#a twisted halloween 2
person8789 · 2 years
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Actively shaking and sobbing /j
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The event itself almost going into December 😅😭
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Also, I would like to add that Malleus’s blatant disregard for the autonomy of others and fits of rage is DELIBERATE on his end. Being one of the top five mages in the entire world, I am sure that he KNOWS there is a large disparity between his power/social and the rest of the peers/subordinates etc. His sheer and utter confidence in his abilities to get what he wants and general disregard for others isn’t only an indicator of his awareness about this disparity, but is also a reflection of the abuses of his power AND social status as a whole.
In light of his age, imagine the amount of times he has repeated these mistakes despite others advice and criticisms against his choices. Only Ace has been able to overcome others general reverence and fear towards Malleus when it came to calling him out. He is not an innocent person who is ignorant about the ways of humanity verses faes, and is certainly not the innocent character the fandom (especially those who are infatuated by him) think he is.
[Referencing this post!]
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***Standard disclaimer: In sharing my thoughts, I do not mean to disparage Malleus fans. Furthermore, me disliking him should not detract from your own enjoyment of the character. If you do not feel comfortable reading about this topic (ie critique of Malleus’s character), then I encourage you to scroll on and to not engage with this post.***
My thoughts below the cut!
I do feel that, to some degree, the disregard for others and inappropriate fits of rage come from blatant ignorance (since Malleus did have a very isolated and sheltered upbringing). However, it's also hard for me to believe that in his 178 years of living that he was NOT told countless times by those around him (mostly Lilia and his grandmother, Maleficia) to wield his power and social status more tactfully than how he has. Did he take none of those lessons to heart??? What about the 2-3 years he spent living among the non-fae at NRC? Nothing from then too?? Regarding self-awareness of his strength and social status, Malleus has made it clear on more than one occasion that he stands above others. Right from his first appearance in the main story (in book 2), it's implied he's well aware of his position--so much so that he deliberately hides his identity from Yuu. He also cannot propose to Eliza in Ghost Marriage because he is the crown prince of a nation. Time and time again, Malleus's status is mentioned and it plays into his importance as the sole heir to Briar Valley. He must also know he is powerful, given that he is one of the top 5 strongest mages in the world and can perform incredible feats (like reassembling a stage and walking through Vil's poisonous miasma in book 5) like they're nothing. His grandmother and Lilia tell him the Draconias are powerful and shouldn’t use their magic to harm, but to help those they rule over. Yet he seems to have surprisingly few qualms when turning these powers against people who are only at a fraction of his power (Rook, his dorm mates, everyone in the Scalding Sands trip group, Ortho, etc.) or have no magic at all (remember when he attacked those civilians in Terror is Trending and the other Diasomnia students had to restrain him?). Malleus may be emotional in these moments, but the fact remains that he's making the deliberate, intentional choice to wield his magic in this way. He has the ability to hold himself back (as we see him refrain from fighting Rook in Malleus's PE Uniform vignette, only because he knows Rook is baiting him), but the vast majority of the time he fails to do this. For someone who is acutely aware of his power, you'd think he would... I don't know, keep a better leash on it? And what about his identity? So Malleus is concerned about Sebek insulting Leona (the prince of another country) but he ISN'T concerned about how his own fits of anger poorly reflect on himself, who is the CROWN PRINCE of a country??? Please make that make sense... Why is Malleus so selective 💀
I'm actually quite shocked at how little Malleus's pride and arrogance is pointed out; it's usually Leona who gets those labels even though Malleus is also just as arrogant, prideful, and confident in his own powers. Most of the time, I feel like I see Malleus being called "innocent". Maybe his negative traits on display get overlooked because TWST tries so hard to present Malleus to us as someone we are supposed to like (especially with how often they use his overpoweredness or loneliness is used as a punchline for jokes). Our interactions with Malleus are also so few and so short, particularly early in the main story, that fan project their own ideas about what he's like onto him and that forms a certain “image” of him that may not be the same as how he actually is. Him being lonely makes it easy for fans to perceive him as desperate for company and even easier for fans insert themselves as his “special” friend or S/O to fill the void.
It's... quite ironic, really? Malleus says in Riddle's Suitor Suit vignettes that he is familiar with the concept of "noblesse oblige", which is the implied duty of the privileged and nobility to act gracefully towards those less privileged. Yet... he is sometimes overstepping "fae playfulness" or "teenage childishness/immaturity" and continuously creating situations which put people around him in danger (all of Endless Halloween Night, not holding back his attacks against the Magicam Monsters, all the times he let his temper get out of control, book 7 OB, etc.) When defending the extremes he took in book 7 by citing his status and his UM, Malleus has this to say, which is very telling of his lucidity: "Monitoring? Meddling? Heh, how silly. It's a king's duty to govern, is it not? I'm watching over you. To ensure no nightmares befall you in the fairy tales you now reside in... To ensure you have happy dreams that last forever!" It's implied that Malleus's grandma has told him since childhood that their line has powerful magic to protect their people's smiles--and here he is, overextending those words to people that aren't even his subjects, and twisting the meaning to justify his own brutal rule.
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What I noticed is... Malleus is often so oriented on seeing the situation from his POV that he fails to consider those from any entity aside from himself. In Endless Halloween Night, he feels sorry for the ghosts who showed up late and were left out of the festivities because he can relate to them, so therefore he wants to make sure they are included. In book 7, Malleus fears his loved ones leaving and projects this fear onto everyone else so he feels right in being the one coming in to be their "hero" and grant them happy endings they never asked for. In his own Dorm Uniform vignettes, Malleus frames the circumstances as, "I wouldn't be mad if you did the same thing to me" instead of listening to his peers' complaints. He centers problems around himself (which admittedly is very frustrating to me), and this is how Malleus tries to understand and navigate the world. This gives me the impression that he has a very particular way of thinking and it's perhaps difficult for him to understand others, even with extensive pointers.
I truly believe Malleus is ignorant about humans and fae. That much matches up with what we know of his history. What I do NOT get is why he continues to remain ignorant when 1) he has spent a few years exposed to non-fae and their ways; even if this pales in comparison to the 175ish other years of his life, he should have some new basis for appropriate social interactions with other races, and 2) most of the major adult figures in his life are exposing to him he should consider others' perspectives and try to learn more about that which he is unfamiliar with. Malleus has so many opportunities to expand his horizons and get to know new people, but he seems to sit around and keep waiting for others take the initiative for him. But he could initiate too, so why doesn't he???? (He has shown he is capable of it, as he approaches Deuce to fix his virtual pet and chatting with Idia about the same pet in the main story; if not by himself, then Lilia can easily assist or invite him into activities such as the Silk City trip.) Even if Malleus fails to socialize in a way that's considered appropriate, at least that's something he can learn from and correct for next time... But why doesn’t he????????? If he did, it would sure help out with his inability to empathize with his peers and could even curb his temper (which would be seen as socially inappropriate). So why exactly does he seem to know so little and make so little effort to try and rectify this???? Why does he keep postulating that his word is above everyone else’s and then get upset when people don’t like him for this very alienating attitude? Aaaaah, it's a sad cycle to witness him devolve into again and again... 😭
P. S. Bless Ace for being the one character who still held it against Malleus for the fucked up “prank” he pulled in Endless Halloween Night (and then convincing everyone the misunderstanding was their faults for “attacking the ghosts first”).
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suntails · 1 year
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riddlerosehearts · 9 months
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twst halloween icons - dorm leaders + jamil & ortho 🖤
these are made from official art found here!
other heartslabyul + savanaclaw icons here
other octavinelle, pomefiore, + diasomnia icons here
please like and/or reblog if using
credit not required but appreciated
i can swap the backgrounds or recolor them if requested!
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🪿🪿🪿🪿Dove! 🤌👏🫰 ayoooo
I’m here for the followes event —
I’d like to yhhh request prompt #3 with Jade :] 🔪
It can be fluffy/hurt/comfort honestly whichever you’re feeling (I know sometimes the writing does what it wants once you get into it lol)
Backup prompt: #4
Backup characters: Malleus, Riddle
Thankfuho you (I just wokeu p and can’t type to spell but whatever I’m just leaving it ❤️)
Discovering Old Secrets; Jade Leech
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, implied romantic relationship
Word Count; 700+
Author's Note; I originally had something else in mind that used the knife emoji but my brain wasn't braining. But this, this is so much better and fluffier than I had planned /positive.
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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You were down in the basement, lantern in hand illuminating the way. The power had gone out, and of course, the fuse box was in the basement of all places. Sevens forbid the person who built the cottage you were staying in actually put it in an easy-to-access spot. Nope! They had to put it in the creepy, old, basement. And since Jade was out getting groceries, that left you to fix it yourself. So, lantern in hand, you started fiddling with the fuse box, trying to find the one that had blown. At least you had some prior experience, what, living in Ramshackle and all; you had become well acquainted with getting stubborn fuses to work for you, even jokingly calling it your unique magic. 
“Come on, work for me baby,” you muttered, and all of the lights flickered to life once again. “Ha ha! Me? One! Fuse box? Zero!” You dusted yourself off and looked around the basement, now that you could see everything.
Apparently the people who rented this place out didn’t take out all of the old owners’ boxes, and they were just laying there collecting dust and cobwebs. There couldn’t be any harm in just taking a tiny peak, never know what you could find.
As you were gently looking through the boxes — hey, they’re probably old and you didn’t want to accidentally break anything — you heard the front door open and close. Jade was back which meant you had been digging for a bit. Sighing, you stretched, and made your way to the kitchen with its bright yellow cupboards. 
Jade hummed you a greeting and chuckled a bit at seeing the dust. “What did you get into while I was away, dear,” his voice was teasing, but he was genuinely curious.
“Welllll,” you drawled, “the power went out so I had a little fight with the fuse box, I won by the way, and discovered some old boxes down in the basement and was seeing if they held anything interesting.” A loud sneeze escaped from you, a result of all of the dust. “But all I found was a tonne of dust, way too many spiders for my liking, and,” you fished around in your pocket, “this key.”
Jade set the groceries down and came over to inspect it. “Well that’s rather interesting…” he murmured. “May I?”
You handed him the key, curious about what he seemed so interested in. Sure it was pretty, made from silver and inlaid with abalone and pearls, which were now weathered with time. There must have been a good reason why it peaked his interest.
Jade wandered into the living room, and started running his hand under the shelves of the large bookcase which was built in the wall. And then he stopped, a proud and large smile gracing his face. He placed the key into a divot in the bookcase, and it swung inwards, revealing stone steps leading down. “Looks like you just helped discover an old secret, my dear,” he chuckled, beckoning you to follow him down the stairs.
Slowly, you followed him, the light from the cottage helping to illuminate the way, as well as a pale blue glow from below. And then you stopped, having reached the bottom. In front of you was what looked like an underwater sea cave, with a shallow beach. And light gently filtered from a small hole at the top, causing the blue glow that you saw.
You looked over to Jade, hoping for an explanation, but you found him looking at you instead, expression soft.
“What did you mean by old secrets,” you whispered, not wanting for something louder to break the serene scene.
Jade took your hands in his and led you to the water, just deep enough where the water lapped against your calves. “The key you found, this place,” he briefly broke eye contact so he could observe the cavern before they travelled back to you. “It opens a secret meeting place, where land and sea can live together… it was forged by the love of a human and a merfolk.”
Just like us. 
Jade continued moving deeper until you were chest deep in the water, and he dived under, changing into his merform before coming back up. “And is only discovered by those curious enough to pursue it.”
Tags; @aqua-beam @azulashengrottospiano @eynnwwyjth @hisui-dreamer @identity-theft-101 @krenenbaker @officialdaydreamer00 @savanaclaw1996 @silvers-numberonefan @twistwonderlanddevotee @xxoomiii
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acebyul · 2 years
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happy halloween
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zariyen · 2 years
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i had all this halloween art planned but the masquerade event threw a wrench in all of them ww 🧎
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
Twst has a thing for trios of people where something bad happens to one and or two of them and then someone is left to pick up the peices huh. Sure hope this means nothing for Ace! I bet he's perfectly fine.
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an0up · 2 years
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halloweeen for a whole other month babbbeeeeeyyyyyy :^)
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cerealmonster15 · 2 years
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btw this has haunted me since I watched a translation in 2020 and now that I’ve played it in eng I can just. openly scream. god. theres so much Unspoken here that makes me feel A Lot. especially paired with his home screen ceremony robes line where he says this about his friendship with cater -
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bc back to back hes basically like “yeah cater is my good friend and i feel comfortable and natural and open around him :). but i dont think he feels the same way about me :(” and like. it kills me dead!!!! extra so bc a few times other characters even make comments about how those two are like always together!!! there’re more hints to cater’s whole deal sprinkled around the different stories and stuff, but this one in particular from wish up on a star just slams me down into the ground and stabs me every time i remember it.
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squishosaur · 1 year
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yuou are so angel babycore (<- delusional)
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person8789 · 2 years
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yuuchu-twst · 8 months
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Yuuka Hirasaka masquerade card
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PIC(S) INFO: Part 1 of 2 -- Spotlight on the horned, masked and dapper Wizard of Oz 6" action figure, from McFarlane's Monsters Series 2: "The Twisted Land of Oz," released by McFarlane Toys in September 2003.
BRAND: McFarlane's Monsters
GENRE: Horror & Fantasy
PRODUCT TYPE: Action Figure
SERIES: McFarlane's Monsters Series 2
"A dandy dresser with mask and respirator, this Wizard includes a miniature scientist sidekick."
-- MCFARLANE TOYS, c. fall 2003
Sources: https://mcfarlane.com/toys/wizard-with-scientist, GeekTyrant, various, etc...
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roseytoesy · 1 year
Jades maze mishap
thanks to the work of @dionysusdoctrine I was inspired to write a story using their little prompt. sorry this took so long. Had to get through the rest of finals and travel and packing. Hope you like it!
Running at the size of a rat through a cornfield was exausting. But escaping the Savanaclaw students that had decided to shrink and try and eat a student in the middle of the cornfield was haorrifyung enough to keep them running. Luckily at their small size they were able to scurry between the stalls of corn, quickly loosing the gang of rough student, but then getting very lost themselves. At this rate it might be easier to keep waking until they reach the edge of the maze, but that would take forever and it was starting to get cold.
fortunately, or Unfortunetly, for them they stumbled into another path of the maze, and near the end of it too by the markers! As they stated to walk along the path they forgot that the end is supposed to be a chase, by one of the leech brothers. In their excitement to get out of the constant dark green and brown environment they failed to notice a form looming above them. They shrieked as their tiny body was lifted off the ground by a gloved hand. “well, well. What an interesting specimen I’ve discovered.” A smooth voice hummed as the poor shrunken prefect was lifted higher and higher from the ground. They turned to face their captor and gulped. The sharp fanged mouth and the dark bang on the right side of his face along with the dichromatic eyes was easy enough to tell who had captured them. Jade leech. One of the scariest student on campus due to his mysterious nature and Unnerving habits and conversations. “gah!” They gasped as they were now eye level with the eel-mer. He grinned at the shrunken prefect with his half lidded smirk
“well, well, what a fascinating turn of events~” the vice house warden hummed. “What brings a little morsel like you here?” He chuckled as he eyed the unfortunate prefect.
“I ran into some bad Savanaclaw student who used some potion. To cause this…” they explained.
“how fortunate for me to find you then.” He said smiling a bit wider, revealing his large sharp teeth. “I must say though, it’s quite cold out. Are you alright” he looked down at them knowing the answer from how they shook despite his hands around their frame. They glared at him.
“just put me in your pocket, being small sucks…” they grumbled knowing that they couldn’t stop the leech, whatever he was plotting.
“hmmm, it seems that all my pockets will be insufficient in this weather,” he said showing his thin lab coat for his mad scientist costume. “And I believe that my monster floyd would smell you out easily, you know how… excited he can be when he finds something small and cute.” Jade added squeezing them a bit in his hand to accentuate the word excited. They shuddered and wheezed as they were squeezed a bit. They opened their mouth to speak but jade beat them to it.
“Seems I have nowhere on my person to put you dear prefect,” he sighed sadly. The shrunken students eyes widened and they paled a bit at his next words. “But, I do have one pocket inside my person I can put you.” He added staring at them with obvious hunger in his eyes. They started to squirm in his hold.
"Jade put me down! please!” They begged, “I was just lost!”
“And now you’re found” Jade purred. “I’ll put you somewhere safe until the potion wears off. No need to worry.” He added licking his lips. They shuddered at the thought of where that somewhere safe would be with the eel-mer looking at them with a mischievous hunger in his dichromatic eyes. Just as they started to scream they were flung forward into the dark maw of the leech twin.
He hummed happily around them as their taste blossomed on his tongue, he moved them around drenching every part of them in sticky saliva and exhausting them. At one point they held themselves firmly in place by laying on their back with their legs pushing against the hard pallet above them. "Let me out of here! get me out of your mouth Jade!" They screamed up at him from their strained position.
He chuckled around them at how poorly they worded their request, he hummed what sounded like 'as you wish' before tilting his head back. they let out a screech but didn't move despite the tongue trying to push them down along with gravity. They let out a 'hah!' of victory before something hard and bony hit the back of their knees, causing their legs to colapase and the tonge to pin them to his pallet. They felt their legs get siezed by that same bony somthing that had alot of sharp bits now. They stopped struggleing when the sharp pricks threatened to pierce their skin. They gasped as they were dragged down into the throat by this strange alien-like thing.
Jade swallowed hard and smirked as he felt the poor shrunken soul start their trip down his throat, wiggling all the way down. He traced their journey with his right hand as his left fell to his middle patting the eagerly grumbling organ beneath his skin.
He shuttered and let out a muffled moan into his mouth as his wiggling guest slid into his stomach, stretching it out nicely, but not making any difference to his outward appearance. They imediatly started kicking and punching the soft spongey walls around them, screaming at jade to let them out.
He said nothing as he quickly made his way to a secret spot where he would await maze goers to spook and chase. He sat down on a bale of hay and reclined a bit onto his right hand. his left hand happily rubbing circles into his middle. He stiffled a small burp before speaking.
"rrp, pardon me" he hummed as the pleasent fighting in his core started to settle down. "I don't understand why you are so upset with me, I did as you asked. I removed you from my mouth, and I'm keeping you safe and warm."
"This isn't safe! how in the 7 could it possibly be safe! im in your stomach! I'll be digested, jade! Let me out! please!" they yelled feeling a bit of despair in the darkness around them.
Jade chuckled. "yes you may be in my stomach but you will be safe, Unlike you land folk, stomachs are hard to keep constantly full. So we are able to control our digestion however we please. I don't plan on taking a life today. So relax and enjoy your stay, unless you want to keep wiggling, it does feel oh so wonderful." he explained prodding a bit at the exhausted prefect in his gut.
"i- I'll be safe? you promise?" they asked shifting to get more comfortable.
"I don't make promises, but I'll give you my word that you will receive no harm from any acids while you are inside of me tonight." he reclined to lay on his back. happily humming as his prey squirmed to get comfortable against the walls pressing in on them more due to jade's reclined position.
"rest easy prefect, and happy Halloween week," Jade said closing his eyes to bask in a meal he hoped to have again in the near future.
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justanotherfanfolks · 7 months
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