#tw: fatphobia
flower-boi16 · 2 months
Anyone else find it very interesting how all the fat characters in Viv's work (Mammon, Mimzy, and Adam) are just one-dimensional assholes that the audience is supposed to hate? Ya, me too.
"BUt iT's hElL-" SO? That does not change the fact that all of Viv's fat or chubby characters are still one-dimensional antagonists that the audience is meant to hate, meanwhile, the non-fat characters are protagonists that the audience is meant to like (Also one of them Adam, is literally in Heaven lmao). "But there are non-fat characters that are antagonists!", why yes, there are non-fat characters in Viv's works that are antagonists....but there's also no fat characters in Viv's work that aren't one-dimensional assholes.
If Viv's skinny ass characters can be both good and bad, why can't Viv do the same for her fat ones? Why can the fat characters ONLY be bad while the skinny ones can be both good or bad? This is just fataphobia, plain and simple, and this comes from someone who's skinny af.
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unreasonablebanshee · 1 month
Angel getting out of his contract with Val and now he doesn't have to watch what he eats so closely since he doesn't have to worry about Val beating the shit out of him if he gains half a pound. But then he does gain weight. Enough that he notices in the mirror (it isn't his fault if Alastor's cooking is just that amazing) and he starts to become self-conscious and feeling the need to hide his body a bit which is very unusual for him. But, he doesn't want Alastor to be disgusted by him.
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cranbebbies · 4 months
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I am by no means a George Santos fan, but this is so infuriating to me. How is this “the worst ill fitting sweater of all time”? Is it because you can see his fat stomach? How is he retaining “a level of confidence rarely achieved by mortals”? Because he’s not concerned with hiding his fat body? Because quite frankly I don’t think there’s actually anything ill fitting about the sweater. It looks comfortable around the arms and the neck, and it’s not too big or too tight. I can’t believe I have to even make a post where it sounds like I’m defending George Santos because I’m not. I am just sick of seeing people make ridiculous hyperbolic comments about someone’s fat body because you can *checks notes* See That They Are Fat™ . And I’m sure lots of other fat people are sick of it too. Skinny people fuck all the way off.
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dejwrld · 5 months
unpopular opinion: i hate those quirky what i eat in a day tik toks done by thin girls/skinny girls where they’re eating a shit ton of food. cause while her comments are filled with ‘wow that look so good’ and ‘woah how can you eat so much’ a bigger woman could post herself eating the same amount of food and same thing and is met with tons of fatphobia. :/
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softestjilly · 6 months
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this is absolutely vile and disgusting. people who speak like this to others — just based on their BODY?
NO ONE deserves to be talked to like this, and if you're talking like this to other people - especially STRANGERS - then you need therapy, genuinely. this is not normal in any circumstance. have the day you deserve 🩷
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ben-man · 9 months
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"you hate this photo, your mother kisses it when she goes to sleep, she kisses it like a rosary. she holds it like a prayer. she asks herself where you went. she tries to forgive herself for not knowing one day would be the last you smiled wide enough to scrunch your nose up. she forgives herself for not remembering it. you hate yourself. you hate the way the fat on your body rolls and undulates, you know the flesh on your bones in this picture must be an illusion, its unbefitting of g-d."
"your father asked you to do a second photo 'with a nice smile this time'. you want him to be happy, and smile when he sees you."
"when they bury you it is in a closed casket, they tell your mother what you have done. she can't hear them over the way you laughed in 1991. her baby is 5. 5 and still growing."
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jerzwriter · 24 days
Body Positivity:
TW: body shaming, fatphobia, skinnyphobia, eating disorders, and the like.
I'm so fucking angry and triggered right now, and I need to vent. I was at what was supposed to be a fun family event, and because I didn't want to completely blow up, I stepped outside. But I am SO PISSED that I need to get this out. While trauma dumping on a toxic website is probably not the best idea, I literally have to vent, or I'm going to explode, and I REALLY HOPE someone will read this and learn something.
I think the body positivity movement has been great—and I wish we had something like it when I was growing up because, trust, it was non-existent. But, like many things, it's great on the surface, but a certain segment has morphed it into something that is as destructive and hateful as the behaviors/actions that led to the need for such a movement.
Some background, so you understand my perspective. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I've been everything from a size 6 to a size 22. I'm very tall, and when I was at my thinnest (mostly because I was starving myself), people came up to me constantly to tell me how amazing I looked. I'm talking friends, family, co-workers, people at the club, and strangers on the street. I was literally dangerously underweight. My family doctor, who had treated me most of my life, was begging me to get help.
I wound up getting help for what turned out to be an eating disorder and moved past that as much as I could. Since that time, my weight has fluctuated from average, to "a few extra pounds", to very overweight. While I am usually OK with myself and try to be positive about my body, it can be hard. I don't like the way I look right now, and I’m ashamed to say that because I don’t feel that way about others. Beauty is not a number or a size, and I know that, but I am my own harshest critic. It doesn’t help to have the voices of many people, people who were supposed to love me, in my head constantly at these times.
“Do you think you should wear that?”
“Oh, that dress is so becoming on you!” (Meaning: it hides some of your fat!)
Or my favorite, coming home in an outfit that I felt so good about that I thought I looked adorable in, just to have my mother (and later my husband) say something like:
"Perhaps you should retire that until you lose some weight." or "You actually went out in that?"
(PS - I am divorced and barely speak to my mother)... I'm doing so much better, but I know I'll never be 100% comfortable, and, as with most things, the voices seep in when I'm at my lowest. So I GET IT. I get it big time.
But - on to today.
We have a wedding taking place later this week, so the family has descended like the buzzing locusts they are. The ten women in the bridal party, of all shapes and sizes, are at my house for a get-together, and they began complaining about how ugly the dresses are. (They really aren't the nicest dresses.)
The eight anti-dressers were commiserating when one, we'll call her Obnoixous Bridesmaid (OB), loudly announced that another bridesmaid had to shut up and leave the conversation because she's thin (we'll call her Thin Bridesmaid—TB), and therefore has no business being there. I should point out that TB's contribution to the conversation was the dresses were cheaply made and "is so damn shiny" and, for the record, OB is not thin but not overweight.
So another bridesmaid, who is extremely close with TB, jumped in to defend OB, going on and on about how much she "hates" TB for complaining when "everything" looks good on her. TB looked like she was going to burst into tears but stayed silent. It morphed into four grown-ass women bullying TB, so I stepped in and told them all to shut the fuck up. Minutes later, TB left the room, and I found her in the bathroom in tears, saying she wanted to go home and skip the rest of the events - up to and including the wedding.
I went back to the room where the 4 were still mocking TB, and I told them I was appalled by their behavior and they could shut the fuck up and apologize, or they could leave my house. I was told I should understand because I'm a "big girl," too, and therefore should be on "their" side.
Are we fucking kidding me here?
I should point out that 3 of the 4 asshole bridesmaids are well aware that TB has dealt with a serious eating disorder that stems from being body shamed by grown-ass men in her family when she was a mere child. She's dealt with outright abuse and trauma, and they know how bad it's been. She doesn't walk around mocking other's bodies or bragging about how "good" she looks; in fact, she struggles to feel positive about her looks at all.
Body positivity should be about everyone loving their body, no matter its shape and size, and never subjecting ANYONE else to shame because of theirs. When the fuck did it became "fat chicks have to stick together and fuck them skinny bitches."
I'm so on fire I had to step away before I ended up on the evening news. On a micro-level, I'm disgusted with these people, and this has put a total damper on the wedding events this week.
But on a macro level, I have seen this time and time again. Yeah, our society is fucking horrible when it comes to how it treats fat people, especially fat women, and that should change. But it's as fucking wrong to be skinnyphobic as it is to be fatphobic. Perhaps, ESPECIALLY AS FUCKING WOMEN, we should be uplifting and supportive of one another. PERIOD. Don't we see that the obsession to be thin and eating disorders stem from the same fucking toxic place that shames fat people? That's where it is BORN.
I'm so sick of seeing this trend in everything. Every movement I'm involved with is dealing with this... YES, be proud of YOU, ESPECIALLY if you're in a marginalized or maligned group. YES! DO IT! I've got your back in every way! But don't fucking turn it into an us vs. them... even with people you supposedly love! Don't become the fucking monster you profess to hate.
Is asking for human decency really too much? I'm literally shaking.
We really, really have to do better than this.
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batmanfruitloops · 8 months
It's Hatter time with today's rogue, Jervis Tetch!
Jervis was always interested in Alice in Wonderland from the moment he saw the movie and read it. It was just so fun, and free, and colorful. He would often daydream and loved to craft, especially baking desserts, tailoring, and hat making.
His parent's, however, were not so fond of these frivolous activities. None of this time wasting actions would lead to anything, nor were they befitting of the Tetch name. Anything Jervis expressed an interest in, they almost always shut down, or turned into something that they preferred. Jervis wanted to play the flute? The piano was better suited. Jervis wanted a pet cat? They would make a mess and there's no way he'd be competent enough to take care of them. If Jervis ever wore any of the suits or hats he made, his parents would make him change, and remark on how ridiculous they looked.
Along with all these comments about Jervis as a person, they insulted him physically. Jervis was always a chubby person, and there's nothing wrong with that. He was perfectly healthy, but they made him feel like he wasn't. They cut how much he could eat and made him wear clothes that weren't really big enough. This made Jervis stress about eating at all, and stop eating almost anything at all. Or he'd feel very guilty after eating until his stomach actually felt full.
Not only did Jervis' parents treat him like that when they were present, more often than not, they left Jervis alone to do his homework and practice piano. It's also this behavior that led to Jervis developing his accent, as he got it from watching British programs. But it sounds so convincing that everyone would just assume he traveled to the UK for a while.
School wasn't much better, as Jervis was bullied there for his appearance and lack of mental presence (as in paying attention to what teachers or students were saying - I'm not sure if there's a better term for that). Jervis never ate at school, and was alone when he wasn't being harassed or beat up. Being as he was attending Gotham's school for wealthy families, there was also a sense of elitism and was forced upon him. No matter how talented and intelligent he was, it didn't really matter to him. Jervis also got used to being called "Jarvis" instead. He just stopped correcting them, considering they kept calling him "Jarvis" even when he did.
By the time Jervis is in high school, he'd have pretty much accepted the fate that his parents had assigned to him. Letting his parents showboat him at parties, and tell him what classes and career he should start working towards. If he didn't have to actively participate in a conversation, he'd go back to daydreaming. It was much nicer there. He'd have developed Maladaptive Daydreaming by this point, and he'd only continue to get deeper into his daydreams when he wasn't conversing with other people.
Becoming a neurologist wasn't a job Jervis had dreamt of, but it wasn't the worst, considering the options his parents would approve of. He had the skills to do so, and the brain is quite the fascinating thing, really. Jervis did good work, but it was apparent that his boss, Marcia Cates, did not like him and scrutinized what he got done. This made him anxious, and so he often hid the projects he was truly invested in, his mind control devices being the biggest one.
Jervis's co-workers also had a bad habit of handing off work that they didn't want to do, like papers related to their progress, since they knew he was too nice to refuse. Jervis also had a personal candy dish in his office, which they frequently stole from, often leaving him confused as to how he ate them all so fast.
Of all the people he worked with though, Alice was amazing. She worked the front desk and was very nice. She also enjoyed Alice in Wonderland and so the two were able to bond over that in no time at all.
Another bigger alteration to this version of Alice is that she's autistic, and makes sure that people are aware. Her family loves her very much and accommodate her well, if not a little too overbearing. They meant well, but they ended up sheltering her a lot, so she missed out on learning how to read certain social ques, and they never let her know if anyone even had a passing rude thought about her. To be clear, it's not as if Alice thinks she's untouchable because of this, she just genuinely can't tell when someone is being mean to her, unless it was blatantly stated. Otherwise she'd assume they didn't mean to hurt her feelings. I'm not sure if I'm properly articulating what I mean.
That said, a lot of their co-workers treat Alice and Jervis as strange, although they'd still act nicer to Alice since Jervis is easier to pick on, unfortunately. Because of this though, Alice and Jervis would be good at standing up for one another if someone was rude, and not letting the other talk themselves out of feeling bad about something, just because it seems like it shouldn't bother them. Alice would also have noticed that Jervis rarely ate, whether it was a done of purpose or out of forgetfulness on a given day, and bring him food at lunch.
And in line with BTAS, Jervis starts to develop a crush on Alice. He wouldn't know how else to describe how he felt about her, and based on comments Alice would make about her boyfriend, Billy, he didn't seem like the nicest guy. He wouldn't try and get them to break up, but when Alice comes sobbing to him that they've broken up, Jervis does his best to comfort her.
With Alice no longer in a relationship, Jervis asks her on an outing. Jervis means it as a date, romantically, but Alice assumes it just a regular outing to cheer her up. During their date, it's all going fine until Jervis makes a comment that makes Alice confused, so she asks for clarification.
Oops, they both misunderstood. Jervis would be hurt, but he wouldn't blame Alice for that. The incident still adds to Jervis finally having a breakdown, leading to him deciding to become the Mad Hatter. With his mind control, he can fix things. It doesn't have to stay a mess anymore. Finally, things can be like the Wonderland he's always dreamed of.
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drill-teeth · 10 months
This disabled pride month (and also always tbh), please be mindful of the way fatphobia is deeply rooted in our society and especially in medicine. Please be more mindful of how for fat people in the doctor’s office, doctors will blame symptom after symptom on their weight. Please be mindful of how fatphobia makes it so hard for disabled fat people to be taken seriously by doctors and in general. And then take disabled fat people seriously.
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moxxifoxxi · 3 months
God seeing liberals, and many leftists try to react to right wing shit and just going "I bet the person behind the keyboard is FAT and DISABLED." is disgusting. It happens every time. I see it on every social media platform. People's appearance is not their sum of value.
Where's the image for this, the one with the mirror?
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flower-boi16 · 16 days
viv: romantizing,purifying and UWUing seven deadly sins and try make them good thing
Also her: make greed very evil and hated as much possible
The greedy one was fat so ofc she did that.
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cuttoncandyhair · 11 days
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I was honestly shocked by how bad the insults were in this episode. I downplayed it a lot, bc I wasn't comfortable with using language like that.
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paulmescal-s · 9 days
Fandom (Twitter-specific, at the moment) whinging behind the cut:
If I see another person commenting on how Pedro’s weight has made him look “healthier”, “happier”, or “younger”, I am going to blow my fucking gasket.
Amazing how many are so ready to embrace their fatphobic, ageist selves. I hope people will see them for who they really are — not fans, not really, but fetishizers.
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batwynn · 8 months
You know when you watch something and you immediately just know that it's made by a certain type of man who hates women, and has unkind opinions on mental illness and then you go and look up the original author's work and you see that his book's plotlines are all horror-based-mental-illness tropes but also fatphobia and oh look he has a new book about a... oh, it's about a woman. That he hates.
Sometimes those vibes are just 100% correct.
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"I'm not fatphobic, I just don't like Iris's pear-shaped face! She looks like Mike Wazowski!"
Do... do y'all hear yourselves?
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I'm not a Jocelyn fan either. She's toxic and vile, but I find her more compelling in a lot of ways than say, Lily Ortiz – especially when the writers want the readers to see Lily as this pure as the driven snow angel who can do no wrong. Jocelyn is horrible, but she did put her life at personal risk to save others at Homecoming paid a steep price for it. She was also hit hard by Cody's death, so there's some humanity there too, even if it's just a drop.
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There’s a lot to this ask so I’m going to tackle the littler bits first, starting with the ILITW cast and their weaknesses.
The It Lives characters are all incredibly flawed in their own ways. Their stans don’t think they’re innocent: they acknowledge and embrace those flaws because those are what make the characters so human.
Ava’s biggest flaws are that she’s kind of reckless, and that she’s sarcastic toward people who are easily angered which endangers her.
Andy’s biggest flaw is that he gets angered very quickly, though he has good reasons for it, he still does fly off the handle at times. Anger leads to rash and not very well thought out decisions, which can very easily get you hurt or killed, especially in a horror series.
Stacy’s biggest flaw (which we do see going away as the book goes on) is her fixation with appearance and status.
Lucas’s biggest flaws are unwillingness to ask for help and biting off more than he can chew, which are also behaviors that are dangerous enough in real life, but potentially deadly in horror series.
I can’t really say what Dan’s biggest flaws are because we get so little interaction with him in the series, and all of Noah’s flaws can be attributed to the trauma he’s faced throughout his life, as even before Jane died, his parents had a lot of issues with their marriage, which was something he was aware of and tried to shield his sister from.
If Noah dies and takes Jane’s place, the ILITW crew is shown and stated to be completely unaware of it, the MC being the only person who knows of Noah’s true fate. Given this, the same could probably be said if the MC dies and takes Jane’s place. It’s not that the ILITW crew used the MC: they simply aren’t aware of the true nature of their death.
And given all the chaos and trauma that took place in the book, it’s perfectly understandable why the ILITW crew would want to move on in their lives without revisiting the ordeal more than they need to. I’d probably do the same. However, they’re more than willing to help out in ILB, and they still meet for pizza every year so they never fall out of touch and never forget what happened and those they lost.
It also makes sense why the MC can’t and won’t let go of their supernatural experience. Jane, their best friend, died right before their very eyes, was stuck as a shadow monster for a decade, and then Jane’s brother Noah (who arguably becomes MC’s closest friend as a result of their shared loss) dies and takes her place. The MC probably feels some survivor’s guilt and feels as if they’re to blame for what happened, and wants to make it right by “fixing” things if they can, which is why they’re devoted to becoming a monster hunter/tracker.
None of these characters are perfect. Absolutely none of them. But what person is? To have a flawless, completely innocent character who has done absolutely no wrong is completely unrealistic.
Moving onto Lily, who I’ll admit isn’t my favorite of the bunch.
It is true that the ILITW crew is dealing with some heavy shit. Abuse, blackmail, estrangement, familial neglect, PTSD, struggles with identity, struggles with ostracism. That is very true.
Lily’s big life-or-death issue isn’t merely that her crush doesn’t like her back, that’s kind of an oversimplification. She’s mercilessly bullied because she’s fat (and maybe there’s a bit of homophobia thrown in there too, I’m not actually 100% sure) and she’s preyed upon by her crush and her crush’s friend who think manipulating Lily and humiliating her on homecoming night is funny.
Lily is not a physically strong character. She can’t fight, she runs away, and is generally no help in a fight. But not every character can realistically be an action hero and badass. She also suffers from low self-esteem from the bullying (which she mentions occurred throughout her childhood as well) and has little to no confidence.
To be frank, to say she thrives off of playing the victim comes across as victim-blaming.
Lily does shove Ava and yell at her for almost killing Jocelyn in the fight, and I’m not trying to excuse that because that’s pretty harsh, but I’d probably chalk her reaction up more to adrenaline and fear than trying to pin all the blame onto her. Lily did foreshadow early on in the book that the monster could enthrall Ava using her powers and was probably aware that the monster had some form of control over her during the fight.
Additionally, she doesn’t seem to give Jocelyn a free pass either: she was visibly scared and upset during the fight where Jocelyn had the upper hand and after all is said and done, the principal is the one who tells her (and Stacy) to help Jocelyn to the nurse’s office.
Lily doesn’t blame Ava and doesn’t hold any rancor over the fight after everything has settled down. Her reaction is pretty much on par with everyone else’s emotions in the ILITW crew after the fight: fear, helplessness, and guilt. I mean, she almost watched someone get strangled to death in front of her.
She does acknowledge the possibility that Britney changed and began treating her better because of Redfield, but doesn’t want it to be true. She acknowledges it and probably deep down knows it’s true, but still wants to give Britney a chance because they used to be close in childhood. She even states at one point that Britney used to defend her from bullying when they were young. Lily wants to give Britney a chance to change because she remembers all those fond memories as kids, but also, her confidence is so depleted from the years of bullying that she just wants someone, anyone to show some semblance of care for her, even if it isn’t completely genuine.
Hell. I’ve been bullied throughout my whole life, and I’ve dated people who treated me like absolute shit just because they paid attention to me. Lily is absolutely the type to do the same. I empathize.
Should Lily survive the events of ILITW, she goes on to create a successful indie video game with a sequel in the works. That didn’t surprise me because she mentions having gone to a coding camp, and she also had a 4.5 GPA in high school. She’s used her wildly smart brain and incredible drive to find her own success and further her own life, just like everyone else from the ILITW crew.
Which is why your statement about everyone else bettering their lives “while she gorges on pizza” comes across as incredibly and unapologetically fatphobic.
Lily is not my personal favorite. She’s actually my least favorite of the ILITW crew. But every character brings something to the group. Lily is timid, meek, and suffers from a lack of confidence. She’s not a fighter and she’s frequently terrified throughout the book.
But she still helps the group. She helps research, she helps obtain the hospital records when the group visits Dan, she risks life and limb to go into the woods and perform the binding ritual, and she does it again to save Andy. She faces her fears time after time after time.
So in a way, though Lily is fearful and afraid throughout the book, she’s actually the bravest character of them all.
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