#I am so very very normal about Light Yagami
ben-man · 9 months
Please tell me more about fat Light. I’m so curious
YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I AM TO TALK ABOUT THIS I am quite literally physically vibrating. I grew up fat and remain fat so please for the love of fuck nobody be rude about me being just unfiltered about this.
Light Yagami is so obsessed with his exterior shell. His like beautiful ornate carapace. His mask. He's obsessed with his image, and a huge reason for this is his fathers position in society and being the perfect son to make his family proud and the fact that he is empty. There is a certain type of childhood where you grow up with a pit in your gut and anger in your heart and no reasonable place to put it or explanation for why you feel that way.
He is a young boy given the power to kill people, and an unnatural boredom borne of his privilege, nature, and power. He's unchallenged by school, he finds no connection in those around him, the distance between him and his family may as well be a chasm. There is no 'real' Light Yagami you will find under that flesh he cloaks himself in (because he doesn't even know who he is himself, he never got the opportunity to.)
I write this fairly often but I hate the characterization where Light is written as if Light and Kira are two different people. Kira is a young boys realization that if he acts sweet and remorseful enough he can get away with breaking other kids toys. It's the fucking feeling in the air when someone's position gives them the power to do whatever bloody cruel thing they want. Kira is a round-faced boy with a terrible weapon to kill. Many people forget that when Light first killed someone (in the manga) he basically cowered under his bedsheets for an entire night. He is bored, and he is empty, and to him excitement and feeling comes when he is so nervous he feels bile in his mouth.
In my mind he grows up fat, he's a pudgy fucking kid. And you know when you're young and fat and you are meant to be fingerpainting you crawl up that step stool and look in the mirror wondering why your soft, fat, unmanageable body doesn't look good enough.
And when you become an adult, for some the doorway to changing your body opens. It can fucking eat you whole man! And I write Light Yagami with these issues and interpret him as having a fuck ton of internalized fatphobia and body image issues, and now he's thin, unhealthily so. I usually write him struggling with eating.
When I do write him having the happy ending he doesn't deserve, I write him gaining weight as a good thing, and that means a lot to me! Internalized fatphobia makes you bitter and cruel not just to yourself but to others. He gets a very prominent double chin and gets larger gradually as he ages I think.
Also my friend @kattidiot wrote a BEAUTIFUL (unpublished) Light Yagami drabble about him being a child and crushing ants and his mother teaching him to bake so he directs that energy not toward covering his fingers in bug guts and he's looking back on that childhood and describes his fat little boy hands and how he doesn't want to add too much butter or sugar and so it always comes out wrong and his cruel perspective on his own baby-faced self is like so well written its like electric.
Anyway yeah diversity win the deranged mass murderer is fat.
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the-writing-goblin · 7 months
I am once again thinking about how good the story of the second age is, and all the fun things you could do with an actually decent adaptation. Consider:
Galadriel should be exactly the same as she is in Lord of the Rings. She is older, weirder and more powerful than any elf other elf in Middle Earth. Other elves are just as unnerved by her as mortals, and dealing with her is stressful at the best of times.
Elrond should be an absolute infant. Just, complete baby face. But everyone treats him super respectfully and he has a lot of power and influence. The energy should be the same as when the super ancient and powerful vampire or faerie or whatever looks like a ten year old girl.
ALSO there should be a tall, menacing elf with visible tattoo and facial scars who just. Stands behind Elrond looking intimidating all the time. The least elf-looking elf ever. All the other elves are uncomfortable around them. Elrond should treat them like their an Aunt or Uncle. The elf is one of the few surviving hard-line Feanorians, all of whom follow Elrond. The longer you can go without explaining this, the better.
Gil-Galad is very tired, and spends a lot of time balancing one of the most famously unstable political systems in all of Arda. Galadriel and Elrond both have factions they support to strongly to be relied on to be impartial. The reason he doesn't worry much about what Celebrimbor's up to is that he's the one member of the family who is highly unlikely to attempt something batshit nuts, and his followers are mostly moderate.
Celebrimbor and Annatar/Sauron should spend the whole series playing complicated mindgames with each other.
Annatar is playing four-dimensional chess from the beginning. For him, this is an all or nothing gamble. If he can't make the rings he won't have the power to seize control on his own. He should spend a lot of time having Light Yagami-level monologues where he tries to figure out what game Celebrimbor is playing while outwardly pretending to be harmless and normal and only succeeding at this about 75% of the time.
Celebrimbor should start of thinking the stakes are considerably lower. Like... is Annatar hiding something? Yea, but he figures Annatar doesn't actually have permission from the Valar to be here or something. Not, ya know, Annatar is secretly Satan in disguise. In the first act there should be an almost comical disconnect between the amount of energy Sauron is putting in to these mind games versus Celebrimbor.
Bonus points if as Celebrimbor figures out the truth, you intersperse more and more of his family backstory. The guilt he is still carrying for a lot the things that happened in the first age. Early on bring in the fact that Finrod went into Sauron's jaws alone and it was Curufin's fault, use this as angst material. And then as he figures out who Sauron really is, drop Maedhros and Thangorodrim in like a nuclear bomb.
Because Celebrimbor has seen this play before, and he knows what Sauron does to people. It wasn't even personal then, what Sauron is going to do to him will be so much worse.
And Celebrimbor chooses to forge the three rings anyway. He doesn't give up their locations, even with everything Sauron does to him at the end. And that should be devestating.
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I'd love a redo or a poll for Light Yagami, given some information
Pros: - evil mastermind. very smart - If he can write someone's name and knows what their face looks like, they die. He can also control their actions to a limited extent leading up to the death, but can only make them do things they would normally have some reason to do. It may not work on undead. - If he's really desperate, he can give up half his remaining lifespan to be able to see people's names just by looking at them - He's reasonably athletic, and could climb a wall Cons: - delicious mmmmmmm tasty
You know that's entirely fair. Since my last attempt I have learned several important things about this character, most critically, Light is the one who kills people with the Death Note, he's not L, and he's not God either.
@lukewarmglassofsuudsu writes:
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And @lucyshiningstar writes:
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It sounds to me like Dracula and Light Yagami might have, uhhhhhh, incompatible personality types. I am getting the impression that Light wants to play 4D chess against a worthy opponent but Dracula keeps eating the pieces. There's no way this guy is accepting the old lady's crucifix if he already thinks he's God and he also has a magic book he can murder people with. Now here's a question - does he believe himself to be God to a sufficient extent that he assumes he will be physically repulsive to vampires? You say he's smart - is he smarter than he is arrogan, or the other way around?
The notion that he may want to become a vampire is fascinating. Maybe he thinks that if he's immortal the "give up half your life to learn the name" has no cost because half of infinity is still infinity. Do we think he's right about that?
Does he know what vampires are? If he clocks Dracula as a killer, he might try to kill him with the Death Note... but that doesn't prove itself till May 16th, and if he cuts himself shaving he's dead May 8th. Is he willing to kill people who aren't serial killers in self defense?
Is Dracula willing to reveal his own name? He doesn't to Jonathan Harker. Nor do the Girlies.
...........is Light Yagami just anime Rodya Raskolnikov, but with a magic book?
I still think I want to bring this to a poll because the possibilities fascinate me and I love to see you guys theorize
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Light Yagami from Death Note vs Edelgard von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. please be normal in the notes, i will not hesitate to block if you harass people)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
Light Yagami:
LOVE: - "He does some messed up things but have you considered: fucked up protagonists rock :)" HATE: - "this man makes me sick. ive genuinely had manic episodes over hating him. i have trauma from his existence in general. not even because of the murder. because hes a sexist cheater :(" - "My cousin and I frequently debate this. I think despite his 'intentions' he's ultimately a despicable character who cares for nobody but himself. She disagrees and says that he is just trying to do the right thing and making a difference in the world (she still thinks his actions are wrong, but she doesn't think he himself is despicable)" BOTH: - "I mean cmon man"
Edelgard Von Hresvelg:
LOVE: "People either claim she's the hero or the irredeemable villain with no in between. She's also my lovely wife who has never done anything wrong in her life." "I never even finished her route and remember nothing of what happens in that game but I DO remember the absolute warzone the fandom turned into because of her. She staged a coup and overthrew the head of the government/church and I think that's pretty cool of her. "But she committed war crimes!" God forbid women do anything." "I lied in the previous question. I don't hate her or love her in fact I have never even played this game. But I keep finding people making up Discourse™ featuring wild accusations of bigotry towards both Edelgard fans and Edelgard haters so I feel that she belongs here. (Also my friend hates her. but HER friend loves Edelgard. So even in my small social circle there is a clear polarization.)" "ok I don't have any solid propaganda because my opinion of her is more positive-neutral, but. she fits the spirit of this poll. trust me." "[three houses spoilers] Yes she started a war but it was the only apparent way to break the chokehold the church had over everyone in Fodlan. Also she’s the only lord you can gay marry so I’m hopelessly biased" "every time i go into the tag its either "edelgard is perfect no notes!!" or "edelgard is literally a fascist!!!". ive never seen someone with a neutral opinion of her. i yearn for battle." "I know very little about her to be quite honest! But good god. As a fire emblem fan for the GBA and engage. I have NEVER seen such a decisive character like Edelgard. Jesus Christ. I still find stuff in those tags. What the hell!!!" "I don’t even go to Fire Emblem but even I know that Edelgard has never done anything wrong, ever, in her entire life, and that if she did any war crimes they were a SUPER effective use of girl power. source: I am a lesbian. (realtalk I genuinely love a noble-minded extremist revolutionary and think Edelgard is a great character, so it’s kind of a shame that opinion on her seems to simply split down the line of “whether the person wants to kiss Edelgard or Dimitri more.”)"
HATE: "So on the one hand, she's fully willing to kill and burn and murder her way to a "better future" at the expense of the present, but on the other hand she's pretty cool and #girlboss. She's also a canon gay romance option, but idk if that makes her more or less problematic." "I just. I understand why people like her. I really do. And I don't have anything new to say for why I dislike her. Edelgard fans and stans have heard everything. She has great points and motivation, but her methods are wrong. She hitches her ideals to the first good opportunity and never reconsiders her allegiance when things go off the rails. She hates the church for "lying to people" and proceeds to lie to her own populace herself in her own route. She gives Claude an opportunity to live because she knows he believes in her goals. But Dimitri and his Kingdom are too beholden to the church to ever be offered such mercy. She herself acknowledges that the change she wants to see is more quickly enacted through war than subtle and slow societal change. She recognizes the human toll of her actions, but she justifies it through flowery language and an insistence that the change needs to happen now or it never will. I honestly find her so interesting, and I agree with a lot of her thoughts about the need for societal change in the world of FE:3H. But people latched onto her and propped her up as someone who can do no wrong. And that just never sat right with me. I just think she’s a hypocrite who got put in front of a shiny means to her end and was immediately blind to every other opportunity around her." BOTH: - "I dont even play fire emblem but I cant escape people not shutting up about how much they love or hate her" - "You said there were no hate answers for her...and I don't really hate her so it wouldn't be right but I wanted to balance things out some. She's the perfect storm of a character who sounds right and progressive and has a route all to herself that doesn't contradict that...but once you play other routes, it becomes clear she's kind of. full of misinformation. And attacking people who don't deserve it. Also a LOT of the divisiveness I'm willing to blame on the writers rather than her, for having her both be Evil Tyrant we NEED to take down and Sad Uwu Baby who just wants to eat cake and laze around and loves You the Player SO MUCH."
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If the Volturi found out about L, or perhaps they already know of him, do you think Aro would want to recruit him as a vampire? I mean, his immense powers of deduction are probably proof that he's gifted. He'd probably have some gift that makes him even better at solving crimes lol
Would L Be Gifted?
Per the Twilight universe, sometimes gifts work like that, sometimes they don't. Remember we get a biased view with the Cullens and their friends and the Volturi. The vast majority of people turned into vampires are not gifted, even if they had a particular talent while human.
Having great abilities as a detective would not necessarily become a gift in Twilight. Humans who for sure display some ability usually have a psychic ability that can't be explained such as Jane and Alec who caught Aro's attention, Chelsea who caught Aro's attention, or Bella Swan who was able to block mind readers as a human. L was never psychic so he doesn't fall in that category.
Could end up with a gift, might not.
If he does--
I wouldn't necessarily call L's talents the immense powers of deduction but more very good instincts that he then has to justify later with deductions that make sense to ordinary people.
The thing about Light was, logically, there was very little reason for him to be marked as Kira. On paper he was a brilliant student who had never gotten into trouble, they put cameras in his fucking house, and he never deviated from his schedule, never looked or acted anything but ordinary, and even was recorded looking normal while deaths were occurring (the potato chip incidents where he recorded himself pointedly not engaging in murder). He grills Light upon meeting him and Light acts perfectly ordinary. Light only starts acting strange after Misa was caught and even that is explainable as the stress and pressure of L having told him he was a primary suspect and beginning to doubt whether he was somehow unconsciously being Kira after all, which also explains Light's about face in prison several days later when he realizes "wait a minute, am I actually Kira, this is a bad idea". When Light is later imprisoned and his execution is faked, Light does not admit to being Kira even when it could have saved him (this is because neither he nor Misa are in fact Kira at the time or have any memory of it). Then of course we get the whole Yotsuba arc where Light is imprisoned, literally handcuffed to L so L can watch him at all moments of the day, L telling him day in and day out that he's Kira and under immense amounts of stress to end the case so the real Kira can be caught (as Light doesn't remember being Kira at this point), and all L admits to is "He's not Kira right now for some reason and this case is total bullshit". L is convinced from the moment Light catches his attention that Light is Kira, never relents despite what looks like the overwhelming evidence that Light is not Kira and justifies himself with things like "there's a 5% chance you're Kira" when it's very clearly 100% to him internally as he never, not once, considers the possibility that Light Yagami was not Kira.
Yes, L had narrowed down to him by having evidence that first Kira was in Japan/Kanto, then that Kira had a connection to the national police agency in Japan and thus was likely either a cop himself or a close family memmber who could in theory access the files from home, then that Raye Penber's death was the only one that seemed strange/Naomi Misora's sudden inexplicable suicide in the aftermath that allowed him to narrow down to the families Raye had been tailing, and that finally got him to Light. But even when he was at Light, that he zeroed in on Light the way he did is like a bloodhound on a scent rather than what I'd call a logical deduction.
The Kira case feels very much like a puzzle L's trying to solve when he knows the answer "Light is Kira" but he has to figure out why and how.
So, if L did have a gift, I imagine it'd be honing in on that instinct of knowing information about a person at a glance.
Would Aro Want to Recruit Him?
No, because Aro already has that in himself (who sees every thought a person has ever had) and Marcus (who sees all relationships a person has at a glance). Even if L didn't have the gift I described above, anything in that vein falls into something Aro already has in his employ.
Not to mention the hassle of making L (who for all he is an anonymous detective nobody knows is in the limelight a lot) disappear would be something Aro probably wouldn't want to involve himself in. (It seems, historically, Aro does not do this as people I would have expected Aro to turn who were very famous presumably died their human deaths in the Twilight universe and were left untouched.)
Or, of course, dealing with L as a person in an organization when even with Chelsea ensuring loyalty L is--a lot and deeply enjoys making people uncomfortable and angry.
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Hi. I also think about Light Yagami a normal amount. I am sane and moderate person. I'm so normal about dn.
(I'm insane)
Do you have some more autistic light HC???
The thought of light stimming brings me joy
this. isn’t really a headcanon but hey i want to talk about it so!!! i write light stimming very specifically, make it a point. with other autistic characters i’ll just reference stimming unless it’s the focus, but with light i will ALWAYS be VERY SPECIFIC about what he’s doing. that is for 2 reasons. 1 light has learned to be hyper-aware of his own stimming, and very much Notices when he does it. 2 light is just a very particular, specific, meticulous person. yeah anyways light stimming!!!!
spreadsheet autistic, you can’t tell me he didn’t have a very large spreadsheet of every single kira victim and their data, complete with color coding
he was scolded a lot by his parents as a little kid for his “odd” behaviors, learned early on to mask
hyperverbal and started speaking very early
teased a lot as a little kid, especially for his large vocabulary, i am giving him my experiences okay. again, learned to mask quick.
in high school, researched like. current trends, thought of them as another school subject. “i’m going to get a good grade in knowing the same things as my classmates, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve”
unusually straight posture
has restrained “acceptable” stims like occasionally finger tapping, pacing, etc when he’s in public, and even those he tries to minimize
alone they get a bit more intense, especially when he’s focused and passionate about something
those dramatic pencil swooshes are 100% stimming
i think if he was able to accept himself and open up he’d have lots of large gesture stims, lots of clenching and unclenching his fists
childhood special interest of his was solitaire, this is because it was mine for many years. had a particular deck of cards he carried everywhere, doubled as a comfort object
i cant remember if i’ve talked about this on here before but high pitched noises bad. which is part of why he doesn’t like misa
(l’s voice though, despite his hatred of it, is like. therapeutic. his voice is So Nice but what he’s saying makes light want to throw him out of a window)
a lot of yotsuba arc in my brain is light being SO mad that this is like the most comfortable he’s ever been because he’s consistently accommodated and headquarters with l is like autistic heaven, but also he’s HANDCUFFED to L.
l: we don’t do fluorescent lights
light, stuck between kissing him and using the chain to strangle him: that’s nice.
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vnd5lain88 · 11 months
light thoughts
huge nonlinear waffle that may go places i never intended it to. it's 1 am. help!
i often think about an average day with light yagami, pre-death note usually. wake up, go to school, maybe mingle with semi-close acquaintances and perhaps even walk home with them. go home, lay in bed, read, study, sleep, rinse and repeat. maybe talk to your sister. have some food. and on the weekends you date. *snore*... none of these actions are really driven by self-interest either. unlike most top students, light's good grades just come to him. he sure is diligent and hardworking, yes, but it isn't in an effort to chase the standards he achieves, rather, these actions are simply part of the routine of a boy who believes he will undoubtedly get those results regardless. because in his mind, and in the mind of pretty much everybody else who knows him, he is just that brilliant. so that's just a truth, no motivator there. he gets such good scores... pretty much because he can. and it isn't much of a big deal to him either (read: the Sheer Enthusiasm /s with which he gives his mother his test scores and receives her praises in the very beginning of the series).
as for dating, light is involved with so many girls because people would raise an eyebrow if he wasn't. he usually isn't interested in those ordeals and the few times in which we do see him flirting or kissing it's made clear to us that it's duplicitous. and for friends... well... light isn't exactly keen on keeping any close relations with any peers.
that's all to say that light leads a pretty humdrum life. for someone like him, this way of being just doesn't do it. what's interesting here is that light plays along regardless. (as i am a westerner, i speak with only a bit of knowledge on this subject) seeing as there are certain societal norms placed in japan in an effort to maintain synchronicity in a community this complacence is simply expected of him so he acts accordingly. which means that light is a perfect product of the circumstances he was raised under, and that he also cares about what others think, and he expects norms to be followed, and so on. heavy emphasis on the "expects", i mean it as in like. it's just second nature to him. i don't even think he's particularly aware of the flaws of the social etiquette he maintains, or that he dwells on them much.
something else that's cute about light is his self-isolative tendencies.. it's nothing concerning but he is a rather distant individual as i stated previously. it's funny, i think light's character can spark a conversation on just how nuanced the human mind really is. even with everything handed to him the very fact that it Was handed to him (key word also: handed) made way for another mass of frustrations that light decides to keep buried within his unconscious. with the discovery of the death note these frustrations Burst outward and work as the catalyst for some of the root motivators behind kira's plan. god help me and my long-winded sentences.
the very solution kira proposes is proof enough to me that this guy doesnt spend much time fleshing out deeper topics such as... how to "rid the world of all evil" or how such a thing is nearly inconceivable because of the lack of a tangible evil in the natural universe etc. etc. literally a few words in and i can already find the moral dilemma in this argument. and i mean sure it's normal for teenagers, especially teenagers in 2003, to have such extremist beliefs but it's different with light imo. because he is incapable of an open-mindedness broad enough to ever accept the idea that he *gasp* may just be wrong. in fact, he is so incapable of accepting this possibility that he makes murder out to be an act of good. because it's light doing it. and light is a very good boy. if he kills people, it's okay. somehow, he'll find a way to make it okay. it is impressive how much self awareness this guy lacks.
this is a really interesting side to him: he is honestly quite the emotionally avoidant individual. light's feelings are put through a hundred logical filters, he isn't the type to dwell on them as they simply are. it's really cool, the fact that he has unhealthy behaviors like this. in fact, i would usually begin to question if a person like light is mentally disordered in some way, or if the potential for such a problem to occur exists, but that clearly isn't the case. for most of the series he's the very definition of functional, and doesn't seem to take it to the extreme either. well, yes, his work is extreme, but they are within his limitations. save for, you know, being kira at some point.
i think the biggest exception to this idea that he doesn't spend much time delving into serious topics is takada, they did talk about kira a lot but i assume it was sort of an echo chamber situation considering they are both upper middle class teens/young adults with naïve underdeveloped world beliefs that are only further magnified by their similar upbringing . there are also those friends light makes jests with about kira when news about him first starts popping up.... but we see like... 6 panels of them? 3? actually come to think of it we don't see much of light having any meaningful conversation outside of kira-related matters at all. this can contribute to the characterization of him being a rather shallow person but that's subjective ofc.
just think about the picture this all paints... i wish i could find a better way to articulate what im thinking, because these ideas are very visual to me. it's grey, it's muddied, it's routine. auto-pilot, light lives on auto-pilot. up to when he found the death note his life could be considered rather meaningless despite his accomplishments. there was nothing to stimulate him. deep down what he wanted above all else was a real challenge, something to end the futility of his existence. and martyrdom is very meaningful. off this point i can go on a whole other tangent about the tragedy of him finding the note but. i will spare myself that lengthy ordeal.
anyways, i love this guy. i love his ability to twist an action as malignant as murdering tens of thousands of people into a self sacrificial, necessary course of action for the sake of the Entire World in the span of like... a few days (two weeks? three? i forget). to be fair tho this was also partly due to the fact that there juuuust so happened to be a god of death basically using lights life as bait to force him entertain it. which is also painfully enjoyable because it means that all the cards were against light in a way! because that god of death and its own motives are very much outside of lights control.
but yes, anyways, a very commendable "talent" indeed. just look at how desperate he is in the yotsuba arc as well. look at how long a time he was able to totally deny L's kira-power-hopping theory because it could be true. and if it was true, then light isn't the morally righteous person he believes himself to be. it wasn't until months later that he really sat down and tackled the truth of the matter. i could go on for days about how pitiful of a character yostuba light is. or well, i'm not sure if pitiful is the correct word seeing as he does make great efforts to prevail regardless of his situation, and that deserves respect... but that doesn't stop me from feeling a great deal of pity for him.
another great thing to think about in regards to light is... the people he is actually a victim to. which is a bit of a disorienting thought to me, mainly because it is brushed aside by ohba. he is a victim to misa's actions in some ways, he is Definitely a victim to L's actions, and to ryuk's most glaringly. light is basically ryuk's little plaything. i think i'm out of steam so i don't want to bother elaborating on those statements but i have a lot to say when it comes to that as well. by the way, i'm definitely not saying he's a poor soul who was hurt by the people around him and that he never did wrong. i think that's clear but i'm stating it just in case. this is especially true in regards to misa, there's no doubt that he was total trash to misa. misa was also trash to him. i actually quite like misa and light's relationship because of how insidious it is. they are both mutually parasitic in a way. not divorce but not love winning either. they don't love each other at all. they both use each other. yet another relationship of light's that is lacking of any good substance. a lot more sinister than what it seems at first glance. it's great.
that's all. x
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rixareth · 8 months
Would you be comfortable sharing your thoughts with tumblr regarding Light Yagami Jerking Off
I was genuinely afraid that someone would ask me about this.
Here, for the benefit of the Tumblr users who have been so sadly deprived, are the things I have said recently regarding Light Yagami Jerking Off:
I saw someone in a YouTube comment claiming it's canonically implied that Light jerked off onto L's grave, and I am obsessed with this concept. I don't think it's true? But maybe it should be??
That said, I'm not sure Light actually knows how to masturbate. I love that, when hidden cameras are installed in his room and Light is trying to seem normal, he apparently thinks, 'What would a normal teenage boy do? Sit fully clothed and motionless on his bed and very seriously read a soft porn magazine from cover to cover, with an expression that says "hmm, this is some mildly interesting soft porn".' Good work, Light; you nailed it. This is definitely what your peers who aren't murderers are doing.
I do wonder about a scenario where Light bites the bullet and actually goes for it in front of the hidden cameras, though. Light ferociously tries to stay focused on masturbating in a way that doesn't make him look like a murderer, while also not looking like he knows someone's watching. Ryuk provides unhelpful commentary. L watches. The way Light masturbates doesn't look particularly like a killer. But… perhaps it's too unlike a killer?
My apologies to anyone who reads this, and especially to anyone who already follows my Dreamwidth and had to read it twice. Please direct all complaints to @academicgangster.
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deaddovedecadence · 2 years
Uhm hi! I saw you wrote about the purge au and I thought platonic parents, misa, light and l (poly if okay) I thought it might be a cool idea if like their child ran away and they took them back at the purge I’m sorry you can ignore this I just saw you wanted requests I’m sorry
Sharky you are speaking my fucking language. This is great <3.
Strawberry Cupcake
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You ran from them a year ago. It was, it was a stroke of pure luck getting away from them, almost a miracle and despite the fact that you don’t know whether or not a god exists, you still pray in thanks to them for allowing you to get out that house and somehow, all the way to England.
You live in the suburbs of London now. Your home is with an older couple who needed someone to do yard work and some of the harder chores for them and in exchange you get food and board. Their home is much smaller than the penthouse you grew up in but you like it better. It’s more homey somehow.
So when you get the mail one day, suffice it to say, you’re surprised and more than a little nervous, because the purge in only a month away, when you find a letter addressed to your old name. You run back to the house and open it in the comfort of your room, curtains closed and door locked.
Your dread only grows as you realize what this is. It’s an announcement that you’ve been chosen, a warning that someone coming for you on purge day. The letter reads as follows,
Dear Mx. Yagami,
I am sorry to inform you that a claiming has been sent in for you. On purge day, which is of course july fourth, your obsessors will be allowed to capture you and kill any that stand in their way.
You are dealing with three Class Five Yanderes, and our usual recommendation is to flee the country and change your name.
Best of Luck,
A. Johnson
No, god above, please no. this can’t be real. You’re free from them now, they shouldnt be able to find you, not here of all places. You’re continents away, hiding in a little suberb, they will not find you.
You burn the letter and continue life as normal. They will not find you.
As purge day gets closer, you get more and more antsy, constantly cleaning or doing something to keep your energy from affecting the rest of the house. On the day of the purge, you leave the house, intent on getting as far into the city as you can in order to loose yourself in the crowds.
And for a while it works, everyone who hasn’t been sent a letter of warning still has to go about their day and that means most places are crowded. Some of the cafe’s are extra crowds and the people in them look anxious. You avoid those areas just in case. You get lunch out, do the grocery shopping for the week and it’s past day by the time you catch the trains that will take you home.
The street lights are already on when you get to your neighborhood and the house lights aren’t on. It makes sense because you are out rather late but it still makes you anxious, long ignored survival instincts pushing their way to the front of your mind. They tell you to run but you, so very stupidly don’t listen.
You unlock the door and head inside and the iron smell of blood floods your senses. The lights flips on and there they are. Your parents.
Despite getting older in the time you were gone, Misa still looks ageless, her long blond hair cascading down her black like a waterfall and her eyes shining shinigami red. Your fathers sit on either side of her, L leaning carelessly on her shoulder, smiling his eerie smile, and Light sitting primly with his hand in hers.
“You’ve been gone a while strawberry cupcake, aren’t you at least gonna say hello?” L says, leaning forwards on the couch. He’s always called you that, simply because he calls your mother strawberry cake, and no matter how hard you try to fight it, you’ve always been your mother’s child.
“Umma, Father, Oya. I’m aware that I was gone for a long time, Oya. I left on my own without interference from outside parties.”
“That was our deal,” He agrees. Light, evidently annoyed with the conversation and with being ignored coughs. “You forgot to make a deal with me or your umma darling, so it’s all null and void.”
“Come here baby,” Misa coos gently, her eyes still red but her smile gentle. You go to her because Misa has always been the most merciful of the three and your fathers are terrified of upsetting her.
You allow her to take you into her lap, easily arranging you as she wants. “You know baby,” she says gently into your ear, so softly you doubt either man can hear, “I wanted to be merciful, and we were going to be except you found yourself a whole new famil. You forgot us and well, I can’t let that slide now can I?”
“What’d you do?” You don’t really want to know but part of you needs to. “For every month you were away from us, we tortured ten petty criminals to death.”
“That’s over a hundred people.” You said softly. she hums gently, rocking the two of you back and forth. “We killed those nice people you wanted to play house with too.”
“No.” She’s has to be lying, thy)re innocent, you made sure of it
“Yes,” Light answers instead of Misa, his voice a pleased hiss. “They took you away baby, that couldn’t stand. Taking a child away from home is kidnapping and that is a crime after all”
L leans into you, his weight warm and familiar (damming)
“I never had a choice, did I? You were always going to find me” It dawns on you like a tsunami, quick and destructive all at once.
“Of course not, we’d never let you go. You need us,” Light says easily and the world implodes around you.
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sleepyscxry · 1 year
L lawliet x male reader
A/N: I’m doing it. It is FINAL that I am down horrendous for this man and y’all will have to deal with it. Hope you enjoy!
Readers POV
I was at a cafe. Waiting for my coffee when I heard the bell on the door ring. I looked to see a not very hygienic man. I looked at him seeing his life span I looked shocked. I tried to keep my visual shock to a minimum. But that was no use because he walked right towards me. He sat down, not in a very normal position may I say. What is with this dude? “Could I ask you a few questions?” “Uh sure ask away.” “I’m working on the Kira case and would like to hear what you have. Because I’ve come to realize you know our main suspect for this case, Light yagami.” “Oh him? He’s just the top student at his university. I don’t know much about him. But his ‘girlfriend’ makes me a little suspicious..” “may I ask who this ‘girlfriend’ is?” “Misa amane. That famous model? Yeah I was shocked to see her with such an ordinary guy like Light.” “Hmm. Maybe he manipulated her.” “That’s bold I just said I was shocked.” “You have to make bold accusations if you want to get to the conclusion faster.” “Makes sense. So did you just come here to question random patrons or should I buy you something?” “That would be very admirable.” “Yao what do you want? Coffee? Dessert?” “Strawberry cake.” “Huh ok. I actually have a question for you.” “Yes?” “So I know there’s 2 Kira’s but like.. how mind boggling would it be if there were three?” It was very risky to ask this question. Because I’m the ‘hypothetical’ 3rd Kira. “Now that you mention it.. I don’t know.. it would make our jobs much harder.” He looks at me. “Why do you ask?” “Because 2 Kira’s are already enough of a handful. I was just wondering what your like under pressure.” “I can assure you I’m fine.” The waitress comes back with my latte and I ask for a strawberry shortcake. She leaves to get it. I take a sip of my latte. Trying not to look at Raion. The shinigami that follows me. I don’t want to cause any suspicion. I just look at L as he rambled on. “Do you even know what my name is?” “Yes I do. It’s (you). I look into these things before just going out and asking questions.” “Ah.” The waitress comes back with the strawberry shortcake. I slide it over to L. “If this is expensive you owe me dinner.” He looks at me shocked. “Let’s hope it isn’t.” I chuckle at his bluntness. after an hour of chatting with the man I pay and leave. I get home and slump in my chair. “That was stressful! Right Raion?” “A little bit. But I knew you had it under control.” “Awe thanks!” I turn to face my desk and take out my death note. “Should I write his name? Just to Y’know.. get him out of the way?” “I think it would be best to stay patient (you)” “ok ok” I move to my bed and practically go limp. “Wake me up when lights dead so I can be the better Kira.” “I don’t think you can sleep that long.” “I knowww!” I groan and get under the covers. I start to fall asleep.
this’ll be fun.
A/N: Jesus Christ on a stick. This was a lot more complicated than I thought initially. But yeah I made a shinigami. Dw he’ll be very important in part 2. Hope you liked it!
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damoniceyes · 9 months
About Me
Hello, I am repurposing this blog from a shell blog to my personal page.
My name is Damon and I am an alter in a polyfragmented DID system. I am the current host as of a week ago but I formed years ago.
I am a fictive of Light Yagami from Death Note but very different and more normal, other than jokes about source.
I am getting acclimated to being host.
I am married to our partner system, and spend most of my time with their L fictive.
We are trying to be accepting of the fact we have DID so to be more open I am starting this blog.
Feel free to send in asks and stuff. Would love to chat with people
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eyecicles · 2 years
Did Light Yagami haters didn't watch the anime or read the manga or something or what ? How come they are forgetting about the most basic things about Light's character? I can understand where the hatred for him comes from but atleast they should hate him for the right reasons instead of hating him on their made up scenarios.
Btw can you tell me why didn't you liked Light before because I am someone who could never hate him no matter how hard I tried , he was a horrible guy but so interesting that my mind couldn't stop thinking about him as a character. I remember getting hate from people who loved L back then , I loved both of them and really couldn't see why people wanted to take one's side and hate the other.
I'm sure lots of people who get so much wrong about him read or watched Death Note more casually. And popular fanon can easily replace canon facts in your mind if you haven't taken your time with the source material.
Now, I don't think DN is that complicated or hard to follow, since everything important gets explained, but the story does have pretty long strands of plot, as well as lore with lots of rules. So depending on your focus, there are connections to make you can absolutely miss.
But yeah, I wish it would be more common to check if what you're about to post is compatible with what happens in canon. It's fine and normal to get stuff wrong, but it can get annoying real fast if misconceptions are so common that it affects the entire fandom.
About the second part of your ask: the main thing that made me “hate” Light was what he did to Naomi. Not just because I liked her a lot, but also because suicide is a very sensitive topic for me. I still find it difficult to read/watch, but I look at it from a more distanced perspective now. It's an interesting scene, at least.
Although I always thought what Light does is wrong, I wasn't really on his or L's side either. I certainly didn't want L to lose, but I was mainly interested in the themes of DN and Light's character arc. I think DN is a thousand times more enjoyable that way, because if you view it as a horse race where you put your money on your favourite horse, you'll inevitably end up disappointed.
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kitsunerokko · 2 years
while i’m posting weird fanfic-y conversations on tumblr I’ve thought up in my head and won’t leave me alone, here’s another one:
Saul Goodman: So, Mr. uhhhh Yagami! Hi, I’m Saul Goodman and you’re probably wondering what brought me here!
Light: (thinking) What does this American want with me? (out loud) Oh, are you a tourist? I suppose I could point you to a place but I’m a very busy student so I must be-
Saul: I’m an attorney, one of the best there is, and I think YOU are in need of my services!
Light: ... Why would I need a-?
Saul: Come on, when I heard about this case, I figured the guy behind it probably needs some A-class legal representation! I mean, I found you after all. And if I could find you, the SPK can’t be far behind, Mr. Yagami! Or should I say... “Killa”?
Light: You mean “Kira”, but I’m not him!
Saul: Sure you aren’t. But as I was saying...
Light: Listen to me very carefully. I do not need an attorney because I am not guilty of anything. I am not a criminal, so if you would please let me go on my way, Mr. Goodman, I really must be going. Furthermore, do you even have a license to practice law in Japan?
Saul: (whispering) I mean you must’ve seen the news right? Where the United States annexed Japan and made it part of New Mexico? (normal volume) It just so happens I am a licensed attorney in the State of New Mexico! (shows license)
Light: (thinking) Damn it, I’ve been spending so much time studying for my exams AND outwitting the SPK I’ve forgotten all about the world affairs news! (speaking) I’m only going to say this one more time. I. am not. a criminal.
Saul: Eh, criminal or not, people do need lawyers. But just so you know, there’s a thing called ‘attorney-client privilege’, it means I can’t be compelled to spill the beans on secrets my clients may have. Buuut since you’ve chosen not to be my client, who knows? (whispering) Maybe the stuff me and my guys have found on you might just... happen to make their way to certain detectives...?
Light: (intensely thinking) Damn it! He wouldn’t! He... this guy’s gonna use this leverage on me for all it’s worth! Damn you, Saul Goodman...!
Ryuk: Woah, this guy’s got you in quite the spot Light! Really interesting, I’m enjoying this show~
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thefunniestguy · 1 year
To be honest ,, I think Death Note is one of few things that I don't mind different adaptations changing up things [particularly , characters n their motives , thoughts , etc]
Particularly , hear me out , Light Yagami .
LIKE okok , granted , I haven't read the manga [tho I plan to do that before too long] , but I have watched 3 Death Note adaptations . And each of them has a slightly different take on his character , and tbh ?? I really love it ???
It's been a few years since I've watched the anime , but comparing that to the [japanese] musical , even comparing the English covers of the songs from the musical , and the 2015 drama ?? They each take his character differently , and each take is soooo neat imo ,,
I think it's because ,, giving or taking even a little bit , can change the viewer's entire opinion on him ?
Like ,, the Japanese musical gives you a Light Yagami who is scared to have that much power , but weilds it anyway , because at least it's HIM. At least He can reign "Justice" , or whatever his sense of Justice might be [,, tho we v clearly see what his sense of justice is , haha] .
The English version of said musical , even if they're just songs , also gives you a different Light . Since it's just songs , you don't really get to see much of the transition from "normal honors student" to "god + savior complexes , what a duo" . When he finds the Note , he immediately sees it as his sign . It's his sign to be god , and bring Justice to a world that desperately needs it ! Compared to other Lights I've seen , he was much quicker to feel like a god . Much quicker to take on that "responsibility"
The drama has one of the most ,, interesting , and possibly canon-divergent idk , versions of Light I've seen ? I haven't finished it yet , but even so far , he's very interesting . He doesn't jump into feeling like a god , or a savior , and instead feels really guilty ?? But , he sort of sees the Note as "his burden to bear" . What if someone ELSE got a Death Note ? At least it ended up in his hands , the hands of someone who simply wants to help . He's scared , and sad , and panicky , and so so guilty ???
I really can't wait to read the manga , since I am very curious of how he's Supposed to act ,, but all I'm saying is seeing these different Lights is one of my favorite things about watching the adaptations ,
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randomkposts · 2 years
Your answer was splendid as usual, what about a female matsuda? How would it go?
K:- So like Lady Light, Female Matsuda is not exactly encouraged towards justice.
There's probably a lot going on with female Light and Matsuda. There's already a lot going on in the male friendship, which makes the end heartbreaking. 
Matsuda is pretty close to the Yagamis, he looks up to Soichiro and feels he is friends with Light. He wants to believe he is innocent. Light believes Matsuda would be on his side. He's kind of a foil to L and Light, and the biggest way he is a contrast to them is valuing the hell out of his friendships. He takes risks, and is smart enough to work so they pay off. He's kind of a matchmaker (Imagine him and Misa teaming up to set up Takada and Mikami). He's a fairly normal guy with some moments of brilliance and good shooting skills, and survived the series unlike most of the task force and all but one of the geniuses.
So I don't think Female Matsuda would be a policewoman. It's entirely possible Matsuda would just be in a different job entirely (maybe minor relevance by being a part of Misa's staff) but, I think that her connection to Soichiro is something important to keep. So maybe shes his secretary who he taught how to shoot a gun when she followed him into the Kira case. 
She and Light are closer here, in part because shes useful at keeping Light up to date with the gossip. She and Misa get along well, and he's the most supportive in the task force about their relationship. She really does not want Soichiro's daughter to be guilty of being Kira, and feel she and Light bond over being the few girls in a room full of mostly men (and L)
Shes still good at thinking on her feet, holding her own in dangerous situations. Impulse, but her simple plans go off well. Still infiltrates Yotsuba, with some slight differences in how she pulls it off. Claims to be L's secretary to Mello.
She's not a cop, so they're not holding her to cop standards,so it infuriates them when she goes and pulls off a simple but well executed plan. 
Is rather annoyed at L for treating her like the coffee girl.
E:-Oh I love this alot!Though I am a bit unsure about having her as a secretary, but I am not familiar with the innerworks of their police force. Sochiro is such a big part of her life in this. He was a mentor/father figure to Matsuda. 
K:-True. But secretary was more of a "I don't know a lot about police jobs. What's a job that a girl could have and still have a lot of interaction with the police? I mean times have changed some now, but earlyish 2000s?Cant see Matsuda as a woman cop in death note world.Let alone one put on the kira case. Not unless we're going wish fulfilment route. 
E:-Matsuda warmed up pretty quick with Ryuk feeding him apples trying to persuade him to talk about Kira. True true. They also still use fax machines for most paperwork.  Paper work is murder in Japan. 
K:- Matsuda vibes with the supernatural. Would anything be different between female Matsuda and the task force?
E:-I think Matsuda vibes with everyone. He is very good out of all of them socially. Mmmm… Treatment I suppose. Matsuda male is an officer they would take his words in regard with more credit than Fem Matsuda in this case. Matsuda male is an officer they would take his words in regard with more credit than Fem Matsuda in this case.But again this is the taskforce and they do seems more open minded.... I suppose
Sochiro values hard work and good morals. 
Matsuda admires the chief. She is a determined person and honestly love her as much as her male counterpart. Ready to put herself in the line of action to help aid the taskforce. 
K:- Matsuda's biggest contrast to L and Light was the friendship! I like that about Matsuda. And it isn't his downfall. Hubris, Pride, intelligence, disdain, risk taking, Love, Justice, rivalry.  All things that were factors in the game between Kiras and Ls. But Matsuda chooses friendship, and though he gets burned, he ultimately comes out on the other side. 
E:-So what you're trying to say here K? Is that friendship really does save lives? Lol
K:-Friendship is a force that can challenge the gods. It can be your salvation or defeat. Persona!
E:-Ahaha true. Its nothing to scoff at. Love, friendship, trust. Things that make people cringe, but it really worth its own weight in gold. 
K:- more than
E:-True. Seeing how people keep searching for it
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lawlietscaramels · 2 months
light yagami r s v x y (or whichever ones of these you want)
death note reborn
I ended up doing all of em but "y" because based on my Mello + L experience research takes soooo long. dies.
also the "v" is just a sketch because I couldn't pick an artstyle and got sad.
I have too many artstyles :(
Light's regrets are really interesting to think about! Especially around the Death Note, because, you know, I think there's a period after he starts and before he meets Misa (I think— I have such a bad memory for canon events??) when he really questions his decisions and wavers and in general has a bit of a breakdown. It's probably the "tipping point" of his story, that bit. I love tipping points. Anyway, I think during that period he really regrets picking up the Death Note, but because he did, he wouldn't let himself quit.
Hm. I think as Kira he "regrets" Misa. Technically he couldn't do anything about her but I think she complicated his plans more than she helped; also in general, as Kira having to rely on others was something I believe really frustrated Light. Back to normal Light's regrets, I think part of the reason he regretted the Death Note thing was his family. Light loves his family, his mum and sister so much, desperate for his father's approval, he just wants to protect em and make them proud.
Also in contexts like this ↑ whole thing I think it's really important to distinguish Light from Kira-Light because there is so much difference.
Sexuality!!! A very fun question! In canon, Light dates a LOT of girls (or is at least very popular with them) even before Kira. I think it's an expectation in his family that people (by which they mean girls of course) like him. Light has a more traditional family like that. Of course, when he's Kira dating those girls comes in super handy: Misa's eyes, Takada's influence. But he only meets them when he IS Kira, and even if it's really obvious he doesn't like them much less romantically, he's able to act convincingly to their faces. First, as Kira I don't believe Light is interested in relationships at all, he would do it alone if he could. Second, I think the fact that he is able to act convincingly (as opposed to the Oh, it's Normal to have a Strange Guy named after a Pop Star come to my school and Say He's the World's Greatest Detective) is what leads a lot of people to say "well, he must understand love, so he's gay."
But, again, he's Kira when he dates both of them. And Misa in particular is not going to be the most attractive girl to lots of people... Besides, Light's still a kid, you know? He mightn't want to date at all, it's pretty canon that up until Kira he's very invested in school work and Japanese schools tend to be very demanding on workload, and some even don't allow dating. And when Light's Kira, he doesn't care about anyone at all. I guess what I'm saying is, there's no canon evidence he's gay nor straight nor bi nor aroace. It's hard to headcanon a sexuality onto Light: just because he's at a stage in his life (childhood and school, mass murderer and god) where he's not interested in dating doesn't mean he's aroace. I do think he has bisexual tendencies, but whatever -romantic he is it's hard to pin down.
As for gender, I think he's cis but doesn't care very much about fitting stereotypes unless it benefits the "I am the perfect child, smart, morally upright, talented, Not Kira" narrative.
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(see. look at the right. ew. not happy with it. his hair and his eyes and also he looks too evil in a weird way.)
How Light thinks? I'd say he has one part of his mind focused on whatever's going on (schoolwork, a discussion in the Task Force or around the dinner table) and the other busy actually thinking. About Kira, about his life, about the world as a whole. He tends to zone out a little and focus on those real thoughts, but being Light and far intellectually superior to those around him, he tends to get the gist of the conversation if he has to say something suddenly. It took some time to unlearn this so Light could be on full guard around L. I think my intention for this question was to kind of detail their speaking style so I'll do that quickly: I think he's like Teruhashi (Saiki K) and doesn't use honorifics unless he's speaking aloud; he tends to use more harsh and crass phrases in his thoughts but is very careful to sound polite when speaking aloud; and he sounds a little like an old man apart from that...
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