#I probably am going to be dealing with these stupid things for the REST OF MY LIFE like they aren't just going to go away. ....
bsaka7 · 2 months
i feel like my headaches have been getting worse :/
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f1girliefics · 8 months
Not His Type, His
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: During an interview, he describes his ideal woman, which is the exact opposite of you, the woman he is dating. 
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At first, you didn't want to believe it.
As you rewatched the video, it started to sink in.
He described your exact opposite.
How does one deal with this?
How were you supposed to deal with the fact that your boyfriend just confessed that his ideal woman is nothing like you?
What were you supposed to do with that information?
Was this his way of breaking up with you?
Was this his way of saying he doesn't want you anymore?
Or were you just reading into this too much?
Your relationship with Charles wasn't a secret.
People knew, there were many photos of the two of you, most posted by yourselves.
So then what was happening?
And apparently, you weren't the only one wondering about this.
Under the video there were multiple comments. Then you got messages about different news websites reporting on the thing... great.
'F1 Driver Charles Leclerc Single Again?!'
'Trouble in Paradise! You WON'T BELIEVE what Charles Leclerc just said!'
'Charles Leclerc admits in a new interview, his girlfriend is NOT his ideal woman'
And so on.
And you weren't going to lie, it bothered you.
You ran so many scenarios through your mind.
You hoped he only spoke out of his head without a second thought. You knew how he could get after a certain race, he wouldn't think about what he was saying.
He probably didn’t even realize what he had just done.
Your phone rang but you ignored it. Later on, you checked, it was your best friend, but you wouldn’t want to talk with anyone now.
You were afraid to open the internet, you were scared to turn on the TV.
You didn’t know what to do.
Then, Charles arrived back at the hotel room. 
When your eyes locked with his, both of you stayed absolutely still and quiet.
“I am stupid.” he said and you nearly started laughing, rolling on your stomach. His exact voice… perfect.
“I didn’t mean it! I was thinking about the race, going through it in my head and then I just blurted out something. I swear!”
“I will post something on Instagram or make a statement, I will fix this.” he pulled his phone out and you just knew, as soon as he saw the panic in his eyes, you forgave him.
Why were you even worried that he would want to break up with you?
“Charles.” he looked up at your from his phone, you stood up from the bed and walked over to him. “Congrats. P5 is really good.” you said as he smiled at you.
You swore his smile could make you forget everything.
“Thank you. But I really am sorry about the-”
“It’s all good. Let them burn with curiosity a little bit more… But… Just so I know… you don’t want to break up, right?”
“What?! NO! You are perfect!”
“But I’m not your ideal type.”
“You might not be, but you are mine.” you laughed a little and he pulled you in for a kiss. 
It was time to celebrate a little, just the two of you, the rest of the world can burn and wait until you two were finished.
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moominsuki · 1 year
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✎ᝰ BAKUGOU KATSUKI ; — anyone would be silly not to love you, katsuki.
࿄ ! warnings — f!reader, no warnings. so fluffy it’s sickeningly sweet.
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katsuki knows that he’s a little difficult to deal with sometimes. to love is a different story altogether.
from a young age, he never really cared about what others thought about him. he wasn’t interested in friends, tolerated his family and he didn’t care for women at all. and at 16, he deemed this to be a perfect way to live.
well, now he was 22. who knew that loneliness would hit him in tumultuous spouts of self loathing and bitterness? not him, that’s for sure. he sees his friends getting into relationships and while he’s thankful that they always include him in things despite his brash attitude and sharp tongue, there’s an embittered taste on his tongue that lingers when he sees kirishima and his girlfriend.
katsuki doesn’t think he’s particularly unattractive either and women do approach him; unfortunately, they’re left sour by his mannerisms and deadpan tone of voice. at 18, he didn’t care that girls didn’t really understand him. but four years is a heck of a long time to change your view on things: things being love.
you tell him that anyone would be silly not to love him.
katsuki has known you since he was a stupid, brooding adolescent kid. he thinks it’s a blessing and a curse that you came into his life so forcefully, uprooting yourself and plopping your ass into the middle of it. he’d never tell you but sometimes when he’s on blind dates with the next girl that denki thinks is “the one,” all he can think about is you: especially when his forgettable date orders your favourite, barbecued duck noodle soup, to be exact and he remembers when you made that for him on his 18th birthday.
when you come over to his place to cook dinner and watch a film, you ask about his date and katsuki alludes to the failure of it and that she also “eats really noisily,” a pet peeve of the blond’s. you frown cutely, like you always do when he tells you about the flings that don’t go well.
“well, anyone would be silly not love you, katsuki,” you’d always say and it was routinely with the way he’d stand behind the kitchen island and you’d smile at him, eyes crinkled and shining, making a raspy breath hitch in his throat.
and when dinner was ready, you’d set out both your bowls of dumplings and duck and sometimes you’d put on a netflix show that you really like (katsuki thinks netflix sucks but for you, he’d watch paint dry); however, this time, you opt to just talking, catching up on your day and the plans for the week.
“y’know, blind dates aren’t all they’re cracked up to be anyway. statistically speaking, your soulmate is probably someone you’ve known all your life,” you say candidly, slurping noisily and katsuki watches you thoughtfully before scoffing, all bemused.
“i speak to maybe four women, including you and my ma. great odds,” and you giggle at that, making his heart jump while some soup dribbles down your chin.
“there’s someone out there for everyone, okay! and who are the other women besides me and your mom?” you raise a brow jokingly and katsuki lifts a hand to softly flick at your head.
“just coworkers. like i said, the odds ain’t great,” he grumbles and you rub at the spot on your head before resting your hand on top of his and lifting it back up to press it to your warm cheek.
“you have me! am i not enough woman for you?”
katsuki’s eyes soften and his thumb subconsciously rubs across your skin.
“plenty ‘nuff woman for me. don’t know who else could put up with me,” he says earnestly and both your eyes widen almost comically at the words that slipped out of his mouth.
he’s about to dejectedly pull his hand away when you slightly lean into his touch, “it’s like i said. anyone would be silly not to love you,” and you angle your face so your plump lips kiss into his thumb.
you decide not to comment on the reddening tips of his ears and the pink dusting across the golden specks of freckles on his cheekbones, to save him from the embarrassment.
maybe it’s the years from knowing katsuki that allows you to always say the 8 words: from seeing him transition from a brash, harsh, emotionally constipated 17 year old who was at least three inches shorter than you (he would vehemently deny the passing of time in which you would tower over him) to an almost 23 year old man, who picks you up from school most days, who’d wash your makeup off when you got too heavy handed with the liquor, who knows your order at the local chinese off by heart and who is now definitely almost a foot taller than you.
before katsuki washes up, he shyly asks you to stay the night - in his own roundabout way of being timid, which includes his heavy voice and a seldom amount of eye contact - and you normally do sometimes, with him sleeping on the couch while you take up his kingsize bed. your heart shakes a little in your chest but of course, you smile in reply and nod. you and him both know that this time, it’s different.
“we can stay in my bed… if you want,” mumbles the man gruffly and this time, you bite back a smile. dealing with katsuki meant that you didn’t like to fluster him at times where he was opening up to you, albeit in small, crumbly pieces.
you nod again and reply.
“of course.”
it’s 9:35pm on the dot when you both settle into the duvet of his huge bed and katsuki is kind of stiff, to say the least, and there’s a metaphorical wall between you two. you think he’s staring straight up to the ceiling, if his breathing pattern and the slight glow of his red eyes told you anything.
“is it okay if we cuddle?” you whisper, turning to your side to face him and you think you did something right because he breaks out of his self-doubting stupor and after a few moments, opens up his arms to your smaller body as a leg wraps around his waist and an arm drapes across his chest.
“you okay, katsuki?” you whisper again. “did i do something?” and he can hear the pout and the furrowed brow in your voice.
katsuki all but he wraps an arm around to pull you closer, “no. just go to sleep, dumbass.”
you pull yourself up and he panics a little but he can slightly make out the smug grin on playing on your lips and your bright eyes in the dark as you lean on his chest to be level with his face.
“i promise no one under the age of 45 goes to bed at half 9. you’re so lucky you have me,” and before he can ask what you mean on “having you,” you press your lips onto his and it’s ended before it even started. the taste of his mouthwash and your chapstick lingers and he’s stiff all over again.
“anyone would be silly not to love you, even if you act like an old man,” you sigh, bonking your head softly onto his and he inhales deeply, playing with the hem of his shirt draped on your body.
“don’ need anyone else to love me when i have you, right?”
he can see the smile that reaches your eyes, crinkles and all.
“you might be right about that,” you hum and katsuki leans up to nose around your jaw before locking lips with you properly.
katsuki knows that he’s a little difficult to deal with sometimes. to love is a different story altogether. but when you look at him like that: like he has the world on his fingertips, encased in ribbon and inscribed in lettering addressed just for you, he decides that he’ll never accept anything but the best.
even if he is a little bit of a grandpa. but you’d be silly not to love him.
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࿄ ! — all rights reserved © moominsuki. please do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend my work outside of tumblr. this is strictly prohibited.
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jayybugg · 5 months
locker room activities
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Draco Malfoy x Reader
Summary: Draco hates you.....or so you thought.
Warning: Language, Slight Time Skips, Kinda Asshole Draco (?), Smut (18+), No Specific House Mentioned, Use of Y/N.
Word Count: 2.6K
Note: Hi, here I am back again with another fic. It's not song-based this time, just my feral thoughts taking over for Draco. As always, thank you @pizzaapeteer for proofreading and @cafekitsune for the banner! Enjoy!
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Draco Malfoy hated you. 
You weren’t sure why, but you also didn't care enough to find out. In fact, you found amusement in seeing the blonde make a fool out of himself to prove his superiority. The glares he shot your way only made you giggle to yourself as you just simply ignored them majority of the time. But seeing him get riled up even more by your unbothered state always made your day.
"Another day of being an idiot, Malfoy?" you smiled lazily down at him sprawled out on the ground, his failed potion covering him.
"This is your fault! You charmed my potion to explode!" Draco shot to his two feet, glaring at you. You raised an eyebrow at him, confused at what he was even talking about. "Charmed your potion? I just got here.” you paused for dramatics. “After it exploded." You rolled your eyes at the stupidity of his accusation
"All you do is get under my skin and annoy me, Y/L/N." Draco snapped at you.
"I don't even do anything to you!" You felt your anger boil. This boy practically borderlines harasses you every day, but somehow, he was the victim? Makes sense coming from Draco.
"You do a lot of things to me!" Draco yelled at you. The chuckles from his table of friends was enough to turn him red and send him storming out of the classroom.
"Bloody hell is his problem?" You muttered to yourself, sitting down at the desk to start your potion.
You didn't see Draco for the rest of the day, figured that he probably skipped class and called his father to complain or try to get you kicked out of school. You soaked up the peace as much as you could.
"Madam Pince? Do you know where this book may be? I need it for my ancient runes class." You handed the woman a piece of paper with the title scribbled across it.
"Ah, Mr. Malfoy checked it out." She returned the paper to you. You groaned softly. Of course, that imbecile had the book that you needed. "Granted, it's overdue, so he needs to return it. Why don't you go get it from him?" Madam Pince asked, looking over her glasses. 
You knew this was her way of getting you to do her job. It was a known fact to everyone that Madam Prince hated to deal with Draco and the rest of his family. 
You sighed, grabbing your stuff to go track down the blonde. You really needed that damn book. "Okay, I got it."
Luna was the first to see you, her smile staying wide. "Hey, Y/N!" she waved at you. Pansy turned at your approach and smiled at you. "Hey, what brings you here?"
"I was looking for you, actually." You leaned against the wall next to the girls. "I hate to interrupt the date, but I need your help, Parkinson."
"With what?" she raised her eyebrow, tilting her head slightly.
"Got any idea where Malfoy is?"
Pansy's eyes widened in surprise. "Why are you looking for Draco?"
"Don't get any ideas, Pans. He has a book that I need and Madam Pince told me to get it from him because it's overdue." You poked the girl's forehead, making Luna laugh and Pansy rolled her eyes. 
"I was just surprised, that's all." Pansy defended herself, "He should be at quidditch practice, but by the time you get to the field, it'll probably be over and you'll have to wait till he comes out of  the locker room." 
"Okay, thanks! Bye, lovebirds." You waved the two girls goodbye, making your way over to the field. 
Just like Pansy had said, by the time you got down to the field the practice was over. You stood by the entrance, hoping to catch Draco when he left and prayed that he had the book on him by any chance. 
"Waiting for a hot date, y/n?" Mattheo asked, walking out with Theo as they exited the locker room first, surprised to see you waiting there. 
"I wish." You rolled your eyes. "Waiting for Malfoy. He has a book that I need and Madam Pince has me doing her dirty work.” 
"Ahhhh." Mattheo and Theo said, simultaneously grinning at you. 
"What?" you raised an eyebrow at them. 
"Oh nothing. This should be the highlight of his day." Theo smiled, patting your head. The two walked off, leaving you confused. 
You continued to wait for Malfoy, watching the rest of the Slytherin team clear out of the locker room. After about another 20 minutes of waiting, you grew tired. 
"What the fuck is he in there doing? His everything shower?" you muttered. You looked around at the empty hallway before sighing and pushing open the locker room door. 
The locker area was completely empty, making you intensely bitter that Draco was probably in the shower. You walked up to his ajar locker to see all the quidditch equipment and no sign of your book. 
"Of course, the asshole doesn't have it on him." You rolled your eyes. You looked around for any sign of him, but you didn't see him. 
You walked closer to the showers, hearing water running. "Malfoy??" you called out, receiving a dead answer. 
He had to be in here. He was the only one who didn't leave the locker room. You moved closer to the entrance of the shower seeing Draco lean against the wall of the shower with water dripping down him. 
You eyed his physique slowly. Sure, the boy was annoying but Merlin, he was fine. 
You couldn't pay too much attention to his physique because your eyes and mind finally registered what he was doing and saying. 
"Fuck, Y/N. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck." Draco cussed, throwing his head back as he jerked himself off. Your eyes widened as you heard your name spill out his mouth. Was Draco getting himself off to the thought of you? 
You cleared your throat loudly. Draco's eyes shot open to see you standing at the entrance and taking in his naked form. 
"Shit! Y/N, what the fuck are you doing in here?" Draco scrambled to turn the shower off and grab his towel. 
"Well, I've been looking for you for probably the past hour or so." You said, your eyes staying trained on him. 
"Looking for me? Why?" Draco asked. He glanced around the showers and out to the locker room, "Is nobody in here?" 
"No, they all left 20 minutes ago. Getting ready for dinner, I assume." You walked closer to Draco, who was unconsciously backing away from you.
You had never seen Draco look scared, almost as if he wasn't sure what to do. 
He looked like prey and you were the predator. 
"W-why were you looking for me?" Draco asked again, as you continued to close the distance between you both. 
You ignored his question, using this advantage to tease him. "How many times have you gotten off to the thought of me?"
Draco gripped his towel tighter, "Don't be foolish, Y/N. I don't get off to you. Never have and never will." 
"I just saw you, Malfoy." You rolled your eyes, looking down at his dick, "And judging by how hard you are, I can guess that maybe this isn't the first time."
"Shit, you can see it through the towel?!" Draco clutched the towel closer to him to cover up the print, "Y/L/N, I'm begging you to just go and never speak about this again." 
"Begging? That's new for you." A devilish smirk took over your features as you took a step closer to him. Draco felt his heart start to pound in his chest. You looked ready to devour him. 
"Is this why you said I do a lot of things to you?" You dragged your finger down his bicep, pushing him against the wall. 
A part of Draco was embarrassed that he got caught like this but the other part of Draco was getting so turned on that if he was given the chance to have his way, then he was going to take it. 
"All this time, you've been so aggravated with me," Your hand fondled with the fabric of the towel that wrapped around his waist, "And it was all because of your dirty little fantasies." 
"Y/N, please...." Draco's voice was soft and desperate. It was music to your ears.
"Please what?" You leaned in to lick softly at his neck, "Come on, use your words. Where's that big voice of yours from earlier?" 
Draco didn't even know what he wanted to say. He couldn't decide if he wanted you to free him or to just have your way with him. 
"Tell me what you want me to do, Malfoy." You whispered into his ear as you continued to tug at his towel.
"Fuck." He was done. Any shred of self-respect or restraint that he had was gone. Demolished. Non-existent. 
"I'm waiting." you said in a sing-song voice. You were enjoying this. 
"Suck me off. Please." Draco said. 
You grinned, tugging his towel down and going to your knees. You licked your lips as you eyed his dick that was harder than you thought it was. 
You coated your hand in spit, pumping him before you licked the length of him slowly. You swirl your tongue around his tip, listening to Draco groaned deeply, his hands finding their way into your hair. 
"Stop teasing." Draco muttered, looking down at you. 
"But it's fun." You batted your eyes up at him. 
That look alone almost made him cum. Draco gave you a grunt in response. You smiled, taking him in your mouth, and quickly got to work. 
The lewd and slobbery sounds you were making with Draco's cock filling your mouth mixed with his moans and grunts caused your pussy to drench your panties. You reached around to the front of your school skirt and played with yourself as you continued to suck him off. 
"Fuck, this is better than any dream. Your mouth is amazing. I just want to fuck your face," Draco said, looking down into your eyes that were already on him, "Can I?” 
You nodded, pulling away to catch your breath as Draco gathered your hair into a makeshift ponytail and shoving his dick further down your throat. Draco wasted no time using your mouth to his pleasure, taking joy in the little gagging that you were doing. The sounds of your gags turning him on even more than he already was. 
"Do you like that? Being treated like my fuck toy?" Draco groaned out, watching your eyes gleam with unknown emotion. You hummed in agreement, keeping your eyes on him. 
"Fuck, I'm about to cum," Draco moaned. His dick was hitting the back of your throat, repeatedly and unforgivingly. The closer Draco was getting to his climax, the sloppier his thrusts got. He let out a groan, releasing his cum deep down your throat. You swallowed it quickly, pulling away and wiping the spit that had drooled down your chin to your chest. 
"I've never cummed from head before." Draco admitted, running a hand through his hair. You smiled, feeling your ego boost from his compliment.
"Well, there's a first time for everything." You stood up, gripping his dick that was still hard, "but I don't think it's fair that you get to cum and I don't." 
Draco's eyes gleamed with excitement and lust. He leaned forward to nip at your ear. "Want to know what another one of my fantasies was?" 
You raised an eyebrow at him, curiosity covering your face. Draco smirked as he turned you around to face the wall. 
"It was to fuck you from behind against this wall." 
He didn't waste time lifting your skirt up and sliding your panties to the side. He dragged his tip up and down your folds, making you whimper. 
"Don't be a tease." You groaned. 
"It's fun, remember?" He grinned, feeling his own cocky self return, "But I want to feel you, so I'm going to cut the fun short." 
Draco slid into you, the action creating loud moans from both of you. He started thrusting fast and hard into you. The sound of your skins slapping together and the sounds of your moans filled the room. Any concern you had about someone walking in or hearing you was quickly thrown out the window.
“Fuck." You moaned. 
"You feel so good. So tight and wet. Just for me, huh?" Draco whispered in your ear. 
"Just for you." You whispered back. Draco continued his thrusts, slapping your ass as he went. His name spilling out of your mouth with a string of curse words. 
You clenched around Draco, making him snake his hand around your neck to pull you up against him. "About to cum, baby? Cum on my dick like the good girl you are." 
His words made your orgasm better than you ever thought it would be. 
Draco spun you around and lifted you up, putting your legs over his shoulders and supporting you against the wall as he slid into you once again. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Yes, right there." You moaned as Draco drilled into you, leaving you no choice but to take all of him.
"You take me so well. So wet and so pretty." Draco covered your neck in kisses and marks before crashing his lips onto yours.
Your tongues explored each other's mouth as Draco continued to thrust into you roughly. It didn't take long for you and Draco to get close to your climax again.
“I’m going to fill you up. Have you walking out of this room full of me, and me only.” Draco grunted in your ear.
“Yes, please.” You whimpered, “Please do it.” 
 Draco groaned, releasing again inside of you. He pulled out of you and dropped you down to the ground softly. You gripped his arm and the wall for balance as your legs were shaking and you couldn't walk properly.
"If someone would've told me this morning that by the end of the day I would've fucked Draco Malfoy, I would've called them insane." You said, regaining your normal breathing patterns.
"I could say the same." Draco chuckled. He quickly wrapped a towel around him, looking down at you. "Your shirt is wet from the shower and the spit. Here, let me get my hoodie for you to wear." 
You blushed as Draco pulled you to the locker area, grabbing his hoodie and pulling it over your head. 
"Thank you." You adjusted the hoodie. "So, you never answered my question."
Draco raised an eyebrow at you, pulling on his clothes quickly. "What question?" 
"How long have you been having dreams about me?"
Draco paused, redness creeping up his neck, "I was hoping I would fuck you hard enough to make you forget." 
"Oh, I'll never forget this." 
Draco rolled his eyes, grabbing his bag, "I don't remember when they started or even when I felt an attraction to you. I just know that every night, upon recently, it's always just been you." 
You nodded, gathering your stuff, "Well, hope it was better than you could've ever imagined."
"Oh, it was," Draco said, "You never answered my question either. Why were you in here in the first place?" A smile took over your face as you looked up at Draco with a mischievous expression.
"You checked out the book for the Ancient Runes homework. Madam Pince said it was overdue and since I need it, she sent me to get it from you." 
"I don't have it on me," Draco said. 
You smiled, walking to the door, "Oh, I know. I'll come around your dorm later and get it from you."
You pushed the door open and threw a wink his way. Draco let out a deep sigh as he leaned against his locker. 
You were going to be the death of him.
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cranberrymoons · 6 months
under the mistletoe
prompt: idiots to lovers (@steddieholidaydrabbles) rated: m word count: 957 words tags: getting together, making out, mild cw for a little bit of outdated language about bisexuality (referring to steve as "part gay")
welcome to Day 8 of the fic advent calendar – bite-sized fics posting every day during the month of december. enjoy!
“Like, you hear how fucking stupid that sounds, don’t you?”
Steve shuts the cash drawer with his hip. “It’s not stupid, it’s just –” He folds his arms over his chest. “You wouldn’t understand.”
Robin narrows her eyes. “What, because I’m just so inexperienced?”
“No, because we’re –” He lets out a frustrated breath. “We’re guys. We’re both guys, there’s nothing going on there.” 
Her eyebrows disappear into her bangs, and she opens her mouth, and he holds up his hands. 
“I didn’t mean it like that,” he says quickly. “Just – we’re friends. That’s it.”
“Making out with him while you’re drunk at a party is the opposite of nothing going on.” She shakes him, gripping his arm tight enough that it actually hurts a little. “Oh my god.”
“I told you, it’s not that big of a deal,” he says. “You weren’t even there. It was like, a joke kiss. It was nothing.”
She raises her eyebrows at him. “Did you or did you not stick your tongue down his throat?”
He feels his face heat immediately. “Yeah, but there was like – mistletoe and shit, you’ve got to –”
“God, and look at you.” She lets him go in favor of sweeping the rest of the returns into the bin to be dealt with in the morning. “You actually like him.”
“I don’t,” Steve says. Then, “I mean – he’s Eddie! He’s our friend, of course I like him.”
She rolls her eyes, shoving the rest of her things into her bag and hiking it up on her shoulder. 
“Whatever, dude,” she says. “I swear to god, if you don’t make out with him for real by Christmas, I’m going to do it for you.”
He makes a face. “Please don’t.”
It’s a week later when they talk about it again. 
He’s the one who actually brings it up this time, because everyone’s over at his house for a movie night, and Steve catches Robin in the kitchen, wraps his hand around her wrist and drags her closer to duck their heads together while everyone else carries snacks into the living room.
“Okay, did you see that?”
She widens her eyes. “By that , do you mean the fact that he just touched your actual ass?” she asks. “Yeah, Steve. I saw it.”
He motions for her to keep it down, darting a look at the doorway to make sure no one’s listening. 
“He didn’t touch my ass, it was more like –” He motions behind himself, touching the spot where Eddie’s hand had rested, just for a minute. “Like my back. Right here. Right?”
She shakes her head, giving him a look like she can’t believe he’s not getting it. Which, fair enough. He’d probably be doing the same if things were flipped, but they’re not , and –
“It was here,” she says, reaching around to touch him, hand sliding down until he jerks away.
“Don’t touch my ass.”
She gives him a look. “See?”
He stares at her for a beat, taking a measured breath as he turns it over in his head. 
“What do I do about it?”
She makes a face. “How am I supposed to know?”
“I don’t know,” he says. “You’re gay, aren’t you?”
“So are you, apparently,” she says. “At least partially, if you want Eddie Munson to touch your ass again.”
He motions again for her to be quiet, casting another desperate look in the direction of the living room.
“Come on,” he hisses. “Just – what do I do?”
She sighs. “Kiss him again,” she says. “And not a joke this time.” She picks up her bowl of popcorn and narrows her eyes at him. “And then pay me a thousand dollars for being right.”
And he does. Well – not the thousand dollars, but –
A few nights later, it’s just the two of them, him on the couch in Eddie’s new apartment with Eddie’s lips trailing a searing line up his throat as he arches off the cushions and presses himself closer, hands shaking as he pushes them back through Eddie’s hair.
He gasps, angling Eddie’s head so he can lick into his mouth, and he loses himself in the kiss for a moment, in the way Eddie’s hands drag over his skin, in the warm glow of the TV playing in the background. But it’s something twinkly and holiday-y, and it jogs Steve’s memory enough that he sucks in a breath, pulling away to speak, holding Eddie back gently when he chases after his mouth.
“Just –” He gets drawn into another kiss, eyes fluttering shut. “One thing.”
Eddie hums, grazing light fingers up his side. “What could possibly be more important than this?”
“Nothing, just…” Eddie rolls his hips down, and it makes Steve’s breath stutter in his chest, gasping as he feels the hard line of Eddie settle against him. “Just –” Another kiss. And another. And – “Just don’t tell Robin until next week. After Christmas.”
This actually does cause Eddie to pull away, and he lets out a confused laugh.
His lips are swollen and slick, and his hair is mussed up from Steve’s fingers, and Steve can’t help but drag him back down, groaning into the kiss as he gets lost again. After a moment, Eddie pulls away to ask, staying close enough that their lips brush together when he speaks.
“Do I even want to know why?”
“No,” Steve says. He drags his teeth over Eddie’s bottom lip. “Just – she was right about something. Can’t let her win, though. She wants a thousand bucks. I’m not sure.”
Eddie snorts, shaking his head before dipping further down to bite at Steve’s jaw. 
“You two are so weird.”
[also on ao3]
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hitomisuzuya · 8 months
Scaramouche x fem!reader. Aftercare. Fluff. Not smut but tagged as such for a few sentences here and there. Soft Scara
@notyashiro128 requested some Scaramouche aftercare from me via my inbox awhile ago. Bear with me, everyone. I am running on about 3 hours of sleep while I write this. I think quite a few of you guys wanted me to write something like this.
Scaramouche is quite unforgiving in bed. He really lays into you. He is a very aggressively passionate man. And the results would very often show themselves on your body.
However, don't think there weren't those nights where sex with him was soft. You always got such a unique balance between rough sex and soft sex with him.
His aftercare is surprisingly quite tender. This man will go to the moon and back taking care of you.
He will offer to run you a warm bath with salts, soothing oils, and scented bubbles. He was a fan of lavender. Plus, the scent would help you sleep. It why he primarily liked to use it. (Shhh, sometimes it helps him sleep to.)
He would get in the tub with you, put his arms around you from behind and hold you against his chest. He would rub the soothing compounds in the essential oils the heat of the bath water released into your sore muscles.
His kisses would be soft, and doting, his tongue soothing against any inflamed skin from his bite marks. More often than not, it would led to soft, equally as passionate sex. You would be trembling almost breathless in his lap.
Scaramouche is something of a king of massages. I mean, look at his beautiful, gorgeous hands and those drool worthy fingers. You would be on your stomach, pillows propped around you carefully positioned by him. His fingers would knead into your sore muscles. You would melt like butter, sighing in relief as he tended to your sore muscles. Let's just say you would be drooling, practically asleep when he was finished. He was very thorough with his massages.
If you wanted something to eat or drink, he got it for you. It didn't matter what it was, even if he had to go out to get it. And he always came back with some kind of treat, like chocolate. He always grumbled about that, though.
One of his favorite things to do while he waited for you to fall asleep (he always made sure you fell asleep first<3) was to run his fingers tenderly over the bruises and bite marks he'd made. You are a beautiful canvas to be decorated by paints of passion by him.
This man is and always be a cuddler. A clingy little octopus in fact. Prefers to generally be the big spoon. It makes him feel like he is protecting you while you were in a vulnerable state position like sleep. Basically, Fort Knox level protection.
If you wanted to talk, Scaramouche would talk about anything, even if he said he thought the topic was stupid. Please talk to this boy, he loves the sound of your voice. He will indulge you on any topic, even if it was something simple as you seeing a cat today.
He had a feeling he was going to hear the words, "Hunny, can we?" followed by the words cat and keep him soon. And he would relent because you called him Hunny.
Count on Scaramouche stroking your hair if you are resting your head against his chest. It may look like an absentminded gesture while you talked, but it was something enjoyed doing. He loved to hear the soft, content sigh from you as you curled into him more.
Essentially, you are the center of this man's world. He is rude, arrogant, egotistical, self centered, obnoxious. An experience to deal with. And Scaramouche knows this. But damn it, he loves you. And he more than shows it.
His aftercare is further extended into the next morning. If he had to get out of bed before you, and leave your side before you woke up (which he HATED probably more than sweet things), he would leave a little note next to you. Usually, it was a song lyric or maybe a line from a poem that reminded him of you.
You kept every one of them.
Before you fall asleep, you are guaranteed hear him say, "I love you," as he kissed the top of your head.
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argreion · 4 months
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Cuts and Band-aids
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Val Here — So, uh, stupid self-indulgent fluff? I really badly just want to have a domestic life with Leon, you don't understand. I need to be stupid and laugh at his shitty dad jokes. Then play with his hair and fall asleep with cuddles. I am a simple woman, am sorry guys… Also going off Google with this.
(Also Tumblr decided to hide this for an hour so uh... Yeah, that happened. 😭 Am I making a big deal out of it? Yes. That shit literally scared me.)
Warnings — None, just fluff. And slightly OOC Leon, cause I like goofy Leon. Ok, maybe pretty OOC Leon but I think Domestic Leon and Mission Leon are pretty different ngl… Also, shit writing too, dialogue isn't my strong suit. 😭
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All this started with was cuddling in bed one night, being curious about one simple thing…
“Could I possibly shave your stubble, Leon?” An innocent question, as a gesture of affection towards him; something small and sweet.
Surprising him, as he proceeded to check his phone. Looking over his shoulder with shocked eyes, nodding in response.
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“Am I doing this right?” You asked as you applied shaving cream to the lower half of his face. Sitting up on the bathroom counter, with Leon leaning into you slightly. Watching him appear like a cat, scratched under the chin with a shit-eating grin.
“Mhm, I hope you know the basics of shaving. Do you need some private lessons on this, hm? Do I have to be Mr. Kennedy? Private shaving tutoring with Mr. Kennedy?” Leon purred, allowing you to maneuver his face in whatever way you wished. Feels like a model with a brush on his face, beauty at its finest.
“Uh, I know the thing about the grain. Against the grain?” Ok, maybe you didn't exactly know how to shave. It seemed harder to shave a face, rather than arm hair or leg hair. You didn't even have facial hair, so you had no room to talk in such a department. “How do you do against the grain?”
Aw, you poor, poor thing…
Leon sighed, explaining as you continued to cover his face in shaving cream; with the brush he provided ever so courteously, “'Ight, so, it ain't like shaving an arm. At least in my opinion, 'cause my opinion is absolutely amazing, and you shouldn't put cereal before milk.”
Ok, smart ass, maybe you'll be a lunatic and do milk before cereal… Sike.
“That opinion is shit, and you know it.” You laughed, putting the shaving brush away on the bathroom counter. Watching as Leon proceeded to ready the razor, like a jeweler appraising a diamond. Leon often looked this way when he cleaned his gun.
“Maybe you're the one with a shit opinion, ion know.” He chuckled, sliding the razor into your hand. “There, now it's time for Mr. Kennedy to work his charm and school you on shaving.”
Leon coughed, his face taking on a 'dignified' look as he raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips. Taking your hand in his, and giving you a hands-on approach toward his shaving.
Gently guiding your hand in a way that went against the way his facial hair grew. A slight sound came from it, and bits of hair following the trail.
“So, miss, what do you notice?” This 'teacher' asked, letting you do the second swipe yourself. Arms crossed over his chest, seemingly pleased with his shit attempt at teaching you.
“That you look very stupid? Or the fact that you missed a spot?” You answered, taking his jaw in your hands to move his face in an appropriate direction. He did, in fact, miss a spot. Poor man's ego probably took a hit.
“Damn it.” Leon sighed, his expression falling as he let his face rest. Letting out a faint hum as he watched your face focus; such care in doing something so simple.
“Seeing you focus is adorable, y'know?” He now said, was he attempting to woo you further? As if cheesy jokes, blanket hogging, and a breakfast lover weren't already enough. Focusing was his new target?
“I'm charmed, but I have a man at home.”
Shaving his face was a little over halfway done, having to do underneath his jaw and possibly his mustache. Seeing Leon raise an eyebrow at you as you began to do underneath his jaw. Oh really, a man at home? Oh my, what could ever be his name?
“I bet I could be better than that man.” Of course, you could be, dumbass. It's literally you.
“I dunno, he's definitely charming, but he's a bit of a... What's the best word? Clod? Dolt? Dumbass?” There were multiple words to describe Leon at points. The way he would burn his mouth when eating, knock things over, clearly need glasses, and proceed to not wear a damned motorcycle helmet. How many times did you yell at him? Then he would proceed to give a sheepish smile, runoff, and come back saying, “So, uh, honey! My motorcycle crashed on the freeway!” Absolute dumbass, but it was sweet. He was sweet.
He was sweeter than honey, almost too sweet. Seeing as he always kissed your knuckles or palms. An aged cat that just wanted to be loved, and love back.
“I bet he's delighted you call him such wonderful names. I'll call you... Amore mio bellissimo.” Leon purred, looking up to catch himself in the mirror. A smile graced his face, alongside a cut. The sudden movement of him moving his face caused the blade of the razor to cut him. Seeing a now thin, bright red mark on his jaw.
Oof, you did a little fuck-up. “Err... Band-aid?” You suggested, face a little uncertain as he brushed a finger over it. “Kind of moved your face, should've learned this now.”
“I know.” It was all he responded with, letting himself stare into his soul. A little creepy, but he often dazed off into his own world. Doing paperwork, before bed, coming from a mission, and when you showered together, too.
“Stop looking gloomy, gumdrop.” Gum drop? That just randomly popped out of your mouth. Ew, you're starting to sound like Leon when he's drunk. Clinging to you like a child, crying that you're so good to him. Delighted and honored, he held you in such a high regard.
“Gumdrop? I've rubbed off on you, honeybun.” He teased, that signature Kennedy toothy smile appearing. Cute little dimples on his face. Damn you.
Why did your face feel warm? A groan came from your lips as he had successfully wooed you in the stupidest ways. Reaching behind you into the band-aid box, feeling around for at least one normal-sized band-aid. Leon, why'd you always buy the big ass ones?
While you did that, Leon finished the rest of his face, splashing water all over his face as he finished. Rubbing underneath his eyes, muttering to himself that he needed to do something with his eye bags. Good, he's distracted...
Maybe you did like to fuck around and find out. Being able to fish out a Hello Kitty band-aid. Heh, you can play the small stupid game of pranks as well. Well, this wasn't exactly a prank. But it usually got a rise out of him in small ways. Pulling the back off and sticking it quickly on his face.
Was he appalled? Possibly, seeing as he stood there for a second. Maybe multiple seconds? Why did a small cold sweat break down your neck as he glanced towards you? Lips pursed as he judged the 'fashion choice' of such a band-aid.
“What's this dog again?” Leon asked, squinting as he turned his face to get a better look. That's right, he didn't even know what Hello Kitty was, did he? It was basically something for girls, and judging by the way he would watch raunchy cartoons. Yeah, he wouldn't know it's Pompompurin. It was too out of his league.
“That, my friend, is Pompompurin. Big name, I know. I botched it, so many times, till a little teenager screamed at me for it.” You laughed, recalling the small memory of it. Pausing as Leon gave a kiss to your cheek. More red blooming on your cheeks. Quick and sly, always the way he was.
“Well, guess I get to have a pee-colored band-aid on my face now, huh? Multiple kinds of hydrated, too.” Duly noted, never introduce you to a dog or Sanrio ever again. Only took ten seconds in, and you had to say something flavorful. No, something you want to slap him respectfully for.
“You always ruin cute things, God damn.” Never got old, you respectfully ruined the other. He got pee-colored band-aids, and you got a drive-by ass-wise. The equal playing field in this relationship.
“You just can't appreciate my art, can you?” He questioned, giving another kiss on your cheek before proceeding with his normal morning routine.
“You can't appreciate the art of me learning to shave your stubble? Not even a thank you?” Reusing his words in a way against him, watching him roll his eyes and meet your gaze.
“Thank you, babe.” Was all he said to make a small smile appear on your face. Earning a kiss on his lips.
“Love you.”
“Love you too, maybe pee colored band-aids are go—”
“Oh, shut the actual fuck up.”
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manjiroscum · 1 year
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WARNINGS: f!reader, explicit sex, mature language, threesome, a bit of slut shaming, bonten just being bonten, doggystyle, full nelson, protected sex (use of pills), creampie, just a lot of filth :p, sanzu's a bit of an asshole, strip game, and use of pet names. Minors do not interact.
NOTE: hi! here is the third fic for the collection :) took a lot of time bc uni and life got too hectic huhu anyway, i hope you enjoy it! (⁠ノ⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠)♪
SYNOPSIS: Another slow day at work meant more shenanigans to occur. Haruchiyo Sanzu was adamant to cause trouble and to have you bent over the desk for everyone to see.
WC: 1k
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The chances of being shot in the head by Bonten’s notorious pink-haired assailant had a much lower probability of happening than the wine bottle never landing on you. The whole ordeal wouldn't have been daunting if it were a normal truth-or-dare game. But of course, the rest of Bonten’s higher-ups were bored out of their minds and suggested a little twist in the game. It was either you picked truth or dare and did them… Or avoid it and strip. Lips in a grim line, you ignored the drunken hollers by the Haitani brothers as you unbuttoned your blouse. There was no way in hell you would admit that you slept with Takeomi in Mikey’s office due to a bet you made with Rindou.
No way in hell.
Curse these bastards for inviting you, their ever-lovely secretary, to this stupid game when you could've gone home early since Mikey wasn't around. When the big cat wasn't around to intimidate, every rotten mouse was up to play. And play, they did. Sanzu was even more adamant about making you answer the most difficult questions because it was fun to torment you especially now that you were only clad in your stockings, pencil skirt, underwear, and bra.
“Seriously, this game must be rigged!” You sat back down, brows furrowed and unaware of the lingering gazes on your supple breasts covered by a lace bra. “Most of you guys haven't even stripped much. Why am I getting the craziest dares and questions, huh?”
This was definitely to teach you a lesson not to get ahead with yourself thinking you can best these men in a game. As much as you knew their dirty secrets within the organization, they too, knew yours. What made them annoyingly frustrating to deal with was how they utilized it to bring you to your knees.
“Alright then,” Rindou rubbed his hands as if he has foreseen the future when the bottle pointed at you and him. Fighting back the urge to slap yourself for joining this stupid game, you listened as he gave you the options. “Truth or dare, princess. What do you choose?”
To use your answers against you was what Sanzu Haruchiyo and Haitani Rindou were begrudgingly good at. This tactic had you stripping your pencil skirt when you refused to answer the question Rindou gave you and the dare option was as equally brazen. Perhaps after a few more rounds, you were sure you would exit the building all nude. However, just as you were about to spill your woes, the pink-haired man got up and instantly pulled you from your seat without breaking a sweat. The next thing you know, you were bent over Mikey’s desk. Eyes wide, you blinked twice.
“W-what the—”
“Why won’t you answer the simple question, sweetheart? We’re not gonna kill ‘ya if your pussy decides it likes me better than Ran.”
“Sanzu, you dick, I heard that!”
The scars on either side of his lips stretched as he grinned down at your vulnerable form, his hard-on pressed against your ass that was too difficult to ignore. Wishing for it to go away would be stupid to do as well.
“I mean, aren’t you curious boys? A simple question as to who she wants to kill, marry or fuck isn’t something that’ll cause us to slit each other's throats. A slut like her should be shared by us.” Pulling back, Sanzu stepped aside for everyone to see your ass still clad in your panties. But not for long as he hooked his finger and pulled down the lacy thong, tongue tucked between his lips as he did so.
Such an obedient thing you were, spouting for him to stop yet doing nothing to make him halt in his actions. A few of the men swallowed hard at the sight of your bare ass and damp pussy lips, aching to fill your holes.
“Gonna ask you one last time, sweetheart. Be a dear and answer Rin’s question. He thought long and hard about it, you see.” Ignoring the huff the younger Haitani made, Sanzu smirked. “Fuck, marry, kill? Unless of course, you’re such a big slut that you want to fuck us all?”
The safest answer you took was what led you to be on all fours, Ran’s cock in your mouth and Sanzu thrusting his from behind. Rindou’s thick fingers were busy toying with your nipples as Kakucho rubbed himself to the sinful scene in front of him. Milky semen coated your back, belonging to the brothers and Kakucho after being coaxed by Sanzu to see who has the thickest load that will definitely knock you up. You ignored their silly banter, trusting the pill you religiously took. The air conditioner in Mikey’s office was either broken or was blowing cold air quite poorly due to how hot your flesh felt against their cool skin. The sound of flesh smacking against flesh echoed around, driving you all insane. Your eyes rolled back at Sanzu’s long cock hitting that favorite spot of yours.
They continued to switch positions, adamant for everyone to have at least a turn inside your cum-filled pussy. You felt your lower stomach bloat up at how much semen was inside. The game and wine bottle were forgotten, replaced with a much more engaging game where nobody loses. This was what you’ve always wanted, a secret you’ve kept to yourself. And now that it was happening, perhaps the teasing at the strip game earlier was worth going through.
“Too bad Takeomi and Mikey are missing out on this cunt.”
“Nah, the old man would probably complain about his back and Mikey’s not interested whenever we’re around.”
“Hey, Kaku, she’s blacking out. Wake her up.”
Kakucho hoisting you up and doing the standing full nelson position wasn’t something you anticipated. Everyone was amazed at how much of their cum spilled out when he thrust his thick cock inside your weeping pussy, your teeth gritted at the tight fit. He has always been the biggest of them, rendering you a bit dizzy as he pistoned his hips. Not minding your fucked up state, Sanzu bent down to be on eye level with you, a grin on his pretty face.
“What do you say after we grant your wish, sweetheart?”
“T-thank, a-ah, hu…♡”
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taglist: @imkumichan @pyrsqrd @ploylulla @wakaslut @ranilingus @tobidabio @zuuki @leavemealonebutinpink @kamisoria @wakasa-wifey @keijisprettygirl @marism-tr @stffychn @manjirousagi @tokyometronetwork
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shurisneakers · 3 months
unsolved (iii)
Summary: Bucky doesn't even believe in the paranormal. So who the hell thought it was a good idea to stick him in a series about everything haunted for the internet's amusement? With his loose-canon of a teammate who has no concept of subtlety or shits left to give, to make things even worse. (Buzzfeed unsolved AU)
Warnings: swearing, frustrated bucky at his little shit supreme, obnoxious reader, cryptids, graveyards
A/N: good evening. i am fighting demons (tummy ache). comments and feedback are always appreciated thank u for the love on the series so far i adore u guys sm <;33
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Previous part || Series masterlist
A few days after the first video goes up, Bucky returns from his run to a SHIELD file taped to his door.  
He opens to a black and white photo of him from back in the day, and a page full of his details. Full name, blood group, previous addresses, aliases, best colours to match his undertone, favourite Gilmore Girl boyfriend. 
He flips the page to the section on his known connections, only for a sheet of paper to fall out. Sharpie sprawled haphazardly across it, in big red letters. 
He bites back a grin.
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The video does reasonably well. Not record breaking numbers or anything, but for once there aren’t TikToks of people counting how many times he blinks to make sure he’s an actual human. 
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Always a man of his word, though he has regretted it every single time, he agrees to a second video. It follows after a disgraceful bout of bitching and even pleading, but a few hours later, he resigns himself to his fate silently. 
That is until the schedule for the next video shoot is posted to the server, and he sees it’s at night. 
The night he uses to sleep. The night.
Before he can even type out his rejection, his door receives four sharp knocks. He doesn’t even need to open it to know who it was.  
It’s like you could read his thoughts. Probably could. He doesn’t know the extent of your telekinesis. 
In your hands is a large cardboard box and on your face is a stupidly big grin. 
“Good evening,” you greet. 
“Tell me the show’s getting cancelled,” he says. 
“Nope. We–” you announce, reaching into the box and shoving something onto his chest, “--are going on a trip. Demon hunting.”
“Demon hunting?” 
“To Westley Cemetery,” you add, letting the box tumble onto the floor as you grip its contents. “To catch the Westley Cemetery Cryptid.”
“What the hell is the Westley Cemetery Cryptid?” Bucky demands.
“Creature that lives in the cemetery, watches people from the trees and runs after you if you’re there too long. No known kills, but a couple of scratches and spooks,” you list off. 
His face twists. “That’s not a real thing.”
“Uh, yes it is.” You rest a hand on your hip. “My sources told me so.”
“Who are your sources?”
Bucky stares at you without a word.
“It’s totally real. It’s got a Wikia page and everything,” you argue against his complete silence. “I believe in it.”
“That means nothing.”
“Rude.” You glare pointedly. “Anyway, point is, we’re going out tonight to the cemetery and we’re gonna catch this thing on tape.”
Bucky tracks your gaze to finally look down at what you’ve shoved into his hands. It’s a headband, with two cameras attached to it, one facing your face and the other outward. Night vision, he guesses. 
He sighs. “How long? An hour?” 
“Was Hamlet written in an hour? Was Sharknado filmed in an hour?” you exclaim. “Great art takes time. We’re staying out there as long as we need to. So help me, we will emerge victorious.”
Bucky stares at you. “Two hours.”
“Thirty minutes.”
“Your will is weak and your spirit is cowardly.” You return his fixed look with equal intensity, if not more, which he didn't think was possible. “Three hours.”
“Great.” You stick your hand out, and he grabs on firmly. “See you at 1am.”
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It is 1am, it is cold and Bucky is miserable. 
But he’s there. In the cemetery. With the stupid camera rig on his head. 
You offer him whiskey to warm him up, and he agrees. 
You then tell him you don’t actually have any because you didn’t think he’d accept.
He hates it here.
The wind whistles around the both of you. The eerie silence is only compounded by the fact that he can’t see anything beyond a certain point. The night is especially dark and there is no moonlight.
He trudges through the patchy grass, dry leaves crunching under his boots.
The camera being so close to his face along with the fact that you wouldn’t stop singing the same three fucking lines of the song over and over again, makes him want to tear his hair out.
“That thing’s not gonna get near us if you don’t shut up,” he grumbles.
“Nonsense,” you hum. “I’m a goddamn delight. He’s gonna be trippin’ over himself to get to me.”
“He doesn’t exist.”
“He definitely does, and you know what? I bet your shit vibes are gonna attract him. Moth to flame and all that. Karmic justice.” 
Bucky stares straight ahead, swerving to avoid running into cracked tombstones. 
You go back to singing, but worse this time. 
“What if we don’t get anything?” he interrupts, to protect his sanity. “No one wants to watch a bunch of people just walk around the dark for 20 minutes.”
There’s no response. 
It takes a second for Bucky to realise the singing’s stopped too.
He stops in his tracks, head swivelling to look for you.
“The fuck…” he mutters. 
In the cemetery, he is truly alone for a moment. Silent, other than wrought iron gates creaking in the far distance. 
The leaves of the tree above him rustle.
Bucky looks up, squinting against the darkness. 
Against the stillness of the night, he sees it. A figure stands tall on the branches of the tree, silhouette obscured by the leaves. 
It leers down at him, unmoving.
Bucky doesn’t even flinch.
“Very funny,” he says. “Hilarious.”
“We’ll fake it,” the figure calls from above. “If we don’t get any footage, I’ll just get on up there and fuck around and you record.”
“Get down,” he demands. “We’re not faking footage.”
If this show had to die this way, so be it.
“Bore,” you boo, lowering yourself to the ground with ease. “If I didn't know any better, I’d say you don’t want to be a part of this series.”
“I don’t.”
“Anyway,” you say obnoxiously, “we won’t have to. There is definitely a cryptid here. I can feel it in my bones.”
“We’re halfway through the graveyard and there’s nothing here,” he shoots back. “We should call it quits.”
“You’re right,” you say, to his surprise. “We need to cover more ground. Let’s split up.”
That is most definitely not what he was saying.
But you start singing again and so Bucky agrees faster than you finish the same stupid third line for the hundredth time that hour.
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Bucky is a man of dignity.
Less than five minutes later, he gives up.
He takes a seat against the trunk of a tall tree, in a relatively open clearing. 
He figures if he just takes a nap then the two hours would pass by quicker. 
Bucky has no idea where you’ve gone. The lack of light doesn’t help, even with his advanced vision. 
He crosses his arms behind his head and settles back, eyes closing. 
Not even a second later, he wants to rip his hair out when the stupid song you were singing reintroduces itself in his head.
“For fuck’s sake,” he groans. 
The tree he’s leaning against shifts ever so slightly.
His eyes fly open, but he doesn’t move an inch.
Instinctually, his breathing slows and his ears tune in to pick up even the faintest sounds.
The draft whispers, and he knows for a fact that something is above him.
A branch cracks. 
“Go away,” Bucky says loudly. 
A second passes. 
And then another. 
“You’re supposed to be looking for the thing,” you shout.
“It’ll find me if it wants to.” He shifts to make himself more comfortable. “I’m givin’ him a real shot here.” 
“You didn’t even look up.”
“Didn’t have to.”
“He could have been above you.”
“But he wasn’t.” Bucky’s eyes close again. 
“You’re terrible.” It comes back muffled, and branches shift. “I’m headin’ that way. One of us has to put some effort into this.”
“Joy. Knock yourself out.”
The trunk moves under his muscles again and Bucky lets out a small exhale, settling back into the position he was in.
Until he hears you singing in the distance. Same three lines, same off-key tune.
Bucky drags his palm across his face. 
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An hour passes. 
Unlike his original plan, he does not sleep.
He instead recounts every element he remembers from the periodic table. 
Replays every Dodgers game from his childhood, and then gets mad at their shift. 
Then he tries to recollect every fact he knows about you so far. Mutant, captured and experimented on, broke free several years before him. Met Nat along the way and befriended her. Telekinesis, slowed aging. Escape artist. Wedding videographer. Allegedly.
He just doesn’t get how you’re so goddamn chirpy all the time, given that he’d been through something similar and come out the way he had. 
It had taken him a month to say anything to anyone other than Steve. You went out for brunch with Sam the same weekend you showed up at the compound.
He doesn’t get you.
Speaking of which, he hasn’t actually seen you in a while. 
He checks the time on his watch. Nearly 3am.
He had a fucking workout in the morning and no lizard-man was going to be the cause for Steve outrunning him.
He pushes himself off the ground with a groan, and stretches out his sore limbs. Definitely too old for lying around a cemetery beyond midnight.
He calls out your name loudly, and then again, before waiting. 
He hears bells ringing in the distance. 
Bucky looks up.
In the shadows of the trees, he comes face to face with the same sight as before. A figure, standing on the branches.  
“There’s nothing here,” he calls out, sighing. “Can we just leave?”
The twigs creek, and for a second he thinks you’re going to fall. 
“Already told you I’m not faking footage, get down from there,” he repeats. “I’m leaving. I’ll see you at the gate.”
The leaves shuffle around before he hears branches break. 
Something you say gets obscured by your movement, but you disappear again. He thinks that maybe you were cursing him out, and deservedly so. He just couldn’t find it in himself to care. 
He rolls his eyes, but starts making his way to the entrance of the graveyard.
The walk back is faster, and he holds back a yawn as the gates start creeping up on the horizon. 
There’s no sign of you. He half thinks you ditched him here and went back to the compound. Or fell off the tree and were just laying there. 
But he decides to wait, leaning against the exposed concrete wall. 
Eyes closed, he rubs his temples and decides that if you’re not here in the next thirty seconds, he’ll just–
“Hey,” you greeet from right in front of him.
“Where the hell did you go?” he demands. 
You blink at him, before holding up a wrapper. 
“Got a sandwich. I was hungry. The diner was real nice too, I spent like half an hour talkin’ to the owner.”
He stares at you. “You just left to get a sandwich?”
“Yeah, and I got you one, too,” you reply, tossing him a paper bag. “You’re welcome. God bless that man, but those things aren’t cheap.”
“You’ve not been here for the last half hour?”  
“I mean, I spent like ten minutes looking.” You shrug, taking another bite. “All I got was a bunch of grass.”
Ten minutes. Bucky had sat under the stupid tree for an hour. 
“So you just left,” he says dryly.
“Yes,” you reply like it’s not even worth debating. “Besides, if anyone could find a cryptid it’d be you. A fellow cryptid.”
Bucky spins on his heel to leave.
“You’re welcome for dinner,” you call out, and he can hear you laugh.
He flips you the finger, and regrets it a second later when your singing resumes.
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The sandwich is good. He appreciates it.
He even manages to keep pace with Steve the next morning. 
What he doesn’t appreciate is coming back to fifteen missed calls and four video calls from you.
From: co-host (TGS)
can you pick up 
From: co-host (TGS)
i know you have nothing going on in your life you are bitchless
Bucky switches off his phone for the next three hours. 
Finally, it’s a threat that you will show up at his door again and Bucky finally video calls you back that evening. 
“What,” he states.
“Took you long enough,” you huff, sitting up to adjust the camera. In the middle of the ordeal, Bucky sees your laptop open.
“What do you want?” he repeats.
“The team sent over the videos from last night,” you tell him. “At some point in the video you said ‘we’re not faking footage, get down from there.”
He hears you play the footage faintly in the background, almost to substantiate your point. He cringes at the sound of his own voice.  
“Who were you talking to?” 
Bucky rolls his eyes. “Heard you in the trees. Figured you climbed up there again.”
“Ah.” You click your tongue. “Interesting.”
You hum. “See, that wasn’t me.”
Bucky’s eyes narrow. “Yes, it was.”
“No, it wasn’t,” you say calmly. “I’d left to get dinner way before all that.”
“I’m serious. Got the timestamp on my video to prove it.” You look up at him through the camera finally. “So who were you actually talking to, Barnes?”
Bucky’s nose twitches.
“Bye,” he says shortly.
“Dude,” he hears you laugh loudly through the phone. “I fuckin’ told you you’d attract these things, you–”
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
For your Yoongi drabbles - reader has a crush and talks about “him” constantly, but Yoongi doesn’t know it’s him until someone else spills readers secret.
this was so cute, thank you for requesting! sorry for the giant meme, but it is literally the exact vibe of this so i had to use it.
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loose lips
pairing: yoongi x f. reader genre: friends to lovers, miscommunication (??), fluff warnings: swearing, drinking, namjoon namjooning, unedited rating: e for everyone! there's nothing bad in here wordcount: 1k
it's bee's birthday! send me yoongi requests and/or fic recs!
Min Yoongi is a lot of things.
He’s meticulous and prone to overwork and also lazy and uninspired. He’s chronically over-caffeinated and always half-asleep. He’s the first to blow off plans and the first to pout when he no longer gets invited. He’s brusque and a bit of a bastard but also pleased to be fussed over and taken care of. The kind of person who needs to be wrangled into physical affection, because he just can’t seem to verbalize his desire for it.
Min Yoongi is a lot of things, but he is not, under any circumstances, prone to gossip.
Jung Hoseok, on the other hand, has no such hangups.
Which presents Yoongi with an interesting dilemma. He has to piss, but he has to pass the kitchen to get to the bathroom. And Yoongi is a lot of things and not one of them is prone to gossiping or eavesdropping, but it’s hard to push aside the intrigue of you and Hoseok speaking in hushed whispers in his own kitchen, heads pressed together like conjoined twins.
It looks like a whole lot of conspiring is going on. He refuses to pout.
“You seriously haven’t told him yet?” Hoseok says, and Yoongi can just make it out, but he’s known Hoseok long enough to register the exasperation in his voice. God knows he’s been on the receiving end of it more often than not.
You groan. Probably shoot Hoseok an exasperated look of your own that Yoongi isn’t privy to. “It’s not that easy.”
“It absolutely is that easy. How hard is it to say—”
“Can you shut up?” you whisper-shriek. “You are so annoying—”
“—Hey, I have feelings for you. Would you wanna grab coffee?”
Yoongi is pouting before he even realizes his face has contorted. Sure, he can be jealous. Someone will always be a better musician, have more money, live in a nicer apartment and drive a nicer car and wear nicer clothes. Now, though… someone out there can have you, and that thought tastes sour in his mouth.
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It’d been Jimin’s idea to come to Itaewon.
At least they’re at the bar with the good whisky, because Yoongi will max out his credit cards to escape the hell in which he’s found himself. It’d been bad enough with Hoseok, but now he has to deal with it from Taehyung and Jimin, too.
Do you think she’ll ever tell him? This is getting painful.
I don’t know. Hey, are you going to eat the rest of your fries?
Are you fucking serious? Of course I am, I bought them for me—
It’s stupid. It’s so fucking stupid, because everyone seems to be in on a secret he isn’t, but he looks across the bar and finds it hard to care. There you are, laughing wildly as Hoseok twirls you around on the dancefloor. All the lights in this place combined can’t outshine you—not on your worst day, but especially not when you’re like this.
So. Yoongi’s pouting again, plush bottom lip jutting out far enough to brush against his glass of whisky. He’d finally given up and splurged on something top shelf. Figured it’d get him to where he needs to go faster than anything else, because Yoongi is a lot of things and a dancer isn’t one of them, so he’s doomed to spend the night at this table, sandwiched between Taehyung and Jimin.
Listening to them drone on and on about the guy you’re interested in.
He wonders what he’s like. How the two of you met. He pointedly does not think about whether or not this guy’s a dancer, a musician, if he can always afford top-shelf whisky. He wonders if you’re gonna make Yoongi meet him. If he’s gonna have to play nice and pretend to think this guy is cool and interesting. He can pretend, he thinks.
If it’s important to you, Yoongi can do anything.
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Namjoon will know what to do, because Namjoon never actually knows what to do about anything and still somehow always arrives at the correct answer.
“Why am I here, hyung?”
Yoongi clears his throat. Spears another piece of beef and puts it on Namjoon’s plate like a peace offering. Orders another round of beers even though he hasn’t touched his first. “Uh,” comes his eloquent response. “Well—”
“Jesus Christ,” Namjoon mutters, face-planting onto the table. “This is worse than I thought.”
Min Yoongi is a lot of things, but if he’s worse than Namjoon thought, he’s in deep shit.
Namjoon picks his head up. Studies Yoongi for a minute, clearly looking for something, before he pinches the bridge of his nose and says, “It’s you, hyung. She’s hung up on you. And I shouldn’t even be telling you this, because we all just assumed both of you would eventually remove your heads from your asses and get it together, but fuck, this is painful. I can’t do this anymore, you know? I’m not your feelings friend. Jimin is your feelings friend, but he said you just sulked the entire night at the bar—”
“I didn’t sulk,” Yoongi argues, but the words are spoken around a pout.
All he receives in return is A Look. “That’s what you’re focusing on?”
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Yoongi is a lot of things.
Today, he’s a coward, which is new.
He’s not usually a coward, it’s just… he knows how to be jealous and how to sulk and pout and not get what he wants. Those things are easy. But he has no idea how to deal with the bomb Namjoon had dropped on him. He’s not even sure it’s the truth. What if Namjoon was just fucking with him to get him to stop sulking? That’s absolutely something Namjoon would do because he’s done it before.
He sighs. Stops to catch his breath because you live on the sixth floor in a building with no working elevator and he doesn’t work out, so he’s really going to be pissed if Namjoon lied.
“Yoongi? What’re you doing here?”
His heart really does stop this time, because there you are, fresh-faced and smiling and a little confused, and Yoongi knows his face is splotchy and red and that his hairline is sweaty. “Yeah, hi,” he says, and it comes out like an immensely displeased grunt. Doesn’t sound at all like he’s happy to see you, and—oh. Yeah. He can understand now why you might’ve been hesitant to say something.
“Sorry, I just—these steps, you know?”
“Yeah, they said the elevator’s finally getting fixed next week.”
“Thank fuck.”
Your brows knit together. “You planning on coming by more often?”
Yoongi is a lot of things, but right now he’s impatient. So he closes the distance between you in record time and says, “Yeah. Listen, Namjoon told me this guy you and Hobi have been talking about is actually me—”
“That duplicitous snake—”
“—and I’ve kind of been losing my mind over it, because I feel the same way, so if it’s true I’d really like to kiss you, but I’m not entirely sure Namjoon wasn’t just fucking with me—”
“Oh, like that time he told you he’d seen your rejection letter from SNU just so you’d stop stressing over whether or not you got in and that you’d be even more excited once you did, in fact, get in?”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“Namjoon is a bastard. You should kiss me, though.”
Min Yoongi is a lot of things.
As he presses his lips to yours—soft, soft, soft—more than anything else, he’s happy.
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danihow · 1 year
Jake x GN!Reader ENHYPEN
Summary: When walking home from the library someone is following you, you call the first person that comes to mind, your fake boyfriend.
Word Count: 2.0k
Warnings: Someone's following reader, fake dating, stress, simping, rain, mentions of fear, and idk what else.
A/N: Am i writing this over this tiktok, yes. Do I also not like this, yes.
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Your life felt like a movie, like a romcom with a surprisingly not that cheap budget.
Sure, it has been a bit too boring for the past few years as you were focused on your grades more than your social life, besides going out of your friends you never did anything far too exciting.
It was almost embarassing that one of the most exciting things you've done in your last three years of college was that one time in your sophomore year where you ran from the guards because you were in the library after closing hours and had to snuck out.
No. It was really embarassing.
At least, you could say your life has not been boring ever since your senior year started, ever since you met him.
Sim Jake.
One of the most outstanding members of the schools' soccer team, almost everyone that knew him were fully rooting for him to be casted in some first division team soon. And, almost every student in your major were too, as he himself was studying your major.
You two have never really exchanged more than a good morning or good luck when seeing each other in the hallways of your faculty, you could've sworn he probably didn't even can recall your name clarily. But you also could've had sworn you would graduate without interacting with him.
You were at least 95% sure about it.
That is, until you were asked by him to tutor him in accountability and finances, a subject he need to nail in order to be graduate with a good score and go to the team he has been receiving calls from, and, for better or for worse, a subject you were amazing at.
Somehow, and you didn't knew exactly when or where, you ended up in a fake dating deal with him.
He needed a tutor.
You needed some excitement.
He was single and in need of forgeting about his ex.
You were bored and didn't mind a 'boyfriend'.
It was perfect!
You thought it was the most bizarre and stupid idea you could think of, and it has been nothing but fun for the last couple of months the deal has been on, you 'felt like you've found a great friend in jake.
But as everything even barely good you had, you ruined it, and you realized it when the smiles he gave you everytime you met to hang out started to give life to something in your belly. When the glances you shot him became subtler, as if not meant to be done. When your eyes started lingering for longer seconds each time he drove you places, admiring the sharp silhouette of his nose and his jawline, the way his eyelashes brushed ever so slightly his cheeks each time he blinked.
You heart got warmer and warmer each time you even dared to look at him, until the heat on your cheeks was no longer ignorable.
You fell for you fake boyfriend.
You fell hard for Jake.
And you were so scared about it.
Your now friendship that blossomed between the two of you and the rest of his teammates, was far too precious for you to ruin it with what you felt, ignoring all the flirty glances and gestures from him. You couldn't even bear the thought of losing your friendship with Heeseung and Niki, with whom you gossiped during training, nor Sunghoon, Jay and Sunghoon who received you with food when you visited his shared apartment; you couldn't bear to lose him.
You had to unfall, ASAP.
Today, almost seven months after staring this messy deal between the two of you, you were decided of getting over this little crush of yours.
The night was really cold, one of jake's forgotten hoodies drapped over your shoulders as you walked to your apartment from the school library, having just finished a project due to monday, your work pal going home for the weekend, forcing you to finale it today. You even had to tell Jake you couldn't hang out with him at his apartment with his roomates to work on it.
The wind was brushing against your face, hair flying everywhere as you adjusted the strap of your bag on your shoulder.
Out of instinct you looked behind you, hoping to find nothing as usual and keep on walking home, but rather got unpleasently surprised to find a man alone all dark clothed walking at most 10 meters behind you.
Maybe he lives nearby. You thought, walking a tiny bit quicker.
But much to your desmay, two turns to the right and one to the left he was now at least 8 meters from you, each time you walked faster he did so too.
You were fucking frightened by now.
Pulling your phone out, you quickly called the first person that came into mind, fingers moving on their own as they typed, in a mere second the ringing was already by your ear.
"Hey." Jake said at the other side of the line, the faint sound of the TV at the background accompained by Heeseung's screams would usually give you a homey feeling, but not today.
"Jake, someone's following me, i'm scared" you muttered rather silently, keeping on with your fast walk, at least 10 minutes more until you got to your place.
"What? Where are you?" He asked, shuffling sounding around, sudden silence in the room. "Send me your live location, I'm going to get you."
"Okay, I- I will." You didn't dare not to do as he said, the amount of time you've heard him this serious could be counted with your fingers, but it someway reassured you.
In less than 5 minutes the sound of a so familiar motor was heard from the end of the block, parking with a scfreching sound right beside you as Jake hopped out of Jay's car, a bee like line traced in his mind all the way to you.
As soon as you were within arm reach he engulfed you in a hug, his arms around your shoulders as he breathed you in, reassuring himself. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do we have to beat someone?" He said as soon as he pulled away, hands now craddling your face with so much care it would've made you melt if it wasnt for the adrenaline running in your veins.
"I'm okay." you whispered, now ashamed as you realized Heeseung, Jay and Sunghoon were in the car too.
"You sure sweetheart?" His question definetly was not doubting you, he was doubting himself, wanting to be completely sure of was he had heard. After your nod, he stared over your shoulder to find noone there as he toon you by the hand. "Let's get you home."
Its was almost ridiculous how quick the silent drive to your apartment complex was, your hand subconciously drawing figures on Jake's trying to calm yourself down from the scare.
The fact that Jake walked you to the door didn't help stop the slowly rising stampede running through you. "I know its too much but... can't you stay?" You asked, not daring to look up to him as you did so, his hands still in yours. "Yunjin isn't home until tomorrow... But you don't have to if you dont want to."
"If you want me to I will." He deadpans, voice so determined that made you look up, his eyes already on you and oh so warm, you doubted seriously what thoughts crossed his mind to make him look like that. "Only if you want me to stay."
"I do." You nod, looking at him as he went to say somthing to the guys, his hands waving goodbye to you as Jay yelled goodnight and drove away. The fumbling of your hand searching your keys being the only thing interrupting the silence between you.
As you walked throught the hallway all the way up to your apartment a comfortable air fell within you, his hand aching to hold yours again, your mind instead focusing on not make a fool out of you at the time of placing your key in the keyhole in the darkness of the hall.
And thanks to someone above, you didn't, easily opening and closing the door behind you two, words falling in a ramble as soon as you licked the lights on. "I know this isn't what we agreed to but..."
"What are you talking about?" He asks, confusion written all over his furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips.
"I'm sorry for making you come, I panicked and should've called the cops, I'm also sorry for overstepping the li..."
"Y/N, what are you apologizing for?"
"I overstepped the lines of our agreement, this is fake after all, I shouldn't-"
"Is this still fake to you?" The hurt his voice held made something drop in your stomach, sinking it so far down you could swear is now below the floor.
"W-what?" Your voice was thin, eyes wide as he walked closer to you, one of his hands snaking around your waist without ever moving his gaze from you.
"Is this fake?" He reiterates, his other hand holding yours to place it above where his heart is. "Does the fear I felt at the mere thought of someone hurting you, feels fake?" He starts, eyes so sincere you felt like they were drowning you. "Does the way my heart races as I look at you so close in front of me, feels fake?" He keeps on going, heart beting almost worryingly against your ribcage. " If the roles were reversed, and i was the one hurt, how would you feel?"
"I'd be petrified..." You mutter, unabke to look away from him.
"And its real. See? This..." he says, fingers signaling between him and you. "Us. We are not fake anymore, at least not to me."
"Is this real to you too?"
"If its not, i can walk out that door and pretend this talk never happened, but if it is, know I'm never leaving now."
"It is."
"Then let me kiss you, for real this time." His voice every second became softer, sweeter, barely above a mutter at the end of the sentence, lips gently falling over yours as he kissed you with so much emotion you felt like melting against him.
"Let me date you, as a real couple this time." He whispers as you broke apart, forehead resting gently on yours, his eyes still closed as his breath calmed itself, mind still running over the fact this was all indeed not a dream. "Let me be yours."
"I was so scared of falling for you..." You whisper against his lips, hands traveling up to rest in his chest. "I was scared of losing you, I-"
"You would never lose me, not when you make me feel like the luckiest guy ever to have you around." He smiles, brown eyes looking so intensely into yours.
"I'd have to say I'm luckier, having the Sim Jake falling for me huh." You had to tease, playing with the wrinkles of his shirt.
"Nah, I'm definitely luckier." He smiles stupidly, a zoo storming throught the both of you.
"Whatever floats your boat." You shrugged, pulling away from him.
"Let's go to sleep love." He chuckled at your teasy smile, pulling you by the hand over to your room. "My sweet, lovely partner." He muttered, hugging you as he fell backwards into the mattress, pulling you with him.
"Why does it sound so different now?" You ask between giggles, resting you head over his shoulder just as you did when you fake cuddled in his apartment.
"Because it real to us now." He mumbles against your hair,, a soft kiss on the top of your head following shortly after. "And I've never been happier to be awake."
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myslutwritings · 9 months
BLINKS. Ok so laikkkk. You know how Muzan has that fake wife? IMAGINE LIKE um reader or whatever the fuck it’s called?! FINDING OUT and she’s just standing infront of Muzan Like 🧍🏻‍♀️yo wtf. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE
YES THIS MAKES SENSE! thank you for requesting😭😭
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➤ Fem!Reader finding out about Muzan’s fake wife
➤ SFW headcanons (not proof read)
Muzan kibutsuji x Fem!reader
warnings: kinda angsty also reader does not take shit from men (💀💀)
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Man oh man.
Livid would be an understatement..
Muzan knows you can be scary.
After all, you’re one of those women who doesn’t take shit from men, you’re fiercely independent, you petrify the demon king himself with your audacious and captivating personality.
It was one of the things that attracted this walking menace towards you in the first place.
Now, Muzan does love you, so do not overthink and assume he actually loves his little false wife.
Oh, he couldn’t give a shit about her. But fake wife or not, you’d still consider it cheating.
In hindsight, he knew it was wrong but that didn’t stop him.
Anyway, that thought of you finding out his secret always loomed in the back of his mind.
However, he brushes this off, foolishly thinking this isn’t a humongous deal and you wouldn’t find out.
My god, he couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s embarrassing really..
No one knows how on god mother earth you found out but that night when Muzan returns home you confront him about it immediately. You aren’t going to sugar coat this for him nor pretend like you didn’t catch him in the act? pfft, only pussies do that.
But to be blunt you probably found out because you caught him kissing her in the entertainment district
“Oh, welcome home, dear! Now, do you mind telling me about your second wife? Or am i the second wife?”
Muzan’s response is silence at first. That being the dead giveaway.
You’re honestly just confused, like he already has you?? Why does he need to have this lil side hoe??
Deep down, you’re honestly hurt but you do a pretty damn good job at covering it up with that sarcastic smile of yours.
Meanwhile, Muzan denies it.
This only adds more fuel to the fire.
No way he just lied to your face.
I mean, yeah, Muzan is a malicious demon at the end of the day so of course his interpretation on the human population is going to be fucked up on so many levels.
Thinks all humans are naive and incredibly stupid.
Besides you of course.
But the man isn’t a brainless amateur either he knows you’re different from the rest. Another reason why he actually has romantic feelings towards you.
Anyway, since you’re a girl boss, you obviously call him out on his bullshit lies and it provokes full blown fight between y’all.
You try to fight back tears, all these feelings are too much for you to bare.
You’re honestly crying because of how damn frustrating it is.
It’s also important to add Muzan has never witnessed you cry.
Feels guilty now but doesn’t dare to express it.
You manage to soothe your nerves down and continuously debunk the situation.
In the end, you have him backed up into a corner.
Then you proceed to reveal how you found out.
Muzan realizes that he can no longer escape this situation nor lie to you any longer.
Admitting his defeat, he confesses how he obtains a fake wife but doesn’t even feel anything towards her.
Muzan reassures you that he only has eyes for you, only feels these feelings towards you, assures you that he and his fake wife have nothing serious and that he only uses her to blend in with humanity.
You hear him out, listening to his explanation but then ask why he couldn’t just use you to blend in??
His response is that he desires to keep you safe and secured, if the slayers knew you were his weak point they’d definitely kill you so there is his explanation for cheating.
Bro just doesn’t want to lose you. Witnessing your murder would be his demise.
You calm down entirely, however, you aren’t 100% okay with him having a fake wife.
So you just give him an out.
Like, “it’s either her or me” you express in a very sharp tone to show how serious you are about this.
Of course he chooses you, after all, he always would.
Dislikes how you posses this much control over him. Your dominate nature doesn’t sit right with him.
But kudos to you!! He murdered divorced said wife and now there are no more issues. But you still are upset with him even awhile after that. Yeah, you aren’t going to move past it too quickly and because he’s such a manipulative narcissist your guard is always up around him.
But i mean who can blame you? You’re dating the demon king after all.
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THIS WAS LOW-KEY ENJOYABLE TO WRITE!? i hope it meets your expectations and i hope this made sense! I’m working on multiple requests right now but this one was easier and faster to write due to it only being one character.
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hoakaikapo · 3 months
HAUNTED - Clarisse La Rue x Unclaimed! Fem! Reader
summary: it’s halloween night, and your infamous rival with Clarisse is suddenly about to change…
warnings: mention of alcohol, implied meanings (?), use of pet name (in a joking way), swearing, HEAVY MAKEOUT SESSION. MEN & MINORS DNI PLEASE.
a/n: i can feel the heat radiating off of my laptop because of this one. like, I AM MELTINGGGGG. sorry if this is rushed, i’ll most likely edit this in the morning once i’ve had a chai 🤍
LOUD MUSIC blares from the speakers as you try to make your way to the dance floor, weaving in and out between the numerous dancing bodies as you try to keep your friend in sight, bumping into some of them and muttering inaudible apologies as you sneak by. It was no use. After apologizing to what seemed to be the millionth person, you noticed your friend already dancing up against some tall Hephaestus kid. You couldn’t blame her, however, he was tall and handsome and very muscular from what you could see in the dim lighting. You curse yourself for agreeing to ever going to this party in the first place, knowing that you would most likely be alone for the rest of the night now.
Despite the heat on the dance floor, you couldn’t help but feel cold and naked. Well, you were sort-of naked, wearing a slutty bunny costume which your friend had convinced you to after saying that going as a police officer was too boring and common. You figured she was right, there were about fifty other girls wearing police officer costumes, and they looked far better in it in your opinion. Now alone in a party where you knew virtually no one, you decided to slip back out and head back to your cabin.
Someone spills a drink all over your front, causing you to mutter obscenities that not even the gods could ever think of. Your black bodysuit now reeked of sweat and alcohol. You groan, glaring sourly at the Scooby Doo costume in front of you. How perfect, you thought, being all alone and now someone spills their drink on you. You were about to give them a piece of your mind before you figured that blowing up on someone who’s probably too drunk to even think right now in the middle of a party wasn’t such a good idea. Frustratingly, you quickly look for an exit, only to find yourself face-to-face with yet another person.
Ghostface, you thought, now that’s something original.
“Out of my way,” you shouted, trying to push past the tall figure. Your attempt failed when you felt their muscular arm pull you back in front of them, their hooded eyes gazing into yours before pulling off their mask.
“Going somewhere, bunny?” Clarisse says as she reveals herself. Her usual stupid yet brilliant grin plastered on her face as she eyed you up and down, as if tearing you apart in your choice of costume. You couldn’t tell if she was judging you or if it was something else. But, that didn’t matter. This was still Clarisse La Rue, your natural nemesis, and the one thing standing between you from going back to the cabins and sleeping for the rest of the night. Clarisse read the look on your face and jokingly pouted her lips. “Aw, leaving so soon, bunny?”
You roll your eyes at your new nickname. “Move along, La Rue. I don’t want to have to deal with you.”
“But, bunny, the party just started,” Clarisse’s voice was low and raspy. You hate to admit it, but it was attractive to you, really attractive, and your nickname didn’t sound too bad when she said it this time.
However, your pride and ego took over your lustful thoughts, causing you to react negatively to that name. “Don’t call me that.”
Despite the music blaring in the background, the silence between the two of you was tense. You were taken aback to the time in the locker room a few weeks ago, feeling as if you two were recreating the scene: the intense stares, the hot tension waiting to be broken, obviously the costumes you both were wearing. There’s another thing you’d hate to admit: it’s that Clarisse looked surprisingly fit and attractive in a serial killer’s costume, adding a knife to it only created more of an affect towards you. However, the party scene wasn’t your style, Clarisse simply wasn’t your type (what a liar), and you weren’t the kind of girl who got with someone because of the tension between the two of you. No matter what, you would stand your ground against your temptations. Anything else with Clarisse besides mutual hatred would be like dancing with the devil – a tango that you weren’t too keen on taking even if it is Halloween night.
The prolonged staring soon became boring for Clarisse to continue after some time. She pulled the mask over her face in one motion, which surprised you slightly considering her curls. Patting you slightly on your shoulder, she gestured towards the doorway, as if she was allowing you to finally leave. Underneath the mask, you caught the slightest hint of her grin again, causing you to scowl at her. To Clarisse, this was a game, a game in which you were going to lose if you walked through that door. The thought of leaving was soon replaced with the urge to stay, not wanting to back down in front of Clarisse. Again, she caught the look on your face and dropped her hand back to her side. She stood to her full height, leaning in close enough to where you could feel her breath on your face.
“I knew you wouldn’t back down from this so easily, bunny,” she whispers into your ear. The seductiveness of her tone was enough to send chills throughout your spine. If there weren’t a hundred other kids in the cabin and you were a few more shots in, then you would’ve pounced on the girl.
Time went on, the music got slower and a few campers had already left. You were ready to leave with your friend until that Hephaestus boy came back and insisted that he walk her back to her cabin. You were hesitant at first, wondering if the boy had something else in mind before your friend pleaded to you to let her go. You gave in, and now you were walking back along the dark and wooded pathway alone. The only light came from the full moon peeking in through the treetops. You took a shortcut behind the armory when you noticed a familiar Ghostface slip into it. Your curiosity got the best of you and you went to investigate.
You were met with disappointment when you noticed that it was only Clarisse putting the knife back into its original place, as if she had never stolen it in the first place. Quietly, you began to retreat before you were once again met face-to-face with the Ares girl, mask clutched in hand.
“This isn’t what it looks like,” you quickly defend yourself.
Clarisse tuts, smiling in an almost devilish sort of way. “Really? Because it looks like you were spying on me.”
“Don’t get any funny ideas in that little twisted head of yours, La Rue,” you retorted and folded your arms across your chest. Clarisse leaned in the doorway, her hand hanging loosely enough above your head to play with the fake bunny ears you borrowed from your friend. The light in the armory was dim enough to make out all the small features on Clarisse’s face, the ones that you had never really cared to notice about until now. The sudden change in energy between the two of you felt less intense than before, almost peaceful in a way. You considered that downright near impossible because Clarisse was far beyond ‘peaceful’ in any sort of way.
“You know, I think you look really great tonight,” she whispers as if she was telling you some forbidden secret. You were glad that it was dark outside so that she couldn’t see the sudden rush of red rise to your cheeks. You bit your lip anxiously before removing Clarisse’s fingers off of your bunny ears.
The feeling inside you was different this time. You could feel your heartbeat in your chest as Clarisse eyed you up and down again, licking her lips slowly as if she was enticing you. You could feel yourself almost melt into her touch as she began interlocking your fingers with hers. You could feel your brain trying to fight against your heart, reminding you that Clarisse was the exact opposite of what you could possibly want. But, your heart figured you could turn her into something you need.
Why did you dislike the Ares girl so much in the first place? You began picking at your memories with Clarisse to figure out how the dispute between you two even started. But, the harder you tried to remember, the more you began to forget. Your visions of your first days at camp were quickly replaced with the dark, tall, muscular Ares girl in front of you. You both said nothing, yet the way your eyes hungrily danced between her eyes and her lips said everything to her.
Anything with Clarisse beyond mutual hatred was like dancing with the devil – you could confirm that now that your lips were on hers. You muted the curses in your head as you wrapped your arms around her neck, bringing the Ares girl closer to you. Her arms found her way down to your hips, placing a firm grip on them. The thought of kissing Clarisse had never crossed your mind, ever, yet it surprised you. You had always taken Clarisse as the type where she would like to get things done fast, but right now, Clarisse was slow with it. She was slow with moving her lips against yours, she was slow with guiding her tongue against your bottom lip as if she was slightly begging for entrance, she was slow with pulling you in tighter, even though the space between you two was already minimal enough.
You wanted to complain when Clarisse pulled away first. You noticed the worried look in her eyes after realizing what she had done. You shook your head, glancing around quickly before pushing her into the shed, swiftly closing the door behind you.
“Don’t get that fucking look with me, Clarisse,” you muttered before crashing your lips onto hers again. She grunted at first, taken aback by your sudden boldness, but soon, your passion was met with hers. It was like fire on fire, and you both were now too far gone to even argue what was happening between the two of you.
Now this was what you were expecting from Clarisse. Her arms found her way back around your waist, picking you up and placing you on the wooden table in the shed. You smiled against her teeth as you wrapped her arms around her neck once again, pulling her in closer. She straddled between your legs, silently cursing at the table for being in the way. She wanted to get closer to you, wanted to feel you, wanted to devour this moment up and relive it every time she thought of you, which would now be more often because of this. Against yours, her tongue licked the bottom of your mouth and you finally let her in. You moaned slightly at the hot contact, trying your best to keep your composure. Clarisse’s hands moved from your waist and down to your thighs, repeatedly grazing it in an up and downwards motion. It sent shivers down your spine, earning Clarisse yet another groan from you.
“I told you I’d get you back next time,” she murmured breathlessly against your lips. You wanted to roll your eyes at her for the snarky comment, but the amount of pleasure and satisfaction rushing through your body was too much for you to even think properly.
However, you thought this was a pretty sweet way for her to get back at you: making out in a shed on Halloween night.
Clarisse pulled her lips off yours. You were about to protest before suddenly feeling her lips against your neck, accidentally allowing yourself to let out an almost unholy moan. You covered your mouth suddenly, surprised that you could ever let out such an explicit expression. Clarisse smirked against your hot skin as you did so.
“Shut up, Clarisse,” you snapped at her.
“I think the one who needs shutting up here is you, sweetheart,” she said before concentrating back on leaving dark hickeys along your neckline. In a costume like yours, it would be near impossible to cover up. You could care less right now. You would figure out the logistics later between you and Clarisse’s sudden change in relationship.
You wanted more. Clarisse knew it. But, before anything else could happen, the voices of the other campers were close by. You jumped slightly, pushing Clarisse off of you. She glared at you unhappily before too realizing that the campers were returning, and that if anyone else entered the shed, they would soon be met with the sight of Camp Half-Blood’s infamous rival making out in the middle of the night. So, silently, you slipped out first, followed by Clarisse. She half masked her face and gazed in satisfaction at the artwork on your neck. Created by her, of course. Suddenly, the expression on her face changed. In fact, her entire demeanor changed in a single instant. Clarisse’s hands were hot against your face as she grazed your cheek softly, smiling at you in an almost loving sort of way. As if you both just didn’t have the hottest makeout session of your entire lives. You gave into it, reciprocating that smile as she leaned in to kiss your forehead. No words were said between you two as she ran off back towards her cabin before anyone else could see what happened.
You danced with the devil tonight. You were well aware of that. But, you’ve settled with being a sinner if making out with Clarisse is your absolution.
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charliemwrites · 6 months
Simon’s so calm with Feral it's actually scary. Like I'm reading each little interaction and I get scared waiting for him to finally snap but HE NEVER DOES.
what if he comes home stressed from a mission, and he is just absolutely not in the mood for Feral’s gremlin-ness and he says/does something he might regret the next morning?
Hi, I glad that that tension is there and that their dynamic doesn’t get too repetitive. This probably isn’t as dramatic as your were hoping for….? But I hope you enjoy it regardless!!
Simon has been gone for a week. Not the longest by far - you didn’t even need a babysitter this time - but long enough that you’ve missed him. He gets home late, very late. You’ve been staying up waiting, excited to greet him.
When he shuffles in the door, you don’t even wait for him to set his bag down. You nearly knock him into the front door climbing up him, chattering about what you’ve been up to while he’s away, and he’s home late how could he, and there’s so many things that need doing!
He’s favoring one leg but supports your weight, gently tries to shush you while you nip and babble at him. He’s missed you, really he has. But the mission was long and frustrating, the debrief even more so, and he’s already beyond aggravated that he’s late coming home to you. It doesn’t help that you’re fussing at him for keeping you awake when he’s told you repeatedly to go to bed before 23:00.
“Enough,” he snaps finally. “Give me a minute to breathe, would you? I’m barely in the door.”
You stop, a scowl already twisting your face.
“If you’re just going to be a brat, go to bed. I’ll deal with it in the morning.”
And ooooh that is not the thing to say. You drop off him instantly, face going cold.
“Fine. Welcome home, Simon.”
And your turn and stomp away to bed. He sighs, though the regret doesn’t set in immediately. He’s still annoyed about everything and feels justified in losing his patience just a little with you, just this once.
He showers off, cools his temper, and realizes that he shouldn’t have let his annoyance slip with you. It’s not your fault that he’s tired and other people are stupid. You greeted him the way you always do; couldn’t have known what state he’s in.
He approaches your room with every intention of apologizing but hesitates when he sees the light off. Maybe you’re asleep? It is pretty late for you.
And then he hears you sniffle. Fuck.
He feels instantly like shit, like his father.
“Pretty?” He calls gently. “Still awake?”
The little mountain of blanket shifts. “Shouldn’t you be… resting or whatever?” you reply, voice thick.
“Couldn’t go to bed without saying goodnight.”
“Good night.” You’re putting on a brave voice but he can hear the tremor in it. He hesitates a moment.
“Would you be willing to come down?” he ventures.
“What for?” You huff. “Aren’t I too much right now?”
His chest hurts. “You’re never too much for me, little one. I shouldn’t have made it seem like you were. I don’t think I can sleep without you, actually. I’m not enough in my own.”
You peek out from beneath the covers, eyes puffy and red-rimmed. “Promise?”
“Yeah, love, I promise. Would you sleep with me tonight.”
You climb down and burrow against his chest, let him wipe away the last of the tears and even accepts the sharp bite he gets to his hand.
“Am I a brat?” you ask, voice small.
He chuckles and smooths a hand through your hair. “Maybe, but you’re perfect that way.”
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so-so-woso · 7 months
i wanna be the one | part 3
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Summary: Your first season at Arsenal as told by the highlights of your relationship with Leah Williamson. I don’t know how to write summaries, but this one is mostly angst tbh.
Disclaimer: Artistic liberties were taken in regards to Leah’s thoughts, feelings, and opinions as described in the fourth section. I am not/was not trying to extrapolate any of her actual thoughts, feelings, or opinions about anything mentioned in that section.
Word Count: 3,668
The next couple of months went by pretty quickly, all things considered. There were ups, there were downs, you got your first minutes against Brighton that was a bit of both. It was exciting and you were glad you finally got to play, but you let in a second-half goal that tied the match. A draw was a draw, and not a loss, and it was just one goal, and no one else seemed particularly upset with you specifically, but you certainly were. You imagined it was obvious that goalkeepers don’t like giving up goals, but logically you knew they would happen. It just sucked that you felt like you let the team down in your first real chance to play. After the game, you had gone home and immediately threw up, then lay on your living room floor for a couple hours before going to bed at 7 pm. You had always been someone who took things hard, even as a kid, but this one seemed to hit a little bit harder, presumably because you had already been feeling like you didn’t deserve to be here. But then again, you had pretty much always felt like that too, even as a kid. The worse part, probably, was that it also always made you feel stupid – because on the good days, you felt like you knew the truth, how everyone else saw it, how it was. But on the bad days, you couldn’t see anything but how horrible you were at everything you tried to do. That day was a bad day. Luckily, the next few were pretty good.
Before you knew it, it was March, and you were at Leah’s house celebrating her birthday with the team. You had all gone out to dinner, and then back to hers for cake and drinks. You weren’t really sure if presents were part of the deal, so you had made sure to wear a jacket with a big enough pocket to keep yours in, in case they weren’t part of the deal. You supposed you could’ve asked someone, but you were pretty sure some of the others were starting to pick up on the fact that your flirting with Leah wasn’t entirely a joke. Beth and McCabe had both straight out asked you about it once, and both had also quietly informed you that she didn’t date teammates. Katie had actually said that she didn’t date teammates anymore, but wouldn’t say anything else about it and you didn’t want to press, despite being curious. But none of that seemed to dissuade Leah from letting you flirt with her, or flirting with you back. It was still really confusing, but if it was all she would give you, then you would take it. You would also realize of course that this wasn’t entirely healthy, but there were worse vices to have.
So there you were, sitting crowded on a couch in Leah’s living room with your teammates, laughing at Kim and Beth sing karaoke – or try to sing karaoke anyway. You felt like you could say that since you had already embarrassed yourself twice doing the same thing. You had retired from your karaoke career and squeezed onto the couch next to Viv to enjoy the rest of the evening. It was honestly a really good time, and probably one you preferred to the nights you would all go out somewhere. They were fun in a different way, you supposed, but they did usually always end up just reminding you that you really were an introvert no matter how much you would pretend otherwise.
You had caught Leah’s eye a few times throughout the evening, but hadn’t managed to really get in a conversation with her yet, so you ended up spacing out on the couch trying to think of excuses you could make to get her alone. Everything you ended up thinking of would definitely be more obvious than you wanted, though, so ultimately you just stayed awkwardly on the couch for a couple more hours. Eventually people started filtering out, and as much as you wanted to linger, you knew that not only would that be obvious, but with the way Beth was going, she was going to be here for quite a while longer, or until Viv managed to drag her out.
You decided to say your goodbyes and throw one last quip at Katie over your shoulder, who threw a pillow back at you. You laughed and bent down to pick it up and throw it back, but Leah beat you to the punch.
“Don’t throw shit in my house, McCabe,” she called as she tossed it back across the room. Looking up at you then, she said quietly, “I’ll walk you out,” and you felt her hand on the back of your arm as she led you towards the door.
You became uniquely aware of both the soft pressure of her hand and the hard shape of the gift hidden in your pocket pressing against your stomach. You had somehow managed to ignore it all night, but now with her touching you, even as innocently as she had, it was like your senses had shot through the roof. You felt your nerves just begin to buzz as you reached the door and she pulled her hand away, which almost made you more nervous somehow.
“Thanks for coming,” she said, the consummate host.
You smiled and nodded, and said of course, your hand snaking into your pocket to retrieve the gift you’d stored there. You had apparently hesitated long enough that she knew you had something else to say. She looked at you expectantly and you felt that familiar surge of anxiety twist deep in your gut. Suddenly, all of this felt really, really stupid, and you could feel the burning start across your cheeks. You knew Leah could see it, too, from the look of slow growing concern on her face. You mumbled something incoherent and shook your head, pulling your hand from your pocket – empty – and reaching instead for the door. You opened it too quickly and too forcefully, and Leah was still looking at you like she wanted to ask what was wrong, but wasn’t sure if she should, and having her eyes on you made it all so much worse.
You took one step outside and hesitated – a small step for man and a giant leap for cowardice, it felt. You suddenly hated yourself again. Everything was always so easy when it didn’t mean anything, but the second something mattered all you could ever think about was how badly you would fuck it up. But you’ve made it this far into the evening, it would be stupider to just leave, right?...right?
You spun on your heel, and Leah was leaning against the doorframe staring at you. You hated it when she stared at you, almost as much as you loved it. You swallowed hard, and shoved your hand back in your pocket, this time quickly removing the red-wrapped rectangle before your brain had time to consider otherwise.
“Here,” you said. How polite.
You sighed and rolled your eyes at yourself.
“S-sorry, I—I didn’t know what you would want, so I just…it’s my favorite book. You don’t have to—it’s stupid, you don’t have to read it,” you rambled, and she let you, before she reached out to take it from you and held it against her chest as you watched you.
“Thank you,” was all she said. You sighed again and turned away, but your feet wouldn’t move away and your mind wouldn’t either, so you turned back to her.
“It meant a lot to me, when I was kid, after my parents…and, um, then I read it again as an adult and it’s like…it meant more, I guess.”
“…I don’t think that’s stupid.”
You could only hum in response, eyes dropping again for a long moment as you returned to choking down the embarrassment that had started swelling back up in your throat. Then finally, graciously, a firmness settled in your spine and you met her gaze again. God, you really liked looking at her.
“Happy birthday, Williamson.”
A beautiful grin spread across her face in response.
“There she is,” she said, and you knew exactly what she meant. Fear and Doubt and Bad Days made you someone else, and you knew you would have to explain it to her and the rest of the team at some point. Tonight had probably sped up that process quite a bit, but you didn’t think you can handle it right now, and you knew she wouldn’t make you. But she had smiled at you, and that made you smile back, and you felt Good again.
“Good night.”
“…good night, Y/N.”
Yeah, you thought, maybe it was.
Leah tore her ACL in April. That sucked, for a multitude of reasons – mostly for her, obviously, but it still made you feel sick too. You, and pretty much everyone else remotely invested in English football, hated that she’d miss the World Cup. This was supposed to be England’s year, and it could still be, but it wouldn’t be the same without Leah. It wasn’t really comparable, but you’d broken your collarbone once in college and missed most of the season, and you knew how badly that made you feel, even when the team did well without you. Especially when they did well without you. You knew she’d pretend it was okay because things like this happen, but you also knew she probably wasn’t really okay.
You had called her the evening it happened and left a voicemail: “Hey, it’s Y/N. Um, I know you’ve probably got like a thousand people trying to talk to you, so no worries but I just…I don’t know, I just…I wanted you to know I was thinking about you, and if you needed anything or wanted anything or literally anything, just, um…just let me know. Okay, um, bye.” Super smooth. When you woke up the next morning, you saw that she had texted you back ‘thanks’ at some point during the night. You would be lying if you said you weren’t a little disappointed that was all she had said, but you knew she would probably have a rough time for a while and that she had plenty of people supporting her, so like with everything else, you would take whatever she’d let you have.
The next few weeks saw you surviving on similar crumbs. You had gone to see her a few times with the team, and you’d text back and forth occasionally, but you really wished you could just go talk to her by yourself. You knew, of course, you didn’t really have a good reason to, though. You were friends, you guessed, and that was probably reason enough, but you wanted to see her and help her and take care of her, and that wasn’t your place however badly you wanted it to be. So, like everything else, you sucked it up and swallowed it down and did everything you could to pretend it didn’t bother you.
And then after her surgery she texted you again.
leah: i read your book
leah: it was good
leah: it made me cry
y/n: that wasn’t the intention
leah: no but in a good way
leah: i get why you like it
leah: it reminded me a lot of you
y/n: in a good way?
leah: yeah mostly
y/n: mostly?
leah: yeah
leah: it was sweet and funny
leah: but also sad
y/n: you think i’m sad?
leah: i think you are sometimes
leah: sorry
leah: was that too much?
y/n: no you’re right
y/n: it’s just a whole thing
leah: do you want to talk about it?
y/n: yeah
y/n: but not like this
leah: do you want to come over?
y/n: like right now?
leah: whenever
y/n: okay
y/n: is monday okay?
leah: yeah if that’s what you want
y/n: yeah
y/n: okay
y/n: cool
y/n: i can bring dinner
y/n: i know you can’t cook on your best days
leah: fuck off
leah: but yeah bring dinner
This was the first time the two of you had really hung out totally alone, which you thought you had wanted but now that you’re actually here, sitting in Leah’s kitchen, you felt kind of stupid again. You poked around at the food you had brought, taking small slow bites here and there, while the two of you talked. It was, honestly, pretty awkward. You started with small talk, then talked about Leah’s injury and her surgery and her rehab, and the upcoming end of Arsenal’s season, the upcoming World Cup, pretty much everything but what you probably should’ve talked about. Eventually you finished dinner, and Leah offered another glass of wine and suggested you move to the living room. At that your throat dried up faster than the conversation had. You hesitated for a moment, but after about two seconds of watching her hobble around you took to your feet and began clearing the table. She told you not to, but that didn’t stop you, and she didn’t try any harder to stop you either. She lingered for awhile, though, in the kitchen, watching you, before moving over to the living room herself and settling on the couch. You brought the glasses and the wine, and made a point to sit on the opposite side of the sofa.
The silence continued for a few more moments before Leah finally broke it.
“So…did you want to talk?”
“Right, I tell you my trauma, you tell me yours?”
 “I don’t think I have any trauma.”
“…are you sure?”
Her reply was quiet and she shifted in her seat as she took a long drink from her glass. You did the same, and let the silence settle again. This time it did so softly, and despite the fact that the conversation was about to turn more serious, you were lacking your earlier awkwardness. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was just the time spent, but this for some reason felt more comfortable – the two of you sitting in the dim light of Leah’s living room, speaking with quiet words and loud stares. You basked in the silence for several moments, both of you musing over your own aforementioned traumas-or-perceived-lack-thereof, while you let the little bit of alcohol you’d consumed solidify your spine. Eventually, you drew in a depth breath and began.
“So, the beginning, then?”
And you talked. About your childhood, your parents, and the car accident. About moving to Texas, your grandmother, and how much she tried for you. About how sick and sad and unhappy you had felt all the time. About how playing football was one of the only times you felt okay. About playing in college, and how you got drafted to Seattle, and about how you came to Arsenal, and how much you loved it. About how good and fortunate and lucky you knew you were to be able to play professional football. About how you still felt sick and sad and unhappy all the time. About how it always lingered, no matter what you did or where you were. About how stupid it made you feel, to both know your worth and think you’re worthless. About how no one really knew any of that, because you had gotten really good at lying.
You cried a little bit. So did she. And then she talked. About how she didn’t date teammates, and about how much the last time had hurt. About how she wasn’t the one who had ended it, but she was the one who had made it bad, and about how she’d never admitted as much out loud before. About the constant pressure she was under, and how she tried so hard to use it instead of being crushed but sometimes it felt too heavy to lift. About how much she loved football, and how much she hated the attention she was getting because of it. About how much she really did try to use that attention to refocus on more important things, and how exhausting it could all get. About how devastated she was to miss the World Cup, and how some small part of her was glad for the excuse. About how no one really knew any of that, because she had gotten really good at lying.
And there you sat, two liars being honest with each other. It wasn’t long before the silence wrapped warmly around you again, this time both of you content to linger in it as long as you could – but if you were being honest, you guessed there was something else you should probably add.
“…do you want to know another secret?” you said quietly, unable to keep the corner of your lip from twitching though able to bite back the smile. She huffed a breathless laugh, and gave a small yeah as she wiped her cheeks with the sleeve of her shirt.
“It’s my birthday.”
Her face fell suddenly, confused, and her brow furrowed – which funnily enough you realized just then was a look that you had sorely missed.
“What? When?”
“Now. Today.”
“Today's your birthday?”
You didn’t bother fighting the small smile that pulled at your face then, and you nodded. Leah twisted around then, quicker than you’d seen her move all evening, and with her good leg kicked you in the calf, twice.
“What the fuck – why the fuck didn’t you say something!?”
“I don’t know, I don’t really – I don’t really celebrate stuff,” you said, pulling your leg away and feigning a few slaps towards her foot. “I just – I wanted to hang out with you.”
She huffed then, crossing her arms across her chest, visibly annoyed that you kept this secret for last. You sighed and pulled your legs further away, then decided to retreat entirely, standing up to gather both your glasses and the wine bottle.
“…is that why you picked today? To come see me?”
Her voice was softer, more akin to your earlier conversation and absent any tone of irritation. You turned to look down at her, and saw that her face was absent irritation as well, the brow-furrow gone and the look in her eyes asking all the questions her mouth wouldn’t.
You straightened up, the quiet confirmation leaving your lips before you even thought the word yes. You hesitated as you heard yourself, then turned and continued into the kitchen. You heard the couch shifting behind you and by the time you had finished cleaning up she had joined you, leaning against the kitchen table.
“You like me,” she said, lilting, and it was your turn to huff then.
“Yeah, I thought that was pretty obvious.”
“Yeah, but…you like me.”
You rolled your eyes at her slow tone shift, having now morphed pretty fully into teasing. You dropped the kitchen towel you’d been absently folding on to the countertop and took a single step towards her, closing the gap between you save for a few inches.
“Yeah, I do. Should I be more obvious?” you mocked back.
“I don’t think you could be more obvious. Neon sign, maybe.”
“I could get one, I know a guy.”
“You know a neon sign guy?”
“You’ve been in London for like four months and you have a neon sign guy?”
“Maybe I have a lot of neon needs.”
“What does that even mean?”
“I have no idea, I don’t even know.”
You were practically talking on top of each other, and you only realized you were also practically standing on top of each other when you felt Leah’s knuckles brush against your stomach. You cut yourself off and looked down at her hand, clutching the front of your shirt. When had she grabbed you? You didn’t know, and looking back up at her face, she didn’t know either, but you were both suddenly very aware of it. Her hand fell free and she took a step back, as did you, turning back to the counter and again absently reaching out to straighten the towel you’d dropped moments before.
“I should go,” you said, turning then towards the door instead of her. “Practice in the morning—”
“—yeah, of course,” she interjected, moving to meet you at the door. You both reached it at about the same time, and both tried to pull it open. You backed off, then she did, and then you did again, this time with a gesture for her to move in. She did, and the door opened, and you stepped outside with an apology.
“Sorry,” you said, finally turning back around and looking at her, chewing on the inside of her own cheek as she leaned against the door.
“No, it’s – um, I had a nice time.”
“Yeah!” you returned, a hair too excitedly. “Uh, yeah, it was…it was really nice to see you. Like away from everybody else. Not that everybody else isn’t cool, too, it’s just…yeah.”
“Yeah,” you repeated. She laughed softly at that, and so did you, and you both mumbled quiet good nights but neither of you moved. You just stood there on her doorstep with your hands in your pockets, and she stood leaning against the door, biting her own lip. And then suddenly something in the moment bent around you. It didn’t quite break, it just urged you slightly forward, where you pressed your lips against her cheekbone.
When you moved to pull away she turned her head and there were her lips, a mere inch from yours. You both froze, still as stone, daring the other to move. But for however long you stood there, she didn’t, and you didn’t either, and then you turned and walked away. Whatever had its hooks in you couldn’t quite break just yet.
But you could wait, you thought again. You would wait.
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jenonctcity · 2 years
Rich Purity
The Virgin Series – Lee Jeno
Part of ‘The Virgin Diaries’ Series
Virgin!Au, University!Au, Friends-With-Benefits!Au
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Minor Angst
Warnings: Explicit Sex, Rough Sex, Loss of Virginity.
Word Count: 11.5k
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Summary: Jeno often found that he had a lot of free time on his hands. Between going to his classes, studying, and going to the gym, he didn’t do much else apart from lounge around the apartment eating snacks. Not needing a part time job like his roommates because of his well-off parents, Jeno knew he had it easy, but it never got to his head, and he was always seen as the sweet, kind person he was. But this pact really threw his head into a spin. As he sat in class thinking about it, a lightbulb went off in his head as he saw you struggling with the work in the front of the class. You suddenly found yourself in a deal that threw your life into a spin. If you took Jeno’s virginity, he would give you tutoring for the rest of the semester. It was the deal of a lifetime to you, a handsome boy offering you sex and tutoring. But when you don’t end up sticking to the one-time sex thing, can you keep things strictly studying and sex with no feelings?
“So let me just get this straight.” Your eyebrows were knitted together, and your eyes narrowed as your mind had gone into a complete state of thought process. You were trying desperately to wrap your head around the words you thought that Jeno had just said to you, but honestly it sounded so bizarre, you weren’t sure if you were imagining it or if you’d misheard his words. You could even be dreaming for all you knew, but you just couldn’t believe what you’d thought you’d heard. “You.” You pointed at Jeno, his eyes lowering to your finger and then drifting back up to your face. “Want me.” You moved your finger to point at yourself, Jeno’s eyes once again darting down to your finger before going back to you. “To have sex with you, in exchange for free tutoring for the rest of the semester.”
“Well, when you put it like that it sounds bad…” His eyebrows furrowed and he cringed, his cheeks blushing a light red and his fingers knitting together as a nervous habit. When Jeno had asked you if he could have a quick word with you after class had finished, you would never have guessed the reason why. Actually you probably would have guessed that he’d just won the lottery ad had come to gloat about it before guessing what he’d actually just said to you.  
“But that’s basically how it is, am I correct?” Your mouth was parted slightly as you stared at Jeno. He took a deep breath before letting out a sigh, his hands moving to rest in the pockets of his hoodie as he shuffled around awkwardly on his feet.
“Yes, pretty much.” He nodded his head in confirmation, his glasses slipping down his nose slightly at how firmly he moved his head. He raised a hand up to push them back up his nose and he gave you an awkward smile. “I know it’s a strange offer, considering we don’t really know each other, and we only share one class but…I can see that you’re struggling with the class and I want to help. But I also need help with something so I just figured it could work.”
Lee Jeno, the most beautiful, quietest, cutest, perfect person you’d ever laid eyes on, was asking you for sex in exchange for tutoring. You were mind blown, and honestly thought it was a prank at first. But when you looked into Jeno’s eyes and saw how nervous he was, you came to the conclusion that he was being deadly serious with you, and this was a legit deal. You’d been crushing on Jeno since the first day of class. How could you not? He was every girl’s idea of the perfect guy, and he was super smart! If you could get tutoring from anyone and pass the class, it would be Jeno.
What Jeno had stated was true, you were struggling badly in the class. It wasn’t that you were stupid, it was just that you’d had to take two weeks off the semester prior because you came down with a bad flu that stopped you from attending. You fell behind on the work and had failed to catch up. Your professor had told you it was wise to seek help from one of the other students, and you did plan to ask one of them, it was just that you didn’t know anyone that well in the class and you found it awkward. They probably had their own problems and didn’t have time to add your problems to theirs whilst tutoring you for free. And your weekend job at the clothes store in the local mall didn’t pay enough for you to pay for tutoring.
So Jeno’s offer was a godsend. It’s just, you didn’t know how to feel about having sex with Jeno. Of course, you’d thought about it before when you were daydreaming in class and had let your mind wonder to a dark, steamy place. But you’d never mentally prepare yourself to actually accept the offer of getting underneath him. You weren’t a virgin so you werne’t worried about the sex side of the deal. No it was more the fact that the person who had asked you had a sharp look to his face and was beautifully intimidating.
“Why do you want to have sex with me?” You had to ask, otherwise you’d never get to sleep at night. Jeno’s mouth opened and closed and then he let out a short sigh.
“Okay, please don’t judge me for this but…me and my friends have a pact, and we have to lose our virginities by the end of the year-”
“YOU are a virgin?!” You put emphasis on the word and your eyes nearly popped out of your head. How could someone this handsome, with the social circle he had, and seemingly great personality, still be a virgin?
His cheeks went a darker red and his head lowered slightly, his eyes darting around the empty classroom even though there was no one around but the two of you. He nodded quickly and cleared his throat. “Yes…anyway, one out of four of us has already lost their virginities, and I couldn’t think of a way to do it. I don’t really like parties, and I don’t particularly want a relationship whilst I’m still in college. Then I saw you could use some help and decided to give us a win-win situation. You get the tutoring you need, and I get to lose my virginity.”
He had a point. He gets what he wants, and you get what you need. Also, not only do you get what you need, but you get what you want too, which is sex with Jeno. So yeah, it was a win-win situation. However, you didn’t want to come off as too excited and eager. You cleared your throat and gave him a sweet smile.
“I need to sleep on you- it. I need to sleep on it…” You felt your cheeks going hot at your slip of the tongue. He let out a soft laugh and then glanced down at his shoes. “Can I let you know tomorrow?” You took a deep breath, hoping he didn’t notice how embarrassed you were at your mix up of words. You tried desperately not to let your mind wander with thoughts of sleeping on top of him, but it was starting to look like a lost cause.
“Of course, let me give you my number and you can text me when you’ve made up your mind.” He held his hand out and you hurried to pass him your unlocked phone. He put his number in and then text himself from your phone so that he also had your number. “Thank you for even considering this by the way, I appreciate it.”
“I’ll text you soon.” He handed your phone back and you gave him a quick smile as you hastily made your exit out of the classroom. Your face was hot, and you could feel the smile tugging at the corners of your lips. Was this really happening? You still couldn’t quite comprehend the situation, so you decided to do what you always did in circumstances where you didn’t know what to do.
Consult your best friend.
You’d known Mark since he came over from Canada. You’d met in high school and had been best friends ever since. You’d gone through a lot of things together and had always leaned on each other through rough times and happy times. Like when Mark got rejected by the girl he’d been pining after for months, or when you both got accepted into the same university and got drunk from celebrating. Mark was also your first kiss, as where you his. It had been a simple kiss, and you both cringed afterwards, but it was a milestone for you both that you didn’t regret.
“I’m just saying, you’ve been wanting him to dick you down since you laid eyes on him and now, you’re actually questioning it?” Mark had a confused look etched across his face as he laid on your dorm bed. He was munching on popcorn and watching you as you paced around the small room.
“Oh no, I’m definitely going to say yes! But do you think that it’s a bit…odd?”
“100% its odd, but it doesn’t mean it’s bad. Just make sure he uses protection and is a gentleman with you.” He shrugged, shovelling a handful of popcorn in his mouth. You hummed in thought, not even thinking as you pulled your phone out and sent a message to Jeno saying that you were up for his deal. Mark narrowed his eyes at you and then started to giggle. “Yo wait, did you just text him? I thought you told him you would tell him tomorrow?” You widened your eyes and your grip on your phone tightened.
“Do you think that he’ll think I’m too keen? Oh no that’s so embarrassing!” You flopped onto your bed face first, landing half on Mark and causing him to grunt. He continued to giggle, patting your back to try and comfort you.
“Don’t worry about it, he’s probably super excited to have sex with you and I’m sure he was nervous to even ask you something like this. Your quick response has probably calmed him.” Mark shrugged and ate more popcorn. You turned your head and looked at him, reaching out and taking one of his hands in your own. He smiled softly, lacing his fingers with yours and giving it a tender squeeze. If Mark wasn’t your best friend, you had easily fell in love with him, but the two of you were too close and neither of you had ever had anything other than platonic feelings for each other. “I’m rooting for you.”
You and Jeno had been texting back and forth trying to figure out what days you should schedule your study sessions and which day you should ‘do the do’ as Mark had been calling it. You’d both decided just to get it out the way with, and Jeno was very keen. So, the day you’d arranged for was this coming Saturday. You were going to go over to his apartment that he apparently shared with his friends, but he’d told you he had the place to himself on that day.
You were nervous, you couldn’t lie. You were stood in front of Lee Jeno’s door, wearing the nicest bra and panty set that you owned underneath your leggings and oversized hoodie, trying to urge yourself to knock on his door.
After what felt like minutes but in reality, was only seconds, you knocked on the door, rocking backwards and forwards on your feet as you waited for him to answer.
The door swung open slowly and Jeno appeared from behind it with a small smile on his lips. He looked…good. A simple white t-shirt and grey sweatpants but it made him look effortlessly hot. That was all you could think of as you stared at him.
“Hey, come on in.” You missed the way his eyes ran up and down your body before settling on your face. You smiled at him as you walked past him into the apartment. The first thing you noticed that it was surprisingly clean for an apartment occupied by four young men. Of course that would be the first thing you noticed, why notice the dimmed lights, the Netflix home screen on the television, and the bottle of wine on the coffee table when you could notice the cleanliness of the place. Although that was the next thing your eyes caught sight of and it sent a bit of shiver down your spine in anticipation.
“Ah, so we’re going to Netflix and chill?” You turned to give him an amused smile as he walked up behind you. He looked a bit spooked at first, almost as if he had been caught in an embarrassing situation. But then he noticed the amusement on your face, and he gave you a smile that mirrored yours, followed with a soft laugh.
“Original huh?” He walked past you and sat on the couch, patting the material beside himself, and giving you a shy smile. “You can pick what we watch.” He held the remote out to you as you walked around the couch and slowly sat down, placing your bag on the floor beside you. You took the remote and turned your attention to the tv.
“Itaewon class okay with you?” If he said no it was too late because you’d already selected it.
“Yeah, just not the first episode because I’ll cry.” His confession about crying to a tv show made you giggle gently, unsure whether he was being serious or not. You did as he asked anyway and selected the second episode, it didn’t matter to you because you’d already watched the series, and it showed on Jeno’s account that he had too. “Would you like a drink?” He asked after a few moments of silence, settling beside you on the couch.
“I’m good thanks.” You gave him a smile and then turned your attention to the tv. You couldn’t pinpoint whether it was Jeno’s presence, the sexual tension, or the fact that knew you knew you were sat on his couch watching Netflix was because he wanted sex with you, but your panties were starting to stick against you, the arousal sitting heavy in your stomach and causing your body to prepare itself for what was to come.
You made it to halfway through the episode before Jeno made a move. He started off slow, just inching his hand over to gently place on your thigh, your stomach fluttering as a pang of nervousness rushed around your system. You couldn’t even begin to comprehend how nervous Jeno must feel considering he was the one making all the moves. You felt him shuffling beside you, moving to aim his body towards you more, his other hand catching your jaw in his grasp. Your eyes widened momentarily before your vision changed from the tv as Jeno turned your head. Jeno’s face which was a lot closer than you had thought, and his eyes were locked on your parted lips. He licked his bottom lip, his eyes shutting as he pulled your face to his, his lips closing over yours and feeling softer than any other lips you’d ever felt.
You melted into his kiss, his hand tightening on your thigh as he languidly moved his lips in time with yours. Jeno gripped onto your hips, not wasting any time in pulling you onto his lap. It was surprising how forward he was being, but his confidence and how he was taking control was turning you on. His tongue edged its way into the kiss, your mouth responding by parting more and allowing him to assert him dominance over your tongue too. Jeno could feel that you were purposely hovering above his lap, your knees on either side of his legs keeping your body a few inches above his own. But he wanted more, so he grabbed your hips, and pushed you down onto his lap completely. The feeling of his hard cock against your core made you let out an involuntary moan into his mouth. He smirked against your lips, bucking his crotch up into yours in response to your sultry moan that was doing wonders to his hard on.
You didn’t notice the way his hands were shaking as he cupped you underneath your thighs, standing up and holding you in his arms, his lips never leaving yours for one moment. You assumed he was taking you through to his bedroom, and your assumptions were correct as before you knew it your head was hitting a soft pillow and Jeno was crawling on top of you, dropping the weight of his body onto you. His body laid between your legs, his hard cock grinding directly into your heat. His lips finally parted from yours, the wet pillows drifting down your jaw and finally settling on your neck. With one arm on one side of your head, he used his other hand to gently grasp your jaw, tilting your head back against the pillow to gain easier access to your neck. Everything about you took over his senses. The way you felt warm against his cool fingertips, the taste of your neck against his tongue, the sounds of your deep breaths falling from your lips at the way his cock was grinding into your core, the sight of you falling apart bit by bit in front of him, and the smell of your fruity perfume that was intoxicating and made his head swim in everything about you.
“Ow.” You mumbled gently, causing Jeno to pull away quickly, his eyes alert as he looked down at you with worry in his expression.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He asked, his voice deeper than you’d ever heard it before from the arousal swimming about in his body.
“Yeah, you’re just leaning on my hair.” You giggled softly which made him relax, a smile appearing across his lips and his eyes turning into little crescent moon shapes.
“Sorry.” He leaned down and gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek that was far more intimate than you’d have expected him to be considering this was meant to just be a onetime hook-up. He sat back on his knees, removing his arm from your hair, and gently brushing it closer to your head so it was less likely to get in his way. You looked up at him between your parted legs, seeing how dark his eyes had turned under the soft lighting of the moon shining through the window, the lust swimming in his gaze making the fire in your stomach flare like someone had poured gasoline on it.
It took you by surprise when he pulled his t-shirt over his head, especially when you laid your eyes on his abs and chiselled chest. He must workout, but he didn’t strike you as the type of person who worked out. It’s not that Jeno was the quiet, brainy type who spent all of his time studying with no time to workout, it was just that he always wore thick hoodies to class and you never got to see what his body, so it just never occurred to you that he would look like that underneath his hoodies.
You sat up and pulled your own hoodie over your head, throwing it onto the floor without a care, wanting to move the process along and you had no idea if he had enough confidence to take your hoodie off himself. He smirked slightly and ducked down, laying kisses to your chest, swirling his tongue around teasingly on your skin. His lips moved downwards, and he kissed at your breasts, both of his hands coming up and squeezing at them over your white laced bra, which he forgot to mention, but he found the way the white lace looked against your soft skin to be very sexy, enough that his cock twitched in his boxers. He pulled your bra down enough for his lips to wrap around your left nipple, the sudden moan that left your lips causing him to gaze up at you. Your eyes were barely open as you made eye contact with him, the sultry look in your eyes making him want to take you right there and then, but he didn’t want your experience with him to be over quickly, especially when it was his first time and he wanted to look back on this as an amazing experience. It hadn’t ever occurred to him to ask if you’d had sex before. Well until this moment.
“Are you a virgin?” He asked suddenly, his lips wet with his spit as he pulled away from your nipple. You raised your head off the pillow and shook it.
“No, I’ve had sex a few times.”
“Okay, great.” He smiled and went back to suckling at your nipple, just pleased that he wouldn’t have to worry as much about the pressure of taking your virginity. Losing his virginity was pressure enough, what if he was awful? What if you had a bad experience with him? These thoughts had ran through his mind plenty of times since he’d proposed his offer to you, but he pushed them aside so that negative thoughts didn’t cloud his head and ruin it for him anyway.
A sensual moan that left your lips as his thumb rolled around your other nipple gave him a boost of confidence, and he pulled away from you and grabbed the sides of your leggings, tugging them down your hips strongly and taking your white lace panties with them. He threw them onto the floor and paused as he watched you sit forward slightly so that you could unclip your bra, letting it join the rest of your clothes on the floor.
“Fuck.” He moaned at the sight of you bare before him, your legs spread and inviting him in wordlessly. He paused momentarily as his eyes ran over your breasts and down to you glistening heat. He reached forward with his right hand, not being able to stop himself from trailing his fingers up through your wet folds, your slick coating his pointer and middle fingers as he stroked you slowly. You bit your bottom lip, not feeling much yet, but he was new to this, so you just waited for him to get the hang of it. He was looking down at your core and didn’t notice the way you watched his bottom tuck between his teeth in concentration. You couldn’t help but smile fondly at him, finding it oddly adorable that he had such a cute concentration face despite the fact he had his fingers on your most private of places. You were so invested in his face that it took you by surprise when his thumb made contact with your clit, rolling it in a circular motion and making an involuntary moan spill from your lips. Your moan caught his attention, and he glanced up at you with his lip still caught between his teeth. His lips slowly changed into a smirk, and his lip was finally released from the assault of his teeth. He slipped a finger on his other hand inside of you, moving it in and out slowly as his thumb continued to draw circles on your clit.
“That’s good, you can add another finger.” You decided that he could do with some encouragement, considering he’d never done this before and his nerves must be through the roof, but despite this, he had a very calm exterior. He gave you a nod to show that he’d heard you, and another finger slowly slipped inside of you.
“This okay?” He asked in a raspy voice, his fingers moving slowly.
“Mhm, better than okay.” You said in a breathy way, trying to regulate your breathing as his ministrations were causing you to be breathless. Your encouragement was doing wonders for his confidence and ego, so he didn’t hesitate to speed up the pace of his fingers. After what felt like hours but in reality, was only a few minutes of him fingering you, his fingers moved harder and faster, whimpers falling from you at the knot building in your stomach.
“Fuck Jeno! Keep going, oh my god!” You writhed on his bed, your back arching and eyes squeezing shut as your orgasm rapidly creeped up on you. The sight made him move the hand he had on your clit to grasp at his hard cock through his sweatpants, needing to feel some relief. His fingers didn’t slow down at all as he swooped in and replaced his hand with your mouth. The way his lips sucked on your clit was the final straw for you, and you saw stars as Jeno made you cum all over his fingers. He slowed down his motions but lifted his head up to look at you.
“Did you cum?” He asked, noticing the way your wet walls suddenly pulsed around his fingers and the way your body stiffened only to relax moments later. He was proud of himself. Very proud of himself.
“Yeah, that was amazing.” You said as you breathed heavily, your chest rising and falling and your fingers releasing the sheets you didn’t even realise you were gripping hold of. “Can you fuck me now?” Jeno almost choked on his own spit at your blunt request.
He slipped his fingers out of you and stuttered out a small “Y-yeah.” Before he pushed down his sweatpants and boxers, pulling them off his legs and almost throwing them across the room in his haste. He reached over to his bedside table and grabbed a condom, quickly slipping it on his cock and giving it a few tugs. He took a deep breath and lined himself up at your dripping core, pushing into you very slowly and trying not to cum instantly at the way your tight walls sucked him in.
“Fuck.” He grunted as he leaned over you, his hands on either side of your head bracing his body as he took in deep breaths to prepare himself. You bit your bottom lip at the erotic sight of him hovering over you, his muscles tense and his eyes shut as he got used to the feeling of being buried inside of you. The feeling of euphoria as you watched him didn’t last long though, as he started to move his hips and that feeling was soon interrupted with repeated pangs of pleasure from how he was slowly fucking you.
“J-Jeno!” You moaned out, his body lowering down as he moved to lean against his forearms, his head ducking down and tucking into the crook of your neck. You wrapped your legs around his hips and gripped onto his back, your nails leaving crescent moon shaped indents into his soft skin. Jeno did what felt natural and rocked his hips into you, quiet grunts resonating in his throat from the way your pussy was squeezing around his cock.
“Oh fuck!” He moaned out, picking up the pace and starting to slam his hips into you, the heat radiating off of him making you start to perspire in the same way he was starting to get a light sheen of sweat over his skin. “I-I’m-“ He didn’t get to finish his sentence, his body stilling and tensing up as his release into the condom, his orgasm washing over him and making him feel like he could see stars. He didn’t know how to explain it, but this orgasm felt different to any other orgasm he’d had before when he was masturbating. He couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but he assumed it was to do with having another person with him who was the cause of his orgasm. It felt more…special? He wasn’t sure, and he couldn’t think much about it in that moment anyway, as he was still buried balls deep inside of you.
You didn’t hold it against Jeno that he came within two minutes of fucking you, he was a virgin, and most men are known for not lasting long during their first time, so you didn’t mind. Besides, he’d already given you and wonderful orgasm, so you were practically even. It still took you by surprise though when he pulled out of you and immediately shuffled down the bed, laying down between your legs and licking a stripe up your folds, swirling his tongue around your clit and sucking it into your mouth.
“Oh fuck.” You moaned out breathily, your head falling back against the pillow and your eyes drifting shut. How was he so good at oral? He was a virgin less than five minutes ago and now he was close to bringing you to your second orgasm of the night. He smirked against your pussy, proud of himself for the way you were reacting to his tongue work. He decided in that moment that he could eat you out all day, it was quickly becoming his favourite hobby, and even after this night was over, if you ever asked him to eat your pussy again, he would in a heartbeat. He grabbed hold of your legs and threw them over his shoulders, wanting to feel the way your muscles in your legs reacted to the way his tongue was flicking against your bundle of nerves.
It was when he slipped his middle and ring finger inside of you a curled them up, that you finally hit your peak, your thighs tightening his head like a vice and your walls pulsating around his fingers, the firework exploding inside of you. He licked up the mess he’d made around your thighs and then sat back, wiping his hand over his chin that was glistening from your juices. You lifted your head and smiled shyly at him, letting out a gentle giggle as he reached across to his bedside table and grabbed a couple of tissues to clean himself up with. He pulled off the condom, tied it, and tossed it into the bin across his room.
“I’ll be back in one second.” He mumbled, pulling on his sweatpants, and disappearing out of the room. You bit your bottom lip and glanced around his bedroom for the first time, noticing a few Star Wars posters in frames on the wall, as well as a large tv with a PlayStation set up to it. His bedroom looked cosy, decorated in a dark blue and cream, with minimal things in the small space, but enough to make it look lived in. It suited him and brought a gentle smile to your face.
Jeno came back a minute later with a damp wash cloth. He handed it to you and then quickly walked around his room to gather up your clothes that had been thrown around haphazardly. You wiped around your area to clean it off, before slowly standing up and stretching out your limbs. Jeno smiled as he handed you your clothes, awkwardly turning around to give some privacy despite having just had his mouth on your heat.
“Jeno you just fucked me; you don’t have to turn around.” You giggled as you pulled on your underwear, followed by your leggings and your hoodie. Jeno blushed and let out a soft chuckle as he turned back around.
“Yeah sorry, thank you by the way.” He bit his bottom lip, his shyness and awkwardness making your heart thud at how adorable he was, which was a complete juxtaposition to how hot you found him not too long ago.
“You’re more than welcome, thank you too, not bad for a first timer.” You winked at him, approaching him, and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I should get going, it’s been fun though, text me about the first tutoring session, I’m free most nights.” You gave him a big smile and watched as he raised his eyebrows.
“Actually, I wondered if maybe you wanted to stay for a little while, I’ll buy takeout and we can finish the next episode of Itaewon class or something.” He smiled softly and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. You’d just taken his virginity, the least he could do was buy you Chinese food, or pizza, or whatever you fancied. Although he did hope you picked Chinese food as it was his favourite. “My roommates won’t be home for a while so there’s no rush for you to leave.” You pursed your lips as you contemplated your choices. You could either sit with this handsome man, eat takeout, and enjoy his company, or you could go home to your dorm room and eat heated up mac’n’cheese, alone.
“I like Chinese food.”
Jeno decided he liked you a lot more for those four words.
It had been less a week, 2 days and approximately 22 hours since the last time you’d met up with Jeno and had taken his virginity for him, and today was the day of your first tutoring session with him. You’d texted back and forth with him and ultimately decided that he was going to come over to your dorm for an hour on Tuesday evenings, and you’d go over to his apartment for an hour on Thursday evenings. So as you waited for Jeno to come over you obsessively made sure that your bed was made and all of your dirty laundry had been picked up and put in your laundry basket. The last thing you needed was for Jeno to see a bra on the floor, sure he had already seen your bra on the floor, on his floor to be more specific, but this time it just felt different. He wasn’t coming over to fuck you, he was coming over so you didn’t fuck your education.
You hadn’t stop thinking about Jeno ever since you’d left his apartment that night, filled up with Chinese food and knowing a lot more about Jeno than you’d known when you’d entered the apartment. Jeno had told you that he didn’t have a job because his parents were well off and they would rather him focus on his studies than on a job he didn’t need. He also told you that he liked to go to the gym, he loved spending time with his roommates who were also his best friends, and he’d never had a proper girlfriend before. Sure he’d been on a few dates, but most of the women scared him off from coming on too strong. You got vibes from Jeno that he wasn’t quite a shy person, he was just introverted and kept to himself, that’s why he had the balls to ask you to have sex with him in exchange for tutoring, but also why he was a still virgin in the first place.
Jeno came over at exactly 7pm, study books in his bag and a smile on his face. The study session went really well and you were surprised with yourself for concentrating enough to actually learn a substantial amount. It wasn’t that you normally found it hard to concentrate during studying, it was just that Jeno was so handsome, kind, and patient, that he was making you want to jump on him and smother his face in kisses. You had no idea why you felt this way, but pinned it on the fact that you’d slept with him and he’d been nothing but a gentleman, also you did have a minor crush on him. Well maybe it was major, you weren’t too sure yet.
The night had consisted of a good amount of studying, mixed with some gossip about people you both knew and lots of sexual tension. You thought that maybe you were just imagining it but the way Jeno’s palm slid up your thigh as he went to take your pen from you or the way you caught him staring at you as you read a paragraph in his book, really was starting to make you think he wanted to fuck you again as much as you wanted to fuck him.
You’d planned for Thursday night to go down in a similar fashion, except when you arrived at Jeno’s apartment his roommates were home this time. You’d never met any of them in person before, only having seen them recently when you saw Jeno walking with them on campus. You did recognise Renjun however from the times you’d seen him hanging around the art department at the university, but Jeno said he was out with his girlfriend so wouldn’t be there. You walked in after taking off your shoes at the door and then followed Jeno through to his bedroom, but on the way there you had to pass the living room.
“Jeno you didn’t tell us you were having company over?” A voice said in a teasing tone, a tall boy with light brown hair approaching you with a smile that matched his teasing tone. His hair was obviously bleached to that colour, as his dark roots were growing through already and giving away his secret. “Hi, I’m Jaemin.”
“Hi, nice to meet you, I’m (Y/N).” You gave him a polite smile and bowed slightly to him.
“So are you the girl who took Jeno’s virginity?”
“Donghyuck!” Jeno scolded the boy who was lounging on the couch with a big smile on his face. Your face heated up and you went slightly wide eyed from shock at his question.
“That would be me.” You answered with a smile, not wanting them to see how embarrassed you were and masking it with your smile. Although, you had a feeling that Jeno’s cheeks were hotter than yours as he ran a hand over his face and let out a low groan.
“Well now she’s confirmed it that means that Jeno definitely came 2nd place in our little pact.” Donghyuck said with a loud sigh and looked between the other guys before his eyes settled back on you. “I refused to believe him with just his word, I needed confirmation from you too.” He explained and gave you a cheeky smile. Jeno grabbed your arm gently and started to pull you into the direction of his room.
“Yeah go me, come on (Y/N).” He said as he herded you into his room. He shut the door behind him and gave you a guilty smile, “Sorry about them, they don’t get out much or have much contact with females.” He let out a small chuckle and you shrugged in response.
“It would explain why they’re still virgins then.” You couldn’t help yourself from saying that as you smiled in amusement at him. He laughed in response and brushed his hair out of his face. You noticed that the book he’s used to help you study with was laid on his bed and you picked it up as you sat down on his sheets. You opened the book to where the sheet of paper he’d used as a bookmark was and tried to familiarise yourself with what you’d covered on Tuesday’s session before you moved on to the next chapter.
You missed the way Jeno’s eyes never left your body as you innocently read the book. He couldn’t help but feel a fire burning inside of his stomach as images of your naked body underneath him flashed through his mind. He knew it was a risky game to play with you sat on his bed, especially since he was supposed to be tutoring you. But you were so beautiful, and he felt a bit of a pull towards you. Could it be because you took his virginity? He wasn’t sure. But if he had to pin it down to anything it was probably because of that. He was a sentimental guy, but he knew that had it been any other girl take his virginity he probably wouldn’t feel such affections towards her in the way he did to you.
Oh yes, he was about to play a risky game.
Said game started when he grabbed the book from your hands and threw it onto the floor, the poor spine of the book looking strained as it landed openly with pages being bent in all sorts of directions. He would worry about that later though. You looked up in surprise and all you saw was Jeno’s face getting super close before his lips smashed against yours. His hands cupped your cheeks as he held you firmly, his lips slotted perfectly against yours despite the urgency that he had kissed you in. You came to your senses and kissed him back, the two of you moving your lips in time with each other like it was a natural thing for you both to do despite it not being something you’d agreed on doing more than once.
You couldn’t describe it but kissing Jeno just felt right. He made your heartbeat faster in your chest and your stomach go all fluttery in your abdomen. You didn’t class that as having feelings for him though, since you barely knew him. Instead, you liked to think that it was merely because it was new and exciting, and Jeno was as hot as the sun.
“Jeno,” You pulled back from his lips, looking into his half open eyes that became suddenly more alert and wider as you pushed him away with your hand gently on his chest. You kind of wished he’d be the one to think rationally about this and pause whatever this was going to be, but you beat him to it. “Should we really be doing this?” You asked, proud of yourself for maintaining eye contact with his dark eyes that suddenly flickered down to look at your lips.
“Yes.” Was his response as he leaned back in and tried to kiss you. You were too quick though and leaned your head back and looked at him with a raise eyebrow in question. “Don’t you want to?” He asked, tilting his head like a curious puppy.
“I do! Just…this was supposed to be a one time thing you know? I just didn’t think you had any more interest in sex with me other than doing it once to lose your virginity.” His face fell slightly at your sudden outburst of words, which made you feel a bit bad because you knew it was ruining the mood, so you quickly added on. “I just want to make sure we’re on the same page. I’m not saying no.” He sighed and sat back, using his hand as support for his upper body on the bed.
“I want to fuck you again, and maybe after today I’ll want to fuck you again, and again, and again. We on the same page now?” He asked with his eyebrow cocked in a smug sort of way, his lips also tugging into a smirk when he saw the way you looked slightly thrown off guard by his blunt words. Well damn. He’d really blindsided you with that one to the point where you just nodded eagerly. “Use your words darling.” What the actual fuck Jeno? You thought to yourself as sparks shot through you simply from his firm tone and demanding words.
“Yes.” You said and gulped; you mouth parting as you stared at him in awe. You were so hot for him right now that you probably would have screamed or thrown something at him if he didn’t fuck you right now. His lips were suddenly on yours again, but you pushed him back again with your hand to his chest. He sighed irritably and furrowed his eyebrows.
“What now?” He asked, his tone showing just how eager he was because he sounded pissed off at being stopped yet again.
“Your friends are here.”
“So they might hear us!” You whisper shouted at him as though they had supersonic hearing and could hear you talking. He rolled his eyes and that smirk came back as he winked at you.
“Good. I want them to hear your pretty little moans as I stuff my cock into your tight pussy. I want them to get jealous as they hear you riding my cock knowing that they’re virgins and can’t have what I have.” His low voice and filthy words made you leak into your panties from how hot he was being. What happened to the sweet gentle Jeno who came in under 2 minutes when you took his virginity? Was your pussy really that good that it tainted that sweet boy? Either way you weren’t complaining.
“Fuck.” You whispered out just before his lips successfully connected with yours for the second time that evening. This kiss however was a complete contrast to the previous one. This one had the heat of a thousand flames mixed with enough passion to write fifty steamy romance novels behind it. To summarise, it took your breath away and left you wanting more.
He slowly lowered your body down onto the bed using his, his mouth never leaving yours even for a millisecond as laid beside you. His hand ran down your side, caressing you as it travelled down until it rested on your ass, his fingers squeezing it until you felt it start to pinch the skin but in the best way possible. His tongue found yours as he rolled you over onto your back, his body caging you in against his bed with his hips grinding down onto yours. You could feel his hard cock pressing against your abdomen, it sending flickers of heat shooting through your body and making you crave more. You couldn’t wait. Fuck the foreplay.
“Just fuck me.” You moaned into his mouth, moving one of your hands down to the zipper of his jeans but were stopped when one of his hands grabbed your wrist tightly.
“Ask nicely.” He grunted back at you, pulling his lips away from yours and staring down at you with a dark gaze, as if challenging you to be demanding again. You stared back at him, batting your eyelashes to put emphasis on your next words.
“Please fuck me.” You spoke in a sickly-sweet way that made his lips curl at the corners into a smug smile.
“Not yet.” He rolled off you and then let out a soft laugh, his hands coming down and unzipping his jeans. You couldn’t see properly from the angle you were laying at you so sat up and looked down at his crotch. His hard cock looked aggressively pink at the tip, a bead of precum glistening under the light of his lamp that was situated on his bedside table. You hadn’t even had time to properly take in your surroundings as you came into his room as things had led to another pretty sharpish. Not that it mattered to you much since all you could think about right now was Jeno, Jeno, Jeno. You looked up from his dick to see that he was smirking at you. “Go on then.” He spoke in a simple way, as if his instructions were perfectly clear. You stood up from the bed and went to push down your own jeans when he shook his head at you. “Not that.” His eyes flickered from you, to his cock, back to you.
Jeno’s cock fit perfectly in your mouth. Well actually that’s a lie. About two inches of it didn’t fit without making you gag so you had to use your hand to work in time with your mouth as you sucked him life your like depending on it. Jeno’s moans filled the room, and you were certain that his friends could hear his pretty moans when the original plan Jeno had was for them to hear your pretty moans.
“That’s it, good girl.” Jeno moaned out, his fingers grasping your hair and using it to aid your head in bobbing up and down on his rock hard dick. His praise sent bolts of electricity through you and caused your panties to get wetter every time he uttered words of filth to you. You still couldn’t quite grasp how different this Jeno was to the first Jeno that fucked you. Had he been taking online classes on how to be a master at fucking? Perhaps he’d been watching more porn? Either way you planned on asking. Not yet though, after he’d scrambled your guts up.
“Hey,” Jaemin called over to Donghyuck, pulling his attention away from the tv. “Do you hear that?” He asked as the show they were watching finished, the sounds of something banging into something echoing throughout the room, followed by the repeated noise of muffle moaning. Donghyuck’s face screwed up and he gagged as he clamped his hands over his ears.
“Hear it?! I can feel the vibrations of it in my soul!” He exclaimed and hurried to snatch the remote control from the coffee table, jamming the volume button with his thumb until the sound of the tv was at full volume and completely drowned out your moans.
“I didn’t think he had it in him. I’m impressed.” Jaemin said with a chuckle, nodding his head in approval as focused his attention on the tv.
Jeno’s hips slammed into the soft flesh of your ass as he fucked you from behind. Your knees were starting to hurt from the pressure of your body being shoved into the bed, but that didn’t matter because Jeno’s cock was hitting all the right spots inside of you. You hoped that the tight grip his fingers had on your hips would leave behind bruises as a reminder of how good he made you feel.
“Fuck!” You whined out into his pillow, your knuckles burning from how tight your grip was on the pillow aa you held on for dear life. “Oh fuck Jeno!” Your words were muffled in the pillow, but Jeno heard you loud and clear. His eyes were glued onto where your bodies connected, completely focusing on the way your pussy sucked his cock in leaving him constantly feeling like he was on the edge of being high. His hand came down, slapping the soft globes of your ass and causing the sound to ricochet off the walls, a moan fleeing your throat at the same time.
“Such a good fucking girl for me, oh yes that’s it baby.” Moans fell from his mouth as you moved your hips back, fucking yourself on his cock which in turn coaxed his orgasm to build more and more inside of him. He couldn’t help but think to himself how he had missed out on this feeling by not asking you to have sex with him months ago. If only he could turn back time and makes the most of those long months he spent cumming into his fist. He reached down, pressing his chest against your back and leaning more of his weight on you as his hands reach around and cupped your breasts in his hands, his thumb and fingers working on tugging your nipples firmly as he rutted his hips into you at a fast pace.
Your breathing came out in a rough pants, the tingling feeling inside of you building up and up until eventually you felt your walls pulsating around Jeno’s cock as your body went through the motions of your orgasm spilling over the edge. Your body went completely slack underneath Jeno as you let your body relax from the intensity of the fucking you’d received. A fucking of which was still happening, as Jeno held your hips up and continued to slam into you until he stilled momentarily, his cock deep inside of you as he spilled his cum into the condom separating you. A long moan left his parted lips as he bucked his hips into you slowly, riding out his orgasm and loosening his grip on you.
“You okay?” He breathed out, letting his softening cock slip from you as he moved backwards to lay beside you, resting his head on his arm with an amused smile on his face as he watched you breathing heavily into his pillow.
“Whothefuckareyou?” You mumbled, your words almost incoherent from how quickly they came out and travelled into his soft pillow. He laughed and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, having heard you but not sure what you meant.
“What do you mean?” He asked, reaching over and rubbing your naked back in slow circles. His touch felt warm, comforting, and not at all platonic. But you couldn’t bring yourself to move away form his touch no matter how much the thought of it feeling wrong ran through your mind.
“The Jeno I fucked last week was completely different to the Jeno that just mixed up my insides just now! Where did that come from?!” You moved your face to face him, looking up at him with glistening eyes as you smiled at him in awe. He chuckled in amusement and ran a hand through his sweaty hair, his smile bright and causing his eye smile to form. God he was beautiful. You didn’t even feel guilty about having those thoughts about him either even though you knew it was treading in dangerous territory.
“Did you like it?” He asked instead of responding to your question, his eyes trailing back down your naked body as he licked his lips in desire. He couldn’t get enough of you, you were starting to feel like a new type of drug he’d become addicted to overnight.
“You could say that.” Your voice was soft and your smile was sweet. It sent his sexual desire away and turned into something that felt a bit different. A bit like endearment, or craving. But even though at the back of his mind he was telling himself he should keep you at an arm’s length, he just couldn’t bring himself to do that. He wanted you within his reach where he could spread your legs open and devour you at any moment he wanted. He just hoped you felt the same way, or things could get messy.
Things did indeed get messy. The studying with Jeno continued weekly, each time the two of you had sex. It became a sort of routine. Go to his place or your place, fuck, study, go home. Neither of you even pretended anymore that you weren’t going to have sex because it was just a guarantee that it would happen. Gone were the worries of falling for him. Because you were already too deep in that rabbit hole to pull yourself out of it, so why bother worry about it?
Things in class had remained how they had before too. No one suspected that you and Jeno were doing the dirty multiple times a week since you didn’t even acknowledge each other in class at all. Well apart from sneaking subtle glances at each other every now and then followed with a simple smile to each other. Although you did often find yourself sitting in class, biting your lip and thinking to yourself about your ‘relationship’ with Jeno. Did he feel the same way you did? Did he also have a big fat crush on you like you did him? It was a question you weren’t sure you wanted to answer to.
The problem was as well was that your previous study session with Jeno had left you utterly confused. Normally he fucked you like you were nothing but a living sex toy, letting out his horniness on you and giving you the fuck of your life every single time. But the last study session you had with him was different. He had taken his time, been gentle, kept eye contact with you and made sure not to grab you too hard. It left you wondering why the sudden change. It felt like you’d stepped into the past and had sex with virgin Jeno again. Not that you were complaining! He still got you off twice and you had a great time. But it brought in those mushy, gooey feelings that you had for him. The feelings where you wanted to hold his hand, go on cute dates with him, sleep over with him after sex instead of studying and then going home. It also played in your mind that that was your second to last study session with him as the semester was nearly over and that’s when you both agreed to stop whatever it was this was called between you both. Was he different towards you because of that? You didn’t know.
Today was different. It was your last study session with Jeno, and you felt a pit of despair inside of your gut. You really weren’t ready for this to end yet. Especially since you didn’t know if the two of you would remain as friends afterwards, or if you’d just go back to being strangers and sharing a class together.
You’d gone over to Jeno’s and luckily his friends weren’t there, so you didn’t have to make small talk with them when you really weren’t feeling up for it today. You’d gone into his room and placed your bag down on his floor before taking a seat on his bed. He smirked to himself as he sat down beside you, his hand immediately coming up and brushing away your hair to make a clear space for him to access your neck. You tensed up, which he noticed but didn’t think much of it. He leaned in and gently placed a kiss at the base of your neck, letting his lips linger for a moment before kissing your warm skin again.
“I’m not in the mood.” You whispered to him, which made him pull back from you and looked at you with furrowed eyebrows. That wasn’t like you at all. You were always in the mood. You glanced over at him as he shuffled away from you on the bed to give you some space. You felt butterflies inside of your stomach from nervousness at telling him you didn’t want to have sex with him. You did want to, desperately wanted to even. But you’d hoped that when you walked in he would slam you against the bedroom wall and take you in a rough manner. Not gently kiss your neck in the intimate way that he had which had your mind wondering again whether he had feelings for you or not. You didn’t want to think about that right now, not when you weren’t certain where you stood with Jeno after tonight.
“Are you alright?” He asked in a soothing voice, wanting to get to the bottom of your sudden reluctance to let him touch you. You looked over at him and gave him a weak smile, it being the only type of smile you could conjure up.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just don’t feel like doing that tonight.” You spotted the book you used to study with on his bedside table and moved to grab it, opening it up and attempting to read it, but in reality, your eyes were just scanning over the words written on the page with your brain not registering the words at all.
“Oh okay, that’s fine.” He said with a fake smile plastered on his face. He wasn’t made or upset that you didn’t want to have sex. Instead, he felt a bad sensation in his chest, unsure why you were being a bit standoffish with him. Had he done something to upset you? That was what he wanted to ask you, but he suddenly felt like he was lost for words and tongue tied. You both could feel the awkwardness in the air, and you didn’t know how to do or say.
“I’m gonna go, thank you for everything Jeno, I’m all caught up with my studies now so…yeah.” You said quickly as you stood up, placing the book down on his bed as you scooped your bag up from the floor. Jeno also stood up quickly, making his way to do the door before you could get to it.
“Wait, (Y/N) what’s wrong?” He asked, finally finding the courage to confront you about this. You avoided looking at him as you stood in front of him, just wishing he would step aside, let you retreat, and maybe one day you’d get over him. Or not, but perhaps you could buy lots of cats and be the local crazy cat lady. You sighed, finally looking up at him but wishing you hadn’t, as you could see the hurt in his eyes. Ugh, even when you were feeling like shit he still made you feel all gooey inside just from how beautiful his stupid face was. Except you didn’t think his face was stupid. You thought his face was perfect and this was why you had a problem right now. Because it wasn’t just his face, it was everything about him. How no one had ever fallen in love with this man before was a mystery to you because he was everything you could ever wish for in a man.
You took a deep breath, looking back down at the ground as you spoke. “Nothing is wrong. I just don’t think I need to study today.” You spoke timidly, it being obvious you were lying but you didn’t think he would have the balls to call you out on it.
“Bullshit.” So, you were wrong, he had called you out on it. Even though he had called you out on your lie, his voice was still soft and not at all showing the negative emotion he felt. Your head snapped up at him, your cheeks hot as you knew you were probably going to have to face this head on. “Tell me the truth. Did I do something wrong?” He asked, his voice still softer than a cloud which made you start to feel guilty about lying to him. You momentarily shut your eyes, trying to think about what to do. You could either spin another lie and risk him getting upset or mad since it was clear you were a crap liar. Or you could tell him the truth and risk yourself getting upset when he rejected you.
You made your choice.
“You’re just confusing me!” You blurted out, looking up at him as your voice went up an octave. His eyebrows raised in surprise at the loudness of your voice and sudden outburst. “You fucked me like I was a whore every time we saw each other, until last time when you fucked me like you’re madly in love with me! I don’t know why you did that but it confused me because I really like you and you probably don’t like me back but now I’m starting to think maybe you do like me but I’m probably wrong and I don’t want to get hurt because this stupid thing was just supposed to b-“
“Shut up.” You were dumbfounded by his sudden interruption of your absolute mess of an explanation.
“Excuse me?” You asked, raising your eyebrow at him as you were still pretty shocked, he’d not only cut you off, but had done it in a rather blunt way.
“I said shut up. You’re talking a load of shit.” He laughed, moving away from the door and taking a few steps towards you. You were lost for words and went to take a step back, but he grabbed you by the arm and used his strength to keep you still. “It’s bold of you to assume that I don’t like you considering we finished that stupid book weeks ago and you’re caught up in class now, yet I never once suggested we didn’t need to continue with these study sessions. We’ve been going over the same stupid chapter for weeks, and no, its not just because I wanted to have my way with you.” He moved a hand up to cup your cheek, his thumb grazing over your warm skin as he gazed into your eyes. “I mean don’t get me wrong, it was definitely a perk. But I really like your company, you’re sweet, you’re funny, you took my virginity for fuck’s sake. I know that doesn’t mean a lot to some guys, but it meant a lot to me.” His voice was gentle, yet firm in a sense of he was getting his point across to you. You were gobsmacked, your mouth open slightly in awe of everything he was saying to you.
“You like me?” You managed to mumble out, gulping down the pool of saliva that had built in your throat from being so stunned as he spilled out his confession to you. He rolled his eyes and chuckled softly, pulling your body flush against his own, wanting to have you as close to him as he could.
“You know that list of things I just called you? I’m adding dumb to that list. Yes I like you!” He brought his lips close to yours and brushed them together, sneaking in a very soft peck that left you feeling breathless. “I was actually going to ask you out later on tonight, but you kinda freaked out on me, but we still got to that part we just took a different journey to get there.” He smiled widely against your lips before letting out a soft sigh with a hum.
“Oh!...I like you too.” You smiled back, looking into his eyes and feeling all the negative emotions you’d just felt wash away and be replaced by their positive counterparts. “I’m sorry I had that outburst, I just, I don’t know, I’ve never done this with anyone before and we never set out any ground rules beforehand, so it was all a big blur.” You realised now that you were both incredibly stupid and this all could have been handled better had the two of you sat down and had a conversation about it like adults.
“It’s okay, we’ve figured it out now.” His voice got quieter as he leaned in and closed the gap between your lips. His kiss was warm, soft, and full of passion. It felt like the missing puzzle piece that had been on the floor the entire time whilst you both looked for it like the dumbasses that you seemingly were. His lips detached from yours but didn’t go far as he whispered, “So, wanna go on a date with me?”
“So you’re telling me that not only were you the second one out of use to lose their virginities, but you’re also the second one to get a girlfriend? What the fuck man?” Donghyuck said with a huff and a disapproving shake of his head. Jeno laughed in response, you perched on his lap on the couch of the boy’s apartment. “This wasn’t part of my plan.” He continued to grumble, fiddling with the case on his phone as he sulked.
“You need to up your game. It’s only you and Jaemin left, the race is on.” Renjun chimed in, his own girlfriend sat beside him with their hands intertwined. Jaemin looked unbothered by the race to third place and simply shrugged.
“I still can’t believe those losers beat us.” Donghyuck clearly wasn’t done with his sulking yet as he grumbled the insult hoping it would bother Renjun and Jeno, when in reality it made them, both feel smug that they’d bothered the competitive one in the group.
Your first date with Jeno last week had been everything you could have imagined it would be. He took you to the bowling alley and then afterwards took you out for a meal. He did beat you at bowling, but not by many points, which you thought was suspicious and accused him of purposely trying to let you win. But he swore blind that he didn’t and that you must just have a natural talent at bowling. You didn’t believe him and still to this day accused him of trying to throw the game, even if he was unsuccessful at losing. Either way you had the best time and really enjoyed doing something other than fucking or studying with him. The two of you really got on like a house on fire and it felt natural to be with him in an intimate way. Even though it had only been a week and a few days of you being officially in a relationship with Jeno, the two of you were in your honeymoon phase and barely kept your hands off of each other. Not only were you cuddly, kissy, just all in general mushy with each other, the two of you were fucking like horny rabbits all the time, which was another Donghyuck liked to complain about since his bedroom backed up onto Jeno’s.
Jeno had asked you to be his girlfriend a few days after and now you were officially a couple, which shocked quite a few people in your class since they didn’t even know that you two spoke to each other. Mark had been super supportive of your relationship with Jeno and had insisted that he could meet him and grill him to make sure he really was perfect for you. You knew Mark would embarrass you, so you were secretly trying to avoid setting a date for Mark and Jeno to meet. But you did think it was sweet that Mark cared enough to make sure you were dating the perfect guy for you, even though you already knew that Jeno was perfect for you without needing Mark’s seal of approval.
“Stop whining about it and do something about it then.” Jaemin said in response to Donghyuck continuing on with his complaining.
Donghyuck rolled his eyes and shot Jaemin a look as he replied to him, “I am! I’m going to a party on Friday. I’ll make sure I lose my virginity there. Just you wait and see.”
A/N- Well, sorry that took me over two years to post the next instalment of this series! I hope you enjoyed it I’m so sorry about the wait. Also I didn’t proofread it because so sorry if theres any grammar errors. I know this piece isn’t as good as the first but I haven’t written anything in a long time so I’m a little bit rusty. Anyway please like/reblog/leave feedback. Thanks!
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