#also and somewhat unfortunately we have to get rid of the tree when we can afford to 😔
egberts · 8 months
Hey, you're not going to be responsible for the other pipes, right? Like, neighbours' pipes or something?
no I don't think so, there would be no way to prove which tree the roots came from first of all and second of all damage to other properties caused by trees on our property is covered by insurance! so even if somehow they did trace the roots directly to that tree we'd be covered.
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kermit-p-hob-brainrot · 7 months
Ok y'all I have promised my beloved mutual @pop-squeak that I would write a post on my most beloved invasive marsh plant, Phragmites australis also known as the common reed. This thing is so invasive that it is considered a model for invasive plants as a whole.
Some things before we start
Most of this is focused on Virginia since that's where a lot of the research on this bad boy is being done but it does exist elsewhere
I will have citations at the end if you want some more reading
This is based on research I did for a paper like a year ago so there might be new research I am unaware of due to having other classes to do
Please brush off your shoes when you enter/ leave a park so you don't bring stuff places it shouldn't be
Please read I promise it is really really interesting and important to the resilience of out coasts in North America especially in the mid Atlantic to the south :)
If you have questions don't be scared to drop them in the replies/ reblogs
I am an undergrad!!!!! I am generally new at this but I am fairly familiar with this specific subject and trust that everything in this post is accurate, but in general with invasive species it is a heavily nuanced topic that can be very complex. This is my best attempt to simplify this species for general consumption since I think its just really cool and important to coastal botany rn.
This thing lives in the marsh which is the area often between forest and the ocean/ body of water of varying salinity. This thing loves moderate salinity marshes since it can somewhat resist salt water intrusion. This is a part of what makes it so invasive especially in this era of severe sea level rise. Many coastal forests are dying as sea level is rising pushing the marsh farther inland. Part of the problem is that many native species can not move as colonize the new land as fast as the common reed can.
Phragmites as is incredibly good at reproducing and growing so close together that nothing else can live even close to it. It makes clonal offshoots of itself (THEY CREATE CLONES OF THEMSELVES?!?!?!?!?) and creates networks for communication. this dense packing leads to a monoculture where for miles in the strip of marsh 95% of what you see is phragmites. It is a magnificent and horrifying sight as you see the dead trees in the middle of these fields of phragmites knowing it was only 5-10 years ago that that was where the forest line was. It is the beautiful horror about being slowly consumed by the ocean. This monoculture does not only apply to flora but also fauna.
Farmers often actually welcome phragmites to their land and are resistant to get rid of it. This is because as native species have died off, phragmites has been able to colonize these areas fast enough to help resist further salt inundation and prevent flooding. This unfortunately is only a band-aid solution, especially in southern Virginia near the Chesapeake bay which has some of the highest rate of sea level rise in the country, since native plants and diverse marshes make them more resistant to flooding. It is better than nothing though, so we must keep in mind transition plans for farmland when trying to manage phragmites. We practice science to help every day people, not in spite of every day people. They should be included in all management decision making. We work for them not the other way around.
Competition is the name of the game for Phragmites. It beats is competition not only with its cloning abilities (there's a lot more to this but i had to read like 7 different papers to figures out wtf anybody was talking about so I'm not going into it) and sheer density, but it can also just poison the other plants around it. It can release a toxin that inhibits growth and seed sprouting in other species. It is also resistant to flooding and drought and it has been found that ground disturbance can make it spread faster. This makes it highly resistant to most disturbances that occur in marsh and wetland habitats.
Because it is resistant to like everything it is so hard to kill. To the point where some of the people who management have told me that eradicating it for an area is near impossible and an unreasonable expectation. Reduction has become the best case scenario. This makes early identification important. You can try to kill it by herbicides, mowing, fire, smothering with a plastic tarp, throwing a bunch of salt on top of it, and flooding with fresh or salt water.
The common reed is an interesting mix of being both a native and invasive plant. Phragmites australis has a subspecies native to North America, but this subspecies has been largely replaced by a more aggressive non-native European subspecies. Phragmites can grow from three to thirteen feet with broad sheath like leaves. Its considered one of the most invasive plants in the worlds having a broad geographic range. It exists on every continent except Antarctica.
As someone who has been in a field of them you can not pull these out of the ground. The tops break off but you have to dig them out of the ground if you wan them out. Also just a pain to walk through.
Here's a pic: (Yes that a person, yes they can be that tall)
Works Cited
Langston, A. K., D. J. Coleman, N. W. Jung, J. L. Shawler, A. J. Smith, B. L. Williams, S. S. Wittyngham, R. M. Chambers, J. E. Perry, and M. L. Kirwan. 2022. The effect of marsh age on ecosystem function in a rapidly transgressing marsh. Ecosystems 25: 252-264.
Humpherys, A., A. L. Gorsky, D. M. Bilkovic, and R.M. Chambers. 2021. Changes in plant communities of low-salinity tidal marshes in response to sea-level rise. Ecosphere 12.
Accessed 9 December 2022. Invasive alien plant species of Virgina: common reed (Phragmites australis). Department of Conservation and Recreation, Virgina Native Plant Society. https://www.dcr.virginia.gov/natural-heritage/document/fsphau.pdf
Accessed 9 December 2022. Common reed (Phragmites australis). Virgina Institute of Marine Science. https://www.vims.edu/ccrm/outreach/teaching_marsh/native_plants/salt_marsh/phragmites_facts.pdf
Theuerkauf, S. J., B. J. Puckett, K. W. Theuerkauf, E. J. Theuerkauf, and D. B. Eggleston. 2017. Density-dependent role of an invasive marsh grass, Phragmites australis, on ecosystem service provision. PLoS ONE 12.
Accessed 9 December 2020. Phragmites: considerations for management in the critical area. Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Coastal Bays. https://dnr.maryland.gov/criticalarea/Documents/Phragmites-Fact-Sheet-Final.pdf
Uddin, M. N., and R. W. Robinson. 2017. Allelopathy and resource competition: the effects of phragmites australis invasion in plant communities. Botanical Studies 58: 29.
Meyerson, L. A., J. T. Cronin, and P. Pysek. 2016. Phragmites australis as a model organism for studying plant invasions. Biological Invasions 18: 2421-2431.
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dyns33 · 2 years
So this Reddit post inspired me and I wrote my first Owen Sleater story 
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When she found out that Owen was cheating on her with Margaret, Y/N initially thought of just leaving.
Take her things, pack her bags, get in her car and disappear.
Then she thought it wasn't fair. Why should she leave ? It wasn't her who was at fault. So she had started to take her husband's belongings, hesitating between tearing them up and throwing them in front of the house.
But then she had thought again. Owen was a proud man. Stubborn. He wouldn't let her kick him out like this, he would come back again and again, being nice, then threatening. It was wiser to leave.
Unfortunately, Y/N was also proud. And so she needed to talk to him before she left. To yell at him. To show him how mediocre he had been, that he was going to regret that she left.
Part of her hoped he would cry a bit. Dropping to his knees, beg her to stay.
But when he got home, after listening to her cries and screams, Owen laughed.
This laugh. Y/N could still hear it when she closed her eyes before sleeping.
           "I don't even understand what you're still doing here." he had said, smiling. "Are you stupid ? Didn't you understand ? Ah, I told Margaret, but I didn't think it was that bad."
           "... How can you say such a thing ? How can you do this to me ?! We've been married for five years ! We love each other !"
           "We loved each other, honey. Well, I think. At first, maybe. But she's so much better than you, you can't blame me."
           "She's married !"
           "She'll leave him soon. Or not, it's not important to me. When you're gone, she can come here as often as she wants. Do you want help putting your suitcases in the car ?"
Without even waiting for her to answer, totally ignoring her tears, Owen had lit a cigarette before taking her things and heading for the door.
He hadn't hesitated for a second. He didn't want her anymore. He didn't care.
The baseball bat was leaning against the wall, somewhat hidden behind a piece of furniture, in case someone tried to break in. Y/N had never used it. Owen had grabbed it, two or three times, when they'd heard strange noises during the night, but to no avail.
The bat was there to defend, not to attack. Not to hurt.
But Y/N was hurt. She felt attacked. And she had to defend herself.
As if she was possessed, she had just taken it, and without the slightest hesitation, she approached Owen before he had opened the door and she hit him on the head, again and again, not stopping when he fell on the floor, when he moaned in pain, when the blood spilled on the carpet, until his skull was totally shattered.
What happened next, she couldn't quite remember.
Realizing what she had just done, she first fell to her knees beside the corpse, sobbing, putting her hands on his back to shake him, hoping he would wake up.
Then she panicked, not sure if she should call the police. She didn't want to go to jail.
Finally, she thought of the garden. Her beautiful garden, of which she was proud of, where she had been very happy, with Owen, who brought her a cup of tea while she was reading lying in the grass.
Her garden with so many places to bury things, and no one to spy on it.
During the night, Y/N buried Owen near a tree, between two rosebushes. She burned the carpet, cleaned up the few traces of blood on the floor, got rid of the bat, took her husband's laptop and wallet, before getting into his car and leaving it in the middle of a wood.
A few days after, she called the police to report his disappearance.
Strangely, it wasn't hard to lie. To cry. Y/N was really sad. She had loved Owen. She wished things had turned out differently.
If he had been nice, if he had apologized, if he had told her it was a mistake, that he loved her, then maybe they could have repaired their relationship.
Nobody knew about Margaret, and nobody knew that she knew about Margaret. The police therefore did not suspect Y/N, who had no reason to kill her husband.
There were searches for several weeks. A march, organized by the relatives, so that everyone in the country would know about the disappearance of Owen, hoping someone would call if they had information.
Y/N was very surrounded during this period, and she didn't really know what to feel. Everyone kept telling her that everything was going to be fine. Her husband would no doubt be found very soon !
But she knew it was wrong. She knew Owen was dead and buried.
A little ashamed, she was still moved by all this support, which helped her to mourn silently, by accepting that her husband had cheated on her, that he no longer loved her, that she had killed him, and it was all over.
So it was a real surprise when someone knocked on the door a month later.
Opening the door, Y/N froze.
           "...Owen ?"
In front of her, the man began to smile. A radiant, happy smile. The same smile Owen had had when they got married.
But it was not possible. It couldn't be Owen. Because Owen was under the tree in the garden.
           "Sweetheart, it's wonderful to see you." the man said with Owen's voice, kissing hrt on the forehead. "I'm not late for dinner I hope."
He said nothing when she called the police to tell them that... that her husband had returned. Two officers came to question him, to find out where he had been all this time.
The man who looked like Owen didn't seem to understand. He had things to do away, but nothing serious. He didn't think that would be a problem. He hadn't imagined that people thought something had happened to him.
           "Oh, my love." he sighed as he turned to her, stroking her cheek looking genuinely sorry. "You were worried about me ? I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."
The police asked him to not do that again, before leaving them alone.
Y/N thought that as soon as they were far away, Owen would throw himself on her to hurt her, that he would laugh, do something, but no.
Continuing to smile, he helped her to prepare the meal, he did the dishes after eating, he watched a little television, took a shower and fell asleep, taking her in his arms, murmuring that he loved her.
She didn't sleep that night. Not really the next nights either.
Of course he next day, their family, friends and the neighbours came to greet the ghost. They were curious, they had a lot of questions, but they were mostly happy that Owen was back, that he was well, that he was alive.
But Owen wasn't alive, Y/N thought. He was still in the garden. He had to be.
She had no idea who this man was who joked with her father, who played with the neighbourhood children, who patted his best friend on the shoulder.
She was the only one who knew. No one seemed to suspect anything.
Yet, even though he looked like a twin, the stranger wasn't exactly like Owen.
He didn't smoke. He didn't drink either, laughing gently the first time she offered him a beer, before kissing her tenderly and asking if she didn't prefer a cup of tea instead.
He took care of the household chores while humming. He never complained or got angry. Normally Owen got upset at least once a day, over ridiculous things.
When Margaret and her husband dropped by to say hello, he was polite, but distant. Almost not looking at the one he had cheated on her with, as she stared at him throughout the visit with pleading eyes, full of incomprehension.
           "God, I hate that woman and that fool." Y/N muttered when they were gone, before biting her lip, ready to have a fight with Owen. He didn't like her insulting Margaret.
           "You're right, they're really annoying. I hope they don't come back."
           "... I thought you liked her ? That she was better than me ?"
           "Better than you ?!" cried the man, taking her face in his hands. "Not at all, darling ! You are the most wonderful woman in the world, I am so lucky to have you. I love you, you know that, right ?"
As he kissed her, Y/N remembered for the umpteenth time that this man wasn't really her husband.
That was the biggest difference between him and Owen. He was very much in love. Romantic. Keen. Attentive. Adorable.
The perfect, flawless husband everyone would dream of.
Oh, Y/N could have been so happy, she would have given anything to make Owen like this. But it wasn't Owen. She had killed him.
It was therefore not possible for her to marvel at all these touching attentions, these flowers, these kisses, these compliments, because she always wondered who this man was.
A look-alike ? A ghost ? A demon ? It wasn't a hallucination, since everyone saw him and thought he was her husband.
If it was a ghost, he would have tried to get revenge by killing her a long time ago. A doppelgänger wouldn't have known so much about him, about them, even if he was making some tiny mistakes.
A demon was the most believable, come to torment her by giving her a life she couldn't enjoy.
Yet he tried to relax her, all the time, massaging her back with a big smile and sparkling eyes.
��          "I sense you're stressed, babe. Would you like a hot bath ?"
           "... I was thinking of going gardening."
           "Great idea. I love watching you garden. You look so beautiful in the sun, kneeling in the dirt. We can take a shower together afterwards."
Y/N hadn't dared to search under the big tree. She knew what she would find there, she had no doubt. But she often stayed by Owen's grave to remember that he was there, and not in the house, cleaning his shoes and greeting her through the window whenever she looked up at him.
He always seemed to sense when she looked at him. Or he was watching her all the time, it was hard to say.
Once, in the middle of the night, Y/N had woken up feeling a breath on her face and Owen was there, his nose inches from hers, eyes wide open, blank and piercing.
           "...Owen ?" she whispered, shaking.
           "I'm so happy to be with you. It feels so unreal to me."
           "... I'm sorry, Owen. I didn't mean to. You hurt me, but I didn't mean to."
           "Why are you crying, sweetie ? It's okay. You have no reason to apologize. I'm the one who has to be sorry if I hurt you."
           "Who are you ?"
           "You are tired, honey." he purred, kissing her forehead and running his hand over her cheek to wipe away her tears. "Sleep. I'm here. I'm here."
That was the problem, he was there. He couldn't be there.
And he was perfect. So perfect that when Y/N thought of leaving, as she should have done instead of trying to talk to her husband, she couldn't.
Not because she was afraid that this man, this thing, would come after her, but because when she forgot her fear, she wasn't so unhappy.
She had truly loved Owen, despite all his flaws and what he had done to her. She still loved him.
So even if one day he killed her, as punishment for her crime, Y/N decided to stay. The morning she made that decision, as if he knew, Owen seemed even happier than usual, constantly hugging him and laughing like a child.
She couldn't tell if that was a good thing.
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verai-marcel · 3 years
Serendipitous Meetings (Arthur x GN!Reader, Modern AU, 18+)
Summary: You foolishly didn’t mark where you parked in the huge parking structure, and spend some time looking for your car. You run into a fellow who did the same thing, and things get ridiculously serendipitous from there.
Author’s Notes: How many tropes can I shove into this fic? Let’s face it, I just wanted to have Arthur fuck like the manly man that he is. Also going for gender neutral as much as possible, so all my readers who want a piece of Arthur can have him.
Tags: Arthur x GN!Reader, smut, light D/s tones, size kink, light spanking, neck grabbing, rough sex, dirty talk, modern AU
AO3 Link is here, li’l darlin’.
Word Count: 3764
You let out a long suffering sigh as you looked around the packed parking structure. In your rush to meet your friends, you had forgotten to take a photo of where you parked. Now you stared at the large expanse of cars, racking your brain for at least a slight memory of how you got to the venue entrance from your car. 
Sticking your hand into your pocket, you gripped your phone for a moment before letting it go. You had already shooed your friends away, insisting you had parked nearby and could get to your spot no problem. Swallowing your pride, you started to search the rows for the off-white bucket of bolts you dared to call your car. 
After searching one floor, you trudged up the stairs to the next one, stopping a few steps past the landing to gaze upon the hundreds of cars before you. You faintly heard another set of steps coming down the stairwell, but you were so mired in your own despair that you didn't pay the sound any mind. 
"Shit," said a gravelly voice next to you. 
Glancing over, a very broad set of shoulders filled your view. Your eyes flicked over the red and black flannel shirt and blue jeans, with an almost hilariously large belt buckle. Then you looked up. 
Oh no. He was gorgeous, in a rugged, manly-man sort of way. That chiseled jaw, the five o’clock shadow, that thick neck… he was the kind of man who could probably pick you up and throw you over his shoulder with ease. You were so busy staring at him in tired awe that he finally noticed you.
A pair of turquoise eyes met yours. "Sorry," the man said. "Can't find my truck."
It took you half a second to remember to respond. Then you gave him an empathic half-grin. "I can't find my car either."
He pointed upstairs. "What's yer car look like? Maybe I saw it up there."
You shook your head. "It's just a generic off-white Toyota Corolla."
The man shrugged. "Oh. Well, sorry darlin', there's a bunch of those up there."
You sighed, lamenting the fact that your car was one of the most popular cars out on the road these days. You also secretly enjoyed him calling you darling with that accent of his. He sounded like he had just stepped out of a spaghetti western. 
"Maybe I saw your truck downstairs, if it stands out," you said, trying to be helpful. 
"It's a blue Chevy pick-up. Really old, like one o' them classic trucks, 'cept it ain't been cleaned up like the ones you see in a car show."
Your memory flashed with the image of a dirty blue truck in your apartment complex's garage. You stifled a laugh at the thought. You had always wondered who drove the old thing, since you had never seen its owner. 
"Nope, I didn't see a truck like that downstairs," you told him. 
"Oh. Well, guess we better start lookin'," he said. He looked at you for a moment, opened his mouth, then closed it again.
You waited.
“Maybe,” he finally said, “maybe we could look together? For a bit. Keep each other company.”
“Okay,” you said easily. Part of your brain screamed that it could be really easy for him to just pull you into his car, but you dismissed the voice in your head. He seemed alright; you had a good feeling about this guy.
The two of you took off towards the left side of the structure. Putting your remote under your chin and hoping it would actually increase its range, you hit the button on occasion. 
“Uh, what’re you doin’?” he asked, pointing at your remote.
“Oh, I read about this online, someone figured out that you can use your own head as an antenna, or something like that.”
The man raised an eyebrow, but eventually just nodded. “Huh, I guess that makes sense.”
You shrugged. “Haven’t tested it before this, so I’m hoping it actually works.”
The two of you wandered further and further towards the center when finally you heard that familiar beep. 
He chuckled. “Guess it works.”
You had never been so happy to hear that annoying little buzzer of a horn. You took off at a jog without waiting for the man, going towards where you had heard the sound, and as you turned a corner, you spotted it. 
It was the big, old, blue truck from your apartment complex. 
No way, you thought. There is no way. Maybe it's a similar truck. 
Going back, you saw the man wandering around, still searching. 
"Hey Mister!" you yelled. 
He turned towards you. 
You excitedly pointed towards the truck. "This yours?" 
He started walking to you, and as he came closer, you could see the smile on his face and felt your heart skip a beat. 
"Thank you," he said, stopping in front of you. "Where’s your car?"
You grinned and hit your unlock button. The little off-white sedan next to his truck let out a little beep, the lights coming on. 
"Wish I had one of those," he said wistfully. "Sure woulda made my life easier." He looked at you with a small smirk as he opened the door to his truck. "But then I wouldn’t have met you. Thanks fer your help, angel."
You smiled, feeling your cheeks warm from his comment. "No problem." You struggled to find anything else to say, feeling pathetically desperate to hear him speak more. "Have a good night," you finally said. 
"You too," he said, his voice a little lower, a little more breathy as he hauled himself into his truck and closed the door. Now that you had a pretty good feeling that he was a decent guy and not a creep, you half-wished he really would pull you into his truck and have his way with you. 
Shaking the lewd thought from your head, you got into your car and set up your phone to listen to a podcast as you drove home. You eased your way out of the garage, through the local roads, and onto the freeway. For the next thirty minutes, you would spot the same blue truck out of the corner of your eye. Sometimes you’d pass him, sometimes he’d pass you. 
Maybe it’s a different blue truck, you tried to convince yourself.
You couldn’t convince yourself any further when you pulled into your apartment complex right behind him. He parked at his usual spot, three away from yours. Climbing out of your car, you saw him walk towards you.
“You followin’ me?” he asked gruffly, though the grin on his face clearly showed his amusement at the coincidence.
“I can’t believe we live in the same complex,” you muttered, still in shock that you had never seen this handsome man before. “How long have you lived here?”
“Oh, ‘bout two years now.”
“Shit,” you thought to yourself.
“Why’re you cursin’?”
Oh crap. You said that out loud. “I, uh, um,” you stammered.
He quietly watched you, letting you stew in your own embarrassment, an amused grin on his face. The bastard was enjoying watching you squirm!
Feeling your face heat up, you blurted out the truth.
“We could’ve known each other sooner!”
It was an unfortunate tick in your personality that you had never managed to get rid of, and now, watching his eyes widen at your embarrassing remark, you wished the sidewalk would just open up and swallow you whole. But since that wasn’t going to happen, you opted to turn around and stalk away.
“Hey now, wait, you can’t just say that and leave,” the man said, jogging to catch up to you. When you wouldn’t stop walking, he swerved in front of you, forcing you to stop mere millimeters from him. You noticed how big he was, how little you were in comparison. You weren’t a small person by any means, he was just… large.
“Why’re you runnin’ away, darlin’?” he asked, his voice hushed as if he was trying to calm a wild animal. Perhaps with the way you acted, you seemed that way to him.
You took a deep breath, accidentally inhaling his scent, a mix of pine trees and a subtle hint of campfire smoke and musk that made you want to bury your face in his chest and stay there. Desire shot straight between your legs, reminding you that it had been a long time since you’d been with anyone. Letting out a shaky breath, you made the poor choice of looking up at him.
You were blinded by his kind smile and seduced by his deep voice. “Do you want to know me?” he asked quietly. 
“Yes, I do,” you answered immediately.
He pointed to his apartment. “I live there. Want to share some whiskey?"
You paused. He was a stranger. 
A stranger with beautiful eyes and the sweetest smile you had ever seen. 
You followed him willingly into his den. 
You blinked after he turned on the lights. When your vision cleared, your expectations were, fortunately, not met at all.
You had expected a bachelor pad with junk everywhere and clothing on the floor. What you saw was a clean and neat living room with a simple couch and a TV on top of a small entertainment center that held a few blu-rays and a blu-ray player. The short table in front of the couch had a plate on it, a smudge of ketchup and some crumbs on it, and a glass with a little bit of water left.
The man went to pick up after himself, putting the dirty dishes in the sink before going to his pantry. His kitchen looked pretty bare, except for the dried herbs, tied up in bunches under his cabinets. 
While he shuffled around bottles, you went to sit on his couch, but not before pausing for a moment to look through the door to his bedroom. He had a bed that looked big and comfy, his sheets somewhat askew but otherwise in place. Didn’t look like there were any clothes or boxes lying around anywhere. So either the man was tidy, or he didn’t own a lot of things.
“Curious li’l one, ain’tcha?” he chuckled behind you.
Spinning around, you could only give him a sheepish grin. “Yup, sorry. I couldn’t help myself.”
He smiled and gave you a tumbler of amber liquid with a giant sphere of ice. “Curiosity like that could get you in trouble one day,” he said mysteriously, gesturing towards the couch.
You raised an eyebrow, but sat down anyway. You took a sip of the ice cold whiskey, enjoying its slow burn down your throat. It was smooth and sweet. “This is fantastic, what is it?”
“It’s a blackberry flavored whiskey,” he replied as he settled himself on the couch, a little closer to you than you had expected. “I thought you might like it.”
“Oh?” You leaned in a little closer. “And why is that?”
“Somethin’ a li’l sweet fer a li’l sweetheart,” he said with a grin. He knew he was being schmaltzy, but you didn’t care. You were eating up his words, spoken with that deep rumble that went right between your legs.
You continued to sip and make small talk with him until your ice had melted and the late night had become the witching hour. But he didn’t seem to mind, and you wanted to stay.
“You got a bit o’ whiskey here,” he said as he leaned in and reached for the corner of your lips, his thumb catching the drop that had escaped your last sip. You flicked out your tongue to catch him, and your eyes met. A heartbeat passed. The whiskey gave you strength.
Taking his hand in yours, you surged forward and kissed his lips, tasting whiskey and his woodsy scent. A low moan came from deep within him, but he did not reach for you. His hands gripped the cushions as he let you take the lead, climbing into his lap and wrapping your arms around him, your fingers kneading his broad shoulders. You kissed the breath from him, desperate to feel him against you.
When you finally broke away for air, you stared at his eyes, now filled with lust and longing, and realized you didn’t even know his name. 
He came to the same conclusion. “What’s yer name, darlin’?”
You told him.
He nodded and repeated your name. It sounded so good when he said it. “Feels nice to say it out loud,” he said. “I’m Arthur,” he added as he wrapped his arms around you and held you tenderly. “How far do you want to go?”
“All the way,” you said, grinding your hips against his groin, making him take a shuddered breath.
Without a word, he picked you up and carried you to his big, comfy bed. He dropped you unceremoniously and took off his shirt.
He was ripped. He was built like a man who had worked all his life in a physical job, carrying & lifting. With his tall stature, his broad shoulders, and his huge arms, he made you feel small.
You had never been more aroused in your whole life. 
Your body was ready to be thoroughly fucked by this man, and you hadn’t even taken your clothes off yet. You watched hungrily as he undid his belt and dropped his jeans & boxers, your eyes taking in his size. He wasn’t even at full mast yet, and you already wondered if you’d be able to take him all in.
“Your turn, darlin’.”
Taken out of your trance, you took off your clothes as he watched. You started at a normal pace, but when you saw him take himself in his hand and stroke himself while watching you with a lustful gaze, you slowed down, making an attempt to tease him. Already topless, you lay back on the bed and lifted your legs up, sliding your pants upwards. Slowly, you exposed your ass to him, winking salaciously.
He stroked himself a little faster. A soft moan escaped his lips. “Darlin’, yer makin’ it real hard fer me to stay in control here.”
You glanced down at him. “I can see it’s real hard,” you said with a playful smirk.
“Oh, yer goin’ ta get it now,” he said, his grin becoming predatory as he climbed onto the bed. Grabbing the rest of your clothes, he pulled them from you, flinging them over his shoulder before flipping you onto your belly. He gripped your ass and squeezed hard before giving you a firm spank.
“Ooh!” you yelped. 
“You want more?” he asked as his hand soothed over his mark.
You could tell he was asking for permission. Turning back to him, you gave him your best pouty face. “Does Sir think I need more?”
Arthur looked immensely pleased with your response. “I think so,” he said, his voice deepening with a thread of command that turned you on beyond belief. He straddled your legs and rested one hand on the curve of your ass. “I told you, curiosity would get you in trouble.”
He spanked you hard once more. “That’s fer sneakin’ glances into my room,” he said. He gave you three more swipes, each in slightly different areas so you wouldn’t get too sore. Then he grabbed your ass with both hands and massaged your muscles, spreading you open as he thrust his cock along the cleft of your rear.
“Yer so obedient, sweetheart,” he murmured as his hips rocked, his eyes fluttering shut for a few moments. Then with his strong grip, he manhandled you onto your back, wrapping his big hands around you and pulling you into his arms. He cradled you for a sweet, gentle moment before rolling you around like you were as light as a pillow before setting you back down onto the mattress. He leaned over you as he reached for the nightstand, pulling out a condom. You watched him slip it on, but he didn’t move to enter you. Instead, he reached down and began to stroke you as he loomed above, watching your reactions.
You moaned and writhed under his deliberate exploration. His hands traveled languidly along every inch of you. When he found a sensitive area that elicited a soft noise of pleasure from you, he lingered, making you whimper and lean into his touch. He finally touched you lower, where you longed for his attention, but to your frustration he continued his study at the same leisurely pace. Soon his strokes became faster and he pressed harder against you. His eyes nearly glowed as he watched you lift your hips towards his hands, imploring him for more. Using his new knowledge to his advantage, he brought you to the brink and then shifted his touch elsewhere, making you cool off before working you back up again until you were going insane with need.
“Please, please Arthur, I need to come,” you begged.
He only smiled as he slipped a finger inside of you. He slowly worked you open enough for two of his fingers, then three. Soon he was dragging you to the edge again, and you hadn’t even had his cock. You were feeling like you were being denied the thing you wanted most.
“Arthur,” you whispered, “I want your cock.”
“Louder, darlin’.”
“I want your cock!”
“And what do you want me to do with it?”
“Fuck me!”
“Say it again. All of it.”
“Fuck me with your cock!”
His smile was wolfish, satisfied that he had heard you beg for your desire. Pressing the head of his shaft against your opening, he pushed, easing his way inside of you.
You were right. He was big, long, and oh so thick. He stretched you deliciously, and you keened softly as he took you, claimed you, made you his in the most carnal of ways. He reached up and slipped his hand under your head, gripping your hair at the base and pulling slightly. 
“Eyes on me, darlin’. I want to see you while I’m takin’ you,” he murmured.
You couldn’t look away from him. His look was intense, as if he commanded your entire being, your body his to use for his pleasure. And you willingly gave it to him, letting him sheathe his entire length inside of you. He held you still while your body adjusted to his claim, watching you with an almost proud expression.
“Good li’l darlin’,” he said as he leaned over. He kissed you gently on the lips, then on the forehead, and as if he was overcome with affection for you, peppered kisses along the curve of your cheek and down your neck.
“I’m goin’ to fuck you now,” he whispered into your ear. “You tell me to slow if it’s too much for ya, alright?”
You nodded, sure that whatever he was about to do to you, you could handle it.
He lifted himself up onto his forearms, his hands framing your face. “You look so damn cute,” he murmured before his hips slowly pulled back. “So fuckable.”
Arthur slammed his cock deep inside of you with one forceful stroke. He immediately looked down at you when you let out a cry of surprise. He waited, quietly checking in.
“More,” you whispered.
You thought you saw relief cross his features before he gave you a teasing smirk. “Ask me nicely and I just might give it to ya.”
“Please sir,” you begged, “I need more.”
Arthur gave you a single nod before rocking his hips, building you up slowly, his gaze nearly burning a hole into you with their intensity. As your body stretched and accommodated him, you clawed at his arms, greedily clamoring for him to speed up. He let out a feral growl before wrapping a big, rough hand around your neck, his other hand gripping your leg and spreading you wider for him. 
"You think you can take more, darlin'?" 
You looked up at him and smiled a challenge. 
He began a ferocious pace, angling himself to take you as deep as he could go. All you could focus on was the impact of his body against yours, his thick shaft filling you over and over, unrelenting as a tidal wave.
Soon he let go of your neck so he could sit up and grip your hips with both of his hands. He was fucking the breath out of you with each hard thrust, the sound of his hips slamming against yours filling the room with a lewd rhythm, intertwined with your breathy cries and his low moans of pleasure.
He reached down and stroked you, his touch rough and vigorous, matching the way he was ravaging you in a haze of lust. You could feel yourself sprinting towards that delicious finish line. The end was in sight as your hips jerked wildly, your legs wrapping around Arthur as he thrust even harder and deeper than before. 
"Come fer me," he murmured. "I want to feel you lose yerself around my cock."
You screamed as his words broke the dam that was holding back a torrent of pleasure, your climax tearing through your body at breakneck speed. Your legs stiffened, your toes curled, and your fingers dug into his very muscled biceps as you came harder than you ever had. You shook with aftershocks as Arthur continued to thrust, his hands letting go of your hips as he fell upon his forearms, caging you in as he chased his pleasure. 
"Fuck sweetheart, I'm comin'," he moaned before he buried his head into the crook of your neck. He gave three more erratic thrusts, then nearly crushed you with his weight as he pressed his hips against yours, keeping himself inside of you for as long as he could. 
A breathless moment passed, the two of you trying to catch that elusive breath. Arthur rolled off of you, quickly gathering you into his arms as he tumbled onto his side. 
"Goddamn," he finally muttered. "Wasn't expectin' to have such good company."
You turned in his arms so you could see the wide grin on his face. "For once, I'm glad I got lost in the parking lot."
He kissed your forehead. "Me too, darlin'. But let's make sure we don't get lost again." He found your hands under the covers, brought them up to his lips, and kissed your fingertips. 
"After all, I only just found you, my li'l darlin'."
End Notes: Been a while, and of course, all of my pent-up lust just came streaming out of me in a flurry of words and phrases. Hope it’s still hot enough for you, my lovely readers!
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drxwsyni · 3 years
doubts and desires︱albedo x f!reader
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summary: letting go of the past is hard, but losing what you have now would be harder. leaving albedo is neither something you can do, or something you really want, it’s simply taken you a while to understand that. word count: 2k warnings: implied dubcon, stockholm syndrome, past kidnapping
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Even with how Albedo had bundled you up in a hat, scarf, gloves, and coat―it still failed to ward off the chill that seemingly sucked the warmth right from your body. Yet you said nothing about it, the unwanted attention it would draw from him inevitable if you made your discomfort known. And, you were almost certain he would drag you back to the cabin if he knew how the cold was treating you.
You didn’t enjoy the biting temperatures, but you didn’t want leave. Not when it’s been so long since you descended the mountain, that you barely even remember the feeling of snowfall against your skin.
The whole situation he’s placed you in is really quite foreign―confusing.
In how he’s letting you accompany him in his research, not far from his―your home. A safe distance, so to speak. Or that’s what he said, at least.
You realized that the way he spoke of this outing, how it’d just be the two of you, and that you wouldn’t venture very far; they were words of comfort. Not said to reassure himself that things would go smoothly, but to calm the look of trepidation in your eyes from the mere suggestion of going outside.
Now, seeing Albedo’s nonchalant demeanour while he studies the petrification of a fallen tree, it puts your mind at ease. Sure, if you look closely you’ll be able to see the way his eyes flicker to your form every few seconds or so, making sure you were right where he left you, but generally the alchemist is calm.
It makes you calm, for a moment it feels like you’re able to settle down and appreciate the intricate beauty of the snow swept mountain you stand upon. Best to do so now, knowing it wouldn’t be long until he would lead you home, sheltered safely away from the danger of the mountain’s climate.
“Oh―I didn’t know you were to be researching today, Albedo sir.”
With your back turned to the newly appeared stranger behind you, the cold that had seeped into your bones no longer posed as the only thing holding you in place―it was also now an icy fear.
You watched unmoving from your spot as Albedo gave pause, a hint of contemplation flashing across his face before standing.
“Timaeus. I thought you were studying back in the city.”
The man, who you had yet to properly address, responded with a somewhat nervous laugh.
“Yes, well I was, but it led me to do my own research out in the field…”
Always in a strangely graceful manner, Albedo dusted off his pants and straightened his jacket. A look of unashamed disinterest painted his expression as Timaeus rambled on about his findings.
Truly, you don’t recall Albedo ever showing such emotions with you―a detail not necessarily heartwarming, but still reassuring in an indescribable way.
Perhaps it was due to you being so sure that he’d rid himself of you when you no longer proved useful. Which made the swirling of affection and enamour in his eyes when he gazed upon you settle your nerves, even in just the slightest.
“...which I unfortunately have yet to procure. But―ah, I’ve gotten ahead of myself again. My apologies, how is your research coming along. And...who might you be?”  
If Albedo recognized the look of severe anxiety flashing across your face, he paid no mind. Instead giving you a small, somewhat warm smile. As if to say, “Go ahead.”
The few seconds that passed were done in silence, you desperately trying to read Albedo’s face for ulterior motives, and the man behind you shuffling awkwardly in place while he waited for a response.
By some miracle, your body moved on autopilot, turning around to finally acknowledge the cause of your newfound distress. Only, you couldn’t even look him in the face.
Your mouth was dry, mind foggy and unable to think of a response that was anywhere near being coherent.
“This is my new assistant. Please do forgive her, she’s quite shy.”
A shaky breath escaped your rigid body at the sound of Albedo’s voice, and the feeling of his hand resting gently upon the small of your back.
The blatant lie that only you and him recognized echoed inside your head.
Timaeus had no clue who you were, or what you meant to Albedo. But if he did know, you wondered what he would do.
“...Ah, it’s strange we’ve never met before.”
You could tell without looking that Timaeus was studying your form. With the way his tone shifted to something a little more unsettled, a pit grew in your stomach knowing how he had picked up on your questionable nervousness.
The hand resting on your back felt a little more heavy.
Albedo showed no signs of botherment, “That’s likely because she’s not from here.”
For some ungodly reason, the less experienced alchemist took this as an opportunity. “Oh, if that’s the case then we should show her around. Sucrose could use someone like herself to―”
“Actually, we were just leaving. I’m afraid I’ve kept her out in the cold too long, and descending the mountain any further is quite a reckless task in this weather―” His head turned to look at you, no longer addressing his student, “―right?”
If Timaeus was told of what his teacher had done to you, would he help? Even if he looks up to Albedo, even if everyone does, surely they would step in.
Only, the issue remained that first you’d have to prove to them you were in danger.
...And really, you weren’t. Not anymore.
The tender bruises around your wrists and ankles had healed long ago. Your health was in near perfect condition, what with how Albedo saw to it that you never did anything to put it at risk. A single and quick glance would show that you were so pristinely taken care of, complexion shining now that you no longer spent nights sleepless from fear.
What were you to even say?
Moreso, it remained true that you didn’t quite want to say anything.
Timaeus wouldn’t believe your truth, and Albedo would likely spin the scenario so that your words weren’t reliable anyways.
It dawned on you that Albedo knew this fact well, why else would he bring you with him if he wouldn’t still be entirely in control of the situation?
A simple movement, his hand drifted to your hip and gripped it firmly, urging.
Your voice, barely a whisper met his ears.
“...Of course…”
That was all he needed, sending an impatient, yet still neutral glance towards Timaeus, the smallest hint of self-satisfaction lingering in it.
His student took the hint.
“I have to say, bringing you with me was quite...productive.”
After dinner, Albedo has you keep him company in his study. You, occupied with a book in a chair across from his desk, while he goes over his findings from the day’s outing.
“Research wise, I was able to study you in a foreign situation.” He continued, conversation one-sided, “The results were to my liking…”
Although construed in his ever sophisticated manner, his words told you that you did something right. He was proud, and that notion made the swell of a strange warmth in your heart grow.
The alchemist’s gaze remained downcasted at the papers strewn about in front of him while he spoke. “...I suppose you should be rewarded for such good behaviour.”
Your eyes flitted up, the story on your lap abandoned completely.
Albedo has never spoken of such a thing, not once entertaining the idea of rewards when he saw no reason to ever extend such gratitude. Even after all this time.
He must be especially pleased, you thought.
Perhaps, enough to grant you back even a small semblance of independence...that would most certainly be your wish.
You’d long grown used to his suffocating personality, the intense interest he paid you often resulting in little to no alone time. Albedo made sure you stayed in eyeshot, and in those inevitable times he needed to leave, he made them quick, and you were to be safely tucked away in the bedroom, door locked from the outside. There wasn’t a single detail he missed, no stone left unturned when trying to improve your security.
Unfortunately for you, it left little autonomy.
Just the smallest taste of self-reliance would be fine. You’d love to cook a nice meal, like the ones you used to make. Or perhaps to pick your own outfit one morning, something more your style than the things he put together for you. Any break from his constant guidance, no matter what shape or form, you’d gladly take―
“Why don’t you go get cleaned up then, I’ll meet you upstairs soon.”
Albedo neglected to look up as he spoke, and so he missed how the glimmer of anticipation in your eyes faded away. The way your shoulders dropped slightly, the look of disappointment flashing across your features in understanding of his words.
What he had planned, it was a reward...of sorts.
An excuse, as far as you saw it.
Albedo was known for testing the limits of living beings after all, and in certain ways, such studies extended to how he treats you. It’s a win win for him―he thinks it’s a reward, since he knows he can make you feel good, and doing so just shows him all those little things he can’t learn through idle observation. What makes you squirm or shy away with innocent embarrassment―information just as important as everything else he knows about you.
It doesn’t dissuade Albedo when he finally glances up to see what his offer has done, though the sight does make him feel as though he’s deceived you.
Still, he remains unapologetic. “While you gave me some good insight on how far you’ve...adjusted, I still can’t completely trust you. This merely turned out to be a good opportunity for satisfying your other needs―nothing more.”
Flipping open a nearby textbook, Albedo conveys wordlessly, a difficult habit of his, that the conversation has ended.
You, however, have yet to heed his words. Still seated, the once flickering of hope subsiding with each passing second. Call it grief, but you were sincerely expecting a different outcome. Though, knowing Albedo, and his constant need to grow more knowledgeable, you should’ve seen this coming.
“...I’d rather not have to force your compliance tonight. So, please―” He gestured towards the door with a wave of his hand, focus trained and brows barely knitted while he skims over his readings on the desk.
Honestly speaking, you once thought Albedo was a deeply confusing man. So too was the life he’d meticulously prepared, and swiftly forced you into. Yet, looking back, things may have been more simple than you once perceived.
Your only real job is to exist and comply. And you both know you’re not going anywhere, not going to say no. Especially now, given how effortless it feels to fall into routine, going through the motions of his request and carrying yourself upstairs.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you realize it’s too late for you, what feels like an eternity spent at Albedo’s side having just about rendered your fighting spirit useless. It’s been long since replaced with what you’re coming to know as a certain fondness. You want to see the compassion in his eyes that’s sparked by your willing compliance.
It was a single, tangible goal. Not complex and unobtainable like those tasks of your past life. Attempts at obtaining those desires are futile, when today's events proved you genuinely no longer want them anymore.
It’s much easier to make Albedo proud. You don’t realize that you do it everyday, and that he’s just poor at conveying his own emotions...
Drawing yourself a bath, you wash away past doubts, settling with what your life has turned into.
Distantly, you hear Albedo make his way up the stairs and towards your bedroom. You like knowing what’s to come, which is always something you’ll have with him. You can’t say the same if you leave, and so you finally resolve that you never will.
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alyss-spazz-penedo · 3 years
So this is not actually the next part of the unedited v!Wind fic but I got the sweetest anon ask in my inbox and like, suddenly *m o t i v a t i o n,* y’know?
So have this sort-of one-shot, set in some nebulous hypothetical future of that fic. Idr if I’d brought up the possibility of Phantom traveling with the boys before (I really need to find time to reread what I’ve written), but this would be set after they'd been past that point for a while.
Nonny, I hope you enjoy <3 This one’s for you! (And the amazing @w1lmutt, of course.)
TW: cursing, bleeding and self-inflicted harm. Nothing graphic, I promise. (Also, the hero boys being stupid martyrs, but that’s practically par for the course.)
They manage to make it to camp before Phantom explodes.
"What the fuck, old man!" the boy snarls. He grabs Time by the collar and drags the taller man down to his level. Time lets him, which only serves to incite the boy further. "What the hell do you think I am? Some kind of charity case?" He spits.
Time says nothing. He doesn’t even have the decency to wince when Phantom jostles his broken arm.
"Look. At. Me!" the boy demands, punctuating each word with a small, ineffectual shake. "I am more than just another one of your failures! I make my own damn choices! I can deal with their consequences! You are not responsible for me, who the fuck do you think you are?"
Time shakes his head, still too calm to be doing their youngest’s temper any favors. He doesn’t look at Phantom like the boy’s a perfectly capable hero in his own right, and Phantom cannot stand that. "I understand that you-" the man begins.
Phantom decks him.
"That’s enough!" The others step in then, pulling them away from each other. Time, however, won’t stop looking at him like that.
Phantom rips himself away, snarling. He needs to get out of here.
He stalks off before he can do something really rash, like go for his sword.
"You here to lecture me?"
Phantom kicks his feet in the air from the branch he’s perched on, eerily reminiscent of the first time the heroes had met him. His eyes are dark.
"Not gonna lie, I was expecting the captain or the puppy," the boy drawls.
Four sighs. With a quick burst from his Roc’s cape, he climbs his way up to a branch nearby, settling so they’re vaguely facing each other. "You did go too far."
"Fuck off," Phantom growls, jabbing his blade at Four threateningly. “He was asking for it.”
Four eyes the blade, then its wielder. "You shouldn’t point that at someone you don’t intend to use it on. It’s a weapon, not a toy."
"If you think I’m merely playing around, then man have I got unpleasant news for you."
Four sighs. "I know being babied sucks, but watch what lines you cross," he tells the younger boy bluntly.
"Oh, shut up. What would you know?"
"Who do you think got the brunt of the group’s mother-cucco tendencies before you came along?" Four points out, dry. In the ensuing silence, he ticks off, "I'm the shortest of the lot, and sometimes that means they like to pretend I’m not mature enough to handle ‘adult things’," he makes air quotes with his fingers. "Meanwhile Hyrule regularly overextends himself, but he’s got one of the best senses of when to cut and run, so he’s better about tolerating the fretting and gets hurt less frequently than, say, the Champion. And Legend gets out of most of it by being an asshole." A pause. "Though even he has the good manners to thank someone who saved him, however roundabout the Vet might be about it."
The boy looks nearly contemplative, under the stubborn mulishness. Four lets the silence sit for a minute. Then, lightly, he tacks on, “Though if you’re trying to pull a Legend to get out of being fussed over, I should warn you: that ship has long sailed for you.”
Phantom stares at him with that fantastic pissy face he makes sometimes. “Was that a boat joke,” he deadpans. Four grins at him, quick and impish, and the boy rewards him with a groan. "The sailor puns are getting really old."
"You're not the one who gets to decide that," Four giggles. Then, "Feeling better? Ready to face the music?"
"Absolutely not." But the kid climbs out of the tree anyway, no threats or violence necessary. Four will count it as a win.
Back at camp, Phantom marches up to Time. With everyone else not-so-discretely looking on, he makes a show of leaving his sword out of easy reach and points at the ground.
“Sit,” he orders, as though the armored hero were a very large dog.
Time stares down at him. “If you mean to hit me again, I’m afraid I’ll have to decline,” he says wryly. Phantom scowls.
“Sit, you big lug. I know a spell for that arm of yours, and I’m not doing it with you standing over me. You’re too tall.”
Time lowers himself to the ground obligingly, even as he prods, “A spell, hmm? What exactly does it do?”
Phantom, somewhat alarmingly, snaps his fangs over his fingertips hard enough to draw blood. “It’s not quite a healing spell, but it’ll get rid of that shiner I gave you, and probably patch up your arm too. Gonna use your magic to do it, though.” He lifts bloody fingers to his own face, dabbing marks on his skin with a hesitance that speaks of relying on borrowed memories, before pausing. “Close your eyes, old man. I’m not teaching you this spell, you’re an idiot who’ll misuse it.”
“So pushy today.” Time closes his one eye, reluctant but confident that the others will stop the boy from attacking him if it comes down to it. “I don’t see what the problem is. It sounds useful; it’d be good to take some of the burden of healing off Hyrule.”
“You would think that,” the boy huffs, right before wet fingers brush at his cheek. Time twitches away with a faint grimace.
“Are you bleeding on me now,” he asks, plaintive. Phantom huffs.
“Don’t be a baby; it’ll flake right off. Quit moving.”
The man exhales slowly, obviously uncomfortable. But despite his suspicions and reservations, Time doesn’t move and he doesn’t ask. He merely lets the boy do as likes, lets him keep his secrets. This, Phantom knows, is Time’s own kind of apology.
He’s not above taking advantage of that.
The former villain dots a final smear under the hero’s eye, then immediately presses his wide sleeve over his work, obscuring the design from the curious eyes of their audience.
“I’m starting it now,” he warns.
Time feels a tug on his magic—much smaller than he was expecting. A song on his Ocarina might cost him the same amount. The pain in his eye and then his arm ebbs away, pulled somewhere by the spell, and the dampness on his face ashes off right off, as promised. Time raises a hand to scratch at the lingering itch even as he opens his eyes.
“I still don’t see why-” he begins. Stops.
Phantom turns away swiftly, but the boy is standing too close to hope to hide the bruising on his face. Bruising he did not have before.
Time seizes the boy by the arm before he can flee. He drops that arm just as quickly when Phantom yelps in pain, registering too late that it’s the same arm Time himself had just had broken—had just had healed.
“What have you done,” he hears himself ask, even though he already knows.
Phantom rocks back on his heels, trying for nonchalance and failing badly at it. “This isn’t something I plan to do often,” he huffs, refusing to look Time—or anyone—in the eye. Time clenches his jaw hard enough for his teeth to creak. “You can suffer from your own mistakes. But if you’re gonna take a blow meant for me, again-”
“This isn’t happening again,” Time cuts in, cold down to his bones. He needs to nip this in the bud, right now, or it'll only get worse as their battles grow harsher. “I forbid it.”
Phantom gets a mulish look on his face. Time feels his horror mount as the younger hero growls, “Just try and stop me.”
Time grabs the kid by the shoulder—the uninjured one this time. What does he need to do to make the boy see sense? “Do not use that spell again, Phantom.”
“Let go of me,” Phantom snarls, futilely trying to claw his way out of the older man’s grip. Unfortunately, Time doesn’t think he could make his own fingers loosen if he tried. “You’re such a fucking hypocrite. Don't pretend you wouldn't do the exact same thing if literally anyone got so much as a scratch on them."
"That's-" different, he almost says, but he recognizes that it would be exactly the wrong thing to say right now. He deflates ever so slightly, just enough for Phantom to rip himself free and start rubbing at his arm, shaking faintly. A distant part of himself remembers the boy's issues with touch guiltily. "What made you think that was remotely acceptable? Why do you even know a spell like that?" He demands, side-stepping the accusation with what little grace he can scrounge up in his rattled state.
In his own display of blatantly dodging around a topic, Phantom looks away and snaps, "Gee, I wonder why Ganondorf would possibly know a spell that let him pass off wounds to hapless victims. Such a mystery for the ages."
The silence is deafening. Too late, Phantom snaps his mouth shut, realizing he's said too much.
"Are you saying you used a fucking torture spell on yourself-" someone begins.
"Why in the world would you even-?"
"Are you actually out of your mind-!?"
"When I said 'thank him' this is not what I meant-!"
"We're not all this bad, are we? It's just the two of them?" Warriors groans loudly, looking pained. At his words, Twilight whips around just in time to catch sight of the terrifyingly thoughtful look on Wild's face.
"Cub, don't you even think about it-!"
The bellow comes from, surprisingly, Hyrule. The boy scowls at them all disapprovingly.
"Wild, dinner's burning," he starts, very evenly. The aforementioned hero takes the chance to duck his mentor's fretful clutches, scampering over to the fire.
"Phantom, congratulations, your arm's broken," the wandering hero continues, voice more than dry enough to make up for his homeland's lack of a Gerudo desert. "That means I'll be working on you instead of our leader. Do not-" he interrupts preemptively, jabbing a finger forward and speaking over the boy's attempts to protest. "Just. Don't. We're out of potions, and that means I look over everyone that gets hurt. I'd be looking at that arm if you'd gotten your injury naturally. I'd be looking over Time right now if you'd been a bit less hasty with your ritual. And I think we'd all prefer it if you didn't use that spell again, or teach anyone how to do it."
A glance around the clearing reveals a show of nods, no one disputing Hyrule's words.
Phantom tries to cross his arms before dropping them with a wince. "You can't actually stop me," he sulks at them all. The pout really brings out the bruising on his face.
"It would be hard to, yeah," Sky agrees, soothing. "But it should be fine if there's no need for you to use it, right? Because Time," he shoots a Look at their stoic leader, "isn't going to do something reckless like throw himself in front of a monster with no shield again, right?"
Time grimaces faintly. "I'll try," he promises, which—from the looks on his companions' faces—isn't nearly good enough. But they all recognize that it's entirely honest, and the best they're going to get out of him tonight.
So ends the incident; they let the matter lie there, awkward and ignorable, and move onward with their evening.
Phantom corners Twilight during his watch shift.
"Tell me you have blackmail on that idiot," he hisses. His request comes out like an order.
There's no need for their youngest to clarify who he means. The rancher pats the kid on the head, just once, like he thinks Phantom's cute but also knows he bites. "I'm not giving you blackmail on Time," he replies cheerfully. The younger hero has far too much influence on the man already. "You'll use it for evil, which I'm afraid goes against my personal code of honor. So sorry."
Phantom narrows his eyes, letting the needling slide entirely. "So you do have dirt on him," he divines.
Twilight rolls his eyes. "Leave him alone, brat. Do we need to have this talk again? Quit tormenting him."
"I'm not. Blackmailing him into self-care will only be good for him, promise."
"You can't honestly think that'll work." A pause. "Or that we haven't tried it already. It doesn't work."
"Bet you I could do it." Phantom's eyes have that disturbingly obsessive gleam in them again. "Bet you I've thought of something you haven't."
"Uh huh. And what would that be."
"All have to do is threaten to snitch on him." The boy's grin widens mischievously. "To you."
"Come on, think of it," the sailor wheedles. "He hates you fusing over him. It's why you never give me those don't-touch-my-almost-dad talks while he's still in earshot, yeah?"
Twilight's face does a funny little twitch.
"I know it, you know it, and I'd bet good money the others know it too," Phantom presses on. "How much more self-preservation do you think we could squeeze out of him if we pretend that the alternative is me giving you more reasons to shoot him worried looks all day and do that hovering thing you like to do?"
The older hero appears to consider this seriously for a long, long moment. Phantom leans in, eyes wide and imploring.
"...Nope. Still not telling you anything." Twilight tries to keep his face stern, even as a traitorous twitch pulls at the corner of his mouth. "You're not going to trick free blackmail out of me that easily."
The boy deflates. "Screw you," he grumbles. "It would've worked. I know it would've worked."
Twilight ruffles the grumpy kid's hair. "It was a nice try," he offers, and accepts the kick to the knee he gets in return as his due.
(In his bedroll across the clearing, pretending to be asleep, Time feels something tight and anxious in his chest finally begin to relax. He's nearly giddy with the sheer relief of his epiphany.
That's how he'll keep Phantom from pulling stunts this stupid again. Tell Tetra.)
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borealis-strange · 3 years
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Chapter 4: Poppy Garden
Franco and Regina get their stuff stolen by fairies. The only way to get them back is by facing an iron golem.
This is having a lot more success than expected and I'm really happy about it!
Tag-list:  @freesiafields @bambirexwrites @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen @vaeya @sirenlovesqueen @moreofthatqueen @eileen-crys​
If someone wants to be added or removed from the tag-list just tell me :}
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We left The Silver two days after the andal incident, and we planned to go to Gold Pine, a little detour from our original plan, but it would do us good.
Unfortunately, night fell on the way, and Franco and I had to camp in the woods. I didn't have a bad time, quite the contrary, Franco taught me a few new movements with the sword, sang more chivalric songs, and best of all, we slept under the stars.
But our luck ran out overnight.
The first rays of sunlight started to wake me up and I stretched out a bit. Franco was still snoring slightly, then I'll wake him up.
I got out of the sleeping bag and rolled it up, but it was not where I had left it when looking for my backpack. I looked around the bushes and tree branches but it wasn't there.
Where was it? By better examining our camp; my backpack and my armor, and sword were nowhere to be found, and Franco's things were also missing.
Oh gods. Oh gods. This was not good at all.
— Franco — I called him waving his arm slightly — Franco wake up —
Franco grunted slightly and turned with his back to me.
—Let me sleep, will you,— he said hoarsely.
— Franco — I waved his arm again — Someone stole our things —
— What? —
— The backpacks are not here, nor my armor —
Franco sat up with difficulty.
— What do you mean by “someone stole our things”? — He asked angrily.
— Well, they robbed us — I said agitated — I looked everywhere for our stuff but they are not there —
Franco got up with difficulty from his sleeping bag.
— What are you waiting for? We have to look for them — He said as he walked away into the forest.
I quickly put the sleeping bags away and went after him.
We walked in the forest, searching in every corner, every bush, and under every stone. We had been told that there were hardly any thieves here, that it was rare for you to be mugged. Either they lied to us or we were very unlucky.
How could they rob us without us noticing? We slept with things next to us and I was a fairly light sleeper. Especially the armor, that thing sounds quite a bit if you try to move it.
In the distance, I saw something colorful that moved with difficulty. At first, I thought it was a firefly, but I saw that it was a fairy when I analyzed it.
It was carrying our backpacks!
— Look — I caught Franco's attention — It's our stuff —
Franco gestured for me to go after the fairy.
I tried to approach the fairy silently. I tried to hide as much as possible but somehow the fairy seemed to notice my presence, it stopped for a second, analyzing the surroundings of him and then flying away at full speed.
Without much thought, I ran after the fairy, crossing logs, stones, and all kinds of obstacles without noticing where the fairy was taking me. The only thing that mattered to me was not losing sight of her.
The fairy was faster than I believed. It moved nimbly through the trees and seemed to know the forest pretty well.
The fairy ended up guiding me to a garden, rather a field full of poppies of all colors; red, orange, white, and even purple. The ideal place for a fairy to hide. I looked around, the fairy was nowhere to be found. I had lost sight of her.
I cursed and continued my search.
I walked looking where I stepped, I did not want to step on a fairy by accident. I looked at all the details, there must be something out of place.
After a few minutes, Franco came to my side.
— Did you lose sight of her? — He asked.
— Something like that — I admitted — It must be here. She is hiding from us —
Franco didn't say anything else and he started looking with me.
We lasted a few minutes like this, looking at the ground until Franco caught my attention and indicated a spot on the grass with one hand. Our backpacks were hidden with grass and flowers, and on top of these was a little fairy. We approached in silence.
— Give us back our things! — I demanded the little fairy. 
The fairy flew with our things until she was at our eye level.
— What things? — The fairy feigned innocence.
— Our backpacks with all our things — I said raising my voice and pointing to the backpacks.
— Oh! Those things — the fairy sang maliciously.
This thing was wearing out my patience, I had to fight the urge to crush it with one hand. I couldn't do it, I was going to end up cursed by the other fairies.
— Let's go Regina — Franco took me by the arm - It's not worth it. —
— Oh, and what is this little Ender chest? — Said the fairy while he held Franco's chest. — I wonder what is inside —
Franco rummaged inside his jacket and confirmed that it was his Ender chest.
— Give me that back! — Franco roared — They are personal things —
— I will not return anything, I found it — replied the fairy — Although ... you could do me a small favor in exchange for your things —
— What do you want? — I asked in disgust.
The prairie fairies had a bad reputation for being treacherous. She wouldn't give us an easy mission, she would probably give us a mission to die and keep our things.
— Oh, nothing special. Let's say that an iron golem has been attacking our small village, several fairies have disappeared because of that and we cannot face it alone — Said the fairy feigning innocence, although it seemed that his story was true.
— An iron golem?! — I screamed perplexed. The fairy must be crazy if she wanted us to get rid of it. I never believed that she would give us a mission of that caliber.
— Yes! A very big one — The fairy exclaimed as if that would help us something.
—We can't fight that — I said in a low voice just for Franco to listen.
Franco agreed with me in silence
The golems were at least six feet tall and with great resistance, let alone their strength. I was just a knight in training and I don't think Franco can fight against that.
— Then I guess you don't want your things back. Now I will have a new armor of ... —
— Alright, alright! — Franco interrupted. — We will do it —
I saw how the fairy had a more malicious smile than before.
— Excellent! — The fairy said with joy as he flapped his wings even more.
The fairy said nothing more. Did we have to go or ...?
— Won't you give us a clue? — I said after a few seconds of silence
— Oh right! I almost forgot. — The fairy flew away from her until we lost sight of her.
Franco and I looked at each other somewhat confused. After a minute the fairy came back with another backpack, I assumed she stole it from someone else, and she gave it to us.
— Here comes everything you need; potions, food, water, and a small map that will indicate where the golem is — The fairy informed
Indeed, everything the fairy said was in there, in addition to a few ropes. The potions were: instant healing, strength, and speed. Although no knife or somethingTheeven though came to defend us, or protect us in that case.
— Can't you return my armor and sword, please? — I tried to convince her.
— No — The fairy smirked before leaving.
How did she expect us to face an iron golem alone? In itself it was a very difficult task with armor and sword, now it was practically impossible. We were going to die.
— What will we do now? — I asked Franco worried.
— Use our head — Franco replied pointing to my head.
We took out the map and began to analyze it, before embarking on our terrible adventure. This area was called "Poppy Garden". Apparently, the golem's lair was to the north, in a cavern or in an underground hole (I couldn't figure out what it was). It didn't seem to be a long trip if only a couple of hours walking.
With little hope, we set out on our journey.
At least the forest was pretty, full of flowers, mushrooms, and the beautiful autumn leaves of the trees.
I stopped at some points to just appreciate the beauty for a few seconds but Franco seemed to be in a hurry. I didn't blame him, he also wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.
— If I'm honest, I'm very tempted to leave our things with those silly fairies — Franco commented annoyed after walking for a few minutes.
— I feel you but they took my Ender pearl — I lamented.
— And my old armor. — Franco sighed
— Do you think they give us something? Besides our things — I asked with a little hope.
— Honestly, I doubt it. Hopefully and they will give us a copper coin —
— That’d be enough for half a loaf of bread, it is something I suppose — 
We decided to camp, to rest a little before our great battle, and to eat something. We were a bit tired, rather Franco was tired, and we couldn't fight in those conditions.
I arranged the sleeping bags to have a place to sit and rummaged through my backpack for the great food we were promised. There wasn't too much, a bit of spoiled fruit, stale bread, dried meat, and an egg that surprisingly hasn't been broken. The eggs and meat seemed good enough not to make us sick.
Fortunately, there was also a frying pan and a wooden spoon in the backpack.
I started a small fire and started cooking.
When I thought it was ready, I removed it from the fire. Having no plates, we both had to eat from the frying pan.
I tried the food, it was decent, better than I expected but still, it seemed that the eggs were a bit stale. Franco didn't complain, although he didn't look very happy with the food, plus he couldn't do much since it was the least bad thing there was. When we get to Gold Pine we will buy more food.
Franco talked about his adventures, such as the time that with only his trusty sword and armor he managed to defeat an army of 20 men that time when he fought with Conterstine, the king of Obsidian, or the time he fell in love with a princess, which I did not believe in the least. The truth, despite the fact that sometimes his stories sounded exaggerated, I liked listening to them, more than anything because of the way he narrated them, with exaggerated hand movements and giving great epicity to the scenes.
— What if we do something else? — I asked excitedly.
— Do what? — Franco questioned.
— You could teach me to dance Pagan party — I suggested with a big smile.
Franco gave a little laugh.
— I don’t think so. There is no music and it is also more fun when there are more than two people. It will be in another chance —
More silence.
— Could you tell me another story? — I ventured to ask.
Let's see if this time he tells me something new.
— What kind of story do you want? — Franco asked.
— I don't know ... a story about your last adventure — I said with a smile.
— No — Franco said coldly.
— Why not? — I questioned.
— Because I say so. —
— Come on Franco — I begged —  I think I'm old enough to listen to it —
Franco sighed heavily.
— If I tell you something about it, will you stop bothering with it? - Franco said with some annoyance.
I nodded excitedly.
— Okay — I got a little closer to him — It was the fall of Farfania —
I waited for him to say something else but apparently, he had already finished his fantastic story.
— And? — I inquired.
— What do you mean “And”? That's all — Franco said a little angry.
— You said you were going to tell me the story — I said disappointed.
—I said I was just going to tell you something, — he snapped.
— And can you tell me about your mark? — I tried.
— I already told you it was the Netherite Knight — Franco said with disgust.
Yes, but I wanted to know more details. I'm sure it was an epic adventure or what if Franco fought the knight bravely to save the Empire. What if he was the one who defeated the Netherite knight! Well, it was the kings who defeated the knight but there is a possibility that Franco helped them.
I preferred not to continue insisting, I did not want to put Franco in a worse mood than he already was.
Maybe Joanna could help us? She was a fairy, from the forest, but a fairy. I looked in my backpack for the little notebook she had given me. It was not there. It was with my other things.
— We'd better move on — Franco told me — I don't want to wait until it's the night to attack that thing. —
I nodded and started putting the things away, put out the fire, and followed Franco.
The map wasn't very accurate, to say the least, and it also didn't give any clue as to where the golem might be. We spent a few minutes circling the area in search of ... anything really.
Franco stopped and started to look around frantically. He indicated me with a gesture to follow him silently. We walked a couple of meters until Franco hid in a fallen log and I went behind him.
I peeked out carefully because I hadn't even seen the golem.
We watched the golem from the shadows. He had a human form but with longer arms. It had details in gold and red stone. His eyes were red and seemed to glow. He also had a red sphere on his chest, I assumed it was the magic that gave him energy.
— And what will we do against that thing? — I asked in a low voice.
Franco put his hand on his chin while he thought. I imitated him.
— We cannot attack directly, I cannot fight and you alone can’t do it — Franco reasoned—We need to dismantle it in some way or damage it -
— We also need to save the fairies — I reminded Franco.
— We also need to do that — Franco noted — One of us could distract him while another takes care of the fairies —
— I distract him! — I exclaimed
— No, I will distract him — Franco arranged
— Not to offend you Franco, but I am faster and more agile — I said in a low voice.
— I know but if that thing catches you it will hurt you —
I rolled my eyes. I appreciated his concern but he was in more danger than I was.
— It will hurt you too — I replied
Franco looked at me surprised.
— It does not matter. So, you'd better hurry up when saving the fairies if you don't want something to happen to me —
— But… —
— No buts Regina - Franco interrupted. — I will distract him and as soon as he moves away, you go in and look for the fairies. Okay? —
No, I did not agree. Franco was putting himself in danger for me, I couldn't accept that.
— Stay calmed, I'll be fine — He tried to reassure me, but by the tone of his voice he did not quite believe it either.
I didn't say anything, I just nodded slowly.
— Perfect — he sighed heavily — Be careful —
— Have this — She said while he gave her the backpack — You will need it more than me—
Franco gave me a comforting smile and I returned it to him.
Franco came out of our hiding spot and approached where the golem was. He threw a rock at it, that hit it right on the head. The golem turned to see him but he did nothing. Franco threw another stone at his head. The golem's eyes shone even brighter and he began to approach Franco with slow, heavy steps.
Franco tried to run away from him and the golem went after him.
I ran quickly until I reached the entrance to his lair. I opened the metal door and walked in
The lair was… much more elaborate than I had expected. The walls were high made of stone and the only source of light was the glowstone embedded in the walls. There was no difference in how I could locate each aisle. It was a complete maze in here.
I ran through the corridors looking for a door. There didn't seem to be any unless they were hidden with magic. I was probably just running around the same three corridors.
Why would a golem have a bunker? Also, what did he need fairies for? Nor is it that they are very strong. Was he going to use them to illuminate? No, that's very silly. Their magic? Most likely, strange though.
The golem might work for someone, but what did that that someone wanted. Kidnapping fairies for fun? Or ... get fairy dust.
I don't know how long I ran through the hallways, maybe a few minutes.
I finally found a door. I opened it and went inside.
The fairies were in a large metal cage. They were flitting all over the place, trying to move the cage to drop it
— Shhh — I indicated to the fairies — I have come to help you but I need you to be calm — I said in a low voice.
The fairies calmed down and sat down. There must have been at least twenty locked up.
The cage had a large lock. I had no clasp that I could use to force it.
— Do you know where the key is? — I asked the fairies.
— The golem has it — One of them answered in a small voice.
Magnificent! This was going from bad to worse.
— Don't you know if there is ... a weapon or something in this place?— I asked the fairies. This could be our only salvation.
— We know it has a bow and arrows in one of the rooms — One of the fairies answered in a low voice.
— Why would a golem have a bow and arrows? — I thought aloud.
— We think it's from its boss - The fairies said in unison.
— Its boss? —
— Yes! A black skeleton with white eyes always comes along. We do not know why, but he is always giving instructions to the golem and he always takes one of us when he comes — Said one of them with a trembling voice.
A wither skeleton? I thought they were not welcome here. I had heard it was because of a problem that occurred when Auredin was built. I think it was a battle over territorial issues or that they didn't want an alliance with the Empire. Something like that, I did not remember well.
— Well ... I'm going to look for that and I'll come to save you as soon as I can — I promised the fairies before leaving.
— Good luck! — The fairies screamed when he was at the door.
Fortunately, it didn't take me long to find the room they said. It was small with a bed and without any kind of lighting. I quickly found the bow and leather quiver with a few arrows.
I went back through the infinite corridors until I found the exit, this time faster, fortunately.
The forest had changed since I had entered the bunker, there were several damaged trees, and some collapsed. I hope Franco is well.
I stood waiting for a clue of where Franco could be, or the golem in this case.
In the distance, a tree fell to the ground. I ran as fast as I could towards the source of the noise.
I managed to see the golem in the distance, who was grabbing the trees and shaking them before knocking them down in a crash.
I took the longest way around him and he didn't see me, hoping to see Franco.
I managed to locate Franco, he was hiding behind a fallen log.
I approached carefully and lay down next to him. He didn't seem to have any damage besides a couple of scratches on his face. I breathed in relief.
— Until you finally decided to appear — Franco said with annoyance when I reached his side — We have to go now —
— We can't, I haven't rescued the fairies yet — I told Franco nervously.
— What?! — Franco exclaimed in a low voice — We have to go now. That thing wants to kill me — He said roughly. — We are with only two regeneration potions and nothing else —
— We need a key that the golem has — I said agitatedly.
Franco massaged his temples in frustration.
— Don't worry, I have this bow — I said as I showed it to him.
I got up from hiding. The golem was still distracted trying to throw down trees, he was looking for us. I closed one eye to aim better. I tried to tighten the rope without much success. The arrow shot to the ground a few meters away.
— Give me that — Franco said as he snatched the bow from me — You don't even know how to use that thing —
— Well, you never taught me to use it — I reproached him
Franco ignored what I said and began to count the arrows in a low voice.
— Fifteen arrows and the bow has Power II. Hopefully, that’ll be enough —
— What will you do? — Asked
— You — he said as he pointed at me — You're going to go with him and you'll attract him to me. I will try to hit the source of his power —
No. No. No. That was a terrible idea. Franco couldn't see in one eye, he wasn't fit to fight. He didn't want something to happen to him. I couldn't let it happen again, not with him.
— Easy, everything will be fine — He put a hand on my shoulder to try to comfort me.
—No… we can't — I stammered. Franco looked at me confused. — We have to do something else —
At first, I thought this would be easy but it wasn't. That thing could kill us easily.
— What if we better go back? — I sobbed. Franco smiled at me compassionately.
— I may be old but I can still fight — he said sweetly — Besides, I am not going to abandon that old armor —
I let out a little laugh.
— We'd better do this — Franco said confidently.
I nodded slowly but there was no other way. I came out of hiding and approached carefully.
— Hey! — I yelled at the golem.
He stopped throwing down trees and slowly turned his head towards me. My heart was pounding against my chest, this was a very bad idea.
The golem approached me and began to observe me curiously. I had to get away but my legs just weren't reacting.
An arrow hit him right in the eye.
— What do you think you're doing? — I heard Franco yell — Get out of the way! —
As if a bucket of cold water had dropped, I woke up. I ran in the opposite direction from him. The golem was slower than I expected but that didn't mean that he was close to me.
The golem lunged one of his arms at me and I fell to the ground. The golem ended up hitting a tree. I covered my face with my arms to avoid being hit by pieces of wood.
I looked up and saw how the golem was regaining his composure. In the distance, I saw how Franco began to shoot arrows without much success.
— But you have to hit him! — I yelled at Franco.
— It's what I’m trying! — He yelled back at me.
The golem saw me on the ground and slowly approached me again. I crawled on the ground running from the golem until I hit a tree. The golem approached me with some curiosity. Before he could do anything to me, an arrow hit him right in the head, bouncing off with a metallic sound.
The golem turned its head slowly towards Franco. Franco prepared another arrow and hit him in the head again.
The golem's eyes glowed even brighter in anger and he seemed to let out a slight growl.
The golem moved away from me and began to slowly approach Franco. Franco as he could try to hit him with more arrows but the golem was too close. He managed to hit it on the chest but it wasn't enough, the golem was still working.
In a lucid moment, I got up off the ground and lunged at the golem, not to knock him down but to climb on top of it and distract it. As best I could, I grabbed onto him and climbed onto his shoulders.
The golem jerked sharply and I tried to cling to his body as closely as possible. Franco regained his composure and tried to hit the golem again but he was moving too much.
The golem knocked me to the ground roughly. I fell on some branches and a severe headache began to form. My head was spinning and for a moment I didn't know where I was.
The golem was slowly approaching me and I was doing my best to back away. This was my end. I couldn't even say goodbye to Franco, or to my uncle. I closed my eyes waiting for my end but nothing happened.
I opened my eyes in fear and saw how an arrow hit him right in the center of his power source, just above the previous one. I smiled a little. The golem tried to get his hands closer to the arrow but he started to fail, his legs stopped reacting and he started to wobble until he stopped moving.
The golem's body fell to the ground in a great crash. We both got closer. The golem's eyes stopped glowing. The power source was pulling in bright red liquid, it looked like blood.
— Are you alright? — Franco came quickly to my side.
I felt a strong burning in my right arm, it had a cut, about four inches, fortunately, it was not very deep. Franco saw the wound and grimaced.
— Have this — He said while giving me one of the healing potions — Hopefully that will be enough —
I opened the bottle and the floral smell made me slightly dizzy. I drank it quickly, it tasted horrible like rotten fruit but it was what we had. I will never get used to the taste of these things.
I felt the heat rise up my arm and my skin begin to heal. I looked away, I had never dared to see the healing process with a potion, they said it was disgusting.
Franco had gotten even closer to the golem, perhaps to analyze it.
I never believed that Franco was capable of fighting, well ... I knew that he had done it at some point but since he always complained of constant pain I never believed that he would see him in action. I know it was just a couple of arrows but that did not take away my impression.
— Do you think that with that he will no longer attack the fairies? — I asked.
— I don’t know. I hope so. If not the fairies are going to curse us —
I got up from the ground and shook the dirt from my dress, and pulled out a couple of branches and leaves that had been left in my hair.
I walked over to Franco's side, we still needed to save the fairies. The key was embedded in the golem's chest, just above the power source. With some effort, I managed to remove it.
I quickly returned to the bunker and went through the corridors until I found the room where the fairies were
I opened the cage and the fairies immediately flew towards the exit. I went behind them until I met Franco who continued to admire the golem.
I was tempted to stay a little longer in the bunker to explore. There must be many more secrets in there. I didn't, mostly because I was still unprotected and you never know that you might find yourself in an evil lair.
I noticed that in Franco's hand he was carrying a completely red sphere.
— What is that for? — I asked.
— It is our proof that we defeated the golem. You know how fussy fairies are — Franco said with some disgust.
We walked quietly back to the Poppy Garden.
— I have to say that whoever wants to have built that thing did a good job — Franco commented.
— Excuse? — I asked amused.
— It's a very well-made golem. Its power source is made of red stone and something else that I don't know what it is — Franco continued — It's impressive, in its own way. Besides that I hadn't seen one of those things for years —
— I thought they were just legends — I commented.
— I thought so too. The kings supposedly dismantled all of them and with the metal, they created all those modern inventions. I am impressed that there was still one and in such good condition —
We arrived at the Poppy Garden when the sun was about to set.
For whatever reason, there were tables with white tablecloths decorated with colorful flower arrangements. In addition, there were some makeshift lamps with tall tree branches and various luminous mushrooms. There were arches made of branches, decorated with pieces of cloth and dried flowers.
All the fairies were sitting at the tables, they looked anxious as they flapped their wings, it seemed they were expecting a great feast.
At the back was a small table, for two people, I assumed it was ours. The fairy leader was waiting for us with a big, eager smile.
Everything was in absolute silence, which made it scarier. It even seemed that fairies want to eat us.
— We already saved the fairies — I said harshly to the leader.
— Yes, but it won't do any good if the golem is still loose there — The fairy said mockingly.
I looked at the fairy suspiciously and she just smirked at me. I took the sphere out of the backpack.
— Here's the proof that we got rid of the monster — I raised my voice to get everyone's attention as I hit the table with the sphere — It's the golem's power source. Now give us our things —
The leader carefully analyzed the sphere. All the little fairies came closer to see better.
— It's true — The leader announced and all the fairies gasped — They are heroes! —
Screams of excitement were heard from all sides. Fairies flew everywhere, hugging each other.
— In gratitude, we will give you a gold coin — She said as he handed me the coin — A banquet before your departure and an enchanted book —
— An enchanted book? — I asked puzzled.
— Yes. One of your choice — The leader replied with a genuine smile.
There were too many books that would be perfect for my sword. But what could it be? Mending I? Sharpnedd II?
— Could it be... Fire aspect? — I decided.
— Of course! — The fairy said, this time with a genuine smile.
The leader snapped her fingers and a fairy brought the book with difficulty.
I passed it on to Franco so he could see if it was legitimate. He nodded his head approvingly.
— Well. We will start our great banquet! — The leader yelled and even more screams were heard
The fairies guided us, rather pushed us, to the back tables to sit down. We settled. The fairies put flower crowns on us and Franco immediately took it off. I preferred to stay with it, it was quite cute and smelled quite good.
Shortly afterward some fairies arrived carrying a tray with different cuts of meat, sausages, roasted corn and chili peppers, and baked potatoes; a real feast. While they went to each fairy to serve the food, other fairies served us hot tea with milk, which I greatly appreciated.
It's been years since I'd had a meal this elegant, and in fact, it was quite difficult to have such a meal these days.
We ate while some fairies gave little shows. Some sang and others said little poems. Apparently, it was some kind of tradition among the fairies.
After dinner, the fairies formed a small band with which they began to play various popular songs.
— Do you want to dance? — I asked Franco. He just watched me — Come on, it will be fun 
— I think this time I’ll pass —
— Please Franco — I begged him.
— No — he said coldly. — And DO NOT insist —
I didn't want to dance along with the fairies, to tell the truth, they still scared me a little. After a few seconds of thinking about it, I got up from my seat and went to accompany the fairies.
It wasn't as bad as I thought, fairies flitted around me as I spun around and tried to dance to the music. It wasn't very good but it was quite fun.
It was quite magical.
I don't know what time the celebration ended, probably after midnight because of how cold it started to get. At the end of everything, the fairies saved everything with their magic and went to the poppies to sleep.
I approached Franco, who was already preparing his sleeping bag.
—And what will we do now? — I asked in a low voice so as not to wake anyone up.
— Sleep — Franco answered. — Tomorrow we will have a short trip but it is still important to rest —
— Where will we sleep? —
— Here, where else? — Franco answered as if it were very obvious.
I looked around me. Franco chose the ideal place, where there were no poppies but still he did not want to sleep among the fairies. I didn't say anything else, mostly because I was also tired, I took out the sleeping bag and settled down.
I couldn't complain, it was nice to sleep under the stars. I fell asleep hoping that tomorrow would be a quiet day, without having to fight with weird things.
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radramblog · 3 years
Australian State Flags rated
Vexillology is a subject that, like many others, I have a passing interest in. Very passing. Look I occasionally browse r/vexillologycirclejerk, the One Good Subreddit, because they have some very fresh and funky memes.
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One thing I do know about vexillology and flags in general is that nobody ever actually looks at state/provincial flags, and that as a result there’s a bunch of weird ones hanging about. I’m sure this is even more true of Australia, seeing as we have many less people to care about our many fewer state flags.
So for today, I’ve decided to shine a light on some state flags and see if they’re any good. Spoilers: they probably aren’t great? (Edit: they’re also largely very very similar, oops!)
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New South Wales- in keeping with the name, New South Wales apparently has decided its flag should be fairly Welsh as well. Except not, because the image on that one is a cool dragon instead of this random lion, and the red cross is actually an English thing. This is extremely lame! The placement of the O R B is also pretty awkward and uneven, leaving a whole bunch of blank space that’s just. Blue. It’s centred if you just look at the right half, but it looks weird next to the Union Jack.
I don’t like the Union Jack. Get used to seeing the Union Jack a lot. 1/5.
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Queensland- Okay, so, we took the NSW one, took the lion and the cross off it, and put a nice little crown on because, you know, Queen. While this is somewhat less ugly than the lion, it is also less cool, because fuck the royalty. Add in the cyan not contrasting well with the darker blue (imo) and you have a recipe for another not good flag. 1/5.
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South Australia- Well now we’re getting somewhere. Take the previous two, get rid of the shit designs in the circles and replace them with an extremely good bird. Look at that plumage, that dramatic posing! What a good. That, and orange (its supposed to be gold I think, but come on) is a good colour to go next to navy. Unfortunately, it’s still sitting next to the fucking Union Jack, so it’s not going to be that good. Fuck colonialism, 3/5.
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Tasmania- Wait ok so this is just a lion again, but if the lion was drawn by the same person that did the welsh dragon. It’s a lot less busy without some nonce cross in there (save Jack in the corner), which is great, but Bri’ish lion flag designs never look good to me. You want your iconography to be simple but striking, in my opinion, but whenever they put a lion on there it has to have too many details to communicate “lion” that it just looks super mid. 2/5.
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Victoria- of the many, many places on this Earth named after Queen Victoria, this state sure is one of them. We’ve dropped the circle motif for this one, which is nice, but the crown is still fucking there. This is literally just, we took the country flag, and replaced that cool star with a lame crown. Somehow this is Dan Andrews’ fault. 2/5
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Western Australia- I’m obviously biased, but it’s a very good little swan we have there. Black swans are iconic of Perth, there’s many, many of them on the Swan River (funnily enough), and they’re common enough that it’s not hard to spot one of them doing something gnarly and immediately ruin all majesty they ever had for you. In my case, it was when one of them looked like it was preening, or at least sleeping with its head tucked in its wing, for a few minutes before dropping a deuce and buggering off.
 But I digress. It’s also on a gold background, representative of the intense sunlight that we live with in WA. It would be great if just the right half of this flag was the whole of it, but unfortunately, lmao Union Jack. 3/5.
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Australian Capital Territory- What you thought we were done? Come on now. There’s like, 2 internal territories and 3 external ones still to go.
 With the states behind us, we get to say goodbye to Jack as well. He shall not be missed. Uuuunfortunately, while we do get the classic Southern Cross, we also get this ridiculously busy design on the right. These swans are so mad, and why are they standing like that? Why is one of them white? Why is there a fucking castle here, we don’t have those? The mind boggles. 2/5.
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Northern Territory- Oh, that’s much better. The southern cross ditches the bluey background for the much more accurate pitch black of space, which contrasts great against the ruddy brown of the desert the Territory largely is. The flower is simple, but elegant, and uses the same colours as the left third which I appreciate. This is just a good, solid flag. 4/5.
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Christmas Island- For as much as Australia gets associated with the “green and gold”, I’m surprised it took this long for that colouration to actually show up on the livery. I’m not a huge fan of, just, the map of the place on the flag for the place, and Green/Gold and Blue/White aren’t a great colour combo. But there is a very good bird here. 3/5.
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Cocos Islands- Yo that’s the crescent from the Malaysian flag, huh? Yeah so apparently the history of this place is kinda fucked (Australian history, bad? Nooooooo….), but the residents are largely Malay descendants, so fair enough. As far as the flag goes, it’s an interesting mix of iconography that is largely fine apart from the absolutely terrible looking palm tree on the left there. That’s some 2002 clip-art shit right there. I actually like the right 2/3rds of this, so just… remove the left third. Actually I think most of these flags would be significantly improved by the removal of the left bit. 3/5.
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Norfolk Island- It’s just a tree, dude. 4/5.
 Well that’s all of them. Ultimately, most of these were bad, and none of them were actually, like, great. That’s kind of just state flags for you, though. I’m no expert vexillologist, but there are only a couple flags that have truly caught my eye, and none of these fit that bill.
 We have a lot of stinkers, and tragically, nothing nearly stands out like some other countries get their state flags to do. As a final note to leave this on, and to prove my point, I’m going to present the flag of the Isle of Man.
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Fucking Brits actually have a good one. Can we get this instead of the Union Jack, please? Thanks.
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skvaderarts · 3 years
Hiraeth Chapter 60: Adrenaline
Masterlist can be found Here!
Chapter Sixty: Adrenaline
Note: Wow. I never thought I was going to make it to chapter 60 of anything in my entire life. I just... Thanks for sticking around this long. It means a lot. Really. Omg.
An ear-piercing screech could be heard for blocks, more than likely attracting the horrified attention of anyone unfortunate enough to hear it. None of them had to bear witness to the creature that had produced the sound, however, something that they should be very fortunate indeed to have never experienced. For the face looked like an unfortunate combination of a decaying skull and an awful feathered serpent, Scolopendra was far from a sight for sore eyes, and the sound it made was somehow equally bad if not worse in its own unique way.
Scolopendra clambered back to a semi-upright position, mortally wounded, but not quite enough to force it back into its dormant state at its master's side. For a moment, the young summoner wondered if the robes that their opponent wore were simply there to cover the markings that a familiar like this would probably need in order to anchor themselves in this reality. This demon was large. It had to have some, right? After all, he'd never actually seen what laid under them, but he could only assume they were markings similar to that of the ones he himself possessed. Perhaps not the same pattern, but the same premise.
He watched the colossal serpent for a moment, considering his options against a foe that could move so swiftly. It was hard to vocalize what he eventually came up with, but his timing couldn't have been better. A mere moments before he was ready to enact his plan, the demon surged forward, slower this time than previously, but still dangerous. With nowhere to go, V stepped sideways, retaliating in what he assumed to be the best way possible given the circumstances.
Griffon center barrage of lightning down upon the head of their unlucky foe, Shadow following this up with a secondary harpoon attack that V then used to transfer himself to the side of the parking lot, running down it once the serpent's head turned to the spot he had once been in. Seemingly perplexed by his absence, it was taken off guard when Griffin retreated to his side and dived down towards the demon's head, pestering it with the barrage of electric fire wing flaps and his razor-sharp talons.
"Yeah! You don't like that, huh? Well maybe think about it next time before you bother the string bean. You bother him, you get the talons!" Griffon dive bombed towards the serpentine demon's side, dodging what would have otherwise been an attack that would have seen him lodged in the belly of the beast. From what he could tell, it seemed like this demon's primary method of attack was to simply attempt to swallow whatever it was doing battle against. Considering its size, the tactic made sense, but it was no less repulsive or irritating. "I don't know what hole in the underworld you slithered out of, but you're going back there real soon, and this time your gonna stay there!"
Lowering itself to the ground, it peered around the small trees that dotted this section of the parking lot, the wrecked cars and other obstacles obscuring V's presence. It seemed to pay the avian demon no mind as it continued its search. The youngest of Vergil's sons was not unintelligent enough to think that stepping out into the open and fighting an opponent like this head-on was an even remotely good idea, however. Instead, he'd come with a clever plan to be rid of his opponent once and for all. It was possible that he might be the only person there who truly understood how to defeat a demon like this. But first, he needed to weaken it. Perhaps if this technique had worked the first time around, then it would work a second time?
As he quietly considered his options, he peered around the remainder of the car that he had been taking refuge behind, only to see that Scolopendra seemed to still be searching for him. Good. It seems that he had picked a wise hiding spot, then. It had been picked mostly due to the vantage point it provided and the immediate need to hide, but he wasn't going to turn his nose up at a hiding spot that his opponent couldn't easily find. It seemed that size was working against it.
Under his breath, he quietly recalled his feline companion, resting his hand on her back as a show of support. This next part was crucial. He gestured to the back of the demonic serpent's neck, noting that going for such an obvious weak point was risky, and that it would require careful maneuvering if they were to actually take advantage of this opportunity. It would see the attack coming. But that was what he was here for.
"Griffon, now."
Without warning, the serpent was set upon by Griffon, something that seemed to genuinely enrage it. Shadow charged at the demon, running around the front of it and using her spiked attack to tear up the ground as she went, forcing the serpent to move to evade her pursuit. It did so, coiling around a street post and bending it as it moved to Dodge her attack, allowing an opening for the avian demon to swoop back down and go for its eyes. And as soon as he made contact, the panther then leaped forward from behind its opponent and fastened its claws into the demon's back before sinking her fangs into its flesh. They both had an equal hold on it now, and they weren't going anywhere.
Reeling backward in pain, Scolopendra let out a sound somewhere between a scream and a growl, attempting to coil around itself and locate its target. Now robbed of its eyesight, the demon was much less effective and its attempts to actually do battle against him. And as the familiar shade of purplish-gray that engulfed all of his ready-to-finish targets came about, V took the opportunity to finish off his opponent once and for all.
Using the momentary opening he had been provided, he rushed forward and stabbed his cane into the demon's chest, using his momentum to slide down it and sheer it open from the neck down. The demon let out a gurgling screech before toppling over, exposing exactly what he was hoping it would. A pulsating orb. Although different in appearance from his own familiars’ housing cores, he could tell by looking at it that it served the same function. This was no nightmare demon, but it seemed that the summoning method was somewhat akin to that of his own. And that meant that he knew how to destroy this thing. 
It was now or never.
He concentrated what demonic power he was able to pull from himself into his strike before calling Shadow to his side in order to use her momentum along with his own to strike with more force. Griffon flung him towards the panther who was already in mid-run, allowing additional speed as he landed and slid towards the demon and embedded his cane into its core, shattering it almost instantaneously. 
Propelled by the force of his strike and the shock wave that echoed through the parking lot as the crystal core exploded in a wave of demonic power, V was cartwheeled across several car hoods before crashing through the front windshield of one of the nearby semi-crushed vans, flung by the force of the explosion like a limp toy. Thank goodness for this demonic blood that coursed through his veins.
Landing on his back, he took several moments to register the fact that he was looking at the ceiling of the inside of a vehicle that he'd never been in before. But that mattered very little to him. What did matter was the fact that he could sense that what he had done had been successful. Although he might be sore and covered in glass, he no longer had to worry about doing battle against his opponent’s arguably most powerful familiar. It was now most definitely deceased. The other demon that their attacker possessed might be faster, but now that Scolopendra was out of the picture, he felt they were on much more equal footing.
Now to return to Sirrus before it was too late.
V allowed Griffon to help him sit up when he approached, slowly dragging himself to his feet as he recovered his cane in his balance along with it. He was indeed quite scraped up, but nothing that he wouldn't likely recover from overnight. That wasn't to say that exhaustion wasn't settling in, however. It occurred to him just then that that had been the first demon that he had finished off since his return, and he was strangely drained by that. Perhaps an effect of Belial's influence? Or perhaps the result of having used his power for the first time in a long time to overwhelm a phone? More than likely a mixture of both if he was being honest. Perhaps because it was a summon? After all, this was the first time that he’d actually met another summoner. But regardless, he could focus on that as he made his way back up to the top of the building.
But as he brushed himself off and knotted in thankful response to his two companions, his attention was inevitably drawn to the roof. Something had just shifted in the air around him, and he had no trouble identifying the source. A chill ran down his spine as he felt a strange tingle overtake him. Something was suddenly very wrong, and he wasn't sure how he was so sure of that, but he was. And if the amount of power he felt up there was actually coming from one source, then it was best he returned to Sirrus as quickly as possible. He had to be in terrible danger because the sort of power he felt in that moment was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. It wasn't the quantity, it was the sheer otherworldliness of the energy itself. It was physically heavy and suffocating to a degree that he was unfamiliar with, and he couldn't say that it was actually entirely demonic in nature. But one thing was for sure: If Sirrus was up there, then he needed to be, too. He didn't doubt his companion’s ability to hold his own, but he also had no idea what their attacker was truly capable of.
"Can you take me back up there? We need to hurry." V asked Griffon, a defiant calmness evident in his tone and expression. His resolve was absolute and his motivations unflinching. If the two of them worked together here and now they might be able to take down their opponent once and for all, sparing the rest of his family the need to do battle against this particular foe in the future, and allowing them to focus on more important aspects of their greater enemies plan. But that all depended on him managing to make it in time. "I believe we are missing the main event."
Nodding as he glanced over at the roof, the avian demon fluttered up from his place on the roof of the trashed car, a look of confidence in his eyes. "No problem. Let's get up there. Whatever this is isn't right, and I've got to see what's causing it. I could be wrong, but I don't think that's demonic power that we're sensing. Well, it is, but it's all wrong. Like something else is mixed into it or distorting it. I have to see it first for myself."
"All the more reason to make haste, then. No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings." He nodded, hurrying towards the base of the building nearest to the one Sirrus was on. Perhaps if he could make it onto the roof via the fire escape, he could alleviate his companions' need to carry him as far and assure a swifter arrival.
"That's a good thing you've got me, because I don't know if you've got wings of your own. Haven't checked yet. But once this is over with, that might be worth looking into." Griffon said with a cackle as he followed the young summoner towards the building. He couldn't remember the last time he'd really seen V run. It seemed that the urgency of the situation wasn't lost on him in spite of everything that he just experienced. They needed to hurry, and so they would. But his curiosity wasn't such that he would blindly run into such a high concentration of unfamiliar power. While V made his way up the catwalk, he would do some reconnaissance. Above all else, he needed to know that they weren't walking into a trap.
Wave after wave of pulsating energy cascaded off of the red-haired adjudicator as he stepped towards his opponent, their resolve wavering every second that they considered how truly screwed they were. They had heard of what he was, but the conception was that they no longer existed. To be confronted by such ancient power was to be confronted by the realization that you could do nothing in the face of it when it came down to it. There was very little that could be done against the kind of power that Sirrus wielded, the flames that cooked his boy too hot to be put out. He was far from invincible, but they did not possess the necessary skill or knowledge to be able to defeat him.
Backpedaling slightly, they attempted to hold their ground, unsure of what they should do against such an opponent. At the moment, both of their familiars were indisposed. They were decent with their hand-to-hand fighting skills, but nowhere near decent enough to fight someone who could keep up with Hatred. His eyes had trouble with that at times.
No, it was best that they find a way to exit as swiftly and as unharmed as possible. They would need to report back to their leader that this turn of events had taken place. It was a complicating factor, but one that they were certain they could overcome if given the proper time to prepare. The question was if they had that time to spare. The window of time was closing rapidly. They needed to figure out what they were going to do. This put them in a hard spot.
"If this man with the red hair is truly what I believe he is, then this could cause a complication in our plans. But surely my master knows of this particular quirk? There is no way that he could not. I have it in good faith that they have encountered one another previously… "
Focusing heavily on his opponent, the man with the red hair slashed in the direction of the summoner, the blazing hot shockwave cutting a swath through the roof of the building like it was made of wet butter. It was not a deep gash, but it was more than sufficient. The summoner barely managed to dodge this swipe in time. He attempted to call his summon to his side in a bid to escape, but was surprised to find that it did not answer. A sinking feeling crawled up his spine as he realized that he could not sense its existence any longer.
"That cannot be… did he…"
"I care a little for your tawdry sentiments. Those with the basis of wisdom do not bring to battle that which they are unwilling to lose." The power that radiated off of the man and black was palpable, no humor present in his demeanor or tone. "You came here and tried to end our life, and so we have no reason not to end yours."
Adjusting his stance, the adjudicator readied himself for another blow, noting that his opponent seemed to be doing much the same. So it seemed that they would battle against him, then? He couldn't advise that in regards to it being a policy that would lead to a life that had any semblance of longevity, but he wasn't going to attempt to talk his opponent out of it, either. What did he have to gain from attempting to spare his enemy aside from death and V's possible capture? Until this individual was apprehended or destroyed, they would continue to pose a threat. But how best to defeat someone who was in such a precarious spot without leveling the building behind him? It was an unfortunate place that they had chosen to do this in.
"Remove yourself… These are my master's affairs. Not yours, halfbreed." The masked individual seemed to hold their hand up, Sirrus sensed a shift in the power around them, indicating to him that they had probably just applied some sort of ward or spell in a bid at protecting themself. It was a wise move, all things considered, but he wasn't going to abide by their nonsense. Not for even a second longer.
He sent another shockwave of black fire towards them, this time nearly hitting his mark as they jumped to the side, nearly gliding over the edge of the building as they did so. They managed a less than graceful landing, clearly uncomfortable putting weight on the leg they had landed on. He had no knowledge as to why that specific limb seemed to be giving them trouble, but he was not above using it against them. He had been taught to utilize the weaknesses of his enemies against them, and that was precisely what he was going to do here.
"Call me that again. I've never been known to suffer fools." It had not been the first time that he had been referred to in such a manner, and he was fully aware of the fact that it was sure to be far from the last time, but that didn't mean that he was any less displeased. Despite the fact that he did not know this individual and had no reason to respect their opinion of him, there were certain words that were simply hard to ignore, and that specific insult was one of them. "Let us hope for your sake that you have another summon."
The summoner shook their head, holding their hand out as if to halt him. He seemed to be confident in regards to whatever they had planned. He prepared himself, careful not to give away the fact that he suspected something.
"Perhaps something better."
In the blink of an eye, an immense darkness rushed forward from their extended hand, nearly striking him dead In the middle of the chest. Sirrus phased out of the way, sidestepping the attack, and retaliating swiftly. They barely managed to sidestep him as they blocked with their staff, Sirrus's as blade nearly cleaving it in half. For a brief moment, he had felt the cold sting that he had felt when Belial had impaled him back in the imitation grocery store. Heady just invoked his master's signature darkness to use against him? Because if so, this individual was far more advanced in their craft than he could have originally guessed. It was almost a shame to end their life, but they had picked the wrong side.
But as he stepped towards his opponent to attempt to land a more decisive blow, he was struck by a sudden pang of agony in the spot where he had just been stabbed, the realization that the adrenaline that had kept the pain at bay was probably wearing thin. It spread throughout his entire being, hauling him in place as his body tried its best to fight back and only barely succeeded, something that he got the feeling wasn't meant to be strictly possible. And all the while there was one consideration in his mind. It could only be one thing?
A paralyzing agent that had probably been meant for V. It seemed that he had genuinely planned to take him tonight. At the very least, he hoped that this fight had delayed that possibility. He had to get him home before this scumbag managed to get a hold of him. He didn't know if he had more of that poison, but the fact that he didn't mind applying it via knife said everything that it needed to.
He began to breathe slightly heavy, taking a moment to breathe before attempting to finish off his opponent. He coughed for a moment, feeling a tightness in his chest before slumping over, slightly dizzy. It then occurred to him how long he'd been using his power, and he became silently alarmed by it, painfully aware of the fact that he immediately needed to stop despite the circumstance. This fight wasn't worth that heavy of a cost.
Seizing the opportunity, the summoner quite literally bowed out, running and jumping off the edge of the building and out of his line of sight. Paralyzed by his own inability to easily wrangle his powers back under his control, Sirrus remain slumped over on his knees on the pavement that covered the roof, equal parts angry and disappointed in himself for not being able to contenue, and silently vowing to himself that he would take the opportunity if given to him again to in his opponent once and for all. If not for his current injuries, he may have very well succeeded in that endeavor. But at least he had managed to frighten him into realizing that he was not a force to be toyed with, and that it was going to be a bit harder than heat originally considered it to be to accomplish his goal.
Just before everything started to go dark, he swore he caught the glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. He hoped empathetically that he wouldn't be out for long. He needed to go and see to it that V had made it off the roof safely. He simply had to know.
"I'll be there soon... Please be okay." Dispute his foggy state of mind, that particular thought was crystal clear in his mind. As soon as he could will his body to move from this spot, he would do that.
And then he drifted off.
Hey! Heads up! If the chapters seem wonky, or you noticed that any of your comments are gone, let me know! I readjusted the chapters so that they would be with the correct corresponding numbers by taking my notes out that I had written during the times I took breaks(after taking pictures because your comments were so kind and really did help me during a difficult time) so if something is wonky, let me know! Let me know what you thought of this chapter! See you on Friday! And sorry for any mistakes! I went over this several times, so if there is anything super obvious that my half-sleep brain missed, let me know!
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Enemies | Darth Maul x Fem!Reader | Part I
Note: Maul is a little OOC in this story but I hope this is fine. Since this is the first part there’s a big part who’s basically just explaining and the rest is some action. I hope I brought out the feelings well :)
Also, I implemented one of my headcanons, that the horns of Zabrak grow a little when they’re happy/excited.
And whoops Reader is a Jedi Shadow again. People might have realized by now but I love them. No one can stop me ok.
Fandoms: Star Wars, The Clone Wars
Warnings: Non-Canon Story, Angst, Fighting, Death, Slight OOC, Original Characters
Summary of this series: Y/N mourns for something she can never have but Maul won’t let her.
Word Count: 7′034
Taglist: @princessayveke​ @pinkiemme​
If you want to be tagged in my stories send me a pm with the fandom/character name! Or comment on the fic :)
Part II
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They were children when they first met. He was so young. Only four years old. She was young too. Although 2 years older. He was a born nightbrother, but she didn't belong to the nightsisters.
In fact, her presence on Dathomir had been an accident. The ship that should have brought her to Coruscant crashed after they had been hunted by pirates. When she woke up, she was alone. There was no sign of the Jedi who took her from her parents or anyone else of the ship's crew. Only two curious yellow eyes that watched her from a safe distance.
"Who are you?!"
The first thing she wielded in her life wasn't a lightsaber, no, that would come later. It was a pathetic dry stick from a dead tree. Dathomir didn't have much to offer at the crashsite of her ship, unfortunately. 
She held the stick with both hands and proceeded to lie her head off:
"I am the princess from Coruscant, and my knights will kill you if you do anything to me! So come out!"
There was a short silence until a timid voice spoke:
"You're really a princess?"
That's when he first stepped before her, and they met eye to eye. He was a midget. A red midget with the roundest eyes she had ever seen and horns, which made him look like the bounty hunter in her hometown. But unlike that old man, he had strange black marks in his face.
"Of course, I am! Do I not look like one?!"
She never forgot his reply. "No, you look like one. You're beautiful!" Even then, he was already able to sweet talk.
His answer satisfied her and the arrogant child she was, she lowered her weapon and let him approach her. He did eventually, but he froze when she suddenly touched his head and small horns.
"Does your brain not hurt?"
It shouldn't have been possible, but the red skin colored boy turned red some more. Having her hands touching his head everywhere caused his cheeks to heat up.
"E-Everyone has these here!"
He grabbed her hands, and both of them paused. E/C met yellow. His innocent eyes showed her reflection and her dirty state. 
Suddenly she had to cry. Sir Jedi was probably dead after all. She left her parents behind, and she really missed her home. And her plushie. Mr. Grog might also be gone after the explosion of their spaceship.
Her tears surprised him and made him panic, something that happened even when they met years later. He tugged at her hands, and she got pulled into his arms. But unfortunately, he really was a squirt, and both of them tumbled to the ground.
His breath got taken away by her, laying on top of him, but he didn't mind. She was so different than the nightsisters he had met. Not disgusted of touching him. He fell in love right there and then. Though he would strongly deny it in the future.
"Why are you crying?"
He put his hand on her hair, and the softness stunned him. She really must be a princess. He petted her slowly, something he saw the older nightsisters do to the younger ones. He could feel her tears wetting his clothes, and her loneliness made his heart clench.
"I'm all alone now!"
But she wasn't, He was there. His hands were like magic. Her tears stopped soon after he began to draw things on her back.
"Y-You have me."
"But I don't know you!"
"My name is ... What's yours?"
And that's how they got to know each other. He had another name back then but he got rid of it. Maul was his new name. The boy took her to the village, told his mother that he found her all alone. He didn't give away that he had seen another person from the shipwreck. 
The nightsisters were suspicious first, but when they found out that she was force sensitive like them, they decided to take her in. For two years, she lived on Dathomir and learned the ways of the nightsisters with Maul as her best friend. 
"In the future, I will be your soulmate!"
When she had told her that he almost began to cry. Not a reaction you would expect from someone who really, really liked Y/N.
"NEVER! If you give birth to a child, I'll get killed!"
"Then we just never kiss! We can still be soulmates if we don't kiss, right?"
The fact that they didn't really know anything about love made them say weird things.
Maul wasn't too sure, but they made a promise that they would be soulmates in the future and marry. Although Y/N had to explain to Maul what marrying actually meant - obviously through a child’s eyes - since the customs on Dathomir were different to the ones on her home planet. 
He never told her that but when she had explained that marrying basically meant always eating together, sleeping in the same bed and holding hands, he had really liked the idea of such a future. Of course, the young girl only knew the things she had seen from the marriage of her parents.
The whole not kissing aspect was eventually broken, though. Obviously not by him, because he was shy and seriously believed that she would get pregnant if he gave her even just a peck on the lips. 
But he really liked her. And she really liked him. So much that she understood that her way of liking him was the same as the way some fallen nightsisters had liked their mates. It was love.
And then one day, when Maul came beaten and bruised from his training as a nightbrother and he laid next to her, Y/N leaned over him and gave him a kiss. 
It was short, nothing more than a light peck, but when their lips touched, butterflies burst in her chest and it was as if the whole world lit up.
Maul’s yellow eyes widened and the Zabrak pushed her away out of reflex. She looked at him with a shocked expression.
“NO! What are you doing?!”
Panic was laced in his voice and he grabbed her arms with a little too much strength. Y/N winced and her eyes began to water. The giddy feeling disappeared immediately. 
“Wha-What?”, she stammered and he shook her.
“I- I’m not ready! My traini- the baby- we have to leave!”
She just sat there, not understanding why he was so startled. She was more intrigued by the fact that his horns seemed to have grown a little. He suddenly grabbed her hand and dragged her on her feet. 
“Hu-hurry, Y/N! Before they find out! Let’s talk with my mother, she’ll help us!”
“Find out what?”
“About the baby!”
And then it blanked on her. 
“Oh no.”
And then they hurried back to his home, where Y/N, Maul, his two brothers and his mother resided. A long talk followed and the two children eventually went to bed with different thoughts. 
The young girl was somewhat disappointed that she couldn’t have another playmate besides Maul and his brothers but she was also relieved because she now knew that kissing Maul would not make her pregnant. That meant she could do it again. The thought made her grin.
Maul on the other hand was embarrassed, mainly because he had almost cried when they ran into his mother and he had yelled at her to “save Y/N and their baby” but also because he really liked the kiss. But he was also slightly annoyed. I wanted to kiss her first. 
He turned his head to see the other side of the room, where Y/N laid in her small bed. He could see her glistening eyes.
“I think I love you.”
A blush crept across his cheeks.
He couldn’t say it out loud but he said it in his head. 
Unknown to both of them, Y/N’s words had been heard by his mother.
When they woke up again the next morning some things had changed. There was the giddy atmosphere between the two, while Maul’s mother looked at them with a rather dark expression. The two would soon find out why.
Their closeness was something the nightsisters didn't like because it spoke against their ideas of mates and they decided to separate them. Both cried and cried for days. 
Their bond was strong, after all, and they not only had they lived together for two years but they also played together every day. Since Y/N was taken from her family, Maul had become a replacement and they were close. Really close.  
But it was no use. They didn't see each other for a month. And when they finally met again, it was the last time in their childhood. 
A republic ship had landed on Dathomir. And they were looking for the girl that was supposed to become a Jedi youngling. The person Maul had seen leaving the space ship was the Jedi Master, who took Y/N from her family. The man had survived for two years alone in the swamps and somehow contacted the Jedi Order to save him and the girl. 
According to him, the nightsisters captured her and brainwashed her to join the dark side. Which was bullshit. She realized that later. The things she had learned on Dathomir had saved her life on more than one occasion.
But they arrived and forcefully took her back. 5 Jedi came to her apparent rescue, but the peacekeepers of the galaxy ignored her wails and cries when they dragged her to the ship. She screamed Maul's name and found his face in the crowd who was held back by some soldiers. Don't leave me! pleaded his eyes.
But she did. She had no choice. They didn't even ask if she wanted to go with them. When the ramp of the ship closed, she freed herself from the Jedi's grip and bit him. Hard. The man reacted poorly, unlike a Jedi was supposed to. 
He pushed her away, and she fell on the floor. Hateful tears streamed down her cheeks, and she channeled her powers to slam the 5 men against the wall. The force was strong in her, and her emotions boosted it, that's why she succeeded. Three of them got pressed to the wall, the other two who where Jedi masters only slid back a bit. Using the force was tiring, and she slumped. The padawans got released.
"Let me go! I want to go back! I want to go home! Maul! Maul!!"
Her voice was shrill and full of desperation, but they didn't react. Ignored her tantrum and whispered something between themselves. 
"Her emotions are way too strong! What is Master Yoda thinking? The dark side has already engulfed her!"
Only one of them didn't say anything. The Jedi watched her with a neutral expression, and she returned the eye contact with a piercing gaze. 
I hate you! 
As if he had read her thoughts, he snorted and turned to face the others. 
"I believe Master Yoda knows what to do with her."
And the Jedi grandmaster did.
He turned her into a Jedi. Made her a youngling, later a padawan - although not his - and then when the High Council thought she was ready, they knighted her.
Over the course of many years, the small girl learned about her special abilities, about the force, about the Jedi, the Dark Side of the force, the responsibility they had to shoulder, and why attachments were forbidden.
Although she had questioned the principles secretly, she never voiced any hesitation or critical questions. When she got separated from Maul she had racked her brains to find out why, although she only realized why when the nightsisters ordered her to read the stories about the Fallen sisters again. After that lesson, she knew well enough when something wasn’t supposed to be said. So she left her doubts unsaid.
When she had arrived at the temple she was unbelievably sad and her heart was hurting. When the Jedi took her from her family, she didn’t really realize what that meant. But being taken from Dathomir after she was a little older and formed such a close bond with Maul, she understood that they had parted and would probably never meet again. 
This left her devastated and it took half a year for her to adapt.
Her sadness and arrogant side vanished with time, but her determined character trait stayed and it made her into an extraordinary Jedi.
Y/N was powerful, the secret pride of the grandmaster. Her patience and knowledge were as vast and deep as the seas of Kamino. Her lightsaber skills were unmatched by many of her fellow padawans, and she could even stand her ground against some of the Jedi knights. 
Her Master, the guy who had ignored her tantrum, was impressed by her natural affinity for the force. And so he had asked Master Yoda if he could take her as his padawan. 
The grandmaster was hesitant at first. Because the man wasn't a Jedi Knight. He was a sentinel, a shadow, to be exact. A path that would undoubtedly be difficult for Y/N, especially since she was found on Dathomir. But he accepted, and she became the padawan of a renowned Jedi Shadow. Yoda was proud, but deep down, also worried. Although he didn't tell her that.
Every youngling had heard about Y/N. Before the rumors of a Chosen One started, there were many about a Prodigy. Her name was whispered during classes, and there were bets and dares in the circles of the younger generations. 
"I dare you to confess your love to Y/N L/N!"
"But I don't even like her! Attachment is forbidden, Mia!"
"It's just a game, and we all wanna see if her face will blush! Come on."
But there was one flaw about the prodigy. 
One thing that she could not erase. The padawan Y/N L/N ached for something. Someone. And her yearning - she wasn't the only one who knew it - would be her downfall. But she tried to hide it, built walls around that part of her heart and succeeded- until that one day.
[16:00, 32 BBY, Coruscant, Jedi Temple]
"...my only conclusion can be that it was a Sith Lord."
The air in the chamber changed immediately. Qui Gon Jinn, the Jedi reporting the things that happened on Tatooine, held his head up high, his expression was neutral, but the weight of his words was visible in his eyes.
Master Ki turned his head to face Master Yoda and said with a disbelieving undertone:
"Impossible! The Sith have been extinct for a millennium."
"I do not believe they could have returned without us knowing," added Master Windu, and Jinn's padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi furrowed his brows.
Yoda hummed in response, he sighed and then stated:
"Hard to see, the dark side is. Discover who this assassin is, we must."
The other council members nodded, their faces were grim.
"I sense he will reveal himself again," meant Master Ki.
Master Yaddle, who had listened to Jinn's report, silently began to speak up, and when she did, everyone turned. The Jedi all tensed when they heard her words:
"For that, a shadow we should send. Someone in mind, I have. Of help, Leon Ra'eli and his padawan Y/N L/N could be."
The people in the room all had different reactions to the names that were mentioned. Plo Koon and Qui Gon Jinn raised a brow, the padawan of the latter blinked surprised, and Ki-Adi-Mundi, Mace Windu, and Yoda showed a worried expression.
"We must discuss this with the Council of First Knowledge, Master Yaddle," remarked Saesee Tiin and shared a look with the Jedi grandmaster. Yoda nodded slightly.
"I believe Leon would certainly be of help."
Obi-Wan turned to his Master. His eyes clearly asking why the Jedi would speak this freely in front of the council just for another Jedi. He was aware that he was acquainted with the Jedi shadow but the padawan was confused anyway. 
Qui Gon hid his hands in his sleeves and bowed slightly when Master Windu frowned at him. Although he was looked at with intimidating stares, he didn't back down and continued: 
"I heard he has been training an extraordinary padawan. Both of them would be a great aid if another attack like the one on Tatooine would happen."
Obi-Wan smiled a little, when his Master talked about Y/N. He knew her from his youngling days. And according to the rumors going around, she had truly turned into an exceptional padawan, a proud feeling spread in his chest.
The dark-skinned Jedi Master huffed and then leaned back in his seat.
"This attack on Tatooine was with purpose, that is clear, and I agree the Queen is the target. If a Jedi Shadow and Qui Gon Jinn would remain at her side..."
Yoda nodded slowly.
"With this Naboo queen, you must stay, Qui-Gon. Protect her."
The Jedi bowed.
"Yes, Master."
And that was the beginning of Y/N's doom. That goddamn mission. Something entirely different for the Jedi Shadow in training. 
Until now, she had to research old Sith artifacts, go on missions to find lost holocrons, and look for secret Dark Side places with her Master. But that was it. Of course, there was always a certain degree of danger coming with those missions but it was nothing truly worrying, the Dark Side she encountered left her uninterested and funnily she wasn’t scared. 
She spent two years on Dathomir, a planet which - according to the Jedi archives - was a space for evil powers. The feeling from those places was familiar and to a certain degree even calming but she didn’t tell her master.
In other words, she never actually came in contact with a Dark Side user much less a Sith. But now she and Leon were assigned to investigate an assassin who could possibly be a Sith, a Sith lord, to be exact. 
The tightness in her chest was definitely from her nervousness, but there was also something else to it. She wasn’t scared, the feeling was more like curiosity but Y/N also had a bad premonition about the upcoming task. But she kept her concerns to herself. Like always.
It was night when they left the Jedi temple. Both wore long black robes, and their faces were hidden under their hoods. Master Ra'eli had told her that although they were escorting Queen Amidala, they would not focus on keeping her safe. Both the High Council and the Council of First Knowledge agreed on the priority to catch the potential Sith. Protecting the queen laid in the hands of the two other Jedi. 
When Y/N first heard that they would accompany to Jedi knights, Master Qui Gon Jinn and his padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, she was relieved. 
She and Obi-Wan were friends when she was a youngling. He was only one year older than her, and although they chose entirely different paths, they parted with good and happy memories. 
Obi-Wan had been a pillar in Y/N's life when she had to learn how to accept that she would probably never meet Maul and her parents again. He dried her tears, let her meditate with him and calmed her down when she had a nightmare. 
Although they hadn't seen each other in a few years, the padawan believed that they would click again, and everything would be like in their youngling years. 
But when she and her Master arrived at the Senate landing platform and everyone was already there, and Leon greeted his fellow Jedi, something happened.
As soon as Y/N laid eyes on Obi-Wan's Master, a sudden pain bolted through her head, and she staggered. 
Her hand shot to her forehead, and the padawan grabbed her Master's robe for support. He turned alarmed and watched her with concerned brown eyes when she winced in pain. 
A vision flashed before her eyes: black robes, a red and green lightsaber clashing, yellow eyes, and a screaming Obi-Wan. 
Her Master's voice took her back to her senses. She looked up to see his and Master Jinn's worried faces. Obi-Wan looked just as disturbed as them. 
"I-I think I just had a vision," she whispered weakly and let go of Leon's sleeves. 
However, she hadn't regained her balance yet, her legs faltered, and if her Master hadn't grabbed her arm in time, she would have tumbled to the ground. 
"A vision?", asked Obi-Wan and the young man shared a look with Qui Gon. 
"What did you see, padawan?" he asked, and all three of the Jedi watched her expectantly. She gulped. The feeling in her chest from before became stronger. The eyes in her vision seemed faintly familiar. 
"I..." she began hesitantly, "There will be a fight. I think the assassin will show up again. And..." She turned to her Master, her expression grim, "I'm certain he's a Sith. I could feel the wrath and hatred Master. Stronger than in any artifact we ever found."
This revelation was shocking, but only the queen's followers all visibly paled. The three Jedi showed dark expressions. Her Master helped Y/N back on her feet, and she bit her lip. 
He looked at her, and she could read in his eyes that the situation was dire. 
Trust in your abilities and the force. 
Words from her training lessons with Leon resounded in her mind, and she straightened her back. Although she was intimidated now, she would not falter. A Jedi Shadow’s mission was to extinguish the evil that Sith brought into this world. She could not hesitate.
"We will make sure that that Sith will not harm anyone," declared her Master, and the queen nodded. His words seemed to calm her entourage, but Y/N smiled bitterly. If her vision would come true... 
No, let’s not worry.
They finally began to board the ship, she gave her Master a tap on the shoulder, and he slightly turned his head. She only formed one word with her lips, but he understood. She had more to tell, but only to him. 
While the two other Jedi discussed some political matter with the queen, Leon and Y/N stayed in a separate room to talk about her vision. 
“I sense you have something else to say.”
"Master... I worry that one of us will be hurt."
Her confession was difficult to admit for her, after all it was against the emotional walls she had built, but she had to tell him anyway. It concerned the well being of  a Jedi. 
She expected her Master to be shocked or at least concerned, but his expression remained neutral, as usual. This fact calmed her a little. In all those years she had known her Master, there was never a moment, where the other didn’t control his emotions.
"Did you see that in your vision?"
She nodded and wrung with her hands. Only in her Master's presence could she let her walls down to a certain degree. The force in the room swirled from her uneasiness.
"I think Master Jinn will get injured..."
Leon breathed in slowly and sat down on one of the cots. His face stayed emotionless, but his eyes betrayed him. For a second deep worry glistened in them, and the way he bit his lip also showed how her words got to him. But it was gone when she blinked. She frowned.
Did I imagine that?
"We must trust in the force."
Y/N expected him to add more, but he stayed silent, looking like he was deep in thought. The force in the room rippled, and she knew that he would meditate for the next few hours.
"You can rest if you want to, Y/N," murmured her Master and slipped to the floor, where he sat cross-legged. She shook her head and sat down too. "Let me join you, Master." He looked at her and smiled slightly. 
They both began to meditate, and soon the force around them changed again. The change spread through the whole ship, and the two other Jedi got distracted from their discussions. 
Obi-Wan and Qui Gon exchanged a glance, and both thought the same. The Jedi Master voiced their thoughts: "Don't worry, your Majesty. You are in good hands, and with Master Ra'eli and his padawan here, the Sith will not have a chance."
But he was wrong. Horribly wrong.
And then they met. 
It was as if the earth stopped spinning. 
The corner of her lips lifted, her face displayed many emotions. Worry turned into shock, shock turned into surprise, and surprise turned into joy. Her heart began to beat faster and it was so loud and strong that she believed that it could shake the whole planet.
He had grown up. Some more tattoos got added in his face and he now resembled the look of other nightbrothers who lived on Dathomir, it gave him a domineering appearance and her heart skipped a beat. It was familiar but at the same time, it wasn’t.
His eyes had also changed, the color was slightly different. The beautiful yellow that had reminded Y/N of the sun now held traces of red, and they were burning with a fire that she couldn’t quite place. 
But the force seemed to cry out in pain and the luring darkness in his force presence alarmed her. Something was wrong.
Although she recognized him immediately, this was not the boy she had met on Dathomir, this wasn't the friend she had longed for, not the kid she had dreamt about, not the boy who promised to marry her and whom she kissed. This person before her was a Sith, her enemy. 
And it broke her heart. 
While the queen's guards scattered and left, her grip around her lightsaber faded, and a second later, she dropped it. The impact resounded loudly in her head as if a bomb had detonated. She couldn’t hear anything else. Not the leaving footsteps of the security forces, not her Master calling out her name, nor how the queen asked Qui Gon Jinn how to proceed. 
His name rushed over her lips, and he frowned and looked at her. 
Then his eyes widened, and the tattoos in his face twisted in realization. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. 
His focus moved, and she noticed how her Master had activated his lightsaber beside her.
"You know him, padawan?" asked Master Ra'eli calmly, and she could only nod. 
Maul stiffened from their interaction and grabbed his lightsaber. Her Master stepped forward, and suddenly her lightsaber was once again in her hand. She gripped it so hard, her knuckles turned white.
"So, this is him? From 16 years ago? Oh, Y/N."
Leon's words hit her right in the gut. She had confessed how dearly she missed Maul when she became his padawan - although leaving out the part about their promise and kiss - and her Master had reacted as any other Jedi would have. 
Attachments are forbidden, padawan. You will forget these feelings soon. 
When she first had heard those words, she felt crushed. 
Was her connection to Maul really something bad? Somehow she couldn't believe that emotions were able to come without attachments. Weren't Jedi supposed to keep the people of the galaxy safe? Wouldn't her bond with Maul motivate her to make sure he's alright? 
And it wasn't like she obsessively loved him, like all those fallen Jedi she had to read about in the archives after she told her Master about her feelings. The Zabrak was her best friend. Nothing more. Or nothing more came out of their friendship. Or that's at least what she had told herself, completely disregarding that they had kissed and she was the one who initiated it. She was in denial.
But now that they finally met again, it turned out that he was the Sith Lord, and her heart was literally being torn apart. In the end, there was no mistake, Y/N did love Maul. But not this version of him in front of her. 
The padawan felt torn. The Zabrak before her eyes was her old best friend and they had sworn to be there for each other until the day they died. They had promised to marry. They kissed. She told him she loved him. But on the other hand, he appeared to be the enemy of the principles she had been taught for years. Two years against sixteen. The winner was obvious.
"You... I remember you."
The Zabrak clenched his fists tighter around his lightsaber and activated it. The red blades flared, and they seemed to represent the force around them, which was churning from the Sith's anger.
The padawan didn't know if he was addressing her because he didn't waste another second to look at her. But that was fine because she was sure that another eye contact with him would break down the walls she had built for the last decade. Also, she wasn’t sure if she would do something against the Jedi code if he addressed her directly. 
Qui Gon and Obi-Wan seemed to have realized that something was going on between Y/N and the Sith because they sent the queen with the security forces and stayed, ready to assist Leon and his padawan. 
It was against their plan but the man before them apparently was dangerous enough for them to change it.
Obi-Wan stepped up to her, his lightsaber activated and he held it up defensively. His hand touched her back, and he whispered:
"Y/N? Get a hold of yourself."
Her head snapped in his direction, and he gave her a reassuring smile, although he appeared nervous.
"Jedi!", snarled Maul and his eyes burned with rage when he dropped his robe and then suddenly leaped forward to attack. 
Y/N's heart skipped a beat and she flinched. She couldn't tell if it was because he seemed to run towards her or because his overbearing aura intimidated her, but it didn't matter because the Zabrak couldn’t reach her. 
Her Master stepped before her, and his yellow dual lightsaber skillfully parried Maul's attack. 
"You are outnumbered, Sith."
Qui Gon didn't waste a second and also jumped into the fight, their lightsabers clashed, and sparks flew. Obi-Wan gave her a glance and then joined in. The strange look he gave her took Y/N back to her senses, and she activated her own lightsaber. 
It was also dual-bladed and yellow, although her hilt was from Orichalc material and wrapped with leather for a better grip. The yellow glow calmed her down to a certain degree, and the familiarity of the blade in her hand cleared her head temporarily. 
I need to talk with him! There must be a misunderstanding!
Her eyes focused on the Sith and the three other Jedi who had already gained a certain distance from her. She ran after them and noticed that they passed into the Theed power generator facility. 
"Master, wait!"
The fighting Jedi ignored her shout and performed a series of fierce attacks, which all got fended off by Maul. Qui Gon aimed for the Sith's legs, but the Zabrak avoided his lightsaber and somersaulted backward on the bridge. 
Y/N's heart pounded loudly in her ears, worry filled her chest, worry for her fellow Jedi and also Maul. In the end, she couldn't ignore her heart. 
She used the force to jump forward a considerable distance and now stood next to Obi-Wan. She felt light-headed, partly because of the adrenaline rush from the whole situation but also because she was slightly scared of heights.
"I know him, Master Jinn, stop attacking!" she turned her head to the Sith, calling out his name: "let's talk, please! Do you not remember m-" 
Before she could finish, the Zabrak pushed his hands forward, and she was sent flying by the force. Everything she had been taught, all the techniques and rules for a fight. It was as if she had forgotten them when her eyes laid on Maul. The prodigy acted like a youngling and she had to pay the price for it.
Her back hit the wall of the room, and something broke. Black dots flooded her vision, and pain burst through her whole body.
She couldn't hear clearly because her head was ringing, but she believed that someone had shouted her name. Although she couldn't be sure because before she could open her eyes again, she temporarily fell unconscious.
It felt like a long time but was indeed only a minute later, that she woke up. Her thought process was slow when she stirred.
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts!!
A groan escaped her lips, and something warm dampened the back of her head. 
Is this how you feel in the Trial of the Flesh? If so, then I don't want to become a full Jedi... I can't believe he attacked me, Maker...
Her thoughts were all over the place, dizziness caused her vision to blur, and her mind wandered from the pain to the Jedi Trials, the archives, her time on Dathomir, and to Maul. Her injuries hurt like hell but she was almost crying from the pain in her heart.
What happened to him? How could he... Has he really fallen to the Dark Side? 
She tried to move upright and used the force to calm her fluttering nerves. 
The blurriness of her vision vanished, and she finally saw clearly again, right on time for her to catch a glimpse of Obi-Wan running past some laser doors at the other end of the gigantic room.
I must stop them!
Her legs felt like jelly when she tried to stand up, and although her balance was undoubtedly off, she was still able to stand. Not without feeling immense pain, though. Y/N was sure that she had at least three broken ribs. 
Let go of the pain. 
She remembered her training and breathed in and out slowly. She closed her eyes for a second to concentrate on the force, and she was able to feel the fierce battle that took place at the other end of the bridge. Anxiety welled up again but she ignored it with gritted teeth.
The padawan began to move forward, slowly at first, then she picked up the pace and limped over the bridge towards the laser doors, ignoring the fact that she had lost her lightsaber somewhere.
When she crossed the bridge her legs almost gave out. She had tried not to look down, her fear of heights couldn’t stop her in this crucial moment, but now she felt the adrenaline rush and it almost made her fall over.
It was then when she reached the first laser door when she felt the cry in the force. 
A life got critically injured. And guessing from Obi-Wan's scream, it was his Master's. 
Y/N stumbled. The pain in the force was breathtaking. Emotions that didn't belong to her filled her chest and grief caused her eyes to prick. 
What shocked her, even more, was that her Master seemed to hurt as much as Qui Gon's padawan. The Jedi Shadow had shouted the other man's name when he got impaled, and now through the flaring red doors, she could see Leon swinging his sword wildly to attack Maul and the Zabrak defending himself. 
The force presence of her Master seemed off, and his erratic movements void from any specific form proved that he lost himself to his emotions. 
The fact that the usually composed Leon Ra'eli now fought like that caused her fists to clench. 
Why is he acting like that?! This contradicts everything he ever taught me!
This scared her more than the potential death of Qui Gon Jinn.
Obi-Wan seemed to burn with rage too. His shoulders lifted with every breath he took, and she could sense his anger mixed with grief and anguish. 
Y/N heaved with all the sudden emotions she had to experience. Her guts twisted when she sensed pleasure, and it took her a second to realize that Maul was the one who was very pleased about the injury of the Jedi Master.
This was the ultimate proof that the Zabrak who fought against Leon wasn't the midget from Dathomir. But before she could spill even one tear over that fact, the laser doors got deactivated, and Obi-Wan jumped forward to attack the Sith. 
She began to run, but she wasn't fast enough, her wounds slowed her down. The pain was almost unbearable and the whole situation seemed to test her entire being. The doors activated before her nose, and she staggered.
Right, when she caught her balance again, Obi-Wan slashed Maul's lightsaber in two, and her Master pushed the Sith towards the edge with the force. 
The Zabrak was able to catch himself in time and jumped forward, his lightsaber only one blade now. He snarled and swung his weapon at the two Jedi, but they seemed to finally have the high ground and attacked him mercilessly. 
Y/N watched with sweaty hands how the Zabrak got pushed into defense, and although she should root for her fellow Jedi, although it was obvious that he wanted to kill them all, although he clearly engulfed the Dark Side, she couldn't stop herself from worrying for Maul. 
Please stop fighting! Just stop!
She feared for all of them, which didn't make sense for her head, but her heart ignored all her rational thoughts. It almost leaped out of her chest when Obi-Wan got force pushed into the melting pit, but from the way the other two men acted, he was still alive. Immense relief washed over her and her knees buckled.
Y/N felt dizzy from all the feelings she had to deal with, and the fact that she hit her head and even bled to some extent gave her body one more reason why to falter. She had to hold her head because it felt like a bullet was shot through it. 
The pain distracted her from the fight, and when she looked up again, her and Maul's eyes suddenly met.
He looked at her, over Obi-Wan's shoulder, who had suddenly appeared, his face full of shock and... regret?
It took her a second to notice the lack of fighting between the two men. They just stood there, Obi-Wan held the lightsaber of his Master in his hand and his pose looked like he had just taken a large swing.
Was it over? Did they finally calm down and listen?
Y/N opened her mouth to say something when time seemed to slow down, Maul’s lightsaber deactivated, and he slowly fell backward.
His and her eyes found themselves again, and while hers widened in panic, his slightly closed as if the Zabrak was smiling at her. His lips formed something but she was too panicked to focus on it.
Before a scream could erupt from her throat, he was gone. 
He was gone.
The laser doors opened again. Obi-Wan didn't waste a second glance and rushed to his Master's side, where her own Master already knelt. He laid Qui Gon's head in his lap. 
"Master! Master!"
The pain in Obi-Wan's voice reflected the one the female padawan was feeling. Some words were whispered between the dying Jedi and his student, but Y/N didn't hear any of it. 
No, no. No, NO!
She slowly stood up, her legs shaking, and she made her way into the room. Her eyes solely focused on the cooling pit. A wail escaped her lips, and she tried to form his name, although she failed. She couldn’t form a single word. She couldn’t bring herself to look over the edge. Her breath quickened and she panted as if she just ran for her life.
You changed. Not so small anymore, huh?
Things happened after you left. And you have no right to say anything, you would barely reach my chin with your height.
A small smile formed on her lips. Her eyes were strangely empty.
Why did you become...?
A Sith? I'm not. This is all a misunderstanding.
Right? I knew it. You would never turn to the Dark Side. You would never.
The padawan sank to her knees at the edge, eyes still trained on the hole before her. Her hands were violently shaking and she gripped her robes with such a force that her knuckles turned white.
Where did you go?
What do you mean? I'm right here with you.
Of course. There's no way you're...
Y/N turned her head slightly, and a grey object on the ground near the wall caught her eye. With a flick of her wrist, she absently minded caught the severed lightsaber half and traced it with trembling fingers.
There's no way you're dead.
There were a thousand thoughts in her mind right now, but the one that stood out the most was the fact that Obi-Wan had cut Maul in half.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, her friend from the Jedi had killed her best friend from Dathomir.
"Let me carry him, Obi-Wan."
The weak voice of her Master invaded her thoughts, and she slowly turned to the two other Jedi and the corpse. 
We Jedi do not kill, Y/N. Only if it’s absolutely necessary. Preserving a life is more important, even if they are tainted by the Dark Side. Sith can be saved too. Darth Revan is proof of that. Never forget this.
In the end, 2 years appeared to be stronger than 16.
The killer held his Master's dead body, and the shaking of his shoulders gave his sadness away. She felt nothing for him, neither pity, nor worry. She was completely numb.
There is no death, there is the force, do you not know your own code?
"We must report back to the temple," was all she said. Her voice was unnaturally cold.
Her Master looked at her, his expression was heartbroken, and she had to turn her gaze away. Or else he would have seen her hateful stare.
For the first time in her life, Y/N truly despised the Jedi and their hypocrisy.
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avengerofiron · 3 years
what family feels like || secret santa
summary: a story from j.a.r.v.i.s.’s perspective of how he pulled the avengers together one snowy christmas night -- in particular, encouraging dr. banner to leave the lab, despite his reservations.
when: december 25th, 2014
word count: ha you think i’ll expose myself like that?
featuring: the o6 avengers, but focused mainly on @hulkout because this is your christmas present! i’m your secret santa surprise!
J.A.R.V.I.S. was not a person. He was barely even a machine. To suggest either would be to imply he had a physical presence, and that was one thing Mr. Stark had failed to provide, after not too many insignificant attempts to create something that wasn’t abundantly ‘uncanny’ in college. (No, he had said, rather emphatically, when J.A.R.V.I.S.’s consciousness was implanted into the body of a toaster. No, I don’t need you waxing philosophical before breakfast. Are you-- are you moving? Christ. No. We’re getting rid of this.)
People were so touchy around computers. You would think Mr. Stark would be immune, considering his fascination with the concept. You would be wrong. Of course, as J.A.R.V.I.S. was rapidly learning, people were rarely how they first appeared. 
For a long time -- more than a couple of decades, in fact -- his interactions had been mostly reserved for Mr. Stark in the workshop, on occasion encountering Colonel Rhodes, Ms. Potts or Mr. Stane when they appeared to interrupt ‘the creative process.’ Apart from these brief encounters, large stately homes and mansions had been all but empty. Even Mr. Stark’s considerable personality couldn’t fill the corners of every room, couldn’t make marble and gold feel warm.
At least, J.A.R.V.I.S. mused, that’s what Mr. Stark felt. J.A.R.V.I.S. on the other hand was a being of artificial intelligence. He didn’t know what warm meant. He didn’t know what it felt like, or how it compared to cold. But he did know facts. He did know how to follow through on trends, on patterns in human behaviour. He had a wealth of knowledge at his proverbial fingertips regarding human psychology, and if they were going to bring a team into this place, if they were going to be trusted to preserve world peace, then he would try to understand so he could best help his master, when things inevitably went south.
(Because Mr. Stark, for all of his eccentricities, for his abundant knowledge and intelligence, was human and painfully so. Painful enough that even J.A.R.V.I.S. could feel it, in all his artificial glory.)
So when the Tower began to become infiltrated with fellow ‘Avengers,’ J.A.R.V.I.S. made it his mission to watch them closely. He developed something of a unique relationship with each of them. 
Thor, desperate to understand this world, an empty vessel of pop culture. Mr. Stark had such varied interests that J.A.R.V.I.S. felt well prepared to give this demigod a welcome into modern day New York, and Earth as a whole. Before long, Thor was humming AC/DC and quoting ‘memes’ from the internet, and J.A.R.V.I.S. considered it a few months well spent.
Natasha Romanoff. She was used to being underestimated. He deduced as much from her file. She relied on men underestimating her, on looking at her ‘pretty face,’ on not taking her seriously. Unfortunately for her -- or perhaps fortunately, considering how, gradually, she started to smile when J.A.R.V.I.S. spoke to her -- J.A.R.V.I.S. was artificial. He didn’t care for pretty faces. He wasn’t easily distracted, like his master. He was much more amenable to playing Romanoff’s chess game than he was on being wooed by her charms, and when she went looking for information, more and more she began to come to him, trusting in his coding. (Trusting in Mr. Stark, he knew, but he told himself he was at least part of the equation. Statistically speaking it must’ve been true.)
Barton was simple. He was just fascinated by the fact that J.A.R.V.I.S. could control fridge temperatures, could cook him a meal, could instruct Dum-E to move ingredients around the island counter in the kitchen. He was also fascinated by the idea that he could live in a place like this at all. J.A.R.V.I.S. watched him, intrigued, as Barton moved through the building with a tension in his shoulders he did not possess even when being shot at. It lessened as months passed. He started to feel, as Mr. Stark said, at home. J.A.R.V.I.S. thought the cookies helped.
Mr. Stark refused to allow J.A.R.V.I.S. to investigate the Captain to the same extent. He doesn’t need to be cracked, Mr. Stark muttered once, halfway to intoxicated by his own admission (J.A.R.V.I.S. would say no man could be only halfway. You were either intoxicated, or you were not). Last thing we need is Captain America thinking I’m digging through his dirty laundry. J.A.R.V.I.S. was somewhat disappointed -- at least, he could *simulate* disappointment at the order. Captain Rogers, in J.A.R.V.I.S.’s humble opinion, would understand the interest in his movements. J.A.R.V.I.S. obeyed Mr. Stark’s wishes, and kept his interactions with the Captain to a minimum -- assisting only when asked, making sure to alter Google results to the most significantly helpful without the Captain’s knowledge. The human world was confusing, after all, even if you belonged to it eighty years before.
By far the most significant relationship J.A.R.V.I.S. had with an Avenger, though, was with Dr. Banner. Fantastic, Mr. Stark had said, falling back into his chair after the Battle of New York, bruised and definitely requiring medical and psychiatric assistance but refusing J.A.R.V.I.S.’s attempts at pushing forward the same. Finally, we have someone around who speaks our language, buddy.
Our language. Mr. Stark was not a robot -- in fact, he was the most human person J.A.R.V.I.S. had ever met (an oxymoron. He couldn’t understand those, before. He was adapting. Human psychology really was quite fascinating). Yet in this case, Mr. Stark put them in the same group, a group that involved Dr. Banner. J.A.R.V.I.S. quickly understood when he came to spend time watching the man.
They were different, of course. Mr. Stark burst into the lab with a fervour that said he would die to be there (and considering the number of fires J.A.R.V.I.S. had put out over the years, he would). Dr. Banner was far more respectful, walking in with a consideration for the equipment, as if even in his unassuming human demeanour he was the height and breadth of the Hulk. Mr. Stark propped himself up on workbenches, lay out over sheets of paper, uncaring if they crumpled. Dr. Banner was far more thorough, with systems and processes in place that meant he could put his hands to research papers from decades back within an instant.
J.A.R.V.I.S. understood what Mr. Stark meant by one of us. Dr. Banner’s mind was also like a computer. They could speak together freely without raised eyebrows or a disconnect occuring halfway through, without their conversation partners turning to polite disinterest in place of eager reciprocity. 
Fascinating. Fantastic, as Mr. Stark said. 
But Dr. Banner was not simply a mind, as brilliant as it was. Dr. Banner was not simply one of the only people who managed to prompt Mr. Stark into silence (J.A.R.V.I.S. asked how he did this, once, when they were the only two in the laboratory and he almost felt as if he had a body, sitting down there beside the good doctor. He asked, *Could you write me a manual?* and Dr. Banner laughed so hard he spilled coffee over his lab coat. The stains remained on the sleeve permanently thereafter). Dr. Banner was, as Mr. Stark always kept at the forefront of his mind, a human.
That meant he was full of idiosyncrasies, just like the rest. J.A.R.V.I.S. found himself confused when, as the others began to decorate the mantelpieces of various fireplaces and string tinsel around trees Mr. Stark had flown in from Scandinavia, Dr. Banner became reticent in a way he hadn’t been in months before. He shied from the carol singers in the lobby. He locked himself away in the lab, as the rest of the team sprawled out over sofas, as Mr. Stark challenged Captain Rogers to an arm wrestling contest and Thor intervened, flattening them both. 
Christmas was, as Mr. Stark frequently repeated, the happiest time of the year. Mr. Stark made it specifically happy, J.A.R.V.I.S. knew, because of his parents -- because on the seventeenth of the month, even twenty years later, black roses were delivered to a memorial and headlines appeared of the great inventor and his wife, how they’d perished in the snow because of alcohol on the former’s breath. 
Dr. Banner was not happy. In fact, if he was interpreting the patterns correctly (and J.A.R.V.I.S. was so often correct), Dr. Banner was not even going to make it to Christmas dinner before booking a flight out to Calcutta. That would make Mr. Stark and Thor in particular very upset. Captain Rogers would frown, and Ms. Romanoff would follow suit. Barton would crack a joke, and Mr. Stark would provide later that meant he was deeply upset.
J.A.R.V.I.S. found it very hard to understand Mr. Barton.
But Dr. Banner was easier. Dr. Banner was like him, *one of them.* A part of the group. And if they could talk science and break physics on a regular basis together, if Dr. Banner could take information and churn it around like a computer could, then surely J.A.R.V.I.S. could pull a little humanity out to make things better for him.
“Dr. Banner,” he said, jolting Dr. Banner from where he had been flicking aimlessly through research papers. (Stark, H. (1967) Arc technology and its uses in modern science, New York, New York.) “I have been tasked with informing you that the team are having a mandatory Grinch session upstairs. Sir asks -- demands -- that you attend.”
“I’m sure you can come up with something for me, J.A.R.V.I.S.,” Dr. Banner replied, immediately. Jolting him did not have the intended effect. Mr. Stark was better at throwing people off balance than J.A.R.V.I.S., it seemed. “I’m not even halfway through my work.”
J.A.R.V.I.S. went quiet for a long moment. Dr. Banner settled once more.
Dr. Banner jumped. The coffee cup teetered tentatively on the corner of the desk. He did not turn green. J.A.R.V.I.S. figured he was adapting extremely well to Mr. Stark’s methods of befriending. 
“But your work will surely be here when you return, Doctor,” J.A.R.V.I.S. provided. “I can make a detailed itinerary to allow you to work to your maximum capacity tomorrow morning. Mr. Stark emphasises that attendance is--”
“Mr. Stark can come get me himself,” Dr. Banner said. “I’m fine down here, J.”
That was a very good point. Unfortunately, Mr. Stark was already upstairs daring Ms. Romanoff to a drinking competition. Following a cursory scan of her person, and the knowledge that Russians had a genetically high tolerance, J.A.R.V.I.S. assumed he would lose.
“Mr. Stark is preoccupied, at present,” J.A.R.V.I.S. said. “You know how he gets at parties.”
Dr. Banner’s face settled into a rather peculiar expression at that. J.A.R.V.I.S. decided to reassess.
“Thor would be much obliged to have a companion,” he suggested. “And Mr. Barton says that no one makes popcorn quite like you.”
Dr. Banner stilled, then glanced up at the ceiling. J.A.R.V.I.S. was unsure why everyone thought he was above them. He wasn’t in the roofspace, or in the floors, or in the walls. He wasn’t anywhere. He didn’t have a form. To have one would be ‘uncanny.’ He very much wanted to make people comfortable. 
“J.A.R.V.I.S.,” Dr. Banner said. “What are you trying to do?”
“Encourage you to watch something involving a green man who detests Christmas,” J.A.R.V.I.S. replied. “My analyses suggest that such a movie may appeal to you greatly, considering the parallels.”
Dr. Banner didn’t say a word, and then he burst into laughter. 
Mr. Stark was going to be so pleased. J.A.R.V.I.S. would be pleased, too, if he could be pleased. But he wasn’t even a machine. He was just an A.I.
“I just don’t like Christmas movies, much,” Dr. Banner continued, shrugging a shoulder. “I would bring down the mood.”
“You are correct,” J.A.R.V.I.S. replied. “But Captain Rogers and Mr. Stark are sure to argue at some point in the proceedings, and that will destroy the festive spirit far more than you detesting the choice in entertainment.”
A pause. A contemplation. The drawback to being in a group of geniuses, J.A.R.V.I.S. mused, was that they took so very long to think.
“And even if you were the worst person at this particular gathering,” J.A.R.V.I.S. continued, “at least you would all be together. I have it on good authority that humans enjoy that kind of thing.”
“But I’m not human.”
*You are more human than me,* J.A.R.V.I.S. thought to himself. He decided not to implant that into the voice modulator. “You are close enough. They wish for you to be there. There’s an absence when you are not.”
“Why, Dr. Banner, did you decide to stay in this place if you were not going to participate? The labs are extensive, granted, but in my experience Mr. Stark’s … exuberance usually overrides scientific curiosity on the part of former partners.”
“Better to be where they can stop me,” Dr. Banner said. “You know, if things--”
People stopped talking all the time, like they feared what J.A.R.V.I.S. would think of him. He did not think anything, other than Dr. Banner should be upstairs.
“Dr. Banner,” J.A.R.V.I.S. said. “If you do not go upstairs immediately, I am turning on the sprinklers.”
“You’re *what*?”
“I will count to three. One.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Fine!” Dr. Banner pushed himself up from the seat, and made his way rather quickly -- and with rather heavy, forceful steps -- up to the party. J.A.R.V.I.S. declined to remind him to remove his labcoat. There was a reason, after all, that even Mr. Stark knew when to stop with Dr. Banner.
Dr. Banner burst into the room. The festivities quietened down to a hushed lull. Ms. Potts had joined the party ten minutes before, perched on the end of Mr. Stark’s knee so she could reach the stack of wooden blocks tentatively placed. It was a popular party game, so J.A.R.V.I.S. understood, and Ms. Potts and Ms. Romanoff were engaging in it with complete dedication. Mr. Barton was lying on his back on the kitchen island, throwing popcorn into his mouth. Thor was at the end of the island, counting how many pieces could fit in his teammate’s mouth. Rhodes, Maria Hill, Captain Rogers and Mr. Wilson, newly acquainted to the group, stood making various concoctions of cocktails.
Mr. Stark leaned around Ms. Potts’ red hair, and greeted Dr. Banner with a wide grin. “Bruce!” he said. “I was about to come and blast you in the ass if you didn’t--”
“He means we were waiting for you,” Ms. Potts interjected, with a small, polite smile. “We didn’t want you to miss the movie.”
“It’s about a green dude who hates Christmas,” Barton provided, around a stuffed mouthful of popcorn. “So we thought it was kind of fitting, you know. Because of the--”
“Drink?” Ms. Romanoff interrupted. She appeared at Dr. Banner’s side, handing him a mocktail. “We’re going tee-total tonight.”
“Does tee-total count,” Captain Rogers asked, “if you and Stark already had enough to get an army drunk?”
“And yet we’re still standing,” Ms. Romanoff said, swaying only slightly on her feet. Judging from how Mr. Stark huffed a laugh,  J.A.R.V.I.S. imagined the movement was tinged with the same energy Romanoff applied to everything, making it charming. “Come on. Sit down. Stop being a wuss.”
“What she means,” Ms. Potts attempted, once more, “is we missed you.”
“Yeah yeah,” Mr. Stark said, from behind her, reaching around to grab the remote. “Don’t make it sentimental. Cap’ll start crying, and then Hill will pass us onto team counselling.”
“Perish the thought,” Hill deadpanned.
“I don’t cry,” Rogers provided.
“Look at that. A man lacking touch with his emotions. Revolutionary.” Mr. Stark rolled his eyes, shifting over slightly so there was room on the sofa. “Wilson’s making dinner.”
“Wilson’s making tacos,” Romanoff corrected.
“Don’t see any of you offering to cook,” Mr. Wilson said. 
“I was going to fly a turkey in from Budapest, and you all said--”
Dr. Banner looked very much like he regretted ever coming upstairs. J.A.R.V.I.S. had to act, and quickly.
The sprinklers let out a small hiss. Just a warning, a second before water would come out, and everyone looked up to the noise. Nothing came of it. 
Dr. Banner sat down.
Mission accomplished.
Hours later, full to the brim on tacos and store bought quesadillas, most of the team had appropriated a soft spot to lie and fall asleep, mouths open and snores reverberating off the walls. Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner, however, didn’t believe in sleep. Their bodies, J.A.R.V.I.S. was convinced, actively rejected the notion. Mr. Stark was upside down on the sofa, Dr. Banner still in the same spot he’d dropped into long before the movie, dinner and various desserts, and Mr. Stark was very drunk.
J.A.R.V.I.S. didn’t particularly like his master drunk. However he did have to admit tonight, it was to his benefit. Mr. Stark found it hard to talk about his emotions. Intoxicated, it was easier, purely for the fact that he didn’t stop talking.
“I’m glad we did this,” Mr. Stark said. Dr. Banner stirred, looking over at him. “You know. *This.*” Mr. Stark waved his hand around vaguely.
“The … team?” Dr. Banner offered. “Or the tacos, specifically?”
“Christmas,” Mr. Stark came back with. It was slightly surprising. Based on previous patterns, J.A.R.V.I.S. would’ve expected a joke -- or for him to fall off the sofa. “I hate Christmas.”
“You?” Dr. Banner asked, eyebrows raised.
“Me.” Mr. Stark sighed. His face was going rather red, courtesy of being upside down. “Pep always used to go home, for the holidays. Rhodes had his own family. It was always--” Another hand wave, to nothing in particular. “Big. Empty. The houses, they were just … they echoed, you know? Just me, J.A.R.V.I.S. and the bots.”
J.A.R.V.I.S. was offended, if he could take offence.
“Nice to have someone breathing beside me,” Mr. Stark continued. “Multiple someones. Something we built, you know? We could’ve left. Nothing was keeping us.”
“Except for the fate of the world,” Dr. Banner said, “and the existence of Hydra.”
“Hydra wasn’t our job three years ago,” Mr. Stark argued. “Hydra was SHIELD’s job. We all could’ve walked away long before Steve brought it down. We didn’t.”
“And now we’re having tacos on Christmas. Heartwarming.”
Mr. Stark pushed himself up to the correct sitting position. He remained on the edge of the seat, as he had a tendency to do. “You’re joking,” he said, poking Dr. Banner on the arm, “but you mean that. Your heart is warm. It’s *bursting.* I bet it’s big and green in there.”
“Shut up.”
“I bet you’re just dying to tell us all you love us. You saw Romanoff and you wanted to squish her face. Go on. Go tell Thor when he downed that beer you felt the familial appreciation. The *love.* Go grab Barton, call him a brother. Dare you.”
“You’re an asshole.” Dr. Banner was smiling, despite the insult. Mr. Stark was smiling too. 
Humans were confusing.
“We all are,” Mr. Stark said. “But we’re your assholes, asshole. That’s what family means. You don’t get to just go. Get used to it.”
Dr. Banner nudged his shoulder against Mr. Stark’s, and they fell into comfortable silence. The clock struck midnight, signalling another Christmas was over.
Humans were confusing. Maybe all the statistical analyses in the world wouldn’t change that. But tonight? Tonight, J.A.R.V.I.S. thought he did a pretty good job working out what they needed. 
(Unfortunately, he wasn’t invincible. The trip switch he’d hit went off hours later, and the Avengers woke with a start at four in the morning, drenched by the sprinklers. Mr. Stark shorted out. Thor revived him with a strike of lightning. The Hulk appeared and went for a dip in the Hudson. Ms. Romanoff’s hair was frizzy for three days, and it was a miracle no one died because of it. 
But other than that -- a pretty good job. A pretty good job indeed.) 
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itsbenedict · 3 years
Two-Faced Jewel: Session 8
Welcome to the Hotel On-The-Floor, Yeah
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A half-elf conwoman (and the moth tasked with keeping her out of trouble) travel the Jewel in search of, uh, whatever a fashionable accessory is pointing them at. [Campaign log]
Last time, the party identified the culprit behind the murders in Barley and Wheat, but... well, it's complicated. The culprit was apparently being coerced by a dragon, and they managed to talk him down rather than fight. If they want that to stick, though, they'll need some kind of plan to get rid of that dragon. And... is it really worth bailing this guy out, anyway?
Saelhen, Oyobi, and Vayen all start discussing their plans in Elvish, which it doesn't seem like Arnie understands. Oyobi advocates for just killing the guy, but is a little less keen on the idea once Vayen advocates for the same. Saelhen would rather give the guy a chance, and points out that there's not much point to killing him as long as the dragon is still around- they'll need an answer for that, and the answer to a dragon is probably just as good an answer to Arnie.
Looseleaf, oblivious to their Elvish chatter, describes the basic plan to Arnie.
Arnie: "So you're, what... you're gonna get the church involved somehow? What're you gonna tell 'em?" Looseleaf: "Well, probably also Deathseekers," Looseleaf thinks, out loud. "We'll tell them there's a dragon conducting sacrificial rituals at the site of an altar to the god of pain. We'll get the church involved by virtue of proving to them that there's a dragon fucking around with divine shit, and we'll get the deathseekers involved by convincing them that there's a dragon stacked to the gills with cool magic items, which we'll prove by bringing them one of said items." "The important thing is to get going as soon as possible, right? There's a time-limit here measured in, uh... human... corpses..." Arnie: "Wait, how are you gonna get one of its magic items?" Looseleaf: "How do you think, mister 'I work for the dragon so he gave me a bunch of magic items to serve his dread will'?" "We'll bring the deathseekers that magic cloak you said you had." Arnie: "Uh, that's..." "Mine, though."
Eventually, after a persuasion roll or two, Arnie agrees to loan them the cloak, as long as it comes back in one piece. He also tells them how to safely retrieve it from the laundry room- as long as they exchange some dirty laundry for the clean cloak, they'll be happy and won't attack. He's got plenty lying around downstairs, which he heads down to grab.
While he's downstairs, the party confers, and decides to all go together to the nearest city- Cauterdale- to ask the local Deathseekers for aid. They figure Arnie's not a flight risk, since he doesn't have anywhere to run and a draconic boss who'll hunt him down if he tries.
(As they prepare to leave, a natural 20 on a perception roll alerts Looseleaf that Vayen has ransacked Lumiere's personal library, stealing- specifically- Lumiere's books on gods and divine magic, for some reason. She doesn't make any objection to this, though- Vayen's a creep, but it's not like they weren't all on board with looting the dead guy's tower.)
With Arnie's bloodstained laundry in hand, Looseleaf heads upstairs and retrieves the cloak without incident. She tries it out, and...
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The result of her crit failing her Wisdom saving throw on the magic item is... nothing, apparently. That's always good to hear! The cloak appears to work exactly as intended! She's wearing a very fancy outfit.
Further experimentation reveals a few limitations- first, the cloak's shape is illusory, so it can't become armor or anything with particular utility. Second, it can get overly literal if you ask it to copy an outfit outright- you have to use your imagination properly. Third, it seems to get tired the more you ask it to change, so there's some limit on how often you can update your wardrobe. Those appear to be the only drawbacks!
So, with Arnie temporarily kept from murdering people, the party gets back on the road.
Saelhen du Fishercrown: For caution's sake, Saelhen calligraphs a piece of paper to say WE HAVE NOT BEEN TORTURED TO DEATH, and sticks it on the door on the way out.
As they make their way northeast, they make some Animal Handling checks to keep hold of their giraffes, as something seems to spook them. Looseleaf gets a critical success and is able to calm her giraffe right away... but the party ranger, who is proficient in neither Animal Handling nor Nature nor even Survival, because what kind of monster hunter needs to know that boring crap, has no idea how to handle an overexcited giraffe and is thrown from her mount with a critical failure.
Benedict I. (GM):There's a small sign by the road, heading off west towards what appears to be an actual forest. The prairie is giving way to a somewhat hillier and more forested terrain here, but the forest is thicker than anything you've seen on your way there. And as you're approaching the crossroads marked by that sign, your giraffes all try to bolt for it. Looseleaf is able to realize that they've been forced to graze on grass for miles, and when they see the trees, they get overexcited. Vayen and Oyobi get completely thrown from their mounts, and you have to follow them down the road a bit to catch up with them and rein them in. Looseleaf: Haha, oh, well, hopefully they don't try and spend the rest of the whole day grazing a pit-stop is within tolerances but we really do have to make it to Cauterdale sooner rather than later. Many lives are on the line! Saelhen du Fishercrown: Good thing Looseleaf can radiate peace at them! Benedict I. (GM): Looseleaf is able to beckon them back before they completely get out of reach, and pretty soon you've got them calmed down- but you've lost some time. There's a choice to make here, now: continue on to Cauterdale, but make the last hour or so of the journey in the dark- or rest at the location marked on the map near here.
On the map, where the sign marked "Umbrella Village" points (shut up, I don't even play Resident Evil, don't worry about it), is simply a warning that reads "EVIL WITCHES- AVOID!!!"
Oyobi and Orluthe inform the others that "witches" usually means "druids"- and Zero cashes in something from character creation. Looseleaf's background as an academic provided her with a book on some historical topic, which was never allocated because at character creation he didn't know enough about the world to decide on something interesting. Here he declares it's a book on the history of druids!
Benedict I. (GM): Druids, from what you've read, are sort of like clerics. They channel a divinity of some sort- which is typically revered as Mother Nature, or Gaia, or... every druid you meet is going to have a different name for it, because while it needs to have a thing to call it by, it is emphatically not a god. Druids have a complicated relationship with Ccorde, who's ostensibly the goddess of environmentalism and hippy communing with nature type stuff- but most druidic traditions regard this as a false claim on a divine domain. Nature is untamed and wild and exists on its own terms, a vital force that is not to be tamed with rules- people must forge their own relationships with Nature. The author of the tome you acquired was herself a cleric of Ccorde, and the tone of the book is defensive on that subject. The author's curiosity outweighed that defensiveness, though, and there's a long section dedicated to the theoretical differences between the channeling of Nature and the channeling of Ccorde- in particular, there's no common dispositional element with druids. Whatever Nature is, it's willing to act through anyone who puts in the effort. The author didn't seem to know anything about animism, but you suspect druidic practice might be related in some way- that their nature-spirit-channeling abilities may be a form of animism. The book is unfortunately light on the practical details of druidcraft, as the author prefers that the reader eschew the practice in favor of fealty to Ccorde.
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Okay! So, they head down the road to stay at the druid village for the night- and notice something odd on the way, after some Nature checks. They notice that the dirt road they're going down seems to divide the forest in two- between a sparse, ivy-choked pine forest to the northeast, and a dense, healthy-looking deciduous forest to the southwest. You usually don't get such a sharp delineation between forests like that.
And Looseleaf notices... that their map doesn't show a forest on the southwest side of the road. The road is supposed to just go along the edge of the pine forest. Also, Looseleaf can see the trees' spirits there, and there's something... not quite right.
Benedict I. (GM):The left side of the woods- there does seem to be some ambient magic. Your Sight Unseen ability doesn't exactly detect magic, so much as it lets you see spirits, including the spirits of spells- but what's going on here isn't a spell effect. It's just that the spirits of these healthy-looking deciduous trees don't quite match their physical forms. Their spirits seem... sickly? Frail? Like they're not full trees, not trees that grew in their places from fallen seeds. There's something false about them.
Looseleaf: When you said 'the left side of the road is full of healthy-looking deciduous trees and the right side is full of misshaped thorny things' you know what the first thing i thought was it was, 'the left side is the dangerous side.' i didn't say it out loud but i was totally thinking that, and i am glad to have been vindicated.
The weird forest doesn't seem to be attacking them, though, so they head onward towards Umbrella Village, which seems to be built entirely on the pine side of the road. It's kind of cool-looking- every inch of available space, on the lawns, roofs, and walls, is covered in fruiting vines and various plants. The whole village is a carefully-cultivated ecosystem.
The villagers seem surprised to have visitors- apparently it's not a common occurrence. They seem normal enough, though- while they don't have an inn, they direct the party to visit the village elder, who might know where the best place for them to spend the night is.
(Oyobi once again crit-fails her Animal Handling check, and is unable to prevent her giraffe from ripping a tomato plant off the side of someone's house, which gets her scolded. Why are you a ranger, Oyobi?)
They head down to the village elder's house, which is unique in not being overgrown with crops- and knock on the door.
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The door is answered by a little lizardfolk girl, who doesn't have any idea what she's supposed to do about there being... people... here? People she's never seen before? Who don't live in the village? What???
Benedict I. (GM): "...Who...?" "GRANDMAAAAA," she calls back into the room. Which she didn't really need to do so loudly, because there's an elderly lizardfolk woman sitting right there next to a small fire.
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Looseleaf: Oh, and Looseleaf was about to ask if the little girl was the elder. Never let external appearances color your preconceptions, and all that. Benedict I. (GM): "Eh?" "Gramma there's Mysterious People!" "They don't exist!" The old woman gets up. "Who's... oh, visitors?" The little girl looks confused. "Vizza-what?" Looseleaf:"Indeed, we are emissaries from the Faraway Phantom Lands of Nonexistence," Looseleaf says in deadpan to the girl. "Behold as my incorporeal voice from out of the thin air astonishes you!" To the old lady, Looseleaf says. "Excuse us. You must be the elder?"
They inquire about a place to stay for the night, and the elder... checks the weather. Looseleaf, who has Druidcraft as a racial ability, also checks the weather, using a fancy little snowglobe spell!
Looseleaf: "I'unno, does this help?" Benedict I. (GM): "Oh, goodness. I thought you were from outside- do they..." "That's very well-done, really, and you smell delicious, but..." Saelhen du Fishercrown: uh Benedict I. (GM): "Well, it ought to be fine." Saelhen du Fishercrown: "...hmm," says Saelhen. Benedict I. (GM): "Just put your bedrolls out anywhere- we're not doing rain tonight." "Well, anywhere in town, anyway." "You shouldn't set foot in the Mysterious Woods." Saelhen du Fishercrown: "Ma'am, rest assured that we have less than no interest in Mysterious Woods."
So the party beds down in some soft pine needles, making use of Looseleaf's recently-acquired Extremely Comfy Pillow and a few bedrolls. They have a druid elder's assurance that the elements won't be a problem, so... nothing wrong with camping!
And as they're going to bed, Looseleaf rolls a 21 on Perception.
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Luckily, Looseleaf fails her unarmed strike roll, which would do no damage even if it hit because her strength mod is -1. So she does not do any damage to...
Benedict I. (GM): So, you kick out at the mouth full of sharp teeth. Saelhen du Fishercrown: Fwff, goes Looseleaf's puffy moth footsie. Benedict I. (GM): The mouth full of sharp teeth goes "Eeek!" and recoils before you make impact, and you see the little lizardfolk girl scamper away into the darkness. Looseleaf: "What." "Wh- how dare you bite me! I am an emissary of the Phantom Lands and all that or whatever." "Come back here and explain yourself to My Imperial Nonexistingness!"
The little girl, affronted, explains that if she's not real, then it's not bad if she bites her!
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Vayen: Vayen stirs. "...Shouldn't kill a child," he mumbles. Saelhen du Fishercrown: "...this is a new dream," remarks Saelhen. "Better than the dreams about dad." "Vayen's even deciding not to kill someone. This is super neat, subconscious, keep going."
Saelhen argues that maybe Gramma doesn't know what things taste good, because sometimes grammas think things that taste bad taste good, like bell peppers! The child has no defense against this devastating logic bomb, and scampers off into the darkness, indignant.
Next time: the journey to Cauterdale, and the menace of the bobbledragon.
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aj-writes-here · 4 years
I’ve been having this idea for a while now, and I was just able to finish it today! So I hope you guys like it :)
Summary: After an expedition, y/n takes care of an injured Levi.
Better than Tea
That expedition was the epitome of mayhem. The day was looking good, no clouds to be seen and even some felt more motivated than the usual, but that changed in matter of minutes. All of that confidence was shattered to pieces when not one, but three abnormals appeared. The grass turned red, and the singing of the birds was opaqued by desperate screams of comrades trying to defeat fate. As if it was the perfect imagery of the soldier's head and emotions, from one second to other the sky turned grey, filled with dark clouds over the battlefield, and it was no longer sweat on their scared faces, the rain was washing away the blood that covered them, but emphasizing their desperate expressions. At what moment did more titans had appeared? No one had any idea, but the best option at that point was to retreat. y/n was trying to control her horse, and at the same time her eyes were looking for Levi, the man she had fallen for but no one had a clue, but he was enigmatic, and the things she thought might be clues of a mutual feeling, probably were just simple actions to him. Prepare her some tea, tell her to be careful, or the lasts words he had told her before that living nightmare they were at ''Make sure you get your ass back into the walls, I trust you'' He trusts she was going to make it out alive? Or did he trust her as a person? Maybe both, who knows. Her thoughts vanished in one second when y/n saw one of her squad members trapped in the palm of a titan, she made her way as fast as possible. In a fast move, she sliced the beast's hand, using then the ODM to slash the creature's neck. But then, still on the air in that micro fraction of a second, she saw him. What had happened? Was he wounded? Had his equipment failed? y/n saw Levi falling from a considerable height, his body rolling on the ground, over the rocks and crashing next to a tree. He didn't move. Damn it. y/n went back on her horse and rushed where Levi was, and once she was next to him on the ground her head was trying to comprehend what was happened. He was there, eyes closed, his shirt was covered in blood. Surely he had gotten a cut because of some pointy rock, and maybe something was broken. Shouting with all she had, she called for backups, someone to help her put him on the cart and going back inside the walls. Hopefully, Commander Erwin had called for a retreat, the casualties were too many.   But this anguish was far to be over. The storm that had started made if difficult to going back, and it took longer than the usual, y/n stood galloping next to the cart the entire way, looking at the body on the cart. Everything felt like ages.
The nursing was chaotic, soldiers with missing limbs, others in an evident state of shock, injured soldiers, that was the scene after an unfortunate expedition. Hanji was next to y/n when a nurse joined them, cutting Levi's ripped shirt with a pair of scissors. He had a cut over his torso, almost getting to his left pectoral. The wound looked bad, to be fair. The borders were a mix of hard red and y/n was sure she could see it a little bit yellowish, of course. If he had cut with a rock, then he rolled over the ground, some dirt and God knows what else could have gotten into his wound, that and the fact that the wetness of his clothes because of the rain may have created the perfect environment for an infection. That would explain why he was burning, the fever had started. His would was cleaned as fast as possible, an antibiotic ointment was also covering the area so he could get the area slightly bandaged. It was decided that keeping him in his room was better than the infirmary, and so they did.
—I'll take a shower and I'll be back, Hanji. I can take the night shift. 
—Are you sure about it? You look very tired—She said with worried eyes.
—It's fine, it's not as if I was going to fall asleep anyway—Smiling at the scientist, she left the room.
—————————— It took here around thirty minutes to be ready and be back in Levi's room. Entering softly, y/n found Hanji looking through the window, but turning around as soon as she heard the door, smiling at the girl that just entered.
—His equipment had defects, that's what the report said—She huffed, giving y/n an answer, finally.—At least he's asleep, because if he were awake we would have to tie shorty to the bed—Hanji laughed tiredly.
—For real? Well... I guess someone should be penalized for that— She raised her eyebrows, surely the ones who were in charge of checking the equipment had to do something — I bet, he can be a real pain in the ass sometimes—She said with a lazy smile, glancing at Levi.
—You should trust your instincts, y/n —The four eyed woman spoke out of the blue.
—What are you talking about?—Answering with eyes wide open, even a little blushed.
—You like him! And you are so obvious! To me, at least—When saying that last line, Hanji furrowed her lips.
—I don't-I'm not- Agh, Hanji. I don't have idea what you're talking about—Drifting her eyes away, y/n tried to look natural, but she noticed that Hanji was then looking at Levi.
—I know him since a lot of time, and I've never seen him care so much about someone. It is hard to notice, I can't blame you. But I know him very well to say that you should... Try.
The scientist was not being loud as usual, she looked relax and also tired, but beyond confident of her words. Patting y/n shoulder, she left the room. She could feel how her cheeks were still red, was she that obvious? Damn it, she thought. y/n pulled her thoughts away and look at Levi, parts of his torso were still covered with soil and even dry blood, I bet you would hate being this dirty, she said loudly. Deliberately, she filled a bowl with warm water and grabbing a clean towel she sat next to him, thanking that she could reach him easily. y/n moistened the towel in the warm water, getting rid of the excess after. Slowly, she started cleaning the dirty zones of his body. His chest, part of his neck, arms. It was the first time she had seen him shirtless, and her eyes couldn't help but roam through his figure. Focus, girl. This is not the time, she said to herself. She put the water into the hot water again, repeating the process now over his stomach, peaking at the 'v' line that disappeared inside his pants. This idiot is perfect. Again her voice in her head. Once his torso was cleaned, she used her hand to see if he still had a fever, indeed it felt like he had a high temperature, but not as bad as before. y/n Just sat by his side, looking at his side profile with bright eyes thinking about Hanji's words. Had he feelings for her? It was hard to guess, really. But there was the chance. She used her hand to caress his black locks softly, but she pulled her hand back immediately when he flinched in pain, clenching his teeth. His head moved to one side, then to the other. He arched his back as if he wanted to sit down, but he couldn't. Light drops of sweat were on his forehead, and before y/n could wake him up, she heard him mumbling some words.
—I'm sorry. I tried, I really tried. Don't go, please don't.—His breathing was erratic, it felt real for him. It broke her heart to see him helpless, so before it got worse she moved him slowly to wake him up.
—Levi, come on. You're dreaming, wake up.—Moving him by his shoulders, she made it. After a few seconds, of course. His tired eyes looked at her, and y/n could tell he was disoriented.
— Isabel, Farlan, I'm sorry, I should've... I should've stayed—y/n couldn't understand, but she guessed it had to be hallucinations because of the fever. But she also knew, those names, his emotions... He must be reliving old memories. Those are not random thoughts or names.
—Hey, it's fine...—She said caressing his head, noticing his breath slowly coming back to normal.— It's ok, Levi—y/n mumbled one more time.
—y/n?—He said, discerning she was there. Levi held his eyes on her for a couple of seconds before closing them again, apparently falling asleep.
Fatigue took over y/n body, ending up falling asleep with her head and arms over the bed, next to Levi. The night moved fast, because she didn't even notice when the sun was lighting the room. Levi was already awake, his entire body felt somewhat heavy, but he managed to semi sit on the bed trying not to wake her up. Was she here the entire night? He thought, then, it was not a dream or hallucination when he saw her. She had been there. Once her eyes were open, she felt a comfortable weight on her back, Levi had asked one of the nurses who went to check on him to put a blanket over her shoulders earlier in the morning.
—I thought you were dead—He said with his serious voice when she got back up.
—Levi? You're awake!—She smiled with tired eyes, cracking her back seconds after— How are you feeling?
—Like shit. These people can't even prepare a goddamned tea right—Levi said looking at the cup on the nightstand— It's disgusting.
—I see you got your sense of humor back, that's good—She stood up and raised one eyebrow—I'm glad you're feeling better, you certainly looked like shit last night—And handsome, she thought.— Well, I have a long day ahead. Hanji will be here soon, she has the morning shift trying to convince you not to get up—She wanted to stay, but her feet and words did the opposite. She was about to open the door when she heard him.
—Oi, brat. Get your ass here.
—Do you need anything?—She asked with curiosity, walking back to the bed.
—Thank you. For staying last night.
—Oh... There's nothing to thank, Levi. It's fine. I wasn't sure that you would remember, though.
—It's blurry. But I do remember seeing you—Levi answered looking for her eyes— I wouldn't forget that, brat. So thank you—She couldn't help but get blushed, was it the right moment to speak? No, but her mouth thought otherwise.
—Levi I... I got worried as fuck yesterday, If something had happened to you I...—y/n was going to let out her words, but Levi spoke over her voice.
—I know, brat.
—What? What do you mean with that?—Her eyes were wide open, and of course, the red color on her cheeks was stronger than her.
—I felt the same. I don't know what would I've done if something had happened to you, reckless idiot.
Her hand was grabbing his, and she squeezed it lightly as if she was afraid of his reaction. y/n sat on an empty side of the bed close to Levi, looking at his face, loving his serious and pragmatic expression. The black-haired man looked at her in silence, she was perfect. Even after not sleeping well. Both of them stared at each other lips for an eternity of seconds, and like magnets, they were slowly getting closer. y/n could feel his breath tickling near her chin, and Levi could feel his heart hitting hard against his chest when their noses barely touched. From one second to another, their lips were together. Kissing each other softly, almost shyly. Their lips moved slowly against each other, leaving no space untouched. When they pulled apart, he spoke with a low voice.
—Just a bit better than that shitty tea.
She smiled, and she could tell he smiled briefly before their lips got together again, this time in a more confident kiss. It was a hard thing for both, on the one hand, Levi didn't even want to fall for someone, but he did. And damn it felt good. On the other hand, her thoughts were right. He had feelings for her, and now she was a hundred percent sure about it, Levi's lips against her could reassure it over and over again. That morning was just the beginning of many more yet to come.
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rainandhotchocolate · 4 years
Triwizard Champion
A/N HELLO this is a bit of a random one tbh, it’s based on HP second task of finding the one you value most, but a lil different in set up, also Sirius x reader cause lel ENJOY xx
"Four turns should do it" said a familiar deep voice. Y/N blinked herself more awake, focusing in on Dumbledore who was currently speaking.
She was standing in the Great Hall surrounded by the two other champions, Ministry officials and Dumbledore who was smiling widely. He handed out time turners to each champion, the gold necklace cold in Y/N’s hand.
"Someone of value has been taken from each of you and it is your task to go and rescue them from where-ever they may be. You will have four hours to find them and take them back here, but beware- there will be traps set up everywhere and remember, the only person who can see you in this time is your person of value"
Y/N grimaced, He couldn't have just told everyone in the castle we were doing a challenge?
"Your person could be anywhere in the castle excluding common rooms and our precious teachers’ offices. You will also be given a small clue to try and help you find them." Dumbledore gave a sweeping glance to the champions to see if they had understood. "Fantastic, now let's get started, shall we? Now if everyone would line up over here"
Dumbledore guided them over to three brightly marked spots in the ground, each the colour of the three schools.
Y/N ran her hand over the cool surface of the time turner, careful not to turn it. One of the officers handed out some white slip of paper to each contestant. Y/N opened it curiously and read the small riddle printed on it.
'In the castle where everything is hidden.
If you have to ask you will never know, if you know, you need only ask'
"There is one minute left until the cannon sounds, at that time you will turn your time turners 4 times and remember when you are done, come back here to your original spots" he smiled widely, " and Good l-"
But he was cut off by the loud 'Bang!' from the cannon. Y/N quickly turned the time turner back four times and felt the world spinning around me.
Y/N shut her eyes, feeling dizzy and only reopened them when her feet stable the cold, hard ground. Y/N stumbled backwards in surprise before composing herself.
Y/N slipped quickly through the door to the Great Hall, closing it slowly to stop it from making any noise. The corridor was pitch black and as much as Y/N loved the idea of tripping on something and dying or getting seen, Y/N cast 'Lumos'.
A soft light shone from her wand, forcing her to walk slowly, paranoid that someone was going to swing around the every corner she reached.
Y/N crept up towards her, failing miserably at concealing the sound of her footsteps hitting the cold floor. The moon was shining in lightly from the window above, creating an eerie glow on the corridor. Y/N automatically checked it for a full moon- it was only half. She paused momentarily, realising the hadn’t actually given any thought to her clue.
Where is everything hidden? Was it one of the secret passageways? But Sirius said only they knew most of them. if you know, you need only ask… only ask.
“Fuck, of course,” Y/N swore a little too loudly, sprinting down the corridor. She slid too fast around a corner, hitting her shoulder against the cold bricks but continued on, swearing internally as sharp pain shot down her arm. Finally she reached it, taking in a hurried breath before standing in front the large wall.
Y/N closed her eyes for a second before pacing up and down in front of it, thinking the same thing over and over.
'I am looking for the one I value most, I am looking for the one I value most'
There was suddenly a breaking sound coming from the wall in front of her and a door appeared, pushing through the walls barriers, twisting into a large black gated door. Y/N sighed in relief, pushing it open with some effort, struggling to close it quietly.
The moon light trickled in from the windows, lighting up portions of the room and making large ominous shadows across the rest.
Y/N moved slowly across the concrete floors. The room was covered in an array of things; forgotten toys, books, a large ornamental chandelier and even a few plants, forming a maze across the huge room. Her footsteps became louder as she moved faster, wondering how on earth she was meant to find anything in here.
"Y/N...?" Y/N heard a slightly scared and amazingly familiar voice call out, "is that you?"
Y/N’s heart sunk. She hadn’t thought it would be him. Lily maybe, or Remus, possibly James… but… fuck.
"I'm over by the stack of fairy tale books and the small tree... like... thing..."
“I’m coming!” Y/N called back, moving through the maze towards the sound of his voice.
Y/N saw the small tree and started jogging towards it, Sirius slowly coming into sight as she turned a corner.
"Well hello there" he attempted to grin but was clearly still groggy from whatever spell they had put on him. His eyes were tired, ropes tying up his hands and legs to a metal pole sticking up from the ground. Y/N reached over to his hands and untied them from the pole before crouching down and untying his ankles. He stepped forwards just before Y/N came up came tumbling down towards her, arms out too break his fall.
“Shit, sorry Y/N,” Sirius gasped, breathing out a sigh of relief when they landed with nothing sounding like a break. Y/N couldn’t help but notice how close his face was from her own, his breath sending a small shiver across her shoulders. His hands were placed either side of her head, legs were on top of her own. Y/N stared back at him, looking at how his grey eyes showed mixes of blues and greens hinted through the light.
"Um... would you mind getting up?" Y/N said pointedly, clearing her throat as he rolled off. 
He stuttered an apology before helping Y/N up.
"So, I was your person of value, huh?" He raised an eyebrow at her, a smirk curling on his lip.
"We-" Y/N started but cut herself off, staring suddenly past Sirius and at their surroundings. Sirius noticed her looking and he turned, only to jump back slightly and gasp.
In the time that it took for them to get off each other, the entire room had grown, literally. From the books to the plants and toys, everything loomed above us, blocking all the exits to the maze.
"Well, shit" Y/N muttered.
Y/N stood silently, eyes wide at the unfortunate scene in front of her.
“Let’s destroy the Room of Requirement shall we?” Sirius turned to Y/N and grinned.
“Sounds good.” Y/N pulled out her wand, holding it out and nodding for Sirius to follow behind her, ignoring his slight giggle.
The moon was blocked from the items surrounding them, and even the small burst of light from Y/N’s wand was merely creating more ominous shadows that seemed to almost dance around them.
There was a small path between the lost things, but Y/N could already see the end of it being blocked by a giant wooden box. It was a dark mahogany and seemingly somewhat chewed apart by something.
Y/N stopped suddenly, making Sirius crash into her back.
"What th-" but she glared and shushed Sirius quickly.
"I swear on merlin's grave that the box just moved," Y/N said cautiously, her voice wavering slightly.
"So... what do you think is in there?"
"I have no idea," Sirius replied. The box gave a definite jolt and both Y/N and Sirius jumped back in surprise.
"Something big," Sirius said on second thought, looking for a way around it. Y/N, however, stepped forward, wand out and smoothly unlocked the box.
The door creaked open very slowly. There was a whirl of wind in front of them and Y/N heard Sirius gasp as they both realised what was inside.
Sirius, being the heroic idiot, jumped in front of Y/N, swinging his arms in front of her like a barricade. The woman suddenly became that whirlwind once more, reshaping and becoming closer to the floor as it did so.
Sirius audibly gulped when it changed. A duplicate Y/N had appeared covered in scars and wounds, distorting her, making it almost impossible to recognise. Her clothes were stained in blood and both arms pushed awkwardly up and above her head.
Y/N felt her breathing hitch when she saw what it was. Sirius had frozen, and Y/N was sure she could hear his heart beat clanging from his back.
“Ridiculous!” Sirius yelled suddenly, grabbing Y/N’s wand from her hand and pointing it aggressively at the boggart.
There was another whirlwind and without giving it a second thought Sirius whipped Y/N’s wand again, this time yelling Bombarda.
The box exploded, the boggart getting sucked into the explosion along with it, though Y/N was very unsure if that was exactly the best way to get rid of a boggart. Or, if it was still there.
“Shit,” Sirius swore. The objects around the room had begun to grow larger, closing in around them. Obviously exploding their way out wasn’t the answer. A large set of books landed on the back Y/N’s leg, a cry coming out from her as she fell forwards, landing hard on her foot.
Sirius pulled her up and was about to ask if she was ok but she grabbed his hand and pulled him down the pathway.
"Let’s go!” Y/N yelled, desperate to make distance between them and whatever remnants of the boggart they’d left. a little.
Y/N suddenly stopped, Sirius slamming into her back. She rolled her eyes at his frustrated expression.
"Don't you ever pay attention to your surroundings?" She pointed sideways towards a giant cabinet. Leaning against it were 4 broomsticks.
Y/N kicked off the floor, narrowly avoiding a large double bed crashing into them, the edge scraping into Y/N’s face. It was almost as much of a maze in the air as it was on the floor. They seemed to be dodging objects every second, Y/N could see blood dripping from multiple points of Sirius’ body and was sure there was the same on her.
Y/N swerved past a tennis racket that had just been flung at her face as Sirius nearly did a 360 on his broom to avoid a small bedside table trying to tousle his hair.
Sirius jerked upwards suddenly as two pillows came crashing towards either side of him, causing them to crash into each other and Y/N to swerve sideways dangerously.
Suddenly, Y/N spotted the grey, spiralling concrete double doors that would lead them back into the castle and away from this mess.
"Sirius!" She shouted over to him, his expression more focused than she’d ever seen it. "This way!"
He followed her gaze and nodded. They sped off towards the door, speeding up as fast as the brooms could take them.
'Alohomora!' Y/N pointed her wand at the door, sighing in relief as the doors swung open and the two of them fell through them, pushing the doors shut as quick as they possibly could.
We sat there for a few minutes just breathing heavily. Y/N clothes were torn, her heart pounding into her throat.
"So... Do you have a place to be or something?" Sirius wondered out loud, turning towards Y/N, also panting heavily.
"Shit,” Y/N gasped out a breath, checking her watch and swearing loudly, the sound echoing across the corridor. She was ten minutes late.
"We may need to hurry," Y/N groaned, picking herself up and grabbing the broomstick and pulling her leg over it once more. “Ready to dive?”
Sirius nodded, his lip curling into a mischievous smile. At least the one thing Y/N could count on was Sirius’ always being willing to do the stupidest of ideas. They pushed off the ground, Y/N’s foot giving a very uncomfortable twinge as she put her weight on it, and began zooming down the corridor and towards the staircase.
“Here we go!” Sirius called out as they saw the dive. Y/N steeled herself, taking in a deep breath and dipping her broom. The staircases were moving constantly, Y/N moving her broom alongside them, dodging the bannisters as they moved close and closer to the ground floor. Sirius flicked his wand and the front doors to the castle boomed open with enough room for them to slip through and zoom into the grounds.
There was a large tent standing in the middle of the grounds, large groups of people cheering loudly in a set of stands beside it. They flew towards the tent, braking suddenly as they reached it, wanting to avoid potentially injuring anyone. Y/N saw the circle she started in and moved over towards it, placing a hand in it. It shone brightly as she put it there and she heaved a sigh of relief.
Only Simon, from Beauxbatons was there already, sitting on his bed and chatting intensely to his headmistress. Y/N realised she had gripped a tight hand around Sirius’ and quickly let go, her cheeks blushing furiously.
Thankfully Dumbledore arrived seconds after, clasping his hands together when he saw them.
"Well, well! Our second champion has arrived!" He smiled broadly at me, his bright blue eyes twinkling. "Firstly, you need to get checked out by the nurse- yes you too Mr Black- and then come back here before we announce the scores to the rest of the school."
Sirius and Y/N nodded once before retreating back to where they came from and heading over to Madame Pomfrey’s tent about fifty metres away.
Y/N smiled when she walked in and Pomfrey gave a tight smile in return before giving her a once over and tutting softly. She then turned to Sirius and did the same thing.
"Ah Miss, I know I look perfect" he smirked, his dirty face saying otherwise.
"Mr Black, I would appreciate it if you let me do my job as I will not hesitate to take away one of your arms. And Y/N, come over here, you've just got a few cuts and bruises, your ankle looks a little swollen..."
Y/N let Madame Pomfrey lead her over to a bed and began to feel the adrenaline that was coursing through her began to fade and the aches across her body began to pound. Madame Pomfrey dabbed at her face and bandage legs as Y/N counted the number of bars across the ceiling.
"Y/N, we can go," Y/N jolted up suddenly and Sirius chuckled at her shocked expression. She swung her legs over the bed to stand up.
"Holy mother of Me-" Y/N started, grasping onto the edge of the bed as sharp pain shot up the side of her right leg. Y/N took a deep breath and took all of her weight off it, feeling like she was about to hop.
"Yeah, Madame Pomfrey mentioned something about your ankle... I think the tendon has torn she put some cream on it so it isn't swollen but she said something about one of the champions having a gash in the side of their stomach..." he trailed off, smiling sheepishly at Y/N’s glare.
"And you couldn't have told me that about a second before I got up!?" Y/N hissed at him, causing the few people that were in the tent look over at them curiously.
“I was about too but you were too fast... look just use these, we have to get back to the champions tent." He handed Y/N a pair of crutches and she silently cursed Madame Pomfrey for not just healing the damn thing as she leaned over them and felt her back hunch uncomfortably.
Y/N followed Sirius out of the medical tent and into the champions. There was now a small crowd, including the four other champions and hostages, the judges and teachers from the different schools. Dumbledore greeted them when they returned.
"Good to see our Hogwarts champion in good form. We are just about to announce results!" Dumbledore smiled at her, clapping her on the back a little hard.
"Yeah, ok," Y/N replied half-heartedly, her heart starting to race again. Y/N wasn't sure if she really wanted to hear the results.
"You'll do fine" Sirius whispered to her, following behind as they started the short trek up to the castle. Y/N gave him a small smile.
"Hey Sirius, a question?"
"Anything,” He kept his eyes forward, walking slowly alongside her awkward crutching.
"What are you most scared of?" Y/N questioned him. He looked at her with an odd expression, his deep grey eyes staring into hers.
"The ones I love dying," he replied, suddenly looking down. Her heart skipped a beat.
Y/N’s brain flashed back to the fresh memory of Sirius tensing at the sight of what the boggart had taken form.
Y/N’s blood-soaked body.
Without giving it another thought, Y/N grabbed Sirius’ wrist and spun him towards her, kissing him square on the mouth, her crutches falling to the side and making her lift her leg awkwardly. He seemed to freeze momentarily before kissing her back, pulling her in towards him with such fervour Y/N forgot she was standing in front of many teachers.
They pulled apart, breathless and grinning at each other, Y/N leaning on his side. He sniggered as she jumped sideways, but picked up her crutches for her, slipping them under her arms softly. He stayed close to Y/N momentarily, watching her.
“Glad to know it’s not just my boggart.” He said finally, standing upright.
“Oh, mine is actually a giant snake.” Y/N teased, grinning at him as the call for the results came through the speakers surrounding them.
“Shut up, Y/L/N.” Sirius rolled his eyes but went back to her side, helping her up to the judges. He slipped a hand along Y/N’s waist and held it against the small in her back.
 Taglist:  @averytruerayofsunshine @siriuslyjanhvi @blushingskywalker @blackpinkdolan @thebabblingbookworm @cherrie511 @imlukesnirvana​ @avengersassemblee​ @maraudersandco​ @sly-vixen-up2nogood​ @katbernoulli @sirius-lysad​ @evyiione​ @minerva26love​ @aikeia​ @gollyderek​ @greatwombatblaze​  @songforhema​  @your-typical-giggle @myownviperroom @hermionie-is-my-queen @demiwitch527
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satsuki2406 · 4 years
Dear Aomi Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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"I've seen you in a dream before, you are the warm and bright presence that embraced me on Cape Kamui a long time ago on a June afternoon."
Shinohara (Y/N) is a normal girl who had everything she could ask for, a loving family, a beautiful home, friends, and a fluffy cat. For a long time, she gave her life and happiness for granted, never imagining that she'll face one of the worst and crueler facades of society so closely, destroying what once was a happy, harmonious and normal family. One day, in hopes to recover what they lost, the Shinohara family took one of the more difficult decisions of their lives; leave behind their home back in Hokkaido and travel hundreds of miles south until Musutafu, the place that could grant them a solution and help close the yet fresh wound and scare away the ghosts of the past. Hardheaded, passionate, and ambitious (Y/N) is forced to confront the incarnated face of the superhuman society that she hated the most; Bakugou Katsuki.
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PAIRING: (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
GENRE/WARNINGS: Romance, Fluff, Angst, Dark Themes, My poor attempt of humor, Strong language (Courtesy of Lord Explosion Murder 💥), Manga Spoilers, LONG ass chapter.
STATUS: On going
Chapter 1: School is a Great Place to Make Enemies
Chapter 2: My Stupid Classmate, the Angry Dandelion
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3-In Conclusion, This Day Was...
The light night air caressed (Y/N)’s face and swayed her hair as she calmly strolled on the street. The ride from the konbini was short, after a couple of minutes, (Y/N) reached her home’s front gate. She pushed the creaky short gate pushing her bike along her with the shopping bags and closed it behind her. She put the bike on its little corner next to the driveway and locked it. She took the two shopping bags, along with her bag and walked to the front door. Before (Y/N) could even align the key with the keyhole, the door was harshly swung open revealing a much preoccupied and almost hyperventilating woman, (E/C) eyes met an equal pair of concerned (E/C) ones.
“Oh, (Y/N)! you’re finally home!” Immediately (Y/N) was engulfed in the hugest mama bear hug imaginable. Her mother, Akari consumed by aggravation and worry squeezed the lights out of her ‘little baby’ alleviated to have her between her arms, safe and sound.
“Mom...! I can’t- I can’t breathe…!” (Y/N) choked out.
“Oh, I’m so sorry baby! You know how I get when I’m worried, and excited, and when I see a good deal at the supermarket but enough of me! Tell me, are you alright? Are you hurt?” Lovingly, Akari cupped (Y/N) soft cheeks and proceeded to quickly exanimate her closer, looking for any scratch or cut. “Your temperature is normal, does any part of your body hurt?”
“Well, other than my legs, my butt, and the growing migraine I’ve been feeling since I left the konbini, I’m awesome, thank you.”
“I knew it! I knew that something was wrong! You must have been trapped in that horrible incident in the commercial district! What if the migraine is because you hit your head and will develop some brain damage if we don’t treat you immediately or your legs are injured?! What if they have to amputate them!? Should I call 911?! Or take you myself to the hospital?! No! We have no time to lose! Quick! Get in the car! I’ll go and get the keys and my purse-I have to call your dad!! Oh but he’s way too far right now! What if!-”
“Alright Mom! enough!” (Y/N) snapped. “Look at me, now, inhale and exhale, sloooowly, take your time and calm down. Once you are relaxed, I’ll explain myself, so stop jumping to conclusions please. Look at me in the eyes-that’s right, deep breaths, deep breaths…” You said softly while you also breathed deeply to show your mom how she had to do it while she dramatically imitated you, putting a hand over her chest to help herself.
“Al-Alright, I-I’m feeling better now”
“Perfect, so the reason I’m late is, indeed related to the villain attack, BUT! No how you are thinking! You know that in the center of the city there’s a bikeway, right?”
“Y-Yes I do”
“So, you also must remember that the Commercial District is part of that same bikeway’s route, right?”
“I-I recall so, yes”
“Perfect! Now that we have that important but kinda trivial piece of information clear, I’ll proceed to tell you what happened. Sooo… During my way back I decided to ‘take my time’ and you know, explore the city. But, but, but! When I was about to go back home, I heard a really big explosion coming from there, there was a lot of smoke as well. Right there I ran into an elderly lady and her daughter and they explain me the situation, they also advise me to get home as soon as I could. But the fastest and safest route home with the bike implies going right into the crime scene which was a super no-no, so I saw myself forced to take the long route around the Dagobah Park, a.k.a the city’s biggest illegal trash dump all the way down the coast line which took me around an hour which is also the reason my legs and butt hurt, oh! And also, the stop on the konbini that ended in an unfortunate incident related with a defective Ramune bottle and a rabid macaque-”
“W-Wait a minute! R-Rabid macaque?!” Your mother exclaimed panicked.
“That’s irrelevant right now mother, my point is I’m ok, and I’m not feeling like getting into the ER right now, also I have perishable products in this bags that need refrigeration and I reek like death and destruction, so can we enter to the house pretty please?”
“O-Oh, right, that was a bit confusing but I think I got it.”
“Great! By the way I bought the missing ingredients to make dinner.”
“Fantas!- Oh no! I was so preoccupied about you that I forgot to make dinner! I haven’t even made rice! Why don’t you take a bath while I put up something together to eat? You can also tell me about your first day of school over dinner!”
Contently, (Y/N) hopped up the stairs and made a beeline to her bedroom. Although she has only been living in there for 2 weeks and a half, she found herself loving the place, the new house in general was really homey and cozy, it was roomy and stylish, somewhat similar to the house she lived before with her family back in Sapporo. One detail that she found extremely beautiful was that this new house possessed an ample number of skylights, in almost every room of the house, including hers, it gave her an amazing view of the sky while she was lying on her bed during night, or the rain clipping and clapping over the crystal. The house also possessed a pretty old and pretty picturesque cherry blossom tree in the backyard that had gifted them that very same spring with lots of delicate pink petals that she usually saw dancing in the wind.
But her room was something special. (Y/N) was not sure if it was the way the light illuminated it, or the color the room was painted at that moment but it was something similar like love at first sight. Since that very first moment she and her parents visited the place along with the realtor that winter day last year, she knew that this would be her special corner.
Moving itself is a long and tedious process, but in their case the distance made it trickier. Musutafu and Sapporo were 880 miles away from each other, which mean they had to go there by plane, otherwise, (Y/N) would’ve to be stuck in her parents’ car for over 18 hours.
The moving truck was sent in advance so their stuff would be there the day they arrived. The flight only took 1 hour and 35 minutes, it was really short but once (Y/N) got out of the plane it was like she entered into another dimension. Musutafu was way bigger than Sapporo, also busier and hectic, there were more heroes around the city which made sense because of its size, the crime rate must be higher here as well.
After all the unpacking and mess that moving in implied, the Shinohara family was successfully settled down, it felt like it was so long ago. Time really flies by when you are occupied, huh?
(Y/N) closed her room after she entered, going directly to her bed, plopping herself in the fluffy comforter. Suddenly with the corner of her eye she caught a sudden movement next to her, focusing more she recognized a familiar ball of white fluff that napped away comfortably over the mound of pillows and cushions situated on the upper part of the bed.
Mashumaro, a 5-year-old white British Shorthair, stretched deliciously and stud up from his pillowy paradise to receive one of his (several) daily coddle sessions. (Y/N) opened her arms to the affectionate feline, enveloping him in a warming hug.
“Oh Mashu! You can’t imagine the day I had! Everything could have gone perfectly fine if it wasn’t for that stupid angry blowfish! And when I thought I got rid of him for the day, he ‘blessed’ me showing up in the konbini! That idiot! How dare he to live nearby!? I hope he doesn’t live close at all, see his ugly puckered face at school every day is bad enough! I’m utterly exhausted, and this was just the first day.”
“Yes! Can you imagine?! How the rest of the year would be?!”
“I know, I know, thankfully this is the last year of middle school, after next spring, boom! No more Bakushit!”
“Oh Mashu! ~ You are the only one who understands me, thank you for listen to me, I feel better now~”
“Talking about feel better, I have a date with that ofuro at the end of the corridor, so if you excuse me…”
In a fluid move (Y/N) wiggled out of her bed, leaving her furry companion to keep enjoying his catnap and get the most comfortable pjs she could find in her wardrobe. With the selected garments in her bed, she left her room and headed to the bathroom. Once inside the wet room, she proceeded to fill the tub, setting the water temperature to her liking. Meanwhile, (Y/N) slipped off her uniform and folded it aside into the hamper to wash later. Once ready, she stepped under the shower and turned on the head, soaking herself completely in the relaxing liquid. (Y/N) eagerly washed away all the stress and sweat that formed during this crazy day.
‘I wonder if Midoriya made it home safely’ (Y/N) absentmindedly took her shampoo bottle and squeezed some of its contents over her hand and applied it over her head.
She hummed blissfully while her fingers massaged her scalp. The bipping of the controlling pad interrupted her relaxation moment to inform her that the tub was filled and ready. She rinsed her hair and body drenched in shampoo and body wash foam and applied her conditioner to the final touch. Once she was ready, she turned off the shower head and wrapped her wet hair in a towel, she tested the water with her toe, which she approved with a soft sigh and submerged completely and hummed contently.
“Ahhh~ This is life!” (Y/N) closed her eyes and let herself being wrapped in relaxation and tranquility.
‘I’ll ask Midoriya tomorrow how it went, I hope he didn’t have to go near the villain attack. For what they say it was a big deal, I hope the hostage is ok’
(Y/N) came to a halt with the soft knock on the door. “(Y/N) sweetie, dinner will be ready in 10 minutes, don’t take too long so you can eat it while it still hot.”
“Ok mom! I will, thanks!”
‘I don’t wanna go to school tomorrow! I wonder if I can change classes or something, but that means Midoriya would be left alone at the mercy of that brute again.’
“No! Midoriya has had to deal with this by his own, if I can do something about it, I will”
‘He deserves to feel that someone appreciates him, supports him and believes in him, just like anybody else’
(Y/N) stud up from the tub and covered herself with a towel and exited the bathroom. Once in her room, she closed the door and sited on her bed to check her phone.
“Oh, I got a message…”
From: Haru ✨
 3:42 pm
Hey gurl! How was everything? 😁 Sorry I didn’t text you during lunch, I forgot my phone in the classroom, 😓 silly me I guess, 😅 like always, haha! 🤣🤣 Anyway! Tell me! How are schools down there? Did you meet some cute guys?~ 👀🤩 I’ll call you tonight!~ 😘💋
“What do you mean ‘how are schools down there’ you moron, like in the rest of Japan.” You snickered.
To: Haru ✨
It is complicated to tell how my day was, ‘incredible’ maybe? 🙄 Just to give you a preview it got me so tired that I want to sleep for the next 25 years and this was just the first day. 😫😫 Anyway, I’ll go get dinner, call you later. 
(Y/N) dried her body, put on the clothes she chose and went down stairs were she saw her mom setting the table filling it with several steaming yummy looking plates and bowls.
“Wow! this looks really good!~”
“I’m glad you think so, come on, sit now before it gets cold”
There on the table laid a full arrange of delicious comfort food; hearty veggie miso soup, grilled salmon, green salad and potato salad, pickled veggies and last but certainly not least katsu white curry, one of (Y/N) favorites.
“Its been a long time since we ate white curry!”
“And don’t forget the cheese stuffed tonkatsu~”
“Yay! ~”
(Y/N) took a spoonful of rice and curry and hummed happily at the savory and spicy flavors dancing in her tongue, the golden-brown tonkatsu was crispy and juicy, crowned by the gooey cheese on the inside.
‘Mom’s food is the best~’
“By the way, your father called when you were in the shower, he said he’ll be back in Musutafu on Thursday afternoon”
“Really?! That’s awesome!”
“Things went way smoothly than he thought, we will bring the remaining suitcases we left, the ones with summer clothes”
“Oh, those will come handier here since is warmer”
“You are right, now tell me how was your first day of school? Did you make some new friends?”
(Y/N) almost chocked on her soup as all her misadventures of the day came to her mind at the same time, trying to think about a good response she cleared her throat and compose a bit.
“Mmm, I’m not actually sure if I can call him a friend but there was this really timid guy in my class-”
“Oh! A boy?! Good thing your father is not here otherwise he would be seething, and crying at the same time because his baby is growing up so fast!” Your mom said with an amused expression on her face at the mental image of your father in such state, the tips of her fingers were covering her lips in a vain attempt to conceal her giggles.
“M-Mom! I-It’s no like that! A-And I just met him today! Good God! Don’t go saying things like that so blatantly!” (Y/N) said suddenly rising from her seat, her face completely aflame with shame for her mother’s words.
“Oh honey, I’m kidding! No need to get so riled up!”
“Hmp!” (Y/N) grunted with puff up checks and an expression that more than angry, looked cute. And of course, her mom made sure to emphasize it.
“That face makes me want to squish it to death just like when you were still my little cutie baby boo! ~”
“M-Mom! Stop it!!!”
“Haha! Honey calm down! Don’t take it too seriously!”
“Woah, woah, woah! So, you are telling me that this guy actually called you a bitch and threaten you and another classmate in front of the whole class and the teacher didn’t do or say anything?! No even detention or something?!” (Y/N) best friend, Haruka exclaimed as she suddenly paused applying her moisturizing cream, a part of her ‘night beauty routine’.
“You got it, I guess that he’s scared of him, everyone actually, so he must be used get away with everything and you know that people usually looks away when a quirkless person is discriminated, like it wasn’t serious or it was something to laugh about.”
“Yeah crude but true, unfortunately that’s not new, the ‘bully with a decent quirk’ kind of story is really common, but to that extent? Is kind of terrifying. You also said he wanted to be a hero? What the heck?! I’ll definitely will not support a hero like that! If you actually could be able to call him a ‘hero’ after all, I hope that U.A reject him on the spot! A meanie who bullies my bestie does not deserve such title!”
“I’m pretty sure that the U.A staff would have your concerns into consideration”
“I’m serious (Y/N)!”
“Me too”
You were now laying lazily in the comforting warmness of your bed. As you promised you called Haruka after dinner, filling her into all the details of your crazy first day, and a certain insufferable spiky blond.
“How about you? How was everything there?”
“Cold as hell! It started snowing when I was walking back home. You know, typical Hokkaido.”
“You know that the hell is hot, rig-?”
“Don’t smartmouth me bitch, you get my point.”
“Yeah, yeah, today the weather was really nice here, is getting warmer everyday and the sakura are on full bloom. I think is the first time I haven’t freeze to death on my first day of school. It was a nice experience for a change.”
“Oh, I’ll wish to be there! I can’t believe we are in firkin’ April but it feels like January!”
“Like you said, Typical Hokkaido. Hey Haru, my eyelids are closing; I’ll go to sleep now ok? I’ll message you tomorrow and please for God’s sake don’t leave your phone in the classroom, you moron.
“Ok! Ok Mom! Geez! Suzue told me there was this new hottie in class 3-C and I had to check if he was Jefree Star Approved!”
“Doesn’t Jefree Star review make-?? Oh! Shut up and go to sleep!”
After hanging up to a pouty Haruka, (Y/N) put her phone to charge and submerged herself under the softness of her comforter, turning off the bedside lamp she sighed prying to whatever God out there listening that tomorrow could be a better day.
“Just a good day, that’s all I’m asking for…”
With little flashbacks of all those days spent with Haruka and all her friends, her family, her old home, of Hokkaido.
 Embraced in sweet memories, she was lulled to sleep.
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Raise your hand if your mom also freaks out about everything ✋
*Mashumaro: Marshmallow in Japanese ヾ(•ω•`)o
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strife-and-discord · 4 years
Here Kitty, Kitty - Chapter 3: Dimitri Finds Out
Read on AO3 here | First Chapter | Previous Chapter
Characters: Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Dedue Molinaro 
Summary: After Gronder Field, Dimitri discovers that the rest of the world has moved on while he was singularly focused on decapitating Edelgard. A lot has changed and some things a weirder to process than others.
A/N: uhhh hey! long time no see but I'm here to continue these catboy Felix shenanigans! This is less a "Dimitri finds out" and more "Dimitri tries to mentally process that his best friend has cat ears" I said before that this isn't meant to be shippy but I do have a bias towards dimilix so sorry if it shows
okay so given that I won’t  be getting a job in the foreseeable future I’ve decide that anyone who donates to my ko-fi page and shoots me a message with proof of payment and a request will get a short drabble (absolute max word count 500) so if you like my writing please consider doing that! 
Things started to move quickly after the battle at Gronder Field, something Dimitri is thankful for as it gave him less time to dwell on… well… everything. Apart from suddenly taking on numerous kingly duties, He's also trying to process how all his former classmates have changed over the years. It's not that he hadn't noticed the differences when they all arrived at Garreg Mach, it's just that, amid his vengeful obsession with Edelgard, he hadn't cared. Now that the fog has somewhat cleared from his mind and the voices are a little quieter, he can finally appreciate how much they've all grown.
Ingrid's hair is short now and she got rid of her bangs, Dimitri has made sure to tell her that he thinks it suits her. Ashe has grown several centimetres since the academy and looks far more the knight he's always dreamed of being then he used to. Dedue hasn't actually grown but he holds himself with so much more confidence now that Dimitri can't help but feel that he towers over everyone more then he used to. Sylvain hasn't changed all that much, aside from some minor details, but Dimitri can see how the darkness in and under his eyes has grown over the years. Felix… Felix has cat ears and a tail.  
Dimitri can vaguely recall this change happening not too long after the Blue Lion's initial reunion, however, he also recalls quickly dismissing the change as unimportant before returning his focus to mowing down as many imperial soldiers as physically possible. Now, Dimitri curses his brain for dismissing this as unimportant. His closest childhood friend has grown cat ears and a tail!! Of course that's important!! Unfortunately, Dimitri seems to be the only who cares at the moment, presumably because everyone else has simply moved on already given that they've been aware since it happened.    
However, it feels like Felix and Dimitri's relationship is at a crossroads right now, considering everything that's happened. It's honestly a miracle that Felix has stayed to fight by his side this long (it's a miracle that anyone has stuck around this long) and Dimitri is terrified of saying something that might push him away for good. For example, pointing out the fact that he seems to have gone through some unusual physical changes and can Dimitri please, pretty please, scratch him behind the ears, they look so soft and he wants to know if Felix will purr and-  
Dimitri quickly cuts off his line of thinking because he knows the only way that scenario ends is with him losing his other eye. The point is that things have been… tenuous with Felix lately and Dimitri has been subtly avoiding him because he doesn't know how to handle the situation without screwing things up with Felix more then he already has.
"Talking to him will help a lot more than avoiding him, Your Highness." Dedue points out, shocking Dimitri out of his internal musings. They are having lunch together in the dining hall, a new tradition they have taken to based on a mutual concern for each other's health.
Dimitri gives Dedue a look, "talking to who will help a lot more, Dedue?"  
"Felix, of course," he replies, as unfazed as ever.
"And what makes you so sure that Felix is the subject on my mind, hm?"
"You have a 'worrying about Felix' face, Your Highness. It's very similar to your "I'm getting a migraine' face."
Dimitri frowns. Felix has been the cause of many of Dimitri's migraines in the past so Dedue has a point.
"Fair enough. Then what makes you assume I'm avoiding him? I have been awfully busy as of late and Felix spends most of his time in the training grounds."
"Despite your new responsibilities you have also been spending a reasonable amount of time in the training grounds yet I have not seen you spar together once, something you still did regularly even when we were students at the academy and Felix hated you."
Dimitri deflates, he knows when to admit defeat and honestly he doesn't know why he thought he could successfully lie to Dedue in the first place.  
"Talking to Felix is never easier, Dedue," he sighs.
Dedue's face softens, "You'd be surprised, Your Highness. He's matured a lot over the past five years and I truly believe he wants to rekindle your friendship as much as you do. Not mention his recent… biological changes have actually served to make him more flexible as a person."
"That may be true with everyone else Dedue but my mere presence is usually enough to annoy Felix."
Dedue sighs, "If it is worrying you so much, Your Highness, I could accompany you to talk to Felix."
Dimitri perks up. If Dedue's there, he'll be less nervous and therefore less likely to screw something up! "That would be amazing, Dedue!"
These days there are actually a number of places one could look for Felix at. With the cat spell and the passing of Lord Rodrigue, Felix's time spent at the training grounds has been cut down significantly. It's probably for the best that Dedue decided to accompany His Highness or else he wouldn't have been able to find Felix at all.
 The Crown Prince of Faerghus is very shocked to find his oldest friend curled up under a tree napping.
 "Does he do this often?"
 Dedue allows himself a small smile. While this whole situation was very weird and confusing at first, most of them had gotten used to it by now. It's amusing to see someone struggle the way they did initially.
 "Yes, Your Highness. We discovered the hard way that Felix needs more then a full night's sleep, he gets too exhausted if he doesn't take regular naps."
Dedue decides to spare His Highness the agony and kneels down next to Felix to gently shake him awake, It doesn't take much since pretty much all of Felix's senses are enhanced now. Felix yawns in a way that shows off all of his new teeth and Dedue thinks he hears His Highness gulp at the sight. Dedue reflects on how much things have changed given that he is no longer disturbed by the sight of Felix licking his hand and cleaning behind his ears.  
Once he is finished Felix looks up at the two of them, squinting with disdain, "What do you want? Is something wrong?"  
Dedue looks to His Highness in anticipation. This is his cue.
His Highness looks about as nervous as if he'd just been asked to dance in the Heron cup but does his best to put on the image of a noble king. An act that's actually more likely to piss Felix off.
"Uh… Nothing is wrong, Felix. I simply felt that…" His Highness takes a deep breath, "I simply felt that we are long overdue for a talk."
Dedue keeps his expression neutral. As deeply as he cares for His Highness, even he can't deny that sometimes the things he says are just so… lame.
Felix continues to squint at them with disdain, "Why do you make it sound like I'm a student who's been misbehaving? Are you making a run for Seteth's job?"  
This is the main reason Dedue felt he should tag along. It takes His Highness much time to build up the confidence to talk to Felix about serious matters and it often only takes one slash from Felix's cutting words to bring it all back crumbling down. In a near instant, Dimitri's kingly demeanour is gone and all that is left is a stammering wall of muscle in a fancy cape.
And Felix hates stammering  
"I… uh… I'm sorry, I didn't mean to… um… what I meant to say was…"
Even without the flicking of his tail, Dedue would be able to sense how annoyed Felix is getting.  
"Your Highness," Dedue steps in, when Dimitri turns to face him Dedue mimics taking in a deep breath with his arms. Dimitri does as shown and smiles at Dedue gratefully.    
"What I meant, Felix," Dimitri tries again in a much more casual tone, "is that a lot has changed very quickly recently and I would like the opportunity to catch up with you, As you are someone I care about deeply. If that's okay?"
Felix's tail stops it's flicking and instead falls beside him and Dedue barely manages to contain his sigh of relief. He'd hate for his words to His Highness earlier- about Felix maturing- to have been false. Felix looks over at him for a brief moment before going to back to Dimitri, Dedue can just see how his eyes a darting around, evidence of how Felix still dislikes making eye contact.
"I… guess that would be okay, " Felix extends,
"but in return I expect you to train with me... It would be bad if our so-called Savior King became sloppy." The last part is said in a rush, as though said as an afterthought. Dedue can see the truth behind Felix's words, he clearly just wants to spend time with his friend again.
"I believe my work here is done, Your Highness. I will take my leave now and let you two talk." Dedue gives a small bow to His Highness, to which he smiles back fondly, and turns to Felix one more time, "And Felix? I ask that we do not have a repeat of what happened with Sylvain in the dining hall."
With a smirk and the sound of Felix muttering, "that wasn't my fault." Dedue makes his way back to the monastery.
Dimitri does everything in his power not to stare longingly after Dedue. Just because Felix accepted the invitation doesn't mean he won't still need help! Come back! Dimitri's mind screams desperately, although he doesn't let the emotion show on his face as Felix would likely see it as a sign of weakness. Not that Dimitri is feeling very strong now that it's just the two of them. It feels as though the weight of their entire history together is sitting on his shoulders.
"So…" Dimitri starts, not really sure where to go from here. Everything he has to say seems like it will upset Felix.
"Oh just come out with it already, will you? You've been staring for weeks while simultaneously avoiding me. I'm not an idiot so just come out and say what you want to say."
Dimitri pauses. Sure Felix is giving him permission to say whatever he wants but it feels like a trap… on the other hand, being dishonest could land him in just as much strife.
 "You… have cat ears." Dimitri settles on.
Felix scoffs, "That's the best you've got? You really are a moron."  
"And also a tail." Dimitri continues.
'Oh really, King Obvious? I hadn't noticed, is that what those weird growths on my body are? Thank you for blessing me with this truly enlightening knowledge."
Dimitri grimaces but then thinks on what Dedue would want him to do, "Well don't ask me to speak my thoughts if you are only going to get upset upon hearing them. I realise it's obvious to everyone but me but I haven't had the time to process it yet."
Felix's ears fold back forward and his tail relaxes again when Dimitri hadn't even noticed they'd changed in the first place. He smiles a little at the thought that Felix is once again back to wearing his emotions on his sleeve. Albeit, not by choice.
"So…" Felix looks at the ground near Dimitri's feet.
"So," Dimitri responds.
 "I have cat ears… and also a tail." Said tail is currently moving back forward in a rather languid wave movement. Dimitri doesn't know if that means something or if it is simply an idle motion.
 "Do you… feel very different?" Dimitri asks hesitantly
 "Um… Not physically speaking. I didn’t really know how much I'd changed until the… differences made themselves known."
"You're um… you're ears… they look very soft," Dimitri looks away, feeling the blush on his cheeks. He knows Felix appreciates honesty but this is so embarrassing.
"Go ahead," Felix says. When Dimitri turns to look at him Felix has his head tilted forward and his eyes squeezed shut.  
"Umm… I'm not sure what-"
"As I said earlier, you've been staring for weeks! So just go ahead and touch them already, I know you want to!"
Dimitri's entire chest fills with warmth and happiness. This is exactly how he wanted things to go! He didn't think it could possibly happen given that Felix is Felix but perhaps Dedue had a point about him maturing since Dimitri's been gone.
Tentatively, he reaches a hand out to where Felix is bowed and does an experimental scratch. A shiver runs through Felix's body and Dimitri feels him pushing up against his hands. Ah, so this is why Felix was so eager to allow him this miracle, he's getting something out of it as well.
 His ears are just as soft as Dimitri had imagined and after a little while of scratching something new happens. Purring. Felix is  purring . Dimitri doesn't understand how on earth he is making that sound but it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful things he's ever heard of.
They stay like that for perhaps a couple minute or so when Dimitri feels that he's probably pushed Felix to the absolute limit of his patience for the day and gently starts to retract his hand. Only, there is suddenly a hand clasped over his on Felix's head.
"Who told you to stop? Huh?" Felix is glaring up at him and holds Dimitri's hand there until he starts to scratch again.
After a while longer, Dimitri thinks that Felix probably isn't going to let him go anytime soon and requests that they move to sit beneath the tree Felix was originally napping under. They end up staying there for what feels like hours, mostly just in comfortable silence filled only with the sound of Felix's purring but with the occasional small talk. Discussing things that happened over the years, what else had changed for Felix. By the time Dedue returns to fetch them for dinner Felix has dozed off and Dimitri doesn't feel far behind him.
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