#Introduction to Forbidden Lands
legionofmyth · 8 months
Forbidden Lands - Introduction
Curious about Forbidden Lands? 🎲 Dive into our new video for an in-depth look at this dark fantasy #TTRPG by Free League! Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or new to the RPG scene, this game has something for everyone. Don't miss it! 🐉🛡️ #ForbiddenLands #RPGIntro
Forbidden Lands – Core Game A Simple Rescue – (Intro Adventure) Discover the captivating world of Forbidden Lands, a dark fantasy tabletop RPG by Free League Publishing. Watch now to dive into its rich gameplay Unlock the mysteries of Forbidden Lands in this must-watch video! We delve into this gripping tabletop RPG by Free League Publishing, covering everything from the open-world exploration to…
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tarjapearce · 5 months
Iridiscent (Pt. 4)
Pirate AU! Miguel O'Hara x Mermaid! Reader
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WARNING: Angst, mentions of violence, graphic depictions of violence, mild gore, political implications, character origins, character backgrounds, introduction of character, Greek mythology mentions.
Summary: The aftermath of a mermaid encounter brings an unexpected ally.
A/N: Pirate Miggy is back ❤️
Mermaids, sea witches, sirens, sea monsters. The latter was the most accurate name for what your mere existence rendered. And now, men eater.
Existing since way before humans understood the concept of civilizations, silent watchers of eons of evolution, yet unfortunate by the simple fact of being.
The permanence of the kin itself was a result of a fateful domino effect the God of the dead had unleashed by being invaded and bewitched by a mortal feeling. Love.
His whim had turned into obsession and this somehow morphed into love. A feeling so strong that made him kidnap the Spring goddess for himself, tired of the miserable companion solitude was in the underworld. And that was the moment everything changed.
The nymphs in charge of their queen's safety were turned into winged beings, as a punishment from none other than Demeter. Her wrath over them, ruthless and merciless as they were forced to look everywhere for their vanishing queen to no avail.
Some of the nymphs had escaped the aftermath to a recluse island, abandoning all purpose of finding Persephone, to follow the whims of their hearts in lieu. Singing and music.
But even so, Demeter's fury had no match, vengeful and blinded by anger she looked for the rebel ones to kill them, but these hid in the sea. Eventually, the feathers hardened, turning into scales. These etched and covered their legs. Securing them in a colorful long tail.
Bird's talons turned into beautiful and deadly hands, that once a prey was caught there was nothing it could do but to accept it's fate. Death.
Damned be Hades and his stupid obsession. Damned be Demeter and her blinding rage, and damned be the men that polluted the earth above with their existing and constant evolving.
Men. The real wretched creatures. The executioners of everything they decided unworthy of living. Stupid beings that played God in a self imposed role in  life's hierarchy.
Creatures that had hunted and killed your kin for ages, forcing to separate and face new dangers at every turn in the endless ocean. Humans, a little too praising title considering their acts and actions were everything but, had forced you to hide in the deepest waters and forbidden lands not many were brave enough to venture in.
A couple of centuries were more than enough for you to have a glimpse of their nature. Destructive, dangerous and merciless. They sullied and tarnished everything unfortunate enough to go under their hands.
They killed everything unknown or deemed too frightening for their existence and had no mercy while at it. The bloodier the better. A disgusting yet necessary example of behavior you had to follow in order to survive.
Humans had shaped your temper. Heart rejoicing at every sunken ship the sea swallowed. Even their flesh had lost the sizzle to be enjoyable enough, making your feeding habits more inclined towards other creatures within the sea.
You didn't eat men because you hated them. You ate them because their hatred had poisoned enough the seas, leaving you without resources, pushing you to consume them. And your refusal had made your body weak, it had been years since your body felt properly satisfied.
You collapsed.
How many days had passed, certainly was unknown. Time under the sea was measured by how long it took for a reef to go completely white, how often the ships let their nets in a single spot. Sometimes you remained on land, sea too dangerous to venture alone.
But none of that mattered anymore. Inanition wasn't exclusive of humans, the last thing in your mind was to curse Hades and the men.
But death escaped and picked you and others alike within a net. Pushing some survival instinct back in you as the net wriggled and broke. Injecting the right amount of life to hand you a buffet in a wooden platter. Gathering your bearings after the little commotion in your head, was quickly overlooked when the attention focused on the scene unfolding.
A ship full of men, that stared in wonder and fear. One of them stood out from the rest. It reminded you of Hercules. His physique unique, just as his eyes. A fine specimen and surely a delicious one. Their language was unknown, but it became clear the moment you kissed the fool before your apparent naive form. Absorbing his knowledge and a little more in that simple gesture. Which was little.
But enough to understand what the men said and whispered around you.
Foul and salty smelling, with a faint tinge of wine. He tasted sour and ashy, but edible enough to sate your rampant huger. You wanted to go for the herculean man in shackles, his scent rich in leather, voice like a soft and firm caress in the back of one's head. His cinnamon toned skin made your mouth water.
You were about to move for him, but Elliot, the idiot infront and your hunger kept you in place. You knew your initial prey would fight and would waste the little reserve of strength you had left. He was no fool.
As moronic as the man on your way  was, he'd save his purpose. The prey was subdued, flesh and bones devoured; bland and tasteless, but well welcomed within your body. Revitalizing energies and restocking the strength you had been lacking for a time.
Expected as it was, they attacked, all by the command of the shackled man, that had dared to injure you with a bullet. But you were too frenzied and hungry to care. Your meal hung in your maws, as you fought to get it off the ship.
Your Hercules watched in horror from afar, and never in your life had you felt more realized and satisfied to provoke such disturbing reaction in a man.
You could almost taste the fear behind his raged and shaky breathing, his shock in every powerful beat his heart did, the denial in his eyes as they widened the more your teeth sank into the corpse. It fueled you. And also ignited with new strength the already flickering purpose of your existence.
Destroy as many of them as possible.
You went under the ship, away from their archaical defense to eat and consume your food. Humans weren't definitely on the top, for a moment the hunter became the prey and didn't survive to brag about his new kill.
Skin and flesh was torn, consumed with such hunger it had you full and completely sated like never before, within matter of minutes. Elliot Jackdaw no longer existed, but served as a reminder that your kin prevailed and endured.
But also, had unleashed a new domino effect you weren't aware of.
The man in shackles, your forsaken greek god, was thrown at the sea. Your territory. You saw him move, fight against the current; trying to free himself from the heavy cuffs that weighed him down and reach back to the ship. And then nothing.
He became still and it made you frown. Where that bravado had gone? The smirk that was about to emerge in your lips faded as soon as a red cloud oozed and swallowed his head.
His scent was too rich and alluring, stagnant almost. Sickly sweet for your senses and he wasn't moving.
If you recalled, he was called a captain. What was a captain doing out of his ship drowning in the sea? Your lip twitched in scowl.
The lack of loyalty among his kindred was another reason to hate them. He wasn't the first nor the last you had saved in these conditions. Mostly women or little children that were expelled without much reasons other than being a burden.
As much as you cursed your heart for not turning its back to these sort of injustices, and your need to have a tiny taste of him, you hauled him up shore. Light as a feather in water, but heavy as lead on land. The heavy iron around his wrist didn't help, so you destroyed it, inflicting little cuts around his flesh in the process.
Ancient eyes scrutinized his form. Sharp cheekbones that could only match a sword. Strong features that screamed fighter in every direction you looked. A jagged and nasty cut on a side of his head, some strands obscuring his face, you removed them and some bloodied debris from his wound, inspecting it.
Not a too deep cut, the contusion of his head against the moving ship had been rough. A single cut in the upper right cheekbone, clothes clung to him like a second skin. His pockets however were too tempting to be left alone.
Sand and water on them, along a shiny pearl that had you staring and sniffing at the trinket for a close inspection, that didn't pay attention to the locket nesting deeper inside. The pearl was true, so you took it as it quickly etched to your skin, under the ribcage as a decor motif of the raggy top you used to cover your chest.
He'd surely serve as one of Aphrodite's lovers. His forearms laced in tiny and fading scars, that also loitered his solid and somewhat hairy chest. A man through and through. A natural enemy of yours, yet you had saved him.
Probably, he would hunt you too, like the scarce quantity of men you had pulled out of danger. The pearl was a token for saving his life.
You could kill him, filling your tabs with another number, but it wouldn't be honorable. Even if you were a different species, you refused to let some of their habits to rub on you. You opposed greatly to be like them, and so with a look that would suppose to be a final one back at him, you dipped back into the sea.
He was on land. Alive, heart beating along every single erratic breath. The sea waves washed over his hips, not cold neither lukewarm. Just the ideal temperature for the humid weather
I'm alive.
His mind couldn't comprehend what had happened. One moment he was in the sea, to then hurl himself back up and puke all the salty water his body had unwillingly ingested.
Miguel was dizzy, but alive. Beaten up, but still breathing. Pissed and ever ready to get his treasure back. But he had to recover some energies first.
Sighing and rising slowly, he turned around to kneel in the moist sand. Tiny grains of it etched to his moist skin, they were rough, altering his sensorial touch for a second. Feet finally got the strength to stand up, careful to not let the nauseas get to his head entirely. Skin burned, but he could bear the discomfort, what Miguel truly needed was a big gulp of water.
He remembered the sun being high on the sky, blazing with all it's glory and witnessing his crew marooning him for good. And now it was night. Somehow thankful that he didn't have to deal with the weather's inclemencies. Step by wobbly step he approached to the thickets and palms rooted in the soil, dressing up modestly the land he walked on.
As another wave of nauseas hit while his head pounded, Miguel stopped to rest in a nearby palm. Calloused hand cupping and covering his mouth to prevent the bile and vomit to spill out once more. Dehydrated as he was, Miguel also understood the dangers of drinking too much salty water.
If dehydration didn't kill him, puking too much without having any other resources on reach would. But none of his survival could be done with the unbridled headache that hammered in his head. A side of it was caked in dry blood, like some strands of his already matted and full of sand hair.
With careful steps he ventured in deeper into the jungle, looking for a spot to spent the night away from land's troubles. The island wasn't familiar for him, he didn't even know if it was big enough to harbor sustainable life, or if ships would pass nearby. With a gasp and a frantic move, he palmed his pockets.
Mierda, no! No
Panic rose upon not feeling the pearl, the sudden motion made his steps stutter as he puked, unable to hold it in anymore. But once he was done and wiped his mouth with the back of his arm, he searched into them.
Por favor
The pearl was gone, that was for sure, but relief washed over him upon feeling the fine golden chain of the locket. Hand clasped on it while he brought it to his chest and sighed.
He nearly gave up.
Heart pounding in his ears along his head, and only when he opened the locket, the tears flowed. Calloused fingers full of sandy grains probed the valuable mineral, feeling the dents of the shell shape he knew by heart at this point. Eyes drowning and his voice muffled into a silent and wrathful sob as he inhaled the trinket.
Perdóname, Gabi. (Forgive me)
A faint tickle of fresh home bread, coconut oil that he used to fry the fish, and the eucalyptus ointment that was always next to him brought back the bittersweet memories that flooded his mind about the last years he had with Gabriella. She adored when he cooked, and always smelled his fingers after using the oil.
It reminds me of you, Papa.
She loved freshly baked bread. But hated the smell of the eucalyptus ointment the doctor left her.
The only memento he now had of his beloved and long gone daughter. The only thing that mattered the most for him.
How dared them betraying him when he had been everything but fair and good?
How dared them into taking his ship and some important things he had hid inside? But most importantly, how dared life to show him that mermaids were real when the reason he believed in them in the first place was no longer with him?
Who was he supposed to tell that he saw a mermaid?
A karma for turning into a pirate, maybe. All his mind was able to remember was the way the creature looked at him, a clear assessment of her power. Fear invaded every fiber of his being, making him too stunned to actually think or act until he saw the creature devouring Elliot.
Another reason for him to respect the sea. Now that he had a glimpse of what laid underneath, Miguel wondered what other things crawled in it's depths. But he would think about it all tomorrow.
His eyes drooped in exhaustion. Thinking consumed the last bit of his energy reserves. Despite the thirst clawing at his throat with a vice grip, the headache and weariness were greater. Even though a thicket wasn't the right choice to spend the night, he hadn't the time nor the energies to be picky. He just collapsed once more and hoped whoever above to live another day.
The sunlight was slippery enough to leak through the dense foliage and reach patches of the humid and moss textured land, as well parts of his weathered face. With a wince he rolled to his side, avoiding the aurifeous and warm touch from the ever blazing sun.  Head clear from it's pain, and thoughts in order, like it should be.
With a sigh he rose and stretched, popping joints back in their place. Discomfort remaining in his head and wrists, that upon further examination he deducted the cuts in them were fresh, and undoubtedly someone had saved him from a certain death. Who, he didn't know but was grateful for the mysterious savior to let his revenge start.
With a rested yet hungry body, and a fresh head to think, he rolled his shoulders back and took a look around. Surveying his environment to decide which way to go. No weapons, no resources but packed with skills that were honed precisely for these sort of situations.
He still remembered the first time Mundaca had left him in an island with a single knife to fend for himself, since Miguel refused to accompany him in a slave hunting trip. At first he thought that Mundaca had left him for good or out of spite, but Fermín had only taught him a valuable surviving lesson. This time however, he didn't have that knife and would rely only on his hands, brain and brawns.
Naturally, Miguel headed for the north, palm trees left behind, instead acai palms, rubber trees and soursops begun gathering in the place. The scent of wet soil and rotting wood was pungent in the air, oddly, he liked it. Macaws and other birds cackled and cawed as he pushed deeper along some distant rustling.
The overgrown roots twisted and tangled here and there, weaving a walkable path free of them to his right, His eyes darted to the tail of a cobra slithering away from him, minding it's business.
The copious squaking of the birds was a good white noise along the crunching of his wet boots. His throat was beyond arid, that even spit couldn't form in it if he wished; stomach rumbled violently, begging him for some food. Breathings paused but deep.
Hours stretched for what seemed forever, he didn't know if he was walking in circles, the island was definitely not small. He had found some fruit trees along the way, but the things were so our of reach, that attempting to climb for them was a risk. He'd knew the wait would worth it.
Ears however perked at the gunshot given in the distance. Eyes widened, both in surprise and excitement at the thought that civilization was within. Cause that meant, food and water. And also weapons. And what a better way to confirm it than a booming gunshot that spooked away the nearby fawn.
With careful steps, he followed the echo, making the least of noise possible. As much as it thrilled to have a bite, he also understood the implications of such things. Armored men, guarded bodegas, overpowered foremen and probably slaves.
Time flew by, but his spirits lifted upon spotting the first red uniforms in a distance. Two of them. He approached closer to take a better look.
The soldiers had a rifle each, a belt full of ammo and firing at what were now dead slaves as shooting dummies. To his right, Miguel saw a few tents and supplies. Food and water tossed in a nearby bench, a fire was alight, serving as a cooking source for the pot placed above. His eyes however fell upon a machete. Probably belonging to one of the dead men tied up in the wooden posts.
After all, working tools had to be in perfect conditions, leaving no room for slacking off.
Miguel forayed slowly, moving within the foliage until he reached for the machete, with paced breathings he awaited for another shot to rumble to pull the weapon within his reach. The metallic drag was drowned. He couldn't eat until the men were disposed off.
Now that he was armored, a distraction was needed. The branches used for the iron's pot makeshift support were weak, the stew inside boiled. Miguel pushed the tip of the machete on the pot's edge, a little clink connected as the pot was pushed forward, but it barely tumbled it. He awaited for another gunshot to echo to push the pot entirely on the ground.
The lard immediately sent sparks on the floor as smoke surrounded the area. The noisy thud of the pot alarmed one of the guards that didn't waste time into blaming his companion for the shitty structure and how they'd have to go fishing again to get food done.
A little too late the guard noticed the fiery red eyes that glowered at him. Before he could even say something the sharp blade of the machete sliced through this throat in a firm thrust, all the guard could do was a gurgle, perturbed, before plummeting on the floor, staining the blade with a warm crimson as Miguel pulled it out of the body. Flesh sizzling at the contact of the hot coals and wood.
He took a rock that filled in his palm and aimed it for the head of the remaining guard, the other soldier yelped as he fell on the ground, the rock hitting his head with a lurid crack. Miguel lurched for him to end his misery by impaling the weapon in his back. Right in the middle. It was quick, deathly and effective.
Miguel panted but waited in case  another guard was around, but none approached, just the wing flapping of a macaw somewhere. With the machete in  hand he approached to the tent and wasted no time in gobbling down the water in a container, quenching his thirst, not really caring for the droplets that rolled down his neck.
His hands then wiped his face as he scrubbed the caked blood and sand away, then scarfed down the leftovers left in a plate and devoured anything within reach that was cooked or preserved, Adia probably would scold him for eating like an animal, despite being starving.
Once he was satisfied and his strength back, he looked for other weapons he could use. As much as the machete proved a worthy aid, it was long and it made noise. The opposite of what he needed.
The Red Eyed Demon searched into the soldier's pockets, a couple of coins, bullets and gold teeth that seemed freshly pulled out of the bodies in the back. He took the bullets and left the rest, he also found a short ranged pistol, a combat knife and a rope.
Also, to his luck, some fresh clothes. As much as he was set into his vengeance he wouldn't waste the chance into being comfortable while at it. His boots were soiled full of sand and saline water, he changed them, like his pants. The shirt was the only thing he kept since none of the men actually wore his size.
Ridiculous as it was, one of the soldiers had abnormally larger feet. But were perfect for him. Pants still a bit too short but he'd had them any other day instead of walking around feeling uncomfortable and itchy by the salt etched to his skin and clothes.
He ventured deeper only to find a familiar scene before him. A state. Hacienda Valverde read in the overly embellished metal structure that held the sign.
So far, Miguel had done a good job in keeping himself hid, the least of attention he attracted, the more successful his escape plan would be. So far he had counted around fifteen soldiers in the property. Five of them scattered through the plantations, making sure the workforce didn't dally in their duties.
He ventured over the trees, avoiding unnecessary trouble, to then land nearly quietly in a mountain of hay. His breathings stopped at every time an unsuspected guard passed by him. Heart pounded in his ears when his steps brought him closer and closer to danger
The rest of the guards were scattered through the property, watching over the stables, the main storage room, inside the hacienda and of course, watching over the supply.
He had snuck in the warehouse, to his surprise the cells were empty, he went through each of them to see if anything worthy had been left behind, but the sound of the lock being picked made him hide behind a couple of haystacks.
"Stop, Stop!" A groan came from a wriggling man, "I told you the truth! Let me go!"
Miguel couldn't see who was the prisoner, peeking out would be too risky, but the lack of accent, gave him a hint. An American.
The man grunted as he kicked, managed to land a punch or two to the guards that only twisted his shackled hands backwards. This made the man whine and curse, blind hot pain shot in his ribcage as another soldier hit him with the base of his rifle.
"Shut your fucking gob!" With a rough shove, the fighting man was thrown into the cell, the enclosure's door stilled with a loud creak as the main door was slammed shut.
The only noises the pirate could hear was the pained grunts that only increased when the prisoner tried to pick himself up from the floor, and the shaky huffing that turned into whiny whimpers when he managed to recover some air.
The day was set to surprise him, cause in his life he had seen a white man being thrown in a slave cell. Until now.
The man was tall, lean muscle in his body, a five o'clock stubble in his narrow cheeks and blue eyes. Hair hapzardly peeking ontop of his head.
"Fuck..." He groaned but recoiled in his cell even further upon seeing the shade of red glinting at him behind the haystacks. Pain screamed in every breathing he did, but that didn't stop him from trying to get himself free.
The man's eyes widened as soon as Miguel came into full view. He had to crane his head upwards to meet his eyes and gulped as soon as he realized the color in the behemoth of a man. Breaths shallow but less erratic than before now that he knew he had company.
"Please. Help me out of here, pal"
He was definitely American.
"And why would I do that?"
Miguel’s bushy brow quirked while taking another look through the warehouse, searching for alternative escape routes.
"Cause my wife just gave birth and I wanna meet my little girl."
A red stare seized the blue one. His unwavering, but the man's rivalled against it. Miguel broke contact as his hands fisted briefly. The prisoner's chest heaved whole he rubbed the area he was hit on.
Lucky bastard
"I was supposed to arrive last week but I was taken from the ship."
Miguel looked through the haystacks and other corners he didn't have the chance to search thoroughly.
"That's what I'd like to know!" The man sat against the lateral bars and winced defeated, watching at the moving man.
"I was a merchant, on a trip to improve a little familiar business I have, but Nueva York isn't precisely friendly with the working class." He paused to take some air the hit had taken away, "So I came back. And that's where the english trapped me." His forehead rested ontop of his scrapped and bloodied knuckles. The spark that gave him a beating and his imprisonment.
"The English are press ganging civilians at sea."
Miguel's lip twitched in a scowl upon hearing the news. Of course they would, Americans and English were too deep in political wars that could barely stand eachother. But in the sea, the English were the masters and none was there to stop them. More like he wasn't there to sink as many of them as possible.
"How old is your daughter?"
The pirate asked above his shoulder and this made the gaoler to look up.
"Three weeks old. According to my wife's last letter."
Miguel's shoulder slumped, and he turned to look at the man. A little hesitation passed over his eyes, but it vanished as soon as he saw an old acquaintance of him. Hope. Red eyes rolled annoyed, as if regretting the sudden decision he was about to make.
"Do you know how to use a weapon?"
The question surely threw the man off, but still managed to reply
"Y-Yeah. Not fond of them, but yeah."
"Not a complete useless if that's what you're hinting at."
Miguel chuckled and approached closer to the cell, examining the lock while the detainee put on his pair of boots.
"Gimme a wire and I'll get myself out of here."
Miguel instead took a nearby shovel to destroy the lock in a couple of hits. The metal piece clanking on the floor as it fell.
"O-Or you could do that. Yeah."
The man stood on his feet and stretched before offering his hand to him, Miguel just stared at him for a moment before taking his hand in a firm shake. Peter hid a wince at the sheer display of strength and that he had grabbed his injured hand.
"Peter B. Parker. Merchant and lock master."
"Miguel O'Hara. Pirate."
Peter could only blink stupidly at him.
"Let's go."
But followed him without much thought.
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Jaig Eyes
Summary: Soulmates are forbidden among the clones. Yours just happens to be a certain Captain. Thankfully, he's not above breaking the rules sometimes.
Pairing: Captain Rex x medic!reader
Warnings: NSFW, smut, P in V sex, no foreplay, unprotected sex, some description of battles, wounds, slight blood mention, drinking, partying, Soulmate AU
A/N: Rex my baby, my boy, one of my OG faves. It's about time I wrote something for him. I'm a little delirious from the heat, but I'm still alive. This was supposed to be the first one of the series but Tech and Crosshair demanded more attention.
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The explosions are loud, even with the tanks as far ahead as they are. Your adrenaline is pumping, but you keep breathing, keeping it under control. That’s why you were chosen for this position, after all. Your ability to keep control even under the most overwhelming, stressful situations. 
Your home planet got hit hard early in the war. Due to its location near four major hyperspace lanes, both sides of the war needed to control it, and that came at the expense of its inhabitants. Many people lost their lives in the brutal battle, both civilians and clones. There wasn’t much left of your home afterwards, most inhabitants of the city displaced. 
So you decided to leave and join the GAR as a medic. You already had the experience, and after doing everything you could to help during the invasion, you had decided to put your life plans on hold and join the army. 
Your ability to keep calm under extreme duress had impressed your instructors during your training, and so they had given you the title of combat medic, and sent you off with the 501st Legion. You had practically been thrown right into the field, not that you had expected much less. 
Kix, the clone medic you served under, had given you a brief tour and rundown on the way to provide reinforcements to the 104th. He had warned you that the area they were landing in was going to be hot, and to expect to jump in right away. 
You had expected nothing less, having already seen just how ugly the front lines can be. 
That’s where you are now, treating troopers practically as they fall. 
“The Captain’s down!” 
The words ring loud and clear through your comm, the energy of the entire battalion shifting. You have yet to meet any of the clone commanders, much less the Captain of the 501st. You had been thrown into this rather rapidly. There would be a time for introductions later. 
Your name is called through the comms, Kix appearing with another trooper, dragging who you assumed was the Captain between them. They lay him on the ground, the other trooper running back into the heat of the battle. 
“We need to stabilize him before we can move him.” Kix says, kneeling next to the Captain. 
You kneel on his other side, taking a look at him. His entire right shoulder piece is missing, an ugly wound oozing blood. It’s a nasty shot, but he’s lucky it’s not on the left. 
“Bacta.” Kix says and you hand off an injector from your belt. 
You move to take off his helmet, your breath catching in your throat. Your eyes are drawn to his helmet, above his visor. The marking on it. You knew most of the clones used some sort of marking to distinguish themselves. Whether it be on their armor, or tattoos, or hairstyles, they all had unique aspects about them to give them individuality. 
This one, though. This one is startling to you. 
Most species in the galaxy experience the phenomenon of soulmates. There are a number that don’t, but they are vastly outnumbered by those that do. 
How one is linked to their soulmate can vary. Yours just happens to be the identifying mark. A symbol or even a phrase that means something to your other half. Or, for the lucky few, an entire name. Most got them at birth, or some shortly after. Rarely were there huge gaps in age between soulmates. Given the vast dichotomy of species in the galaxy, fate wasn’t that unkind. 
Well, most liked to think it wasn’t. 
Your mark showed up eleven years ago. You had already been well into your childhood when you woke up one morning to find a symbol on your chest. You’d never seen anything like it before. After some extensive research, you came to learn they’re called  jaig eyes, a symbol used by Mandalorians for distinguished warriors. A symbol of bravery, tattooed over your heart in blue.
You had thought your soulmate might be Mandalorian, and so you had spent years planning and working towards a trip to Mandalore. 
Then the war started, and your planet was invaded.
The entire situation had left such an impact on you, you decided to push your dreams of Mandalore, and your soulmate, aside for the time being. If fate had paired you together, you would meet eventually. 
You hadn’t expected this though. 
Your hands are shaking just a bit as you grab his helmet, pulling it off. You support his neck, easing his head to lie in the dirt. His face is pinched as Kix ties a tourniquet around his shoulder. 
“I’m fine.” He grunts out, nose scrunching in pain. 
“The gaping hole in your shoulder says otherwise.” Kix says, injecting the shot of bacta into the wound. 
You grimace a bit, knowing how much that hurts. Your own fingers pull down his blacks, exposing enough of his neck to administer a stim shot. You can see as it begins to kick in, numbing the pain and giving him a boost of energy. His face begins to soften, body relaxing a bit. 
Kix calls for an evac, two troopers easing the Captain onto a stretcher before removing him from the heat of the battle. You clear your head, moving on to the next injured trooper. The battle isn’t over. You have a lot more work to do before you can think about this new development. 
You wipe your brow, body starting to drag as the adrenaline crashes. The battle had ended, but your job was only getting started. There was still a field of injured troopers that needed care, as well as a full med bay. 
“I’m impressed.” Kix says, finishing applying the bacta patch on the final trooper that needed care. “Not many nat-borns can keep going that long after being in the field.” 
You shrug. “It’s not my first time on the battlefield. My home planet was one of the first invaded by the Separatists. Most of it was wiped out by the battles. I learned very quickly to stay busy. If you’re not doing anything, you remember you’re human and you crack.” 
Kix puts a hand on your shoulder. “Go get some rest. We’ll be fine here.” 
“Thank you, sir.” You nod, heading off to the bunks. 
You hop in the refresher, wishing it was real water, but the sonic shower will do. You don’t let it hit you until you crawl into your bunk, letting the day wash over you finally. You’re shaking, silent tears rolling down your cheeks. You’d mastered the quiet cry a long time ago, not wanting to disturb your fellow medics getting some much needed rest.
You’re exhausted, but you’ve seen far too much today to let yourself rest just yet. 
You need to work through it. If you bottle it up, you’ll only explode later. 
You close your eyes, the image of the jaig eyes coming to the front of your brain. There was no mistaking it. It wasn’t the confusion of battle, or the stress making you see things. The Captain of the 501st has jaig eyes on his helmet, in the same shade of blue as the ones printed on your chest, right over your heart. 
This is going to complicate things. 
It was one of the first things you were taught in your training. Under no circumstances were clones allowed to initiate their soulmate links. If, by chance, one of them happened to be your soulmate, the link had to be rejected. If a clone was found to have iniated the link, they would be decommisioned immediately. 
It’s cruel, but you can understand why. 
The soulmate link is a powerful motivator. The clones were designed to be loyal, focused, and dedicated to fighting and winning the war. Many of the first generation of clones had deserted upon learning of their soulmate marks. It seemed even the most potent conditioning couldn’t overcome the yearning of ones soul to find its other half. 
Even the most loyal clone would turn their back upon meeting the soulmate. 
The thought of being rejected is terrifying. It’s a painful process for both involved. Some who have experienced it claim it feels like your body is being turned inside out, every cell on fire as your soul destroys the link. You remember every second of it, the horrible pain and the grief that settles in as you realize you’ll never be able to feel the same again. 
You’ll never be the same again. 
You can’t tell the Captain. He can never know. You can’t stand the thought of being rejected. Though the pain would ease with time, you’ll never forget it. You’d rather suffer through the pain of being so close but never initiating than feel the rejection of someone who may never have wanted to reject you. 
Time flies quickly now that you’ve established yourself amongst the 501st. The Legion is constantly on the move, burning through battle after battle with little rest in between. According to Kix this is very common, with the Legion going sometimes weeks without a break. You know it can’t be good for them, recognizing the exhaustion on many of the trooper’s faces and in their body language. 
You’re beginning to feel it too, tension knotting in your shoulders and the quality of your sleep has been declining. You know it’s not just the stress of constant adrenaline and work, though. Constantly being within close proximity of your soulmate and doing absolutely nothing about it has been wearing on you as well. You’ve spoken maybe ten words to each other when Kix had introduced you to the Captain after the first battle when you’d helped care for him. 
Since then, you’d only seen him in passing. 
It’s slowly driving you insane. 
You’ve grown close to some of the troopers, especially those that frequented the med bay for “unjustified reasons” as Kix liked to call it. It was his code for “they did something stupid and now we have to fix them.” 
You can’t really blame them for being a bit reckless sometimes. They deserved to have some fun every once in a while. 
“There’s my favorite medic!” A heavy arm slings around your shoulder, nearly making your knees buckle. You’d been in one of the storage areas, cataloging everything the med bay needed to stock up on once you landed on Coruscant. “Excited about shore leave?” Fives asks. 
“Actually I am.” You say, honestly. You had planned to book a hotel room and sleep off the stress. You hope the distance from your soulmate will help ease the tension that’s been building. 
“A bunch of us are gonna hit 79s. You should come with us.” Echo says, popping up on the other side of you. You had been wondering where he was, as the two were rarely far from each other. 
It’s a tempting offer. Losing yourself in a bar for a night might help ease the stress. Unless Captain Rex planned on being there too. 
“I don’t know...” You say, chewing your lip. “I was planning on just relaxing.” 
“Come on,” Fives squeezes you against his side. “It’s your first shore leave. Let us show you how we celebrate.” 
You almost say no, but perhaps spending time around others will help you feel better. Even if Captain Rex is there, alcohol can help you forget. Perhaps you could even find someone else, someone to help you forget. 
“Fine.” You sigh, but a smile tugs at your lips. “I’ll come with you.” 
They both cheer, giving you breath-stealing pats on the back. Sometimes they forget they have to be gentler with non-clones. 
“Meet you on the landing platform at 19:00 hours.” Five says. 
You salute him jokingly, making your way to the med bay with a smile on your face. 
You’re glad you thought to pack a dress for occasions like this. You’re also glad you packed a dress that covers your chest. The last thing you need is any of them seeing it. Would they report you? Would they tell the Captain? You’d like to think they wouldn’t. It’s not like you’d even been trying to talk to the Captain. 
You check yourself in the mirror, making sure your mark is covered before you make your way out of the venator. As promised, a small group of guys is waiting on the landing pad, some of them having dressed down while others are still in their armor. 
Fives whistles lowly as you approach, your cheeks warming a bit. “Looking good, civvy.” 
“I mean, I know you’re a looker but kriff, you clean up well.” Jesse says, nonchalantly giving you a once over. 
Your face feels hot with their attention and compliments, not used to being on the receiving end. “Thanks, guys.” 
“Come on,” Fives tosses an arm across your shoulders. “Let’s get going!” 
You feel warm, slightly buzzed as you make your way back towards the bunks. It’s late...or early depending on how you look at it. You’d had a good time with the guys. You’d danced and drank and laughed a lot. It was a good distraction, and it helped you decompress a bit. You’re exhausted, though, still ready to sleep the rest of shore leave away before you inevitably get thrown into another battle. 
It’s the alcohol that’s dulled your senses a bit, not even noticing the person rapidly approaching behind you until they’ve spun you around, pressing you back into the wall. 
“Fives!” You blink in shock up at Fives, his brow furrowed as he stares down at you. “W-What are you doing?” 
Your heart is racing as his hand lifts towards your dress, all the worst possible things flashing through your head. He’s a flirt, but you’d never thought he’d go this far. Your buzzed brain has just got it in you to call out for help when his hand tugs the neck of your dress to the side, revealing the mark on your chest. 
“I knew it.” He says, letting your dress fall back into place. 
“How did you-” 
“I glimpsed it while we were dancing.” He says simply. “I had to be sure.” 
You step away from the wall, adjusting your dress. “Well you could have just asked instead of giving me a heart attack.” 
“Sorry.” He says, actually managing to look guilty. “Why haven’t you said anything?” 
“I don’t want to get rejected.” You say. “I’d rather live with the pain of him being close than live with the pain of rejection.” 
Fives snorts. “He won’t reject you.” 
You blink up at him. “What?” 
A grin tugs at Fives’ lips. “He won’t reject you. Most of us don’t agree with the rule against soulmates, and we don’t plan on following it. Rex may be a Captain, but he’s not going to reject you just because he’s supposed to. If we followed the rules as rigidly as we’re supposed to, most of us would be dead already.” He puts a hand on your shoulder. “Talk to him. You never know when it might be too late.” 
Despite Fives’ admission to their willingness to bend the rules, you haven’t approached the Captain. Partly because you’re still afraid, and also partly because you haven’t had time. After the brief shore-leave, the Legion had been thrown into a long campaign that had been taking its toll. Many, many troopers were injured, and you barely got time to sleep, let alone do anything else. 
Like approaching the Captain about your soulmate mark.  
After two long weeks of grueling battles, it’s finally over. Well, at least the fighting. You still have an overflowing med bay to get through. 
Hours later, most of the troopers have been stabilized and on their way to healing. Kix sends you away, practically ordering you to bed. You don’t argue, your feet already dragging as you leave the med bay. You need a long cry and a nap, ready to crash. 
You hadn’t meant it literally, but it seemed fate was getting tired of your avoidance. 
You walk straight into a hard chest, nearly falling backwards. Hands steady you, and you look up right into the eyes of Captain Rex. 
“S-Sorry Captain.” You stutter, taking a step back. “I-I wasn’t paying attention.” 
“It’s alright.” He says, still holding your gaze. “I know you’ve been overwhelmed in the med bay recently. You’re all working hard.” 
You nod. “Yeah.” You continue to stare at him, the words bubbling out of you before you can stop them. “I need to speak with you. Alone.” 
He blinks in surprise. “Oh. Is there...something wrong? Is it one of the troopers?” 
You shake your head. “No, no. It’s...” You almost backtrack. You almost change your mind, but those soft brown eyes draw you in. “It’s personal.” 
He hesitantly leads you into one of the many storage rooms, making sure it’s empty. You hope no one walks in. You’re already nervous about bringing this up to the Captain. You’d rather not have to try and explain this to someone else. 
You turn to face him as the door slides shut, looking up into his eyes again. His face is drawn and focused, and you almost feel bad for throwing this on him. 
“I think you’re my soulmate.” You blurt out, wanting to get it all out in the open. 
His eyes widen in surprise. “What?” 
You bite your lip, stripping off your gear enough that you can lower the neckline of your shirt a bit. You draw it down, revealing the mark on your skin. “It appeared almost eleven years ago.” 
He steps closer, staring hard at the mark. His hand lifts, his gloved fingers tracing over the lines of the jaig eyes. “The medic’s symbol.” He says, eyes still staring at the mark on your chest. “My mark, it’s the medic’s symbol.” 
You let out a long breath. Fate really does plan out everything perfectly. 
His hand leaves your chest, lifting to cup your chin. You step closer to him, your chests almost touching. How desperately you want to kiss him, to initiate the bond. You’re not even sure that’s what he wants. 
“I think I’ve known since Kix introduced us.” He says, his hand still holding your chin.
“I knew the moment I saw you on the battlefield, when you got shot.” You say. 
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” He asks. 
“I didn’t want to get rejected.” You admit. “I-I thought...but then Fives said-” 
“Fives knows?” He asks. 
You nod. “He saw the mark when we went out to 79s last shore leave.” 
His grip tightens just a bit on your chin, jealousy flashing in his eyes. 
“Nothing happened.” You quickly add, realizing your words left a little too much unsaid. “We just danced, and he confronted me after about it. He said you clones aren’t quite as uptight when it comes to rules as everyone thinks.” 
The side of his mouth lifts in a smirk. “Not in this Legion at least. I do wish you’d said something sooner, but I understand if you didn’t know...I’m not going to reject you.” He holds you still for a moment before dropping his hand. “The General is being called back to Coruscant, so we’ll get a short leave once we return. Two hours after we land, come to the barracks. I’ll make sure they’re empty.” 
Your stomach squirms with excitement. Even if you do nothing but sit and talk, the prospect of being close to your soulmate has your body coming alive. You nod, hardly able to contain yourself. 
You don’t feel quite so tired anymore as you make your way to your own barracks. 
The two hours after landing seems to take a lifetime. Your eyes flash to the chronometer constantly. The first half hour hadn’t been so dreadful, as you had spent most of that helping move still recovering troopers, and loading up carts to pick up supplies. 
Then you’d found yourself with nothing to do but wait, so you had returned to your barracks to wait out the hour and a half before you’d make your way to the clone barracks. You’d considered dressing up, but you thought that might draw too much attention. Wearing light gear could at least give you an excuse for being there, should anyone ask. 
You head out ten minutes before, knowing it will take you that long to get across the ship. The trooper’s bunked on the opposite side of the ship from the medics, who were close to the med bay. 
Your stomach flutters with nerves and excitement the entire way. You’d thought about this moment for a long time, though it’s not quite playing out like you had expected. You’re not complaining, though. You’re lucky to have someone as loyal and caring as the Captain for your soulmate. 
You make it to the barracks, Captain Rex waiting outside the door. He’s removed his armor, wearing only the blacks underneath. You greet him with a smile, and he returns it. You like it, you realize, seeing him smile. 
He leads you inside, this set of barracks smaller than the others. It’s specially set up, he tells you, for the more higher ranking clones. The Captain, the ARC troopers, and those on his specialized squad. 
He leads you to the bed closest to the fresher, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t really plan anything. I don’t want you to feel pressured into doing something you don’t want.” 
You put a hand on his arm. “I figured we’d just let things happen naturally. Even if all we do is sit and talk, that’s fine with me.” 
He smiles down at you. “Then let’s talk.” 
And so you do. 
You tell him everything. From your earliest memories to getting your mark, to the devastation of your planet during the start of the war. You tell him about how you’d planned to visit Mandalore in hopes of finding your soulmate, and how you’d given up that dream to join the GAR. 
He tells you everything about himself too. Growing up too fast on Kamino, the endless training, being called to the front when the war started, how he was there on your home planet when it was attacked, all the men he’s lost, the stress of the war. They’d been designed to be more resilient to high stress situations, but the grief of loss and the exhaustion still weighs on him. 
You wrap your arms around him before you even think about it. You feel for him, you really do. As much as they’re supposed to be just numbers in an army fighting a war they didn’t even volunteer to be a part of, you know they’re more than that.
“That’s why most of us don’t follow the rule about soulmates.” He says, his arms wrapped around you. “We have to believe there’s something beyond war and loss.” 
“I’m glad you don’t agree with it.” You say, resting your head on his shoulder. “I don’t think I could have given you up.” 
His hand slides up your back, moving to rest between your shoulder blades. “I...don’t have a clue what I’m doing.” 
“I don’t think anyone does.” You say, and you mean it. “I think most of it is just supposed to...be natural. It’s supposed to feel right.” 
He pulls away from you, looking down at you. Your faces are inches apart, breath mingling. This close you can see the lines on his face, the light scattering of freckles on his nose and cheeks. 
“You’re kinda beautiful.” You say, staring at him. 
“I think I’m the one that’s supposed to say that.” He says, leaning in closer. “You’re the most exquisite thing I’ve ever seen.” 
Your cheeks heat up, a goofy smile tugging at your lips. “Stop. I am not.” 
He cups your face, his gloved thumb tracing your cheek. “Of course you are. You were made for me, after all.” 
Your lips meet, a spark shooting through you. You feel warm and light, pure energy racing through your nerves. His grip tightens on you, pulling you closer against him. He's warm and solid, like a cabin during an ice storm. 
He groans quietly against your lips, pulling you into his lap. You settle against him, tilting your head as the kiss deepens. You hadn't really planned on going this far, but you now understand why people say once you meet your soulmate, it's uncontrollable. 
He pulls away, pressing his forehead to yours. "I don't want to feel like I'm rushing you."
You smile. "I want this too. I don't think I could stop."
He wraps his arms around your waist, flipping you easily onto your back. "Good. I don't think I can either." 
He presses his lips back against yours, slotting his body against you. He's all lean muscle, fitting perfectly against you. He presses even closer, something hard poking against your thigh. 
You smile into the kiss, shifting your hips slightly to create some friction. You're already damp, your body well prepared for this moment. It had been building up for weeks. You can tell now, how much you'd been yearning for him, even if you hadn't noticed before. 
His lips trail down your jaw, charting a path down your throat. You arch into him, fingers digging into his broad shoulders. You tug at his blacks, one of his hands reaching back to pull the top off over his head. 
You run your fingers down his chest, feeling over every bump and scar. 
“I’ll tell you about them later.” He says, tucking his face back into your neck. You have a few too he’ll want to know about. “Right now, I want to see you.” 
You smirk up at him. “Then you best get to work, Captain.” 
He matches your smirk, sitting up on his heels. “That’s brave, issuing orders to your commanding officer.” 
“Well, in certain situations, I outrank you.” You reply. 
He unbuckles your med kit, setting it on the floor. “Don’t tell me Kix has been putting ideas in your head.” His hands slip under your shirt, trailing along your skin. “I’ll make a pass, though. This is one situation where I don't mind being told what to do.” 
You gape up at him for a moment. “Do you...like being told what to do, Captain?” 
He pulls your shirt over your head, tossing it onto the floor. Your breastband quickly follows, heat blossoming across your neck and chest as he stares at you. You feel a bit self-conscious under the intensity of his gaze. “Only if it’s you.” He says. “You’re so beautiful.” 
You smile shyly, reaching out for him. “Not quite as beautiful as you.” 
“Definitely more beautiful than me.” He says, leaning into your touch. 
“I’ve been waiting so long for you.” You say, caressing his face. 
“Then I won’t make you wait any longer.” He presses a kiss to your lips before sitting back up, undoing his belt. He slips his pants off, tugging yours off as well. 
You should feel self conscious being bare in front of him, especially only knowing him for a short time, but it feels natural. You know it’s natural. You were meant to be together. 
He slots his body against yours once more, his hard length pressing up against your core. You’re already wet in anticipation, more than ready to seal your bond completely. It’s a bit strange after having thought you might get rejected if you ever revealed it to him, but you’re glad he’s at least willing to break the rules about this. 
His hips grind against yours, dragging his length against your folds. You moan, spreading your legs further for him. You want him as close as possible. You need to have him as close as possible. 
“You’re so wet for me.” He groans, dragging his hips against yours. 
“I need you.” You whimper, arms wrapping around him. “Kriff, please Rex.” 
“Yes ma’am.” He says, kissing your throat before he reaches down, lining himself up. 
Hearing him say it stirs something in you, heat rushing straight between your legs. You slot that away for later, focusing instead on him as he slowly presses into you. The stretch burns a bit, but he goes slow, moving inch by inch until he’s seated inside you. You shiver at the close contact, your body coming alive from how connected you are. 
“Kriff, you’re so tight.” He groans, dropping to his elbows over you. “Fit me so perfectly.” 
“Well, I was made for you.” You say, wrapping your arms back around him. 
“So perfect for me.” He says, pressing a kiss to your lips. 
He begins moving, small thrusts as he drags his hips against yours. You cling to him, wanting him as close as you can get him. The sensations and the thought of having him so close set every nerve ending alight in your body, energy thrumming through you. You know it's the connection, the link you share coming alive. 
You love the feeling of it. 
It’s a bit sloppy and awkward, as neither of you are experts. You don’t care though, the pleasure still building as picks up speed. He’s close too, you can tell by the desperation of his movements. You slip a hand down between you, circling your clit as you near the edge. 
He stills as he cums, your own orgasm washing over you at the same time. You cling to him, holding him as close as possible as you ride out your highs together. 
“How much time do you think we have?” You say, holding him on top of you. 
“More than enough.” He says, letting himself sink closer to you. “I told Fives to keep them out as long as possible. 
You hadn’t meant to fall asleep. You had been so comfortable and comforted by Rex’s presence, you had just drifted off without trying. 
It’s the arrival of the other troopers that has drawn you from your slumber. Rex’s arm tightens around your waist, obviously having heard their return as well. So much for keeping this a secret. 
You hope maybe they’ll all stumble to bed tiredly and not even look in your direction. You’re hidden from the door by Rex’s body, his arm pulling the sheet up higher inconspicuously. 
“I see the Captain’s been busy while we were away.” A smug voice says. 
“Ha! I called it! You owe me 20 credits!” Another voice calls out. 
“Fives,” Rex growls, going to turn around, but you sit up, clutching the sheet to your chest. You’re still very much naked. 
“Wait, did you bet on us?” You ask in disbelief. 
“You owe me another 20!” Hardcase exclaims, slapping Jesse’s shoulder.
Rex wraps an arm around you, pulling you back down. “Let them have their fun. I’ll make them all do extra rounds in the training room tomorrow.” 
There’s a simultaneous groan from all of them as they shuffle to their bunks to get ready. 
“Don’t worry, cyar’ika. Your secret is safe with us.” Hardcase says. 
“Just as long as I don’t feel the bunk shaking.” Jesse says, climbing up to the top bunk. 
“No promises.” Rex smirks, wrapping his arms back around you.  
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yoga-onion · 11 months
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[Image above+below: works of an Estonian artist, Kaljo Põllu (28 November 1934 – 23 March 2010) ]
Legends and myths about trees
Forest myths, Estonian traditional beliefs (2)
The world of the Estonians’ ancestors - Proto-Estonian mythology
The world of the Estonians’ ancestors is believed to have turned around a pillar or a tree, to which the skies were nailed with the North Star. The Milky Way (Linnutee or Birds' Way in Estonian) was a branch of the World tree (Ilmapuu) or the way by which birds moved (and took the souls of the deceased to the other world). These myths were based on animistic beliefs.
Some traces of the oldest authentic myths may have survived in runic songs. There is a song about the birth of the world – a bird lays three eggs and starts to lay out the nestlings – one becomes Sun, one becomes Moon and one becomes the Earth. Other Finnic peoples also have myths according to which the world has emerged from an egg.
It has been suggested by ethnologist and former president Lennart Meri and among others, that a Kaali meteorite crater which passed dramatically over populated regions and landed on the island of Saaremaa around 3,000 - 4,000 years ago was a cataclysmic event that may have influenced the mythology of Estonia and neighboring countries, especially those from whose vantage point a "sun" seemed to set in the east.
There are surviving stories about Kaali crater in Finnish mythology (Description of indigenous paganism by Finns who always believed in spirit beliefs). 
In the Karelian-Finnish folk epic, the Kalevala, cantos (songs) 47, 48 and 49 can be interpreted as descriptions of the impact, the resulting tsunami and devastating forest fires. It has also been suggested that the Virumaa-born Oeselian god Tharapita is a reflection of the meteorite that entered the atmosphere somewhere near the suggested "birthplace" of the god and landed in Oesel.
Estonian mythology is a complex of myths belonging to Estonian folk heritage and literary mythology, and the systematic documentation of Estonian folklore had only began in the 19th century. 
Therefore, information on Proto-Estonian mythology before the conquest of the Northern Crusades, Christianisation and incorporation into the European world and during the medieval era, is only scattered in historical chronicles, travellers' accounts and in ecclesiastical registers.
It can be difficult to tell how much of Estonian mythology as we know it today was actually constructed in the 19th and early 20th century. Friedrich Robert Fehlmann, one of the compilers of the Estonian national epic, Kalevipoeg in the introduction to Esthnische Sagen (Estonian Legends), states.
"However, since Pietism has started to penetrate deep into the life of the people...singing folk songs and telling legends have become forbidden for the people; moreover, the last survivals of pagan deities are being destroyed and there is no chance for historical research."
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森の神話・エストニアの民間伝承 (2)
エストニア人の祖先の世界 〜 原始エストニア神話
3,000~4,000年前に人口密集地域の上空を劇的に通過し、サーレマー島に落下したカーリ隕石 (カーリ・クレーター) は、エストニアや近隣諸国、特に「太陽」が東に沈むように見えた国々の神話に影響を与えた可能性がある、と民族学者で元大統領のレンナルト・メリらによって示唆されている。
フィンランド神話 (精霊信仰を常に信仰していたフィン族による原始宗教的な伝説) にカーリ隕石に関する物語が残っている。カレリア・フィンランドの民俗叙事詩『カレワラ』の第47、48、49カント (聖歌) は、その衝撃と、その結果生じた津波、壊滅的な森林火災についての記述であると解釈できる。また、ヴィルマア生まれのオイセルの神タラピタは、この神の「出生地」とされる場所の近くで大気圏に突入し、オイセルに落下した隕石の反映であるとも言われている。
“しかし、敬虔主義が人々の生活に深く浸透し始めて以来......民謡を歌い、伝説を語ることは、人々にとって禁忌となった; さらに、異教の神々の最後の生き残りは破壊されつつあり、歴史研究のチャンスはない。"
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cinyemina · 1 year
Analyzing Kim Gimyung/Jake Kim
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I’m just trying to share my perspective on my favorite character in Lookism, Kim Gimyung/ Jake Kim. Also posted on Reddit.
i. first impression
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When I was first introduced to Gimyung in the gambling arc, I thought he was going to be one of those stereotypical villains who constantly tries to rise to the top but falls short. That is why I didn’t really pay any attention to his character. But as the plot progresses, we learn more about his character and learn that he wasn't always the bad guy and is a good guy. In his backstory (Jake Kim arc), we were able to understand how he became who he is.
I think PTJ wasn’t sure about Gimyung’s backstory and future roles at that time. Or maybe we were reading from a different perspective (Jace’s), which blinded us from understanding the true goals and motivations of Gimyung. In a later chapter, we got a bigger overview of the fight between Gimyung and Vasco, where Gimyung said something like “I have much more weight on my shoulders than you” (rescuing Sinu and protecting Big Deal).
ii. countenance
His face has displayed various ranges of expressions, but his eyebrows are almost always raised and have a composed expression. I'm not sure why I'm bringing this up specifically, but I believe it distinguishes him from other characters. I really wanted to write how it makes him special, but for some reason I'm having a hard time articulating my thoughts in this regard. For some reason, his right eye is depicted glowing magenta when he’s deeply motivated.
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iii. fighting prowess
Gimyung’s fighting style is based off mixed martial arts (MMA) and Gapryong Kim’s street fighting style. His level of MMA is to the point that he can overwhelm Xiaolong at his best regardless of when he used his weapon or best martial art.
He defeated Xiaolong, whose fighting prowess was on par with Gun's.
Every time Xiaolong swung his Guandao during their battle, Gimyung got better at anticipating attacks. (Chapter 419)
He blocked invisible kick from Sinu Han. (Chapter 388)
He took hits from Ultra Instinct (UI) Hyungseok.
During his time in prison, he followed Gun’s fighting routine and was successfully able to master it. He could fight hundreds of prisoners at once (like Gun).
He was able surmount Brekdak’s forbidden techniques. (Chapter 351)
Gun took out almost all his teeth
He is one of the only people in the series to be able to overcome invisible attacks. He’s so skilled that it was said that he could surpass Gun [5]. He is able to defeat opponents by abruptly changing his combat effectiveness [1 and 3]. He also has high attack potency [1, 3 and 6] and he’s also fast [2 and 3]. He has immense stamina and endurance [5 and 7]. Gimyung has a method to defend against attacks that take advantage of blindspots at a very efficient level. He is also able to see visions of attacks before they land on him, though it's only used against Xiaolung.
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iv. intelligence and tactics
He's gifted. He was able to:
run an entire gang and managed to find methods to earn money continuously despite the odds being against him.
easily deduce why Vasco was attacking the Workers Third Affiliate and prevented Yohan from continuing to fight when it wasn't needed.
find a way to prevent Yohan and Seongeun from fighting them and aid Hostel.
convince Choi Dongsoo to aid him and cooperate with Seongeun in backstabbing the Yoojin.
He avoids using weapons and simple fights. He frequently attempts to break his opponent's arms or legs. He is practical enough to employ subpar methods, such as pursuing his target while Xiaolong is left vulnerable to an assault. Gimyung will treat his adversary like Gun Park if he ever feels overpowered, making him even more dangerous.
He is incredibly perceptive to the outside world because he saw Jiho's influence on Jason when Jason made a peculiar face. By concentrating on the crack in the wall, Gimyung could determine the spinning mechanism during the club arc. He observes and notes how things function as he calmly takes in the details and information of his surroundings. He frequently attends to what needs to be done, discreetly and modestly addressing the immediate needs of the circumstance.
v. charisma and determination
He uses his communication skills, persuasiveness and charms to influence others. That is why he’s able to connect with people and manipulate (sometimes in good way, sometimes in bad) them on a deep level. He uses this skill in many ways that can affect a fight indirectly (his fight with Xiaolong in Hunt for Big Deal), including buying time, obtaining information that could be important, or manipulating how a person might approach a situation.
Gimyung had a strong determination. His goal was to save Sinu and to keep Big Deal safe. And to do that, he could even choose the path of unfairness. In middle school, he saved Brad and Jason from getting ganged up on, because he couldn’t tolerate injustice (just like his father). But he was so devoted to his goal that he went against his own principles.
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It’s an universal fact that our bae is painfully funny and charming and handsome. Fun fact: Gimyung loves red velvet cake.
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so caring
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iv. leadership and big deal
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To his allies, he is a caring leader. They are one of the most devoted crews because he fought valiantly to keep Big Deal independent and because they deeply care about him. He appreciates those who are truthful and just, and dislikes those who engage in unsavory behavior. Lineman, one of the newbies, bragged to others about how close he was to Gimyung, even though he felt inferior because he wasn’t acknowledged by others in Big Deal. He said he was brother to Gimyung, when Gimyung appeared and said Lineman was like a family. This was surprising because Gimyung knew him when other members didn’t.
After serving time in a juvenile facility, Gimyung's personality started to alter. He lost interest in fairness and is now only concerned with getting revenge. He made a promise to do away with Gun. He had a significant impact on Jiho and advised him to fight to the death if he wanted to defeat opponents who were stronger than he was. He later admitted that he was giving himself advice rather than Jiho because he thought that fighting Gun to the death was the only way he could defeat him.
Being such a devoted leader, he would allow himself to be humiliated, but he would do whatever it took to keep Big Deal alive. He licked wine on the floor, which prompted the gambler to take him into gambling business. Prior to being sent to prison, he only ate instant noodles to save money. But he never made the other members of his crew eat less.
As the series progressed, he began to sound like Sinu Han, who showed Gimyung the value of "romance" and “passion”, and ideals which he followed.
vii. thinking and intuition
Gimyung frequently prefers consistency of logic to morality. Despite his mom's problems, he flees because he hates his father for being unfair to her while being just the opposite to the rest of the world. He makes numerous attempts to leave Big Deal because of this as well. He also emphasizes the inside a lot when making decisions. He turns inward to develop his own ideas, viewpoints, and answers for the outside world.
In short, he has morals, but he also has a personal agenda. He is prepared to put his agenda ahead of his morals if doing so will help him accomplish his objectives. This establishes his compelling internal and external conflicts with other characters.
He was prepared to leave Big Deal and the girls because he thought Sinu had renounced his principles. But his viewpoint quickly changed once he realized that Sinu was behaving in a very consistent manner. Gimyung is unquestionably a good example of an anti-hero. He has fairly consistent morals but is aware of the immorality of what he is doing.
Gimyung viewed prison as a place where he could try out different methods for getting stronger. There's no way a group of inmates would suddenly attack Gimyung because he had a lot of influence over the guards and inmates through bribery and pure loyalty. Majority of Jake's fights in jail are well-controlled. Jiho might have also crossed Gimyung’s mind as a potential experiment subject. His opinion that fighting fairly is stupid was only reinforced by seeing Jiho get stronger.
vii. jitae and sinu
Gimyung is very considerate of Jitae/Jerry and frequently involved in his education. He pushed Jitae to be a modest student and get along well with his classmates. In order to avoid reprimands from his teachers and to practice the Jeongseon Arirang, he bought Jitae a bamboo flute. Jitae is without a doubt Gimyung's most devoted team member; he refuses to address anyone else as "Sir," and he always obediently complies with his orders. He was regarded as Gimyung's "sword," and after Gimyung was defeated by Gun, he vowed to get stronger in order to defend Gimyung.
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When Gimyung first encountered Sinu, he was aloof and rejected Sinu’s invitation to join Big Deal. However, after learning about Sinu’s backstory and Big Deal’s purpose, he began to grow respect for the latter and even took his words about “romance and passion” into consideration. When Sinu pretended to have sold Big Deal, Gimyung had a hard time believing it and he even fought Sinu to “correct him”. After he came to know that Sinu sold himself, all his motivations and goals revolved around retrieving Sinu back. His admiration for Sinu was to such a great length that he claimed that Sinu is “his everything”.
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ix. the flaws
All the characters have flaws and here I’m going to point out some inadequacies in his character.
He didn't really have a seamless transition from villain to hero archetype. It is clear from earlier chapters that PTJ did not write out his intentions clearly. It seemed as though his priorities and driving forces were money and power. In the gambling arc, he had a very different personality and physical description, which led to some uneven character development.
His logical thinking borders on insensitivity, which is why he’s often unaware of the impact their words or actions have on others’ feelings. He’s only concerned about the people he loves, so he’s not mindful of other people’s lives. But, it seems that he’s overcoming this. As in chapter 431, we saw that he motivated Xiaolong to go to Vivi and love her unconditionally.
I promise you that I’m going to update this analysis when the series ends, with much more evidence provided for my claims. 
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sotwk · 5 months
About Gelir, what happened to him after he was banished? Did he survive it? Did he move in with Elrond and the other elves?
For those new to this father-son drama, here is the post I wrote that includes details Prince Gelir's banishment from Mirkwood, called "The Aftermath of the Elvenqueen's Death". Here are the key points about that banishment:
About three years after the Elvenqueen died in Gundabad during the War of the Dwarves and Orcs, Gelir once again tried to convince his father to allow him and Legolas to lead their armies to help the Dwarves (Thrain's people). Thranduil refused, and instead decreed that all travel to other realms was forbidden while the Dwarves fought their war.
Frustrated by this (and still grieving his mother), Gelir finally broke down and rebelled openly against the Elvenking. He attempted to leave Mirkwood on his own, only to be chased down by his father and dragged back to the Halls in chains, where he was thrown in prison. (Yes, this was very much the lowest of the low points for Thranduil, where even his most loyal followers feared he had lost his mind in his grief.)
After the war ended in TA 2799, Gelir was finally released from prison, after being held there for 3 years. But instead of making peace with his father and submitting to the King's decrees, he openly criticized Mirkwood's isolationist policies, which had become even stricter after the Elvenqueen's death.
After another year of strife between father and son, Thranduil gave Gelir an ultimatum: reaffirm his fealty to the Elvenking and his laws, or be banished from the kingdom. Gelir, believing his home had become a "cage" that he refused to be locked in, chose banishment.
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Thank you for asking this question! <3 I feel like I've failed to properly organize all the SotWK AU headcanons I've put out, and it's become impossible for interested readers such as yourself to follow all my drivel! So thank you for your patience! XD
Now to address your question:
What did Gelir do after his banishment?
For starters, Gelir severed his mental link (ósanwë) with both Thranduil and Legolas. He did this in the heat of his pain and anger, and came to regret it some years later, but their estrangement and the physical distance between them made it too difficult to reestablish.
For two centuries, from TA 2800 to TA 3019, Gelir wandered Middle-earth as a vigilante. Frustration over his father's inaction had boiled over, and he became fueled by his desire to hurt the Enemy and take a stand against the rising Darkness.
He occasionally joined Elladan and Elrohir on their orc-hunting quests. The Thranduilions had been friends with Elrond's children since they were literally babies, and their mothers were dearest of friends, so teaming up and sharing in each others' rage and grief was just natural.
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SotWK Fancast: Sam Claflin as Gelir Thranduilion
Thranduil relied on the few allies he had left in various realms to receive word about Gelir; every few years he was able to learn that the prince had been spotted in some distant land. Thus he and Legolas were able to take comfort in at least knowing Gelir was still alive.
Upon learning from Elrond's sons that his little brother had gone on the Quest of the Ring, and realizing that sacrifice Thranduil had made, Gelir finally returned to Mirkwood to reconcile with his father. He helped lead the kingdom's forces in defending Mirkwood against Sauron's attacks during the War.
Does he survive? Not only does Gelir survive the War of the Ring, but he becomes the last Thranduilion to leave Middle-earth. In the end, he sails on the Last Ship with his father to reunite with the rest of their family in Valinor.
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Other useful links:
Introduction to SotWK
Fanfiction Masterlist
Fanfiction Request Guidelines
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Shopkeeper: Yrjo Spenkrank, The Unfettered Flunkey
“I’ve had many call me odd, in my years, monstrous if they were feeling cruel. But I’ve lived long enough to know that being ordinary makes you predictable, and predictability gets you killed.”
Appearing on lonely roads, shaded alleys, and ruined corridors with only the creaking of wheels and the rattle of vials to herald his approach, wandering alchemist Yrjo steps from the darkness to provide the party with unorthodox solutions to their heroic problems.
Shunned in his small village due to a malformation at birth, Yrjo’s curiosity at his circumstance led him to the study of anatomy and the healer’s arts, eventually piecing together enough knowledge to reach adulthood as a competent bonesetter. In a different time, with more accepting people, Yrjo would have made a great doctor, apothecary, or surgeon, but Isolated as he was in an ignorant land, Yrjo was forced to follow his calling elsewhere....
Serving for decades as the assistant to mad scientists, necromancers, and a succession of other villains doomed to be devoured by their own hubris, Yrjo developed a talent for outliving his employers: Slipping out the back door of their lair just as the experiment went wrong with sack full of research notes and valuable reagents. Building quite a collection of forbidden knowledge over his career, Yrjo now wanders from settlement to settlement, plying the physician's trade until he a new dark scheme worth suborning
Adventure Hooks:
While he’s well stocked with all manner of potion and tinctures available for modest fees, Yrjo’s true utility to the party comes in his knowledge, identifying evil entities or curses, and performing all the careful doctoring that regular healing is unable to provide. The alchemist is even able to perform resurrections on the cheap, provided the departed’s friends don’t mind doing some light grave robbing and bringing them back as a patchwork cadaver fuelled by necro-electrical energy. 
It’s a trade secret that most villains know eachother, often working with the same suppliers and contracting out to a shared pool of potential minions. As a freelancer, Yrjo is often overlooked by the greater class of evildoer, meaning he’s more than happy to gossip and give the party directions regardless of whether they’re looking for leads, bounties, or introductions.
Yrjo is getting on in years, and though he’s loathe to admit it, his old bones and his bad shoulder are having trouble hauling his cart with him. Socially awkward and hesitant to settle down given his poor history with average people, a party that makes use of the old alchemist’s services might find him showing up more and more on their adventures, shadowing them but unable to work up the courage to ask to tag along as their camp doctor.
Before the party head off on an adventure where the old man cannot follow, consider having him speak of his long-neglected wish to attend an institution of higher learning, which will obviously have your party scrambling to have their mad-science grandpa enrolled as soon as possible so he can fulfill his dreams of being a real doctor. Alternatively, should the party come into position of a manor/keep, Yrjo will be happy to stay behind and set up a lab, keeping them well stocked in potions and other alchemic utilities. 
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raycatz · 11 days
ok ok gonna try not to overwhelm you with 50 asks in a row for the ask game feel free to pace them lol but also, I need to know what the team ico one(s) are about does it have to do with that one picture you posted a few months ago
Yeah!!! There are three in the ask game but I'll talk about the Team Ico AU here. It does have to do with the wip I posted a few months ago. The AU is for a crossover comic of the Team Ico games, similar to LinksMeets.
Wander reawakens in the Shrine of Worship after the events of the game. He finds that he is no longer alone in the Forbidden Lands, finding on the western shores a boy with horns, and in the temple's garden a boy covered in strange tattoos. He may be cursed to wander these lands but they should not be and so he is determined to find a way to send them home.
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I've drawn a couple comics for the trio which are on my art blog under #team ico, here. My comic of Trico's Boy (aka Butterfly Kid) leaving has some of an explanation as well, here.
I wrote a general outline for about 3/4 of the first chapter of a comic (split into 8ish parts) in 2021. I drafted a bit of the butterfly kid's introduction, too. Look at his face!!! Some parts need to be rewritten but I do like the overall idea that is there.
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I think it could be fun to return to. If only to do the first chapter, maybe.
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p8567899754nhu · 8 months
"He knew revenge was Sasuke's goal yet still accepted him as his student. Even teaching him his signature technique. Sasuke fought Naruto out of anger, not a friendly sparring match .Kakashi was helping Sasuke with revenge til it consumed him to the point he was fighting his own comrades."
1. i think it's an overstrech to say kakashi "accepted" sasukes revenge , when through most of it  he was just indifferent to the idea of his revenge(on introduction, he doesnt care that sasuke's main goal in life is revenge) and kakashi helped shikamaru with his revenge , so I preassume ,revenge isnt something kakashi is inherently against so there is no “accepting” sasuke for a different belief like you paint it out to be . although he never backs on using his goal pf revenge (and feelings for his dead clan) as baits for mocking him when he couldnt match up his expectations (land of waves arc) .
2." Even teaching him his signature technique”?
i mean what was he supposed to do ? send him unequipped to the most brutal round 2 contender(-GAARA who whooped 4 gates lee to the point he couldnt be a shinobi again), why does kakashi doing his basic teacher duties make you gape in awe , a lot of fandom whines he didnt taught it to naruto or sakura (never minding neither of them could EVER use chidori properly since they lack sharingan)  and sakura wasnt even finalized for round 2 . never mind how brutal it was of kakashi to make a severly bed ridden sasuke(who was unfit to EVEN WALK-medical attendant’s words) participate in the match further despite the hokage’s and anko’s (who alone knew what it was like to have a curse mark placed on you) advice and call him to learn the technique when medically ,he was severaly hurt . 
and finally- wtf does it have to do with his stance on sasuke's revenge.
3."Sasuke fought Naruto out of anger.."
oh and since kakashi is omnipotent and  he knew it ? only sakura heard the discourse between the boys so this point of yours ends before its started
and when does fighting being motivated by anger (after just awakening from your deathbed btw) is suffiecient to negate the purpose of someone's lifes -especially sasuke’s for which he was ready to sell his soul and body-to get some semblence of justice for his family, remember  lee attacked sasuke brutally for no reason but to “prove himself” , insulted his clan and even when he had an upper hand in match he was about to use a forbidden technique just to hurt sasuke more .-even when lee is reprimended by gai, gai doesnt negate his life’s purpose - for which lee worked so hard , and even in their battle before sasuke CHALLENGED naruto, he didnt attack him , he only bellitles him (as a cope ,after he is traumatised by his brother for a whole day, humiliated  and almost killed) it is naruto who ACCEPTS the challenge and gets petty never minding the condition of sasuke, it is NARUTO who get ready to pull a rasengan on his “best” friend despite his “bff”, when sasuke had just woken up( from life threatening coma and mental scarring that 1 complete day of torture can give a 13 year old along with being beaten and humiliated )   , naruto getting all riled up -although mind you he first hand witnessed what happened to sasuke , he heard sasuke's screams and the brothers' "interaction" firsthand , neither sakura nor kakashi saw it firsthand , he gets all riled up as his friend just woke from coma like the hyper insecure twat he is -although he couldve refused ? if he possessed any sympathy or empathy for the boy that is even a 13 year old and no one, for a boy he claimed to be his "friend". neither jiraiya nor kakashi reprimands him but anyways ,
4.sasuke pulled a chidori? so , like i said before naruto pulled out his strongest move first what do you expect  sasuke to do ?  beg him to draw out the rasengan ? it is only not only fair for him to have used chidori but actually very obvious, never minding the rasengan was more POTENT than the chidori he used and wouldve hurt HIM regardless. reiterating it again naruto would have severely hurt hurt his friend when his friend is unwell, was brutally tortured and beaten in front of him and just woke up from a coma form which his death was almost certain, just because he is an insecure twat.
so much for love and friendship
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reasonforeign · 2 months
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In the kingdom of Avaloria, magic is forbidden. Witches are feared, persecuted, and executed daily. The ruthless and power-hungry King Cassius has waged a war against all those who possess magical abilities, branding them as evil.

Amidst this chaos, a young girl named Isla discovers she is a witch. Terrified and alone, she is forced to flee her village in search of safety. With only her magical powers and a few spells passed down from her mother, she embarks on a journey to find others like her.

Along the way, she meets a group of rebel witches led by a powerful woman named Bronwyn. They have been living in hiding, preparing for the day when they can overthrow the tyrannical king and restore magic to the kingdom.
As Isla learns to control her abilities, she also uncovers a dark secret - King Cassius has made a deal with a powerful and ancient witch to increase his own powers and rule over the entire land. With the help of Bronwyn and her fellow rebels, Isla must use her newfound abilities to confront the king and stop him from destroying their world.
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Isla: She/Her, 21. A young fledgling witch.
Bronwyn: She/Her, age unknown, an old head of coven
Ciarán: He/Him, age 22, knight of the Avalorian kingdom.
Cassius: He/Him, age unknown, tyrannical king of Avaloria.
Wren: She/They, age 20, fledgling witch and insufferable (in all the best ways) sidekick.

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thetruearchmagos · 2 months
Swift Seas And Whirlwinds
On 'Le Cordon Sanitaire', In 'Brief'
And if you'd like to know why I'm calling this brief, it's because the text below's been copied over a discord worldbuilding rant I went on in a writing server I'm in, and not the text I've currently got in my drafts which goes into significantly deeper detail on the broader subject here.
That said, enjoy! You'll probably enjoy it more than the full one!
Tagging @athenswrites @theprissythumbelina @caxycreations @hessdalen-globe @avrablake @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @coffeexafterxmidnight.
A/N: So, turns out the 'brief' post exceeded the 4,096 character limit to hit 5,971. So... we're breaking this into two parts, mmkay? The rest'll be in a reblog
When it comes to the forbidden areas that loom in the background of Swift Seas And Whirlwinds, there were few places in the Worlds quite so akin to a black hole on the maps as Le Cordon Sanitaire. That short title encompassed a vast expanse of impenetrable jungle spanning nearly a million square kilometres, accounting for the majority of the Pasiphae Jungle region of southern Nouvolouis. An invention of the malignant regime slowly creeping into the halls of power of a then fledgling Republic of Nouvolouis, this legal fabrication would provide cover for the brutal, rapacious subjugation of the region's populace, in one of the great untold massacres of the 12 Worlds. The Pasiphae Jungle, which constituted the majority of the continent's southern regions, stretched from the Aukati Sea in the east to the long mountains out west. It was a sparsely populated land, and for as long as anyone could remember the domain of the Aukarugyal peoples and their tribes, which until recent history had existed as a vassal in name to the former Goilac Empire. The dissolution of the old regime, to cut a long a story short, left the now Province of Pasiphae as one of the few former Imperial clients which would choose to tie its fate to the new Republic which had risen in its place. The optimism of these early days, however, would not last long. Leaving a more in depth discussion on the 'revanchist' and authoritarian politics of Nouvolouis to another time, we turn to the impact that this political upheaval would have on Pasiphae. The recognition of the region's self governance and autonomy, which put the Aukarugyals on equal footing to the nation's Gollandiac majority, had stung both the pride and pocketbooks of many who remembered and enjoyed the exploitation of the Empire's heyday. Now ascendant in the battlefield of domestic politics, these autocratic forces, collectively known as 'La Clique', would set their sights on correcting this mistake. The introduction of the Cordon itself came at the tail end of a decade of effort spend undermining the constitutional protections and self governing rights of this southern Province, an insidious process which proceeded in parallel to the destruction of the nation's democracy more widely. In Pasiphae, the provincial government's authority to regulate enterprises within its borders was curtailed, handed over to an increasingly autocratic central government. As the titanic commercial interests of the nation - a holdover from the Empire's state-run entities now 'privatised' but still wielding great power - amped up their investments in the region, the promise of vast natural wealth hiding under the forest floor served to justify their ruthless exploitation and often intentionally destructive practices. Their actions seemed almost designed to insult and demean the interests and wishes of the local Aukarugyal settlements, and when their peaceful political speech went nowhere it was replaced by sporadic, often limited outbursts of violence in an attempt to drive away the 'invaders'.
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Welcome to Alsahra
I suppose this is long overdue, but the time has come for me to reveal a world many years in the making! This has been a dear project to me, and a setting for many of my WIP novels and series. For this Worldbuidling Wednesday, I will share a brief general introduction to the world of Alsahra! Over the coming days and weeks, I will share more introductions of the nations, diverse people and their cultures, myths and religious traditions, pantheons, ect. Follow the tag #Tales from Alsahra for furture updates and past pieces I have written from this world. So without further ado...Welcome to Alsahra!
The world of Alsahra consists of two large continents, Sanghia in the west and Gau’yaenum in the east, and a cluster of islands in the south known as the Isles of Naradiyu. Though its official origin is a subject of much contention, collected histories have been (more or less) consistent for the last thousand years. Everything before that, however, has yet to be proven. Each culture has its own story, but one event of the past is certain: The Great Collapse.
Thought to have occurred just-over a thousand years ago, this global crisis likely followed some unknown cataclysmic event in the South Nara Sea. The fallout is believed to have created Leviathan’s Rest, the largest ocean trench in Alsahra, and decimated every civilization throughout the world. Over time, new nations formed, and memory of the old world faded to obscurity, kept alive only by myth and legend. Tales as varied as the stories of creation.
According to the Divine Deulic Church and the theocratic Deutorian Empire: The old world had grown too far from their “creator and one-true God”, Deuhiim, and began experimenting with forbidden magicks that brought about nothing but death, ruin, and despair. Angered by the sins of His creation, Deuhiim descended from the Heavens with righteous blade in hand and struck the planet’s surface, bringing about The Great Collapse. With His Blessing, enough survived to start the world anew.
According to the Leün of Xiulan, the mortals of the old world once lived in harmony with the spirits that permeate through and protect nature. The spirits would grant favors for the people and the people would, in turn, honor and respect these spirits and care for the lands and seas of Alsahra. Over time, mortals deviated from this pact and began abusing and defiling the planet, corrupting the spirits within it. These twisted spirits became so spiteful and enraged they tore through the etheric veil and took grotesque and vicious forms designed to exact revenge. Destruction of the betrayers who destroyed their peaceful forms. Saddened by the chaotic bloodshed and violence, Mother Goddess Gau’yama, the spirit of Alsahra itself, sacrificed herself by ripping out her heart, using the infinite magical energy to cleanse the corruption and sealed the etheric breach. Though this act caused the Great Collapse, it was all Gau’yama could do to save Alsahra from total destruction and restore peace between spirits and mortals.
Though these are but two of the many stories and theories behind the Great Collapse, they show how legends shaped new civilizations over the one-thousand and sixty-nine years since the old world’s end.
[This is previously published and protected work by me, its author]
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scotianostra · 1 year
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April 11th 1882 we saw an incident during the Highland Clearances happened on Skye that has become known as The Battle of the Braes.
This confrontation between the local crofters and the police led to the appointment of the Napier Commission and ultimately the introduction of the Crofters’ Holdings (Scotland) Act 1886, granting security of tenure to crofters.
After gathering themselves together on arrival at Portree, the expeditionary force of two sheriffs, one police superintendent, nine Inverness-shire constables and forty seven Glasgow constables marched on Braes to arrest the five crofters for deforcement. 
The Highland Clearances began in the mid to late 18th century and continued intermittently into the 19th century. Landlords in the Highlands and Islands decided that there was a more profitable venture than accommodating crofters and so began evicting families who had worked the land for centuries to make way for sheep, as they believed they could make more money that way.
The ‘Land Wars’ of the late 1800s began when the crofters who wanted the right to their own land officially recognised in the law – a right they had enjoyed under the clan system for centuries. It all came to a head in April of 1882, at what became known as ‘Blàr a’ Chumhaing’, or The Battle of the Braes, near Portree in Skye.
Lord MacDonald decided to raise the rent levied on the people of Braes. With their lease almost up, they agreed to pay the new rate. Despite this, MacDonald refused to renew their lease.
The crofters decided to withhold their rent until the matter was resolved, with some of them continuing to graze their sheep on the land at Ben Lee (see Òran Beinn Lì by Màiri Mhòr nan Òran) where they had been forbidden. MacDonald tried to evict the crofters, involving law enforcement, but the attempt to clear the crofters off their land by the Sheriff’s Officer from Portree was in vain: they forced him to burn the summons papers.
The five ringleaders, Alexander Finlayson, Malcolm Finlayson, Peter MacDonald, Donald Nicolson and James Nicolson, were arrested. They were to be taken to Portree before being sent to Inverness for trial. The arrests themselves were not disputed but objections to the men being removed from the island and sent to Inverness led to an immediate riot. 
Realising that this was going to be a harder task than expected, the Sheriff called in reinforcements from Glasgow: an additional fifty officers in total. The crofters were not prepared to give up their land without a fight, and so when the officers arrived from Glasgow on 19th April 1882, they were met with sticks and stones hurled at them by around a hundred or so locals. Vastly outnumbered, the police eventually retreated, but not before several people were injured. A handful of crofters were arrested and handed fines, but they garnered support in the media from across the country.
The government could no longer avoid the issue: they had to do something to address the plight of the crofters. They called a public inquiry, the Napier Commission, to investigate the living conditions of the crofters and cottars that lived in the Highlands and Islands. Security of tenure for crofters is a lasting legacy of this historic commission, headed up by Francis Napier, 10th Lord Napier.
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icology · 1 year
Hi! I just started playing Shadow of the Colossus and I got to say it’s probably one of my favorite games now. But I was wondering do you know any other games, of course other than Team ICO games, that have that same vibe as exploring the forbidden land. Where it isn’t really lonely as it is quiet. I been trying to find any other games that create that same vibe that it creates but it’s probably what makes SOTC and hence any other Team ICO game special.
Hello friend!
There are quite a few games that emulate the setting and vibes of the forbidden land in SOTC. I'm not sure if there is one that can match the exact feeling it invokes, but there's a few that I think get pretty close to it. Tap on the titles to watch the trailer if you wanna take a more detailed look:
Praey for the Gods by No Matter Studios - a SOTC inspired boss rush where in addition to slaying giants and exploring a barren land you also have survival elements;
Rime by Tequila Works - A puzzle adventure where you need to explore a beautiful island and make use of everything surrounding you to progress through the story;
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Classic Zelda meets SOTC and its core mechanics, giving you a beautiful open world, giant beasts that are defeated by solving their puzzles, and a simple but effective story;
Journey by thatgamecompany - Has a gorgeous world that you can traverse and explore using only a couple of in-game actions. Features an absolutely outstanding soundtrack and a very unique feature which is the ability to meet and cooperate with other players via online play;
Sky: Children of the Light also by thatgamecompany - social adventure game where you can explore the vast world or just relax and connect with others. the best part: it's free to download and play!
The Witness by Thekla, Inc - Open world, puzzle based game with gorgeous scenery in which you must solve a series of puzzles (which increase in difficulty very fast) to uncover the mystery of the story, all while exploring the deserted island it takes place in;
Elden Ring by FromSoftware - this one no longer needs an introduction, but in case you don't know, its creator was heavily inspired by Team Ico and it shows in the vast open worlds and outstanding boss fights that are now FromSoftware's trademark!
Sable by Shedworks - open world game with a unique, striking art style in which you explore a desert planet on the main character's journey. This one is puzzle and platform based;
Death Stranding by Kojima Productions - narrative driven game a la Kojima where you must deliver packages back and forth across the country but as boring as it sounds in text... it really isn't. The gorgeous scenery, story and soundtrack make for a very unique experience.
These are the ones that come closer to the SOTC feeling in my opinion, however, if you also want something that resembles Team Ico but features a more linear world like Ico or TLG, you can also try:
Limbo / Inside by Playdead (platform based games, leaning heavily towards horror)
Little Nightmares 1 & 2 by Tarsier Studios (also horror, featuring mechanics very similar to Ico)
Abzû by Giant Squid (very similar to Journey, feels a little more claustrophobic as it takes place underwater)
Gris by Nomada Studio (stunning puzzle game with an emotional story and amazing soundtrack)
These are the ones I can think of right now, but I'm sure there are quite a few more that might be what you're looking for. If any of my followers has another suggestion, feel free to drop it in the replies so we can help them find something they will love!
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The Little Mermaid (2023)
“The Little Mermaid” is a remake that fails to understand what made the original so iconic and includes subpar additions that fail to justify its own existence for me.
Ariel is supposed to attend the Coral Moon meeting, but misses it because she’s exploring a shipwreck she was strictly forbidden to go to. She later hears explosions go off on the surface and decides to check it out. It turns out to be Prince Eric’s ship celebrating his birthday with fireworks. Immediately a storm draws in and leaves them shipwrecked. Ariel brings Prince Eric back to shore and now he decides he must find the mysterious girl with the beautiful voice who saved him.
I know this movie is a contentious topic right now, but I want to give a grounded take on what I thought worked and didn’t work in this movie. For starters, I want to highlight my favorite part of the movie: Halle Bailey as Ariel. To me, she is Ariel if she were to exist in the real world. Halle Bailey brings the same energy as Jodi Benson in the 1989 movie. Not only that, but she also manages to breathe new life into “Part Of Your World”, one of my favorite Disney songs, through her powerful voice. I don’t care if people are upset she’s not the same skin color as the original Ariel. I try to be open-minded and hear everyone’s perspective, but that viewpoint only stems from hateful rhetoric and that has no place in actual discussions about the quality of this movie. With that being said, I thought the rest of the movie was subpar. The biggest problem I had was with how the filmmakers fundamentally misunderstood the original story and its characters. Here are some examples of why I feel this way. The initial introduction of Ariel with the shark changed something simple, but extremely important. It’s how Ariel treats her bag. I know that sounds like a small complaint, but trust me, it’s huge because of how it originally paints the character. In the original, Ariel retrieves her bag impulsively and doesn’t stop to think about the danger she was running away from. Then, when Flounder is in trouble, she immediately drops her bag to help him. This masterfully paints Ariel’s priorities. Her stuff is more important than her own well-being and her friends are more important than her stuff. The new movie forgoes all of that for a new trick using the mirror to show how smart she is. Another example is after Triton destroys Ariel’s stuff. In the original, just for a second, you could see a tinge of regret in his face. Javier Bardem’s Triton doesn’t have a moment like that, which paints him as more stoic and unfeeling. My final example is during the shipwreck scene. In the original, Eric is already on the lifeboat, but abandons his safety to save his dog. In this remake, it’s less heroic because he saves the dog while still on the boat and then tumbles out. In fact, I don’t know why they took away Eric’s heroic moments twice. The original movie had Eric be the one to land the killing blow on Ursula. In this movie, it’s Ariel, but it looks totally wonky because she’s flopping on the deck of the ship. This movie makes a ton of these revisions that didn’t need to be made. They add an extra stipulation to the deal between Ursula and Ariel. Ariel basically forgets about having to get a kiss from Eric, but it really doesn’t change the story in a significant way. I found out this was done to try and make Ariel seem less predatory, but I thought it wasn’t really a big deal since she never came off as predatory in the original. The remake also adds three new songs and I hate every single one of them. Prince Eric has a generic song that failed to make me feel anything. Ariel gets a song immediately after her voice was taken away that takes place in her head, but I felt like it minimized the severity of her choice. I think everyone unanimously agrees that Scuttle’s new rap song was just horrible. I was shocked to find out that Lin Manuel Miranda wrote that song because it was atrocious. I never thought I’d see the day when I found one of his songs to be not just okay, but straight-up bad. The rest of my complaints have to do with how much the switch to live-action neutered the movie. Sebastian and Flounder aren’t expressive at all, which was jarring since their voice actors were actually very good. The underwater scenes all looked really bad to me too. It was reminiscent of those screensavers from my childhood of those badly rendered fish on the sea floor. I’m sure a lot of money went into them, but they just looked uncanny and unfinished. I think the only good change in this movie was making Prince Eric a collector like Ariel. It’s a pretty creative change that adds to his character while also making his connection with Ariel stronger. Still, if you ask me, this remake was not justified.
Watched on May 30th, 2023
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enkhanthor · 9 months
Legacy History Challenge - Original Age - Genesis
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Note: English isn’t my mother language and I’m not an expert in idiomatic expression. So if you find any errors or something weird, please forgive me and let me know on “ask me” if you want.
LHC Doc - EN/US - Complete Doc with all Ages.
LHC Doc - PT/BR - Doc Completo com todas as Eras.
This Age is additional and is inspired by the Judeo-Christian religion, the Book of Jubilees and the Genesis Challenge, which consists of populating the world of The Sims 4 with a descendant of your original Sims in each house. In the Legacy History Challenge this goal can be completed throughout all Ages. If you already play the LHC and started in the Prehistoric Age, you don't need to restart the challenge. The Original Age - Genesis has a mythological basis and is not mandatory. Therefore, the Legacy Founder remains the Matriarch of the Prehistoric Age. If you've never played the LHC before, you can choose to start the challenge in this Age or the next. In Original Age- Genesis the player is The Watcher (God of The Sims Medieval) and must create a couple of Sims that will be the parents of the Founding Sim of the LHC. If you have any means of getting  “The Mystical Magic Bean Tree Portal” or the forbidden fruit of the PlantSim you can use these items. (I found it in the Debug of the base game and the seeds always appeared in the Evergreen Harbor dumpsters). If you don't make it, just follow the indications in the rules and fantasize a little.
In the beginning there was the void and The Watcher was bored. So The Watcher used the Create a Sim to create a couple of Sims. He placed this couple in a secluded paradise and made them owners of all things there (except modern items). On the island where they lived there was a volcano that made the land around them barren, but a very beautiful tree grew on it. The Watcher warned the couple never to go near that tree or start from the fruits it provided, for their own safety.
Turns out the Sims couple was also bored, they had no knowledge (and no television). So they discovered woohoo and had lots of kids. For a long time everyone lived on that island in peace and harmony, but one of his daughters was different from her siblings. She was a very curious child and had a desire to know if there was something beyond that world. The girl was always upset that her parents didn't listen to her and were happy with the simple life they led. So, on her birthday, when she grew to a teenager, she decided to defy The Watcher's orders. The girl approached the forbidden tree and discovered the wonders it hid. He brought a forbidden fruit to her parents and convinced them to eat it. As soon as the parents ate the fruit, a terrible curse fell on them, making them green and strange, like plants.
Sims got desperate and tried to make offerings to The Watcher, but He wouldn't respond. After days of offerings the children became disheartened and angry that the Watcher had abandoned them. But one sibling didn't give up, he gathered offerings for all the children. Seeing the sacrifice, The Watcher agreed to lift the curse, but the evil was already in place. One of the jealous siblings started a fight, causing the death of the devout sibling. As punishment, The Watcher decided that the Sims were no longer worthy of paradise and decided to scatter the brothers across the various worlds of The Sims 4 Universe. Out of mercy, He granted the girl the oblivion of the pain that her disobedience had generated. Thus, the girl began to wander alone, forgetting her family and condemning her own lineage to the suffering of the world outside paradise.
1 - Adam and Eve in Paradise:
1.1 - Create a couple of Sims in Create a Sim at the age of young adults.
1.2 - Name the couple whatever you like. You can use traditional biblical names or use your creativity, putting the surname as Watcherson, for example. The original families of The Sims always have a thematic name (Gotth, Caliente, Landgraab). So, I decided to adopt Legacy in my gameplay.
1.3 - Sims cannot be occult.
1.4 - The appearance of these Sims can be customized by the player, with no restrictions on skin, eye, and hair color.
1.5 - Aspiration doesn't matter. These Sims are Legacy Precursors, not Founders. Therefore, your aspiration doesn't need to be completed, and there aren't any that match this Age anyway.
1.6 - You can choose any traits you like, as long as you avoid the modern traits like "Geek" and "Lactose Intolerant". I suggest the "Cheerful", "Childish" and "Loves Outdoors" traits. “Cheerful” contrasts with the “Hot-head” of the Prehistoric Age. “Childish” demonstrates the personality of those Sims who don't know the difficulties and didn't have to “grow up”. “Loves Outdoors” refers to the environment of Paradise.
1.7- The couple can only use leaves as clothes. You can find these outfits under the “fantasy” section of my custom content directory.
1.8 - Lifetime can be normal.
1.9 - You must start a New Save and turn off all Neighborhood lots and NPCs.
1.10 - The season is optional (I suggest starting in the spring), however turn off the storms. In Sulani it rains a lot and the rays affect the outdoor gameplay.
1.11 - Place the couple on one of the lots near the Sulani waterfall and volcano in the Mua Pel’am neighborhood. Requires “The Sims 4 Tropical Island” expansion.
1.12 - You are free to customize the lot however you like, as long as you avoid modern and high-tech items. No television, fridge, sofa, video game, etc. Go for caves and items that look prehistoric or fit the place like custom castaway island content or Sulani's volcanic barbecue.
1.13 - You can even have a yoga mat, as long as it is made of leaves and not woven.
1.14 - Sims don't have to work. The initial money should support them.
1.15 - You can use motherlode or another money cheat if you want.
1.16 - Sims can have whatever skills they want as long as it's compatible with the island's way of life.
1.17 - Sims can do whatever you want and whatever they want (let them free, not controlling all the time).
1.18 - Sims don't need to cook. You can have the banquet table and always leave it full of food.
1.19 - You can use magic hands to help Sims get rid of dirty dishes or trash and replace broken objects, after all you are God and they are in heaven! And, well, they have to believe you exist.
2 - Be Fruitful and Multiply:
2.1 - Sims must have children by completing the Full House achievement (8 Sims in the household, at least 6 children), but can have even more.
2.2 - If you use MC Woohoo keep the woohoo risky at 30%. If you use any mod that has contraceptive methods, avoid them. If not using any mods, Sims can only “Try for a Baby”.
2.3 - All babies must be born at home. Eva cannot go to the hospital. It is not allowed to use Pandasama's Child Birth mod. Just click on the crib and choose the “Have Baby” option.
2.4 - Newborn babies and infants should be breastfed. Don’t use bottles.
2.5 - Adam can help Eve take care of the babies. Adam and Eve are equal, so the division of tasks is also equal.
2.6 - Sims are exempt from dying or rolling death dice at this early stage of the challenge.
2.7 - Name the babies however you like, but you can also use biblical names like Cain, Abel and Seth.
2.8 - Each child must have a different infant trait, considering the first six born.
2.9 - The starting couple is Generation 0. You must choose one of their daughters to be the Founder Sim of the Legacy History Challenge. The Founder Sim must have specific traits in adolescence (see rules 1.1 and 1.2 of the next Age).
2.10 - You don't need to grow your Sim with a birthday cake, but birthday cakes aren't forbidden either. ( To remove the forgotten birthday buff you can click on the Sim with the left mouse button and hold shift, go to “Sim Information Cheat” and choose the sentiment remover option or use the mod indicated in item 10.8).
2.11 - As children grow up, they must gain negative traits reminiscent of Original Sins. “Hot-headed” (sin of anger - for the Matriarch), “Lazy” (sin of laziness), “Jealous” (sin of envy and sin of avarice), “Glutton” (sin of gluttony), “Romantic” (sin of lust) and “Egocentric” or “Snob” (sin of pride). (“Materialistic” and “Freegan” could represent avarice, but I consider them too modern, since there is no Simoleon yet). If you find another trait that better represents a sin that you can use.
2.12 - If you have “The Sims 4: Parenthood” game pack, the children should have good parenting values, but one sibling should stand out (“Abel”), being the most beloved by parents. Which should lead to disputes with the jealous sibling (“Cain”) since childhood. ( The names Abel and Cain are just examples. They don't necessarily have to be male).
2.13 - Sims don't need to go to school. If using MC Command Center, disable schools for children and teenagers.
3 - Lord of all things and animals:
3.1 - You can have animals that look wild, but you cannot escape rule 1.2.1. Therefore, you will need to increase the maximum number of Sims in your family/group with MC Command Center or another mod if you want to have animals.
3.2 - No vet. If the animal gets sick you can remove the disease from it. (With the shift button pressed, click the left mouse button on the animal. Find the option "make happy”).
4 - The Seventh Day:
4.1 - Create the “Watcher's Day” holiday on Saturdays and make gratitude a tradition. Requires “The Sims 4 Seasons” expansion.
4.2 - Exclude all other holidays from the game.
4.3 - Every Saturday your Sims must make an offering to The Watcher. It can be a seashell, fish, fruit, something found in volcanic meteors, or something that's in your Sim's inventory, but it needs to be an offering by each Sim starting at the Child stage of life. Reserve a space on your lot for the place of offerings and build a primitive altar. It could be a simple stone table, or leaves and stones on the ground, with no image of The Watcher.
5 - The Original Sin
5.1 - After customizing the starting lot, customize the lot next to the volcano.
5.2 - Place the “Volcanic Activity” lot challenge on this lot.
5.3 - Find “The Mystical Magic Bean Tree Portal” in the base game Debug. It’s purple and looks like a willow tree. It is usually near the bean seeds. If you don't find it, you can put any beautiful tree that is in your game. (To activate Debug, press the Ctrl+Shift+C keys, type testingcheats true in the line that appears in the upper right corner of the screen and press enter. Type bb.showhiddenobjects and press enter. Then enter construction mode and Debug will be active.).
5.4 - You can also buy the magical beans stump from the garden planter box icon in buy mode. Get a different magic bean from Debug for each baby born until you complete the stump. Thus, you will complete the collection of magic beans. (The magic beans are in the "decoration" section of the Debug base game, next to the skulls. You can also left-click and shift-click the Sim and choose the “give all magic beans” option and your Sim will complete the collection without having to enter Debug. But you can only do that after you have six children).
5.5 - Your Sims should avoid going near “The Mystical Magic Bean Tree Portal” when on the volcanic lot. (Sims can go to this lot to dig the meteors).
5.6 - When the female Sim chosen to be the Founder grows to a teenager, go with her to the tree, go through the portal and take two forbidden fruits from the SimPlant. Give the fruits to her parents (from inventory) and make them eat. If you can't find the fruit, you can get it from the Debug near "The Mystical Magic Bean Tree Portal" or use the cheat to turn your parents into a PlantSim. (Press Ctrl+Shift+C, type testingcheats true and press enter. Then click on your Sim with the left button with the shift pressed and select the option “Make into PlantSim”).
5.7 - Sims should try to make an offering to The Watcher to try and cure their parent's PlantSim condition for three days in a row.
5.8 -.On the fourth day, catch 8 fishes with the most devout sibling (“Abel”) and drag them to the altar to make a giant offering, which serves all Sims.
5.9 - On the fifth day your parents should be back to normal. (Generally, the PlantSim condition lasts for 5 days.) The jealous sibling (“Cain”) must start a fight with the beloved sibling (“Abel”), leading to his death. Taunt the Sim until they die of rage (cardiac explosion).
6 - The Expulsion from Paradise
6.1 - You must move the Founder Sim to another lot in another world and follow the Prehistoric Age rules.
6.2 - If using the MC Command Center, delete the Founder Sim's relationships when removing her from the lot.
6.3 - You must place each sibling in a different world of The Sims 4, depending on the amount of packs you have.
6.4 - You can't play with your parents or siblings, but you can let neighborhood stories and MC Command Center carry on their lineage. However, they cannot stay in the same world as the Founder Sim or their descendants until the Agriculture Age. Note: It's good to continue the bloodline of at least one of the siblings, as it will carry the word of The Watcher to the other Sims of the world.
From now on, you must follow the rules of the Prehistoric Era and continue the legacy with your Founder Sim.
7 - Requirements to pass the Age:
7.1 - Adam and Eve must have 6 children and complete the “Full House” achievement.
7.2 - Complete the collection of magic beans (1 bean per child).
7.3 - The Founder Sim must have grown to the age of a teenager.
7.4 - The Founder Sim must get two forbidden fruits from the Simplant and turn her parents into a SimPlant
7.5 - One of the siblings must catch 8 fishes, make offerings for everyone and die of a cardiac explosion.
8 - Expansions, Game Packs and Stuff Packs:
8.1 - The Sims 4 Seasons (essential). Create the “Watcher’s Day” holiday on Saturdays and disable storms.
8.2 - The Sims 4 Tropical Island (essential). Live in Sulani, in the Mua Pel'am district.
8.3 - The Sims 4: Parenthood (optional). Have good character values.
9 - MCC settings (for those who use it):
9.1 - Automatic bill pay.
9.2 - Disable schools for children and adolescents.
9.3 - Increase the maximum number of the household, if you have animals.
9.4 - Delete Matriarch relationships.
9.5 - Continue neighborhood stories.
10 - Recommended Mods for this Age:
10.1 - MC Command Center by Deaderpoll - Manages various features of the game.
10.2 - No Random Townies by Zero  - 
Prevents the game from spawning NPCs. Note: if you use this mod you will have to create the partners of your siblings in Cas.
10.3 - T.o.o.l. by Twisted Mexi - Add and edit objects in the world.
10.4 - Sulani Hiders para Saves Pré-Históricos by Enkhanthor - Hides items from the world that don't match the Prehistoric Age.
10.5 - Blowtorch by Simsverses - Modern items are already deleted. Probably if you use this one you won't need the previous one.
10.6 - Pet Explore Bush Tweaks by Chingyu Vick Sims - Disables the autonomy of dogs and cats to enter the bushes.
10.7 - Nap on the ground by Triplis - Allows Sim to sleep on the floor, anywhere.
10.8 - No Sad Moddlet on Birthday by ClaudiaSharon - Removes forgotten birthday buff.
10.9 - Custom content befitting the Age. You can check the list I found in CC Links - LHC Directory on my homepage (I'm always updating)
11 - Sources (Books, Series and Movies):
11.1 - The Bible - Book 1 - Genesis 
11.2 - The Book of Jubilees
11.3 - Gênesis (Brazilian serie by TV Record) 
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