#Consistent growth
hsmagazine254 · 10 months
How To Get Rid Of Negative Energy (Part 1) - Positive Reflection Of The Week
Harnessing The Power Of Water: Effective Energy-Clearing Techniques For Cleansing & Refreshing Any activity that allows you to remove unwanted or negative energy qualifies as an energy-clearing practise or technique. They create space in the physical and energetic bodies. Please keep in mind that all of these methods can be used or modified to clear objects and spaces. Intention, as with so much…
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thatgirlie-diaries · 2 months
My daily habit tracker ୨୧
To embody daily "that college girl" during the second half of my semester! My focus is flexible achivement according to my energy and time available.
Do my morning and night routine
Affirm positive affirmations and practice gratitude x2 morning and night
No shit talking + Complaining
Use my phone less than 3 hours
Follow a healthy diet: 4 meals, one fruit, healthy snacks and drink water only!
Indulge in movement: do a pilates workout or a stretch workout
Practice self-care: look good for the day, take care of my hair, body, skin, teeth, smell good
Maintain a clean space all day
Self-develoment: read, journal, listen to a podcast, practice meditation or/and invest in hobbies
Education: Learn about educational topics, complete my homework or/and study Italian.
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xoxo, that girl ୭ৎ
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its-your-mind · 1 year
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Leaving people behind. - c3e10 / c3e59
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skulandcrossbones · 1 year
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1x02 | 3x12
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 4 months
Weekly Affirmations
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♡ I can be anything I want to be.
♡ I am healing and strengthening every day.
♡ I believe in myself and I believe in all my capabilities.
♡ I choose to be proud of myself.
♡ My life is abundant and fulfilling.
♡ Life brings me only good experiences. I am open to new and wonderful changes.
♡ I am safe, and everything is good in my world.
♡ I am not afraid to keep going, and I believe in myself.
♡ My life has meaning. What I do has meaning. My actions are meaningful and inspiring.
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libraalynn · 8 months
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sk-lumen · 2 years
The secret to create healthy habits.
Motivation > discipline > consistency > habits. That's the process from start to finish, for changing your life around with healthy choices.
Motivation is only the launchpad to start with, after that you can't rely on it because it comes and goes on a whim! A lot of people make the mistake on relying on it all throughout, and then wonder why they can't stay on track while other people do.
What you need next is discipline: when you commit to something and stick to it even when it's hard, even when you don't feel like it, because that's how you fill the gaps inbetween to create a routine.
And you create a routine by staying consistent. Today, tomorrow, again and again.
When you stay consistent over months, over half a year, it becomes a habit, and when something becomes a habit, it's effortless to keep going because that is now your default setting. It becomes your new normal, the choice that comes easiest to make because you don't even have to make it or think it; you just lean back into it.
Going to the gym regularly becomes like having a meal; if you don't do it, you'll feel restless and off, genuinely craving the movement and the boost of endorphins. When you eat healthy regularly, you feel it right away if you get off track and indulge in too many treats: you'll feel it in your body, in your mental clarity, in your emotional wellbeing and it's so much easier getting back on track because healthy is your new default.
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conscious-love · 1 year
You must keep the promises you make to yourself, and reward yourself, so that you can trust and motivate yourself.
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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aroacettorney · 5 months
[chapter 630+ spoilers]
its so funny to me that although ludger could have easily and efficiently wiped his enemies with the power of [the goddess who loves humans very much], instead, he chose to flex his power and completely obliterate them in the most petty way possible. he killed:
the lightning wizard of color with lightning
the fire wizard of color with fire
the entire holy army with holy power
the almost equivalent of the pope with the same god that he worships
you cant even call this massacre a poetic vengeance because he clearly didnt even see them as a worthy enemy but more of a swarm of annoying pests that need extermination.
ironically, ludger was created to become a vessal of a god, yet not only he rejected this divinity but also became the exact opposite of one — the manifestation of pettiness, a trait that is unmistakably very human.
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tennessoui · 1 month
On the subject of mer-angst, what if Anakin returns to the sea just as Obi-wan leaves it behind. They both choose to give everything up to be together but due to poor communication it’s another missed connection.
omg no this was literally the first premise i had when i was like i'm gonna do a mermay fic for may this year - originally i was like ok padmé and anakin fall in love and padmé is the mermaid and anakin is the human and they both get it into their heads to join their beloved so padmé becomes human and anakin becomes mer because they don't actually talk to each other very well at all
and the sea witch says no takesie backsies so they're heartbroken and stranded on opposite sides of the tide and obi-wan who is padmé's friend and advisor takes care of anakin at padmé's request because even though he thinks she's a fool, he's still fond of her
and then anakin and obi-wan fall in love and padmé falls in love with being human and probably becomes a queen all over again on the land lol and both anakin and padmé realize that what they loved most about each other was the life the other lived and not actually the person so there's no betrayal and obi-wan and anakin get to go off and do as many cliche silly mermaid things as they want
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hsmagazine254 · 11 months
Harnessing The Power Of Choice - Positive Reflection Of The Week
Shaping Your Reality & Aligning With Positive Energies Through Conscious Choices Do you realise that everything you experience or attract into your life is the result of a single, simple choice you make? Every moment offers us the chance to exercise our power of choice. We have the option to choose whether to stay in a state of grief and sadness, or to move to a more pleasant attitude. We shape…
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thatgirlie-diaries · 2 months
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And suddenly my life started looking this way...𝜗𝜚
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letsberealgenz · 29 days
50 easy habits that will change your life
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Have you ever been in a situation where you know you need to change your life but you just do not know where to begin from? Or probably you feel a great sense of stagnancy in life where you can’t seem to see the way forward.
If you’re one of us, then you’re definitely at the right place honey! Let’s just begin with the ultimate truth of life. If you track your entire life journey from childhood to adulthood, you would come to a realization that routines are what put you where you are right now. Think about it, isn’t habits are the one which makes up your daily routine?
Now we know the root level solution and isn’t it funny how it’s the smallest habit in your life that’s actually contributing to the biggest difference? And it’s so easily to overlook it because it seems insignificant. We go out looking for life solutions but who’s going to let you know that it was internal all this while?
All that you’ve been searching for was here all this while waiting for you.
1. Fix your sleeping schedule
2. Rise early (utilize the morning hours)
3. Pump your body with clear fluid
4. Meditate (or even pray)
5. Solitude with nature
6. Journal
7. Read
8. Self-study (research)
9. Keep your phone away first thing first when you rise in the morning
10. Workout
11. Healthy consumption
12. Join the right societies/organizations/communities that’s going to help you grow 1% better each day.
13. Listen to podcasts/audiobooks (watch YouTube videos that’s actually helping you in some sort of way amidst the entertainment)
14. Intentional living
15. Reduce mindless spending
16. Track your finances
17. Goals reflection
18. Night journaling
19. Declutter your space
20. Mix with the ‘right’ people
21. Keep an open-minded perspective
22. Allow others to express themselves openly
23. Self-care routine
24. Reward yourself from time to time
25. Step out of your comfort zone as regularly as possible
26. Learn something new everyday
27. Consume your vitamins/supplements
28. Reduce Netflix binging
29. Reduce toxic social media consumption
30. Detox your following list
31. Get your blood test done
32. Dental checkup too
33. Get a glow-up for yourself
34. Reflect your personality/attitude from time to time
35. Check up on your family/loved ones regularly
36. Declutter your wardrobe
37. Set up a vision board
38. Buy things that you ‘need’ only not that you ‘want’ (get what you want when you have that surplus amount)
39. Volunteer
40. Rest day (stillness)
41. Celebrate every milestone despite how small it is for you (for someone else it could be a big achievement)
42. Avoid using your phone during social setting
43. Set up your environment for success
44. Cheat day
45. Set boundaries for yourself and others too
46. Think in the long-term perspective
47. Plan your important days way earlier
48. Practice gratitude as a lifestyle
49. Don’t focus too much on the negative news (learn from it and leave it behind)
50. Detox your smart devices (set up space for applications that you truly need only)
Watch the full video here! Talk to you soon xx
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
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i forget where the origin of this meme comes from but ive had this vision in my mind for Months and i just keep forgetting to doodle it. do u understand. do u see. hello for the love of god can anyone hear me-
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 4 months
Weekly Affirmations
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♡ I am capable of overcoming anything.
♡ I deserve to be loved.
♡ Whenever I fall down, I get back up again.
♡ I am free to make my own choices.
♡ Good things are going to come to me.
♡ Happiness is a choice, and today I choose to be happy.
♡ I release negative feelings and thoughts about myself.
♡ I have made mistakes, but I will not let them define me.
♡ I was born strong, and I grow stronger every day.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
it's so important to me that johnny lawrence was basically in tears when he handed daniel the trophy, that boy had been keeping in all emotions except for rage for so long and daniel gave him permission to feel everything all at once (and then kreese almost killed him for it)
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