#I can't believe I'm finally going to sleep tonight without nightmares
mrsfitzgerald · 1 year
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27.05.23. video: @naraism ✨💖
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hooked on a feeling - bucky b.
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summary You're an overthinker and instead of sleeping you are listening to music in the living room, when Bucky decides to join you and you two end up dancing together and kissing
wordcount 920
warnings none; fluff; mentions of insomnia, overthinking and nightmares
Being part of the Avengers is not always easy. Your mind is constantly thinking about the next mission, or the last, about all the (possible) danger out there and so much more. Basically, you're an overthinker. And your thoughts are loudest when the world around you is quiet, like at nights.
As usual you toss and turn in your bed, unable to find sleep. After what feels like hours you decide to get up. You tip toe into the dark and quiet living room, as the others are most likely asleep by now. You only turn on the small light in the kitchen as you make yourself a cup of tea and wait patiently for the water to boil.
With the mug in your hands you walk over to one of the big windows and turn on the stereo system on the go. As you sip your tea and watch out the window some old songs start to play, quiet enough to not wake up the others but loud enough for your thoughts to shut down. Music has always helped you to calm your mind. You can't help but hum softly to the songs and start to sway just a tiny bit.
After a while you hear someone clearing his throat behind you and you turn around surprised, just to find Bucky leaning against the kitchen counter with crossed arms, watching you.
"Oh, hey Bucky" you greet him with a shy smile, embarrassed that you got caught.
"Hey doll" His voice is deep and low, almost a bit hoarse. "Can't sleep?"
You shake your head and look back outside with a sigh. "No, as usual..."
Bucky sighs and walks over next to you and looks out the window as well. "Me neither"
It wasn't unusual for you and Bucky to meet in the living room in the middle of the night as you both suffer from insomnia and stuff. You two always got along well. Some nights you talk about his nightmares or your thoughts, others you just enjoy each others company in silence while listening to some music. Tonight seems to be one of those nights.
After some time one of your favorite songs come on - Hooked on a Feeling and Bucky turns his head to look at you. "This is your favorite, no?"
You smile softly at him, he really paid attention, didn't he? "Yeah, on of my favorites"
Bucky nods and listens to the familiar "Ooga-Chaka" line before he then joins in to the lyrics. "I can't stop this feeling..."
To say you are surprised would be an understatement. Bucky has never sung to you before and you didn't even know that he knows the lyrics to this song.
"Deep inside of me..." He continues. "Girl, you just don't realize" He turns his head to you and sings with this smug grin on his face "What you do to meee"
You can't help but join in as well. "When you hold me, in your arms so tight..."
"You let me know"
"Everything's alright" You finish Buckys line.
"I'm hooked on a feeling!" Bucky sings now, his voice no longer low like before, but more powerful and he seems to be a lot more at ease then when he joined you at the window.
"I'm high on believing!" you sing now same as him, a huge grin plastered on your face and your overthinking long gone.
"That you're in love with me" Bucky sings and then stretches his hand out for you to take. So you do just that and without warning Bucky spins you around. "Lips as sweet as candy!"
You two continue to sing and dance to the song. Bucky pulls you a bit closer with every line until you are interwined completely, swaying to the music. You feel hypnotized by his movements and his voice and it feels like right now the world around you is gone. Both if you seem to just live in this moment and enjoy it to the fullest as Bucky spins you around in the dim light of the living room.
Finally the last verse comes on and you are pressed against Buckys chest, his metal hand on your back and his other still holding yours gently as he sings with more passion this time, looking directly into your eyes. "I'm hooked on a feeling"
"And I'm high on believing" you sing along as Bucky places your hand on his shoulder and brushes a strand of hair out of your face gently.
"That you're in love with me" He almost whispers those last words as his hand cups your cheek and you feel like it meant more than a simple song lyrics.
Bucky leans slowly closer to you, his hold on you firm but still gentle until his face is only inches apart from yours. You can feel his hot breath againt your lips and for a moment Bucky hesitates before closing the gap between you two and kissing you softly. You close your eyes and lean into the kiss without thinking, your heart skipping a beat.
When he pulls away again he can see the soft blush on your cheeks and smiles gently. "Always wanted to do that, doll" Bucky whispers before starting to sway with you in his arms once again as the next song comes on.
And so you spent the rest of the night dancing to the music and exchanging sweet kisses every now and then, both of you feeling at ease and happy.
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pastafossa · 2 years
oh great and noble Pasta, tell me, did you get to sleep in your own room/bed last night? I genuinely hope you get to sleep for like 3 days straight after all this
Not only did I get to sleep IN MY OWN BED in my OWN ROOM last night, for the FIRST TIME since the fiberglass nightmare began...
But I slept a glorious fourteen hours without waking.
I woke to sunshine. But, more importantly - I woke to no coughing. No wheezing. No chest pain. No gritty, fiberglass filled eyes. NO. FUCKING. FIBERGLASS. Even after I went over the room with a flashlight (a tiny bit permastuck in the AC unit's sealant foam in the window but that ain't going anywhere).
I won't lie. I howled in victory. I screamed. I maybe cried a lot little. I sprinted around in bare feet like a child just because I could. I thought about going back to sleep because i'm still exhausted and i think i could sleep for a week.
I sent this pic to a bunch of my friends because this is a BED that was SLEPT IN and I don't CARE if the walls are unpainted and I don't have new nightstands or lights yet, I HAVE MY BED BACK.
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And the day just got better! Because I'd slept long enough that I came down to my NEW GD KEURIG REPLACEMENT which means I COULD HAVE COFFEE and by that I mean THE NEW COFFEE I WANTED TO TRY.
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AND THEN. And THEN when I thought today couldn't get better, I was outside working on hosing off my stuff (since some is still fiberglass coated and it's slow going since I have to be thorough)... ANOTHER package came.
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In short, friend, I have had am AMAZING night of sleep and then a wonderful day that I really really needed after a month of fiberglass and coughing and an air mattress that made my chronic pain hurt something terrible and cut up hands hands and zero sleep and gaslighting and losing so many treasured little things.
I'll still be mopping and sweeping the floors every day, and wiping down surfaces just to be safe, for a few more weeks. I still have things that need to be cleaned of fiberglass, and I need to figure out how to clean out the vaccuum safely since I've used it for fiberglass cleanup. But... I believe we can now say officially, that my room is no longer a hazard, and this stage of the fiberglass cleanup IS COMPLETE.
And I can't wait to sleep another 14 hours tonight. 😩
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cristobalrios · 7 months
CW: Suicide mention, mind control, manipulation and reality distortion. Religious imagery. Inspired by the Chilean myth of the ghost ship Caleuche.
La Leyenda del Caleuche
Slowly I felt I lost my mind. What did I expect to find? To see you as the realms collide And find you waiting on the other side?
The storm rages on and their song calls to me, Luring me in to drown in the sea. I don’t know why I thought I might find you there But I felt I’d regret it if I didn’t dare.
On this eve before the hallowed saints And lost loved ones are honored, I have no restraint My love is beside me, loyal and strong, Trying to keep me away from their song.
He doesn’t understand what I need to do That the only way to get to you Is to throw myself into the ocean deep And let her gently lull me to sleep.
But when I do, will I find you there? To rescue me from the depths of despair? On this night when lost loved ones are near, Will you come to me, will I find you here?
But this won’t change what happened to you. You won’t come back no matter what I do. You didn’t drown in the sea, you took your own life, Did Caleuche still come for you in the night?
Did La Sirena guide your soul to her mast, Will I ever be able to make up for my past? When you drowned in your guilt, did she rescue your soul, And give you a place where you can still be whole?
Did she give you a second chance at life, Will I finally be released from my strife? Or did she enslave you to her decks forever? Would we be trapped with her here together?
But my love waits for me faithfully, I have someone true who is dear to me. I can't let him down when he gives me his heart, Even though I'm so close to falling apart.
I'll be strong for him, so maybe I'll try To guide you to be here by my side, We'll meet again, but just for tonight, When I finally see those sails of white.
But after that we will say goodbye, And my love and I will return to the sky, Knowing you have found a home, And you'll be watching us wherever we roam.
La Pesadilla del Caleuche
Slowly I knew I lost my mind. Why did I expect to find You ready to absolve my sins, And waiting there to let us in?
Did I think that I could make things right, Finally make up for what happened that night? Instead I bound you to this fate, My attempts to reconcile would be too late.
My desire to reconnect with my past, And put you to rest at last, Made you appear as an enemy When I should have been honoring your memory.
I knew the stories, and thought she’d be kind, Not knowing she fed off of my mind Appearing as what I expected from her; Her manifestations a twisted mirror
Reflecting my own thoughts back at me, Showing me what I wanted to see. But my mind is so twisted and filled with despair, This dream could only be a nightmare.
She showed me what I thought I'd deserve To make me bend to her will and to serve Trying to manipulate my mind So my soul to her I would willingly bind.
Why would I be so naïve? Only seeing what I want to believe? With everything we’ve been through Caleuche, I still had faith in you.
But that was just the faith of a boy, That has had all he loves ripped away and destroyed Who clung to one last thread of hope Of having a father to help me cope.
I endangered everything I held dear, Just for the chance of finding you here. I dragged him here and put him through hell, The man I should put above all else.
And without a thought he followed me And when I was trapped, fought for me to be free. I know I can always depend on his love, He is the one who was sent from above.
Captain, I must let you go To break from her spell I must tell her no, He's the only one I trust with my soul, My mind and my heart, and all my control.
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janthonyfell · 8 months
16 please!!! On the drunken love confessions
Prompt writing: Drunk Love Confession
Prompt: “This is not a dream, I think. I'm my dreams we're usually kissing.”
Ship: Terzo x Copia (if you consider them brothers that's on you, for me they're not related.)
"This is not dream, I think. In my dreams we're usually kissing."
Terzo let out a sigh as his head rested against Copia's; his eyes had been closed for a while, maybe so the world would stop spinning or maybe so he could remember in as much detail as possible Copia's body lying next to his in that little chair they had decided to share believing they would actually fit in there together. He couldn't really complain. Even without being in such direct proximity Copia's body was radiating the heat needed to keep him warm in the cold of the night.
"What do you mean?" Copia moves from his side and Terzo almost falls to the ground before picking himself up. Papa lets out a groan at losing touch with the other man.
"I mean tonight has been perfect, you've been perfect and when things are this good they're dreams, and whenever I dream of you we kiss because even when I'm sleeping I can't help but want to be with you " he speaks slurring his words in his sentence and too defeated to face the cardinal.
Instead, the Papa rubs his face with both of them. He might lament that he is not having full control of what comes out of his mouth but to be fair neither of them will remember in the morning those words.
"That's why I think this isn't a dream” Terzo continues. “We never last long enough to live through that kiss and the silly 'they lived happily ever after' as much as I'd love to."
The silence after that is a bit devastating, to be honest. Whether it's seconds, minutes or hours, Terzo feels every instant after that fall on himself like nails in his coffin. He wishes the cardinal had fallen asleep at that moment so the silence doesn't feel so hard.
But anyway, he dares to look at Copia, with the heart suddenly rushing and the throat tight.
"I guess it might as well be a nightmare if it's going to end like this" he whispers although he's not quite sure if the words came out of his mouth and just passed in his thoughts.
The first idea seems accurate because Copia turns to look at him at last. His face is that puzzle that will take Terzo years to solve but that he want that enough to put in the effort to learn all its complexity.
Finally Copia smiles. He laughs too. And Terzo feels even his ears turn red with embarrassment.
"You will never cease to amaze me, T." Copia keeps that smile on his lips, the one that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle and he looks somehow more beautiful.
"Should I be offended by that?" the Papa frowns. "I'm too drunk for this, Copia. Don't play with me."
"Maybe you should be offended. Anyway my point is: you know you could have asked me for a kiss from the start, right? You are literally our Anti Pope how can you be so terrified of asking someone for a kiss?"
Well, it does offend him a little but Copia has as point too. Terzo doesn't answer him but he knows the answer very well: it's because it has to happen naturally, he doesn't want to ask because he doesn't want to live through the rejection but he also doesn't want to make it seem like he wants a kiss just because he can ask for it.
Terzo really needs to feel Copia's mouth against his, just to confirm if it's as perfect as he dreamed.
"I'm too drunk for this Copia, I told you" he mutters in frustration, snuggling against himself though not for long. Cardinal grabs him by the cheeks until they are face to face.
"I'll prove to you it's not a dream" he says so softly and then he keeps his word. Copy kisses him. And if Terzo didn't have his senses numbed it would be even better but it still fills him with a unique warmth in his chest.
The kiss lasts barely a few seconds but it's enough to stick in the memory.
"I really like you Copia."
"I can't believe it has taken us so long and so many bottles of wine to get to this but I like you too" The Cardinal lets out a laugh and that causes a thousand bats to flutter in the Papa's belly. "Now, are there any other dreams that can come true for you right now?"
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sarah-sandwich · 5 days
Beautiful Short Loser
by Ocean Vuong
Stand back, I'm a loser on a winning streak.
I got your wedding dress on backward, playing air guitar in these streets.
I taste my mouth the most & what a blessing.
The most normal things about me are my shoulders. You've been warned.
Where I'm from it's only midnight for a second & trees look like grandfathers laughing in the rain.
For as long as I can remember I've had a preference for mediocre bodies, including this one.
Tell me this, how come the past tense is always longer?
Is the memory of a song the shadow of a sound or is that too much?
Sometimes, when I can't sleep, I imagine Van Gogh singing Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" into his cut ear & feeling peace.
Green voices in the rain, green rain in the voices.
Oh no. The sadness is intensifying. How rude.
Hey [knocks on my skull], can you get me out of here?
That one time Jaxson passed out beside a triple stack of jumbo pancakes at Denny's after top surgery.
I can't believe I lost my tits, he said a minute before, smiling through tears.
The sadness in him ends in me tonight.
It ends tonight! I shouted to the cop who pulled us over for dreaming.
I'm not high officer, I just don't believe in time.
Tomorrow, partly cloudy with a chance.
I'm done talking, sir, I'm saying what I feel.
Inside my head, the war is everywhere.
I'm on the cliff of myself & these aren't wings, they're futures.
For as long as I can remember my body was the mayor's nightmare.
Now I'm a beautiful short loser dancing in the green.
You think I'll need a gun where we're going?
Can you believe my uncle worked at the Colt factory for fifteen years only to use a belt in the end?
Talk about discipline. Talk about good lord.
Maybe he saw that small thing moving through the large thing is more like a bird in a cage than a word in the mouth.
Nobody's free without breaking open.
I'm not sad, he told me once, laughing, I'm just always here.
See, officer? Magic is real—we all disappear.
Why aren't you laughing?
No, not beauty—but you & I outliving it. Which is more so.
Somehow, I got me for days. Got this late light in the yard, leaving blood on the bone
-colored fence. This thrash of spring we drown in to stay awhile & mean it. I mean it when I say I'm mostly
male. That I recall every follicle in the future the way they'll remember god after religion: alone, impossible, & good.
I know. I know the room you've been crying in is called America.
I know the door is not invented yet.
Finally, after years, I'm now a professional loser.
I'm crushing it in losses. I'm mopping the floor where Jaxson's drain bags leaked on his way to bed.
I'm done talking officer, I'm dancing
in the rain with a wedding dress & it makes sense.
Because my uncle decided to leave this world, intact.
Because taking a piece of my friend away from him made him more whole.
Because where I'm from the trees look like family laughing in my head.
Because I am the last of my kind at the beginning of hope.
Because what I did with my one short beautiful life—was lose it
on a winning streak.
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books-and-catears · 2 years
MC has nightmares about the brothers
<- Part 1 + Intro
Part 2
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"My bed is on the smaller side, but it'll keep us warm as we huddle closer. It's a cold night after all." Satan said, as he joined you under the covers.
You were already tucked in and comfortable. His pillow smelt like old books, dried flowers and him of course.
"You mind if I keep a light nearby, MC? I would like to finish this book tonight. Just a few chapters left." He asked, placing the book on his lap.
"No problem at all." You waved him off and turned to sleep with your back towards him. His shoulder and arm were comfortably nudged against as you as he kept reading. And then he heard whispering.
"It's not...it's not what you think... please..not you too...not you..." Your fingers and eyelashed twitched, your whole body felt stiff yet strained.
"MC? MC what's wrong? MC...?" Satan swiftly dropped his book and placed his hand over your head. Should he even be doing this?
He knew a certain amount of dream magic. He couldn't see the dreams themselves, but he could see and hear enough instances from them. But you looked so afraid and you wouldn't tell him about it if you're awake.
"I'm sorry, MC. It's just this once, I swear." He shook his head and willed himself to do it.
"How dare you...how dare you REFUSE A PACT WITH ME? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Oh, are you hoping to become another one of Lucifer's pets too?! "
Satan winced at his own voice and face. This was so long ago. He kicked himself for forgetting this.
"MC, don't listen to him. I'm not him anymore. You changed me, MC, for the better. MC wake up and hear me, please." He gently shook you till you relaxed and opened your eyes.
"Satan?" You were still overwhelmed but hid it anyway. "Sorry, was I... snoring?"
"No. None of that. I just...wait here a minute." He bolted out of the room and brought two mugs full of coffee.
"If you don't mind, MC... would you stay up with me tonight? I think I owe you a fair share of apologies. I'd like to rid you of all the fears and bad memories of us."
One gentle nod from you is all it took. He had you wrapped in blankets, holding your hand listening and talking to you all night.
"I can't believe it! I can finally have you all to myself without my brothers barging in! Make yourself comfortable MC, I'll get you my best blankets."
Asmodeus twirled in circles and hummed music as you laughed and lay down on the bed. You had never seen him this excited.
"Thank you, Asmo." His room was the neatest and smelt the best. You sunk into soft mattress right away.
"No no, MC. You can't go to bed without my skincare routine. Pucker up and puff up your cheeks." He said, hovering over you. His hands graced your cheeks, rubbing a soft serum on you. It was so peaceful, you fell asleep right away.
"Aww MC..." He giggled. "Aren't you the cutest?" He cleaned your face and curled up right next to you. He didn't wake until much later, until he felt you trembling and whimpering.
"Asmo...please believe me...I was only trying to help you...Asmo..please.."
He gasped in horror. In what world would he put you through such anguish?! Of course he believes you! Surely it can't be- oh no. Is it about that time when-?
"MC? Darling, wake up. Noone doubts you. We all love you, especially me. Do you hear me, MC?" He sounded so sincere as he cupped your face.
In the dim light you could see his eyes glowing a perfect pink. They were teary. You reached up to hold him too.
"Asmo... you're here." You muttered.
"Where else would I go, darling? I'd show this side of me to noone else but you." He trusts you, he wants you to know. He won't doubt you again.
You fell asleep holding hands and in the morning he refused to let you get up, insisting he simply had to complete his beauty sleep with you.
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Trauma Nightmares - Ben Miller (Escape Room)
I believe I will be at least one of the first people to make an x reader for this character, which is like, unacceptable. Ben is a cinnamon roll and deserves more love. Get👏🏻with👏🏻the👏🏻program👏🏻sheeple
! ! ! Spoilers for the Escape Room movies ! ! !
(my gif)
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You awoke to the sound of whimpering.
At first, your thoughts immediately went to your dog, maybe he needed to go out? But as you gained more consciousness, you realized it wasn't your dog at all.
You looked over to see your boyfriend's sleeping form in the dark, but you quickly noticed that something was wrong.
You quickly turned on your bedside lamp, illuminating Ben's face to show you his face contorted in a fearful expression, his eyes shut tightly and his fists clenching. He was whimpering and whispering words that only sounded muffled to you.
He was having another nightmare.
As soon as you saw tears streaming down his face, you gently shook him. "Ben." You said as softly as possible, caressing his face. He woke with a jolt, grabbing you by your shoulders tightly, wildly looking around the room in a panic. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay."
Ben was still tense, but his panicked look calmed when his eyes finally landed on your concerned face. He slowly released the vice grip he had on your shoulders. The tension finally being released made you want to wince, but you stayed quiet because you knew he'd feel awful about hurting you, even unintentionally.
Ben frantically ran his fingers through his tangled hair, exhaling a loud shuddering breath.
You took hold of his hand, bringing it up to place a kiss on his knuckles. "It was just a dream."
Ben frowned, "Yeah..."
It was more than just a dream. It was a memory that was even more fucked up being replicated by his subconscious every time he closed his eyes. There were nights where it wasn't so bad, but it was almost always the same...
Ben was in a large room, every inch decorated in a way that would make you think you were in a rich person's mansion. The walls covered with ornate looking wallpaper, the burning fireplace giving the gold patterns a reflective shine. It felt cramped, fancy furniture filling the room that emitted an old, sweet musk that permeated his nostrils. It might've been a cool place to hang out in, if only he wasn't trying to fight for his life.
The walls were closing in as Ben's mental timer counted down, only seconds away from getting crushed to death along with all the expensive looking and fragile furniture, pieces of splintering wood getting lodged in his skin and shards of glass from the chandelier quickly slicing flesh and making him bleed a bright red.
Ben thought he had gotten all the clues, he could've sworn the code for the door was correct. But the walls didn't stop pushing further and further in. The doors wouldn't open. There was no escape. He could never escape...
But he did. He did escape that wretched Minos building and he was here with you, the sweet scent of your freshly washed hair relaxed him more than you could ever know. Just you sitting with him was enough most of the time, he appreciated you so much.
Ben allowed his eyes to close when he felt your soft skin against his, gently running your thumb across his knuckles. Sometimes he wondered if you were an actual angel sent down to help him overcome his PTSD, it felt like it in moments like these.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You voiced softly.
Ben slightly shook his head. "It's the same as always. There would be no point."
You noticed the sweat stains on his shirt and came up with an idea. "How about I run you a hot bath?"
Ben looked at you. "Why?"
You offered a small smile. "It'll help soothe you." And without another word, you pushed your duvet off and stood on the cool carpet, walking to the joint bathroom without waiting for an answer from Ben.
You turned the valve almost all the way to the left, got water soon flowing out of the faucet and quickly filling up the tub. You stepped back into the room to see Ben blankly staring off into space, most likely thinking about his dream over and over again like he usually does.
You didn't understand what he was going through, because you were never in that type of situation. You were never trapped in those escape rooms, and you hoped you never would. The way Ben described it to you, you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy. You wished you knew exactly what he needed, but alas, you weren't a psychologist and you felt helpless when it came to his nightmares/flashbacks. But you did research soothing techniques for people with PTSD, and it helped some.
Whenever Ben had a horrible nightmare and couldn't escape his own head, he'd allow you to take the lead and you'd try your best to help calm his mind. And tonight, it was a hot bath.
You lead Ben into the bathroom like a toddler, gently undressing him and slowly easing him down to sit in the tub. You smiled softly when you heard him let out a sigh, the hot water feeling like heaven against his skin. But he didn't have to say anything to let you know he wanted you to sit with him, his big green puppy dog eyes were practically begging you.
You quickly undressed, not as gracefully as you undressed Ben, but you soon placed yourself to sit behind him. You wrapped your arms around his torso, and he instinctually relaxed against you, your warm skin proving to be more soothing than the hot water that engulfed the two of you.
You soon entangled your fingers in Ben's long, blonde locks, gently working out the knots from his bedhead and massaging his scalp. You smiled softly when you heard him let out a whiny sigh, feeling the muscles in his back finally untensing in your embrace.
"I hate these fuckin' goddamn nightmares..." Ben voiced.
"I know." You frowned, giving a soft kiss to his shoulder. "I know...I wish I could do more to help you."
Ben turned his head to look at you. "Hey..." He brought his hand up to caress your cheek. "Just being here, with me, is more than enough. I honestly don't think I'd be able to keep my sanity if it weren't for you."
You gently shook your head. "You're strong, Ben. You would be okay."
Ben frowned, turning his head back to stare forward. "I'm not as strong as you think I am."
"You are strong. I wouldn't even survive the stress of a situation like that."
"You'd never know until you were in that place. That was the whole point of that goddamn murder maze. Seeing what someone is capable of when their life is on the line." He huffed, tensing once again at the thought of being back at Minos.
You hugged him tighter, laying your head on his shoulder. "You won't have to deal with that evil place ever again, okay? You're safe now."
Ben chuckled bitterly. "Zoey wants me to fly to Manhattan with her, to try and take down Minos. I don't the universe has much safety in store for me any time soon."
"Ben, I thought we talked about this. You don't have to feel obligated to go with Zoey when you want to move on. It's not your fault if she's still stuck there."
"She saved my life. I owe her everything."
You sighed, you knew you couldn't talk him out of it. Now, life debts, you could understand well enough. Zoey was a sweet girl, a bit intense, but for a good reason. If Ben was going to help her take down Minos, you wanted to help too.
"I'm going with you."
Ben's eyes widened, quickly shaking his head, turning around in the tub to face you. "No. No, you can't. It's too dangerous. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you."
"And I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something bad happened to you. If you're going, I'm going too, and you can't talk me out of it."
"I love you, Ben. And I'll be damned if I don't do anything I can to help you." You finally snapped.
Ben blushed, his lip trembling slightly as tears built up his in eyes once again. "I don't want you to go through what I had to. Minos is run by psychopaths and they'll do anything to people for money. I just want you to be safe, at any cost...I've never felt that way about someone before..."
You smiled softly, leaning towards him and placing your hands on his cheeks before fully connecting your lips with his. "As long as we're together," You started once you pulled away, "I believe we'll be okay."
Ben finally nodded, enveloping you in a tight hug and releasing a shaky sigh. "I hope so..."
Ben is my boy, he is very precious so me😊
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rattyoakenbitch · 3 years
❝𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠❞ ─ 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐦
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after all this time, i start asking why i'm staying
were you ever mine?
are we something that's worth saving?
❥ content ; gn reader, eventual fluff, angst, happy ending
❥ warnings ; cursing, themes of cheating
❥ synopsis ; you're will's s/o. when he comes home from work, you can tell he's off. what you didn't expect was him to kick you out.
❥ a/n ; none!
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You call out after hearing the front door to your house open and shut. When you don't get a response, you get up from your laying position on the couch and approach the front door.
There, Will stood. His back was turned to you as he hung up his coat, and although you could not see his face, you could immediately tell he was off. Even the energy around him felt dark and tense.
"Oh, hey, hun.." You said anxiously, trying not to set him off in any way.
Will didn't react to your voice. Instead, he backed away from the clothing rack and walked past you, not even bothering to spare you a look. This wasn't the first time Will acted out like this, especially considering he was exhausted all the time from the work Crawford gave him. But he would at least greet you soon as he walked through the door, not flat out treat you as if you didn't exist.
"Will," you sighed dejectedly, more to yourself than to your boyfriend. You quietly followed him upstairs to the master bedroom, where he began to strip off his work clothes, changing into something more comfortable. Still, he ignored your presence. You had to make another move.
You slowly approached him from behind, placing your hands on his shoulders. You were immediately taken back when he forcefully removed himself from your touch and walked away to another corner of the room.
"Will, I just-"
"What?" he scoffed mockingly, "You just want to help?"
"You're my boyfriend, Will, of course I want to!"
He laughed.
"It certainly doesn't help when you breathe down my neck every fucking minute."
Tears pricked in your eyes, Will's vicious tone scaring you. You searched Will's own eyes, trying to find any trace of remorse or regret. He had none. You didn't even know who you were looking at.
"What are you talking about, Will? When you want space, I give you space. When you want love, I give you love! What more do you want from me?"
"I want you to leave."
And then it was quiet for a moment. You both stood there silently, feet away from each other, eyes burning holes into the others.
"..What?" You stared in disbelief. "Wh- What are you saying right now, Will?"
"I want you to leave. I want you gone, Y/N. I don't need you anymore."
"No," you bit your quivering lips, hot tears spilling down your cheeks. Will averted his stare from your crying form, the floor suddenly becoming more interesting.
"No, you're lying. You're just saying that. You can fool everyone else, but you can't fool me."
"I'm sorry, Y/N." Lies. "It's best if you just leave."
You choked on a sob. "What?! Where is this coming from all of a sudden? We were okay just the other day!"
Will remained silent, still not daring to make eye contact with you.
"Is there someone else?"
"I- No, Y/N. I don't owe you an explanation."
"So this is it, then? You're just gonna kick me out?"
"Please, Y/N. Don't make this harder than it already is."
"This is hard for you?! You're not the one getting kicked out!"
Will sighed, somehow managing to remain calm while you screamed at him.
"I'm sorry." And the conversation ended there.
You began to pack your bags. You also phoned a friend, asking them if you could crash for a bit until you had a stable job and a home. You were not about to sleep on the sofa tonight.
You opened and slammed drawers, taking your anger out on furniture as you took your belongings with you. You also did it to spite Will, who attempted to get some sleep. But he did not complain. He continued to act as if you didn't exist.
It made you wonder. Where did it all go wrong? How long has he thought about leaving you? Was there another person?
Will wouldn't answer your questions. At this point, you didn't wanna know.
You were able to finish packing up within an hour. Will was still wide awake during that time, listening closely to the angry banging of furniture, quiet sniffles and shaky inhales as you tried the best you could to keep your composure.
You loaded all your bags into your car, getting ready to head to your friend's place. You went back inside to get a couple more things and look around the house a final time. You stopped by the front door as you were about to leave, your eyes landing on a picture on the windowsill of you and Will. Your already tired, red eyes welled with tears again. You opened up the frame, sliding the picture out and folding it into your pocket. Not like Will would want it in his house anyway.
And so you left.
You didn't say your goodbyes. You just left.
A week had gone by. Will carried on with his job as usual, attended his therapy sessions, but he never once mentioned you. Not a lot of people knew about you and Will's relationship, or what was once a relationship. Since his coworkers already knew so much, or what Will deemed to be enough information about him, he wanted to keep your relationship secret. Not that you minded.
The only person who knew of your relationship was Alana Bloom and Jack Crawford, but even when it ended, he didn't tell them anything. He didn't tell them how guilty he felt the night he kicked you out. He didn't tell them he still had nightmares about you being harmed. He didn't tell them how he was the one harming you in his nightmares. He didn't tell them how empty he felt when you blocked his number and social medias (ok sorry but like little headcanon here?? will has an instagram and it's just pictures of him fishing / or of his dogs fnsmdnskdjsk).
He never told them how he tried not to stay in his house as often, because it reminded him of you.
He was definitely acting strange at work. It was easy to tell. Even Bev pulled him aside to inquire about his health. But he continued to keep his mouth shut, until he couldn't.
Will rushed to the front door when he heard little taps on the metal screen. Secretly, he hoped it would be you. But when he opened it, there stood Alana Bloom. Will always thought Alana was beautiful. But how could anyone disagree?
Her long, dark waves that framed her perfect, slim face were never unchecked and unkempt. Makeup or none, preppy work uniforms or pajamas, she always seemed to look her best.
You even found yourself feeling small and insecure when Will invited her over for you to meet. But he assured you that she could never even compare to you. You believed it.
Alana's thin lips curled up into a soft smile. "Will. Can I come in?"
"Y-Yeah, sure." He let her in and she walked through the front door for the first time in forever.
"Jeez," she chuckled. "How long as it been?"
"Maybe too long," Will simply replied.
Alana walked around the house, scanning every detail while Will patiently trailed behind her. The dogs were playing outside, so it was just the two of them.
"Why did you decide to come over today?"
"I've been worried about you." She turned around to face Will, who stopped a few feet in front of her. "But now that I'm here in your house, I can see why you've been acting off."
"What's your diagnosis, Doctor?" Will joked, an attempt at lightening the tense air.
"Y/N. They left, haven't they?"
There it is.
Technically, Alana wasn't wrong. You did leave, but Will never clarified in what circumstance.
Will looked at the ground.
"Yeah.. Took all the photos too."
"Hey," Alana began, her finger resting under Will's chin, prompting him to look up at her. "You don't have to hide from me."
A week had gone by. A long, lonely, miserable week. You crashed at your friend's for two nights before your parents invited you to live with them while you worked on getting back on your feet. They didn't live too far, so you thanked your friend for their hospitality and moved in with your parents.
As you finished unpacking your stuff, you realized you were missing some things. You cursed at the realization you would probably have to pick up some stuff from Will's.
You still had the key, so you would have no problem getting in, unless he had the lock changed of course. You were only worried about running into him.
What the hell?
You got dressed. You didn't wear anything fancy, but in case you ran into Will, you felt obligated to look presentable and show him that you could still make it without him. You decided on doing a bit of makeup. Again, nothing fancy. Just enough to conceal the dark circles under your eyes and make your features pop.
And then you headed on the dreadful drive to Will's place.
When you got there, you were too nervous and too focused on making the trip quick to even notice Alana's car in his driveway.
However, what did catch your attention, were the many dogs Will owned. They ran up to you as soon as they recognized you. They panted as they jumped and wagged their tails, expressing their happiness the most they could. You tried your best to pet them all, your mouth lifting up into a smile. You didn't realize it but you really missed the dogs.
You dug around for the key in your pocket and pulled it out, quietly unlocking the front door and letting yourself in.
"You don't have the hide from me.."
Your eyebrows furrowed together at the sound of a female voice.
When you walked into the living room, you were horrified to see Will with another woman. Alana.
Their lips were locked, engaging in a passionate kiss, not even noticing your presence. You felt sick as you put the pieces together.
"Now I know why you kicked me out," you whispered, half to yourself and half to Will, who almost about pushed Alana off him at the sound of your voice.
Both their cheeks heated up in embarrassment when their eyes fell on you.
"Y/N! I'm so sorry, I thought-"
"Look, I only came to pick up some stuff. Then I'll be out of your way." You didn't once look away from Will, deciding to totally disregard Alana's presence and apologetic mutters.
With that, you rushed out of the living room and into your bedroom, searching under the bed and in the closet for your missing items.
You heard faint talking from the living room but tuned out most of it, deciding it wasn't worth your time or even your business in the first place. Then you heard the front door shut and a car start from outside.
Before you could process what might've happened, you heard Will's footsteps stop outside the bedroom.
"Y/N, we should talk."
"No, we shouldn't."
"You blocked my number."
"What good would it do if I kept it?"
"Please, hear me out."
Disgruntled, you turned to face Will, sending a cold glare his way.
"Look, unless you found a way to make a time machine and give me back the time I wasted on you, I don't want to speak with you."
"Why won't you just listen to me?!" he snapped.
You scoffed, "Well surprise, douchebag, I have feelings and you hurt them!"
"Well, I'm sorry, alright?" he calmed down now.
"Are you? Really?" You shook your head. "A sorry won't fix this, Will. Not after what you did. Gods- I can't even look at you right now."
You laughed. "You know what fucking sucks? After all you did, after the cheating and the lies, I'm still in love with you."
Will teared up. "I was never with Alana, Y/N. It's always been you."
"Then, why, Will? Why did you throw me out so coldly like that?"
"I began to have dreams, Y/N. Nightmares," Will admitted, his voice beginning to break. "Nightmares about people hurting you. Criminals. It was too real. As much as I loved- As much as I love you, I never wanted you to choose me. I don't want people using you as a weapon against me. To hurt me."
You slowly walked towards Will, stopping a foot away from him. You looked up into his glossy bambi eyes as he spoke.
"It was when the nightmares got worse, when I was the one hurting you, that I realized you weren't safe with me."
You cried. "Oh, Will. I wish you had told me."
"I couldn't. I didn't want you to remember me that way."
You laughed. "Well, I ended up remembering you as the asshole who kicked me out, instead."
Will managed to give you a smile through his tears.
He brought his hand to your shoulder, and gently lead it up your neck to the side of your face, cupping it lightly and brushing his thumb across your cheek.
"I would never hurt you, Y/N."
"I know. I know, Will. You aren't a monster for having nightmares you can't control." You brought your own hand up and placed it against Will's, leaning into his warm touch. "I'm still here. I'm alive. In your hands. And I feel safe with you."
Almost hesitantly, Will leaned in, connecting his lips to yours. His body felt tense, but when you kissed him back, you felt his worries disappear into the air.
He pulled away, resting his forehead against yours.
"Stay with me tonight?"
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mx-barnes · 3 years
Soulmate AU Pt 3/?
Summary: When you turn 18 you get the name of a song on your wrist. That is the song you and your soulmate share. It is also how you can communicate with them.
Warnings: Spoilers for TFATWS, Minor ish swearing, little bit of a death threat, Sam and Bucky's usual banter.
Word Count: 1,101
A/N: For some reason, this was really hard to write so I hope you enjoy it. I know it's not as long as some of the other parts. I was really hoping for it to be longer. I am also going back to school so I'll be more stressed than usual o if there isn't a new part up for a while I'm sorry. asks are open. If you want to be added to the taglist just ask. As always my work is unedited. Gif is not my own. Hope you enjoy this.
Chapter 2 Masterlist
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You saw him again last night. It was a short amount of time but it was nice. He seemed better. He had a glimmer in his eye at least after the initial anxiety. You understood his point of view, wondering if you were going to show or not. It was what you initially felt when he wasn't there the first night. It was hard for you to accept that he didn't want to meet you in person you wanted so much more you thought you deserved more but you didn't know how to tell him. How to tell him that you wanted more. He was working on himself. How could you interrupt that process and say 'Hey if you want to be with me we need to do this now. I can't wait for you I want you and not just in here I want the real you.'? How could you be so selfish? You had gone most of your adult life without a soulmate what was a little bit longer at least you had confirmation he was alive. You wanted to see him again. You didn't care that you had just seen him you wanted him more than anything.
You were slowly becoming more and more addicting. Slowly becoming the only reason he fell asleep at night. The only reason he even thought about sleep.
Sam had noticed his increased mood and had bugged him about nonstop. Saying something along the lines of ‘Finally he had someone to flirt with besides his sister’. Bucky would just laugh off his comments because even though Sarah was attractive she wasn’t his type and was flirting with her (with her consent) just to piss off her brother.
He met with you almost every night he could. Updating you on how his therapy was going. God, he wanted to meet you so bad but he didn’t know how you take meeting him. By all means, he wasn’t an ugly guy but he did have a vibranium arm and a very tragic backstory. He killed at least 100 people was in court-mandated therapy and 106 years old but you were his soulmate. Whether he believed it or not someone wanted him. He wasn't lonely anymore he had you. He had your beautiful smile to light up his darkest days. The way you fit perfectly in his arms as you two danced and swayed the night away. You were everything he could ever ask for.
Tonight was the night. Tonight he would ask you to meet him. He would ask you out on a proper date. Tonight he would sweep you off your feet and take you away to the land f the living. Tonight was that night he wanted this no matter what happened he wanted you to know that you meant the world to him. You were the reason he stopped having nightmares. He wanted you to feel loved and wanted you to know how much he loved you.
It was like any other time you met him. You showed up a little bit early to make up for last time hoping he would be there early too. He wasn't but you knew he had problems with tech sometimes so it was fine. He was so sweet it didn't matter if he showed up an hour late he would make up for it with witty banter and talk. You always had your song on repeat so you could spend the whole night together allowing for maximum bonding time. Although you craved a real relationship with him it was nice to have him there and have someone to talk to.
So as you felt the familiar feeling of falling you thought of how your ad his relationship would be on the outside. How cute it would be to walk the streets of New York hand in hand or stopping at little cafes to just sit and talk like many other couples had. You didn't even notice that the room had become clearer as you daydreamed. It wasn't until he cleared his throat that you realized that he was standing in front of you with a bouquet of flowers and a piece of paper that you were here.
"Look I know this isn't the most conventional way to ask someone out but I want to make this work. I want to make this real. Not that this isn't real but I want to be able to hold your hand walking down the sidewalk. I want to show you off to my friends and prove to everyone around us that we are together and most importantly, I want to show you how much I appreciate you and your patience with me. So will you do me the pleasure of meeting at Grand Central Park tomorrow at noon?"
"Yes! You have no idea how long I have wanted to meet you. So I know I'm not meeting some random guy I never got your name."
"James. Yours?"
"Y/n. Well, we got the rest of the night what do you want to do?"
"How about we-" and with that, he was gone. You figured it was just some tech issues and he'd be back soon. So you waited around for an hour or so but he didn't come back. With a heavy heart, you decided it was time to go back to the life you so dreaded but with a newfound hope tomorrow."
"What the hell Sam. I was with her-" Bucky roared
"Well, we have a problem. I get you want to see your girl I want to see mine too but we got a bigger problem on our hands him." Sam pointed out the window to John Walker stalking up to Sam's door.
"What is he doing here and why do I have to deal with him." Bucky groaned.
"Well maybe because he is the new US Agent and those guys are always bad news," Sam grunted back folding his arms over one another.
"Fine but after I'm going back to see her and this better not interfere with my date tomorrow or I swear to god I will have both your heads."
"Yeah yeah, mutter death threats later go talk to him."
"Why me you're the negotiator I'm just the bionic staring machine."
"Woah use don't my thing against me and besides he'll listen to you. You knew Steve longer."
"What the hell you just told me not to use your thing against you now you're doing it to me what the hell man."
"Just go" Sam pushed him out the door without a second thought.
Chapter 4
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redheartwriting · 2 years
Origins - Chapter XIV 
<ProcellaCor> *It's night, Rose and Quartz are both asleep. Or Quartz is, anyways. But they're not sleeping soundly. Not tonight. They have too much on their mind, and in their dreams they're just reliving a childhood memory. An argument with their mother, not understanding why they have to leave. Why Cesia wants to run, why she doesn't even want to take her husband. Quartz, Procella, a naive child, thinks she's being selfish. But some part of them knows that this saved both their lives. Still, the small fox child argues and kicks and screams. They don't /want/ to leave their home, their dad, their books and drawings, they don't want to leave their best friend. Cesia has none of it, and takes them away. Procella tries to run back, but he's always just out of reach. And- and now he's Rose. The theory they won't even let themself think about. They stop in front of him, and then they see that he's injured, he's dying, they didn't get to him in time. The vindicator got him, they lost him.* Rose- *Quartz finally wakes up with a start, sitting straight up. They don't scream, they only gasp. They glance at Rose, and decide not to wake him, if he is asleep. They get out of the bed, heading downstairs. They grab Aurora, not even bothering with their other weapons or armor. They don't even put on gloves before they head out into their backyard, just swinging their sword at the crude dummy they set up. They just need to get their mind off of... everything. And if they want to sleep, they'll need to be tired, so this makes sense to them. Just hitting things with Aurora until they feel better, as they've always done.*
<champi1612> *Rose isn't asleep, but because of his injuries, he can't attend to his regular patrol duties. It's nice still, to just spend the night all snuggled up with Quartz like this, but when Quartz shot up from their spot, and leave the bed so suddenly, Rose becomes worried, and despite the fact that he shouldn't move around so much, he still follows them out back. He wraps himself in his wings, and another blanket, just barely able to combat the cold of the night.* Quartz... What's wrong? *Rose stands by the doorway, he wants to approach them, but maybe they need a little distance for now.*
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz jumps a bit at Rose's voice. They turn to him, and they sigh* Nothing, just can't sleep, go back to bed, I'm fine. *They turn away, they know Rose won't believe them, but they'd still rather not talk about it. How are they supposed to talk about it? They can't just ask him if he's their childhood friend, and they /certainly/ can't tell him that they're having nightmares about him dying. What that vindicator did to him was traumatizing to /him/, not them. They grip Aurora's hilt a little harder, and they let out a strangled sigh.*
<champi1612> *Rose hugs them from behind, tightly, with his wings wrap around both of them. They're so warm, much warmer than the freezing winter night. He places a kiss on the back on their neck, right where the golden totem scar is.* Talk to me, please.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz feels the kiss on their scar, somehow. And it makes them soften for just a second, before they tense up again* I-I'm just stressed, that's all. *it's an obvious lie, Quartz has never been a good liar. They try to shrug Rose off, but he hangs on. They laugh a bit* You're so stubborn.
<champi1612> *Rose kisses them again, and again, determined to do so until they turn around to face him.* Don't just shrug me off, it's cold, and you're warm. *He holds on even tighter.* Please, it's cold and lonely in bed without you.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz sighs, finally turning around. They /look/ exhausted, they haven't slept right in... they're not even sure. They smirk a bit at Rose's overly flowery language* Didn't you once tell me you rule the night? I think you'll be fine without me *they force a smile, but it quickly fades to a frown* You should get back inside, anyways. You're still hurt.
<champi1612> *Rose seems to brighten up a little when Quartz turn around, but then it quickly turn back into worry. He brings one hand to their face, caressing it gently.* Well I miss you. *He kisses them, so gently, like he's scared he might hurt them somehow.*
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz kisses back, just as softly, just as gently, though they pull him just a bit closer. They break it just as gently, but they keep their forehead against his* I've been out here for like, five minutes. *they whisper, a little laugh in their voice* Please get back inside. I'll be in when I get tired, okay?
<champi1612> *Rose shakes his head, making a whiny noise, like a kicked puppy.* Please. I want to know. What's wrong?
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz sighs at the guilt trip, even though it works* I-I'm just- *they're cut off by the sudden thunder. Their eyes widen. They protectively pull Rose close, one of their hands flying to the hilt of Aurora. They know it's just a storm, but it still scares them. It still sounds like war and death. Their eyes unfocus as they completely lose touch on where and when they are as they look around wildly for a threat, shoving Rose behind them to protect him from a threat that doesn't exist*
<champi1612> *Rose flinches at the sound of thunder, instinctively, he cowers, covering his head and winching at the flashes of light. But as Quartz suddenly reacts too, he looks up to them, worry overcoming fear. No, this is not the time for this. He has been here longer than Quartz, he has learnt to deal with this. He has to help them first. Rose puts a hand on theirs, and another one on their face, trying to calm them.* Quartz, it's okay. It's okay, I promise. It's safe here. You're safe here.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz' eyes are still unfocused, they're completely out of it. They shake their head and shake Rose off, still looking around for some sort of threat, some sort of enemy. To them, in their head, it sounds like war, the war they had been so sheltered from until they /weren't/. They grip their sword harder, but their tail is as poofed as it ever has been, their ears are practically flat in their hair, and they're growling without even meaning to. They're terrified, but still wanting to fight an enemy, as they always do. Another crack of thunder and Quartz jumps and hisses, still trying to shove Rose behind them, too caught up to realize they're both safe, this isn't war, just a storm*
<champi1612> Quartz! QUARTZ! *Rose grabs their shoulder, he has to snap them out of it, but only to get pushed away. Rose, already weakened, is caught off guard as they shoved him aside with surprising force, making him fall over, hitting himself against the crude dummy before he falls to the ground, bruised with reopened wounds. Clutching his side and groaning in pain, still, he tries to get up again.* Quartz, please.
<ProcellaCor> *Rose's cry of pain is what finally snaps Quartz back to reality, to the present. Well, almost.* Carnelian-? *they race to his side, not even realizing the name they just dropped.* Oh dragon, I'm so sorry- *they put a hand to his reopened wound, intense guilt flashing across their face. They gently take him into their arms, picking him up and getting him inside. They lay him down gently on the bed, grabbing bandages and disinfectant* I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, *they keep repeating apologies as they treat and rebandage the wound, tears streaming down their face*
<champi1612> *Rose freezes when Quartz dropped the name. "Carnelian"... that's what the person in his dreams called him, that's what /Procella/ called him. He stares at Quartz, at their reaction, he couldn't bare seeing their tears.* Qu- Procella... *Rose puts a hand on their face, bringing them up to look into his eye as the other removes his eyepatch.* I'm okay. It wasn't your fault. *He smiles, gently, pulling them closer so their forehead touch.*
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz freezes, as they do, when Rose calls them Procella again. There's no mistaking it this time, they have to face it now. But their eyes are wide, terrified. They don't know /how/ to face this. So they look down, taking their forehead from his. They focus on the wound, on the problem in front of them. Even now, they're trying so hard to deny it.*
<champi1612> Please, look at me at least. *Rose pleas, tears sting his eyes. He doesn't understand why they're avoiding this, or if they're avoiding him. His voice wavers, as he tries to swallow down some emotion, he has to get it together.* I don't know what's so… wrong... about all of this. I just want you to look at me. Or at least know why you won't.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz finally finishes with the wound. They stare at it for another long moment.* You- You said you don't remember your childhood, right? *they ask it quietly, finally looking up at him. Something hidden in their eyes, some emotion they're forcing back* Your memory starts in the overworld, right?
<champi1612> *Rose nods, folding his hand on his lap as he sits up a bit.* I had notes, from whoever Rose or... Carnelian was before. He said I needed to run, to outlive my pursuers. I know nothing more, everything else was from what I gradually dig and learn about the Roguetians and... sometimes my dreams.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz slowly nods, letting out a slow and pained sigh. But they force a smile* Then... it's okay. It doesn't really matter to you, then. *they put a hand on his face* I'm just- *they cut off. They don't know how to phrase that they're surprised he's even still alive, let alone /here/ with /them/, after all this time. Not without sounding ungrateful for him* I'm glad we met.
<champi1612> I... I want to know... *Rose leans against their hand, closing his eyes.* I want to know. Please, if you really are Procella, I want know who I was.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz can't help the tears that escape their eyes. They hadn't thought about their friend at all until very recently. And now he's... here. But he doesn't remember them. Doesn't remember the hell they grew up in, how they were both considered outcasts for being hybrids. How he was their only friend, and most of the time they'd rather read than fight. Their hand on his face shakes, and they take a deep breath* ...does the name Cesia ring any bells? *their ears move back as their mother's name leaves their mouth. Their feelings about her are still complicated, at best. But maybe they can start there. Start with the scientist that accidentally doomed them all.*
<champi1612> *Rose puts his on theirs, the one on his face, and he hold it, squeeze it, firmly but comfortingly, like he's offering his encouragement.* I... I'm not sure... I'm sorry…
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz sighs, not even sure if it's with relief or disappointment.* Right, okay, um... *they still don't know where to start.* What /do/ you remember?
<champi1612> Well... there was... War. I- Or... Carnelian, was forced to flee. My parents most likely died during this period, and after that it was years of wandering from one Roguetian settlement to another. Eventually, there was a village set up, hidden far away but Carnelian wrote that what happened after was... predictable. And the reason why I end up here.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz suddenly pulls him in for a hug, hugging him tight, shaking in their shoulders, still trying to hold it all in* There was war. There was a lot of war. Rougentians were already hated, but you and I were... different from even them. I'm sure you can guess how. *their voice cracks* We were friends. A long, long time ago. We were friends.
<champi1612> *Rose hugs them back, his wings wrap around both of them, tightly. His hand strokes their back and their hair.* I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz shakes their head, but they still sob against him* Don't be sorry. Dragon, /I'm/ sorry. I can't imagine what you thought when I just disappeared. *part of them knows he doesn't remember that, that he can't, but they have to apologize for it anyways. It had always been the two of them against everything.* I-I can't believe you're still alive, and that you're /here/, and- *they laugh a bit sadly* And what you mean to me /now/.
<champi1612> I love you. *Rose pulls back a little, kissing away their tears.* I love you. And I'm sure, Carnelian did too.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz laughs sadly again* Carnelian knew a very different version of me. *they know they were a quiet kid, more interested in reading and art than fighting. Oh, how things change.* I love you too. *they slowly move so they can lay down next to him, holding him in their arms, against their chest, still crying, but happy to have him right here where they need him*
<champi1612> *Rose snuggles a bit closer to them, placing soft kisses on their face despite their tears still falling. Rose has discovered the power of kisses, and he loves it.* I... I'm sorry. If I'm not the person you expected him to become or- I don't know... I'm sorry if I'm just not the person you expect to meet again.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz smiles at the kisses, giggling a little at them* Don't be sorry. *they lift a soft hand to his face, softly stroking his cheek with their thumb* I love who you are now. And I hope you- you feel the same. *they falter just a bit, some doubt still swimming in their eyes*
<champi1612> *Rose leans in, closing the gaps between them. But it's not a soft, delicate kiss anymore, but a passionate one, with all the love he wants to show them. Rose pulls away, though just barely, to gasp for air.* I love you, just the way you are.
<ProcellaCor> *Quartz kisses him back just as passionately, looking ever so disappointed when he pulls away. They breathe a little hard. They want to say something, but they don't know what to say, so they pull him back down for another passionate kiss. They push up against him, just wanting him as close as possible. Just want him to know they love him, and not really knowing how else to show it*
<champi1612> *Rose smiles into the kiss, holding tighter, pulling them closer to him. In this very moment, he has everything he ever wanted, and can ever wish for, he has Quartz, that was more than enough.* Don't ever leave my side again. Please.
<ProcellaCor> Never again. *Quartz smiles up at him, and then yet again they kiss him. They just love kissing him, they love him. They pull away, but they hold him even impossibly closer* Don't you leave me either.
<champi1612> *Rose puts his forehead against theirs, and leans in a little more, so their noses bump against each other.* Never. Ever. I promise
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Apologies' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
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Chapter Summary : After spent some 'private moments' with Park, Bell is facing a nightmare......
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3300
This night......this night has certainely became one of the best nights I'm living since I left my coma, after I was finally able to see & found Park again after 3 years. It's.....something else.....something that I didn't experience for like, ages. I think that this moment were awaited a lot by the both of us for a very long time....3 years.....I don't know how we were able to resist this far but tonight, it was done. We realized that we couldn't wait anymore as we are always working around to stop Perseus and even if our fight is important, we needed to do this.
I could finally discover for the first time how she was looking behind all of those clothes and to say, she was the most amazing woman to be with. Helen Park, the british MI6 spy.....was the most beautiful woman I have seen in my entire life. She is so fucking incredible ! She has maybe did bad things on me by lying about my state but the most important thing now is that I'm believing in her, I'm loving her.....and I want to stay with her for an large part of my life, I want to dream of that and if I die while fighting Perseus, she would have been there for me on my way to my redemption.
We spent at least 2 hours, finally enjoying ourselves where we kissed each other, admiring the other for minutes before starting all over again. To say, we had sex and it was incredible, pretty amazing before we finally decided to rest after letting our emotions express themselves during this time. I preferred to stay with her, wanting to sleep with her in my arms. After what we did, did I really wanted to go back in my room and sleep alone ? Hell no !
Drinking was never one of my things in my life but here I am, in my office in the Lubyanka, just taking a sip from a little glass filled with scotch and at the same time, I was having a cigarette between my fingers in the hand I had my glass. I was dressed in the same uniform as before and as always without any jacket and the top button of my shirt was removed. I could seen that we were in December 1980, especially the 27th.
Zasha wasn't here to work and I was looking sad, giving a look to everything around me, trying to understand why and how I'm here. On my office, there were reports of Perseus talking about Greenlight and by the look of it, I did get on my nerves as there were remarks on some reports : 'MURDERER' with a arrow pointing to Perseus name, 'ASSHOLE' pointing at Kadivar's name and 'DOUCHEBAG' on a strange name....'Stitch'. There were an big question mark pointed to someone called Sonya but I don't know why.
I was going to put some scotch inside my glass before the red phone that was on my desk start to ring but instead of picking it up, I let it ring until it stopped as I took another drink. I thought that it was doen but then, the phone rang again and I reluctantly agree to pick it up.
"Grigoriev...." I muttered in a lazy voice.
"Thanks, god ! Grigoriev, you're here !" It was the voice of a woman, sounding relieved that I took the phone
"Portnova ?" I said, recognizing the voice.....Zasha's love. "Is there something wrong ?"  I asked, keeping my voice lazy and....filled with alcohol.
"Yes, you need to come at Zed's place, they're having an panick attack !" She exclaimed, panicked.
"What ?" I raised my voice, getting up from my chair in an instant that goes behind me, hitting the wall.
"They need you real quick, they can't stop to think of you." She affirmed, her breath getting louder at the seconds.
"I'm coming as fast as I can !" I admitted before I hang up the phone.
I was starting to panick as I just learned that my best friend life was in danger before I took back control and act. I took a leather jacket that was on a coat hanger, grab my car keys and I immediately left my office, starting to run in the numerous Lubyanka hallways that was filled with guards at each corner to get to my car. They could have think that I was going crazy by seeing me running all around the place but I needed to save my friend. I even runned through the metals detectors, jumping between them as there were people in it.
I was too fast as the guards wanted to stop me because I did that before I finally reached my car and drove off the place to get to Zasha's appartment. I was really nervous on the wheel, getting myself angry each time something was blocking the way and after 5 longs minutes, I was able to arrive at the complex Zasha was living, parked my car in front of it before I runned straight inside. I get up the stairs in a lighting speed and then, I was at their door, knocking multiple times. The door finally opened after at least 3 louds knocks.
"Finally !" It was Portnova who opened the door, still breathing loudly.
"I made it as fast as possible." I exclaimed, letting me enter into the appartment and closing the door behind me. "Where's Zed ?" I asked clearly.
"In their bedroom." She replied and in a second, I started to walk rapidly towards their room and entering, discover Zasha on their bed, panicking and sweating, trying to catch their breath. "Zed !"
"Yirina....Yirina....Yirina." They started to move slowly, spreading their arms before I arrived next to them, taking them in my arms too.
"It's okay, I'm here." I affirmed, trying to recomfort them at my maximum, in my arms. "Stop panicking." I whispered, feeling them shaking.
"I can't, I can't." They then removed themselves from my arms, lying down on their bed as I decided to sit next to them, needing to control them.
"Where's Dedov ?" I asked, looking at the door as I didn't see him when I arrived in the appartment before I looked back to Zasha who were on the verge of crying. "Zed, where's Dedov ?" I asked again
"He left !" They replied and their voice they used broke me inside by hearing it. "I woke up this morning and to go wake him up like every day but he wasn't there."
"No....you can't be serious, right ?" I whispered.
"I looked everywhere : he left to me a letter saying he decided to left the country to go to England....to study at Oxford." They added, releasing a little tear from their right eye. "He want me to join him but Perseus is blocking me, he said that he had plans for me & Dedov. He left because of him too."
"Perseus...." I breathed, angered by this man name, clenching my left fist before I moved to clean up their tears as they started finally crying. "No....don't cry, please...." I then started to move to get them back in my arms.
"We're the bad guys, Yirina." They affirmed, crying in my shoudler. "Because of us, we have doomed Europe."
"No, Zed. We're gonna stop Perseus together !" I proclaimed, true in my words before I suddenly decided to move to get next to them on the bed, lying down on top of the blanket with them, starting to look at the ceilling. "How it's possible that I let myself stay in his organization instead of following a normal life ?"
"We could have fled for years....and we only think of it now." Zasha said as we were both our hands on our respectives chests.
"He lied to me for years and I just discovered it a week ago and instead of fleeing, I'm staying." Right now, we were both saying our own thoughts, realizing our own mistakes. "We're just now people that are trying to redeem themselves." I let myself my left hand between us, removing it from my chest. "We need to defect."
"You're right, we need to do this but we need a plan."  They told before I could feel their right hand going on top of my left hand and I wasn't taken aback by that. "Yirina ?"
"Mmhm ?" I looked at them with an very small grin and they were doing the same.
"If Freya wasn't there for you....if I didn't had Portnova, I think that I would have been with you...." They admitted and I could only offer a smile even if I wasn't so sure of it.
"I don't know...." I breathed, biting my lips.
"It's....it's okay if you didn't have the same view on me but I wanted to share it with you."  They added, giving me a good look.
"You're still my friend, Zed. I'm assuring you that." I smiled in return before I could feel something touching my legs, I looked at them to discover Beans, their cat, arriving slowly between us. "Hey, Beans !" I whispered, causing Beans to meow
"Come here, my little Beans." Zasha gently ordered, giving tap next to our joined hands and it meowed as he arrived to lay down exactly where they tapped. "That's a good cat." They said in a low voice, moving their hand to pat Beans head.
"It's good to see Beans recomforting you." I exclaimed as they were focused on Beans before I looked at them, putting my hand on their cheek, wanting to make them sure of something,
"Don't worry, we will get through this together !"
I suddenly woke up with a start in Park's bed, troubled by that memory I just had : seeing Zasha in a panick attack, giving me claims of what I told Freya during that memory in the Ural Mountains. We indeed stopped Perseus but....where's Zasha ? Where is Dedov ? Where is Portnova ? What happened between this date and the 13th of January 1981, the day Kadivar shot me on that airfield in Turkey ? They need to still be alive, they had to be and right now, I'm trying to find them all.
Currently, I wasn't feeling okay to go back to sleep right now. I awake at Park's sight, behind her as we were both naked....I could see a part of her back filled of some scars she has suffered back in North Korea, whipped and tortued. She explained it to me when I saw it for the first time and I was very touched by it. I was suddenly, feeling thirsty, needing to drink something. I decided to grab my clothes, putting only on me, my underwear, my bra and my shirt as it was more comfy. I checked the time very quickly : 4:10 AM.
I put them without making a noise, not wanting to awake Park who was sleeping peacefully and before leaving bed, I gave her behind her neck a little kiss and then, I slowly started to walk out of the room, knowing that I would be back in no time with her at her side. Quietly closing her door before I go down the stairs, only facing the silence that was invading the house but when I was down, I realized that someone was still up as the light in the kitchen was still turned on. I moved in it as I wanted to take a drink before I saw Sims, sitting on a chair, his pistol on the table and looking at it.
"Sims ?" I said, causing him to brutally move his head, been scared by my presence as I didn't make big noises to arrive in the room, he almost reached for his gun.
"Shit, you could have told me that it was you." He exclaimed, sounding scared as he was redressing himself on the chair. "I thought you were a viet-cong !"
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were there." I replied, moving next to a cupboard to grab a bottle of water that Wolf showed to us when we arrived here "And no, I'm not a Viet-cong or someone from the NVA." I scoffed and I wanted to go but I was wondering something so I decided to sit on a chair "You're looking troubled, Sims."
"Oh me, I'm pretty good." He looked at me with an smile, trying to joke but he was faking it, something was betraying him....his eyes. "Well, no....still got PTSD from Vietnam." He added, giving me his real look : sad and troubled.
"So, that's why you're not in your room ?" I asked and he slowly nodded to me, biting his lips in the process.
"There's sometimes that I don't have them and some where I have them back." He replied, adding to his nodding. "Been 16 years I'm facing that and somehow, I'm still thinking how I'm still alive and not dead with some of my brothers-in-arms in Vietnam."
"That war has changed many people, Sims." I said, getting myself into something I barely do and know, knowing that my memories with my 'best friend' Russell Adler is fake. "I'm not saying that's the same thing but sometimes, there's moment when I think why I didn't left Perseus."
"What do you mean ?" He asked, curious
"I never believed in Perseus ideas...never...I hated to work with him and now, I'm realizing that stopping him is the only way to redeem myself of what I have done for him." I replied, breathing by telling him the truth as he didn't know that at all. "I'm not an fanatic ex-Perseus agent, just someone that want to do the good around her."
"And that's what you did : you're a good person, you helped us to get to Solovetsky and you're helping us again even after Adler did to you." He admitted. Inside of me, I was thinking that everyone in the West was seeing me as a good person and it was making me feel good. "I think you're not doing this for Adler but for yourself and for those you believe in."
"Exactly." I expressed before I opened the bottle to drink a large part of it before looking back at him, still having his eyes on me. "What ?" I asked, in a low voice.
"You know, I'm sorry to have kinda avoided you back at that time three years ago." He responded, referring to him, avoiding as much to talk to me. "At first, I just saw you as a russian girl running around with my memories along with Adler's ones before I realized that day where Lazar talked to me about you, explaining your kindness." He added, feeling sorry in his voice
"Thanks." I whispered.....before I start to see Lazar in my head...suddenly, I was feeling to be the one to be sorry for. "I'm sorry too !"
"For ?" He raised an eyebrow
"Laz'....." I sniffed, holding back my tears "I saw him like a brother....and that day in Cuba, I wasn't so fast to save him." I could see Sims getting troubled, hearing me. "I know that you two were best friends and I'm feeling so sorry to not be able to save him." He didn't say anything at me, just grinning a little as he was crossing his arms. "I'm so fucking sorry, Sims !"
"It's okay, Yirina." He breathed, giving me a little smile and nodding slowly. "It wasn't your fault."
"This is what I want to say to myself but I can't." I explained to him, Lazar's death is in my hands, I should have been faster...
"Hey !" He started, putting his arms on the table. "Don't blame yourself, I'm pretty sure that Lazar is surely happy about you now and your choices." He then start to laugh "I'm pretty sure that he's happy to see you with Park." By hearing this, I almost choked myself with the remaining water of the bottle....did he learn of it and how ?
"Uhm....." I looked away in shame, blushing and trying to hide it. "Me & Park, it's just...."
"Yirina...." He cut me straight, giving me a look that could say 'I know and you know' "It's been 3 years that I know that : Lazar unintentionally told me about it." He told me, sure of his answer. "And to say, during almost 1 hour, I heard you both from the floor, saying each other's name almost loudly." He added, laughing about it. Damn, I didn't thought that we were this loud.
"Well.....okay, we're together but you're keeping it a secret ?" I asked, giving him a serious look, he nodded. "If someone know outside of you and Adler, she's gonna get fired from the MI6....and I will kill you both." I said, almost joking at the end, to appease him before I wanted to know something. "Is Wolf....aware ?"
"No." He shook his head "He left before you two start your things : he had to go recover the remaining materials we need to work with at the other side of the city and to have some intels on someone."
"What about Adler ?" I asked as we didn't know of their status.
"He has arrived in Irak with Mason, Woods and some others person that will help them in tracking down Rabalwi." He replied, looking at a satellite phone posed on the kitchen counter. "They already started to work, it will take them at least 3-4 days and maybe 5-6 days for us against Duvall." He added, giving me the details of their side.
"And then, we're all back to West-Berlin...." I rolled my eyes at thinking of it. "Glad to say that I'm in the New Orleans."
"You got lucky that Adler put the three of us in the US, I think you would have killed him if you had to stay a single day with him." He scoffed, taking a breath about it. "I think you should go back with Park, you're looking tired."
"I didn't talk about my past." I joked but anyway, I start to get up from my chair, putting the empty bottle in the trash bin of the kitchen "For real, you're right, I'm tired." I said
"Enjoy the rest." He exclaimed, smiling at me but there were something strange,
"You're staying here ?" I asked, seeing him not moving at all from his chair, he nodded.
"I want to take sometimes to think." He responded, removing his arms from the table to get comfy on his chair, back at the same position I found him but not the same face as before. "Good night, Yirina."
"Good night, Sims." I whispered before I left the kitchen, leaving him alone but inside of me, I would have like to help him to get some sleep. Instead, he preferred to stay in the kitchen, wanting to think and I knew that it was better to leave him in his thoughts, maybe good.
I was still a little troubled to know more about who was Lawrence Sims, the man I was supposed to be 'best friend' and where we were making 'a hell of a team' as described by Adler himself in that 'Fracture Jaw' memory. I was able to make some amends with him about some events and some things and I think it went well for us. I go up the stairs to join back Park's room and I entered it to find that Park was now facing my direction I was. I quickly moved to join her back.
"Yirina...." She said in a very low voice, her eyes narrowed to the max.
"It's okay, I'm here" I told her as I put myself back in the bed with her. "I had a little nightmare, I just wanted to have a drink, that's all." I then put a little kiss on her forehead, causing her to smile before I took her in my arms, to give her some heat and recomfort, thinking of a lot of things.....
"Don't worry....we will get through this.....together !"
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Untold Future 4
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings:  Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: Here is a gore free chapter. These will be very few and far between. 
Author’s Note: Yay! It’s Friday and here is another update! This chapter had been partially written well before I even finished Forgotten Alliance. Hell there are several chapters that are partially written. ANYWAYS! I do hope you guys enjoy this one!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
"We should talk about Hope's dreams." Klaus said as he walked into Elijah's room. He had barely taken note that his brother had been preoccupied with what he was currently reading. When he stopped in front of Elijah's bed, he realized what his brother had been doing. "You've found her contract."
Elijah looked up from the paragraph he had been reading. He was trying to read each line carefully, looking for anything and everything that would give him something to work with. But so far there was nothing standing out to him. 
"Only moments ago." Elijah said with a nod. "What did you see in Hope's dreams?" 
Klaus sighed. There was no easy way to tell his brother what he needed to. "Going into her dreams confirmed everything. I watched as my daughter ran into a building looking for her Aunt. When we found her," Klaus shook his head wanting to spare his brother from the details that he had seen. "While I would do anything to help you find away to get Elizabeth back, I'd rather not have my daughter having dreams of her."
Elijah looked off to the side. Part of him hoped that whatever dreams Hope had weren't of reality. That if anything they'd be glimpses of Elizabeth and nothing of the truth that Klaus had seen. After a moment, Elijah nodded. 
"It is what is best for your daughter." He looked over at Klaus. 
Klaus could easily see the hurt in Elijah. May it have been in his words or even the way he looked away to look at nothing in particular. His brother was in pain as well, even if he wasn't physically in pain. And here Klaus was making the decision to cut off the only way that Elijah may get a glimpse of Elizabeth. 
"If there was another way," Klaus shook his head. "I wouldn't be doing this. I fear for what Hope might see."
Elijah's jaw clenched at the words. The words had ignited something with in the bond. While Elizabeth may have closed off her side of things as much as she could, it was still there. Anger pulled through Elijah at the thought of what Klaus must have seen. 
Elijah ran his hand along his chin as he tried to calm the fire that was beginning to rage of control within him. His mate was being tortured and there was nothing he could do to save her. "I'll find another way. It may be time to follow clues elsewhere."
Klaus nodded his head in understanding. He knew that eventually his brother would decide to leave in search for Elizabeth. He just selfishly hoped it wouldn't be just days after they had been reunited. He placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. 
"You do what you need to to ensure Elizabeth's return home." Without another word, Klaus left the room. 
Elijah watched as his brother had walked out of the room before his eyes landed back on the contract in front of him. He lifted the page he had been reading before Klaus had come into the room. "Give me something, Elizabeth." He said to himself as he dived back into the contract. 
Hours had passed since Klaus had left the room and Elijah hadn't stopped going over the contract. Scattered beside him were the several pages that made up the contract. His eyes must have scanned the words repeatedly, looking for something, anything that would help him find Elizabeth. But Elizabeth had thought of everything. Every single detail Elijah believed would help in some way was mentioned in the contract. 
"That doesn't look like light reading." Rebekah said as she leaned against Elijah's door frame. "And by the looks of it you haven't slept a wink."
"How can one sleep while going through Elizabeth's contract?" Elijah asked as he never took his eyes off of the paper her was currently holding in his hand. 
Rebekah sighed as she entered his room. "By how intensely you are looking at it, am I right to assume there are no loopholes?" She asked as she sat the edge of the bed and picked up one of the pages. 
Elijah shook his head. "She thought of everything." He placed the page down and picked up another. "Every possible reason to ensure this deal would be made."
"That would explain why the witch can't tell us anything." She said shaking her head. "Can't Freya remove the compulsion from her?"
Reaching over, Elijah picked up another sheet before handing it to Rebekah. "We try anything and Jess will take her own life. Ask the wrong question and Jess will warn us."
Rebekah stared at Elijah in disbelief before she quickly read over the page. "Elizabeth all but insured her death at even the slightest mention of the spell tied to Elizabeth's humanity. What the bloody hell was she thinking when she wrote this?"
"My cure." Elijah said softly as he placed the last page down. "She included each of us in some form to ensure that she wouldn't back out from this. Malakai and Kol would become Jax's if she so much as hesitated to uphold this contract. We were to be left alone completely once she handed herself over."
Rebekah shook her head once more. "Hayley is going to be upset to know that we were all in there, including Hope."
"Hope isn't-" Elijah stopped himself for a moment as realization him. Elizabeth would never put Hope in harms way. Even if it was a way to ensure she'd go through with her plan. 
"Isn't what?" She asked looking at her brother confused. 
Without saying a word, Elijah stood from his spot and quickly made his way out of the room. An eyebrow raised on Rebekah's face as he did. Standing she followed her brother out of the room, hoping to get an answer. She followed all the way to Freya's room. 
Freya had been pouring over the spell book once more when her siblings had come rushing into her room. "Is everything okay?" 
She noticed how frantic Elijah looked in that moment. She could also tell he hadn't gotten any sleep since he had woken from his nightmare. Her eyes looked over at Rebekah who shrugged her shoulders. 
"Please tell me you haven't found or done the spell to keep Hope from Visitng Elizabeth." That had probably been the fast words had ever left his mouth.
"I haven't yet." Freya said as she looked between the two. "It needs to be done right before she goes to bed tonight. What's going on?"
Elijah took a seat across from her. "Elizabeth said she never intended for Hope to see her that way." Elijah began. "That to me means she had some intention for Hope to in fact see her."
"But doesn't that go against the rules Elizabeth spoke about?" Freya asked with a raised brow. 
"I was able to find the location of the contract. I've read every word of that document at least a dozen times. Not once was there a mention of the necklaces or even Hope. There was no mention of her interfering in any way. We were all mentioned expect for our niece." There was a slight excitement in his voice that his sisters could easily pick up on. 
"Hope is the loophole to the contract." Rebekah said looking at Elijah, finally realizing what he had.
"But how does this work when Elizabeth doesn't have the charm with her?" Freya asked holding Elizabeth's up.
"Maybe one-sided is all we need." Elijah said hopeful. "If Hope can open doors and at least look out windows, she may just be able to give us the insight we need. Even if I entered her dreams, this would give us the advantage Jax won't see coming."
Rebekah sighed. "Before we get too excited about this, need I remind you that there is still her parents we need to talk to about this?" She bit down on her bottom lip for a moment. "There is also something Veronica said that we might have to take into consideration."
"I'm sure we'd be able to convince Klaus and Hayley of this plan. She'd always have me or her parents to keep her from seeing things she shouldn't. And if this is what Elizabeth wanted to, they have to take that into consideration." Elijah said as he looked at Rebekah. "As for what you've overheard Veronica say is something that you should enlighten us on."
Rebekah braced herself for this one. She was hoping that she wouldn't have to tell Elijah and it would come from Veronica herself. "I overheard her tell Malakai that Elizabeth is going to be gone for three years.”
Elijah’s face fell at Rebekah’s words. “And how did she learn of this?”
“The letter Elizabeth wrote her,” Rebekah began. “Elizabeth told her that for three years she’d have to keep Malakai in check.”
Elijah shook his head. After the hope and excitement of possibly finding a way to save Elizabeth, it was shot down by the simple fact of time. “Where is Veronica now?”
“Out with Vincent.” Freya said with a nod. “She needed time away from the compound.”
Elijah stood from his seat. “When she returns, please ask her if I can borrow the letter for a few moments.”
“What are you going to do?” Freya asked as he began walking out of the room. 
“Freshen up a bit.” He said looking over his shoulder. “Then I’m going to see this warehouse Elizabeth used. Perhaps by the time I return, I’ll have some more information.”
Elizabeth sat in the corner of her cell. Her back leaning right into the edge of it. Her eyes wandered around the cell and even past the cell door. Every detail of it her eyes had taken it in.
While she looked like a mess in that moment, she was healed. Maybe not back to her usual strength thanks to the lack of blood consumption, but she looked better than she had hours ago. Dirt caked her skin along with blood and sweat. How she would just enjoy a shower in that moment.
As her thoughts lingered on the thought of being cleaned, she picked up on the soft footsteps that approached her. Her eyebrow rose as she took the sound in. They were familiar to her ears and it almost caused a smirk to pull at her lips.
She hadn't moved from her spot even as they had come closer to her cell. Over the last several days, this is what she had been looking forward to. It wasn't the moments where she was being tortured or the fact that she had seen familiar faces while being tormented. It was this very vision that Jess had given her on her last day in New Orleans that she had been clinging on to that told her she was on the right track.
"Aunt Liz?" Hope's voice called out the moment her footsteps stopped a few feet away from her cell.
"One more down, kid." Elizabeth said without moving from her spot.
The moment Hope stepped in front of the cell, her eyes widened. She could see how differently her Aunt looked. May it have been the lack of blood or the fact she'd been tormented the last several days, this was the first time Hope actually saw her face.
Hope walked over to the bars and instantly walked through them. At first it startled her until she realized it wasn't a bad thing. She ran over to Elizabeth's side. But the moment she reached Elizabeth and tried to hug her, Hope couldn't feel her.
"It's not going to work that way." Elizabeth said as she watched her. "Don't have the necklace with me."
"How can I help?" Hope asked as she stepped back and sat down on the ground next to Elizabeth.
"You already are Hope." She said with a nod. "It's still early. I'm assuming you haven't woken up yet."
Hope shook her head. "I couldn't sleep last night."
"You were smart to bring your dad last night." Elizabeth offered as she adjusted herself in her spot.
"Dad didn't want Uncle Elijah to see you." She said with a nod of her head.
Elizabeth's eyes met Hopes. She could see the worry in the girls eyes. "Yeah, I don't know how well your Uncle would have taken seeing me like that. He's angry right now."
"How come you can feel his emotions, but Uncle Elijah doesnt?" Hope asked.
Elizabeth huffed a laugh. "Their clouded. I've got vervain, wolvesbane, and even good ol' human sedatives running through my veins half the time. The other half, it's Jess' spell. He doesn't need to feel what I'm feeling."
Hope looked around the cell. "Why did you leave us?"
"Even vampires keep their word." Elizabeth shrugged. "I made a deal with someone to get your Uncles cures for my bite. Now I have to keep my end of the deal."
"Can't you escape?" Hope wanted to find out as much as possible. She wasn't sure when she'd wake up or when they'd come and drag Elizabeth out of the room.
"That's against the rules, Hope. Plus, I'm too weak to make an escape right now. I need a lot more blood than what they are giving me." Elizabeth's mouth watered at the thought of blood. The veins under her eyes even made themselves known. The craving of blood was harder now. At Elizabeth's eyes, Hope got up and took a few steps back, causing Elizabeth to laugh. "I can't hurt you when you visit. This is just a dream."
Hope eyed her Aunt for a moment. "Like the spell Freya did."
"Something like that." Elizabeth shrugged. "Anything interesting going on at Home?"
Elizabeth figured if they were going to have these little visits, she'd make the best of them. She wanted to know what was going on just as much as Hope wanted to know where Elizabeth was to help her. There was only so much either of them could do.
"Mom and dad want to have Aunt Freya place a spell on me." She frowned.
"What spell?" Elizabeth asked.
"To stop me from seeing you." At that, Elizabeth sat up.
"Has your Uncle Elijah found the contract?" She shouldn't have asked but she needed to know.
"I don't know." She admitted.
Elizabeth looked up at the ceiling before looking back at Hope. "I'm gonna need you to wake up kid." Hope had already started shaking her head, but Elizabeth continued. "This is how you are going to help me. You're going to wake up and when you do, you are going to find your Aunt and tell her I said not to sever the link."
"What happens if they sever it?" Hope's eyes widened.
"I lose my loophole."
As a reminder, the normal Always and Forever, Stag Tag, and The Originals Tag lists do not apply to this one. If you would like to be added to the list, don’t hesitate to ask!
Untold Future:
@alka16555​​ @chiefdirector​​​ @winchestert101​​ @ministark​​ @mschellehitt​​ @xanderling​ @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived​
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hanna-writess · 4 years
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Title: I made a mistake, love.. (Oneshot)
Characters: Adrian, Amy, Laura.
Warnings: arguing, mentions of cheating, a little sadness but fluff overall.
Notes: hi guys! I'm so sorry I haven't written fanfic for Adrian and Amy in awhile, but I lost inspiration for awhile :( BUT! I made this fanfic for a very special friend of mine (more like a sister) @adriansbiss ! Happy birthday Angel, I love you so damn much and you're the best, I hope you like this 💖❤ (everyone go follow her 💗 sorry this is late, it's a bit sad in the beginning but it's a fluffy ending)
I watched as Amy sat on the couch, a warm blanket covering her body, her glasses hanging a little as she read her book, zoned out from her surroundings. I stood at the front door, in the dark thinking. Was it true? Should I ask her or not? Will it end badly? All of those doubts swarmed around in my mind, but I couldn't go on without knowing.
I took off my jacket and sweater vest, along with my shoes before walking closer to her, gently kissing her head as she jolted a little in surprise. But smiled nonetheless, I returned it with a small smile and sat beside her, carefully wrapping my arm around her waist, it was now or never.
I froze for a moment, just admiring her features. Her smile, beautiful brown eyes, long wavy blonde hair with hints of brown, soft almost tan skin covered by a sweater. But I shook myself out of that, it was too easy getting caught up in my own thoughts.
I finally got the courage to speak up and calmed down "have you been sleeping with Anthony Richards?" I saw her smile fade, and how she gently pulled away from me, sadness and a hint of anger lingering in her eyes. "How could you ask me that? I would never cheat on you Adrian!" 
I couldn't tell if she was lying or not, because she was great at putting on an act or shielding herself from any pain, it was what she was used to. And to a certain point I couldn't blame her, but now I needed the truth. And used the other side of me, the one she sort of disliked. The demanding and strong headed side of me. "Amy.. I want the truth"
I watched as the love in her eyes was slipping away, and tears were taking that place, she held the book close to her and shook her head, letting tears slide down her cheeks. "I can't believe you. I married you, I had your daughter even though it was supposedly impossible, I risked my life and died for you and our friends, I stay by your side through it all, and you accuse me of cheating after all this time?"
I sighed and felt guilt building inside me, rising up and threatening to spill out. She was right though, about everything she'd given up to be with me, how she couldn't see her family or travel, or go out in the sun like she used too. How she saved my life countless times before, got through being a newborn vampire all while trying to channel her powers, while being chased by two insane power seeking gods.. oh how I had messed up.
"Amy I know how it sounds but the rumors-" she scoffed and got up, standing up tall and brave, anger radiating off her. I was in for it now "you're basing this off of rumors?! What will it take for you to trust me Adrian! Know you for hundreds of years like Kamilah? Or Serafine and how she gained your trust by "helping" you and Kamilah- oh wait no, you just slept with her."
I winced at that last comment, she had her father's temper and it wasn't always a good thing, but right now I deserved this, I couldn't have been more naive. "Amy.. I'm sorry.. it was wrong to even accuse you love.." I was a little nervous to look her in the eye, knowing they were probably burning with a passion.
"Oh no, don't try and get all lovey dovey now, I can't believe you Adrian. I've heard rumors, seen things that made me terrified, or how women love to touch you wherever they can when I'm not around, or how in Paris you seemed to care about Serafine more than me, I never said anything because I love you, and trusted you! It seems that trust only goes one way."
I felt built eating away at me more fiercely, tearing me apart and breaking me apart. I wanted to gently grab her and hold her, kiss her all over and beg for her to forgive me and stop being so upset, but I knew she didn't want that right now and probably wouldn't for awhile. I tried speaking, my voice coming out quiet as ever.
"I understand Amy.. you can be mad at me, I deserve it. But.. please don't leave" she had her arms crossed and her breathing was low and shallow, she looked at me directly in the eyes, her eyes glinting in the light, showing a little compassion. But her walls were still up very high, which made me sad on the inside.
"I'd never leave Adrian, we have children together. But we'll be sleeping in separate beds tonight, see you in the morning." I watched as she walked off upstairs to one of the spare bedrooms and closed the door behind her, I groaned and fell back onto the couch. Feeling my heart pound in my chest, as I turned down the brightness of the lights. I closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands. Thinking as I sinked in guilt deeper and deeper.
Then after a few minutes, I felt a small form crawl beside me, surely not Amy. I removed my hands and opened my eyes, seeing little Laura curled up in my side, her arms holding me. My worries slowly slipped away and I wrapped an arm around her, gently moving aside her wavy hair, and tucking it behind her ear.
I leaned down and kissed her head, then she nuzzled me and I could tell she was wide awake, hard to believe she stayed awake until midnight to see me, only being 5 years old. She opened her eyes and smiled lightly, her eyes just like mine.
She was a perfect mixture between me and Amy, and she buried her face in the crook of my neck, her small quiet breath fanning there. I chuckled softly and gently rubbed her back, she could be clingy most of the time which I loved.
Then her small voice chimed up, in a whisper "could I sleep with you and mommy tonight..? I had a bad dream.." I sighed and watched as she held me tight, that was the third nightmare this week and I couldn't bear seeing her scared, so me and Amy always gave in and said yes.
"Well.. mommy is sleeping in a different room tonight.. she.. wants some time alone, but you could still come in our room and share the bed with me" she nodded and held onto me as I picked her up and carried her upstairs, she was slightly shaking which made me frown.
 but when I set her down under the covers and turned off the light, but kept on a small night light, she looked calmer now. I relaxed a little, seeing her scared like this made me tense but knowing she felt safe with me or Amy, or just both of us was a relief.
I kissed her head and rubbed her arm "I need to get changed and get ready for bed, will you be okay for a few minutes?" She nodded and buried herself further under the covers, I walked to the closet and closed the door, changing into a pair of black sweatpants and then white t-shirt.
I neatly folded my clothes neatly and then went to the bathroom, washing my face and combing my disheveled hair a little, then brushed my teeth and turned out the lights and walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later.
I yawned and got under the covers and looked at Laura, her eyes closed and her form curled up, the covers wrapped comfortably around her, I smiled and laid back, keeping one arm around her while I closed my eyes, falling into a deep slumber.
*the next morning*
I woke up and moved a little, but felt two small arms wrapped around me, I yawned and rubbed my eyes before opening them, seeing Laura right beside me, fast asleep and drooling a little, which made me chuckle quietly but smile. I carefully lifted one of her arms off me and replaced my spot with a pillow, which she held close to her.
I got up and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind myself and looking in the mirror, my hair messy and my eyes tired but the same, my clothes wrinkled but comfortable. I washed my face and grabbed the towel, drying all the water off and then brushed my teeth
I turned on the shower, making sure the water was warm before getting in, I took 5 minutes but it didn't matter because nobody was up, and Laura was a heavy sleeper. I got out and dried off, putting on a grey sweater and black pants and combed my hair.
After a second I heard giggling outside and was surprised, it was still early. I unlocked the door and peeked out, seeing Amy sitting on the bed with Laura as they talked, the tv was on but was quiet enough that they weren't paying much attention, soon enough they laid down and got under the covers, watching the tv in a comfortable silence.
I closed the door and cleaned up the bathroom, throwing the towel I used in the hamper along with my clothes from the night before. Then walked out and after a minute they looked at me, Laura smiling and getting up, off the bed and over to me, hugging my waist. I chuckled and picked her up, kissing her head "have a good sleep?" She nodded and leaned her head on my chest
"What are we having for breakfast daddy?" I looked at her, her smile present and eyes shining with happiness. "What do you want sweetheart?" She went silent for a moment, thinking. She could be picky sometimes but it was cute, then she said "waffles and bacon!" I chuckled and gently tickled her. "Alright, that sounds good, you go get dressed while I talk to mom for a second"
She kissed my cheek and then ran out of the room as soon as I set her down and then I looked at Amy, her gaze was a bit cold but better then last night, I could tell her anger died down now, which I was thankful for.
"I'm sorry about last night Amy, I just.." I sighed, not knowing how to continue, not having an excuse for accusing her, it was just nerves. I could see now they were just friends. "I shouldn't have accused you, I listened to others when I should have just trusted you, I know you're friends with him and there' nothing wrong with that"
I walked closer and sat beside her, gently taking her hands in mine, kissing them. "Forgive me, love?" Her expression and she had a light smile on her features, her hands intertwining with mine, then she leaned closer and wrapped her arms around me.
"Of course I can.. and I'm sorry for overreacting.. I just need to control my temper a little better" I held her close to me, and kissed her head, a smile on my face. No matter how many mistakes were made, we still got through it, she really was my dream girl, my wife.
We held each other for another few minutes, then chuckled when we heard Laura's small voice ring up from downstairs, we got up and walked down, holding hands as we talked quietly about Laura's birthday coming up next week, then began cooking breakfast with her, messes were made, and laughs were shared. Most importantly we were having fun together. My life, my future, were with my precious daughter, and wonderful wife.
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seventhroses · 4 years
☁️ Dreams
👩🏻 A/N: It's here! This is my first story! I just wrote it as I needed an outlet to get my mind off reality. Probably gonna write again? Idk 🤔Anyway I'm excited to share this! Not sure if it’s good BUT I hope anyone that gives it a go would enjoys it! 🥰
🌠 Geners: Fantasy, fluff, slight smut
📃 Word count: 4.9K
Since young, you always have a thing for dreams. You were told many stories of different people's dreams and you've always finds it fascinating on what goes on in there when your body shuts to recharged.
There was one in particular that had it imprinted in you till now. It was your grandparent's dreams. You can't believe that they actually met in their dreams and how their love unfolds into reality.
How can anyone dreamed of someone else when they've never cross path or see each other before? You always questioned.
You could never figure out no matter how many times they tell you their tales. But even so, it was the sweetest love story that you've heard and of course, seeing it through parts of their times, you were partially convinced that maybe dreams do come true.
As you get older, instead of popping colours of life, nightmares get the best of you. You eventually start sleeping lesser and lesser hours. Dreams were no longer the happy fluffy thing you did look forward to every night.
Today was the worst. It was one of those days, where you felt like everything was collapsing on you. This week have been so exhausting and you probably had less than 10hours of sleep in total. Having to deal with your sickening boss that always throws you with piles of urgent paper work that you end up OT till 1-2AM to finish, colleagues that act as if they're the only one that have a life outside of work and dumped their unfinished work on you.
Just when you thought things couldn't get any worst, you sprained your ankle while chasing for your last bus home tonight.
"How great.." you sighed while limping up the bus with your now sore ankle.
"Well at least, I managed to catch the bus…" Trying hard to comfort your miserable self as you found a seat and sat down. 
You finally reached home after what seems like forever. Throwing your heels aside, you limped towards the kitchen to get some ice for your swollen ankle. Walking to the living room you plopped yourself onto the sofa, turning the TV on that you have no plans on watching. You find yourself staring into the ceiling, can't help but to question about your life.
Even though you're tired as hell, you can feel yourself fighting that tiredness, refusing to let another nightmare invade you tonight. But as the clock ticks away by the minutes, you know your fight is futile.
"If only.. I just wish for one good dream.. Just one, to end this miserable week" with that, you find your heavy lids closed as you fell asleep.
The next thing you know, upon opening your eye you saw the ray of morning sun shining into your room.
Checking the time on the clock, 
"It's 11AM?!" Now, widely awake. "Did I just sleep through the night?"
Not remembering when's the last time you slept through the night without waking up with cold sweat or hyperventilating from the nightmare you had. Though, you weren't complaining. You were in fact longing for a good sleep like this.
You got out of your bed, slipping into your bunny slippers, ready to kicked start your day. You just felt really good and recharged from the long sleep. After washing up and making yourself a cup of coffee, you walk to the sofa and sat down, finding a comfortable position to plan how you should go about your day before having your best friend over tonight for dinner and movie.
While you were making plans, a suddenly feeling strikes you. Something doesn't add up, but you can't seem to put it into words.
It's 1PM. You're dressed in your ripped jeans and cute smiley sweater ready for some shopping therapy and groceries shopping for tonight's dinner. You grabbed a pair of your most comfortable heels and skipped out of your apartment. You were in a good mood, stress free and you know that's not normal but again you're not complaining. You're going to enjoy it while it last and so you thought.
As you were going down the long flight of stairs towards the bus stop, you were impressed at how you managed to go up these 'stairs of hell' with your swollen ankle last night. That's when you realised, they aren't painful anymore. You were pretty sure it was swollen before you fell asleep but they seem perfectly fine now. You also remember falling asleep on the sofa and not in the room.
So, how did I get to the room? When did I changed into the pj? Now, lots of thoughts are flying in and you couldn't much process or find an answer to them.  Are you that tired that you can't remember what you did?
 "Be careful!!" A loud voice snapped you back into reality and you can feel a strong hand holding on to your arm.
Facing the stairs down, you're pretty sure that you will get more than just swollen ankle if it's not for this person. You turned your head around wanting to thank your saviour but came to face with a white tee and strong veiny arms that is holding on to you. You tilted your head up trying to see who's this perfect fitting body belongs to and there, you saw a pair of small worrisome eyes looking at you.
 "Are you ok? Hurt anywhere?"  he asked worriedly.
At that moment, you couldn't seem to find a word as you were too focus on looking at this charming looking gentleman in front of you.
Let's be honest, ever since you start adulting, life has been a struggle of paying off bills and dealing with your work life. You hardly even have time for yourself, so let alone finding yourself a partner to add on the struggle with.
The only male presence in your life other than your dad, is your childhood best friend, Lee Minhyuk. Well, he's called your best friend for a reason. You have been in each other's life for more than a decade and you know each other all too well. Also, knowing that there will probably be no peaceful day ahead if you guys were to even try. You and Minhyuk can't even decide on a movie together for movie night without bricking for at least 30 minutes and ended up having to tossed a coin to decide. Which, you think it's probably going to happen tonight too. So, it has never really cross both of your mind about developing your relationship into anything else more than what you guys are.
You did met a few people, go for a few dates before but that was in collage when you had the privileged of time. All that just seems so long ago.
Right now, having come face to face with this charming guy, it is sure to activate your needs for a new male presence in your life. Not to mention, this gentlemen in front of you, his visual is… let's just say, he's totally your type. With your 'love struck' expression which you probably are showing now, he figured that you should be ok.
"Hi, I'm Hyunwoo." Waiting for your answer while holding on to you as you steady your feet. 
You noticed his expression changed to a shy and smiley eye, that would totally make anyone soft.
 "Hi" … "I'm y/n." Quite sure you sounded like a robot.
A red one to be exact because you can feel yourself blushing hard and the distant between the both of you and his perfume smell is not helping at all. You can hear him chuckled. His hand is still on your arms. His warm palm on your skin certainly have you feeling the butterfly flying wildly in your stomach.
 "Are you free for a coffee?" You blurted out of nowhere and a sudden realisation that you're thinking out loud, got you in panicked mode.
 "I mean… I mean you just saved me from the probability of cracking my head like an egg... so.. " pausing and cursing yourself for the lame joke. Now, you just want to dig a hole and hid.
He laughed. "I like that" not sure if he said that out of courtesy, just so your now red af face wouldn't burst. 
"and sure. I would love for a coffee with you, Y/n. "
You liked the way he calls your name. Like you never knew it could sound so sweet.
 After the awkward invitation, Hyunwoo slide his hand down from your arm. Holding on to your hand now, he casually walks down the stairs. Going one step ahead of you as he leads you down. He turned his head to looked at you and smiled,
"Now, you don't need to worry about getting your head cracked."
You're very sure at that moment, your face was in tomato red as Hyunwoo holds your hand and walk towards the nearby café.
"Do you stay around here?" You asked as the both of you set down on the sofa seating in the café.
"Yes, I just moved here recently and was exploring the neighbourhood. You stay around the area?"
"Yup. Not far from the 'stairs of hell'." Almost rolling your eye.
Hyunwoo let out an airy laughed "I totally know what you mean."
Taking the first sipped of his drink, he started making some sound. "Mmmm! Mmm! This is so good!"
His reaction makes you adore him. How can someone be so charming, gentle and cute all at the same time.
"Oh, what did you ordered?" you asked out of curiosity.
"Honey grapefruit tea! It's on the drink's special menu. It's so refreshing!" You smiled at him as he sounded so proud of his order.
"Do you stay alone?"
 That question was definitely out of nowhere.
 There was a short pause as you were a little startled by the intruding question. Hyunwoo probably felt that he might have make you uncomfortable, so he explained.
"Oh, don't get me wrong. Since I moved here alone, I just thought it would be nice to know people in my neighbourhood. But its ok! You don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable. I'm sorry for the sudden question." Looking apologetic and not sure if he sounded weird.
But somehow his explanation makes you feel comfortable enough to tell him, so you looked at him,
"It's ok, dont be sorry. And yes, I kind of stays alone. But I have this best friend of mine, that would come crushing every so often to check if im still alive. So i'm not sure if that counts." Again, cursing yourself for the lame joke but it's kind of true too.
Well, atleast your reply showed Hyunwoo some relieved as you can see the smile back on his face.  
"It would be nice if we could have…"
 Before you manage to hear finished his sentence, the whole place start to shake violently. You could hear someone calling your name very loudly, somewhere but you couldn't find the source. Scared as hell, you closed your eyes shut.
 When you opened your eye, you were in a dazed. Minhyuk is now on the sofa beside you and shaking you violently. You frowned, now back to your sense. You were quite sure if he were to continue shaking, you would have thrown up on him that instant.
 "Babe! Back on earth?! You scare the hell out of me!" "What happen to you?!" "I came into the apartment and the first thing I saw is your dead body on the sofa!" "I mean lifeless. I mean.." As Minhyuk went on with his chains of words, you rolled your eyes at him. You can totally see that small smirked on his face.
 You had given Minhyuk the password to your apartment on day one when you move in, as he was whining non-stop about it until you gave him the digits. Since the both of you are having movie night every other Saturday, so you though it did be more convenient to do so too. But Minhyuk always says, it's for your safety so he can come by to check on you and see if you're still alive and kicking. You just want to rolled your eye, knowing all too well it's for his own convenience, as he always comes over for free meals, if not when he wants to escape from his mom's nagging. But even so, you never really mind it because he would keep you accompany whenever nightmares start taunting you.
 "What time is it now?" you asked.
 "It's almost 7PM, y/n! And you are supposed to start cooking dinner at 6:30PM!" He shouted across the kitchen while getting you a glass of water.
 You took the glass from him while trying to figure out what just happened.
 "Are you having nightmares again?" Minhyuk asked with concern on his face.
 "No, it's not a nightmare. In fact, it was a good dream." You paused.
"Well, at least it is until someone starts shaking me so violently, I thought there was an earthquake." You said to him with a somewhat annoyed tone now. He pouted.
You stood up wanting to get a quick shower because you're still in your yesterday's work clothes but your ankle give way. Now you remembered that you had sprained your ankle and it's still swollen. You realised what was not adding up. You were dreaming, that's why it wasn't hurting earlier.
And that guy in your dream, Hyunwoo.
Who is he? Have you seen him before?
 It’s been a month since you dreamt of Hyunwoo and you were hoping to dream of him again but instead, the whole nightmare routine starts bugging you instead.
 Today, was no different as you find yourself fighting the tiredness to sleep. But after sometime, you finally can’t hold much longer and you fell asleep on the sofa. When you opened your eye and to your delight, you were at the same cafe, same sofa seat where you and Hyunwoo were at before.
 "Hey, your coffee." Looking up, you saw that smiley eyes that you were missing so much, right in front of you.
 "Hey.." You replied, fighting the urge to ask if he he's real. Afraid that it would break the spell to whatever is causing this dream.
 You decided to throw the thought to the back of your head, as you have been waiting for this to happen ever since that day, you tell yourself to enjoy it well it last. So, you turned your focus back on him.
 "How have you been?" You smiled while sipping on the coffee he got for you.
 "I'm good. And I've been thinking about talking to you again" That sudden confession caught you off guard.
 Has he been thinking about me? This is a dream, right? He's probably a reflection of what I've been wanting to hear from a guy.
Now you're very much convinced by yourself that all this are probably just in your head.
 The both of you talked for a while, enjoying each other's company. It felt nice talking to Hyunwoo and you were hoping to talk for a little longer but a loud ringing sound woke you up.
Lazy hand searching for the source of the dreadful sound, you grabbed the alarm and turn it off. Looking at the time, it's now 5AM and you know you are back at the harsh reality of work week. A sigh leaves you as you drag your heavy body out of bed.
 On the way to work, you can't help but be hopeful about dreaming of Hyunwoo again since the second time did happened.
 Indeed, you found yourself seeing Hyunwoo in your dreams for the third, fourth and fifth time in a spent of 2 months. It always happens at the same cafe. The both of you would be seating at the same sofa seat, drinking the same drinks. Even though, there's no knowing to when you will be dreaming of Hyunwoo but when you did, he never fails to makes you happy and recharged. You start seeing yourself looking forward to sleeping and dreaming again. Something that you use to love before adulting. Not to mention, nightmare have been less frequent and you were feeling better every day. It was a good sign for you.
 And today you're dream again, the sixth time. But you found yourself at a different setting. It wasn't the usual cafe or the sofa seat that you always sat on. It was a place you are not familiar with. It was someone's home.
 It was Hyunwoo's home to be exact. You can see his family picture framed up sitting on the kitchen's table. He was smiling so brightly in the picture and you can see where he probably gets his youthfulness from. You smiled because in front of you, stands a familiar back hovering over the stove.
 "Your mum look so young and pretty." you said while admiring his back view.
 He turned around sounded in agreement. Now turning towards you, you can't help but to admire this perfect looking guy, in his home clothes and combing his hair back with his hand. He wearing a white tee that hug his body perfectly, showing his chest muscles curve and broad shoulder and a pair of shorts that shows his long legs. Unaware of yourself checking him out so openly, he chuckled
 "Enjoying your view huh?" he says jokingly as he turns back to cook.
 You cough trying to hid your blushing face, "Ahem, are you cooking ramen?" "The legendary 'Hyunwoo's ramen'?" You giggled as you teased him.
 "Yes, I promised its the real deal."
 "Are you sure is that good?"
 "Oh yes, it's that good that you would want for more." feeling challenged as he places the ramen in front of you.
"Go on, have a taste"
 He leans in on the table, moving into your personal space as you took your first bite. You're trying to ignore his extremely close presence, not sure if it's the ramen or Hyunwoo that's making you all hot now.
 "How is it? Good?" Staring at you earnestly, waiting for your feedback.
 How am I supposed to concentrate and eating with him being so close?
 In all honesty, he looks so yummy you just want to eat him instead. You can't help but blush so hard at your own desirable thoughts.
 "Are you ok?" Hyunwoo asked as his hands feels your burning cheeks and his face just inches away from you.
 Your face now so close to his. You looked at his so kissable lips and a sudden impulse urged you to slid forward and kiss him. You retreat back and shut your eyes, hoping to wakes up so you don't have to face the embarrassment from your action. But you didn't. Before you know it, you felt Hyunwoo lips clashing back on yours causing you to open your eye in a shock. That impulse and innocent kiss had turned into a heated open mouth kisses as Hyunwoo move his hand behind your head keep you closer. You felt yourself heated up from the action. You want more. He pulls away after a while, only to carry you up onto the table as he parted your legs to stand between you. He latched his lips back on yours and you swear you're feel all sorts of sensational feeling with what he was doing. Hyunwoo slowly moves his hand with lazy fingers gliding all over your body leaving hot trials and tingling feelings to where ever he passes. You can feel the shiver up your body and the tight knot somewhere inside of you wanting more of him.  
He pulls you closer to him while moving down to your neck, giving you soft open kisses. You can feel his growing bulge pressing on your centre as he grinds up against you, cause you to make soft seductive moans that you never thought you're capable of making.
 "Hyunwoo.." You murmur as you arched your back.
 He tilted his head up to look at you, so done for him just from the kisses. You can see his pupils blown; eyes filled with lust. He wants you. Before you can think of anything, you shudder as you felt the sudden contact of his palm cupping your heated clothed centre. You moaned and that encouraged him to move further. He slipped his hand through the side of your shorts and pushing your panties aside. You hissed at him when he parts your folds and starts making circle at your swollen nub. You can't remember the last time someone had taken care of you like that and saying you were a moaning mess is an understatement. You moved your hand wrapping around his now fully grown budge, wanting to help him relief from the strain in his shorts. You can hear his low moaned when you start pumping him. He sounded so attractive, yet so sweet. Soon after, both of you were helping each other to chased your much needed high.
 "Baby.." the sudden pet name got you closer to your high " I can't…" you curled your toe and shut your eyes, preparing for the rush that was going to come through.
 But talk about bad timing.
 As you opened your eye as you found yourself lying on your own bed. You rolled over, face pressed down and you screamed into your pillow venting out your frustration. You need to settle your sexual frustration. Reaching down to your panties which is now soak with aroused. 
You sighed. "I want him." 
You find yourself craving for Hyunwoo. While thinking of him, you settle your needs with the fate of your own fingers.
 2 weeks went by after that heated dream you had. The seventh didn't come.
  "Just go to that damn cafe! It won't hurt anyone…" Minhyuk retorted over at the other side of the phone. Clearly annoyed at you talking about the cafe for the nth number of times over the months.
 You had told Minhyuk about all your encounter with Hyunwoo in your dreams. Maybe not all, you did leave the sixth encounter out to save yourself some teasing that you would for sure get from him.
 "I dont know. I mean they're dreams. I shouldn't let it bothers me so much." turning and twisting your hair on your finger while you talked.
 You have been thinking of going to that cafe ever since the first dream but you couldn't find a reason to go. You make your own morning coffee so you won't willing to spend that extra money on coffee outside. Work also got the best of you, so you go only between your work place or home. Your life it's so exhausting, so during weekends you just wants to stay at home do your overdue laundry and spend the rest of the day sloth-ing.
 Today, Minhyuk finally convince you to get out of your den and you both were planning to meet for lunch.
 "How about you go there and get me a cup of coffee before we meet?" Minhyuk suggested. Clearly taking advantage of your dilemma but, it works. You were more convince to pop by the cafe for a reason.
"You're one smart ass." you can hear his sinister laugh, knowing that he succeeded in getting himself a free coffee.
 "Hi, welcome!" The girl behind the cashier smile as you walk through the door. In reality, you have never noticed this cafe before, so let alone visit it, but it felt familiar. The interior and the seating were the same as what you could remember from your dreams. You look at the menu board for a while, even though you know you would probably get an ice coffee to satisfy your caffeine needs as you didn't have one in the morning. But you saw 'Honey grapefruit tea" on the drink’s special menu and without much thinking you ordered it along with Minhyuk's ice coffee. You set down at the same sofa seat that you and Hyunwoo had sat on in the dream, while waiting for your orders.
Your phone vibrates.
TheannoyingBFF: Hey babe! Please dont kill me!
TheannoyingBFF: Hyungwon car broke down and he needs me to find him
You: ...
TheannoyingBFF: I'll buy you dinner tomorrow
TheannoyingBFF: I PROMISE!
You: You better!
You: Be glad that I'm still at the cafe and not on my way
TheannoyingBFF: I'm sorry and I love you!
You: I would've killed you
You: along with hyungwon
TheannoyingBFF: Hope you will bump into him, so my sin can be off set *Praying emoji*
You: ...
You: Bye
 You grabbed your drinks when your order tag buzz and went back to the sofa seat. Having your plans cancelled and with no back up, you decided to stay in the cafe for a while. This cafe makes you smile. You were happy when you're there, so it naturally makes you feel good.
 You took a sip of the new drink and with an impressed look, you mumble to yourself “Waoh, it's indeed nice and refreshing."  Continue drinking, you stare at Minhyuk's ice coffee that is place in front of the empty seat, you thought to yourself how lonely this makes you look. Like you've been bumped or something and this makes you feel like cursing at Lee Minhyuk.
 'Ting Ting' the doorbell of the cafe rang. You didnt react to it as it has been sounding out quite a few times. While you continue to scroll through your feed, a familiar voice started talking.
 "Hi, is this seat taken?" Looking at you and gesturing at the empty seat in front of you.
 You looked up, couldn't believe by the person standing in front of you. You start looking around and find the cafe seat all packed, so you turned back to him "Erm.. No" while you kind of avoid looking at him as you try to calm your nerves and trying hard not to show that "love struck" expression.
 He smiled and thank you as he set down. You moved the cup of now showing two layered coffee away, so he can have his space.
After a minute or so, his order tag buzzed and he stood up to get his drink. Your eye followed him as he went over to the counter. When he got his drink, you notice the table at the far end were about to leave and you can feel a slight disappointment in you, thinking that he would move to that available seats. 
But to your surprise, you see him walking back towards you.
 "If you don't mind, I did love to seat here. Is that ok?" His requested makes you smile.
 "I don't mind. Please seat."
 Both of you were quiet for a while, looking at your individual phones when you decided to break the silence.
 "Do you stay around here?"
A sudden Goosebumps came to you as you asked the same question, at the same place, same spot.
 He looked at you and with a soft smile, not questioning or looking at you weirdly.
 "Yes, I just.."
before he finished his sentence, you were mumbling under your breathe, like you already know what he would probably say.
"..moved here recently and was exploring the neighbourhood."
 He now looked at you with wide eyes but somehow it doesn't look like he was spooked by you but rather a sense of realisation. Like you know his secret.
He grabbed your hand and rushed out of the cafe, bring you to the 'stairs of hell'. That very spot when he first met you.
 "Do you know this spot?" trying to search for an answer from you.
 "Yes" is all you say, as you're trying to process the situation here.
 He grins, showing his teeth and his eyes turned into a smiley eye that were so familiar with.
 "This is real right?" you couldn't help but asked.
Because at this moment, you were just confused and happy all at the same time. Hoping that this could be real and not wakes up to nothingness again.
 "It is." "Let's do this all over again." Not sure what he means by his words, you waited.
"Hi, I'm Hyunwoo. Nice to finally meet you." he stretched out his hand wanting for a handshake.
 You couldn't help but to smile and hug him instead. The guy that you have been thinking of, debating if he is real or just fantasy, is right in front of you.
 "Hi.. I'm y/n" you murmur as you can feel the tears that trapped in your eyes threatening to fall out.
 He hugs you back and you could hear him say "Thank you for finally going to that cafe."
You look up at him "Did you go to that cafe frequently, hoping that you could meet me?" You're certain your face is now showing that 'love stuck' expression as you ask that question.
 "Yes" is all he said as he held your arms and gave you a kiss on your forehead. 
That moment, knew you're the one that needs to buy Minhyuk a meal and you can't love him enough for giving you the reason to go to the cafe.
 "Shall we continue where we left off?" He whispered softly into your ears and turns to look at you with a goofy smile. 
You can feel your face burning as he reached down to kissed you on your lips.
 Having to experience ‘real dream’ yourself, you now truly believed your grandparents dreams and that some dreams really do come true.
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braziliancurly · 4 years
That's my first FanFiction, hope you enjoy it! I'm not fluent in English, so I'm sorry for my mistakes.
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Imigrant (Joe X FemReader)
You’re sitting with your son, at your house's sofa, waiting for your husband to back with the dinner.
- Mom, dad is taking forever!. – He says really annoyed.
-Darling, you need to be a little more pacient! – you reply him gently, trying to calm him down but looking into his light brown eyes you see that he's hungry, and couldn’t wait no longer (just as he's dad). – Dad must be in the way home, arriving soon.
You stand up from the sofa and kiss your son's wavy dark blond hair. You move to the kitchen in order to set the dinners table.
As soon as you finish you hear the door open and you husband asking your son to help him.
-MAMA! Dad's home! – Your baby said coming to the kitchen to put the Coke on the table and then taking a sit.
Your husband just did the same, but with the dinner's bags.
-Dinner!! -The hungry kid finally give a big smile - I thought I'll die before having it!
-What have we already told you about this words ? -Your husband said seriously.
- Sorry, dad.
-Just an expression, Joey. Don’t be mad. -You tried to broke the little heavy atmosphere, while you serve your kid.
-I don’t care, that's not a nice thing to say, or play. Death is not a joke.
Joe is rarely angry, by the way, something really bad need to happen to mad him. You need to know what happened that night, but you wouldn’t ask during the dinner to avoid increase the tension.
You all had dinner in silence, your little boy was ashamed and Joe was serious.
- I've finished. – Carefully said the boy.
-Do you want something more, Lucca? – you asked him.
-No, thanks.
-So put you plate, glass and cutlery to wash and go brush your teeth. Mama will soon be in your room to say good night .
As an angel he did what you told him. When he was far enough for not hearing any sound from the kitchen you decided to talk to Joe.
- Babe, what's wrong? – You tried to be carefully as possible.
-Joey, please... That’s not you! What happened? You left home so happy and calm, then you back so different. – You stop eating to look him right to his eyes.
He didn’t answer to your question, keeping himself in silence till the last piece of his meal.
-I am full. – He said in a very angry tone.
- Sorry? – You were confuse.
- I can’t stand those immigrants. They're trash! Completely trash. Can’t even prepare na fast food order. It’s so simple. Why do they need to be so dumbass??? – He was furious, his eyes where dark in anger. – They just came here to steal our place! To occupy our kids' school, our hospitals and to be one more eating our food!
You couldn’t recognise him. He'd never say something like that. Special to you! His words were hurting you. You where holding your tears, but kept pretending you're strong. You wanted to see how far he can go...
-Joseph, they just mistaken your order, do you really need to act like that?
-Slow down, Joseph Francis Mazzello. – You said seriously and angry, you said his full name to open his eyes to the fact that he’s from an immigrant family.
-SLOW DOWN? SLOW DOWN? – He stand up, punching the table with all his strength. – Those Latins are fucking the country, can’t you see? – He said while he came close to you. He put one of his hands in your cheek, looking you right to your eyes – which probably shows him how disappointed, sad and angry you were about his behaviour. He took some seconds, and said after a deep breath full of frustration: and I also have to deal with an “immigrant rights defender”, I'm definitely fucked.
-No, Joseph, you don’t have to deal with an “immigrant rights defender”, you have to deal with a immigrant wife. Or ex, suit your self.
You left him in the kitchen and went to your room, locked the door already crying.
-How could he say that? – You said to your self. – Has he forgotten who I am?
You cried your heart out till you fall asleep, completely hurt and weak .
Joe was at the kitchen, so furious that he didn’t wanted to follow you when you left. He just punch the wall two or three times before doing the dishes.
-What happened, dad? – The 7 years old asked him, shy and afraid of his dad's reaction. -Mama's crying .
-We had a little row. – Joe winked at Lucca.
-Why is she crying?
-Pregnancy makes women more sensitive, it’s just that. Don’t worry, she'll be fine. -He gave him a kiss on forehead -Now it’s time to good boys go to bed.
- Good night, dad.
-Good night, Lucca. – The boy was leaving the kitchen when Joe remember to say something important – Lucca! – he stopped and look back to his father – Dad loves you!
-So do I, dad!
Joe finished to organise all the kitchen and went to the living room, turning the TV on. He's watching Fast and Furious 5, when a scene reminds him how he met you. It happened on a Holliday, when he was watching a soccer match at Maracanã Stadium. You were sitting by his side, supporting your team, he got fascinated by you, for his lucky you also appreciated him and accepted his invitation for a beer after the match .
-GODDAMNIT! SHE'S BRAZILIAN – he yelled – Asshole. How could you forget it?
He jumped out the sofa and went to his room, faster as possible. He tried to open the door but it was locked.
-Oh c'mom. -he whispered – Darlin’?. – knocking the door – Darlin’please, open it.
You were sleeping, couldn’t hear him, after some minutes he left your door backing to the living room, he passed in front of Lucca's room and the door was opened, he put his head inside just to check if everything was ok.
Joe layed down on the sofa, without any blanket or pillow. He closed his eyes feeling the cold wind in his light and soft skin.
It was 3 a.m when he felt something warm in his arms, he opened his eyes facing Lucca.
-Oh, sweetheart! Why not in your bed?
- I had a nightmare. I went to your room but it was locked so I down stairs to drink water and found you here, you were cold, dad, then I brought you a blanket.
Joe sat on the sofa with Lucca's blanked on his back and shoulders, he put him in his lap
_ You are the best thing that ever happened to me, you don’t know how your father does love you. You'll only understand when you become a dad too. -Joe was trying not to cry. – I really love you, never forget it . Thank you for being so lovely to me . – He kissed his head while hugging him. Lucca is everything for Joe, he could kill or die for him.
Joseph stand up with his son in arms going to the kid's room. There, he layed him first then layed by his side.
-Let's stay together tonight – He said while covering both with the StarWars blanket.
Lucca quickly felt asleep, and Joe took the opportunity to appreciate his son, he's Joseph's spitting image, even though his hair is a mix of Joe straight hair and (Y/N) dark brown curls.
- You're so perfect, Lucca. -He whispered while lovely stroking his hair. -Can't believe I made you. Please stop growing up so fast. – Joe felt asleep thinking about how could his father be pleased to meet Lucca.
You woke up at 7 a.m, your eyes and face were swollen. You were feeling bad, still hurt by Joe’s behaviour and words. You started to cry again, but in silence.
It was 7:45 when you got strong enough to go to the bathroom to pee and wash your face. You also felt a little bit sick and no longer you vomit all your dinner.
- Oh shit! – you complained.
You brush your teeth and left your bedroom. In the hallway you saw Lucca's door open, so you cold see Joe and Lucca sleeping together. You got closer to them, carefully enough to not make noise. They were in a kind hug, Lucca’s head was in Joe’s chest, the scene melt your heart. You placed your hand in your belly, were baby 2 was, with a smile in your face you left the room.
You decided not to have breakfast, but had to prepare Lucca’s pancakes. Definitely pancakes are the boys' favourite breakfast, but you only prepared it for the younger one.
Chilling at the swimming pool area you hear some laughs coming from the stairs. You took a look inside your house and saw Joe playing airplane with Lucca. They were getting closer to you but don’t want to talk to Joe, so you pretend to be watching videos on you cellphone.
-MAMAAA!! – Lucca said in Joe’s arms
-Ooooh – You answer your inside joke. Joe cuddle putting the boy on the floor again. Lucca hugs you – Had a good night? – You asked pulling him to your lap.
-I had a nightmare, but dad helped me. -he said while you were playing with his dark blond waves and small curls.
You kissed his cheek making he smile, Joe noticed that you don’t want to talk to him, but still stand close to where you were .
- There’re pancakes waiting for you, Lucca.
-Yeahh! – He jumped out your lap, - We love it! – Lucca said holding Joe’s hand pulling him to the kitchen. You follow them, and served Lucca just after he sat .
While you were filling the boy’s glass with juice, Joe was looking to you, waiting for something, he was a bit ashamed, but said nothing. When you finish you left the kitchen.
Lucca stop his meal and pick a plate to Joe, sharing one of his two pancakes with dad.
-Now we are the same! – He said happily, Joe felt something hard in his throat, but made a huge effort to smile .
-Thanks, dude.
They had their pancakes, Lucca go cicle in the yard and Joe started looking for you.
-There you are. – he said, trying to sound nice. - Guess we need to talk.
You were ironing some of your baby’s clothes. You didn’t stop to look at Joe, you just ignore him.
-Ok, this way is harder, but you leave me no choices... -You asked God to shut up him – Yesterday was a horrible day, 15 years since my dad left me. – he stop a little, facing the floor. “God, please” you prayed. – I was trying hard to be happy and forget about it, but at night, I was hungry, and the attendants from the restaurant annoyed me, I couldn’t control myself. I am so ashmed. That wasn’t me. I swear. – He was looking to you, waiting any reaction. – Please, look at me, lets talk about it, I wanna apologize, look me in the eyes, please. I hate this. It’s so bad for me, for Lucca and for our baby. Please, look at me, let me explain myself?
You stoped, turned the iron off and looked at him. He was so handsome, his sad face, rose cheek, red lips, not brushed hair, you really want to kiss him and say “its fine”.
-Better, thank you. -He said a little sarcastic when you looked into his eyes- (Y/N) I am so sorry, my blood boiled yesterday I couldn’t think straight. Sorry for everything you've heard, you didn’t deserve. You know, I’m also imigrant.. – You rolled your eyes – Sorry. I love you. I do really love you. Everything you do is great, look at our family, we’re so blessed. I'm the most blessed man in the world, I have my Brazilian wife, our son, baby two comming, both healthy and loved. I couldn’t ask for more. Please forgive me. – He said in a shocked voice – Can’t live without your smile, hug and love, I... -You stopped him
- I forgive you. – You said emotionlessly although you were dieing inside. You noticed that your cold-reply made him a little more sad. -Is this all? -Your voice was chocked too.
A tear stream down Joe’s face before he come closer to you. He placed his hands on your waist, making you shiver, he gave you a sweet kiss in your forehead.
- (Y/N) Eu te amo. – You felt few tears falling from his eyes on your skin. He gave you one more forehead kiss. - Você ser meu vida. – Joe’s Portuguese was kinda wrong, but you didn’t mind, you couldn’t hold your tears anymore. -Eu te amo.
-Joey, eu também te amo. – You answer, kissing his lips passionately. Both were crying. Joe's hands grip you firm and yours were in his neck and hair. But no longer you had to stop kissing when Lucca arrive.
-Jesus! – Your son's hands were covering his eyes. Joe blush and cuddle. You felt your face heat but tried to play it cool.
-We've finished – Joe said rolling his eyes in a funny way. Your son discovered his eyes -Come here - Joe called him for a hug. Lucca pulled into his dad's arms, and you 3 hug together.
-Thank you, Lord, I’m so blessed! – Joe whispered during the hug. You look at his eyes and saw a little happy tear raising. You smile and also thank God for your family.
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