#a decent cartoon would be enough
cruellilcookie · 2 years
this is probably already a post but, we need a Star Wars version of "what if"
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 month
Ex-husband!König having shared custody over his child(ren) with reader. Him turning them into your mini bodyguards whenever you try bringing a new man home, because no one compares to their actual father!
Konig actually being a decent father if only to use your child to spy on you. Come on, you really thought that your little stunt would go unnoticed? Your ex-husband might not be the best parent out there, but his savings accounts and property are more than enough to sway the court into giving you shared custody - almost 50/50 if it weren't for his contracts. He can basically pick your kids up whenever you're not completely opposed to it...and you can't really deny them a father. It's not their fault he is an obsessive asshole who was seriously considering putting your children into online classes because he didn't want their dearest mommy to go out too much. You love Konig, this is the problem. He loves you three times more, and he loves your children - but his love is the main problem here. You want it, yes, somehow, but you don't want to spend the rest of your life explaining to your kids that mommy and daddy love each other, but if they ever find themselves in a similiar romantic situation, they'd need to call the police. Konig, however, makes loving him more and more difficult day after day. First, it was little meetings he'd establish - you somehow always end up in his bed, forgetting about new dumb boyfriend you tried to have, while your ex is too busy with his face buried in your cunt. You can't moan because the kids had just fell asleep. You try your best to look composed after, but your heart breaks every time you see hope in their eyes. Mommy and daddy are back together, or so it seems. And, well, your children are wonderful. They are chaotic, like all kids are, but they were never...difficult. Until now, apparently - they are good in daycare, they have friends and silly pets, they are by all means functional members of society...yet, every time you bring a new guy home, they become the most hateful, feral little gremlins. You have to drop them off to their father's place, and then Konig would ask why you're in such a rush, then you would get second thoughts about the date, then he would find his way to your lips and now you have your kids watching cartoons while their father is fucking you in the bedroom. Just like before... Somehow, you yourself started to believe that divorce was just a hysterical stunt and everyone, including your toddlers, knew you'd be back together. You just feel dumb being the last one to acknowledge this.
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miscellaneous fellow honest headcanons
These aren't following any prompt in particular, these are just thoughts I had when I saw the guy hammin' it up and then turning on us.
Some of these headcanons are informed by fan art I've seen and discussions I've had with friends, while others are purely me.
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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He calls people “little lads” and “little ladies”.
Fellow has a very noticeable laugh. Like, he grunts and snorts and has tears rolling down his cheeks. (He tends to laugh at others’ misery, thinking of it as “retribution” or “payback” for the injustices he has suffered himself.)
Bro shaves using a knife (yes, he shaves because he is a grown ass man) because razors are hella expensive.
He uses that cheap cologne and cakes it on THICK. This, in his mind, gives off the impression that he’s a well-off and put-together individual you should tooootally trust.
Also the type of person that lays it on thick with his words. If he’s trying to impress a date or something, he’ll shower them with so many compliments it almost seems fake. But no, he’s just the type to simp hard when he happens to be genuine 💀 most of the time he’s faking it though—
He’s very street smart, but in a way where he confuses hostile people by talking over them and acting overly friendly. They usually stuns them long enough for him and Gidel to skedaddle.
If he gets dumped, he'd be the pathetic whimpering boyfriend that begs for his ex to take him back. When they inevitably don't, he mopes all day about it.
He chain smokes and aggressively drinks as a coping mechanism on his bad days 😔 and sometimes he gambles (like, on those scratch-off cards) hoping that he'll strike it rich and buy him and Gidel a better life...
Basically, he generally does not have his shit together but tries his best to pass like someone who does (and usually succeeds at it).
Fellow appears in public wearing his full suit, but at home (ie whatever ratty temporary housing their boss found for them before they move on to the next place) he just wears a T-shirt and lounges around in boxers (and sometimes socks with holes in them).
He uses those disposable eyeshadow wands that snap in half at the slightest bit of too much pressure. Fellow acts like the Claire’s kid makeup he uses is the luxury stuff, but Vil can tell the pigmentation isn’t all there and there’s MAD fallout.
He may be broke AF and have his moments of emotional spiraling, but he has pretty decent budgeting skills. Fellow lives for sales and does extreme couponing to stretch their money as far as it will go.
He invests in other cost-saving methods like wearing shoes until the sole is literally flopping off and just adding water to residual soap in a pump bottle to make the soap "last longer".
Fellow is really good at cutting food (bread, beans) thin to conserve it. Yes, this is a reference to an old Mickey Mouse cartoon—
When he was younger, he had dreams of being an actor (and, more specifically, starring in musicals). That's why he's often humming, swinging around his cane, and/or whistling as he's on the prowl for idiots to sucker—they're remainders of his thespian days before his dreams were crushed into itty bitty pieces.
Man looks like he'd be great at tap dancing.
Before his current gig, he tried a bunch of other scams including a MLM at one point to get by. His signature spell came in pretty clutch in those days too.
Fellow’s not that good at reading or spelling—in fact, he was never a particularly strong student. (“I didn’t fail school!! The schools failed ME!!”) He’s easily frustrated by academics and thinks there should be more hands-on and practical skills taught in learning institutions.
I think it's a given that he and Ruggie would be besties since they both want to eat the rich but I also think Fellow would kiss ass to Azul and then rage about how shitty + entitled Azul is (Azul reminds Fellow of his boss)💀 Scammers hate other scammers because they're both competing to scam the same people--
Even though Fellow is an asshole to most others (well, when he’s not flattering them to lure them into a trap), he’s always nice to Gidel and puts him first. If there’s ever a situation where they’re short on something (clothes, food, etc), Gidel gets priority. This is why Gidel has a full outfit (even if parts are patches or mismatched) whereas Fellow himself has a glove that is so worn out there’s a hole in one of the pinkie fingers.
Fellow may not be blessed with a bounty of magic, but he’s quick on his feet and good with words. Because of these skills, he’s talented at spinning bedtime stories, which he often tells to Gidel to help him fall asleep on nights that are particularly cold and nasty.
Gidel still believes in Santy Claws and wishing upon stars, and Fellow doesn’t have the heart to tell him the truth. He’ll figure it out on his own one day, Fellow thinks. He just doesn’t want to be the one to ruin those childhood joys for him.
Playing pretend is another shared past time of theirs. It helps Fellow get into character before he goes off to swindle people, and it gives Gidel a way to express himself in spite of being mute. They have a routine they do together where Fellow pretends to be a doctor diagnosing a patient and Gidel takes down notes for him as his medical scribe. Yes, this is a Pinocchio reference—
They actually have many more games they play (mainly because they cannot afford other forms of entertainment). Some of the games are clever ruses conjured by Fellow to teach Gidel survival tips and tricks: the who-can-make-their-piece-of-bread-last-longer game, hide-and-seek (from the authorities), etc.
For special occasions, Fellow saves up some money on the side to grant Gidel little luxuries, like a box of crayons to doodle with.
Gidel hugs Fellow’s leg or waist to cheer him up when he’s upset. He also hides behind Fellow when he’s scared or feeling shy.
He’s just really attached to Gidel cuz they have no one else in this cruel world, just them against the world 😔 He sees a lot of his younger self in the little boy… the opportunities lost because of their circumstances… “It’s alright, Gidel. Leave it to Fellow-sama.”
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blackfliesinbluesugar · 4 months
Prefacing by saying I have been a hardcore Hazbin fan since mid 2019, pre-pilot release. I am not an embittered anti.
Hazbin's pacing doesn't make me angry, it makes me sad. I think about this show setting up like a normal cartoon, letting us get to know the characters, letting us see them day-to-day and strengthening their relationships with each other and how they cope in different silly or serious situations, and I get... just, upset. This isn't a cartoon, this is a webcomic, and it's a webcomic based off some lady's twitter where she gave us a character sheet for everyone before we clicked on so the comic wouldn't have to waste time explaining it. I'm sad.
Who is this Camille lady and what do I care if she killed an angel? Her daughters? Who? I don't know either of their names and I don't care enough about her or them to check. I just met her today! If she dies, if her daughters die, what difference does it make to me? A random decent character design is gone? Ok??
What do I care if Vaggie has self esteem issues? I don't know her, I just met her! I'd care so much more about her song if I cared about her! I'm just expected to care because, hey, Hazbin had a huge fandom pre-release, so why wouldn't I care? She's had so much fanon and speculation, that practically did all the set up for me, right?
,,,nO. I still need you to do the work! I want to know who these people are before I see all their trauma laid bare, because otherwise all they are to me IS their trauma, and it's tough to get invested in that in a world this bleak with a cast this huge.
Helluva Boss did the same thing - Octavia is introduced in episode 2, and then in that same episode we get some big emotional dramatic moment with her and her father that feels like it should have capped an entire character arc. And yeah, I like Octavia, I like her design and her voice and her relationship to her family, but I sure didn't care when she cried about a conflict I only learned 2 minutes ago I was meant to be taking seriously. She gets another big arc for her issues in s2e2, and I cared a LOT MORE, because not only have I actually met her before that episode, I had the entire episode to develop on her specifically and lead up to the emotional climax! It didn't just play happy dappy with her all day and then make her break down, it was a clear progression. Same with Fizz - I enjoyed his recent episode with Blitzo, because I have had several episodes to build up both their individual characters and their relationship to each other and past tension. If that had been their first episode together, I would have again, not cared one bit.
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frudoo · 3 months
Random König Headcanons
Hey y'all! This is my first post on here so I hope it's alright <3
These are all pretty SFW (for now >:)), so I don't think there's really any content warnings??? Idk let me know if I'm wrong.
Likes going to Build-a-Bear. Will definitely make your bear and his bear kiss.
This man can COOK. Oh, you want takeout? Nah. He's already pulling out the ingredients for your favorite dish. Buys the two of you matching aprons.
Talks to animals like they're babies. I also feel like the man just... attracts wild animals like birds and squirrels. Undercover Disney princess??? Perhaps.
Speaking of babies... the man is so good with kids. Laughs all giddily when toddlers climb him like a tree. Wants you to have his babies so bad
Actually has a decent singing voice. Get him drunk enough and he's doing karaoke like a pro. Oh, and if you agree to sing a duet with him??? He's GONE. Goes all out.
Likes to hold pinkies when walking around in public. He likes holding hands, too, but when he's feeling a little more anxious he'll intertwine your pinkies. PDA isn't his strong suit but he HAS to be touching you at all times, and it's like a pinky promise that he'll always be there with you :,)
Draws patterns/words on your back with his fingertips when y'all are laying in bed. Mainly a bunch of pet names, "I love you"s, and hearts. And cartoon penises
This big burly BEAST of a man loves being the little spoon, no matter how impractical it is. Honestly loves any cuddling position though.
Pouts when you're not giving him enough attention. His lips get SO puffy when he's jealous. Talking to one of his friends? He's grumbling German insults to them under his breath. Eventually he'll just scoot closer to you on the couch and rest his legs on top of your lap. BAM, now he's got your attention, even if it's just you telling him that he's crushing you. Big ol' lap dog.
Likes to do your hair!! He'll take pictures of what he's done and show them to you like a hairdresser :,) It could be the worst hairstyle you've ever seen but you're wearing it PROUDLY.
On the rare occasion that you two go out to a restaurant, he REFUSES to tell the waiter if his meal is wrong. Oh, it's shrimp and he's allergic to shellfish? He's telling the waiter he loves it and will just stare at the untouched plate sadly. Also will not let you trade plates with him because what if the waiter sees??? Tries to sink under the table when you finally cave and tell the waiter that the order is wrong. Glares at you the entire time he eats his new correct meal but is secretly so thankful. <3
Is absolute trash at video games. One of the best combat soldiers on the planet, but put a controller in his hands??? He's lucky if he gets three shots in.
Bought an engagement ring two weeks after you two started dating. I mean, he literally fell in love with you immediately upon seeing you for the first time, so are you really surprised??
Is a really good gift wrapper. His hands always start cramping around the holidays because he does most of the wrapping. His love language is 100% physical touch/gift giving btw.
Adding onto the singing thing... I just think he would be a really good musician, specifically a drummer.
NOSE NUZZLES. Like the Brendan Fraser type of kiss where you just rub noses after. He just gives off those romantic vibes <3
Unconventional kisses. Eyelids, the tip of your ear, everywhere you have moles, your calves, ankles... the man is obsessed with you, and he's kissing you wherever he can reach.
ADORES taking baths with you. Candles, rose petals, bath bombs: he does it all. Washes your hair for you. Lots of forehead and temple kisses.
I am unwell. I need him so bad.
Please feel free to reblog if you'd like!! I hope y'all enjoyed my little (very self-indulgent) rambles. :)))
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five-flavor-soup · 2 months
I personally think that basing your interpretation of how Ursa treated Azula on Zuko’s memories shown in ‘Zuko Alone’ is kind… incorrect. You can obviously — they’re the only real images of their childhood we get in the cartoon, other than the tiniest of snapshots in sepia — and that’s fine, but for me personally I just don’t think they’re complete enough.
These memories are from Zuko’s perspective. Not Ursa’s, not Azula’s, not Ozai’s or Iroh’s—Zuko’s perspective, his memories. And they’re all about him and Ursa together: every one of these memories have Ursa at their centre. We see her protect him and be kind to him, see her be physically affectionate and gentle, see her encourage him to be kind to himself and to Azula.
They essentially tell us that Zuko is Ursa’s son first, Ozai’s son second. Ozai remains a hovering, intimidating shadow on the sidelines (we still don’t see his face, we don’t see him genuinely interact with his children, and we see him irritating his father while being a very hands-off kinda dad himself) but Ursa is fully present. And ‘Zuko Alone’ is about Zuko trying to figure out who he is: the memories show that he views being his mother’s son as an exceptionally important part of his identity, which means they are about Zuko and his relationship with Ursa alone.
They are not supposed to tell us that Ursa neglected or abused Azula emotionally—that she only focused on protecting Zuko, while leaving Azula to suffer in Ozai’s incapable hands. Sure, we see Ursa scold Zuko for acting like Azula and cuddle him right after, and we see her scold Azula for acting mean and not cuddle her right after, but the key differences here are that Zuko shows guilt after frightening the turtleducks and Azula doubles down on trying to scare Zuko. The behaviour is different and will be, by any halfway decent parent, treated differently. 
I’m absolutely not saying that Azula wasn’t abused, because she 100% was. She was absolutely abused by Ozai, and I’m not ruling out that Ursa didn’t have a hand in how Azula ultimately turned out. But my point here is: these memories are far too limited and narrow for the viewer to properly determine whether Azula was treated incorrectly by Ursa. 
Zuko isn’t going to remember an intimate, lovely moment between Ursa and Azula when all that’s on his mind is his identity, and how it’s entangled with his mother and what she may have sacrificed for him. Additionally, he’s not particularly fond of Azula at this moment in the show (she did kind of kickstart his being a refugee, disregarding how the audience sees this sequence of events having begun), so he’s not going to remember her fondly either. Why would Zuko try to remember Ursa’s relationship with Azula at that point, instead of his own?
(Small tidbit: we also... don't know if Ursa's last words to Azula were 'what is wrong with that child', disregarding the comics which completely ruin azula anyway. Again, the memories are from Zuko's perspective and therefore won't show any private moments between Ursa and Azula. We're not even certain whether Azulon actually ordered Ozai to kill Zuko, or if that is simply what Azula interpreted it as/thought would be funny to say--causing the sequence of events that ultimately put Ozai on the throne. But whatever)
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sixth-light · 25 days
Finished watching the Netflix ATLA live adaptation, having gone into it with absolutely no expectations whatsoever or intention to necessarily go past the first episode if it didn't catch my attention. While it was firmly unnecessary when ATLA existed as an entire piece of art as its creators intended it...it's not half bad? Like, talented cast including the newer actors, decent cinematography/costumes/etc, but what worked most about it for me is that it takes a very similar approach to the WoT TV show in regards to its source material.
Namely, it's working with a closed canon and it's very clearly trying to adapt the entire story rather than do a 1:1 adaptation of each section. So, like WoT, it's unafraid to chop and change up the story order, to introduce characters earlier who only came into prominence later in the original work, to give more depth and space to its villains, and to straight-up write new material rather than trying to stick meticulously to the original text wherever possible. It also does a lot of work to tidy up some of the less-well-aged parts of its source, which lands probably 90% of the time. Basically, it's doing the work to keep me as someone who knows the original story well interested by giving me new scenes and things to chew over without losing the essence of the original. If you're going to do a fairly unnecessary high-budget live-action remake of a twenty-year-old cartoon series, that's not a bad way to go about it.
Let it not go without saying that it has also cast Asian and Native actors as well as handing the story over to Asian-American/Canadian writers and directors and that does matter. Unlike WoT it doesn't have a gay agenda, but to be fair the first season of ATLA (original flavour) barely had a romantic agenda period.
As I said: it's not necessary, but it's not at all bad, and I will watch the next season at least on purpose. I think if we're going to be trapped in remake/adaptation hell for the foreseeable future we can do worse than have them made by people trying to give some new dimensions to the story. I also think the people making this show would do a hell of a job with a Legend of Korra live-action show, and that is a story that didn't get its full due originally and would benefit from being made for an older audience. Plus, the gay agenda is right there. If this show does well enough to greenlight a Korra show...I could find some genuine excitement about that.
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howlingday · 4 months
last human au) today is the day ruby tests jaune's survival abilities surely his skills will be amazing as he's had to utilize them every day to survive the dire rats bears and wolves of his ancient time! jaune goes camping, but he feels like he's being watched the entire time weird. oh well time to go skinny dipping in the nearby lake!
TLDR: ruby's friends and fellow scientists find her watching jaune swimming naked and she is taunted for her troubles
Darwin's Reward
"How long has the test subject been active?"
"About three hours now." Ruby answered. "So far, he's just been walking around from the landing zone, gathering things in the middle from his environment."
"Is it building a nesting site?"
"It's kinda hard to say right now." Ruby shrugged. "For all we know, he could just be putting things into a pile for the fun of it."
"It's an animal, Ruby." The wolf faunus gave a scowl at that. "It's no different than Zwei."
"You're wrong. He's smarter than Zwei."
The specimen on camera then took the gathered resources and began separating them into small groups. It was at this point that he lifted his brow, then bit into the twig he gathered before. With an inaudible cough and sputter, he tossed the twig into it's own group.
"Smarter, huh?"
"Okay, maybe as smart as Zwei."
Jaune wasn't much of an outdoorsman, but what he remembered from his family camping trips, beyond the childish bickering he and his sisters continued, even on vacations, was the myriad of lessons his father gave him, as well as the tips told to him on his class field trips. Well, when he wasn't distracted by a farm animal that happened to be close by.
He looked to the heavy metal container, nodding once more at the shelter he had at the ready. He then brought his attention to the little piles he'd gathered; fire, junk, and maybe food. That foul tasting twig wasn't upsetting his stomach, so maybe it would be passable until he found real food. Maybe there were some berries or ripe fruit for him to snack on.
"Sniff! Sniff! Ugh..."
Speaking of ripe, Jaune was certainly feeling ripe. Before he'd woken up in the hospital, the last time he had a decent shower was the night his girlfriend broke up with him. Though, technically, the last time he had any kind of 'washing' was when he was arrested. He'd been doused in a burning, white powder, then power-washed with what could only be described as a beefed-up fire-hose.
Bottom line, it was time for a bath.
"Subject is moving!" Ruby shouted.
"I know. I'm watching the same thing."
"Where is he going?"
"He might be foraging for more materials for his nest. Something that shows off to his potential mates that he's a viable partner."
"So he's single?" Ruby asked, genuinely curious.
"Unless he found a way to mount that Penny unit, I'd assume yes."
"She's not a Penny unit. She's just Penny." Ruby was met with an eye-roll. Man, she hated being teamed up with her. "Oh! He found water! And he's..."
Jaune hung his outfit on a low-hanging tree branch. Hopefully he wasn't in a cartoon, otherwise he'd have to be worried about thieves taking his clothes. He'd normally strip down to just his boxers and strip them off in the water, but apparently he wasn't good enough to be given boxers.
"Go!" Jaune sprinted from the cover of the trees and leapt for the water, landing with a loud splash. He winced and shivered from the chilling water as his body adjusted to the drastic change in temperature. Swimming around to help build up his heartrate, he then settled close to the shore, keeping his lower region hidden beneath the water's surface. He couldn't explain why, but he had a feeling he was being watched. "I'm probably just overthinking things."
Ruby and her partner stared at the screen for a long while. The specimen rubbed water against himself, scrubbing with his knuckles while looking around. He never thought to look in the air, where the drone hovered silently. Ruby gulped, then turned to her partner.
"Uh, just for scientific purposes, these are recorded, right?"
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liyawritesss · 11 months
ᴄᴏʟʟᴇɢᴇ!ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ ᴍᴏʀᴀʟᴇꜱ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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Characters: College!Spider-Verse!Miles Morales 
Type: headcanons
Synopsis: What would our lovely boy Miles be like as a grown up college student? Does he change or does he still keep his dorky, boyish demeanor?
A/N: HAPPY JUNETEENTH TO MY FELLOW NEGROS!!! In honor of Juneteenth and the release of ATSV, I'm dumping some headanons on yall, and I'm so proud of how these turned out. I was talking with my friend how we heavily believed that we would see a grown up Miles but when we found out only a year passed in Miles’ timeline for him, the topic of college!Miles came up. So these headcanons are pretty much a product of how we thought miles would be as a college student around our age.
Note: the first pic is of Shameik Moore, I just used a cartoon filter over it to try and make it look like the art style in the spiderverse franchise. The third one is not Shameik Moore but I use the same cartoon filter over it for the same effect
Warnings: Some cursing but that’s about it. KEEP IT CUTE PG-16 CUZ THIS IS NEPHEW WE TALKIN' BOUT HERE!!!
Tags: @6-noir @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @jacuzziwaters @venusdraco @mbakuetshurisprincess @shuriszn @verachii @writingintheshadowsforever @cafehyunji @lulu-network @niyahwrites @pantherheart @marsfunzon22
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College!Miles isn’t a complete one-eighty of his mid-teen self, but rather, he builds on the defining attributes of his youth and matures them. He’s still pretty self-effacing, modest and humble, but he’s more confident in himself and the man he wants to become. He’s selfless and courageous and loving to a fault, and anyone who’s anyone who has been in his presence can say that Miles is a great person all around.
College!Miles ends up going to study in New Jersey, majoring in Physics Engineering, but also minoring in African Psychology on the track for social work. He knows that he can only do so much good behind his Spiderman mask, and believes that he should also be putting in the work when he isn’t wearing it. It’s an obligation for him to put his best food forward for his community and his people.
College!Miles who mixes his style with 90’s black streetwear and modern day. He’s a sneakerhead, so his dorm room gradually accumulates with boxes upon boxes of shoes damn near reaching the ceiling. His room back home is much worse though (Rio can’t even clean his room anymore because everywhere she looks, it’s a box of shoes chucked somewhere. Mama has given up lmao). And similar to the first outfit we see him in in ATSV, he loves the sports-jersey-over-solid-color-shirt combo, but has a decent amount of hoodies and tee’s both graphic and plain, that he likes to throw on with a pair of jeans and shoes. He knows how to dress, and he knows that he looks good in what he wears too.
College!Miles who never steps out the house without a chain on. He’s got two specific ones that he wears primarily - a silver cuban link his parents got him for his eighteenth birthday that he wears daily, and a gold snake chain that he bought for himself with his first check from his first big boy job. There are other necklaces that he has that he’ll throw on it he wants to switch things up. He’s not a big fan of things on his wrist (he’s gotten too used to the web shooters that everything else just feels funny or wrong), but he has a watch that he only wears to be fancy and a couple of rings that go on his middle or forefingers. He also has a few pairs of studded earrings he switches between every now and then to keep up a fresh look.
College!Miles who starts to take special care in his appearance as he reaches his late teen years. He can only go to his mom when he’s on breaks or vacation when he travels back to Brooklyn, but he’s learned enough from Rio to do his own line-ups and touch ups to make him look decent. It took him a minute to get used to doing it on his own, but he was adamant on learning because he was firm on not letting anyone else into his head besides his mother. He’d recently gotten into cutting slits into his eyebrows too, as they make him feel super cool
College!Miles who knows he’s got girls & guys coming left and right waiting for the opportunity to get with him, but as much as he’s a loverboy, he’s also very intentional with how he moves and is very perceptive of people (his Spidey senses enhance it a lot more than what he wishes sometimes) that he peeps that a lot of them are only attracted to his looks. He doesn’t date for the first few semesters of college, and when his parents ask if he’s gonna bring someone home soon, he tells them that he’s too busy making gateways to dimensions to open the gateways to dating
College!Miles whose love for hip hop never dies over the years. Instead it seems to grow. He adds a few new artists to her playlist - JID, Young M.A., Tobe Nwigwe, & Kendrick Lamar from the hip hop and rap scenes (Miles uses many of Tobe’s songs as hype music to gas himself up). Though he’s also found an appreciation for other genres, like R&B and Neo-Soul. Some of these artists include but are not limited to: H.E.R., UMI, Ari Lennox, and Bryson Tiller.
College!Miles who still holds on to his art as a hobby and destresser from his many classes and double-identity. His street art follows him wherever he goes, tagging new places that have people wondering who the hell made it all the way up there to tag that. There’s a secret pride that swells in him when he sees passersby admiring the artwork.
College!Miles who, when the world gets too much and he feels like everythings going wrong, he climbs the tallest building he can find and just watches the sunrise or sunset. He lets the breathtaking view ease his mind and the warm sun soothe his worries away. Being so high up and away from people allows him to actually think about the troubles that plague him, so when he comes back down, he can address them accordingly
College!Miles who’s still very much a momma’s boy. He calls Rio almost every day, either to just talk or to rant about something silly. She’ll put him on speaker for Jefferson to hear and just looks at her husband like “Listen to your son” when he’s being silly. But it’s so sweet that Miles always has his parents on his mind when he’s away at school. He also calls his dad to have ‘guy talk’, which ain’t nothing but Miles and Jefferson either talking about sports, his academics (which Jeff is really supportive of, even if he doesn’t understand the physics part, he loves to hear his sons ideas on the psychology minor he’s taken on) or random funny shit the guys that they hang around do every day.
College!Miles who grows more confident in his Spanish and uses it more and more in his day-to-day life. He’ll speak it when he’s talking to himself, when he’s angry or if he’s hurt himself (which happens the same amount of times as it did when he was a teen), or he’ll try and surprise his mom with a conversation in complete Spanish (which he does succeed in sometimes).
College!Miles who’s barely changed from the loveable boy who we all know and love as a teen. He just grew some more and became cooler, but he still radiates the same dorky, intelligent, and loving energy he’s always had.
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shadyauthor · 1 year
Nah bc yall are CRAZY where did yall come from!??!? I woke up to 100 likes and like a bunch of reposts!! Thank yall sm 😭 now here's the full chapter you guys probably want
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Strings of their hearts💕 FULL chapter 1
You bursted from your dream, flying up to sit up in your bed. Cold sweat practically dripping from your face. It was that dream again.. you couldn't stand that dream, the uncanny silence always followed by you falling to the ground and wondering what was happening, or what happened really. You never fully understood why you started having that reoccurring dream, you never did anything in the waking world to even cause the dream. You didn't watch horror movies alot, and you haven't been to a forest since you were a pre-teen. Even then, your memories about that summer were blurry and you couldn't remember what happened.
Looking to your nightstand you read your clock "5:00 AM" You sighed, 'time to get up' . You and your friend group had an entire weekend planned out, you all had been planning this for a few weeks, you all would take 3 of your vacation days off of work and go do fun stuff. Fun stuff as in go out on the town for 2 days and regret it all on the third and go back to work on the 4th, today you all were gonna go shopping, you all had very decent jobs so it wasn't very hard to save up alot of spending money.
So not wanting to be late you got up and trudged to your bathroom, flicking the light on you slightly jolted at your appearance 'damn I look like shit man..' you sighed, your hair an absolute mess and your shirt had a wet spot of drool on the collar. Getting ready was the easiest part of most of your days, as you usually knew exactly what was going to happen in the day, so you knew how to dress. But as this days only objective was to "go shopping" it was to vague to know exactly how to dress, but going casual should be good enough. Getting in and out of the shower was a simple task other than the undying fear that you'll slip and break your neck.
You dried your hair with a towel, you wouldn't brush it till you went downstairs. Throwing on your grey button up and torn jeans you shut the lights off and headed downstairs to do your hair and eat breakfast "alexa play don't worry be happy" you stated nonchalantly, it was your favorite song to play in the mornings to calm the nerves.
Humming along to the song, you shuffled to the kitchen in your socks. 'Hmm cereal or eggs...cereal...or....nah cereals easier' you moved over to the cabinets, opening them and pulling out the generic unhealthy colorful marshmallow cereal. You only had a few dishes in your kitchen as you lived alone, unlike your friends who had spouses and kids already. You preferred to live alone, it was more peaceful this way, you had less to worry about. Though you didn't hate the idea of a family, you just didn't really have time to go on dates, you hadn't even had a vacation since you first got your new job. Shaking your head you brought your thoughts back to the task at hand : 'find a bowl and spoon and eat already dude!'
As soon as you got your bowl of cereal ready you moved to your large living room, with black leather couches and dark rugs that complemented the rest of your homes dark pallette. You turned your large mounted TV on and immediately changed it to cartoons, not really wanting to bother watching the News, you already knew the world was going to shit you didn't need another reminder while you where trying to eat your color bombed cereal.
You sighed in content when you settled on spongebob, the joyful sponge making you forget about it all. You finished eating and reached to your brush that was laying on the couch from the previous day of you being to tired to put it up, sighing you brush through all the tangles of your messy hair and half styling it, as in you just brushed your bangs out of your eyes and called it a day.
You pulled your phone from your jeans right pocket, seeing it was already "7:45 AM" you smiled, it was time to go pick up some of your friends!
You got in your car, it was the biggest out of your friends, the most seats and room. So it was the favorite of the group, in total your friend group would be riding in two cars, to make it easier to go from place to place. In your car, you had : Mark, Jamie, Clara, Anita, and Fry. You were close friends with Clara, Anita, and Fry, Mark and Jamie being mutual friends you met through the group. Your friend Claire was driving the second car, in their car they had: Gary, Moose, and Wendy.
You and Wendy used to date, you remember. But you both knew it would've never worked out, neither of you could imagine a future with eachother, but you two were still very good friends. You were the ring carrier at her wedding, she had a very kind wife, always smiling and always caring for others.
Smiling you drove the half hour to pick your first friends up, Mark and Fry. They lived next to eachother, everyone in the group knew they had it bad for eachother but themselves, you shook your head, they were so oblivious to eachother. You tried turning your radio on, but to your dismay, all that played was static. You tried connecting it to the Bluetooth but that wouldn't work either 'Huh...weird, might have to take it to the shop already.' You slightly grumbled, you really didn't want to take it to the shop. You had just gotten this car barely a year back, it was only a few years old itself, it really shouldn't be having problems yet.
It was 8:20, you were daydreaming and drumming on the steerwheel to a made up tune in your head, waiting for your friends to come out already. Smiling as soon as you saw you blonde haired friend Mark, he was always worried about being late to things, he was generally anxious alot either way, but being late was like life or death for him. "Hey buddy! Ready for the day?" He said with his raspy voice, he was the eldest of the group and used to be a singer until his last show that ended in an accident that costed him his voice. It took him years to be able to talk again, the entirety of those years you and your friends worried for him so badly. He fell into a deep state of depression, his deepest passion was gone forever, and he could do nothing about it.
"Course I am bud, how about you? You ready to tell Fry how much you love him?" You smirked, looking at the rear view mirror to look at him. He burst into a fit of embarrassment "Don't say that! He could be here any minute!!" He whisper yelled at you, looking around like Fry would appear out of thin air at any moment. "Fine fine..you gotta tell him at some point Mark." You said, smiling at him after finally turning your head to fully look at him "he's on his way out right now, he just texted me" He nodded, scooting to the seat behind the driver's.
You two only had to wait a minute before Fry was clumsily running out the door, struggling to pull on his coat and walking at the same time. His long red hair falling all over the place, coffee in hand, he really looked like a disaster waiting to happen today. He scooted into the middle back seat next to Mark, already red and embarrassed for how foolish he must've looked.
As soon as they both buckled in, you pulled out immediately. You had to pick up Jamie, Clara, and Anita next, which is absolutely god sent because they were siblings and still lived in the same house.
Arriving at the mall wasn't the easiest thing in the world, no matter how simple it seemed, you and your friends argued for half an hour over which mall to go to and whether to stop for food first or not. In the end, you got some quick fast food and ate on the way to the south mall center and waited in the car till both parties were done eating.
You were already tired, you could feel a headache starting to pull at your head and you wanted to be done and go home already. Your entire body was tired and you couldn't understand why you were so exhausted already, at this point if they just left you in the car to sleep you'd be fine with it.
The triplets were sitting in the back row of seats in your car, all rough housing and making the car shake, fighting over food. You shook your head, you would've said it was to early for this already but it really wasn't with how long they took to pick up. "YOOO WHAT ARE YOU TEXTING YOUR BOYFRIEND???? THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE?" Jamie practically screamed, they really had no sense of an inside voice, and it didn't change that you all were in a car. "NO DUDE SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR HURTING MY EARS" Clara shoved Jamies face away from her phone, she was always on it, it was like her prop that was glued to her hand. "Was that a rat in the parking lot just now?? Oh nah you aren't getting me out of this car now." Anita, the quietest of the trio, but also the most clean freak of the entire group. She was a neutral hard to hate person, because she was just calm, unless you were dirty then may God have mercy on you.
"Guys, we were supposed to be in the store YESTERDAY. Jesus fuckin' christ man" you passive aggressively told them
You had already been to countless stores, its been hours and if you were exhausted before? Your starting to lay down in the grave now. And the worst part was that they hadn't let you go to a single store you liked yet, and you knew for a fact that you, Fry, Jamie and Moose, wanted to go to the same type of store.
Finally...FINALLY, one of the three spoke up and said they were going to one of the game stores. And just as you guessed it, not only yourself tagged along, the other two did as well. As you and your group walked to the exit, where the game store was at, you all decided it was gonna be the last store you visit for the day as it was already getting dark and the store was closing already.
As you guys all separated inside the large gaming store, filled with anything and everything possibly related to game stuff, from game boards to games to decoration. You knew it would be the shortest trip in the entire store as everything was overly priced and the majority of everyone has spent the most of their money for the day.
Sighing you looked through the games, new, old, demos, it was crazy! They had everything in here. Choosing a few random titles that looked fun and interesting you were nearing the end of the aisle, all the digital games being located in the back corner of the store, it was creepy and poorly lit strangely but to you it was magical. The closer you got to the end of the aisle the more uneasy you felt, the more dirty the floor got and dusty the shelves became. It felt like you were being watched despite no one being near where you were, so finally just speedwalking to the end instead of taking your time and becoming more creeped out.
Then. Something caught your eye, shiny, very shiny. Somehow shining through the cobwebs and dust thats built up over clearly a very very long time, you used one of the cases to wipe it off and looked at it... 'weird...I didn't know they sold dating sims..they really do sell everything I guess' you hummed while looking it over. The characters looked silly and colorful, though it was clearly worn as the colors were fading, the title in jumbled colorful letters spelling "Strings of their hearts" with little glittery hearts surrounding it, those must've been the things that caught your eye. To say you were intrigued would be a bit of an understatement, you slipped it between your other cases of games, not wanting to be teased for getting it.
Dropping your friends off was the most relieving part of your day, as you dropped the triplets off it felt like a pressure had been taken off of your head.
Driving to Mark and Frys residence was the second to last thing left to do today, you looked in your rear view mirror to watch as they both smiled and giggled while talking to eachother, you smiled, they were so happy together and the day they finally tell eachother about their feelings they will be even happier. It is almost a toothrotting sweet thought, you slowed your car into a stop at the curb near their home, you let a breath of relief out as their neighborhood was hard to locate in the dark, even with your headlights on.
It was 10:55 and you still had time to pick fast food up on the way home, you waved to your to friends and your smile widened as you saw they were holding hands as they walked eachother home.
Okay nevermind, the trip to your local Wendy's was already proving to be even more stressful than your mall trip, the lady in front of you yelling at the cashier over a coupon that had been expired for atleast a year. You decided to just walk out and go through the drive thru instead, it was quiet and more peaceful, though the line was long and you were fourth in line you decided to make yourself less bored by trying to see if your radio was still broken, turning it on and turning to a random station that would play at late hours you waited..all that came out was static but you felt like you should wait longer, and then you heard it
... A garbled sound of someone trying to talk through multiple different voices and sounds, you immediately got freaked out and shut it off, 'if Satan wants to take my soul he can do it later when I'm not in a Wendy's drive thru..talk about embarrassing'
After getting your food and it already being 11:40 you were semi-speeding home, you already didn't like being out this late no matter how much it looked so beautiful. You would keep remembering your dream, as the moon hung overhead, and it didn't help that your neighborhood with very large gaps between houses was filled with trees, it was like a forest. You hated it. It made you feel sick and like you didn't belong there.
Stepping on the gas and slowing down as soon as you got home, you grabbed your paper bag of food and plastic bag filled with games and stuffed animals among other things and raced into your home, not bothering to lock the car until you locked your own houses door. If anyone..anything..was out there it couldn't get you in the safety of your home..right? You didn't spend an arm an a leg getting the best security system in the country for nothing.
You ate your food on the couch while watching more cartoons, but something wouldn't stop biting at your brain. That game, it was dusty, old, and was extremely underpriced, so much so that the employees were slightly agitated on how little you spent at their store. You looked at the bag, and jolted as the case was slightly falling out of the bag, 'weird..I thought it was buried in there??' You were slightly unnerved, but having nothing to do, and not being tired enough to sleep, combined with having finished you food..
You turned the TV off, taking the case and the bag upstairs to your room, throwing the bag to the bed as soon as you entered into your room, locking your door you turned to your PC. You didn't know if it was a download code game or a disk, but it did say it was a PC game, so putting the case on the desk and sitting down while your monitor and pc booted up, you read the back.
"Wow! Thank you so much for getting the game! Your just the most aren't you?
Well, welcome to the neighborhood neighbor! Its so nice to have a new face around here, and a very good looking one at that! And say..I think a few of your new neighbors think that too! Find out who likes you and what happens! You have two months to get a date! Have fun!" With a crayon designed smiley face under it. Though it was weird that they knew you bought the game, maybe it was just an oversight? You turned the case back around, looking at the characters again. They were colorful and some of them were attractive to you but then again you were attracted to the weirdest things, but one of them stood out to you, the yellow skinned puppet with blue styled up hair. He looked like your opposite, calm, charming, he actually had his hair styled unlike you...you started laughing at yourself, of course you would degrade yourself and compare yourself to a Muppet lookalike, it was a very you thing to do.
Shaking your head you opened the case, unlike the outside the inside was black. That was extremely weird for a game case, like..really really weird but you shook it off and popped the disc into the slot on your PC.
The game immediately started booting up, and very catchy music that your positive would be stuck in your head started to play, the screen fading from white to a colorful scene of all the characters on a picnic blanket looking at you, as if inviting you to sit down and join them. So joyful, you already loved it, it seemed you were gonna become obsessed with yet another game again
And this...was going to be a long night.
HOOO BOY THAT TOOK ME AN ENTIRE TO DAY TO WRITE OUT. I'm EXTREMELY sorry that its kinda short, as I've said before I'm very sucky at writing, BUT I'm determined to see this out through the end. My thoughts tend to drift alot and overdetail pointless things like the side characters though they won't really contribute to the story much
Im working on the date outfits as I write this, and they are literally turning out better than my writing itself, so you guys will probably enjoy those more than the fic. As I'm going to be making short comics to go with these!
Anyways see you next chapter!
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hearts-are-connected · 6 months
Random Alex Casey Headcanons
There's an empty couch open to Casey whenever he needs it. I picture one of the Anderson's walking to the kitchen and finding Casey on the couch, sleeping deeper than he ever does at his home, and he stays for breakfast before hitting the road. Or they know he's been there and left early by the neatly folded blanket and pillow sitting in the living room.
Logan enjoys drawing pictures of tired, grump Uncle Casey while he's asleep. She says he's at his most relaxed.
The Anderson's keeping certain food items or coffee blend they know he likes in their home for such occasions. Even including gifts for him under their tree because it's tradition for him to join them Christmas morning.
If he reluctantly takes part in an ugly sweater competition or two, no one is wiser as he swears everyone to secrecy regarding their photos.
Casey and his wife Miranda got a divorce due to mounting issues. The worst loss for them being a miscarriage.
Miranda fell into bad habits, and as such, took her aggression and heartache out on Casey, who tried to make things work while continuing to do his job. It got so bad that in the middle of the night, after a particularly bad argument, Casey left. All he took from the home was his favorite three-piece suit, work related items, every drawing Logan had gifted him, and a pair of shoes. He then proceeded to walk aimlessly through the dark, leaving the car behind, seeing as it was in his soon-to-be ex-wife's name.
David Anderson was leaving to go to work the following morning and was surprised to find Casey asleep on their front porch with his small box of items beside him. After rousing him and collecting his things, David put Casey to bed in one of the spare bedrooms, which ultimately became his own until the divorce was settled and Casey found a place not far from them.
Casey is a fine cook, despite everything pointing to the contrary. For a man who looks like he survives off six coffees a day with the occasional sandwich, he can fix a meal that'll leave most wanting seconds or thirds. As a thank you to the Anderson's for their hospitality to him, he cooked enough food to last them a month and provided the recipe for each dish.
When Casey first met Saga, he didn't think much of her. Figuring she'd buckle under the pressure of the job and go back home to find another career. To his surprise, she became a bright light amongst her peers. Enough so that he took her under his wing personally to teach her what knowledge he'd acquired over the years. Not realizing that in doing so, he'd not only gain a new partner, but that he'd eventually come to be adopted into a family he would cherish and gladly give his life for.
The first time he met Logan Anderson was when she was only a day old. Reluctantly entering the hospital room, the sight of Saga laid up in bed cradling her newborn daughter had pierced his hard shell in a way he hadn't thought it would. When Saga and David finally convinced him to hold Logan, he did so carefully. It was one of the first times both the new parents had seen Alex Casey genuinely smile. Teeth and all.
Logan became the brightest light Casey could remember entering his life, aside from her mother, of course. To those at the bureau, he was still the same jaded, hardened agent they'd known for years, but to those who paid closer attention, small glimpses of change appeared. Little things like a child's drawing appearing on his desk, or a coffee mug with 'My favorite Uncle' printed on it alongside a cartoon fox.
He was once thrown through a second story window, resulting in numerous injuries and a decent recovery time. It was the first time Logan had ever seen her uncle hurt that severely. It felt as if each time Casey woke, he'd find a small reminder that she'd been there hidden somewhere near his bed. He occasionally woke to a small kiss on his cheek. He kept one of the smaller stuffed animals she's placed on his bed. Furthermore, he always packs it in his suitcase when he's away from home, either for work or the rare rest and relaxation. Saga's never let him live it down.
The angriest he's ever been, besides numerous incidents with his ex, was when he saw a group of older kids shove an eight-year-old Logan to the dirt at the playground. Saga swears all four boys who'd bullied her daughter ran home crying when confronted by Casey.
Saga and Logan are the only ones who Casey allows close enough to snuggle. Something he'll deny until blue in the face, but on more than one occasion, either Anderson can be found using his lap as a pillow while he uses said time to catch up on some reading.
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silent-raven13 · 5 months
What are you making, my darling?
Ever since Miles moved out of his parent's place, he rented an apartment with Ganke. The two decided they wanted to be roommates, considering they both thought it was time for them to be independent. They thought being roommates again would be fun and they trust each other to share their independence.
Now with this new freedom, they had to get jobs and scholarships to help them pay for their tuitions and rents. Luckily, they're both smart with many scholarships to help pay for their University. They receive help from their parents with a bit money here and there, though they aren't pestering them. Ganke works in a high tech company being an intern while with great pay. Miles, on the other hand had multiple jobs from retail to internships and he couldn't stay committed since he's Spider-man.
Either way he always found a way to pay rent with his quick thinking, he started selling photos of him as Spider-man. Crazy how much fans will buy authentic photos, or a video of them saying hello. Yet, it wasn't enough to pay rent and he didn't want to get his secret identity caught, so he found a part time job at a comic book store.
He's so glad the owner is a laid back guy and let him come when he can. It's mere luck. Either way, he can pay rent!
But the best part of being on his own, there was no rules! He can go out and leave whenever. No explanation, no sneaking out! Ugh, it's amazing.
Yes, he misses his baby sister, his Boo-Boo. Same with Billie missing him, but she's able to come over during the weekend for sleepovers and hang out with him.
Let's not forget with this freedom, Ganke and Miles can bring their partners over and they can have their own fun without worrying about their parents being nosy.
So here is Miles in the kitchen deciding to whip up a snack. His boyfriend came over to stay over just because. Hobie comes and goes whenever he wants, so the punker is in Miles' room chilling on the bed watching cartoons and smoking weed.
Ganke went out for the night with his girlfriend, so it left the two enjoying themselves. Miles knows his boyfriend will get the munchies, and Hobie tends to have the craziest munchies. Miles had watches him eat crush cookies with bacon bits with ice cream and Doritos, it was a bit gross to watch. So the black latino decided to find a decent snack from TikTok that way he doesn't have to watch Hobie eat some ungodly creations to satisfy his cravings.
"Grinder sandwich.... and OH! This looks good, too!" Miles went to the fridge to take out the ingredients to make the Viral sandwich from TikTok and this sweet treat.
Hobie on the other hand, laying on back on his side of the bed. He wore simple plaided pajama pants, and had a bright pink Satin bonnet, since Billie was the one that picked out his bonnet. The punker laughs out loud watching Bob's Burgers. "Hahaha, yes Louise fuck the establishment!" Smoke came out of his mouth as he holds his joint, his eyes already red. He's high enough to feel his stomach growling.
Then, he looks over to his right side seeing his boyfriend been missing for awhile. "Hmm," He doesn't like it when his Sunflower is gone too long. He's getting cold and wish to snuggle with him.
The shirtless twenty four year old exhale letting out the remaining smoke his inhaled, he decided to get up from the bed putting on his sliders. He set his joint on a glass small sauce plate, gently putting it out. Don't want to waste pure gold!
He head out the door to find his Sunflower in the kitchen making something, tilting his head being curious. With his quiet steps, he was able to get close to Miles without being noticed. Their Spider Senses are aware of each other presences, and stayed in sync to the point they no longer found each other a threat.
Dark eyes lovingly the view of his Sunflower wearing pink bonnet, with a pink crop top with My Melody's face on the middle, and he had pink pajama pants with white and red hearts on it. Hobie loves how much his Sunflower is expressing his feminine side.
Miles jumps slightly as he felt very warm arms wrapping around his waist, "What are you making, my darling?" Hearing his boyfriend's voice made him calm down, then he felt soft lips on his cheek.
"Hehe, you scared me, baby." Miles felt his heat warmer boyfriend's body wrapped him, "Bae, I'm cutting tomatoes."
"So? I've miss you, Sunflower." Hobie kisses his side of his head, "Mwah! I need you with me."
Miles let another giggles, "Bae! I'm making us some snacks. You smoke that purple flame and I can tell you're already high." Hobie gets very handsy, very touchy feeling when he's high. Sometimes he's more emotional which clash his own laid back personality.
"Ohh, snacks? Are you gonna make me fav?" Hobie's eyes lit up with joy, he loves it when his Sunflower knows when he's hungry. Then his eyes saw a bowl of chopped lettuce seasoning with some white stuff and mustard?
"No, beans on toasts today, bae. I found this recipe online. I heard it's so good, and I think it'll be perfect for tonight." Miles finished cutting some tomatoes, the toaster oven ding, "Oh, the bread is ready!" He grab an oven mitt to take out a tray with toasted Italian bread that had garlic, butter and chopped herbs on tops giving the bread a golden color. The bread is cut in half with melted mix of cheddar and Monterey Jack cheese.
"Smells heavenly, darling." Hobie sniffs the bread, he tends to forget how well his boyfriend can cook. Then the punker took the bowl with mixed greens, "But what is this?"
"So that's a salad mix with mayo, mustard, salt, pepper, red wine vinegar, minced garlic, oregano, chopped jalapeños and crushed pepper flakes." He said while opening the sub to add the meats, "Its Grinder sandwich!"
"Grinder sandwich?"
"Mmhhmm, it's popular on TikTok." He looks over to see Hobie sniffing the bowl.
"Smells fine. What else you're going to add?"
"I'm adding my own twist. I'm adding pepperoni, salami, ham, prosciutto, and turkey ham." Miles set up the sandwich while Hobie watches with adoration.
"Darling, have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" The Punker flirted as his mouth water at the sandwich being made, his stomach growling at this point.
"All the time, bae." Miles smirks at him, "Your only saying that because I'm making you a sandwich."
"And that's why I love you." Hobie said with excitement.
"I know." His Sunflower giggles, "Can you get the bag of chips from the counter over there? I think Green Onion and Sour Cream chips will be amazing."
"Alright." Hobie went over to the other side of the counter to get the bag of crisps, and heard Miles slicing the sub in half.
When Hobie got to bring the chips to his Sunflower, Miles opens it. "Alright, wanna try it?" Pouring chips onto the side of the plate being next the sub.
"Of course, my love." Hobie took his half of the sandwich, then waited for Miles to get his half. The two cling their sandwich, "This looks good, Sunflower."
"Hope so." Miles said. The two took a bite of their sandwich. The young Spider-man nodded at the flavor, it's tangy, creamy and meaty. It's really good.
Hobie rolled his eyes back along having his head tossing back, "MMM!" He groans at how good it was. The tall punker did a bounce being so happy with this.
"Good?" Miles made a shy smiles, he couldn't help but be happy his boyfriend likes it.
Hobie quickly nodded his head, "Mmm-Mmm-MM!" He took another big bite then muffled to his Sunflower, "I love you."
"Hahaha, I love you too, bae!" He felt super bashful by the way Hobie's looks at him. Surely, this will lead him getting his back blown out.
His boyfriend leans over to kiss him on the cheek, "Gimmie a kiss, luv."
"Bae, you got mayo on your lips!" Miles laughs.
"Mm, come here." He playfully kisses his Sunflower on the lips, "I wanna marry you!"
"Okay! Wow, did I hear THE Hobie Brown wants to MARRY Me?" Miles giggles, "That purple flame Karl got for you really got you thinking weird."
"Only for you, Sunflower!"
This made Miles' smile from ear to ear while his face being warm. He could feel his heart pounding against his chest when his boyfriend gives him so much praised. "Well, if you're happy about this. Try this one, baby." He set his sandwich down to head to the freezer to take out a sundae with vanilla ice cream with crush waffle cone, Oreo's, Reese's and Twix being covered with peanuts and caramel drizzle.
The punker's eyes glued on the dessert, his Sunflower placed the sundae on the counter. Then, he took out two spoons from the drawers.
"Ta-da! Doesn't this look good?" Miles asked with a cheerful tone in his voices, "Oh, I almost forgot to add whipped cream!" He turns back around to get whipper cream.
The punker set his sandwich aside, he got the spoon and already digged in, taking one big scoop of ice cream will all the fixings. Shoving the spoonful of dessert into his mouth, "I wasn't sure about adding peanuts since Reese's-" Miles stopped himself having the can of whipped cream in his hand, "Hey! Hobie, you didn't wait for the whipped cream?" He pouts at his boyfriend.
Hobie savor his treat, then had the gaze onto Miles. His Sunflower stares back at him being a bit confused by his boyfriend's expression. Was it that good?
The next thing Miles knew he's being swept away by his Hobie, "Ah, Hobie!"
"Darling hold onto the Whipped Cream. I got special plans for it." He purrs low and deep in his boyfriend's ear.
"Wa-wait, at least let me try-" Hobie happily takes his Sunflower to their bedroom, "Nope, I'm going to give you something way better!" Miles let out a small Yip sound, knowing his man is going to give the most wonderful night.
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puzzleddonkey · 6 months
Rabbid Lore Headcanon: Hopefully Close As Possible To Canon With Some Insane Reaches
Rabbids are an enigma, a majority of their lore being unclear or completely insane, very fitting with the lore of their home planet (Glade of Dreams) which is just as difficult to make sense of, their oddities being especially prominent in the environment their franchise has settled into (Earth). As completely random and inconsistent as the lore appears to be, I do think there's a good amount of consistency that can paint a decent picture of what is there to know about rabbids, their history, biology, psychology, sociology, so on and so forth. But that picture varies from person to person, so I'll just be sharing my picture based on what I've seen across all of rabbid media (adverts, games, cartoons, books, and merchandise). A lot of it is going to be speculation since despite all there is to work with, almost none is outright explained or clarified, and I doubt it ever will be. But despite that, I hope to make my headcanon as close to canon as possible, even if some assumptions of rabbid lore were plucked out of thin air. Each topic will be linked to separate posts, this post acting as an introduction and table of contents. As a heads up, this blog will be updated regularly and I may get explicit with descriptions, mind my shaky grammar my 3 rotted braincells are trying their best.
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What Are Rabbids?
Rabbids are an advanced race of anthropomorphic rabbit-like creatures with an intense temperament, their screaming, violence, and red eyes being the traits they're especially known for. Their antagonistic schemes on the Glade and Earth are played out as an alien invasion on par with Mars Attacks and Killer Klowns of Outer Space (without the gore that is, the focus most of all being very crude humor and chaos. Though Ubisoft was once close to releasing a mature rabbids game with slasher elements, unfortunately it had been scrapped so there will no longer be Killer Rabbids From Outer Space. Even so, the concept art and teasers published are still spectacular). On the Glade, they were deformed critters who emerged from the earth with no warning, bearing alien-like weaponry intent on taking over the planet. On Earth, they've come from outer space, using similar methods with a very similar goal.
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Why Are Rabbids On Earth?
While including Earth seems like a strange move, the Rayman franchise had already established not only the existence of Earth but the fact that Rayman seems to have some ties there as well. How? That's a whole different topic to dig through, but overall, rabbids targeting Earth is not too far-fetched, especially Rayman's involvement in trying to thwart their plots again after having stopped them from taking over the Glade (based on the events of Rayman Raving Rabbids on the Gameboy Advanced). This time, however, Rayman's efforts would be in vain, the rabbids successfully conquering the planet and making it their home. Surprisingly they wouldn't change a thing about the planet, having found the cultures so fascinating that they completely assimilated into them, their culture becoming that of human culture. Instead of taking humanity's place as dominant mammal, they've decided to coexist with them to humanity's dismay. While the human race as a whole was panicked at first by the sudden and violent takeover, they would be just as quick to adjust and eventually perceive rabbids as nothing more than a nuisance, just enough to create a whole new workforce, Rabbid Verminators, introduced in Rabbids Go Home, and the SGAII-RD (the Secret Government Agency for the Investigation of Intruders - Rabbid Division), introduced in the Rabbids Invasion Case Files books. Whether this startlingly quick shift is a result of human nature (getting bored with major events after enough time has passed), human governments being extremely efficient in convincing citizens that they're mere pests that are to be ignored (either from the purposeful spread of propaganda or because their incompetence in handling the invasion was in full display), Rayman having informed said governments how to stop the rabbid's attempt at further domination (based on the ending of Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 on the 3Ds), or all three is up to debate.
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What Are The Rabbid's Origins?
Despite always being depicted as technologically advanced pests of rage and chaos, they weren't always that way, the earliest descriptions of their origins paint them as the exact opposite of what rabbids are now commonly known for. They used to be the most peaceful creatures of the glade, said to be so kind that other creatures of the Glade would take advantage of that, ridiculing them, bullying them, and borderline torturing them until they were driven insane (based on dialogue from Rayman Raving Rabbids on the Gameboy Advanced). It is believed that they all retreated underground, hiding and plotting throughout the events of Rayman 1 to 3. Only after they would ascend without warning, the Glade feeling the wrath of the rage that had skyrocketed their evolution from simple friendly rabbids, to erratic mutants of war, taking pleasure in the pain and violence that drove them mad to begin with. Beyond this dialogue, there aren't any more details given in regards to what role rabbids played before they snapped, it can be inferred that they were like the dodo birds of the Glade of Dreams, except instead of being driven to extinction from their complete lack of survival instincts and supposedly being quite delicious (the dodos that is), they were driven to complete and utter insanity for the fun of it, one can assume that it was extremely difficult to make a meal out of a rabbid, let alone killing them, that rediculous durability likely playing a part in their docile behavior, what is the use of survival instincts when almost nothing threaten your survuval? Due to their lack of defenses before their inevitable meltdown, their technology was likely not as developed compared to what modern rabbids have at their disposal, perhaps they barely had any tech at all, living as simple wild folk whose daily agendas consisted of sleeping, eating, playing games, dancing, breeding, and repeating to overpopulate regions and solidify their existences as pests. 
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Rabbid Biology?
Rabbid Psychology?
Rabbid Sociology?
Rabbid + Human Affairs?
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Idk if you’re taking requests, but if you are, do you have any Texas (especially angst)? 👁️👁️
Well texas is my favorite character so thanks for giving me even more opportunity to talk about him
Well in the fanfic I'm writing (i haven't in a while actually i should probably get back to it) in texas's backstory he was homeschooled from the moment he was born, alaska stayed in school because he was old enough to convince his parents to not pull him out (they have an 11 year age difference) i feel his parents did it because they didn't like what was being taught in school and thought they could provide a better education, i feel from a young age he would be asking Alaska what he'd be learning and his parents just kinda gave up on Texas education especially when he wasn't picking up reading or not getting math, and basically texas had major education gaps that still effect him even if he's taught himself to make up for it
He runs away to Alaska house and Alaska didn't even know how but he did and there Alaska saw that Texas was 15 and could barely read, i feel alaska would think to put texas in school maybe get him in a special education program to catch him up but texas didn't have any legal documents on him so they just education him themselves
And years later in 2020 he's in his mid twenties he's got a job and a GED and he thinks he got over that time
Well no of course not because covid came and left him to be isolated yet again, and he can't handle how much it reminds him of the years he was homeschooled, he probably spent most of his time in quarantine just crying in bed
It wasn't like he didn't spend a decent amount of his free time at home because he didn't have many friends but it's more the fact he doesn't have a choice in the matter
Idk if it's amazing angst but it's there, do whatever you want with it
Y'know how cartoons will pretray characters sobbing eating ice cream, i feel like i could see that with him, maybe with others foods as well. Idk he just needs to have some kind of coping mechanism
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uva124 · 10 days
If you want detail dump about your new sona design?
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Sure! ✨💚 -In my second outfit where I only have a jacket I wanted to show a little my taste for basketball (it's my favorite sport and the only one I know how to play decently lmao,that's why I added the number to my shirt)
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This is how I would look without the jacket (imagine that it is a shirt and on top of it there is a basketball shirt please, I made this quick sketch and I don't know if it shows) -I also wanted to have star symbolism on my clothes because of the wish rewrite fandom, so I reused the idea from Aster's redesign by adding a star gradient on my pants. -The scarf exists in real life! I sewed it myself and it is one of my greatest prides lol
There are few of them so I will also say some peculiar qualities that my sona has!
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You can say that I look a little like the old crazy cartoons that had those qualities of stretching and changing size o( ̄▽ ̄)d
I like to imagine that I use them to facilitate the process of designing the KOW characters (like in the drawing of Aster) Imagine as if I changed size to add small details to the characters or stretched like a cartoon from the 80s just because I am very short enough to reach some characters *cough*cough* King Magnifico-*cough*
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Or simply to not get bored and chat with you in a more fun way!
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lifmera · 2 months
OH MY GOD I TYPED UP A WHOLE THING AND ACCIDENTALLY LOST IT OH MY FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOD I HATE IT HERE- anyways *ahem* attempt no. 2 of me asking you for a Hazbin Hotel match because I have never done this kinda thing before and I'm curious :)
GENDER AND SEXUALITY: I'm non-binary, they/he/she pronouns. I generally don't have a preference between the three tbh but I do appreciate ppl mixing it up! I'm sex-repulsed asexual and gray-biromantic. Again no real preference lmfao
APPEARANCE: White, dark blonde hair, green eyes, just below 5'3, pretty basic looking all things considered. I've got a pretty angular face I think. I'm afab and don't shave cuz it's too much work. I wear pretty much exclusively graphic tees(band shirts, dumb jokes, fandom stuff... that kinda thing) or button ups with funky patterns paired w/ the comfiest pants I can find, but occasionally I'll pull myself together enough to make a dencent(?) outfit, typically reminiscent of shit scene kids in the early 2000s would wear. I also like dying my hair but usually don't bcuz I procrastinate on it for too long.
PERSONALITY: If I had to describe it in one word? Unhinged. I am unhinged. 7/10 people will agree I am a very frightening person to be around. I say out of pocket shit(ranging from vile sex jokes to just straight up threats of violence) pretty regularly. I also like to sneak up on ppl and make very loud noises just to see their reactions... *ahem* anyways, despite all that, most of my friends would also describe me as caring and loyal! I have low empathy, so the only way I ever understand any of my friends emotions is by using my own experiences to compare and contrast until I have a decent idea of what's going on in their head, but I AM very good at psychoanalyzing people and providing objective, unbiased thoughts & advice on their situations. I would also literally go to war for my friends. Like, if you hurt one of them say your goddamn PRAYERS because I am coming to your location with a knife and murderous intent. I'm kinda awkward & shy at first, but at my core I AM an extrovert. I just don't know how to talk to ppl bcuz I am ✨neurodivergent✨(autism & ADHD) and have a hard time approaching ppl bcuz I don't know if they'll like me or not. Typically I make friends by making very loud jokes and waiting for somebody to approach me because they like my sense of humor. Which speaking of, I am very funny! Most people I interact with regularly would agree I am a very funny person!!! I'm also really good at media analysis and making arguments. I don't do well in debates because I choke under the pressure(gotta work on that tbh), but I'm good at writing argumentative essays. Plus, I'm pretty good at just bold face lying to people so overall I can be pretty damn convincing. I like adrenaline rushes and try to actively seek out new experiences as long as I'm confident they won't cause me any significant damage(socially or physically) in the long run. Which is unfortunately not many because I am INCREDIBLY paranoid. Like to the point of accidentally staying up til 3am cuz I'm convinced someone's gonna break into my house and kill me... I also have depression, severe dissociation issues, and existential dread which is. Fun. That's fun. I also have a tendancy to go down random rabbit holes and obsess over inconsequential details in shows I like to the point of making whole ass conspiracy theories :)
LIKES: Cartoons, drawing, writing, acting, singing, reading fanfic, watching YouTube, long drives, listening to music, jumpscaring ppl, being funny, ziplining, problem solving, video essays, ghost hunting shows, supernatural stuff in general, psychology, media analysis, frogs, sharks, ferrets, cats, violence, chocolate, Drawfee(YT channel), glitter, and just. So many fandoms. Just so many.
DISLIKES: Slimey shit, being touched(most of the time, there are occasional exceptions), being touch starved DESPITE not liking being touched, ppl insulting my interests(only I get to do that), media illiteracy, projects I'm not invested in, ppl putting preasure on me, mosquitoes, existential dread, dissociating, being tired all the time, being wrong, taking risks, feeling vulnerable, and stories with a lot of potential that just. Don't do anything with said potential.
PREFERENCES?: Uh. Someone significantly taller than me(shouldn't be hard Hazbin characters are fucking huge) that'll listen to my insane rants and is able to match my energy.
Akdncksmfnsmdsn I rlly hope I did this right again it's my first time doing anything like this-
Honestly I was debating on like a few different characters BUT!
I’ve decided to pair you with… LUTE!
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Honestly I think she’d also be sex repulsed. She’s definitely more of a romantic lover! Though she doesn’t show it.
I think she talked to you at first because your style choices reminded her of Adam- and obviously, she misses him like crazy
If you did dye your hair often with her, she’d probably want to help you! I think she’d apply the color so it doesn’t get messy :)
She LOVES your personality. She thinks you are similar to her in many ways!
She also would need to experience it herself. She’s pretty stoic and doesn’t show her emotions. She’d probably think it’d make herself look weak.
I think you both would definitely fight back to back 24/7! You both would fight to the DEATH for each other.
She loves how caring you are for other people- it gives her a different sense of pace. Someone new!
I think Lute would see a TINY BIT through your lies. Lute is very observant with EVERYTHING.
She’d love if you made jokes. She need’s something less boring in her life than just standing there.
Adrenaline rushes? Totally join the exorcists- and you can be her right hand!!
She’d try to help you through paranoia, but you shouldnt worry much. She’s STRONG asf!
She’d LOVE TO HEAR CONSPIRACIES!! she would think they are SO COOL.
Although she isn’t much taller- I think she’d around 5’8 personally. She just looks small bc shes always next to Adam who’s HUGE!
She may not be able to match your energy, only because she’ll need to come out of her shell more- she’s always listening. She has ears EVERYWHERE.
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