fish-eyes-png · 10 months
Why can’t we live in a world where the American president is a woman and her son is dating England’s prince. Why? Just once please
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joelmillers-whore · 7 months
Fuck Me Like You Mean It
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summary: a miserable time out at a club turns into quite the night when you run into someone you least expected to see. 
word count: 4.9k
series or one-shot
warnings: SMUT, explicit 18+, MDNI, no outbreak, dbf!joel x f!reader, dark!joel, spanking, dubious consent at times, voyeurism, exhibitionism i guess, dirty talking, language, joel calling reader a cock slut, slightly creepy joel, unspecified age gap, daddy kink, brat tamer joel, hand job for a second, manhandling, dominant joel, oral (female and male receiving), semi-public sex, bathroom sex, jealousy if you squint. as always, if i missed something, please let me know. 
you are responsible for the content that you consume. please read the warnings before continuing with this fic. enjoy babes. 
A/N: i am so sorry firstly for teasing you all with snippets of this one-shot and then just not posting it lol, life has been a little chaotic, to say the least and i was just feeling so uninspired to finish it (literally i do this to myself). but so many of you loved the little teaser i posted and i couldn’t just not give ya’ll some delicious dbf!joel. so, here it is. 
ALSO, a huge thank you and shoutout to kylee @hellishjoel for reading and beta-ing this for me, i love you and your freakouts were so valid haha. forehead kisses.
main masterlist
The pungent stench of sweat curled around your nose, setting your already overstimulated nerves into hyperdrive. Possessive hands pawed at your hips, urging you back into their body, into their growing stiffness. 
Normally, you’d be all for it. The game. Going out each weekend, getting shitfaced with your best friend, entertaining men who you would otherwise have no interest in just to see them work for a moment of your attention. 
But not tonight, tonight you’d had enough of it all. The handsy men, the unrhythmic and too-loud music, and just the whole played-out scene really. There wasn’t anything to get excited about anymore, each weekend blurring into the same version of the last, and the one before that. 
It was boring and you couldn’t tolerate the lacklustre men around you for much longer. So, twisting out of the weak grip of the twenty-something you had been dancing with all this time, you abandoned them and your friend who reeked of desperation. 
She’d hounded you all week to go out to a club, hoping to get laid, vetoing your suggestion to just get drunk and find someone at a bar. Now, you were at a seedy club downtown, getting groped from every angle by mediocre-looking men who smelled of too much Axe body spray and sweat. 
The mere thought of the combination curdled your stomach, propelling you deeper into the club and all the way to the bar. You thought that alcohol might right your foul mood, your skin already pricking with annoyance at your current circumstances. 
Getting to the bar, it was as packed as you had been imagining. Everyone was contending for the bartender’s attention, demanding drinks that you were sure were as watered-down as your first shot had been. 
You sighed, wondering why you had let your friend talk you into coming out tonight, when it was the last thing in the world you wanted to be doing. 
Lack of desire for the club had turned into plain boredom now, every ounce of your body thrumming with the longing to escape. But you’d never just up and leave your friend, no matter how much you wanted to. You’d just have to grin and bear it. 
Tapping your finger along to the music, that wasn’t even good, the slow and melodic electronic music nearly putting you to sleep, you waited for your drink. Finally getting your drink from the bartender, you slurped it down, hoping the subtle sting of the alcohol would wake you up, and trigger something to make your night more enjoyable. 
You began to walk back to where you had left your friend, deciding to scoop her drunk ass up and take her back with you to your place to call it a night at... you checked your phone, a pathetic ten-thirty. But you stopped in your tracks when something caught your eye, or rather someone. 
Turning your head toward the seated area, which basically served as the VIP section without actually having the name, because there was nothing special about it. Old red velvet couches that had seen better days and probably had every fluid known to man seeped into the cushions, and wobbly tables that were smattered with decade-old stains. 
You squinted your eyes, the stage lights blinding you as you put a hand up, shielding your eyes as you attempted to make out a vaguely familiar shape that was sitting in said area. You took a tentative step forward, thinking that your eyes were deceiving you, the wild lights making you see things. Because there was no fucking way that you were actually seeing what you were seeing, no fucking way. 
Your eyes bulged out of your head at the sight. Your dad’s neighbour, Joel Miller, was sitting on one of the couches, a beer in one hand, his other hand disappearing below the cut of the table. Your eyes followed his hand, trailing down the length of him until they snagged on the back of someone's legs, kneeling below the table. 
Your lips parted slightly, completely caught off guard by what you were seeing. You were watching your dad’s neighbour— or better yet, his best friend, get sucked off at a club. Feeling your face heat, you looked away, embarrassment coating your skin. 
Your stomach lurched, turning with nausea and something else, your skin pricking with sweat as you glanced back up at Joel, meeting his already waiting eyes. Those chocolate brown orbs were blown, wide, and ghosting with surprise as he raked them over the expanse of you. 
His face glowed in the low light of the club, the flashing lights dancing and snagging your gaze to his lustful expression. The way that his eyes were heavy-lidded, the slight sheen that coated his brow, and the way that his chest rose and fell excessively. 
It was a scene that you couldn’t look away from, even though you wanted to. You wanted to get out of there and go... well, you didn’t exactly know. The longer that Joel’s eyes held yours, the more you felt yourself being drawn into his orbit, his world. Your chest began rising and falling in time with his own, and a dull throbbing began in your cunt, surprising you completely. 
You didn’t think that you’d be this kind of person, someone who was turned on by watching other people having sex. But you also couldn’t deny or explain the influx of wetness that saturated your panties. 
You awkwardly clenched your thighs, rubbing them together to ease some of the pressure you felt. Joel’s stare burned into you, causing your heartbeat to thrum erratically in your throat.
You felt sick and depraved and like you should be anywhere else in the world, but another part of yourself couldn’t look away, because you didn’t want to. 
You wanted to see Joel fall apart right in front of you, to see him burst at the seams and devolve into a fit of pleasure right before your eyes. And like you had wished it into existence, you watched as he tipped his head back, snapping his eyes closed, his whole body convulsing as he came. You’d be lying if you said that it wasn’t a beautiful sight to behold. 
Another gush of your own arousal leaked out of you, sticking the thin material of your panties flush against your cunt, rubbing against your already swollen clit. Fuck, you felt too hot and you needed to cool down, maybe splash some water on your face. 
Ducking out of Joel’s line of sight, you headed past the winding staircase, down a rather dark hallway, and toward a couple of heavy-set doors that housed the bathrooms. There weren’t many people around, only a few bodies scattered throughout the hall. 
Couples made out in the dark and you may or may not have seen a drug deal going down. But none of that mattered now, the only thing you needed to do was close yourself into a stall and try to get your hormones under control. 
Even though the thud of the music carried all the way down the hall, you could still hear a rhythmic thump of someone stomping in your direction. You turned on your heels, anxious to see who it was. Before you could even blink, strong arms shoved you past one of the steel doors, locking it behind you, before planting you against it on the other side. 
Your eyes trailed their broad and expansive chest, cresting at their salt and pepper beard and mustache, and settling on their sinful eyes. Eyes you had just been staring into moments before. It was Joel. Shock and something lustful coasted through you, sending a shiver of pleasure up your spine. 
Joel’s face was inches from yours, his breathing mingling with your own, the heady scent of beer invaded your nostrils. His eyes dipped to your lips and then lazily dragged back to your eyes. His hands were resting on your hips, keeping you between the door and his body, caging you in. 
“What’re you doing?”, you asked, swallowing thickly, trying to avoid his eyes. 
“What’s it look like ‘m doing?”, he replied, his Southern drawl coming out as thick as honey, making your thighs snap together. 
You shook your head gingerly, “Dunno...”. 
His lips quirked up, a sinister smirk plastered on his face, “Turn around”. His voice was gruff and assertive, making you quiver at the tone. 
You were stunned into silence, your mouth opening and closing like you were trying to catch flies, surprised by his forwardness. 
“What—”, you started. 
You couldn’t even catch your breath before Joel’s rough grip grabbed your arms, turning you around in his hold and pressing your front against the edge of the sink, basically bending you in half so that your ass was facing him, on full display. 
“This fuckin’ dress”, he mumbled behind you, fisting the material and tugging it up, bunching it around your waist, leaving your ass bare save for your drenched thong. “Wanted to fucking rip it off of ya”. 
You whined, pushing your ass toward him, your body completely under his spell, his raspy voice suddenly fulfilling every dirty fantasy you’d ever had about this man. It wasn’t as if he was unattractive by any stretch of the word, he was ruggedly attractive even. 
Your mind couldn’t concentrate on your thoughts of how attractive Joel was before a stinging slap came down on your bare ass cheek. You craned your neck, as best you could, but you felt another quick sting, forcing you to remain in the position you were in. 
“Fuck—”, you half-whined, half-mewled, both turned on and pissed off at the same time. “You can’t just—”. 
Another slap, harder this time, causing your body to jolt and instinctively wiggle away from the pain. 
“I can—”, Joel groaned, another full-palm slap on your ass, probably leaving a large, red imprint there. “And I will”. 
Joel’s other hand was pressing down on your back, pushing your face further and further toward the porcelain sink that wasn’t as white as it probably had been once upon a time. It made your stomach revolt against you, the combination of cigarette ash and week-old vomit was not the most pleasant scent. 
You felt Joel’s hand slip away from your ass, his fingers trailing over the back of your exposed legs, moving lower and lower. You attempted to look behind you again, his body not crowding you anymore.
When you did manage to sneak a peek, he was lowering himself onto his knees, spreading your legs farther apart by the back of your knees. 
Your eyes went wide, “What- what are you doing, Mr. Miller?”. 
Joel rolled his eyes, nipping at your sore ass cheek, causing you to jump. “So many goddamn questions”. 
You muttered something incoherent, a protest of some sort, but Joel wouldn’t hear it, only ignoring you and continuing on his mission. He pulled your deep red thong to the side, the chilled air in the bathroom hitting your exposed clit deliciously. 
“Mm, my favourite colour”, he groaned. 
You shook like a leaf as you awaited what came next, feeling Joel’s harsh breath closing in on your pussy, the anticipation actually killing you. It was like a shock to your system, the feel of his warm mouth suctioning to your lips, sucking and licking like he had been deprived all this time. 
Your hips pressed back into him, involuntarily chasing the sensation, the friction, the high. The brash feel of Joel’s beard tickled you, circling your entrance like a shark would its dinner. He licked along your folds, fucking his girthy tongue into your hole as he spread your cheeks further apart, stretching you painfully with the size of it. 
You were a moaning mess, hands strangling the edge of the sink, as you held on for dear life. Searing pleasure gripped your lower stomach, throttling your insides as Joel picked up his pace, helping you to your orgasm.
It came over you suddenly and violently, making you shake as you clenched your eyes shut, rocking back into him as light burst behind your eyes, making your body sweat and tingle with the aftershocks. 
You felt Joel move to stand, palming the flesh of your ass cheeks with both his hands as you took this opportunity to catch your breath. Your chest heaved as you lay virtually flat against the sink, your breasts squishing down painfully. 
Lightheaded and completely fucked out, you hadn’t even been aware that Joel’s hands were on you again, manhandling you so that you were turned around, facing him. He roughly gripped the hem of your dress, yanking the material down, your breasts popping out of their constraints. 
“D’you like what you saw earlier?”, Joel asked, his voice dropping an octave, causing goosebumps to erupt all over your skin. “Hmm? Was that sweet lil’ pussy weeping for me while I was getting blown?”. 
Your mind was clouded, a fog settling over each neuron, slowing down your capacity to think and speak, let alone to respond to him. You nodded your head, moaning in his ear, rubbing your jaw along his own, scraping your skin over his patchy beard. 
“Fuck”, he groaned, rutting his hardened bulge into your thigh, creating succulent friction for himself while you leaned back, taking it. “I almost blew my load when I saw that you were watching me, gettin’ off on seeing that”. 
You dropped your head to his shoulder, your mind still stuck in that post-orgasm haze. 
Joel gripped your chin in his fingers, tipping your head up so that your eyes were locked with his, “Eyes on me, darlin’. I ain’t finished with you yet”. 
You nodded again, your breathing coming out rushed as you gulped down heaps of air, filling your lungs, eyes locked on Joel’s. Your lids were heavy, vision clouded as Joel leaned forward, lips grazing yours. 
His teeth came down on your bottom lip, suddenly, making you yelp. The pressure was light, not as hard as you were expecting, not as hard as a part of you wanted. Joel groaned, his hands roaming all over you. Your hips, your stomach, your ass. 
Your hands raked up and down Joel’s chest, steadying yourself with the feeling of the coarse material underneath your palms. Your gaze flicked down to his buttoned-up shirt, to the three buttons that were undone, the dense hair on his chest, stippled with grey and white. 
He hummed, his chest rumbling below your fingers as you dipped them under his shirt, weaving through the loose curls, exploring the feel of him. His chest was solid, firm, strong, dependable. A strange wave of calm washed over you, igniting your confidence. 
“No...”, you breathed, your chest heaving, pulling one raspy breath after another from your lungs, “I’m not finished with you yet”. 
Joel’s eyes widened, his mouth parted, his tongue peeking out to swipe over his already glistening lips. A smirk tugged at the edge, his index finger slipping past your bottom lip. You opened wider, allowing his digit to slip into your mouth, the heedy taste of sweat and something sweeter settled on your tongue, your taste buds exploding with the tang of him. 
“Is that so?”, Joel cooed, his voice dripping, oozing with unbridled desire. 
He pushed his digit deeper into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat roughly. The intrusion was sudden, making your eyes snap shut as you tried your best to keep it together, to not give Joel the reaction he was looking for. But you gagged, all the same, drool pooling and dribbling out of the corner of your mouth.
You heard Joel click his teeth, a disappointed tsk coming from deep in his chest as he tried again, this time gripping your chin with his other hand, making sure you opened wide for him. 
“Come on, you can do better than that...”, he mused, his middle finger accompanying his index, sliding them deeper and deeper down your throat, until you couldn’t do anything but take it, the will to fight against the shock to your system fading quickly. “Show Daddy how much you want to suck his cock”. 
Your pussy began to thrum rapidly, your slick running down your inner thighs, making them sticky, making you even more of a mess than you already felt. You moaned around Joel’s fingers, sucking and bobbing your head along them as best as you could. 
His hand dropped from your chin to rub at your peaked and sensitive nipples, playing with them, distracting you from what you were doing. It was maddening, the sensation, the tweaking, the way he chuckled under his breath when you stuttered around him, groaning every time you took him deeper. 
He pinched your right nipple harder, twisting it, “Keep going, baby”. 
That was all the reminder that you needed. You shifted your focus back, inhaling through your nose deeply, taking his fingers down more, more, more. Tears bubbled along your waterline, making your vision of Joel blurry, and unfocused. 
Suddenly, he pulled his fingers out of your mouth, a thin line of your saliva still attaching you to him. Your attention was focused on the strand until it broke, your gaze sliding up Joel’s face, past his greying and patchy beard, his full, plump lips, and settling on his burning eyes. 
“Are you ready for Daddy’s cock now? Hm?”, he asked, in an almost mocking tone. 
You nodded, still a little dazed, still a little flustered. He grabbed your chin forcefully, his grip tight as he angled your head up, your eyes downcast as you kept them locked with his. 
“Tell me you want it, darlin’”, Joel’s face was inches from yours, his lips so close that you could push up on your toes and kiss him, feel them against you, but you didn’t, not yet. “Tell me you need it”. 
“I-I need it...”, you said, low. Joel’s brow raised, urging you to continue, “Daddy...”, you whined, your hips grinding into his thigh absentmindedly. 
Joel nodded, his pupils blown out, gleaming with lust and dark intent. You watched as his hands dragged across his stomach, sliding down farther and farther, resting above his belt. 
“Can I...”, you trailed off, preoccupied by his massive bulge, the way that it twitched in his jeans, practically punching a hole through them. 
Joel smirked, “Yeah, go ahead, baby”. His breathing was stunted, coming out in shallow pants as he anticipated you finally touching him. 
You reached out, hands dangling loosely on his hips, thumb rubbing along his zipper. You heard Joel’s breathing hitch above you, and you smirked. So, he was just as affected as you were... interesting. 
Holding in a breath, you tentatively searched his eyes a last time, he nodded slightly, his eyes never leaving you. You sank to your knees, Joel’s hand darting out to grab your arm, stabilizing you as you lowered yourself fully. 
You looked up at him through your full lashes, trapping him with your stare as you undid his jeans, slowly, with purpose. Your heart hammered in your chest, your mouth already filled with saliva as you awaited what you anticipated to be a huge cock. 
You couldn’t believe that you were on your knees, wrestling with Joel’s belt as he stood over you, towering over you, when just the other day he was helping your Dad change the oil in your car. 
Your Dad hadn’t been any the wiser to the way you had been ogling his neighbour and best friend the entire time. How you traced every bead of sweat that presented on his brow, how you watched intensely as his back muscles contracted under his plain black t-shirt every time he bent over the hood of the car, making you bite your lip as you imagined all the ways he could bend you over that hood and rail you into oblivion. 
You had focused on his dirty fingers, how meticulous and deft they were as they tinkled with the fine parts inside of your car, how filthy they were, covered in inky black smears. You felt like you were in heat, completely turned on by normal, everyday things, something as simple as a man— who again, was old enough to be your Dad, helping your actual father tune up your car. 
Pulling Joel’s zipper down, his black briefs hugged the shape of his cock, the fleecy material moulding his straining member beautifully. Your mouth watered at the sight, the size of him, the way that he smelled, even before you pulled him out of his underwear. 
You couldn’t help yourself, you needed to taste him then, immediately. Your core fluttered as you inched forward, hands wrapping around his thick, sturdy thighs, your nose burying deep into his hardened flesh, inhaling his intoxicating scent. And it was intoxicating. 
Your head was already swimming, your lips rubbing up and down his shaft, tongue licking his clothed cock. His musky soap took over your senses, the way his heavy scent settled over you, drawing you in deep, your tongue basically lapping at him now. Greedily, hungrily, shamelessly.  
Joel’s hands dropped down to your hair, tangling in it. His hold was painful, bordering on brutal. You couldn’t handle it anymore, being so close and yet not close enough. 
Your hands fumbled with the waistband of his underwear, dragging his pulsating cock out of them, feeling the weight of him in your hand. How warm and supple he was, how heavy and manly it was. 
Wrapping your hand over him, feeling flesh on flesh, skin on skin, warmth flooded your core, arousal seeping from you again. Joel sharply inhaled a breath through his teeth, wincing when you took hold of him. 
You looked up at him through lashed eyes, “What’s wrong?”. 
Joel shook his head, “Cold”. 
You snickered, rubbing your thumb over his slit, making his fists in your hair tighten significantly. In the low light, you could see a glob of something shimmering on his shaft, calling out to you. You took a closer look, realizing that it was lip gloss. Her lip gloss. 
Your gut simmered and boiled as you inspected it, collecting it on your finger and wiping it off on his jeans, practically snarling as you did. 
“She meant nothing, baby”, Joel said, his voice devolving into a groan when you slowly started stroking him. 
You hummed, not completely satisfied with his answer but deciding to let it go for now. He wasn’t yours and you had no say over what or who he did. You tugged harder, angrier, even though you knew it was irrational to get upset over this. 
“I can do it better”, you said, catching yourself off guard with your own words. Joel angled your head up, making you look at him. 
“Show me then”, he mumbled, his eyes glazing over with desire as he watched you intently. 
You sank down lower, face now level with his cock, fingers brushing against the wiry, short hair at the base. You inhaled deeply, inhaled the scent of him— sharp, masculine, heedy. 
He was all man and he was all yours for the moment; his lips parted slightly, his eyes hooded as he looked down at you, his tongue darting out to run along his parched lips, watching you like a hawk, cementing to memory the image of you on your knees for him, his best friend’s little girl hungry for his cock, ready to gag on it and swallow down every bit of his seed until she was choking on it. 
Joel’s cock pulsed under your touch, twitching with anticipation. Your lips quirked up at the edge, satisfied with his reaction to you, even though you hadn’t even started yet. 
You leaned in, planting a sweet kiss on his tip, Joel’s hand flying to your hair, steadying himself as your tongue popped out, running along the underside of his shaft, the feeling so fucking delicious that he would have burst if he hadn’t tugged you away from his cock faster than you could suck him into your mouth. 
“Stop... fucking teasing me...”, Joel breathed out, through clenched teeth, the pain in his voice making you giggle. 
“Okay”, you conceded, rolling your eyes like the fucking brat that you were. 
Joel loosed his grip on your hair significantly, and you pushed on, suckling at his tip, your tongue gliding over the head over and over again, effectively driving him insane— if his noises were any indication of that. 
You took a deep breath through your nose and took more of him, hallowing out your cheeks, covering your teeth with your lips. Spit painted his cock, the smell mixing with the overwhelming scent that was already present in the bathroom. 
You bobbed up and down on Joel’s cock, spurred on by the moans and broken grunts that were coming from him, your name and only your name spilling from his lips. 
“God, you love this cock”, Joel mumbled, loud enough for you to hear, your pussy beginning to throb again. “Don’t ya?”. 
You attempted to nod, opening your throat more for him to slide his length farther down. 
“My little cock slut, huh?”, Joel grunted, his other hand joining the one that was already tangled in your hair, grabbing your head and shoving himself deeper down your throat. 
You lost your rhythm, sputtering around him when you felt his tip hit the back of your throat. You closed your eyes, trying to breathe, but Joel wasn’t having any of it. He yanked hard, tipping your head up, your eyes glazed with tears. 
“What did I say? Eyes on me”, he growled, taking over— taking charge of the situation. You gripped his thighs, holding on for dear life, as he used your mouth to get off, not caring in the slightest that you were running out of air. 
Joel’s hips snapped violently as he pushed himself down your throat, groaning at the feel of it hugging his cock, squeezing it like he was fucking your pussy, fluttering every time you swallowed around him. 
He grunted loudly, his tempo becoming stuttered, “What would your Daddy say? Hm? What would he say if saw you right now, your mouth stuffed full of my cock, makeup running down your cheeks?”. 
You moaned around him, eliciting a pained groan from Joel, “Fuck, yeah, ‘s it... you’re doing so well for me”. 
Tears were streaming down your cheeks, your eyes stinging as you blinked them away, swallowing around Joel’s cock periodically, trying to get him to cum.
He was close, you could feel it in the way that he was tensing up, his pace unsteady and rushed, head thrown back as he let the feeling wash over him. It was a sight to behold, your arousal leaking from you as you watched him. 
A loud bang came from the other side of the bathroom door, some muffled shouting. Joel’s head snapped up at the intrusion, his thrusts becoming angrier each time he pulled out of you, only to shove back in harder. 
The banging came again but this time Joel didn’t take his eyes off of you, didn’t want to miss how you reacted when he came down your throat. 
“Want you to swallow it, darlin’. Don’t want you wasting a single drop”. 
You hummed again, a hand reaching for his balls, massaging them in time with his thrusts. A loud grunt was all the warning that you got before Joel spilled his load down your throat, his seed hot as it pooled in your mouth, the taste salty and overwhelming to your senses. 
You swallowed as much of him as you could, delighting in how he shuddered above you as he milked himself into your waiting and open mouth. He stepped back from you, tucking himself back into his jeans, running a hand through his sweat-slick curls. 
A drop of his cum ran down your chin and you didn’t waste a second before you thumbed it, sticking the finger into your mouth and sucking it clean, a lewd pop emitting in the echoing bathroom when you were finished. 
With a hand on the porcelain sink, you got to your feet, adjusting your dress and fixing your hair and makeup in the dirty mirror. You shrugged, not caring how you really looked, the club was dark enough that no one would be the wiser to what had just occurred. You hoped. 
You turned to Joel who still had that look in his eye as he stared at you. 
“What?”, you asked. 
He shook his head, “Nothin’”. Another bang on the door, Joel’s head turned to the noise, his features darkening, “I’m going to knock their fuckin’ head off if they knock one more time”. 
You walked to the door, patting Joel’s chest as you passed him, pulling it open. You stopped before you were all the way through, looking back at Joel. 
You cleared your throat, your voice coming out raspier than usual, “See you around, Mr. Miller”. 
You could have sworn that you saw a touch of a smile ghost his face, but you couldn’t be sure. You left the way you came, traversing the dark hallway and meeting up with your friend who was more than a little drunk. 
You joined the group of them, dancing and grinding for hours. Maybe your night out wasn’t as bad as you had originally thought. You unconsciously scanned the dance floor— the club for the brooding neighbour you had a quickie with in the bathroom, but he was nowhere to be found. 
You shrugged, only mildly disappointed that you were dancing with horny boys rather than the man who had made you see stars over and over again. But you smiled to yourself because you’d see him again, that was a guarantee, and maybe, just maybe he would need to help your Dad fix your car. 
taglist: @morallyinept @reddedmiller @hellishjoel @jenispunk @cavillscurls @kiwisbell @joelslegalwhre
let me know if you would like to be added to my taglist!
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cupid-styles · 3 months
A little idea of a scene for hockeyxballerina: even before they start having a thing they end up in a heated kiss with him pressing her against a wall, car, bookshelf of whatever whi his hamd on her throat and her brain his so foggy she lets him spit on her mouth but the she comes to hers senses and runs away without a word, not even an insult because she is so shocked with what she did
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word count: 1.6k
content warnings: smut (hehe finally!!!) (spitting, public play, dirty talk, degradation)
hockey!h x ballerina!yn masterlist
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. . .
There must be something clinically wrong with Y/N tonight.
Well, maybe not just tonight. Maybe... maybe, that "something wrong" has been creeping up her body and spreading from her stomach out to her chest and center over the duration of a past few weeks. Maybe she expected it go away after a day or two, because why wouldn't it?
Harry Styles is his worst nightmare. Her moral enemy. Her fiercest competitor.
So why the fuck does she think he looks good enough to swallow whole tonight?
He walked in with a crowd of his hockey buddies an hour or so after Y/N, Lea, Rena, and Mai had arrived. Per the pre-game hosted at Mai and Rena's place, she was already feeling a little buzzed when she got here. She was planning on taking it easy tonight — she was still diligently practicing for the spring showcase every day — but the second her eyes flitted over to the stupid backwards hat he wore and the flex of his jaw from the gum he chewed, she knew she needed more to get through the night.
And she's pleasantly tipsy when she makes a move to head to the bathroom. She hears her friends scold her for "breaking the seal," but she rolls her eyes and playfully flips them off in response. Her sneakers stick to the vodka-coated floors of the college bar as she pushes her way through the crowd, trying to make her way to the ladies' room without any tequila spillage on her top.
Harry Styles is an idiot, she thinks to herself as she walks, There's no way I could have a crush on him. What, just because he drove me home a few times and helped me when I hurt my ankle? That's stupid, he's stupid, and—
"Hey, you."
Her eyes dart up at the familiar deep voice and she wishes the ground would open up and take her right then and there. Did she somehow conjure Harry up with her thoughts? She's a little drunk, but there's no way she's that powerful.
Unless she is.
"I have to pee." she replies, pointing to the bathrooms behind his tall stature.
"Okay. Go pee, then."
She flashes a tight smile his way as she brushes past him. She thinks from the corner of her eye she sees him stand against the wall of the small hallway, crossing her arms over his chest. The last time they were in this area together, it was right after she slept with Malcolm (the stupid, prissy idiot from the opposing team who wouldn't even smack her ass). At this point, it's been months since Harry lowly waxed poetic in her ear about how he could make all her degrading dreams come true.
The memory makes her shudder as she washes her hands.
Y/N's suspicious are proved right when she exits the bathroom to see Harry still standing there. She's prepared to ignore him and walk straight past him until he reaches out to grasp her wrist, gently pulling her back. She yelps, a tipsy, unattractive sound, and it makes Harry's eyes crease with laughter.
"You good?" he asks. Y/N's vision darts down to the gum he's chewing between his teeth and she swallows.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
Harry shrugs. "Just making sure you're not too drunk."
"I have a dress rehearsal this weekend," she replies with a shake of her head. "I just came out to see the girls."
"And me." He points out cheekily, making her roll her eyes.
"I didn't even know you'd be here tonight, Harry."
"It's one of three bars in town and all the athletes come here."
He's right about that, and she knows he could double down by pointing out the obvious, too — that this is the only bar their friend groups ever frequent, and the hockey team rarely misses a Friday night out.
Luckily, he spares her the embarrassment.
"We have a game tomorrow night," he continues, "Will you come?"
"Why would I do that?"
"School spirit. Duh."
Y/N scoffs at that and shakes her head. She focuses her eyesight on anything but the cocky, beautiful, stupid man in front of her.
"I'm practicing all day. I'll be in an ice bath before your game even starts."
"Hot," he smirks. Y/N's stomach flutters.
"Stop being a douche. I thought we were past this."
"We are!" Harry exclaims, lifting his hands up in surrender. She only now realizes that he'd had his fingers looped around her wrist that entire time. "I'm just saying, you're hot."
"You must be more fucked up than I thought," Y/N guffaws.
"If I was fucked up, I'd be trying to sleep with you right now."
The words fly from her lips before she can even stop them: "And that's not what you're doing?"
She doesn't know if she says it because she wants to call him out on his bluff or she's feeling the confidence — and lust — from her the drinks she consumed tonight. But she doesn't take it back. And she certainly doesn't walk away as she watches Harry's head cock slightly to the side. His expression almost seems as if he's... impressed, in some way. The smirk on his lips makes her ball her fists at her side.
"You would know if I was trying to fuck you, Y/N."
She swallows. It's warm — she's suddenly so warm right now as she realizes their chests are nearly pressed against one another. The height difference between them makes it so her breasts are below his pecs, but she still feels the expanse of muscles through the layers of their clothing.
"I doubt that," she mutters, and he clenches his jaw. It's almost hypnotizing to watch. "I really think—"
"I think you should shut up now."
In a moment, his hand is spread over her hip and they've swapped places; her back now pressed firmly up against the wall. His tall form all but blocks any onlookers from seeing who he has cornered, but he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to. Not when he's been dreaming of this for weeks.
And really, he wouldn't do it if he didn't have some sort of prior knowledge about her hookup with Malcolm — the fact that she's somehow just depraved as him.
So he wedges his gum to the back of his molars, utters out the words, "open your mouth", and gathers up the spit behind his lips. His length immediately thickens in his pants when she sticks her tongue out. And then he spits in her mouth.
She whimpers instantly at the feeling but it's drowned out by his own groan. It's filthy and demeaning, but he can see it in her eyes how much she loves it.
"Looks so good," he mumbles, thumbing at a bit at the side of her mouth before pushing it in. "Swallow."
She does.
"You're well-behaved for a brat," he notes as he gives her hip a squeeze. She hums, eyes flickering when his hand lifts her shirt up slightly, fingertips trailing over the smooth skin of her stomach. "Did you want a prize, puppy?"
With hazy eyes, she nods.
He smirks, almost immediately stuffing his hand down her jeans. She gasps when he finds the sodden fabric of her underwear, eliciting a low chuckle from his chest.
"All this just for some spit? Maybe you're nastier than I thought."
She wishes she could reply back with something snarky but she can’t, not when he begins to roll her clit beneath his fingertips. Her eyes flutter shut as he applies a bit more pressure, pausing momentarily to collect some of the wetness accumulating at her whimpering hole.
“Finally let me play with this pretty pussy, hm?” he says mockingly, “Maybe one day you’ll let me stretch it out, too. Might take awhile for it to fit, though— I know you’ve never been with someone as big as me.”
“Shut up,” she mumbles breathily. He laughs and squeezes her clit between two of his fingers. She gasps, barely offering enough recovery time before he’s back to rubbing circles.
“What, you really think you could take my cock, sweetheart? You can barely take one of my fingers. Gonna have to train you for months, but I think you’d like that.”
“I know,” he coos condescendingly as he speeds up the movements of his fingers. “You’re such a stubborn brat you’d just want me to stuff you full on the first try. Feel me in your fuckin’ stomach.”
“‘m gonna cum,” she mewls, reaching out to dig her fingernails into his chest. He hisses from the small bite of pain. “Don’t stop, please, I’m gonna cum—“
Harry wouldn’t stop touching her even if he wanted to. Especially not as he watches her fall apart beneath his grasp, her knees almost buckling from the intensity of her orgasm. He feels her pussy clenching rapidly and he swallows harshly, the sight nearly being enough to make him come in his pants.
She’s quiet and shaky as her orgasm tapers off and Harry gently pulls his hand from her pants. He helps adjust her jeans back up and over her hips, her eyes flickering up to his face.
“Oh my god,” she mutters, her eyes widening as if she’s just realized what she’s done. “Oh my god, what the fuck?”
“What?” Harry asks through furrowed brows. He’s expecting some sort of nervous response about accidentally abandoning her friends, but instead she shakes her head and lightly pushes him away.
“I can’t. This was— this was bad, so fucking stupid.” She mumbles to herself, keeping her arms stretched out in front of her so he can’t get closer. “Fuck, Harry.”
He’s left confused and nervous as she watches her leave the bar.
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rainydayathogwarts · 2 months
Skin on Skin - Aaron Hotch
Summary: You forget about the hickeys on your neck and when your boss finds out, he's not happy about it. Warnings: Smut, jealous!Hotch, degrading (slightly), semi public sex (they're in an empty office). I think this is the single dirtiest fic I have ever written. Enjoy! wc: 3.2k
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It was the hot days in July where you were forced to come into the office that took away your will to live. You'd rolled out of the mysterious man you'd slept with the night before's bed, driving home early so you'd have time to shower and change before coming into work. Deciding on opting out of wearing any makeup other than a little mascara, you changed into trousers and a cotton tank top, shoving a field-appropriate top into your bag just in case. You were already dreading the inevitable hair-sticking-to-your-neck type of heat so much that you forgot about the hickeys littering your neck, the hair tie on your wrist an enemy in disguise, waiting to launch its attack.
When you finally entered the bullpen nearly an hour later, you observed your teammates' attire. Emily had done something similar to you, her blouse hanging from the back of her chair, JJ wearing a thin but figure hugging t-shirt. Derek was sporting a loose, plain t-shirt, while Spencer decided to forego his usual sweater vest, his shirt rolled up to his elbows. Of course, you already assumed that Penny was wearing a sun dress without having to see her.
Placing your iced coffee onto your desk, you busied yourself with finding the paper work you had to finish in your desk drawers. "I should have worn a dress." You complain almost immediately, looking up to the sound of rolling wheels from someone's chair. "I agree. You'd send the big boss into a coma if you did, and we'd all be able to go home." Derek retorts almost immediately, to which you scoff. You never told anyone about your crush on Hotch, but you wouldn't deny it to a room of profilers, so they resorted to teasing. "Ignore Hotch, I'd go into a coma if you wore a dress." Emily adds. You grin, looking up at your best friend from your papers.
You huff, already feeling the sweat on your hairline. Your hands busy themselves with gathering your hair at the back of your head, fishing for the hair tie on your wrist when you see your coworkers' faces. "What?" You look behind you, fully expecting a scene in the kitchen based on their slacked jaws and wide eyes, but there's nothing there. Furrowing your eyebrows, you repeat "What?" Derek starts laughing, and Emily brings a hand up to her face, biting at her thumb nail to hide her smile. You let go of your hair as Spencer and JJ turn to observe the scene, which is you apparently, tilting your head quizzically as you tried to recall what you did this morning.
This morning. You rolled out of the unknown man's bed. The man who you'd slept with last night. You audibly gasped, a hand coming up to cover your mouth. You dove down to look through your bag, fetching your pocket-mirror. "Wow Y/N. Such a busy woman that you forgot you slept with someone." Two things happened as Emily spoke these words: Hotch opened the door to his office, hearing every single syllable that came out of her mouth, and you opened your compact mirror, eyes widening at the number and colour of the hickeys on your neck. A trail of three dark red hickeys painted your neck, and you hadn't even thought about covering them before you left your apartment.
Hotch frowned when he heard the words, almost flinching at the thought of you sleeping around. 'Such a busy woman that you forgot you slept with someone'. Did you sleep around? Is that what Emily meant or was she making a joke? Hotch saw you stand quickly, your hips hitting the wood of your desk and his pupils dilated at the sight, his tongue poking out to wet his lips slightly. "I'll be right back!" You yelped, turning to the direction of the bathroom, Emily immediately standing to follow you.
As you smudged concealer on your neck, you silently thanked whatever higher power was out there that you'd had a makeup pouch in your bag, or you'd be totally fucked. Like, way more than you were now. The door was thrown open by Emily, a massive grin on her face. "You got laid! Was it good? Who was it? Why didn't you tell me!" Your eyes fleeted towards her, and you chuckled quietly. "Yes I got laid, it was good - regular good, guy I met at the grocery store. Devon? David? Doesn't matter. I probably would have told you some time today but looks like you beat me to it."
"Oh. Well if it makes you feel better, I think Hotch looked pretty jealous." You spin towards her, your beauty blender in one hand. "What!? He heard!?" You groaned, throwing you head back. Scratch what you said earlier, Emily was the only person you'd confessed your crush to. You sighed. Well now you probably would never get the chance to be with him. You and Emily walked back to the bullpen, separating when you went into the kitchen, and she went back to her desk. You stopped abruptly at the sight of the one and only person you'd been speak of.
You only just noticed what he was wearing. He abandoned his usual blazer, probably left in his office, and the sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up to his elbows. Hotch turned around, mug in hand whilst the water was boiling to find you wide eyed and mouth open in shock. The top two buttons on his shirt were undone, his collarbones just barely visible. He nodded his head shortly, but you immediately averted your gaze, unable to maintain eye contact with him. "I-" At the sound of you speaking, Hotch's gaze shot back at you from his mug, putting the kettle down. "I'm sorry about what you had to hear this morning, Sir." Hotch shook his head, returning his stare to his mug. "Don't worry about it L/N. We're all adults." He picked up the kettle again, offering it to you. "Oh no thank you. I just want some water. Normal, cold water."
You stared at his steaming mug in bewilderment and laughed quietly. "That's kind of manic of you, I'm not going to lie." Aaron raised an eyebrow and turned to face you completely. "Right but forgetting you slept with someone isn't." Your eyebrows shot up in surprise at his retort and you felt the blood rush to your face. Aaron let one of his rare smiles pass at his amusement, and took his mug, beginning to walk away. "I'll see you around Y/N".
Hotch's comment had left you absolutely speechless. For the rest of the day you had thought about the smile that graced his face, only for you to see in the office. He'd even joked about the inappropriate comment Emily had made. It was only when JJ had left, and both Emily and Derek were beginning to pack their things up that you glanced up to where Hotch's office was. The blinds were closed, but you imagined he sat at his desk, vigorously writing reports, whilst occasionally throwing his head back and shutting his eyes in exhaustion.
"Now's your time to make a move lover-girl." Emily's breath hit your neck at she whispered and you jumped, looking back to where she stood just over your shoulder. "You scared me!" She didn't say anything else, but winked at you before speeding up to catch up with Derek so she wouldn't have to wait for the elevator alone. Maybe you shouldn't have told her about the encounter in the kitchen, but you decided that she was right. Maybe you wouldn't make a move, but speaking to Hotch would already be a step forward.
You stood up, wiping your hands on your trousers, attempting to ignore Spencer's unforgiving stare. You weren't holding any papers or folders. That was a big tell for Spencer, who knew more than anyone the liking you had taken to your boss, having to endure several car rides with the two of you alone, sitting in the back seat while you spoke. Walking up to Hotch's office, you took a deep breath - last chance to turn back around. But Spencer was watching, and nothing would be more obvious than if you just turned around and sat back at your desk; the walk of shame.
You knocked twice, waiting for an answer. "Come in!" You peeked your head through the gap of the door before letting yourself in, smiling at Aaron, who sat at his desk with his fingers interlocked behind his head. You shut the door behind you quietly. When he realised it was you, he sat up straight, his hands coming down to rest on the desk. "Y/N. What do you need?" He scanned you for papers to sign, or a bag slung over your shoulder as a sign that you were leaving; you were empty handed. "Hi. I just wanted to say I'm sorry again about what Emily said. I'm really glad you weren't bothered about it. I'm sorry. Again."
Aaron stood up from his desk, and your eyes followed his figure as he stood. He stepped aside from the desk, walking towards you. "Actually Y/N," he starts, his body looming over you as the distance between you decreased. "I was quite bothered with what I heard from Prentiss." Your breath caught in your throat, a hand crossing over your body to clutch your other arm. "What?" He nodded solemnly. "Mhm. I was quite upset to hear that you were with another man."
Your jaw went slack, and you looked into his eyes for any sign of a lie. You watched as one of Aaron's hands came up to your cheek, softly holding your face. His hand trailed down until it held the side of your face and his thumb caressed almost the exact spot you had covered with concealer earlier that day. "I don't like the idea of other men being with you. Other men having sex with you." Your breathing quickened, and you were almost certain he could feel your pulse beneath his hand. "Then do something about it."
Aaron's second hand went around your waist, and this time much less gently pulled your body towards his. His second hand snaked around the back of your neck and pulled you into a kiss. You moaned in shock, both hands resting on his chest. You returned his kiss immediately, going on your tippy toes to push yourself further into him. Aaron grunted into the kiss, walking forward to press you against the door. His hand came off your neck to lock the door behind you and he broke the kiss, his forehead resting against yours as you caught your breath.
He watched you almost predatorily before moving to press kisses on your neck. Your sweaty neck covered in makeup. "Aaron. Aaron." You spoke, pushing his head away from you. He looked down at you worriedly, now taking a couple of steps back, and putting his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make-" "Aaron stop." He looked up at you from the floor, going silent. "I-my neck is covered in hickeys. From-" You watched his face dawn with realisation. He frowned, turning his back to you and your shoulders slumped in disappointment. "Aaron." He walked to his desk, pulling a couple of tissues, soaking them in water from a bottle he kept on his desk. "Aaron." He then turned to face you again. "Take it off. Whatever is covering them. Take it off."
Your gaze switched between the tissues in his hand to his face and you sighed. Men knew so little about makeup. Despite that, you still walked towards him, taking the wet tissues from his hands, rubbing it against your neck, exposing the hickeys that lay underneath the makeup. "Happy- oh!" Your arms wrapped around Aaron's shoulders as he picked you up, placing you on his desk. He returned his lips to yours in an instant, hands gripping your hips. His lips moved to your neck but this time he's sucking the skin on the other side, replicating the hickeys the other man gave you. "Do I remind you of him? Covering your skin in hickeys?" He grunts, his teeth scraping against your skin. You gasp and your leg twitched, wrapping around one of his legs.
Aaron pulled away from you, his lips swollen and hair out of place. "Answer me." He snapped, his eyes glaring into yours. You shook your head quickly. "No! No, I don't even remember him!" You whined, attempting to pull Aaron closer to you. "What a slut. Can't even remember someone you were with 24 hours ago." Your hips buck against Aaron's hands when they come to the front of your trousers, beginning to unbutton them. "Stand up." You blindly follow his orders, used to obeying him. He spins you around so you're facing the desk and gives you a nudge, hard enough for you to fall forward, but gentle enough for your hands to catch you before you hit the desk.
Before you know it, your trousers are being pushed down to the floor, and you hear a rip of fabric. You gasp, the air hitting your now bare pussy. Looking behind you, you spot Aaron pocketing your ripped panties. "Aaron!" You whimper, but that only gets you a slap to the ass. "Be quiet! Do you want everyone to hear just how much of a whore you are, begging your boss to fuck you?" His words only make you moan, but his hand makes contact with your ass again. "I'm sorry." You whimper. "Good girl." His hands trail up from your hips to the skin under your shirt. "Now take these off."
Both your tank top and bra come off and suddenly you're standing completely naked in Aaron Hotchner's office, while he stands completely dressed. There's a moment of silence, then the sound of metal clinking. Your eyes follow as he places his belt on the desk next to you and he mutters "Don't make me use this." before pressing kisses on your neck and shoulder. You see his trousers hit the floor, followed by his boxers and you so badly want to turn around and see what he's packing, but you do nothing.
Aaron's dick slides between your thighs and you gasp, bending over slightly and spreading your legs farther. You hear Aaron chuckle at your desperation and suck in a deep breath, but you're given no warning when he begins to enter you. He goes in inch by inch, giving you time to stop him if you feel discomfort, but you don't. "Are you okay?" He asks once he's fully inside, the hand at your hips caressing your skin softly. "Yes." He nods, and just like that his soft demeanour is gone and he's thrusting into you at an unforgiving pace, his pupils dilated as he stares fixedly at the spot where his dick enters your pussy.
His pace slows so he can grab both your hands from the desk, holding them in one of his hands as the other one pushes you down so your torso lays on the desk, the cold wood hardening your nipples. Aaron's hands let go of yours - a silent command for you to keep them behind your back - and he gathers your hair away from your face. He can see the sweat glinting on your skin, it must be uncomfortable, he thinks, but the truth is that you're so deep in pleasure you can't think of anything else but that and trying to stay quiet. You shut your eyes tightly, biting your lip to keep you from screaming Aaron's name uncontrollably for the whole building to hear.
Quiet moans still escape you, and you imagine the sound of skin on skin must be loud, but none of that bothers you, not when you're having sex with Aaron. You squeeze your legs together, a subconscious sign that you're close to your orgasm. Aaron clearly sees it because he's tapping one of your legs and muttering "Spread them for me baby." You feel like you're just laying there limply, but you manage to do as he says, and you moan his name louder than you should when you feel his hand snake between your legs in search for your clit. He finds your clit quickly and begins rubbing circles on it, and even with you so lost in pleasure, you realise that Aaron's thrusts are becoming sloppy.
He's close to finishing too. Aaron's grunts begin getting louder and the hand on your clit is getting quicker and more desperate. Your pussy clenches against his dick and you hear a "Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck." In response. Aaron's cum is instantly filling you up, and the extra stimulation triggers your release too. You whimper as you come, legs shaking while Aaron begins to slow his movements, the hand on your clit coming to a stop. He stops his movements completely when your eyes open once more and you stop moaning. Instead, he averts his gaze to where his cum is leaking out of you and running down your thighs.
"Shit baby. Let me clean you up." He mimics his earlier movements, getting damp tissues to clean up your thighs before he pulls out of you. "Aaron." You whimper again at the emptiness, hands coming in front of you to push yourself off the desk. "Shh, baby, it's okay. Stay where you are. Let me take care of you." Once Aaron quickly cleans himself up and pulls his boxers up, his whole attention goes to you, crouching down to clean his orgasm off your skin. He even pulls your trousers back your legs, buttoning them up for you before wrapping his arms around your torso, his back against yours. You lay your head on his shoulder and exhale deeply, moving your neck to the side so Aaron can press kisses there.
"Are you okay?" He asks pulling away from you completely so he can observe your face. "I'm more than okay Aaron. Thank you for- for all that." He presses a kiss to your cheek before pulling away to get the rest of your clothes. "Let me take you to dinner." "Now?" He hums yes and you smile, watching as he puts his belt on. "I'd love that. But Spencer-" "Oh forget Spence," He insists "I'm pretty sure the entire building knows." You smile, fingers looping in his belt hoops to pull him closer to you. You kiss him softly and smile. "Right, well let me go to the bathroom and I'll meet you in the lobby?" Aaron nods, so you turn around, exiting his office with a smile on your face.
At your desk, you grab your bag and look up to meet Spencer's eyes. Your face falls at the look on his. He looks partly traumatised, partly smug. "Well how did it go then?" You feel the blood rushing to your face again and you nod "It went well. Yeah, pretty good." But you run off before he gets to reply, dialling a familiar number on your phone.
"Emily you'll never guess what just happened."
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cyberpunkgyu · 3 months
SERIES: The Sun and the Sunflower / P. Sunghoon
genre: fluff, romance
introduction: these series include random one shots of tsundere! sunghoon and bubbly! reader’s relationship, more chapters/parts will follow in the future! this part shows the softer side of sunghoon but next chapters/parts will show his more “tsundere” side
a/n: i decided to make it one shots because i realized i suck at making long stories so hopefully this turns out alright! let me know what you think :D
warnings: suggestive, and not proofread cause i’m lazy
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I. Jealousy *ੈ✩‧₊˚ — when you get jealous
Sunghoon is someone who doesn’t show a lot of affection when there are other people around you both. If a stranger saw the two of you, they might not even think you both are in a relationship because of how casual he is around you in public. You didn’t mind, you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable in anyway, and you respected that (though there were times where he would peck your lips when no one is looking).
But there were times you wish you could just kiss him to show others that he is yours. Like right now.
You always thought you weren’t a jealousy person. What’s there to be jealous about? You know Sunghoon is a loyal person and would never do anything to hurt you. He is a whole green flag, a green forest even.
But you can’t help it when you see girls flirting with him out in the open.
He has asked you out for a night out in a nearby art museum that just opened. Of course you agreed, making sure you were free and don’t have anything else planned, you definitely wouldn’t pass any opportunity to spend time with him.
The night has been going well since far. You two went around to see different exhibitions, taking photos of one another (you even secretly took photos of him when he wasn’t looking because he looked so dreamy).
He was wearing a suit and tie with his glasses on, which you have always told him how handsome he looks with it on. Sunghoon is very handsome in general, but when he wears his glasses on, it just hits different. There’s just something about it that makes your stomach flutter ten times more.
You have also dressed up quite nicely, wearing the dress Sunghoon gifted you for your birthday which wasn’t too long ago. It was a pretty long white dress, and you felt very confident in it. Spending almost two hours doing your hair and makeup, your craft not going unnoticed by your boyfriend.
He is quick to notice your appearance, staring at you in awe when he picked you up from your apartment. He had literal heart eyes for you, a soft smile on his face.
For a quick moment you have left him outside to use the bathroom, to freshen up and all that. Once you got out, you didn’t expect to see him talk to someone, and a woman. And he was smiling?
What caught you off guard is when the girl placed her hand by his bicep, though Sunghoon didn’t seem bothered by it, just nodding to what she was saying. Does she really have to be touchy?
You pouted to yourself, watching the scene in front of you, not knowing if you should let them be or approach them. Before you could even decide, Sunghoon has already spotted you, excusing himself.
“You ready to go and see more exhibits? There’s more upstairs.”
“Hmm, sure.”
Your voice came out soft and quiet, something out of the ordinary as you often talked with such excitement. His thick brows furrowed, but he pushed it off, nodding at you. Maybe you were just getting tired? He thought.
Crossing your arms, you began to walk to the escalator, Sunghoon following by your side. Who was that girl? Is that someone he knows? Or did they just met? Why were they smiling? They looked so happy together. Is that his ex? He never told you about an ex…
You shook your head to yourself, feeling yourself overthink. Stop it, yn.
“Hey… you alright? I can take you home if you’re feeling tired.” Sunghoon looked at you with such concern, both of you getting off the escalator as you got to the next floor up.
You looked up at him, quickly shaking your head. “No! Uh, I’m alright. Don’t worry. I want to see more of the exhibits.” You forced a grin, though it came out so fake that Sunghoon can sense something was definitely wrong.
You got startled when he took your hand, pulling you to the side. Your back was suddenly pressed on a wall, gasping softly as his hand found your hips, looking at him with wide eyes. Your cheeks reddened so quickly, heart beating hastily.
“Is something wrong? You can tell me.”
His eyes stayed on you, waiting for your response, though you felt your throat dry during to how close the two of you are. When you opened your lips, nothing came out.
“Nothing! I just- I…”
“You can tell me what’s wrong. I don’t like seeing you so quiet. It’s weird.”
That made your heart flutter, blinking up at him. He was so close that you could smell his sweet scent, making you feel fuzzy inside.
"I would rather hear you talk non-stop than be quiet. I like hearing you," he whispered softly, feeling his fingers run through your hair, making you feel giddy.
"It's just... it's nothing. It's stupid." you felt yourself pout softly, looking away from him, but you felt his hand grip your chin gently, making you look up at him. "Well it's not stupid if it's bothering you right?"
"The woman earlier. You know her? Is she-"
"She's a childhood friend during my ice skating years. We just quickly catched up, that's all."
Ah, right. You nodded, feeling yourself embarrassed.
"Were you… jealous?"
"What? Why would you ask that." you huffed, suddenly getting defensive. He found it cute how pouty you got, feeling himself smile down at you. Gosh, you're cute.
"You can be friends with anyone you want, I don't care. It's the same with me, I can be friends with whoever, talk to whoever I want. And also, why did she have to be touchy-"
Sunghoon looks at you with adoration, his eyes flickering between your eyes down to your lips. He loves it when you ramble, pouting your lips whenever you do. Your voice was going in from one of his ear to the other, everything in the background becoming a blur.
You were suddenly cut off by Sunghoon's soft lips, your eyes widening before they fluttered shut, putting your hands into a fist as you didn’t know what to do with it.
His lips were hot and plump, his hands going up to your waist, pulling you slightly up, causing you to go on your tippy toes.
You wish you could kiss him for longer, though he definitely took your breath away, pulling away from to the kiss to catch your breath. Your cheeks flushed, as well as your lips, and definitely swollen.
“Sorry. I couldn’t help it… you were talking too much.”
A giggle escaped your lips, looking up at him shyly. “I thought you weren’t a fan of PDA.” you teased, smiling shyly up at him.
“I could do much more if we weren’t in public.”
He grinned cheekily, his fangs on display, chuckling lowly. “Cute…”
Your cheeks felt as if they were on fire. He really knew how to make you fold, huh? His eyes never left yours, caressing your waist ever so gently, eyes full of love.
“Why don’t we just go back to my apartment?”
“Hm, are you tired?”
“Then why? Aren’t we going to see more exhibits?”
“I did. But now all I want is to able to kiss my pretty girlfriend longer.”
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repulsiveliquidation · 4 months
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Alexia Putellas x Reader [SMUT! bottom! AP x top! R]
this was based on a song (only the last scene), the lyrics are at the end. this is long, full of smut, I hope you enjoy.
CW : cockwarming, semi-public sex.
“Now boarding flight 112 to Paris, First Class passengers are welcome to board.”
“Come on, that’s us.”
“Whatever for?”
“Babe, you didn’t think I would cheap out on our honeymoon did you?”
“Is this why you’ve been keeping the whole thing a secret?”
“Sí, come on,” you pull her to her feet, pressing your lips to hers. “Just trust me.” 
Heading into the plane, a flight attendant was waiting to escort you both to your slightly private suite. She explained that a meal would be served right after takeoff and that complimentary champagne was on the way. Settling into the seats, Alexia leans over and kisses your cheek.
“You know you don’t need to woo me anymore right? I wouldn’t want anyone else.”
“I know, but I thought it would be nice to treat you to something nice myself, not the club.”
“You’re already a treat bebé.”
You punch her arm, just as the flight attendant comes back with two bubbly flutes of champagne.
“Salud,” Alexia says with a wink, clinking her glass to yours before taking a slow, teasing sip.
“Cheers, baby girl,” you quip back, sipping from your glass. 
The flight attendants had come over and prepped your suite into a bedroom just as you and Ale went into the bathrooms to change. You requested not to be disturbed until we were landing, and the flight attendants were more than happy to send two more flutes of champagne to the room before leaving you two alone.
Sipping on your perfectly chilled champagne, Ale reaches over and wraps her arms around yours. She leans in, pressing soft kisses along your jaw. You press a long kiss to her forehead and go back to the TV, grumbling when there aren’t new shows to watch.
“There is literally nothing on here that I haven’t watched already,” you say, scrolling through the in-flight entertainment. Ale moved her hand into your lap, playing with the hem of your shirt as she leaned against your shoulder.
“You haven’t looked at me once since we got on this plane,” she says suddenly, sitting up and pouting at you.
“Huh?” you say, pulling off the headphones.
“You heard me.”
“Ale, of course, I have.”
“No, are you already tired of me?” she mocks with a pout, crossing her arms for dramatic effect. You smirk knowingly, catching her drift. You turn the TV off, turning to face her.
“There, you have my attention.”
“Hmph, now I don’t want it.”
“Bratty 30000 feet up Ale, must be a new record.”
“I’m not bratty, just so needy,” she drags the so, leaning over and pressing herself to you. The seats were now a big bed, fully reclined as you had about an hour left of the flight. Your arm pulled her in closer, knowing that you had privacy and would not be caught. She snuggled closer, pulling both arms around her middle.
“Touch me,” she whispered, looking up with her puppy eyes. You merely smile, kissing her forehead and indulging her. It was our honeymoon, we’ve got time for dealing with brats later.
“Touch you where, Mi Reina?” you ask, palms caressing her arms softly as she whines softly.
“Anywhere, everywhere…” she huffs, leaning back into you more.
“Right on this plane, bebita? Where people could hear you?”
“I’ll be quiet, I promise,” she begs, looking up at you with tears in her eyes already, whimpering desperately.
“The Alexia I know is anything but,” you tease, reaching up for your carry-on and pulling out her favorite strap. She looks at you with wide surprised eyes, sitting up hurriedly.
“You brought that here?!” she asks in a hushed whisper, eyes as wide as saucers as you pull it on.
“Were you expecting us to be celibate on our honeymoon, amor?” you teased, slipping back into bed. You pull her close, hand slowly slipping her silk pajama pants down. You reach forward and rub her clothed heat, her lips captured in yours in a searing kiss. She pulls away to moan, slapping her hand to her mouth in shock while you hold back laughter.
“You have to be quiet darling, I told the flight attendants to leave us alone but the other passengers certainly don’t need to hear you being such a slut at 30000 feet now do they?”
“No…” she whimpers, pressing her ass back into your hips. The strap pokes her in between her legs and grazes her clothed pussy. She bites back a moan, almost stuffing her whole wrist in her mouth. Your fingers haven’t stopped touching her, now slipped into her underwear to fondle her folds. She bites the flimsy pillow the airline provided you with, groaning softly as her legs open on their own. 
You slip two fingers into her, your arm slipping under her head while your hand presses tightly against her mouth to keep her quiet. She melts back into you, your fingers working her open as quietly and as quickly as possible.
“Hurry,” she mumbles behind your hand, legs trembling as you press your fingers into her sweet spot. As three fingers begin to feel no resistance, you pull away and hold her legs open, the strap slipping inside her slick hole with ease. She gasps but bites her lip hard, her body relaxing with a dopey smile on her face.
You throw the blanket over her, tucking her in a little before settling close to her and pulling on your eye mask. Alexia stares at you in disbelief, ripping the eye mask off your face.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” she whispered, trying to move away from you. You grab her hip and hold her close, taking the eye mask back from her calmly.
“We’ve got an hour left on the flight baby, I suggest you get comfortable,” you tell her, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. She huffs, turning away and wiggling her hips back against you.
You ignore her, pulling your eye mask back on and settling into sleep. Ale doesn’t stop fidgeting, essentially fucking herself on your cock. You grab her hip tighter this time, thrusting your hips into her when she begins to fuss. She gasps and gets the wind knocked out of her.
“Quit squirming, or you don’t get my cock the whole fucking holiday,” you say, “we don’t want that now, do we?”
“No Daddy,” she whispers to you, eyes closed as her hand reaches for yours holding her hip to interlace. You pull it towards your mouth and kiss the back of her hand, resting it back on her hip to keep her close. Your cock slips deeper into her, your arm wrapping around her middle. You slip into a light sleep, hyperaware of your surroundings just in case the flight attendants come around.
Alexia doesn’t seem to care though, hips grinding back onto your cock ever so slightly that if you were properly asleep you wouldn’t have noticed. You pretend to sleep anyway, wanting to see how brave Alexia could be.
After about 5 minutes of her feather-light grinding, she had worked herself up way too much to care about people finding out. She bites the shitty pillow again, grinding back into you harder. She’s whining, hand gripping your hip instinctively. You pull out and she gasps, turning around to look at you. You stand, taking off the wet strap and wrapping it in a towel.
“Get up. Bathroom. Now.” you growl, opening the suite door and ushering her to the back of the plane.
She practically runs in there, looking around at the spacious shower and vanity. You follow her inside and lock the door. She stands there rubbing her legs together, silk pajamas a little damp between her legs. You begin to strip and slip the strap back on, Alexia staring at your naked form with her jaw wide open.
“Strip, what are you waiting for?”
She does as you say, shyly pulling off her sticky pants and ruined underwear. You run the shower exactly how she likes, before stepping in and helping her join you. She presses her lips to yours hard, tongues battling it out for dominance.
You grab her waist and turn her around, face pressed into the fancy tiled walls of the first-class suite bathroom. You spank her ass hard, hot water cascading down her arched back beautifully. She moans, your hand pressing over her mouth once again before pulling her back and arching her back even more. She whines.
“People can hear you, my sweet. Take what I give you and keep your mouth shut hm?” you whisper into her ear as you slip the cock into her gaping pussy. She groans, your hips pounding into her hard and fast. You let go of her and reach for her hips instead, pulling her back onto your cock.
Alexia struggles to keep herself quiet, biting her firm forearm to keep her moans at bay. You spank her ass one more time, gripping the abundant flesh that gets her eyes to roll into her head.
“Fuck, Daddy…” she whines, hands pressed on the clean glass of the shower. She pushes her ass back into you, her ass meeting your hips in a wet slap. You’re sure the whole back section of the plane could hear just a little of your sexcapade but you couldn’t care less.
You pound your cock into her harder and harder, grabbing her shoulders for more leverage. Her legs shake as she cums hard, orgasm ripping through her body just as the water cools down. You pull out, turning her around and kissing her passionately.
“Amor, you…” she starts but you press a finger to her lips.
“Later,” you say, pointing to the monitor in the middle of the bathroom, “We’re landing soon.”
As you quietly slip back into your seats, the bed has been cleared and your seats are refreshed with two bottles of water and another round of champagne. The flight attendant just leaving your suite winked at you and Ale with a knowing smile on her face. You smirk widely as Alexia tries to hide her face in your neck. The pilot comes over the intercom, 10 minutes before you land at your destination.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Paris.”
“The Panoramic Suite at the Mandarin Oriental is ready for you, ma’am. Your bags are already in your room and I do hope you enjoy your stay.”
“Thank you, Pierre,” you grab the keys and take Alexia’s hand, walking towards the lifts at the end of the hall. She takes the keys from you, reading the room number.
“Panoramic Suite?” she asks, stopping you from pressing the button for the lift. “Is this right?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
“Bebé, these rooms go for like $3000 per night.”
“Can you stop worrying, you chronic worrier?” you press the button and take her hands. You kiss her nose and watch her scrunch it cutely.
“It’s our honeymoon, can you just relax and enjoy yourself?” you tell her, pulling her into the lift. She nods and corners you as it goes up, grabbing your face and kissing you hard. She grins as your hands wrap around her hips and grasp her ass, kissing her back enthusiastically.
“We’re here 5 days darling, the suite is soundproof… you’ve already been fucked once… we can totally go again…” you tease, stepping out of the lift into your private section of the top floor. She practically runs to unlock the door, dragging you into the huge suite.
“Fuck me,” she breathlessly asks, already pulling off your clothes. You stop her, taking her hands in yours.
“Easy, bebita. We’ve got a dinner reservation at 6, we can have our private time when we get back sí?”
She pouts, nodding. You pull her in for a hug, rubbing the curve of her lower back and her ass. She smacks your chest and grins, a dark blush creeping up on her face.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got a little gift for you that should make dinner…exciting.”
“Can you help me amor?” Alexia asks, pulling her earrings on as you step into the bathroom. You’ve got a simple black suit with an exposed bralette that Alexia likes while she pulls on a little cocktail dress that you adore on her. You stand behind her and help her zip it on, kissing her neck softly.
“Stunning as always, babygirl.”
“Mm, you always look so good in those,” she compliments, fixing your lapels. You smile and reach into your pocket, pulling out a black box.
“Here, put this on before we leave hm?” you lean in and kiss her cheek. “I’ll call for a cab.”
Alexia nods, biting her lip as she opens the box. She gasps and whips her head out of the bathroom and looks at you across the room at the phone. You look up at her and wink, turning your attention back to the call. She licks her lips, picking up the little Bluetooth vibrator in her hands.
“She’s full of surprises,” Alexia whispers to herself, walking into the bedroom to where you are. You’re slipping on a pair of high heels and adjusting your hair when Alexia sits in the middle of the bed. She opens her legs daringly, with no underwear in sight.
“Guess we both had plans of our own tonight,” you tell her, sitting in front of her at the desk. You lean back and watch her like a hawk, eyes following her hands as she makes a show of fingering herself to “open herself up.”
Two fingers deep she whines, lips turning into a pout. She looks up at you with hooded eyes, a cheeky question at the tip of her tongue.
“Can’t fit Daddy, can you help me?” she begs, throwing her head back in dramatic fashion. You saunter over, eyes dark and hooded. You stand over her, sucking on two of your fingers before pressing her legs open and slipping them into her. She yelps in surprise, your fingers scissoring her open fast and deep.
“Fuck, don’t stop!” she cries out, gripping your forearm and pressing her forehead to your bicep. You feel her begin to clench around your fingers and you stop, pulling your fingers out and slipping the vibrator into her.
You slip your fingers into your mouth for a little taste before helping her stand. She looks close to tears, your hand patting her cheek with an annoying smile across your face.
“Taxi’s here, gorgeous.”
“I hate you.”
“You don’t.”
“I’ll have the filet mignon, medium with the Pommes Aligot please,” you tell the waiter, phone in your hand under the table. Alexia sat across from you in the secluded section of the restaurant, pondering over what she wanted for dinner.
“I’ll do the Coq au Vin with the ah!” Alexia grunted, masking it as a cough looking up at the waiter embarrassed. You had just turned the vibrator inside her on, sending jolts of pleasure through her core.
“The Coq au Vin with dark meat only please,” she glares at you and hands the menu to the waiter, as you ordered the best red wine they had to go with dinner.
“Seriously?” she snaps at you, shifting uncomfortably in her seat as the vibrator goes at a soft buzz of 2. She crosses her legs and focuses on the waiter pouring the wine, drinking half the glass before reaching over for your hand.
Conversations over dinner with Alexia never get old. You could talk with her for hours and hours. Periodically you’d reach into your breast pocket and turn the dial up of the vibrator and watch her stutter, hand gripping yours just a little bit tighter.
As the waiter arrives with dinner, you cheekily turn it to a ten as he places her dish in front of her. She opens her mouth to say thank you like the polite woman she is but a choked moan leaves her throat. She manages to disguise it as a cough again as she reaches for her wine, although it’s not as convincing as the first time. You thank the waiter yourself and watch him leave a little confused, smiling as you turn the vibrator off for the time being.
“Nos van a prohibir la entrada a este lugar, amor…” she whines, picking up her silverware.
“Please, the owner is an old friend of mine. She’ll be out in a minute, she’s so excited to meet you,” you tell her nonchalantly, digging into your perfect wall-to-wall pink steak.
You both enjoy dinner and have a great conversation with the chef. She sends you home with a couple extra desserts to enjoy, promising to come visit you both in Barcelona.
In the taxi, Alexia pounces on you. Her hands rub the insides of your thigh, glossy lipstick leaving sticky residue all over your neck. You pull her close and rub at her hip, the vibrator turned up to a steady 5 that has her head spinning beyond measure.
“Un peu plus vite s’il vous plaît, elle ne se sent pas très bien.”
The driver nods and speeds up as you lean in and kiss Alexia. She melts into your side, her eyes sparkling with lust.
“I didn’t know you spoke French,” she whispers into your ear, tongue tracing the shell of your ear.
“You like?” you grin, hand grasping her waist tightly.
“Prefer it when you speak Spanish, papí.”
The driver pulls up outside the Mandarin Oriental and the doorman opens the door for you as you pay. Alexia holds your hand tight and leans into your side. She follows you upstairs quietly, seemingly in a submissive mood. You’ve turned the vibrator up since leaving the cab, the quiet hum of it seemingly a little louder than you thought it was. She’s laid beautifully in the middle of the big king-sized bed, legs open wide and dress hiked up as her first orgasm rips through her athletic body.
You kneel by her side and rub at her exposed clit gently, working her through her first of many orgasms that night.
“Fuck…” she whines, pulling you closer and in for a kiss. You oblige, stroking her cheek gently. You pull away and stand, taking off your jacket and pants. She kneels and turns her back to you at the edge of the bed. You get behind her and slowly unzip her dress, kissing her neck and shoulders softly.
“You did so well for me, mi esposa.”
You reach between her legs and gently pull the vibrator out of her, she sighs. “I have waited so long to call you that, cariño. It suits you.”  
“I love you, bebé,” she says, looking up at you.
“I love you too, mi amor. Let me take care of you now.”
You help her step out of the dress carefully, caressing her body from behind. She leans back into you, your lips biting the sensitive spot behind her ear. Your rough hands trace her figure and pull her ass back into yours like you did on the plane. She goes red as she remembers that moment too, biting her lip as she feels herself get wetter and wetter.
“On your back baby, I’ll just be a minute.”
You slip into the bathroom and grab the now clean strap, putting it on before slipping your phone onto the phone stand on the dresser. Music fills the room and you join your wife on the bed. You lay beside her and find her lips in a searing kiss.
She melts into your arms, hand grabbing the back of your neck to bring you closer. Your fingers trail down her body, hand grasping her breast tightly which pulls out a deep moan from her. You lean down and kiss her neck and collarbone, slowly climbing on top of her to ravish her on your first night in Paris.
Your lips envelop her nipple tightly, sucking hard as your hand plays with the other. She squirms on the hypo-allergenic bedding, tugging at the perfectly tucked sheets. You pin her arms down, kissing down her sternum and biting hickeys all over her stomach.
“Amor,” she says breathlessly, “Amor por favor, apúrate…”
You nod, hands caressing down her hip bones to her upper thighs. You part her lips and jab your tongue into her wet folds, slurping at her pussy. She moans freely now, the room soundproofed for her to make all the noise she wants.
You slip two fingers inside her pussy, lips sucking tightly at her clit as she kicks her feet in pleasure. You don’t falter, fingers pumping into her soaking wet hole faster and deeper as your tongue dances over her swollen clit.
“JODER!” she yells, her second orgasm ripping through her before she begs for a break. You pull away with a wet grin on your face, her slick dripping down your chin. She whines and pulls you in for a kiss, whining high in her throat at the pungent taste of her on you. You pull away and press the fingers that were inside her into her mouth for her to clean, lips trailing back down to her breasts for you to bite and nibble at.
She sucks on your fingers earnestly, slipping them out with a loud smack. You move her away from the middle of the bed and lay there instead, beckoning her over. She throws her legs over yours and sits on your hips, hands reaching for your cock and spitting on it. You moan at the sight, eyes focused on hers.
“Want me to ride you, bebita?” she asks with a smirk, hovering over your cock as the tip presses into her just a little.
“Sí, hermosa,” you say, hands caressing her hips as just a sliver of light from the abundant Paris skyline filters into the dark room. It illuminates her features perfectly, her hazel eyes bright and full of emotion that got your heart filling with love.
She notices the far-away look you’ve got on your face, her hands reaching for your face to pull you back to her.
“Are you okay?” she asks, beginning to move off you. Your hands on her hips grip her tight and keep her where she is.
“Yes, sorry. Just…thinking about how much I love you,” you smile and sit up for a bit, kissing her softly. You lay back down as she cheekily pushes you back onto the bed, kneeling above you and slowly slipping onto your cock.
She hums softly, leaning back to adjust to your cock. You rub at her muscular thighs, eyes filled with love and lust for your wife as she begins to ride your cock. Her big hands rest on your stomach for leverage, taking the full length of the strap inside her.
“Fuck, you look so pretty riding my cock,” you tease, spanking her ass hard as she leans back to ride you faster. She cries out your name as she finds her sweet spot, grinding into you as her legs begin to burn. The lights shimmer over her olive skin, beads of sweat dripping down her face and chest as your hands fondle her breasts.
“Please bebita, need you…” she begs, legs too tired to go on. She climbs off you and lays on her stomach, her head resting on her hands. You move behind her, noticing a little smile on her lips.
You grin, kissing down her back as your hands pull her hips back into you. You stroke your cock a couple of times, the silicone wet with Alexia’s arousal. You slip back into her pussy with no resistance, fucking into her slowly to work up a rhythm.  
She throws her head back in pleasure and moans loudly when your cock grazes her sweet spot, your hips angled to hit it over and over till she begs for you to come.
“Please amor, I’m so close!”
“Fuck, come for me baby,” you grunt, fucking into her harder as she comes again. This time she squirts all over the towel you laid down earlier as you pull out. She turns over and giggles, turning a little red in embarrassment.
“Hey,” you call out, pulling her hands away from her face, “that was so sexy.”
“I’ve…I’ve never, that’s never happened before.”
“I know, and I so want to do it again.”
You kiss her, pulling her off the bed. She follows you to the secluded balcony with a view of the Eiffel Tower. It’s midnight and there’s not a soul in sight. You hold her close, cock slipped back into her pussy. Alexia whines, head hung low as she feels the sensitivity get to her.
“Just one more, darling. Give me one more,” you growl into her ear, hips pounding your cock into her sloppy pussy. The angle gives you the perfect height to fuck into her sweet spot, her legs already trembling with a few powerful thrusts.
You grab her hips as she holds onto the railing. She looks down at all the people walking, noticing a couple dancing in the street. She smiles to herself and lets the pleasure take over, making a mental note to ask you to dance tomorrow night with her along the streets of romantic Paris.
You pull out and turn her around, hiking her leg up and sliding your cock back into her. She wraps her arms around your neck, kissing you hard just as both of you reach your highs. It’s the best orgasm of the night for her, your prolonged teasing gives you an ear-ringing one as well.
“I love you so much,” she says between kisses, jumping up into your arms as you take her back inside for a much-needed bath.
The water was warm as your arms wrapped around her in the bath, music from earlier now playing from the speakers in the bathroom. You sang along to her; she smiled and listened to you as she melted into her safe place; her wife's arms.
Je te laisserai des mots
En d'ssous de ta porte
En d'ssous de les murs qui chantant…
714 notes · View notes
agendabymooner · 6 months
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summary: she was so drawn on him that she couldn't find herself to care where she was. (pt. 3-ish of something watchful and something jealous).
content warning: smut under the cut (minors dni!), based on a request from my ask, use of explicit language, pwp, what is beta reading, unprotected sex (a no no), semi-public sex + mirror sex hehe, oral sex (m receiving) + deepthroat, p in v, exhibitionism + mentions of voyeurism (!!!!), just straight up nasty tbh, degrading ('filthy baby'), mentions lando watching (something jealous), lewis + max + lando + daniel scene at the end.
song rec: agora hills by doja cat (i've been playing this song endlessly now)
note: i know i'm not taking any requests atm but god did i want some exhibitionist!danny. anon, forgive me if this is way below what you've expected but i've done my best xx
something sinful (smut) masterlist
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out
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she hadn’t expected herself to act like this. in a club restroom, of all places. 
but she was so drawn and drunk on him that she couldn’t find herself to give a fuck. her mouth humming around his thick cock as daniel exhaled sharply and muttered beneath his breath. 
“fuck, such a good fuckin’ doll f’me,” he swore, his half-lidded eyes peering down at her with nothing but lust. “suckin’ me off in a club bathroom— y’really wanna get caught, huh?” 
her eyes nearly shed tears as she inhaled the last of the oxygen she could consume, the tip of his cock resting at the back of her throat as her tongue swirled on the underside of his cock.
the echoes of daniel’s groaning remained inside the bathroom. the couple were thankful for the privacy of this place— as if this public place was meant to be shagged on by two desperate people. 
“you should see yourself, princess,” daniel moaned as she began bobbing her head, “sucking me off in a bathroom where some drivers can walk into— like you want them to see you.” 
her legs instinctively shut and rubbed against each other, desperately finding a way to scratch the itch in between her legs as she moaned. the vibration of her mouth made him groan deeply. 
“yeah? you really want that huh? filthy baby,” daniel taunted her. “wan’ them to see you? wanna remind them that you’re my filthy girl?” he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her away from his cock, making her cry quietly at the sharp pain of her roots and the lack of cock on her mouth. 
her skin met the cold marble tiles of the sink, feeling his hands bruising her hips as he slid into her. she let out a shrill cry, his cock bottoming out inside her cunt. 
“god, baby you’re so fuckin’ divine,” daniel thrusted his cock inside her, his length reaching and hitting her sensitive spot repeatedly as she cried in pleasure. “yeah- let it all out. you like this, hm? you like this cock inside of your cunt?”
“fuck- daniel, yes!” she exclaimed, holding onto her dear life as he continued to fuck her from behind.
the australian took a hold of both her arms and held them behind her, watching her tits bounce in front of him with grace and filth that he hadn’t expected to act on.
his hand propped her chin up and tapped on it lightly, “look at you,” he demanded quietly, “open your eyes pretty girl.” 
as if she was in a drunken haze, her lust blown eyes opened and trailed down from her bouncing tits to his cock— her mouth drooling at the sight of it sliding out of her. 
“you like that?” daniel chuckled behind her, nipping at her ear as she mewled. “oh you do. you definitely love that, sweetheart— you are such a filthy thing.” 
“and i thought fuckin’ you in front of lando would cut it,” he cooed mockingly, his pace increasing as she babbled about wanting to cum. “turns out you want more to see you, huh?”
“‘m sure they wouldn’t oppose to that,” daniel continued, “could see all of ‘em eye-fucking you when you wear those fuckin’ dresses to the paddock. pierre hadn’t been able to keep his mouth shut about you, either— tellin’ me that you’re hot as fuck. i don’t blame him.”
“and max?” daniel chuckled darkly, “he wants to fuck you too, baby— can you just imagine how it’s gon’ be if he finds out that he can’t have everything he wants just b’cause he’s the champion? i pity the poor man.” 
“maybe lando should warn ‘em,” his cock continued to spear her insides as she screamed silently, her hand holding on to his arm behind her as her cunt throbbed. her walls called for orgasm— yet he continued fucking her like she wasn’t eager to reach her high. “tell ‘em that i’m not the type to share— but to brag, no?” 
“or should we just let them find you here?” he laughed quietly, his mockery turning into a sign of pleasure as he said, “god fuck— baby, cum f’me, yeah? i can feel- god, fuck.”
“fuck danny~” she let out a loud whine, her body reaching her high as she clenched around him. daniel let out a choked moan, his cock twitching and coating her walls white as he reached over to kiss her hard.
the restroom, once filled with filthy words and sounds of desperation and pleasure, fell silent as the music outside continued to be loud enough to cover their heavy breathing. 
but it wasn’t loud enough to not create a scandalous story that was shared amongst the singles of the grid. 
a week after, when daniel arrived before the driver’s pre-race conference began, max and lando gave him a knowing look. the australian returned their expressions with a puzzled one and lewis finally gave up his act and chuckled.
hearing lewis’ laugh, daniel gave them all an annoyed look, “okay, what the fuck is going on?”
max grinned mischievously and leaned against the wall with a smirk. 
“i knew you were into pda,” lando joked, “but i didn’t think you’d go as far as that.” max chuckled at that. 
daniel gave lando a glare. out of all of them, lando shouldn’t be joking about that; not when lando witnessed daniel fuck his girlfriend's brain out before. even the brit knew that but he couldn’t help but laugh.
“we’re just saying,” lewis cleared his throat, “if you wanted us to catch you two so bad, you could’ve just let us join.”
daniel scoffed haughtily, “you fuckin’ wish.” 
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @topguncultleader @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa
♡   moony’s reminder 🅴 (explicit edition): @glitterf1
575 notes · View notes
jaeeyaaasworld · 3 months
Brother's Best Friend - MS47
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Featuring: Mick Schumacher x Reader
Warnings: mentions of an awful date, Mick is really a sweetheart and a desperate mess, a bit smutty at the end to MDNI
Requested: Yes/No
"are you really going on a date with him?"
Esteban, your brother asks you, as you're sitting across from him and his best friend Mick.
"I mean- yeah, why would I not? he seems gentle"
you say, shrugging your shoulders as you placed a piece of tangerine, that Mick peeled for you, in your mouth.
"gentle doesn't mean that he's for sure not a predator"
Esteban remarked, making Mick snort and you sigh.
"come on, Estie. if I don't put myself out there I won't have any friends apart from you two"
you said, taking another piece of tangerine in your mouth as Mick gasped.
"what's wrong with us?"
he asked offended, making you chuckle.
"you have your own group of friends and some of them still treat me like a child, I hate it"
Mick and Esteban exchanged a look and shrugged, getting back to the conversation that they were having before regarding Mick's new motorcycle.
time skip
you should have listened to your brother.
this guy was a freak, within the first few minutes of the date you already wanted to leave and never look back again.
he was talking all about himself and the way he was an amazing guy and how all his exes are still in love with him, his ego obviously too big for his own stature.
as soon as you could you ran to the bathroom, closing the door behind you and hurriedly taking your phone out to dial Esteban's number.
"come on, pick up pick up"
you whispered under your breath, praying for your brother to pick up quickly.
your brother though, didn't seem to pay much attention to his phone.
so your only hope was one guy: Mick Schumacher.
you pressed his name in your contacts, not really expecting him to pick up any time soon, knowing that probably he was hanging out with some of his friends right now.
but to your surprise, Mick picked up really quickly,
"hey, sweetheart. is something wrong?"
he asks immediately, knowing that you were actually supposed to be on your date, which made him worry a lot more then he himself expected.
the voices in the background of his part of the phone call made you stop; he was really with his friends.
"oh, you're busy right now? o-okay, I can try calling Esteb-"
"no no, tell me, sweetheart. I'm all yours, what do you need?"
he interrupted you, as you heard a door closing from his side of the call.
"alright, you were right, he is a freak. can you come pick me up?"
you asked softly, despising the fact that you were actually saying that he and your brother were right.
"for sure, give me the address of the restaurant and in five minutes I'll be there"
he says, hanging up quickly to get on his helmet and place his spare one on his elbow, speed walking towards his motorcycle in his friend's driveway, while his phone dinged with your message with the address of the restaurant you were in.
while he was getting out of his parking spot, you took in a big breath and got out of the bathroom, knowing that it was just a matter of time since Mick was here to pick you up.
you sat back down on your seat, a fake smile on your face to not make it look like you were trying to run away as quick as possible.
time skip
fifteen minutes have passed since your call with Mick happened and you were waiting for him for arrive any minute.
you really hoped that he didn't make a big scene with the guy because of his public figure and for your own embarrassment.
the guy kept talking about how he got a promotion the other day at work and you kept nodding mindlessly while throwing glances at the restaurant doors.
before he could finish what he was saying a man wearing an helmet and with another helmet in his hand walked in through the restaurant doors, his head going left and right to search for someone through the tables.
you quickly recognized Mick physique and the familiar helmet as he finally found you on the far right table, he pulled up the helmet visor and did a bee line through the tables to get to your table.
he gave you the spare helmet that was in his hand and nodded his head towards the door.
"let's go"
his voice was a bit muffled from the big helmet around his head but you could understand perfectly what he wanted.
you got up to follow him out, but your date got up with you and took your wrist to keep you with him.
"are you gonna go with him? you don't even-"
he couldn't finish his sentence as Mick walked towards him, narrowed eyes only a few inches away from the man's face, making him let go immediately.
Mick didn't even need to say anything to him to make him let go, taking your hand in his and gently guiding you outside of the restaurant and towards his bike.
he placed his spare helmet on your head, pushing it down and closing the strap under the helmet for you.
Mick quickly got on the motorcycle, giving you his hand to help you get on the bike behind him.
as soon as you got on, he turned the bike on and started riding the bike out of the restaurant parking lot and towards his house.
he wasn't gonna leave you alone after another bad date, he knew how you felt guilty everytime something went bad and him or Esteban had to come rescue you from the shitty situation you got yourself in.
he stopped at the red light right before his house, he straighted his back, his arms stretching to reach your exposed legs to rub them up and down.
his hands could feel the goosebumps on your skin from the cold breeze that was hitting your skin on the motorcycle.
what he didn't know was that part of that goosebumps on your skin were caused by his hands on your bare legs, how his fingertips felt on your skin and how his big hand could circle your whole leg easily.
but soon the light turned green, making his hands leave your skin to get back to riding with both his hands.
he parked the motorcycle inside his garage, giving you his hand again to help you get off his bike this time, getting off right after you.
you took off his spare helmet, looking at him apologetically as he got out of his own helmet.
"I'm so sorry"
you start.
"I know, I keep doing this and I probably should just suck it up for one night and let you guys be-"
Mick stopped you before you could get too deep into your thoughs, placing an hand up and making you shut up immediately.
"let's get inside first, then you can say all the bullshit you want"
he said, his harshness almost shocking you, as he gestured for you to walk up the stairs that took you into his house.
you walked up the stairs in front of him, walking into his house and getting into the kitchen to place his spare helmet on one of the stools that circled the island in his kitchen.
he got in and sighed while placing his helmet and his protective jacket on the couch, turning towards you and placing his hands on his hips as soon as he was done throwing his stuff on the couch.
"illuminate me, what were you saying?"
you gulped as he looked at you with that intimidating stare of his that you really hoped you never saw directed at you.
"I was saying... I really should suck it up for one night and let you guys be, I'm sure you were with your friends and I disturbed you and I'm sure Esteban is with his girlfriend and I called him out of the blue and-"
you started overthinking, gesturing around with your hands and stuttering sometimes, but Mick interrupted you.
"you know, Y/n... you're right, I was with my friends. but as soon as I got your call I ditched everyone and ran to you"
he started walking towards you, getting so close that you could feel his breath on your face and the smell of his cologne was as strong as ever.
"you know what that means?"
he asked, caging you with his arms on either side of your waist, both hands resting on the island behind you.
"what does that mean?"
you ask, big eyes staring up at him, he felt like he couldn't resist any longer, he couldn't keep it in himself any longer, he felt like if he didn't touch you in the next five seconds he would die.
but he tried to keep his hands to himself, couldn't risk to get the most precious girl on the planet get uncomfortable because of him.
"that I'm so whipped for you. so whipped that I would leave the most important meeting of my whole career if it meant saving you from a freak and having you safe at home by my side, so whipped that I would ditch any woman on the planet to be with you any second of my life"
he started whispering, his hands finally making contact with your waist, rubbing your waist softly over the cute blouse that you put on for that freak you were going on a date with.
"I knew I was done for the moment you walked into my life with that little smile of yours and those sweet hands that love to rub my shoulders whenever I am sitting on a chair, I wanted to learn everything about you and I finally did it. I know everything you like, everything you dislike. Y/n, I know everything"
Mick continued, his arms getting you up to sit on the island of his kitchen, his body placing between your thighs as his hands placed themselves on the bare skin of your thighs.
"apart from your sexual likings, obviously, but I promise I'm a fast learned. I would do anything you ask me to, destroy anything that annoys you. I would set the world on fire just for you"
he said, one hand rubbing from your thigh to your jaw and the other rubbed over your leg, reaching right before your knee to pull you in towards his body.
"why can't you see it, Y/n? I could be perfect for you"
Mick finished, his lips ghosting on yours, almost touching.
but Mick took your silence as a 'no', as he was preparing himself mentally to put space between you two and probably not feel any of your skin on his anymore.
what he didn't expect was you pulling him in by his collar, smashing your lips with his in an heated kiss.
his hands started roaming your body before he could even think about what was happening and you were already pulling his body as close as possible to yours.
one of your hands was on his chest while the other was in his hair, messing them up so good that he didn't want to fix them ever again, as if he found his favorite hairstyle.
you didn't waste time as you hopped off the kitchen island to slowly push him towards his couch, your lips never leaving one another.
you pushed him to sit on the couch as you pulled your blouse off, leaving you in your skirt and lace bra.
his mouth opened in disbelief, his bulge pretty evident in his jeans.
"I'm so desperate, you can't even imagine"
he whispered, not really to you, but more to himself.
"I can see it, no need to imagine"
you tease, getting closer to him, making his eyebrows furrow as he stared your body down.
"I want to worship you my who-"
he couldn't finish his sentence that his phone started ringing in the pocket of his jeans.
he got his phone out of his pocket and looked at the id, eyes widening slightly as he responded.
"hey, Esteban"
Mick greeted his best friend, trying to not sound like he was about to fuck with his sister.
"hey, have you heard from Y/n? she's at that date and she called me but I was with Flavy and I didn't hear her call"
he started panicking.
you got closer to Mick and got on his lap, your lips finding his neck as he tried to keep his voice steady on the call with your brother.
"uh- yeah, yeah. she's- uh, she's at my house. she's already asleep, she told me she was rea-really tired"
he lied through his teeth as he threw his head back to give you better access to his neck.
"oh- okay. well, I'm coming over tomorrow morning to pick her up-"
Esteban said, but got interrupted by Mick.
"no- I'll... I'll accompany her to your house, it's no problem"
he said, making Esteban frown.
"right... well, okay, have fun kiddos. oh- and make sure you use a condom"
Esteban teased with a chuckle.
"oh, fuck you"
Mick said with a laugh.
"my sister probably will"
Esteban joked, making Mick chuckle and hang up on him.
he turned to you as you looked down at him with a smile.
"where were we?"
Mick asked.
"oh- right, me worshipping you my whole life"
he said, placing his hands on your arms to flip you around on the couch and placing himself between your thighs.
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fillinforlater · 1 year
Eleven to One: Hate You Lots
Male Reader x Ahn Yujin, Kim Minju, Kim Chaewon
Length: 7440 words
Tags: Daddy kink, perverted family, nudist kink, submission, kneeling, good girls, blow job, double blow job, deepthroating, face fuck, training, cursing, public, undressing, degradation, insulting, hate sex, someone calls you out on your weird behavior, sex in front of others, hair pulling, riding, bad sex, Chaewon is bad at sex, mentions of 2Kim, body licking, passionate kissing, maybe mind break?, cowgirl, fingering, dangerous sex, Yujin sells out her friend kekw
TW: hate sex, cursing, extreme Daddy kinks; Disclaimer: no, I don't believe you can turn gay people straight, ffs, I hope no one thinks that, and if you do, kindly turn on your brain or go away lol
Credit: @sooyadelicacies for co-writing
Inspiration: The big horny; also, someone has to oppose this crazy family kink/idea xD
(A/N: editing is not that great as is my health rn. Stay safe and healthy out there, everyone. Let's continue this fucked up saga with a crazy part and multiple scenes ;D)
“Daddy, you need to hurry up!” 
Yujin stands in the kitchen door and bops up and down like an excited puppy. She’d surely swing her tail around wildly if she were a dog, but that is besides the point. You’re still tired from stressful phone calls the night before. Doesn’t help that it’s still very early in the morning. If the sun hasn’t bothered showing up yet, why should you.
"Do we have to go watch this performance? They film these things so early all the time," you groan in annoyance and sip at your coffee.
"Daddy, please?” Yujin begs with folded hands and sparkling eyes. “It will be so nice to see Chaewon and Sakura perform again. I really like their new song and you will too!" 
When Yujin plays nice, it means she really wants something. This is close to a girl asking her Daddy for something—this comes too close to all the family stuff she has you fantasizing about lately. Try not to spit out your coffee and frantically wave your hand.
"Fine, we'll go. But I expect some pleasure when we get home,” you add with raised eyebrows and Yujin winks. “I have yet to meet Chaewon. Everyone describes her as lovable."
"Chaewon-unnie won't disappoint you. She sure is loveable. However, I think that she is showing new sides to herself."
"Sure, whatever. I'll set Hyewon up to go to the meeting then."
"Thank you so much, Daddy."
"Now look for a nice dress," you say, eyes roaming Yujin’s pajama-covered curves, "Only I get to see you like this."
"Of course, Daddy. I always wear outfits just for you… I think you'll like today's too." 
Yujin starts to undress. The dress is still in her room, but the pajamas fall off her slender figure already. You can never get enough of this extraordinary sight. You might be a bit pressed for time, but as you look over your naked Yujin, your lust gets the better of you. 
"I want you now, baby girl. Call for Minju too. No reason you two shouldn't be sucking my cock right now."
Yujin turns around on her heel and immediately kneels on the floor. Her hands rest idly on her lap and she gives you a hellish, seductive grin before calling out her former bandmates name:
"Minju-unnie~ come here a-s-a-p."
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You hear steps coming from further down the floor. They are not normal steps, but rather from someone who was caught by surprise and stumbles towards you. A faint creak, Minju rushes from the bathroom to you and she quickly stops right next to Yujin. You eye the fresh make-up on her cheeks and light lipstick on her luscious lips. Sadly, you can't eye her naked body in all its glory, because she tries to cover most of it with her hands.
"Y-yes, Yujinie?" Minju asks shyly, trying not to stare down at Yujin’s immaculate body too much.
"I think Daddy wants something~"
Yujin's eyes narrow and she begins to stick out her tongue to show lots of drool pooling on it. She gradually crawls towards you, sticking out her bubble butt and shaking with blatant want. She is giving it her all to be desirable, submissive and still punishable. 
"Wh-what does Daddy need?" Minju asks kindly and turns to you. Make-up or not, her cheeks are rosy from embarrassment. She is still, even after a couple of weeks, not used to being in full nude before you, although she committed so willingly after you made her yours. 
You grab the hand covering Minju's pussy while Yujin finally reaches your tight pants and rubs her cheek onto the bulge with a purr. Yujin's fingers play with your zipper while yours play with Minju's clit. You flick it lightly once, then rougher. Tears glisten and sparkle in narrow eyes, and you look deeply into the mess Minju is slowly becoming. However, her arm still crosses her chest and hides her breasts.
"Daddy needs you, Minju, because you are his. I think we agreed on this, so show me your amazing body."
Her labia is wet to the touch, thus inserting a finger is easy. Minju tenses up for a second, but when you kiss her cheek, she relaxes and you plunge two more fingers into her. She screams out, but you plug her mouth the same way: three digits, hilt deep in a wet hole of hers. It’s like pushing all the right buttons to deactivate Minju’s resolve. Her arm falls from her chest. Finally, she is a bare feast for you.
"You can do better, Minmin," you say with a slight sigh of disappointment at the end. Your fingers move in and out of Minju faster and faster. In the meantime, Yujin takes a long ass time to free your length. It's probably because you are focused not on her but on teaching Minju a lesson, but this is no reason to keep you waiting. Yujin has no right to deny you your pleasure, yet she still finds ways to subtly tease you.
Remove your fingers from Minju's mouth and let her moan and whimper freely as she begins to grind on your deeply buried digits that twist and turn inside her hot walls. With your now free hand, you pull out your cock, much to Yujin's surprise, and slap it across her face. It's a shame that you have to give them a small punishment before you can get to the main course, but it's also not bad. Training puppies is more fun than you ever thought.
"I-I'm so-sorry, Daddy," Minju cries out and falls to her knees. It’s the only way to escape your fingers, however, it’s not a way to escape your rule. You immediately slap her face with your cock as well, until she finally sticks out her tongue, which Yujin instinctively does. The younger one has already stained the floor with her runny saliva, so before she ruins it entirely, you put your cock on her lips. You could call it a plug.
"Lube it up, bitch! Show me what your mouth is really useful for,” you groan at Yujin, then shift your attention to Minju. "Minmin, I called you here because I wanted you to join us, but you still have to learn a lot. I pray for your sake that you don’t stretch my patience intentionally. Get some saliva from Yujin and help her lube it up—or go back to your room! 
Oh, and Yujin: if you want to go to Chaewon's performance, you'll be a good girl, right?"
"Yes, Daddy!" the younger shouts.
"N-no, Daddy," her unnie whimpers cutely.
Two very different answers, but both are exactly what you want to hear. Minju makes a cute face while gathering saliva in her mouth and gets ready to kiss your cockhead. When Yujin turns to her however, ready to give some of her drool, Minju becomes a flushing mess. In panic, she misses Yujin’s lips and releases her collected drool all over her friend's cheek.  
Guess her feelings are quite strong for her ex-group members. 
Minju's saliva trails down Yujin's face and chin and the latter can't help but giggle. Not in her usual cute and cheerful way, but in a lewd, horny way. Yujin grabs Minju's tomato-colored head and finds her lips in a furious make-out session. The klutz is wide eyed at first, but she melts into Yujin, the Dongsaeng she so loves and her eyelids fall shut. Dams break and the flow of drool is like a raging torrent from one mouth to the other. You line yourself up right next to it.
Yujin frees herself and releases everything from her mouth. A skilled tongue wets almost your entire manhood, from your base to all over your balls and underside. Minju follows suit and her cute mouth releases a waterfall as well. It covers your tip and the remaining dry skin without fail. They both begin to spread and massage the lubricant all over your rigid shaft and full balls, making you groan deeply. Fucking finally.
"Minju, you look so cock drunk," you mock her. "I bet you are staining the floor with your stupidly sweet juices already."
"Swowwy, Daddy,” she babbles with no regard for manners as her mouth is stuffed with your rod.
"Are you sorry though?"
Yujin gives a strong suck on your balls; it’s more like she leaves a message. She is fed up with being ignored. Her lips pucker around every one of your most sensitive parts. She knows your cock inside out, of course. After all, it has been inside of her more time than she has had promotions—just how she likes it. 
You snarl nonetheless.
You don't let Minju answer as you push your tip deeper into her mouth, letting her suck it gently. You pet Yujin's head to signify you knew she was there. A surprise that it works. You really did break her back there. No bratty words, no teasing pout, just diligent stimulation of her Daddy’s dick.
Minju's cock sucking is always a sloppy affair. Her feisty face with glassy orbs is always a wonderful sight as she tries to shove it all inside her. She is still lacking however. You are sure this will not tip you over the edge, although she is able to extract precum from your slit with her quick tongue. The biggest issue is that she is scared to take the massive thing, shove it down her throat herself. Minju is not on the same sluttiness level as her Dongsaeng, who would gladly fuck herself on you until tears fall down—for a meal, for shoes, for a meeting with her Unnies. 
"Fuck, it's not enough," you groan in slight anger and slide your hand from Yujin's sweaty hair to Minju's brown locks. Grip them tightly to force her head down your phallus. Her forehead crashes onto your pelvis. Minju chokes, you groan, Yujin gasps.
"Minmin… you need more training. I'm losing patience, fuck,” you curse. This should have been an easy and casual affair, breezy and mindless but it takes effort to train Minju. If she wasn't so cute with a fuckable body, your hospitality would certainly expire at some point. Now, she is basically family, and you are willing to help her be a good girl, a good slut. Family, s-sure.
Doesn’t matter if you call yourself family, you push deeper against her throat anyways. She is here for your use. Yujin meanwhile keeps trying to put your balls in her mouth, down her throat almost, as if her life depends on it. Yujin is learning to share, with her mommies, with her sister, with her family. Not again, fucking family.
"Daddy, if she can't take it, then I'm ready. Ready to fulfill your desire."
Yujin’s purr pulls you out of your disturbingly hot thoughts. She pouts on your balls, her desperately pleading, yet sharp eyes watching you from below. She massages your thighs with her soft fingers, slobbers all over your balls and moans in her most delicate voice. Yujin doesn't only want attention, she wants to win and is determined to be the perfect, disgustingly drooling slut for you. Rivalry between siblings?
"Shut up! You better help your unnie get better at it. Maybe you'll get some reward, but that is out of your control."
This is the moment where she would usually roll her eyes, but Yujin is a changed girl now—or is she hiding her annoyance? Either way, Yujin backs off behind Minju, who chokes on your cock whenever you pull her closer to your crotch. Tears and sweat of her struggle cover her face, yet she still doesn’t get it. 
Your grip on Minju's hair loosens when Yujin's fingers seductively crawl up Minju's neck to the top of her head. The older girl gets goosebumps and wide eyes at the sensation and then shrieks. Yujin has her long, healthy locks in a tight grip.
"Unnie," she says in a bitchy and unamused tone, something very rare these days. "I really love you, but you're doing this wrong. Let me help."
What follows somewhat negates the fact that Yujin just told Minju that she loves her. With unexpected roughness, she starts to slam down the elders face onto your pelvis. Minju's forehead forcefully touches your abdomen and your dick breaks every barrier in her throat to reach deep into her. She gargles on her own spit for a second and chokes like it would actually save her from the massiveness blocking her air flow. 
"Like. This. Unnie. Down."
Yujin pulls Minju back at her hair and with each new word she mimics a deep throating motion only a goddess of cocksucking could manage—and Minju is definitely no goddess at it yet. She tries her best to take it, to go at the pace herself, but Yujin just goes faster. It's impossible for her to adapt to the speed, but for you, this struggle is an even greater joy.
"Oh God, this is good. Actually fucking good!"
You groan and smile with the confidence of someone who has earned this and the more you think about it, the further you feel validated. Your hands cannot remain idle, they want to reach for Minju's hair. Yujin however gives you no reason to do so, and so you dig your fingers into hers, those perfect brown strands on this perfect bitch.
"Train her well, Yujin."
"I will, Daddy."
"Good. Open your mouth."
Yujin smiles greedily, the cock hungriness of a million horny sluts in her eyes. Her grip on Minju loosens and you give the beautiful, ruined klutz a chance to breathe. Minju falls to the floor coughing and spitting, her makeup everywhere but their original position. 
Your girlfriend's mouth opens invitingly. Your length disappears inside her and you burst at the distinctive, perfect touch of her tongue. Yujin's eyes are bright and wide open as she receives the gift of validation, of triumph over your adoration for Minju. More than a mouthful of cum, enough to satisfy her hunger and encourage her cock drunkness. 
"You need more training," you calmly say to Minju while patting Yujin as she cleans your dick. "Otherwise Daddy will be disappointed."
"I... I understand, Daddy. D-do you stil—”
"Don't ask such a question,” you interrupt her firmly, but with more care and love than you ever did before.  “I'm sure you will do good next time, hm?"
"Y-yes, Daddy."
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No matter how rich you are, you cannot control time. Hours fly by and the meet-up you promised Yujin to go to arrives faster than you wanted. You had to control yourself after seeing your girlfriend's outfit, that amazing dress showing off her body incredibly well. It looked as hot as her bare body, maybe even better in a way.
Control over your urges becomes better with boring people around you. The directors, cameramen and managers get easily fooled by Yujin's act. Yujin remains professional, no one can assume any kind of special or weird relationship between the two of you. A simple meeting, they don’t even ask you a single question. Is it really this easy to get behind the scenes of such a shoot?
After the boring introductions are over, you get ready for new, more fun ones.
First off is Sakura. The second she sees Yujin and you exit the conference room with all the managers, she leaves her bandmates behind and runs over. Her upper body is covered by a pink blanket to keep her warm, but below it you see hints of a white stage outfit. Baggy trousers and some kind of crop top.
The smaller Sakura stands before her Dongsaeng and gets in position to bow down, but Yujin quickly embraces her. With glee she shouts:
"Unnie, I missed you so much! It's been so long."
"Yujinnie, were you always this tall?"
"Yah! You sound like a grandma."
The two of them start to giggle and you give them a weak smile. The others should not catch you being suspicious, so you look around the vast hall. A very simplistic set, mostly colored in gray. In between the expensive camera equipment and handful of staff, you eye another person clothed in white. Your jaw begins to fall as you inspect the revealing outfit and incredible body more and more. This is definitely sluttier than anything Yujin ever wore in any of her stages. 
You cough and look back down to your girlfriend who is still giggling and chatting with Sakura. The two of them are holding hands and you see Yujin's eyes sparkle in happiness. Good for her, definitely, but your cockhead is already urging you to think of someone else. Who is wearing this loose, insane collection of white stripes barely hiding anything?
"Oh shoot, we're about to perform," Sakura gasps and quickly hugs Yujin. Before she leaves, she gives you an unmistakable wink and a classic, beautiful smile, "Thank you for coming!"
"Unnie, fighting!"
"Glad to see you enjoying yourself," you whisper, but Yujin puts a finger on your lips.
"You don't want to miss this. I'm pretty sure Chaewon will be to your liking."
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“Impurities / show you my impurities.”
"Cut!” the director shouts as the girl group members still stand there, frozen in the final pose of their dance. “Well done! We'll wrap things up for today."
Everyone cheers and claps, the shoot went excellent. Yujin besides you joins in as well, even the last random staff sitting in the corner applauds.
Everyone except you. You are completely feral. All because of this one fucking girl, with her short black hair in stark contrast to her slutty white outfit. All because she has to look so fucking hot while dancing this already provocative dance. All because of her fucking impurities. You almost lose your cool and reach for Yujin's ass, but this is not the time, not the place, not even for this. Fucking Chaewon, fuck.
Chaewon walks over and screeches when she sees her beloved Dongsaeng. Unlike with Sakura, the two of them immediately crash into one another and exchange hugs, jokes and all the banter they can come up with. This time, you are unable to look away for long. Chaewon's ass has its own gravity. It pulls your gaze back every time you notice how long you've been staring. 
"Unnie, you are so good! And you look so good! This is going to be such a hit," Yujin babbles.
"You are one to talk," Chaewon responds in delight. "You have grown to become a beautiful woman. I bet you will make someone really happy one day."
Yujin grins and whispers directly into Chaewon's ear. From your point of view, it's impossible to understand anything, let alone read her lips. After a short while, Chaewon backs out of the hug. The situation has grown tense, cold even, but it gets even colder for you when Chaewon suddenly walks up to you. She stares—not into your eyes, but straight to your soul.
"You fucking pig."
"Excuse me?"
"You are disgusting. I swear to God, if you do anything fucked up... I'm going to fuck you up so bad, until you—ugh!"
Chaewon’s sentence is cut off by a disgusted gag. She stomps away quickly, her face filled with despise and harsh anger. The sway of her hips is even stronger than before now, which disturbs your feelings. Confusion and horniness force you to stand and ogle her bubble butt while your heart cannot comprehend these conflicting emotions inside you.
"What the fuck was that?" you whisper to Yujin, as she guides you out of the studio. "What the hell did you tell her that she would get this pissed?"
"Look," Yujin says, her tone far from playful and bratty, much closer to serious and guilty. "I knew that you would get the hots for her, but I didn't know that she would hate the idea so much."
"Which idea? What did you tell her, Yujin?" 
The two of you flee towards your car to get some actual privacy. You can't raise your voice to her in public after all, although now might be the perfect time. Depending on what she just told Chaewon, literally everything could be in deep shit.
"Chill, Daddy, I told her that you are my boyfriend and that we'd like to have a threesome with her. Nothing too crazy, just something to sooth her in."
"I-I mentioned the Daddy kink… and a b-bit more, you-you know?"
You sigh and put on your seatbelt. The engine roars and you start to race towards your apartment. Whatever Yujin means by ‘a bit more’, it made Chaewon seriously angry, which could make things bad for you quickly. Your mind tries to find a good response or solution to it, at the very least, you should find a punishment for Yujin that suits her stupid behavior. 
A red light makes you hit the breaks. Yujin's hand immediately travels to your thigh and massages it. Coldly, you slap it away.
"Get in the backseat. I need to find a solution to this. And you better help me think, slut."
Yujin obediently climbs over the center console and positions herself in the middle of the back row. Through the rearview mirror, you see her in her gorgeous black dress with those sexy black stockings and her ruinable hair, make-up, face. You click your tongue as the lights turn green.
"Daddy, I'm sorry,” Yujin stutters to defend herself. “To-to be honest, I was convinced Chaewon—l-look, I relied on her being needy and desperate. A-and because you are so hot, I thought she was down for it."
"You heard me right, bitch. Get out of that dress. Slowly. I want to see what I own."
Yujin nods hesitantly. Her fingers fidget at the silky hem of her expensive dress and she begins to slowly pull up. Goosebumps of fear and excitement spread over her pale skin. She knows that those side windows are tainted, but the front is of course still wide open. Anyone could catch the unlikely, yet possible glimpse of her bare body if she continues this. 
"Go on, " you snark in excessive annoyance, "Either give me a solution or get rid of that dress."
"I-I, " Yujin stutters. You hit the breaks at another red light and stare through the mirror. Your eyes lock and before you can order her to go full nude, she jumps in realization.
"Minju! I-I know a way, Daddy!"
"Uhm... Minju is, if you remember from our punishment game, ve-very much into Chaewon, a-and as far as I know, Chaewon feels the same."
"So?" you say impatiently, fingers tipping the top of the steering wheel. The light turns green. You hit the throttle and as the Mercedes accelerates, you can hear Yujin's plan play out in your head. Guess she won't have to drive around naked. 
At least not this time.
"Step 1: Get Minju and Chaewon to be on a call."
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The plan starts off easy. All it takes for this to happen is for you and Minju to be home at the same time, which happens quite frankly. After all, Minju is not an actively training idol anymore and Hyewon is doing a good job right now, so you can stay at home with no worries. Now you only need to find a fitting moment.
Minju walks into the kitchen. Some sixth sense inside your crotch tells you to take the opportunity. Right now, now or never, a perfect time frame, whatever you may call it, it's enough to make you jump up and follow the naked beauty. Minju reaches for one of the upper shelves, a cookie box on top of it. She looks adorable, trying to grasp the metal frame of the colorful box. You grab her waist from behind and sit her on the opposite counter top. For no reason, you press a kiss on her lips.
"Huh? D-Daddy?"
"Fuck, you are beautiful. Uhm, did you want the cookies."
"Y-yeah, i-if I may."
"Of course."
You grab one of them and give it to her. As she begins to happily much on it, you give her her cellphone.
"Can you call Chaewon?"
"Chaewon-unnie? Why?"
"Well... I'm pretty sure she misses you. And it's shortly after noon, so she’s probably on a break right now."
You press your hands into Minju's thighs, massaging them, spreading them, while getting close to her face and whispering: 
"Don't you want to see her again? Maybe set up a meeting to kiss?"
Minju blushes. She tries to hide her face, an odd visual as her whole body is in full nude and her pussy more and more visible from your spreading her legs. Nonetheless, she still searches for Chaewon's number and calls her the second the last cookie crumbs tumble down her throat.
"Unnie! This is Minju! Yes. Yes, I miss you too. We haven't talked in forever."
The two of them engage in a lively conversation immediately. Minju is engaged, distracted, as you predicted. Her beautiful smile and giggles as she gets teased are so endearing, you feel a little bad for using her.
"Step 2: Let Chaewon hear how good you make Minju feel."
Minju's legs are spread. She is not completely oblivious to it, as she gives you concerned glances, but she does not close them. She really became a good girl, so you will treat her like one. Grab her thighs and adjust her on the surface, then lower yourself to her crotch.
"U-u-unnie, I..."
You blow on Minju's pussy and then dive tongue-first into the pink, twitching entrance.
Your taste buds get a taste of what she seems to be leaking all the time and you can't lie: it's addicting. Her juice is like honey, but a lot less tenacious and easily consumable. With your tongue spreading her lips, you get a good amount of it and she is obviously unable to understand what Chaewon is saying. 
You enjoy her taste, but her odor might be even better. She smells fresh like a rose and needy like the good girl she is slowly becoming for her Daddy. You could sniff her for longer, but the time is ticking. Chaewon won't stay on the phone forever after all, so you drag your tongue over Minju's labia. Her legs jerk lightly and she whimpers softly, softer than her folds. Those folds get greedily attacked by your licks, the left side, the right side, then all over. A first moan is imminent, and Minju releases it right into the speaker.
"Minmin?" Chaewon asks worriedly, "Are you alright?"
"Y-yes, I—hng, ah!"
Suck on her clit and Minju's phone tumbles out of her hand. You quickly pick it up and put it against her mouth. Chaewon shall hear every sound, every pant, every sexy moan from Minju's pretty lips.
"Minmin, what's happening?"
"I-It's okay, hng, it feels so go-good, ah!"
Minju's hand in your hair is unsure if it should push you away from her twitching core or deeper into it. Her thighs however are a lot more honest. They press down on your ears from each side. The more viciously you lick and suck, the less gentle they become. 
"What feels good? Wait, are you masturbating? During a call?!"
"N-no, I, " Minju stops and her teary eyes look down at you. You quickly nod and give her an award in advance: a sudden finger in her empty, greedy pussy.
"I-I'm not, Unnie, he-he is just so good, ah! I'm gon-gonna cu—"
Minju mindlessly screams and squirts as you finger-and-tongue-fuck her over the edge. The fact that she cums so easily now makes you proud and you'd love to drink more from her leaking hole, but you have your fun adventure to not only end a call, but also start a new crazy chapter in your life.
"Who, Minju who in the fucking hell—"
"It's me, Chaewon,” you say in a dismissive, confident tone. “Yes, me. The fucking pig. I bet you know where to find me. But don't get your hopes high."
You give Minju a loud, sloppy kiss as she still moans in deep blissfulness. 
"Minju is mine."
"Step 3: Wait."
A ring at your doorbell. Minju walks to the speaker and filled with enthusiasm, she presses the button to call Chaewon's elevator up. She leaves the door open and walks back to you. 
"Well done, Minmin. Are you not embarrassed? Being naked before Chaewon?"
"No, no," she shakes her head cutely, then blushes, "we saw each other naked often."
"Oh? So you two did more than just kissing, huh~?"
Minju's blush grows. In what can only be the universe's irony, she rather hides her face then her exposed pussy and medium size breasts. She has really gotten used to being naked—or it's because she is still euphoric from your cock being in her right after the call ended?
"Do you want to do it again?"
Your question makes Minju look up at your closer coming figure. You love the shyness and innocence she still has even after all that has happened. It makes you want to cuddle her—or break her again, fuck her mindlessly against the wall, in the shower or in front of her friend.
"Do you want to have sex with Chaewon? Or do you want this?"
You drop your dress pants and although her eyes remain locked with yours, her hand instinctively reaches for your still hard cock. Another clear victory for you, as she strokes you.
"Minmin, where are you?" Chaewon shouts from the front door.
"Tell her where you are, Minmin, " you sadistically whisper into her ear. "Tell her who owns you, tell her where you reside, where you spend your days naked and being a whore. Minmin look at me. Would you ever touch Chaewon without Daddy's permission? Would you ever want to? Or is Daddy all you need, all you ever want?" 
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You put your hand at her chin and hold her up to you, oozing a wad of spit from your mouth into hers. Suddenly, Chaewon rushes in and stops in the door frame. With an inner grin, you let even more spit run down on Minju's tongue and down her chin which you firmly hold. Feeling your own saliva has rarely felt this good.
"Min... Minju what is—you fucking bastard, you pig! I'm going to kill you!"
If she would follow up her words, Chaewon would need to leap towards you and tackle you to the ground, yet she still stands there, her knees shaking from anger, her hands in firm fists. You smirk at her, not concerned in the slightest. All that matters rests in your palm and is as well-trained as ever.. It’s the same as with Hyewon: you have all the leverage, not only the feeling of power, but real power. You are not going to hold it back
"What's wrong?” you respond with utmost wit. “Come and kill me then. But I assume you won’t even step into the room, what a disappointment. Minmin, tell Chaewon what we just discussed. Tell her everything."
"Shut the fuck up!” Chaewon screams at the top of her lungs, face boiling bright red in rage. “Minju, get away from him. You don't have to do that. He is just using you to cheat on Yujin!"
"B-but Unnie," Minju gulps down your spit and gives her friend a serious, determined look. "This is my home, this is where I-I walk around naked everyday. This is my Daddy and I'm so happy he owns me and f-fucks me. Thank you, Daddy."
Minju gets on her toes and you pull at her chin to start a short, passionate torrent of kisses, while her pussy presses down on your upright shaft. Chaewon gasps.
"Cheat on Yujin?” you say with slight indignation, as your tongue slips from Minju’s lips. “I would never and have never. In fact, Yujin is the one who pushed Minju here in the first place! I didn't want her here, but she's proven to be a fun toy and a good girl for Daddy. Isn't that right Minju? 
She nods eagerly, her eyes shimmering, licking the spit on her face or the juice in her crotch. You firmly squeeze her chin and stare her down to the absolute shock of her friend.
“Now, you didn't listen to me fully. Would you ever touch Chaewon without Daddy's permission? Would you ever desire her without my approval? Who has given you the greatest happiness and pleasure in your life, who do you love the most, Minmin?"
"I love Chaewon, but I want Daddy. Daddy owns me, I only want your cock."
"Good girl," you growl with a smirk. She didn't need to be so cute about it, but you can't help but dig into her collarbone with kisses while lifting her light body up. She wraps her legs around your waist and with ease, your cock penetrates her slick pussy. Without caring for the frozen Chaewon, you carry Minju to the couch.
"Ride Daddy, Minju. Show Chaewon how you bounce on someone you really love."
"Yo-you are a bit mean, Dad—ah!"
You give her a heavy thrust and a spank on her firm ass. The hit on both her inside and outside leaves her mewling and she abides. Much to the dismay of Chaewon, Minju starts to bounce on your cock like a marble bounces down an endless staircase. Her hands are wrapped around your nape and you enjoy the sight of her delirious face and shaking tits.
"Good girl Minmin. Who has given you the best pleasure, baby girl? Is it Chaewon or me?"
"Daddy! Daddy is the best!"
"That's fucking enough!"
Chaewon finally gathered her strength. Her stomps are strong. Like an angry hoard of buffaloes, she storms over to you and wraps her arms around Minju. With one strong pull, she gets her Dongsaeng off of your cock. 
"N-no, Unnie, I want."
"Minju, he won't do this to you anymore."
Chaewon reaches for both your tip and your throat. Mercilessly, she squeezes down on both of them while locking eyes. Her dark irises are like a void of hatred, sucking you in. The power of a blackhole, while her hands use the power to suffocate your pleasure. 
Yet you don't break a sweat. With a badly faked whimper, you say what she probably wants to hear.
"I'm so scared, oh no, don't kill me Chaewon."
"Chaewon! What the hell are you doing? Get away from him right now!" 
You smirk as Chaewon turns around and sees an angry, truly angry Minju. This wasn't anger of jealousy or desire, but of seeing a loved one in danger, a need to protect.
"You are out of your mind, Minju!" Chaewon shouts back at her friend and stares. The blackholes that couldn't do anything to you, seem to be effective. No matter how angry Minju is, she will always be soft at heart. She backs off, still irritated and clearly unsatisfied. 
It's a circus you love to see. Anything to make Chaewon crack a little more.
"Wow, calling your best friend these words. You must be the one out of your mind, Chaewon. Maybe the bitchiness has clouded your brain."
"Shut up, shut up, shut up! I hate you, I hate you so fucking much. I will... I will take this from you."
She squeezes your cock even tighter. 
"This? You want to rip it off?" you laugh at her face.
"No. I will drain you. Remove all the pleasure from what you think your 'power' is."
Chaewon leans to your face and digs all of her fingernails into your skin. The pain in your facade is the only thing that you don't have to fake anymore. It hurts like hell.
"And then I'll take Minju back."
"Oh ho," you mockingly hum. Chaewon rids herself of her skirt and panties. For the first time, she isn't pressing something down or into your throat. You probably bleed from there, if not it's just the sweat. But to win this, every drop of blood, sweat and tears is worth it. 
"I'll fucking fuck you till your breath stops, pathetic son of a bitch."
Chaewon does not give you a chance to respond. The palm of her hand is firmly pressed on your lips as she sinks on your shaft. Her pussy, a freshly shaved innie, is incredibly tight and she struggles to get you in. In frustration, she spits in her hand and lubes you up. 
You try to make a scene by flailing with your arms. Maybe she really believes that she can break you this way. But there is certainly a small part in her that just wants to try it. The pleasure you give to her Dongsaengs, the temptation that is your body and cock, they are all too great to not be a factor in her bizarre decision to straddle your lap.
"Shit," Chaewon winces when you finally pierce her open. This time the penetration is a bit easier, but she still struggles. Her plan looks even more embarrassing now. How in the hell does she want to hurt you if she is already hurting at this stage. 
"U-Unnie, stop doing that," Minju urges her from the side, stern concern in her voice.
Chaewon shakes her head and wipes a tear off her face. She's got you almost entirely inside her and starts to wiggle her hips a little. You can't lie, this isn't a lot of fun for you either. She is too dry inside and compared to the enthusiastic, submissive Minju, she is absolutely no fun. If you were doomed to always have sex like this for the rest of your life, she would have succeeded in breaking your spirit.
Luckily, this is not the case.
"W-well? Already hating it?" Chaewon asks, her voice trying to sound triumphant while her face contorts in pain. She removes her hand from your lips and you frown at her, unimpressed, unfazed.
"Minju, come over here."
Your command is followed instantly. Minju kneels next to you, her beautiful body upright on the couch. Her gorgeous breasts are on your eye-level and you have to force yourself to look past them. Her face is painted with uncertainty and neediness.
"Yes, Daddy? Ah!"
Instead of answering her, you stick two fingers into her entrance below. Minju begins to mewl like a cute kitten and the envy on Chaewon's face is priceless. Surely she can attack you in this position, but as she is unable to adjust to the large phallus inside her, she won't do anything.
"Your Unnie doesn't feel as great as you. Do you think there is any way we can help her, how you can help her?"
"Daddy, I know e-every spot that Chaewon-unnie likes."
"No, Minju, no," Chaewon whines, but before she can get a hand on her friend, you grab both her wrists and hold them tightly.
"That's great, but first, give me Chaewon's panties. We have to tie her up, she has been very naughty."
This is the moment Chaewon should realize that her plan was futile and stupid to begin with and that her curiosity and libido got the better of her. With her smelly panties, she receives the treatment of a caught criminal, all while her friend is playing along. The only way out would be to leave, but this would mean to leave Minju behind.
Chaewon's heart cannot allow this. It cannot forget how strong she feels whenever the taller girl smiles or waves at her, when they cuddled in bed during the covid scares, when they cried together after the final concert. All the times they got intimate together—she can't leave her behind.
"Good girl," you groan to Minju and caress her cheek. In Chaewon's mind, you're saying it to her and she hates it. She hates every last bit of you. The way you nuzzle up into Minju to whisper to her. The way you control her and force her to call you Daddy. The way you make her—
"Ah, Minju, no-not there!"
Minju places soft, slow kisses below Chaewon's navel and works her way in a zig-zag pattern from thigh to thigh. Only a few things make the fierce leader weaker than this and only Minju knows of them.
"You're doing so good, Minju."
Your praise is met with a hum when you massage her butt and then move back to gently play with her clit. Minju moves further up. She licks Chaewon's underboob, not caring about the salty sweat which resides there. Goosebumps travel all over Chaewon's skin and when Minju finally leeches onto one of her nipples, you feel it without a doubt.
"Oh, it's working,” you say excitedly as a surge of juice lubes up your shaft inside Chaewon, and you decide to tease her with it. “Chaewon, are you getting wetter?"
"N-no, pig. Fuck, I h-hate y-you."
"That's why you're here, hm? Then do it! Free 'your' Minju."
The small woman gets into position again. Your cock almost slipped all the way out of her, it's a lot easier for her to let you glide inside. However, her untrained walls still struggle with the last inch. No matter how much she forces herself, it’s not enough, agonizing for both of you. The entirety of her riding is sloppy, absolutely unenjoyable.
All her adjustments and attempts to take you faster or more of your dick end the same way: with a groan of disappointment. You let her try it over and over again, but her attempt at hate sex is nowhere near overstimulation or pain. There is a lot more boredom, although her walls have potential.
"Fuck, Chaewon, that's not gonna work."
You roll your eyes and Chaewon actually stops. Tears are in the corner of her eyes and when you look over to Minju, she seems pretty upset as well. Her only comfort is your hand rubbing her softly on her sensitive spots.
"You're pretty shit at this, wow,” you dryly whisper your factual insult. “I thought you wanted Minju back, make me resign and give up, but this is just downright bad."
"Wh-what? What the fuck are you saying?"
Chaewon is in disbelief. Her tied up hands smack your chest. You swat them away and get a hand in her short black hair. 
"I'm being totally serious here. You fuck like someone who has no experience. This way, you won't get anything out of me."
You look over to Minju and when she reacts, you press a kiss on her tender lips. You coo a 'good girl' at her and she giggles cutely. Chaewon realizes the meaning of your words and immediately climbs off of your cock.
"Fuck you. I don't need that. You're a disgusting piece of shit, I don't want your fucking compliments."
"No, I bet you much rather walk to the next guy, have sex with him and let him either lie or tell you the gut punching truth. Chaewon, only here can you train without it becoming a rumor. Only here can you see Minju. These are just the facts, but do whatever you want."
"Ugh, fucking hell,” Chaewon curses with shame and disgust written all over her pretty face. She struggles for a second, then tears the tied up panties around her wrists open. To her dismay, they are completely useless now. 
"Okay, Mr. Sex-Expert-Pig. What the fuck do you think is wrong? I bet I could make any guy cum in under a minute."
You scoff and stare her down.
"Oh, and then why weren't you able to make a horny 'pig' like me to cum? Do better Chaewon. Your technique, your enthusiasm, your movement are all weak. I—"
"Fucking fine then!” Chaewon screams and sends her skirt flying into a nearby wall. “I'll fuck you. I'll fuck my anger onto you every fucking day if it means getting bett—getting Minju back. And then you'll see!"
"Oh, you can try, but all compliments are reserved for good girls."
You hug Minju's waist. The cute girl is completely confused by what is happening, but she sure enjoys your affection and repeated kisses. When you press your palm to the back of her head, she wanders down your body and begins to lick your cock blissfully.
"Urg, I'm not calling you Daddy. In fact, I won't do anything for you. I'll fuck the compliments out of you and then Minju will see how pathetic you are, pig."
"I bet you will die trying, bitch."
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yanderestarangel · 7 months
desperate for a one-shot of johnny fucking the reader and tomas being a peeping tom and getting turned on by the reader getting fucked 🫣 (p.s ur writing is a MASTERPIECE)
★ 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖋𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖊𝖘 ★
𝖏𝖔𝖍𝖓𝖓𝖞 𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 + 𝖙𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖘 𝖛𝖗𝖇𝖆𝖉𝖆
TW: v!sex, afab anatomy, voyeurism, m! masturbation, whining, semi-public sex, johnny cage x reader + voyer tomas, degradation, pet names, creampie, objectification, smut, angst, porn plot only, no pronouns used other than 'you'.
A/N: thanks anon, I hope you like it <3
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Tomas Vrbada was now Johnny Cage's wingman, always going to clubs with the star, however, he met you, Johnny's partner, you and Johnny had sex and had fun after his divorce, but Tomas didn't expect to catch you and the actor from movies together, fucking in the nightclub bathroom, but he couldn't and wouldn't look away from your body, being dominated by him.
"-Fuck..." Tomas sighed softly, looking through the crack in the open door, while watching Cage fuck you. Tomas's eyes widened as he watched the erotic scene unfold before him. He couldn't tear his gaze away from the sight of you, legs spread wide, your wet pussy enveloping Johnny's thick cock. The sound of your sweet moans filled the bathroom, sending shivers down Tomas's spine. The bulge in his pants grew, straining against the fabric as his own desire surged through his body.
Unable to resist any longer, Tomas's hand instinctively moved to his crotch, his fingers fumbling to unzip his pants. He needed release, his cock throbbing with anticipation. He watched as Johnny's hands gripped your hips, guiding you rhythmically against him, each thrust pushing you closer to the edge of pleasure.
Tomas's breath hitched as he imagined himself in Johnny's place, his own hands gripping your hips, his cock buried deep inside you. His mind was filled with delicious fantasies of taking you, pleasuring you in ways that only he could imagine. The thought of joining the two of you in this debauched act sent a surge of heat through his body.
As Vrbada continued to stroke himself, his gaze never wavering, he couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to have you moaning his name, to feel your walls clenching around his length. The sensations overwhelmed. "-I wish that was me.." He muttered under his breath, his voice filled with a mixture of envy and arousal - The ninja pictured himself thrusting into you, feeling your wetness enveloping him, your moans filling the air - the thought of being the one to make you submit, to hear you cry out his name - made him go madder with desire, all the veins in his dick were pulsating at that moment, he didn't even care if he was caught by someone or not - his gaze shifted to the mirror, where he caught a glimpse of his reflection.
He wanted to see you at your most vulnerable, to witness.
"-I want you so fucking bad, let me taste you, let me fuck you..." He whispered, imagining himself with you, thrusting into your wet pussy, claiming it as his own. I want to fuck you like that, I'd fuck you so hard, baby..." Tomas repeated, his voice a low growl now, his hand moving faster under the clothes.
Johnny accelerated his hips into your pussy, opening your thighs wide, you didn't even know where your panties were, as he searched for more and more lustful and hot fiction with the actor's naked cock, while his thick hands dug into your soft skin.
"-Kitten... You're so fucking wet..." Johnny growled, his voice thick with lust. He looked down at your body, the way your pussy glistened under the bathroom lights, how your breasts bounced whenever he thrust into you.
"-I bet you want another cock inside you already, don't you?" Johnny smirked, his balls were hitting your ass at a speed that would leave you raw, drunk on your pussy, his shirt was open and his glasses were crooked, drops of sweat were falling from his forehead, directly onto your skin - did you see a shadow at the door, but he didn't care, nothing mattered at that moment - Cage accelerated his hips into your pussy, opening your thighs wide, you didn't even know where your panties were, as he searched for more and more lustful and hot fiction with the actor's naked cock, while his thick hands dug into your soft skin.
"-Mmmm... fuck yeah, take it all." Tomas murmured, moaning lowly, while biting his lower lip, leaning against the wall outside the bathroom, however, his blue eyes still focused on your body jumping with each wild thrust of Cage, while the ninja tried not to moan loudly and get your attention, beg to fuck you too, give you pleasure with Johnny.
Vrbada wanted to be there, inside that bathroom - Johnny, continued to fuck you roughly on the cold marble of the bathroom sink. "-You fucking love it, don't you?" Johnny growled, his voice raspy with lust, as he smiled smugly at you, slamming his dick repeatedly into your wet core.
Tomas watched as Johnny pushed himself deeper into you, his hips moving in a slow, rhythmic pace. He could see the look of pure satisfaction on your face, the way your eyes closed and your lips parted slightly.
"-You feel so fucking good... Oh god, yes..." He groaned, his hand moving faster now, his cock throbbing beneath his pants. Tomas murmured quietly, imagining himself between his legs, his tongue tracing the outline of your wetness.
"-I need to be inside you, let me claim you, let me breed you... I want to see that pretty face when I fuck you. The way your eyes roll, the way your lips open..."
You finally felt the unbearable inferno of breaking point, your pussy squeezing Cage's shaft. As the waves of pleasure crashed over you, your body convulsed in ecstasy. Johnny’s cock pulsed inside you, filling you with his hot release, as your pussy squeezed him tight, milking every drop of his cum. The sensation made you go into a mind-blowing orgasm, your moans of pleasure echoing throughout the penunbral bathroom, screaming your dominator's name there.
Tomas, unable to contain himself any longer, succumbed to his own desires. His hand moved feverishly over his throbbing cock, his grip tight as he followed your lead - The sight of you climaxing, your body shaking with pleasure, sent him over the edge. With a guttural groan, he released his pent-up desire, hot jets of sperm shot from his pulsing shaft to his hand, moaning your name low and hoarse, he trembled and his muscles tensed from the act - Johnny remained inside you, your breathing ragged as his cock softened inside your satisfied pussy.
Smoke, with his own release diminishing, couldn't help but feel a mixture of satisfaction and guilt for giving in to that, the desire to have you was still present in him, he just decided to walk away frustrated, for not having you, a dangerous feeling, that mixed with the dark desires of the lin kuei ninja.
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goldessia · 2 months
RUINED REPUTATION — k. bkg x assistant reader
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sum. katsuki bakugo is the #1 professional hero. because of this, he built an agency, and wound up hiring an assistant to help him with publicity and to do majority of his paperwork for him... something he didn’t expect was for that assistant to be so damn attractive.
warnings. injury, intoxication, makeouts, smut!mdni (in future chapters!)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 (wip)
a/n. haii! thanks for tuning in for the second chapter :) hope you like this so far! not proofread — let me know if there’s any mistakes!
tag list: @lovra974 , @gold24fish, @bkgirl, @bigsimpo343 , @missyaess
“i.. i didn’t know where else to go.”
here he was, dynamight himself, standing in-front of my front door with blood pooling his shirt.
i sputter. what do i even say in this situation? my boss was at my front door, looking intoxicated and like he was near to death.
“sir?” i say in nearly a whisper, “what.. what are you doing here?”
he groaned, and i couldn’t tell if it was from pain or not. “stop.. stop calling me that.” he huffs, clutching the doorframe harder, the wood sizzling.
“sorry—“ i catch myself, “um, dynamight.”
“don’t call me that shit either.” he stares me in the eye as he says, “just.. just call me katsuki. ‘don’t care.”
i meekly nod. we’re on a first name basis now?
not wanting my doorframe to burn off, i take his hand off my doorframe and sling his arm around my shoulders. when he leans his weight onto me, i nearly collapse but manage to keep myself composed.
to think we were just talking about him merely a few hours ago, and now he’s here, as if we summoned him like some sort of demon.
.. well, demon isn’t too far off.
i shut the door behind me, katsuki’s feet stumbling as i try to lead him towards the bathroom where i kept my medical aid.
i guess my year trying to be a nurse is paying off before i switched majors, as i still have the supplies and knowledge i gained from it.
“what the hell happened?” i ask, voice low as to not wake my un-suspecting roommate.
“ts’ guy at a bar, nggh!” he hisses as we drop a step, his hand unintentionally pushing farther into his wound. i mutter an apology.
he’s breathing heavily, like he’s gasping for air. i can feel his biceps clench with every walk we take, his sharp exhale at every step he as to walk on his left-injured side.
clearing my throat, i prompt, “guy at a bar?”
“had a.. a fuckin mouth onim’.” he says heavily, “put that pussy in his place.”
if dynamight is this bad.. i wonder how the guy he was fighting was looking like right now.
“as your assistant.. fuck you for causing another scene.” i say, kicking open the bathroom door, “as your temporary.. friend, good for you.”
i cringe at the word friend. friend seems weird — off.
“good for me, my ass.” he hisses as i place him against the counter, pushing his torso to tell him to sit.
he does.
the reality of the situations continues to dawn on me; my boss is in my house, in my proximity that i live in everyday. i shower in this very bathroom. it felt.. weird.
i clear my throat, trying to ignore the butterflies of anxiousness in my stomach.
“katsuki,” i test, the name unfamiliar on my tongue, “take off your shirt.” from my peripheral vision, i can see him smirk. i send a look his way, face flushing in embarrassment.
“not like.. like that.” i stutter, “‘just take off your damn shirt.”
he stares at me, blinks, then tuts his tongue and says—“yes, ma’am.”—weak, shaken hands gripping the end of his shirt and pulling it over his head in one clean move.
it both irritates me and confuses me how simply he had done it.
he drops it in the floor, too weak to care where he put it—conveniently on my brand new white bathmat.
i try to ignore how it irritates me.
“i’ll buy you.. a new one.” he breathes, falling back against the marble wall, touching a hand to the wound on his stomach and hissing a breath through his teeth.
i rummage through the drawer of supplies, purposefully avoiding looking his way out of respect — and for my own sanity.
luckily, sutures was the unit we last worked on before i switched majors, meaning the information was still fairly fresh in my mind.
taking a step closer to the hero, i smell a waft of alcohol seep off of his skin. whiskey, no doubt.
i clear my throat. “i didn’t peg you for a whiskey guy.” i say, hoping to clear some of the overwhelming awkwardness.
he grimaces when i touch an alcohol pad around the wound, cleaning the dried blood surrounding the cut.
“i’m any typa’ guy on the right occasion.” he gives a toothy grin as he says this, abs flexing from my touch.
i blink. finally meeting his eyes, i realize just how close our bodies were, my hands on his torso, standing between his legs as he sits on the counter.
i knew he was supposed to be fit considering his work involved constantly pushing his body to the brink, but man.
he was toned, abs chiseled, biceps molded and flexing with every touch to his wound. his body resembled that of a god, and even if his body was bruised and broken it still looked perfect.
his eyes are piercing, ruby-bright red paired with a shiny, toothy grin placed between his lips.
“whatcha starin’ at, hm?” he slurs. i can feel the breathe from his lips.
my eyes flick away. i murmur a, “..nothing”, clearing my throat and picking up the needle to suture the wound. "so.. what happened for you to get this wound?"
"you're really beautiful, y'know that?" katsuki breathes, eyes scanning over my face.
"what?" i flush, momentarily freezing.
he chuckles, the scent of alcohol seeping over my face as he breathes out, "everyday, when you show up in those outfits ya got.. drives me insane.."
i am unsure what to do. staring into katsuki's eyes, i can see he's totally out of it; he doesn't mean any of this, it's just the alcohol talking!
.. then again, drunk words are sober thoughts.
i scoff, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear as i rip my gaze away. "you're drunk, katsuki," slowly, i am getting used to the name, "you're just talking nonesense."
"i'd never lie t' a pretty girl like you." he says, leaning closer, dangerously close. "anyone ever tell ya you got the most beautiful eyes?"
he reaches a hand toward me, tipping my chin up to look at him, rough and calloused hands scraping against the skin across my jaw.
suddenly, the room is too hot, his touch is too hot and i can feel myself slowly going insane. i find myself wanting more, more, his hands all over--
no! what the hell am i saying, he's drunk, and unlike himself. once he sobers up, he'll realize how stupid his words were.
but oh, his touch was addicting.
"katsuki.." i whisper, feeling his hand slowly move across my collarbone. he leans toward me, his lips resting over my ear, his breath on my skin flowing down my neck. so warm, so soothing.
"y'know, everyday when you show up in them' jeans ya wear.." he inhales, the sound loud in my ear, "makes me so fucking turned on."
i take a deep breath, trying to compose myself, trying to resist; he wouldn't want this, not if he were sober.
i swallow, "katsuki." i say with more certainty.
"mm, say that again." he rasps, kissing just below my ear with such gentleness i am surprised. his lips are hot, wet, his tongue dragging softly over my skin. i feel my body heat up, having to lean against the counter because i was afraid my legs would give out.
resist. resist, all you have to do is push away.
"you.. you wouldn't want this if you were sober." i huff, my face a bright, hot pink of fluster.
a chuckle comes from his chest, "this is all i want when i'm sober. all i can think 'bout, girl."
he pulls away from my neck, and i sigh in relief before opening my eyes to see him right in-front of me. his hand grabs my chin, slanting my head to the side, waiting painfully close as if to wait for me to make the first move.
and i know it's bad. the cliche of bosses sleeping with their assistants always irked me, and considering i was an assistant for dynamight i never considered he would ever sleep with me.
but now... if what he is saying is true, my predictions were nothing but the complete opposite.
and all i can think is: well, fuck, as i crash my lips against his. his mouth is hot, fiery, just as i assumed it to be. his tongue instantly pushes against mine, teeth grazing each other as our lips meet in a hasty battle.
tongues dancing against each other, i am instantly overwhelmed. kissing has never been this sweet, this passionate with my previous partners. a raw, thick naturalness comes between katsuki and i, as if being this close to one another was simply fate.
"this is.. bad--!" i mutter between the breathes we are forced to take, his hand instead finding my hips and pulling me against the counter. i am forced to stand on my tippy-toes as his other hand finds my hair, grasping it as if to hold him to reality.
i understand that much. i feel like if it weren't for his grasp on my skin, i would simply be in a dream instead of this being a reality.
and if this is a dream, i don't think i want to ever wake up.
i bring a hand up to his torso, my hand accidentally grazing over his wound. he groans into my lips, hand clutching my hair even tighter, yet he doesnt stop his assault to dominate my mouth.
i gasp. he's wounded! what am i thinking?!
gathering all the restraint in my body, i push away from him, my back slamming into the wall behind me. i finally take a breath, heavy pants leaving my mouth as i stare at him.
a groan of frustration leaves his lips, his back falling against the wall. it seemed the dopamine had allowed the affect of the wound to become nothing more than a little thorn in his side, but now that it had run out the pain started coming back.
"please.." katsuki whispers, "'feels better when yer kissing me.."
then, there's a knock on the door.
"y/n? is everything alright in there?" mina's voice comes from outside the door.
i look between katsuki and the door, seeing his love-drunk eyes and his current state; anyone with eyes could see he was aroused, not to mention the prominent boner tenting his pants.
"uh—“ i say, "yeah I’m—i'm okay." i say back, clearing my throat, "jus' go back to bed, mina."
"you sure..? you're talking kinda weird, i'm just gonna come in—“
"no!' i panic, before realizing my tone was still suspicious.
"that' the acid freak from school?" katsuki's brows furrow, "what's that brat doin' here?"
"who's that?!" mina calls from outside the door, "wait.. thats—!"
"OKAY!" i yell in frustration, "i'm opening the door!"
i slowly crack open the door, quickly closing it behind me and leaving katsuki in the bathroom.
mina’s eyes are wide. “what. the fuck. is katsuki bakugo doing in our apartment at three in the morning?!”
i sigh, rubbing a hand over my face, “i don’t know. he just.. he just came to the front door, injured.”
“so.. bring him to the hospital!” mina says in a duh tone.
“how do you think it’d look if his assistant was with him at three in the morning?” i say in a whisper-yell, “look, it’s just a simple cut. i can suture it up, and he’ll be fine by the morning.”
she shifts on her feet, uneasy. “okay. but it still feels weird.”
i run a hand over my face, “yeah, i know. it is weird.”
she eyes me, her head slanting ever so slightly. “are you alright? you look all… flustered..” then, her eyes widen as if in a realization, “wait—!”
before she can speak, i cut her off. “okayimleavingnowbye!” i sputter, rushing toward the bathroom and closing it behind me.
i inhale a deep breath, face flushing at the idea of being caught making out with my boss.
“how about you uh.. do me a favour and stitch me up now, huh, princess?” katsuki smiles as he says this.
i turn to him. “don’t call me that.”
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notafunkiller · 10 months
sweet nothing
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Summary: Bucky and you attend an awards show, but an interviewer makes sure to ruin your night before it even starts. The loss of your project makes you have a breakdown when you get home, and Bucky does his best to comfort you.
Pairing: director!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader
Warnings: 18+, age gap (r is 24, Bucky is 36), teasing, dirty talk, language, pet names, fingering, oral sex (the reader receiving), clit play, come eating, a little metal arm kink, daddy kink, no condom (but they are both clean and the reader is on birth control), no mention of y/n
Word Count: 4.2K
story masterlist
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: Bucky’s look is obviously inspired by Sebastian’s appearance at D23 Expo in 2022. Also, this happens a few months after the second part, in October.
An extra thank you to @marvelouslizzie and @lavenderhaze967​ for being my beta readers and for the endless support.
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
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You really can’t decide what to say. The remark came so unexpectedly, you were taken aback.
You don’t know how they knew about your vacation. The photos and some false info were spread all over the internet, and you found out only after you came back home.
You expected things to calm down from July until now, though, but they didn’t. They actually became worse and worse. But despite that, you didn’t even think you were going to get this type of comment tonight, especially since you announced you refuse to talk about your personal life. You should have known better… Bucky was right, you can never trust the press and you should never have expectations.
“Even though this has nothing to do with tonight and I said I won’t talk about anything related to my personal life multiple times...”
“I wasn’t-” The interviewer tries to interrupt you, surprised by your cold tone, but you don’t let her. If they want to speculate, then at least you can let it out now. They can do whatever they want after.
“To make things clear, Mr. Barnes is actually one of the most professional people I’ve ever worked with… one of the best: kind and supportive, and he always gives the best feedback.”
You ignore her once again, raising your hand to stop her. “He is blunt, honest, and hasn’t been anything but professional the whole time. He made a massive contribution to the film industry and he’s been in the public eye for so long...  If you had done your research, you’d have known how everyone, especially the women he worked with, talked and talk about him.” You take a deep breath, trying to keep your composure before you look straight at the camera. “Also, no, I did not sleep with him or anyone else to get any kind of role. Thank you!”
You don’t realize how much you’re shaking or how many tears you were holding back until you reach the bathroom. You’re thankful Bucky is inside already. He doesn’t deserve this shitty attitude, and you know he would have made a scene and stopped this on the spot if he’d witnessed it.
So you don’t tell Bucky about it, not wanting to give him bad vibes, especially since you know how he already feels about going to events in general. Your table is full when you get there: a part of the cast and the crew along with Bucky’s manager. Natasha couldn’t come this time, but you know everyone, so it’s better than you expected.
“Wine?” Bucky asks you softly, leaning in so only you can hear him.
“Later, please. I have a small headache.”
“Oh, no, baby.” He kisses your forehead as soon as you finish talking. “Do you need a pill?”
You love how he never hides or tries to keep his distance when you go out together. Maybe it’s nothing much after all, but you know how discreet he is, how much he values privacy, and it makes you truly feel a part of his life.
“Don’t worry, it will go away.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes, yes.” You brush it off with a smile, and he nods, unsure, getting back in his chair properly.
You can’t let your emotions eat you alive, anger or nervousness... you just can’t. But it’s easier said than done because time passes so slowly until your categories are announced. Not even joking around with Bucky’s manager helps. She has such amazing vibes usually, but you are too deep in your thoughts to fully embrace them.
By the time the nominees in your category are announced, Bucky gets you all ice cream, making sure they put two spoons for you: one with chocolate and another with biscuits. It’s so delicious, but you instantly stop eating when the small video with a few of your scenes is projected. People around you clap loudly, but you can’t look around much, your cheeks so flushed when the camera stops on you again. Bucky even whistles using the index and middle fingers of his flash hand, which makes you giggle. He’s so cute!
“And the winner for Best Actress in a Drama is...”
It’s like the world stops for a second: the tension, the lack of air, the ringing in your ear... you can’t hear anything. But you can read body language and see everyone’s shoulders falling. You don’t dare to look at Bucky, only smiling in joy for whoever won and trying to hold back tears. Every woman on that list deserves it. They are all fantastic. You aren’t upset because someone else won. You just feel like a failure because you lost. It’s like you disappointed the people who care about you, who took a shot with you. Bucky... who saw something in you and risked it. You know how silly it is because he isn’t the type of person who would even think that, but you can’t just control the train of thoughts that keeps overwhelming you.
“I’m so sorry, baby.”
You still can’t look at your sweet, comforting Bucky. Fuck, such a crybaby... You just nod and take your spoon with your right hand so you can have more ice cream.
He better wins!
The movie loses shortly after you, and it’s your turn to comfort him. You don’t pay attention to the camera focusing on you or Lucas tapping on his arm in a consolation gesture when you turn your face toward him and kiss his cheek. “I’m sorry, bubba.”
He melts instantly under your touch. “Don’t be.”
But how can you not be? It makes your insides burn. This man you know so well professionally and personally deserves every fucking award this industry has. He is fantastic! The movie was fantastic, too.
The urge to cry takes over you the moment the winner of the best director category is announced, but it’s not Bucky. And you think he senses it because he squeezes your thigh gently to assure you. You…
You cannot believe this.
You have a bitter taste in your mouth for the rest of the night there, which is short since Bucky suggests leaving earlier. You hate awards ceremonies officially, too.
The car ride is no better. You find it harder and harder to hold back your tears, and the last thing you want is Bucky to see. He asked you if you were hungry, and asked you to stay over at his place. How could you say no? No, Bucky, I want to go home and cry angry and disappointed. You spend most of your nights at his house anyway, so it would make him worry. Especially since the distance to your apartment is longer.
You let a deep breath out when he closes the door, turning on the lights as you start to take off your shoes.
“Home sweet home.” He gives you a tired smile.
“Ihm. Finally.” You don’t trust your voice to say more than that and you let your bag and phone on the small table before going straight to the kitchen.
“Next time we’re invited, we ditch to watch a movie or something and make love.”
His words are enough to send you over the edge somehow. When you hear his footsteps closer, you instantly turn around to face the sink, grabbing the kitchen counter in an attempt to hold back the tears. But it’s so hard…
Fuck, he’s so close.
And that’s all you need to burst into tears. But you’re not just crying, you are fully sobbing when you feel his arms wrapping around you.
“Bubba, breathe, please.” He rests his head on your shoulder, and you feel so naked, so bare in a way... Something you feared for so long. You are vulnerable in a way you only let your family see you, not even them maybe. It’s like you’re giving him access to your inner child. And it’s terrifying.
“I-I’m ss-sorry.” You are gasping for air between words, and this makes you feel even worse. You sound so pathetic.
“What are you sorry for, bubba? Focus on breathing, please.” Bucky’s voice is so calm and soothing, you almost let yourself fall into his arms. You can’t believe this safe sensation you feel. It’s shocking to you. You trust him to hold you and comfort you even when you look this deplorable.
“In and out.” You breathe in and out every time he says the words and it slowly becomes easier; the air doesn’t feel like it burns your lungs anymore.
You feel his kisses on the back of your head. “Good girl, perfect. Just like that.”
You open your eyes as soon as your body stops trembling and turn to him instantly. You probably look like a wet raccoon, but you don’t care. You hug him so tight you wonder if he can even breathe. But you can’t let go.
Bucky’s glad he took off his jacket since the zipper would have hurt your face.
“I’m right here, not going anywhere.”
“I’m ss-sorry,” you say weakly, taking a step back. “It’s just so unfair!”
His whole face softens even more. He understands... your first nominee and your first loss. This is never easy, especially for someone ambitious and talented.
“I know it hurts, but I promise you more will come, and they will finally give you the awards you deserve. You were amazing.” He takes your hands into his and brings them to his mouth.
“It’s not about me!”
“You deserved to win!” You can’t control the anger in your voice. “This movie, the whole concept, the team... Maybe it’s because of the way I-”
“Stop right there! You have nothing to blame yourself for. And you don’t have to feel bad for me, okay, bubba?” His mouth finds your forehead. “Of course, it bothers me a little, but these awards come and go. Sure, some bring more opportunities, but I don’t give a fuck about it. You were a fantastic lead. You are fantastic! But I promise you, you will get more awards because you deserve them. I was mad for you. Don’t worry about me, alright?”
“But you deserve it!”
“It’s just an award, baby. I am proud of this project and of everyone who was a part of it, especially you. It wasn’t easy and it was emotionally draining.”
He wipes your face, and you curse. You should have worn waterproof mascara.
“I just don’t...”
“Don’t ever blame yourself again.” He pauses. “Actually, you will because you can’t control that, it’s not a switch. What I mean is don’t try to hide from me, don’t let the thoughts overwhelm you before talking to me. Or someone... anyone: your sister, your mom, Natasha. I just want you to know I am here for you.” He kisses your lips shortly. “I got you, and you got me.”
He barely has time to finish his sentence before you grab his face and kiss him, your tongue immediately licking his bottom lip. It’s something about the way he reacted, about his permanent attitude and the way he looks that makes you dizzy. So dizzy that you easily switch from feeling anger and fear to sexual desire.
You keep kissing him until you two can’t breathe anymore. He’s so sweet, so good. You can’t help it...
“I want to suck your cock.”
He opens his eyes instantly.
“Want to take you inside my mouth. Now.” You repeat with such urgency that his shock is increasing.
“Wait, you don’t have to-”
But his words die as your hands are already on his belt, taking it off in seconds. When it loudly hits the floor, you unzip the pants, dragging them down along with his boxers with force. So much force he gasps.
“Please, daddy.”
You drop to your knees in seconds, making sure to properly grab the base before leaning in to kiss his wet head.
He has to grab the kitchen counter behind you to stand still.
“Just me.” You smirk a little and take more of his cock inside your mouth. He’s getting harder little by little. When you start to move your hand , though? He finally gets in his usual horny mood, understanding you really want this.
“Fuck, look at you! On your knees just for me. So needy!”
You moan, bringing your left hand to his balls as you start to bob your head. You just want him to come.
“Baby, please. Fuck me!” He groans, and you suddenly feel your hair getting pulled hard as if he’s trying to get you away from his cock. You stop sucking just to snap:
“Why are you taking my cock from me?”
“Because it wants to be inside my pussy.”
You snort.
He helps you stand up and kisses you without any worry. You moan when you feel his hands on your breasts, then to your sides, and before you can even say anything, you hear the sound of the material ripping.
“Hurry up!” You complain, waiting for him to finish undressing you as you keep kissing his neck.
Your bra and underwear are next and you can’t believe how free you feel.
“You are so fucking beautiful!”
“Need you, please...”
He nods, immediately lifting you in his arms, and you don’t stop kissing him until your back hits the bed.
“How do you want me?” You ask, and he frowns.
“What do you mean?”
“Position, Bucky.” You try to clean your face with the back of your hand as you wait for his answer.
“We can start like this.” He gets between your legs and lifts them on his shoulders. His hair is messy, all over his forehead, and you giggle, brushing it away from his eyes.
You’re so wet he gets inside you in one movement, and you both moan. The fullness is so good, you arch your back. Sex with Bucky will never get boring, you are sure of it. He’s a perfect combination between caring, desperate, and curious.
“Yes, bubba, I’m here.” He kisses you as he starts to thrust. “I’m right here.”
Your legs are wrapped around his ass, pushing him inside you harder every time he pulls almost completely out.
“God, I love your cock so much!”
“Just that?” He pouts, making you laugh. He’s a baby and a daddy at the same time.
“I love you, bubba, you know that.”
“And I” thrust “want” thrust “to hear” thrust “it again and again.”
“Fuck.” You close your eyes, turning your face to the side without realizing.
“Eyes on me, doll. Eyes on daddy.”
“It’s hard...” you cry out, even more turned on by him calling himself your daddy. It fits him so much!
“Fine.” He uses his metal arm to turn you around on your tummy.
“Bucky!” You scream because of the sudden movement and the empty feeling since he pulled out.
“Hands and knees since you don’t want to look at me.”
You shake your head, amused, but you get in the position, raising your ass as much as you can. You love when he fucks you like this. Everything feels deeper, and there’s no distance despite the fact you can’t properly see him or kiss him. “So dramatic of you.”
You flinch without realizing when you feel his palm connecting with your ass cheeks.
“Does it hurt?”
“No, no.” You quickly assure him, looking up when you hear his worried tone. He never spanks you too hard, and the amount of strength he uses makes you enjoy it. It always makes you wet. “Just didn’t expect it.”
“Good.” He kisses your forehead. “Ready?”
He quickly gets inside you as soon as you finish speaking, and you gasp. It takes your breath away, but you can’t help but wiggle your ass. His hands grab your hips and he finally starts to literally pound you just the way you both enjoy it. His cold metal fingers feel so good.
“Do you love it, baby?” You hear him, but you don’t understand how he expects you to answer. You can’t even breathe properly.
“Fuck, you’re so wet around me. I love you so much.”
You try to tell him you love him back, but the words are so distorted you give up.
You’re close already.
“Are you gonna come for me? Are you gonna be a good girl and let go? Make daddy prouder?”
And just like that, you come. You don’t hear anything anymore: you can’t distinguish the words, only his voice. You feel so good, so light, that you don’t realize the wave of tears that hits you.
Bucky smiles, knowing these are from so much pleasure, and doesn’t continue to thrust much until he comes inside you. You moan again, encouraging him to fill you. To give you as much come as he has.
“Yes, yes. Please, need your come.” And you know he loses his mind every time you do that. “Please, daddy.”
A few seconds later, you feel him move his hands.
“Fuck me, baby, this was incredible.”
You nod, trying to find your words again.
“Yes, it... it was.” He helps you turn around after he gets out of you and groans.
“You look so fucking good! Perfect to eat right now.”
He makes you laugh before you slowly kiss him, moaning when your tongues find each other. There is something unique about the way he uses that mouth.
“I mean it. Gonna eat you now, ok?”
It’s the only warning you get before your head drops to the bed again and his is between your legs. His shoulders are broad enough to keep your legs extra spread, and you try to keep your eyes open just to enjoy the sight.
But it’s hard. His tongue on your clit then at your entrance, licking and eating his own come combined with yours makes you so weak you have to grab his hair to have a focus point other than his mouth.
Your hips move uncontrolled toward his mouth as soon as you feel him slowing down. He tries to keep your back on the bed by pushing your tummy down with his metal arm, but it’s impossible. The coldness on your skin makes you cry even more.
“Fuck, fuck, Bucky, please...”
You can’t believe how close you are again, but his tongue is always great. You don’t remember a single time he didn’t make you come like this.
You gasp when he moves his tongue up to your clit quickly, which you did not expect. Even though you should have... you should have expected him to bring two metal fingers to your mouth and command you to suck them, then to push them inside you at once as he sucks on your clit. And sucks. And sucks. And when he takes it between his teeth, grazing it just enough, you come.
You don’t even realize you are screaming, the pleasure so overwhelming you can’t think even for a second. And he doesn’t stop, he keeps using his tongue and fingers until you have to beg him to.
You’re trembling, absolutely consumed when he moves up to kiss you.
“Fuck, we taste so good, doll.”
You kiss him again, making sure to lick his lips before he opens his mouth. You taste amazing together, indeed.
“Good. Are you feeling better now?”
“I can’t feel my body,” you say before laughing.
“Are you sore?”
You touch his face. “I feel well fucked, daddy, don’t worry.”
His face is priceless every time you call him that. It’s funny how a big man like him gets red so easily. You never get over this.
“You and that… name.”
You pinch his chin immediately, stroking his hair. “As if you don’t enjoy it.”
“I do. Look what you did to me!” He shakes his head in a disapproving way, and you feel happy. He makes everything lighter... easier for you. He learned when and how to push you, and it helps that you have a similar sense of humor.
“I’m better now, thank you. It’s just so unfair because you are a wonderful director.”
“Just director?”
You giggle, seeing his pouty mouth. “And writer.”
“And?” You raise your eyebrow.
“What else?”
“I don’t-” You burst into laughter when you feel his hands tickling you. “Stop! Stop! F-fine! Best... best boyfriend.”
“What? Didn’t hear you.”
You roll your eyes. He’s so predictable sometimes.
“B-best boyfriend in the world. Now stop! You’re so unfair!”
“Alright.” He gives you a boyish grin, which makes him look so young. His smile never changed from what you saw. His childhood pictures, his college ones... he kept it and it makes him so adorable.
“I love you, old man.”
“Not this again.” He fake puffs before kissing you. “I love you, too.”
You wake up with a few notifications and a message from Bucky telling you he’s gone to do some grocery shopping. You were wondering why the house was silent. Even when he wakes up earlier than you and tries to be silent, there is a low sound from the TV or his music player.
What you don’t expect is to have thousands of DMS and following requests as soon as you open your Instagram.
You don’t understand at first, still sleepy and hungry, until you scroll through your feed and see Bucky’s post. You almost drop your phone.
There are two photos. The first is only with you, but you don’t remember when he took it. You’re not looking at the camera, staring at the sunset, so it’s clear he took it without you knowing. He’s had this for months... and he never showed it to you. God, you miss Italy!
When you swipe to the next pic, one with both of you as he’s biting your cheek, you laugh. You were being so silly that day. Your fourth date... He was ready to eat your whole face and he didn’t want to take no for an answer, so you started to bite and suck his chin in return. It was the first time you spent the night at his house. It feels like years ago...
Then your eyes finally drop to the description and you start crying a little.
I already won the best award that exists a few months ago❤️ Thank you for your support!
You notice he turned off the comments, but many common friends liked the post.
Fuck, that means you are officially together everywhere. Wow.
You can’t believe what you woke up to. You two never kept your relationship a secret, but you preferred being discreet. You are aware of how this looks from the outside, both of you do, but does it matter? At the end of the day, the people you care about know the truth, you work hard to get jobs, and that’s enough.
You immediately open your gallery and choose a couple of photos with you and him, then just with him: hugging, Bucky kissing your cheek, him making dance moves, his face up close... some random pics you love.
You choose to use only a red heart as your caption at first, but before you publish, you add a few words because it doesn’t feel enough and even tag him on your boobs.
What a view: @jbuckybarnes #photosdump
Happily, you let the comments on and look for a certain short video you absolutely adore from your vacation: he has his head on your lap, napping soundlessly while you run your hand through his hair. His face might not be visible, but it’s clear it’s him. His shoulders, his moles, and his hair...
You remember how he groaned and whined every time you stopped touching his curls, bringing your hand back to his head.
“Bubba, more...”
Smiling, you tag him in a small font, choosing a color to fit the yacht floor, and post it.
The next fifteen minutes you spend in the bathroom, taking a shower, doing your routine, and changing into some clothes you left here the last time.
“Baby?” You jump when you hear Bucky in the bedroom all of a sudden, but you don’t let the shock hold you back from jumping on him.
He catches you, thankfully, and holds you by the ass as you kiss him all over his face and neck before stopping on his lips. Your tongue finds his and you moan in his mouth shortly after, making him groan, too.
“Good morning!”
“I love you,” you whisper, resting your head on his chest.
“I love you, too. Didn’t want to leave before you woke up, but we needed breakfast.”
“Can’t believe you did that.”
“What?” He asks genuinely confused.
“You know what!” You say, words muffled by the material of his T-shirt. You are surprised how this small normal thing made you so happy you can burst.
“Ah.” He realizes, leaning in a bit to kiss your hair. “I should have done it ages ago.”
You really hate how he tends to take the full blame when it’s not the case. “We then... but now it’s the perfect timing.”
“Yes, the perfect timing.” He carries you around until you are both back in bed.
The breakfast can wait, so can you to see his reaction when he finds your posts.
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shyyubin · 6 months
Our Little Secret˗ˏˋ꒰ ♣️꒱
<CEO!jaehyun x assistant!fem!yn>
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synopsis: yn finally gets a job but her ceo just so happens to be the same guy who made the porn video she was masturbating to a couple days ago!
part 01
A/N: a lot more of you than I expected wanted a part two so I delivered. Excuse the long wait but…I guess it’s sort of a Christmas gift! Merry Christmas 🎄!
office romance // CEO x assistant // sort of slow-burn // smut // degrading // consent asking // secret dating // public sex // in the bathroom // drunk sex // sneaky
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Eyes fluttering open, yn’s met with the sleeping face of her CEO. In the blink of an eye, she’s reminded of everything that happened last night.
I must’ve been stupid! Was I drugged?? Just how the hell did I do that???
Without a second of hesitation, she quickly turns around to leave her bed but her wrist is quickly stopped. “Will you really leave me like that?” he asks with a low and husky voice. He groans a couple times, stretching his body.
“I will. Let’s not mention this anymore.” yn twists her wrist to break free but it’s useless. His grip is too firm. “Let me go!”
“You agreed to this, remember? You wanted this..” his voice was sly, she caught onto his manipulation in a second.
“Jaehyun-ssi. I’m your assistant. Let’s keep our relationship professional. I don’t know what went through me yesterday.” with more wiggling, she set her hand free and got up, pulling the blanket around her body—leaving his hot skin feel the cold air of their room. Jaehyun scoffs, getting up to clothe himself.
As yn was sunken in her daydreams, her phone beeps loudly. “Come in my office” from none other than Jaehyun. She sighs, wanting nothing more than to avoid him. So much for getting a good job.
She knocks diligently on his door before sliding through. Yn bows lightly, giving him a professional smile. “How may I help you?”
Jaehyun squints his eyes in disgust at her sudden proffesionalism. “What’s with you…Anyways, settle a team dinner this evening. You may choose the location, just don’t choose anything cheap.”
“Understood. I’ll do that…Do you have any preferences? …Something specific you’d like to eat?” her eyes grow curious as she pulls out a small notebook to write it down.
“You.” he replies boldly, staring right in her now flustered eyes. His smirk grows as he carefully licks his lips.
“Uhm..Well…I’ll just choose on my own then..” she blabbers, excusing herself out of his office.
Her head turns around, a bit worried at what else he might say. “What is it?”
“What we did last night…it wasn’t something wrong. Don’t be ashamed of it.” his tone was reassuring but he wasn’t making eye contact with her.
She bows, avoiding his words and exiting his room.
Yn’s eyes flutter closed when her alarm suddenly jolts her awake. It was her 7pm alarm for their team dinner. She wipes her eyes and tries to straighten her suit back on her. Without hesitating, she walks up to Jaehyun’s office, gently knocking on it. “Jaehyun-ssi..?” Opening the door she finds him working diligently on some paperwork. Looking up above his glasses frames, his eyebrows raise lightly, asking her to continue. “Uhm…It’s 7pm. We should head to the dinner table.” Jaehyun nods, setting his pen down and taking his glasses off, letting his hair flow past his dark eyes. “Alright then. Let’s get going. I’ll drive us there.”
Getting in his car, yn carefully takes out her makeup pouch, opening the car mirror and starting to retouch her look and even adding a couple special details. Like a touch of glitter on her eyelids, a brighter highlighter in the corner of her eyes, a darker blush and a nice dark red lipstick, enhancing her feminine appearance. Although the car was moving all throughout her get-ready-with-me scene, her makeup was flawless and it looked as if she did this before.
As she places everything back, Jaehyun’s look turned to her during a stop. “Did you really have to get this dolled up just for a team dinner? When did you even change outfits..” he asks, almost scoffing. Yn would like to think it’s jealousy, but her mind refused to do that.
“I like dolling myself up everywhere. And I quickly ran home to grab this outfit. It’s pretty, right?” she gives him a smile before putting her pouch away, smacking her lips and analysing her work in the car mirror. Jaehyun was so mesmerised by her…dressed in all white. Her tight short tweed skirt matching with her cropped tweed coat which revealed her collarbone and waist. As Jaehyun admired her curves and beauty the cars started honking angrily behind him. He clears his throat, “We’re almost there so you better finish up.”
And as the car slows down, he steps out, hurrying to yn’s door to open it. This made her stop a little. Why is he doing this? Shouldn’t I be the one assisting him? But still, she bowed lightly, avoiding eye contact and rushed inside the bar.
“Just where did you take us?” Jaehyun asks, stepping in close behind yn, looking all over the place for a table with their teammates.
“There!” Yn points to a table far in a corner of the well decorated and expensive-looking restaurant and then waves happily. Jaehyun eyes her from top to bottom, letting out a faint smile at her childish behaviour.
“Yaaah!! You two are finally here!!….sir!” Jisung, one of her coworkers, exclaims while waving.
“Hello, hello. Did you guys order food yet?” she asks, taking off her coat
“Of course!” Jungwoo replies excitedly. Yn giggles at his behaviour.
Watching everyone get along sort of made Jaehyun feel left out. It reminded him how little he actually knew about his employees. He sits down and tries to awkwardly ease himself into the vibe of the dinner. Jaehyun didn’t want to make it overly difficult as he’s their boss but it did feel like the atmosphere was getting heavy.
As he sat down, the whole table got silent and bowed lightly. “Good evening, sir.” Jungwoo said to break the silence. He pats his palm on the chair next to him for yn to sit on. Before she could react, Jaehyun pulls her arm and forces her down on the seat next to him. It startles her but she tries to stay calm and laugh it off.
“How about we start with some soju?” yn suggests, picking up a bottle of soju and opening it. She pours a shot to everyone sitting at the table before sitting back down and holding her cup up. “Cheers! And thank you to our boss for taking us out for dinner tonight~!” she says cheerfully making everyone happily saying “cheers!” while clinking their glasses together.
“Thank you, boss!” they each say, making Jaehyun awfully flattered. “My pleasure, my pleasure…” he’d say before quickly downing the shot to ease the awkwardness.
Shot after shot, Jaehyun was getting tipsier and tipsier. Sure he handled his alcohol but 4 bottles was definitely overfilling. Everyone was getting worried but secretly they enjoyed it since they could unwind and quit being so strict because of Jaehyun’s presence.
“Jeong-ssi..wake up…we should go home.” yn asks, shaking him lightly but he was fast asleep. “Jeong-ssi?” she tries to shake him harder, making him groan and reposition himself, accidentally knocking down a glass of red wine on yn’s expensive white outfit. The gasps and the clinking of the wine glass wakes Jaehyun up. He begins to quietly apologise and to sleepily look everywhere for paper towels to wipe her dry.
“..’m so sorry…Sorry, sorry…I apologise, beautiful…” his murmuring was hard to decode but for some forbidden reason, yn understood it very well.
“I’ll go to the bathroom. The tissues are probably all there.” she says, getting up and trying to still smile despite being utterly furious. Her outfit was so expensive, and she bought it the night prior. Wine is so difficult to remove, as well. It really couldn’t get any worse than this.
Yn storms off to the bathroom leaving Jaehyun dazed in his chair. “..wait…yn…let me come help you. I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” he murmurs again, struggling to get up and then once he’s got himself on both feet he attempts to walk towards yn, grabbing her hand tightly once he reached her.
Her head turns around worried but then calms down when her eyes are met with a sleepy Jaehyun who’s struggling to keep himself stable on both feet. “Let me help you.” he struggles to say, finally making eye contact with her.
“Jeong-ssi, you can’t help me…I’m entering the girl’s bathroom.” she tries to explain but is cut off by Jaehyun suddenly having the strength to pull her in the bathroom and pinning her to one of the sinks.
“It’s okay…my eyes are only on you, anyways…” he murmurs, sliding his hands under her ass and pulling her up to sit on the edge of the sink. He turns on the water silently and begins to struggle to remove the wine stain.
“It’s useless…Forget it. I’ll just throw it..” yn says with disappointment escaping her lips. She pouts, looking away.
“Oh…I’m sorry…I’m so sorry….How..how can I make it up to you..?” he asks, his eyes switching between staring at her eyes and her lips.
“Uhm…I’ll just appreciate it if you could—“ her words were abruptly interrupted by his lips smashing against hers. His violent yet passion love escaping his every breath. Yn didn’t hold herself back either, there was passion hidden behind the both of them and it was finally unveiled now.
Taking her coat off, Jaehyun overhears some girls coming into the bathroom. He quickly and skillfully—despite being 4 bottles drunk—carries her to one of the stalls, slamming the door behind him. Throughout his impressive move, he never let go of her lips. Savouring her every inch.
“…Yn-ssi…” he whispers, trying to not be overheard by the girls outside of their stall.
Yn’s dazed gaze looks up at him. “..yeah..?”
“I..I really don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself from doing this to you…” he continues, his voice getting louder. The girls seemed to notice since their voices get lost and they make sure to close the door behind them. “I’m really sorry…It’s all a blur right now but..I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you.” he finishes, his husky tone reminding yn of those god-forsaken videos he published.
She gulps, avoiding eye contact with him. “You’ll…you’ll be alright, yeah..?” he asks, slowly tipping her coat over her shoulders, revealing them to the cold air. “If I…If I kiss you like this…over here” he murmurs as he leans into the edge of her neck and collarbone, pressing long and hot kisses, trailing his tongue up to the back of her ear. “…you’ll let me kiss you like this, right?” he continues to ask even though he clearly knows yn is in no position to answer any questions right now. She’s hardly able to keep her legs stable.
“Yn…” Jaehyuns sloppy hands wander to her chest, unbuttoning her shirt and pulling it apart, revealing her white and laced bra, cupping her breasts snug. “How do you like your breasts touched..?” he continues, sliding his hand to yn’s back and unclipping her bra efficiently, letting it fall down as her boobs bounce out. “Do you like them fondled?” he adds as he replicates with his hands what his words produce. “Or…maybe you like them licked?”
His words were menacing. They were driving yn absolutely crazy. Her core was never as hungry as it was right now. It’d swallow just about anything. Her thighs instinctively rub against eachother, creating friction where she needed it the most. “J-Jeong-ssi…” she manages to utter.
“Yes..Tell me, baby…How do you like it? I really want to feel good with you.” His gaze was fixated on yn’s dazed one.
“Please…s-stop the teasing…I..I want you.”
Jaehyun nods, a clear smirk forming on his face. “I’ll give you exactly what you need but…our little secret shouldn’t be disclosed, you know. You should keep quiet..” he adds, untying his tie and wrapping it around yn’s mouth, making her bite on it. “Good girl. Now let go for me..”
His hands slide to her hot and wet core, making her squeal just from barely brushing his fingers against her laced panties. His excitement takes him over and he shoves two fingers up her tight cunt. Yn bites hard on the tie, letting out muffled moans as her legs part for him to have space. “Fuck…How the fuck are you this sexy..?” he exhales, thrusting his fingers hard right where she needed it the most.
“Cum, cum for me..come on…I can feel you tightening your slutty muscles around me. Let it go…”
And as if on command, yn unleashes the knot in her stomach and cums on his fingers, leaving them nice and glossed as well as your pussy ready to take him in. After a couple praises and kisses on your forehead, he quickly takes his already hardened length and shoves it inside. “Ahh..so nice and cozy here…I prepped you so well. So nice for me. I love you.” he groans as his pace speeds up, letting the wet squelching and skin slapping fill the bathroom. The both of them desperately hoping that no one else could hear them.
Yn’s nails dig into his strong arms which hold into her waist tightly. As if making her his, Jaehyun’s gaze refuses to leave her lustful face. It looked to perfect. Perfectly ruined by him. It’s as if an artist were looking at his artwork. Teary eyes, unable to stay open, a wet tie which was stuck between her teeth, grabbing on it tight to keep any moan safe in her throat. She gulps as she feels the knot in her stomach tighten once more. Yn looks up at him pleadingly.
“I’ll make you cum again, love. Don’t worry. You can let go as many times as you want with me.” and as if these words were magic once again, her cunt tightens around his pulsating length as she releases everything on him, her legs giving out. Jaehyun successfully catches her before falling. “Stay with me. I’m not done yet.” so he continues to thrust into her sensitive cunt.
Despite biting hard onto the tie, her moans failed to be contained. That’s when Jaehyun heard the door being opened again. He smacks his hand on her mouth continuing to slowly and carefully thrust into her. As if the situation weren’t already exciting—having sex with her boss in a public bathroom—everything just got 10x more exciting for yn.
Jaehyun leans down to her ear, “Can you imagine how slutty you must sound right now?” he carefully whispers, trying his hardest to finish his sentence from all the whimpering.
His words turned yn on a lot. As if her cunt weren’t already wet enough, it felt as if it just came again. Jaehyun chuckles. “You came again? From my words only?” he laughs, mercilessly pounding in her once he hears the bathroom door close again.
And with a couple more slams, Jaehyun pulls out, carefully releasing his load on her stomach. His moans melted yn’s ears. They were the song she could only hear for herself—a very special song.
As the two are left panting, the alcohol suddenly leaves the both of them, making them stare in shock at what they just did. “D-do you think anyone found out..?” yn asks, with a hint of excitement.
“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you of anything.” he reassures, although his gaze wasn’t fixated with yn’s.
After carefully cleaning yn’s stomach up, along with her coat, they decide they should go back to their table.
“What took you two so long?” Jungwoo cluelessly asks. After a closer inspection, he notices yn’s messed up hair and lipstick. “Hey…did you two…”
“—I think it’s getting awfully late! What do you think, Jeong-ssi? Shouldn’t we go home?” yn tries to avoid the obvious question, unconsciously fixing her hair and wiping her lipstick.
“Yn-ah! I’ll call you an uber! You shouldn’t drive after drinking..” Jungwoo says, calling an uber from his phone.
“Ah—it’s really fine I’ll…!!”
“I already called it…ask him to take our boss home too, yeah?” he adds with a cheerful smile followed by a wink which made yn laugh nervously.
“You heard him..let’s wait for our uber…” she adds, linking arms with a still tipsy Jaehyun.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 month
luxiem as bad sex
don’t worry about it this is mostly for the lolz. might fuck around and do this for other livers next time i feel restless. make sure to properly communicate with your partner
tags: gender neutral reader, established relationship, smut, humor/crack, chatfic in shu’s entry, public sex, uki violeta cameo, cheating/ntr mention, just imagine the baldur’s gate 3 scene with the luxiem guy of your choice you know what i’m talking about
⚠️ nsfw under the cut. content not intended for minors.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🖋 Ike Eveland: anatomy
there is a chance that, when you sleep with ike, despite his title, it’s his first time.
25% chance says that he fully does not know what he’s doing, and asks you for a full-blown tutorial on how to stick part a into part b.
25% chance says that he fully does not know what he’s doing but he doesn’t even admit to it. it’s a lot of trial and error and insistence that no, don’t worry, i got this when he very clearly does not.
25% chance that, for the first time in his life, eroge has come in clutch. he understands! kind of. it’s more like as he penetrates you he tries to compare your sounds to the moans of eroge characters. the more you sound like a hentai protagonist the better. it’s also worth noting he pumps into you to the beat of a huniepop song that worked its way into his head while he was trying to figure out what’s a good or bad sound.
and finally 25% chance that it’s just fine.
but let it be known that he 100% does not know how to find the clit. barely knows how to find the prostate either. ike won’t admit to either of these things
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🦁 Luca Kaneshiro: openness
never let it be said luca is solitary. he’s social and likes to explore different spaces. it means dates happen often, and so does getting dragged off to give him head in public.
this would be fine if it was a bathroom stall. you know, the standard couple spots. what you didn’t expect was in a fairly open alley. or an amusement park ride with automatic souvenir pictures. or on the shady side of a beach full of people.
hell, even when you get into a changing room while shopping there’s still a risk. he’s gotten you to jack him off while wearing not-yet-purchased jeans more than once and as exciting as it was you have no clue what happened to the poor retail workers that had to find them hanging on the return-to-hanger rack.
at home he leaves doors open since it’s just the two of you, including when he goes down on you. he leaves them open when there’s guests, too, and guides you into your bedroom when he needs a break from talking to people. the doors are still open. you’re a master at being quiet but sometimes his puppy wanders around looking for his owner, and…
(side note: not about sex but i just know he would leave the door open or walk in on you using the bathroom and that terrifies me)
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👟 Shu Yamino: attentiveness
Me: hey
Me: hey
Me: are you awake??
taro_twink: abt to sleep
taro_twink: what do you want shu
Me: idk c:
taro_twink: so you blew up my phone??? bitch??
Me: fjakajsjsldj i wanted to talk to my friend!
taro_twink: wish granted
taro_twink: wyd?
Me: reader
taro_twink: don’t text on a date
Me: we’re at home
taro_twink: go spend time with reader then ffs
Me: i am
Me: reader feels really nice c:
taro_twink: wait
Me: and i like making reader say my name too
taro_twink: SHSKDKLSJA
taro_twink: WHAT FHE FUXK
Me: dw reader hasn’t noticed my phone yet
Me: my phone is by the pillow so it’s hard to see
Me: yea :homiekiss:
taro_twink: you are fucked up and i’m going to bed
taro_twink: so done with you jfc
taro_twink: gn
taro_twink: bye
taro_twink: if you say anything else i’m blocking your number
Me: you’re no fun
taro_twink: you are literally texting me while you’re doing your partner i don’t want to hear it
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👹 Vox Akuma: names
vox is noisy. delightfully so. it’s easy to communicate with him because he’s unconsciously vocal whenever he likes something.
these sounds, however, are usually limited to grunts, moans and cries. all well and good, but when things get more intense, he’s more inclined to scream your name.
and when his dick is in your mouth he can’t think straight, in the worst way.
this is just to say that even when you’re not roleplaying, he’s cried out a lot of names that aren’t yours. usually celebrities or fictional characters. you’ve lost count of how many tall/dark/handsome guys with long hair he’s cum to, or sassy women. hell, his celebrity crushes don’t even look like you.
if you have cheating fantasies this is excellent. if you have ntr fantasies, excellent as well. what isn’t excellent, however, is how last time you poured wax on him while fucking him from behind, he buried his face into the pillow and whimpered out your coworker’s name.
he was very lucky you didn’t have more wax to splash him with
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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friends (with benefits) - marlene mckinnon
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summary - marlene and her ‘best friend’ have some fun during a movie with their friends, having to be very sneaky.
warnings - smut, fingering (f given) pet names used, semi-public sexual acts. lmk if there’s any i missed.
word count - 565
a/n - i’ve loved this idea for so long and i just had to write it.
post number - 4
reader - she/her, fem.
marlene and yn had been friends for as long as they could remember , but recently things had changed. their friendship was… different, to say the least.
currently, yn and marlene were lying in the spare bed of the marauders dorm room, watching a movie with james, sirius, peter and remus.
due to the way each of them were lying, facing the movie, none of them could even see the two girls on the bed at the back of the room.
so far there was nothing unusual happening, until marlene noticed that there was a loud fight scene going on in the movie.
“yn.” the blonde whispered.
yn turned to face her, “yeah.”
“how’re you feeling right now?”
she whispered back, “i’m feeling pretty good, how are you feeling marls?”
“well, i was hoping i could be feeling you again. if that’s alright with you?”
yn smirked, “gotta be quiet though.”
“of course.” marlene replied.
and soon enough, things were happening. feelings were felt.
marlene’s gaze had now been completely averted to yn, who was looking the same way. the scottish girl’s hand crept underneath the quilt they were covered by, and onto yn’s body.
yn turned slightly, making herself closer to marlene. marlene was quick to undo the button of yn’s trousers, not without a reassuring look from yn that is was okay to do so, and her hand quickly slid into her friend’s panties.
marlene was quick to slip two of other fingers inside of yn, while her thumb circled her clit. yn struggled to keep quiet.
“that good?” yn nodded in response, “gotta be quiet though.” marlene whispered softly.
“yeah.” yn breathed.
“good girl.”
marlene pumped her fingers, knowing exactly what her friend liked, as yn struggled to keep quiet. in order for marlene to go faster, she lifted her knees up so that nobody could see the fast motion going on under the blankets.
she sped up, as yn’s hand flew to cover her mouth.
“that good, baby? you like that?” marlene whispered as quietly as she could.
she got no response, as she expected. if yn spoke now, she would give them both away, not being able to keep herself quiet
“fuck, you’re so wet.” marlene pointed out.
she picked up the pace of her thumb, and slipped another finger into yn’s pussy. marlene could feel yn tense up.
“nearly.. there.” yn managed to breath out quietly.
“good girl, cum for me, sweetheart.”
as marlene’s fingers all sped up, yn reached her high, having the best climax she’d ever had. marlene smirked, not just because she had just done this to her best friend, but because she wouldn’t be able to subtly go to the bathroom.
in yn’s favour, the bathroom was right in between the bed they were on and peters bed, so she was able to sneak off to clean up ten minutes later, bringing back tissue for marlene to clean her fingers with.
and so, they went back to how they were before, acting as if nothing ever happened, and finished watching the movie.
yn sat up, “so, what’d you think of the movie guys?”
“pretty good.” the speckled boy responded.
“yeah, i loved the fight scene.” marlene responded, with a hinting tone towards yn.
“me too! that was so good, marls.” sirius responded
this wasn’t the first time this happened, and it definitely wasn’t the last.
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kingdumkum · 1 year
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this has been a long, long time coming. hopefully it’ll live up to the obscenely high expectations i’ve set. agree or disagree, please reblog/comment/send an anon with your thoughts--but make sure you read the RULES of interaction first.
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summary: your date stood you up… again. Don’t worry, though, Baji will be there to pick up the pieces, like he always is. The only question… what will you do when you find out his secret? wc: 15k (we don't talk about it)
cw: virgin fem afab!reader x virgin!Baji, a lil itty bitty baby bit of blood, somewhat public (initially), bc why not, marking, creampie, Confessions galore, somewhat gendered pet names (princess, babe, sweetheart), actually gendered pet names (one handful of "good girl," "pretty girl," and "my girl"), subtle yandere themes but not to the extent a DC label is needed—correct me if I’m wrong though—be nice if I missed something, this is my first time :) way too many words but c’est la vie such is the way.
dedication: Storm, my friend, your support and advice has made me a better writer. Without you, this would probably still be sitting in my drafts, collecting dust and every hateful thought I’ve ever had about my writing. Thank you for being you and all of your aid in getting this to where it is. 💛
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Your coffee’s cold when you give up. Well—second coffee, to be precise; the first you’d ordered after Tadashi said he was a few minutes away. That one had grown cold too, but the barista, taking pity, had given you a piping hot refill—for free.
It feels like an insult when she offers you a third.
An hour and a half has passed since Tadashi said he’d be there, and… well, you were still kinda hoping he might show up. But when the manager approaches with a tight-lipped smile, not-so-kindly pointing at their hours plastered ever so neatly on the glass door and indicating they’re just a few minutes to closing, your hope ebbs entirely.
The heat in your cheeks could’ve rewarmed your cup—but not one to cause a scene, you offer a tight-lip smile of your own and apologize. You don’t explain that you were waiting for someone; the pitying look in the barista’s eye as she mouths sorry and slides the unwanted third cup your way says they know.
You slip into the bathroom, wondering how in the world you could be so stupid— again. This was your third first date in three months… and the third time in three months that you’ve been stood up. 
It hurts more when you check your phone. Two new messages from Emma, asking how it’s going and if you want to grab dinner to dish; one from Draken, asking if you can bring back a vanilla frappe and a triple dark roast espresso with two pumps of caramel; one from Baji, saying he might be late to pick you up, but he’d be there, and could you get him an order of whatever you’re having?
Nothing from Tadashi.
You don’t respond, instead letting your phone rest against the mirror while you stare at your reflection and try, desperately, to convince yourself it isn’t your fault.
Everything had been going great—you thought. You thought he really liked you, that he was excited to get to know you, and that this one, this one for sure would show up. You made jokes that he found funny, you were just the right amount of flirty, and you knew—thought—hoped—the picture you’d sent of your outfit (a simple sundress that accentuated your best features and wedges that made your legs seem endless) was enticing enough that he’d want to see it in person.
But here you are. Crying in the bathroom of a cafe you’ll never be able to return to, wondering how you’re going to explain to your friends that you got stood up.
Your phone starts to buzz. With a deep breath, you wipe off your dripping mascara. You force yourself to smile at the hollow reflection staring back at you, then answer with an overly-cheerful, “what’s up?”
“Kenny’s worried.” Baji’s familiar drawl echos, making the space seem even smaller. “I said he was being too overprotective, but—well, you know how he is. Said it’s his duty or some shit to make sure you’re okay. He tried to come down here himself, wanted to meet the guy trying to woo you—can you believe that? He actually said woo—“
“What do you want?” you interrupt. Too harsh, you realize when Baji doesn’t answer. “It’s just—I’m kinda in the middle of something, you know?” 
Baji takes a moment, then forces a laugh. “Yeah, yeah, the little princess’s got a date, we know. God, they wouldn’t let it go. You should be thanking me, ya know, I’m the only reason they’re not all crashing—”
The line falls quiet. Then, softly, “where are you, y/n?”
You frown and start searching for your mascara. “At the coffee shop. Why, where are you?”
Another pause. This one heavier. With the phone tucked to one ear, you slowly swipe the wand over your lashes. It’s clumpier than you usually like, but it’s better than nothing—
“I’m outside.”
“Yeah,” he echoes. You mouth another fuck, heart plummeting, then start reapplying your mascara. More carefully, now that you’re out of time. “I, uh—I’ve been here. A while.”
“Oh… yeah?” you question, teeth starting to grind. “How long’s a while?”
Baji clears his throat. “Long enough. You gonna come out, or are ya gonna make me come in?”
Mascara gets tossed in your purse, gloss comes out. “You’re not exactly welcome in the ladies room, Baji.”
You can picture the dangerous curl in his smile when he replies, “not without an invitation, babe—why, you asking?”
Your laugh isn’t completely real, but not unnatural, either. You hover the gloss over your lips, and for a moment, you imagine what it’d be like. To sneak someone into the bathroom, kissing until your lips start to bruise, his hands playing with the hem of your dress, his lips marking your skin, his voice whispering your name…
You shake the thought away. There’s no point in getting your heart broken twice in one day.
“Three’s a bit of a crowd for a single stall,” you deflect. “Be out in a minute.”
Baji hums. Your gloss feels too thick, but you don’t take it off. You fluff your hair again, placing it the way you like, turning your necklace so the clasp faces the right way, lips smacking together once, twice, three times—
By the time you run out of things to do, you think you’re ready. You pick up your purse and give yourself a final once-over. Pretty, you think. Doesn’t look like you spent the last seven minutes sobbing in a public restroom.
When you exit, Baji’s still on the line, but he doesn’t hang up. You know, because the teasing, “well shit, babe, if I had known you’d worn that, I would’ve come two hours ago,” echoes; once from your phone, and the other from the man himself, standing right in front of you.
You laugh, and this one isn’t forced at all.
Baji’s smile gleams in the evening sun. A low wolf-whistle causes your face to warm pleasantly—the way it should have, when you met Tadashi. You take Baji’s extended hand, not flinching when his callouses rub against your soft palms. 
You’re used to their roughness. Much like the others, Baji’s always been a hands-on friend (and fighter), so over the years, you’ve gotten used to the various bumps, cuts, and jagged edges, to the extent that the only hands that’ve ever felt comfortable have been those rough ones, soft only for you. 
Baji spins you, over-exaggerating the way he checks you out. “Sweetheart, you’re going to stop traffic looking like that.”
“Oh, please,” you deny, but your smile hasn’t been this genuine all day. “Laying it on a little thick, Baj.”
“Only the realest truth for the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen,” is his sly reply, accompanied by a slyer wink. It’s his usual charm, but you’re oblivious to his sincerity, the way you always are. Baji pulls you into a tight hug and closes his eyes, and for a moment, he allows himself to pretend this was your intention all along; to wind up in his arms, with his compliments, by his side—the way it always seems to go after every failed date.
But you never say as much, and you always seem so genuinely excited for the next one that he’s never going to ask. Instead, he’ll take these moments. The ones where you turn to him for comfort, where he gets to hold you, your knight-in-shining-armor, and do all that he can to make everything better.
He’s so close that you almost miss his muffled whisper of, “fucking—stupid bastard. Doesn’t know what he’s missed.”
Your smile slips. Your thumb rubs against the back of his knuckles, familiarly cracked with scabs that never seem to heal. These are fresh, though; you can tell by how his hand darts to the back of his neck, preventing you from looking too closely. 
“Been up to no good?” you question with a raised brow.
“‘Course I have,” he responds easily, “you’ve been busy.”
Baji won’t meet your gaze. ‘If only you knew,’ he thinks—but he’ll never say it. Not that. Not to you. He shrugs off his black leather jacket and drapes it over your shoulders, fingertips lingering as he straightens the collar. His dark eyes flick to yours, a coy smirk almost hiding his guilt as he hopes beyond all hope you don’t see through him.
You almost do.
Not enough to call him out on it, though, so instead, you roll your eyes—but you can’t deny how this—him—is making everything better. He picks up the helmet he only brings when he’s driving you and puts it on for you, visor up so he can brush the hair out of your eyes. Baji offers a comforting smile, then juts his chin to his bike. “Wanna ride?”
The answer, of course, is yes; for him, it will always be yes.
Silently, you climb on and wrap your hands around him, chin tucking into his shoulder as if you were made to be there. He revs and pulls off, seamlessly weaving in and out of traffic. Your eyes close. The wind whips in your hair, and the familiar scent of nicotine, mint, and Baji’s crisp aftershave envelopes you. For a moment, you feel like everything’ll be okay. Your heart might hurt now, but after an evening with him, it’ll all be okay.
That’s the power of Keisuke Baji, though; the sense of embarking on your greatest adventure but feeling like being home, all at once.
It’s nearly sunset when he stops. Pulls up to the river, kicks the bike stand, then grabs your waist to lift you off the seat.
“I can do that,” you say, even as you let him lift you.
“More fun when I do,” he replies with an easy grin. Your feet hit the ground, but Baji keeps one hand around your waist. He takes off the helmet with the other and laughs when your hair flops out. Hurriedly you go to smooth it, but Baji catches your wrist after setting the helmet down. “You don’t have to do that. Not with me.”
He cages you between the bike and his hips with just a few inches of space—and suddenly, your heart starts to race. When did he get this close? How hadn’t you noticed the way his leg slid between yours? Why isn’t he taking his hand away? Why can’t you breathe?
Baji’s dark eyes dart between yours, then down to your lips, and for a second, for a split second, you think he’s about to kiss you—
“Not like anything can make it better now,” he smirks, and if it weren’t for how his fingers were locked in yours, you would’ve slapped him.
Baji laughs, and you swear the moon shines a little brighter. You’re grateful that he turns to check out the area before he can see just how much of an impact his laugh has on you—though you don’t doubt that he knows. He’s Baji, after all, and you’re not blind (or deaf). He’s handsome, witty, flirty with anything that moves—and that laugh of his could bring even the tides to a standstill.
“Coast’s clear,” he says, looking back at you, a lazy smirk curling his features. It shouldn’t be a surprise, hardly any ever comes this far south of the city—but a few weeks ago, you’d accidentally stumbled upon a couple who were… not expecting company, to put it delicately, and ever since, Baji had been extra cautious to make sure it was just the two of you before getting settled.
He takes a few steps backwards, leading you to your spot; a grassy knoll that overlooks the river as it feeds into the darkened sea. The moon slowly rises over rolling waves while the sun, more a memory, sets over the river’s bend. It’s a secret, sacred place for the two of you, where heartache and daydreams don’t exist; only the moon, the tides, and each other.
Your stomach flips but you can’t tell why; this is exactly what happens every time you come here, from the way he helps you off the bike to how he stops you from picking at your appearance. The only difference is the way his hand is still wrapped in yours. 
You wonder if Tadashi’s would have been this warm. 
But Tadashi isn’t here—Baji is, and it’s Baji’s warm hands that always make things better. So you let him keep his hand in yours, even though you’re not sure you should, and you let him gently tug you along when you don’t move fast enough. Let him take his time in taking his jacket back, in spreading it on the grass before waiting for you to sit. You even let him settle next to you, instinctively leaning into the familiar comfort of his body and for a minute, you wonder how you ever could’ve wanted your day to end different.
Then Baji meets your gaze, smiles that sweet, genuinely kind half smile that he only shares with you, and you remember: Baji is your friend—and no matter how many heartaches he heals, that’s all he’ll ever be.
You can’t remember when things got so complicated.
When it was just you and Kenny, you’d sneak up to the roof of the brothel and watch the sun dip behind the buildings and talk about how one day, you’d get a house that was that color pink, and it’d be on the far side of Japan where you could watch the sunset from your porch and life would be good. The sunset was the only dream you’d ever need, and it would be good.
Then Mikey started coming. More often than not he’d fall asleep before the sun did, and on the days he didn’t—the roof felt too… small. The dreams, too… little. They evolved, from a porch where you could watch the sunset to a skyline that never sleeps.
Dreams change, and that’s okay… but a part of you aches for the time when the sunset felt like enough—when the family you had, the brothers you’d found and the friends you’d made—was enough. You still had the sunset, but rarely. More often than not, you were by yourself up there, or stuck to Kenny’s side somewhere out there, or brushing against Baji’s shoulder down here.
So these days, you prefer to watch the moon rise. There’s more comfort in a light to guide you through the night, rather than watching your dreams disappear with the day.
And you do, the way you do every time you’re stood up or don’t feel—enough. You sit beside Baji with the full moon crawling towards you, staring at the conjunction of the river and the sea, and focus on how you’re going to get through this.
Baji cut his hair since the last date—the last time you’d been stood up, you correct. Still long, but now only to the edge of his jaw, not mid-back like you were used to. The light is bright behind him, bringing out the warm undertones in his onyx hair. You can make out the scab on his cheek from a bar fight a few weeks ago; the scar on his nose from when Mikey split it the first time they fought; the tender bruise along his jaw that looks too new to have told you the story yet.
Instinctively, you reach for it… then chicken out, instead teasing the edge of his hair. You’re left wondering if an angel’s wings would be as soft.
Baji glances at you from the corner of his eye. “You don’t like it?”
“What? I didn’t say that.” Your hand falls back to your lap, eyes quick to follow. The light behind him is too bright—too blinding. Too much like a halo. It’s impossible to hide the truth from an angel, and you know you don’t have the right words to convey just how beautiful you find him. “Just… gonna take some getting used to. I don’t think you’ve ever had it this short.”
He scoffs. “Maybe at birth.”
The idea of baby Baji flashes through your mind; sweet, chubby cheeks, little fists flailing at the world. A tuft of hair, dark as his and long already, but when he opens his eyes, they’re yours—
“Why’d you cut it?” your voice is steadier than you expect. It does nothing to change your thoughts, especially when Baji’s slender fingers start pulling at grass, just the way a baby grasps what's in front of him.
He stares straight ahead, letting one hand splay by your lower back as he watches the green blades dance in the wind. “Figured it was time for a change.”
You hmm in acknowledgement, brain too traitorous to come up with anything other than, ‘I bet you were a cute baby’ or ‘you look handsome either way’ or, worst of all, ‘why would you ever want to change?’
He probably meant nothing by it. Baji’s as flexible as they come; sets his own hours at the shop, varies what time he wakes or goes to bed, never eats the same thing too many times in a row… there’s not much permanency in his life as it is, so it sticks with you that he still wants something different.
If he thinks you’re being weird, he doesn’t say so. He waits for you to speak, like always, and like always, you find yourself loving him a little more for it. Baji’s so—quick; to judge, to speak, to fight… but in these moments, when it’s the two of you and the moon and no one else, he’s not. He’s slow; slow to speak, slow to touch, slow to pull away…
Slow to make you wonder why you keep wasting time with boys who don’t deserve it when he might be enough.
The silence becomes too much; too easy to drown in. Too tempting to fill with all the wrong things.
“What happened to your jaw?” is the best you come up with.
It’s no surprise when he answers, “got into a fight,” but how he says it… how he immediately ducks his head and covers the darkening bruise with a broad palm, as if he’d forgotten all about it and wished you would, too… that makes you pause.
One tenet of your relationship is that you don’t lie to each other. There are often times you wish he would, like when Chifuyu teases him about the pretty girl at the pet shop who came back and asked for the number of the flirty hunk who sold her a dog collar and Baji admits she was pretty cute and he’ll take her to drinks tomorrow night, or when Kazutora reminds Baji that he promised to go on a double date with the twins they met clubbing so no, he can’t take a look at that leaky pipe in your bathroom—but you’d never say that. Not when he could, so easily, call you out for keeping your own.
So when he goes out of his way to not have to tell you the truth, you know better than to push.
“Did it hurt?”
Baji looks to you with a cocky smile. “You should see the other guy.” You snort. Baji knocks his shoulder into yours. “I’m good, really. Just… had some business, s’all.”
It’s supposed to be comforting, but it’s not. It only flares your curiosity… and honestly? Your annoyance. “I hadn’t realized a pet shop needed such security.”
Baji barks out a laugh. “I mean, you’ve seen how crazy some people get about their pets, ‘specially when they think Dr. Google is a better resource than Chifuyu’s degree… but nah, this was… off the books.” He catches your inquisitive gaze and offers a smile, but it’s more like a grimace in the lowlight. His hand creeps closer, fingers pressing into your back, and for a moment, you’re willing to let it go. He gently grazes the middle of your spine. “It’s done, alright? Finished. Won’t happen again.”
You know he’s lying because he holds you close, the way he only does when he thinks you’re about to leave.
But you don’t leave; you never leave. You just give him a withering glare you know he can’t see, then turn back to the ocean.
You hate this feeling. The one where the world becomes unsteady, and everything you’d been trying to keep buried since you were thirteen sneaks up on you. That horrid, awful, destructive fascination and jealousy and yearning that’s plagued you since Baji first bragged about stealing a kiss from the pretty girl that lived three floors above him and only gets worse every time he mentions someone new.
Going on dates was supposed to squash this. Meeting a nice guy, having a good time, and getting a kiss or two of your own was supposed to end this. This—obsession—you’ve had since the first time Baji said he hopes that one day, you meet the right guy and you accidentally thought, ‘maybe it’s you.’ Because at the end of the day, he’s the one who’s there. Not Tadashi, who couldn’t even be bothered to show up. Not Draken, who recently started putting Emma above all else (even you). It’s been Baji, your Baji, whose mere existence makes everything better, that’s been the last one standing.
You can’t ruin that. You can’t risk pushing away the only companion who still puts you first for something you’re positive you can find somewhere else.
At least, that’s what you have to tell yourself, as yet another date fails and Baji is here, again, picking up the pieces and making you feel more whole than when the day started.
The sky is nearly dark when you finally ask the question that’s been on your mind since the barista gave you that pity cup—the one that’s probably still sitting in the bathroom, the last witness to your heartbreak. Just as alone and unwanted as you. 
“What’s… wrong with me?”
Baji’s sharp. He alway has been, from the stern angle of his nose to the feral way his teeth carve like a predator’s. He watches everything—the road, the fighters, you—with a scrutiny that’s often clouded behind cheshire grins and snide quips.
But there’s nothing sharp about him tonight; only soft. Soft hands that gently grab your chin and force you to look at him. Soft breathes as he pulls you close. Soft words as he makes sure you hear him whisper, “nothing.” 
Baji’s eyes, dark and teeming with something you can’t place, move from one eye to the other; to the fingers on your cheek; to your tongue, wetting your lips. He leans in, forehead resting against yours as his hand slides back, gripping your hair like you're his lifeline and not the other way around, and you’re back to thinking okay, this is it, he’s going to kiss me, he’s finally going to kiss me—
But all he does is repeat, “absolutely—fuckin’ nothing, alright? And—‘n fuck whoever makes you feel otherwise,” before resuming his seat like nothing happened.
You let go of a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. It’s stale and hot and full of fury, your fury, and suddenly, you can’t take it anymore.
“Fuck you, Keisuke.”
“What?” Baji scrambles for your arm as you abruptly stand, too furious to even look at him. You rip away but don’t stop, trying to will the stupidness of—whatever this is—to go away, to release you so you can go back to feeling better and right and whole. “Wait—come on, I didn’t—what did I say? Did I do something? Where the hell are you going?”
“Forget it!” you snap. His every question—the fact he wants to make it right even though he’s the reason it hurts—just makes it worse. “Just—leave it alone, alright? It obviously doesn’t matter—” 
This time when he grabs your arm, he doesn’t let you leave. He pulls you in to him, nearly crashing you into his chest as he holds you in place.
“Damnit, y/n, what the hell? What did—why are you being like this?” For the first time tonight, he meets your eyes without falter. He tucks a hand under your chin, all but pries your eyes open himself to search for what you're hiding. You try shrugging out of his iron grip, but he’s too strong. “What did I do?”
“Nothing—” You’re horrified at the way your voice cracks. “Fucking—nothing, Baji, you did nothing—“
“Then why’re you so fucking mad, hunh? Why’re you acting like I’m the bad guy here?” His fingers tighten. It would’ve hurt, if you weren’t so angry. “I’m not the asshole who stood ya up—I’m not the one who’s been dickin’ everyone around, pretending like everything’s fine when I know, Draken knows—even fuckin’—Pah-chin—can tell that something’s wrong—“
“You’re calling me an asshole?” you gasp incredulously. “Are you fucking serious?” 
“Yes!” he retorts hotly—then, upon realizing how horribly angry you’re growing, quickly backtracks, “I mean—no! Actually, no, you know what, I did mean yeah, because guess what, princess? You are acting like an ass! You’ve got—all these people who wanna be here for you, I want to be here for you, and all you’re doing is getting mad at me for it—”
“What do you want me to say, Baji?” It’s useless, trying to get free, but that doesn’t stop you from trying. “That I’m—heartbroken—at being stood up—again? That I’m done with dating, that I’m giving up, that everyone fucking sucks but I must suck worse—”
“They don’t deserve you—”
“Like hell!” Your tone is scalding. It must burn him just as bad, because a single lapse in his grip lets you rip your arm away. “That’s the whole goddamn point of dating, jackass, to figure out who’s worth what—and all this has shown is that I’m not worth it, to anyone.” You slam your hands against his chest, tears stinging your lash line. If you weren’t so angry, you might not have missed how his face falters when you push him away. “And you just—sitting there, and—and holding me like that, and—and telling me that I’m not the problem when I’m the only common denominator—you’re such a fucking liar—”
“You think it’s any easier for me?” he’s quick to yell, frustration making him bare his teeth like fangs. Anyone else would’ve cowered—but you stand your ground. Place two hands on his chest and shove, hard, forcing him back as he continues, “you think it’s any easier to see you gettin’ your hopes up, to freak out over what to text, what to wear, what to do—all for those fuckin’ dickweeds? Hunh? Guys who can’t even—spell your name right, or remember what your favorite flower is, or fucking—show up? You think it’s any fucking easier seeing you so goddamn upset over someone who doesn’t even deserve to breathe the same air as you, let alone spend time with you–be with you? Because it’s not, sweetheart!”
The sweet pet name that usually makes your heart skip a beat only aggravates you further. Your hands go from shoving to slamming, open palms against the hard muscle of his chest—but he doesn’t even flinch. Just catches your wrists before you can do it again and stares, like you’ve started speaking in tongues. “Oh, poor Baji, must be hard, hunh, thinking no one’s good enough, thinking everyone’s so lucky as to have people throwing themselves at them left and right—but newsflash, Keisuke, not all of us are like you! Not all of us have the ability to pick whoever we want, some of us actually have to work at it—“
“Stop working on the wrong guys then!”
“You’ve never even met them, how would you know—“
“Because they let me stand in the way!”
The world stills. 
You can’t place why; why this feels like a sucker punch, why your heart is suddenly skipping beats–why you can’t tell if this hurts. Not until Baji’s grip tightens, then his eyes widen, and you have a sneaking suspicion you know where this is going—but still, you ask, “what?”
He doesn’t respond. He can’t.
He lets go of you, though every fiber in his being begs him to stay. He takes a step back, though his heart pleads for him to wrap you in his arms and hold you close and tell you the truth, about what he did, why he did it, why he can’t bring himself to regret it…
He has to turn his back to you, to stare at the waves crashing along the sand as he tries to process just how badly he’s fucked this up and if there’s any possibility for redemption. It’s too late to lie. Too late to try and salvage this.
He’s made his bed; it’s time to lie in it.
Baji sighs–or something close. Something choked, not quite a laugh but also not quite a sob. Something is stuck in him, and even with the ice in your veins, you piece it together. Somehow, this—the failed dates, the heartache, the loneliness—it's all his fault.
Still, you have to ask. “What the hell are you talking about?”
You try making the venom in your voice match that in your blood, but you can’t. Not when he looks so—defeated. He runs his hands through his hair, doing a miserable job of either pretending he can’t hear you or attempting to buy enough time to come up with a plausible lie—though you don’t need him to. Not when his actions say enough.
It’s your turn to reach for him. Your turn to grab his arm, to keep him in place. You want to hold on to your anger, but the way his hands are shaking makes it impossible.
You draw him close, voice gentle as you say his name. You reach for his cheek, keeping his hands still with one of yours, and you tilt his head; he lets you tilt his head so that he has no choice but to look at you. 
When your gazes meet, you wait.
“I had to,” he eventually says. His voice is steady, but his hands aren’t. His fingers wrap around your wrists tightly, as if he’s afraid you might try leaving—but your grip on him is equally tight. “They weren’t good for you. They were jerks, and they were only going to break your heart, and I couldn’t let that happen. Not to you. I had to—I had to.”
“Had to… what?” He doesn’t answer, not until you prompt, “had to what, Baji?”
“Don’t—” he breathes. “Don’t… call me that.” His eyes close, and he leans into the palm on his cheek. For a moment, you pretend that he’s memorizing the feel of you, as if he’s scared to lose you—but that can’t be it. Keisuke Baji isn’t afraid of anything.
You’re not sure what’s more painful: the knots in your stomach or the hope in your heart. “Tell me what you did,” you muster up. “Keisuke, tell me what you did.”
When his eyes finally open, all of his anger is gone. In its place is something you’ve rarely seen, and even rarer directed at you: desperation.
“I stopped them.”
For a moment, all you hear is your own heart… then the waves of truth come crashing down.
“I—I found them, and I swear on my life, on your life—I only meant to talk to them, to figure out if—if they had good intentions, if they were gonna treat you right—but they all sucked, y/n, they were awful—going on and on about how they were—how they wanted to—to fuck you, just to say they could—or they weren’t—serious about how they felt and I couldn’t—I couldn’t let them do that, I couldn’t let them hurt you like that, so I… I hurt them first. Not—not much, just enough so they’d—get the idea. Leave you alone. Stay away from my girl—”
He cuts himself off, and for a moment, you’re frozen. You don’t know what to do, what to think—is this real? Is he saying what you think he’s saying? Does he really mean it?
Baji’s voice cracks when he says your name.
“Y/n, listen—listen to me,” he pleads. His forehead presses against yours. Your cheeks grow wet, though you can’t tell if that’s because of you or him. “You are—the most amazing person in this whole freaking world. You get that? You’re—smart, and pretty, and so fucking funny and—and anyone who can’t see that is an idiot. And it fucking—kills me—that you’ve got it in your head that what these—stupid pricks think is the only thing that matters, because it’s not. It’s never mattered. The only thing—the only thing that has ever mattered… is you. Okay? You.”
Your throat closes. Your hands reach for his, catching only wrists as he cradles your face, trying to ground yourself in this moment. In all the things he says and all the things he doesn’t; in the silent, desperate dream that refused—refuses—to die, taking over you once more.
“I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not.” His lips are so close, they brush your nose. “I’d say I regret it, but I don’t, because— you deserve better. You deserve the world, if you want, or—or the moon and all the stars, and—and unless they’d get it for you, they don’t deserve you. Okay? None of them deserved you.”
You’re just a hair away from kissing him, from caving to the impulses you thought were dead and gone and hopeless all these years, and the worst possible sentence sinks out: “you’re an idiot, Kei.”
Then you lean forward and kiss him.
In an instant—you feel whole. You feel right, in a way you haven’t since you decided you never had a chance with him; in a way you’ve been searching for in the words of all the others who’d let you down, who’d broken your heart and always, always, always led you back to moonrise with Baji, back home—
Baji jolts. He pulls away and stares at you with a wild mixture of shock and confusion. His fingers ghost his lips, only to draw back as he stares at them, then at you, then back at them, like he can’t quite comprehend this hand is attached to his body—like you were. Like you want to be, like you thought he wanted to be, like you thought he was asking you to be—
Your heart plummets as he just—stands, no witty quip or teasing remark at the ready. No lines to read between; no phrasing to draw false confessions from; nothing other than the stillness of the night, and the pounding of your heart.
“Wait—” you shrink as you realize just how hoarse a single stolen kiss has left you. “I thought—please, Kei—”
A flicker of… something dances in his eyes, and then—he watches you. Studies you, with the same scrutiny he holds before a fight or when picking apart a bike to see what parts are broke and what can be saved.
“Say it again.”
It’s your turn to blink; your turn to have wide eyes and parted lips, to study him like you’re not sure how to fix it. “I don’t—“
“My name,” he says, and your heart starts to leap. “Say my name, sweetheart.”
“I say your name all the time, Keisuke.” You’re barely above a whisper. Barely above the fear that this time, he’ll break your heart and there’ll be no one to pick up the pieces because—you ruined this.
“Not like that,” he breathes. You forget how to. “Say it like it means something. Like—you don’t hate me. Like—”
“Kei,” you interrupt, hands coming to cradle his cheeks as you read between the lines, “I forgive y—”
He doesn’t even let the final word form before his lips are on yours. Hard, aggressively melding like he’s worried you might change your mind and wants to milk every second out of this as he can—but you reciprocate just as desperately. Keisuke’s hands wrap around you, one gripping the base of your neck and the other resting on the small of your back, pulling you impossibly close, as if he couldn’t get enough of you. His mouth opens, teasing your lips apart as you trade air, fingers digging into your soft skin like it’s the last thing he’ll ever touch.
You pull away first, and that’s only because your lungs are aching—not that you mind. The pain helps make this feel real. 
For once, Keisuke’s grin doesn’t seem mocking. He moves a hand to cradle your face, thumb rubbing against your cheek. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that, sweetheart.”
“Not as long as I have,” you admit with a breathy laugh. Your hands lock around his neck, fingers playing with his hair, and you realize you’re smiling.
You kissed. Keisuke kissed you, you kissed him—everything makes sense. Everything is right, and with the moon and tides as your witness, everything is good again.
“Can I…” Keisuke starts, eyes flicking to your lips in an unspoken question. You finish his sentence with a kiss.
“You can always kiss me, Kei,” you say. “You don’t even have to ask.”
There’s the grin you recognize; the scheming, teasing grin that always makes your stomach flip in a way you thought meant he’s up to no good, but now realize as a sign you’d fallen for him long ago. 
“Oh, yeah?” he questions, brushing his lips against yours. “Only here? Or can I kiss… here?” He moves to the corner of your lips, then to the hollow of your cheek as he continues, “and… here? And maybe…”
He trails off, and he trails down, letting his lips drag against your cheek while his hand keeps you firmly in place, lips going done to your chin, down the column of your throat and back up. Your breathy yes would be pathetic—if it ever made it out. All that escapes is a breathy groan of displeasure when he stops, teasing lips hovering just above your own. “What’s that, babe? Want me t’stop?”
“You’re such an asshole.”
Your hands tangle in his hair, lips melding as your make-out turns heated. He slides his tongue along the seam of your lips, silently asking you to open—and you do. His hands curl around you, bringing you closer until there’s no space left between you.
Something digs into your leg. Something hard and unmistakable, and it leaves you grinning deeper than Kei.
You break away, laughing at his whine of protest and briefly glance down. Keisuke follows your eyes and is quick to splutter a nervous chuckle, hands dropping as he tries to step away with a short apology—though the way you catch his belt loops stops him. “Shit—sorry, I didn’t—I just—it’s your fault, y’know—“
“Shut up,” you giggle and drag him back. Now, you kiss him; once, twice, then a third before trailing your lips along the sharp ridge of his cheekbone, along his temple, to his ear. “How about you take me home, Kei?”
Keisuke’s whiplash nearly hurts you. His eyes, big and brown and wide, stare like you’ve grown an extra head. His hands shakily splay against your back, as if he wants to keep you close but he’s not sure he’s allowed to. His voice wavers slightly when he asks, “but I thought… aren’t… I mean, isn’t this… what you wanted?”
Slowly, you nod. Even slower, you pointedly look at the space between you, bridged only by the tent of his black pants. You smile at the sweet way a blush covers his cheeks, and risk slowly trailing your hand along his belt until your fingertips are hovering over that stupid, shiny, obnoxiously big belt buckle you always tease him for.
“I want you, Keisuke, and I want you to take me home.”
He doesn’t need more encouragement. 
Keisuke’s kisses grow fiercer. He devours you, never once breaking contact as his hands slide to find firm purchase on the back of your thighs. With ease, he lifts you atop his bike, setting you in front of him and stepping between your spread legs. The hem of your dress slides up with his calloused palms, collecting in a bunch then pooling down to protect your modesty as he finds two handfuls of ass. He gives a squeeze, eliciting a delighted gasp from you, then pulls back with a toothy smile.
“Then have me, sweetheart. Always been yours, anyways.” 
Your stomach twists, the way it always does when he looks at you like that, and you like it. It makes sense, it feels right—and you don’t have to pretend to justify why it makes your panties wet.
“Gotta—gotta get home—“ you try saying, but Keisuke’s hands have a mind of their own. They’re the only reason you’re still upright as he starts kissing along your neck, carefully grazing his sharp teeth but never once digging in. Your arms lop around him, digging into his scalp and shoulders as he finds this one spot that makes you moan, and you almost curse him for what that smile has done to you.
“Fuckin’—insane—if you think I'ma make it,” he mumbles into your skin, and you think you finally understand how some people can climax from someone’s voice alone.
You laugh and intend to push him away and demand that he do, that you have to, that you need to, because this—isn’t like you, you’re not one to get hot and heavy like this, certainly not in public—
But you can’t think straight. Not when Keisuke’s hands are kneading your ass, pinching and releasing like he can’t decide if he wants to hold on forever or explore somewhere new. Not when his teeth nibble your neck, and you shudder at the unbelievably primal sensation running through you.
Not when the unmistakable hardness of Keisuke’s boner finds home between your thighs, and he starts bucking his hips. It’s subtle, and he doesn’t tease you for the pathetic way you start whimpering. He focuses on continuing to explore the expanse of your otherwise untouched skin, while all you can do is revel in the way your high starts building.
You’ve been kissed before, on the lips and neck and once a little lower, but no one’s ever done this to you; pressed against your collarbone. Moved your neckline aside to suck on the fat of your breast. Left a mark that’ll last longer than a minute. For a moment, you wonder if you should tell him he’s the first, but when the zipper of his pants starts catching your clit, the only thing you’re able to do is moan his name.
Breathy and passionate and different than before, and he pauses. Lifts his head from your collarbone, a thin tendril of salvia keeping his lips still attached to the sensitive skin you know will bruise. He lets one hand trail up your side and cup your face, staring like this might be the last time he ever sees you, all while his hips continue to rut against you.
“Say it again,” he breathes, thumb catching your bottom lip. “Just—just like that.”
“Kei,” you repeat, giggling at the way he brightens and starts kissing you, “we need to go home—now.” For good measure, you boldly let your fingers slide to the edge of his belt buckle, in case he needs some more convincing. His free hand darts to yours, but he doesn’t stop you. He laces his fingers in yours and guides you, letting you palm at his thick hard-on. He lets out a low groan and drops his head from your lips to rest at your chest, just above the collar of your dress. You card one hand through his hair, the other applying light pressure to the (you assume) very painful ache between his legs—and not at all because you know, if he kept bucking into your core the way he just was, the way he keeps doing against your palm—you wouldn’t be able to make it home, either. “Take—take me home, Kei—”
“Not—” he huffs. His grip on your ass tightens, but you can barely feel it. Not when Keisuke whines, low and needy, teeth coming out to nip at your breast, and all you can focus on is the ache between your own legs, getting even worse as his hips start moving faster, forcing the back of your hand against your cunt as you continue to palm him. His hips don’t stop; they push against you so fiercely, so desperately, that you cave, taking away your hand so there’s nothing between you but your clothes. 
You’re on the precipice in minutes; hands digging into his shoulders as you choke on a sob, pleading with him to go faster, to not stop, to keep making you feel good—and it’s made all the worse when he does, pressing his throbbing erection even harder against your soaked panties, all the while pleading into your skin, “can’t—can’t—fuck, baby, I can’t—y/n—“
You gasp when his teeth break skin.
Keisuke’s hips still. Warm air saturates your chest as he groans into it, and for a moment you’re frozen. Your whole body aches, and you want to scream at the cruel way your orgasm was stolen—but you’re too in shock that he got you there that fast, that easily. Something warm trickles down your cheeks, between your breasts—blood? saliva? tears?—he doesn’t move. You don’t move. You’re not even sure he’s breathing, until his shoulders heave and your skin is warmed once more. A slight burn starts to spread across your chest, and when you open your mouth to ask him why the hell he stopped—all that comes out is his name.
You say it softly, then a little louder, but it’s not until you grab his face and force him to look up that he speaks—but his eyes are fixed firmly on the reddening bite mark forming atop your breast.
A mean part of you wants to tell him he owes you a lot more than sorry, but the way his lower lip disappears as he nervously chews on it has you choosing otherwise. “It’s okay,” you comfort instead, “it didn’t hurt that bad.”
Keisuke grimaces. “No, I—” 
He sighs, head dropping back to your chest. Both arms wrap around your waist, and he presses a light kiss to the place he’d just bitten; the only way he probably figures he can keep close without meeting your gaze. He mumbles something, but you only know because you feel his lips moving.
“Can’t hear you…” you try prompting, but it only makes him snuggle deeper. He sighs again, loud and warm and in a way you’re familiar with—the way that really means, I can’t believe I have to do this… “C’mon, Kei, don’t you want to take me home?”
You have never, ever, in your life ever seen Keisuke embarrassed. Not when he told you about needing Chifuyu to tutor him post-juvie; not when he failed his college entry exams; not even when you accidentally walked in on him showering (in hindsight, he was probably a little too comfortable with how long it might’ve taken you to leave).
This was the man who went skinny dipping for fun. He’ll order fruity drinks for his friends who are too embarrassed to do it themselves. His approach to a lost fight is to get a rematch, not pretend it didn’t exist, and even in mundane moments that have you at a loss for words, like mistaking someone’s name or forgetting a face, Kei’s always quick for a retort or defense or a smile that makes everything better.
Keisuke Baji doesn’t get embarrassed—but that’s the only word that fits. His cheeks are redder than you’ve ever seen, his breathing faster than his pulse. His eyes refuse to meet yours, and his fingers knead into clumsy, nervous patterns along the side of your thighs.
Then he takes a deep breath, and with one shaking hand, he slowly brings your palm to the crotch of his pants… that are now sticky.
Your eyes widen, and you’re almost too late to choke down a gasp. Kei’s eyes close, and he ducks his head in shame. “I didn’t—I mean, I haven’t—you're just—I’m so sorry—”
“Why?” It sounds curt, and you don’t intend it to. Better than laughing, you reason—although you will absolutely get him for this later… when it stops feeling like the most humiliating thing in the world.
Keisuke swallows. “I haven’t ever… you know.”
“What, cum early?” It’s cruel to tease, you know that, but you can’t stop the slight satisfaction that you—you—are able to bring a man like Keisuke Baji to his knees.
“No! I mean—no, I…” Kei looks out to the ocean, fingers still anxiously kneading into your thighs. The temperature drops, though you’re not sure if it actually does or you’re just feeling like it as you try to understand what’s happened, what’s happening—what you’re to do next. His jaw clenches and he tries to pull away from you, but you don’t let him. You wrap your legs around the backs of his thighs, keeping him in place.
“Kei…” you say softly. You don’t force him to look at you. Instead, you let your fingers trail up his abs, curling around his neck so you can rest your forehead against his temple and kiss his cheek. “I don’t care. Just means you gotta make it up to me—”
“I’ve never had sex before.”
You’re grateful he doesn’t look at you, because you’re not able to control the utter shock coloring your face. How is that possible? You’ve heard the whispers when you go out; you’ve seen the looks. At parties or bars or clubs, he’d find a pretty thing and disappear, and you assumed you knew what happened behind those closed doors—because why, why, why would you want to ask about that? 
The others didn’t dispel it, either; in fact, they’d constantly rip on him for his… gift, and Keisuke never fought back. He’d just smirk and wink and say, “it’s never disappointed,” and by the time you’d turned red, thinking about when you caught him in the shower and knew what they were saying was true, they’d moved on to taunting someone else.
So how the hell is it possible that Keisuke’s a virgin—and, more importantly, how didn’t you know?
You’re not sure how long it takes you to recover. If he were to ask, you’d say you were just waiting for him—because when you do speak, it’s only when Keisuke turns to you with narrowed eyes, an apprehensive blush clear on his face. 
“Wanna know a secret?” you ask, forcing a teasing lilt to your voice—though your stomach twists. This isn’t exactly the way you wanted to tell him, and for a flash, you think of how disappointed he might be to learn the truth. 
But when he meets your gaze, eyes wide and focused entirely on you, somewhere between hopeful and nervous, you know it’s for the best. Your smile is sweet, but not as sweet as your lips when you kiss the crinkle between his eyes. He immediately relaxes, hands stilling as he leans into you. “Neither have I.”
He straightens and pulls far enough away so he can examine you. For a minute, your confession hangs between the two of you, then Kei starts floundering, “but I thought… you said… but he… what about your ex?”
You shrug, your own cheeks starting to flush. “It never felt right.”
Keisuke blinks. His mouth parts, eyes darting between yours like he’s waiting for the gotcha!, but all he receives is the embarrassed way you can’t meet his gaze, feeling as if you’ve somehow let him down. You squirm, his warm hands still atop your thighs sending butterflies to your stomach, and shrug again. “I dunno, I just—didn’t think it was fair. Doing that with someone, when all I could think about…” you swallow, lips twisting as you debate whether or not to tell him the truth. 
He catches your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes. “Think about what, sweetheart?”
The way he asks tells you he already knows; but like earlier, when you knew and had to hear it anyway, he needs you to say it, too.
So you take a steadying breath. You gently trail a finger down the side of his jaw, and you make yourself smile as you say, “you, Kei. It didn’t seem right if it wasn’t you.”
This time when he kisses you, it’s slow. He takes his time in tasting you, in savoring the moment. He lets you guide where his lips go, how his hands wander, and he waits for you to pull back before he suggests, “how about I take you home now?”
Your stomach flutters. Fingers knot at the base of his skull, and slowly, a smile spreads on your face. 
“I’d like that.”
He presses a chaste kiss to your temple. You can feel the joy in it, one that doesn’t fade for either of you as he unhooks your legs so you can properly straddle the bike, then tucks the helmet on you and pops on himself.
“Hold on,” he calls as he revs the engine, “might be goin’ a bit faster than usual.”
“Don’t worry,” you laugh, and even though you know he probably can’t hear you, you add, “I’m never letting go.”
You make it to Keisuke’s apartment in seven minutes flat—which, normally, would leave you terrified, given his place is twenty minutes from your spot, but you doubt that’s what’s got your heart racing. He barely gives you enough time to take the helmet off before his hands are back on you, easily scooping you up and carrying you up the stairs. You bump into a few walls, and the way you’ve got a loose grasp on his helmet sends it craning into his back just as often, but neither of you care. Between fits of giggles and cautious glances to make sure he’s not about to walk you through a glass door (or down a stairwell), you kiss like it’ll be the last time you ever get the chance to.
“Anyone home?” you mumble into his lips. He slams you against the front door of his shared three-bedroom apartment, using his hips to keep you up while he tries to find the lock by memory.
“Nope,” he replies, lips busy with your skin, fingers fumbling uselessly behind you. “Stupid—fucking lock—told Tora to leave it—never fuckin’ listens—”
“Relax,” you laugh, although that’s rich coming from you. Your legs tighten around him as you break free from his kiss, instead sucking along the column of his throat. Freeing his face is supposed to give him enough room to actually look for the lock, so the two of you can stop dry-humping in the hall and finally get the privacy you need—but like always, Keisuke does the unexpected.
He throws his head back and moans, giving you more access to leave a matching hickey—and you’re not strong enough to resist the temptation. A whine starts in his throat, from where you’re sucking on his pale skin. The keys clatter to the ground.
“Keisuke,” you scold—but before you can tease him for being in a rush, his lips are back on yours.
“Never gonna make it,” is his only defense.
“Gonna—gonna have to,” you reply, but every time you try pulling away or reach for the keys yourself, he grabs you. Wraps your wrists in his rough hands, pins them to the door beside your head, and leans so far forward that, even with your limp legs, he’s able to keep you up himself. “Kei—“
“So help me sweetheart,” he warns, hips rolling against yours with a sense of urgency only outmatched by his kiss, “if you keep saying my name like that, I swear to the gods I’m gonna fuck you right here.”
“So help me, sweetheart,” you shoot back, breathy and hot as you try to avoid the way his lips chase yours, “if you don’t get me inside right now, I might let you.”
He freezes. Pulls away from the delightful bruise he’d just been leaving below your ear and stares at you with a mixture of awe and utter delight. “Really?”
You swat the back of his head. “No, dumbass, open the fucking door.”
Keisuke’s lips, pink and bruising slightly, twist in a pretend pout as he squats. He keeps one thick palm under your thigh, keeping your leg wrapped around him as he snags his keys. “You’re such a fucking tease.”
“Says the guy who does—that,” you try scoffing, but you’re cut off with a moan when Kei stands and bounces you against his hips. His boner is back and harder than before, pressing into your core, the messy, wet mix of your drenched panties and his earlier cum making a lewd sound in the otherwise silent hallway. 
“Does… what, babe?” he teases. “C’mon, finish that sentence.” 
You don’t know how he finds the focus to actually find the lock this time, but you thank every deity in the world that he does—because it takes just a second, a single, solitary second for him to jimmy it in, slam the door open, and you’re finally alone.
The door frame rattles. Something falls, but you can’t tell if it’s the mirror you insisted he hang above the entry table you insisted he get or if it’s the rickety old coat rack Chifuyu said would ‘class up the joint’; all you know is that as soon as the key is in, Baji’s hands are back to cradling your thighs for support as he crosses the threshold. 
You reach for the door, but he catches it with his ankle and slams it shut, quickly spinning to pin you against it.
“Really—” you pant, “really got the place—to ourselves?”
“Mhm,” Keisuke confirms. He leans into you, palms rubbing along your thighs until they get to your knees, silently asking you to wrap tighter around him. You do, and the moment he feels your ankles cross at the small of his back, his hands move to your waist. “Told ‘em—needed space.”
“Oh?” you question, your hands reaching for the hem of his shirt and tug, tug, tugging—“And when’d you do that?”
He reaches behind his head and yanks his tee off, tossing it carelessly into the darkness of the apartment. You hadn’t even paused to turn on the lights.
“After I saw Tadashi.” You can tell he’s grinning, especially as you drag your nails along the chiseled plane of his abs. His hands slide up your torso, thumb rubbing your stomach through the thin cotton of your dress, grazing the underwire of your bra. “Told Tora this one wasn’t gonna work, either, ’n he said I should just tell ya the truth, 'cause he couldn’t watch me mope around all night again—”
“Mope?” you tease. Kei’s fingers dig in. “Kazutora accused you of moping?”
“Well—shut up!” he whines. “You try watching the person you’re in love with go out with guys who don’t deserve them and tell me you wouldn’t start moping either—y/n? Why… are you looking at me like that?”
Your eyes are wide. Your hands go limp, the helmet falling to the floor with a loud clatter. Your lips part to say… something, but you’re not sure what.
Keisuke’s told you he’s loves you a thousand times; the brief ‘kay love ya! before he hangs up; the gentle love you, see ya tomorrow whenever he’d bring you home; the drawn out gods I love you after you’ve surprised him with his favorite meal—but none like this.
None so… blatant. So unmistakable.
Kei stares at you curiously, as if he isn’t even aware of what he’s just said. He repeats your name, hands leaving your waist to catch your chin.
“You’re… in love with me?” 
Keisuke blinks.
For a moment, you think you must’ve misheard, he must’ve misspoke, you must have misunderstood—but a brilliant smile breaks his face, and he nuzzles his nose against yours. “‘Course I’m in love with you, sweetheart. I’ve been in love with you, and I ain’t ever gonna stop loving you—”
You kiss him.
The gentlest one yet. The way you always dreamed your first one would be; soft, sweet, lips pressing together while your hands held him close. Heartbeats synching. The world falling away as it’s just the two of you, in this moment, endless and forever.
There’s only one thing to say when you pause: “I love you too, Keisuke.”
Your teeth knock together as Keisuke can’t contain his smile, either. Hands move, one around the small of your back and the other under a single thigh. Your lips never part as he carries you to his room.
He sets you at the foot of his bed and stands above you. His chest heaves, bare and flushed with need. Your hands slip from his neck to his bed to keep yourself propped up, legs still wrapped tightly around his waist. Keisuke’s hands travel to your knees, and he just—stares.
He loves you. How could he not, with the way that pretty dress puddles on his mattress, exposing nearly all of your leg but hiding what he’s been waiting for his whole adult life? How could he not, with the way his spit makes your collar glistens in the moonlight, filtering in from behind those sheer curtains you insisted he get? How could he not love the way you say his name, reaching towards him, fingers catching on his belt buckle as you ask him if he’s ready?
“Not yet,” he whispers. The hoarseness of his voice, the way it’s dropped several octaves from merely seeing you on his bed, sends a jolt of electricity through you. You’re about to ask why, but the reverence in how he’s looking at you makes you not want to break this spell.
He trails his fingers along your calves. Gently, he unhooks your legs from his waist. His fingers shake as he struggles with the straps of your heels, but when you go to help, he catches your wrist. 
“No,” he repeats, “not yet.”
You keep quiet and merely watch as your best friend, the man of your dreams, takes his time in undressing you. One wedge, then the other, falling off your feet with a dull clank! on the carpet. Keisuke kisses your ankles, then starts kissing up your calves, then your knees, then your thighs—
The anticipation has you dripping. Your thighs instinctively clench when he gets to your hem, hands curling into fists by your sides. Your panties are uncomfortably glued to your cunt, sticky in a way you’ve never been before, and he’s not even lifted your dress to see yet.
Keisuke rests his chin atop your thigh. “Please,” he pleads—pleads—“Let me—baby, let me. I wanna taste you.”
Today is not the day you learn to refuse him.
Your muscles shake from anticipation as you slowly spread your legs, but that’s not enough for him. “Baby, no, I—I wanna hear you say it.” His voice is soft, shaky. A little hesitant, as if he’s not sure if this’ll ruin the moment but he knows he has to be sure—he has to hear you say it… if only to revel in the desperate way you say his name. 
“Keisuke, please… whatever you want, have it. Just—touch me, Kei, please, I need you—“
“Need you too, sweetheart,” he praises, running his lips along your thigh. “Gonna—gonna have you now, okay?”
His fingers still shake when he lifts your dress, exposing the black lace of your panties to him. At first glance, he can’t tell that they’re absolutely soaked—but that doesn’t stop the way you start to squirm in embarrassment as he just… stares. His thumbs dig into the fat of your hips, broad palms keeping your thighs spread and pinned to the bed.
It takes you a moment to realize he’s not breathing.
He doesn’t look up. 
His grip gets tighter. His eyes narrow. Before you get the chance to ask him what’s wrong, he growls, “you wore these for him?”
You blink. That is not what you were expecting, but before you can defend with they’re my lucky pair, or I wanted to feel sexy, or it doesn’t matter, I’m here with you—Keisuke’s ripped them off.
You yelp when the fabric bites your skin, failing to wriggling away as Keisuke strips them off your ankle. “What the fuck—“
“I’ll get you a new pair,” he mutters. “Shit—I’ll get you a hundred pairs, but you get rid of every single set someone else has seen. Got it?”
Your lips purse. He’s being unreasonable, you think, and totally ridiculous… but no matter how much your brain tries to reason he’s out of line, your fluttering pussy doesn’t get the message. Your slick is evident now, exposed and iridescent in the moonlight, dripping down your hole and slowly saturating the sheets.
Usually, Keisuke wouldn’t let it go. Usually, he’d keep picking at it until you cave, or at least recognize you heard him—but usually, he’s not staring at your cunt. 
Right now, he can’t focus on anything but how desperate he is to be inside you.
“Yeah, think ya got it… fuck, babe… seems like you like it when I say shit like that, hunh?” 
You whimper slightly, having to bite your lip to keep it together. Slowly, he drags the tip of his finger from the sheet beneath you up along your wet folds. He barely touches you, but when he pulls his finger away, it’s covered in a layer of you. 
He brings it to his face with a cocky grin, watching how the pad shines in the moonlight. “You always this wet, or am I special?”
“Shut up,” you shoot back, preparing to bring up how special he found you earlier—only to immediately throw your head back and moan as Keisuke buries his face between your legs.
There is no preamble. There are no more teasing quips or pauses; Keisuke dives in like a man starved, and the only thing that can sate his appetite is you.
He starts with broad strokes, gathering as much of your slick as he can. He’s messy, messier than you, and soon there’s more of his spit than your wetness between your legs. His arms wrap around your thighs, keeping them pinned and spread on his shoulders as he continues to feast, thumbs spreading your lips open so he can truly devour you.
When Keisuke starts suckling on your clit, your fingers knot in his hair. You moan, loud and whiney and plead for him to keep going as your orgasm starts to boil—faster than before, more powerful too, with greater ease than you’ve ever managed to pull from yourself.
Keisuke brings a hand to your clit, quickly swiping the puffy bud with the pad of his thumb as he focuses his tongue on your fluttering hole. In and out, up and down, the warm muscle drives you insane. Your grip on his hair must hurt, but he says nothing; he focuses on making you feel as good as humanly possible, never once letting up, not even when you start to choke, “Kei—I’m—I’m gonna—“
“Cum for me, sweetheart,” he commands. “C’mon, pretty girl, make a mess on my face, wanna feel how you clench, wanna make ya cry—”
It sends you over the edge.
With a scream of his name, your back arches. Your thighs try closing around him but still, he doesn’t let up. He keeps pace, tongue-fucking you, lapping up all the juice that spills out as his thumb continues caressing your clit until you do start crying and you do have to plead, “no—no more, Kei, can’t—“
“Can,” he corrects—but he stops. His hand stills, moving so that the warmth of his palm covers that sensitive bundle of nerves, and only then does he stop lapping at your hole. He presses a gentle kiss to your sex, then to your inner thigh. “But I’ll be nice tonight, sweetheart. Only ‘cause I love you, though.”
You stare at the ceiling as you catch your breath. The paint is peeling in the corner. The glow-in-the-dark stars you helped him put up when he first moved in are dim. The walls are covered in motorcycle posters. A calendar set to the wrong month hangs above a salvaged desk, covered with various veterinary textbooks, barely legible notebooks, a handful of empty beer cans, and a handful of DVD cases, one of which you know is Dyslexia; How to Read When Even Your Brain Doesn’t Want You To. A neon sign advertising Margaritaville is unlit beside his closet. A pile of clothes that didn’t make it to the hamper rests beneath it.
 The room is so—Keisuke , you feel at peace, even as your limbs turn to jelly.
Your heart is racing faster than if you’d just run a marathon. “Thought—thought you said you hadn’t—“ you try panting, but it’s too much effort, too soon. You end up collapsing back on the bed, head swimming with euphoria.
“Said I hadn’t had sex,” Keisuke corrects as he stands, your limp thighs falling to the either side of his waist, “not that I’ve never eaten pussy.” He scoffs, as if that should’ve been obvious. “I’m not an idiot, babe. I respect women enough to know where the clit is.”
A little laugh escapes you. The fan motor is the only other sound. It’s cool, your nipples perk beneath your bra, but you’re still hot. Still hyper aware that Keisuke is just a few inches away, watching your bare cunt flutter and beg him for more.
Keisuke does love you. You know he does, because he gives you time to catch your breathe before he starts up again, only pressing soft kisses to the inside of your legs and quiet offerings of, “so fuckin’ pretty” and “can’t believe you’re here” and, your favorite, the only one you respond to: “so in love with you.” 
“I love you too, Kei.”
He runs his hands along your sides, slowly taking more and more of your dress up with it until the entire thing is resting by your neck. He makes quick work of your bra, not even needing you to sit up as he unhooks it and lifts the cups away.
He says nothing; just stares at your naked body with the same adoration and awe he held when taking off your shoes.
“You’re—so beautiful,” he whispers. “Y’know that? So—so fuckin’ beautiful.”
He bends down and takes a pert nipple in his mouth. You whine, hate yourself for doing so, then whine again as his free hand starts tweaking your other nipple. He runs his tongue over every inch of your chest, making sure you’re covered with his spit and hands, traversing as much of you as he can.
When he gets to your face, he smiles. “You’re mine, yeah? All mine?”
Your fingers run over his jaw, over the bruise that’s barely discernible in the moonlight. No one’s touched you like him; no one’s even kissed you like him, either, and you’re not sure if it’s the “Keisuke” of it all making you feel like this, or if this is how it’s supposed to have felt all along. 
The answer comes easily.
“Yeah,” you agree with a smile of your own, “yeah, m’all yours, Keisuke. Pretty sure I always have been.”
“Always, hunh?” He holds you gently now; a stark contrast to the hungry way he’d just devoured you. “That mean you’ve always loved me, too?”
Your breathy yes is lost in a gasp when his hand slides between your legs. Gently, he prods a single thick finger into your virgin hole, shallowly dipping in and out. “Never had someone else in here, hunh? M’gonna be your first?”
“Y-yes,” you repeat, voice cracking. Your eyes flutter close as he keeps fingering you. You’d had fingers in there before, but none like this. Your own couldn’t compare, two of yours barely able to stretch the way one of his does… and he’s not even going all the way. Not even knuckle deep as he explores only the shallows, letting you adjust.
Your face scrunches when he adds a second.
“This okay?” he asks. You look at him, hand wrapping around his neck as you bring his forehead down to meet yours.
You nod, then remember what he said earlier, how you could feel his cock jumping when you were sweet and needy for him. “Yeah, Keisuke. Yes—yes, I want this. I want you.”
He cups your face and trails soft kisses from corner to corner, breaking apart only to lift your dress and bra over your head. They’re carelessly thrown to the floor, you have half a mind to scold him that it’ll wrinkle—but when he goes back to your cunt, two fingers halfway in, all you’re able to say is the harsh inhale of his name.
They’re shallow, never pushing in deep enough to hurt, slowly stretching your rim to its max. He goes a little deeper, then starts scissoring them, and it becomes nearly impossible to believe he hasn’t done this before.
“No—no way you’re a virgin,” you hiss when Keisuke’s lips travel to your breast. He alternates between sucking hickeys and kneading them while staring at the way your cunt sucks him in, never stopping his ministrations.
Keisuke lets out a short scoff and shifts. “You literally made me cum my pants like a teenager.”
“Then how—“
“I told ya, babe, I respect women,” is his only reply. The only one he’s willing to give, at least, because he starts paying more attention to your tits than what questions are spilling his way.
You feel like you’ve got to be ready when he adds a third, and you say as much—only for Keisuke to meet your gaze with a cocky grin. “Trust me, sweetheart. You’re gonna thank me for this.” 
It can’t be much longer until he deems you ready, but it feels like forever, even if he keeps you distracted from the slight burn between your legs by playing with your breasts, sucking on your throat, praising you.
“Taking m’fingers so well, pretty thing. You’re such a good girl f’me, can’t believe you made me wait this long…”
“You didn’t tell me either,” you scold. He curls his fingers mid-way through your sentence, rubbing against a sensitive spot you’ve never been able to find on your own. You keen his name, hand snapping down to catch his forearm. He pauses.
“Too much?”
Slowly, you shake your head, eyes watering. “Please, Kei, I—I want you to fuck me.”
Keisuke presses a chaste kiss to your forehead. “Never could say no to you, sweetheart.”
If you could think clearly, you’d start listing all the times he has denied you, starting with just a few seconds ago—but him withdrawing his fingers leaves you feeling too empty to do much but pout.
When he pulls away, you chase after him, only for him to shake his head with a fond grin. “How am I supposed to fuck you if you won’t let me take my pants off?”
With hot cheeks, your lips twist. “You were the one who wanted to fuck on your bike, and then in the hall—what, were you planning on stripping naked then, too?”
You’re rewarded with a very rare, very endearing blush. He sits back on his knees and rubs his neck, eyes dropping from yours—then his lip curls in a smirk. “With how wet you got, seems like you wanted me to. What—you like the idea of that? Getting fucked in public? Don’t worry, sweetheart, maybe we’ll try that one day…” He laughs at the way you squirm, but he’s not wrong; your cunt clenches at the thought.
“You’re such a dick.” Your hands reach for his belt, fumbling slightly as you try to undo it. Keisuke’s hands take over, getting rid of the black leather in seconds.
“Your dick,” he corrects, hands back on you, gently laying you back against his pillows, trailing over your now completely naked body, leaving gooseflesh in their wake. You roll your eyes but say nothing, heart in your throat, pussy pulsing in anticipation.
He straightens, taking in the display in front of him. Taking in you.
You sit up slightly, chewing your lower lip. He’s beautiful, but even more so in the moonlight. It illuminates his pale skin, almost making him glow in the darkness of the rest of his room. Obsidian hair falls in a straight sheet around his flushed cheeks, his lower lip caught between his teeth. Violet and red marks adorn his neck and chest. His abs flex when he watches the way your eyes trail down; down the inlet between them, down the stern jut of his prominent v-line, over the faint trail of dark hair that disappears into the band of his jeans.
His fingers—the ones just inside you—hover on the button. They’re covered in your slick, resting just above a bulge that looks absolutely delicious, one that you know he can’t wait to bury inside you—but still, he hesitates.
“I love you, Keisuke,” you say. He smiles. It’s the only further confirmation he needs before he’s pushing off the bed and pulling down his jeans and underwear in one go.
The others have lied about a lot—like Baji’s lack of virginity—but the size of Keisuke is not one of them.
Your jaw drops as you push to your knees, staring at Keisuke’s cock like it’s the first you’ve ever seen. It’s not, and technically speaking, it’s not even the first time you’ve seen his—but that time in the shower, when it was hanging heavily between his legs and you only caught a glimpse… apparently, that was him soft.
Keisuke hard is more impressive than any porn you’ve seen. So heavy that it can barely support its own weight, even with all the blood rushing through it, and so wide around even Keisuke, with his broad palms and lanky fingers, doesn’t dwarf it. 
A thick bead of pre slips out the tip, trailing along the bulging vein that disappears under Keisuke’s hand as he starts to stroke it.
“This… is where the others tapped out,” he says slowly, taking in the way you watch. “I mean—not that I’m thinking about them—but I just—“
“You’re big.”
Keisuke chokes on a laugh. “So I’ve heard. Pretty virgin like you wouldn’t know any better though, would you?”
You give him a withering glare. “I’ve sucked dick before, asshole. You’re big.”
Keisuke’s jaw clenches. “Yeah? Go on, then. Show me how you’ve sucked dick.”
Later, you’ll tease him for how jealous he got, and later, you’ll revel in the possessive way he determines to erase every other touch from your memory—but now, you obediently crawl towards him, one of your smaller hands overlapping his, and you take control.
You press a soft kiss to his flushed tip. It’s larger than your lips, his pre a salty gloss as you kiss again and again—Keisuke grips your hair. “Suck.”
It’s as much a plea as it is a command, one you can’t ignore. You take him,—just the tip—in your mouth, tongue swirling over his warm head as your hand replaces his on the rest of his dick. Your fingers barely touch, and no matter how you adjust, how you lay your palm or spread your fingers… there’s still at least an inch of him exposed.
He hisses, nearly drowning out the lewd, wet sound your pussy makes as it clenches around nothing.
“This—turning you on?” he says, as if his cock isn’t twitching obscenely against your tongue. “Fuckin—sucking on a big cock making you wet?”
You let go with a wet pop! and bat your eyelashes at him. You know exactly what you’re doing when you say, “No, Kei. I’m this wet ‘cause of you.”
With a groan, Keisuke pulls your head back to his dick and thrusts in, sliding as far as you’ll let him before you start to gag. “That’s—that’s it, sweetheart, get it nice and wet.”
He holds you there for a moment, waiting until you tap on his thigh before sliding out. Your eyes are teary, saliva dripping down the corner of your mouth. Deftly, you twist your wrist while catching your breath. His fingers go from knotting in your hair to petting the back of your head.
“You keep doing that, I’m gonna bust,” he warns, but his fond smile gives him away.
You merely smile. “Telling me you’ve never had your cock sucked, Kei?” 
His lip curls in a snarl, which disappears with a groan when you take him in your throat once more. Slowly, lips pursing around him, tongue flicking along the sensitive underside of his cockhead as you try going as far as you can. Your jaw is already starting to ache, but you’re determined to prove yourself.
“Not—like this,” he moans, pushing your head a little further down. Your lips split in a smile, and you raise your hand to start fondling his balls—a trick that’s always gotten you success before—but before you make contact, Keisuke is sliding out and grabbing your jaw. He’s breathing heavily, pupils blown out with lust. He stares at your lips then leans forward, not flinching at the taste of himself on you.
“Wanna fuck you now,” he mumbles. You wrap your arms around his neck and start to lean back, nodding.
“Want you to fuck me too,” you agree. One of Keisuke’s muscular thighs slides between your legs, easing them apart. He keeps kissing you, letting you fall softly against his pillows while he keeps stroking his member, slick with your spit.
He taps the tip of his cock against your clit. You hiss in surprise, eyes closing shut at the sudden sensation of pleasure that rushes through you. “Let me know if it hurts,” he says quietly. He grips his cock right beneath the head, guiding it through your slick folds, getting as much of your fluids on him as he can. 
He’s torn between needing to see the way you suck him in, and the need to squeeze his eyes shut. The sight of you alone, legs spread on either side, pussy gushing because of him, covering in marks because of him, mewling his name as you beg him to fuck you—it’s almost enough for him to cum on the spot. 
Faintly, honks echo from the street below. It’s amazing that in this instant, as your world is about to change forever and for the better, everyone else is going about their business like nothing’s happening. They’re catching a late-dinner with their partner; walking home from a late-night meeting that could’ve been an email; swinging by the grocer’s to pick up snacks and drinks to share with their friends… The whole world is continuing on, just beyond that window, but for you and Keisuke… it’s as if time’s stopped. 
The world is only real for the two of you.
He bends down to kiss you, making sure to pour every ounce of love and care he has into this one. You respond just as sweetly, reveling in the power of this moment, this one decision that will irrevocably tie you together forever, the way you were always meant to be.
He loves you, you love him, and there’s nothing else that matters.
“Ready?” he asks. You nod, then echo, “ready,” and he puts it in; just the tip, spearing past your tight hole. The two of you let out a synchronous gasp.
It’s even more than three of his fingers; warm, too, and thick, softer but also harder and full—you’re so, so, so full as he slowly edges in. It hurts—it feels good—it burns—you need more—
“Baby,” Keisuke pants. He’s let go of his cock, letting just the first inch or so rest comfortably within your walls. You feel him twitch, feel how tight his fingers dig into the sheets on either side of you so he doesn’t add more bruises to your ever-growing collection. “Baby, talk to me. Tell me—are you—are you okay?”
You whimper slightly when he sinks a little further. Eyes scrunching, your fingers digging into his thighs as you try to even your breath. “It—it’s so—“ you try saying, but it’s like you can feel him in your stomach, the pressure tightening all the way up your throat and cutting you off.
“So—good,” Keisuke gasps. He does the best he can, really, but you—you’re so—warm, and wet, and inviting—the place you’re joined might be the best thing he’s ever felt–ever seen. He slides a little further, presses a kiss to wherever he can reach as he waits until your chest stops heaving as horribly. He tries telling you he loves you, he really tries telling you how amazing you are, how perfect you are, how good you feel—but all that comes out are choked, half-sentences that fade into groans.
Tears prick at your lash line by the time he’s securely sheathed in you. Your fingers dig into his back, trying to pull him flush to your chest and bury his head in your neck so he can’t see. You know how he’ll feel; he’ll pull out and say he’s sorry, that he never meant to hurt you and it’s not worth it and he won’t try again–and that’s not what you want. You just need some time to adjust, that’s all. 
You never realized how empty you were.
Keisuke lifts up from the crook of your neck when the first tear slides against his cheek. “M’sorry,” he breathes, kissing one eye, then the other, licking the tear tracks and kissing you again. “M’sorry, I don’t wanna hurt—“ His arms shake on either side of you. The urge to start shifting his hips is sinful, but he doesn’t. He can’t, not until you're okay, not until you tell him it’s okay.
“It’s—okay,” you breathe. Your face says otherwise, but really… it’s okay. You play with the hair at the nape of his neck, offering him a little smile as you shift your hips ever-so-slightly against his. “I’m—I’m okay, baby, really. Just—just go slow.”
Keisuke kisses you. Slowly, deeply, spreading your lips with his as he gently pulls out and slides back in, heeding your directive to go slow. It hurts, it still hurts, is it supposed to hurt like this—but right when you’re about to give up, right when you’re about to tell him it's too much and maybe you should stop… it starts to feel good.
Not just full, but satisfying, bumping against the back of your messy cunt with every stroke. The ridge of his cockhead catches your insides in a way that makes your toes curl, and before long, your legs are wrapping around his waist, pulling him closer.
“Gods—fuck, Kei, fuck—“ you hiss, burying your head in his shoulder, biting his collarbone to keep yourself from screaming. “Just—there, like that, don’t—fuck—“
“Thought you said you were a virgin,” he hisses. Your broken pleas of, I am, I am, I am—go unrecognized as he slowly picks up speed. “Virgin pussy—heh—always feel this—fuckin’ good?”
You moan, loud and unreserved, nails digging into the muscle of his shoulders. Your stomach burns. Your pussy clenches, but for the first time, there’s finally something to hold on to, finally something to fill you up—you’ve never been so full, never felt so good. The coil tightens in your stomach, made all the more tense by the fact there’s something inside— “Gonna— gonna cum, Kei, don’t—don’t stop, please—“
“Yeah, sweetheart? You gonna—gonna cum for me? Go on, cum f’me. Cum on my cock, baby, show me what we’ve been—been waitin’ for—“
You cry when your orgasm finally washes over you.
You’ve never climaxed this powerfully before, to the point that you’ve felt like—this. The world is empty besides the two of you. Bells ring in your ear as you struggle to keep your eyes open, your whole body floating. You feel everything and nothing; like you’re weightless but have never been so heavy in your life.
You gasp for air, fingers digging into Keisuke’s shoulders as his hips stutter a few more times then still. His moans into your ear as his own orgasms consumes him, painting your insides white, shooting so much it drips out of your spent pussy and starts to puddle between you.
He stays there for a moment. Lets his lips trace lazy patterns beneath your ear, still half-hard inside you, one hand gripping the back of your neck and the other holding your breast. Even though you’re spent, your hands delicately trail up and down his spine. Your breathing is heavy and your smile bright and you think you could stay right here forever.
The plastic stars one his ceiling smile down at you, and you imagine the ones outside are doing the same. ‘About time!’ they seem to say. After all these years, about time. There’s a shrill whistle of bus brakes, screeching to a halt; a muffled shout from one pedestrian to another. The fan creaks slightly, the cool air washing over you and helping calm the raging fire on your skin. The clock on Keisuke’s lopsided nightstand, made even with a stack of textbooks he never got to put to use, beeps at midnight: the end of one day, the start of forever.
Kei takes a deep breath and slides off, hissing as his sensitive cock is exposed to the cool air of his bedroom. He lays on his back, taking a hand and placing it over his eyes as he tries to calm his racing heart.
Your legs are sticky. They’re already getting sore. Your hips ache, your spine stretches, your chest burns—but you relish it. Kei’s breathing evens beside you. 
Glancing, you check if he’s asleep—but with the way his forearm covers his eyes, you can’t tell. He looks even more like an angel now. Light, from a city just waking up, creeps past the curtains, illuminating slivers of his pale and flushed skin. He looks–relaxed. Content, even with the blush still coloring his high cheeks bones. His lips are parted, shallow gasps of air being sucked through them, but the longer you look, the more it looks like they’re curling in a smile.
His chest rises and falls steadily, and just when you start to think he might actually be asleep, the hand beneath your neck starts playing with your hair.
“Think it’s—always this good?” he asks breathlessly, pulling you in a little closer.
You pretend to think. He tilts his head, cracking an eye to look down at you curiously. You smile. “I don’t know. Think we better try again—y’know, just to be sure.”
Kei barks out a laugh and pulls you to his chest, looking at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. And right now, with the gentle light filtering through his open window, sweaty and smiling and with his cum dripping from between your legs to make a mess of his thigh, you are.
You play with the edges of his hair, sprawled lazily across his sweaty forehead. With a soft smile, he reaches for your fingers and pulls them to his lips. “Do you actually like it? My haircut, I mean. Pretty sure you liked the other stuff.”
You answer with a laugh, pressing a kiss to where the edges fall. “I love it.”
He grins and rolls over, pinning you to the mattress. The short locks make a curtain, hiding the two of you from anything but each other. “Good. Did it f’you.”
“For me?”
He hums and buries his face in your neck, delicately kissing the bruising skin. “Noticed your type. None of them had long hair, ’n I thought…”
With a pealing laugh, you grab his cheeks and bring his face to yours, smothering him with kisses. “Keisuke, you are such an idiot.”
He pretends to frown, but kisses you all the same. “Weren’t calling me that when I was making you scream earlier.”
“Kei,” you say, forcing him back so you can really meet his eyes, “short hair, long hair. No hair. The only kind of guy I’ve ever truly wanted has been you.”
Keisuke blinks. Short, thick lashes bat against those endlessly high cheekbones of his, and then he smiles. He lowers his lips to yours once more and gifts you a kiss; deep, slow. A kiss that’s been years in the making, that says all that your words have and then some.
“I love you,” he says, and you barely have time to say the same before he’s kissing you, hardening cock easily gliding back through your sticky folds, and you go for round two.
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So... happy adventuring :) thank you for reading! if you made it this far… pls reblog, drop a comment, or leave an ask if you enjoyed!! I worked really, really hard on this, and it would mean the absolute world to me that, if y’all enjoyed it, you told me why. if you hated it, tell me why. if i made you cry or scream or fall in love or fierce fiercely full of disappointed rage, tell me why!! i won’t bite (unless you ask)!
hopefully the next adventure gets even better. thanks for reading!
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