#Olivia Benson x Daughter Reader
oneshotnewbie · 4 months
Liv’s daughter gets her first migraine injection? Of course Liv does it for her cause there’s no way she can do it herself. Its really painful, but Liv comforts her afterwards and they cuddle together.
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The sunlight of the morning sun filtered through the still half-closed curtains. You sat on the edge of your double bed, staring nervously at your lap as you rubbed your shaking and sweaty hands on your pajama pants. In front of you was the long box with a migraine injection that your mother had brought you from your neurologist yesterday afternoon. Your heartbeat raced in your chest as you looked at the needle and injector.
Thoughts raced through your mind, sending you into a panic as you tried to take a deep breath and gather the courage. But the needle in front of your eyes seemed so frightening, and the thought of injecting it through your stomach alone increased your fear. The thought of the pain to come during the procedure made you shudder.
A large lump had formed in your throat as you tried to keep breathing calmly. "You're not a child anymore. You can do this," you whispered to yourself, but that only seemed to make the fear grow even greater. You reached for the included instructions and read through them for the hundredth time since last night. The individual steps were illustrated with pictures and described precisely, but your hands were shaking as if you had Parkinson's and the writing on the paper blurred into a scribble. "Damned!"
Hesitantly, you decided to accept help from your mother and call her. She had offered you her support and was waiting outside in the living room in case you needed her. "Mom?" you asked into the void, looking anxiously at the door. A soft knock on it startled you as you briefly returned to your thoughts. Olivia poked her head through a crack before carefully stepping into the room and you immediately felt relieved when you felt the familiar presence. “Everything okay, my darling?”
You nodded uncertainly and looked at her with wide eyes as you patted the seat next to you. You began nervously picking at your nails, your gaze wandering between your mother and the injection. "Yeah, I'm just... trying to take this injection."
Olivia stepped closer to you, her hands clasped under her chest and already holding her glasses in one of her hands before sitting down next to you. She opened a hand invitingly and you dropped the paper into her hand. "You don't have to do this alone," she spoke softly in a whisper, pulling up her glasses to take a closer look at the injection instructions. Your doctor had already shown her how it worked and what she should pay attention to. But one thing is certain: she couldn't afford any mistakes. She didn't want to cause you pain. "I'm your mother. I'm here to help you, no matter what."
A tiny smile spread across your face and you leaned your head on her shoulder. "Thanks, it's just... the fear of the pain. Dr. Phillips suggested it could be really painful." you gulped and hugged yourself. Olivia noticed your nervousness and placed a reassuring hand on your thigh, gently running her thumb over your clothed skin before resting her cheek on the top of your head. "You've already been through so much, sweetie. You can still do this. You're so strong!"
With shaky hands, you opened the box and pulled out the injector. Your heart raced when you saw the needle in real life. Your mother immediately grabbed your hand and squeezed it gently. "Take a deep breath and breathe out. You can do it, I'm here." You nodded and watched Olivia prepare the injection with steady hands as you took deep breaths and tried to calm your nerves with a little walk around your room. "Ready?"
"Yeah. Let me get it over with," you stood in front of your mother and pulled up your shirt. You quickly closed your eyes, focusing on your breathing as you tried to control the fear. With slow, step-like movements, Olivia approached you and placed the needle on your lower abdomen. The thought of the coming pain caused goosebumps to form on your skin, but you nodded silently and she pressed the injector firmly until it clicked into place.
Under her pressure, your mother felt a moment of tension, followed by a tiny sound of pain escaping your lips as the liquid slowly flowed into your body. Tears welled up in your eyes, but she continued to hold your hand, whispering soothing words to you as she stroked the back of your hand. "A few more seconds, you're almost there."
When the injection was finished, you exhaled deeply as if a weight had been lifted from you and Olivia carefully and carefully removed the needle before dropping the injector to the side. She quickly stood up, put her arms over your shoulders and pulled you close to her. "You did it. You were incredibly brave,"
You smiled weakly at the battle you had won with yourself and hugged yourself tightly to her middle, your head pressed tightly against her chest as you let the rest of your tears fall freely. Kisses adorned the top of your head and caresses were banished to your back as Olivia slowly brought you back to bed. "How about it. I'll let Finn take charge today, you skip school and we have a cozy day in bed?"
"That sounds great, Mom. Is that really okay with you?" you asked, throwing the blanket over your body while your head rested on the pillow. She didn't say another word, took her cell phone out of her pocket and tapped furiously on the screen before turning it off and throwing it on the dresser. "More than okay, my darling."
She disappeared from your room in a flash and you heard the microwave do its work. Shortly afterwards, the smell of sweet popcorn filled the entire apartment and Olivia returned. She had squeezed back into her pajamas and lay down on the bed next to you. You continued watching your favorite show together, occasionally dozing off in your mother's gentle embrace.
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svuobsessed · 2 months
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Olivia Benson X Daughter reader
Summary: Y/N Benson is attacked on her way home, her Mum is not happy and Elliot is pissed.
TW: almost SA, description of almost rape, not much only the first part.
Third person pov...
14 year old Y/N Benson was on her way home from school, texting her friends as she walked, her bag on her back, she was heading to the station to meet her Mum so they could go home together.
As she walked she walked past a white man mid 20s, The instant she did she felt his eyes on her, it heightened her anxiety but she kept on walking, slowly she got out her phone from her pocket and began tapping on it.
The man then pushed himself away from the wall and began following the teen, he was tall, kept his head down.
Y/N looked behind her every few seconds while tapping on her phone.
She was planning to text her Mum and tell her what was happening, as she did she began quicker, she heard the man walk faster to catch up with her.
The H/C girl taps her Mums contact and begins typing, they had a code word for incidents like this.
"Hey there" comes voice from behind the girl scaring her. She turns quickly and hides her phone, the teen looks up it was the guy following her.
She stared at the man, not saying a word. This made the man angry, Y/N saw grit his teeth slightly, she then inches away slightly from him.
The guy keeps a friendly smile on his face as he looks at the young girl. "Sorry for scaring ya. Just wanted to ask if you could tell me where the library is?" He asks the girl, Y/N doesnt relax her legs tense she was ready to run if the guy posed as a threat.
She looks at the time on her phone her message to her Mum still open. Once seeing the time she looks back up. "Sorry can't help you" she says to the man unapologetic.
She turns to run but her wrist is grabbed, the mans grip was hard and it was painful. Y/N tried to wretch her arm away but it only made the grip on her wrist tighten, he was twisting her wrist a way it shouldn't go.
Tears at the corner of her eyes she tried to yell for help but one look from the guy said 'you scream and I break it' so she kept her mouth shut, with her hand gone she uses her other to try and text behind her back.
The guy sees this and grabs her phone, eyes in horror Y/N watches as he smashes her phone, struggling in his arms Y/N tries to wriggle away but isn't able to, she is then dragged into an alleyway.
She teenager tries to drag her feet but he is to strong, Tears in her eyes Y/Ns back is forced up again the wall, she begins scratching at the man, his hands , face anywhere she could reach. The guy takes it and pins her wrists to the wall.
He then slaps her face. "Stop struggling bitch! Or this will hurt" he yells at her, the teen freezes in fear, cheek turning a nasty red.
Smirking he begins trailing his free hand to her chest unbuttoning her school shirt, she looked away from him as he kept touching her, "Mummy" she cries quietly.
Thinking of her mum gave her the strength to open her eyes, she starts to stare, the creep looks up at her smirk gone at the new found fury in her eyes.
'Show no fear' she thinks, as she continues staring into his eyes. Luckily he let's go of her wrists, taking the chance Y/N swings her leg back and kicks him in thr groin.
"Fuck! You little bitch!" He yells holding his area, Y/N quickly rips out of his grasp, grabbing her bag she hits him one last time before running out of the alleyway not stopping until she got to the station.
Olivia was sat at her desk, her daughter was late. Looking at the clock again she became even more worried. Y/N should've been there 20 minutes ago.
Elliot waves at his partner from across the table. "Liv? Hello? Liv!" Liv shake sher head ans turns to Elliot. "Sorry El" she tells him.
Elliot shakes his head. "It'll right, are you okay?" He asks her, Olivia goes to answer but us cut off by something behind Elliot.
Face of horror, she stands from her desk and walks around Elliot towards the entrance, standing at the doors was a young girl, school shirt unbuttoned, shirt ruffled, bag barely hanging onto her shoudler, her face was a bright red turning purple.
"Y/N, baby what happened to you?" Before anyone knew it the young girl collapsed in a fit of sobs falling to her knees, Olivia bent to catch her in her arms. The girl only sobbed harder as she clung to the woman.
Liv tried to comfort her but was unsuccessful, eventually they were able to move the two into a room. Olivia sat with her daughter curled up on her lap still holding onto her neck.
Olivia rubbed her hand up and down
Y/Ns back, the girl was clearly traumatized, the team were worried.
"Y/N baby, you gotta tell me whats happened okay" she tells the girl, Y/N had calmed down alot since she was in her mother's arms.
Outside Elliot is pacing, he was worried about Y/N. He'd never seen her so upset before it scared him.
Inside Y/N pulled away from her Mums shoudler, sniffling she told her. Olivia was shocked, she was worried and she was pissed. "Baby, I'm so sorry that happened to you, I swear to god I will catch that bastard" she reassured the teen.
Eventually Y/N passed out from all her crying, Liv gave her a change of clothes a mix of her tshirt and Elliots sweatpants. The teen was currently asleep in the cots in the lockeroom.
Liv sits at her desk frozen as if in a trace, after what her daughter told her she didn't know what to think. As she sat El walked over to her.
"Liv, hey did Y/N tell you what happened?" He asks her, Liv shakes herself awake, the tears in her eyes scare Elliot, he kneels on the floor infront of her holding her hand gently.
"Liv-Ss-she told me she was almost raped" she cries, Elliot pulls her into a hug. If he didn't he would've smashed his fit into the table. "W-what" his throat dry.
Once Y/N was awake she gave them a description of the man who attacked her, she told them everything she rememberd she could never forget the way his hands felt or his piercing gaze.
Days later they caught the guy, attacking another young girl, before hand cuffing him Elliot and Liv managed to get a few good hits in for Y/N, all the team managed to get revenge for Y/N, Fin slammed him extra hard into the table in the interrogation room.
Munch made fun of the guy and told all his insecurities, Casey tore into him during his trail so bad he instantly pleaded guilty and got sent to prison for 20 years.
After that Liv made sure Y/N never walked home by herself again, always either with a friend or member of SVU. Y/N eventually recovered from the ordeal.
The end!
A rather angsty one hope you liked it, sorry for the wait, also for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1302
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ynsimagines · 1 year
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TW: vomiting
As soon as you’d returned home from hanging out with your friends you hadn’t felt good. By the time you get in the door your stomach is already rumbling. Your mom looks over at you from where she is sitting on the couch watching TV.
“Honey, what’s wrong?”
“My stomach is hurting,” you said going to change into your pajamas while your mom got you a glass of water.
When you came back out into the living room you sat on the couch where your mom handed you the drink before sitting beside you. You tried taking a couple sips despite how repulsed you felt by the idea.
“You feel a little warm,” do you think you might be coming down with something? “Or was it something you ate?”
“My friends and I got burgers, mine tasted weird so I only ate half,” you mumbled now regretting your choices.
“Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry. I promise you this will pass,” said your mom kissing the top of your head.
Feeling slightly comforted by her words you cuddled in her arms, and managed to drift of to sleep despite your discomfort.
You woke up hours later drenched in sweat with a sharp pain in your stomach followed by cramping. Barely registering the fact that you were now in your moms bed you made a mad dash to the bathroom. You got there just in time to empty your stomach contents.
Your mom was there immediately holding your hair back. “It’s okay sweetheart, I’m right here.” She said as she rubbed your back. You spent the next few minutes throwing up before your body finally gave you a break and you were able to lean back into the comfort of your mom. She wrapped her arms around your shivering body to try and provide you with some warmth and kissed the top of your head. “Come on babe, let’s try and get you back to bed.”
Your mom helped you stand up so you could brush your teeth while she flushed the toilet. She then helped you get back into bed before grabbing a cool washcloth and a glass of water.. “This is in case you get sick again and can’t make it to the bathroom, honey,” she said putting the trash can beside you. “I know it’s hard but I want you to try and take a few sips to keep hydrated.”
“Okay,” after you were done you laid back down and your mom placed the cloth on your forehead allowing you to drift back into a uneasy sleep.
You woke back up throughout the night with to empty the contents of your stomach. Each time your mom was right beside you to hold your hair and comfort you. She was also adamant about making sure to keep you hydrated having you take sips of water, and Gatorade after every episode. Throwing up was something you had always hated which made you so grateful to have her there.
A couple of hours had finally passed without you getting sick so your mom decided to see if you could keep a few saltine crackers, and some ginger ale down. After that was successful you were finally able to take a Tylenol and doze back to sleep in your mothers arms.
You don’t wake up again until the early hours of the morning. When you do you realize how much better you’re feeling. Wanting to still feel more warmth you scoot to your mom snuggling into her side.
Your mother pressed her lips to your temple sighing in relief when she realizes your fever has gone down significantly. “How are you feeling, babe?”
“I’m not nauseous anymore,” you said half asleep. “Just really tired.” You said before closing your eyes again.
Liv smiled happily before kissing your forehead and falling back asleep herself.
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countrymusiclover · 24 days
Detective Stabler's Daughter
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Y/n begins her Senior year of college in a Criminal Profiler class but she doesn't expect the professor to be so cute. They begin forming a romantic connection without her father Elliot Stabler knowing till she gets abducted. So Detective Stabler and Reid will have to team up together.
1 - Professor Reid
2 - Coffee Thank You
3 - The First Date
4 - Calling the BAU
5 -
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list - send an ask to be added @hiireadstuff @person-005 @kmc1989
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idontplaytrack · 1 month
Olivia Benson x college student daughter! reader
Warnings: implied sexual assault, coarse language. your typical SVU case discussion scenes.
Reader becomes an SVU case. Olivia gets the shock of her life seeing you walk into the precinct, teary eyed and bruised all over.
It was two a.m., the smell of the precinct’s cheap coffee hung around the air as the squad was in a heated discussion of their leads for a current case. Everybody was a little annoyed due to the lack of sleep, Liv included. Especially Liv— she was in charge. Fighting the sleep and taking another gulp of the black coffee, her ears perked up when she heard footsteps approaching herself and her squad. Her eyes briefly out of focus due to tiredness but quickly came into focus. She squints, her heart sank to the floor when she realised who it was. It was you. In tears, bruised jaw, bleeding cheek. She rushes over to you, asking you what happened.
She knew you weren’t supposed to be home from college until the day after. So you must’ve came back early. You disclosed the attack to your Mother, who then accompanied you to the hospital for an examination. She sat by your side as you laid on the exam table, feeling more vulnerable and in pain than ever as the doctor began asking you questions, swabbing, poking and prodding you. Each action sent a knife through Liv’s heart— she lets you squeeze her hand to divert away the inescapable pain, your cries made her want to double over and burst into tears, but she stayed strong for you. After a few hours, you were finally back home— the sun was rising, signalling the start of a new day but the adrenaline…it was wearing off and you were hit with exhaustion like a ton of bricks. The squad — Kat and Fin wanted to talk to you but Olivia refused to let them, wanting you to get some sleep first.
Olivia pulled the blinds down then sat in your bed with you, “You wanna get some sleep, honey?”
“Will you stay with me?” You asked meekly.
“Of course, sweet girl. I’ll be right here. Okay? Lay down, close your eyes.” And so you did, snuggling under the covers with Olivia sat in the spot beside you holding your hand.
At noon, Fin came by the apartment with Kat. They needed to talk to you, you knew you needed to tell them everything you know, but you were still feeling like a mess. Your heart still felt like it was racing, you constantly felt like someone was watching you...
They were patient with you, maybe more so than they would any other victim, but you appreciated it nonetheless. You recounted your night, letting them know where you were, who you were with and what you were doing. What you saw, what you heard and even smelt were just as crucial.Your Mom left the room hearing you talk about all that went down, and that was when you spotted a blonde in the doorway consoling her- Rollins.
When they were done with their questions, the promptly left you alone knowing you needed the space and peace. They went back to the precinct and your Mom walks back in with Rollins who came by to see you.
"This happened late at night the guy followed her from a bar to the subway. She tried to lose him but he kept following her. She was on her way to the precinct anyway because she knew Liv was working late and wanted to keep her company." Fin began, "Rape kit came back positive for fluids with a match to two cases in other SVUs."
"What bar was she at?" Carisi asks, looking through the file.
"A gay bar."
"Just like in these two cases. The perp did the exact same thing, only this time- they left us DNA.”
Carisi squints, taking a closer look at the information, “Our perp is a woman.”
That evening, Olivia returned to work after you persuaded her to. “We know who it is. The victims on the first two cases refused to testify.”
“One of them responded to us— she wants to testify now. And her case is still within the statute of limitations.” Carisi informs.
“Good, let’s nail this sick bitch.” Olivia declared, “y/n told me she’d testify too if that’s what it takes.”
“Hell yes. Attagirl.” Fin nodded, “We’ll get her, Liv. I promise.”
Olivia scoffs, “Fin- I appreciate it, but don’t speak too soon.”
“We will.”
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bensonsbobblehead · 2 years
Stand Still 
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Pairings: Olivia Benson x Daughter!OC
Olivia Bensons daughter dealing with post op alone or so she thinks. 
 Content warnings: ANGST! Abortions , sex, sexual assault, lots of sadness, basically things that would be talked about in an episode. 
wc; 1.2k
“Ryann Benson?” The nurse called softly from the door. The door Ryann had been staring at for the past two days in a row. This was it, she was doing it, alone.
The young women stood up walking quickly to the door as she turned her phone off. With her head hung low hoping no one in the office would remember her face. 
It’s freezing she thought as the nurse led her to a room and ordered her to take off her clothes. The nurse gave her and gown and left the room. After what felt like forever she returned with a million questions. 
Are you sure this is what you want? Is there anyone you need me to call? We can stop at anytime. Do you have someone to take you home? 
Ryann was on autopilot, she hated she was in this situation. It wasn’t entirely her fault Justin couldn’t take no for an answer so she just gave in. Which she knew her mother wouldn’t be proud of.
Maybe if I would’ve fought harder, he didn’t technically force me, I just gave up on saying no. 
Tears grew in her eyes as she thought about what happened. How he denied it was even his and blocked her number, leaving her completely helpless. She had to be strong, she had no choice. 
Before she knew it was time, Doctors and nurse flooding in with gear and equipment. 
“Just breathe for me” the doctors said as he begun. Ryann cried and breathed and cried again, the pain of it all was unbearable. 
“Is there anything you need sweetie?” The nurse asked holding her hand. 
My mom 
“No” Ryann whispered back wishing time would fly pass so this can all be over. She felt violated all over again. Exposed for everyone to see it was humiliating, all she wanted was her mom. To be there with her through all of this, but she couldn’t.
Olivia always knew how to soothe Ryann whenever she needed to. She’s her baby girl and quite frankly she’ll do anything to see her smile. 
When the procedure was over they gave her a change of clothes, medicine, and sent her on her way. 
She felt like she was hit by a bus but she had to hurry home. Ryann called an Uber and paid her extra to help her up the stairs, it was the least she could do. 
When she got into the apartment it was completely silent. No Olivia, no Noah, just Ryann and her thoughts. She walked to her room and laid down immediately. Stuffing the Planned Parenthood bag almost all the way under her bed. The girl dozed off finally getting some rest. 
“Ry please answer the phone sweetie, I love you”
Olivia left her 4th message to her daughter. Ryann was Olivia’s oldest, she was a responsible girl but sometimes Olivia worried about her. Of course, she was a woman living in this world, how could she not worry. 
Ryann had told her she’s been with her friend since the weekend and she didn’t need to worry. But Olivia felt it in her soul something was up. So, she called Ava, Ryann only friend honestly.
“Hi Ava, I was wondering if Ry was still with you? She hadn’t been returning my calls”
“Hey, and no she actually went home early on Saturday you haven’t seen her?”
My daughters missing
“Thank you Ava” Olivia hung up and quickly called Amanda to her office. 
“Ry is missing, I need .. I need someone to trace her phone and her bank cards and I have to go get Noah” 
“Olivia, relax we are going to find her” Amanda reassured the woman heading toward the team and briefing them. 
Olivia sat in her office wondering how she let her guard down when it came to them she was always on top of it. She wanted Ryann to have more space even if that meant not talking to her everyday. She wondered how she not notice that she was missing.
“Captain” Amanda said from the office door causing Olivia to look up, “You’re going to want to see this” Amanda sat the laptop on her desk showing her daughters latest purchases. The top one being the very pricy one with the words Planned Parenthood next to it. 
“I need to find my daughter now” Olivia stood up grabbing her belongings heading towards the elevator.
The first thing Olivia thought was why would her own daughter want her there for this. It did not matter that her daughter was pregnant but it was about her protection. Making sure there through whatever Ryann had to face. 
When she arrived at the apartment she noticed her daughters shoes and headed toward her door. Knocking softly and getting no response she peaked in. 
Seeing her daughter buried under the blankets holding Little, the stuffed cat her uncle Elliot gave her when she was 9. Olivia walked in trying not to wake her, looking around the room for anything to help her understand what happened. As she moved closer to the bed that when she seen the planned parenthood bag. Filled with papers, pads, aftercare, and an outfit. 
“What happened sweet girl” she whrispered trying not to wake the girl but failing. Ryann turned over to see her mother standing there with the bag in her hand. Tears grew in her eyes fast, “Mama I —“ she said quickly sitting up. Before she could finish Olivia was already taking off her shoes and climbing into bed with her. 
“What’s going on Ry, talk to me” As she held her trying to give her the upmost comfort. Olivia took a look at her daughters face and she looked exhausted, Olivia hated this. 
“Justin and I were making out and it started getting intense and I didn’t want to have sex yet — but he begged even after I said no a thousand times. 
 I gave up and just let him. I didn’t want to do it and now I’m here” she was hysterical, “Please forgive me mama, I shouldn’t have even been doing anything. It’s all my fault.”
Olivia had felt like she was punched in the chest. Her daughter was a … victim. 
“I’m here for you now Ryann, I’m never going anywhere.” Ryann cried even harder, tears falling all over her mother. It 
It took Olivia 30 minutes to calm Ryann down before she spoke up. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I didn’t want you to know I was weak or for you to hate me for even thinking about sex.”
Olivia knew Ryann was a strong, creative girl and he could never hate her. Ryann brought a light into Olivia’s life and it’s been shining bright ever since.
“Look at me, I will never hate you and Ryan you are so strong. he’s the weak on. I wish I was there to hold your hand and be by your side through all of this.” 
Ryann cried harder all she wanted was her mom, she was her role model. Disappointing her was the last thing Ryann wanted to do. 
“It was your choice and I have no right to question that and I absolutely don’t hate you. You’re a part of me Ryann Serena.” 
Ryann snuggled into her mom, tears still falling from her eyes. Ryann had wished she called her mom to come with her to get the abortion
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marchtomydrums · 2 years
You're My Mom
Alex Cabot x Reader(Daughter)
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Being the daughter of a lawyer and the caption of SVU has it’s ups and downs but you wouldn't have it any other way. Both of your mothers love their jobs and work hard every day to get justice for the victims. It's inspiring really to have two strong and independent women as your role models.
Today was like any other as made your way off the subway to visit your mothers after school. Once you learned Olivia was out on a call you decided to visit Alex first. Making your way to her office you heard chatter amongst the other lawyers. They all looked pissed off, to say the least, and were mumbling words like bitch and some other words you weren't allowed to say.
Rounding the corner to your mother's office you see a tall man inside the room with her. He was screaming at her. She looked thoroughly pissed off matching his volume. You've seen this man before his name is Jim. You didn't like him. He was always hanging around your mom and called you kiddo even though you were 16.
Stepping off to the side you listened to the adults bicker back and forth until finally, you heard Jim scream.
“You know what Alex I thought once you got older this whole Ice queen phase would end. But I see I was wrong, you're still a heartless bitch!” he screamed as he slammed the door behind him walking back to his office.
You waited a few moments for a snarky comeback that your mother was famous for but nothing came. Peaking into the office you noticed her hands cradling her head as the tears fell down her cheeks. Alex never really cried in front of you. She always had this calm demeanor about her unless you made her mad. You didn't know why Jim had called her heartless because she was anything but.
Walking into the office you quietly closed the door behind you making your way to her.
“Mom,” you called out.
Alex jumped looking up at you.
“Y/n? I didn't know you were here.”
“I know,” you said giving her a small smile.
She smiles hastily trying to wipe her tears away. You give her a sad smile as you grabbed her hand causing her to look up at you.
“Mom don't listen to him. He's an asshole. “
“Well, he is. He upset you and said things that aren't true. You're not heartless, I've seen you work countless hours for these victims. I've seen you pour your heart, soul, and all of your energy into your work. He doesn't know what he's talking about.”
Alex smiles pulling you into her lap as she hugs you.
“Thank you,” she whispered as more tears fall.
“Well, it's the truth. And I don't like when people are mean to you. You're my mom so I'm allowed to call them assholes. “
She chuckles “ Yes I am. And don't worry about Jim he'll calm down eventually.”
“I really don't like him,” you grumbled making Alex laugh more.
“Your mother isn't a fan of him either.”
“Yeah if she knew he made you cry she'd kill him.” you laughed.
Alex laughs nodding her head. You smiled leaning in deeper into her embrace.
“I love you, mom. “
“I love you too sweetie.”
“But..” you said pulling back to look at her.
“If he makes you cry or calls me kiddo one more time I will drop-kick him. I know how Uncle Fin taught me.”
Alex laughs loudly shaking her head at you.
“Okay honey I'll let him know.”
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detectivelexi · 2 years
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Fin tutuola x daughter reader
Summary- reader misses her dad and starts acting up as her mother stops caring so she can pay attention to Ken . more than you.
I miss my dad so fucking much, my stupid mother has made him leave and she dosent even care Abt me it's all about ken.
You ok ken.
Yn look after your brother.
Do the dishes yn.
Why can't you be like ken.
Is all I here everyday of my life what I didn't know is my brother had called out father telling him Abt the situation.
So my dad, Olivia, munch, fin and Elliot were all at my school today to surprise me.
*fin pov*.
"where is she". Fin said as he walked up to Ken.
"probably the field". Ken said ending the conversation as fin walked of with his team behind him.
They were not expecting what they saw tho.
"at least I have a dad that cares about me where's yours tho oh that's right he dosent give two shits about you, either does your mother and bro-". Some girl was yelling at my daughter. But she got cut off as yn punched her hard in the jaw making her stumble back.
"my dad has a job he needs to do you fucking whore, and at least my dad isn't a pedophile so fuck off". She says punching her again as a cop grabs her arm.
Olivia, munch and Elliot were in shock as we ran over to make the cop leave her.
"let her go". Munch says holding up the badge so they let her go.
"baby are you ok". I say as she turned to shaking the blood of her hand.
"dad?". She asked tears welling in her eyes.
"it's me sweet". I couldn't even finish my sentence before she was in my arm hugging me as I hugged her Back.
"I missed you dad". She said against my shirt.
"that was a hard punch definitely fins daughter". The team said in union as laughed yn still clinging to me.
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hotmomsonly101 · 4 months
Little kicks (Olivia benson x fem reader)
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Summary: you’re 6 months pregnant with you and Olivia(your wife) baby, whilst your at work you feel your baby kicking you
warnings: none
every since I told Olivia that we are pregnant, she is by my side 24/7 Olivia is always there for me as is Noah, I barely get to do my job because Olivia is the boss and doesn't want me doing field work she wants me at the station that's is the only way she will let me work is if I stay at the station til after I give birth.
this morning was something, Olivia was called into early and she took Noah to school so I was alone, I had some paperwork to do so I had to get up and go to work, so I get up and slowly walk to the bathroom to take a shower, after I get out I do my hair, and get dressed I put on a long gray dress and sandals and I start to do my makeup and my phone rings
I see the contract name “wife❤️” I answer it
“Hello”I say as I’m doing my eyeliner
“Hey princess, what you up to” she says I can hear typing at her computer
“I’m doing my makeup and then I’m coming to do paperwork” I start on my mascara
“Oh okay baby, please be careful driving here”I can hear the worried tone
“Liv I will be fine, it’s not that far of a drive”I finish my makeup “I’m on the way I’m done with my makeup”
“Okay beautiful can’t wait to see you I love you be safe” I grab my keys and my bag
“I love you to liv” I say and I hang up, I slowly walk to my car and drive to the office, and slowly walk inside and go into Olivia’s office
“Ow ow, I think I’m in pain, your beauty is killing me”she says as she looks at me through her glasses
“Shut up” I say putting my bag on her couch
“Come here”she spins in her chair to face me
I walk over and lean down and kiss her lips slowly she grips on my waist as we share a romantic and intimate kiss we break the kiss and Olivia puts her hand on my belly
“How is my little munchkin”she asks slowly rubbing my belly and planting little kisses on it
“Hasn’t been to active today” I smile and knit my fingers through her hair
After some time I really had to get my work done, so I go and sit in the corner of her office, I don’t really have a desk I mean I do but I prefer to be near Olivia and Olivia prefers me to be close to her in case something happens anyways, since I’ve been going through a lot of pain and throwing up lately liv wants to be able to keep an eye on me just to make sure I’m okay.
Half way through i need a break so i grab my water bottle and drink it and close my eyes, my back is killing me, my child will be the death of me, I’ve had the most worst pains like my back, my breast and my feet, I’ve been making sure to get enough rest and drink as much water as I can. Olivia is on the phone talking to someone, I’m not sure who but I slowly stand up and hold my stomach as put my hand on the couch to steady myself.
“Oh fuck” I say as my daughter just kicked the side of me with such force
Olivia looks at me and tells the person that she will call them back and rushes to her face and comes to me
“are you okay honey” she says as she makes her way to me and grabs my waist
“She just kicked me so hard liv, and my back hurts so bad”I look at her getting emotional and tears fall
“Hey baby, it’s okay” she grabs my face with her hands and makes me look at her “just breathe princess it’s okay” she wipes my tears and kisses my forehead as I take some deep breaths
Olivia turns me around and goes behind me and from behind she rubs my belly with her hands and kisses my cheek loving before she lightly lifts my belly so I can breathe for a moment without the pressure of my baby
“Better angel” she kisses my temple
“Yes, I’m not carrying anymore kids” she laughs as I say that “seriously Livy” I tell her
“I know baby but you are so funny” she keeps kissing my temple
Olivia just cradles my baby bump with care, kissing at my temple and whispering loving words into my ears, after some time she lightly lowers it I definitely feel much better that I got a little break of having to carry my heavy daughter only 4 more months til I don’t have to carry a human being in my body
“Thank you Livy” I smile at her
“Anything for you angel” she grabs my face and gives me a loving and gentle kiss, I smile into it
“I love you”I tell her as we break our kiss
“I love you more sweets”she says before she gives me another deep and gentle kiss
For the rest of the day I did my paperwork and hung out with Olivia whilst she did captain duty’s and then we went home so I can relax and sleep off the painful and how pregnancy pains.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 3 months
Masterlist & Request Guidelines
I'm in a hardcore fanfic-writing fixation rn so please, please feel free to request anything. Masterlist and Request Guidelines below.
Olivia Benson (Law & Order: SVU)
Can You Stay?
Alex Blake (Criminal Minds)
What You Want (18+)
Inside Your Head
Alex Cabot (Law & Order: SVU)
Alex Cabot x Reader Headcanons
After General Anesthesia
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Headcanons
What You Give
Carol Danvers (Marvel)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
A Hard Day
Jennifer Jareau (Criminal Minds)
The Dogs
The Intruder
Casey Novak (Law & Order: SVU)
Someone Will See
First Time (18+)
Sunday Mornings
She Likes You Anyway
Empty House (18+)
You're Safe Now
Home for the Holidays
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (18+)
I Need You To
Your Brother's Wedding
Casey Novak x Reader Headcanons
After General Anesthesia
Panic! At the DA's Office
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Headcanons
May the Fourth Be With You
Maggie Pierce (Grey's Anatomy)
Just as Friends
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
Coming Out
Let Me Keep You Safe (18+)
Emily Prentiss x Reader Headcanons
Shelter from the Storm
Don't Lie to Me
The Surprise (Part 1)
The Lentil & The Blueberry (The Surprise, Part 2) (18+)
The Kidney Bean & The Grape (The Surprise, Part 3)
The Kumquat (The Surprise, Part 4)
The Fig & The Lime (The Surprise, Part 5)
The Peapod (The Surprise, Part 6)
Burning (18+)
The Lemon & The Apple (The Surprise, Part 7) (18+)
The Avocado & The Turnip (The Surprise, Part 8)
The Bell Pepper & The Big Tomato (The Surprise, Part 9)
Tracing You
The Banana (The Surprise, Part 10)
The Carrot (The Surprise, Part 11) (18+)
Tiny (x daughter!reader)
The Spaghetti Squash (The Surprise, Part 12)
The Mango (The Surprise, Part 13)
The Corn Cob (The Surprise, Part 14)
The Rutabaga (The Surprise, Part 15)
Arizona Robbins (Grey's Anatomy)
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel)
Amelia Shepherd (Grey's Anatomy)
Sick Call
Tea for Two
Strap Up (18+)
Postpartum (18+)
Playing It Safe (18+)
You're Mine (18+)
The R Word
Left Unsaid (18+)
Callie Torres (Grey's Anatomy)
Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy)
If you have requests for characters outside of the above, please feel free to send them on anyway! The above are just characters I've written for before. If I'm familiar with the character/source material and the request meets my parameters, I'll be happy to give it a shot!
I only write x reader. I don't really enjoy writing about already-existing relationships or character ships.
I only write for people with v*lvas. I absolutely welcome non-binary/gender non-conforming characters/readers. Just be aware that, where smut is concerned, I only feel confident writing about humans with v*ginas.
I don't feel comfortable writing dark!characters or smut that's degrading. Kinks and other smut-related requests I take on a case-by-case basis. But I absolutely will not write anything that even gets close to the line of non-consensual. No shade to you if the above are things you enjoy reading/writing, they're just personally not for me.
Autistic readers are so welcome! I love reading and writing x autistic!reader fics!
I do feel comfortable writing about the aftermath of trauma (sexual or otherwise), most mental illnesses, etc. I enjoy a good hurt/comfort fic and, as someone who's dealt with both of the above, I know it can be very comforting to read something that makes you feel like you're cared for and safe.
I also really enjoy writing headcanons, so feel free to request those as well! The same rules apply for headcanons that apply for fics.
Send those requests on, bbs!
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cabotwife · 4 months
i need a comfort fic and I never see any of this topic🥹
if you could please write a Olivia/daughter reader or Olivia/reader!!! Preferably Olivia catching on to them restricting/failing into an Rd and comforts them about it!!!
City of Angels
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Olivia Benson x Foster Daughter!Teen!Reader
warnings: ooc liv? kinda mention of an eating disorder, not proofread
word count: 1788
a/n: this is actually so bad i wanna rip my hair out.
living an easy life wasn't something you were entirely familiar with. for the last two years your life had been a chaotic whirlwind, being shuffled from one home to another.
the idea of an easy life becomes complicated when your existence has been laced with a constant stream of pain and the need to run from everything good. it's challenging to imagine such a life when your reality has always been like this.
even before you found yourself lost among the countless faceless children within the foster system, all you had known was a life filled with fear and adversity.
but now, you have your Olivia.
your Olivia who tells you she loves you, but who’re you to believe her? how could she possibly love a child that’s not hers?
this is the question that haunts your thoughts during your countless long, sleepless nights. the painful realization that you're just a charity case to the brunette detective, a lost delinquent she's taken under her wing to "fix" is something you can't shake. she’s never said it outright, but you can see it. it's there, hiding in the depths of her eyes.
you've been living with Olivia for almost half a year now. during this time, you and her had been growing closer, your defensive walls have started to crumble, allowing the other woman to step into your world and take you into her arms.
everything seemed to be going well, or at least that's what you thought. but one day, everything took a turn when Olivia brought home Noah.
Noah, an undeniably adorable little boy.
the moment he was brought into the apartment, you could sense a shift in the atmosphere. at first, you managed to adapt to the change. but then, you found yourself being pushed to the side, overlooked for Noah.
the moment you found yourself sidelined, your defensive walls shot back up, leaving Olivia and now Noah on the outside.
and once again, you were alone.
the love you can see in Olivia’s eyes when she looks at the little toddler is a kind of love you've never experienced for yourself. it's a stark reminder of the unfair differences between your experiences and his.
it didn't even take a month for Olivia to officially adopt Noah.
things took a turn for the worse rather quickly.
it began with you avoiding shared meals with the two brunettes. you started eating later or earlier, making sure to finish before Olivia got home. but recently, you found yourself skipping meals altogether.
Olivia had noticed you pulling away from her, but she chose not to do anything in fear of worsening the situation. despite your growing distance, she continued to reach out, hoping to assure you that you're welcome in her life. but your actions have been making it increasingly difficult for her.
in the midst of a typical day at work, Olivia sifts through the details of her most recent case, surrounded by the familiar hum of activity in the precinct. the sudden ring of her phone disrupts the rhythmic tapping of her fingers on the keyboard.
answering the phone in a questioning voice, she says, “hello?” the unknown number on the screen does nothing to prepare her for the conversation ahead.
a professional, yet strained voice responds from the other end, “hi, is this Olivia Benson?” the question hangs in the air, causing Olivia to furrow her eyebrows in confusion. she straightens up in her chair, her police instincts kick in.
the change in her demeanor catches the attention of Fin, who is now visibly alert. “yes, it is. who’s asking?” Olivia responds, her tone guarded yet curious.
the voice on the other side of the line calmly explains, “you’re listed as y/n l/n’s emergency contact. i’m calling to inform you that she is currently with us at Mercy General Hospital.” the words are delivered with an air of professional detachment.
the brunette springs up from her desk, grabbing her jacket hurriedly. her mind is a whirlwind of questions. “what? why? what happened?” in her panic, she barely notices Fin rising from his desk, his eyes locked with hers in shared concern.
briefly pulling the phone away from her mouth, she manages to choke out to Fin, “y/n’s in the hospital, i have to go.”
the severity of the situation is evident in her voice, “i’ll drive,” the older detective quickly offers, swiftly grabbing his keys and ushering Olivia out of the precinct, the hum of activity fades as they rush out to his car.
by the end of the call, Olivia is left with a sinking feeling of dread. despite the explanations given, she can't fully comprehend what is happening. her mind is filled with concern for her little girl.
before she knows it, Fin's car screeches to a halt in front of Mercy General Hospital and without a moment’s hesitation, Olivia jumps out, her heart pounding as she practically sprints through the entrance. once the brunette reaches the front desk she slaps her hands down on the counter, “y/n l/n, what room is she in?” she demands, her voice strained with urgency.
the desk attendant looks up, her gaze questioning as she scrolls through the records on her computer. “I’m sorry, who’re you?” she inquires, her head tilted slightly in confusion.
taking a moment to collect herself, Olivia responds, “oh, Olivia Benson. i’m her foster mother, her emergency contact." she leans over the desk, trying to catch a glimpse of the room number on the screen.
the woman hums in response, scrolling for a few more seconds before finally speaking, “y/n l/n is in room 281.” she looks up, meeting Olivia’s desperate gaze.
mumbling a quick ‘thank you’, Olivia speeds off towards the room, her heart pounding in her chest. when she finally reaches the room, she is met with the sight of you, lying in the hospital bed with an IV drip in your arm and a small, untouched cup of red jello on the bedside table.
“y/n.” Olivia manages to breathe out, making her way over to the bed. her voice is soft and filled with concern, “what happened? are you okay, baby?” she gently takes your hand in hers, her touch as soft as her voice.
you simply hum in response and pull your hand away from hers, settling it back in your lap. “yeah, ‘m fine.”
Olivia’s eyebrows furrow as she looks down at you, her maternal instincts kick in. “you are not fine. you’re in the hospital. now, are you going to tell me what happened or do i have to go ask a doctor because i can’t trust my own daughter?”
for the first time, your eyes snap to Olivia, finally meeting hers. “i’m not your daughter, Olivia,” you retort, rolling your eyes.
the sharpness of your words takes Olivia by surprise. her frown deepens and her eyes soften. “what’re you talking about, y/n/n? of course you’re my daughter.” her voice is gentle, filled with warmth as she squats down beside the bed to be at eye level with you. “what’s been going on, sweet girl? you haven’t been yourself.” she takes your hand again, her thumb soothingly rubbing the back of your hand.
you just mumble in response, avoiding Olivia's gaze and instead focusing on the wall, which has suddenly become very interesting. “nothin’..”
sighing, Olivia stares at you for a moment before standing back up. she leans down and presses a tender kiss to your hairline before heading towards the door. “i’ll be back. i’m going to go find your doctor since you won’t tell me anything.”
as she reaches the door, your voice stops her in her tracks. “wait, Olivia,” your voice is louder than you intended. you look up at Olivia, your eyes teary and pleading. “i’ll tell you, please, i’m sorry.”
the older woman turns around, her arms crossed as she waits for you to speak. “okay. i’m listening.”
"you know, i've just been... i don't know how to say it..." you mumble, searching for the right words, the right way to phrase what happened.
Olivia sits on the edge of the hospital bed, by your knees. her gaze, full of concern and empathy, watches you as you struggle to articulate your thoughts.
"i've been struggling with eating recently.." you admit in a whisper, your words barely audible in the sterile silence of the hospital room. heat rushes to your cheeks, a mixture of embarrassment and shame. "i passed out while i was with Luka. he brought me here after i woke up.. i'm sorry, Liv, i know how expensive it is and i know you’re mad-"
"oh, my sweet girl," Olivia interrupts, her voice filled with love. she surges forward, wrapping you in a comforting embrace. when she pulls away, her hands cup your cheeks, her words a soothing balm. "my sweet, sweet girl... no, i’m not mad. I'm just happy you're okay," she whispers, her eyes locked onto yours.
and in that moment, you see it — the same love you've always seen in her eyes when she looks at Noah. but now, it's directed at you.
a silence descends on the two of you, heavy but not uncomfortable. Olivia leans forward to hug you again, and you find yourself lost in your thoughts.
after a few minutes of quiet reflection, you break the silence. "hey, Liv?" you whisper, your voice barely audible.
"yes, y/n/n?" she replies after a moment, pulling away to look into your eyes.
"why... um, why did you adopt Noah and not me? are you going to send me back?" you ask, the words tumbling out in a rush, a slight rasp in your voice revealing your fear and uncertainty.
Olivia's eyes widen in surprise before they soften. "oh, honey... i'm not sending you back. you're my daughter, you understand? it's just... it's a little more complicated when your biological mother is still alive," she explains gently. "i've been trying so hard, you have to believe me. it's just that these things... they take time."
you stare at her, tears welling in your eyes. after a moment, you lean forward, hugging her gently and burying your face against her shoulder as you try to hold back the tears. "i'm sorry, Liv."
"you have nothing to apologize for, okay? we're going to get you the help you need. we're going to sort everything out, and we'll be a family," she promises, her voice soft and reassuring. she kisses your hair as she wraps her arms around you in a comforting embrace. "how does that sound?"
"good... sounds good," you whisper back, a sense of peace settling over you.
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oneshotnewbie · 6 months
How would Olivia react if her daughter was diagnosed with a chronic illness (like Lupus).
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Olivia would have been initially shocked and disbelieving and would have fallen into a sort of initial denial. She wouldn't believe the diagnosis at first and would hope that it was a misunderstanding or a mistake and would therefore, as a precaution, see another doctor for a second opinion.
Through her desperation, Olivia is sad because she is worried about your well-being and the possible effects of the illness. The same evening you were diagnosed, she intensively searched for information on the Internet in order to better understand the disease and, above all, to know what to expect. Eventually she finds herself in a forum where she encounters parents who have had similar experiences.
As she interacts with other parents, she learns that it would be better to seek professional help, in the form of psychotherapy or counseling, to learn how to deal with the emotional distress, your illness, and manage her own stress because somewhere deep inside, Olivia partly blames herself and wonders if she could have done anything to prevent the illness.
Despite the great fear about your future, she may wonder how you can lead a normal life, how the illness will affect your school and career opportunities, since you have always dreamed of following in your mother's footsteps. Despite the initial shock, she still radiates a certain amount of hope and optimism because she believes that you can lead a fulfilling life despite the illness and looks for ways to enable you to lead an active and happy life.
With her fierce attitude, Olivia is determined to do everything in her power to help you achieve your dreams, which is why she is actively involved in finding the best medical treatment options and considering therapeutic approaches. She comes to terms with the diagnosis and accepts it, adjusting her lifestyle with the new illness of yours, despite the challenges that the chronic illness brings.
She makes a special effort to have a strong and supportive relationship with you during the early stages of the illness to make you feel loved and understood. Olivia brings open communication to the agenda. She brings out more empathy and support, takes more time for you, and scales down her activities as a lieutenant a little. She listens carefully to you when you have bad days when your physical pain puts pressure on your mental health and accompanies you to every doctor's visit, regardless of whether there is a new case or not. Not that she didn't support you, but now she's doing it twice as hard in every aspect of your life.
To be clear: Olivia is not the best chef the world has ever seen. But when her parents gave her the tip to cook for you in a healthy and vitamin-rich way to alleviate your symptoms and pain, she tried to educate herself in her free time and prepare meals for you on her own. However, she made you a promise to only order pizza or high-fat meals every other Sunday.
Her love language would go through the roof! Small, important gifts would haunt you, as well as lots of kisses on the temple, forehead, nose and light hugs so that she doesn't add anything to your pain.
Olivia tries to mobilize your family (Amanda, Finn, Elliot, Kat, Carisi) and tie you close to them so that you don't distance yourself and keep your pain and problems to yourself. Your SVU family supports you, helps you when you can't do some things and supports you wherever they can.
But in the midst of worrying about you, Olivia has neglected her own needs. She lost sight of her own health and well-being, but quickly understood that she wasn't helping anyone but rather doing harm, which is why she takes time, takes care of herself and meets her emotional needs when needed.
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drghostwrite · 4 months
Could you do an Olivia Benson/daughter reader or Olivia Benson/ (romantic) reader?(or Arizona Robbins.)The topic being ED if you're comfortable with it! Maybe Olivia catches on a little late that y/ns been restricting/falling into an eating disorder and confronts/comforts them about it!!
Okay so technically I haven’t written anything exactly in this vein BUT we’re gonna try it and see what you think… also thanks for the idea and ofc it’s with the one and only Olivia Benson.
Pairing: Olivia Benson x Fem!reader (romantic)
Summary: you get the memo from above… though I wrote more as she catches early on BUT the reader has already started to cement in her ways.
******************************************************** 76 hours had gone buy…
76 hours of tears and frustration, tired eyes and strained muscles…
76 hours of phone calls and case files, pictures and reports scattered on the desks before you…
Olivia smiled sympathetically at the sight before her, you were sat at your desk head leaned forward onto your arms that were crossed shielding your face as you slept, case files lay flustered around you…
This case was taking its toll and she could tell, you weren’t sleeping right, waking up at night, tossing and turning in bed, you were determined and that meant that you probably weren’t taking care of yourself either and it killed her to see you like that…
You felt as a hand softly rubbed your back, pulling you back to reality, you sat back slowly rubbing tired eyes.
“Olivia… Hey…” you said, blinking the sleep out of your eyes as you squinted up at her. She looked down at you and smirked slightly seeing the redness in your eyes, she knew you were exhausted.
“Love I think it’s time…”
“for?” You asked.
“for us to go home…”
“I-I can’t I’m so close…”
“Y/N you’re exhausted…”
“I’m fine…”
“No you’re not you’re exhausted…”
“Okay, then when’s the last time you showered or even ate…”
“Y/N I don’t think I’ve seen you take one bite since the start of this case…”
“and what’s that matter to you?!”
she looked at you pain plaguing her features.
“how long has it been going on?”
“how lo mg have you been struggling with eating?”
“I don’t know, why?” You said rubbing your hands angrily over your face.
“It’s not healthy, beating your body up like this is not good for you.”
“and how would you know what’s good for me?” You said pointedly. Immediately she drew back and you realized what you had said.
“Because I love you… even when you treat me like that… I still love you.” She said and turned towards her office.
“wait im sorry… i didn’t mean it… I-I just want to figure this out…”
“I know and that’s what makes you a great agent but you’re no good to anyone if you don’t take care of yourself.”
“I-I ca-can’t…” you said tears starting to run down your face. She came back towards you and pulled you into a hug, you stood sobbing in her arms… all the frustration and anger the fear and worry, it all hit you at once and you just let it out in her arms.
“Y/N I love you no matter what you know that and I will stand by you and help you but I can’t watch you kill yourself over this job… I will fight for you but if this has been going on for awhile then we need to get you help.”
“I don’t need…”
“Y/N please…” you looked up into her eyes as she studied your features and slowly but surely you nodded in agreement.
“okay, but…”
“I’ll walk through this with you… all of it, I love you Y/N.”
“I love you to.” You says and you leaned up to kiss her, to during the night Busch at your house talking to her and explaining everything, she helped to get through it and thankfully stuck by your side through the good and bad days… never once making you question if she would leave.
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countrymusiclover · 20 days
2 - Coffee Thank You
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Part 3
Detective Stabler's Daughter
Tag list - send an ask to be added @hiireadstuff
It had been a few weeks since I started my classes and I was doing fairly well in them except for the newest assignment in Professor Reid’s class. Kathleen wasn’t really concerned with the class like I was. Re-reading over the notes I had taken I had zoned out the fact that he had ended class for the afternoon and everyone else was leaving until my sister shakes my shoulder. “Hey! Hey Y/n. Class is over.” 
“It is. Uh sorry.” I looked at her, noticing that she had her backpack on her shoulders standing in front of me. 
I glanced back down at my messy notebook. “Hey, I'll meet you later. I have some questions to ask the professor.” 
“Okay. Hopefully you won’t come off as a serious college student in your last year.”
I sent her a glare. “Kathleen.”
“I just want to have some fun with my sister.” She walked down the aisle and out the large door. 
Walking down the rows until I reached his desk he was putting his notebook away in his bag getting ready to leave. “Professor Reid, could I ask you some questions about our newest assignment?” 
“Of course.” He set his bag down back on the large desk. “What are your questions?” 
Sitting my bag down on the ground tile I scanned over the questions I had written down. “I’ve been looking over the assignment but I don’t understand how we are supposed to profile these past cases.” 
“Being a profile isn’t easy. But let’s look at the situation I gave you.” He suggested eyeing my papers. 
I nervously nodded, handing him my papers. “Okay.” 
“The situation reads : A man abducted three blonde girls and held them captive in a basement. He forced these girls to have sex with him and if they refused he held them down and he used a medication to make them go blind as punishment.” He read over the assignment description. “Tell me your thoughts on why this guy chose this punishment or what type of pattern this would fall under.” 
I clicked my tongue avoiding his gaze since I was nervous that I might be wrong. “The reason for punishment was that he wanted to be in control of the girls and if they didn’t find attraction towards him then - he used it to make them feel the pain he felt.” 
“And what do you think the trigger was?” Professor Reid asked me. 
Brushing hair out of my face I paused for a few minutes before answering him. “The trigger likely could have been that he had a girlfriend or a girl he was interested in that looked like the girls. And she rejected him, not finding him attractive.” 
“Exactly. You’re exactly right.” He smiled at me. 
I raised a brow. “Really?” 
“Yes. Now if you just write all that down and bring it on the day it’s due. You’ll get a good grade.” He cheered me on handing my notes back to me. 
I took it from his outstretched hand. “Thank you, Professor Reid.” 
“You’re welcome, Ms. Stabler.” He swings his bag over his left shoulder heading towards the doors. “I’ll see you in class.”
“Wait. Professor Reid, how can I thank you - um more properly.” 
He paused in his steps. “Oh I don’t think that is necessary.” 
“Well I think I should do something. Considering most of the professor's that I've had aren't always open to questions and have told me that I should be able to figure it out on my own.” I explained to him putting my notebook back up and shrugging my bag over my shoulders. 
My professor clicked his tongue. “Well I suppose it's okay. Just nothing too serious.” 
“How about going for coffee near campus?” I suggested with a slight smirk on my face. 
He finally agreed to that idea. “That's good.” 
We made our way across the campus just silently walking until we passed the entrance sign of the campus. His class was my last one on Thursday’s so I was done for the evening. It was a nice day when we reached the nearest shop where he held the door open for me to go in first like a gentleman. “Thank you.” 
“No problem. Ms. Stabler.” He replied following behind me where we sat down at the nearest round table. 
“One Strawberry Creme Frappuccino for you, Ms. Stabler. And a White Chocolate Mocha for me.” Spencer came back with two drinks in hand since I had told him what I wanted. He sat back down in his chair across from mine. 
I sat across from him hanging my bag on the back part, correcting him in the nicest way possible. “You should call - can call me Y/n if we go out for coffee like this again. I mean only if you want to.” 
“You’d want to go out for coffee again?” 
I sipped my coffee cup. “Maybe. Unless that’s super unprofessional in our situation.” 
“It’s more than that.” He tapped his fingers on the sides of the plastic cup. 
Taking a long sip from my coffee I wasn’t sure what had come over me. Yet I didn’t feel that nervous around him. “What do you mean?” 
“I can’t entirely understand how I feel about you. But I just - I think that I want to know more about you.”
Tilting my head to the side my curiosity came over me. “Like wanting to go on a date type of thing?” 
“Y-yeah. Only if you’re up for it.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“Hmm let’s see. Tell me something most people wouldn’t know about you just by looking at you.” 
Spencer thought briefly for a second tapping his fingers on the table before snapping his fingers at me. “I’m banned from casinos in Las Vegas, Laughlin and Pahrump because of my card counting ability.” 
“Woah. You really must be a genius.” 
He sent me a shy smile. “I graduated high school at the age of 12.” 
“That is incredible. And please don’t take offense to this but how do you not have a girlfriend or wife already?” 
He shrugged his shoulders, finishing the rest of his drink in his cup before sitting it down on the table avoiding my gaze waiting for my response. “Typically I haven’t been the best at talking to other people. I um - I feel like I always come off as weird or awkward talking to women  - which is way too personal when we haven’t even been on a date yet.” 
“One thing about me is that I am a Detective’s daughter.” I clasped my hands together resting my chin on the palms of my hands. 
Spencer raised a brow at me. “Can I know the detective's name? Unless that’s too invasive.” 
“Pfft it’s totally fine. My father’s name is Detective Elliot Stabler. He works for the Special Victims Unit here in the city.” 
He chuckled softly. “I already told you this in class but I do work for the FBI. Specifically the Behavioral Analysis Unit.” 
“That’s pretty impressive.” I smiled back at him. 
Spencer met my gaze with his brown eyes that deeply looked into mine when he asked the question that popped into his head and was making him super nervous on the inside. “At the risk of overstepping you can decline. But uh - would you maybe wanna go out with me tonight?” 
“We’d have to go off campus. But yes that sounds like fun.” I finished off my coffee throwing both of our drinks away then we headed back to the campus. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Olivia Benson x teen!daughter reader
Warnings: none.
In which Olivia meets reader’s girlfriend for the first time.
“After school, are you coming straight home or are you going out?”
“Oh- uh, I have a date with Ramona.”
“A date? Okay, have a good time and be alert, yeah?”
“Of course, mama. I will.” You nodded, swinging your backpack over your shoulder.
You leave the house several minutes ahead of her to get to school- as usual. Your spirits were high since you'd get to see your girlfriend after school- it's been a hectic week.
Meanwhile, at SVU, Rollins knocks on Liv's office door to talk. "Liv, everything okay? I saw you through the window and you seem a little...worried?"
"Worried? Maybe a little, but mainly kind of happy? I mean, this morning I asked y/n what she was doing after school and she just tells me she has a date. She's never been one to be so open and tell me something like that."
"It seems like she's finally ready to let you know she's seeing someone. That's great, Liv."
"I know. It is, just a little shocked is all."
After class, you waited for Ramona at a nearby coffeehouse. She was coming from her school but it wasn't far away from the place so it didn't take her long. "Hey!" You waved and she saw you. "Hi, babe." She pecks your lips softly, "Did you wait for long?"
"No, just fifteen minutes. Ready to order?"
"Yep." She put her backpack down and two of you got up and joined the line. You've already gotten yourself a drink, but you decided to get some food now as well.
“So, a couple weeks ago you brought up meeting your Mom and I did give it some thought.”
“We don’t have to-”
“I know that. But I think now’s a pretty good time. We’re coming up to a year and if you feel ready, just know that I am too.”
“Okay. Shall we do that tonight? Mom promised to make her famous lasagna.”
“Ooh, yum.” Ramona nodded in agreement, “Can’t wait. Your Mom’s such a badass.”
“She is.” You agreed.
Later that evening, you took Ramona home with you. Your Mom was cooking and had just put the lasagna into the oven. “Mom, I’m home. I’m brought Ramona with me.”
“Oh, wow. Hello.” She shut the door of the oven and whipped her head around. “It’s great to finally meet you, Ramona.”
“It’s so nice to meet you too.” Ramona shook her hand, “How would you like me to address you?”
“Olivia’s fine.” She smiled.
“Alright.” Ramona nods, returning her smile.
While waiting for the lasagna to be ready, your Mom got the chance to get to know Ramona. “How’d you two meet?”
“A year ago at the away track meet.” You answered.
“Took me nearly two months to get the guts to ask her out.” Ramona admitted, “Now I know where she gets her beauty from. You two look so alike.”
Olivia chuckles. You blushed, nudging her playfully, “Stop.”
“You are gorgeous.” Ramona shrugged, rubbing your thigh soothingly.
“What are your plans for college?”
“Mom.” Your eyes widened in shock.
“It’s okay.” Ramona says, “I’m going to NYU in the fall. Early decision.”
“That’s really impressive. Congratulations.”
“Thanks.” Ramona smiled.
“I’m just glad my daughter’s met someone that loves her so much. It’s clear to me she feels the same way about you.” Olivia says, right as the oven dinged.
After dinner, Ramona said bye to your Mom, then you, alone. “I’ll see you Sunday?” You ask.
“Yeah.” She nods, giving you a sweet kiss on the lips, “We’ll hit a couple of bookstores then check out the new cafe.”
“Sounds great.”
“Night, baby.” Ramona runs her thumb over your knuckles.
“Good night.”
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naturesapphic · 5 months
Could you do an Olivia Benson/daughter reader or Olivia Benson/ (romantic) reader? The topic being ED if you're comfortable with it! Maybe Olivia catches on a little late that y/ns been restricting/falling into an eating disorder and confronts/comforts them about it!!
If you don't write for a Olivia Lorraine Warren would be okay too, I'm just asking for a comfort fic🥹
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“You are beautiful to me”
Olivia benson x fem!reader
Warnings: talks of eating disorders, comfort/fluff
These past few months have been extremely difficult. A lot has been going on and I don’t know why but I’m falling back into old habits again. I haven’t been eating or drinking a lot, it’s just been too difficult for me too. I have no desire to eat or to drink, the thought of it makes me nauseous and upset. Of course I’ll eat little things here and there but never really a full course meal like before. I’m sure that my girlfriend has noticed, I mean, she is the captain of the svu squad. She hasn’t said anything to me yet about it which I have mixed feelings about. I want her to know what’s wrong without having to tell her because it’s still hard to talk about it to this day, and I know it’s not fair on her since she can’t read my mind but I wish she could so I didn’t have to physically say anything to her. When I started these old habits it started a few months ago.
~ flashback ~
I woke up to an empty bed which isn’t uncommon as Olivia gets called in at night or early in the morning all the time so I’m pretty much used to it now. There was a note on her pillow and you grabbed it. It read “good morning my sweetheart, I’m sorry but I got called in early this morning, I’ll be back hopefully tonight. I love you.” ~ Olivia <3. You put the note back down on the pillow and sighed. You know she’s been busy and you understand that but recently it feels like she doesn’t want to be around you anymore. It’s like she takes anything they offer, even if it’s just doing paperwork, to just get away from you. You know it’s a long stretch and it’s probably not true but you can’t get it out of your head.
You stood up from the bed and stretched, feeling all of your bones pop and crack. Then you went into the kitchen and got yourself y/f/c (your favorite cereal) and some milk. You noticed that you only put a little bit of cereal and milk in the bowl, usually you get a huge bowl full and fill it up but today, it was weird. You didn’t feel that hungry as you normally do and you didn’t feel that great mentally. You just felt sad, which isn’t for no reason because you miss your girlfriend but you felt…icky in some way. You felt extremely insecure in this present moment and you can’t pinpoint why.
~ flashback over ~
That’s how it all started again. I didn’t think it would happen again, after all this time, but it did. Ever since that weird day, I haven’t been exactly the same. Like today for example, Olivia had a few days off for vacation and she gladly took it because she misses you a lot. Which you are glad she took the days but you can tell that she knows about it and you are scared that she will leave you. What if she sees your body like how you do? What if she doesn’t love you anymore? What if-. Your thoughts were interrupted by Olivia’s voice. “Sweetheart? Are you okay?” She asked you as she gently shook your shoulder. You snap out of it and look over at her at her spot on the couch beside you. She had a worried look on her face and you felt bad for making her feel this way.
“I’m sorry…I haven’t felt like myself recently..” you confessed and Olivia gave you a sympathetic look. “I know babygirl…I am a captain and once a detective so I know these kind of things baby. Would you like to tell me what’s going on and why you haven’t been eating?” She asked you softly and your eyes fill with tears. “It’s hard to talk about and I’m scared that you will look at me differently..” you confessed and Olivia took your hands in hers and gently ran her thumb across your knuckles. “Take your time baby and if you don’t want to tell me now that’s okay.” She reassured you and you nodded your head in understanding, grateful that she’s so patient with you. You took a deep breath in and faced her on the couch and started explaining everything from your past and your relationship with food. Olivia listened to you all the way through and kept running her thumb over your hand to help you stay calm while you tell her.
“And recently I’ve been falling back into it again…I’m not completely sure why besides me feeling insecure and wanting to look a certain way…I thought I was over it but I guess I’m not…” you said defeated and Olivia used her other hand to wipe the tears that were currently falling down your face. “Maybe something triggered you to go back down to where you were years ago.” Olivia explained and your eyebrows scrunched together as you tried to figure what could have triggered you. “Well…we haven’t spent a lot of time together…and I’m not saying this to blame you…I just feel like you don’t want to be around me anymore and that you don’t want to be with a person like me.” You confessed and she gently shook her head at you. “That’s far from it sweetheart. It’s been really busy lately and there’s been some people upset with me and I couldn’t risk you getting hurt because of me. That’s why I tried to stay out as late as possible and not some home until a few days later or stay late and sneak out to come home to you and then leave early. I’m so sorry baby. I don’t want you to ever feel insecure about yourself or feel bad.” She reassured you and you felt guilt gripping at your soul.
“Deep down I knew there was a good explanation for us not hanging out that much anymore but it’s like the negative thoughts keep overpowering my positive ones and I keep overthinking. I know it’s not an excuse and I’m sorry again Olivia. It isn’t your fault, it’s just something that I need to work on more.” You said as she gave you a loving kiss on your forehead. “Is there anything I can do to help you with eating and drinking? Like maybe set a timer or a schedule for you to drink a little something this hour and then the next drink a little more. The same can go for eating too, just so you don’t have to wait long periods of time without eating or drinking anything. How’s that baby?” She asked you and you nodded. “I’m up for anything honestly, I just want to feel better.” You explained and she leaned over to give you a passionate kiss on your lips to which you recuperated. “I love you liv.” You said as you looked into her brown eyes. “And I love you most y/n/n.” She replied back to you as she gave you the same adoring look at you.
A/n: I hope the anon likes it and honestly I feel like I didn’t do good with this one, I may rewrite it I’m not sure but I hope that y’all still enjoyed. Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all :)
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