coralgreenroses · 4 months
dont give up on Palestine, Kurds,Sudan, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Afghanistan or any other people who are being faced with Genocide, Ethnic Cleansings, Apartheid, Oppresion or injustice altogether.
they rely on all of us to be their voice.
times are changing and the world has gotten more humane than ever. humanity is thriving.
no longer will we be divided by colour, race, religions, goals , power. let us be who we really are. humans.
one day, when you find yourself in a similar scenario, perhaps the good we did for them at their lowest points, may return to us in an unexpected way.
you loose nothing by fighting for the weak and vulnerable.
dont choose to be blind.
lead the way, educate yourselves. be the uprising.
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wiirocku · 3 months
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Isaiah 1:17 (ESV) - learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.
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barcoland · 9 months
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The oppression we bring about is like a dark room that gets smaller and smaller. Happy Monday everyone
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darthkieduss · 27 days
Revolution doesn't just happen overnight. It can happen spontaneously, yes, but it builds and builds and builds until it can no longer be contained. The need for freedom, liberty and justice will become a force so massive that the government in Washington DC will not be able to ignore or write off as "tiktok kid activism". It is up to every single one of us to contribute to the revolution.
Oppression is not natural. Freedom is the nature of all life forms, not just us humans. While some animals such as the dog or cat can definitely survive better in a house under control of a human, I've never seen a dog more happy then when you let them outside. To control people, whether it be because of some dumb book written 2,000 years ago (by man not God) or because of some obsession with maintaining "order" is an act of narcissism. To think that one has a right to control what living breathing beings can do with their lives is a blatant act of claiming that they are gods over humanity.
Remember this: It is not natural to be controlled. If you are spiritual or super religious, God (or gods) gave us free will for a reason. If you are an atheist, then free will comes from nature. Governments try to control people because they are afraid. President Thomas Jefferson himself coined the phrase: When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The government tries to control people because like most men, they fear losing their power and wealth. They seek to control to preserve their power. That's why the government will commit atrocities like opening fire on striking workers like the Kent State shootings against students protesting the Vietnam War or the 1927 Columbine Mine massacre against coal miners simply striking for better wages and benefits. It is inhumane to control people. Sure, government has to exist. I'm not an anarchist, but the amount of control the US government has exhibited since 1981 is unconstitutional and must be opposed.
Reform is not the answer. Reform is just a bandage on a wound that needs stitches. Change is needed but change through reform is like a drug addict thinking he's kicking drugs by simply only doing drugs once a week. True Revolution happens when the opium is completely thrown out and destroyed. In order for true change to happen, it must come through sudden revolution. We must uphaul the system and like a phoenix, rebirth this country from its ashes.
It does sometime seem like it's impossible. "What can I do? I'm just one person and the US government has the military." Remember this, we outnumber them. The US military has 1,328,000+ active servicemen, with 800,000+ reserve while the US population is 334,914,895 (2023 concenus). Ordinary peasants took down the Czar's Armies and ruled Russia for 74 years. In many revolutions, those were in the military sided with the people, such as the French and Russian Revolutions. Hell, a vast number of those who swore an allegiance to King George III took off their redcoats and pledged their lives to the cause of the American Revolution. When enough soldiers see what is happening, they will dissent and swell our ranks. The British Empire was the most powerful military in the world at that time and we won, though we would've lost without France's assistance so don't get arrogant.
I know revolution seems impossible especially with all the propaganda that Fox News, CNN, MSNBC etc pop out everyday. Remember the Soviets and the Nazis shoved propaganda throughout their empires and both fell, people in both nations rose up against the far-left communism and far-right fascism. The British government often used propaganda, including religious propaganda, to ensure that their American subjects should be loyal to the King and yet we've been an indepenet country since 1783. The Russian government under Putin commands obedience and tells its people tremendous lies about its illegal war in Ukraine and yet millions of Russian people protest him. The Israelis claim that anyone who opposes Israel or its actions (genocide) against Palestinians in Gaza is Anti-Semitic and yet people all around the world, including here in the US, protest Israel.
It's also quite possible that multiple revolutions must happen in order for the big one to come about. The Soviet Union didn't come about because of one revolution in 1917 but of two. The people rose up against the Czar in February of 1917 only for sadly the extremist Bolsheviks to conquer Russia in the October Revolution of 1917. Our own American Revolution took over 10 years to ignite, starting with the British Parliament passing the Stamp Act in 1765 to the firing of shots at Lexington and Concord in 1775. The American Revolution occurred across thirteen colonies. So really, the American Revolution was about multiple revolutions exploding throughout the Colonies that united to form the United States of America.
This is not a shot at conservatism or leftism. Both the Democrat and Republican Parties have taken rights from Americans, from the Republicans passing the Patriot Act (essentially gutting the Bill of Rights) after 9/11 and Democrats not allowing that proto-fascist act to expire (it's set to expire every five years but the government under both parties keep delaying the expiration). This is an outline on how revolution must happen. Both parties have allowed the wealthy elite to plunder this nation and steal from the working class to ensure they have all the money and power (one is definitely more guilty than the other but I digress) .
Remember this: Revolutions happen because the people demand it. When enough people have tried method after method of chaning the system peacefully, what other alternative do they have left other than Revolution? Every protest, whether it's on the left or right, puts out in front of the people the failures of the government. Millions of women are to this day protesting that the supreme court has stripped them of their constitutional right to bodily autonomy. Millions of people around the world are in the streets protesting the genocidal act of Putin's Russia and Netenyahu's Israel.
Maybe it is hopeless. Maybe I'm just wasting time on this post. Most likely no one will see it. But I have to try. I would rather die on my feet then live on my knees. If I could do this fight against tyranny all over again, the only thing I'd change is the year it happened. Never give up. Even if you don't live to see the results. Even if you fail. Even if the government comes to your house to take you away. Your example will inspire others to rise up. We have to try. Change doesn't happen because we bowed our heads and went along to get along. And sometimes you have to out yourself. Sometimes you have to call out your alcoholic racist uncle at Thanksgiving. Even if your family turns against you.
Remember this: revolutions don't happen because of one person. George Washington didn't defeat the British at Yorktown all himself. It took the courage, bravery and sacrifice of thousands of brave American men and women. Even children, as proven by then 13 year old Andrew Jackson. Napoleon didn't start the French revolution. Vladimir Lenin didn't start the Russian Revolution. It's up to all of us. To lead by example.
We will sacrifice, we will struggle but ultimately we will triumph.
Let me end this with the manifesto of Karis Nemik, a character from the Andor series (a really good Star Wars series despite my preference for Star Wars Legends). Consider these words and take them to heart:
There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy.
Remember this. Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they've already enlisted in the cause.
Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward. And then remember this. The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.
Remember that. And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empire's authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege.
Remember this: Try.
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soislibrenana · 1 year
Avez-vous déjà été discriminé ?
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bills-bible-basics · 26 days
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Oppression of the Poor Graphic 11 Visit https://www.billkochman.com/Graphics-Library/ to see more. Article: "What About the Poor?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/What-About-the-Poor-1.html "Oppression of the Poor" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse512.html "Materialism" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse482.html "Snare of Riches" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse063.html "Worldliness" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse078.html Article: "Have You Sold Your Soul for a Pound of Flesh?: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/soldsoul.html Article: "Going Down the Highway of Life": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/highway1.html Article: "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/seek1st1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/oppression-of-the-poor-graphic-11/?feed_id=155489&Oppression%20of%20the%20Poor%20Graphic%2011
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steveezekiel · 4 months
• What Are the Dead Works?
Dead works bring separation between a believer and God. THEY are the works of the flesh mentioned and listed in Galatians 5:19-21.
 I. Sexual Sin or Immorality:
 Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness, and Lasciviousness or lewdness are classified as sexual sins.
EXAMPLES: REUBEN slept with his father's wife (Genesis 35:22).
AND because of it, the father cursed him when he was about to die that he would not Excel. Thus, the tribe of Reuben happened to be one of the least tribes in Israel (Genesis 49:3,4).
SAMSON also lost the anointing of God on his life and his ministry because of the Sin of immorality (Judges 16:1,4).
IF this Sin is found in your Life, it can affect your relationship with God and hinder the fulfilment of whatever God has ordained you to be and assigned you to do.
 II. Idolatry:
 Putting your affection on someone or something above God. Whatever HAS taken the place of God in your heart has become another God, and It is an idol.
GOD has reserved a place for Himself in the heart of every human being and the place should not be occupied by any other person or THING.
Matthew 22:37,38 (NKJV)
 READ: Psalm 115:3-8;135:15–18.
III. Witchcraft:
 A dictionary defines witchcraft as the use of magic powers, especially the evil ones.
WITCHCRAFT is among the things condemned and classified as a work of the flesh. GOD CONDEMNED divination and magic, or sorcery in every FORM. The practice of it is repeatedly condemned in the law of Moses, it should be totally forbidden (Leviticus 19:26), AND it attracted death penalty (Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 20:27).
Consulting mediums, who contact the dead, is also forbidden, carrying a death sentence (Leviticus 20:6,27; Isaiah 8:19).
Saul was guilty of consulting a medium to contact Samuel (1 Samuel 1:28), even though Saul had banished all mediums from the land.
IN the New Testament, Simon, a sorcerer in Samaria, was rebuked by Peter for attempting to buy the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:9-24). Paul and Silas encountered a slave girl at Philippi who has a demonic power of foretelling the future (Acts 16:16-26).
The Bible consistently condemns the practice of divination and magic, or sorcery. They are condemned because the source is often demonic and practitioners are trying to circumvent God, they want to find a way of avoiding God and His rules, to find guidance for the future.
BELIEVERS would do well to HEED biblical injunctions against astrology, fortune-telling, and mediums.
IN ADDITION TO IT, Witchcraft being one of the works of the flesh could also mean a way of manipulating or controlling others against their WILL.
IF you are a believer who likes to manipulate and control others that you may have your way, it is an act of witchcraft, you need to repent. SOME like using what they have, to manipulate others, compel or coerce others, to do whatever they want or wish, such is an act of witchcraft.
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oprika · 1 year
Topic #1: The cycle of pain
[Disclaimer: The fight for equality, for many groups of people, isn’t even close to done. This topic is about going about it in the right way. Don’t let your actions become counter-productive.]
When trying to fight a (social) system that has kept you down– DO NOT PLAY BY ITS RULES.
I’m talking about what’s happening now with the LGBTQIA+ community, POC + Black community, etc. Fighting people’s closed mentalities by making their identity “the new minority” isn’t ok in the short-term or long run.
E.g The TikTok of the girl asking permission from her POC friends to bring her white friend into their group activities. “Being straight is so boring. Normie.” Or some other stupid anti-straight/cis verbal shit.
People mocking others for being straight, white, hetero, cis, etc. isn’t nice. It’s perpetuating the same system that was fought for too long. A fight that many died for. By playing into the design of minority vs majority or ‘wokeness’ vs conservatism/traditionalism, you are simply getting caught in the seesaw system. A game where you’re held up as the ideal and those that don’t fit into it are stranded in a humiliating cycle of not being socially accepted. It may be fun when you’re winning but when the scale determines that you’re no longer valuable– you’ll be back to the cycle of alienation, humiliation, and aggressive treatment.
The only way to get rid of this cycle is to get rid of the system in general. If you start getting rid of the need to uphold a particular group because of their titled minority/oppression and instead battle said oppression then you will stop creating a ‘my tribe vs your tribe’ mindset. The fight for equality is justifiable but the means to get to the end aren’t. I literally sound like those LGBTQ seminars that battle discrimination. Please, don’t become the new enemy/oppressor/bully.
Start with the man in the mirror and TPWK.
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sethian123 · 1 year
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Lushi poem in the English language about the white paper riots in China. 
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coralgreenroses · 6 months
Umar (RA) was once an alcoholic, later one of the greatest Khalifa of Islam.
Iblis used to be a good Jinn, later he became Satan.
Who are you to judge people base on their past?
Allah Swt guides and shows Hidayah to whomst he wills.
Humble yourselves and pray for Allah Swt's hidayah.
If you read this, please do not spend your time discussing people and the wrongs of them. Pray for them. Backbiting is so common nowadays. Take that step and remove yourself from such groups or groupchats.
No matter how far you have strayed from Allah, Allah Swt is patiently waiting for you to come back.
Come back, come back, my dear brother/sister.
He was always waiting for you to come back.
Hasnt the recent events of this world woken you up yet?
People being killed. Oppression. Genocide? Innocent blood. Allah Swt is aware. A true muslim knows how just Allah Swt is. He sets a certain time, even for the unjust, to right their wrongs. However, none can escape Allah Swts judgement.
Dont you see the signs? Qiyamah might be years and years later, but we are mortals who may not exist till then. So I beg you, use your time well.
If you see this, consider it a sign. Do 1 missed prayer. Then slowly do 2, then 3, then 4 and then 5.
Allah Swt has never forgotten you, who is reading this post. Allah Swt is aware of your pains and struggles. He will heal you. Cry to Allah, complain to Allah swt. He will heal you.
The next time you find yourself on the verge of crying, pray. Pray and let out your heart to Allah.
Unlike the humans in this treacherous world, Allah Swt listens.
This is your sign. You were meant to see this.
Come back to Allah Swt.
May Allah swt guide you and me
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lifeisshortbekind · 2 years
I love my creative life more than I love cooperating with my own oppression.
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archtroop · 4 months
So, the government in SA is on the brink of losing it all, and the state is failing. They choose to arrange the biggest distraction out there that would utilize the trendiest topic circulating atm for clout.
And while Jews are Not Surprised (tm), the biggest irony in this is that, once more, the Palestinians are used by a third party for local political gain.
Since whatever Hague decides has zero affect on the wellbeing of any Gazan anyway, the farce we are witnessing going down in Hague right now pretty much boils down to a country half a world away from the war, using dead Gazans for internal PR.
Basically, if the court dismisses the case/determines that there is no Genocide, we are going to witness the cynical reception of the news by those who back SA's claim, that are wishing for there to be a Genocide.
If the court does accept the claim, we will witness SA waltzing back home over the equator, doing fuck all at all with this win, and Gazans are abandoned once more, for they have fulfilled the needs of SA in this matter.
It is cynical, hollow, and perverse.
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balkanradfem · 9 months
So I like the Barbie movie enough to do an analysis of their feminist statements and try to get to the root of the problem! They did give us a long list of expectations women worldwide are dealing with, now let's see why they're dealing with it.
1. "We have to always be extraordinary, but somehow, we're always doing it wrong. You have to be thin, but not too thin, and you can never say you want to be thin, you have to say you want to be healthy."
This issue happens because women in practice, culture, and their real-life circumstances are still effectively living as the second class citizens, and they're viewed as servants for males, and male toys. It does not benefit us to be expected to be extraordinary, and it does not benefit us to be thin. So who benefits from it?
It's a feature of a male fantasy. Male wants to posses a woman who is trained to please him in every possible way, but she also needs to be unique and different from all other women, so he feels like he has something special. Every woman already is unique and individual, but he doesn't notice such things as personality, he needs her to be special in a way that he and his male buddies will notice! So she has to be extraordinary in something that males appreciate, but also if she is better than them at it, then they no longer feel the ease of being superior, so she's doing it wrong.
Women's ideal being thin is also a male fantasy, they've managed to pavlov themselves into finding thin women the only kind of woman that is attractive, thus the requirement on women is to be thin, even when it damages our health. Men love causing trauma to women, but to see women actually visibly struggling with it, putting it into words, saying it hurts us, that makes them uncomfortable! So they shame the language, until we phrase it as something that doesn't relate to them, or that makes it seem like it's for our own good. 'Being thin for health' makes it seem like the required starvation is for our own good, and healthy, in fact.
This could not possibly happen if we were not existing in service of the other half of population. If we were respected and valuable human beings, what is bad for us would not be represented to us as an ideal.
2. "You have to have money, but can't ask for money, because that's crass. You have to be boss, but can't be mean. You have to lead, but you can't squash other people's ideas."
These are double standards that men put up for us. Even though women are paid less, own less, are globally more impoverished and have a harder time gaining money, that is no longer enough for us to completely depend on men for money; they hate this. So as a revenge for us managing to earn a bit of our own money, we now can't ask them for any, we are supposed to 'have our own', and still depend for them, but in fear, reluctant to ask or to demand. Notice how it isn't crass for a man to ask for money, it's almost expected, but for a woman, it's shameful.
Women in lead will be criticized, called out, scrutinized and humiliated like no male leader ever would be; this is to make it harder for women to feel in control and comfortable in leading positions. Male leader is supposed to step all over ideas he doesn't find useful, hell he can even squash it and take credit for it later, but if a woman doesn't acknowledge a stupid idea, she is immediately told off for 'not being a good enough leader'. Even when she's doing exactly what she's supposed to do. It's a hypocritical little game to ensure only men can comfortably lead.
3. "You're supposed to love being a mother, but don't talk about your kids all the damn time. You have to be a career woman, but also always be looking out for other people."
This is a feature of "women existing for male convenience" problem. We are supposed to be naturally loving of raising kids, because it's convenient for males to just have their children raised for them without having to do much about it, and if this is not provided to them, then women are evil for not 'loving being a mother' when it's convenient for men that women are super into that and willing to do it for free, forever, without complaining or talking about it, because men don't like to know that it's an actual effort, they feel more comfortable feeling it's a silly little chore that deserves no thought whatsoever.
Women having careers is something men have been making difficult in any way possible, because it means women are not reliant on them for resources within capitalism, but they were not able to completely prevent us having jobs, so now they're just trying to get as much use of it as possible. If women earn money, they will leech off of that money. If women have careers, well then those women should prove that they're just as convenient, nurturing, always available, running at every beck and call, and act as if they still only exist to serve and please men. If women fail to do this, they'll again be accused of being selfish, horrible people, bad mothers, bad community members, and so on and so forth. Men of course, can ignore the entire world and do their job badly, and have a violence problem, and be addicted to p*rn, and it's fine. They're not bad people regardless of how little compassion they have for anyone who isn't them.
4. "You have to answer for men's bad behavior, which is insane. But if you point that out, you're accused of complaining. You're supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you're supposed to be a part of the sisterhood."
This is an example of psychological abuse; victims are most often told they're responsible for their abuser's actions, as if they would in any situation be able to control or influence them, which they can't. But, putting that responsibility on women will make women hyperfocus on their own behaviour, on prevention of abuse, prevention of violence, which means they will go a long way trying to please men, tiptoe around them, give them insane amount of attention and care, in hope or preventing the escalation of their behaviour - and this is exactly what men want, this is what the abuse was for. To gain that devotion and attention, with the threat of violence. If women understood perfectly that men are responsible for their own behaviour, their way forward would be to hold men accountable, to lock them up and never look back. It's only in the world where women are victims of severe psychological abuse that we try to please men into not committing acts of violence. And it never works, because men love violence, and will turn to violence at every corner, even more easily and smugly knowing they can simply blame a woman for not working hard enough to prevent it.
Men expecting women to be pretty but then punishing them for being pretty is also an act of abuse; women's exterior is being judged as if our appearance is both a statement and a crime. Men can look whatever they naturally look like, and it's not a provocation, temptation, lack of solidarity or anything worth criticizing; but any way that a woman looks can be scrutinized and a ground for moral callout. The reality is that women also just look like the way they look like, and there's nothing wrong with it. There is zero moral problems with women looking pretty or not pretty. There isn't even a problem with tempting males because males are responsible for their own actions and not toddlers who have no power to resist impulses. This is a tactics for making women responsible for male behaviour - the way she looks is responsible for what I want to do to her. Complete nonsense, they just found a way to blame her for his own behaviour.
Calling women out for not being 'a part of the sisterhood' based on their appearance is very poorly concealed tactic to turn women against each other, to distract them from seeing that men are the root of the problem. Men don't turn on each other based on appearance, and it doesn't make sense for women to be assumed to do it either; in women-only communities, it doesn't matter what women look like. Whatever women look like is never a threat or an attack on other women, men are trying to play on female insecurity and frame other women as a threat to that insecurity - when the only threat all along was men, creating ideals and standards of beauty that don't correspond to reality or nature.
5. "Always be grateful, but never forget that the system is rigged, so find a way to acknowledge that, but also, always be grateful. You have to never get old."
The waves of feminism have forced the public consciousness to acknowledge that the system is rigged, but the pressure to do something about it falls completely on women, even though men created the system, rigged it, are keeping it rigged, are using violence to enforce it, and are benefiting from it. And it's convenient to them if women do nothing else but acknowledge it's rigged and stay grateful they're still allowed to live within, we're supposed to be threatened by the fact that we can easily be killed if we step out of line.
Men are threatened by older women because mature women have experience, they are no longer easily manipulated or cheated out of their gain, they will not bow down and please men like young, inexperienced women can be tricked into doing. So they convince those young women, that being old is shameful and ugly for women. They want women to stay young and susceptible, like children that they can control and not allow any agency or free will. This ensures we stay focused on being scared of time, aging and our own bodies and nature, but not of the predators who are taking our lives as a service for themselves.
6. "Never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear. Never get out of line, it's too hard, it's too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says "thank you". And it turns out, in fact, that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also everything is your fault."
These are lists of standards that are only applied to women, men are allowed to do all of these things and to be catered to while they're doing it. This behaviour is presented as bad only when women are doing it; if men do it, it's considered neutral, normal, intrinsic to human nature. Women being selfish inconveniences men, who are looking to exploit female selflessness. Women showing off and being proud would cut into their time showing off, they want that attention for themselves. Women getting out of line is inconvenient, since men have drawn those lines for women (those lines don't exist for men). Women showing fear makes it difficult for male predators to corner them down and have them act complacent; men don't want to see proof of victimizing women, except in private, except when they can get off on it. Never in public, never when women could potentially escape or reach for help, then it's sexist of women to be afraid.
Women getting medals, acknowledgment or gratitude again, cuts into male parade of getting all the acknowledgment, gratitude and medals, for them it doesn't make sense that they should share attention or credit with what they consider to be the 'servant class'. Men have deluded themselves into thinking they deserve more credit than women do, they don't consider us smart or capable, because they can easily oppress us, so how smart can we be? But also, they expect and demand us to be as smart and capable as necessary to resolve all of their issues, to make their life easy and pleasant and undemanding. We are forced to deal with issues they won't even look at, we often solve problems or create solution they wouldn't be able to produce, and this is when they simply take credit and convince themselves that they knew better all along. It's a 'male-delusion rules reality' kind of world for women.
After doing the biggest bulk of work on earth, creating and raising the entire human race, doing daily unpaid labour, putting up with violence, threats and constant degradation from men, after not having our interests represented by the law, education, government, economy or any other institution with any power, after spending a piece of our life being groomed and then having to spend another undoing the grooming, we are still told that everything is our fault, and that we're doing everything wrong.
This is abuse, and somebody is doing it. We are not put thru all of this for vague reasons, or for arbitrary reasons, someone is benefiting from all of it. While we're raising children, who lazes around and attaches their last names to our kids? When we're doing daily unpaid labour, who doesn't do their part? Who is staring at us while we're walking down the street, who fails to represent or even acknowledge our interests, and even our human rights? Who does the grooming, and who enables them to do it? Where do they get resources from it, who allows it to go on unchecked? How come young girls and women are regarded as such low value that we allow them to live unprotected around predators who will absolutely attempt to violate them in as many ways they can? Who fails to prevent, or arrest, or punish them?
It's not just a system of patriarchy, it'a a system of men, doing this every single day of their life. We can point the finger at the root of the problem. We have a common enemy, and they're working damn hard to keep us from realizing it.
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eloquentgifs · 11 months
I'm so used to being here on tumblr that whenever I mention the (moral) victory of Käärijä on any other site I'm surprised when the "realists" show up to tell me that Loreen is the winner and that she's killing it on the music charts and the juries are necesary to keep the contest serious and blablabla.
Someone just told me that Loreen is already in the same division than "Ariana, Taylor, Dua, Miley..." while he's nowhere to be found and Im like, what do you mean everyone knows he's on the beach with Frank.
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chokulit · 6 months
im gonna be honest with you. i dont like what tumblr has done to the concept of malewives. "ohhh he's gender non-conforming so that obviously means he's also naturally passive and submissive and a caretaker omg he's soooo pathetic" do you hear yourself. do you think this makes feminine men feel good about themselves
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bills-bible-basics · 2 months
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Oppression of the Poor Graphic 02 Visit https://www.billkochman.com/Graphics-Library/ to see more. Article: "What About the Poor?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/What-About-the-Poor-1.html "Oppression of the Poor" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse512.html "Materialism" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse482.html "Snare of Riches" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse063.html "Worldliness" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse078.html Article: "Have You Sold Your Soul for a Pound of Flesh?: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/soldsoul.html Article: "Going Down the Highway of Life": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/highway1.html Article: "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/seek1st1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/oppression-of-the-poor-graphic-02/?feed_id=148513&Oppression%20of%20the%20Poor%20Graphic%2002
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