#Managed to get sick so giving this a try as a distraction B)
lorem-text · 5 months
Your Night, Your Stories - A Night Owl Special
Good evening, Night Owls.
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Tonight’s news….aren’t. Due to certain technical difficulties, any news which may have been announced tonight are simply not, and all ongoing stories are entirely bereft of any new developments. It's…bizarre, listeners, I won’t lie to you.
However, we at Night Owl like to be optimistic! As such, we are taking this opportunity to to focus on you, dear listeners, and your stories!
What news do you have tonight? What grim and ghastly happenstances would you report on if you were the voice on the radio? What is your favourite song? 
The stage is yours, listeners, and we’re looking forward to your calls and messages!
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prophecyqueen · 2 years
No thoughts…Just Criston helping Alicent take care of the kids when they’re sick
ay <3
i don't know what this is but:
alicent is asleep on the couch when aegon touches her arm softly. she stirs awake with a flinch, making aegon flinch too.
"sorry," aegon says, looking a little worried. alicent waves his apology off and asks what is it before realizing that she was not in fact in her room or in her bed. that this was the couch and that she and, yes, criston had fallen asleep while watching a movie.
they were supposed to watch one more movie together after the little kids had been put to bed, but apparently, they've both dozed off.
alicent was a little embarrassed realizing it.
aegon says daeron has a fever. that he woke up and started crying. from what alicent gathers, aegon had managed to settle him down a little. still, aegon says, "he's asking for you".
alicent sobers up quickly. she nods and moves away from criston, standing up, and criston wakes up too.
"go check on helaena please," is all alicent says as she rushes past him to get to daeron's room. well, aemond's as they're sharing for a little while. (she had started painting daeron's room in his choice of color and when criston had seen her in paint-splattered overalls, he said there's no way he's gonna let her do this alone so they were both making a project out of it. for... scientific purposes of course.)
aegon is close to muttering something about how she never checks on him but he's distracted by cole asking what happened.
meanwhile alicent walks into aemond's room to find
a) daeron, red in the face and cheeks puffy, eyes brimmed with tears. when he sees alicent he starts crying again like he's been waiting for her for ages. poor bebe
b) aemond trying to comfort him but unsure what to do beyond telling him that it's all okay and don't cry and holding daeron's little hand
b) helaena bringing all of daeron's toys to his bed while visibly looking upset because everyone knows she doesn't like very sharp sounds
the night ends with alicent taking care of daeron: giving him some medicine, calming him down, putting him to sleep waiting for the fever to die down.
all while cole puts aemond back to bed, patiently convinces helaena that daeron will most certainly be okay now that they gave him medicine and that she can check on him in the morning and puts her to bed, promising her that he will watch over daeron himself, and giving aegon a nod to let him know he did a good job as a brother
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
also not to keep vaguing about work, but I was starting this rant this morning before I went to get mom and I'm so pissed at my coworker I'm retyping it now lol
Basically, this one dev has a task that my Trusted Fellow Dev/kind-of manager estimates would take roughly 10 days to do. It's a larger task, and there's a hard deadline next week that he cannot miss on pain of death (read: firing), and he was given basically a month, maybe 5 weeks to do it. What has he done?
Week before last: had it on his list but never did it, did other tasks instead despite being told to focus on The Big Task
Last week: put off working on it by dragging a "2 hour" task out for multiple days (he always does this, either under-quotes the amount of time something would take to make people happy, or quotes the right time but procrastinates wildly, either way he has a reputation as being Slow As Fuck now that drives everyone insane)
Got so hysterical even though he had 3 weeks left at this point that I gently told him to ask the bosses for an extension, if only to get some peace. A bad move on my part bc I didn't realize at the time that a) the scope of the task was perfectly doable if he just sat down and did it and b) there is a Hard Deadline that you should Absolutely Not ask to change (he did not convey that in his frantic ranting). so unfortunately I made him look bad to the bosses, even though I thought I was encouraging him to ask for help (which he's always reluctant to do). For once in my life I should've said "suck it up, buttercup." That's the last time I ever try and be nice :/
This week: was given 4 helpers, but lost them due to spending over an hour in a meeting to "show them what to do" going off on unrelated tangents, causing my boss to intervene and yell at him for wasting everyone's time when he couldn't even explain what needs to be done to the boss. (Note: they are still available to him but he has to gather his thoughts and explain things properly and so far he has not taken the initiative to do so. Also this is BASIC SHIT it's like "change the text here to this" "change this colour to that" the helpers just need to be shown what and where.
Attempted multiple times to write scripts to automate the manual work (also tried to drag the programming team into this, they declined to help and said it was faster to do manually. It is absolutely faster to do it manually than to write complex scripts to automate a thing you have to do for one client once)
This brings us to about Wednesday afternoon.
Has gone on multiple hysterical rants about how awful this client is and how they're terrible assholes and we're not charging enough etc etc.
Also, the PM has been asking him to do a small 5 minute task for this project (the client wants it updated first for some reason) for THREE DAYS and he keeps getting distracted and not doing it.
YESTERDAY AFTERNOON, finally admitted what Fellow Trusted Dev has been telling him and I for weeks, "oh, I don't think this is as bad as I thought it was."
Oh, and he's also not eating or sleeping correctly, because his parents went on an extended vacation out of the country and...christ, why must I work with multiple 30 year old men who still rely on their mommies to cook and clean and fucking...give them bedtimes??? Then they all wonder why they can't get girlfriends. It's not the fucking 50s, jesus christ. you are a dying breed. your ineptitude will ensure you never reproduce!
Anyway, at this point we're torn between genuine concern for his mental health and placing bets on whether he'll get fired next week, and also debating calling in sick and working from home until this project is over because the atmosphere in the office is oppressively Bad.
One of the PMs got smart and sat beside him Wednesday afternoon to watch him make a 15 minute update, which miraculously ensured it got done in time with no distraction. I joked to Trusted Fellow Dev that he and the PM might have to do that in order to get the Big Task done and he very seriously just said "well if that's what we have to do we'll do it." So that's the confidence level with this guy.
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bluebudgie · 1 year
Snatching this character ask game to answer it in its entirety bc I'm currently sick in bed and this sounds like good distraction.
Here's your chance to read some lab rat character snippets.
Answering for Lahpp bc the brainworms got me bad the last 2 years.
A. What nicknames do they get called?
None, really. Unless employee numbers count as nicknames. I've made a joking comment about how Petthri would start calling him Gecko for absolutely no logical reason other than me being amused that the man's voice claim actor played a character with that name in a super niche musical. This isn't canon. But it makes listening to relevant songs funny.
B. Describe their family dynamic.
Non-existant. Didn't even have an official legal guardian until Rata Sum authorities required related paperwork for school stuff. There was the subkrewe that handled surveillance of his 'progress' and the head of the project was sort of 'in charge' of him but whatever relationship they had was nothing remotely comparable to a family. I think to this day he's got the hardest time wrapping his head around the concept of family relationships, other than of course the purely biological explanation.
C. What’s their weirdest habit or quirk?
Does consuming more coffee than anyone feasibly should count? I'm not even sure this man drinks anything else. Probably, but seriously unsure. Just don't question it, it hasn't killed him yet.
D. What was their high school college experience like?
This is one of those "20k essay; 1000 different amv scenarios" topics. In short: difficult, exhausting, but not as bad as it could have been.
On a social level he always felt like the odd one out and didn't have much contact to the other students, but he was never actively disliked or anything of the sort. Him being generally rather distant and observant probably intimidated a few people, as well as him being Inquest. Group projects went smoothly though, and interactions were superficially friendly. Just comparatively rare.
Work-wise he had to put in so much more effort than many others because of his disabilities, all while trying to be as stealthy as possible about it so noone would notice. He excelled in many challenges, didn't manage to hide all of it however; some things he simply couldn't do. Uncomfortable for him.
He was a really good student overall.
Also as a side anecdote, he got the typical "can you speak up please" a lot even though he was a front row regular. Soft-spoken guy.
E. What is their love language?
He's the "invite someone to go out for dinner" type. Spend some good quality time. He might get invested in the relevant person's interests too. Ask about them, enable some rambling, or ideally an interesting discussion.
F. How do they handle conflict?
That depends entirely on the kind of coflict and who or what is involved. Can range from "take the lead and try to find the most efficient solution" to "remove himself from the situation and just not deal with it at all".
G. What’s their greatest talent?
Developed mad acting & pokerface skills. He can smile through the most annoying social situations and you wouldn't guess he hates every single second of it. If he actively wants to give you that impression, that is. Sometimes he just doesn't bother.
H. Where is their favourite place to be?
Not sure if he has a consciously picked favourite place but he's comfortable enough in the small studio room connected to his lab. Made it a decently livable place. It's tiny (very tiny) but that's fine, he doesn't need much space. It's a place of peace and quiet, and that's what matters.
I. What makes them feel safe?
Good question! Next question.
J. What is their greatest weakness?
He's a coward who resigned himself to a life in a corrupt, hateful, criminal system. He was target of that very same system's bigotry for ages but he turns a blind eye on it out of fear and a lack of willingness to change anything. He's content being a simple cog in the machine, not caring about what its greater purpose is. is this what Camus calls philosophical suicide
Maybe one day he'll overcome the cowardice to face some difficult truths. Probably not.
K. What is their greatest strength?
If he says he'll get shit done, he gets it done. He's got an incredible amount of perseverance.
Especially in his teenage years this often meant choosing the path of more resistance simply to spite the people who would assume he wouldn't manage certain things. Even if those people would never actually know. He had to at least prove it to himself under the guise of acting out of spite. Is that even a strength anymore or actually a flaw? A strength born from flawed thinking?
L. What is their secrets to happiness?
Don't have anything change, find comfort in living the convenient lie. The illusion of happiness is good enough.
M. How do they handle competition?
If it's the kind of "who wins the monthly nonfatal pool by putting the most life subjects in a vegetative state" small-ego-competition then he simply doesn't care. Not because he has any moral issues with it but because he think it's a waste of time and just distracts from the actual tasks at hand.
If it's "the events in Cantha have put you in a physical and mental state that prevents you from working; and staying away on sick leave for a prolongued amount of time will eventually get you replaced despite decades of dedication" sort of competition then he doesn't handle it well at all. And he doesn't even believe anyone else could do his job better than him. Somehow that actually makes it worse.
N. What are their hidden talents?
Music. Got curious about the general topic in college. And in true spiteful (big fat disclaimer: asshole statement) "Oh you're severely HoH so this is clearly not for you" fashion, he decided this is exactly for him to get invested in. He got really into the theory part especially but also picked up an instrument (undecided which one. the decision has been haunting me for months.) to play.
Later when he met Luqqah they found out it's an interest they have in common so they spent a lot of time just either discussing or analyzing theoretical concepts or actually making some music. Luqqah taught him how to sing over the years! It's something he had wanted to learn well before he met her but very much lacked the confidence to start on his own.
He hasn't lost that passion over all these years, even if he didn't get to share it with anyone in a while. Post-EoD music trio incoming?
O. What motivates them?
In the past: Mostly fear with a good portion of spite.
Now: Mostly habit. Some underlying fears.
P. What advice would they give to their younger self?
If he could look past his own facade he'd likely tell his younger self to keep kindling at least a bit of that spiteful fire he had.
He does sometimes feel like he's lacking more "bite" the older he gets.
Q. Do they have a signature look or fashion?
Always got that eye piece on covering his left eye. You'll not encounter him without it. If you do, something's either wrong or you've somehow invaded into private space.
He spends the majority of his time working which means the majority of the time you'll find him in a labcoat. He also keeps his hair tied up for practical reasons.
His "casual" outfits are still surprisingly formal looking. He wants to leave a decent impression, you know. I'm awful at describing clothes so I'll skip this one until I one day inevitable draw it, but he's big on waistcoats and likes different shades of brown.
R. How tall are they?
Listen friends I'm really bad at understanding the gw2 race heights and putting them in perspective, but I assigned him a confident 98 cm (3'2") which in my world view is somewhere in the average middle. Not super short, not tall.
S. What’s their relationship like with their parents?
Somewhat answered in the family dynamics question. As for his biological parents, he never knew them. His -on paper- legal guardian wasn't much of a parental figure. Did it fuck him up growing up without any real guiding figure to look up to? Sure. Did it take time for him to understand that this is not the normal experience every child has? Unsure if he actually ever fully understood. Rationally he does, but emotionally this is a different matter.
T. What are their favourite foods?
He's really gotten into wasabi.
U. What do they like to do in their spare time?
See the music answer. Also reading an interesting book in a quiet environment is always a good pastime.
V. What’s their biggest pet peeve?
So he's generally really good at keeping his cool but he's got absolutely zero (0) patience for several people talking over each other in the same time. There's a reason he demanded his own lab space when everyone moved over to the CoE.
W. What’s their favourite sport?
If dancing is considered a sport (I believe it is?) Petthri might eventually get him to be interested enough as a spectactor. Let that be a future arc.
Otherwise literally no interest in any at all.
X. What’s their biggest fear?
Death. And I don't mean it in a 'most people find thinking about their own mortality uncomfortable' way, I mean it in a seriously phobic way. It keeps him up at night. He's had numerous seriously bad panic attacks over it. Based important decisions on it.
There was a time of his life it got somewhat better but it's catching up to him again recently.
Y. What physical object do they value most?
Whatever omious instrument I'll decide on that he owns will probably be valuable to him. I have no idea otherwise.
Z. What’s their relationship status?
Officially single (and it will stay that way). Unofficially complicated.
For the really curious: I suppose their current relationship is best described as "friends with benefits". No they have not kissed yet. I'm gonna first have to figure out when and how and why and if at all and
That said I have this shitpost scene-that'll-never-happen in my head of Luqqah meeting Lahpp and Petthri during the whole EoD disaster and in a moment of quiet she and Lahpp sit together. And she looks him in the eyes and goes "So are you two boyfriends?" And before he can even try to defend himself she continues "You break up with me because you figure out you're gay. And then you're gay for that?" Poor Petthri.
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
I think we won’t lose Eddie. He’s been set up to maybe be the new steve in Dustin’s life.
My death predictions.
-steve saving Dustin and Eddie. Eddie is the distraction with the sick guitar we see but in that it makes him a target and Steve sacrifices himself to get Eddie and Dustin out of the upside down.
-Nancy saving Robin giving her, in Nancy’s mind a redemption because she couldn’t save barb.
-Jonathan and argyle trying to save Will or mike
-will via trying to save mike from something
Erica’s happens when her max and Lucas are in the house and vecna manages to take both max and Erica into his weird mind world and Lucas saves max because he sees her first but is too late to save Erica.
Also fuels him when he beats the fuck out of Jason.
I think Eddie is a red herring almost death but survives. Like theys how Dustin screaming in the trailer for Vol.2 b it I think it’s a misdirect
I hope we do get to keep Eddie and he becomes the new mom of Dustin and the rest of the gang but still I’ll be so fucking heartbroken about losing Steve
but then also just imagine the angst of Eddie taking over Steve’s roll to these kids and he’s just so insecure and knows he’ll never live up to Steve’s legacy so he always just feels so inadequate and ahdkdlldjs I just need to give this boy a hug please
omg if Nancy goes out like that would be so poetic and well done but I’d still be fucking miserable over it
noooo please killing Erica would feel so deliberately mean and unnecessary bc she’s still just so young and small, that would be so painful omg
I really hope it is just a misdirect bc I need to keep Eddie in my life, and I hope he survives and I hope he comes back for the next season too
- hope
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earlyyearsjournal · 1 month
29th April 2024
Today seemed a pretty standard work day at first. My rota had me in the wrong room, so after an hour the room I was supposed to be in called like 'Where is -? Are they with you?'
Apparently I'm in the first room for the rest of the week, but not today. Fair enough. I don't mind which room I work in, all the kids are wonderful. So I went into the room for 2 year olds, where I was meant to be today. A bit chaotic, but it always is. Did breakfast, took them to the garden. One kid, S, is very attached to me. She's lovely, and likes to play but if I leave the room - crying. But she was fine in the room before I came in. Just, as soon as she knows I'm there, she's so attached.
I was on morning nappies, and S being so attached made it hard. Except in the garden, she said something to me - that a member of her family had hit her. I had to report that immediately. I asked if another staff member had heard, and apparently she'd said the same thing to the room manager. And there had been something the previous week, a cut on her arm that she had said was caused by the same family member. Shit. Hoping it's just her saying stuff that isn't true, because that would obviously be preferable, I tell the safeguarding lead. Who has to arrange for someone to come and talk to her/assess the safeguarding risk, before her parents can pick her up. We obviously don't want to stress her - she's two - so don't mention anything to the kid. But as it gets past the time her mum usually picks her up (lunch time), she starts to notice something's up. At first she keeps playing. Then she's distracted by snacktime, something she isn't usually there for. Then the safeguarding person arrives. She comes into the room and S notices that both the nursery manager and this stranger are quite focused on her. This makes her go quiet, and she doesn't want to talk. The nursery manager tries to persuade her to go into a different room with the stranger. S is shaking her head and looking scared, so nursery manager asks if she'd like to go with me. So I take her into another room, and distract her with a toy, and then tell her I'm going to the toilet, because it's the only way she lets me leave. She knows I won't be long, theoretically. Anything else, she tries to come with me.
I have to stop in the corridor and put my face in my hands, taking deep breaths. I feel sick. I don't know what to do, how I can help. Will she even talk to the stranger? Or will she stay silent? What if she doesn't say anything, will that stop any investigation? I head back to the room, and take over snacktime, serving fruit to the kids, giving them water. It's not been five minutes before S comes back in the room, led by the safeguarding person who says it didn't last long. Clearly, S got too upset to stay there. I distract her with more fruit - she loves it - and she cheers up. Then the office calls and tells me I have to go to another setting. I don't usually mind, but - leaving her when she's stressed and been at nursery over an hour longer than normal already? It's part of my contract though, so I just agree and go, smiling and acting like everything is fine. In the car I try not to think about S. I'm worried. Another kid had a safeguarding concern a few months ago. As soon as B's mum realised we'd reported her to social services, she pulled the kid out of nursery and never came back. Left several things there. Wellies, an umbrella. I hope B is alright, and that it was a misunderstanding there. But I don't know. I'll never know, unfortunately. I just want all the kids to be okay. So I get in a taxi and go to the other setting, which is quite nice. A distraction from my thoughts, at least, because it's busy and I'm alone with kids I don't know and I don't even know their names, so it's not exactly easy. There's a kid there who moved from my nursery to this one, W, and it's lovely to see him at least. He looks so different I almost don't recognise him - he's lost some of his baby chubby cheeks, and had a hair cut. 45 minutes before the end of my shift, I'm sent into an older room - 3/4 year olds. The kids are welcoming, immediately all asking my name and telling me their names. It's lovely, and they make me smile. We do some colouring. One of them giggles and whispers to me that she's drawing poopoo. Another one loudly complains as another kid has ripped his drawing of 'a stinky poo bum bum'. One kid asks me to draw a house, causing two other kids to demand houses on their drawings, and then ask me to draw their mummies and daddies. I've obviously never met their mummies and daddies, so I stick to stick figures. They exclaim "Mummy!" at it anyway. It's easy to win over kids sometimes. A stick figure can be all it takes. Another staff member tells me when my shift ends, because there's no clock and I don't realise. The kids have cheered me up - kids usually do. That's the good thing about working with them.
I go home. My cats welcome me with affection, and I decide that it might help to start writing a journal of sorts, some sort of record. If not daily, then frequent enough to help me get out my feelings and keep track of things. For some reason, part way through it becomes present tense, instead of past tense, even though these things have already happened. Minor annoyances -
Another staff member mentioned a family member and apparently thinks you can't say the word 'gay' in front of kids. She literally spelt out the word instead of saying it. 'My sister's g-a-y.' Alright? It's not a dirty word. I then mentioned my partner a few minutes later when it came up and made sure to use pronouns. Makes it clear I'm queer. Her face sort of scrunched and then straightened out. I've literally mentioned this to her before, but I guess she forgot. I also wear a pronoun badge to work, but no one other than two year olds notice it, and they can't read yet.
Good things:
Kids in the other setting gave me cuddles, including the kid who used to go to my nursery. That was lovely
Got to play with kids in multiple rooms, so saw more than the usual kids - saw kids who moved out of my usual room into the next one.
Everyone at the other setting seemed friendly, even if it was a bit chaotic.
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roboraindrop · 1 month
2, 8, 10, and 22 for the otp asks?
Thank you! I'll do these for Fenn!
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
- Fenn is sooooo good at taking care of me after nightmares tbh. He holds me and distracts me with my favorite media, a nice soft blanket, and his voice telling me that nothing can hurt me. He always manages to calm me down! When the roles were reversed and he wakes up from a nightmare, I always try to comfort him the best that I can. He loves having his hair played with, so I run my fingers through his hair and remind him that he's safe, that I've got him, that he isn't alone 💕
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
- Fenn is the BIGGEST worrywart in the world omg. The second I start showing symptoms he's got me in bed, thermometer in my mouth. Ever since his best friend got terminally ill, the slightest cough will make him start to panic. While Fenn's got a decent immune system himself, he almost always ends up catching what I have because he refuses to stay away. He always says it's worth it to make sure I'm taken care of. Now, me taking care of Fenn? It's literally what I was made for. Letting him lay his head in my lap and stroking his hair, getting him soup and tea and tissues and anything he needs... I'll even give him a massage if his muscles are feeling achy. I love love love getting to be the one that he relies on when he needs somebody 🥰🥰
10. Describe their first date.
- Our first real date was to an arcade that Fenn knew about! He loved my passion for games, it was similar to his. From Skee-ball to Pinball, we love 'em all! He thought he'd surprise me and take me to this little hole in the wall arcade... Little did he know that I'd been to that arcade plenty of times before :b I still don't know if he knows that I have the high score on most of those machines-- ANYWAYS. We played there all night, then went out for a late night bite at a local diner. It was really fun, being the only two in a diner at 2am, blowing straw wrappers at each other and having deep conversations, while holding onto our arcade prizes :b
22. What reminds each of their partner?
- A lot of things remind me of Fenn! Old cars, the color grey, the song (Don't Fear) The Reaper..... He's gets reminded of me by the colors yellow or teal, any bad puns, and sea shanties :b
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
Reconnect-Finn Shelby x Reader
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(GIF credit to @peakystitches​)
Tags: @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @jenepleurepasbaby​ @amirahiddleston​ @bloodorangemoonlight @haphazardhufflepuff​ @mzcrazy2​
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hello! May i request an either tommy or finn shelby x reader? (Whicheverr one u think suits best) for this prompt i found: character A and B have been in a longterm relationship and nothing can get in between, until one day something does and they drift away. But then they reconnect emotionally and everything feels like the first time again (first kiss, first meal together etc) 🙏🏼💜 i love ur writing thank u’
Characters: Finn Shelby x Reader, Polly Gray x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, arguing, finance issues, drinking, fluff
"Finn, is that you?" I called out from our bedroom as I heard the front door open. I tensed up when I didn't hear a reply, only to let out a sigh when I heard him giggling.
He was drunk again, it happened almost every week now. Tommy would have given him something important to do for the gang, and whether or not Finn succeeded with that task, he would go out and celebrate with his mates. I would sometimes tag along if I wasn't tired from the week of working, but after seeing our finances, I realised we needed to stop acting like teenagers and start saving wisely.
"Hello my gorgeous girl." he slurred out as he entered the room.
"Hello Finn." I replied as I received a sloppy kiss to my forehead.
He flopped down beside me in bed, taking the book out of my hands and throwing it to the floor. Finn wrapped his arms around me, snuggling into my lap. I took off his hat, stroking back his hair. He was cold from the brisk walk home, causing me to shiver.
“You should have come out tonight." he said.
"I got off work late."
"He kept you again?"
"No, I decided to stay."
"Why? You always say you're tired."
"I'm tired because I'm picking up extra shifts and hours so that we can start saving up for a house."
"I've told you, we don't need to worry about that. Business is good."
"Finn, we're not going to be given the money. We have to earn it."
"Tommy will help us."
"He might help but he won't give us a lot. And even if he did hand us a house, we've got to have enough money for the bills, furniture-"
"It will be fine."
"Finn, we've not even had our wedding yet!"
We had been engaged for half a year. We were wanting to be married sooner, but problems arose with the Peaky Blinders it distracted us both from it, especially since our lives were in danger. I desperately wanted to have enough money for the wedding and house, though it looked like it was going to be one or the other at this point.
"What's wrong with the flat?" Finn now sat up.
"Did you seriously ask me that question? There's only so much I can do to this dump to make it look somewhat liveable. It just doesn't feel like home."
"We'll get the money. Don't worry. Look, look," he took my hands in his,"we will get a house. I promise. And believe me, I want to marry you as soon as I can, there needs to be another ring on that finger. And I need to see my name at the end of yours."
I stupidly believed him. Those adoring eyes I once trusted had lied to me. Finn kept his promise for a week at max, soon breaking it. I didn't mind him going out with friends, we both needed to socialise, I just disagreed with the amount of times he was out and the amount of drinks he was buying each night. He would always offer to get the next round, and although he was a Shelby, the discounts didn't make much difference at the end of the night. I decided I had to go with him to ensure that our money wasn't being poured away, struggling to stay awake for those long nights, and making work even harder every day. It was impossible to keep an eye on him like that.
Usually Finn would tell me if he was going out that night so I wouldn't worry. That stopped too. My mind was never at ease. How did I know he wasn't lying in a ditch somewhere after a job gone wrong? Or what if he was trapped somewhere by a rival gang? I could only rest when he returned, which he always luckily did. I pretended to be asleep, trying to not push him away as he slipped his arms around me, cuddling me for the rest of the night. My patience began to grow thin. I was too scared to speak up about it, worried that we would just end up having an argument. However, I knew we would have to bring it up soon, because our money was only disappearing instead of increasing.
One morning when I was leaving for work, I noticed that the drawer we locked our savings away in was slightly ajar, meaning someone had unlocked it and stupidly left it open. Of course it had to be Finn, no one had broken in during the night. My eyes widened when I saw how much he had taken, enraged that he would think me so foolish. Why would he take the money without asking? What was he using it for?
As I stormed towards the shop, I heard whooping from men in a car further up the street. My face turned into a deep frown when I recognised the car, managing to catch a glimpse of the people in it. They hadn't seen me, and I had to make sure my eyes were deceiving me.
I didn't care about the looks on me as I burst through into the shop, making a beeline for Polly's office. I harshly knocked on the door, entering when she called me.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" she asked, a lit cigarette in hand.
"Where's Finn?"
"Off out with his brothers, why?"
"Where are they going?"
"To the races."
I scoffed, placing a hand on my head in defeat.
"Why? What's wrong with that?"
"He told me he would be in the office all day today."
"So? Things change."
"No, he specifically told me that. I never even asked about it. He made a point meaning he didn't want to risk me waltzing in. That means he's hiding something."
"(Y/N), they're only going to bet on horses today. They're mingling."
"They're betting today?!"
She stood, putting a hand on her hip."What am I missing here?"
"Pol, he's using money that we don't have! I need a car, I need to get to him."
"Look, even if my nephew is being the biggest idiot, it's a bad idea to go there."
Her eyes widened."Don't snap at me young lady."
"I'm sorry, I just, I just know he's going to be stupid with what little money we have at the minute."
Polly was silent for a few seconds, and I didn't know if she was just staring me out, trying to make me leave. Perhaps she didn't think it was anything to worry over. But it was to me. She surprised me when she went into one of her drawers, pulling out a set of keys.
"Come on. I'll get one of the girls to call your work, say you're sick."
I tightly clasped my hands together as Polly drove. I was furious, trying to think of what to say to Finn when I got there. He stole our money. He went behind my back, gambling away the money we worked hard to earn. I had never said it, but Finn had it much easier than I did. For one, he worked with family, and although I liked my job, the boss could sometimes be an arsehole; second, he earned a lot more than me, so he was the bigger breadwinner between us, but I worked longer hours. Yes, he was in a gang meaning he had more days where his life was under threat, but he seemed to be having a jolly good time anyway. Really, it wouldn't have mattered who worked longer or harder, or who earned more, it was still our money to spend on our house.
As soon as Polly parked up, I was straight out of the car. She quickly followed grabbing my arm and warning me to not get lost in the crowds. I couldn't make a scene, especially since there could be potential business partners or enemies about. I refrained from rolling my eyes, knowing she was right but also knowing that I would find it extremely hard to not scream at Finn.
Polly guided me to where the men would be, ignoring the shoving and shouting. I wished for her to walk quicker. We swiftly entered the posher boxes, almost stopped by a doorman until his accomplice shut him up. I even heard him whisper 'That's Polly Gray you idiot.', the one time I was glad we had a reputation. She only paused to scan the room for the boys but I spotted them first. Quickly moving past her, I couldn't stop my fists from clenching, seeing Finn joyfully drinking and laughing with his brothers only added fire to my fury.
"Finn!" I snapped, quickly catching his attention.
"(Y/N)?" he exclaimed, struggling to stand and clattering the plates and glasses on the table."W-what are you doing here?"
"Stopping you from spending our money like a fucking idiot! Where is it?"
"Oh, Finn boy is in the doghouse." John chuckled.
"Shut up!" I fiercely pointed at him.
"Where's what?" Finn brought me back.
"Our money!"
"I told you, you do this outside." Polly warned, shoving Finn in that direction, and I knew I had to follow him.
Luckily, we were left alone. Finn continued on, finding someplace we would be alone. Once we were in the clear, the distant roar of the crowds covering our conversation, I saw him sigh quietly, running a hand down his face when he realised what was coming.
"Where's the money Finn?" I asked, calmer but with a mean tone.
"Let me explain first.”
"Explain how you took our money without asking? How you just waltzed out this morning without consulting me?"
"Tommy said that there was a good chance, a very good chance that this horse would win, and I thought it would help us if we put our money on it. Imagine how much we'll have if it wins!"
"If it wins Finn, if! You're gambling our money, why would you do something like that?"
"Because you went on about not having enough money! And here I am trying to help!"
My mouth dropped open in shock."You really don’t see the problem here."
"No, actually, I don't." he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Finn, you stole money from the drawer! You then go behind my back and bet it away. Have you thought about what we'll do if that horse loses?"
"But it won't, Tommy said."
"And what if Tommy is wrong this time? Also, don't pin this on your brother, I know he hasn't even suggested this idea."
"I'm not-urgh!" Finn groaned."Why don't you trust me?"
"I can't trust a gamble Finn. I don't think you realise how many nights I've spent lying awake, worried that we'll never have enough for our own home, and thinking that you don't even care anymore."
"Of course I care. This is why I've bet the money."
"How is this not getting in your head?"
"(Y/N)," he took my hands in his, but I couldn't even look at him,"in a few minutes we will hear them announce the winner, and we will start jumping for joy when we realise how much money we're going to get back, and we're going to be so much closer to getting our home."
"Finn, I desperately want to believe that. But even if we do win, you're in deep trouble." I took my hands away from him, turning around. I couldn't even look at my own fiance.
On queue, we heard a man come over the intercom, it was muffled to me but I knew Finn was listening intensely. Glancing over my shoulder, I watched for his reaction, turning around fully when I saw his expression. We had lost. We lost all that money.
"How could you be so fucking stupid?!" I screamed at him, throwing slaps onto his chest."Why couldn't you just listen to me? I don't understand why you had to lie to me Finn!"
I broke down crying, shoving him away from me. My sobs were loud but I didn't care. Finn could watch, see how much he upset me. My heart sank at the thought of it all gone, Finn had left scarcely any money in the drawer back at the flat.
"I'm sorry (Y/N)." Finn pathetically said.
"You know how you always go on about your family never trusting you enough for the big jobs? That you never get to go out with them and help? This is why. Because you do things like this, you fuck everything up Finn. Fuck!" I wiped away my tears, even though more spilled out."You know I've always stuck beside you, but this is the last straw Finn. I can't be with someone who doesn't want to put effort into their future."
"What are you saying? (Y/N), I can fix this. I promise I'll get the money back, I'll-"
"How? That took us so long to build that up. And you were spending our money almost every night on useless drinking. I can't Finn, I can't live like that anymore."
He ducked his head, and I almost wanted him to say something. When he didn't, I knew what I had to do.
I took a deep breath before speaking."I'm going home. I suggest you stay at Polly's tonight."
"Let me take you home-"
"What's going on?" Tommy suddenly appeared, he, his brothers and Polly approaching.
"Your nephew, your brother, just gave away almost all of our money betting on a horse. Not only that, but he took the money without telling me. That was money for a house." I angrily explained.
"Is that true Finn?"
Finn shamefully nodded.
"We can get you your money back (Y/N)."
"It's not about that Tom. He's lied to me. He promised me he wouldn't spend our money every week, yet he did. And then he takes our money without asking me about it first."
"I'll fix it (Y/N), I promise I will." Finn was begging at this point.
"Another promise that you're bound to break. I've had enough today."
"Let's get you home love." Polly said, putting a stop to this argument as she stepped forward, taking me under her arm.
Finn didn't come home that night. I didn't sleep. I was sat at the tiny dining table, staring at the ring on my finger, wondering what to do. It broke my heart to think about leaving him, but it also broke my heart thinking about how reckless he had been. Did I really want to be marrying someone who acted like this? Would he mature? My heart wanted to believe he would, but my mind kept telling me that today confirmed he wouldn't. That was one of the worst nights of my life.
I couldn't stand this job any longer. But it was the only thing keeping me alive. It was crappy work, the pay was just above minimum, enough for me to buy food, pay my rent and have the tiniest amount left over. Saving up money was hard when it was just you. Even after two years, I didn't have enough to consider looking at places of my own, or with less roommates. It was exhausting keeping up with these girls I lived with, there were 6 of us altogether. It was a big change when I moved away from Small Heath.
"You ready (Y/N)?" one of my roommates called out to me as I finished applying my lipstick.
"Just a second!" I replied, checking myself in the mirror.
It was the rare occasion that I was going out with them, the one time we could all go out together at all. I was looking forward to a few drinks, and although that sounded hypocritical, I realised that I had to have a night or two in at least a month to relieve myself of the stress I put upon myself.
We arrived at the small club we always went to, it had the cheapest drinks this side of town. We all shivered in the cold weather, walking as fast as we could to make it to the club. The warmth was very welcome, as well as the loud music that drew us further in. It was the usual routine, a few of us grab a table, the others get the drinks in, then we would all make our way to the dance floor. Hours passed, and I had to get away from the heat coming from the dancing, stepping back towards our table to get a drink. I saw my roommate stumbling in the direction of the bar, rolling my eyes as I went to help her, perhaps getting a drink whilst I was there. However, once I got closer, I stared at the man she was starting to flirt with.
"Isaiah?" I said as I got closer.
"(Y/N)!" he smiled, bringing me in for a hug.
"You two know each other?" my roommate asked, looking disappointed.
"He's an old friend. Just that, nothing else."
Isaiah let me go."How long has it been? Two years?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, two years. What are you doing here?"
"Business. Nothing dangerous though, you girls are still in for a good night. Especially you if you're good." he winked to my roommate.
"Is he...is he here?" my voice suddenly went shaky, and I felt almost completely sober.
Isaiah's playful nature dropped."Uh, he is. He's really misses you (Y/N). Hasn't even looked at another girl since you left. He's just not been the same." I wasn't sure how to reply.
"I can't not tell him I saw you. Imagine if he found out, he would be so upset with me."
"I know. I wouldn't want to hurt your friendship."
"Maybe you should see him. It might do you both some good."
"Or the opposite."
"He still loves you. Even if you don't feel the same, it could bring closure. But I know you (Y/N), I can tell what you're thinking."
"You were always annoying like that."
"He's out front, in the corridor. That's all I'm going to say."
I looked at him for a few seconds, trying to make my mind up."Well, this one is a handful, just so you know."
"I think I can handle her." Isaiah smirked.
"I was warning her about you."
I giggled at his reaction, walking away and leaving him in his natural habitat of flirting. But as soon as I turned around, my stomach dropped, nerves filling up my entire body. He was here. I hadn't seen him for two years, though I thought about him everyday. Would he look different? Did I look different? What was he going to say? What was I going to say? My brain didn't want to think of any words, maybe I was about to babble absolute nonsense to him.
Upon seeing him, my throat tightened, the cool air slapping me in the face; oh, now I was sober. He hadn't noticed yet, leaning up against a wall, hands in his pockets. Wow, he had changed. His boyish charm was still there, yet he had matured into a handsome young man. It was like I was seeing him for the first time all over again. I was just happy that he would be seeing me in my finer clothes rather than catching me after work.
Urging my feet to move, I almost sighed at how small my steps were. I really was scared. Isaiah had said reassuring things, yet I couldn't even walk up to him. It was too late to back out now, especially when he finally looked up at me. I froze on the spot, not knowing what to do. Finn seemed the same way.
"(Y/N)." he said, I only just heard it.
Hello? Really, that's all I could come up with?
He pushed himself off the wall, coming to stand in front of me, though not too close."I...I can't believe you're here."
"I could say the same about you."
"This is where you've been living then."
I nodded."It's not too bad. I mean, I'm on a night out."
"Who are you with?"
I knew he was wondering if I was with a man."My roommates, I live with five other girls."
"Oh, that's a lot."
"Yeah, it's the only place I could afford."
"I hope it's nice."
"I shouldn't complain. A lot better than other places."
We both knew we were making an awful attempt at small talk. I was sure he had so much to say like I did, we just didn't want to dump it on each other in case the other ran away. It was like we were teenagers again, awkwardly trying to think of something to fill the dreaded silence.
"I really want to talk about us (Y/N)." Finn said.
"You do?"
"I...I just have so much to say to you. I can't do it now, but what about tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow? Tomorrow, um, yes, yes tomorrow works for me. It's the weekend, so I'm not working."
He smiled slightly."OK, good. I'll come get you. Um, I need your address."
"Oh, here." I dug around in my purse, thankful there was a folded up tissue and a pen, it was good to be prepared. I wrote down my address, handing it to him.
"I'll pick you up at one. I would want it to be earlier, you just never know what time you'll be back with this sort of thing."
"I understand Finn, I did live this with you once."
I barely slept, even when we stumbled in at three in the morning. Luckily I hadn't seen Finn, Isaiah or any other Peaky Blinder that evening, no doubt settling business behind the scenes. Despite the lack of sleep, I was wide awake the next morning, up before everyone else who were nursing their hangovers, trying on multiple outfits in a desperate attempt to look nice, but not as if I put too much effort in. The clock was rolling onto one o'clock, and my heart was beating much faster than usual. I was about to make my way downstairs when something glistened on my small vanity. Should I take it? Yes, I would.
Finn knocked on the door, and I waited a few seconds before opening it. We smiled as we greeted each other, not going in for a hug or kiss on the cheek, something I was worried about. That was the first hurdle jumped over.
"How was your evening?" Finn struck up a conversation as we walked further into town.
"Much better than yours I presume?" I smirked. He chuckled."Yeah, didn't exactly get to enjoy the music. Small fight, nothing we couldn't handle."
It was strange hearing about Blinder business again."Well I'm glad you're all safe."
"I thought we could go out for lunch, saw a nice place round here."
"Oh, that would be lovely."
"We don't have to, if you don't feel comfortable."
"No, no, no, it's not that. It's just a lovely thing for you to do."
We both bashfully smiled, luckily the restaurant was just around the corner. I had expected nothing less when we walked into the fancy place, not because I thought I deserved it, but because Finn wouldn't be seen anywhere else. His clothes were even more tailored now than they had been the last I saw him, indicating that the gang had been doing well, more money was coming in. We both immediately picked up our menus as we sat, hoping someone would speak first. Our eyes glanced over the top of them, it was as if we were on our first date again, only this time in a better establishment.
"You look beautiful." he said, still hiding part of his face.
"Thank you." I blushed.
"I'll never forget what you wore when I picked you up for our first date. That blue dress you just bought, with a matching purse, and those heels that you hadn't practiced walking in. Well, you used that as an excuse to latch into my arm all night."
I smiled, placing down my menu."It was a good plan, wasn't it? And I did struggle in those heels, I just didn't want to embarrass myself."
He copied me."I liked holding your hand all night."
"What a sweet sentiment."
"I mean it. And I mean this date. That didn't sound right, but...what I'm trying to say is that I want to make it all up to you."
"You do?"
"Yes! I really didn't expect you to leave. I mean I did, but I didn't want to believe that. I didn't want to believe that I had been so selfish that I couldn't even see how much I had hurt you." 
“That was the hardest decision I ever made. Most days I battle with myself whether I made the right choice. All night I kept making deals with myself. If you came back, I would hear you out, and if it was good enough for me I would stay. But then you didn’t, so I said to myself ‘Give him another hour.’. An hour went by, and I said the same thing to myself. That went on for the whole evening until I found myself angrily packing my things. Even then, I sat by door on top of my suitcase for another hour or so.”
“I thought you just got up and left. I didn’t realise how long you waited for me.” he sighed into his hands.“I’m such a fucking idiot.”
I could tell he was full of regret. Although it sounded sadistic, I was glad that he was upset when reflecting on our past relationship, it meant he realised his mistake. On the other hand, I hated seeing him sad. I took his hands away from his face, hesitantly reaching into my handbag to pull out the engagement ring I kept.
His eyes widened.“You still have that? I looked everywhere for it when you left, guessed you took it to sell.”
“I won’t lie, that was my intention at first. But it meant too much to me. It was like selling a piece of my soul. I kept it hidden, I didn’t want to risk any of the girls seeing it, they would just ask too many questions.”
I kept my eye on the beautiful ring as I spoke, slowly twirling it around to catch it twinkling in the light.
"I had such a hard time picking that out. I knew what you wanted, but I had to get it right for you. I'm so glad you kept it."
"I did try to sell it. I was stood outside of a shop for ten minutes debating with myself. It would have helped a lot for the deposit on the room, but I couldn't do it."
We were silent, both staring at the ring. We used to do that a lot actually. Finn would take my hand and hold it up as we laid in bed together, both giggling as we watched it glisten like it was in present times, before squealing at the thought of us being married to each other. I constantly fiddled with it when he was off on business, a habit which never wore off, even now; whenever I was nervous or worried, I would automatically do the same action, just without the ring.
A waiter awkwardly interrupted us, and I hurriedly put the ring back in my bag, sharing an embarrassed smile with Finn as we ordered. Once he was gone, I quietly sighed, looking out of the window. We were in such a nice part of town, so many ladies in beautiful dresses and men in smart suits strolling around.
"Are you...are you OK for money?" Finn boldly asked.
I was a little shocked by that.
"I don't mean anything by it. I just want to make sure you're OK, I would hate for you to be struggling, if you were."
"Uh, no, no I'm fine actually. It's not as generous as my old wage but it keeps me alive, I can live with the bare necessities."
I could see him itching to say something else, to keep the conversation going. I wasn't sure if we could go back to the serious topic we had before. However, I also wanted to bring it back up, it felt like we needed to talk about us.
"How's the family?" That's all I could come up with.
"They're fine. Everyone is the same. Well, they're not, they're a bit more serious nowadays."
"They weren't in the first place?"
He smiled."I suppose they were. Tension is the right word, tensions have been rising. Tommy's taking on a lot more, Polly knows all these secrets that no one else does, Ada is rebelling against anything Tommy says, Linda is still annoying, Esme and John have been popping kids out left, right and centre. Arthur is still crazy."
"Sounds like business as usual to me."
"They miss you too."
"Do they?"
"Yeah. Almost as much as me."
I cast my eyes down as butterflies rose in my stomach.
"I heard nothing else for the next few weeks after you left. They all told me what an idiot I was, that I was an extremely reckless, stupid and immature boy, and that I had let the best thing in my life get away from me. And they were right. I knew all of that already."
"I...I don't really know what to say right now."
"You don't have to say anything, let's just enjoy this meal, no more of that talk."
The nerves making my stomach flip built at that. What if we had nothing else to talk about? What if it was too weird to dive into our separate lives? I didn't want to sit across my ex-fiance, painfully and politely smiling through forced conversation.
The spark was still there.
When the waiter had returned with our drinks, we were already deep in talk about what had been happening in our personal everyday life. We were non stop, even as we ate through dinner. The waiters had trouble catching our attention each time they checked on us. I was deep in those eyes again, the ones I always dreamed of seeing. We were laughing hysterically, not at all acting how we should have in that establishment (there were a few eye rolls from other patrons). As if time had gone by in a second, the bill was slipped towards Finn, though I still reached into my purse.
"Are you mad? No, put your money away, I'm not taking it." Finn stated as he carelessly threw down some notes, surprisingly taking my hand in his and guiding me out of the restaurant.
I was tense as we walked, and I saw a flash of realisation in Finn's eyes as we made it outside. Both looking down at our interlocked fingers, Finn broke away, clearing his throat.
"Sorry, force of habit."
Hesitating, I smiled up at him, lacing our hands together again."These are new heels I'm breaking in. Need help walking in them."
He chuckled, pulling me closer as we walked down the street. We were silent, feeling like kids in love again. I couldn't deny that my feelings were still strong for Finn, I missed him dearly. At first, part of me had been wary of all this, wondering if he really had good intentions, or just thought he could get a quick shag in from an ex before he left; but the effort he went through, the things we spoke about, trying to heal old wounds, Finn had matured and he was wanting to fix this. I wanted to fix this, my heart was aching for my old life with him. 
“We’re not done yet, are we?” I timidly asked.
“Not unless you want it to be.”
I instantly shook my head.“No, I’d like to stay out for longer.”
“Even though you’re struggling in your heels?”
I smirked.“I know a nice place we can sit down.”
I took him to the local park, it had a huge lake with benches dotted around, luckily it wasn’t busy, there was somehow a hint of privacy here. We sat down close to each other, hands still entwined. 
“You still hungry?” I asked.
I dug into my purse, producing a bag of sweets I had bought the previous day. I laughed as his eyes lit up, taking one without even asking. I took one too, reminiscing on how we used to do the same thing as kids. It seemed he was thinking about it too.
“Just like the old days.” Finn said.
“We spent way too much money on sweets back then. It’s a wonder we still have our teeth.”
 “Wish I got out of that spending habit. We could be married and in our new house by now.”
“So you never wanted to move on? You didn’t give in to those girls wanting to be with a Peaky Blinder?”
“Never. I couldn’t. I couldn’t even fathom being with anyone else, it was always you (Y/N). Did you date?”
“No, I felt exactly the same. Which is why I was angry at myself for a long time. I was supposed to be upset with you, not still in love.”
His head whipped round to face me.“You still love me?”
My mouth was still open, unsure how to answer. It seemed I didn’t have to as Finn leaned in, placing on hand on my cheek as we kissed. Instinctively I kissed back, placing my hands on him where I could, hearing the bag of sweets fall to the ground and spill its contents. This kiss was needy, the type of kiss you gave your partner when you had missed them, when they had been away for a long time; and although we had our hands on each other, our touch was still gentle.
“Get the ring.” Finn breathed out, our lips still almost touching.
I carelessly got it for him, heart beating extremely fast. He took it from me, pecking me on the lips one last time before standing up. He straightened out his suit, took a deep breath and got down on one knee. I was just as emotional the first time he did it.
“(Y/N), I know I messed up everything in the past, I was careless when I should have been supportive and helped to build our future. I learnt from those mistakes, and I really, really want to go back to how we were. I need you (Y/N), I love you so much. There aren’t enough words to express how much love I have for you. Will you marry me?”
I didn’t need to think about my answer. I blurted out a yes, waiting for him to slide the ring back on my finger before throwing myself onto him. We stumbled back onto the ground, our arms around each other as we laughed and cried. I believed him this time, I truly believed him. He put in the effort to show me his changes, he wanted to fix everything. I wanted things back to the way they were with my man, and we were back to building our future and living the rest of our lives together.
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lazysimp · 3 years
Normal Again /// Bakugou x Fem Reader (18+)
✧Click HERE to read Male version ✧
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Rating: Explicit
Summary: A sequel to fine. You never expected recovery to be easy but you never thought it would be nearly impossible. In the weeks since your torture things between you and Bakugou had only grown more strained. Will you be able to save your relationship or is it a lost cause? 
Word count: 8.7k 
Warnings/tags: TW: Self hatred/violence, degradation (not in a sexy way), Angst, Explicit sexual content, Oral sex (giving and receiving), Anal play, She/Her pronouns, All characters are adults, SMUT 18+ Only
A vicious laugh filled the air as Bakugou’s boot connected with your cheek sending your body flying towards the ground. His deep red eyes were full of glee watching you spit out blood from your busted cheek. He crouched down, looking at you as if you were filth. 
“Look at you,” he sneered. “Just lying there taking it all. You are pathetic, honesty how did I ever see you as more than an easy fuck.” 
“Stop it Bakugou,” you beg weakly. You could not bring yourself to understand how such cruel words could come from the same mouth that used to worship you. 
His boot connects to your head once more sending blinding pain shooting through your skull. “Did you really think you were going to be with me forever? That I would tie myself to someone who can’t even stop themselves from getting kidnapped by a B-ranked villain.” 
His boot rests on your face, its thick rubber sole indenting its print into your cheek. “The only reason I kept you around this whole time was that you spread your legs whenever I wanted. You are easy, too easy and the whole office knows it. They all laugh at you, at how much of a whore you are.” 
Tears begin to leak from your eyes as he brought to light all your insecurities. You would rather he kept beating you than continue to torture you with his taunts. After every night of the same torture you had grown numb to the physical pain but no matter how hard you tried you could not escape his words. 
“If it wasn’t for you I would have already climbed my way to the top. All you can do is hold me back from my dreams with your constant failures. You make me despise you.” 
His heel digs into your temple creating an agonizing inescapable pressure. You were helpless to stop his merciless assault and you were not sure you even wanted to. All you really wanted was for all of this to stop. The constant pain and guilt had worn down your spirit, it was as though you had nothing left to even lose. 
“Look at you just lying there taking it. Why don’t you fight me you pathetic bitch? Why don’t you ever fight?” He screamed, emphasizing each with a blow to your head. You reach up to cover your ears not wanting to hear anything else but your arms were trapped down at your side, held by some invisible force. 
You try again to lift move your arms and then your legs but a warm tight hold tightened even further. Needing to escape the suffocating warmth you thrash around, lashing out at the invisible force. 
“Shh, baby it is ok,” Bakugou said above you his boot still on your head. “This is all just a dream.” 
You slam your eyes closed needing to escape the glaring red eyes that only brought you pain. 
“Mimic is dead and will never hurt you again I promise,” Bakugou’s voice grows closer to your ear. This was your chance! You manage to free one arm and reach up, blindly scratching at any body part you could reach. 
Your nails scream for mercy as you drag them viciously down his arm, their gliding made easy by blood. Despite the pain you know you must have caused, the invisible hold only tightened, trapping both of your hands. 
“Please baby open your eyes, you are safe I promise.” Bakugou’s voice cooed softly trying to pry you away from your own mind. 
You shake your head not trusting the voice, after all, it was the same one that had just been hurting you. With both your hands held still you are left with no choice but to use your teeth. You bite down on one of the arms holding you, sinking your teeth deep into the flesh until a rusty taste fills your mouth. 
“Open your eyes my beautiful girl please,” Bakugou’s voice grew clearer, the malice you had been expecting surprisingly absent. 
Reluctantly you relax into the warm hold and crack one eye open. A sweet smelling black tank top was the first thing you recognized. You blink your eyes a few times to clean them and get a better look around. 
The cold dark room you had been in only moments ago was gone, replaced by a soft bed and warm blankets. The tight suffocating grip that had held you earlier is now a warm embrace. 
You look at the strong arms holding you to your fiancé’s chest and wince. Deep red scratch marks littered his muscles and an already bruising bite branded his shoulder. With you no longer resisting he released your hands and started to run his fingers up and down your back. Despite his mask of relaxation, you could tell he was shaken up. 
“I did it again didn’t I?” you ask weakly already knowing the answer. 
Bakugou let out a sigh, “Yeah, it took me nearly ten minutes to get you back this time.” 
Overwhelming guilt filled your mind for the second time tonight. You had hurt the man you loved because of some stupid dreams. It had been months since your rescue and still every night without fail you dreamed about it happening. It was like the torture never stopped. 
“It is getting worse,” Bakugou says, continuing to pet down your back. 
You nod weakly. He was not wrong. Neither of you had gotten a full night’s rest since the incident. No matter what pills you took without fail you dreamed about Bakugou. Logically you knew it was not Bakugou who had been the one to hurt you. He was your hero and his reward is you flinching from his touch and attacking him in your sleep. None of this was fair. 
Bakugou’s lips softly pressed against your forehead as he pulled you in even closer. You ignored the spike of fear being close to him caused and tried to remember this was your Bakugou, not the sick twisted version Mimic created. 
“We can’t keep going like this baby,” he says weakly. “I think I need to leave for a little bit.” 
Absolute panic grips your heart, “No! Please don’t leave me. I’ll get better I promise. I will find another sleeping pill that one doctor prescribed worked for the first couple of weeks. We can figure this out, please don’t-” 
“Shh,” Bakugou pulled you in closer. “Right now I am not good for you.” 
You open your mouth to protest but he places his hand finger over our lips. “Baby you flinch every time I look at you.” 
You wanted to deny his claim but remember how his eyes felt on your skin and shutter. 
“My face, my voice, hell my smell are all triggers for you. I am hurting you by being near you. I am causing you pain by serving as a living reminder of your pain and I can’t do it anymore.” 
Hot tears start to fall from your eyes. You hated how everything he is saying is not wrong. He is a walking trigger for the memories of that night and you had no idea how to get over them. 
“So this is it,” you say, defeated. 
“No, baby god no. You and I just need some time apart until you are ready to see me again. I am planning on staying at Deku’s for a bit, the nerd offered me his spare bedroom.” 
Despair was the only thing you could feel. All of this was your fault and he should hate you for it but he doesn’t. Why doesn’t he hate you like you hate yourself? He should be screaming at you for causing all of this. The blame is yours and yours alone. If you had been just a little stronger you would never have been taken in the first place and none of this would have happened. 
“Until I can get you to talk to me about how you are feeling I can’t help you. All I am doing is making this worse.” His arms started to loosen their hold around you and for the first time in weeks you wanted them back. 
His arms pulled away completely, taking his warmth. “This is not permanent,” he assured. “It is just until you are ready for me to come back and I will wait as long as you need.” 
You start to reach out for him, to beg him to get back in bed but the silhouette of him above you sent a chill down your spine. You wanted to rip everything apart, every time you made progress there was something dragging you backward. 
You watch helplessly as he quickly dresses and leaves the bedroom, not looking back. You can’t blame him, you want to be free of yourself too. You could hear the front door to the apartment open and quietly shut, the lock clicking into place. 
Life moved slower when you did not have your angry gremlin by your side. It had been a few weeks since he left and you had never been more miserable. At first, you had agreed to the separation, after all, he was a giant trigger but you were quickly realizing it was worse without him. 
The anxiety of being alone at night had you reaching for your phone nearly every night, wanting to call him. It was a miracle you had managed to resist. With you not there to bother him maybe he would finally be getting some sleep. 
The only communication you had gotten from him was a couple of texts letting you know he was still alive. You know he was trying to give you space but the longer he was away the more you wanted to drag him back home. 
Your therapist had still not cleared you for fieldwork so the only thing you could to distract yourself was binge a couple of shows and try some cooking. Of course nothing you made tasted half as good as Bakugou’s cooking. By the end of the the first week your life consisted of sleep, tv, and takeout. 
Your glazed-over eyes half focus on the tv in front of you as you are lost in your thoughts. You hear a knock on the door and rush over to open it. Could he have changed his mind and come back? For the first time in a long time hope filled your chest but it was quickly shattered as you look through the peephole. Uraraka stood still outside your door holding a few grocery bags. 
You try to plaster on a fake smile and open the door. Uraraka did not wait for an invitation and barreled her way into your apartment. 
“Hello to you too,” you mumble, closing the door. 
She sets the floating bags onto the counter and releases her quirk. “Whew, you would believe the line at the store this morning. All the old ladies were fighting their way into the store for the 20% off sale. Of course none of them could beat me from being first in line.” 
You snort, no matter how many brand deals and hero contracts Uraraka had she never stopped being frugal. 
“How was your morning?” She asked, unpacking the many goods from the bags. 
You shrug, “Same as always, watched some tv and pretend my life isn’t falling apart.” 
Uraraka pauses and gives you a look of understanding. “You know he hasn’t forgotten about you, not for one minute.” 
You look away, “What does it matter, our relationship is practically over. I have not seen him in weeks and even if I did see him I would make everything worse with my stupid fear.” 
“You fear is not stupid, you went through something traumatic and need time to heal.” 
You scoff, “I have had time. But every time I make any progress something triggers me and I fall right back down to where I started.” 
“That is normal though! It took me weeks to even look at Deku without crying. You are both being too hard on yourselves.” 
“I am tired of waiting!” You yell, finally letting your anger out in the open. “I miss him so much it hurts. I miss how he would hold me every night after he helped me bathe because I was too sore to even lift my arms. I miss how he would pack my lunch every day because he could not stand watching me go hungry. I miss my Bakugou.” 
Uraraka wraps her arms around your shoulders pulling you in tight against her chest, letting you sob. It was the first time in weeks anyone had touched you. Her soft hands traced up and down your back, trying her best to soothe the pain. 
“I miss him so much,” you cry between hiccups. 
“So why don’t you call him? I am sure he would be happy to hear your voice.” Uraraka pulls out her phone and starts to dial his number. 
“No!” You snatch the phone from her hand and toss it over your shoulder. You wince as you hear the phone connect with the hardwood floor. 
The hand on your back stills, “You are going to replace that you know.” 
You nod, a worthy expense if it meant you did not have to confront reality just yet. At least with him gone you could pretend your relationship was not over. 
“Stop saying that! Your relationship is not over. What the two of you need is a good conversation.” 
You must have said the last part out loud. “What does it matter, even if we have a conversation and he moves back in I will end up having nightmares and keep him up for weeks. It is not fair for him to suffer through that for me.” 
“Ugh!” Uraraka shoves you off her chest and stands. “Both of you keep pushing each other away based on some convoluted idea that you are actually protecting each other. It makes me want to pull my hair out!
You cross your arms over your chest, “Well I am protecting him.” 
She rolls her eyes, “Sure.” 
“Hey, don’t make me regret teaching you sarcasm. I’m being serious, my nightmares were getting so bad I started to attack him in my sleep.” 
“No offense but Bakugou can handle you with his hands tied behind his back.” 
“But he shouldn’t have to! It is not fair for him to have to worry if his fiancé will attack him in his sleep every night.” 
“News flash, life is not fair. It was not fair when I watched the love of my life get skewered in front of me. It was not fair when I could not look at him for weeks without crying. And it was not fair when Mimic tortured you. None of this is fair or just, it is all shit we are given and sometimes it is more than we can handle.” 
She holds your chin in her hands, “The only thing you are doing wrong is pushing away the person who you need the most.” 
“But I hurt him when he is close,” you argue weakly. 
Uraraka’s eyes softened, “You hurt him more when you push him away. His quirk is not mind reading, he has no idea how to help you, how you can both help each other.” 
You knew she was right, that what you were doing was not working. But you were stuck, unsure how to even start talking to him again. Even so, you had to try. 
“Alright, I will try giving him a call-” 
Behind you, Uraraka’s phone rang, its piercing ring tone cutting you off. Your heart sinks, that ring tone only went off when a hospital was calling. Without a word, Uraraka bends down and picks up her phone from the floor. 
“Hello, this is Uravity speaking,” she said into the phone. 
You watch her face for clues and your heart grew even heavier as worry danced in her eyes. 
“Are you going to transfer him to the Hero’s hospital in Tokyo?” 
Your breathing stops. No, the world could not be so cruel. Your hearing grows fuzzy making it impossible to tune into the rest of Uraraka’s conversation.
“Hey,” someone said in the background. “Hey, I need you to focus. Bakugou is hurt, I am not next of kin so they won’t tell me anything about his condition. I am going to drive us over to the hospital, he should already be there by the time we arrive” 
You nod, too stunned to speak. He was hurt. Your Bakugou was hurt and you were just standing around. Ignoring the pain in your chest your mind finally snapped into action. 
Wordlessly you and Uraraka rushed down to her car below. The drive to the Hero’s hospital was short, only a few blocks from your apartment. The front entrance was already packed full of reporters trying to catch a glimpse of your injured hero. 
You bite your tounge to stop yourself from cursing the reporters out. Those nosy assholes wanted to broadcast Bakugou’s pain to the public for a quick buck. Luckily disappeared from your sight as Uraraka drove past the and into the private parking lot. 
Uraraka had not even put the car in park when you shoved open the door and ran to the sliding doors. You could hear her yell to wait behind you but you kept running until you found the front desk. 
You skid to a stop in front of a shocked receptionist and slam your palms down on the counter, “Where are they taking Hero Dynamight?” You ask, holding your hero license out so she would know you were not a reporter. 
The receptionist winced, “I am sorry but only allowed to disclose information to the family of the patient.” 
“Well I am his wife and I am demanding to know where he is.” You retort, not caring about the implications of the claim. 
“Dynamight is not married, his paperwork states he is a single but nice try.” 
“Listen here you-” your rant was cut short by a soft hand on your shoulder. 
“It was a private ceremony, they have still not made it public yet so there is now paperwork. I know that is not protocol but won’t you please let it slide this once ” Uraraka smiles sweetly trying to play cute to get what she wants.
The receptionist shook her head, “ I am sorry but I cannot allow anyone who is not documented family to visit any patient.” 
You open your mouth to yell but Uraraka beats you to it. 
“That is fine, thank you for doing such a great job protecting our heroes.” She gently grabs your bicep and pulls you away from the desk before you could say another word. 
“What are you doing she is our only way of figuring out anything about Bakugou.” You hiss trying to pry yourself free from her hold. 
“No she’s not,” Uraraka turns her head to look at you and smiles. “I spent a few weeks coming in and out of this hospital while Deku was recovering. Going through the main entrance is the easiest way but there is a locked side door. With enough force, it can be wiggle open.” 
“Won’t it have an alarm?” 
“Of course it has an alarm this is a heavily secured building. Luckily they have a well-trained hero there to investigate the disturbance,” she winked. 
You laugh, being a hero did have its perks. It only took a few more turns before she found the small door. 
“Now when I open this door a blaring alarm will go off and two security guards will come rushing from either end. I will handle the one on this side but you will be on your own for the other. Try not to hurt them too much.” 
With that Uraraka wraps her hand around the door handle and pulls, her arm muscles bulging from the effort. You stand still, stunned to watch your friend pry open the solid steel door.
The door finally gives sending out a blaring alarm but you had already made it past the first couple hallways, hiding in a small doorway as a guard runs past. You wait another minute to make sure the coast is clear besides casually walking down the hallway until you found a nurse’s station.
“Excuse me,” you say, trying to sound as polite as possible. “The front desk told me to ask you which room my husband is in.” 
The oldest nurse looked you up and down skeptically, “What is your husband’s name?” 
“Bakugou Katsuki.” 
“Uh-hu sure, wait here a minute for me while I go find his nurse.” She turned and disappeared into the room behind the station.
Fuck, she was onto you. You slowly walk backward away from the door’s line of sight and rush down the hallway looking desperately for Bakugou. He had to be here somewhere but the hospital was a maze of hallways and doors with no names on them. 
You could not yell out for him that would only alert security to your position faster. You spin on your heels looking frantically for any sign of him but the more you look, the more lost you become. 
“Hey! You cannot be back here,” A security guard yelled, a taser already armed in his hand. 
You put your hands into the air, looking to your side for an escape. You could handle one petty security guard but you did not feel like explaining to the commission why you beat a guard. Sucking in a deep breath you run towards the officer who was too shocked to pull the trigger on the taser. Sticking your leg out you kick his feet out from under him sending his back to the floor. 
Without looking back you run down the hall taking as many turns as you could to find a hiding spot. One of these rooms had to have no camera in it. 
In your frantic looking, one door stood out. It was off to the left in a dead-end hallway. It had to be a good enough hiding spot as any. You sprint to the door and swing the door open into a pitch-black room. 
You felt bile rise in your throat at the thought of entering the darkness but you had no choice, security was hot on your heels. You close your eyes and step into the darkness, closing the door behind you. 
Your back rests against the door and you listen to the guards run past the hallway. For now they had no idea where you were. You let out a sigh of relief and feel around the wall for a light switch. 
Mercifully, you find it and switch it on. The room looked like any other hospital room except for one thing. There was someone in the bed and they were about to look up. 
Shit! You duck under one of the tables in time to hide from their view. 
“Oi, I thought I told you people to leave me alone! I already took the damn pills and agreed to stay the night.” 
Your breathing stops at the deep rough voice of Bakugou. You found him; he is not in a coma fighting for his life. He is in bed resting safely just feet away from you. A sob of relief climbs your throat, and you have to slap your hand over your mouth to mute it. 
The rush of blinding fear to find Bakugou suddenly turns into fear about seeing him. What if he did not want you to visit? Fuck you should have thought about this more before you left. 
“I can hear your breathing! Don’t make me get out of bed or I will kick your ass.” 
Not wanting him to hurt himself by standing you relent and force your weak knees up. You keep your eyes to the floor not daring to look at his face, “Surprise,” you tease weakly. 
“W-what?” Bakugou said, his voice high and full of confusion. 
“I-I heard you got hurt, no one was telling me anything, so I decided to come and check up on you myself. But I see you are fine so I will leave you alone. I am sorry for barging in.” 
“Wait! Don’t leave,” Bakugou winces as he sits up in bed, his abdomen covered in bandages. Instantly you rush to his bedside. 
“Don’t move that fast you will hurt yourself!” You lecture, gently pushing him back down to the bed. Bakugou looks down at your hands with shock, you had not touched him caringly since the incident. 
You quickly realized your hands were still on him and snatch them back to your side. You stand there awkwardly, unsure what to do. It was like the months of being together had been erased since he had left. 
“W-what happened?” You finally ask to break the silence. 
Bakugou looks down at his hands, “Some stupid kid ran out in the middle of the fight and almost got themselves killed. I didn’t have enough time to get them out of the way, so I had to shield them instead. Damn villain managed to shoot me.” 
“You got shot!” 
“Yeah, pathetic asshole knew he could not take me without a gun. Lucky for me he had terrible aim and managed to only graze my side. The only reason I am still in this stupid bed is because Rescue Girl is on vacation and refuses to come in and heal me.” 
The heavy weight on your heart lifted slightly knowing he was not seriously hurt but you still worried about his current condition. Bakugou was not one to sit around until he felt better. In the time the two of you had been together he only got sick once and it took tackling him to the ground and tying him up in bed to keep him from working. 
You knew him and Deku were on good terms now but dealing with a hurt Bakugou was a full-time job. “How long did the doctor say you have to be off work?” 
Bakugou scoffed, “She thinks I have to wait at least a week even with Recovery Girl. As soon as I can escape this bed I will head back to the office I have a villain to hunt down.” 
You put your hands on your hips, “Oh no you won’t. If the doctor tells you to wait a week you will wait a week.” 
A mischievous grin spreads across Bakugou’s face, “Oh, and how are you going to enforce that?” 
Blood rushes to your face making your cheeks feel like they were burning. To keep him from fighting his restraints the last time he was sick you had to fuck him until he was too tired to care he was chained up. By the time he had recovered from being sick you could barely walk and he had to be the one to take care of you.
“Don’t look at me like that when you are hurt.” 
“Then answer the question, how do you plan to keep me from working this week.” 
“What are you five? Do you really need an incentive to be good?” You taunt. 
A wolfish grin spread across his face, “Yes.” 
You throw your hands up in the air, “Ugh, you are terrible!” 
His hand reaches out and grabs your wrist to pull you in closer to the bed and for a second fear flashes in your eyes. All of the teasing had made you forget your fear but his touch brought is all back. 
Bakugou sensed the change in your demeanor and opened his hand to free you from his touch. 
“Wait, don’t move your hand,” you suck in a deep breath. “Just give me a second.” 
His warm long fingers wrapped themselves back around your wrist, holding still as you try to calm your heart. You were stronger than this fear. You could do this. 
“Baby, you don’t have to push yourself, I understand-” 
“No!’ You yell, taking a step closer to his bed. “This is ok, I will make this ok again.” 
You avoid looking at his face, needing to build up your strength before testing your limits. Being separated from him had helped your memories heal some but it was still difficult to see him. 
Forcing the tight fear in your chest down you intertwined your fingers through his and pull them up to your lips, gently kissing his knuckles.
“It is easier when I control where you touch,” you mumble to him, trying to follow Uraraka’s advice. 
“What?” Bakugou asked, unsure what you meant. 
“When you are the one controlling the touching, it makes me nervous because I don’t know what will happen next. It makes me feel like I have no control and that is when I start to freak out.” 
You look down to where your hands were joined, “When I am leading the touch I have some idea of what will happen next and it is easier to not feel scared.” 
“So you have to be in charge?” 
“I don’t have to always be in charge, I just need to know what you are thinking, what you are doing before you do it or I need to be guiding it.” 
Bakugou smiled, “So if I told you to sit on my face would that work?” 
A few incoherent words fall out of your mouth as you try to process what he just said. 
“Well, maybe, but you are hurt and need your rest. Besides, you should not be thinking about that while you are lying in a hospital bed. When you are discharged, we can try something like that.” 
Bakugou sat up straighter, “Oh no you don’t. I have gone without your taste on my tongue for too long. You are going to get that sweet ass over here and sit on my face.” 
“No, Bakugou. Look at the state of you. I could seriously hurt you.” 
That was the absolute worst thing you could have said, in seconds his teasing eyes filled with fiery determination. The last time he gave you that look was when you rejected going on a date with him. A week later he had your legs wrapped around his waist. 
He lifts his finger and points to you and then his face, “Come here.” 
You stubbornly shake your head, “This is not happening Bakugou. You could tear your stitches and have to stay in the hospital even longer.”
He shrugs, “Fine with me as long as you are here.” 
This damn man must be suicidal. “We need to talk more about our relationship before we dive right into sex.” 
“Your mouth will be free and clear to talk.” 
“This is an awful idea. What if I get freaked out in the middle of it all?” 
“That’s easy, we stop,” he gently pulls you in closer his face now only inches away. 
“Please baby I have missed you; I promise I will stop if it gets too much.”
You were conflicted. Neither of you were in a state where you should be fooling around. But the feel of his hand on yours was so calming and warm that you wanted more. 
“Alright,” you whisper. “But If you are in any pain you need to let me know.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I promise. Now get that pretty ass up here,” he pats his shoulders. 
“This is such a bad idea,” you mumble to yourself as you slip off your pants while Bakugou lowered the head of the bed. This could go wrong in so many ways but the longer you thought about his tongue on you the less you cared. 
“Fuck baby,” Bakugou groaned, “Climb up, you won’t hurt me.” 
You toss your pants to the side and do as he said. Climbing up onto his bed and carefully lowering yourself over his face. Your face was burning at the thought of what all he could see. Needing support, you grab ahold of the headboard. After all you did not want to hurt him. Bakugou was not having that. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and pulled you down until you had no choice but to rest your weight on his face. 
“Wait, you could hurt yourself,” you protested breathlessly. 
He only laughed, his hot breath teasing your aching cunt. He sat still under you for a few minutes letting you get adjusted to the feeling of his touch, and it let him soak in the sight of you above him. 
“Such a pretty pussy,” he mumbled against the soft skin of your thighs. Not wanting to move too fast he first places a few sloppy kissing along with your inner thigh, giving you ample time to mentally prepare for his mouth on your cunt. 
You try to stop yourself from shaking but it was impossible. It had been months since someone had touched you and to have Bakugou beneath you, ready to worship your body, was almost too much for your brain to process. 
Bakugou’s mouth teased your other thigh before settling on your already soaking wet pussy.
“That’s my good girl, already wet for me. This pretty pussy knows who it belongs to, but does its owner?” 
“Bakugou stop talking to my pussy and get to work,” you growl. 
“Tsk, when did you become so greedy?” The hands on your thighs shift around until they were able to spread open your sex giving him complete access to you.
“You are lucky I miss this just as much as you do or I would tease you for hours. Tie your ass to the bed and not let you leave until neither of us could move.” 
You rock your hips trying to egg him on, “Sounds to me like you are all talk.” 
The hands on your thighs tighten forcing you to put all your weight onto his face. You try to pull yourself up, not wanting to suffocate your boyfriend but he refuses and goes straight for the kill. His soft wet tongue drags a straight line up the slit of your cunt, gathering up your juices. 
Your hands abandon the headboard and thread through his hair. Bakugou groaned, settling into feasting on your cunt. His soft lips slide through your folds, looking for your hidden button. 
“Ah please Bakugou,” you beg, “it feels so good.” 
You could feel his smile against your skin before his mouth latches onto your throbbing clit, dragging it into his mouth. 
While his lips teased your clit, one hand left your thigh to snake around under you. You lurch forward as two thick fingers slip through your folds, wetting themselves in your slick before they gently press at your entrance. 
Your hips buck away from the combined sensations fearing to be too much but Bakugou was not having it, he strengthened his hold on your thighs and pushed you down on his fingers. You sob at the feeling of being stretched, it had been so long the burn was more intense than normal. 
“Fuck baby you are so tight around my fingers, I can’t wait to have you wrapped around my cock,” he groaned. 
“Bakugou,” you whined. “You can’t just say things like that.” 
He releases your clit with a pop, “Like what? Like how I want to feast on this pussy until you are all I can taste for weeks. Like how by the time I am done with you, you will be a sobbing mess that I will have to take care of. Just listen to this sloppy pussy take my fingers. Fuck baby people would kill for even a sliver of this cunt but too bad for them it is all mine.” 
You shove a fist in your mouth to stifle a loud moan. The last thing either of you needed was someone barging in. 
Bakugou pulled your aching bud back between his lips and got to work. The two fingers inside you started to pump, curling to hit your sweet spot each time they were inside you. His delicious tongue flicked up and down on your clit driving you mad. 
Trusting you would not run away he releases your other thigh and reaches under your shirt. His large hand stroked up your stomach, caressing the skin there before latching onto one of your nipples. He pinches the soft peak between his fingers, rolling it until it pebbles. You arch your back into his hand and start to rock your hips wanting more. 
Bakugou moans into your cunt, able to tell you were growing lost in the pleasure. He loved it when you were too engrossed with feeling good to care about anything except him. 
Looking down in between your legs you could see his light blonde hair peeking out from the apex of your thighs and had a devilish idea. 
“Bakugou stick out your tongue,” you order. 
He releases you from his mouth and looks up, his chin soaking with your juices, “What?” 
“Stick out your tongue, like this,” You show him with your own mouth. 
A spark of recognition flashed in his eyes and he smiled. Good, he liked the idea too. With no delay, his tongue stuck out of his mouth. You reach down and spread yourself open, settling back over Bakugou’s eager tongue. His fingers abandon you in favor of holding onto your ass while you dig your fingers into his hair. 
With both of you settled you slowly begin to rock your hips, riding his tongue. You start off slowly, watching closely for any sign Bakugou was not comfortable but judging by his growl of pleasure you would say he is just fine. 
A red hot warmth started to grow in the lower half of your body, slowly spreading its tingle to your lower belly. Fuck, the image of Bakugou beneath you, letting your ride his face was almost too much to process. 
“Oh god Bakugou,” you moan. “Please, it feels so good.” 
He could only groan in response, his mouth too busy bringing you to your peak. When you looked down at him between your legs you could only see his bright lust filled eyes. They were intensely watching you fall apart. 
White spots started to grow in your vision and you increase the speed of your thrusts. The fingers in his hair tighten, now holding onto him for dear life. It only took a few more rocks of your hips before the white spots grew into a blinding white light.
Overwhelming waves crashed into you, sending glorious pleasure pulsing through you. Your body was not your own as the electricity ran through you making every muscle grow taunt and release in a never-ending cycle. 
Bakugou redoubled his effort, not letting you even finish your first peak before he was building you up to another. The idea that you would feel that pleasure again was enough to make you mad. 
His fingers slipped into your clenching entrance and curled forward, teasing your sweet spot. His lips returned to your clit, sucking it gently into his mouth and lashing at the tender bud with his tongue. 
You release his hair, afraid you will rip it out, and hold onto the headboard as all the clenching tension finally releases, sending you spiraling. Loud wanton moans ripped from your throat and you could do nothing to stop them. 
Bakugou toyed with you until you could no longer hold yourself upright. Only then did he gently lift you off his face and down onto his lap. You slouch over and rest your forehead on his shoulder. The world around you was fuzzy, your mind still reeling from how hard you finished. 
“Wait, Bakugou you are not supposed to be lifting anything!” You yell when your mind finally returns to reality. 
“Tsk, I already told you I am fine.” 
You fought the urge to slap him, “You idiot what if you had busted open your stitches!” 
“You did not seem too worried about that when you were rubbing your cunt on my tongue.” 
“Well, obviously I was not thinking straight,” you mumble. Damn him for being right. 
Bakugou gives you a sly smile, “You know I am feeling a little sore.” 
Regret slams into you, “Damn it Bakugou, I was worried this would happen. Where are you hurting.”
His hips thrust upwards forcing his rock-hard cock against your ass. “Right there baby.”
You flick your finger against his forehead, “I was really worried you asshole.”  
“But it aches, won’t you make it feel better?” 
“You are lucky you are hot,” you whisper into his ear before carefully descending his body. You settle in between his legs, pulling down the blankets to free his cock. 
You have to stop and stare at it. Everything about your boyfriend had to be perfect. His cock was long and proud, resting on his stomach with a small tuft of blonde pubic hair at the base. His cock had one large vein running up the length of it, pulsing with each heartbeat. God, you wanted to trace that vein with your tongue. 
Reaching up you wrap your hand around the base of his cock. He was so warm on your hand, like your own personal space heater. You shuffle your body to get your mouth a little close to his cock and then before he could say anything bring the head of his cock into your mouth. 
His reaction was instant, his hands shot down to grab at the sheets beside your head. You could feel his hips flex under you as he fought the urge to thrust up into your mouth. 
Feeling emboldened by his reaction you relaxed the muscles in your jaw and took more of his length into your mouth. His salty flavor spilled across your tongue as he started to release pre-cum. Your poor baby had gone too long without any attention. 
Redoubling your effort you bring up your free hand and wet it with your spit. Reaching under your busy mouth you slide your finger down until you find Bakugou’s tight entrance. 
“Hey, what do you think you are doing?” Bakugou growls, grabbing your wrist. 
You let his cock fall out of your mouth and look up innocently, “I am making you feel good baby, just lay back and relax. I promise this will feel good.” 
He looked conflicted but slowly the iron-clad grip on your wrist loosened enough to set you free. Not waiting for him to change his mind you begin to circle his hole with your wet finger. Before you could even try to push your finger forward you needed him to relax. You return to teasing his aching cock with your mouth, sucking on his tip just the way he likes all the while circling your finger around his hole, waiting for him to relax enough for you to slip it in. 
As you take another inch of him into your mouth you could feel him relax enough to slip your finger slip past the tight ring of muscle. You could feel Bakugou tense so you did not move the finger forward, giving him time to adjust to the intrusion. 
With your tongue on his dick it was easy enough to distract him as you slowly inch your finger in. Once you went in far enough you twist your finger around, looking for a soft spongy spot inside him. A sharp thrust up into your mouth signaled you had found exactly what you were looking for. 
“What the fuck,” Bakugou groaned, his hands going to hide his face. You smirk, finally, you were the one driving him insane. 
You benign to move your hand and mouth on his cock in time with your finger in his ass. Small pathetic whines were leaving Bakugou’s mouth and you felt like a god. You were so engrossed in bringing him pleasure you had no time to think about anything else. 
You could hear his breathing begin to grow more labored and his cock grow even harder in your mouth. “Fuck, baby I am going to-” Was the only warning you had before his cum shot to the back of your throat. 
You swallow his release down, making sure to ease your hold on his cock, now only gently pumping your hand and finger to lengthen his orgasm. 
Slowly the pulsing of his cock stopped and you released him from your mouth, wiping the spit on your chin off with the back of your hand. You could not help but smile as you watched Bakugou slowly come back into the real world with a beautiful dazed look on his face. 
He slid his hand under your chin and lifted your head to meet his eyes, “Where the fuck did you learn that?” 
“Being away from you for this long made me desperate so I watched a couple of videos to make it easier.” 
“Right,” he said breathlessly, “You need to show me that shit later if it taught you that.”
You laugh, “Gladly. Now lay down you need your rest.” 
Bakugou tilts his head, “What the hell do you mean rest? I have not been away from you for too long, I can rest later. Now I am going to get my cock into that tight pussy.” 
“Bakugou you just finished.” 
“So,” he thrusts his hips up, rubbing his already erect cock against your ass. 
“How?” You ask in amazement. 
“I have been fantasizing about fucking you for months baby. Did you really think once would be enough to satisfy me?” 
Without waiting another minute his hands grab into your hips and lift you up. Lining your entrance up with the tip of his cock. In a flash you involuntarily tense your body, the memories of that night rushing back into your head. No, no, no, not now, not when you were so close to being one with Bakugou again. 
His bright red eyes meet yours as he feels you tense. Fuck, why did you always mess everything up, this was all your fault. Why could you not just be normal, that is what he deserved a nice normal happy girl. 
“Hey,” Bakugou whispered softly. “Talk to me, what is wrong.” 
You wanted to keep your lips shut, to pretend that everything was fine but that would be lying. You never wanted to lie to him. 
“I can’t stop thinking about Mimic. One minute I am fine and the next he is all I can see.” 
Bakugou’s eyebrows furrowed, “You were fine with what we did earlier? What triggered it?” 
You shake your head, “It is different every time. It is just hard for my mind to differentiate from my Bakugou and the one Mimic made.” 
“So call me Katsuki.” 
“If you are having a hard time with there being two Bakugou’s, then try calling me Katsuki. That way there is at least one easy way to tell me apart from him.” 
“You want me to call you by your first name?” 
His eyes softened, “Yeah baby, I want you to call me by my first name.” 
“Katsuki,” You test his name out, loving how it feels on your tongue. You watch his face to see his reaction and see lust fill his gaze. Oh he liked it.
You start to whisper his name over and over again, like a prayer to remind yourself you were no longer under Mimics thumb. You were with the man who would kill anything that tried to hurt you.
“If you keep saying my name like that baby I am going to fuck you,” Katsuki growled into your ear.
Oh would he now? You wiggle your hips, teasing the head of your cock with your dripping slit. Pulling him in close you whisper one little word, “Katsuki.”
“You asked for it,” He laughed, hauling your hips back up until they hovered over his cock.
The hands on your hips gripped down with bruising force and his cock slipped into your entrance. All the play from earlier had left you more than prepared enough to take his length. The familiar burn started as his cock sank deeper inside you, opening you wide for him.
“By the time I am finished with you, this tight cunt is going to be fucking dripping in my cum. I am going to fill you to the fucking brim.”
A low groan was your only response he bottomed out inside you, his cock leaving no space unfilled. You could damn near feel him in the back of your throat. Normally he would be the one to initiate thrusting but you were growing too impatient.
Bracing your hands on his chest, careful to avoid his bandages, you lift your hips up until only the tip of his cock was inside. Then you slam your hip down, marveling at the feel of him entering you again.
His cock was perfect for hitting all the sweet spots inside you. Not wanting to be left out Katsuki grab ahold of your ass and uses his own strength to strengthen each thrust.  
You look down to where you both were joined and almost came on the spot. The sight of his cock pistoning into you was mind-shattering. He looked like a god beneath you. His large muscles building with effort, the thick veins in his arms standing elevated.
“Look at me,” he ordered, his bright red eyes filled with determination. “Right now you are mine, that means the only thing you are allowed to think about is me. About how good my cock feels splitting you open. Is that clear?”
You weakly nod your head, too overwhelmed to speak. A soft smile spreads across his face, “That is my baby, so good for me.”
His praise felt like a caress on your skin. You needed to distract yourself or this would end too soon. You lean forward and press your lips onto his. His tongue glided along the seam of your lips, demanding entrance. You happily opened your mouth allowing his tongue to slip inside. The taste of his spit was mixed with your own flavor, and you still had some of his taste on your tongue. The combined flavor was so fucking lewd and hot.
The familiar tingled started to grow in your pussy, you were not going to last long. The muscles in your legs begin to tremble making your thrusts grow sloppy. Katsuki was not having it. His hips rose to meet yours, forcing your body to endure even more pleasure all the while he toyed with your mouth.
It all became too much, the different sensations all worked together to drive you up, higher and higher you were climbing until it was hard to even breathe. Then, just like that, all the pressure released sending you spiraling.
Your pussy clamped down on his cock, forcing Katsuki to erupt. The thought of him filling you only lengthened the brutal pleasure filling your mind. There was no room in your mind for anything but him. You had no care in the world but him just like he ordered. 
As the pulses of pleasure slowed you were able to finally catch your breath. You both laid still in each others arms for a few minutes, letting you come slowly back to earth. Of all the times the two of you fucked this definitely had to be in the top three. Though they did say that makeup sex was the best. 
“How are you feeling?” Katsuki asked, his voice rough. 
You rest your ear against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, “I feel good.” 
He places a soft kiss on your forehead, “Do you think you are ready for me to come home?” 
You take the time to think about it. Having him back in your life did not set off fear like it used to. Instead, it made you feel warm inside. You looked forward to going to bed with him instead of dreading it. 
“Yeah,” you smile. “Yeah, I am.” 
The arms around your waist tighten pulling you impossibly closer to his chest. You snuggle in closer, getting comfortable. Katsuki would never admit it but lying here with you in his arms safe and happy was one of the happiest moments in his life. 
Neither of you was healed from what had happened but you refused to push him away again. You will get past what happened and you will do it with him by your side. 
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keichan · 3 years
Firsts with Sakusa Kiyoomi
A collections of firsts with Sakusa Kiyoomi
I’ve had the idea of this story in my drafts forever now, but I sat down yesterday and finally brought it to life! I have never wrote for Sakusa before, but I hope that you guys enjoy my personification of him!
word count: 7.2k!
warnings: vomiting, nsfw content that will be italicized, swearing?
Please interact with this story! I’m restarting my blog back up and I lost a lot of moots! Send me asks and whatnot!
The first time you saw Sakusa Kiyoomi was when he silently strolled down the hallway in elementary school. He had a blank stare at all times. Never strayed too close to any of the other children. A gloomy looking child that you did not particularly want to approach. His hands remained glued to his side and looked to be sulking. He blended into the crowd but if you paid enough attention, he barely stood out. He crossed your mind for the slightest second before you were sucked back into conversation with your friends.
The first time you heard his voice was when he was talking to another boy in your grade level. Who you found out was his cousin. Their interaction was quiet and somewhat dull. His cousin, Motoya, asked if he wanted to go to an after school activity with him. Sakusa nodded briefly and said “sure”. His voice was quiet and bored. You wondered as you walked past the boys what they were talking about, however, you were quickly distracted yet again and proceeded to move forward without a second thought.
The first interaction between the two of you was your third year of middle school. Sakusa Kiyoomi was nothing but a background character in your life. You ever so often saw him since the two of you were in different classes. However, you shared a class with Motoya so it wasn’t too rare to see the boy. 
You walked out of class upon dismissal, but hung around campus with your friends, knowing that your parents were at work and it was redundant to return so early. It was an unanimous decision to go to the convenience store outside of campus to grab a quick bite with the chore money that took a few weeks to rack up.
Walking outside of the gym a volleyball rolled to your feet. You picked it up before looking to your right to see who it belonged to. Sakusa Kiyoomi walked calmly over to you with his  hands  at  his side.  There was no one else in the gym. He was playing by himself.
He came to a halt, looking at you expectedly. You fidgeted the ball in your palms before asking. “Are you practicing all alone?”  He nodded curtly with a deadpan expression that said give me the ball. 
“I see.” You tossed him the ball gently before following your friends that have already walked ahead. 
At the convenience store you grabbed things you thought Sakusa may have liked.
“Why are you grabbing so much? Also, I thought you didn’t like daifuku.” Aya commented as she browsed the shelf next to you. Your nose scrunched up. “I’m just craving it.” You shrugged her off. She didn’t reply as she grabbed a carton of apple juice. 
All of you checked out and parted ways in front of the store. It wasn’t long before you peeked your head into the gym to see Sakusa slamming  the ball against the wall continuously. He was roughly the same height as you, but each time he struck the ball, there was an undeniable force behind it. 
You took your shoes off, outside of the gym before clearing your throat nervously.
The boy caught the ball as it ricocheted off the wall. His black curls stuck messily to his forehead and he turned to you with a confused expression. Holding up the plastic bag with one hand,  you offered him a small smile. 
“Looked like you were working hard, so I brought this for you.” 
He blinked at you. Not a word. 
“I can just leave it somewhere if you’d like. I just have to-”
“I was actually getting kind of hungry.” He said quietly. He walked to the edge of the gym and sat down. You followed his lead quietly. Upon sitting down, you opened the bag,  preparing to dump  everything on the floor before he raised a hand to stop you. 
“The floor is rather dirty, I would prefer you not to do that.” He said plainly “Please.” he added. You nodded and opened the bag towards him so he could get his pick. Luckily for you he went straight for the daifuku. He meticulously unwrapped it and began to munch silently. You followed suit and you began to eat a custard-filled bread roll. 
“Sakusa, right?” You turned your head to the boy. “Kyosuke?” You faltered.
He shook his head. “Kiyoomi. And you?”
“L/N F/N.” You answered. He dipped his head in acknowledgement. 
“What high school are you going to try to go to?” 
“Really? I want to go there as well. Maybe we can study together for the entrance exams together.”
“I’m going to get in on a sports recommendation since I’m on the volleyball team here.” He said nonchalantly as he flattened the snack’s wrapper on his thigh. You nodded. His curtness didn’t particularly bother you. 
“Fair enough.” You brushed off your skirt and began to make an exit towards the gym. You began to slip your shoes on outside of the door before waving over to him. “Let me know if you change your mind about studying. I’m in the same class as your cousin. Keep the rest of the snacks. Work hard.”
Roughly two weeks later Sakusa Kiyoomi was waiting outside of class 3-B. Ignoring Motoya he approached you. “Let’s study for entrance exams.” Motoya looked at you oddly and tailed the two of you as Sakusa lead you to the library in silence.
You sat in front of the curly haired boy, pulling out your journals and folders excitedly sliding them towards Sakusa. Motoya sat beside him, earning a subtle glare from Kiyoomi.
“I looked at everything they’ve made available for students who are applying, organized it, and color coded it. I have a plan to get in. 
Sakusa carefully eyed over your notes as he skimmed the pages. Your handwriting was incredibly neat. Everything was so organized that even an idiot could get into Itachiyama. Not that he was thinking that you were stupid by any means.
That was the first time you saw Sakusa smile because of you.
It was now your first year at Itachiyama Academy. You walked through the gates of the school sandwiched between Sakusa and Motoya. Somehow the three of you managed to be in the same class.
As the semester progressed, you began to settle in a routine with the boys. You would sit at practices, reading books. After they finished, you would all study at someone’s house and part ways. 
It was dipping into the summer. Tokyo subtly rose in temperature as the rainy season commenced. 
Sakusa stood outside of your home with an umbrella since he was fully aware that you refused to bring one to school any time that it rained. He looked down to his cellphone. You were always punctual so it didn’t make sense to him that you weren’t outside yet. He knocked on the front door to your family home. No answer.
He used the spare key under the plant to go inside. He propped the umbrella against the door and took his shoes off before making his way upstairs. You weren’t in your bed but he could hear someone gagging in the bathroom.
His face contorted into disgust at the thought, but proceeded towards the room. He opened the bathroom door to see you hunched over the toilet. Your hair pooled over your shoulders going forward as you choked on your own vomit. Sobs quietly echoed the room. 
He cautiously moved forward and gathered your hair in his hand. He turned his head away from your body to cover his distaste for the situation that he found himself in.  You jumped startled in place before you started vomiting again. 
“Sorry, I didn’t text you. I’ve been here for hours.” Your voice was incredibly weak.
“I wish you took care of yourself. Then things like this wouldn’t happen. Where are your parents?”
“I don’t know.” Your voice croaked. Sakusa flinched at that. He knew the feeling all too well.
“You know if you used an umbrella in the rain you wouldn’t get sick. Plus you’ve been pulling all nighters with school for no reason. Stop overexerting yourself.”
“Shut up.” You groaned. “Go to school. I’ll take care of myself.”
He rolled his eyes. He grabbed a hair tie from under your sink and tied your hair back to the best of his ability before leaving the room. Going downstairs he began to make hot green tea with honey, a glass of water, and cut up an apple, your favorite fruit, and grabbed a mask out of his backpack and put it on before returning to the bathroom. You were leaning against the wall, your features were flushed as beads of sweat developed along your forehead.
Sakusa sighed as he squatted in front of you. 
“Drink this. Rehydrate. Put some food in your stomach.” 
“Go to school Sakusa.” You muttered as you placed the cup to your lips gently.
Sakusa began washing his hands into the sink, ignoring you.
“You ought to go lie down so your body can repair itself.” He turned around before gathering the cups and the bowl of fruit from you. He placed it on your bedside table before he felt a weight collide with his back. He turned suddenly to catch your body.
“Sorry, I must be really weak right now.” A laugh barely escaped your lips. You were face to face with him as he supported you up. All he did was nod before he gently lowered you onto the bed, placing you under the sheets.
He walked over to the bathroom and found a small towel. A sigh of exasperation escaped his lips. He already had known that you were overdoing it academically, but now it finally showed physically. He didn’t understand you sometimes.
He returned to your room once more to see that you were out cold. He used the cloth to gently dab the sweat off of your face before folding it inside out and resting it on your forehead entirely. Sakusa supposed that it would be alright to skip school that day to help his friend out.
“Thanks, Kiyoomi.” The words poured quietly from your lips. His head jerked up suddenly
That was the first time you didn’t call him by his surname.
“Okay hear me out. Yes, you’re insanely talented at volleyball. No, I am not telling you how to play, BUT I think that if you approach the AB attack that you guys have been working on this way, I think that you can achieve it somewhat better.” You shoved your diagram that you drew out to Kiyoomi. His eyes scanned over everything. You flipped the page in front of him. 
“This is the way that you’ve been doing it, but I think that with your spiking range, you wouldn’t have to exert yourself and overextend yourself from this side of the court.”
Sakusa laughed pulling your notebook closer to himself. 
“This is actually genius. How did you know I couldn’t get it?”
“You’ve been spending more time practicing solo than normal so I just paid a little more attention when I’ve been able to come in and watch.”
“I really appreciate this! Do you mind?” You shook your head. “It’s all yours. I have some other ideas in there as well since nationals are coming up.”
He giddily slid it into his backpack before checking his phone. 
“Shit. I didn’t realize how late it was. The subways are probably packed by now.” He groaned.
You slung your bag over your shoulder. The crowds outside were moving meticulously outside. A sigh escaped your lips. You turned to Sakusa as he hooked a mask over each ear with a gloomy expression.
The two of you walked out of the cafe and headed towards the JR line. The crowd was astonishingly hard to walk through. Well, it was easy for Saksua since he could see over the sea of people. You reached out for his sleeve and managed to grab his hand. He looked back and gave you a weary acknowledgement and continued to tread forward. You barely managed to get into the train car with him. Your fingers tangled with his as you were shoved into his side. You looked up to see his eyebrows furrowed and expression darkened.. This definitely isn’t the first time that Saksusa had been unfortunate enough to get on the trains with rush hour. 
“You good, Kiyoomi?” You tugged on his arm gently as you whispered. He nodded looking down at you. A man beside you accidentally shoved you forward. Sakusa quickly laced his fingers in yours before he anchored you back to his side. You squeeze his hand gently as a quiet thanks.
In roughly ten minutes the doors opened to your stop. Sakusa led the way, weaseling the two of you outside of the train station. He let out a sigh of relief as he climbed the stairs onto the open street.
“Much better.” he mumbled. You absentmindedly followed him to his house as he continued to hold your hand.
“Kiyoomi, you know you can go ahead and let go now.” He froze in his tracks and looked down to your hands and returned his gaze to your face.
“Apologies.” He said before he let go. His hand returned to his side.
“I think I’m going to call it a night here. I’m going to Motoya’s to study the notes. I’ll text you if I have any questions.” He raised a hand to bid farewell and walked to the direction of his home. 
Your eyes traveled down to the palm of your hand. You studied it. Each finger as you rotated it. With a subtle shrug, you turned to the opposite direction and made your way home.
That was the first time you held hands with Sakusa Kiyoomi.
“What do you mean I can’t braid your hair for a game? It’s getting longer and it would look adorable. Right, Motoya?” You twirled one of Sakusa’s curls gently in your finger. Motoya glanced up from his phone laughing. 
“I don’t see why not.”
“ Don’t support her. You’re going to make her think that she’s unstoppable.” Sakusa groaned and thudded his head against the table. 
“Can I do it for fun though?” You whined as your ran your hands through his hair.
He sunk in his chair in defeat. “Fine.”
You excitedly stood up and got to work. 
After a few minutes you were finished. His hair was barely short enough for it to stick into a little poof in the back. You quickly took out your phone and snapped a quick selfie with your back camera. You laughed at the photo as Sakusa grabbed at it.
“I didn’t know that you were going to take a picture of me, you ass! Delete it!” 
“Nah, this is too good! Kiyoomi I really think you should do this for a game! You look precious!”  
You quickly ran over to the couch next to Motoya, showing him the off guard picture you got of the two of them. The two of you were in hysterics. Sakusa ran over to the couch to join the two of you. Placing an arm around your shoulder he broke into laughter as well.
Lose hair flowed on the sides of his face. His eyes squinted shut as his laughs filled the room.
“You ought to delete that picture though, seriously.”
You shook your head at him. 
“This is too good. I might just send it to your whole team.”
“Don’t even think about it.”
After some time, the three of you settled down and watched a movie. You rested your head on his shoulder. His arm never left your side. The three of you passed out cold. 
Motoya’s mother laughed at the view she had of the three of you as she took her shoes out of the door. Her own son was sprawled out on the end of the couch, snoring the night away. Kiyoomi’s head rested on the couch. Tufts of hair were popping out of the braid. His arms loosely wrapped around you. Your head rested against his chest and your arms rested around his stomach.
She laughed quietly to herself, leaving the kids to sleep.
This was the first time that you fell asleep on Sakusa Kiyoomi.
“What do you mean that you didn’t have a good time at the camp? It’s literally for the Olympics!” You had your hands on your hips as you stared at Saksua. He sulked in your kitchen chair. He came over as soon as he had gotten back from camp.
“I do not understand how Shiratorizawa lost. Kageyama Tobio wasn’t necessarily an extraordinary feat to watch-”
“You do understand that there’s a reason why he got invited there as well, right?”
“I’m trying to be realistic here.”
“Well since both schools are going to nationals, maybe you can play them in the bracket. You’re the number two ace in the country because you worked hard Kiyoomi. I don’t care if some brat from Miyagi rubbed you the wrong way. You need to get over it and do your best. You and Motoya leave in two weeks.”
The two of you had spent the last hour bickering of his experience. Sakusa had a negative thing to say about almost every player that was there.
“If I want to analyze my potential opponent then I think you should allow me to. You’re not playing on the court whatsoever so I think you should keep your opinions to yourself about this situation.”
“Kiyomi, I’m literally the one who has helped you get to where you are now. I’ve spent hours of my own freetime, even getting physically ill coming up with ways to help you and Motoya improve your skills to be better players-”
“But nobody asked you to do that.” He glared at you. You falter at what to say next.
“I did it because you two are my friends. And I want you to succeed.” Each word articulated from your mouth excruciatingly slow. As if you were questioning yourself.
“You have a lot to say for someone who has never played the game before.” Sakusa snapped at you.
“Get out.” 
“Get out of my house. You do not talk to me like that here.” You made your way to the front door, holding it open.
“Out Kiyoomi.”
“I think we’re having a little miscommunication.” He rose from his chair. He hands beared out to you as he stepped towards you cautiously.
“No. Grab your bag. Put your shoes on and leave. I understood with clarity everything you just said to me. Now I’m asking you to leave. You said everything you wanted to.”
Sakusa’s head did not hang low as your gaze pierced through him. He slung his back over his shoulder and walked towards you. His height towered over you before he bent down, slipping his shoes over his heels.
He walked out without another word. 
That was the first fight you had with Sakusa Kiyoomi.
In the next two weeks you didn’t walk to school with the boys, you did not study with them, you did not watch practice, you didn’t use breaks at school to visit their classrooms. Anytime Motoya had reached out, you politely avoided him. If Sakusa did it was like he wasn’t even there.
Nationals were now upon the boy’s volleyball team. You followed the group solemnly to the bus.  You had signed up as an official volunteer and there wasn’t any way to necessarily get out of it since you had already been excused from the school days.
You sat alone on the bus. Far away from your two friends. The ride was short. Upon arrival, you carried the medical bag to the team’s designated area for the day.
It was a clash of teams mingling at the entrance of the arena. Not one member of the team had made it to the area yet. You turned to see Sakusa’s standing in the corner of the room. His forehead creased and his chin tucked towards his chest. There were too many people for him. Motoya was mingling with random  teams. You let out a small sigh and made your way to the designated area. 
A hand gently rested on your shoulder.
“Can we talk?” Kiyoomi asked. He towered over you in height. You couldn’t see his face due to the mask, but he radiated stress. You nodded and sat next to him in the hallway.
The apology was quick, sweet, and straight to the point. You graciously accepted and it wasn’t any worry at all. 
You could never truly be mad at him.
You continued to help the boy’s volleyball team until they lost the tournament.
You waited on the side of the court for the boys to come off. However, Sakusa was approached by fans and reporters. 
You stood patiently on the other side of the toom. The opposing team’s captain approached you. He shyly flirted with you. Sakusa watched from afar as he continued to chat with the reporter. 
This was the first time Sakusa Kiyoomi felt jealousy.
You, Kiyoomi, and Motoya stood side by side posing for pictures for your families. High school diplomas proudly in hand.
Kiyoomi graciously slipped away from everyone for a brief moment. His parents were fawning over the fact that he got accepted into college on a sports scholarship. Same with Motoya. Your parents were openly wondering what college you would choose to go to. You got accepted to five different ones, one of them the same as Kiyoomi.
You and Motoya bid your parents a farewell and began to leave the school together for one last time. Kiyoomi stood at the gates waiting patiently for the two of you. His blazer now slung over one shoulder, he used his other arm to gently rest around your shoulder.
“I’ll see you at the dinner, Motoya. I’m going to walk Y/N home.” 
Motoya dipped his head in acknowledgement before parting ways.
You and Kiyoomi laughed and reminisced over the last three years. The late nights studying. Hanging around each other's houses. Him keeping you company as you read your books at cafes. The cat you two found outside of the school your first year. The god awful game of telephone pictionary that almost got the three of you suspended your second year of school. The failed attempts of learning how to play volleyball in third year. It seemed that all of the memories so precious to your heart were coming to a cease.
Your laughs faltered as you approached the gate of your home. 
“I don’t know what I’m going to do when you leave for Osaka.” You laughed nervously as his arm slid off of your shoulder. He unconsciously moved a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Easy. Just go to the same school as me. It’s not that difficult of a decision.”
You laughed. “You know I haven’t even begun to choose the college I want to go to yet. I haven’t weighed the pros and cons of each school. Plus you got a full ride.” You sighed.
“Well a pro is that I’m there. I think that’s enough.” He tilted his head at you.
You let out a short laugh before turning your head away from him. “If only it was that simple.” You wondered aloud.
“I have to see how good the program is for what I want to do. I know that they’re the top in the country for it but will it really benefit me? What if financial aid doesn't end up coming through and I have student loans out the ass? What if housing is full? If I don’t have anywhere to live?” 
Your thoughts were cut off by Kiyoomi stifling a laugh. He used a single hand to cover his mouth as he looked down at you. You shoved his chest playfully. 
“What’s so funny?”
“You worry too much for someone who’s so smart.”
You rolled your eyes at him. He ran his hand through his hair before he rested it on his neck, his gaze never leaving yours. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you how pretty I think you are.” He reached over and cupped your face. His long slender fingers gently tucked the rest of your hair behind your ear. He felt your skin heat up below his hand and laughed.
“Are you trying to be funny because you’re really bad at it.”
Before you could even react, Kiyoomi quickly closed the gap between the two of you. His lips were soft as he gently pressed his lips against yours. Your hands rose up quickly against his sides. Slightly panicking. He tilted your chin up slightly and you finally kissed him back. 
You felt him smile against your lips as he pulled you closer.
He pulled away. Grinning like an idiot.
“I think you should go to that school in Osaka with me. I’m going to have an apartment and everything.”
You placed your arms around his shoulders and his slinked down to your waist.
“We’ll see.”
Kiyoomi’s body sunk into itself.
“I’ve been waiting to do that for quite some time now and that’s all you say? ‘We’ll see?’ It’s really not enough.” 
“I mean who said I haven’t been waiting to kiss you too?” 
He raised an eyebrow at you as you leaned up to place a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“For how long?”
“After nationals in our second year when I saw a horde of fan girls for one of the best aces in Japan.” You reached up and pinched his cheek. “I thought to myself that I wasn’t jealous or anything, but I think I’ve thought about you romantically for a while now.” He narrowed his eyes at you before shaking his head for you to let go of his face.
“But you’re right. You’ve never told me I was pretty before, Kiyoomi.” You used your hands to bring his face down to yours. 
That was the first time you and Sakusa Kiyoomi had ever kissed.
Sakusa Kiyoomi was disappointed to say the least that you did not follow him to college in Osaka. 
Or so he thought. 
Two weeks after his move there was a knock on his apartment door at 7am in the morning. Kiyoomi was a morning person, but he had no clue who it could possibly be. He pulled a sweatshirt over his body and pulled on sweatpants over his boxers.
There you stood with a suitcase in each hand.
“I chose Osaka because I don’t think I can handle being away from you for four years.”
Kiyoomi enveloped you in a hug, making you drop your luggage. He pressed your body against his chest and buried his head into the crook of your neck. He peppered kisses on your  cheekbone until you turned to face him. He held your hands and kissed you sweetly before pulling you inside. 
“Kiyo, you need to grab my bags.” You mumbled into his mouth. He gently put you down. Grabbed your bags and placed them inside and turned to face you. You looked at him expectantly with your arms open towards him. Without missing a beat he picked you up and spun you around.
“Are you sure you want to go to school out here?” He pressed a kiss to your temple. You nodded against his chest.
“One exception though.” You pulled away from him.
“Will you be my boyfriend, Sakusa Kiyoomi?”
This was the first day you spent as an official couple.
The semester was beginning to take a toll on the both of you. Fortunately enough, the both of you managed to be taking the same courses for your basics and had a basic study regiment in the evenings. Kiyoomi’s volleyball practice ran from ungodly hours of the morning and the fatigue was catching up to him as finals week set upon the two of you.
You returned from the library and walked into the bedroom to see Kiyoomi sound asleep, laying on his side snuggling a pillow. Quiet snores spread through the room as his mouth was slightly agape.
You quickly showered and changed into a shirt of his before snuggling into bed beside him. You ran your fingers through his hair causing him to lean into your touch.
“Y/N” He groaned into the pillow.
“C’mere.” He lifted up his arm as an invitation. You quickly obliged as his arm encased you into his chest.
“How was studying? Sorry I left so early.” He yawned.
 Your arm wrapped around his side as your fingernails began to graze his bare back.
“It’s fine, Kiyo. I know how tired you’ve been lately. Being a student athlete is tough enough as it is.” 
“I don’t want you to be stressed out because of my incapabilities.”
“You’re only human. And I’m stressed out because college is tough, not because you’re incapable of things.”
“I know.”
“Your voice is cute when you’re tired.”
“No, it isn’t.”
“I beg your pardon?.”
“Have I ever told you that you’re super handsome when you’re dead quiet. I know I can’t see you right now, but the whole brooding thing  you usually have going on is usually pretty nice in my opinion.”
“Shut up.”
“Okay, Kiyo.”
“Y/N  I’ll literally make you do all of the cleaning next week.”
“But Kiyo-”
“Shut up.”
“Anyways. I’ve missed you.”
“We live together. And study together. And go to school together.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Remember that one time that you fell down the stairs in our second year? In front of the entire class?”
“I hate you.”
“I love you.”
You sat up abruptly staring down at your boyfriend. He sat up, propping his hands on either side of his body. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes.
“I love you, Kiyoomi.”
A lazy smile graced the black-haired man’s features.
“I mean it!”
“I know you do. That’s why I’m smiling.”
“I really mean it, Kiyoomi. You’ve been my best friend since middle school. We spent every waking moment together. I got to grow with you as friends. I had the opportunity to watch you bloom into your passion by bringing you daifuku one day because I saw a quiet boy practicing all by himself. I’m so lucky for that moment of time. Even though we’re busy now, we get to hold each other at night and see each other’s achievements during the day. I think it’s so amazing that we have each other.  I just want to cherish you.”
“I love you too.” He clasped his hand over yours.
“And I mean it too.”
That was the first time you and Sakusa exchanged ‘I love yous’.
The semester had come to an end. Kiyoomi rested his head on your lap as you watched TV and he watched volleyball highlights on his phone. You played with his curls absentmindedly.
“I can’t believe that Kageyama Tobio is playing on the Olympic team this year.”
“The kid who beat Wakatoshi our second year.”
“Oh that one.”
“I want to play in the Olympics.”
“I know Kiyo you just need to keep doing what you're doing and you’ll be on that stage in 2020.”
You pulled out your cell phone and took a picture of the two of you. Managing to get his glare and everything. You shoved the photo you just took in his face. 
“Look! Do you know who that is?”
“Me. Sakusa Kiyoomi.”
“Correct!” You exclaimed. “He’s also my boyfriend and a future Olympian! A future representative of Japan’s men's volleyball team!”
Kiyoomi laughed. He locked his phone and just kept on laughing.
“You’re so precious.” He managed between laughs. He pulled his head from your lap and squeezed your cheeks with both of his hands.
“My girlfriend believes in me!” He sang song.
You placed your hands over his and pulled him forward into a quick kiss.
“Am I not supposed to?”
“I never said that.”
“You’re kind of suggesting it. Do you not like me anymore?”
He leaned forward, putting his lips on yours once more.
“You know I don’t like you, I love you.”
Butterflies rose in your chest at his words. You gave him the dopiest grin before you leaned into  him once more. Your body leaned into his. Kiyoomi’s hands rose under your shirt as he pulled you on top of his lap. Your legs fell on either side of him as your fingers ran through his hair. As your hands reached the back of his head you fisted his curls, earning a quiet groan from the man underneath you. His hands pressed roughly into the skin of your hips. The surprise let Kiyoomi slip his tongue into your mouth.
He began to place open mouth kisses down your neck as his hands traveled up to your breasts. You quickly slid your shirt off over your head to give him more access. His kisses continued across your collarbone and down to your breast. 
“Kiyo-” Your breath hitched in your throat as he swirled his tongue.
“Hmm?” He mumbled into your chest. 
“Let’s go to the bedroom.” You said firmly, as you slid your hands to his shoulders to get him to look at you.
His dark eyes sparkled at you and nodded. 
You got off of his lap and made your way to your room. Dropping your shorts to the ground, you kicked them to the corner of the room. Before you could even reach the bed, you were enveloped in a hug from behind. Kiyoomi’s bare chest warmed your back as he began to kiss your neck, your shoulders. A hand firmly on your hip and a hang squeezing your breast. His hands traveled your body hungrily. You turned to meet his face. Caressing it with the back of your hand you placed a gentle kiss on his nose, making him smile at you.
Your hands draped over his boxers as you generously worked them down his legs. Placing, small, eager kisses on his lips.
“I don’t think we have condoms-”
“Yes we do. They’re in my nightstand, I bought them just in case we ever-”
You lured Kiyoomi over to the bed as you stroked him. He opened the bedside table and carefully tore the wrapper before rolling the condom on. He hovered over you as he lowered you onto the bed, his lips not leaving yours once. His fingers caressed you, slipping in and out slowly, you moaned into his mouth, making him speed up ever so slightly as he kissed all over your body. He wanted to show you physically how much he loves you.
He positioned himself between your legs before slipping himself in. The two of you gasped at the newfound sensation. He moaned into your neck as your hands failed to grab at his back. He kissed your cheek and smiled at you. He began to roll his hips into you repeatedly. He was weary of his actions as his hands roamed your entire body. He didn’t want to go too slow or two fast. He never asked, he just studied your reactions as he pressed deeper into you. He began to hold a steady rhythm as moans began to spill from your mouth. Each sound encouraging him to unconsciously move faster. 
“Kiyoomi.” Your nails sunk into his back, your lips struggled to find his. He moaned your name into your neck. He was reaching his climax as he shuddered inside of you. He kissed your forehead gently. 
“I love you. Forever. I cannot imagine anyone else I’d share this life with.”
You stared at your boyfriend. He was studying your face with great intent as if to check if he made a dent. His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat. You pushed it back making his curls bounce as they flopped back down. His body rose and fell steadily as he caught his breath over you. He gave you a small smile as he flattened your hair on your head, he gently pulled out of you before sitting on his knees and sliding the condom off of himself.
“Give me a second please.”
He walked to the bathroom and disposed of it and began to pick up the clothes from earlier and put them in the hamper. He returned to your side. He propped up his head on his hand as ran his fingers through your hair.
“I’m so lucky. Everyday.”
You smiled as he placed yet another tender kiss on your lips.
The night ended with Sakusa curled on your bare chest, fast asleep while you held him dearly through the night.
That was you and Sakusa Kiyoomi’s first time.
Today was Kiyoomi’s first V-League game. 
You were never typically awake at the same times that he was. Ever. 
You sleepily followed him around the apartment. He brushed his teeth first. You stifled a laugh as he began the skin care routine you taught him in high school. He ignored you, but followed suit. Next he fixed his bed head. Well you did. You sat on the counter with him between your legs as you gently raked product through his hair. 
“Omi Omi.” You sang as he relaxed into your hands. 
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why? I think Miya was onto something when he started calling you that.” 
“No he wasn’t. He tainted the second half of my name when he started that shit.”
“Don’t be that way, Omi Omi!” 
“Shut up!” He yawned. 
“Or what, Omi?” You hopped off the sink and walked away from him.
“You’re gonna do what you did to me, last night? Right now?”
A sly grin rested on his lips before he pushed you to the bed. 
“Good thing we woke up early.”
You stayed arm and arm with Kiyoomi at the bar where his teammates won. The Black Jackals won their very first game. 
You glanced up at your mask-clad boyfriend as he glared at his teammates. 
“Omi Omi! I didn’t know you were bringing your girlfriend!”
“Hi! You must be Atsumu!” You extended your hand to shake his, but Sakusa cut in front of you. 
“Don’t touch him.” He rolled his eyes. 
“It’s called being courteous, Kiyo. You ought to try it!” You shoved his chest. 
“I can’t believe Omi Omi has a heart. He actually talks about us at home.” Bokuto bunched up his shirt on his chest, his eyes watering. 
“You’re telling me.” Atsumu huffed. 
“To be clear, the only person I respect on this team is Meian and I think it’s all valid.” Sakusa glared at the two men. His gaze lost it’s focus once he heard your laugh and reeled back into the conversation that you were having with Hinata. 
His teammates smiled as they were watching a never before seen Sakusa Kiyoomi. 
As the night progressed more and more drinks were spread amongst the team. 
You and Kiyoomi balanced the drinks the best you could, but after all, it was your first time drinking. Ever. 
Both of you, equally wasted, exited the bar and ordered a ride home. Laughing up the stairs the two of you tumbled into your bedroom. Kissing and everything in between. 
Sakusa Kiyoomi looked at you like you were the light of his life and he made sure you knew it. 
You studied his features as he drunkenly told you stories of when he was little. His dark brown eyes squinted at you as little laughs escaped his mouth. Anytime he smiled one corner of his mouth rose higher than the other. Anytime Kiyoomi reached for your hand, he always managed to be the most gentle with his spindly fingers. His kisses were so soft. Even now as he continuously reaches down to kiss you. Even though your own lips are numb from the alcohol rushing in your veins. 
This is true love. 
“I told you that you’d be in the Olympics.” 
You wrapped your arms around him as you stood behind the couch, smothering his cheek with kisses. 
“I know! I’m glad everything paid off!” 
“Me too. Me too.
“I think this is the first time I’ve ever dated an Olympian.” You stared at the phone in Kiyoomi’s hand. The congratulatory email. 
“Oh yeah?”
“What do you think about marrying an Olympian? Pretty practical, right?”
You grinned from ear to ear. 
“I think that’s the best idea you’ve had in a while.”
“I’d like you to know I’m full of great ideas. I mean we’ve been together for six years. And it’s because I kissed you since you wouldn’t kiss me. I think that it’s a fair assumption that I’m the brains of this relationship. I also made the idea for us moving into this city home. I also made the executive decision for us to buy a cat.”
“Kiyo. That’s not how that went. You know damn well I brought the cat home when you were done with practice and you hit me with the whole ‘I guess we can do it if we clean the litter box everyday’. I think you’re remembering things incorrectly. Per usual.”
“Dunno, but it took my decision making to allow her to stay in this home.”
“Uh huh. Now that I think about it, it would be my first time marrying an Olympian.”
“Well duh. I mean look at me.”
“ I was talking about Miya, you dolt.”
He let out a hearty laugh. “I guess you can take the role of the funny one.”
The first time Sakusa became a parent. He had almost passed out in the delivery room. He’ll never acknowledge it to you, however when friends asked he claimed that childbirth was ultimately disgusting. 
His eyes shone the moment your son entered the world. 
He held him delicately as if he could break. He was laughing as he gently brought him down to you. 
You stared down at the baby you and your husband had brought into the world and you couldn’t help but think of the first time you saw Sakusa Kiyoomi and the blessings the boy brought into your life.
(A/N) the smut scene wasnt supposed to be good!!!!!!!!! It was their first time so it wasn’t supposed to be some god tier orgasming experience. It was supposed to be plain and about their connection!
thanks for reading (:
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
SKZ Reaction | They Want Sex In Same Room As Members [M] [Request]
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[SKZ X Fem!Reader]
This evening had started out so wholesome, you were just watching movies with all of the boys since you and Chan hadn't seen one another in a while and now Chan's hand was running up and down your thigh to try and distract you from the movie. He wanted something else and you knew what he wanted but he wasn't going to get it, not in a room full of his best friends,
"Let's go to my room," He whispered in your ear as his fingers played with the outline of your underwear, your breath hitched in your throat as he touched you.
"We can say you're tired." He mumbled, biting down on your ear lobe because he knew it was one of the many ways you would give into him faster. He'd missed you over the last week and he was desperate for your attention, you sitting on his lap in nothing but one of his jumpers and some shorts wasn't helping him.
"Babe I wanna watch the movie," You whispered back to him trying to get off his lap but his grip on you tightened and he cleared his throat,
"Felix, can you pass me a blanket?" A blanket was tossed in your direction and for a second you thought it was over, that he'd stop touching you but the new privacy the blanket had given him only fueled his fire. Your eyes locked with his as you felt his hands wander into your shorts and down to your clit where you'd needed him all day,
"Someone needs me too," He whispered smirking at you as you opened your mouth trying not to let out a moan, he winked at you as he slowly began to sink one finger into your aching core you hated him so much for doing this in front of all of them but you didn't want him to stop. He kept his finger buried inside of you not moving it until you gave him the all-clear so you just nodded at him desperately.
"Good girl," Those worlds had you melting for him as he slowly began to pump his fingers in and out of you while he watched the movie as if the rest of the guys weren't there and this was just a normal occurrence. Another finger slipped into you right as a jump happened on the movie, you hid in his neck to act as though you were scared but you were just trying to muffle the moans slipping from you.
"Y/n's scared, look at her curled up in Chan's arms." Jeongin laughed turning back to the movie when the music became ominous again, your hand gripped onto Chan's wrist as you felt yourself getting closer to your release, he frowned at you.
"Tired, sleep." He knew you didn't want to sleep but he nodded,
 "You guys finish the movie, Y/n's tired." He picked you up from the sofa and hurried you over to his bedroom where you then pushed him down onto the bed begging him to finish what he started in the living room.
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[No one touch me i’m not okay from this gif]
The dance practise you were doing had been going on for what felt like hours, Minho was sitting on the sofa watching you with his coat laid over his lap to hide his boner. He'd been watching you for the last hour with Hyunjin, Jisung and Seungmin trying to go over some more dances before the shows would start this week.
"You guys got it? Show me," You walked over to Minho who pulled you to sit right next to him, you continued watching the boys in front of you while they did their dances but Minho wasn't watching them anymore. His hand was on your lower back drawing circles into your skin as he began to whisper into your ear what he was planning on doing with you when you got home or when the boys left, you smirked at him.
"Boys do you want to come to dinner with me and Minho, we're going to that new place down the road from my apartment." Minho's grip on you tightened and you gasped feeling him pull you closer to his body, the boys were so lost they'd barely even noticed what was happening.
"Do you think that them being at the dinner table will stop me?" You knew it wouldn't, nothing stopped Minho when he was in the mood and you knew that,
"No, I'm going to have an early night, and Seungmin's helping Jeongin with a test." Hyunjin answered going back to the computer and restarting the song for them again, Minho took your hand and placed it under his coat,
"Do you feel that? That's all you'll be getting fed tonight, do I make myself clear?" You nodded at him and licked your lips now desperate to get back to your apartment with Minho but you still had half an hour left with the boys.
"Shall we call it a night?" You yelled standing up from the small sofa and looking at the boys who seemed confused by your sudden urge to get home,
"I'm feeling sick," You lied looking at Minho who got home and started to play the role of the kind and caring boyfriend who was going to take you home. Leaving the studio first you made sure the boys weren't following you when you pushed Minho into one of the supply closets and started making out with him roughly inside,
"I can't make it back to the apartment." You whimpered kissing him as he smirked at you,
"Oh baby if you think I'm going to fuck you in a supply closet you're sorely mistaken, you're going to get edged at home until I say, then and only then you'll get to cum." He smirked as he walked out of the closet leaving you to try and catch your breath as he grabbed his car keys from the bottom of his bag, he had you running after him to hurry him towards his car desperate to get tonight on the road.
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Chan just had to come home early tonight for the first time in months, didn't he? Changbin held you close to him so you could feel what was wrong with him, he'd been acting needy all day but you'd never been alone long enough to do anything about it. Then when you went to bed together you thought you were finally going to get some alone time but Chan came strolling into the room right as you were about to make out,
"Don't even think about it," You mumbled when you could feel Changbin's lips on the bottom of your neck but he couldn't help it, he'd needed you all day and by now Chan was passed out asleep.
"He's asleep," He grumbled coming up behind you and kissing you, you could feel him on your ass which made you whimper feeling how hard he was, he was practically pulsating at the touch of your ass.
"Changbin-" You gasped as he took your hand and ran it down the front of his boxers just rubbing himself with your hand and he let out a choked groan as he finally felt something he'd needed for a while.
"S-Shit," You covered his mouth with your free hand as you took over from him, starting to pump him slowly while squeezing your hand around his length just slightly, smirking as he let out small moans into your other hand.
"Is baby needy?" You whispered in his ear, kissing him softly as you began to make your way down his body, pulling down his shorts and smirking as his length hit his stomach making a small smacking sound.
"B-Baby no- Ugh fuck," He rolled his head back as soon as his dick touched the back of your throat, you wasted no time in teasing him more than he'd already been teased enough today so you began to bob your head around him, swirling your tongue around him while your other hand massaged his balls. He was whimpering and moaning into a pillow he was holding over his face so he didn't wake up Chan, lord knows that boy didn't sleep enough as it was he didn't need this image in his head.
"G-Gonna-" When you didn't stop Changbin began bucking his hips up into your mouth, grunting as he hit the back of your throat, you felt him twitch inside your mouth before hot streams of liquid hit the back of your throat, you waited until he was done before you swallowed all of him and cleaned him up using your tongue,
"Now can we sleep?" You whispered to him, wiping the corners of your lips with your fingers and licking them clean, he nodded blissfully and smirked as you laid down beside him.
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Hyunjin smirked to himself as he ran his hand up your thigh under the table, you'd all gone out to dinner to celebrate Chan and Minho's birthday but you were too focused on the fact that your boyfriend's fingers were dangerously close to your core.
"Not here," You managed to stutter out to him as you watched him looking at Seungmin from across the table, Hyunjin was good at acting like nothing was happening when in fact it was. He did this before, made you cum right in front of the other boys by making you ride him on the tour bus.
"You alright Y/n? You look worried about something," Chan mentioned your name and now all eyes were on you as you stared at the wine glass in front of you as you nodded at him.
"Fine." You squeaked out, staring at Hyunjin who retreated his fingers and carefully brought them up to his mouth where he then sucked them clean as if he didn't care that the other boys were right there in front of you.
"Two can play at that game," You whispered running your hand over his trousers to feel him already hard, you smiled at Seungmin as you began talking about the recent cover he'd been working on for STAY but Hyunjin bucked into your hand, as soon as you felt him start to undo his jeans you moved your hand away and began talking to Jisung about something, ''accidentally'' spilling your drink down yourself so that you and Hyunjin could get out of the dinner quicker than the rest of then, the dorms were empty meaning you could be as loud as you wanted without holding back if he took you home right now.
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Your head was laying on the desk while Jisung continued to work with Chan and Changbin in the room, he'd called you in here an hour ago with the promise of being together for the first time in days and now you were stuck with 3racha in the room.
"I wanna go," You whimpered running your hands up and down his thigh as he tried to concentrate on the song he'd been working on for what felt like forever now.
"Soon," He whispered when he felt your hand grace over his crotch, you smirked you knew he was just as needy as you were right now.
"You sure it's not now?" He bit down on his knuckle as you slipped your hand into his sweatpants, rubbing him through his boxers while the others were too busy to notice.
"Stop it," He warned you but you weren't going to stop not when you knew he was just as needy as you. Your hands slipped into his boxers and you took him into your hand massaging him slowly just to annoy him since he hated when things were too slow with sex,
"You called me for a reason," You whispered slowly starting to squeeze him just enough so he would groan about how tight it was,
"B-But I didn't-" He groaned into his hands as you began to rub faster, your arm starting to pull attention from the guys,
"Lunch?" You questioned pulling your hand out of his trousers and turning to look at the boys,
"Sure," You smiled handed Chan your card telling him and Changbin to get you whatever they were and they left the room, as soon as that door shut you were pinned down to the desk with your ass up as Jisung growled about how unfair it was to tease him like that.
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Felix was under the desk in front of you when Chan walked back into the room, you thought you were alone which was why your legs were spread and your wet cunt was on display for Felix.
"C-Chan? I thought you were going to the dorms." You whimpered as you felt Felix smirking against your thigh as he kissed it. He'd wanted you all day and now he had you all to himself,
"I needed to get something finished," He was on his laptop on the sofa behind you as he worked but Felix was right in front of you, if Chan looked up he would see you being eaten out by Felix right in front of him.
"Oh god," You mumbled into your hands biting down on your hand as Felix slipped two fingers into you sucking and licking your clit not caring if Chan heard him,
"Everything okay?" You nodded at Chan,
"H-Headache." You felt yourself getting closer with each thrust of his fingers, he was curling them in just the right spot, dipping his tongue into you occasionally and humming softly to cause vibrations on your clit.
"I'll go and get you some meds." He walked out of the room but Felix continued, sucking on your clit and moaning as he felt you clenching around his fingers.
"Holy fuck!" You cried out holding onto the desk as you bucked your hips up as you came around his fingers and on his tongue, panting heavily as he came out from under the desk and smirked at you.
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Seungmin chuckled at something Hyunjin had said to him but you had no idea what it was, you weren't paying attention to anything except for his dick inside of you in front of everyone. You were sitting on his lap in the dorms watching a movie with them all, they'd all began to file in one after the other and your sex had been interrupted.
"C-Close." You hissed as you began to feel your edge being brought closer to your release, you'd been desperate all day and so had Seungmin which was why this had started out on the sofa instead of his bedroom.
"Did Y/n say something?" Jeongin questioned but you shook your head looking at Seungmin who kept softly thrusting into you, you whimpering knowing it wasn't enough to get you to cum so you pulled off him putting the blanket on him and going to the bedroom to wait for him.
"What's up with her?" Felix questioned but Seungmin gave him some random excuse before he followed you into the bedroom where you began kissing him roughly.
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Jeongin's hands kept trailing all over your body as you danced together the boys were having a small party in their dorm to celebrate the ending of the backdoor era, all of the boys were with you except for Minho who was in bed where you wanted to be with Jeongin. He'd been acting needy all day and now he was trying to get you to go somewhere with him but all of the rooms were busy and you couldn't go to the bathroom together either.
"Stop it," You whimpered as he grabbed onto your ass squeezing it and growling when you protested, he knew you wanted him as well.
"I know you need me too," You looked over your shoulder, Chan had his eyes on both of you to make sure nothing was happening, he was the reason Minho was in his bedroom to stop anything from happening.
"I will take you right here in front of them," You grew wetter at the thought of it but there was nothing either of you could do right now so you just began grinding against him in time with the music whimpering every time you felt him grind against your core. It was going to be one hell of a long night.
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Tagline: @peachyhan​ @taestannie​
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yeojaa · 3 years
feed me, fight me.
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pairing.  boxer!jjk x f!reader.  rating.  explicit.  tags.  relationship issues, baby angst, comfort, unprotected sex (please be responsible!).  wc. 3.5k.  beta reader.  @hobi-gif​, always.  💖  author note.  i’m really into comfort fics rn so... 
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What do you get when you mix a pissed off girlfriend with a neglectful boyfriend?  (Aside from trouble, that is.)
The answer is you - throwing punches far harder than you should be, completely disregarding the fact that you’re meant to be playing the part of perfect partner, meeting pads in the sequence he’s laid out.  It’s you throwing a hook when you should be swinging an uppercut.  It’s you, snapping your leg out with a satisfying thunk! of your shin when you should only be thip kicking.  It’s you, not giving a single damn as you take out all your frustrations on someone who’s growing increasingly more irritated by your childishness.  It’s you, blatantly disrespecting him in his ring - sending a reminder that there’s more to life than the four corners of this space. 
How can he blame you though, when he’s the reason?  When you’ve voiced your annoyance more than once - more than twice, more times than you care to count - and each time it’s met with a half-hearted apology (if you could even call it that)?  How can he hold it against you when you’ve asked, demanded, pleaded for more? 
“Cut it out,”  he seethes, quiet, under his breath, irritation igniting his expression, something hot and angry burning in the dark of his stare.  A withering wildfire in an empty field, smoldering coals flickering bright.  It presents itself in how his mouth curls, the hard line of his jaw as bone threatens to snap in half from the tension. 
“Cut what out?”  Your retort is punctuated by the smack of leather on leather, the worn edge of your boxing glove meeting the pad that Jungkook raises just in time to avoid a black eye. 
“What’s your problem?”  How he manages to snipe back - somehow sounding disgruntled by your behaviour - you’re not sure.  All you know is it boils your blood, searing heat within your veins when he effortlessly blocks your next jab.  He knows you well and knows the sport better, predicting each movement as if you’re telegraphing it all with a giant neon sign on your forehead. 
(You probably are.  You’ve never been good at hiding your emotions, pinning your heart on your sleeve, your sadness heavy in your mouth.  They wear you, rather than you it.  A weakness of yours.)
“You’re my problem.” 
“Shut up.”  It’s not the usual exasperated annoyance he levels you with, meaner and paired with a swat of your gloved hand.  He’s not supposed to be countering you, instead only blocking the punches you throw his way. 
(But then again - when did he ever listen to you?  When did he ever do what he was supposed to?)
(It’s not a fair assertion.  You’re just mad.  Livid beyond belief, standing atop this hill that you’ll happily die on.)
“Fuck you,”  you snap, offering the petulant comeback in the same instance you surge forward.  He blocks your jab - sees it coming from a mile away - and goes to block your hook. 
Except it never comes, your knee straightening out instead, hard edge of your shin slamming right into the side of his leg. 
He crumples more out of surprise than anything, eyes wide, all the anger swept away by something closer to astonishment.  It shines impossibly bright in his eyes, turning his entire expression upside down when his knee hits the ground.  By how he falls, you’re sure you’ve hit just the right spot, left his nerve endings buzzing uncomfortably as the feeling leaves the limb. 
“Are you serious?”  You know he’s genuinely baffled then, voice slipping, cracking in a way you’d normally find adorable.  (It goes to show how upset you are, the awkward split of his words doing nothing to soothe your temper.)  “What’s your issue?”  He’s still seated on the floor, rocking back on his heels, brow knit in consternation.  It’d take him seconds to jump up - to put you on your ass - but he chooses to remain where he is, staring up at you with that look on his face.
(That look you love.  That you hate.  That makes your insides turn to goo on his best days and misery on your worst.  That you’ve seen every single day for the last three years, as the first thing upon waking up and the last thing before passing out.  That makes you hesitate now, peering down into it.)
(Were you being unnecessary?  Unbearable?  Was this on you?)
“I’m going home.”  It’d be nice to tear your gloves off, throw them in his face and storm off in a huff.  It’d cause the scene you’re hoping for, push him to where you need.  (Because that’s the thing about Jungkook - he doesn’t react otherwise and you’re sick of it.)  Instead, you turn on your heel and slink away, silent as a mouse.  
You’re tired.  Too tired.  Why had you started something you couldn’t finish?
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It shouldn’t surprise you that you’re home alone for hours that night, curled up in bed and half-asleep when light from the hallway spills into your bedroom.  It comes with hardly any noise, a tell-tale sign he’s trying not to wake you (or disturb you or get caught).  You almost let it slide when his figure appears in the doorway, broad frame swallowed up by the oversized sweater he wears.
He’s moving near silently, having already deposited his gym bag in the laundry room.  He doesn’t even switch the light on, moving around in the muted glow of the hallway, fumbling as he strips his clothes off and tosses them into the hamper against the wall. 
You expect him to head directly into the en suite, wash away whatever grime he’s accumulated throughout the day.  He’s always been this way, far too concerned with dragging in odour and dirt into your bed to do otherwise.
Except tonight, he doesn’t follow his usual routine.  Tonight, he makes a detour.
The bed dips before you realise what’s happening, grip on the pillow under your head tightening.  Words fit between your teeth, ready to spill out, lash out, tear out like a bullet deadset on landing a bullseye. 
“I’m sorry.”  Two words you’ve been waiting to hear, that startle you enough to throw your anger out the window, tossing them out with the wash.  “I don’t know why you’re upset but I’m sorry for whatever it is.”  He’s speaking into the quiet of your bedroom.  You can feel his hand settled on the bed, wrist somewhere over the line of your spine.  
Oh - he thinks you’re asleep.
“Things have been crazy.  I’ve been stressed.”  Here, under cover of night, he’s vulnerable, explanation tumbling forth uncertainly.  You can hear it in the way the words form, syllables slipping into each other - a sure sign of his exhaustion.  “I know that’s not an excuse, so I’ll be better.”  Though he readjusts, weight distributing differently over the bed, he isn’t touching you.  You can only imagine how he looks, the posture he’s taken on, arms leant over knees, hands twisting together in that way of his that begs a silent help me.  A version of him you’ve seen only a handful of times.  
(Jeon Jungkook does not let things get to him.  Never has, likely never will.  He’s immaculately put together, strung tight by years of growing up too fast, wanting too much and fearing it’ll slip away.  He goes and goes until he can’t any more and only then does he still, crashing headlong over a cliff of his own creation.)
It’s then that you realise while you’ve grown irritated with his preoccupation, coming second to the man you’ve only ever put first, he’s been suffering right alongside you.  Differently, certainly, but suffering nonetheless.  Holding his cards close as he’s always done, shouldering all the things on his own and hoping for the best.
Irritation flares first.  Anger at the fact that he hadn’t confided in you.  It burns bright, erodes everything else in its path.
And then it dims almost immediately, overshadowed by a tenderness that blooms in the small of your chest.  Rosebuds that fill the cavity and swath affection in broad strokes, colouring everything purple - a pretty mosaic made up of equal parts love and sadness.
“You should’ve said something.”  
Bambi-eyed baby is your nickname for your boyfriend - one he reluctantly wears, scowls at when you use it in public - and yet you’re still blown away by the glossiness of his stare, how wide it goes when you roll to face him, simultaneously flicking your bedside light on.  There’s embarrassment crowding his expression, lighting up every handsome facet of his features in technicolour.  He works to hide it almost immediately, moves back on the bed as if he might find himself a home in the shadows.
“I thought you were sleeping,”  he mumbles, not quite looking at you, stare focused on your pillow case, the white linen that you’d bought when you’d moved in together.  “Did I wake you up?”
Though his concern is real, you know it’s a distraction too.  His way of deflecting, shifting the focus back to you.  
(Jeon Jungkook doesn’t live in the spotlight.  Hates it, in fact.  It’s a curious combination - wanting to be praised, to show off, and yet fearing failure so strongly.  A worrying mix when he’s down and an endearing one when he’s up.)
You’re still cocooned, still held far enough away that he hasn’t run for the hills, locking himself in the bathroom to put a further physical barrier between you.  Should you move too fast, you know he’ll spook.  Push too hard, he’ll leave.  
“Couldn’t sleep without you.”  It’s true enough.  Dreams had evaded you for the better part of the evening, held somewhere by hands inked like his, blemished by scars and calluses like his. They’d been kept in his coat pocket, tucked behind his ear.  (So maybe it’d been anger, too, that’d kept you up.  That doesn’t matter now.)
The disbelief is evident, both in his words and the quirk of his mouth, bathed in dim light.  “Really?”
(You sometimes wonder how different the two of you see things.  What a day looks like from his point of view - whether he reads all of your interactions in the same way.  You’ve always been terribly incompatible in that way, opposites in so many respects that it’d frankly baffled your friends when you’d started dating.
You were intent - sometimes too intent - on resolving problems, never letting up.  Forcing conversations you felt you needed to have, demanding answers even before there was one.  He, on the other hand, was uncomfortable with conflict, choosing to ignore the things that bothered him until they went away.  It’d driven you absolutely insane at first, made you worry that it was you that was the issue, simply being too much.  
But over time - three long years, to be exact - you’d found a common ground.  Or so you’d thought.)
“Why are you so surprised?”  
“You were pissed earlier.”  There’s a lightness to his tone, careful consideration poured into each word he offers, as if he’s navigating a minefield.  You’ve had these kinds of disagreements too many times for him to believe otherwise, as if his caution is a part of him, stitched lovingly - forcefully - by your hand.  “Thought you wouldn’t wait up for me.”  
“I shouldn’t have,”  you retort before you can help it, still just a little childish, a little hurt.  “But you know I hate going to bed angry.”  Of course he knows.  He’s lost hours of sleep due to your insistence that everything be talked out. 
He hums a noncommittal sound - more of a grunt - and you know your window is closing.  Now that you’re not out for blood, he’s retreating as he always does.  Readying himself to rise from the bed, close this half-read chapter and move onto the next. 
You beat him before he can, curling your fingers around his wrist, over the dangling silver chain.  (His birthday gift this year, heavy metal that’s cold under your touch.)  
One blink.  Another.  Slow and confused - deliberately so.  Then he’s looking away, staring down at the ground as if you haven’t just read his next move.  The ring might be his domain but home is yours;  it’s the one place you hold the upper hand.  “What?”  
“Don’t leave.”  It’s easy to read the meaning in between your words, the unspoken request that might as well be brilliant red ink.  It’s far kinder than your usual demands, more pleading than begrudging, more need than want.  
“I need to shower.”  
It’s not a no - which you suppose is a win. 
“Just wait.”  Your request comes with an adjustment, whole tired frame rising from the bed only to sink back down - this time against your partner, your other half, your infuriating love.  He accepts you readily, dropping his ink-strewn hand over your covered thigh.  The weight is comforting over the warmth of the duvet, grounding you in the quiet of your home.
“I’m gross,”  he complains, though he doesn’t make to move away.  Stays right by your side when you drop your head against his bare shoulder.  “Now you’re gross.”
“We can be gross together.”  Because you’re not ready for him to leave you, to close the door as he so often does.  (And, for once, you’re not quite as angry, not seeking an argument that’ll give you the resolution you hope for.  You want communication, open and honest.  You want him, vulnerable and soft.)
A little sigh comes, a puff of breath that expands his doughy cheeks and sends wayward strands fluttering.  It’s less resigned and more endeared - you know how much it means when his acquiesces like this.  
Maybe he wants those same things, you think.  
“Do you wanna shower?”  You ask in perfect tandem, words folding together.  You nod in the same way.
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Encased in the small space - it’s different.  He’s preoccupied, back turned to you, shielding you from the slow-heating stream.  It’s as if his mind is a thousand lightyears away, trapped somewhere with the stars as the water rains down around the two of you, fogging the glass and wetting his hair. 
There’s a delay before he reacts, peering over his shoulder at you, a faraway look in his eyes.  You wonder what he’d been thinking of, whether he’s still on the same page as you or if he’s skipped ahead as he tends to do.  When he speaks, you have your answer, his words flicking through paper to bring you two where you need to be.  
“Can you wash my hair?”  An indulgent treat he rarely requests, one he seldom allows.  He’s far too on the go, jumping from this to that to spend much time like this with you. 
It’s a sign if there ever was one. 
You reach for your shampoo bottle wordlessly, popping the cap and depositing sweet peach-scented liquid into your hands.  They fold into his strands carefully, tips of your fingers pressing into his scalp, delightful bubbles accumulating between your digits.  He doesn’t make a sound but you feel the way he relaxes, practically melting into your touch as you work the cleanser through his roots, careful to keep the suds from descending into his eyes. 
When was the last time you’d done this?  Weeks ago?  Months, maybe?  You honestly can’t recall.  (Not that it matters now.  You’ve found yourselves back here, terribly tender and intimate in the dead of night.  Almost as if no time has passed at all.)
Silence stretches between the two of you.  You don’t even need to instruct him to rinse, running seamlessly through the routine without hesitation. 
Conditioner replaces shampoo, deft fingers combing through the few knots in his feather soft strands.  Though there are hardly any, you know he loves when you take extra care, treating him in ways he’d never ask for otherwise.  He savours these quiet moments of almost-solitude, spoiled rotten by your familiar touch and comforting affection.  
You’d give it every single day if you could.  Had, in fact. 
That’s what’d brought you here, after all. 
“‘m sorry,”  he says - mumbles really - surprising you as you’re working your fingers into the nape of his neck, concentrating on the tension that’s carved out a home beneath muscle and sinew, turned bone iron-clad. 
“For what?” 
Any other time, it might’ve come across demanding, needing an answer that would soothe whatever inadequacy he’d somehow strung your heart up with.  Now, it’s genuine, asked more for him than you.  
You want to be let in.  Need it. 
“Being out of it, I guess.”  It’s a lot for him - admitting this.  “I’ve just been busy and I guess I kind of just—“  The imposing line of his shoulders rise and fall, a mountain range disturbed by the uncertainty in his voice.  
“Forgot about me?”  You don’t mean it meanly.  It’s a simple statement of fact, one the both of you have to face. 
“Yeah.  Something like that.”
You deliberate accepting the apology and moving on, sweeping it under the rug because he’s already come so much further than you’d thought he would.  But that’s not the kind of person you are, so you press just a little more, stand just a little taller. 
“I don’t think I ask for the world, Kook.”  Maybe more than some people.  Maybe less than others.  “If I’m being too much, I’d rather you let me know than shut me out.”
A sigh comes, so heavy you wonder whether he might be Atlas, carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.  
“No, I know.”  
“Do you?”
(At some point you’d stopped massaging the conditioner in, opting to crowd your hands over his back, working into the knots that run beneath his skin.  He hadn’t been lying - he’s stiff as a board, entire broad form twitching any time you press the pads of your thumbs into a particularly sensitive spot.)
“I thought I’d figure it out myself,”  he reasons, in that oh-so impossible Jeon Jungkook way of his.  “Didn't realise it was taking a toll on you.” 
“On us,”  you correct, not at all tactful.  
“On us,”  he agrees with another sigh, smaller this time, tinged blue with something that feels like guilt and fills up the glass space. 
“We’re a team, you know.” 
(You know he knows.  You just have to remind him sometimes, anchor him with the knowledge that it’s not him against the world.  That you’re in his corner - always.)
“I know.” 
When he turns to look at you - doesn’t even flinch when the sudden movement has you wobbling on your feet, catches you when you stumble - you don’t doubt that.  He loves you just as much as you love him, sees the whole world in the small of your stare.  
“I’m sorry,”  he says again, two hands coming to cradle your face, palms warm over each cheek.  “Just give me some time.”  For what, you’re not sure.  You don’t mind waiting to find out though - willing to weather the storm just to see him happy.  
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Jungkook holds you close, threads his fingers through yours and peppers love into the silk of your hair.  Dresses your skin in the heat of his affection and sears his signature into the velvet of your skin, teeth dragging, tongue gliding.  
“Is this better?”  He means how he holds you, how he treats you like porcelain as he fucks you slow and tender, keeps one leg hooked back over his own. 
It’s not that this is the kind of lovemaking you prefer but rather the one you need, with him consuming you wholly, sweetly, filling you with each fluid roll of his hips and nothing else.  No elaborate dirty talk, no overzealous bouncing, just the two of you together, curled against each other like you might not survive otherwise.  
He’s not pushing you to your finish with deft fingers over your clit, not taking his fill with greedy hands.  He’s simply there, with you, feeling every curve of your body as he sinks into your aching cunt and sighs as if he’s in heaven.  (And maybe he is - because where he is could only ever be where you are and you feel like you’re floating, weightless and lovestruck, anchored only to your bed by the hand that squeezes yours and the mouth that purrs your name.) 
“Yes,”  you breathe, exhale in a breath that seems to take all of your effort.  It’s hard to focus when he splits you open so well, fills your pussy and your heart and makes your chest erupt with a kaleidoscope of butterflies. 
“I love you, sweetheart.”
When he says it like that - folds it like a promise and tucks it into the spot behind your ear - you know it’s true.  Even if you don’t always feel it, even if he doesn’t always show it, there’s not a doubt in your mind. 
In all the ways he can, he loves you.  And whether that means enough from one day to the next, you don’t mind sticking around to find out.  Not if it means more of this. 
(Of him, of you, of your life together.)
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tag list.  @neverthefirstchoice @youwannabelostandnotbefound @snackhobi @codeinebelle
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I've got two tropes for you to rate! 🖤
1) They think they're feeling sick from nerves, but they turn out to have a bug/flu,
2) They they must be coming down with something, but it turns out they were just nervous/stressed
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know | (for both :)
Anything involving nerves is just an A+++ for me 😭
I’m gonna add a cut since Instead of leaving this as just a rating I got too caught up in talking about scenarios I love and kinda wrote nearly 1000 words of rambling so sorry in advance 😭
Anyway I just love when this is extremely drawn out/slow burned, and they don’t realise they are sick to the very, very last minute like 
- A’s stomach just starts off with small fluttering sensations, of course their stomach would do that when they have an event/performance/test that’s extremely important, honestly probably everyone is just as on edge.  
- They still have a bit of time to calm themselves down, their bad case of butterflies is kinda bordering more queasy now, but they are someone that suffers from nerves badly so a couple of queasy huffs and hiccups aren’t to worry about when they have more significant things to attend to right now, even when a hiccup sounds a bit rough and B that’s with them has to ask if they are feeling alright they just shrug it off.
- They still are oblivious to their being more than nerves churning in their stomach, A is actually meant to speak at this event, it’s only a short toast/speech/q&a/ect and in their last minutes before going on stage they are tucked away in a deserted corner with B rubbing their belly and giving them words of encouragement as they need all the comfort they can get before getting up there as nothing is settling yet 
- Or: A is sitting getting their last minute makeup and hair touch ups, B (again) rubs their stomach while A rubs their ridiculously sweaty palms over their thighs and trying to go over their lines/lyrics/routine over in their head, but the sensation in their stomach is starting to feel almost sickly, getting more distracting by the second they instead have to resort to zoning out in an attempt to not get consumed by their butterflies and every now and then zoning back in when their stomach flutters too hard, and they just stare at their reflection that you can tell is a couple too shades paler than normal even with the stage makeup, but they ignore it. 
- Or A is lucky enough to have a break before their test, so they spend it crammed over a table, trying to get a last second study session in, B this time is huddled over them, patting their belly in hopes up easing the knots that have formed in A’s guts and occasionally they quiz them on different subjects but slowly A’s answer progressively get lazier and more wrong as the queasiness is catching up with their brain, demanding to be focused on. 
- Their mouth is starting to water and vision blurs as they make their way to the stage/testing room, still so damn unaware that the fight or flight feeling pulsing inside them is warning that something is wrong in their body it would be painful to watch as an outsider.
- They actually manage to make it to the end of what they are doing with any slip ups, so why is their tummy still churning so badly, maybe even worse, now with the addition of their heart beating even faster than before they started, when trying to breathe in certain ways to calm themselves the taste of acid starts to wash up their throat and every thing they are feeling is starting to feel more closer to actually being sick than nerves and oh, they realise their moistake. 
- B waits for A in the hallway to congratulate them, but A just falls into their arm’s and shakily whimpers “I don’t feel good.”
- bonus: B had actually figured out earlier that A was definitely sick but knew they wouldn’t start throwing up till after what they needed to do was over so kept quiet to not stress A out even more, and they are relived that now they can fully take care of A 
- Alt: the full effects of the bug hit A earlier than expected, A is just about finished onstage/doing their test even now with their stomach still twisting harshly they still think it’s nerves that can be ignored when with a churn being so strong they realise they are actually going to be sick and have to quickly finish up on stage/ find way to exist off-stage that won’t be seen like something is wrong/ hastily fill in half assed answers and get to there the nearest trash bin that’s in the hallway/backstage, only once caretaker finds them and rubs their back it dawns upon them something is actually wrong as wave 2 starts making it’s way upwards. 
I’ve already gone on enough, but I also really like A actually figuring out they are sick way before they (again) go on stage/ do a test and head straight to the bathroom instead of risking the chance of getting sick during the important thing they are doing (I’m getting so repetitive 😷) and everyone is left to wonder where the hell A is while B is extremely concerned at A going m.i.a
Also don’t get me started on nerves during a date being sickness mmm, but I’ve gone on way too much for a rating post and still haven’t talked about the second part 😷
For thinking they are sick when it just nerves/stress is a big yes depending on how the caretaker reacts more to me tbh
- Personally, I would like the trope best if the caretaker was a total sweetheart in response to a stressed/nervous person freaking out that they were gonna be sick just for it to wind up being nerves/stress.
- nervous/stressed person starts to feel embarrassed that they got so worked up for nothing and the caretaker just totally understanding and validates their feelings and softness >>
- I don’t mind if caretaker says a couple a small teasing ‘I told you weren’t sick’ or stuff similar, I think that's cute as well. 
The only thing I wouldn’t like is if the nervous/stressed person was extremely dramatic over ‘potentially being sick’ or the caretaker is like “I told you weren’t sick’ in a colder way otherwise this is definitely A for me :) 
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soupandtissues · 2 years
Am I Good Enough (1/2)
Inspired by this post where character A is sick and character B is annoyed and reacting in a less than caring manner we get angst for Loki!  With Mobius and Sylvie because they are my new favourite OT3.
Loki’s nose continued to twitch despite the sniffle so he knew what was coming and one hand groped for the well-used tissue box at his side. 
He pressed the tissue under his nose trying to hold off just a moment longer.  If he could just finish reading this last paragraph…
“Huh…huhh’IESHHh! USHHhuh!”
“Would you stop that?!” Sylvie’s voice rang out from the other side of the living room.
Caught off guard by her annoyance Loki swallowed down the urge to cough.
“Sorry.” His answer came out rather croaky and he cleared his throat.
Sylvie huffed and shook her head, turning back to the bookshelf she was currently searching through.
Loki rolled his eyes at her back in return, it wasn’t like he could help it.  He got another tissue to blow his nose, but cringed as he threw them away and noticed the growing mountain of them already in the garbage can.  It was getting to be a bit much though wasn’t it?
A break would help he decided.  Give Sylvie a chance to cool down and he could get something to help his throat and maybe the congestion too so his cold wouldn’t be so much of a distraction.
Yes a break would be good.
Shedding the blanket from his shoulders Loki got up and headed into the kitchen where Mobius had paperwork spread out all over the table. He moved around the outside of the room doing his best not to disturb him.  As quietly as possible Loki set about making tea, a combination of flavours that best matched his favourite flavour on Asgard and just so happened to be his mother’s favourite as well.  
As they combined in his mug Loki gently held it to his nose.  The warmth and spices helping to unclog it so he could smell at least a bit of his creation and reminisce of lazy afternoons in mother’s weaving room talking to her about nothing at all.
Loki hastily set down his drink as he felt the familiar itch begin building in his nose, managing to pull a handkerchief out in time to cover it.
“Hah’ESSHHhu!  Heh-hehh’ERUSHHHh!”  
He blew hard and tucked the cloth away with a tiny hint of a smile as he felt his sinuses clear at least for the moment.
“Yeah, yeah we know you have a cold you don’t need to keep advertising it!”
The shout startled Loki and he looked over to Mobius with wide eyes, but Mobius was already glaring back down at his work on the table.
Loki left his mug on the counter untouched.
He went outside and was sorely tempted to slam the door behind him as he do so, but thought better of it.  It would mess up Mobius’ papers and that would just make him angrier and make things worse, and Loki was clearly doing enough of that already.
He muffled a short coughing fit into his elbow, aware that Mobius had the window open, and looked out over the garden.  Nothing needed to be harvested quite yet, but it could do with some watering, Loki glanced up, as the sun beat down out of the clear blue sky.   That turned out to be a mistake as a sharp tickle filled his nose and Loki fumbled with his handkerchief to stifle in time.
“hh’HGGNTchu! IGNTCHhu!”
Damn his nose for being so sensitive when he was ill, and who caught cold at the height of summer anyway?   A worthless frost giant that’s who, Loki thought bitterly as he grabbed the hose.
As he let the cooling spray wash over the tiny plot they had cultivated Loki felt for the Tempad in his pocket. They each had one in case of an emergency.  He rubbed his finger along the edge of it, tempted to go somewhere, some when, else so he wouldn’t be a bother, but no it was too risky.  If something went wrong and he couldn’t get back…He’d lost them once he was not going to lose them again even if they didn’t want him around at the moment.
Loki closed his eyes as he felt them burn and worked to keep his breathing even despite his cold.   Everyone was tense it was to be expected he told himself.  They were trying to take down the TVA an organization that had once governed all of time, run by a man who insisted that variants of himself were even worse and they were who knew where out there on the timelines. It was hard and stressful, and tempers flaring up was a thing that happened he knew it well from all his centuries with Thor.  It was fine. He was fine.
He finished watering and did a bit of weeding and checking for pests, certain that the plants weren’t going to yell at him and then went to put the tools away in the shed at the back corner of the yard.
He was turning to leave when it happened.  Loki caught his hand on the edge of the table, breaking the skin along his knuckle.   It was a small cut nothing really he’d certainly dealt with far worse, but it was the last straw for Loki as he saw it as yet one more thing he was doing wrong.
The tears he had fought back earlier began spilling hot and heavy over his cheeks as he sat down roughly on the floor and let them come.
He was not fine.
He was supposed to be better!  He didn’t have to hurt people anymore.  In fact he was really helping them for the first time since before New York even if they didn’t know it.  So why did he still feel like the tag a long little brother no one wanted around?  The spare who would never measure up to Thor only to be looked at with disappointment and shame.  And thinking of Asgard only started Loki thinking of his old rooms of all the potions he could have brewed that would help this. Things he should be doing to be better and wasn’t.  No wonder Sylvie and Mobius wanted nothing to do with him while he was sick.  Weak, helpless, useless.  He knew he wasn’t getting as much work done as he should be, that he was slowing them all down, and he just wanted to feel better!  
Loki drew his knees up and rested his head on them, the fabric growing damp as he sat there with the certainty that he still belonged nowhere.
Part 2
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yuulina-vre · 3 years
Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter: three
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Daughter!Reader, Uncle Steve, Aunt Wanda
Summary: Y/N loves her favorite treat.
Wordcount: 2185 words
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Y/N might be small but she’s fast if she wants to be and she knows it. Especially if strawberries are around, she doesn’t want to do something relating to bath times and yucky food or her daddy doesn’t pay much attention. Right now, two of these factors are the case. Her little eyes caught the bowl of her red favorite treats in Wanda’s hands a few minutes ago. It’s now resting on the island in the kitchen area. She can see but not reach, which is mean. Daddy had said she can’t have any now since she just had lunch but that won’t stop her from trying. The only problem that she has to face is that daddy’s still holding her on his lap and he doesn’t look like he’s going to set her down anytime soon since he’s too distracted talking to uncle Stevie and auntie Wanda. Okay… maybe she has two problems. She knows she won’t really be able to reach the berries if she manages to escape daddy’s lap since they’re so high up but she had noticed the chair at the counter, so maybe she will be fine. Uncle Tony always uses a chair for things high up. She can do that too, right? If daddy just will let her down! She wriggles a little on his lap but he only tightens his hands on her and looks down with a light smile on his face. Before she knows what’s happening, she has his lips on her forehead. “All good, baby girl?” She stares up at him, a little startled. Suddenly daddy handles her in his hands, turning her a little so she’s almost lying against his chest, nestled in his arms. He presses more kisses to her cheeks and nose, tickling her with his beard. She immediately starts giggling and pushing at him. “Noo...” A gasp from Bucky lets her abruptly stop and stare in shock. He starts pouting. “No more kisses from daddy?” She frowns a little at his face. He does look sad… “Don’t you like daddy anymore?” His pout deepens. Steve snickers from the side though he stops as he notices a shift in her. “Sad?” Somehow, the fact that her daddy might be upset with her makes her sad, too. Her lower lip starts trembling and her eyes start to water, which seems to make everything worse because her daddy doesn’t only look sad but shocked too.
 “No! No, baby girl. It’s alright. I’m sorry. I made a joke.” He presses her tightly to his chest now, kissing her hair, and his hands run up and down on her back as she sniffles. She doesn’t really understand what’s happening. Daddy looked sad but now he’s saying he’s sorry. What’s wrong here? Her fists tighten in his shirt and she hides her face in his chest, strawberries forgotten for the moment as tears start falling. Is she bad to make daddy sad? “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” His voice sounds sorry… maybe distressed. She sniffles a little longer, the confusion still mingling in her head, making her uncomfortable but she looks up at daddy. He still looks sad but he smiles now. Is he sad or not? Y/N feels a little overwhelmed and suddenly a little uncertain. So she looks around, searching for her best friend. She spots the blue bunny uncle Stevie got her at some point and stretches her hand out for it. Bucky quickly catches in and passes it to her. She wraps it in her tiny arms, instantly taking one of its ears, and rubs it gently against the tip of her nose. This usually calms her down pretty fast. “Oh, oh. You messed up big time Buck.” Steve pipes up, looking a little amused but concerned as well. Y/N quickly concentrates back on the stuffed toy. “I know.” Bucky whines, continuously rubbing his metal hand on the back of his girl. “Isn’t she only doing this when she’s uncomfortable or overwhelmed?” Wanda pipes up and ears a glare from Bucky that probably means nothing. Steve nods though. Y/N doesn’t really know what they’re saying but she calms down. She leans on Bucky’s shoulder and he presses his lips yet again against her cheek. “Better, baby?” She nodes and looks up at him. “I know you love me, sweetheart. It was a dumb joke. Daddy won’t say it again.” She nods again but this time her eyes catch the strawberries again. Might be the best chance she gets. She wriggles again, this time fully intending to get off daddy’s lap. “Hey, alright. Would you- Y/N! Stop struggling.” Bucky starts laughing and tickling her sides. She’s startled and screams which turns into a laugh. “I’m setting you down, okay? Just stop wriggling.” He smiles at her, presses another kiss to her forehead, and sets her down. He really likes kissing her forehead and Y/N loves when her daddy does it, though, it does tickle terribly. The moment her naked feet hit the carpet she runs off, not right into the kitchen but behind the couch, her daddy is on. He won’t pay much attention to her this way since he has to turn around. Though she sees him look at her and grin. She smiles back flops on her diapered but and starts playing with her bunny, only waiting for her daddy to lose interest.
Of course, Bucky knows instantly that she’s up to something. Y/N isn’t pretty good at hiding things. Even worse now that she does the same things every time. He knows that, as soon as she hides out of sight, that she has something on her mind she pretty well knows she’s not allowed. His little girl is just a year and then some but she’s damn smart. But he really wants to know what she’s up to so he pretends to turn back to Steve and Wanda, starting a half-hearted conversation once again, still paying attention to any naked feet on the cool floor around the carpet.
Y/N looks up again and sees daddy not looking. In a matter of seconds, she’s up, clutching her stuffed friend to her chest, and rushes off to the kitchen. The chair’s still standing there and Y/N is quick to throw her bunny on it before climbing up on it with only mild struggle. She has practiced climbing with uncle Tony recently. She has already managed to put her hands on the counter as she hears a startles shout. “Y/N! No, god! That’s dangerous.” She tries to ignore the shout, struggling to get her leg on the counter, and… yeah. The leg is up but now she’s stuck. She won’t get forth or back. But before she can start to struggle or cry in distress as her dawns that’s she doesn’t know how to proceed, two hands grab her under her arms. “My… You troublemaker.” The voice isn’t daddy’s since she can see daddy. He’s standing there, hand on his chest breathing fast with auntie Wanda beside him. She has a hand on his shoulder, looking at him in concern. Did daddy hurt something? He looks like her auntie when she falls and cries. “Y/N! You can’t climb on chairs and the counter. You could have fallen down and hurt yourself.” Her eyes instantly switch to the person holding her. Uncle Stevie looks mad but somehow not. He has her in a tight grip but it doesn’t hurt. Her eyes dart from him to her daddy and auntie and then to the counter. “Berry!” She points at it and back at stave. “Daddy no.”
“Yes. Daddy said no because you had lunch.” She pouts at Steve’s answer but hears a chuckle. “She’s quite fast and smart, huh?”
“Wanda!” Bucky looks at her with a stern expression but Wanda only laughs. Y/N continues pouting and starts trashing as soon as Steve gets away from the counter. “Nooo! Berry! Berry!” She quickly gets passed to Bucky who holds her just as tightly, not paying attention to her struggles. “No! There are no berries for naughty Y/N’s.”
“Berry.” Her eyes well up again and she reaches for the bowl that’s way out of her reach now. She sobs loudly but daddy doesn’t give up. He carries her away until Wanda sighs. “Buck. Give her a strawberry.”
“No, she just ate.”
“Come on. Just one. What’s the deal? It’s not like she’s getting sick from one and it’s been almost fifteen minutes since she ate. She will be fine and satisfied and we might not have to fear her climbing the counter for a while.” Y/N doesn’t really know what they are saying, only knowing that it has something to do with her favorite treat and that she’s currently getting farther away from it with every step her daddy takes. She cries louder, now seeing her stuffed friend still at the chair. This is just mean. Her daddy won’t give her any berries, she doesn’t have her blanket or pacifier and her best friend’s currently lying on that chair all alone. He probably is sad, too! “Berry! B-bunny!” She cries louder again not knowing which is worse. No berries or no bunny. “Fine. Fine! Oh my- Sweetheart, please. Stop crying. Daddy’s ears hurt. See, Stevie’s getting your bunny and Wanda will give you a strawberry. Okay?” She feels herself getting rocked and she hears daddy say something but words are hard to understand right now. She only knows her friend is sad. But suddenly the blue friend looks over daddy’s shoulder. “Hello Y/N. Please don’t cry. I’m fine and I’d like a hug. Can you hug me?” The head of her bunny tilts funnily and its arms stretch forward so Y/N forgets about crying and reach for it, pressing it tightly against her chest with only small sobs in between. “Ahhh… This is nice. Thank you”, the bunny says and goes still in her arms again. While she’s busy hugging her bunny, Steve breaths out in relief, glad he prevented further messy crying from his niece. Bucky sighs in relief as well, settling back on the couch with his girl on his lap now. He wipes some of the tears away and lifts her chin so the little girl has to look at him. “Y/N. no more climbing on counters, okay? It’s dangerous and pretty girls aren’t allowed to sit on them, remember?” Y/N frowns a little but nods. She remembers faintly that daddy said she can’t sit on the counter but uncle Sam and Tony always set her on them. It’s a bit confusing. She decides to listen to daddy for now. “Y/N, look what I got you. You up for one?” Her eyes look at Wanda and the… the strawberry. It’s the biggest one she has seen so far. It's almost the size of her hand. Her eyes go wide and her auntie laughs a little. Y/N almost reaches for it but then she remembers daddy’s words. ‘No berries for naughty Y/N’s.’ New tears form in her eyes and her animal gets lifted to her face to hide. She doesn’t see the adults frown and look at each other. “What did I do?” Wanda looks a little startled at the strawberry and then at Bucky. “Y/N, sweetie. It’s alright. You can have it.”
“N-no. Daddy no.” She sobs and leans against her daddy whose arms circle tighter around her, embracing her with comforting warmth. “Oh. Yeah, you’re right but you can have this one. You’re my good little girl again, right?” Y/N nods shakily. “G-good.”
“There we go. Now, do you want the strawberry auntie Wanda has for you?” She nods again but doesn’t look up so Bucky takes it from Wanda with a kind smile and holds it close to Y/N’s face. “There, sweetheart. A sweet treat for a sweet girl.” The thousands kiss gets pressed to her head and she shakily looks at her daddy before she gently takes the huge berry from him. Uncertain she looks at daddy and only starts nibbling on it after he nods encouragingly. It is sweet and proven once again that it's her favorite. She takes her time eating it, getting its juice all over her. But daddy only laughs and that’s fine. She figures if daddy laughs- he’s happy and if daddy’s happy then it means she’s a good girl. A good and tired girl. So as soon as the berry is gone, she reaches for her bunny but daddy quickly catches her hands. “Not yet, Y/N. let's clean your hands and face first so that Mr. Bunny doesn’t get all dirty, yeah?” Y/N really is too sleepy to complain, so she lets him wipe her face with the hated towel before her bunny gets passed to her. In a meter of moments, she finds herself nestled in the crook of her daddy’s arm, favorite blanket around her, pacifier in her mouth, and bunny on her chest. Bucky only needs to rock her a few times before she’s drifting off to a dream with gigantic strawberries and a big blue bunny hopping on grass fields with candy flowers.
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nishisun · 3 years
32. girlfriend, huh?
it’s him. it’s sugawara.
“and remember, if he does or says anything that makes you uncomfortable, what do you call out?” tsukishima has both hands place on each of your shoulders with a stern look on his face.
“I say strawberries and you’ll come ‘rescue me like a knight in shining armor.’ we’ve been over this like 10 times in the past hour, kei.” you say playfully. tsukishima’s facial features soften a bit and he smiles at you, but it’s more to himself. he’s just happy you’re not feeling nervous.
“i know.. i just want you to be safe, that’s all.” he smiles, staring at your eyes, then quickly glancing at your lips. you smile back at him and come closer so you’re almost nose to nose to him, taping his nose softly.
“you’re so soft for me.”
“shut up. i’m not.” he stands to his full height and scoffs, blush allergens on his face “last time i checked, you have a guest waiting for you at the door. maybe you should answer it. if you need me just say—“
“strawberries.” you interrupt him, heading to the door with a smirk on your face, making tsukishima chuckle.
“i’ll be in my room.”
for some odd reason, there’s not one ounce of fear or nervousness in you. you don’t know if it’s because of the little lecture tsukishima gave you this morning, or if it’s just the breakfast you ate, but this sudden in urge in confidence is something that was indeed needed.
tsukishima turns around at last and enters his room. you purposefully waited until he went back to his room to avoid him and suga having a very-much-not-needed-convo.
once you opened the door, for some odd reason, the confidence went away. you’re pretty sure his face is what triggered that to happen.
“uh, it’s pretty cold in here. can i.. come in?” sugawara asks, it’s barely even a whisper, but you manage to hear it. you avoid making direct eye contact, you opt for nodding your head and letting out a small hum instead.
you move to the side so he can enter and you close the door and lock it as you walk behind him with one arm placed on the other. he looks back at you and smiles sheepishly, and you signal to the couch, he talks that as a sign to sit.
you both sit in silence for what seems like forever (even though it’s been a good minute or two).
well this seems pointless.
“y/n, i’m sorry. i truly am.” he sounds like he’s begging, and honestly it’s annoying the fuck out of you. is that all he came here for? is to apologize? he could’ve done that through text, you wouldn’t have minded if he did it that way.
“is that all you came here for? to apologize?” you mutter, staring at the ground.
“well, yeah—“
“well then you could’ve done that through text, sugawara.” you scoff, obviously annoyed with him. he cocks your head at the way you’re staring at him in annoyance and furrows his brows, not used to the sudden behavior.
“the hell’s wrong with you?” he asks, his voice is deeper and laced with irritation, a voice he’d usually use when you two were together and he was about to do something he’d later on regret. your eyes widen suddenly and you immediately faced the floor to avoid eye contact once again.
“nothing— just.. what’s the actual reason you came here, sugawara?”
“what, so now it’s sugawara? not koushi, kou? not even suga?”
“you’re not answering my question.. i want an answer.”
“what if i don’t wanna give you one? what are you going to do?”
now it’s your time to cock your head, you really don’t have time to have petty arguments with your ex, who’s obviously not making things easier for you.
“i’m going to have to ask you to leave then.” you say stern and sugawara‘s face lights up with amusement, as if he’s testing you. he gets up from where he’s sitting and sits next to you, but not too close.
“c’mon, baby. can we just go back to how things were before? i’ve missed you so much.. even went to therapy because i couldn’t stop thinking about you...”
he’s staring directly at you, boring his eyes out on you, as if he’s challenging you to stare back. you don’t, you’re trying your best to restrain yourself from bursting into tears. how the hell is he able to make you feel so sick to the stomach?
“yeah, you already mentioned that to me over text.” you place both your hands on your lap before picking a small piece of lint that was on your leggings. sugawara looks down to see your fingers playing with each other, signaling that you were already feeling overwhelmed. he look like he’s having the time of his life. is he a sadist?
“i’m making you nervous? you always used to twiddle your fingers like that back then when you were...”
“can you just answer my question? my patience is running out.”
sugawara scoffs and tears the gaze he has on you to face forward. he doesn’t say anything, he just sits there.. what’s with him?
“i-if you don’t then i want you to leave.” you try to prevent yourself from showing that you truly are feeling nervous, but you always tend to stutter when you were feeling a bit too overwhelmed, and sugawara seems to love it because he laughs.
it’s not a long one, it’s just a huff of a laugh, but the fact that he laughed just proves that he still doesn’t respect you up to today.
“nah. i don’t wanna leave. your cute little stutter’s telling me that you’re not even sure if you want me to leave or not. you obviously aren’t using that tiny brain of yours. if you were, you’d realize that i’m trying to better myself for you. you’re making this harder on me, y/n. it’s not the other way around.”
“i really don’t have time for this, sugawara. i want you to leave. if you need anything, you have my number so i don’t see what the problem is.”
“the problem is you won’t give me a chance when i’ve literally changed!” he’s yelling at this point, his fist slammed against the table so loud, you’re pretty sure tsukishima heard it. “i don’t understand why you won’t listen to me! i’ve changed so why are you acting like this?”
you slowly move away from him, keeping distance with him in case he lashes out again. you can hear footsteps from the tsukishima’s room, he’s probably getting ready to come out, but you’re hoping he doesn’t. just not yet. if sugawara finds out tsukishima’s been listening this whole time he definitely won’t be happy.
“suga, this is exactly why! because you think you can get whatever you want by trying to guilt trip me! you’re only upset that i’ve realized my worth.” you keep commented contact with sugawara once you see his eyebrows furrow in confusion, confidence rushing within you once again. “i’ve already forgiven you and moved on... so can you please leave?”
he groans once more, putting his palms on his face, staring at the floor and still seated on the couch, you’re already backing away because sugawara looks like he’s about to throw something. if you weren’t feeling nervous before, you definitely are now.
“i-if you want to talk.. then explain yourself now or you’re leaving.” your voice is slightly shaky, you don’t think sugawara noticed, given the fact that he’s too annoyed with this whole situation, you are too. he wipes his palms on his thighs, then stands up and starts walking towards you, not quickly, but that doesn’t really matter.
“keep your distance,” you say firmly, you’re backing away from him and he doesn’t seem to be listening to you because he just continues to keep walking. “sugawara, i’m not playing, stop.”
“i’m not playing either,” he has you backed against the wall now, his right hand is giving him support from the wall and his other arm is placed next to him. “i’ve missed you.”
you’re uncomfortable. it’s not that you can’t defend yourself, you can. you just didn’t know what sugawara would do if you even laid a finger on him in a violent way. he would definitely not be happy.
“stop...” you try to shrink away from him, but it’s literally no use. he won’t budge, and you’re pretty sure he’s not going to listen. “strawberries.”
finally, you hear the door to one of the rooms in the house open, it’s tsukishima and he walks out, you can’t help but smile when he looks at you and playfully winks. he’s such a weirdo.
“oh hi, y/n! what’re you doing in such a naughty position?” it’s tsukishima and he has a shit eating grin on his face. all you want to do right now is smack that smirk off his damn face. tsukishima looks at suga and furrows his brows with a chuckle. “that’s not how to treat a girl. i thought out of all people you’d know this.”
“ha ha, very funny.” you mutter. “now do what i hired you to do, four eyes.”
“hired? last time i checked this was my idea. i’m the brains behind this plan.” tsukishima retorts. sugawara is staring at the both of you in confusion, he still has you trapped between him, but you’ve paid no mind to it since you were too distracted arguing with tsukishima. it was a petty argument, really.
“why the hell is he here?” sugawara suddenly says, interrupting you from your mini argument. he’s finally standing straight, and you immediately move away from him. his brows are furrowed, and you can see the irritation rise up in him again.
“what’d you mean? i live here. i could ask that same question to you.” tsukishima asks, he’s staring back at sugawara.. maybe even glaring? you look at tsukishima in amusement because honestly, this situation went from stressful to entertaining.
“nah, i came to talk to y/n, i was expecting any other guest.” sugawara says, he glares at you saying the last part and you do everything in your power not to burst out in laughter, tsukishima is doing the same.”what even are you to her? a friend?”
“she’s my girlfriend, and i don’t like people flirting with her unless it’s me. she also lives here, so.”
“girlfriend...?” you look up at tsukishima in confusion then you glance at sugawara who looks like he’s about to lose his shit once again. he won’t though, you know he doesn’t act violent in front of people.
sugawara leaves your side to walk in front of the 6’5 tall man and all tsukishima does is look down at him with a bored expression.
“can you do both me and y/n a favor and leave? we usually like staying here by ourselves. without any guest.”
tsukishima’s passive aggression is kinda hot. you think.
“ah, i see.” he turns to your direction, keeping eye contact with you and you’re staring back defiantly. “so this is it, y/n? you’ve seriously moved on?”
your eyes widen at what he says, not expecting what came out of his mouth at all. he sounds pretty hurt, you don’t think it’s fair for him to act suprised. what did he expect? he’s the one that ended the relationship you had with him in the first place. did he expect you to just wait for him to come back?
you lift your hands up and shrug, not trusting that your voice won’t break. your words come out as a whisper, but the effect is there.“i mean, you can’t really act surprised, suga. you broke things off.”
tsukishima is watching the both of you from a distance, he’d rather cuddle with you and watch a movie in his room than be here watching you finally break things off with your ex for good. sugawara widens his eyes and then smiles.
“yeah, i guess you’re right. well, it was fun.”
you wish you could say the same.
“i’m glad you’re happy.”
“thank you, sugawara. i hope you’ve learned from your mistakes. i’m sure there’s someone out there for you, you just have to be patient, kay?”
sugawara walks towards the door, he turns around to face you with his hand on the door nob smiling, and looks at tsukishima. “she’s a keeper. you’re lucky to have her.”
now it’s your turn to widen your eyes, you weren’t expecting that one bit. what you were expecting was a raging sugawara who wouldn’t take “no” for an answer.
“yeah, i know.”
he doesn’t even make eye contact with you, he smiles at tsukishima’s response before heading out the complex. once the door finally shuts, you heave a sigh of relief and look up at tsukishima in amusement.
“girlfriend, huh? that’s the best you came up with?” tsukishima huffs out a laugh and then walks up to you to hug you. while in his grasp, you look up at him in confusion. “you’ve been so touchy lately. it’s cute.”
“i’m so proud of you.” he kisses the top of your head, and you snuggle your head in his chest further. he’s so cute.
“it’s nothing really kei.”
“no it isn’t. i’m proud of you. so proud.” he hugs you tighter, and you smile softly at how affection he is.
“that was easier than i expected. i thought it would take way more arguing for him to actually leave.” you laugh, tsukishima does the same and shakes his head.
“y/n, i’m gonna tell you something and you have to promise me you won’t judge me for it. okay?”
oh no. is this what akaashi was talking about?
“you’re scaring me, is it something bad?”
“i mean it depends. i don’t think it’s that bad.”
tsukishima takes a deep breathe and hugs you impossibly tighter, almost as if he’s stalling.
“take your time, kei. but the quicker the better cause you’re squeezing me!!!”
“i think i love you.”
a/n: ahhh second to last chapter!! i did cut it a bit short because i felt like there were so many chapters.
taglist: @m01k @sunasro @cvlliesstuff @appleciderslut @lilacnoodles @sinistersith @d0llpie @kac-chowsballs @resetrestartandreplay @satomiis @xo-lovelyreign-xo @idiot-juice-enthusiast @definitelynotbianca @my-weeb-ass @yourlocalbabybird @bokutosuwus @tadashisprout @daninaninani @r4twh0r3 @tazinva @neokawa @mirikusashes @helloshoutohere @goldenchaos7 @wingsofmydemons @fearlesskz @moonieho @denkis-slut @nikanikabitch @peteunderoos @itsjustsavs @lalisbitch @micheleinumaki @tsukkisbbyg @kuroosluv @immxnty @rory-cakes @thechaosoflonging @ish-scribbles @randomesk-yuku @emazzello @fivxss @morosis-haze @setterswife @rarr-com1452z @excujeemi
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