#I love this event but I don’t love the amount of gems I have
person8789 · 2 years
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Actively shaking and sobbing /j
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The event itself almost going into December 😅😭
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onlyswan · 2 years
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summary: in which you and jungkook splurge on in the seom.
> fluff, suggestive ? / wc: 2.6k
> warnings: mention of recording a sex tape oop
note: look . . . i don’t know how my drabbles end up the way that they do i also question the stream of my thoughts constantly. anyway the mobile gaming continues 🫡 this game got me hooked i needed to write while i’m in the zone. + feedback is always appreciated <3
“wow, you’re so rich.” you comment absentmindedly, watching jungkook’s tattooed hand making multiple in-app purchases of gold and gems.
“babe, babe,” you panic and slap his hand away from clicking the largest amount of gems for the third time. “i think thirty-seven thousand gems are more than enough for now!”
he makes a noise of disagreement from behind you, his body vibrating against your back. his arms circle around your waist again, using both words and touch as his ways of persuasion. “did you see the top one? they’re in like level 600! let me buy more so we’re set for until level 300 or something.”
you sigh in defeat, letting him hold the ipad propped up against your thighs again. “well, i guess the money just circles back to your bank account.”
“i know right?” he giggles in delight. “ohhh, i’ll buy the tany pass so we can get the butter costumes.”
sparkling gold coins replace your irises like they do in the cartoons. the said costumes are too adorable and you want to see them wear the matching outfits in the island. moreover, your boyfriend knows how much you loved his long purple hair.
“does it come with all seven?” you ask curiously as jungkook lifts up the ipad to level with his head for umpteenth time, using the face id to confirm the $8 dollar purchase. the purchase successful! notification flashes on the screen, and you can’t hide the stupid smile forming on your face.
“i’m not sure? let’s see.” he hums, tapping each member on the screen to check their available items.
“oh wait! i need to complete the tier first. hold on.” he exists the tab to go back to the event, purchasing the keys to unlock all the prizes without having to collect anymore. he claims them one by one. “oh, so there’s only jin-hyung, jimin-hyung, taehyung-hyung, and me.”
“but i wanted everyone- oh my god, you guys are so cute.” you hold down the squeal in your throat, zooming in on the characters wearing their butter outfits. “his rainbow hair is really pretty. i saw they released the butter funko pops too? looks great as everything.”
he nods with a chuckle, watching jimin walk around the island. “he’s the only one who can pull that off.”
“well now i wanna see you try it.” blonde jungkook was also very pretty- the evidence of your honesty being the three weeks you only referred to him as barbie.
“barbie, i miss your face. what time are you coming home?”
“hey barbie, what you cooking for dinner?”
“that’s not how lasik surgery works, barbie!”
“good morning, pretty barbie. i’m not sure but i think i . . . burned the coffee maker?”
the name rhymes with baby, your term of endearment for each other. you know what? it’s basically the same word, so he got used to it right away. if he hears someone saying it in public, he will most probably still react to it. obviously, you stopped using the name when he dyed his hair another color.
so if he tries the sprayed on pastel colors on his blonde hair? you get the living, breathing barbie doll of your childhood and teenage dreams.
“we can try for fun when i want to bleach my hair again.”
jungkook is an angel who always lets you indulge in the desires of your heart.
“hmm, soon then. your natural hair is very pretty and healthy right now. i hope it grows out the way you want it to this time.” your hand reaches back to caress his head. his hair is as smooth as silk as it glides across your palm, freshly dried from the shower not even two hours ago.
you remove your hand to entertain yourself with the game again, dragging the members to the army bomb to make them dance to their songs.
“oh! they’re playing still with you?” you exclaim in pleasant surprise, laughing at his character dancing cutely to his precious song. the other members have the biggest smiles on their faces dancing along too. jungkook watches the scene with you in pure amusement.
“ah, the game has captured the group’s dynamics very well. they got all the inside jokes and nicknames researched and written down.” he shares his review before the sight of namjoon and seokjin crying while eating mint chocolate ice cream makes him burst with laughter.
“see? they are this dramatic over this in real life! i can attest to this!” he makes them do it again to point it out, the speech bubble that says i’m brushing my teeth right now sounding awfully familiar.
“you and taehyung are my favorite.” you drag him over to taehyung to show the two of them holding hands and moving side-to-side like two little kids who won prizes at the fair. “so cute!”
you wish you had a penny for every time you say the word cute today.
“oh, that looks familiar but i can’t remember where we did that anymore.”
he suddenly grabs your hand and places it on top of his head.
you look back at him confusion. “yes, baby?”
“play with my hair while i buy more outfits and decos please.”
his soft voice makes flowers bloom in your chest. how endearing is your boyfriend?
“of course, baby.” you resume stroking his hair, occasionally twisting the strands in your fingers and raking your nails on his scalp.
he shifts around to lean more comfortably on the pillows, one arm holding you by the waist and the other holding the ipad. you allow yourself to completely relax between his thighs, his body enclosing you into a cocoon of warmth and affection. if you only you could stay in this position for the rest of your life, you would.
but the hand playing with his pair pauses when he starts messing around with the game again, replacing the free items he got with the other designs that cost the most diamonds. the tent, the dining area, the luggage, the camp fire, the cocktail bar, the sun beds, the umbrellas, the hammocks.
huh, you haven’t quite gotten used to it yet.
it is pleasing to watch- having the luxury to choose and being able to buy the one that you want. you both know it’s just a silly little game, but the satisfaction that comes with decorating the island can be addicting. apparently, you and jungkook have a knack for finding entertainment in the silliest things, which further strengthens your bond. you firmly believe you were childhood friends in another life.
meanwhile, he moves on to opening ten lucky boxes at a time.
“booster. booster. booster.” he mumbles while tapping on the screen. “hah! i got suga-hyung a top. and shades. booster. booster. a windmill? streetlamp. booster. shorts. no way- the car from daechwita? ice cream truck . . . light it up like dynamite~”
you swear, there is a kid trapped inside your boyfriend’s big body. if he was to be prohibited from speaking or moving for twenty four hours, he wouldn’t be able to follow the rules even if his life depended on it. perhaps that is why there is always the need to protect him despite knowing the fact that he is way stronger than you- he is such a kind and free spirit. a rare gem. your one in seven billion. you want to protect him from mosquitoes and storms and shipwrecks and exposed wires and slippery floors and sharp edges and treadmills (it flung him off that one time two years ago) and any other form of bad energy in the universe. atleast, you’re trying to.
after opening about thirty? forty? boxes, he dresses up the remaining members. however, “can i make them naked? oh. i can pay for it. i’ll make namjoon-hyung naked- shirtless. oh-ho-ho! sexy with the hair as blue as the ocean.”
your laughter is louder than the ipad’s speakers blasting the game’s original soundtrack, your boyfriend’s hilarious live gaming commentary exactly being your style of humor.
to be honest, if only you weren’t in a healthy relationship, you’d think he was in love with namjoon.
after displaying the decos he bought, jungkook decides to make a club.
“you really posted on your ig story.” you chortle in disbelief, scrolling through the seemingly endless amount of requests. “this is so fun. hold on-”
“everyone’s on level 100 and 200. how are they so fast?!” he cries out at the three digits beside the nicknames of the users. “we need to catch up to them after this.”
“they’re all sending you flowers. and fruit baskets? pearl necklace. these literally cost gems.” you curl up between his thighs from laughing so hard, your grip on the ipad loosening until it slips down next to jungkook. “my stomach hurts. i can’t breathe.”
his wide frame also shakes in mirth, but he securely wraps his arms around you to prevent you from falling off the bed. for the record, it is a king-sized bed. for some reason, however, the two of you always end up being tangled together on the one edge or the other. (most of the time it’s actually you subtly moving closer and closer until he pays attention and cuddles you)
“okay! let’s start accepting requests.” he announces while manhandling you back into your previous position. you grunt at the pressure pressing against your stomach, holding onto his forearm to push it away lightly out of reflex.
you’re literally on the bed, why does he feel the need to carry you all the time?
once you’re settled down once again, you start accepting requests to join the club together. you take turns in picking random users based on the nicknames that catch your attention, and it is peaceful for a while until you’re looking for the one final member and-
“jeon jungkook’s future wife . . . that doesn’t sound right.” you read the nickname out loud, tilting your head to the side with a click of your tongue.
“well, i do like that they’re brave.” with a shrug, you accept their request and open the door for them to enter the club.
jungkook snickers behind you, obviously loving how his ego is being spoon-fed at the moment.
you sit up to accusingly look at him with hooded eyes. “all the flowers and gifts and proposals. you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“maybeee.” he offers you a playful beam. “but it’s our game. i’m doing this for us! we can get lots of hearts from the club!”
we- they don’t even know i exist. but he still makes you smile anyway. your lovely jungkook, who is always too good to you.
spontaneously deciding that you want to splurge on lucky boxes to make the countless purchases of gems worth it, you soon find yourself unable to stop. oh, you understand him better now.
“it’s fun, isn’t it?” he smiles at the childlike look of relishment on your face. you tap and tap and tap, collecting prizes like a panicked thief picking up gold coins forming a long trail, except that unlike the thief, you are overjoyed.
“keep buying until we get six of the cars.” he instructs you, clicking the cart that takes you to the lucky box again. he plans for each of them to be designated to the members who have a driving license. perhaps it’s unnecessary, sure- but he wants to prolong your small joys as much as he can.
“kay, since it’s your money.” you answer gleefully. you free yourself from the hesitation of spending gems since you can’t get a refund for them anyway.
you end up with six daechwita cars and three dynamite ice cream trucks. jungkook parks them all beside each other, like a team huddling together before a basketball game. he also buys taehyung’s hansung costume from the kdrama he starred in called hwarang, later on claiming that taehyung looks like he has been the immortal guardian of the island since the day the dry land was created on planet earth.
his words exactly. not yours. your boyfriend’s imagination tends to wander around like a free bird soaring through the sky for the first time in its life.
after chatting with the club members for a bit, he decides to pick up your level from 31. the motivation kicks in like a race horse when he realizes that your account is top 30 out of 30 in the club.
on the spur of the moment, he begins worshipping the boosters he was previously irritated at for constantly popping out of the boxes instead of the costumes and decos that he wanted.
you have never loved the word DOPE! more in your life.
“my favorite boosters are the whale, the double top, and the axe.”
“the whale is the best one for sure. it’s a lifesaver.” you mention cheerfully as you mix the two whales that wipe out the entire puzzle, mimicking a black hole that swallows everything that dares to come near it.
“oh my god, it’s so fucking satisfying to watch.”
jungkook grabs the opportunity as soon as he sees it. with a mischievous grin he declares, “title of our sex tape.”
yup, you should have foreseen this right when the words came out of your mouth.
you sit back up to look at him with a disapproving look. “you just had to do it, didn’t you?”
he pouts sadly, but his bunny smile promptly lights up his face again upon hearing your follow-up statement.
“like i’m sure we can come up with a better title than that!”
the familiar notification sound rings from the ipad, and you both peer down at the pop-up that appeared on the top of the screen.
it’s from cats&soup— another game you play together almost everyday.
Cats are missing you!
jungkook goes for it again without a single beat of thought or hesitation.
“title of our sex tape!”
the displeased expression on your face turns sourer. “you gotta try harder than that, babe.”
“that is not a good title. we have a beyond satisfactory sex life.” he whines, the joke he cracked backfiring on him.
“well then get back to me when you think of a good one. we need to feed our cats for now.” you exit in the seom to tend to the other game for the meantime. does my face look like that i’ll become a king will have to stay in level 80 (the bottom of the rank list) for now.
but then the gears in his head immediately starts turning after being given the challenge, and a new found motivation drives him to, in fact, try harder this time around.
he clears his throat, alternately looking at your face and your fast fingers upgrading the cats’ facilities. just waiting for the right timing to bring it up.
is this ever a right timing to talk about this type of stuff? oh, fuck this. ask the million-dollar question already.
he swallows thickly in anticipation. “uhm, so i was just thinking. if you approve my title, will we record one for real?”
you shrug without looking at him, focused on collecting money from the food your cats cooked. “sure. why not?”
jungkook’s doe eyes sparkle with doubled, tripled- no, quadrupled adoration for the sweet creature sitting between his legs.
“you are the love of my life.” he utters breathlessly.
taglist! @lolalee24 @alanniys @jjkeverlast @queenofdragonsandcats @yvesismywife @enhypenslay @cramseys @witchfqllen @virgogentlejk @rkie @jeonwiixard @monilyv @bermudaisy @ameliejeannelaurent @takochelle @the1921-monsters @investedreader @seagulljk @yeow6n + send an ask / dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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blacktofade · 2 months
Gemtho Fortnight Day 1
Woo! Today is the first day of posting fills for the Gemtho prompts you all sent in! Due to the amount I received, I had to cut so many (I'm so sorry!!) but I hope you all have fun reading regardless. Posting is in no particular order and all prompts will be anonymous.
I'm not properly tagging any of these because I don't want to spam certain tags, but after April 14th, I'll create a masterpost with links to all the fills and tag that instead.
The prompts are copy/pasted directly from the asks I received and all content warnings will be posted outside of the cut.
Other than that? We're here to have fun. Put on your tin hats and join me, lads.
Prompt: prompt for the april gemtho event: either of them wearing a (hidden) remote controlled sex toy in public, controlled by the other person. was originally thinking gem wearing, etho controlling? but the other way round also works well <3
cw: rpf, exhibitionism, nsfw
Gem’s knees are already weak when she steps through the doorway of the local coffee shop, her phone clutched tightly in one hand.
“Are you there?” Etho asks, just a voice in her ear, and she reaches up to adjust her left earbud with trembling fingers as the buzzing inside her grows worse.
“Yeah,” she answers and Etho makes a noise of acknowledgement.
“Get yourself a coffee,” he orders and she has to force one foot in front of the other as she makes her way toward the counter.
The woman at the register smiles at her warmly and Gem knows she must be beet red, though she can’t do a thing about it.
“What can I get you?” she asks and Gem clears her throat, pausing to take a breath as the vibrator inside her seems to kick into its highest setting.
“How does that feel?” Etho asks and Gem ignores him the best she can.
“Just a medium latte, please,” Gem says, trying to focus as the woman rings her up, nails clacking gently on the touchscreen she’s using.
“I can’t tempt you with a slice of the banana bread we made in-house this morning?”
“You’re easy to tempt,” Etho says in her ear. “Say yes.”
Gem nods, possibly trying to answer both of them, but the barista's smile widens.
“Sure, I’d love a slice,” Gem agrees and the barista taps at the screen again, adding it to Gem’s order.
“That’ll be six fifty-three,” she says and Gem carefully gets her card out, gripping it with white knuckles when the vibrating inside of her stops abruptly.
Somehow she manages to tap her card on the reader and slip it back into her wallet.
“Would you like a receipt?”
She barely has time to focus on the question before Etho asks, “Do you miss me?”
“Yes,” Gem says immediately, before belatedly adding, “please.”
The barista smiles and passes over the receipt, which Gem instantly crumples in her grip as Etho very meanly kicks the vibrations back up to full inside her.
“Thank you,” Gem squeaks, though she’s not sure who it’s directed at, but she quickly steps away, grabbing onto the nearest chair to sit while she waits for her order.
She sags over the table, taking a breath as Etho laughs in her ear.
“Doing okay?” he asks and Gem crosses her legs and tries to sit as normally as possible.
“No,” she whines, and Etho laughs again.
“Want me to turn it down?”
“No,” Gem repeats and Etho makes a noise, like maybe he’s proud of her.
“Should I make you come before your coffee is ready?”
“Etho,” she pleads quietly and Etho hums thoughtfully.
“Y’know,” he starts, and she shuts her eyes, knowing he’s about to ruin her. “If you don’t come now, I’ll make you scream when you get home.”
Gem folds her arms on the table and rests her forehead on top, groaning quietly. “You’re trying to kill me.”
“Just a little,” Etho agrees, and she hates that she can hear the smile in his voice.
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
Hello! The LATAM dates anon is me. Ahh sorry I gave you a bit of a chaotic ask! I’m not sure if LATAM really isn’t selling well - Lou’s Mexico dates look sold out - but I read stuff on Twitter via various fan accounts that made it seem as though sales in some countries were slow and they were really trying to drum up sales by giving tickets away etc. I also saw a couple of other tumblr blogs mentioning poor sales but I realise now these accounts are kind of ‘Louis hate accounts’ (urghh) and they’ll say anything to put him down.
I guess I just wondered if you’d read anything different about LATAM? I want it to be amazing for him. He’s such a gem and I really want him to do have great shows out there.
Can’t remember what other stuff I asked…but thank you for taking the time to respond! Xx
No don’t stress at all lovely!!! I appreciate the q’s, but they were different topics so just wanted to break them down xx
Alrighty, let’s look at LATAM ticket sales. Anon, welcome to the show.
Let’s look at some tickets available, capacities, and then I’ll chat more about venue modes and draping etc for some more context.
So, the best selling show in LATAM looks to be Arena VFG, in Guadalajara, Mexico. I’ve had a bit of a look online, and it looks like the show is entirely sold out. That has a capacity of 15,000 , and looks full concert mode, but that doesn’t mean he will have use of all 15,000. The capacity would prooooobably look more like 11,000 - 12,000ish, as an estimate. I haven’t been to the venue so I can’t be 100% on that, but they’re not selling 15,000 tickets to it. We’ll circle back to this later.
Then, his show at Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez in Mexico City, is a race track used for Formula 1 events, music festivals, and stuff like that. It’s said to have a capacity of 110,000, but of course would be a reduced mode due to the fact that well… that’s pretty impossible for any artist to sell out. Hell, TS’s biggest concert ever was 96,000 people at the MCG in Melbourne, Australia in 2024. Ed Sheeran did 109,500 people in one night at the MCG in 2023. Harry’s biggest show in Australia for LOT was 69,512 people at Accor Stadium in Sydney, which for both show nights, had a capacity of 70,170 people (the first night sold 66,791).
Louis’ show at Arena 1 in Lima, Peru, has a promotion on until the 15 Match 2024 for 25% off certain tickets (the promotion started on 2 November 2023). It can hold up to 16,000 people, and by the looks of it is mainly used for concerts, not sporting events. So they could be selling an amount of tickets that’s closer to their actual capacity, as opposed to the other venues. Again, I haven’t been to it so I can’t be sure. The discount on these tickets, however, is only for people using payments of “Credit, Debit, Business, and Working Capital Cards”. We see similar promos with other artists, such as MasterCard pre sales, American Express presales, etc., but I haven’t seen discounted tickets like this for other artists off the top of my head. However…
I looked at Louis’ 1st June 2022 show at Arena Peru Explanada in Lima, Peru, and according to Team Louis News on Twitter, it sold out. They said it has a capacity of 15,000 people, but again, doesn’t mean every seat was utilised, but it doesn’t look like it’s used for sport, so they could’ve gotten close. And, funnily enough, at this arena and show, there was a 15% discount if you paid with an Interbank Credit or Debit card.
A lot of stadiums are owned/sponsored by banks, or insurance companies, or these companies may have a large share of profit for the money they invest in it etc., and it’s a great way of advertising. Signing up for a bank for discounts of tickets at their venue(s)??? Yes please. So, you can see the appeal. And I can 100% guarantee you that this is a partnership and a condition of said bank investing in the stadium. A quick look at their other shows, every artist (Lauren Jauregui from Fifth Harmony, Paramore etc.) has a special discount based on if they used that bank’s cards to pay for tickets. So it’s not “oh louis could NEVER sell enough tickets, he’s a flop” and whatever these losers say, it’s that certain arenas (clearly more prominent in LATAM) will have discounts on tickets due to the partnership with the bank that invests in them.
let’s circle back to capacities. this frustrates me to no end because people throw these numbers around all the time and it just… that’s just not how it works.
You can find a capacity of a venue pretty easily when you google said venue, and often people go “oh wow, this artist is playing a venue that holds 100,000 people!!!!” which is yeah, you’re right, that venue does hold 100,000 people, but that depends entirely on the mode, stage setup, and how big the artist is. Also, if it’s used as a sports stadium as well, it’s gonna hold a hell of a lot more people than a concert mode, because they can utilise every seat. You can’t just sit behind the stage at a concert, but you can sit anywhere during a football match. So that’s a major difference in ticket sales already.
If you’re someone like Harry, who has a big old T catwalk and a larger built out base/main stage, that’s gonna lower the capacity of the venue. So then they make more of it GA on the ground as opposed to seating, to make the capacity higher again. But he plays stadiums, which are used for sport, and so he’s not utilising the whole capacity as it is.
BUT Ed Sheeran did the thing.
At the MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground, used for cricket and AFL etc.), Ed Sheeran sold sooooo many more tickets than TS, because he had a 360 rotating stage in the middle of the stadium. SUCH a good idea, but that doesn’t work for an artist like TS or Harry. They perform and run up and down cat walks and dance and flail about, Ed Sheeran doesn’t. So, yep, the stage setup can seriously affect the capacity.
Then, estimated ticket sales. Louis sold out his last time in Peru, at a different arena, but it’s pretty safe to say he’ll sell out this one too (hopefully). But, that arena last year might not have been utilised at 15,000. So it’s a bit of guess work too, and finding out what he sold last year (which is easy if the same promoter is hosting but idk I haven’t looked that deep in hahaha but I’d say it’s the same one still).
And when tickets go on sale, they’ll release a certain amount (obviously smaller amounts in pre sales to see how it’s selling), but the ticket website doesn’t tell you how many tickets are left. Why would they? That defeats the purpose of trying to tell people that they might miss out. If the website says there is 10,000 tickets left, you’ll wait til closer to the time to buy one because you’re not worried. But, that skews ticket sales and a show can be cancelled over that, which is happening a fair bit at the moment with ticket reselling websites that aren’t authorised by the venue. I can go into ticketing and ticket reselling further if you’d like but yeah… best we stay on topic.
So, if a show sells enough to at least make a small profit, but isnt sold out regardless of capacity size, the promoter will often put a thing called “drapes” over a certain amount of seating to the side of the stage. These are just big black curtains that cover those seats to make it look more full. It’s what you’d call a “reduced mode”. And, that’s also a way they can use bigger venues if an artist won’t quite sell it out, but they’re too big for a smaller scale show and either don’t wanna do a couple of nights in a row or the smaller venue is super booked out etc. And, artists can sell out a reduced mode, which is great PR for them.
Anyway, there are a million variables that happen with shows. But, capacity does not equal ticket sales, discounts at venues does not equal the size of the artist, and I’m sure Louis is gonna do great in LATAM. I’ve seen so many people excited!!!
Hope this helps/makes sense. Thanks anon!
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yandere-daze · 2 years
hello!! i’ve been lurking and reading your self aware yandere ensemble stars au!! all of the ideas are so fun and creative that i can’t help but thought of one myself jsjsjsjjs
the characters probably become so happy when you put them on your team! they get to perform just for you and they get especially happy when you set them as the solo…you want to see THEM perform not the other characters in your team…i bet they all get so jealous…
and if you don’t play with the 3dmv they get a bit sad that you don’t want to watch them perform but i think they’d understand that you could get distracted from your combo and they really want the live to succeed because they really want to see the happy look on your face!…doesn’t mean they wouldn’t want to be put as the center so that you could look at only their card illustration alone tho <33 maybe not having 3dmv on is better…
also you know how setting someone as solo will give you more of their character gem thingy? just like the gacha they might also compete for that! the more gems you have of them the higher the chance that you will build their card you use them in lives more right?
also if it’s ok i’d like to send future ideas as ❄️ anon >< (if that’s taken then 🎁 anon is okay too)
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Welcome, welcome! Always happy to see a new face in my inbox!! ❄️ anon isn´t taken yet so you can use that when you wish to send in my asks ^^
gn reader
tw yandere
How the characters feel when you put them as the center of your team
You´re quite right with that! Getting put on your team is just one more possibility for you to show your favoritism alongside other game mechanics. Every time you pick a song they´re all anxiously waiting for you to select your team with the cards you want to use. They´re all there, just waiting and hoping that you´re going to let them perform for you this time.
You chose a song from their unit so obviously you´re going to put them on the team now, right? Omg on that note what if the characters themselves are creating these missions in a tour event where you have to use the original members while playing the song, just for a chance to get to be used by you?
They´re definitely especially happy when you let them perform the solo! You want to see them over anyone else, you must love them so much! Don´t worry, they love you too!! Just let them show you how much they appreciate you by trying their absolute best as you play the song!
Imagine how the others must be sulking though. Like sure, they´re happy they were put on the team but they absolutely dread the moment when the spp comes up because they know the game and you will focus on just the idol put as the solo for a few seconds, completely removing the others from the screen. There´s absolutely nothing they can do except stand to the side as that one lucky bastard gets to have all of your attention for a bit.
Let´s not speak about all the characters that didn´t get to even be on your team, they´re either furious or very sad and disappointed and they can just stare at everyone else in jealousy. They want to stand on that stage and dance for you! They want their chance too!
And yes, if you happened to put your live settings to 2d only they would be a bit disappointed at first because they can´t show you their beautiful outfits or their dance moves this way but they try to be understanding. The MVs take up a lot of storage on your phone and it can be very distracting when you´re trying to get a full or perfect combo. The one huge benefit to this is that you will only see the cg of your center card, meaning that they are the only thing you see for the entirety of the song. It´s like the others don´t even exist and you and them are the only thing that matters. It´s a wonderful feeling to be the only one you look at, even if only for a small amount of time
And yes, the character gems! What if instead of just something you can use to level up your cards, they see it as a sort of token that shows them the amount of affection you hold for them? I mean, the more you put them in the center, the more you will get of that character´s gems. It only makes sense to look at it as some sort of measurement of who out of them you like the most, right? They´re all kind of fighting about this, being happy when you have a lot of their gems and being sad when you don´t.
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hervygervy · 6 months
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I’ve got a little, lighthearted rant but it feels wrong to post a rant that relates to a piece of media without including an image… so here’s a meme related to the walls of text under the cut below. Enjoy.
Well… now that I’ve finished up the Blueberry Pokédex for the Indigo Disk and participated in some of the current online events for Scarlet/Violet, I’ve been thinking. Pokémon spin-offs are kind of in a weird place, aren’t they?
Lately spin-offs have amounted to free to play mobile games. Like Pokémon Cafe Remix. Or Pokémon Masters. Sheesh they won’t shut up about those two in Pokémon Presents. We also had stuff like Pokémon Quest which died like instantly. Or Pokémon Unite which is still going strong, it seems. Heck, I was REALLY into Unite for its first year.
But like there used to be a whole slew of spin-offs before the mobile era. Especially during the Wii and DS’s lifespan. The Ranger games, the Poképark games, the game of all time that is Pokémon Dash, the underrated gem that is Pokémon Conquest, and most importantly, the Mystery Dungeon series.
So I wrote out this big rant because to be frank, I’ve been wishing for a new Mystery Dungeon game for years now. I’ve played every game in the series minus those Japan only Wii Ware games. I waited for that seventh generation installment of PMD to come and we got a remake of the first game instead. Don’t get me wrong, I love Rescue Team DX. But as I thought about it more, I realized it was rather odd that I wished for a new installment so much, considering I’m mixed on the vast majority of the franchise. I won’t go into detail on that front since I’m sure the internet doesn’t want to hear my terrible opinions. Regardless, I’ve learned that my favorite parts of these games are those postgame dungeons where you crawl through unforgiving 50+ floors only to be pitted against a souped up legendary at the very end, rather than the main game itself.
Despite my weird thoughts of the series, I kinda want to go back to what spin-offs used to be. Just a bunch of weird games with Pokémon slapped on it. Less of the basic mobile titles. I keep hope with the existence of New Pokémon Snap. Man do I love that game. Spent an embarrassing amount of hours on it. More importantly, I want to return to Mystery Dungeon. There are three whole generations a new title would have to catch up on. So many possibilities for locations or characters for a new narrative, and of course it would have to have the largest roster of starters for the player because I said so and that would be funny. On that note, perhaps I only devised this rant because I want to play as Popplio while wandering the randomized dungeons.
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What If No Didn't Become a Student After the Prologue? [TW]
Azul knocks on Ramshackle’s door. After about a month, and with the exams approaching, he thinks he can make a move with the newest resident of NRC. The school cleaner, Miss No Wei. He knows she’s struggling. The reports are clear: she’s hand-mending her clothes, with no extra cash, and that little monster is eating her close to starving.
The door opens a little, and she peeks out at him. “Yes?”
He has the eels with him, of course—but they’ve been keeping a perimeter here and there… just in case.
“May we come in, Miss Wei?”
“...I’m sorry… this place isn’t… fit for visitors.” Her gaze diverts, embarrassed.
He knows. She took all the scrap from the Film Research Club’s last set. The costume makings. The stage left-overs. Every little bit. She’s been taking all the scrap from about every club that has anything useful and is using it for home repairs.
By the compost bin, it looks like the kitchens are giving her all the scrap too.
“How about you come with us to the Lounge, then, Miss Wei? I’d love to meet with you. Have some tea.”
Besides, it’s the perfect time to strike. A Savanaclaw student offered her money for her body today.
And, it seems she almost took it.
The perfect breaking point. Headmaster Crowley said he had to bargian with her—as she owns Ramshackle. Not that it looks like it… no, not at all.
But she accepts his invitation.
Settled into the Lounge, he must admire her stitchwork. Old NRC uniforms stitched to a fitting uniform for the wayward girl. Her work taking things in and up is just about flawless. A pity he got to her first instead of Schoenheit.
It’s so obvious she’s female. Her curves, her soft face—that pretty, braided hair. Bright, brilliant blue eyes. Oh, she’s perfect, isn’t she?
“I’d like to buy Ramshackle off of you.” He starts, after she’s warmed with tea.
“I don’t own it.”
“According to the Headmaster, it’s yours’ to do as you wish. Now—as you see, I run the Monstro Lounge, a premier speak-easy on Campus and I’d like a second branch where your home is—I want to convert it.”
“Isn’t that a little close?” She remarks.
“Oh. Don’t misunderstand… I want to turn it into a maid cafe.”
There’s a pause. Her head tilts.
“I want you to sell it to me and work there for a small amount of exclusive clients. You’ll be paid well, and after I graduate, I’ll make sure you’re properly set up in our world, Miss Wei. There are several elite members on campus with… desires they can’t really itch here, you know?”
It’s dawned on her.
“You might even find a husband. But the set up—it would be one person or group a night. You’ll attend to their needs, serve from a limited, provided menu, and make sure their glasses are full. Of course, you’ll take the payment package up front and tend to what they’ve ordered. We’ll provide you with health screenings once a week and any other medical care associated with your work.”
He sets down his tea. “I think it’s a deal you should take, Miss Wei. If you do manage to find a long-term partner, I’ll write your pre-nup personally so even in the event of divorce you’ll be taken care of for the rest of your days.”
Azul slides the contract in front of her.
He’s surprised she reads it. Slowly. Carefully. Though her eyes are teary.
She takes up a pen, and crosses out a few things. MY! That bold?!
What a fascinating gem, it’s a pity she has basically nothing to fight or bargain with besides her body.
She’s writing something in, then, she hands it back. “I won’t do what I crossed out—and if I don’t manage to find a husband to take care of me then you’ll marry me instead. And I want three kids. No divorce. That’s my final offer.”
His heart races a little.
“I accept.”
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The Case Study of Vanitas Month 2022 Prompts!
We have our prompts for Vanitas no Carte Month 2022! Thank you to everyone who voted!! 
Vncmonth is a new event that celebrates Vanitas no Carte/The Case Study of Vanitas in all its forms. Every week will celebrate a new character grouping. You can create edits, fanart, drabbles, fanfictions, amvs and mms!
Please remember to tag me @i-prefer-the-term-antihero in your posts to make sure I reblog them!!
Feel free to tag @phmonth2022 as well, however, that blog has been having lots of technical difficulties of late, including not notifying me when I'm tagged. So tagging me personally is more important!
I think it's also important to note, I also have a sideblog that is purely for Pandora Hearts and Vanitas no Carte content @this-idiots-left-eye, where I always reblog the stuff from this blog. You may not see my reblogs from the phmonth2022 blog on your feed, so make sure you follow that blog. If this blog truly no longer works on a technical level, in the future I may end up using it for Pandora Hearts and Vnc events.
Please also tag your posts with #vncmonth22 in case I miss an @ tag!!
Don't forget to either put a link or a "read more" on long fics (or long posts in general), so it's easier to reblog!
I also made a collection on Ao3 for writers! Don't hesitate to add your fics to it!
Lastly, don’t forget to join our discord if you haven’t! It’s a fun place to discuss the series and more easily share your creations!
Here are your prompts!
Noé and Vanitas Week Oct 2nd—8th
Sunday October 2nd: Butterfly
Monday Oct 3rd: Autumn
Fullmetal Alchemist/FMABrotherhood Crossover
Tuesday Oct 4th: Revenge
Wednesday Oct 5th: Cat
Thursday Oct 6th: Lost
Friday Oct 7th: Memories
Saturday Oct 8th: Roof
The De Sades Week Oct 9th—15th
Sunday October 9th: AU
Monday Oct 10th: Stake
Tuesday Oct 11th: Winter
Wednesday Oct 12th: Fangs
Thursday Oct 13th: Knight
Friday Oct 14th: Ice
Saturday Oct 15th: Twins
The Chasseurs Week Oct 16th—22nd
Sunday October 16th: Envy
Monday Oct 17th: Reunion
Tuesday Oct 18th: Gems
Wednesday Oct 19th: Bones
Thursday Oct 20th: Treason
Friday Oct 21st: Haunting
Saturday Oct 22nd: Faith
Chloé and Jean Jacques Week Oct 23rd—29th
Sunday October 23rd: Instrument
Monday Oct 24th: Alone
Tuesday Oct 25th: Castle
Wednesday Oct 26th: Music
Thursday Oct 27th: Witch
Friday Oct 28th: Flowers
Saturday Oct 29th: Snow
Misha and Luna/Blue Moon Clan Week Oct 30th—Nov 5th
Sunday October 30th: Past and/or Pillow Fight
Monday Oct 31st: 🎃 Halloween 👻
Tuesday Nov 1st: Name
Wednesday Nov 2nd: Blood
Thursday Nov 3rd: Scars
Friday Nov 4th: Tears
Saturday Nov 5th: Family
(Note: Butterfly, Revenge, and Autumn all had the same amount of votes, so if you’d rather use one of the other two for the FMA/B crossover feel free!)
You are free to have fun with this!! As long as you tag it, NSFW is allowed! (Tagging ships is nice too). You can pretty much do whatever you want with the prompts!!
As long as you make sure the characters from the group are your main focus, it’s okay to use other characters in your creations too!!
You can join any time, and use as many or as few prompts as you want!!
And you don't have to post on the day if you can’t make it!! I’ll reblog things late!!
Since we live across the world, you are free to post whenever the day is for you. I myself will be making posts according to my time, which is Central Standard Time in America. 
Feel free to get started on making stuff early!! 
We’re so excited to see what you make!!! Thank you for all your support!! 
P.S. To the lovely person who said that you think I'm a large part of what keeps the fandom alive on Tumblr....thank you so much 🥹🥰
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jadeleechisagoodboy · 11 months
two things;
1. I LOVE THIS BLOG. i followed back in my Original era of twst hyperfixation and now that ive been dragged back horrifically kicking and screaming im so glad i still follow after a year of losing the Intense love for the game to hyperfixate on something else
2. how do you get gems in like, an effective manner? like, ive done most all of the twistunes i could have, so i dont have that as much means to get gems, and ive missed out on so many SSR cards i just couldnt get with the number of gems i have. is it just saving up for a miraculous length of time or is there some Sneaky Trick to it or do you buy gems or whats the trick to it HDDNHDHSNSH
Awww!! Thank you!!! 🥰 It always makes me extremely warm and fuzzy when people say they like my content so I really appreciate it!
As for the gems… I unfortunately don’t have a trick for getting a lot of gems quickly. My method is just that I’m extremely stingy and only pull for my absolute favorite characters, or cards I find especially beautiful.
However! I can give you a timeframe for how long get takes to save up a certain amount of pulls, since I’ve been meticulously calculating how many gems and keys I get every month for the past eight months, and my findings are that the average number of pulls you can get in one month (if you log in every single day, do all the weekly missions, and play every event), is 73 pulls, with the lowest month having 55 pulls and the highest having 93.
It took me about four months to save up over 300 pulls worth of gems and keys, and that was while dropping an occasional ten pull for limited SR cards, soooo yeah, idk how helpful that is, but I think that’s all I have to offer!
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
fic tag game
Tagged by @outtoshatter​. Thanks for the tag. 
Rules - Recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is “most popular” and 2 that are “hidden gems!”
Hm.  Most popular?  There’s really no contest if I’m looking at any of my stats.  
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Family, Familia, ‘Ohana is by far and away my most popular fic and is my take on the NavySeal!Buck trope. I really feel this works best in post-lawsuit mess era where there was just this weird resolution of things that I wanted to explore more.  Throw in some timeline vagueness Hawaii 5-0 and a not yet together McDanno with a few borrowed SWAT characters (and a platonic Hondo/Decon slant) and you get this fic.  
Fic summary: When one family seems lost another comes back from the past. But does Buck want to return to the past or live in the present? And does his present lead to a future he wants? Only he can answer these questions but Steve at least will be there to support him.
Read Family, Familia, ‘Ohana here on AO3. 
As for more of a hidden gem type fics…. Hm. 
This is like choosing between children. 
I think I’m going to have to recommend my epic (that is still a wip and not abandoned) An Andromeda Tale, MReyder, Mass Effect Andromeda.  
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Why I’m recommending it:  This is the fic that got me posting again after so many years of only being a reader and passive fandom participant. I’ve grown a lot as a writer because of this fic and I s2g it will get finished (eventually).  I don’t think you have to have a lot of knowledge of Mass Effect Andromeda to enjoy it as I’ve tried to basically immerse the reader into the universe through Scott and Reyes’ viewpoints. In fact, it might be better if you haven’t played the game because of how much I’ve totally run with vague mentions and ideas to fill in gaps and plot holes that you could drive a Mac truck through. This is my take on an epic space opera as told by two people caught in the lynchpin of fate.
Fic summary: Scott Ryder never saw his life going this way, not that anyone ever asked him his opinion. Now he's pathfinder with too many people depending on his young shoulders and trying to figure out what he actually wants for himself. Reyes Vidal, man of mystery, former pilot and now sometimes smuggler. Who knows where he came from or his motivations but he's come to Andromeda to change his destiny. What neither Scott nor Reyes could have predicted is what their lives would be once they came to Andromeda.
Read An Andromeda Tale here on AO3
As for a third recommendation…. Hm. I really could recommend a few of these that don’t get enough love. I’m going to go with my only other long form wip that is another take on my favorite Sentinel/Guide trope, The Outlaw and the Cartel Boss, Mayans MC, Miguel Galindo/Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes, Sentinel/Guide AU. 
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Why this fic?  Why another wip instead of a completed fic? Because you don’t need to know much about the universe to enjoy it—again probably better if you don’t since the more you watch of the show the more impossible the main pairing of Miguel and EZ is. They’re not related in this fic and it’s very AU. It’s also possibly the fic where I’ve done the most world building outside of my MReyder epic above and my brain likes to chew on these sort of fics like a dog with a favorite bone. Odds are when i’m out on my daily run or walk it’s one of these three fics that my brain is turning over how to approach my next plot point. 
Fic summary: EZ Reyes came online with his mother’s violent death and suffered the consequences of his actions in the aftermath. When Jimenez offers him a deal to turn evidence in on the Galindo cartel, he agreed as he’d brought shame on his tribe by his actions and it was a chance at redemption that he didn’t feel he deserved. He just didn’t anticipate who his guide would be and the amount of trouble they’d generate for him. Miguel had goals—to legitimize the family business, enjoy life and his family. He didn’t anticipate any of the events that forced him online as a guide but now that he has a sentinel he’s not letting him go.
Read The Outlaw and the Cartel Boss here on AO3
Anyways, if you want complete fics of mine go read Seguir or I Wasn’t Looking Until I Found You. 
Tagging @radio-chatter​ @quietborderline​ @tkwritesdumbassassins​ @missanniewhimsy​ @bwtch​ @imsupposedtobewritting​ and anyone else who i forgot or wants to participate. No pressure as always. 
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sb: i’ve been learning about astrology since late 2020 and FINALLY wanted to make my first observation post. this is from what i’ve gathered from the ppl i’ve met over the past few years.
- cancer placements (esp women) LOVE to look presentable. ladies always have their nails/hair done and in general have good sense of style and love to take pictures. all of them ik put a good amount of effort into their daily appearance on a regular basis.
- cancer placements hate sitting still/being alone. every cancer ik always has to have SOMETHING to do (vs me, a pisces, who LOVES having nothing to do). they can be clingy, especially if ur their favorite person, and HATE being ignored.
- virgo placements (esp risings) always have such a DISTINCT NOSE. not even big, just prominent.
- leo venus men have BIGGG 🤭 lollll. they are very persistent when it comes to someone they want and also have a huge dominance kink; aggressive.
- 8h profection year REALLY IS SHITTY omgg. every person ik has had an event that changed them drastically occurring at 19 years old. (not to scare anyone lol. drastic life changes are inevitable).
- taurus ppl have a green/brown/gold aura. idk how to explain but iykyk lmao.
- you can always tell a sagittarius from the way they talk. they talk a lot in general but when talking about something they’re knowledgeable in, they’re very “matter-of-fact” & always think they’re the smartest in the room lol. a little bossy too, but with good intentions.
- geminis r also easy to spot. they have kind eyes, makes them look v warm & friendly. gems talk w/ their hands and talk A LOT. when they’re silent, it feels weird.
- sag/cap cusp suns are the easiest signs for me to spot. they embody both sag traits & cap traits. talkative, personable, flighty, BUT ALSO hardworking, goal-oriented, and a strong sense of self/leadership.
- most, if not all libras i know, have puppy-like features! lol not in a rude way, they are so cute. but i can always tell one someone is a libra sun/rising bc they have a puppy nose (very proportionate) or puppy dog eyes.
- as someone w/ heavy mutability in my natal chart, we can be so fake. i find myself acting different depending on who i’m around. geminis get the “two-faced” stereotype, but it’s really all of us. i’ve noticed sags & virgos are def more blunt tho.
- i love scorpio placements but they are such LIARS! they fabricate stories/purposely leave out certain parts to others and i really dk why! def one of my favorite placements tho. makes for a beautiful & deep person.
- i’ve noticed with my cancer in 11h, i ALWAYS end up having friends with cancer placements.
- & even though i’m never regarded as the “mom” of the friend group, my cancer 11h and virgo 1h means people are ALWAYS coming to me for advice & comfort. even people i barely know always feel comfortable enough to tell me their deepest secrets & open up to me about things they don’t tell many others.
okkkk if i think of anything else i will add it, but this is all for now! toodles
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phmonth · 2 years
The Case Study of Vanitas Month 2022 Prompts!
We have our prompts for Vanitas no Carte Month 2022! Thank you to everyone who voted!! 
Vncmonth is a new event that celebrates Vanitas no Carte/The Case Study of Vanitas in all its forms. Every week will celebrate a new character grouping. You can create edits, fanart, drabbles, fanfictions, amvs and mms!
Please remember to tag me @i-prefer-the-term-antihero in your posts to make sure I reblog them!!
Feel free to tag @phmonth2022 as well, however, this blog has been having lots of technical difficulties of late, including not notifying me when I'm tagged. So tagging me personally is more important!
I think it's also important to note, I also have a sideblog that is purely for Pandora Hearts and Vanitas no Carte content @this-idiots-left-eye, where I always reblog the stuff from this blog. You may not see my reblogs from this blog on your feed, so make sure you follow that blog. If this blog truly no longer works on a technical level, in the future I may end up using it for Pandora Hearts and Vnc events.
Please also tag your posts with #vncmonth22 in case I miss a @ tag!!
Don't forget to either put a link or a "read more" on long fics (or long posts in general), so it's easier to reblog!
I also made a collection on Ao3 for writers! Don't hesitate to add your fics to it!
Lastly, don’t forget to join our discord if you haven’t! It’s a fun place to discuss the series and more easily share your creations!
Here are your prompts!
Noé and Vanitas Week Oct 2nd—8th
Sunday October 2nd: Butterfly
Monday Oct 3rd: Autumn
Fullmetal Alchemist/FMABrotherhood Crossover
Tuesday Oct 4th: Revenge
Wednesday Oct 5th: Cat
Thursday Oct 6th: Lost
Friday Oct 7th: Memories
Saturday Oct 8th: Roof
The De Sades Week Oct 9th—15th
Sunday October 9th: AU
Monday Oct 10th: Stake
Tuesday Oct 11th: Winter
Wednesday Oct 12th: Fangs
Thursday Oct 13th: Knight
Friday Oct 14th: Ice
Saturday Oct 15th: Twins
The Chasseurs Week Oct 16th—22nd
Sunday October 16th: Envy
Monday Oct 17th: Reunion
Tuesday Oct 18th: Gems
Wednesday Oct 19th: Bones
Thursday Oct 20th: Treason
Friday Oct 21st: Haunting
Saturday Oct 22nd: Faith
Chloé and Jean Jacques Week Oct 23rd—29th
Sunday October 23rd: Instrument
Monday Oct 24th: Alone
Tuesday Oct 25th: Castle
Wednesday Oct 26th: Music
Thursday Oct 27th: Witch
Friday Oct 28th: Flowers
Saturday Oct 29th: Snow
Misha and Luna/Blue Moon Clan Week Oct 30th—Nov 5th
Sunday October 30th: Past and/or Pillow Fight
Monday Oct 31st: 🎃 Halloween 👻
Tuesday Nov 1st: Name
Wednesday Nov 2nd: Blood
Thursday Nov 3rd: Scars
Friday Nov 4th: Tears
Saturday Nov 5th: Family
(Note: Butterfly, Revenge, and Autumn all had the same amount of votes, so if you’d rather use one of the other two for the FMA/B crossover feel free!)
You are free to have fun with this!! As long as you tag it, NSFW is allowed! (Tagging ships is nice too). You can pretty much do whatever you want with the prompts!!
As long as you make sure the characters from the group are your main focus, it’s okay to use other characters in your creations too!!
You can join any time, and use as many or as few prompts as you want!!
And you don't have to post on the day if you can’t make it!! I’ll reblog things late!!
Since we live across the world, you are free to post whenever the day is for you. I myself will be making posts according to my time, which is Central Standard Time in America. 
Feel free to get started on making stuff early!! 
We’re so excited to see what you make!!! Thank you for all your support!! 
P.S. To the lovely person who said that you think I'm a large part of what keeps the fandom alive on Tumblr....thank you so much 🥹🥰
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villains4hire · 1 year
Lapis Lazuli
1 - For starters? Out the gate, I roleplay this character as ace. Did years ago in the SU fandom and I see no reason to change her. I will ship her and more or less smut with her still, however, but be picky and be sensible about it as I did prior. Regardless, and here’s my personal message to anyone who has a problem with this: Ace people have dated, had sex, or been repulsed are varied and not a monolith, etc. The amount of weird control I see over shipping Ace characters, sex lives is fucking creepy, but also I understand if it’s disregarded or sexualized/handled poorly and I hear you, I can relate to that in my own, but not exact experiences. But those outside of being ace who do not understand nuance and are incredibly aggressive or annoying about this? Fuck off and quit talking shit about stuff you don’t get, take more than five seconds looking up a definition to learn about how actual people live. Anyway, you’re free to ask me if you want to ship, but I will say if I don’t think it’ll work I’ll tell you out the gate. I will just say there are gems just canonically involved with people, so it’s not because she’s alien. I just hrm, can’t really see her into people a lot of the time other than in certain ways I can’t really say is ‘down-bad’, though could be willing.
2 - I roleplay Lapis more or less with the ending of SU but also my original characterization, I believe before the Malachite arc ended years and years ago. She’s a bit fighty, lonerish, but incredibly loving if close, bit of a goofball, memer, more below etc. That being said? My Lapis is stand-alone. She is not to be presumed to be living or with Peridot, Bismuth or otherwise and isn’t a Crystal Gem. She fights for the people she cares about, but it’s nothing canon changing other than motivations, relationships or what she identifies with in terms of factions etc. I roleplayed this character for her potential and friendship with Steven and still do. Most canon-compliant Stevens I’ll accept out the gate but at least ask me first.
3 - This character is fairly powerful to being overpowered? Bit of a glass cannon if physically hit though, so bit of a warning if on Earth for example or other heavy water-based planet.
4 - I will have this character curse occasionally, as Lapis is probably one of the few who would. But I’ll try not to go crazy with it. 5 - Oh right Jasper is also in the wrong, but I will say that Lapis abused the ever living heck out of her with Malachite. I am not going to skirt around that and if you try to say otherwise or have a problem with it? Do not approach me for this character, as I embrace every aspect of a character if I take them up as I like. As Lapis is a victim, yes, but it does not make her weak, if anything? It made her one of the more formidable characters of the series and dangerous.
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Do I want them to die: Nah. Stakes can be high but SU has no real death other than skirting the censors for shatterings. Death can occur in rps so long as it isn’t too gorey though. Just have them pop like a balloon or something into paste if shot with a laser or like comically smushed etc. Will I have/get icons: I have them Tag: tide reformed (Multiverse, after the events of SU default verse) tide formed (Homeworld Verse, Prior to Meeting Steven and the mirror) Age: 10k+ Years in terms of age. Sex: Nothing. She’s a rock. Gender: Fine with any pronouns, he/she. Race: Gem Race - Subcaste: Lapis Lazuli Sexuality: Ace. Personality traits: Extremely loyal. Loving. Distrustful of outsiders, people or even other Gems at first until she knows their intentions. Can be incredibly selfless, but also selfish. Can enter toxic relationships at times, especially if it’s her in control in terms of power or wrestling power into her control. Unforgiving, grumpy at times though is not incapable of forgiving people. Can hold a grudge. Has deep guilt regarding certain things. Tends to forget certain people she doesn’t hold much regard for. Brutal beyond words if pushed or she sees the need to be, is not canonically above torture. Is a touch unstable at times in terms of anger from being in isolation for six thousand years, but has immense willpower as she’s one of the few who didn’t go outright insane. Enjoys memes. Art if you could call it that in the form of ‘Meep-Morps’ and other activities in random garbled words. Likes memes even if she misunderstands them, phrases, words even if she misuses or misremembers them. Deadpan sense of humor or grimness but also can mess with people. Laidback, likes to be lazy and lounge. Likes jokes, humor, a little immature honestly for what she’s willing to get into for some good fun. Mental traits: Gem Mentality, she isn’t human by any means. Physical traits: Pretty slim, petite, inhuman body type but not overtly so. Flat-chested, thickish legs and all around a smaller body. Around 5′1 to 5′2 and has a free-spirited but mature beauty to her despite her personality. Powers: All of this is simply here canon powers as this character does not need help other than flavor for a few unsaid things. Enhanced Condition - greater strength, speed, and durability but varies gem to gem Immune to disease - age. Bubbling - can bubble objects, gems or large objects like other gems can. Shapeshifting - can shapeshift form, parts of herself. Regeneration - reforming and such after poofing. Gravity Shifting - adjusts to gravitational changes. Weapon Summoning - she’s never had a weapon summoned before as she usually just has water. It’s presumed she has one though, however, and it’s basically a whip-sword that moves and flows like water. And can be manipulated as such and use her hydrokinesis, it’s usually used like that of a razor ring in self-defense when there’s no water around. Hydrokinesis - Lapis is exceptionally strong in this regard it seems even compared to other gems. Most likely from being more early generation gems than the later ones. It’s a self-explaining ability but the exact limit is not known but it’s planetary for the manipulation she’s capable of. She could potentially manipulate high-density liquid entities but I will say that blood is not water-like enough for her to do this to and it’s more intended for liquid metal and minerals such as moving tectonic plates since she’s a terraforming gem. Water Generation - she can generate a certain amount of water from her gem, but it’s unknown. She usually use’s this with a combo with her weapon if forced into tapping into it. Water Form Manipulation - she can cause water to turn into ice or even use it as deadly projectiles. Thermal Manipulation - she is capable of causing water to steam or boil. Hydromimicry - she can create clones against her enemies. Water Bubbles -  she can use these to imprison gems, people, granted they’ll drown if not given air. Water-Walking - she can walk on water and even allow others to walk on water with her. Water Wings - she can fly using a form of water wings and like other things, she can manipulate, stretch and even punch with them. Memory Projection - can project memories onto a mirror-like surface or still enough water. Pathokinesis Resistance - she is immune to emotional manipulation such as Blue Diamond’s empath attacks. This is not to be confused with White Diamond’s ability to control other gems. High Nobility Status - Lapis Lazulis judging by their demeanor for the others we’ve seen and the vast amount of power they have? Seem to be Blue Diamond’s higher gems, so when it matters. I will say that Lapis is pretty high up there in terms of caste and privilege. Motivations: To be free. To move past what’s happened. To belong, to find purpose beyond her original intent. To find what’s considered home. Backstory: The entire wiki for her other than being with Peridot, Bismuth, at the barn. I primarily have her come and go, then mostly show up to help Steven, make a few friends but more or less just have her in the background. She comes when she’s needed or wants to be there and gets better about it as time goes on, along with those approaching her consistently does she become more social. She never considers herself a Crystal Gem but she told Homeworld to eat it basically.
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cynthiaandsamus · 1 year
My FGO Five Stars Explained:
Saw this meme going around on youtube and decided to post some stories about my five stars from my fledgling FGO account.
First Five Star: Space Ishtar, got her last year on her first run even though I couldn’t actually play the Saber Wars 2 event because I was still in America at the time, I’d been playing for like three months and just wanted to pull an SSR already and decided I’d save as much as I could for her and got her in a decent amount of multis.
Most Recent Five Star: Taira no Kagekiyo, I randomly got Summer Ushi during the whole ‘hey here’s some swimsuit girls on rateup but not really’ banner this summer and really grew to love her through Babylonia and such so I was really excited for Taira and luckily she came by relatively quickly.
 Favorite Five Star: Minamoto no Raikou, I mean, anyone that knows me knows I love MILFs, this should not be a surprise. Her Summer version was the first non-tutorial four star I got and was smitten even before I played the game.
Five Star Most Money/Gems Spent on: Maid Alter, still having war flashbacks about the New Years banner, I don’t think I quite hit pity on her but the fact that I’m not even sure is bad enough. I loved using a Support version of her in Camelot so I really wanted to get her and may have gotten some tunnel vision but at least I have used her a bit.
Five Star that was Immediately Benched: This one’s kind of a tie between Hijikata and Europa, Hijikata I pulled on the Anniversary GSSR last year and he was immediately overshadowed by pulling Musashi in the same multi and Europa was a spook when I was pulling for Raikou. I’ve used both a couple of times but they’re definitely my least used SSRs,
Most Investment: So I haven’t Grailed anyone yet but I have NP2 on Space Ishtar and have her max Gold Fou‘d, plus I’m getting ready to 10/10/10 her pretty soon, I also have Castoria 10/10/10 but she hasn’t been Fou’d or raised NP level so count this as a temporary split category I guess until I get around to maxing Space Ishtar’s skills.
Love At First Sight: Ishtar and Berserker Musashi, I loved Ishtar from the anime stuff of Babylonia and actually playing it in the game made me like her more and I decided to pull for Musashi like 60% just because of how amazing her various swimsuits look.
Kindred Spirit: This one was really hard because I don’t particularly see myself in any of my five stars personally but my mind keeps coming back to Musashi for which one I’d personally probably get along most with. I do kind of have a similar flighty personality and try to let things roll off my back (sometimes to my detriment) quite a bit.
Most Simped: Probably Raikou or Ishtar, Raikou’s one of only four SSRs I have NP2 and most of that is just cause I simp for her and I was actively hunting down any Ishtar banner I could find to try and get her but apparently she hasn’t been on rateup in like two years so luckily I pulled her on the GSSR for New Years.
But yeah this was fun! I saw this on Kawaiifiveoh’s channel and thought I’d post it here, feel free to fill it out yourself or whatever!
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Alright, it’s part two of me liveblogging my attempts to get Suitor Suit Idia! I’ve already decided ahead of time that if I hit the guaranteed SSR and still don’t get him I’m giving up.
Link to part one
Tenfold summon number six, and first summon of the day to be using gems instead of keys.
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And that’s the second labwear Sebek of the day. Huh. None for months and then all of sudden two on the same day.
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And the third ceremonial robes Idia. Please, I just want your suit!
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This pull had a good amount of SR cards at least, but nothing new.
Alright, it’s number seven. I don’t have particularly high hopes.
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Hey, last time I was pulling for a specific event SSR (it was Beans Camo Floyd) it took 80 pulls, so there’s still a chance I’ll get him before I hit pity.
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I’m going to hit pity only to get Rook or Leona or something, aren’t I?
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Please game, if you’re going to keep taunting me with SR Idia cards, at least give me his labwear!
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I guess it’s pity time.
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Something new!
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Alright, SSR time!
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Uh oh, it’s Heartslabyul
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Cater I love you, but fuck you.
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Well, I just wasted 1500 gems and 5 tenfold keys, but at least it was character I actually like and it wasn’t one I already had. He can do duo magic with Trey, whose dorm card I already have, so that’s nice. Definitely could have been worse, but I’m still grumpy.
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rise-my-angel · 6 days
I don’t really have any free time to read HOTGW because of work and other events that go on in my life but I try to catch up with each chapter and part of the series that I was finally able to finish part 5 and am finally able to start part 6. Absolutely in love with your writing and I praise you for it because many people can write stories about the franchise but not many really have any idea outside of the tv show itself and you writing is so evident how well you really know about the book series and television show.
The way your characters are absolutely brilliantly written and just the plot alone is amazing I mean like duh it makes sense this could quiet literally be made into a frickin series it’s so good man I would love to watch this series if it were possible!!
Amazingly long chapter like omg thank you, I would leave to be reading this all on paper instead of my laptop or iPhone but honestly I endure it because the series is just magnificent! I cant wait to catch up and read the rest of this story.
This series deserves so much more recognition my god it’s just chefs kiss. Thank you for giving us this absolute gem of a story! It’s obvious you love what you do and I’m so grateful you’re able to share that with us
(Reading this after my last ask is a breath of fresh air you are an angel in deserving of a smooch)
I love writing this series, it truly is a love letter to the show and books in earnest. I genuinely love taking what worked and didn't work about both versions of the series and exploring it in ways to showcase what I love about it and where I had hopes it would explore those ideas because I love it that much.
Even when I think people won't like my future chapters, I write them out of passion and genuinely want to make something people just enjoy. They're so long and I always feel bad, but I want to tell the story in the amount of words it deserves. How long I think you all deserve to read this story with respect you guys should be showed.
I hope you still like the series if you have time to catch up, but I am so grateful you have followed it that far regardless. This is very kind, and all I want is to create a passion project and share it with people who enjoy the series the way I do. The research I do for the series is a lot of work but so much fun because combining the book with the show and binding it together with my original ideas has been such a fun way to better appreciate the series as a whole.
I'm totally fine it is a small, relatively unknown series. As long as the people like you who read it, like it? That's more then I could've asked for.
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