#Ghouls 'n Ghost
kabukiaku · 6 months
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alone together...at last.
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yesandpeeps · 8 months
Desperately need y’all to see this too, idk when I’ll be able to draw like this again 😓😓
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newgroundstier · 1 year
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xwagnerplaguesx · 3 months
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"Ghouls 'N Ghosts"
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kentuckyfriedsatan · 29 days
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Had to draw Cumulus <3 I love her, she is my wife
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ghouljams · 1 year
Little continuation from the last fae!Konig interaction. I have many thoughts on him as well as some art of him under the cut.
"Apologize," Simon tells him once he's calmed down enough to actually form a coherent thought, arms crossed as he looks down his nose at König. König's eyes go wide, his shoulders hunched forward to make himself look smaller. There's something over his face, or around it, you can't put your finger on it exactly. You can't get a clear look at anything but his eyes (unnatural, crystalline blue) before your eyes just sort of... slide off of him. Simon doesn't seem to have this problem. "You heard me. Apologize."
König hums, a nervous, unhappy sound, avoiding the inevitable. He's a member of the court for fucks sake, Ghost can't talk to him like this. Then again he did break a rule, misstep a boundary, he knows better than to touch what doesn't belong to him. "I-"
"Not to me," Simon cuts him off, "apologize to her." You jolt as he hauls you against his side. You'd been so focused on not throwing up, your not sure what's happening. The arm around your waist is helping more than you thought it would. The buzzing under your skin goes warm and silky as Simon's thumb rubs under the hem of your shirt.
König stares down at you, eyes wide and unblinking, hunched forwards in a distinctly inhuman way that you're trying not to stare at. "Pardon me." He says after a long moment. He sounds like a kid being forced by his parent to apologize to you.
"Uh," you say dumbly, not sure exactly what to do in this situation, "that's not really an apology my dude." You can feel how pleased Simon is with you, like a purr between your ribs, it sings through you. König looks at him for help.
"You heard the lady." Simon tells him, warns him. König groans and shoves a hand into his pocket tugging a slip of paper free. He holds it out to you.
"Here," you take the paper and turn in over, you think that's his phone number on it, Simon takes it from you before you can get a good read on it, "To make up for my rudeness." König narrows his eyes at Simon, you narrow your eyes at König in retaliation, earning another pleased chime in your chest. "One favor, that's all you get Ghost."
"That's very kind of you," Simon drawls, and it feels like something more than paper has been exchanged. There's a heaviness in your fingers where you touched it, you feel like it's important, but you can't hold onto the thought before it slips away from you.
When König finally leaves Simon's fingers press to your forehead and wipe something off. Suddenly the sick feeling is gone, and you feel like you can breathe again. He shakes it off his hand with a grimace. You press your own fingers to your forehead, rubbing the spot König tapped you.
"Better?" Simon asks you, you nod.
"Better. Never been tapped by anyone but you before, didn't know it would suck that bad." You sigh. Simon raises a brow and smiles like he's trying not to laugh at you.
"Is that what you're calling it?"
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POV a 7ft tall fae man is forced to apologize to you under threat:
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slippy-socks · 3 months
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wow dnd mountain ghoul be upon ye
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dewdrops-whammy-bar · 28 days
Rain wears makeup, both because they think it looks pretty and because they love leaving lipstick marks on their packmates. Their favorite shade is a satin dark purple that looks almost black. It’s not uncommon to see smudges of purple on Dew’s neck, or Cumulus’s temple, or Phantom’s forehead, or the corner of Swiss’s mouth.
They also like how it makes a ring around the base of whoever’s dick they’re choking on hehe
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ghoulette-knell · 3 months
A Little Bit Tipsy:
Aether x Fem!Reader
You and Aether have some unspoken tension due to being so close to him throughout the Prequelle tour. A little bit of alcohol proves to loosen your tongue.
TW: Drunk/High Sex; Friends to Lovers; Soft!Dom Aether; Hair-Pulling; Marking; Animalistic Sex (honestly from all of the sexual tension); Oral (male receiving); Dirty Talk; Fingering (female receiving); No Protection; Biting.
Word Count: 5,566
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You and Aether, your best friend, were a little bit tipsy. Yeah, a little bit more than tispy...
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The tour that Ghost had spent months travelling around the globe had just concluded for the week, so the two of you decided to drink and celebrate the fantastic performances. There had been some unspoken tensions between you and him for a while now, and you were feeling bold tonight. The two of you have been drinking for a few hours now, and although Ghouls had a higher tolerance for most things than humans, the two of you were beginning to feel the affects of the alcohol.
Aether took a small drink of his beer, which was his favourite beverage. His soft, amber eyes glanced at you through his silver mask as a short stream of foam floated down his glass, "I hope the Cardinal doesn't mind us hanging out. It's so deep in the tour at this point. I know the old man hates when we get distracted or take time off practicing.”
“Screw him,” you mumbled tiredly while leaning back against the couch, taking a shot of whiskey while staring off towards the wall, “I’m getting sick of his schedule for us Ghouls. He likes to believe that we don’t have social lives and we are just mindless drones, here to simply perform in his band.”
You had always been a little bit too outspoken when it came to Copia. Even though you were right in what you said, Aether didn't want to say it out loud and risk getting into trouble.
"I don’t think Cardinal Copia is necessarily in the wrong. He just doesn't care about our social lives. The band is all that matters to him."
Aether let out a small laugh, “And I think it's true. We're all replaceable after all."
You couldn't help but wince at Aether's last sentence. You were all replaceable... all of you.
You had been a member of the band when Ifrit was still the lead guitarist before young Sodo had come along. You and Aether both had been around before Copia had even come around, and Terzo had been the frontman, as well as the anti-pope of the ministry. Yet, so many of your friends had been replaced... Ifrit, Pebble, Omega. The list goes on and on.
None of you even knew why they had been replaced. It was simply done at random, which was what made moments like this scary. Would the Cardinal just replace everyone if they pissed him off?
"I don't like to think about that, Aether," you mumbled while leaning forward and grabbing your freshly-rolled joint off the table.
"I know," Aether responded softly, "But that’s why we can't become too careless and get attached. We'll get hurt that way. It's a damn shame that I'm already pretty attached to you. It'll really suck… if anything happens to either of us.”
He took another sip of his beer before speaking again, "Copia loves to remind us that we can be easily replaced. I get it, he likes having an air of authority over us. He likes to manipulate us into feeling grateful that we're in his band.”
"I want to get attached though," you mumbled, almost inaudible as you flicked your lighter to get your blunt lit, "I want to have lifelong friends in this band. I know I have you, but we have to keep our deep friendship a secret. I don't want to get sent back to Hell if I mess up one too many times. I don't want to get separated from you, Aether. That would be a fate worse than death."
His eyebrows raised at your last sentence. "Worst than death?"
You peered into his eyes and nodded. You meant what you said. You wouldn't get sent back to Hell without Aether. It just simply wasn't something that you would let happen. Not even Lucifer could pull you away from the rhythm guitarist.
Aether's mind was suddenly abuzz with countless thoughts. Was she just saying this because she was inebriated? Or was she genuinely implying something else?
He looked away for a moment, a bit embarrassed by his reddened cheeks, before he looked back to you, "Are you drunk?"
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. You hadn't expected this conversation to go in this direction, and honestly, the alcohol was to blame. You rarely let your stressors come afloat, especially around any of the other Ghouls. It was a sign of weakness, and you weren't weak by a longshot. However, you trusted Aether, and the alcohol definitely helped loosen that tongue of yours.
You flicked your tail slightly and took a drag from your blunt, coughing slightly as the smoke hit your lungs, "A little bit, but that doesn't change how I feel about any of this."
Aether seemed surprised by your answer, but you could see in his face that his eyebrow was not raised in judgment at all. Instead, he was taking a good long look at you, as if he was sizing you up. His cheeks were still red, which was a little strange for him.
He laughed softly, not making eye contact with you, "Does that mean you're genuinely afraid of losing me?"
You offered him a hit off of your blunt, unsure about whether or not he would take it. The alcohol was indeed making your tongue a bit looser than normal, but Aether did know how much he meant to you. He had to know how you felt about him.
"Yes. I don't want to ever lose you," you replied without hesitation, "If you got replaced and I was forced to stay in this band without you... I don't know what I would do. Whoever your replacement would be, I would hate them just because they replaced you. You are my best friend."
Aether took the offered joint, still not holding eye contact. This was a new side of you that he had never really seen before. Normally, you would try to hide the fact that you cared about him. You were very stoic whenever it came to things like this.
But tonight, you were telling him. No hiding it. In fact, there was something else there too...
Aether finally met your gaze, taking a long drag from the marijuana before speaking, "You know, you talk about me as if you’re in love with me."
You were completely speechless.
You didn't know how to respond.
Were you in love with Aether? You had always assumed it was some kind of puppy love phase that you were going through, or maybe a way to escape the harsh reality regarding the Satanic ministry that you lived to serve. It was a very stressful atmosphere, after all. Aether always offered a bit of relief, and often grounded you during moments like this.
"You act as if that's a surprise," you whispered after a few seconds, expelling smoke from your mouth and taking a few sips from your alcoholic beverage that sat on the coffee table.
You brain was beginning to buzz, which made your eyes slowly relax and sag.
Aether sat in silence for a couple of seconds. When he finally did speak, it was only to ask a single question. One that he had never asked before. One that had remained unspoken for so, so long.
"Do you love me?"
You licked your lips nervously and adverted your gaze down to the carpeted floor below. Suddenly, you were feeling shy and bashful.
Some thoughts you'd had about this exact moment began to eat at your stomach; scratching at it like a wild, caged animal. What if he wouldn't like you back?
You could handle the rejection. If that was the scenario, that would be manageable. Just swallow your sadness and pride, and keep going on with life as if it never happened. What you couldn't handle was a confession leading to awkwardness, and inevitably the end of your precious friendship with Aether.
This confession was beyond what you ever believed you could say to the other Ghoul.
“I suppose I do, yeah. I do love you, Aether.”
You took another sip of your drink, trying to advert your attention away from that risky confession. The alcohol was beginning to cause a vague cloud of haze to envelop your brain as you sat and waited for his response.
It was an agonizing wait. It was only a few seconds, but it felt like hours.
Aether finally closed his eyes, his cheeks a bright shade of red. His lips curled up into a tiny smile; his little fangs poking from his lips. He couldn't help but feel his heart swell in his chest, even though you weren't exactly looking at him right now.
His breath grew a little bit shaky when he finally spoke up again, but he was still a bit shy to make eye contact for now, "And you're sure this isn't just the drinking talking?"
You slowly brought your eyes back up to meet Aether’s, and shook your head, “You’ve known me for almost a year now, Aether. You have to know how I’ve felt about you all this time.”
Aether hadn’t said he loved you back though. Was he procrastinating? Did he not want to hurt your feelings? Why hadn’t he said it back yet?
His cheeks had grown even redder now. You'd certainly never seen him blush this much before. He laughed a little bit, his eyes now locked with yours, "I guess I thought this might have been a drunk confession... But I should have had a little more faith in you. My apologies."
Finally, he took a deep breath. He couldn't help the feeling of his heart beating so fast in his chest. He finally managed to say it.
"I love you too."
The instant relief that hit your body was unreal. The mix between the adrenaline rush over admitting your love to Aether, as well as the alcohol was slowly sinking away as those three perfect words left the Ghoul’s lips.
“Now it’s my turn to ask… that’s not just the booze talking, right?” you whispered, your cheeks flushing red to perfectly match the shade of red that was on Aether’s cheeks.
Aether couldn't do anything except chuckle. If anything, he was a little bit surprised that you would ask if this was just the alcohol speaking.
"Oh no, this is totally the booze talking," he said jokingly, only to be interrupted by a soft laugh. The colour had drained for your face, as you hadn’t realized off the bat that this was a joke.
The ghoul then quickly closed the distance between you two, making eye contact with you before leaning forward and placing a kiss on your forehead.
"No, I'm definitely not drunk… well, I'm a little drunk, but I feel this way sober too. I do love you, and I'm so glad you feel the same about me."
You leaned into his touch immediately. Your heart was hammering in your chest, and you were almost certain that Aether could hear it.
You couldn’t help it, though. Aether made you flustered no matter what he was doing.
Your cheeks flushed brighter as his lips grazed your forehead; your face turning upwards.
Your lips were only inches away from each other. You could feel Aether’s breath on your face; smell the beer on his breath. You could physically see the drunken desire beginning to cloud over his eyes.
“Are you sober enough to consent to me kissing you?” you asked huskily; your hand cupping his cheek in a loving, yet desirable manner.
Aether was certainly not used to the way you were acting right now. The way that you were leaning into him. Your hand cupping his cheek. The way that your lips were just inches away from his. This was different than usual.
"Am I sober enough?" he smirked, his own hands tracing up to your waist, one wrapping around it and pulling you closer, "I'm not sure. You should probably kiss me just to check. Just to make sure."
You exhaled and leaned forward, the multiple shots of whisky guiding your every move. You felt as if you could start crying from sheer happiness over this moment! This was beyond anything you ever believed could happen. Your lips sheepishly brushed against his; your heart leaping into you throat. Your claws slowly crept around and gripped at Aether's neck as you finally pressed your lips fully onto his. No brushing. No teasing. Right to the point.
Your kisses were certainly a lot more passionate than Aether was used to. It was almost as if you had lost yourself in some kind of trance. Your hands were holding him very tightly, your lips pressed firmly against his. Your lips were very soft and your breath was sweet; a hint of whisky combining with the scent of toothpaste.
The ghoul was surprised at the way that you took the initiative, but you could almost see a glint in his eyes as he kissed you back.
While moaning, you nibbled hungrily on his lips as your kisses quickly morphed into something more hungry… more passionate. Tongues dancing together, you slowly began to climb into Aether's lap, pushing him deeper into the couch. Your breath was coming out in ragged, lustful gasps as you would occasionally abandon the Ghoul's lips for a breath of air. That was rare though. Aether's lips were like the fountain of youth that you had been searching for your entire life. You didn't want to leave it ever again.
"You taste so good," you groaned while sucking on his bottom lip; a mischievous look in your eyes.
Your kisses were certainly making Aether feel things that he had never felt before in his entire life. Never mind the fact that all of this was coming from you—little, shy (Y/N). To see you taking such a brazen initiative was exciting.
As you abandoned his lips again for a breath of air, he chuckled softly, "I love how hungry you are for me right now."
Before you could speak again, Aether grabbed a fistful of your hair.
Before you could speak again, Aether grabbed a fistful of your hair.
Your eyes snapped shut as a small moan left your lips. A chuckle left his lips as Aether pulled roughly on my hair, eating up your reaction. You could see that the beer was making the usually docile and harmless Ghoul turn into something more. The lust in his eyes was unreal, and it excited you more than you ever knew you were capable of.
"A-Aeth!" you groaned, using the nickname you had given him when the two of us originally met all that time ago.
The Ghoul pulled your hair slightly, angling it to the side so your neck would cock with it. His swollen lips (swollen, from how aggressively you were making out with him only moments ago) immediately began to attack your sensitive flesh, leaving little purple and blue bruises on your pale skin.
Aether's eyes were now completely closed as his mouth worked its way up your neck, forcing the sweetest noises to leave your lips. He wanted to mark you. He wanted you to be his and only his. No one should be allowed the joy of having access to your soft, delicate skin.
"That's a good girl," Aether breathed out softly, moving one of his hands to massage your chest. He squeezed softly at your breasts, causing a breath to hitch in your throat. "You love when I mark your flesh, am I right?"
You leaned back, your eyes rolling into the back of your head while adjusting the weight on the rhythm guitarist's lap.
"Y-Yes. I want all the others to know I belong to you," you whispered, your words slightly slurring together thanks to your drunken state, as well as the lust that was pooling in your abdomen, "I l-love when you mark me!"
As he slowly continued caressing your chest, he leaned forward and moved his mouth back to your neck.
"I'm glad you want to belong to me," he murmured, "Now… show me how much you love me."
Your stomach clenched in excitement.
You knew exactly what Aether wanted.
He wanted your mouth.
You slowly kissed his lips one more time; savouring his taste. Then, you slipped off of his lap and got onto your knees on the floor; staring up at the Ghoul in desire. You rested your face on his thigh while squeezing it softly with your hand, "Tell me what you want, then."
Aether had a smug look on his face now. He sat there comfortably, leaning back on the couch, not expecting you to fall to your knees and do as he asked. It was such a sharp contrast from the timid, shy girl you were at first. Now, he could really tell that his words had had an effect on your behaviour. You were certainly behaving as someone completely different right now.
He smirked down at you, his voice laced with excitement, as he responded, "I want to be worshipped."
You purred and allowed your hands to drift upwards towards his belt, "Oh, I can worship you, that's for sure."
You quickly unclasped his belt and unzipped his pants. You could immediately see his white boxers which were holding your prize. You carefully pawed at them to lightly tease the Ghoul, earning a few grunts from his lips. You could already see the blood beginning to pool in his cock, which was only separated from you by that thin fabric.
Aether let out a sharp gasp suddenly as your cold hand dove into his boxers; grasping his cock lightly. As soon as you did, he could feel a rush of heat pool through his body. Your touch was making him feel very hot and tingly. Every inch of his body was pulsing with excitement from your touch.
He let out another soft moan as he watched you completely pull his boxers away, forcing them down to his knees. “You're definitely making me feel like a God right now…"
You giggled innocently while batting your eyelashes up at him as you got a good look at what he was concealing. Your mouth watered slightly; your eyes never leaving his dick.
"I'll worship you more than I worship Lucifer himself, my sweet Aether," you whispered while placing your hands delicately upon his thighs, "I don't care what punishments await me for saying that. You are all I live for, and all I die for."
Aether felt his breath grow hot and heavy.
You leaned on him while carefully grasping his dick in your palm; teasingly stroking it. Your vision was hazy and dark, yet even though you were as drunk as physically possible right now, you knew you wanted this. Aether wanted it too. This was written in the stars. The two of you were handpicked by Lucifer to be a part of the Emeritus ministry, and you were handpicked to be life partners. This was all beyond your understanding, and neither of you were against this.
Aether's eyes were clouded with unbridled lust as he watched you begin to pleasure him,
"Open up, sweetheart," he purred while stroking the side of your face with gentle fingers, "I want to see what else your mouth can do besides sing pretty notes."
Like the obedient Ghoul you were, you complied without hesitation. You firmly grasped Aether's shaft, and slowly licked up the length; from his balls to his tip.
Aether closed his eyes at the sensation, his entire being humming with arousal. He let out a soft moan, his fingers twitching slightly.
Your tongue then began to swirl around Aether’s sensitive flesh, “Mmm,” you mumbled while puckering your lips and lightly peppering kisses across the head of his dick; sucking lightly, “You look like you’re enjoying this.”
Aether shivered at the light suction combined with your tongue swirling around his cock; the shaft beginning to twitch impatiently. He gasped, unable to speak, his hips beginning to move involuntarily.
“Yeah... I am."
As his hips began to move, you knew that you had Aether wrapped around your finger. The Ghoul was so sensative to touch right now, thanks to the alcohol that the two of you had drank, and your lips felt like the most enticing experience in the world. So, you kept going.
You giggled lightly, finally taking Aether completely into your mouth; the tip grazing across your uvula. You gagged slightly, but didn’t let up.
You secretly hoped that Aether wouldn’t face fuck you right now with all the whiskey slushing around in your stomach… it would be a huge turn off to puke all over his dick.
Aether's eyes rolled back in his head as he moaned loudly. He couldn't believe how good this felt. His hands tangled into your hair, holding you close while his hips bucked against the other Ghoul's face.
You sputtered and placed your hands on Aether’s thighs, coming up for a breath. As you gasped for air, a stream of drool trickled down your lips, causing his dick to twitch at the mere sight of you.
“Fuckkkk, you’re so hot,” Aether groaned, his eyes lighting up as he watched you drool, “The way you take my dick is divine.”
A blush flushed over your cheeks at Aether’s words. Some pre-cum was beginning to bead at the tip of the quintessential Ghoul’s tip, and without hesitation, you lightly licked the surface; collecting the salty liquid on your tongue.
A groan left Aether’s mouth at the sight.
“I love making you feel good,” you whispered while taking him back in your mouth again; sloppily bobbing your head up and down on his length.
Aether cried out in pleasure, his back arching as you fully took him into your mouth. His fingers intertwined with your hair, tugging lightly to assist in deepening his thrusts.
"Fuck, sweetheart," he growled while letting out a low groan, "You feel so good wrapped around my cock... oh, fuck!"
It pleased you greatly... those little noises leaving your lover's mouth due to how good you were making him feel. This is all you've wanted for the past year of knowing the rhythm guitarist. You'd wanted to make him feel good, and hear these little words of encouragement flow from his lips. You were in heaven right now.
"Good boy," you whispered while gasping for air; saliva and pre-cum mix beginning to dribble down your swollen lips, "I love when you moan for me. Do I make you feel good?"
Another groan left Aether's lips at your dirty words; his cock twitching irritably, "You do… You make me feel so good, sweetheart. No mouth can compare to yours."
That was true. You were good with your mouth, sure, but there were also other factors that made this feel good for the Ghoul. The bond you two shared.
This wasn't just some drunken one-night stand. This was the combination of two twin flames… two soul mates. This was fate being decided, and that made everything you did feel so much better than even Aether was anticipating.
You lightly kissed the tip of Aether's cock before dipping your head back onto it.
You moaned reflexively on his length, the vibrations causing immense pleasure to assault the older Ghoul's cock. Aether cried out once more, his hips jerking forward as he felt your throat tighten around him.
You could tell the quintessential Ghoul was beginning to get close. The way Aether was beginning to thrust his dick into your throat, as if he was getting ready to hit his peak was a telltale sign.
You continued to sloppily pleasure your friend's cock, certain to help Aether reach his orgasm. Your mouth watered in anticipation as you felt Aether's fingers tangle through your hair.
"F-Fuck, (Y/N)!" the Ghoul wheezed, his whole body growing stiff and rigid as he came. You reflexively gagged around the length getting shoved down your throat, as well as the steaming-hot liquid rushing towards your gut.
Aether slumped backwards on the couch, his chest aggressively rising and falling as your mouth slowly slipped from his dick.
You coughed lightly, some of Aether's cum streaming from your lips and onto the carpet below.
You fell from your knees and onto your ass, wiping the cum from your face with the back of your wrist; the cloudy liquid sticking to your flesh.
"You're not tired yet, right?" you asked, your voice hoarse from the intense blowjob that you had just given Aether.
Aether chuckled, his eyes soft as he stared down at you. He ran a hand through your hair and stroked your cheek with his thumb, "If you're still okay with continuing, then I am, sweetheart."
A groan left your throat, which sounded slightly like a purr, "Yeah, I want to keep going."
That was all Aether needed to hear. He shakily got to his feet and picked you up carefully from underneath your arms, hoisting you onto the couch.
Aether softly cupped your cheek with his hand, slowly capturing your lips in his. He could taste himself on your lips which had his dick springing back to life once again. He pushed you lightly against the back of the couch and began to feverishly remove your shirt. His arousal was peaking again, which made you grow increasingly excited.
You allowed the Ghoul to remove your shirt, exposing your cute, black bra. Aether was practically drooling at the sight of your supple, pale flesh.
Aether effortlessly unclasped your bra; his lips never leaving yours. You shivered slightly, your top half now fully exposed to the Ghoul, as well as to the chilling temperature of the room. Goosebumps appeared on your flesh, causing a low chuckle to leave Aether's throat.
"Goddamn, you're absolutely gorgeous," he whispered while carefully squeezing your breast into the palm of his hand, "I... am obsessed with you."
A blush ferociously flooded your cheeks, a moan threatening to leave your lips as Aether kneaded into your breasts lovingly, "You're just drunk. That's the alcohol talking," you murmured, grabbing the shaft of his cock with your hand, pumping it slowly.
A small groan left Aether's lips as you began to pump him, his left hand trailing down to begin unzipping your pants, "Trust me, this isn't the alcohol talking, honey. I have been obsessed with you, your personality... everything, ever since I met you. If this is the alcohol, then I'm chronically drunk."
You couldn't stop the small smirk from taking over your lips. You pushed your lips to his one more time, inhaling his scent as he pushed your pants and underwear off your legs, "You should go to alcohol's anonymous."
Aether rolled his eyes in amusement, twisting your nipple roughly in between his thumb and forefinger, eliciting a little gasp of pleasure from your lips, "Shush. Not funny."
"It's a little funny," you argued while leaning back on the couch, your legs opening for the Ghoul.
Your mind was still foggy from pleasure as the Ghoul positioned himself in between your legs. You gasped, Aether's middle finger slowly stroking up your wet folds; your body shuddering from the sudden pleasure.
"You like that?" he murmured lowly while slowly stretching your leaking hole with two of his digits, moans spilling from your lips, "Does that feel good?"
"Y-Yes," you moaned slightly as Aether began to stroke your clit with his thumb. Slow and antagonizing movements... waves of pleasure.
Aether continued this teasing for a little bit longer, absolutely eating up the little noises coming from your lips. His fingers were almost pruned by the time he was rubbing his tip against your clenching hole.
"Tell me what you want me to do," he whispered while teasingly pushing the tip of his dick into your cunt, "What do you want me to do to you?"
You were suddenly bashful; your cheeks flushed with emotions. Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, you nodded up at him; locking eyes with him, "I... want you to fuck me, Aeth."
There was a hint of an impatient tone in your voice. It made sense though with all of Aether's teasing, and for how long the two of you have had all this built-up tension. The two of you have wanted this for a very long time.
Without hesitation, Aether leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. You shook with anticipation as he lined his cock up with your hole before slowly pushing inside.
You hissed in mild discomfort from the stretch. Although you were plenty aroused and stretched due to Aether's fingering, it still wasn't painless.
Aether hesitated after sensing discomfort from you, "You okay?" he whispered, holding back the urge to buck his hips forward.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," you whispered while carefully grappling at the couch below, trying to hold on and ground yourself, "You can move. I'm fine."
Aether hesitated a moment more, but then slowly began to thrust in and out. Very slowly.
It was probably a good thing that the Ghoul had waited and moved like he did. Although you were confident you were okay, he made 100% sure that was true, and it was worth it.
Little moans began to escape your lips as the quintessential Ghoul began to pick up speed. He moaned, leaning into your chest as he moved in and out of your tight heat, his eyes slammed shut in pleasure.
"(Y/N)! F-Fuck! You feel so good!" Aether growled animalistically while abruptly pulling out and slamming back in, groaning into your ear.
You screamed in pleasure as Aether began to slam into your pussy; the pleasure was unlike anything you had ever experienced before. Your sharp claws scratched and tore at Aether's back as he had his way with your cunt.
"A-Aeth! Faster! Harder!" you begged, drool dribbling down your lips from the sheer pleasure that your precious friend was giving to you, "I need you, n-now! Oh, fuck!"
As you begged Aether to ravage you, his movements began to speed up. Hips slapping against hips, he positioned his arm underneath your leg and propped it up on his shoulder, giving him more range to fuck you senseless.
"You like that, huh?" Aether asked breathlessly as he watched himself disappear in your heat, his heart hammering in his chest, "You like how I feel inside of you?"
Your fangs dug into his shoulder; his flesh absorbing the lewd sounds reverberating from your throat as he cut through me like a hot butter to a knife.
It sounded like you screamed 'yes' to the quintessential Ghoul's question, but he wasn't for sure.
A sudden scream erupted from your throat as Aether's dick slammed into your G-spot; the friction causing him to shudder from pleasure, "Oh, Lucifer!" he wheezed, digging his own fangs into your shoulder as he continued to pile drive your cunt.
"Fuck! Holy shit!" you howled into Aether's ear; your knees growing weak from the pleasure. It was a good thing you were lying on the couch, otherwise, you may have fallen from how weak your knees were at this point.
If it was even possible, Aether's thrusts began to grow wilder and wilder as more screams and moans left your mouth. Your pussy was making a wet, squelching sound, which proved to Aether that you weren't faking it.
Your moans were sharp and high-pitched; your toes curled as wave after wave of pleasure began to cause your abdomen to heat up. The sensation was almost too much for you to bear.
"A-Aeth, I think... I'm gonna cum!" you wheezed breathlessly, tears streaming from your eyes from the pleasure.
Aether shuddered as your walls began to clench around his cock, threatening to milk him dry. He was determined to take you over the edge, "T-Take my cum! Take it all!"
Without hesitation, he pushed all the way to the hilt. Your head rolled backwards, a string of incoherent words streaming from your lips as you felt Aether's cum coat your pussy. You came at the same time, a fiery pleasure coating your abdomen as you squeezed the cum from Aether's length.
"Fuck! FUCK!" you howled, latching onto Aether's shoulder with your fangs once more.
The two of you laid like that for a little while, just trying to catch your breath as you both came down from the pleasure high. You could taste blood. Looking down, you realized you had penetrated Aether's skin with your fangs drawing blood.
"Oh, shit. Are you okay?" you whispered while grabbing your discarded shirt; dabbing the blood away with the material, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."
His lips met yours, a small chuckle leaving his lips, "Honey, I don't care. I don't even feel it. You made me feel the best that I ever have before. You could hit me with a car and I wouldn't bat an eye."
You giggled at how silly Aether was; savouring your kiss for as long as you could before slowly pushing the rhythm guitarist's cock from your gaping hole, "You're so dramatic."
"Maybe it's the alcohol?" Aether joked while covering yours and his naked bodies with a large blanket.
"Shut up," you mumbled while snuggling into his side; embracing your sweet companion like your life depended on it, "It's definitely the alcohol..."
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ethereal-maniac · 5 months
Copia: okay eh, thoughts? *walking out of the change room in his new outfit for tour*
Y/n: shapes your ass beautifully
Copia: what-
Y/n: what?
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nameless-ghoul-trash · 9 months
Sodo x F!Ghoul!Reader Pt.2
As requested, here is part 2 for my Sodo x Ghoul Reader. It's my first full smut, but I hope it meets your expectations!
Word count: 1.2k
Lightly proofread
Warnings: P in V, fingers, oral female receiving, degradation, slight praise. (If I missed any, let me know)
Part 1
   The moment the door to Sodo's room closed, he pushed you against the wall. His lips landed on yours as his body presses into you. Slotting his leg between your thighs, the feeling his throbbing erection sends shivers down your spine. The fire low in your stomach grows with every touch, kiss, and sound. Growling Sodo grinds into you, his knee catching on all the right places. "You're always such a brat. Always so naughty." Kissing his way from your jaw to your caller bone, you turn your head to the side to give him better access. Grabbing you, he swung around and pushed you on the bed. "Strip." He demands taking his own clothes off. You happily do as you're told, but you're taking your time. Slowly bringing the hem of your shirt up, you lock eyes with him. Finally, bring it over your head. You let it fall to the ground. Then you go for your bra.
   Once your top half is bare, you reach down to work on your bottom half. With an impatient rumble, he loops his fingers into your waistband and pulls off your pants and underwear. Throwing your legs over his shoulders he lowers himself, bring his face to your exposed pussy. "Look at you so wet for me already." He drags a finger down yours slick, and brings it to his mouth.
   Sucking his finger clean, he held eye contact. Pulling his hand away from his face, he uses it to push you thighs open further and brings his face closer. Running his split tongue over your clit causing you inhale sharply and arch your back. He pulled away. "You want more of that." He taunted. "Yes!" You nod, tail thuding on the mattress. Flicking your clit again, he taunts you.  "How bad?"  "So bad. Please. Please. Please!" You sounded so needy. You were so fucking turned on and sensitive. Reaching down you intertwined your fingers in his long hair, griping his right horn with one hand. You use your grip to pull his face closer as you thrust up, needing the feeling of him giving your clit his undivided attention. Slowly he wraps his arms around your thighs and pressed his hands to you hips effectivly holding you down.
   "You've been such a naughty girl, tho. Naughty little slut. Giving me such a hard time. All the sass and sarcasm. The insults." His voice had a teasing tone in it. "Maybe I should just take what I want, leave you wanting. Leave you to think about your actions." At the last word he blows on your clit. You give a drawn out whine. "Please! Please, I need you!" You beg. Growling he finally began his assault on you aching pussy. Moaning at the sensation you tighten your grip on his hair.
   Drawing one of his hands lower, he replaced his tongue with his thumb and proceeded to tongue fuck you. The feeling of his ghoulishly long slipt tongue abusing your hole had your mind going blank, ripping a series of moan from you. The coil in the pit of your stomach begins to tighten. As he goes down on you like a man starved you can feel yourself getting close. Arching your back as that coil begins to come undone, the sensation stops. Let's out an unceremonious whine, your tail thuds on the bed, clearly irritated with the loss. Looking back at him, he smirks. Unraveling your hands from his hair you bring your fingers to your pussy to try and finish the job. Before you can make contact he grips your wrist. "Only good girls get to cum."  Standings, he brings his free hand to his cock, giving it a few lazily strokes. "Get on your hands and knees."  He let go of your wrist and motioned for you to move.
   Flipping around, you settle with your ass in the air.  Grabbing a hole of both ass cheeks, he spreads your lips with his thumbs and runs one through the ever growing pool of arousal. "Such a little slut. Your dripping wet." The sound you let out only fuel the fire. Pushing two long fingers in he sets a small pace, scissoring every few strokes. "You going to let me fuck you rough like a good girl?"  He produces a low rumble deep in his chest when you moan out a needy yes. He hastily removed his fingers from you. Rubbing the slick on the tip of his cock he lines himself up, keepingone handon your hip. In one fluid motion he drives into you, giving little time to adjust to his size.
   You both let out a moan as he bottomed out. "Take this cock so good." Pulling almost all the way out he slams back into you setting a brutal pace. Reaching he grabs ahold of your shoulder, fingers curling lightly around your throat. Using this new found leverage he drills in to you harder. Your tail wraps tightly around his forearm.  "So good. Feels so good." You could barely get the words out, so taken by the sense of him abusing your pussy. You are startled by the flat of Sodos tail rubbing aggressive circles on your neglected clit. More unintelligible word spill from your mouth mixed with heavy moans. The tight coil slowly begins to return.
   Sodo groans when your walls clinch around him. "You little whore. You love my cock deep inside you." Keeping his pace he pushes your shoulders down so your face is in the mattress. The new angle causing him to hit that sweet spot inside you. "Right there! Keep going! Please! Please! Please! Please! Don't stop!" You plead to him, moans racking your body. "You going to be a good girl for me?" He taunts. "Yes! Yes I'll be good! I'll be so good!" You cry out, the coil tight and ready to snap. He let's out a pleased grumble. After a few more thrust the coil snaps. A sob tears through you, your body trembling. Moaning he doesn't slow down working you through your orgasm. "That's it. Good girl."  His  thrusts begin to get sloppy and his breath uneven. With a low groan he comes to a full stop, filling your pussy with his cum.
   You unravel your tail from his arm, allowing him to let you go. Getting up, Sodo made his way to the bathroom attached to his room. You slide into the bed, staying face down. Sodo returning a minute or two later with a warm wash cloth walks back over to you. He had already taken care of himself. "Here, let me clean you up." His voice was soft. Rolling onto your side, you basked in his gentle touches. "How do you feel? Do you need anything?" His asked. "I feel good, tired, but good."  You give him a faint smile. "Can I stay here tonight?" You look away a little anxious. You had never stayed in any room but your own, and you half expected him to say no. "Of course you can!" You look to see him smiling.
   He pulled back the covers and motioned for you to get under. Quickly doing so, you make yourself comfortable.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this. As always, I appreciate any feedback! Requests are open! Nobody asked for it, but here's a picture of Sodo!
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bupia · 11 months
What if I said 20 (nighttime) with Swiss ghoul…
Going to bed at night: Swiss, Ghoul
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“Good night, my love.”
It was the first time you two were going to spend the night together. After a long tour schedule, your Ghoul, Swiss, was finally free to meet you. You had been eagerly anticipating his arrival, and all you needed was his comforting presence beside you tonight.
Hours passed, and there was no sign of him. Doubts began to creep into your mind. Had you gotten the date wrong? Was he not coming back today? Feeling disappointed, you decided to blow out the candle on your bedside table, preparing to settle in for the night.
Just as you closed your eyes and started to drift off to sleep, you felt the bed move, causing you to snap awake. Turning your head, you saw Swiss, standing there. He was unmasked, and unclothed.
"Swiss? What..." you started to say, confused by his sudden appearance.
"Oh, my! I didn't mean to wake you up," he apologized, looking sheepish.
You sat up. "It's okay, Swiss. I'm just glad you're here. I thought you weren't coming."
He gave you a warm smile, coming closer to the bed. "I'm sorry it took me so long. The tour was more exhausting than I anticipated, but I couldn't wait to be with you."
You reached out to take his hand. "I'm glad you're here now. I missed you."
He climbed into bed beside you, wrapping his arms around you. "I missed you too, little one. I couldn't wait to hold you in my arms."
You snuggled into his embrace, feeling a sense of comfort. This was the best sensation in the world, having him close to you like this, it was magical.
"Let's just sleep now, I'm very tired." He yawned.
You nodded, closing your eyes, feeling the comfort of his presence. "Good night, Swiss," you whispered, feeling grateful for his presence.
"Good night, my love," he murmured, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. "Sleep well."
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yesandpeeps · 5 months
I absolutely need to see more of your rain design!!! I am absolutely in love and just have to ask if fanart is allowed as well.
Looking at him has cured me.
Life's good.
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Rain with a side of Mountain for you!! I’m glad you enjoy him sm 💌
Fanart?? Of one of MY DESIGNS?? PLEASE! Please if you do, tag or DM it to me so I can see🥺❤️
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x-reader-theater · 9 months
Unexpected Kindness
summary: While rushing through the Ministry to complete a task for Sister Imperator, Swiss scares you, and is unexpectedly kind to you.
pairing: Swiss Ghoul x Gender Neutral!Reader
category: Gen
word count: 1,413
warnings: There’s some suggestiveness in the story but nothing described. I’m thinking of making this a series that will be explicit, but there’s nothing like that yet.
Disclaimer: This story is using the fan interpretations of these characters ONLY. No real people are being used in this. I have no problem with real person fic, but I know some people do, and so I wanted to make a disclaimer for those people. 
a/n: i just really like Swiss, okay?
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You were walking through the halls of the ministry, a stack of books in your hands as your footsteps echo down the empty halls. There isn’t another member of the clergy that’s out at this hour, with how early it is in the morning.
That is, except Swiss.
You feel something long and leathery dip into the back of your pants and untuck your shirt. You feel the flat spade-head of a tail press into your bare lower back, and you jump, the books you’re holding dropping from your hands as they land on the ground with a loud THUMP that echos.
“Mother fucking Satan!” you exclaim with a hand over your heart. The tail that is around your waist tightens and you’re pulled into strong arms.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, little one,” he says into your ear. His mask, which he and all other ghouls are required to wear by Sister Imperetor, knocks against the side of your head, one of the tubes off the side squishing.
You scoff and push Swiss away. He doesn’t fight to keep you next to him, but his tail continues to stroke up and down your back. “What do you want, Swiss? I’m busy.”
You look over your shoulder and see him grin, his white teeth blinding against his dark grey skin. “I was lonely,” he says, grin becoming roguish and flirty. “You were just the first I saw…”
You roll your eyes and bend down to pick up the books that were dropped, but you just drop them again when you feel that tail slink out from underneath your shirt and swat at your backside. You yelp and turn around, glaring at him as your books drop again. “I have a hard time believing that you just happened to be awake at 6am,” you say, vitriol in your voice. You pick up the books once more and stand again, this time out of reach of Swiss’ wandering tail. “Besides,” you say, hugging the books tighter to your chest, “I don’t sleep with Ghouls. We’re not allowed.”
Swiss starts walking towards you, slinking forward, and you step back, matching him step for step, until you back hits the wall. Swiss keeps walking forward and when you shrink down, trying to get away, he places an arm above your head. You swallow as he leans in, and you can see his red eyes behind the tinted lenses of the mask.
“Just not allowed? Do you want to?” he asks quietly.
You swallow again, frozen in place, eyes boring into Swiss’ lenses, his strong arms bracketing your head, and you grip the old leather books tighter in your hands. You eyes dart down to Swiss’ exposed lips, and Swiss’ smile widens. He begins leaning in, slowly, like he’s giving you a chance to escape. But, like a deer in headlights, you’re frozen. Even your breath is frozen in your lungs. You can feel Swiss breathe against your lips, his breath smelling faintly of sulfur, but that you’ve heard tastes like the most addicting drug one could get their hands on.
A door slams down the hall and both your heads swivel towards the noise. You take the opportunity to slip out from underneath Swiss’ arms and hurry down the hall away from him and towardsyour goal. Your actual goal, not a fantasy goal.
But you running away from Swiss doesn’t actual deter him at all, and he jogs to catch up to you. He swivels himself so he’s walking backwards in front of you, a grin peaking out from underneath his full lips.
“Where are you going?” he asks slyly, hands clasped behind his back.
“To Sister Imperetor’s office,” you say, tilting your chin up slightly as you try and walk faster to get past Swiss. He doesn’t take the bait however and just moves beside you, keeping pace, his steps in perfect sync with yours.
He lets out a low whistle, “Figures she would have you working all night,” he says. “Mind if I join you? Just to walk you there, nothing else, I promise.”
You slow down, thinking on it for a moment. You haven’t been very close to any of the Ghouls, but Papa Emeritus always seems so close and they all seem to like each other more than anyone else. They seem like they have fun, which is something you’re sorely lacking right now.
“Okay,” you say slowly, suspicious of Swiss’ intentions but willing to be open.
The ghoul grins widely and his steps become less in sync with yours, a bounce added to them.
The two of you walk together through the Ministry in silence, just enjoying each other’s company as your footsteps echo off the stone of the hallway. You feel Swiss’ arm brush against yours every once in a while as you walk, but he doesn’t go further. In fact, it almost seems like every time he brushes your arm he takes a few small steps to the side, but always ends up right next to you anyways, like magnets, always drawn to each other.
Eventually, you come to the door to Sister Imperator’s office, and you both slow to a stop. Swiss stops in front of you, and you smile at him, going to reach for the handle, but Swiss’ hand on your elbow stops you. The grip isn’t hard or strong, but gentle, something you haven’t seen from Swiss before now.
“[Y/N]… after you drop these books off, you should tell Sister that you need sleep,” he says, voice soft and gentle. “You know how she pushes the other siblings of sin.”
You stare at him with wide eyes, before nodding slowly. He smiles, a closed mouth smile so different from his typical cocky grin. He squeezes your elbow and begins walking off further down the hall. You smile as you watch him go down the hall and disappear around the corner. You open the door and walk into Sister Imperator’s office with a small smile on your face.
She’s sitting at her desk, her severe face and tight bun helping her look as strict as she is.
“Was that Swiss?” she asks, still looking down at the work she’s doing on her desk.
You nod. “Yeah. He walked me over here,” you explain, your smile getting dreamier.
She doesn’t stop working as she cuts through your words. “Stay away from him. The ghouls are not meant for you.”
Your smile drops, your body tensing. “Yes, Sister,” you say, even tho your body fights against it. You clear your throat. “I have the books you requested.”
“Good, yes,” she says, waving a hand in the air. “Put them over there on that table.”
You do as she asks and set the books down on the table she gestured to with a loud slam. She doesn’t seem to notice however, still working on whatever the hell has her so busy all day.
“Sibling, I need you to go to the-”
“Actually, Sister,” you interrupt, biting your lip as you wait for her to say something. She doesn’t. “Uh, I’ve been awake for over 36 hours and haven’t had time to rest. I am asking for some time off, just enough to sleep, and then I’ll be able to help you once again,” you say, succinctly and professionally.
Sister Imperator finally stops working and looks up at you. “What a disappointment,” she says, making eye contact with you. “I gave you this position so you could show me that you were ready to move up in the Ministry, but I can see that my faith was misplaced.” She leans back in her chair and steeples her fingers in front of her thin lips. “Since you seem so attached to the Ghoul's, I’ll make you their newest handler.” Your eyes go wide but you're unable to say something as she continues forwards. “They have no sense of time and are always late to services and rituals. Maybe I'll give you a second chance if you do a good enough job.” She leans forward in her chair once more and goes back to working on whatever is on her desk as she dismissively says, “Go fetch Sister Reinhardt. Maybe she won't disappoint me.”
You nod and turn to leave the room, giving one last look back at Sister Imperator before finally leaving her office. You sigh at what happened but you can't help but be a little excited for what’s coming next.
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kaisarionn · 2 years
I come with a fluffy Sodo x reader request (u can chose the gender idc) where Sodo realises the reader practically melts when Sodo nudges his forehead against theirs n rubs his nose against theirs and he loves the effect he has on the reader with that (maybe also with some of the ghouls teasing him about it bc they’re little fuckers ofc they’d tease him 💀)
A/n: this is so adorable I am blushing like an idiot! Lemme know if you want a pt2! Thank you for my first request!! Ficlet. Word count: 425. Estimated read time: 1m 33s. Fluff w/ some crack
Walking out of the meeting you had with Seestor, you turn down the long hallway, walking briskly as you never liked this hallway, it was always excessively cold and smelled of frankincense and vanilla.
It had very few windows and the windows it did have, depicted images grotesque, even for a satanic church.
But you continue your walk towards Sodo’s room nonetheless, you had missed him as you had both been very busy that day, Seestor being very short-tempered with everyone trying to plan the summer tour; and with the new arrival Mr. Saltarian, every thing went to hell, almost literally.
You continue reviewing the important parts of the meeting but you are snapped out of your thoughts as you almost bump into a wall and realize, you had arrived a Sodo’s door, you give it a knock and hear his footsteps trek across the room, with a twist of the handle, the door creaks open, and with a warm smile he says “come on in.” as he gently grasps your hand, you make your way across the soft carpet, looking at all the trinkets scattered around, to the other side of the room.
You look at the bed and see that he had arranged it like an intricate nest, blankets scattered everywhere, pillows arranged obscure positions, almost as if he were trying to build a pillow fort.
You also noticed that the room was dimly lit by candles that smelled of beeswax and honey. You sit down gingerly next to each other, as in afraid to disturb the atmosphere and get comfy, with his arms wrapped around you, and your legs tangled around each other.
Basking in each other’s warmth, enjoying the other’s presence, as if nothing else matters. He carefully leans his forehead onto yours and you all but melt. He feels your weight sink further into him, looking down at you he chuckles “amore mio, you are too sweet for this world.” Loving the way you reacted, he does it again, but this time he gently rubs his nose against yours, and you’re practically a puddle.
He continues to do this, for what feels like an eternity, a beautiful, blissful, eternity. he leans in to do it again, but just then Aether bursts in followed by Swiss, he is shocked at the display of affection for a moment before yelling “HEY IT’S TIME FOR DINNER LOVE BIRDS!” while Swiss just stands there laughing. Your face heats up in embarrassment as Sodo jumps up to chase them around the church— damn it Aether!
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jd-loves-fiction · 1 year
Missed you, kissed you
➢ kisses where they peck you a thousand times and you just sit there giggling with your face squished in their palms while they kiss (RAIN)
➢ 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: Rain x Reader
➢  𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: fluff
➢  𝖜𝖈: 342
➢  𝖆/𝖓: I dont know if this is good but bear with me, i’m in pain and still figuring out how to write the ghouls. Hope you still like it tho! :)
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Rain is a ghoul of privacy, sparing with his affection - something that’s certainly odd for a hellish ghoul. But you don't mind, it makes the affection he does grant you, so much more valuable. 
You're walking around the abbey one day, having spent the whole day helping Copia with various tasks, when a door opens suddenly to your right. Your heart drops before you remember you've entered the ghoul area.
This realization calms your racing heart and as your eyes adjust, they lock with the huge goggles characteristic of the ghouls' helmets. 
"Rain…?" You ask cautiously, as it's still far too dark to tell for sure.
"Who else?" He asks rhetorically as he undoes the straps of the helmet to take it off, revealing medium-length, silky, dark blue hair, ruffled adorably. 
Before you get to look him over further, his cold hands land on your cheeks as he moves forward suddenly. His lips land on yours but not for long as he quickly moves from one place to another, kissing your face noisily.
"Missed," kiss, "you," kiss, "so much." kiss.
"Pff- R-Rainy!" You giggle, squirming as his kisses move to your sensitive neck. He starts giggling too, barely able to do much else besides laugh in delight. 
"Did you miss me that much? I wasn't gone that long." Your fingers run through his hair as he rests his face on your neck, inhaling your comforting scent.
"Yes, you were. You were gone a whole day. That's really long." He whines sadly, "You were gone when I woke up too…"
"Aww, baby, I'm sorry." Pulling away, you give him the same treatment by kissing everywhere until his pout turns around and he's smiling softly at you. "Would you rather I ask Copia to bring you along next time? We can get stuff done faster."
Truthfully, he's barely listening now that he's got you in his arms, lost deep in your gentle eyes, more than ready to turn in for the night with you held close to his chest. "Sure, baby, that sounds great."
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