#the sims 4 history challenge
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US Army WW2 Collection
The Long Awaited WW2 Uniform Reenactment for sims 4 Finally Here!!!! Rejoice!!!! @sssvitlanz @cctreasuretrove @exzentra-reblog @bdangkingfish @sparkiekongreblogsstuff
M43 Field Jacket (US GI Standard)
Tech Specs:
1 Color Swatch
Age Range: Teen-Elder
Package Include Standard Uniform & M1 Helmet 
Male Only
M43 Field Jacket (US Ranger)
Tech Specs:
8 Color Swatch (Consist Of Enlisted Ranks) 
Age Range: Teen-Elder
Package Include Standard Uniform & M1 Helmet
Male Only
M43 US Army Tanker Jacket
Tech Specs:
1 Color Swatch
Age Range: Teen-Elder
Male Only
United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) Uniform
Tech Specs:
1 Color Swatch
Age Range: Teen-Elder
Male Only
United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) A-11 Aviator Hat
1 Color Swatch
Age Range: Teen-Elder
US Army M38 Tanker Helmet
Tech Specs:
1 Color Swatch
Age Range: Teen-Elder
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foreversimmers · 8 months
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The sims 4, but make it ✨medieval✨
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bloominginthesky · 11 months
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Diana become a friend with a girl name called Victoria Smith. One day when Diana is going to the library she saw a man running. He seems like pretty in rush so he didn't know his some papers are left in the street. Diana try to catch him and give these papers. However he is running too fast so she didn't catch him. Then she took some paper to the library. She didn't read them yet.
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As she saw her friend Victoria who's sitting in a chair. Victoria is a quite beautiful decent woman with blonde hair who's a social butterfly unlike her. When Victoria saw the Diana is coming toward her she smiled to her and give her a place to sit.
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V : You look pretty tired Diana. Are you ok ?
D : Ofcourse my dear. I'm just trying to catch a man and give him these paper in the street on the way to the library. But i failed.
Diana show the paper to her friend.
V : Oh, what these papers tell ?
D : I have no idea. I haven't read it yet. Let's read together.
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V : What on the earth he is writing ? He is writing about two unmarried couple doing devil tango.
Diana laugh and said.
D : Devil tango ? Dear the way you described it. Victoria lower her voice then
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V : Yes, look at this again, it's a man having a pleasure with this tongue to woman private body part. A PRIVATE PART !!
D : I know , i know please lower your voice. It will be a screw if these people notice what are we reading.
As they continue to read they can't help but smiling, laughing and cringe.
The only words they could say is " No" and " Oh" then laugh quietly.
After they read those paper Diana asked to Victoria.
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D : Wait ! Are we going to be like that after we become married to someone ? I'm so doomed. My life, oh god everything.
V : Don't think too much right now we are still young. Beside i know you like to read these
Victoria blushed and give a look that she like it too.
Diana laugh and said
" Dear we are screw up. Yes i'm quite enjoy to read this. God give me mercy. Am i a terrible person now?"
V : No way. If we are going to hell let's go together then"
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And they laugh and read it again
(Author note : Hey it has been a while since i haven't upload anything for my personal problem but here now i'm back on truck. Wish and hope that i can post much in future)
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girlwithlionmane · 2 months
Fully forgot to promote my last two videos lol but here’s this one!
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enkhanthor · 7 months
Desafio do Legado Histórico - Era Original - Gênesis
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LHC Doc - EN/US - Complete Doc with all Ages.
LHC Doc - PT/BR - Doc Completo com todas as Eras.
Essa Era é adicional e tem como inspiração a religião judaico-cristã, o Livro dos Jubileus e o Desafio Genesis, que consiste em povoar o mundo de The Sims 4 com um descendente de seus Sims originais em cada casa. No Legacy History Challenge essa meta pode ser completada ao longo de todas as Eras. Se você já joga o LHC e iniciou na Era Pré-Histórica, não precisa reiniciar o desafio. A Era Original - Gênesis tem como fundamento uma base mitológica e não é obrigatória. Portanto, a Fundadora do Legado continua sendo a Matriarca da Era Pré-Histórica. Se você nunca jogou o LHC, você pode optar por iniciar o desafio nessa Era ou na próxima. Na Era Original - Gênesis o jogador é O Observador (Deus do The Sims Medieval) e deve criar um casal de Sims que serão os pais da Sim Fundadora do LHC. Se você tiver algum meio de conseguir a árvore das sementes de feijões mágicos ou o fruto proibido da planta Sim pode utilizar esses items. (Eu encontrei no Debug do jogo base e as sementes sempre apareciam nas caçambas de lixo de Evergreen Harbor). Se você não conseguir, basta seguir as indicações nas regras e fantasiar um pouco. 
No início havia o vazio e O Observador estava entediado. Então, O Observador usou o Criar um Sim para criar um casal de Sims. Ele colocou este casal em um paraíso isolado e os tornou donos de todas as coisas que lá existiam (exceto os itens modernos). Na ilha onde viviam havia um vulcão que tornava a terra ao seu redor estéril, mas nela crescia uma árvore muito bonita. O Observador avisou o casal para que nunca chegassem perto daquela árvore ou comecem dos frutos que ela fornecia, para sua própria segurança. 
Acontece que o casal de Sims também estava entediado, eles não tinham conhecimento (e nem televisão). Então, eles descobriram o oba-oba e tiveram muitos filhos. Por muito tempo todos viveram naquela ilha em paz e harmonia, mas uma de suas filhas era diferente dos irmãos. Ela era uma criança muito curiosa e tinha o desejo de saber se havia algo além daquele mundo. A menina estava sempre aborrecida por seus pais não lhe darem ouvidos e estarem felizes com a vida simples que levavam. Então, no dia de seu aniversário, quando cresceu para adolescente, ela resolveu desafiar as ordens do Observador. A menina chegou perto da árvore proibida e descobriu as maravilhas que ela escondia. Trouxe um fruto proibido para seus pais e os convenceu a comer. Assim que os pais comeram o fruto, uma terrível maldição se abateu sobre eles, tornando-os verdes e estranhos, semelhantes a plantas. 
Os Sims ficaram desesperados e tentaram fazer oferendas ao Observador, mas ele não respondia. Após dias de oferendas os irmãos ficaram desanimados e com raiva pois o Observador os tinha abandonado. Mas um irmão não desistiu, ele juntou oferendas por todos os irmãos. Vendo o sacrifício, O Observador concordou em tirar a maldição, mas o mal já estava instalado. Um dos irmãos com ciúmes começou uma briga, ocasionando a morte do irmão devoto. Como castigo, O Observador decidiu que os Sims não eram mais dignos do paraíso e resolveu espalhar os irmãos pelos vários mundos do Universo de The Sims 4. Por misericórdia ele concedeu à menina o esquecimento da dor que sua desobediência havia gerado. Assim, a menina passou a vagar sozinha, esquecendo-se de sua família e condenando sua própria linhagem ao sofrimento do mundo fora do paraíso.
1 - Adão e Eva no Paraíso:
1.1 - Crie um casal de Sims no Criar um Sim com a idade de jovens adultos. 
1.2 - Nomeie o casal como quiser. Você pode utilizar os nomes bíblicos tradicionais ou usar sua criatividade, colocando o sobrenome como Watcherson (filho do Observador) por exemplo. As famílias originais de The Sims sempre tem um nome temático (Caixão, Caliente, Quero-Tudo-Que-É-Seu). Então, eu resolvi adotar Legado na minha gameplay.
1.3 - Os Sims não podem ser ocultos. 
1.4 - A aparência desses Sims pode ser customizada pelo jogador, sem restrições para cor de pele, olhos e cabelo.
1.5 - A aspiração não importa. Esses Sims são precursores do Legado e não fundadores. Portanto, sua aspiração não precisa ser completada e, de qualquer forma, não há nenhuma que combine com essa Era.
1.6 - Você pode escolher os traços que quiser, desde que evite os traços modernos como “Geek” e “Intolerante a Lactose”. Sugiro os traços “Alegre”, “Infantil” e “Adora o Ar Livre”. “Alegre” contrasta com o “Cabeça-Quente” da Era Pré-histórica. “Infantil” demonstra a personalidade desses Sims que não conhecem as dificuldades e não tiveram que “crescer”. “Adora o ar livre” se refere ao ambiente do Paraíso.
1.7- O casal só pode utilizar folhas como roupas. Você pode encontrar essas roupas na sessão “fantasy” em meu diretório de conteúdos personalizados.
1.8 - O tempo de jogo pode ser o normal. 
1.9 - Você deve iniciar em um Save Novo e apagar todos os lotes da Vizinhança e Sims do Jogo.
1.10 - A estação é opcional (sugiro começar na primavera), porém desative as tempestades. Em Sulani chove muito e os raios prejudicam a jogabilidade ao ar livre.
1.11 - Coloque o casal em um dos lotes próximos à cachoeira e ao vulcão de Sulani na vizinhança de Mua Pel’am. Requer a expansão “The Sims 4 Ilhas Tropicais”. 
1.12 - Você é livre para customizar o lote da forma que quiser, desde que evite itens modernos e tecnológicos. Sem televisão, geladeira, sofá, vídeo game e etc. Prefira cavernas e itens que pareçam pré-históricos ou combinem com o lugar como conteúdos personalizados de ilhas para náufragos ou a churrasqueira vulcânica de Sulani.
1.13 - Você até pode ter um tapete de yoga, desde que ele seja de folhas e não tecido.
1.14 - Os Sims não precisam trabalhar. O dinheiro inicial deve sustentá-los.
1.15 - Pode usar motherlode ou outro cheat de dinheiro se quiser.
1.16 - Os Sims podem ter quaisquer habilidades que quiserem desde que seja compatível com o modo de vida daquela ilha.
1.17 - Os Sims podem fazer o que você quiser e o que eles quiserem (deixe eles livres, sem controlar o tempo todo).
1.18 - Os Sims não precisam cozinhar. Você pode ter a mesa de banquete e sempre deixá-la cheia de comida. 
1.19 - Você pode usar mãos mágicas para ajudar os Sims a se livrar dos pratos sujos ou lixo e substituir objetos quebrados, afinal você é Deus e eles estão no paraíso! E, bem, eles precisam acreditar que você existe.
2 - Seja Fértil e Multiplique:
2.1 - Os Sims devem obrigatoriamente ter filhos até completar a conquista casa cheia (8 Sims na casa, ao menos 6 filhos), mas podem ter até mais.
2.2 - Se você utiliza o MC Woohoo mantenha o oba-oba arriscado em 30%. Se você utiliza algum mod que tenha métodos contraceptivos, evite-os. Se não utiliza nenhum mod, os Sims só podem “Tentar ter um bebê”. 
2.3 - Todos os bebês devem nascer em casa. Eva não pode ir ao hospital. Não é permitido usar o mod Child Birth da Pandasama. Apenas clique no berço e escolha a opção “Ter Bebê”.
2.4 - Bebês recém-nascidos e bebês de colo devem ser amamentados. Não utilize as mamadeiras.
2.5 - Adão pode ajudar Eva a cuidar dos bebês. Adão e Eva são iguais, portanto a divisão de tarefas também é igual.
2.6 - Os Sims estão isentos de morrer ou jogar os dados da morte nessa fase inicial do desafio.
2.7 -  Nomeie os bebês como preferir, mas você também pode usar nomes bíblicos como Caim, Abel e Sete.
2.8 - Cada filho deve ter um traço de bebê de colo diferente, considerando os seis primeiros nascidos.
2.9 - O casal inicial é a Geração 0. Você deve escolher uma das filhas mulheres para ser a Sim Fundadora do Legacy History Challenge. A Sim Fundadora deve ter traços específicos na adolescência (ver as regras 1.1 e 1.2 da próxima Era).
2.10 - Você não precisa envelhecer o Sim com bolo de aniversário, mas os bolos de aniversário também não são proibidos. ( Para remover o buff de aniversário esquecido pode clicar no Sim com botão esquerdo do mouse e shift apertado, ir em “Truque de Informações do Sim” e escolher a opção remover sentimento ou usar o mod indicado no item 10.8).
2.11 - À medida que os irmãos crescem, eles devem ganhar traços negativos que lembrem os pecados originais. “Cabeça-quente” (pecado da ira - para a Matriarca), “Preguiçoso” (pecado da preguiça), “Ciumento” (pecado da inveja e pecado da avareza), “Glutão” (pecado da gula), “Romântico” (pecado da luxúria) e “Egocêntrico” ou “Esnobe” (pecado da soberba). Se encontrar outro traço que representa melhor um pecado pode usar. (“Materialista” e “Fregano” poderiam representar a avareza, mas eu os considero modernos demais, uma vez que ainda não existe o Simoleon).
2.12 - Se você tiver o pacote de jogo “The Sims 4: Vida em Família”, as crianças devem ter bons valores de educação, mas um irmão deve se destacar (“Abel”), sendo o mais querido pelos pais. O que deve gerar disputas com o irmão ciumento (“Caim”) desde a infância. (Os nomes Abel e Caim são apenas exemplos. Eles não precisam necessariamente ser do sexo masculino).
2.13 - Os Sims não precisam ir para a escola. Se utilizar o MC Command Center, desabilite as escolas para crianças e adolescentes.
3 - Senhor de todas as coisas e animais:
1.3.1 - Você pode ter animais que parecem selvagens, mas não pode fugir da regra 2.1. Portanto, vai precisar aumentar o número máximo de Sims em sua família/grupo com MC Command Center ou outro mod se quiser ter animais.
1.3.2 - Sem veterinário. Se o animal adoecer você pode retirar a doença dele. ( Com o botão shift pressionado clique com o botão esquerdo do mouse no animal. Ache a opção “deixar feliz”).
4 - O Sétimo Dia:
4.1 - Crie o feriado “Dia do Observador” nos sábados e coloque como tradição a gratidão. Requer “The Sims 4 Estações”. 
4.2 - Exclua todos os outros feriados do jogo.
4.3 - Todo Sábado seus Sims devem fazer uma oferenda ao Observador. Pode ser uma concha, peixe, fruta, algo encontrado nos meteoros vulcânicos ou algo que esteja no inventário do seu Sim, mas precisa ser uma oferenda por cada Sim a partir do estágio de vida de criança. Reserve um espaço do seu lote para o local de oferendas e construa um altar primitivo. Pode ser uma simples mesa de pedra, ou folhas e pedras no chão, sem nenhuma imagem do Observador.
5 - O Pecado Original
5.1 - Depois de customizar o lote inicial, customize o lote próximo ao vulcão.
5.2 - Coloque nesse lote o desafio de “Lote Vulcânico”.
5.3 - Encontre a árvore “The Mystical Magic Bean Tree Portal” no Debug do jogo base. Ela é roxa e parece um salgueiro. Geralmente, está perto das sementes de feijões. Se não encontrar, pode colocar qualquer árvore bonita que estiver em seu jogo. ( Para ativar o Debug aperte as teclas Ctrl+Shift+C, digite testingcheats true na linha que aparece no canto superior direito da tela e aperte enter. Digite bb.showhiddenobjects e aperte enter. Depois entre no modo construção e o Debug estará ativo).
5.4 - Você também pode comprar o tronco da árvore de feijões mágicos no ícone de jardineira do modo compra. Pegue um feijão mágico diferente no Debug para cada bebê nascido até completar o tronco. Assim, você vai completar a coleção de feijões mágicos. ( Os feijões mágicos ficam na seção “decoração” do Debug do jogo base, perto das caveiras. Você também pode clicar no Sim com o botão esquerdo e o shift pressionado e escolher a opção “dar todos os feijões mágicos” e seu Sim irá completar a coleção sem precisar entrar no Debug. Mas você só pode fazer isso depois que tiver os seis filhos).
5.5 - Seus Sims devem evitar chegar perto da árvore “The Mystical Magic Bean Tree Portal” quando estiverem no lote vulcânico. (Sims podem ir para esse lote para escavarem os meteoros).
5.6 - Quando a Sim mulher escolhida para ser a Fundadora crescer para adolescente, vá com ela até a árvore, passe pelo portal e pegue dois frutos proibidos da planta Sim. Entregue os frutos para seus pais (pelo inventário) e faça eles comerem. Se não conseguir achar o fruto, pode pegá-lo no Debug próximo da “The Mystical Magic Bean Tree Portal” ou usar o cheat para transformar seus pais em planta Sim. (Aperte Ctrl+Shift+C, digite testingcheats true e aperte enter. Depois clique em seu Sim com o botão esquerdo com o shift pressionado e selecione a opção “Transformar em Sim-Planta”).
5.7 - Os Sims devem tentar fazer uma oferenda para o Observador para tentar curar a condição de planta Sim dos pais por três dias seguidos.
5.8 - No quarto dia, pesque 8 peixes com o irmão mais devoto (“Abel”) e arraste eles para o altar para fazer uma oferenda gigante, que sirva por todos os Sims.
5.9 - No quinto dia seus pais devem voltar ao normal. (Geralmente, a condição de planta Sim dura 5 dias). O irmão ciumento (“Caim”) deve iniciar uma briga com o irmão querido (“Abel”), levando a morte deste. Provoque o Sim até ele morrer de raiva (explosão cardíaca). 
6 - A Expulsão do Paraíso
6.1 - Você deve mudar a Sim Fundadora para outro lote em outro mundo e seguir as regras da Era Pré-Histórica.
6.2 -  Se utilizar o MC Command Center, apague os relacionamentos da Sim Fundadora quando retirar ela do lote.
6.3 - Você deve colocar cada irmão em um mundo diferente do The Sims 4, conforme a quantidade de pacotes que tiver. 
6.4 - Você não pode jogar com seus pais ou irmãos, mas pode deixar que as histórias de vizinhança e MC Command Center continuem sua linhagem. Porém, eles não podem ficar no mesmo mundo que a Sim Fundadora ou seus descendentes até a Era da Agricultura. Observação: É bom continuar a linhagem de ao menos um dos irmãos, pois ela levará a palavra do Observador aos outros Sims do mundo.
A partir de agora você deve seguir as regras da Era Pré-Histórica e dar continuidade ao legado com sua Sim Fundadora. 
7 - Requisitos para passar de Era:
7.1 - Adão e Eva devem ter 6 filhos e completar a conquista “Casa Cheia”.
7.2 - Completar a coleção de feijões mágicos (1 feijão por cada filho).
7.3 - A Sim Fundadora deve ter crescido até a idade de adolescente.
7.4 - A Sim Fundadora deve conseguir dois frutos proibidos da Planta Sim e transformar seus pais em Planta Sim.
7.5 - Um dos irmãos deve pescar 8 peixes, fazer as oferendas por todos e morrer de explosão cardíaca.
8 - Expansões, Pacotes de Jogo e Coleções de Objetos:
8.1 - The Sims 4 Estações (essencial). Criar o feriado “Dia do Observador” nos sábados e desativar tempestades.
8.2 - The Sims 4 Ilhas Tropicais (essencial). Morar em Sulani, no distrito de Mua Pel’am.
8.3 - The Sims 4: Vida em Família (opcional). Ter bons valores de caráter.
9 - Configurações do MCC (para quem utiliza):
9.1 - Pagar contas automático.
9.2 - Desabilitar escolas para crianças e adolescentes.
9.3 - Aumentar o número máximo do agregado familiar, caso tenha animais.
9.4 - Apagar os relacionamentos da Matriarca.
9.5 - Continuar histórias da vizinhança.
10 - Mods recomendados para essa Era:
10.1 - MC Command Center de Deaderpoll - Gerencia vários recursos do game.
10.2 - No Random Townies de Zero  - Impede que o jogo crie NPCs. Observação: se utilizar esse mod terá que criar os parceiros dos seus irmãos no Cas.
10.3 - T.o.o.l. de Twisted Mexi - Adiciona e edita objetos no mundo.
10.4 - Sulani Hiders para Saves Pré-Históricos de Enkhanthor - Esconde itens do mundo que não combinam com a Era Pré-Histórica.
10.5 - Blowtorch de Simsverses - Itens modernos já estão deletados. Provavelmente se usar este não vai precisar do anterior.
10.6 - Pet Explore Bush Tweaks de Chingyu Vick Sims - Desabilita a autonomia dos cães e gatos para entrar nas moitas.
10.7 - Nap on the ground de Triplis - Permite que o Sim durma no chão, em qualquer lugar.
10.8 - No Sad Moddlet on Birthday de ClaudiaSharon - Remove o buff de aniversário esquecido.
10.9 - Conteúdos personalizados condizentes com a Era. Você pode verificar a lista de CPs que encontrei em CC Links - LHC Directory na minha homepage (estou sempre atualizando).
11 - Fontes (Livros, Séries e Filmes):
11.1 - A Bíblia - Livro 1 Gênesis
11.2 - O Livro dos Jubileus
11.3 - Gênesis (Novela Brasileira da TV Record) 
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freegamingideas · 1 year
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The Most Popular Sims 4 Decades Challenge (Updated 2022!)
This list of challenges offers various sets of rules, from modified originals to completely new sets that are inspired by the decades.
You can find the post here.
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xbrilliantsims · 6 months
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Some of the cousins of the current heir in my History Challenge as I enter the Great Sim Frontier Era. This family tree has some banger genetics. Look at my beautiful babies. Wish I could play with them all. I am especially fond of Genesis (first pic) and Alessio (the cowboy), who are siblings and the children of my favorite girl <3
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simsparrows · 2 years
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Even after Ghark tried cheering her up, Rain went home that day with a heaviness inside her chest. She sat down and fought back tears. Some time later, Fern saw her sitting there and approached her. 
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Fern inquired as to why Rain was sitting pensively by herself and after a bit of prodding...
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Rain immediately began to complain about the new baby. It was the same things she said to her friends. The baby will upend their lives, take away their parents attention, and force so many extra sacrifices onto the family. 
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Fern listened patiently to her little sister. She didn’t scold her not even when Rain angrily looked at her and said, “it’s not like you can understand. You’re the special oldest child.” 
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Fern looked at her sister with nothing but love in her eyes. She told her, “Rainy, you don’t remember this but when you and River were born I threw tantrums. I didn’t want siblings either, but then you and River arrived and became my sisters, my best friends.” 
There was a pause as Rain’s eyes filled with tears. 
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“There’s something else, isn’t there?” Fern asked gently. 
Rain noded, fighting back tears. 
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“What if she gets hurt?” Rain said, voice cracking. “I don’t want Ama to die.” 
Fern’s heart broke at this confession. She had an inkling there was more than just sibling jealousy at play. She reached out to her younger sister and squeezed her hand. 
“The ancestors will watch over Ama. I know in my heart they will.” 
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Fern and Rain rose from the log bench and embraced in a tight, loving hug. 
The prickling anxiety weaned in Rain’s heart. 
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“I love you, Fern,” Raid said, feeling peace at last. 
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thesimline · 9 months
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Following on from the simple modesty of the 1300s, female hair in the 1400s became a lot more elaborate thanks to the addition of hair pieces, ribbon and other decorations. Braided styles evolved into very detailed and decorative concoctions. Styles also became more flowy and romantic, often with curls framing the face. CC links under the cut.
You can find more of my historical content here: 1300s ✺ 1400s ✺ 1500s ✺ 1600s
1 - Larsa by Daylife Sims
2 - Beatrice by Simstrouble
3 - Shiro by Sim Lotus
4 - Camellia by Clumsy Alien
5 - Daenerys by Puderosims
6 - Hoppie by Simstrouble
7 - Emma by Buzzard's Bits and Bobs
8 - Ye Medieval Dragon Queen by Nilyn (TSR)
9 - Leonarda by Melancholy Maiden
10 - Cecilia by Buzzard's Bits and Bobs
11 - Braid Snood by Melancholy Maiden
12 - Ye Medieval Braided Updo by Daisy Sims (TSR)
13 - Masquerade by Tekri
14 - Pai Chan Braids by FYSims
15 - Hekate by Naunakht
16 - Zelda by Simandy
17 - Ye Medieval Margot by Shimydim (TSR)
18 - Sophia by G
19 - Serea Hair V1 by Redhead Sims
20 - Mari by Wasteland Whisperer
21 - Daenerys by Birksches
22 - Lucia by Melancholy Maiden
23 - TSM Hair for TS4 by S3 Sage
24 - Aspen by Oydis
25 - Braid Dream by Redhead Sims
26 - Double Braid by Wasteland Whisperer
27 - Pearls Set by Daylife Sims
28 - Mhysa by Quirky Introvert
29 - Ye Medieval Nezetta by Leah Lillith (TSR)
30 - Rapunzel by Tekri
With thanks to some amazing creators: @daylifesims @simstrouble @simlotus @clumsyalienn @puderosasims @buzzardly28 @tekri @simandy @redheadsims-cc @wastelandwhisperer @oydis @qicc
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antiquatedplumbobs · 1 year
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Antiquated Brindleton
An 1890s Decades Challenge Save File
This save has been almost a year in the making, but it's finally here! It includes a completely rebuilt Brindleton Bay inspired by historic New England towns and set in the 1890s. This save uses a light amount of historical cc and most of the packs.
Download and details under the cut:
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Eight new residential lots
Seven new community lots
Six new households
Builds and households are all located in Brindleton Bay. The world is intended to be historically accurate to about 1890, though some liberties for functionality have been taken.
Builds in other worlds have been deleted. The necessary buildings, like dorms, active career lots, and the high school, have all been left in place.
Townies have been evicted, but not deleted, as I prefer EA townies to fully randomized townies.
If you’d like more period appropriate townies to add, the lovely @jewishsimming has some great historical ones to download and @cowplant-snacks has an amazing tutorial on how to manage your townies with MCCC.
REQUIREMENTS: I have all the packs except Batuu and some of the kits. I didn’t limit myself when building. I don’t have everything listed out here, but I will be uploading all the lots and households to my gallery, so if you’d like to know specific pack usage you’ll be able to check there. If you load in and things are replaced or missing and you think it looks obvious feel free to message me, I’m always happy to try to help you find something else that fits! This save includes historical CC, some is included in my download in folders and some you will need to download from the creators directly. The CC required is listed and linked below, you need to download these linked pieces in ADDITION to the included cc folders.
CC To Download:
Cottage Kitchen Stuff Pack
1840s Suspenders Outfit
1900s Male Hunting Fashion
1920s Nightgown
Piteous Outfit
Sylas Fashion Set
Wilbur Outfit
Medieval Nightgown Della
Functional Tennis Set
Antique Standing Camera
Creators Whose CC I Included:
@ameyasims (Better Than a Bush Outhouse, Victorian Swimwear)
@buzzardly28 (Multiple women’s hairs)
@chereindolente (Sacco Chore Coat, Edwardian Child Clothes)
@gilded-ghosts (Boudoir Belle, Victorian Visions, New Woman)
@jewishsimming (Off The Grid Objects, CAS items)
@linzlu (Assorted CAS and BB items)
@the-melancholy-maiden (Victorian Hair and Hat)
@nolan-sims (Potbelly Stove Set)
@pandorasimbox (Get To Church Pack, Azariah’s Sack Suit, Antique Slipper Tub, Heirloom Silhouette Portraits)
@peacemaker-ic (Simple Siding Wall Set, Luxurious Single Bedding V2)
@plumbobteasociety (Some BB and CAS items from the Cottage Garden Pack, HSL Happy Birthday Set)
@twentiethcenturysims (Langtree Hair, Historical High Chair, Quilts for Kids)
@waxesnostalgic (Sportswear Separates, Peterpan Bodysuit)
Thank you to all of these wonderful creators, your historical cc creations make this game a million times better to play and I appreciate all of you so very much. Recommended but not required mods:
Timeless by @pandorasimbox
Default Map Replacements by Deshayan (if you’d like your map to look like mine does in the preview)
Victorian NPC Replacements and Llama Scouts Historical Replacements by @cowplant-snacks
Home Regions by Kuttoe
DOWNLOAD: There are five zipped folders to download, four of which contain included cc, and one which includes the save itself.
Download the "AB_SaveFile" folder, unzip it and simply move the file inside to your saves folder inside your Sims 4 folder (where your mods folder is located).
The included cc is in four folders (to allow for easier upload/download) for build, buy, clothing, and hair. Simply download the folders, unzip them, and place them in your mods folder.
After this you should be good to load up your game and get playing, let me know if you run into any issues, I'm happy to try to troubleshoot. SFS | Google Drive THANK YOU: To all my amazing testers: @epistolarysims @aheathen-conceivably @cowplant-snacks and especially @simadelics who edited my household and build descriptions.
If you use this save file, please tag me in any photos you take, I want to see them all!! This save has been my baby for so very long and I cannot wait to see what you all do with it!
@maxismatchccworldrld @mmoutfittersters
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tr-angyo · 3 months
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BHM CAS challenge by @sisisimss 💟
Day 1: Neo-Soul/ Boho
Day2: Black Panther
Day3: 70s/ Soul Train
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gigiberry · 8 months
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1930s Loookbook
After the roaring 20s, fashion became more conservative in the 1930s, with hair and hemlines getting longer again. The era was defined by the great depression, after the stock market crashed in 1929, and lasted through almost the whole decade. Many families during this time began making dresses from flour sacks, and so companies began printing textiles on the sacks for extra reusability. Despite the decade's widespread poverty, fashion themes of femininity and elegance prevailed, inspired by Hollywood stars like Joan Crawford.
Check out my other lookbooks: 2010s, 2000s, 1990s, 1980s, 1970s, 1960s, 1950s, 1940s
Look 1: hat, hair, coat, tights, shoes Look 2: hat, suit, shoes Look 3: hat, hair, coat, gloves (bg), tights, shoes Look 4: hair, necklace, dress, shoes Look 5: hair, earrings, dress, tights, shoes Look 6: hair, necklace (bg), dress Look 7: hair, glasses (bg), outfit, shoes Look 8: hair, dress, tights, shoes Look 9: hair (bg), top, pants, shoes Look 10: hat, hair, earrings (bg), necklace (cottage living), dress, gloves (bg), tights, shoes Look 11: hair, earrings (bg), outfit, tights, shoes Look 12: hair, outfit, socks (bg), shoes
Thanks to the awesome cc creators: @greenllamas @zurkdesign @sims4sue @moon-simmers @birksche @sentate @theslyd @happylifesims @linzlu @madlensims @batsfromwesteros @philosimy @standardheld @twentiethcenturysims @waxesnostalgic @vroshii @gilded-ghosts @madlensims @aharris00britney @plumbobteasociety @wistfulpoltergeist @mlyssimblr @heartspice @renorasims @pxelboy @ivo-sims
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themodsbabe · 1 year
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The Ultimate List of Sims 4 Medieval CC & Mods for Medieval Gameplay. Over 97+ items!
I recently started a brand new medieval gameplay save, and thought I would round up some of my favorite Medieval CC—hair, dresses, outfits, furniture—as well as my must-have gameplay mods for historical play!
This post is a DOOZY! I collected over 97 links 😅 It's not for the faint of heart, but my historical-loving friends—you're in for a treat! ❤️
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bloominginthesky · 1 year
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Gilbert never thought about lating the first day of school but he was lated in his first day of highschool. So he told his siblings to go without him to catch the school time. Erwin took the bag and a lunch box for him. (Good brother).
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So he run as fast as he can until his vision getting blur and running into someone without noticing it.
He didn't notice who's this person at first. When they hit the ground he start realized that it's a girl and the most beautiful girl he had seen.Seeing her wide black eyes and a pink flush passing her cheeck is like a daydream. He wrapped his thought back, and give his hand to her. She take her hand too.
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Gilbert : Let me help you. I'm so sorry i'm running to the school cause i'm late right now. Accept my apology please Ms
The girl : It's ok. It was an ancient and i was in a rush too.
Gilbert touch her head and ask" Are you ok Ms ? Cause i'm bet it's a wild hit"
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"It's ok i'll fine " she reply while her cheeck are turning into rose ( he think she's blush. It's so pretty)
" I'm glad that you're alright. Ms ???"
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A light smile passes her face and she simply reply
" Tessa , Tessa Lightwood"
"Such a beautiful name for beautiful lady Tessa. I'm Gilbert, Gilbert Delon, Nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you too" she reply.
Then he suddenly remember that he has damn school, the first day of school.
" I should be going by now cause as i was said i'm pretty late, hope we might see again Ms. Lightwood"
" I hope too. So bye Mr.Delon i'm also late for my school..Have a nice day Mr" she quickly said and run.
Gilbert watches her back, thinking he might see her again and run for the school.th
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girlwithlionmane · 4 months
Starting 2024 off right by finally finishing a video I filmed back in March 😮‍💨
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enkhanthor · 7 months
Legacy History Challenge - Original Age - Genesis
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Note: English isn’t my mother language and I’m not an expert in idiomatic expression. So if you find any errors or something weird, please forgive me and let me know on “ask me” if you want.
LHC Doc - EN/US - Complete Doc with all Ages.
LHC Doc - PT/BR - Doc Completo com todas as Eras.
This Age is additional and is inspired by the Judeo-Christian religion, the Book of Jubilees and the Genesis Challenge, which consists of populating the world of The Sims 4 with a descendant of your original Sims in each house. In the Legacy History Challenge this goal can be completed throughout all Ages. If you already play the LHC and started in the Prehistoric Age, you don't need to restart the challenge. The Original Age - Genesis has a mythological basis and is not mandatory. Therefore, the Legacy Founder remains the Matriarch of the Prehistoric Age. If you've never played the LHC before, you can choose to start the challenge in this Age or the next. In Original Age- Genesis the player is The Watcher (God of The Sims Medieval) and must create a couple of Sims that will be the parents of the Founding Sim of the LHC. If you have any means of getting  “The Mystical Magic Bean Tree Portal” or the forbidden fruit of the PlantSim you can use these items. (I found it in the Debug of the base game and the seeds always appeared in the Evergreen Harbor dumpsters). If you don't make it, just follow the indications in the rules and fantasize a little.
In the beginning there was the void and The Watcher was bored. So The Watcher used the Create a Sim to create a couple of Sims. He placed this couple in a secluded paradise and made them owners of all things there (except modern items). On the island where they lived there was a volcano that made the land around them barren, but a very beautiful tree grew on it. The Watcher warned the couple never to go near that tree or start from the fruits it provided, for their own safety.
Turns out the Sims couple was also bored, they had no knowledge (and no television). So they discovered woohoo and had lots of kids. For a long time everyone lived on that island in peace and harmony, but one of his daughters was different from her siblings. She was a very curious child and had a desire to know if there was something beyond that world. The girl was always upset that her parents didn't listen to her and were happy with the simple life they led. So, on her birthday, when she grew to a teenager, she decided to defy The Watcher's orders. The girl approached the forbidden tree and discovered the wonders it hid. He brought a forbidden fruit to her parents and convinced them to eat it. As soon as the parents ate the fruit, a terrible curse fell on them, making them green and strange, like plants.
Sims got desperate and tried to make offerings to The Watcher, but He wouldn't respond. After days of offerings the children became disheartened and angry that the Watcher had abandoned them. But one sibling didn't give up, he gathered offerings for all the children. Seeing the sacrifice, The Watcher agreed to lift the curse, but the evil was already in place. One of the jealous siblings started a fight, causing the death of the devout sibling. As punishment, The Watcher decided that the Sims were no longer worthy of paradise and decided to scatter the brothers across the various worlds of The Sims 4 Universe. Out of mercy, He granted the girl the oblivion of the pain that her disobedience had generated. Thus, the girl began to wander alone, forgetting her family and condemning her own lineage to the suffering of the world outside paradise.
1 - Adam and Eve in Paradise:
1.1 - Create a couple of Sims in Create a Sim at the age of young adults.
1.2 - Name the couple whatever you like. You can use traditional biblical names or use your creativity, putting the surname as Watcherson, for example. The original families of The Sims always have a thematic name (Gotth, Caliente, Landgraab). So, I decided to adopt Legacy in my gameplay.
1.3 - Sims cannot be occult.
1.4 - The appearance of these Sims can be customized by the player, with no restrictions on skin, eye, and hair color.
1.5 - Aspiration doesn't matter. These Sims are Legacy Precursors, not Founders. Therefore, your aspiration doesn't need to be completed, and there aren't any that match this Age anyway.
1.6 - You can choose any traits you like, as long as you avoid the modern traits like "Geek" and "Lactose Intolerant". I suggest the "Cheerful", "Childish" and "Loves Outdoors" traits. “Cheerful” contrasts with the “Hot-head” of the Prehistoric Age. “Childish” demonstrates the personality of those Sims who don't know the difficulties and didn't have to “grow up”. “Loves Outdoors” refers to the environment of Paradise.
1.7- The couple can only use leaves as clothes. You can find these outfits under the “fantasy” section of my custom content directory.
1.8 - Lifetime can be normal.
1.9 - You must start a New Save and turn off all Neighborhood lots and NPCs.
1.10 - The season is optional (I suggest starting in the spring), however turn off the storms. In Sulani it rains a lot and the rays affect the outdoor gameplay.
1.11 - Place the couple on one of the lots near the Sulani waterfall and volcano in the Mua Pel’am neighborhood. Requires “The Sims 4 Tropical Island” expansion.
1.12 - You are free to customize the lot however you like, as long as you avoid modern and high-tech items. No television, fridge, sofa, video game, etc. Go for caves and items that look prehistoric or fit the place like custom castaway island content or Sulani's volcanic barbecue.
1.13 - You can even have a yoga mat, as long as it is made of leaves and not woven.
1.14 - Sims don't have to work. The initial money should support them.
1.15 - You can use motherlode or another money cheat if you want.
1.16 - Sims can have whatever skills they want as long as it's compatible with the island's way of life.
1.17 - Sims can do whatever you want and whatever they want (let them free, not controlling all the time).
1.18 - Sims don't need to cook. You can have the banquet table and always leave it full of food.
1.19 - You can use magic hands to help Sims get rid of dirty dishes or trash and replace broken objects, after all you are God and they are in heaven! And, well, they have to believe you exist.
2 - Be Fruitful and Multiply:
2.1 - Sims must have children by completing the Full House achievement (8 Sims in the household, at least 6 children), but can have even more.
2.2 - If you use MC Woohoo keep the woohoo risky at 30%. If you use any mod that has contraceptive methods, avoid them. If not using any mods, Sims can only “Try for a Baby”.
2.3 - All babies must be born at home. Eva cannot go to the hospital. It is not allowed to use Pandasama's Child Birth mod. Just click on the crib and choose the “Have Baby” option.
2.4 - Newborn babies and infants should be breastfed. Don’t use bottles.
2.5 - Adam can help Eve take care of the babies. Adam and Eve are equal, so the division of tasks is also equal.
2.6 - Sims are exempt from dying or rolling death dice at this early stage of the challenge.
2.7 - Name the babies however you like, but you can also use biblical names like Cain, Abel and Seth.
2.8 - Each child must have a different infant trait, considering the first six born.
2.9 - The starting couple is Generation 0. You must choose one of their daughters to be the Founder Sim of the Legacy History Challenge. The Founder Sim must have specific traits in adolescence (see rules 1.1 and 1.2 of the next Age).
2.10 - You don't need to grow your Sim with a birthday cake, but birthday cakes aren't forbidden either. ( To remove the forgotten birthday buff you can click on the Sim with the left mouse button and hold shift, go to “Sim Information Cheat” and choose the sentiment remover option or use the mod indicated in item 10.8).
2.11 - As children grow up, they must gain negative traits reminiscent of Original Sins. “Hot-headed” (sin of anger - for the Matriarch), “Lazy” (sin of laziness), “Jealous” (sin of envy and sin of avarice), “Glutton” (sin of gluttony), “Romantic” (sin of lust) and “Egocentric” or “Snob” (sin of pride). (“Materialistic” and “Freegan” could represent avarice, but I consider them too modern, since there is no Simoleon yet). If you find another trait that better represents a sin that you can use.
2.12 - If you have “The Sims 4: Parenthood” game pack, the children should have good parenting values, but one sibling should stand out (“Abel”), being the most beloved by parents. Which should lead to disputes with the jealous sibling (“Cain”) since childhood. ( The names Abel and Cain are just examples. They don't necessarily have to be male).
2.13 - Sims don't need to go to school. If using MC Command Center, disable schools for children and teenagers.
3 - Lord of all things and animals:
3.1 - You can have animals that look wild, but you cannot escape rule 1.2.1. Therefore, you will need to increase the maximum number of Sims in your family/group with MC Command Center or another mod if you want to have animals.
3.2 - No vet. If the animal gets sick you can remove the disease from it. (With the shift button pressed, click the left mouse button on the animal. Find the option "make happy”).
4 - The Seventh Day:
4.1 - Create the “Watcher's Day” holiday on Saturdays and make gratitude a tradition. Requires “The Sims 4 Seasons” expansion.
4.2 - Exclude all other holidays from the game.
4.3 - Every Saturday your Sims must make an offering to The Watcher. It can be a seashell, fish, fruit, something found in volcanic meteors, or something that's in your Sim's inventory, but it needs to be an offering by each Sim starting at the Child stage of life. Reserve a space on your lot for the place of offerings and build a primitive altar. It could be a simple stone table, or leaves and stones on the ground, with no image of The Watcher.
5 - The Original Sin
5.1 - After customizing the starting lot, customize the lot next to the volcano.
5.2 - Place the “Volcanic Activity” lot challenge on this lot.
5.3 - Find “The Mystical Magic Bean Tree Portal” in the base game Debug. It’s purple and looks like a willow tree. It is usually near the bean seeds. If you don't find it, you can put any beautiful tree that is in your game. (To activate Debug, press the Ctrl+Shift+C keys, type testingcheats true in the line that appears in the upper right corner of the screen and press enter. Type bb.showhiddenobjects and press enter. Then enter construction mode and Debug will be active.).
5.4 - You can also buy the magical beans stump from the garden planter box icon in buy mode. Get a different magic bean from Debug for each baby born until you complete the stump. Thus, you will complete the collection of magic beans. (The magic beans are in the "decoration" section of the Debug base game, next to the skulls. You can also left-click and shift-click the Sim and choose the “give all magic beans” option and your Sim will complete the collection without having to enter Debug. But you can only do that after you have six children).
5.5 - Your Sims should avoid going near “The Mystical Magic Bean Tree Portal” when on the volcanic lot. (Sims can go to this lot to dig the meteors).
5.6 - When the female Sim chosen to be the Founder grows to a teenager, go with her to the tree, go through the portal and take two forbidden fruits from the SimPlant. Give the fruits to her parents (from inventory) and make them eat. If you can't find the fruit, you can get it from the Debug near "The Mystical Magic Bean Tree Portal" or use the cheat to turn your parents into a PlantSim. (Press Ctrl+Shift+C, type testingcheats true and press enter. Then click on your Sim with the left button with the shift pressed and select the option “Make into PlantSim”).
5.7 - Sims should try to make an offering to The Watcher to try and cure their parent's PlantSim condition for three days in a row.
5.8 -.On the fourth day, catch 8 fishes with the most devout sibling (“Abel”) and drag them to the altar to make a giant offering, which serves all Sims.
5.9 - On the fifth day your parents should be back to normal. (Generally, the PlantSim condition lasts for 5 days.) The jealous sibling (“Cain”) must start a fight with the beloved sibling (“Abel”), leading to his death. Taunt the Sim until they die of rage (cardiac explosion).
6 - The Expulsion from Paradise
6.1 - You must move the Founder Sim to another lot in another world and follow the Prehistoric Age rules.
6.2 - If using the MC Command Center, delete the Founder Sim's relationships when removing her from the lot.
6.3 - You must place each sibling in a different world of The Sims 4, depending on the amount of packs you have.
6.4 - You can't play with your parents or siblings, but you can let neighborhood stories and MC Command Center carry on their lineage. However, they cannot stay in the same world as the Founder Sim or their descendants until the Agriculture Age. Note: It's good to continue the bloodline of at least one of the siblings, as it will carry the word of The Watcher to the other Sims of the world.
From now on, you must follow the rules of the Prehistoric Era and continue the legacy with your Founder Sim.
7 - Requirements to pass the Age:
7.1 - Adam and Eve must have 6 children and complete the “Full House” achievement.
7.2 - Complete the collection of magic beans (1 bean per child).
7.3 - The Founder Sim must have grown to the age of a teenager.
7.4 - The Founder Sim must get two forbidden fruits from the Simplant and turn her parents into a SimPlant
7.5 - One of the siblings must catch 8 fishes, make offerings for everyone and die of a cardiac explosion.
8 - Expansions, Game Packs and Stuff Packs:
8.1 - The Sims 4 Seasons (essential). Create the “Watcher’s Day” holiday on Saturdays and disable storms.
8.2 - The Sims 4 Tropical Island (essential). Live in Sulani, in the Mua Pel'am district.
8.3 - The Sims 4: Parenthood (optional). Have good character values.
9 - MCC settings (for those who use it):
9.1 - Automatic bill pay.
9.2 - Disable schools for children and adolescents.
9.3 - Increase the maximum number of the household, if you have animals.
9.4 - Delete Matriarch relationships.
9.5 - Continue neighborhood stories.
10 - Recommended Mods for this Age:
10.1 - MC Command Center by Deaderpoll - Manages various features of the game.
10.2 - No Random Townies by Zero  - 
Prevents the game from spawning NPCs. Note: if you use this mod you will have to create the partners of your siblings in Cas.
10.3 - T.o.o.l. by Twisted Mexi - Add and edit objects in the world.
10.4 - Sulani Hiders para Saves Pré-Históricos by Enkhanthor - Hides items from the world that don't match the Prehistoric Age.
10.5 - Blowtorch by Simsverses - Modern items are already deleted. Probably if you use this one you won't need the previous one.
10.6 - Pet Explore Bush Tweaks by Chingyu Vick Sims - Disables the autonomy of dogs and cats to enter the bushes.
10.7 - Nap on the ground by Triplis - Allows Sim to sleep on the floor, anywhere.
10.8 - No Sad Moddlet on Birthday by ClaudiaSharon - Removes forgotten birthday buff.
10.9 - Custom content befitting the Age. You can check the list I found in CC Links - LHC Directory on my homepage (I'm always updating)
11 - Sources (Books, Series and Movies):
11.1 - The Bible - Book 1 - Genesis 
11.2 - The Book of Jubilees
11.3 - Gênesis (Brazilian serie by TV Record) 
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