#Broken Chains
ayyy-imma-ninja · 7 months
Did fairy Eclipse literally carry his shackles from wherever he was chained up in, just to throw them into their house and THEN making his dramatic reveal?
Cause if so, my God he's a drama kid
They're not at the Hollow, but yes he did throw his chains to be like "sup bitches im free" and Moon is horrified by this.
Because those chains were not meant to break.
But you could say he is one for the theatrics~ He's been planning this reunion for a loooong time X3c
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earth-b0y · 3 months
/User/Agent-Lotus/> I wish I could be more empathetic about your emotions towards Morgan. I have noticed the similarities between our relationships with our caretakers being not good men. Except when I remember Caretaker_1, I feel nothing. I do not understand why. I have difficulty understanding why our emotional responses differ wildly from one another.
He- ... I don't know what your caretakers did in the past, but what Morgan did to me was... deliberate. He'd hurt me. Then he'd make me feel better. He'd hurt me. Then he'd be the only one around to comfort me... and there's a bit more than it to that
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vexic929 · 7 months
1, 3, 6, 7 for the high school prompts (may I request something with the broken chains ocs for one of them? no pressure)
yesssssss of course!!!! I mostly haven't written much with the broken chains characters cause I haven't posted many of them yet and Kamau and Ember canonically don't even meet until way way way way late in the story lol <3333 but I have no qualms about writing for them for these at all!
#1 Don’t pretend, I think you know I’m damn precious and hell yeah, I’m the motherfuckin’ princess (Girlfriend) from this prompt list info on Ember here
Akmashi's nightlife was always exciting, regardless of your status or job. Ember was no exception; xe was very familiar with the nightlife though usually xe was in a less safe location, waiting for his latest client to come and pay for his services, yet tonight she found herself in a much better position.
Ember wore some of the nicest clothes they could afford as they nervously waited yards away from the entrance to one of Akmashi's most luxurious clubs. On any other night, he would be barred from entering, maybe attacked for even making an attempt, but Markas was a high enough status that they were hopeful his presence alone would be enough to keep them safe. Whenever Markas arrived, that is.
Ember tapped their foot impatiently and chewed xir lower lip. It wasn't like Markas to be late. A handful of drunk revelers passing shouted slurs at them as they passed but Ember did his best to ignore it.
Ember jumped at the feel of a hand on her lower back, startling her out of her thoughts, but it was only Markas, well-dressed in a violet tangzhuang and looking down at Ember with a faint smile.
"Sorry. I got caught up at the palace. Do you still want to go inside or would you rather go home?" Markas asked, his voice a low rumble.
Ember's smile lit up his face, the fear melting away. "After all this waiting, there's no fucking way we're not going in now."
Markas nodded, wrapping an arm around Ember's waist and leading them to the entrance. The bouncer gave them a dirty look but wisely held his tongue and only took a few moments before begrudgingly stepping aside to let them through.
Once inside, Markas pulled Ember closer protectively, almost daring anyone to say or do something as they wound their way through the crowd to the bar to grab a bottle of expensive maggake before finding a quiet corner booth. Ember seated themself in Markas's lap instead of the seat and took a swig directly from the bottle with a pleased sound. Markas watched his partner with amusement before pulling them closer and pressing a gentle kiss against their forehead.
"It's good to have you here with me," he murmured.
Ember smiled softly, leaning into Markas's embrace, already feeling herself relax. "It's good to be here with you."
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tears-that-heal · 1 month
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artist on instagram @americanpeasant
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gepski · 11 months
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Dutch King makes apology for slavery 'with heart and soul' and asks forgiveness.
At the Keti Koti (Broken Chains) celebration: the ending of slavery 150 years ago, the king asks forgiveness: 'There was a moral duty to act'. He concluded the heartfelt speech in Sranan Tongo (Surinam)
Ten kon drai /Times have changed Den keti koti, brada, sisa / The chains are broken, brother, sister Ten kon drai / Times have changed Den keti koti, fu tru! / The chains are broken, for real!
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euesworld · 1 year
"My poetry is like daggers softly cutting through your mind, down the vacuum of your soul, straight to the very heart of mine.. like a rose that's a star, on its stem there's a heart covered in scars.. but this rose, it's art.. like the art that flows through my veins, though you know I'm so insane. From heart to heart, from brain to brain.. here I am trying to break these chains."
Just some poetry I wrote about the pain behind my poetry, all the pain that I used to feel that still powers me on.. ways that I never want to feel again and I'm trying so hard to get out of those ways of thinking - eUë
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duessa · 2 years
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Raserei for @wolf-at-worlds-end
Click for best view
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Alrighty, next chapter of Inquisitor Hera!
In which Kanan decides to take matters into his own hands
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tvserie-film · 24 days
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Title: Broken Chains (2023) Author: Neal Litherman Vote: 6.5/10 After so much hatred and murders, the last moments of a world eater's life are more serene than I would have imagined even if they are always covered in blood. Too bad they won't be the last once again.
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stinky-kiddd · 1 month
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earth-b0y · 3 months
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He loved me like a dog and made me one too
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vexic929 · 7 months
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Broken Chains: Princess Amara (she/her)
Full name: Princess Amara Sayataana (অমারা শয়তান)
Gender: Cisgender woman (she/her)
Orientation: Bisexual aromantic
Age: 19
Species: Demon
Religion: Devotee of Amaterasu and Sita
Western Zodiac: Scorpio
Eastern Zodiac: Ox
Element: Wood
Birth Stone: Topaz
Blood-type: O-
Personality Type: ISTP
Disabilities: n/a
Eye color: Gold
Natural Hair Color: Black
Natural Hair Type: 1C
Skin Color: Deep tan, golden undertones
Height: 4 feet, 11 inches (150 cm)
Weight: 120 lbs (54 kg)
Appearance: Petite with lithe muscles; when she isn’t fighting or practicing archery, Amara dresses in expensive, tailored clothing that shows her status
Personality: Tactical, compassionate, clever, and strong-willed
Moral Alignment: Lawful good
Backstory: Born to the king’s advisor and brother to the first queen of the demons, Scorpio, Amara is first in line for the throne should her betrothed, Prince Kamau, die
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pareidollesse · 1 day
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🦋 my prisoner ch.3 theory!
( she's gonna trap you in her spider dance~ )
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starrysharks · 10 months
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heavenly virtues - medical malpractice, 1st degree murder, and breaking and entering
#zeno's art#ocs#original characters#reassassination#dr savory#octavia#emery onion reliquary#lets go over their designs!!!! yay!!!!!#starting with savory - a lot has changed but not that much#he's far taller and lankier than he was before and his hair is darker purple underneath rather than green#those were just cosmetic changes to bring more personality to his silhouette and improve focus on his face#otherwise - the shape of the hair highlight changed (from ovals to an X) as did the shoes (no more broken chain on his boot 💔)#and also i tried to make his face look older because he looked out of place compared to other characters around his age#really just small changes. his design is quite simple so there isnt much to majorly overhaul#for octavia once again there are both many and not that many changes#shes spiker than ever her face shape changed and so did the shape of her limbs#also those weird little red thingies on her hair are gone. never actually liked them that much#also i just wanna say - octavia's skirt has an X on it to signify that savory made it because all his stuff has X's also#onion had the most changes. most importantly - they do not have a nose anymore#(thats just stylisation dont worry they have a nose)#but anyway their shapes have become more defined and they have freckles now!!! yay!!!!#god i really dont have much to say do i . ummmm these are the final designs and most likely the ones that will show up in the actual comic#when i finally write past chapter 1 o_o#ok bye sorry for all that waffle#i also drew up some other designs but they're spoilers
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mysticstars105 · 4 months
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After math for Ballrooms and Buffoonery by @hotcheetohatredwastaken
Only one of them finds this hilarious, and only one of them is getting their food poisoned 💕
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valeriapryanikova · 6 months
just here to remind you all that i had made a secret life spreadsheet with a bunch of different stats and info, and it has been updated with the latest session's stats!
also i'm here to show off this /gift matrix bc i think it looks neat :3
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(somebody pls show big b more love next time, by boy received only 2 hearts in total T_T)
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