#30 day summer study challenge
astralflora-studies · 11 months
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My eyes are barely open but here I am finishing another essay AHA 🥹
(When I get my diss done.. I will sleep for 10000 years fr… anyway yay it’s sunny 🤠)
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izicodes · 1 year
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Studying can be a daunting task, especially when we're not feeling motivated or don't know where to start. Luckily you are on Tumblr, where the Tumblr Studyblr community lives!
A group of individuals who share their study tips, techniques, and challenges to help motivate and inspire others.
As a member of this community, I've compiled a master post of study challenges created by Studyblr bloggers. These challenges aim to help students stay on track, improve their focus, and achieve their academic goals. So you can join in and start achieving your academic potential!
>> 𝐍 𝐨 𝐭 𝐞
If you know any other challenges or you've created ones yourself and want to share them, do message me with the link to the post so I can update the list! I too will be creating some, more coding-related ones as I am a coding studyblr (codeblr) blog! That's all and hope you find a challenge you'd like to start!
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@tranquilstudy's Studyblr Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@sub-at-omic-studies' Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@wecandoit’s Study Challenege - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@cheereader's The “Back To College” Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@myhoneststudyblr's The Studyblr Community Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@ddaengstudies' Wabi-Sabi Studyblr Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@hayley-studies' 30-Day Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@ddaengstudies' Zoomester Studyblr Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
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@cheereader's Summer Studying Challenge: Southern Hemisphere Edition - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@cheereader's Horrortober Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@caramelcuppaccino's Autumn Studying Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@myhoneststudyblr's Winter Studying Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@ddaengstudies' Winter Wonderland Studyblr Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌  
@cheereader's South Hemisphere Autumn Challenge: 2023 Edition - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌  
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@stu-dna's January Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@planningforpatience's February Study Love Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@littlestudyblrblog’s March Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@wilstudies's April Studyblr Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@smallstudyblrsunite's The June Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@stu-dna’s October Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
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@alfalfaaarya’s 21-Day Productivity Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@work-before-glory's G's Productivity Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
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@moltre-se-s' 30 Day Langblr Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@drunkbloodyqueen’s The language challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@caramelcuppaccino's 20 Language Learning Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@prepolygot’s Langblr Reactivation Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
@onigiriforears's Target Language Reading Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌
@prepolyglot's Langblr Reactivation Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌 
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@xiacodes' 5in5weeks Coding Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌  
@xiacodes' FreeCodeCamp Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌  
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@friend-crow's Tarot Study Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌   
@dreamdolldiary's 100 Days Reinvention Challenge - 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒌   
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study-with-aura · 7 days
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Monday, April 22, 2024
This one was not meant to be posted late, but I had to check on my yeast experiment right before bed, and I like to go to bed at that time, so I did not have time to update my studyblr. I know I am very behind right now with updates and getting to everyone's posts! It is the end of the study year for me, (18 more school days!) so things are getting all convoluted together. Needless to say, I think I am ready to be done. I have enjoyed my first year of high school courses very much, but I am excited to be done and for summer to start. I will still study over the summer, but it will look different due to my summer activities and will be more preparatory for my second year of high school courses.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reasoning and Proofs Review + honors review
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Units 22-24 vocabulary + read Act 5 Scene 1 of Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare + read modern translation of same scene + answered a discussion question
Spanish 2 - Listened to a story in Spanish + reviewed vocabulary
Bible I - Read Matthew 1-2
World History - Watched a newsreel of the Berlin Airlifts + viewed a map of the Berlin Airlifts + read about the nuclear arms race
Biology with Lab - Started my yeast experiment (it takes 2 days) + began typing up my formal lab report + collected observation data an hour after starting and 12 hours later (10a and 10p/22:00)
Foundations - Read more on tolerance + completed next quiz on Read Theory + started writing my speech (written speech due Wednesday/speech presentation on Friday)
Piano - Practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Watched World History Unit 6: Lesson 11 (part 1) + completed High School Geometry daily mastery challenge
CLEP - Completed Module 12 reading "Europe: 1945 to Present" 14.4
Streaming - Watched Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War episode 5
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 93-125 of Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross
Chores - Cleaned my bathroom + cleaned windows in my bedroom and in the study
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (3 John 1)
Volunteered 2 hours at the library
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studyblr-perhaps · 3 months
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10/02/24 || Saturday
I have just realized that in the last few posts I forgot to tag the challenge 💀. Anyways I had a decently free day today, except all I have done is slave through summer internship applications (does anyone know any good summer internship places for physics undergrads in Asia?) and writing cover letters. This semester is beyond stressful and my only wish is to somehow survive through this.
Day 8/30 of 30-Day New Year Momentum Challenge
What note-taking method works best for you?
Nothing. I know it must sound wild cause I am in stem and I have more formulae than I can handle, and it is precisely because of that that I cannot make notes. I usually mostly write down whatever I think is important, especially the topic names, and then read and practice those once I'm studying. I rarely ever refer back to my class or own notes so I find them time consuming and just not worth it. If I have an open note exam, I write down the most used formulae and concepts and go for it.
All in all I just have random doodles on my notes (have I ever shown the cow I drew straight out of memory in class once?)
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the---hermit · 2 years
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Thesis Diary #37
New update on the thesis. I have finished reading and rereading the first chapter and I wrote the professor an email sending it. I also had a few questions to ask her so I did all in one go. I am a bit nervous but also excited to hear what she says about it, mostly because it will give me a lot of help with the rest of my work, as I will have a clearer idea of what she wants me to do. Aside from this writing related things today I did a bit of organization of the material I gathered yesterday at the archive. I have divided the photos in chuncks, and I have more or less decided which parts I will start working on first. Tomorrow I plan on rereading and reorganizing the notes I took while I was at the archive, and after that I will actually start working on those documents.
18/30 days of self care
Read first thing in the morning (currently reading Once Upon An Ice Age by Roy Lewis)
Had my much needed monthly therapy session
Organized my thesis work for the next few weeks
tranquilstudy's studying challenge // day 22
What are three things you want right now?
Some peace of mind
More confidence
On a much more material side of things, I want an exciting pile of new books for the summer months. Lately nothing on my unread shelves seems exciting for me.
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Burnt Out
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♡ Pairing: Buck/Gender Neutral!Reader ♡ Genre: General, Hurt/Comfort ♡ Word Count: 870 ♡ Warnings: Dizziness, Exhaustion, Mention of Covid, Mental Health Struggles  ♡ Summary: After spreading yourself too thin lately, a scare makes you realize things need to change. ♡ Note: Day 5 of my 30 Day Writing Challenge! I didn’t like the prompt, so I did a request by my lovely amazing boo @nurse-buckley​! You are such a sweet angel and I want you to remember that I am always here. Ily ♡
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A heavy sigh left your lips as you closed your laptop, having just spent the last two hours writing your last essay of the summer semester. It still needed to be polished, but at least you had it written out. There was still the end-of-semester quiz to take, but besides that, you were so close to finishing. You’ve never had such a difficult semester before. 
You were seriously burnt out after getting covid, family drama, and constantly being buried under university work. There had been so many days lately where you truly felt there was nothing else you had to give, yet the world kept asking for more. 
Your mental health wasn’t the best because of it and physically you were struggling too. A constant sense of fatigue made everything worse, along with some incessant migraines. You figured it would all stop if you just got a good night's sleep, but thinking about everything you had to do the next morning kept you up.
Letting out a yawn, you stood up to go grab a snack from the kitchen. You didn’t have dinner last night nor breakfast this morning but somehow hadn’t realized it until now. However as you stood up, your vision blurred and every part of your body seemed to give up on you as the world spun.
“Buck!” You called out in alarm, quickly sitting down on the edge of the bed, your hand flying up to your chest to feel your racing heartbeat.
Your boyfriend rushed through the door a few seconds later, his blue eyes wide with alarm at the tone of your voice. He had been in the living room watching tv to give you space while you finished your essay, as you had asked.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked, rushing to your side and noticing how your shoulders sagged, your breathing was fast, and how dizzy you seemed.
“I… I don’t know, got so dizzy when I stood up,” you answered slowly, sounding disoriented.
Buck’s eyebrows furrowed. These were symptoms he had seen many times before and that had his instincts kicking into action. 
“Has it been a while since you’ve eaten or had some water?” 
You nodded, albeit reluctantly.
He let out a deep sigh. He had suspected you hadn’t been sleeping much, but he wasn’t sure as he had been working doubles lately. Every time he came home, no matter what the hour, you seemed to be up studying. The kitchen also wasn’t as stocked with groceries as usual either, but he just assumed you were ordering out. 
This only confirmed his worries that you were overworking yourself. He needed to make sure you ate and rested.
“Alright baby, I want you to lay back and try to calm your breathing. I’m going to go get you something to eat and some water,” Buck said, as he helped you down, making sure there were pillows tucked behind you.
You did as he instructed, knowing that right now you just needed his help.
Buck spent the next hour making sure you ate and drank plenty of water. He kept an eye on your pulse and once you had calmed down, he wrapped you up tightly in his arms. 
You were so thankful for him and didn’t know what you would do without him.
“How are you feeling now?” Buck asked, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Better, but I just don’t know what happened. I didn’t expect to get so dizzy, but I guess I just haven’t been taking care of myself lately,” you admitted with a sigh.
“That’s serious, ___. I know you’ve been stressed, but burning yourself out will only lead to this or worse. I was really scared for a second there. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you..”
You frowned at that, gazing up into Buck’s eyes and seeing the genuine fear and hurt. You know how he loved you and cared for you. 
The last thing you wanted was to cause him to worry about you like this. Hell, you were worried about yourself. You knew things were bad, but you hadn’t realized how much you were neglecting yourself. It scared you too and from here on out you would do better. No more underestimating how important selfcare was.
Leaning up you pressed a soft kiss to his lips before pulling away and squeezing his hand, “I’m sorry. I’ll slow down, okay? I promise.”
“Dang right, you will. I already texted Bobby that I need tomorrow off, we’re taking you to the doctor for a check up just to be safe,” Buck informed you, his tone leaving no room for argument.
“I think I’ll be okay baby, but if it gives you peace of mind.” 
“It definitely will, I just love you so much you know? I need to make sure you’re okay.”
“I understand,” you said, genuinely touched at his care and concern.
“Good, now it’s time to get some rest,” Buck murmured, pulling the blanket over both of you and pulling you close to his chest.
You nodded as you yawned and snuggled with Buck, ready to fall into a long peaceful slumber with him right by your side. From here on out, you would make sure to never let things get so bad again. 
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My Masterlist || My AO3 || Please leave feedback, helps motivate! :) Thank you for reading~
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Choices August Challenge 2023
This month's challenge will be a little different. The previous host had to back out so I am taking over... however, I was already planning on hosting 2 celebration weeks in August, which with the 2 book clubs would leave me with 5 events, and that's too much, even for me. So we're making August a combination month!
PlayChoice Game's 7th birthday is August 17th, so instead of having a birthday week, I'm including prompts for this event below and it'll run through the entire month of August.
There will also be prompts for Hollywood U + High School Story, as it's been one year since PB pulled those games. Without their success, we might not have gotten Choices.
Also, I've rescheduled sibling appreciation week a few times, so let's just add that in.
I also have some August holidays and summer prompts.
And lastly, similar to @choicesprompts, if you have a WIP from a previous challenge or event from this year that you really want to finish, feel free to submit it here too (regardless of the prompt). Let's clean out some WIPs.
Any of the prompts below can be used with any story/characters. They do not have to be used in the context of the "theme" they're posted under.
Happy Birthday, Choices!
In addition to the prompts below, posts celebrating Choices and your favorites (MCs, LIs, Friend Groups, Books, etc), will be accepted regardless of if a specific prompt is used
baking a cake
blowing out candles / making a wish
the perfect gift
surprising them with their favorite flowers
surprise party
spa break
"I'm sorry did you just call my/your birthday my 'womb escape'??"
“Are you crying? Please don’t cry, I didn’t think the gift was that bad-"
"I never liked celebrating my birthday."
"I don’t think fighting for my life is an acceptable way to celebrate my birthday"
"I’d rather eat you than cake."
"Put down the frosting!"
Hollywood U + High School Story Appreciation
Just like last year's event, any and all HWU and HSS content will be accepted regardless of if a specific prompt is used
movie premiere / red carpet
behind the scenes
coffee (all the coffee)
library dates/sneaking around in the stacks
falling asleep watching a movie
classes at HWU related to your MC's field of study
"Does a ninety minute movie really warrant this amount of snacks?"
"Your taste in movies is so bad"
"I love you but I'm not watching _____ again" -----
High School Reunion / Where are they now?
school clubs
skipping class together
putting secret notes into the other's locker
being paired up for a project/presentation
"I accidentally grabbed your notebook" (What do they find, doodles, writings, poems, songs, little hearts with their initials?)
"It's finals week and you forgot we have a history exam?"
Sibling Appreciation
Any and all content that is focused on siblings in the fandom will be accepted regardless of if it fits a specific prompt
teaching their sibling about/how to do something
teasing each other
being overly protective of sibling
"Could you just stop talking for once?!"
"Don't blame it on me!"
"Thanks for being there"
"Can you pick me up?"
Siblings would help you bury a body, but they wouldn’t bring out the trash for you, no matter how nice you ask.
August Days
any August holiday
August 4: International Beer Day ; National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
August 5: Sandcastle Day
August 6: National Friendship Day
August 9: Hold Hands Day
August 10: National S’mores Day
August 12-20: National Heritage Week
August 18: National Couple's Day
August 26: National Dog Day
August 27: National Just Because Day
August 30: National Beach Day
Summer Prompts:
sidewalk chalk
fruit picking
iced coffee
Making summer playlists for each other
“it’s absolutely sweltering, how can you still want to cuddle?!”
“do we have any ice cream left?”
"Summer's almost over…"
“I couldn’t help myself… All the ice-cream flavours looked so good!”
Remember, you can also submit any WIP you have that are based on previous prompts from any 2023 event.
2023 Monthly Challenge Prompt Lists:
January ❤️ February ❤️ March ❤️ April ❤️ May ❤️ June ❤️ July
Guidelines + Rules
Submitted works will be featured on a weekly masterlist
Every form of creative work can be submitted: fanfiction, drabbles, moodboards, edits, drawings, poems, songs, sketches, and more—all are welcomed.
Work from any book and story from the Choices (and Pixelberry) universe are welcome (new and old alike)!
You can participate as many times as you want during the month
Clearly list the prompt your used
You can combine submissions for this event and others
Please add a cut to avoid long posts and exposing other fans to triggering/disturbing content.
If your work is NS*W please label it as such and use appropriate warnings. Adult content should be hidden under the page break.
You can get creative with the prompts. It can be a variation of the word and/or concept. It doesn’t have to be exact or literal. If the word inspires a train of thought that led you to something different, put that in the notes and send it in! Have fun with it! Make them work for you! The ultimate goal is just to find joy in creating!
Please tag @choicesmonthlychallenge​​ and if you’d like to add me you can do so as well~ @lovealexhunt​​​ (feel free to DM me your work too since Tumblr tags are fickle)
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hayleysprompts · 5 months
30 Days Writing Challenge
12 DAYS OF PROMPT LISTS Seeing as you loved the first challenge, I thought why not make a few more of these as I like doing them. This will just be simple prompts of day to day life.  1. Small petty argument 2. Watching TV together  3. Finding out they stole all your snacks  4. Making TikToks with them  5. Making breakfast in bed  6. Morning texts  7. Long distance relationship  8. Taking you to bed  9. Taking selfies  10. Watching sports together  11. Brushing your teeth together  12. Taking you out on a secret date night 13. Long walks  14. Family nights  15. Getting matching tattoos  16. Cocktail dates  17. Having to suffer going shopping  18. Gym sessions 19. Studying  20. Sleepy phone calls  21. Ignoring each other but having feelings for each other  22. Telling them you want a family  23. Summer adventures 24. Nervous tension 25. Their friends hate you  26. Celebrating a important milestone in your life 27. Flirting  28. Meeting at work  29. Coming home to a delivery of flowers 30. Smelling their perfume/aftershave 
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caramelcuppaccino · 2 years
lunlun's autumn studying challenge! #studyingunderthefallingleaves
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Hi and hello everyone! Welcome to my blog and my studying challenge! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ My name is Lunlun. I am creating this challenge because my uni started on October and I want to motivate myself and keep track of my studies. I hope you will participate and enjoy the challenge too!
• How to participate?
Just reblog this post! You don't need to follow me or anything like that. And do not forget to post your posts with the hashtag #studyingunderthefallingleaves so that everyone can see your posts! You do not need to start at a certain date. I wouldn’t even mind if you started the challenge during summer :] Just try to enjoy it and make sure you’re taking breaks and taking good care of yourself!
• Prompts:
Day 1: Welcome! Let’s start with a simple question: What is your major/What do you study?
Day 2: Share your goals for this challenge. What do you want to accomplish by the end of it?
Day 3: What does autumn mean for you?
Day 4: Share a song that has autumn vibes with us.
Day 5: Why did you choose your major/what you study?
Day 6: Are there other languages you learn besides your native langauge? If so, which ones?
Day 7: What is the best place to study for you in autumn?
Day 8: What do you like to drink while you study? You can share the recipe if you want!
Day 9: Do you have a memory, which happened during autumn, you remember with a smile on your face?
Day 10: What is your favorite thing about your major? Why?
Day 11: Which one of your courses do you like the most? And the one you just can’t like no matter what you do?
Day 12: Do you have any studying methods you use? If so, share them with us (please *sobs*)!
Day 13: Which one do you prefer: Digital devices and online platforms or notebooks and books? And why?
Day 14: Share a picture of your favorite pen/pencil!
Day 15: You’ve finished the half of the challenge (for now as more prompts will be added), so let’s look back at your goals. Are you getting closer to accomplishing them?
Day 16: Share an article you’ve read and enjoyed recently.
Day 17: What is your favorite thing about having a studyblr blog?
Day 18: Share a YouTube channel and/or a podcast you like to watch/listen that inspires you.
Day 19: How was your day? You can talk about anything; vent or share a moment. I personally am willing to hear!
Day 20: Where are you from and how is the school system in your country? As a prospective teacher, I like to hear about different education systems. For example, in my country, we have a 4+4+4 system where students study elementary, middle school and high school (seperately) for four years. Most departmens in universities are also for four years; however, medicine students, for example, have to study for six years.
Day 21: Share a random fact you know.
Day 22: What is your best feature according to you?
Day 23: Okay, you have to praise yourself with at least two sentences. Go! I am listening!
Day 24: What do you think about homeworks? Do you think they are necessary or just burden for students?
Day 25: What was your favorite subject as a child?
Day 26: What advice would you give to people who want/will start to study your major?
Day 27: What book are you reading right now? Do you like it so far?
Day 28: Share a playlist you listen to while studying.
Day 29: What is your favorite autumn food?
Day 30: It’s been a month already! How are you feeling? Is keeping up with the challenge tiring? Have you enjoyed it so far? Please share your thoughts!
• From Lunlun: I will add more prompts later, probably for 30 days again. I am posting this part for now as if I try to write more now, I know it’ll take more time for me to share the challenge and don’t wanna miss autumn!
Tag List (let me know if you’d like to be tagged!):
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dear-ao3 · 2 years
the saga of saphs terrible, horrible internet
so my friends and fellow romans, as some of you may know, i am currently at home while i wait to go galavant off to the other side of the globe for my study abroad. being at home presents a great many challenges that i will not get into at this time, but the top one is the internet connection.
now i am the proud owner of a 2017 macbook and an iphone se. the macbook was bought refurbished 3.5 years ago and the phone was bought new last august when my iphone 6s finally crapped out 2 weeks into junior year of college. i take....decent care of my electronics. and, this is an important detail here, the phone has an unlimited data plan.
i have never had a problem with this phone. it works great, occasionally it buffers in certain spots on campus that are kind of dead zones due to the buildings being massive blocks of concrete, but it always works, even despite the shitty school wifi i have because i can turn the wifi off and use data. the computer hates the wifi a little more, but i can still usually get it to work with minimal issues.
until now *cue dramatic music*
i have to be at home (my parents house) for a grand total of 18 days. which is not very long. and while at home i had some stuff to do, all of which required me to have an internet connection (fighting the financial aid office, talking to brad, researching grad school, purchasing textbooks, buying the last couple things i need for my trip, etc). i have also had to be in quarantine (long story) so essentially i have been confined to my room.
the internet has always been a little bit meh in my room, with certain spots not working the best (due to the fact that i am furthest from the router) but this is the same room that i took zoom classes from for 2.5 semesters, plus a summer class and a j term class with 0 issues, so i was confident i could make it work.
well. i was wrong.
the first two days went fairly normally. but then, a steady and rapid decrease in internet quality began.
and yes, i am aware that me complaining about internet quality is a very first world problem, but i am stuck in a house with my parents and it is miserable and i just want to facetime brad.
on day three i became unable to send a text message unless i was connected to wifi.
on day 4 i could only connect to wifi if i was standing in one specific spot in my bedroom and even then it didnt always work and would usually drop off by the time i walked back across the room
on day 5 facetime stopped working
on day 6 even standing directly next to the router didnt do anything and plugging into our sole ethernet cable only provided me with mediocre internet
on day 7 i had a mental breakdown and watched youtube all day at 144p complete with buffering that added a good 10-20 minutes to any video.
on day 8 i told my dad that in my deeply unprofessional opinion something is deeply wrong with our router and he said well its just cause your room is far away from it
on day 9 (today) i walked downstairs to get my up of tea in my big christmas tree mug and my dad said "our internet is being very slow, i am going to have to look into it"
you mean
to tell me
that the internet
isnt working?
golly goodness gosh
i didnt know
its not like it took 3 minutes for the blank post im writing right now to load and 30 minutes for a 10 minute youtube video to load and that i get kicked off the wifi if i so much as tilt my phone slightly to the left
its a miracle i havent gone insane yet i swear
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cloudlessly-light · 1 year
Chills on a summer day 1/3
A/N: Thanks to everyone who voted, part 2 of this will be up Sunday but then I’ll be going on a little break. I’ll be online but I won’t be writing since I’ll be traveling! Summary: Emily takes a summer job as a secretary at a law firm thinking that it will be a good way to keep her mother of her back. What she doesn’t realize though is her boss, prosecutor Aaron Hotchner, is not only a pain in the ass but also a man able to make her lose all sense of control. Word Count: 2,7k Rating: Explicit Warnings: Smut, in public, sex toys, oral sex, dirty talk, orgasm delay/denial, orgasm control, alternative universe, age difference (everyone is of age), power dynamics
 Part I
Emily started her job as a secretary at one of the biggest law firms in San Francisco knowing that she was facing a challenge. Her interview process had been daunting, nothing like previous experiences had been before. She knew that people underestimated her, especially men, but she took every challenge willingly, took every win with a smile. She might only be 22 but with her life (something she kept hidden) she had experiences any of them could only really dream about. She used the fact that she was usually overlooked to her advantage, let the remarks about her looks go even when she felt fury, instead fixed the person saying it with a smile and then laughed when they would stand by in surprise at her knowledge of law, of the world.
She was a secretary and she knew that her job came with disadvantages, but it wasn’t forever, it was a summer job while she finished up her classes in college that her mother helped her get, much to her dismay. It would look good on her resume and it not having to be in DC with her parents was just icing on the cake.
She finds out quickly why the secretary before her had left. Aaron Hotchner was impressive, only 30 years old but still one of the most sought-after prosecutors in San Francisco, but he was also hardheaded, stubborn and would expect too much. He would expect perfection because, he seemingly was perfection himself. She would study him, how he worked faster and harder, the sharp angle of his jaw when he was told something he didn’t like and the darkness of his eyes when he looked at her.
He was attractive, it was the first thing she thought when she first saw him as she imagined what he would taste like. She forced herself not to stare as he introduced himself with a firm handshake and a gentle smile, one of the few she’d ever think she’d get. His shoulders were wide, he was tall even as she stood in heels before him and her mind flashed to images of him pressed against her back. She felt want the first time she saw him.
And she knew she was fucked.
She knew that her attraction to him wasn’t solely based off his looks, that as the first couple of weeks dragged on and she got to see the way people reacted to him was also part of her attraction. The way he effortlessly demanded respect, the way he would go from gentle and caring when talking to a young, single mom to firm and assertive when another lawyer stood in his way. He demanded more from her, would push her to her limit until she would bite the inside of her cheek from frustration and he’d only give her a hard look in return.
He was intimidating, he was addictive.
  Aaron couldn’t really describe the way his new secretary intrigued him, he felt it the first time he met her, the allure in her. She looked at him with eyes that from a distance would seem naive but there was something lurking in her dark orbs, something hidden in the slight curve of her lip. He would watch her sometimes, saw the way she easily manipulated the men that overlooked her and he quickly realized how intelligent she was.
She would come into his office with a careful smile and cheeks tinted pink that could be mistaken for innocence, but he saw right through her, and he wanted to pick her apart. He knew that the attraction he felt towards her was something he shouldn’t act on, she was so much younger, she was his secretary, she would be gone once school started back up, and yet he couldn’t help himself as he admired the silent confidence that radiated off her, didn’t stop himself when his mind wandered to what sounds she’d make as he made her lose control.
It was dangerous, it was thrilling.
  The tension between them only gets worse, subtle flirting and words dripping with innuendo that only makes her want him more. She’s sure he feels the same, is sure that she’s not imagining the way his eyes always find her, staring so intensely at her that she has to fight her body’s urge to just drop whatever she’s doing to obey his every whim.
He can see it on her, the way she so clearly craves him and he can’t say that every day isn’t getting harder. All he wants is to know what she feels like, what his name would sound like falling from her lips as her body twitches from extasy. He wants to act on it, wants more than anything to give in to his desire for her. He watches with pride as her snide comments and slight digs at men leering at her makes them crumble to pieces, the power she possesses addicting because he’s pretty sure that for him she’d give herself willingly. That thought makes him hard in an instant, his cock jerking in his pants as he goes lightheaded.
“Mr. Hotchner?” Emily knocked on the door to his office, his afternoon coffee in one hand as she entered. “David Rossi wanted to know if you can push your 2 o’clock to 3 instead?”
“What’s his excuse this time?” He gratefully took the coffee, barely looking up at her.
“I- I didn’t pry.” Emily batted her eyelashes once he met her eyes, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth. She tried to keep from squirming as his eyes flitted over her face, fastening on her mouth for a second before looking up into her eyes.
It had become a game, they both knew it, both aware of the seemingly maddening attraction towards each other. One of them waiting for the other to break.
“Call him back, let him know that 3 isn’t good. I don’t have anything tomorrow at 10 right?” He leaned back into his chair, his shoulders pushed back and legs widening just slightly and he caught the way she swallowed a little harder.
“That’s correct.” She tried to keep her eyes on his, hated the power he seemingly possessed effortlessly over her. She had always been attracted to power, to the things she shouldn’t want, but this was a new realm of want that she hadn’t experienced before.
“Push it until 10 tomorrow, if that doesn’t work for him then it’s 2 today or not at all.” He says, tone dismissive as he picks up his pen again.
“I’ll let him know.” She stood planted for another few moments and one of his eyebrows arched.
“Was there something else?” He asked and it seemed to jolt her out of whatever daydream she was stuck in.
“No.” She pushed some of her dark hair behind her ear and to anybody else it would look like a nervous habit but he could see the way her lip curled into a careful smirk, gone as quickly as it came. She was playing the part of young and naïve well, but it wasn’t fooling him. “That would be all. Let me know if you need me.”
His eyes flashed with something dark, his jaw clenching for a second and then he was nodding, taking another sip of coffee.
“Thank you.” He watched as she left his office, the door closing softly behind her and he breathed a sigh. Emily had been there for less than a month but they had been playing this game for weeks and he could feel himself close to breaking.
 Emily let out a sound of annoyance as her computer froze, again. It had been an ongoing issue all day and she had managed to figure it out every time but she was behind on work because of it, the office close to empty as she tried to catch up, the hour late. The door beside her opened and Aaron stepped out, briefcase in hand and he stopped at the sight of her still at her desk.
“You’re still here?” He asked, he thought she had left hours ago.
“The stupid computer keeps freezing.” She huffed, and for the first time he got a glimpse of Emily not as put together as she seemed. “And I’ve tried everything.”
He set his briefcase down and walked around her desk to be able to look at the screen.
“May I?” He asked and Emily leaned back, rolling her chair away from the desk a little to give him better access.
“Please.” She felt the warmth of his body as he leaned over her shoulder slightly, his fingers on the keyboard as he tried rebooting it. She refrained from rolling her eyes, didn’t mentioned that it was the first things she had tried, and instead focused on the way his cologne surrounded her. She carefully looked up at him, never having him stand this close to her before and she saw the way his pulse beat in his throat and she forced herself not to lick along his skin.
Aaron kept his eyes on the screen, doing anything he could think of to get the computer back to working conditions, but he could feel her eyes on him, could feel how she leaned back into him almost subconsciously and he suppressed a grin. He feels the dark pull of arousal in the pit of his stomach, knows that as badly as he should try to keep himself away from her, he won’t be able to.
“Looks like this won’t sort itself out with my limited computer skills. How about you call tech first thing tomorrow?” When he looks at her he has to keep himself from groaning at the way her pupils are blown black, her cheeks tinted pink from arousal.
“Okay.” She breathes as she keeps herself from tugging on his tie, wanting nothing more than to know what his lips felt like against hers at that moment. The only thing stopping her is him stepping back and clearing his throat.
“I’ll walk down with you.” He says and waits until she’s standing too. The silence is thick with tension as they walk to the elevator, the seconds seeming endless as they wait for it to arrive.
He lets her walk into the elevator first, follows her and stands much closer to her than he should. He can smell her perfume, watches the curve of her neck from where it’s exposed from her hair up in a ponytail. He smiles to himself at the way her breathing comes out a little harsher even as she stares straight ahead.
“Are you alright?” He asks and he’s sure that he’s not imagining the goosebumps on her exposed arms as his breath falls against her neck.
“Yes.” She turns her head slightly to look at him. “I guess you make me nervous.” She admits and his smirk darkens slightly and the thrill of it sends a shiver down her spine.
“Why?” Aaron feels his own want simmer, his body hot in its suit as she stands a tiny bit closer barely an inch between their bodies.
“You see through me.” She whispers and the vulnerability of her voice surprises him. “I can’t hide with you.” Emily looks straight ahead again and she feels him step even closer, pressing against her back.
“Why would you want to hide?” His words are a whisper against her shoulder, his lips gracing her skin and she just barely holds back the mewl in the back of her throat. She cranes her neck slightly, wordlessly gives him permission and she feel his lips curl into a smile against her skin.
“I think you know why.” She whispers just as his hands fall to her hips and then the ding of the elevator comes through, loud and earth shattering and they both jump apart.
They go into the foyer, their eyes meeting briefly and while Emily’s look wide with worry, he seems calmer than she’s ever seen him, a confidence about him that makes her clench her thighs together.
“Well, good night Emily.” He smiles, leans in slowly as if he’s giving her time to turn him away but when she doesn’t his lips graze her cheek, heated and soft and she sucks in a sharp breath.
“Good night, Mr. Hotchner.”
 That night she spends most of her time thinking about him, about the way her body seemed to scream for him, craving him, making restless energy rush through her until the late hours of the night. She decides sometime after midnight that he won’t get her that easily, that the power he knows he has over her isn’t something she’d give him that effortlessly.
When she dresses that morning it’s hot outside and she chooses a dress just short of being inappropriate. The black dress is tight, ends mid-thigh with a cleavage that she knows will get his attention but isn’t too deep. It’s by far the most risqué she’d ever been at work, but she couldn’t bring herself to care as she applies a tint of lipstick on her lips, smiling to herself in the mirror.
“Game on.”
He notices her the second she steps off the elevator with his morning coffee, already standing with a guy from IT at her desk.
“Good morning Mr. Hotchner.” She hands him the take-away cup of coffee and smirks when he looks at her quickly up and down, from the black heels to the exposed skin of her legs. When she removes her thin jacket his tongue sweeps quickly over his bottom lip.
“Good morning.” He says lowly and then notices the young IT-guy checking her out as well. “Spencer here is just about done with your computer. Aren’t you?” The edge in his voice makes the young man stutter, nodding quickly.
“Just gotta restart it and it should be good to go.”
“Then do it.” He says before his eyes move to Emily. “Can I see you in my office, there’s been a change in today’s schedule.”
“Of course, sir.” She struts past him as he gestures towards his office. She thinks she’s won this little game they’ve been playing, her smile widening as she stops in the middle of his office and then hears the door shut behind her. Before she has time to turn she feels him, voice rough as he speaks against her ear.
“So that’s how it’s going to be huh?” His hands land on her waist and she leans into his touch almost instinctively, already craving him.
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean.” She bites down on her bottom lip when he growls, the sound dark and low and she shivers as she presses back against him, her back flush to his chest.
“You’re a menace.” He turns her in his arms, his grip only tightening as she faces him. He feels her breath against his face, feels the heat of her body against his, sees the filthy grin on her lips and he physically has to restrain himself from kissing her.
“What are you waiting for?” She teases, her head falling slightly to the side and his hands only tighten around her waist, making her gasp at the bruises he’s for sure leaving.
“Is this what you want?” His lips nudge against her cheek as he speaks. “You want me to fuck you right here in my office?”
“Yes.” She breathes and surges forward but he dodges her. For a second she feels shame, rejection itching at her but then one hand moves from her waist to hold the back of her neck, his thumb pressing under her chin to keep her eyes on him.
“When I fuck you for the first time I don’t want it to be rushed, I want to pick you apart and put you back together, I want you ruined, want you pleading and begging. I want you to give yourself completely to me, let go of every ounce of control you have.” He watches her eyes grow darker, the tint on her cheeks moving down towards her chest. “Do you want that? Are you ready for that?”
“Please.” She feels her underwear dampen, all of her control slipping away in an instant as his thumb moves from under her chin to press at the hollow of her throat.
“Good girl.”
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Choices September Challenge Masterlist
What Could Have Been (9/9) by @liaromancewriter [Day 7] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Public & Private by @liaromancewriter [Day 14] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC; Sienna Trinh x M!OC)
Sadie's Self-Care Sunday#40 by @peonyblossom [Day 6] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Predictable by @jerzwriter [Day 9] (Ethan Ramsey x F!OC; Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Her Secret Weapon by @jerzwriter [Day 18] (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Shopisticated by @liaromancewriter [Day 14] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
A Special One by @zealouscanonindeer [Day 3] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
By Chance: The Morning After by @jerzwriter [Day 7] (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Movie Night by @jerzwriter [Day 22] (Tobias Carrick x F!MC; Bryce Lahela x M!MC)
Love Bites by @liaromancewriter [Day 21] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Fairytales by @liaromancewriter [Day 22] (Sienna Trinh x M!OC)
Summer's Kiss by @peonierose [Day 3] (Bryce Lahela x F!OC)
What Could Have Been? by @zealouscanonindeer [Day 19] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
High Seas (2/2) by @jerzwriter [Day 2] (Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick)
Not Meant To Be by @zealouscanonindeer [Day 20] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
What's Cooking? by @jerzwriter [Day 16] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
A Quick Study by @jerzwriter [Day 5] (F!MC x F!OC)
Bookcase Corner by @potionsprefect [Day 19] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Know It All by @jerzwriter [Day 25] (Bryce Lahela, F!MC)
Celebrate by @jerzwriter [Day 22] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC; Tobias Carrick)
Recovery by @jerzwriter [Day 25] (Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick)
The Great Outdoors by @jerzwriter [Day 2] (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Produce-ing A Laugh by @jerzwriter [Day 22] (Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick)
Our Little Girl by @storyofmychoices [Day 21] (Bryce Lahela x F!MC)
It Was A Date by @liaromancewriter [Day 8] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Private Matters by @liaromancewriter [Day 14] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Taking Care Of Business by @liaromancewriter [Day 25] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Shadows of Hope by @storyofmychoices [Day 1] (Mal Volari x F!MC)
Go On, Feel It by @storyofmychoices [Day 1, Day 21] (Mal Volari x F!MC)
Her Legacy by @storyofmychoices [Day 1, Day 4, Day 7] (Mal Volari x F!MC)
The Quest For Daenarya by @storyofmychoices [Day 21, Day 30] (Mal Volari x F!MC)
Love Is Love Is Love by @storyofmychoices [Day 21] (Mal Volari x F!MC)
Smoke And Mirrors by @tessa-liam [Day 6] (Liam Rys x F!MC)
Turning The Page by @tessa-liam [Day 30] (Liam Rys x F!MC)
(Less Than) Noble Intentions: Chapter 15 by @karahalloway [Day 25] (Drake Walker x F!OC)
Marabelle by @tessa-liam [Day 4] (Liam Rys x F!OC)
Saffron Sugar, Turmeric Spice by @lizzybeth1986 [Day 14] (F!Hayden x Poly M!MC, F!Hayden x F!OC)
Harvest Moon by @lizzybeth1986 [Day 4] (M!MC x F!Hayden, Basil Park x Sloanne Washington, Kim Washington)
A Moment In Time by @jerzwriter [Day 4] (M!Trystan Thorne x F!MC)
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the---hermit · 2 years
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New monthly spread vs last month's
Thesis diary #35
It's been a while since I've done one of these. Today I finally finished writing the first chapter of my thesis, or at least the first draft. This first chapter is all about the storiography of the subject. I divided it in two halves, the first on the storiography of the general subject of witch hunts in europe, and the second half on what it has been written on the trial I am working on in my thesis. It's meant to be an introduction to the developments of the researches done in the various decades, and hopefully it will work as a sort of base in which my own work will be placed. I have yet to send it to the professor, because I want to re-read and maybe edit it a bit more in these next couple of days, but then I'll send it to her so that after reading something of mine for the first time she can give me directions and advices. This week I am also going to the archives again to check the documents and take some pictures of them so that I'll have a bit of work to do for the rest of the summer, and so that my thesis can finally take shape. I must say I overall enjoy the work, I like the research aspect, as it is really exciting for me, and I love the writing part aswell. As I have mentioned before this work is something that makes me anxious because it's important and years of exams have lead to this, but at the same time this is the type of job I really like doing, so I'm definitely enjoying the process. I was thinking of posting a few tips/useful things I realized while writing this first chapter.
15/30 days of self care
Read first thing in the morning (currently rereading The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien)
Reorganized all my notebooks (both university related and not), as well as some stationary
Took some time to watch a tv show and relax
tranquilstudy's studying challenge // day 19
What big achievements have you accomplished today?
I finished writing the first chapter of my thesis (or at least the first draft of it).
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Something New
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Book:                   Open Heart (Post-Series)
Pairing:                Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee)
Rating:                 Teen
Category:            Fluff
Summary:   Kaycee takes matters into her own hands when Ethan won't follow doctor's orders.
Words: 918
A/N: Day 8 of @creativepromptsforwriting 's 30-Day Writing Challenge: Write about finding a new hobby. Also participating in @choicesjanuarychallenge Day 7 - Hobby I didn't have time to edit - be kind ;)
Ethan x Kaycee Masterlist 30-Day Writing Challenge Masterlist
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The early summer sun was beginning to set over Boston. Its pink and purple hues filled the condo with magical light, luring all those present to watch. Kaycee finished up the last dish in the sink and dried her hands as little Emma babbled in her highchair nearby.
“Abababaaba-gooooh!” she gurgled, earning a bright smile from her mom.
“Is that what you think?” Kaycee grinned. “I agree with you, Princess Emma. That is the most beautiful sky.”
Unstrapping the toddler, she lifted her to her hip and walked over to the floor-to-ceiling windows. 
“Look,” she pointed. “Can you purple, Emma? Pur – ple.”
“Pupuhpuh, abababbaba-gooh!”
“Yeah, well, I understand,’ Kaycee laughed. “Abababbaba-gooh is such a cool word. I probably wouldn’t want to say any others for some time too!”
Kaycee looked at her watch and then shot an anxious look down the hallway. It was getting late, and Ethan should have been done by now.
“Ethan,” she beckoned. “Baby, why don’t you come out here. Emma and I have something we want to show you.”
“I’ll be out in one minute, hon,” he hollered in reply. But, twenty minutes later, Kaycee placed a sleepy Emma in her crib and walked to Ethan’s study.
His eyes lifted the moment she entered the room, a contrite expression on his face. 
“I was longer than a minute, wasn’t I?”
“By at least twenty,” she confirmed. “Ethan, you’re supposed to be relaxing. The doctor said….”
“The doctor exaggerates.”
“Really?” She admonished, her arms crossed in front of her chest. “Dr. Reynolds is one of the best we have to offer! You know that. How would you feel if you knew one of our patients was home poo-poohing our advice like you’re doing now.”
“Poo-pooing?” Ethan chuckled.
“Don’t change the subject! I can’t help it if I’m picking up the old-lady language! How long have I been with you now?”
She headed for the door and motioned for him to follow. “Come on, Ethan. To the bedroom.”
“Well,” he hummed, pushing away from his desk. “Don’t mind if I do!”
“Relax, Romeo,” she teased. “It’s not for that.”
“No?” he frowned.
“No!” She chuckled with a glint in her eyes but soon backpedaled just a bit. “I mean, maybe later.”
“Better, much better,” he said, throwing an arm around her shoulders as they walked to their room.
“Now, sit!” she ordered, and he quickly complied, taking a seat in the easy chair next to the bed.
“Are you sure we’re not doing that?” he winked.
Kaycee shook her head with a smirk. “No. Not now. You’re here to make a decision.”
“A decision?”
“Mmm-hmm,” she hummed, placing three parcels on the bed before him. “You’re going to make a selection: box number 1, box number 2, or box number 3.”
“Can I at least know what’s in them first?”
“I suppose,” she said, proceeding to help him open each one. 
The first contained a moderate-grade camera with a sleek design. The second was a potters wheel; the last contained a box filled with assorted paints and brushes.
“Is it arts and crafts day at Emma’s daycare?” he asked.
“Sure, because these look like they were made by Crayola, dear,” she dismissed. “No. They’re for you. You’re going to pick one, and then we’ll get you more supplies because you need to take up a hobby.”
“Kaycee,” he groaned, “is this about….”
“Dr. Reynolds is worried about your stress level, and he said you need to pick up something relaxing, a new hobby. Since you weren’t taking any steps to do that, I needed to take action.”
“I have hobbies, Kaycee.”
“Your work is not a hobby.”
“I also have….”
“Writing your next book is not a hobby.”
“Well, there is also you,” he leered.
“Trying to be cute and insinuating that fooling around with me is a hobby will not get you out of this. Now, pick one!”
“Why these things?” he asked.
“Well, you’ve mentioned wanting to learn to take better pictures. You love visiting that pottery shop down on the Cape, and last time we were at the beach house, you said you wished you could have painted the sunset. Like the one you just missed watching with Emma and me because you couldn’t tare yourself away from work. So… pick one, Ramsey!”
“I love it when you’re bossy,” he growled.
“OK, OK! I guess I’ll try….” He pointed to the paints. “Those.”
“Oh, OK.”
“You seem disappointed?”
“Of course not! It’s got to be your choice.”
“But… I was sort of hoping for the potter's wheel. I thought it would be, you know… kinda sexy.”
“Sexy? Rookie, you’ve watched Ghost one too many times.”
“I have,” she giggled, sitting on his lap in the chair. “But honestly, the idea of you at an easel, well, I’ve got to admit, that’s got me a little hot and bothered too.”
“Oh, does it now,” he breathed, nuzzling his nose against her neck. “The idea of the photos I could take of you with that camera is sort of doing things to me, as well.”
“Are you saying you’re going to pick up more than one hobby now, Ethan?” she laughed.
“Maybe,” he said, lifting her as he stood and placing her gently on the bed. “But for now, I’m only picking you up. Is Emma asleep?”
“Sure is,” Kaycee grinned, and a devilish look came over her husband’s face.
“Good. You get the camera out, and I’ll lock the door.”
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m0onjellies · 16 days
I’m copying @chaotic-but-cute’s 30 days of intentionality challenge because lowkey I do want to try to be better at existing as a human especially approaching finals, so here are my goals
1. Health/hygiene:
Shower/do skincare/ brush and floss everyday - I often neglect my physical health if I have too much work which is bad actually
Exercise or just touch grass at least once or twice a week - I’m signing up for karate that’s thrice a week, but with finals approaching idk how practical it is to go all 3 days. I don’t want to set an unrealistic goal for myself!!
2. Academics/Extracurriculars
For all of these, double the time on weekends
Practice piano for at least half an hour a day
Spend at least 30 minutes doing homework at home. Even if I’ve finished all of the homework that is due immediately already at school, it is best practice to at least spend some time doing homework at home, just to build that routine
1-1.5 hours a day at least on speech and debate work leading up to the tournament. After the tournament, replace this time with studying for finals
2-2.5 hours a day copying art history notes. I need to have this done ASAP, so im dedicating a lot of time to it. Hopefully if I’m consistent, I’ll be done by Wednesday or Thursday
Prep for finals for at least an hour a day (and 3-3.5 hours a day once I’m done with art history)
Start this before 5. I tend to get home and do nothing for a stupid amount of time which is bad. - to help with this I’d like to start planning out my time in a calendar, but I’m not gonna beat myself up over it if the calendar fails
Go to a coffee shop or a library or smth to study at least once a week for enrichment
3. Other personal goals
Read at least 5 pages/day of any book and 30 pages/day on weekends. I want to make reading a habit so it becomes fun again. I miss music being fun
Spend a little bit of time (even if it’s just 10 minutes) researching activities I want to do in the future!
Clean my room every week
Indulge in a little bit of whimsy and fun! Listen to music I like or draw or do something other than scroll and feel numb
Wear fun little outfits to school! I love looking hot, however I’m usually too tired to do so. I’m not gonna beat myself up for wearing a hoody and pants for the 200th time this year however I will try to have fun at least 10 times this month
Listen to music while waking up - again, not that big of a priority, but I always feel good when I do it and it’s not hard, so I should do it more
I really hope this goes well!! If it does, I may try to make another one for summer break, however that one may be personal and not posted, we’ll see. All of my posts for this will be under ares.txt and 30days.txt!
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study-with-aura · 23 hours
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Monday, April 29, 2024
Lately, studying has felt momentous, and yet, it must be done. Mom said I have the time to take another week off from school work if I wanted to, but I am really trying to finish up as soon as possible. It is not because I dislike school days, but it would give me a week to relax before the summer holidays really start. As of now, I am only astounded at the fact that it is almost May! How did this happen so quickly!?
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Right Triangles and Trigonometry Review + honors review
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Units 16-18 vocabulary + Read a biography about N. Scott Momaday + read "The Way to Rainy Mountain" by Momaday + 10 minute challenge writing topic
Spanish 2 - Read sentences from Friday out loud to my dad for grading (30/30)
Bible I - Read Matthew 10-11
World History - Read more about communism + explained out loud to my mom what my views on communism were (it sounds great at its core, the idea of this utopia, but in reality, you can't have a utopia without a scapegoat which is why communist states have seen so many horrors along with the good it might also bring)
Biology with Lab - Filled out note taking guide while reading about fungi + watched lecture video on fungi
Foundations - Read more on truthfulness + completed next quiz on Read Theory + read about argumentative speaking + read about making claims + read about agreeing to disagree + answered questions in cursive to practice my handwriting (another requirement for this course)
Piano - Practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Completed High School Geometry daily mastery challenge + completed High School biology daily mastery challenge
CLEP - None today
Streaming - Watched The Cuba Libre Story Episode 1
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 356-393 of Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross
Chores - Cleaned my bathroom + cleaned windows in my bedroom and in the study
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Ephesians 5)
Volunteered 2 hours at the library
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