#I can’t get over how normal his face looks while his body is trapped under layers of meat
seravphs · 1 year
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Sae might have rethought putting a ring on your finger if he knew husband duties included losing sleep to your overactive imagination. 
wc — 500
tags — married au 
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“Can you stop squirming?” 
Sae’s annoyed with you, but you can’t help it. You’re not normally afraid of the dark, but sometimes your mind plays tricks on you. 
Around you, the night stretches on like a kitten, soft and velvet. Your eyes have long adjusted to the dark, but your room is poorly designed. Inky shadows collect in every corner, crated by awkwardly shaped shelves and random divots in the wall. 
Like any normal, well-adjusted adult, you have no problem being in darkness. Just a few hours before, you ran a load of laundry without turning the lights on because you didn’t feel like it. But as you’re trying to fall asleep, your idle mind grows restless. 
It starts whispering the kinds of things that make you pull your feet away from the edge of the bed and shrink towards Sae’s comforting, warm body. 
“If you keep this up, I’m going to get my own bedroom,” he tells you. 
You both know it’s an empty threat. How could it not be when you wake up to his arms around you every morning? 
Still, it’s not nice of him to say that, and you let him know. 
“Don’t be mean, I’m scared!” Your grumbling is childish, but there are certain indulgences you’re allowed. 
“You’re too old for this,” he sighs, exasperated, but he lifts his arm so you can tuck in closer along his body. 
Just then, you feel something brush along your leg. You barely stifle a shriek as you forcefully push your body into Sae’s. It’s a hard collision that would knock the breath out of him if he wasn’t a professional soccer player. As it is, he makes a sound of discomfort when your elbow bumps into him. 
Up until now, you’ve been facing outwards, keeping an eye out for anything that might roam in the dark. At this moment, you peek out from under your covers, turning to look at Sae.
His face is entirely unamused. 
You try for a sweet smile, hoping he’ll relent and forgive you as he usually does. To his credit, he only cracks after he forces you to endure a prolonged, awkward stare-off. Then he groans, pinches his nose, and bodily drags you closer so you’re all but on top of him. 
Your head rests against his shoulder as he wraps his arm around you, tucking you into the line of his body. Your legs tangle with his. 
“That better?” He says. “Nothing’s going to get you while I’m here.” 
“Now that you mention it,” you say jokingly, “you are a big, strong football player.” 
A peek at his face reveals what you already suspected. Sae’s cool exterior is hard to crack, but he’s always weak to compliments from his wife. He’s fighting a smile that’s apparent anyway, or perhaps you’re just good at reading him. 
“But you’ve trapped my legs,” you complain. “How am I going to run away if anything happens?” 
“Oh my god-“ Sae shoves a hand over your mouth and muffles any further commentary. “Go to sleep.”
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bitchyycapricorn · 1 year
Almost There
Peter Parker x Ghost!Reader
Chapter One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
Series Masterlist
Wordcount: 1.2K
Synopsis: Peter enters his apartment that night expecting to find an empty bed. But instead, he comes face to face with your transparent glowing figure.
Warnings: introduction fluff, angst, mentions of death and loss of family.
AN: not edited
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Peter swung through his open window, allowing the breeze to carry him in. His limbs tired and his hair a sweaty mess under his mask. When he entered his room he expected to find it empty, not a figure of a girl on his bed, seemingly waiting patiently for his arrival. His eyes narrowed at the sight of you, unsure how you got into his 5th story apartment. He was also unsure of why you appeared to be transparent, your whole figure seemingly glowing in the moonlight. Peter took a step forward to the bed, about to speak before you broke the silence.
“You can see me can’t you?” Your voice was soft and soothing, barley above a whisper.
Peter hesitated to respond, unsure of what to make of your peculiar statement. Of course he could see you, why wouldn’t he be able to see you? “Yes?” Is all he managed to get out, still wracking his brain for some sort of answer.
“I’m surprised,” you reply wistfully, your gaze slowly lowering to the ground. “Most cannot, usually only the children.”
Peter hesitated again, still unsure of you words. It didn’t help that his eyes were playing trick on him. As your body shifted ever so slightly to better face him he could’ve swore you’re figure flickered. “Who are you?” He didn’t sound nearly as intimidating as he had hoped he would. Rather he sounded more nervous than anything.
“Y/N L/N, I died a few years ago in the elevator accident.” You averted your eyes, gaze focusing on the full moon outside rather than the boy in front of you.
Peter froze, your words seeping in. “You…died?” He had never felt so unsure of what he was saying as he did in this moment.
You looked back over to him, giving a small nod. “Yes, the elevator, it fell while I was inside. The impact killed me.” You dropped your gaze once more, this time focusing on his red bedsheets. “I’m kind of trapped here, I can’t exactly leave.” A frown settles on your face as you attempt to pick at Peter’s sheet, your fingers coming in and out of reality.
“I didn’t even know ghosts existed,” Peter replied honestly, focusing now on your fingers. You were able to freeze your body back into reality for some time, but it was exhausting and took away most of your energy. You look up at him once again, scanning his red and blue suit.
“Where do you go every night? You are never in bed, not like the last boy.” You frown.
Peter stepped towards you, finally removing his mask and tossing it onto his desk. Your eyes lock on his face, examining all of his features. You had only seen him from between the walls so far, and occasionally through the window while you were on the balcony. “I go on patrol,” Peter replied hesitantly. “I’m kinda Spider-Man.”
You cocked an eyebrow at him, “Spider-man?” You repeated.
“Like, I’m a superhero with super ability’s.”
A smile grazes your lips “Oh? So you are half spider?” You ask slowly.
“Well, yes and no. I have you know, like super strength and can climb walls and all my senses are really heightened.” Peter replies, struggling to explain exactly what he can do without sounding too strange.
A smile officially settles on your face as you consider his words. “So that is why you can see me. You have super sight. That is good, I have missed having company. My family moved after the accident, the memories too much for them.” Your frown returned, recalling the day your folks left.
“Could they not see you?” Peter asked, slightly thrown off that your family would just up and leave.
“People cannot normally see me. The exception is children. The little boy who lived here before, he was around five. I used to play with him everyday after school but then he moved. His parents were concerned that he was seeing things, which I suppose he technically was. It just hurts, I really cared for him and they took him away.” Tears would have been falling from your eyes if you had frozen yourself.
Peters eyes flickered down to the carpet as he played with his suit. “That’s really horrible, were they the last people who lived here?”
You nodded, going back to playing with the blanket between your fingers. “Yes, the man before that family was always drunk and yelling. He was very angry and often scared me, even if he could not see me.”
“Oh, that’s, I’m so sorry.” A frown had settled on Peter’s face as well. His heart hurt for your story, even if he was still freaked out that he had a ghost sitting on his bed in his room. Nothing about you would have made sense if it weren’t for everything he’s ever experienced with the Avengers, including going to space and fighting a purple alien.
Your eyes drifted back up to Peters, a sad smile on your face. “Won’t you join me…”
“Peter, Peter Parker.” He finished.
“I like the name Peter, won’t you come lay with me Peter? I’ve missed being near someone. And you’re always gone so late I rarely have a chance to come see you.”
Peter hesitates once again, feeling suddenly flustered by the fact you’d been waiting to lay with him. “You want to sleep with me?”
You nod, confused by his hesitation. “Yes, the young boy used to lay down next to me and we would tell each other stories before he fell asleep. His parents did not pay him much attention.” You feel your heart drop at the memory of the little boy you loved so dearly, wishing more than anything he would’ve been your son.
“I-I’ve just never had anyone share a bed with me before.” He replied honestly, still feeling alarmed by the thought.
“Oh, I do not have to if you are uncomfortable. It just helps,” You admit, suddenly feeling bad for requesting to lay next to Peter.
But Peter nods, deciding he would give it a try since you were merely a ghost after all. “Alright, let me get my pajamas on and I’ll join you.” Peter begins to strip out of his suit, expecting you to turn around as he did so. But your eyes stay glued to his muscular body, taking in how good he looked in that moment. It wasn’t until after Peter had his pajama pants and shirt on did he notice your longing gaze.
“I miss my body.”
“Were you staring the whole time?”Peter squeaked.
“Yes?” You watch as Peters face heats up a bright red in the moonlight. “Are you embarrassed? You look very good.”
Peter shuffles over to the bed at a loss for words. “Normally people don’t watch others change.”
“Oh, well yes I just, you started changing so fast.” You admit, crawling up onto his bed to get under to covers. Peter crawls in next to you, awkwardly laying there as you both settle in. You exert all your energy into making your body whole again, solidifying your body and appearance before cuddling up to Peter. He jumps slightly, shocked at the feeling of your cold but solid skin. “You’ll hold me won’t you? It’s been years since I’ve been held by someone else.”
Peter nods hesitantly, wrapping his arms around your body. “Goodnight Y/N,” he whispers, dozing off to sleep almost immediately.
“Goodnight Peter.”
When Peter wakes the next morning you’re gone. He can’t help wonder whether it was all some twisted dream or if he would be seeing you again that night.
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oh-stars · 4 months
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Sun Rays
Love is bodies touching, whether it’s soft cuddles or sliding together towards orgasm.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 672 words | CW: sensory issues | Rating: G
Eddie does not like to be touched. It’s weird considering how much he touches everyone in his circle (even though Steve and Robin assure him there’s nothing weird about a boundary – they’re his friends, they have to say that). He’ll hang on Jeff’s shoulders during band practice or lay his head on Wayne’s shoulder during long car drives, but he can’t stand when the same happens to him. He can touch, but cannot be touched. 
He kind of hates it, this visceral reaction he gets to someone showing affection. It’s not so bad when he has a heads up (as if his body doesn’t vibrate with excitement whenever Steve offers his arms for Eddie to jump in to, wiggling around like a dog who doesn’t know how to express their emotions), but when it isn’t on his terms, Eddie just wants to rip his skin off. 
They’re normally pretty good about falling asleep with plenty of space between them. Eddie will cuddle Steve for a bit when they first lay down, maybe they’ll fool around a little on a good day, but then they always wedge the body pillow between them. Eddie hates touching at all during the night, especially when Steve keeps his leg out of the covers and then decides to graze his leg in his sleep. Or worse, when the cat somehow sneaks into their room and tries to suffocate him. 
It’s unacceptable, really. 
This morning, Eddie finds himself trapped. The body pillows on the floor, Steve’s laying on his stomach and hugging Eddie, arms wrapped around his middle as his head rises and falls with Eddie’s chest. There are lines from Eddie’s t-shirt carved into Steve’s sleep-warm skin, the tiniest drop of drool puddling under his bottom lip, and his hair sticking up in eighty directions. He’s adorable. 
Eddie wants to die. 
He feels so constricted, trapped under Steve’s weight and twisted in the sheets of their bed. The panic takes a hold of him quickly. He pushes at Steve’s arms, breath picking up as he whines and tries to wake Steve up. He’s about ready to rip his skin off layer by layer if Steve doesn’t. 
Steve wakes with a jolt, nearly tumbling off the bed with how quickly he moves. “Shit, Eds,” he says, voice all grumbly and syllables thick. 
Eddie tries to catch his breath as he comes down from the panic. He hates this. His body betrays him all the time and he hates it. Eddie wants to cuddle with Steve whenever he wants to, wants to luxuriate with him in their bed and take in the early morning hours, but he can’t. It’s so stupid. 
“Eddie,” Steve asks from his side of the bed. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” he squeaks out. “I’m okay. It just–”
“I know,” Steve says, “I’m sorry. It was an accident–” 
“Not your fault,” Eddie says.
“Not yours either.” 
Eddie doesn’t know about that. 
Steve lays back down, putting plenty of space between them so he’s laying in the small strip of sunlight that falls on their bed. His body looks cozy, like a lazy cat basking in the sun, but his face tells the story of his concern. He wants to reach out and comfort Eddie, but they both know that only makes things worse. 
Instead, they have to lay separately as the day comes into play. 
It’s the weekend, they have nothing to do today, so Eddie doesn’t fight Steve when he falls back asleep, this time his face smushed into a pillow. He leaves Eddie to reset, to start the day on his own terms, to figure out what his body needs. 
And after a while, when the sun rays across Steve’s back nearly covers from shoulder to hip, Eddie feels like his skin is his own enough to curl up against Steve. He drapes his body over Steve’s, much like Steve had done in his sleep, and soaks in his sunshine’s warmth to really start the day.
Touching isn’t so bad when it’s on his terms.
Thank you @lady-lostmind for betaing this story!
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orbitaldeathwoomy · 3 months
spoilers for side order under the cut i guess
“No, we can’t—We have to go back! We have to bring her back!”
Cerrin’s cries echoed through the Memverse floor as Marina and Acht pulled him back into the elevator, its doors closing the second Pearlbot had entered behind them. None of them had seen him so desperate before, regardless of the struggles he’d faced. Even Acht, who had only known him for a short while, could tell just by the shocked look on Marina’s face and the way Pearl was hovering close to him that their own concern for the normally pink Octoling was more than warranted.
Tears streamed down Cerrin’s cheeks as he knelt on the ground, repeatedly slamming his tightly curled fist against the floor. His entire body was shaking, and he could barely breathe through his sobs. Why did they have to leave her behind? Surely they could have…
“Hey, Eight, are you—”
“Why didn’t you let me save her?!” he shouted, tears leaving his eyes feeling like they were on fire as his attention snapped to Acht. “We could have brought her back, and—” Cue a sob. “And we could have done something to help!”
“I don’t think it works like that.” the partially sanitized Octoling calmly replied, their gaze momentarily shifting to Marina before returning to Cerrin. “It looked like your friend was completely under Order’s control. Something bad could have happened if we brought her back with us.”
“How the hell would you know?!” he snapped as another sob escaped his throat, a moment passing before his voice fell to a mumble.
“Marina, she… Sh-She could have…”
“I’m so sorry, Cerrin…” Marina apologized, guilt evident in her eyes as she looked downward. “Order’s control over Ruby is too strong. Trying to brute force my will over its in this situation could have had a lot of unforeseen consequences, and I might have hurt her in the process…”
He fell silent again, gaze focused on the floor of the elevator the four of them were in. Was there really no way to save Ruby from Order’s control? What if he made it all the way up the spire, defeated Order, and he still couldn’t help her?
He didn’t want to think about it.
“Hey, c’mon, Cer! Don’t worry!” came Pearl’s voice, her drone body giving an enthusiastic mid-air twirl as she spoke. “We’ll kick that Order’s butt and save everyone it trapped in here! You’ll see!”
A heavy sigh passed Cerrin’s lips, before he wiped the remainder of his tears away with his forearm and moved to stand up. His body was still shaking, his breaths uneven as he took a few moments to calm down and collect his thoughts.
He wasn’t confident he could even reach the top, not with the Palettes he currently had access to — All the weapons were far too light for him to adjust to as quickly as he needed. Unless he managed to find a Palette with something heavier, he knew his chances of reaching Order were slim. Even a Palette with a charger would be better than anything he had right now.
Especially the one with those Dualies…
“Speaking of "kicking butt",” Acht said as they leaned back against the elevator wall. “Didn’t you find a key when you defeated your friend? Maybe the locker it opens will have a Palette you can work with better than the ones you already have.”
“Yeah!” Pearl exclaimed. “It’s hard to see you struggle, but if we find something you’re more used to, it’ll be smooth sailing!” Cue another mid-air twirl. “So, we just gotta keep pushing! The faster we get to Order, the faster we can save your friend and everyone else!”
Cerrin sighed again, but gave the others a nod. Everyone — Ruby, the others who had been sucked into the Memverse, and even the world as a whole — was counting on him, just like how it had been back when he escaped Kamabo Corp...
And if he hadn’t given up then, he wasn’t about to now.
“…Alright.” he said, finally looking up at the others. There was a small, determined glint in his blue eyes. “Let’s show that thing what happens when it messes with us.”
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alteriivik · 8 months
please please please please.
I need a really big guy, (like over 6’5)
everyone’s afraid of him, they all think he’s sooooo scary
until he’s alone in a room with you. Then he’s a small subby fuck toy for you.
u feel me?
-❌ annon
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warnings: sexual content!! overstim, voyeurism, stalking
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intimidating sub who is so intimidating to others, his figure towering everyone, his well-built physique, and his rather attractive facial features accompanied by his uniquely good fashion taste. He just weirdly attracts yet repels people at the same time; you oddly don't get red flags, yet you get them at the same time. He’s confusing to people to the point that they avoid him for that reason.
intimidating sub with a slightly snappy, sassy man’s personality with a lot of boldness and a tinge of coldness. He’s a man whose words are sarcastic, sentences and actions filled with sassiness and insults that would make a grown man cry. He’s a confident guy willing to be blunt and straight to the point, a little shameless, but what can you expect? He has a slightly larger-than-normal ego.
intimidating sub who found out about you from mutual friends. They spoke highly of you, and he had some expectations only for them to fall when he’s face-to-face with you… well, in front of you, to be exact. Your head tilted up to look up at him while he looked down, his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. This encounter will come and bite his ass later, literally and figuratively.
intimidating sub who finds himself under you on a bed, in some random’s bedroom, at a party he half-agreed to in an irritated manner. He was supposed to be drinking downstairs, having drunk conversations with people, and just chill on the couch, and yet… how did he get here? He knows he should stop you, to stop whatever is happening to save the last of his dignity. But why does the feeling of your hands tracing his exposed upper body feel so… intoxicating? He feels your fingers gliding around his chest, leaving a trail of goosebumps, which leaves his skin shivering and flushing.
intimidating sub, burying his head into the pillow, which proves to be unuseful in covering his moans as his whimpers and moans were loud, drool flowing out the corners of his mouth and his face cutely pink as you eat him out. He can vividly feel your tongue hungrily tasting his insides, your tongue pushing in and out as you lick his boypussy like a dehydrated, desperate man.
intimidating sub getting railed like a fucktoy, his voice, which is usually deeper, lets out girly, high-pitched moans and a cute sob. His body was littered with multiple prominent markings everywhere, from his neck to his pecs to his stomach. He feels his legs burning from the discomfort of being folded in half, his big legs resting on your shoulders as you trap him in a mating press, your dick hitting places he never imagined, which made him see past the heavens.
intimidating sub whose head spins at your degrading insults, telling him how humiliating it must be for him, someone who has a larger physique getting bent in half and fucked like a whore makes him cry more at your mean words, yet the only thing that’s in his mind was to get filled to the brim with your cum; he finds himself growing hotter at the thought, his hole squeezing a little tighter around your dick. And when you cum inside him? God, you’ve got him hooked.
intimidating sub who couldn't help but become addicted to you after that night; he unconsciously and continuously thought about you, everything about you; your features, your personality, your dick. Mostly about you fucking him, in all honesty. I mean, you can’t blame him. You fucked him so good he got addicted the moment you showed your dominance and indirectly called him a submissive fucktoy which the thought of that turns him weak in the knees.
intimidating sub in one second, finding himself in front of you and confessing to you after long consideration, encouragement from his friends, and stalking you around the campus. In the next second, he finds himself in a storage room with you, being pushed against the wall and touched everywhere, which sends him into overdrive as he had dreamt of this for so long after that exact night.
He’s more than happy to oblige to your requests, even if it’s humiliating for him.
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@alteriivik | do not steal
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truckreincarnation · 10 months
Missing the Mark | Luz | Trial 1.1 | RE: Testimony Sharing, Shin, Bian, Harriet, 19
Of course, the trial room would be here of all places. At least they were all out of the water, but it didn't take away how soggy and cold this place was in general. However, all that was really the last thing on her mind. They were here to solve a murder. Now, Luz wasn't feeling the heartfelt grief and sorrow at the loss of a life, no. She was more honed in on the fact that one of them could be a killer. She takes her spot, sending a glance over to the empty seat of Francis' next to her with the slightest twitch of her eyebrows.
"Tch." She stares forward coldly, eyes scanning over the faces of everyone around her. 
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"I'm gonna be honest, I don't know a goddamn thing about anything. Not what Francis was doing before this, or anything relating to it. I've never moonlighted as a detective while I was alive, so I think it's pretty shitty to be forced to play one suddenly with someone else's- my own included- life on the line. So I'm gonna go off and continue with creating this timeline by adding that we've been trying to establish."
She picks up the quill, if only to have something to do with her hands. She jabs into her paper with it.
"Starting from 9 PM, I was doing some light reading with the most boring book I could have ever gotten from that tree in my room. Eventually that got old, so I ditched my room and went off to the lounge."
There's a vagueness in there, but she leaves no room for anything but continuing on.
"I ended up seeing Manami right before we both went into the same location. Just my luck."
Luz speak for 'I see her way too often'. She even adds a little eye roll.
"If you want me to be specific, it was around 11:02 PM by the time I entered the lounge. Manami was there, like I said, Miles, and Cowboy with his cat."
She glances off to the side.
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"And Shin, too. Snoozing away on the couch. I was looking for a little fun, so I thought I'd try bothering him. The old man wouldn't budge, though, so I found my amusement with some knitting needles. Cowboy left around some time...I want to say 11:34, and all was well up until we were called to the practice dungeon."
Like she said, she was no detective. Still, listening to the theories surfacing she figures she could throw in her two cents.
"Well, if we're arguing that Francis was Mark, and that she might have been setting up a trap to kill someone, then we should consider the motive. Like Shin said, she was recently king, so why would she set something like this up? However, there is one more underlying motive. Killing, and getting away with it, means that we get some kind of power boost right? Isn't that what the pixie said?"
As long as that loomed over their heads in this dangerous world, there could never be the possibility that someone wouldn't go for it, in Luz's mind.
"I dunno what kind of person Francis was, so I can't say much about these theories and if that's something she may have been aiming for. Plus, if we're able to take out multiple weapons with the intention of planning a murder, then what if she is both Mark and Gun? To throw out a red herring or whatever by making the handwriting seem different. I never asked if we could, under all these circumstances, take out a weapon under a different alias by then. Oh. But don't take my words too seriously, I'm just throwing things out there, trying to sort everything out. Honestly, to me it make more sense if she was Gun since one was close to her body."
She ends with a nonchalant shrug, but her body is way too tense to keep up her normal unbothered attitude with such grace.
0 notes
jaesqueso · 2 years
Touch (m)
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pairing: masseuse!johnny x female!reader
summary: you go get a different kind of massage
word count: 2,122
warnings: straight outta porn, fingering, happy ending massage
a/n: this has been in my drafts for a while but for some reason inspiration came today! hope ya’ll enjoy ❤
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
As you enter the door you start to doubt if the idea of coming here was any good. Maybe you should just turn around and go away, this is stupid.
“Good afternoon ma’am, can I help you?” You turn around and see a smiley lady at the front desk.
“Oh hm… Hi! I- hm…” You mentally slap yourself for being so nervous. “I have an appointment?”
“Fantastic, what’s your name?” She asks.
“Y/N.” You step closer.
“One second…” She types into the computer looking for your reservation. “Alright, follow me please.”
She goes around the desk and into a corridor full of doors. You follow her right to the end and into the last room on the right. You thank her as she opens the door and motions for you to come in.
“You can remove your clothes and hang them here.” She points to a hanger on the wall and grabs a towel. “You can then lay over there facing down and use this towel. Make yourself comfortable and your masseuse will be right with you.”
“Thank you.” She gives you a last smile before stepping out closing the door behind her.
You look around the room and sigh. Guess there’s no backing down now.
Slowly you start removing all the clothes in your body and lay down as the receptionist instructed carefully laying the towel over your back and bare ass.
With your head on the hole on the massage bed you close your eyes thinking that this is a crazy idea. But before you think about getting up and dressed again you hear the door open making your heart beat like crazy.
“Good afternoon, my name is Johnny and I’ll be your masseuse today.” A manly but smooth voice echos around the room. “I’m gonna put some background music, is that ok?”
You simply hum unsure of what to say. The stereo starts playing some relaxing tune similar to what you always hear in spa advertisements, you believe this is supposed to relax you but you’re as nervous as you were when you walked in.
“I’m gonna lower the towel to start on your back, ok?” Johnny questions already tugging the top edge of the fabric.
“Sure.” Your voice comes almost as a whisper and you swear your heard him chuckle.
The towel is slowly dragged down your spine, carefully folded over your bum, the tips of his fingers only slightly touching your skin sending shivers all over your body. You feel him step away but only for a few seconds before you see his feet under the massage bed as he places himself right by your head.
“I’m gonna start.” He gives you a heads up before his hands lay on your shoulders applying just enough pressure as they push down your back.
Your breath gets trapped on your throat with the contact. His hands are soft and wet but warm, he must have grabbed some massage oil and you can’t deny how smooth it feels.
“You’re really tense.” You can hear the grin on his voice. “Please, try to relax, you’ll enjoy it more.”
The last words sound closer like he leaned down to whisper them in your ear. Gulping you close your eyes and try to follow his suggestion.
His hands keep moving up and down your back applying pressure just in the right places and it almost makes you forget everything in your life, you almost feel the stress leaving through the door and it’s like all your problems are simply fading away.
Lost in your thoughts you almost don’t hear the breathy moan that escapes through your lips.
“I-I’m so sorry.” You quickly apologise widening your eyes.
“Don’t worry, that’s totally normal.” Johnny brushes off your embarrassment as he steps to the side of the massage bed, his hands moving to your arm.
He seems to grab more oil as you feel new moisture on your skin. His touch is definitely doing wonders and your arm almost chases it as he walks around the table only to give the other one the same treatment.
Once your upper body is nice and relaxed he steps further down the bed. Your leg twitches when he touches your calf and this time you’re a hundred percent sure he chuckled.
Slowly his hand gets higher and higher up your leg in circle motions that relax your muscles only to get tense again as his fingers brush under the towel dangerously close to your naked intimacy.
You sigh as his hands move to your other leg repeating the same movements. As they get higher again you bite your lip. Is it too inappropriate to be turned on right now?
“Do you mind if I remove the towel?” You almost choke on your own spit. “It’s kind of getting in the way.”
“Ok…” You voice is unsure and that’s not enough for him.
“I’ll need you to say it.” He insists.
“Y-yeah, you can remove it.” You stutter, the nervousness returning.
Gently the towel is removed and you expect to feel chills being fully naked and in display but the room temperature and honestly the whole ambience actually makes you feel comfortable.
His hands return to your thighs and this time they don’t shy away from going up your hips and around your ass checks making you tense up all over again.
“Please let me know if I do something that makes you uncomfortable and I’ll stop, ok?” He assures you.
“I will.” You reply letting him know you’re ok with it.
“This is a safe space and I don’t want to overstep.” He reinforces.
“Thank you.” You honestly appreciate his concern.
You let your legs being spread apart by him as the massage continues. Your sensitive inner thighs are the ones receiving the treatment now and you have to bite your lip to prevent another moan from coming out when his fingers repeatedly brush on your lower lips almost exposing how embarrassingly wet you are.
But just as you start to really enjoy it everything stops, his hands are off you and you feel his presence step away too. You’re about to ask what happened until he speaks.
“Can you turn around please?” You look to the side and see him hand you the towel he removed from your body earlier.
Slowly you start turning around, trying to cover your body with the towel only to notice his body facing away and grabbing a bottle that you assume contains the oil he has been using.
You now lay on your back placing the fabric over your breasts low enough to cover your core, just in time for him to turn back around. You see his face for the first time since you entered this place but quickly advert your gaze to the ceiling.
His hands come back to your arms and you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding at the familiarity. Gently they move up your shoulder and into your neck giving it a little squeeze before descending into your chest. This time you couldn’t stop a moan from coming out and you automatically close your eyes with a frown.
“I’m gonna lower the towel ok?” He asks just like before.
“Yes.” This time you sound more sure of your answer.
The towel is folded just enough to cover your lower area that honestly could use some air by now with how hot you’re feeling.
He resumes his touch on your chest and you hold your breath knowing what part of your body comes next, you can feel how hard your nipples are and you’re pretty sure he can see that too. But instead his hands make their way through the valley of your breasts to massage your stomach.
You frown a little disappointed but suddenly drop it when again the tips of his fingers brush underneath the hem of the towel although not much further than that. Your body starts to get impatient, you desperately need him to touch you further but wouldn’t that be too awkward to ask?
Thoughts get interrupted by his hands finally groping your boobs making you gasp. His touch is soft but hard at the same time making you grasp on the edge of the massage bed trying not to squirm around. This is not enough to feed your current needs but you’ll take all you can get.
His index fingers start playing with your nipples and you make no effort to hide the sinful sounds leaving your body anymore. But like the tease he’s been so far he lets go to refocus on your legs.
Taking a deep breath you try to calm yourself down, this seems so wrong but it just feels so damn good, you just want more and more.
Much like before his hands move in circular motions up your leg but before he reaches where you need him the most he moves to the other one. You try to steady your breath, the teasing is driving you crazy but you don’t know what to do.
“Can I take off the towel-” He starts but you’re too quick.
“Please!” That came out a little more desperate than you intended so you clear you throat and try again. “Yes, you can.”
You hear another chuckle leave his lips before you lay there fully naked once again. Your legs are re-spread apart as he mimics the movements from before on your inner thighs but this time he gets even closer to your folds.
As his hands move to massage your groin you feel your juices dripping outside of your lower lips as he presses them together. You whimper when one of his thumbs spreads your wetness around and sneakily dives in to brush your clit.
Silently you thank the heavens for finally feeling something right where you need it. One of his hands moves from your groin to cup your pussy, his fingers no longer coated in massage oil but in your juices as they brush between your folds.
He keeps playing with your clit while his other hand pulls your knees up, bending your legs so he gets even more access to your needy pussy as you no longer try to hide the moaning mess you’ve become.
Once you’re spread wide for him two of his fingers smoothly slide from your clit and into your wet hole. You move your hand to cover your mouth as the sound you made was louder than any before and you start to worry what people around will say.
“Don’t worry, this room is sound proof.” From the corner of your eye you see him smirk as he removes the hand from your face allowing you to harmonise with the music that keeps playing on the background.
Pumping his fingers in and out of you, Johnny keeps his other hand busy on your clit, double pleasuring you as you feel a familiar feeling grow within you.
At each trust his fingers seem to move deeper and deeper inside you quickly finding your sweet spot. And when a third one joins the party you can’t find it in yourself to fight it anymore so you let your orgasm take over you. Your back arches off the massage bed as you grip on the edge letting out the loudest more pleasured moan so far.
Johnny is kind enough to ride off your high before removing his fingers from inside you and lay your legs back on the table. As you try to stabilise your breath he grabs the towel and covers your body like you had done before when turning around.
“I hope you enjoyed that, thank you for coming.” You raise a brow as you watch him move towards the door. “Oh and don’t worry about the payment, someone already took care of it.”
With a wink he’s gone and you’re left alone in that room again wondering if this was even real or just a very vivid product of your imagination.
Later that evening you sit on your couch blankly staring at the TV as flashbacks of before keep coming into your mind.
“Babe, I’m home!” You hear your boyfriend enter the apartment and get up to greet him with a kiss.
“How was your day?” You ask him unable to hide your smile.
“It was very good actually.” He tightens his grip around your hips. “You look too happy, did you enjoy the massage that much?”
“I did, I was really needing that.” You bite your lip.
“Told you that was a good place with very good masseuses.” He wiggles his eyebrows making you roll your eyes shaking your head with a smile.
“Thank you, Johnny.”
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
taglist: @yokshi-unbeliebubble​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @nc-teen​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @yutahoes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @dimplehyunn​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @iknowyuno​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @bebskyy​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @ne0cultur3technology​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @nurenciye​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @luvjeongjaehyun​​​​​​​​​
unable to tag: @chenleyang @doahflix @criminalmindsz
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undead-merman · 3 years
Can I please request some bunny! Satan nsfw with a gn reader?
Thank you for all your works, I love reading them all!
Thanks. Someone else asked for the rest so here.
🐰Yandere Bunny Mammon, Leviathan, and Satan🐰 Mating Season GN - Reader NSFW
(Contains: Breeding Kink)
Before Mating Season
Mammon is normally very unprepared for his Rut only ever noticing when it’s a day away or just as it starts. But now that you’re there he’s overprepared, much to his dismay, as his brothers tease him for it. Dozens of different kinds of healthy snacks, mineral waters, even creams for sores. He just wants to impress you even in ways like this.
He gets more moody than normal, getting angrier and more jealous of you. Yelling at anyone who even looks at you all while pulling you closer and shoving his face into you and guiding you away. He’s also extremely touchy, grabbing you playfully, smacking your ass, or even teasing your sex before backing away red faced, realizing what he did.
He’s much more forward asking you on dates and pulling you around or forcing himself into your room to spend time with you. He simply won’t leave you alone and anytime you wander off he whines and complains and practically throws himself at you. He simply monopolizes all of your time.
He steals a lot of your clothes and belongings and hides them in his room. When you need them he presents them to you with a wagging tail more like a dog than a rabbit telling you he got it for you so you don’t have to go far and push it onto you. He likes to keep one of your pillows in his hoard and hump into it while pretending it's you. He's scared to lose himself to his rut and doing something embarrassing or hurt you in some way. He thrusts into the pillow trying to elevate his building sexual frustration but it only gets him more worked up and craving you even more.
During Mating Season
When his Rut is a day or two away he gets far more aggressive with others looking at you then ever before and will drag you away and keep you locked up with him so your attention is only on him. He’ll just hold you, unwilling to let go. He nuzzles into your neck but slowly moves to more intimate spots, too lost in the feeling of you to realize his actions. He’s just begging you to love him and adore him, muttering in your skin with his eyes closed. His ears are shaking and tail is straight up.
His Rut hits him like a truck and he's all over you, placing open mouth kisses all over your body and his hands grip your hips tightly, but you can feel them shaking from his excitement and arousal. All embarrassment flies out the window and he’s trapping you under his body, panting heavily the idea of filling you until you're so fucked out, then driving you insane by continuing.
He takes an extra long time to prepare you, fingering you slowly and reslishing in the moans you make, almost a revenge of sorts for being so wonderful smelling right before his Rut. As he fingers you he’s grinding on any part of your body his hips come in contact with. He cums once or twice on you shivering while looking frustrated from not being satisfied at all and just getting more worked up.
Once he’s inside you, his ears are shaking wildly and he’s grinning from ear to ear as he suddenly pounds you until your legs shake with exhaustion. He’s covering your body in hickies and bite marks, but concentrating them in areas you both know will be noticeable afterwards. Mammon just happily grunts out how everyone will see just how much you belong together.
Even during breaks he likes to stay inside and just have you warm his cock, he desperately craves to stay inside of you. The way he casually talks about you being bred by him is embarrassing but he doesn’t even seem to notice just paying attention to if you need to eat or rest. After he’s right back into fucking you full and raw.
He loves any position he can put you in so long as he’s closely pressed to you he hates when you're too far from him and tugs you back in close to him.
After Mating Season
After his rut is over and his senses go back to normal he’s hiding himself under the sheets horrified and ashamed of all the embarrassing things he said and did; but if you try to stand he’ll suddenly burst from his cocoon, telling you to sit down and he’ll do whatever you need.
He takes some convincing to let you roam free again and when you’re allowed to leave he’s extremely protective of you and doesn’t even let his brothers look at you for too long and starts yelling at them as he pulls you into his arms using his entire body as a shield. He has a nasty kick befitting a rabbit he’s not afraid to use if anyone touches you.
He’s your one and only mate and he’s extremely boastful of it he uses you to brag and is so proud to call you his and the thought of him successfully breeding you makes him glow with excitement he’s constantly pestering you over and over to let him do it again. He swears that doing it with you gives him good luck and you're an amazing lucky charm.
Before Mating Season
Leviathan is absolutely horrified by his Rut and is one of the ones to overly prepare for it at least a month in advance and has a small anime themed backpack to hold all of his essentials in. He packs a ton of water bottles with a fruity flavored vitamin powder. He gets easily dehydrated so packing them is a must unless he wants to pass out.
He tries to keep it a secret as long as possible. His heart wouldn’t be able to handle the embarrassment after exposure, though he really really wants to spend his Rut with you. He keeps imagining it over and over and eventually he gets too worked up and has to mastrubate to his photo collection of you.
He has a hard time looking in your eyes but can’t look away from you. He’ll stare at the back of your head, trying to keep his breathing even, but looking away when you catch him staring. He pretends not to know what you're talking about. But if anyone gets close to you he’ll hunt them down and tear them to pieces in a jealous rage
During Mating Season
When it hits he tries to stay hidden in his room drooling over some clothes he stole and whimpering your name as he sniffs it and pumps it around his painfully hard dick his head filled with nothing but you and how much he wants to see his cum overflowing inside you and dripping down your legs. Eventually he can’t take it anymore and stops hiding, seeking you out and pulling you up on his hips and carrying you home making you wrap your legs around him and him burying his nose into you rubbing his scent into you.
Expect him to apologize over and over for ignoring you and him begging for you to forgive him. He was just embarrassed he’ll apologize by licking and stroking your sex trying to make you feel so good that you forget or forgive him. Then moving your entrance and swirling his tongue around it.
He presses into you, hard, as he grips your hips with surprising strength and makes you see stars as he hits every good spot you have, and even helps you discover some new ones. Every time he cums he asks you not to spill it and he pushes as deep as he could into you.
If you pull his ears you’ll see a switch flip inside of him and he’ll shiver with every thrust pulling into you over and over. His mind just goes blank and he just wants to cum inside you as much as possible. The instinct of breeding you is the only thing on his mind after that.
Once in a while he stops for a short break, hydrating but eating like a bird the whole time he’s snuggling up with you and weakly checking his phone while nuzzling into your collarbone. Bathing with him he sinks low into the bath so only above his nose stick out of the water relaxing for a few minutes before he tries to fuck you in the bath.
After Mating Season
He buries his face in a pillow and apologizes for being so avoidant before he offers you his jacket to keep you warm as he softly rubs your sore and weak legs and wipes a cool damp cloth to clean you up. He’s shockingly not as embarrassed as he thought he would be after he just feels happy.
He’s attentive, bringing you your favorite homemade meal or snacks trying to cutely feed it to you. He claims he doesn’t want to overexert you after everything. But he just wants to take cute pictures of you getting hand fed.
After everything calms down, you find him more confident in him asking you for things especially ear scratches he’s developed an addiction to having your hands on them.
Before Mating Season
He’s had this written down and planned for a while. He knew when to pinpoint it’s start and prepared for it more and more as it came closer. He knew his emotions would be all over the place so he made sure that you knew and were properly locked inside his room with him. He’d rather avoid the clean up after. If his previous Ruts have taught him anything it’s he knows how messy he can get with dealing with annoyances. So he has you locked up so you both can get ready and stay productive until the day.
He becomes very touchy way more than before, constantly brushing up on you and scenting you before going back to whatever he was last doing. He scents you by holding your face and rubbing his palms over your cheeks and lips as well as shoving his face into the crook of your neck and nuzzling it; however, as the days go by they get more and more lewd with light pinches and/or groping.
He has everything set up like it’s going to be a week-long get away. Drinks stored in cooling containers, quick and nourishing meals prepped and a cute little “toy” to get you ready for the days ahead, though preparation is key and he reminds you of that every time you cum from it.
When he sleeps he ends up nearly chewing on your neck and shoulder and he humps you as you both sleep. He ends up ripping a lot of your clothes and the sheets as he sleeps but he doesn’t seem sorry.
During Mating Season
Satan becomes almost animalistic as he smiles at you and rips your clothes off with his teeth and one hand and suddenly palms your sex as he grinds his hard cock into your ass. He rips his own clothes off and praises your body from the crown of your head to your toes before he hauls you off to his bed.
He’s glad for the forethought of using the toy since he can’t help himself and pulls it out slowly before stuffing you back up with his dick laughing with heavy breathes as he enjoys how warm you are around him.
If you let him, he’ll bind you up, wrists, ankles, and neck, bound with leather belts as he tugs you along, using his thumbs to roughly rub your chest, making you cum over and over again until your nipples are rubbed almost swollen. He loves seeing the marks after, kissing and licking them.
Appeal to his rougher side and ask for more or even rougher treatment and he’ll completely lose his mind for you and treat you as rough as you want. He’s nearly worshiping you as you take each punishment after the last. He’s sure to kiss every mark he makes just to remind you he’s doing this in love.
He instructs you to keep every little drop he cums inside you and if you don’t he’ll be sure to spank your ass red, afterwards for any that drips out, he pushes back in with his thumb.
During breaks he’s overly sweet, kissing every mark as you rest and petting your face over and over. Pet him back and he’ll lean into it with a large blissful smile, you’ve never seen him so relaxed.
After Mating Season
He’s right back to normal after what happened but he’s now tailing you everywhere, watching over you. He makes sure that no one gives you any trouble, ready to crush, smash and rip limb from limb anyone and anything that might potentially hurt you, his brothers are included on that list of things to crush. You're his mate now and he can’t let anything happen to you.
He brings you fresh snacks, packing you lunches, and offering to take care of anything he can for you. He wants to keep you happy and in good spirits and seeing you content and taken care of makes his heart beat wildly.
He scents you even more, nuzzling you wherever he can get to and covering you with his smell. When you're alone he rests his chin on your head and just embraces you, he wasn’t a huge fan of showing affection before but when you're out of public view he’s all over you.
For at least a week he’s in a wonderful mood after spending his Rut with you, his smile dazzling and he openly admits that he’d now rather just have you in his room. You get to have a choice to stay in his room free to roam around it or you stay by Satan's side at all times. You get to pick your collar at least.
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onyxoverride · 3 years
Ocean Spit
Titan! Eren Jaeger x Reader [ + normal form Eren Jaeger]
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◙warnings: monsterfucking then normal fucking, multiple orgasms, overstim, a lot of liquids, size difference to the max. Minors dni (18+ only.)
◙word count: 2.5k
◙summary: Eren offers to walk the both of you to the ocean and when you two get there, in a secret little cove, he decides to try something out. You enjoy it thoroughly.
◙note: I had to hold back on being too gross. Not so gentle reminder: do not post me on tiktok, especially this and my darker content.
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When Eren first offered to walk the two of you to the ocean, you denied. Walking that far? Absolutely not. You would prefer to keep your legs on your body.
But then he clarified that he would be using his titan form, and technically all you had to do was hold on to him with ODM gear, that sounds much better. 
So here you are, hanging onto the strands of hair of his titan form as the ocean slowly gets bigger and bigger in your field of vision. It’s beautiful, especially from up so high. It sparkles more than any shiny metal you have ever seen, and it is bluer than any eyes you have ever met, it reflects the sun back into your eyes you almost have to squint to see it clearly. Thankfully, Eren’s big head is blocking some of the sun’s reflection from hitting you. 
The ODM gear is digging into his skin but you think that he can’t even feel it, like a needle pricking into his skin. The rocking of his titan form could make you fall asleep if you aren’t careful, everything just feels so serene. Quiet. You two do not need to talk, can’t technically, but the silence is still comfortable. 
Before you know it you can hear the ocean’s waves and Erens giant titan feet splashing into the water. You want to ask him where you two are going but you know he won’t hear, or wouldn’t be able to respond properly, so you put all your trust in him to keep you safe. Thunderous splashes of the ocean sound so small from where you are and all the blue you admired on the way here could wash you away with home much there simply is. And the smell? Wow, salty, expensive, and so new. There are several smells you aren’t able to recognize, something a little foul but not enough to scare you away, and another thing that smells like some sort of plant but still pure sea.
Wind blowing past you as he walks, curling around your body as you close your eyes and bask in the sunlight and sensations until he stops at a little cove, closed in by rocks and exclusive access to only him or a small boat. The thing is these rocks are too slippery to grab onto, your ODM gear would do fine but not you. Thankfully, Erens sinking down onto his knees in the water so you are closer to the ground of rock, his big hand reaching around so you have some sort of leverage and step to get down. A weird, gentlemanly titan version of an escort that leaves you giggling as you finally step onto the rock. 
Everything is so interesting, it’s hard to take in so many new things at once but Eren is right here, right in front of you in all his titan glory which keeps you grounded. His had that helped you down comes around to pull at your gear, an attempt to be gentle but still get his message of ‘Take this off’ across. 
“Take off my clothes?” You try to confirm the demand that is leaving your skin warmer than when the sun was hitting it. You figured you two would swim but you also assumed that he would be in his usual, human form. But Eren lets out an affirmative huff which blows your cape and hair back a bit. So you strip as he watches intently, darkened titan eyes observing your little body slowly get naked beside your underwear.
Then he’s gently tracing a large finger to the edge of your panties, a silent demand to take them off too. It’s embarrassing, your whole body is hot and maybe it would be less so if he was his normal size. But his huge titan form feels like a whole audience within those eyes of his. You comply anyways, slipping your underwear off into a small pile away from the wake of the water. 
Another huff, more content, as he sits back into the water a bit, lower and closer to you, keeping his hand close to your body as you shift around on your feet. His tongue slips out and he’s leaning closer, the hand behind you coming to bump into the back of your knees and he’s licking your legs, the muscle so strong causing you to fall back into his hand.
Everything he’s doing seems so calculated. His tongues spit covering your legs as you rest into his hand. He’s observing you, checking to see any signs of him being too rough or if you want him to stop but all he sees is you squirming, embarrassed on his rough hand. 
You should feel at least a bit ashamed for liking this but seriously, your inner thighs are slowly being drench and it’s not just his spit that’s soaking you or the occasional sprays of the ocean water. You taste salty, and sweet at the same time. Like those expensive candies made of caramel that you can only buy in the inner walls. 
Was this his idea all along? To have his tongue licking over your bare cunt as you lay helpless in his hand. One long lick feels good, but then he’s putting the tip of his tongue right over your cunt and pushes, and all the pressure has you grasping onto his fingers as he pulls an abrupt orgasm from you. You cum so hard and so quickly it almost hurts. Tongue still on you as you curse, everything is making your body buzz and sing with the sensations he’s pulling from you. Holy shit. He can pull another orgasm from you easily if he doesn’t stop.
But he keeps his tongue on you, breath huffing over your body keeping you warm as your whole body clenches and is thrown into another orgasm. He brings his other hand from the water to hold you delicately between them, finally pulling back his tongue for a second. You look debauched, soaked in his drool and heaving breaths from cumming so hard and so quickly. 
He can see you moaning out something, his name he hopes, as he takes his thumbs across your body, holding you like a doll, rolling his thumbs gently across your breast. No matter how soft he is trying to be it still feels rough. The strength difference and the texture of his skin all add to the buzzing under your skin. 
You feel helpless and safe at the same time. As his thumbs travel across your body and press gently in between your legs, he could easily squish you if he wasn’t treating you so softly, so carefully. But your cunt feels so sensitive already, puffy and slick, fluttering around nothing has his tongue strokes over it more. 
You let him play with your body, hands caressing his giant fingers as they manipulate and grope you. He cups his hand one more time, you laying in it, and employs his tongue once again. Licking at your legs, hot breath fanning over you again causing all the liquids around you to feel warm again, his tongue works over your chest. Rough skin overstimulating your nipples easily. His movements are attempts of delicacy but he is literally a giant, there is only a small extent of how delicate he can be. Your body is trapped in his cupped hand at the mercy of his tongue. You have never heard yourself moan this loud, maybe it’s an attempt to reach his ears but honestly, it is involuntary at this point. The coarse texture of his tongue glides over your puffy and abused cunt one more time before you are unraveling again, cumming loudly on his tongue once more before his hand is settled to the rocks below.
You settle back against his hand, body exhausted chest rising and falling to try to catch up your thoughts and energy. Until you hear him rip out of the nape. Everything feels just fuzzy like all those orgasms ripped your senses away with them. You don’t even realize Eren is beside you, pulling you up from the slowly steaming palm of his titan’s hand on trembling legs. But then your legs are buckling and he holds you and falls to the rocky ground with you to cushion your fall.
You finally look at him and his face is red down to his chest, eyes struggling on where to look at you because every part of you is alluring right now, completely drenched and toyed with by his titan form. He looks like a wild cat, disheveled, and the titan markings decorating his face don’t help him look sane. 
Before you can say anything, Eren is tripping out of his clothes, attempting to throw them into the pile where yours rest against the rocks and away from the water. He’s trailing his hands down your body that’s covered in titan spit and your cum and slick sticking between your legs. 
“Can we- can I-” He’s embarrassed to even ask but you get the message into your fuzzy brain. But he’s been toying with you all this time, it’s not unfair to with him back, right?
“Can you what, Eren?” You lean back into the rocks so he can stare at more of your body, “Tell me.”
He knows what you are doing but he falls into the trap nonetheless, “Can we- well can we, you know…” He sighs and hovers over you to look you in the eyes. “Can I fuck you now?” You want to laugh at him, he rarely ever gets shy but in these situations, he can’t help it. You quirk your brow in response, encouraging him to continue and he scoffs.
“Whatever, nevermind,” his threat of not following through usually works to get you to tug him into you, to finally get to the main event going, but this time it doesn’t. He’s too embarrassed to say anything else.
“That’s not gonna work, Eren,” you sing out, “Your titan form gave me a few very nice orgasms, I’m content if we stop.” 
He never knew he could be jealous of his titan form but here he is. He was the one doing that to you, not just his titan form, him. That’s what spurs his words on, “Can I please fuck you? While you’re covered in my titans drool that gave you such nice orgasms?” He spits out his words like sour candy.
You throw your arms around his neck as you giggle, “Since you asked so nicely, but you have to do most of the work.” You feel boneless from being manhandled (titanhandled?) and he understands, it’s not like he hasn’t done all the work before. He pulls back to look at your cunt, clenching around nothing and soaked for a multitude of reasons. Fuck, it’s erotic. Swollen and slick, already overstimulated by his titan’s tongue and begging for his cock.
He taps his cock against your sensitive clit and watches your thighs jolt in response. All the liquids easily lube up his cock, sliding it over your clit one more time to see your reaction which makes you jolt a bit from the pleasurable and stinging sensation before he glides his cock into your clenching walls. His head rolls back at the feeling and once he is in all the way, he grasps your hips, digging his blunt nails into your skin to have some leverage, and pulls you into his thrusts. Your cunt is tight and constricting around him and so wet, it’s almost unbearable. Back arching, hands grabbing at his to feel at least a little grounded because you would be sliding against the rocks if it wasn’t for his grip. 
“Eren, fuck-” he is using your body, you feel almost limp like a toy as he keeps bringing you down on his cock, the rocks below scratch at your back but the buzz humming through your body makes it hard to care. The overstimulation feels like a pleasant burn throughout your lower half but his cock inside you feels so good and that burning sensation only adds to the pleasure.
The slapping of your thighs hitting is absurdly loud and wet, he is very glad that no one is near the two of you; otherwise, they would get an earful of debauched moans shared between the two of you and the lewd paps intensified by titan spit and your cum. 
He’s pushing moans out of you, your cunt tightening as another orgasm and he can feel everything. The soft ridges of your cunt and the soft patch he’s hitting that sends you over, your nails digging into his hands as he stills inside you. The tightening of your cunt sends him into a well-earned orgasm because the whole time his titan form was playing around with your body he’s been hard. Cum filling up your hole and when he finally pulls back he watches your cunt push out his seed that only adds to the mixture of juices surrounding your lower half and pooling below your ass. 
Chest heaving, it feels like your whole body is blurry as he lovingly strokes your thighs. 
“Are you okay?” It feels like he has finally processed how fucked you looked. Blissed out and leaning back against the rock, you just hum. You can’t even focus your eyes enough to see his red face, embarrassed and blissed out at the same time. He shimmies your body up, propped against his chest, and gradually moves the two of you to the water. 
He sits the two of you on a high sitting part of the cove submerged in water. The water feels nice against your tired skin, washing away all the other liquids sticking to you as Eren holds you tightly to his chest as if you will wash away with them. You are glad he’s holding onto otherwise you would be with how lax you are laying against him. He’s starting to feel a little bad but you look so content laying against his chest, eyes closed in content with the salty water cleaning off your body and soaking your sore muscles. 
Ah, you could stay like this forever.
/ / : 
You’re upset with him, he knows it. You couldn’t even use your ODM gear because of how much he wore you out and you can’t walk properly even a day later. Armin came in to check up on you but he couldn’t even look you in the eye and Mikasa is avoiding your bed like the plague besides bringing you food. 
The glare you are sending his way makes him play with his fingers.
“Eren Jaeger…” 
He avoids you and looks out the window instead, with his cheeks red and smile faltering across his lips.
“What did you tell them?” 
He sucks his lips into his teeth, “I don’t really have to tell them, It’s kind of obvious…”
You throw a pillow at him which he lets hit his face as you both hear footsteps padding down the hallway. 
Connie peaks his head in, “Did y’all really go to the ocean to fu-”
Another pillow is thrown. At least they don't know the full story.
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𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔰: @kenmachishi @anzais @novvabeam @armins-bowl-cut @yourtamaki
𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤, 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔤, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔯𝔢𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔤 !! 🖤
//: 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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introloves · 3 years
@virgoamajiki: hhnngggg no thoughts just boxer!bokuto fucking you senseless after seeing the other boxer he was supposed to fight that night flirting w/ u just to rile him up and throw him off his game.
— soft dom! bokuto + boxer! bokuto + mentions of harassment in the beginning + overstimulation / dumbification + size kink + comfort + praise + breath play + squirting + fluffy end + bokuto calls reader ‘puppy’ + f! reader
— word count; approx 2.6k
— part of my boxerverse! bokuto: one shot no. 1
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he can’t blink back the images of you during the fight. the near deafening roars of his name all fadded into nothingness as he stalked towards his opponent- bokuto was dead set on putting him down.
the prick had really managed to get under his skin at the weigh in, picking you out- pointing directly at you and asking why you didn’t hop on over, he said you’d be better taken care of.
you’d sat there, wide eyed, clearly scared and taken back by his words. you only spared him a glance. instead turning with wide eyes at your boyfriend, now scared for the other man. frantic eyes shot up to look for his own- it was clear what you wanted, you looked scared and your face held a look that said;
“bo, please don’t.”
and usually, that look would disarm him completely- but not now- not now when he can see the way your eyes watered and lips trembled at the words.
he is sorry for not looking at you right away, sorry for not giving you the comfort you need-
but he’s not sorry for lunging over to the other side, barreling straight past staff that looked minuscule compared to his towering form. microphones clashing onto the floor with clear intent.
it’s complete chaos, bokutos manager grabbing him, holding him back down onto the seat, hissing in his ear that he’ll have a chance to go at him, “in the ring.”
you sit, dazed by the clamor and rapid snapping of cameras that bathe the two of you like a shower of pure light.
but he sits back down, hand clamped over your thigh, squeezing you, using your body as a stress ball. he can’t even look at his opponent, amber eyes focused on nothing more than your trembling knee- koutarou truly thinks he might kill him.
when he finally enters the ring, it doesn’t take long for the bastard to get dropped. its almost comical how short the match ends— usually bokuto would have put a little more show into it, letting him take a couple of hits before handling it, dragging it out to fluff his ego, showing everyone that he was the king, but not now.
as soon as his opponent is down, spread out on the white canvas- he steps once towards the body— pushed away by the referee in panic with the way he looms over him a little longer than necessary. the referee looking over at his teams side, shoving him back into his corner before calling the end of the match.
he lets his body get shoved into his corner, scoffing at the way the man lays there... pathetic.
bokuto doesnt even react to the roars of the crowd- walks past his team and into the locker rooms.
it feels like it takes forever to get back to you, normally you’d be at the ringside, but for this round he didn’t want you there and you not being able to do that, especially for a fight like this has you on edge. waiting for your koutarou to come home. the tension is almost suffocating when you finally hear the door slam closed.
you know hes not mad at you, thats not who the shake of the house is directed at. bokuto has always been a gentle giant with you— an overexcited, loving, and sweet giant.
he walks straight into the room, tugging off his shirt, shorts, leaving a trail of clothes as he makes a beeline right to you. there’s a deep want, need to have you, it feels like someone’s pressing down onto his chest- a tight ball of... anger and fear swirling around there.
it softens when he see’s you though, cuddled up on the bed, eyes lidded as you smile at him, welcoming him home. when he touches you, your body still warm from an almost sleep, he feels the sharp edges of anger melt away. there was no need for him to angry or scared at the words his opponent had thrown your way- he wasn’t the one about to fuck you to sleep... but the small tingle of fear and anger didn’t leave him completely.
“baby.” you murmur, hands outstretched to bring him into your space, the big body of his instantly melting down to your form, elbows perched on either side of your head- trapping you completely in.
“saw you drop him... first round.” voice heavy with lust and want, he was so strong and powerful and all yours. legs drop down onto the bed to let him in, ready for him, waiting for him.
“yeah, had to.” bokuto responds back, whispering it against your lips before he kisses you, licking into your mouth with heavy strokes of his tongue, all but tracing his name onto the front of your teeth.
“he scared you didnt he?” he growls, hissing at the way your heat wiggles to find his cock. bokuto shifts to hold the weight of his upper body on just one arm, slipping a hand down to tug your bottoms off.
“mhm.” you whimper back, gripping onto his shoulders, body jerking with every pull.
“did you see how i took care of him, pretty thing?” kou spits, pulse quickening at the wetness that meets his knuckle, trailing the back of his hand up your cunt before slipping a finger against your folds, splitting them open to briefly glance at your exposed pussy.
“fuck- course you did, thats why you’re so wet, huh?”
you cant really say anything, because he was right- seeing him knock that man out with one punch, straight to the jaw, sent heat flooding through your veins, proof of it formed in the shape of pure slick painting the outside of your cunt, between your thighs, pooling in your bottoms. its kinda silly, he knows what he does to you, knows you love watching him in his element, eyes hardened and face laxed in total concentration and an air of cockiness to him when he steps in the ring. he knows you love it, cause you’re always drooling into your panties when he comes to you after a match.
“real wet.” he marvels once more, sinking a finger all the way down to the knuckle and all you can do in response is open your legs wider, tilting yourself up to show him how ready and receptive you were for him.
“good girl.” his voice is tight and low- something like a growl with the way you move against his one finger. its enough to snap the string of self restraint he had, pure unbridled energy bouncing off him as he departs from you- just for a second, to kiss you harshly.
its a mix of tongue, spit, and teeth- strings of your passion still hanging from between the two as he leans back to look at your form, wiggling around in need of him.
its okay, he thinks, he’ll give you what you want.
and he does, doesn’t take long for him to grab the base of his thick and heavy cock, letting it slap against your cunt a couple times before squeezing the head of him inside- nice and snug. it makes him lightheaded, he cant think of anything but you- a fever crawls up his sculpted back, a need to just sink in and fuck you silly, but he wants something from you first.
“who do you belong to puppy?” he inquires gruffly, not moving an inch, watching the way you blink up at him through tears.
“w-what?” its sudden, your sweet and kind bo almost never talked like this in bed, it makes you salivate, a heat flushing down your back.
“c’mon- tell me who you belong to.” he hisses once more, splaying one of his big, strong, veiny hands across your chest, pushing down- locking you against the bed.
he still hasn’t moved, and the fluttering of your pussy down on the head of his dick makes him grunt- muscled stomach tensing with each one. he comes back to you- a little softer in the way his words sound, carrying that sweetness you know and love.
“please, tell me you’re mine.” he whispers, moving the hand that had you pinned down up towards your neck, rough callouses rubbing against the soft and sensitive skin there.
its a juxtaposition of kind, vulnerable words mixing in with the harsher movements of his strong hand curling against your airway, frantic in the need to hear it from you.
you know what he needs, and you’re more than happy to comply, wanting nothing more than to make him feel better. your hand moves up to wrap around his wrist, pulling him in close, eyes burning with hot tears forming there at the lack of blood- but you continue, till the next words are all but hissed, high and tight.
“yours, i’m all yours koutarou, my king.”
there isn’t anything he could have done to prepare for that, he stutters, chokes on the lust heavy in his chest, he feels like there’s molten want dripping down his veins- swirling into a tight ball at the pit of his stomach.
all he can do is rear back, hips lifting off you, popping the head of him out and you nearly whine, nearly ask him whats wrong before he slams down in one hard and desperate stroke, catching the skin of your cunt harshly, but its okay- there would have been no way you’d survive in a relationship with him if you didn’t like a little pain.
when his hips make contact with your cunt, puffy lips giving him cushion- he grinds down, smashing your clit down against his pubes.
eyes shut tight, a choked sob tumbling from your lips in response, head teetering back onto the bed.
“koutarou! fuck! fuck!” words high and staccato-ed are echoed out into the room, he feeds off the broken syllables of his name tumbling from your lips.
he looks at you while he squeezes his fingers against the thrum of your quickened pulse underneath his hand- watching your eyes roll back, the whites of them on clear display as lips part, a silent scream painted onto the moments of your face-
the bed groans, creaks with each crushing thrust he gives you, drilling you down into the bed.
“keep saying my name puppy, keep saying it.” he grunts looking at you with a feverish and concentrated gaze, affected in how well you stroke his ego, chest feeling incredibly full, the prickle of his orgasm starts, but there was /no/ way he’d come before his baby.
the hand that wasn’t wrapped around your throat sweeps down your arching body until his thumb finds your twitching clit- immediately pressing down on it with enough force that his thumb turns white. it rips a scream straight from the center of your chest and your body starts seizing up.
he huffs out a laugh when he sees the way your hips cant up off the bedding- it nearly pushes him back, but he stays unwavering, following the movement of your spasming body.
“koutarou!” his name leaves your mouth in the form of a wail while he batters your cunt, you don’t even know you’re moving the way you are- hands falling to rest pitifully against your head.
“ah- that’s my girl.” bokuto beams, seeing the splash of your cum arch all the way up to hit his tummy- abs glistening with every contraction as his hips drill into you- he gives in, taking the thumb that had been squeezing your clit down onto your body and sticking it into his mouth, watching you with lidded eyes as he licks the cum off his hand, all while keeping your neck pinned down and chasing the frantic movements of your hips.
there’s no immediate reaction from you when he picks up your legs- weak with the strain you’ve put them under, and folds them up to your chest.
the only thing you do is intake a lungful of air, dazed eyes looking up at him- not knowing how he got so close to your face.
it’s the first slap of his heavy balls against your ass that makes you come back from it all-
“p-please!!” you cry, eyes wide. the force of him still pistoning into you makes your body bounce off the shaking bed, and thanks to the squirting orgasm he fucked out of you with his thick cock- building a near searing sensitivity into the walls of your cunt and clit, you cum once more. it’s the final break into a headspace that has you twitch and flail your legs, wiggling against the hold of his arms.
“yeah- good girl.” bokuto grits out, a bead of sweat drips off his face onto your own, and thankfully- it’s what he needs to cum. his eyes are frantic as he watches you- swollen lips, face turned relaxed as you squeeze down around him, looking like the image of fucked stupid.
with the a final resounding smack of his hips into you, his cock jumps, swelling, growing snug inside you before he dumps an almost obscene amount of cum into you.
small twitches of your body lets him know you feel it, his head falls down to land against your chest, keeping you folded as he grits his teeth.
it takes rapid, hard blinks of his eyes to not let tears fall down onto his face. he’s shaky as he finally sits back up, making sure to bring your thighs down gently.
“kou-“ you choke out, looking for him-
he responds by finding your limp hands, still lying up by your head- slotting thick fingers and broad hands into your own.
“‘m right here.” koutarou nearly wheezes out, still reeling from an orgasm that he can still feel.
“that felt good.” your voice is airy and sweet- pitchy and laced with love.
for the second time that night- he laughs, shaking his head while he slips his softened cock out of you.
he picks you up, scooping your trembling form into swollen muscles- keeping you nice and tight against a hard torso.
“you make me feel good.” he whispers into your hair, not caring about the trail of hot cum that leaks out of your fucked out cunt, trails of it running down his leg while he places you on his chest, laying the both of you down.
holding you tight like this, sweat mingling together, residue of cum and tears painting eachothers bodies- he knows there was nothing he should have ever been worried about.
he didn’t have to worry about protecting or loosing you- bodies intertwined, locked into one another proved that you took care of him, gentle hands tracing your name onto the skin of his chest.
“i’m all yours koutarou.” you whisper, nearly falling into the heaviness of sleep.
he once again blinks back the need to cry- he could take all the punches in the world, not even blink, but he was so weak for you.
“yeah... i’m all yours too.” his voice is tender, shaky with emotion, arms squeezing around you tight.
he really was.
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Can I request the tall boys (Childe, Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya + anyone else you think you wanna add or change (except maybe Childe because I love him)) reacting to you having animal-like features (like ears and tail)
What they would do if by some accident they themselves end up getting animal features (like fox ears and tail for Childe, cat ears and tail for Kaeya or Diluc, dragon features for Zhongli, etc) do they become clingy and display cat behavior of rubbing themselves on you? Something like that aaaa I'm so sorry if this doesn't make sense it's my first time requesting
experiments gone wrong
(eehe these men *cough* zhongli *cough* will be the death of me) 
Warning -> sfw, fluff (kissing, character suddenly acquiring animal like features) 
Character X GN Reader | anthology 
Includes: Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli 
As an alchemist, you really should have remembered the most important rule -> don’t leave unmarked bottles out where people can drink them …
So you couldn’t be too surprised by the turn of events that followed
He went to bed earlier than normal, but you didn’t think anything of it. Perhaps he had a terrible day and just wanted to sleep it off, there wasn’t any reason to pester him about it anyway. 
The next morning, you felt him slip out of bed, a yawn falling from his mouth as he made his way toward the bathroom. Turning, you claimed more of the bed and attempted to sleep just a little bit longer. That was until you heard a wild cry and shot up in an instant. You were already partially out of the bed when Childe burst into the room. 
He looked at you, you looked at him, and as your eyes drifted from his ears to his tail, you understood his reaction. 
“WHAT?” He shouted into the bedroom. 
Oh archons, to see him like this … you wished it was easier for you not to think about how adorable he was, but it was impossible. The soft ears that peeked from underneath his hair, the fluffy tail that didn’t know how to stop moving, and the frantic face he gave you were all just perfect 
“What happened??” He asked, running back to the mirror before returning his attention to you. Quickly, you made your way to his aid and did your best to calm him.
“I’m not sure, did you do anything strange yesterday?” You pulled his face toward you, cupping your hands against his cheek and running your fingers through his hair. 
“Not that I know of … uh, oh! I found this …” He reached for a small bottle on the bathroom counter and handed it to you. Shit.
“Did you drink this??”
“ … yes.” 
“CHILDE!” You burst into laughter, knowing it wasn’t the right time but also unable to control yourself. His expression was distressed and worried and, as best as you could, you tried to bring yourself back to calm. “This wasn’t supposed to be consumed …” 
“A-am I going to die?” 
“No, you’re just going to be, well, this it seems.” 
“How long??” 
“I don’t know, a few days maybe.” He dropped his head into his hands, his ears drooped and his active tail dropped toward the ground. Wrapping him in your arms, you offered him reassurance while trying not to laugh. “You’re very cute though.” 
You caught sight of his tail moving slowly back and forth and added more pressure to your hug. 
He found that it wasn’t as bad as he thought, in addition to the extra features, he also was able to gain other advantages - his eyesight was much better in the dark, his sense of smell more keen, his agility top notch 
You were sure he had grown attached to them in the short time he had them - so when the option came for him to revert, you were sure it would be a tough decision 
Still - to keep him trapped like this, with features that weren’t his own - you didn’t want to be cruel 
“Here,” You put the bottle down in front of him. His ears perking up at the item and his fingers reaching to grab it. “All you have to do is drink that and everything should go back to normal.” You said with a slightly wistful tone to your voice. It was somehow sad to think these adorable additions leave would be gone soon. 
“What if it doesn’t work?” 
“I’m not sure. We will just try again if it doesn’t though.” Quickly, he took the cork from the lid and moved the vial to his lips. His ear twitched as he smelled the concoction. “I’ll miss this.” Resting your head in your hands you watched as he downed the liquid in one go. 
“It’s hard for people to take me seriously like this …”
“Did people take you seriously before?” You joked, winking at him. 
The next morning, he stirred in bed next to you, his hair brushing against your face and making you wake up before you wanted to. As your eyes adjusted, you instantly recognized what you thought was hair was actually ears and the giddiness of your heart jump-started you awake. It didn’t work -- oh no, guess you’d have to keep trying. 
Waking up next to Kaeya was your favorite thing. It was an opportunity for you to be close to him, to witness his relaxed expression, and know that in these moments he trusted you over anyone else. 
So, when you woke and found him pressed against you, your hands absentmindedly began to run through his hair, over his shoulders, as you meandered your way into the waking world. There was something soft that flicked against your hand, but you pushed it away. It happened again, confused, mouth turning into a scowl and eyes rudely being pried open, you looked down to see what was making you irritated. 
You were wide awake when you saw the cat ears sticking out from Kaeya’s blue hair. They were richly shaded, deep blues with tips of white and perfectly placed on his head. Shifting, you tried to get a better view and the action made him stir. 
“Mmm, stop moving.” He mumbled, wrapping his arms around you and holding you steady. Tapping his arm, you tried to get his attention. 
“K-Kaeya …” 
“What is it?” 
“Do you feel okay?” You asked, your voice shaking and hands hovering over his ears. 
“I feel perfectly fine, why do you ask?” He kissed your chest before nuzzling back into his place. 
“You … you’ve got cat ears.”
He laughed and pushed your comment away. His legs moved under the sheets and you swore you saw something poke out from the bed. “You’re pulling my leg, I didn’t know you could be this funny so early in the morning.” 
“I’m not, see.” Stealing his hand you placed it on his head and watched as his fingers ran over the ears which were sticking straight up. When his eyes shot open and his hand began to move faster, pulling, tugging, examining the feature, you tried not to laugh as his confused expression turned into a slight panic. He shot up, his legs moving so he could sit on the bed but winced when he did so. That’s when the both of you saw the tail. 
“Hold on, let me get ready, just … don’t freak out.” 
You rushed around the room to gather up your items, your gaze continuously falling on the incredibly still, unmoving frame that was Kaeya. 
After calling on Albedo to come and offer assistance, only to find that the features would be around for a few days … Kaeya started to get more accustomed to them 
He was for sure rattled but bounced back rather quickly - in fact, the features seemed to get him even more attention than he had before and he found that the added bonuses were helpful when he needed them for his knightly tasks 
Not to mention it seemed he was more affectionate than normal, and not in the way he normally was, it was more in a … cuddly, interested, curious manner 
One evening, you found yourself reading over several books that Albedo had recommended and became rudely distracted when Kaeya pushed his way under your arms and nestled into your lap
“Hey there.” You called down to him, hand dropping to his shoulder as he nuzzled against you. 
“Give me attention.” 
You laughed at his pouting expression, his lips turned downward and ears twisting to show he could be trusted. “I’m currently trying to figure out how to fix this, I can’t do that if I’m giving you all my attention.” His eye squinted for just a moment before he moved more into your lap and nearly pushed the book in your hands onto the floor. “Kaeya!” The playful laughter that filled his ears was as tantalizing as the drinks he let touch his lips. 
“You can figure that out later. How can you possibly resist me right now anyway?” He asked, pushing against you until your back pressed into the couch and his hands weaved their way around your body. His hair tickled your face as he nuzzled into your chest and, even though his hips dug into yours, you didn’t seem to mind the closeness he was trying to find. 
“Okay. Fine, I’ll look into it more later.” 
“What excellent news.” He practically purred as he slid his way to your neck and let his body rest against you.
It’s been so long since he saw himself with such features - and, to be honest, he didn’t notice them for some time. It wasn’t until you returned and the items in your hands fell to the floor upon seeing him that his attention was captured
“Zh - Zhongli!?” You babbled, making your way to him and not knowing what to rest your eyes on first. Was it the pair of elegantly shaped horns that sprouted between his brown locks of hair? Was it the golden slits in his eyes that reminded you of the reptiles roaming around the rocky paths of Liyue? Or did you look at the scales that decorated his face in such perfect placement? 
“Has something transpired?” His expression was one of concern, but also one of disillusionment. Did - did he not notice? 
“Are you feeling nostalgic today?” 
“Not particularly, what makes you ask?” 
“Well … you look kinda like … I mean hold on.” You quickly disappeared down the hallway before returning with a small handheld mirror, one that Zhongli had purchased for you some time ago. Handing it to him, you waited until it started to register on his face the changes to his appearance, and that’s when you noticed the long claws which jutted out from his nail beds.  
“Huh, this is peculiar …” 
Sitting down across from him, you placed your hands on the table and watched as he examined the reflection of his face. “So you didn’t do this?”
“I must say that I did not, though It is rather pleasant to see …” His voice trailed off and you watched as he fussed with his hair, touched the horns on his head, and opened his mouth to check and see if - yup, he had canines much like a dragon too. That’s when it hit you. 
“Did you … drink anything strange?” 
The mirror found its place upside down on the table, his glowing eyes shifted to you as he took in your question. You let him think and finally, he gave you his answer. “I do recall there was a strange vial on the counter when I awoke. Ah - my dear, are you unwell?” He asked as your head dropped onto the table. 
The strangest thing about Zhongli holding these features was that he seemed … perfect for them and it was becoming quite the problem to hide
You were much too cautious that someone may discover who he really was with these pretty telling additions to his wardrobe, so you asked him to stay home for a while until you could get some answers
He didn’t seem to mind, and when you were finally able to gather up all the items needed to prepare an antidote for his condition, you were finding it very distracting to make the concoction at home 
The bubbling liquid warned you it was much too hot and so, with adept fingers, you turned the nobs and burners down so as to not overheat or scald the liquid inside. The aroma that filled your nose was … unpleasant to say the least, and so you finally succumbed to the need to wrap your nose in a clean cloth. 
Turning your back to the equipment, you made your way toward the drawer where the rags were kept but when your eyes caught sight of Zhongli standing by the window, you nearly fainted. 
He was wearing a robe, the material had slid down one of his arms and rested in the crook of his elbow. It gave you pause and allowed you to see the toned torso which was normally hidden by the layers of clothing he wore on a regular day. 
Since he found no need to properly get dressed, he had reserved himself to lounge about in clothes that felt ‘more suitable’ to him, as he explained. 
The light from the sun flashed across his chest, laid softly against his face, and illuminated the golden speckles in his hair - you wondered if it was because of the horns, perhaps they were reflecting the light and making him look ethereal in the warmth of the sun. He crossed his arms and shifted his weight as he looked beyond the window, almost as if he was yearning for something far beyond his reach. 
“I think I’m nearly done.” You explain, tying the towel around your face and returning, reluctantly, to the concoction behind you. 
As you began to spoon out the unnecessary ingredients until you were only left with the pure grade potion, you didn’t notice how he had moved to your side until the small vial was filled. 
“Here you -- oh!.” He stood right in front of you. His eyes were dangerous, burning, focused. “I didn’t see … you …” He reached around to the back of your head and skillfully undid the makeshift mask you had created moments ago. When it was off, he took the vial in his hands and placed it onto the counter before returning his attention to you. “Are you … okay?” You asked, tracking the movements of his face as he leaned down toward you. 
His lips hovered barely over yours and the closeness of him made your heart flutter. “You are mine, are you not?” His voice rattled your bones from the intensity, it was oppressive and supportive all at the same time. 
His lips pressed against the corner of your mouth, “You belong to no one else?” 
“No …”
It’s a good thing the instructions never said anything about, ‘consume immediately’ because you were very distracted for some time. 
tag list: @star-gods @mercurysmaiden @dourpeep @clemmywrites @pepperoncinipizza @handswritteeen @lucifucker @beelsdessert @odafashioned @coolcats09 @ninqat @musekala @sufzku @mooshymello  @heavenlyang @plenilunegazes @glazelilyy @justyoureverydayqueer @idunkar @solowmomo @twokissesforamelia @the-mermaid-of-mondstadt @fuwon @goat-mama-breezie @angelmelt @lucacandy @shesleire @mariana @zentoruu @smol-knife @nightlywallows @aoirohi @nitorious-ghost @mguerra11 @maiiikoo @actstfbla @youaskedfurret @nonniechan @evolcahra @tempehlust @zenith-impact @plumpkie @jaggedsi @salty-salty @onlyhereforinteractivestories @gultonluvv @shy-specter @liebestraumss @jaemjenjam @softlybeloved @anatthesavage
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asmo-ds · 3 years
Ok so you made a list on they guys toxic traits. How would they react if the MC just snaped one day and broke out into sob because of what they did and say to them and the MC calls them out on it pointed put how Diavolo doesn't do or say the shit they do and hes full blood demon unlike them all in a croaked voice from crying so hard
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React to MC Calling Them Out on Their Toxicity
Obey Me Brothers x MC angst HCs
Warnings: Yelling, toxic relationships, breakdowns, violence, Mammon being the guardian he was assigned to be :)
Summary: When MC finally breaks down and calls them out on their toxic behavior towards the human the boys finally realize just how different human emotions are from the creatures in hell they’ve grown so accustomed to.
I’m putting the contents of the original post this ask referred to under each of the characters to make it clearer for those who have not seen it
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i know Lucifer is hot sexy big sex dominant professional daddy master man BUT please remember he shows his love via punishment and cruelty towards his family
- Lucifer was in the middle of hanging a crying Mammon upside down when it happened.
- “He’s in pain Lucifer, you should let him down! There are better ways to handle this,” MC had suggested only to be met with a low growl followed by:
- “Stay out of this, human, you are here to attend RAD and nothing else. Do not butt into our personal business.”
- He could practically feel MC’s upset expression as he continued to tie the knots around Mammon’s body
- “I’m a human, correct,” MC starts and he’s startled by their cold voice, “but what makes me human is my inability to stand by while someone I know is in so much pain!”
- Lucifer is a bit taken back by their boldness and is in his demon form holding them up by the throat in seconds.
- “Who the Hell do you think you are?!” He snarled, tightening his grip and pushing their struggling body against the wall harshly, causing their head to bounce off the wall with a loud thump, blood slowly beginning to trickle from the sight of the impact 
- He could barely hear Mammon’s frantic cries for him to let go of the human as his adrenaline rushed, unable to believe that the human had actually spoken to him like that,
- He was suddenly ripped away from MC, thrown across the room and he looked up to see Diavolo had come
- “I had some paperwork I wanted to give you but instead walked in on you taking advantage of your strength over someone smaller than you, you’re pathetic,” Diavolo snarled, disgusted by Lucifer’s actions
- MC wailed and threw themselves against Diavolo, him tightly embracing them and trying to soothe them
- “Y-y-you’re the Lord of Demons and yet,” they sniffled and hiccupped into Diavolo’s chest as he continued to glare at Lucifer, who could only watch on in despair as he realized what he had done, “and yet you a-are so mu-uch kinder than them, th-thank you Diavolo!”
- “Wait, MC! I’m sorry!” Lucifer began to stand before realizing Mammon had managed to escape and was now holding him down, preventing him form moving toward the trembling human.
- “Lucifer... I don’t want to see you ever again!” MC had cried as Diavolo and them left the house.
- After MC was brought to the demon lord’s castle he received word from Barbatos that he had been suspended from his duties until further notice per the request of Diavolo.
- Barbatos also collected MC’s stuff, moving it to the Demon Lord’s castle where they would spend the rest of the year
- Lucifer couldn’t bring himself to leave his room, afraid of his brothers’ judgmental looks, he refused to see how much he had hurt the family and the relationship with the human he’d done so much to care for in just a matter of thirty seconds.
- Lucifer never forgives himself for hurting MC, but he acts like he was in the right for the sake of his ego.
- But he really missed MC and was angry with himself for letting them go so easily and for not just accepting that maybe they were right and he could change for them
- Everyone notices a decrease in the cruelty he showed towards his brothers
- how did a human manage to stir up these feelings within him?
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I know Mammon is an adorable tsundere with a chaotic streak BUT please remember he also insults MC in order to keep up his own self image of being a “tough demon” even if he loves MC underneath the mask
- Mammon had been on his way back from getting scolded for stealing from Lucifer’s wallet once again, when he ran into MC
- “Mammon! What’s wrong? Are you Okay?!” He hastily wiped the tears from his face, MC really cares about me... a blush rises to his cheeks at that thought
- “Nothin’ is wrong, mind yer business,” he shoves past them
- “but you’re clearly hurting, Mammon let me help!”
- “I don’t need help from a stupid human,” he says, not turning to look at them due to his still red cheeks as he continued to be flustered by their concern for him 
- “Stupid human....” he heard MC say quietly back to themselves, his heart sinking as he realized he said it so harshly 
- “Hold on-MC- I didn-” he starts but is frozen in shock as he sees the human glaring at the floor with tears streaming down their cheeks, biting their lips to keep sobs trapped inside themselves. “MC, hey liste-” He reaches out to touch their shoulder but they jerk away turning from him.
- “Not even the demon who is meant to be the cruelest of them all calls me names for wanting to help him,” their voice trembled and his heart broke, “I just wanted to help... why do you insist on insulting me?” 
- MC ran away from him, leaving the house, passing Asmo and Satan as they left.
- Satan chased after MC as Asmodeus walked up to Mammon, slapping him across the face harshly, “why can’t you just be honest with them for once?! Don’t you realize how badly you’ve been hurting them because you refuse to be nice to stroke your own ‘bad boy’ ego?!”
- Mammon stared at the floor, tears rolling down his cheeks silently, “I-I didn’t mean to hurt them,”
- “But you did. Not to mention you never even apologize for it,” Asmodeus walks away, leaving Mammon to stand alone, shamefully hanging his head as he fell to his knees.
- The one person who ever cared about him and he did nothing but insult them and yet still expected them to love him? What a douchebag he was...
- Guess he was nothing but a greedy scumbag
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i know Levi is a cute blushy otaku recluse that we all want to top BUT he also gets jealous very easily which leads to him often getting violent or guilt tripping MC by insulting himself until they feel guilty and stay with him to make him feel better despite their own wishes
- Leviathan had jus ordered a new game titled “I just landed in Hell, seven hot demon lords are my roommates and I’m trying really hard not to fuck them”
- He rushed towards MC’s room, desperate for them to play with him 
- He walked in without knocking and saw MC cuddled up with Mammon and Beel, watching some movie that none of them seemed to actually pay attention to as they just horsed around.
- “Hey, MC! I just got a new game, come on let’s go play it!” he tried not to let his jealousy show. 
- “Ah, maybe later Levi, I’m hanging out with Beel and Mammon right now!” MC smiles kindly, to which he grows a bit sad
- “I get it... who would want to hangout with a yucky otaku like me anyway...” he lowers his head pouting
- “Levi, just give me a few minutes to finish the movie!” MC says, still trying to be kind and patient
- “No you don’t have to... I’m just going to go play alone like the loser I am...”
- “DON’T” MC stands up, Beel and Mammon watching as MC walks up to Levi, thinking that the human was going to go with him and play
- Levi smiles thinking the same thing and gets ready to leave, but instead MC comes to him and glares at him, making his heart sink
- “You do NOT get to guilt trip me like that,” MC growls, “I told you I need a minute, I never said any of that stuff and I KNOW you were saying that stuff just to get me to come with you instead of staying here,” Levi blushes as MC calls him out, his heart beating rapidly with nerves as he realizes just how mad MC was at him
- MC pushes him out of their room, slamming the door and he hears them mumbling some angry stuff to the other two brothers behind the door
- Ashamed of himself he goes back to his room and locks himself there for a few weeks, kind of waiting for MC to come check on him and apologize, but then he realizes that is exactly why they are mad at him, so he decides to try and get his shit together
- But his anxiety gets in the way and he decides MC would be better off without him and he tries to avoid them no matter how much he craves their attention
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i know Satan is an intelligent man who is trying his best to keep his anger in check at all times BUT if you are in a relationship where someone is getting mad at you constantly despite their efforts pls look out for yourself and let yourself be selfish and avoid the person no matter how bad it may hurt them because your own happiness should come first
- After a fight with Lucifer, Satan had gone to his room to blow off some steam
- He was storming around and throwing things and throwing a temper tantrum
- MC came to check on him and they knocked politely, calling his name and asking if they could come in
- Despite using their manners and being as respectful as possible; their interruption of his tantrum pissed him the hell off
- He swung the door open and pushed them down, eyeing them like a normal demon would; nothing but an innocent soul to munch on
- MC tried to escape but he caught their ankle, and dangled them like a rag doll as his claws sunk into the limb he held
- He could see their mouth moving and tears streaming down their face but he couldn’t process the words they were wailing
- He only stopped when Mammon punched him harshly, causing him to drop the human and go flying through the nearest wall, which happened to be Asmodeus’s, who was infuriated by the destruction of his room, but his focus immediately turned to Mammon and the trembling human he held
- Satan could barely hear or see much of anything anymore as Mammon’s punch had knocked him nearly out-cold
- Later when his senses came back he went to MC to apologize
- When he walked in they screamed and cowered in the corner.
- “MC, I won’t hurt you I promise-”
- “You always say that! You promised to never hurt me, Satan! All I wanted was to see if you wanted anything to help you calm down but you decided that was reason enough to try and eat my soul. For fuck’s sake, Diavolo is the Demon Lord and he isn’t half as cruel and manipulative as you are!” He watched the human tremble and cry their response out
- The loud noises had once again caught the attention of the humans guardian for their time in the Devildom
- Mammon walked in and grabbed Satan by the collar, dragging him out the door and slamming it behind him
- Satan sat against the wall and could hear how much pain MC was in as they cried to Mammon and he wanted nothing more than to run in there and take his place but he knew he had royally fucked up
- Scared of his own anger, he decided to not leave his room unless he was attending RAD, family meals, or the Library, because he was so afraid of making the human he had loved afraid and he didn’t want them to feel so much pain just by seeing him
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i know Asmodeus is a cute feminine boy with a love for self care and pampering and fashion BUT he always be littles others for not being as good or pretty as him and is super gossipy
- MC had come to school after a sleepover with Asmo, where things got deep and emotional and MC’s most shameful secret was revealed to him
- and he said he wouldn’t tell anybody. he really wasn’t going to but...
- MC noticed the weird stares followed by giggles of the succubi at RAD, clearly whispering about MC which made their stomach feel sick
- MC wasn’t sure what the deal was today until a succubus came up to them at lunch,
- “hey human, i heard that *insert your most humiliating memory*” she snickers with her friends, watching mc turn pale
- Unable to form words MC bolted out of there
- Unluckily for Asmodeus, MC just do happened to run into him
- “Ah! MC, dear, be careful or you and I will both ends up bruised-“ he’s cut off by a slapping sound
- he’s in so much shock he doesn’t even realize MC had slapped him for a few seconds
- “I should’ve known better than to trust you with my secrets.” MC growled, turning around to storm off, “Guess I forgot you were a demon. No, demons are like Diavolo, they at least have some itty bit of kindness in their hearts. You. You’re a monster.”
- Asmo watched them storm off and felt tears come to his eyes
- They were right, for once he had someone who loved him for more than power, looks, and sex, and what did he do? He hurt them and destroyed their reputation.
- He eventually fell off of his skincare routine and stopped coming home every night, instead, he was too busy partying and passing out in strangers’ beds and being glad the demons and succubi who dances with him and slept with him didn’t care for his personality
- cuz he knew his personality was the one part of him that was ugly as hell and he hated it 
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i know Beelzebub is a gentle giant who cares for his entire family BUT he also throws tantrums that hurt people when he gets hungry and isn’t given food asap
- After his sports practice, he was starving and on edge
- He hungrily eyed a strangers’ meal as he and MC walked home from the campus
- “Beel, don’t even think about stealing that poor demon’s food,” MC scolded him, unknowingly lighting a fuse inside of him
- He shifted to his demon form and grabbed MC by the shoulders harshly
- “Well what else am I supposed to eat?! Do you want me to eat you?!” He shook them, making them whimper out in pain as his claws dug into their flesh
- “B-Beel, you’re hurting me!” MC cried out, but he was too hungry to care and leaned in, about to take a bite out of the poor human before he felt himself get pulled away and pin against the ground
- “Beelzebub, just what in the Devildom do you think you’re doing?” Lucifer’s chilling voice snarled at his younger brother, a crowd forming to watch the two demon lords fight
- “I’m HUNGRY!” Beelzebub went to strike Lucifer, but instead, MC being MC, grabbed his arm to try and stop him, causing him to fling them against the wall, them hitting it with a loud cracking sound, blood pouring out from the back of their head as they rubbed it
- Seeing them bleed made him more hungry but then he saw the look of despair and disappointment that he had seen on his younger sister so many years ago and he snapped out of it
- “MC!” Lucifer rushed to the human’s side, picking them up gently and giving Beel one last cold look before flying off quickly to the Demon Lord’s castle, where Barbatos would be able to heal MC
- Beelzebub felt his hunger dissipate, instead, the guilt eating away at him as the sight of MC’s despair filled eyes flashed through his head 
- When MC returned later that night he went to apologize when he heard them in the kitchen
- “MC,” they flinched and whipped around, immediately using one hand to grip their head as dizziness struck them for a moment, the other hand out in front of them in a defensive manner
- Beel’s heart broke and he felt tears starting to form as he started to approach them, intending to hug them comfortingly
- “STAY RIGHT THERE!” MC yelled, their pact forcing his feet to stay planted where they were
- “Y-you don’t have to apologize okay? I should have known better than to scold a monster,” he winced at the word but let them continue, “But that said it isn’t entirely my fault. Every other demon in that plaza could smell me and didn’t pounce me, they had better control than that. Even when I go out alone nobody attacks me! Hell, even the Demon Lord himself isn’t cruel enough to attack me I-I just, please, stay away from me Beel,” and when they looked up he had tears streaming down his face and he was biting his lips to keep from crying
- As badly as they wanted to comfort the crying boy, they knew that they would be putting their own safety at risk if they were to forgive him and make him think he would be so easily forgiven
- Beelzebub suddenly started to stop feeling hungry as every time his stomach growled all he could see was the image of himself about to bite into MC and he would start to feel sick to his stomach
- He doesn’t forgive himself and gets really depressed because he thinks MC’s pain is his fault just like Lilith’s death
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i know Belphegor is a sleepy baby with a love for pranks and mischief BUT he literally killed MC but as soon as he found out they were a descendant of his little sister he suddenly just flipped a switch and didn’t even really apologize
- MC was sleeping in the attic next to Belphegor, tossing and turning as a nightmare filled their head
- They could practically feel his claws wrapped around their frail neck snapping it and laughing as they faded from their body
- MC sat up panting and screaming, Belphegor waking up and rubbing his eyes sleepily as he wrapped his arms around MC
- “NO NO NO GET OFF OF ME STOP IT” they continued to scream, flailing around in his embrace, he refused to let go though, convinced they just needed a hug to comfort them from whatever had scared them so bad
- They began to sob hysterically, their voice screaming out for Mammon
- Panicking he continued to hold them in place, afraid if he let go they’d sprint off
- and he was right, they bit his arm and he pulled away as they stood up and sprinted down the hall
- “MC WAIT” he chased after them, worried they’d get hurt
- As they saw the door of their guardian (Mammon), they called out his name
- Belphegor placed a hand over their mouth, worried about the others waking up, but it was too late as Mammon and Satan had both been woken by the cries of the human
- “HELP ME MAMMON PLEASE” MC sobbed, Belphegor sending a panicked and hurt look to his brothers
- Mammon pushed Belphie away as he took MC back into his room to calm them down
- After a mini-argument with Satan that ended up getting shut down by Lucifer, he went back to bed 
- The next morning he saw MC was sitting at the breakfast table and he smiled at them, only to watch them shoot a look to Mammon, who then pulled their chair closer to his own protectively
- They all ate in silence, the awkward and tense atmosphere keeping anybody from starting a conversation
- After everyone else left he went up to MC and cornered them, covering their mouth to keep them quiet so he could say what he needed to
- “I already apologized for everything so why do you still need to freak out whenever you see me?!” he asked, annoyed that despite his apology for killing MC, they still felt uncomfortable around him
- They slapped his hand away, “You didn’t really apologize. You only apologized because I’m a descendant of your dead sister, you didn’t apologize to me, MC, you apologized to Lilith,” MC shoves him and starts to walk away from the stunned demon
- “Its kind of funny that despite all the problems I’ve caused for his program, Diavolo has never tried to kill me.” MC says before finally making their exit
- Belphegor gets lost in his own thoughts after that, as he finally realized that he had been seeing them as a replacement Lilith rather than themselves
- even if he wanted to try apologizing again, he was unable to as Mammon became more and more protective of them, shooing Belphie away with dirty looks anytime they were in the same room
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lavishedinjimin · 3 years
Hickeys 101 -> dilf!jjk
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— synopsis: After Jungkook catches you messing around with another boy, he was determined to teach you a lesson you'll only learn from a father... well, step-father.
↳ pairing: dilf jungkook x f.reader
↳ genre: smut/angst
↳ rating: 18+
↳ word count: 8.6k
↳ warnings: step-dad jungkook, AGE GAP, all characters are in legal age, D/S, daddy kink, condescension, degradation, they’re both toxic and mean, mind manipulation, Jungkook puts OC in subspace, face fucking, spitting, usage of a belt, unprotected sex (ya’ll know the drill already!), little aftercare
A/N: this fic is not suitable for all audiences. If you are easily offended and are sensitive to the warnings stated above, this might not be for you. reminder that the events in this story are purely made up and fictional.
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Living with no one else other than your profoundly distant stepdad during lockdown – where you can’t escape, where you can’t go anywhere – is much harder than this zoom class you’re attending. 
“I'm so exhausted,” you mutter beneath your breath, rolling your eyes to the back of your head for your brain hurts from your Econ professor’s infuriating voice. 
Most of the time you are shuffling endlessly from how uncomfortable the wooden chair in this dining area is. With your laptop placed in front of you, the blue light surely ruining your eyes, you tirelessly listen to the lecture as much as your brain could wield. 
But your attention span isn't as great as most people.
Completely losing your focus on the class after two minutes, you turn your attention to your stepdad working his way to the kitchen.
“Can you put a goddamn shirt on?” you huff, a tinge of irritation in your voice.
He passes by you with a swift glance. 
“How are you doing?” Jungkook asks, utterly ignoring your complaint. 
“Since when did you care?” You place your chin on top of your palm, stopping your urges to not look at his exposed torso. His sleeve of tattoos was undeniably eye-catching, but you were too petty to go a have a normal conversation with him. 
Jungkook, on the other hand, was used to your sharp tongue. He knew you didn’t like him ever since he started to date your mom. But now that he was technically your parent, he has all the right to correct you and put you in your place. 
“You know I don’t like that tone, missy.” Jungkook stretches out his words, sounding stern. But you just sarcastically laugh him off. 
As your stepdad was making some food in the kitchen, the class grew longer and more monotonous than ever. You were never the type to pay attention in class, and neither did it help that the school decided to move to online learning. Now you’re truly failing school. 
“Jung—dad,” you sigh, realizing that his exposed back can almost be seen on your front camera’s screen, “can you scoot back a little? They can see you on-cam.” 
Jungkook chuckles at the way you grunt as he continues to make his avocado toast. 
“Oh come on—” Jungkook teasingly shows the rest of his behind to the camera, not caring at all that your professor and classmates can see. “Give them a little show.” 
“No!” immediately, you close your camera before swiftly turning your head to his direction, “Can you just stop? Okay? I’m trying to pay attention and you’re not helping!” You yell, banging your fist on the wooden table. 
“I’m so tired, dad. Can you just go away?!” 
He replies with his back still facing you, “Maybe if you asked a little nicer than that, little girl.” 
With a complete shock to the words he used, you found yourself blushing in red while your eyes slowly expand. Your body's reaction from that single sentence was intoxicating. Your class was now forgotten and your professor's voice became white noise. 
“W-What did you just call me?” You didn’t expect your tone to be as soft as it seemed. 
Jungkook finally flips around to face you. He scans you, taking a good look at you as he crosses his arms together. 
You couldn't dismiss that the way he looked at you made you feel something. Something that you’ve never experienced before. 
“I called you little girl. That’s what you are, right?” he sneers, “A little girl who thinks she can talk to her father so impolitely.” 
It was like a cat got your tongue. You flutter your eyes, trying to think of what to reply. 
Jungkook clicks his tongue, “Tsk. See, you're rubbish in talking, Y/n. Once I start to put you in your place, you can no longer put on that bratty act on me.” He suddenly starts to walk over to you, putting you in a frenzy. You sit up straight, pursing your lips as you can't seem to breathe normally. 
You cannot believe what was happening. Your mind starts to wander off from reality, trying to figure out what he is trying to tell you. Why did his voice change the way it did? As he walks closer, you can feel the warmth of his body enveloping yours. It was a situation that you wanted to run away from, but at the same time, you craved. 
With your back to him, he places his hands to rest on the table in front of you. He traps you in your place, not letting you escape. Your breath hitch unexpectedly as he leans his face closer to yours. 
“Jungkook… go away f-from me.” A trail of curses echoes in your mind, for you wanted to sound intimidating and not like a little kid. 
Jungkook chuckles and clicks his tongue, “Then push me away, little girl.” 
Everything in your system freezes. As if you just had been tasered, you feel electricity shooting throughout your body. Jungkook adores your reaction. He’s older than you, he knows more than you; and he knows just how to make a woman as you melt beneath his palms. 
“Silent now, aren’t we?” he teases with a velvety voice, inching his face even closer to the curve of your neck. Strands of his hair tickle your neck as hot breath blows against your skin, causing shivers down your spine. 
He hears a little whimper from you, making the grin on his face growing wider. “Be. A. Good. Girl. For. Me,” he says through an award-winning smirk.  
But – of course – you will not let yourself lose. 
“No?” he stares at you, baffled. 
“Never in a million years,” a bitter grin appears on your face.  
Jungkook leans back and away from you. He was a hundred percent sure that he’s got you under his spell, but your reply got his mouth dry. 
“Yeah?” So, he’s resulting in Plan B. 
A hands-on experience. 
Slowly and delicately, he lifts his tattooed-covered hand and wraps it around your neck. “Mhmm, there we go,” he coos after hearing another sudden whimper, “Remember who you're talking to, little girl, got it?” 
Your palms start to get sweaty as you try your hardest not to moan. Jungkook grips your jugular tighter, making you hitch a breath. You can hear him grunt under his breath, knowing for a fact that this was turning him on as well. 
“Who are you talking to, huh?” he starts to get aggressive as he presses his lips right against the shell of your ear. “Tell me, little girl. Remind yourself who’s in charge. C’mon, can’t speak now, baby?” 
Your eyes automatically close at that, feeling butterflies in your stomach. “Daddy.” 
“Mhm, good girl—”
“Daddy,” you whine, “Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, y-you’re in control.” 
‘Finally’, Jungkook thinks to himself with a large cocky grin on his face. He finally got you to submit. 
“Someone’s not as tough as they seem… I think I need to punish you for being such a fucking brat. What do you say?” 
The way he said those words right against your ear instantly made your panties wet. It was humiliating that you got turned on by your stepdad, but at the same time, it was hot. 
“Little girl… tsk, I need you to answer with your words and not with a desperate whimper.” 
He releases the grip he has on your throat and instead, elevates his hand so that his fingers can rub against your scalp. A tingling sensation runs through your backbone as he massages your scalp, feeling so overwhelmingly good that made you lean back against his hand, yearning for more. 
“Punish me,” you say in an almost audible whisper. “Do what you want, I don’t care. Please, please, please…” 
Jungkook takes a good look at you; your cheeks flushed, eyelids closed and your mouth slightly parted. It looks like you were enjoying this a lot – too much to be exact. 
The feeling was something else, something foreign that you honestly craved for such a long time. You and Jungkook had were never close, and you’ve never thought of him as a real father figure. After such a long time of not having a man to run the family, you didn’t know how to act around one. 
Within a second of realization that you were loving this too much, he removes his hand from you and walks away without saying anything else. You feel like you just got heartbroken.  
“W-What… why did you?” you stutter through a long exhale. Your eyes begged for him to come back, damn it – you were ready for him! 
As Jungkook walks away from the kitchen with his bare, muscular back facing you, he says a final time, “Take your studies seriously, Y/n. I don’t want you failing any subject.” 
You feel your shoulders slump down and your mouth purses into a straight line. You just got edged by your stepdad. 
Staying silent was, you thought, the right thing to do at the moment. You insatiably did not trust your voice, and there was nothing to say to him without embarrassing yourself. 
You glance at the clock on the wall just beside the refrigerator. As your classes were done for the day, and you have the rest of the afternoon all to yourself. Despite all of the unfinished homework that you currently have piled in your calendar, you still choose to watch a movie on Netflix and eat a tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. 
And, of course, all this just to distract yourself from the bizarre shit that happened between you and your step-dad, and to divert your attention on something else other than how sexy he is. 
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“Hey, hey, hey, where do you think you’re going this late?” Your dad stops you from stepping outside the door, grabbing you by the arm. You close your eyes for a brief moment, inhaling some air to let your senses calm down. The door was already opened, and all you had to do was to get out a little faster, and he wouldn’t have caught you. 
Perhaps trying to sneak out of the house was harder than you thought. 
Jungkook spins you around and makes you look at his dark eyes despite the dim lights of the entryway. He wears black checkered pajama pants and a white tank top, hair all messy as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep. 
“It’s ten o’clock, and you’re supposed to be in bed,” he warns you with a strict tone. 
Snatching your arm away from him, you reply with gritted teeth, “I’m going out with a friend.” 
“Friend?” he scoffs, “I wasn’t born last night, Y/n. Where is he?” 
“He?” You slowly back away, taking tiny little steps closer to the door, “What do you mean ‘he’? I’m not going out with any guy, dad.” 
Jungkook rests his hips on one leg and eyes you up and down. Based on what you were wearing and the makeup that you have on, you looked like you’re about to give some boy the time of his life. 
“I’m not going to do anything I’d regret, I promise,” you whisper as quiet as the night sky behind you. “I’ll be good, daddy.” 
That was all it took for Jungkook to stop his tracks. You knew what you just did to him. The way how we reacted, how he froze immediately at his place, was the same reaction you had earlier this day when he did all those dirty things to you. Now he was in your shoes. 
As Jungkook looked like a dear in headlights, that was the time where you rushed off into the middle of the streets where Yeonjun’s car is hesitantly parked. 
“Quick, quick, quick!” you half-whispered, half-shouted as you closed the passenger’s door. Yeonjun laughs loudly while setting the gear up, preparing the car for a long, speedy ride. 
You look back and see Jungkook standing outside the porch, watching in awe as the car drives away from him. There was nothing funnier than seeing his stunned expression, for he couldn't do anything about your mischief anymore. 
“Is he angry?” Yeonjun asks, still giggling in his seat. 
“Yeah, he didn’t want me to leave,” You swing the seatbelt across your torso, securing it in the buckle. 
Yeonjun passes you a drink he bought for you from McDonald’s in which you gladly receive with thanks. “What’s this?” you ask before taking a sip. 
“Iced coffee. We’re out here for a long, long night, Y/n. See, I have one for myself!” he exclaims as he points to his drink sitting on the cupholder.
Yeonjun pulls down the windows so that you two can get a feel of the cold, fresh air of the starry night. Strands of hair would so often get caught in between your lips, distracting you from the relaxing scenario. 
Lifting your elbow to rest on the window frame, you ask him, “Are you sure this drive-in cinema is open this late at night?” 
“Of course, they’re open 24/7.” Yeonjun takes a quick look at you before returning his focus on the road. He smirks slightly, “We’re gonna have so much fun, Y/n. You won’t regret it.” 
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You’ve already entered high-school when Jungkook met you. His first impressions of you were bashful and conservative, only showing your true nature around your friends. He thought you were such a warmhearted kid. He was only dating your mother at the time. 
But you’ve never really felt that he was a part of the family. His aura was never the nurturing ‘dad’ type, but rather, the ‘cool uncle’. He was never accustomed to kids, he’s the youngest of his siblings, so it was astounding that he’d ever married someone with a hormonal teen. 
Thus, as you’ve grown older, he’s slowly seeing your real side. Inch by inch, you're letting him see your colors and how you behave. A snappy and confident girl you are. You always have an opinion on things and you despise it when somebody gets in your way. 
That’s how your mother raised you. She taught you how to stand up for yourself and how to make yourself known, even though you sometimes overstep people’s boundaries.
Your mom was out of town for a trip with her office friends. She just landed a new job at the local government unit, and she was invited to their annual orientation. Which, if you were in her shoes, wouldn’t go to. But thankfully without her strict guidance, you can do whatever you want. 
Just say the magic words to your stepdad, and he’ll be putty in your hands. 
Consequently, Jungkook won't admit that he doesn’t like your attitude you put on him. He cares for you, he does. But if there’s ever a situation that you cross his limits, he wouldn’t hesitate to punish you and make it known that in the end, he’s older and you need to obey him.
Scared was a downright understatement. No matter how much you try to be brave and face whatever your stepdad might do to you as a penalty for ‘misbehaving’, you couldn’t help but break into a cold sweat. 
It was two in the morning, and your eyes are bloodshot red from almost having no sleep at all, besides the little nap you and Yeonjun took after watching a series of old movies in the drive-in cinema. You were wearing his sweater that he gave to you to keep you warm. 
“Thank you for tonight, Yeonjun,” you lean into the window frame, resting your arms on it. The yellow-haired boy smiles at you, his eyes wandering around your face as if memorizing every pattern of your features. He takes a final look at your bruised, swollen lips and hickey-covered neck before orienting his torso close to you. His face was an inch away from yours before he kisses you goodbye. 
“Try not to get caught,” he whispers against your lips with a cheeky grin. 
“You said that before, and I got caught,” you shrug while tilting your head to the side, “Say something else.” 
Yeonjun scrunches his nose. He uses his right hand to pinch your cheek endearingly, “Alright, then. How about… good luck with your stepdad.” 
Pursing your lips into a thin line, you release an exasperated sigh while closing your eyes. The two of you result in laughter, before giving him his goodbye.
Hurriedly, you rush around the house until you arrive at your bedroom window. Thanking your past self for slightly lifting the glass pane open beforehand, it was easy for you to sneak in without any faults.
The room was dim only because of the dawn lights outside. “Ah, finally,” you shut the window, hearing the loud ‘thud’ in contrast to the quiet atmosphere around you. 
“Did you enjoy yourself, hm?” 
‘Oh. My. God.’ 
It feels like you were in a horror movie. Jungkook’s cold voice sent shivers all over your body, running down your spine, arms, and legs. Frozen in your place, you gulp the ball that formed in your throat. 
Jungkook was sitting comfortably in your bed, one leg above another. “You know, little girl, I didn’t know how comfy this bed is. I might sleep in here with you sometimes.” 
“What?” you abruptly turn to look at him. He had a despicable smirk, knowing what he said has gotten on your nerves. “You will not sleep with me.” 
“Why not?” he doesn’t lose eye contact with you as he stands up, “You’re my baby girl.” 
Your breathing turned heavy as he slowly pushes you back into a concrete wall, not providing you any room to run away. “I-I’m…I’m what?” 
His eyes inspect your body up and down. You were praying to someone above that he wouldn’t see your hickeys, but it was all too late, and he knows you too much. 
Jungkook prods his tongue in his cheek once his menacing eyes stay on your neck. He looks straight into your eyes, before directing them back to those hickeys. 
“What is this—” your breathing snags from how rapid he was to press his body against you, wrapping his right hand around your jaw. He forcefully tilts your head to gain more access to your neck. Jungkook analyzes the deep red and purple marks on your skin, feeling oh-so disappointed in you. You turn squeamish from how tight he holds you, hearing how rugged the way his breath became, deep inhales and aggressive exhales. “What a fucking slut you are.” 
You feel your blood rushing out from your face, turning pale in a mere second of him saying that word to you. 
With a gruff, guttural voice, Jungkook doesn’t let you explain for he swiftly turns you around, pushing your frontside onto the cold wall. 
He holds the back of your neck and “I stayed up all fucking night waiting for you to come back home. Despite how fucking irritating and bratty you are, no matter how much you hate me, I care for you, Y/n. I fucking care for you, and I promised your mother that I’ll look after you.” 
You whimper when he tightens his grip once again, but you didn’t think about pushing away. 
“But here you are, not even cooperating with daddy.” 
“You’re not—”
Jungkook suddenly gives your clothed ass cheek a hard, loud spank. Your engrossed gasp captivated the room, and it sure did something to him. Jungkook, although he knows that you can’t see him, hides his growing smirk by biting his lower lip. He gives you a second spank, and a third spank, making your legs quiver and knees buckle from the pain. 
“P-Please stop…” you whine, your hands trying to reach behind you to grab his arms. 
“Stop?” he raises an eyebrow, “Wanna stop, little girl? You don’t like it when daddy spanks your ass?” 
However, you don’t answer. You don’t know what you want. The situation turned you on, and you know you’ll love the way your ass will burn afterward. Why stop now when you can enjoy it? 
Jungkook sees your mind was racing with thoughts, and he takes this as a perfect opportunity to drag you along with him to the bed. He sits on the edge of the mattress and swings you over his knee. 
“Stop!” you yell loudly this time, trying to pry away, but he was holding onto you tightly. 
“Shut up,” Jungkook growls, his voice immediately changes into a much deeper, hoarser tone. He, once again, grabs your jaw and forces you to tilt your head up, making you look directly into his eyes. “Shut the fuck up, little girl. You do nothing but run your mouth all over this goddamn house.” 
Jungkook was angry. The pads of his fingertips dig deeper into the skin of your jaw and lower cheeks, causing your lips to form a pout. 
He clicks his tongue, “Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. If you think that I’m going to let you go so easily, I’m afraid that you’re wrong, dear. I’ve finally gotten you between my teeth!” he exclaims sarcastically, although the sour tone of his voice makes you cringe. 
“You think you’re the shit, huh? Wanting attention so bad that you sneak out at midnight to fuck a disgusting pig. Am I right, Y/n?” 
“How fucking—” you shake and try to wiggle yourself out of his grip, offended by the words he said. You wanted to punch him yet cry at the same time. “How fucking dare you!” Facing him with tears slowly welling up in your eyes, “I-I do not— Yeonjun’s not… ugh!” You dig your nails into your palm from the raging frustration that was filling your mind and body. You kick your legs up and down, but Jungkook was not having it. He isn’t letting you go any time soon because he constricts your wrists together behind your back, tighter. 
“Shhh, shhh,” Jungkook smirks menacingly, “Relax, little girl, relax. You’re safe now in daddy’s arms. Perhaps that Yeonjun boy has gotten in your head a little too much, hm? Don’t worry, daddy will fix your attitude.” 
Without hesitating at all, Jungkook pulls your skirt down, revealing your lace panties all to his eyes. His warm hand rubs your soft flesh, squeezing it here and there. He knows that you like it. He knows that you’re only keeping this little act up to seem tough. But he sees the way your eyes dilate whenever he says a word that triggers you, that triggers you in a way that’ll make you surrender to him. 
Take the kitchen scenario, for example. With one word, with a specific act, you were melting for him. He knows that you absolutely can’t get enough of him, and he loves to play with your mind. 
He was completely aware that it wasn’t Yeonjun or anything else that makes you act like this; acting like a little monster. It was all because of him; he’s the one responsible. 
And he’s the one who will fix you.  
“Come on, baby,” Jungkook’s tone turns softer, more delicate. He hits your ass once, twice, before cooing you with shushes. 
You slowly get hazy, the spiteful and bratty part of your brain switches off. A shiver runs throughout your system when he wraps his hand around your neck. Flashes of the kitchen scenario fill your mind; how submissive you turned for him so swiftly. Your consciousness knows that you’re doing it for a second time. 
“Where’s my good baby girl, hm? Where’s that little girl that I love so, so fucking much?” He says through gritted teeth at the last sentence, spanking your butt again. 
His thumb rubs soothing repetitive circles on your skin, disregarding how firm he was choking you. You close your eyes, sniffing a little, somehow feeling tranquility in his grasp. 
You release a pain-filled mewl when he purposefully presses his thumb against the giant reddish-purple hickey on your neck. Jungkook’s cock hardens beneath his sweatpants, forming an obvious outline as each second passes. 
He was enthralled by you. The way you move and the way you behave for him was addictive to see. “Yeonjun, huh?” Jungkook grins, “What’s this hickey for? Little girl?” Jungkook laughs as he lands another critical spank, causing your body to slightly jolt forward. “Is this his way of ‘marking’ you, hm? Claiming you as his own?” he doesn’t stop giggling from his own words, mocking you with a bitter attitude. 
“How pathetic, don’t you think? You allow yourself to be ‘claimed’ by a random dude you just met. Are you proud of yourself? Oh, I bet you’re very delighted that you’ve finally found attention from a boy.” 
He chokes you harder, pressing his thumb firmer against the hickey. The pain shoots throughout your body, making you quiver and close your eyes. However, you don’t respond. It was too humiliating to admit that his words were surprisingly true.
Without a warning, he hooks his index finger along the waistband of your panties and yanks it down. You sharply inhale through your nose, chewing down on your bottom lip as you feel two slender fingers play with your wet slit. Jungkook groans lowly from how wet you are, watching your pussy clench and unclench around nothing. 
“But you… oh you, Y/n—” he flips you back up and positions you to sit on his thighs, straddling him. Jungkook tilts his head and raises both of his brows, looking at you with disbelief. 
He exhales his words out, “You don’t know how to hide that skanky hickey of yours. Have you ever thought about covering up your hickey just as any other teen with a working brain, you slut?” 
Jungkook’s vicious, barbed words hit you like a truck. You look away from him, but he was quick to place a finger on your chin. He flicks his finger up, your head joining the gesture. 
As his tongue dances along with his plush bottom lip, he places his hands on your hips and squeezes thoroughly. His eyes rake your body up and down, your exposed cunt exposed to him. 
“Hickeys 101, Y/n. Conceal and disguise your hickeys if you don’t want to be caught,” he smirks, “but of course you wanted to be caught. You wanted all of this to happen.” 
“I don’t care.” You shake your head, trying your hardest to force a poker-face, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach. His hands were toying with your waist, tapping his fingertips on your dressed skin. Why does he have to mess with your mind like this?
Sensual. Your stepdad reeked sex appeal and you hate yourself for loving it so much. His senses stick to you like a shadow you can’t escape, his aura addicting, and you want more of it. 
He pulls you closer, hands on each side of your face. His nose was a millimeter away from your own, and you can feel his hot breath fanning your face. That awful smirk doesn’t wipe off of his face. He looks at your lips, then back to your eyes. As much as he was admiring your beauty, you were doing the same. 
Jungkook was undoubtedly handsome. Perfect, strong features that no man in your liking can ever compare. His luscious, long hair with wavy strands here and there frames his face, encompassing his flawless appearance. 
There’s no way you will ever say no to him. 
He kisses you. Pressing his lips against yours, he kisses you so gently that you forget that he’s supposed to punish you. The kiss was tender and soft, a kiss like he would give to a girl’s first time. 
‘You’re kissing your stepdad, idiot.’ A voice at the back of your mind says. However, easily disregarding that conflicting thought, Jungkook pulls away before you can even take the kiss to the next level. 
“Little girl, oh, baby,” he laughs, “I’m going to hurt you. I’m gonna fucking bruise you until I can see tears in your eyes.” 
He easily throws you on the bed and he starts to strip himself down to his boxers. There was an evident fear written across your face, hugging your knees to your chest as you watch his dick grow beneath his underwear. 
“Take your fucking shirt off,” he growls, “Take everything off. Now.” His natural dominating presence allowed you to obey him quite easily. You did as you were told, keeping eye contact the whole time just to tease him. Sucking your bottom lip, you hide your sly grin. 
Jungkook stands tall from the edge of the bed, his honeydew skin being a perfect contrast with his dark hair. He palms himself through his boxer briefs, not having any hesitation at all. His eyes never leave you as you take off every piece of clothing from your body. You felt a little insecure, yes, but you gulp that nervousness down your throat. 
However, as soon as you took your top off, Jungkook caught a glimpse of more hickeys scattered all over your chest. This sight causes him to tilt his head back with an exasperated sigh. 
“Crawl.” He motions with his index and middle finger a ‘come here’ motion, “Crawl to me, little girl.” 
You get down on all fours and do as your told. He smiles with a content look on his face, but was soon replaced with a seductive gaze, “Did you have sex with that boy?” 
“W-What? No, I didn’t!” you answer quickly, shaking your head. 
His throbbing cock was right in front of your face. Aside from it still being covered with his underwear, you can spot how it twitches then are there. He holds your head with both of his warm hands, “Tell me, little girl. What are you?”
Your mouth gapes open but no word comes out. With your mind filled with lust and desire, you couldn’t understand what he meant. 
Jungkook pulls his cock out, but he doesn’t let you see it at first. He holds your head up and won’t even tolerate you taking a glance. 
“You don’t know what you are, huh?” he scoffs bitterly, “I knew you wouldn’t. What’s a girl like you anyway, right?” 
Your heart pounds rapidly in your chest. 
“Repeat after me, Y/n. I am a whore.” 
You whimper, pouting your lips. 
“C’mon, don’t say it’s too degrading for you, whore. It’s the bare fucking minimum for me. Don’t you want me to be proud of you?” 
Oh, he knows what he’s doing to you. He knows and of your weaknesses and he’s been using those against you. But you – you were naïve enough to notice that. 
“I’m…” you blink rapidly, “I’m a whore.” 
He snarks whilst stroking your luscious hair, “Louder.” 
Jungkook ignores your whines and waits for you with a quirked eyebrow. His patience was wearing thin and you were walking on thin ice right now. 
“I’m a whore.” You repeat loudly this time, the words sinking deep into your soul.
He leans down and slants his head, “And what do whores get, hm?” 
“I-I don’t know.” 
Jungkook wraps a big hand around his thick cock, aligning the tip in front of your mouth. You gasp. “They get their bratty mouths stuffed with dick.”
There wasn’t even a warning as Jungkook shoves his dick down your throat, making you gag and choke harshly around his girth. Jungkook growls deeply, his eyes rolling back to his head. 
Your saliva starts to drip down to your chin as he face-fucks you, not giving you the time to breathe nor to adjust to his long length. With one hand, he creates a makeshift ponytail and pushes your head farther down his dick. 
The whimpers you made out of protest didn’t even work, because the vibrations it caused pleasured him even more. 
“Mhmm, that’s right, struggle for me,” he moans, watching your eyes filling up with tears. “This is where you belong, whore. Right at your stepdad’s mercy and submission. You don’t get to choose what you want because I owe you. I control you.” 
Jungkook further fucks you as his hips thrust back and forth with no remorse. Gagging sounds fill the entire room and it just turns him on increasingly. 
“Look at me. Look at me!” he grunts as he pulls his dick out. He watches a single tear fall down your cheek, making his mouth form another devilish grin.
He leans down to grab something from the floor, but you don’t notice. 
“You’re such a mess, little girl. Just what daddy wants you to be.”
Jungkook takes his shaft and abruptly slaps your cheek with his dick. He hits your flesh a couple of times, humming in delight. 
In a swift, quick second, you suddenly feel a hard and raging sting on your right ass cheek from an unexpected impact. You cry out loud, shutting your eyes from the pain you experienced without a notice. 
His belt. 
The harsh leather material instantly caused redness on your delicate, soft skin. Jungkook whips you again, triggering a downpour of tears. You release incoherent noises every time he spanks you, for every hit was harder and sharper from the last. 
“You’re a naughty, irresponsible little girl.” He declares alongside another hit. He makes sure that each cheek was covered in red belt marks. His cock stands tall before you, drenched in your saliva as it leaks precum. You couldn’t take your eyes off of it and he takes this into account. 
Another hit, he puts all his strength in, making you inhale a sharp breath. Jungkook takes this shot to plunge his dick deep back into your mouth, pushing past your gag reflex as you struggle for air once more. 
Your pussy was awfully drenched and you can feel your wetness drip down from your slit and onto your inner thighs. You’ve never been this wet before, and it was insane that it’s all because of your unquestionably hot step-dad. 
It was like you’re in a porn video. No matter how rough he was fucking your face, you enjoyed it and you were moaning as he obliterates your throat. 
Jungkook pushes his cock deeper, your entire body twitching from the foreign feeling. “Stay there, stay there,” he rasps, “Stay there and take my big fucking dick down your little throat. Yes, that’s right, ohh fuck.” 
Every muscle in his body flexes as he tries to keep you still. "This is all you're good for, slut. You deserve to be used for pleasure from a man. You're nothing but a cockwhore." His biceps harden as he puts your head in place, abs tight. He leans forward and encloses your poor head with his strong thighs, securing yourself to his dick. 
With another crack of his belt onto your ass, you cry. Jungkook admires the sight of chaos he’s created. Once he was satisfied with the look of you, he pulls out. 
This is what he likes; messy and all wet. A string of saliva connects from your lips and to the tip of his dick. You try to catch your breath, inhaling and exhaling so sharply. Looking up at him with red, pitiable eyes, you give him a sullen expression. 
“You see what you did there, little girl? Hm? Now tell me again, what are you?” 
This time, you don’t hesitate. 
“I’m a whore.” 
“Yes, you are. Yes, you are, baby. You’re daddy’s little whore.” 
Your mind turns fuzzy once again. It was clear that you were not yourself anymore. If you weren’t drunk in lust, you wouldn’t let this happen and you absolutely wouldn’t allow him to handle you this way. 
But then again, it was too difficult to not succumb to him. 
“Cute little thing,” he murmurs beneath his breath. “Bet your pussy taste fucking delicious. Go on, turn around for daddy and let him see.” 
Your cheeks blush once you’ve obeyed his order and your cunt was exposed all for his eyes. Feeling a hand run down your sore ass, you whine as his fingers trail down your inner thighs, purposely ignoring your needy pussy. 
Jungkook was biting his lip so hard that he can almost draw blood. Ever so slightly, the pad of his thumb glides across your wet slit, lightly pressing against it. “Jungkook,” you whisper, wiggling your butt for more. 
“Oww fuck!” you drop your face on the mattress when Jungkook slaps your pussy unanticipatedly. Legs quivering in need, you bite down on the sheets. 
“Surprised that you don’t know how to address me, Y/n.” In a quick motion, he pushes two fingers inside your sopping entrance. 
Already feeling full, your back painfully arches as you attempt to take his fingers that were thrusting in and out so boldly. Suave movements of his digits caused a chill down your back, feeling too much euphoria at once. 
“What’s my name again?” he inquires before using his thumb to rub on your throbbing clit. 
“Daddy,” you reply quickly, not wanting to be punished further. 
“Good girl,” he chuckles, “that’s what a good girl should do; follow instructions without having to tell twice. You just love taking orders, don’t you? Huh?” 
“I-I do,” your face heats up immensely, stomach churning. 
Jungkook hums approvingly as he spreads your ass cheeks apart with his hands. You can feel the heat radiating off of his face as he leans into your cunt. With a bold lick of his tongue, your body shivers as the strong muscle toys with your folds. 
“Oh, please,” you moan, “that feels so good.” 
“Really now?” Jungkook gathers a bunch of his saliva and spits it down on your cunt, making it wetter and lubricated than it already was. He takes your clit into his mouth and sucks profusely, licking and biting here and there. The sound of your moans fueled his hunger for your cum, but he was not letting you go so easily. 
His tongue flicks your clit without mercy before inserting two fingers inside your hole once more. He feels your walls flutter around his digits, signaling your upcoming orgasm. 
He pulls away completely. 
Jungkook ignores your cries and how you bucked your hips to him, wanting more. He instructs you to lay down on the bed with your back against the headboard. Grasping the belt in his hand, you swallow the formed ball down your throat as you watch him crawl to you – like a predator hunting for its prey. 
“Pretty,” he mumbles to himself, eyeing you up and down. He kneels before you and grabs your neck, pulling you to him. If it weren’t for his lewdness and obscure actions, then you would say that his smile was sweet. But you know for a fact that his mind was thinking of different ways on how to torture you. 
Your eyes widen as he wraps the black leather belt around your jugular, using it like it's a dog collar and leash. “What are you – ohh…” Jungkook tightens the belt not enough to suffocate you, but enough for you to feel that it’ there. 
“Gotta hide that hideous hickey of yours, little girl. The more I look at it, the more I remember how much of a slut you are for that boy. Tell me, can Yeonjun make you feel the way I make you feel?” 
"No," you meekly reply with a little shake of your head. Nothing will ever compare to what Jungkook makes you feel than any other.
He wraps the belt around his fist and tugs on it, causing you to jolt forward, face closer to him. His nose barely grazes against yours. "Tell daddy you're sorry."
He tilts his head in confusion, surely not expecting you to reply with anything else than a simple 'sorry.'
"But what?" he nags, slowly growing annoyed.
"I didn't mean to do it with Yeonju—". 
His hands collide with your right cheek, slapping your face with no remorse, making you release a loud whimper of pain. Jungkook growls and roughly holds your cheek, making you pout. Your eyes instantly tear up from the stinging pain, and Jungkook leans to your ear to whisper; "Say. Sorry." 
He releases his grip on your cheeks so you can answer properly, "I'm sorry...daddy."
"Good girl," he says simply before leaning in to give a tender, wet kiss on your lips. He smiles before you, eyes turning into little crescents with dark irises staring directly into yours, "Have you learned your lesson?" 
"Yes, I do." 
"Well, what've you learned, little girl?" he caresses your reddened cheek, "You promise to be good from now on and obey daddy?" 
"I promise." You reply in an almost inaudible whisper. Thankfully, it was enough for Jungkook. 
However, he wasn't done with you. He was yet to put his dick inside your pussy. Thanks to his strong build, Jungkook easily flips you around on your stomach, making you lay flat on the bed. He hovers on top of you with his dick in between your butt. 
Grabbing your wrists to secure them behind your back, he takes his shaft with his other hand and aligns his cock to your dripping pussy's entrance. 
"Want my cock?" Jungkook asks with a raspy voice, turned-on from the sight of your bruised butt with the combination of your sweet cunt, the folds all wet and ready for him. 
"Mhm, please put it in me..." you insist politely. 
Without hesitating, Jungkook pushes his tip inside your heat. "God, fuck," he chuckles, moaning right after, "you have such a tight pussy. So fucking tight and wet for my dick. Mhmm..."
Your pussy walls inevitably flutter around his girth once he had his whole tip in, and you can’t help yourself but twitch and squirm. Jungkook finds this endearing. 
“Daddy,” you mewl, “please put it all in me.” 
‘Well, if you said so.’ Jungkook thinks before shoving his whole length in. Ignoring how your back arched and the loud yelp you released, Jungkook thrusts his dick in and out of your pussy so good like he was a sex-god. 
His dick is covered in your juices as he rubs his precum all over your walls, getting you all nice and extra-lubricated for him. Your moans motivate him to continue, his primal instincts were ultimately getting the best of him. 
“F-Fuck,” he stutters, biting his bottom lip. It has been a while since he’s felt pussy wrapped around his cock, consequently, he ravishes on the sensation he missed so fucking much. “You’re being so good taking my dick, mhmm, you like it deep inside that young pussy?” he asks with a tint of mockery in his tone, “I bet you’re the type to prefer older men’s dick.” His thrusts were getting rougher and rougher, deeper, making you feel so full. His words were like honey, despite how lewd they are, the way how he spoke to you made you addicted. 
Jungkook holds your wrists tighter, nails digging down your skin. “I know your little boyfriends can’t satisfy you. That’s why you only want my cock, correct, little lady?” 
“M-Mhmm,” you respond as his balls clap against your ass. 
You’ve never felt more euphoric in your entire life. Only vulgar and lecherous sounds can be heard and you never want it to stop. His fervent, erotic moans sounded so hot made you milk his cock even harder. And it worked; Jungkook feels you tightening, clenching and unclenching. 
Pounding you like this from behind, all submissive for him was feeding onto his dark, domineering desires. Getting you all for himself was easier than he expected. 
“Do you want to cum?” he flips you around and starts fucking you in missionary, the new position makes you throw your head back as his cock hits your g-spot over and over again. 
You mouth the word ‘yes’, having no energy to form a coherent word. 
Jungkook chuckles, lifting both your legs up to his shoulders, creating more leeway for him to move deeper. 
“Ohh my god, just like that!” 
“Yeah?” He presses his body to yours, sweaty bodies pressed together. Without wiping away that smirk of his, he brings his mouth to yours to kiss you one again. 
You felt a sensory overload. With each hard, delicious thrust, you keep moaning into his mouth that you can’t even give him a proper kiss. “I-I’m gonna cum, daddy,” you sob, “I’m gonna cum!” 
“Hold it.” He snaps, “Hold your cum. Wait for my instructions.” 
His breathing was getting unsteady, you feel your room getting hotter and hotter with each second. All you can think of was his cock drilling inside your cunt. His long hair drapes from his face and the tips were slightly ticking your cheeks. The veins in his neck were protruding, making him look ten times hotter. 
His cock was making you dumb. You can almost forget that he was your stepdad – for he was just an older man you lusted for. 
“Be a good cockslut for me, m’kay baby? You’re already a good girl for letting daddy take control over you. I’m gonna let you cum as a reward.” 
“Mmnggg, please!” 
With his hand, he grabs your belt-clad throat and squeezes hard, making you see stars. Your toes curl up from this specific action. 
“Open your mouth.” He says in a hurry, teeth gritted together, “Open your slutty mouth.” 
After a second that you parted your lips, Jungkook spits in your mouth unexpectedly. This made you wild. You didn’t dare to close your mouth and swallow his already existing spit because you wanted more. “Ohh, I see what you want,” Jungkook snickers, “filthy little whore. Swallow and I’ll give you more.” 
Subsequently, he praises you with words that made you blush. He gives you another load of his spit, and you consume it immediately. If Jungkook was hard earlier, he was now rock-solid from your freaky behavior he didn’t know you comprised.
“Daddy, please! I can’t hold it in…” your body slightly quivers from the unforgiving impact of his cock, squeezing your walls so tightly to prevent yourself from spilling your cum onto him. 
Jungkook can’t wait any longer himself, “Cum. Cum on my cock, baby. Do it – oh shit – do it now.” 
Your mouth falls open and your eyes roll back to your head. You felt an overwhelming drive of euphoria rush through your system as you let yourself loose on his cock. “Jesus Christ, you’re so hot, little girl,” Jungkook groans, “There, there,” he pumps his cock faster to catch his orgasm.
"Daddy's gonna cum inside your mouth," Jungkook's cock twitches instantly from the thought, "Imma spill my seed deep inside your throat. You're not wasting any spills, little girl, you're lucky to even get a taste of my cum. For a slut like you don't deserve a single shit. A-Ahhh fuck, y-you’re lucky your so goddamn cute that I – mmngg – couldn’t resist giving you daddy’s cum."
Within a couple of deep, mind-blowing thrusts, he pulls out and crawls over to your face. Automatically opening your mouth to accept his cock, he pushes his length down and past your gag-reflex. “B-Baby, baby, fucking shit,” he grits his teeth, hands clawing at your hair, “Take my cum, c’mon, I know you can. I know you can take this sweet daddy cum. Mhmm that’s a good girl, that’s daddy’s good little girl.” 
Your throat contracts and gags as he fills you up, spilling his seed down your pipe. Tears started to fall down your woeful eyes, attempting to take everything that was given to you. 
You knew you were going to hell for this – for all of this. But at least you’ve enjoyed yourself and got what you’ve wanted. 
It was undeniably crazy how quick he got you into submission. Was it the way that he talks to you, the way he can technically read your mind and identify all of the things you desired, or was it just your daddy issues coming to play? 
Whatever it was, you didn’t regret a single bit of this to happen.
Who knows if this will occur to you again; if you’ll receive the same pleasure as this again? 
“Come ‘ere, let me wrap you in my arms,” Jungkook whispers after cleaning you up. Nodding, you scooch over to him to allow his warmth to resonate through your naked body. 
He is the perfect big spoon. He rests his chin on top of your head, humming a song to soothe you. 
Looking outside the window, you see that the sky is painted with variations of orange and red, signaling the arrival of dawn. Your eyes grow big as you examine the time on the wall clock; 4:00 A.M. You have three and a half hours left until classes start. 
Jungkook minds how your body tenses. He holds you a bit tighter and snuggles his face into the crook of your neck. Even though he can see those awful hickeys, he turns a blind eye to them. 
“Skip classes. Daddy won’t be mad,” he titters, “Although, your mom will be home anytime soon today.” 
You emit a gasp, “Wait, today?” 
“Yes,” he sneers, understanding the panic in your eyes, “Remember what I told you, Y/n. Hickeys 101, cover—”
“Cover it up.” 
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After you’ve slept through all your classes for today, you woke up in the afternoon exactly when your mother just arrived from her trip. 
Your whole body was sore. You can’t walk straight and your hair was in tangles. Before exiting your bedroom, you went to your bathroom, grabbed your makeup back, and covered your hickeys with concealer. 
‘Yeonjun… should I even see him again?’ 
The makeup did the bare minimum of covering your bruises. It wasn’t the best coverage ever, but it was enough. Parting your hair to the side to hide most of the skin of your neck, you finally went outside. 
“Y/n!” your mother exclaims, raising her head after she was scurrying deep inside her bag. “There you are. Are classes dismissed early?” 
Your step-dad chuckles behind her as he was carrying the rest of her luggage to the living room. Jungkook glances at you. 
“Yes.” You straight out lied. 
“I see. Oh! And did Jungkook treat you well?” 
You almost choked in your spit. 
“Was he good to you?” your mom raises her brows to Jungkook, “Or was Y/n a pain in the ass, babe?” 
Your face turns red in an instant. You wanted to laugh from the double-meaning of her words.  
“Y/n was a pain in the ass but don’t worry…” Jungkook smirks at you, his eyes hinting a sultry, teasing look, “She’s a good girl nevertheless.” 
The way Jungkook looks at you has to be a crime. There’s never a moment where you didn’t feel a single thing whenever he locks his handsome eyes with yours. It was an incredibly intense feeling – a feeling that you know you’ll crave.
“Mm. Okay. You look…” she scans your figure, head to toe. “tired. But anyway, come here and help me unpack. I have tons of stories and gossips to tell!” Your mom exclaims as she sits down on the couch. 
Before you can even approach her, Jungkook grabs your right arm and puts you in front of him. Afraid that he’ll do something you’ll regret, you pull away – but he shakes his head. 
Jungkook puts his index finger in front of his mouth, looking down at you while he whispers, “Shhh,” he leans forward and mouths the next words close to your ear, “Act like nothing happened, little girl.” 
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iambilliejeanok · 3 years
🌼Baby boyfriend🌼
🍄Fluff Monday 🍄
Purely fluff🌈
Pairings: Kakashi x reader
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Hearing the door shut, you looked up from the couch to see your boyfriend step in the house, his clothes all dirty and his face wearing a weary expression as he slowly slid his mask off, slumping back against the wall in exhaustion. As quick as could be, you stood in front of him your arms wrapping around his slender torso to embrace him in a long and warm hug. Lazily, his arm came around you, pulling you closer with all the strength he had, pressing a small and quick kiss to your cheek. Looking up at him, you wore the cutest pout on your face, “You wanna come and nap with me? I’m sure you’ll feel better once you wake up. And we could catch up on other stuff later in the night”, you spoke while casually stripping him, taking off his flak jacket followed by his hitai-ate and mask, dropping them in a pile next to his shoes. You couldn’t help the smile that crept up on you at the small nod he made to your suggestion. “Poor baby, come”, you said, taking his larger hand in your smaller one and leading him straight to the bathroom. With his eyes closed he leaned against the counter, breathing in the soft mango scent of the melatonin bubble bath. While the tub was still running, you turned on a few candles the two of found together and instantly fell in love with, placing one on each corner, already excited for the evening. Cuddles were always amazing with the hubby. Closing the tap, you looked over to him, giggling when you noticed his droopy eyes staring right at the perfect view of your ass. “Oi sleepy head”, you giggled, walking over to him to wrap your arms around his neck, his own arms instinctively wrapping around your waist, running his hand up and down your back while you both made eye contact. “You’re too tired”, you teased, planting a soft kiss on his lips for the first time this evening. His lips immediately hungered for yours, his hand coming to rest at the back of your head and keep you in place as he deepened the kiss, running his tongue along your lips before you started pushing against his chest to get him to stop. You weren’t expecting the kiss to grow so intense, panting as you both got lost in each other’s eyes once again. “Come, let’s get you cleaned up baby”, you breathed, licking your plump lips as your hands set to work. Small kisses fell all over his body while you slowly undressed him, savoring this peaceful moment between the two of you. No work, no teenagers, no stinky puppies. Just the two of you, enjoying each other’s presence.
Kakashi shut his eyes, taking in deep breaths at the soft and warm kisses you planted across his naked body, little tingles shooting along his spine every time the rough skin of your hands met the skin on his body. Finally coming back up, you had to a take a deep breath at the sight of his naked body. Sure you’ve seen him butt naked more times than you could count, but there was just something so special about seeing him like this. No mask, all his feelings on display, his dick hard, completely vulnerable, to no one else but you. You felt chosen. “The water is ready”, you whispered in his ear, his eyes slowly fluttering open from the kiss you placed on his lips. “Hmmm. Let’s go”, he said walking over and settling in, reaching out for you to join him. “Baby, I already had a bath”, you pouted, absolutely hating the decision you made to bathe earlier on, but also glad that you could use this opportunity to spoil him. “But I want you in here with me! I wanna cuddle”, he whined in his deep voice, the begging tugging at your heart. “Here baby, just relax and I’ll take care of you”, you said, reaching for the loofah and a bar of raw butter soap, lathering up the loofah before gently rubbing down Kakashi’s chest, scrubbing away the dirt from the day. Working the loofah all over his body, a deep sigh he let out distracted you, and you smiled when you looked up to see his eyes shut. You were really happy he was just relaxing in this moment.
After going over his body once again with a sponge and some raw sugar scrub, you slowly started kissing his face again, waking him up from the delicious trans you put him under. “Babyyyy…”, you whispered. “Wakey wakey”. “Mmmm”, he moaned, slowly opening his eyes to your soft kisses. “Lets get you in bed love”, you spoke, making sure you weren’t too loud to pull him out of his relaxed mood. It really took a lot for Kakashi to relax and you would kill yourself if you ruined it right now. “Nooo”, he whined, the out of character whining making you giggle a little. “Baby, you can’t stay in here, you’re getting all pruny”. “Please baby…just stay with me for a little longer”, he fussed. “I’m not going anywhere goofy. I just need to get you out of this tub”, you laughed. “Oh”, was all he said, huffing in disapproval for having to move his body. Helping him stand up, you wrapped him in a fresh towel, leaving him to wipe himself down while you went to fetch some clean slippers for him. When you came back you found him still standing on the exact same position you left him in, a little glint of mischief in his eyes. “Kakashi you’re still wet?”, you spoke, placing the slippers down so he could step into them. “I thought you were going to wipe me down?”, he asked, his face wearing the normal casual look he always had, expect this time you could see him pout a little. “Kashi you couldn’t just do it yourself?”, you asked in disbelief. “No. I couldn’t”, was all he said, unwrapping himself to hand you the towel. “Omg what a fucking baby”, you mused, taking the towel from his hand so you could start patting him dry, paying extra attention to his private area and toes. “Your baby”, he randomly grumbled, while you tossed it in the laundry basket and handed him a robe.
Finally laying in bed Kakashi was dressed in nothing but a pair of puppy printed boxers, while you had on a sweater and a pair of grey undies. You couldn’t believe the whining you heard from the bathroom as you finished cleaning up, coming out to see Kakashi just laying there on the bed, his arms and legs sprawled out like he was dying. “Y/n! Hurryyyyy”, he called, not realizing you stood right in the bathroom doorway. You know you could be a big baby but he was superior at this. “Princessssss!”, he called again “Come quic-“, he called before you cut him off. “I’m right here love”, you laughed, watching him turn his head in the slightest to see you standing there. “Oh okay”, he softly said, “Come to me”. Walking over to him you began talking, “Kashi just rest a little and I’ll be right over to cuddle okay”, “But you know I can’t fall asleep if it’s not in your arms”, he said, pulling you closer to him, man even if he was tired he was still strong. “What nonsense is that Kashi, you always sleep just fine without me ho-”, you started to say but he simply hushed you with a single finger on your lips, a short moment before you both burst out in laughter. Kakashi pulling you into him and rolling on top of you so you were trapped, his face nuzzling your bosom and hand holding yours as he began to relax a little more. You sighed in defeat, running your fingers in his hair which you knew would take him out. Hearing him mumble stopped your hand in his hair, making him whine out in frustration. “Kashi I can’t hear you if your face is buried in my chest. “Okay fine, please take off your sweater. It’s too much for me”, he complained, tugging on it like he had not a single bitty bit of strength to even fathom the fact that you wore this skin barrier. Rolling your eyes you did as he asked, “of course baby, there you go”, you said, your upper body now completely bare. Slowly he started nipping and sucking on your breasts while you ran your fingers through his hair and before long, you could hear him softly breathing, his kisses having stopped a long time ago, but those left you a little sleepy too. Yawning, you looked down at him nuzzled between your breasts, smiling at how cute he was tonight. He was your boyfriend and you’d spoil him with as much attention and affection as possible.
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sluttyten · 3 years
for writing prompt Mark 4,25,43 🙂
mark lee + “shh, it’s okay, go back to sleep. daddy just needs you right now.” + “shit, i forgot just how tight you are.” + playing with you in your sleep.
cw // consensual somnophilia
Mark couldn't believe how sweet you looked while you were sleeping. So very innocent and very tempting.
You were asleep by the time he got home, passed out on your stomach on top of the sheets with your phone still held in one hand and a video playing quiet on the screen. You were wearing Mark's hoodie over just a pair of panties. The hoodie had risen up as you slept, exposing your ass.
Mark crawled slowly onto the bed, not wanting to wake you up.
Normally he would just carefully take the phone from your hand, plug it in for you and leave it on the bedside table. He might pull a blanket up to cover you, and then he'd settle in beside you and fall asleep immediately.
But looking at you now like this after he's already been feeling pretty worked up all day, Mark can't help but touch you. He knows he's been neglecting you and your needs lately, as well as neglecting his own. It's been weeks since you had sex, and now as he looks at the supple shape of your ass and the pretty pink of your panties, Mark feels the ache in his balls.
He needs you.
You've talked about this before with him. Letting him touch you and use you while you sleep. Mark's your daddy, and you'll do anything to please him.
Your body is reactive to him even while you're asleep. When Mark touches your thigh, your legs spread apart for him, and when he massages your ass, leaves a kiss on the backs of your thighs, and finally he presses a light kiss right over the heat of you through your panties.
You sigh in your sleep, shifting your hips slightly.
When Mark moves to kneel between your legs, wanting to get down on his belly to get comfortable, your body moves accommodatingly; one leg sliding up the mattress, knee bent as you draw it towards your torso, opening up plenty of space for Mark.
It's easy then for him to slide the middle of your panties away, to reveal your pussy to him.
Mark licks his lips. He loves the taste of you, his sweet baby girl always eager to feel his lips on any and every part of you. Even now as you're asleep, your body reacts to him touching you like this, your pussy glistening with new arousal. He wants desperately to eat you out, but more than that -- his cock gives a sharp, almost painful throb where it's trapped in his pants, pinned between his body and the bed -- he wants to feel you tightly wrapped around him.
He climbs off the bed for a moment, taking care to take your phone from your hand and plug it in to charge before he quietly digs through the drawer of the bedside table to locate the lube.
He's not feeling so patient tonight. The need for you came on suddenly but strongly. There have been nights in the past when Mark's taken ages touching you while you're asleep, working you up into dreams of frenzy, getting you to cum first on his fingers or tongue before you're wet enough for him to fuck you. But he can't wait that long tonight.
A sleepy noise leaves your lips and your hips shift, legs twitching gently when Mark eases two of his lubed fingers against your entrance. A soft sigh becomes a moan as he works his fingers inside you, spreading the lube and doing his best to stretch you for his cock.
You’re not awake, but a moan breaks through you, just a quiet one, half buried in your pillow, but Mark smiles to himself, pleased that he can make you feel so good when you’re not even aware really of what he’s doing.
He continues fingering you, liberally using lube, curling his fingers against your walls, and occasionally leaving biting kisses on your ass. It’s during one of these kisses when his tongue strays out, perhaps a little too wildly, flicking your asshole, and you gasp.
This time your body twitches and then Mark feels your pussy clamp down around his fingers, and you sleepy start to twist around, attempting to close your legs and roll over and see what’s going on.
Mark sits up, still stroking your pussy with one hand and with the other he reaches up for your hand. “Shh, it’s okay,” Mark whispers to you, “go back to sleep. Daddy just needs you right now.”
You blink, lacing your fingers through his automatically. Slowly your gaze lowers to his forearm that flexes as he fingers you, and your eyes close, your head dropping back to your pillow. “Okay, Daddy.”
Mark smiles, and he brings your joined hands to his lips, brushing a kiss across your knuckles. “Good girl.”
He leaves your hands entwined and resting on the mattress. Your body relaxes entirely, but Mark can see you’re still awake, eyes cracked open to watch him through your eyelashes, and fuck he likes that, the docile way you’re playing along for him.
You lift your hips needy when Mark leaves you without his fingers, but then there’s the sound of him unzipping his jeans, the movement in the dark of him pulling his erection free from the confines of his pants. He pumps a hand over himself, adding a bit of lube to ease the way, and then there he is, finally filling you up after weeks.
He’s not the only one that’s been in need.
“Shit, baby girl,” Mark groans, “I forgot just how tight you are.”
It’s been too long since he fucked you, to have forgotten how snugly and perfectly your pussy wraps around his cock. Even when he fingers you thoroughly beforehand you always feel tight around him, and it’s perfect, especially right now with the lube helping with the glide as you lift your hips off the bed and Mark thrust into you.
Both of his hands fly to your hips, clutching tight, holding your hips up where he wants them, and you play along like you’re still asleep like you know daddy wants to pretend you are. You keep your head in the pillows, eyes almost fully closed but your head tilted just right so you can see Mark’s face through your eyelashes. You hold your body limply, letting Mark take this however he likes.
You like having him like this, raw and needy, Mark’s attraction to you overwhelming him so much that he can’t even find the time to wake you before he has to have you. You love knowing that you’re his sweet baby girl and that your daddy wants you so badly.
It’s no time at all before Mark’s truly fucking you, hips and thighs slapping against your skin as he races toward his orgasm, fucking you at a bruising pace, swears spilling from his lips under his breaths with several praises mixed in.
When Mark cums, he’s halfway pulled out, so most of his load paints your pussy lips and the stretched to the side fabric of your panties, but some of his load did end up inside you, and you feel it dripping out of you as you clench around nothing now, your body left hanging without an orgasm, craving to have Mark back inside you.
But Mark leaves the bed between your legs. He kicks his jeans off, tugs his shirt over his head, and rolls down to his spot beside you. You know he’s about to fall asleep, and normally you would also be asleep at this point when he fucks you while you’re sleeping so it wouldn’t then bother you that you didn’t get to cum. But you’re awake, and though Mark has denied you orgasms before, you were a good girl for him just now. You think you deserve it.
“Daddy,” you sigh, turning over, sliding closer to him, wrapping your hands around his arm and tugging lightly. “Daddy, I had such a good dream. You were touching me, making me feel so good.” One hand slides down his arm to his wrist, to his hand, and you try to guide Mark’s hand between your legs. You just need him to finish you off, even if it’s just his fingers.
Mark stares at you from under heavy eyelids. “A good dream, baby? And you didn’t cum?”
“No, sir.” You sink a little closer to him, once more trying to guide his hand between your legs. “It was such a good dream though, and I was almost there, daddy. But then it ended. I want more of you, I need more.”
Mark gazed at you until you feel like maybe you should just turn back over and fall asleep, forget about cumming tonight.
But then Mark’s hand moves, slotting in between your thighs. His fingers slide through the sticky mess of cum, fingers enter you with absolute ease, and he buries three of his fingers as deep as he can. From the outside Mark rubs his palm against your clit, and inside you he massages his fingers against your G spot, working at both centers of your pleasure until your legs are quivering, your pussy dripping like a waterfall.
Your body is pressed as close to Mark’s as you can get, one leg now thrown over his hip so you can be closer, can grind your clit down against his palm better. The double-sided stimulation is enough to carry you quickly over the edge of orgasm. The feeling so intense that you can feel yourself squirting around Mark’s fingers, and the aftershocks of your orgasm have you shaking in his arms until he eventually removes his hand to instead strike your thigh.
He kisses your forehead. “Was that good, baby?”
“Yes, daddy. So good.”
Mark smiles and pets your head gently. “Good girl. Now go back to sleep.”
You nod and without moving even a centimeter from where you’re comfortably tucked into Mark, you close your eyes, and within moments you’re asleep.
send me a member and up to 3 prompts from this list!
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noctumbra · 3 years
𝒕𝒉𝒆 (𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓) 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚
summary ─ “why don’t we have this thing they call goodbye sex? one last time.” he leaned forward, his lips brushing your ear. “i’ll make it good for you.”
pairing ─ fuckboy!bucky barnes x reader 
warnings ─ smut, +18, alcohol usage, exes, goodbye sex, light angst, dirty talk, pet names, drunkiness, oral sex, choking, riding, mentions of infidelity/cheating, bucky gets around is what i meant, mean!bucky (not extreme, just a bit heartless), sort of one night stand
a/n ─ you can thank @clementinesandstars​​ for the idea they provided. without their idea, this fic wouldn’t be happening probably lol i really hope you like it! please leave a comment if you do, thank youuu <33
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Crowds weren’t your thing most of the time, but tonight, it was a nice way of distracting yourself. Sweaty, half-drunk and half-naked bodies were grinding each other, bass boosted house music was blasting on the speakers, you almost forgot why you were sad this morning.
The alcohol in your hand had something to do with it, too. Closing your eyes, you tipped your head back and continued to dance.
This was probably the last party you might be able to attend in the next month or so since your exams were starting in a week. You were going to be busy as hell and you wanted to let it loose before the freight train hit you.
You leaned back against the body you felt behind you. It was warm and solid; must be a male, you thought and smiled to yourself. You felt arms around your waist and you were being pulled against the solid body fully.  
“You look beautiful dancing on your own like that,” you heard them saying, and you froze. No fucking way, you thought to yourself and turned around.
Bucky Barnes was standing in front of you with a smirk and in a white wifebeater.  The tattoos on both of his arms were on display, you could also pick his neck tattoos, too. His skinny black jeans were hugging his thick thighs beautifully, complimenting his ass along the way. His mid-length hair was swept back. He had a soft scruff going and, fuck me, you thought. He looked so good.
It didn’t give him any right to come up to your after what he had done to you, though.
“What the fuck, Bucky?” You hissed, stepping away from him. “You can’t do this shit with me anymore.” He narrowed his eyes. A playful smirk was on his lips, and you wanted to punch him.
“Why not?” He said. “We are having fun, and you know what amount of fun we have together. Have you forgotten already?” He grabbed the plastic cup in your hand and finished your drink, throwing the cup somewhere in the room. He stepped forward. “Why don’t we have this thing they call goodbye sex? One last time.” He leaned forward, his lips brushing your ear. “I’ll make it good for you.”
“Did you make it good for her, too?” You couldn’t help but spat at him. Your eyes were burning with the anger and hurt you felt. “You fucker,” you pushed him. “You screw around with her and then you think you have a right to come up to me and ask for a goodbye sex? Fuck you.” A spark went off in his steel blue eyes. He stepped forward once again, fully in your personal space now.
“Take your hate out on me,” he whispered, lips hovering over yours. “Get your frustration and all your anger out of me, baby. I put them there, get rid of them with me. C’mon…” You couldn’t help but shiver as his lips brushed against yours as he spoke.
You were brave enough to admit yourself that you were going give in to him eventually. Having him touch you like that one last time sounded like a heaven for you. You’ve been hurting ever since you found out that he dumped you for another woman whom he had been seeing around for some time, and even the thought of you stop hurting for a short while meant relief.
“Sweetheart…” He whispered as he stroked your cheek with his thumb. “Give in, come on. I know you want it…” You could feel tears welling up, but you didn’t want him to see you cry so you blinked them away. You whimpered softly. He took your whimper as ‘yes’ and leaned in to kiss you.
You moaned into his mouth when his lips met with yours. They were always so soft and always kissed you so sweet, you gasped lightly when you realized how they soothed your pain. Rising on your tiptoes, you wound your arms around his neck and pulled him in. Bucky growled as he wrapped his arms around your waist. His hold was tight and possessive; you loved it whenever he held you against him like this.
“Hold on,” he grunted. You tightened your arms around his neck and felt his hands grabbing the back of your thighs. In a blink, you were in his arms and being carried away from the crowd. You could feel the rings adorning his long and thick fingers. His tongue piercing was mocking with your tongue, making you let out little moans each time.
You didn’t realize that you were in some room until he laid you on the bed. You pulled back from his lips, breathless and achy. You watched him strip his wifebeater hungrily. His body was like a sculpture; all hard muscles and abs and bulging biceps with tattoos all over the tanned skin. You trailed your fingers over his abs, feeling them twitch. Bucky smirked and stuck his hands under your dress.
His lightly calloused, soft hands made contact with your bare thighs, and you gasped. You felt him trailing his hands upwards slowly, to drive you mad, and you whined as you arched your back. His touch was addicting, and you always responded to it so well, Bucky had told you so.
“The sounds you make, princess,” Bucky whispered. “They drove me fuckin’ crazy.” You mewled when he dug his nails in the skin of your hips. Bucky slowly peeled your dress off you, revealing an inch of deliciously naked skin to his hungry eyes with every step.
In under a minute, you were a naked and breathless mess before him. You felt your cheeks heat up, a sudden shyness seeping in, and you tried to cover your body as much as you could with your hands.
“No,” he whispered, “No, baby, lemme see.” He grabbed your hands and locked them in his hand over your head. His lips were right against your pulse, his hot breath was licking the sensitive skin there, making you shiver. Bucky dipped down and kissed the wildly beating pulse. He peppered kisses, sucking the skin a little and he bit down gently.
“Bucky…” You breathed. He just hummed and made his way downwards. His lips found your nipple, and he took one in his mouth; his fingers were playing with the other. Your nipples were sensitive as hell normally, but with the piercings on both of them ─Bucky made you do it─, they were even more sensitive. You cried out in ecstasy, head thrown back. Bucky continued to suck on the sensitive nipple, continued to pinch and roll the other one between his thumb and point finger. “God, fuck, Bucky!” You gasped when you felt his teeth grazing over the piercing.
“I told you getting them pierced was a great idea,” he murmured after he pulled back. “Lookit these cute things,” he cooed as he pinched both your nipples. “They look so good, baby, with these things on. You look so fuckin’ sexy with’em.” He dipped down again but to suck on your other nipple, and you grabbed him by the hair as he went on sucking.
“Fuck,” you moaned. “Fuck, fuck!” Your whole body was alive with the pleasure Bucky was giving you. Your toes were curling, your thighs were trembling slightly and your clit was throbbing. You were burning alive. “Please…” You whimpered. You pulled on Bucky’s hair hard, causing him to moan throatily. He pulled briefly.
“That’s not how you ask things, now, is it?” He asked, raising a brow at you. You swallowed harshly as you surpassed a violent shiver because of the way he was looking at you. He slapped your nipple. “Ask me nicely.” You whimpered.
“Sir,” you moaned. His pleased, cocksure smirk took over his lips. “Please,” you whispered. “Please, I need you, sir.”
“That’s it, baby,” he murmured, his hands stroking your thighs gently. “What you want? Hm? Tell me.” He peppered kisses all over your stomach, his nose poked your breasts and you shivered. “C’mon, tell me.”
“I wanna come,” you breathed. Your eyes closed already, fingers playing with Bucky’s hair. “Please, sir, I wanna come.” Bucky hummed and moved down on the bed, laying down on his stomach. Your heart jumped to your mouth with his new position. He took your legs and placed them over his broad shoulders.
You knew it was coming but the first lick he gave you had you screaming. You threw your head back, eyes closed and back arched, you cried out. With kitten licks, he cleaned the slick on your lips and eased some of the throbbing on your clit. You heard him clearing his throat and you lifted your head to watch him. He pulled back to spit the slick he collected from your pussy on you.
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned as you took in the sight. You felt his spit trailing down and making you shudder with the feeling. Your thighs trembled around his head. He soothed it by rubbing them up and down. Then, he leaned in and gave you a fat lick; a kind of lick where you felt his piercing stroking your sensitive flesh. “James!”
He hummed. He was licking and slurping on your pussy all the while rubbing your thighs gently and holding your hips down. Your back was arched and head thrown back once again. Your fingers were deep in his thick chestnut hair, pulling and just holding.
Bucky was eating your pussy like he had been starving.
You keened high when you felt the familiar tightening on your belly. “Sir,” you moaned. “’m close, sir. Please, I’m─” You moaned again. “Fuuck, sir, ‘m so close─”
Bucky pulled back only to slide two of his fingers in you. “Come, baby,” he murmured. “Come.” He buried his face again; lips around your clit, fingers plunging in and out of you rapidly, you fell from the edge. You gasped, pulled on his hair and your thighs trapped his head there. Bucky hummed throughout your orgasm.
You moaned as you pushed his face away a little. Things were becoming a bit sensitive. He pulled back. His chin was shining with your slick, and the sight made you feel all warm. Bucky made his way up to your lips. He pressed a sweet, chaste kiss. You smiled.
“You always look so damn sexy when you come,” he whispered against your lips and bent down to kiss you again, but this time you didn’t let him pull back. You kissed him all the while slowly pushing him onto his back, climbing on his lap and continued to kiss him while sitting on his lap. You could feel his hard cock under you, trapped in his jeans. Your hands found his belt and you quickly got rid of it. Unbuttoning his jeans and pulling the zipper were the next steps, and then you pulled back to strip him from his jeans. It needed a bit work, but it was off and you were back on his lap. You handed him the condom you pulled out from his pocket. Bucky reached for it as he also pulled you down to kiss you again. You helped him put the condom on.
Bucky wiggled on the bed, taking a comfy position for you to ride him. You smiled and mounted him, grabbing his hard cock, you lined it up.
You always loved riding him, always loved how he made you feel when you sank down on him, loved how it made him grab your hips tightly to stop himself from coming. Just like now; he was holding onto your hips, nails and rings digging into your skin and his head was thrown back, his neck was exposed. You breathed a sigh as you bottomed out. You stayed like that for a couple seconds and then, you started to move.
It was slow and light movements at first, but soon you started to bounce on his cock. Breathless little moans and grunts slipped from his mouth. His hands came down on the soft flesh of your ass harshly for a couple times, smacking sounds only spurring you on even more.
“Holy shit,” he moaned and let out a deep growl. “Yes, yeah, like that…” He bit his lip, eyes hooded and dark, hair a mess, he looked so beautiful under you. You whimpered when he grazed over your sweet spot. You leaned forward and placed your hands on his pecs for support. Your thighs were burning with the exhaustion, but you were close. You could feel Bucky was also close; he was whimpering and moaning softly as he murmured filth under his breath. “God, yeah, yeah. Fuck.”
You chuckled breathlessly. You loved it when he was all gone during sex. It made you feel powerful knowing that you did that. Bucky moaned when you rode him even harder and quicker. His hands tightened on your hips and he pinned them down. Then, he planted his feet on the bed and started to thrust up into you. You screamed. Mouth dropped open, you moaned and gasped. His slick skin was smacking against yours, creating obscene sounds, you whimpered. He felt so good in you, filled you up so nicely… He was going to make you come, it was so close.
“Fuck, ‘m close,” you breathed. Bucky groaned out an approval as he threw his head back, driving his hips up at a mad pace. You slid your hand and grabbed his throat. He choked on a moan, eyes snapping open, steel blue eyes found yours. You squeezed it lightly.
“Motherfuck─” He managed and his pace faltered. He groaned loud and long as he came, his thigh muscles jumping and twitching madly under yours. He exposed his throat even more to you, pressing it into your hand. You moaned as you felt his cock twitch in you. He moved one of his hands from your hip to your clit and he rubbed it with his thumb. You gasped.
“Oh!” You cried out, “Oh, Bucky, James, fuck!” You felt the center of your world shift and whole body convulsing as you came on his cock.
“JesusfuckingChrist,” he gritted. “You’re like a fuckin’ vice, what the fuck.” You squeezed your hand around his throat, digging your nails a bit deeper. He let out a guttural moan. You pulled your hand back as you collapsed on his chest.
“Holy shit,” you breathed. Bucky hummed. He rolled you over and pulled out slowly. You lay on the bed; your legs had turned into jelly and your body buzzing with pleasure still. You watched Bucky disposing the condom and reaching for his jeans. He pulled them on, doing a quick work with his belt, too. You suddenly started to feel cold. Bucky reached for his undershirt and put it on.
“Well,” he said. “Goodbye.” He threw you a distant smile and walked out of the room, briefly letting in the noises from the party that was still going on downstairs.
You tensed. All the good feelings came with the sex had gone in a blink, and you shivered. Reaching for your own clothes, you put them on. There was an empty feeling inside of you. You couldn’t feel if your heart was still beating, or if your skin was still warm. All you could feel was the cold air around you and the emptiness.
You sobbed once silently as you, too, walked out of the room. He wanted to have a goodbye sex and that was what you had.
You never thought returning back to the real world where you didn’t have him would hurt this bad, but it did: You were hurting all over.
You sighed deeply, closing your eyes for a second. You were used to the pain that came with him. It was why you loved him in the first place. You knew you could never have him, but it didn’t stop you.
Letting the house music fill into your mind, you made your way downstairs to find more alcohol.
You felt enough for a night, you thought. It was time to feel nothing and time to have some real fun. After all, this was the after party.
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