varpusvaras · 2 months
There was a call coming through an outside line.
A priority call, Index noted, but not an emergency one. He glanced at his current ongoing tasklist, and as it was going slow at the moment (The Royal Guard, even after integrating many of the former Guard vode, really didn't get hurt a lot), he accepted the call.
"Oh, Your Majesty", he nodded his head as the call connected. "How can I be of help today?"
"Good morning, Index", Breha nodded back at him and smiled pleasantly. "I would like you to look up something for me, if it's not too much."
"Of course" Index said. "I'm assuming this is about Fox?" He was already opening Fox's files that he still had saved on the system.
"Yes", Breha said. "You have shared all of the information about his health during his service on Coruscant, but I was wondering if you had any files on him before that?"
"I have his training performance reviews and everything the medics on Kamino have written up", Index answered. "Was there something specific you wanted to know?"
"Do you have any information on when his birthday is?"
Index paused.
"I'm sorry?" He asked.
"Oh, right", Breha frowned just a little and maybe for a second, barely. "You had a different term for it, correct? Decanting date? I apologise for assuming anything."
Oh, right, indeed. This was not the first time someone had asked for their decanting dates while calling them birthdays, but it had been a while since the last one.
"I'm afraid that information was not extented to me on his files, when I became the CMO of the Guard", Index said. "It is considered to be part of the initial product line control infromation, and not health."
Now she did frown a lot more and a lot longer.
"I'm assuming I need to ask for that information from Kamino?" She asked.
"Most likely, yes", Index said. "I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help."
"No, no, you have helped plenty", Breha smoothed her expression again and then smiled at him. "Thank you. I was just filling out more paperwork, and well, of course we want to celebrate it with him. Though I do need it otherwise as well. The birthdays of the Royal Family are considered national holidays here."
Right. Index had to smile a little. Being a person and Royalty on top of it came with a lot of weird things, didn't it?
"I see", he said. "Well, once you know, would you like to relay the information forward? I'm sure the Guard and the rest of Fox's brothers would also love to celebrate it."
"I will", Breha gave him one last smile. "I will talk to you later. Have a nice rest of your day."
"You as well", Index nodded. He got back to his slow work after, though couldn't help but think back to the call for the rest of the day.
It would be nice to know when he had entered the world for once and for all. Kamino would just probably be a bit...difficult, when it came to releasing any information to anyone. Well, if anyone could get anything out of the long-necks, it would be Fox's riduurs. Stubborn they were, all three of them.
"What are you doing?"
Fox watched as Bail almost jumped on his chair.
"Ah", Bail said, blinking rapidly for a moment, before he seemed to gather himself enough to turn around in his chair and smile at Fox. "Hello, love. You startled me a little."
Fox raised his brow.
"If me walking into the room and speaking in a normal tone was enough to startle you, then it means that you are too tired and need to stop working", he said. "Do not make me a hypocrite."
"You wouldn't be a hypocrite", Bail said. "You have been so good with your work hours now."
"Yes, because you two keep dragging me off if I work even a couple of minutes overtime." They sure did. Every single time, with pleading eyes and soft smiles and gentle hands and words, telling him that you have already worked enough, please take at least a little break, you deserve the rest after all, please come here. "So I would be a hypocrite if I didn't do that as well. It's almost 1 in the morning. You told me you would be in bed soon over four hours ago."
He had fallen asleep for a couple of hours, and woken up to being cold and to an still empty bed.
Bail glanced at his desk. Fox decided to be a bit unfair.
"I came to Coruscant to see you", he said.
Bail sighed.
"Of course, my love", he said, finally getting up. "This has just...taken a lot of time."
"I'm sure", Fox said. Most things in Bail's line of work did. "What is it about? Short version."
"It's about getting the Vode an access to all their own information", Bail said. "Kamino is still on the stance that it can't make the information regarding cloning public, and thus is witholding all of your personal information on that basis. We're trying to argue that it's not about making the cloning information public, it's about giving you all the access to all the information regarding yourselves. Since, you are, all now considered sentients, and it's against the Republic law to withold personal information from any sentient being. Kamino can argue that it's not in the Republic officially, but they have gotten so much Republic funding and have a seat still in the Senate, that we think it's irrelevant if they are officially a member or not."
Fox nodded, slowly. He had not even thought about any of that, if he was being completely honest. There had been a lot of things to think about after the War, and access to some information he had not even thought existed had not been in the forefront of his mind.
Though, now, he thought it was only fair to have that. Even if he didn't think there was anything important in there for him, it could be more than beneficial for others.
"That is nice of you", he said, reaching up a little to press a kiss to the corner of Bail's mouth. "I appreciate it. But now, I would also appreciate my husband coming to sleep with me."
Bail laughed a bit.
"I'm coming", he said. "I'm sure the temperature of the bed is too low for your liking."
Fox rolled his eyes at the teasing look Bail was giving him.
"Damn right it is", he said. "So come on, I need it heated up."
There was a sound of movement coming next to her.
"Breha?" Fox's low, sleepy voice called. "Why are you up?"
Breha instantly lowered the brightness of her datapad.
"I'm sorry", she said, quietly, to not to wake Fox up more. "Just a little schedule issue I started to think about, nothing more."
"Okay", Fox mumbled. Even in the dimmer light, Breha could see him watching her. He looked utterly adorable like this, his hair ruffled from sleep and the blanket wrapped tightly around him all the way to his shoulders. His forehead was almost touching Breha's hip from how close he was laying to her, unconsciously always seeking her or Bail out.
Thank you, she said in her head to the Force, thank you for giving me not one but two cute husbands.
She quickly returned to her datapad, signing off the messages and plans she had open on the screen, and then closed the device. She pulled her own blanket up and laid down. She bit back a laugh when Fox immediately shuffled even closer and partially wrapped himself around her.
Breha pressed her head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat and already slowening breath, and despite the excitement running laps inside her, she let them lull her into easy sleep.
Fox woke up to a hand running gently down on his hair.
"Good morning, love", Bail's voice came from beside of him, and Fox opened his eyes.
He was met with Bail's smiling face. Fox blinked a couple of times, chasing off the sleep from his eyes.
"Morning", he answered, still a bit confused. "...when did you get here?"
He had spoken with him last night before going to sleep, and Bail had very much been on Coruscant then. But here he was now, very much so, on Alderaan and right in front of him, sitting at the edge of the bed.
"Just now", Bail answered. "I landed less than half an hour ago."
Fox smiled.
"That's nice", he said, because, it really was. It was always nice to have Bail and Breha both with him. "A nice surprise."
"It was supposed to be", Bail said. "Just for you, and I do have other surprised with me for you as well, though I those are more commonly called presents."
Now Fox was confused again.
"For me?" He asked. He finally sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What's the occasion?"
"Oh, nothing much", Bail said, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Just your birthday."
Fox stared for a moment, his still half-asleep brain catching up to what was said.
"My...what?" He asked then.
"Your birthday", Bail repeated. "The bill of releasing your personal information for yourself went through last month. We as your next of kin had an access to the very basics, which included your decanting date."
Fox...didn't know what to say.
So, he first checked the date.
It was a strange feeling, to suddenly know that in this very day, he had come out of his growth tube, probably screaming his lungs off. Fox had known vaguely when it had happened, of course, as they had all been strictly grouped up with other vode of similar age, but still...the exact date had been unknown to him. Up until now.
Fox turned back towards Bail, who was still smiling, just very softly now.
"Happy birthday", Bail said, and leaned to press a kiss on Fox's forehead.
Oh. Fox suddenly felt- a bit emotional. He had never had a birthday before.
"Thank you", he said, and if Bail asked, he could pass on the scratchiness in his voice being because he had just woken up.
"Oh, we're awake now?" Breha was standing in the doorway to their bedroom, with a little tray in her hands. "Breakfast will be a bit later at the terrace, but bringing caf to bed on one's birthday is the spouse's job."
Bail moved out of the way a little, so Breha could lay down the tray in front of Fox on the bed. She had brought out his favorite cup. It was such a small thing, and Fox used the cup multiple times a week, but...
Breha leaned closer and kissed him on the cheek.
"Happy birthday, my love" she said to Fox's ear, and Fox really had to blink a few extra times.
"Thank you", he said, and took the cup. There were two other cups as well, and Breha took one, once she had climbed back onto the bed. Bail took a moment longer to go and open up the rest of the blinds on the windows, to let the bright, white morning light into the room fully, before he also sat back down on the bed and took a cup for himself.
"Your brothers will be here a bit later", Bail said. "I know most of them have been bursting at the seams for having to keep this a secret for a while now."
Oh, that Fox could imagine. He snorted.
"I will tell you now, somehow that is all my fault", he said. "For daring to be born on this specific date and not knowing it already."
Breha and Bail both laughed at that, and Fox took a sip from his caf. His favorite blend and a lot of sugar. Of course it was.
He smiled into his cup and definitely was not too emotional about it.
Fox opened the file.
There was a lot, and it seemed a lot of it was just about his very specific genetics and his cellular division during the embryotic stage. He skipped over those. He skimmed the pages about his growth once had started to resemble a human more, how he had gotten all of his organs and limbs and fingers and toes and everything just in time just like he should. A healthy, prime product, they called him.
Then he found what he had been looking for.
CC-1010 - Decanting Measurements and additional information
Height at the time of decanting: 52.3 centimeters (converted to the Republic Standard Unit of Measure)
Weight at the time of decanting: 3.389 kilograms (converted to the Republic Standard Unit of Measure)
Reflexes optimal, reactive to the standard. Initial eyesight and hearing tests passed up to the standard. Lung capacity optimal, vocal response as expected upon decanting, slight difficulties in quelling the vocal responses by the staff present. Activity high after decanting, the range of limbs optimal and up to standard. Additional note: activity above the standard after decanting, difficulties in securing the movements while transferring
Fox couldn't help but laugh. He really had come out to the Galaxy screaming, and, apparently also kicking.
Yeah, that sounded just right.
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yilinsgarden · 8 months
Tumblr media
it’s his day or something idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
100 notes · View notes
clone - a - willy
ʚ Gojo Satoru x Chubby Fem Reader ɞ
❥ Summary: You've been paired up with Gojo Satoru for a class and you've developed a crush on him. After his fraternity holds a "Clone-a-Willy" fundraiser, and your friend buys you a dildo of his dick, your feelings grow stronger. You just hope he never finds out...
❥ Word Count: 4.2k
❥ CW: chubby fem reader, smut, female masturbation, oral sex (fem receiving), penetrative sex (penis in vagina), petnames (princess, pretty), biting
Smart. Handsome. Rich. Gojo Satoru was all these things, and now he was your lab partner.
You were shocked when you were given the assigned seat next to him and told that you would be partners for the semester. He was so polite too, nothing like the usual frat boys you met in your other classes.
“I’m Gojo Satoru! Nice to meet you! Let’s work hard this semester!”
God, his cheerfulness was intoxicating. No wonder you developed a crush on him during your first meeting.
It was just a little crush, nothing to sneeze over, but your roommate noticed how your disposition changed in just a couple weeks. She teased you endlessly, asking for details about the infamous Gojo Satoru of Alpha Phi. She’d heard rumors, just like you, of how he was a playboy and a huge flirt, but you hadn’t experienced that in class yet, much to your roommate’s disappointment.
“Damn, I was really hoping he was an ass like everyone said, you know, just so you could say the rumors are true about frat boys.”
You shrugged it off, just grateful that Gojo was kind to you and helpful during your labs together.
But things changed when Alpha Phi held a fundraiser.
You didn’t hear much about it until you got back to your dorm after the day’s classes and had to listen to your roommate gush about the event.
“You would not believe what they did this year!” You sighed, taking off your shoes by the door.
“What did they do?”
Your roommate didn’t reply. Instead she reached into her bag and pulled out… a dildo?
“They did a Clone-A-Willy fundraiser!”
You stared, shocked at the tan silicone toy, blinking rapidly.
“They… sold dildos?”
“That are copies of their own dicks!”
You kept staring, shocked, unsure of what to say.
“This is Geto Suguru’s dick. Isn’t it big? God, I can’t wait to use it.”
“But don’t worry!” she interrupted, going back into her bag and pulling out yet another large dildo. “I got one for you too! Guess whose it is.”
Your eyes widened, jaw dropping.
“Yes! It’s the Gojo Satoru’s dick in dildo form! Surprise! Happy birthday, happy New Year’s, happy whatever holiday you wanna celebrate!”
Your hand went to your mouth, trying to cover your expression.
“You didn’t.”
“Oh, I totally did. Gojo was out there selling em too, flirting with all the girls who bought his toy. And there were a lot of them too, I actually got one of the last ones just for you!”
“Ashley… This is insane. I can’t accept this.”
“What? Why not? I got it just for you. You don’t have to worry about the cost, I’m not gonna make you pay me back—”
“No! No, I… Ashley, he’s my lab partner. This is so inappropriate.” She rolled her eyes.
“Oh, come on, Y/N. It’s nothing to worry about. You have a crush on him, we both know that, but unless you’re gonna start coming out of your shell and actively flirt with him, you’re never gonna get that dick. This will give you the chance to experience his dick without committing to the guy.” You rubbed your hand over your face.
“Ashley… This is so wrong…”
“Oh, Y/N, please calm down. Why are you getting so upset over this? It’s just some harmless fun. If Gojo didn’t want people to use these dildos, he wouldn’t have made them in the first place. He’s okay with it.”
“Look,” she started, opening your nightstand drawer, “you don’t have to use it if it really makes you uncomfortable, but I can’t take it back so you might as well keep it just in case.”
You couldn’t fight her on this, not when she gave those pathetic puppy dog eyes, pleading for forgiveness.
“Alright, fine. But I’m not going to use it!”
That’s what you told her. That’s what you told yourself. But you found yourself drawn to the girthy toy in your nightstand. The next time you had the dorm to yourself, you took it out and examined it in detail. It was thick, your hand barely able to wrap around it, and it was long too, long enough to reach deep inside you, hit all those spots that your stubby fingers would never be able to reach…
It shouldn’t have come as a surprise when you used the toy that same day, fucking yourself vigorously with it, making yourself whine. It felt so fucking good, filling you up so nicely, making you cum over and over again.
You cleaned and hid the toy before your roommate came back, and you promised yourself it wouldn’t happen again.
You were very good at lying to yourself. Every chance you got alone, you were grabbing that toy, fucking yourself nice and deep in between your classes. You’d started imagining Gojo there with you, fucking you good, praising you all the while for taking his fat cock. You felt guilty for it, but you couldn’t help but moan his name quietly, wishing he was there to treat you right. Would he be slow and sweet? Or hard and fast? Would he call you a good girl or his precious little slut? Would he make you cream or squirt? Your thoughts swirled endlessly as you came on the toy once again, pulling it out and panting hard.
This was getting out of hand. You couldn’t be developing feelings for your lab partner like this. He even began to notice a change in you.
“Is something wrong?” he asked one day in the library while you were working on your project together. You cleared your throat, shying away when he leaned in closer towards you. God, his cologne smelled so good—
“I’m fine,” you lied, swallowing hard. You couldn’t look at him after what you had done the day before, after you had ridden his dildo for close to half an hour, cumming almost a dozen times. You couldn’t stop wondering if he would ever try to make you feel that good.
“You sure? You’ve been acting off the last few classes, and you’re not talking as much as usual.” He leaned forward into your line of sight, smiling softly, speaking quietly. “Look, if something’s wrong, we can reschedule. Maybe we could go someplace less stressful and not as packed? Maybe the lobby of the physics building? Or we can go to your dorm if that makes you comfortable?”
Here he was, being so sweet and considerate, and all the while you were masturbating to the thought of him using a dildo that was a literal copy of his dick. You felt so ashamed, and yet the thought alone was currently turning you on, making your legs clench.
“It’s okay. I can keep working.” He gave an unsure frown but nodded.
“Alright, if you say so, but I’m serious about working somewhere quieter next time. Maybe it’d be easier to finish this at your dorm. That way you’re comfortable and not as stressed about finishing this.” You smiled at him genuinely.
“Thank you, Gojo. We can go to my place tomorrow. My roommate has classes till five, so maybe we could meet right after lunch? That should give us enough time to finish what we don’t get done today.” Gojo smiled back at you, and you swore you could feel your heart skip a beat.
“Sounds good. We could meet up for lunch if you want. I have a class at ten but then I’m free the rest of the day.”
You felt your heart pound, and you nodded a bit too enthusiastically.
“Yeah, that sounds great.”
So, that’s what you did. You met at your chemistry building before walking to an on-campus cafe. You had a quick lunch, mostly talking about your project and your respective classes before you made your way to your dorm.
“Here it is,” you said after you unlocked the door, opening it wide and walking inside. You both discarded your shoes by the door before locking it and heading farther into your room.
“Nice place,” Gojo stated, looking around at the posters you had on the wall. “You like this band too?”
“Oh, them? Yeah, I’ve been a fan for a few years.”
“Really? That’s crazy. I haven’t met anyone on campus yet who likes em. What a coincidence,” he said with a toothy grin. You felt your heart flutter, but you shook your head and took out your laptop, plugging it in and sitting at your desk.
“Yeah, what a coincidence…”
The two of you started working quickly, you at your desk, Gojo on your bed with his own laptop. You were pretty quiet, making the occasional comment about your work before going back to silence. It was about an hour later when Gojo pushed his laptop to the side, lying back and stretching.
“Man, I’m beat! Thank God this project is pretty much done. I don’t know how much more I can take.”
You hummed, glancing over at him, just to find him on his phone.
“Damn, I’m at 20%. Do you have a charger I could borrow?”
“Uh, yeah. Check the drawer on my nightstand.”
You didn’t realize what you said until the nightstand drawer opened.
It was too late. Gojo had already pulled out the toy and proceeded to stare at it. You could feel your face burn as you stood up.
“I-It’s not what you think! My roommate got it for me as a joke!” He kept staring as he sat up, making you panic. “I-I haven’t even used it! It’s just been sitting in there collecting dust, ha ha!” Gojo hummed, scraping his nail along the toy.
“Something weird is dried on it…”
Fuck, you must not have cleaned it well. You rushed to his side, pulling the dildo away from him and hiding it behind your back.
“Look, I know this is weird, and I’m super sorry, but I promise it’s just a joke! Nothing’s happened, we can just go back to studying and—”
“Y/N,” he said low, standing up to his full height, looking down at you. “Be honest with me. Have you used that toy before?”
You felt like you were backed into a corner. Your stomach was flipping like crazy, making you sweat. You couldn’t answer him, couldn’t do anything but look down at the floor.
“Have you… thought about me while you did it?”
You still couldn’t answer, but you felt yourself shrink in on yourself. You could see his fists clench and unclench in your line of sight. Fuck, he was mad, he must’ve been. Why else would he be so quiet? Maybe he was disgusted with you. Maybe he would yell at you and stomp out. Shit, what if he told your secret to all his friends? What if you became the laughing stock of your university?
“Y/N. Look at me.”
You hesitantly looked up, meeting his icy blue gaze. You were about to apologize, beg him not to say anything to anyone, promise to do all the work the rest of the semester if he would just keep quiet. But you didn’t have the chance to.
Before you could blink, Gojo leaned forward and kissed you.
Your eyes widened, hands dropping the dildo behind you as his lips moved against yours. Your hands instinctively went to his chest—you could feel his muscles through his shirt—nails digging into the fabric. His hands found your waist, pulling you to him, hips pressed together. You pulled away when he licked at your lip, staring up at him, cheeks burning.
“I… I don’t understand,” you whispered, eyes searching his face. He was blushing, glowing when he smiled down at you.
“I got a confession to make, Y/N.” His arms circled your waist, keeping you flush to him. “I’ve kinda been crushing on you all semester.”
Your eyes widened, jaw going slack.
“You… what?”
“I can’t help it!” he exclaimed, holding up his hands. “You’re just so sweet and nice and smart and pretty! I’m sorry for throwing this on you, really I am, but I can’t keep it to myself anymore.”
You shook your head, taking a step back.
“This isn’t funny, Gojo. Don’t play with my feelings.”
“I’m not, I swear! Here, look at me,” he said, taking your hands and looking deep into your eyes. “I really like you, Y/N. I’m sorry I didn’t say it till now, but I’m telling the truth.”
“You… you mean it? You’re not joking around?”
“No, Y/N. I would never joke about this. I swear to God, I like you so much that it’s keeping me up at night.”
You couldn’t believe it. The Gojo Satoru was confessing to you. Not even in your best dreams did you think this would be happening to you.
“Hey,” he whispered, pulling you closer, leaning towards you. “Is it okay if I prove how much I like you?”
“P-Prove?” you stuttered, picking up on his flirting. He nodded, pulling you to his chest again, arms flying around your waist.
“Wanna show you how much I like you.”
You hesitated, feeling your skin burn, your cunt clenching in anticipation.
“O-Okay… you can sh-show me.”
“Yeah? Pretty girl wants me to show her how crazy she makes me?” You stifled a whine, nodding quickly, only making his smirk grow. “Good. How about you get on the bed for me?”
You found yourself complying with his demands, inching towards the bed and sitting on top, waiting for his next move. He stood between your legs, staring down at you for a good long while before his hands went down to your hips.
“Can I take these off?”
You nodded, letting him unbutton your jeans, lifting your hips so he could slide them off. Your jeans and panties were discarded onto the floor, and Gojo fell to his knees.
“Your thighs are so warm and soft,” he muttered, kneading your legs, making you leak. “I love seeing how they squish when you sit down. I’ve thought about laying my head on them way too much.”
With that, he rest his forehead against your thighs, nuzzling into you, humming to himself. He pressed a gentle kiss to your thigh, making you inhale sharply, squeezing your legs shut tighter. He clicked his tongue, weaving his hand between your legs.
“Don’t hide from me, princess. I wanna show you how I feel.”
He pulled apart your thighs, spreading them wide, revealing your chubby pussy to him. He sighed, leaning forward to place a kiss on your upper pussy, nosing his way down between your legs. He kissed your pudgy pussy lips, flicking his tongue against them, making you tremble. His slender hands trailed up your thighs, peeling apart your pussy lips, revealing yourself to him.
“Oh God… your pussy… it’s so pretty,” he spoke in disbelief, staring at you. You felt yourself grow embarrassed, squirming under his gaze.
“Please… don’t—hah!”
His tongue darted out, flicking your clit with the tip. His blue eyes stared up at you, watching your expression contort as his tongue flattened against your clit, licking it fully. He moved it up and down languidly, blinking slowly as he gained a rhythm. After a minute, he began drawing patterns—circles and figure eights. At one point you wondered if he was spelling his name because you could’ve sworn he was writing in cursive with his tongue.
You soon became a moaning mess, resting back on your elbows, hips twitching into his mouth. You gasped when you felt his finger prod at your entrance, circling it, dipping in just the tip before pushing in down to the knuckle.
“God, you’re so tight, too. How in the world did you fit my dildo inside? Fuck, just thinking about you masturbating with it turns me on like crazy.”
“I-I’m sorry f-for using the t-toy!” you whined, voice pitching when he curled his finger, hitting your g-spot.
“Don’t apologize, princess. I think it’s so fucking hot. I was hoping you would show up that day to get one, but I must’ve missed you.”
“It-It was from my f-friend.”
“Ahh, nice friend, getting you such a nice toy to play with. Shit, if I had known you were using my dildo, I would’ve confessed a lot fucking sooner. So much time wasted.”
He added a second finger, pumping the two of them in and out at a steady pace. You could hear how wet you were, your cunt clenching around his fingers as he thrust them into you. You fell back on the bed, back arching as you felt pressure build inside you.
“Oh my God… you’re pulsing around me. You gonna cum? Ya gonna cum on my fingers? Fuck, I want you to, please, I want it so bad.”
His mouth went back to your clit, forming an ‘O’ shape around it, sucking harshly. The action made you squeal, hands finding his hair, tugging at the white strands. You only made him moan against you, the vibrations sending you into a frenzy. His combined efforts were putting you through a whirlwind of sensations, hurtling you towards your peak.
“G-Gojo, please, I-I-I—”
“Go on, pretty. Let go for me. Wanna see you cum on my fingers.”
That was it. That was enough to send you over the edge. Your breath hitched, mouth falling open as you came. You gushed around his fingers, back hurting from how hard it was arching off the bed, thighs clenching next to his cheeks. The moment passed, and you could feel yourself coming down from your high.
But he didn’t stop.
You cried out, begging him to let up, to slow down, but he wasn’t listening. He kept sucking at your clit, fingers pumping quickly, making you climb towards another climax far too quickly.
“Gojo, Gojo! Please, stop, I-I can’t! Please, I—ah!”
It was too late. You were cumming again, trembling under his hold. His mouth and fingers slowed down, helping you down from your peak, guiding you back to Earth. He released your clit, pulling away, a string of spit connecting him to your cunt.
“Holy shit. That was good. Do you always cum like that or was it because of me? Wait, don’t answer that, I don’t know if my ego can take it.”
You giggled, breathless, eyes traveling from the ceiling to between your legs where Gojo was sucking your slick off of his fingers, moaning at the taste.
“God, and you taste good too. Not fair!”
You both laughed. You sat up, reaching for him. He got up, complaining for a moment about his knees hurting before he leaned down to kiss you sweetly, his tongue prodding into your mouth. You opened up for him, deepening the kiss, moaning into him. You felt good, really good, and you wanted to keep things going.
You pulled away, staring up at him lustfully.
“Do you wanna keep going?” you asked, batting your eyelashes at him. He blushed, huffing out a laugh.
“God, I do, I really fucking do, but…” He sighed, hanging his head. “I don’t have any condoms.”
“That’s okay,” you replied quickly. “I’m on the pill.”
His head whipped up, almost busting your lip in the process.
“Really?! And you’re okay with having sex without a condom?” You nodded, making him smile. “Jeez, and here I thought you couldn’t get anymore perfect.”
He stood up, pulling his shirt off, revealing his chiseled physique. He undid his belt, eyeing you the whole time he pulled down his zipper and pushed his pants down. It was all very sexy until he tried to kick off his pants, tripping over them and stumbling to the side, catching himself on your nightstand. You covered your mouth, stifling your laughter. He chuckled as well, brushing himself off even though he was blushing hard.
Gojo joined you on the bed, helping you out of your shirt and bra, letting you lie down and relax against your pillow. He massaged your thighs as he spread them open.
“You’re sure you’re okay?” You nodded, humming in confirmation. He nodded back at you, holding the base of his cock and directing it towards your cunt. “Okay… I’m gonna put it in.”
He pushed the head of his cock into you, hissing quietly at the tight fit. He stopped once the head was in, glancing at you to make sure you were okay. When you nodded at him, he pushed in further, moving slow, steadily, purposefully. Once he bottomed out, he let out a shaky sigh, laughing lightly.
“You’re… you’re tighter than I thought,” he huffed, already out of breath as he met your gaze. “I-I’m gonna move now.”
He pulled back, leaving in just the tip before pushing back in slow, savoring every ribbed inch of your cunt. He pulled out again, pushing in faster, beginning a steady pace.
“Oh… Oh wow. You feel… so much better than I thought you would.”
“Yeah? You like it?” you asked, voice small and sweet.
“Mm-hm. Never thought I’d get to do this, ya know. I thought you’d reject me if I confessed to you.”
“Really?” you asked, eyes widening. He nodded, moving a little faster, making you moan. “I… I had a crush on you from the first moment we met…”
“You did?” You nodded, making him huff. “No way… no fucking way. You liked me all this time? You didn’t just wanna fuck me?”
“N-No… You’re so sweet and nice… I thought you were so cool, Gojo, too cool for me.”
“What? No way… If anything, you’re too cool for me.” He moved faster, making you bounce along the bed. “You’re so fucking smart. I don’t have a clue what’s happening in class half the time, but you do. And you’re so pretty too. You’re way out of my league.”
Your cunt clenched around him and he groaned, moving from his hands down to his forearms, leaning closer towards you. You moved forward and kissed him gently, making him moan in your mouth, tongues dancing as he slowed his pace just a bit. He savored feeling your lips against his, petting your hair, marveling at its texture. He pulled away to stare down at you as he started moving faster again, pumping his cock in and out of you, making you gasp.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he mumbled, glancing over your figure. “I love your body. I love your curves. You have no idea how many times I’ve jerked off thinking about you.”
“Please, call me Satoru. Wanna hear you say my name.” You swallowed, cupping his cheeks.
“S-Satoru… It f-feels good!”
“Yeah? Feels good? What feels good, baby?”
“Your cock… It feels so good inside me…”
“Yeah? Better than that silly dildo, right? Do I fuck you better than that little toy?”
“Mm-hm! So much better!”
His eyes rolled back and he thrust faster, hands traveling over your form. He palmed at your breast, pinching and pulling your nipple, making you whine. His mouth found your other nipple, sucking hard, making you perk up in his mouth. His tongue rolled around your nipple, mouth slobbering on it. He moved his mouth to your other nipple next, his hands moving to your belly, squeezing and molding it.
“You’re so fucking soft,” he whispered in disbelief. “How are you so fucking soft?”
“I mean… I-I moisturize…”
“But still… I’ve never felt skin as soft as yours. I kind of envy you,” he said with a laugh, making you laugh as well. “God, and your giggle. It’s so fucking cute. I just wanna bite you.” You bit your lip, looking up at him innocently.
“You… you can bite me… if you want…” His eyes widened.
“Fuck, say less.”
He dipped down towards your neck, kissing and licking at it before digging his teeth into you, biting down. You moaned at the feeling, his cock pumping even faster now that he was latched onto your neck. He sucked hard, hands rubbing your plush tummy as he fucked you harder. He pulled back with a loud ‘pop’, admiring the mark he left behind.
“Fuck, I… shit, I think I’m gonna cum. Can I cum in you, pretty thing? I know that’s a lot to ask, but I can’t fucking stand it.” You nodded quickly, moving your hand between your legs to rub your clit.
“Y-Yeah… you can cum in me.”
Satoru groaned, pushing your hand away and replacing it with his own, moving his fingers quickly to get you to the edge. You moaned, throwing your head back into the pillow, hips bucking up to meet his. You rocked against each other, moaning each other’s names, begging and pleading for God knows what as you simultaneously reached your highs. His hips lost their rhythm, moving faster, more erratically. The unpredictable rhythm made you climax, nails digging into Satoru’s pale back as you came. He followed right after, groaning low as he released inside you. He almost collapsed on top of you as he came, bracing himself on his forearms so he wouldn’t crush you. His hips twitched, the last bit of cum spilling from his cock and filling you up.
The two of you were panting, rubbing your noses against each other as you came down from your highs. He eventually pulled out, watching his cum leak from your abused cunt, smiling softly. He fell to your side, sighing, pulling you towards him and kissing your cheek.
“So,” he started, smiling at you, “guess you won’t be needing that dildo anymore, huh?”
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fatuismooches · 10 months
natalis numerus ???
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synopsis: Year after year, your birthday comes around without fail. Dottore celebrates with you, as best as a man like him can anyway. (His clones too, of course.)
includes: dottore w/ gn! reader
notes: This is really just a pure fluff fic. Both Reader and Dottore are unhinged as usual. Dottore also creates headphones for you. There is a lot of kissing at the end. Thank you to 🎐 anon for inspiring some of the ideas in this fic <3.
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It was your birthday today. 
To be more exact, it was your- actually, your exact age would give anyone a start since your youthful appearance was a stark contrast, so it was best to keep it a secret. 
After living for hundreds of years, one would probably get tired of celebrating birthdays. You could understand this sentiment of course. Sometimes, at the end of it all, when your special day was coming to a close, you wondered if the next birthday would be any different. If perhaps your life and health would be any different. If you’d be able to run around and spend your birthday a bit differently. You never asked for anything for your birthday (besides kisses from Dottore) but inside, your only wish was to be cured of illness.
Though you preferred to focus on the happy aspect of your birthday. Hell, not many could claim to live as long as you had, much less had as many sweet birthdays as you had. You were pampered to the best possible extent that a group of insane madmen could achieve, meaning you never failed to receive a ‘Happy birthday, [Name]’ from every single clone that resided in Dottore’s lab. You were presented with your favorite foods throughout the day that you’d been longing to try, to which the clones were eager to hear your feedback (your answer decides whether the current cook keeps their life or not.) Not to mention there was usually no screaming throughout the lab on this particular day. How thoughtful of them!
You even had the pleasure of receiving a present from your dear husband. Though gift-giving was far from Dottore’s expertise, he always seemed to come up with something. Knick-knacks, trinkets, novelties, rarities, curios… sometimes they were brought, but many times they were handmade by the Harbinger himself. A multicolored, six-sided cube. A strange rectangular device that allowed you to communicate with him from a certain distance (still in the wonky prototype stage). A workbook with a compilation of brain teasers (many morally questionable) that he created over the last year. You’re not sure if Pantalone has realized that the extra materials he brought were for you rather than his research.
Mortals may view how you spent your birthday as simple. Though you liked to keep your birthdays simple now. Simply receiving good wishes and lovestruck looks from the clones was enough for you. More importantly, spending time with your beloved Zandik always proved to be the highlight of your birthday. Not many immortals could claim to have the person who was at their side from the very beginning still with them. But you could, which made you happy.
Dottore himself had long stopped caring about the day of his own birth, he never cared about it even when you two were students at the Akademiya. But it was still a special day for you, it was the day your lover came into this world. Your life would be rather drab without him. So naturally you had a tradition of (lovingly) attacking Zandik at 12 AM sharp (he was always awake anyway) and forcibly dragging him to bed, under the premise that one should not be sleep deprived on their birthday. You made sure to serve him his favorite food, gift him anything he seemed interested in (you learned how to buy illegal items just for him secretly), and be at his beck and call. He never cared about his birthdays, but you liked to think you made them slightly more valuable for him. Naturally, he never cared about the birthdays of other people either. That was until you forced yourself into his life, and he supposed one as useful as yourself was worthy of slight appreciation. 
But that was when you two were at the Akademiya. It was different now. Very different. You could no longer do the things you were able to. Your illness had… actually, today should be a happy day. You shouldn’t dwell on sad things. Hopefully, your aches and pains would leave you if only for a mere twenty-four hours.
As you stared at the ceiling, slowly shaking off the sleepy daze you were in, you wondered which clone would be the first to wish you. It had become somewhat of a tradition for the clones to decide amongst themselves who had the privilege of seeing you first and uttering the two important words. It would happen every year, and once a segment won they would be removed from the process until every single segment could see you first, and then it would start all over again. It was kind of funny.
You remember the first time you found out that they actually fought over who got to assist and greet you first on your birthday. To resolve these conflicts, they would enter competitions between each other - who could dissect the most amount of bodies, or dispose of the most corpses in a timely manner… You know, usual Dottore-centric stuff. Which, you didn’t really care, but after you saw how they were quite literally working nonstop, you decided to suggest a more relaxed option - duking it out in a game of TCG instead. It proved to be useful as long as you ignore the few times Prime scolded them for getting too heated.
At the end of your reminiscence, you sat up and rubbed your eyes. As you freed yourself from the soft blankets wrapping your body and swung your legs to the edge of the bed, you tried to remember which clones were candidates for this year.
Ah, looks like he was right on time.
“[Name], are you awake?” The voice from beyond the door was higher pitched than the usual deep tone you were accustomed to. You smiled as you instantly knew who it was.
“Yes, I- oh!” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before the door slammed open and a little boy shot straight into your chest, catching you off guard. It turns out that the child segment of Dottore was the first one to greet you on your special day. His tiny hands grabbed your own and he smiled an adorable toothed smile.
“Happy birthday, [Name]!”
“Why, thank you little one! That’s very sweet of you,” You hoisted the little clone to sit in your lap and he gave you a hug, which you reciprocated and giggled at his childishness. He was such a cutie.
“So many of your birthdays have gone by! How old are you now, [Name]?” He tilted his head curiously and you laughed at his question. Indeed, so many centuries of birthdays had flown by in the blink of an eye.
“Well-” Before you could respond, another voice entered the conversation.
“It’s inappropriate to ask [Name] that, little brat,” an adult segment of Dottore now stood at the doorway, rolling his eyes at the young clone, to which the child pouted and stared daggers at the other man.
“That’s not true,” the youth in your arms clung to you more, “They enjoy it when I’m inquisitive,” the boy said, repeating your words from long ago.
“Yes, yes, that’s nice, now get off of them so they can get started with their day,” the clone replied but the child stuck out his tongue defiantly and tightened his hug.
“No, I won’t.” You could see that the noncompliant response was about to send the other segment into a fit so you quickly intervened. 
“Say, why don’t you go and try to guess how old I am? If you’re right, I’ll read your favorite story to you again,” you beamed at the young boy on your lap, playfully booping his nose. Regardless of whether the kid was right or not, you were going to read him the story anyway. He was always the most attentive and engaged listener.
“Hmm…” The boy was sad to leave you, as you were the only adult he liked being around. But he understood, and the idea of you reading to him again was appealing. “Alright, I will. I promise to get it right!” With that he bounded off your lap and dashed out of the room, not before sending another dirty look at the older clone, who tried not to react, instead focusing on you.
“How do you feel today?” The segment inquired, needing to note down every possible change in your condition. He offered you his hand for support which you took, pulling you to your feet. “Any pains? Changes?”
“No, not really. In fact, I think I feel better today than usual. Or maybe I’m imagining it,” you hummed in response. Maybe it was the birthday happiness clouding your mind.
“Understood.” He recorded your statement in his head. “Happy birthday, by the way,” the segment mentioned nonchalantly. This segment was from when Dottore was horrible at expressing any positive emotions or words to you, and if he somehow managed to, it sounded very bland. But you found it hilarious, poking his cheek to which he then sent you a half-hearted glare of annoyance and flustered embarrassment.
“Thank you. I’m proud of you for getting that out of your system,” you teased, to which the clone scoffed at your antics, but couldn’t be mad at you for them.
“Whatever. Let’s get you ready,” he huffed and you happily complied. 
As you expected, as soon as you entered the lab, practically everyone’s neck snapped to you. Numerous birthday wishes were sent your way, each with a maniacal toothy grin to go along with it. There was no way any of them could forget, especially when they were fighting over who got to do what inside of their own heads for days before your birthday. Some of the clones had the pleasure of feeding you, while another fixed your hair… one even gave you a massage. After all, the birthday person deserves to be pampered, no? And these were the same segments whose faces were terribly familiar, having been by your side for centuries for all the past birthdays. They knew what you liked, and it was awfully enjoyable.
But there was still one more person to see. The most important one. Zandik.
Normal people would probably think it was crazy for your lover to be the last one to wish you a happy birthday. But for you, you thought it was perfect. You spent some time with the clones so they wouldn’t feel left out, and then for the rest of the day, they knew to leave you in solitude with their creator. No distractions or interruptions with your Zandik. Besides, after all-
They always say to save the best for last, don’t they?
You didn’t even need to knock on the door to Zandik’s private lab as it was already open. He was expecting you. Zandik’s back was facing you when you walked in, but he realized your presence immediately and set the vial down to greet you.
“[Name],” the emotionless expression on his face morphed into an enlivened one, his pointy teeth flashing. “Earlier than I expected.” Strangely colored liquids and concoctions were scattered over the table. You think you interrupted him while he was making medicine, but he didn’t seem to care. His attention was now turned to the multitude of drawers where various items were stored, opening them and then shutting them, appearing to look for something.
“It is I,” you smiled back at him, “and what can I say? I just wanted to see you. Not to mention, I must say I’m curious as to what crazy invention you’ve thought up for me this year. It seems you never run out of ideas.” Zandik had always liked to present his little gift at the start. Despite how he acted as if it was no big deal and not very important, he was always intrigued to see your reaction.
Though this time you had an inkling of what it was going to be. A while ago, he had asked to borrow your beloved device for playing music using Radiant Spincrystals (which you had named “Music Thing” much to his amusement.) 
There were other furnishings that could be used for playing Radiant Spincrystals, but you had no need for them. After all, Zandik’s own creations always surpassed the other ones. Unlike the one from Liyue, the one he had made for you was much more portable and light, so that even you could carry it around. There were even buttons that changed the volume of the music! So you assumed that he was going to make some more changes or adjustments to Music Thing.
“That is correct. But I believe you’ll find this year’s gift especially useful. Watch.” As you thought, he revealed your Music Thing and a sole Radiant Spincrystal. Zandik inserted a Spincrystal into the device, yet no sound emitted from it, which left you a bit confused.
“But nothing’s playing.” 
“Is that so? Why don’t you listen closer?” He smirked at you and motioned you to come closer, which you did, and then realized there was now something plugged into the device. It was a wire that led to something much larger.
The large gadget was oddly shaped. The top of it was like a band that curved into two circles on both ends, which looked like it was padded with something soft. Regardless, you had never seen anything like it and you had no idea what it could be used for. You were very confused but then you realized you could hear the music from the Radiant Spincrystal playing from the apparatus.
“Huh…? I can hear the music coming from this thingy!” you exclaimed, picking up the weird item and bringing it closer to your face, examining it more. Zandik’s grin only grew larger.
“Put it on,” he encouraged, he himself excited to see the results of his multi-hour project.
“Put it on? How though?” You fumbled with the device and pushed the two circle things apart, bringing them to your ears. And then you were immediately entranced by the music coming from it. You felt Zandik adjust the instrument for the top part to rest on top of your head.
“A perfect fit, as I expected,” he hummed, taking a good look at you. Indeed, he was correct. The thing that still didn’t have a name fit snugly around your head and ears. But you were far more entranced and shocked by the loud music going straight into your eardrums. Instead of having the music play openly, it was going straight to you. And better yet, only you could hear it! You pushed the things covering your ears even closer in amazement, standing there for a good few minutes simply enjoying this delight.
Until it abruptly stopped.
You looked down and realized that the wire that connected this thing to your Music Thing device was unplugged. By Zandik.
“Hey! It was just getting to the good part!” You pouted.
“I’m sure it was my dear, but you don’t want to hurt your ears by putting it too close or too loud,” he chided. For such a deranged man he was always taking precautions when it came to you because of your health.
“Alright fine… but you have to tell me what it is? How does it even work!” Something better than listening to music was listening to your husband go on about his experiments and inventions and thought processes.
Zandik then picked you up with ease making you squeal with surprise, walking over to his paperwork chair and then placing you on his lap. Ah, he properly didn’t want you to stand for too long. Though he wouldn’t say that. You made yourself comfortable, resting your head on his chest as he rambled on.
“I merely redirected where the sound travels…” Just as you wanted, he delved into an explanation of what he did to make the gadget, what parts he used, the few complications, the easy parts, everything. And you enjoyed it thoroughly. 
“It is truly incredible,” you commented at the end, still thinking about how easily bendable and comfortable the mechanism was. “Does this one have a name?”
“I know.” You didn’t even care that he was being smug about it. You loved it. “And no, it does not.” For some reason, he always left the naming up to you. You wondered why.
“Hmm… I dub thee… Headcircles!” You decided, and Zandik raised an eyebrow at your questionable name. “You know, because it goes on your head, and the two things at your ear look like circles!” You were rather proud of your genius name.
“Another fascinating name,” he remarked to which you playfully hit his shoulder.
“Would it kill you to be nice? On my birthday at least?” You giggled, not actually meaning it. You loved him like this.
“I am unsure as to what you mean. I truly find your names… creative,” he stated with a horrible grin on his face. “It’s why I kept you as my assistant.”
You narrowed your eyes and wrapped your arms around him. “So you kept me around for my naming ability? Not for my impeccable organizational skill? Nor my expertise in deciphering your terrible handwriting and scribbles?” 
“I do acknowledge that you possess many exceptional traits, but after all, how can I forget when you named the first Ruin Guard we dissected together? Spinny Thingy? How truly outstanding.” He mocked you with no remorse to which you immediately groaned at the mention of that name. You still remember that day vividly - you both had found a nonfunctional Ruin Guard in the wild which you two had fun dismantling, and Zandik had called it No. 7 in his notes. But you found that far too boring and recommended “Spinny Thingy” because you know, the thing spins! The look he gave you after that made you want to crawl into a hole though. (He didn’t take you up on your proposal.)
“Oh, shush you,” you muttered, a bit embarrassed at the memory. Zandik chuckled and wrapped an arm around you to support you, and a comfortable silence fell over the two of you as he began to sign and look over some paperwork. You could feel the rise and fall of his chest too, something that was strangely soothing. You could almost fall asleep… ah, you need to thank him first though!
“By the way, thank you for the gift, Zandik.”
“It was nothing,” he replied, waving off your gratitude. For one, it was actually no big deal to him, as little inventions like this were of practically no difficulty to him. Yet deep down, the scientist knows that the ultimate gift would be to free you of the suffering your sickness causes. Yet the mighty doctor has yet to find a solution to that. But you looked so content right now, he could put it to the side just for a little bit. Especially since you looked like you were about to beg for kisses with those eyes.
He was right.
You first started off with one simple kiss on the cheek, and then another on the other side. Yet Zandik continued to write, ignoring you on purpose to rile you up. But that was no problem. It wasn’t hard to get him to pay attention to you. Your hands slithered up to his shoulders for balance, and immediately you went to work, placing a kiss on his bare neck, and then two, and then three, your breath fanning against his skin.
Still no reaction. 
Well, good thing you had an easy solution to this. On your fourth kiss, you bit down, intent on leaving a mark so-
“[Name],” a deep voice echoed close to your ear as the pen dropped to the table, and you knew you had him. Because for some reason it was okay to litter you with bites but you couldn’t do it to him. Nevertheless, you stopped and instead smiled against his neck to declare your victory which you knew he felt as he sighed. But, Zandik knew, you did deserve something today out of all days. And so you received the same treatment, attacking your neck with far more force than you did, causing you to let out a gasp. But it felt good. Zandik’s kisses always felt good, you thought as he now moved upwards.
“Happy birthday, [Name],” Zandik whispered so quietly, that you wouldn’t hear him if you weren’t so close to him, his pointy teeth grazing and nibbling on the shell of your ear.
Zandik saying those words always felt somewhat surreal. You still clearly remember the first ‘happy birthday’ you received centuries ago as a student. You thought him shoving a gift into your chest and telling you that you had the day off would be all you received. You genuinely did not think he’d verbally say that, considering he never knew how to form his words when it came to things like this, much less in a polite manner. Nonetheless, it made your heart soar.
You smiled against his neck, humming a wordless thank you, as your hand snaked up to his cheek and fingered the edge of his mask, silently asking for permission which he granted. Looking straight at him, you removed the mask and let it clatter on the ground, far too occupied with the handsome sight in front of you. His eyes were the most brightest and brilliant shade of red that you adored, coupled with jagged scars that ran across the top half of his face. So handsome. All yours.
“You always do this,” Zandik let out a resigned sigh, eyes rolling although he kept a firm grip on you on his lap. He had worn the mask for so long, that the rare times he took it off in front of you proved somewhat of a challenge at first due to your ceaseless stares of love despite the scars. Though now he had grown used to it. You merely giggled.
“Do what?” You feigned obliviousness. “I’m simply appreciating my husband’s face,” you shrugged nonchalantly, to which he kept his cool gaze on you.
“Is that all? Is there anything else you intend to do?” He questioned, already fully aware of what your answer would be.
“Why, thank you for asking. In fact, I intend to take advantage of my other birthday gift as well,” you purred, eyes raking down his face to his exposed neck shamelessly. Zandik was not wearing his usual layers of clothes, only his collared blue shirt along with the harness that wrapped around his body. It was your birthday, so surely you could get away with some things, you thought. You mischievously hooked a finger around the harness near his chest, pulled it, and watched it snap back with amusement. Zandik’s eyes bore a hole through you the whole time before he spoke.
“Such a greedy little thing you are… do you truly think it’ll be that easy?” He clicked his tongue in pretend exasperation and annoyance at your audaciousness, leaning into you as he kept contact with your eyes. His own was a mixture of insanity and madness, yet love and possessiveness swirled around as well, almost hypnotizing you. You wished you could see his eyes more. With the right touch, they could be so expressive, just for you of course.
“Well, you know I’ve never lost a fight. Remind me, who was the one dragging the unwilling test subjects to you, and protecting you from the Ruin Machines you accidentally set off back then?” You smirked and licked your lips, not intimidated by his little challenge. “Even now, I’d say I’m still quite something, no?” You always enjoyed every second of being bold to Zandik. Something about having such a deadly man bending to your wishes really did something to you.
His eyes narrowed at your confidence as an amused grin appeared on his face. “I have to say, your analysis is rather correct, as expected from you. You truly are something special, unique… although this may be the first battle you lose. I won’t let you have your way simply because it’s your birthday, love.”
“I guess I’ll just have to take my gift by force then… how rude of you,” you playfully teased, hands resting securely on his shoulders as his own began to dig into your thighs. “Usually, I’d take my time, but today I’m impatient,” you murmured, voice dropping to a low tone as you captured his lips with yours, eagerly deepening the kiss which Zandik reciprocated.
“No need to rush, [Name]. You should know that the best experiments are conducted with time and patience. I’m looking forward to seeing the results myself.”
One may say that this was quite an average birthday. It was nothing like a typical birthday. And they would be right. Yet Zandik does not treat you like how an average, normal lover would. He was eccentric, from the way he spoke to his actions to his hobbies. But you could always say this without hesitation. 
Another birthday was well spent in your mad doctor’s loving arms.
“By the way, I left some cake for you.”
“I do not want it.”
“… Yes you do. I’ve known you for centuries, trying to hide your likes from me isn’t very effective, you know?
“Go to sleep.”
“Please, can I feed it to you this time?”
“You know I’m going to keep asking this every year, right?”
“I’m not sleeping with you tonight.”
“Wait- come back! I’m sorry!”
The plate was empty the next day.
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starplatinumnun · 2 years
cecil palmer is the coolest guy ever. he has an evil clone. he's immortal. he's jewish. he's a father. he was a boy scout. he's eldritch in nature. he's a local celebrity. he can play loud-ass music on command by shouting, "and now for the weather!" he runs a radio show. he had a relationship/tryst with the inventor of the radio. he doesn't believe in the existence of mountains. he asks his audience for dating advice. his middle name is gershwin. he writes hannibal fan-poetry online. he's an unreliable narrator. he has an astigmatism. he has an extreme phobia of mirrors. he's a fashion disaster. he has lyme disease. he writes gay slash fanfic about the movie jaws. he's a tumblr user. he doesn't remember his own birthday. he doesn't know how to swim. he's happily married to carlos the scientist. he struggles with impulse control. he was even an aquarius
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gallifreyanhotfive · 1 month
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 50: 50 Facts for 50 Parts
How the hell did I get to part 50?!?!?! This is insanity.
The Eleventh Doctor once got hit with an electromagnetic pulse that left him needing to rebuild his mind, during which time he lived as Mr. Foreman. Valarie would sell her cybernetic enhancements to Mr. Foreman in exchange for money and the chance to check on the TARDIS, often telling him stories about the Doctor as she did so. Mr. Foreman used so many of her enhancements that she lost herself. (Audio: Curiosity Shop)
The Fifth Doctor has been tied up in strappado before. (Audio: The Church and the Crown)
The Ninth Doctor has lost or forgotten the ability to play the spoons. (Audio: Station to Station)
Aspirin is fatal to Time Lords. (Novel: The Left-Handed Hummingbird; Burning Heart; Audio: The Condemned)
The Brigadier lost his virginity as a Second Lieutenant when he was 21 years old. (Novel: Deadly Reunion)
The Thirteenth Doctor has introduced herself as "Sarah Jane Smith" before. (Short story: Mission of the KaaDok)
The Third Doctor was able to sense that he was near the end of his life before being irradiated. (Audio: The Children of the Future)
Mozart got cloned in the future many times because they were inspired by his creativity. This made one clone travel to the past to make Mozart immortal with the intention of draining him of that creativity, which would make sure those clones were never made. The Sixth Doctor traveled to Mozart's deathbed to convince him not to trust the clone, and Mozart eventually dies very confused by what was going on. (Audio: My Own Private Wolfgang)
Ace once tried to use the Seventh Doctor's "look me in the eye, pull the trigger" manipulation tactics, but because she's not a hypnotist or psychic like him, she ends up shot anyway. (Audio: The Fearmonger)
Hannah Bartholomew stowed away on the TARDIS, looking for an adventure. She ended up being instrumental in saving the day on the God-King's Tomb Ship and joined Nyssa and the Fifth Doctor more officially. (Audio: Tomb Ship)
Iris Wildthyme has her own version of the Valeyard called Bianca. She rebuilt her TARDIS as a nightclub and tried to steal Iris's regenerations. (Audio: The Wormery)
The Thirteenth Doctor and the Master, locked together in a psychic link, once talked about their issues. They talked about their pasts, but the Master refused to tell her about the "mystery" he was keeping from her. (Short story: The Doctor vs the Master)
After being irradiated, the Third Doctor wandered the time vortex for an entire decade, his body breaking down the entire time. It got to a point where he could not reach the console and was left drifting until the TARDIS finally landed herself. (Novel/Audio: Love and War)
The Thirteenth Doctor once tried to celebrate Yaz's birthday with a tea party in Boston, 1773. (Comic: The Forest Bride)
The Eighth Doctor was separated into his three different sides once. One side was sensible. The other was quite bouncy and excitable, and it was a wonder he didn't get killed while being distracted by something. The third side was incredibly nasty and could be quite violent without the other two sides there to balance him out. (Audio: Caerdroia)
The Fifth Doctor is so good with a bow and arrow that he could shoot an arrow with a piece of parchment attached to it through a window in a tower and snuff out the flame of the candle he was aiming at. (Audio: Son of the Dragon)
The Ninth Doctor once invited a woman named Adriana to travel with him in the TARDIS, only for her to almost immediately die. (Audio: The Bleeding Heart)
When taking into account the battered appearance of his TARDIS console, the Second Doctor realized that the Time Lords had been sending him on missions for a long time, using him as a pawn. Unfortunately, every time he realized this, they erased his memory. (Short story: Save Yourself)
The Twelfth Doctor recalled pulling the Sword from the Stone, becoming King of England for a day, and then abdicating to King Arthur. (Novel: Silhouette)
The Eleventh Doctor used the alias Jean Valjean to infiltrate Alcatraz. (Comic: Escape into Alcatrax)
The Toymaker once turned the Eighth Doctor into a ventriloquist's doll, and he was unable to move or speak unless Charley was holding him. When he did speak, he would shout and protest desperately against the situation. (Audio: Solitaire)
About six hours after the events of The Tomb of the Cybermen, Captain Hopper and his crew ran into the Fifth Doctor, Tegan, and Nyssa, and Hopper was killed by two cyber-converted crewmembers. (Audio: Secrets of Telos)
The Third Doctor became a British citizen at some point. (Audio: The Doll of Death)
After leaving the Eighth Doctor, Zagreus became Perfection, who was a huge flirt towards the Doctor. (Audio: The Next Life)
William Shakespeare once spiked the Fifth Doctor's drink with ginger, leading to the predictable drunken effects. (Audio: The Kingmaker)
The Thirteenth Doctor also really likes ginger nuts, garibaldis, and fig rolls and gets them from the biscuit dispenser in her TARDIS. (Comic: The Forest Bride)
The Sixth Doctor considers Braxiatel condescending and doesn't really like him, but he still trusts him. (Audio: The 100 Days of the Doctor)
When the Fifth Doctor was stabbed in the chest, he was able to survive due to his characteristic heart anatomy, but he was still out for the count for a while. (Audio: Son of the Dragon)
The Sixth Doctor had been known to play with swivel chairs, even going "wheeeee!" while gliding around in them. (Audio: The Sandman)
The Ninth Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to seal the Compassionate away in the rift. He also rigged the sonic to explode. However, this sonic screwdriver was the model commonly used by the War Doctor, not the one from the first series of nuwho. (Audio: The Bleeding Heart)
The Twelfth Doctor thought he might regenerate when he was infected with the Venusian flu, but he also worried that the flu would take such a toll on him that he wouldn't be able to regenerate. (Audio: The Lost Flame)
Kwundaar looks so terrifying that the Doctor screamed after merely looking at him. (Audio: Primeval)
Erimem - a companion of the Fifth Doctor - brought her cat Antranak on board the TARDIS, whom the Doctor despised. There were several reasons for this, including that the Doctor was occasionally unable to set the controls because Antranak was lying on top of them. (Audio: The Church and the Crown)
C'rizz's father almost drowned him once as punishment for deviating from the Church of the Foundation. (Audio: The Next Life)
The Twelfth Doctor's sonic sunglasses have a Telepathic Emergency Beacon, which allows him to take control of another person's body. (Short story: My Dad, The Doctor)
There was a murderer in a place called the Needle, which should be impossible since everyone there has a chip inside of them stopping them from being violent. This killer traveled from person to person, something referred to as "redlining." The Seventh Doctor immediately redlined after being chipped. This whole situation began because a time traveller came to the needle, and the time travel mechanism was organic and a part of her, which made the computer go mad. The Doctor was drawn there and was sensitive to redlining due to his time sensitive nature and his biology. (Audio: Red)
Simon and Joanne, two characters in Lant Land, thought that Tegan and Turlough's names were unbelievable and proposed they change them to Yvonne and Derek. (Audio: Lant Land)
The Eleventh Doctor once gave the name Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart as a pseudonym. (Novel: Shroud of Sorrow)
Gemma, one of the Eighth Doctor’s companions, has called him Dad before, but the Doctor preferred to be called a cool uncle. (Audio: Terror Firma)
Turlough hates the cold and will complain if put in it. (Audio: Singularity)
The Sixth Doctor and Evelyn once thought they had accidentally cockblocked Julius Caesar's parents on the night of his conception. This meant that instead a baby girl named Julia was born, which Evelyn thought would be a brilliant chance to revolutionize the world. She kept trying to stop the Doctor from convincing Julius Caesar Sr. and Aurelia from hooking up at the proper time. Eventually, the two realize that 101 BC is before 100 BC and that they were doing this for no reason at all. (Audio: 100 BC)
The Spriggan was an alternate universe version of the Doctor, who terrorized a planet and used their youth to power his TARDIS. He even created an new Leela, but she fought him to protect the Tenth Doctor and threw him into the vortex. (Audio: Splinters)
The Galyari are a species of 8-foot tall reptiles that had extraordinary eyesight. Because of their exceptional vision, they found the Sixth Doctor to be literally painful to look at because of his coat. They were afraid of him and called him "the Sandman." (Audio: The Sandman)
The Tenth Doctor referred to the Seventh as the mysterious and manipulative type, the sort of rebellious phase someone goes through when they turn 1000 years old. (Novel: Legends of Camelot)
Joshua Douglas was a companion of the Third Doctor but stopped traveling with him after a disagreement. He was later killed while with the Fourth Doctor and Leela. (Audio: The Catalyst)
Mandy Litherland was incredibly fond of and sweet on the Ninth Doctor. After traveling to the past, she kissed the Doctor. The Doctor almost invited her to travel with him but didn't because he knew she probably wouldn't accept. (Audio: Auld Lang Syne)
Sometimes, when the Sixth Doctor is distressed and going off the deep end of his emotions, he has been known to break down in Evelyn's presence and cuddle with her. (Audio: Arrangements for War)
The Veil left the Twelfth Doctor a spade made of duralinum and a dwarf star alloy, which would have been strong enough to break the azbantium wall. The Doctor was wary of it, assuming it was a trap, and he used his fists on the wall instead. (Short story: The Veil)
Missy once saved the life of a young girl whose sister had asked her for help. She had stopped to rescue the child stuck high up while being chased by an assassin, without further witness, and without reward. The Doctor does not know of this. (Audio: The Chaos Cascade)
A young version of the Fifth Doctor post-Four to Doomsday once got displaced in time. Experiencing time slippage, he swapped places with his future selves and learned that Adric had died far too early. Eventually, he ended up in the body of an Auton duplicate the Master had made of the Doctor. He eventually faded away and died as the time slippage unraveled his past and his memories to an extent where he was running on his most basic desire: to save Adric. He had been convinced that if he was put back in his own time he could save him, and for that reason, the older Fifth Doctor refused to return him. (Audio: The Auton Infinity)
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eregyrn-falls-art · 2 years
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Back in Oct. 2018, my project for inktober was at least one pic from every episode.  Because of the pace, there were restrictions; I did each on a post-it note, limited coloring, and chose things that would fit the square format and that I could get done in time (between working full-time and owl-banding most nights).  I always sort of wanted to redo a bunch of those; but really, what occasion would merit putting in THAT much time and effort for a project of that size?
Well, how about for the 10th anniversary of the premiere of Gravity Falls?
I’m not saying this was a *smart* project to tackle, but I thought it might be “easier” because I had first drafts of most of the pieces; I just wanted to redo them so they’d look better, with 4 more years of practice under my belt and a new move to digital art.  (Narrator: it was not really easier.)  Some I redid completely, or did new to create the full sets above.  Basically, once I’d hit on this idea, and decided to link it to the refrain of “How Far We’ve Come”, I was committed; there was no way I was going to *not* try to do it.
I know that “How Far We’ve Come” gets fanvidded for eight billion different shows.  But, the first time I heard the song was in one of the first Gravity Falls fanvids I ever watched (link  below), so it will always be a GF song for me.
Gravity Falls has meant a lot to me for the past 6 years that I’ve been active in the fandom.  I have no doubt it will always have a big place in my heart. I’m definitely not done with things I’d like to do for it.  I’m so glad to see people coming together to celebrate this big anniversary! 
ALSO: needless to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Stan and Ford!
“How Far We’ve Come” by @findmeinthealps2 ​
IDs under the cut.
Image descriptions.  The post consists of six images, each with a one-word header.  Together they spell out, “LET’S SEE HOW FAR WE’VE COME”.  Each image has 8 square pictures under the header.  Each picture is a screenshot-redraw from an episode of the show, usually consisting of one or a couple of characters against a simple colored background.
The first image’s 8 redraws are: Dipper and Mabel from “Tourist Trapped”; Old Man McGucket from “The Legend of the Gobblewonker”; Mabel and Bats Biker from “Headhunters”; Lil Gideon from “The Hand that Rocks the Mabel”; Mabel from “The Inconveniencing”; Dipper from “Dipper vs. Manliness”; Dipper and Dipper clone 5 from “Double Dipper”; and Mabel and Quentin Trembley from “Irrational Treasure”.
The second image’s 8 redraws are: Mabel and Waddles from “The Time Traveler’s Pig”; Robbie and Dipper from “Fight Fighters”; Stan and Lil Gideon from “Little Dipper”; the Summerween Trickster from “Summerween”; Stan in his vampire costume from “Summerween”; Mabel and Dipper from “Boss Mabel”; Stan from “The Bottomless Pit”; and Mermando from “The Deep End”.
The third image’s 8 redraws are: Dipper and Mabel from “Carpet Diem”; Mabel surrounded by Sev’ral Timez from “Boyz Crazy”; Stan punching the pterodactyl from “The Land Before Swine”; Bill Cipher in giant red angry form from “Dreamscaperers”; Mabel and Dipper from “Gideon Rises”; Dipper, Mabel and Stan from “Scary-oke”; the Shapeshifter from “Into the Bunker”; and Mabel and Pacifica Northwest from “The Golf War”.
The fourth image’s 8 redraws are: Bipper from “Sock Opera”; Soos Ramirez and Melody from “Soos and the Real Girl”; Stan from “Little Gift Shop of Horrors”; Old Man McGucket from “The Society of the Blind Eye”; Mabel fighting Blendin Blandin from “Blendin’s Game”; Robbie Valentino and Tambry from “The Love God”; Pacifica Northwest and Dipper from “Northwest Mansion Mystery”; and Stan from “Not What He Seems”.
The fifth image’s 8 redraws are: Mabel from “Not What He Seems”; Ford’s arrival from “Not What He Seems”; Ford and Stan as teenagers from “A Tale of Two Stans”; Dipper and Ford as elf characters from “Dungeons, Dungeons & More Dungeons”; Stan from “The Stanchurian Candidate”; Mabel, Wendy, Candy, and Grenda after their fight with the unicorns from “The Last Mabelcorn”; Darlene the spider lady from “Roadside Attraction”; and Dipper and Ford with Bill Cipher’s shadow over them from “Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future”.
The sixth and final image’s 8 redraws are: Bill Cipher holding up the gold statue of Ford from “Weirdmageddon Pt. 1″; Wendy Corduroy from “Weirmageddon Pt. 1″; Dipper and Mabel from their class day photo in “Weirdmageddon Pt. 2″; Bill Cipher in giant red monster form trying to capture Dipper and Mabel from “Weirdmageddon Pt. 3″; Stan punching Bill Cipher in the mindscape from “Weirdmageddon Pt. 3″; the group gathered around Stan sitting in his chair while Mabel shows him her scrapbook, from “Weirdmageddon Pt. 3″; Dipper and Mabel waving goodbye from the bus window from “Weirdmageddon Pt. 3″; and Stan and Ford laughing together in the rain, after defeating the giant squid, on their boat the Stan o’ War II, from “Weirmageddon Pt. 3″.
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mochiajclayne · 27 days
thoughts on naruhina + boruto and their...family
Will preface this by saying that this is a combination of observation and analysis and if you don't agree with me, take this with a grain of salt and scroll away.
(If you're a naruhina/nh shipper, do yourself a favor and scroll away because this isn't your cup of tea.)
sasusaku + sarada version.
Personally, it's almost emotionally triggering for me to watch the NH family because it reminded me of what my family dynamic used to be and witnessing it unfold in the sequel from a viewer's perspective made me realize how dysfunctional it is and what could've been done better.
Let's start at the issue at hand: Naruto not coming home, being too busy as Hokage to the point that he misses important family events like birthdays.
Boruto's reaction to the issue is realistic, especially to a kid that doesn't understand. I'm not saying that Naruto doesn't have a contribution to that mess at all (it's worse when you realize that he would rather be in his office worrying about the number of headbands than be with his family but that is a separate discussion that I will dive on in the near future, among other things). Basically, he wanted his father to be, well, present, so he does everything to get his attention. And no, those pranks aren't pointless. Being a Hokage means attending public functions and being involved with the community and what's the best freaking way to get your dad's attention by embarrassing him while on the job (which happens to be the same thing that stands between him being a good father)? Now, this wouldn't escalate into massive proportions like cheating-on-the-Chunin-exams level if Hinata was able to placate and explain things to her son.
In terms of explaining, there are several things to consider:
realizing the issue
being logical about the reasons
seeing eye to eye with your kid, emphasizing on how your kid perceived this issue emotionally and determining what they want
not making excuses and stating the reasons in the perspective that your kid can understand
openly communicating the issue to the ones in concern and expressing your stance on this, hearing them out, and reaching a consensus (or a conclusion)
But the thing is, Hinata herself doesn't see the problem, thus eliminating the chance to see her kid eye-to-eye on this particular issue--given that they aren't on the same page from the start. It's baffling as well as concerning to see that she doesn't have any qualms with her husband making a secondary residence in the Hokage Office, sleeping on the couch and not on their shared bed, overworking himself to the point that even his freaking advisor tells him to go the fuck home, would rather eat cup ramen than enjoy a home cooked meal, and the tipping point: is okay with her husband sending a clone to celebrate their daughter's birthday.
And her telling Boruto that his father is the Hokage and it's a busy position pretty much doesn't cover how fucked up the issue is. Boruto could easily counter that with well Shikadai's dad is the Hokage advisor but he can go home so what's stopping mine from doing the same? In short, she keeps on excusing the behavior which in turn gives off that Naruto prioritizes the job the most and their family clearly comes second and oh my, does that sound so appealing on a child's ears? Definitely not.
The point is, a kid would go through drastic measures to find the assurance and approval that they need especially if it wasn't provided to them. The pranks stopped when Sasuke entered the picture. He was able to talk to Boruto about his dad. Give opinions about Naruto as the person, not just someone in a high position. That's exactly what Boruto needed to hear.
Now you may wonder why Sasuke was able to do this and not Hinata? That's because Sasuke pretty much understands Naruto and he is able to provide more input about Naruto outside of his achievements and position. Not to mention that Sasuke pretty much took Boruto under his wing to train him if he wanted to defeat his dad. And one thing about Sasuke is he isn't pretty much holding back when he calls out Boruto, something I've noticed that Hinata wasn't able to do. Watching the scene of Sasuke scolding Boruto in front of his own mother is pretty funny because why is your husband's best friend giving off mother more than you?
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curlygirlybitchachos · 8 months
Padawan Reader
Y/n: Cody!
Cody: yes Ad'ika?
Y/n: When is Waxer's lifeday?
Cody: I don't know little one.
Y/n: and Boil's?
*Cody shaking his head*
Y/n: Longshot? Crys? Wooley? Rex? Tup? Jesse? Hardcase? Anyone in the 501 or 212?!
Cody: Ad'ika. We are clones... We don't know when is our lifeday...
Y/n: hm... My life day is today. So I can share it with everyone. And then everyone can have a lifeday!
Cody, close to cry: okay...
Obi-wan: Cody? Why Ahsoka, Anakin and his men with ours are partying in the hangar?
Cody, with a party hat: Ad'ika shared their lifeday. We are celebrating hundreds of them.
Obi-wan: give me a hat cyare. *puts it on* I hope we have enough cake...
(Okay so it's my birthday and somehow I'm sharing it with at least 4 of my friends and some random kindergarten children and I think it's really funny. It feels like everybody has their birthday today.)
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daisymintt · 7 months
Merlin Fic Prompts
Arthur gets separated and injured while on patrol and is taken in by the kind forest Druid Merlin who nurses Arthur back to health. During this time Arthur sees a side of magic he’s never been exposed to before and questions everything he’s been taught.
A series of letters Merlin’s writes to his mom telling her about his adventures in Camelot
Winter Soldier AU where Morgana discovers Merlin had magic but doesn’t know he’s Emrys. Uses the Fomarrah on him and instead of killing Arthur orders him to swear undying loyalty to her, to do anything she asks. Merlin essentially becomes like her Winter Soldier and wrecks havoc on villages. When Arthur hears about a dangerous sorcerer named Myrddin attacking villages he goes to investigates, still depressed about the lose of Merlin, and is shocked to discover that it Myrddin is Merlin except Merlin doesn’t remember him or anything before the fomarrah was implanted. Arthur now has a new goal of getting his best friend back and break Morgana’s hold on him.
The Purple Tunic. Merlin’s birthday comes and goes with no celebration, Gaius being overrun with patients and Merlin stuck with an impossibly long list of chores from Arthur. When Arthur learns that Merlin’s birthday had passed he feels bad and leaves the purple tunic for him in his room as a gift.
Arthur kills a Druid women and as she lays dying she roughly grabs his arm and curses him to experience suffer any wound he deals. Arthur struggles with his self worth now that he can’t protect his people as a knight without hurting himself
Arthur and Merlin get cursed so that whenever one gets hurt the other suffers the same wound (like Barbara and Strickler from Trollhunters)
Merthur WandaVision AU
S3 E12 AU where Merlin does actually fight Gwaine and Arthur is the one that has to be physically held back
Seeing Double. Merlin has always had a lot of work what with helping Gaius, being Arthur’s manservant, and saving everyone’s lives in a near daily basis. One day he is so busy he tries a new spell that’s suppose to create a double of you that lasts for 24 hours. Arthur thinks he’s going mad because he keeps seeing double of Merlin.
Mama’s Boy. Hunith is taken prisoner by some bandits and that sets Merlin on a warpath to get her back with Arthur at his side.
Merlin gets captured by a dark sorcerer who knows he’s Emrys and has him chained up in cold iron. While he’s imprisoned the sorcerer bloodlets him, planning to sell the blood of Emrys on the black market keep Merlin alive enough not to fight back.
Arthur falls and hurts his arm. Merlin examines it and diagnoses it, “You’ve fractured your ulna.” Gwaine perks up at this, “Ulna? I think I dated an Ulna once.”
While picking herbs for Gaius Merlin finds an injured and orphaned fox kit and brings it back with him. One day it gets out of his room and chaos ensues. He nearly catches it in Arthur’s room when Arthur returns and he tries to play it cool.
AU where as Freya lay dying in Merlin’s arms they get married, using blades of grass as their rings. The knights don’t notice at first but eventually one of them asks about it and Merlin gets all sad.
Merlin wakes in the middle of the night to someone breaking into Gaius’s chambers, covered in blood
A servant of two masters AU where instead of sending Merlin in to assassinate Arthur she makes a sting bulb of Merlin and sends it in. A day after it gets sent away Merlin breaks out of Morgana’s and races to save Arthur. Stabs a sword through his clone’s stomach. When it dies it turns into a pile of humus. Arthur starts to get suspicious of Plant!Merlin when he stops eating and he swears he saw Merlin stick his finger in water and drink it. Plant!Merlin also gets weak after long period’s without sunlight and ‘wilts’. Gwiane refuses to give up on his search for Merlin and sets out on his own. Finds Merlin in Morgana’s hovel and together they escape back to Camelot.
Modern Day Merlin, Merlin starts suffering from symptoms of Mahd Wy'ry which affects and causes him to have psychotic episodes at random, due to the weight of his memories. Leon finds him during one of these episodes.
That scene from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron where Merlin holds an injured Arthur on the banks of a river when the bad guys find them and tear them apart despite their pleas. The knights find Arthur and once he’s stronger they set out to save Merlin.
Merlin and Arthur argue that the other wouldn’t last a day in the others shoes so Arthur comes up with the idea of ‘swapping places’ while they are visiting another kingdom that has never met Arthur before. The knights are in on it. They swap clothes and for a week Merlin is Arthur and Arthur is Merlin.
When kids start disappearing in the middle of the night Merlin sets out to investigate and is nearly killed
Morgana visits Gaius because she feels nauseous and while she’s there she throws up on her dress. Merlin lets her borrow some of his clothes and Arthur walks in sees her and thinks they’re courting. Arthur gets jealous.
That scene from Disneys Robin Hood where they dress as fortune tellers but it’s Merlin and Arthur and they do it in order to get into a bandits keep without arousing suspicion and getting something of importance they stole (Arthurs mothers sigil? His mothers ring?)
Merlin has parasomnia and often wanders the castle at night, often to Arthurs room
Merlin opens a haven for magical creatures/beings/people. Arthur wanders into and is nearly drowned by a naiad but Merlin saves him
Merlin Tarzan AU with a hint of Valka from HTTYD2. Balinor refuses to help Uther trap the last dragon and instead frees it. He takes shelter in Ealdor where he falls in love and has a child with Hunith. One day Uther finds them and, finding themselves cornered with no chance of escape, Balinor calls upon Kilgarrah. Balinor is killed and Hunith is taken prisoner to be used as bait for Merlin someday. Kilgarrah takes baby Merlin to a safe haven for dragons where he is raised by dragons. Many years later Merlin heard about the legend of the dragon egg and sets out to find it. During this journey he meets Prince/King Arthur. Although rivals at first they soon realize they have the same goal, return magic and dragons to Camelot.
Dragonlord side effects. The days following the activation of his Dragonlord powers Merlin starts to experience some side effects. Each chapter is a different side effect.
After Arthur becomes king he reinstates the holiday Saturnalia. Merlin gets elected the “Mock King” giving him a free pass to cause as much mischief and mayhem as he would like
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amaramizuki666 · 1 year
Shared sensation part.1
Dp x DC crossover
So rejected soulmate au and clone tim au mix.
Danny had a soulmate, just like the rest of the worlds population. His soulbond type was shared sense. To explain, when a soul pair has this type of bond they end up sharing a sense, they could share their hearing, sight. Taste, smell. In danny and his partners case they shared touch.
Danny and his soulmate felt everything the other felt, including pain. Danny had always loved his soulmate even while not knowing them, he just wanted the best for them. That's why he always tried his best to stay out of trouble though it was hard to do that when your parents are the town wackos.
Danny was pretty mature for a 10 year old. So when he started to feel his soulmate getting hurt more frequently he was worried.
Danny grew up learning to hide bruises that he gained on his own and from his soulmate. He loved his soulmate so much and when he would find them he would protect them no matter what.
Then danny turned 13, for his birthday his parents and jazz decided to take him to Gotham to celebrate. Gotham isn't exactly festive but his parents what to get ectoplasm samples or whatever.
They ended up leaving danny and jazz in a small cafe while they whent out to look for ghosts. Then he saw him. A boy with black hair and beautiful blue eyes that set his stomach into a flutter. Who also had the same matching bruise on his neck.
Danny couldn't help himself he knew as soon as he saw him, danny just knew. "H-hay!" Danny yelled over to the boy, his gaze flicked over danny the same realization in his eyes. There was another boy next to him who watched the two interact with curiosity at the sidelines with jazz.
"Hi" the other boy says quietly almost as if whispering. Danny's smile was wide as he strutted over to his soulmate "hi I'm danny it's a pleasure to meet you" he says sticking out his hand excitingly.
This is it after so many years of waiting, he finally has his other half. Then in a flash Danny's hand is slapped away. The expression on Danny's face drops into one of confusion. His soulmate glared at him with cold eyes.
"W-why did you-" Danny asks put was promptly cut off by his soulmates harsh voice "I reject you" . Those 3 words, the 3 forbidding words you must never say to your soulmate. The worst thing you could ever possibly do to your other half, brake your bond.
Danny's, jazz's, and the other boys face all shared a look of horror. Danny and his soulmate quickly drop to the ground. Danny is clutching his chest dry gagging as he feels the bond he has so tenderly loved being ripped to shreds.
Danny let out a silent pained scream as he feels his whole body go numb before he passed out. Leaving his soulmate an opening to grab his brother and bolt out the door.
Tim was curled up in his bed hyperventilating. What had he done. Why would he do that to his other half. Danny was his name. He just destroyed himself and another.
But, as much as tim regrets it, he knows it's for the best. Bruce would have never let tim become Robin knowing what type of soulbond he had. The bond that let him experience everything his soulmate did.
Tim loved his soulmate but not to the same accord as he did batman and robin. Tim was just trying to protect his soulmate, protect danny. Being a vigilante is painfull. He didnt want him to have experience it not the same way he did.
Severing their bond was the right decision. Tim knew it was best to let go.
part. 2
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maochira · 11 months
Happy birthday to me! - uhm, us. (twin!Shidou & twin!reader)
Synopsis: You weren't willing to miss out on celebrating your birthday with your brother, only because he's in Blue Lock at the moment. And you surprising Shidou is definitely the best present you ever gave him.
Characters appearing: Shidou, Rin, Karasu, Zantetsu, Loki, Tokimitsu, Nanase (PxG, basically)
Tags: gn!twin!reader, reader looks very similar to Shidou, soft!Shidou at the end, a bit of swearing, this is during the Neo Egoist League
This is the last part of my Shidou birthday countdown event! Aka, it's his and my birthday <3
You've celebrated every single one of your birthdays together with your twin and you weren't willing to end this streak only because he's in Blue Lock at the moment.
It definitely took a lot of back and forth and tons of convincing, but you somehow managed to get the permission to visit Shidou on your birthday.
The thing is, not once has he mentioned having a twin to any of his teammates. So you can imagine everyone's surprise when you run onto the soccer field out of nowhere while the team is at practice.
"Ryu!" You call his name as you jump on him, tackling him to the ground. "Happy birthday!"
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Your brother asks in surprise, but he looks happy to see you.
"Fuck. There's two of them." Rin curses under his breath, but still loud enough for his teammates to hear.
"Hell yeah! There's two of them!" Karasu cheers.
Zantetsu adjusts his glasses and tries to sound intelligent. "Well uhm, technically they're one of each. Except for if one of them is a clone."
"Well, I don't think one of them is a clone..." Nanase adds to that and quickly afterwards he finds himself listening to a very unlogical explanation by Zantetsu why neithet you more Shidou is a clone. Even though the most obvious explanation would be that cloning isn't possible.
Rin decides to ignore what Zantetsu is talkibg about and looks over at Loki, expecting for practice to continue soon. But unfortunately for him, Loki has decided to end practice a bit earlier today so you and your brother get to celebrate.
Rin already knows he's not going to join that. Instead, while the rest of the team and you go over to one of the rooms that can be used for your celebration, he's staying on the field to continue practicing on his own.
"I didn't know Shidou has a twin." Karasu says while taking a closer look at you. "Damn, you look very similar to him."
"You never told them about me?" You say to your brother, acting as if you're offended by this. "Ryu! Everyone should know about your favourite person!"
"I never thought it was necessary to let them know!" Shidou sounds defensive, but he's joining in on the joke.
"Never thought it was necessary? Oh come on!"
Before your brother gets to talk back, Tokimitsu gets between you and Shidou to interrupt your 'argument' because he believes both of you are being serious.
"G-guys calm down- Hey uhm, (Y/N)?" He sounds as if he's unsure about pronouncing your name right. "Maybe... your brother never got the chance to tell us about you? But... you seem very nice."
Even though he misunderstood the situation, Tokimitsu's words immediately melt your heart. So you can't help but pull him into a hug.
"Ryu! Your friend here is so cute!" You giggle and hug Tokimitsu a little too tight, barely letting him breathe. Also, calling him "cute" put a bright blush on Tokimitsu's face which he's definitely going to get teased about as soon as you're gone.
The celebration itself isn't something that special. The team gathered some snacks and put on some music, but besides that there's not much going on. Well, you did get to talk to all of your brother's teammates and got to know them a little bit better, so that's something.
But you don't mind it not being a big and special party. It feels nice to just see your brother again.
Also, at some point you notice Rin joining in the room. But he just stands there and doesn't do much. Although sometimes, he looks as if he's about to approach you but never acrually does it.
At some point a bit later, you somehow find yourself talking to Loki. "I hope my brother isn't causing you too much trouble. I know how overwhelming he can get."
"Oh no, don't worry." Loki responds with a smile. "I've found my way to manage everything, somehow."
"Are you sure? I mean, he is a handful to handle."
"I heard that!" Shidou, who's standing a few meters away from you, calls out.
"I'm telling the truth, idiot!" You yell back.
And that's hos the sibling banter starts once again. Except this time Karasu joins in, just for the fun of it.
Time passes by way faster than you'd like it to. It feels like barely an hour has passed by when you realize it's almost time to leave. In no way you're leaving the small mess that was created.
While cleaning up, you end up in a little conversation with Nanase. It's not much, but he's so sweet, you pull him into a hug like you did with Tokimitsu. Those two definitely have won a little place in your heart.
Saying goodbye to your brother was a whole thirty minute process. More and more hugs, more and more goodbyes, and generally just repeating how much you'll miss each other over and over. But in the end, Shidou lets you go from his embrace - his hugs are just as strong as yours are - and you leave the room to walk down the hallway.
And just as you're about to open the door to leave, you hear someone running after you. You expected it to be your brother or maybe Karasu, but no. It's Rin. Definitely a surprise to end the day - but not one to complain about.
He looks a little embarrassed but is trying to hife that. "I haven't uh. I haven't said happy birthday to you so... Happy Birthday."
A soft smile spreads across your face. "Thank you, Rin."
And then, you turn around to open the door but stop once again when you hear someone else's footsteps running in your direction. Just this time you don't even get to turn around.
Suddenly, you feel your brother hugging you from behind, causing you to let out a little chuckle. "Oh Ryu..."
His arms around you tighten a little more as je pulls you closer. "Thank you for coming... I miss you already."
Taglist (sign-up link): @starhrtz @kaineedstherapy12 @zyuuuu @luvcalico @truegoist @vanitasbrainrot @mafuyudonutt @acacIa @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @https-archangel @ririgards @depressed-bitchy-demon @kaiserkisser
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fatuismooches · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 - 𝐝𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫.
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"hmm...? you have something you wish to discuss with me? i suppose i can put my research on hold, just for a bit."
♡ dottore + fragile reader
➥ this tag contains many, many brain rots and writing with dottore and his lover who is sick and fragile. i wish i could link them all, but there's too much! please enjoy.
♡ princiipis amoris
➥ five times dottore swore he hated you, and the one time he realized it was the opposite.
♡ natalis numerus ???
➥ dottore celebrates your birthday with you.
♡ puer et monstrum
➥ you attempt to help the adult raven reconcile with his younger-fledging self.
♡ cor monstri
➥ you try to understand one of dottore's most elusive segments.
♡ fabulam diu oblitus
➥ the tale of the raven and sparrow has long been forgotten by most, but some will always remember.
➵ prelude
➵ first interlude
➵ second interlude
➵ postlude
➵ sequel
♡ dottore's lover turning into a kid
♡ poly relationship with dottore and sandrone
♡ poly relationship with dottore and pantalone
♡ dottore being soft for his lover
♡ aftercare headcanons
♡ being his lover from sumeru akademiya
♡ comforting tired lover
♡ taking care of sick lover
♡ platonic caretaker headcanons
♡ heartwarming flowery fluff
♡ poly harbingers all falling in love
♡ platonic older sibling headcanons
♡ comforting crying lover
♡ fragile/weak lover
♡ fragile/weak lover - they find your letter
♡ voicelines about you
♡ fragile reader concept
♡ comfy snowy day
♡ comforting fragile reader
♡ what they notice
♡ christmas with them
♡ first kiss
♡ childhood crush
♡ boyfriend texts
♡ when they're drunk
♡ when they're jealous
♡ normal dottore behavior
♡ dottore + non-transactional relationships
♡ you die
♡ thoughts on marriage
♡ skipping class with him
♡ when they're sick
♡ when you name his clones
♡ creaturettore au
♡ arguing with him
♡ giving him a haircut
♡ he comforts you
♡ he comforts you on your period
♡ when you're physically affectionate
♡ dominating him
♡ an experiment in beauty
♡ omega soft thoughts
♡ omega + photo-taking
♡ being the segments' first
♡ together in all universes
♡ he finds you beautiful
♡ he teaches others a lesson...
♡ the fatui's handbook
♡ when you're scared of needles
♡ birthday letters
♡ getting closer to omega
♡ sleepy cuddles
♡ getting closer to webttore
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aurathebardwife · 4 months
Happy birthday @highgroundanimations !!!
Happy 241st day to you! To celebrate I wrote you a lil something, I hope you enjoy it!
Decantation day
Unlike natborns, clones don’t celebrate the day they are born. Mainly because clones aren’t born, they are decanted, an occasion the Kaminoans don’t see as special and in turns neither do the clones. Most clones don’t even know their decantation day, they just don’t care. Checklist is one of those clones. He doesn’t care, he doesn’t see why he should care, he doesn't even know what day it is. He thought everyone on base thought the same way, Captain Tukk, Roy, and everyone else.
Captain Tukk isn’t known to sulk around. He is the one man who always has a positive outlook on everything, no matter what happens, from huge attacks to the smallest missteps. So to find the Captain at his desk poking at his datapad with a sigh and a pout is a new sight to Checklist. He has no clue how long Tukk has been sitting there but he has been waiting for a reply for some time, so it has to be a while. Checklist sighs through his nose. All he needs is for Tukk to sign off his work so he can get started on the next assignment but he already knows he will get dragged into something much more time consuming. 
“Sir?” he tries again.
“Hmmm…” Tukk replies absentmindedly. 
“Sir, I need…” Checklist starts but Tukk sighs again. “Sir?” He places a gentle hand on Tukk’s datapad to catch his attention. “Are you alright?”
“Hmm?” Finally Tukk looks up at him. “Oh Checklist. Hey, sorry I was lost in thought. Can I help you?” This is the moment Checklist can ignore the Captain’s weird behaviour and get on with his work. But the pout is still on his face and Checklist knows he can’t let it go even if he walks away now.
“I can ask you the same. Why are you sighing so much, sir?”
“Oh… It’s nothing, something stupid. Do you need me to sign off again?” Tukk reaches out for the datapad in Checklist's hand but Checklist pulls it out of reach quickly.
“It can’t be nothing if it pulled the smile off your face. Please, sir, humour me.”
“Alright.” Tukk sighs again and looks away from Checklist. “A local woman, Elvira, invited me to a party yesterday. Apparently natborns celebrate the day they are born with elaborate parties. And…” Tukk falls silent but Checklist keeps staring at him until he talks again. “It’s stupid, Checklist, ignore me.”
“Sir, please. Talk to me.” 
“Is it weird that I want a party too? I checked my file, and today is my decanting day on Kamino. But clones don’t have parties for that right?" Tukk gets this hopeful look in his eyes for just a moment until Checklist starts talking. 
“Not that I know of, sir," Checklist answers honestly. Tukk's pout continues with another sigh. 
“I thought so. Like I said, it’s stupid. Forget I said anything. What do you need me to sign?” Checklist hands Tukk the datapad and leaves, ready for his next assignment. But he doesn’t walk to it straight away. Instead he lingers near Tukk’s office and looks back at the closed door. He doesn’t care much for a party to celebrate his creation, he still doesn’t care. But Tukk does and the sad expression of the Captain bothers him. Clones never have parties for days like this but maybe Captain Tukk can be the exception?
"So you spend time away from your work, to comfort Tukk and now you can't let the whole party thing go?" Roy asks when Checklist approaches him with the issue at hand.
"Correct. I don't understand why he wants a party but it's hard to see him pout," Checklist says. "It feels weird to say this about the Captain, but I want to cheer him up." Roy crosses his arms with a shrug. 
"Captain or not, he's still a vod I don't like to see sad," he says and rubs his chin. "But how do we cheer him up?" There's only one way Checklist can think of. 
"We could throw him a party?" he suggests. 
"I don't see why not. I already looked at the holonet for information and made a list of things most of these birthday parties have."
"Let me see." Checklist opens the list on his datapad and shows it to Roy. "Decorations, food, music, a candle? Why a candle?" 
"No clue. But according to Spuzzfeed, it is a necessary part of the celebration methodes on Coruscant," Checklist explains while showing the results of his search. 
"Strange. Alright, let's throw this party. Gather what we need on base and meet me here. I'll try to find whatever food Tukk likes and get some guys to get him out of his office."
"Yes sir!" 
The list of things needed isn't long, but Checklist has some trouble finding everything on base. The music is off the list immediately, he doesn't like whatever the GAR broadcasts and decorations aren't anywhere on base. He finds substitutes for that, hopefully it's good enough. The candle is the only easy part, he finds one in an emergency kit. Everything is stored safely into a crate and dragged towards Tukk's office. 
"Stay out of sight," Roy orders and signals to a few other guys. After a quick nod they disappear. 
A few seconds later, Tukk runs out of his office in a panic. 
"DON'T EAT THAT JUMPBOOST!" he shouts as he runs away. 
"Oh, that will keep him busy," Checklist comments, knowing the tendency of his batchmate to put whatever he can find in his mouth, with varying results. 
"He's the best distraction we have," Roy says and opens the office door. "Come on." 
Checklist quickly hides behind the desk when Roy is warned about Tukk's return. A dark room, followed by the shouting of surprise is on his list and has to be checked off. Roy turns off the lights and they wait. After a short while, the door slides open. 
"I should chain Jumpboost to a medic," Tukk mutters to himself when he walks into the office. He turns on the lights. "What…" Tukk looks around his office. 
"Surprise!" Checklist shouts and jumps up from behind the desk. Roy steps out from beside the door and waves his hands. 
"Surprise," he says with a monotone voice In a way only Roy can. 
"Check! Roy. What is all this?" Tukk asks. He gestures at the homemade decorations with scrap fabric tied to strings as flags and old ship schematics cut up to form streamers. On the desk are a few small sweet snacks, drinks and a small cake Roy got someone to get in the town nearby, decorated with a single candle. 
"It's a decantation party, si— Tukk," Checklist says. "You wanted one so badly that we put one together."
"We couldn't let you suffer like that," Roy adds. 
"Guys…" Tukk smiles at them both before walking to his desk. "Thank you." 
"Don't mention it. You would do the same for us, if you had the chance," Roy says. 
"It is a tradition with most natborn celebrations to blow out a candle on a cake. I can't tell you why but it's what I found. So…" Checklist lights the candle on the cake. "Go ahead." Tukk looks at Checklist, the happy glint in his eye finally back. Checklist didn't know he missed it so much. 
"I can think of a reason why," Tukk says, "it symbolises how we as soldiers extinguish the destruction of the separatists." 
"I don't think— ugh!" Checklist starts but Roy shuts him up with a kick. 
"Sure thing, Tukk. Give them hell." Tukk leans forward and blows out the candle. 
"To another year of kicking droid ass!" he shouts and wraps his arms around his men's shoulders. "Thanks again."
"Happy decantation day, Tukk," Checklist says with a bright smile. He's far behind his assignments but seeing Tukk laugh like that makes it all worth it. "To another year." 
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yanderelmk · 1 year
It's my birthday today 😊🎂
How do various yanderes celebrate their darling's birthday?
Oh my gosh happy birthday!! :D For the sake of not running out of space Imma group this together: ☀️MONKEY MEN🌑: They tried to make you a birthday cake...thing is neither of them know how to bake. They had to set their bitterness aside (or- well, they tried to) and the result was Wukong trying to distract you while Macaque scrambled around trying to find you something, even sending out his clones so he could sweep multiple stores at once (while pocketing a few shiny things for himself b/c mfer is a magpie). 🚦TRAFFIC LIGHT TRIO🚦: Mei got you a gift weeks in advance, she stays on top of birthdays. Same for Red Son! MK however didn't remember until the night before because ADHD is a bitch, but he likely ended up drawing a bunch of pictures of you, him, Red Son, and Mei. Mei also has a cake ready b/c she's The Best Ever. The trio's general vibe is just "BFFs 5ever because it's longer than 4" and everyone they care about is given the same treatment. 📖FREE NOODLES🍜: Pigsy is gonna be cookin' up a whole-ass STORM!! All of your favorite foods will be made, and breakfast is definitely served in bed. Dinner's gonna be a whole feast with the cake made extra special. Tang's the type of guy that follows "It's your birthday, so whatever you say goes!" He'll be fully open to trying out something new, and his gift is going to relate to a really niche subject that he knows you absolutely adore. It's likely he's done research to make sure he got the gift just right! 🕷️SPIDER DEMONS🕸️: These four are so wild it's funny. Spider Queen probably used her silk to make you a really fancy outfit, Syntax (who had your birthday set up as a reminder on his phone) probably is gonna give you some kind of drone that can help you out with mundane stuff (you get to name it). Goliath tried to make something, but whatever it is it's gonna be messy...he did his best. Huntsman? Deadass he probably went to go hunt your favorite animal so he could stuff it. If your favorite animal isn't in the area or it's a fictional one catch this extra-ass motherfucker carving a big-ass statue of it.
They had these gifts prepared. They knew your birthday was coming. They still all forgot until the actual day/the night before, for various reasons. Hey, at least the gifts are well-made. ☠️BONE DUO👻: Both the Lady Bone Demon and the Mayor are going to appear on your doorstep at midnight. They have a full day planned with ways to celebrate your birthday and 'no' is not an option. You will be spoiled!! The Mayor's got enough money to take you out in style, probably in his limo to fancy restaurants, most likely one of those rotating ones. The gifts will be exactly what you need, even if you didn't know you needed it yet. Even if it seems odd at first, best to just go along with it. 🪷CELESTIAL SQUAD🌙: Chang'e has a gigantic cake prepared, most likely one layer for each year of your life. She's been working on this for forever!! Nezha helped her prepare a big party on the moon for you. Both of them are likely to gift you presents of Celestial origins (blessed jewelry that protects you from demonic possession, or a very rare book). They might have lost count of their own ages, but they understand how important birthdays are to some people. 🦁THE🐘BROTHERHOOD🦅: They're completely unfamiliar with how mortals celebrate birthdays, but they're going to do their best. Cake? OK sure they can make one (it looks god awful). Presents? Surely any mortal would appreciate dangerous weapons and armor (it's horribly wrapped)! With the whole "listen to the birthday person" thing they might take it too literally. Like if you say "Let's hit the road" they are going to demolish that goddamn road b/c you said to and are the birthday person. Your wishes must be followed. They're trying they really are.
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nahoney22 · 1 year
Hi! I am such a big fan our your writing and every time I see you pop up on my dash I get so excited!! 🤍🤍
If you are looking for ideas, how do you think the batch would react to you trying to throw them a collective birthday party? I know they don’t really have a “birth”day but maybe they agree to celebrate on a specific date (maybe an important day for them)?
Birthday Surprise
All Bad Batch X GN!Reader
word count: 883 words
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warnings: none, fluff. Platonic relationships.
authors note: so sorry for the wait, this is only short but I was drawing blanks and I’d rather post something than nothing at all. Hope this is okay ♥️
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As rumors of a surprise spread among the members of the Bad Batch, excitement and curiosity filled the air. Each member pondered over what awaited them, their imaginations running wild. But as they stepped inside the Marauder, their jaws dropped in surprise.
The interior of the ship had been transformed into something neither of them could ever imagine. Vibrant balloons floated cheerfully, adorning every corner, while colorful banners draped the walls, displaying the message ‘happy birthday’. A massive birthday cake, meticulously crafted (that none of them would believe that you made if you told them) took center stage on the control panel in the cockpit, its sugary aroma tantalising the senses of certain clones.
Hunter couldn't hide his surprise as he glanced around. "What's all this?" he inquired slowly, his eyes locking onto your mischievous grin.
"Happy birthday!" you exclaimed, a twinkle in your eyes.
The confusion on Tech's face was evident as he analysed the unexpected scene. "To whom are we celebrating?" he inquired, searching for answers amidst the festive chaos.
"All of you!" you proclaimed, your response causing Tech's brows to furrow even deeper as he struggled to comprehend the unusual situation unfolding before him.
Wrecker, ever the cheerful and boisterous one, erupted with joy, a wide grin stretching across his face. “Do we even have a birthday?” He wasted no time in donning a party hat, playfully placing one on Omega's head as well. He even attempted to coerce Echo into joining the festivities, though Echo's patience dwindled with each failed attempt, swatting Wrecker's hands away until the pink hat finally sat on his head.
“Well, with thanks to Omega she told me that you guys were actually… made….?” You trail off, unsure if that was the right terminology to use but it was clear to them what you meant, “on this day!”
Hunter chuckled and with a playful kick, he sent a balloon soaring across the room. "Really?" he inquired, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You nodded, a broad smile spreading across your face. Extending your hand, you exchanged a high-five with Omega, who beamed at her brothers. "Absolutely," you confirmed, your voice brimming with genuine enthusiasm. "I thought it would be a fantastic idea for you guys to celebrate something special, together!"
"That is rather interesting information for me to log, actually. I was never aware that it was this particular date," Tech remarked, a faint smile gracing his lips as he pulled out his data pad to record the newfound knowledge. "Although this type of celebration is not necessary for the likes of us. We were made to be expendable, not to have celebrations."
"Oh, lighten up, Tech," Crosshair chimed in, his voice laced with playful sarcasm. He swiped a bit of frosting from the cake with his finger and licked it off, savoring the sweetness. "Say thank you."
"I believe you are yet to say that," Tech quipped, glancing at his brother over the top of his data pad. Crosshair smirked in response, then turned his gaze toward you.
"They already know I am," he acknowledged, gratitude shining in his eyes.
Tech looked at you and offered a small smile. "I apologize. This is great. Thank you."
"No worries, it's just a little something," you replied cheerfully, refusing to let their banter dampen the festive atmosphere. After all, with cake, games, and party hats involved, it was hard to feel anything but joy.
The day unfolded seamlessly, with the boys and Omega basking in the celebration. Laughter filled the air as they reminisced about past missions, sharing humorous anecdotes that never failed to bring a smile to their faces. At one point, you pulled Echo aside, quietly reminding him that although the day wasn't specifically tailored to him, it actually coincided with the time when he joined the others.
"This is really kind of you," Echo expressed, seated beside you amidst the lively music within the Marauder.
"You guys have done a lot for me! It's only fair that you get a treat, even if it's just once a year," you responded softly, observing everyone's enjoyment. Even Crosshair seemed to be reveling in the fun.
As the night neared its end, each of the boys approached you individually, surprising you with heartfelt gestures of appreciation. They expressed their gratitude with hugs, while Tech opted for a handshake, true to his analytical nature. Crosshair, unexpectedly, even gave you an awkward side hug before retreating to his bunk, a smudge of frosting lingering on the corner of his lips.
"This meant a lot to us. Thank you," Hunter conveyed, being the last to embrace you. As he rubbed gentle circles on your back, you could sense the sincerity behind his words. He had always believed that he and his brothers didn't deserve the recognition they received, but seeing them all calm and content for once on their "birthday" made it all worthwhile. The vibrant and bold colors of the celebration had momentarily overwhelmed his senses, but he chose to say nothing, not wanting to spoil the experience for the others or undermine your effort.
With hearts full of gratitude and newfound memories to treasure, the boys all settled down to sleep, their hopes eagerly fixed on the promise of next year's celebration, just around the corner.
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Tags; @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 7 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @theroguesully @mustluvecho @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 7 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @imalovernotahater @crystal076 @blustalker @the-good-shittt @s1st3r @by-the-primes @the-bad-batch-baroness @nunanuggets
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