned with. it was certainly admirable, in more ways than one
it was pretty badass too, seeing you take them down without a sweat. he couldn’t help but be proud of you for it, knowing that his s/o was so strong. it was the type of pride that came when someone you loved did something so amazing, proud to know that it was you
(besides, you did just make his job easier lol. he quickly arrested them on charge of attempted assault or theft, even if he wasn’t on the clock)
definitely asks where you learned to do such a thing from, still in awe (he knew you were quite strong and amazing, but this incident increased that as well)’ though i can also see jyuto teasing you slightly, saying how he’s got to watch out around you before he found himself face down on the ground
but really, he’s just all around amazed at how you took the initiative and took them down in no time at all. you were just full of surprises
dating him was always quite the adventure given his escapades, meaning that you often found yourself in unsettling places or situations given dice’s need for excitement and rush of adrenaline
he always brought you to the strangest of places, ones that you hadn’t the slightest idea how he managed to stumble upon them in the first place. you never did know what to expect with him
and tonight was no different, having accompanied him on one of his gambling expeditions late at night to some shady place. you knew that dice went a bit overboard at times and practically had no regard for his own safety when he was caught up in the excitement, so you decided that you’d look out for him
besides, it was a nice (that was questionable) change of pace from your boring nights, and dice was rather excited to have you with him, so it did all work out in the end
that was soon cut short, however, as a group of five or so guys with a rather threatening aura approached the two of you, assuming that they didn’t take too kindly to the fact that dice had won something that night (no matter how small the prize may have been)
dice didn’t seem to be all too fazed by this, most likely used to such occurrences and danger, though it was easy to notice how he seemed to become rather protective of you given the way he pulled you in closer
sure, dice himself was used to such danger and all, but that was because he willingly put himself in such situations. when it came to those that he loved and cared for, he obviously didn’t want them to get hurt
besides, he did think that it was because of him that the two of you were in this position in the first place; so dice wanted to protect you from harm’s way
he wasn’t one that was quick to jump to his microphone and would rather try to disarm the situation (as bad as he may have been with that), but this time around, since you were also involved, dice really didn’t hesitate to pull it out
there really was no need, however, given how you took them all down so swiftly. dice didn’t even have time to blink before he found out that you had taken care of all of them within an instant
holy shit...that was so cool (and lowkey a bit hot)
he didn’t even have time to follow what you did or even knew what happened in the first place. one minute, dice was about to confront them, and the next, you were twisting their arms or kicking them so that they’d fall
it was all so quick to, as if you’ve been in this position before or even have practiced it hundreds of time. it was clear that you knew exactly what to do and where to hit them
immediately in awe, sparkles pretty much evident in his eyes, as he’s yelling and saying just how cool and badass that was. you just took down a group of guys all by yourself! with no help from him or a hypmic!! you were so strong
dice always did admire you, and he pretty much always shows it; and this time around was no exception. he’s asking you all sorts of questions, such as how you were able to do that or where you even learned it or what you even did in the first place, all in excitement. perhaps you could even teach him a thing or two
(man, he didn’t know that he also had his very own cute bodyguard when the two of you first began dating)
honestly, he’s also quite smug about it, the fact that his girlfriend was so strong and could take care of anyone single-handedly. and he’s not afraid to show it with the cocky smirk on his face. he was simply much too prideful about you
lowkey is still in amazement and probably will bring it up again from time-to-time as a fond memory. he’ll never let you forget about it, but that’s only because dice was so proud of you, and he wanted to show it
sure it may be flustering, but it was also quite cute in a way
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . all those dad headcanons are making me so SOFT 🥺✨🥺 do you think you could make some for kuroo, akaashi and atsumu as dads if u haven’t done them already??
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
✎ . . . i'm happy that your requests are open ! and for dad headcanons?? i am right here to serve my braincells for you ma'am. what about dad! sugawara & kenma? thank you in advance 🤓😘
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ kuroo tetsurou & kozume kenma <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . someone send me cute dad suggestions because i am running🏃out of ideas💡 i'm also finaly done with dad! akaashi hcs in my notes, so feel free to request ( even non-dad related ones ) because i lowkey have no life👉👈🗿
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➜ it would come as a shock to him honestly ─ you guys used protection and he was atleast careful despite having lazy smex half of the time
➜ but what shocks YOU the most was that he didn't want to get rid of the baby ─ he just couldn't, it was a child he co-reated with the love of his life, how could he ?
➜ you were quick to come with an agreement with him, his soft smile tugging on his lips to form, the smile 80% of the time would come out only for you ( shoyou & kuroo )
➜ he was also lowkey excited, he texted shoyou and kuroo about it as they both congratulated him and were already trying to do dibs on who'll be god father
➜ and you've noticed that he was bit more affectionate with you when you were in your pregnancy, his head on your lap as you play with his hair ─ which he usually doesn't like people doing?? and would every now and then kiss your tummy while playing his games
➜ i want to h*ld his hand
➜ and k*th him
➜ he's like a mother cat on pregnancy, but with you ─ never lets you do work, saying that he already has it under all on control, very protective of you and literally hisses at other people coming near you LMAO WTF MAN
➜ tries to be as knowledgable for your pregnancy as much as possible ─ just like the other dads in my hcs, they want YOU to feel comfortable with EVERYTHING and want YOU to feel supported
➜ has already bought EVERYTHING you needed, even extra ones and has booked appointments left and right
➜ like mans hasn't done this much effort after volleyball ngl
➜ but just like everyone else ─ he's terrified, he doesn't know alot of these things and of course you're the only woman he has ever gotten pregnant and he doesn't have any experiences in these type of thing whatsoever
➜ doubts were not uncommon ─ if he ever was going to be a good father to his child, if he was even a good fiancé to you, was he even worth to have a child with ?
➜ this bb boy CRIED when he heard you guys were having twins, TWINS; like as in a girl and a boy
➜ when kaori and kazu were born, kenma wasn't aware that he could fall in love all over again
➜ is this even worth mentioning because everyone probably knows this?? he s p o i l s  them big time
➜ whenever he's working late at night, he'll always be the one telling YOU to go back to sleep and he'll be the one to take care of the kid for the night
➜ and by kid, i meant kazu because somehow??he??got??his??father's??sleeping??schedule??
➜ and it's how he sleeps by
➜ sometimes whenever you wake up, you find yourself alone in the bedroom and whenever you look at either the game room or your childrens' room, you would always find kenma lying with his children on couch-bed ─ kozu and kaori on each side of his head, kaori having her small little fingers holding and sometimes tugging onto her dad's hair
➜ and sometimes you would also join them
➜ but most of the time, you would head to the kitchen and make some breakfast
➜ and usually kenma would wake up and put his kids back to their crib and he'd go look for you, finding you cooking as he would wrap his arms around your waist as he hugs you from the back
➜ i just wanna get myself a gamer boi kenma
➜ since he gets a lot more clingey whenever he wakes up
➜ whenever he's streaming USUALLY, kozu would sleep on his lap like a cat while kaori is sleeping in his head?? Idk how??
➜ while his fans literally PAY him to show his adorable kids, some even commented how they're all so cat-like and alike with their father
➜ one time while streaming, he was probably ranting tf out of a game he wasted his money on and warning his fans not to buy it because it's basically a scam
➜ and while he was in the middle of ranting, his daughter comes in while holding a blanket on her as she rubbed her eyes looking so much like a small kitten, he literally STOPS DEAD ON HIS SWEAR WORD AS HIS EYES WIDDENED while the people in the chats are either fangirling how CUTE his daughter was or DYING because mans was almst about to swear and interrupted himself
➜ before he could react a bundle of energy comes into the gaming room, you hot tailing on his tracks as you came into the room while trying to retrieve kozu
“ kozu!! don't come in there ahH ─ ” you blushed as you looked at both your boyfriend that has an amused eyebrow cocked up, and onto the camera before laughing and smiling at it since his fans ADORE YOU
➜ when you finally got your hands on your son, you smiled at your daughter as you signaled her to come over to you
➜ but before she could come to you she was already lifted at her father's lap
“ it's fine, i'll have her with me ” he said as he nodded at you, placing her gently in the middle of his lap as his arms encaged her while he played his games
➜ before leaving with a pouting kozu on your arms you threw a peace sign at the camera for his fans, closing the door on the way out
➜ let's just say that it lowkey went viral because it's literally so cute
➜ sorry i just HAD to reference that interview that got viral before
➜ one time where you fell asleep with both of your children curled up to you in the bed, kenma just finished a long stream as he walked to the bedroom hoping to fall asleep ontop of you yet finds two cute cat looking children cuddling you
➜ he quickly took a photo or two and made it both his home and lockscreen before sending it to shoyou
➜ and then sliding himself onto the covers as he, himself, nuzzled himself onto your warmth
➜ the relatable dad, idk why but i really see him getting along with children especially when they're teenagers ─ i just, i COULD SEE IT
➜ especially kaori😭 since she inherited his introverted and somehow shy side??
➜ kaori : *slids down the chair after coming home from school* i wanna die
➜ kenma : same
➜ he would introduce video games to his children AHH
➜ would even play violent games with them because why not?
➜ you'd prolly have to scold him after though
➜ the biggest achievement was when both of his children listing game consoles on their christmas lists
➜ and it was on the top of the list
➜ but kenma, being the kanbe(kambe??) daisuke he is, he bought all the things on that list
➜ he knows his kids are supposed to be studying at school ─ he knows it, he really does, that's why he made them go to school
➜ but he couldn't help but play along with his children on the imessage games when he DEFINITELY knows that they were in the middle of history class
➜ and you'll just find out it through the family gc seeing them spam the chat with games and screenshots of their scores while comparing them😭
➜ he always knew how to communicate with his children ─ perhaps it was because of the reason that they are his children
➜ but whenever his daughter comes to him complaining about human interactions and wanting to stay home while his son complains about school being in the way of gaming ─ he's just like : WE SEE EACH OTHER
➜ baby boy is a lazy bum, but he will never hesitate to participate and contribute to his children's life ─ not only through things, but also with just his guidance and presence
➜ your pregnancy may have come across as an accident, but it was never a mistake to kenma.
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➜ after getting married for two years now, you couldn't help but want to start building a family with kuroo
➜ LIKE WHO WOULDN'T?? this is kuroo tetsurou we are talking about
➜ unlike oikawa and bokuto ─ YOU were the one having the baby fever
➜ your friends and colleagues already having or talking with their partners to start or adopt
➜ but of course you were lowkey insecure, why wasn't he even mentioning that he wanted a family with you? does he think that it was a waste of time? or maybe he doesn't want to start it with you ─ maybe you were the problem?
➜ but unbeknownst to you, tetsurou also wanted to start a family with you ─ he wanted a lot of children, actually. but he doesn't want you to feel pressured ─ since you guys are still youthful, there's still a lot of time to think about it
➜ and most of all, he doesn't want to start a family with anyone else BUT YOU
➜ whatthefucksanaol sir eye ─
➜ and he's already talking to bokuto behind your back about wanting to start a family with you ( and of course kenma )
➜ it's quite eerie honestly
➜ you, thinking it was only just a slight baby fever with all your friends wanting them as well, tried dismissing your thoughts
➜ but your mind said nO❌🚫 RIGHTS✅💢
➜ and kuroo could notice the slight change in behaviour with you, it was subtle but he was quite perceptive
➜ with his cat eyes intently watching you as you tried avoiding his gazes because all you could think is HAVING A BABY WITH THE SAME EYES AS HIM FIIFJJCJC
➜ it was fine until he confronted you about it
➜ kuroo ─ for me, is someone to face a problem head-on, it's just his personality, so it wasn't a surprise that he seriously yet carefully and nonchalantly confronted you while you guys were about to sleep as you layed your head on his lap, taking in his warmth
➜ and that's where mans dropped the b*mb💣
“dollface? is everything alright with you?”
➜ just imagine kuroo's concerned voice is all that you could hear along with the palpitations of your heart as he caressed your cheeks, brushing off the hair covering your face as he puts down science pun book he had on his hands on the nightstand
➜ now i can't help but imagine that scene from the special/bonus chapter from bj alex with chanwoo and MD on the bed, that scene where he tries to confront chanwoo about that bruise on his face? ughshshsj
➜ all he heard was that you wanted to start a family with him👉👈 and now he's seconds to going FERAL and push you down the matress
➜ 😳🔞
➜ but mans was quick to get himself back to reality, a bashful smile tugged on his lips as he nodded at you, kinda disappointed that you had to be the braver person in the relationship to bring out the topic and it wasn't him
➜ mans is competitive okay
“ . . . why don't we start now? ” he slyly grinned, y'know, that cheshire cat grin
➜ let's just see you guys didn't sleep at all that night
➜ kuroo was, though not surprisingly, good and knowledgable with pregnancy, not like he secretly researched about it that one time when you guys got a pregnancy scare that started all his wild thoughts about you carrying his child um ─
➜ and this is kuroo we are talking about lmao
➜ i think he has his insecurities but was never doubtful of himself being a father, LIKE MANS HAS TAKEN CARE OF A WHOLE ASS VOLLEYBALL TEAM ─ but he knows there is a difference between being a father to his child and being a good one
➜ i wanna m*rry him too😡
➜ you gifted him a daughter, his first born. the first time he saw her, GOD WAS THIS THE BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN HIS LIFE
➜ like who knew you guys could create someone so beautifully mashed of both him and you ─ but you disagree, as even by the youngest age of four months or three, you could see the literal resemblance of your husband on her
➜ and it was uncanny, her eyes were the ones you dreamed of your children having ─ molten golden ones of tetsurou's, her cat-like grin and sly personality
➜ she was always quick to lean on her father's warmth, and that made kuroo CRY and you kinda jealous
➜ but nevertheless, you knew that there were plenty of times to make one that loves you just as much taiga loves tetsurou
➜ and you did get it, second born after only half a year, was tamaki, which has taken both your personality and tetsurou's, while having your appearance.
➜ but you were quick to notice to comment that tamaki has gotten kuroo's shy personality while he was young, he would always shy away from his sister that kept clinging onto him since she has never had a playmate other than her uncles from nekoma's old volleyball club
➜ kuroo was to say the least, really happy when he sees your two children getting along with each other since he, himself, has grown up alone with no sibling and without a mother
➜ and as he looked at you playing tamaki and taiga as tamaki got you all wrapped around his finger while taiga was looking for her father, he couldn't help but smile
➜ believe it or not, taiga first said your name ─ not tetsurou's
➜ in your face kuroo
“ come on, say dada !! ” your husband patted his thighs to make a sound as he sat on the bed while your daughter just ─ once again, leaned on his touch, nuzzling her face onto his warm thighs while giggling
➜ he dropped his phone to the bed whining, “ mama! look at her ─ ”
“ ─ mama!! ” your daughter imitated his words, both leaving you guys stunned and wide-eyed as you laugh in shock while tamaki was jealous you gave his sister more attention and now tugging softly at your hair,
“ . . . mama? ”
➜ also belive it or not, tamaki was the one who got his father's sleeping habits of having two pillows on both sides of his head
➜ and it actually??comes??off??nice??and neat??
➜ at the age of 7, your daughter was already picked to represent her class on a science fair AND YOU BET TETSUROU IS SO PROUD OF HIS DAUGHTER
➜ would be such a supportive dad
➜ visits tamaki and taiga's volleyball games ─ like atleast all over them, and would bring along his old teammates to it maybe just to relive old memories because you BET that they're attending nekoma
 ➜ would always have these little traditions and inside jokes with them and you
➜ especially science ones
➜ what do we expect? HE'S LITERALLY A DORK
➜ they just vibe with each other ngl, like kuroo is just a down-to-earth guy and could get along with BOTH your extroverted daughter and introverted son, since he was both of them in a moment from his life
➜ uncle kenma would always bring in gifts for them because they're literally now his cats because they are now cats
➜ sorry i don't make the rules
➜ my husband, kenma, does😋
➜ your kids LOVE HIM though, especially tamaki being a bit like kenma ─ both, growing a soft spots for each other
➜ whenever some of his old teammates would visit, taiga is always on uncle lev's back while yaku scolds him to put her tf down or else she'll fall
➜ tamaki on the other hand, is just safely sitting beside his uncle kenma while he watched him play games ─ which he has also grown to love
➜ doesn't let your kids forget to eat and makes them eat even if taiga's in the phase of wanting to be sexy gorl tingz ─ DADDY KUROO SAYS NO RIGHTS🚫
➜ overall, kuroo couldn't ask for more, he was so proud of his children no matter what they do through and through and of course you too ─ for carrying his children, bringing them into the world and being patient with them
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downywrites · 3 years
Here. You now what, take this. It’s not really tickles, per se, but boy is it affectionate. Have fun, little beans.
Philza gets his wings preened. That’s it, that’s the prompt. Also, it’s SMPEarth. Fight me. 
The sound of a scratching quill echoed in the room. The crackle and pop of a warm fire surrounded the winged man at the desk, orange-yellow light flickering and shifting with its every whim. The smell of charcoal and pen-ink left a faint imprint in his nose, giving him a slight urge to sneeze. Smoothly pushing himself away from the desk in a small attempt at getting himself more comfortable, he stretched his arms out skywards, wings unfolding in a glittering blanket of stars and galaxies and obsidian and everything that one could associate with the ivory sight of the night. As his wings shifted in the soft light, the white diamond shapes on the edges of his wings rippled across the vast expanse of feathers, dancing softly in the deep waters of his mussed-up appendages. He yawned, tears springing up a little in his earnest fervor of movement. Looking at the book and quill lying innocuously on the polished spruce desk, he chuckled quietly at the page he was currently stuck on. ‘Out of all things to get stuck on, I got stuck on the aspect of combat that I do the best in.’
 He stood up from the desk, world tilting precariously from his sudden change of balance. Stumbling a little, he stepped down the stairs into the large area of the living room. Groping around in the relatively dark area for the light-source lever, he sighed in relief when the lights burst to life. The sound of torches crackling in and around the room soothed his frazzled nerves. He sank into a nearby couch, cooing softly as velvet enveloped his twitching wings. His eyes shifted skywards again, instincts pushing him to spread out his wings and fly, fly into the deep, shifting skies. But it was late. The sky grew too dark to see, not without the light of a few lamps of some sort. And he certainly didn’t want to anger any neighboring countries, not without Techno’s help. So he sat there, relaxing in the surroundings. But something was off. He knew it. The itching in the very edges of his wings told him exactly what he needed to know. He sat up, ramrod straight.
 ‘God, why do I need to preen so much? Really, I’m not even in molting season yet!’ At his command, his midnight-hued wings extended, flapping slightly to give himself a little more space to work with. He focused on the right wing first, straightening the crooked feathers there. Feather after feather was aligned. The sound of the grandfather clock in the edge of the room went unnoticed. Too absorbed in his work to notice the sound of the door opening and the howling wind of the outside area, the winged hybrid froze at the familiar monotone voice echoing behind him.
 “Phil. Need help?” He jumped slightly, wings folding back in surprise. Before he knew it, he had let out an embarrassingly high-pitched ‘peep’. He whirled around quickly, blue and white bucket hat making a small ‘whoosh’. Techno raised an eyebrow at the reaction, before beginning to take off his cloak. “ ‘m not kidding. I need your wings to be in tip-top shape. We’re going to fight Spain eventually, you know? Viva la revolution.” Philza felt blood rush to his cheeks. “Y-you- I- b-barely even know you yet-” Techno turned to look at him dramatically, long pink hair framing his movements elegantly. He narrowed his eyes a little, tusks shifting a little from its constant natural pout into a real one. “Barely know me? Now that’s just mean.” He stepped onto the fluffy doormat, rubbing his hooves on it in an attempt to get off as much snow as physically possible. He hung his crown on a hook before stepping slowly towards the bird-man, not wanting to startle his (relatively new) ally.
 Philza shied away a little, wings fluffing up defensively. He cast his eyes to the side, stuttering. “I-Ididn’tmeanitlikethatit’sjustwellIjustmetyouawhileagoandpreeningisareallyreallysensitiveaffairinavianslikemeand-” He covered his mouth with one of his hands, eyes wide in shock. “I-I’m so sorry! I’ll just g-go!” He got up quickly, legs shaking. The sound of his feet padding on the floor quickly cut through the soft, relative silence of the mansion. 
The sound of his feathers rustling was the thing that made Techno realize the change in the situation. The piglin hybrid turned to look at the staircase he disappeared into in almost disbelief. Key word- almost. He sighed, hitting himself on the head gently with the heel of his hand. “Stupid. I should have known.” His gaze shifted to the imprint where the flighty warrior was minutes earlier, noticing the small feathers splayed out on the couch here and there. He closed his eyes, trying to think of what the reason for plucking out such small feathers would be. ‘Curse my memory. Do I really not know why he might have done this?’ He wracked his brain for answers for a few moments more, before sighing and pulling out a book from one of the chests. “Now, where is it?” He flipped through the pages, parchment making small crackling noises as he moved through it. “How to pet your avian friend, making small talk, blah blah..there!” He opened the book fully, triumph full on his features. “How to preen your avian friend platonically! I thought I haven’t read it!” He perused through the pages at a speed only english majors with a burning hatred of long-term work can handle, before closing the book quietly. He whispered softly to the voices, “You think we can pull this off?” The voices whispered bits and pieces of encouragement, with little to no spam for once in quite a while. He grinned a little, ears flicking happily. ‘It’s been a while since they haven’t spammed something. It’s good to see they are beginning to realize the idea of less is more!’ (They did not realize this. This became apparent later in his life, when he decided to meet with him and his old allies on the DreamSMP.)
 He sneaked up the stairs, tail flicking mischievously behind him. The sounds of the floorboards creaking made him wince a little, hoping his shy ally would assume that was simply due to the howling storm outside the large building. Creeping up the stairs slowly, he scanned the room for the familiar sight of dark black wings. When he saw none, he stood straight up, frowning a bit. “Where would he have gone?” He checked the whole of the room much more thoroughly, even going so far as to check underneath the large desk that Phil loved to work at. As he came out from the area underneath, swearing softly to himself when he bumped his head on the way out, he glanced at the words on the page. Crimson eyes widened in realization. ‘Oh, he must have went to the dressing-room to go out.’ He chuckled lightly, mischief glinting in his eyes once again. ‘That just means I get to ambush him in a completely different way. Seems like a piece of cake for me.’
 Philza was completely and utterly flustered by the piglin, There was no way around this fact. Even though more than half an hour had passed since that incident, his heart refused to stop racing. Everytime he felt that he was finally getting over it, the ever so slight itch of his wings would remind him.  He groaned, gently falling to the floor in a heap. ‘If I can’t deal with him simply asking me, how am I going to deal with the real thing? Wait.’ He paused, squeaking louder at the idea he just insinuated. ‘Did I just talk about the real thing? Nonono, there's no way I’ll let him touch my wings. No, no. No way. Not in a million years. No, not him. I can’t get attached. What if he’s just doing it for affection? He might not know what he’s doing. I can’t let him. No.’ He shook his head vehemently. Pleased with the result of his thought processes, he got up, gently putting on his training kimono. A hiss of discomfort escaped him as one of his pinfeathers brushed against the light fabric as he donned the second part of his garment. The sound of hoofsteps increasing in volume made his heartrate soar. A gentle rap at the door confirmed his suspicions.
 “Phil? May I come in?” 
He turned around quickly, heartbeat pumping loudly in his ears. He slipped over his words, mind blank. “I-I uh, y-yeah, fine! C-come in?” The squeak of the door made him jump slightly, wings splaying out a little. Techno peeked in a little, braid dangling down from the angle that he was looking in. Philza focused on that, trying his utmost to look like the hardcore warrior that he knew he was. ‘Curse my instincts! He’s not a predator, he’s an ally!’ “Hallo.” The piglin warbled out his signature greeting, moving into the dressing room as slowly as he physically could muster. “This good?” He nodded, wings fluttering slightly in indecision. “I..just noticed that your wings are a little mussed. Want me to help? I can leave if you want, just wanted to help.” Philza’s traitorous instincts chirped with delight at the idea. ‘New flockmate? Flock? Yes? Pig is friend!’ The other part of his mind screamed in fear. ‘He’s the Blood God! He can off us in one hit! Leave, leave, leave!’ He looked at the other in a mixture of trepidation and resignation, a look that one rarely sees on such a powerful and shifting warrior as he. He sighed in defeat, opening one of his wings fully for the other. 
The look on the Hypixel warrior’s face made up for the embarrassment he felt. His face lit up, tail wagging quickly behind his sleek form. He gently grabbed at Phil’s hand, pulling him towards a more comfortable spot. Cheeks burning, he let the taller of the two lead the way, winged ears wiggling slightly in mortification. Techno led them to a large room that he hadn’t seen before. Interest piqued, he looked around at the relatively blank interior with curiosity. The builder part of him screamed to furnish it. The rest of him simply focused on the way Techno looked at him with the soft look of someone more than an ally out of the corner of his eye. ‘Does he want to be...more than allies? I sure hope he understands what it means to preen one another...or we’re going to have problems.’
 Smirking slightly, Techno pressed a small button off to the side of the room, listening for the telltale signs of pistons pushing blocks upward. A large, perfectly-sized cushion came into being in front of the duo. The pink-haired warrior looked at the other expectantly. With uncertainty clear on his face, the man sat on the cushion, head tilted slightly in puzzlement. Techno chuckled lowly. “Lay down flat on your stomach. That’s what it’s for.” Understanding lit up the man’s face, before a similarly bright blush covered it. He covered his face with one of his hands, looking through slightly to look at the (extremely amused) piglin. “O-oh.” Almost reluctantly, he laid himself down as the other instructed, wings fluttering nervously before laying at his sides, drooping over the cushions like a large, living blanket.
 Techno walked over to Philza, smiling secretly to himself. ‘Score.’ He parted the feathers on the edges of his wings, watching the man’s facial expressions carefully. He sifted through the feathers as the book instructed, rubbing gently at the base of the feathers as he went. With every touch, Phil’s mind clouded over with relaxation and happiness. A soft wave of calm and lightness enveloped his chest and wings. He trilled quietly, eyes lidding slightly as Techno massaged all the spots on his wings he couldn’t quite reach. The piglin moved from the primaries to his secondaries, making the man underneath him trill even louder. 
“Oh, Techno..that feels amazing…” 
“Good.That’s good to hear.”
 He scratched gently at the skin underneath, eyes widening a little when the bird-man giggled softly. ‘He’s ticklish? I’ll have to save that for later.’ He rubbed softly at the feathers, straightening the crooked ones Phil failed to reach. The cooing and chirping that Philza made could be a song itself. He found himself being lulled into a sense of security by simply hearing the high, lilting notes that the hardcore warrior made. The peace of the moment could not have been shattered, not by anything that would be able to live and breathe after the duo was done with it. Techno shifted a single hand over to the other wing, other hand buried deep into Philza’s coverts.
 Philza was in heaven. If he hadn’t met the goddess of death before, he would have thought that he had been murdered or was dissociating from how little he was able to move away from him or escape the numbingly pleasurable warmth that was his ally’s-no,friend’s- hands. He melted into the cushions, mind numb and blank save for the never-ending instinctual voices in his mind. ‘Friend. Preen. Flock, good. Yes.’ After what felt like a blissful eternity of preening, Techno took his hands off of the other. Phil’s wings chased after his hands a little, the owner of the appendages whining quietly at the loss.
 A brief moment passed before Phil finally snapped back to attention, rolling unceremoniously off the cushion and onto the padded floor, still cooing a tiny bit. Stretching his wings and shaking them out, he got up from the floor, smile plastered on his face. The shyness had leaked out of his eyes a little, making Techno wag his tail in mutual joy. “So, Techno. What is this room for, anyways?” Techno scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “Well, you see...how do I explain this?” It was the piglin’s turn to be shy. Philza cocked an eyebrow playfully, wings fluffing up in content. “...I read that avians like you like to have a place to make a nest..so...I cleared out a spot for you to stay? You can make your nest here, I won’t bother you.” He turned around, clearly embarrassed.
The bird-man felt a rush of serotonin cloud his mind again. ‘This man decided, with all of the things he had to do every day, that he had to read a book to make me feel more comfortable? Me? That’s so...considerate of him...maybe...I should return the favor..’ He moved closer to the piglin, nerves coming back to life for a quick moment before he wrapped his arms around his waist. The other startled slightly, turning to look at him a little. “Wha-” He wrapped his wings around him, surrounding the warrior with a blanket of warm feathers. “Thank you.” Techno tensed, before relaxing in his clutch. “No problem.” The sound of the fireplace began to die down, dwindling to nothing in the work-room. But Philza didn’t mind. And neither did Techno. After all, what’s better than warm piglin fur and large, feathery blankets the color of pitch and ink? 
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writers-blogck · 4 years
Ex's and Bo's ( Bokuto Koutarou x Reader )
Warning(s): Probably the most in-depth kiss scene I have ever written? Not really nsfw in any way, maybe a little making out????? Also, expect some spam in the coming days. I had been super busy and unable to actually post my haitober stuff so, here comes the flood! Title: Ex's and Bo's Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x Reader  Fandom: Haikyuu! Word Count: 2,506
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        Life sucked. 
        Even the weather outside was agreeing with you as rain poured down, soaking anything that dared to be out. You were laying on your bed with as many blankets wrapped around you as possible as if the soft fabric could absorb all of your bad feelings. 
        How long had you wasted when you were dating your ex-boyfriend? You knew he wasn't good for you, you knew that from the start. But, what were you supposed to do when he was the first person to really show you any attention? He liked you in a way that was more than friends. When you had gone so long, watching everyone else get together while you were stuck on the sidelines, you couldn't believe that someone liked you. It was easy to ignore the red flags when you were just so excited that someone liked you. 
        Even though you were the one that broke up with him, it still hurt. It hurt because you felt stupid for ever agreeing to be in a relationship with him. It hurt because even though he was never good for you, you still thought he cared about you in some way. Yet, he had decided to go behind your back and flirt with some other girls. He thought you wouldn't figure it out. He must have thought you were stupid and you were starting to wonder if he was right? 
        "Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop being sad because your best friends are here!" Bokuto yelled as he walked into your room, trailed behind by Akaashi. If this was the first time they came to visit, you would be worried that your parents would get annoyed by the yelling but they had come to accept it now. It was impossible to have Bokuto over and expect to keep a quiet house. "We are going to take that frown and turn it upside!" 
        You forgot that you had texted either one of them. It started with a simple text to Bokuto, a single meme picture that hinted at how you felt. After fifteen minutes, Bokuto had already pulled the entire truth from you and invited himself and Akaashi over to take care of you. 
        "Bokuto, calm down." Akaashi slapped his friend's shoulder to pull him down from his energetic state. He had been crazy when he picked Akaashi up, ranting about how he would totally beat your ex up and how they had to make you feel better. He didn't say anything along the lines of a plan for making you feel better but he was as confident as he was on the court. You had helped him through his emo times and so it was his job to do the same thing for you. 
        The loud third year flopped down on your bed, arms wrapping around your waist to playfully tickle your sides. He knew you were ticklish and he was using it against you! It was hard to keep a frown on your face as you struggled not to burst out laughing. With his own loud laughter, Bokuto rolled over to pull you ontop of him with your back pressing against his chest. 
        "Come on, give us a smile! I'm not gonna stop until you smile for me!" He shouted, keeping you trapped like a turtle on its back. Somehow you were able to squirm out of his hold and quickly hid behind Akaashi, using him as a human shield. His face was as stoic as ever, shaking his head slightly at his friend's antics. 
        "We meant to go to the store before coming here but Bokuto couldn't wait." Akaashi sighed, glancing over his shoulder to look at you, "I was planning on bringing him here so you can babysit him while I go back out and get some stuff for us to eat. Maybe watching a toddler will help you get your thoughts off of your ex." 
        "I am not a toddler!" Bokuto sat up, arms hanging loosely with his hands in his lap. 
        "Do you want snacks or not?" 
        "....Yes please." 
        It was funny watching the two best friends communicate with each other as you rubbed your tear stained cheeks. It was easy to forget what you were crying about when you had the two of them around. This wouldn't be the first time they got you through a hard time. When you had sprained your ankle during your own volleyball practice, Bokuto (and Akaashi, when were they ever really apart?) was there in no time with your favorite drink and gave you piggyback rides to and from school for a week. 
        Akaashi gave you a questioning look, waiting until you nodded to leave your room. Nobody knew how much Bokuto could be more than this setter. He wasn't going to leave you alone with him if it was going to be too much for you. They were here to make you feel better, he didn't want to stress you out or make things worse. His friend may not always think things through but he did. 
        Golden eyes followed your form as you sat down beside Bokuto, a small huff escaping your lips. Silence had fallen over the room once Akaashi shut the door and you were reminded of why they had come over. The chaos of their intial apperence was fading and the pleasant distraction from a few moments ago was gone. You sighed, staring at your own lap in thought. Bokuto looked like a lost puppy, unsure of what he should do. He didn't like this feeling, he never liked seeing you this way. He felt helpless.
        You moved to lay on your back, eyes staring up at the ceiling. Were you sad? It was hard to tell...Everything was going to be fine, this was just one small relationship but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. 
        "It sucks..." Your voice was soft, eyes fluttering shut. 
        "Yeah, I know." You could feel the bed dip as Bokuto took the spot next to you, laying on his back and taking up the rest of the space on your small bed. You didn't mind the proximity, his warmth was nice. Even without saying anything, the simple touches that were being shared between the two of you was comforting. The brushing of arms, the hints of sides pressed against each other. You weren't sure how long the two of you stayed like that in silence but after what felt like an eternity, you heard the creeking of the bed and a presence hovering over you. Cue you opening your eyes and almost fall off your bed when you see Bokuto's signature grin. 
        While the lower half of his body was still on his side of the bed, he was now holding his upperhalf above you with those strong muscles of his. Wait...What? You would be lying if you said that you hadn't snuck peeks of the ace during his practices. To you, Bokuto was never an option because he was just so more. The two of you were so close that the idea of doing anything more than playful flirting was nonexistent. He was just...Bokuto. 
        As he looked down at you with such caring eyes, you thought that maybe you were wrong. It made your stomach flip from the proximity between the two of you. This had never happened before. The two of you had laid on each other in the past, whether it was you laying with your head on his chest or Bokuto flopped on his stomach, laying over your legs. You had done that without blinking an eye but here he was, not even touching you in any way but still making you feel this flustered. 
        "You know this has nothing to do with you, right? You didn't do anything wrong." Bokuto spoke in a level voice, sounding more serious that he ever had. It was rare you saw this side of him. It was rare for anyone to see this side of him.
        "You are one of the best people I know. It isn't right that this happened to you and I swear, 'Kaashi and I will do whatever we need to until you are back to being the same amazing person we know."
        "I just, I feel so stupid Bo. I don't want to be sad over this jerk but I can't help it. It hurts...This is shitty. It isn't fair that he decided to lead me on. When...When I was breaking up with him, he said that he never cared. He just thought I was pretty and wanted to fool around. Why do people have to lie? It isn't nice..." Tears were streaming down your face now, blurring your vision until all you could see were the splashes of color of Bokuto's eyes. 
        Bokuto moved all of his weight onto his one forearm so he could cup your face with his now free hand. His thumb brushed over a stray tear, frowning. He didn't know what to do, you were too good of a person to be hurt like this. You should be treasured like the precious person that you were. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to say. He never was good with his words so he decided to act instead. 
        He kissed you. 
        It was a quick peck and nothing more. As you stared up at him, you were greeted with wide eyes mirroring your own confusion. You didn't know why he did it and he didn't know why either. Three seconds passed, three heartbeats passed, and then you pulled the boy back down to capture his lips once again. A spark shot through you, ignatiting a fire in your stomach that you didn't know you have. 
        Small gasps were exchanged in the quick moments the two of you pulled away. His hand ran down from your cheek to gently caress at your neck, causing a shiver to run through you. Bokuto was very outgoing with all of his actions but here he was, slowly dancing his lips along your own with gentle contemplation. The flush of your cheeks changed from being due to crying to something else, something that even your ex had never made you feel. Perhaps deep down you knew that you weren't meant to be with him. 
        As one of Bokuto's hands was placed right next to your head, his free hand slowly snuck under your loose shirt to ghost over your skin warm. His thumb traced over your top rib, just hinting where he could touch if he only moved a few inches higher. His rough and calloused palm from spiking ran over your smooth stomach, causing your breath to hitch and shivers to run up your spine. This was not how you thought today was going to go, but you weren't going to complain. 
        "Bo..." You whined, head tilting to the side as his lips attacked the soft skin of your neck. His teeth were nipping with just enough pressure for you to feel it, tongue soothing the area just as quickly. Bokuto was like a man dying of thirst and you were the oasis shimmering before him. 
        His kisses started at your jaw with nothing more than butterfly kisses but he slowly began to suck your delicate skin the further he went down. Simple kisses turned into ones with the intent on leaving purple marks that would remind you of that night. It wasn't until he reached just below your collarbone that his teeth nipped your skin enough for a small sting to be left but Bokuto didn't give you any time to focus on that feeling before he was kissing your skin again. 
        When had Bokuto learned how to do something like this? For all you knew, the boy hadn't dated anyone before. He never mentioned any late-night meetings with anyone. He had told you and Akaashi the first time he had kissed a girl (A girl had kissed him to convince some creep that they were dating. They were not). The owl was so excited, just going on and on how soft girls' lips were. He wasn't even talking about that girl specifically. He just went on a rant the next day at school about how amazing girls were. It was cute.
        "I always thought that guy was terrible for you," He gasped out in between kisses, golden eyes staring up at you with such an intensity that only Bokuto could have, "Every time you complained about him, I always wanted to say how I would be so much better for you, but 'Kaashi always said that I was being overprotective." 
        A laugh escaped your swollen lips, the butterflies in your stomach being released. No longer were you feeling too shocked about what was going on. There was no way to keep yourself from getting flustered by the boy's actions but now you could enjoy it. You didn't have to feel guilty that you had just broken up with your boyfriend and that this would just mean you were sleazy. The nagging voice of your ex was slowly disappearing and Bokuto's voice was taking its place. 
        "But I was totally right, right?" His head pulled back, putting most of his weight onto his hand pushed against the bed so he was hovering over you once again. The gentle caresses evolved into Bokuto gripping your side as if afraid that if he let go, you would fade away like a ghost. 
        "Right." Your hands that had been gripping at the boy's shirt moved to wrap around his neck to pull him back down for a kiss. Your confidence was growing and that only egged Bokuto on to go further. Every action started with hesitation but as soon as you gave any sign of the go-ahead, the boy would go at it with everything he had. People couldn't say that Bokuto didn't try his best in everything that he cared about, that's for sure. 
        But all good things can't last forever and Akaashi could only take so long getting the snacks. 
        "I'm coming in so stop making out or whatever." Akaashi pounded on the door, causing Bokuto to jump like he was more of a cat than an owl. You shot up to fix your shirt as Bokuto pushed himself away. He may be an amazing volleyball player but he wasn't always the best at remembering his surroundings as a loud thump resounded in the room. Akaashi walked into the room to see you, still on your bed with red cheeks and heavy breaths, and Bokuto laying on his back on the ground, his foot being the only part still on the bed. Akaashi only sighed, walking in with the goodies he had gotten from the store. 
        You couldn't help but wonder what could have happened if the dark-haired boy hadn't interrupted. The thoughts of your ex were all but forgotten and replaced with the excitement of the future that awaited you with Bokuto.
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queenlua · 3 years
Last week you mentioned GPG has really serious problems. Could you tell me more about them? I can't find much of anything online.
first, thanks for your patience with this appallingly late reply! september hit me like a truck :P
second: huh, wow, okay, a cursory google search really failed to turn up much stuff, huh. depressing!
i'm-a talk about the summer 2019 keyserver attack, not because that's the only issue / security vuln / fuck-up the project has ever had, but because it's (1) a hilariously bad fuck-up, and (2) generally reflective of how the project deals with security concerns, and thus demonstrates that the project is fundamentally pretty unserious
this gist, by one of GnuPG's maintainers, does an okay job of summarizing the problem. a brief summary:
* one of the putative purposes of OpenPGP is to provide a "web of trust" via keyservers. i know Jane Doe, i meet her in person, i verify she is who she says she is, and i sign her key; that signature gets reflected in some keyserver, which acts like a big phone book. now, in the future, if you can't personally go verify Jane Doe's trustworthiness, but you do trust me, you can trust communications from Jane Doe, and you looked all this info up in the keyserver
* "what if a malicious actor tried to overload the keyserver?!?!" e.g. what if i spam ~150k signatures on some dude's key just to fuck with the network
* the answer, in the case of GnuPG, is, "this software is shitty and bad and can't deal with that volume so it just grinds to a fucking halt"
* ...and also most the keyservers try to copy their data from each other so you can have a ~web of trust~ throughout the network, which means, these malicious keys quickly perpetuate through the entire nnetwork
* which means anyone who receives the Forbidden Key Data TM, in practical terms, has broken their fucking GnuPG install, and that whole ~web of trust~ thing we built up is now unusable
technically speaking, this is not a security lapse per se! no cryptography has been broken; no secret data has been leaked. it is, however, a fairly straightforward denial of service attack, and is probably kind of disappointing if you wanted your security software to, you know, do software things
and look, anyone can be bitten by a nasty bug. you'll never see me being like "WOW WHAT DUMBFUCKS, HOW COULD ANYONE WRITE SUCH A STUPID BUG," because, y'know, there but for the grace of god i go, and all that. if anyone tells you they're smart enough to never write a bug, they're a fucking liar.  (my full-time job for a while was literally proving those people liars, and i never fucking failed, not because i am brilliant, but because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god. [sorry for all the god stuff; my long-abandoned southern baptist heritage comes through when i'm talking security for some reason])
however! the manner in which you respond to such a vulnerability matters:
* let's say i had discovered this bug in GnuPG. the industry standard, if i'm kind and polite, is: i disclose the bug privately to the maintainers, and they have a 90-day window during which to fix it. if they still haven't fixed the problem at the end of the 90 days, that's fine, that's their prerogative, but *i* also get to announce to the world "hey there's this bad bug, here's how i found it, and here's how to exploit it."
this is done to keep The World In General TM safer. see, i'm just some rando. if *i'm* able to find a bug in your shitty software, then it's guaranteed the NSA or Unit 8200 or some-other-super-secret-government-agency absolutely has the resources and wherewithal to find the same bug. and also, some slimy just-in-it-for-the-money hacker gang probably also has the resources to find it. by telling the company "hey, i will go public with this in 90 days," i'm lighting a fire under their ass to actually fix the problem, rather than just letting them pretend security by obscurity will save them, and if they don't fix it by then, then at least users have a prayer of finding out, hey, these dudes do not take security problems seriously, and making informed choices based on that.
there is some wiggle room in this. for instance, the fuck are cloud vendors supposed to do about something like Spectre/Meltdown? there were some shitty, not-100%-effective mitigations that could be done in software, but fundamentally the only real fix was getting new hardware, and tragically, we cannot redesign, manufacture, and ship brand new CPUs to everybody who might be affected within a 90-day timeframe. ergo, Google Project Zero pushed their disclosure deadline way out on that. but, crucially: they still went public at some point, and Intel did not cry "wah" or "no fair" or anything like that. they worked with researchers as best as they could, and once the cat was out of the bag, they offered public resources to help developers understand how their software might be affected. that's the rules of the game.
compare this to, uh, GnuPG's outrageously shitty response (from the previously-linked gist), which can basically be summarized as:
* "wah ocaml is complicated and we don't know how to maintain our own fucking software wah"
* "ten years [?!?!?!] wasn't enough time for us to fix the problem wah"
* "whoever did this attack is a hater :((((("
which. what. what the actual fuck. those are not actual reasons to not fix your sofwtare.
also, the way in which you present your software matters:
* i've thrown up shitty hobby projects on github before. if someone came to me all earnest with a CVE against them, i'd laugh, append the README to say "yo i threw this together on a weekend while i was buzzed, you should absolutely not be relying on this for anything that matters, xoxo lua." that is 100% fine! advertising THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT NECESSARILY SECURE and thus electing not to give a shit about security problems is fine.
* i've been a part of things that are... somewhere between a hobby project and Real Software TM. e.g., research prototypes that you're hoping will be widely used so you can get a better sense of desired use cases and unexpected constraints, but which you hope will be used primarily by "power users" or others who are interested in that project's specific goals.
such a project may not be able to offer the same kinds of security guarantees as Fancy Corporate Software, and that's fine, so long as they're open and honest about stuff like: what the goals of the project are, what we're sure of and what we're less sure of, how we're vetting our stuff, what our policies are when someone does report a security issue, stuff like that. there's plenty of stuff maintained on a volunteer basis that i'd generally trust because, i expect they'll notify me if there is a serious security concern to be worried about, or they have a long track record of excellence in a narrowly-tailored space, etc. that's all good.
* what you cannot, cannot, cannot do, is: claim to offer some kind of robust security solution to people in actually-precarious situations, and then not actually act like a steward of those person's interests. if you're, oh, telling Venezeulan dissidents "our [shitty hobby] software [with gaping, well-known vulnerabilities that haven't been exploited yet ONLY because no major nation-state entity has felt threatened by our code yet, but if they were so threatened, they could trivially wreck the entire project using a well-documented years-old vulnerability we can't be assed to fix because ocaml is hard i guess] is safe and reliable to use!"
...if you're telling political dissidents that? and then you get over-the-top pissed off at someone pointing out the fucking problem you refuse to fix? and somehow make it all about mememe? then fuck you, sincerely. the threat those dissidents face is not someone breaking the fucking key network. the threat is you, you personally, because you are fucking lying to them about what your software is able to do.
GOD. sorry, just. i reread that link and got so pissed again. fuck that attitude entirely. if you let people down, fucking just sit with that for a bit, okay?  sit and think and do better next time.  christ.
this is a particularly gratuitous example of GnuPG maintainers being little shits, but in general they've been lackadaisical and dismissive some other times in the past when people have brought them real security problems, and then act all pissy if, y'know, people go public with said security problems. i haven't kept up with their work lately (i think maybe the community got kind of annihilated by this keyserver thing?) & i have other bones to pick with any project of that type (it's kind of taking the wrong tack entirely imho), but like, yeah, in general if a software community's response to security bugs is "oh gosh that's hard maybe we'll get to it someday," you should not be trusting that software lol
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alyssawritesss · 3 years
Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Commander Lexa x Fem!Reader Prompt: N/A Warnings: spoilers for 3x04, angst, death, violence Notes: Y/N = Your Name
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[masterlist] [view my tag list info here] [tip me for my writing if you’d like]
TAGS: @sxturn-stars​ (permanent tags) // @xxstrangegirlxxx​ @johnmurphyisbisexual​ (the 100 tags)
You stood in the town square of Polis, whipping your sword back and forth as part of your last bit of training before the fight. You felt absolutely sick to your stomach thinking about what was about to happen. Your mother Queen Nia, the leader of Azgeda, had challenged Commander Lexa to a fight to the death. However, instead of your mother fighting for herself, she had named you to fight in her honour. Should Lexa win, she would remain in power. Should you win, Azgeda would take over.
Unbeknownst of everyone, you and Lexa were close… extremely close. When your mother had banished you, Lexa had agreed to help you as long as you were to stay far away from her people out of fear that you would betray her and hurt them. Over time Lexa learned to trust you and the two of you had grown closer, developing a relationship.
You knew what you had to do; you knew what your mother was like and even though you had no sense of loyalty to her, you felt you owed your people. Sure you weren’t in charge, but they were your people. If you didn’t win this battle, you’d be letting them all down. Still, thinking about killing Lexa was something you never wanted to have to do.
“Princess Y/N… It is time. Lexa will be coming out shortly.”
You turned around, spotting your mother’s second in command. Nodding, you took a breath. “Thank you.”
“Are you sure you can handle this? Azgeda is counting on you.”
“Are you questioning my capability?” You glared. “Believe me, I want nothing more than for Azgeda to be in charge.”
He nodded. “I’m sorry, Princess.”
“Of course.” You responded, mustering a smile. “Now, why don’t you go find my mother… I’ll be there in a moment.”
Nodding once again, the man made his way over to the crowd surrounding the arena. You watched him idly for a moment before closing your eyes. You’ve got this, Y/N… You told yourself. Feelings don’t matter, your people do.
With that final thought, your attention was stolen by the sound of cheering coming from the arena. You knew Lexa had arrived and now it was your turn to make your way over.
Standing in the arena side by side with Lexa facing the stage, you could feel your heart falling into your stomach. Though your expression was as cold as your mother’s heart, Lexa could see right through it; she knew this was killing you, almost as much as it was killing her.
“In single combat there is but one rule. Someone must die today.” Titus spoke, his voice soft yet loud enough for all to hear. “You may begin.”
Looking at Lexa once more, you both made your way over to opposite ends of the arena. You met with one of your people, who handed you a sword. Nodding in appreciation you turned around, spotting Lexa facing away from you.
Just do it. This has to be done… Just get it done as fast as possible.
Rushing towards Lexa, you made your move. Before your sword could come in contact with her body, she quickly drew her own and spun around, blocking it with her own causing you to fly forward as she jumped out of the way. Cheers erupted through the crowd, causing your body to tense for a moment. As Lexa raised her sword, you quickly followed suit, the two of you making your way towards each other. Once again, your swords collided, inching back and forth, closer to each others throats by the second.
As you pushed the sword closer to Lexa, you noticed the panic forming in her eyes. “I’m sorry… I never wanted this.” You mumbled.
Lexa’s eyes met yours for a moment, taking them in. Without warning, Lexa grabbed onto the opposite end of her sword and began pushing with all of her might, pushing you backwards.
You quickly regained your footing, swinging your sword in her direction once again. Lexa swung back before you knocked her to the ground, kicking her sword out of her hands. Quickly catching her breath, Lexa punched you in your leg, causing you to fall to your knees as she tugged your sword from your hands. With a smirk, Lexa made her way over to her own sword, picking it up from the ground.
In a panic you stood to your feet, stepping backwards frantically. What the hell am I supposed to do now?
At the corner of your eye you spotted one of Lexa’s people in the crowd, holding a harpoon. You rushed over, pushing them as you grabbed it from their hands. “Thanks.” You spoke, turning back around to meet Lexa’s gaze.
The two of you approached the centre of the arena, glaring heavily. You both began swinging once again, you managing to knock one of the swords from Lexa’s hand. As she tumbled backwards slightly, you continued you swing, her barley able to keep up. As she lifted her sword once again you took your chance, lifting your leg and delivering a swift kick to her chest causing her to fly backwards, the final sword escaping her grip.
You swung the harpoon around in your hand, walking over to her. “Game over, Lexa…” You spoke, your voice booming. Taking a deep breath, you lifted the harpoon higher, driving it into the ground with every once of strength inside of you. Before you could even take in what was happening, Lexa rolled out from under you, the harpoon hitting just her hair. Delivering a kick to your leg once again, Lexa sent you backwards as she quickly picked herself off the ground.
Both of you stood face to face once again, Lexa without anything to defend herself. You hesitated for a moment, breaking your composure. Lexa took note, using your weakness against you. She charged towards you, catching you off guard and causing you to swing the harpoon around without much direction. In only a mater of seconds Lexa had managed to knock the harpoon from your grip, grabbing it for herself. With the impact you fell to your knees once more.
Lexa eyed you for a moment before grabbing the handle and middle of the harpoon, driving the bar into your chin with such great force your head flew backwards.
With you now lying on the ground, Lexa towering over you, you took a shaky breath.
“Get up!” Your mother yelled from the stage as she stood from her seat. “If you die, you don’t die a princess, you die a coward!”
Lexa watched your mother for a moment before looking back down at you.
You closed your eyes for a moment, shaking your head. “Just get it over with, alright?” You spoke, your voice barley there.
Taking a deep breath, Lexa’s eyes remained on yours. “Jus drein jus daun.” She spoke, lifting the harpoon. You closed your eyes, awaiting the impact. After what felt like an eternity, you heard screams erupt around you.
You slowly opened your eyes, Lexa still towering over you. She smiled lightly, her gaze turning towards the crowd as you sit up, looking around. Your face turns pale as you realize what had happened; your mother remained in her seat, now pinned to it with a harpoon through her chest.
Looking to Lexa, your jaw dropped.
“The queen is dead!” She spoke. “Long live the new queen!”
As cheers began to fill your ears, your eyes remained glued to Lexa. She looked back at you, offering out her hand, which you accepted. Now standing, Lexa looked you in the eyes.
“Don’t ever be sorry…”
A really old piece (requested) from my really old blog. I totally forgot about this one but I still love it so much. Kinda want to do a mini series for it... Would anyone want that? Also, sorry for the spam for my tagged peeps, I’m just super inspired to write/post and impatient today lmfao Want to send me a request? You can do so HERE. Please remember to note and/or reblog if you enjoyed!!
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alright, i took a break of about 20 hours (less if you don’t count me sleeping) but hey, it was a break at least!
The trip back to the portal left Mumbo shaken up. Dream didn’t follow them which seemed like the last thing he would do. Mumbo was somehow able to get parrot Grian to turn everyone back to normal which was fine. That was just his Watcher powers. Nothing to do with any Vault God powers he may or may not have. And he didn’t have any.
Eventually the portal was back up and running and Mumbo chose to believe that was just because Dream was lying, or again it was just Grian’s Watcher powers. Or maybe even that he was a hermit and the portal had hermit origins.
The smp members tried to question Mumbo, asking what they would do now. Dream was still on the loose and had more power than they realized. Not everyone was willing to go to Hermitcraft and leave everything behind. Right now, Mumbo was really the only person who might have answers, but he just felt bombarded by their words until he finally snapped.
“Look, I have no clue what to do. I didn’t even really want to be here in the first place. Right now Grian, the person I am closest to is stuck like this even though all of you are fine and I just want to help him before I deal with all of this!”
Mumbo winced when he saw the look on Tommy’s face. “So what, just going to abandon us all then? He’s my brother, bitch!”
“I know that and I am sick of having that thrown in my face! It was bad enough when we didn’t know the two of you were related. I wouldn’t have minded if you never showed up so we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place!”
Tommy froze, only moving to take a step back in shock. Mumbo looked equally horrified at his own words, and not knowing what else to do, he ran through the portal and went back home.
Mumbo hoped that he could just get some peace by going home, but instead, moments after he returned his communicator started buzzing wildly with messages. With shaking hands he tried to turn it off, but instead managed to drop it and didn’t care enough to pick it back up. He grabbed the rockets from his inventory and equipped his elytra to fly back to his base. 
He just got into the sky when another hermit flew past him, likely to greet him. He tried not to curse as they changed their direction to fly after him, and even though he knew it would hardly do anything, Mumbo started spamming rocket after rocket to get away as fast as he could.
He collapsed onto his bed, finally letting go of Grian who started hopping around. He watched the parrot for a while before pressing the palms of his hands against his eyes in an attempt to keep from crying in frustration. Why did they even have a useless spoon of a hermit in this world?
Grian had completely lost track of how long he had been in this infinite white expanse, but other than the lack of everyone he knew and the occasional having to relive horrific nightmares of memories, it wasn’t all that bad. He had started feeling a little more tired, but he assumed that was more from boredom than anything serious. It was okay since one perk of this place was getting to rewatch the dreams he had just had. 
Not having anyone around was making him feel lonely, so Grian had started to watch the same memories over and over. He memorized his own lines so that way he could talk to his friends and they responded back.
“I still don’t understand why you put Mumbo faces everywhere.” Mumbo seemed to be holding in a laugh.
“It’s a house for you, I had to make it right! Mustaches everywhere!”
“Well I certainly noticed them. Now how about you open the door?” Mumbo gestured to a lever. Grian ignored the tingling feeling that came with intersecting his memory copy as he pulled the lever.
“Oh, well that’s pretty cool.” He echoed as he and his coppy watched the piston door open and he walked in. “But you’ve tainted it with redstone everywhere, look at this! You didn’t even bother covering it up!”
“Wasn’t sure how to go about it and make it look good. Besides, I’m a fan of exposed redstone.”
“Well, we can work on your building skills. What’s this over here?” Grian walked over to the closet and waited for his copy to open it. “AHH! Oh! Oooh. Hah… haha…”
Mumbo started laughing, nearly falling over as his legs became weak from laughing so hard. It no longer scared Grian after watching it so many times, so he just laughed along with Mumbo. “H-How about you go to the study n-next. I-It’s awesome!”
“Oh yeah, I’m sure it is.” Grian tried to stop laughing as he spoke. They reached a sign which he read aloud. “Super Hollywood film set. Oh you’ve redone the whole area, what is this?” Grian watched as he and Mumbo walked around the room. “Super editing suite, activate moving set part two. Part two?”
“There’s more than one, I just labeled them with numbers.”
Grian flicked the lever and watched as cobblestone in front of a bike started to move to imitate a moving foreground. “Oh that’s so cool. That’s so cool!” He flipped the lever for the background. “Oh! It’s for the motor bike!” The copy hopped on the bike and Grian himself found an empty area on the back of the bike to sit. He started making motor noises as the two of them rode the bike, Mumbo flipping another lever nearby. 
Lights came on and Mumbo moved the camera to point at him. “Oh, using your filming knowledge properly I see. Three point lighting system?”
Mumbo nodded, then turned everything off for them to continue. “Let’s continue shall we?”
“Oh, what’s all this?” Grian asked as they came to an area filled with dispensers.
“Well, if you’re going to be filming, you’ll need some costumes.” Mumbo helped Grian into one of the spots and suddenly the builder was covered in gold armor.
“Oh that’s nice. I like that.” As Mumbo tried to go on, Grian doubled back and hit all the buttons, putting all the armor in his inventory. “I’ll just keep that for later. What’s next?”
“Over here. Secret room under the stairs.” Mumbo pulled a lever. The stairs pulled down and Grian was briefly reminded of the shenanigans of the secret base bros. He let himself get distracted by thoughts about that, turning his attention away from the scene. He tried not to listen to his panicked shouts as Mumbo tricked him by closing the entrance behind him.
“Grian, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize that would scare you! Mumbo let the copy of Grian out and the real Grian could see how he almost moved for a comforting hug, something he never noticed when this had all first happened.
“I-it’s fine. Just bad memories. C-Can we continue with the house?”
Grian forced himself to stop thinking of the memory, making the white void return. Being with Mumbo that first time was a good memory. Sure there was that one bad part, but for Grian, that was good too. It showed how Mumbo cared for him all the way back then and how they’d learned more about each other over time.
After calming himself down, he started it up again.  “C-Can we continue with the house?”
“Right, let’s go in here next.”
“Wha- MY KITCHEN! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY KITCHEN?!” Mumbo started laughing again.
‘Anyone could do this. Anyone! Xisuma or Scar or Iskall or anyone else.’ Mumbo thought to himself as he was looking over Grian. ‘I’m just better at this because Grian and I are linked or whatever. That’s all. Nothing to do with this being done by a Vault God and me also being one. Because I’m not.’
Multiple hermits had tried to visit Mumbo, but he had shooed them all off. Stress was the one to stay longest, having arrived with the bots who were complaining about not seeing their dads for a while. Mumbo tried to ask them to leave a few times before he snapped at them. He tried to push the hurt expression that was on Jrumbot’s face out of his mind.
He just had a rough few days. He wasn’t sleeping much and was barely keeping himself from starving. But right now Grian was important. More important than him. He might have had this done sooner, but he was being extremely careful, used to dealing with non-organic things most of the time. 
He’s just wondering if he should look up puzzle boxes, wondering if those would be easy enough to rest his mind with, but also not get too off topic when he thinks he’s done it. “G… Grian?”
“Guh Grian?”
“Do you know who I am?”
“Do know who am. Know who I am.”
Mumbo started crying in joy. “Oh thank goodness! I was so scared you were stuck like this forever!”
“Tommy...” Grian mimicked his copy, though he was more happy while the copy was more stunned. “How do you know that?”
“What? Blood for the Blood God? My brother says it all the time.” Tommy thought he read Grian’s face well enough. “I’m sorry, I can stop saying it. I know my brother is a bit vio-”
“Techno or Wilbur?”
Tommy paused, he didn’t think he had told Grian their names. “Uh, Techno obviously. I would think if you knew their names you would know he said it. Um, something wrong Big G?”
Grian smiled, his copy continuing to cry. “Tommy… Tommy Tommy… th-they’re my brothers. Oh gods I’m the blood god… that’s what I always called myself. They hated it because I always started causing trouble.”
Tommy looked confused. “What are you talking about? I would think I’d know I had a brother named Grian.”
Grian started to open his mouth, ready to mimic his memory, telling Tommy a name he hadn’t used in ages. But instead he suddenly felt like he was falling. Grian let out a yelp in surprise. When he landed the white expanse was gone, but he realized that was from his eyes being closed. Nervously, Grian opened them and saw Mumbo staring at him, seeming quite large.
“G…” He seemed stunned. “Grian?”
Grian let out a little chirp, realizing that apparently his parrot voice box was the one working right now. “Guh Grian?”
“Do you know who I am?” Of course Grian knew Mumbo. Had he not before? Was that why Mumbo looked so worried.
“Do know who am. Know who I am.” Grian used Mumbo’s words to let the redstoner know that he could remember. He then had to hop back as Mumbo started to cry.
“Oh thank goodness! I was so scared you were stuck like this forever!” Stuck like wha- Grian started to wonder before it hit him. Oh, he couldn’t talk right and Mumbo looked so large because he was currently a parrot. Had something gone wrong when Philza was trying to teach him? Honestly, Grian couldn’t remember what the last thing to happen to him was before he ended up in the white infinity room. He had been in there so long and re-experiencing other memories that the one for when this started was sort of… gone.
Mumbo had apparently spoken a little with Philza because he was able to help Grian back to his humanoid self. The builder held Mumbo’s hands to steady himself as though he didn’t remember it, his muscle memory seemed to have gotten used to being a parrot.
“Well, while I’m sure being a bird has wonderful perks.” Grian paused, giving a yawn, still feeling tired. “I don’t think I really want to do that again for an extremely long time if I can get stuck like that.”
“Grian, how much do you remember?” Mumbo asked and Grian shrugged.
“Only thing I’m sure of is that I recently went to see the other Watchers. Something was going on, but that was a while ago and since then I’ve been stuck in an infinity room.” He looked at the worried expression on Mumbo’s face. “Mumbo, what happened?”
“So, the admin from Tommy’s world was a Vault God.” Grian’s wings puffed up at Mumbo’s words. “He ended up messing with your Watcher powers and got everyone back to their world and sort of wiped everyone’s memories. I’ve been here trying to fix whatever he did to you so I haven’t really been paying attention to everything that’s been going on since I got us back. Last I checked they all had their memories back… but Dream might have done something more.”
Grian jumped up. “I have to tell the other Watchers about this. A bad admin is one thing, but a Vault God admin that messes with Watchers is worse!”
“He may also be a sort of exiled Vault God based on what he said.” Mumbo added on and Grian seemed to get even angrier.
“Yep, definitely talking to the other Watchers now. I can’t believe he was right under Gxrgeous’ nose!” A portal opened up behind Grian and Mumbo tried not to look at Grian’s multiple purple eyes. “I’ll be right back. And Mumbo?” Mumbo looked up. “Take a shower. While I like that you spent all your time looking for me, I don’t think I even need enhanced senses to tell you need a shower.
Mumbo laughed sheepishly and then got up to do that. Grian chuckled in return then walked through. “Hellooo? Pixlriffs? Zloy? Gxrgeous? Any of you around?”
“Oh my god, Grian you’re alive!” Grian was suddenly tackled from behind.
“Noah! Ugh, get off my literal back!” Grian flapped his wings pushing the Evo Watcher off. “I’m looking for the hermit Watchers and Gxrgeous. You seen them?”
“Yeah, they’re busy freaking out about Gxrgeous’ world. You and Mumbo went through and then they lost connection to it completely. What happened?”
Grian shrugged. “I thought they would know better than me.” He lightly knocked the side of his head. “No memory of what was going on. Mumbo says the admin from there was a Vault God the whole time. I can’t believe I didn’t see it from the start.”
“You mean Dream? He’s a Vault Go- ohhhhhh. Dream… Dreamon. Why didn’t we realize that at the start?”
“Yeah well, something that should really be talked about with Watchers other than you since at this point I really want to connect the worlds so he can’t do anything more to my family.”
“Right, Pretty sure they’re this way.”
The talk had gone well and Grian was surprised to see the Vault Gods so willing to work with them on this. Grian supposed it was because of Dream’s status, but it was still odd to experience.
Zloy had given him a new communicator because his old one had ended up broken somewhere in the mix of things. The moment he was back out of the portal, he started to send a message.
<Grian> Based on what Mumbo said, they’re not here sooooo <Grian> Where are my children! <GoodtimewithScar> GRIAN!!! <Stressmonster> They’re with me. Are you doing okay? <Zedaph> Since he’s not here, I’ll do it for him <Zedaph> *fortnight dances* <ZombieCleo> He would NOT! <Grian> Speaking of, where is Tommy? <TangoTek> No clue, he didn’t come back with you and Mumbo. <Impulse> Don’t text and fly Tango <TangoTek> He knows what he did <Zedaph> welp, bye! *default dances away* <TangoTek> ZED!
Grian chuckled at the messages before sighing and flying to where the infinity portal was. He was glad to see it still sitting there and what looked like someone’s pet cat nearby. The avian was surprised when he landed and heard said cat speak.
“Hey! Can you get my friends? Dey went in there and haven’t come back and Sprinklez said I can’t go through.”
“Sure, I’m going in to get some people myself. Who are you after?”
“Tommy and Tubbox. Dey wanted ta be my friends and we had fun until a big bird thing attacked us!”
Grian winced, realizing that most likely was him. “Yeah, sure I was after Tommy anyway.”
Crumb nodded, but then thought of something. “Wait, Sprinklez said I couldn’t go alone, but but but, he didn’t say I couldn’t go with someone else!”
Grian smiled a mischievous smile and then pulled out his communicator. He asked Crumb’s name and then sent a message.
<Grian> Hey, I’m going with Crumb to pick up some people. Be back soon! <CaptainSparklez> What? Where? <Crumbl> Tommmu ans Tubboc
Before Grian could look at whatever was sent back, he gave out a mischievous cackle and picked up Crumb, taking them through the portal.
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hellroots · 3 years
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— here you will find my rules or can also find them on my gdocs as well once i’m done with it. please like this if you read it, but otherwise don’t interact with this post, thank you. rest assured that i always read my moots rules before following and that i fully expect the same courtesy. i tried not to let them get too long but feel free to ask me anything you wanna know about them if it’s not clear ok?
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shy but friendly ! i don't follow for follow, if i follow you that means i've read your rules and want to write with you. i have no triggers nor squicks of my own except drama in the dash, for that reason i do not engage in callouts/witch hunts and if you do it on a constant basis i might have to hard block you for my own peace of mind. although i may come off too strong/harsh, i am always up to talking things out privately. as long as you are civil, so am i. any form of hate will be deleted and blocked -  sometimes mocked, if i’m feeling cocky…
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primarily run on a low activity \ effort and with a slow speed.. my muselist changes a lot, depends a lot on what i’m watching lately so bear with me please. this is a drama free zone, therefore do realise that mun ≠ muses and (obviously) writing ≠ condoning !! as a quick note, do keep in mind that my blog is my safe space, just as your blog is yours - you are responsible for your own internet experience just as i am responsible for mine. should anything in my blog annoy/trigger/squick you, i strongly encourage you to block me & not write with me - your mental health is far more important ( for me, and hopefully for you as well ) than rp. on that note, please do not softblock me - that’s annoying, just hardblock please.
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i  usually  tend to write for trigger heavy fandoms (such as asoiaf, kingdom and others) and may incorporate some of it into my writing, muses' backgrounds and overall characterization. if you're bothered \ squicked \ triggered by that, i kindly encourage you to reconsider and not follow me. no amount of rp fun is worth your mental health.  i try to tag everything accordingly and i fully expect the same courtesy for our followers' sakes. be aware that there may be mentions of death, gore, violence, consanguinamory \ endogamy (especially when it comes to the lannisters and kekkei genkai clans), rape ( kingdom, though it will only be mentioned on the character’s backstory ) and cannibalism ( hannibal and kingdom ) , as well as unhealthy relationships and dynamics alongside with powerplay, and otherwise bad behaviours.  for all that is sacred, please, do note that i, the mun, do not approve, support or condone any of these actions or behaviours !!  i simply am capable of separating fiction from reality. as long as everything is properly tagged, with mutual consent and there are no minors involved (muse and especially not muns), . i support the right of a consenting adult to explore these awful dark topics in a safe fictional environment with other like minded consenting adults, people shouldn’t have to share their traumas to strangers on the internet to explain why they write what they write, be considerate. if that notion bothers you perhaps you might not want to interact with me, for both of ours sakes. fair warning, most of my graphics and aesthetics might trigger those who have xylophobia/hylophobia (phobia of trees or wooded areas), and considering it is a main theme here i will not be tagging it, i'm sorry. but its too many. however, if you want me to create a special tag for you, there's no issue! it will be either "[your mun name] don't look!" or "[your url] don't look!", whichever you prefer. QUICK EDIT/ADDITION: i do not believe that aging up fictional characters is inherently a bad thing - from what i understand, the whole appeal of aging up a character is that while you like their personality but you do not want them to be kids (for whatever reason) but insteasd adults. if you are one of those who think that aging up a character is automatically something bad (without even knowing why it was done in the first place) don’t bother following me because i do think that opinion is quite silly.
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my tagging system is simple, i tag triggers as "tw; x" and . images that may be sensitive or triggering as "cw; x". you can further see how my tags work by taking a look at my tag dump post, just search ‘tag dump’ on my blog and you will find the most recent one i’m using.    i shitpost and talk oocly on the dash constantly but you can easily blacklist my tag if it bothers you.  here's something you should know about me:  when i'm doing drafts i usually don't feel like chatting much, so please do not spam me because i won't be able to reply, i love to talk with my moots but sometimes it overwhelms me.  on that note, please don't pester me for replies ic or ooc, i am slow and chances are that if you try to guilt trip me or just nag me about it i'll leave as the ones i'll get to in the later end on purpose, just out of spite. yes, i be like that.   please be patient - i’ll never pressure you and expect the same in return.  plotting wise: i prefer to just wing it with just a faint idea of where to take the thread but honestly i'm cool with anything. please be considerate when formatting your replies, i have a bad eyesight & if i can't read it, i won't bother with it.   my own formatting is simple and clean.   on a smaller note, please bear with me and my muses as my muses ramble a lot but you don't have to match the length, just give me something to work with. if we write together, the chances of me making edits/tagging you in stuff are really big, just lmk if you don’t like that though !
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i love shipping but i like my ships to be devices to move the plot/dynamics/muses forward, every once in a while though i partake in some much loved self indulgent shipping. just because i ship a certain pairing don't presume that my characters are approaching yours with second intentions, please.   most of the time i like to reblog those relationship memes, so if you’re interested in a ship the best way (other than  sending me a message ofc) to let me know is by sending ones. there will be some triggering ships here ( like the lannisters, both cersei x jaime and joanna x tywin are my otps, and potential inter clan ships, like with the hyugas - i mean how the hell you think they keep the byakugan in their family?? ) that may either be played with trusted friends or be mentioned/reblogged sometimes, all properly tagged so you can easily blocklist/avoid it.  most of my muses are either bi or pan, those who are not will be specified. don't be afraid to reach out to me for shipping right off the bat - i'd rather have you to be open and honest with me about the interactions you want than lying to me, just know that there will be needed some plotting and threading first to see if your muses match. as an adult, my blog is smut friendly, i partake in sexual sunday a lot because some of my muses are very lewd in nature, you can blacklist my tag if that bothers you as well.
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lastly but not least, general rp etiquette applies on my blog: no godmodding, forced ships, etc. there’s only ONE thing that truly makes me go apeshit crazy, and it’s when people don’t read my rules. i ALWAYS find out and it’s not pretty; i block it like it’s hot, ♪ ♫ ♬ block it like it’s hot ♪ ♫ ♬.   i strongly assure you that i always read your rules before both following you and also before sending memes, just in case. on a much smaller note, i’m not so hot on single shipping and i really feel weirded out about people forcing me to pic who i’m going to interact with due to theirs DNI’s. while i get DNI’s when it comes to actual predators, when it’s something seemingly random chances are that i’ll softblock you because it weirds me out how volatile some can be when it comes to a hobby. i have some trigger heavy hcs ( for example, the one about jiraiya’s hypersexuality being rooted in trauma that he suffered at a young age ) that i share with only a few muns that are closer with me, so i’ll be mentioning them every once in a while but won’t share them, please don’t insist.  i don’t really like most of the main characters of the franchises i write for, and when it comes to certain characters  i reserve the right to decline an rp for my own comfort. for further info on what i use to make my graphics please check my “CREDITS.” tag.  most of my stuff is made by me, i’ve got a lowkey rph in case you wanna check it out it’s @brazucahelps, however if you want a custom content i can see if i get a free time to come up with something :D
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red-becca · 3 years
The Streamer And The Model
I republished this with my laptop bc why not? Make it look better. Also, just realized I don't really have anything about Red on here that screams "model" other than it being mentioned. So, yeah. Gonna be writing a sequel of sorts or just another oneshot basically that is connected to this one. Hope you guys can wait for it.
"Mmm... Okay then." Kevin hummed as he sets up his face cam for his stream for today. "You guys can see me good, right? I see the comments and all the other stuff you guys say, by the way. About how I need to show my face more and well... Here I am. I still struggle with setting it up on this new program you guys suggested me, so yeah... I set it up earlier than when I'm scheduled to start streaming for it to show up properly." He clears his throat as he looks through the chat. "Anyway, I was gonna say we'll have a good ol' fashion QnA while waiting but you guys are just immediately bombarding me with questions..."
The male snickered as he rubbed his painted nails, shaking his head. "Yes, this is live and unedited. I am wearing black nail polish on my nails. I feel like it should no longer be a shock for people to see guys with nail polish but I get it. I don't seem like the type to do it, right?" He chuckled as he takes off his headphones and showing off the piercing in his right ear. "To shock you guys even more, I got myself a piercing too..."
"My girlfriend basically convinced me to do it, so we match kind of. But you know, I actually quite like how it looks on me. And she even did my nails just for fun and I think she did a great job." He said without even thinking, too focused on admiring his nails. Then his eyes widened as he realized what he had done, gulping as he saw the endless spam he was getting in chat. "Fuck, Red warned me that this would be your reaction once you found out..."
He let out nervous laughter and pushes his index fingers together. "Hehe, yeah... There is no way I am gonna be able to edit out what I said earlier. You guys heard me loud and clear there." Kevin let out some more laughter before taking in a deep breath. "So, I guess, I can't hide it anymore. Yes, I do have a girlfriend. We've dating for... like a really long time now, actually. I never really mention her because... Well, she tells me not to. I've actually been wanting to tell you guys about her for a while now because of how much I just adore her but again, she doesn't want me to tell you about her. Why? I don't really remember exactly but it's something like her not wanting to steal attention from me or something like that..."
Kevin rubbed the back of his neck, reading more of his chat. "You said her name was Red... You won't happen to be talking about famous model, Rebecca McArthur, are you?" He gasps in realization. "Hmm, maybe that's what Red means when talking about stealing attention from me..." The male mumbles before clearing his throat. "Umm, yes actually. She refers to be called Red more, so please. Call her that. But yes, I am dating a famous model but you know, I knew her and dated her before she became said famous model. So, I see her more than just a famous model. There is more to her than that..." He smiled, blushing softly as he thought of Red.
The smile he had on his face immediately faded when he saw his chat saying that he was lying and that he's only saying he's dating a famous model for clout. "Hey! I know it sounds really unbelievable for someone like me dating someone like Red but you guys don't have to say such mean things like that! I really am dating Red! If you don't want to believe me, go ahead! You'll eat your words once you-" He gets cut off by Red suddenly coming into his office.
"Hey, Kev! Started your stream yet? Me and Bailey made some cupcakes for you to try before it starts! Well, it's mostly me. Bailey just slept next to me." Red laughs, peeking through the door with a tray in her hands. "And don't worry about this tasting bad! I followed the recipe you put down to a T! And it tastes exactly how you would cook it!"
Kevin chuckles as he turns his chair to face her. "Heh, thanks for the snack, Red... And uh, my stream has already started, actually... And funny thing, I... I, uh.. I may or may not have accidentally let it slip that me and you are dating..." He let out nervous laughter and pushed his index fingers like earlier.
"You did what?!" Red freaked, almost dropping her tray but she quickly put it in a dresser next to the door. "Kev, I told you! We can't tell people that we're dating!"
"I know! I know! You told me countless times that you didn't want me to tell my fans about us..." He sighed as he rolled his gaming chair towards her, grabbing a cupcake from the tray and eating it. "But I couldn't keep it in. It just came naturally to me to boast about you, Red... You're an amazing girl, I am lucky to be dating someone like you. Like this cupcake tastes really good! Way better than how make it even!" He chuckles and smiles at her as he takes another bite of his cupcake. "So, yeah... I'm really sorry that I ended up spilling the beans there..."
The redhead ended up smiling at his words, giving him a small kiss on the cheek. "I forgive you, my space captain. I am so lucky to be dating an amazing guy like you, after all. Someone who loves me for more than just my looks..." She giggles as she gets her own cupcake and tastes it for herself. "Mmm, not bad. So, uh... How did your fans react to you dating a "famous super model"?" She jokingly waves her hand at the last part of her sentence, giggling and letting out a snort afterwards.
"Oh, you know... First, shock for me even dating anyone in the first place..." They both snickered after he spoke. "And then you know, disbelief because it is just so unbelievable for anyone who isn't that famous to be dating a famous person..." He rolled his eyes.
"Why am I not surprised?" Red laughs, playfully rolling her eyes as she walked towards Kevin's monitor. "So, what's happening now? Is your stream still on or what? You know me, I may play video games but that doesn't mean I know anything when it comes to working a computer..." She giggles.
Kevin chuckled as he rolled back to his desk, nodding. "Yeah, I understand completely. And yeah, my stream is still on. You see us in the monitor, right?" He gets a nod in response. "That's what my fans are seeing right now..." The male chuckles when the girl let out an amazed gasp, giving a small wave. "I got so distracted by you showing up that I completely forgot that I left my stream on." He chuckles more before flinching when Red suddenly slammed her hand on his desk.
"Hey, you fuckwads! I don't know what you've been telling my boyfriend when it comes to not believing him about dating me! But I'm here to tell you fuckos that it's true! We are dating and I couldn't be more happier dating a guy like him!" She smirked. "Still not believing my own words? Well, how's this for more proof?" The redhead grabs his right hand and shows off the matching promise rings they had. "Boom! Matching promise rings, baby! Custom made to fit the wearer's personality!"
Kevin got flustered at her actions. "Red, I appreciate your enthusiasm and all but this feels like too much for me-" He gasped when Red suddenly kisses him on the cheek.
"Sorry, my space captain. Now that you told people about us, I want them to really know that we're an item." She winks at him, causing him to blush. "Well, anyways... Now that your fans know about us... Mind if I join in with you in a stream?! Please?! I always wanted to join a stream but you know... Keeping our relationship a secret." She giggles, an excited grin on her face.
The male nodded, chuckling. "Go grab your gaming chair from the closet then..." He points to said closet, letting out a small noise of surprise when the girl hugged him really tightly. "Woah! Red..."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I literally love you so much right now!" Red gives him a lot of kisses all over his face before giddily rushing to grab the gaming chair. "What are we going to be playing, by the way?!" She opens the walk in closet and goes searching for the gaming chair.
"Hmm..." Kevin turns to his monitor. "Well, I was gonna be playing a random one player game but I guess we can play some Mario Party, maybe..."
Red gasped in amazement, peeking her head out . "And then we can play as Daisy and Luigi like we always do! Ah, I love it! I am actually really happy that you revealed our relationship online now!" She giggles more before going back inside the closet.
"Okay, I'll set up the Switch for us to play that and then..." Kevin starts setting up his Switch then he pauses when he reads his chat again. "Oh... Oh, wow... As you had been worried about, all my chat is all talking about is you now."
"Oh, really?" Red pulls out a gaming chair from the closet, rolling the chair towards where Kevin's was and sat down it. "What have they been saying? Also, just where are people chatting? Like where are you looking at to read what they say?" She squints her eyes as she looks around her monitor for his chat
Kevin chuckles, pointing to the second monitor where he had his chat in. "There. You can read what chat has to see on that monitor."
"Oh! And that's why we bought two monitors! It makes more sense now!" Red giggles, looking at the other monitor and immediately getting angry. "Excuse me?! What are some of these bitches saying?! "Shame he isn't available anymore, I would have loved to date a hottie like him"?! "Why is he even dating the model with the dumb anger issues? He should just break up with her and date someone like me instead, I'd treat him right"?!" She crossed her arms and started to angrily grumble. "Well, I got bad news for you, girls! He's mine and mine alone! You can't have him!"
"Red, Red... Calm down... Breathe..." The male massages her shoulder gently. "Look, just ignore messages like that. I already have the perfect girl in front of me..." He makes her look at him by grabbing a hold of her chin. "Plus, the last thing I'll do is replace you with some fan..."
"But I'm one of your fans..." She pouted up at him. "One of your biggest fans even..."
"I know, I know... I mean them silly..." He gestures to the camera. "Anyway, ready to play some Mario Party?" He grabs one of the Joycons.
"Oh, hell yeah I am!" Red's mood immediately changed, grabbing the joycon. "Get ready to eat Daisy's dirt, Luigi!" She picks Daisy in the character selection.
"Oh, you'll be eating those words, Daisy! Trust me, it'll be Luigi who wins! He is a fan favorite, after all." Kevin smirks before they both laughed and started to play a round of Mario Kart for Kevin's stream.
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sirigurudavehnameh · 2 years
Detox your mind
Separate Yourself from Negative Thoughts
“But we cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever.” –Haruki Murakami
We are not just our wounds forever. We are our daily breathing, smiles, work progresses, our food, energy, exercises, and our beliefs. Most of our time, we neglect all of these life matters. Preoccupied by the future that the present became heedless. Engaged in the fast-paced environment, working on for the future coming, mostly, forget to appreciate the beauty of time given. Optimism became pessimism, and everything contrast.
How would we detoxify our minds? How can we give time for ourselves to revitalize?
Mental cleanse is such an essential part of our living. Decluttering is not just about tidying your home or physical clutter; it is also clearing out your mind. Live your best life separating the goodness and the negativity in your life.
Often times, we are busy attending to our work, getting things done in our home and helping out others that we overlook ourselves from doing so. Self-care is a very important ingredient to sort out our life to the best of it.  
*set goals of what you want to pursue in your daily routine
*give your skin the best care you can have
*keep a journal record the things you’re proud of, the feeling of dread from a day, things that made you happy and such things that matters to you
*gratitude- write as long as you want to the things that you’re grateful for
*give yourself a nice warm bath after a long day
Although you may not the biggest fan of working out or exercising, there’s always a room for trying. Moving your body and toning it is very good for your physical and mental health. Make yourself productive that you wouldn’t let the negativity enter your mind again. Sweat all of the toxicity and absorb new nutrients from positive energy you just gain.
Give space away from technology. We are now in the digital generation, surrounded of technology and our mental health just needed to get some rest from it. This is just so important, a detox from digital world.
*Clean out inboxes and sort messages and emails to folders and clear out your spam and bin.
*avoid scrolling through social media before 11 am and take that time to be productive
*unfollow unnecessary people that bring negativity
*organize apps in your mobile, delete old notes and unimportant contacts that lying around in your mobile memory
*have a night of technology-off; spend time with family, loved ones or even yourself
With all the above listed, it is important to focus on positivity. As we clear our mind and create new spaces, new thoughts can enter and let positive thoughts be the dominant.
*spend a day without complaint
*be grateful with the nice things that happen in a day.
*take time to observe people, their smiles and simple gesture of happiness and observe how it goes on you too.
*make someone smile or better is compliment a stranger
---This may be a challenge to you but I assure you that real growth will happen. It will be exciting and uplifting and you wouldn’t realize that you’re on your best life. You will just embrace yourself and say that you made it, and you are happy about it.
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