#I fear I may have a little crush perhaps
melit0n · 2 months
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Credits: 📸 Clinton Hatfield
130 notes · View notes
just-jordie-things · 11 months
you know you got me in your pocket - okkotsu yuuta
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word count: 13k warnings: light swearing.  reader has a cursed technique that has to do with healing but i don’t explain it bc i’m lazy. summary: the path from friends to lovers may take time but it is a simple, true love they share more info: ultimate friends to lovers fic this IS the template a/n: loosely based on this fanart i found on pinterest and also the song always forever by cults bcuz i love that song its so friends to lovers coded ___
[ you and me, always, forever ]
Unlike most cases of friends who harbor crushes for each other but never seemed to figure it out, (y/n) had taken a liking to Yuuta the day they met.  She’d known right away that there was something about him that drew her to him like a magnet, something adorably mysterious, strangely alluring, and completely thrilling.
Seeing him on campus wasn’t a surprise.  Gojo had told her about his recruitment, and upon giving her further detail she’d lovingly told him it was more of a kidnapping.  He’d laughed.  And since then nothing had really changed.  She continued her studies with Shoko in the infirmary, only occasionally seeing the Six Eyes when he needed a new audience to bother, and in fact, she’d almost forgotten the news of a new student her age.
It’s not like there were many instances where she could be reminded.  She didn’t see the other students at Jujutsu Tech often, since they spent their time training to be sorcerers, while her cursed technique was more equipped for the behind the scenes of jujutsu society.  
So when she feels a heavy presence of cursed energy looming through the front gates, the hair on the back of her neck stands up, and she’s unusually drawn out of her studies to scan the area for the source of the prickle traveling down her spine.
If she didn’t know better, she might have just assumed it was just Gojo.  But it only takes a split second for her to identify this as someone else entirely.  She’s not sure if her shiver is due to fear or intrigue, but either way she just has to learn more, doesn’t she? 
And so you could imagine her surprise when she finally catches the sight of the sorcerer carrying all of this cursed energy, dragging along the main path on his way to the main building.  She can’t recall his name right away, but she assumes he’s the new kid that Gojo had told her about a week or so prior.
She’s far enough away that she doesn’t get a good look at him, but she can see enough from where she sits amongst the trees.  He’s not at all what she had been expecting.
He didn’t look like the piece of shit egotistical douchebag that she had assumed he’d be when Gojo had told her about him.
And if she couldn’t feel the cursed energy radiating off of him even from this far away, she might’ve thought he was a non-sorcerer altogether.
His shoulders sagged like gravity was heavier on him than most people.  He moved slowly.  His sneakers scraped along the pavement.  His hands were fiddling with each other anxiously, fingers catching and pulling and twisting over and over.
Perhaps she was letting her curiosity make her naive, but any fear she might have felt when he first entered the courtyard dissipated as she tracked his awkward movements towards the school.  Awkward.  It was the perfect way to describe her first impression of him.
He hadn’t seemed to notice her during her assessment of him.  And this was proven when their paths did properly cross.
It had happened late one evening, shortly after Yuuta’s initial admittance to Jujutsu Tech.  It only took one text from Shoko for her to be out of bed, in her uniform, and on her way to the infirmary.  Apparently, Yuuta was also racing around campus, for whatever reason, and that’s how he (almost literally) ran into her.
His greeting was just as awkward as her first impression of him.  She can’t help but laugh a little bit.  He’s clearly flustered, his eyes wide and his mouth not making any proper words, and the large knife in his hand looks severely out of place.
But he must see her look straight at it while he’s trying to figure out how to politely ask who the hell she was because he’s never seen her before- because suddenly he remembers how to speak.
“This isn’t mine!” 
He doesn’t mean to shriek, but he feels like he should explain why he’s running around at night with a knife.  It doesn’t dawn on him at all that she’s used to people casually carrying weapons around, and this little knife isn’t even close to being a concern for her.
Nonetheless, she goes along with it.  She should be rushing to the infirmary, but something keeps her put before him.
“Oh?” She tries not to laugh as she takes in his heavy wince.  “While I find your courage outstanding, I’m not sure this is the place you want to go stealing people’s knives,” She’s only teasing, but it does nothing to relieve the panic on his face.  “You know, cause people around here don’t need knives to kill you,” 
Yuuta swallows, and (y/n) finally gives him a break and shakes her head as she laughs to herself.
He expresses his anxiousness in small shuffles of his feet, and he tries to laugh along but the sound is strained and nervous.  If she knew him better and understood him, she likes to think she’d tell him to lighten up, but that feels like a bold step, so she tries to ease his anxiety with more subtlety.
“You didn’t spook me with that knife,” She clarifies.  “I’d be more scared of all that cursed energy you’ve got, if anything” 
“But I’m not,” She tells him, matter-of-factly.
He gives her a look like he’s not sure if he should believe her.  With the way the other students had reacted when they first met, he’s surprised she doesn’t have him in a chokehold right now.  Instead, she stands before him without a defensive stance, and she gives him a small smile.
“But… what are you doing out this late?” She can’t help but have curiosity about what he was doing there in the first place.  “Aren’t you all going out on an assignment first thing in the morning?”
Normally, she didn’t listen much when Gojo rambled on about his teachings.  However yesterday’s lessons with Shoko had been few and far between, so when her old friend stopped by for entertainment, she boredly listened along while he bragged about taking his class on a group outing.  She supposed that little piece of information became useful for small talk now.
“Yeah, well,” Yuuta sighed, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously.  “I was supposed to return this earlier, but I forgot, and now I…” 
His words trail off, along with his eyes as he turns to stare at the floor out of embarrassment.
“I got lost” 
“It’s Maki’s, isn’t it?” She asks knowingly, even though she’s not familiar with this knife.
Yuuta nods.
“I’ll show you the way” She says, gesturing for him to follow her, and walking off before he could really comprehend what she was offering.  His sneakers squeak on the linoleum floor as he rushes after her a few seconds delayed.
He takes a minute or two before he finds the courage to say something.
“Thank you,” He settles, peeking over at her from the corner of his eye.  “I’m Yuuta, by the way” 
She turns to give him a beam as she replies, “I know,”
It has a lump forming in his throat, his chest filling with something warm and akin to bashfulness.  He’d never seen her before, and he was certain he would have remembered if they’d met, especially since she was so pretty, but she appeared to be his age too, and he wondered why she hadn’t been around for any classes, or training sessions.
“I’m (y/n)” She introduces herself after a beat passes.  Yuuta wants to say something more, but he doesn’t know what to say, so he doesn’t say anything at all.
He fidgets with the knife as he follows her through the corridors.  It’s a large building, and the longer they walk, the more he’s grateful he hadn’t gotten more lost than he had.  It takes a few minutes until she finally stops at a door, and slides it open.  Yuuta recognized it as soon as it’s contents were revealed.
Every inch of the walls were filled with weapons.  Racks with blades and staffs of all shapes and sizes, shelves of an assortment of more alternative weapons, he’d been in here when Gojo had given him a speedy tour on his first day.  Although now that he’s not being rushed from room to room, his gaze travels around the small space, taking in every deadly tool here.
“You’ll get used to it” (y/n) speaks, and he’s drawn out of his reverie when she plucks the knife from his hands to put it back in it’s proper place.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to any of this” He mumbles back, eyes caught on a rather daunting gun propped up among other things.
Nunchucks and knives were one thing.  He was pretty sure that was an AK-47.  He’d only ever seen those in movies.
(y/n) chuckles softly, amused by how out of place he seemed.  For a guy with more cursed energy than he knew what to do with, she found it interesting how juvenile he came across.
Not that it was a bad thing.  It was sort of… refreshing, if she thought about it.
“You will,” She assured him kindly.  “It’ll feel weird for a while, but, yaknow.  Eventually everyone settles in, right?” 
He tears his eyes away from the machine gun to see that she’s giving him a small smile, and he doesn’t know her very well, or at all, but he can tell that she’s being genuine.
“I guess”
He doesn’t know what else to say.
“Well, I have to get going to a lesson,” She explains, jerking her thumb back towards the door.  “You good to get back to your dorm? I probably wouldn’t get in trouble if I explained I was just helping the new kid” 
Yuuta nods, the movement awkward, and shaky.
“Yeah, I’m good, I think” He doesn’t sound so sure, but (y/n) assumes the best way for him to learn his way around is to get lost just a little.
“Alright, I’ll see ya around then,” She gives him a wave as she ducks out of the small armory.  “Good luck with your assignment tomorrow!”
Her voice carries as she jogs through the corridors to quickly get to where Shoko was waiting, leaving Yuuta to linger, a bit dumbfounded and bewildered by the whole interaction.
He supposed he’d gotten her name, but he still had no clue who she was.  He’d have to make a better effort to reach out next time their paths crossed.  She was the first person here to give him a semi-warm welcome, after all.
When (y/n) arrived at the infirmary with a brighter-than-usual smile and the remnants of a blush on her cheeks, Shoko eyed her curiously, but didn’t outwardly call her out on the strange demeanor.
[ say you’ll stay, never be severed ]
The next time Yuuta does see (y/n), he’s sitting alone at a picnic table in the courtyard with only the company of his lunch bag.  He sees her walking out of the building with a bag on her shoulder.  She’s clearly on a mission, but he finds himself calling out to her and waving his hand anyways.
He assumes she’ll give him a polite nod and keep heading on her way, but she stops in her tracks to turn his way, waving back, before she’s actually walking over to him.
It’s embarrassing to admit, but Yuuta panics a bit.  He had yet to form any solid enough friendships with the other students in his year, hence the lunching alone out here, and he had a worry that soon she would also see him as a loner and an outsider, and she’d avoid him too.
But as she approaches the wooden table, she gives him a smile so friendly he could never believe it was forced.
“Hey,” Even her voice sounds kind.  “You eating alone?” 
“Uh-” Yuuta glances around as if looking for an excuse, but the bento box in front of him and lack of any other person around is evidence enough.  “Yeah” He replies sheepishly.
Here it comes, Yuuta braces himself, the beginning of her thinking he’s a loner.  He shouldn’t have even held onto that scrap of hope when she’d walked this way, but here he was, holding his breath.
“Want company?”
His head turns back to her, assessing if she really meant it, and seeing that small smile still curled on her lips, he gives her a short nod.
“Yeah,” He answers.  “Yeah, that’d be… nice” 
Her small smile turns into a grin as she sits on the bench across from him, setting her bag on the table.
“How are you settling in?” She asks him kindly, and he gives a weak shrug of his shoulders.
“I guess… as well as I can,” He says honestly, and she nods back in understanding.  He pushes past the urge to sit in silence where he knows he can’t say the wrong thing, and continue talking to her.  She’s nice, he tells himself.  She’s nice, and I want to make friends here.  I want to be happy here.  “I think everyone’s a little afraid of me, to be honest,” He admits.  “Or they’re annoyed with how behind all of them that I am” 
“Maki can be a little stand-offish,” (y/n) thinks aloud.  “And Inumaki is hard to get to know at first.  But he’s a really nice guy once you do get to know him.  Just don’t be nervous when he’s silent.  He’s a goofball,” 
Yuuta takes her advice to heart, hoping that she could give him all the keys to friendship he’d been lacking.  He nods earnestly.
“And so is Panda,” She continued.  “But it’s been awhile since there’s been someone new around here.  That doesn’t really happen for us” 
“Really?” He asks, and she nods.
“Yeah.  Most of these people have known each other since they were young.  Or at least are aware of each other’s clan politics” 
“I see” Yuuta mumbles, feeling yet again like an outsider.  (y/n) can tell this information doesn’t sit well with him.
“I think it’s nice,” She says boldly, and truthfully.  He stares at her like she just said something ridiculous.  “When the only people you get to see every day are people you’ve known your whole life, it can be sorta lonely,” She admits with a small chuckle.  “It’ll be nice to get to know someone new,” 
She leans over the table a bit, setting her elbows down so she can rest her head in her hands.
“If that’s not too forward” She says with a bashful smile.
Yuuta blinks once, twice, before shaking his head with certainty.
“It’s not” He says, fast.
“Good,” (y/n’s) beam brightens.  “Want to have lunch with me again tomorrow?” 
He nods again, his nerves starting to melt away, letting him smile back at her.
“Will you be in class tomorrow?” He asks hopefully.  Maybe now he’ll finally have someone he can sit with, even if he’s still too shy to strike up a conversation, at least he won’t feel so alone all the time.
“Oh,” (y/n’s) lips quickly fall to a frown.  “I’m actually not one of Gojo’s students,” She tells him, and it makes her sad to see him deflate so fast.  “I’m training in the infirmary, with Shoko.  Have you met her?” 
Yuuta shakes his head.
“I don’t think so” 
“Well I’ll introduce you sometime,” She tells him.  “But I don’t have a decent enough cursed technique to be a sorcerer, so I’m studying under her in order to go more into the… background things” She explains.
“I see,” Yuuta tries not to let his disappointment show, so as not to make her feel bad.  He focuses instead on getting to know her better.  “So you’re working in, like, the medical field then?”
(y/n) nods her head from side to side.
“Something like that,” She chuckles.  “It’s mostly watching Shoko use her technique to heal injuries after rougher assignments.  I don’t get to use mine too much, but I’m starting to learn how to heal myself, so that’s a start, I suppose” 
“That’s cool!” 
(y/n’s) eyes blink wide in surprise.
“You can heal yourself?”
“I mean, I healed a papercut once” She laughs bashfully.  In comparison to Shoko’s reverse cursed technique, doing a shoddy job at patching up a small slice on her finger seemed like a joke.  But Yuuta grins like he’s never heard anything more interesting.
“You’re lucky,” He tells her, and she raises a brow at him, wondering if this was all some elaborate prank where he’d wind up laughing in her face at how weak she was compared to everyone else, compared to him.  “That’s a really useful ability.  That’s not background at all.  It’s helpful” 
As she processes the kind words, (y/n) wonders if this is why she’d felt drawn to him when they met a few nights ago.  Underneath the shy exterior Yuuta displayed was nothing but kindness, and warmth.  She could feel it in her cheeks, and in her chest.  Her heart even stuttered a little.
“I mean, I barely have a handle on it,” She admits.  “I don’t think I’ve been all that helpful to anyone” 
“But you’re learning, right?” Yuuta shrugs a shoulder in understanding.  “I guess that’s sorta how I feel, too,” He realized, dropping his gaze to his forgotten lunch as he thought about it.  “I just want to be…”
He trails off, but (y/n) waits with eager anticipation for him to continue his thought.
His voice is quiet, and his expression is unsure as he looks back up at her.  Suddenly feeling like that was far too pathetic of a thing to say to someone that he’d like to become friends with.  But before he can backtrack and supply a better word, like strong or courageous, she’s grinning.
Her face nearly splits in two as her beam stretches from ear to ear, all teeth and twinkling eyes to match.  A small laugh escapes her before she starts to nod passionately.
“That’s exactly how it feels,” She agrees, filling him with relief so strong it’s visible in the way his shoulders relax.  (y/n) notices, but doesn’t say anything.  Something warm and fuzzy nestles in her chest, and she has a good feeling about this new friendship blossoming.
Truth was, (y/n) got along fine with the other students here, but they’d only cross paths on occasion and she couldn’t say that she was necessarily close to any of them, simply on good terms enough to catch up in brief passing with one another.  The disconnect between her studies and the rest of the sorcerers-in-training around here was a trench of a gap, and if she was honest with herself, it could prove to be a little lonely.
Shoko was a great teacher, she was kind and involved, but she was still a teacher.  Gojo was… about the same, with just a bit more peskiness to him when it came to involving himself.  But it was all in good nature, he knew that she was a bit isolated here.
But then Yuuta came along.  And even just this short interaction had her glowing with excitement at finally forming a connection with someone.  He probably thought she was just being pleasant since he was the new kid and he’d been eating lunch alone, but it couldn’t be further from the truth.  She had a genuine interest in him that had started innocently enough, but she had a feeling it would only blossom into something more.
“I think that we’re going to be-” 
She’s about to voice this thought, about to tell him that she knows in her heart that they’ll make excellent friends, but her timing was just a tad too slow, and she was interrupted by her phone ringing.
With the intention of silencing it and ignoring the call for now, she gives him an apologetic look before pulling it out of her pocket, only to huff when she realizes it’s not a call she can just silence.
“Sorry,” She frowns.  “It’s Shoko, I should take this, she’s probably got something for me back at the lab” 
“It’s alright,” Yuuta smiles as he shakes his head in understanding.  “I get it” 
“Thanks,” (y/n) grabs her bag as she jumps up from the table, disappointed to cut their time short, but excited to see what Shoko would have in store for her today.  Before she can race off, she pauses, one hand gripping the strap of her bag and the other occupied with the phone that’s still ringing.  “Lunch tomorrow though, right?” She double checks.
The pink that dusts Yuuta’s cheeks is undeniable, and it makes a smile bloom on her face, too.
“Right” He says with a shy nod while he rubs his clammy hands over his knees.
“Alright,” (y/n) nods back, and she’d like to think she’s smooth, but she’s blushing just the same.  “I’ll see you tomorrow then, Okkotsu” 
She takes off before she can see his face turn from pink to red, his enthusiasm for having plans with a friend- a cute friend- shining in the heat of his cheeks.  
He spends the rest of his lunch period trying to think of things to talk to her about tomorrow, questions to ask, stories to share.  He racked his brain for fifteen minutes before going to class, where he then gets a little lost in space as he wonders about it some more.
[ you know you got me in your pocket, you don’t just have to wait around ]
When (y/n) feels that lingering fuzziness in her chest turn into something more, it was shortly after she’d spent the better half of an hour telling Shoko that her friendship with Okkotsu Yuuta was just that.  Friendship.
“If you say so,” The woman shrugged a shoulder as she pulled the gloves off of her hands, getting ready to wrap up the day.  “Just sayin’.  You talk about him a lot” 
(y/n) gave her a look, blindly tossing her own latex gloves into the trash.
“He’s my friend, I like talking about him,” She explains with nonchalance, even though her heart stuttered in her chest a little bit, as it did every time she mentioned him.  “And I’m also a boring person.  There’s not much to talk about”
“That’s not true, but whatever” Shoko brushes off the lame excuse, and (y/n) rejoices inwardly that the topic can be dropped before Yuuta actually shows up in a few minutes.  
Like most days, they had plans to meet up for lunch, except today they’ll be spending it with the rest of the first years.  After a couple of months, Yuuta finally felt like he belonged here, and had made decent friendships with his peers.  This morning he had texted her to ask if it was alright if they joined them.
[yuuta] : panda offered us seats at the lunch table with inumaki and maki too. do you want to have lunch with them? 
[yuuta] : ok if not!! just wanted to extend the invitation !!
It had made (y/n) smile when that second text popped up so quickly on her phone after she’d opened the first right away.  She could practically see him back pedaling just in case she wasn’t comfortable with a larger group for lunch.  Of course she was, she’d typed back an agreement with a little smiley face within a few seconds of reading the texts, but it was sweet that he’d stick to their usual plan of just the two of them.
Don’t get her wrong, (y/n) had grown to really cherish the time the two of them spent together.  She got to know Yuuta very well during their lunch breaks, and during a few hangouts after lessons and training, too.  She was happy to see how much he opened up once you got to know him, and she loved learning more about him every day.  He was kind, and funny in that nervous sort of way, and he picked up on things quickly.  
The couple of times (y/n) had spent her breaks from the infirmary on the bleachers to watch him train with the other first years, she’d seen a drastic change in his abilities with each session.  It wasn’t often that she was able to slip away long enough to get all the way to the bleachers, watch for a bit while having a snack or catching up on some reading, and then get back to the infirmary before Shoko called her out on trying to ditch her lessons.  Still, she was always impressed with how fast of a learner Yuuta was.  Whether it was with cursed energy or with a bamboo staff to practice wielding a proper katana, he seemed to be comfortable with learning how to fight.
In fact the last time she’d watched him, he looked so natural she could have assumed he’d grown up in jujutsu society just like the rest of them.
When he does make an appearance at the infirmary, Shoko notices him outside the door first.  With a smirk, she nods her head to get (y/n’s) attention.
“Your friend is here,” She says with a teasing lilt in her voice, despite her face remaining as stoic as usual.  
(y/n) gives her a look before turning around to see him waiting politely outside.  When their eyes catch, she gives him a smile and waves at him to come in.
“Picking you up for lunch, hm?” Shoko hums.  “What a little gentleman”
(y/n) shoots her another look, this time as if to say be nice when Yuuta walks in.  He’s still wearing his sheath, but the awkward smile and nervous fiddling of his hands makes a sword on his back look out of place.  For some reason, (y/n) has always found his simple juxtapositions adorable.
Despite having met Shoko before, a few times, actually, Yuuta always gets anxious around her.  It was probably her quietly peculiar aura, something (y/n) had grown used to after so much time spent with her, but in comparison to Yuuta’s teacher who’d never learned to revel in peaceful silence, it could be intimidating.
He gave her a small wave and nod in greeting.  Shoko smirked back at him before turning to (y/n).
“You two get back before too long, alright? No funny business” 
Yuuta visibly paled, his mouth opening to make an explanation that wasn’t coming to mind and left him standing there gaping.  (y/n) rolled her eyes as she grabbed her bag, hoisting the strap over her shoulder as she waved Shoko off.
“Bye Shoko” She said with a half-playful glare, before grabbing Yuuta by the sleeve and dragging him right back out the door before he even got the chance to say hello.
It’s not until they’re out in the hall that he finds his voice.
He tugs at his collar to relieve some of the heat from his neck.
“How were lessons today?” He settles for the safe topic of conversation.  Predictably, (y/n) lets out a small laugh.  She always seemed amused when he was uncomfortable.  He had yet to understand why.
“Good,” She’s kind to him today, not teasing him for his flustering.  At least not beyond that little smirk that makes her eyes glint when she looks at him.  “You?”
He nods his head from side to side.
“Maki kicked my ass,” He said sheepishly.  “But I did get a hit today” He said in a quieter voice, but there was still a hint of pride in his voice.  (y/n) beamed at him.  She understood this was a meaningful accomplishment.
“That’s awesome!” She cheered for him.  “You’ll knock her down next time for sure,” 
He thinks she could be messing with him, but when he looks over at her, her beam is nothing but genuine.  He laughs quietly, not as sure as she was, but appreciative of the sentiment nonetheless.
“Just make sure to invite me next time you spar,” (y/n) continues.  “I want to be there for the big day” 
Sometimes, she has a way of speaking that makes Yuuta wonder why she doesn’t really hang out with anyone but him.  She wasn’t exactly a soft person, he supposed it was this line of work they shared, but there was something inherently friendly about her.  He’d noticed it the first time they’d met, of course, and ever since he couldn’t ignore it if he tried.  For whatever reason, she seemed not only to care about him, but she actually believed in him, too.  More and more, Yuuta began to wonder why.
Inumaki, Panda, and Maki are already at a table with their lunches before them when Yuuta and (y/n) arrive.  Panda notices them first, grinning and waving a paw for them to join.
“(y/n)! Long time no see!” His voice holds pure joy upon her arrival, “How’s the infirmary?” 
“Oh, you know,” (y/n) smiles as she shrugs her shoulders.  “Blood.  Bones.  Repeat.  I can’t complain” 
Panda and Toge are sitting on one side of the table, Maki on the other, and (y/n) happily sits beside her.  Yuuta follows shortly.
“Yuuta told me next time, he’s going to knock your ass out,” She says boldly.  Maki raises a brow, her chopsticks stilling over her dish.  “You’ll let me come watch, yeah?” 
Maki’s eyes shift to Yuuta, a glare behind them that has him straightening in his seat.  Maki smirks at his discomfort, and when she turns back to (y/n), she grins ear to ear.
“I do love an audience,” She agrees, her smirk stretching into a grin at the idea.  She looks back to Yuuta, who’s focused intently on his rice.  “You two have been gettin’ real chummy, huh?”
(y/n) simpered at the comment.  Yuuta tucked his chin against his collar in hopes that they wouldn’t notice the way his face bloomed with heat.
“Tuna, tuna” Inuamki giggles as his elbow bumps into Panda’s arm, and he too begins to chuckle as they watch the pair’s reactions to Maki’s simple observation.
“(y/n’s)- uh- she’s-” 
“Yuuta’s a great friend” (y/n) speaks before Yuuta’s stammering can be laughed at any further.
“Must be, to make you finally come hang out with us” Panda says as he tries to quell his amused chuckling.
“Ikura” Toge mutters.
“Yeah,” Panda nods in agreement with the cursed speech user.  “We didn’t think you liked us anymore” 
Yuuta peeks over at (y/n) in his peripheral vision, but she plasters on a smile and shakes her head to disagree.
“Been busy” She says simply.  There is no follow up, no explanation or excuse.  She pops a grape into her mouth and leaves it at that.
Their lunch continues on as expected.  Catching up, teasing, swapping food.  Thirty minutes seem to pass faster than ever.  And despite enjoying himself amongst his friends, Yuuta can’t help but hyperfixate on that small, odd interaction.
It appeared as though (y/n) and the other first years had gotten along just fine.  Even mirroring old friends.  But he couldn’t help but feel like something was off, that things hadn’t always been this way, that there was a rift he hadn’t been present for.  He knows better than to question it straight away, so he matches energy and remains friendly the rest of the break.
But after telling his classmates he’ll meet up with them shortly, he lingers at the table while (y/n) packs up her things.
“That was nice” His voice feels stiff.  He clears his throat.
(y/n) looks up at him as she pulls the strap of her bag over her shoulder, a soft smile curling on her lips.
“It was” She affirms.
Yuuta shifts his weight from foot to foot as he tries to find the right thing to say next.  (y/n) watches this, and waits, patiently, for him to continue.
“I mean I… I like having lunch just… us,” He says, slowly, afraid of sounding too forward and insinuating something that could be off putting to her.  “But I’m glad you wanted to hang out with…” 
He struggled to find the right thing to say.  (y/n) tilted her head at him curiously, before providing the words for him.
“Your friends?” She suggests with a small smile.
Yuuta blinks, color spreading over his cheeks before his smile mirrors hers, and then he nods.
“Yeah,” He concurred.  
It must have been a rush of courage that compelled him to say what he did next, because as soon as he said it out loud, blood rushed up his neck and into his cheeks.
“You’re a great friend, too, by the way.  I’m glad you were here.  Or, well, are here”
She laughs, not because what he was was funny, but because she was overcome by delight by his words that she simply couldn’t contain it.  Her fingers curl tightly around her bag, her heart flutters with something sickeningly sweet in her chest.
This was that something more.  This wasn’t just silly eagerness towards a new friend.  This much more.  It was heavy.  It filled her heart until it burst and flooded her body with warmth, traveling down her spine in ticklish sparks, and ending in the tips of her fingers and toes.  It almost felt like cursed energy, the way it buzzed through her excitedly, on it’s own accord, but she knew better.
This was infatuation.  She was infatuated with Yuuta.  She had feelings for Yuuta.
“I’m glad you’re here, too, Yuuta,” She speaks with every genuine bone in her body, now reinforced with that tingling feeling that has her soft smile turning into a full blown grin.  “Really glad” She repeats softly.
He should feel embarrassed because he knows he’s blushing and he’s having a hard time holding eye contact with her, but for some reason, he doesn’t feel embarrassed at all.  Instead he smiles, bright and beautiful.
“I- I have to-” 
“You have class,” (y/n) laughs bashfully, turning away in an attempt to calm her warm cheeks and dopey grin.  “You should go before you’re late- I- I should go before I’m late” She stammers over her words, which is unlike her and more like him.
“Right, yeah,” He nods in a jerky motion as he starts to turn to leave, realizing he was going to have to run now if he wanted to make it on time.  “But I’ll- I’ll see you after? Maybe? Or do you have plans already we can just wait till tomor-” 
“After lessons works” (y/n) agrees.
“Okay- okay, yeah,” He’s still beaming, giddy with excitement now.  “After lessons” He repeats.
(y/n) giggles as she begins to make her way back towards the infirmary, in the opposite direction as him.  She gives him a small wave as she takes off, and Yuuta’s stunned in place for a moment before realizing that his tardiness was going to get him into trouble.
When (y/n) bursts through the infirmary doors with a string of excuses and pink cheeks, Shoko doesn’t say a word.  Not that she has to, her face says it all.
Yuuta is not spared in the same way.  When Gojo asks where he’s been, Panda is happy to supply what- or who- had kept him occupied.  He was teased relentlessly for the following fifteen minutes, but it didn’t bother him too much.  Sure, he was a little awkward at handling it and brushing off their assumptions.  He just hoped his classmates wouldn’t meddle and tell her about it later.
[ just come here and we can settle down ]
If Yuuta ever underestimated anything in his life, it was Gojo Satoru’s joy in meddling.
It’s a few weeks after the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons.  Jujutsu High is still under reconstruction, but it’s getting somewhere.  The gardens are being replanted, the courtyard isn’t just a pile of rubbish anymore, and slowly but surely, everyone is healing.
Especially thanks to (y/n), who had mastered her cursed technique.  Just in time too, as there were a lot of people that needed help.
Maki was finally recovering after pushing herself through physical therapy at a rate faster than (y/n) had ever seen in anyone before.  She was more amazed than surprised.  She would never underestimate that young woman’s abilities.
Toge was just starting to use his voice again, despite all of his friends telling him to just keep his mouth shut even if he was speaking in onigiri ingredients.  His sore throat still made his words sound choked and raspy, but he communicated with his friends nonetheless.
There were many other sorcerers that had gotten hurt that night, but just as her friends had, they were recovering, physically and mentally, from that horrible night.
Today the sun was shining.  It was still a chilly January day, but something about the clear skies drew (y/n) to linger on the steps of the main building.  She studied them beneath her boots.  Now that they were clear of snow, it looked as though a different color of stone was selected for their redesign.  Not too different, it was still a light brown, almost like sand, but different enough that the longer she stared at them, the more she could pick out the other differences between these and the old ones.  
“Ditching lessons?” 
Her eyes drag slowly away from the stone steps to see Gojo Satoru scaling them towards her.  His long legs had him next to her in a matter of seconds.  Truthfully, Shoko had said she needed a longer smoke break than usual today- which was only unusual because ever since christmas, she’d been taking longer smoke breaks, she’d only just mentioned it today.
“Not really.  Maybe” (y/n) replied indecisively.
“I’m still a teacher you know,” Gojo laughs at her honesty.  “I could get you in trouble~” 
The grin on his face tells her that there was absolutely no bite to his bark.  He just liked to pretend to be an adult sometimes.  (y/n) gives him a half hearted smile in amusement.  His grin weakens at the way hers drops as soon as she stares down at the stairs again.
He already knows what’s on her mind.  He was a better teacher than even he gave himself credit for.
“So he told you about Africa, huh?” 
Her head shoots back up, brows furrowed in a sad expression as she frowns at him.  
Yeah, he told me about Africa, she thinks, bitterly, even the thought making her mouth go sour.  She gnaws at the inside of her cheek roughly.
“I know you’re close.  I’m sorry that it’s happening,” Gojo sighs.  He stuffs his hands into his pockets.  “Kid’s got real potential.  He might even be stronger than me,” 
Just like his grin, his smirk speaks volumes.  (y/n’s) not sure if he really believes that, but she can tell he believes in Yuuta.
“Special Grade Sorcerers aren’t what they used to be, huh?” He asks, and she’s not sure if it’s rhetorical, so she just shrugs her shoulders, and directs her gaze downwards again.
Her throat burns.  Was that tears? 
“It won’t just be Africa,” Gojo says, slowly, like he’s trying to be careful.  She’s never known him to tread lightly.  He must really worry about her feelings.  She wonders why.  “Once he’s mastered his techniques, the geezers are gonna throw him at every curse they can sniff out” 
“I know” 
Her voice is small, but it holds enough certainty for Gojo to understand that she doesn’t need to be told what Yuuta’s future has in store.
“So,” Gojo takes a different tone as he kicks the toe of his shoe into a step.  “You’re not bothered that he’s a young widow, hm?” 
(y/n’s) face contorts into something strange and confused as she looks at him again.  She could almost laugh, if she wasn’t so disturbed by her teacher prying into her personal life.  She could tell him to buzz off, but it’d make no difference.  He’d probably just pester Shoko for the details and that would be even more embarrassing.
“I don’t even know what to-” 
“He cares about you a lot too,” Gojo says before she can finish.  (y/n’s) features relax as her eyes widen a little.  He looks out into the courtyard as if something interesting was happening over there.  “But Africa will be good for him.  And he’ll be back soon enough.  I’ll try ‘n pull some strings to have him visit, or something” 
Her impulse to say something snarky and get him to move on from the topic disappears.  Instead, she gives him a small nod, before tucking her cold fingers into the pockets of her coat.
“That would be nice,” She tells him, quietly, but surely.  “Thank you” 
Gojo grins from ear to ear as he turns back to his.  She has a feeling that under the white bandages, he’s winking dramatically.
He leaves without another word, leaving (y/n) a little bewildered by the sudden exit.  But then she sees another figure ascending the steps, and suddenly the cold isn’t the only thing making her cheeks pink.
Yuuta gives her the same smile he always does when he crosses her path.  Whether in passing or when he’s meeting up with her to hang out, his lips curl into the warmest smile she’s ever seen.  Even as clouds creep across the sky and snow begins to fall, she starts to feel toasty in her hat and coat.
She lies and tells him she has a few minutes to spare even though she’s been gone from the infirmary for a good twenty minutes now.  As they take a short walk around campus, her mood lightens up.  
They don’t talk about Africa.  Only good things.  A funny meme she’d seen, how Toge will be by the infirmary later because he refuses to keep his mouth shut to heal properly.  Maybe that wasn’t so much of a good thing, but Yuuta is laughing as he tells her about the pile of bloodied tissues accumulated at Toge’s desk.  Despite the twinge of guilt for laughing at their friend’s discomfort, she can’t help it.  Yuuta’s happiness is infectious.
This must be what swooning feels like, she thinks as she stares up at him while he tells her about his day.  It’s a silly story, maybe even kind of boring, but she hangs onto every word with eager anticipation at what he would share next.  He could read her the goddamn newspaper and she’d sit there with her head in her hands and give him her undivided attention.  Yeah, this is probably swooning.
“When do you have to be back?” Yuuta cuts off his rambling about training when he realizes they’ve been walking for some time now.
“Oh,” (y/n) shrugs sheepishly.  “Probably ten minutes ago” 
His eyes widen and he stops in his tracks, and before he even speaks she knows he’s about to apologize for taking up her time, so with a small laugh she shakes her head at him before he says a thing.
“Don’t worry about it,” She says, urging him to keep walking with her.  “Shoko needed some extra time today.  I don’t mind if I’m a little late” 
“You’re sure?” He double checks, because he doesn’t like being responsible for getting her behind schedule.  Nonetheless, he catches up to her as she keeps walking along the path.
Little does he know, if he asked her to ditch the rest of the day with him, she would take him by the hand and sprint off campus.
“Positive” (y/n) replies.
They continue to walk in the snow and talk about anything but Africa.  An unspoken agreement that it could wait.
[ oh darling, it’s alarming, to think of us apart ]
Eventually, they have to talk about Africa.
It comes up the morning Yuuta leaves. 
It’s early enough in the morning that it’s still dark.  Panda had helped him load his bags into Ijichi’s car, before giving him a quick goodbye so he could go back to bed.  Maki and Toge lingered a little longer, even in their pajamas.  But at some point Maki cursed about how early it was, gave her new friend a friendly- but not light- punch to the shoulder, and returned inside.
Toge and (y/n) were equally quiet, although for their different reasons.  Eventually Yuuta couldn’t fill the silence anymore, and they were out of time to stall.
To his surprise, Toge gave him a quick hug.  Just enough to give him a kind pat on the back and an eager ‘salmon!’ certainly wishing him luck on his big assignment.  Yuuta thanked him with a grin, proud to understand what he really meant.
Then he turned to (y/n), who’d barely moved an inch since sleepily walking out here.  He’d insisted to everyone last night that they could say their goodbyes then, but she’d stood her ground that she’d see him off today.  The others agreed.
Her arms were wrapped firmly around herself, and the smile on her face was sad when his eyes met hers.  Even when she tried to brighten up, to properly display her pride in him, she just couldn’t quite do it.
Toge watched as they stared at each other for a moment, neither one of them finding anything to say.  For a minute he thought it might be awkward, and he figured he should probably leave now.  
It only took Yuuta one step forward, his arms barely outstretched, before (y/n’s) finding the energy to leap towards him, crashing into him.  Her arms are thrown around his neck as she hugs him tightly.  As she tucks her chin against his shoulder she’s willing herself not to cry, because she knows it would make him feel bad, and that wouldn’t be fair.  Yuuta’s surprise has him hesitating for a second before he’s hugging her back, hoping to hold on just as securely as she’d latched onto him.
“Text a lot,” When she’s certain her voice won’t crack, (y/n) finally speaks.  “And call, too” 
Yuuta chuckles.  His eyes close as he rests his cheek against her head.  She’s never hugged him before, but he’s decided from this one that she’s the best hugger in the world.
“The time difference is-” 
“I don’t care” She mutters, and it’s punctuated with her arms squeezing around him a little tighter.
He returns the affection.
“Okay” He murmurs.
When they have to part, she lets out a shaky breath, and plasters on the widest smile she can.  She hopes he can see the tears in her eyes.  He does.
He gives her and Toge a wave before finally opening the door to the backseat.  He doesn’t say goodbye.  Instead he settles for, “See you later” 
(y/n) manages a little wave back.  It’s not until the car pulls away and is out of sight before a tear falls.  She’s quick to wipe it away.
Her and the cursed speech user walk back towards the main building together.  He gives her a sympathetic look.  She gives him a weak smile.
“Yeah, I know,” She sighs, drying her eyes once more and taking a deep breath in the hopes of not crying again.
He smiles back, but unlike hers, it’s bright, and cheeky.  He draws a heart in the air with his fingers.  She wants to roll her eyes, but she lets out a watery laugh at the action, and she knows her face is heating up with evidence of the truth.
“Something like that” She mumbles.  They don’t say anything else before parting ways to go back to their rooms.
By the time she collapses back in bed, she’s too awake to think about sleeping a little longer before her lesson with Shoko.  Pulling out her phone for a source of entertainment, she finds she already has a notification at this ungodly hour.
[yuuta] : try not to miss me too much :) i’ll be back before you know it
Tucking the blankets up to her chin, (y/n) settles into bed with a small smile.  Yuuta wasn’t often cheeky.  And when he was, it was always followed by a nervous laugh and bright pink cheeks.  Behind the shield of his phone he clearly has a leap in confidence.  She even laughs a little as she types back her response.
[ you and me, always, forever ]
Yuuta had some mixed feelings about going to Africa.
On the one hand, he was ecstatic.  He had finally climbed the ranks in this new life that he thinks could make everything make sense.  He felt a new sense of responsibility along with his new sense of self, and he knows that this debut of his in Africa was the next big step forwards.  He’d prove himself, he’d push himself, and he’d come home stronger than before.  He’d make his friends, and his teachers, proud of taking a chance on him.
On the other hand, his new purpose, this new sense of self that he was still discovering, felt so much more worth exploring when she was there too.  Yuuta wasn’t as naive as some may make him out to be.  He knew what love felt like.  He recognized that the ticklish feeling in his chest when she laughed, he was familiar with the buzz in his fingertips when she walked too close and her hand brushed over his.  He knows when he’s lying awake at night and she’s the one who crosses his mind that it’s no coincidence.
Yuuta knows that his heart holds much more than platonic regards for one (y/n) (y/l/n).  He knows that he adores her.  He knows that his heart longs for her in a way that couldn’t possibly be platonic.  The fact that they’ll have to be apart for some time makes him sad.  It makes him lonely.
Even now, after seeing her twenty minutes ago when they said their goodbyes, he already missed her.  He couldn’t help but text her right away, the desperation for keeping in contact pumping through him like ice, making him feel wide awake even at five in the morning.  The thought of losing touch over the next few months of him being away makes him sweat.  
He’d have to make sure to keep in touch, he makes a mental plan to always text her first thing in the morning, and last thing before he goes to sleep.  That way, even if he got busy throughout his day, he’d always have the time for her.  He wanted her to know that he’d always make the time for her.
Yuuta’s heart is racing, the adrenaline a toxic mix of excitement and anxiety.  Had he eaten a proper meal this morning he might’ve thrown up.
Just as he’s contemplating rolling down the window for some fresh air, his phone pings.
[(y/n/n)]: i take it you miss me already, yuuta?
It’s a silly little emoji, but he swears she’s sent him her heart in digital form and it leaps right from the screen and into his open palms.  He's smiling at the screen and responding with a reaction image he’d snagged from Toge just a few days ago.
[ you and me, always, forever ]
Gojo follows through on his promise.  Yuuta comes back to Jujutsu Tech for a small break after two months in Africa.
He gets to campus earlier than expected, surprising his classmates in the middle of a lesson.  Luckily today the lesson was rating the different flavors of kikufuku from a new shop Gojo had found, so he hadn’t interrupted anything too pressing.
It’s shortly after his early arrival that he asks the question that his friends think they should have placed money on him asking.  Maki mutters something to Toge about how she would’ve won had they done so.
“Where’s (y/n)?” 
While he stares at them with a dumbfounded expression, his friends laugh.  Loud cackling that’s intended to make him feel embarrassed, but he’s more confused than anything.  Even Gojo joins in once he’s not distracted by his leftover treats and Panda merrily tells their teacher that Yuuta’s already sick of them.
“That’s not it!” The poor boy puts his hands up in mock defense as he jumps to explain himself.  “I just want to tell her I’m back-” 
“She’s in the infirmary, genius” Maki crosses her arms, but her displeased attitude crumbles when a smirk tugs on her lips.  Yuuta forces a smile, but it’s awkward.  His nervous energy begins to shine through his excitement about returning home.
It’s not long after this that he’s delivering a string of excuses before darting out of the classroom and running to the infirmary.  Was it a little embarrassing to race towards her like this? Yeah, but there was barely anyone on campus right now anyways, so no one had to know just how eager he was to see her again.
Even though every bone in his body was practically vibrating by the time he made it there.
He peers through the small windows on the heavy doors outside the hospital classroom, making sure it was safe to enter before he barged in.  As soon as he looks inside he sees Shoko leaning against the cabinets.  (y/n) was standing in front of her, her back to the door, but she was easily recognizable to him.  Before he can knock to make himself known, Shoko catches him in her line of sight, and gives him an uncharacteristically wide grin.
In fact it’s so unusual on her face, that (y/n) perks up in the midst of whatever conversation they were having, curious to see what could've caught her interest so much.
Okkotsu Yuuta was not at all what she might have expected.
He gets to watch her light up in real time.  He hears her excitedly squealing from the other side of the door.  And somehow, even though it’s been a whole two months since he’s seen her, the ten seconds it takes for her to fly through the doors and into his arms seems to take too long.
She crashes into him so hard he stumbles to balance his footing.  She’s laughing and bouncing and rambling on, ‘I’m so happy you’re here! You’re early! I would’ve helped you with your things! Have you settled in? Have you eaten? Should we go get some food? I’ll order food! And we can stay in!’ She’s talking so fast that he catches about half of what she’s saying.  He only chuckles, not having the heart to tell her he can barely understand her.
Her arms squeeze tight around his neck before she finally lets him go.  With twinkling eyes and a smile so wide it must be sore on her cheeks, Yuuta’s slowly melting heart completely dissolves.
“Your hair’s different” She tilts her head at him while she admires the way his slightly longer hair is styled around his face.  She lets her curiosity get the best of her, reaching a hand out to gently push a strand away from his forehead.  
Yuuta hadn’t really given any thought to his hair.  He can’t remember when exactly it had gotten too long, when he’d parted it differently so it wasn’t a hindrance, but now he’s second guessing the change in style as if that change had been a conscious choice.
“Bad different?” 
There’s a small giggle in the back of her throat that she can’t help when his brows furrow at her.  He’s so cute, she thinks her heart could melt right here.
She shakes her head at him in a small motion.
“No,” She assured him.  “Good different” 
A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips, a proud little smile, like he’d gotten her to admit her deepest, most well kept secret.
“Good different?” He repeats, his voice dripping with mirth.
She rolls her eyes and crinkles her nose, but there’s no hiding the warmth in her cheeks and the way her dimples show when she smiles, even when she ducks her head from him.
“Shut up, Yuuta,” She pushes his shoulder but just as quickly grabs him by the elbow.  “Now come on! The day’s almost over already and we have so much we need to catch up on!” 
She forgets her bag in the infirmary as they wander campus together for a while, making pitstops to get him unpacked for his short visit and to snack up before they make their simple plans for the evening.  Conversation never ceases, even when she’s trying to place a takeout order over the phone, she finds herself remembering various little stories and jokes that she’d tucked away in her memory to share with him.  
There’s been a change in him.  It wasn’t just the training that treated him well with lean muscle, it wasn’t just the haircut, or the way he’d learned to wield his katana like it was an extension of him.  It was confidence.  It was happiness.  He didn’t stutter over his words nearly as often.  When he spoke he was sure of the things he said.  He would still blush when she got close enough or whispered something exceptionally sweet to him, but he was better at holding eye contact, and grew quite comfortable with reciprocating the small affections.  Maybe that was just it, he was finally comfortable here, and with himself.
Time flies faster than it had when they were apart.  The afternoon turns to evening which turns to the middle of the night.  They’re still sitting on the common room couch, side by side, lost in their own little world as a forgotten movie plays in the background.  Some of it had been watched when they’d eaten, but the takeout boxes on the coffee table are empty now.  Yuuta’s yawning and (y/n’s) eyelids are heavy as she tries to keep her attention on him while he tells a story, his voice getting lower and his words coming out slower the later it gets.  It’s not until he’s slumping into the uncomfortable cushions of the old couch that they even think to check the time.
When they do decide they’ve been up for too long, they make their way sneakily back to their rooms, hoping to remain as silent as possible.  But anyone who was up at this hour would hear their hushed laughter and aggressive shushing.  Yuuta bids her goodnight with the promise of taking everyone out for breakfast in the morning, but before he drops her off at her door, they share one more embrace.
She means to keep it quick, she really does.  She knows he’s tired, and maybe a little annoyed with all of the affection today, but she was so happy to have him back that she couldn’t help but want to keep him close forever.
Yuuta doesn’t seem annoyed in the slightest.  He hugs her back tightly, and makes no move to let her go anytime soon, so she doesn’t, either.  They stand that way at her door for an unknown amount of time, each waiting for the other to pull away first.
It takes some time, but eventually she shuffles out of his hold and gives him a bashful little smile followed by, “I’m really glad you’re home, Yuuta” 
The tension lays itself on thick, making sure to smother Yuuta until the back of his neck feels hot and his heart beats so hard in his chest he’s certain she’s going to notice and tease him for it.
“Me too” He manages to murmur back.  
He’s lucky he’s able to return her sweet ‘goodnight!’ too, because his throat is tightening on itself and he thinks he could start choking just standing there.
When he drags himself back to his own room and his heart calms down- just a little bit- Yuuta decides he’s going to have to do something about that tension before it kills him.
[ you and me, always, forever ]
“This is getting ridiculous,” Maki declares before kicking open the classroom door.  Her two friends follow in behind her.  “It’s actually going to make me sick.  I think we should just say something already” 
“Don’t kick doors down Maki” Panda sighs, but his warning goes ignored.
“Salmon,” Toge shrugs his shoulders, raising his hands to be palms up, as though indicating what else is there to do?
“Well for starters, we get the idiots to talk to each other,” Maki states, picking up the notebook off her usual desk.  
It was the whole reason they came back to class so late in the day, seeing as this particular notebook had the notes from their lesson earlier.  It was important she made the trip back for it before they started their study session.  She did take the better notes of the three of them.
“Apparently all their time together isn’t getting anywhere,” She huffs.  “I swear, all he does is talk about her.  He’s bound to have something good enough to confess already, right?” 
Toge giggles into his collar.
“Ease up a bit, they’ll come around to it when they’re ready, won’t they?” Panda tries to be the voice of reason.  
There’s a pause for silence.  And then Toge and Maki are cackling so hard they have to hold their stomachs to relieve the twisting knots of their muscles.
“It’s been months!” Maki hollers through her mania.
“I mean, how much more of this can you guys take?” She doesn’t give them the time to answer her question.  “I can’t stand listening to him ramble on and on about her.  Did you know the one phone call I got, he talked about her the whole time?” 
“You’ve mentioned” Panda mumbles, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head.
“Tuna tuna” Toge agreed, before making a crude motion with his hands that had Maki bursting into laughter again.
Maki rolls her eyes, before grabbing her missing notebook from her desk and stuffing it into her backpack.  She’d been holding back on intervening on these two for months now.  At first, she didn’t care enough.  If (y/n) and Yuuta wanted to dance around each other like children with crushes then that was their business.  But now the romantic tension was so thick it choked her up to be in a room with them.  The lingering stares, the flirty giggles, the blushing- gah- she couldn’t stand it.
Don’t get her wrong, she didn’t hate love, and she didn’t hate either of them for being in love.  She hated wimps.  And these two were being the wimpiest people she’s ever seen for not fessing up already.
Also, wasn’t she just being a good friend for getting two dumbasses in love to admit they’re in love with each other? She did want them to be together after all, they were good for each other.
“I think it’s sweet that he loves her so much!” Panda argues.  “I don’t mind listening to it.  (y/n’s) really nice.  They deserve each other” 
“Oh, yeah, they deserve each other,” Maki agrees but her tone drips with something hostile.  “No shit, do you not see how much she stares at him?” 
Toge’s snickering gets louder.  It wasn’t often there was gossip among the small group, there wasn’t exactly time for it.  But this was rather entertaining, and watching two of his friends trip over themselves with how hard they’d been crushing on each other had been the cherry on top.
“Well, yeah,” Panda finally lets out a small laugh.  “Actually, the other day I was talking to her, and I don’t think she heard a word I said,” He chuckles as he recalls the way her eyes glazed over and a dopey little smile took over her face.  “I don’t know how he hasn’t noticed it” 
“Salmon” Toge scoffs.
“Yeah, he’s more oblivious than she is” Maki agrees.
“But I don’t think we should do anything about it” Panda tries to reason.
“They’re never going to make a move if we don’t say something,” Maki huffs.  “Can’t they just get it over with already? How hard is a confession anyways?” 
“Like you’ve ever confessed to anyone” Panda throws back at her with a proud grin.
Toge makes a sound of delight to see the gossiping turning into something much more interesting.
Maki glares at the both of them before snarling.
“That’s it!” She declares, throwing her bag over her shoulder.  “I’m going to go tell them right now.  Whoever I find first is going to hear great news today!” 
“Maki don’t!” Panda hollers, marching after her out the door.  “It’s not our place! That’s an invasion of privacy!” 
Toge’s enthusiastic babbling of rice ball ingredients follows them out into the hall, eager to see where this was going to go.
The classroom door slides shut behind him, and the sounds of their heavy, quick footsteps drones on until they’re too far to be heard.  It’s not until the room is completely silent that a small exhale of relief is heard, under the large desk that Gojo pretended to use during his lessons.
“I think we’re in the clear” Yuuta whispers, once he’s absolutely certain that no one is left in the room.
He drops his hand from over (y/n’s) mouth, where she’s been gnawing on her bottom lip for the last six minutes in fear that their classmates were going to notice them hiding under there.
“Really?” She asks in a teasing tone of voice.  “Because it sounds like they’re looking for us” 
Yuuta huffs in defeat, a look on his face that completely contrasts her own.  (y/n’s) brightened, grinning from ear to ear and giggling under her breath.  
They’re squished into the small space so when she giggles he can feel her breath fanning over his neck, and even though he wants to grab her by the shoulders and make her come back to reality- which is that their friends are on a rampage right now to get them to confess to each other, something they’d just done minutes before they’d stormed into this very classroom- but he can’t.  He takes one look at her, with her starry eyes and cute smile and he accepts whatever fate has in store for him.
(y/n) had surprised him here, happily announcing she wrapped up her lessons early so that they could spend the afternoon together.  He only had a few days left until he’d be shipped off to Africa again, so she’d worked diligently today to be sure she could give him every spare minute of her free time.  Somehow they’d wound up in the classroom alone.  
One minute Yuuta’s going on about how excited he was to hang out with her and the next thing he knows he’s accidentally letting it slip that he’d like to have her all to himself all the time.  He realized instantly that he’d said something a little too romantically charged because suddenly she’s staring up at him with those damn wide eyes and a smile full of secrets.
He must’ve said something right though, because one thing led to another and she had an iron grip on his collar while her strawberry gloss smeared all over his mouth.
(y/n) smirks now as she reaches her thumb up to his lips now, wiping away a subtle speck of pink glitter that had been left behind there.  Her face heats up as she recalls how carried away she’d gotten just minutes ago.  Until their friends showed up and nearly caught them in the act.  
Had Maki kicked down that door just a minute earlier, they surely would’ve been caught in their scrambling.  More specifically, they would’ve caught the awkward way Yuuta had lifted (y/n) off the desk he’d just set her on, only to hustle them both under the desk, the only half-decent hiding place in this whole room.
“You’re kidding,” She’d mumbled when he drew his knees to his chest and beckoned her to duck under with him.  She crowds into the space, but not without scolding him.  “They’re definitely going to-” He covers her mouth with his large palm, effectively quieting her, just as the door slams open.
Now she knows they should be scrambling out of here, before they were eventually caught- again- but she stays put in the tiny space where their legs are sore and cramped together.
“So you talk about me to all your friends, hm?” She muses, leaning in impossibly closer to give him her best shit eating grin.  It easily has Yuuta blushing from his neck to his ears as he turns his head to relieve himself from the heavy eye contact.
“Yeah yeah,” He mumbles, tugging at his collar in an attempt to soothe the heat.  Just as the embarrassment settles in, he whips his head back to meet her stare with a wild look in his eye that actually catches her off guard.  “But you’ve been staring at me!” He says.
She opens her mouth to defend herself, but the proof had been hollering in this very room just moments ago during Maki’s fit.  Panda had happily supplied the damn evidence.
So she shuts her mouth, and now Yuuta’s beaming at her with victorious pride.  
“So it’s true!?” He asks excitedly.
“You already know that, jerk,” She rolls her eyes at him, but it’s filled with affection.  “You’re the one who’s in love with me!” She says with a jab to his chest.
Yuuta catches her hand with his before she can pull it away, making her pleased little grin fall to something softer.  He’s able to watch in real time as her eyelashes flutter when her glance darts down to his lips, and when she looks up at him again, it’s with color in her cheeks and a sweetness in her gaze that has him turning to putty.
What was meant to be a half-hearted jest based on something Panda had said that she wasn’t exactly meant to hear now hangs in the air between them so heavy it feels like gravity grows in strength.  Her heart is pounding in her chest.  Her hand feels hot in his.  And now she sits with baited breath and wide eyes as she waits for him to say something.
Yuuta’s smiling, his free hand coming up to the nape of her neck, sweeping her hair away before pulling her closer.  She tilts her head towards him, but he stops just before their lips could graze over one another.
“You love me too?” He whispers.
He phrases it like a question, but he already knows it to be true.  He just wants to hear her say it.
Her lips quirk into a sweet smile as her eyes flicker between his, lashes heavy, pupils blown wide in her irises.  She’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, and the thought of getting to love her and be loved by her has his heart racing so fast he’s almost forgetting that he’s asked her a question because all he wants is to kiss her.
“Of course I do,” She murmurs, her soft lips ghosting over his, eager to feel them against hers again.  “Think I’ve always loved you, Yuuta,” She adds in a quieter voice.  A carefully protected deep adoration in her heart, now bestowed upon his.  “Think it’s always been you and me” She hums softly, taken away by the warmth in her chest and the butterflies in her tummy.
She could sit here and whisper sweet things to him for hours, maybe even forever.
His thumb strokes under her jaw in a gentle motion, caressing the junction at her jawline and neck.  He looks radiant, smiling down at her like nothing’s ever made him so happy.  This spurs her into wanting to say more sweet things, but before she gets the chance, he’s slanting his lips over hers.
She melts into him in every sense of the word.  Her free hand reaches for his shoulder, before sliding around his neck so she could lean into him further.  The small space they’re still hiding in only shrinks as she tries to get closer to him.  Both pairs of their legs are too long to keep bent under the desk, so she sticks one leg out, accidentally kicking the chair in front of them but she pays it no mind.  She just focuses on getting closer to him, hooking her other leg underneath herself to give her better leverage and a tiny bit more space to scoot closer.
Her hands are on his collar again as soon as he grabs her by the hips.  He gives them a gentle squeeze and she giggles softly into his mouth, breaking their kiss for only a moment.  They share wide smiles and lovesick eyes before leaning into each other again and sealing their lips in a heated and much more passionate kiss.
They don’t think at all about the noise of the chair clattering across the floor or the distinct sound of their giggling as they get swept away with one another.  In fact they completely forget that they’re only in this position because they’d been trying to keep hidden.  Both too consumed with memorizing the feeling of each other’s lips.  
It’s a sweet moment, really, the first time young lovers get to explore the way the other kisses.  Gently, with timid, inexperienced brushes.  Or hungrily, with eager, heated desire.  Taking their time was a luxury they’d thought they could finally afford.
But this time when the door opens it’s with stealth.  It slides in silence, and the steps that creep in are also with slow precision, so as not to make even a creak in the floorboards.
All that can be seen by the three intruders are the three legs jutting out from under the desk.  A familiar pair of Converse and one familiar Mary Jane with a heart shaped buckle kicking gently about on the floorboards, rocking with delight.
The hushed sound of lips smacking only ceased when there was a giggle, one of them or both of them, murmuring between kisses and giggles like a pair of school children.
There’s a few things that are audible, murmurs of ‘I love you so much’ or ‘you’re so pretty’ repeated between them like mantras.  This continues for a minute until one of the three takes a heavier step than he means to with his paw, and the room goes completely silent- save for the lewd ‘smack!’ of a pair of lips seizing upon hearing the tell-tale sign of a lurker.
Maki and Toge glare back at Panda, who sheepishly grins and shrugs his shoulders.
(y/n) and Yuuta stare at each other in horrified shock.  They don’t get the chance to come up with a plan of attack before someone is on top of the desk with a squeak of sneakers.  And then Toge is bending over the surface, staring wide eyes at the two in a rather compromising position- (y/n’s) leg is thrown over Yuuta’s lap and being kept there by a firm hand, her hands are still balled up in his unbuttoned collar, their lips are thoroughly swollen she’s effectively transferred most of her lip gloss onto his mouth, and chin and neck- there’s nothing innocent about them.  Toge stares between them both before he lets out a whistle, giggling as he hops off the desk again.
Yuuta winces as he quickly releases his grip on (y/n’s) leg so they can both scramble out from under the desk and up to their feet.  It’s ungraceful, uncoordinated as they awkwardly untangle to clamber upwards.  Yuuta hits his head on the hard oak loud enough that they both wince, (y/n) quickly inspecting the instant bump that forms at the occiput of his skull.
“No way!” Maki breaks the tension first, her jaw hanging open as she grins in amusement at having caught the two of them here.  “You were hiding out in here the whole time!?”
“Tuna!” Toge shoves his finger in their direction in accusation.
“Kissing!” Panda gasps, his paws over his face.
“Why didn’t you just say something,” Maki huffed.  “Walked around for ten minutes for no reason.  Waste of my time” She grumbles as she crosses her arms.
“Uh, sorry” (y/n) said sheepishly.
“Yeah, sorry,” Yuuta pipes up.  “It was just… uh… awkward” 
“You’re awkward!” Maki barks back with a dismissive wave of her hand.  “Jeez, glad you got it over with finally” She bids them her blessing with rough words before spinning around and leaving the room without saying anything else.
Panda gives them a bright smile and nod of his head, his own friendly way of telling them he was happy for them.
“Hope you’re happy” He tells them out of the kindness of his soul before excusing himself as well.
“Salmon!” Toge agrees with a grin and friendly wave before also leaving.
All the lurking around they’d done, only to give them space as soon as they caught what they needed to.
The remaining pair turned to each other, gaping mouths turning into shy smiles as they slowly burst into laughter together.  What was supposed to be a slow introduction of new feelings to explore had now been on display to pretty much everyone they knew.  Shyness began to wash away as there was no more use for it.  Yuuta reaches for his hand and (y/n’s) fingers intertwined with his as though they’d familiarized themselves there before.  She smiles as he uses her hand to pull her closer to him, until the toes of her shoes barely bump into his.
They don’t say anything, they don’t need to.  (y/n) knows what he means when he cradles her face in his palm and smiles down at her.  He knows what she means when her nose crinkles and her free hand reaches to hold onto his collar once more.  Their ‘i love yous’ had almost always been silent, and they would forever understand it in its unspoken form.
this is for @staygoldsquatchling02​ for being excited about my rotting brain full of yuuta fluff a/n: y’all i got soo carried away with this-
xoxo ~ jordie
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hxnbi · 3 months
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synopsis: who fell first and who fell harder
characters: itadori yuji, fushiguro megumi, gojo satoru, okkotsu yuta
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ITADORI YUJI ➽ he fell first, and he fell harder
Let's be honest, this poor boy has gone through so much. And to have someone who reciprocates his feelings? He felt like he was on cloud nine when he learned that you thought the same thing; "I love you too, Yuji." So much so that he made you repeat it again and again until he was forcefully pulled away by Megumi and Nobara, as you were too overwhelmed by Yuji's... several confessions?—practically busy exploding in joy yourself to configure another thought.
Nothing in the entire world could be better than being with you for the rest of his life, and he made sure that you knew that there were no doubts.
Whatever or whenever it was, Yuji was at your beck and call. You may as well have compared him to a golden retriever-like boyfriend, because that was exactly what it was. He was so incredibly touched that you reciprocated his feelings, so much so that he wanted you to know for sure that he was devoted to you and only you. And in that regard, he indeed succeeded.
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI ➽ you fell first, and you fell harder
No one, not Gojo, Yuji, Nobara, or even yourself—would've ever expected you to fall in love with such an aloof person, that person being the stone that is Fushiguro Megumi. Something that intrigued you from the moment you met him. It was shocking, and honestly, even refreshing, to see Megumi smiling. His stoic demeanour in saying practically anything, regardless of its seriousness, and his piercing, borderline terrifying gaze hid a plethora of emotions beneath that impassive tone of his, and try as you might, you couldn't help but feel drawn to him.
But as much as Megumi loved you, he also kept his distance from you. And that pained you to think that perhaps Megumi really didn't care about you as much as you thought—that is, until you realized the reason for why. He just didn't want you to be in danger. He tried to keep you far away from him, but for that reason alone, you found yourself falling harder and harder for the boy who had captured your heart. All that he did, the danger that he put himself under, was for you. And before you even knew it, you found yourself hopelessly in love with the person who had now become the centre of your world.
GOJO SATORU ➽ you fell first, and he fell harder
At first, it was just a tiny crush. Perhaps even a little more. Because, let's be real, who wouldn't be at least somewhat attracted to the strongest sorcerer? At first, that's what you thought. There was no way that someone as powerful as Gojo Satoru would pay attention to an average sorcerer like yourself, right? Wrong.
As Utahime and Megumi would say with utter conviction, Gojo can be an arrogant bastard at times. He's aloof, confident, and charismatic, but he's also just an individual—just an everyday human being. You were the one who truly understood him. You loved him for who he was—not for superficial reasons the rest of his world saw, but because he was a guy whose heart was genuine.
And he found himself falling for you, truly. He found himself loving and appreciating every part of you. To have someone so genuine, so open, unlike him, forced to view himself as merely "the strongest." He felt as though he could be weak around you. He fell hard for you and only you, and that would never change. Anything less would be a betrayal of your love.
OKKOTSU YUTA ➽ he fell first, and you both fell harder
I'd like to think that Yuta, for sure, has thoughts that he doesn't deserve to have you. So he stares from a distance. Everything that he did, the life that he lived, was cursed to a degree that nobody saw when he dared to acknowledge. He thought that you didn't deserve that. But even as he muttered those words to you that day, you looked at him—not with fear, not with disgust, not even with pity, but with sympathy and love.
His vulnerability, even when he was at his lowest, was undeniable. But that made you even more determined to help him—to be that person that Yuta could, for once in his life, lean on without reservation. His timid yet endearing personality drew you in, despite the darkness that surrounded him. But, unbeknownst to you, he had already fallen for you.
Yuta was enthralled, captivated—enchanted even—by all the kindness you showed him from the very moment he laid eyes on you. The way you would act like he was just an average person, regardless of the circumstances. He loved you for who you were, and you were the same.
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©hxnbi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of my works.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
What its like hugging the creepypasta characters
jeff and ben and toby are the only ones written as strictly platonic but the others can be seen either or! kind of wanted to do something easy for creepypasta characters (+ masky and hoodie) since i missed writing for these bozos </3 that said requests for creepypasta are open so crp fans go ham! return to this blogs roots! rah! written more as a rating as well as how it actually feels to hug them and not really a scenario that leads to you guys hugging yk?
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very tall and skinny, maybe even boney. im still trying to decide if slenderman/slenderbeings have internal organs/bones/ect... though i can say that slenderman is fairly cold. hes not ICE cold, but hes noticeably cooler than your average person. can adjust his height to better suit his needs, so you dont have to worry about literally climbing him like a tree if you want to give him some affection... likes wrapping some of his tentacles around you during an embrace. not bone crushing, but not... well now its hard to explain, he seems odd with affection, not too sure how long or how tight to hold you... but hes learning! 7/10 love him, my tall wife
very similar to slenderman in the regard that hes also very skinny and tall, though i do think hes just a teeeeeeny tiiiiiiny warmer than his brother! not by much but its a noticeable difference! loves lightly swinging you around before tugging you close to his chest, sometimes sways a little while holding you! holds you a little tighter than slenderman does. perhaps even nests his head on top of yours when you guys hug. honestly i can see him having a habit of just picking you up and carrying you around, platonic or romantic it doesnt matter, hes going to do it unless you express that you dont like it... 8/10 due to him being a little less cold (emotionally and physically)
now this ones ice cold, like youre going to need to bundle up if you want to cuddle up next to him since hes going to just snatch the heat out of you in a few minutes. admin personally hcs him to be on the shorter and thicker side, so theres that at least! very soft! generally not the type to seek out affection, though, so youre going to need to step up and initiate a lot of that stuff. not that he doesnt want it, he just doesnt really think about it all that much + he may or may not fear taking a bite out of you. shrugs... though i like to think that despite that, he can give some solid hugs! 6/10
very warm, always seeking attention and affection from you so hugs are not in short supply. sometimes purrs when you guys hug, and similar to splendorman hes going to swing you around a bit.. though sometimes he gets too into it or too excited and it comes off more as thrashing you around. probably when hes feeling a little sillier than usual he pokes his cone nose into your cheek (gently). wraps his arms around you, like. totally around you since his arms can stretch and they dont really have.... bones... you know? probably sometimes hugs you from behind, typically after sneaking up behind you/poofing behind you from his smoke thing 8/10, would say 10/10 but i think he might accidentally crush you to death
not... very.. good at hugs. at most youre going to get one of those side hugs from him, at least when hes awake. sometimes when you two cuddle and he falls asleep, hes wrapping his arms around you and locking you in to his chest. normal body heat, maybe a little above average, but nothing too insane since hes still a human... hmm... doesnt really give those two armed hugs unless hes sleeping or you were just in danger. adrenaline and fear can do a lot to someone, you know... 6.5/10 masky gets a higher score than EJ since hes warmer
as for tim, hes a little more open to giving you affection, i think! while masky only really does it when you ask, i like to think that tim might be more likely to do it unprompted! likes resting his head/chin/jaw on your shoulder or head, depends on the height difference! 7/10
i think in general i tend to type hoodie as a touch more open/social than masky.. masky tends to be a little... eh... he expresses stuff less than hoodie, at least in my take. shrugs. i do think hoodie likes to hug you from behind when youre doing something. very tall, personally hc him to be roughly 6 feet tall. neither buff nor skinny, have some pudge. generally very comfy, plus his hoodie is sometimes nice and soft, sometimes warm if you've managed to get him to wash it! likes swaying you a little while he looks over your shoulder to see what youre doing, only occasionally letting go to sign something to you.. 8/10
brian is more or less the same, but hes verbal so his hands are staying put on you. i also think hes a little bolder and more willing to just hold you whenever, let that man be affectionate with the reader! if this is romantic he likely puts his hands on your hips.. also 8/10
very affection starved, i think, but he also doesnt really initiate anything due to a deep rooted fear of rejection. so youre going to need to take the lead here! skin and bones, very cold since skinny people tend to be colder (at least in my experience with hugging!). when you guys do hug he does tend to hold you a little too tight. he doesnt mean anything malicious by it, its just that hes truly not used to hugging people and also subconsciously he doesnt want the hug to end, you know? 7/10 me thinks
very short very cold and... damp? i personally headcannon that the most of the time hes in a digital device, but on the rare chance hes in the real world... hes very cold and as previously mentioned damp. might also have a general electric buzz about him, too. kind of like holding a cold soggy plushie straight from a washing machine. not at all pleasant but he cant help it :( 4/10 the ghost boy does not make a good hugger there isnt much else to be said
very lanky, admin also headcannons him to be very tall. like 6'2. lanky fucker. probably a "where's my hug" person but not in the gross neckbeard way and more so mocking those kinds of people because the look you give him makes him lose his shit and cackle. his jacket kind of smells, youre going to have to get him to go wash it. it doesnt smell putrid or anything but it definitely needs a wash. what being a dude on the run after committing homicide does to a mf 5/10 only because he has a weird aura
VERY lanky and VERY cold, kind of rigid thanks to his weird puppet joints. kind of like hugging a wooden puppet. i dont think thats a pleasant thing.... hm... is usually slightly levitating off of the ground so its even harder to get a hold of him, given that hes also already really tall as is... you have to make him stop hunching over so you can actually get in there. absolutely basks in the fact that youre giving your time and energy to him, kind of gets annoying with it sometimes but thats just him being an ass. 6/10 but only because i fuck with him sometimes when i remember him
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
I saw that you need ideas, so how about a yandere from the Neons? I mean, I would like to see more content from them since they represent the elements in Honkai star rail, by the way, sorry if you don't understand, my English is bad... I leave you a little drawing of a masculine makima (it has nothing to do with it, but as a gift ) xd Also, I don't know if I'm the only one, but Nanook makes me handsome >///<
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(Sorry, I had already finished it but the work was stained hahaha and I did it again)
Yus the Aeons are so cool looking!! You really feel like they’re actual gods of the universe, especially since you don’t see them first hand (at least for now). Also Masculine Makima reminds me of Karma Akabane lol. I’ll draw it in my style, and add it here as an extra for you ♥️
Hb we mash those two topics up together actually?
warnings: mild yandere themes. mild spoilers for csm. major canon divergence. reader takes the shape of a masc/amab character but it isnt their original form.
status: unedited. updated art.
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You have no memory of your conception, only that you started existing for what felt like an eternity.
You represented fear and despair, but unlike IX whose mere presence drove humanity into insanity, or the rest of your fellow aeon’s godlike status amongst the world,
you walked around as a normal, ordinary human being.
As normal as an Aeon can get anyways.
In your current lifetime, you took the shape of Himeko’s “brother”, planting fake memories into her mind and being the one that urged her to travel the stars. While she was the navigator, you took the role of conductor before creating Pompom to supplant you.
Welt always knew you weren’t just a regular person. Your eyes always felt distant, so far off that not even a century’s worth of trail blazing would allow him to come close. As such he mostly kept cordial relations with you.
The youngsters of the bunch on the other hand, never seemed to realize the sheer magnanimity of the danger you held and always hung around you.
Particularly that Caelus. The newest addition to the crew. The stellaron within him always pulsed in some sort of giddiness and excitement whenever you were around. The boy couldn’t help but be a nervous wreck when he was around you. Stuttering and stumbling was a common occurrence whenever you so decide as to just breathe at his direction.
You knew what those Stellarons are, their nature, their purpose, the way they were created. In fact if you wanted to, you could have taken the Astral Express straight to the source of it all, your partner: Nanook.
However that would have ruined the fun of it all. So you chose to let them have their little adventures before the final confrontation.
Also because you signed a contract to not meddle with Nanook’s business in exchange for your freedom. But that was another story to tell.
“Why . . . why do you continue this farce? This utterly worthless play?”
IX’s voice rang within your ears and no one else’s. You were the only being it ever gave the time of day to. You imagine it to be the reason why insanity slowly built itself within the recesses of your head.
“You may see the entire universe as worthless . . . but I,” You breath hitched. You looked around your room. Time was frozen. Everything turned grey. You weren’t afraid of the others in the express hearing you, just that the following words you were about to spout out felt like bile on your mouth. “I suppose I’m still a bit like them in a way. I wish to see the world without its evils.”
“And destroying them. That is my first step.” You summon an orb of golden light. Stellarons. The creation of the very thing that made you loath all evil. Including yourself. You will eradicate these and then Nanook yourself. One day.
“Is that why you send those hunters out?”
“Perhaps.” The orb within your hands get covered in chains, quickly getting crushed within the metal like substance as it soon disappeared.
“Do as you wish. Just do not bother me like that imbecile.”
“I promise. I will be much worse than Yaoshi.”
IX remained silent for several seconds, no doubt regretting its decision of associating with you before adding, “. . . And do not die.”
“That one I cannot guarantee.”
Your room’s color returns, time continues. Signaling the end of two Aeons’ encounter.
Nanook, the Aeon that threatened to eradicate all that you love. All so they could have your soul once more. Within your gilded cage. Within your original body that lied dormant.
The Destruction will no longer be a path. That is a guarantee you write upon the stars when your Trail Blazing lifetime eventually comes to a close.
The stage is set, your actors ready.
All you needed was the cue.
Your gloved hand arose, pointing towards the express’s windows in the shape of a gun.
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mvniro · 23 days
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. . . (🍷) ֶָ֢ 𔓘 IN THIS MOMENT, WE BELONG TO EACH OTHER ; a fyodor dostoyevsky drabble. ❞
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍷 ꒱ . . . oh myyy, fyodor being soft is a forbidden fruit tbf.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍷 ꒱ . . . tw ; husband!fyodor, soft!fyodor, fem!reader, wife!reader, ex-ballerina!reader, angst (little), fluff, a bit suggestive.
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fyodor knows he isn't a good man by any means. perhaps some time in the future his actions and goals will be understood but in the current timeline, he is a terrorist and the antagonist who the heroes will defeat to save the world.
perhaps he is the antagonist and antagonists never have a happy ending.
but why does he have happiness which he doesn't deserve and even if he has it then why does his brain not let him enjoy it to the fullest? why is the fear of you being taken away from him plague his mind whenever he looks at you?
he knows it's inevitable but for now, fyodor decided to push the fear to the back of his mind and stare at you, in awe perhaps, you don't know as reading the expression and emotions of your husband is something you've not completely mastered yet.
you stopped moving as you stared down at his sitting form, to see your husband who never really leaves his home office sitting on the floor as he watches you try to remember the moves from your most famous ballet (the black swan) -- you were fortunate enough to perform in -- for fyodor is a sight you never thought would come true but alas it did.
"you are not paying attention to me fedya." you point out as you stop right infront of the man who stares up at you with a small, soft smile on his face and eyes which are a bit too uncharacteristic for him. for everyone who had ever crossed paths with fyodor will tell his eyes are sharp and seductive but not soft and filled to the brim with fondness like they are now.
"i am, love." his voice sounded amused as he spoke and titled his head up at you. you place your hands on your hips as you furrow your eyebrows. it's embarrassing enough that you can't strech or aren't as flexible as when you were still a ballerina but the cheery on top is the way fyodor stared at you, not even the sound of a praise leaving his lips.
"you think you are funny fedya?" you huff as you try to turn around to walk away, half in embarrassment and half to tease him but before you could walk away, fyodor grabbed the tip of your index finger to stop you. he pulled on it to make you turn around and as you did, his hand went to grasp your wrist and pulled you down on him who sat cross legged on the floor of your bedroom.
you plopped down right on his thigh, fyodor hissed as the impact perhaps crushed his cock a bit but he soon recovered and hid his face on your shoulder. "so pretty. like a angel send from the heavens to grace me and the other scums." he whispered.
for how powerful of a man he may be, every man is weak when he fell in love.
"it wasn't that good. i definitely got a bit crusty --"
"love you made me speechless. i sat here for ten minutes, unable to speak and unable to form any words because how can i possibly describe the emotions i feel on seeing my beautiful wife dancing for me." fyodor spoke up with a certain soft glint in his eyes that makes your lips strech unconsciously as you smile. the words you were craving for are finally here to satisfy your hunger and stop the pit of insecurities from eating you alive.
you smile as you lean back to rest your head on his shoulder and fyodor hummed, raising his head as he pulled down on the sleeve of your blouse to reveal your bare skin to him, he parted his lips and you gasped out softly upon feeling his teeth sink into your skin. he lifted his head up after a few moments to look at the mark his teeth left and how the skin around turned redish pink.
fyodor raised his hand to rub his thumb over the mark he left on you and whispered quietly, his tone smug, "you looked like an angel while performing love . . . however," fyodor's hand trailed down towards your waist and he slowly lifted your blouse up, "it looks as if you need . . . some stretching. oh dear, have i left my wife frustrated for too long?"
fyodor smiled against the skin of your nape as he pecked your nape repeatedly while his hand slipped inside your shorts and you only hummed, spreading your legs for your husband and welcoming his heated touch with your own wetness.
fyodor grabbed your nape and tilted your head back to softly press his lips against yours. both of you kissed with a desperation as even if no one spoke, you both knew of the unchanging truth that he will soon leave once again for these dangerous 'business trips' he goes on for a painfully long time. and even if you never tried to pry him about it, you knew these were no ordinary business trips or else the smell of blood and death wouldn't have lingered onto him.
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techtalksfics · 1 year
Headcanons: First Kiss
Authors Note: this is for the anon who sent in this very sweet prompt. I've tried to keep it fluffy but, you know, Crosshair is always gonna linger closer to smut than fluff. All of these will be small headcanon ideas, with small snippets of prose & dialogue. Hope you enjoy!
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How long does it take for it to happen?
Well, this is Tech we are talking about. It takes him a ridiculously long time to even realise you are interested in him. It takes him even longer to realise that you like him like that. When he realises it, he would consult his brothers about it at the first opportune moment.
You'd always tried to show Tech that you truly cared for him. You'd be overly attentive when he visited the medical wing, even if it was just for something as simple as a check-up. The first time you'd treated him, you'd been careful with his injuries, taking your time, talking with him, giggling at his silly comments. His brother's had noticed your gentle touches and twittery giggles at his comments long before Tech did. They just left it alone. Tech would figure it out eventually, right?
Well eventually was a long time coming. It was easily over thirty rotations of your attentive behaviour, of you trying to get to know him, to show him you shared interests. Of you trying to get him interested in you. What you didn't realise is that he had always been interested in you on some level. He just didn't realise what level that was. One evening, the clones were all in there shared quarters, relaxing after another successful mission. Tech had arrived later than the others as he came to say hello to you first.
When he arrived at their quarters, he simply sat for a moment, pondering over his desire to speak to you first. Suddenly he queried why you acted differently with him than you did with the others. Hunter sighed, stopping his expert ministrations with his knife in hand, looked his brother in the eye and tells him, "because she likes you." When Tech frowned deeper, somehow more confused. Surely she liked all you? "She has a crush on you, Tech." Tech stopped fiddling with his comm device to look up at Hunter for a moment. "Perhaps I should discuss this with her," he decided as he stood, speedily exiting the room.
Crosshair, had been lying on his bed, listening to the whole thing. He lolled his head towards Hunter, twirling the toothpick in his mouth from the right to the left side and and muttered, "that poor girl is going to need the Force on her side now."
Who Instigates the first kiss?
Tech. This is definitely going to be Tech. Most girls would probably fear starting something with him unless they were 100% sure he felt the same. As he isn't particularly great with affection, that may prove difficult. But our sweet boy also doesn't have a great filter for his words and sometimes his actions. So I have no doubt that he would be the first to make a move, clumsy thought it may be.
Tech had sought you out after Hunter's revelation or confirmation. He found at your station and the lab was eerily quiet. The perfect opportunity, he had realised. So he simply squeezed your arm gently. to get his attention. You smiled and turned the moment you realised it was him and he smashed his lips to yours with reckless abandon. It was sloppy and fast and not what you thought it would be. But your heart soared regardless.
When he moved away, he explained, "Hunter said that you may have a crush on me. He is rarely wrong on such matters. Perhaps this time he was?" As he searched your face for signs of disgust. There were none. He seemed a little perplexed by the flush on your cheeks. He decided it best that perhaps he leave that moment.
Gentle or Hot Heavy first kiss?
Our sweet boy is always going to be gentle, cautious. Savouring it, even. He had perhaps been a little overzealous to reach out and kiss you like that, it was felt oddly forced. Even for him. But when you finally decide to reciprocate, the main is definitely going to want to savour the experience slowly.
As he went to leave, you quickly grabbed him by the hand and pulled him back. “I didn’t think you even noticed me. I’m sorry, it took my mind a minute. You sort of appeared out of nowhere,” as he opened his mouth to protest, you placed your fingers over his lips, moving closer to him, “how about we try that one again?” You leaned in, holding your hands in the folds of his armour so that he couldn’t retreat. When he felt softness of your lips, the warmth of cheeks and body against his, Tech finally closes his eyes and simply enjoys the sensation. All too quickly for his liking, you pull away. He adjusts his goggles and asks, “would you be partial to doing that again?” That earns a little giggle from you. Of course you wanted to do that again. And again. And again.
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How long does it take for it to happen?
On sheer stubbornness of two people trying not to admit to their feelings (or as @littlebluebatbratt and I like to call it, playing a game of emotional chicken™), it's going to take some time. I feel like Crosshair would pair well with someone who could withstand the game as well as he could. So this could go on for a long time. I like to think the right girl would make him drop his pride and give in to her and his feelings.
“You should just cave,” he whispered, as he came up behind you. His breath was hot on your neck. You jumped out of your skin at the sudden contact. His approach had been so silent. You couldn’t help but lean back, flush into his body. He was simply so warm. Your mouth hung open at the contact, a huff of wind escaping you as you rest your head back against his shoulder. Then in a sudden realisation of what you were doing, you lurched away from him. As you began to walk away, you turned to face him, walking backwards and say, “if you want it, you know exactly how to come and get it” A smirk plastered on your lips as you sauntered away from him.
Who Instigates the first kiss?
Honestly, this would depend on the woman. As I mentioned above, I think, for Crosshair to truly fall for someone, she would also have to be a stubborn, pain in the ass with just a tad too much physical confidence. They would try desperately to get him to cave first, as much as they wanted to themselves. Eventually, the man would not be able to stop himself. One day, the endless flirting would turn into something more.
“You’re maddening, you know that?” He would say with a groan, he muffled behind his hand, as you softly rubbed your leg up and down his as you sat opposite each other in the mess hall.
“I know,” you said, popping a small bite of food into your mouth, with a smug grin. Suddenly, you would remove your leg and he immediately misses the contact. You move to leave the hall, knowing exactly what you were doing, but you could feel his shadow following you out. Perhaps it was finally time?
Pulling you into the nearest alcove, by your elbow with just enough force, he would simply stare into your eyes, desperate for you. You could see it. You could feel it. He couldn’t bring himself to say it, but he knew in that moment, as you stared at him with those big innocent eyes, that he had lost. He had fully lost himself in you.
Gentle/Hot Heavy first kiss?
It’s Crosshair. It’s hot and heavy. Of course. Particularly if they’ve been playing this game for a long time. All of this pent-up frustration would be unleashed into one extremely searing, deep, long kiss.
You would wrap your hands around his neck, the moment you realised he’d caved. You’d pull him in as close as you could, onlookers be damned. He’d have your body pinned against the wall, one knee between your thighs holding you in place as he leans in to kiss you. You place two fingers over his lips, looking deep into his eyes.
“I’m gonna need you to say it first,” you said with a smirk. He sighs looking away from you. Deciding it was time, he looked deep into your eyes, his own were hooded with a deep lust.
“Fine,” he grumbled, not breaking eye contact, “you win. I want you. I want you more than I want to win this.” That was all you needed. So, you yanked his head towards you and your lips met in a sudden and heated dance. It was everything you had been waiting for. His tongue quickly delves into your mouth exploring everything he had been imagining for months. His hands would wind their way into your hair, lifting your lips closer to his. His knee pushing further up into you, until you’re almost rutting on him.
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How long does it take for it to happen?
Wrecker is extremely vocal and does not necessarily think a lot of things through. That being said, he’s also our super soft gentle giant. He would probably spend more time trying to kiss than actually successfully doing it. I think he’d be one of the fastest to go in for a first kiss with someone, particularly if they paid him lots of attention. Which obviously, all of us would.
“I just wanna kiss ‘em,” Wrecker moaned to his brothers, his head in his hands at the bar, “but every time I get close, I back out.” He all but slammed his head on the bar. “I’m a coward.”
“You’re not a coward, Wrecker,” Hunter said dumbly, placing his hand on his brother’s shoulder, “you’re just worried that she won’t return it. But she will.”
Wrecker lifted his head toward Hunter, “how could you possibly know tha’?” It was almost a whine as Wrecker spoke.
“Because she’s not blind,” Hunter said, holding back a chuckle, “she’s spoken to me about it. She wants to know what’s holding you back.” Wrecker sat upright all of sudden.
“You mean, she knows?” Wrecker felt positively sick with the nerves. “Well, no what am I supposed to do.” This time, Tech was the one to respond as he looked up from the schematics in his hand, “well, you could just try actually kissing her.” Tech’s head immediately dropped back down to continue reading. He made it sound so simple.
Who Instigates the first kiss?
Wrecker wants to. Boy, does he want to. He wants to whisk you into his arms and kiss you so soundly that you never want to leave his side. But he’s just a bundle of nerves and insecurities under all that muscle. Knowing that you know he’s been trying, only made it worse. In the end, it would all be on you.
“Hi Wrecker,” you said, hopping off the counter of the store you worked at, “how are you?” Wrecker scratched at his neck, almost immediately, mumbling out something about being fine.
“Wrecker,” you said as a plea, when you realised that he couldn’t look at you, “you don’t need to be afraid, Wrecker. Whatever it is you want, you can just tell me.” You placed your hand softly on his cheek, encouraging him to look at you. You knew what it was that was bothering him. It bothered you that he thought you'd even consider rejecting him. His eyes finally pierced into yours, fear covering all of his features. “I – uh – I been trying to kiss you for a while now,” Wrecker stumbled over his words as he rushed to get them out, “but – uh – didn’t know if you’d want tha’.”
“Of course, I want that, you silly man.” His eyebrows shot up high as you smiled at him softly. And yet, he still couldn’t do it.
Gentle/Hot Heavy first kiss?
It’s going to be gentle, as gentle as he can make it. You wouldn’t want to push him too far, too fast. Hot and heavy could wait. You just needed to get him over the first hurdle that seemed to be plaguing him so fully. You’d gone from friendly banter, maybe some gentle flirtation and some outright cheesy phrases on his part and regressed back to the awkwardness of when you first met.
You hopped back onto the counter, making yourself more level with him. The store was empty, now was your chance. You reached your hand out for him to take and he did so very willingly, you pulled him in between your legs. Cupping his chin, you forced him to look at your smile. “Wrecker,” you whispered so softly, “I want you to do it.” He seemed to debate things in his mind, as best he could. He bit at his lip, wanting to reach in but he still hesitated.
With a small, barely audible sigh, you placed a hand on his gentle and brought his face into yours. The moment he felt your lips on his, his heart soared, and his arms cradled you naturally. You were much smaller than him, so you became enveloped in him. You kiss became firmer, occasionally pulling your lips away to tilt your head a different way. You found his lips followed you whenever you moved. If you leaned back, he leaned forward. If you tilted one way, he tilted the other and held you tighter. Truthfully, it was perfect.
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How long does it take for it to happen?
I think that post-Skako Minor, Echo’s mind will forever have self-doubt and his duty at the forefront. We see both when he is described as more machine than man, percentage wise. So, I think the build-up to the kiss would simply take a long time because he does let himself believe you’d want to.
“You know you’re wrong about her, right?” Rex said to his brother as they sat together post-mission. Everything had been successful. “She likes you.”
“She doesn’t like me,” Echo retorted, taking a sip of the steaming drink in his hands. He couldn’t help but let his eyes fall across the room towards where you were chatting with Gregor animatedly. Both laughing. He couldn’t help but smile at the idea of you liking him at all. God, he loved the way you laughed. The way you made his brothers feel happy whenever you were around.
“Oh, she definitely does,” Rex spoke with a smirk as he watched his brother falling in love from a distance, "and I think you like her too." Echo's head whipped back around to look at Rex, a crimson blush on his cheeks. He took another sip of his drink.
Who Instigates the first kiss?
I fear that it would have to be you. You are the only one that can convince him that you want him in a romantic way. Sure, Rex could try and convince him. As could any of his clone brothers, but they would never convince him enough for him to dare making a move. There were many, many others you could choose. So why would you choose him? Well, you'd have to convince him that your heart had chosen him long ago.
Rex had casually mentioned to you that Echo was leaving to find the Bad Batch, knowing full well what you would do. Honestly, he was a little fed up with the mutual pining.
“Echo,” you called out as you watched him walk away from Riyo Chuchi, it looks like you were catching him just in time. You knew there was nothing you could do or say to make sure he'd keep out of harms way. You now needed their help to save others. So this was your last chance to pluck up the courage you'd cowered away from for so long,“you weren’t planning on leaving without saying goodbye, were you?”
“I – uh – no, well, yes…perhaps?” Each of the words stumbled from his mouth as if chasing one another, pain masking over his features. You placed your hands on hips at that.
“Well how am I supposed to wish you luck if you keep running away before I have a chance?” You questioned him, allowing a flirtatious grin to creep onto your features. He blushed at that, you had such an effect on him, all from two very simple words. Good luck?
“L-luck?” He repeated back. As you stepped closer to him, he tried to steady himself, tried to remain steadfast and strong in your presence. You reached your hands up to his broad shoulders, running them across the coolness of the armour covering his broad shoulder.
“Yes, and luck that is truly good should be sealed with a kiss,” you said as you watched him through your lashes.
Gentle/Hot Heavy first kiss?
This would definitely be dependent on the circumstances, I’d say it would be a little bit of both. Particularly if it plays out as it does above. Or if it's any sort of goodbye or a hello after a long time. It'll definitely end up hot and heavy if he isn’t certain of his return. If he isn’t certain of your safety. He is going kiss you as if it is both the first and last time, he will ever kiss you.
With your hands on his shoulders, you’d reached up on toes and placed your lips to his softly. Your lips had ghosted over his so gently that he was convinced it had been a dream. And yet, it lasted just long enough for his eyes to flutter closed.
When they reopened, you stood there looking at him doe-eyed, expectantly and with a big grin on your face. With a soft, playful growl, he reached around your waist with one arm and span you around, you giggle all the while. Once he placed you back down, he reconnects his lips with yours with a sense of urgency and fire that shocked you. But you loved it. You loved the way he instantly delves deeper into your mouth. The way he moans into you. The way he kisses you like it was the last chance he would ever have to do so.
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How long does it take for it to happen?
I feel like the affection would develop quickly. Particularly if it were on Pabu. He feels safe and knows Omega is safe. It’s a community. Everyone is simply getting on with their lives. So, kissing you became one of the forefront thoughts in his mind. When Echo had arrived for support, everything goes a bit awry and his internal timeline for kissing you is made far more urgent.
“She’s something special, Echo,” Hunter said, staring at you with a smile. You were playing around with Wrecker and Omega in the distance. He could hear the melody of your laughter as he leaned into the wall watching you. “If we don’t come back from this, it’s going to hurt her.”
“We don’t have a choice, Hunter,” Echo reminded him, placing a reassuring hand on his brother’s shoulder, “she’ll understand.”
“Will she?” Hunter grumbled, entirely unconvinced. But he knew if he were to die on this mission, then he wanted to know what it was like to kiss you before he went. He had settled on that.
Who Instigates the first kiss?
Hunter. He'd already come close to kissing you more than once but he didn't want to rush it and it’s not that you don’t want but you knew he was withdrawn, stoic and more often than not, very serious. You were patient. You could do this on his timeline. So, when he was ready, he’d kiss you. You were certain of that. He often searched your eyes with a hand on your cheek and each time you prepared yourself for the kiss. But the kiss never came. At least, not until Echo had shown up and they were dragged back into the war they’d fled from.
“Hey,” he whispered as he approached you from behind. You were looking out over the balcony into the night sky, simply lost in thought. You knew he was leaving again.
“Hey yourself,” you murmured quietly, without facing him. You felt his presence at your side, though you could not feel his warmth. There was a safe distance between you. His hip dug into the wall as he simply watched you and waited. Waited until you could bear to look at him. He would wait. After a moment, you simply stated, “you are going again.”
“I may never see you again.” You affirmed, knuckles whitening from your tight grasp on the wall in front of you. You still couldn’t look him at him.
“But, if you can come back,” this time you turned to look at him, searching the depths of his eyes, “will you?” He reached his close fist to brush against your cheek softly, letting his hand settled at the hair tucked behind your ear. With a smile, he reached in close and whispered, “yes.” Your lips parted with a prickly shudder down your spine as his free hand traced the curve of your spine.
Gentle/Hot Heavy first kiss?
I think the first time would be gentle but sensuous. He would anticipate your needs and would want the depth of his feelings to be felt as he melded his lips with yours. He wanted to convince you of your future. That there could be a future, even though he could never be certain of that.
As he pulled back from his whisper, he did as he often did and placed his hand firmly on your cheek. You knew he wouldn’t pull away this time. This was the last chance either of you would have until they returned. If they returned.
“Don’t kiss me,” you murmured, “if the only reason is that you aren’t sure you’re going to return to me.” Tears began to prick at your eyes as you looked at him.
“I’m going to kiss you,” he said, raising his other hand, to your other cheek, “because I have to know what kissing you feels like, in case I never return.” He leaned in and brought his lips to yours in a searing kiss, full of longing and passion. You couldn’t help but moan as his strong hands pulled you in as close as he could have you. Your hands wove into his hair, pulling softly at the silky strands. He pulls back, but only to tilt his head from one side to the other before delving in to kiss you again. It seemed to last both an eternity and no more than a fleeting moment.
“If I don’t come back,” he whispered as he pulls away, “just know that you have made me a happy man.” He dropped his forehead to yours, allowing his eyes to close with the affection that coursed between you.
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spiriteddreams · 9 months
“there was before you, and there was during you. for some reason, i never thought there would be an after you.” warnings: angst (but with open ending (hopeful?))
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with dan heng, who returns to the xianzhou luofu bearing the weight of the memories of a past life that he curses and wishes he could forever run from. but the memories cling to his shadows, festering in his denial and avoidance until they manifest in the form of you. 
except that it’s not quite the “you” that he remembers. because while you are still as lovely as the day he left you, your hands clenched around the jade abacus that he held the matching pair with, you now look at him with a sense of unfamiliarity that has his breath catching when you ask, “do i know you from somewhere?”
jing yuan catches his eye and dips his head. to his astral express companions, it’s nothing but a gesture, but to dan heng, it feels like a silent apology. and the weight of it begins to feel like it’s crushing his chest. your smile isn’t as relaxed as he remembers it to be, but how can he blame you if your memories don’t align like his do. this new reincarnation that you’ve found yourself in, this you that not only he, but the general failed to protect, tears open his old wounds. but you don’t see the blood that you’ve drawn or the slight tremble of his bottom lip as he dips his head in greeting, allowing your name to fall from his tongue as you return the greeting. 
your name is bittersweet on his tongue and the taste lingers as he watches you with an expression that only jing yuan seems to be able to read. memories seem to flicker before dan heng’s eyes, the sound of your voice from the time you first met, ringing in his ears. time seems to pity him and allows him a moment of grace, to allow for every memory of you that he treasured to come flooding back. he recalls the unexpected first meeting that blossomed into a friendship. such a friendship could only lead to lovers with years of memories so deeply intertwined that when he selfishly severed that bond, the flower of your longlasting relationship began to wither. 
there is no bringing back to life even the loveliest of flowers, and with your reincarnation standing before him, dan heng is painfully reminded of this fact. you do not have the same memories that have haunted him for years, and yet he can’t help but let his eyes linger on the jade abacus that rests at the base of your neck. his own is tucked between the layers of his clothes, purposefully hidden out of fear or something else, dan heng isn’t quite sure.
but what he does know, is that when you ask him for a moment of his time after everyone else has decided to part ways, he can’t help but feel a hint of hope flare up in his chest. 
“you remind me of someone i think i may have known from my past life. there’s something about you that i can’t quite put my finger on. but, if you’re free, would you like to join me for tea sometime? i’d like to get to know you better,” you smile at him warmly and for a moment, dan heng believes that you still remember him. jing yuan shoots him a look from over the shoulder, a tilt of the head that is most definitely encouragement to take up your offer. and so he quietly accepts your offer, heart and body following after you.
bonus: the jade abacus on the base of your throat is warm and when you turn around to lead dan heng away. your breath is just as shaky as the hand that you shove into the pocket of your clothes. seeing him from afar was one thing, but hearing him in front of you, voice as soft and gentle as you remember, you feel those old wounds reopen. he doesn’t know that you remember him, that for all this time, you’ve waited for him to return with hope hanging at the base of your neck. but with a little push and shove (in the form of jing yuan), perhaps you’ll find your way back to one another once more.
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reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! <3
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yandere-writer-momo · 7 months
I kind of went for a different route with Doppo. I wanted a yandere that was lucid but also tethering on the line of reality and fiction. He truly believes he’s keeping you safe. This is a horror/thriller short story.
Yandere Baki Short Stories: Little Rabbit
Yandere Doppo Orochi x GN Reader
TW: kidnapping (mentioned), confinement, age gap, and yandere themes
Blue Hyacinth for constancy
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A scarred hand traced up and down (your name)’s smooth cheek. The youthful individual furrowed their brow a bit from the touch, but ultimately stayed fast asleep. The steady rise and fall of their chest made Doppo’s heart soar.
A deep chuckle left chapped lips, a smirk now on his rugged face.
“Look at you sleeping so soundly like a little angel.” Doppo hummed, his eyes softened at (your name)’s peaceful expression. This was one of the rare times he didn’t see apprehension and fear on their face when he was around.
Doppo crawled into the bed to lay beside them. The bed dipped a bit with his added weight, a small squeak rung out in the air. Yet it did not dare to wake the sleeping beauty before him. Perhaps he should wake them with a kiss like those fairytales they loved so much? No… Doppo shouldn’t be greedy.
Doppo knew he didn’t deserve the privilege to lay beside them, but he wanted to feel their warmth without them fighting back for once. Without having to feel their teeth and nails claw and bite at him when he simply wanted to show them his overwhelming affection for them.
Doppo buried his face in the back of (your name)‘s neck and inhaled their sweet scent with a content sigh. This simple crumb of physical contact could suffice for now.
Doppo may have captured them and held them here with him against their will, but he wasn’t a monster. He could wait until they were ready for a more… intimate relationship.
Doppo smiled into the skin of their neck, his hot breath lightly fanned the delicate skin. Doppo was okay with all of this, he was more patient than his son.
Doppo knew it was wrong to desire his son’s crush, but he just couldn’t help it. How could he not fall for such a sweet little rabbit like (your name)? They were so sweet to his ignorant son. (Your name) always made Katsumi homemade bentos, brought him towels, and went to his tournaments… and Katsumi only blushed and would say thank you. Katsumi didn’t show them enough appreciation. Not in a way Doppo could.
Doppo saw himself as a much better fit. His son was inexperienced and cocky while he was experienced and patient. Doppo knew his way around the body quite well. And who wouldn’t want an older man to give them the world? Doppo was sure he could blow (your name)’s mind in the bedroom if they consented to it.
Doppo pulled (your name)’s body closer to his to snuggle. His mind continued to swim with his thoughts until he felt as if he was drowning in them.
Doppo would keep (your name) safe, he’d give them as much time as he could while the two of them lived in the mountains together. He’d be their solace and protector. He’d protect them from their volatile parent.
Doppo had witnessed firsthand the verbal and emotional turmoil their parent released on them on the daily due to them not being married outside of the tournaments they’d go to. The parent would be red in the face and spit venomous words at them like a cobra. And what made it worse was Katsumi wasn’t even aware of it. His son hadn’t put a label on their relationship so (your name)’s situation was worse in the parent’s eye.
As a parent himself, Doppo couldn’t understand such nonsense. (Your name) deserved love and they deserved to be protected… love and protection that Doppo himself was more than willing to give them.
“I’m a middle aged man… willing to protect you for the rest of my life.” Doppo whispered with a soft smile on his face.
Little did he know that (your name) was awake this entire time. Silent tears fell down their cheeks while their delusional captor held them close. The stubble on his chin tickled a bit but they made sure to keep their breathing steady to not raise any suspicion.
His pine scent oddly calmed their nerves and his muscular body was warm and comforting… like a father.
(Your name) could feel Doppo drift off the sleep. The steady rise and fall of his chest confirmed their belief. Maybe they could try to escape? It was worth a shot.
They slowly scooted their body off the bed, careful not to wake the beast. But Doppo was sharp despite his age, his muscular arms shot out to grab them at an incredible speed. He latched onto them just like a fox that latched onto the neck of a rabbit. That sly silver fox pretended to be asleep.
“And where do you think you’re trying to run off to, little rabbit?”
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llondonfog · 8 days
for the anon who asked for brought back wrong silver, you have my undying gratitude <3 i hope you enjoy
The animals refuse to approach anymore.
The birds shriek amongst themselves and ruffle their puffed-up feathers high up in the trees, their screeching cries high-pitched and harrowing, while the squirrels and rabbits keep to the protective shadows of a forest more ancient than Malleus himself, bellies low to the cool loam. There is condemnation in their dark, liquid eyes as Malleus skirts the edge of the trees, a judgment placed heavy and irredeemable upon his shoulders that he feels the leaden weight of more and more with every step— he has betrayed them as their lord and protector, and for that, there is no recourse. 
He has betrayed the natural laws of magic— and for that, the valley itself knows no forgiveness.
There is nothing but penance in the way that he crouches to his knees in the moss and dirt, spoiling the utilitarian nature of his robes with smears of mud and crushed pine needles. It’s a cruel act of self-inflicted guilt that drives him back to this place, a sick resignation that he cannot escape from that which his very hands helped to destroy. 
For it is not him that the animals refuse to approach, but the child that kneels beside him, a child who has been kneeling for hours in that same position, stoic and with the passive interest of someone watching an ant amble aimlessly over the ground as the woodland creatures before him reel away in horror. 
“Father said they would come back to play if I kept still,” and that sweet, clear voice scrapes over Malleus’ ears like metal on bone, his skin and scales crawling over themselves in a desperate bid to flee. “He said that I just had to allow them to become reacquainted with me, but I think he might have been wrong.” 
Malleus can feel the weight of those eyes turn to him, pinning him in place like iron— he doesn’t think even iron would sear his soul as deeply, and it takes every ounce of palatial training to keep from visibly shuddering. 
He is a dragon, and dragons do not fear. But what sits beside him is something greater than fear, something worse than even a dragon. 
“I hope that he does not feel sad when I tell him that it did not work,” the little voice beside him continues, melodic and wretched in its siren intensity. Malleus would claw off his own ears just to keep from hearing it speak, and yet he would break his own horns to hear those lips form his name. It’s madness and love, and he fears each passing second may bring him closer to the breaking point— a point where Lilia has long since arrived. “He seems to be sad a lot lately, but seeing you will surely cheer him up. Isn’t that why you’ve come, Malleus-sama?”
His name in that mouth feels like a death sentence, a curse being etched into his very being by the way that tongue glides over the vowels of his name and those teeth hiss into the consonants. It binds him, keeps him silent when he wishes to bellow and roar and rage at the child beside him— each second in its presence feels like hell on earth, and he cannot imagine what it is like for Lilia. 
Malleus can’t imagine that his own presence would grant the old fae any solace either, only perhaps the stone cold comfort that there is another who bears half the blame.
No words rise in his dried, shriveled throat, and Malleus only nods stiffly while Silver beams at him, the animals crouched and silent in the forest swiftly forgotten. It is impossible to escape Silver’s smile, with the perfect scrunch of his nose and the rosy dimples in his cheeks, and Malleus finds himself struck by the violent urge to sink his talons into the soft, pillowy flesh and pullriptear until that disgusting expression is marred to pieces and crushed under his heel. His chest tightens with useless anticipation and he’s almost dizzy with both desire and despair for what he knows that he cannot, will not do. 
It would be a more noble endeavor to sink his claws into his own heart, offer it up bloody and bare in atonement, but the person most deserving of it no longer exists. 
“Yes, of course I shall come,” he rasps instead, and the thing that wears Silver’s body like a costume, the thing that Malleus stuffed inside that cold, sad little corpse to save what was left of Lilia Vanrouge’s collapsing spirit, claps its hands with glee.
Even in death, Malleus could never refuse him.
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astrologylunadream · 7 months
Your Crush's Biggest Insecurities💌😰💧 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream🤗 Does your crush have insecurities too? If so what are they? We'll be doing a reading on their biggest insecurities right now💭 hope you find your message🌸
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ There are 6 piles this time! Think of your crush, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~☁️♥️
Pile 1💮
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Pile 2🥀
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Pile 3🛁
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Pile 4🍰
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Pile 5🌪
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Pile 6🍷
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> ☁️🎲🖤
Pile 1💮
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Sign energy: Stress, Early, Intuition, Sidelines, Short-term, North node, Mercury, 7th house, 12th house, Sun, 🎪💣🟫📆
🥀Your person's energy: This is someone you have thought about seriously marrying/committing to pile 1, I see you👀 Now for the overall vibe of your person it's a lot of air energy I'm feeling but also they could have air in their water houses like for instance the 4th/8th/12th houses are all water houses naturally but for your person they could be like gemini/libra/aquarius in those houses in any order too. Virgo is coming through for some of you, I'm getting Libra/Virgo cusp rn. I'm seeing someone who is a heavy over thinker right now they get lost in their mind a lot. Your person is prone to stress and sometimes they just stress themselves out over little things, they even obsess about the dates flying by and have an over emphasis on time. This is someone that has a lot on their plate, but you just want to step in and be their true loving partner🥺❤ You just wanna make their day and help them out a bit, you want to turn their frown upside down I'm hearing haha. This person may have confessed to you recently or perhaps thought about it a LOT. They trust their intuition because they are usually right and they're the type to say "I knew it" and "I'm going with my gut on this one" because they really have a hunch for things sometimes!! This person may not be in your life yet, but they can sense a future with you and they think about you a lot.
💭Their biggest insecurities: Stage, Self reflection, Feminine, Prove, Vulnerable, Mars, Neptune, 5th house, Gemini, Capricorn, 🩰🔙💢👫 Alright my pile 1's, your person is so worried about appearing good enough for you😖💗 They're worried about a future partner or marriage, they may feel like no one could love them or they would screw it up so this makes them very lonely. For some of you I'm getting this person had a past longing for creative expression but it was repressed by others, I'm seeing someone who wasn't necessarily allowed to like feminine things. They have a deep insecurity about displaying their more feminine side (or more nurturing/emotional side) in fear of being taken advantage of or judged for it. Your person is so scared deep down you guys they don't wanna be called weak or stupid for their innermost self😭😭 They're afraid of daydreaming too much and being in their head all the time, and romanticizing a partner and hoping for one makes them feel vulnerable and desperate but like that's just themmm😫😫♡ Pile 1 you have no idea how insecure they are about themselves... they set themselves to be this strong, will powered, bold person who doesn't need affection but they're really just a sweetheart deep down who wants to be seen as delicate too.💓 My heart omg you guys this is so sad... I'm hearing "let me be myself". They want someone who they can show their true colors with, like looking in a mirror with someone who doesn't degrade their true self.
🖤Messages from your person: I've been trying to keep my distance, I don't know you, I want to take you away, You don't need to take care of me, It's not true (Omg they honestly do want to be cared for😟💞) Extra cards: Door, Lesson, Pretty, Phase, Work, Aquarius, Air, Moon, 6th house, 5th house (They're working on showing their hidden side🤍)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❣
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ w ˂ )ɞ♡ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the blossom emoji~💮 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading❤
Pile 2🥀
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Sign energy: Career, Exotic, Pink, Last, Fixation, Water, Aries, 5th house, Neptune, Scorpio, 🏃‍♂️🗻❤🩺
🥀Your person's energy: Ohh okay I'm getting Leo, Aries, Pisces, Scorpio all those sort of signs. Your person is probably very fun and distinct from other people, I feel like they just have this look about them. Now this might be someone you're in a love affair with, maybe one of you enjoys flirting with the other. I feel like you may be resisting this person but your heart is saying like "Yes yes yes 👀👄👀" Now anyways I'm seeing this as someone who creeps into your subconscious a lot and you might have wild fantasies about themmm🙈🔥 Keep it low keyyyy it's so obvious lol your person may be from a far away land like a long distance from where you are, idk why but I'm getting rockstar vibes right now so your person could be into rock or punk music.🎸 Their hair is on fleek btw, they have an unnatural color or style most likely too. They make your heart beat so fast, they may like to run in the mornings. You've told yourself they will be your last, and you're heart is focused on them completely.
💭Their biggest insecurities: Mother, Rest, Escape, Bones, Call, Pluto, Cancer, Water, Libra, South node, 🧩✔♒👎 Hmm this is interesting, so I'm getting some serious baggage with your person my pile 2's... this may be a little dark but they might have a deceased parent or their mother could have a burdensome relationship with them. Whatever the case this is something that's weighing their energy a lot right now, so they're kind of at a dark place right now. This could be an tragic event from the past regarding their mother that they're still holding onto, this could be effecting their relationships with others aswell. They want to leave this mind prison they've trapped themselves in and stop dwelling on the past. They feel powerless and their state of mind is greatly imbalanced. They feel like they could have done things differently to change their past, and perhaps made things easier for their mother. I'm getting they may not have one and if for some of you they do, I'm getting they watched their mother deal with hardships while feeling like a helpless burden.😔🌧 They have this deep guilt and regret for not stepping up to help those in need more, and this has led to my pile 2's aswell. They don't want you to suffer like others they have witnessed before, they worry about putting you in a hard situation without knowing how to protect you. They are worried their care won't suffice. Your person wants to provide and protect those in need but they have little faith in themselves to do so.
🖤Messages from your person: Of course, I need someone, You really think I would choose you? I couldn't stop, What if I make a mistake? (They don't want to disappoint you🥺😭😢) Extra cards: Hot, Mars, Fan, Capricorn, Dreams, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, (Uh oh my pile 2's your person has some wicked fantasies about you omg they don't wanna get carried away with the passion they feel!!🥵❤)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❣
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ w ˂ )ɞ♡ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the rose emoji~🥀 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading❤
Pile 3🛁
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Sign energy: Affection, Angel, Hunger, Escape, Unseen, Jupiter, Neptune, 6th house, Sun, Gemini, 🔒🐈🎲🎰
🥀Your person's energy: Your person is so soft and beautiful omgggg their soul is like a watercolor painting imo so lovely and enchanting🌊♥️ You may feel like they're unreal or like not human they have such a graceful presence, so stunning~ They may have soft Sagittarius + Pisces placements, I'm getting Leo and Gemini for your person, Virgo could be significant aswell. I keep seeing soft baby blue eyes and deep red nails for some pile 3's person, they have really pretty hands. They are known to daydream and space out into their abstract thoughts often, your person may find feline creatures very beautiful and identify with those creatures. They have an angelic voice and mind, you see them as a pure angel <3 They might take risks often despite their soft nature, trying out anything out of their curiosity. I'm hearing "curiosity killed the cat" lol that's them😂 They're such a curious cat about life and the world around them, I feel like they have diverse interests including you~ This might be someone you "crave" in any way whether it's emotionally or physically you just want themm💗💗 You imagine yourself with them often and fantasize about winning their affection and being held by them, it's always on the back of your mind my loveliesss.
💭Their biggest insecurities: Public image, Impulsive, Locked, Remedy, Book, 8th house, 12th house, Fire, Vertex, 5th house, 🙄🩰🖇🔝 Ohh alright we have some interesting things going on my pile 3's so let's see, with the heavy water house energy we're recieving I'm kind of seeing an obsession/addiction they're hiding from you... maybe it's your obsession that they're insecure about, because they feel so important to you and it's like a pressure in a way.. to be everything for you, they don't know if they can keep you🥺 I feel like your person might be afraid of what others think of you two, like they don't want everyone to know how deep things are between you both. You guys may have a mutual obsession with eachother that they're a little shy about, so they are insecure of their intense feelings for you💓 And I'm seeing the fate of you guys' relationship is something they are a little worried about, they feel in the dark about you and them. Your person is insecure about your loyalty aswell, I can see this as a huge concern for some reason. They might have certain ideas of you and assume you won't commit to them like they will.😟 They know you guys are connected and they're so scared of messing things up, my pile 3's your person knows you have eyes for them but they feel pressured to be the one for you <3 You make them feel special and they hold onto that desperately, so they're always nervous about being their best.
🖤Messages from your person: It all matters, Oh my god, This is interesting, I knew you would feel this way, I don't know who I am (Wow you got them thinking😫) Extra cards: Change, Crush, Innovation, Order, Secret admirer, Neptune, Earth, Chiron, 3rd house, Pisces (They're fantasizing of a confession!! Thinking of confessing to my lovely pile 3!!!)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❣
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the tub emoji~🛁 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading❤
Pile 4🍰
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Sign energy: Right, Abundance, Fan, Connection, Sadness, 11th house, Jupiter, Juno, Aries, Water, 😷🔧🧎‍♂️😳
🥀Your person's energy: Alright this is someone you are head over heels for rn, I can really feel this recieving energy from your person like they're in a state of receiving and earning love and admiration. They're very lucky and have many opportunities, this could who fixes things or very helpful. They could be like the term "fixer upper" so maybe they have some flaws or issues but you look past them.💓 For some of you this could be an internet famous person, they don't have much physical contact with you at the moment I'm really getting that honestly. Some of my pile 4's are the type to chat online a lot with them or maybe you often send messages to your person but then one of you stopped for some reason??😦 Many of you are a fan of your person like their personal little supporter🥰🎉 This may be someone with Aquarius/Aries placements, as well as Sagittarius. They have a nice smile and very emotional too, even if they don't seem that way at first. They feel a lot and I'm getting melancholy vibes from your person~ You see them as your ideal partner and you want to date them. Your person can be impatient at times.
💭Their biggest insecurities: Inspiration, Holding back, Earth, Love at first sight, Activity, Gemini, Vertex, Aries, Leo, Aquarius, ☸🎢🧩🌅 Okay your person has a lot they're anxious about rn, they have been keeping things to themselves a little more than they would like. Your person is afraid to lead you on, because they don't want to lead you in the wrong direction like a dead end with you. They don't want any of that so they're holding back their feelings they're stepping back for a while to process everything. Your person's mind rapid right now just thinking about what to do they keep pondering the best decisions because they're so worried about loosing you.😣 It feels like fireworks are going off in their mind just trying to comprehend the situation between you two. They are so confused and they don't know whether to listen to their head or heart!! Rejection is the biggest insecurity for them and they feel as if they're setting themselves up for disaster. There could be a little self sabotage going on with them, I feel like they have no idea what they want and it drives them crazy. It makes them feel worse about themself that they can't make a decision on this. It's killing them that they're so aimless right now, they hate to admit that they have no clue what move to make with you my pile 4's your person is a mess over you😩❤ They're trying to ground themselves and come up with a rational answer for their situation, because they're insecure about their ability to keep this relationship with you.
🖤Messages from your person: You're mine, I care about you, I want to give you cuddles, You're not okay, I'm so frustrated (Omg they're so stuck rn🥺) Extra cards: Rage, Union, Anonymous, Wish, Slow, Gemini, Aries, Virgo, Libra, Juno (They really want this to work!!🤧💖)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❣
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the cake emoji~🍰 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading❤
Pile 5🌪
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Sign energy: One and only, My everything, Kabedon, Mirror, Smile, Chiron, Eros, Jupiter, Lilith, Leo, 🎤💜🗿🍦
🥀Your person's energy: Ayy I'm getting heavy masculine energy with this one, I'm sensing a really attractive person on this pile's mind~ It's someone very successful and outgoing, they have a really hot smile. I'm seeing pile 5 just melting whenever they see them smiling LOL it's addictive.🥰 This is someone very fun and charismatic, they have such a light energy. It's so enjoyable and sweet!! Prominent Sagittarius and Leo energy. Your person has a genuine aura about them, very honest and showing their true self. They could be a singer or enjoy music a lot, could he their hobby. This person means everything to you, you love them so much and would do anything for them. You also try to be like them, mimicking their little habits and speech patterns <3 They may like the color purple or look good in that color, I have a feeling they are very sweet to you. Which caused you to fall so hard for them!! This person does not show when they are hurt, they will put on a poker face and keep going, so they always seem happy. They have a dark side that you see in yourself, the side you wish you could express but are too shy to. You see them as perfect.💝
💭Their biggest insecurities: Home, Absence, Meaning, Winter, Lesson, Juno, 10th house, Scorpio, Cancer, Saturn, 🤩😡🎧🦁 Your person has some deep feelings they're keeping in, and it's definitely weighing their subconscious rn. They don't feel in the right position, they feel misplaced you could say. Your person has a lot of repressed feelings that they can't hold back anymore, it tears them inside out emotionally. Your person is a drama queen deep down but they are so scared to show this side of them to anyone. Also, your person is so lonely and they have huge insecurities about being needy.😔💞 They just want to cuddle and share their feelings with someone who will keep them safe!! They feel like they have no meaning or worthiness, and they don't want to be a burden. Your crush is secretly clingy but they're ashamed of this, so they pretend to be unbothered by emotional distance. But every little thing really effects them!! They're so insecure about the relationship not bringing you both success and support, they just wanna ensure that you are cared for and that your connection with them will remain true.😚 I'm hearing "keep you interested" and "entertain you" now. They're insecure about you loosing interest or seeing them as less great than you thought, this makes them so nervous awww pile 5 your person really wants to please you.🥺🥺⭐
🖤Messages from your person: I want to hate you, You saved me, Don't think of anyone else, In your imagination, I can't wait to meet you (Ohhh pile 5 they're possessive😳😶❤) Extra cards: Baby, Bones, Nervous, Sight, Punish, 1st house, Aquarius, Mercury, 9th house, Saturn (Aghhh whyyy they're so into you pile 5 they wanna take you down🥵🤯)
Thank you my pile 5's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❣
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 5 with the tornado emoji~🌪 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading❤
Pile 6🍷
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Sign energy: Separation, Quiet place, Neptune, Choice, Mermaid, Scorpio, 10th house, Virgo, Uranus, 1st house, 😫🦄🩺🍰
🥀Your person's energy: Okay I'm getting heavy Scorpio rising vibes oh gosh. Virgo/Aquarius rising aswell as capricorn rising. They have a magnetic aura, their gaze will suck you in so fast. They make you do stupid things without thinking rationally!! You can't think straight around this person, your heart starts beating out of control when you think of them.♥️ I feel like have an attractive collarbone/neck area for some reason, and I also feel called to say this is definitely a loner type of crush. You love their calm and cold demeanor, ohh and their stare has you obsessed you love their piercing gaze. I'm getting a no contact period for some of you with this person, you guys might be far away from eachother or someone is being really REALLY quiet.🤐 They are so mysterious and alluring and you barely know what's in their mind, they're very hard to read at times. But they are highly perceptive and can read you like a book lol it's not fair😂 They are very unique and special, they have charms that make them very different from others. You guys might have a strange situation with this person, a situationship is likely between you two. I feel like you daydream about being dominated by this person in the sweetest way like cuddles where their hug just swallows you whole🥺🥰
💭Their biggest insecurities: Shoulders, Venus, First love, Even, Movie theater, 10th house, 3rd house, Aries, Moon, 8th house, 😭🆙️💬🤝 Awww your person is so sweet omg so first I'm seeing they get really nervous around you like, you give them little butterflies. They have a soft spot for you especially when you pour your heart out and vice versa you listen.😍💕 Their biggest most deep insecurity is scaring you away🥺😰 They have a really deep bond with you and you guys have such an intimate connection, they feel so strongly for you that their emotions and intensity just consumes them. Part of them just wants to hold your hand and brush your hair gently, and then there's another part of them that wants to grab your shoulders and kiss you against the wall until you can't breathe💀 So like they're super worried about how you'll react to their intensity and they don't want to make you uncomfortable or seem to desperate/clingy for your love. They're worried you will just watch them like a clown circus as they cry over you😂 Stop why am I laughing it's so sad though. They are afraid you won't want to match their level of attachment to you, they wish you would let them take control of you in the most loving way. They're scared of being called dramatic or too obsessive, and they don't want to let go. My pile 6's your person is so afraid of becoming that "psycho ex" story for you lmaooo where they just never let go of you when you've moved on. 9/10 chance they're probably crying over you rn.🙃 But seriously they just want mutual feelings!!
🖤Messages from your person: You're my dream, I want you all to myself, We're more than friends, I'm not okay, Who are you to me? Extra cards: Hidden, Innocence, Sugar, True feelings, Innovation, 10th house, Vertex, Air, Pluto, Saturn, (They just wanna stabilize their crazy feelings for you but it's so difficult for them...😢)
Thank you my pile 6's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❣
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ w ˂ )ɞ♡ If you did be sure to let me know pile 6 with the red glass emoji~🍷 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading❤
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Alright you guys this was a lot to write so I'm glad you found the message you needed. Thanks everyone for reading! (*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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i-am-beckyu · 1 month
In the Hands of my Tormentor
Yelloooooo! Been a lil bit since I've posted any writing! Been a bit hard getting much written with life and work at the moment but I had this random g/t thought and ran with it to get this lil fic. So enjoy another random oc created for the purpose of this fic lol.
Premise: You've been transported to another world where giants see humans as lesser and have ended up the pet of a Count.
cw: Fear, fear of death, fatal scenes mentioned, panic, mentions of being eaten alive, death mentions (no one dies tho), anxiety, torture, manipulation. Just the opposite of what I usually post lol. wc: 2318
That’s all I could feel as I watched in horror as the giant noble scarfed down their meal. Giant fangs tearing through meat 100x my size, as if it was sliced bread. I forced myself to not react as I heard them swallow, knowing full well should they tire of me- their pet, I may very well be the next one sliding down that wretch’s throat. 
In this world, Giants didn’t see anything smaller than them as intelligent. If you were found, the lucky ones either died or were crushed between teeth as big as boulders like food. And if you think ‘How’s that lucky?! That’s horrid!’ Be glad you’re not the one being digested alive.
But even that was a mercy compared to my fate. 
Every day I tread the thin line of a tightrope; a timer hanging over my head. Forced to live life as a performance, every step perfect in order to please my Master.
“TWIRL!” He’d demand.
“JUMP!” He’d spit.
“SING!” He’d sneer- and I’d do it without hesitation or face death itself.
For as humiliating as it was, being ‘keep’ worthy; even for a derogatory laugh, it was better than being deemed useless and ready for brutal discarding. And with how little manic glee he’d been having with me lately, that may be sooner than not. For if I have no worth, what’s stopping them from doing away with me?
Tonight I was on display at another one of their dinner parties. Parties they threw more to show their class standing and possessions than for company. Sometimes I’d be in a cage forced to sing like a songbird, other times I’d be kept on the table with a ribbon clamped around my ankle to perform tricks or be petted by gloved fingers.
The guests would often have varying responses at my presence.
“Such a rare delicacy humans are and you're wasting it as a pet?”
“What a wretched little thing it is. Why not just eat it and be done?”
“As amusing as it is, why keep it around when it’s a better snack?”
After a while, you learn to tune out the loud voices. It’s just a reminder I’m only seen as food, insignificant, a pest. I only listen to the Master's voice. He’s the only one that matters. I sit just to his right today. The ribbon on my ankle is too tight, and I can feel the way my foot has started to go numb from the lack of blood flow. I look at it absentmindedly, the phantom pain of a blade forced against an angry scar, throbs against the ribbon. Strange I can’t feel my foot and yet still feel the pain of past escapes. I stopped trying a long time ago. Better to submit then endure his sick pleasures again.
I try not to think about the will I’ve given up; the life I’ve submitted to and try to listen to the giants conversing overhead.
Had it not been for the size difference and ignorance to the obvious, the giants were just like us. Take away all the power-hungry madness and torture of the little guy and the giants were just like humans if they were living in a medieval fantasy. Perhaps in another world, I would have been one of the guests…
“Dance, Human.” Master demands, and I stand and let my body move the way I know it pleases the giant. I don’t even think about the steps anymore, I just let myself move as if I were a robot programmed with the steps.
The giants above me laugh, clap and snicker. I know I’ve done my dance right. They’re all talking around the table, some whispering to each other with cruel gazes locked on my form. Others are spitting profanities at me and joking to my Master about making me do more tricks. 
There was only one giant that didn’t seem interested in my suffering. They sat at the opposite end of the table silently, and hadn’t moved much beyond drinking from their cup. I didn’t pay them much mind. One less giant drooling over me was a blessing. 
I let their voices blend together as I continued to move, the only voice I was listening for was my Masters, and I knew he was grinning ear to ear with all the attention on his greatest possession. 
His rare and desirable human.
“Now sing.” He says sickeningly sweet and my mouth obeys as I sing old scales used to warm up my voice whilst I continue to dance.
He never said I could stop.
I don’t know how long this continued for, the time always blurred together with every order and step at these events. All I know is the giants are enjoying it for the time being and all hungry eyes are on me. I will do as they want till I’m so desirable, that Master snatches me away- just teasing the lessers with what they can’t have. I can see the manic glee in their eyes at being so close to myself. I know what they want, and I scold my expression to not let the fear show on my face. 
My legs ached, but I pushed on; my voice wasting away from overuse. Everything was starting to burn from the effort it took to do both. I sang a long high note and began to spin, a bad combo but my brain was on autopilot. How much longer till I collapse?
“Stop.” Master demanded; my saving grace but not by much. I stopped immediately, finishing the pirouette and ceasing my song. I didn’t dare move despite my labored breathing, fully aware that the command wasn’t just for me, for in the corner of my eye I saw it. 
An outstretched white, gloved hand reached for me- and it was not my Masters.
That was all that was said before the ribbon around my ankle yanked me back, sending me tumbling forward as I was reeled in. I kept my head down, biting my tongue to stop myself from screaming as I felt the glazed wooden table burn against my hands and knees as I was dragged. My performance was done. And so was the fool of a giant that had tried to take me. 
Or so I thought.
Giants had tried to take me from Master before that was a given, but I was his snack (as he liked to remind me) and those that had tried to take what was his, had been dragged out shrieking. But this one had the room silent. Someone with a demanding presence other than my Master had the room freeze.
“So Ed,” 
“That’s Count Edwin, to you.” Master spat at the other Giant.
“May I remind you who the Duke is here, Count Edwin.” the Duke replied nonchalantly, taking a sip of his drink. I saw the way the Master's hand tensed at the notion. 
He was irritated. 
Very few had the nerve to undermine him and make it out unscathed. So far nothing had happened to this Duke, which made him a threat.
“I understand you invited me here tonight to make a deal.” The Duke asked.
“Yes, that’s correct.” The grit in the Master's voice confirmed my suspicions. He’d interrupted his showing off. They were treading on thin ice. 
“I wish to put a natural water irrigation system to my crops from the south river. The river in question however, borders the edge of your land and in order for me to utilize it, would require access to your land.”
“And you want me to allow your filthy hands access to my river.” The Duke remarked.
Master's hand tightened on his utensils. Whoever this man was really had the Giant getting into a tizzy, which was never good for me. For all the time that I’d been here, it was very rare that anyone dared to go up against Master, let alone insult him. I felt a slight sense of justice from the thought. Even if it would never be me to do it, at least someone would knock them off their high horse.
I couldn’t help but glance up to see what such a person looked like and was surprised by what I saw. It was the uninterested giant from before.
Just like their attitude, the Giants' features matched their blunt, cold attitude. Jet black, side swept hair and dressed in a navy blue velvet coat, adorned with gold trims and fine sapphires bigger than my head, the Duke- the most regal man I’d ever seen in all my life, was listening to my Master with an icy cold stone stare. 
The man seemed bored of this tedious exchange and I could tell their patience was beginning to run thin as my Master blabbered on and on about the Giants river.
I wondered how long the fire would build behind the Duke’s eyes before their tolerance met its peak, and would put my Master in their place. For once I was glad they paid me no mind.
“I have much gold to offer in return for the river and with the greater yields we would produce, I’m happy to offer 5% of the total harvest.” Master’s smile curled into a grin as they folded their hands. They did that whenever something they wanted was about to go their way.
I averted my gaze back to my feet at this. They always got mad when they caught me staring. How sad I knew what his tells were.
“While your offer is good Edwin, as a Duke with the amount of land I have, your offer is insignificant to me. Why give you access to my river when I produce five times the amount you yield in a year?”
Master lost his composure at that, clearly not expecting such a response. Unsurprising when he acts like a toddler who has never been told no. “Well yes but-” 
“If you expect me to share such a precious resource, I expect a greater sum.” The Duke cut him off. “Or an offer with something of rarity to actually compensate for the price. Something like…” 
No. No, he can’t mean…
The duke took a sip from his cup as if contemplating, but only a fool didn’t know he’d already made up his mind the second he set eyes on me.
“That human.”
The Duke slammed the cup down, hitting the table with a clink as my head shot up and snapped straight to the Duke, my worst fears confirmed reality. The Duke’s ice blue eyes bore into my small figure. If I thought my grubby Master was scary then the Duke was sheer terror. 
His eyes pierced my very soul pinning me in place, and I stared straight back, unable to hide the terror on my face despite the consequences. Though it could have just been adrenaline, I swear I saw their eyes soften when they noticed my expression change, though it did little to put me at ease. His presence was terrifying and it hit me then why the room was so quiet. Why Master was so mad he had no control over this Giant.
This was a man with power.
I knew if I was what it wanted, then no one would be stupid enough to say no twice. Everyone in the room knew what his eyes were locked on. 
“You want me to trade my human, for access to the river?” The Count replied as he dragged me closer, pulling me away from my terror. “That hardly seems fair seeing how incredibly rare and delightful they are. It’s just about bored me enough that I'm peckish. I love to break their spirits just enough that they’re kicking and screaming to the end.” 
At this, I was flung into the air with a yelp before the Count caught me in a harsh grip. I cried out in pain as he squeezed my ribs tight to the point I was sure they’d break.
“It would be a waste to let all this time go to not enjoy them myself.”
“It’s the human or nothing.” The Duke insisted. “You have nothing more that I want.”
I risked looking up at the Duke again, the fire in his eyes seemed to have tripled. “It’s as you said, humans are incredibly rare. Are they truly worth a yearly supply of better income?”
My Masters hand began to squeeze tighter around me and I’m only lucky that the air had been forced out of my lungs enough before I could scream. His anger being directed on the only thing he could control in the moment, only for the pressure to leave as quickly as it came and I found myself falling.
And that was the only warning I had before everything flashed a violent white. My whole body was in complete and utter agony and yet I couldn’t even scream. I could feel silent tears dripping down my face as my vision began to dance with black blurry spots. This is where I died.
Everything felt cold, until it wasn’t. 
I felt myself engulfed in pure warmth as careful hands moved and cradled my broken body. I could hear muffled voices shouting and moving before the slamming of a door ceased all else. Dark blobs broke in between the black and I knew deep down I was in the Duke’s hands, but the soft warmth they provided blurred all other judgment. I hadn’t been warm- truly warm since I’d been brought here, and yet somehow I was now at ease. 
Perhaps it was just my mind twisting the truth as a last mercy to let me die peacefully.
“Rest now,” A voice whispered over head as the world faded to black. “I’ve got you now.” 
Funny how my mind could create such a promise after so much pain…
✩₊˚.⋆⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆⋆⁺₊✧
Don't worry, the Duke's actually the good guy in this lol. I have it head cannoned that he fixes them all up and helps them get home.
I may write onto this, I might not who knows! The fact I've written in a different pov to me is wild though! Thank you to squishy, xyz and especially munchkin for beta reading this. (Seriously savior on my grammar qwp) Thank you if you read this far and I hope you enjoyed!!!!
Tag List Link here: @local-squishmallow @brick-a-doodle-do @justarandomsloth @veryfunkycheesecake @munchkin1156 @kayla-crazy-stuffs @da3dm @eiscreme135 @orchid-harmony @the-tiny-lurker @colossal-red @nobodywritingao3 @nata2343 @bad-author777 @crazyfoxgirl10 @guppybubbles
(also side note: other wips are still being written. I am aware JORNOS has not updated in months but it's not been forgotten <3)
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randomshyperson · 1 year
Little Freaks - Wanda Maximoff Oneshots
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Summary: A longtime crush can sometimes turn into more with a tough test and a demanding teacher. Or the one where Natasha insists that Wanda is a simp and you both are a clueless gay disaster. [Requested]
Warnings: Some implications at the end but nothing explicit, fluff and teasing, mutual pining, emo Wanda being grumpy and jealous.| Words: 2.925k
A/N-> Yep, the title is inspired by a Harry Style song title.
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
Some things really were a gift from heaven.
After months of what her best friend referred to as 'hopeless gay pining' to tease her, Wanda finally had a chance to make her presence known.
Well, it would of course be incorrect for her to say that you didn't know who she was - In fact, you had been classmates at the same university for 3 years, the first contact happened in the first year not by an academic coincidence, but personal since your sister was Kate Bishop who by the occurrence of fate, started a relationship with Yelena Belova that happened to be the younger sister of Wanda's best friend. Although you all attended NYU, with the addition of many friends in common, you and Wanda were not exactly close. Different courses, different schedules. The vast majority of your meetings took place in the presence of other friends, mostly for parties and movie nights or study in the dorms. It was only a few months ago when Bucky Barnes's motorcycle - who would cordially offer you a ride to work since the university started as you both worked in the same place - broke down and you ended up bumping into Wanda on the bus heading to the university. Your gentle interruption to the loud music coming out of her headphones as you touched Wanda's shoulder to greet her, made it possible for a total of twenty minutes of talking to each other alone for what seemed like the first time and resulted in Wanda having a ridiculously intense crush on you afterward.
Of course, Natasha tormented her endlessly when she let slip about her own feelings, the redhead even going so far as to offer to be some form of cupid - which Wanda immediately denied, thinking she couldn't live on the childish humiliation of having her feelings discovered. It was foolish of course, but she couldn't avoid insecurities about matters like this, especially for someone with whom she shared a group of friends. If rejected, everything would be awkward between her, you, and your friends, and she wouldn't want to cause a difficult situation. 
Still, since the feelings started, she couldn't help but notice your presence around campus, and between exchanges of polite greetings and shy smiles in the few shared classes, Wanda fell harder every passing day.
She finally came to the acceptance that she would have to act on it and that at least a rejection would allow her to move on. The problem was finding the opportunity to do so, mainly because the late acceptance came during a testing period, and with everyone so busy with studies, she feared she would miss the opportunity before the winter vacation.
Her luck changed in one of her favorite classes - Ms. Harkness was a very demanding teacher and getting perfect grades with her was a personal victory for Wanda. 
When that afternoon period started and you were late enough that the only vacant seat was on the brunette's side, Wanda thought it was a gift from heaven.
"Sorry, Miss Harkness. My shift ended later." You justified as you walk into the crowded classroom. "May I come in...?"
"Of course, honey, we haven't started yet. You got lucky." Agatha offered you a wink, dismissing the apologies with a smile and moving to pick up the printed papers on her own desk.
You moved quickly to the back of the room, smiling shyly and a bit out of breath - perhaps from the race there -until you sat down in the seat next to her, and Wanda thinks she did a good job of keeping her expression indecipherable despite the racing heart in her chest.
“Hey, Wands.” It seemed that the nickname escaped you naturally, and Wanda was thankful that you were distracted with taking your things out of your backpack to notice the color her cheeks achieved with a simple greeting. 
Natasha is right, what a hopeless homo she was.
Her hoarse reply was drowned out by the beginning of the explanation about the test, and Wanda had to force herself to ignore the hyper-conscience of your presence beside her to focus on the teacher's words.
"[...] our final assessment will focus on the readings of the semester, by now I expect you all to have finished the mandatory books from the beginning of the year." Agatha commented, distributing to each row a stack of papers. Most of the room seemed alright with it, but you grunted low. Wanda risked a corner-of-eye glance. "I will allow doubles if you keep the volume down." Agatha warned last with a nod and the mood improved considerably.
With papers in hand, Wanda bit her lip anxiously. You were completely crestfallen beside her, and she risked another corner glance before feeling her heart leap when you looked at her, a defeated laugh escaping you.
"I'm screwed, Wands. I was going to read over the vacations, but because of work, I didn't even get halfway through the books. Can you believe it?" You blurted out briefly, shifting your gaze back to the paper in your hands. 
Wanda blinked, not knowing what to say at first, too excited about a potential conversation, before stealing another glance at the paper and realizing she had the perfect opportunity to impress you. 
First, she checked to see if Ms. Harkness was already in her typical bubble of indifference to cheating - a book of erotic romance in hand that she brazenly read during exam periods and a mug of coffee - then Wanda leaned her hand over the paper, switching them between you and ignoring your confused look.
"What are you...?" But your question was shushed, and when you noticed Wanda choosing the alternatives, you leaned in just enough to disconcert her for a moment. "That's nice of you, but you don't have to-"
"I'm trying to answer my test, miss." She interrupted you with a falsely serious tone, a smile threatening to break on her lips. You stared at her but had to turn away at the look of curiosity Agatha cast in your direction, deciding to take Wanda's hint and pretend you were reading the paper in front of you.
Wanda decided that you were somewhere between impressed and grateful when the papers were exchanged again a little less than 10 minutes later, and she merely offered you a quick smile.
The class began to empty out and you sighed, starting to gather your own materials since your paper was finished. Wanda didn't have time to let the insecurities go to her own head, as in the motion of getting up, you leaned gently toward her.
"I'll make it up to you, Maximoff. Just tell me how." You whispered before walking away completely, and even after she went to hand over her own article, Wanda was still shaking.
Keeping it together, she left the class in search of Natasha, needing to share the occurrence with her friend for reassurance that she was not delusional.
Natasha, as expected, did not miss the opportunity to torment her as she listened: A hearty laugh escaped her when she heard the way the event was described.
Wanda crossed her arms. "Stop it." She demanded to the laughing other, waiting for Nat to wipe away the tears of laughter.
"For the love of god, you are total simp." Mocked the redhead, to which Wanda huffed in irritation. "I'm kind of jealous of Y/N now, Maria never performed my exams in my place."
Grunting in embarrassment, Wanda turned her body in the opposite direction in the gym. P.E. wasn't her favorite class, but it was one of the few mandatory ones she shared with Natasha so it served to gossip at least. 
And her friend, who was wearing a sports uniform like her, was still having an easy laugh about the whole story.
"Hey, don't get all grumpy. Even though you're a disaster with no game at all, it's cute to see someone like you with all the puppy dog eyes." And Nat was specifically talking about the mixed look between emo and skater girl that Wanda carried as her signature style, which made the smaller girl squeeze her eyes at the thought.
"I don't do puppy dog eyes for anyone." She retorted between teeth. She turned her attention back to the sports court, where some of the class evaluations had already begun. Some of her classmates were playing a friendly basketball match, with coach Okoye taking notes on performances in the corner of the gym. And fate played with her once again when you went through one of the side doors, your eyes circling the place for a moment until you found Okoye, who interrupted the game when you reached her.
You and the trainer chatted briefly about something - Wanda couldn't deny that she was staring, nor did she care for the teasing smile Natasha gave you about her expression. 
The next moment you walked clumsily into the game, greeting the people around you with polite smiles.
Okoye stepped forward. "Five baskets, Miss Bishop. And you get your A." Announced the coach, resulting in a chorus of excitement from the rest of the class and a shy chuckle from her.
Some of the boys passed the basketball to you and with a sigh of preparation, you moved into the shooting position. By now the whole class had stopped to watch, and at least that was an excuse for Wanda's watchful eye.
You hit three in a row, and Wanda had to bite her tongue to keep the sighs down with every bit of skin exposed by the leaping motion to shoot the basket.
Natasha was almost bursting into laughter again. 
Missing the fourth by a hair's breadth, the small audience reacted with a chorus and the noise was enough for Wanda to wake up from her trance, her cheeks burning.
You got your A shortly after and were surrounded by the improvised team, receiving some clapping and praise. Bucky was in the crowd and made a comment about inviting you to join the team the following year officially, his hand on your shoulder as you laughed half breathless and red-faced, from the activity of course.
"They're way too close, don't you think?" Wanda commented bitterly to Natasha beside her, her chest burning every second longer that Bucky's hand remained on your shoulder. Natasha raised her eyes to the scene trying to understand what it was all about. She laughed shortly when she did.
"You know Bucky is not really into...?" She began but Wanda didn't absorb her words, simply standing up next and walking away. "Hey, don't do something stupid!" Natasha warned as she saw the direction her friend was going.
Your relaxed posture broke completely when Wanda appeared in your field of vision, and her determined look made you swallow dry.
"Hey, Wands, what's up?" You tried to sound casual, definitely not used to the intense gaze in your direction. 
Before Wanda could answer, Bucky entered the conversation, still touching you for some reason.
"Hey, Maximoff, did you see what Y/N just did? I was just saying how incredible it would be to have her on the team next semester! But the geek here thinks it has nothing to do with sports, how about helping me convince her?" He was so friendly that Wanda almost felt bad that she wanted to strangle him. Almost. He slung an arm around your shoulders, and she clenched her wrists.
"Actually I think it's quite important to respect her choice." Wanda returned in a coolness sufficient for Bucky to stare at her in shock. "And personal space." She added, her gaze on his arm around her. 
Bucky chuckled uneasily. "Of course, I was only joking..." He muttered embarrassedly, moving away. You frowned in confusion at the whole scene, but Wanda cast another near-deadly glance at the boy next to you.
"Very funny indeed. Will you excuse us so I can talk to her in private?" She practically demands, a deadly stare in the boy's direction, who swallows dryly in fear and simply waves goodbye, leaving you two alone. 
You chuckle cluelessly as you stare back at her. "Did you two have a fight or something?" 
Wanda narrows her eyes at you. "Does it matter to you? Do you like him or whatever?"
Though the aggressiveness surprises you, you smirk, raising an eyebrow at her. "Actually I do." You retort, studying every micro-expression of the deadly look on Wanda's face and reveling in it. "I've known Bucky since elementary school."
Wanda lifts her chin, crossing her arms. "You know what I mean."
Imitating her posture, your expression is one of teasing while hers is one of pure irritation. "Wow, do I? I'm not sure. You wanted to know if I'm friends with Bucky, right?" You challenge, cracking a smile as Wanda huffs in irritation and looks away. Having a little pity finally, you add, "I know what you mean. But my question is... why do you care?" 
You sounded more vulnerable than you originally planned, but it was a good thing because it affected Wanda. She looked down at the floor, taking a deep breath before uncrossing her arms and risking a look at you again, something she couldn't maintain for long once she started talking.
"I was just thinking... we have fun together and it would be nice, I don't know if we did that more often.... hang out, I mean." Natasha was right. She was a disaster. Swallowing dry again, Wanda tried to sound firmer. "I would like to go out with you. Just the two of us, if you like the idea. If not, it could be as a way of thanking me for the test, as friends. I...could live with the pain of rejection, I guess."
You break into a shy laugh with the last sentence, nodding slightly. Wanda smiles, equally coy, and tries to study your face the answer. She doesn't need to, because you move close enough for her to notice the difference in the shades of your iris color.
"I would love to go out with you, Wanda. But are you sure you want to throw your thanks away like that? I'll do whatever you want to pay you back..." Your tone ends low and suggestive, and Wanda holds her breath, blushing heavily at the line her thoughts go.
"Anything?" She asks in a husky voice, and you hum back, noses brushing together. 
Wanda even closes her eyes, expecting the impact that never comes. Instead, the sound of a whistle makes you both jump.
All this time, she has forgotten that she was in the middle of the sports court, and you walking away with an embarrassed laugh and waving in apology to Coach who has restarted the tests makes her blush even more than before.
She has no resistance to your hand entwining itself in hers to pull her off the court, to the benches on the opposite side.
"I have to go now, sorry. Will you text me?"
Wanda pouts. Damn, if Pietro could see her now, he would mock this for the rest of the century. You smile, your hands coming up to squeeze her cheeks.
"Sorry, cutie. They changed my shift because we're short-staffed, that's why I asked the coach to take the PE exam so promptly." You clarify, and Wanda is pleased by the color your cheeks acquire when she slips her arms around your waist.
"It's all right, I understand." She assures you with a smile. "Would it be okay if I picked you up from work today? We could hang out after...?"
You bite back a smile, eyes glittering with mischief. "Actually, Bucky usually drives me home..."
Wanda raises an eyebrow and you break into a laugh. She snorts, turning her face away. "I could drive you to work."
"Sounds romantic." You mutter, and Wanda bites the inside of her cheek.
"And for school, too."
"And we're not even dating, look at that." You tease, and she giggles shyly, swallowing dryly at your hands moving across her shoulders.
"We can change that." She risks, and despite the color of your cheeks, you move one of your hands to touch the tip of her nose in a playful gesture.
"Take me on a date first. If you do well, maybe I'll think about it." You retort, and she rolls her eyes in amusement. She's about to complain that you're having too much fun with her awkwardness when you simply break the distance and kiss her on the mouth.
Wanda gasps, squeezing your waist and reciprocating in the next second. But just as she's going to deepen the best feeling she's ever felt, you gently push her by the shoulders.
"Easy there, tiger. We're in school." You taunt, giggling shyly and as breathless as she is. 
Wanda thinks her brain has melted: All she can do is stare at you with a stupid grin and nod silly at everything you're saying. 
"I really have to go now. Although I doubt I'll be able to concentrate on work after this." You confess in a casual tone and Wanda bites her lips, resisting the urge to kiss you again as she watches you pull away. With a wink, you turn your back on her and leave the gym.
When Wanda sits back down next to Natasha, the redhead laughs low beside her.
"No puppy dog eyes my ass." She mutters wryly, falling into laughter when Wanda slaps her on the back of the head.
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taintedges · 16 days
*tiny little polished shoes running across igneous rock* inkblade headcanons perchance?
You can’t just say perchance!
However, I am absolutely honored to be asked. All takes place after junior year.
This one, I thought of after the little epilogue they had. With them hinting that Adaine and Aelwyn will hunt their mother down maybe during summer break, they will probably need a little party of their own to do that.
So the rest of the bad kids are busy. Kristen and her four-god pantheon, Riz trying and failing to de-stress, Fig’s podcast with Sandra Lynn ep. 69, Fabian buffing up to welcome his new sibling, Gorgug probably busy in his new bench with Mary Ann. And going back to the forest of Sylvaire is certainly going to be difficult for just two wizards.
Jawbone trying to both be a helpful parent and school counselor, suggests they bring trg or now high five heroes(?), let's face it they need some practical applications outside school.
Adaine absolutely hates this idea and does not think another wizard would be useful (she strongly emphasizes that Oisin should be excluded)
Aelwyn provides her own sassy remarks but surprisingly becomes the mediator when an argument happens, which is often.. usually when Oisin tries to refine parts of the plan and puts forward his many “better” ideas which, of course, he has.
And even when Adaine admits to herself that his plan makes more sense she doesn’t ever give up an argument. At first, Oisin doesn’t reciprocate but his cattiness comes out and the whole thing just escalates.
During travel when the silence is too awkward, Oisin will start talking about a book he really likes, and Adaine just roasts his taste even though she probably thinks the opposite.
They may have saved each other from dying multiple times in combat and will awkwardly say thank you after.
There are times when the forest gets too dark and Adaine remembers the last time she was there and how scary it was to face her fears alone. She often wonders if it was the same when Oisin died before getting forced with a rage star in him.
Sometimes they stay up talking at night when she can’t trance and finds him the only one still awake.
When they start to become familiar with each other’s magic, they become totally in sync during a battle (the rest of the group pretends not to notice how good they work together).
Sometimes Oisin wonders how Adaine would know something about his magic that he didn’t talk about (in my head, when tbk snooped around Ruben’s house and Adaine was in his wizard’s tower, I think she studied everything she found and probably took some of his stuff too, perhaps his quill and Oisin certainly notice it missing and wonders how it got into Adaine’s backpack. He doesn’t take the quill back after seeing that Adaine likes using it.)
Adaine also would threaten Oisin to teach her how he created the spells inside ping pong balls all while making remarks about what he did.
Oisin carries Boggy around when the familiar doesn’t immediately follow Adaine. Adaine just assumes Boggy always follows her and Oisin secretly likes stealing Boggy, who is just happy to be here because he now has two parents.
I think Oisin’s crush on Adaine dissipates and only comes back 10x harder at the end of their quest when he sees how capable she is.
Here’s a fun one. Coming back after their adventure, a party at Seacaster Manor in anticipation for senior year.
Adaine gets drunk on bad baby milk and insists on playing beer pong with Oisin.
Ivy is teasing because Oisin actually cannot make a shot (for real, not on purpose).
The drunker Adaine gets the more careless she becomes and hurls the ping pong ball at Oisin and boy do they hurt.
Bickering starts and tbk and trg are no help until Ragh intervenes and puts them on time-out upstairs. Bad idea.
Probably for the first time, Adaine admits that she thought he was cute and bluntly asks him if it was all a ruse to undermine her party and WHY HE MESSAGED HER SORRY AT THE CAFETERIA he could have just not said anything and left her alone.
Oisin does admit that he did like her then and he still likes her now, but the rest of senior year is just Oisin groveling.
Adaine has many times placed ping pong balls with spells written in them in his locker so that when he opens it, his things just fly out and he has to clean it up (I rewatched the scene and Adaine’s really disappointed expression tells me she will not let this go). trg finds this absolutely hilarious and are the ones who kept telling her his locker combinations.
Oisin continues therapy sessions with Jawbone and they find each other there after school.
One time Adaine accidentally left Boggy in Jawbone’s office so Oisin comes to her after to return him.
And every single time after that, Adaine just leaves Boggy on purpose. Jawbone notices (because Boggy just stares at him with his big round eyes. Boggy knows what to do even when Adaine doesn't tell him) but doesn’t say a thing.
One time, tbk are outside on one of the benches when Oisin comes to return Boggy, Kristen’s like, "What’s going on are you co-parenting?"
There’s no formal conversation, just a mutual understanding that Adaine isn’t angry anymore and trusts Oisin to always bring Boggy back.
Do they talk during these interactions? Not at first. But after it became a routine, now they hang out in the library, in Mordred Manor, and of course at Basrar’s.
Some days, Adaine doesn’t leave Boggy at all and Oisin just knows to find her at the end of the day.
This might have been too long.
I cannot write romance for the life of me but I try. Perchance these would suffice because this is a crisis and we are in drought!
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sashi-ya · 7 months
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𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟑 DAY 30: CNC Ghostface! Aizen Sosuke x F! Reader
Requested by: @stygianoir ➡ For kinktober cnc with aizen and fem reader plz tw: mdni. ⚡ CNC (rape play; be extremely careful)⚡ Fear play. Aizen gets to wear a Ghostface "costume". oral sex. vag sex. It is a play, the situation has been consented by reader before. wc: 1.3k masterlist
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There is not much around, but total darkness. It’s freezing, and so humid; your lips feel the cracking effect of an icy breeze. You have absolutely no idea where you are, but still the scent of his skin fills your nose.
Pinned against a wall, or what could have been a wall before, you begin to tremble. Someone, taller and stronger, has trapped you and you can’t walk away. Like the little red riding hood, being trapped by the wolf... you will get devoured.
Gloved claw passes from behind to your neck, while his whole body seems to crush you.
“What are you doing here? Didn’t they tell you not to wonder through these lands all alone and so late at night?” he asks, kissing your cheek with lips that reminded you of your past.
Your throat feels dry, your legs are quivering.
“A girl like you should not be here, or else bad… bad things may happen to you”  he whispers, and you soon notice he is wearing a hooded cape and a white Ghostface mask.
“I missed you” he whispers, this time letting you hear his voice perfectly fine. “Sosuke…? Is that you?”
His free hand reaches for your lower belly while the other goes from your neck to your mouth.
“You shouldn’t say my name…” he scoffs, sliding one of his hands to your core and under your ruffled skirt.
You try to escape, pushing him back so that you can run. With all your strength, and because he wanted to, he lets you free.
You start running under an October night sky, through the nature boundaries of that creepy town. The crunching sound of dry branches cracking under your feet as you walk, the cold breeze hitting your cheeks… and him, running behind you, playfully giving you enough distance to run but to still see him… knowing deep inside, he could reach you whenever he is done playing.
“I have everything planned, (Name)! I know exactly what you are gonna do!” he scoffs, standing still for some minutes in the middle of a forest of tall trees where the moonlight barely filters through.
With tears in your eyes, you get your clothing ripped as you fall into the muddy ground. But you aren’t stopping; you need to run… more, and more.
But your lungs can’t keep up; your heart pumps more blood than what it’s used to, a gushing sound on your ears, the bewildering sound of your desperate panting.
You search for somewhere to hide; somewhere where you could stay and pray for him to walk away… for him not to find you.
An old, about to crash down, cabin catches your attention. There is no light, but still looks like a safe space where you could take cover.
You ran, in silence, covering your mouth not to make any sound, walking on eggshells, praying for the sound of the leaves breaking underneath your feet not to alert him in any way.
Soon, you slide inside. It’s as old as you thought, there is barely anything inside. You can’t see anything. Blindly you touch the floor, perhaps you could find something to defend yourself with. But instead, you find a secret door.
You ask yourself if it might be a basement, pulling from the latch with utmost care to see. And indeed, it is. A perfect place to hide, he could get into the cabin but will never think of the existence of such secret space.
“Where aaaareee youuuu, doll? Are you scared? Don’t be! This is what happens to girls like you anyway ~” you can hear him signing in the distance. Your skin gets bumpy, and immediately after you jump into that dark basement no matter if there  might be spiders inside.
You wait, closing your eyes and covering your mouth. He has gone silent, and there is barely a little ray of moonlight filtering through one of the cracks of the wooden basement door.
Maybe he has left already; maybe he walked to another direction… maybe he got tired of searching for you…
< tap… tap… tap… >
The sudden sound of footsteps gives you chills running through your spine. He is inside the cabin.
“Listen doll… I don’t really wanna hurt you… You know who I am, I am your friend… get out, ok?” he scoffs, walking around the cabin. You can hear him; you can even see the shoe soles over your head now.
He simply turns around, and after some minutes of silence you can hear him sigh. “I bet she is not here… oh… but what a shame”
You breathe alleviated, thinking that he might be leaving the cabin soon… but you were wrong…
The basement door suddenly opens and his masked face peeks through it. “Hmm… I told you I knew exactly what you were gonna do, (Name)” he says, calmed but still a little annoyed.
You walk back; you can’t run away now. There is no way you could. You are now a caged prey.
He jumps inside and closes the door with a slam. Everything creeks and dust flies creating particular figures when the moonlight shines on it.
You kneel on the floor, pleading for mercy, sure you are about to wet yourself from the fear.
“Please… don’t kill me…” you pray. “I won’t kill you… who told you that? I won’t hurt you unless you stay calm and let me fuck you…” he murmurs, taking his mask off.
You swallow, turning yourself into a ball that’s soon destroyed as he pulls from your hair to lift you up.
“No, no… I won’t be able to fuck you if you do that…” he says, looking at your teary façade.
“I… Sosuke… please” you sniff, knowing the satire underneath the mask oh so very well.
Aizen slaps your face, not strong to hurt you but enough to be felt;  “Shh…” he commands, opening the black cape to reveal his erection ready to be forced in you.
“Now, stick your tongue out… come on” he orders, as he guides his sex into your mouth with no respect for any of your boundaries whatsoever.
Your head hits the wall behind, but he doesn’t mind and instead he begins to fuck your mouth. Ferociously leaving you out of breath, enjoying the way the gagging sounds fill the place and your saliva coats his hard shaft.
“Ngh… such a good girl!” he grunts, while you kick and fight and fail miserably enough. “Now, I think I might wanna fuck you… look at your slutty outfit, good choice baby”
When you are free to breath, he pulls you up and turns you around. Your face hits the dusty, humid wall and the sound of your clothes ripping is all you can remember.
His hands land on your breasts, as he squeezes hard and savagely. His chin, carves on your shoulder and you can feel his erection grazing your entrance, mixing with your juices and his.
“Dripping wet… you like this, don’t you? You like being raped by me, mh?” he grunts in your ear, pinching your nipples enough to make you scream.
“No… no.. I don’t… no… don’t do this, Sosuke please” you whine and plead -even in your back is curled enough for your core to fully feel the warmth of his dick.
“Mhhh…” he smiles, you don’t really need to see his face to know how that smirk looks.
Aizen doesn’t even care about taking your panties away, he simply moves them aside and with no hesitation he penetrates you.
You hit your forehead to the wall, as he has snatched your arms and pulls them back for better gripping. He starts fucking you rougher than ever, so hard that you can barely stand.
“Nghh… fuck, don’t stop” you moan, desperate for more. “Dicked down and you forget your victim paper, huh? Wasn’t I supposed to rape you tonight?” Aizen grunts, laughing after.
“I can’t keep up… I want more, Sosuke please…” “I knew you were gonna act like this by now, turn around come on”
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Taglist: @miabiaria @carmenthedreamer @stygianoir @electronicwitchcollection @aizenwifey @deputy-videogamer @efrodd17 @mizugami @uzxotic @cyberdazetragedy @bookandyarndragon @fushiguroshotwife 💖🙆‍♀️
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schrodinger-swriter · 4 months
oooh for the fluff alphabet: how abt a, d, j, and z for sir pentious?
A, D, J, and Z for Sir Pentious
I'll be attempting to answer these as they come in, which shouldn't be too much of a problem as I'm getting an itch to write! I hope you enjoy this, Anon. C:
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I think, using Cherri Bomb as a reference, he enjoys people that are more open and out there. Perhaps someone he is on an equal level to, or perhaps even below. Though, I like to think he would enjoy a partner who is in a similar league of intelligence as him or have an interest in creation. Someone who is bold and speaks their mind, and is unapologetic about it. I think it also balances out Sir Pentious' personality as well. I do enjoy the thought that he would enjoy an attentive partner, someone who would pour as much of themselves into him, as he does for them.
He likes to take you onto his ship and drive... fly... around, showing you the sites that the pride ring has to offer to you. May take this as a chance to show off his skills in machinery by boasting about the ship itself. However, long walks where the two of you are alone and taking in the view around you... conversing one on one is a common go to for him. Basing this around the time period he died in, your outings together are typically more private. I do think his way of things evolved as he spent his time in hell, taking on some more modern approaches such as asking you out to dinner or to see a movie.. but the classic approach will always be his first and preferred option.
I enjoy the idea of Sir Pentious channeling the negative feelings that come with his jealous to himself. He's insecure, he doesn't have the most faith in himself in regards to relationships. He would still try to fight for your attention, though, even if it means making a fool of himself by the end of it. Perhaps, if it comes to a head he might pour out how he feels to you in a last ditch effort to win you over if there are outside influences or he feels the other person is about to steal you away; this is more likely if you two aren't together yet, though.
Oftentimes he curls himself around you, pressing himself about you. I've written a similar post, where I tackle cuddling
He doesn't have a preference of being big spoon or little spoon, but he does have a preference for his nest. Sometimes he might shoo his egg boiz to the side so he can have you to himself. Though the idea of him letting them snuggle into you too is sweet. He commonly wraps his tail around you, locking you in place until he wakes up... perhaps the first few times this happens he's very apologetic, fearing that he may have overstepped. Reassure him that you don't mind, if you truly don't. He'd be crushed if he found out you weren't but lied to save his feelings. I think it would be funny if he had a funny snore, similar to the "honk shoo honk shoo" meme(?), or something within that lane.. so good luck with that.
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