#I really do just need to add more things to my exclusions site skin
teaandinanity · 7 months
I understand, in theory, that people like different things in their fic, but I am consistently agog that people look at a story set in a cool fantasy world and say,
You know what would make this better? Removing the fantastical elements and adding More Capitalism.
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pain-somnia · 4 years
tread over the contours of you and me
fandom: naruto pairing: sasusaku rating: M (here is your nsfr warning as it contains smut. the first part of this is safe but letting you all know now so that you may remain halal; i’m posting this during a time for me it would be but i know some people are not able to) Day’s notes: hello! this fic was written for a giveaway winner that is also a patron of mine. the giveaway was for non patrons to be able to win a chance to receive some exclusive PDFs or a patron to select a prompt. it’s been a really long time since i received the prompt but i wasn’t in the right health and only recently was able to give it proper attention. the winner has encouraged me to share this with everyone so here it is a couple of weeks after patrons received their early access to it. It falls into my blank period au series of fics. you can find some of them in this link. it contains one of the oneshots and also links to other one shots. another one-shot that fits with this one is my fic It Started With Rain which actually happened to be commissioned like a year ago by the winner and can be found in all of my fic sites. I hope you enjoy 😊
tread over the contours of you and me
Sakura sighed and rolled her neck. She cupped her shoulders at the base of her nape and pulsed a bit of healing chakra.
She was spending too many evenings at her desk looking over the data for the children in the institute. The caregivers were very thorough with their reports and while that relieved her it was also more work for her to get through every day.
It was only a year and a half since she had opened up the institute and while she was no longer in the experimental stage of the program, everything could still be hectic. The hardest part had been finding the caregivers and doctors for the children—people that understood that they weren’t treating soldiers.
The research and paperwork that she had poured over had been atrociously lacking, not only for children but adults as well. It was disgustingly obvious that the only insight to mental health that Konoha had was in the use of torture and interrogation. With Ino’s help, the two of them picked apart all of the data until they could find anything useful.
Luck was on Sakura’s side that the Yamanaka clan already had an understanding of how the mind operated. Due to the nature of their family jutsu and the young age of which their shinobi clansmen trained, there was a foundation she had to work with.
Speaking of the Yamanaka family jutsu, Ino was insistently sending her messages to go home. Her voice wheedled in Sakura’s mind and nagged at her.
A hot bath, warm food, and her bed sounded lovely. She knew that all she needed was to head home and her mom would have all three ready for her.
Locking the stacks of unfinished documents into a cabinet, Sakura began her nightly clean up routine. For the past year she used to stay holed up in her office until everything was completed but due to the person sleeping on her office’s couch at the moment, Sakura had stopped working overnight.
Stifling a giggle, Sakura crouched down on her toes and brushed Sasuke’s hair out of his face. He had grown out his forelocks into bangs that fell over his rinnegan and while the look suited him, sometimes she missed seeing his face in full.
Sasuke had taken to sleeping in her office, complaining that there was always some sort of disturbance at his apartment. She had teased him about it, stating that he just missed her. He hadn’t replied to her verbally, but chose to show her how much he missed her once they got back to his apartment.
Blinking his eyes, Sasuke woke up the second time Sakura ran her fingers through his hair. The corners of his mouth twitched upwards and he sat up, pulling his legs back from over the arm of the loveseat.
“Are you going to walk me home, Sasuke-kun?” Sakura asked, continuing to run her fingers along his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp.
Sitting up, Sasuke stretched his arm over his head. “You’re not coming over?”
Heat traveled up the back of her neck and she cleared her throat in discomfort. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s late and I’m still in trouble with Mama from last time I accidentally slept over. You know how she is about premarital relations━don’t you laugh at me!”
Sasuke turned his head away from her but his shoulders slightly shook, giving himself away. He had walked her home and sat with her as her mother lectured her and Sakura insisted that she had fallen asleep while working on paperwork. Haruno Mebuki hadn’t bought the story.
“Come here,” Sasuke asked softly, patting the space between his legs. Sakura shrugged off her lab coat and let it fall to the floor before settling on the couch between his legs. She laid back so her back was against his chest and her legs laid across the cushions. Sasuke’s leg closest to the edge slipped off the couch to accommodate her.
“Kakashi sent a scroll for you,” Sakura told him as he settled his chin on her shoulder and wrapped his arm around her waist. “He figured out your hiding spot.”
“Not really a hiding spot. Where else would I be?”
“Right…” Her voice trailed softly as her cheeks bloomed with heat.
Sasuke had been back home for months and Sakura still wasn’t used to him speaking to her or of her in such a way. It was one thing for her to just know that he enjoyed her presence and took comfort in it by his actions, it was another when he voiced it out loud and confirmed it.
The words were never direct but her heart translated them into a different phrase.
Taking her right wrist, Sasuke rolled it in a circular fashion, stretching the joint and pressing his thumb along the inside, massaging the flesh there.
“You wrote a lot today.” His voice was low against her ear, his breath warm and causing her to shiver. Sakura hummed and nodded, not trusting her words, as he continued to trail his fingers up her arm.
Sasuke stroked at her skin until he reached the back of her nape and he cupped Sakura’s neck and massaged it with his strong fingers. He rolled the base of her neck in his hand and Sakura felt the warm sensation of chakra pulsing from his hand and soothing out the knots as he continued to add pressure with his thumb and fingers down her shoulders.
“You’re getting better at that,” Sakura moaned in relief. “You’ve been studying.”
“Just a bit.”
Sakura didn’t need to see his face to know there was a smirk on it; she could hear the smug undertones in his voice. It filled her with joy when pieces of the young Sasuke revealed themselves in this older version of him.
“Turn around.” The order was whispered but it beat loudly in Sakura’s chest right next to her heart.
Sex still felt new, despite the two of them getting into it whenever the opportunity presented itself. Sasuke’s voice, husky and desperate in her ear, caused her as much nerves as it thrilled her. They were still learning what made the other tick, what touches were more desired.
She decided that she liked the way she felt in Sasuke’s hand. His skin was deliciously warm and the friction from calluses and scars from the nicks from holding shuriken created a pleasant sensation when his hands roved over her soft skin.
He pushed into the flesh of her back, soothing her muscles with his thumb and kneading with his fingers.
“That would be easier if my shirt was off.” Sakura licked her lips and hoped Sasuke took the hint. “And much easier if I was lying on my stomach.”
“Since when have I ever done things the easy way?”
Sakura whimpered when he removed his hand from under her sleeveless top, missing the heat that radiated from his palm. Sasuke took hold of her chin with his thumb and index finger and tilted her face up so he could press an open mouthed kiss to her lips. When he tried to pull away Sakura pressed forward, straddling his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck.
Her skirt bunched up around her hips and Sasuke’s hand went to her left thigh and caressed the flesh there. Sakura hummed in delight as the soreness from standing all day for observations drifted away with his soothing touch.
She yelped when his hand slid between her legs and he began to massage a new ache. Her hands tightened their grip on his hair and she rocked her hips against his hand.
They had never done something like this anywhere outside of his apartment. Their intimate moments were limited to the walls of Sasuke’s new home and that had been just fine with them until an annoyance kept ringing at the door.
Naruto had been late in discovering their relationship. He had whined because he felt that they had owed it to him to let him know when they had finally gotten together because he was their best friend. He had not been happy to find out that Sai and Ino had known before him.
“I told you first about Hinata!” He had whined to Sakura and Sakura didn’t have the heart to tell him that it didn’t count because if he hadn’t shared his feelings with her then he probably wouldn’t have gotten a chance to be married.
It wasn’t the same for her and Sasuke. Naruto’s interference was likely to impede any progress in their relationship. He would have kept trying to get involved and would have interfered with their alone time.
“What are you doing?” Sasuke asked as she dipped her hands inside his waistband. He quirked an eyebrow up in amusement as she began to stroke him.
“Doing some massaging of my own.”
Sasuke groaned in distaste, sliding down the couch so that he was lying on his back. “That was really bad.”
“And yet you’re still hard,” Sakura snapped, tugging down his pants to free his member.
“Your cheesiness has no effect on what your hands are doing.” Sasuke’s lips curled upward as Sakura increased the tightness of her hold and the speed of her strokes. “You’re getting better at that. Have you been studying?”
“Shut up!” Sakura burst into a peal of laughter at his teasing. “Are we really doing this in my office?”
“Say the word, I’ll do just about anything to you on this couch.” Sasuke gritted his teeth, stopping a moan from escaping. “Especially if you keep that up.”
“Give you a handjob and you lose all sense of shame, huh?” Sasuke narrowed his eyes at her as he reached between her legs again and then pinched her clit. Sakura jumped a little, squeaking from the shock.
“I’m not the one getting wet from giving a handjob.”
“Oh, that has nothing to do with this.” Sakura dropped her hold on him and tugged her top over her head and off. Reaching behind her, she unhooked her bra. “You’re the one that was using a medical technique to try and seduce me.”
Sasuke shrugged but the smirk remained on his face as Sakura shimmied out of her panties. Without bothering to take off her skirt she straddled his hips again, settling his cock between her folds. She rolled her hips, sliding over him in just the right way that it hit her clit as she grinded against him.
Usually Sasuke was enough stimulation for her, but there was something about pressing him into the couch of her office that had her blood pumping faster. Perhaps it was the thought that he couldn’t wait to touch her and to be touched in return that he didn’t care that they were on a cramped sofa.
Leaning closer so that her chest was flush against his, Sakura licked up the line of Sasuke’s throat before sucking his lower lip into her mouth. She felt him shiver under her hands as her tongue stroked the space behind his teeth.
“I love you, Sasuke-kun,” Sakura murmured, smiling softly as Sasuke’s cheeks were dusted pink in his flustered state.
Sakura felt a pull around her navel and then found herself flat on her back, Sasuke looming over her. He had switched their places without warning.
“Sasuke-kun!” She scolded him for his use of his Rinnegan during foreplay, but he ignored her in favor of pressing kisses to her sternum and laving at her small, pert breasts as he slid off her skirt. Rolling her eyes, Sakura pulled at the hem of his shirt and tugged it off of his body.
Sasuke took her hand in his and pressed it flat over the breast he wasn’t attending to with his affections. He molded his hand over hers to stimulate her hand into moving, silently asking her to massage her own breast. Once Sakura got the hint, Sasuke dipped his hand between their bodies and slipped his fingers between her thighs once again.
That’s how it was with him. He barely spoke aloud the words that would express his feelings, but he spoke it with his actions and hid it in other statements.
Younger Sakura would have demanded a clear proclamation of his love, for him to declare it in a way the world would know of it. Nineteen year old Sakura though, had twenty year old Sasuke desperate and determined to have her climbing the highest peaks of pleasure he could give her, displaying a vulnerability she was the only person privy to.
“No.” Sakura shook her head, her voice trembling, and pulled Sasuke’s face away from the hip he was sucking on. “Not today. I want you closer. Now.”
Close. No matter how flush against each other they were, it never felt close enough. Unlike Sasuke, Sakura didn’t have Sharingan in order to always carry perfect memories of him with her.
She needed him to burn the memory of him on her skin with his hot fingers. Needed to feel him hot and slick against her, speaking a language only known to two of them. Needed to tattoo his love for her with every scorching touch of his.
As amazing as it was to watch him from above, all flustered and bothered and eyes pleading for her to relieve him of his want, Sakura prefered him like this. Sasuke would angle their hips, lifting her bottom to meet his thrusts and then loom over her, caging her head in between his forearm and the remainder of his left arm. Pushing her down, his body was a comforting and welcome weight.
Her fingers splayed against his shoulder blades, Sakura felt him move above her, thrusting and muscles flexing. Her finger pads felt the coarse lines of scars littered on his skin. She traced them as Sasuke pounded her into her office’s couch and she cried out incoherent words of gratitude that none of the old wounds kept them from having their current moment.
Sasuke exhaled a laugh against the crook of her neck as she came down from her high. “Did you just thank me for your orgasm?”
“No!” Sakura’s face grew even hotter and she slapped Sasuke against his chest. He just continued to laugh silently as his hips moved against hers.
“Just a bit more and I’ll be thanking you too,” he teased her, gripping her hip tightly as he grinded deep within her.
Sakura covered her face with her hands, trying to hide from the embarrassment. The action had Sasuke stilling his hips and moving her hands away from her face. He interlocked his fingers with her left hand and pressed his forehead to hers.
“Don’t hide from me,” he muttered, red eyes boring into hers. His tomo swirled as a particularly rough thrust in the new angle had Sakura tensing and crying out for more. Sakura wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close for a kiss, swallowing his moan as he spilled inside of her.
Sasuke collapsed against her and Sakura’s left leg dropped so that it was dangling off of the couch. Sakura’s fingers sank into his thick hair and she massaged his scalp, her nails drawing curlicues.
“How did I end up being the only one that actually got fully naked again?” Sakura grumbled as Sasuke tucked himself back into his pants, barely moving his body away from her. “How do you keep doing that?”
Sasuke simply shrugged and nuzzled closer to her, crushing her chest to his. They lay like that, listening to the way the clock on the office wall clicked the seconds in tandem with their heartbeats. Sakura knew she had already pushed past the acceptable time to return home without her mother assuming she and Sasuke were playing house.
“I want to wake up with you again.” Sasuke’s voice was low but his breath fanned against Sakura’s neck and shoulder.
“Yeah?” Sakura breathed out the question, feeling the way Sasuke nodded his head against her shoulder. “I love you too, Sasuke-kun.”
He didn’t protest the way she had stated her love as if it was a response to his own. Sakura’s chest grew warm at the way Sasuke wrapped his arm around her and held her closer.
Someday, Sakura thought as she pressed a kiss to Sasuke’s temple. Someday I’ll have all the mornings with you.
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beautybranding12 · 3 years
How Fenty’s Beauty Branding Positioning Generated $100 Million In 40 Days
Many of Huda Beauty’s high posts featured the brand’s photogenic founder, suggesting the brand is taking advantage of that Huda magic. Beauty branding is all about first impressions and in the enterprise of beauty the bar is set excessive. Salons want a distinctive style to face out and entice fashion-savvy shoppers in an over-saturated market. We are a beauty branding company, our skilled brand id companies create related, believable, well-positioned manufacturers https://mslk.com/.
Don’t cover them on a webpage nobody visits; use them to underscore your advertising, your website copy, and every thing else that comes from your model, implicitly and explicitly. According to Brand Finance, L'Oreal Paris is the main make-up brand in relation to net worth. In 2020 it's value was value a whopping 11.75 billion US dollars. It's adopted by Gillette and Nivea in the second and third places, respectively. Anyone could be their own makeup artist with the assistance of Make Up For Ever.
This beauty branding logo is kind of made up of a monogram illustration and a wordmark. The monogram is made up of a artistic and edgy letter mixture. The U and D are uppercase and angular, with gentle swirls, onerous traces and modern aptitude. Color is merely certainly one of three logo components - others are symbol and font.
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The brand’s skincare, makeup and perfume merchandise combine science and sweetness to achieve the right blend of modern thinking and timeless style. Created by François Nars in 1994, NARS Cosmetics launched with simply 12 lipsticks. Since then, the label has grown considerably and now provides a various and in depth assortment of magnificence merchandise for women of all skin sorts. You don’t want to purchase couture clothes to find a way to put on luxurious.
This mega cosmetics firm is certainly one of the largest on the earth and has been providing girls with incredible cosmetics and fragrances since 1886. RMS Beauty prides itself on creating merchandise that are not solely non-toxic but in addition nourishing to the skin. The label’s makeup and skincare ranges function raw, food-grade and natural elements that promote anti-ageing and long-lasting magnificence.
They’ve backed up their dedication to that base of their marketing, and they’ve used social media to attach with their clients in unfiltered and organic methods. Since Lilah b isn't brand new, Foland is working via well timed issues that are important to modern beauty customers. The brand is increasing the variety of foundation shades provided, of which there are at present only 5, and addressing sustainability, an increasing area of focus for the wonder trade. The frequency of assortment has increased from monthly to weekly in just some years, and Lilah b is devoted to persevering with the scheme as a value of doing enterprise. Vegan beauty brand The Lip Bar was a prime performer on each Instagram and Twitter this year.
As prospects are exposed to a beauty model extra typically, they become extra inclined to like it. Successful brands have a constant look and feel in every little thing they put in front of their prospects. One of the major benefits of this type of consistency is that it offers easy recognition of any product amongst customers. Attractive packaging design is a motivating pressure in encouraging folks to make impulsive selections. Taking benefit of this reward-seeking conduct with a good design can have a robust influence on customers’ receptiveness to your products.
To be thought-about natural, the product must meet non-toxic standards for ingredients and processing. Up from $483B in 2020 to $511B in 2021 — and with an annual compounded development rate of four.75% worldwide — it’s predicted to exceed $716B by 2025. Long controlled by legacy conglomerates, the sweetness business has turned on-line. Spend a while really nailing down what makes your products different. You have to not be afraid to level out what makes you stand out, there’s plenty of power in that. You’re a growing group with systemic issues which may be affecting your brand.
Lilah B promote multi-use merchandise using "clean" components, encouraging clients to recycle their old cosmetics packaging. Customer engagement is handiest if it’s organic, through “deep connection” corresponding to user-generated content or influencers who've plausible relationships with products. A robust online presence might help entice stockists—so it’s worth investing in social media areas. Early on, you will want to create a website—try Squarespace for an inexpensive, secure, and slick on-line retailer you could build your self with no coding skills. I constructed my very own retailer on Squarespace within the time it took to watch an episode of Black Mirror.
Skincare model Mary Kay swiftly jumped into the fight against coronavirus by redirecting resources to fabricate hand sanitizer within the early days of the pandemic. Instagram followers jumped in to applaud the brand’s actions with more than 17,000 likes and comments. Not all brands went so far as to change up manufacturing, however many beauty manufacturers tried to make a difference by actively sharing what they have been doing to fight the pandemic with followers on social media. Many manufacturers noticed success with giveaways this yr, but this one from ColourPop is a textbook instance of a dynamite social media giveaway. The brand stored the criteria for entry easy and centered on ColourPop as an alternative of creating fans hop around to a bunch of different brands. The giveaway in celebration of a big follower milestone sneakily helped ColourPop develop followers even more by incentivizing casual followers to follow the model on Instagram.
The company serves various industries together with sports, leisure, food & beverage, retail and travel. But the joy in this brand comes in its simplicity — particularly in comparability to the encompassing packaging. The monogram is made up of the overlapping E and L of the model name in a curly, inventive and splendid font. The backward “N” adds a cool, innovative and edgy tone to the logo that elevates the brand’s mastery within the beauty industry. Due to Instagram API limitations, we’re capable of pull accurate Instagram engagement numbers only for verified and/or Instagram business accounts. Helpful business articles, our work, and special provides are introduced on these platforms.
You’ll also need an on-brand business card full with your logo, website and another components of your model identity, to construct these connections. The visual id communicates instantly what it would take a long time to place throughout in words. For example, are your values natural, natural and eco-friendly or glamorous and glossy? The customer will instantly get an impression from your packaging and marketing materials to assist them resolve if the product is for them. Of course the phrases are important too, but you have to get your clients to notice you first, and that's where visuals are so necessary.
After Fenty launched, their deep shades offered out across the nation, and customers took to social media to share their joy at discovering foundations that matched their pores and skin tone. But while Fenty is priced as a luxury model, they still aren’t as expensive as most of the other manufacturers promoting a lot of shades. Estée Lauder’s foundation range with forty two shades, for instance, is priced at $42; Fenty’s foundation is $35.
By posting YouTube movies of her make-up routines and sharing seems on her Snapchat tales, she had positioned herself as a number one voice. eMarketer reviews that 38% of shoppers interested in testing pop-up stores are those that already store on-line every week in comparability with 28% preferring brick-and-mortar shopping. By engaging with its followers in a face-to-face setting, Glossier is prepared to deepen relationships with customers past online interactions. Yet, it doesn’t come with the monetary obligations of following a chain-store mannequin. With different themes in every area and experiential advertising activations — it’s constructed hype that attracts droves of brand name lovers desperate to try out the products in real-time.
While the beauty and private care business will stay strong globally, the cosmetics and skincare verticals specifically will expertise probably the most income growth within the US at a fee of 3.5% by 2021. Crafted is a inventive branding agency that companions with startups and fortune 100 brands across the globe. They have experience in brand design, video manufacturing, web site improvement ad content material advertising. Does a Black-owned magnificence brand need to post about Black founders, Black influencers, and makeup shades for darker skin tones to be successful on social media?
Fenty is a good instance of magnificence brand advertising, from their partaking social media channels which include sharing well-liked memes on Twitter and sharing selfies of their clients sporting Fenty makeup. Fenty was initially launched in 2017 by way of an exclusively digital marketing campaign and to this present day the model is a testomony to the significance of how important the web area is for modern magnificence manufacturers. Different branded cosmetics model design elements by Almi designLogo. Your brand is the face of your beauty enterprise and, as such, it’s the most important component you’ll bring to life through the branding course of. Fenty found next-level success because it positioned itself from day one as a diverse brand for a various buyer base. They’ve built products for an enormous and underserved market—women whose pores and skin tones don’t fall into the ranges that the most important makeup brands focus on.
According to NPD, Benefit Cosmetics had a 50% share of the £20 million brow market in 2016, and that was before the model launched thirteen model new brow-related products. Fenty continues this strategy across digital channels, using YouTube tutorials and stay virtual events to generate engagement and hype around each new product launch. Many magnificence brands launched digital tools in 2020, as customers have been unable to visit stores , and L’Oreal’s ‘Signature Faces’ digital make up line was arguably one of the most innovative releases.
Your web site is a superb platform to start a dialogue about all magnificence topics and, who is aware of, maybe a while down the road you might begin producing a line of beauty products that you never considered. Funkhaus is a digital creative company working on the intersection of design, content material, programming, and strategy. One reason behind Benefit’s domination of the area is its shrewd advertising activity, which in 2017 concerned the ‘Browmobile’ campaign. Combining experiential elements with digital advertising, it involved an online competition offering customers the possibility to win a visit from the browmobile.
"Aside from social media, a advertising tactic that usually will get overlooked is the unboxing experience you could create for influencers," says Wittick. "Fabfitfun created a stir about this, yet it’s a tactic that still will get uncared for." When operating a cosmetics advertising marketing campaign on social media, begin by figuring out what makes your product visually intriguing.</p>
<p>Glossier managed to tie for first with last year’s Instagram winner Huda Beauty thanks to dynamic posts tailor-made to the instances. Many of the brand’s prime Insta posts featured COVID updates, assist of frontline staff, and popping out in support of Black Lives Matter, indicating the model was unafraid to take a stand. Going beyond the makeup was a profitable strategy for Glossier throughout all channels and was especially powerful on Instagram.
A logo that conveys your brand and character instantly is one which prospects will respond to. Those are just two examples, but you should take the time to determine the place your clients spend their time if you'd like your marketing to be effective. Once you could have taken these three steps, you have to use the information you could have gathered to market your company and merchandise. New web shoppers must create an online account to earn & redeem rewards. “We actually imagine that Then I Met You has its own distinct branding and story to inform, and we want to grow separate and distinctly from Soko Glam,” says Cho.
You will create much less waste and save vitality by using recycled supplies. This sort of engagement is gold, and firms like ColourPop comprehend it. The brand is constantly increasing its product range and making an attempt new things, and the probabilities are countless. In 2017 it put a name out for a name for a model new, yet-to-be-released concealer and inside seconds had dozens of replies. The website Bustle rapidly caught on to the thread, stating ColourPop teased a possible concealer on Twitter and followers already have the right name idea. A large seventy % of Glossier’s on-line sales come from peer referrals.
Matt Holt, Chief Strategy Officer at Digitas UK, explains why we have to deliver memorability and utility via buyer expertise. The travel trade fascinates me; not just because like everyone else I love a good holiday and a while within the solar, however it’s additionally some of the aggressive industries in relation to the SERPs. A beautifully designed web site in its personal right – it’s fairly simple to get lost browsing round. However, by pointing customers back to content material on the primary Aesop web site, it is in a position to deliver on its authentic function of promoting the core model.
Social media cosmetics branding by JayJacksonIf you need your magnificence brand to succeed, you need to model yourself on social media. While all platforms are necessary, YouTube and Instagram are each visual platforms where the majority of magnificence content material lives, making them, palms down, the most important channels for beauty manufacturers. Fenty launched with forty totally different shades of foundation, encompassing an enormous variety of pores and skin tones. As a outcome, the company was in a place to supply a greater number of choices in darker and lighter shades of make-up than most other major firms.
Logo by thisisremedy for Floral Chemistry.Customers wish to work with manufacturers they'll stand behind. So when you really wish to connect together with your customers, you should do greater than make superb lipsticks or tremendous pigmented shadows—you want a powerful corporate mission and values. Sign up for our free, 7-day e mail course and learn to construct the proper model id. When it comes to branding your corporation, there are three fundamental ideas you have to understand.
It specializes in science, and you'll see that within the design components that the logo embodies. You can’t ignore a model whose beauty brand is shiny, daring and dynamic in the way this model is — and you don’t want to. The first store opened a hundred sixty five years ago as a New York apothecary, nevertheless it has advanced right into a model that cares about all-natural merchandise and the shoppers that use them. Glossier is a modern cosmetic brand that is identified for its simplicity and minimalism — in its product providing and its product packaging.
The flowing feel of a script font is inherently feminine and conveys a simple class that might be perceived at a look. What meaning in sensible phrases is that the competitors in the magnificence industry is fierce. The huge cosmetics corporations are continuously engaged in a battle to win the business of more and more subtle customers. And even in the smallest cities, generally two or three hair or nail salons have to compete with one another for a small pool of shoppers. Over the previous twenty years we now have helped manufacturers grow from the bottom up, launch line extensions, rediscover their voice in a crowded market, and create totally new product categories. While public relations, partnerships, events like Indie Beauty Expo, and different advertising tactics may be efficient, Instagram influencers will actually increase your beauty business.
The emblem is a mirror of this magnificence brand’s products, usually described as bold, surprising and vivid. Its aesthetics is immediately derived from Kat’s tattoo artistry in its intricate typography sample even in its retail places which echo stylistic cues from gothic artwork and structure. It balances a regal history with a contemporary energy that can’t be ignored or tamed.
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canumoveurseatup-no · 5 years
Lush pt.2
From my new miniseries Lush Life
Summary: You and Steve have now set the rules for your new relationship and things are going extremely well. With an influx of college work and trying to do well with your internship, you get too deep into your own head and Steve is there to help you release that stress.
Pairing: Dom!Steve x Black!SubCamGirl!Reader
WC: 4.7K
Warnings: 18+!!! daddy kink, Dom/sub dynamics, subspace, pain kink, tiny bit of angst, aftercare.
A/N: I think Lush is one of my pieces with the most notes and I’m just like WOAH! Thank you all for the support, I hope you all like this part just as much!! If you like it please leave verbal feedback and reblog
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Lush’s Rules
Rule #1: Always be honest with Daddy
Rule #2: Don’t be afraid to safe word, you will not be punished for it.
Rule #3: Punishment will always fit your actions
Rule #4: Never exceed each other’s hard limits unless consented beforehand
Rule #5: Confide in Daddy when it comes to your stressors and personal matters
Rule #6: I may be your Dom but you set the pace, don’t be intimidated
Rule #7: Don’t be bratty. It will result in a punishment.
Daddy’s Rules
Rule #1: Be patient with me, I am new to this.
Rule #2: Don’t be afraid to safe word if I ask for something out of your comfort zone
Rule #3: Don’t be afraid to discipline me
Rule #4: Be honest and don’t be afraid to open up
After that night, you and Steve had set terms for each other and things were going smoothly. The team had been badgering him to let them know what he thought of Camgirl Clubhouse and all he said was “he found what he needed and was sticking with it”. While the other guys were talking about their favorites, Steve kept you a secret. They were practically begging him to let them know the details so they could search for the very cam model that pulled Steve out of his funk and turned him more happy go lucky more than usual.
“Come on man, how was it?,” Sam urged, sitting on the edge of his seat.
“Let’s just say it was more than I bargained for and it was better than I could have ever expected,” Steve smirked at the people interrogating him.
“Oh no, don’t cop out we need more than that,” Bucky nudged him.
You walked in the room, also very chipper but they didn’t expect anything less out of you as that’s how you were, “Hey guys, whatcha dooooin’?,” you smiled cutely at them with your notebook and folder in hand waiting for Happy as he drove you to campus. You’d told Tony thousands of times that you could drive yourself but he said it would give him peace of mind to know you’re getting to and from campus safely.
“Steve here busted a few last night thanks to some mystery camgirl and he won’t tell us who. It’s a bit selfish, we want in,” Nat crossed her arms and stared at Steve. You felt your cheeks heat up as you tried to keep in a chuckle. So now you know where he got the idea of visiting the site from in the first place.
“Nat!,” Steve scolded, “Not everyone needs to know that,” Steve turned red as if he didn’t just fuck you into the next century last night. Smacking you back and forth between realms, and making you cry tears of ecstasy.
“It’s okay, Stevie. I have my own site that I like to visit and I had a great night as well. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Times have changed. Sex isn’t taboo anymore,” you winked at him and everyone turned back to you in question.
“And what site was that?,” Wanda asked but Vision grimaced at her, “What? I didn’t know there were specific sites for guy cam models,” she defended.
“We’ll talk later,” you told Wanda, knowing she’d probably forget about the conversation before you even came back.
Steve raised a brow at you and rolled his tongue in his cheek before biting it, crossing his arms. He knew you were playing games and he enjoyed the teasing.
“Anyway!,” you grabbed a breakfast shake and a fruit cup out of the fridge after your phone beeped from a notification to let you know Happy just arrived, “I’m glad you could finally relieve some stress Steve. It’s healthy,” you patted his shoulder before skipping out of the room. He watched as your ass and lovely thighs jiggled as you bounced and it reminded him of the way your skin rippled as you lied beneath him calling him Daddy like it was a prayer just 12 hours ago.
Things were great at first, you were following your rules, you weren’t being bratty and you and Steve were stable in your new relationship, giddy with the fact that it was more than just sex to the both of you. But then your semester hit you like a freight train. You were drowning in essays which you hashed out and did well on but then the internship and the reports were draining you. You were a workaholic and everyone could see that so when you’d run around after being at campus all day and not talk to anyone because you were trying to get shit done, they didn’t blink an eye. But because you and Steve had discussed your exclusive relationship and the dynamics, he wasn’t too fond of it. You were working yourself to death and weren’t acknowledging him and when you did you were bratty and Steve had strictly told you not to be bratty with him.
“Who do you think you’re getting snippy with?,” Steve’s voice was low as he stepped close to you. No one was in the kitchen or near it, just you two.
“Who do you think you’re getting snippy with?,” you mocked.
Steve took another step close and wrapped his hand around your throat, not enough to have you panicking for air, but enough to let you know he wasn’t in the mood to play with your bratty antics.
“I’m gonna need you to get your shit together. You don’t take your bad attitude out on, Daddy,” he gritted through his teeth. 
You huffed and his grip tightened a bit, expelling a whine from you, “I’m serious, Y/N. Don’t test me,” 
“Okay, I’m sorry,” you frowned.
“Not good enough. You wanna act bratty? Well fine, just know that brats don’t get to cum like good girls and looking at how you’re acting, you’re facing a lot of time without any play from me,” he released his grip on you
“That’s fine,” you shrugged, “I don’t need it,” 
He did that damn thing with his tongue in cheek and biting the inside as he nodded again, “Remember that,” He kissed your forehead and walked away. You knew you just fucked up, but you were too deep to try and go back to fix it. You’d still get a punishment either way.
But you were so deep in your own head that the specific rule had slipped your mind. You had accepted Steve as your dominant because you needed that structure in your life and you were finally getting it but with everything going on, you paid it no mind.
“Y/N, I’m gonna need you to take a break,” Steve came up behind you in the lab while Tony and Bruce took a lunch break, class was cancelled today so you took this as the chance to finish up those damned reports, “Not for me but for yourself, you’re running yourself into the dirt, baby,” His hands held your waist lightly and he kissed the back of your head. As much as you wanted to meld your body into his, you had to focus, “I-I can’t I’m almost finish, then I’ll take my break,”
You heard him sigh behind you and he turned you to look him in the eyes, “Baby, I’m not gonna ask again. You wanted structure, I’m trying to give it to you but you’re not listening,” Steve spoke in a stern tone and you felt a few bricks from your wall get chipped off.
You were so close to giving in but you had to finish, “I-I can’t, Stevie... just let me finish and I-,”
“You’re off to a bad start. First you’ve been acting bratty all week then when I ask you to take a break so you don’t drive yourself insane, you ignore it and talk back. Keep it up and you’ll find yourself with a punishment and not a fun one,” his nostrils flared and you gave him puppy dog eyes before biting your lip and turning back to your laptop to finish the report.
“Suit yourself,”
And suited yourself you did. Now you found yourself in the corner of your bathroom with uncooked rice under your knees.
“Daddy, it hurts,” you whined. He had set a timer for 15 minutes in time out then you’d be done.
“Each time you whine I add a minute, each minute you spend quietly, I deduct two. It’s really up to you,” Steve sat on the edge of the tub with a smirk and you whined quietly. He knew you’d enjoy being spanked so he took another route. Kneeling on uncooked rice. You had set a list of punishments that you were okay with and though the idea of this was new to you, you were willing to try it. You felt yourself starting to sink back on your heels but Steve yanked you up straight by your collar, “Stay upright, baby or I add time,”
You were having a hard time following this. You felt tears prick your eyes as he stared back at you and that’s when you felt yourself starting to regress into subspace, you didn’t quite know that though as it never really happened to you before but with Steve, it happened naturally. In this moment, only you and Steve existed. Not the rice under your knees, not the dripping faucet from when Steve put water on your knees to make the rice stick, not even the TV playing in your room, it was just you two. You were so dizzy with thought that you didn’t realize he deducted your time because you were so quiet.
He brought you up to your feet and kissed your lips, barely touching them. You moved into him and your hands tangled in his shirt, “I need you, Daddy,” you huffed and you knew he’d deliver, but not without the price of sexual punishment as well. He carried you to the bed and locked the door, telling FRIDAY to turn on the soundproof setting before going into your closet and taking out your fuck machine. He removed your panties and big shirt, just admiring each inch of your body. He kissed your thighs and you sighed in content. You couldn’t really describe your headspace but it was like a big cloud that you just continued to sink down as the time passed and it felt wonderful.
He spread your legs and ran his finger up and down your slit, teasing your clit until he started to see you glisten with your juices. He leaned forward and gave your clit little licks in which you tried to close your legs to shy away from. He forced your legs open and spanked the inside of your thigh,
“Don’t do that. Stay open for, Daddy,”
“Y-yes, Daddy. I apologize,” your hands were by your head and they clenched into fists as he slowly ate you out. Your mind was like a corset and he was slowly unraveling the ribbon ties. He pushed two fingers into you and you sucked in a sharp breath, letting him please you. All that was on your mind was Steve. The man who quite literally, signed a ‘contract’ to be your Dominant and take care of you in every aspect, inside the bedroom and out. When it came to BDSM and your Dominant and submissive dynamics, it was more than just blindfolds and ball gags. It was a connection and bind that only the people in the relationship understood because each relationship is different.
He continued licking your clit as he pumped his fingers, you tangled your fingers in his hair but he wasn’t with you touching him right now. He removed his fingers from you and laced them with yours to keep your arms pinned. His face was buried in your pussy as you moved your hips again his mouth. He let you have your fun as you cursed out at the air about how good his mouth felt. “Daddy, may I cum?,” you asked. Your hips started to stutter as you were climbing the mountain that was your orgasm and was about to reach the peak. Steve smiled against you as he flicked his tongue against your sensitive clit, sucking your lips into his mouth and slurping all the juices you were giving him. He withdrew when he felt your walls flutter against his tongue, you were coming up on your first orgasm of the night, but like he said, brats don’t get to come like good girls. You cried out when you were denied, from this, you sunk further into that cloud. Haziness starting to take over completely.
He pulled you further to the edge of the bed and pushed your machine toward you. He spread your slick lips open and placed the head of the dildo right at your opening before taking the remote and turning it on. The machine starting to slowly fuck you and you tried to crawl backwards, away from it but Steve straddled your stomach and started playing with your hardened nipples.
“It’s just you and me tonight, baby. No camera, no audience, just you and me and I’m gonna get you how I want you. So be a good girl and take it, I’ll reward you when I feel you’ve deserved it okay? Can you be a good girl for daddy?”
You peered up at him and your eyes glistened, your mouth hung slightly open before squeaking out an “Uh huh” and a small nod, “I- I promise I’ll be good, Daddy,”
“Good,” he wickedly smiled at you and turned up the pace of the machine, making it go faster.
“Oh G-God!,” the machine was hitting deep and hitting all the right spots, “I don’t wanna be a bad girl and cum w-without your permission, D-Daddy. Make it stop I’m gonna cuuuum,” you warned.
He pulled his cock out of pants and was jerking himself off right in front of your face, “Bet it doesn’t feel as good as Daddy now does it?,” He smirked darkly.
He slapped his leaking head against your lips and you easily opened, knowing what he wanted. He leaned forward on the bed and straightened himself out, fucking your mouth as the machine fucked you. This was like a wet dream come true. His thighs and ass flexed as he fucked your face down into the bed. You gagged against him but that only encouraged him to go harder, his fingers curl into the bed comforter and his growls of pleasure resonated from deep within him, the way swears left his mouth had you close to cumming all over again. 
“Such a good little whore taking my cock deep in your throat like this. Love the way you choke on me, your lungs begging for air,” he thrusts and your back arches with a gag.
He pulls out and huffs, swearing to himself before sitting up to straddle you again. He tugged at your nipples and twisted them making you yell out in slight pain. He slowed down the machine and leaned forward to attach his mouth to your nipples. He knew your nipples were highly sensitive and any contact could have you almost cumming right then and there. Teeth tugging, tongue swirling, you were moaning out for him to stop or else you’re gonna cum but he didn’t. He then turned up the machine and you were convulsing under him completely.
“Please Daddy! I don’t wanna be a bad girl, I wanna be good!,” easily overwhelmed in this state you got emotional and hid your face in your hands. You felt yourself gushing and cried out louder from the intensity. Steve didn’t slow down though, the sucking noises only got louder and the machine got turned up faster. The deliciously sloppy noises of the toy fucking you took over the ringing in your ears.
“Daddyyyy!!!,” you placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed him away to look at you in your eyes. You were dazed and confused, it was like you were having an outer body experience. He stared back at you and noticed the glint, the look in your eyes was foreign but he was into it, it made his dick harder and he knew if something was up you’d safe word.
“I-I just came w-without your permission,” your bottom lip quivered but he only kissed you.
“It’s okay, baby. I’ve decided to let you cum as much as you can tonight. Let me do my job and take care of you,”
He stopped the machine and pushed it away from you to crawl in between your legs and turn you around. You could hear him pulling his pants down all the way then felt his thick girth push into you. You gripped the sheets and felt yourself slip into your cloud even more. He held your hips and buried himself deep, this was different than the machine, this was real, this was your man’s dick fucking into you, fitting like a tailored suit and you felt your toes curl. You were panting and whining into the covers as he picked up the pace.
The way his dick rubbed perfectly against your soaking, ridged walls had your eyes rolling and the tears flowing. He took your hands and kept them latched behind your back and pulled you into him. Your head hung as your body had gone limp from the pleasure. He wrapped a hand around your throat and sat you up right.
“You’re my good girl aren’t you, baby?,” he grunted into your ear as he squeezed the sides of your throat. You felt your air supply shorten and your senses heighten. Your ass bounced against his pelvis at the fast pace he was going. He loved that, he loved the way the skin on his thighs stung as yours bounced off his from the way his body met yours.
“Daddy’s good girl,” you were almost incoherent and you felt yourself tighten around him again, “Pleeeaase! Please d-daddy ah!,” you tried to scream but it got lodged in your throat.
“Please what? Speak up, good girls speak up for what they want,”
Thing is, you couldn’t speak up. You were whining from the feeling and couldn’t speak. You were impressionable in this state so when he said that, you in turn felt like you were a bad girl because you didn’t speak up, couldn’t... speak up. You wanted to be a good girl for your Daddy, but you were feeling so much. “You’re so wet, baby. You feel so good. Cum for me again,”
“I- I- nnnnn,” your thighs shook as you came again, it trickled down your thighs, the shiver that ran through you didn’t match the feeling of your warm cum.
Steve had gone into his own headspace. He was connected with you and experiencing his own euphoria of seeing you in this state. He had to try and control himself harder than usual so he wouldn’t choke you so hard to the point you passed out, though you’d love that in this moment. You were practically inaudible and just weeping. 
You were experiencing too much euphoria you had no choice but to cry, it’s like you died but were resurrected and all your senses were dialed to a thousand. Your sense of touch had your skin feeling like it was a soft pillow and every ounce of contact from Steve had you shivering and your skin tingling. Your sense of smell, you could smell his clean cologne along with the sweat of you two, you could smell the trace of wintergreen mints on his breath. Your sight, despite the tears, it’s like everything was in technicolor, so bright and vivid. Your sense of taste, you could taste him on you from when he kissed you, it was a sweet and subtle taste. Your hearing, you could hear the clock ticking, you could hear the cars way below the tower and the birds calling and flying by, you could hear the way Steve moaned and huffed, it sounded like he was in your head, it was all overwhelming you. 
Steve pulled out and flipped you over on your back again, reentering you and you scratched down his back.
“H-hurt m-me, Daddy. I need I-it, I need it t-to let go,” you gasped and your eyes were having a hard time staying open, “Please!,”
Steve knew you were under a lot of stress right now so he half expected you to ask for that. He took a moment to pull back and asked you what color you were at, “G-g-gold,” Gold meant great and go ahead but he was still cautious. When you wrapped your legs around him he went harder and started biting along your neck and chest giving your nipples harsh nips. You begged him to slap you a few good times and he did just that. Cause your face to heat up from the contact. The sounds of him smacking you were like ad libs to the beat of the song that was your ass getting clapped by him, with your moans and his grunts as the the guitar riffs and the emotion behind it all being the meaning of the song itself. It was beautiful.
“F-fuck me harder, please! I won’t be a brat anymore I pr-promise, Daddy! I won’t be bad, I don’t wanna be bad!,” you sobbed into his shoulder and he went as hard as he could, chasing his own orgasm. Your vulnerability becoming his strength as he fucked little squeals out of you. You bit into his shoulder and softly mewled. All the endorphins rushed through your body like a stampede and you felt Steve getting ready to cum.
“Cum in m-me, Daddy. I n-need it,” you weren’t exactly thinking rationally but you were begging and you really wanted it. Subspace or not, you wanted him to cum deep in you and Steve knew if he did, he’d had to ask Bruce on where to get emergency contraceptive but he wasn’t gonna slow down his momentum with that thought.
“Fuck, baby. Y-you feel so good around Daddy’s cock like that. Taking me so well, so good. You’ve proven to daddy you’re not a bad girl, fuck!,” he threw his head back as he came and that’s when it hit you.
Your entire resolve came down and you hit the depths on your headspace and you were cumming endlessly, calling out for Steve and digging your nails into his arms.
“I don’t wanna be bad, Daddy! I promise I won’t be bad anymore! Please let me c-cum,” you were rambling as you hit the highest peak of all peaks. You were so dazed, you were still fucking yourself against him and whining out. “Did I make you happy, Daddy?, I won’t be a brat anymore. D-don’t wanna disappoint you,” you cried and you had Steve confused.
“You didn’t disappoint me, baby. Daddy just wanted you to take a break to take care of yourself,”
You just continued to hold him tight and cry.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” you repeated, still rutting up against him, causing Steve to release his own whines from sensitivity
“Slow down, baby. Slow down,” Steve pulled back and held your wet face in his hands, “Calm down baby,”
“I won’t be a brat anymore... I- I just... it all has been hard and I..,”
“Baby,” he cooed, “Slow down. It is okay. Daddy is here to take all those thoughts away. I’m gonna pull out now, okay?,”
“Nooo!,” you wrapped your legs tighter around his waist, “Just wanna feel you. Need to feel you,” you whispered.
He whispered loving words to calm you down, kissing down your neck and along your cheeks, he ran his hands along your body to soothe you as you just kept apologizing.
“You’re the best baby girl I could ever ask for. You didn’t disappoint Daddy, there’s no need to apologize. You made me very proud. You work so hard and I’m proud of you. Just promise me you’ll take breaks so you don’t break down like this okay?,” he kissed your nose as you had your eyes closed, softly rolling your head side to side.
“I promise and I promise I won’t be bratty anymore,” you pouted and he softly smiled, kissing your cute little pout.
“You’re fine, Y/N. I’ve got you, don’t worry. Just melt into Daddy. Trust me,”
You sighed and felt all your problems melt away as he continued to whisper in your ear. “I’m so lucky to have you as mine. So glad I’m your Daddy. You make me feel so many good things, I can’t thank you enough for being my good girl,”
You whimper at his words and raise up on your elbows, opening your eyes to find him staring intensely back at you. He looked so worried but so content at the same time.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” He pulled out of you and the wet sounds filled the room. You softly groan as he does so and he just shushes you as he picks you up.
“FRIDAY, run the bathwater, please. Not too hot though,”
“Of course, Captain,”
“Looving you, has made my life so beautiful,” Steve softly sung to you as you slowly drank from your water bottle, “And everyday of my liiife, is filled with looving you. La la la la la,”
“La la la la la,” you joined him as he washed your back, “La la la la la, la la la laaa,”
“Duuun-duun du duu,” he continued, “Hit it,” he smiled
“Aaaaaahhh,” you finished with the high pitched squeal and he laughed at you, ringing the water of the wash cloth down your back.
“Thank you, Steve,” your voice was low but you used his real name to let him know you were back in the real world and no longer in your headspace.
“It’s nice to have you back,” Steve laughed. He pulled you up into his chest to kiss your shoulder, “How are you feeling?,”
“Relieved. Tension free. I’m sorry I’ve been so bratty. This is still new to me and I just-,”
“Baby, you don’t have to apologize for reacting like a normal human being and cracking under pressure. But your brattiness is something we will work on regardless,” He finished cleaning you up all over as you finished your snack of gummies and then you helped him wash himself with his own wash cloth.. 
Once the bubbles are off of you both, he drains the water and helps you stand up to dry you off. He swaddles you like a baby after wrapping his own towel around himself, once your teeth are brushed and your face is wash, he carries you into your room and softly placing you on the bed. He grabs your Johnson’s bedtime lotion and starts at your feet and moving his way up, working the lotion into your skin. He’s come to find out that this helps you after an intense scene in the bedroom and he’ll pull every stop to make sure you feel better and cared for. That is his priority.
 He goes into your closet and finds a sweatshirt of his (that he had been looking for), takes it off the hanger and moves back to you to help you put it on. He helps you wrap your hair (courtesy to you spending a whole free day to teach him how to properly do it) and placed your bonnet on before getting himself ready to crawl in the bed beside you. 
He had changed the sheets and covers so they had a fresh and clean lavender smell to them. He pulled you close to him and kissed your cheeks over and over until it elicited a laugh out of you.
“I am so lucky,” he smiled.
“No, I am,” you held his head and rubbed his scalp knowing it was his turn for aftercare. It’s not just the sub that needs aftercare, it’s the Dom as well as scenes take just as much out of them.
“You take such good care of me and I’m so thankful,” you kiss him between his eyebrows and you see his face heat up in a blush, “You’re the best Daddy anyone can ask for. I’m never letting you go,”
His smiled beamed at you as he kissed you one more time, “You’re stuck with me, baby doll,”
I hope this lived up to y’alls expectations. I know it’s not as dirty as part one but, there’s so much more dirty smut that’ll come out me very soon, so stay tuned.
If you like this, please leave verbal feedback and reblog!
Tags- @noire-griot @mbaku-babygirl @blackreaders-assemble @vozit @babybubastis @chonisberonica @majikmelanin @blowmymbackout @justsomemarvelspam @whothehellisbinky @joyofbebbanburg @spideys-wife @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @crawlingnightmares @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @yournonlocalpoc @mirajanestrauss1999 @fromlia-withlove @mokacoconut @curlyhairclub @livayah 
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Its pfq that pokefarm website? Ive heard about it for a long time but i never knew if it was worth playing- what do you recommend about it?
Hi, sorry I’m late responding to this! My homework ate my braincells
First of all, yeah, PFQ stands for PokeFarm Q! You can find the site here, reading what they have up on their front page should give somewhat of an image of what the actual game looks like.
Ultimately ofc whether it’s worth playing or not is up to you, but here’s a few neat/positive things about it, as well as neutral that I think should be mentioned! For context I guess, I joined the site in 2017 (well, 2016 dec 31 :D), had about an active year and a half, and got back into it recently
I don’t like comparing the two, but if you’re here you most likely are bc you’re into FR, so that’s my point of reference for some of these
I find PFQ to be overall more rewarding to play than FR. There’s a lot more To Do and kill time with, and even just the same old, same old of clicking through people to hatch your eggs, and then hatching said eggs feels more rewarding to me than kicking around on FR (and you’ve probably heard already how much I don’t enjoy coli, the only pasttime on FR that doesn’t Run Out). Each egg gives a gem when hatched, which can be used to work towards further goals, you can shiny/albino hunt, and there’s a bunch of other smaller things to do (like wondertrade, tend to your garden, fish, etc). It’s way easier to kill hours on PFQ for me than it is to do the same on FR
There’s also a nice variety of reoccuring events! Off the top of my head I could tell you about three weekly (not starting all at once) and two monthly events. That may sound overwhelming, but participation isn’t mandatory, and the nature of almost all events are different (one weekly and one monthly are similar, but the rewards are also different for completing them). Since 3/5 of these events also change each time (Tournament goals, Contest themes and Type Race teams), it keeps them from getting super repetitive. It’s not super easy to get bored even if you’re not good at setting up elaborate goals for yourself!
The site is way smaller than FR. This is a neutral point, but something I do wanna point out. I’m not online 24/7 ofc, but I don’t think I’ve seen the online counter go above 850 since my return. Compare the current ~800 ppl online on PFQ to FR’s current ~2.7k and it should provide some perspective. This means the forums don’t go by so fast, and also probably has something to do with the fact that the PFQ userbase seems to have little to no presence outside of the actual site (unlike what you can see of FR)
There’s bonus counters and I honestly enjoy them so much. Everyone just Playing The Game slowly fills 8 bonus counters, and when one of them fills, they activate a Bonus Day the next day that gives a bonus relating to what you need to do to fill the counter! For example when the counter for “shinies hatched” fills up, it grants a boost to shiny chances the next day, giving you a little extra incentive to do well on your current hunt if you’re hunting! (Multiple bonuses can be active at once regardless of each other)
There’s site-exclusive fakemon, both indepenent ones and fake variants/evolutions/alternate formes/megas of already existing pokemon. Whether that’s your cup of tea or not, it’s up to you
If you’re looking for something with more dreamlike moderation that FR - don’t bother with PFQ. Not gonna pit the two against each other, but both have their issues, drama is scalding and not at all worth it on both sites, and staff do tend to do things I strongly disagree with. If it’s your cup of tea though then keeping away from heated discussion should keep you away from the drama in general. As far as development goes, they do care about their site and act accordingly
The game is not impossible to play alone, but it helps if you have someone to turn to every once in a while, if only for things that require trading with another user. It’s not too bad though for the most part! I myself am happy to help on days I have the spoons to, and most of the general community is too. Krista and I both manage just fine on our own, with the occassional little help from each other when really needed
(Small detour but you can costumise every single colour of the site and add custom CSS which is like. there in the actual skin editor and fully endorsed by the staff and it’s Such a nice change from “if we find out you run an addon on our site we’re gonna ban you”. Ppl have threads up with neat custom CSS that span from pure cosmetics to accessibility)
Also, no previous pokemon knowledge is required for enjoying the site! It was one of my first and still my largest exposure to Pokemon Things, and the site teaches you everything as you go. I learned most of the dex, evolution requirements, shinies, gender ratios from playing on PFQ
Sorry this got so wordy D: If you do end up giving playing a try, do let me know! I’d love to check in and click through your stuff every once in a while at the very least!
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caramell0w · 5 years
The Acquisition- Chapter 5
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Parings: Business owner!Bucky x Reader (AU)
Summary: You are part of a business merger. Can you make it through with your heart still intact, or will The Winter Solder tear you apart?
Warnings: Some angst. I don’t want to give this one away until you read it. It’s a good chapter...or I think so anyway :)
A/N: So...I’m home sick today but thought you all might enjoy a chapter...plus I’ve had it written for the better part of a week or so. Feedback is appreciated as always!
Word Count: 1600
Masterlist | Previous Chapter
If you like my fanfic, check out my books
“Bucky, where are we going? Didn’t we just pass Barnes’ Enterprises?” I look out the back window as the building gets further away, then back to him. He’s typing away on his phone not paying attention to me.
“Yes. We are going to one of the holding sites.”
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Steve asks quietly.
“She wants to know about me and the business, I think it only fair she gets to see. Besides, I think she might enjoy herself.”
I eye them both suspiciously and look out the window as the cars and buildings pass us by. We turn right and head into Brooklyn. Brooklyn? What the hell are we doing out this way? I turn and face him, a smile plays on his lips as he appraises me. My heart jumps in my throat as imagines of my demise flash through my mind. Is this how it ends? In some crummy alley in Brooklyn?
The car stops. Looking out the windows, I see several rundown buildings. Bucky gets out and Steve follows behind. He reaches his hand in and I take his offer. His hand is warm and inviting, and my heart rate slows down again.
“Where are we?”
“This is where I spend the majority of my time. Come on, let me show you around.”
I scrunch my face. “I’m confused. Is this a start up? Is new construction going here?” Steve is already standing at an elevator and I stop. “I’m not getting in that thing. How do I know if it’s safe?”
“The inspection was last month and it gets used frequently. I have a very private clientele base. That’s why it’s in such a unique part of town.” I look to Steve for reassurance and he nods his head once. Bucky places his hand on my lower back, pressing me forward. I move out of necessity of keeping my balance, not because I want to.
The doors slide open and we are standing in the middle of a club. There are lush velvet couches all around and a few hallways with several doors lining them. What really catches my eye though is a woman crawling on the floor with a leash attached to a collar around her neck. She is only wearing a bra and panties.  
“Where the hell did you bring me, Bucky?” I start backing up toward the elevator and Steve steps behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. “Do you—are you selling girls?”
His laugh is boisterous and a few people look in the direction of the sound, and then return to their own business quickly. His laugh dies down into a chuckle. “No. I own this club. It’s very elite and very expensive to join. Welcome to, Asset.”
“Is this a BDSM club?” my voice squeaks. He nods. Steve lets me go and I stay frozen in place.
“You said you wanted to see the business. Welcome to the business.” He motions around him. “Have you ever experienced anything like this?” I shake my head. “Do you want a tour?” My mind is racing and I’m not sure what I’m doing, but I nod anyway. He steps close, “I promised your father I would treat you well, and I will, scouts honor. I never promised I wouldn’t corrupt you in the process though.”
Every person I witness is so wrapped up in the other one, they don’t seem to notice us walk around. Steve has stayed behind but I see a woman is talking with him.
“How much do you know of this world?” Bucky asks as we travel down a secluded hallway. The sounds of moans and screams of pleasure make my stomach coil and heat races through my body. I’m aware of the warmth of Bucky’s hand in mine, and the way my nipples peak and rub against the fabric of my dress.
“Does Fifty Shades count?”    
He scoffs and stops, turning to me. “Hardly.” He glances down and sees my hardened nipples and rubs his thumb over one and drops it again. It’s a gentle caress and I stop myself from arching into his touch, but don’t swat at his hand either. “There are many layers of BDSM. Some people want pain, some people want to forget who they are and their responsibilities. Some people just like kinky sex. This club caters to every person and every fetish.”
A giggle erupts and I cover my mouth. “Sorry. I don’t mean to be rude, but are you serious? Like, this shit is real? How much do people pay to be part of this club?”
“Five thousand a month, per couple. Single rates vary.”
My mouth drops. “That’s a steep price to pay to have kinky sex. So singles. Does that mean your run a prostitution ring?”
“No. Both parties are members and it’s part of the contract. Every person has the right to refuse any advance. If there are any complaints, we have a strict policy to remove those individuals and terminate the contract with the member in question. We host a series of events throughout the year to accommodate some patrons. It’s very exclusive. We do a long vetting process before we agree to take someone on and not everyone gets in.” We stop in front of a closed door. My heart is hammering in my chest. What the hell have I gotten myself into?
“Come on, let me show you.”
He pushes open a door, ushering me in. I stand in the dark momentarily until a light comes on in front of me. There is a couple in the throws of passion. She’s tied down, kneeling over a bench with a gag in her mouth. He’s thrusting in and out of her in a slow, torturous pace. I don’t feel right looking and try to turn away.
He stands behind me, his hands land on my hips, his lips brush my ear. “They like the audience. It adds to the excitement. They get off, knowing they have someone watching.”
“How do they know we’re watching? Can they see us?” My voice is small, and I glance back at them, feeling the warmth flood my system. The look on the woman’s face is pure bliss. I don’t think I’ve ever had that type of experience when it came to sex.
“The light that came on is an indicator someone is in this room. There’s another room on the other side too.”
“Are you a member?” my voice is low, whisper like.
I lick my dry lips as I watch the couple. My skin is on fire and when Bucky traces his finger along my bare arm I shiver. I feel this in the pit of my stomach, and I so badly want to take care of my urges. I turn to face him, needing to see his reaction to my next question. “Do you have someone regular you do this type of thing with?”
“At the moment? No. But that all depends.”
“Oh what?”
My heart is hammering out of my chest. I stay frozen as he lowers his face toward mine. No! I push back on his hard chest, he stumbles a little, not anticipating my strength. It’s enough room for me to reach the handle and pull the door open in a frenzy. I run as fast as I can with the heels on and see the elevator straight ahead. Home free!
Steve comes out from behind a counter and I freeze. I hear Bucky coming up behind me, his growl making it apparent just how unhappy he is.  I kick off my heels and run down another hallway. “Steve, get her before she gets hurt.” Steve is closing in on me, I can feel it. I push on a door and it pops open. I close it and lock it behind me leaning against it. I close my eyes and try to get my breathing under control. Note to self, do more cardio.
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes. Why aren’t you dressed appropriately?” A man asks.
I snap my eyes open and look at him as he snaps a belt between his hands, the sounds of the leather clapping together echos in the small room. My hand fumbles with the lock and I manage to get it open, walking right into Steve. I grip his waist, hugging him tight and bury my face in his chest.
“Tony, what the fuck did you do to my fiancée?” Bucky growls, standing directly in front of him.
He puts his hands up in surrender. “I didn’t do anything to her. I was waiting for Pepper and she came in. Thought I was going to get to enjoy a threesome. I just asked why she wasn’t dressed right.” He narrows his eyes, “Fiancée, huh? Where’s her ring? Why is she clinging to Steve, instead of you?”
The noise that comes from his chest is raw and animalistic. “None of your damned business. If you want to continue to be a patron here you’ll never look at her again.”
He slams the door shut on Tony and turns back to us. Steve is rubbing soothing motions on my back as I shake in his embrace.
“I just want to go home. Bring me home, please,” I whisper.
“I’ve got her, Steve.” Bucky tries to pull me away from him and I won’t budge.
“No. I want Steve to take me home.”
“I’ve got her, man. I’ll make sure she stays safe.”
Bucky sighs, and quietly says, “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Next Chapter
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callsignbaphomet · 4 years
So I’m just gonna get right to the point. I love playing Skyrim, I love playing as my OCs in Skyrim. I especially love modding the living heck out of this game while playing as my OCs and pretty much living vicariously through them.
So what to do? Mods! It’s 2020 and a lot more people are openly accepting and open-minded, right? So finding LGBTQ+ mods should be a lot easier, right? Eh.........no. I’ve spent several days trying to find mods to make my Skyrim playthrough as queer as I possibly can make it, specifically for my High Elf OC who is trans (FtM), very effeminate, has a none muscular body and build and very gay. I think now, after several days of research, tutorials, testing and an endless amount of headaches I think I have the mods to make my play through true to how I imagine and have written this character as.
Bare with me for a few seconds, I promise I’ll get to the point and this is worth reading. I’m trying to get as much information in this as possible.
This mod list is only for the PC version of the game. Look, I’m super, super sorry but basically over 95% of all these mods are exclusively found online and even if they ARE on beth.net they aren’t used at full capacity from what I understand. Believe me, as a mainly console player, it breaks my heart that I can’t include the consoles for this list.
I won’t be linking to just Nexus. I’ve found a bunch of mods outside of the Nexus that are reliable.
I’ll only be working with the Special Edition version of the game. It’s the one I have and am playing on.
I will NOT be covering female body replacers. At freakin’ all. There are literal dozens of mods covering this. There will only be ONE and it is for very specific reasons only.
In my little venture into finding these mods I came across a lot of homophobic, transphobic and downright disgusting comments within the Nexus. I also found out a lot of queer mod authors were driven out of the Nexus because of said homophobic people. This is what happened to Vector and also why SavrenX refuses to upload anything other than weapon, item retextures to the Nexus. Nexus users and community overall is very homophobic and toxic so I’m very sorry if you see or read something upsetting. I advice you avoid the comments (known as posts on Nexus) tab as to avoid seeing some vile shit. Ignore them and don’t engage them ffs, they just want a reaction out of you. There’s no correcting these assholes much less educating them. They ain’t worth your time. Just report and move on.
The majority of the mods linked in this post have been tried by me, if I haven’t tried them out I’ll say so. Again, I’m learning as I go along and believe me this hasn’t been an easy task to find all of these working mods.
No, I won’t be searching or uploading any ports, texture, mesh or mod edits I myself have done. I ain’t confident in how well I may have or not have edited the mods and more importantly that’s as bad as uploading art that wasn’t done by you. Sadly, you’ll have to do these changes yourself. I’ll try my best to link tutorials. Also don’t go and harass the authors for a port or an update ffs.
I’ll most likely be editing this list as I learn more.
Yes, I will leave links from adult sites. A lot of these sites pretty much force you to sign up in order for you to download their content. It’s fine, just make some random account and you’ll instantly gain access to the mods. Just know there’ll be nsfw images, gifs and videos everywhere in these sites.
While I will be referring to male characters a lot of these if not all can also cater to non-binary characters too!
No, I will not be covering sex mods. I have no intention of adding them to any of my load orders and I really don’t care to. You’re on your own for that category. Try Lover’s Lab.
*Body Mods/Replacers/Races:
Schlongs of Skyrim (aka SOS). Not the only choice out there but the most current and fully working one. Pretty much mandatory for a bunch of mods so might as well have it, ya know?
Tempered Skins for Males. Was known as Better Males; pairs up beautifully with SOS. Super amazing work if you ask me.
Shape Atlas for Men (aka SAM). This is literally the god king of all male body replacers. Want a twunk? This mod will do it. Want a regular Joe? This can do it. Want a bear of a man running around in Skyrim? Yeah, girl, this can do it. Ever since I discovered it I have been obsessed with it! HOWEVER, the full working mod is only available for Old Skyrim, maybe for Legendary Edition but I’m not sure. Vector said he had plans to port the full working mod to Special Edition but confessed he was having issues with the scripts. Also afaik Vector’s last updates on working on the mod were back in late 2016 so I think it’s safe to say this beautiful mod will never be seen running on SSE. Sadly Vector just up and left the modding scene somewhere in 2018. It none of our business but from what I read he faced a lot of homophobic harassment from people not liking his body mod or giving him shit because he didn’t want to make a female body mod. He even faced harassment from our very own community.
Not all’s lost though. Some of the amazing modders in Vector’s site have made a working version for SSE.
SAM Light, SAM Morphs for RaceMenu, SAM SE Vanilla Armor Refit, SAM High Poly Conversion, SAM Light Texture Add-on, High Poly Head
The Ultra Femme. Title should be super self-explanatory. Super good if your character is really femme or non-binary or trans. I haven’t tried out this body myself and I’m not entirely sure whether this is compatible with SE or not. RefurbMadness has a lot of mods hosted in her site and still has some in Nexus that are being hosted by the site’s Care Taker. I’m actually gonna link a few later. I honestly suggest going through her site and reading up everything. She’s pretty clear when it comes to instructions, the only problem is she’s not exactly clear on whether her mods are compatible with SE or not. Maybe it’s written somewhere in there, I’m still new to modding and need very clear descriptions (you kinda gotta talk to me like I’m 5 when it comes to mods). I need to check more of her content and test a bunch of things. She also has armor and clothing mods.
Milkdrinker Male Texture and Slim Male Body for SoS (<3<3<3). Both by the same mod author. Sadly only available for Old Skyrim but the only reason why I linked it is because both mods are super easy to convert to use for SSE. Sweetie, if I managed to do it, you can do it too. Watch this, or this or this or try to Google it and see what comes up. Personally I tried the Slim Male Body and it was pretty good. Unfortunately you’d have to refit all the armors to fit either body yourself.
Transgender Race and NPCS SSE. Like I said before I wasn’t going to link or talk about any female body replacers except for one. This one! Look, there are a few out there but they’re extremely transmisogynistic and fetishistic and use a lot of outdated and transphobic language plus they’re mostly sex mods so I will abso-freaking-lutely NOT be linking them. Anyway, the people behind this port are back to working on this mod and have plans for adding transgender men. As of now the mod only has transgender women. They can’t add more genders due to the engine limitations and FYI they used “race” in the title because this isn’t a body mod, it’s actually a race. This is one of the few mods that won’t play well with SoS.
There IS one more body or better said, race, I tried but I really didn’t like it. Mod worked as it was advertised but--well, whatever, it’s for personal reasons that I didn’t like it and it depended way too much on a lot of more mods and it bloated up my LO something fierce so for that reason I ain’t gonna link it. Mod’s called Femboy if you wanna give it a try yourself.
*Extras (edits, armors, clothes and more):
Enhanced Character Edit SE. Tl;dr this is like RaceMenu but on steroids. It offers way more sliders and because of this it has fantastic potential to mold your character’s body to your personal liking. I used this instead of RM for my High Elf I mentioned earlier. He has a more “delicate” frame and is much thinner than my other OCs and this mod did exactly what I’ve been trying to achieve for a very long time now. Works like a charm.
SSE Luscious Locks for All - Unisex KS Hair. Makes it so that male characters can use all the hair options that comes with KS Hairdos SSE. Guys with long hair! Yummy! <3
Oooooooorrrrrrr you can just install ApachiiSkyHair SSE which has a bunch of long hair options for men to look fabulously yummy! This is the one I’m using.
Femfeet Redesigned SSE Port For Everyone. Look, it’s a foot texture mod, that’s it. Works with Better Males aka Tempered Skins and SoS, so yes, your guys will have pretty feet. Load this AFTER you body mod of choice.
Apachii Divine Elegance Store. This store has so much to offer. Really beautiful clothes and armors, exceptional jewelry, wonderful accessories aaaaaand your male character can also use the nails that are offered by the mod. So if you want your male character to have some stunning and colorful manicures done this mod offers it. They also offer actual claws that also comes in different colors so you can have both styles. Look, imo this is a must for femme male and enby characters. Your guys are going to look beautiful!
Immersive Jewelry - Earring for Male Characters. This enables Immersive Jewelry earrings to be wearable and visible on male characters.
Light Elven Armor for Men, Light Glass Armor for Men, Light Daedric Armor for Men. Tired of women being the only ones to get skimpy outfits? Ja, me too! Here’s some of the armor mods RefurbMadness ported to SSE before she left Nexus. There’s more available for Old Skyrim but you’ll need to convert them over to SSE yourself.
Slof’s Lair. Slof has a collection of skimpy armors, some accessories and even modern clothes (if that’s your thing). They have a link to their Nexus profile on their page but instead of adding all the links I just figured to leave the link to their site so you can check everything they have to offer. I haven’t tried any of Slof’s mods myself though I’m super interested in the Just For Men collection of mods and the Goth Shop (chill, it’s mostly Tera armors without the need to download that massive Tera mod).
Tera Armors Collection - Special Edition. And here’s that massive mod I previously mentioned but it’s actually a really good one. I’ve tested this out on both pc and Xbox One and it looks gorgeous on both!
The Well Dressed Mage. Not exactly skimpy but kind of revealing. Idk, these look lovely af and I wanna try them on my Altmer. Maybe someone else will want to try these too.
Modular Bandoliers and Pauldrons for Males. Pretty simple and to the point. Haven’t tried it since it wouldn’t go with my elf’s more refined bitchy tastes.
Bad Dog’s Skimpy Clothes SE. Some skimpy outfits for guys that were converted over to SE apparently not too long ago.
Bodyslide and Outfit Studio. So none of the stuff listed above is to your liking. That’s where this comes in. Thing is you actually CAN convert female armors and clothes for male use. So download the armors and clothes you wanna use and throw them and the body meshes you use into Outfit Studio. I myself am still learning how to go about doing this and the tutorials out there are kinda hard to come by. Try this video. I followed it and managed to convert a female outfit to fit on a male body I was using. Still need a lot of practice though but am working on it.
As far as makeup goes you can edit the colors of your character’s eyeshadow, eyeliner, cheeks and lips but with ECE or RaceMenu you can edit the colors further. May need to do some extra hard tweaking some choices though, not gonna lie. If I find a much better option I’ll post it.
I’m currently trying to find how the heck to get male characters to wear heels or if there’s a mod that has it. Like, that’s the last thing I need to make clothes complete. I’ll get back to this when I find it.
FNIS PCEA2 - Player Exclusive Animations (Dynamic) SE. So you got your character, you’ve dressed them and done up their hair and all that and to this point it’s all come together perfectly...until your femme male/enby character or your butch female/enby character starts walking and standing idly by and the poses and animations are completely and utterly wrong. Why is he walking like an angry gorilla? Why is she walking like a Victoria’s Secret model down the walkway? Can you switch their animations?
PCEA2--and yes, you will need FNIS to get this working--allows you to make animation changes to only your character. You can even add and/or remove which animation packs you want your character to use! I’ve just barely begun testing this mod as well as adding some specific packs for my Altmer and the pretty female idles works like a charm for him. I downloaded FNIS Sexy Move SE to try this out on him and see if it works but according to Fore it should work as long as you installed everything correctly and ticked the appropriate box to activate the animation pack you want. I’m not entirely sure if you can customize the choices given by each animation pack, probably something as simple as deleting the animations you don’t want and leaving the one you do want. I’ll have to test this further.
*Gameplay and Voices:
Simply Gay Letters. Simple and sweet little mod that adds some letters in certain places all over Skyrim tying certain NPCs to other NPCs. The hinted at couples are all the mod author’s headcanons so if that bothers you I suggest moving on.
Queering Skyrim - Blueflower Necklace. Basically it stops female NPCs from showing interest in your male character when wearing an amulet of Mara. Queering Skyrim - Lavender Menace Necklace does the exact same thing but for female characters.
Same Sex Perks - A Lover’s Insight - Agent of Dibella - Allure. Y’all remember Confirmed Bachelor from New Vegas? Remember how no Beth game has put it in their games again but are totally adding some lazy attempts to include us LGBTQ+ folks? The author has a pretty clear and easy to understand description of the mod in the page. There’s also Gay Insight - A Lover’s Insight Tweak which does the same as the other one but much simpler. I guess it’s up to you and your tastes when it comes to which one to use. I myself am using Same Sex Perks since it adds other perks.
Player Voicesets for SSE - Custom Voice Version. I downloaded this but I haven’t installed it yet. If I understood correctly this lets you change your character’s voice to any of the in game voices. My advice? Go into the page and read everything.
PC Head Tracking and Voice Type SE. The reason I haven’t installed the previous mod is because I have THIS one installed because of the head tracking but it also comes with an added voice feature so this might clash with the other one. I still need to test whether they do the same thing or not.
Skyrim - Player Re-Voiced Series. CaseyTheVA was kind enough to make a bunch of voices for your character. Just your character. I’ve tested these on Xbox and they are legit really freakin’ good! They seem to have added a lot more since the last time I checked. Unfortunately these are only available on beth.net or for Old Skyrim on the Nexus. You could just download them from the game’s mod page and remove the files and upload them back into the game using whatever mod manager you use. I did this with Cheat Room. Or you can port them yourself from Nexus. Honestly the quality alone is worth all the trouble.
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thepowerofmybeing · 5 years
Hottest Trends for 2019
Loads of articles out there in the World Wide Web, some of them I really think we should not leave unnoticed.
Huge development in technology/ car industry field with self driving cars allowed on the roads. It still sounds a bit scary imagining there will be robots taking us down the road and we will just sit in the car waiting to arrive at our destination, reading morning newspaper, playing with kids in the back seat or just polishing our nails. In a way, it sounds sad, non personal, inhumane, but, if you really think how luxurious it will be and how much could be done while the car takes you where you need to, all the arguments are pro robot driving! If it will turn out to be super safe, I’ll be in the line to get one ;-)  “ This cycle has restarted, and the term “driverless car” will soon seem as anachronistic as “horseless carriage.” We don’t know how cars that don’t need human chauffeurs will mold society, but we can be sure a similar gear shift is on the way”  https://www.wired.com/story/guide-self-driving-cars/
If I was a small entrepreneur, I’d read this article:  https://www.metrilo.com/blog/ecommerce-trends-niche-products. I found this information very enticing and up to date. So happy that fast fashion, fast food and fast everything is slowly being replaced by more valued items that would last longer. I am a strong believer in quality and would be so happy to see more exclusive products on shelves of all free standing and e-commerce shops. It would save so much for our planet Earth - Chinese women being locked to their sewing machines doing slave work for the likes of Primark, plastic thrown in oceans and killing wildlife, children playing with hundreds of useless plastic items filled with toxic substances, us all wearing dresses with unfinished seams made of suspicious inflammable materials, us eating food that is not really worthy of being called food - all the danger to our future and our children’s well being. Less is more concept needs to take place in order for this World to not come to an end...Healthy boxed lunches, reusable food wrap, buying for life items, eco friendly lady products, custom cosmetics and apparel, crafted, handmade, novelty and specialty, these are words of new, personalized and original man and woman. And I need the smart backpack (this item is on all trending product lists of 2019) as we all have discovered how amazing it is to travel and see more in life! 
How about Social Media trends in 2019? Well, just like most of the trends, these also become more personalized and more “machine involved” at the same time. https://www.inc.com/john-hall/7-social-media-trends-brands-need-to-know-to-prepare-for-2019.html So, while the CEO of any large company should get on Instagram and tell his audience who he really is, what he eats for breakfast and how he spends his free time, while each social media user and influencer should become the apple of every company’s eye and receive custom attention and care, Chatbots will take care of more and more business conversations and interactions. Its funny how this World is becoming more geared towards individual approach and more robotic at the same time. So while we will be sitting in a car driven by a robot, chatting on the phone with a robot, we will wear more sustainable clothing and eat more healthy food just so we can stay alive longer to interact more with robots and phones ;-) haha, this makes sense! But, to be honest, hopefully this shows an intentional, more purposeful shift towards human intelligence. Robots and computer development is a good thing if used for the principle of our own education and improvement, if the time spent with a robot doesn’t take us away from our families and loved ones and if it makes us brighter and greater.
This post is never going to end? Yep, you guessed it! I am just so amazed from researching this subject! It is so interesting - investigating and predicting, understanding the “whys” of the upcoming year, evaluating customer behavior change and the company reaction to the always changing consumer needs. Here is an article from Forbes about customer experience trends in 2019, how companies are always going above and beyond all customer expectations, how some are succeeding and some - not. “Continually re-evaluating processes, products and business models is what keeps companies alive and successful in the ever-changing minds of customers.” We have to stay on demand or the ship will sink, we have to be flexible to adjust to the needs and changes, we have to sustain the connection with our customer and do it in a way that amazes, pleases and keeps them coming back for more. This is a very good article about change, expectations and staying popular with your buyer. Digitalization here is mentioned as an aid - helpful and useful tool - which does not replace human presence, but improves the overall experience, saves time for both sides and improves the quality of information for both - the assistants and the consumers. ‘When machines control the mundane tasks, humans have more time to dedicate to the uniquely human tasks, like strategy, creativity, innovation, problem solving, connecting with customers and developing a strong customer experience.’- https://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2018/12/05/five-trends-shaping-the-future-of-customer-experience-in-2019/#44e4d61c7bb6
And last, but, most certainly, not least - fashion news for 2019. Haute Couture and Mode can not be forgotten or let out as this is our everyday expression, our individual approach to showcasing who we are and as Elle puts it: ‘The question of how designers envision women, what a woman wears and the image she projects has become a political hot potato. The big takeaway from the season? To value those visions that really are attuned to reflecting our truth in some way so that we can do us.” I LOVE this sentence! Yes! We celebrate and showcase US! We move away from sweatpants and hoodies, leave our athleisure-wear in the drawers and replace it with ruffles, silky materials and bubble skirts. We put couture dressmaking and craft skills in front shelves just like craft drinks and personalized socks (reference from previous article about niche products). We add small puoches and large pockets on all our clothing items, we purchase a stylish backpack to make a statement and prove to all that we are worldly travelers. We add some hippy charm and burst of 60′s color into our wardrobe to celebrate all our beloved icons from the past. Hell, we even put on shoes with square toes (not sure I’ll get into this trend...). But, hey, we do not have to do it all, we can just borrow a few ideas and tips from each trend, we can just use it as a reference when we look for a new outfit in 2019. After all, this should not be difficult, as we just have to stay true to ourselves - the motto of my page here. Don’t be who you are not in 2019! It is my wish to all of you and my personal New Years resolution! May you be happy in your own skin! Cheers!
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wenirenix-blog · 5 years
Subscribe to our mailing list for exclusive content, new videos, giveaways, and free nannies. (Okay, that part's a lie...): http://eepurl.com/SJxVj SUBSCRIBE on Youtube: SUBSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/QSV97m Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MomCaveTV Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MomCaveTV Pin with Us: http://www.pinterest.com/MomCaveTV Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/momcavetv Our blog/giveaways: http://www.MomCaveTV.com Are Essential Oils B.S.? Not these (made-up) ones! MomCave's Jen holding a bottle of essential oils and asking if essential oils are B.S. By Heather Jones of hmjoneswriter.com “Have you heard about essential oils?” Yes. Yes, we have. Ad nauseam. And we are beginning to wonder about this essential oils B.S. Whether it is a friendly MLM sales rep, the latest viral wellness post, or Judy at the grocery store, people are eager to get the word out about the miracle that is essential oils. Unfortunately, science says that while essential oils are helpful for some things, like relaxation, some topical skin uses, etc., the vast majority of the benefit claims are not true. Darn. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to have an oil for everything that ails us? But as long as we are imagining essential oils to be a cure-all, let’s get creative. Here are some essential oils we really could use.
Someone a little too up in your business? Annoying comments on your social media post? A few drops of Effoff should take care of that. APOCOLYPTUS The world is a steaming garbage fire at the moment. Let the calming scent of Apocolyptus whisk you away from the reminder that everything sucks, and we’re all doomed.
Diffuse a bit of this in your car to take care of idiot drivers who cut you off and never signal.
Instantly calms overtired babies and angsty teenagers.
Have a partner who is never wrong? A colleague who keeps screwing you over? Grab that necklace infuser and they won’t be able to resist owning up to their mistakes and misdeeds.
Seriously, can’t we all just get along? Well, now we can! Turn your tense living space into a den of “I love you, Man”s.
Tired of getting stuck at every red light when you’re running late? A healthy dose of Redaway Seed will ensure all your traffic lights are green, the way they should be.
Need some encouragement? We’ve got you covered.
Burn some of this to rid your house of the energy created when the toilet seat is left up – again. Or when someone eats your last cupcake. Or when you step in cat puke with clean socks. Basically, when you find yourself saying, “Are you friggin’ kidding me?” it’s time to whip out the rage oil.
Why did I come in this room? Where are my keys? What day is it? Who am I and wtf am I doing? Sound familiar? Sounds like you need a touch of Rememberol.
We spend all day tidying and washing floors and furniture, doing laundry, cleaning counters, washing dishes, only to have it messed back up again moments later. We could use some help extending that fresh clean house feeling.
Ask for a double-double, get a no cream-twelve sugars? Swing through the drive thru to avoid hauling your small army of children out of the car, only to discover halfway down the road that part of your order is wrong or missing? Next time, use some orderite first.
This turns the demeaning, boring, menial task of laundry into Club Med-worthy excitement.
Add one or two drops to your food and eat whatever you like while maintaining your desired body weight.
Each drop gives you the ability to complain honestly and emphatically about anything to anyone for thirty seconds without consequence. Science is science, there’s no denying it. Maybe most essential oils are B.S. But I, for one, can’t wait for the day that there really is always “an oil for that.” About the Author Heather is a freelance writer and mother of two young boys. She is a regular contributor to online parenting publications such as Yummy Mummy Club and the Savvymom group of sites. She’s also been a featured writer on the CBC, HuffPost, Ravishly, and others. Read more at hmjoneswriter.com.
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thebookrat · 6 years
A quick note: joining us today is Margaret Peterson Haddix, one of the few (there were a grand total of 2) authors my non-reading sister has ever enthusiastically read and pushed on me. In addition to this guest post and giveaway, Margaret will be hosting a Twitter Takeover on @YoungEntMag on April 23rd, from 7-9pm ET. Margaret will be discussing some of her “firsts” and answering reader questions about her books, so make sure to stop by and check it out!
Welcome to Day #2 of The Summer of Broken Things Blog Tour!
To celebrate the release of The Summer of Broken Things on April 10th, blogs across the web are featuring exclusive content from Margaret Peterson Haddix and 10 chances to win a copy of the book! 
Atocha Memorial
My daughter and I were lost.
We were holding a map of Madrid in our hands, and we knew both the name of the street we were on and the nearest intersection. So our problem wasn’t exactly that we were geographically lost, but that the landmark we expected to see before us—a memorial to the victims of train bombings in 2004—was nowhere in sight.
So maybe the problem was that the memorial was lost?
It was the hottest day of our August 2015 trip to Spain for me to do research for my book, THE SUMMER OF BROKEN THINGS. The two of us were already sweaty and thirsty and exhausted from hours of walking around looking at other sites I intended to use in the book. 
“Maybe the map’s just a little off, and it’s actually in the next block,” I suggested.
“If we ever find this place and then your editor makes you cut that scene from your book, I’m going to be so mad,” my daughter groused.
And… that made me give up. Because I didn’t know for sure if I was going to mention the Atocha train station memorial (also known as the 11-M Memorial) in my book. I wasn’t entirely certain which of the sites we’d visited would find their way into the first draft of the book, let alone stay around for the final version. That’s the nature of research trips, at least the way I do them—I never entirely know what’s going to be important, so I try to see and do as much as I can.
But that afternoon I decided it was time to be kind to my daughter and go get something cold to drink instead of continuing our search. She was along as my combination tour guide and translator, since her Spanish skills are far superior to mine and she’d actually spent a semester studying in Spain only a year and a half before. And amazingly--given the pace of our trip and our jet lag and all the other things that can go wrong during travel--we really only had that one moment of grouchiness with each other.
That evening back in our (air-conditioned) Airbnb apartment, I doubled down on my internet research, and re-convinced myself that the Atocha memorial could end up playing a vital role in my book. And the next morning, better rested and less grumpy, we walked right to it.
The secret was that it was mostly underground, which I saw as a perfect metaphor for both grief and the underlying problems my main characters, Avery and Kayla, have in THE SUMMER OF BROKEN THINGS. The only way to get into the memorial is to first walk through the train station. And I really do not blame the people who run the train station for not having a lot of signs directing visitors to the memorial—I took several trains in and out of Atocha station myself that week, and I didn’t want to be reminded every time that it had been the site of a terrorist bombing killing 191 people not that long ago.
But I found myself in awe of the memorial itself. In one sense, it is only a dark, empty room, sealed off from the rest of the train station by thick, mostly soundproof glass that makes the ordinary scene outside seem surreal. Isolated in that room, I wondered if that’s what it might feel like to be a ghost, to hover near the living but not be able to reach or speak to them. 
The main light in that memorial comes from above, from a funnel of words on translucent plastic. The words are the expressions of grief in multiple languages that flowed into Madrid after the bombing. They make a twisting spiral of sorrow and condolences, woe and comfort.
The morning we were there, my daughter and I had the memorial to ourselves; nobody else visited. I wondered if that was a sign that, after more than a decade, the grieving survivors of those who died in the 11-M bombing have less of a need for the memorial.
But the room’s stillness and condolences might still serve as a beacon for others who are lost or in pain.
And s of course I ended up placing the Atocha memorial in my book. It becomes an important place for Kayla at a time when she’s also lost and struggling and in need of comfort. And then eventually Avery finds solace there, too.
Some lost places are worth searching for.
Blog Tour Schedule:
April 16th — BookhoundsYA April 17th — The Book Rat April 18th — Book Briefs April 19th — Parajunkee April 20th — A Dream Within a Dream April 23rd — Crossroad Reviews April 24th — I Am a Reader April 25th — Page Turners April 26th — Once Upon a Twilight April 27th — Tales of the Ravenous Reader
Buy: Amazon | Indiebound
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Follow Margaret: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
From New York Times bestselling author Margaret Peterson Haddix comes a haunting novel about friendship and what it really means to be a family in the face of lies and betrayal. Fourteen-year-old Avery Armisted is athletic, rich, and pretty. Sixteen-year-old Kayla Butts is known as “butt-girl” at school. The two girls were friends as little kids, but that’s ancient history now. So it’s a huge surprise when Avery’s father offers to bring Kayla along on a summer trip to Spain. Avery is horrified that her father thinks he can choose her friends—and make her miss soccer camp. Kayla struggles just to imagine leaving the confines of her small town. But in Spain, the two uncover a secret their families had hidden from both of them their entire lives. Maybe the girls can put aside their differences and work through it together. Or maybe the lies and betrayal will only push them—and their families—farther apart. Margaret Peterson Haddix weaves together two completely separate lives in this engaging novel that explores what it really means to be a family—and what to do when it’s all falling apart.
About the Author: Margaret Peterson Haddix is the author of many critically and popularly acclaimed YA and middle grade novels, including the Children of Exile series, The Missing series, the Under Their Skin series, and the Shadow Children series. A graduate of Miami University (of Ohio), she worked for several years as a reporter for The Indianapolis News. She also taught at the Danville (Illinois) Area Community College. She lives with her family in Columbus, Ohio.
One (1) winner will receive a finished copy of The Summer of Broken Things
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Ends April 24 at 11:59 EST
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a Rafflecopter giveaway via The Book Rat
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doodlewash · 6 years
Great ideas are happening at Da Vinci Paint Company! I’m so thrilled to share with you an awesome project that I’ve been working on with Marcello there, to kick off an upcoming line of 8ml Da Vinci watercolor tubes (adding to the collection of 15ml and 37ml watercolor tubes). These little 8ml tubes are perfect for trying out some new colors at a great price!
Painted Using Only My “Shiny” Da Vinci Watercolor Trio
So, we thought a fun way to introduce them would be to invite a trio of artists, (one of the three being me!) to choose their favorite three Da Vinci Watercolor tubes and create three new watercolor trio products (which I’m pleased to say are all available to purchase now! Read on to learn more about the project, the other artists, and my own “Shiny” Da Vinci Watercolor Trio and mixes!).
We thought it would be fun if these artists could also share their great ideas about color mixes and painting, or as we like to call it when using Da Vinci paints – a #DaVinciMoment.
About Da Vinci Watercolor Trios
As many of you who’ve seen my watercolor illustrations in my blog posts know, I’m a huge fan of using a limited palette as well as painting with Da Vinci watercolors (if you’re visiting me for the first time today, hey there, welcome! Nice to meet you!) The idea behind this project was to have each artist select only three Da Vinci watercolor tubes to create their personal trios.
Painted Using Only My “Shiny” Da Vinci Watercolor Trio
These aren’t necessarily triads, or colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel, but simply three colors that we each felt, when used in various combinations, produced some really lovely mixes. Each artist was given about 9 colors in those cute little 8ml tubes, and had to choose only three. This bit turned out to be tougher than I expected!
I’ve used duos and quattros, but getting to a mix of just three colors was actually a fun challenge. Next up, I’ll share more about our trio of artists, a little about myself if you’re new to Doodlewash, share the trio I personally chose along with some sample watercolor illustrations, and provide a mixing chart showing how I mix the colors. 
(If you want to know a bit more about Da Vinci watercolor you can also check out Jessica Seacrest’s review here on Doodlewash.)
Our Trio of Artists
And now, presenting our trio of artists! Is it me or should there really be a way to add a drumroll to a blog post? Okay, so the first artist up is me and most of you who visit this blog often are used to reading my rambles and already know a lot about me. For those of you who are wondering who the heck this guy is, then I’ll take a quick moment to share a little bit about my myself, via this little interview each of the artists completed.
Charlie O’Shields – Doodlewash®
My name is Charlie O’Shields and I’m the creator of this very site, Doodlewash®, which is a global community of watercolor painters, illustrators and sketchers. I’ve featured over 440 artists painting and sketching on every continent (yep! Even Antarctica!) and host a community where artists who draw and use watercolor can post and share their work right here on this site. If you love watercolor painting and sketching, then please join us!
I’m also the founder of World Watercolor Group and World Watercolor Month in July – a 31 watercolors in 31 days challenge to raise awareness for arts education.
What do you like about Da Vinci watercolor?
Da Vinci watercolor is rich and vibrant and contains a rewetting agent makes it behave very similarly to honey-based paints, which I had used exclusively prior to discovering Da Vinci watercolor. And if I need to grab a color that I don’t already have waiting in my pans, they work beautifully straight out of the tube! I had the pleasure of visiting Da Vinci Paint Co. in California, U.S.A. and watching how the colors are created. The attention to detail and demand for quality is stunning. And at the end of the process, all of the colors are lovingly hand-poured. It’s a rare and wonderful thing to witness in this day and age of automation and I was immediately smitten with both the paints and the company.
Why do you paint?
Once I started sketching and painting each day, I quickly realized it was amazingly therapeutic and calming. After a long day at work, coming home to create a little watercolor illustration became something I not only looked forward to doing, but something that helped me transition my day and relax into my evening feeling refreshed. Okay, I admit, it also became a completely unstoppable habit. I recently just passed the mark of 1,000 days of consecutive watercolor painting and sketching.
What do you love to do besides painting?
I’m a big kid, so I also enjoy playing games on my phone as well as console games on Xbox and Playstation. I grew up during a period when arcade games were all the rage and I guess it just stuck with me. I also love Lego and creating things with those little colorful bricks. I have shelves full of Lego architecture sets mixed with random Star Wars memorabilia. When not playing with toys, I do also like to read lots of books, even the ones written for adults and without pictures.
Favorite Things Trio
Dessert (really any kind)
Funny childhood memories
Getting lost in a good book
Bucket List Trio
Publish an illustrated memoir
Go on an African safari
Learn how to speak French
Completing The Artist Trio
I’m happy to introduce my two lovely artist friends who agreed to be guinea pigs for this first outing of the project. I say that because I didn’t have all of the idea in place before just jumping in and going for it. Something that will not surprise my regular readers in the least.
I don’t like to set severe parameters as it allows the artists to help complete the idea. You can’t know where to build the sidewalks until you see the paths that people make. And they both forged a brilliant path indeed! So thank you Tonya and Jennifer for your patience and your wonderful ideas that made this project truly come to life! Check out their links below and read on to learn more about my Da Vinci watercolor trio and an overview of how I mix colors with wonderful paints.
Tonya Lee – Scratchmade Journal
Tonya Lee lives in the Appalachian Mountains with her family of four and one cat. She enjoys nature study, sketching, gardening, and limited interaction with city life, but she’ll happily fight traffic for a great restaurant, museum, or thrift store.
Visit Tonya at Scratchmade Journal to learn about her Da Vinci trio!
Jennifer McLean – Just Add Water Silly
Jennifer McLean is a watercolor and mixed media artist and an avid reader, so you’ll always find either a book or a paintbrush in her hand.
Visit Jennifer at Just Add Water Silly to learn about her Da Vinci Trio!
Charlie’s “Shiny” Da Vinci Watercolor Trio!
SO, what did I ultimately choose for my watercolor trio? Well, a little set of my three favorite Da Vinci watercolor tubes that I use to make shiny happy things, of course! For those who know me, they know I love painting shiny metal things and glassy objects. I think they’re a joy to paint, and particularly suited to the watercolor medium. I can barely paint a flower without jamming it into a glass vase, sneaking in my chance to paint something shiny!
Painted Using Only My “Shiny” Da Vinci Watercolor Trio
There are many ways to paint glass and metallic surfaces, but as an illustrator, one of the tricks I personally enjoy to create an illusion of realism is to really push contrast. By this, I mean deep blacks next to nearly pure whites. This creates a “shiny” look that can be amped up to make something metallic or softened a bit to create the effect of glass. So, I present to you now the three Da Vinci Watercolor tubes in my “Shiny” Trio.
Terra Cotta (PR102 – Semi-opaque)
This is undoubtedly one of my favorite Da Vinci watercolor tubes. It’s a rich color when used with just a little water and dilutes to a lovely reddish and ruddy pale color that can be used to add a bit of random warmth to areas of my watercolor illustrations. I don’t often paint people, but have mixed it to create pleasing skin tones as well, with just a bit of Quinacridone Red or Opus (Vivid Pink) and a touch of Yellow Ochre. With a bit of Nickel Azo Yellow it can become a lovely, glowing orange.
Cobalt Blue (PB28 – Transparent)
Though I had previously used Ultramarine Blue, this little tube has become my number one go-to blue. It’s a deep and bright blue that can be used on its own to create shadows under objects or mixed with Terra Cotta to create a very balanced neutral gray. It can always provide the right tint to shadows in a snowy landscape, or more likely in my case, a dollop of whipped cream (be sure to always add a touch of yellow to whipped cream. Though paintings are always calorie-free, there’s a bit of fat there in reality and yellow helps add that bit of decadence).
Nickel Azo Yellow (PY150 – Transparent)
This color is created with one of the two pigments used in Da Vinci’s Quinacridone Gold, which I also enjoy. The color looks incredibly dark and not yellow at all in the pan and dilutes with water to create an impossibly sunny and bright yellow. It’s rather magical, so I have to admit that this is also part of the allure. I can also use it in a low to nearly no-water fashion to create depth and a darker, browner edge when I want a bit more outline to an area of my watercolor illustrations.
My Mixes, Or Finding My Da Vinci Moment
Here’s a little color wheel showing mixes you can get from this trio. Note, that since this isn’t a triad, you won’t be able to get a red/purple from this mix. My core triad is Cobalt Blue, Nickel Azo Yellow, and Quinacridone Red, which creates a very beautiful and balanced primary palette of all transparent colors, but lacks the punch to create deep, dark grays or blacks. That’s where Terra Cotta comes in and saves the day!
As for swatches, I swear I started with traditional swatches, but I was growing frustrated with the process. I’ve never actually made swatches before and began to wonder why. Perhaps it was painting inside the box or mostly it was because the usual approach requires drying time. I have the patience of a 5-year old child and rarely ever let my paint dry completely in my quick daily paintings. I work in a circular fashion to let bits sort of dry while working on others.
Painted Using Only My “Shiny” Da Vinci Watercolor Trio
So, something about the usual swatch method just didn’t feel like a fit for me. I tried a couple times and both were messy failures. I felt like I was losing my marbles. Hey, wait?! That’s it! I’ll make some marbles instead!
My Watercolor Marble Mixing Chart
So, I invented this little alternative doodlewash approach to traditional swatches. This is based on something I actually do often, when I want a lightening quick test of new colors and/or combinations. Which is pretty much all of the time, given my short attention span. I make a quick circular outline of the marble by using less water and getting a more saturated version of the color for the exterior of the marble.
Then, I rinse my brush and wet the center with water creating a rough approximation of a marble, leaving bits of highlights as dry paper. After that, I quickly add bits of color, letting the watercolor do what it likes and popping in a shadow at the end with a wetter wash of a diluted version of whatever color mix was left on my brush. I used only one color, then made some marbles adding two colors, and then some more adding bits all three colors.
In just a few seconds, this quickly shows me how the color granulates, how it mixes with other colors, how it can perform to create shadows, and even how well highlights stand out in various color combinations for my shiny things. The entire full chart you’ll find below took less than 10 minutes, about 20 seconds a marble, but to my brain, at least, shows me all I need to know about the colors and how they might work together.
I went back in to be a bit more helpful and organized them with a color key below, in case we don’t all share the same brain. The first little box is the color I started with for the outline (in a more saturated lower water form) and a general idea of the amount of the other colors present that I quickly dropped into the wet wash in the middle and then diluted to create the shadow. One note, if the center is too dark, I just push the wet color out of the way towards the edge which creates an even stronger outline of the marble and lets me see how the pigments interact together). It’s also a lot of fun! And I always feel like I learn a bit more when I’m just messing about like a kid.
Charlie’s “Shiny” Da Vinci Watercolor Trio – Two Color Mixes
What I love most about these particular colors is the depth and range you can get from using only two of them at a time. Nickel Azo Yellow in particular is like getting a few colors in one if you play with the less diluted version of the paint. The marbles on the bottom left and far right look like they have more than two colors in them, but it’s mostly Nickel Azo Yellow with just a bit of Cobalt Blue. In the middle far right, you can see an example of the shiny orange that happens when just a bit of Terra Cotta is added instead.
Charlie’s “Shiny” Da Vinci Watercolor Trio – Three Color Mixes
When you mix all three, the fun really begins as the saturation boosts even a bit more and interesting and often subtle interactions take place. The top far left marble’s shadow begins to resemble the sand on the beach, while the top far right’s shadows reminds me of a beach at sunset. The middle far right ended up looking like a Superman marble so I just let it be. It does show the nice pairing of warm and cool colors, but mostly I love it because it looks like it once belonged to Superman.
Charlie’s “Shiny” Da Vinci Watercolor Trio – Neutral Mixes
For the neutrals in this particular trio, I often only use Terra Cotta And Cobalt Blue to mix light and lovely grays. All three will mix to a brown, which can be useful, but also loses some of the transparency so I stick with just these two colors. Then I use very low water mixes of them to get either a brownish or a bluish black.
This provides the high-contrast look you see in many of my glass and metal illustrations. And though I use a sepia ink pen in my work, I can use this mix to add a quick black outline for effect when I’d like something to pop forward more or have a greater sense of contrast (yep, just with the same regular round pointy brush I was already using, hence the wiggly line work).
The feathered highlights in the lower left on the plate? My friend the paper towel. Used to quickly blot, lift and dry the paint before it bleeds to create a hard edge.
Charlie’s “Shiny” Da Vinci Watercolor Trio – Watercolor Marble Mixing Chart
Here’s the full chart of my marble mixes and neutrals so you can see how it all looks together. This is admittedly a rather unique way to swatch color, but I hope you’ll find it helpful. To me, it really shows what these colors can do together and the fun mixes you can create!
Painting Other Shiny Happy Things
These three lovely Da Vinci watercolor tubes aren’t just for glass and metal, of course, they can be used to paint lots of other shiny happy things as well, from puppies to sunflowers. The sunflower is an example of the greens you can get from this palette. I typically use Leaf Green to get a very bright spring green, but Cobalt Blue and Nickel Azo Yellow mix to create a lovely natural sunny green color.
I’m rather found of painting food, and I use Terra Cotta and Nickel Azo Yellow often to create the crust of pies and even for corn flakes with bananas on top as shown below.
Lastly, I’m a huge lover of animals, particularly dogs. Yep, you can even use only my “Shiny” Da Vinci Watercolor Trio to create furry friends as well, from puppies to continental bulldogs. The “blacks” you can create in this trio are also great for border collies as well in achieving both the bluish black and brownish black found in their fur.
Not many dogs are purple, so the lack of a true red in this palette makes it work, but if you would like a bit more purple or lovely bright red, simply add a Da Vinci watercolor tube of Quinacridone Red and you’ll have a quattro palette that will allow you paint anything on the planet! (here’s an example of those 4 colors via a couple glasses of wine, which I’ll be enjoying now that we’re at the end of this post! For the record, it is in the evening that I’m writing this.)
Da Vinci Watercolor Trios Are Available Now!
Click Here To Buy My Trio And Make Your Own #DaVinciMoment!
I hope you enjoyed my overview of mixes in my “Shiny” trio and if you’d like to purchase a set for yourself, well now you can! Each trio is only $19.95 and includes a little brochure with information about the artist on the back and opens to reveal their mixing chart as a reference. My trio contains colors that would cost a quite a bit more if purchased separately, so it’s really a wonderful deal!
Also be sure to check out Tonya’s post and Jennifer’s post. They both share their gorgeous trios, and the wonderful art and mixes they created with them. For a limited time, we each receive a portion of sales, so thank you so much for supporting your fellow artists!
And also, for a limited time, these trios come with a sample of Hahnemühle Cézanne watercolor paper if you buy now! 
Whew, that was a lot to cover in one post! Hope you’ll love these new Da Vinci watercolor trio sets, hand-selected by artists. I can’t wait to see what you’ll make! Happy Painting!
Da Vinci Watercolor Trios are available now! Click Here To Buy Them ALL And Make Your Own #DaVinciMoment! 
Introducing Da Vinci Watercolor Trios! - Make a #DaVinciMoment with these new 8ml tube sets from a trio of artists! My own trio is available to purchase now! Check it out! #doodlewash #WorldWatercolorGroup #watercolor #watercolour Great ideas are happening at Da Vinci Paint Company! I'm so thrilled to share with you an awesome project that I've been working on with Marcello there, to kick off an upcoming line of 8ml Da Vinci watercolor tubes (adding to the collection of 15ml and 37ml watercolor tubes).
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: The post A Men’s Holiday Gift Guide Filled With Cool Unique Stuff You Actually Want appeared first on Effortless Gent.
Looking for our 2020 men’s holiday gift guide? It’s still here (just scroll down) but we’re also using this space to update you of any ongoing Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals we feel are worth your time. So keep reading to take advantage of awesome discounts at our favorite EG-approved stores. EG-Approved Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals, November 2020 I’ll keep this list updated as much as possible. Bookmark this post and check back often; I’ll continue to add worthwhile deals I find. Make sure to double-check end dates on the brand’s site as well, and move quickly! Products tend to sell out during the weeks of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Most of these deals end around 12/1, if not earlier. I have to mention my own Black Friday deal Take 50% off my style program bundle. That’s Effortless Outfits (Fall / Winter), Match Clothes Like a Pro, and Smart Sharp Style, for $139! If you buy each program individually, it’s $271. I don’t discount my programs often, so this is an incredible chance to grab lifetime access to every single one of my style courses. Looking to upgrade your style and need step-by-step guidance? This is the way to go! I update my programs regularly, and I have a HUGE update planned for Smart Sharp Style in 2021. As a customer of this bundle, you’ll get full access to all new updates for free. I also offer a 30-day, 100% money back guarantee, if it isn’t what you expect (but I know you’ll love it ) Effortless Style 101 Bundle Was $271, Now $139 Ends 12/1, get all of our style programs—Effortless Outfits Fall / Winter, Match Clothes Like a Pro, and Smart Sharp Style—for 50% off. You also receive FREE lifetime updates and a 30-day, 100% money back guarantee. LEARN MORE Learn More My style program bundle deal ends 12/1! Learn more here. Here’s our list of favorite brands / stores and their Black Friday + Cyber Monday deals By the way, if you aren’t familiar with some of these brands, just know they’re among my favorites and I either know the folks behind the brand personally, and / or have shopped there for years. Many of them don’t do sales normally, so this is a great opportunity for you to pick out something awesome. So click through and check them out; I’m sure you’ll find stuff you love. Brand / Store Offer Code Huckberry So. Much. Great. Stuff. no code needed Everlane 20-40% off (first BF sale) no code needed Bonobos 30% off sitewide + tons of specials FRIDAYWEEK Beckett Simonon 2 pairs for $289! no code needed Spier & Mackay 20% off sitewide BF2020 GREATS 25% off orders $75+ CYBERWEEK Tiege Hanley Skin care mega box! 12 products, 50% off no code needed SuitSupply Biggest outlet ever, current season stock included 2020 KOIO 10-30% off until 11/30 No code needed Jay Butler 20% off sitewide (JBBF2020); 30% off alligator and ostrich (JBBFexotic) JBBF2020, JBBFexotic Oliver Cabell 15% off sitewide + free Gordon bracelet no code needed Miansai 20% off everything (excl. fine jewelry) BLACK2020 Away $125 off the Journey Set + other sets available no code needed Twillory Up to 65% off! no code needed Ugmonk 20% off sitewide, free shipping $99+ HOLIDAY20 Mott & Bow 15% off, goes up to 25% no code needed American Trench 20% off sitewide, some exclusions BFCM2020 Billykirk 35% off BLACKFRIDAY35 Grant Stone Spend $400+ & receive 30% off sitewide, excl. shell cordovan blackfriday2020 Keap 25% off (great workout shorts) Holiday25 Olivers 20% off until 11/30 (great premium athletic staples) no code needed As much as I love holiday gift guides—I mean, who can resist them, amirite?! — I really look at them as personal shopping wish lists. When’s the last time you looked at a gift guide and didn’t think to yourself, “Ooh, I’d like that for me!”? Exactly. So this year, with the help of EG’s contributors, I put together this holiday gift guide with that in mind. Here are our favorite things we think you’ll love, too—or at least find intriguing. And sure, if there’s someone on your mind whom you think would like one (or a few) of these things as well, buy two Gift suggestions from Barron, Founding Editor OK so I’m gonna go first, just because Here’s my wish list, I mean, picks for this gift guide! Beckett Simonon Preston Chelsea Boots $229, Made To Order The perfect chelseas to add to your wardrobe: rich chestnut brown, full-grain, water-repellant suede with a rounded toe and rubber sole (great for the winter). You'll love wearing these for years. Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Anker PowerCore Fusion 5000 2-in-1 Wall & Portable Charger I've consistently recommended this over the past several years, and it's still one of the most useful things I own. I always keep one in my work bag or plugged in by my desk. Best of all, it's always charged whenever I'm on the go and need some extra juice. (Pick up these charging cables while you're at it.) Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Hamilton Khaki Field Mechanical Watch $382.80 This Hamilton has a rugged aesthetic with a 24h military time dial in a compact package (38mm case) that looks great on most wrists. It's the perfect everyday casual / outdoor lifestyle-friendly watch! Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 12:28 am GMT Sonos One Voice Controlled Smart Speaker $199.00 Sonos One is the powerful smart speaker with built-in voice control. Get rich, room-filling sound with Sonos one, and control it with voice, the Sonos app, Apple Airplay2, and more. Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 12:27 am GMT The Pakt Coffee Kit $160 This thing is beyond cool. If you love great coffee and you travel a lot, you'll want to own one of these. It's basically a portable electric pour-over system in a small case. Comes with everything you need to make great coffee on the road! Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Hook & Albert Garment Luggage Carry-On $495 This is a definite upgrade from the Hook & Albert Garment Duffel, which I also love, but sometimes I'm just lazy to schlep a duffel bag to the airport. This carry-on takes it to the next level, marrying the convenience of a small roller with the utility of a garment bag. Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. How To Start Leather Crafting I've been interested in leather crafting for a few years but never really knew where to start. The folks at Corter Leather (an indie shop who makes awesome leather goods) partnered with Weaver Leather Supply for this how-to video + set of supplies to get you started right away. CHECK IT OUT Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Gift suggestions from EG contributor, Miko Tyack Miko is our resident watch expert. Tap here to check out his latest articles all about watches. Here are his picks. Watches: A Guide by Hodinkee $99.00 This book is today’s watch bible. The chapters are broken down by topics like chronographs, high design, and icons, each chapter written by industry experts (scuba diver Jason Heaton takes on the chapter on dives). With glossy pages and cool images, this compendium is fun for experts and newbies alike. Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 12:27 am GMT Garmin Fenix 6S Pro $564.99 As an outdoor buff, I’m always interested in multisport fitness trackers. Garmin is famed for their superior satellite navigation and power management, so you can go as far and as long with this guy as you want –especially since it includes emergency alerts and incident detection. The Fenix 6S Pro also features cool topographic maps. Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 12:27 am GMT Versa Elite Single Watch Winder $69.95 This is one of the best affordable watch winders out there. A watch winder is a good way to keep your automatic watches ticking and healthy when you aren’t wearing them. With its leather finish and clear display, the Versa Single is also a good presentation box if you leave your watches on display! Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 12:27 am GMT Invicta NFL New England Patriots Watch $189.99 I'm a Pats fan, but there's an NFL Invicta watch for every team. If you ever hit a wall with what to get your buddy for his birthday (his wife wouldn't appreciate you taking him away for that camping trip every year), this watch safely stays in the bro-lane and every football fan will find an occasion to rep his team with it. Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 05:28 pm GMT The Impossible Collection of Watches (Ultimate) $1,095.00 A grand for a coffee table book? Hear me out. This impressive tome is less of a book and more like a piece of art at 15.5” x 18.6”, a silk clamshell presentation, and complete with white gloves and a signature canvas tote. The beautiful watch imagery on art-quality paper pops out of the page, and the content is written and curated by historian and former British GQ Editor-in-chief, Nicholas Foulkes. Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 12:29 am GMT Need a great gift for a cigar lover? Cigar Gifts For An Effortless Gent: The 5 Best Gift Ideas For The Cigar Aficionado In Your Life Gift suggestions from EG contributor, Brian Adee Brian mostly focuses on cigars, accessories, and everyday carry here at Effortless Gent. You can find his articles here. He recently put together an awesome gift guide for cigar lovers. Take a look at his picks for this gift guide! Garmin Forerunner 35 GPS Watch $95.00 When the gyms closed and I could no longer train safely with my jiu jitsu partners, I took up a daily running habit for my physical activity. Running had never been my thing before the pandemic, but now it’s a welcome relief from being cooped up indoors all day! Garmin’s Forerunner watches provide a heart rate monitor at the wrist as well as a sleek and minimalist display, making it perfect for long runs and tracking progress. Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 12:27 am GMT Pocket Squares from Cyberoptix Tie Lab Starting at $7 Delightfully quirky and handmade in Detroit, I’ve been wearing Cyberoptix’s silk screen printed ties for years, but haven’t tried any of their other accessories yet. Maybe this will be the year for an Ampersand handkerchief or beer ingredients pocket square? Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Opinel No. 8 Pruning Knife $23.00 Decisions, decisions… Even though I already have a few Opinel knives, I can always find room for one more of their beautiful blades. Their mushroom hunting knife looks perfect for wet season foraging, but the DIY multi-tool is the first one I’ve seen from Opinel. Honestly, I’d be happy to get either as a gift! Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 12:27 am GMT Opinel No.9 Knife and Multi-Tool $30.00 Decisions, decisions… Even though I already have a few Opinel knives, I can always find room for one more of their beautiful blades. Their mushroom hunting knife looks perfect for wet season foraging, but the DIY multi-tool is the first one I’ve seen from Opinel. Honestly, I’d be happy to get either as a gift! Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 12:27 am GMT Why We Make Things and Why It Matters $14.75 With so many routines and standbys disrupted by the events of the past year, I’ve taken solace in going back to some of my favorite hobbies -- as well as starting a few new ones.  While at first I took up woodworking to beat my boredom and existential angst, I quickly found myself developing a renewed love and appreciation for making things with my hands. That’s why I’m looking forward to reading this book from Peter Korn: A deeply spiritual take on how making objects shapes our lives and identities. Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 12:27 am GMT Full Bodied Cigars Sampler $59.99 Famous Smoke always has some amazing package deals around the holidays, but this set at this price just blows me away. There’s nothing quite like having rich, robust cigars to share with friends on a cold winter night. If they’re already out of the Full Bodied Cigars sampler, I’m also a huge fan of just about every stick that Montecristo makes. You can try them all in the Best of Montecristo Sampler, also from Famous Smoke. Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Gift suggestions from EG contributor, Beau Hayhoe Beau covers style and many of our buying guides here on Effortless Gent. You can find his articles here. Here are Beau’s picks for the EG gift guide: Billy Reid Bond Peacoat $486.50 Simply put, the Billy Reid Bond Peacoat is a surefire classic, as covetable as it gets. It’s been immortalized on screen (at least, for this James Bond) in the excellent 007 flick Skyfall, and ever since then, it’s been on my (mental) holiday wish list.  Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 12:27 am GMT Master & Dynamic MH40 Wireless Headphones I’m a big fan of indie rock and all things music, and seeing as live shows are off the table for a good long while, these crystal-clear headphones ought to serve as a fitting replacement when it comes to high-quality audio. They’re both Bluetooth capable and able to be plugged into a turntable, and that’s a 2-for-1 deal I can certainly get behind.  Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Todd Snyder Italian Suede Snap Dylan Jacket $998 If you’ve read my work or follow me on social media, you know I’m a huge fan of the work being done by NYC menswear designer Mr. Todd Snyder. The Dylan Jacket is up at the top of my holiday wish list for its perfect blend of refinement, style and just enough rugged appeal. Available in several colors. Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Shinola The Guardian Leather Watch $588.00 As you might have guessed, my home state pride runs deep, even though I’m in Brooklyn now and not Michigan. Shinola was the “It” brand for me through my college years, and a handsome and refined watch like this is every bit as covetable for me now as then.  Shop Now Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 12:29 am GMT Red Wing Heritage Iron Ranger Boots $329.99 Another classic from the annals of modern menswear lore, the Red Wing Heritage Iron Ranger Boots have never failed to catch my eye, in the wild or on digital shopping shelves. Growing up in Michigan, I was more of a Wolverine boots fan (home state pride!), but Red Wing Heritage Iron Ranger Boots are simply unbeatable these days.  Shop Amazon Shop Nordstrom We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 11/27/2020 05:28 pm GMT Which of these make your holiday wishlist? What would you add to it? And what’s on your wishlist this holiday season? Feature image via GiftPundits #GiftGuides #StyleTips
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