#I wanted to add something in the corner to fill up the extra space
tealdoodles · 7 months
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Happy Pocky Day. Completely inspired by @emelinstriker picture here.
Also also inspired by this post that pops up every once in a while in my head. CHOMP!
Don’t worry Reader plays a few games of pocky with the Champion(s) macaque really wanted to play the game properly and got a new stick. And reader has a difficult time saying no to him. How can you? Look it him being all adorable!
And now to go research the history of Pocky Day right before I go to bed.
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wildemaven · 7 months
he makes life better | joel miller
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-> pairing: no outbreak!joel miller x reader
-> word count: 1335
-> content warning: 18+ blog; bad day, annoyed with work, dealing with flat tire, joel being sweet, lots of fluff
-> note: this is for my sweet friend @gnpwdrnwhiskey hoping this brings a smile to her face 💞 this isn’t beta’d either so it’s probably filled with mistakes lol.
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Joel ❤️: How’s your day going Honey?
I’m so ready for my shift to be over. I’d rather read the dictionary, front to back, than deal with the shit they have me doing today. 
“That bad, huh?” Joel’s voice brings you an instant smile when you answer his call, silently stepping away from the mess that you were dealing with at work. 
“You have no idea. It already feels like it’s been the longest week, today has just added to the shit show life keeps throwin’ at me lately. Went to leave for work this morning and I had a flat tire. Ugh! I’m sorry for complaining.” You vent to him, tucking yourself in a secluded corner. You were going against policy by taking a personal call while on the clock, but you didn’t care about company policy or the outcome of you were to get caught at the moment— Joel was your only focus right now. 
“Hey, none of that. Don’t apologize for being stressed. Why didn’t ya call me ‘bout your tire?” Joel asked. 
You know he would’ve dropped everything the minute did call him, which is also why you didn’t. He had been stressing over starting at a new job site, one of the biggest ones he had been hired for. The last thing you wanted was to add to his already busy day of things he had to deal with. 
“You’d already left for work and had that new job you’ve been talkin’ about. Didn’t wanna bother you with it. I called AAA and had them put the spare on for me so I could drop it off at the tire shop. Now, I’m unexpectedly the owner of 4 new tires.” 
“I don’t care how busy I am— you need something, you call me, no matter what. Got that, Honey?” 
“Got it, Joel. Thank you.” You smile into the phone at his concern for you, always finding ways to make you fall even deeper in love with him. 
“Good. Hey, I gotta go. Tommy looks like he’s about ready to break his back. I should probably go help him before he actually does and my insurance takes a hit. I’ll see ya tonight then, sweetheart?” 
“Yeah. I should be outta here in 3 hours.” The end to your long shift, almost over. 
“That sounds great! I love you, Honey. I’ll see ya later.” You can faintly hear Tommy cursing in the background. 
“Love you too, Joel.” You tell him before the line goes dead. Giving yourself a few minutes of quiet before heading back to join your team and the never ending line of customers. 
The rest of your shift goes by fairly quickly. Joel’s phone call must have been just the moral boost you needed to sprinkle a little bit of extra positivity into your day.
The minute the clock hit 5 pm, you wasted no time clocking out and logging out of your computer for the day. Deliberately bypassing your usual exit path to avoid any chatty coworkers, Joel and home your main focus of the rest of your day, you weren’t going to waste any time stuck in drawn out conversations. 
Your purse thrown over your shoulder, work apron crumpled in one hand and the other holding your empty tumbler that once held the warm delicious coffee you had hoped would sustain you through the day, now wishing it was filled with something a little stronger to help you unwind when you got home. 
It’s a struggle trying to juggle your things as you search for your keys, lost somewhere in the depths of your purse along with the rest of your life's necessities. You pause in the middle of an empty parking space near where your jeep is parked to give the search your full attention. After some thorough digging, you locate your keys and let out an exasperated sigh, one step closer to being home. 
Taking a step forward as you press the unlock button on your key, you look up to see an unexpected sight. A familiar truck in the parking spot next to yours, and the most handsome man leaning on it. He looks like he came straight from the job sight, too. His peppered grey hair disheveled, but his soft curls were still intact even after a long day. The sleeves of your favorite green flannel are rolled up over his flexed forearms that are crossed against his chest, the fabric stretched over his broad shoulders. 
The sight of him is enough to melt away any of the bullshit you had endured over the past week, a completely welcomed surprise. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask him, letting your feet carry you the rest of the way to him. 
“Heard you were havin’ a shitty day. Couldn’t let my lady end it on a bad note.” He croons, pushing himself off the side of his truck, opening his arms to you. 
You melt into him, your face nestled into his shoulder. His rugged scent of musky vanilla and natural pheromones is permanently infused into the fibers of his shirt, it’s your favorite thing ever. His strong arms wrap around you as he presses a soft kiss to your temple, prompting you to straighten up, looking into his amber eyes. 
“Hi, Cowboy.” You beam at him. 
“Hi.” He says, leaning in to gently mold his lips over yours. “I’ve got a surprise for ya, Honey.” 
“This was enough of a surprise for me. What more could I need?” Stealing another kiss from him. 
“If I tell ya, it won’t be a surprise then, will it?” He says, tilting his head slightly as he looks at you. 
“I guess you have a point.” 
“We’ve gotta get going though, it’s time sensitive.” He grabs for your things and walks you around to the passenger door, holding it open as you climb in. “We’ll grab your jeep in the mornin’, if that’s okay with you?” 
“Whatever you say, Cowboy.” He leans back in for another kiss, before making his way around into the driver’s seat. 
The drive isn’t long. Down some familiar roads that lead to a dirt one off the main highway. His truck travels down the gravel road lined with a barbed wire fence. After a few minutes he’s pulling off to the side and killing the engine. 
“You brought me to my favorite place.” Looking over to his side of the truck, where he’s already looking in your direction. Your heart grows at how he thought to bring you here, knowing how much joy it brings you every time. 
“Thought you could use it. Look, here they come.” He says pointing to your window. 
Off in the distance, the small herd of cows were in pursuit of their evening meal and water break. Mamas with their little rambunctious calves trailing behind, trekking along the same path they travel each evening. 
It’s a calming sight. Their heads bobbling with each dramatic step. Tails whipping over their rear ends to swat away the annoying flies. A few stopping mid trek to look in your direction, letting out a long drawn out moo. Their friendly hello, it’s good to see you again, then back on the move. 
The sky is painted in pinks and purples as the sun dips below the horizon. Your day feeling less shitty as you sit silently in the cab of Joel’s truck. His hand resting on your thigh while his thumb draws soft circles over thick denim seam. 
“Thank you for this. Didn’t realize how much I needed it. I love you, Joel.” You tell him, rolling your head over the headrest in his direction. 
“I did it because I love you, Honey. And s’what I’m here for.” There’s a low rumble in the air as he turns the key over, shifting the truck into drive. “Now, how ‘bouts we head on home and I spend the rest of the evenin’ show you all the other ways I love you?”
“Take me home, Cowboy.” 
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privitivium · 4 months
this guy rambles. motherly yan bf is all…
it's weird, i know, but it's a thing of mine!!! a need!!! a want!!!
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an arrangement where you have to notify him several days before you hangout with someone in ur shared space... a common courtesy, but you think just a day before is good enough, no?? he wants to be notify days in advance,,, just to prepare himself, knowing that you'd be hanging out with someone else in the comfort of your own room - he has very ugly jealousy, and is sure to reprimand you in the future when you're actually together,,, wants to be there in some way if you have a friend over, wanting to assert dominance, listening through the wall or watching the grainy camera feed he has set up on one of your high shelves in the corner,,, i feel like it's a little weird but yeah, he's Mother.,,, wanting to look after you in his own weird way. a stoic guy, yet sweet in all kinds of ways.. in personality, taste, actions.. just imagining this big scary guy, squishy body, being all pleasant and gentle, just to try and heal you,,, ‘’mom,, ;; a slip of the tongue usually, when you find yourself being cared for in a soft, loving mannerㅡbefore he decides that yes, please call him mother, he'll love you, sweet boy.,,
type of dude to try to bake cookies while being stuffed by you from behind. ahemhrm. kinda gently scolds you about being too rough ( slamming him into the counter ), but not at all serious as he tries to weakly stir the bowl of ingredients for cake, but ultimately gives up and loses himself in the feeling of you filling him up,,, maybe he should use you as a treat for himself.. using your fluids and mixing them with some frosting, just to fill them up in some kind of baked good for him to enjoy… would you,, find that a little weird? probably, but i mean,, the dudes’ your lover, so you don't really mind all his weird little quirks or ideas including your bodily fluids in most.. maybe i'll go the extra mile and make him a freak murderer or something,,
mother being the breadwinner and housewife - it comes natural to him,, a man who simply does not get tired., of courseㅡunlessㅡyou'd like to be the breadwinner, then obviously - yes, go ahead and make him proud,,, he's sure to pack your lunch of deliciousness and a note signed with his lipstick stain that he only put on just to put a lipstick stain on the note of praise of looping cursive letters, sure to add a “my sweet boy,” knowing that completely does it for you,, so kind and considerate he is ,,,. hgngnhhgnng
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strangermarvelss · 2 years
the pain of letting you go- e.m (epilogue)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x AFAB!Reader
Summary: a few years have passed since your lunch at the diner with eddie
Warnings: birthday shenanigans, fluff, domestic!eddie, best uncle steve and aunt robin ever, mentions of sex, suggestive language
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: the finale has arrived! thank you to everyone for the continued support, i have loved writing this series and loved hearing your theories and suggestions! reminder: if the topic is sensitive for you, please do not read. enjoy! :) -sava
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september 1994
The fall leaves swirl around the backyard as you watch a gaggle of kids run past you, their giggles filling the blocked off outdoor space and warming your heart. You watch your son Christopher smile, the party hat situated on his growing mane of hair waving about as he runs with his friends. It was hard to believe that your baby boy was ten years old. Double digits. It feels like yesterday that you and Eddie were holding him in your arms, newborn home straight from the hospital and ready to begin your new lives as parents.
You find yourself half-paying attention to the conversations happening around you, the parents talking amongst themselves as you try to add to their different topics sporadically, silently wishing for some of your own friends to show up and save you. There was nothing wrong with the parents of your son's friends, other than how quick they were to gossip about and judge you a few years back. You were just wanting to crave any actual conversation with people you loved.
“Auntie Robin has arrived,” Robin announces from inside the house. You stand from your position on one of the chairs situated outside, sliding open the back door of your home to come and greet her. Bags are hanging to her sides as she lets out a small squeal, rushing over to hug you tight. Wrapping your arms around her, you return the gesture, happy to have her here to help endure the countless screaming children and judgmental parents that made your life all the much harder four years ago, but insisting that it no longer bothered you for the sake of the kids. 
"Where's Vickie?" You question.
"She'll be by later, she's wrapping a few things up she had planned out a while ago. I tried telling her that the kids don't want to go to band practice on a Saturday, but she said they needed the extra practice before heading to their competition next weekend," she explains. She looks around the house for a moment, chin resting on your shoulder as she takes in the decorations.
“Can't believe it's taking me this long still getting used to the new house. The old one just held so many memories, ya know? But I do like the upgrade,” Robin tells you, breaking away from the hug and sending a smile your way. You take the bags from her and place them on the coffee table, guiding her into the kitchen for a snack or something to drink.
“It definitely was time for the upgrade. With my promotion money plus Eddie’s hefty contribution, we definitely could afford it,” you explain a bit, pouring a glass of water and offering it to her. She takes it and gulps it down, sighing in relief before her brows twist in a bit of concern.
“Speaking of, where is Eddie? Is he outside with the rest of the kiddos?” She asks, looking through the large window in the kitchen to try and spot him.
“Actually, I think he’s upstairs with-“
“Here we are!” Eddie blurts out, darting from around the corner and greeting you both. “Sorry to keep you waiting sweetheart. Kas here decided she didn’t want to wear the outfit Mommy laid out for her, so she gave Daddy some grief. But we worked it out, didn't we Kas?”
You reach out for the two-year-old, hands resting underneath her tiny armpits and bringing her close to your body, placing her on your hip. Eddie reaches out to plant a kiss on your lips, a quick peck before offering a hug to Robin. You raise your index finger and play with your daughter, tickling her chubby cheeks and watching her giggle. 
“Now why didn’t you want to wear the pretty dress Momma laid out for you, babygirl?” You ask her, your voice pitched up as you stare at her in wonder. You turn to Eddie with a smile, taking in his slicked back hair and nicer attire before opening your mouth once more. “How’d you convince our little stubborn princess to wear it?”
“I may or may not have promised her a big piece of cake,” he admits, coming over and wrapping his arms around you. You shake your head, laughing as you play with your daughter’s hair a bit. Robin sets the glass of water down, looking between you two for a moment before reaching her arms out. You give in and hand Kassandra over to her godmother, watching the smile on Robin’s face grow as she begins to dance to the low music playing in the living room, extending your daughter’s arm in an attempt to dance around with her.
Robin makes her way into the living room, leaving you and Eddie alone in the kitchen. His hands find purchase on your hips, tugging you close to him as he dips down to take your lips in his again, making sure to take longer now that your hands are baby-free. You bring a hand up to cup his cheek, melting into the kiss as you taste his minty fresh breath. Eddie sighs, his fingers hooking into the loops of your jeans and trying to tug you closer, leaving no room between you as your bodies press together.
“Alright, alright. It’s still a kids birthday party after all. No need to scar any kids today,” you tease, pulling away from his as you play with his beautiful brown curls. He smiles as you, hands still on your hips as he traces random patterns into them with his thumbs.
“Okay, okay,” he says, admitting defeat. You chortle, looking deep into his eyes before pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek and peeling yourself from him. “I called for pizza on the phone upstairs, so it should be here shortly. Cake is still in the fridge, away from the tiny grubby fingers. Do you need me to do anything?” 
“No, I think everything is handled right now,” you tell him, flashing him a smile. He comes over and presses a kiss to your shoulder, before you both turn to the sound of the door opening. You walk towards the front door, watching Steve and a very pregnant Nancy come into view, your smiles stretching as you greet them. 
“How are you guys?! I feel like it’s been forever since we properly hung out, even if it was just three weeks ago,” you ask, retreating to Eddie, who is quick to wrap an arm around your waist. 
“Yeah, I know! I’ve been pulling a couple weekend shifts at the Hawkins Post since my due date is coming up. Trying to get everything situated there before I start maternity leave,” Nancy explains, extending the gift resting in her arms to you. You're quick to put it on the table with the others, jogging back and nuzzling into Eddie's warm figure.
“I still can’t believe you took the job there after all the shit that went down during your internship back in ’85,” you let out, shaking your head. She laughs, rest her hand on Steve’s arm as she nods.
“Oh trust me, I know. I was really worried about going back but the new management is so much better, and with all the creative freedom I was promised and have now received, helped with the decision. Plus Steve here," she looks to him, smile big and bright as she rests a hand on his arm. "Helped convince me to move back and take the job. And I'm glad I did, I’m really happy there. Hey, is there somewhere I could sit? My back pain has been horrible since the third trimester started.”
Nodding, you lead Nancy towards the backyard, allowing her to take the seat you were sitting in before Robin's arrival. Meanwhile inside the house, Eddie clasps a hand on Steve’s shoulder, a smirk situated onto his face as the two boys watch you make your way outside. Eddie turns to Steve, who has a face full of admiration.
“Can’t believe you’re finally gonna be a dad man. I’m really happy for you and Wheeler. You have everything ready? The due date's coming up soon, right? Couple weeks now?” Eddie asks him.
“You know she doesn’t go by Wheeler anymore, right? Like we've been married for two years now man.” Steve chuckles out.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Old habits die hard I guess,” Eddie lets out, shaking his head as he walks into the kitchen.
"But yeah, we've got everything ready. Nursery is done and the bag for the hospital is packed. Baby proofing has been done for a bit now, so we're just waiting for the main event."
“That's really great to hear, I can't wait to meet the little guy. You want something to drink, man? We have sodas and water out in the coolers, as well as some juice boxes, and for us adults,” he pulls out a couple of beers. “We have brewskies.”
Steve reaches out, taking the beer from the metalhead's hand and clinking it against his. Twisting off the cap, he brings the glass bottle to his lips and lets out a sigh, relishing in the crisp taste.
“So how was the tour?” Steve asks. Eddie’s eyebrows lift as he tears the bottle away from his lips, nodding as he wipes the small amount of beer dripping from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.
“It was awesome! We had an amazing turn out, which was metal as hell. Really happy it happened during the summer so I could take little man on the road with me for a few stops, and he loved it. It was tough being away from Y/N and Kas for so long though, so I’m glad to be back home for a good bit,” he tells Steve, smiling as he peeks out the window at the sight of you, hands moving everywhere as you animatedly talk with Nancy.
“That’s great, I’m happy for you man. And I’m really glad things worked out between you and Y/N. I know it was a bit difficult a few years back, but I had faith that the two of you would work your problems out and get back to being the annoying loving couple everyone knows you to be,” Steve teases. Eddie smiles, a blush creeping onto his cheeks at his friend’s kind words. He clasps a hand on his shoulder again, nodding at the words. 
The sound of the doorbell pulls Eddie from the conversation, excusing himself from Steve as he jogs to the door to greet the pizza delivery person. Grabbing the multiple boxes of pies, he tips them and bids them a good day, shutting the door with his foot as he walks through the house towards the backyard, carefully gripping and balancing the tower of boxes. 
“Alright kiddos, it’s pizza time!” Eddie shouts playfully, letting out a “woohoo” as he sets the boxes down and starts laying them out on the table. He flips open a box and takes a big whiff, sighing in content as the delicious smell flows through his nose.
You watch from your spot next to Nancy as the child line up by the snack table, Eddie taking orders and dishing out the slices, making jokes and hearing the kids roar in laughter. You can’t help but beam at him, which doesn’t go unnoticed by both Nancy and Robin.
“So how have things been now that Eddie’s home from tour? Happy to have him home?” Robin asks, handing your daughter back to you as she begins to cry and using her now free hands to scoot closer to Nancy, forming a small circle between the three of you. 
“It’s been good! Like, really good. I missed him a lot but I know he was out doing what he loves and what was important to him. I'm just glad he's back now so the bed doesn't feel empty anymore. Not to mention that we've-” you look around you, making sure there are no children within earshot before covering your daughter’s ears. “We’ve been having sex like…non stop. It’s fucking amazing, like mind-blowing orgasms left and right, multiple times a day even, but I’m almost worried that I’m gonna get pregnant again if we keep going at it like we have been.”
“Would that be such a bad thing? Do you see yourself having a third?” Nancy asks, letting out some laughs. You bite your lip and think for a moment, before nodding.
“I wouldn’t be opposed to another. I mean, we have room for one more in the new house, so that wouldn’t be an issue. I think I’d want to wait a few more years before trying again though, that way I can soak up my time with baby Kassandra here before trying to tackle that all over again,” you answer, nuzzling into your daughter and tickling her sides, an adorable chortle coming from deep in her chest. The group of you laugh at your daughter’s cuteness, rubbing your finger at her chin to coax more giggles out of her.
“That’s really good! Happy things are working out between you too, really,” Robin lets out, rubbing your arm gently.
“Sorry to interrupt ladies,” Eddie cuts in, sliding in between the small gap of the seats and holding out a plate of food to you. Nancy takes the plate for you as you hand off your daughter to him, watching his eyes become bright and his smile stretching as he makes eye contact with her. He lifts her up into the air, shaking her around and pulling more laughter from her tiny body. You thank Nancy and take your plate, eyeing Eddie and Kas as your heart melts at their behavior. 
The idea that your marriage nearly came crumbling down four years ago felt weird to think back on, considering how things have evolved since then. Some days aren’t as picture perfect as other, and the negative thoughts haven't left your head completely, but it isn't nearly as bad as things were all those years ago. You were content with where you both stood, with the two of you still attending therapy every few months and communicating with one another about certain problems that may arise. But ultimately? You were in a much better place than you found yourself at Christopher’s sixth birthday party. 
Christopher runs up to you, smiling as he shows you his empty plate. You laugh at the boy, tussling his hair a bit as you pull him onto your lap and take a bite of your pizza.
“Hey Robin, do you mind taking a family photo of the four of us?” You ask, reaching over towards the outside side table and grabbing one of the disposable cameras you bought for the party. She nods, taking the device from you as you playfully pinch Eddie on the leg, waving him over as he dramatically gasps.
He sits down in the chair Robin was in, scooting it closer to you and turning it to face her. Resting Kassandra on his lap, he reaches around to lay an arm on your shoulder, bringing you closer as you all crouch into one another, the biggest smiles adorning your faces as you wait for the camera to snap the memory into existence forever. The flash goes off, freezing the moment in time before Christopher hops off your lap and takes off running after his friends. Eddie’s figure stays close to you, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to your cheek before moving his lips closer to your ear.
“I love you so much sweetheart,” he whispers, pulling away with a grin. Looking into his eyes, you can't help the genuine grin that creeps onto your face, handing resting on his knee as your chest fills with awe.
“I love you too baby. Now give me my daughter and go get ready to bring the cake out, you big sap.” You tell him, before moving your own lips close to his ear. “I’ll show you just how much I love you later tonight, big boy.”
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voidcat · 2 years
a/n: scara/reader modern au drabble? idk man I should be STUDYING not thinking about hand feeding him baklava or making fun of him for failing to eat local foods
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Perhaps mother was right, you shouldn’t have agreed to staying in the dorms and taken up her offer instead.
“Rooming with someone else will take some chores off my shoulders! And it’ll be closer to classes too.” That extra 20 minutes of sleep surely wasn’t worth dealing with him of all people.
From the corner of your eye you watch the most recent subject of your annoyances, humming something to himself in the kitchen, the sounds of cupboards, utensils and jars reaching you all the way to the living room.
Whatever he is cooking smells good, you admit with a bitter taste to yourself. Sure you made the idiotic choice of being a proud fool and refuse further help from her, wanting to handle things more on your own but at the very least, you could’ve asked around about him.
Then again, he did seem pretty alright. Decent speech and manners, appearing to care about order and hygiene, sounding respectful enough– it’s ironic how you fell for the ‘respectful and sensible young adult’ act when you know and experienced it first hand.
The melody of his humming switches to something else, much softer and serene now, it catches you off guard. You’d never take him to be one to enjoy such tunes, you wonder where this song is from.
The gentle hum coming to an abrupt halt and realizing he staring dead into your eyes, you realize only then you have been staring for a while.
Why did you not ask the twins, or that ginger gopnik about him before moving in? They seemed to know almost everyone in the campus somehow.
With a roll of your eyes, you redirect your focus to the book before you. You can only hope this will be your biggest and only regret for the year and every other decision you make for the remainder will go swift as the wind.
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Laughter erupts from Kunikuzushi, filling the entire space as you stare at your bowl in horror, the jar still in your grip.
Agreeing to a lunch of his suggestion though on mutual agreement you both would prepare in your own ways, he was already being a bother making snide comments at everything you added and didn’t add, how you did it and so on…
“What is that thing?” He says with judgement in his voice, as you give the jar a shake. “Curry.”
“Darling, have you heard of curry blocks or using a spoon– or are you just this incompetent in the kitchen?” you can hear the amusement in his voice as he watches you open the lid, slightly tapping at the jar’s bottom as you watch the spice fall into the bowl.
“No thank you,” you begin with a singsong voice, “eyeballing is just fine–“ the words die in your throat as a huge load of curry fills the bowl.
And to your horror Kunikuzushi only stands there drinking in your expression, clutching at his stomach and not even bothering to stop his tears.
For the following weeks you’re not allowed to do anything in the kitchen unless he sees you use measure the ingredients you add, few more months pass and by then it’s all under the rug. Chances of him forgetting the curry incident is very low but he doesn’t tease you as much anymore, though he still mocks you for all your precious ‘that’s how we do it.’ claims, “so that’s why your cooking always gave me a stomach ache.” “Have you considered you just have weak intestines instead?”
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For the earlier part of your living situation with Kunikuzushi, the two of you kept to yourselves.
One by one his attitude would show, only to be met with yours, to the point Ajax jokes about putting two goats in the same room only to earn glares from you both.
Where you had an order to yourself, he found it messy, moving around your things to make space for himself when the other half of the couch was perfectly empty.
Most of the things he did, you were aware it was to get on your nerves– what a sad life he must be living to tormenting you become his entertainment.
So you fight fire with fire, feign innocence with a twirl of your hair sometimes, sure there are times you can be messy but you had caught a glimpse into his room, he has no right judging how you live.
Somehow with time, it falls into a routine. What first begins as having extra tea or coffee left and neither of you being fond of wasting food, you make each other offers through gritted teeth.
Having your meals become joint is a mess in and on itself though, him clearly struggling with sumeru cuisine and how to eat some of the meals whereas you share a similar problem with inazuma’s, some of the food just not to your taste, too cold and all that.
when one is too occupied with studying or a project that seems to be draining the life force out of them, the other begins acts on instinct, beverages and food that'll help placed near them in no time. first it is nutrients offered, and next, company.
it becomes the norm at that point to have Kunikuzushi sit down next to you with a book, or just his phone in hand, occasionally stealing a glance at you, reprimanding you if he catches you procrastinating. "if you need to look something up that badly, tell me and i'll do it for you– until then, give me your phone."
every single time, you huff and groan, yet every single time this works.
and Kunikuzushi finds out why people offer hugs when they cannot do anything else as his thoughts eating away at him disperse when he feels your arms wrapped around his form.
you admit it too late to his liking, in the future, that you aren't fond of physical contact yourself, let alone initiating it on your own– but it has worked, and still works as wonderfully as the first time, though he no longer stands straight like a stick and instead melts back into your arms.
you learn over time that despite his attitude and personality, Kunikuzushi is quite nice. Behind the front he puts up, he is as gentle as that song he hummed once long ago.
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"Fine! If you won't eat it yourself, i'll make you– just– open up!"
Kunikuzushi dodges your hand, and the little cube you seem to be holding, ignoring your frustrated sighs. "I said no, you daft, cat-obsessed freak. I am sick of you and your weird food–"
A corner of the dessert in your hands smears the corner of his mouth, much to his chargin, a victorious smile already blooming on your face when you notice him slowing down upon contact.
"One bite or I'll go out drinking with Ajax."
At the mention of the skyscrapper sized carrot, Kunikuzushi halts. You wouldn't dare, not with him, not when tonight is movie night.
"What?" you tilt your head, as if reading his mind, "think I'm bluffing? Dear, we have played that game countless times before, you should know I am serious right now."
Agreeing to your weird card games was another grave mistake on Kunikuzushi's part, or tagging along with you to game nights and get togethers with those fools you call friends and laugh around so much.
Though you did have a point, if there is one thing he gained, it is the ability to spot whether you are bluffing or not– seeing the shocked expressions on everyone else's face whenever the two of you referred to one another with poison laced terms of endearment was just the cherry on top.
It was the norm for the two of you at this point. To tease and annoy nonstop, knowing the other party has no malice behind their words, it was fun, trying to get the other to flush first, or hurry back to their room with a slam of their door.
Kunikuzushi began to wonder sometimes if you thought about him.
With a roll of his eyes, he lets out a sigh, eyes cast to the side, arms crossing in front of him. "Fine, you no-good of a roommate."
Waiting a second for more remarks to come, only for him to stay silent, you beam, leaning towards him again. Could you not move your hand with a force, you were getting sticky pieces of your weird dessert all over the couch!
"But–" he puts up a finger in front of your nose, stopping you, "one bite, as agreed." you nod at his words, "and I am choosing the movie for tonight."
At that, your nod comes to a stop, seeming to contemplate, you nod again, "Deal. Now open up." and bring the dessert to his lips.
A golden cube-like dessert, with some greens in the middle. From the looks, Kunikuzushi can tell this is one of those desserts with 'sherbet', mentally preparing himself for a toothache.
Staring at him with big eyes, your face is too close to his, he can feel the warmth of your breath getting mixed with the dessert's scent.
When he bites into it, he doesn't expect it to crunch. Your vacant hand immediately bolting up to hover under the dessert to catch any excess pieces of the layers from falling onto your legs.
Giving it a chew and letting its taste spread on his tongue, Kunikuzushi realizes the greens are pistachio and finds the sweetness of the sherbet not bothering him unlike those fried dough bits you made him try once.
Without a second thought, he leans in for a second bit, uncaring for your surprised yet amused laughter beginning to fill the room. Only when his lips make contact with something too soft and warm to be that cube you were holding, that he realizes he ate it in no time and almost bit your fingers.
When you shake your index at him "what happened to not biting the hand that feeds you, where have your manners gone to, Kuni?" he doesn't bother with a reply, knowing he brought this onto himself long ago.
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lancermylove · 10 months
I think with the kitchen witch having a sister ask I did was with the crepe making teen mc! Like maybe they aren’t related by blood, but both are kitchen witches (the crepe mc is just specialized with crepes) and maybe bonded like how the demon bros did and wanted to know how the cast would react to child mc having a new big sister? I can imagine (crepe mc) her teaching her new ‘little sister’ how to make crepes!
Add on to Child MC 8 and Teen MC 30.
Let's say that you are Teen MC.
How You Meet Child MC
After a long day of making crepes, you were ready to close your stand and return to Cocytus Hall. Solomon had been feeling lonely lately, and you wanted to spend more time with him. Unbeknownst to you, a new student from the Human Realm moved in with the brothers.
"Um...big sis, something smells really good. A-Are you closing your stand?"
A pair of large, pink eyes stared at you with hopeful eyes. Yes, you were closing your stand, but who could say no to such a cute child? Moreover, you heard her stomach grumble. "I still have some batter left. Why don't I make you one?"
The sparkles in her eyes and her smile were worth putting in the extra effort. You watched as she happily enjoyed your crepe. "Are you new here?"
She nodded and explained she was an exchange student from the Human Realm. You were surprised Diavolo selected a child to enter a realm filled with demons. Before you could ask any questions, Satan showed up, paid for the crepe, and told you he would explain everything to you later.
"Big sis, your crepe was delicious. I will bring one of my pies for you next time!"
Their Reaction to You Spending Time with Child MC
Finds your interactions with child MC heartwarming and watches from afar - Lucifer, Simeon, Raphael, Barbatos
Waiting with a knife and fork in hand to try out all your creations with child MC - Beel, Diavolo, Thirteen
Gives the two of you space to get to know each other but hopes you find time for him - Satan, Belphie
He wants to spend time with you, but you are not giving him any time. He can be cute too...'y'know - Mammon, Levi
Invites himself to join you two every time without fail - Solomon, Asmo
Quietly watches the two of you from around the corner, wishing he could join in. He can make dessert too! - Luke
Lectures the two of you about how consuming foods with such high calories is harmful to your health. Then proceeds to try everything the two of you make - Mephistopheles
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djservo · 1 year
also pls show give us another apartment tour I KNOW you've been messing around with it againn 🙏
answering this like 2 weeks late so the first part of ur message is so funny out of context LOL sighhh you simply had to be there <3 I don't think I've done enough to warrant a full-on updated tour, but I'll give u the 411 on the bigger changes
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here's the previous tour if you need a refresher for the layout, which has mostly remained the same (at least the birds eye view for which/where each room is)
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IMO the biggest/most noticeable change (as seen in recent b roll/ask pics) is the addition of these brick columns(?) sorta framing the front door. there was a lot of empty space that was such a lost void to the eyes in screenshots and while the darker wallpaper helped neutralize it, that front area still looked so bare and flat to me. now there's some dimension and #texture and if anything I'm questioning if it looks too busy now LMAO but far better than before
THE DOOR! one of my biggest pet peeves about this apartment was the fkn sad hunk of brown wood ugh like I know it's meant to add to the ~dingy city apartment~ atmosphere, but it just looked so out of place to me like that shit didn't even have a lock tf!! I used TOOL to update all the apartment doors in this building to the dorm ones that came with DU & it makes a lot more sense with the lil peephole, lock, and emergency exit map on the inside. I may recolor it to make it a little more weathered, but I'm defo happier with how it looks now
general furniture changes, as you can probably pick out. I'm switching swatches and swapping things in/out practically every time I open their save so take the specifics with a grain of salt, but I like how things are generally evolving (mainly just filling up dead space). I was torn about getting rid of their projector screen but I stumbled upon the r/TVtoohigh subreddit recently which has made me rethink every TV placement ever in sims And real life LMAO so I wanted something more leveled with their couch. speaking of, upgraded them to a sectional finally. adulthood!!
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I made their kitchen 1 square shorter length-wise so I could flatten out that weird bit between the kitchen and bathroom (if you look at the previous apartment tour, the archway area kinda just juts out and makes this awkward corner by the bathroom door). the extra kitchen space wasn't necessary anyway bc it pretty much looks and functions exactly the same. I moved the fridge to the left because it was partially blocking the window and I always got weird routing issues whenever someone needed an empty counter to cook on, so now there's a designated empty counter for that 🧑‍🍳
I'm phasing out some of the more Loud (for lack of better term) English/real language decor (for example, that silly marihuana poster I recolored) -- definitely not planning on going the full-simlish route, but I feel like some of the wordier pieces can get distracting & I'm trying to be more mindful about what's taking up visual space/attention in screenshots ykwim?? mise en scène or whatever that fuck 🤌 and while I'm trying to piece together a more cohesive/complementary flow decor wise, I also want to be realistic about their ages/tastes -- for example the bella goth pop art piece represents their vaguely trend-forward millennial artistic sensibilities but also their juvenile hornball tendencies don't you think
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literaryspinster · 11 months
Thousand Word Preview: Tiger Boy and the Witch Girl Ch. 3
This is the first half of the new chapter (the second half will be Rachel and Gar centered), which I will add to my my planned repost of the story, hopefully this week. Please enjoy and thank you all for your patience 🥺
He isn’t falling in love with her, that would be ridiculous. 
The first time he had to tell himself that he wasn’t falling in love with her was during the grand reopening. Haly’s had closed for two months to retool the entire operation while building the sort of anticipation that had been all but lost over many years.
As much as he hated to admit it, it was a relief to have a break from the long hours, skimpy yet demanding crowds and utter disappointment. It was nice to go to sleep early, and make fresh decisions whether they would end up paying off or not. And above all, it was nice to see her. As much as she annoyed him, and boy did she ever, he still found himself tapping his foot impatiently whenever she ran a few minutes late, and when she finally did arrive, he’d have to still his lips against turning up in a smile. But the thwarted grin was only because she was done wasting his time, not because he was happy to see her, of course.
Why would he be happy to see someone who gave him such a headache?
He must have told her 1000 times that she wasn’t allowed on the silks, but did she listen? No, because she never listens.
But then, the first time he sees her, her body elegantly wound in lengths of fire red, spiraling down through the air and stopping just short of the looped end, something strikes his chest like a big rubber mallet. It isn’t fear, no, it’s awe. And that’s when he decides, if she blacks out and falls off of the silks, then he’ll catch her. Not because the crowd will love it, but because he can’t let such a magnificent thing fall. 
But for weeks and weeks, nothing of the sort happens, nothing happens when she juggles sharp objects or objects set on fire, nothing happens when she’s high up in the sky, dazzling him in her sparkly purple outfit and bright magenta hair.
He watches her like a hawk, for the slightest droop of an eyelid, and he watches until she’s back on the ground and the crowd is roaring in applause.
Business is steadily climbing, the seats are filling out a little more each night, and it’s starting to lift something in him. When he masters the ring he does it with a flair they haven’t seen in ages, a sparkle in those wild eyes of his.
At the end of tonight, he counts their earnings while Kory sits leisurely on the corner of his desk, ignoring the extra chair completely. Her magenta stage wig is off now and her dark red curls tumble over her lithe but strong shoulders, she’s pretty like this, he thinks, but really she’s pretty no matter what.
“This is the most we’ve made all year,” he says, barely believing it himself although he’s counted the stacks three times. It’s enough to make up for the time the circus was closed and then some, it’s enough to take another few weeks off if they want.
“And yet I’m not entirely satisfied,” she says, pinching her chin in contemplation. “I have a proposition for you,” she says.
“A proposition?”
“What do you think about taking our show on the road?” she says. He doesn’t recoil at her calling it their show anymore, maybe he just got used to it, maybe he just gave up, but it doesn’t feel quite so wrong to his ears anymore, besides, it’s true, it is their show. Still, making it a traveling circus has never been something he seriously considered. It’s a huge undertaking, expensive and time draining. There’s a chance of course that they can recoup their losses in the increased ticket sales, but it’s a gamble even bigger than the one she took to earn this place.
“Do you know what that entails?” he says. “The train rental, the extra staff the ad space-
“The thingies and the whatnots?” she cuts in. “Why yes my dear, I know full well, and I think we’re perfectly capable. Think about it, we’re one of the few circuses that never moves, even now with all of our new acts attendance will start to level off, but if we’re in a new town with a brand new audience base then we’ll sell out every show easily and give Gotham a chance to really miss us.”
He’s considered all of this, surely more than she has, and just because she’s proven surprisingly good at running a circus doesn’t mean she’s fully prepared for what she’s suggesting.
“I ran the numbers left right and backwards,” she pushes. “We can do it, I know we can.”
He’s silent at her words, unmoved.
“Anyway, think about it.”
There’s a few more moments of silence before he answers. “I can think about it.”
“Good, oh and by the way, we have an elephant now.”
His eyes go wide and lock on her, trying to gauge whether she’s joking, but of course she’s never joking, every wild thing she’s said to him over the past several months has been 100 percent true.
“We don’t do animal acts, nothing but horses you know that.” “I do, and I’d never use him in an act. He was about to be euthanized. I couldn’t allow it.”
“By the circus who bought him, he won’t follow directions worth a damn and costs too much to feed.”
“So you thought we could use the extra expense?” he says, getting agitated.
“Use it? No. Handle it? of course.”
He glances again at the stacks of bills on the desk. If he’d fought her more, took her to court, whatever it took to make his Circus his again, would they be there? Would he be this rested and this loose in the chest? He can smell the cash a little, it smells like old books and city grime and possibility. He focuses on her again, pushing his anxiety down and letting out an acquiescing breath. 
“What’s its name?” He asks.
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stardustedsins · 2 years
Kiss prompt #19: a kiss for luck
Suzie Q/reader (gender neutral reader)
Suzie Q has been acting a little odd all day, like she has some kind of secret. The way she seems like she’s eagerly waiting for something probably means it isn’t a bad secret, but you’re still curious. Caesar left early in the morning to meet with a new student, so maybe Suzie’s just looking forward to having someone new around? Lisa Lisa is out too, and she’s even excused you from training this morning.
“Do you want to go swimming?” You ask, but Suzie shakes her head.
“No, I think we should stay in and relax.”
There isn’t always much to do on a little island with six residents, but you’ve all found ways to entertain yourselves in your free time, and you’re happy to spend time with your girlfriend however she likes.
“What should we do, then? Not another puzzle, I hope.”
“No, no puzzles. We finished all the new ones anyway. Why don’t you help me bring in the laundry from the line, and then we can paint?”
“Okay.” You don’t mind helping with chores, and you’ve found yourself enjoying painting after Loggins got everyone to try it with him a few months ago.
The two of you head out to the garden, where a load of laundry is hanging on the clothesline. It’s mostly bedsheets, rippling lightly in the breeze from the sea. You gather each one in your arms before unpinning it, to keep it from touching the ground. They feel wonderful, warm from being out in the sun and freshly cleaned. You wrap one around yourself for a moment to enjoy the coziness.
It’s a lovely moment. Until Suzie tosses a pillowcase at your head.
“I thought you might want a matching hat.” She giggles. You stick your tongue out at her and toss the sheet in the basket along with the pillowcase. You make quick work of the laundry after that, and once it’s all brought inside and folded neatly, you get out the paints and a pair of canvases.
By mutual agreement, you decide to take the supplies outside so you can paint the landscape. You set up facing the sea, thinking the water and the shore of the island will make a nice painting. Suzie positions her easel to face the garden, choosing to paint the flowers and butterflies instead.
You chat idly as you work, but mostly it’s a nice quiet morning. The waves lapping at the shore and the birds singing are pleasant background noise.
You finish your landscape painting, adding some foam on the waves to help the ocean look less flat, and check in on Suzie’s efforts. She’s added some extra flowers to fill the space where one of the bushes had to be cut back last week.
“Should we hang them in the hallway when they’re dry?” You’re pretty proud of your work, why not show it off?
“That sounds great! You should sign yours.” She adds her name in the corner of her canvas, and you do the same to yours. And then you have an idea.
“Suz, you have some paint on your face.”
“Oh, where?”
“Riiight… here.” You touch your still-wet brush to the tip of her nose.
“Hey!” She snatches up her own brush and swipes it across your cheek. “There, now we match.”
“I don’t know about that, we used two different colors.” You pull her close. “Maybe we should mix them together.”
“Oh, yes, let’s.” She closes the rest of the distance and kisses you.
You bring your supplies inside and clean yourselves up. You’re setting your paintings somewhere safe to dry when you hear the front door open.
“Oh! Maestra and Caesar must be back!” You hurry to meet them in the entrance hall. The new student is with them, too.
“Welcome back.” Suzie greets them. Lisa Lisa calls your name.
“This is Joseph Joestar, our new student. I’m giving the three of you an exercise to begin his training. Come with me.”
“Good luck.” Suzie presses a quick kiss to your cheek. Her smile looks almost impish as you leave her behind.
You soon find out why.
“I call it Hell Climb Pillar!” Lisa Lisa kicks all three of you off the top of the tower, and you realize as you sit in the oil at the bottom that Suzie must have known about this all day. You would’ve appreciated a little warning!
“If you can’t climb out, you’ll stay there until you die.” Lisa Lisa walks away from the edge of the pit, leaving you to your fate.
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shaneclements · 8 months
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The World: Not Your Oyster, But Your Deluxe Exclusive LEGO Set
Hey there, fellow life-enthusiast!
Let's start by debunking that old saying you’ve probably heard a million times: "The world is your oyster." While that’s poetic and all, I’ve got a fresher, funkier analogy for you. Think of the world not as a slimy oyster with a potentially shiny pearl, but as the most deluxe, exclusive LEGO set you've ever seen. Yes, you read that right. Life's not about shucking and hoping for a gem; it's about building something spectacular, block by block.
Why LEGO, You Ask?
Endless Possibilities: Remember that thrill of dumping a new LEGO set onto the floor and gazing upon the sea of colorful bricks, ready to become anything? That's life! Every day, you're presented with countless opportunities to create, modify, and evolve.
Customization is Key: Just as you wouldn't want your LEGO castle to look like everyone else's, your life shouldn't be a carbon copy either. Dream of a moat filled with pink flamingos? Go for it. Want a dragon guarding your fortress instead of a knight? Sure thing!
The Building Blocks of Life (Literally!)
Foundation First: Any LEGO pro knows that a strong base is essential. In life, this translates to core values, principles, and knowledge. Secure those blocks first, ensuring that whatever you build on top is steady and robust.
Connectors are Crucial: Those tiny, often overlooked pieces? They’re the connections you make. Friends, mentors, colleagues, and random kind strangers; they add depth, breadth, and sometimes take your construction in thrillingly unexpected directions.
The Fancy Extras: Those specialized bricks, like the tiny LEGO cupcakes or that one-of-a-kind mini-figure? They're the unique experiences, the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, the tales you'll tell your grandkids. Seek them out and treasure them.
But What If I Step on a LEGO Brick?
Ouch, right? We've all been there. In the grand scheme of building, there'll be setbacks, challenges, and yes, painful missteps. But each time you step on a LEGO (or face life's challenges), you're learning, growing, and figuring out how to navigate your blueprint better next time.
Tips to Build Your Freaking Awesome LEGO Life:
Keep the Manual, But Improvise: Life, like LEGO, comes with instructions. Guidelines, societal norms, and general 'how-tos'. But don't be afraid to improvise! Sometimes, the most fantastic creations emerge when we stray from the manual.
Mix and Match: Who says your pirate ship can't float next to your space station? Combine different interests, hobbies, and dreams. Life's too short to stick to one genre.
Team Up: Remember the fun of building LEGO cities with friends? Life’s collaborative projects are equally epic. Pool resources, skills, and bricks to craft something bigger than you ever imagined.
Take Breaks, But Never Quit: Stuck? Can't find that one piece? Take a step back. Revisit your project with fresh eyes tomorrow. Just don’t give up. The satisfaction of clicking that last piece into place is worth the wait.
Display with Pride: You wouldn't hide your epic LEGO masterpiece under your bed, would you? Similarly, be proud of the life you're building. Celebrate the big structures and the little corners.
Final Thoughts:
The world being your LEGO set is more than just a quirky metaphor. It's a mindset. It's recognizing that while the pieces you've been given might be finite, the ways you can combine, rework, and innovate with them are limitless. So, next time you’re faced with a challenge or an opportunity, remember those colorful bricks and think: What do I want to build today?
Whether it's a sprawling mansion, a quirky treehouse, or a labyrinth filled with adventure at every turn, ensure it’s as unique, dynamic, and fabulous as you are.
Now, get out there and start building your LEGO masterpiece. The world's waiting to see what fucking awesome thing you come up with!
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I couldn't bring myself to vacuum, so I bought the smallest, lightest vaccum that i could. I may still not vacuum as much as I should, but i know it won't hurt me to do it.
I eat a slice of bread when I can't bring myself to cook.
I wipe myself with baby wipes when I can't shower.
I put my hair in a low ponytail when I can't brush it.
If I'm sweaty, but can't shower? Baby powder works wonders.
Can't wash the dishes? I just put them into a neat pile in the sink and it makes me feel good enough that it lasts me until I feel good enough to do them.
House smells? Wax warmers.
Can't remember to feed animals? Automatic dispensers. If your extra fancy, get the electronic ones with times on them.
I fill up a small jug of water that I just leave on the counter. Whenever I see my animals water bowl empty, I just use the jug so that I don't have to bend over and pick up the bowl or water fountain.
I have my dishes either sitting on an open shelf or in a cabinet right by the sink, so that all I have to do is put it there, no reaching up or walking around the kitchen.
Can't sweep the whole house? Don't. Pick one mess, or one room, or one corner of a room and just sweep anything you can reach into a pile. Don't move furniture, don't go underneath tables just whatever you can easily reach. Sweep it into a pile. If you have the energy to pick it up, go for it, if not, that's cool too. The space already feels and looks better. Also, please invest in a broom dustpan with a handle so you don't have to bend down. Also, I sweep sitting down where I can. If I'm sweeping next to my bed, I'm sitting on my bed. If Im sweeping by the couch, then im sitting on the couch.
Hate brushing your teeth? Me too. I sit down and watch YouTube when I brush my teeth. If I don't have something to rise my mouth out with becuase it's dirty or I'm out of disposable cups. Water bottle. I replace my toothbrush often with something new so I want to use the new thing. I use non mint toothpaste made for gum disease. I use the softest charcoal toothbrush I can find. Does it scub the plaque like I really need? No, but it does make it so I'm more likely to use it. I use kids mouthwash. My mouth is too small, so I use children's toothbrushes.
I can't fold my clothes or hang them up, so what do I do? I throw my clothes into bins in cube organizers. I only serperate them by vague categories. No folding, just tossing in. I don't care if I dig around to find the right top, becuase it's all just thrown in there anyway. And I just sit the bins on my bed and watch t.v as I do it.
When I can't get out of bed? I bring something I love to me. I have a rolling cart with all of my paint supplies. do I end up with paint on my bed and couches? yep. Does it make me feel like I accomplished something on days I couldn't get up? Also, yep. I keep books by my bed so I can always read something I love. I keep deordorant and baby powder and my hair brush on my night stand so that I am always near it.
Don't do the things that your supposed to every day? Me either. I try to make it pretty and use things I like. I know it's not an privilege that most people have, but if it is an option I highly recommend it. I got a cute water bottle, so I would drink more water. Got a glass carafe so that I would use mouth wash. Got fancy dish washing equipment so I want to use my new stuff. I got my dog a pretty collar and leash, so I'm more tempted to walk her instead of just letting her out into the yard. I want to make my shower and kitchen so aesthetically pleasing that it makes me want to be in them. I watch pretty aethetic videos of people doing chores to inspire me.
Sorry for the long rant, these are just things that help me that I want to remember and hopefully can help someone else. I'll add more as I remember them.
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lycantherous · 1 year
Hi hello! I hope you're doing well :) I stumbled across your post about tarantula husbandry, and I was wondering, as someone interested in getting a tarantula, would you be willing to share some tips for a beginner? I've done some research and know some of the basics, and I've found a local breeder that breeds Chilean rose tarantulas
Yes!! First - I reccomend Tom's big spiders. In prep for, and just after getting my rosy, I listened to his podcast whenever i was driving. He also does youtube vids.
I've never worked with slings and just only recently got my first juvie.
My spider molted just after I got her. I was prepared but it was still scary and I def googled "do spiders die upsidown" just to reeeaally make sure.
I just rehoused her into a smaller enclosure where the top isnt a screen but one sheet of stamped metal - I'm preeety sure without the overlapping wires she wont get her toes stuck. I first housed her in a 20 long with a regular screen lid so just fitted a piece of cardboard with vent holes on the inside of the lid. I knew itd be temp so I didnt mind ugly.
You wont need to add extra humidity or heat. Room temp is great, as long as it doesnt drop below 60°f for too long. Extra heat will dry out ur spider dangerously fast and misting/soaking the substrate promotes bacterial and mold growth.
Good tarantula enclosures will have side ventilation, you want the air to move through the tank rather than evaporate out the top. This is more important with species that you do want to keep more humid without risking nastiness.
Put in a water bowl! Source of humidity that's easy to clean and your spider can go over and drink from it. They wont drown, I had a huuge dog sized bowl (used to be snake bowl) in her last encloser and I'd watch her climb up and lean over and start drinking. She put some of her legs "in" the water for support. Their little feets are water repellent so it was really her floating on the surface.
So no drowning spiders but if ur lucky you might see a floating spider!
My rosy likes to climb so her enclosure is filled about 2/3rds substrate. Shes around 6" so I left about 5" of wall to climb. They dont take falls well. Honestly shed be safe with 7" but in her last enclosure she dug out a corner so I wanted to give her more medium to play in and dig.
In the snake tank I had her on cocofiber which was great but didnt hold its shape. I bought an expensive bag of arid pet dirt at my local reptiles/exotics shop for her to burrow because I dont personally trust plant dirt to not have possible fertilizer or pesticide contamination.
Both fertilizer and any sort of pesticide will kill your pet. This includes any topical flea medication that people use on their dogs. Bleach will kill your pet, these guys are sensitive to chemicals. I use watered down vinegar and make sure to rinse really well if I need to clean something. Otherwise a damp cloth is best for spot cleaning.
An adult sized t can live very happily on a handful of crickets a month and smaller spiders on smaller meals. I want to overfeed mine because the manager of the reptile store is so wonderful and loud and gay and has a jurassic park car and I wanna loiter 😔
Try and throw in some cork bark and decorative plants and moss in there. You want to make the floor not flat, layered objects help make a lot of pockets and more vertical space and your t will feel safer and will have options to choose from when making their little home base
A lot of people never hold their Ts like how fish ppl mostly dont hold or pet their fish. This is because when they fall they pop and if they bite (whether for defense or the spider is trying to hang on to ur slippery monkey arm) your first reaction is to fling the poor critter.
Contact with my animals is super important for me personally so I'll have them walk across my hands in their enclosure. My coworker would handle hers on the floor in a room that it wasnt easy for her t's to find a spot to hide if they bolted.
I love talking about animal husbandry so much I hope these are at least a good list of stuff to learn more about
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
The Iron Giant (1999)
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A box-office disappointment when released in 1999, The Iron Giant is proof that box office results shouldn’t matter to you unless you're seeing a share of the profits. This is a wonderful film, ripe to be discovered (or re-discovered if it’s been a while) at home. Filled with heartfelt emotion and rich characters, I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying it.
It’s 1957, the middle of the space race. A strange object falls from the sky near the small town of Rockwell, Maine. The strange visitor is a 50-foot-tall metal-eating robot (voiced by Vin Diesel) who befriends a lonely young boy named Hogarth (Eli Marienthal). With the help of a beatnik artist named Dean (Harry Connick, Jr.), Hogarth tries to keep his new friend a secret. That becomes increasingly difficult as a suspicious government spook named Kent Mansley (voiced by Christopher McDonald) investigates.
So loosely based on the novel by Ted Hughes it might as well be an original creation, this tale is rich with detail and care. You can watch it over and over and always pick up something new - even if you've seen the new Signature Collection enough times to memorize the added scenes. Director Brad Bird, who helped shape the story along with screenwriter Tim McCanlies must’ve scrutinized every line in the script, every single storyboard with a fine-toothed comb to ensure the results would be everything they could be. In Hogarth the viewers find a curious, lonely boy who shows maturity beyond his age (perhaps due to the death of his father) but also gets excited – as any of us would – at the prospect of befriending a giant metal man. The titular giant alternately takes on the role of child and parent to Hogarth and as they explore their corner of the world together, their adventures make for many great comedic moments. Then, Mansley will get a bit too close. The film becomes a nail-biter. To complete the gamut of emotions, there's the conclusion. I dare you not to tear up but all the way through, you’ll laugh. Big, varied laughs come from all sorts of directions except for below the belt.
This is a movie for everyone. It’s so clever, so funny and so… real. Even the film’s villain and side characters receive that extra bit of attention to make them feel like they exist beyond the confines of the screen. Mansley isn’t so much evil as he is a product of his time. He’s a jerk at points and takes things too far, but the film uses its setting to make you understand exactly what goes through his mind. You almost feel bad for him when he's made to look a fool. If you’re seeing the film with small children, be prepared to have long, animated discussions about all of the characters’ choices.
All that, and it’s a great-looking movie. You may be able to strain your eyes and pick out which scenes use computer imagery to create the perfectly crisp outline of the giant, but the effort will feel like a waste. It’s basically seamless. I’ve seen this film so many times I know nearly every line and gag by heart but it still enchants me.
Sometimes, I award 5-star ratings to movies but I secretly want to add an asterisk. I might be lenient because the politics of social norms of the time were different than now, the picture was the first of its kind and there’s no way anyone would’ve thought of doing X rather than Y or the flaws I see are so minuscule you’re just forced to ignore them. The Iron Giant doesn't need an asterisk. It's a perfect film; the kind I'd like everyone to see. (Signature Edition on Blu-ray, August 17, 2018)
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nathalie-chan · 2 years
Furnishing Corners With Corner Seating Furniture
One of the most exciting aspects of being another property holder is the fact that you will have the honor of being able to design your new home's interior. Whether or not you settle on hiring the administrations of an interior designer or not, having the opportunity and power to pick how you wish your own home to look like is click here something that is cherished by many another property holder.
On the off chance that you have a compact home with not too much space, you will should be extra creative in designing your interiors so that it will in any case be finely and tastefully designed while taking into consideration of the space limitations. With small homes and spaces, you will want to maximize function but maintain a certain degree of esthetics which you will be able to appreciate every day you come home to it.
One strategy to achieve this goal is to use corners intelligently. Most of the time in most homes, corners are relegated to becoming a non-functional space by installing a furniture piece in it that is just aimed at filling that space. But I believe a better strategy is occupy that space with some sort of corner seating furniture like a corner settee or a compact 2 or 3 seater sofa.
The advantage of doing this is that the corner becomes a functional part of the house rather than remain unused and loaded up with a useless household item that may or may not add a touch of esthetics.
Don't misunderstand me, we in all actuality do require furniture that adds some art in our home space but with compact, small and limited space, you have to think harder to make it work. After all you would rather not mess your already limited space with unnecessary items but at the same time, you would rather not be all function. We all need a little art in our daily routines and you can think of your experiencing room as a blank canvass!
Installing corner seating in suitable corner areas of your home instantly makes those areas a quite comfortable place to hang out. To add a little style, you can pick among the new and modern sofa styles coming out that are even aimed for homes that are exactly similar to yours- - - compact and small!
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sighingmagnolia · 7 months
I'm pressed against myself again. Alone in my own inner cavern, throwing solutions against the wall and feeling pressure rise. I guess that's when writing makes sense the most these days-when there is no person but myself to solve my own woe. Explaining would be to fraught, and navigating another persons opinons to muddying. I need my blank space to understand my own challenge. And here it is.
I've changed. Physically and energetically, and I feel at odds with excepting those changes.
Physically. After birth my body has changed. The length of my vagina lips, my vagina minora, the shape and pressure in my belly button when I shift (hernia), the shape of my butt, the length of my breasts. The look of my hair. The wrinkles and sag of my face. And I haven't changed. my life long insecurities remain the same. And under the weight of these secondary changes, I'm gasping to feel aesthetically beautiful. I know. Stupid fucking beauty and everything that it means. I just don't want to catch a glimpse of myself in a reflection and think all the awful things I do about the way I look. Haggard. Masculine. Goofy. Awkward. Old. Dissheveled. Unattractive. Lacking glimmer or redeeming aesthetic quality. I feel that. I'm not sure if it matters or it doesn't matter, but damn do I feel it. Well I think it, and then I feel it. And honestly, I feel like my reaction is honest. Maybe when we add all those insecurities together, they are there for a reason. I've never been the most attractive girl in a group. And I'm smart enough to recognize that. And somehow that story still matters past puberty, and teenagerhood, and young adulthood, to me now. Partnered and with a child. And it's not for my Adam, I mean I think it's a 2 part thing 1. I know he is someone who doesn't find people who focus on beauty attractive 2. I don't feel attractive and I'm not sure that he finds my attractive anymore either. I don't think he finds me attractive-not because the way I look--but who I've become. (See energetic changes for reference.
Anyways--I thinking of doing something about the things I feel negative about the way I look. Like get more plastic surgery. I'm scared that I won't like the outcome, or have medical concerns. But the best outcome, is I think wow-I don't feel uncomfortable when I look at my face. I like the way I look again. I feel attractive. Here's the list and in order of plan: mole removal on face, 2 part surgery with otoplasty and forehead reduction with brow lift, nanobrows for eyebrow fullness. And I could more-I could get the corner of lips lifted, and filled, I could get botox, I could get extra skin from the top of my eyelids removed, I could change the shape of my eyes so they don't turn down. I could go to a plastic surgeon that has a superior understanding of facial symmetry and say "do your best". But honestly-I don't have the finances to transform into a swan. I have 5,500 from reselling, that will cover an otoplasty. Then I'll have to finance the rest. And if I pay it off in 12 months, I won't have any interest on it. I could do that. If I can convince Adam and others, that my financial scheme makes sense. And if I can convince myself that this make sense.
Not # 3, but automatic formatting is too clunky to mess with. Energetically. God, energetically. I feel like I'm a woman with no sex-drive, no zest, or goals, who is in the domestic daily groove. Everything that seemed appealing before, like trips away, exploring new landscapes, hitting a physical goal, all feels hard. I can read. I can list things. I can bead. I can write. I can stay in this warm cave of a home where it's safe. I went on a 10 mile hike yesterday, and 5 miles in I thought..I didn't sign up for this. I'm tired. I'd like to stop walking now. All this seeing the same flora and fauna in the alpine Eastern Sierras isn't worth this discomfort. Take me back to my smartphone so I can check my reddit plastic surgery feed. Just kidding, I didn't think that. But I felt low, and sad, as if I could be reactive--but wasn't going to because i have emotional control. Thank god I have that sometimes. I think that my inconsistent sleep (which has been more lately), breastfeeding, and learning to be a mom and a "wife", as well as sweet hormones. As well as being isolated without a community, YET. All these things stack up and I again feel like a hollow human (as said in previous posts).
I didn't know that I could feel bliss every day when I hold my child. When I look at Jesse and study his beautiful face, I am taken into a peaceful garden. Unless he is crying and throwing a tantrum, of course. Being a mom is bigger than I am, and I wish I was more prepared, capable, equipped, to give him everything he needs. He is everything to me. Words that I have seen written but never knew what they mean. He is my sun, that I rotate around. He has become my why, my reason. Love seems too small a word. He is breathing.
Thank you page. For the space.
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How To Create A Luxurious Interior Design For Your Home ?
Designing your home is all about creating a space that's truly yours. You want to be able to relax, unwind and spend time with the people you love in a space that feels like home. Whether you're painting for the first time or just looking for some inspiration, this article will give you some tips on how to create the perfect interior design for your home with the help of Luxury Interior Designers in Ahmedabad.
Use a mixture of materials
When you're decorating your home, you should use a mixture of materials. You can use wood, glass and metal. Stone is also an option but it's not very common in interior design because it's expensive and difficult to maintain.
Wood: Wood is one of the most commonly used materials in interior design because it's durable and long lasting and can be easily maintained as well! It comes in many different colors so you can choose the one that matches your style best!
Glass: Glass is another popular choice among homeowners who want their homes to look luxurious without breaking the bank on high-end furniture pieces like marble countertops or gold-plated bathroom fixtures (which are both totally optional). Glass tables look great with any kind of decor style because they're so versatile--and if something breaks unexpectedly one day? No biggie! Just replace it with another piece from Target next week when things get back on track financially again :)
Choose the right color palette
The first step in creating a luxurious interior design for your home is to choose the right color palette. You'll want to use colors that are warm and soothing, as well as colors that reflect your personality. You should also consider what effect the different shades will have on the room: If you want it to feel more spacious, try light pastels or whites; if you want it to look more luxurious, go with darker tones like burgundy or navy blue--and don't forget black!
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Add some mirrors
Mirrors can be used for many purposes. You can use them to create a bigger space, make your home look lighter and brighter, or even enhance the decor of a room. The idea is that mirrors reflect light, which makes them an excellent way of brightening up dark corners or rooms that otherwise feel small.
Mirrors are also useful if you have a small apartment--they give the illusion of space! If you have lots of furniture but don't want to fill up every inch with bulky pieces (and I don't blame you), try placing some mirrors around instead: they'll help open up any area without taking up any extra real estate in your home.
Go for bold patterns or prints
Bold patterns and prints can add a lot of visual interest to a space, but it's important to choose ones that are in your color palette. For example, if you're going for an all-white look, don't choose a patterned rug with lots of colors--the contrast will be jarring and look like it doesn't belong there.
Instead, try using bold patterns or prints in the same family (like stripes), then bring in another pattern/print from another family (like polka dots). This will create visual interest without making things too chaotic or busy!
The best way to create a Luxurious Interior Design is by using a mixture of materials, color palette and mirrors. You can also add some bold patterns or prints for extra contrast and the right luxury interior designers in Ahmedabad can help you with that.
Source By - http://bit.ly/416qNho 
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