slugsby-pt2 · 1 month
(this is specifically for u @violetspetal )
andre is the cutter in the army of two. I know we all wanna headcannon! Cal as that because he’s Dylan’s counterpart but no. In my heart of hearts, this guy is not depressed in the way he hates himself and has to punish himself. He hates the world and having to be apart of society, a society that’s so cruel and wrong.
Andre’s different. Cal and Andre are quite alike in the sense that they hate everyone and want to die, but Andre hates himself for not being accepted, for not being normal enough to be liked. He probably hates Rachel because of this reason. Andre knows that him and Cal are one and the same—with Cal being more disturbed than him—and he can’t have Rachel. He doesn’t want her but what she symbolizes. Passing. Normality. Having someone that isn’t afraid of you and likes you even if you’re a bit “weird”.
Sure, I’m probably reading into Eric’s diaries way too much when it comes to Andre, but Andre hates the world and himself for not being accepted and liked. Andre probably tried really hard to make friends and be seen as normal coded in elementary and middle school, and by the time he met Cal, he realized no matter what he could do, he’d never pass. He found Cal and saw himself in him. (The reason why Andre has Cal.)
But yeah, Andre sees himself as the problem and world also as the problem. He’s too “woke” (not in the general sense but in the way that he “sees the world for how it really is”) and self aware to be like everyone else. He’s going to punish the world (the shooting) and himself (the cutting and his death).
Other headcanons:
Andre is really ritualistic and particular about his sessions. It’s always the same way, even when he’s freaking out and pissed as all hell. Turns on a movie, some kind of background noise, locks his door and gets his tools (specific army knife that he’s had since he was 12, and gauze and antiseptic spray).
he isn’t like those cutters that just free bleed and trust they won’t get an infection, even though their bed is dirty and they don’t shower enough (me, I’m talking about me). He runs everything precise and well planned.
He thinks wrist cutters are stupid attention seekers and keeps it to his upper thighs, ankles, and a specific part of his chest (track eliminates a lot of potential areas). He makes fun of cutters even though he does it.
Also, Cal knows about it and is kind of concerned, but doesn’t want to interfere. He probably brought it up to Andre once and Andre raged and basically shittily gaslit Cal into dropping the subject.
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cespugliodifiori · 4 months
[Sooo i’ve recently watched Hazbin Hotel and the character Alastor has caught my eye 😭 like i’m so obsessed with him that it isn’t funny anymore- But anyways i’ve thought about some head-cannons for him(they might not be accurate and english isn’t my first language so if you find grammatical errors i sincerely apologize) THE END IS ANGSTY (sorry i just had to, i added a ‘dangerously yours’ reference)]
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How would Alastor express his “love” for you
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• The first time you met him he actually freaked you the fuck out, i mean he had that big smile on his face ALL THE TIME, it was creepy. But after a few days he won you over with his ‘personality’.
• I think that he isn’t the type to have a serious relationship with someone, but he would rather have a ‘soft’ spot for you.
• Sometimes he would open the door for you, if he’s ahead of you, but one time he walked faster than you so he could reach out for the door first and say “Ladies first!”.
• One time, while Niffty was playing with your hair (or horns if your oc has horns) you were doing a crossword. When suddenly Alastor sat down next to you and helped you with some words, since his vocabulary is much more expanded than yours.
• He would definitely keep your tea warm if you’re having a conversation with someone and forget to drink it, while he’s around.
• You always wondered why would he do these little things for you, he still made you somewhat uncomfortable when he’s around but that’s just the aura he gives off, right?.
• One time, while you were sitting in the small bar of the hotel, you were eating cookies and milk for breakfast, when accidentally a cookie fell in the mug and you were about to get a spoon, but Alastor used his magic to pick up the cookie, you were weirded out at first and looked at him suspicious but he only smiled at you, “when did he get here?” you thought while munching on the cookie.
• It actually made him smile more when he saw you laughing at his sassiness or at one of his jokes.
• You found his deer ears to be entertaining, of course you didn’t dare to touch them, but time to time he would make them move (like letting them react to noises yk-) just to see a little smile on your face.
• Sometimes you would listen to him on the radio, it seemed like he always knew when you were listening to him, so he would always be extra sassy.
• He would call you “my dear” “sweetheart” “honey” “little one” “my fawn”
• He would make Jambalaya for you
• One time, Charlie putted on some music to make the hotel less depressing than it already was, a Jazz song came on and you noticed that Alastor looked up from the journal he was reading, it was a song from ‘Frank Sinatra’ named ‘It had to be you’. You were looking at Charlie dancing and laughing with Vaggie they were so cute together!. Suddenly, you felt a poke on your right shoulder and looked but there was nobody there, when you looked back Alastor was in front of you. “Hey” you said smiling kinda freaked out but shrugged it off “Care to dance?” he stretched out his hand, you were a bit unsure since the rumors said that he didn’t like to be touched, but he wouldn’t have offered then, right? “Sure” you spoke while taking his hand, his gloves feeling cold as ever and he took you on the ‘dance floor’. Charlie was surprised but happy that you and Alastor were getting along, she seemed excited!. It was the best dance you’ve ever had.
• When Husk pointed out that you would always get the princess treatment with Alastor, you tried to disapprove “it’s not that, he’s just kind sometimes” “oh really? how can you not see that you’re literally the favorite among all of us!” you shrugged it off, and said “well take example Charlie! He treats her like she’s his child” you said in your defense, and Husk rolled his eyes “it’s not the same.” “where are you trying to get with this talk??” you looked at him while he was cleaning a glass “i just… don’t let your guard down. You already know what he’s capable of” you looked at him with concerned eyes, he was scared that you’ll end up like him “don’t worry i won’t” you reassured him with a smile, and he seemed a bit more relaxed. (of course this happened when Alastor was busy)
• After the conversation with Husk, you kept your distance, you only knew him for two and a half weeks and it seemed like he knew you already for his whole life. A few days have passed and one day you decided to stay in your room all day. You were reading a book, your mind was a mess you weren’t even actually reading. Suddenly a radio static could be heard, your eyes looked up and met his red ones, your heart began to beat faster. You gulped and said, looking away “can you leave, please?” his radio static stopped for a second and he didn’t say anything, his look could tell you already that he wasn’t going to. You got out of your bed and went to open the door “please go…” your voice cracked “what is it? what’s wrong my dear?” his radio voice was somewhat soft but his eyes were cold as ever, you held on the knob tightly than before “you know nothing about me, you’ve known me only for 3 weeks!” before you could add anything else he uttered “3 weeks?” he spoke your name softly and added “i’ve known you all my life” he gestured, his smile getting bigger, while his radio voice began to malfunction, he started to get a bit irritated “all your life?” you said in disbelief, you closed the door and stood in front of him “it’s true!” he stated “when i heard beautiful music, i thought: she likes that” “oh please stop!, don’t think i know that you just want me to sell my soul to you!” he stopped and looked away, the radio static stopping for a second and resuming, it looked like he was thinking of what to say. Your heart sank “…is it true?” he had that stupid smile on his face, he kept his hands behind his back holding his cane tightly. He quickly regained composure, he’s shown you enough of his desperate side and spoke “no, my dear of course not, why would i fool you?” you were about to tell him of the conversation with Husk but you decided that it would worsen things “maybe because you’re the ‘radio demon’?” he laughed, his shoulder moving up and down as he did “oh sweetheart, don’t you get it?” he cupped your cheeks and looked down at you “if i ever wanted to take your soul i would’ve done it already!” he said his pupils becoming radio dials for a quick second, that freaked you out and he just laughed it off “smile my dear! you’re never fully dressed without a smile” he stretched out your lips before pulling away “want some Jambalaya?” he said walking past you, you cracked a smile and looked at him wiping the little tear that was about to fall “of course..” you followed him. Strangely enough you forgot about the conversation with Husk!.
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[This is my first time writing head-cannons so i’m sorry if i’ve made errors! It was hard to make the conversations with Alastor since he has a very formal vocabulary 😭. The last head-cannon was related to ‘dangerously yours’ so it’s kinda weird but i hoped you liked it! Let me know if i should make more head-cannons or do requests! (i just need to learn how to use tumblr lol)]
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secretpostsposts · 5 months
Hullo, I love your AU soooo much (I'm a sucker for possessive characters), and I have a question:
What if the brothers found out Branch didn't know common sense things about troll society due to being in isolation from such a young age. Like, he didn't know eggs came from a trolls hair, or folktales that are common knowledge to everyone else in pop village?
Love your work so much❤️❤️❤️
They're upset about isolation, and they want to kill someone.
Who leaves a child to raise himself alone and take care of himself!! (Branch is shorter than Poppy and despite being strong, he must be very light and somewhat thin)
But other than that, if he doesn't know stories, they take advantage and even if Branch doesn't like it now there is a "story time" in the bunker, each brother gives him a story and Branch can only sit and listen (if he falls asleep during the story, it's only to the joy of his brothers) Bruce prepares cookies and warm milk as snacks.
And when they realized that Branch didn't know about the babies, well, they collectively decided that their little brother should remain innocent of that.
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valencebagelbandit · 3 months
homelander head cannons<3
he doesn't drink because maeve did. I think when he was younger and Maeve started drinking to cope with being around him he automatically started associating it with stress, so between him not being able to handle the burn on his super senses he probably got turned off from it by being around someone who drunk all the time! (totally not projecting on this one )
he lets Ryan play games on his phone all the time and Ryan being the little nerd that he his downloaded Duolingo. now homelander is deeply confused when he checks his notifications to see vague threats from a green owl because Ryan forgot to do his Spanish lesson.
homelander is notorious amongst interns because when he orders coffee during a meeting he just asks for a cup of whole milk and since most of them are all younger than 30 they are all horrified and that is some of their sole reasons for thinking he's crazy.
ryan is homeschooled, plus being homelanders son is definitely getting private tutoring in house. meaning that everyone on floor 99 and the company kitchens probably know who he is and gives him cookies and such because he occasionally gets to wander around unsupervised. and by unsupervised I mean homelander is absolutely watching him through the walls because it's good for the boy to learn people skills!
homelander sleeps in a pocket like bundle of blankets with at least 3 weighted blankets. bro is so touch starved he probably thinks it's the best thing in the world! plus with super senses he has to be constantly overstimulated thank God for his gloves he would touch something sticky with his bare hands and immediately recoil in horror. so his nice, clean, sound proofed penthouse would be heaven for him and a nice cozy bed that's warm and comforting would be the reason he would even get in bed because no one can tell me that man ever closes them peepers.
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puppy-steve · 6 months
the night before christmas
steddie | wc: 1,377 | cw: none | emma's pov
emma gets to meet a very special someone
permanent taglist: @yournowheregirl @judasofsuburbia @steves-strapcollection @thefreakandthehair @stobinesque @vecnuthy @scarcrossdlvrs @starrystevie @inairbinad @flowercrowngods @starryeyedjanai @matchingbatbites @corrodedbisexual @theheadlessphilosopher @sidekick-hero @patchworkgargoyle @sentient-trash @wormdebut @legitcookie @corrodedcoughin @steddieas-shegoes @wynnyfryd
it's a little after midnight for me, so merry christmas to those who celebrate!
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The house is silent, save for the clock ticking on the mantle in the living room, dimly lit by the Christmas tree in front of the window, covered in different colored lights and handmade ornaments—some from decades long since passed, family heirlooms handed down, and some more recent. Little ceramic handprints and popsicle picture frames. Reindeer and gingerbread men painted with a toddler's unsteady hand.
The plate of cookies and the glass of milk remain untouched as the occupants of the house sleep soundly in their beds with dreams of sugar plum fairies dancing through their heads.
Snow falls outside in fat flakes, covering everything in a cold, heavy blanket and there's not a soul in sight. It's the night before Christmas and everyone is eagerly awaiting morning to come to see what Santa brought them.
But someone is about to find out ahead of schedule.
Tucked all snug and warm in her bed, five year old Emma Munson snaps awake at the sound of a clatter coming from downstairs.
The carpeted runner muffles her footsteps as she carefully walks down the hallway. She can see a light on in the living room from the top of the stairs and she gasps quietly as she crouches down and looks between the bars of the banister.
A lamp is turned on, illuminating a figure dressed in red and white putting presents under the tree.
As quietly as she can, Emma makes her way down the stairs. She doesn’t know if this will put her on the Naughty List or not, but she might not ever get this chance again in her whole life.
Santa’s hat gets caught on the tree when he jumps in surprise. He struggles with it for a second before fixing it on his head and slowly turning around. He doesn’t look like the Santa in the picture books on her bookshelf, but Emma remembers her daddies telling her that nobody has ever actually seen Santa before so they’re just drawing what they think he looks like.
He’s not round like people say he is, but he’s tall. Almost as tall as her daddies. She doesn’t feel as anxious as before. Her daddies are tall and they make her feel safe, so it has to be the same way with Santa.
With that thought in her head, she takes a confident step forward, wringing her hands in her pajama top nervously.
“Are you really Santa?”
Santa looks a little surprised, like no one has ever asked him that before. After a second, he sits on the coffee table with a light chuckle and pats his knee with a soft look in his twinkling brown eyes.
Emma doesn’t hesitate to run over and climb into his lap, looking up at him in awe.
His beard is as white as the snow outside and soft to the touch. He gives her the same look her daddy Eddie does before he scoops her up and makes her squeal and laugh with kisses all over her face, all soft and happy.
Yeah, it’s definitely the same way with Santa.
“Are you really Emma Louise Munson?” Santa asks kindly, mirth shining in his eyes.
Emma gasps. “How do you know my name?”
Santa laughs again. “Because I’m Santa Claus. How else would I know your name or where you live?”
Emma scrunches her nose and pushes up her glasses. They’re too big for her face still but daddy Steve says she’ll grow into them. She thinks for a minute and then that nervousness returns.
“If you’re the real Santa, does that mean I’m on the Naughty List now and you’ll take my presents away?” she asks in a small voice.
“Of course not, swe–” Santa cuts himself off but he rubs her back comfortingly, like her daddy Eddie does when she’s sad. “I don’t put kids on the Naughty List just for being awake. Here, I’ll tell you what.”
He lifts her off his lap and guides her over to the tree, crouching down in front of it. He picks up a smaller present that’s wrapped in red and white paper with little candy canes all over it. “I’ll let you open one early as a treat.” He boops her on the nose with a smile that makes his eyes crinkle. “As long as you keep it our little secret.”
Emma nods excitedly, her curls bouncing. “Yeah!” she says, a little too loudly, and apologizes when Santa gently hushes her. “Don’t worry, Santa, I’m a great secret keeper. You can ask my best friend, Caleb. One time he spilled red paint on his mom’s white purse and he didn’t want to get in trouble so he said the cat did it.”
Santa raises his eyebrows as she speaks and Emma’s eyes go wide when she realizes she just told Santa Claus the biggest secret she’s ever kept. “Oops. I shouldn’t have said that,” she says quietly.
“Probably not,” Santa says, sounding like he’s trying not to laugh. “But that’s alright, I still trust you to keep our secret.” He motions to the gift in her hands. “Go ahead, open it.”
Emma doesn’t hold back as she excitedly tears at the wrapping paper. She gasps so hard she’s afraid she’ll need her inhaler, but Santa must really be magic because she doesn’t. She gapes down at the pack of modeling clay she remembers putting in her letter to Santa.
“You remembered!”
Santa gives a chuckle that comes from deep in his belly. “Of course I did! You said you wanted it because you wanted to bake like your daddy, but he said you were still too little to go near the oven.”
Emma nods. “Uh-huh!”
She looks down at the clay and rolls her lips inwards, so focused on deciding what she’s gonna make first, that she doesn’t notice Santa glancing up at the top of the stairs and doesn’t hear his quiet, “Oh shit.”
“Alright, kiddo,” Santa says, dragging Emma’s attention back to him. “Other kids still need to get their gifts, too.”
Emma frowns, but nods, holding the clay close to her chest. “You won’t tell my daddies about this, will you?”
Santa ruffles her hair with a gloved hand. “I won’t tell anyone if you don’t.”
Emma mimes zipping her lips and locking them and throwing away the key.
“Good girl,” Santa laughs. “Now run along back up to bed, okay?”
“Aw, I don’t get to see you go back up the chimney?”
Santa hefts his toy back over his shoulder and winks. “Santa still has to keep some surprises.”
Emma frowns but nods. She gives him one last hug and then dashes back up the stairs and to her room, quickly trying to fall back to sleep so she can open the rest of her presents in the morning.
“Nice going, Santa,” Steve smirks as Eddie sneaks into their bedroom and shuts the door behind him, still in the Santa costume.
Eddie rips off the fake beard and huffs, putting his hands on his knees like he’s just ran a marathon. “That was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. She’s gonna be asking to open a present early every year now.”
He takes off the rest of the costume that he was forced to wear for the label’s holiday party. A prank devised by Chrissy because she’s an actual menace to society.
There’s only one man he wants sitting on his lap, thank you very much.
Steve watches from where he’s sat up in bed, sliding an appreciative gaze over his husband, still in the red coat. “I don’t know, baby, this is kinda doing something for me.”
Eddie chokes on his spit and looks back at Steve with wide eyes. “Are you developing a Santa kink? Is that what’s happening right now?”
Steve only throws the blankets off of himself and crawls down the bed toward Eddie, like he’s a tiger stalking his prey.
Eddie holds his discarded clothes in front of him like a shield and slowly walks backward towards their ensuite. “Stevie, please, think about the repercussions. The ramifications this could have–ack!”
He shuts the bathroom door just as Steve pounces, laughter spilling from both of their lips.
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deanbrainrotwritings · 4 months
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SUMMARY : part III of the love letter collection. still dreamwalking. chasing after someone who can destroy worlds. and dean is jealous of his variants. what could go wrong?
PAIRING : mario!dean winchester x peach!reader (f.)
CHARACTERS : luigi!sam winchester, lush edryx (ofc), toad!castiel, jack kline 
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), angst, fluff, real physics, theoretical physics
A/N : a day to remember song title. this fills the dramatic death square for my @jacklesversebingo card. this was inspired by the second season of What if…? My siblings and I used to play Super Mario Sunshine on our GameCube so that’s what this is based on, too. And my physics degree is paying off! 😂 XXXXxx
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It all started with Cas suddenly appearing within the Bunker, frantically searching for Sam, Dean, Jack, and Y/n. 
To be fair, it was three in the morning and everyone was asleep, so Cas had only found Jack passed out on the kitchen table after another round of Krunch Cookie Brunch in the middle of the night. 
The original plan for Jack was to try Y/n’s remedy for not being able to sleep. Warm milk. Of course, she’d meant in a glass. Then, he got hungry being there—surrounded by food, grabbed the blue box of sweet cereal and served himself once. After finishing his cereal, he still had some milk leftover, so he convinced himself easily that to finish the milk he needed one more serving. 
He got that from Dean. 
Cas sighed at the sight of him, but he was in a hurry. Like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, that’s what he felt like at that moment. So he shook Jack—rather than being gentle—who abruptly sat up, “I didn’t eat it!” He shouted sleepily, his eyes wide and surprised. “Oh, Cas. I thought you were Sam,” he whispered, rubbing sleep from his eyes, much like Dean did. 
“I need to find Sam, Dean, and Y/n,” Cas said distractedly.
“But… it’s late,” Jack stated, having flashbacks of Dean pointing a gun at him for waking him while he was deep asleep. “And Dean and Y/n-”
“I’m aware,” Cas interrupted Jack. “This is more important. They can have coffee.” 
“Erm,” Jack hesitated, but Cas was already making his way out of the kitchen, his beige trench coat billowing behind him. It reminded Jack of Snape, but he shook his head from the distraction and quickly cleaned up before he got scolded by Sam for being ‘unhealthy’. 
Meanwhile, Cas bursted through Sam’s bedroom, the door cracking loudly against the wall, that it alone woke Sam. The gun was quickly in Sam’s hands and the bullet that he’d sleepily fired grazed Cas’ shoulder. Cas pursed his lips and rolled his eyes, but otherwise ignored the messy nest that was Sam’s hair. 
“Sam, I’ve got a case,” Cas declared bluntly.
“What the hell, man? It’s-” Sam looked towards his clock by the nightstand with squinted eyes, heavy with sleep. The time glared at him in green, made him groan and fall back into bed. “It’s three in the morning, couldn’t it wait?” Sam turned over onto his stomach, uninterested, and held his pillow to his face, knowing that Cas was not going to let him go back to sleep. 
“This is important. Every second that goes by, catastrophic things can occur,” Cas attempted to explain. 
“Yeah?” Sam asked sarcastically, at the end yawning. “That’s life. We’ll take care of it in the morning.” To emphasise that he was going back to sleep, he lifted his knee to the side and wiggled around until he was back in his original position. 
“I know that,” Cas enunciated with irritation, “this is really complicated and I’d like for all of you to be awake to hear what I have to say so that I don’t have to repeat myself.” Sam groaned loudly into his pillow and then sat up swiftly to glare at Cas.
“Oh my god,” he complained, combing his fingers through his unkempt hair in an attempt to fix it. “You know what? Fine, but if Dean gives you the cold shoulder for a month—again, don’t expect any sympathy from me,” Sam warned grumpily, getting out of bed to get ready to meet Cas in the library. 
Cas gave Sam a deadpan stare and walked out without a word to find Dean and Y/n.
When he made it to Dean’s room, Cas was far gentler with the door. He held it open rather than letting fly open and hit the wall, the way he let happen with Sam. He watched the two figures in Dean’s bed and tilted his head at the sight of Dean practically draped over his girlfriend’s back.
Cas let go of the door and stood there awkwardly trying to see better in the darkness. He could see that the sheets were a mess around them and Y/n was curled up slightly, nearly at the edge of the bed. Cas assumed Dean either pushed her all the way over there or that he was holding onto her so tightly so that she wouldn’t fall. Maybe both. 
Dean was snoring softly, had one arm wrapped tightly around her front and his legs were tangled with hers. Cas didn’t think it looked very comfortable for Y/n, but she was in a deep sleep, completely undisturbed by both the sounds coming from Dean, the lack of coverage with a warm blanket in the cool room, and the lack of personal space Dean was giving her. What a hypocrite.
Cas knew though, it was different when the two of them invaded each other’s personal space, than if it were him or someone else being that close to them. Dean would go ballistic if anyone else stood that close to her, not that she’d ever allow that to happen, she gets irritated easily by other people.
Cas found that strange, too. The way she despised certain traits or habits in others—she made it very clear, verbally—but forgave them in Dean. Perhaps that is love. Compromise. Chaos. Irrationality…
The lights in the hallway turned on and Cas knew it was Sam who turned them on and was now up properly. The light allowed Cas to see much better into Dean’s room, with the light pouring in from the hallway. 
Cas tried to think of something to wake them that would not make Dean and Y/n too angry. He looked around Dean’s room, clothes were strewn on the floor and Dean had his record player on, just static now that the needle was up. It didn’t take very long for Cas to deduct what had happened. Sex. 
They were both naked, Cas could see now. He flushed and averted his gaze, then quickly made his way to the record player, dropped the needle, and put the volume as high as it would go. Led Zeppelin’s Baby Come on Home blared through the room causing Dean to jolt up sleepily, finally disturbing his peacefully asleep girlfriend. 
She whined Dean’s name and Dean froze when he saw Cas standing by the record player. Cas stumbled and turned it off swiftly, smiling nervously at Dean who was now glaring at him. Part of Cas wanted to laugh at the state of Dean’s hair, one side was flat, the other side was a mess, and the top was just sticking up. 
“Dude, what the hell?” Dean whispered aggressively, struggling to lift the tangled sheets to cover up Y/n’s naked body. She turned over onto her stomach and threw her arms around Dean’s waist, grumbling for him to sleep again and hold her. Instead, Dean dropped his hand over her head, buried his fingers into her sex hair, and gently massaged her scalp. She hummed appreciatively and squeezed her arms around him gently.
“Uh… I’m sorry,” Cas apologised slowly. “It’s an emergency and I need her help. It’s about a case, we’ve been working on it together,” Cas explained, then dropped his eyes hesitantly to the small body tangled in Dean’s sheets. 
“What?” Dean asked, no longer playing with her hair. She groaned softly at the loss, so Dean started up again very slowly. “Since when? Why didn’t you guys tell me?” Cas sighed exasperatedly and Dean’s eyebrows rose in surprise at the sassiness exuding from his best friend. 
“Okay, fine,” she finally spoke up, struggling adorably to get up, not caring that she was flashing Cas with her naked body when she turned to face him. “Go, I’ll be there with Dean.”
“Woah, hey,” Dean complained, grabbing her breasts in his hands. She laughed and Cas only became more flustered. “Dude,” Dean said, silently holding a conversation with Cas.
“Right,” Cas averted his gaze and stepped backwards out of their room. “Just, please don’t have sex like you guys always do when we have something important to do,” Cas pleaded. Dean glared at Cas halfheartedly, feigning offence, but knowing very well that it was usually Dean who initiated it and delayed their appearance. 
Dean began to splutter a blush growing on his face. “We have never d-”
“Save it, Dean,” Y/n snorted softly with a laugh, “yes, we have.”  Cas nodded—tried and failed to hold back a smile—and left them to get ready. “I’m so sleepy,” she whined, leaning into Dean’s side. He slipped out from the embrace he had her in and ignored her pout to settle between her thighs with a smug smirk. 
He pushed her gently onto her back and leaned over her, giving her a big kiss on her forehead. She laughed, held his jaw gently in her hand to kiss him lazily, and pushed her fingers friskily into his already messy hair. 
He moaned softly and pulled away, snickering. 
“What?” She asked, brushing his hair with her hands and fingers to make it look better. Even if he looked adorable with it messy. She bit her lip and traced his cheekbone with her thumb. 
“We should be late, y’know, just to keep up with our tradition,” he grinned boyishly. She looked away from his freckles cheek and the cute eye-bag that was more prominent on this side of his face. She raised a brow, opening her mouth to say her piece, except she could only laugh. 
He scowled, leaning forward to press his face against her neck, and laid down on her to stop her laughter. Dean grabbed her thighs to lift them so she’d wrap them around his waist. He bit his lip and squeezed her tightly. She whined in protest, lazily and weakly attempting to push him off her. 
Her heart began racing and heat grew between her legs. The way he moved his lips down her neck, placing wet kisses across her skin, didn’t help her fight between what she wanted from him, and what Cas wanted from her. 
“You don’t look like you want me to stop,” he murmured with a smirk against her breasts. 
“I don't want you to,” she agreed quietly, “that’s why… I’m hoping you'd be nice to me and get off before we waste sweet time doing awesome… stuff.” 
He chuckled against her skin and lathed her nipple up in saliva, needily tugging at it before getting off her. He slid his hands down her sides and groaned at the sight of her, fighting with himself to get up and get changed. 
“I was just trying to wake us up,” he pouted, reaching beneath her to cup her ass and squeeze. “I just need five minutes,” he offered, lifting her hips up suggestively. Her heart leapt excitedly, her stomach flipping when he started to shuffle forward on his knees, his cock nudging her folds. 
“Nah, you can’t change your mind more than once,” she told him playfully, wagging a finger at him with a huge smile. She sat up to wrap her arms around his waist, trying to make him feel better, and pulled him with her as she got off the bed. He groaned and followed her reluctantly to get ready. 
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“Wait, wait, wait,” Dean chuckled dryly, leaning over the table with his palm on the surface, gazing at his girlfriend. “You’ve been working on the case the other me’s were talking about before we left?” She leaned forward and placed her hand over his, perfectly showcasing the ring he had given to her just three months ago.
She inhaled, then exhaled. Dean braced himself. He expected a lie, an explanation. 
“Yes,” she told him bluntly. He appreciated the truth, but he scoffed, and gripped her hand—the one with the ring on it. He brushed his thumb gently over her knuckles, his verdant eyes wide, filled with confusion and hurt.
“We’ve never had this problem before,” Dean frowned at her, it made her tilt her head in regret, “it’s why Sam, and Cas, and literally everyone keeps you out of plans if it involves lying to me…” Dean paused and released her hand gently, realisation dawned on him. “It was that other me, right? That’s why it’s different…”
Sam quickly began to escort Cas and Jack out of the library, the three of them moving out quietly to give them space. Neither of them said anything about their departure, instead Y/n took Dean’s hand again.
“Look,” she sighed, tugging him to stand between her legs. “No matter what reason I give for hiding this from you, you’re gonna poke holes into my logic, and I’m gonna realise you’re right…” She looked up at him, opened his palm, kissing the callouses there lovingly. “We’re in this together now, I should’ve thought about that before hiding this from you. I’m sorry, Dean.” 
Dean cupped her face with both of his hands, taking her words into consideration as he looked into her earnest, soft eyes. He’d never been lied to by her, which was exactly why he couldn't help the hurt in his chest. Still, he leaned forward and kissed her on her lips, slowly, barely feeling her response, before pulling away with his eyes closed. 
“Don’t do it again,” he murmured, sliding his hand down her neck. He brushed his thumb against her collarbone, gazing down at the ashamed expression on her face. It didn’t make him feel better, he knew something was off the past month, but he thought it was the wedding plans that were distracting her.
She placed her hand over his and nodded wordlessly.
“I’m gonna go get them,” she told him quietly, squeezing his hand before getting out of his grasp and walking away to give Dean a few minutes to think and let the information sink in. 
Dean watched her go and took the seat she got up from as he thought about what she’d done. It’s not like… she’d be unfaithful. He knew she would never do that. And she knew him so well she didn’t give an excuse, but he’d like to hear one now, just to understand why she didn’t let him know.
“Okay.. so, the Dean stuff was good to know,” Sam breathed in and then exhaled as he entered the room with Cas, Jack, and Y/n. “But… I mean… whatever Lush is doing is… kinda confusing. It’s Lush, right?” Sam asked, giving his brother a glance to make a quick assessment of his mood.
“Yes,” Cas answered. 
“So, I can use jars of sand as a metaphor or the human body metaphor, which one?” Y/n asked Sam, then glanced at Dean with a tight smile. He gave her a soft one in response. 
“Start with the sand, and if we don’t understand the first one, try the human body,” Sam answered for Dean. She excitedly clapped her hands together and stepped towards where both can see her. 
“Well, let’s say one grain of sand is our current universe: all the stars, the galaxies, dimensions, y’know the makeups of one single universe,” she began, pinching her fingers together. “But if you have a jar of sand, that’s a multiverse. A second grain of sand would be the universe with Hunter Corp, and a third grain of sand would be the universe Micahel destroyed. Still with me?” She stopped waving her hands around, her eyes drifting away as she became engrossed with her explanation. 
“Yeah, yeah… grains of sand as an alternate reality, universe, parallel or whatever…” Sam quickly replied, almost with the same enthusiasm as her. Dean wished he could join in, but part of him was still hung up on her omission. 
“Yes, exactly,” she smiled at Sam. “Well, a whole shelf of jars would be the omniverse. Every multiverse-”
“Every multiverse? Like… what do you mean?” Sam interrupted, frowning. He was clearly overwhelmed with excitement as he ran his fingers through his long hair, hazel eyes adrift before focusing on her once more. 
“Well, one jar of sand would be our multiverse. A second jar of sand would be… the Doctor Who Universe, ya know? And a third would be… a Hunger Games universe. Every jar of sand would be a movie, show, book. Oh, it’s so awesome,” she sighed, leaning over the table with both her hands flat on the wooden surface.
Cas and Jack stared between them, dumbfounded. 
“Wow, yeah, that’s… a lot,” Sam sighed, pulling a chair out to sit down. He thought quietly to himself, chewing on his lip. “You said… every book, does that include maybe.. short stories?” He asked suddenly, pushing a lock of hair behind his ear. She lifted a brow.  
“Yes..? You have something specific in mind?”
“You know… the stories people write about… me… and Dean?” He cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably in the chair. Y/n burst out laughing after hearing the question, almost ignoring the disgust on Sam and Dean’s faces. 
“Gross, man,” Dean grimaced, crossing his arms over his chest, looking away.
“Okay, sorry,” Y/n brought herself to say between laughter. She wiped tears from her eyes and dried her fingers on her jeans. “No, yeah, that’s a good question,” she sighed with an amused expression, “anyway… no, those types of stories exist outside of the main multiverse, floating in the omniverse. They’re typically unstable—fleeting, and they collapse in on themselves,” she explained sincerely, an expression of relief while over Sam’s face.
“How come?” Sam inquired, leaning over the table with his fingers entwined together.
“Well, back to jars of sand. The jars are sealed; that makes it an isolated system—nothing gets in and nothing gets out. Nothing new can be created besides what’s already inside. The omniverse, however, is not an isolated system. When someone creates a book, movie, show, or whatever… if it’s… you know.. Popular and strong enough to not collapse in on itself in the omniverse-”
“If we could get to the main point…” Cas pleaded, interrupting their conversation. She looked over at Cas and pouted playfully—it almost made him laugh. She focused anyway, with a roll of her eyes. 
“Right, well, Lush Edryx is breaking those ‘isolated system’ rules by hopping multiverse after multiverse. None of us knows what she's trying to find, but she keeps destroying everything in her quest—or almost destroying everything—which means we need to stop her,” Y/n got to the point, staring at Cas with a glint of mischief. 
“How did she get so powerful?” Sam asked, gazing from her to Jack.
“Well, every multiverse has its own God, Darkness, Lucifer… and all that… Jack thinks that for Lush’s multiverse, the Darkness gave her the ability to travel from multiverse to multiverse. We just can’t find out what they’re looking for. We just know where she’s currently headed. Well, Cas and Jack know,” she started to ramble, carefully scratching the table with her nails mindlessly.
“How can we help if none of us has those kinds of powers?” Sam questioned, leaning back in his chair. 
“Well, technically Quetzalcoatl is my descendant, which means Jack can make it so that I can hop multiverses too,” Y/n mumbled thoughtfully. 
“Who now?” Dean finally spoke up. 
“Please, no more questions,” Cas begged once more, his head tipping back in irritation. 
Sam chuckled, leaning forward again. “How can we help?”
“Well, we can possess our multiverse variants and omniverse variants, and they already gave me permission so… what do you guys say?” Y/n asked, drumming the table with her fingers enthusiastically.
“Let’s do it,” Sam shrugged, looking over at Dean who nodded in agreement.
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“I see why you were excited,” Dean grumbled, poking the green grass with a stick. Sam looked up at the bright blue sky with squinted eyes. Cas and Y/n looked ahead, eyes peeled for what they were searching for. For who they were searching for. 
“Hmm?” She asked, looking down at Dean in his Mario outfit. She grinned once their gazes met and he rolled his eyes at her, a cute smile on his face. No words had to be spoken, she knew that he knew it amused her to finally be taller than him. 
“So, he’s taller than you in your universe?” Cas asked, taking her attention from her quieter-than-usual boyfriend. Well, it wasn’t their Cas, it was this universe’s version of Cas, Toad. She smiled down at him brightly, it felt amazing to do so. 
“Yup,” she said, putting emphasis on the ‘p’. “And you’re way cuter here. I could take a bite out of you,” she snickered, lifting her pink dress as she walked down the hill awkwardly with Dean, Sam, and Cas. Or should she say, Mario, Luigi, and Toad? That would be confusing because they look nothing like the originals, except for Toad, Cas, whatever. 
“Please don’t,” Toad pleaded, frowning. Dean took her hand to help her down, it made her flush. He looked so cute. 
“Of course not,” she murmured warmly, squeezing Dean’s hand. Before he could look at her, she spoke up. “So, how far until we get there?” She asked impatiently, looking around endless mushrooms of all colours, shapes, and sizes. 
“Not too far,” Cas reassured her.
“How come we didn’t just come in our normal bodies?” Dean asked, jogging to catch up with her. “Wouldn’t it be easier? We’d have an advantage in our original bodies.” She slowed down, brushing her fingers with Dean’s for him to take if he wanted. He took her hand fully, holding it gently in his, a single touch making her breathless. 
“Well, puppeteering or possession is less dangerous since it’s not a permanent link to the realities we go to. This way, there’s a smaller chance that we’ll cause destruction… y’know unlike Lush who’s actively invading what’s supposed to be an isolated system.” Dean mulled over her words silently, squeezing her hand. 
“Well, we won’t have to fight Boswer or anything, right?” Sam asked, moving her attention away from Dean and to him. 
“No fighting. We’re going in the opposite direction to find a Mega Mushroom,” Cas reassured him, still on high alert for any movement from sneaky mushrooms. 
“Which is what Lush is after according to… Jack and Cas,” Y/n added, scoping the area with Dean. 
They’d been searching for a while now. Long enough for her to have become bored with her surroundings, the thrill of feeling, seeing, smelling, tasting… all of everything amazing around her had died as the search for the Mega Mushroom began to take longer than she would’ve liked. 
She even went back to thinking about wedding cake flavours. Dean’s so… adorable. He wants a confetti cake. She’d indulge him in any way possible, but she was torn between serious flavours such as honey, strawberry and rhubarb, and white chocolate raspberry. 
And the colour scheme; Dean’s thinking of a soft pink, blush, watermelon, salmon… but all she can think of is matching everything to the green of his eyes, the gold of his freckles, the honey of his hair… completely ethereal colours that symbolise his beauty and her love for everything that he is.
The guest list wasn’t a problem at all, for obvious reasons, and neither was the music, but the location, the reception… If she could just stop being so worried about Lush, the omniverse, all the Deans, and everything else, she was sure she could help Dean out a little more. He was doing a fantastic job on his own—which wasn’t surprising. Of course he’d adapt perfectly to the situation-
“Oh, shit,” Dean whispered, tightening his grip on her hand to stop her from walking. She froze, her focus returning with the rustle in the tall green grass besides Dean. 
“Princess, Mario has to capture it,” Toad explains, “erm, I mean, Dean,” he corrected himself quietly, prying the lovers’ intertwined hands apart as the rustle got further away. 
Dean nodded, looking to his girlfriend who smiled at him encouragingly, before he quietly began sneaking through the grass, rapidly getting accustomed to his surroundings and his body. 
“He’s shorter than me here, more than usual,” Sam joked from behind her. She giggled quietly, turning back to look at Sam dressed in a Luigi outfit. He was once more, taller than Dean, but not taller than her. He had a silly smile on his face, pleased with his joke—as any sibling would be. 
“He could probably still beat us in a fight,” she teased, climbing mushrooms to get to the biggest one. Sam and Toad followed her to the highest point, trying to find the red of Dean’s cute little hat in the waves of long green blades. 
“Good point,” Sam laughed once he stood beside her. “Over by that butt looking mushroom,” Sam pointed to where Dean was pouncing on something and jumping. She laughed at Sam’s accurate description of the mushroom, at Dean once she found him again running in circles. 
To live far away from her world would be nice. This place seems nice. But the last thing she wanted was to kill innocent lives and destroy innocent worlds. Had she lost everything the way that other Dean did, she’d imagine she’d commit a billion atrocities to find her happiness—even if it was wrong. Is that what Lush was doing? Trying to find happiness? 
This was not the way to go, but then, she’d be a hypocrite to argue against it out loud. She knows in her heart just what she’s willing to do for her family, for Dean, for those she loves… She has the power, the opportunity to take what she wants. It might be worse than what Lush is doing. 
“Guys?” Sam asked to get hers and Toad’s attention. He got closer to the edge before jumping down and running towards Dean, calling his name multiple times. 
It was only afterwards, when she looked away from Dean that she saw a much larger rustle within the grass. Large enough to be human-human rather than video-game-human. It was headed towards the same orange mushroom Dean was after, but Dean noticed the rustle, too. 
Y/n quickly made her way quickly to help the two brothers, with Toad shouting some advice to her, which was pretty helpful in reminding her that she could use stuff from this world to help Dean and Sam. She slapped grass away from her face and lifted her pink dress so she wouldn't trip on it, running as fast as she could on heeled boots.
Dean abandoned the Mega Mushroom and Sam was close behind to catch what she figured could only be another Toad or Lush. A set of piercing blue eyes and a head of white hair rose from the green grass, removing a Toad as a suspect. It was Lush, who was focused on the Mega Mushroom while attempting to evade Dean, but when she noticed she’d been spotted, she tackled the Mushroom, gripping it by its leg before shoving it into her satchel aggressively.
Lush ran from Dean, towards the closest green pipe to escape from them, but before she could jump in, Y/n threw an ice ball at her from the pocket of her dress. The ice grew upwards, trapping her legs to the ground. She pulled something from her bag, a jar full of brown sludge and threw at Dean, the closest to her.
The glass broke at Dean’s feet. He stopped too late, causing the brown mud to splash over him. Y/n threw a second ice ball at her feet, watching it grow higher up Lush’s torso. Y/n was closer to Dean who started to grunt in pain, the brown mud sticking to him no matter how much he tried shaking it away. 
While Toad finally caught up to them and tended to Dean by pouring water onto him, Y/n and Sam pried the bag away from Lush.
“Give it back!” She shouted, the ice cracking at her torso, but Y/n was quick to create a portal a few feet away, and threw the bag into it. It shut immediately after the bag fell through, which made all the fight slip from Lush. 
It was as if she only now realised they were all there. She analysed them curiously, silently—confused more than anything. She didn’t recognize them, which was good. It’s why Jack and Cas didn’t come along, she’d recognise them.
“Why are you doing this?” Sam asked, stepping back as the ice cracked more and more, falling to the grass and dirt where it slowly melted. Instead of answering, she broke out of the ice and jumped into the pipe before Y/n or Sam could stop her.
“God dammit, that shit hurts!” Dean complained loudly. “I’m pretty sure it’s fiery, acidic shit! It’s brown!” He continued to whine, shoving away the bottle Toad kept using to squirt water on him, washing away the muck completely.
“Dammit,” Y/n muttered, but brushed it off to check on Dean who was still wincing dramatically, curled up on the ground while Toad searched his backpack. Was that thing bigger on the inside? She kneeled beside him and smiled down at him, taking his hand in hers. “You’re gonna be fine,” she reassured him, lifting his hand to her cheek.  
“I forgive you. You know that?” Dean coughed, softening her smile. “I can’t stay mad at you, I love you so much. But I need to know why you hid it from me.” He groaned once more, clutching his stomach with his free hand, bringing her face down. She kissed his forehead rather than his lips, bumping the red hat off his head with a nudge of her nose. 
She indulged him as she squirmed and wriggled on the ground. With a sigh and a thought sweep over his grimacing face, she responded: “Because… I know you, Dean. You’d throw yourself into the case and then blame yourself for every little bad thing that happens. You’d be unhappy and pressured, and… you’d sacrifice yourself for the whole damn world. I hate that. So I decided to hide it from you because… I’d rather you be stressed out by cake flavours and colour schemes… you know? Pressured by the guest list, the location, and the music… I just want you to be happy, but… I should have been honest, I know, Dean… I truly had your best interest at heart,” she apologised once more, partially amused by Dean who was now laying on his side, squirming despite the sludge being nowhere in sight, absorbed by the dirt. 
He looked up at her lovingly, despite having a somewhat different face, it was cute. He was cute. Maybe cuter, with those giant green eyes full of admiration. A flush on his cheeks. She hadn’t looked at herself, but the way he looked at her, more animated, made her feel like a whole universe.
“Fuck Lush,” he whispered, “fuck the Monument, and the omniverse, and heaven, and the monsters, and everything else that tries to get in my way. In our way. I don’t care about the job. Or the mission, or whatever the hell else there is. I don’t care that I’m afraid all the time. I don’t even care that you’ll outlive me. All I know is that right now—as I exist in the same time and space as you, right now and forever, I want to be with you-”
“Don’t tell me all of this when you’re dying,” she interrupted his emotional speech, which made him pout. Toad, or Cas, gave her a heart from his backpack after a few minutes of digging through it, and she interrupted Dean halfway through his speech by shoving it into his mouth. Dean’s brows furrowed, he chewed slowly, and gulped down the heart. 
“That’s one way to shut me up,” Dean chuckled after swallowing. Dean slowly sat up, looking at Toad, Sam, the love of his life, then scooped her up in his arms.
“You’re wet,” she giggled, hugging him back. He buried his face in her neck, laughing with her.
“I usually say that to you.” Dean kissed her neck, then pulled away as Sam groaned in disgust. 
“You’re right,” she murmured, burying her fingers in his soft hair. “Everything that you said… I feel that way, too. I’ve got all this information in my head that I didn’t have before and I’m ancient in ways that I just don’t feel like I am anymore and.. I know what I want, I know what I need… and I’m not gonna let this, Lush, or anyone else stop me from trying to get it.” She pulled away and smiled at him, remembering they were in different bodies. “Well, I mean… I’d like your consent… but I already know how you feel, so really, I just need you to trust me.”
Instead of answering her, he leaned forward and kissed her glossy, pink lips. One chaste, long kiss that made her smile, fluttery, warm, and breathless.
“Feels weird kissin’ you here,” she mumbled against his mouth.
“You’re still a great kisser,” Dean pulled away with a smirk.
“We didn’t get to stop Lush, or even get to talk to her, but at least we’ve intercepted her satchel…” Sam interrupted their moment. They smiled at each other before turning to Sam. Dean stood up, then helped Y/n up off the wet ground.
“Jack will make sure she can’t come back here…” She reassured Sam, taking Dean’s hand, she took one last look around. Toad smiled at her, a silent goodbye. “Let’s go home.”
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ubejamjar · 2 months
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Name: Ajisai Kawanami
Aji - Thancred and Alisaie
Aj (not AJ) - Aymeric occasionally in private frequently if they are both inebriated
Little star - Parents. Ajisai uses this as an endearment for children.
Age: Early 30s
Nameday: 7th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon
Race: Raen Au Ra
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Profession: Healer, Warrior of Light
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: Naturally straight and deep blue, with lavender at the ends. She keeps it short as a matter of practicality and she doesn’t really know how to care for long hair. It grew out between Heavensward and Stormblood but she cut it just before going to that first meeting in Gridania.
Some kids taught her how to braid and she’s been doing it ever since.
Eyes: Orange-citrine with black limbal rings
Skin: Copper, think Southeast Asian; her scales are white
Tattoos/scars: Ajisai has many, many scars that she keeps covered because she wants to look respectable. One does not simply live a life as a soldier, pirate, and hero and avoid scars. I haven’t decided exactly what scars she has because I haven’t looked into putting them on her.
-> Kana Kawanami Mother, samurai, former rice farmer and sake brewer, Doman Resistance Fighter.
Currently: Alive and fighting on the Gyr Abanian border under Lord Hien’s command.
-> Tatsuo Kawanami Father, geomancer, former rice farmer and sake brewer, conscripted Imperial healer, presumed dead.
Currently: Alive in Dalmasca (maybe?)
Siblings: None, though she thinks of Lyse, Alphinaud and Alisaie as her little brother and sisters. She adores Thancred as a brother, Y’shtola as an sister.
Grandparents: Murasaki Grandparents: Samurai who lived in Monzen; Kana's estranged parents. They died fighting in the rebellion. They never knew that Kana married, had a child, and lived in Namai.
Takemura: A priest at Shisui who raised Tatsuo as his own son. He was old already when Tatsuo was a child and long dead by present day.
In-laws and Other: The Fortemps: She treats them as extended family though their relationships are complicated. Despite Edmont's fondness for her, Ajisai feels he still holds her responsible for Haurchefant's death.
She is unmarried and unattached though she has romantic feelings for Aymeric (which I wrote an essay about)
Pets: None at the moment
Abilities: Marksmanship - Great with a gun; refuses to use one ever again
Field Medicine - Aside from her healing magic and botanical knowledge, she is trained in Garlean combat surgery.
Life Sketching - Likes to draw everything she sees in her journals. She carries two at any given time -- one is personal, the other is meant as a gift for Aymeric but who knows if she’ll ever actually give it to him because she wrote a love letter in there.
Hobbies: Reading, specifically books about law and history; astromancy and divination; tea making; drawing; talking entirely too much to strangers; ruin diving; research into ancient civilizations
Most Positive Trait: Compassion She genuinely cares about the people around her— she wants to do the most good she can do for as many people as she can. It isn’t just about penance, she likes seeing people happy and well.
Most Negative Trait Healing Hubris After years of harsh study and field training, Ajisai believes herself to be the best healer to the point she will not trust other people to heal herself, her companions, or loved ones. She spirals whenever she’s forced to confront the possibility someone might be beyond her abilities (like Haurchefant)
Colors: Summer sky blue, plum purple, lavender
Smells: Cinnamon and clove, sugared pecans, vanilla lavender, freshly baked cookies, pine needles, campfire smoke
Textures: Rough paper, plush blankets, river smooth stones, soft fur
Drinks: Ishgardian tea, hot cocoa, warm milk with honey and cinnamon
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Only to be social
Drinks: Only drinks with Aymeric or alone. She drank heavily after the Vault, along with her sleeping potion use.
Drugs: Used sleeping potions to force herself to sleep and was considering using more… illicit substances to numb the pain before she started napping in the Congregation.
Mount Issuance: Story-wise, Ajisai didn’t join a Grand Company. She just.. wouldn’t leave one military to join another. She took porters and aetherytes until she got Pillion from Haurchefant. She calls him Pillion because Haurchefant said she could ‘ride pillion’, not realizing ‘pillion’ referred to the passenger behind the rider.
Been Arrested: Yes, probably for disturbing the peace in Limsa. Many tavern brawl taken too far, maybe some petty theft and other minor crimes before she got her shit together.
Tagged by: @paintedscales ❤️
Dragging these people into getting arrested with Ajisai: @oh-yeah-no @otherworldseekers @corsair-kovacs @amalthea-felsblood @thewitchofelpis @thevikingwoman @disciple-of-frost @viiioca @sasslett @gatheredfates @pumpkinmagekupo @starres-stuff @khaiens @aislingsurrow
If you were already tagged, consider yourself double-tagged or triple-tagged or—
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sergeantxrogers · 11 months
| denouement|
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“Rogers, I swear to God, if you do anything to hurt her-”
“I won’t.”
“I know you won’t. It’s still my job as her father to warn you. But, for what it’s worth, I’m glad it’s you.”
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Barton!reader
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: This is mainly just fluff
Note: This is part four of a mini-series (part 1, part 2, part 3)
Gucci Guilty Pour Homme.
That’s what your shared apartment smelled like, every day, for the past year, ever since Tony introduced Steve to the world of designer cologne. 
The bed sheets always smelled like lavender and patchouli, and the scent of citrus and wood lingered in his wake in the bathroom. It quickly became one of the only scents to bring you immediate comfort, caressing your mind and soothing your nerves with the promise that Steve was somewhere nearby. 
You smiled to yourself as you closed the door after him, sending him off to the facility and staying behind to do some cleaning. A soft burst of air wafted over you, filling your senses with all things Steve, and you sighed.
You couldn’t keep your fingers still. They were practically vibrating at your sides as you strode through the compound, going head first straight towards the living area. You knew that was where he would be; where they would all be.
You heard your father calling your name behind you, but it was like he was miles away. Your only focus was getting to Steve after a month without him - a month that felt like a century. 
You burst through the automatic doors, FRIDAY announcing you and your father’s arrivals, but your ears were ringing far too much to focus on the AI’s voice. Instead, your eyes scanned over the group of Avengers staring back at you with slight concern painting their features. Movement caught your eye, a tall figure and a head of blond hair jumping up off the couch and turning towards you. 
“Y/N,” you heard someone say - it might have been Nat. You weren’t sure, because the second you made eye contact with him, it was like someone reached into the cavity of your chest and pulled out all the air from your lungs. 
Your breath got caught in your throat, and you felt the familiar sting of tears prickling your sinuses and behind your eyes. 
You watched Steve’s lips. They moved in slow motion, mouthing your name softly as he outstretched his hands towards you. The movement triggered you to move, taking large, quick steps toward him, almost running, until you reached him, and threw yourself into his arms. He exhaled roughly with the power of your hug, then inhaled shakily as he wrapped his arms around you. You buried your face in his neck, wetting it with tears you hadn’t even noticed were falling. 
You were so close, you could feel his heart pounding against your chest, heavy and full. It wasn’t close enough. You whispered his name, and he only nodded into your hair. 
Inhaling deeply, you almost laughed. The familiar scent of Steve Rogers was something you could never forget, yet it felt new and invigorating every single time. 
You swallowed heavily, and reluctantly peeled yourself away from Steve. You made eye contact with your father, a stoic expression on his face. You began to step away, deciding any more PDA with Steve in front of your dad wouldn’t help your case, when you felt his warm fingers interlock with yours. 
You looked up at him, and he gave you a soft smile, giving your hand a squeeze. It was his way of letting you know everything was alright. 
You sang softly to yourself as you worked, enjoying the quiet 40s tune bleeding through the little radio you kept in the kitchen. 
Emptying the rest of the grocery bags, you began setting everything away where it belonged: cereal boxes in the pantry, milk and juice in the fridge, chocolate chip cookies in Steve’s favorite cookie jar he had made for you when he decided to try something new by taking up pottery (it didn’t work out, but you insisted on keeping the jar, with yours and Steve’s initials painted on the bottom). 
Putting the last of the dairy in the fridge, you closed it, and only then noticed the neon sticky note on the door. Your smile grew when you read the note in Steve’s neat handwriting. 
Be ready at 7 pm. Wear something nice, I have a surprise for you - Stevie
Even when he wasn’t with you, he managed to make you blush.
“Clint, I still don’t understand why you’re so against this,” Nat’s voice carried through the air, and you heard your father sigh heavily. 
“It’s just- I never thought- I knew she’d start dating eventually, it’s just that Rogers was the last person I expected.”
“Why, though? Capsicle is, like, the perfect choice.”
“No, seriously - he isn’t America’s Golden Boy for nothing. He’s the literal picture of everything good and great and wonderful and blah blah blah,” Tony said, and you swore you could here the way he rolled his eyes as he spoke. You bit back a laugh, not wanting to expose yourself. 
You had asked FRIDAY where Steve was, and the AI had informed you that he was in an important meeting with your father and the rest of the team. With a bit of coaxing and begging, you had managed to find out the subject of the meeting was actually you, and with a bit more pleading, FRIDAY had told you which meeting room they were in. Which was how you found yourself in your current situation, standing as still as a statue in the hallway, careful not to move and risk being seen through the glass doors that did little to block out sound. 
Really, you’d think someone as rich as Tony Stark would have soundproof doors to his meeting rooms. 
Little to your knowledge, Steve’s superhearing had let him know exactly when you had come and hid on the other side of the doors. If he focused hard enough he could hear your steady heartbeat, and the inhale and exhale of your breathing. Even without his enhanced senses, he was so in tune with your body, he’d be able to feel the worry and anxiety radiating off of you even behind the wall. 
Vision’s deep, steady voice was what you heard next. 
“Although I wouldn’t quite use Mr. Stark’s exact... terminology, I do agree that Captain Rogers is a textbook example of what a good man should be, therefore there should be no reason for you to... ban this relationship of theirs.”
You heard your dad sigh, and you could picture him in your mind pinching the bridge of his nose as he mulled over Vision’s words. 
“Rogers... Rogers, I swear to God, if you do anything to hurt her-”
“I won’t.”
“I know you won’t. It’s still my job as her father to warn you. But, for what it’s worth, I’m glad it’s you.”
You heard a soft thud, and you guessed Steve clapped a hand on your father’s shoulder. 
“Clint...” Steve began with a lowered voice. “I promise you, with every fiber of my being... I want nothing but the best for her.”
Your father sighed. “I know. So do I. Which is why I’m allowing... this. As much as I hate to admit it, you’re good for her. I see how much you affect her, positively. And I hate seeing her upset.”
You couldn’t help the smile from growing on your lips, nor the happy tears forming in your eyes. 
“Alright,” Tony’s voice cut through the silence. “Now can someone tell the pipsqueak to stop eavesdropping and come in already?”
Gucci Guilty. Lavender Downy fabric softener. The color blue. Bing Crosby and Billie Holiday. Peach rings and chocolate chip cookies. The American flag. 
Over the span of a little over a year, your brain had accumulated a list of things that it always associated with Steve Rogers. Your entire life was stained with the essence of Captain America and everything that made him him. 
And of course, everywhere you looked, without even realizing, there were signs of him infiltrating your life and making a home in your heart. To anybody else, these things were unimportant, practically nonexistent. But to you, they were everything. 
His running sneakers always haphazardly resting by the door. His toothbrush next to yours on the bathroom sink, and his body wash in the shower. The scratches on the hardwood floor from all the times he pulled his chair out and pushed it back in when you’d have dinner together. Cookie crumbs always on the kitchen counter by the cookie jar no matter how many times you told him to wipe them away. The picture of him and Bucky, framed, sitting right next to a picture of you and him, underneath the TV. His shirts and hoodies hanging in his half of the closet, behind a sliding door. His cologne on the vanity. 
Signs of your shared life were all around you, surrounding you to the point where you felt uncomfortable if something of Steve’s was out of place.
You felt lucky.
“What’re you so smiley about, babydoll?”
His voice pulled you out of your thoughts, and you looked up from the bathroom sink, meeting his eyes in the mirror. You hadn’t even realized he had come in. Steve wrapped his arms around you from behind, securing you in his grip, resting his chin on your shoulder. You gave him a small shrug and a shake of your head. 
“Nothing specific, just...”
You shrugged again, then turned in his arms to face him. Your hands rested on the back of his neck, scratching at it softly as you scanned his face. 
“Just?” he repeated, and you smiled again. 
“Just thinkin’ about you, that’s all,” you said in a voice hardly above a whisper. Steve tilted his head, expression softening. Bringing a hand up, he ran a knuckle softly against your jaw.
“You have no idea how glad I am Clint had a secret family he never told us about.”
That elicited a laugh from you, bubbling in your throat and spilling over your lips. Steve almost wanted to drink it. 
He smiled in soft amusement, then pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“You’re everything to me,” he mumbled against your skin, and you melted deeper into his arms, body molding against his like it always did. 
You only nodded, burying your head into his chest, focusing on his heart beating against your ear.
“I’m glad the universe sent you to me,” you whispered, and he inhaled deeply. 
“Me too.”
@a-ngeli-que @maatsim @agirlinherhead @s-katergorl @ace-27749 @leyannrae @tailsoflightning @acidwidow @angelofthorr @gallysonegoodlung @creatingjana​ @seitmai​ @i-loveyoubutyourenotmine @inlovewfictionalmen826 @multinci @peaches1958 @loaksmuntxa @rosedpetal @spookyparadisesheep @talesofadragon @wbyss @wintasssoldier @onelemonoat @buckybarnesandmarvel @epiphany-of-a-madwoman @shortnloud @saltedcoffeescotch @emturtles @little-blue-fishie 
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If Yamato had a baby sister
featuring: Hyuga & Rocky
Yamato has never really had to truly look after his friends. Granted, some of them wouldn't be alive if they hadn't been able to rely on each other but to completely be in charge of someone? Only his sister.
The Sannoh guys aren't surprised whenever he walks in Itokan, 6'ft Yamato with a 4 year old trailing behind him peddling a black plastic tricycle.
She would look at them and shoot them a peace sign. Then, wheel away to go find one of the coloring books Naomi keeps for her.
Yamato treats her like a baby and an adult at the same time.
He's rambling about an issue and she nods and writes something down.
Yamato sighs, rubbing his jaw, "So what should I do now?"
She rubs her chin as she looks at the paper she has in front of her. She grabs it and raises it up for him to see. It's a drawing of a cow.
Yamato would learn how to braid hair and the first time he tried... His mother came home to find her precious daughter with a bird nest on her head.
His sister would have the same big appetite as him. If he's not keeping an eye on his sandwhich, he'll turn around and find half of it gone.
Whenever his mother would get home late she'd make him read to her at night.
His mother would sing to her too, but last time Yamato tried that she stuffed her head underneath her pillow until he stopped.
His baby sister sick, or had a nightmare?
"Yamato...?" He didn't wake up to the sound of her voice but the bright light of the living room coming from the door.
He'd called out her name, groggy but soon aware she was standing at his bed. "Pipsqueak, what's wrong?"
"Bad dream," She frowned and wiped her face. When Yamato was fully awake he reached over to feel her forehead. Sweaty and really warm.
"Hey, hey," He hushed her when she started to cry, "No, you're okay. How 'bout we have a sleepover, 'kay?"
He would instantly get up and lift her up the bed. He would get her medicine and something cold for her head. She would try kick out of the blanket, but Yamato tucked her in too tight for her to escape.
"Yamato?" His little sister drowsily called.
"Beat up bad dreams, please?"
He raised up a fist, making sure she saw before she goes to sleep, "I'll be ready, don't worry."
Since she was newborn she's been in the garage half her life and Yamato's really careful and stern about what she can't touch. She's good at not touching anything sharp and heavy, but sometimes she gets restless being in the garage all day.
So Yamato sometimes lets her sit by him, passing him tools light enough for her to give. She feels especially proud when he puts out his hands and says, "Okay, clean up time."
She cleans the oil and grime off of his hands with the rag on her lap. She would wave around the rag when she's done, "Tada!"
He's so proud of his little sister that he makes sure to tell her good job, even if she did the same thing twice that day.
Ichigo Milk are surprisingly some of Yamato's go-to babysitters. Usually when he has to go fight or go somewhere with Cobra. At first she's a little shy with them but she warms up to them quickly.
They spoil her a lot with cookies and stuff animals. One time she came home with yamato, asleep with an ichigo milk jacket wrapped around her. (It was Junko's)
"Stop calling Mommy grandma!"
Naomi serves her first before Yamato, which he sulks at every time, and every time Noami says it's because his sister is her favorite Asahina.
Whenever his sister wants pancakes, Noami makes them shaped like animals, and her 4 year old little mind is blown away.
She would like to play with Cobra's earrings.
Other than Yamato, Cobra's the only other person she likes to ask to tie her shoes.
His sister would be too young to remember who Noboru was, so when Noboru joins Sannoh Rengokai again she sees him as stranger.
But when he crouches down to reintroduce himself, she'd say, "My big brother has you in his wallet."
"Wow, that's cool," Noboru choked out while trying not to get teary-eyed.
Yamato would get her a little Sannoh Rengokai bandanna! But because of their enemies, he wouldn't let her wear it if he wasn't around to avoid any trouble.
The one and only time Dan had babysat Yamato's little sister she got LOST. Yamato should have known to leave her with Ichigo Milk, she gets lost easily and the girls are good at keeping her close.
While Dan was searching for her, making Chiharu and Tettsu help, she got distracted by a really tiny kitty. She wanted to catch it so bad that she never noticed how far away home she had gotten.
She noticed there were a lot of shiny things and red banners and paint everywhere. When she finally caught the kitten, she was in a strange building with people in red jackets everywhere. Her stomach hurt when she realized she didn't know where she was.
She didn't cry though, she had to look tough. But everytime she tugged on an adult's jacket, they'd just walk away or ignored her.
When someone finally looked down at her, he squinted, "and who the hell are you?"
She'd be too scared to talk so she just looked at her shoes. With a tug, someone beside the person grabbed her and said "Who the fuck let a kid in? I'll handle this, Hyuga."
"No," She yelled, kicking him away, "Fuck you!"
If Yamato ever found out about that, she'd be done for.
That made Hyuga laugh and crouch down to her, "Where's your parents, kid?"
It would take a little time but she would let him lift her to see if she spot her family. She shaked her head to his dismay.
While Yamato found out she was missing and losing his shit Hyuga tried to get answers from her. To be honest, he had kinda hoped she was from some rich family so that he could get compensation, but from her answers it didn't seem likely. His guys couldn't find anyone who had lost a child either.
An employee from the casino gave her a couple of napkins and a pen to keep her busy. She drew Hyuga a cat with a mustache and chain. She said it was him. Huh.
But the next thing she drew caught his eye. Even for a drawing from a 4 year old it was familiar.
"What's that, kid?"
"Sannoh!" She pointed, "This is my big brother, Yamato."
When Yamato got the call, he thought this day couldn't worse. Everyone from Sannoh Rengokai were riding over to Daruma. Just when things were calming down but Yamato was more than willing to start another war.
At the entrance, both Cobra and Yamato strolled in front. Hyuga emerged with his little sister in Hyuga's arms. Yamato was about to lunge but Cobra held his shoulder.
Hyuga pointed and said something to her which she happily nodded. He let her down and she waved goodbye. When she ran into Yamato's frozen body he suddenly could breathe again.
"Yamato! Yamato! Look!" She held up a daruma doll.
He lost a couple years of life that day. He also gets headaches everytime she asks to see Hyuga.
The next time she wander off, it was completely his fault. Sword agreed to meet for an emergency and he had no one to take care of her. He got Dan to watch over her from the very back of the warehouse. No one would notice and he would be in the same place.
But after the meeting was over, his little sister saw the red jackets from afar and got excited so she ran off and she saw something furry and soft on someone on her way.
She thought she could sneakily touch the fur coat of the person in all white but Rocky had turned around as soon as she grabbed the soft fur.
"Whoa," She gasped at the sight of his grill, "You're shiny!"
"Are you supposed to be here?" He asked laced with concern. She nodded and told him her big brother was here. Rocky told Koo to get the word around before the Sword groups could start leaving.
Rocky wasn't suprised when it was someone from Sannoh who had lost her. She held his hand as they walked over and babbled about Yamato. He found it really endearing.
"Yamatooo!" She ran over to him with a big hug.
"You really need to stop doing that," He knelt down and grabbed his own heart. "You're killing me."
She pointed at Rocky, "I want a fuzzy sweater like that, please."
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ennoshitas-princess · 1 month
The Beautiful Rose
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Tobio Kageyama x chubby fem! reader Warnings: Oikawa being forceful to be with you, some swearing, centaur Kageyama, violent scene Synopsis: you are the girl everyone wants to be, and you catch the eye of the king of the court Word Count: 1,612 Hopefully you like it!! This has no spoilers really. Fantasy au (inspo beauty and the beast). Don't read if you don't like violence or triggered with gun shots.
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You strolled along the dirt path of the village to go to the market in the little town to get things for your mother and brother.
A shade of a pretty pastel cerulean hovered above everyone's head. The emerald blanket soaked with the morning dew. The light magenta petals of the cherry trees fell like snow in the bleak winter months. The rays warming up the ground below, caused cats and dogs to shut their eyelids tight and take a longer nap.
Basket in hand, you continued to admire your surroundings of the vast beauty of nature.
“Bonjour, monsieur.” You wave to the owner of the stand, filling your nostrils with the sweet aroma of baked goods.
“Bonjour, belle demoiselle.” He replied back.
“What do you have to offer today?” You looked at all the items, making you drool.
You could not help yourself. Just a regular habit you had that continued to occur since you were small. The thought of eating one of these delicious delights, had you wanting to buy the whole stand.
“We have bagels, cookies, baguettes, loafs of bread, and cake.” He pointed them out.
“I will take these and the baguettes.” Your hand hovered over the cookies.
“Ah, your sweet tooth demoiselle, non?”
“Oui, monsieur!”
“À plus tard!” You wave to the baker.
You walk off to bump into none other than the throb of the town, Touru Oikawa.
With a sigh, you shift to your left to continue with your errands, but stopped by him moving to his right to block. You move the other direction, and he does the same thing.
“Hey umm… Oikawa-”
“Please y/n, you know we are meant to be. Call me by my first name.” He pulled you close to his lean body.
“Look Oikawa, I cannot figure out any other way to express this. I do not like you romantically at all.” You bluntly shove him away.
His blood boiled at the remark, not knowing how much you mean to him. If he got with you, everyone in the village would be jealous about your relationship. Making him look greater and grander, even more than Alexander building one of the biggest empires in history in a short amount of time.
“Look y/n, you know how much-”
Before Oikawa could finish his sentence, you left him rambling to himself. In embarrassment, he stormed off, yelling, “well y/n, we all know you hang out with a monster.”
Oikawa, being himself, just let you be.
Well, Oikawa wasn't wrong about what he said earlier that day. Everyone viewed him as one, but you saw his flaws as beautiful pieces of artwork in a mural in an art museum.
You go over to the forest to visit your friend, Tobio Kageyama. The hut just beneath all the dead trees, just decaying and bald. Flowers on the sidelines wilted from the lack of sunshine. The straw roof had a massive hole. So whenever it rained, poor Kageyama’s house got soaked.
You knock at the almost deteriorated wooden door. Just with your subtle touch, the door fell on the creaking floor with a thud, spooking the horned centaur.
Dashing towards the door, he saw your plump figure at the entrance.
“Oh, it's just you y/n.” He sighed.
“Yes, it's just me, Tobio. Look, I went to the market and got some things for you to eat. I got cookies, bread, some fresh produce, and guess what I brought?” You give him the basket.
“What did you bring for me?” He reached for it, his hand brushing against your soft tiny one.
Pulling the cold item out, he smiled.
“Y/n, you brought milk!” He shouted with joy.
“Of course I did. When you are happy, I am happy.”
The centaur picked you up and spun you around twice, hugging your soft curves. You were a cute plush for him of course. If someone bad happened to you, he would find a way to save or protect you.
You strolled along the river bed calmly, as the birds sang their song peacefully. The flow of the river brought some type of relief from Oikawa’s six hundredth proposal.
As you walk, you spot a rock to rest on. When you sat down, you heard a lot of rustling in the bushes. Frightened, you got up and started to run away.
“Wait, don't run… I didn't mean to scare you. Of course someone as pretty and kind hearted as you would rush back home.” A male voice sounded disappointed.
You inch towards the male slowly, awaiting to be attacked. When you look at the man closer, you see him hiding behind the shrubs.
“Umm… how dumb of me. I should introduce myself. My name is Kageyama, Kageyama Tobio. What is yours?” He still hid.
“Nice to meet you, mine is l/n y/n.” You tell him as you go where he hid.
“That is a pretty name for a pretty lady like you. I mean, well you are just pretty because you are a human- shit!” He snapped.
“Wait, come out of the bushes. I am curious about what you meant about me being a human. Are you one?” You raise a brow.
Clopping towards where you stood, you soon begin to realize he was not a human. He came out being a centaur. The thought of you running away came across poor Kageyama's mind, but surprised that you stayed in place, examining him closely with shining e/c eyes.
“You seem very fascinating! How did you-”Before you could finish that question, he replied with all honesty.
“I was put under a spell because of how I used to treat others in my village when I was king. I ran away and now, no one is ruling my kingdom.” He rubbed the back of his head.
You stare into his ocean eyes for a long time. Just as you were in a trance, he too was in one. Charmed by your squishy body, not knowing what to say or do, he randomly said, “wanna be friends?!?”
You break eye contact, blushing, “yeah!”
You two walked inside of his cottage to snack on the little treats.
As you finished your snacks, a rustle in the bushes could be heard by Kageyama. He galloped towards the shrubs.
“Bam, bam, bam!”
You heard the gunshots from inside. Rushing out of your seat, you saw Kageyama on the dirt ground, breathing heavily. You turn your head up slowly from the centaur, only to meet up with brown eyes.
“Oikawa! Why would you shoot him?” You ran towards him and wept.
“I only did it for you, y/n. I bet he had you captured and under some mind game of his, only to keep you from me.” He reached for your arm, only for you to shake it off aggressively.
“I don't like you! As a matter of fact, I hate you!” You scowl at him.“I did it all for-”
“I don't care! I want you to leave me alone. I don't want you near me in any way. I am in love with him and you think I will love you after shooting him?” Your voice boomed throughout the forest.
Oikawa's mouth formed a small circle, opened from the news you gave to him. He couldn't believe that you loved a monster like Kageyama, but not love someone as handsome as he is. Scoffing, he turned his tracks to the road to the village, stomping his way back.
“Y-you love m-m-me?” Kageyama's soft voice spoke.
You look down at him from where you knelt down, just terrified of what could happen to him in the next minute.
“Kageyama, no matter what happens, I will never forget you, alright?” Your soft hand caressed his cheek.
“Pl-please don't tell m-me I am g-going to d-die?” He stumbled with his words.
“No, no. I am not saying that. If you happen to never return to your human form, I will still love you.” A tear rolled of your cheek like dew in the morning.
Kageyama suddenly closed his eyes and his breathing stopped. Waterfalls fell from your eyes as you saw your dear friend go limp in your arms, not holding himself up anymore. You wanted to go off in the village and get revenge with all the bitterness in your mouth, but something in your heart told you not to.
You closed your eyelids and felt some warmth in your hands. Opening them slowly, you saw him glittering proudly like a star in the night sky. You could have sworn that you were dreaming, but you pinch yourself only to realize you were wide awake.
He levitated in the air like a bird flying towards the glowing sun that warmed the ground. His torso turned back. His feet bare instead of hooves. His tail disappeared. Only the figure of Kageyama laid on the ground, fluttering his sapphire eyes open.“L-l/n-san?”
“Kageyama, you are alive and in your human form!” You hugged him tightly.
He glanced at himself up and down to see that you were right. He got up and spun you around like always.
“Yes, I am back to myself. L/n-san I simply adore you too!” He smashed his lips into yours.
Flushing in all the hues that existed, you did not hesitate one single but to kiss him back.
As soon as your brother and mother moved into the palace, you and Kageyama got married. Weeks later, Oikawa got sentenced for trying to kill the king. Let's just say Oikawa could never look as handsome as he wanted anymore.
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A/n: hey guys!! Thank you for reading another of my posts ☺️ hope you are having a good day!!
Hopefully you enjoyed!!
Thank you for coming!!
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(divider below blue text belongs to @besitodefresas)
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ithebookhoarder · 1 year
🎄Spending the holidays with Matt (Matt Murdock x Reader)
A/N: It’s officially the festive season and for some reason my inspiration has returned with a vengeance. Apologies for my absence the past few weeks, but I am back. Keep your eyes peeled for some more festive content in the coming days - oh, and happy holidays to everyone celebrating this time of year! 
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Warnings: N/A
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So Matt may not be that festive by nature, but you can bet he’s willing to indulge every one of your whims when it comes to the holidays. 
Honestly, it makes a nice change to have someone to spend it with. It gives him a reason not to spend the entire evening out on patrol, knowing you are back at home, watching an endless marathon of Christmas movies whilst you wait up for him. 
He wouldn’t care if you want to decorate the apartment or the office as he can’t really see it anyway so he isn’t bothered by flashing lights or reams of tinsel. As long as it makes you happy, then it’s worth it. 
He may pretend he’s above it, but he enjoys the happiness he can feel radiating off of you. Well, that’s his reasoning for his festive cheer even if you have your own theories. 
After all, the Devil of Hell’s kitchen is more like Santa than the Grinch - or so you point out one night: ‘I’m just saying, Matty. You run around at night, wearing a red suit, looking for people who have been naughty to punish them, and by default reward people who have been nice-’
‘-I swear to god-’
‘Should I start leaving out cookies for you? Maybe some milk? I-’
Needless to say, he quickly tackles you onto the bed and puts a stop to that line of reasoning.
Matt would almost die with joy if he came home to smell the warm scent of you baking in the kitchen at any point. The mixture of ginger, cinnamon, and freshly baked cookies is heavenly. Almost as heavenly as the soft hum of your voice whenever he catches you singing along to your Christmas playlist. 
He’d never say, but it’s enough to warm his ‘cold Scrooge-like heart’ - as Foggy calls it. He’s often stood just outside the front door, listening to you, too afraid to enter incase you stopped. 
You have a fairly decent voice, which he appreciates. 
Not naming names but Matt wanted to jump out the window when he caught you and Foggy duetting ‘All I want for Xmas is you’ with the radio in the office. Foggy is many things but a singer is not one of them. Luckily, Matt loves him too much to say. He just grins and laughs the whole way through, only able to imagine the ridiculous expressions you must be doing as you dance about the space.  
Speaking of singing and dancing and festive cheer, you can bet you’d all make your way to Josie’s at some point, for Christmas drinks with the gang before everyone goes their separate ways for the big day. 
Jessica makes a brief appearance, just long enough to down a glass of whiskey, as does Clare when she get off shift from the hospital. 
It’s safe to say you all come out the bar a little worse for wear, even Matt, which is a nice surprise. It isn’t very often you get to see your boyfriend grinning like a small child, carefree, and drunkenly trying to pull you under the mistletoe - ‘cause it’s tradition’
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When it comes to gifts, Matt would know exactly what to get you - that man has been gathering intel all year long and is ready to surprise you as it’s one of the rare opportunities he gets to show you how much you mean to him. 
He’d probably drag either Foggy or Karen along with him to pick it up, just to make sure he gets it right. 
When he gives it you better be prepared for a ‘sorry if this gift looks like it was wrapped by a blind man joke’ - which is insane as he still somehow manages to wrap it beautifully (which is incredibly unfair considering wrapping gifts is like the hardest thing ever). 
Also. Matt may be blind but he can hear everything. It’s a nightmare. He can hear it when you try to silently cut wrapping paper, or when the gifts you’re hiding under the bed rustle when you put another one under there. 
You have to banish him from the place if you even hope of trying to wrap them without him guessing what it is. 
He’s good though and would never open them, knowing how much it means to you to surprise him on the big day. 
You also decide to do something for him, offering to attend mass with him at the nearby church, knowing how much it means to him to go. 
Sitting there together, nestled in the pew, it’s hard not to enjoy the carols and the peace that seems to radiate from Matt. That in itself is worth more than any material gift you can give him.  
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nicoline1998enilocin · 6 months
Hey my big me hehe.
Could you write Young!Tony, sunshine and the twins with the prompt “milk and cookies” (sweet and spicy bingo)
And the twins want to give Santa milk and cookies ans ask their parents if they can stay awake and in the living room to see Santa?
Thank you in advance hehe. 🩷🎃
Cookies for Santa
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Pairing | Boyfriend!Dad!Young!Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Mom!Fem Reader
Word count | 1.6K
Summary | Your twins are very excited to be celebrating Christmas - but especially to see Santa. They're still too young to fully grasp the idea behind it, but you and Tony manage to come up with a plan to have Santa pay a little visit to your house, and the twins are very excited about finally seeing Santa bringing their presents.
Rating | General (G)
Warning(s) | Established relationship ~ Boyfriend/Girlfriend, use of nicknames ~ Sunshine, Love/My Love, Baby Boy, Baby Girl.
A/n | Thank you for this adorable request; it's the perfect timing, so I am thrilled to work on all this cuteness! It's fantastic to peek into their earlier life as parents; they melt my heart each time. I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for proofreading and melting with me. This has to be one of my favorite pieces, and your reactions made it even better! 🩵
Events Masterlist | Milk & Cookies | @sweetspicybingo Masterlist | "I don't know what I would do without you" | @marvel-smash-bingo
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: Owner
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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This year will mark your third Christmas as a little family of four and the first Christmas in your new house. Last spring, you found a beautiful home during your work, ticking all the boxes you would need. It has room to expand your family, and it has been nearly six months since you moved here.
With Christmas fast approaching, the house has undergone a makeover, from a giant Christmas tree with presents under it to some artwork the twins have made and some bits of Christmas decor. It is starting to become a festive place already.
But now that Christmas is only a week away, you notice that your twins, Hudson and Orion, are getting impatient for Santa to visit the house.
''Mommy? Is Santa coming?'' your son Hudson asks as you're cuddling with him on the couch while Tony is bathing your daughter Orion.
''He won't be coming for another week, Baby Boy, just a little more patience,'' you tell him before giving him a small peck on his head, and he settles into your hold with a small sigh. You feel the butterflies soaring through your stomach as you look at your little miracle baby in your arms. How someone so small can be so adorable will never cease to amaze you, and you enjoy every minute of it while you still can.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Orion asks Tony the same question as he's drying her off, just done with her bath.
''Daddy? Will Santa come?'' she asks as she looks up at him with her big eyes, giving her a charming look that makes everyone who sees it melt over her. She has everyone wrapped around her little finger once she bats those doe-like eyes a few times.
''In a week, he will, Baby Girl. And when he does, you and your brother will get all the presents you could ever wish for!'' he tells her excitedly, and she cheers happily before Tony ruffles her curls with the towel to dry them off.
''Can we give milk and cookies to Santa?'' she then asks, and Tony nods.
''Of course, we can, and you can both make a drawing for Santa too for him to take as a thank you for bringing you presents,'' he offers, which makes her nod in excitement, too.
Not long after, she's dressed in a night pull-up and cozy pajamas, ready for one more bottle of warm milk before bed. The milk is made within minutes, and not long after, Tony lets himself and Orion plop onto the couch next to where you and Hudson were already cuddling.
''Here you go, Baby Boy,'' Tony says as he hands Hudson his dark blue bottle with the warm milk, and Orion has her purple one, too, before you turn to Tony to give him a peck on his lips.
''I don't know what I would do without you, My Love," you say as you let yourself melt against him, enjoying his warmth as you put on a cartoon for the kids to enjoy. With a slight smile, you listen to the kids babbling and drinking, just living in the moment.
''Let's hope we won't ever find out, Sunshine,'' Tony whispers against your loose curls, and after a soft kiss, he interlaces his fingers with yours, and all four of you cuddle like that until the bottles are empty and it's time to go to bed.
Over the next week to Christmas, you and Tony have been thinking long and hard about getting Santa to visit them because the twins would love to meet him. With only two days left, you suddenly get an idea and need to bring in some outside help for it.
Christmas Eve has officially arrived, and you just ate dinner, but now it's time to prepare everything for Santa's visit. You are all wearing matching Christmas onesies as you prepare the cookies and milk for Santa to eat and drink when he comes over.
''Here Mommy!'' Orion says enthusiastically as she brings over the box of chocolate chip cookies you baked earlier that day with the twins - well, they sprinkled in too many chocolate chips. At the same time, you did the rest, but it was a team effort either way.
''Oh, thank you, Baby Girl!'' you tell her as you get them from her, and you instruct her to get Hudson so they can both bring the cookies to the fireplace where Tony is setting the last things up.
You put three cookies on a plastic plate and hand the plate to Hudson and Orion, who carefully bring it to your boyfriend, who's patiently waiting for them, filming the entire time as they walk in, both holding the plate with two hands.
''Here, Daddy, Santa's cookies!'' Hudson says, and after careful instructions on where to put the cookies, you walk in with a cup of milk, and then all you need to do is wait for Santa to come by. You told the kids Santa won't fit through the chimney, so he will be coming through the front door instead, making it easier for you and Tony later on.
''Shall we watch a Christmas movie until Santa visits us?'' you ask, and the twins climb onto the couch, and you and Tony find your usual places before the twins find their places in your laps.
Orion is snuggled up against you today, and Hudson is happily cuddling with Tony as you put on a kid's Christmas movie. After about 30 minutes, the doorbell suddenly rings, announcing Santa's arrival. They both jump off your laps to run to the door, and you follow them while Tony stays behind to film the entire interaction in the living room.
''Santa!'' they scream in unison as the door swings open, and he's standing there with a bag of presents. Both twins wrapped themselves around his leg, and you didn't miss the wink he sent your way, which made you smile widely.
''Well, well, well! Have you two been good this year?'' he asks in a deep voice, and they happily cheer that they have been very good before you lead him to the living room, where the twins have already found their seats in front of the fireplace, ready for Santa to eat their cookies and drink the milk.
''You can sit in the big armchair, Santa; Hudson and Orion decorated it just for you,'' Tony says as he shows off the big chair, which has Christmas wrapping paper taped to it in big chunks, and he sits down with a loud huff.
After he sat down, the twins babbled happily away about everything and nothing, and Santa listened carefully to every last word they had to tell him, all while eating the cookies and drinking the milk. Not long after, they're both sitting on one of his legs as they each get a turn to ask what they want most for Christmas.
''So, Hudson, what would a big boy like yourself like to get for Christmas?'' he asks, and Hudson tells him that he wants new coloring pencils because he is sure that Orion broke them, even though it was, in fact, him who accidentally sat on them.
''And what about you, Orion? What would a big girl like you like to get for Christmas?'' he asks her, and without a shadow of a doubt, she tells him she wants a little brother or sister for Christmas.
You and Tony quickly look at one another with a look of surprise as a bit of blush spreads over both your cheeks. You have thought about expanding the family - you moved into a bigger house because of that, but it's not something you've been actively working towards right now.
''Well, maybe you should continue being a good sister to Hudson for a few more years, and eventually, you will have a little brother or sister; how does that sound?'' he asks her, and she nods in agreement. Then she asks him for a doll instead, which he can gift her this time around.
''There is time for me to visit more homes! I have many more children to bring presents, but I hope you will enjoy the ones I will leave here for you,'' he tells them before they climb off his lap, ready to wave goodbye.
''Thank you, Santa,'' the twins say in unison before he walks out the door, and before you walk into the living room, you decide to text ''Santa'', or Howard, more specifically.
''Thank you for making their Christmas unforgettable. I owe you.''
And with that, you run back into the living room to find the twins on Tony's lap as they're both telling him everything as if he didn't just witness every second of it. You stay in the door's opening as you lean against it, looking at the three biggest loves of your life.
Tony looks at you and gives you a wink before you walk over, too, and you join the big cuddle fest. The rest of the evening flies by in the blink of an eye, and before you know it, you are enjoying your third Christmas morning with your kids and your boyfriend.
''I can't wait to spend many more Christmases with you by my side, Sunshine,'' Tony tells you as he pulls you between his legs and sits on the floor, his back against the couch. The twins are ripping open their presents, and Tony attacks your neck with soft kisses as you giggle in response.
''Who knows, maybe we'll be celebrating Christmas with five of us in no time,'' you tease Tony, and you would both like that. Your family is already impressive, but one more little one would complete it, and you can't wait for that day to finally arrive.
''Who knows...'' he whispers, and with that, you both enjoy Christmas as a family and even for just a few hours, you can forget about everything going on outside as you're wrapped in the bubble of your family. You've never enjoyed a Christmas more than you are this year.
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hockeyboysimagines · 6 months
A very Merry NHL Christmas
Warnings: Mild cursing, some sexual humor, talks of Christmas, Jesus and the holidays.
This was originally planned for last Christmas but ya girl had writers block. So enjoy this now. Let me know what you think!
Note: this is a small group of blurbs about all the couples currently in process on my Masterlist. This won’t include anyone who’s not currently being written about. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and happy holidays to the rest🤍
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‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, the kids were asleep, and Matthew and Brady were trying to get Keith into a Santa costume without laughing too loud.
Chantal had one hand over her mouth as she watched them struggle with the zipper before finally closing the suit, and adjusting Keith’s beard. Brady was red faced, and coughing to cover his laughter as Keith whipped around and glared at him, while Matthew had one hand braced on his knee, the other holding his side laughing openly.
“I’m never doing this again.” He grumbled as he stepped into the boots and straightened up looking for the sack of presents. The kids had set up a hidden camera earlier in hopes of catching a picture of Santa putting presents under the tree. Taryn was outside picking up the reindeer food they had left in the front yard and making hoof marks on the front walkway, the milk and cookies had been disposed of and Emma, who would be spending her first Christmas with them since they got married, was sprinkling sand by the front door because south Florida Santa had no snow to work with. Noticeably pregnant Hallie rubbed her hands together and smiled excitedly. Keith placed the presents under the tree, keeping his back to the camera.
“They’re going to love this.” Chantal said giving her hand a squeeze.
Matthew was smiling at her from the doorway as he watched his dad carefully set out gifts and made his way over. He glanced down at her baby bump and rested a hand on it.
“Merry Christmas in there.” He said softly rubbing it “Can’t wait to celebrate with you next year. And by that time someone else will be taking up your space.”
“Uh I don’t think so.” Hallie said shaking her head “This mama is done….for a little while.”
“How many fucking-freaking kids are you guys gonna have Jesus.” Brady said around a mouth full of Christmas cookie. They were all looking at them mildly interested and Hallie wasn’t really sure how to answer.
Matthew shrugged “I guess until I don’t get it done on the first try.”
Her face burned in embarrassment, and she couldn’t believe she had let him answer, but the others were laughing. He threw an arm around her shoulders “But who am I kidding, that won’t happen. I’m 3 for 3. A triple champ.”
“Yeah kind of like an ugly, skinny, Conor McGregor.” Brady said elbowing him.
That started a scuffle and Hallie crossed her arms shaking her head, eyes moving over their house. Over the pictures on the walls they’d amassed over their years together. The ones that started with just them, and then their family, and then their children. Over the decorations, and lights, and ornaments the kids made for them at school that hung on the tree. Her life was so full, so wonderful.
Taryn bumped her shoulder and smiled, eyes moving around before coming back to meet hers “So? Is it everything you hoped for?” She looped an arm around her waist.
She nodded, reaching an arm around her “It’s more than I hoped for.” And then she laughed when Matthew and Brady’s scuffle dissolved and he came over and grinned at her.
“If you don’t stop fighting with Brady you’ll end up on the naughty list, and you won’t get any presents.” She said, reaching forward to wrap her arms around him, as much as possible, with the baby bump in between them.
“The naughty list is more fun anyways. It’s how I became 3 for 3.”
Music played softly in the background of Pierre’s apartment as snow fell outside. It was warm and cozy, the house smelled of cinnamon, and Mila and Pierre were snuggled on the sofa watching the snow fall.
“It’s so pretty.” Mila said off handedly, eyes following the flakes as they blanketed the ground below them, creating a fluffy white blanket on the ground.
“Not as pretty as you.”
She rolled her eyes and tilted her head up to look at him “Your so cheesy.”
“It’s all part of my appeal babe…which speaking of. I have something for you.” He nudged her so he could stand and disappeared around the corner and came back with a box.
“Here.” Pierre said handing it to her. It was long and rectangular shaped and she took it before looking at him.
“Didn’t I tell-“
“Oh shutup.” He said waving her off “Stop trying to police my spending habits on Christmas.”
She giggled and rolled her eyes “Okay Jesus.”
He held a hand up to his chest “Did you just take the lords name in vain…on his birthday?”
“Okay now you shutup.”
“Open it.” He said nudging his chin impatiently at her.
She pulled off the paper, which was no easy feet as it was wrapped like a car ran over it, and pulled out a long blue velvet box. Inside of it was a shining, glittery diamond bracelet.
“Pierre!” She said mouth falling open “This is-“
“Nope!” He held up a hand “It’s not too much. You are worth every single dollar I spent on that, which is none of your business before you ask.”
Mila bit her lip. It was gorgeous, platinum with what looked like a hundred tiny diamonds, held together by a small clasp with her initials on it.
“Well?” He was smiling widely “Do you like it?”
“Of course I like it.” she held it out to him so he could put it on. She turned her wrist so the light caught the diamonds and smiled a little before looking at him.
“Merry Christmas Mila.”
“Wake up! It’s Christmas Eve!”
Vince felt a weight bounce across his bed, rip the covers off of him, and a body wriggle under the blankets, kicking him out of his warm spot.
Josie had come barreling in the room, smiling so wide it could light up a city’s worth of Christmas lights.
“Noooooo.” He groaned eyes closing again. He reached down and pulled the blankets up over his head, and then pulled her closer, leaning down to kiss her deeply but she pushed away from him and tapped him on the lips.
“Uh uh. Santa says no funny business on Christmas Eve until we do something fun!”
“Well Santa can-“
“Ah! None of that or you won’t get any presents!”
She jumped out of bed and pulled the covers off of him, pointing at a neatly folded pile of clothing, “Get dressed. We’re going somewhere.”
He sighed and rolled over with a groan, but when he saw the look on her face he sat up. She looked so excited, hands clasped under her chin as she stood in the doorway of his bedroom.
“Okay, okay I’m awake.”
She squeaked excitedly and bounced from the room, leaving him to get dressed and brush his teeth. She was bundled by the front door as he came around the corner.
“So where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
10 minutes later, he was chuckling as they stood in front of an outdoor ice rink, and he knelt down to tie her skates. He finally got them tied, even though her legs were shaking in excitement and looked up at her.
“Do you even know how to skate?” He asked as he adjusted her leg warmer over the top of her skate and then did the same on the other one.
“Nope!” She said brightly, tapping him on the nose and standing, hands resting on her hips “That’s why you’re going to teach me.”
He helped her out on to the ice and stood facing her, gripping both of her hands in his. He skated backwards pulling her along. It was slow going and he was laughing as she went split legged a few times.
“Hang on. I have a better idea.” He skated around her and pressed himself against her back, arms coming to rest around her waist.
“Hang on.” He said lowly in her ear.
Josie smiled with excitement as he started moving, allowing her to just let her skates sit on the ice without having to do anything else. She closed her eyes and breathed in, the winter air stinging her skin.
“Having a good time?” he asked from behind her.
“Always when I’m with you. Are you having a good time?”
“Of course.” He slowed down a little and walked over her shoulder to kiss her cold cheek “Even though I’m doing all the work. Santa had better reward me with a great gift.”
Josie giggled to herself thankful for Christmas with Vince.
And thankful that he didn’t know, she really did know how to ice skate.
Mat snapped the picture of Leighton and Lucy in front of the tree and smiled.
His first Christmas with his girls had been perfect. The entire month of December had been like something from a dream. Lucy had been to every possible Christmas event they could find on Long Island, often accompanied by her godparents, who were across town celebrating their first Christmas together. Snow angels, Christmas decorating, and even the first time she’d been in an ice rink had all happened in the part month and Mat’s heart felt so full it might burst.
“Let me see.” She squinted at the picture and smiled down at Lucy, who was looking more and more like her as she got older.
“Who’s that beautiful girl?”
He smiled down at them and stood up, setting his phone on the couch and picked up a box and went to hand it to Leighton.
“From Santa. I guess I’m not the only one who thinks you’re beautiful.”
She rolled her eyes and blushed, but pulled out a box and handed it to him. “Here open this first. I think you’re gonna love it.”
He sat on the sofa and pulled at the paper. It was small, enough to fit in his hand. The box was flat, with a cardboard lid and when he pulled it off he saw a blank sheet of paper that said “Pick me up.”
He glanced at her, to find her smiling brightly and she nodded “Go ahead.”
He gripped the paper and pulled, and from it another long sheet of paper fell like an accordion. He pulled it up to look at it and saw that it was t a sheet of paper.
It was a sonogram.
He whipped up his head to find that Leighton was now crying, cheeks red.
“Are you-Oh my god.” He reached forward to hug her, chin resting on her head.
“Are you happy?”
“More happy than I’ve ever been.”
She closed her eyes and breathed him in as he spoke again “This is the best Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten, and I love you.”
“Is this dress to short?” Ginny asked turning in front of the mirror. Beau leaned out of the bathroom and grinned in a way that was not appropriate on any level, but especially not on Christmas.
“Yes. You should definitely wear it. Can’t wait to take it off later.” He leaned back in the bathroom.
She smiled and looked at her closet for shoes. The Islanders Christmas party was in a half and hour and they were running a little behind.
She’d been on time until he came into the bathroom and cracked a joke about opening a present, which turned out to be his jeans and the rest of it was a Christmas story for another time. But not the kind you read before bed.
He walked out of the bathroom looking better than he needed to in a pair of grey pants and a black button up. Ginny paused while she slipped a shoe on, eyes moving from his face to his feet and then back up. He winked and smiled at her.
“Not bad huh? But you’ve got me beat. WOW.” He said as he took in her red dress, and heels. It had been a little over six months and she continued to surprise him by outdoing herself. This was the first big holiday they were spending together and tomorrow she’d be meeting his parents.
He stood staring at her “You look beautiful.”
She smiled and blushed a little. Though she was used to a slew of compliments from him, and she knew he was always being genuine when he said them. But it still made her blush.
“Thank you.” She said softly, slipping into her shoes and turning back to the mirror.
“Are Mat and Leighton coming?”
She nodded and sat at her vanity to find earrings “Yes. She said she has something for me.”
“Like a gift?”
Ginny shrugged “I’m not sure. She just said it was something I would love.” She smiled a little as she poked an earring in her ear.
“You know what I love? That dress. Gosh.”
She rolled her eyes and shook her hair over her shoulder to put in her other earring “Why are you being so nice to me? Keep being too good and I won’t let you unwrap my present later on.”
His mouth fell open “I think it’s supposed to be the other way around. Only people on the nice list get to unwrap presents.”
Ginny smiled at him over her shoulder “I much prefer my present openers to be on the naughty side.”
Beau leaned on the doorway, smile as wide as it could possibly get “Best Christmas ever.”
“Stop laughing.”
“I’m not!” Nash giggled from the ground.
Travis was up on a ladder hanging lights from the archway inside the living room of their new house. She’d insisted for weeks that she didn’t want any there, until she announced she was throwing a Christmas party, and then decided the house wasn’t festive enough, which meant she’d shoved a bunch of lights into his hands and told him to hang them.
“Oh come on!” He yelled as he turned the bulb on one of the strings and the rest went out. He’d been fighting with them for 10 minutes “One goes out, they all stay on. One goes on they all go out!”
“Well at least we know that if hockey doesn’t work out, you won’t have a career as an electrician.” She said from the bottom of the ladder with a shrug.
He glanced over his shoulder “Ha Ha. I’m glad you’re having fun down there.”
“Of course I am. The view is fantastic.” She said with a wink.
Travis chuckled and went back to hanging lights, finally getting them all lit “Finally.” He turned to find her smiling at the bottom of the ladder, hands on her waist “How does that look?”
She nodded and pursed her lips “Perfect. Thank you.”
He shrugged “Don’t thank me. It’s the least I could do. And it makes you happy so it’s a win in my book.”
He made his way down the ladder and pulled her into his arms “Besides. A good deed on Christmas always gets rewarded and I-“
But he was cut short when there was an electrical pop and every light in the house went dark.
“It’s not funny.”
“I’m not laughing. You can’t even see me.”
He grinned “I don’t need to.”
She sighed and he felt her arms slide around his waist “We could just stay here…in the dark I guess.”
“But then how would Santa find our house?” As he said that the lights all lit up at once just in time for him to see her smiled widely at him.
“Who cares? Nothing he could bring me would ever be a better gift that the one I have right here.”
“Merry Christmas!” Sawyer yelled as she pulled open the door to find Nolan’s parents on the other side. She pulled them inside and out of the cold Winnipeg winter and into their cozy house that was full of friends and family.
Nolan was parked on a barstool at the counter watching Sawyer. She was having the absolute time of her life and just looking at her made him want to smile.
It had been a hard year. A hard few years actually but this one in particular had been rough. They’d had so much hope for Vegas and it had only been more of the same, and no one was sure that he’d ever be able to play hockey again. It was sad and scary and she held his hand every minute, but he’d come to terms with it now.
But he didn’t have time to think about it because Sawyer herself came bounding over, hanging mistletoe over his head and kissing him on the cheek with a loud “smack”
“Come on you Grinch! At least smile a little.”
He smiled and she made a face “I mean a real one. Santa is watching.” She pointed upwards.
“I thought that was Jesus who lived up there.”
“Yeah well then he’s watching too. So you won’t get any presents and you might get struck by lightning and that will ruin the whole holiday.” She grinned “And I’ll have to take all these decorations down by myself.”
He chuckled and reached forward, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.
“Thank you.” She said against his chest, quietly enough that only he could hear.
“This.” She pulled back and gestured around “I know this isn’t your thing, but it means a lot to me that you let me throw this party.”
“It’s not that bad. I’d do anything to make you happy, you know that. My Christmas gift to you.”
She looked up at him and smiled the most beautiful smile “Your the gift that keeps on giving Nolan Patrick, and no gift could ever be better than spending my life with you.”
Nolan rested his chin on her head “Merry Christmas Sawyer.”
“Merry Christmas Nols.”
“Cash will you sit still!” Tyler grumbled as he tried for the third time to stick reindeer antlers on his head. Marshall, Molly and even Gerry were all sitting obediently, but Cash had shaken them off twice. Even though he was as uncooperative as possible, Ava was having so much fun. There was a magic in the air that only lasted one month out of the year that you couldn’t find any other time. The feeling of Christmas was unlike any other and it was the first one she was spending with Tyler, and the first one she could remember being excited for.
She was knelt down, phone in one hand, tennis ball in the other which had the attention of the other three dogs, waiting for Tyler to quit wrestling with their most unruly child.
“Freakin dog.” He said with a huff as he finally got them fastened and made him sit.
“Just like his dad.” She said smiling at him “Okay ready, hey guys!” She waved the ball so they all looked and quickly snapped several pictures before they all started moving with excitement.
“Got it!” she said tossing the ball.
All four took off running after it, skidding through the house and falling over each other like Bambi on ice, and Ava and Tyler both yelled “No!” as Gerry went flying right into the tree.
It swayed for a second before it fell in slow motion as Tyler raced forward to catch it, which he did, but not before it rained ornaments that hit the floor and rolled in all directions.
Ava covered her mouth the keep from laughing and hurried forward as Tyler tipped the tree back up on to its stand, and made a loud noise of annoyance.
“What’s so funny?” He asked when he saw her laughing.
“What’s funny is now you have to help me redecorate it. Since you conveniently seemed to be missing last time.”
“I was at practice.” He said eyeing her with a small smile.
“Sure. That’s why Jamie called looking for you.”
“That douche. Busted I guess. Okay I wasn’t at practice I was out-“ he reached into his pocket and pulled out a box “Buying this.”
She smiled and glanced up as she took it “That’s funny cuz I wasn’t here waiting for you, I was out picking up this.” She pulled a bigger rectangular box from under the sofa.
As they opened their respective gifts she heard Tyler make a noise like a gasp and an exclamation and she smiled. She’d had blown up and framed the first picture they’d ever taken together, them and all four of the dogs. It had been the first time Ava had let anyone take a photo of her in years, and Tyler was so proud of her for it. But she’d kept it hidden, telling him it didn’t take for months. This was the first time he’d seen it, and his eyes softened as he looked at it and then at her.
“I love this. Thank you it’s amazing. We gotta hang this.” He glanced around and picked a spot right by the front door “There. So people see it right when they get here.”
He turned as she pulled her own gift out, a silver locket with a tiny photo of the dogs on one side, and them on the other, and a date a time inscribed on the back.
“This is beautiful, but what’s this?” She asked pointing at the date and time that was engraved at the bottom.
“The day and time I saw you for the first time.”
“Oh my gosh.” She was blushing but he continued “That day and time changed my life. The only thing that could would have made it better was if you wanted to join the mile high club or something.”
She laughed and swatted his arm “Tyler!” She turned holding up her hair so he could put it on and then smiled “Thank you for this and for making every other day better than the one before.” She placed a hand on his heart.
“Thank you.” He said placing his hand over hers “For letting me.”
He squeezed her hand and then pulled her into a hug. He was warm, and she could feel his heart beating through his chest. Tyler smiled and squeezed her tighter. “Best Christmas ever. Don’t you think?” He asked glancing down. She nodded with a small smile.
“Better than all your others?”
“Everything with you in my life is better, Christmas included.” She closed her eyes and squeezed him tightly.
There really was something magical about Christmas.
“Ho Ho Ho!” Joel rumbled as he made his way inside of the Connolly’s house. He and Libby had gone home for Christmas and though they wouldn’t be able to stay long, there was no way they were missing her parent’s Christmas party.
“AH!” Heather screamed rushing forward to pull them both into a hug, as she had also voyaged home just for the holidays “Happy kissaversary lovebirds.”
Th house was packed with guests and family and friends, and Libby couldn’t stop smiling. It felt so good to be here in her parents house, on Christmas Eve, with Joel where their story had started. She’d kissed him for the first time right upstairs in her room, and at that moment their lives together began.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked from beside her, arm around her shoulders.
“Oh just about that Christmas Eve when I kissed you upstairs.”
“Uhm no.” He scoffed “It was me who kissed you actually.”
“Im thinking about-“ they turned to find Heather, standing with her sweater half open to conceal a bottle of wine under it. Discreetly they all made their way up to Libby’s room and out on to the roof, bundled in jackets as they each took sips from the bottle.
“Last time we did this we were teenagers.” Joel said from his spot next to Libby.
“The last time your mom had a party was when I was in Florida and you guys were in there making out, thinking we all had no idea.”
“Well you might, but my parents didn’t.”
Heather rolled her eyes “Yes they did Libby. They just didn’t think Joel had it in him so they didn’t care.”
Joel gave her a dirty look and an eye roll, and stared off into space for a second before he asked them “Do you guys ever think about what things would be like if you hadn’t moved here in 8th grade?”
“I don’t like to.” Heather said rubbing her arms “You moving here was the best thing that could have happened to us.” She said smiling at Libby “Because I gained a best friend and Joel finally found someone who would go out with him.”
Libby started laughing, breath turning into fog and Joel’s mouth fell open “On Christmas? Really Heather? Aren’t you already pretty low on the naughty list?”
“I live on the naughty list. Alright I’m not 15 anymore. It’s too cold for this, you guys coming?” She said as she climbed back in.
“In a minute.” She disappeared out Libby’s bedroom door leaving her with Joel on the roof. She reached forward grabbing his hand to hold it in her mittened one.
“If I hadn’t moved here in 8th grade, we still would have found each other some way.”
“You think?”
She nodded and looked out across town, at the black sky, white snow and twinkling stars above their heads “I do. Just would have needed some magic. Some Christmas magic.” She pointed at a star that streaked across the sky and disappeared before she rested her head on his shoulder.
“Can you think of a better way to spend Christmas Eve?” He asked.
She shook her head “No. I want to spend every Christmas Eve here, and every other day of the year with you until we’re old and grey. Promise me that?” She looked up at him, eyes wide under her glasses.
“Promise. Merry Christmas Libby.”
“Merry Christmas Joel.”
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bicycle4two · 1 year
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christmas oneshot starring  jason and his little mouse from built to love, but broken now
find more ficlets of this couple here
I saw Jason kissing...
Honestly, Jason didn’t mean to forget Christmas.
To be fair, it’s Christmas Eve so he didn’t actually forget Christmas itself, but still,  it’s cutting it close and, well,  it’s a holiday that’s kind of hard to miss with all the red and green décor. Frankly, he hasn’t had much to do with the holiday the past two years, never really had anyone to celebrate it with, to buy gifts for, so it was more out of habit that he paid no mind to the lights, the music, all the peppermint flavored food advertised on café and restaurant windows.
It’s in pretty poor practice that he doesn’t notice such obvious signs, he’s a detective, he’s supposed to see these things, observe, but he’s been busy. There were finals to study for, drug deals to bust, bad guys to rough up and throw in jail, sometimes even the hospital first. Jason’s got better things to do than stuff some stockings or prepare chocolate chip cookies and milk to leave out for Santa Claus.
The jolly old saint wouldn’t be able to get them anyway, what with Jason’s new security system set up.
So, really, it was only when Jason stopped a robbery by criminals dressed in red with sacks thrown over their shoulders that he finally got the hint. The red hats with white cotton balls glued to the ends of their point helped, too.
“Pretty sure Santa’s supposed to be leaving the gifts, not taking them.” He says as his only warning, just so he could see the look on their faces when they realize who’s caught them, before he shoots, careful to not kill anyone, but definitely aimed to scare, to immobilize.
It’s an easy fight. The Santa-wannabes go down easily, so easily that Jason’s a little disappointed.
But it’s Christmas Eve, so maybe it’s a sign that he should head back home, spend the holiday with someone he actually cares about.
It’s just that he doesn’t really have a gift to give, nothing to put under the small tree—now he realizes that it’s a Christmas tree—she had set up on the table next to their sofa and all the shops are closed early so that employees clock out and be with their families. Maybe he could make something, but no, that’s a bad idea. It all circles back to everything being closed and not having enough time.
He really should have been paying more attention. He’s pretty sure the grocery he was at the other day was blaring Jingle Bells, maybe even that song about the reindeer with the nose, while he looked for ingredients for spaghetti and meatballs.
wer r u?
come home soon?
The words, like always, tickle when they appear on his skin, like a gentle caress trying to get his attention. Jason stares at the words on his skin, the way her penmanship looks so soft and dainty against the harsh scars and thinks that he’ll just make it up to her when he gets home. He’ll cook dinner tonight, he’s sure he can whip up something Christmas-y and if he can’t, well, cookies are always an option. It’s the first thing Alfred taught him to make and the years of anger and hurt could not wash away those memories.
“There you are!” She greets once he’s inside the door.
There’s Christmas music playing softly in the background and Jason notes that their apartment is dimly lit, a sort of orange makes their living room seem warm, cozy, in theme. She’s set the mood. But he needs to get out of his boots first so he doesn’t track any dirt or grime onto their nice clean floors. It takes a second, it’s needlessly complicated but he needs the support so he can’t really complain.
“I’m back, mouse. Sorry I’m late,” he says, voice distracted as he works on the other boot. His gaze is lowered, focused on the clasps and the laces, but once he’s free from it, he straightens up, which, hurts, but at least he’s home and she’s always been good at alleviating his pain.
The first thing he sees are her white, thigh high socks. No, that’s not right. They’re not completely white, no, each leg has a red bow tied around her thigh, squeezing the flesh in such a way that Jason’s first thought is that he wants to bite it.
Which is shocking, he normally tries to push those kinds of thoughts away, but his eyes continue their journey anyway, taking in the shortness of her red dress, the way the white lining barely covers what Jason has yet to be privy to. There’s a thick black belt around her waist, cinching it, revealing curves that she doesn’t normally show off. Then there’s that white lining again teasing him, taunting him, daring him to keep his gaze on her chest, on the exposed skin.
And Jason, Jason is only human so he lingers for a second longer than he normally would.
He wonders what else he’ll find her wearing, wonders if she’s wearing a Santa hat, too. He thinks that red is definitely her color and Jason’s pretty sure he’ll never look at a gold belt buckle the same way again. So, he’s excited to take in what she looks like above her tantalizing costume, see what she’s done with her make up, her hair, but what he sees once he moves on from the slope of her shoulders, her neck, makes him to burst out into laughter.
“Mouse. Seriously?”
“What?” She says in the most innocent tone she can muster and he’s pretty sure she’s grinning behind the white beard she has on. “You don’t like?”
“I just didn’t expect—is that glued on?”
She strokes her beard in a thoughtful manner and Jason finds himself laughing all over again.
“I think it completes the look.”
“You’re looking very festive, yes. Have you been wearing that the whole night?”
“Nah. I threw this on just for you.” She approaches him now, hips swaying, and the image is very confusing with the beard. She’s slow to wrap her arms around him, always giving him a chance to stop her if he wanted to, but Jason’s used to her touch, craves it, so he welcomes her embrace. Even if the beard is a little itchy. “So tell me, have you been a good boy this year?”
“Oh, most definitely not.” He tugs on her beard, sees that its simply looped around her ears.
“Darn. Guess that means no present for you.” Her shoulders sag and she even manages to look a little disappointed.
“I’m sure you can make an exemption?” His hands seem to have a mind of their own, they’re enjoying the velvety texture of her dress, rubbing up and down, daring to even go lower.
“No can do. I’m a stickler for the rules.” But still she manages to step even closer, craning her neck to look at him and Jason has to tilt his chin down so he can keep her gaze. His hands take this as their chance to make a move and oh, would you look at that, she doesn’t seem to mind. “But, I am a sucker for tradition.”
It says a lot about their relationship, how in tune they are, that Jason can practically read her mind, can tell that she wants him to look up with just a pump of her eyebrows, a flutter of her lashes. And when Jason tears his eyes away from her to see what she has hung on the ceiling, he grins.
“So, what do you say?” Her voice brings his attention back to her and Jason, Jason has never been more in love with her. “Feeling the Christmas spirit?”
“Lose the beard, mouse.”
And she tears it off quickly if not a little violently, snapping the elastic off and tossing the beard over her shoulder. Jason feels the sting behind his own ears, but he finds that he doesn’t particularly care right now because there’s his girl, his pretty little mouse, all decked out in his color.
“Merry Christmas, Jason,” she whispers, eyes closing as their faces draw closer together.
Their kiss is sweet, she’s definitely had some hot chocolate while waiting for him, and Jason can’t help himself, he deepens the kiss in a way that makes her let out a surprised squeak before she melts into his embrace.
And Jason, Jason thinks he’s never going to forget Christmas now.
happy holidays to you all!
didn't think i'd be writing a christmas special(?) but i've been home the whole day and well, why not? i hope you enjoy this piece ☺
thanks so much for all the love and support you give these two, too!
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He Loves Me, He Lied To Me
Summary: Or Roman made the mistake of falling for Janus in the courtroom and suffers for it after the wedding. It doesn’t help that Janus is trying to get him back after the pain he caused.
Pairings: One-Sided/Unrequited Roceit
WARNINGS: HURT NO COMFORT (pls let me know if I need to add more warnings)
(A/N: I found another slightly old fic I posted on ao3. This one scream self-projection as I rage at my ex. But hey, it's great angsty fanfic fuel so yay?)
Taglist: @enigmasalad @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat @part-time-zombie
When it comes to love, Roman wanted it all. As the Ego, he needs it to survive and thrive. After all, an ego is kept healthy with positive reinforcement. As the prince of romance, he loves the rush that love gives him no matter the source. He’s found love in comforting places and strange places.
He’s found it in Patton’s warm cookies and milk, Logan’s story time, bantering with Virgil, and creating alongside Thomas. Recently, he’s found love in the rare moments where he and Remus just hang out and bond like normal brothers.
Then along came the courtroom and the wedding. Along came Janus in his handsome suit, wearing a sly smirk. Roman instantly found love in his little praises and wanted more. They felt so warm and nice that he’d forgotten about Janus’ function while they were in the courtroom. He ended up flirting with him and bantering, flustering at all his words. He really thought the snake side wasn’t all that bad.
Roman still remembers seeing Janus after court and letting him in. The others had said not to talk to him but he was curious. So, he caught Janus that night and they ended up sneaking away to the Imagination where they talked and laugh. They spent the whole night chatting away, sharing secrets and letting their guards fall. Roman had found himself letting the snake in, thinking he’d be the one to love him forever.
It felt nice, having Janus in his corner. Janus had comforted him when he admitted he wanted the callback more than anything but wanted to do right in Patton’s eyes. They wound up having a deep conversation about it. Roman found himself soothed by it. Assured that he was safe with him and he had someone to fall back to.
They would end up meeting again and again at the Imagination, strolling through the forest in the evening and chatting until the sun came up. It was a routine that they easily fell into, waiting for each other just outside the trees. Roman loved every second of it. He would treasure every single night that they talked. Every story and tale. Every playful ‘I love you’ and every comforting word. Every single promise of ‘Maybe one day’ and ‘Someday’ that they made together. Roman had never felt such a wild rush of love like this from Janus.
But sometimes Janus was late or didn’t show up. He would apologize when he did show up, always saying he was busy or had forgotten. Roman tried not to be upset about it but sometimes he couldn’t help but feel like he was literally being ghosted. Still, Roman gave Janus as many second chances he needed. Janus was trying his best after all and he probably had his own struggles. Roman knows he himself has his own problems. It didn’t mean he felt a little hurt when Janus wouldn’t show up or would be late. Roman would also feel a little jealous when Janus would tell him he was with Patton. Obviously, he can’t control what Janus does but it doesn’t stop him from feeling hurt.
Roman still loved Janus though despite him showing up less and less. Even as their conversations grew shorter and shorter, Roman fought to keep him close. He hung onto every word Janus said and looked for things to do so he would stay just a little longer. He would beg Janus to tell him more stories or just about his day. Janus would just go along with it, telling him sweet nothings and making promises of never leaving the prince.
Then one day, Janus didn’t show up again. Roman waited and he never showed up. When Roman returned to the forest the next day and waited, there was still no Janus. Roman then waited another day before deciding Janus must be really busy. When he came back to the forest at the end of the week, Janus was there with an apology. They didn’t stroll that day, merely exchanging quick words before Janus left much to Roman’s disappointment.
It hurt Roman to see Janus drifting away. He wondered what he did wrong. He knew Janus worried about letting people in and he’d constantly reassure the deceitful side that he’d never leave him and that he was always here but Janus didn’t seem to believe that. So, Roman kept trying to remind him. Roman wondered if he didn’t do that enough. He wondered if he was ever good enough for Janus. Janus had always said that he was the only side he could speak to other than Remus but Roman has caught glimpses of Janus interacting with the others. There’s nothing bad about that but it hurt after what Janus told him.
Then came the wedding of Lee and Mary Lee.
Roman didn’t want this but he couldn’t make Thomas look like a bad person. He himself didn’t want to look selfish. He had given up the one thing he desperately wanted. After the wedding, things weren’t any better. Roman had learned Janus’ name and laughed, thinking he wouldn’t mind some banter. It’s what they do, right?
In return, Janus compared him to his twin. To Remus. It stung and felt like a betrayal. It didn’t help that Janus confirmed that Thomas was lying about Roman being his hero. Roman had sunk out after all of that, no longer wanting love anymore. It had all been a lie. Janus lied to him, and it hurts so bad because Roman had truly loved him.
This is how Roman found himself in the forest all alone during the dead of night. It’s dead silent that not even the crickets and cicadas were performing their usual evening symphony. The rustling trees and the whispering wind occasionally break that silence. Other than that, the forest feels empty tonight. Almost lonely. Roman knows how that feels as he trudges through the trees. It’s sad how Roman’s grown used to being on his own here each night. What’s another silent, lonely evening?
Soon, Roman reaches the clearing in the center of the forest. This is where he and Janus used to meet each night to talk or enjoy each other’s company until dawn. And now, it just seems much lonelier than the dark forest. Sighing, Roman sits down on a nearby log bench and stares up into the void of the night sky. His heart aches as he remembers when he and Janus would stargaze together.
Roman sits there and waits. He’s not even sure why he’s waiting again. Janus didn’t show up the last few times before so why would he now? And even if he did, he probably wouldn’t stick around. Still, Roman’s foolish little heart is stubbornly hopeful, so he stays just a little longer.
Roman ends up staying until midnight, laying on the log and wondering if Janus ever even loved-
After so many painful nights of nothing, Janus finally steps into the clearing.
Roman merely turns his head before going back to stargazing.
“Oh. Now you decide to remember I exist, Janus.” he mutters. “Sometimes I wonder if I still even mean anything to you…”
Janus sighs and sits on the grass by Roman.
“I’m sorry, Roman. I had things to attend to. Plus it’s been a rough few weeks for all of us.” he replies.
Roman looks over at Janus.
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” he sits up, “I’m tired of this, Janus. I’m tired of wondering if you’re even going to be here each night. I’m tired of being left to wait and being given the same old flimsy excuses.”
Janus fiddles with his glove. He knows he’s guilty of hurting Roman and will never know how far he did.
“Believe me, I tried to be here but…”
Roman roll his eyes and crosses his arms.
“But what? You were busy again? You didn’t feel like it today? You had too much going on in your head? Janus, make up your mind. Or at the least, come up with a more believable excuse. You’re slipping, Deceit.” he spits, starting to walk away.
Janus follows after him.
“Please understand, Roman. I want to be here for you. I care about you.” Roman ignores him and keeps walking.
“Do you? I’ve tried my best to be patient and understanding. Thomas knows I’ve got a lot of things going on up in my own head.” the prince huffs before looking over his shoulder at Janus, eyes shining with unshed tears. “But I put it all aside for you, Janus. I did everything to make sure you knew I wouldn’t turn away from you or reject you.”
Roman pauses and swallows.
“But it wasn’t enough, was it? I was never enough.”
He then continues walking.
Janus follows again, shame weighing him down.
“You were more than enough. I failed to see that. Let me make it up to you. Please.”
Roman scoffs.
“I gave you every chance to do that. I waited here every damn night until the sun came up. I tried to get you to stay but you left when you had the chance. You made your choice and clearly it wasn’t me.”
Janus yanks a glove off.
“It’s you, Roman!” he cries. “My choice is you!”
Roman whips around.
Janus holds his right hand up, head down in shame.
“I…I’ve always been in love with you. Ever since we left that courtroom. I knew I wanted you but after I hurt so many others…I wasn’t sure if I was ready to try again. You are so wonderful and I couldn’t bring myself to ruin what we already that. I didn’t want to lose us. That’s why sometimes I couldn’t bring myself to be here. Especially after the wedding. I’m so sorry if I ever hurt you—”
Roman’s anger had boiled over and he slapped the human side of the snake’s face.
“How could you say that?! Did you really think that I would just change my mind?!” he seethes. “You hurt me, Janus…I don’t want your love anymore. Not when it only means a lie.”
“Roman, please…”
Roman shakes his head, the tears finally spilling down his cheeks.
“Once upon a time I would have felt the same but the moment you decided I was nothing and I no longer mattered to you…” he sniffles, “…I stopped loving you. I wasn’t what you wanted anyways.”
“But you are, Roman.” Janus replies, going over to him and reaching out. “I do care for you.”
Roman shakes his head again, hands up as he backs away from Janus.
“Don’t.” he sighs. “Just don’t. No more lies or empty promises. And don’t try to fight for us now when you caused us to fall apart. If you want to leave me so bad then go.”
It’s sad how Roman’s used to people leaving him once they’ve used him. It used to hurt but now he’s just…disappointed. He really thought Janus would be the one to make him feel loved again. All he feels now is betrayed, his trust in Janus practically non-existent.
Roman sniffs again and turns away. “Besides…who would want the evil twin?”
“Roman, I didn’t mean to—”
Roman starts walking away again.
“Save it!” he growls. “You’ve done your damage already and you can’t undo it. You can’t have my forgiveness. You hurt me too much.”He trembles and chokes out a sob.
“You lied to me, Janus. Just like you were supposed to do, right? I hope you’re happy.”
Roman then vanishes into the darkness of the forest and Janus is left with the dead silence.
Janus can only stand there and think about what he’d done. He hurt Roman. He foolishly believed it would be easy to make up for leaving Roman but he only made things worse. So he lost him. He lost the one person who saw him past the snake that he’ll always be.
Meanwhile, Roman returns and he screams.
Roman screams in agony and sobs, still angry at himself for falling in love with a liar. Angry that he even trusted the snake. Angry that he let himself be vulnerable. Angry that he even believed they would fulfill the promises they made. He screams until he can’t and falls asleep in bed, hoping that someone would save him from his pain. Maybe once he’d hope for Janus’ comfort, but he doesn’t want that anymore. That’s okay. He’s used to being alone. So, Roman spends another night alone, not ever hearing his door creak open.
“Hey, Princey. Are you okay?”
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AN: I just go the notification that another aunt passed 3 weeks after her older sister. 😭 Using this to process some of my emotions right now.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X F!Reader
W.C. - not sure
It was late on a gloomy Sunday evening. The sun was starting to set, and the weather couldn't make up its mind of what season it was. All you knew is that the gloom outside matched your heart right now.
You were sitting in your window in the common room, only the tree lights were on. You were wrapped up in a blanket and leaning against the window. Silent tears were streaming down your face, but you made no sound. As the wind blew outside the window, you gathered the blanket closer around you.
You could tell someone else was in the room, but you didn't have the energy to look and see who it was. A little white face came into your view, and you didn't even move or say anything to her. She meowed quietly and nuzzled your nose, then she laid down on your feet and just meowed again.
You never heard the other person coming up behind you, but to his credit you never really heard him unless he wanted you to. He put a finger under your chin to tilt your head up to look at him, but you didn't open your eyes.
"Oh Doll, what's wrong? Who hurt you to make you cry? Tell me who I need to hurt for this." He quietly asked as he kissed your tear-stained cheek.
You chuckled dryly and looked up at him. "I don't think you can get to heaven to try to beat up God Buck."
He just looked at you confused, so you handed him your phone to show him the post from your family members.
"I'm so sorry Doll. Do you want me to stay, or go?"
Your only response was a shrug. "I don't know what I want. But I do want God to quit taking people around the holidays. It's only been 3 weeks since my other aunt died and we had the funeral. I can't do this."
Bucky noticed that your breathing was starting to pick up and become more shallow. He took your hands in his and squeezed them and Alpine took that chance to come up and give you a nose kiss and snuggle up your neck.
"See, she even wants to make you feel better. But I need you to look at me and breathe with me Doll. In and out with me, no panic attacks now. Aunt Em wouldn't have wanted that."
"I. Know. I. Just. Miss. Her." you said as you were trying to breathe with him.
He just took you in his arms and carried you over to the swivel chair so he could hold you and rock you to help you try to calm down.
You don't know how long the two of you were there like that, but it was long enough that your stomach grumbled.
"You hungry?"
"Not really. But I saw some cookies in the kitchen, maybe one of those and some warm milk would help. At least I might sleep some."
He just chuckled as he stood up with you in his arms and walked into the kitchen. Someone had baked large chocolate chip cookies. He put one on a small plate and poured a glass of milk and then placed them in the microwave for a quick warm up. He knew it wasn't the best, but he didn't want to leave you alone too long.
When the timer went off, he brought the treat to the island where you were seated. You picked at the cookie and drank some of the milk. Alpine had followed the two of you to the kitchen, and was glad to finish the milk for you. You pushed away what was left of the cookie and just laid your head on your forearms.
Bucky cleaned up after Alpine was done, wrapping up the cookie for later, and gathered you up and carried you back to your rooms. You just curled up on the bed, and Bucky curled up against your back and rubbed circles on you back. You just sighed and leaned back into him and the warmth he radiated.
"Thank you." you whispered.
"You don't need to thank me Doll. I love you, so I'll do anything to help out whenever and however I can." He kissed your forehead and tucked you in. "Get some sleep, and we'll figure it out tomorrow. Okay?"
"Okay. Love you Buck."
"Love you too."
@theoceanisourhome @imtryingbuck @buckys-wintersoldier @shellyshellshell @buckets-and-trees @nicoline1998enilocin
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