#Me: yeah so I wouldn’t be surprised if we get book 6 next month-
person8789 · 2 years
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Actively shaking and sobbing /j
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The event itself almost going into December 😅😭
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gnrlove1987 · 1 year
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Prompt(s): Giving gifts, Misteltoe
You've been Axl's assistant on the Use Your Illusion for six months. When you first went to the job interview you were so nervous. Axl had a bad rep and you expected the worst. Diva behavior, rude, demanding. But when you went to the interview you were proven wrong. He was attentive to everything you said and genuinely wanted to know about you. Even the things that had no relation to the job. He was kind and laid back, putting you at ease even though you were talking to the biggest rock star on the planet.
He offered you the job on the spot and 6 months later you had traveled several cities and countries along Axl’s side. Spending so much time together, you two had your own inside jokes and would spend hours talking on plane rides or when he was amped up after a show and couldn’t sleep. You even told him about your beloved Grandmother's swan broach that you would always peer at in her jewelry box as a kid and when she died, your aunt sold it off so you never saw it again, but you always associate your grandma with the swan broach. After months spent getting so close, it was in December that you finally realized you were in love with him. You were hopelessly and stupidly in love with Axl.
if him being your boss wasn’t a big enough obstacle, him having a stunning Victoria’s Secret model girlfriend was the nail in the coffin. She was rich and glamorous with men falling at her feet. You knew there was no comparison so you were going to let it be. But seeing Axl and Stephanie together when they were all over each other, you felt your heart deflate more and more each time.
At the last tour stop, Axl confided in you that he was getting someone very important to him a gift for the holidays that was going to be very special for her. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. You made the decision that night that you couldn’t do this anymore. Anytime you saw them together you felt ill. And now you found yourself burning up with jealousy when he talked to you about this extravagant gift he was giving her. Even though you needed the money and you loved Axl, you gave your notice you were quitting the next day. He was shocked and didn’t know what to say. He told you he’d pay you more, hire another assistant so there wouldn’t be so much work on your own. He pleaded with you to stay. But there was no turning back, you’d stay until the last stop before everyone went home for Christmas and then that was it. You’d be finished.
With the last show in the books, there was a big holiday party to celebrate the end of this leg of the tour. Colorful lights lit up the room with every type of alcohol imaginable within arms reach. Holiday garlands strung all around the room. Standing in the hallway next to an adorned Christmas tree, you took your eyes off the beautiful decorations and saw Slash and Duff, drunk and stumbling around, coming to you.
“y/n! We heard you’re leaving! We’re gonna fuckin miss you!” Duff slurred.
“Yeah, are you sure you can’t stay? Who else is gonna keep Axl from going on fuckin rampages!” Slash laughed.
You laughed as you rolled your eyes, “He’ll be fine without me. He has Steph.”
Slash shook his head and walked away with Duff and his almost empty bottle of vodka trailing close behind. Confused, you watched Duff and slash walk off until a deep, familiar voice attracted your attention.
“Trying to avoid me?” Axl asked with a smirk
“No “ you lied. The less you saw him, the easier it would be to leave in the morning. “I just thought you’d be busy with Steph.”
He nodded in understanding. “ Nah, she left this morning.”
You looked down disinterestedly. You couldn’t muster anymore fake interest in her than you already had for six months.
“You don’t like her very much, do you?” Axl questioned
You looked up, surprised. “What, no, I do I guess. She’s fine. If she makes you happy that’s what matters”.
“Then why are you leaving me y/n? “ he asked sadly.
“Axl, please don’t. I already told you I didn’t want to talk about it. I just can’t work for you anymore. “ you replied looking down. You couldn't bear to look in his eyes.
“Fine. But I don’t know what I’ll do without you. Are you sure nothing can change your mind to stay?”
you nodded.
"You know, y/n, you were always more than an assistant to me. I'm really gonna miss you."
Trying to stay composed you nodded your head as you tried to speak around the lump in your throat, "I'm going to miss you too, Ax."
"I was gonna give this to you when we were back in L.A but Slash told me that you were leaving first thing in the morning so here ya go."
He took a velvet box out of his silky coat pocket and handed it to you.
You gave a slight laugh, surprised that he gave you something.
"You got me a present?" you asked
"I told you I was getting someone very important to me a special gift" he answered as he walked away before you could say anything.
Stunned, you opened the box and saw a jeweled broach that looked like a swan. Tears began to cloud your vision as you realized that he remembered all that you had told him. Now, Axl had given you one that looked exactly like your grandma's swan broach, something that would always be a sweet reminder of her.
As he was halfway out the door, you ran after him and threw your arms around his neck, pressing your lips to his.
Taken aback, he looked at you dazed with surprise.
"Mistletoe" you grinned as you pointed to the green hanging from the ceiling above him.
After a quick glance up, Axl smiled in return and then slipped his fingers into your hair at the nape of your neck and kissed you, pressing his tongue to yours, tasting of tobacco and champagne.
You smiled against his lips, feeling him do the same.
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reidgraygubler · 2 years
frog prince (spencer reid/reader)
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Title: frog prince Request: no Couple: spencer reid/gen-neutral!reader Category: fluff Content Warning: none that i can think of Word Count: 1,481 Summary: Reader takes Spencer frog hunting after a day of rain. A/N: just some frogs :) check out my masterlist!
“Can we go to the park? Please?” I looked up at Spencer. He was sitting beside me on the couch, a book in hand and a coffee cup in the other. He was so invested in his book that he didn’t answer me right away. But before he could even get the words out, a loud clap of thunder occupied the quiet room. I let out a deep sigh before slouching back into the couch.
“Sounds like rai-” His statement was cut off by a loud clap of thunder, causing both of us to jump slightly. I sighed as I slouched back into the couch.
“Yeah, I know,” I muttered as I crossed my arms over my chest, “We could still go! We have umbrellas!” I exclaimed, nearly jumping off the couch. Spencer looked down at me with a raised eyebrow and an amused smile.
“Just because we have umbrellas doesn’t mean we can still go for a walk,” Spencer said as he looked towards the window. Lightning struck across the sky, and I was a little surprised when the power didn’t go out. I looked away from the window and at the dark tv. Spencer was reading a book, so he wasn’t watching anything. And I was left begging to go on a walk in the rain. “Why do you want to go to the park? It’s pouring out.” He gestured towards the window. I looked over at the window and saw nothing but rain and lightning. I flopped back and let out a deep sigh. “We can go tomorrow. Surely it’ll be done raining by then.”
“It was just something to do, I guess.” I looked back at Spencer and shrugged. He looked down at me with a raised eyebrow, trying to read my mind but obviously failing.
I didn’t want to tell him that I wanted to go frog hunting. Spencer was more of an indoor person anyway. He wouldn’t want to catch frogs with me. He was more of an indoor person, so there was no way he was going to want to catch slimy and sticky frogs. But that was all I wanted to do.
We haven’t been dating that long, 6 months at most. We’re still getting to know each other. I’m learning things about him everyday. And I’m sure he’s still learning things about me. In fact, I know there's things about me he doesn't know. Frog hunting for instance… I know he doesn’t know about that.
“I promise you we can go tomorrow.” Spencer smiled as he grasped my hand. I looked up at him with a small smile. “Even if it’s raining?” I raised an eyebrow as I looked back at him. Spencer laughed and shrugged.
“If it’s pouring like it is now, then no. But if it’s-”
“But we have an umbrella!” I cut him off as I jumped from my seat. Spencer stared at me with amused eyes and a small smile.
“Why are you so excited about going on a walk?”
“I don’t know.” I looked back at him as I sat back down on the couch. The look he gave me told me he didn’t believe my lie, but I was okay with that. I just needed to get through tonight and then tomorrow when it’s a bit muggy… all the frogs will be out. “Let’s put a movie on!” I shouted as I fumbled for the remote.
“Honey, I don’t understand your excitement over going for a walk.”
“Nor will you ever understand it,” I said as I looked at him with a smile. Spencer laughed and nodded. “What movie should we watch?”
The next morning came, and Spencer kept his promise. Even though it was still raining, we went for a walk in the park that was down the street from Spencer’s apartment. The little bit of rain and the small bit of mugginess made it perfect for frog hunting.
“Thank you again for coming out on a walk with me.” I smiled as I curled into Spencer’s arm. He readjusted the umbrella so it covered me a bit more. Personally, I didn’t really care if I got a little wet from the rain. It was very refreshing.
“Of course. I like seeing you happy like this,” Spencer cooed as he looked down at me. I stared at him for a moment.
I froze in my tracks, forcing Spencer to continue walking for a moment before turning to face me.
“Dear, what is going on? Is eve-”
“Frog!” I shouted before pushing past him and running into the mud. I nearly fell face first into the mud pile. But then I got it. Encased in my hands was a green and brown frog. I turned to face Spencer, only to fall and sit on my bottom. “Got him!” I exclaimed, holding my hands above my head as I looked up at my boyfriend.
“I-I think I’m missing something,” Spencer stumbled over his words as he looked down at me. I looked back at him and smiled. “Got who exactly?” he asked. I looked between my closed hands and Spencer. My hair had begun getting matted to my forehead, and my butt and legs were starting to get covered in mud.
“Him! I got him!” I shouted before stumbling to my feet. Spencer watched as I fell back down, only to fight back to my feet. I stood beside him and held my hands between us. “Look at him,” I cooed as I carefully lifted a hand away from my other hand. The small frog sat on the palm of my hand before leaping away from me. “No!” I shouted as I fell forward to catch the small creature.
“Ew, a… a frog? Do you-” “Ew?!” I looked up at him with wide eyes. A sudden dewiness glossed over my eyes as I stared at him. “Ew!? It’s a frog!” I looked at the ground where the frog was now sitting. I smiled before dashing away from Spencer and towards the mucus covered creature. “A-ha!” My smile grew bigger as I caught the frog once again.
“Is this why you wanted to go out yesterday?” Spencer asked as he stepped up to me while I stayed sitting on the ground. I smiled as the frog crawled across my hand and sat on the back side of it.
“I think today was better weather for frog hunting. But yeah,” I spoke as I kept my eyes on the creature. Spencer laughed as he squatted beside me. I quickly glanced at him, noting that he was looking at the frog too. “Frog hunting?”
“Well, it’s not exactly hunting. But yeah! Frog hunting. It’s mostly just looking for frogs and watching them. Drizzles are the best type of weather,” I mumbled as I dove forward to catch the frog again. Spencer laughed as I fell onto the sidewalk and rolled into the wet grass.
“Okay, so… What do you do with it now that you’ve caught it?” Spencer asked as he watched me look at the frog in my hands. I glanced between my boyfriend and the frog before actually letting it free.
“This,” I smiled and looked over at Spencer. He was looking down at me like I was insane. But I wasn’t. “I let him free and find a new one! I don’t want to cause the little guys too much trauma,” I laughed as I stood back up. Spencer looked up at me with a furrowed brow.
“And this is fun?”
“Yeah!” I exclaimed. I stayed silent for a moment as I looked around the park. It was just quiet enough to hear all the creatures and their noise. The crickets, grasshoppers, and any other critter that liked the rain. But I was mostly listening for frogs.
“I jus-”
“Shh, listen,” I looked up at him as I brought a finger to his lips.
“C’mon, Spencer! You’re catching this one!” I shouted as I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to where I heard the frog. “Just cup your hands, and then catch him! You don’t have to hold him long, and if you miss, it’s okay! They’re fast little buggers,” I explained as I stopped under a tree. Spencer looked over at me with a raised brow.
“Okay, okay,” he mumbled as he handed me the umbrella. I smiled and watched as he stepped into the wet grass and mud. I stayed still, watching as he looked around the grass, and then instantly diving to the ground to scoop up the frog.
“Okay! I didn’t mean dive face-first into the mud, Spencer!” I shouted as he rolled onto his back, covering his clothes in mud. When my eyes met his mud-covered face, I could see a small smile growing across his lips.
“Caught him!” He exclaimed as he held up the small creature.
if you have any questions or comments about this part (or series), let me know here!
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Adrenaline Junkie
Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Ages (oldest to youngest):
Philza- 32
Technoblade- 17 
Wilbur- 17
(Y/N)- 16
Tommy- 14
Pairing: platonic!sbi x winged!sibling!reader
Warnings: near death experiences, mentions of depression, OOC sbi (this is my first time writing about them)
Summary: Philza finds out about your little “habit”
Word count: 1,962
You grinned as you flew through the air with your feathers glinting in the low sunlight. You absolutely loved the feeling of freedom you got whenever you flew. It always gave you a sense of calm when you needed a break from your family. You loved them of course, but you needed a break once and a while; you often felt drained if you didn’t take some time to yourself. The cold air rushed past you as you continued to flap your wings to keep you in the air. 
You could not see the ground below you as you soared higher into the clouds, weaving in and out of them. Flying higher, you steadied yourself to look at the sunset. The mixture of pinks, oranges, and yellows blended together perfectly. You always loved the sunset, it was one of the only consistent things in your life. You wished that you could stay hovering hundreds of feet above the ground, but mobs were going to be spawning soon. The last time you stayed out past sunset you had almost gotten killed by a skeleton. Your dad had given you quite the lecture after he made sure that you were alright. You still had the scars on your arms from when it tried to shoot you out of the air.
You angled yourself so you were upside down, put your arms tight to your sides, and extended your wings fully behind you. You dove closer and closer to the earth, quickly picking up speed. The wind whipped around you as you gained velocity, getting closer and closer to the ground by the millisecond. At the last second, you fully extended your wings and drastically slowed your descent to the ground. The extra velocity you had made you soar up once again before you regained control and landed safely on the ground. The adrenaline that the skydive gave you was the most exhilarating feeling you’ve ever felt, and you were always craving it. Your dad didn’t find it as fun or exhilarating as you did.
Your father’s voice boomed from behind you. You could tell that he was in a lecturing mood without even having to look at him. He grabbed your arm and spun you around. Grabbing your other arm, he looked you up and down with worried blue eyes. After seeing that you were alright, his gaze hardened and he took a deep breath.
“Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?”
He rattled on and on about how you could’ve killed yourself, but quite frankly you didn’t care if you died or got hurt. In your opinion, the adrenaline you got was worth it. You had three lives you could spend, and if you did die, you wanted to go out with a bang all three times. What could you say? You were an adrenaline junkie through and through. 
He started to drag you inside the house mid lecture. Swinging open the door, he pulled you towards the kitchen, where the scent of fresh mushroom stew wafted from the pot on the stove. Your brothers looked at you each with their own different reactions. Techno looked as stoic as ever, Wilbur eyed you with slight disapproval, and Tommy looked at you with awe and excitement. They must’ve seen your little trick through the window. 
Tommy’s excited rant was cut short as he saw the stern look on Philza’s face. After a few moments of hesitation, your brothers were making small talk with each other with Philza occasionally chiming in. Poking idly at your food, you contemplated how you should go about apologizing to your dad. 
You supposed that the best route you could go was telling him that you wouldn’t do that again, but you knew you would do it again. That was the biggest adrenaline rush you’ve ever gotten and you were already craving it again. You couldn’t lie to your dad, your wings always gave you away by twitching uncomfortably whenever you lied. On the other hand, telling him that you felt empty when you didn’t have adrenaline coursing through your veins was not an option. He already has enough to worry about with working to provide for four teenagers. Deciding that your best bet was to lie to him and hope for the best, you zoned back into the conversation around you. Tommy was ranting about how he had broken his favorite sword dueling Techno.
“-do you have any idea how long it took me to find that enchantment, Techno?”
Techno huffed slightly in amusement. “Actually I do because I helped you find that enchantment. We found it in the village together, remember?”
“Tommy,” Philza said tiredly, “we can get you another enchanted sword. Techno, you need to be more gentle with your little brother. You have to remember he’s three years younger than you, so he has less experience in dueling.”
Tommy grumbled to himself, busying himself with shoveling food in his mouth. Wilbur glanced at him with disgust.
“Do you have to eat like that, Tommy? It’s disgusting.”
“Well, Wilbur, it’s not my fault I’m hungry.”
“You’re eating like we don’t feed you.”
You usually enjoyed it whenever your siblings argue back and forth like this, but lately it didn’t make you feel anything. You didn’t feel much anymore if you weren’t pulling off impulsive stunts. Of course, you hid it from your family and acted like you did before. It was relatively easy since you were naturally a quiet person. You thought you were doing a great job at it, you pride yourself on your acting skills.
Dinner went by fast without anything notable happening. Since it was your night to clean up, you got to work after everyone parted ways for the night. You stacked the dishes left on the dinner table and got to work washing them. Luckily, since you lived with three teenage boys, you never had to deal with leftovers. You subconsciously stretched and twitched your wings, feeling restless without feeling the wind moving through your feathers. After you got done with putting the dishes away, you took a deep breath and set out on your search for Philza. 
Walking into the living room, you saw Techno sitting near the fireplace reading one of his mythology books. “Hey, Tech. Do you know where Dad is? I need to talk to him.”
Without looking up from his book, he responded in his usual monotone voice. “Yeah, he’s up in his room. I think he’s going to bed early.” He paused for a second before looking up at you with sincerity. “You know, he was terrified when he saw you earlier. He thought that you weren’t gonna stop yourself in time. Hell, we all thought you were gonna die.”
That made you feel guilty. He already had to deal with providing and raising you four and he didn’t need anything else to worry about. You felt your wings droop slightly as you sighed. 
“...Thanks, T. G’night, love you.”
You started to speed walk to Philza’s room without giving him time to respond. You needed to apologize to him and fast. Out of all your siblings, you were always the one to hate conflict and would always apologize first whenever you got into a disagreement with anyone. You were always the pacifist. 
Walking past Tommy in the hallway, he tried to stop you to talk to you, but you ignored him with a dismissive wave of your wing. You heard him mumbling to himself as he started to walk down the stairs, probably to challenge Techno to a rematch. You nervously fluttered your wings, feathers occasionally brushing against the walls and causing you to shiver slightly at the small touch. Your hands were shaking slightly as you took a steadying deep breath and knocked on Philza’s door. Hearing his tired “come in”, you slowly opened his door. He situated himself so that he was sitting on the edge of his bed and gestured for you to sit next to him.
“Hey, Dad. I-I just wanted to say sorry for worrying you earlier. If I knew that it would stress you out, I wouldn’t have done it.” You sat next to him.
He sighed as he wrapped an arm across your shoulders, pulling you into his side. “I don’t care if it stressed me out. You could’ve gotten killed from a fall at that height. You could have lost a life. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you didn’t open your wings in time.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Then why’d you do it if you knew that you could’ve gotten yourself killed? I just want to understand why you would pull a stunt like that, I’d never expect you out of all of your siblings to do something so dangerous.”
You took a deep breath as you contemplated your next words. You really wanted to tell him about how you felt empty without putting yourself in danger. You wanted to tell him that you didn’t feel like yourself anymore. Unconsciously, your wings started to twitch and pull themselves closer to your body. 
You jumped when you felt something else wrap around you. You looked back and saw black feathers. Looking back up at your father, he looked at you with a concerned expression. 
“Take a deep breath, you’re shaking hun.”
You looked down at your hands and to your surprise, they were shaking. You took a few deep breaths and clasped your hands together tightly while Philza rubbed comforting circles on your back. 
“...It’s just that, I haven’t been feeling like myself lately, if that makes any sense. It’s like I can’t feel anything anymore without doing stupid things that could get me killed. It wasn’t the first time I’ve dived like that. One time I lost control and almost flew into lava-filled ravine.”
“...How long have you felt like this?”
“A few months now.”
Philza felt his heart break, how did he not notice that you were different for months? You could’ve gotten yourself hurt or permanently maimed yourself and it would’ve been his fault because he didn’t notice your mood shift. 
“I’m so sorry I didn’t notice sooner.”
“It’s not your fault, Dad. I didn’t tell you anything was wrong. Please don’t blame yourself.”
“We can help you find something that’ll help you. Something less dangerous.”
“Your brothers and I. They’ve been listening this entire time, weren’t you, boys?”
You heard shuffling and muffled voices arguing with each other before the door opened to reveal your sheepish brothers. Wordlessly, they all filed into the room. Tommy grabbed your shoulders and yanked you into a tight hug. You felt Wilbur hug your other side before he pulled Techno into the group hug also. You felt feathers tickle your cheek as Philza joined, wrapping his giant wings around you all. The family hasn’t had a group hug since you all started to hit your teenage years. For the first time in a while, you felt happy without risking your life.
After that night, you were right in your assumption that you’d be grounded (literally and metaphorically) from flying for a while while your family worked hard to find something safe that gave you a distraction. Soon, Wilbur found a book about the intricacies of redstone working and you were hooked. Sure, your family was rambunctious and a strange group, but you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Seeing Red | bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader (part 9 - FINALE)
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (part 8)
series summary: bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.
word count: 7.2k
warnings: smut (oral f receiving), semi-public sex (in a parked car) angst, arguments, implied smut, sappiness, time skips, some alcohol consumption here and there, lots of talking about issues including bucky's ptsd, I really have no idea how to warn for this but IT’S THE END SO STRAP IN FOLKS
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Since that night, it had been like a stand-off in a Western movie, none of you saying anything because you had no idea what to say. Whenever he tried to start the conversation, you brushed him off.
You took a cab home from the event. He slept in his own room for the first time in months.
Finally, suddenly, you were ready to talk about it nearly 30 hours later, knocking on the guest room door and entering to find Bucky on his bed, re-reading Flowers for Algernon. He sat up quickly and shut it, setting it aside. “Hey,” he greeted softly, hesitant like you were a deer in a clearing and he was extending a handful of grain in his palm.
“Hey,” you returned, already fighting back your emotions. “I think I’m ready to talk.”
“Okay,” he nodded. “I’m ready to listen.”
“I just… I want to make sure that you understand this is a really big deal.”
He nodded again.
“I had to do a lot of damage control to prevent being banned from all HFPA events— that includes the Golden Globes, you know, I can’t exactly skip those just because my boyfriend went fucking nuts at a party.” And there was the anger again— you had tried to wait until you could be neutral about this but it barely lasted, mainly because you were still embarrassed about the way you’d handled yourself that night. “You’re lucky not many people saw; you’re lucky no reporters were there! Can you imagine if someone had a fucking picture of this? There were cameras everywhere, what the fuck were you thinking?”
“I wasn’t thinking!” he defended. “I saw you with him and he was touching you and I just… I saw red.”
You sighed slowly. “That’s not a good thing. That’s really, really concerning.”
“I know, I agree— you’re right. I need…” he trailed off, taking a breath before starting over. “I need to work on that.”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “I just… I can’t really be a part of that. You need to work on that on your own.”
He stood up instantly, almost looking… afraid? Terrified, really, and heartbroken. “On my own, like what? What does that mean?”
“It means that I think maybe you should go back to your own apartment for a while. I just… need to be alone for a bit.”
“You need to be alone?” he repeated. “Or you need to be away from me?’
His head fell into his hands instantly. "Please don't tell me I fucked this up," he whimpered. "Please don't tell me I ruined this."
"I— I don't know."
"Please, please, please," he sighed, just louder than a whisper, suddenly stepping forward, grabbing your hand and clutching it to his chest. "Look at me," he begged.
You did, hesitantly, fighting everything in you that wanted to cry (and not doing so good of a job at it).
"Please, I lo—"
"Don't," you grimaced. "Don't say that."
"But it's true."
"It doesn't matter!" you yelped, surprising both of you with your volume.
“Are we going to have a chance to talk about this again? Am I going to get a chance to make it up to you?”
“You don’t make it up to me, you fix it. And that takes time.”
He shook his head, looking shocked and confused and completely blindsided which made you feel sick to your stomach. “How long?”
“I don’t know…” you mumbled.
“Am I not going to see you at all, for however long it takes?” he pressed.
“I… that’s sort of the idea.”
He shivered and pulled you into a hug. “Please don’t hate me forever,” he whispered against the top of your head.
“I don’t hate you,” you promised, doing your best not to hug him back even though all you wanted was to wrap yourself around him and feel safe in his arms again.
“Then don’t make me go,” he pleaded as he pulled back, clutching your face. “Let me stay and we can work through this together.”
“That’s not how this works,” you reminded him
“But I don’t know how to be without you,” he explained shakily.
“That’s not really my problem!” you yelped, and he turned away like he’d been slapped, dropping his hands from your face. A long, heavy silence fell between you as you watched him stand there, contemplating.
“If this is my last chance,” he finally spoke softly, barely breaking the silence, “to say everything I want to say…”
“It’s not,” you assured. “We’re going to talk about this again, but you need to go now.”
He nodded, his adam’s apple bobbing with a swallow of nothing. When he looked at you again, you hated how much bluer his eyes looked when they were bloodshot and filled with tears. “Can I kiss you?”
You shook your head. He bit his lip and turned to walk away; you stared at your feet because you couldn’t watch him go.
You heard him grab his backpack, shoving a few things from the drawers into it; he set his key on the table, walked into the open hall, and as soon as you heard the front door open and shut you were plunged into solitude and silence. With a whimper, you crumpled to the floor and cried, the look of betrayal on his face burned into your mind.
It was obvious, to your horror, that he really hadn’t seen it coming; he hadn’t packed his things, or prepared in any way for the conversation going like that. He had been waiting for an olive branch and got a switch to the face instead. You didn’t know anything about working on relationships, repairing broken things… when something went wrong, all you knew how to do was bail.
You knew how to do a new take and say the line right this time. You knew how to take off your eyeliner and start over. You knew how to kick unsuspecting C-listers out of cars because you already got yours. But you didn’t know how to stay, and work, and frankly you were just too scared to try. Last time you tried to make it work, you got burned. And as much as a logical part of you knew that wasn’t Bucky’s fault or responsibility, your heart just couldn’t survive another relationship where you put everything into putting the pieces back together while the other person stood there and watched you just to pull them apart again.
It had to end at some point, right? It was you, it was him… and that’s just how these things go.
He knew it was too good to be true. He knew you were too good for him. Anybody with at least one eyeball and half a brain could see that. But still, he hadn’t been ready to let you go.
Being in his apartment felt like stopping in a ghost town; there might as well have been a tumbleweed rolling through the living room. It was beyond a bachelor pad: it was more like an unfinished work site, considering his ‘couch’ was cinderblocks and a few two-by-fours, and his bed was a mattress on the floor.
One toothbrush. No books. A half-empty shampoo bottle in the shower and some hard water stains he needed to scrub away at some point.
This place didn’t feel like a home, it barely felt like a livable space. It was a three-dimensional homage to how empty his life had been before you, and he realized that was only his own fault.
Then again, this was all his fault.
But still, he had let himself obsess over you, turn you into his whole world and it made him into somebody he didn’t want to be. He had been working so hard to keep you happy, inspired more than anything by his fear to lose you, that he’d forgotten to give you space and now here he was… giving you so much more space than he ever wanted to, or knew how to deal with.
But he wanted to use this, if he could. As much as it was tempting to binge on junk food, drink too much and watch porn for an hour, as much as he wanted to run away from everything he was feeling, he owed it to you and to himself to face it all and learn from it. He wanted to be the man you deserved, if that was even humanly possible; he wanted to be who you used to think he was.
The next week went by in a blur: a blur filled with shitty romcoms, Ben & Jerry’s straight from the carton, and phone calls ignored.
It would all be fine with time, you knew that, but god, it fucking hurt now. It made you want to call him and at least apologize for having sex with him when you knew he wouldn’t have wanted to if he knew you were upset. More time and distance from the situation made you appreciate that it was manipulative, even if it by no means justified the way he grabbed you, or shoving anybody in the first place.
Truth was, you were scared of Bucky long before that happened. You were scared of how strong your feelings were for him; and, in turn, you were scared of how strong his feelings were for you. You felt loved by him, and you didn’t know what to do with that. So you self-destructed.
Just in time to tear you out of your spiralling thoughts, the intercom buzzed from the front gate. You furrowed your brow, wondering who it could be, and got up to check the camera feed.
You couldn’t see the face of the driver, just his arm, but you’d recognize that Rolex on his wrist anywhere.
“What do you want?” you asked coldly, holding down the intercom talk button.
"Let me in," Sam instructed.
"And why should I?"
"Cause if you don't, I'll press charges against your boyfriend."
BEEP BEEP BEEP! the gate announced its opening.
You took the time while he parked his car and walked to the door to throw out the wrappers from all your questionable “meals” (i.e., candy and ramen), change into slightly nicer sweats and splash your face so you looked slightly less dead. Just as you came downstairs from your rushed primping, Sam knocked on the door and you turned off the TV, tossing the remote aside. “It’s open!” you called out.
He turned the knob and stepped in with just one foot, peering around.
“Is the Terminator home?” he asked coyly. “Cause I actually think I’ve been assaulted enough for one week.”
“No, he’s gone. And don’t call him that.”
“What?” he shrugged, finally coming all the way in and letting the door swing shut on its own, taking his shades off and sliding them into the collar of his v-neck shirt. “It’s a compliment, and you really invite the killer robot comparisons when you’re part robot, look like a killer, and act like a thug.”
“He’s sensitive about the arm, okay? It’s one of the reasons he… it’s part of why we waited so long to go public.”
Sam glanced down to beside the door, where three pairs of your shoes were haphazardly lined up while his boots were noticeably absent. “And the fact that he’s moved out? When’s that gonna go public?” He always had an eye for these things, the bastard.
“I… I don’t know,” you sighed. “What do you want, exactly? Because honestly, I really can’t handle you right now.”
“I’m just trying to be a friend,” he explained, stepping closer again as you leaned against the breakfast bar.
“You seemed a lot more than friendly on Saturday,” you reminded him. “God, Sam, why did you have to do that?”
“So it’s my fault, then?” he rolled his eyes.
“No, of course not,” you assured, “but you knew I wasn’t single. I was actually happy… did you even want me back? Or did you just want to fuck with my life?”
“I did want you back, really.” He paused for a moment, more serious than he almost ever got. “I still do.”
You scoffed, looking away. “What happened to just being a friend?”
“That’s not why I’m here, this time. I’m just here to tell you that I’m worried about you.”
You took your weight off the bar and circled it into the kitchen, Sam mirroring you by following around the other side. “Do you want something to drink?” you asked, opening the fridge. He opened his mouth to answer but then leaned in as he stared at your hand where it was right in front of his face gripping the refrigerator’s door handle.
"He did that to you?" Sam pointed to the bruise on your wrist. You let go of the fridge and pulled your sleeve down to cover it again but that was answer enough. "Jesus, babe, this guy's fucking crazy."
"He's not crazy, and don't call me that," you frowned. "I don't think he meant to, really— his prosthetic is powerful and it was in need of a recalibration. He shouldn’t have grabbed me, but, he probably didn’t mean to do it so hard.”
Sam didn’t seem too convinced by that explanation, but didn’t say anything.
“Believe it or don’t, Sam, but either way it’s none of your business,” you frowned.
“Right, I know,” he nodded. “I just want what’s best for you.”
“And that’s you?” you pressed with an incredulous raised brow, opening the fridge again to grab yourself a green juice (because you were, again, trying to look like you had your shit together) and starting to walk away.
“I’ve changed, believe it or not,” he explained as he followed you out of the kitchen again. “Occasionally, people are capable of that.”
“If that’s true, then I owe it to Bucky to wait for him like I said I would,” you shot back. “I told him to leave so we could work on things separately. Not so I could entertain your come-to-Jesus moment.”
“It’s not a ‘come-to-Jesus’ moment, it’s just a ‘give me another chance’ moment,” he corrected as you took a long sip of the juice, “it’s a ‘maybe we ended things too soon’ moment.”
You looked at him in silent judgment as you kept drinking, and the way he was looking at you made you glad the glass bottle was keeping your lips occupied.
“It’s an ‘I’m still in love with you’ moment.”
Before you could stop yourself, you spit the juice right onto him, covering your mouth in shock just a moment too late.
For one of those indefinite moments, you were just staring at each other while you both contemplated that you had said he loved you and you had spat juice onto him.
“Okay, I was prepared to get shot down,” he admitted. “This is… worse.”
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you rushed, trying not to laugh, “I… I’ll get some paper towels, I can get you a new shirt, but it’ll have to be one of the ones Bucky left behind…”
“Oh god, it’s sticky,” he grimaced, as he tried to peel his shirt from his skin, “can I just use your shower maybe?”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” you nodded, “upstairs and down—”
“I remember where it is,” he reminded you as he stepped past you to make his way to the bathroom. “I knew I should’ve waited to say it until she was done drinking…” you heard him mumble to himself before he disappeared and you heard the bathroom door shut.
But truthfully, it wasn’t really the fact that he said it, or the concept of Sam loving you at all that made you spit out your drink. It was that when he said it, you realized you were in love with Bucky. Which, yes, would’ve been obvious to anyone else but it came as quite a shock to you.
It made you realize that you wanted to make this work. You wanted to be vulnerable, you wanted to try, even if it ended just as badly as it nearly had last week; even if it meant dealing with all the shit that you’d pushed down for so long.
You wanted to have another chance, this time knowing how hard it would be to be without him.
Just as you pondered what to do with that realization, a knock at the door startled you. Who could have made it to the door without buzzing the intercom?
Somebody who has the gate code already, you realized, and your heart sank. You weren’t ready to see him again— specifically, you weren’t ready to be seen by him again. Sure, cleaning up the trash and splashing your face was enough for a guest like Sam, but you had been imagining that when you saw Bucky again you’d be all dolled up looking like you were doing better than ever, like you were thriving without him just to rub it in that you were the best he ever had.
Couldn’t he have just waited a few hours after your realization so you could go to him on your own terms, with your whole speech prepared and everything? As an actress, you were much more comfortable reading lines than improvising.
Another knock made you sigh and set down the half-empty bottle of green juice, running up to the door to answer it.
“Hi,” he greeted soberly when you opened the door.
“Hey,” you nodded back, “listen, now’s not a great time…”
“Listen, I’m not here to cause any problems, or ask you for anything, I just need some of my stuff back,” he explained.
“Okay, it would’ve been better if you had come at another time—”
“I know, I’m not trying to invade your space,” he sighed. “I shouldn’t have used the gate code, I didn’t mean to surprise you, honestly it was just second nature but I realize now I should’ve called first— well, I don’t think you’re taking my calls right now—”
“Bucky, please, we can talk later,” you assured, trying to shut the door.
“Can we?” he sighed. “I mean, will we?”
“Yes, but I’m busy right now,” you explained.
“When?” he asked, voice full of hope. “Soon?”
“I— I don’t know, sure,” you shrugged.
“You’re just saying that to get me to leave,” he realized flatly. “I understand, I don’t blame you— god, I just hate how scared you are of me. I’m everything I never wanted to be. I just wanted to keep you safe and now I can’t even do that, now you think of me as a threat. You should have the gate code changed, if it’ll make you sleep better—”
“I sleep fine, just go and we’ll deal with all of this soon— really, I promise!”
“You promised before and this week without you has been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do!” he returned, getting more emotional as he gestured with his hands. “I’m not saying this should all go away in a week, there’s so much more I have to do, but… but not being able to see you at all is killing me. And it’s not like I don’t see you, your movies are on every fucking channel, but you know, I don’t get to really see you, talk to you— that’s what I miss, I miss when we would talk for hours.”
“I miss that too,” you agreed, “it’s all going to happen, it’s just that I need you to go right now—”
And of course, Sam picked just the right time to come running down your staircase with only a towel around his waist.
Bucky tensed up as he saw Sam, jaw tightening. "Oh."
You had no idea what would happen. Was Bucky going to attack him again? Would Sam try to hit Bucky? Were you going to drop dead from sheer embarrassment?
Instead, Bucky just sighed a little and looked to the ground, almost laughing though he seemed anything but amused. “You’ve got a funny idea of what ‘being alone’ means,” he sneered.
“Sam was just—” you began to defend.
"No, it’s okay, I see how it is," Bucky informed you quietly, coldly. He didn’t even seem angry anymore, just defeated. "I'll leave. I'm sorry that I… I'm sorry."
And he turned to leave, you reached out and grabbed his arm. "Wait, it's not—"
He shrugged your hand away as he kept walking, forcing you to chase him.
"Don't leave, please— Bucky, I love you too."
He stopped, but didn't turn around yet; you just stood behind him, staring at his back as it rose and fell with a slow breath. When he looked back at you, his eyes were red, brimming with tears and heartbreak. "Don't say things you don't mean."
"I mean it," you promised.
“And what does that mean for us?”
“I… I don’t know,” you admitted.
“I don’t think I’m ready to come back yet. As much as I miss living with you— and as much as my apartment is so gross—”
You giggled a little, glad you could laugh with him again even if just for a second.
“I need more time. I’m not going to subject you to me until I know I can be… stable, again.”
“Okay,” you smiled. “Whatever you need.”
“But maybe we could… go out sometime? Somewhere where there aren’t paparazzi, ideally?”
“Uh, Vermont?” you offered jokingly. “I’ll find somewhere, though. We’ll talk this all out.”
He nodded slowly, swallowing a little. “Okay.”
With obvious hesitance, he leaned in slightly and gave you a kiss on the forehead. You wanted more than anything to get up on your tiptoes and kiss his lips, but it was probably too soon. He smiled down at you slightly before he turned to walk away, and you did the same as you made it back into the house.
“Hey, listen,” you began as you found Sam still waiting in a towel looking completely lost.
“That doesn’t sound like the beginning of good news,” he sighed.
“I’m so glad you were honest with me and I’m still really sorry for spitting on you, and for Bucky shoving you, and for everything awful that went down between us. And some part of me is always gonna love you, but—”
“I know,” he nodded, clearly disappointed but resigned in a peaceful way. “It’s okay. I had my chance, I blew it, and if this Bucky guy has his then I just hope he isn’t taking it for granted.”
You smiled a little. “He’s not.”
“Then I’ll get dressed and go. Please direct me to his favorite shirt, so that I may steal it,” he requested formally, making you laugh, but you weren’t ready to let it go just yet; instead, you stepped forward and pulled him into a hug.
“You’re a good friend, Sam,” you mumbled against his bare chest.
“Yeah, kinda wish I wasn’t though,” he sighed as he hugged you back.
“Kinda wish I’d made you get dressed before hugging you,” you admitted, the awkwardness of his nudity finally catching up with you.
“Yeah…” he agreed in a whispered sigh.
His palms were actually sweaty; well, at least one of them was. He hadn’t been this worked up about a date since high school.
But there was so much more riding on that now than there was then. If he blew this, you probably would dump him for good, and he’d become ‘that guy Y/N Y/L/N dated for a minute’ to the rest of the world.
And there was so much more to him than that— he was learning to really let that shine after three weeks of therapy on Mondays and Thursdays— and so much more to his relationship with you, but it would still be pretty humiliating. More importantly, he would be heartbroken if he never got a chance to hold you again, kiss you again, tell you he loved you not during a fight…
His eyes glanced to the door instinctively when someone stepped in, but it still wasn’t you. He checked his watch and closed his eyes: it was still a few minutes early, you probably wouldn’t be here until 6:30, since that was when you’d agreed to meet when you discussed all this over text. But the length of time between 6:27 and 6:30 just seemed to keep getting longer and longer.
When you finally walked in, it was like one of those movie moments where everything slowed down, the ambient noise and background music faded away, and all he could see was you. If this was it, at least he got to see you like this one last time.
He waved you over, watching you walk closer and feeling his heart race as you pulled him into a hug.
“I missed you,” he blurted out right away.
“Missed you too,” you mumbled back, pulling from the embrace as he moved to pull out your chair for you.
“So,” he began as he sat down, “do you… want me to go first? Or do you want to go first?”
“I love you,” you said instantly, and he couldn’t fight a wide smile.
“I love you too,” he whispered back.
“Now that that’s out of the way,” you grinned, “I think you should go first.”
“Well, now that you say that suddenly I forget everything I’ve been practicing in the mirror all day,” he chuckled. “I already told you I’ve been in therapy, and they finally got me on stuff for my PTSD… it feels weird to say it, to talk about it like I really have it… but I do, and I’m working on not being ashamed of that. What I am ashamed of is the way I treated you that day, how I let my anger get the best of me and how I hurt you when you’re the most important person in my life. You didn’t deserve that. And if I haven’t said it enough, I’m truly sorry.”
“I know,” you nodded, “thank you. I’m glad you’re getting help… I don’t want to see you like that for your own sake, too.”
“Just because you don’t hate me doesn’t mean you have to forgive me. And just because you forgive me doesn’t mean you have to take me back,” he reminded you softly.
“But I do forgive you, and I do want you back,” you promised. “And I want to apologize, too, for the things I did wrong… obviously it’s basically impossible for me to hurt you physically, you’re so much stronger than I am, but I hurt you with how I handled some things and I regret that.”
“It did hurt, but I still reacted poorly at basically every turn. I shouldn’t have gotten jealous of Sam in the first place, if you and him have something going on then that’s none of my business—”
“Of course it’s your business, Bucky, you’re my boyfriend!” you laughed. “You don’t need to be jumping for joy when I talk to my ex, you just need to not be that aggressive about it.”
“Am I your boyfriend?” he asked sheepishly. “Is he your ex?”
"When you came over the other day, and he was there… nothing happened, really. He came over, I told him I didn't want to be anything more than friends, he asked to use my shower… I don't know how to prove it to you—"
"You don't have to," he shook his head. "If you say nothing happened, then nothing happened."
“I mean, we hugged,” you remembered. “And he took your Fleetwood Mac shirt.”
“He what?” Bucky yelped, but then calmed himself down immediately. “Whatever, it’s fine, the point is that I have a lot of shit I still need to work on. Because the truth is, you’re not mine—”
“No, I—”
“Really, you’re not. You’re your own person. That’s what made me fall in love with you in the first place, I love that you’re independent and strong and… maybe a little crazy, but you’re exactly who you need to be. You don’t belong to me.”
“I don’t mind belonging to you as long as it’s fair, Bucky; as long as we belong to each other.”
“Sweetheart, you always had me,” he laughed. “From day one.”
“Then let’s figure your shit out. Believe it or not, I’ve got shit too… commitment issues, abandonment issues, daddy issues—”
“Ooh, I have that one too!” he beamed, making you laugh. “You know, when I was talking to my therapist, she had me do this thing where I talked about my hopes and stuff and, I don’t know, maybe it’s dumb but I wanted us to do that. I want to know what you’re hoping for for this.”
“Okay,” you nodded, “well, I’m hoping that you’ll move back in soon but not right away, maybe in a few months? I want us to get better at being apart, it’ll come in handy when I have to go to far off places for filming and stuff.”
“Totally with you,” he agreed, “might have to start buying some real furniture for my place though.”
“What about you?” you prompted.
“I’m hoping that you still think I'm cute enough to put up with some of my crap," he smirked, "if not all of it."
"Definitely," you grinned.
“I’m hoping that in the future, if you’re upset, you’ll tell me and we can work it out, and then have make-up sex," he added.
“Deal,” you chuckled.
“And, if I’m being honest,” he continued, leaning in closer and lowering his voice, “I’m hoping that I can take you home tonight.”
It was so simple, but it made a shiver run down your spine. This distance had caused more than just your heart to grow fonder, and you were craving his touch more than ever. “Where’s home?” you asked coyly.
“It’s wherever you wanna go,” he purred. “Your place, my place, the back of your car—”
“That one,” you nodded eagerly, “definitely that one.”
You wanted to go right then and there but he made you sit through the whole dinner, with all the trappings of wining and dining, though for you it sometimes felt more like whining and dying because you needed him so bad you couldn't think. But he stayed patient, keeping up the conversation, asking more about a new project you were tentatively linked with, telling you more about the newest improvements to his prosthetic.
He picked up the check, which was absurd to you but he insisted, and escorted you to your car as if his intentions were just gentlemanliness even though you knew it was far worse than that.
He (gently) pinned you up against the side of the car, kissing you slowly, making you melt like it was no effort for him at all. As his lips made their way to your ear, he whispered to you darkly, "get in the back and spread your legs for me."
You were sure you'd never obeyed an instruction so fast, hopping in and happily watching him climb in behind you. He instantly knelt down between your spread legs, holding you by your thighs as he pushed your dress up, and you were already lifting your hips up to let him pull your panties down to your ankles.
"So eager," he whispered happily, kissing his way up one of your legs and never breaking his gaze away from yours. Your mouth fell slack as you watched him get higher and higher, closer to where you were already dripping with need. "Been wanting to do this since that night, however many months ago, where I had to watch somebody else do this to you," he admitted with a grin that nipped at your inner thighs. "I know I've tasted you a thousand times since then, but I wanted to do it here."
There was a lot you could say to that, but it was all lost to a gasp as he licked one long, thin stripe right across your entrance and over your clit. Already you were shaking and grabbing his hair— he'd grown it out just enough that you could really dig your fingers into it, but even so he kept his teasing pace.
He kept going, that slow and torturous cycle where just as your clit got some much-needed attention, he started back over at your leaking opening again.
"The fuck are you doing down there, trying to figure how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop?" you finally groaned, making him chuckle at how demanding you'd become.
"I'm just making sure I do this right," he dismissed. "Want more, baby?"
"Please," you shuddered. "Need your tongue inside me."
He grinned and put you out of your misery, really latching his lips onto you now as he pushed his tongue inside and curled it against your g-spot. It was enough to make your back arch dramatically and your fingers clench on his hair, a little growl echoing out of his mouth and into your body in response.
Your legs were accidentally clamping down on his head each time he sucked on your clit, but he didn't seem to mind, if anything it egged him on.
"C-close, so close," you chanted our warning as his hands tightened on your thighs he gave wide laps to your throbbing button.
"Say you love me baby," he mumbled his demand against your skin.
"Bucky, yes, I love you," you whimpered. "Love you so much, fuck, I'm gonna come…"
He nodded as he wrapped his lips around your clit and kept sucking, harder than ever, until your whole body was literally quaking and you weren't sure if you had closed your eyes or if your vision just went black for a second. As if that weren't enough, he kept going until you had to push him off of you by his forehead, shivering and catching your breath as aftershocks rocked your body.
"You're so amazing," he groaned huskily as he sat up and pulled you into a rough kiss, the taste of your pleasure coating your tongue as it tangled with his. Just as you were about to reach down and attempt to operate his belt buckle with your tingling fingers, he pulled back from the kiss a moment too soon. "And now you get to drive yourself home," he grinned, patting you on the cheek reassuringly.
"What? That's it?!" you squawked.
"You just came so hard you nearly blacked out and you're asking me if that's it?" he smirked incredulously.
"I just thought you would want to, you know… go all the way," you explained, cringing at the immature phrase.
"Hey, I'm a gentleman, and this is still our first date," he reminded you.
"But aren't you, you know…?"
"Oh, I am," he nodded quickly, leaning in to bite at your neck. "Don't worry about me, princess, I can take care of myself." He chuckled at your whimper and pulled back to look right into your eyes. "But it's not about me, is it? You want my cock all for yourself, don't you?"
You nodded, making him giggle sweetly.
"Well, you're just gonna have to wait," he cooed, poking the tip of your nose with his finger and laughing harder at your needy whine. "We'll go out again next weekend and maybe if it goes well, it'll lead to something more, alright?"
"Okay," you sighed, "I can wait a week. I think."
He smiled and kissed you again, helping you pull your panties back up and rubbing your thigh appreciatively. "Goodnight," he whispered against your lips, slipping out of the car and shutting the door behind him.
You sighed and let your head fall back against the seat, watching out the window as he walked back to his bike. You hated to see him go, but you did love watching him walk away.
two years later…
“Will the Six Million Dollar Man be joining us?” Sam asked with a smirk as he glanced to the door of the bowling alley, checking to see if anyone had walked in.
“When he gets off of work,” you promised.
“Why do you call him that?” Natasha asked Sam innocently.
“You’ll see,” Sam promised, kissing his girlfriend on the cheek, but you figured there was a pretty good chance she wouldn't get the reference anyway.
Right on cue, Bucky appeared in the doorway and you and Sam waved him to the correct lane. “Hey guys,” he greeted, “hey babe,” he pulled you into a quick kiss. “And happy birthday, Sam.”
“Shh, keep it down, we don’t want any Hollywood people to find out that I’m aging,” Sam joked. “Are you gonna join the game or just observe?”
“I’ll join, if it’s not too late,” Bucky decided.
“Since when do you bowl?” you asked him, raising an eyebrow.
“Since I got the prosthetic recalibrated to throw the perfect strike every time,” he winked.
Beers and turns went pretty quickly after that, light conversation interspersed in between, until the more raucous parts of the evening died down and you left Bucky for a moment to join Sam at the bar.
Sam nodded to acknowledge you as you leaned beside him, and you ordered yourself one more drink before you called it a night.
“So, Natasha,” you started the conversation, watching the way Sam couldn’t hide his smile. “She’s great.”
“Yeah, she’s really something,” he agreed. “I wanted you guys to meet her sooner, but you were gone filming for so long and all.”
“Don’t fuck this one up, Sam,” you threatened.
“I’m trying not to!” he defended, before looking around like he was trying to make sure no one was looking. As you furrowed your brow and wondered what he was up to, he pulled out his phone from his jacket pocket and showed you a picture: a ring, with a massive diamond and accents of citrine.
“Holy shit…” you sighed, pulling the phone closer to get a better look.
“Had it custom made, I’m gonna pick it up tomorrow,” he explained, putting the phone away. “I don’t even know how I’m gonna ask her yet… I just know I need to snag this one before she slips through my fingers.”
“You’re really like a whole new man,” you realized aloud.
“I’m telling you, this girl… she really changed everything for me,” he sighed wistfully, and you nodded because you knew what that was like.
“I knew you just needed a good woman to straighten you out, Wilson,” you joked, patting him on the shoulder, “my only mistake was ever thinking it was me.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I thought it was you, too,” he smiled softly. “I really loved you, even when I was stepping out on you… and I think I needed to love you, and to lose you, to be here now.   So, thank you.”
“Uh, you’re welcome, I guess,” you laughed a little, taking a slow sip of your drink.
“And if she says yes, I’m gonna need all the marriage advice you have to offer,” he bargained.
“I mean, we’ve only been married for a month,” you chuckled, “I don’t think we’re far enough into it to really provide significant guidance.”
“And you’ve already gone through so much together.  Is he doing alright?  You know, his nightmares and stuff…”
You glanced over and where Bucky and Natasha were chatting, admiring how at ease he looked; he usually had a harder time with new people.  “Yeah, it’s been a lot better, he’s on new meds… how did you know about that?”
“He talks to me sometimes,” Sam admitted.  “And as someone who has played a PTSD-striken veteran in not one, but two major motion pictures, I’m sort of an expert,” he winked, but then got serious again.  “I would’ve asked him how he was doing myself but he wouldn’t let me ask him personal stuff on my birthday.”
“I bet he’d let you ask him for his opinion on the ring you just showed me.”
“Um, why would I want his opinion when he bought you that?” he grimaced, pointing at the ring on your finger.  “I mean, sapphires?  Really?”
“Cut it out,” you laughed, shoving him on the shoulder.
“Okay, fine,” he relented. 
“Are you coming to my premiere tomorrow, by the way?” you asked.  “I have it on good authority you were invited, since I demanded it.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” he nodded, “Nat really wants to go, too.  She’s a big fan of your work.”
“Well, tell her she was great in that one about the missing girl,” you replied.  
“I’ll be sure to tell her exactly that.”
“We should head home, you know how early premiere prep starts,” you sighed with an exhausted roll of your eyes, finishing the last of your drink before grabbing Sam on the shoulder.  “Good luck with however you decide to pop the question with Nat.  Let me know if you need anything.”
He nodded and let you go, and once you got Bucky’s attention and said goodbye to Nat, the two of you made your way out back to the car.
“I’m glad you and Sam get along,” you reminded him as you squeezed his hand.
“What gives you that impression?” he scoffed.
You shook your head and smiled, letting him walk you to the car in silence.
Less than 24 hours later, you held his hand in just the same way as you sat beside each other in the screening auditorium, watching your latest film fade to black and hearing the crowd at the premiere— mostly cast, crew, and critics— erupt into applause.
"I have a little surprise for you," you whispered in his ear as the credits began to flash.
"I am not gonna let you blow me in this crowded theater," he instantly scolded.
"No, not that," you giggled, although you secretly wondered how much less crowded the theater would have to be for him to let you try it.  "Just wait until my name comes up."
Written and Directed by Hope Van Dyne
A Paramount Pictures Film
In Association with Europa
And then there it was, in big white letters, just as much of a trip to see as the first time you saw your name on the big screen.  But something very important had changed.
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes
Everyone at the screening was clapping and cheering, but you were so focused on him that his whisper was the only thing you heard.  "Sweetheart," he gasped, and you smiled wide.  "You didn't have to—"
"I wanted to."
"It's just a stage name, if you want to keep it the same—"
"Buck, really.  I want your name there with mine."
"But your credits…" he protested, though the break in his voice made it clear he was tearing up.  "You're an actress and you've established your career already and it's so important to you—"
"Hey," you soothed, reaching up to brush your hand over his cheek, forcing him to look at you.  "Your wife is the most important thing I've ever been."
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mazegays · 2 years
that nalby hc 😭😭😭😭 (from the tags of that other post which im too lazy to copy sjdjsj)
the post, for those curious
yes bc like!! the "He's in charge when I'm not around" "good thing you're always around then" bit from the movies--it's always read more as teasing than Newt, like, actually caring about leading.
And in the books, sure, Alby is the 'on-paper' offical leader, but we know he's not been doing it long, and Newt is clearly more experienced with Greenies. (If you haven't read Fever Code and don't want spoilers, skip this next part. If you don't care, then continue on. Also, Newt’s suicide attempt is discussed, both here and a little later.) It’s revealed in Fever Code that Newt’s suicide attempt is not too long before Thomas enters the Maze--only about 6 months, compared to the time Newt has been there.
(If you skipped you're good now)
Newt was a Runner, right? But obviously something changed, and he can’t run very well with a limp, something that's noted more than once by Thomas. So Newt becomes a jack-of-all-trade (starts Thomas each day with his trial runs, helps the medjacks with Ben, etc), learns the ins and outs of the Glade, helps out with Greenies where he can. He gives the motivational/you're-here-so-make-the-best-of-it speech where Alby only gets angry, at which point Newt pulls him back so he doesn't scare Thomas (the first Greenie since the last leader, Nick, died. Yes, I have the book open rn. I have some of it memorized but I want to be thorough lol. probably more so than I need to be). Alby doesn't have his footing as a leader yet--Gally doesn't like Thomas, so all of their interactions are colored negatively anyway, but he also seems not to exactly respect Alby as a leader. Minho affords Alby some respect but also just... doesn't really care about the chain of command. We don't know if the Keepers voted, but Newt is both well-liked and clearly has a handle on running the Glade. Why wouldn’t he be picked, in such a scenario?
Unless he took himself from the running because he realized that yes, he can lead, but being well-liked and being respected are different things, and his authority seem to come mostly from the Gladers listening to him because they like him.
That's where Alby comes in. Presumably a Keeper (though what he did is never made clear), and probably worked with Nick-- maybe even as his second-in-command--before his death, but not handling the Glade in the way Newt does.
Newt suggests he becomes the leader, takes himself out of the running, and they listen to Newt and make Alby leader.
Newt, who knows the ins and outs of everything, who is good at talking boys down and bouncing around where he's needed, gets to keep doing that.
And Alby is really thrown into overseeing everything; Greenies, the Box requests, what needs to be built and repaired more urgently, all of that stuff. He would have known it was done, but actually making the decisions is very different from just knowing about them.
But they start dating long before Thomas comes to the Glade, right?
Yeah. They do. Alby is the one who drags Newt of the Maze, they were already close. But working together doesn't always work out. Now working more closely after Newt’s attempt, they start butting heads more, and their whole relationship seems to fall apart, until they realize they're trying to do the same job, and one of them is just better suited for it than the other.
Don't get me wrong, Alby is great. He’s an asshole, yes, but they all are, really. Especially compared to Newt, though, people don't seem to be his strong suit. So they work it out that Alby mostly does logistics stuff, and Newt deals with people.
They're both leaders, and they work so well together because they're different types of leaders. Once they stop fighting-as-flirting arguing over everything, they figure out a system and slowly realize there are Feelings there. (Newt makes the first move, and this surprises no one.)
By the time Thomas reaches the Glade, hell, by the time Chuck gets there their relationship is an open secret. They're not very affectionate publicly as to keep the appearance of neutrality, but everyone knows anyway. They were on the edge of 'are we friends or are we dating' before this, anyway, but it was working together that pushed it over the edge.
tl;dr: Newt and Alby are both leaders in very different ways, Newt on the people side and Alby on the logistics side. They figured this out after Newt’s suicide attempt and clashed for a while before things finally clicked into place. After that, they eventually started dating sometime before Chuck was sent into the Maze.
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Dream SMP Recap (June 6/2021) - Techno’s Visit
It’s time for Techno to visit Dream in prison. After saying some parting words to Phil, Techno goes to Pandora’s Vault for the first time...
Later, Quackity, Puffy, Bad, Skeppy and Michael tour around Las Nevadas for a fun chill stream, and Quackity recruits Michael as a worker to build in the city.
A brief summary of the week’s total events can be found at the end of the post.
Captain Puffy
- Techno goes to speak with Phil before he visits Dream
- Phil gets a horrible canonical headache and Techno offers him a canonical aspirin
- Phil isn’t sure going to the prison is a good idea, as every time someone’s gone something bad's happened, but Dream saved Techno’s life. Also views
- Phil has his concerns, but Dream called in the favor. Techno thinks he should go and check on him anyways, even without Quackity. Dream’s been in there for five months
- Phil offers his help, but Techno doesn’t want Phil to take any risks paying off his debt
- But there is something Phil can do: Techno wrote a will. He throws a signed book to Phil. Phil asks how many days he should wait. Techno says it varies. The instructions are in the will
Techno: “I took a vow. Those who treat me with kindness see it repaid tenfold...I gotta honor that.”
- He rings the channel member bell
- Techno wonders if he can bring Steve, but probably not. He says goodbye to Phil and heads off for the prison
- He makes it to the prison entrance and says hello to Sam, who welcomes him through the portal
- Techno says he’s come to visit Dream, but Sam says he’s not allowing people to visit right now. Techno throws Sam a book:
Sam. Technoblade will be paying Dream a visit. This is business related. Let it happen.
It’s also tax write off :)
- Quackity
- Techno reads the waiver aloud and signs it “Techno Blade”
- Sam then asks the questions:
“When is the last time you visited the prison?”
“I have not visited the prison before”
“Where is your place of residence currently located?”
“I live in like this cabin in the north, it’s pretty chill.”
“Do you believe that the prisoner is deserving of being locked up?”
“I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea why he’s in there, so...”
“Are you saying no?”
“I’m not saying, like, yes or no, I don’t really -- I’m not really up to date on the news recently, if I’m being honest.”
“What are your prior relations with the prisoner?”
“Yeah, we’ve been business associates I’d say, in the past, you know. I wouldn’t say I’m like friends with him, honestly -- he’s kinda sus...I’m not gonna lie, it does not surprise me at all that he ended up in a jail, ‘cause that guy -- he’s a little weird sometimes, you know. A little strange...So you know, it’s, eh...it’s up and down.”
- Sam gets to the last question, telling Techno he’s the ultimate authority on the grounds of the prison
Techno: “Oh I love authority, everyone can tell you that.”
- Techno goes to store his belongings in the locker. There’s a bed in an item frame now which he uses to set his spawn. Techno opens up his Ender Chest and stores all of his armor and weapons in it
- Having run out of space in the Ender Chest, Techno puts his remaining items in the locker chest: Potions, gapples, golden carrots, an Ender Chest, Ender Pearls and a stack of stone
Techno: “Well. You know, you seem like a trustworthy man.”
- They go through the security protocol. There’s a new Ender Pearl stasis chamber in the first room that wasn’t there before. Techno zooms in on it before it activates, teleporting Sam in
- Techno’s impressed with the prison’s design. He gets Sam to open the vault door a second time to admire it
- Techno signs the next waivers “sub to techno” as “Technoblade (subscribe to technoblade”
- Techno praises Sam’s creativity with the prison, comparing it to the Butcher Army’s simple execution platform
- The lava wall comes down. Dream isn’t facing them
- Techno walks with the moving platform to the cell. The second Dream sees him, he starts shouting
Techno: “Yo, Dream! Dream, what’s up!”
Dream: “TECHNO NO! NO!”
Techno: “No what?”
Dream: “QUACKITY -- it’s a trap! It’s a trap! Techno--”
Techno: “What about Quackity? Dream, you need to -- I haven’t seen you in a long time, Dream.”
Dream: “(muffled) Techno...He’s been torturing me I gotta -- I didn’t write that note.”
Techno: “I’m not gonna lie to you, Dream, I -- I kinda had a feelin’ he was lying, but I kinda had to visit anyways, just to see how you were doing, get to the truth of things, you know? You know? And besides, Quackity’s not even here, man.”
Dream: “...Why did you come?”
Techno: “I wanted to see you! I need to figure out what’s going on here, Dream, and between you and me, I’m an anarchist, so uh -- (looking to Sam) Can he hear me at this volume?”
Dream: “They’re working together...”
Techno: “Who?”
Dream: “Sam and Quackity!”
- Techno asks Dream to tell him everything. Neither the lava wall nor the Netherite barrier have lowered yet
- Techno looks back at Sam, asking how long he has to be in there for
Sam: “I think you could do with a nice long stay with Dream...you’re probably the main threat to uh -- to Dream escaping, aren’t you, ‘cause you know, the two of you have worked together before, and...”
Techno: “I...would never defy authority, alright. I. Love. Authority.”
Sam: “I think we both know that’s probably not true--”
Techno: “Everybody will tell you how much Technoblade loves authority figures.”
- Sam refuses to send the bridge back, saying the two of them will have some catching up to do. He sends the lava wall down
(Dream freaks out in the background)
Techno: “...Alright. Well that was nice.”
- Dream panics. Techno tells him it’s fine, that they’re not out of options
Dream: “I have been in here for six months! What do you mean we’re not out of options, it’s fine -- how?!”
Techno: “Well I mean, maybe you’re out of options, but like I actually have friends now. I know I was kinda like a loser when we first met...”
- He finds the books and quills and tells Dream to write down everything he knows about the prison
Techno: “So...hows it goin’, roommate?”
Dream: (quietly) “Oh my god...”
- Techno seems optimistic about the new experience. Dream tells him he used to have a clock as Techno examines the cell
- Techno tells Dream to get to writing and ends stream
- Ranboo goes back home and is confused by how much the trees have grown. He thinks Phil probably has something to do with it and that he knows something, even though Phil isn’t doing it himself
- He then goes mining
- Quackity does a chill stream on the SMP working on the roads of Las Nevadas while chatting about lore out of character
- He walks down the Prime Path when he gets suddenly jumped by Skeppy and Bad, who attack him together. Quackity threatens to blow up their house
- Captain Puffy joins the fray and stops them
- Quackity offers Puffy and Michael a tour of his country
- He goes eating at McPuffy’s and Michael comes over to give him food as well
- There’s a hostile takeover of McPuffy’s and Bad declares it McSkeppy’s now. Quackity takes the drive-through instead
- Quackity orders a BTS meal and Bad hands him a steak “with extra cruelty”
- He starts walking them all over to his country, asking them what their expectations are (Quackity talking to Bad at this point is non-canonical) Skeppy wants a lot of ducks
- Quackity falls into the Punzo Chunk
- He tells them that his country isn’t even near done, and he’s going to need a lot of cheap labor. Skeppy says it doesn’t sound very enticing, but Quackity says he’ll give him all the ducks he’d want. 
- Michael tells him about his experience with 2b2t
- Quackity shows him the concept of “the house always wins” (a picture of “Finding Doryto”)
- Quackity kills Skeppy and Skeppy logs off. Bad is horrified. Quackity tells Bad it isn’t his fault that Skeppy is dead as Bad buries Skeppy’s dropped things beneath the ground under the Needle
- Quackity shows the remaining people to the gambling machine, teaching them how it works
- Afterwards, he takes them to the strip club and starts stripping at the pole
- He takes Michael into the back, where he tries to mug Michael for his things. But Michael runs out the back door
- Quackity goes back to stripping and offers Bad to go into the back room for a “surprise.” He tries to mug Bad, but Bad goes running out the back door
- He returns to Puffy, defeated, and half-heartedly promises her a surprise in the back room too. Puffy, not at all suspicious, follows him and he tries to mug her. She gives him ink sacs, slabs, Ender Pearls and shears. 
He shows her out the back door
- Afterwards, Quackity takes the three of them to the Tommyinnit Restaurant 
- Then they go to the stage and Quackity puts on a “show” for them...
...Which is more stripping 
- Next up is the hotel. There’s nothing in it, so he takes them to the pool outside. Bad almost drowns
- He wants to show them “something embarrassing,” so he brings them to Tommy and Wilbur’s headquarters
- Quackity then shows them the Eiffel Tower to conclude the country tour and they argue about a trident
- He suggests Michael and Puffy possibly build some structures around Las Nevadas and gathers them at the Needle. He shows Michael the empty plot next to Fundy’s area and says he needs something put there in return for some free spins at the casino. Michael’s down for that
- Quackity tells Puffy and Bad to help Michael build there. Bad asks how much he’s getting paid, and Quackity says he gets free spins at the casino too. Bad and Puffy start arguing again and Quackity leaves, having gained a new worker
- Bad and Puffy continue to argue about the trident 
- Later, Michael builds a statue in Las Nevadas
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5/31 - Wilbur and Tommy visit Las Nevadas
6/1 - Ponk tears down a tower of L’Llamaburg, Tubbo builds an outpost, Techno’s birthday party, Quackity speaks with Foolish about Las Nevadas, Niki finds out about Wilbur’s revival, Bad and Puffy destroy the supreme fridge in an act of war
6/2 - Fundy speedruns self-care, Antfrost confronts Foolish, Bad and Puffy to apologize
6/3 - Nothing much happens.
6/4 - Ponk decides to sue Puffy and Bad, Pubbo
6/5 - Nothing much happens.
6/6 - Techno gets trapped in prison, Quackity tours Bad, Puffy, Skeppy and Michael around Las Nevadas
Upcoming Events:
- The final Egg lore stream
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Ponk’s lore stream
- Dream’s lore video
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myhockeyworld87 · 3 years
What Happens in Vegas...Doesn’t Always Stay There - Jacob Markstrom - Part 1
Word Count: 4,885
POV: Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Language, Smut, Drinking (all the good stuff)
Notes: Well here it is the new fic that’s been in my head. I tossed around a couple different guys for this, but some of you suggested Marky and well looks like it stuck. Trying to do this a little different and keep this in an all read POV, so we shall see how that works. I don’t see this being super long maybe between 5 or 6 parts. Hope you guys enjoy. As always feedback is welcome. Happy Reading!
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They say that New York is the city that never sleeps but whoever 'they' is, well, they got it wrong. It has to be Vegas. Lights are always flashing whether you were indoors or out, the jangly sound of slot machines can be heard at all hours and the seven deadly sins seem to be on full display twenty-four hours a day. It's no wonder their tagline for years was 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.' If only that were true.
You wish you could blame someone else but you can't. Vegas was all your idea. As maid of honor, it fell to you to plan your best friend's bachelorette party, and in your mind, there was only one spot, Vegas. Now, you were second-guessing your choice as your head was pounding like there were a thousand drummers who decided to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show, only in your brain. There was only one thought that made it through the marching band playing in your head. What the hell happened last night?
 Maybe you should start off small, like where were you first, considering that the little drummer boy was now doing backflips in your head. You were definitely in bed, which was evident as you could feel the mattress underneath you. You could also feel the duvet comforter covering your body, but there was something else. Something a bit heavier, almost as if a weighted blanket was covering your stomach and your breast, but it wasn't that. It was an arm slung across your midsection and a very large hand cupping your one boob. God, you hoped it was still attached to a body. You should really take a peek. It would be the only decent thing to do.
 As you gradually lifted one eyelid open, the first thing you noticed was that you were not in your hotel room, as the wall looked completely different. No reason to panic, you told yourself. Everything would come back to you as soon as this god blessed pounding ceased. Peering the other eye open, you got back to business at seeing if there was a body attached to the arm currently trapping you to the bed. Carefully, you turned your head to the side to see a very large and very naked man firmly attached to the aforementioned arm. He was gorgeous as he lay there sleeping ever so peacefully. You drank in his features, kind of like you downed drink after drink last night. His brown hair had this golden hue to it that made your fingers want to reach out and touch it, though you refrained. Then there was the beard covering his face, not too much and not too little, and now that you were thinking about it; you definitely felt some of that beard burn on your thighs. If you could only remember last night. The only logical thing to do was to go back to the start of this, back to a time when you were sober.
 It started months ago when your best friend Kennedy got engaged. You honestly didn't see it coming that fast. She'd only been dating Ryan for a little less than a year, but he asked and she said yes, and when she asked you to be her maid of honor you screamed and laughed and cried, and told her you couldn't wait to plan her bachelorette party. Everyone knew the bridal shower was only for boring stuffy old aunts so that they could buy her the latest air fryer or new dish pattern. The bachelorette party was where all the fun was, and what better place to have it than Las Vegas.
 Of course, everyone agreed with you. The only wrench in the plan was that Kennedy decided to up her wedding date and make it a nine-month engagement. That barely left time to find a dress let alone plan the most outrageous bachelorette party of the century. You would've said decade but twenty-twenty was fastly approaching. Thankfully, you had connections. Night one was more sedate since you all were just arriving at the MGM hotel at different times; eleven of you in total when Ryan's sister decided to join at the last minute. You booked a private room at Lago in the Bellagio for all of you to enjoy.
 It was the second night, that was the piece de resistance. A limo picked you all up and took you over to Excalibur to see the legendary Australian group, Thunder from Down Under. I mean what was Vegas without seeing a male stripper or two. The next day, a private bungalow was waiting for you at Wet Republic in the MGM Hotel. One would've thought the night watching men strip naked would've been your undoing but apparently, it all started poolside.
 "I seriously can't believe he pulled you up on stage and proceeded to dry hump you up there," Kelsey rehashed.
 "Really, Kels?" Kennedy said downing another mimosa. "How could you not see that happening? (Y/N) has known Nate for a couple years. I mean he did get us front row tickets." This was all true. Nate, the emcee for Thunder from Down Under and you were friends, had been since your firm had done their calendar shoot two years ago. He had generously given you prime seating to the show that night and also set you up with a few other perks for the trip. "The only thing I'm surprised at, is that this one," she bumped you with her hip, spilling both hers and your mimosas. "Didn't end up going home with him last night."
 "Oh my god, Kenny you did not just say that." She may be the bride and your best friend but really, she was pushing the line.
 "Come on, it's not like it hasn't happened before."
 At least four pairs of eyes turned towards you, Ryan's sister Gretchen being one of them. "Ok, admittedly, I slept with him, once." Both Kennedy and Kelsey gave you that look. "Ok, maybe it was twice, but he has a girlfriend now, and we are just friends."
 "I'll give you that," Jade spoke up in your defense and suddenly she was going to earn the title of new best friend, not that the lines weren't blurred in your little group as you were all sort of best friends. "But what about Edward, the one with the turtle tattoo on his hip."
 "You were so looking at more than his hip." Eva teased while Jade simply hid behind her champagne glass. "But yeah (Y/N), he was totally hitting on you."
 "He was not."
 "Oh, he was," Kennedy added her two cents. "And as the bride I take offense, they should've been hitting on me."
 "Wait, why would they hit on you?" Jade sputtered. "You're taken bitch." Of course, bitch was said in the most loving way.
 "I'm not dead."
 "No, but I'm sure my brother wouldn't appreciate it." Leave it to Gretchen to be the mood killer. "I think I'm going to go take a nap. I'll meet you at the pool later."
 She headed out the door, and honestly, you were ecstatic about it, for she was too judgmental for your liking.  "Wait, Gretch, that's not what I meant."
 "Leave her go, maybe a nap would do her good." They were Jade's words but your sentiments. "Now back to why (Y/N) did not take that beautiful man up on his offer last night."
 "There was no offer," you insisted.
 "Come on (Y/N), there was an offer. There's always an offer. Remember when you were doing promo for that Batman flick." You tried to shut Kennedy up with a death glare, but she continued to prattle on. "We all know you ended up doing the nasty with Superman."
 "WHAT?!?!" Yeah, that definitely came out of the other nine people's mouths in the room.
 "Thanks, Ken. No one knew that but you."
 "Oops, my bad." She had the grace to at least be embarrassed about the whole thing.
 "You mean you slept with that guy, the British one, tall, all muscular, extremely good looking. Damn it what's his name." You could see Eva wracking her brain for his name and you just didn't want to go there.
 "Yes, him," you admitted, stopping Jade before she could finish his name. "Can we please change the subject?"
 "Why, when we are all living vicariously through you," Kelsey added. "Especially poor Kennedy, who is now committed to spending the rest of her life with one man."
 "Geez, you make it sound like a death sentence. I love Ryan and I'm perfectly fine spending the rest of my days with him."
 You had to suppress an eye roll. Not because you didn't think that Ryan and Kennedy weren't in love. If you were being honest, you just thought they were rushing things a bit. The problem was telling your best friend that; you tried in the past and never succeeded. "We know you're in love Kenny." And then because you couldn't stop yourself, you added. "It's just are you sure you want to be tied down so young? We still have our whole life to live."
 "Jesus, (Y/N). We all know you're not ready for marriage and what comes with it, but we can't all be you with your fancy job in LA, meeting celebrities all the time. Some of us have real lives and want to settle down and have a family."
 "Kenny, that's not what I meant." The last thing you wanted to do was argue with her at her bachelorette party. "I only want you to be happy."
 "You have a funny way of showing it." The air in the room took on a chill and not from the air conditioning. If you didn't do something soon this party was going to go downhill.
 "Oh, would you look at the time," Jade chimed in. "We should probably be heading down to the pool." Everyone grabbed their stuff, Kennedy giving you the cold shoulder as you made your way out of the hotel suite. Jade came up and wrapped an arm around you. "She'll be fine. She's just on edge after the whole Gretchen thing. We'll give her a few shots and you two will be good as new."
 "I hope so." Unfortunately, things weren't fine. Kennedy seemed to avoid you and your attempt to make things right, even after a few shots. That didn't stop you from taking a few more. You had a strict one drink to one water rule, that you threw out the door today. Downing shots like it was your job. It was probably an hour later when you were in one of the private pools, with a few of the girls that a large group of very attractive men walked in. They were definitely different from Nate and the guys from Thunder, and at first, you thought it was some fraternity get together with how young some of them looked, but at second glance there were some gentlemen that were your age or older.
 "They've gotta be baseball players," Eva whispered over after they took up residence in the three bungalows next to you.
 "Nah, none of them have a dad bod." Jade was right, they were too fit to be in the MLB. You'd been around enough major leaguers to know while some were incredibly in shape, some were not. That didn't seem to be the case with this group.
 "I'm gonna rule out NFL as well," you told the girls. "None of these guys look like they're an offensive guard. Those guys are huge." You noticed a few of them staring at the six of you that were in the smaller pool reserved only for the bungalows. Grabbing another shot, this had to be your fourth in just sixty minutes, you downed the drink really starting to feel its effects.
 "Looks like we may just find out here," Jade said, nodding to let you know some of the guys were headed your way.
 "Ladies, care if we join you?" One of the men asked, you had to admit he was extremely handsome but also gave off an air that he had more than a few notches in his bedpost.
 A couple of the girls nodded, but when no one said anything, you found yourself saying, "Come on in."
 "So, what brings you to Vegas?" This from a different guy, who had quite a number of tattoos covering his arms, and you had to admit that the ink just made him more attractive, that and his height. He was well over six feet tall and you didn't mind looking up to see his face as he took the seat next to you.
 "Bachelorette party," Jade blurted out and you saw a few eyebrows raise.
 "Tell me you're not the bride?" His breath was warm or maybe it was the sun, either way, you definitely felt a warmth in your belly that wasn't there moments ago.
 "I am definitely not the bride." Shit that sounded desperate. "Though I am the maid of honor, at least I hope I still am." You looked inside the bungalow to see Kennedy in deep conversation with Gretchen.
 "Hmm, sounds like there's a story there. Care to tell me? I'm Jacob by the way, though the guys call me Marky."
 He held out his hand, the one that didn't have a beer in it, and you took it. "(Y/N), and I'll tell you though it's rather dull, on one condition." He quirked a brow at you. "You tell me what sport you play."
 He chuckled. "What makes you think I play a sport? Maybe I'm an investment banker."
 "Well, first there's your accent, though I suppose you could pull off investment banker with that. Second, you are all…how shall I say this…physically fit. A quality most athletes have and considering the number of you; I doubt this is some kind of investment banker convention."
 "Ok, I'll give you that, though we could be bodybuilders or…" the lights on the billboard on the strip changed to a Thunder From Down Under ad and you saw a light bulb in his head go off. "Or male strippers." Shit, you almost spit your drink out on that one. "What, too much a stretch? Maybe it's your lucky day." He started to sway his hips in the pool, one of his friends joining him while you and Jade tried to contain your laughter.
 "Nah, it's already been (Y/N)'s lucky day with them. She knows them all rather intimately."
 "Jade!" you yelled at your friend, or ex-friend, though you weren't in a position to be losing anymore at the moment.
 "Oops." She at least had the decency to look embarrassed. Alcohol made everyone do some crazy things and Jade was no exception to the rule.
 "Intimately huh?" Jacob asked as you splashed water on Jade causing her to shriek and hide behind Jacob's friend who you learned was someone named Erik. "Have I lost the competition before it even starts?"
 "There's no competition."
 "So, you're single then?"
 "Yes, though you still haven't answered my question." As soon as Jacob heard you say yes, he slid a little closer to you.
 "What was that question again?" He said with laughter in his eyes and before you could get annoyed with him, though you doubted that would happen, he added. "I remember, just giving you a hard time. Anyhow, we play hockey."
 "Oh, nice. Like professional level? Or are there minors in that sport?" You really weren't one hundred percent sure. You'd taken in a game here and there but not really paid any particular attention to it.
 "We're in the NHL, playing for Vancouver. Just came out to do a little team bonding before the season starts. So, are we going to talk about this intimate encounter or why you think your maid of honor duties are getting revoked?"
 "I think I need another drink to talk about either of them."
 Jacob flagged down one of the personal waitresses for the area, requesting a couple of shots and drinks for you both, and you had to admit you liked the way he worked. "Now that that's taken care of…"
 You blew out a frustrated breath, more with yourself than anything else. "I said something stupid right before we came down here." He kept silent, his eyes totally focused on you and what you were saying. A refreshing change from some of the men you spoke to. "I just think she's rushing into things. They've only known each other a year and we are too young to get married. She's only twenty-five, we have our whole lives ahead of us. You know?" He simply nodded his agreement before you continued. "I want to see the world, go places, and do things before I'm strapped down to one man forever. Not to mention being tied down with kids. How can Kenny not want that too?"
 "I totally agree. I've gotten to see a lot with hockey but there's no way I want to be tied down just yet."
 "Exactly, you totally get me." Your drinks arrived then and Jacob took one shot and handed it to you before taking the other.
 "Well, I say we toast to being young and free with no commitments."
 "I'll drink to that." He clinked his glass to yours and the two of you downed the drinks. It seemed like the DJ noticed the change in your mood, as the music got louder and the energy seemed to kick up a notch. You got up and started to dance in the pool; the other girls joining in. It wasn't long before you felt Jacob behind you. His hips grinding into your backside, as his large hands encircled your waist.
 Drinks flowed freely the entire day, and if you were being honest, you couldn't remember a time you'd been that drunk before the sun had even set. You were laughing and dancing, and quite literally having the time of your life; your maid of honor duties completely forgotten at this point. Gretchen came up to you at some point and told you that she, Kennedy, and Kelsey were heading up and would catch up with the rest of you later. Everyone else was having too much fun with the Canucks to want to leave.
 A few more drinks and an hour later, the party was winding down. Most of your friends had headed up to their room to pass out, only a few stayed behind. Jacob had somehow maneuvered you into one of the bungalows that was empty. You shared a few kisses here and there out in the pool area, but now that you were out of view of prying eyes things were getting a bit more heated. Jacob's hands were on your ass, as his tongue was down your throat; not that yours wasn't doing the same thing to him. He moaned into your mouth, the sound going straight to your core. Your bikini bottom was no longer wet from the water of the pool, but the press of Jacob's cock against it.
 You both stumbled back, landing down on the large daybed in the bungalow, though somehow Jacob's reflexes softened your fall. His hands went straight to your breasts, kneading the flesh there. He was just about to untie the string of your bikini top when someone walked in. "Jesus, Marky! Take it upstairs would you!" You squinted trying to make out who it was but at this point not remembering anyone's name besides the man that was on top of you.
 "Oh, shit…thought I was in my room." It was funny, you thought the same thing. "Sorry, Jay."
 "His name is Jay? Like the letter?" you mumbled as Jacob helped you off the couch. "What comes after J?" Fuck you were drunk and when you were drunk you tended to ramble. You once actually talked to a damn parking meter because you thought it was a person, and you were pretty sure you could talk to one now if there was one around.
 "Doesn't matter, babe," Jacob said kissing your lips. "Wanna head up to my room?"
 You had to go up on your tiptoes to loop your arms around his neck. "Yes, I do." He planted a kiss on your lips then cupped your ass cheeks causing you to jump a bit.
 "Let's go," he finally said breaking the kiss. You had enough sense to grab your things and tell your friends not to worry that you'd catch up with them tomorrow. They all winked and nodded or at least that's what it looked like in your head because that's when things started to get hazy. You had vague recollections of making your way through the casino, stopping here and there. Part of you thought that the two of you even stopped to play roulette only so you could have another drink.
 You did remember tumbling through the door of Jacob's suite. His lips were on yours and neither of you were paying attention as he unlocked it. Thankfully his quick reflexes caught you; apparently, even when drunk, goalies couldn't lose some of those natural instincts.
 His hands, you remember them being everywhere on your body, and how incredible they made you feel. His calloused touch lit a fire inside you, that had nothing to do with the alcohol. He rid you of your white swim cover-up easily, flinging the garment across the room, and then his lips were all over your body. It was easy to recall the way he made you feel, as he softly bit down on your nipple through the fabric of your bikini. You'd craved this all afternoon. It had been a couple months since you'd been with a man and Jacob was everything you'd been waiting for.
 You ripped off his shirt. Your hands immediately going to his chest and roaming down his tattooed arms. He was all muscle, hard and lean everywhere, but when you slid your hand down inside his swim trunks to his cock; oh, it was hard all right, but lean was not a word you'd used to describe it. You were barely able to wrap your fingers around his girth, and as you stroked him, you realized God had not only blessed him with height but length as well. The man was made to star in a porno, you thought as you shoved his trunks down.
 Somehow, during that time Jacob had managed to get your bikini top off, though you supposed with its simple string ties it wasn't a hard feat to manage. You dropped to your knees, licking your lips before taking your tongue and swirling it around the head of Jacob's cock. "Det kanns sa bra min vackra prinsessa (that feels so good my beautiful princess)." Jacob's mumblings had you pulling back and looking up at him. "Don't stop, baby." This time you knew what he said as you slowly sucked him into your mouth. There was no way that you could take him all in, so you pumped the rest of him with your fist. You hollowed out your cheeks as you sucked him inside, using every trick in the book you knew. Jacob muttered more in Swedish to you, things you had no clue as to what they meant, but judging by his reaction they were things he was enjoying very much. He threaded his hands through your hair, pulling it back so you could look up at him with big doe eyes. "Jesus," he swore, his hips bucking into your mouth at the sight of you with his cock in it, looking like that. After a few more thrusts, he pulled out shouting," Tillrackligt, enough. I think you're trying to kill me, princess."
 There was something about the way he called you princess. It wasn't anything you'd been called before and most times you'd preferred babe or baby, but the way the word rolled off his tongue did things to your insides.
 Jacob helped you off the ground, his lips ghosting over yours before picking you up and tossing you onto the bed. His large form handled you easily, arranging your body just the way he wanted to before slipping off your bikini bottoms. His large hands worked their way from your ankles to your calves, all the way up to your thighs; spreading your legs as he went. "So beautiful." He traced his fingers lightly over your pussy lips and you quivered in anticipation of what was to come. One long finger slid between your folds all the way up to your clit, once, then twice, and then once again. "So wet, prinsessa, and all because of me."
 "Mmm, yes, Jacob." He dipped that same finger inside you then. The digit slipping in easily and so he added another. Then his mouth was there. Tongue flicking over your clit in a way that made you squirm with pleasure. "Oh yes," you moaned, caught up in the pleasure that was coursing through your veins. "Just like that." Your hips lifted up on their own accord, seeking more of what this giant of a man was doing to you. Jacob never let up, making a come-hither motion with his fingers and you found yourself unraveling around him; legs shaking, breath panting as your orgasm overtook you.
 “So pretty when you cum, prinsessa.” He pulled his fingers from your pussy then brought them to your lips. You opened without any thought, licking your juices off of them. Before you could get them clean, Jacob’s mouth joined yours, kissing you while you sucked on his index and middle fingers. Your tongues mingled together, as Jacob positioned himself between your thighs. The head of his cock nudged between your folds and you sighed into his mouth at just that first touch. Slowly, he filled your pussy, until he bottomed out. Only then did he release your lips. “Fuck you feel so good.”
 Jacob loved the feel of you clenching around him. It felt like he was in heaven. Part of him didn’t even want to move that’s how good your body felt, but then you shifted your hips up just a hair bit and he had to suck in a breath at the pleasure that went straight to his groin for fear he would spend inside you right then and there. He willed his body under control and only then started to move.
 With every snap of Jacob’s hips, a wave of pleasure crashed over you. Your nails raked down his back, probably leaving marks, but it seemed to only spur him on. “Yes, Prinsessa,” he moaned out, as you bent your knees allowing him to go deeper. You moaned as he hit that treasured spot that had you seeing stars. “You like that?” Another moan was his answer, as he continued to fuck you.
 That peculiar feeling started to wash over you. Your pussy fluttering around Jacob’s cock as the orgasm finally broke. Back arching, legs trembling, you were moaning out his name as the climax seemed to continue, as Jacob drove wildly into you. As you came down off your high, Jacob found his. With a few erratic thrusts, he was spending deep inside you with a loud groan. He slumped forward, his sweety forehead resting on yours. “Det dar var otroligt.” You looked at him curiously, your brain not working at all but also knowing he was speaking something in Swedish to you. He smiled, a glorious one that you found yourself getting lost in and you found yourself returning it. “I said that was amazing.”
 “Yes, it was,” you breathed out. Jacob rolled you both onto your sides, tucking you into his. It wasn’t long before both of you were passing out.
 Now here you were, finally putting most of the pieces together from last night. You looked back over at the sleeping man, who had given you such pleasure even in your inebriated state. He really was gorgeous. You honestly wouldn’t mind going for round two, after a couple of Tylenol, of course. Speaking of which you needed to get up and see if you had any in your bag. If only you could move him without waking him. You carefully took your right arm and went to move his left which was slung across you, but then something caught your eye. There on his ring finger was a ring. Oh, it wasn’t just any ring, it was a wedding ring! You knew he didn’t have it on when you were in the pool. You were not the type of woman to go hitting on a married man, let alone sleep with him.
 You pulled your other arm out from underneath him, fully intending to grab your stuff and get the hell out of there when you noticed a bright and shiny diamond on your ring finger. There was also a matching wedding band. Then like a tsunami hitting the beach of a small island a memory came flooding back to you of the two of you entering the hotel chapel. This man wasn’t married to just anyone, he was married to you!  
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All About Eavesdropping - Loki x Reader - Words: 1,835
“You want us to what?” You yelled. 
“I need you and Elsa here to go to Greenland for about a month,” Tony said. You stared at him from across his worktable in his lab. 
“Why in Valhalla would we need to do that, Stark?” Loki retorted. “And don’t call me Elsa.” Tony had called the two of you in there right after breakfast saying that he had a very important job for you. This, however, did not seem to be all that special.
“For purely scientific purposes, of course,” He replied, mouthful of blueberries.
“And those would be?” You sighed, facedesking. 
“The new winter stealth suits I designed. I need them tested in the field. I’ve run as many lab tests as possible but,” Tony shrugged. “Field tests are absolutely necessary. Everything you’ll need is either in these boxes or in the house in Greenland. If you want to take any other personal stuff you’ll want to grab it before you leave.”
“And you think we’re the best for the job?” You asked.
“He’s already a popsicle so if it gets too cold he can deal with it and you can heal yourself or him anyway,” Tony said like it was the most logical thing in the world. Loki tensed at his words but didn’t say anything about it.
“Fine,” Loki grunted. He grabbed the box Tony had marked for him and headed for the doors. 
“You leave at 6! Don’t be late!” 
“I wouldn’t dare disappoint you, Stark,” Loki sassed before finally stalking out. 
“Have fun!” Tony grinned at you, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“First of all, perv. Second of all, ain’t gonna happen!” You replied. “Why are you doing this? This whole thing is a direct attack on a part of him he doesn’t like to address!” 
“Well I figured he has to grow up one day and deal with it. We all have inner demons to fight. I figured I’d help him.”
“A bit not good there, Sherlock.” Tony snorted in laughter and shook his head. 
“Would you rather I send him with Steve?” Your eyes widened comically.
“Nope!” You exclaimed, popping the p. “I think we’ll do just fine.” You grabbed your box and headed out as well.   
By 6 o'clock, the two of you were flying out on one of Tony's jets. "So, what do you think of the new suits?" You asked Loki, trying to make some conversation.
"They are no match for true Asgardian leather and would be greatly improved by at least a cape," He replied sounding rather bored. 
"Oh," You said. "How exactly are we to be testing the suits again? I forget what Tony said."
"He said nothing, darling. It was all in his infernal little packet." You blushed lightly at the pet name and nodded. 
"Alright, well, I guess I'm just going to," You paused, unsure of what to do. It was obvious Loki was not interested in conversation but there wasn't much to do on the jet. "I'm just going to sit over there," You said, getting up quickly and moving to the other side of the jet. The rest of the flight was quiet, Loki only speaking up to alert you that you were about to land. 
"Surely the man of iron could not possibly want us to stay here," Loki said, getting out and seeing the small house.
"Maybe it's bigger on the inside," You said hopefully. Gathering your few things, you both headed in. "Oh this is so much worse," You groaned. The large main room consisted of the dining and living rooms and the kitchen. However, it was very sparsely decorated. You could see a stack of groceries in the kitchen along with a note. Loki wandered off to explore the bathroom and bedrooms, you assumed, while you read the note. 
"Find anything of interest?" Loki called out, surprising you.
"Just that Tony said if we didn't like the food or somehow ran out there's a grocery store about 10 miles away."
"And just how does he expect us to go there?" Loki yelled, getting increasingly frustrated. 
"The note says our transportation is out back." You walked down the small hallway to the back door and looked outside. Stifling a laugh you called out, "Hey, Loki! I think your ex is here!"
"My who?" Loki replied, very confused. "I have no 'exes', as you call them, on Midgard." You smirked and moved aside so Loki could look. When he saw what was in the backyard, a strange look crossed over his face. "Run," He said in a dangerously calm voice. 
"I beg your pardon?" You replied.
"Run if you don't want to lose your phone," He smirked back. You laughed but you did take off running. He chased you back out to the main room but you ran out the front door. "Don't think you can escape me!" He called out. 
"Wanna bet?" You called back, running to the backyard. You quickly jumped on one of the two horses you had seen and took off. 
"Oh, you'll regret saying that, my dear," Loki grinned, getting on the other horse and taking off after you. 
The next few days continued in a similar pattern. There wasn't much to do so you and Loki would often spend your time exploring the woods behind the house or riding the horses or just talking. Loki had warmed up to you quite a bit, pun intended, and you were quite happy. Of course, you recorded the events of each day in your diary. Well, it was less of a diary and more of a collection of special moments you wanted to remember and sketches you'd made. You had just finished writing today's events when you heard a loud clatter and Loki call you from the kitchen.
"Y/N!" He said. "Can you come here please?" You quickly put your notebook in the nightstand drawer and hurried out to the kitchen.
"What in the world happened, Loki?" You exclaimed, holding back a laugh. Loki was laying on the floor, covered in a mixture of flour and eggs it seemed, with various cups and bowls around him. 
"I was attempting to reach a mixing bowl on the top shelf when I slipped on an egg and pulled the shelf down," He admitted.
"You're telling the truth!" You gasped, openly chuckling at the situation now.
"Of course, love! I couldn't lie to you." You blushed brightly, as he often made you do with those pet names. 
"Uh, well," You stuttered. "Why don't you go wash up and I'll finish," You paused, glancing around. "Whatever you were making."
"I was attempting to make breakfast," He grinned. "But I think I should make myself clean instead, hm?" 
"Yes, you should," You smirked. "Wouldn't want anyone thinking you were greying early."
"You-" He exclaimed, standing quickly. For a moment you thought he was truly angry, but his eyes sparkled with mischief. He reached onto the counter and threw a handful of flour at you before running off to the bathroom. You laughed, dusted yourself off, and got to work on breakfast.
About an hour later, he came back out and sat across you at the counter. "Your breakfast, my prince," You smiled, presenting him his plate. He smiled and you ate in silence for a time. 
"I've been reading a lot lately," He commented. 
"Mhm," You replied, mouthful of syrupy pancakes. 
"The last book I read had some rather interesting sketches in it too."
"Really?" You asked, truly interested. "I love art. Can you show it to me?" You took a large gulp of milk as he replied.
"My dear," He said, setting down his fork. "I read your diary." You coughed, almost choking on your ill-timed drink. 
"You what?" You screeched. "How dare you invade my privacy like that and-"
"Don't you care to know what I thought?" He interrupted.
"Why? So you can laugh at me, oh Mr. High-and-" He cut you off by leaning over the counter and kissing you earnestly. "Oh, that's nice," You said once you pulled away. 
"Just nice?" He smirked. "I guess I'll have to work on that." He kissed you once more before you pulled away, cheeks flushed and eyes wide.
"I just remembered something!" You gasped. 
"What's wrong?" You quickly pulled out the pamphlet Tony had made you about the suit testing. You then gestured to a paragraph under a subheading of RECORDING ANY AND ALL TEST RESULTS
Loki grinned and leaned into you, lips brushing against your ear. He whispered something and you giggled. "Loki!" You gasped. "We can’t do that here!"
"Oh, yes," He purred. "We can do it anywhere we want if we're creative enough." 
"But outside is so much more exciting," You grinned. "So," you paused, struggling to find the right word. "Freeing!"
"Please do not do anything outdoors where I can see!" You heard a loud voice yell. You both quickly realized it was coming from the monitoring system.
"Steve? Is that you?" You called back with a chuckle. 
"Yeah, Tony insisted I take a turn on guard duty," He grumbled. "Look, I'm sorry I interrupted," He paused awkwardly. "Whatever you were doing but could you please not do it outside? Outside has cameras." Loki laughed loudly and you did too. 
"We really didn't mean to prank you, Cap. I thought Tony was on the other end of that mic."
"I however have no objections to how this turned out," Loki added. You whacked him arm lightly and shook your head. "Truthfully, though, we were only speaking of testing another aspect of the suit. I whispered to Y/N my idea and-"
"I get it," Cap replied quickly. You couldn't see him but you could tell he was embarrassed. "I'll make you two a deal. Behave yourselves, finish the tests, and get home early and I'll help you prank Tony here in the tower. Ok?"
"You have yourself a deal, Captain," Loki grinned. 
"Alright. I'm going to take a nap now. Don't do anything stupid."
"Oh we won't," Loki smirked, wrapping his arms around you and planting light kisses on your neck.
"Loki!" You squealed.
"Do you want to prank Tony or not?" Steve yelled. "I can't see you but I can hear you! And that didn't sound like suit testing. Get to work! If you do as you're supposed to, you'll be done in a week."
"Yes, sir," You both grumbled. Loki, ever the mischief maker, wasn't about to let up. He grabbed a towel and twirled it, smacking your backside with it as you walked away. 
"What was that for?" You asked.
"Loki, did you just-"
"For purely scientific purposes, I assure you," He replied. Steve groaned in frustration.
"This is gonna be a long week."
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here!
A/N: If I had to give this part a title, I would title it “(Y/N) and their human friends” Also I lied. This part was too long so it might be another part (or two) before we get to the Bella Arc.
* “You know you would be pretty good looking without the glasses.” Lauren says twirling a strand of hair and ignoring the algebra worksheet in front of her.
* Yeah that’s kind of the whole point
* “Contacts kind of freak me out.”
* You’re expecting a snarky response but instead she nods.
* “It’s the whole sticking your finger in your eye thing right, I totally get that.” She’s watching you with such inquisitive eyes, it almost you uncomfortable.
* It’s been a few months since you started school, you’re almost at thanksgiving break. So far you feel like you’ve assimilated well, and you have a good balance between school and caring for your animals, but it’s situations like this that totally throw you off.
* “Hey (Y/N/N), what did you get for number 5?” Jessica asks, you’re thankful for the distraction.
* “I got X = 8” Jessica confirms she got that too, and moves onto the next one
* You three are in the worlds most unlikely group. You didn’t even know Lauren was in this class you usually just pair up with Jessica.
* “Hey, me and a some people from the volleyball team are going to Port Angeles, you should come with, we could give you a makeover.”
*You wonder what the other angle here is
* It didn’t take long for you to realise that somehow, even with the ugly-duckling routine, the Cullen’s were at the top of the social hierarchy.
* Part of their popularity was probably because they didn’t really seem to interact with anyone outside of their own social circle. Which just made them all the more desirable.
* “I don’t know Lauren, I would have to ask Esme if it’s okay.” Though you can already bet Rosalie isn’t going to like this.
* “Oh cool, just let me know!” Lauren smiles, it turns out the act of considering her invitation was enough to placate her.
* For once you’re actually glad Edward’s waiting for you outside of your class when the bell rings.
* “Edward read that girls mind.”
* “It’s always straight to business isn’t it. No, ‘hi Edward how’s it going?’ Or ‘How was your class, how has your morning been treating you?’ It wouldn’t hurt you to make some small talk” You give him a look, and he returns it with an expectant expression. You sigh.
* “Hi, Edward how was your class?” You plaster on a smile, and he returns with a smile of his own.
* “It was fine. A little repetitive, we’re reading “to kill a mocking bird” in English.” You nod, offering a consoling pat on the shoulder
* “That sounds super boring,” the books great and all, but you’re guessing he’s already read it like 30 times by now. “Hey Edward,”
* “Yes (Y/N),” He nods, hiding his grin behind his hand.
* “Would you mind doing me a favor?”
* “Of course, anything for you.” He grins openly now.
* “Would you mind telling me what that girl Lauren Mallory is thinking so I can know why she invited me,” and not Jessica her good friend. “to hang out?”
* Edward loses his smile.
* “The varsity members on the volleyball team suggested it, they think it’s a shame they couldn’t have got you on the team since you just moved here.”
* Unexpected but not the worst. You’ve really been half assing it in PE so you’re surprised they even want you.
* “Lauren-she thinks you could be-“ a lopsided smirk twitches onto his face. “in her words- ‘two super good looking best friends’ “
*oh. So she just wants a pretty b*tch squad?
* “Maybe I’ll go with them then” you were scared they were going to force you to show them the Cullen’s house and introduce you to everyone, or leave you stranded in port A as some kind of prank or something.
* Edward stops you
*“you can’t be serious” he has his eyebrows scrunched together
* “Why not?” Nothing more natural to fitting in then hanging out with your classmates. Unless- “if you’re worried about any accidents don’t, I know they all look healthy but they eat a lot of carbs. Way too starchy for my palette.”
* “It’s not that-“ he gets that brooding-existence is suffering look. “You shouldn’t trust humans too much, they’ll let you down.”
* Well what’s that supposed to mean, but before you can ask he’s already walking to his class.
* Well whatever, at least Emmett will tell you a good joke to take your mind off of Mr. Eternal Damnations ominous words.
* Too bad when you get inside he’s not here, instead Mike Newton perks up when you walk into the room.
* “Hey Eleazar, how’s it going?” You still have a hard time adjusting to use Eleazar’s name as your own. Apparently they came from a time when last names were only for nobles, so he offered you his first name instead.
* “Hey Newton, any plans for this weekend?” You take Edward’s advice and start with small talk. Mike Newton smiles, you guess he’s kinda cute, all soft cheeks and baby blue eyes
* “No I’m completely free!” Weird how he’s so enthusiastic about being alone, he must be one of those “relish time alone” types. Good for him.
* “Everyone needs some time alone sometimes.” He deflates, oh man you guess that’s the wrong thing to say.
* He looks like he wants to say something to you, but then Emmett sits beside you.
* “Can I have a swig from your water bottle?” You hand it over
* “Making out with Rosalie make you thirsty?” Emmett cracks a grin
* “It’s that whole bookworm-soccer mom get up, it gets to me yknow?” That’s actually pretty funny
* “So what she’s the Velma to your Freddy?” When the reference doesn’t sink in you rephrase “the nerd to your jock.” He grins again.
* “I think I might join the swim team just so I can see her wear my letterman” that’s actually pretty cute
* “You should do that, I’ll cheer you on at your swim meets” Emmett grins.
*”I’ll hold you to that”
* School life goes on like it always has.
* Weeks pass, marked by tests, homework assignments and projects.
* You actually kind of become friends with Angela, Lauren, Jessica, Connor and Mike.
* “So like, are you and Cullen close?” Mike asks. You and the group are over at Tyler’s house using his fire pit to roast marshmallows. The others are invested in another conversation but you can tell by Lauren’s subtle head tilt that she’s eavesdropping.
* “Which one?” Mike gets flustered at that
* “The one in our grade.”
* “Hmm, well I’d say Alice and I are kinda close, but-“
* “N-no not her,” he clears his throat. “The other one-Edward”
* “Oh, Edward’s my best friend.” The answer slips out automatically.
* “I-Is that why you’re staying with the Cullen’s?” Jessica asks. Everyone’s blatantly listening now, the only one who seems uncomfortable is Angela.
* You sigh. You know everyone at school is probably wondering about the weird relationship. Jessica’s just the only one brave enough to ask you.
* “I mean, it might be.” You’re sure, Edward’s friendship with you is the reason everyone was so quick to accept the living arrangement. “But I actually met Car-I mean Dr. Cullen before I met the others.”
* “How does that work?” It’s Connor who pipes in this time.
* “Well-“ you sigh you really don’t want to do this but at least your sob story will make you seem less suspicious. “So Eleazer and Carmen, they’re my parents, but they’re not my birth parents.”
* You tell them how your parents passed away in an accident many years ago, and how Carlisle had been your Doctor at the time while you recovered. He worked with you for a long time, and you’re pretty sure he wanted to adopt you, but the agency liked Carmen and Eleazer better, probably because Carlisle already had so many adopted kids.
* “Still, Carlisle stayed in my life as my doctor and a family friend. Then I met Edward and the rest of the Cullen’s and... the rest is history...I guess.” You’ve found it’s best to mix a little bit of truth into the lie, though really all of that was mostly what happened.
* Everyone looks testy eyed, Angela is holding back tears, and Lauren hastily wipes her away so no one can see. You wonder if maybe your powers leaked out a bit while you were telling your story.
* “Dude... you’re so strong.” Tyler claps a hand on your shoulder and pulls you into a hug.
* “Ah, it all happened a long time ago, I’m mostly over it now” You tell them all about your Coven in Denali, and how you have two families now, how you don’t regret anything. Well, the only thing you regret, is not staying human, but you can’t mention that so you fake a smile instead.
* Connor breaks out a bottle of vodka he stole from his mom, and pours a shot for everyone
* “To (Y/N)” everyone raises their glass, and not for the first time you feel the urge to cry but no tears escape you.
* You’re a lot closer to everyone after that. You even start sitting at their lunch table every so often.
* In fact the others follow your lead and assimilate with their classmates with ease. Rosalie joins the school book club, and very loudly debates Jane Austen’s to whoever will listen.
* Emmett follows through and joins the swim team. Jasper starts hanging out with some wood shop kids, you’ve caught him arguing about the superior wood in between classes with his new friends. Even Alice joins the art club.
* You try out for the dance/cheer team, it’s the only thing you don’t have to hold back in. Also you’re a great base, you could hold everyone on the team up single handedly during stunts. But you won’t know if you made it until summer vacation
* Everyone seems to be assimilating well, everyone except for Edward
* “You can’t expect me to trust these people (Y/N), not when I know everything they’re really thinking.” You roll your eyes
* “I’m not saying you have to be their best friend Eddie, I’m just saying it looks super suspicious that all the Cullen’s only hang out with each other and refuse to get to know anyone else.” You shove a text book into his chest, and he scoffs
* “It wouldn’t hurt to make some small talk.”
* And so Edward joins your group of human friends, much to the joy of your female companions and dismay of your male ones.
* Life is still strange. But it’s good.
* When you’re surrounded by your new friends, it makes you feel - almost like you’re human again
* And then everything falls apart.
* It’s almost summer vacation. You’re excited, maybe you can go to the beach again soon, and you wonder if it will be alright to take a trip to Denali to see your Coven. You’re pretty confident you made the spirit squad so you’ll have to pencil in camp somewhere. You held back, but just enough by your own parameters to make the bottom end of Varsity.
* You’re at your locker, when Rosalie, and Edward show up. Quickly followed by Emmett, Jasper and Alice.
* “Oh hey guys, you wanna go on a hike tomorrow it’s supposed-“
* “You have to leave.” You’re surprised when it’s Emmett that says this. Kind, jovial Emmett holds a grave expression.
* “What, why-“ for a second you wonder if the Volturi has finally come to get you. It’s been at least seven years since your transformation, it’s about time they started thinking about you.
* But then you notice everyone staring, the quiet buzz of phones vibrating only detected by your super hearing. People are always staring, especially when you’re all together. but this time you notice they’re not staring at the six super models gathered in front of the lockers.
* They’re staring at you.
* “There’s a video of you going around,” Jasper says, and Rosalie placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I think it’s better if you see for yourself.”
* He hands you his blackberry, and the grainy image of you come into focus.
* It’s a YouTube video
* You’re in the locker room, your (Your Color Skin) in full view under the fluorescent lights. You’re wearing your underwear, and your abs are on full display. You’re Grey PE uniform shirt is limp in your hands, you remember this, you got extra laps as a penalty and as a result, you were running late for class, you were alone in the locker room
*well you thought you were alone.
* Your body is literally perfect, the way you’ve always dreamed, but you feel white hot shame rise in your throat like acid.
* Your hands shake as you scroll down to see the comments
* ‘Damn who knew they had a body like that under those dorky sweaters’
* ‘(Y/N) Eleazar: Best body Forks HS 10/10 would f*ck’
* ‘Hot body, if only they ditched the glasses, and started wearing some tighter shirts’
* And the comments go on, there’s at least a hundred. You hold your cardigan a little closer to your body. You don’t have the courage to turn around. You can already imagine them staring at you, picturing what they saw in the video transposed onto your body
* “I’m sorry, I didn’t see this coming until it was already happening-“ Alice touches your shoulder and continues her apology but you don’t hear anything.
* You want to cry, you want to be angry. But all you feel is shame. And the worst part is, you didn’t even do anything wrong. So why do you feel so ashamed?
* “Hey, look at me.” Edward grabs your face in his hands, your amber eyes meet his.
*”Snap out of it.”
* Oh, your powers are leaking through.
*Your gaze turns to your foster family, all of whom sport equally uncomfortable expressions.
* You take a deep breath, and imagine reeling in your emotions, imagining them receding back into a locked box, just like Eleazer taught you.
* You need a calm mind right now.
* “Are you fine now?” Edward asks, his hands still on your face. You nod, resting your hand on top of his
* “I’m good.”
* “Good, because we have to get you out of here.” He’s moved his hand to your arm, about to tug you back home when you pull back and shake your head.
* “We can’t do that.”
* “What do you mean?” Rosalie hisses, her hand curls around your wrist “we have to leave NOW.”
* “No think about it, they’re right.” Jasper says, his eyes meeting yours. At least someone’s on the same oage
* “Think about it Rose, if I leave now with all of you it’s going to look weird.” Normal 15-17 year olds wouldn’t think to handle the situation on their own, especially not entitled rich kids like the Cullen’s.
*She seems to have gotten it because her hand retreats to her side.
* “Well what should we do then, I’m not letting you walk around here with everyone-“ she cuts herself off, a deep frown creasing onto her face as her teeth dig into her bottoms lip.
* “We need to call Carlisle or Esme, they’ll pretend they saw the video from someone else and file a complaint with the school.” You take a deep breath, and imagine the locked box in your mind. Your emotions held carefully within.
* “Until then we all need to pretend like it’s not a big deal.”
* “No way in hell am I doing that!” Emmett growls. “I’m going to rip that fucking peeping Tom piece by piece.”
* “Not all of us need to pretend,” Alice says, her gaze somewhere far away, flicking between futures. “Only Edward, Rosalie and I do.” Her gaze lands on you.
* “You need to go to your class like normal,” a hint of a smile curls onto her mouth. “Everything’s going to work out fine.” Edward’s focusing on Alice, reliving her vision.
* “Do you think you can manage being alone?” Edward asks, you don’t have the next class with any of the Cullen’s. You’ll be on your own.
* You catch Jasper and Alice whispering to each other, but pay it no mind. Flirting even in the middle of your entire world crumbling down.
* You take a deep breath, picturing the locked box over and over, making it a visual mantra.
* “I can get through a period.” Everyone disperses, and Jasper walks you to your next class. Edward wanted to, but Jasper insisted.
*”You’re always hogging them, give someone else a few minutes Edward.”
* You’re almost near your class when Jasper talks to you.
* “Hey, I don’t know if I should tell you this”
*You wonder if he’s going to offer to beat up the person who took the video, or if he’s going to offer you a comforting word.
* “Alice told me you’re going to raise some hell on a misogynist in there” he gives you a wicked grin, his incisors sparkling.
* How is it that every vampire seems to say what you least expect to hear and yet, it’s exactly what you need in the moment.
* He holds out his fist, and you bump it with your own. A grin curling onto your face.
* “Hell yeah I am.”
* You take your usual seat in Spanish like normal. You sit in the front row in this class, diagonally from Jessica. Mike and Angela sit somewhere in the back.
* You just need to focus and keep your emotions in check for 45 minutes. You visualize the box, calming yourself separating the mind and body.
* How did the saying go... a calm soul resides in a calm body?
* “-Zar, Miss. Eleazar!” Your eyes pop up to the teacher, the locked box falling out of grasp.
* “Yes, sorry?” The teacher sighs, you look to the white board to see you’re going over the answers to the worksheet. You’re about to provide the answer for the number you’re on when the teacher cuts you off.
* “I know you might be focused on body building, but in my class you need to focus on the material.” There’s a scattered laugh that fills the room, but your blood runs cold
* “Excuse me?”
* And that’s when your teacher knew he fucked up. He stutters over himself, the sentences overlapping
* “-really you should take it as a compliment-“
* “Oh you think I should take it as a compliment that someone recorded me without my consent while I was changing?”
* The rooms pin drop silent. Your teacher is sweating.
* “Hold on now- I think you’re being a little dramatic don’t you think” A smirk curls onto his lips. “You were in your underwear, it was really no different than wearing a swimsuit” he’s got this smug smile, like he’s right.
*Honestly you were ready to put everything behind you and move on if he just apologized. It’s gross that a teacher is watching videos of a student changing, but what would you have done in his situation if a co-worker showed you.
* “It’s all about perspective, a positive per-“
* But not anymore, you’re not in a forgiving mood, especially not for an idiot like this.
* “No it’s all about consent.” All the anger and despair you’ve been holding back comes flooding out. “When someone wears a swimsuit they’re consenting to show skin and be seen, but I wasn’t contesting to being seen when I was changing in the privacy of the locker room.” You don’t stop for air, your voice trembling
* “And another thing, I wonder how the school administration will feel knowing the same faculty that’s supposed to make students feel safe and enrich their lives is watching creepy videos-“ you stop when you meet your teachers eyes, tears streaming down his face.
* Oh f*ck
* You look to your right, finding your classmates in a similar state, holding back tears.
*So this is what happens to humans when they come in contact with your power.
* You try to visualize the box, but it’s too far now. And all the crying people around you don’t help.
*You need to get out of here.
* “Pathetic, not even an apology for your gas lighting.” She shake your head as confidently as you can, grabbing your bag with trembling hands.
* You walk quickly, maybe there’s a mountain you can climb and wait it out on. You’ll text Carlisle and let him now what happened. It shouldn’t be too-
*” Hey wait!”
* You’re already in the hallway when someone call out to you. You turn, expecting it to be Angela or Mike. Never in a million years would you expect her to be standing there in the middle of the hall, her hand hastily wiping away a stray tear.
* “Mr. Peterson’s a f*cking jerk.” Jessica sniffles, walking quickly to catch up with you. You don’t miss the fact that her bags not slung across her back.
* She must have left a minute after you did. You haven’t thought about her as a friend. Not a real one at least. She’s kind of like hot sauce, it’s fun when it’s around, but if it’s not then that’s not a big deal.
* So to see her here, the first to follow you out, rambling about wether you want to get frozen yogurt or pizza, it warms your unbeating heart.
* “Hey Jessica?” She stops mid-sentence, her eyes swinging up to you.
* You haven’t been fair to her. But you’re going to change that.
* “Thanks for being my friend.” And she smiles at you, her arms wrapped around her tight. It’s not the fake ones you see often the ones she throws to Lauren when she’s asking for Jessica’s opinion on an outfit, or when Connor tries to copy her homework’s. it’s a genuine smile.
* Before she can open her mouth, you hear two more shouts from the hallway.
*Angela and Mike are jogging down the hallway to catch up with you. The latter carrying a bright pink backpack in his hand.
* “Geez Jess, the least you could do is take your bag before you go bolting out of there” Mike’s panting as he holds out her bag. You don’t miss the blush ghosting her face.
*Looks like she still has a crush on him.
* “Hey, are you okay?” Angela asks, and you wish you could cry as you nod.
* “Is it weird that I’m kind of happy right now?” And the three of them smile, before wrapping you into a group hug.
*They all smell terrible. Jessica smells like boiled broccoli, Mike is like the overwhelming stench of fat mixed with sugar, and Angela.. Angela’s probably the worst. She’s sickeningly sweet mixed with a healthy dose of starch.
*it’s disgusting. You have a hard time believing any of the Cullen’s would lose their minds when they’re this close to any of them.
*still, even with the repulsive stench, it’s nice. You haven’t felt the body gets of another human in a long time, or heard the quiet thump of their beating heart. Even the odor is nice, it reminds you that they’re human.
*And for a second it’s easier to pretend you’re human too, just like them.
* “Dude why are you so cold?” Jessica groans, breaking the moment. She taps your arm but doesn’t pull away.
* “While we’re asking questions, Mike how much axe do you use?” Angela’s eyes are watering as you both laugh.
* “Like you’re one to talk, I can smell your strawberry shampoo two hallways over!”
* You watch the three of them untangle and start walking to the back exit from the gym.
* “So where do we go now? We can’t stay here.” Angela says
* “I was thinking maybe a coffee shop, if we take out books we might pass for having a free period” Jessica pipes in
* “Oh, how about the Arcade? A buddy of mine works there since he’s already on break from college, I don’t think he’ll minds us hanging out there.”
* So this is what Alice meant when she said everything was going to be okay.
*Your Human Friends were going to save you
*You haven’t forgotten Edward’s warning, someone did break your trust and let you down.
* But that’s what it means to build friendships, you open yourself to being hurt, and so do they.
* “Hey (Y/N/N), what do you think?” Mike asks, and they all turn around to notice you’re not walking with them.
*You try not to smile to wide. You don’t want to scare them off now.
* “I think there’s something fun about an arcade during the day, no lines.” You say, walking a little bit faster to catch up with your friends.
Tag list: @moonlights27 @thebluetint @the100thtwilight @awesomebooklover17 @oneofthepotterheads @smileygirl08 @imdoingathingmom @iconicgguk @yrawn @alyciaswhore @little-horror-show
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talesofarcadia78 · 3 years
Hello! 😄 Can I request a fluffy oneshot with prompts: “And I love, I love, I love you.” and [a gentle “I love you too” whispered after a soft kiss, followed immediately by a stronger kiss] about Douxie attempts to confess his romantic feelings to shy!female!human! reader and he end up super flustered, but its okay because she thinks it's cute? Hint: She has romantic feelings for Douxie too! I live for flustered Douxie! 💖 Please?? ~🌼
A/n: Special thanks to @itsgabby.2021 for helping!
Confession || One shot
The wind picked up, letting out a quiet whistle. The leaves on the trees had started to change it's colours from the bright green to a warm orange. You wrapped your scarf around your neck and tugged on your jumper, attempting to get warmer.
You continued your way down the path to work.
The smell of coffee instantly hit you as soon as you opened the door of your beloved GDT Arcane Books. You hung your tote bag on one of the hangers next to the entrance.
"Good morning, Y/n!" a chipper voice called from the second floor of the store.
"Good morning, Douxie!" you called back.
You walked over to Douxie's cat, Archie, who was enjoying the morning sun by a window. You pat Archie on his exposed stomach, earning a purr before making your way over to the register.
You had been working at the bookstore for only a month but you felt like that you've been working there forever. Douxie was in urgent need of an employee as his last one had left the state with his wife. He had hung posters all over town, handing any passing person his business card and making calls to his friends to spread the word. Luckily, you had just moved from Europe to the small, quaint town, Arcadia, desperately needing a job.
One day, you were walking around in town, when you noticed a poster saying that GDT Arcane Books was hiring. You rushed over to the store to get interviewed. You were honestly expecting an ageing women/man to be the owner. But it turned out to be your pen pal, Hisirdoux Casperan. He was very happy to meet you in person after years of communicating through letters. He immediately gave you the job, no interview needed, since he knew practically everything about you and vice versa.
After a couple of days of working at the store, you had started to admire Douxie more than just a friend. You had developed a crush on him, which slowly turned into love. But, you knew that Douxie would never feel the same way, so you keep your mouth shut. You were happy with what you had and didn't want to ruin it by blurting out your feelings.
Little did you know, Douxie felt the same way for you.
The offer had been placed to stay at Douxie's place, knowing that you were new in town. But you politely declined, since you were already staying at a pink haired witch's apartment named Zoe Ashildr.
Turns out, Zoe and Douxie knew each other as fellow wizards. Douxie trusted Zoe to keep you safe and kept you company whenever he couldn't.
Back to the present, Douxie came down the stairs with two cups of coffee in each hand, whilst using his telekinesis floated empty boxes behind him.
"Here's a cup of coffee for a lovely lady," Douxie winked as he set a cup on the register as you were counting a new shipment of books.
"Thanks, Doux!" you called, keeping your self distracted as your cheeks had turned a crimson red from his comment.
+ + + + + +
You went to the back, needing to refill a few shelves with new novels.
Almost there…
Your fingers lightly brushed the book you wanted, but you failed to grab it.
You tried again, standing on your tip toes, even though you were on a ladder, you took the risk. This time you successfully got the novel but your foot slipped off of the ladder.
Douxie was walking to the back, wondering why you were taking so long, when he heard his name getting yelled by none other than you.
He rushed into the back room to see you falling from a dangerous height.
"Magna tawna truess!" Douxie incanted.
A sky blue aura surrounded you, saving you from the fall. You slowly got placed on the ground.
"You alright?" Douxie asked, frantically looking over you for any injuries.
"I-I'm alright Douxie," you replied.
He let out a sigh of relief.
"Whenever you need to get something from that height, just ask me, okay?"
You nodded in response.
+ + + + + +
You handed the book to the petit, old lady, who gave you some cash, along with a tip, before she headed out of the store.
“Time to close up shop,” Douxie stated, coming out from the back room.
“Finally! It’s been a long day,” you replied, stretching.
Douxie laughed at your antics.
“Get some rest, Y/n,” he smiled, heading to the front door and holding it open for you.
“Thanks, Doux. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” you said as you walked past him, “I-- ummm… Bye.”
“Yes. Bye, love. See you tomorrow,” he chuckled.
You made your way to you and Zoe’s shared apartment.
You couldn’t help but fluster yourself as thoughts of Douxie ran through your mind.
Before you knew it, you had arrived at your destination, Zoe ready to greet you.
“Hey, Y/n!” Zoe called, leaning on the doorframe, “How was work?”
“Oh, y’know… same-same,” you answered as you entered the abode.
“I forgot to mention this earlier! Douxie’s coming over for dinner!” she hollered from her spot in the kitchen as if she didn’t expect a reaction out of you.
“W-w-what?!” you sputtered, spitting out the drink that was in your mouth.
“Yeah! He should be here at 7!”
You looked at the time.
“But… that’s… t-that’s in 15 minutes!” you cried as you ran to your room and rummaged through your clothes for something to wear.
“Well, you better hurry!” she snickered, playfully rolling her eyes.
After rummaging through your wardrobe, you finally found (you choose what you want to wear, rather than the usual plain white shirt and black pants.
Abruptly, you heard the door bell rang.
Oh no… Douxie's here.
You scrambled out of your room and into the main room to see Zoe standing in the doorway, greeting Douxie. He walked inside and spotted you.
"Hey, Y/n!" Douxie waved.
"H-Hi Douxie," you said, “W-what a nice surprise…”
“Indeed. I thought dinner was cancelled when you left work, but Zoe reminded me,” he informed.
You all sat down at the dining table, Zoe serving you your meals.
Zoe and Douxie talked over dinner, exchanging quips and banters.
You just sat there with your mouth shut, afraid of saying something embarrassing in front of Douxie.
After dinner, you tidied up the table, carrying the dishes to the sink.
“Hey! We should get some dessert! How does ice cream sound?” Zoe asked.
You and Douxie exchanged excited glances and nodded in agreement.
“Sounds good,” you smiled.
“Great! Let’s go!” Zoe exclaimed, ushering you and Douxie out the door.
+ + + + + +
You all were enjoying your ice cream at the Bluff, as you all had found the ice cream truck there. Douxie and you were sitting on the bench that was provided, while Zoe was sitting crossed-legged on the ground.
You were showing Douxie all the constellations, pointing each one out to him. He was amazed by all of your knowledge on just stars and space. Douxie knew you had an interest in a lot of things, cooking, art, sport, space, and a whole other stuff. Now, he knows you also take an interest in constellations.
Suddenly, someone's phone began ringing. Zoe noticed it was hers and picked it up.
By the way Zoe's expression turned from happy and cheerful from stressed and worried, you could tell, something was wrong.
She hung up and jumped to her feet.
"Sorry, guys. I have to go. There's a problem at Hex Tech," Zoe explained. "Bye!"
She rushed off before either you or Douxie could say anything.
You both looked at each other and shrugged before going back to constellations.
+ + + + +
Now, you two were just gazing at the stars. Douxie was in deep thought.
He had fallen in love with you in the few months he had started to write letters to you. He had only seen you through a photo that you had attached of yourself in the second letter to him, but he also got to know you through the letters. You had poured your heart into those letters, telling him everything and anything. Douxie had done the same.
He wanted to confess to you so badly! Douxie had planned to confess his feelings a few days ago, though it didn't turn out so great.
Douxie had taken you out to lovely restaurant for dinner. Everything was going according to his plan, your hands were in his as he was going to say everything, when the waiter came and interrupted. And for what? The damn bill!
You being you, took out your card to pay. Douxie wouldn't allow that. So, you two started to argue over who was going to pay the bill. Douxie ended up paying, as he planned the dinner for you.
He tried again outside of the restaurant, where there would be no interruptions. Well, that's what he thought.
You had to go to a friend’s house just after the dinner, so they decided to pick you up. Douxie had no idea about this.
Again, he was going to confess, when a car pulled up beside you two, telling you to hop in.
You apologised and headed off.
After you were gone, Douxie kicked the ground and headed to his house.
+ + + + + +
As you were looking up at the night sky, star gazing, Douxie was gazing at you.
He had made up his mind. He was going to tell you. Everything. Right then and there.
"Uh… Y/n? I-- uh… I wanted to tell you something," Douxie spoke up.
You turned your attention to him, "Yeah?"
Douxie took your hands in his, which made you blush a little.
"Okay, here goes nothing. Y/n… ever since I saw you-- I mean… wrote to you… Well, after I got to know you through writing letters-- through the letters, I started to look at you differently. Not in a weird way! Just more than a friend? Then, when I saw you for the first time in Arcadia, before you came to the shop. I was shocked, like I was surprised that you were in Arcadia. It's not a bad thing! I thought you lived in Europe, but turns out you moved. Anyways, I started to admire you than more a friend. I've gotten to know so much about you over the past month. So, all I want to say is that… I love you…" Douxie stammered.
You giggled at his stammering and flustered state.
He is so adorable.
Douxie took a deep breath before he repeated, "I love you." He stared into your eyes before he pressed his lips onto yours, kissing you softly as you kissed back. You both pulled away, keeping your foreheads touching.
"I love you, too," you whispered.
Douxie's eyes lit up like a child before he pulled you into another kiss, though this time, it was more stronger than the first.
You both pulled away for air just as you heard a click.
You turned your head to the source, to see a pink-haired witch standing there with her phone out, clearly taking pictures.
"Aww! You two are so cute!" Zoe cooed.
You furiously blushed and buried your face into Douxie's chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
"Zoe Ashildr!"
Word Count: 1,900
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sunaswife · 3 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
🔪: hi I’m sorry for not updating and it’s been a little over a month but shit happened and I had no motivation! I am doing my best (•̀ᴗ•́)و
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter fifteen
“No Rin.” “Please.” “No Rin.” “But babeeeee.” Suna whined, he held out his EJP jersey in his hands. “Fine just this once, I don’t want anyone coming in.” You said and he nodded, you turned around and began to take off your sleeping shirt and Rin pouted, “Babe gimme a show.” He whined once more. You turned with your chest covered and threw your sleeping shirt which landed perfectly on his head.
You put on the cold jersey and saw how it still looked like a dress even though you have gained so much weight. Probably because Rin has gained so much muscle. You turned to face him and his mouth stayed hung open, you giggled and neared him. You rested your hands on his thighs and gave his cheek a small peck. “You okay there?” You asked. His arms wrapped around you and he lifted you on the bed like a rag doll. “Why” kiss “are you” kiss “so” kiss “beautiful?” Kiss.
“Stop being so cute then my heart can’t contain it.” You scolded as you brushed your fingers through his short hair. “Mommy...daddy?” You both heard behind the door, the doorknob slowly twists and you push Rin away, he falls off the bed and lands on the floor, right on his ass. The door opens and you see Rini there, “What’s wrong?” You asked him, “My tooth.” He said. “What about your—oh he’s bleeding—“ Rin said. “Take him to the bathroom and rinse his mouth, I’ll check out his mouth after I change.” You told Rin and he nodded. He carried Rini to your bathroom and helped him rinse his mouth. You quickly changed out of his jersey and put on the shirt from before. “Alright lemme see.” You said as you walked in. Rini was sitting on the counter with his mouth opened, sure enough he had a loose tooth and was too afraid to pull it out. There was nothing you can do but wait for it to fall off by itself, you wouldn’t dare to traumatize him by pulling it out yourself.
You carried the boy back to his room and saw Chewy sleeping on Akira’s bed. He woke up due to the noise and sensed Rini’s slight discomfort over his loose tooth. He carefully jumped off and yawned. With ease he climbed on Rini’s bed and cuddled with him. You tucked them both in and kissing Rini’s head goodnight you made your way out to an annoyed looking Rin watching TV. His arms are crossed over his chest and you can clearly see his flexed muscles. You both were about to go to sleep so it didn’t make sense for him to start watching TV. “Aren’t you going to bed?” You tilted your head.
“Not anymore.” He replied a little coldly. “What’s wrong?” You asked with a small pout, “Nothing..” he replied, you sighed and sat next to him on the couch, “doesn’t seem like nothing, did I do something?” You asked but he stayed quiet. “Rin we gotta have communication, if you don’t tell me what I did wrong then I can’t fix it.” You said. “Why are you so hesitant to let people know we’re together? Are you ashamed of me? Is that it? Why do we have to hide our relationship from our own children.” He asked and it finally clicked, “I told you I’m just a little hesitant but I realized now that I shouldn’t have to hide our relationship. I’m sorry now I seem like such a big jerk.” You sighed and you laced your fingers with his. “I get that you’re hesitant but maybe we should at least tell our kids and then slowly tell our friends? You’ll be surprised by the number of messages I get from the twins asking if I made a move yet.” He said and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Okay, we’ll tell the kids.”
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“Bye I’m off!” Rin said at the front of the door, the kids automatically stopped what they were doing and ran to see their dad off. You followed behind them and Jamie yelled out her farewell since she was on bed rest. The kids hugged their dad and said their goodbyes and you waited to give him a kiss on the cheek and then expect to get bombarded with questions by the twins. You weren’t expecting him to hold your face and kiss your lips in a deep and loving way. You heard gasps and began smacking Rin’s arm because you couldn’t breath and he wouldn’t let you go. He finally pulled away and you punched him and called him a jerk, immediately the kids began asking questions and running around you as Rin laughed and waltzed to his car.
They couldn’t help but notice your dumb smile.
So this is love?
They wondered and smiled in amazement. You realized it was quiet and you looked down to see the kids staring, your cheeks flushed up. “Mama you’re in deep huh?” Akira asked, “Akira how do you know what that even means?” You asked, “Aunt Jamie.” She smiled. “Jamie I swear to god.” You growled as you made your way to the living room. She was sleeping with her hand over her baby bump. You sighed and put a light blanket over her. “Aunt Jamie is resting so don’t make too much noise, it’s hard for her to sleep with the baby inside since they won’t stop kicking.” You told the kids and they nodded.
“Humpty dumpty had a great fa—“ you were interrupted when your phone rang. Akira was asleep already in her crib but Rini couldn’t sleep so you tried reading so some books to him that your aunt donated. “Hello?” You answered without checking the caller ID, “Y/N..” you heard Jamie’s wobbly voice and you immediately sat up on your futon. “What’s wrong?” You asked, “H-he hit me a-again...” she stuttered. “Where are you?” You asked, voice filled with concern “I’m at home but he left with his buddies to go drink again..” she sniffled. “I’m on my way.” You said and she hung up, you made her promise to call the cops in case he came back. You grabbed the baby carriers and carefully placed Akira in, you were glad she was still asleep. “Come on Rini, let’s go see aunt Jamie okay?” You asked and he giggled. You exited your apartment with a carrier in each hand, their diaper bag, your wallet inside their bag, and a metal baseball bat that Tobio gave as a safety gift.
You drove past your crappy neighborhood and eventually entered Jamie’s nice and fancy neighborhood. You passed a fancy car after another fancy car but your heart almost fell out of your butt when you saw his car. You went into the drive way and quietly pulled the garbage can behind his car in case he made a getaway. You were tired of this sorry excuse of a man hurting Jamie and you were going to do whatever it takes to make sure he’s locked behind bars. You left your babies inside the car, you wouldn’t do this at all but it was nighttime and nobody was around. You locked the car and walked with your bat to the front door. You unlocked the door with the key Jamie gave you and slowly walked in.
“Are you an idiot?! You fucking good for nothing I swear!” You heard his yelling, immediately you called the police in case Jamie couldn’t, you didn’t respond in case they’d talk you out from trying to save your friend. “Don’t you fucking touch me!” You heard Jamie yell. “You’re my fiancé I can touch you however I want.” He growled. “I said no!” She yelled once more. You closed your eyes and prayed to whatever God out there to help you out. Your prayer was interrupted by glass breaking and another scream. You immediately turned to the kitchen where the noise was coming from and saw the 6”2 man hovering over Jamie who was on the floor sitting against the wall, you almost fainted at the blood and dark liquid you assumed was wine, and your anger rose when you saw her hand over her eye. She was obviously in pain. In his hand was the broken wine bottle. He lifted his arm once more but you blacked out and swung the bat. You hit his side and he growled in pain. He turned to see you and his eyes darkened. “You fucking bitch, this is all your fault. If you haven’t became friends with her worthless ass then maybe she wouldn’t have tried to leave me.” He seethed. He made his way to you and before you can defend yourself with another swing the police had barged in and listened to everything.
Jamie was taken to the hospital and was released in the early morning. Tobio helped you moved her stuff out because she suffered a broken wrist and a fractured leg. Your tiny studio apartment couldn’t hold all her things so she had to pay for a storage unit. You couldn’t help but laugh at the look on her face when she saw how empty your home truly was. You slept on the floor in a futon while your kids slept in cribs. You couldn’t afford dressers so you kept their clothes folded neatly on bookshelves. There were baby toys everywhere but no TV. No couch, no alcohol, no nothing.
“Welcome to my home.” You did your little jazz hands, she chuckled and smiled. “Thank you for everything.” “No problem, I know it isn’t much but just for a bit until the trial is over okay?” You said and she nodded. You placed the kids in their cribs and fixed the futon you were sleeping on. “You can sleep here.” You patted, she nodded and made her way over with her crutches. “Do you have another futon?” She asked. “Yeah I’ll pull it out right now.” You said and she nodded. You helped her down and tucked her in. “You’re the only friend who decided to help me.” She spoke suddenly, catching you off guard. “All of my other friends could care less whether I died or not, they’d probably fight over who can keep my clothes.” She said with a dry chuckle. “I appreciate you yn, thank you.” She said and closed her eyes.
You looked at your best friend completely passed out and reminisced I’ve show much you’ve both grown. From enemies to besties.
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“Don’t forget they have a limit of 5000 yen.” You warned Tobio and he rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah, whatever lemme spoil my niece and nephew in peace.” He argued and you sighed. “Just don’t buy them slime, please.” You practically begged. “That was the first thing they asked when I arrived.” He said as he buckled them in their seats.
Once in a while Tobio loved taking them out to give you a break and you appreciated that so much. When Tobio entered your home to grab a quick water, Rin’s car was pulling up and you were slightly nervous as to what could happen. You haven’t exactly told Tobio you were dating Rin again, and Tobio totally flipped when he found out Rin was moving in.
You had told Rin that Tobio wanted to take the kids out for the day and he was a little hesitant, not because he didn’t trust Rin but he wondered if they liked Tobio more than him. He understands he was like a father figure to them and he knows that he’s not on Tobio’s good side. He’s also jealous because he hasn’t taken them out for a father and child day as well. He would love to go to the mall with them and spend money on useless shit. You’d be angry but he’s sure he can handle it.
Rin parked his car and took out his gym bag, he also took out a bag of some thick ass pads, aloe Vera gel and a bottle of something called witch hazel and he made sure it was the alcohol free kind per your request over text. At least you were kind enough to send him pictures so he’s not wandering around the store like a fool.
He was confused about the pads because you use a thinner pad when you’re not using tampons and wondered if your vagina got bigger because you gave birth. But he thought that you feel the same as always so he’d rather ask then overthink things.
“Welcome back Rin.” You smiled as from across Tobio’s car, “Thanks.” He said simply and leaned in to give Akira a kiss on the head, he went around to do the same to Rini and then he pulled you close for a small kiss. “Well what do we have here? I know y’all are together but this was the first time I’ve seen y’all kiss.” Jamie said as she stepped out. You both flinched thinking it was Tobio and Jamie laughed, “Don’t worry he’s in the bathroom. But when are you planning on telling him? You can’t hide your relationship forever.” She rested her hand on her hip.
“I don’t know to be honest.” You sighed and leaned against Tobio’s car. “Maybe he should warm up to me first before we tell him?” Rin asked, “If it isn’t Suna Rintarou.” Tobio walked out of the house. Rin stood straight and gave a slight bow, “Thank you for being there for yn and the twins when I was gone. It’s nice to finally meet you.” He tried to be as respectful as possible.
Tobio crossed his arms over his chest with raised brows, “I can’t say the same for you.” He spat and you felt a pang in your chest. Tobio looked so angry. “Tobio, he’s doing his best. He’s been nothing but respectful and helpful around the house and with the kids.” You explained, “Look, I get that you’re hopeful and forgiving but he ruined your life—“
“He gave me the twins—how is that ruining my life?” You defended. Tobio rolled his eyes, “Whatever, I don’t wanna fight.” He mumbled and you nodded. You stepped away from the car so he can finally take the kids and as he passed by Rin, he purposely bumped his shoulder. You were about to say something but Rin just shook his head and brushed him off. “Bye Tobio, I’ll see you after.” You said but he just mumbled a bye and glared at Rin.
He soon left and Jamie broke the silence, “Yeah so he definitely hates Rin.”
“No shit Sherlock.” Rin sighed and rubbed his temples. “He’ll probably strangle me and give me an earful if I tell him now. We just gotta keep it a secret a little while longer.” You said and they nodded in understanding.
Rin went to shower as you began cooking and Jamie went on a livestream for a bit. She was playing music from your TV which wasn’t pg so you let I slide since the kids weren’t here. “Hey yn do you remember any cheer drills from highschool?” Jamie asked as you turned off the stove to let the food cool for a bit, “Um...not really but didn’t you guys used to do spins and stuff? I saw it a lot during the volleyball games.” You answered, “Yeah you’re not helping but thank you.” She smiled as she put her phone in front of a water bottle. You shook your head and tried not to laugh at he sarcasm.
She took a few steps back to try to recreate an old cheer, obviously she couldn’t jump or do high kicks but it was funny to see her try and you made sure to keep an eye on her in case she overworked herself. You turned back to your task for a split second when the rice cooker beeped. Jamie squatted—well she tried and suddenly she felt a splash down her legs. She gasped as she saw her mustard yellow skirt now wet. “YN—“ she slightly raised her voice in a small panic. “Yes?” You immediately asked and walked to check on her, “My water broke.”
“This doesn’t smell like pee.”
You were immediately at her side in order to help get her ready for a trip to the hospital. “Are you feeling any contractions?” You asked and she shook her head, “I feel fine.” She replied. “Turn off the livestream.” She said and you quickly turned off her phone. “Okay we’ll call the midwives and see what we need to do for you.” You said and she nodded. You immediately called the midwives and they asked what happened until Jamie winced and groaned. “Jamie, what’s wrong? Do you feel it now?” You asked and she nodded. “Yeah if we don’t leave now I’m having the baby in your house.” She sighed.
The midwives agreed to meet at the hospital with you and you tried your best to guide Jamie to the car. “Rin!” You yelled, he immediately stumbled out of the bathroom wearing some basketball shorts and a t shirt, his usual stay at home wear. “Take her to the car and I’ll go get her bag, her water broke.” You instructed quickly. He was quick to carry her, causing Jamie to smack him when he made a face that he can feel her ‘pee’ after he just showered.
He carefully placed her in the passenger seat of his car since it was smaller and he saw you rush out of the door. “Hnnnnnnn. Fuck my pelvis—“ she groaned and began taking deep breathes.
“Please don’t give birth in my car.”
“Shut the fuck up, Rintarou.”
You kicked Rin to the backseat with Jamie’s bag much to his dismay and you reversed and made your way to the hospital which was about a good twenty minutes away. He called Hana who happened to be on her way back already because she finished business early.
Halfway through the drive Jamie asked to hold your hand for comfort. You’ve done it before, when she faced her ex in trial, when she started a new makeup line or product, before she had an event, before her wedding with Hana. You were always there. “I’m scared.” She mumbled as she looked out the window, “It’s okay to be scared, I was scared when I was in labor.” You replied. “Who was with you?” She asked, “Tobio, and my aunt. Miwa and Hana came when I returned home.” You answered as you stopped at the red light. “Not even your mom?” Her voice cracked, “Nope, not even her. I did call to let her know I was due soon but she just called me names so I hung up.”
Rin looked down at his hands and he rubbed the sweat from his palms on his shorts. It hurt listening to this, if only he didn’t change his number, if only he didn’t lie to you, if only he never laid eyes on you.
If only he never met you.
Tobio was right.
How can you say he didn’t ruin your life when these past five years have been nothing but hell. When you were out of the house and Rin was home with Jamie and the kids he would ask Jamie what happened the last five years because he knew she wouldn’t sugarcoat anything.
He felt a jab in his chest when he heard about all the negative things, and no matter how many positive things Jamie said happened. It was never good enough for him to forget all the shit he put you through.
And that’s why he’s so clingy now, that’s why he’s happier and eager to help and please you in whatever way he can to make up for all this lost time where he should have been by your side. He’ll prove to Tobio and anyone else that he’s good enough for you, that he can be trusted and that he truly loves you.
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I’m sorry I forgot to do this in the last chapter please forgive me 🧎
The kids are happy that their parents are together and they started drawing their family portraits with you two holding hands
Rini accidentally swallowed his tooth in his sleep and cried that the tooth fairy would give him money but Rin made sure to sneak money under his pillow the next night
Jamie’s ex is still in prison and is pissed she left him for a woman (but we stan Hana)
I know same sex marriage isn’t legal in Japan but once again this is a fanfic so I make the rules 🧍
Rin is actually scared of Tobio
But Rin is more scared of Hana
Rin wants to procreate with yn wearing his EJP jersey 🧎 daddy please
Tobio likes to spoil his niece and nephew a little too much. Yn always has to warn him or scold him. Tobio almost bought Rini a real sword because he liked it so much.
Rin is pretty jelly of Tobio’s relationship with his kids and wants to know his secrets
This is Jamie’s 3rd pregnancy, the first was with her ex but his little swimmers were too weak, and the second..y’all already know 😔 if not then reread chapter 1 when yn scolds Jamie for chasing after the kids
After the baby is a year old then Hana will try to get pregnant with the same donor that Jamie had
Idk if I told y’all already but Tobio is the donor 🧐
The thick pads and stuff that Suna got was for YN to make padcicles for Jamie.
Also I am very hungry
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @atsumusdomain @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
177 notes · View notes
sevlgi · 3 years
bubblegum pop
requested: no
group: twice
pairing: sana x fem!reader
genre: fluff
contents: rich girl!sana, college!au, cashier!reader.
warnings: none
synopsis: An unfortunately hostile encounter with the school’s sweetest rich girl might just lead to more than you ever expected.
a/n: inspired by @pearicot​‘s mean girl rosie series! (by the way, i’m not trying to feed into the “dumb sana” stereotype with this; i just thought that her personality fitted the character i was trying to achieve! does anyone wanna request continuations or scenarios in this universe 👀
word count: 3.3k
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Something about Mondays the week of finals always got you in a bad mood, especially when you had  to work double shifts at the same stupid ice cream shop you’d worked at for the past 2 years of college. 
So maybe, just maybe, there was reasoning behind you snapping at the love of your life during your first meeting.
Actually, there really, really wasn’t.
There were plenty of mean girls on campus who you wouldn’t regret yelling at whatsoever, but you just happened to blow up at one of the considerably nicer rich girls.
Minatozaki Sana didn’t mean anything bad when she innocently held out a hundred dollar bill to pay for a $5 ice cream. She didn’t mean to seem pretentious, nor did she mean to mock you and your minimum-wage job, but you just so happened to take it that way.
“Really? You have to rub it in my face like that?”
Sana stared at you, the money that she held out wavering in the ear. “Sorry?”
Pinching the space between your eyebrows, you huffed out an exasperated breath. Luckily, there was no one else in the shop about to witness the stupidest meltdown of your life. “You think I don’t know that I’m poor? It’s five dollars for God’s sake, no need to bring out the big guns. Oh, or are you doing this to avoid seeming more pretentious with your daddy’s black card?”
The brunette’s hand retreated quickly, the heels of her Louboutins clacking softly against the pastel-toned linoleum of the ice cream shop. Fuck, you hated that linoleum. “I... I didn’t mean any of that, I swear! Um, is there an ATM near here?”
Once again, the girl meant well, and you took it badly. You scoffed, glaring disbelievingly at her. Some part of you was screaming out that you were putting your entire job at stake, and your morals as well, but you disregarded any common sense remaining in your brain. “An ATM for 5 bucks? Dude, just don’t.” Dipping your hand into the tip jar, you scrounged out a lousy crumpled bill and threw it down on the counter, shoving the bubblegum-flavored sweet to Sana. “Okay? Now get out, I don’t want to see your privileged ass anywhere near here.”
The dense gray clouding your mind somehow missed the hurt expression on the girl’s face as the staff door swung open. Wendy’s hands, though gentle on your shoulders, shoved you behind her with surprising force. “I am so sorry, Sana, it’s finals week. Surely you can understand? The ice cream’s on the house.”
“No, of course it’s okay!” Sana sounded genuine enough, that was for sure; you caught her glancing worriedly at you a couple times, nothing malicious whatsoever in her eyes. “I can pay though, are you sure?”
“I’m sure. See you in class,” Wendy called out, smiling all the while until the girl disappeared into the Lamborghini parked by the curb. As soon as that happened, she turned back to you, concern tugging at the corner of her lips. “Y/N...”
“Yeah, I know,” you mumbled as you crossed your arms. Already, you were regretting what you said, though you were far too stubborn to actually apologize on the spot. “No arguing with customers about capitalism. Sorry, Wendy.”
The girl bit her lip, scanning the store to make sure that there wasn’t about to be an influx of customers. Usually she enjoyed working with you; you just had absolutely terrible mood swings sometimes, and those days were nothing short of hellish for her to deal with. “Just head home. Focus on your finals, and come back next week. Okay?”
You hesitated to agree, knowing that you needed the money, but the grim expression on Wendy’s face told you that you had no other option. “Okay. Sorry.”
As you snatched up your stuff and shoved the door to the street open, you missed the sight of Sana watching you through the tinted windows of her 6-figure car.
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“Really? Sana?”
“I know,” you groaned, biting down on the plastic spoon in your mouth. The flavor of the month (the only one you could eat completely free) lingered unpleasantly on your tongue, the taste of it oddly salty. “She was so nice about it, too.”
Jeongyeon and Mina exchanged glances, not touching their respective cups of “Ocean Caramel” either. It was extremely kind of them to come and accompany you on the slow days, both of them even offering to suffer through the gross ice cream with you.  “If it was Park Roseanne I might understand, but Sana,” Mina winced. Jeongyeon nodded in agreement; after all, everyone on campus knew about the reputations of Roseanne and Sana.
On one end of the “rich girl” spectrum, Roseanne was quite possibly the bitchiest one of all. She and her Bugatti Veyron, the college upgrade from her old McLaren, absolutely weren’t to be messed with. People who went to high school with you often told story of the G Wagon she smashed, the locker room she lit on fire, and so many other horror tales of a spoiled girl gone wild. You were sure that had you gone off on her, even Wendy wouldn’t have stopped you.
But on the other end, Sana was notoriously kind. Sure, her family raked in an income close to that of the other girl’s, and her wardrobe was just as expensive, but she made a point to donate to charities every time she went shopping. She tipped in the hundreds, and she didn’t ever ask for her designer clothes back when she lent them to strangers. She paid any dinner bill in full when she was there, and sometimes even when she wasn’t invited.
No one was entirely sure about the relationship between the two, but Roseanne seemed to hate Sana more than she did other people. The two fought publicly occasionally, but Sana’s kind heart made it so that even Roseanne couldn’t carry a fight very long. She didn’t respond to insults, it seemed, nor did she ever seem to actually take them personally. 
Stirring her half-melted soup, Mina continued, “Hopefully she doesn’t hold it against you. She doesn’t seem like the type, but...”
Jeongyeon shook her head, opening her mouth just as the doorbell rang. You froze when you looked up to find a designer-dressed bombshell, a sweet smile outlined in Chanel Rouge Allure. She looked completely out of place amidst tired college kids spending their last paycheck on ice cream, white gauzy sleeves and blue dress shimmering under LED lights. If you were being honest, you’d say that she was the most beautiful person you’d seen in your life, but you were always well versed in lying to yourself. “Y/N, you better go.”
“Why?” you whined, pouting at your much more responsible friends. They ignored your puppy face, though; Jihyo was usually the only one you could sway, Momo sometimes if she was feeling merciful. “I’m on break.”
“Only when there’s no customers,” Mina argued, shoving you to stand. Jeongyeon smiled at you, waving you away. “Go, and don’t screw it up this time.”
You forced a smile onto your face when you reached the counter, bowing and adjusting your name tag. “Hi, what can I help you with today?”
“Hi, Y/N!” Sana grinned, bowing back. The fact that she remembered your name only made your guilt worse; if she forgot who you were, you could at least pretend that she didn’t remember the incident at all. “Ah, could I have the same thing as last time? Bubblegum Pop ice cream, on a sugar cone today. 3 scoops?”
Nodding, you moved to open the case, avoiding the girl’s gaze as you did. “Of course.” She was quiet at that, staring at the ceiling so as not to rush you. Without prompting, you blurted, “I’m... I’m really sorry about last week, by the way. I don’t know what I was thinking, blowing up at you like that.”
“Oh, no, it’s okay!” she protested, waving a manicured hand in the air. “I promise I understand you. We all have our bad days.”
You wanted to apologize again, if just to assuage your guilt, but you held off on it, joking, “How do you deal with them? Yell at Gucci assistants?”
Sana looked honestly offended as she accepted the cone proffered to her, eyes widening in shock. “I’ve never done that, I swear! Besides, I don’t like Gucci much.”
A light smile quirking at the corners of your lips, you handed the receipt to her as well. She didn’t ask for it, probably not caring about the measly price or having the space for it in her tiny bag, but took it anyway. “I’m sure you don’t. Your total is $5.23, will that be cash or card?”
“Cash!” She held out a 10 dollar bill, pride shining behind that gorgeous face as you raised your eyebrows in surprise. When your hands brush together, you were reminded of how much better she was than you, how you probably weren’t worthy at all to be touching her with your shop-issued baseball cap and grimy apron. But Sana doesn’t seem to mind, still smiling that airy smile at you and not moving away. She broke your stare by offering, “I don’t want to sound rude, but keep the change.”
“Not rude at all,” you fully laughed that time, dishing out the remainder to stuff in your tip jar. You still felt terrible that she felt the need to apologize about such a normal comment, asking, “Are you sure it’s okay? You can have this one free too, if it makes up for me shouting at you...”
Sana shook her head, sugary light pink already mixing into her lipstick. She walked away, still waving with that gorgeous smile on her face. “It’s okay. I’ll see you soon, Y/N, you look really pretty today!”
Turning back to your friends, you whispered, “Damn. She’s really nice.”
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You planned on spending your one day off from school and work cozied up with a good book and your favorite hot drink, but you supposed that getting into a fight with Park Roseanne wasn’t the worst way to go either.
As soon as you entered campus, book in hand and blasting music in your earbuds, you found a crowd of at least 3 dozen people right in front of the library building. It was unlike you to butt into others’ business, especially when it might lead to a ruined day, but Roseanne’s voice carried loud over the hushed whispers of everyone else. “--huh, Sana?”
It wasn’t any of your business, but for some reason, Roseanne’s tone when saying Sana’s name angered you immensely. Frowning, you shouldered your way through the crowd. The closer you got to the center, the more expensive the clothing that brushed against your own rough jean jacket was, cotton and leather becoming silk and velvet. You originally planned to just fit in with the other spectators, but with a shove at the small of your back, you were thrust into the center too.
To your shock, Sana’s eyes were red and shining with tears, the tip of her nose cherry-colored as well. Her head was almost bowed as she stared at her shoes, but she looked up to you when you almost bumped into her. You stuttered out, “H-hey. What’s going on?”
Instead of an explanation from the Japanese girl, though, your gaze was drawn to the blonde across the courtyard. “Didn’t you hear? Little Miss Perfect here got broken up with,” Roseanne scoffed, an infuriating smirk on her perfect face as she tilted her head at you. “By a future CEO, no less. I guess she isn’t a gold-digger, or maybe there’s some other reason that he didn’t want her anymore.”
Your hand shot out to protect Sana, a scowl making its way onto your own face. “Excuse me? From my standpoint, any future CEO is still way outta her league, so forgive me for doubting that he’s the one who didn’t want her. You’re the one dating someone who makes a tenth of what you do.”
Roseanne rolled her eyes, lips thinning. “Don’t talk about my girlfriend like that, Y/L/N, or you’ve got another thing coming. There aren’t many lesbians in this damn school.”
“You know me, don’t you?” Sana’s voice was wavering as she spoke, but it was strong enough to echo in the courtyard. To your surprise (and somewhat satisfaction), the blonde  girl’s eyes widened as Sana stood forward, her lips jutting forward. “That’s why I’m not dating him anymore. I like girls, too.”
Somehow, you’d never expected that Sana was attracted to girls, but it made perfect sense. An irrational part of you wanted to cheer, but instead, you forced yourself to speak.
“R-right.” You continued to glare at Roseanne, who finally seemed to be speechless. “Yeah, so how come you’re tearing Sana down? We should be supporting each other, but you’re being so rude to someone so kind, and that says all I need to know about you.”
Reaching out, you latched onto Sana’s upper arm and pulled her out of the circle, people parting to let the two of you through as Roseanne wasn’t able to conjure up something to respond with. You didn’t stop walking until there was only silence surrounding you under the shade of a swaying tree, finally stopping to let the girl sit. “Are you okay?” you asked, brow furrowed as you knelt to be mostly face-level with her.
Somehow, there was a smile on her face; a slightly snotty smile, but nonetheless the most beautiful one you’d ever seen in your life. You ignored the uncomfortable leap of your heart when you reached out to take her hands into your own, somehow forgetting about the hostility you’d felt towards her from the beginning. “You- you stood up for me.”
“Yeah. I did, I guess,” you shrugged, smiling slightly. “I’m sure that was rough, though, to come out. How’re you feeling?”
“Honestly, much better,” Sana sighed. She leaned back, fingers curling slightly around yours as the afternoon sun shone golden brown in the locks of hair spread out on her shoulders. “It was good to get it off my chest. I didn’t even know you were into girls, you know.”
Reaching up to scratch your head, you chuckled, “Well, I am, if it makes you feel any better. What happened between the two of you, by the way? She seems to hate you so much.”
The girl laughed, as bubbly and airy as her regular voice. “I may or may not have dated her girlfriend before. But it was a long time ago, and I’m still friends with her! Roseanne just can’t forgive me.”
You feigned shock, swatting at her arm. “How terrible of you! I’m so disappointed.”
You were stuck simply smiling at each other for a good minute or so before you looked away, picking at your shoelace for something to do. “So. Uh, Roseanne knew the whole time?”
“She did,” Sana confirmed, nodding. “She just never talked about it.”
“Well, it’s good to know that she isn’t the only other one in the school with me,” you sighed, sitting back on your heels.
Sana lurched back forward, hands clasping together at her chest. “Then we should celebrate! We can go shopping or something, and we can just be happy that we aren’t alone anymore.”
It suddenly struck you how quickly you could change the girl’s entire outlook, a smile coming onto her face with no effort from you whatsoever. But even more surprising, you smiled even larger than she did just looking at her. 
Laughing, you sat back on your heels and shook your head lightly. Seeming to take it as a rejection, Sana’s eyes widened. “Oh, only if you want to, of course! We can go wherever you want, we don’t even have to go shopping if you don’t want to!”
“No, we can go shopping,” you answered, reaching back over to squeeze her hand and pulling her up with you when you stood. “Come on, then. Let’s go celebrate.”
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Sana wasn’t a great driver, but you didn’t expect much else. You were practically sick to your stomach by the time that you reached the mall, face green as you swayed out of the car.
“Ah, Y/N, I’m sorry!” Her hands rubbed lightly at your back as you squatted in the parking lot, fist held tight to your mouth. It wasn’t like you were actually going to throw up, but you didn’t want to risk ruining the girl’s expensive shoes. “I’ll let you drive next time.”
Next time? you wanted to ask. But you managed to stand, nodding quickly to ease Sana’s worry. “Yeah. It’s fine, I’m fine. Should we go?”
Immediately, she latched onto your hand, swinging between the two of you as she started to rush forward. “H-hey, lock your car first!”
Sana had unsurprisingly expensive tastes, but also surprisingly understated ones. She was fun to shop with, that was for sure- she loved to offer you clothes and also to offer to pay for them, but you didn’t necessarily hate a pretty girl telling you you’d look gorgeous in a certain sparkly dress.
She didn’t do any of the typical stuck-up things you expected her to- Sana carried her own bags, and she never forced you to follow her instead of doing what you wanted to. She did like to try on outfits and show them to you, but that could be ignored when it was just another opportunity for you to stare at her.
Eventually, you ended up having ice cream at one of the stores in the mall. You balked at the price, but Sana swiped her credit card without hesitation. “I have to admit, this bubblegum doesn’t taste as good as yours,” she pouted.
Chuckling, you savored the rich flavor on your own tongue. “You should’ve picked an expensive flavor then. Vanilla and chocolate are always good in these kinds of stores.”
“You know a lot about ‘these kinds of stores’ for someone who claims to be poor,” she teased, eyes widening as soon as the words slipped out of her mouth. “Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean-”
“Nah, it’s fine,” you smiled, leaning on your palm. “I’m good with it, since we’re friends now.”
Sana grinned at that, her eyes curving charmingly. “We’re friends? Most people don’t want to be friends with me, I’m really glad you’re willing to.”
“Why wouldn’t they?”
Looking down for once, the girl mumbled, “They say I’m dumb. You know that everyone says I’m nice, but they also think I’m dumb because I pay for everything. I just want to be kind, but no one takes me seriously.”
A wave of guilt rushed over you for previously feeding into the stereotype. The more time you spent with Sana, the more you realized that she was as brilliant as any other, and far more kind. “Well, that’s stupid. You are kind, Sana, and you’re amazing. I’m lucky to be your friend.”
She clasped your hand over the table, soft skin warm over yours, pink flushing in her pale cheeks. “Thank you, Y/N. You know, this is the best time I’ve had in a while. My boyfriend didn’t even listen to me this well,” she laughed.
Despite the fact that she treated it as a joke, you felt horrible. She was all too used to thinking the worst about herself and not believing that she was worth any better, and that was the worst possible thing you could imagine for a girl with a heart of gold. Jabbing your spoon into the remaining ice cream, you blurted, “Then go on a date with me. A proper one, not just a normal hangout like this.”
Sana instantly blushed, looking down as if it’d hide her face at all. But she missed the heat that rose to your cheeks too, the nervous biting of your lip as you waited for a response. “I would love nothing more,” she smiled, her eyes shining brilliantly. “And I can’t wait.”
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lottiebagley · 3 years
7 things- Draco Malfoy
I probably shouldn't say this But at times I get so scared When I think about the previous Relationship we shared
"I hate this," Hermione Granger complains as she drops her bag onto the table opposite her best friend
"And what's this?" The girl speaks with no emotion. She looks almost numb. Clearly tired of everything going on in her life.
"You. You being all sad and depressed. If you like Draco this much just be with him,"
"It's more complicated than that and you know it," she speaks in a harsh tone, her voice low as she glances up to see if Draco and his friends had heard the girl's conversation.
"It doesn't have to be. It's like you guys went through all the drama of getting us on board for like 6 months and then just broke up," Hermione comments, staring at her friend trying to work out what she can say to force her to go and tell her ex-boyfriend she's still madly in love with him.
"Look, Draco decided that I wasn't worth the trouble and that's fine. I am fine. Clearly, he is fine. It's all-"
"Fine you've said," Hermione quips
"Then stop pushing Hermione," she snaps. Hermione's eyes widen a little, not expecting to the reaction but one glance at Draco, who has a slytherin girl from the year below draped across his lap in the library, is enough to let her know that her friends anger wasn't directed at her.
"I can't be here. I'll see you later," she gathers her books, stuffing them into her bag and exiting the library.
Hermione watches Draco, seemingly ignoring his friends as he watches her leave, his usual smirk replaced by a look Hermione isn't quite sure what means but would bet meant he was as in love with her best friend as she was with him.
It was awesome, but we lost it It's not possible for me not to care And now we're standing in the rain But nothing's ever gonna change until you hear My dear
Draco Malfoy was not a stalker, he was not the kind of boy that lurked around just to get a glimpse at a girl. Especially not a muggle born Gryffindor.
He repeats this over and over in his head, willing himself to turn around and walk around while he still can. He could leave right now and no one would ever have to know he was here.
But he couldn't.
Watching her in her quidditch robe, drenched in mud and rain but seemingly happy as she laughs with Fred Weasley, he couldn't just leave. No matter how much he wanted to.
She's walking in his direction, her and Fred at the back of the group but they all walk relatively together. Oliver Wood, who is at the front of the team talking with George, is the first to see him, scowling as he mutters something to George who shoots Draco a dirty look.
She stops when she sees him.
"You go ahead Freddie," she assures
"He's an arrogant prick," Fred mutters, purposely shoving Draco with his shoulder on his was past.
Once the team have retreated far enough to be out of ear shot she lets out a sigh.
"You'll catch a cold standing around in the rain," she comments
"Maybe," He smiles gently before letting out a sigh  "I wanted to speak to you though,"
"We share almost all out classes. And they are inside, in the day, where it's not pouring rain,"
"I know that," he snaps, sighing a little "I couldn't talk to you there. I-"
"Oh of course you couldn't. Cause heaven forbid any of your little blood supremacist friends know you want to speak to me. Least of all your new girlfriend, Isabella right? Or is Lilliana this week?"
"Come on. You know they mean nothing," He protests
"They mean enough that you'll be seen with them in public. Which is more than I can say for me,"
"Well I wouldn't wait around in the pouring rain for them," He smiles gently, it drops when the scowl on her face doesn't change
"Is that supposed to be romantic?"
"Kind of," He smirks, she lets out a huff, trying to ignore how much she wants to kiss him
"What do you want?"
"To see how you are," he shrugs
"I'm not your problem anymore Draco. We said we'd both tell our friends and I did and you didn't and then you dumped me. So you don't  get to check up on me anymore," she states simply
"I still care about you," he sighs, she could cry on the spot. She forced herself to stop crying over Draco Malfoy weeks ago, but now he's so impossibly close and all she wants is him. She hated that she wanted him.
"Well you shouldn't. Now get inside and warm up before you catch a cold," she demands, he softens, hearing the slight crack in her voice but she slips past him before he can say anything else.
The seven things I hate about you The seven things I hate about you Oh, you You're vain, your games, you're insecure You love me, you like her You made me laugh, you made me cry, I don't know which side to buy
"Mr Malfoy your partner is Miss Y/L/N, go and switch seats with Mr Weasley please," Professor Snape demands, moving onto the next pairing of people.
Draco nods when his friends mutter condolences for being paired with her but on the inside his heart is hammering in his chest as he approaches her.
"Hi," he smiles gently, dropping into the seat me to her
"Careful, someone will see," she mutters, he chuckles under his breath, not wanting to draw any attention to them.
"As long as Lilliana doesn't I'm all good,"
"You like her?" She questions, cocking her head to the side in curiosity.
Draco shrugs, beginning to slice the dandelion root as she works on the bat wings.
"Not as much as I like you," he speaks, she rolls her eyes trying to fright the blush on her cheeks "That was smooth right?" He teases
"Until you ruined it by asking," she smiles despite herself, he laughs, turning into a cough when Theo Nott turns around to look at them in curiosity.
"You really do care way too much what other people think Malfoy," she comments
"Yeah," he nods, surprising her a little when he doesn't shoot her claim down.
"Right. Well. Stop doing that," she stumbles a little over her words. He glances at her blushing cheeks.
He doesn't do anything. Doesn't speak. Doesn't smile. Doesn't scowl. Doesn't smirk.
He just stares at her for a full minute before turning back to the cauldron.
Your friends, they're jerks, and when you act like them, just know it hurts I wanna be with the one I know And the seventh thing I hate the most that you do You make me love you
"What the fuck are you looking at mudblood?" Lilliana, Draco's new girlfriend, spits from under his arm.
She had been staring at Draco, wondering if he was as really happy and wishing he'd cared a little more.
"Not you, but that much is obvious," she snaps back, getting to her feet from the bench on the courtyard she'd been sat, only half listening to Harry and Ron while the group waited for Hermione.
"And now you're going to run off all scared? Pathetic,"
"If you think I'm scared of you, you're wrong,"
"Not quite, I think you're scared of my friends," Lilliana speaks, pulling away from Draco's grip and walking towards the girl "I think you've heard what we do to scum like you and you are scared,"
"Don't talk to her like that," Ron demands, jumping to his feet and Harry doing the same
"Oh, oh Dray isn't that precious? Mudblood's hot herself a boyfriend," Lilliana smirks
"Don't call her that," Harry snarls.
"My, my my, it's  a love triangle," she continues.
What hurts the most isn't the words, it's Draco. Draco who is still sat next to Blaise, Theo and Daphne with a passive look on his face.
The girl reaches for her wand but Harry's hand jumps out to stop her.
"She's not worth it. None of them are," Harry grunts, really he means that Draco isn't and she shouldn't let him hurt her, pulling her away with Ron following behind, muttering something about sticking their heads up their asses.
She heard clear as day, Draco Malfoy's laughter ringing through the air. He was truly just like them. Yet, when she glances over shoulder he raises an eyebrow in question asking if she's okay, his friend's blissfuly unaware of the interaction. It takes everything in her to keep her face blank and turn back around.
It's awkward and silent as I wait for you to say But what I need to hear now, your sincere apology When you mean it, I'll believe it If you text it, I'll delete it Let's be clear Oh, I'm not comin' back You're taking seven steps here
She is anxious as she sits in her seat in potions, waiting for Draco to arrive as she bounces her leg. She doesn't know what will happen when he arrives.
Will he act like everything is normal?
Will he apologise for his friends behaviour?
Will he apologise for joining in?
Will he ignore her?
Will he mock her just as they had?
She glances up at the feeling of someone watching her. Eyes landing on Harry who has turned around to see if Draco has arrived, knowing his friend was anxious. He smiles. A comforting and warm smile that she tries to reciprocate although she fears it probably looked more like a grimace.
Draco sits down next to her, immediately his eyes are on her. He can tell she's nervous. Her bouncing leg. Her eyes staring straight ahead. Her bottom lip drawn between her teeth as she chews on it. Anxious habits she hadn't displayed due to his presence in a long time. His heart hurts a little.
He reaches his hand out, placing it gently on her knee to stop the bouncing and is pleasantly surprised when she doesn't pull away from his touch.
"It's just me. You don't need to be nervous," He whispers, butterflies in his stomach when she eases immediately, melting into his touch. Unable to stop herself when she loves him so much
"I wouldn't do anything to hurt you," he whispers.
His heart sinks when that seems to pull her to her senses. She jerks he knee away from him.
"You already did," she speaks lowly and before he can reply Snape has entered the room.
Even when the class are told to work with their partner she remains silent. Draco doing the same. Unsure what to say. Glancing at her and his chest feels tight. He hurt her. He never wanted to do that and god did he love her and everything was a mess.
The class draws to an end and he knows this is his one shot at saying something.
"Look, I never should have ended it. I should have been brave enough to tell my friends- I just- I can't explain it. I'm sorry," He speaks quietly, hiding his voice from the other students in the loud hustle and bustle.
"That's not what I want you to apologise for," She states, shoving her book into her bag.
"Then for what?"
"You let them talk to me like that, you laughed along. That hurt me Draco. You have all this power over them and let you allow them to talk to me like that days after you tell me you care about me,"
She turns on her heel and marches towards her friends who are waiting for her leaving Draco to wonder how he ever thought that anything he was doing was okay.
The seven things I hate about you You're vain, your games, you're insecure You make me laugh, you make me cry I don't know which side to buy Your friends, they're jerks When you act like them, just know it hurts I wanna be with the one I know And the seventh thing I hate the most that you do You make me love you
Draco doesn't see her at all on Saturday although he looks for her at every meal and forces his friends to hang out in the courtyard he knows she likes.
On Sunday though, she seems to be everywhere. At breakfast eating with the twins. By the quidditch pitch as he practices and she goes into Oliver's captains office. Helping Ginny and Luna with some test prep in the library. Flirting with Dean Thomas at lunch.
It's only a matter of time before his friends say something, he knows that, and sure enough when they enter the courtyard Pansy can't keep her mouth shut.
The girls is lounging on a bench, head resting on her hand as she watches the game of exploding snap Harry and Ron are playing from their seats cross legged on the floor. Hermione is sat under the tree next to them, back against the tree as she reads a muggle fiction book. The group look utterly at peace as they enjoy the hot day.
"Oh look, everyone's favourite mudbloods," Pansy groans loudly, drawing the attention of the group.
"Shut the fuck up, Parkinson," Ron snaps, turning back to his game.
"Dean Thomas seems to quite like one of them," Daphne chimes, dropping onto the bench next to Theo a few feet away from them.
"Well he would, word on the street is that her blood isn't the only thing that's dirty. Apparently, she's a whore," Pansy jeers.
At this both Harry and Ron are on their feet, ready to defend their friend as Hermione moves to squeeze her hand comfortingly. What surprises everyone, including the crowd of people watching scene unfold, is that before the boys and Hermione can begin their defensive arguments Draco Malfoy speaks up.
"Shut up Parkinson, just cause you can't get any," He drawls, taking his seat on the bench, eyes trained to the girl who is staring back, utterly bewildered, next to Ron Weasley.
"Merlin Draco, anyone would think you fancied the girl," Pansy smirks, in her mind there was no way the boy wouldn't join in after that comment.
"Just cause I wouldn't go near you with a 10 foot pole doesn't mean you need to be so bitter. Now shut up and drop it," He commands.
Pansy blushes a little but makes one more attempt
"She's a mudblood Draco, what do you care what I say to her,"
"I told you to shut up and drop it, fucking listen to me or leave," He practically growls and Pansy finally gets the hint that he means it, sinking to her seat in humiliation.
The crowd of people watching, all of which are in awe at this point, are only more shocked to see him shoot the girl a smile before turning back to his friends, "You were talking about your mother's latest conquest Zabini," He reminds. Blaise stumbles for a second, confused as to what on the earth is happening but with one sharp look from his best friend he continues with his story.
And compared to all the great things That would take too long to write I probably should mention the seven that I like
Draco is sat alone in the corner of the library, nose in a charms textbook and essay half written in front of him. He doesn't notice anyone's presence and jumps a little when she talks.
"Can we talk?" She asks timidly, looking around the quiet room, it's late and the library is practically empty. He looks up at her with an unreadable expression "Here, I mean. I know we don't talk much in public but-" He cuts off what he is sure will be a nervous ramble
"Take a seat," He commands, it's gentle though. Soft enough she could easily say no.
She doesn't though. She takes the seat opposite him as he puts his quill down.
"What's up?" He questions
"I just wanted to thank you. For defending me earlier and getting her to stop,"
"Well, she was wrong. You aren't a whore and no one has the right to call you that," He shrugs casually
"Would you have stopped her if she hadn't said that? If she had just called me a mudblood I mean?" She asks the question timidly, fingers ringing together on the desk, she stares as she can't quite bring herself to look at him.
"Yes. You were right, I have the power to make them stop and I never did. I should have. I care about you and I like you, merlin I might even love you, and I let what everyone else thought and what they would say stop me from being happy, I do that a lot, but I never should have let them hurt you. I won't forgive myself for that,"
She glances up at him, wondering if she can believe him, but something about the look on his face and the gentleness of his eyes makes her believe him.
"Thank you,"
"I know it's probably too late, but could I ever win you back?"
"Yeah. Easily, lord knows I'm half in love with you already, but I can't put myself through it again. I can't be someone's secret," She explains, he nods "I'll see you around Draco. Thanks again,"
The seven things I like about you Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's When we kiss, I'm hypnotized You make me laugh, you make me cry But I guess that's both I'll have to buy Your hand in mine When we're intertwined, everything's alright I wanna be with the one I know
The next two weeks the entire school seems to be watching. Curious as to why all of a sudden Draco Malfoy is smiling at her in the corridor. Why none of his friends even look at her funny. Why they are laughing together in potions. The shift in their relationship is the talk of the school and everyone seems to care.
It's a Saturday morning and she is walking towards the black lake where most the school were, her friend group included, having decided to meet them down there after she wrote back to her mother.
Draco is leaving his dorm, on his way to look for her. Draco Malfoy is a man on a mission.  A look of determination on his face and a fire in his eyes. Having received a letter from home that morning, full of complaints and faults he was done. He was done trying to be the perfect son. He was done trying to live up to expectations. He was done making himself unhappy. Most importantly, he was done pushing away love.
His eyes fall on her the second he exits the castle, she's a few metres ahead, smiling happily and greeting Neville Longbottom on her way past. Draco can just about make out her voice telling him to come and find her and some other Gryffindors later to join their drinks and party games. It was game night in the Gryffindor common room, something she had told Draco already in potions.
Neville scurries past Draco as he speeds up, falling into step beside the girl. He grabs her hand in his and continues walking like nothing is happening. She, however, stills forcing him to stop too, a few feet in front of her.
"What?" He questions casually, she looks between him and their hands a few times, blinking in confusion.
"Dray," She sighs, she wasn't angry but also she didn't want to be led on. Didn't want to be so close only to have him drop her hand the minute anyone sees.
"I don't want you to be my secret. I like you a lot and you are way too good to be anyone's secret. I don't care what anyone thinks, not my friends, not your friends, not my parents. You mean everything to me and I'm not letting you slip through my fingers, so for merlins sake let me hold you hand while I walk you to your friends," He rambles, unaware she feels like she's floating.
She grins, pressing a kiss to his cheek
"I think you missed," He smirks, she giggles a little, a sound Draco wants to hear on repeat for the rest of his life, before pressing her lips to his.
She pulls away way to quickly for Draco's liking "I like you a lot too,"
"Come back here and kiss me then," he pouts dramatically
"I thought you mentioned walking me to my friends," She teases
"You think you're so funny," he complains, hands gripping her waist to pull her back to him. Chest to chest as she beams up at him.
"No you definitely said it, besides, good boyfriends walk their girlfriends places," she smirks.
"You know you want to be," She shrugs
"I do," he grins "But from what I heard, good girlfriends kiss their charming and attractive boyfriends,"
"Add the word needy to the description and it'll fit you,"
"And then I get a kiss?"
"It's what the good girlfriends do," She agrees, a teasing smile on her face
"All right. Fine. When it comes to you I can be a little needy, but only for you and you can't tell anyone-" She cuts off Draco's ramble by leaning up and pressing her lips back to his.
And the seventh thing I like the most that you do You make me love you
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escapewithbts · 3 years
“Just Benefits?”(Part One) - Jungkook
You stretched out your arms and shielded your tired eyes from the morning sunlight peaking through the curtain. Upon sitting up you noticed the space in the bed next to you was empty. You wrapped the sheet closer around your almost naked body as it had gotten colder without another human lying next to you radiating warmth. You rubbed your eyes and yawned before grabbing your phone from the nightstand. An array of text messages were waiting for you.
7:34am From Jungkook: Hey y/n
7:34am From Jungkook: Sorry I’m not there, I had an early meeting
7:34am From Jungkook: Stay as long as you like
7:45am From Jungkook: Also I just want to say I had a good time talking with you last night
You locked the phone without responding and pulled off the covers. Then you got out of the bed and searched the floor for something to put on over your underwear. You only had jeans and a blouse, so you opted for Jungkook's oversized black t shirt from last night and a pair of his shorts. They were massive on you but you were comfy. You picked up your pants and shirt off the floor and folded them neatly on the bed as memories from the night before appeared in your mind;
8:10pm from Jungkook: I had such a rough day. Want to come over?
8:10pm to Jungkook: I’m at work
8:11pm from Jungkook: Ok, after?
8:11pm to Jungkook: Sure. I’m off at 10.
8:12pm from Jungkook: I’ll be at the dorm, text when you get here so I can buzz you in
You sighed and clicked off your phone. This was the third night this week he asked you to come over and it was only Wednesday. You weren't necessarily complaining, it was better than going to your own apartment where you lived alone, but you couldn't help but wonder why he was asking so much.
You guys kind of had an unspoken arrangement; to spend the night at each other's places when the other felt stressed or in need of companionship. You would have sex, of course, sometimes cuddle a little bit after, and then go on about your days the next morning.
You had met through one of your close friends, Kim Namjoon. He was in the same band as Jungkook, the famous k-pop group BTS. You had known Jungkook through RM for years now, you wouldn't have said you were friends, but you were always friendly and liked hanging out with him in a group. This part of your relationship with Jungkook however was relatively new.
It had all started one night when you were hanging out at their place with all of them, watching movies and drinking... maybe a little too much. All the other guys had gone to bed, leaving you and Jungkook alone and tipsy. Jungkook had always been shy, just like you, so when the two of you ended up kissing on the couch it took you both by surprise. One thing lead to another and before you knew it you were both naked in his bed. The sex was good, no great, so great in fact that you both knew you wanted to keep having it. And that's what lead you to this unspoken agreement you had. That first time was months ago now, and the two of you hadn't even talked about the future, nor the present for that matter. You were enjoying each other's company and not putting any kind of label on it... but you knew that always seemed to end up in a mess.
After work, you drove straight to the boy's dorm, notifying Jungkook of your arrival via text. You pressed the call box and waited for the front door to open. Jungkook answered after just a few seconds. He was wearing an oversized black t shirt and boxers, his long black hair was tousled about his head, and his dark brown eyes looked tired, his cherubic face slightly puffy. You had to admit, he looked very sexy, yet also adorable, and it caused you to feel butterflies in your stomach. You ignored them.
  "y/n..." his big smile and your name in his soft voice made your knees weak, "I'm glad you're here."
You smiled at him slightly.
  "Is anyone else home?" you asked quietly.
  "Jimin and Namjoon-hyung, but they're asleep."
You nodded in response and he stepped closer to you, pinning you against the now closed front door. He wrapped his long arms around your waist and buried his face in your neck, kissing your weak spot. It made you moan. How could he do that so quickly? You felt him smile against your skin and it sent a shiver down your spine.
  He took your hand and lead you down the hallway to his bedroom. It was basically a routine now. As soon as he shut the door, you were pulling off each other's clothes, kissing passionately between each layer removed. You never got tired of looking at him naked; his perfectly toned arms and thighs, his six pack and deep v hip muscles, the sleeve of tattoos that lined his hand and arm. He had a beautiful body, and that was something you had no problem admitting to yourself.
For being the youngest member in the group, he sure knew what he was doing. He was extremely shy on the surface, but that all disappeared in bed.
When you both had finished (you multiple times thanks to Jungkook), he laid down behind you and wrapped an arm around your waist and the other under your head, like a big spoon and little spoon. He lazily ran his fingertips along your bare side and it gave you goosebumps.
  "You've asked me here a lot this week," you stated matter-of-factually.
You felt him sigh softly.
   "Yeah, work's been kind of tough."
You traced the purple heart tattoo on his hand with your finger gently, then moved to the ARMY symbol to do the same.
   "I'm sorry."
You wanted to know more, but you didn't want to pry.
He sighed again and buried his face in your messy hair.
   "Your hair smells so nice." he said muffled.
You smiled.
There was a pause before he spoke again.
"Plus, I like having you here. In my bed."
That made your heart skip a beat, but you had to ignore it.
"I like being in your bed." you replied shyly.
He scooted himself closer to you, if that was even possible, so close that you could feel his pounding heart in the middle of your back.
"Um.. h-how was your day?" he questioned.
The two of you didn't usually talk much after, hardly at all actually, but this was nice.
"It was okay. Just went to work. Pretty uneventful," you shrugged, "How was yours?"
Jungkook removed his arm from under you and turned so he was lying on his back, his arm resting under his head. You did the same.
"Aishh, it was okay. It's been a little stressful lately. It's different with everything that's been going on. We haven't even really experienced anything like it, obviously."
You nodded in understanding.
"But.. you still enjoy it?" you couldn't help but wonder out loud.
He ran a hand through his messy hair.
   "Yes, I love it. I get to work with my 6 hyungs every day. But..." he paused, "It's hard sometimes, too. We are constantly busy, constantly booked. Album after album, performance after performance, always filming something, doing press, shooting videos... it can be a lot. We're coming out with a new album in a few weeks, as I'm sure Namjoon-hyung has mentioned, so we've been trying to put on the finishing touches. It's a great album, I was able to write a lot of it and share my ideas and we're really proud. But there are other things I want to do, too."
  "Like what?"
He scrunched his face in thought for a moment.
  "Release my solo mixtape. I've been working on for literally years. It hasn't felt good enough, but maybe I'm also too picky. And direct more videos. I like directing a lot. I love taking photos and videos, especially of the people and things I love. So I don't know... stuff like that."
He shrugged.
  "I'm sure you will find time," you tried reassuring him.
  "Sometimes it feels like there isn't enough time in the world."
He paused before turning his head to you.
  "Sorry, for ranting about it," he blushed shyly, but gave you a shy smile.
You smiled back.
  "I don't mind."
He stretched out his arm, creating in opening between his shoulder and upper arm. He patted the space above the pit of his arm with his other hand.
"Do you... want to lay your head here?" he asked cautiously, hoping it wasn't too bold of a move to ask.
You nodded slowly and moved closer to him, resting your head in the nook he had made, laying your arm across his chest. You felt nervous, as this wasn't a position you two had ever laid in before. You couldn't believe how well you seemed to fit together, and how warm and comfortable he was. You closed your eyes and felt the rise and fall of his chest with every breath he took. It made you sleepy.
"Thank you for coming over tonight." he mumbled, kissing your forehead softly.
"Mmmhmm..." you responded sleepily.
He caressed your hair gently over and over, lulling you to dreamland.
Before you were completely out however, you heard him say,
"I wish you'd just stay over every night..."
You left Jungkook's room and was met with the bright sunlight coming in through the large windows that looked over the city of Seoul. You desperately needed some coffee so you made your way into the large kitchen.
"I thought I saw your car here when I left for my bike ride this morning!"
Namjoon's back was turned toward you upon you entering the kitchen, but he still noticed your sudden presence. He was pouring coffee grounds into the machine preparing to make a pot.
"Good morning, Joonie," you responded groggily.
You pulled out a stool from under the kitchen island and sat down, leaning your arms on the countertop.
"And how was your night with our golden boy JK?" he asked teasingly.
You blushed. You had told Namjoon when you guys had first started hooking up, but it was still kind of embarrassing having everyone know about it.
"It was fine..." you mumbled back, fiddling with your fingers.
Namjoon turned around and you were met with his dimpled smile.
"Ahhh, I can't believe our maknae is all grown up... and with one of my best friends nonetheless!" he chuckled, "Life sure is weird."
You rolled your eyes at him.
"I wouldn't say he's with me exactly," you corrected him.
He cocked his head.
"No? Then what would you call it?"
You shrugged, avoiding eye contact with your friend.
"I'm not sure..."
He stared at you in disbelief.
"You guys have talked about it at least, right?"
Your silence was all the response he needed.
"Oh my god, (y/n), come on!" he threw his hand up to his forehead and ran it through his brown hair.
"What, Joonie?" you protested, "It's not exactly an easy conversation to have."
"Well of course not, but it's a conversation you should have."
You sighed. You knew he was right.
He leaned in front of you, placing his elbows in his palms.
"He likes you, (y/n)."
You scoffed.
"No, no," you waved your hands in disagreement, "he doesn't. Not like that."
He raised his eyebrows.
"He's constantly asking me about you, (y/n). Wondering what you're up to, what things you like, how he should respond to you."
You looked at him in surprise.
"He is?"
Your heart started racing.
"Yes," he continued, "You're older than him so it's intimidating. I think he's worried about saying the wrong thing, or coming off too strong towards you."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Why hadn't Namjoon told you this before? Were you that unobservant that you hadn't noticed Jungkook had feelings for you? Or was Namjoon exaggerating? Your mind was racing. You put your head in your palms and rubbed your face, overwhelmed with this new information. You groaned.
"I'm sorry, (y/n) I thought you two had talked about it." he paused, "So what are you then... like friends with benefits?"
You shook your head and shrugged.
"I-I don't know... just benefits?"
It was Namjoon's turn to groan.
"Ahhhhh shit, that never ends well."
"Well what do I do, Namjoon-ah?" you asked in concern.
He thought for a moment.
"Do you like him?"
You felt your stomach flop. It was a question you had been avoiding asking yourself. And now here was Namjoon asking you for an answer.
You ran a hand through your hair.
"I really don't know..."
And that was the truth. Though you had idea of the answer, you weren't sure you were ready to admit it to yourself... or anyone else for that matter.
"Well, I encourage you to try and figure it all out," he stood up straight and turned to grab two mugs out of the cupboard, "I love you and I love Jungkook-ah, I really don't want to see either of you get hurt."
"Yeah..." you agreed quietly.
He poured both you a cup of coffee then opened the refrigerator.
"Now, what should I make us for breakfast?"
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kayleezra · 3 years
How Did You Get Here? // (Frankie Morales x Reader)
Warnings; none
Word Count; 1534
Summary; You’re a university student working at a bar when a particular patron catches your attention.
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You were working your normal shift as a bartender from 6 pm to 2 am. It was always quiet during the first 4 hours. 10 pm was when the crowd really picked up. So, during your spare time, you’d chat with co-workers and catch up on your textbook readings. You’re a university student and found that bartending to be the best way to earn money while also attending lectures. This place was by far our favourite. Other bars let the customers do whatever they wanted but, here the owner encourages you to put unruly customers in their place. Even the security was quick to pick out those that were about to cause a scene.
You were reading through your textbook, highlighting key points, when a group of 5 men walked in. One, in particular, caught your attention, he had longer stuffy hair hidden under a baseball cap and a moustache with matching stubble littered across his face. You quickly tucked away your book and walked over to where they sat.
“What can I get for you gentlemen?”, you ask scanning across every one of them.
A tan man with black hair sprinkled with grey and a matching 4 o'clock shadow ordered for the group.
“Shall I open a tab for you?”
“Yes, for Santiago por favor.”
Now, you weren’t fluent in Spanish but you knew the basics.
“No hay problema.”
You can’t help but notice this ‘Santiago’ and his friend gave you a slight look of shock. You went and grabbed their drinks and returned with a smirk across your face.
“I have to be honest with you guys.”
They all look at you, their attention now 100% on you.
“Yo no hablo Español pero, yo hablo Frencés.”
The man who caught your attention gives you a smirk, and before any of them get a chance to say anything you introduce yourself.
“I’m Y/N.”
The man furthest to your left is the first to speak.
“Will.”, he says while extending a hand to you which you kindly take. Introductions proceed to the right.
Bingo! It was Francisco. You didn’t notice that he held your hand longer than the others or that he gave you his first name and not his nickname but, Santiago sure did. Santiago was trying to get a rise out of Fish.
“Francisco huh? I thought you hated your name. You know, that’s why we all call you Catfish. Maybe it’s French accent she can use to say your name that’s got you intrigued.”
Francisco laughed him off and you and the other joined in. Because they were there before the rush you were sure to take good care of them. You told yourself you were just trying to get some good tips and not because you wanted to be close to Francisco. It was nearing 10 pm and the crowd was picking up, only Santiago and Francisco remained. It had been a while since you last checked on them but, their drinks had barely been touched and they were deep in conversation. You wanted to know what they were talking about but, you had customers to attend to. It was after midnight when Santiago flagged you down.
“I was starting to think you boys forgot about me.”
“Nah, couldn’t forget a beautiful lady like yourself. Santiago here just wouldn’t shut up.”, Francisco says and the two of you share a chuckle.
“What can I do for you two?”
“Unfortunately, this party is over.”, Santiago says with a lighthearted huff. The two of them get up from their stools.
“Okay, I’ll ring you up over there.”, you say while pointing to the nearest debit machine to your left.
You close their tabs and they pay, “Come by again, okay?”
“Don’t worry. We will.”, Santiago says with a smirk and while nudging Francisco.
You went back to their spot to clean up and found a neatly folded napkin. When you picked it up you realized it was heavier than it should have been. You opened it and found a tip but, it wasn’t the tip that grabbed your attention. Inside the napkin, there was a message that read, 'Maybe put this towards your textbooks. See you later, Sweetheart. -Francisco’. You couldn’t help but smile at the door they hand just walked out of.
The boys returned regularly. They had their own spots and came to catch up with each other. The came often enough that you knew when they came and left and even what their regular drinks. Santiago and Francisco came by more frequently than the others. You’d grown close to the group and even joined them from time to time when you weren’t working. Your affection only grew for Francisco. He started to plague your mind 24/7.
—-Present Day—-
You zoned out during your lecture. NO, it wasn’t the first time it had happened but, it was the first time that someone had caught you. Someone had been asking to borrow a pen and you hadn’t even noticed they were there until they tapped your shoulder. You jumped in surprise and apologized profusely as though they’ve caught you doing something you shouldn’t have been. This was an entirely new experience for you, your entire life you’d been focused on your education and career path. You’d never had a serious relationship because you were never looking and were preoccupied. Now, you were having a hard time focusing on anything else. The next time you see Francisco you’re going to admit your feelings, at least that’s what you told yourself. Just in spite of you, Santiago and Francisco showed up that night. Suddenly, you weren’t sure you could do it. What if he didn’t feel the same? What if all these months of back and forth flirting was all just for fun? Your entire shift you felt like you were going to vomit and you’d even eavesdrop on them. You clung to every word Francisco said like it’d be his last.
At one point during the night, Francisco left for the washroom. Santiago watched him carefully and as soon as he disappeared, he called to you. You rush over thinking something was wrong but before you can get a word out Santiago spoke.
“You like Fish right?”
Your heart fell to your stomach and you struggle to get the words out. You knew exactly what he meant but, you weren’t sure you were ready to admit it aloud.
“W-what do y-you mean?”
“C'mon. Since day one you’ve had eyes for him. You like him, enamoured with him.”
“That obvious?”
“Yes but, he feels the same so we’re staying till closing and the two of you are facing your feelings for each other.”
“Wait. I don’t know tha-”
“Yes, you can and you will. Now, scatter, he’s coming.”
You mindlessly do as your told. The shock of his words hit you hard. He feels the same? How did Santiago know about your feelings? The rest of your shift passed like a blur and you weren’t even sure when security started kicking the stranglers out. When a security guard approached Santiago and Francisco you snapped out of your trance and the weight of the world returned.
“They’re with me.”
“Alright well, they’re the only two left. I can trust you to lock up?”
“Yup, thanks again”
“No problem”
You and Francisco lock eyes, you blush as if he could see all your thoughts.
“I’ll give you two a minute. Remember what I told you, Fish.”, Santiago says while patting him on the back and making his way out. He’s at the door when he yells.
“You too Y/N.”
Then he leaves. Just you and Francisco remain.
You’d never been more nervous in your life but, you still walked around the bar and sat next to him.
“So… Santiago talked to you.”, Francisco states.
“Yeah, and you?”
He lets out a light chuckle, “Yeah. He’s always-”
You cut him off, “I like you. Like a lot. You somehow weaved your way into my heart and head. I can’t think straight and always want to be closer to you. It’s crazy because no one has ever had this effect on me, ever. I’ve barely dated but, when I look at you I just want-”
You only stop your hasty confession when his lips reach yours. You immediately kiss back, wrapping your arms around his neck while he holds your face tenderly. When you pull away, neither of you let go of each other and you reach your foreheads on one another.
“Me too.”, he says out of breath.
He nods before pulling you in for another kiss. You don’t think you would have pulled away if it weren’t for Santiago. He must have snuck back in because he’s at the door clapping. The moment the two of you pull away in shock he opens his mouth.
“I told you two! Looks likes you both owe me.”
You roll your eyes and giggle with Francisco.
“I may not be fluent in Spanish but, the amo Francisco.”
“Mmm. I love how you say it. You should probably say it more often because te amo mucho Y/N.”
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