#I am NOT going to sit here and stare at this post and fiddle with it and have a complex about it
notyourdaisybuchanan · 10 months
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zhongrin · 11 months
| ◆ ch. vago mundo ⑊ zhongli
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--⟢ i. tales passed down for generations |   the people of liyue know of many tales…
𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
◇ tags ◇ (all tags from the series masterlist), sagau, pure fluff, dragon!li
◇ a/n ◇ yk what i told myself i won't post this until after i wrote the liyue chapter but ✨i✨don't✨care✨anymore✨ hsdlkfjskldjf i have no idea when i'll update universe abound and this has been sitting on my drafts for FAR too long... besides, it can be read as a standalone anyway. now. once again i am here to tell you that dragon!zhongli is love, dragon!zhongli is life. thank you for attending my ted talk-
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you stare.
dark brown scales, decorated with shining gold lines seem to pulse under the sunlight filtering through the curtains.
you stare harder.
the long appendage twitches before it shifts to hide behind the man standing right in front of you.
"your grace," morax coughs awkwardly into his fist and upon being greeted with your silence, decides to go back to fiddle with the coat he was halfway putting on before you barged in, "i believe it is still… thirty minutes before our scheduled stroll. is something the matter?"
instead of answering, you blurt out in an amazed voice, like a young child that just spotted their favorite candy, "you have a tail!"
"i… yes, well, considering that i am a dragon, and they do have tails-"
"it's so pretty! why don't you have it out more often?"
the genuine enthusiasm in your voice makes him smile.
"it's- ah, it could be an inconvenience sometimes."
you blink, not understanding the meaning of his words. he gives you a bashful look and proceeds to focus on his garments instead. knowing that he's not going to elaborate anymore, you choose to study the scaly appendage - unlike morax's still body, it's twitching and swaying around where it rests on the floor, almost as if…
….. hmm?
"i love you."
the sudden confession makes him go still, and you observe his reactions in interest.
"i love you too, dearest."
aside from the short pause and the elegant smile on his lips, the man looks as dignified and unaffected as ever. however, your impossibly wide grin strains your cheeks as you eye the rhythmic thumping of his tail against the floor.
"rex lapis," you gasp, "… are you wagging your tail???"
"ahem. c-certainly not, i don't-"
"oh. my. god. that is the cutest thing ever!"
"............ beloved….."
"no no no no no if you hide your tail then i'm revoking our daily walks and regular kisses!"
zhongli's tail perks up and begins to sway anxiously, and you feel like crying from how adorable this whole thing is.
"now, let us not take such drastic measures, darling. i believe this matter can be discussed, perhaps over some tea-"
"please please please let me pet your tail!"
your lover's cheeks flush pink, and you feel like the happiest deity in teyvat.
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people of liyue have heard of many tales. stories about adeptus protecting liyue behind the city itself, of fearsome plains drenched in monster dust as they were struck down by their god, of the stone gate collapsing and effectively cutting off supply routes from the city of freedom - not that it has been used for quite some time now….
people of liyue have seen many things. terrifying disasters almost sinking their whole city into oblivion, their beloved archon appearing once more and taking charge against vicious monsters overrunning teyvat's landscapes, their own creator coming into liyue after continuous years of prayers and offerings…
but never in their life they would have thought the day would come when they see the god of contracts himself - known for hurling stone pillars that now stand as guyun stone forest, vanquishing countless gods in the archon wars, and sealing many divine beasts who have run rampant across the land - stroll about the city arm-in-arm with the divine creator, his draconic tail proudly in full display and gently swaying side to side as the two converses softly, eyes staring deeply into each other's akin to lovers who hadn't seen each other in eons.
they see it, and they think: yes, this tale too, shall be passed down to the younger generations.
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© zhongrin | 2023 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @diebischesther | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee | @lordbugs | @anonymousficreader | @shizunxie | @ladylofspades | @sup-zfam | @ansy-tea | @irethepotato | @nachotrash | @algrimmammon | @sassy-cat-in-town | @syrenkitsune | @smokipoki | @pvbbyb0y | @shipperxchaos
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spectr3inl0ve · 4 months
you and alfred are the only people in the manor, it's almost midnight. you know this because alfred let you in, telling you everyone's absent after you ask where they are. making your way up to bruces room, you take note of the stillness, the absence of noise, chaos. you silently open the double doors into the masterbedroom, and sit on the edge of the bed.
bruces presence has becoming more and more scarce in the past two months, and in a couple weeks you would be celebrating six months together. he's been more fatigued as well, and there's been countless unexplainable injuries - and some of them weren't of the smaller kind either. it's gotten to the point where bruce would sometimes wince when you touch him, brushing it off with 'muscle pain' until you lift his shirt to reveal a swelling bruise or a cut or graze. "you know how clumsy I am, baby." he smiles, and he's right, you do know. he's not clumsy. he's hardly ever available at night, and the 'date night' plans turn into a brunch on Saturday instead.
all of this makes you start questioning and overthinking your entire relationship, was he seeing someone on the side? are you not good enough? did you do something wrong? no. you didnt. couldn't have. you're as good as it gets and you know it, he knows it. even the tabloids are noticing how unhappy you're looking, always slightly pouting, perhaps a bit more clingy; always tailing bruce like a lost puppy.
tears form, and you do nothing to stop them. it's been a while since you've had a good cry. and as Steph says, "even a girlboss needs to cry!". and you completely agree. you let out all of your bottled up emotions out, sniffles turning into heavy sobs, but quiet enough to keep alfred from worrying.
through your overthinking and sobbing, you don't hear bruces heavy footsteps, and you don't hear him when he opens the double doors to his room. you do however, hear him when he gently calls your name. blood rushing to you cheeks, you stop your sobbing, wiping your nose. but you don't face him. bruce moves toward you swiftly, sitting down next to you and scooping you up into his arms, placing you onto his lap so you face him. he sees you actively avoiding his eyes, so he places a gentle, but firm hand on you jaw and guides your face to look at him. "what's got you crying, huh, pretty?" the nerve of him..."you." you hiss, furrowing your eyebrows. his face grows solemn, the colour draining. you see this as a sign to rant to him about whay he's done. and you do. you go off on him, yelling, hitting his chest and ugly crying. he just listens, nodding every now and then in acknowledgement. his calmness irks you, "do you have anything to say for yourself, bruce?" you cry into his chest, soaking his black tshirt with tears and mascara. you resurface, resembling a panda with the way your mascara smudged around your eyes. bruce, reading the room, bites back his smile and instead let's out a long sigh.
with his arms around her still, he stands, keeping her steady. "gotta show you something. you might not like it though..." the vagueness of it worries you even more. he retracts his arms from you, taking your hand and leading you to his office. while you stare off into the distance, bruce does fiddles around (I forgot how he enters the batcave thru the office 😭) and then the bookshelf reveals a secret elevator. your jaw drops as he leads you into it, pressing the button to go down. a few moments later, the elevator stops and opens, revealing a high tech...basement? cave? he steps out, you do the same. you notice how cold it is, wrapping your arms around yourself, "...what is this...? I don't understand.". the tears start up again, and this time youre unsure why. bruce comfortingly rubs your back, shushing you gently. "I...I'm...batman." he says quietly.
it takes a moment for you to process what you heard. "so you're not cheating on me...?" you sniff, looking around you. bruce goes red, oh. that's what you thought? he shakes his head, "no, sweetheart. never." he guides you toward the batcomputer, letting you play around a bit as he watches. if bruce is batman...does that mean.. "so...damian is robin? and the others are...?" you look at him with a quizzical look, sniffling. he gives me a small smile, "yeah, baby." "that explains a lot." you hit his chest and chuckle.
hope this was alr, please send asks abt cradle robber!bruce wayne or dick or jason!!!
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Unexpected 43
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Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, post partum, csection, suicidial ideation, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Andy arrives like a vision of Prince Charming. It’s like one of those romcoms you roll your eyes at. He’s not overdressed, just a tidy button up and slacks, his hair combed and beard trimmed. He is casually handsome, meanwhile you feel like a hog in a dress.
Dottie’s enthusiasm irks you as she answers the door. You sweep by her, no purse, no phone, only some money tucked into your dress. You’re not a charity case, this isn’t a prom date, this is pity for the depressed old woman you’ve become.
“Come on,” you pass Andy and his voice bobble uncertainly as he lets out several syllables without forming a full worm. He only manages a hurried farewell to your mother-in-law before shuffling after you.
“Um, here, let me,” he’s almost running to get past you. He opens the car door and you don’t spare him a look. 
You pause and stare at the interior, “we don’t have to go anywhere nice. You could just drive me out to the industrial park for some peace and quiet.”
He scoffs. Not a vicious sound, rather amused, “well, I’d hate to waste the reservation, so maybe we can sit outside the pillow factory after.”
You inhale and glance over at him. Just at the top button of his shirt. You nod and get in. You don’t have the energy for any of this, let alone an argument.
You sit stiffly in the seat as he closes the door with a soft click. You buckle in and lean your elbow on the groove of the door. You watch through the window as he gets in on the other side and fiddles around. Finally the engine hums, stoking the sparks in your mind. Wouldn’t it be nice if you never came back?
He pulls out through the gate and onto the street. The suburban streets have a sinister glint. You wonder if there are any others like you. Surely you’re not the only woman to discover the true imprisonment of motherhood. Money can’t buy happiness and all that, but you’re not sure there’s any such thing.
You’re quiet. You don’t have much to say. You spend your days with a little human that can’t speak or understand you, and a woman who talks too much and refuses to hear you.
“So, how’s the little one?” Andy asks.
You grumble and lean your chin in your hand, feeling the vibration of the engine in your ears. You shrug, “do we have to talk about her?”
“Sorry, I guess… I get it. You want to feel like an adult again. No one asks about you– hey, why don’t you sit back?” He suggests, “kinda awkward talking to the back of your head.”
You sigh and lean back slowly. You keep your arm bent into the door, your eyes set through the windshield. Andy’s grip tightens on the wheel as he swallows loudly, clearing his throat.
“Look, it’s been a while, but I remember what it was like. Your whole world revolves around this tiny little person and you forget who you are–”
“And what did you do, Andy?” You challenge, “were you breastfeeding? Were you sstuck in the house all day with a squirming infant attached to you? Were you bleeding and stretched out, deformed into nothing more than a used incubator–”
“No, I guess not,” he sniffs, “I was still working. Had to keep things running–”
“So valiant,” you grumble and he sucks in another sharp breath. You wince. You don’t want to be the bitch. You don’t want to think about the baby or her father or the nosy grandmother. You are out of that house, if only for a little, and you want to enjoy that. “Look, sorry, I… I’m a little rusty in the social department right now. It’s not you, and I appreciate you wasting your time trying to distract you. I’m sorry Dottie talked you into this.”
“Talked me into… no, I offered. Yeah, I know when, er, my wife was going through a rough patch, we talked, she started having days out, on her own, you know, with friends, so she could remember her old life. Maybe even keep some of it,” he explains as he steers, “and I’m not really doing you a favour, you’re doing me one.”
“Am I?” You snort, “how so?”
“Well, I don’t really have an excuse like you but I don’t go out. I don’t talk to people. I don’t do any of this, so you and me, we’re a lot more alike than you think.”
You chew on his words, on the underlying grimness in his voice. You feel a strike of guilt for your callowness. You’re wallowing in the anger of your plight, meanwhile he’s grieving memories of the same. He had a child he loved and lost them. He doesn’t deserve that pain. He isn’t wrong, you are different sides of the same coin.
“Yeah, we are,” you admit, “so you won’t mind if I forget my manners?”
“Not at all,” he chuckles, the tension rattling in his throat, “I didn’t book us a five-star table or anything, I hope that’s okay.”
“Please, I never fit in at those ridiculous places,” you pull your arm away from the door and ease back, just a little, “I had a pump before I left so as long as there’s drinks, I’m game.”
Your appetite remains finicky, you only eat half your meal and take the rest to go. However, your thirst sees you ordering three mimosas with your lunch. At the end, Andy pays, after a rather heated argument over the check. His insistence wins over as your indifference lands the final hit.
You wonder, as you come out of the restaurant, how someone like Andy, someone nice and thoughtful, could have been dealt such a shitty hand. The cruel twist of his life reminds you of Lloyd and how he was never met with the karma of his callous behaviour. The contrast assures you that the world is not a fair place, and makes you feel worse that you brought another life into it.
You’re tipsy as you get into the car. You try to shake away the ripples, suppressing a belch that threatens to break free. Andy settles into the driver’s side and glances over at you as he idles in the spot.
“You good?” He asks as you buckle in, balancing your takeaway in one hand.
“I’m great,” you say, “I… I maybe had one mimosa too many.”
“We can find somewhere to grab some water,” he offers.
“No, no,” you wave him off, smiling. It’s the alcohol, you know it, but it feels good. You can’t remember the last time you smiled. “I’m fine, promise. I can make it home.”
“Well, let me know,” he shifts gears and checks the rearview camera as he backs out, “I don’t mind making a pitstop.”
You thank him quietly and let your attention drift out the window. Your mind wanders with the aimlessness of alcohol, swirling up dredges of the past. Andy drives slowly, as if indulging your silent reverie for the city streets, and you flinch as he passes a familiar building.
You reach over and grab his arm without thinking. He taps the break, “what is it?”
You gulp and shake your head. Your eyes gloss up as you stare at the building you used to clean in, the one where your ex-husband worked. Probably, still does. Your lip trembles and you bite down on it to make it stop.
“Can you take me somewhere?” You whisper as you retract your hand.
“Sure, just tell me where to go,” he agrees.
You point him onward, down the next corner, and another. You take him on the same path you used to drive daily. There’s a pall cast over both of you as you direct him down the side street and ask him to stop along the curb.
You grip your knees, eyes stuck between your feet. You don’t know if you can look. You take a breath and steel yourself. You make yourself turn your head and you take in the facade of the duplex you once shared with Colin. You see the sign in the yard; for rent. He’s leaving. You’re almost surprised he stayed that long.
You sit there, speechless, just staring. The trance holds you. You see yourself in the driveway, laughing as you carry boxes up, bubbly and excited for your home. Then those nights where you came out in your uniform, kissing him goodbye before you marched off to your shift. The days when you would enjoy the sunshine before you slept, watering the garden, mostly weeds, and just bask in the routine. That’s all gone. It doesn’t feel like it ever was.
The side door opens and see him. Colin walks with shoulders slumped, his tie askew as he shrugs on a jacket. He reaches into his pocket and the tail lights flash on the car in the driveway. You sink down and shield your face behind your hand.
“Please, let’s go,” you croak.
Andy doesn’t ask. Not why, or who, or what. He just accepts it and puts his foot on the gas, pulling away lazily, hiding in plain sight as he continues down to the end of the street.
“I don’t want to go back yet,” you say.
“How about a movie?” Andy offers, “I’m sure there’s something good playing.”
“Sure,” you agree, eager for any excuse to stay out, to detach yourself from the life Lloyd chose for you.
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molarbeardoc · 3 months
Me when I write
Hope you all enjoy Cheshire Cat doomed yuri. This ship has grown on me a bit chat.
Also they start out dating? Woah that's rare from me
Enjoy hurhurhur
Edit before Posting #1: WTF SHE’S 6’7?! 9’0+ WITH THE HAT?! Oh my God she’s literally a fucking GIANT!!!!!!!
EBP #2: Urg I made myself jealous can’t wait to cause suffering
EBP #3: OH YEAH I should probably mention blood and character death warning. It does get a bit graphic towards the end. Viewer discretion is advised.
The elevator was noisy...
And full
Full and noisy...
She hated that.
Two of the things that she hated the most, combining into one awful physical hell.
Her ears flattened as each voice jumbled with one another.
"Brick boy."
"*KRRTZ* WA-WARNING PROTOCOL INITIATED! Animals of such large aren't allowed in the estabilishment! Please re-relocate."
"You wouldn't even hear a fly buzzing around through that thick wooded skull."
"I hate that um... dumb green cat."
So much noise, so many arguments. And then that dumb animatronic had the nerve to say she wasn’t allowed. Sure she wasn’t the thinnest cat but what she lacked there she made up for in strength. At least she thought she was strong.
Ugh! Why is she thinking so hard about this?! She just needs to get to the WHEEL OF floor, then she can get off this elevator and not have to worry about psychos anymore.
As if she spoke it into existence, the elevator dinged before its doors opened, revealing the floor as she let out a quiet prayer and sighed. She wasted no time to push past the others, earning her a few confused stares as she exited the elevator.
She made sure her tail wasn’t caught in the door, as that had happened before and trust her, not only was it painful but she nearly lost it entire, before turning her gaze to the purple suited deity that sat on the crates near the wheel. Her closed eyes opening at the sound of someone’s arrival.
The feline purred as she heard the adoration in Mach’s voice, rushing over and climbing onto the stage before sitting next to her.
"Mrrow!" «Hi Mach!»
"What brings you here?"
DrRETRO rolled her eyes as she looked at the deity, who was now leaning forward with a knowing grin on her face.
"Meow!" «I know that look. You know why I’m here!»
"Yeah I know! I missed you."
"Meow.." «It’s only been a day.»
"That long?! Yeesh I don’t wanna know how two days are like!"
Before DrRETRO could respond, she heard the sound of a metal door slamming open. Of course being a cat, well katball, she was startled by it; instinctively jumping back to avoid possible danger.
Instead, she was met with the cowardly, caterpillar, clown. Pilby was staring at the two awkwardly, their face contorting into one of anxiety.
"D'ohhh… I’m sorry. Am I messing something up. Heugh I always mess up :0(…"
"Pilby we’ve talked about this, you’re not a mess up. You’re not interrupting anything."
"Oh good golly. I’m sorry Mach."
"It’s okay. You’re fine! If you wanna go on the elevator, you can. They haven’t left yet."
Pilby turned towards the open doors. Upon hearing and seeing the chaos that occurred, they shook their head rapidly.
"Oh fiddle faddle! That looks overwhelming! I prefer to stay here please…"
"Suit yourself."
She turned towards the startled cat, chuckling quietly as she lifted her top hat. At least the caterpillar wasn’t alone when it came to feeling afraid..
The doors of the elevator closed, taking the rowdy crowd with it as it began to ascend.
"Me-" «So-»
The doctor couldn’t even finish her statement- erm meow before she was pulled close and given several kisses on her forehead by Mach. As much as the feline loved it, she wouldn’t let her get away with this. At least not without a challenge, trashing around as she purred in an attempt to escape.
"Hey stop that! I’m not finished with you yet!"
DrRETRO continued her attempt at escape, her purring becoming louder before she eventually gave in. It’s not like she didn’t enjoy it, after all, anything that came from the deity was practically a gift… At least to her.
"Mrrrooow.." «I let you win this time.»
"Sure you did."
Mach held the face of the feline, looking down at her with a smile as she rubbed her cheeks.
"You’re really soft you know that?"
"Mmmrreow!" «Who do you take me for? Bive? I shower every day!»
"Yet you’re still a big, fat, stinker."
"Purrrr…" «I’m your big, fat, stinker.»
Pilby was left watching the two from the side, smiling as they listened to their adorable conversation. They found their relationship to be like two middle schoolers who had just gotten together, being all lovey dovey and overly affectionate with each other. They were glad they had fallen for one another.
Mach being the keeper and caretaker for the "[X] OF" floors, had a tendency to overwork herself. The last time that happened, someone ended up getting a hammer straight to the gut; and based off the sound, they were pretty sure it took a while before that person had actually healed. Not to mention Mach was left were a darker coloured hammer than what she originally had.
She did eventually attempt to apologize to them but the damage had been done and they immediately ran off before she could get halfway through her statements. They never heard or saw it happening again… But they were pretty certain it did when they weren’t around…
DrRETRO was similar. Usually overworking herself to give others check up. From what Pil heard, Bive was the most difficult one to handle, typically having to either be held down or knocked out to get her to comply. Just the sound of it seemed exhausting and irritating…
The difference between the two was DrRETRO fought dirty, going for quick and deadly attacks or attempting to cause some sort of permanent damage to her opponent. They were certain this had to do with her going to prison as they once witnessed, first hand, along with Mark and Spud!, her and Gnarpy get into a giant cat fight. Fur flying in frenzy as they fought tooth and claw. Even with the alien having the extra limbed advantage, xe still lost horribly due to Retro’s size and strength. Pilby even thought with Gnarpy’s zapper or whatever xe called it, xey would still lose!
They were certain the only reason why the katball even decided to heal xem was because Spud! asked her to! The very guy that hated Gnarpy ended up feeling bad for how badly xe lost the battle. Apparently that was enough to get the doctor to lift her glasses and beam the poor Gnarpian. As stoic as Gnarpy was, they had never seen xem look at someone with such hatred yet also pure terror in their four eyes.
Ever since then if either one saw the other on the elevator they flat out refused to enter it. They could’ve swore they even saw Gnarpy flinch one time when DrRETRO narrowed her eyes at xem.
However, it’s like they both tried to better themselves for the other. Both never overworked themselves since they got together, like they wanted to be the best version they could be for each other. It was absolutely adorable in the caterpillars eyes. Sometimes they even had little sleep overs! Mach typically left Pilby in charge when she was gone but always made sure that every task, except the easier ones so they didn’t feel useless, were already completed to prevent any accidents.
They watched as the two enjoyed each other’s company, talking and dropping the occasional pet name or tease. After a few minutes they decided to leave them alone, quietly walking across the stage and walking through the other metal door.
"Waowee, they’re adorable! I’m happy for them."
Mach listened as DrRETRO ranted about her day. From the rowdy elevator, to uncooperative or annoying patients, and even Jermbo not helping her out as he promised. He was always selling his pops that made everyone drop like flies… Well more like turn to dust. Mach witnessed it happen once, it freaked her out to think that something so simple could disintegrate someone just like that.
"So in other words, your day so far hasn’t been ideal."
"Mrraow…" «Yeah...»
"Well at least you’re here with me. I’m sure my mere presence can brighten it."
"Mew." «You’re so egocentric.»
"I am not! I’m just being honest!"
The feline rolled her eyes as she looked towards Mach, continuing to purr quietly with a small grin on her face.
"Mrrow..?" «Hey Mach?»
"Mrreoww… Meow…?" «Maybe I’ve been listening to Split talk too much about Bive’s conspiracy theories but… You really think there’s other versions of you?»
"Meow! Meww…" «You know like if there are different versions of you! Maybe a you that wears pink suit instead of purple?»
"That sounds like a fashion disaster, everyone knows purple is the superior colour."
"Meow! Mmmeow? Mrrow…" «Oh come on I’m being serious! Maybe in a different universe we switch roles? I take care of the Wheel of or Hall of or Wall of or whatever and you’re the one taking care of the others.»
"I mean… It sounds like an interesting concept. I don’t think it’s entirely plausible though. Well maybe it could exist…"
"Meow!" «Maybe I have a giant top hat or I’m just a dog in another reality!»
"I’m sure my catself would still love your dog self."
"Merrow.." «That makes me wonder…»
"Mrroww…" «Are we together in those realities?»
"Well I’m sure we are! Seems unlikely that we aren’t."
"Mew…" «Yeah… You’re right…»
"When am I not?"
Mach would take her hat before covering the doctor’s face with it, mischievous grin on her face to contrast her usual neutral expression.
She pulled the hat off her face, an amused purr erupting from the feline as she gazed up at the deity.
The next few hours of theirs were just spent talking and enjoying each other’s company, and before long, it was time for DrRETRO to go. She bid her farewells as she made her way back to the elevator and pressing one of the buttons. As she waited, she felt a slight tug on her sleeve as she looked down towards the cowardly caterpillar she saw earlier.
"Heugh, you don’t mind if I come with you do you? I’m pretty sure most of the ones from earlier got off. Plus, I need to get something from Enphoso’s shop..."
She nodded with a purr, she never minded Pilby. They were a sweetheart and one of the few more tolerable beings to be around. Plus, it was just a quick trip to the store and back; she could wait that long for them. The elevator dinged, opening its doors to reveal a nearly empty elevator; minus a tired Lampert and reserved Pest.
The two didn’t say a word at DrRETRO and Pilby entered the elevator, keeping to themselves rather than engaging in small talk. Pilby was already completing the necessary steps to make it to their desired floor before shuffling back over to stand near DrRETRO.
Soon enough Lampert exited onto his IKEA floor and Pest left to scrounge the subways, leaving the caterpillar and katball alone.
"So uhm…"
She looked down at Pilby, tilting her head.
"How are you?
"Meow." «Good…»
"That’s nice… That’s good… D’ohhh sorry for making things awkward. I just couldn’t stand the silence anymore."
"Mrrow." «It’s okay, I understand.»
"Are you gonna get anything from Enphoso’s shop?"
"Mmmmrew." «Hmm, I don’t think so.»
"Maybe you could get a gift for Mach?"
"Mrow-?" «What-?»
"W-Well you don’t have to! I was just suggesting since you two are together now you could get something for her? Heugh! Sorry for invading I don’t mean to be a nosy busybody…"
"Meow!" «No no, that’s a good idea!»
"Oh… That’s good!"
Retro nodded. Why hadn’t she thought of it sooner?! It was perfect! But what kind of gift could she get her? Enphoso had some of the most… interesting items. She could’ve sworn she remembered seeing some sort of plushed golden doll. When asked about it, apparently it was called The Token of Midas. What it did, she didn’t even wanna find out. She knew little of Midas but she knew about how everything he touched turned to gold.
That wasn’t a risk she wanted to take.
She was pulled from her thoughts as a small ding was heard, the doors of the elevator opening and revealing the cheery music of Enphoso’s Shop. The katball and caterpillar stepped out of the elevator as its doors closed behind them.
An overwhelmingly cheerful and echoing voice spoke out. One she had heard many times, it was like a broken record.
"Welcome to my store. I only sell glig glags and doo dads, so be sure to pay up at the front desk! BUT DON'T STEAL ANYTHING FROM ME."
Yet another empty threat of the yellow, smiling, cashier. She had witnessed Pest swipe items from the shelves and face no consequences almost as many times as she heard its voice. Either Enphoso was extremely blind or extremely stupid; maybe even a bit of both.
Pilby had wasted no time to gather their items, which was simply some more apples and a small tub of frosting. DrRETRO was taking much longer however, carefully scanning the shelves for the perfect gift as Pilby watched from afar.
"What’s she looking for? Are my glig glags and doo dads not enough? Or is she planning on stealing..?"
The caterpillar jumped back out of fear. They never heard Enphoso speak in such a quiet yet malicious manner, the glare it sent them didn’t help either.
"Honk! Sh-She’s just looking for a-a gift for someone..!"
"You better not be lying caterpillar. I hate accomplices just as much as their thieving frie-"
It was cut off as someone cleared their throat. Enphoso looked up, its chilling smile remaining on its face as it looked at the katball doctor.
"Took you long enough, silly!"
DrRETRO merely rolled her eyes and placed a purple bowling ball on the counter. She would have preferred flowers but of course it didn’t have any… Weird smiley face.
"Will that be all?"
"Mrrew.." «Yes..»
The two watched as it rung up their items and sent them on their way.
"See you later! Hope you enjoyed your stay…"
Enphoso’s high pitched giggles could be heard as the elevator doors closed, freaky weirdo smiley face. What was wrong with that thing? It was always acting so weird.. She didn’t like it at all.
"I don’t think that thing likes you very much."
"Meow." «I don’t like it either.»
"That’s fair. What’d you get?"
"Mrrow. Mraow." «This purple bowling ball. I wanted to get her flowers, but just my luck that thing didn’t sell them.»
"Maybe you can get her flowers later?"
"Mrow-" «Maybe I could-»
The sound of metal and concrete scraping against each other cut her off. Both she and Pilby lifted their heads and looked at the ceiling towards two holes that replaced where the fluorescent lights would be.
"Mrrow..?" «What in the…?»
The caterpillar had already backed away, not wanting to get too close in case electrical wires fell from the openings. For DrRETRO? Curiosity killed the cat. One moment there was just confused staring and questioning mrrows, the next the sound of the bowling ball cracking as it hit the floor along with a cut off excruciating yowl.
Pilby could do nothing but stare in horror as the sound of metal pierced flesh and broke through bones filled their ears, the feeling of warm blood splattering on them as they dropped their newly bought items and covered their mouth in shock.
The caterpillar watched as DrRETRO quivered a few times before falling completely still, her eyes dull and lifeless as the metal spike that pierced her body slowly lifted back into the ceiling; dripping the thick crimson liquid from its tip and onto the floor. The katball laid there motionless, her fur stained red and skull cracked open.
The sight was too grotesque for Pilby, causing them to look away while crying. They felt sick to their stomach, they wanted to throw up. They were covered in blood, good GOD they were covered in her blood. What were they gonna do? They what COULD they do?! They can’t just carry her back to her floor she was way too heavy and-
How were they even gonna explain this to Mach?
How could they break this down for her?! "Yeah sorry your girlfriend is dead.." THAT’S NOT HOW YOU TELL PEOPLE SOMEONE DIED! Christ they had no idea what to do..
They turned back to the lifeless body behind them before looking at the cracked bowling ball. She bought it for Mach, it’d only be fair that she received the gift, even if it was not of use. It laid partially in the small crimson pool that had gathered around the doctor, Pilby picked it up and held it carefully before backing away. Their once white and green pale paws now stained as they picked up their own belongings.
They continued growing more and more queasy as the metallic smell of iron filled their nose. Upon hearing the ding of the elevator, they waited impatiently for the doors to open before running out, tears still streaming down their face as they rushed towards the stage.
Mach was still there, sitting on the wooden crate with her eyes closed before opening them as she heard the arrival of the elevator. A smile nearly graced her face before she saw the distressed and bloodied Pilby running towards her. Immediately she grew concerned, getting up and stepping off the stage.
"Huh- Pilby? What’s wrong? What happened?!"
Her grip on her hammer tightened as the caterpillar stopped abruptly in front of her, unsure of how to begin. She noticed the clown makeup on their face had started to run due to their tears, she noticed how they struggled to speak, she noticed the items that they held in their many arms. She kneeled down, carefully taking the items before placing them on the floor along with her hammer.
"Pilby. Calm down, it’s okay. You’re safe now."
"Hng- She- The-"
"Shhh… Calm down… It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. You’re not in any danger."
"The spikes-"
Spikes? She never really took the elevator anywhere, so she had no earthly idea what they were talking about. She knew a few of the floors such as the one where its bottom fell out, she thinks it was called the frightening floor..? She couldn’t entirely remember.. However, she did her best to comfort them holding two of their hands.
"What about spikes?"
"The lights moved an-and-"
"They killed her!"
Mach grew more concerned as they spoke.
"Killed who?"
"We were just coming back from the shop.. And it killed her."
"Pilby, who died?"
"She was looking at the holes in the ceiling, she was just looking, and then the spikes fell and one of them killed her. It killed DrRETRO!"
Mach felt her heart drop, her already pale face turning whiter at the news. There was no way… There was absolutely no way she was dead. She didn’t want to believe it. She refused to believe it!
"She’s in the elevator. I didn’t know what to do. I can’t carry her, she’s too heavy. I didn’t know if I should’ve taken her to her floor or not. I didn’t know! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry-"
Mach listened as the caterpillar repeatedly apologized, slowly looking towards the elevator. The doors hadn’t closed yet, it was like it was begging her to take a glance. Begging her to see what it did. Like it wanted to prove her wrong..
"Stop apologizing… Head to your room…"
Pilby stood still as they watched the deity slowly make her way towards the elevator, they had stopped apologizing but they didn’t leave. Not yet. They were still too distressed to leave.
Mach cringed as she got closer to the elevator, she hadn’t even looked inside yet she could see the blood dripped off the railing and running down the walls. She took a deep breath before stepping inside, her stomach churning in disgust and despair at the grisly sight before her.
Before her lay the body of DrRETRO. From what she could tell the 'spike' had fallen through and pierced her from her skull through her stomach. Bits of bone and brain laid near her, her eyes were dull, blood had dripped from her mouth and stained her fur.
Mach let out a quiet sigh, forcing herself to stay calm for now. She couldn’t just leave her here but she had no clue what to do with her body. She looked at the buttons of the elevator, her mind coming up with an idea as she pressed them with shaking hands.
She pressed the frightening floor, searching her pockets for a coin before placing it in the slot.
She stepped off the elevator, staring into the eyes of DrRETRO as the doors slowly shut.
She turned towards Pilby, staring at the caterpillar as they trembled.
"Go get cleaned up.."
"… Okay…"
She sighed as they didn’t press further, however they did pause for a moment, picking up the cracked bowling ball and slowly making their way over to Mach.
"She heugh… She bought this for you… Enphoso didn’t have any flowers so she got this instead.."
Mach carefully took the bowling ball from the caterpillar before they left, going to get cleaned up as they muttered quietly to themselves and went through the metal door.
She stared at the purple bowling ball, gripping it tightly in her hands as tears began streaming down her face, staining her cheeks as she trembled. She wanted this to be some sort of horrible nightmare, she wanted this to be some sort of sick yet false reality. But the more she stared at it, the worse she felt. The more she stared, the more it sank in, the more she stared, the more she realized there was nothing she could do to change this outcome.
All Mach could do right now, was breakdown in silence..
I fell asleep while writing the end and woke up with a headache sorry for any silly typos and horrible grammar that appears.
Hope you enjoyed it!!!!!
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
Bribery w/ Beef Wellington
Katsuki’s not sure how he got here. Sitting in your room on the plush pink brocade sofa that’s way too opulent and flowery. And he’s staring down at the decadent silver trays filled with delicious salami and cheese and slices of mandarins. The bowl of salted nuts next to the platter of truffles and chocolates. A huge beef Wellington that you’re slicing rounds off of and plating right under his nose. Oh - and you’re handing it to him. With a couple of the cheese and crackers his likes on the edge. “Not to be rude your majesty, but what am I doing here? Huh, Princess?” He asks, speaking as tentivly as his voice could. You’re already pouring him a glass of whiskey. A glistening silver mug filled with beer on the edge of the table for him as well. You continue in silence fiddling with the beading on the corset of your dress and sit on the pink velvet chair across from him. These mouthwatering table of gifts and goodies set there to distract and placate - or maybe a bargain. Your lips pursue together and disappear until you grab the flask and determinedly pop a swing of whiskey and place the bottle back on the table. A shiny bottom lip print staring back at him from the bottle. He wants to know what that gloss on your lips tastes like, but he takes a sip out of the glass that you poured for him. His questioning tongue darting out and licking the burn off his lips, “Princess?” Katsuki eyes you, looking up between blonde spikes. Your cheeks were flushed before you took a swing and that action only seemed to encourage it. Freckles of pink draped across your cheekbones as you heaved a deep sigh. The corset making the top curvature of your breasts rise Bakugou shakes his head, averting his eyes, and takes another sip, “Wouldn’t have dragged me out of my quarters on my day off if it didn’t matter. Y’er royalty,” he pauses swirling the glass with his wrists before thinking better of himself. He wanted to say and we’re friends, but instead said “- speak your mind.” His stunted sincerity must have spoken to you because you shout, “Bakugo, I need you to escort me this week. I want you to accompany me because I trust you.” Katsuki sees you eye the bottle and pours the rest into his glass to remove the temptation,
“- And I’m fully prepared to pay you extra since I’m aware you weren’t originally posted for my escort. Because I know this isn’t a big affair, mostly an event for lower nobility of the kingdom. The perfect time to train some new blood in the royal guards and the perfect time for you to take your mandatory vacation. However, to speak simply, I hate the lords and the sons of the lords. They’re all perverse men and I want someone whom I feel safe with here with me. I don’t wish to interact with them any longer than necessarily ordained by court niceties.” you pause, twisting a bejeweled ring around your finger.
“So, would this arrangement be acceptable to you? Go ahead and name your price.” Katsuki is stunned at first, not at the offer, but by the way you’ve laid out this whole table with things he likes. Things that you shouldn’t know he likes. You’ve arranged all this food and the new silver polish and wet stone that he’s seen peaking out from underneath the ottoman as a means of getting him to agree. As if you weren’t sure he was going to already. He sets his drink down onto the table and stares into your bold face; tears lining the bottom of your waterline. Your lashes blinking rapidly as if to stow them away, except you maintain eye contact with him. Him, a royal guard and you don’t reach for a napkin or your handkerchief. No, you’ve laid it out raw for him. Katsuki pats the cushion next to him, “Come here and I’ll tell you my decision.” Finally you break eye contact, sniffing as you plop on your couch next to him. Once again eyeing his glass of whiskey on the table. Like you’re itching to get a decline over with and to drink your troubles away for the night. Katsuki pulls his kerchief out of his breast pocket and presses it into his fist, gently pressing his thumb against the folded fabric and padding the light streaks of tears against your face. You stare up at him in tender surprise. A gentle giant as he blots your face without hesitation. His crisp carmine eyes still examining your face as his voice picks up Bakugou’s semblance of a whisper. It comes out in a deep growl, “Of course I accept, princess. Your lovely gifts and effort aside. I’d have done it regardless of how you asked.” A gasp gets caught in your throat as more tears of relief flood down your face. Suddenly his warm calloused hands are all over your face the soaked kerchief forgotten in sake of him trying to keep up with his thumbs. And as your tears start to slow down, the week of preparing and stressing over the outcome of this proposition escaping in a few loose hiccups Katsuki takes it as his turn to speak again, retracting his hands - you grab hold of his wrists, staring at your lap as you weakly beg for him to keep his comforting touch in place. Katsuki sports what’s a dashingly prince-like smile as he continues stroking your face, “I promise to keep you safe and be by your side for their whole visit. Vacation be damned if I’m the only one here who can do the job to your liking then I’ll be there.” You swallow and open your mouth a few times. Only for hoarse noises to come out and instead you let your hands slip into your lap and nod at him in thanks. Katsuki still has that dashing grin on his face when you finally look up at him. And you suddenly feel very hot in this room and in the gown. “Now, do you have signals?” He inquires, watching your face morph as you shake your head. “All well then,” he crosses his arms against his pecs, “if this is a proper mission then we have to have a code or signal. Make it discreet so they don’t catch on and get offended.” You raise a brow, “Ah well I suppose that could be helpful . . . and a bit fun, but Bakugou you’re already so intimidating I think your presence along will ward them off. It’s the most notable thing on your resume.” He chuckles and you can feel it through the cushion, “Suppose I’ll just give them the middle finger if they get too chummy with you then huh?” You laugh, scratching the side of your face, “I suppose that would do just fine. If only that didn’t incite an upset from the lords.” Katsuki laughs at then again, more of a bark than anything. And it makes your own smile appear for the first time this evening. “We’ll work on it, princess.” Katsuki then gestures to the table, “but since you put out all the stops let’s enjoy shall we? I know I’m not the only one who has favorites on this table. Chocolate?” You don’t even answer and he’s already plucked several off the platter and has slid the plate onto your lap.
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My Future
Warnings: Angst, fluff?, light makeout, happy ending dw
Words: 621
Summary: You and Nat finally get the life you two always wanted after so many tries.
A/N: OKAY. sooo I don't know if I'm finishing my gone but not forgotten p2 yet :( but I'll still post, feel free to request my loves <3
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You smile happily, looking over at your wife playing with your baby. “Detka come here!” you nod, walking over to the pair. “Hey Natty.” she places a kiss on your neck, “Hi sweetie!” you exclaim, picking up the cheerful child.
She sighs, admiring you two. It wasn't always like this.
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Two years ago.
You gasp, 2 lines. You were pregnant, Natasha and you had been trying for so long, and it finally worked. You go and knock on your wifes office door.
“Hey, I'm working. What is it?” you fiddled with your fingers, looking down at your hand. “Nothing! I made dinner so.. just telling you that.” she pries her gaze from the paperwork to you, “Well then go eat dinner, it's not like we're going to have anything else to talk about tonight.”
You furrow your brows, not daring to step closer. “Nat you can't eat dinner with me?” she looks back at whatever she was doing, “No. I have work to do, I don't time for that.” you mumble something, she hears you. “What?”
“I don't get you lately.” “What are you talking about?” you scoff, “What am I talking about? Natasha I have spent hours making dinner for us, but you just don't seem to care.” she gets up from her desk, “Then why aren't you eating dinner?”
“Because I'm waiting for you Tasha.” she sighs, rubbing her temple. “I told you, I have work to do. Get the fuck out of my office.” you gasp at her harsh tone, “Fine. But if you wake up alone tomorrow that's all your fault.” you leave the room, going back into the bedroom.
She closes her office door, "She sounds serious, I should go check up on her."
Natasha leaves her office, and walks into your shared bedroom. You weren't in the room, you were in the bathroom. She looks around, but her eye catches something on the nightstand. She picks it up, “Dekta what is this?”
You wipe away stray tears, exiting the bathroom. “Oh it's just–” she looks over at you, “You're pregnant? Y/n why didn't you tell me?” you sit down on the edge of the bed, “You told me you didn't want me in your office.” she frowns, “Are you actually gonna leave me?” you look up at her, sighing. “I don't.. I don't know Natasha.”
She steps close to you, cupping your face with her cold hands. “Y/n.. please.” you falter, giving in and bringing your gaze to her face. “Nat just promise me that.. that you'll change.” the corners of her lips twitch into a small smile, “Yes. I will detka please stay.”
Your breath hitches, gaze flickering down to her lips. “Kiss me Natasha.” she presses her lips against yours, hands intertwining with each others hair. Her tongue slipping into your mouth, swirling around with yours. Soft moans escape the both of you, lips locked till you run out of breath.
She presses her forehead to yours, “I'm so–” her voice cracks, tears pooling in her eyes. “I'm so sorry kotenok, I shouldn't have acted that way. I love you, so, so– so much.” you smile, tears rolling down your face. “I love you too Natasha.”
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Present day.
Her gaze moves to your lips, watching you try to get your daughter to fall asleep. You catch her staring at you, “Tasha I can see that.” she smiles innocently, pecking your lips. You chase back, pulling her in for a longer, proper kiss. “I love you.” she smiles against your lips, you smile back. “I love you too.”
The baby stirs, making you break the kiss to rock her again. You wink at your wife before walking off to the nursery, “Motherhood awaits darling.”
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unseededtoast · 3 months
Turtle Doves | Joel Miller
Part Seven
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Chapter Directory
Series Summary: In which two broken souls connect so deeply, that if one should perish, the other would surely die of a broken heart. (slow burn, timeline changes. After TLOU1, before TLOU2, assumed knowledge of infected, uses elements from both show and game)
Series Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, and sexual content.
Also cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3. Link to my masterlist for everything else I’ve posted!
"When they return, I'll be waiting for them."
The eerie silence of the night amplifies every little noise. Joel managed to fall asleep about an hour ago, and each time he moves or readjusts, fear strikes me. For some reason, my mind is convinced that more infected are in here, when I know they're not. If they were, they would have made themselves known by now.
Looking back out of the window, I readjust the way I'm sitting because my legs have gone numb. My eyes burn from forcing myself to stay awake, but each time I close my eyes I'm haunted by images of the dead children. I tap my fingertips on the floor as I keep close eye on the horizon, looking for anything to signify life. My chest rises and falls dramatically as I sigh in frustration and disappointment.
Standing from the ground, I pace around the small corner I've confined myself to for Joel's comfort. I knew that he'd never let himself be lulled to sleep if I stayed close, he seems to be well guarded and generally untrusting. So I was surprised when I glanced over and saw his eyes closed and head leaned against the wall a few hours ago. Only the muffled sound of my boots hitting the floor can be heard, and I'm sure it's not loud enough to wake him.
My mind begins working through different scenarios once more. Like what is my next move if the killers don't start a fire tonight? How am I going to determine which way to go? I can't just guess at it, that would be a massive waste of time and would put me in unnecessary danger. My eyes drift back to the large windows on the wall, wishing and hoping that I'd finally see something. Each time I look and see nothing, a small part of my strong resolve dissolves.
Yawning, I find my fingers fiddling with my necklace, trying to keep myself inspired to stay here and see this through instead of feeding into my disappointment and going back to the QZ.
"Why don't we trade off?" Joel's voice startles me. My body jumps involuntarily at the unexpected sound and I look over to him, the moonlight illuminating half of his face. Once my heartbeat has settled to a semi-regular pace, I shake my head,
"No that's okay. You get more sleep, I'll be just fine." My voice is rough from staying silent for so long. Joel looks out the window.
"You haven't slept all night. You really think you can keep goin' like this?" His voice is deep and quiet, his dark eyes meet mine through the shadows. A part of me knows he's right, I can't keep functioning at my fullest capacity with limited sleep.
"I'm gonna have to." I say, my words betraying what I know is right. For some reason, I know I would feel bad if I took him up on his offer. This isn't his fight, he shouldn't have to stay awake for my sake. He shakes his head,
"You say that 'til you're face to face with death because your judgment is impaired and you make a simple mistake." It almost sounds like he's speaking from experience. I walk closer to him so that our voices can stay quiet, just in case there is something lurking around in here that we didn't see.
"But that won't be on you. And besides, this was my idea, I can't pass off my responsibility to you. You'll need the rest for your trip." I say, tucking my necklace back underneath my shirt. He stares at me for a long while, like he's trying to figure me out.
"Who are you after?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders,
"I don't know. Well, you heard what I said back at James' place, three kids were killed. They were all assaulted and mutilated. One of them died in my arms. And I had even checked that area not fifteen minutes earlier." My voice trails off as I remember the poor girl's last breaths and her blood smearing on my arms as she grasped at them for help. My gaze finds its way down to the ground and I blink away the tears.
"Who were those kids to you?" He asks, his voice sounding softer than it was a few minutes ago. I pick my eyes back up and stare straight ahead out at the city.
"I didn't know them. But nobody deserves that end, especially not kids." I say and turn my head to look at him. He just nods.
"Sleep. I'll look for them." He says and stands from his position on the ground. I shake my head and cross my arms, prepared to stand my ground on this one. I'm not sure why I'm so concerned with this stranger's wellbeing, but I can't find it in myself to be selfish and accept his offer.
"No it's oka-"
"No. Sleep. You'll need the energy." He doesn't let me finish my sentence before he turns his back on me and goes to look out the window.
I take his spot up against the wall, and lean my head back. If he's so insistent on it, then I guess I shouldn't fight it. He knows his capabilities and it's not my job to take care of him. My eyes close and the silence welcomes me to sleep quickly, maybe I needed this more than I thought.
"Hey." A shove on my shoulder wakes me and my eyes fly open. Quickly, I look around, not recognizing my surroundings. I find Joel's face above me, he's standing right beside me and must have nudged my shoulder with his leg.
"What?" I ask, suddenly alert and aware of where I am. I stand from my spot and follow him over to the window, where he presses a finger to the glass, pointing off in the distance. I follow his finger and see what I've been looking for all night. A plume of black smoke is rising to the sky.
My jaw sets tight as I watch the smoke dissipate in the air. The rising sun is visible on the horizon, I must have been out for a few hours. My arms cross in front of my chest and I make note of where it's coming from, and what streets I need to take to get there. If I leave now, there's a good chance I'll be able to reach them before they abandon their camp.
Turning away from Joel, I grab my backpack that I had put in my corner last night. I shrug it over my shoulders and tighten the straps so that the weight is evenly distributed. My boots feel like they might be getting a touch loose, so I bend down and tighten the laces. Once I'm sure I'm ready to leave, I take a centering breath and go over to Joel and extend a hand.
"Pleasure doing business with you." I say with a small smile, appreciating his willingness to stay with me. He looks down at my hand and back out the window.
"The smoke was to the west, the way I'm headed back home." Is all he says and I awkwardly drop my hand back down to my side. My eyebrows scrunch together, not entirely understanding what he's implying.
"You could go around, might add a mile or two to your trip though." I say, glancing back at the smoke plume. Joel takes a moment to look back out at the smoke before he nods his head and holds his hand out. I take it and give him the firmest handshake I can.
The two of us turn and make our way back down to the street, the sun quickly rising in the sky. If I can pull this off well, I might even be back home before sundown. Off in the distance, I can still see the smoke. Joel and I turn to one another before we part our ways.
"Stay safe out there." I say with a small smile, hoping that his trip is uninterrupted and goes well for him. He's probably got a family waiting for him, and they deserve to have him back. He gives me a curt nod,
"Good luck." Is all he says before we embark on our separate journeys.
I begin walking towards the smoke and try to get into a fighter's mindset. It's not only the people I have to worry about out here on the streets. I push every other thought out of my mind and try to get back into the headspace I had years ago when I had to fight the infected every day on patrols. They're quick and they're strong. So, I have to be quicker and smarter if I want to live. The same goes for dealing with the killers.
My stomach twists the closer I get to the smoke. I don't like that I'm essentially going in blind, who knows how many there are. It would be in my best interest to try and pull this off stealthily. If I can find some sort of vantage point before I get too close to scope out the camp that would be best. It would be really nice if I had a rifle with me, then I could find somewhere up high to camp out and take them out like that. But unfortunately, rifles are very difficult to find nowadays, even more so now that the arms trade has slowed in Boston.
I keep moving forward until I find myself close enough to the smoke where I can smell it. Taking a look around, I find an old store off to the right where I should be able to get a good angle on their camp. Swiftly and quietly, I make my way to the store with no interruptions and carefully step through the broken glass door. I'm careful to keep my footsteps level and close to the ground, so that the glass shards don't make too much noise.
The store looks like it had been ransacked years ago, and is now a mess of tipped shelves and useless products. As I make my way to the back of the store, I look at the discarded items, making sure there's nothing of use that I can grab. But it looks like all that remains are empty boxes and various electronics. Nothing that I can immediately use to my advantage. The back of the store houses the roof access point and I climb the ladder, pushing the entrance open with a small squeak.
Sunlight blinds me as I step out onto the roof and I quickly crouch down so that any wandering eyes won't be able to spot me. From my vantage point, I see a small camp. There's one tent set up and a smoldering fire in the center, billowing white smoke now that it has been put out. Squinting my eyes, I see one person standing around. But nobody else.
My blood runs cold, that has to be the killer. Or at least one of them. Maybe the other one is off patrolling the area or something. If I can go take that one out, then the other should be no problem. However, it all seems too simple, too easy. Something just doesn't feel right to me. But, maybe I'm just overthinking this and it really is going to be this simple.
I wait for a few more minutes before I leave the rooftop, just to be sure nobody else is going to show up. I don't hear anyone in the distance, so I have to guess that the coast is clear, or at least will be clear enough for me to get down there and take down the person I saw.
I stay crouched as I make my way to the camp, grabbing the curved blade out of my belt and holding it tightly in my hand. All of my focus is on staying quiet and making smart moves. My mouth goes dry as I approach the edge of the camp. Hiding behind a building, I peek out to make sure nobody else somehow showed up.
The same person is standing by their tent with their back facing me. It strikes me as odd, but maybe they got their hands on some pills and are too spaced out to know what's going on. Before I leave my cover behind the building, I close my eyes and say a silent prayer with shaky breaths.
My eyes open and I'm focused on one thing only. To kill the man that stands a few feet from me. I turn the corner and take calculated steps, avoiding debris on the ground. My breath is silent, but my heartbeat sounds incredibly loud. The man isn't turning around, he's standing oddly still and it sends a familiar panic through my body.
I freeze in my tracks as my boot steps on a rogue twig, probably meant to fuel the fire but never got used. Within the blink of an eye, the man turns around and it doesn't take me long to register that he's not alive, well, not humanly. The man's reanimated body screams out and runs toward me, hands outreached to grab me.
I dodge his swing and plunge my knife towards his head. The recently-turned man is fast, and my knife only catches a few inches of his throat. I don't have enough time to react to the missed slash before I'm tackled to the ground, the man's teeth inch closer and closer to my neck as I try to fight him off.
My panic somehow makes me more focused, and old maneuvers feel like muscle memory. I bring my knee up and hit the man, throwing off the equilibrium so I can get the upper hand. As he's thrown off balance, I use the momentum from my kick to bring my body above his, my hips straddling his torso. Without thinking, I raise my knife and bring it down into the man's head. His body goes limp and twitches as he dies once again.
Blood splatters my hands and forearms as I pull the knife from the man's skull. I use the man's green shirt to clean my blade and then I stand from the ground, looking down at the corpse. He looks recently turned, maybe a few hours old at this point. Turning around, I look for any more runners that may have been tipped off to the struggle, but find nothing except empty streets and silence.
Taking advantage of an empty camp, I start rummaging around for anything they left behind. I check the man's pockets first, finding nothing but an old cigarette. Next, I search the tent and find an old map shoved underneath the sleeping bag. Unfolding the map, I see several marks on it.
The Boston QZ is circled, and I see a few other cities with the same circle. Other places are marked with the Firefly symbol. Sprinkled throughout the country there are some areas marked with stars. One location is marked with a large 'T'.  There's no indication of what these symbols mean, but I can deduce some things from common sense. I can only guess that the circles represent QZ areas and the Firefly symbol is where known Firefly outposts are; that much is fairly obvious. The T might represent where these people came from, but it's all the way out in Nebraska. As for the stars, I don't have the faintest idea.
I fold the map up and put it in my bag to study later once I'm not out in the open. The rest of the tent holds nothing of value to me and so I move out and check the fire. There are scraps of paper in there mixed with twigs. Reaching in, I grab the largest scraps I can find, and see that there's only a few legible words left on each. The one scrap says "eliminate" and the other says "immune".
Moving on and not dwelling on what those words might mean, I tear apart the rest of the camp to look for anything useful. Beside the fire there's a second sleeping bag and I reach my hand down in it, pulling out another piece of paper. These people love writing notes to one another it seems.
The words on the paper are a lot more useful than the scraps I found in the fire. I read it quickly and read it a second time, not believing what I'm seeing. The note is almost like an instruction guide. It tells whoever was here what their mission was. It looks like their mission was to hit all the QZ's in the northeastern part of the United States and kill children between the ages of thirteen and seventeen indiscriminately. It doesn't say why, but on the bottom of the paper the Firefly logo is drawn.
I put the paper in my bag along with the scraps and map. What do the Fireflies have to do with this? Going back to the man's body, I look for the telltale sign of the Fireflies, but see no pendant around the man's neck. But what I do find is the letter 'T' carved into the skin of his chest.
Making sure there's nothing else to find in the camp, I move on so that if someone does come by I'm not caught off guard. I return to the store rooftop to monitor the camp some more. If someone does come back, they'll need to be killed for their involvement as well. Nobody is going to be spared from this group if I can help it.
The sunlight begins fading, and it's becoming abundantly clear to me that nobody is coming back to this camp. Infected probably came by and they scrambled, leaving their friend to his undead fate.
Back on the move, I decide to go west. I know there's more of these people out here and if I'm right about the map, they might be going back to where they came from in Nebraska. And even if they aren't going there now, they will eventually. And when they return, I'll be waiting for them.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Hey there :) please could I request headcanons of gyro, Johnny and Diego having a crush on an insecure reader 💙
Gyro, Johnny, and Diego having a crush on an insecure reader
notes - hey there!! heck yeah you can!! sbr is my love and my everything and I love these guys, so I am more than happy to write this for you <3333 I really hope you enjoy and thank you so much for the request <33
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this man fell for you immediately when he saw you at one of the rest stops at the race
you were feeding your horse and fixing up some injuries you had gotten a little while ago
he finally built up the courage to walk up to you
he took your hand in his and pressed a kiss onto your knuckles and sat down, explaining that he was a doctor and could help you out
you let him, seeing as you were doing a pretty shitty job lol
he got right to it and started up some conversation with you
the both of you talked for a while and finally, when he finished up, he told you that he thought you were stunning
you flushed, immediately denying it
when i tell you the man was SO CONFUSED
he kept insisting that he would love to ride together, but you kept trying to explain that you definitely weren't good enough or pretty enough for someone like him
again, the man was so confused
you were so stunning and you were over here saying the complete opposite???
he thought you were joking, but the way you were fiddling with the bottom of your shirt showed that you meant what you said
he leaned down and smiled at you, his golden teeth glowing in the hot desert sun
and told you that he didn't care what you said, you were going to ride next to him this round and that you were beautiful in his eyes
the way you were blushing omfg
the man has charm
and slowly, he helps your insecurity dwindle <3
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jokes on you, he's just as insecure
you're both super shy when you meet each other
you're signing up for the race and accidentally bump into Johnny while he's in his wheelchair and omfg you feel so awful
like you literally feel like the worst human being in the whole world
you apologize PROFUSOLY and Johnny forgives you immediately, even apologizing to you
he couldnt help but think how cute you were though when you ended up leaving with a bright red face of embarassment
he thought that would be the end of seeing you too, but no, he ended up next to a saloon where you had a small drink
he came over to you with a smile and offered to buy your next drink
you insisted that he didnt and instead told him that you could buy his drink
you ended up buying each other a drink and sitting in silence just sharing time together
finally, johnny worked up the courage to tell you that he thought you were cute
your face flushed pink and you denied it, telling him that he was cute
which he denied as well
but then that accidently blossomed the best relationship in the world <333
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this man thinks he's hot shit
needing to win this race and crap
and then he met you
oh my god you had the man blushing every lap when he would see you
he watched you kick ass and get a stupidly high ranking
he knew he should've thought of you as the enemy but oh my god you had that man's face red all the time
he finally came up to talk to you one day, telling you he thought you were talented, but you denied it???
he nearly lost his shit???
he was like... what?
he was giving you a compliment and you didnt take it, the man felt hurt
he was explaining how you had almost beat him in a couple rounds and you just listened to him, staring at his cute face, feeling your face heat up
no matter how much he explained it, you kept denying, which made him super upset lol
he scoffed and told you to realize your talent before storming off
he just didnt want to blush around you, that's all <3
jjba masterlist (2) (3) | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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humanbug · 1 year
Inky Hearts pt. 1
Modern!Ellie is a tattoo artist and you just became her lovely little muse.
a/n: hellooo! okay i am actually kind of obsessed with this. I'm not sure how many parts of this i am planning on making but definitely more than one. as always feedback and comments are more than welcome!! all of the pictures i included do not belong to me and the tattoo was found on Pinterest. the two songs mentioned are C.R.E.A.M by Wu-Tang and Come A Little Closer by Cage the Elephant. enjoy lovelys!!
warning(s): mentions of cigarettes/smoking/weed, i think that's it but please let me know if i should add anything
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You drum your fingers on the steering wheel anxiously waiting for the light to turn green. You had no reason at all to be anxious! This was not your first tattoo. You had too many to count off the top of your head. However it was your first time at this shop and new places have always made you anxious, always preferring routine over spontaneity. 
You had seen one of the artists at the shop on instagram and instantly became obsessed with their work. Their page is full of stunning tattoos. Her name was Ellie. Cute. She seemed to mostly do plants and flowers, sticking to a traditional style. Seeing a few videos of her tattooing herself, you couldn’t help but notice just how attractive she was. Doing some light-hearted stalking you managed to find her personal page and she had a disappointing lack of posts. Her profile picture was her standing holding a skateboard behind her head…original. She only had a few pictures, mostly with other people. Deciding against following her, figuring that might be creepy.
‘Fuck it! Her style is perfect for the exact tattoo that I’ve been wanting on my hips. It's just a major plus that she’s super hot.’ You think as you send a message to the tattoo parlors page saying you’re interested in booking an appointment. 
So just like that, a month later you’re sitting at a red light, anxiety pulsing through you. Parking your car in the lot across from the shop you gather your things, giving yourself a once over in your car window, you walk across to the shop. The bell above the door jingles as you open it. The classic smell of green soap wafting through the parlor. C.R.E.A.M is playing low in the background as you make your way to the front desk. A young girl with thick black hair is sitting on a stool at the counter typing away at a laptop. You realize you recognize her from Ellie’s instagram page.
You take a few anxious steps toward her, “Hi! I’m here for a four o’clock appointment with Ellie? Sorry I’m a little early!” 
“Hey! No worries! She’s just finishing up with someone and then she’ll come out and get you. Feel free to have a seat.” She gives you a warm smile, going back to typing away.
Placing your purse and water bottle on the coffee table in the middle of a few sofas and loveseats you flop into one, fiddling with your fingers. You take a look around the shop, admiring the welcoming vibe. Flash art is hung all over the walls, along with pictures of tattoos and piercings that customers have gotten. Art and posters are also placed around sporadically. The artist stations have curtains on either side of them with a walkway in the middle. 
A voice coming from around one of the curtains snags your attention. ‘Oh my god. She’s even hotter in person. This is gonna be a long day.’ Your face flushes as your mind shuffles around. 
She rounds the front desk, chatting with her client while accepting her payment. Her client leaves and she turns to the dark haired girl who welcomed you, she nods her head in your direction and you quickly look down realizing you’ve been staring at them. You fiddle with your fingers as a pair of beat up converse come into your view. Looking up as she asks your name.
“Yeah! That’s me!” You look up giving your best casual smile.
“Sweet. Give me one sec to clean up my station and print out your stencil and I’ll come get you.” She says as she steps back.
“Okie dokie!” 
She chuckles at your response, walking towards her station.
“Okie dokie!? Jesus fucking christ I’m such a dork. Just be cool! You know how to be cool!’ You scold yourself and take some deep breaths.
About twenty minutes pass before she’s walking back with your stencil in hand, nodding her head at you to follow her. Gathering your stuff as quickly as possible you shuffle after her. She walks to her station, pulling the curtain closed behind you guys and sits in the rolling chair, cutting the excess edge off of your stencil. You stand there, shifting on your feet, awaiting direction.
Your eyes wander and you realize her station is a great insight to her personality. She’s got a tool cart covered in stickers and a low table shelf where her rolling chair sits. She’s got several shelves with collectable action figures and pictures. You notice more of her flash art taped to the wall, a Savage Starlight poster catches your eye. 
“Alright so you want these on the front of your thighs and hips right?” She looks up at you and you nod giving a small hum.
“Perfect, so if you just wanna pull your shorts off – or you can just lower them. Whatever you’re comfortable with.” 
You blush even though you knew you’d have to take your shorts off. Purposefully wearing your cutest high cut underwear, however now you feel embarrassed at doing that. You shuffle out of your shorts and fold them over your bag. Hopping onto the chair with a small huff you lean back into the backrest. 
She stands, slipping on her black gloves. Glancing down at you and asking if you're ready, you nod your head with another hum. 
As she makes work of sanitizing your skin and running the disposable razor over your thighs and hips, you subtly admire her own ink. She has a beautiful fern with a moth overlaying it on her left arm. On her right arm she has a collection of flowers and plants from her wrist disappearing into the sleeve of her white t-shirt. She also has several patchwork pieces filling in the blank skin on her arms, neck, and some tattoos disappearing to her covered hands. Your face flushes and the thought of seeing the pieces that are not currently exposed. 
As Ellie is prepping her canvas she is trying to be as subtle as possible as she looks you over. Feeling embarrassed at her lack of professionalism she scolds herself as she ogles you. Admiring your tattoos, she feels giddy at the thought of adding to all the beautiful pieces covering you. She glances up at you as you seem to be dazed while staring at her arms. Giving a small smirk at your face flushing, she wipes your skin with the wet paper towel once more before grabbing your stencil from her table. She presses them both down with gentle hands, making sure they’re even and not smudged. 
“Okay, hop up and take a look at it in the mirror. If there’s anything, anything at all that you don’t like about the placement or size let me know.” She steps back, rolling her gloves off and reaching for clean ones.
Scooting off the chair you move over to the mirror and admire the beautiful stencil, already obsessing over the temporary blue ink. Shifting your hips and rotating your body to make sure you like it from all angles, you swivel around with a grin.
“I love it! It’s literally perfect. Oh my god it’s so perfect.” You gush.
Her face flushes at your praise and she nods before turning to her workstation to fill the ink caps and get her tattoo gun ready.
You hop back into the chair, giddy with excitement. Fingers fiddling, this time with excited energy. The buzz of the gun causes adrenaline to fizzle through you and you take deep breaths, preparing for the sweet pain. She rolls her chair to you and presses the pedal underneath the chair causing it to lower to her sitting level. 
“Alright, you ready to start?” She dips the needle of the gun into the ink, bringing her attention back to you. 
Taking a deep breath, you look into her green eyes and give your best confident nod, “Ready as I’ll ever be!”
She smiles at you, finding you absolutely adorable and places her left hand firmly on your thigh, gun in her right hand. 
Always being surprised by the pain, for some odd reason. You take a deep breath at the hot sting and try to focus on the music playing in the parlor. Come A Little Closer plays and you drum your fingers to the melody. 
“Alright, outlines are done. You wanna take a break before we start color?” She asks as she sets the gun down, stretching out her arms and neck. Looking incredibly hot doing something so simple.
“Yeah! A break would be good.” You stretch out your legs before moving off the chair with great caution trying to avoid the painful feeling of creasing your skin. 
“Sweet. Lemme just cover you with saran wrap and some medical tape” She rolls over to you covering your outline gently. You slip on your shorts, zipping them up and leaving the button undone. You shuffle in your bag for your smokes, turning around with the pack in hand. 
“You- Uh- You wanna join me for a smoke?” You offer sheepishly. 
She says sure and grabs her water bottle, walking out behind you. You lean against the brick wall, pulling your lighter out of the pack and two smokes. You place one in your mouth, lighting it and lighting the other with the tip. You blush feeling Ellie’s eyes on you the whole time.
Passing it to her you try to make small talk, “It’s a horrible habit…I’m aware. I usually prefer a joint over a cig but ya know.” You say with a small laugh. 
She chuckles with you, “I’m not one to judge. Besides, you can get away with smoking.”
“What do you mean by that?” You exhale and glance up at her in confusion.
“Pretty girls can always get away with smoking. Trust me.” She says with a dramatic exhale of smoke, looking borderline edible at this point. 
‘Fuck how can someone look that hot smoking a cigarette!?’ 
You turn a bright shade of red, “I- I’ve never been told that before…” You say quietly, stubbing your cigarette out on the ashtray placed outside. 
Smirking at your shyness she stubs her and pushes herself off the wall, stubbing her cigarette on the ashtray, “C’mon pretty, let’s get back to work.” She says, holding the door open for you. Your body brushes against hers as you walk through the door. Face aflame.  
You both settle back in her workspace and she starts coloring your piece.
Pulling off her gloves and leaning back to stretch, “And you’re done. Let me know what you think.”
You scoot off the chair, skin much more tender, you wince when you crease it, dreading the drive home. You step over to the mirror ogling at the artwork that decorates your skin.
“It’s-” You spin around bouncing on your toes, “It’s amazing! You’re fucking amazing! Oh my fucking god!” You practically scream, feeling pure elation. 
Her freckles become prominent as her face flushes a concerning shade of red. Your praise clearly has an effect on her. She rubs the back of her neck sheepishly, feeling her blush all over her body. 
Clearing her throat, “I- I’m glad you like it. You took it like a champ. That’s a big ass piece, I don’t know if I could've done only one session.” She rambles, wanting to get the attention off of her. 
She stands, hands stuffing into her pockets, “Anyway! Let’s get that covered.” 
She covers both your hips in saniderm and you pull your shorts on, wincing as the fabric rubs against your skin. 
“Hey! Uh- Do you have a personal instagram? I found the shop but um- was hoping to follow your personal one!” You ramble nervously, shuffling with your phone.
Letting out a small laugh she takes your phone from you, opening instagram and typing her handle. She takes her phone out of her back pocket, following you back. You try to hide your smile and grab the rest of your things.
‘Just be cool. Play it cool and casual.’
Making your way to the front desk she leans on it, “So for today it’ll be an even $200.”
“What? What- No, that’s- that’s way too cheap. Here.” You hand her four hundred, knowing that she’s undercharging you. This tattoo is incredible and huge. You also hand her a single hundred for the tip. Having had enough tattoos that you know you always pay in cash and always be prepared to tip generously. 
She shuffles through the cash, shaking her head and trying to hand you back two of the five hundred that you handed her. You raise your hands and shake your head, “No! Ellie! C’mon, don’t undercharge me!” Looking her in the eyes to insist. 
“C’mon pretty girl. Reason with me. Take two back. I won’t accept five.” She says as she stands taller, hands leaning on the counter, tilting her head as she speaks to you.
‘Let me just…casually get on my knees for you. You look so fucking hot right now. Oh my fucking god.’
You let out a dramatic sigh and say quietly, “Fine! Fine…but you’re keeping three!” You concede, not happy at all with her undercharging you.
She smirks, pushing herself off the counter folding the cash and pocketing it, “Good girl. Was that so hard?” She mocks you.
Your body is burning with embarrassment and lust at this point and you are grateful the dark haired girl from before is gone. Feeling mortified at the thought of anyone witnessing her flirtatious teasing. 
Tucking your hair behind your ear, you take a step back gripping your bag.
Clearing your throat you manage to get out, “Well- I Will be seeing you. Thank you, Ellie. This piece is- it’s incredible. I’m obsessed with it!” You gush out like a fangirl.
“Thank you…that means a lot.” She says and stuffs her hands in her pockets, an obvious tell of when she’s nervous. 
Parking your car in the parking lot behind your apartment building you pull your phone out from your back pocket, feeling it buzz with a notification. 
ellie_wills03 : hey pretty girl
ellie_wills03 : you get home safe?
You bite your bottom lip as you smile. Thumbs hovering over your keyboard.
love.bug.222 : Hi! Yes, I just got home 🩷
ellie_wills03 : good, have a good night gorgeous 
love.bug.222 : Okie dokie! You too! I’ll talk to you tomorrow :) 
Ellie smiles at her phone, chuckling at how sweet you sound even over text.
You are a blushing mess, admiring your tattoo for the rest of the night.
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nathiyy · 11 months
My self-indulgent ass wrote this and I don't know how to feel about it ⚰️
this may have some grammatical errors but im too lazy to bother correcting them.
Anw, made Ryusui x fem! reader
theme is just all fluff hshshshshs
also 2,136 words hihi
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Sitting comfortably on the couch, you scrolled through your phone viewing posts and videos around. Arms were placed each beside you, making you look up to see a blonde man closing the gap between you two, placing a quick peck before pulling away.
Ah...right, how could you forget? Your so-called "Greediest man alive" of a husband. He does his typical humorous laugh and snaps his fingers.
'How is my lovely dear doing?' He speaks his usual flamboyant voice, placing himself beside you and wrapping his arms around your waist, you sighed softly and pats his head, with him leaning towards your touch, despite his extroverted and open personality, it's still adorable to see this side of him to you.
Before you could answer his question, he made himself comfortable around you by laying on your lap, pulling your hand on his head for pats and your other hand with his to fiddle around with, definitely loving this.
"I'm doing fine as always, Ryusui." You giggle at his antics and began patting his head softly while your other hand was played around with your husband, intertwining your hands and rubbing your knuckles time to time.
To be honest, you never even expected to be with a guy like him, moreover to get married to him, or even expect for him to be the one who fell for you at the first place.
You were just walking around the town, trying to find the library, possibly going to find some books that pique your interest and rent them for awhile to enjoy reading them on your apartment.
Through your walk, you passed by a flower shop, you stopped to take a glance at the flowers that were displayed around, before considering to buy some later when you finally get some books to read, but you noticed a man in the shop, of course buying some flowers but it looked weird because of the flower shop owner and this man seemed to be arguing, curious, you hesitantly went in to help with the poor old owner.
'I desire this bouquet!' The strange man exclaimed, with the owner fidgeting nervously "But sir, those are not for sale !" the owner mentioned, trying to reason with this man. Before they could bicker further, they heard the door open with the bells hitting, signaling your presence, you looked at the both of them as they stared right back at you, surprised, but the old man composed himself and welcomes you in the shop, you bowed slightly and roamed around the shop trying to find flowers to your liking, not uttering a word.
You originally planned to offer help but it's better to listen in what the problem is before helping, in the meantime you can also find flowers that you'll buy later.
The old man looked at you before trying to reason with the man again, to not disturb you finding flowers. "Like I said sir, these aren't for sale..." You heard what the owner said as your eyes landed on a certain flower, sighing as you finally found something, you stood up and slowly walked towards the two men, understanding the situation now.
You saw the flower that the strange man wanted to buy and you faced towards him.
"Is there a special occasion for you to buy flowers?"
He laughed humoursly and snapped his fingers, smiling brightly. "There is, pretty lady !"
You chuckled lightly at his response "May I ask what that occasion is? If you don't mind me asking.." looking at him with calm eyes, he looked directly to yours seeing his hazel eyes shining before responding.
"Today is my beloved mother's birthday! And I am here to buy a bouquet of flowers as my present along with my other presents for her!" His voice tells that he really loves his mother and always is grateful to have her within his life. You looked over the flower he wanted, seeing a Yellow Carnation, ah that's why the owner wouldn't give it to him.
"Well, I guess this type of flower isn't fit to be something you'll give to your beloved mother, sir." You spoke, he looked a tad confused.
"What do you mean?" Confused by your sudden remark you explained to him briefly.
"As you can see, Yellow Carnation can mean rejection or disappointment on someone, and I'm sure that's not something you feel towards your mother, am I correct?" You motioned to face him waiting for his answer.
He was quite shocked by this discovery but immediately exclaimed once again "Of course! I do not hold any hatred towards my mother!"
You giggled with his response and looked around the shop to try and find other flowers that is fitting to be a present.. You caught a flower and picked a bouquet of it and gently placed it infront of him.
"I suggest these Pink Carnations instead, it symbolize gratitude, love and respect, fitting to be a present to your mother." You smiled while eyeing the bouquet then looking at him.
He stared at you for a moment, you were sure that you saw his cheeks flush for a moment then turning back to normal, he smiles and takes the bouquet from you.
"I must say, your knowledge about flower symbolism is something very admirable pretty lady !" He laughed cheerfully and faces towards the owner who's been staring at the both of you for awhile now ' I'll get these instead sir!" The owner nodded as the transaction went peacefully.
"You two would honestly look good together." The owner said with a smile on their face, you looked at them, a bit surprised, same goes for the man before you both chuckled.
"You really think so sir?" The man asked before turning back to look at you "Well, I do think of that aswell" He smiled at you making you break your calm facade by being flustered.
He chuckled and took your hand, kissing the back of it quickly and gently let's go of it, making you blush more.
"My name is Ryusui, Nanami Ryusui, may I know your name? Or are you okay of being called 'pretty lady'?" He teased making you chuckle lightly before saying your name to him.
You two went outside the shop, presumably about to get going on your own matters.
"What a beautiful name you have, it is nice to meet you!" He wanted to talk with you more but the conversation gets interrupted by a phone call, he excused himself for a second to take the call and you let him.
It took about 3 minutes before the call ended, you didn't notice that he was finished as you were preoccupied with staring at the towns library ahead, he gently pats your shoulder that surprised you for a moment before facing towards him.
He explained that he had to go because of his mother's party and all of that, you understand what he meant but before you two could go, he wanted to have your number, you were a bit suspicious at first but with your interactions with this man, it gives you the reassurance that you can trust him, you both exchanged numbers and bid farewell to each other. Though the man stopped and looked back at your dainty figure walking away, he smiled and continued to go off for their own matters.
You sighed contently, remembering how you two met, that didn't go unnoticed by Ryusui
"Is something wrong my love?" He asked, looking at your face, you smiled and continued patting his head.
"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered how we met in the first place." Your husband chuckled and sat up on the couch, pulling your petite figure on his lap, placing his arms around your waist, and burying his face on your shoulder before sighing.
"I'm very delighted to have met you back then, who knew a flower symbolism expert would caught this greedy heart of mine." muttering on your shoulder, you chuckled and looked down, smiling, seeing both of your ring fingers be accompanied by a ring that signifies both of your undying love for each other, this somewhat feels like a dream.
"indeed I'd never thought someone like me would do such a thing" you heard him chuckle before kissing the back of your ear.
"You're too humble my dear, you should be proud to be able to pull such a person like me." He mentioned, while clearing the hair around the back of your neck, he slowly kisses it and returns back to placing his head on your shoulder.
"I remember that time where you confessed to me... infront of a crowd...." He laughed as he remembered that beautiful time.
You two were out in your typical friendly date, ever since you've met in the flower shop, you started to interact more and go out more, probably to a cafe or a restaurant and discuss things, probably work related, personal things, or anything.
While you both were walking towards the cafe that the both of you usually go, Ryusui suddenly stopped with you walking Infront, you noticed him and stopped to look back at him confused.
"Is there something wrong Ryusui?"
He doesn't really respond and just stares at you for a few minutes.
This man has already fell for you since the flower shop incident but he wasn't sure if this is someone he wanted, someone he desires, but at this moment, he made up his mind, all your memories together was something he always cherished and he wants you to be with him and only him everytime you meet up. He smiles brightly before shouting.
"I desire you!"
That was something you never expected him to say, he began to walk towards you slowly, the crowd of people taking a glance or two at them, you knew some were listening but that didn't really matter at the moment. He gently grabbed your hands and holds them softly.
"I desire you, your affection, your attention, your presence, your smile.... and your love."
He looks at you with an endearing face, he is being serious with this, and even if you reject him, he won't stop pursuing you anyway, when there's something or someone that he wants, Ryusui will make sure that he'll get them.
It took you a few seconds to process what is happening, you felt the same way with him and always had, it only started when you got to know each other more, the more you talked the more you fell for him, but you've kept it to yourself until the perfect time comes. 'It seems that time is today' you said to yourself.
You looked at him for a moment, you still couldn't say anything, might aswell show it than say it right? Actions speak louder than words they said.
You slowly lifted your hands to his cheek before pulling him into a kiss, definitely surprising him, as the shock slowly disappeared, he returns the kiss aswell. The crowd around you clapped and cheered for the both of you. Right, you forgot that you were in public, you both pulled away and start chuckling.
"I originally planned it to be somewhere romantic.." He sighed, placing his forehead on yours, you were looking up to him with your arms around his shoulder and his arms around your waist. You giggled at him for his remark.
"I guess you don't like it here then?" You asked as he slowly shook his head.
"I'm very happy that you're finally mine, that's what matters."
That was honestly years ago when it happened but it felt like all of that happened yesterday.
Ryusui looks at you with a loving gaze, if anyone was in the room right now and saw the both of you, they would say that this man is very madly inlove with their partner, which is very very true.
You sighed contently before leaning back on his chest feeling comfortable, he hums as he still wraps his arms around you, not showing any signs of letting you go.
"Time passes very fast huh?" You muttered making him hum in agreement, he's enjoying himself right now by snuggling on your shoulder, his cheeks very flush with a big wide smile on his face, you look back and chuckle at his expression, although you're no different either as your cheeks are flushed aswell.
Turning back to face him, hugging his chest, and enjoying each others presence. You look up to see him smiling endearingly at you, before pulling you into a soft and sweet kiss.
"I love you...my love.." Ryusui mutters, looking at you with loving eyes, you smile brightly at him.
Indeed, he is the greediest man in the world. as he finally captured the heavens to his heart.
"I love you too."
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tallymonster · 6 months
Memories of Us chapter 10
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Okay first things first. Partial writing credit goes to @micropoe10 because she helped me write a good chunk of this. I owe you so hard bestie.
As always thanks to @cheesy-cryptid for allowing me to use their art as inspiration and for reblogging this. I literally would not continue this if I hadn't gotten the attention from them I did. So thank you thank you thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
One last thing before I post the story. This has been the most fun I have had on Tumblr. All of the support and love I have gotten from my friends on the Astarion Brainrot discord has been so encouraging. I owe you guys more than I could ever express.
Tags: @justporo @satanicspinosaurus @sleepy-timaeus @tragedybunny @davenswitcher @wayward-hel (if you wanna be included let me know ❤️❤️)
 chapter 10. I caught fire
The day went on slowly. Octavia stared at the clock on the wall, the anxious feeling gnawed at her. Earlier, she had briefly seen Astarion at the end of the office corridors. He gave the same empty stare he has for the last few weeks. 
She stood in front of her office door, glancing down at the handle. She should go say something, it's been long enough. Octavia turns to walk towards him, but as she looks over, he's already gone. 
As she walked into the office, Gale was sitting on his desk going through a few things he was researching on his own. He tears his eyes away for a moment and slides a small red piece of paper towards her.
Another note. 
“You know at some point, you'll have to admit you fucked up, Octavia. This is all becoming a little childish isn't it?” Gale chided.
He put down his pen and sighed. “You're not the only one suffering here, it's so ridiculously obvious that you're both miserable. In the years I've known him, I have never once seen him be so quiet around anyone else. You, my friend, are a first in many instances.” he chuckles at the end of his scolding. 
“You two are so dumb sometimes, it makes for fine entertainment.” He smirks and continues to write. 
Octavia scowls a bit, “I’m glad my misery is so interesting to you, Gale. Do you and your mother gossip about us during your brunches?” 
Gale immediately stares up at Octavia, “Okay, I apparently hit a nerve…I’m sorry. Really, I am. You know I'm only telling you this because I care about you both? I hate that you're not speaking. Not only because it's unprofessional for me to be your note lackey, but because the others have started to notice. So I suggest you read whatever is on this note, and go fix it. For all our sake.” He shuts his notebook and walks up to the office door. 
“I’m going for a walk, I hope you can figure out how to amend this.” He steps out, leaving Octavia to sit in her own anguish. She fiddles around with the folded piece of paper before deciding to get it done and over with. 
She unfolds the little more and her whole soul escapes her body. The note sent with Gale only said "Office. Now." Well that's it, he's firing her, or demoting her, or even worse, nothing at all. 
Octavia made the long walk over to Astarion's office. She stands in front of the door, hesitant to knock.
The whole argument replays in her head like it has for the last few weeks, she should've knocked on the damn door. But no, like a petulant child she was only thinking petty thoughts.
As she lifts her hand to knock, she hears some banging on the other side. She presses her ear to the door and listens quietly. Nothing. Was he even in there or was he testing her? 
It doesn't matter in hindsight, he's got his reasons for whatever he called her here for. She softly knocks on the door, the sounds behind the door stopping immediately. "Astarion? I got your note."
On the other side of the door, Astarion quickly picks up the papers he's thrown everywhere. Thank the gods he still used that arcane magic Gale taught him while they’d sort through maps and scrolls during their adventures. Within seconds his thrashed space is as impeccable as before. He composes himself and takes a moment, the mask expertly back on. "Come in."
Octavia walks in, Astarion is standing with his back to her, facing the window. "Locked. I don't want any interruptions." He speaks in a curt tone, not turning at all. Octavia locks the door, nervously sitting on the chair across him.
Astarion slowly walks over to her, stopping in between her and his desk. He sits on the edge facing her, his eyes two sunset orange orbs glaring deeply into her. He takes a long breath before speaking, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice to you like that. I hope we can go back to how we were before, I'm not angry anymore." 
Octavia's face is suspicious, her eyebrows furrowed, eyes turn into slits and she's taken back. "Hold on, you haven't spoken to me in three weeks, and you're apologizing? Why? Aren't you still furious with me? Are you okay?" 
Astarion scoffs a skewed scowl on his face."I'm trying to be open with you like you asked me to. Are you really going to get mad because I'm apologizing to you? What is wrong with you?" He asks exasperated, closing his eyes and rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Gods you are so infuriating you're just like-" he takes a sharp inhale, "Listen, I'm trying, okay? This whole being patient, kind, open communication sort of thing is still very new to me." 
He continues, "I'm willing to look past this little invasion, honestly I'm amazed that you of all people would be the one to sneak in here." He sounded impressed. "Either due to luck or stupidity, but you're the first to leave alive." He chuckled a dark sarcasm behind it. 
"Besides," he paused, shuffling his feet, clearing his throat, and pursing his lips, "I missed talking to you. Passing notes like we're school children isn't as fun or exciting when you're an adult and Gale is the one you're passing them through." He pouts softly, as if seeking some sort of playful pity.
"I find that hard to believe, you seemed to like those little notes. I had so many, I thought it was an excuse to keep seeing Gale?" Octavia mocked, giggling softly. "Can I be honest with you too? I mean since we're in the spirit of openness and all?" Astarion motions her to proceed, "I missed talking to you as well. You're fun to talk to and complain with." 
Astarion smirks and extends a hand towards her. "Then, may I offer my apologies to you? Will you let me air my sweet grievances and complaints to you?"
His voice dripped like warm syrup towards Octavia, his eyes had a sultry energy behind them which made her cheeks quickly heat up. Her mind is scrambling to react, but the only thing working on overdrive is her need to see how much further this could go. She decides to play into his dangerous game, one that she knows she will most likely lose. 
Octavia takes his hand and leans forward on the chair, "As long as there are no complaints about me, I've been working very hard to earn your forgiveness." She chuckles, smiling with her eyes, dragging her gaze slowly back to his own, inhaling quietly as she stares into those gorgeous golden sunset pools.
Astarion leans in mirroring her movements, "Well you have, if that makes you feel better. I'm willing to work hard too. If you allow me to-" she stops him from speaking, pressing a finger to his lips.
He's taken back slightly, his lips stay puckered on her finger and he takes his chance to kiss it gently, earning him a sharp inhale from her. 
"Honestly, an apology is more than I ever thought I'd get from you Astarion, no offense." Octavia laughs, she stands and removes her finger from his lips. She stands in front of him, and reaches her hand down to hold his again. 
He smiles and tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear, gods she's even more beautiful up close. She breathes deep, allowing his touch. He caresses her cheek, gliding his hand down to hold her chin tilting her head up and looking her over. 
"You expect so little of me, how can I show you that I'm much more than that?" Astarion looks at her through hooded eyes, he was incredibly persuasive in the most benign occasions, and now that he had the invitation from her, he wasn't going to let that go to waste. He pulls her in closer, letting his arm rest on her waist.
He spoke so sweetly and Octavia wants to trust him, if he's willing to drop his guard, she can drop hers. "There's so much I want to tell you, but I'm afraid it will change your opinion of me." She spoke so softly, almost a whisper. 
Astarion's face turns to worry, there was a vulnerability he wished to share with her, how he did with Tav, they're so similar, this feeling is bittersweet and it terrified him. "Octavia, nothing can deter me. How intelligent, thoughtful, genuine you are..."
Octavia can't breathe, the words from his lips are so saccharine, like a forbidden fruit she longed to taste. "It scares me, the last time something like this happened, I ran from it, like a coward. I'm afraid of what it would do to you. The lengths I would go for someone like you." He confesses, she can sense the heartbreak behind the words.
His hand falls over the edge of her jaw sliding down and trailing it across her shoulder, up around her neck playing with the strands of hair that betrayed its styling, pulling her closer, his lips feather lightly across hers. Octavia's knees felt like they were about to give out, this is what she was hoping would happen in her garden, at the fundraiser, practically any time she saw him alone, he was so hard to understand but that made the appeal more undeniable.
"What if I wanted to find out? What would you do?" Octavia presses her forehead to Astarion's, her breath shuddering under the closeness between them.
Astarion chuckles "Curious little kitten aren't you?" His hand intertwined in her hair turns her head so he can lean in closer, his voice a low whisper in her ear "If you let me, I could drown you with my love. You would die a million little deaths each day. Allow me to show you." 
She felt his lips press against her skin. They were cool and soft, he could feel her shiver underneath his touch, a warmth grew inside that was boiling over both of them. The fire was certainly lit, but she had to be the one to control it before it became unstable.
Her hands shot up to his shoulders, stuck between pushing him off and entangling a hand in his hair. "Astarion, wait.." 
Octavia turns and looks into his eyes, full of hunger and lust, she takes a second to catch her breath. "I want this, but I want to take my time with it, I- I don't want to do anything to make you regret this. I really like you." Astarion's eyes grow wide, "I won't. I can't." His voice was soft, pleading almost.
One of Octavia's hands settles on Astarion's cheek, he settles into her touch and kisses the inside of her hand. His normally angular eyes are so round and soft, looking up at her, wanting. The vulnerability she was seeking on full display. He continues to kiss her hand, slowly going down her wrist. 
She continues to watch as he leaves a trail of languid kisses. As soon as he passes halfway up her forearm, she can't take it anymore. She pulls him in, kissing him, her whole body feels like it's floating and sinking all at once. She feels his arms pull her into himself, holding her closer as he deepens their kiss. 
One of her hands rests on his shoulder as the other snakes up to his hair, wrapping it in his curls. After a few moments he pulls away, placing a chaste kiss on her cheek. "You are going to be the death of me, and I welcome it with an open embrace." 
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asmallpinkfan3 · 11 days
Period comfort- keigo takami
Writing this on the bus on my way to school in my notes app so there’s that along with me getting motion sickness.
Warnings: none really, blood mention, small cursing.
Fem reader.
Also the way people took his design, and the fact he’s playful back in 2020 and made him into an asshole who is a sex god actually sucks and I could rant forever how that’s not actually him, I hate Fannon hawks where he’s just a dude trying to fuck constantly.
You were running late when you woke up for work that morning and as you were getting dressed you felt it. “Shit.” Is all you could say before you bolted to the bathroom to check, you were on your period. You sighed and put a hand to your head and groaned in annoyance as you quickly changed.
Walking into the kitchen your boyfriend made himself a coffee as the sun hit his golden hair and eyes, his wings a little messy from the sleep he had, a couple of pieces of fuzz on his black shirt from the bed accompanied him, his grey sweatpants slightly rolled up to his knee from moving in his sleep. His eyes seemed to brighten even seeing you walk in a rush, small smiled painted his lips. He’s always had a small smile seeing you, even if it’s a mention of you from other people he smiles.
“Morning honey”. The words come out in a rush while you were putting your shoes on as your hair kept getting in your face while you were trying to tie your shoes. A hand coming down and gently holding the hair back, Keigo held your hair out of your face so you could tie the laces on your shoes.
“Your late honey?” He asked softly but with a small tease in his tone. “Yea and I woke up to find out I’m on my period”. You informed him bluntly as a chuckle came from him, the hand holding your hair up moving a little from his chuckling. “Do you have everything you need?” He questioned softly as his hand let go of your hair when you stood up from the couch. You nodded while fixing your hair up. “Yeah I believe I have everything.” You answered then two hands came up to your cheeks cupped them and keigo kissed you softly. “I’ll be here when you get home.”
Smiling softly into the kiss you grabbed your stuff for work as he had the day off because he had gotten hurt the day before. He watched you leave while a small pout was on his lips, he was a little bored now.
A bit later into the day he was on the couch sitting and staring at his phone a blank expression on his face as your notification popped up on his phone. The golden honey gaze shifted to the message. “Kei I’m so fucking tired I hate this job so much”. After reading it he laughed softly knowing you were just annoyed at your job. He checked the kitchen and soon realized that you guys were out of chocolate as he stood back up from crouching down to look in the cabinets.
He decided to get dressed in a simple outfit and go buy you some stuff for when you got off work. When he got back he put the stuff down and tried to at least organize the stuff he got to be a small surprise.
Walking in after work you were tired, and exhausted. Taking your shoes off and heading into the bedroom you grabbed some clothes to get a shower but then you felt two arms hug from behind as a sweet voice spoke. “Could you come with me before you get a shower?” Keigo asked softly as he put his head on your shoulder.
You nodded as you walked into the kitchen as he showed you the surprise of all kinds of sweets, pain killers, and a brand new heating pad. Smiling softly he looked at you, “do you like it?” He asked you as he nervously fiddled his thumbs. “I love it keigo.” You replied softly while leaning into him.
Kissing your head he pulled you close his wings circling around both of you.
(When I found this since I wrote it in January I now am posting this while really high)
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hockeyboysimagines · 1 year
Drinking alone
Warnings: Alcohol, some sexual content, vomit, fluff, angst.
This was supposed to go somewhere in the middle chapters, of All good Boys, but I wrote it first, as in before I wrote anything else and forgot it even existed. I only just found it so I figured why not post it. Let me know if you like it🤍
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Hallie sat at the bar staring at the shot glass the bartender had set in front of her, as she had been for the last five minutes.
“Are you planning to actually drink that or-?”
She looked up to find the bartender smiling at her while she polished a glass with a bar rag.
“I’ve never seen anyone stare at a shot for so long. Well except the AA people. They come in now and again, order something and stare at it, and then leave. But this doesn’t feel like that. So it must be about a guy.”
Hallie smile a little “Am I that obvious?”
“Kind of. The only time I see pretty girls so sad is when it’s over a guy.”
“I don’t like him. I hate him.” The bartender stared at her until she sighed “No I don’t.”
“I didn’t think so.”
“I want to hate him. I should hate him….why don’t I hate him?”
“I couldn’t say without knowing him, but if he’s causing you to drink then I’d say it’s the opposite. I’d say you L-“
“No!” Hallie slapped the bar and shook her head “Don’t you dare say the L word.”
The bartender started to laugh “Okay I won’t say it. But based on that reaction alone I’m pretty sure I’m right.”
“Ugh! You sound like everyone else I know.” Hallie finally picked up the glass and downed it, nose scrunching “That was terrible. Give me another one.”
As the minutes turned to hours, Hallie kept drinking, hoping that the alcohol would make his stupid face melt from her brain. It did not work.
If anything she felt more inclined to think about him than ever. While her senses had been numbed, her thoughts now moved freely without boundaries. She fiddled with her phone as she sipped a drink, scrolling through her contacts until she found his name. She hit the call button and heard it ringing until he answered.
“Hey. Just wanted to let you know that I’m mad at you.”
“What the hell did I do?”
“You know what you did.” She hiccuped loudly and coughed “You’ve disrupted my whole life. I was doing just fine until youuuuu came around.”
“Are you drunk?”
“Am I drunk? Yes obviously. Who are you my dad?”
“Where are you?”
“None of your business.”
“You have no idea where you are do you?” He sighed on the other end of the phone, and shook his head.
“Ha…no I don’t. I’m so tired. I gotta go though. Byeeeeee.”
“Hallie don’t-“
But she’d already hung up and was back to sipping on her drink. After a while she felt warm, and her vision got cloudy but she felt so relaxed sitting there at the bar, no one bothering her or stressing her out. Until she heard it.
She turned slowly, eyes closing and opening again before she focused on him. She was trashed.
“What the fuck are you doing? Ever heard of alcohol poisoning?” He looked a little mad, which she’d seen before, but never directed at her.
It wasn’t like her to be this irresponsible. In fact, while he could remember her drinking he had never actually seen her drunk. But tonight she was so drunk he wasn’t even sure she knew who he was.
“What are you doing here?” She asked squinting at him.
“You called me remember?”
She blinked and shook her head “No I didn’t.”
“You did. I think it’s time to go home-“
“No way I’m having fun!” She smiled and closed her eyes spinning on her stool. She downed the rest of the drink that was in front of her.
He caught the eye of the bartender and frowned “Ever heard of ���your cut off’. What’s the matter with you?”
She shrugged and turned away. He threw up his hands and looked exasperatingly up at the ceiling.
“Have a drink with meeeee.” She said, slapping his arm and pointing at the stool.
“I think you’ve had enough for both of us. Let me take you home.”
“Haha! You wish!” She jabbed a finger in his chest and giggled.
“Good lord-“ he mumbled as she continued giggling.
“Alright fine. Take me home!” She stood suddenly and almost fell forward, but he caught her around the waist. She looked up and waggled her eyebrows at him.
“Take your opportunity to feel me up now.” She slurred loudly. Several people glanced at him and he felt his face get red as he attempted to help her out of the bar. The air was frigid, and he was hoping it would sober her up a little.
“Where are we going?” She asked from his side as they made their way down the street.
“I’m taking you home.”
“Nooooo let’s do something fun!”
“Your already having too much fun. Here’s my car.”
“I don’t wanna go home.” She whined head falling back. As it did it caught too much momentum and she almost fell back with it. She hiccuped again and steadied herself “Let’s go to your place! “
“Okay fine we’ll go to my place, don’t hit your head when you get in.” He steered her towards the passenger side door.
Hallie gripped his arm as he opened the door, squeezing it and looking up at him “Damn. Have you been working out?” Her hand slid down his arm, across his chest and down his abdomen, sending a shiver along with it.
“What are you-“
“You’re so hot.” She slurred, hand still resting on his abs.
He was taken aback for a second. She was either drunk and not thinking, or she was drunk and thinking too much. Whichever one it was, it was amusing to say the least.
“Okay Hallie let’s just get you home.” He chuckled a little, maneuvering her into the front seat of his car. As he made his way around the front he heard music explode from his speakers and a loud “Woo!”
It was going to be a long car ride.
To his surprise though, she turned the music down when he got in and was quiet for a while while he drove. She had her eyes closed, head against the window and he thought she might have fallen asleep, until he parked in front of his apartment, and she coughed and sat up “It’s so hot in here I’m getting nauseous.” She peeled her jacket off, and then her sweatshirt, and turned to him looking him dead in the eye, before she pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her only in a bra in the passenger seat. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair was a mess, and her eyeliner was smudged but he’d be damned if he wasn’t getting totally turned on. He’d thought about her naked in a multitude of ways, in his car included, and for a minute he was ecstatic his real life fantasy was happening, but then he realized he was parked on the street, which wasn’t secluded.
“Hallie what the hell are you doing?” He picked up her shirt and handed it back to her “Put this back on.” He looked everywhere in the car but at her. While the weather was cold, it was Friday and there was enough people around that someone could walk past and see a half naked girl in his front seat. HIS. That would definitely make it to twitter and would involve a lot of explaining to his mom.
“I don’t want to. I’m hot.”
He had never seen her in anything but work clothing and he was really trying not to stare but it was hard “I agree but people will see you.”
“Ugh. Fine.” She pulled the shirt on, backwards and made to get out, half standing before falling back in it again. He helped her out, noting that the apartment was dark through the window, thankful that Noah wasn’t home. Getting her up to the apartment was a nightmare, she kept falling and laughing, and he was exhausted by the time he got her inside. He held her up with one hand and turned a lamp on with the other. He felt her hand on his arm and turned to find her alarmingly close to him. Before he could speak or move, she slid both hands under his jacket, pressing herself up against him.
“Wanna make out?” She whispered against his neck, tongue sliding over the exposed skin that wasn’t covered by a hoodie. It was just enough to turn him red, which didn’t happen often, and make his hair stand on end.
“Tempting, more than you know, but no I don’t wanna make out.” He tried to gently peel her off of him. He knew as he did it there might never be another chance of her making any type of advances towards him, but it just wouldn’t be right.
“Booooooo.” She said sticking out her tongue “Your borinnnngggg. Your always trying to get into my pants every other day, and not tonight? What gives?” She tipped her head up to look at him and pushed out her bottom lip.
“What gives is your drunk off your face and I’m not going to take advantage of you that way.”
“But I really want you to.” She whined gripping the front of his sweatshirt and leaned forward lips connecting with his throat again.
“Hallie-“ he warned trying to gently push her off by the elbows. The absolute last thing he wanted was to turn her down, especially since he’d been trying for so long to even get her to admit she even liked him. This was alcohol talking, not Hallie and it would make him feel worse to know that tomorrow she would regret it.
She made a noise somewhere between a whine and a gag, as she attempted to pull him down lower by the neck of his sweatshirt until he was even with her face. In an instant she seemed to sober up momentarily as she stared at him. This was the closest he’d actually been to her, and now that he could see her face up close, he realized he had he been missing out.
“Matty.” She said softly, eyes burning holes into his. Before he could stop himself he leaned forward and kissed her. It wasn’t like when he kissed her in the bar, or when he tried to kiss her when he was drunk. It was heavy, the kind of kiss that made you weak in the knees. The kind of kiss you have someone when you liked them. It felt right. He threaded a hand through her hair as she pushed her jacket off and tugged at his sweatshirt. His brain was screaming at him to stop, knowing how inebriated she was and that she would wake up tomorrow and probably hate him for it, but he just couldn’t. He’d waited so long, forever it felt like, and now that he was kissing her he never wanted to stop.
She pulled his shirt up, and moved to unbutton his jeans, grabbing one of his hands and placing it on her lower abdomen.
“Touch me.” She breathed out, head falling forward, hair spilling over her shoulder. But before he could she stopped, turned pale, and vomited right over his arm and on to the floor. She looked horrified and covered her mouth.
He took an immediate step back and held her at arms length steering her towards the bathroom both stumbling as he hurried.
“Bathroom bathroom bathroom.” He said frantically, steering her into the bathroom and flipping the light switch on just as she started gagging again.
She fell forward, almost hitting her face on the side of the toilet, had he not caught her and threw up again. He grabbed her hair, wrapping it around his hand as she continued to throw up. She gasped and sat backwards looking over at him.
“Don’t look at me.” She moaned swatting her hand in his direction. If he hadn’t been so focused on keeping her hair off her face while she threw up he might have laughed “I don’t want you to see me this way.”
“Get a grip Hallie. I don’t care about this.”
She sat back and closed her eyes, before opening them and looking at him with a small smile “You know. Sometimes you can be really sweet.”
“Only for you.” He pushed a strand of hair off her face.
“Oh stop. That’s not true.”
“Kinda is though.” He said with a shrug. She frowned.
“Really? You’ve never been this nice to another girl.”
While this wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have while he was in a bathroom with her and she was throwing up he felt the need to be honest. Especially since she wouldn’t let him get this out when she was sober.
“I’m nice to a lot of girls, but not like I am to you.” He pulled a washcloth from the bathroom drawer and wet it, leaning forward to wipe off her mouth and forehead.
“You know why.”
“I do. But you shouldn’t feel that way about me. I’m not good enough.”
He leaned down to look at her “First of all, don’t ever say that about yourself, and second of all it’s me who isn’t good enough for you.”
She shook her head sadly “No it’s me. Trust me.” He head lolled to the side and her eyes closed “You deserve someone who can give you what I cant.”
“Nah. I’m good.”
She pushed herself up and crawled over to him on her hands and knees “I can’t love you. You know that right?” She was peering at him through mascara smudged eyes, and looked almost like she might cry “I want to though, but I just cant.”
“Well I could love you. So I guess that’s good enough.”
She opened her mouth to speak but immediately turned and started throwing up again. He started rubbing a hand across her back, when he heard her crying “I’m so sorry.”
“For what?”
“For being such a bitch all the time. And for being this drunk. And for throwing up everywhere oh my god ew.” She threw up again, and cried some more.
“It’s okay Hallie really.”
She sat backwards wiping her mouth and sighed turning to him “I wish I could have met you earlier.”
“What do you mean?”
“I could have loved you before. In another life. Maybe even in this one.”
“Well since you won’t remember tomorrow. I’ll say this now. I love you in this life. Right now. And I think you love me too, you just won’t admit it.”
She looked dumbfounded for a few seconds before she nodded “I think your right.”
His heart felt like it might explode, even though he wasn’t sure she meant it. It could be the alcohol talking, but it could be her being truthful.
“I think you should try and get some sleep.” He helped her up off the floor, catching her as she stumbled and handed her an extra toothbrush, assisting her in brushing them. He eyes were opening and closing and she was slouching a little.
“Im so tired. Can I sleep here?”
“Of course. I’ll get you into bed and sleep on the couch.”
“Pffffft. Don’t be ridiculous. Just sleep in bed with me. You’ve seen me almost naked now anyways.”
He felt his ears get hot “I don’t think that’s a good idea-“
“Why not!?”
“Do you promise to keep your hands to yourself?” He asked leaning down to pull a shirt out of his drawer.
“Do I have to?” She mumbled, taking the shirt and attempting to pull hers over her head. It got stuck several times before he reached over to help her, sliding the shirt over her head, fingers brushing against her waist. He felt her shiver as he instructed her to raise her arms above her head and he slipped a new shirt over them. She stared at him for a minute, mouth slightly open before she smiled “Your kind of beautiful you know.” She paused and her smile got wider “In like a really annoying way.”
“There’s Hallie.” He laughed pulling the T-shirt down over her head “Feeling better?”
She nodded and closed her eyes “A little.”
He followed her to the bed, helping her shed her leggings and tucked her into bed, before getting changed himself and sliding in next to her. He listened to her breathing for a second, assuming she was asleep, and settled in.
She turned over, facing him and her eyes opened “Hey. I meant everything I said Matty.”
“Even the part where you love me?”
“Especially that part.” She stared at him, unblinking for a long time before she said softly “If I wasn’t drunk, would you kiss me right now?”
“I would. Ask me again tomorrow.”
“I won’t be like this tomorrow, so I’m asking you now.”
He leaned forward and kissed her very lightly, pulling away from her just as she started to move her lips, but she pulled him forward again.
“Don’t. I might never do this again. Just let me.”
She pulled herself forward, tugging him over her, mouth moving against his. This was all wrong, not how he planned it, but as she said there might never be another moment like this between them. When they broke apart her eyes slid closed.
“I love you.”
He felt for a second like he wanted to cry. Both because he loved hearing those words from her, but also because he was only hearing them under the effects of alcohol. He wasn’t sure which hurt worse.
He didn’t say it back, partially because she fell asleep but also because the first time he said it, he wanted her to be sober and aware so she knew how he really felt about her. He would keep those words locked away for another time when they meant more. When she actually understood that they weren’t just words. He sighed and leaned back in bed, arm coming up behind his head.
He most likely wouldn’t sleep, as his mind was racing a million miles an hour, thinking about her, the kissing, and her confession about loving him in the bathroom. While he knew he annoyed her, he had always been sure that she loved him at least a little bit. She wouldn’t put up with him if she didn’t. But to know that maybe it was a lot, made him feel good. Great even. But it also made him sad to know that it was her who was preventing it from happening. He’d always thought it was his own fault that Hallie wanted nothing to do with him, but it was actually she who had convinced herself she didn’t want to be with him.
He wouldn’t tell her about any of it. He’d keep it to himself, for a rainy day, a lonely night, a time when he needed to remember something good. He also didn’t want to embarrass her, so it would be a secret that he would keep and she would forget.
He heard her sigh and turn over in her sleep, head resting on the pillow near his shoulder. He closed his eyes and wondered if she was dreaming about him, like he dreamed about her every night.
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totesnothere04 · 1 year
Day to Day Norm Pt.5
Norm x F!Quaritch!Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the fanart, screenshots, or gifs used with my stories.
Warnings: Smut, fluff, and violence.
A/n: I will be posting for one of my stories on here every other week. I'm trying to keep my cool and not burn myself out again.
Pt.4 here. Part 6.
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You were at a loss for words as you stared at your dad through the video call. Everyone else had cleared out of the room to allow you privacy. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop.
"Y-you want to help them keep their home?" You ask him and he nods slowly.
"I know I've been a jackass-" He starts and you scoffed.
"At your command, the oldest daughter of the Tsahík and Olo'eyktan was executed and you nearly had their future Olo'eyktan and second daughter killed too. Jackass is putting it lightly dad." You tell him and he sighs and looks away from you.
"I've been a dick head. Better?" He asks and rubs his forehead. "But how the hell am I supposed to go against the entire RDA on my own?" He asks noone in particular.
"Noone ever said you'd be alone Daddy. Everyone in the science division sort of despises what the RDA is doing here. Not to mention the Na'vi people themselves. As long as we all stick together we can make a difference." You tell him and he nods.
"I think I can handle that. While you're up in them mountains... Just make sure you don't make me a grandpa early." Your Dad moved the conversation toward a close. You chuckled along with him and he stopped laughing to stare at you for a moment. "You're the best thing to happen to me. I hope you know that. I love you sweet pea."
"I love you too Dad. I'll talk to you later?" You ask him and he nods.
"Yeah. I'll call ya when I've got the time." He says and you end the call. You sigh and sit back in your chair trying to grasp what you just talked about with your Dad. Maybe everything would be easier with him on your side.
2 Months Later
Neytiri was helping you and Jake get ready for your ceremony. As you were letting your paint dry you watched Jake make goo goo eyes at Neytiri. You started to feel a little antsy since she's promised to Tsu'tey and Jake is just a base-level hunter. It remained silent between the three of you, but the two of them continued to stare sensually into eachothers eyes. You cleared your throat and they broke their gaze. Neytiri got up and the two of you followed her out and to the open area. After completing the last step to becoming a part of the people the two of you emerged as Omatikaya. You felt pride swell in your chest as the Olo'eyktan welcomed you and Jake as part of the people. As the celebration started to commence Neytiri nudged your side and you looked at her in question.
"You remember what I told you about the Tree of Voices?" She asks and you nod. "Why don't you take Norm?" She asks and your cheeks feel as though they spontaneously caught fire.
"But isn't that associated with mating?" You ask her and she smiles.
"Yes, it is. You have been courting long enough." She says and you gape at her. She stands up and hauls you up with her pushing you toward Norm. "Go."
"But his iknimaya-" You try to argue but she huffs and crosses her arms.
"I approve. Go." She shoos you away and you tentatively make your way to him. When you sit down next to him Jake raises an eyebrow in question at your nervous behavior.
"You alright (Y/n)?" Jake asks and you nod.
"Yes. I was wondering if I could steal Norm from you?" You ask him and he looks quickly between the two of you and smirks.
"I don't mind at all. You, crazy kids, have fun." Jake says and walks away, probably in search of Neytiri.
"What's going on (Y/n)?" Norm asks and you fiddle with your fingers for a moment.
"I want to show you something." You finally spit out and Norm looks at you quizzically but gets up and follows you out anyways. Norm's avatar looked near godly in the Na'vi tweng he wore for the celebration. You started nearing your destination and Norms hand slid from yours. You turned to see what was wrong but he was staring that the trees infront of him.
"The tree of voices... It's beautiful." He says and you nod.
"Neytiri brought me here a few weeks ago and let me in on the secret of it and the rituals associated with it as well." You tell him and he looks intrigued. You grab your tswin and his breath hitches as he grabs his as well. You connect yours to the tree and he does the same. "They're like memory banks. We can upload and download memories through our tswin." You tell him and he smiles as he listens to the voices. When you disconnect from the tree he does the same.
"And what ritual are they associated with?" Norm asks and you smirk when you think about his blush.
"When someone chooses a mate they come here to mate. Unless you are the future Tsahík and Olo'eyktan then you go to the Tree of Souls." You tell him and his cheeks dust indigo.
"Does that mean you've chosen me as your mate?" He asks you and you smile.
"Yeah I have, but I want you to choose me too. If you don't that's okay. It's a big commitment." You tell him and he exhales a breathy chuckle.
"You're kidding right?" He asks as he brings his tswin back around and presents the pink nerve endings to you. You pull your tswin around as well and hold his free hand as the two of you bring them together to meet. As they meet you can feel his thoughts and feelings and you see him in a new light.
"Oel ngati kameie, Norm." You whisper breathlessly and rests his forehead against yours.
"Oel ngati kameie, (Y/n)." He responds and captures your lips with his. The kiss is gentle and loving and it felt as though no one else existed in the world, but the two of you. There's no space between the two of you as you remain intertwined. He pulls away with a quiet moan and you feel him poking you just below your belly button. You reach down and start to remove your tweng and Norm starts to do the same. He starts to lower himself to the ground while guiding you with him. You allow one leg to rest on each side of his thighs and sigh contentedly when you feel the head of his cock push against your entrance. One of his hands holds his length in place as you lower yourself onto him. His head falls back and his mouth opens to release a groan. You both still, to allow the moment to engrain in your memories forever. Him feeling you squeeze the living daylights out of him, and you feeling him stretch your gummy walls.
You lift your hips and bring them down as you start to feel the heat building up. Norm feels it too and starts meeting your ministrations halfway by thrusting up into you. He moves to kiss your neck and you lean away to give him better access. Suddenly his cock hits a part inside of you that makes you see stars and he starts abusing that spot. Hitting it over and over again to push you closer to your release. You finally cum when he delivers one final rough thrust and feel his cum spurt inside of you. You moan at the feeling of his release and he hid his moans by biting your neck.
"I'm going to have to go back you know?" He asks and you nod lazily.
"I know. I just want to lay here with you for a bit longer." You tell him and he nods while pecking your forehead.
"Do you think we could lead normal lives as a part of the people when I pass my iknimaya?" Norm asks out of the blue and you smile lovingly up at him.
"I think we would beable to. I mean Neytiri has made it very known to any possible suitor that I have a mate. I think she wants us here." You tell him and he sighs happily.
"I wouldn't mind that." He admits and his ears droop. "We should head back. I have to go back with Grace and you need to be in the village." He says and you nod.
"Alright." You say and then stand up grabbing your tweng and handing him his. Once you're both fully dressed you hold hands and make way for Hometree. Norm stops when you start to break the treeline and you look at him in question. He motions to your still-conjoined queues and you nod. You grab yours and he grabs his and you gently separate them. You resume the walk back and Norm huffs.
"What do you mean other suitors?" He asks and you chuckle.
"Some of the men in the Omatikaya took an interest in me but Neytiri was always quick to shoo them away. I'm grateful she did because I feel like tonight would've been more of a hassle than it was fun." You tell him and he nods.
"Even with all of your possible suitors you still chose me?" Norm asks and you turn to look into his eyes. They're slightly glossy, showing that what you said meant alot to him.
"Norm in my opinion there were never any other suitors. I choose you because you're brave, smart, kind, and very handsome. I love you in every definition of the word." You tell him and he pulls you into a hug.
"I love you too (Y/n)." He whispers and lets you go so you can both make your way back. Grace is just making her way to Trudy's Samson as the two of you walk up and she smirks at your connected hands.
"So I'm guessing the two of you mated?" Grace asks and you nod happily.
"Yeah. Best mate I could've asked for." Norm says as he nuzzles his nose into the side of your head. Grace chuckles and gently shoves your shoulder.
"Alright Romeo, we have to go." She says and Norm sighs and kisses you.
"I'll see you back at the shack." He says and you nod.
"Alright I'll see you there." You say and enter Hometree to go to your hammock. You almost run into Mo'at and let out a gasp because you were startled. "Tsahík... You startled me." She chuckles at your admission and gestures for you to follow her.
"You have chosen your mate well. He will make a good addition to the people." She says calmly. "But as your Tsahík I must warn you. Your destiny is unclear. I cannot see it." You stop and she stops a few feet infront of you.
"What does that mean?" You ask her and she frowns looking away.
"I do not know. Proceed with caution child." With that, Mo'at departed and you went to your hammock. When you arrived you noted that Jake and Neytiri hadn't returned to bed yet, but you shrugged it off and laid down to go to sleep. You woke up in your pod and got up and went to the small kitchen area to make you, Norm, Grace, and Jake some food. Not long after Norm's arms snaked around your waist and he set his cheek on top of your head.
"Ugh get a room!" Grace jokes as she walks by.
"We would, but there isn't another room." You joke with her and she laughs as she sits down. You finish cooking and set food infront of the two of them and sit in Norm's lap. He drapes his arm around your back and the three of you start eating.
"So where did you go to mate?" Grace asks and Norm hid his face in your arm.
"The tree of voices. Neytiri told me about it weeks ago, but I thought she was just teaching me more of their culture. Until she basically pushed me to Norm to go mate." You set your fork down and lean closer to Grace. "And oh my God Grace... The feeling that the Na'vi have when they mate is amazing. Human sex could NEVER compare."
"You're making me curious kid." Grace looked over at the time and got up taking her empty plate. "Make sure to get some decent sleep tonight kids." She goes to her bunk and lays down for a well-deserved rest. You take your and Norm's dishes and clean up. You put Jake's food in the microwave and you turned back to Norm. He sauntered over to you and cupped your cheeks as he looked down into your eyes.
"I meant what I said earlier..." He whispers and you look at him confused. "When I told you I love you. I didn't say that just because we mated as Na'vi. I said it because you are all I've ever wanted and needed and I can't picture myself with anyone else." You become bashful and try to hide your blush by looking away.
"I meant it too. I really love you, Norm. I'm so happy my dad was able to get me out here when he did." You said quietly and he smiled and captured your lips in a sweet gentle kiss. "Come on. Let's go get some sleep. You really tuckered me out babe." His cheeks flush bright red and he plants one more kiss on your lips. As you approach your bunk he pulls you in beside him in his bunk and wraps himself around you.
"Goodnight baby. I love you." He says as he tucks into you and you mirror his actions.
"Goodnight babe. I love you." You reply and allow blissful sleep to take hold.
Later Jake climbs out of his pod and wheels himself to the kitchen area and sees the note on the microwave.
You were taking forever to get out of the link so I left your food in the microwave.
Jake sighed in relief and took the plate of food from the microwave. Beans, sausage, and a cornbread substitute that Jake had caught you talking heavy shit about on multiple occasions. Saying things along the lines of 'Meemaw would never serve this shit' or 'This tastes like the first batch I ever made... It was God awful'. Jake chuckled at the memories and ate the food made for him. As he finished and passed by Norm's bunk he notices the blanket had fallen a bit so he pulls it up to cover your shoulders. He shakes his head at how disgustingly adorable you and Norm are and moves to climb into bed.
You wake up before anyone else the next day and are sleepily staring at the coffee machine as it makes your life juice.
"You know staring at it won't make it brew faster." You hear Grace joke with you and you groan. "Ah, still not a part of the land of the living yet. I'm making breakfast."
"I'll just take some eggs. I'm not too hungry right now." You tell her and she nods. You make you and her a cup of coffee and she hands you a plate of eggs.
"So what are your plans for today?" She asks.
"Tsu'tey said he wanted to go hunting." You told her and she looked up with surprise clearly written across her features. "What?" You ask her.
"Tsu'tey doesn't accept humans. He must really like you." She says and you shrug.
"Neytiri and I hangout alot and she said something about wanting Tsu'tey to get to know me. I think she hopes that I will become as good of a friend to him as she is." You told her and she makes an impressed face. You look at the time and clean up your dishes. "Village life starts early." You quote her to herself.
"I'll let lover boy know you linked." Grace says and you go to your pod. You lay down and connect to your avatar. When you sit up neither Neytiri nor Jake are in their hammocks. You become confused since you know Jake is still asleep. You set out in search of Neytiri to see if she knew where Jake's avatar was. When you reached the communal first meal you sat in your usual spot but only Tsu'tey joins you.
"Are you ready to hunt?" He asks and you nod.
"Yes! It'll be a welcome change to hunt with someone other than Jake. He knows to be quiet while we hunt, but he flaunts his stuff all the time." You tell Tsu'tey and he gains a curious look on his face. "Like he's showing off, but honestly Neytiri isn't impressed this is how she was raised. I'm not impressed because I used to go hunting with my uncle when I was a kid." Tsu'tey looks impressed.
"So you have been hunting since you were on your world?" He asks and you nod.
"Yeah but we couldn't hunt to feed too many people. Wildlife is becoming scarce there." You admit to him. "I don't think I even want to go back."
"Why would you when you're one of the people? And you have chosen a mate, so why would either of you go back?" He asks and you contemplate his words for a moment.
"I'm not sure they'd let me stay until I die. They'd probably try to send me back when I reach the age that they consider "unuseful"." You tell him and he scrunched his nose.
"Sky demons. Wisdom in age is necessary to lead the young. It is no wonder your leaders create chaos and war." Tsu'tey says and you deflate.
"Sad thing is our leader is young, but our military leader is old. He's my dad." You tell him and he gains a sad look.
"But... He killed children and you've shown a gentle soul." Tsu'tey says and you swipe away a stray tear.
"My dad hasn't always been like this. My mother bled him for every bit of money that she could because she had me. My grandmother actually raised me since my mother was always busy. It's hard to explain because here there is no currency and the things considered normal on Earth don't even exist here." You tell him but he doubles down and invested in listening to you. "On Earth there are places where people go to get their nails done and buy expensive clothing. She was always off getting her hair done or her nails sometimes getting waxed or simply spending all the money meant to buy me life necessities. So I came out here early and this is my home now." You tell him and he seems upset.
"So she was trading your life materials for her own selfish reasons?" He asks and you nod. "A true sky demon. Your grandmother treated you fairly?" Once again you nod and he seems satisfied.
"Uh are you ready to go hunt?" You ask him and he nods. You both get up and meet his hunting party outside of Hometree. They greet you formally and you do the same for them and you all mount your pali and head off in search of your hunt. As your group makes their way through the foliage you hear the tell-tale signs of excavators. Tsu'tey hears them too and you follow the noise until you find them bulldozing the tree of voices. You climb off your pali about to run and tell them to stop, but Tsu'tey grabs your arm. He shakes his head and you watch sadly as they trample through the trees. You collapse to your knees while your tears stream down your cheeks. Peyral and Tsu'tey help you calm down enough to ride your pali back to Hometree. You start pacing as you panic over the situation.
"(Y/n) you must calm down." Ninat and Peyral try to calm you but you are still panicking.
"But my dad would've warned me if they were planning something like this. I haven't heard from him for about a week and I'm starting to worry that something happened to him." You tell them and they continue rubbing your arms in soothing circles. Jake and Neytiri run in and you run to meet them in the center. Jake tries to convince them that war isn't a good idea and finally seems to deflate. Suddenly Grace collapses and you turn to Jake in horror. He turns to Neytiri quickly and tries to explain something to her, but then he collapses as well. Everyone turns to you and you feel lightheaded and know you're being pulled back. You collapse as you feel your consciousness being pulled back, but you start to convulse instead. Mo'at and Neytiri rush over to you and you look at Mo'at with panicked eyes. She lets her hands hover over you and she finally settles on comforting you.
"My child, you must stop panicking. You must breathe." She says and you try to calm down.
"Mother, what is wrong with her?" Neytiri asks her mom.
"The Great Mother is refusing to allow her consciousness to return to her human body." Mo'at says and you still can't bring yourself to calm down and breathe.
"She still isn't calming." Neytiri says and Mo'at sighs. She pulls down your bottom lip and spreads something over your gums.
"That should help her rest." Mo'at says and as you start to fall asleep you see Tsu'tey pick you up.
When you wake up you expect to see the lid of your pod, but you find you're looking directly at the cover of your hammock. You groan as you get up and you hear a sigh from behind you. When you get up and out of your hammock a hand is gently placed on your shoulder.
"You are alright." Neytiri says and you nod still dazed and confused. She sat you down and explained everything to you and you ran a hand over your face. "You are the first to wake up."
"My head hurts." You admit and she frowns.
"My mother should beable to help. Go speak with her." Neytiri requests and you relent and go to find Mo'at. You find her speaking quietly with Eytukan and let them know you are approaching. They stop talking when you get closer and you greet them both.
"It is comforting to see you are alright." Mo'at says and you wince.
"My head hurts Tsahík." You tell her and she guides you to sit and enjoy some food and water. She allows you to sit in comfortable silence as you eat. The silence, however, is short-lived as the crowd grows loud and you follow Mo'at to investigate. Jake and Grace have woken up and everyone seems on edge. The moment Jake and Geace see you they exhale in relief and jog up to you.
"Thank God you're okay. When you wouldn't wake up Norm thought you had died!" Jake says and you shrug.
"I'm really confused and really tired." You tell him and he nods. When he moves away to address the people, Grace checks you over and nods when she's happy you're unharmed.
"A great evil is upon us!" Jake tells Eytukan. "The sky people are coming to destroy Hometree. Tell 'em they'll be here soon." Jake says and Neytiri translates.
"Are you certain of this?" Mo'at asks and Jake hesitates to answer.
"They sent me here to learn your ways so one day I could bring this message and that you will believe it." Jake admits and you wipe your eyes. Everytime you get close to a happy home someone does some stupid shit and you lose it.
"What are you saying Jake?" Neytiri asks him and you growl low in your throat. "That you knew this would happen?"
"Yes." Jake finally tells her after hesitating. "Look at first I was just following orders, and then everything changed. I fell in love. I fell in love with the forest, with the Omatikaya people... With you."
"I trusted you." Neytiri says and before it can escalate you push Jake away.
"Who?" You ask him with venom dripping from your voice and he alerts his eyes. "Who fucking sent you Sully?!" You repeat angrier.
"Y... Your dad." He finally tells you and you feel like you've been punched in the gut. All the air had been knocked from your lungs and you felt like you couldn't breathe again.
"I never should've believed him... Or you. Marines only bring bad luck." You finally say and shake your head disappointedly. "You're no different."
"But he hasn't been involved in weeks okay? He stopped asking for reports and started refusing to come to the meetings." Jake tries to defend your dad but you rear your arm back a deliver a punch to his nose.
"I never should've trained you. I shouldn't have taught you, but I did. Because Norm was so close with your brother. I wish he would've been here instead." You say with finality and you feel hands on your arms holding you back from attacking Jake further. "I have faced so many disappointments in my life, but none as great as you Jake Sully. Atleast my mother never wore a mask." The hands on your arms finally pulled you away from him and toward the Olo'eyktan and Tsahík. You allow it and discover that it was Tsu'tey that was pulling you away.
"This woman was not involved?" Tsu'tey asked Jake who immediately shook his head no.
"No, no! She would never. She hates what the humans are doing here. Even our leader knew not to involve her." Jake told Tsu'tey and Neytiri pulled you into a hug.
"Please you have to leave or you're going to die!" Jake exclaims and Eytukan looks at him with disgust.
"Bind them." He says and his warriors subdued them and the two of you started to steel your nerves.
Had your dad truly stopped destroying this planet and its people?
Taglist: @nisaoneil810, @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed , @ducks118, @avatarlover67, @kenzi-woycehoski, @isimpforfictionalppl, @belos-simp69, @vivangothic, @dyingofcookies , @levilovely1, @perseny, @criticalroleobssedperson.
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
love like (the sweetest) chocolate
for @deareddie​ and inspired by this reddit post
[AO3 Link]
Word Count: 3728 words
Buck has a problem.
And that is…he doesn’t like peanut butter.
Buck scowls at the bowls of candy artfully set out, his fingers twitching in his jacket as he catches sight of the peanut M&Ms. 
“That is a low blow,” he hisses to Eddie, who slots into place in the adjacent seat with the most confused expression Buck has ever seen on him. “The lowest blow that can ever be blown.”
“What is?” Eddie hums, his tongue darting out to fiddle with an artificial fang, and Buck promptly forgets his trail of thought in favor of tracing the spit-slick line of his mouth.
Eddie is, thankfully, oblivious to Buck’s staring, still craning his neck to find out exactly what Buck’s pissed about. Buck doesn’t think even he remembers, too distracted by the sight in front of him.
He curls his hands tight in the pockets of his slacks, gaze drifting down to take in the rest of his best friend’s costume.
Eddie’s dressed as a vampire for the station Halloween party, a long flowing cape trailing behind him, draped over his seat. The collar is ostentatiously tall, jutting up from his shoulders to nearly the top of his ears, and it annoys Buck because it’s partially blocking his view of Eddie’s face.
Underneath, Eddie’s donned a tight black dress shirt, the top three buttons obscenely undone below the knot of the cape, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a maroon waistcoat that molds to every last line of his body. And because the universe hates Buck, he’s in the skinniest pair of black pants that Buck’s ever seen, curving over thick thighs and a tight ass.
His only saving grace is the cape, because it stops his eyes from being glued to Eddie’s ass all night, but he still hasn’t been able to look away from the man since he walked in behind a mini-Indiana Jones.
Right now, though, his gaze drifts right back to the table in the center of the engine bay where Ravi and Karen are setting out plates and bowls of snacks for people to munch on as they mingle, his forgotten thought pushing to the forefront of his mind.
The peanut M&Ms mock him.
Eddie catches his drift as he follows the direction of Buck’s glower, and he just laughs, his arm slinging over Buck’s shoulder to tug him out of the chair. “Oh, come on, it’s your fault for lying to everyone. These are the consequences.”
Buck follows Eddie automatically, the lean lines of his body pressed into Buck’s like perfect puzzle pieces. They shouldn’t be able to walk as smoothly as they are, but somehow it works, even with Eddie’s arm across the line of Buck’s shoulders. 
“No, it’s not, it’s everyone’s fault for being so fucking weird about peanut butter,” Buck complains back, trailing off before they join Karen and Ravi. Eddie lets go of Buck — regrettably — to help Karen with the plates, while Buck trails behind, trying so fucking hard not to look at the peanut M&Ms.
Ravi catches him looking anyway, but mistakes his glance for something else. “Oh, sorry, Buck, I forgot you were allergic. I can go put these inside.”
“I’m not,” Buck says absently, grabbing a bunch of pretzels instead, pretending their crunch was the sweet crunch of the chocolate shell cracking into the roasted peanut, the perfect blend of sweet and savory.
Karen pauses in her conversation with Eddie to fix him with a confused look, clearly listening in. “What? I thought you were deathly allergic.”
And she thinks this because Buck refused to eat her famous peanut butter brownies once under the guise of the lie, because the scent of peanut butter doesn’t sit well with him, but neither does the disappointment on his friend’s face.
Buck stammers and scrambles for an answer, his best friend no help at all where he’s beaming over Karen’s shoulder, those fangs making that smile more dangerous than usual. “N-no, I am allergic, but not deathly. As long as I don’t eat it, I’m fine. No cross-contamination here.”
Karen nods slowly, distracted when Bobby calls her upstairs, but Ravi stands there with narrowed eyes, head cocked like he’s figuring something out.
Buck sincerely hopes he doesn’t.
“What?” Buck says, popping another handful of pretzels in his mouth. He wishes they were at least the chocolate covered ones so he could pretend that they were his favourite chocolate. 
Eddie’s low laughter filters through Buck’s ears, and he turns to glower at him. Feeling spiteful, he steals the chocolate chip cookie out of Eddie’s hands, taking an aggressive bite and stomping off before Ravi can actually figure out that he’s lying.
Buck was in third grade when the first whiff of peanut butter made him nauseous enough to throw up in the toy bin. One of his classmates had opened a packet of peanut butter crackers, and the smell of it had reached Buck all the way across the room.
His teacher had been nice about it, even if some of the kids hadn’t, but she’d explained it to everyone, instantly shutting them up.
“Evan might have an allergy that we don’t know about, okay? It’s not nice to make fun of people for it, but even if he doesn’t have an allergy, some people just don’t like certain smells or foods,” she’d said, in her kind, gentle voice.
His parents had taken him to the allergist, even though they were downright confused about it, because Buck used to eat peanut products all the time. Not peanut butter, because he’d always hated it, but chocolate and ice cream with peanut pieces in it.
Just as they suspected, Buck hadn’t been allergic to peanuts at all — he just hated the smell of peanut butter.
He’d tried explaining it to a few people, only to hear various versions of why he should love peanut butter in return. The defensiveness had been just plain annoying, so he’d switched tactics, thinking it was much better for people to be overly cautious of peanuts around him altogether.
Buck hadn’t even known what an allergy was but he’d taken that one sentence and run with it because it sounded like an important enough excuse to get people to stop defending it in front of him.
Twenty-three years later, he still tells people that he’s allergic to peanuts, just to avoid peanut butter-related debates.
The problem, though, lies within the cerulean bowl that Eddie’s picked up, no doubt to take upstairs and hide.
Buck loves peanut M&Ms. 
He doesn’t even know why he loves them so much, but it’s the only candy he ever eats during movies, the only chocolate he refuses to share with anyone. Something about the thin layer of chocolate covering the crunchy peanut sends a shot of serotonin straight to Buck’s brain.
Maybe they’re his guilty pleasure or something.
There’s no real reason for him hating most other peanut products other than the fact that peanut oil kind of makes him want to hurl, but right now, all Buck can think about is how much he wants a handful of those M&Ms. 
Christopher coming to stand next to him distracts him enough that he can tear his eyes away from the bowl, and subsequently, the man standing behind it with a larger-than-life smirk on his face as he makes his way to the stairs, his cape flaring dramatically behind him with each step.
“The M&Ms?” Chris asks knowingly, as the sole other confidant in this deception of his, barring Maddie. They’ve watched too many movies together for Buck to hide it from the Diaz boys.
Buck glances down at him. “Yeah, Indiana Jones, the M&Ms.”
“Want me to sneak you a handful?” 
Buck can’t help it then — he laughs loudly at the eager enthusiasm in Christopher’s voice. “Pretty sure I'm not supposed to be encouraging peanut-M&M-related smuggling. But thanks for offering.” 
Chris shrugs, entirely unsympathetic as he cracks the fake whip towards the ground, looking slightly off-put by the thought of not pulling off the peanut heist. “Shouldn’t have lied, then.”
He lopes past him without a second glance, meeting up with Denny to do whatever it is new teenagers do at these parties, but Buck gapes after him. There was a time where Chris would’ve stayed at his side during these parties, or asked to be put on his shoulders so he would be super tall.
“Your kid is a menace,” he tells Eddie when the man joins him again.
Eddie whooshes out a breath but laughs as he catches sight of his son. “I think he’s being the teenager I wanted to be, and I have no idea how to deal with that.”
“That sass is 100% Diaz,” Buck agrees, hearing the fondness in his voice loud and clear. “Pretty sure he just offered to commit a robbery for me.” 
Eddie shakes his head, beaming with pride despite the illegal notion of the act, and turns to give him a soft smile just before it turns into something gently teasing as he gestures to the spot where the M&M bowl once was. “Well he can try, but see? The temptation is gone.”
He’s not thinking about chocolate anymore.
Buck’s smile fades as he looks across the inches between them, across the handsome planes of Eddie’s face, made gorgeous by the heart inside him. Even the stupid fangs can’t distract him from his gaze flickering down to Eddie’s mouth, where the greatest temptation of all rests.
Not the time or place, Buckley .
He doesn’t want to do this while he’s dressed in this fae costume, temporary tattoos scrolling down the side of his neck to disappear into the soft tunic beneath fake, malleable armor. Costume points cap his real ears to look like those of fae, and he’s even got his hair spray-painted a silvery white to fit the part of an old fae warrior.
Sure, they look great — unlike last year’s party, where Buck was Mr. Potato Head, and Eddie was a hot rockstar — but if they’re going to do this, then he wants the first time they kiss to be when they’re them . When they’re Buck and Eddie, with all the pretenses stripped away between them — even if it’s something as silly as a fucking Halloween costume.
And somewhere where everyone isn’t looking on.
Eddie’s voice, slightly amused, startles him out of his thoughts.
Buck clears his throats and tears his eyes away from the man who tempts every carnal desire he’s ever had.
Suddenly, the M&Ms don’t even feel like a blip on the radar.
Eddie sends Christopher off to bed as soon as they get home, a stern look in place when Chris tries to push bedtime.
Chris looks to Buck as if he could somehow get Eddie to extend his bedtime, but Buck shrugs apologetically behind Eddie. He’s all for hanging out with his favourite kid, but he knows he has to stand with Eddie in this.
“Damn, Diaz, never thought I’d see the day,” Buck teases, pulling the fake costume ears off. 
Eddie grimaces as he tugs the fangs out of his mouth, making a face as he lets them fall in the kitchen sink, immediately turning the water on. “Neither did I. But I think I’ve got it down pat.”
He hadn’t had to use a single word, so Buck thinks so, too.
“You managed to stick to your guns, too,” Eddie adds, turning to pin him in place with a raised eyebrow. Buck doesn’t even know why he or Chris try anymore — Eddie has had eyes at the back of his head ever since they pranked him with that Hildy-run coffee maker.
He remembers the M&Ms again and sighs loudly. “This lie is costing me my whole life.”
Eddie laughs again, somehow looking even more gorgeous without the stupid fangs. His own canines scrape idly across one side of his mouth as he nods, a smile still curving his mouth, and Buck finds himself hyper-fixated on the movement. “You’re still on about that? We could’ve stopped at a 7-Eleven for you to get your fix.”
Buck snorts. “You make it sound like I snort peanut M&Ms for a high.”
“The way you were looking at them tonight?” Eddie raises his eyebrows as he leans back against the sink. “Wouldn’t surprise me one bit. Though I’d be concerned if you were snorting them at the back of a 7-Eleven.”
Buck glares at him for a minute before he loses the energy to, slumping back against the kitchen table to perch on the edge. “I wish I could.”
Eddie studies him for a second, then sighs, turning towards the far cabinet. Buck watches as he pulls a small bowl out, setting it on the table behind Buck before he reaches back into his cape, where there are apparently pockets, to pull out a balled up napkin.
Not just any napkin.
Buck watches wide-eyed as Eddie opens the bunched-up layers to reveal a handful of colorful chocolate, their shape strikingly familiar to the same ones Buck was just lamenting about.
A napkin full of peanut M&Ms. 
“Eddie, what—”
It doesn’t stop there.
Two more bundles of candy come out of his pants pockets, another one out of the cape, and four more out of the deep pockets of his waistcoat. Each of them is carefully twisted at the top to keep the candy safe.
Sheepishly, Eddie lays them out on the kitchen table, carefully tipping each of the napkin-bundles of candy into a bowl. Buck watches him do this methodically, leaning down to transfer the candy in the same way Buck sees him take care with literally everything else. He’s focused on just his task, his bottom lip stuck between his teeth as he concentrates.
Eddie doesn’t even like peanut M&Ms that much.
Buck’s struck in the chest with the burning urge to tug Eddie’s bottom lip out of the hold of his teeth and between his own, to kiss the breath out of his lungs until they’re both dizzy with it.
He only barely manages to refrain.
When he’s done, there’s a whole bowl full of Buck’s favorite chocolate in the world sitting on the table, stacked into a high peak of them. Some of them are smushed, a few with the chocolate shell cracked. The napkins lay crumpled, forgotten with smudges of melted color on them as Eddie makes awkward jazz hands at the bowl of candy.
“Ta-da,” he says lamely, picking nervously at a loose thread on his pants as he steps back.
Buck’s still rooted in place as he looks at the gesture. 
“Eddie,” he breathes out.
“You looked like you were in actual pain from not being able to eat them so…” Eddie explains quietly, gesturing grandly again. “There you go.”
Eddie stole peanut M&Ms from the station’s Halloween party for him .
Buck turns his attention back to the only temptation he’s never indulged in — the one man who makes him better . Who listens to even the most superficial things about Buck, and doesn’t think any quirks of his to be frivolous. 
Including the M&Ms.
As if Buck wasn’t overwhelmed enough, Eddie turns to open the far cabinet again, reaching behind the colorful stack of cereal bowls to pull out a box of those gross health-nut bars that Eddie eats the days he forgets breakfast. 
Inside the box aren’t those stupid protein bars. Instead, there are stacks of yellow packets of peanut M&Ms, clearly kept there to hide them from little, teenager eyes — clearly having been stocked up for a while.
“Christopher gets an insane sugar rush from these, even though he’s past the age where he gets sugar rushes and I’m not really sure what it is about these specific M&Ms that make him bounce off the walls, but anyway…I keep them in here. They’re for you,” Eddie explains. He’s fiddling with the box again, his foot tapping nervously against the floor. “So you don’t actually have to go to 7-Eleven to get your fix.”
If Buck thought he was overwhelmed before, it’s nothing compared to the lightning strike of realization that hits him — Eddie loves him.
He’s always loved him, even when Buck was too blind to see it. And maybe this isn’t a realization he’s having over fucking peanut M&Ms of all things, but a culmination of all the small things that led them to this insane moment in Eddie’s kitchen, standing here in truly ridiculous costumes as they look at each other across the space between them.
Maybe there haven’t been any pretenses between them in a long time, and maybe this is exactly how they’re meant to get together — in the heart of Eddie’s home, with all these realizations unfolding around Buck.
With him falling in love with Eddie all over again.
There’s the mug that belongs to Buck drying in the dishrack, the frog-shaped soap dispenser Buck had bought for Eddie as a joke but still somehow lives on the sink, the coffee maker that Eddie made Buck disable Hildy from before he started using, the cereal that only Buck eats sitting on top of the fridge, the cream cheese Eddie loves but only started buying because Buck lied to him about liking, too. The book that sits on the coffee table, a bookmark hastily shoved in the middle as if Buck’s ever come back to it since the last time he opened it.
And the M&Ms of course.
Every single part of their lives is tangled almost irreversibly, to the point where Buck thinks that if someone were to tear Eddie away from him, they’d take all of Buck with him, too.
Buck stops holding back.
He slowly takes the box out of Eddie’s hands, setting it down on the counter without a second glance.
“You know, there’s this other thing I’ve been telling myself.”
Eddie hums, low and soft. “Yeah?”
Buck nods slowly, gauging Eddie’s reaction with every step he takes. “Yeah, it’s that it’s impossible to find someone that knows me inside and out, no matter how stupid those things are about me. It’s impossible to find someone that loves all of those things. But that’s not true either, is it?”
“No, it’s not,” Eddie says quietly. His voice is barely above a whisper, but he’s confident, secure in the knowledge of how he feels — for Buck, of all people.
He’d been settling for less and less, thinking that maybe they would grow into each other, that maybe this is what love is but Buck doesn’t want to do that anymore. Not when he has the man who’s loved him unconditionally standing in front of him, without any expectations.
Time stretches between them, slow and syrupy, and Buck takes in every last detail on Eddie’s face — the small smile flitting across his mouth, the ruffled hair, the warm eyes Buck has built home in, the anticipation slowing their breathing down.
Buck kisses him.
Eddie kisses him back.
He twines his fingers into Buck’s hair and tugs, keeping him where he wants him, and Buck fucking melts right into him, chest to chest, toe to toe. Eddie’s hand winds past his neck to cradle his jaw as they kiss and kiss and kiss. Buck licks the taste of home from Eddie’s mouth, and Eddie leaves his mark on Buck’s.
The kiss ignites every bit of yearning Buck’s ever felt for the man he’s gone pliant for, leaving him drowning in the sensation of finally having what he’s wanted for so long. Desire hums between them, but despite that, there’s a comfort in the knowledge that this is where they are — in the middle of Eddie’s kitchen, exchanging slow, soft kisses where they’ve spent countless days and nights with each other.
It feels right .
Eddie pulls away from him slowly, tipping their foreheads together. Buck inhales the familiar scent of his cologne, his fingers trailing down Eddie’s face to ghost over the smattering of hair visible in the open collar of his dress shirt, down the fine lines of his torso to hook in his belt loops.
Eddie’s hands trace patterns on Buck’s tunic, now free of the plastic armor he’d thrown on for the party. Buck leans into the steady comfort of the action just before Eddie hums again, reaching behind Buck to pick up the bowl.
“You know, I spent the whole party stealing these for you. The least you could do is actually eat them,” he teases gently.
“All this after I stopped Chris from committing a chocolate-level crime. Should’ve been watching you, instead,” Buck scoffs and grabs a handful, popping one into his mouth as he holds another out for Eddie. “I was too busy kissing you to eat them.”
Eddie’s gaze softens at the reminder, unguarded in a way that takes Buck’s breath away.
He sets the chocolate bowl down again, looking Eddie in the eye. “Thank you.”
“For committing a chocolate-level crime?” Eddie's eyebrow quirks up as he smiles teasingly.
Buck rolls his eyes. “No, dumbass, for loving me.” His tone quiets. “For paying attention to even the smallest things about me.”
“I love you for a lot of things, but for all of those things, you know,” Eddie tells him, one hand falling to the back of Buck’s head. “Like when you lie about liking chive and onion cream cheese just because I like it.”
“It’s not that bad,” Buck protests, but he knows he’s been caught out.
Eddie pulls him into a searing kiss, lips mapping continents and stories across Buck’s skin. “I love you, Buck. Even if you like peanut M&Ms more than normal, and you hate peanut butter, and you only drink out of one mug, and you lie about fucking cream cheese. Maybe I love you because of those things, but...all I know is that I do. Love you, I mean.”
“You sap,” Buck chokes out. “I love you, too.”
He doesn’t ponder on the lack of eloquence in his answer, tugging Eddie closer until he can kiss him again, the taste of him so much richer than the taste of the finest chocolate in the world.
This time, Buck swears that the chocolate tastes sweeter.
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