#about the character
icesswolvescats · 1 year
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Father RadioStatic (The Lord of the Unfortunate/Broken)
 Class: Hunter Category: Overlord
 A 13th Reality critter with an old TV for a head, this creature is known to infect electronics such as Radios, Cameras, Speakers, Computers and Tvs. He can see hear and see everything through the technology as long as he is in the proximity. He is often known as the 'media'. He has been seen building an Army, but what for? He is an Enigma that has caused so many families to go missing only to be found months later (if found at all) decayed and mangled beyond recognition. 
 This Religious Media has been seen around: Italy, United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, France, Ireland and Hungary, Brazil, Argentina Cuba, Canada. 
 Advice: If he is hunting you, stay away from Electronics and avoid abandoned Churches. Who Knows if You'll ever be found ever again.. Hey!! wanna know how I made this piece of art? Follow me on Youtube and give it an watch! Speedpaint Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SsF0cjYp3c&ab_channel=IcessWolvesCats
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askcharaandfriends · 8 months
Hey guys!
Are there multiple temmies?
(Just like in the hit undertale fangame team switched underswap made by the TS™ )
I love team switched underswap! But when I started this project, I didn't know about them, funnily enough. And even if I did, I wouldn't want to just copy their brilliant ideas. I wanted to do my own version of swap. What if certain characters had their roles reversed?
Therefore, Temmie in this world is one of a kind. A plush Toriel made for Frisk based on their OC.
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arwenrebelgirl · 24 days
· · ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀         ⤹         𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐞𝐧 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ‧‧‧‧  ﹫ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴍᴜsᴇ ›      ────────────    #ꜰʀᴇᴇᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ㅤㅤ         𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭   ❚   navigation ㅤ ⠀⠀⠀ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𝑖 . ❚ Dieci agosto duemilauno, il gemito più forte che abbia mai messo un neonato rompe il silenzio della sala parto dell'ospedale di Oslo. Medici e famigliari rimangono incantati da una bellezza così soave, a tratti angelica, mentre gli occhioni della piccola Arwen mostrano già la fame e il fuoco della curiosità. Amata, coccolata e a tratti viziata da tutti i componenti della famiglia, è ancora una bambina, di non più di tre anni, quando la famiglia si trasferisce in terre Statunitensi. Il lavoro della madre, stilista che si affermerà solamente alcuni anni dopo, è la ragione dei continui spostamenti della famiglia, uniti a quelli del padre, avvocato. ㅤㅤ 𝑖 . ❚ Il sorriso più gioioso di Arwen viene velato dal più brutto dei dolori all'età di sette anni. La scomparsa prematura del padre mette in discussione tutto il mondo della bambina, segnandola profondamente. E' quello forse il momento in cui tutto cambia. Da qui comincia la sua vita, dal suo bisogno di estraniarsi, isolandosi leggendo e trovando pace in quell'attività che fa storcere così tanto il naso alla vedova: scrivere. ㅤㅤ 𝑖 . ❚ Una vita vissuta tra gli Stati Uniti, la Norvegia e la Danimarca, in terre lontane ove il verde e la natura alimentano il bisogno di indipendenza e curiosità della giovane. Le responsabilità, il bisogno di gestirsi da sola, e poi le prime esperienze diventano tasselli di un carattere che si mostra, solo in apparenza, forte e sicuro. Ed eccola la chiave di lettura di questa giovane che intravede nella sensualità il modo di raccontare una vita. I racconti erotici che scrive, i personaggi che descrive sono la voce di una innocenza che non vi è più ma che permane in ogni suo movimento. ㅤㅤ 𝑖 . ❚ E' una studentessa eccelsa, caparbia e la determinazione l'ha portata alla scelta di iscriversi alla facoltà di lettere, decisione che si contrappone con la delusione di una madre che avrebbe voluto un futuro diverso per Arwen. Dietro i tratti angelici c'è una giovane donna che desidera essere scrittrice un giorno, vedere i suoi libri pubblicati e non semplicemente scrivere su Wattpad. Appassionata di natura, football, cavalli, viaggi e tutto ciò che potrebbe ispirare i suoi personaggi immaginari, coltiva il suo blog come se fosse un diario, raccontando viaggi ed esperienze. ㅤㅤ     ❤️ ⌵ on game !     😮 ⌵ off game ! ㅤㅤ
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ainyan · 1 year
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Kal'istae Miurani's aesthetic <3
Inspired by this post. Blank template can be found on Twitter.
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kavtari · 1 year
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Guiding Golden Light
Just because you cannot see your own heart doesn’t mean that others can’t. Your heart is blinding, captivating, a fire so bright that others can’t bring themselves to look away. It illuminates the path they follow and cements you as a guiding star for their own wayward hearts. Every experience you’ve lived through has built your lighthouse heart up just a little higher. You are inspirational, a light that doesn’t go out.
(link to quiz)
Tagged by @safrona-shadowsun
Tagging, if you've not already done it: @elovir @wildname @damien-ward @foxglovethings @unabashedrebel @straightouttatheashes @theblackmourninquire @thalsianiii @trixcuomo @sharpen-jadescythe
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spicyjellyroll · 2 years
Who is Hazard!Sans:
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Hazard!Sans is The accidental love child of Ink!Sans,and a literal ball of flames. (Trust me it made no sense to Ink either) Ink wanted nothing to do with the child so he left him in a abandoned AU. (Ink by @comyet )
A ball of flames? How's that possible?
Well, think of it as a sort of Paperjam situation eh--just use your imagination kiddos. (PJ by @7goodangel )
What abilities does he have?
Well, he has the ability to summon fire using the tip of his head. He can also melt to a puddle if scared or hurt.
Does Hazard know any Out!Codes like Core!Frisk or Error?
Yes actually! Hazard knows alot of out!codes. The sweater you see him wearing right now was actually made by Error, and he hasn't took it off since. (Error by @loverofpiggies )
Does Hazard have a soul?
No, unfortunately not. He's made (almost) entirely of flames making him immortal.
Are we allowed to make fanart of Hazard?
Yes! I absolutely love looking at fan art!
Can I use Hazard for my own story?
Go right ahead, he's free to use free of charge as long as you credit me <3
What pronouns does he go by?
Hazard goes by He/Him pronouns
Fun facts about Hazard
He's an Out!code
Can be a real jerk sometimes will come around sooner or later
If he's angry, the top of his head will spread like fire
His canon height is 3'5
The gem on his forehead can change color depending on what emotion he is feeling
Like his dad, his eyes can change shape and color
His favorite food is hot sauce
Doesn't have a code of any sort so you cannot kill him no matter how hard ya try
Has a huge obsession with Underswap
He sees gaster as a grandpa
LV:??? DEF:??? ATK:???
If you have any other questions feel free to ask him or myself!
Note: DO NOT REPOST(Reblogs are fine <3)
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ladyofvoss · 1 year
What’s Your Character Arc || Thalia Voss
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You started this story a little hard, or awkward, or stubborn. That’s okay. It’s harder than it should be to admit, but what you really want is love. That’s what your story is all about - not just the act of loving, but the allowance of it. The confession that you do not want to fight or bleed or save the world, but to simply feel the way two hands fit so easily together. You will have two chairs and a table and you will shut your blinds, and you will say the word love without faltering. This is a happy ending, and you do not need to feel guilty. It hurts our hands to fight - never to hold.
I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.
Tagged by: the enabler @driftward
Tagging: @dragons-bones, @firelightmuse, @ofscorchedearth, @scrollsfromarebornrealm, @autumnslance​ (if you were already tagged by someone else, feel free to ignore)
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captscarletlog · 2 years
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Imagine a life where you are told, from as far back as you can remember, what your destiny is. What your job is. You have a duty, a burden, that you alone must carry out. And even worse, you don’t have a choice. From day one you have been trained, molded, and sculpted into the image of perfection that you have been told that you had to be. Cutoff from the outside world, set apart from friends and family. Alone… Just you and your destiny.
Now here you are; matured, determined, and ready to do what it is that you have been preparing for your entire life. You begin to take your first steps. And then you discover…
That it had all been a lie.
The man that you had listened to, whose every word you desperately grasped on to, had been lying to you. Just that quickly, you are lost – trapped in a prophecy that you don’t truly understand.
You have never asked questions before, but now, you begin to question everything.
This is Scarlet Hakimi.
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elizabugz · 2 years
Hey! I’ve made a writing Instagram account where I’ll be posting my writing projects and about my OCs. I will also likely just post photos, talk about books I’ve been reading and films I’ve been watching, and try and make some online friends <3 I’m really wanting to find a community of creators, especially writers but also artists of any other form!
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icesswolvescats · 1 year
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“Alex Roth” (The Last Alice)
 The 5th Alice is the Last one in the line. This Alice is the Ace of all Cards. They Never wake up from their never ending nightmare yet can never sleep away. This Alice has wandered far and wide, trying to find answers to end this curse that has plagued them. This Alice was last seen going home from University. They were Never Found, and Have been missing for a Year and a Half. The Last Alice's fate has been a mystery till this day. Is the Last Alice even Alive? if so, where are they and where have they been all this time?
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askcharaandfriends · 7 months
Chara! i know it may sound rude but is not meant to be could you please rate 1 to 10 your relationship with everyone? 1 being we need to work out some big issues/problems and 10 is we have the most awesome Friends/Family relationship!
Chara: um well... I don't know If I could just rate my relationship with everyone. But I can describe what I feel and how I think about them.
Dad- big warm soft hug factory. Always there for me. Listens and takes my opinions seriously. Not the best chef, but probably the best gardener ever. Protective and sturdy. Home is where the Asgore is. Sometimes very sad, but always tries to keep smiling and find something nice about the day.
Toriel- complex woman with a lot of responsibilities. Stuck halfway in between being a good mom and a good queen. Super kind and loving but with quite a lot of weight in her chest. Baking extraordinaire. Can make even snails appealing. Also quite good at textiles- taught me everything I know. Bit of a grammar police but in a gentle corrective way.
Asriel- more than a friend. My partner. Soft and cute. Kind and thoughtful. I can't imagine not being by his side. We are thick as thieves. Great at video games and has a superb imagination. Also not half bad at video editing. Sometimes a bit of a scardy cat and a pushover, but incredibly brave and cool when it really counts.
Sans- full of energy and puns. Loves his brother to pieces and will do anything for him. Parkour expert. Ninja skills. 9th level black belt in pranks. Secret love of junkfood. And socks. And toriel. A man of many secrets in general. But very fun loving, cool and caring.
Papyrus- well crafted puns finely aged in an Oaken cask. Equal parts silly and serious. Very cool without even trying. If he ever tried- watch out world! Loves his brother more than anything in the world. Depression disguised as laziness- but he's getting better. Mild sugar addiction. Astonishing capacity for forgiveness and giving second chances.
Alphys- anime antagonist turned ally. Gives amazing long-winded speeches. She deserves an Oscar. Highly opinionated and passionate. Hard outer shell like a hermit crab. Surprisingly soft insides. Fond of cute things. Highly skilled and trained warrior. Hero of her own story. A blast to hang out with except- ironically- when watching anime due to her opinions often Clashing with mine. We're like epic rivals.
Undyne- an excellent mad scientist. Brilliant and creative inventor. Very enthusiastic about her work and her girlfriend. Prefers to show rather than tell. Surprisingly Pyro for a fish lady. Almost always exciting. But also has a soft and sad side that she likes to sweep under the rug. She has a good heart though and is loyal to a fault.
Tem- the unreformed Stitch in my life. Little gremlin. Mild chaos. They're a lot of fun at the best of times. At the worst of times... well at least they aren't bent on causing permanent damage anymore. Cranky chihuahua. Grumpy cat. Lonely haunted doll. They say they don't feel anything and literally do not have those emotions, but I don't know. They must be really good at acting because they feel genuine enough sometimes. Even if they don't have a SOUL, they must have some kind of echo of one or else why can they get so mad when I destroy them in smashbros? Out of everyone they seem to tolerate me the most. I think it's because I remind them of their best friend....even though we are nothing alike.
Napstaton- an amazing dj and super cool and chill. Surprisingly shy for a world famous celebrity. Seems like they like to party but in reality big crowds drain their batteries really fast. Greatly prefers to just vibe.
Hapstablook- pretty much the opposite of his cousin but not in a bad way. The undead of the party. A trendsetter and fashionista. Loud and highly opinionated- somehow more than Alphys. Sometimes pushy. Completely glamorous. Kept trying to dress me up until I put my foot down. But He's cool and respects my fashion choices, even if he doesn't always agree.
Dr Hermann- mysterious scientist from the space between spaces, but apparently not originally from there. Apparently Sans and Papyrus' mom. Didn't get to raise her boys as much as she would have liked. Seems loving and caring and glad to be back. Also somehow a Latina even though many generations of monsters were under Canada.... though I suppose it's not that strange. It explains why both Sans and Papyrus occasionally break out in to Spanish.
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siteforsoreyes · 2 years
So I was wrong about grian being an 8. He is a sx 6w7 HARDCORE and it was incredibly obvious
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The Magnetic Saga
Series About Page
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About the Series
The Magnetic Saga will tell the story of Polaris and her family. This version of Polaris has completely different origins from the comics. Her mother, Lizzie, is a mutant and was once married to Erik. X-Men movies will cross with the MCU though in a different way and some of them will now no longer exist. The first released book is going to be the story of Polaris. I will only put information in the character information that won’t spoil her book. Her first name will remain Lorna.
About the Main and Important Characters
Elizabeth “Lizzie” Jane Daniels-Xavier
Born 1942 to highly decorated British WWII officer Francis “Frank” Daniels and his wife Lorna, a woman he married against the wishes of his family. Her father died in the war, leaving her mother to raise her alone. Captain Frank Daniels of the British Armed forces was a liaison officer that worked with the SSR along with Agent Peggy Carter. He befriended Captain Steve Rogers and worked with Howard Stark and his Howling Commandos for a time before being recalled by the British Army. It was his service for the British that cost him his life.
Lizzie and her mother are taken on the orders of a man named Sebastian Shaw when she’s 8 years old. He saw her use her mutant powers accidentally in public. They were newly developing and she hasn’t learned control. Shaw was formerly known as Klaus Schmidt, a Nazi officer and second in command of Hydra which was ran by his brother Johann. Shaw murdered her mother in front of her when she couldn’t use her powers on command.
Lizzie’s father, Frank, left behind a surviving sister, Sharon Xavier, who was living in New York now with her son. Sharon had been determined to find her niece and take her in. She’d spent years searching for the only surviving piece of her beloved brother. Finally Lizzie managed to escape captivity and by a twist of fate she was found by a teen boy and girl not much older than her. It so happened she’d be found by her older cousin, Charles Xavier, and his foster sister, Raven. Charles took Lizzie home and showed her and her things to his mother. In Lizzie’s things were what little she had left of her life before she had been taken. It proved her identity and she was adopted by her aunt, given everything she could ever want or need then gaining a brother and sister in Charles and Raven.
Lizzie still wanted revenge on the man who hurt her. When she finished college at Oxford she went hunting and who should she find but Erik Lehnsherr instead with whom she embarked upon a whirlwind romance. With Erik it would be a constant battle for her heart though they would have two daughters together, Lorna and Edie. She’d have another romance that she would forever keep private though she got the twins, Freyja and Fenris, from it. Now Lizzie has the real thing with Logan and they share a daughter together, Maria.
Lizzie has severely slowed aging to the point she almost doesn’t age because of a serum of Hank’s creation she has tested for him.
Lizzie’s code name is Kinetica due to her abilities with kinetic energy (particularly telekinesis) and projection. She is also immune to Charles’s power. The only time she wasn’t was during her pregnancy with Lorna.
Lizzie has worked for SHIELD since 1963, having been recruited by Peggy Carter and Howard Stark. She’s currently working as the Assistant Director under Nick Fury.
Lorna Jane Xavier-Stark
She is born Lorna Jane Lehnsherr on June 9, 1963 to Lizzie Lehnsherr (née Daniels-Xavier) and Erik Lehnsherr. Lizzie is in the very early stages of pregnancy with her on the beach in Cuba in October 1962. Lorna’s last name is changed to Xavier in November 1963 when Lizzie divorces Erik after he is placed in prison for the assassination of President Kennedy. After Lizzie starts working for SHIELD, Howard Stark falls head over heels for the little girl and by the time she’s two asks to adopt his new best friend’s daughter. Lizzie agrees as she had already been co-parenting with him in a sense anyway. Lorna’s last name is changed to Xavier-Stark by July 1, 1965 and she calls Howard “Pop.”
Lorna’s famously known to all by as her adopted father, Howard Stark’s “wing woman” that helps him land his future wife Maria. Her and Maria have a wonderful relationship too. She’s protective over Tony and they’re like best friends. She also doesn’t take his crap. She’s never afraid to give Tony hell. Her mom Lizzie serves as Tony’s godmother while she gets to be his big sister to keep him in line. Tony gives it back to her when she becomes a mom when he does questionable things as an Uncle. She would never trade her relationship with Tony for the world as insane as he makes her. She loves her brother deeply despite his flaws.
Lorna has one full sibling. Edie Xavier-Lehnsherr was born in October 1974 after her parents briefly reunited in Paris when trying to stop Bolivar Trask from creating his sentinels. Due to the events that followed, Erik Lehnsherr went into hiding as a fugitive and didn’t learn of Edie’s existence until she was nine years old.
Lorna was kidnapped in April 1983, just a few months before she turned twenty years old. They don’t know who took her. Lorna was rescued at the end of October in a mission lead by Nick Fury that without the help of Erik Lehnsherr they wouldn’t have found her. When she was rescued, she was twenty-eight weeks pregnant. The ones that kidnapped her forced her to give herself to a man, a super soldier until she became pregnant because they wanted a hybrid child of a mutant and super soldier. Lorna would give birth to a baby boy on December 16, 1983 that she named James “Jamie” Erik Xavier-Stark. Lorna could tell them very little of the man or her captors, leaving much of this a mystery.
Lorna encountered the man who fathered her son the night Howard and Maria Stark were killed when he delivered her son back to her safely. Jamie had been with them as they’d been together for little Jamie’s eighth birthday. Her mom was heavily pregnant with twins, due in a couple of months. Lorna’s twin younger siblings, Freyja and Fenris would be born the following February. The tragic loss of Howard and Maria Stark would rock the entire family for quite some time. It would send Lorna’s adopted brother Tony into a spiral and Lorna on as well. Lorna would finally crack from everything she’d been through, forcing Lizzie to go to Charles to finally get Lorna help for all she had been through. Lorna has to spend time for a mental break down in an institution while her son remains with Charles. Once she is stable, she goes to work for SHIELD and never looks back.
Lorna would go to work for SHIELD not long after the death of Howard and Maria Stark and after she fully recovers from her own complete mental breakdown. She recovers completely thanks to her Uncle Charles. She rose up through the agent ranks doing under cover and black ops work. It, also, helped that Lorna is highly multilingual. Lorna may have English for her mother tongue but she’s also fluent in German, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Hungarian, and Polish as well as Latin, Hebrew, Arabic, and Greek. She’s studied in the Jewish culture and religion though she has never practiced it but respects her heritage as someone who is Jewish with family who was lost in the camps and a father who survived Auschwitz. The Xavier family may have been members of the Church of England but she was never raised religious. Her status as one of the most linguistically fluent agents in SHIELD also made her one of the most valuable agents. She just had a knack for picking up languages. Her help with Jamie wasn’t just those that lived and worked at the Xavier School, her biggest help was Tony. Tony loved and adored his nephew from day one and made Jamie his protégé. Lorna was ok with Jamie being Tony’s protégé because it was also a way to keep her son safe. She didn’t want him in the world of SHIELD because she knew he would always be in danger in that world. Her SHIELD work was full of her dedication of keeping more than Jamie safe but the rest of the world. She wanted to do the right thing and the best thing for the people in the world. She had to always keep believing in the existence of the good. That’s what helped her to not have another breakdown and keep moving forward.
Lorna is completely bisexual and after meeting Natasha Romanoff on a covert mission, while Natasha is still the enemy, she ends up falling in love with her. Lorna and Natasha engage in a relationship that lasts for a couple of years after Clint makes the decision to let Natasha live and Natasha defects to SHIELD. They end their relationship amicably upon realizing Lorna is more invested in committing than Natasha. They decide to be friends with benefits only, always giving each other the love and support they need. Natasha will always be Lorna’s best friend she can tell anything to, besides Clint, who she calls her other brother, and Alex, who has known her all her life. Pepper is the best friend she has to be a little filtered with but Natasha is the best friend she never has to hide anything from. The only other people who get away with talking to Lorna any way they wish are Logan and Hank McCoy because even Tony has rules with Lorna. There’s only one person who she completely despises and that’s Erik Lehnsherr.
Lorna’s powers make one of her nicknames the mistress of magnetism. It’s quite plausible that her ability to control metal is stronger than Magneto’s. This connection to metal has her directly connected to the Earth’s metal core, in a stronger sense than Erik ever could. She can fly and draw from the metal in the core as well magnetism that runs around the earth. The polarity in her magnetism is opposite of Magneto. She can use this to create a shield around her. When anything hits her shield, she absorbs that energy into her, making her stronger. Lorna can also send out electromagnetic energy pulses and blasts, not just control metal. She can use her control over all the metal down to the connection at the core to create earthquakes. She can do more than shield herself but also shield others as well. She can also manipulate anything of a metallic substance down to the molecular level to change it or create something new and/or different. The connection she has to the earth and its core is part of why her aging has slowed and will remain slowed permanently. The other reasons her aging has slowed are the serum she tested for Hank and the healing serum Hank created from Logan’s DNA. Lorna had to be given the healing serum on a couple of occasions to save her life. The permanent effects were how it has basically caused it to stop her aging and giving her some healing abilities when combined with her own mutation. Lorna also has powers of empathy. They’re not as powerful as a full blown telepath but still prevalent. Her power shows as green but it is not why they call her Polaris. She’s Polaris because of the polarity of magnetism.
Edie Raven Xavier-Lehnsherr
Edie Raven Xavier-Lehnsherr is born October 31, 1974 and is the daughter of Lizzie Daniels-Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, conceived during their brief rendezvous of their relationship in Paris in 1974 when trying to stop Raven from killing Dr. Bolivar Trask at the Paris Peace Conference. Erik did not know Edie existed until she was nine years old in 1983 after he helped out SHIELD when Lorna had been kidnapped by helping locate and rescue his daughter. Lorna ended up spilling the beans about Edie, forcing Lizzie to admit to Erik about their other daughter. Due to the fact that Erik’s lack of presence in her life was actually her mother’s fault, Edie’s feelings towards Erik are the opposite of her older sister Lorna. She’s welcoming towards him and has no hard feelings. She wants to build a relationship.
Edie works at the Xavier Institute as a teacher and is on of her Uncle Charles’s X-Men, going by the code name of Psyche. Edie’s a telepath with telekinesis and projection powers like her mother. She can create a type of shield similar to what her father and sister can do but nowhere near as strong. It’s more of a psychic shield. Her psychic powers are where her true strength lies and she’s been studying under Charles on how to truly hone her skills. As a teacher and scientist she’s a protégé of Dr. Hank McCoy and studied in university at Harvard.
Freyja Astrid Xavier
Freyja Astrid Xavier is the twin sister of Fenris and Lizzie’s daughter with a man she does not speak of. The twins were born February 18, 1992 and have always been known as chaotic trouble makers, being bigger mischief makers than Tony and Lorna combined. Freyja, just like her twin brother, is highly intelligent and has had powers since she was a toddler. She is a scientist who has considered going into medicine. However, she’s also known for being a major flirt that just can’t help herself.
Fenris Aleksander Xavier
Fenris Aleksander Xavier is the twin brother of Freyja and Lizzie’s son with a man she doesn’t speak of. The twins were born February 18, 1992 and have always been known as chaotic trouble makers, being bigger mischief makers than Tony and Lorna combined. Fenris, just like his twin sister, is highly intelligent and has had powers since he was a toddler. Fenris is a historian who has also studied archaeology that works as a teacher. He’s also a major flirt that’s unable to help himself.
Maria Logan Xavier
Maria Logan Xavier is Lizzie’s youngest child who she has with Logan. Maria was born March 21, 2000 and is studying at the Xavier Institute as her mutant powers are just now coming into fruition.
James “Jamie” Erik Xavier-Stark
James “Jamie” Erik Xavier-Stark is Lorna’s son. He was the result of what occurred during her kidnapping and she does not know the true identity of his father. He was born December 16, 1983 and Lorna named Nick Fury as his godfather. Tony has helped raise him and he’s now his protégé.
Characters to Appear (So Far)
*this list is incomplete*
Lorna Jane Xavier-Stark Polaris
Elizabeth “Lizzie” Jane Daniels-Xavier Kinetica
Erik Magnus Lehnsherr Magneto
Anthony “Tony” Stark Iron Man
James “Jamie” Xavier-Stark
Edie Raven Xavier-Lehnsherr Psyche
Charles Francis Xavier Professor X
Raven Darkholme Mystique
Moira MacTaggart
Howard Stark
Maria Stark
Peggy Carter
Logan Wolverine
Nicholas “Nick” J. Fury
Alexander “Alex” Summers Havok
Henry “Hank” McCoy Beast
Virginia “Pepper” Potts
Happy Hogan
Natasha Romanoff Black Widow
Clinton “Clint” Barton Hawkeye
Freyja Astrid Xavier
Fenris Aleksander Xavier
Philip “Phil” Coulson
Maria Hill
James “Rhodey” Rhodes War Machine
James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes Winter Soldier
Maria Logan Xavier
Thor Odinson
Jane Foster
Erik Selvig
Remy LeBeau Gambit
Steven “Steve” Grant Rogers Captain America
Robert Bruce Banner Hulk
Samuel “Sam” Wilson Falcon
Sharon Carter
Pietro Maximoff Quicksilver
Wanda Maximoff Scarlet Witch
Thaddeus Ross
T’Challa Black Panther
Eliot Ross
Ororo Munroe Storm
Jean Grey
Scott Summers Cyclops
Marie Rogue
Jubilation Lee Jubilee
Carol Danvers Captain Marvel
Stephen Strange Dr Strange
Peter Parker Spider Man
Scott Lang Ant Man
Warren Worthington III Angel
Kurt Wagner Nightcrawler
Betsy Braddock Psylocke
*Planned and released*
Reading Master List
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Shed My Skin: The Story of Polaris
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What Have You Done: The Story of Kinetica
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A Dangerous Mind: The Story of Magneto
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Hand of Sorrow: The Story of the Winter Soldier
Valid Films to the Saga
X-Men: First Class
X-Men: Days of Future Past
The Entire MCU through Endgame
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butchfalin · 5 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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sylvies-kablooie · 3 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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sleepygaymerdisease · 2 months
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