#Im serious whatever you like about star wars one of these two is doing it better. AND you can actually trust the creators to not suck
I think all the star wars fans out there need to listen to some sci fi podcasts, then re evaluate whether THIS is really the media you want to put your emotional investment into. Disney is such a piece of shit and they don't even hide it, just so many of us are either numb or perpetually angry to a point where it's emotionally draining. Just saying, Wolf 359 will make you ask questions that some of y'all desperately need to ask yourselves. Penumbra is hitting so many sci fi tropes and vibes but flat out doing it BETTER than Disney ever could. They're both like if Star Wars was actually as good as we pretend it is, and then better.
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vivitalks · 3 months
take in every moment (hold it close again)
hiii this is for the "movie night" prompt on my jasico bingo card!! short sweet and silly the three best things a fanfiction can be. and im posting it in the MIDDLE OF THE DAY seriously who am i title from netflix trip by ajr :) read it here on ao3
It stands to reason that a demigod legion modeled on the Ancient Romans wouldn't think much of technology. And it's true that demigods and modern tech don't tend to get along. It really shouldn't surprise Nico when nobody knows where to find a TV.
And yet.
“Seriously,” he finally complains to Jason, walking Via Principalis with coffee courtesy of Bombilo, “it's like you're all trying to become social outcasts.”
“I think the whole demigod thing covers that,” Jason says.
“My point exactly! Nobody is even trying. Plus, monsters can't get into camp anyway, so who cares if you're using technology?”
Jason shrugs a shoulder. “Yeah, but why risk it?” 
It's cool but sunny, the perfect weather for Jason. Not that Nico has any sort of bias. Jason looks great in all weather, in Nico's completely objective opinion, but gentle rays of sunlight make his hair as golden as his sword and give his skin an extra glow.
At least six times a day, Nico wonders how the most beautiful person in the world is his boyfriend. Some call it insecurity; Nico calls it a reality check.
He checks back into reality in time for Jason to be saying, “Besides, most of the people here spend their whole lives either in the legion or in New Rome. Nobody is missing out because nobody is on the Internet or watching movies or any of that. It's a pretty insular community.”
“Not anymore,” Nico says. “Now that there's the exchange program, Camp Jupiter is going to start getting Greeks, and most of them spend their years out in the real world, experiencing real-world things, like movies and music and all that fun stuff you Romans hate.”
“Don't ‘you Romans’ us,” Jason says, swatting playfully at Nico. Nico doesn't bother to dodge, but he does grin. “But you may have a point.”
“I do have a point. If you really want the Greeks and Romans to get along, there can't be this massive cultural gap. The Greeks will feel superior, the Romans will feel left out, and then we'll probably have another war and I'll have almost killed myself bringing the Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood for nothing.”
Jason lifts an eyebrow. “Oh, is that all?”
“Shut up. I'm serious!”
“I didn't realize you felt so strongly about this,” Jason says, looking bemused. “Wait, why do you feel so strongly about this?”
“In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a little behind on popular culture myself,” Nico says flatly.
“Really? Why is that?” Jason asks, with a straight face.
Bravely, Nico ignores him. “I'm trying to kill two birds with one stone here. Get some Vulcan kids to put together a TV. I'm sure they can work their magic and make it monster-repellent or whatever.”
“And do what with it?”
“Start a film class?” Nico suggests. “I would get a Greek demigod to help with the curriculum, though.”
“You can just say Will.”
“I don't think Will should come near the curriculum with a ten-foot pole. He'll just put every single Star Wars movie on there. I was actually thinking of Piper.”
“Piper?” Jason shakes his head. “Right. Duh. Movie star dad.”
“Yeah. She's probably our best bet.”
“We’re going to have to run this by the praetors before we get any further,” Jason says. He takes a long, considering sip of his coffee, which does not contain nearly enough sugar. Nico tried it earlier and almost choked.
“Yeah. I'm in favor. You're not wrong about the cultural deficit.”
Nico grins. He kisses the corner of Jason's mouth — just because he can. That sunny glow shines even brighter in Jason's eyes.
“Lucky for us,” he says cheerfully, “we have some sway with the praetors.”
The film class proposal is met with conditional approval from Frank and Reyna. “Culture in Film: From Classic to Contemporary” becomes the most popular course in the legion within days. Piper helps them build a curriculum, which in this case means just choosing fifteen classic movies — all of which she vehemently describes as “must-sees” — and expressing profound shock at the revelation that neither Jason nor Nico have seen any of them.
“But it’s Princess Bride,” she keeps saying. “How can you not have seen it? ‘My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die’? Is nothing sacred?”
If anything, at least her attitude proves how absolutely necessary this class is.
The conditions of the class are sternly outlined for them by Reyna: (1) do not screen anything rated higher than PG-13; (2) only select movies with some relevant message or theme that can be transmitted to the legionnaires; and (3) do not use the forthcoming anti-monster television for anything other than class use.
Rule one is easy. Nico and Jason break the second and third rules within two weeks of the first course.
“I can’t believe you even suggested this,” Nico whispers.
The classroom where “Culture In Film” takes place is silent after hours. At the front of the room towers an 80-inch, Imperial Gold television, the most eye-catching thing in the room. Just below it, there's a box Nico distantly recognizes. A DVD player — Demigod Video Discs, optimized for playback on magical TV screens. This, too, is constructed out of Imperial Gold. No doubt the TV and DVD player combined are imbued with some combination of enchantments designed to make them undetectable to monsters.
“I'm not a praetor anymore,” Jason replies, approaching the DVD player. “What can they do? Kick me out of the legion? Half the time I'm at Camp Half-Blood anyway.”
“Not sure that argument will hold up in front of the Senate,” Nico theorizes, but he's not really worried. In fact, he kind of loves that Jason was so committed to having a movie night with Nico that he was willing to break the rules for it.
“Then let's just not get caught,” Jason says. 
That works for Nico. Their emergency escape route is to shadow-travel out, but since Nico shadow-traveled them in, he's hoping it doesn't come to that. Even the short distance from barracks to classroom has his eyes drooping. If he tries it again, he's liable to pass out.
Jason kneels and examines the DVD player. “Do I just…put it in?”
“I guess?” Nico peers at the player and the TV. “We should probably turn on the TV.”
“That would be smart.”
Nico feels around for a button and finds it underneath the screen. When he presses it, the big black screen turns royal blue, and digital letters show a message onscreen: NO DISC DETECTED.
Nico and Jason exchange a look. 
“Is it weird that I'm more stressed right now than I was when we fought Gaea?” Jason whispers.
Nico laughs. “We're not going to get caught, Jason.”
“I'm not worried about that. I just have no idea how to work this thing. What if I break it?”
“I'll do it,” Nico says, snatching the DVD case from Jason's hands. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, another “must-see” from Piper that didn't make the curriculum cut. According to Jason, when he told her he'd never even heard of it, she got Leo to modify a disc for their benefit and demanded he find some way to watch it. Nico, having also never heard of it, got roped into the deal by some combination of Charmspeak and standard-issue Jason Grace-ness.
Nico removes the disc and takes a breath. “Here goes nothing.”
As soon as the disc is in the player, the machine whirs. The screen turns black again. Nico and Jason take a united step backwards.
“Isn't there supposed to be a remote?” Jason asks. At the word remote, a panel from the top of the DVD player opens up. Inside is a remote. “Oh, sweet.”
“Come on,” Nico says, throwing himself onto the nearest couch. Romans and their couches. They're an indulgent breed, these Romans, but in times like these Nico appreciates that.
“Is it playing?” Jason questions, and just then, a deafening blast of orchestral sound erupts from the TV. Jason yelps and staggers backwards, and Nico cracks himself up. “Okay! It's playing!”
“Sit down, Superman.”
Jason sits down. He takes the spot right next to the armest. Nico would never take the armrest seat. He likes to have an escape route. He's special like that.
(“Traumatized,” whatever. Tomato, to-mah-to.)
“So far so good,” Jason says, offering an arm, kind of gesturing at Nico to come closer. Nico obliges. Jason doesn't mind being trapped, which is his own prerogative. So Nico takes up every inch of space on Jason's free side. He's not so small anymore, but he fits right up under Jason's arm like the dark half of a yin and yang symbol.
“Nothing's happened yet,” he points out.
Jason just squeezes his shoulders. “I'm having a movie night with my boyfriend. Like a regular teenager. Everything is great from where I'm standing.”
“Let's not be hasty. The movie could still suck.”
“Wouldn't matter.”
“It'd matter to me,” Nico says haughtily. “I'm putting a lot of faith in Piper.”
“She seemed absolutely confident we would both like this movie.”
“So imagine how foolish she'll feel if we don't.”
“I'm starting to think your attitude is the problem.” Jason grins. “Open your mind, Nico.”
“I'm open-minded!”
“And shut up,” Jason adds. “‘Cause we've already missed the beginning and I don't know how to rewind this thing.”
“Not my fault,” Nico says. “I was just—”
Jason shuts him up by occupying his mouth with Jason's mouth, which is a proven top-five strategy for getting Nico to stop talking. 
“Okay,” he says. And kisses Jason again. It's never any less awesome. “Shutting up.”
The movie keeps playing. Nico settles into Jason with his whole body and thinks about how this is the first time he's ever watched a movie with a boyfriend, and how absolutely astonishing that is, by itself. Even if it does suck, he figures there are worse things in the world than watching a bad movie with your boyfriend.
In fact, there might not be many things better.
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cogbreath · 3 months
i waint to hea r your bbt things
sheldon is also not the only one whos autistic imo. im not certain of who i all headcanon as such, but i feel its a fitting one for amy and bernadette actually. i think a lot of the problems with the way sheldon's autism is written is the fact that other characters don't *respect* him about it. like his needs and behaviors are often belittled or treated as nonsensical. overall i think everyone should be much kinder and understanding about it towards him seeing as they are literally his friends and all.
also probably a nitpicky thing and a matter of my own autistic sensory preferences but i feel it makes more sense for sheldon to NOT wear his sleeves rolled up for sensory reasons. whatever though im allowed to project. also i think they missed an opportunity to explore his interest in vexillology more? like there was maybe 1 or 2 episodes i remember about it but if youve ever met a vexillology enjoyer you know its a common topic they gush about.
speaking of gushing i think the dynamic between sheldon and amy would be like. two autistic best friends who love to infodump at eachother and do parallel activities. at most maybe they have some sort of queerplatonic thing going on? but im not actually super versed in what that means despite being aromantic myself xP
oh anothet thing that bothers me is how the female characters are written as not getting any of the geeky stuff??? it's stupid. like, yeah penny isnt a nerd, but she's an aspiring actress i think she would know what a star trek is. -_- honestly like, all of them would understand a lot of those things and are probably into similar stuff. bbt seems to think that like, these are Guy interests that all women dont understand or get when in reality like, dc comics n shit like that, literally your average person can follow along so i hate that they make the women seem as if they don't understand star wars references.
obviously this is probably one of the most common complaints about the show but id love to have made a lot of the pop culture references controlled and niche. we dont need a reference every other 5 minutes, id like to define each character's interests in a more sensicle way outside of just "haha guys look theres nerd stuff on tv hahah did you guys get that reference"?
also another problem is the way howard behaves. like some episodes his behavior is like, sexual harassment at times, which is met with a laugh track every time. not cool, and unnecessary, should be written to be more respectful. and then of course id like to make him have a better view of his mother, the dynamic in the show is one based off of antisemitic stereotypes about jewish mothers, and thats shitty. i wont retcon it to be a perfect mother/son relationship, like they would definitely still bicker, but i want to potray his mother as more than nagging and obsessive, like perhaps she does care too much and doesn't always treat him as an adult at times, but i dont find a lot of the overall nastiness that happens in the show between them to be funny or interesting.
raj is a pretty okay character imho, but definitely needs to be written more respectfully. He is a major example of the trope of characters of colour being sidelined. like the fact he was the ONLY character to be single in the end of the series? its kinda fucked up lol. obviously as mentioned before i think raj x howard should be the canon outcome. howeber both of them are bisexual, they both are potrayed as having interest in women; but i also think their interest in eachother is serious, or at least should be written as such. its also probably likely that the way he's written in terms of his culture should be improved but i havent gotten around to that just yet. i also think his anxiety issues should have been written with more respect, like the fact he was physically unable to talk to girls i think shouldnt have been an issue he had with *just* women. it seems they were trying to potray him as having selective mutism? but obviously thats not a thing that ONLY happens when one is a around ppl they r attracted to.
bernadette im actually rlly excited to write better because she reminds me of myself at times. i will dial her mischievous nature and her interest in microbiology up to 10. i will make her infodump about prions just i do.
also imho leonard is transmasc. i dont have any like, "evidence" or theory for why i think that other than just he feels that way to me. not that we even need justifications for transgender headcanons around these parts though.
also wil wheaton will NOT be existing anymore as a character in the narrative due to the fact he blocked me on tumblr for some dumbass shit. LOL.
uh i didnt expect to actually have all that much to say about this show... LOL.. enjoy my rambling!
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I'd love to sign up for a blind date with a Star Wars guy! I lean towards the clones, but I'm open to being surprised.
I don't... really do dating, not that I've never gone on dates, i just don't fall for someone easily. So a blind date would be a first for me, and someone would probably have talked me into going. I've been badly hurt by past partners, so I'd feel most comfortable with someone who is self aware and likewise, very aware of and considerate of others.
A guy with a big ego would probably go mad, because I can split a bullet on an axe head on the gun range with a blackpowder rifle, I'm not shy about survival skills, and I'm really good at learning new things. Lacking the ego, I imagine there might be some Interesting Adventures on the gun range.
On the flipside.... I have a lot of health problems. Well, not a LOT, but the ones i have cause serious impact on me doing things. One day I can pick up a sixty pound box of pewter and the next day I can barely get out of bed and lift my own weight. I've learned to be very creative on managing my days and time.
Someone i can talk to about anything, or sit in comfortable silence with when im too tired to converse at length.
Alright, I'm going the surprise route. Hope you like it.
Your date is...
✨Luke Skywalker!✨
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This guy is the opposite of a "big ego" and would be an adoring heart-eyes emoji if you were to show him your skills on the gun range. He'll gladly meet you there on your date, just to see for himself what you're capable of, get to know you in a more practical way. He'll ask if you can show him a thing or two as well, as he's ever the eager learner. You'll have a unique date in this regard, showing him how to shoot and showing off in return, all the while chatting and laughing up a storm.
He'll immediately sense your tiredness once you reach that point, and will offer to take you home, or to relax at a coffee shop if you'd like to keep spending time with him. He'll understand if you do need the break and won't pressure for more, but if you do choose more time in his company, he'll be absolutely thrilled. He knows just the spot, a cute little hole-in-the-wall shop to rest and continue with some pleasant conversation, or even just comfortable silence.
To him, this evening is less about dating and more about breaking down the barriers between strangers. Whatever happens beyond that is welcomed, whether it's a nice friendship or a budding romance. Luke has really settled into himself and thus isn't self-conscious, rude, or a mess. He's just the right balance of passionate and kind. You'd be a well-treated, important part of his life, in whatever capacity you want to be part of it.
Want to be set up on a blind date with a Star Wars character?
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goodnighttexas · 5 months
still haveht seen all of ahsoka show yet but I have been seeing stuff on this star wars account I follow that I don’t understand so I’m assuming it’s in the part I didn’t watch bc I was Very uninterested.
ummm so I’m thinking about it again and as ahsoka tano fan top 10 she’s one of my faves of all time. I just. my. A H S O K A. show. the. A H S O K A. show. and its like here’s the rebels and I’m like oh great that characters I really don’t care about thanks. like I watched their show it was alright I grew to like them BUT NOT ENOUGH FOR ME TO WANT TO SEE THEM AGAIN. well. except hera I love hera I want to see her always <3 BUT THE ITHERS?? WHATEVER!!!! I would like to see what my sweet sweet ahsoka is doing and what shit she’s wrecking on the other side of the galaxy. not. her wayward padawan. why does she have one of those? Like why is ahsoka “I am no jedi” tano waltzing around with a padawan and WHY IS SHE SO DRY ? :((( her actor gets her snarky bits well SHED DO THE SILLY WELL TOO I BET WHY DONT THEY GIVE HER THE SILLY ? she’s so serious I want to kill myself a little. ahsoka my little high school drop out why does she act like a “cool” teacher who breaks the rules only a little but is still a teacher none the less. OHHHH kills myself whatever. she’s not Totally down for the rules but she’s more down for the rules than I think she should be. she’s too slash srs. like ahsoka is wise as hell she’s very smart but she was never BORING….. CRIES MYSELF TO SLEEP.
look even that aside I just don’t care about sabine like that I don’t care about ezra that much and I definitely don’t want to go to Big Plot Thrawn like fuck that wgaf you get rid of that guy for OOOH? BIG PLOT ?? MAYBE FOR LATER ?? and then he comes back with MID PLOT. and does nothing. like I haven’t finished the show yet but I’m presuming he gets defeated bc I think I would’ve heard of big thrawn Star Wars phase BUT I HAVE NOT! so it’s just let’s have ezra again. which. as already stated. IDCABOUTHIMCOUGH. sorry ezra. I just. yeah. go off girl go crazy go stupid do whatever im gonna look over here now though.
like. I love my slay renegade disaster lineage girl who’s like nah fuck this we done. and does her own thing. SHE IS NO JEDI !!!! why have a padawan…… whatever
look I don’t like extra dubious disaster lineage that shit ended with ahsoka okay? BOOP yoda BOOP dooku BOOP quigon BOOP obiwan BOOP anakin BOOP ahsoka and then she was like okay this is the worst lineage in the history of ever let’s not. green freak, Sith Lord, rebel who died too young L, the “negotiator”, little freakass orphan annie who let him in here?? he’s too emotionally unstable—, and ahsoka tano the best thing to come out of this whole thing. one she doesn’t end up a sith lord two she knows what’s up she knew the order was flawed and went fuck this shit I’m out LOSERS and went on her own significantly more righteous path of awesomeness to be. what a jedi really SHOULDVE been. COOL. AS. HELL !!!! kind and compassionate, a bit of a smart ass, and selfless to high heaven. if there’s good to be done she will do it. she is bound by no order she is bound by no code she will do as she wants when she wants and she will make such a good impact and she will look so cool doing it. she also kicks so much ass.
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sentinelpri · 2 years
AM: Im drowning in my love for it again. Don't throw me a life preserver, if I come up for air shove me back down. Imagine Megatron trying to pamper reader throughout the carrying and trying to have everything just right for the sparkling before it's here and reader's going along with it (I do wonder how big the baby would be) but also still trying to do some work because "Ratchet's not getting any younger, dear"
I couldn’t help myself when I saw this. Here's some headcanons, beloved friend!
Megatron is a mech who's very particular about everything in his life, whether that be battle plans, relationships, the way his room is arranged, energon, oil, whatever. He’s very caring and attentive to detail. 
So, after the events as seen in my oneshot ‘The Announcement’ (which is canon to this series) where the Autobots and Decepticons come to a peace and Megatron and Optimus share equal rule over Cybertron together, when the two of you conceive a sparkling by accident, he’s pretty worried about making sure that everything is ‘right’.
Like, you two have been through a lot together; a war, being in opposite factions, a secret relationship, people detesting you being together, arguments, strife, etc. Now that you’re happy and have a chance of having a somewhat normal, good life with an equally as good family unit, he wants to make sure everything is as perfect as it can be.
He doesn’t want you doing literally anything, the moment he finds out. You’re working with Ratchet at the biggest hospital in the city, and you’re usually incredibly busy, so when you refuse to let go of your job he’s just a little bit peeved.
“My love, it’s imperative for you to be resting right now. I understand how passionate you are about your work, but please, take a break for me?”
“I know, but Ratchet’s not getting any younger, dear. I’ll try to settle down and take breaks when I can, but you also have to understand how important my job is.”
Okay, sure, fine. You’ve come to a compromise where you’re working a bit less, but Megatron still feels like you’re overworking yourself for someone who’s carrying- after all, you should be focusing on you and you only. Still, he doesn’t say anything. He knows that you know your limits and that you’re a fully independent (mech/femme) capable of making their own decisions. 
He tries to carry you everywhere, makes sure you’re not drinking any oil and that you have the best energon known to mech, will massage your back and peds and neck every night before bed, is insistent that you have only the best blankets, pillows, and berth, and that you’re taking all of your medical supplements that Ratchet has prescribed you. Will accompany you to every check up and ask for printed photos of every single ultrasound, and he keeps them all in a big ass wallet of sorts that he always carries in a storage compartment.
“Darling, look at how big they’re getting. Do you think they’ll look more like me or more like you?”
“Well, hopefully they’re not quite as big as you, honey, but aside from that, I hope they’re as handsome as you are.”
Oh, right. The size is a major concern. He’s one of the largest (former) Decepticons known to Cybertronian kind, and you’re just a tiny little minibot, but according to Ratchet, the sparkling is projected to be a size where you can birth them naturally through your valve without any serious complications. 
So, he worries about that, but tries not to think about it too much. Meanwhile, he’s doing most of the work preparing the sparkling’s room in your house; childproofing walls and plug ins and floors, going with you to pick a galaxy-patterned play carpet, building a purple wooden crib, building a matching toy box, lifting you up while you paint the walls to look like a fading sunset with stars at the top, going with you to buy cute stuffies and toys, as well as blankets and pillows, sparkling formula, bottles, etc. 
He’s there for every step of the way and honestly more concerned about most everything than you are, but due to his diligence, everything is set up perfectly for when the sparkling comes. 
When you feel your lubricant break and go to the hospital to find Ratchet, Megatron is surprisingly composed. Inside, he’s panicked, but he’s not the one carrying or delivering the sparkling so he feels like he should be calm, and he does a good job of that. He takes you to the hospital and holds your servo the entire time while Ratchet and a few others go through a long, strenuous, painful process of delivering the sparkling. Megatron is pretty impressed by and proud of you for how well you do, but by the time the sparkling is delivered, you’re both exhausted.
They’re tiny. He can’t tell if they’re a mech or a femme yet since they’re still so little, and he doesn’t really care about that, more concerned with their size... They’re super tiny, even smaller than the pictures he’d seen of you from when you were a sparkling. (Unbeknownst to him at the time, they were born tiny but inherited his mammoth size genes and end up growing to be an inch or two taller than Megatron himself)
After naming them and filling out some paperwork, you end up falling asleep with the sparkling in your arms. Megatron wants you to be able to get adequate rest, and thankfully, they’re still in that peaceful sleeping stage, so he takes the newborn out of your arms and holds them close to his chest while looking down at them. 
They have a mix of your optics and his, which creates a brilliant purple, though they quickly close and settle back into their sire’s chest and close said optics. They have some of his gunmetal grey and black on their paint frame mixed with your (f/c), and they complement each other perfectly. They’re literally the size of maybe two of Megatron’s digits, so he finds himself scared that he’s going to break them, but he knows you need to rest, so he rocks them to sleep and paces around the room.
And, as he looks down at the little bundle of joy in his arms, he can’t help but think that all the risks he’d gone through to be by your side over the years were worth it. He’d really have to step up his game as a bondmate and as a sire whenever you woke up, because in that moment, he loves you two more than anything and realizes that he won’t ever stop.
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vidalinav · 3 years
Summary: Nesta starts tutoring Cassian in o-chem, while Cassian mostly stares at Nesta the entire time. He has a school-boy crush. 
Nessian Modern AU-university setting. 
Cassian has never met anyone more perfect than Nesta Archeron. He swears she's come straight out of a book. Fitting, he thinks, since every time he meets her, they’re at the library. 
In fact, that’s the only place she’ll meet him at. 
He knows of two other places she frequents, two other places that are closer to their respective classes and many other places he suggests for... his own motivations. Nesta only wants to see him in a library. Something about the absorption of knowledge in that tiny brain of his, which frankly sounds offensive when she says it the first time. And the second time. And the third. 
I’m your tutor, she painstakingly reminds him. We’re not friends. 
Cassian wants to beg to differ. Tries on more than one occasion. He’s known her since freshman year, they have to be friends by now. 
But... she’s not wrong about being his tutor. 
His problem, Cassian admits, is that he doesn’t like to read. He doesn’t really like to study either, but with Nesta Archeron he finds himself jotting down notes. Not on any subject pertaining to his classes...  but in memorizing ever expression she makes, every roll of her eyes as she tells him to pay attention. 
Pay attention, he shall!
More often than not she’s donning a grey fitted shirt that says University Printing in orange tiny print. It’s from her second job. Tutoring him is her third. Her least favorite, she says. 
Liar, he always wants to say. I’m much better to look at than toner.  
But Cassian’s not so sure about that. So far, she only looks at him with disdain and he can rarely get a conversation out of her that doesn’t have to do with covalent bonds or... something or other. He forgets. Cassian only remembers her voice, her hair, her eyes... which defeats the purpose of tutoring and is probably not good for his grades. But alas, Cassian doesn’t find it in himself to care too much. 
He remembers just fine. 
Sometimes, if they meet on the weekends, she’s too busy to take off her black apron. She works at a coffee shop on the outskirts of campus, and she comes to the library smelling like coffee and Cassian’s sure he’ll focus this time. All adrenaline and caffeine, but then she talks and he’s... listening, but really he only listens to her tone. Such haughty words she huffs, her eyes rolling as if she can’t believe he isn’t understanding after all this precious time.  
Are you even listening, Cassian?  
He likes when she says his name. It rolls off her tongue and she sneers and he likes that too.  
But most days, like today, Nesta Archeron wraps herself in sweaters. All manners of cardigans. And the best thing about her is the way her nose is stuck in a book. Cassian longs to trace her cheeks, pulling the few wisps of hair that falls, tucking it behind her ear. He imagines her blushing as he does it, staring at those well-used pages.  
All he ever gets from her is a glare.  
Like he’s just stolen her from a world filled with muscles and nervous systems, or whatever people study in human physiology. Her stare often makes him wonder if she’s imagining how his body moves, how he breathes, if she can pull him part and hold his intestines in her hands. He feels like a wriggling rat when she looks at him. A little frog he can’t cut in high school biology without running to the bathroom nauseated.  
Cassian loves that look the best, though, so he waves at the girl who glares in her seat. The exact seat she always sits in for these sessions. If he grins more goofily than he cares to admit, well... he’s no less happy to see her.  
“What are we learning today, Teach?”  
Nesta rolls her eyes as he lays his bag across the table and he shuffles in search of his notebook.  
That much noise in a library? He can imagine her saying. Preposterous.
“That’s not my name,” she grumbles out, instead.  
“What are you going to teach me then, Obi-wan?”  
“Is that why you’re failing o-chem?” She remarks, her nose scrunching in that very sweet, judgmental way of hers, “Watching too much Star Wars instead of opening up a textbook?”
Indeed, she looks at the book he pulls from his bag. It is new, and he hasn’t opened it.  Every time he tries, he finds better things to do. Another video on Youtube, or one of his friends suggesting a trip to lunch or dinner... or breakfast. He tries to find numerous excuses on why he can’t open that book. He’s going to study from the slides, Cassian says, from his notes. But whenever he opens his notebook, all he finds is scribbles.  
Cassian sighs. He hates this class.  
But he swallows down his disdain, “I’ll tell you the truth if you tell me what your favorite movie is?”  
Nesta shakes her head, her lips pursing as if she might tell him off in a minute or two. Cassian looks at his watch as if he might time it exactly. A ticking bomb. First the pursed lips, then the stern gaze, then the red face and she’ll blow. 
“No,” she announces, “I’m here to tutor you, not entertain.”
“Such a shame since I brought the clown suit today, thought you’d look good in the red nose.”  
Nesta blinks up at the words and Cassian holds back his grin.  
“You’re weird,” she huffs, taking his book out of his hands and opening it up to the first chapter.  
“I brought you something today. To sweeten our time together.”  
Her brows scrunch at that, but he pulls the container out of his bag, crinkling and noise be damned. Cassian lays out the cake and places the fork next to the textbook.  
“You’re bribing me with cake?”
“Chocolate cake,” he explains, “and not just any cake. This is from the dining hall near South Campus. Best cake in the world.”  
“I know the dining hall,” Nesta scoffs.  
“Then you’ll know how good the cake tastes.” Cassian pulls the container back towards him, pulling apart the packing for the fork. “But if you don’t want it, I guess I’ll just eat it myself.”  
“I didn’t say I didn’t want it,” she says and he can already see her resolve wavering. 
It’s always like this. Cassian bribing Nesta with sweets until she’s gliding her fingers down the text book, one sentence at a time. Quizzing him with flashcards until he can only see double lines and circles in his mind... and that tiny smile she makes when she takes just one bite. 
Nesta taps her pencil on the page, distracting him from his thoughts. “This doesn’t mean I’ll take it easy on you this semester. You barely passed biology last semester.” 
Cassian scoffs, raising his chin. “That was sophomore me. I’m serious now.” 
But then Nesta’s reading off the page, drawing diagrams in his notebook, and he’s only staring at her lips. 
Cassian sighs. 
This is going to be a long semester. 
Tagged:  @my-fan-side, @sophilightwood, @nestaarcher0n, @duskandstarlight, @soitsgorgeous, @ekaterinakostrova @swankii-art-teacher, @lordof-bloodshed, @thewhelk, @daisy-in-danger, @highqueenevankhell, @lovelynesta, @sirendeepity, @champanheandluxxury, @ladynestaarcheron, @moodymelanist, @teagoddess99, @spoilersteph, @angelic-voice-1997, @bo0kmaster69, @drielecarla, @generalnesta, @cozycomfyliving08 @arinbelle
Poor boy, he’s going to fail his classes. 
Anyway, this is another fic Im sure I’m not going to finish but had an idea for so I ran with it for one scene and probably one scene only.
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cherrykindness · 3 years
one spoon for two |
first of all, i can't make my first post in english without thanking those who helped and encouraged me to make this decision. thank you for everything @waitimcomingtoo, @harryhoney-bee and @parkers-gal 🧡
summary: you and peter share spoons and sweatshirts and are “secretly” in love with each other.
pairing: peter parker x stark!reader
warning: hi! english (obviously) is not my first language, so I ask for patience, im still learning <3
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"Good morning." You said with a enviable morning good humor as soon as you arrived at the complex's kitchen, receiving distracted nods and murmurs from Bucky, Sam, and Natasha. Peter, on the other hand, received your greeting with equal enthusiasm.
"Good morning, Y/N." He replied anxiously, straightening the posture and removing his feet from the chair beside. "Do you want to sit here?" He asked quick and shyly, pretending not to notice Bucky and Sam narrowing their eyes across the table. "I-I mean, it's empty, but you don't have to if you don't want to."
You nodded, accepting the offer before sitting down next to the boy you used to call best friend, frowning as you noticed that your yogurt with granola was already prepared next to a spoon and a glass of milk.
"Did you do that?"
Peter agreed, feeling a warmth rise from his neck to his cheeks.
"Yes, I figured you would be tired after last night."
That answer was enough to capture the attention of the entire kitchen. Steve, who was walking through the door with an empty mug in hand, stopped as soon as he heard the phrase leave Peter's lips, widening his eyes as he struggled not to let the ceramic object hit the floor.
"What?" Bucky asked in astonishment, blinking rapidly as he looked away between you and Peter. "What did you guys do last night?"
You and Peter looked at each other in confusion, but before you could respond, Natasha pointed to your clothes.
"Is that Peter's sweatshirt?"
Steve's pressure seemed to have dropped at this very moment. With trembling hands and flushed cheeks, the soldier sat down on one of the chairs, hiding his face amidst inaudible murmurs.
"Tony already knows this?" Sam asked with his mouth full of cereal, looking at you both with disapproval.
"What should I know?"
Peter swallowed hard when he heard your father's voice, dreading the mischievous smile that grew on Bucky's face.
"That me and Pete spent the whole night watching Star Wars." You were quick to respond, causing Peter to let out a relieved sigh.
"So that's what the kids call it these days?" Steve whispered, looking more shocked by the minute. Natasha patted her friend on the back, offering consolation.
"The Spider-Baby said he made Y/N very tired last night." Bucky, playing the part of the devil on Peter's shoulder, repeated the sentence with slight alteration.
"I didn't say that." The boy with bright curls said in horror, shaking his head frantically as his face turned as red as fresh strawberries. "It wasn't like that, Mr. Stark."
"So explain it to me." Tony demanded with a serious face, crossing his arms over his chest.
The boy became an clumsy mess in a matter of seconds. Bucky, Sam and Natasha holding their own giggling as the comic moment unfolded.
"You don't have to say anything, Pete." You reassured him, understanding your father's intentions. "Let's get away from those perverts. We still have a lot to enjoy this weekend."
You stood up with Peter at your heels, leaving the kitchen under the watchful eyes of the Avengers. Everyone, except Steve, burst out laughing as soon as Tony made sure that you were no longer around, Sam having to wipe away a few tears that had escaped from the corner of his eyes.
"What?" Steve asked confused, staring at the others strangely. "What did I miss?"
"They are so oblivious." Natasha said with a smile, shaking her head negatively.
"It's kind of cute." Tony admitted, shaking his shoulders. "The boy is unable to make a move, however."
"What?" Steve voiced it for the third time in less than three minutes. "They-they- you know; Aren't you angry? Isn't that a move for you?"
"They did nothing, cap." Tony stated between a sigh. "They spent the night watching Star Wars just as Y/N said, believe me."
"But is painfully obvious the Spider-Boy is upside down for her." Sam stated, earning a nod from Tony, Bucky and Natasha. "He was already here when me and Bucky showed up in the morning. He was sitting at the table and Y/N's breakfast was also already prepared. I was about to sit next to him– and it was the first time I ever considered sitting next to that child, I swear, when he simply put his feet up on the empty chair, saying that he had severe cramps and needed space. When Y/N appeared at the door all smiling and wearing his college sweatshirt, puft, it seems that the boy went out of his mind, and the first thing he did was to offer the seat next to him."
"There was one day that Y/N needed to help Bruce in the lab and was without access to her cell phone for most of the day. Peter and I were working together on his suit, but the boy was picking up the cell phone every two minutes. He sent a message at 04:30 and Y/N didn't answer until at 08:47, so guess what? Peter answered at 08:48." Said Tony.
"The boy was whipped." Bucky uttered between a sip of coffee.
"He and Y/N were sharing a pot of strawberry ice cream during the last movie session." It was Natasha's turn to share a moment between you and Peter, attracting the attention of the men accompanying her, "but there was only one spoon for both."
There was a suggestive exchange of glances between her, Stark, Barnes and Wilson, broken by Rogers' timid and cautious voice.
"So the kids didn't do anything indecent?"
"Oh, for God's sake!" Tony rolled his eyes, leaving the room.
It was almost seven in the evening when Peter came into the kitchen again, now with a green mask on his face and a Hello Kitty's patch over his nose.
"What the fuck?" Bucky asked skeptically, almost spitting out the sandwich that was in his mouth.
"Y/N and I are going skin care tonight." Peter replied simply, going over to the refrigerator as everyone watched him intently.
"And what is that on your face?" Natasha asked the question everyone wanted while Peter grabbed a pot of ice cream from the freezer.
"Avocado mask. She saw in TikTok that it is good for the pores."
"So that was the fate of the avocado I bought to eat in the morning." Steve said regretfully. "It's okay, I can buy another one tomorrow."
"I have many questions, but I don't think any answer will answer them." Sam do a grimace before turning to the food laid out on the table.
"Peter, you should ask Y/N out on a date." Thor gave his opinion. "That's what you Midgardians call, right?"
Peter choked with the air as he heard the Thunder God's phrase, almost letting the pot of ice cream slide down the sink.
"W-we go to dates almost every day." He refuted with red face. "Tomorrow we will go to the supermarket. We can buy another avocado for you, Steve."
"But this is not the kind of date we are talking abo–" Natasha tried to explain, but Peter was already leaving the kitchen practically running.
"Bye, Y/N is waiting me to put cucumbers over the eyes."
"You got only one spoon!" The redhead screamed.
"It's enough!"
The Avengers present exchanged a look of recognition before Thor broke the silence, repeating the question Sam had asked that same morning:
"Tony already knows this?"
Everyone shook their shoulders simultaneously, Bruce being the only one to speak up verbally when silence filled the room.
"I'm sure he's already pulling some strings."
"Please, Tony, don't tell me that you are hiding to spying Peter and Y/N."
Tony peeked a bit between the leaves as he heard Pepper's harsh voice, putting the binoculars in the back pocket of his pants as covertly as possible.
"Spying?" He laughed exaggeratedly loudly. "Of course not, dear. This is absurd."
The woman eyed him suspiciously, reaching into her husband's pocket as soon as he hugged her.
"So can you start explaining to me the binoculars, the camouflage clothing, and the presence of a giant plant that was not in the hallway before?"
Tony walked away defeated, lowering his eyes at the judgmental look he was receiving.
"The word "spying" is too strong, okay? Let's say I was watching them without them knowing."
Pepper rolled her eyes.
"They are already adults, Tony. You should let them make their own decisions, and it is pretty obvious that they like each other. I know that the idea of Peter and Y/N dating may be strange to you, but–"
"Strange?" He almost shouted, lowering his voice when he noticed that the music that used to come from your room had stopped, now putting his camouflage skills at risk. "Baby, I love you, but you are crazy." He whispered. "Peter is the only boy who deserves to be with someone like Y/N, and all I have been doing for the past seven months is trying to get them to confess the feelings that everyone knows exist, but they seem too blind to see. So far I remain with the verdict that the boy is right for her and I hope don't change my mind anytime soon. They are my OTP."
"OTP?" Pepper asked confused by the slang.
"One True Pairing. Honey, you are so out of date."
"All right, I'm leaving."
Tony arched an eyebrow as he watched his wife walk away and take the binoculars, shrugging his shoulders before hiding behind the leaves again. He spent almost two hours there, but nothing interesting had happened, just you and Peter going back and forth from the kitchen with greasy foods and ice cream, a spoon for two as you shared whatever it was in the aisles, sometimes even taking it into each other's mouths, making Tony look away from those nauseatingly sweet scenes.
He had a story appointment with Morgan and his presence in the little girl's room at nine was a must. The plan affectionately called "Project Starker" had failed that day, and Tony had to accept defeat as he went to your room, expecting to find you and Peter sprawled out on the bed while some nerdy movie was playing on TV.
"Y/N? Peter?"
The room was dark, lit only by adjacent lights coming through the window. Tony stumbled over a few objects along the way, walking blindly through the furniture until he was near your bed.
"Can you even see each other here? God, how–"
Tony had to interrupt the sentence, surprised to see you and Peter snuggled up to each other, sleeping peacefully while a current series he didn't know the name of played on the TV at an almost inaudible volume. He shook his head in denial, holding back a smile before nudging Peter's waist, forging an angry timbre:
"Kid, you have a room here for a reason. What are you doing in my daughter's bed?"
Peter blinked a few times, completely lost and surprised by Tony's presence.
"Mr. Stark?" He asked stunned, trying to see Tony through the shadows. "Why are you here?"
Your father raised one of his eyebrows, aghast at the sudden boldness of the teenager before remembering the younger man's sleepwalking habits. Peter probably thought he was dreaming or some shit.
"Why are you here?" Tony returned the question, crossing his arms.
"Because I'm in love with Y/N and I want to sleep next to her."
Tony opened his mouth like a goldfish, cursing himself mentally for not recording that statement, shaking Peter's body when he started to close his eyes again.
"Aren't you going to your room?"
Peter mumbled something indecipherable, tightening his arms around your body as you continued to sleep heavily on his chest.
"No, thanks for the offer."
Tony nodded to nothing, deciding to just close your curtain and ask to Friday to turn off the TV.
"Thank you for doing Y/N too, Mr. Stark. I appreciate that."
Tony laughed softly, promising himself that he would tease the boy about it the next morning, “Go to sleep, kid. I'm sure no one will leave you alone tomorrow after I tell what you said."
Stark was about to leave when he noticed Peter's feet sticking out of the covers. The night was cold, and there was nothing but a thin comforter protecting the two of you.
"Just one blanket?" He asked.
"Yes." Peter kind of whispered, pulling you closer. "It's enough."
This time Tony didn't hold back his smile, shaking his head before closing the door, leaving you and Peter in that little bubble of teenage passion.
"Point for you, Spider-Boy."
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Sleepyhead (Request)
MCU cast x gn!teen!co-star!reader, Benedict Cumberbatch x gn!reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Request Description: Hiya♥️could i please request a teen x marvel cast were they always find her sleeping and taking naps everywhere around set and they confront her about it and she says something about having to take care of her little siblings because her parents are never arohnd do she gets no sleep. Sorry if its to long.❤❤❤❤❤😍🥰
Warnings: irresponsible parents, negligence, slight insecurity, stress
(A/N): sorry this is kind of centered around benedict, i find these mcu cast x reader ones difficult. also im watching a belarusian war-movie from 1985 about the holocaust. its absolutely terrifying (im very serious, i’d be cautious for trigger warnings). if you’re looking for a horror movie or something, search “come and see movie” on youtube and you’ll find the entire thing there (:
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At first, it had been sweet. A testament to the insomniatic youth, if you will. In every closet, behind every door, and on every soft surface, you could be found in between takes, snoring away.
They all agreed you were probably watching movies or playing games up late at night, computer screen illuminating your face. Or maybe you were chatting with your faraway friends. Either way, it was almost endearing to find you drooling on the couches scattered around the set.
Sweet and endearing at first, yes. But then the feelings about it, the longer it went on, the more your mature and well behaved personality clashed with the idea of you staying up all night, the more the feelings about your frequent naps changed.
To the set workers, the coordinators and overseers of the countless tasks on set, it became an issue. 
“Where’s Y/n? We need them for the next scene!” 
More often than not, several people would be running around set in search of you. And of course you apologized profusely when they found and woke you, but it didn’t matter when you never changed.
But to your coworkers, the talented actors and actresses on set of this huge movie production, it was concerning. Because you were their friend, undoubtedly. 
When you would be pulled out a distant break room, rubbing your dark and drowsy eyes, mumblings would start among them. 
“Are they okay?” 
“They just seem so sensible, I don’t understand why they would stay up like that.” 
And then there was you. Young and unfortunate you. Just trying to do your best, trying to please everyone. It was impossible for anyone to know how much you were juggling with. 
You felt like a bird with a broken wing, still flying but bound to fall to its death. You knew it was too much. You knew it was only a matter of time before you broke. 
Most teens felt stressed with just schoolwork, and then there was you. Battling long set days and huge mounts of schoolwork. And then the family.
Your parents that never seemed to be around. They were both working all the time and often left you and your siblings to yourselves. The problems with that was that you were the eldest, and your siblings were too young to take care of themselves. You were the one left to bring home groceries, to make dinner, to bring them to bed, and to help them with any of their schoolwork or difficulties. 
And it was too much. Simply put it was too much for you. You had managed back when you were just another teen at school, but now you were in a movie, you had a JOB.
Usually you’d go to set and work your ass off, get home and help the kids all day, and then do your schoolwork in the night. You almost never got more than an hour or two of sleep, which was why you settled for small naps during your filming sessions. 
You were so stressed, and you wanted to be angry, because in truth you had every right to. But you were too tired and too busy to be angry. Too focused on your siblings and doing good as an actor. But you would never want to involve your coworkers. You thought it would be embarrassing and unprofessional to involve them. So you carried the weight all alone.
“Wake up! Wake up!” 
Someone was shaking you awake. You blinked your eyes open. A redhead set assistant was yelling in your face, grasping your shoulders. 
She stopped when she saw your eyes turning to slits, before widening to look at her. 
“Am I on?” you mumbled, rubbing your eyes. The lady scoffed.
“Are you on? Yeah, you’re on,” she spat and swung around, heels clicking on the floor, as she exited the break room briskly.
You were ashamed. Of course you were. You were so unprofessional and problematic. But you knew you had no other time to sleep, so this was your only option. The thought made you want to cry. 
Instead, you stood up and walked to where the scene would be filmed, through several hallways and technical rooms, before you arrived to the large set. 
Benedict, Robert, Tom (Holland), Chris (Pratt), Pom, and Dave were all gathered and ready to film. Your face was on fire, so you avoided their gazes, and just got into position to film the next scene. 
Benedict and Robert exchanged glances as you yawned, but before they could talk to you (as it seemed everyone was getting fed up with your constant sleepiness) the director yelled “action”, and the acting resumed. 
You all did the scene and you, surprisingly, did okay for having woken up about five minutes earlier. You continued doing several scenes for the movie all together, going through about three full scenes.
When the director was satisfied, everyone started scattering. You, rubbing your tired eyes, was already beelining for the break room, hoping to see an empty couch for you to crash.
However, before you could sneak off to catch some z’s, you felt a firm hand on your shoulder. You blinked, turning around and gazing at the person who had grabbed your shoulder. It was Benedict, Robert, Tom and Chris not fat behind him. He had a stern look on his face. 
“Y/n, we need to talk.”
“Yeah, sure, what’s up?” your tone was casual, or perhaps too exhausted to express any real emotion, but inside you felt your stomach churn with anxiety. 
“Why are you always sleeping?” Robert chimed in. 
“Yeah, because if you’re up watching Youtube or whatever, you probably shouldn’t!” Tom said.
“Not that we’re assuming that that’s what you’re doing! It’s just- You know..,” Chris explained, voice full of panic.
You smiled softly. You recognized that they were coming from a place of worry. Then, your heart sunk slightly. You could cry. Again. Over the thought of your lack of time and your endless responsibilities. 
“It’s nothing serious, it’s just..” you trailed off, trying to figure out how you could make it sound less sad. Things always sounded worse when spoken out loud, you found. “I have two siblings, and my parents are never around, so I’m kind of the person taking care of them.” 
Your coworkers in front of you fell silent. You could see it on their faces. They didn’t like it. 
“You?” Robert said finally, and you just nodded. 
“So, you’re doing a movie, doing school, and taking care of your siblings at the same time?” Benedict repeated slowly, and once again you just nodded. There was nothing more to say. 
“Why aren’t your parents there?” Chris asked in his serious-unserious voice. 
“They’re working a lot,” you mumbled, disliking the collective attention on you. The thought of the couch made you yearn for some rest. You could tell that there were many things they wanted to do in that moment. They wanted to fix it all. 
“Can’t you tell them you don’t have time?” 
“I’ve tried that already. They say they don’t have a choice,” to this, both Robert and Benedict scoffed and shook their heads. You just watched with heavy eyes. 
“Alright. Here’s what’s going to happen,” Benedict said quietly, eyes boring into yours, “I’m going to call a nanny to look after your siblings for a couple of days, don’t worry I’ll pay. You’re going to back to the hotel and sleep for at least 10 hours. When you’ve done that, and only when you’ve done that, will we talk about how we’ll move forward with your parents.” 
You were quiet. You couldn’t stand up to your parents like Benedict wanted you to. You just couldn’t. They were busy and that was understandable. 
Although, you had to admit, the thought of sleeping for 10 hours was enticing. Heck, worst case scenario, you could settle for 5! Your tiredness was like heavy cuffs and chains on your body, and Benedict stood with the shining, golden key right in front of you. 
“Benedict, I- I can’t do that to my parents-”
“No, your parents can’t do this to you! This is absolutely outrageous!” He was frustrated you could tell. Robert seemed upset too, while Tom and Chris stepped back and let the adults handle it. Though, they seemed sad for you. 
You went quiet. 
“I just-” 
“I don’t want to hear another word about how they’re somehow excused for their behavior. This is negligence, Y/n! This is too much for you and you know it! You’re exhausted and it’s so painful to see, so please. Just take me up on this.”
You sighed.
“Alright, then.” you said, body finally giving in to the attractive offer. Benedict’s face carried the ghost of a satisfied smile, before going back to the stone cold determination. 
You drove to the hotel in Robert’s car and they booked you an extra room, knowing that your siblings occupied the other one. As soon as you could fall back on the bed, you were gone, body screaming for rest. 
You woke up 14 hours later, feeling happier, brighter and well-rested. That feeling had been forgotten by you, but it was alright, you decided. Every inch of you blossomed with energy now. 
As promised, Benedict had ordered a nanny for your siblings (the nanny was a lovely human being, and simply amazing with kids). Benedict, Robert, Chris and Tom has split the bill. 
You called him when you woke up, and he dragged you to a restaurant, where the two of you had a long, long talk about why what your parents were doing was serious and unacceptable. He could tell he needed to explain it to you, because you, like many children, were ready to defend your parents’ at all costs. 
Needless to say, after Benedict’s advice you didn’t have to go through that kind of thing again. You settled it with your parents (as well as your siblings), and after that you were so grateful that Benedict helped you out of that responsibility, because it wasn’t yours to have. 
Benedict was just happy to help, the memory of seeing you sleep everywhere, now less endearing and simply painful. He didn’t like thinking about it, and so he tried not to, but rather focused on your laughter and bright smile. In truth, that’s the only thing that really mattered. 
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @eviemarvel @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun
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thetomorrowshow · 3 years
unless you take your army back
Hello and welcome to the sequel to my work i will make the sky collapse! You honestly do not have to read the first one to understand this one--the first was a Crutchie-centric whump-focused refuge story, and this one is about his recovery and Jack coming to terms with what happened (and maybe some,,, sprace).
So yeah! This is chapter one! Content warnings will be posted at the beginning of each chapter :) This is a queued post, so as soon as I have time to post it on AO3 I’ll update this with the link.
cw: blood, brief description of injury
On the same day they won the strike, there were a good dozen kids clamoring to be a newsie, appearing out of nowhere with the sole purpose of bothering Jack. He didn’t really want to care--they could be a newsie all they wanted--but the problem was they all needed a start-up fund. They all wanted Jack to foot the cost of their first papes and first week of room and board, and though he had just gotten a job offer and an improved living overall, he just didn’t have the time or money to train so many penniless kids. So he sent them to Spot Conlon, of course.
It was pretty clear that these kids all came from the Refuge, which had just been shut down by the governor. Jack had never been happier than he was when he saw the cop drag Snyder away in chains. The nagging question that was slowly coming to the front of his mind, though, was where was Crutchie?
Katherine had been here for the short celebration, but had seemed distracted and had left almost immediately, without giving Jack a chance to ask after his brother. He wanted to go look for the kid, comb through the Refuge and the streets surrounding it, but Davey had regretfully told him he couldn’t leave. He was the union leader, and a nice official union it was at that. He actually couldn’t even sell right now, he had to return to Pulitzer’s office and continue working on a bunch of paperwork registering the union or something. Pulitzer had told him that they would be working together occasionally due to his new position as leader of the Newsboys Union, which apparently meant that whenever there was a problem on either of their ends they had to include the other in their solving of the problem. It made sense to Jack, what he didn’t get was why he had to read a billion papers telling him it made sense.
Katherine did not ride with him and Mr. Pulitzer in the carriage back to his office, and she didn’t come and see him when he left late in the afternoon, but maybe she was just at work. There was a lot to report, after all. Jack wished it didn’t hurt. There was no way it was intentional, they all had a lot going on right now. It wasn't like he'd gone looking for her, after all. He'd see her tomorrow, cross paths on the way to work.
What with all the stressful arrangements and intense discussions, Jack was more tired than he usually was by the time he entered the lodging house. In later days, he wished that he had spoken to Mush, waiting anxiously outside. He wished that he had not gone with Pulitzer to his office, and instead sought out Katherine straightaway. Most of all, he wished that he had gone personally to the Refuge, made sure to set those kids free himself.
He didn’t do any of those things, though. Instead, he walked home from Pulitzer’s office, nodded to Mush, and went straight inside.
Katherine was there, which was odd, but certainly not unwelcome. According to Race, she had spent time with them without him, just celebrating with them and getting to know them all. That was fine, but most girls didn’t seek out a bunch of street rat teenage boys as preferred company.
Not only was Katherine there, but half of the newsies were seemingly just waiting by the door, dropping what they’d been doing and standing to stare at him. Sure, Jack was something of a celebrity now--and he had betrayed them more than once, which could be the reason also--but they looked almost guilty.
“Jack,” Katherine started, and Jack saw that sorry look on her face and his heart dropped. What could this be about? He’d been with Pulitzer all day, so it wasn’t like the old man had turned on them. Where was Crutchie? Was he--he couldn’t be. Right? No.
“Jack,” she said again, and now she was crying. Jack wanted to kiss the tears off her face, tell her she never needed to cry again, but he couldn’t. He had to know--his stomach was roiling, threatening to toss up whatever bite he’d eaten earlier. Something had happened, and it--it couldn’t be--
“It’s Crutchie,” Katherine said, and Jack had a brief moment of huh, so that’s how swoonin’ feels before he was on his knees. He can’t have died. Crutchie was--well, Crutchie. He was just as capable as any newsie, could sell papes twice as well as half of them, and was stronger than anyone Jack knew--certainly far stronger than himself. But if Snyder--if the Refuge--if--
“He’s alive,” Katherine hurried to say, kneeling on the floor beside him, and Jack let out a choked laugh, only just realizing he was crying.
“Ya couldn’ta said that sooner?” he asked weakly, and Katherine sniffled, trying to regain composure.
“He’s alive,” she repeated, “but he isn’t doing well at all. He wanted to see you, but I think he’s still asleep.”
In seconds, Jack was back on his feet, pulling her up with him. “Let’s go,” he said, pulling her towards the bunkroom. “I gotta see ‘im.”
He ignored her cries of “Jack, wait, you have to know--” and took the stairs two at a time, yanking open the door as soon as it was in front of him. The room was dead silent for once, and only one bed was occupied (despite the fact that he’d told Romeo to rest up today after the strike). Over by the open window on the far wall, a figure was laying in the only bed without a top bunk (the one that belonged to Jack, seeing as he was in charge).
Jack could barely hold back a retch as he came closer, seeing the matted hair crusted in blood, but sticking straight up, same as always. Crutchie was sleeping almost peacefully on the bed, the blankets tucked around him messily, as if one of the boys had tried his very best to arrange it like a mother would. His face was swollen and cut up, almost unrecognizable as his brother, though his neck was what caught Jack’s attention. A brownish-purple bruise in the vague shape of a gripped hand was found there, where the fingers had dug in marked by little round black bruises, a sick imitation of a constellation crossing his brother’s throat.
Jack’s fists curled into tight balls as he stared down at Crutchie, seeing red. The rest of his body was hidden by the covers, excepting a stiff arm that was tightly wrapped in gauze. The collar of his undershirt was the only part of his clothes visible, and it was stained brown and torn. 
There were two sides of Jack warring for dominance. One screamed at him to storm down to the county jail right this moment and give Snyder everything he deserved. The other side tried to pull him to the floor, weeping at Crutchie’s bedside. Jack fought both, not wanting to seem weak in front of Katherine, who was watching him with that soft-concerned look on her face that he had already come to know too well. He needed to get alone, needed space, needed a moment to cope with what he’d just been confronted with so that he could best help Crutchie later.
Jack calmly left the room, replying something along the lines of fine, just need a minute when Katherine asked tentatively if he was okay. Then he walked slowly down the steps and through the main room, where all of the newsies watched him silently. He nodded vaguely in their direction. Luckily, none of them asked any questions. If they had, Jack wasn’t sure that he would’ve been able to hold back the sobs.
Finally he was outside, and here he could run. Run he did, all the way around the side of the building and up the fire escape, running and running until all that existed was the clang! of his feet against the metal and the wind rushing past his ears. Then he was climbing the ladder to the very top, where only a week ago he and Crutchie had woken, excited to start striking for real.
Jack had woken early that morning, and had taken the time to sketch out the New York skyline against the starry night sky. It was a frequent subject of his, but that morning he had filled in himself and Crutchie, sitting on the roof closest to the perspective, curled up and reaching toward the stars.
When Crutchie had gotten up, they had made mundane small talk, both trying to hide nervousness that showed too plainly. They eventually stopped talking around it, laughing and joking about it directly, before deciding--no, vowing--to not let the other come to serious harm or danger. Then they had gone downstairs, ready to wake the other boys and get on with the revolution.
The last promise--maybe the last one ever--that Jack had made to Crutchie, and he’d broken it not even hours later. On the rooftop now, Jack kicked the low wall angrily, then again and again. What was wrong with him? How could he focus so intently on these--these mundanities, paperwork and politeness and whatall, while Crutchie was suffering so? How had he not been here for him, when he arguably needed Jack more than anyone else at the moment?
He kicked the wall one more time, then threw himself to the floor. What kind of leader was he? He’d betrayed everyone, almost left Crutchie; then when he’d gotten his head on the right way, he hadn’t done anything to make sure the kid was all right!
Katherine. She would come up here, tell him it was okay, that it wasn’t his fault. He didn’t want that. It was his fault, and he couldn’t have anyone denying it or he might just explode.
“Leave me alone,” he called back, barely keeping his voice from breaking. Silence, then a sigh and the sound of soft footsteps going down the fire escape. Good.
Jack drew his hands across his face, taking in a shuddering breath. He had to pull himself together. He couldn’t dream about leaving anymore, that would just make things worse. He had to be here for Crutchie, and the other boys. Prove that he wasn’t a scab.
He hadn’t eaten any supper, but he didn’t really care. It was dark enough that he shouldn’t have a problem resting. Add it to the tired ache in his bones and he’d be out in no time. He’d get up when everyone else went to bed, then he’d stay up the rest of the night with Crutchie, be there in case he had nightmares or woke up. He had to be there for him. He had to.
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autisticzukka · 3 years
what is this hakoda zuko arranged marriage you speak of? i am intrigued
okay so the long story short is that it’s a slight rebuttal of a popular post that is very fun but i find like... unrealistic in a really intriguing way like, how would this ACTUALLY play out. I’ve talked about it at length in my server a few times, and it’s one of those AU’s -- like the genderbend zukka ATLA rewrite or the zukki fic that starts with sokka failing to assassinate zuko -- that lives rent free in my head and I’ve written a couple thousand words for.
tw for like VERY unrequited zuko in love with hakoda and the inherent comedy of sokka being in love with his fire nation stepmom.
so here’s hakoda, chief of the southern water tribe, happily not-married to Bato. and here is a more balanced war, where the north and the south are actually  allies, rather than whatever the fuck they were in ATLA. Yue already has a fiance and the Northern chief refuses to remarry. that leaves hakoda responsible for biting the bullet and doing a political marriage even though, as he points out at length, he is an elected official and if he stops being elected it’s no longer a marriage with the chief of the south pole. intelligently but mostly selfishly motivated (yue’s fiance is his nephew, after all) pakku points out that its not like the fire nation knows... that. the fire nation is dumb. ozai’s stupid.
faced with such inarguable points hakoda stiffens his upper lip, pre-emptively ends things with bato on the understanding that if this is another kya situation they’ll get back together and that he’s still the most important person to him but the tribe comes first yada yada, and deals with katara throwing the mother of all tantrums. it is slightly softened by the fact that in return for him marrying the fire nation noble, a thing everyone can agree isn’t traditional, the north has finally agreed to train katara. she heads out before the wedding, in protest but also so as to not cause an international incident.
(on her way, she’ll find aang. with the war less dire, katara will be sympathetic towards his desire to live without committing violence, even if she deeply can’t relate. they’ll have a hot girl romcom summer of self discovery and coming to terms with the dichotomy between duty and love as they become master benders. at some point they pick up toph. they ARE a throuple.)
sokka meanwhile is like.. not cool with it.. but ? kind of relieved? like. he’s the eldest kid. he’s 18, and he’s been a man of the tribe as far as legalities for several years. it would have been entirely understandable if his dad had asked HIM to do it. he had his emotionally crushing romance with yue, and as much as he was like ‘im kind of a prince’, he finds he doesn’t actually want some of the responsibilities and demands that would bring. yue’s life sucks.
back in the fire nation, zuko never demanded a quest and never went on it. he’s spent years hardening into something that, while brittle, can survive the pressures of the court around him. he still has his scar. he still wants his father to love him, but he knows by now that it’s not something he’s capable of earning. he watches his sister, never the most stable person, start to have complete breakdowns of sanity once she hits puberty, and helps her cover for it and receive medical treatment on the down low. he’s the heir, but he lives knowing that if he was ever in a position to inherit his choices are to abdicate or have the baby sister who he raised kill him and destroy herself and the country in the process.
when he realizes the plan is to marry azula off rather than someone more reasonable-- mai is RIGHT there, for fucks sake-- he doesn’t realize ozai’s true intent is to fuck this up through malicious compliance and false shows of good faith. he panics, and does the zuko thing: he blurts out that this is unacceptable and immoral and she’s only 16 and Ozai sees the true opportunity for two birds with one stone. send zuko, let him piss someone off so badly he gets killed or divorced, and he gets rid of zuko from the line of succession permanently. there are those who are incredibly attached to teh idea of a firstborn for firelord, and it’s been a constant thorn in unpopular ozai’s side to nto be able to name azula his heir apparent without costly rebellion. but if he can taint him in the mind of the fire nation so much that birthright is easy to supercede-- yeah. this’ll work PERFECTLY.
so zuko is sent to marry hakoda, chief of the water tribe.
literally NO ONE was expecting it to be a member of Ozai’s immediate family. besides the fact that his oldest child is half hakoda’s age and his brother has 20 years on hakoda, it would have been sus as fuck - the treaty is not favorable enough to grant that kind of secession of interests. it becomes quickly apparent that this young man -- hakoda reminds himself of that repeatedly. not kid. not kid. young man. don’t think of him like a kid, it’s hard enough on both of us already. -- is not a horrible threat. he’s scared shitless and shakes with what he thinks is bravado. he’s desperate to make the marriage work. he’s desperate to not go home. he’s got a giant fucking scar on his face from where the fire lord punished him for some grievous but unstated offense.
zuko “daddy issues” fire nation sees his husband to be and, despite being scared shitless, immediately begins to soften a little. like... he’s not nearly as scary as he thought he’d be. his face can be stern, but it just as easily breaks into huge smiles, and his eyes are crinkled with laughter. he’s incredibly handsome. and his biceps are. his biceps. are. his hands are...
like. zuko thinks. okay. maybe. maybe his marriage duties. won’t be so horrible as he thought. maybe he’s ready for this. and he knows what to expect, Uncle had discreetly provided him the means and the contacts to acquire an intimate education in the whirlwind of activity that was the two months before leaving. and like, once he’d gotten past the nerves, it was often even... good? or at least... not bad? he thinks that even if hakoda isn’t a professional expert, he has a certain.... je ne sais quoi, if you will.
sokka sees his new stepfather and immediately falls in love because he’s that kind of dumb bitch. (the core of this au is that i cant breathe thinking about sokka falling in love with his hot young stepmom his age who his dad doesnt even want to fuck. like. i CANT. sokka masturbates to ‘hand caught in the washing tub’ fantasies which are even more absurd for requiring zuko to be DOING LAUNDRY. i find it so funny.)
bato watches them at the wedding feast while hakoda is very clearly trying to treat zuko as an Equal Adult Partner and mostly managing to seem like someone having a serious conversation with a seven year old about the game they’ve made up. zuko is clearly enamored with it, soaking up the attention, blushing and doing his best to Bravely Flirt, which at one point includes awkwardly attempting to feed Hakoda by hand. bato has to excuse himself to have a teary eyed giggle, hoping that Kya is in the spirit world looking down and laughing with him. he can’t resent the kid even a little bit, when hakoda is sitting there looking so incredibly fucking befuddled as to what he’s supposed to do with this star struck infant he’s legally wed to
anyways all of this... is very funny. their wedding night... is less so. zuko does not take the rejection from hakoda very well, especially because he’d been caught wanting. HE’S the one who should be rejecting hakoda. and he catastrophizes almost immediately about his potential value to the water tribe, his future treatment, that endless inescapable freezing cold loneliness is the good ending for him here... hakoda, meanwhile, drops zuko off at his home, reassuringly informs him that there’s NOTHING else expected of him and he will be well taken care of, and books it to bato’s. bato refuses to let him in on grounds of ‘you can’t sleep under the same shelter as me on your wedding night to that kid, have a fucking brain’, and he ends up crashing at sokka’s.
sokka, who had KNOWN that his dad wouldnt, but also upon seeing zuko and zuko’s awkward flirting was like... but how COULDNT he???? sokka is relieved.
the core of this fic is that i find it endlessly hilarious for zuko to try and seduce his husband while sokka simps around zuko and bato tries to be heartbroken or betrayed but mostly ends up with a giant case of hysterical schadenfreude. but the thing that CLINCHED it for me, like THE scene. several years after being married, settled into their life. they’re partners and they see each other as people. and zuko just fucking snaps one night
he just kisses him, desperate and clawing and climbing and maybe a little drunk. he knows hakoda is going to push him away, maybe even hit him, but he doesn’t care anymore, he doesn’t care. he can do anything he wants to him as long as he just-- finally does something. zuko is 21 and married to the surface of the sun and the surface of the sun jr is his best friend and clearly in love with him-- so clearly not even zuko can miss it-- and like. listen. listen. zuko is not a patient person. but he’s been patient for this. he waited and he matured and he is a fucking amazing husband and he wants this, he wants him. he wants to be wanted.
but hakoda doesn’t push him away. hakoda doesnt yell at him, or hit him. hakoda gentles the kiss into something soft and closed lipped. he pulls away slowly, and his eyes are so sad for zuko, so pitying. he strokes his cheek with the back of his hand so gently. he says, I’m sorry. I don’t want you.
and zuko daddy issues fire nation swallows
and he nods
and he leaves, even though its his own fucking house
and he knows he’s never going to be good enough
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staranon95 · 3 years
A Fanfic Writer Interview
Tagged by @demisexuallupin
Name: Star
Fandoms: Mandalorian, Star Wars, Achievement Hunter/Roosterteeth
Two-shot: Uhhhhhh i don’t really have a two shot. I DO however have a 3 piece series on trans!Din pegging Cobb.
Most popular multichapter: Though the Seasons May Change. my cowboy!Cobb and biker/single father!Din fic! im so happy a lot of people were enthusiastic about it. it was a lot of fun to write and really cathartic ina lot of ways
Actual worst part of writing: wanting to get to the good parts. I’m a slow burn writer and I have to write the build up for my more serious fics. I just can’t help myself.
How you choose your titles: Depends. Sometimes song lyrics. Sometimes I’m struck by the arrow of a muse at just the right angle for me to be blessed with something of pure inspiration.
Do you outline: Yes! I didn’t used to but I started getting into it a few years ago, and outlining has really helped me see the bigger picture first to keep track of major character moments.
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: So many self indulgent AUs that pull on so many specific fanfic tropes that are just so so so self indulgent and appeal to an audience of me, lol. All these AUs are on the DinCobb server. Someday I might get to all of them.
Callouts @ me: in all your pairings, you have one you like to hurt physically and the other emotionally
Best writing traits: my ability to foreshadow, my dialogue, my worldbuilding
Spicy tangential opinion: Lots of kudos does not mean your fic isn’t good. There are a lot of great fics that go unnoticed for whatever reason. Seriously. Go look at all the low kudoed fics of your fave pairings and take a look. There’s a lot of good stuff out there.
No pressure tagging: @sof-gigante, @chamomileteainabuttercup @sorcererinslytherin @shadeofazmeinya (and anyone else who wants to join!!)
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madhyanas · 3 years
🍵 and the siege of Mandalore arc?❤❤❤
oh a serious question. well then. keep in mind i’m not great at applying critical thought to star wars so most of this is just gushing
imo contains some of the best scenes in the clone wars show as a whole. visually and thematically
maul stole the show of whatever scene he was in. as he tends to do 
sam witwer KING once again delivering the sickest lines imaginable. “too late for what, for the republic to fall?” gets me in particular but his entire conversation with ahsoka pre-duel is immaculate. more maul saying weird philosophical stuff please i eat that shit up
ahsoka and maul’s duel was maaaad. i mean. wow. the choreography, dialogue, score. all of it was incredible, it’s probably the scene i go back to and rewatch the most.
i liked how ahsoka was so close to joining maul. the overlap of their ideologies and their dynamic as a whole is fascinating. wish we could have seen more of it in rebels
the animation is so CRISP. i don’t do art/animation so i’m no expert but i love the fluidity, especially in fight scenes and facial expressions. that being said i think they skimped on rex post-O66 a little i wanted more MELODRAMA thank you
mandos mandos mandos MANDOS. everyone looked slick as fuck 10/10
ms bo-katan kryze you might have earned your rights with that elevator scene. more jetpack focused strategy and battle choreography i NEED IT
i don’t even care about bo-katan that much or gar saxon at all but their whole chase/battle was dope
speaking of bkk i would like to see more of her relationship with ahsoka. mainly because the arc implied them to be allies and friends so how would that WORK lmao. even in mando s2 bkk’s got tabs on ahsoka’s whereabouts but is that a ‘friends help friends’ thing or just. strategy. hm. 
listen i don’t even need to say it but the whole landing on mandalore sequence is phenomenal i think about ahsoka swooshing people out of the carriers every day
using lightsabers to slow your fall!!!!! leaving scorch marks in the metal!!!!  happens in a few scenes and im in love every time
very VERY happy that ahsoka’s showdown with maul was preceded by handing jesse over to rex. it sets up the pre-duel conversation quite nicely, fits with maul’s character as he needs ahsoka to be open to discussion AND we get (unfortunately brief) jesse&rex interaction pre-O66. i don’t know that much about him but jesse’s s7 appearances are cool and they set up his post-O66 plot priority pretty well
body language in this arc is EXTREMELY nuanced. especially rex’s: the parallels between him first pulling his weapons on ahsoka a lá “find him (fives)” vs. shooting back in defence once his chip is removed,,, the same stance but mirrored,,,, good fucking food
after O66 is announced i think ahsoka’s strategising with the droids onboard the destroyer is a little... meh. i know it’s buildup to her removing rex’s chip but i didn’t get very invested in that sequence. seemed kinda s3-4 vibes if that makes sense? oh well
something @thecyndimistuff mentioned that stuck w me is how the entire arc is focused on showing how ahsoka’s such a good person for not killing the clones rather than rex dealing with O66. like i understand that ahsoka’s the closest thing tcw has to one singular protagonist but if there’s any media that would explore how a de-chipped clone feels about choosing one of his two families (i.e. the clones or ahsoka and by extension anakin) it should have been tcw. this show really should be more about the clones like that’s just false advertising 
i can blame this on dbb’s voice acting but as much as i enjoyed what little we saw of rex’s emotional turmoil post-chip removal, it still fell somewhat flat. i think they could’ve gone further with it. like the whole “those men down there, my brothers” thing where ahsoka takes his helmet off is heart-wrenching yeah but... it felt like they were crescendoing to a point and just never reached it. probably because ahsoka’s response was deemed more important to the scene than what rex was feeling to prompt such an outburst in the first place
tldr; it’s a great arc and i really enjoyed it. but to be picky: just like with the show as a whole, it lacks in clones’ (specifically rex’s) characterisation
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luna-helps-writing · 3 years
Okok first of all im so sorry for how mant fandoms im gonna put- But can i have a match up? The fandoms are the hobbit, star wars, marvel, and harry potter (im so sorry i could not choose im sorry)
I am currently identifying as a girl though ive been on the edge of enby for a while i am bisexual and use she/they pronouns. I am 5‘4 with brown hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.
I am pretty quiet upon first meeting me but once i get comforatble I can be very hyped up and rambunctious. I am into the arts and film.
I love cottagecore vibes and frogs. I am a cancer. I hate math. Im sorry i never know what to say for these.
I love climbing trees and I want a sword. I have adhd and a very bad attention span.
I hope thats enough! If not dm me again im sorry that i put 4 f*cking fandoms I just couldnt choose
I don’t mind the many fandoms! You didn’t really specify in Star Wars, so I’ll do Star Wars in general. If you wanted a specific Prequel ship instead of Star Wars in main, please send me an ask again, and I’ll edit it! I will not write in The Mandalorian and The Clone Wars since I didn’t know if you would like these. If you do want to know them, send me another ask and I’ll add those two for you!
For the Hobbit, I ship you with Kili!
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• Will 100% help you through identity crisis, which is fun because he actually has no idea how it works. He’s just there for you and calls you every pronoun you wish him to call you.
• He will absolutely gush about attractive people with you, because -obviously- he is bisexual too. That scene in Rivendell said everything for me.
• He is very hyped too, so combine you two and there will be absolute havoc around the mountain. Not that you mind, since you’re the culprit of it all.
• I don’t know where, but somewhere on Tumblr I found a headcanon that Kili is actually a math genius and I really liked it, so I’m using that right now. There will sometimes be problems at the table and Kili loves solving these! Whenever he’s ranting and explaining the question, you just roll your eyes and busy yourself with something else.
• Listen: this sweetheart will get you a sword for your birthday. Even better; he made you one himself. It’s the best thing you own now.
• Both of you have very short attention spawn, so it usually ends in the two of you accidentally breaking things in the throne room or pranking Fili or Thorin.
For Star Wars, I ship you with Rey!
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• Will absolutely buy a little cottage somewhere on Endor and spend the rest of her days there. When she said “I’ve never seen this much green in the universe” I would immediately assume she’d love the forest planet.
• It took some time for the two of you to really get to know each other, since you both can be a tad bit shy, but when you did connect, everything just fell into place.
• Has no issue with your gender identification and will say exactly what you want her to say. She was actually very interested in genders at first, so you took your time explaining it to her.
• As a jedi, she must have a good attention spawn, which you don’t have. At all. She’ll be training in the woods somewhere as you’re running around in the distance one second and climbing in a random tree the other. She sometimes messes with you and pushes you into the tree further, which you only love more.
For Marvel, I ship you with Thor!
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• He is such a himbo. Specifically in his first two movies, yet gender might be one of the things he actually understands as Loki struggled a lot with it. He immediately knows what you’re trying to say and will help you without you even asking for it.
• He might seem very serious in the Avenger movies, but we know him; He’s a child. He will have tree climbing competitions and will give you all the swords you want, which was fun at first, but now you need an extra room for it. You also haven’t found the heart to tell him that you can’t just walk around on the street with a sword.
• He will be the first one to engage in random activities, knowing almost exactly when your brain tells you to do something else. He found the craziest things to do, but somehow, you always enjoy. This one time, you ordered three 20 chicken nugget packs at McDonalds and played Jenga with it. It might’ve been the most competitive game yet, as you were allowed to eat the pieces you won.
• He is a math disaster too, don’t worry. If a problem comes your way, the two of you literally ignore it. In the supermarket, he always buys a pack of apples instead of a bag since he otherwise has to count how much money the damned fruits are.
For Harry Potter, I ship you with Luna Lovegood!
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• You had me at cottagecore vibes. I knew exactly who to pick. She has a dream of buying a cottage along a sea coast, just as one her father has, only more organised.
• Also loves frogs. She will probably give you one of these tropical frogs for your birthday. Don’t ask her how she got it though. It’s probably something illegal.
• We know Luna; she isn’t shy, she’s just different. When you first met, you had no idea what to think of her, but things clicked quickly and she let go of her natural behavior around you.
• Will absolutely do art with you. She’s not quite as good at it as you are though, but you appreciate her gestures nonetheless. She will also help a lot with your film hobby. Whatever you need her to do, she’s right there for you.
• Luna can be busy with things for hours, but you can not. She realizes this reasonably quickly and always makes sure you have something fun to do when you’re done with your previous activity.
I hope it’s what you wanted! Stay safe during these times please❤️
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thunderdilf · 3 years
What your MK OTP says about you
(based on ships I enjoy and/or have seen in passing)
[feel free to rebagel and add—ship hate will mean insta-blockage, for whatever that’s worth! I’m using the ship names I’ve krafted, and ballparking with others. I hope they give ye a giggle. If your ship isn’t here, PLEASE add it! I just went from memory. I love y’all.]
Caged Heat (Liu/Johnny): you’re here for a good time, not a long time—you like good tiddies and the word “angorny” means something to you. There is passion in both kombat and throwing someone’s luggage off a dock. Sparks, I tells ya.
Sonya/Johnny: you appreciate pegging and Cassie Cage (who doesn’t?). You like the story of a jerk with a heart of gold showing his true colors to a woman who is NOT easily impressed—and who also tops.
Shaolin Rowdy Boys (Liu/Lao): you’re here for a good time, not a long time… literally—you crave childhood friends to unexpected lovers and secret banging in temple broom closets! You see the value of a best friend who’ll go to bat for you, even against a 10,000 year old turboprincess, or maybe you ARE that friend.
Jadetana (Jade/Kitana): Kitana bottoms for NO man, but for Jade, she’d do anything. You love that dynamic of unswerving loyalty which secretly hides deep, abiding admiration and maybe a little lust—or a lot! Who knows what freaky shit Edenian gals can get up to in their private time? You. YOU know and may The Elder Gods™ bless you for producing kontent.
Thermodynamic Equilibrium (subscorp): old guy love is just the ticket—you crave the maturity of years, but you don’t want it boring; someone is getting speared because the love is more intense with age. Kombat to lovemaking is your kryptonite.
Warring Exes (Shang Tsung/Raiden): old guy love, but make it fashion—opulence meets chastity in a clash for the ages; you want an emotional roller coaster of “what if” and “why not”, where a mortal may teach a god to love himself, and love being loved… or perhaps not. Tragedy abounds. There’s enemies to lovers and then there’s this roller coaster. Do you really want good things for Raiden? Debatable.
Faraday Cage (Johnny/Raiden): old guy love, again, but this time it’s two dads finding comfort in a time when they need it most—you REALLY just want good things for Raiden and honestly, who doesn’t? Johnny is, decidedly, a good thing and you’ve decided that nicknames like “1.21 gigawatts” and “electric slide” are acceptable forms of foreplay. 
Cassie/Raiden: Faraday Cage 2: Electric Boogaloo—you might be a spite shipper (rock on) or you just dig visible age gap (because you know that every ship including Raiden or Fujin is EXTREME age gap) and you just want Cassie and Raiden to have nice things.
Jacqueda (Jacqui/Takeda): you watched them grow over the course of X and you were smitten. You’re convinced love really can bloom on the battlefield and kombat spouses appeal to you. The idea of Jacqui throwing down with Scorpion for Takeda’s hand appeals to you as well. Same.
Liutana (Liu Kang/Kitana): all those voice lines and character endings mean something to you—in fact, you may have cried; they’ve been fiddling about since 1995, goddammit, you just want good things for them! Is that so much to ask? I say make it happen.
Royal Pain (Shao Kahn/Sindel): the term “power couple” means something OTHERWORLDLY to you—you took one look at this terrible twosome and went “get me a freak like that” but no one was sure which one you meant and that was okay with you. You’re enamored with their grisly Gomez/Morticia aesthetic. They are awful and you LOVE it. Good on you!
Windwolf (Nightwolf/Fujin): you played Aftermath. ‘Nuff said. JK I’m never done. You love the dynamic of middle-aged person and deity falling in love, which is bizarrely specific, but you’ve found your niche goddammit and you’re going to fill it. You appreciate the koncept of the “god” not always being on top of things, or put-together and the idea of a mortal comforting such a being titillates you. The way Nightwolf stands, holding his belt buckle is, you’re convinced, what sold Fujin; it’s also what sold YOU. 
Windserpent (Shang Tsung/Fujin): you played Aftermath and while you didn’t think of it at the time, you’ve seen some REALLY nice art and batted the idea around a while and then settled on “yes this is for me”. The appeal is in the danger, from both sides—a nigh-immortal soul sorcerer and a god. Perhaps you crave a redemption arc, or a corruption arc; either way, this ship has serious potential and you intend to exploit it. How Shang Tsung of you.
Honor among thieves (Erron Black/Kung Jin): you dig age gap, unironic cowboys, and the idea of a couple of people who haven’t always been on the right side of the law finding themselves and their points of strength in the Kourt of an Outworld emperor. 
Kotal/Jade: you only needed a few cutscenes to tell you that these two are MADLY in love; what we lacked in pure kontent (after all, the game didn’t CENTER on them), they made up for in passionate exchanges. You appreciate the dynamic of respect between them and pegging is NEVER off the table.
Kano/Raiden: the aesthetic of filth-meets-purity appeals to you something fierce. The dynamic is unique and you love the potential for a redemption/corruption arc(s?). 
Shang Tsung/Kano: you saw the club scene in MK95 and you went “yes they’re boning”. Whether there is actual affection or not varies with your mood. You love the idea of disaster gay and refined gay coming together to make something dastardly. 
Bi-Hanzo (Bi-Han/Scorpion): you crave old wounds and aches and angst, drowning in memories of what never could have been, and regrets of what might have been prevented. This is an angst fest and it is YOUR cup of tea; drink that shit down, my friend, no sugar, no cream. Have at it.
Sonya/Jax: team mom and dad aesthetic appeals to you on a spiritual level. Someone’s gotta be in charge of this chicken shit outfit. AMERICA.
The Storm (Fujin/Raiden): your aesthetic includes the difficulty of a mortal’s inability to truly connect with and understand immortals and immortals finding themselves and each other in that realization. These entities who have existed since the beginning of all things understand each other better than anyone else could. Shine on.
Sindel/Raiden: this is team parents aesthetic on ‘roids. You’re probably a fan of the brainwashed Sindel theory and you’re of the opinion that only the love of a god is remotely worthy of the ultimate scream queen. Honestly, you’re probably right. Body worship is on your list of goals, right alongside worthy equals in a relationship—kinky. That being said, pegging is always a possibility.
Mileena/Scorpion: your aesthetic is danger—but alongside that is “lost souls finding love” and “shared burdens of infinite AGONY”. You dig angst and the potential for star-crossed lovers, meeting each other’s eyes across the arena of kombat. The idea of Scorpion as a consort (Kahnsort?) for Mileena might also appeal to you.
Rain/Mileena: the song “hatefuck” by the Bravery is probably your jam. You know there’s little love lost between these two, but perhaps kombat will bare their souls in such a way that they find some redeeming quality in the other—and the sex is VICIOUS. That’s what you’re looking for and by The Elder Gods™ you’ve found it.
Fanblade (Kitana/Sonya): you saw MK95 and went “I can fix this”. Kombat futch meets ancient warrior princess futch—this feels like hardcore xenabrielle vibes with a side of GORE because it’s mortal kombat, let’s be real. You feel as if Kitana would be foolish not to claim Sonya as her lover after watching her snap Kano’s neck with her thighs. You would be right.
Taleena (Tanya/Mileena): rebel, rebel—we love a good usurpation, don’t we? Power struggles are hot, both politically and in bed. Your kinks include overthrowing the bourgeoisie (even though you ARE the bourgeoisie) and seizing the means of production (meaning the flesh pits, probably). 
Shaiden (Shinnok/Raiden): your motto is fight and fuck—or enemies to lovers, for the more refined shipper. Maybe you prefer enemies AND lovers. Go hard or go home, I say.
Nightwolf/Erron Black: old guy love, but make it reformed criminal. The appeal here is that, very likely, someone has to convince someone else that he really IS out of the woods, to show him his true worth, and maybe give him some time off from the violent grind of kombat life.
Kablam (Kabal/Erron Black): black dragon buddies! In the depths of mercenary work, there isn’t time for love, not really, so you want to see these two assholes find some semblance of peace and pleasure amidst illicit activities. Whether or not Kano knows depends on what kind of quickie sex appeals most to you.
Jacquass (Cassie/Jacqui): military lesbians, friends to lovers, BFFs, this ship has it all. You’re in love with the idea of a couple of people who grew up together, suffered and fought and bled together, stumbling away from a battlefield, carrying each other and finding that perhaps they can keep carrying the other, maybe forever.
Kotal/Erron: The idea of watching someone go from bad to the bone, to actually CARING about something other than himself thrills and excites you. That kind of loyalty can’t be bought, even though you keep pretending that’s all it is. Very tsundere.
Kano/Kabal: “he’s a lowlife, piece of shit scumbag; you’re gunna love ‘im.” Nuff said.
26 notes · View notes
clansayeed · 4 years
Bound by Destiny ― Chapter 1: The Job
PAIRING: Kamilah Sayeed x MC (Nadya Al Jamil) RATING: Mature
⥼ Bound by Destiny ⥽
Nadya Al Jamil (MC) has been struggling from the day she moved to Manhattan, but her new job as assistant to the mysterious CEO of Raines Corp was supposed to turn her luck around. Until she finds herself caught in the middle of a war involving the Council of Vampires who secretly run the city. An evil from the birth of Vampire-kind stirs beneath, feeding on the conflict, and finds Nadya bound to a destiny she never asked for.
Bound by Destiny and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing dramatic retelling project of the Bloodbound series and spin-off, Nightbound. Find out more [HERE].
⥼ Chapter Summary ⥽
She’s never thought about doing clerical work before, but that’s not going to stop her. Nadya begins her new job as secretary for the mysterious Adrian Raines.
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As soon as Lily yanks the lipstick from her hand the cab screeches to a jerking halt on the curb. The kind of stop that has the potential to ruin an entire twenty minutes-worth of hasty makeup application.
“Here.” grunts the Cabby, already flicking on his ‘VACANT’ sign and punching the buttons on his dash panel.
“Think you could chill out a little next time on the landing, Speed Racer? Here hon, hold this.” She returns the lipstick to its rightful owner to dig around in her bag for the cab fare.
Nadya sits in a daze; stares at her lipstick like she’s forgotten how to use it until Lily is grabbing hold of her wrist and pulling her out onto the bustling Manhattan sidewalk.
“You okay?” Lily’s hands are warm in the sunlight. They manage to bring her out of her spell. With a one-two-three swipe of her lipstick she brings a beaming smile her roommate’s way.
“Never better. Thanks for the save back there.”
“Thank me with a paycheck. And pizza — you can never go wrong with pizza.”
The main entrance of Raines Corp. faces north, follows the path of the sun so as not to shine in. A strange thing to notice, Nadya thinks, but she can’t help but hope that means she won’t constantly have the sunset glaring in her eyes every evening.
“Final checks!” Lily announces, loud enough to gain the attention of several Wall Street schlubs on their blue-teeth or air-phones or whatever else they use to distract from the tedium.
God, I hope I don’t end up like that at the end of this job… The thought flits through Nadya’s mind briefly before it’s lost in Lily’s vibrancy.
“Emergency Listerine strips?”
“Emergency deodorant?”
“Disdain for the bourgeoisie bullshit that allows people to treat secretaries like servants?”
Nadya laughs. “Check!”
“Then my dear,” she squeezes their hands together before letting go with a flourish of wide arms, “there’s nothing more I can do for you. You’re ready to walk into the belly of the Capitalist beast.”
But ‘ready’ though she may be Nadya doesn’t move; just stares at Lily’s encouraging smile like it’ll give her the power to take on the whole world or bring every skyscraper on the block crumbling to their foundations.
Her roommate pushes her ropes of neon-purple dreads over her shoulder and goes in for the hug Nadya didn’t know she even needed; let alone ask for. It’s one she returns warmly — it brings back distant memories of clinging to her mother on the first day of school.
“Seriously, Nadi’, you’ve got this.” whispers Lily into her ear, and Nadya very much has this.
She turns and steels herself—a final mental check to ensure all is secure and well and oh god did I forget my emergency tampon at home no Lily put it in the side pocket thank god so yes, it’s all well—before she strides in through the revolving doors.
“Don’t worry about dinner, honey-bunch! You just earn Momma that cheddar!” She can hear Lily’s faint laughter before the roar of industrialized air conditioning drowns out everything else.
Everything that had happened on the day of her interview had led Nadya to believe he might be a decent boss to work for; one of those kinds of CEOs who had wealth but didn’t flaunt it, or who gave out really epic bonuses come Christmas or the New Year. She figured she’d be seeing a lot of him around — not that he’d be asking her to accompany him to important client dinners or doing that thing in movies where he asks her to order him midnight sushi and it turns out to be enough for two — because what CEO goes out of their way to personally attend the hiring of someone who only has top-tier security clearance because that’s where her desk is?
Boy, was she wrong.
Adrian Raines communicates almost solely by email (or in the more urgent requests, the Raines Corp. interdepartmental instant message app). When he leaves his office he never needs to be accompanied. If not for the heaps of digital filing she’s asked to organize she’d almost forget who she was working for. He’s always polite; signs his emails with ‘thank yous’ and things like ‘I really appreciate all your hard work!’ but the distance takes some getting used to.
“Maybe he’s just antisocial,” Lily suggests over their now-standard lunch break phone call. Nadya can hear the distant tinny noise of digital zombies having their heads blown off on Lil’s livestream. “You know, like one of those reclusive ba-jillionaires in the movies. Or he thinks you smell.”
“I don’t smell!” Nadya argues back — and definitely doesn’t do a smell-check of her armpits sheepishly.
But Lily intends to find the silver lining in everything; one of the things that makes them get along so fabulously. “Think of it this way; sooo many people in your position have to see way too much of their bosses, right? And that burns them out! So you have more time to rake in the dough before you gotta high-tail it from Armaniville.”
“I guess,” she stabs a cold lump of orange chicken absentmindedly, “it’d just be a lot easier if he weren’t so darn nice.”
The next day Adrian sends her a list of things to get from the sub-basement archives; gifts for some client meeting he has in an hour. Nadya takes it on as a DEFCON 5 because each item is a separate ping on the IM server. If it can’t all be in one email it’s gotta be important, right?
All it takes is a requisition form sent below and the whole two dozen paces between her desk, the elevator, and the building delivery desk on the ground floor. She’d go into the conference room and deliver the package herself but while Adrian might appreciate the gesture the same might not be said for other head-honchos. So she leaves it on the corner of her desk for Adrian to grab on his way down.
Just before the lift doors open Adrian turns on his glossy heel. For the first time since her interview he addresses Nadya face-to-face.
“Yes, Mister Raines?” They both chuckle. Even with the impersonal disposition of digital communication they’ve found a way to share inside jokes; it took half a dozen messages for Nadya to learn how very serious Adrian was about being addressed by his first name even via email.
She glances up from Nicole’s daily ‘list of chores’ (Lily’s words, not hers, but she doesn’t deny the accuracy) to find Adrian staring at her. Even from across the room there’s a clarity to him. Adrian Raines is attractive; Nadya knows it, the numerous reporters from the tech, business, and gossip magazines Nadya has had to politely turn away all know it, hell even Adrian himself probably knows it — and not in the vain way pretty rich men know they’re pretty, but in a more humble sense.
So yeah, having someone like him stare with that movie-star smolder at someone like her makes it impossible for Nadya not to blush. But he’s her boss, and this gig is too good for all the months of “We promise we’ll have the rent next month please don’t evict us!” back-pay they owe their landlord to risk. And she’s pretty sure trying to romance the boss is a big risk.
She tries again, “Yes, Mister Raines?” because Adrian seems to be in his own little world. One he finally snaps out of.
“I just wanted to make sure you know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me since you came on. You’ve definitely been one of my more successful assistants.” That’s Adrian; making sure everyone feels appreciated.
Nadya simply shrugs it off; wouldn’t do her well to get too airheaded so early in the game. “Just doing my job, Mister Raines.”
“Just doing my job,” she winks, “Adrian.”
It’s the longest meeting he’s ever had; the text she gets somewhere near dawn thanking her for staying but releasing her fills Nadya with nothing short of relief. Gathering her things, clocking out, swiping her card for the lift; everything is routine now. Even strolling passed the conference room on her way to the front desk.
“Are you sure he’s being truthful about his numbers?”
“We can’t be sure of anything when it comes to Cecil, Adrian. That is why I insisted I go myself. He knows better than to lie to my face.”
“Yet he may still have.”
Stopping in front of the frosted glass isn’t one of her smarter ideas. Not like it stops her. Mostly she’s caught off guard by the seriousness of Adrian’s tone even through the doors. Can’t think of a time when she ever heard him sound like that; almost dark, or angry.
But where Adrian is filled with passion whoever he’s speaking to keeps her cool. Her voice a velvet purr so low Nadya finds herself straining to hear, leaning closer to the door and closer to the danger of discovery.
“I have my associates scouring the city for where they might be originating. You’d think someone might report seeing a corpse or two suddenly going grey and—”
A gruff Indian drawl interrupts her. Even from a distance Nadya feels like that’s a bad move.
“This is New York, Kamilah. Bodies are as rare as pigeons!”
“Then what have you contributed, Lester?” asks Adrian.
Lester grumbles something she doesn’t quite catch, then: “Don’t flash those at me, pup. I’ll speak to my men on the PD and see if they’ve been keeping anything hiding under their little blue belts.”
None of it makes sense. There’s walking in on half a conversation and then there’s whatever Adrian and his associates are discussing. The one thing Nadya is sure of is how much she dislikes the knot forming in her gut while her mind races to try and put some of what she’s hearing together.
There’s a long silence. For a moment she fears she’s been found out and her heart drops out through her stomach. Then she hears Adrian again — this time he sounds tired.
“We have to get this under control. Until we do every victim is our fault; their blood is on our hands.”
If there’s more to his speech she doesn’t stick around to hear it. Finds herself out on the cold Manhattan sidewalk just as the sun starts to haul itself up over the horizon. She doesn’t even remember if she said goodbye to the night guard. Her blood pounds in her ears.
Lily made a valiant effort to stay awake and greet her as evidenced by a full cup of tea gone cold on the island counter. But her roommate is passed out on the couch — Nadya envies that ability to sleep anywhere. The words victim and blood and hands echo in Adrian’s voice around her skull like bouncy-balls while she gets ready for bed.
Adrian acts like nothing is different — and to him it isn’t. But whenever she gets the chance Nadya tries to find some inkling, some shadow hidden behind his megawatt smile and usual charm. If ever given the chance to wander her mind starts coming up with fantastical ideas and scenarios: like seeing him as Christian Bale in American Psycho or getting a late-night text for her to come into work and finding him in the process of wrapping a body up in construction plastic.
Nadya only imagines being the victim of the cruel-yet-classy alter ego of Adrian once. Somehow discovering his secret life as a hitman or deranged killer is more believable than the thought that he would ever harm her.
But it doesn’t stop the hairs on the back of her neck from standing up when the rarity arrives of Adrian leaving at the same time as her. Lots of people are murdered in elevators in the movies.
“So… everything alright?”
Nadya looks to find Adrian’s gaze level and calm and right at her. Oh god, she thinks, he knows!
She fumbles for an answer instead — tries, and fails, to play it cool.
“Peachy keen.”
“Are you sure?” He’s not gonna press the matter if she doesn’t want to talk about it; just another one of the things that makes Adrian Raines possibly the ideal man. But he needs to stop looking like a kicked puppy in order to make it easier for her to lie to him.
So she decides to pick a different truth instead. “Yeah, I’m just not looking forward to the long trip home.”
Adrian’s nose scrunches. “I was under the impression your apartment was one train away.”
“Normally it is. But they shut down the station at my stop a couple nights ago. Some accident on the weekend or something.”
It’s exactly the Adrian thing for him to do when he offers her a ride home in the company car. And it’s the Nadya thing for her to decline, but rather than playfully letting it slide Adrian actually insists. Pipes up what could have been the speech her mom gave her about moving to ‘the Big City’ verbatim; with strangers lurking the streets and the subway never really being as safe as they claim.
“And forgive my selfishness,” he finishes while opening the sleek black Buick door, “but I’d have a pretty hard time finding another secretary with hours as flexible as yours. So let’s get you home safe and sound.”
One complimentary ride home is a favor. Then one turns into two, turns into the whole week, turns into “I know your station opened back up yesterday, Nadya, but if I’m being honest I enjoy the detour and the company,” and by the time Adrian’s car is pulling onto the curb outside her building at sunset—the usual time she sets off—there’s really no opportunity to refuse.
“I went to make you a cup, too, but then I realized I have no idea how you take your coffee — secretaries everywhere have shunned me.” Nadya greets him by way of apology, sliding into the now-familiar front seat with her travel mug in hand. Adrian laughs.
“I appreciate the gesture, but I’m more of a tea person.”
If Adrian is surprised when, same time next day, Nadya slides in with her usual mug and a second with a teabag string dangling over the side, he hides it well.
But while their routine has become more personable and casually affectionate it hasn’t entirely cleared her boss of suspicion. There’s three more meetings he releases her early for. She doesn’t snoop like the first time but definitely catches the same voices in her passing haste to the exit.
Then one ordinary night she spots an error on Adrian’s agenda.
“Did you want me to call the Gallery about getting a refund?” She doesn’t knock before entering — doesn’t really need to at this point. There’s something weirdly intimate about sitting in his car flicking radio stations while he pumps gas and returns with her favorite chocolate peanut-butter cookies. Intimate in that it makes knocking seem unnecessary.
Used to it, Adrian doesn’t look away from his screen. “Refund for what?”
“You bought two tickets to this thing, the ‘Manhattan Gallery’s Dedication to National Geographic Auction’ on Friday next.”
“And—Jesus—they’re five hundred bucks a piece?”
“So did you want a refund?”
“Why? I asked yesterday if you had plans then. You said no.”
It takes her a moment before Nadya’s doing her best impression of a fish.
“That second ticket’s mine?”
Now out of his chair Adrian leans against his desk with a smirk that could almost be called cheeky. If she didn’t know him better, that is.
“Well who else would I take?” he asks genuinely.
“I—I mean—well Nicole, for one.”
He waves off his assistant’s name. Odd, Nadya can’t help but think, since they seemed have a close relationship — close enough for her to berate him in front of a stranger on the day they met. Maybe less so in the last months… but still.
“She’s been to dozens of these. I wanted to take someone who might actually appreciate something new.” His falter is only slight. “I mean, of course, if you want to come. I probably shouldn’t have assumed.”
And she does, oh she does, but a nagging voice in the back of her head that sounds not-so-suspiciously like Anne-Marie from HR — who probably didn’t think Nadya could hear her over the gurgle of the downstairs coffee cart when she leaned over to her coworker and whispered a nasty rumor about “Mister Raines and his Secretary of the Night” — has her hesitant to say the least.
She’s taken too long to respond when Adrian’s hands fall on her shoulders. He cranks up the AC so high she had to pull her winter sweaters out of storage in the middle of summer. Even through the wool though she can feel the chill of his palms.
“Nadya? Talk to me.” Kind Adrian; Kind, empathetic, stupidly perceptive Adrian.
It makes her step back; gain some personal—and professional—space between them.
“Mister Raines,” and when did this become her life exactly, “I appreciate the gesture; all the gestures, actually, but…” already she’s hoping Lily kept yesterday’s newspaper with the classifieds, “I’m not… well, I’m not exactly interested in you in that… way.”
Adrian Master-of-the-Unexpected Raines goes bright red. Has Nadya wondering if she should take a picture to sell to the same tabloids that claim to see equally nonexistent things like Bigfoot.
Then he takes a deep breath. “Nadya — er, Miss Al Jamil — if I ever gave you the impression I… what I mean to say is that if you’ve found any of my actions untoward — erm — or, possibly, salacious in nature, I assure you, I—wait no, let me—”
He’s actually fumbling, which is how Nadya realizes he’s taken aback by her statement; how she realizes he was a million miles away from that dangerous place. And did he just say salacious?
To her surprise Adrian actually stops when she holds up a finger.
“Before you, uh, choke on your own tongue,” probably not the best idea to bring up his tongue but you know what they say about hindsight, “just… answer one question, okay?”
He nods.
“Is this an invitation as your date, or as your coworker?”
“Good heav — as my coworker, Nadya!” He practically chokes on his relief. It takes an exhale for Nadya to realize she is, too. Then they’re laughing, separately and awkwardly, and the next thing Nadya knows Adrian is pouring two tumblers of expensive scotch from the little trolley to the side of his desk that she’s never seen him use before. He’s her boss and he’s the one offering it, so he can’t get on her case when she accepts the liquor like the peace offering it is.
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Friday night comes around and, as expected, the world ends.
“How can one person own this many dresses and none of them be for freakin’ formal events?!”
“Hey! That Sailor Mars dress was made specifically for a ball!”
“Lily, I’m only gonna say this one more time—” Nadya pokes her head out of her roommate’s tiny closet with what she hopes is a glare that thoroughly conveys her frustration; though the way her large glasses are dangerously ready to fall off the tip of her nose negates that completely, “—I can’t wear Sailor Moon cosplay to the Manhattan Art Gallery!”
Lily huffs and nibbles another spicy cheese puff. “Show me where it says that on the damn dress code…”
In a flurry of barely-clothed despair Nadya rushes back across the hall to her own room. Lily follows — cradles her snack bowl in her arms like one would a precious infant.
“I don’t get why the dress you bought doesn’t work.” Lily plops down next to the last-minute ordered dress and is careful to keep her cheesy mitts off the fabric. “It’s nice! And pink looks good on you, girl.”
Nadya looks the dress over with barely-contained spite. “It’s just… more skin than I thought it would be.” She mimes the shape of the dress’ lack of shoulder-cloth and Lily nods with an understanding “Oooh.”
“It just feels weird to wear something, like, kinda sexy after last week’s weirdness, you know? It’s weird! I think it’s weird, he’ll think it’s weird. It’ll just be…”
“Weird?” supplies Lily, who barely has time to duck the ball of socks thrown her way.
“And I don’t have time to go shopping. Adrian’ll be here in…” she looks to her bedside clock and groans, “an hour… I need more than an hour to fix my life!”
“Don’t we all.” Lily falls down beside the distraught form of her room mate and finger-feeds her a puff as per their agreement on dealing with messy snacks in mess-free zones. She wipes her hands diligently on her junk tee and caresses the apple of Nadya’s cheek with her thumb.
“Hon, just wear it. It’s your first time doing the ‘ritzy rich person’ thing and Adrian’ll totally get that. And if he tries to make it weird just laugh it off in that totally un-sexy way you do and boom—instant boner-killer.”
It’s not the pep-talk that would get the Cordonian Princess Caoimhe through her wedding day jitters, but it’s enough for Nadya; and that’s all that matters. With exaggerated grunts and huffs she hauls herself off the bed and starts to wrangle on the dress.
“I told you what he said, right?”
“You tell me a lot of things, sweetie.”
Nadya turns for Lily to dutifully zip her up. “He said I was ‘too young for him anyway,’ like, what does that even mean?”
“Do you want the Valyrian translation or something?”
“He’s thirty-one. I’m twenty-five! My parents had a bigger age gap than that!”
Lily pats the finished zipper, pulls Nadya to turn around so she can do her other, unsung duty by helping Nadya show off what she was born with.
“I mean maybe — stop fidgeting you have boobs so show them off, Christ — maybe he’s into cougars. Pretty boys usually have some form of Oedipus complex.”
“Mm… I don’t think so. Adrian’s different.”
“He just — OW who the heck gives purple nurples these days?! — He just is, okay?! Now take your hands out of my bra Lily Spencer!”
The play-fighting gets put aside for the good of maintaining the integrity of the dress. The hour drags on, half of it spent waiting around for her (suddenly too-long, too-unruly, too-resistant) hair to dry. Nadya is always more likely to throw her hair up in a bun and go no matter the occasion, but this isn’t just any occasion. I’ll be representing Raines Corp, and Adrian by proxy, she reminds herself through every stubborn tug of her brush.
Lily is fiddling with her purse as Nadya finally exits the bathroom in a cloud of hairspray and second thoughts.
“So I packed you two granola bars in case they don’t have anything lactose-intolerant. And there’s some spare cash if you wanna dip out and grab a cab home. Did you grab your flats?”
“I can’t switch shoes in the middle of a thing like this.”
“Pretty sure I read something about it being totally acceptable.”
“Where, in a fanfiction?”
“I mean, it was The Royal Romance so… does that count?”
She turns around as she asks and sucks in audibly. The silence is self-conscious; immediately makes Nadya smooth down her hair with a nervous hand.
“What? Oh no, what’s wrong? Speak, Lily, words!”
She finds herself enveloped in a tight hug instead of an actual response, which is both a comfort and jostles her nerves slightly. “Lil’…”
Her roommate’s words are choked with embellished emotion. “You look like a real adult. I couldn’t be more proud.”
“Oh—bull!” Nadya pushes her off with a laugh — but the compliment does bring a flush to her cheeks. “I look good, though? I’ve still got a bit to change up—”
The sudden, high-pitched buzz of the complex bell interrupts as argument. One, long noise before it goes deathly silent.
Lily’s beaming. “Well that was an awfully adult ring. The kind of ring fancy professionals use!”
“No, no no!” Nadya fumbles for her phone to check the time. “He’s early! He’s here! Why is he here why is he ringing the bell why is — Lily don’t you dare!”
But she’s too late to stop the bouncing, bubbly roommate from rushing to the comm.
“Buzzing you in! Come on u—ah!”
Her greeting turns into a cry of protest as Nadya yanks her backwards.
“What are you doing?!”
“I wanna meet him!”
Nadya gestures wildly around the apartment; she doesn’t need to explain herself. The place isn’t exactly in the best state. But who could blame them — the last thing anyone wants to do when they finish a night shift is clean and Lily… well, it was in a worse state before Nadya moved in. At least now there’s a small garbage can beside the couch for all the empty chip bags.
In the time it takes Adrian to knock on their door, the pair manage to gather up empty snacks into the trash and hide everything else inside the ottoman. Lily’s hair whips at her face as she tries to pin down Nadya for the door.
“Girl—what are you doing?” She uses a little too much force in turning off the running sink and they battle clumsily over a soapy plate before Lily successfully replaces it with a towel. “He’s not staying. You don’t need to wash the plates.”
“I—” She has to right herself, but Lily’s correct, as usual. “I panicked.”
“Uh-huh. Door.”
A second knock startles Nadya to action. “C-Coming!”
The doorways of Raines Corp. must be specially-designed to make Adrian look like the average man, Nadya realizes, because there’s a towering, statuesque beauty to the way her boss stands before her. He even manages to make the chipped old paint job from the ‘70s look glamorous.
“Ready to get going?” Adrian asks by way of greeting; slides one of his hands out of his pockets and offers a crooked elbow like he’s escorting her to some fancy ball.
She almost manages to take it without incident. Almost. While she regains her balance from being unceremoniously shoved aside Lily busies herself with shaking Adrian’s hand with firm vigor.
“You must be the boss-man! Lily Spencer — roommate, confidante, and Nadya’s personal Bryan Mills.” The way her smile falters isn’t unfamiliar — Adrian’s furrowed brow has already lost him points in Lily’s book.
“I’m sorry — who?” he asks; only just manages to steal his hand back.
Lily scoffs, yet Nadya can’t remember an instance where someone did understand her right off the bat.
“Bryan Mills?” As though repeating his name will somehow jog Adrian’s nonexistent memory. “You know… ‘I have a very particular set of skills that make me a nightmare for people like you?’”
Before he can flounder too long, though, Nadya mouths the movie title over Lily’s shoulder.
“Oh, right, from Taken.”
Lily brightens considerably. “Oh, good! You’ve seen it!”
“Once, I think. I remember it playing on the plane…”
“So you know what I’ll do to you if my girl doesn’t come ho—”
“And we’re leaving!” Her voice raised and pitched high with panic, Nadya manages to hip-check her way into the hall. “When I get home I’m gonna kick your butt!” she hisses — and punctuates her threat by closing the door harder than necessary.
She really hopes she still has a job by the time she and Adrian make it to the stairwell. There are five, possibly six different apologies ready on the tip of her tongue but they die off with a quick glance. Adrian’s smiling — no — beaming in a way she’s not seen before. It makes him look years younger — less like there’s a burden on his chest. She allows herself a moment of relief, and strains herself not to ruin it.
They could be heading out for another evening at the office with the casual ease between them. How Adrian opens the door and only starts the car when she’s buckled in properly, and the light conversation about a meeting he has next week with the CFO of a recently-acquired company. Nadya fidgets in what she hopes is a subtle way the entire drive downtown — it would be a shame to ruin such polite conversation with questions about which forks to use and who to not make herself look like a fool in front of.
Then (all too soon in Nadya’s opinion) Adrian pulls out of evening traffic to park on the Gallery curb. While he steps out to flag down a valet she allows herself a moment of pure, unrestrained panic while looking out the tinted windows.
A red carpet has been draped out for the occasion; down the Gallery steps to stop on the sidewalk where one couldn’t get through the mob of onlookers, reporters, and photographers if they tried. It looks less like a Gallery exhibition than a Hollywood movie premiere. Makes Nadya aware of every stark flaw — from the slightly loose fit on her dress to the few flyaway hairs she couldn’t wrangle in.
“You absolutely cannot do this,” she scolds — an insult aimed to quiet her racing heart, “this is way beyond you. You’re gonna make a fool out of yourself. Nothing in life has prepared you for a night like this… just like your interview. Got that, huh? So… don’t fall on your face or murder somebody and you’ll be fine. Just fine.”
The passenger door opens and a gust of cool night air sends goosebumps racing through every exposed part of her. Adrian extends his hand.
In a stupor, Nadya blinks and it takes a moment for her to register what he’s doing. “Huh?”
He laughs, takes the initiative, and tucks her clutch in his armpit before pulling her from the car.
“Come on. Wouldn’t want to miss the hors d’oeuvres. You haven’t lived until you’ve had beluga caviar.”
Nadya follows — and readies herself to live.
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