viridian-pickle · 3 days
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filmloversociety · 15 hours
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Documentary As Armas e o Povo (1975)
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aroacehanzawa · 22 hours
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afraay · 3 days
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Filistin İsrail savaşı şu anda sana dokunmuyor olabilir evet ama bir gün dokunacak . İsrail ve Amerika istediklerini alana kadar bu savaş bitmeyecek konu sadece Kudüs değil eğer sende İsrail destekçisiysen hiç merak etme zaten onların emri onların kontrolü altındasın dindar bir insana köle gibi yaşıyorsunuz diyen emperyalist yancıları şunu çok iyi biliyorlar ki sizlerin beyinlerini yüzyıllardır süre gelen gerek bir oyunla gerekse çarptırmalarla yıkıyorlar ve hiç merak etmeyin sizler zaten onların kölelerisiniz Evet ben Allah'ın sizlerse Şeytana tapan varlıkların kölelerisiniz . Ey İsrail destekçileri sizlere sesleniyorum bugün bu olaya kayıtsız kalan siz yarın aynı taş sizin ayağınıza atıldığında çılgınlar gibi bağırışıp haklarınızı isteyecek ve gerçekleri görmüş bir vatandaş olarak bunun için ne kadar geç kaldığınızı anlayıp feryatlar edeceksiniz . Ey Türk İsrail destekçileri bugün Kudüsteki mazlumları desteklemek vatanına ihanet gibi geliyorsa sana yazıklar olsun bugün Fransa 100 yıl kaldığı toprakları hala benim toprağımdır burda benim atalarım vardı derken sen 400 sene kaldığın o vatan topraklarını orda yaşayan insanları kendinden ayrı görüyorsan yine sana yazıklar olsun .Orada Türk soyundan gelen kimilerimiz vardı. Bugün Orta Asya yı nasıl orası Türklerindir diyorsak bugünde ayak bastığımız her toprağı orası Türkündür demeli ve sahiplenmeliyiz. İyileşmeli ve bizim topraklarımızda yeniden şanlı bayrağımızı dalgalandırmalıyız . Ey Türk İsrail destekçileri şunu unutma ki tarihin en ücra sayfalırında mutlaka Türkler vardır ve Allah'ın izniyle hep var olacaklardır .Türkler o ücra sayfalarda bile inandıkları Tanrıya hürmet ve saygı göstermiş ve inandıkları Tanrı ya her daim büyük bir inanç duymuşlardır bugün sen inandığın dini bile yaşamazken atalarımız inandıklarını yaşamak uğruna gerekiyorsa işkencelere maruz bırakılmışlardır . Bu şekilde bir insan Türkçü olacaksa olmasın bu şekilde vatanını sevecekse sevmesin vatan toprağı ne demek bilmeyen aklı beş karış havada batının sözde muazzam tarihini dinleyip benim tarihim yok diyen sözde vatanperver . EY MAHLUK lütfen sen Türkçü olma , lütfen sen sevme vatanını sensiz birşeyimiz eksilmeyecek .
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sunnywalnut · 3 days
I am fully convinced that people don't realize how astronomically large 1% of a population is.
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nicecollection · 8 hours
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Ida Ekblad - STRANGE FREEDOMS NEVER CHANGE, 2024, oil on linen, 247 x 187 x 6.3 cm
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eyeonpalestine · 2 months
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drsonnet · 2 months
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The last words of Aaron Bushnell before he set fire to himself outside the Israeli embassy in Washington - Free Palestine.
The original scene is true: capture photo from video shows #AaronBushnell sets fire while a policeman is pointing a gun at his burning body!! Cop went for gun instead of an extinguisher.
DrSonnet — #CNN #BBC #SKY #NYT,.... SPEAK UP. It's 2024, not... (tumblr.com)
“I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all…Free Palestine.” -Aaron Bushnell
"This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal"
-Aaron Bushnell
Shortly before his final act in this world, Bushnell posted the following message on #Facebook: "Many of us like to ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' "The answer is, you're doing it. Right now."
RIP Aaron Bushnell.. He decided to be a free man and not to be complicit in #GazaGenocide.. His last words were (Free #Palestine).
Photo credit: SOURCE: Krime Krime (@krime_1) / X (twitter.com)
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#RIPAaronBushnell #AaronBushnell
#Gaza #freePalestine #PalestineLivesMatter
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saydesole · 3 months
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Happy Black History 🤎
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tomi4i · 4 months
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Ceasefire NOW
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vexheart · 4 months
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Praying for a just world; a world full of love and peace, a world with the right to equality for all, freedom from discrimination for all, right to life, liberty, and personal security for all, freedom from torture and degrading treatment for all, freedom from exile for all, right to freedom of movement for all, freedom to worship in peace for all, freedom of opinion and Information for all, right to education for all, right to water, food, and shelter for all, rights to adequate living standards for all.🙏🕊️
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boanerges20 · 1 day
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islamreflection · 5 months
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"11,078 and counting have died in Palestine. Never stop talking.
Also this is just the surface, do further research to fully understand the situation.
Also this is just the surface, do further research to fully understand the situation."
Art credit: @flyingkikii
Reposted from @frxchix
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rghda · 6 months
1 MILLION people marching through London for Palestine today, making this the BIGGEST Palestine march in British History🇵🇸 ‼️
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afraay · 3 days
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ISRAEL PALESTINE AND THE TURKISH NATION The Palestinian-Israeli war may not touch you now, yes, but one day it will. This war will not end until Israel and America get what they want. The issue is not just about Jerusalem. If you are a supporter of Israel, do not worry. They are destroying and don't worry, you are already their slaves. Yes, I am Allah's and you are the slaves of beings who worship Satan. Hey supporters of Israel, I am calling out to you, you who are indifferent to this incident today, when the same stone is thrown at your feet tomorrow, you will scream like crazy and demand your rights, and as a citizen who has seen the truth, you will realize how late you are for this and scream. Hey Turkish Israel supporters, if supporting the oppressed people in Jerusalem today seems like treason to your homeland, shame on you today. If France says that the lands where you stayed for 100 years are still my land, my ancestors were here, but you see that homeland where you stayed for 400 years and the people living there as separate from you, shame on you. There are Turkish descendants there. There were some of us who came. Just as we say that Central Asia belongs to the Turks today, we should also say that every land we set foot on belongs to the Turks and embrace it. We must heal and wave our glorious flag in our lands again. Hey Turkish Israel supporters, do not forget that there are definitely Turks in the remotest pages of history and they will always exist with the permission of Allah. Even in those remote pages, Turks have shown respect and respect to the God they believe in and have always had great faith in the God they believe in. Today, while you do not even practice the religion you believe in. Our ancestors were subjected to torture, if necessary, in order to live their beliefs. If such a person is a Turkist or not, he is a so-called patriot who does not know what homeland means and who listens to the so-called magnificent history of the West and says I have no history. O BEING, please don't be a Turkist, please don't love your country, we won't have anything less without you. This text has been translated . The original Turkish text I wrote is on my page.
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