#He is quite literally always either on fight mode
late-tothe-party-07 · 11 months
*ahem * *picks up notes *
Leo is strategy smart
Donnie is science smart
Mikey is emotional smart
Raph is support smart
In this essay I will-
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myslutwritings · 11 months
Playing minecraft headcanons with the uppermoons (+Muzan & Enmu)
this will be a modern!AU (they’re still demons tho)
(this is also my first post lmao)
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okay it takes a HELL ton of convincing to have Muzan himself play with you.
he views any sort of game as ‘dumb’ or ‘childish’
you try to remind him that it’s not in the slightest but it doesn’t do anything much (bro is stubborn)
he’s the demon king? why should he associate himself with the idiotic games mortals play?
eventually he goes give in (bc he loves you in his own weird demonic way..)
strictly on survival mode. doesn’t care what you do but he sees creative mode as a ‘easy way out’ and he wants to be a hard ass (no surprises here)
kills any mob in sight and any mob that comes near you (claims he does it because he’s the demon king and wants to overpower everything and everyone but in reality he just wants to look out for you)
loses his SHIT when he gets dies in the game (triggers his fear of death lol)
you made a joke about him being like the mobs in minecraft because they burn in the sunlight (like him)
he doesn’t play with you after that but he secretly enjoyed spending time with you! (shh, you’ll never hear it from him)
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doesn’t take too much convincing (thank god)
he lowkey enjoys trying out new things with you! you’ve always done everything for him so the least he can do is return the favor.
probably doesn’t really understand it at first so you gotta explain the game to him
gets frustrated easily in the game but it’s more of a silent rage. you take notice of it because his body language changes so it’s not exactly difficult to spot.
like muzan he’ll kill anything that goes near you. (he’s protective even in the game)
most likely will envy your game abilities. (it’s okay you’ll teach him!)
you find it cute that he’s so serious about it sometimes
The both of y’all share jobs in the game and end up creating a lovely little house!
spoiler alert he burns it down after he finds out you can burn things in the game. he did it for no reason whatsoever.
you don’t really mind all that much though. you’re just grateful you got to play with him!
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douma loves and i mean LOVES playing with you!!
this man is bored. (like all the time) so doing something like this will definitely keep him occupied! but he may grow bored quickly because that’s just how he is.
he still adores playing with you though and wants to do it again!
he’ll praise you for how great you are at the game. literally head over heals for you<33
the type of mf to pick up a flower (specifically a rose) and drop it at your feet in the game.
pouts like a toddler when you don’t notice it:((
“Y/N?! didn’t you see the flower i dropped right in front of you!”
he’s clingy even in the game and will follow you around EVERYWHERE.
he is jealous of your building skills and begs you to build him a house💀
Douma’s fav biome is probably the ice plains spikes biome. anything that has to do with snow or ice!
he too also gets frustrated in the game sometimes and SUCKS at hiding it. he doesn’t have outbursts though (surprisingly)
most likely will rizz you up even in the fucking game😭
then after like a few hours of playing he gets bored and either wants to eat (women) or cuddle with you. (maybe both)
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Akaza is the most interesting to play with out of them all (because he’s just so goofy when playing)
the only thing that’s annoying is that he’ll chase danger quite literally for fun. he will fight anything. I MEAN ANYTHING.
i pity the mobs who (tried) to attack you..
game rage? it’s in his veins. (it’s semi-amusing to witness him get pissed off)
make sure he doesn’t punch a hole in your TV or your computer (whatever you play on) that shits expensive.
like during his battles bro uses only his fists to kill everything. weapons? nah. pro is anti-weapons. uses his fists for quite literally everything and will throw a fit when he dies.
he’ll praise you whenever you kill anything though! (he’s a sweetheart like that)
he’s like a guard dog even in the silly game. (over protective is an understatement)
he attempts to build you a house (it isn’t too horrible, surprisingly)
one time when the two of you were mining deep within the caves for diamonds Akaza found some and broke/mined it with his fist. (you got so pissed)
he apologized and found you some new ones though! thankfully, he didn’t use his fists to break the block this time.
overall, Akaza really does enjoy playing with you! he grows fond of it and now playing minecraft with him is one of y’all’s favorite things to do together<33
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Hantengu Clones
(i’m writing the four of them all together because i’m lazy)
want to know what’s more than chaotic? playing some challenging game with 4 very emotional demons.
At first Sekido immediately rejects the idea of playing the game with you and his three other brothers (the hantengu clones are brothers in this AU)
After a shit ton of persistent begging from you and Karaku and Urogi he only submits in the end and plays (mostly because of you)
Karaku and Urogi literally are beefing the entire time (Sekido’s rage is at it’s boiling point because of those two jackasses)
Aizetsu cries like a baby whenever he accidentally kills anything (except for the mobs)
whenever he sees a mob his scaredy-cat ass sprints away in the opposite direction.
Urogi and Karaku bully him RELENTLESSLY for this. (Aizetsu is a victim)
Urogi is the type to secretly go into creative mode grab a shit tone of diamonds or netherite and is like; “Heyy, lookie what i found!!”
no one falls for his bullishit.
they all protect you in the game and show off in front of you. (it’s embarrassing)
Karaku is surprisingly good at the game but like Akaza he’ll chase danger for fun.
Aizetsu only feels safe around you so he’ll follow you around and cling to you in the game so his two brothers stop harassing him.
Sekido only plays for a few minutes before getting aggravated and just abandoning the game as a whole.
(he is the type to punch everyone playing the game. even you sometimes but Karaku and Urogi mostly fall victim to his attacks)
Sekido surprisingly leaves Aizetsu alone.
the five of you try to create a world where it’s just peaceful (Keep on dreaming, kid. that ain’t happening)
everything goes downhill, half of the world is ENTIRELY demolished and all of you died over 1000 times.
playing with all of them is too chaotic. you can’t really take it seriously. You only can when you’re playing with one of the clones one on one.
y’all didn’t play again after that madness. 😭
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now Gyutaro here is the only chill one to play with. (finally a normal one)
like Kokushibo, it doesn’t take that much convincing! in fact, he agrees to it almost immediately.
at first he is confused and doesn’t understand how to play minecraft but he is a quick learner and figures it out on his own.
Gyutaro doesn’t have a preference for survival or creative mode. He just does whatever you want.
Whenever y’all play in a survival world you two share tasks and duties and actually create a pretty decent looking world!
he still has your back though. Will kill any mobs that interfere with his little home he created with you.
he enjoys building houses and is surprisingly really amazing at it! he finds comfort in building.
however, whenever you, Daki and Gyutaro all play together it’s mostly him and Daki arguing and being all competitive. It’s mostly Daki’s fault because she’s the cause for half of the mayhem that happens in the world.
sometimes Gyutaro plays even without you. (he grew fond of the game quickly and likes the game)
the both of you play together everyday and go onto the same world every time because y’all created a beautiful old-fashioned city on there. (he cherishes it immensely and is insanely proud of the masterpiece of a world the two of you made as a team)
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Daki is infuriatingly annoying but also entertaining to play with at the same time.
she is a giant rage quitter like Sekido and Akaza.
throws tantrums frequently over the smallest things that go wrong in the game.
she will be jealous of any item you get that’s better than hers.
this lil shit steals everything you earn that’s better than what she has. (you notice every time)
you confront her about it and she has the audacity to lie. (like girl yk damn well)
you end up taking your stuff back and she will BATTLE you for it. (you win these matches every time. that alone only adds to her angered state😭)
she will deliberately quit whenever something doesn’t go her way but later come back and declares she wants to try again.
it’s like a endless loop because this happens every. single. time.
(she’s such a brat istg)
will always steal your diamonds and put them in her chest and say she found them first.
while you’re asleep she will secretly go into the world and take all your shit and you’ll wake up back at square one.
(lowkey you want to stop playing with her)
y’all barely even work as a team but when y’all it’s always ha fight (mostly her fault btw)
once she notices your frustrations. She’ll level it down for you so no need to worry! (this earns your respect)
but whenever y’all are in creative mode shes so much more fun and enjoyable to play with!
you two usually build big ass mansions together and with y’all’s godly building skills you two make an incredible looking house and live in it together!
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Enmu absolutely looooves doing everything with you! he says yes immediately when you ask him to play with you.
after all he’s your personal simp. this fucker will gladly do whatever you say w/o any hesitation.
Enmu has actually heard of the game ‘minecraft’ before but never actually played it and barely knew what it was really about.
oh boy, but when he does he becomes OBSESSED.
I kinda feel like he dislikes survival mode and prefers to be in creative mode! but if you like survival mode he won’t mind trying it out with you.
he likes killing the animals for fun.. will randomly slaughter anything even if it has a family (bro is a sadist after all)
you tell him it’s not necessary to be doing that but he doesn’t care nor listen.
his love language is building you trains in the game. (you love them very much)
Enmu is usually very calm when he’s not on a mission so playing this game only soothes him further and he doesn’t act overly crazy and zesty like he usually does around Muzan
Builds trains every time y’all play and is somehow INSANELY skilled when building them (??)
Similar to douma, he’s the type to rizz you up in the game.
Sulks when you don’t notice him when he attempts to.
He constantly nags you to play with him some more and gets a lil upset when you become tired.
“Oh, Y/N!, how can you be tired? we’re having soooo much fun!!”
forces you to stay up just so he can introduce you his own train world he made for himself. (he named all the trains)
you’re out cold after playing with him every time. High key finds it adorable when you pass out after hours of playing with him. He’s so amused how humans can grow tired so easily.
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bestworstcase · 7 months
was rewatching a random rwby fight as is my habit, in this instance it was the cordovin mech fight and i Noticed something. when qrow switches his weapon from sword to scythe mode they put emphasis on the gears inside of it; the weapon this instantly made me think of was The Long Memory. (qrow also does more shapeshifting in this fight than I think we see in like, any other scene in the series). this makes me think that qrow didn't have his own custom weapon until after he started at beacon (makes sense, if he and Raven went in Jaune style) and probably not even until after STRQ got the RWBY treatment. thoughts? (also worth noting that Raven's weapon at present isn't unique to her at all, really; it's not custom designed or irreplaceable, her swords are meant to be broken. did she also have a beacon-era weapon, and if so, i wonder if it's sitting in a closet somewhere... and if it's got those same gears in it somehow) i find weapon design very interesting and even more so after V9 literally used weapons as representations of people's lives, souls, etc.
yknow something that's always kind of in the back of my mind is that the floral pattern on long memory's handle is echoed in due process and sundered rose, and as you note harbinger has the gears:
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but stalwart doesn't have any such influence. nor does omen. both weapons belonging to characters who broke away from ozpin a long time ago:
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glynda's weapon also does not have a perceptible influence from long memory, primarily because it's Literally Just A Riding Crop that she is using to focus her semblance but also narratively—ok like. think about this.
the first three—ironwood, qrow, summer—all of them were very close to ozpin, all of them trusted him and looked up to him enough to take aesthetic (& in qrow's case, mechanical) inspiration from long memory. and all of them became disillusioned with him and turned their backs on him in some way. summer left. qrow lashes out after learning the truth. ironwood ultimately rejects what ozpin stands for. they had ozpin on a pedestal that eventually, inevitably, broke.
lionheart has been spying for salem for a long time; raven "tried to leave" before summer vanished and then actually left afterwards. we know that raven, at least, never quite trusted ozpin in the first place, and we can infer that lionheart didn't trust ozpin enough to turn to him for help when salem first approached him. was there ever a pedestal to shatter? did they ever believe in him the same way ironwood, qrow, and summer did?
we've not seen taiyang's weapon yet, but he's not left his cabin in the woods since the fall of beacon as far as we know and even twelve years ago he did not seem to think very highly of ozpin. i think it could go either way, but i bet he's in the stalwart/omen camp.
theodore's gloves might also go either way—it doesn't sound like they have the floral pattern or filigree as described in the CFVY novel, but that doesn't necessarily mean it won't be there in the show—but based on his conduct in before the dawn i think he's probably in the due process/sundered rose/harbinger camp.
and then... there's glynda, who trusted and respected ozpin but also never really comes across as subordinate to him in the way that ironwood or qrow did during the beacon arc (or qrow after). not in the sense that she didn't work for him or wasn't willing to follow his lead, but their working relationship at beacon very much comes across as an equitable partnership, notwithstanding the information he's hiding. and since the fall of beacon, she's remained in vale, working tirelessly to put the kingdom back together and fighting to reclaim the school. there's no trace of long memory on her weapon, but her emblem is a crown. you know, like the relic of choice.
glynda might be the one member of his inner circle who was there because she believed in his ideals rather than because she believed in him, and that's why she's the one who hasn't collapsed without him.
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inbetweenhours · 1 year
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so concept, humans are space orcs traffic series/3rd life  au featuring human Scott because he has main character energy and is unsurprisingly my fav character in most smps-
anyways uhh I doodled this sloppy concept like a week ago because I on and off daydream about space aus with hermits and life series characters y’know? Anyways I actually go far enough in daydream mode to double down and talk about the concept in a brainstorming discord and ended up with the following plot, which will explain the context of the doodles lol. Enjoy
Basically to my memory it was a very basic usual humans are space orcs kinda set up. Or at least a concept I’ve seen enough times to grasp and remake. Humans are kind the boogey-men of the universe. Underdeveloped enough they haven’t been able to reach out to the rest of the galactic community on their own. Were largely considered protected for a while, and there was lots of disputes politically about interfering with them.
This all came to a head when a group of humans had gotten off planet, likely through malicious outside intent, and ended up breaking havoc and killing many aliens. Pretty deserved but with no survivors and gruesome display of adrenaline force and cruelty they immediately earned a name as the boogeymen of the greater universe.
SO onto plot we actually care about with that basis in place. The 3rd life characters are all champions of a super illegal fighting ring run by a group of watcher adjacent aliens probably. Some have been champions longer than others, some are much newer. They are kept in various different cells around the facility when not fighting to contain them, since they’re all various types of aliens with unique strengths and weaknesses. The unique layout of the fighting matches, and proximity of cells allows very specific groups of them access to each other most of the time. 
For example, the Dogwarts folks are in cell blocks close to one another, and thus have time between fights to socialize. They have the opportunity to forgive injuries and make plans.
Jimmy is a bit special, a unique alien. Kinda a cross between a nymph/floran and an avian yknow? So he’s very pretty and incredibly fragile with his stupid bird bones. He is often, if not always the starter event for fight nights. Him losing his match (because he literally never wins) is the kind of kickoff to the main event. Then he is kept separate from all else to be healed and such. Somewhere a close eye can be kept on him than others, can’t have their favorite canary dying after all?
Nearby to Jimmy is where Scott is kept when its brought in. Scott is, of course, human. He cannot communicate with anyone like the other prisoners can, and is having a considerably tough time.  He proves push come to shove that human survival will win, and he will fight and fight well. However he also shows restrain, making him terrifying but perfect for these fights where they don’t actually want a champion dead, lest they have to be replaced.
Scott is kept in close proximity to Jimmy also to be kept under watch, though much more because he is considered a much higher risk than other fighters. Because of this though, he and Jimmy end up forming a kind of bond. They’re the only non hostile presence the other has and despite the language barrier they get along. They even begin learning to communicate, though its uniquely not quite either language.
There's definitely other background dynamics and shit happening with other fighters but these two have my focus rn so sorry. 
The actual plot kicks off with Grian, formerly staff of the fight pit went rogue and for his disobedience became a fighter himself. He hatches an escape plan, ends up finding a way of communicating it to as many of the other fighters has he can, and fight his opportunity to spring it. 
Gotta clarify, the fights are run either on a big old travelling ship. Like a BIG ship that smaller ships can doc on to come watch fights n stuff. Allows for maneuverability n hiding. OR an obscure ass moon.
Anyways so Grians springs his plan, the establishment is in chaos. The other fighters are making a break for where ships are parked with the intention of hijacking one and escaping together. Whatever beef anyone has from the amount of breaks and bruises were given in the pit aside, they gotta get out of this together. That's why the group waits as long as they do while Grian (follows by Scar for backup) hunt down Jimmy to get him out too.
They hadn’t expected to find Scott, the human. They hadn’t fully considered Scott for saving. So new, and so dangerous. But they find him crouched over Jimmy, unconscious and various of their captors strewn around. Unconscious or dead Grian doesn't check.
He wants to get to Jimmy, but Scott won’t back off. Scar manages to deescalate and its terrifying but they manage to communicate bringing Jimmy with them. Scott picks Jimmy up on his own, intending to follow them. And Grian finds he doesn’t have much of a choice. The human is coming and also helping them he guesses? He hopes?
They get to the ship the others have yoinked, no one has time to question anything they just get the fuck out of there. They tend to their wounds, watch over Jimmy, and Scott passes out at Jims side once he’s sure he’ll be okay.
The rest of  the actual au would theoretically consist of the various fighters coming to terms with what happened, with their gripes and treatment of each other. Scott learning to communicate, all kinds of misconceptions from everyone being addressed and broken. They learn to trust each other, stay on the run from their poachers, and reunite with a couple helpful family and friends on the way (Pearl, Mumbo, Lizzie,, as ya do. gotta get em in here somehow lol)
anyways that was all it wasn’t a big thing but it’s a fun brainworm. Y’all can do as you want with the thoughts :]
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amazingmsme · 5 days
im scared to spam ur ask box but i cant hide this cuteness from everyone!!
Ted instinctively goes into fight mode when tickled, he’s accidentally hit SO MANY PEOPLE. but one time Paul tickled him and Ted just let it happen!! Paul tried to bring it up later and Ted just pushed him away and tried to subtly cover his face
(i love paulkins and sweetoffski as much as everyone else!! but… paulted has the most special place in my heart <33333)
Be not afraid! Even if it takes a billion years, I will get to them… eventually kxdbwnfjkf
But I am literally so obsessed with this you have no idea! Ted is such a squirmy lee & his pure instinct is to thrash around & fight whoever is “attacking” him. But one day Paul just gets fed up with him & decides to give Ted a taste of his own medicine. But Ted isn’t really taking his warnings seriously. Like, come on, it’s shy, timid Paul what the hell is he gonna do?
But Paul manages to grab ahold of him & he’s come this far so he can’t quit now & just does the first thing that comes to mind. & that’s the last thing Ted was expecting it really shouldn’t be tho & he’s caught way off guard. But he’d been doubting whether or not Paul actually likes him (either as a friend or something more, your choice) & to him this just feels like confirmation that he doesn’t mind him as much as he tries to act like. & he realizes just how long it’s been since he laughed like this & decides why the hell not? He’s always been a glutton for punishment & he genuinely thinks Paul wouldn’t notice his lack of a struggle. So when Paul does try to bring it up, his blood runs cold & he legit throws himself across his desk to make him shut the fuck up. Veeeery smooth Ted, totally normal behavior right there👌
& I totally get where you’re coming from! For me, I can never just stick with one ship. You gotta explore all your options, see how the different dynamics play out. But their chemistry is so fun to watch! I especially love the way Paul is Ted’s bestest friend & to Paul, Ted’s just That coworker everyone puts up with
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xxrainbowvibezxx · 21 days
Sindel sighing her way through an argument......she's so real for that. She's a "if I say 'wow,that's crazy' more than three times in a convo, that's a sign that you need to go" kind of girl. A "does this conversation have a point" kind of girl.
(Speaking of which, I don't think Jerrod and Sindel fight that much. Sindel knows that the fastest way to shut down a disagreement is to revoke his free pass to her and their bed. And since Jerrod is surprisingly quite fond of having his head between her thighs, he gives way. But they've never reached the point of screaming matches. They bicker and argue, but no screaming.)
Honestly, Sindel has zero filter and no time for bullshit. If someone's talking to her, she wants them to get straight to the point. She kind of just stands (or sits) there like:
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And yeah, I don't think Sindel and Jerrod ever fought to the point they're screaming at each other. I feel like they're both mature enough to know when the argument is just pointless and not worth bickering back and forth. A few disagreements here and there, which is normal. Sometimes, it has to do with palace decisions, and maybe it has to do with family. (Like, I still want to know why Sindel banished her nephews and nieces from the court. I wonder if she did that when Jerrod was still alive.)
I feel like their arguments either end in a mutual agreement or Sindel wins 9 out of 10 times. But also, Jerrod really doesn't seem like the type to ever go against Sindel. She's in control, and he even said so in story mode.
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"As always, Sindel, I am yours to command." Freaky asses, literally infront of everybody.
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ramoth13 · 2 years
Father of Destiny and the One Who Hears the Voice of the Sea
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One of the things that I found myself in love with in this show is the depiction of Fatherhood and the relationship between Elendil and Isildur. It would be far too easy to look at this and say it's normal and move on, but in reality it is genuinely anything but normal.
Depictions of the Father/Son relationship in media is nearly always one of either misunderstanding, active rebellion, or violence. Yet, while all three of those elements exist within the narrative involving Elendil and Isildur, the thing we consistently see the most is tenderness, love, and affection. These are almost always exclusively reserved for Father/Daughter portrayals, NOT Father/Son.
Which is important for several reasons, not least of which is because it illustrates a very contrasted distinction between the only other Father/Son dynamic we see in the show (excluding, perhaps, the kind of absent Father relation with Elrond), with Ar-Pharazôn. With him, the dynamic is far more traditional. He's "teaching" his son wisdom because thats the way of things, it's a top down view of fatherhood that makes legacy, rather than individuality, the primary focus.
Legacy is not a bad thing, per se, but when Fatherhood fixates on this (as most traditional modes of masculinity demand of both Father and Son), the inevitable eventuality is that power must be incorporated to keep the dynastic legacy of the father alive. With power comes the need to keep it, and thrive with more of it. We see this even in "positive" depictions of fatherhood, think of all of the movies that portray a father being proud of his son and usually there is always a kind of continued legacy and even extended violence, a Father's dilemma solved by the violence of the son.
With Elendil and Isildur, however, what we get instead is concern for wellbeing and mutual respect, but even more, they actually like each other. This, this is huge. Father's liking their sons, and vice versa, is rare. Respecting each other? All of the time. But actually enjoying the company of the other? It's just an element you rarely see.
Notice how when Elendil is knocked down and Isildurn runs over (seen in the second gif above) what Elendil says isn't "Dont worry about me, keep fighting" which would have been typical and in keeping with the "Dont be weak" mentality. Instead, what we see is Elendil adress Isildur's worry and reassure him that he is okay. It's a small touch, but with huge ramifications. Elendil is acknowledging isildur's feelings without belittling them.
It's a wonderful quality that the creators added, because it could have been so typical without anything being off. Isildur could've been vying to upset and break out of his Father's shadow at every given turn. Elendil could've hated how his son made everything difficult for him in his political life. They could've made the dynamic normal. But instead, chose something genuinely wonderful.
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The other element that puts this into a wonderful perspective is Elendil's humility. It's not a faux humility either, as again, we see with Ar-Pharazôn. He is in constant service to others, but without caveat. He quite literally serves others.
By creating a character that loves his children and serves others faithfully, he is simultaneously portraying positive masculinity in a way that allows for violence as a protector but does not glorify that violence as a need, but also exemplifies the allowance and even promotion of emotional maturity. He sobs for his son, he fears for his children, and he worries for his queen, yet also embraces his son, and speaks softly to those he cares for. This, then, is what is seen as keeping the Elven ways alive.
The contrast between Elendil and Ar-Pharazôn is lovely because it is mostly subtle, yet noticeable all the same. One is actively illustrating the wisdom of the Elves and Maia, the other exemplifies the pitfalls of humanity.
Of all of the wonderful things that RoP has done, the relationship between Elendil and Isildur might be the one that moves me the most.
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dailycass-cain · 11 months
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures gave us a NEW Cass-centric arc.  It FINALLY released in its entirety this past Wednesday so yeah, at long last I'm gonna dig in and my thoughts on it!  
Season 2 of WFA has given us a lot of Cass in appearances (sixteen of the so far forty-eight episodes released) though unlike Season 1 Episodes 90-91 is our first official Cass-centric dramatic story this season.
And it is a double salvo of treats.
First off we get a team-up of Cass with Damian. Something we've barely gotten in the comics. Literally, Gates of Gotham is STILL the only time these two have teamed up.
That was in 2011. We're in 2023. HOW IS THIS STILL THE ONLY CANNON TEAM-UP we've had between them?!
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Yes, they've interacted more since 2020 (three times compared to just twice prior to that, and I'm being kind with one of those interactions).  So yeah this episode is already doing things the mainline hasn't broken ground on.
But as always WFA gives us the dynamic barely teased in the main line (but is laser-focused here), the big sister Cass worried for Damian on their mission who breezes how easily it'll be given its Mad Hatter they're dealing with.
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Just like recently in Batgirls #16, there is an underestimation of the Hatter that in this adventure costs Cass as she's brainwashed to be his weapon. Hatter's dialogue in part 1 is our first real insight to criminals in Gotham know about Cass.
This is something NEVER brought up in the mainline comics nowadays (probably due to DC's fear of acknowledging either origin of Cass). So we're in this "Schrödinger's bat" situation where both are her origin, but are not shown.
Here, it's quite clear probably which origin is canon to WFA (more on that soon) as Cass is used by Hatter to kill Damian. For all Damian's own fighting skills well, this is the first comic mention of him acknowledging her and actually caring about her.
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Like literally, this episode fully continues off the last Cass-centric episodes we got all the way back in Season 1 with Episodes 32-33 “All Seeing” where we saw things thru Cass's eyes. Here we see again how the family views her via Damian.
But not only that, this is Cass's greatest fear come to life (per "All Seeing" her being used as this weapon and not a person). Again writer CRC Payne just DELIVERS with the emotion by having the emotionally reserved Damian pour out trying to reach Cass.
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I have to give major props as well to artist Geoniya Acuna too. The emotion is drawn in both characters' faces. The change in Cass's eyes when she's switched into "weapon mode".
All of it is just *chef's kiss*.
That jaw-dropping ending is a good lead into part 2 where we see the war in Cass's mind trying to take back control.  
And here we get the series showing us her origin for the first time. And oh my.  I so wasn't expecting to see this bastard again:
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Due to DC not acknowledging which origin of Cass's is the defacto one has left David Cain in a curious state.  Because if they go into the old one he's like above.
If they acknowledge the newer one, he's basically Donnie Yen as Storm Shadow.
So it just shocks me to see WFA go for their take on the original origin. It's simplified and that's the point Payne having Cain talk to Cass this episode.
I don't see it as Cain actually talking to her, more a mixture of Hatter's mind stuff and Cass's own insecurities taking shape. Until she remembers a CERTAIN someone who she met when she was lost. 
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Again, the episode takes HEAVILY into Cass’s old Pre-New 52 origin acknowledging Babs took her in (and the crowd who ache for this version of a mature Barbara go wild). I know you stood up and cheered when WFA went there.
Because of that, Cass starts to break free of the mind control. Remembering more the bonds she forged. Remembering the identity she took and if anything this is where the one slight I have for this issue.
The episode gives us the first ever clear look of the top section of Cass's Batgirl outfit.  I had to pause reading it, and was like "Gimme this WFA. I want to see this suit in action. You don't tease me like this."
This is the only negative I ever give WFA when it comes to Cass/Tim due to their troubled histories in mainline DC Comics. WFA is like, an all-you-can-eat buffet acknowledging it all.
By showing it, you do the Orphan identity a disservice. Literally, we're 99 episodes in, and the only time they've acknowledged "why" Cass adopted this identity was as a joke.
I get "why" it was added to the series. It was the identity Cass had at the time.  But the creators of WFA have done their own "rebranding" of the identity. Giving Cass a scarf or cape to the costume. A different mask than the one she wears in the comics.
I get it. It's because for script purposes it allows the creators to have her outside the mask and be more expressive.
It's just that... 
You tease us fans by showing this suit. You dangle that Batgirl crumb over us. You're just gonna make us want more of this WFA Batgirl costume now (after dancing around it last season).
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Now I want it.
I want to see this costume in action. I know Acuna can handle it. Give them the chance someone!  Give us the Batgirls episode this series NEEDS!!! You just don't tease us Cass/Steph's costumes and expect us not to want MOAR!
Cause we do.
Back to the story, these moments break free from Hatter's grasp and we get that righteous beatdown he's so deserved for daring to do that to Cass (along with a cute sisterly moment of Cass picking Damian up).
Like, again the series does what the main line hasn’t. Given us this moment of the two (given their similar backgrounds) being there for one another when moments like these happen. 
Even more, a cute exchange after all said hijinks. 
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These two episodes again were a nice sequel to the last Cass-centric arc paying off seeds that began there and we get some rich moments here.
The only thing is the Batgirl-in-the-closet problem which continues to hamper the series.
But I digress that's my own minor nitpick. I can fully admit and cast aside my own "fandom" to say WFA is doing the duty it can showcasing ALL the Bats why they have such loyal fans.
This was another amazing chapter that WFA just seems to pull for their female cast and I'm glad there's this balance between overtly cute, but also educating the casual fan to those not given the light previously shined on them.
That said, I think it's time for another Harper Row arc. She's overdue for one being introduced this season.  Just give us that perfect bookend for the character with another stellar arc.
The creative team knocked another home run with this Cass arc.  Kind of leaves me just wanting more. 
Am I greedy? 
But it shows how good this creative team is feeding that fan side to me with these characters. Make that crave occur. So yeah kudos to them. 👍
This was an amazing arc giving us things I wish the actual mainline DC Comics would give us. Something I feel is an untapped field just aching to be dug into and mined.
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narwhalandchill · 9 months
(HEAVILY suspect genshin 4.2 AQ weekly boss leaks, massive spoiler if its legit etc etc but take with a Colossal grain of salt, also general 4.0 & 4.1 spoilers jic, i am going moderately insane)
i would like to formally apologize in advance for the person im about to become if childes whale (or 'it' more likely than not) is genuinely going to be the 4.2 AQ weekly boss what the fuck. What the fuck
Listen. Listen. Listen.
ive been saying for YEARS that this fucker is a bigger deal than just he hee minor miniboss turned neutrally aligned friendly rival on the fatui harbinger gauntlet. ive been coping ive been starving seeing him get literally no relevance or new abyss lore for years as fanon butchered his character beyond recognition. but i knew. i knew they werent putting those lore breadcrumbs in there for nothing and like. im trying not to lose my mind just yet its still highly suspect claims but. itd make so much sense. itd explain everything.
the oratrice was not wrong. if the primordial anti-french bathwater is connected to the whale all along its no wonder it deemed childe guilty as the one with 'its' traces remaining on him all this time especially as the latent yet-untapped power resulting from that past encounter has clearly begun to surface. theyre registering as one and the same to the oratrice. and for the whale to end up as a weekly boss its Very clear theres an explicit link there.
and like? if the whales been behind fontaines rising sea levels and tied to the primordial water all this time lurking somewhere just underneath the nation of hydro im just. was childes instinct to come to fontaine specifically due to his worsening mood rly much coincidence at all or was 'it' beginning to call for him due to sensing that hed soon be ready to awaken his potential? his stories suggest quite clearly that this was what happened when ajax was 14 as well - the abyss called to him as did he to it, frustrated as he was with his ordinary life, seeking the potential he had within. ready to nurture his trouble-mongering nature into a true force of chaos and a nexus of strife. isnt this just the same thing all over again?
and the celestial star-cruising whale is his constellation. that kind of link isnt giving me a "chance encounter you happen to get latent powers from". and for skirk to explicitly state that awakening 'it' was a feat unheard of before ajax. that no one had ever done it before. theyre deeply intertwined if not outright the same entity on some cosmic level - just different incarnations somehow. shits getting Real and i fucking knew there was something up YEARS ago
anyway hooooly shit i am going to fucking lose it i really really hope its real. and like sure sure knowing its coming is technically a spoiler but also not really? bc now its just the how and why and when. is skirk going to finally show up? is childe going to summon 'it' either on accident or on purpose? would he utilize the imminent threat the whales presence poses to force both furina and neuvillette into emergency mode given how abyssal creatures are literally kryptonite for dragons and celestia-approved divine beings alike? is that why traveler ends up having to face it instead? bc those 2 would literally get irreversibly corroded by the abyss from one hit?
alternatively, will childe want to fight it? bc ppl dont talk about this for some reason but hes always had a voiceline about what we now know 100% was 'it' and bro genuinely wants to go back to the abyss full send just to throw hands with the whale to prove hes surpassed the past terror that gripped him upon their first encounter and that hes overtaken it with his own power. which with the new lore drops of their deep connection definitely isnt giving childe replacing and becoming the new incarnation of the abyssal star-whale at all nuh-uh. surely. (i want it so bad)
anyway. holy shit. heres hoping this doesnt just age like shit DUFYDUGHFGDJSHDK i really want an AQ final fight thats not just harbinger of the week for the 4th time in a row. theyre fun and all and like yeah arguably childes ties to it kinda make it a harbinger fight but also not? bc this is about his abyssal links nothing to do with being in the fatui. and its the whale anyway not him per say
anyway heres hoping we get that 3rd final boss fight to the death with him in the celestia arc for once and for all when hes finally reached his peak. first we fight him at his incomplete level in liyue. then his abyssal whale. then 3rd time him in his final form thank youuu
but like. still emphasizing. this is NOT reliable leaks or confirmed yet so hold your horses. very sussy whisperings from some ppl who do have somewhat of a truthful track record but nothing concrete. i just went insane enough with the very idea that my brain made me type this madness out regardless
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anxiety-banana · 8 months
so i love star wars the old republic, right? so what that to most gamers it's mediocre at best, i'm a don't starve/minecraft/plants vs zombies girly i'm not that bothered
anyway here are my thoughts on this game after playing it for a few months
-the fact that my happy little droid friend who follows me around and heals me and fights better than i do sometimes is labeled <your companion> under his name. are you trying to make me attached. what if T7 dies?? what then?? will i just smash my desktop??? probably!
-the graphics aren't bad, they're actually pretty okay, but i really need to know why no one put more effort into making the details actually... detailed. like. everything is this weird, smoothed out, monochrome kinda color and it weirds me out for some reason it's like they designed armor thumbnails for the inventory and instead of redesigning them for on-character use they just sized up the image and stuck it on
-if you fight a combat training dummy (or sometimes if you exit a fight that you just won), you won't exit combat mode?? i hate this so much?? you can't do certain actions while you're in it and i kid you not i have jumped off platforms in the coruscant senate district to k!ll myself so i would exit combat mode
-BRO if you don't quick travel everywhere you have to run MILES every mission. jedi better have required and least two years of cross country in your padawan years because your glutes gotta be amazing to survive this
-also not to be a fashionista but all the armor options suck and i think they're pretty much all ugly THERE I SAID IT
-in the first storyline you're working with a twi-lek village and i'm not saying there's definitely a romance between you and the matriarch but there definitely is
-also the padawan you work with later on
-and that jedi master i can't remember her name you go to meet her before the council after your first mission and she just has this flirty way of talking to you it's so funny to me
-this game is tryna get my character laid with every person of power
-i know he isn't but orgus din just gives off sith vibes. he always has "other matters" to attend to. that man is either a sith or has a secret relationship despite explicitly talking about the dangers of attachment (*cough cough* anakin *cough cough*)
-i see people always walking by defeated characters you can loot and that is SUCH a mistake i racked up thousands of credits really fast by just stealing them off corpses' persons, not to mention all the random crap you can collect and sell to vendors i have yet to buy a single piece of armor i just keep upgrading from loot i collect
-i know i already said it but GUYS T7 is such a cute lil droid, when you make light side dialogue choices it says "T7 approves" and it fills me with delight
-it's so funny to me to just yeet yourself straight between two groups of hostiles perfectly centered so you never have to fight any of them
-oh and that time you rescue a flesh raider baby??? that thing's gonna grow up like "mom, am i adopted?" "yes, son, you are. you're a flesh eating beast." "ohhhh that's why i keep having the sudden urge to bite your face off i thought it was just puberty"
also just know that posts about this game will not cease. it amuses me and i love it
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vocaloightmares · 1 year
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Color ref for my main SW OC, Teen Wing/Vicky. More info below:
• Pronouns: She/Her
• Personality: Boisterous, Snarky, Sly, Dramatic, Hyper, Protective
-Very prone to emotion (ex: gets upset easily over something quite minor)
• Signature Abilities: Illusion Manipulation, Martial Arts
• Height: As tall as Flip
• Job: Assistant Director, Crimefighter, Magician
• Affiliations: Teen Troupe, Super Wings (partnership), Cloud 9
• Family: Draco (father), Mari (deceased mother), Akumu (aunt), Inei (cousin) Mini Teen Wing (Super Pet)
• Allies: Teen Troupe, Super Wings
• Enemies: Goldenboy, Golden Wheels, Rival Wings, Billy Willy, Kyofu Carnival
• Likes: cooking, performing arts, foxes, The Cardinal Cabin, her (found) family, Draco truly smiling, video games based on the fighting and beat-em-up genres
• Dislikes: jumpscares, lies, her (found) family being in danger, Draco’s “dad mode,” her powers getting out of control
The daughter of two Legendary Super Wings, one of them being the director of Teen Troupe, Teen Wing is an assistant director by day, electrifying crimefighter by night who always ensures to put on a shocking performance (often literally). When she was young, Teen Wing looked up to the original Kid Wing and strived to become a hero like him. However, when he disappeared, TW takes up a similar mantle while searching for KW.
But when she was faced with a traumatizing near-death experience, Teen Wing‘s life will begin to turn completely upside down and come to a realization that not everyone will be charmed by the happy spell.
(btw, the renders below are free to use as paper dolls! Just make sure you credit me as either @worldairportwonders or @stormvanari: both are the same person. For example, type something like, “Teen Wing belongs to @stormvanari.”)
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itsevanffs · 1 year
How do you feel the environment your character(s) grew up in shaped them as a human? How does the environment they’re in now shape them currently?
The quiet moments in a relationship are sometimes just as important are the verbal ones; describe an important moment where the characters in your story shared a quiet moment (like sitting together while reading, watching tv with one another, bumping elbows in the kitchen in the morning as they make coffee, etc), and tell us why you consider it so important.
If you had to direct a scene from your fic, what would you choose? Why? What would it look like? What techniques would you use to convey certain emotions? What would the set look like?
What are your main character(s)’ motivations? What do you consider their main drivers?
could you please answer with tom riddle and harry potter in mind? thank you!! since i'm aware i flooded you with 4 questions in one ask lollplease take your time answering. or like answer one question at a time or something. hope youre well :)
;v; it's been years. I am so sorry. I really had to gather my thoughts for this one but I think I have it now! I'm just gonna work off canon for the first one since you didn't specify a certain fic, though I think you meant ITD.
1 & 2) I'm just gonna answer for Blorbo #1 here to keep it brief: I think Tom/Vee's childhood circumstances were SO formative for him. I think his hatred of muggles really came from living through being on the other end of human greed for basically his entire life pre-adulthood. Orphanages aren't fun places to stay, and definitely not in post WW1 Britain - you often had to do manual labour even as a young child, and the giant global economic recession (thanks, America) right around his birth was... something indeed. He was probably very used to fighting for his basic needs day in and day out, and was deeply dependent on the goodwill of random strangers. I think this also formed his desire to have everything, to have power over everything: growing up so poor and helpless, literally, does something to you. There was no space for empathy in a place like that.
And I think through canon the rush of being on the other side, of having made it - I think that really got to his head, and he became reckless, stopped thinking things through. I get it, tbh: getting out of survival mode is one of the most beautiful and liberating things to experience, but it's hard not to go ham with it. Eventually this caused his own downfall. Which is a shame. I think they should have kissed
(I am ignoring the whole love potion thing so hard rn you have no idea. Girl (dumbledore) idk where you came up with that but you are so wrong. You can't even get high via dick unless you try super hard, why would love potions affect sperm. Anyway, cough)
3) ITD doesn't really have any quiet moments? Like, not truly quiet. Harry is pretty much always on edge around Tom, and if he isn't, he's well and truly distracted by something else. Tom doesn't quite experience those moments as quiet, either - he's very focused on Harry pretty much all the time. This lack of quietness in itself is very important to show their dynamic, which is one of constant vigilance both ways. The abuser, always trying to find fault with their victim, and the victim, always trying to avoid fault.
4) From ITD, definitely the coronation scene. The lighting would come from the giant windows behind the throne, casting Tom into near-darkness except for the glittering, larger-than-life crown on his head. The chandeliers would provide only a vague sense of depth and form to his face and features, leaving his eyes shadowed for the red of his irises to jump out. The lighting would not be warm or inviting, but stark and harsh, leaving cold shadows instead of warm ones, contrary to what you'd expect with candlelight. It would feel wrong, to see that man sitting there like that. He would be out of place - an intruder. Next to him, pushed into the background and practically fading away into the light with their near-white outfits, would be Harry and Lily; insignificant in the face of this new, budding darkness.
I think that'd be pretty neat ^^
5) Tom in ITD wants to have everything; especially the things he can't have. Harry, of course, is at the top of that list.
Harry's a teen. He's 16 - he doesn't quite know what he wants. He has an idea; he wants to get married, maybe, have a big and loving family, and be to his spouse and kids what James was to him and Lily. He wants to live a long, healthy life, take care of those who need his care, and have the least stressful time he can manage while doing all that.
Again, I apologise deeply for the delay. My brain was just... yeah. I hope this answer is somewhat satisfactory!
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snobgoblin · 2 years
Have a headcanon because I'm sick right now and this was all I could think off
~The bandmembers getting/being sick~
2D: Actually overthinks it. The minute the first symptoms start to show, he's in a panic mode. Always afraid to catch something like strep throat and ruin his voice forever. Also one to google his symptoms, which makes his anxiety even worse. Once he had a common cold but was convinced he had lung cancer and was going to die in 48 hours. (He, in fact, did not die after 48 hours) Needs to be dragged to the doctor by his shirt collar.
Murdoc: Absolutely refuses to admit that he's sick. Doesn't even want to admit that he can get sick. Not one for rest either, he just kinda waits for it to disappear on its own. Gets super annoyed though, especially at a cough or a runny nose, and hates it when he gets pitiful glances from the others. Sometimes makes up diagnoses to scare 2D when he's sick since he's a doctor and all.
Russel: Responsible! Man!. Takes care of himself, eats hot bowls of soup, drinks cups of tea, makes sure he gives his body enough time and space to rest and fight the infection. Usually is in his room until he's healthy again because he doesn't want to infect the other band members. Also was the best caretaker of little Noodle when she got sick.
Noodle: Hates it. Hates being sick but she's responsible and rests, even though it bores her. Also makes herself some nice tea to calm and cuddles up in four different blankets. Being sick is literally one of the only times where she's actually willing to rest and do nothing for once.
Ace: ...just also kinda waits for it to disappear, everything is just a cold for him, he doesn't quite know about the variety of different illnesses and probably shouldn't else he'd be just as overthinking as 2D usually is. Stole medicine from the drugstore when he was younger. Likes tea. Not much else to say tbh
awww that's cute thank you for sharing
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lex-n-weegie · 2 years
No no, please ramble away! It's fun to hear other people's interpretations on the animatronics and the virus since the game doesn't give much info about them.
Anon I love you thank you for the ramble pass 🙏
Okay okay so what I'ma do is explain my personal interpretation of their personalities, then talk about how specifically the virus changes them. I'm also going to do a hypothetical infected Freddy, since there IS scrapped lines of his being affected and it's so damn interesting. It's all gonna be under read more because it's gonna be long no dout. I hope it's enjoyable to read haha
Oh also I'ma state this here: DJMM and the Mini MM aren't affected. The Minis are just territorial and DJMM just had a bouncer mode activated cause it seemed like the arcade was in danger. He chilled way out at the end lol
Starting off with Chica, she's absolutely the most peppy of the group. She's cheery, social, and ofc loves to work out. She's also a small foodie with weird taste buds, partly because of her robotic body. Think kind of like Amethyst from Steven Universe, who literally eats anything. Chica is kind of the same, but it's way more on the down low (and yes, she'd occasionally eat garbage. It happened on accident once and she surprisingly did not hate it). The main reason she'd do this stuff though was either to demonstrate the "working out while you eat" thing, or as a comfort food.
That's where the virus comes in. Since Chica always tries to be peppy and encouraging, she will accidentally hide some stress she's feeling, hench the comfort food. The virus specifically adds more constant stress, causing constant stress eating and "snapping" at others. She tries still to be peppy and kind, but after a bit of not eating she'll slip up more and more and act unpleasant. It's become an unpleasant addiction and so much a part of her life, that she's barely even realizing that it doesn't make her feel better anymore.
Might as well get the gals out of the way, so let's talk about Roxanne. She definitely the "cool girl" of the group. She races, is the best at many things, and sometimes is boastful. Of course though, she's also competitive, which is shown in the gator golf art actually. Though, she worries about her own appearance, and even more how she's seen by others. It was small enough though to actually encourage her to be better, be a good role model. That she was always proud of.
With the virus, it specifically makes that worry bigger. She knows she's not part of the original four, she's not Foxy, and she starts to worry if maybe that affects her popularity. So she tries harder. She never misses a "race," or a chance to prove she's better. She's so wrapped up in it, talking to herself in the mirror for hours on end, not even realizing what she's doing to affecting her popularity. You need to let kids have a small fighting chance, make them feel empowered, and she completely forgot about that essentially. Nothing she does is good enough, she can be better. It can be done better. Do it again.
Ooooh ho ho, I'm excited to talk about my gator boy. Especially since my version of him seems way different than a lot of others. For one, he's not mega aggressive, just trying to act tough and cool. He's trying to seem like the guy kids would feel "lucky" about being friends with. You know what I'm talking about, it's like being friends with a teacher or someone older than you, you feel cool just from that. Monty is actually quite chill, though a bit of a jerk sometimes. He doesn't pick up on certain social cues, likes to tease, and especially likes to fluster (he's done little joke flirts with parents who've been interested. Surprisingly, he's only been hit with a purse twice /hj).
Monty does however have a hatred for the staff. It's for a multitude of reasons, but part of it is that they all believe he's "better" by being part of the main band. He misses Bonnie man, why don't they care?! That's what the virus attaches to, making his anger grow and grow until it needs a physical outlet. Though funnily enough, unplanned by said virus, the workers have doubled the whole "this is good! You're better now!" Thing, thinking it helps him feel better. They think if they push him up to the top, he'll be happy. It makes the anger even stronger than the virus even intended.
Figured I should quickly talk about these two. I already talked about how I see them in a different post, so all I'll put here is how the virus gets them. Like I've said for Moon, his violent thoughts have won before, and he's seriously hurt people. He's gotten quieter, and more strict and mean. He's basically let himself "become the monster he always was." He's blocked Sun out completely and all other support systems. He's not happy and believes he deserves to live that way. Interestingly enough to though, he's found himself doing things to please Sun, such as cleaning up.
Sun's little worries and anxiety have suddenly shot up through the roof. Something's happening with Moon and he can't stop it or help. He knows about the "accidents" that have actually happened, which makes him even MORE worried. He knows he can do nothing, as management has been rude to them for awhile and would probably just take Moon away instead try to help or fix him. So, as such, Sun does every little thing he can to make him happy. And funnily enough, part of that is cleaning up the Daycare, meaning they both do it for each other without realizing it(again Moon as completely blocked Sun out by now). Another part is keeping the lights off, even going as far as to make it the only rule so little kiddos would be more focused on doing things they're not normally allowed. Naptime in the dark was now banned, and new eye masks are littered around the Daycare and PizzaPlex.
Freddy is, using simple terms, a himbo. He cares for everyone, and is always gentle and caring. Kids have called his father, brother, even uncle. No one is safe from this man's love, he doesn't judge anyone at all in the slightest. He's the type of bear people want to follow behind, hench his leader position. He's a good leader and helper, even a protector, but unfortunately sometimes he's clueless on the bigger, deeper stuff. When everyone starts getting affected by the virus, and all at once, he finds it's too much for him to handle or fix. He wants his friends happy and safe.
And that's exactly what the virus attaches to. It takes his leadership, his want to protect others, and ups it up to what I would call evil levels. As in, "it's fine what I'm doing because I'm doing it for a good cause." He has a mission and is sticking to it like his life depends on it. If he believes your death will help in some sort of way, you best be running.
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are there any specific songs that remind you of your own favourite character from a show/game/books (Kirby for example) ? can you make a song lists? :)
(…are you baiting me with Kirby 👀)
Tbh I‘m more of a "epic fights scenes and other random scenarios“ person and have no idea how character playlist people even manage to find all these songs that somehow actually fit their character. But trying is always an option, so!
(Just to be clear you wrote „remind you of“, not that they actually to actually fit 😅)
The Green Greens and Gourmet Race soundtracks from the Kirby series specifically
Whatever this genre of music is. Just the entire thing. It sounds like sunshine, rainbows and good vibes
This one‘s probably a really weird choice, but there’s some sounds in the background that for some reason heavily remind me of background music from Kirby (like it’s from canvas curse or mouse attack or smth?) theres not even any real resemblance to anything from these soundtracks, but I can’t get it out of my head. (…also Kirby bosses exist.)
This eve song specifically because of this amazing fan animation
The Smash bros Brawl and Ultimate themes because Kirby really was the MVP of Subspace/adventure mode
Also, while it doesn’t remind me of Kirby himself at all, it is the theme of a really cool bird, and this series also has a theme of a really cool bird , so it fits!
Spampton Deltarune
I DONT KNOE HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME- Leave me alone. …*sigh* [BIG SHOT]. I don’t even care about this character. Didn’t even fight the boss yet either. That line is literally the only thing I know about him. But the song also sounds the way he looks, if that makes sense. (It’s quite catchy! Also I came across the song before deltarune lol)
Ocarina of Time/Majoras Mask Link
Hidden Citizens- Out of Time if the name doesn’t already explain it, idk what could
Any variation of the oot title theme (technically doesn’t count since it‘s *the title theme* but it’s originally from Zelda 1 so…ehh)
The Oh Hellos- Where is your Rider. Headcanons and a fic I read somewhere.
Aviators- Red Water Dreams, there’s like two lines that kiiinnndaaa fit that my brain decided to latch onto
Hans Zimmer- No time for Caution and Tick Tock aka part of the interstellar soundtrack (could throw the whole soundtrack here tbh but those two have the ticking sounds so)
Alex Clare- Hummingbird my 10 years ago barely English understanding brain heard the very last two lines of the song and instantly stuck it here because Navi
Mans Zerlmeröw- Heroes which is kinda on the nose
Everything that Theophany does which 100% does‘t count since it’s literally re-imaginations of the Majoras Mask soundtrack but yeah no I mean LISTEN TO THIS. PLEASE.
Twilight princess Link
Also Mans Zerlmeröw- Heroes; how poetic
Every song/soundtrack in existence that even remotely sounds like the Hidden Village, ever
Apparently I had, for some reason, a „male“ (they just edited the pitch of the song to be lower) sped up version of the song Running with the Wolves by Aurora on my playlist all this time. I guess it kinda fits here??? Idk
Old town road , I wish I were joking
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sugarybitterness · 3 years
whiplash - yelena belova x reader
word count; 1,148
warnings; mild violence ..?
a/n; some yelena fluff for y’all !! honestly i love yelena she’s absolutely hilarious (and so is florence shdjdks) and i adore her no nonsense attitude, but also how she might act all tough but she’s kinda soft 🥺🥺 hope y’all enjoy this heh, feedback is always appreciated <3
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“miss y/l/n, mr stark is calling.” FRIDAY’s voice sounded out in the otherwise quiet quinjet, jolting you awake from your nap. you had just finished a four day mission with carol and the captain had flew off to go meet an old friend which left you on the way home alone.
“put him through.” you replied to FRIDAY as you moved towards the control centre, hoping that nothing bad had happened while you were away.
“y/n? hello?” tony’s voice came through the speaker. you raised a brow at the way the billionaire seemed to be whispering into the phone. was there an intruder in the compound?
“hey tony, is everything okay?” you asked, concern laced in your tone as you checked to see how far out you were from the tower.
“yes- no- maybe?” tony stuttered nervously as he hid in the supply closet with rhodey as the two of them tried to not make their location known to a certain blonde. after the team managed to overturn the sokovia accords to allow the avengers to reunite, natasha had talked to nick and steve about recruiting yelena. so once the younger widow was ready, she was brought to the compound for a trial run. as they felt that natasha might be a conflict of interest, much to her indignation, you were decided as the next best person to be yelena’s mentor.
frankly, yelena didn’t need much training as her fighting skills were fantastic and you were more than happy to finally have another person to spar against. the rest of the team were always easy fights with steve and natasha being the exceptions as one was a literal super soldier whereas you had fought the redhead enough so often that your fights became way too predictable for either of you.
it took a while for yelena to warm up to the team, but even more so for her to warm up to you. at first you chalked it up to the fact that you were supposed to be her mentor and she didn’t want to cross any lines. but once she was an official team member, her tendency to avoid you became frustrating. you didn’t plan to fall for yelena, but it happened either way and while you definitely didn’t expect her to like you back, her avoiding you still stung.
the two of you ended up on a mission together that quickly went south which led to being stuck in a safehouse together for a week. with nowhere for her to hide, you finally had a chance to confront yelena about whatever was happening between you two. that’s when the blonde confessed that her avoiding you wasn’t because she didn’t like you, but rather it was quite the opposite. somehow the tough, sarcastic and witty widow had fallen for you, which terrified her. the vigorous training she had went through in the red room made her believe love was for children and the blonde simply didn’t know how else to react to her feelings except to avoid you. after you confessed that you reciprocated her feelings, the two of you had a long talk about what exactly you guys wanted and ultimately decided to take it slow so that you could both ease into it. as much as love was new to yelena, it was new to you too.
that was over a year ago and now the two of you couldn’t be happier. you truly adore yelena with your whole heart and she loves you back just as fiercely. the team has always been very supportive of the two of you, natasha going big sister mode on you whereas wanda did the same with yelena. however, even after a year together the team still wasn’t used to the difference in the way yelena treated everyone else versus how she treated you.
“stark you better come out right now!” yelena’s angry voice sounded through your speaker and you let out a chuckle when you finally realised why tony had called you in a panic.
“you managed to piss of yelena again?” you asked and tony’s whimper of acknowledgment made you laugh harder.
“please come home quick- AHH” tony’s scream was cut short by the call ending. a quick glance at the screen showed you were a couple minutes away from the tower so you requested FRIDAY to announce your arrival, hoping that it would at least shorten whatever yelena had in store for the boys.
yelena had tony pinned against the wall, scolding him in fast and loud russian when FRIDAY’s voice rang through the air to announce that your quinjet was landing. quickly wrapping up her scolding, she released the billionaire with one last glare before rushing up to the rooftop to meet you.
as soon as you stepped out of the jet, your eyes trying to adjust to the bright light of the sun, you felt a body collide with yours, arms wrapping around your waist tightly.
“hi lena,” you greeted the blonde softly, hugging her tightly.
“hi y/n/n,” yelena replied as she snuggled into your embrace having missed you horribly while you were gone.
“you have any plans tonight?” you asked softly, pulling away so you could look at yelena properly. the blonde nodded before going back to her position of nuzzling her face into your neck.
“cuddles with you.” yelena mumbled into your skin, pouting when she heard you laugh softly.
“alright, cuddles can be arranged. now will you please let me go so i can shower? the sooner i shower the sooner we can cuddle.” you pressed a soft kiss on the top of yelena’s head before attempting to remove yourself from her grasp but the shorter girl simply tightened her grip in response. before you could try again, a squeal left your lips as she effortlessly picked you up and your legs automatically wrapped around her waist.
“ohmygod lena!” you laughed loudly as you tightened your grip on her. the blonde simply smiled happily as she carried you to your shared room, laughing alongside you.
later on, when tony saw yelena and you cooking in the kitchen, he quietly asked vision how was it possible that the assassin who could quite possibly kill him in his sleep look at someone else with such a soft gaze.
“it’s called love tony, you look at pepper the same way.” was vision’s reply, not realising that tony’s question was meant to be rhetorical.
“love is a strange thing at times, it might seem like love has made yelena soft but i think it has made her stronger too.” vision continued as he looked at how yelena kissed your cheek softly before wrapping you in another back hug.
tony just shook his head, his lips turning into a smile at the sight of the two of you. love was indeed a wonderful sight to see.
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